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Code Translation Shift Equivalence Note: Appendix

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001/ Things on earth and what falls is fallen.
Keadaan di Bumi dan perubahan itu...
menghancurkan segalanya.
I want you to get everyone out of the building.
Aku ingin kau menyuruh semua orang keluar dari
Gedung itu.
Will you please try call again later?
Anda bisa coba menghubungi lagi nanti.
I can't feel my legs.
Aku tak bisa merasakan kakiku.
Help me. I can't feel my legs.
Tolong aku, aku tak bisa merasakan kakiku.
You're going to be okay, you hear me?
Kau akan baik saja. Kau dengar aku?
Wallace. What do they call you, Wally?
Wallace. Apa panggilanmu, Wally?
You're going to be okay.
Easy. Easy.
Kau akan baik saja.
Tenanglah, tenanglah.
Oh my god. I can't feel my legs.
Ya tuhanku, aku tak bisa merasakan kakiku.
Its okay. You're going to be okay.
Tak apa. Kau baik saja.
Okay. You know what? We're going to find your
Baik. Kita akan cari ibumu.
They did not tell me the interview was with a lady.
Mereka tak bilang wawancaranya dengan seorang
Uh, don't open...
Jangan kau buka...
Who's paying for these security contractors, general?
Siapa yang membiayai tentara bayaran itu, Jenderal?
Who pays for the drones that passed over our heads
at night?
Siapa yang membayar pesawat pengintai yang
terbang di atas pada malam hari?
They're tracking us.
Mereka melacak kita.
She doesn't know anything.
Dia tak tahu apapun.
I didnt know.
Aku tak tahu.
Take 1 step, you will see the inside of her head.
Maju selangkah, isi kepalanya akan berhamburan.
My parents tried to run.
Orang tuaku berusaha lari.
The world has been so caught up with what
Superman can do.
Dunia terpana atas apa yang dilakukan Superman...
The world has been so caught up with what
Superman can do.
Dunia terpana atas apa yang dilakukan Superman...
that no one has asked what he should do.
Tapi tak ada yang bertanya, apa yang seharusnya dia
that no one has asked what he should do.
Tapi tak ada yang bertanya, apa yang seharusnya dia
Hell never answer to you.
Dia tak akan menjawabmu.
I was going to cook. Surprise you.
Aku mau masak, untuk mengejutkanmu.
They're saying that
Mereka bilang...
I dont care.
Aku tidak peduli.
I dont care what they're saying.
Aku tidak peduli apa yang mereka katakan.
I dont care what they're saying.
Aku tidak peduli apa yang mereka katakan.
The woman I love could have been blown up or
Wanita yang kucintai bisa dibom atau ditembak.
Think of what could have happened.
Bayangkan kalau itu terjadi.
Well, think about what did happen.
Bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi.
I didnt kill those men if that's what they think.
Aku tak membunuh mereka seperti yang mereka
If that's what you're saying?
Seperti pendapatmu.
I'm saying I want to understand what happened.
Intinya, aku ingin paham apa yang terjadi.
I'm saying I want to understand what happened.
Intinya, aku ingin paham apa yang terjadi.
I'm saying, thank you for saving my life.
Aku berterima kasih kau menyelamatkan nyawaku.
I'm saying, thank you for saving my life.
Aku berterima kasih kau menyelamatkan nyawaku.
I'm saying there is a cost.
Walau selalu ada akibatnya.
I dont know if it is possible.
Aku tak tahu apa ini mungkin terjadi.
Dont know whats possible?
Apanya yang mungkin terjadi?
Clark, you're going to flood the apartment.
Clark, kau bisa membanjiri apartemenku.
There has been a report of screaming at location
1939 Harbour Way.
Ada laporan teriakkan di lokasi 1939 Harbor Way
It's okay. We're-we're going to help.
Tak apa. Kami kemari untuk membantumu.
Okay, we're going to get you out of here.
Kami akan mengeluarkanmu dari sini.
I - I dont understand.
Aku tak paham.
I never saw him before. I didnt know...
Aku tak pernah melihatnya sebelumnya.
Aku tak tahu..,
How about you dont shoot the good guys, huh?
Bagaimana kalau kau tak tembak polisi baik?
You're getting slow in your old age, Alfred.
Kau mulai melambat di masa tuamu, Alfred.
Even you got too old to die young, and lack for not
Bahkan kau terlalu tua untuk mati muda
I'll just have to rewire.
Akan ku setel ulang lagi.
You don't know if he exist.
Kau tak tahu jika orang itu nyata.
He could be a phantasm.
Mungkin hanya khayalan.
One that wants to bring a dirty bomb into Gotham?
Dia mungkin saja membawa senjata nuklir ke
We've always been criminals, nothing change.
Kita selalu jadi kriminal, tak ada yang berubah.
