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Shilpa Gupta * et al.


Volume No. 1, Issue No. 1, December-January 2013, 037-041

Reactive Power Control Using FC-TCR

Ms. Shilpa Gupta
EN Dept.
Inderprastha Engineering College
Ghaziabad, INDIA

Abstract: This paper will discuss and demonstrate how Static Var Compensator (SVC) has successfully been applied to
control transmission systems dynamic performance for system disturbance and effectively regulate system voltage.SVC is
basically a shunt connected static var generator whose output is adjusted to exchange capacitive or inductive current so as
to maintain or control specific power variable. For this a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system is modeled. In this
paper, simple circuit model of Thyristor Controlled Reactor is modeled and simulated using MATLAB. The simulation
results are presented. The current drawn by the TCR varies with the variation in the firing angle. The simulation results
are compared with the theoretical results.

Key Words: Static VAR Compensators, FC-TCR, MATLAB, Simulink, Reactive Power.

- Minimized environmental impact

I. INTRODUCTION - Minimized transmission losses

Electricity demand is increasing continuously. To Due to nature of power electronics equipment,

fulfill this rise , the increase in generation is need of FACTS devices are applicable for one or more of the
hour, which is not always feasible due to various following qualities:
constraints such as environmental, financial, time, -Rapid dynamic response.
availability of resources, land etc. Also expansion of -Ability for frequent variations in output.
transmission system is always not possible. Due to -Smoothly adjustable output.
these restrictions the whole power system is working
to their maximum capacity which can lead to FACTS are a family of devices which can be inserted
instability and blackouts under any severe fault into power grids in series, in shunt, and in some
conditions. To provide stable, secure, controlled, high cases, both in shunt and series.
quality electric power on todays environment and to A. Shunt Device
do better utilization of available power system (1) Static Var Compensator:
capacities Flexible AC transmission systems (2) Static Synchronous Compensator
(FACTS) controllers are employed to enhance power (STATCOM)
system stability[1,2] in addition to their main
function of power flow control. B. Series Device
The Power electronic based FACTS devices are (1) Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator
added to power transmission and distribution systems (TCSC)
at strategic locations to improve system performance. (2) Static Synchronous Series Compensator
FACTS are a family of devices which can be inserted (SSSC)
into power grids in series, in shunt, and in some
cases, both in shunt and series. FACTS mainly find Important applications in power transmission and
applications in the following areas: distribution involve devices such as SVC (Static Var
- Power transmission Compensators), Fixed Series Capacitors (SC) as well
- Power quality as Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSC)
- Railway grid connection and STATCOM.
- Wind power grid connection
- Cable systems
With FACTS, the following benefits can be attained
in AC systems: Static VAR systems are applied by utilities in
- Improved power transmission capability transmission applications for several purposes. The
- Improved system stability and availability primary purpose is usually for rapid control of
- Improved power quality voltage at weak points in a network. Installations may

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Volume No. 1, Issue No. 1, December-January 2013, 037-041

be at the midpoint of transmission interconnections or

at the line ends [3]. Static Var Compensators are
shunt connected static generators / absorbers whose
outputs are varied so as to control voltage of the
electric power systems.
An SVC can improve power system transmission and
distribution performance in a number of ways.
Installing an SVC at one or more suitable points in
the network can increase transfer capability and
reduce losses while maintaining a smooth voltage
profile under different network conditions. The
dynamic stability of the grid can also be improved,
and active power oscillations mitigated [4,5]. To
summarize the application of SVC gives the
following benefits.

