Ed 332-Integrating The Faith Lesson Plan Emily and Chelsea
Ed 332-Integrating The Faith Lesson Plan Emily and Chelsea
Ed 332-Integrating The Faith Lesson Plan Emily and Chelsea
Key Vocabulary:
Materials: Technology:
Paper with numbered days on them YouTube for the song
Colored Pencils
Matching Activity
Faith/Values Integration:
We will be looking at how we can show stories from the Bible through our writing.
We will specifically be looking at the story of Creation.
Differentiating Instruction
Identify the elements of the lesson that are differentiated (content, process, product).
Identify the student characteristic you will use to differentiate (readiness, interest, learning profile).
Explain how you differentiate (whole class, groups of students, individuals, or students with IEPs or 504 plans)
Product-Each group will create a different page of the book.
Interest- There will be some students who will learn through the hearing of the story, some through the art
medium of drawing it, and some through retelling the story.
Groups of students- the students will be in their table groups to retell the story.
If you could teach this lesson to the same group of students again, what are two or three things you would do
differently to improve the learning of these students based on their varied developmental and academic needs and
characteristics? Consider missed opportunities and other aspects of planning, instruction, and/or assessment.
Explain in the table below.
Clearly state each change you would Explain why and how you would change
make. it.
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format