The first victim, an accused child predator later was
assaulted in prison and remains in critical care from
his injuries.
Korban pertama, dituduh sebagai penjahat anak,
diserang di penjara dan masih dalam keadaan kritis
akibat lukanya.
In other news, the mayor has announced that
Berita lain, Walikota mengumumkan bahwa
A hoi hoi. I didnt know you were here.
Hoi hoi. Aku tak tahu kalian di sini.
Stop, dont believe it!
Hentikan, aku tak mempercayainya.
Hi, how are you doing?
Hai, apa kabarmu?
You know, Dad was born in east Germany.
Kau tahu, Ayahku lahir di Jerman Timur.
He grew up eating uh... stale crackers.
Dia tumbuh memakan.., Biskuit basi.
And every other Saturday, he had to march in a
parade and waved flowers at tyrants.
Dan setiap Sabtu, dia harus mengikuti Parade dan
melambaikan bunga ke para Tiran.
So, I think it was province that his son, me, would
end up with this.
Jadi, sudah suratan takdir kalau puteranya, itu aku,
berakhir menguasai ini.
What's a rock have to do with Homeland Security?
Apa hubungan Batu ini dengan keamanan negara ?
We suspected it might have bio interactions, so, we
took the sample to AMRIID.
Kami menduga memiliki bio-interaksi, jadi, kami
ambil sampelnya di Institut Penyakit Menular.
Profound bio degradation, decaying Kryptonian
Penurunan bio secara besar, pembusukan sel bangsa
We concluded the mineral could be weaponized, if a
large enough sample was found.
Kami simpulkan mineral itu bisa jadi senjata,
Jika ada cukup banyak sampel yang ditemukan.
We concluded the mineral could be weaponized, if a
large enough sample was found.
Kami simpulkan mineral itu bisa jadi senjata,
Jika ada cukup banyak sampel yang ditemukan.
Lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, Emerald
Terbaring di dasar Samudera Hindia, terdapat Kota
And why would we want to weaponize this material?
Mengapa kita harus menjadikan senjata Batu itu?
A silver bullet to keep in reserve to use against the
Sebagai peluru perak bagi kita untuk digunakan
melawan bangsa Krypton.
So the day doesnt come, Madame.
Supaya kiamat tak terjadi, nyonya.
When your children are waving daisies at a
reviewing stand
Sementara anak - anakmu bersedih, dan kalian masih
Last I looked, the only one of those flying around up
here was Superman.
Terakhir kulihat, satu - satunya yang bisa terbang ke
mana saja hanyalah Superman.
You dont have to use the silver bullet, but if you
forge one...
Kau tak perlu menggunakan peluru perak jika kau
bisa menempanya sendiri..,
We dont have to depend upon the kindness of
Kita tak perlu tergantung akan kebaikan monster
seperti dia.
Can we get some backup here?
Aku perlu bantuan di sini.
Dont do it!
Jangan lakukan itu!
I want you to follow up on the football.
Aku ingin kau mengulas segala tentang sepak bola.
Hey. Are you guys watching this?
Hei, apa kalian melihat ini?
The suspect has been identified as Wallace Vernon
Tersangka di-identifikasi sebagai Wallace Vernon
There'll be arraign on charges of vandalism, resisting
arrest and a felony charge of making terrorist threats
that carries up to 40 years in prison.
Dia akan diseret atas tuduhan Vandalisme, melawan
saat ditangkap dan atas kejahatan membuat ancaman
teror yang bisa membuatnya ditahan sampai 40
There're ways we can help each other.
Selalu ada cara kita bisa saling membantu.
Could you step into my office here?
Bisa kau ke kantorku?
Make sure to his left.
Pukul bagian kirinya.
But, eventually, all accounts will be settled.
Pada akhirnya, semuanya harus diselesaikan.
This bat vigilante has been consistently targeting the
port and the adjacent projects and tenements.
Penjahat Kelelawar itu terus menyerang Pelabuhan..
And as far as I can tell the cops are actually helping
Sejauh ini, Polisi membantunya.
And as far as I can tell the cops are actually helping
Sejauh ini, Polisi membantunya.
Did you file the football yet?
Sudah kau tulis berita olahraganya ?
Why aren't we covering this?
Mengapa tak kita bahas itu?
Poor people dont buy papers?
Orang miskin tak beli koran ?
People dont buy papers, period, Kent.
Warga tak membeli koran, tapi isinya, Kent.
Perry, when you assign a story, you're making a
choice about who matters...
Perry, saat kau menyuruhku membuat berita
mengenai pilihan mana yang penting..
It's called a bullet.
Ini disebut peluru.
Recovered from the scene of the fire fight in the
Aku dapat dari baku tembak di Gurun.
I'm blocking the import license for your mineral.
Kularang izin impor mineralmu.
