Golden Dawn - The Supreme Invoking Ritual of The Pentagram (
Golden Dawn - The Supreme Invoking Ritual of The Pentagram (
Golden Dawn - The Supreme Invoking Ritual of The Pentagram (
Spirit sigil in the center and intone "Eheieh." Give the LVX Signs.
Then trace the Invoking Pentagram of Air and vibrate "Oro Ibah
Draw the sigil of Aquarius in the center of the Pentagram and intone
"YHVH." Give the Sign of the Theoricus.
Turn to the south and trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active.
of Fire
And vibrate "Oip Teaa Pedoce." Draw the sigil of Leo in the center of
the Pentagram and intone "Elohim." Give the Sign of the Philosophus.
Turn to the west and trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive.
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The Sanctuary of Maat Order of the Golden Dawn - Content
Water and vibrate “impeh Arsel Gaiol." Draw the sigil of the
eagle in the center of the Pentagram and tone "Aleph Lamed, AL."
Give the Sign of the Practicus.
Turn to the north and trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive.
Thrust though the center of the Pentagram and vibrate "Nanta." Trace the
Spirit sigil in the center and intone "Agla." Give the LVX Signs. Then
"In some of the rituals suggested in this curriculum, (the SIRP, the SBRP, the BRH, and
Regardie's Opening by Watchtower) call for the initiate to give the LVX Signs after tracing
the Spirit pentagrams.
This is because traditionally, advanced rituals of is type were performed only by initiates in
the grade of Adeptus Minor (or higher). The LVX Signs are the grade signs of an Adeptus
Minor, not necessarily the grade sign of the Element of Spirit. The Fifth Element is conferred
on an initiate in the Portal grade, and therefore the grade signs of Spirit are the Opening
just as the grade sign for Air is that of the Theoricus. It
and Closing of the Veil,
is therefore apropriate for the Portal initiate to freely substitute the Portal
Signs for the LVX signs [Rendering for the SIRP, Closing for the SBRP].
We realize, however, that many students have already been performing
these rituals with the traditional LVX Signs, and may be reluctant to switch
to the portal Signs. Therefore we have presented the rituals in this course
with the traditional LVX Signs, and leave the option open for the individual
to choose."
Excerpted from the "Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition," Chic and Tabatha
Cicero, 1998, Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Min.
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