In power transmission: Figure. 1 Functional diagram of SVC

- Stabilized voltages in weak systems
- Reduced transmission losses
- Increased transmission capacity, to reduce III. MODELING OF FC-TCR
or remove the need for new lines The control objective of SVC is to maintain the
- Higher transient stability limit desired voltage at a high voltage bus [6, 7]. In steady-
- Increased damping of minor disturbances state, the SVC will provide some steady- state control
- Greater voltage control and stability of the voltage to maintain it the highest voltage bus at
- Power swing damping the pre-defined level.
In power distribution:
- Stabilized voltage at the receiving end of
long lines
- Increased productivity as stabilized voltage
better utilizes capacity
- Reduced reactive power consumption,
gives lower losses and eliminates higher or
penalty tariffs
- Balanced asymmetrical loads reduce
system losses
- Fewer stresses in asynchronous machinery
- Enables better use of equipment
(particularly transformers and cables)
- Reduced voltage fluctuations and light
Figure 2 Basic FC-TCR type static var
An SVC fig. 1 typically comprises a transformer, compensator
reactors, capacitors and bi-directional thyristor
valves. There is a variety of main circuit If the voltage bus begins fall below its set point
arrangements. range, the SVC will inject reactive power (Q net) into
the system (within its control limits), thereby
- FC/TCR Fixed Capacitor (filter) / increasing the bus voltage back to its desired voltage
Thyristor-Controlled Reactor. level. If bus voltage increases, the SVC will inject
-TSC/TCRThyristor-Switched Capacitors/Thyristor- less (or TCR will absorb more) reactive power
Controlled Reactor. (within its control limits), and the result will be to
achieve the desired bus voltage.
In its simple form, SVC is connected as Fixed The Fixed Capacitor Thyristor-Controlled Reactor
Capacitor-Thyristor Controlled Reactor (FC-TCR) (FC-TCR)[8] is a var generator arrangement using a
configuration as shown in Fig. 2. fixed (permanently connected) capacitance with a
thyristor controlled reactor as shown in Fig.2

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Volume No. 1, Issue No. 1, December-January 2013, 037-041

11]. To decrease the capacitive output, the current in

the reactor is increased by decreasing delay angle .
At zero var output, the capacitive and inductive
currents become equal and thus both the vars cancels
With further decrease of angle , the inductive
current becomes larger than the capacitive current,
resulting in a net inductive output.



For the AC voltage source is of 11KV, 60 Hz, line

R=5 & L= 60mH , Load R=1 & L=50mH.Current
measurement block is used to measure the
Figure. 3 Vars demand V/S Vars output instantaneous current flowing in the transmission
characteristic line. The voltage measurement block is used to
measure the source voltage. Scope displays the
signals generated during a simulation. In Fig.5, scope
The current in the reactor is varied by the method of is used to view the line current and in Fig.6 line
firing delay angle control method. The constant voltage. The real power and reactive power in the
capacitive var generation (Qc) of the fixed capacitor load is measured using the Active & Reactive Power
is opposed by the variable var absorption (QL) of the measurement block.ac source voltage.
thyristor controlled reactor, to yield the total var
output (Q) required fig.3. At the maximum capacitive
var output, the thyristor-controlled reactor is off [9 -


Line Voltage1
Real Power1

Line Voltage

Pulse1 + v V
Capacitor -
PQ Real Power


AC Voltage Source Load I

T1 T2
Active & Reactive


Reactive Power
i +

C urrent Measurement1

i +

Current1 C urrent
Reactive Power1


Current 2
i +

Current 1



Figure 4 MATLAB Simulink Model of FC- TCR

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Volume No. 1, Issue No. 1, December-January 2013, 037-041

Given are the figures illustrating the waveforms after

simulating the model.

Figure 8:Real Power

Figure 5: Line Current

Figure 9 :Reactive Power

Table 1: Capacitor Constant & Inductance varying

Figure 6: Line Voltage
C (micro F) L (mH) Q(VAR)

100 100 33590

100 150 33610
100 200 33620
100 250 33630
100 300 33650

Table 2: Variation of TCR Current and Reactive Power for

different firing angles

Firing Angle (degree) Current through TCR Q(VAR)

30 90 33570
60 78 33580
90 50 33600
120 22 33620
150 7 33640
180 0 33650
Figure 7: TCR Reactor Current

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Volume No. 1, Issue No. 1, December-January 2013, 037-041

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