The Red Capes are coming.
Jubah Merah akan datang!
Galloping through the streets to warn us.
Berderap di sepanjang jalan untuk memperingati
Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator?
Kau tahu kebohongan tertua di Amerika, Senator ?
Can I call you June?
Boleh kupanggil kau June ?
You can call me whatever you like.
Panggil apapun yang kau mau.
You won't fool a fly on me.
Kau tak bisa membodohiku.
I'm not going to drink it.
Aku tak akan terpedaya.
Hey, you dont think Dad would mind, do you?
Hei, menurutmu Ayahku tak akan keberatan 'kan?
Hey, you dont think Dad would mind, do you?
Hei, menurutmu Ayahku tak akan keberatan 'kan?
Because, that should be upside down.
Karena lukisan itu seharusnya dibalik.
The devils dont come from hell beneath us. No.
Iblis tak datang dari neraka di bawah kita. Tidak.
Secretary Swanwick, you haven't been returning my
phone calls.
Sekertaris Swanwick, kau tak menjawab teleponku.
You're treating me like strangers?
Kau memperlakukanku seperti orang asing ?
I'm treating you like a reporter.
Kuperlakukan kau seperti wartawan.
Is the US providing experimental military arms to
rebels in Africa?
Apa Amerika memberi purwarupa senjata militer ke
Pemberontak di Afrika ?
Experts at Pentagon can't ID it.
Para ahli di Pentagon tak bisa mengidentifikasinya.
We haven't been told the truth.
Kami tak diberitahu kebenarannya.
A reporter got greedy for a scoop and went where she
shouldnt have.
Seorang reporter begitu rakus mencari berita, di
tempat dia tak seharusnya berada.
Superman acted like some... rogue combatant to
rescue her and people died.
Superman bertindak seperti tentara liar untuk
menyelamatkan satu orang dan banyak orang mati.
Dont invent a conspiracy theory to put back his
Jangan buat teori konspirasi dan membuatnya
sebagai Orang Suci.
Dont invent a conspiracy theory to put back his
Jangan buat teori konspirasi dan membuatnya
sebagai Orang Suci.
I hope the next generation of Waynes won't inherit
an empty wine cellar.
Kuharap generasi Wayne selanjutnya tak mewarisi
ruang anggur kosong.
Don't think there's a likely to be a next generation.
Meskipun sepertinya tak akan ada generasi
Two mentions of business with the "White
Portuguese" and it's continuing transmitting black
out data to the personal residence of Alexandra
Dua telepon mengenai bisnis dengan "Orang Putih
Portugis" terus mentransmisi data penghalang ke
sebuah rumah pribadi
Alexander Luthor.
I can't see that he needs the income from imported
Sepertinya dia tak butuh uang dari importir senjata.
Regardless, I'll need to put a 'leech' in his house,
Sepertinya aku harus memasang penyadap ke
and I'm going to need the suit.
Dan aku perlu kostumku.
Well, Bruce Wayne can't break into LexLuthor's
Yah, Bruce Wayne tak bisa menyusup ke rumah Lex
Bruce Wayne won't have to.
Bruce Wayne tak perlu menyusup.
He's been invited.
Dia diundang.
You must be new to the let them eat cake beat.
Kau pasti orang baru di bidang jurnalisme ini.
You must be new to the let them eat cake beat.
Kau pasti orang baru di bidang jurnalisme ini.
You're embarrassing me.
Kau membuatku malu.
It was coined about, 2500 years ago...
Kata itu ditulis sekitar 2.500 tahun lalu..,
Alright, where am I going, Alfred?
Baik, aku harus kemana, Alfred?
Prometheus went with us, and he ruined Zeus' plan to
destroy mankind and for that, he was given a
Prometheus memihak kita, dan dia mengacaukan
rencana Zeus menghancurkan umat manusia dan
karena itu, Zeus mendapat petirnya.
Prometheus went with us, and he ruined Zeus' plan to
destroy mankind and for that, he was given a
Prometheus memihak kita, dan dia mengacaukan
rencana Zeus menghancurkan umat manusia dan
karena itu, Zeus mendapat petirnya.
No, my father could not afford the books, so...
Tidak, Ayahku tak mampu membeli buku, jadi..
He had to root through the garbage for yesterday's
Dia dapat informasi melalui sampah dari koran hari
May I help you, Mr. Wayne?
Ada yang bisa kubantu, Tn. Wayne?
I must have...
Aku pasti..
I can't stay down here, Alfred.
Aku tak bisa terus di bawah sini, Alfred.
Some young lady from Metropolis will make you
Ada banyak gadis muda dari Metropolis yang bisa
membuatmu jatuh cinta.
Alright, what am I supposed to say?
Apa yang harus kukatakan?
The bitter sweet pain among man is having
knowledge with no power.
Kepedihan seorang manusia adalah memiliki
kepintaran tanpa kuasa.
Oh, my foundation has already issued a statement in
support of the cause.

Don't quote me, alright?

Civil liberties has been trampled on in your city.

Dont believe everything you hear, son.

I've seen it, Mr. Wayne.

A little, hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

Considering every time your hero saves a cat out of

a tree, you write a puff piece editorial about an alien

If he wanted to, could burn the whole place down.

There wouldnt be a damn thing we can do to stop

Most of the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr.

I love bringing people together!

You should, not pick a fight with this person.

So, after all these years, we've finally got you over to

You should hop the hub more often though, I love to

show you my labs.

Maybe we could, be partner on something.

" a deadly factory fire has interrupted the Day of

the Dead celebration in Juarez."

"I can't believe they're goingto let that poor girl


We, as a population on this planet, have been looking

for a saviour.

And when this saviour character actually comes to

Earth, we want to make him abide by our rules?

We have to understand that this is a paradigm shift.

We have to start thinking beyond politics.

is it really surprising, that the most powerful man in

the world should be a figure of controversy?

To have an individual engaging in the state level

interventionsshould give us all pause.

We have always created icons in our own image.

What we've done is we project ourselves on to him.

Maybe he's just a guy trying to do the right thing.

We're talking about a being whose very existence

challenges our own sense of priority in the universe.

Are you, as a United States Senator, personally

comfortable saying to a grieving parent,

"Superman could've saved your child, but on

principle we did not want him to act."

I'm not saying he shouldn't act.

I'm saying heshouldn't act unilaterally.

What are we talking about here then?

Must there be a Superman?

Well, what do you want?

To help you stand for something.

So, I logged into your drop box to find a copy.

The police won't help, the press has to do the right


You dont get to decide what the right thing is.

When the Planet was found, it stood for something,


WPA aren't hiring no more.

Apples dont cost a nickel.

The real was sold in '98 on the black market.

The other night, you took something that doesnt

belong to you.
Did you get it?

I bet with that dress 9 out of 10 men would let you

get away with anything.

I guess I am the first, to see through that babe in the

woods act.

You dont know me.

But, I've known a few women like you.

Oh, I dont think you've ever known a woman like


I didn't steal your drive.

You'll find it in the glove compartment of your car.

Did you get it?

You've always been right about him.

You have to find us... find us!

Since the age of 7, you have been to the art of

deception as Mozart to the harpsichord.
But you've never been too hot of lying to me.

The WHITE PORTUGUESE isn't carrying a dirty


What is it carrying?

It is now aboardthe White Portuguese being

delivered to LexLuthor.

Who I am going to steal it from.

To keep it out of Luthor's hands.

To destroy it.

You're going to go to war?

He has the power to wipe out the entire human race

and If we believe there even a 1% chance that the is
our enemy,

We have to take it as an absolute certainty.

And we have to destroy him.

Kent, I want to talk to you.

Where does he go?

Where does he go, Jenny?

I dont I dontknow.

I dont have a halo over me, Mr. secretary.

But, I dont believe you think that.

Next time they shine your light in the sky, dont go to


Do you bleed?

How do we determine whats good?

So, I urge Superman, to come to this hearth of the

people tomorrow.

To see those who have suffered.

The world needs to know what happened in that


And to know what he stands for.

How far will he take his power?

Does he act by our will, or by his own?

People hate what they dont understand.

I never wanted this world to have you.

You dontowe this world a thing.

The metal wasdeveloped by a private company.

Not a chance. Its classified.

I happen to like my job.

It doesntmakesense.

You said that the ambush was arranged to frame


But how could they know that hell show up in the

in the middle of desert.

The senate hearing is expected to get under way in

any minute now.

Will Superman show up? That is what theyre really

waiting to see.

Youre heading in to meet with the senators.

What would you tell them?

Ive come here to tell them to wake up.

Hes delivered a war here. And this

There are plenty of people, sir, who would say hes

their hero.

Grace, can you get Greg up here please, right now?

Dont go anywhere.

I want to talk to you.

So, whatd you been up to?

Im just here to tell my story.

That I was willing to finance a Kryptonian deterrent

But a certain junior Senator from Kentucky decided

to block it.
Greg, why hasnt he been getting our checks?

Why havent I seen this?

Im sorry. Ill get to the bottom of it.

Nor we expect that Superman would give some kid of

a statement to the Senate,

You are going to be on the hot seat in there, June


Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator?

I have sat here before.

To say that shadow interventions will not tolerate by

this committee.

Can we create a free and a

Capitol police are confirming to CNN that the

suspected bomber is

Clark, its me again. Can you gotten explosive

As for Superman, he was in the room, but obviously
failed to stop him.

I didnt see it, Lo.

Im afraid I didnt see it because I wasnt looking.

Ive been living my life the way my father saw it.

Thinking Im here to do good

My world doesnt exist anymore.

Would you, like to assume command?

Alexander Luthor, your security override has been


Genesis Chamber ready to analyze genetic sample.

Ive identified the host as General Zod of Kandor.

It is been decreed by the council of Kryptonian.

That none will ever again give life to a deformity.

Preparing chrysalis and commencing metamorphosis.

And so, we are left to wonder, if Superman was
aware of the threat and did nothing, was he then
complicit in the Capitol Tragedy?

How could he simply have siappeared at a time

when we , as a nation, need him more than ever?


I couldnt been 12.

But we managed to stop the water.

While eating my hero cake, theri horses were


I used to hear them wailing in my sleep.

Did the nightmares ever stop?

I know you cant win.

Told me what Wayne manor was built of.

We got to wait for more evidence, but the question

still remains, where is he?
If hes got nothing to hide, the why hasnt he been
seen since the day of this tragedy?

Dont i know you

Ive proven what youve done.

Unfortunately, that will blow away.

round and round and round they go to find Superman.

Do we have problems up here?

Ill take you in without breaking you.

No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to

deliver me from Daddys fist and abominations.

Ive figured it out way back,

If God is all powerful, he cannot be all good.

And if hes all good the he cannot be all powerful.

And neither can you be.

They need to see the fraud you are.

What have you done?

Dut it did not take much to push him over actually.

And now, you will fly to him,

And you will battle him,

You think Ill fight him for you?

I think youll fight, fight, fight for that special lady in

your life.

Close, but Im not talking about Lois.

The mother of a flying demon must be a witch.

I dont know.

I wouldnt let them tell me.

Now the cameras are waiting at our ship.

For the world to see the holes in the holy.

To save Martha, bring me the head of the Bat.

Mother of God, would you look at the time.

Brooke, youre live on the air. What do you see?

Theres something happening at the ship.

Its sending massive power surges.

And were trying to get a little bit closer her to find

out whats going on.

You can see that lightning.

Those surges are like increasing and they seem to be

getting stronger by the minute.

I have to go to Gotham to convince him to help me.

Or he has to die.

But it doesnt belong to you.

Where have you been?

All procedural interventions have failed.

Outcome.. would be death.

US Gov object 6-19-82 is successfully activated.

We can barely affor a bicycle.

You want to chase a story?

Werere we headed?

You have to listen to me.

You dont understand.

If i wanted it, youd be dead already!

Dieing in the gutter.

Youre letting him.. kill Martha.

What does that mean?

Why did you say that name?


Why did you say that name?

Were no getting any answers.

Shes losing time.

The scout ship seems to be drawing power from the


Its got to be Lex.

Thy need you at that ship. Ill find her.

Martha wont die tonight.

Uh, Im sorry for listening in.

But Ive tracked the Russians phone to to a

warehouse near the port.

Youre locked on to it.

You got to take it, Alfred.

Thermal imaging is showing me two dozen hostiles

on the third floor.

Why dont I drop you off on the second?

Ill kill her.

Believe me, Ill do it!

Ah. That will be the cook.

Id rather do the breaking in person.

I cannot let you win.

I gave the at a fighting chance to do it, but he was not

strong enough.

So, If man wont kill God, I.

The Devil will do it.

Were getting reports, there are total blackouts in the

north and to the northwest of the city.

Federal authorities are trying to determine if this is

part of larger terrorist attack.

Those are Apache helicopters, they have now just


How best to describe it?

Metropolis airspace has been closed briefly.

I kindly ask you to stay in your seats.

Looks like hes taking it into space.

We can go straight to Key RED, Mr. President.

They are high enough and we can nuke them with no

casualties, Sir.

Red Birds, are armed to deploy, Sir.

Its moving.

The shock waves are getting stronger.

We cant attack.

Whatre you saying, Calvin?

Im saying its unkillable.

Master Wayne, are you receiving me?

Its Kryptonian. Only Kryptonite weapons can kill it.

If i can penetrate the skin, the spear will kill it.

I got to get it to chase me.

Why did you bring him back to the city?

The port is abandoned.

And theres a weapon here that can kill it.

Did you find the spear?

Ive been a little busy.

This thing, this creature, seems to feed on energy.

Ive killed things from other world before.

Clark had this sent here so he can surprise you.

All the circuses bak east, burying an empty box.

They dont know how to honor him.

Ive failed him, in life.

I wont fail him in death.

Perhaps they dont want to be found.

They will. And they will fight.

We have to stand together.

But we can rebuild

We can do better.

Why did you say theyll have fight?

Put yoru hans behind you back, so that I can come in

and restrain you.

Ill be watching.

But, the bells are already been rung,

And theyve heard it.

The bells, cannot be unrung.

Hes hungry. Hes found us.

And hes coming.

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