Coaching Fidelity Checklist Kent State University Early Intervention Program

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Coaching Fidelity Checklist

Kent State University Early Intervention Program

Coach: Erica Noel Coachee: Cori Adams Observer: Ashley Hausmann Date: 11/12/17

The Coaching Fidelity Checklist is based on various professional literature on coaching or caregiver
teaching (Childress, 2015; Colorado Coaching Consortium, 2009; Dunne & Villani, 2007; Fettig,
Schultz, & Sreckovic, 2015; Friedman, Woods, & Salisbury, 2012; Hanft, Rush, & Shelden, 2005;
Jayaraman, Marvin, Knoche, & Bainter, 2015; Kemp & Turnbull, 2014; Lane, Ledford, Shepley, Mataras,
Ayres, & Davis, 2016; Leat et al., 2006; Moore, Barton, & Chironis, 2013; Moore & Harjusola-Webb,
2013; NAEYC/NACCRRA, 2011), performance feedback (Friend & Cook, 2010), parent-implemented
interventions (Barton & Fettig, 2013; Lieberman-Betz, 2014), and implementation fidelity and
intervention fidelity (Barton & Fettig, 2013). The checklist can be used to guide professional-to-
caregiver coaching and professional-to-professional coaching.

Note that the behaviors below do not have to be demonstrated in order or equally within each session.

Did the coach Y/N Comments


1.1 Ask questions that seek information from the learner? (e.g. ask Y
about priorities and goals for child/family, current practices or
strategies being used)

1.2 Ask questions that elicit the learners perspective? Y

1.3 Ask questions that confirm or clarify information to obtain shared Y

understanding and clarity?

1.4 Ask probing questions that assist the learner in examining his or Y
her own knowledge and/or skills?

1.5 Ask questions that facilitate vision and create challenge? Y

Active Listening

2.1 Elicit the learners perspective? Y

2.2 Demonstrate appreciation for the learners perspective? (e.g., Y

verbally affirming or acknowledging what the learners shared)

2.3 Use reframing to give the learner another perspective on his/her Y

wants and concerns?

2.4 Summarize, paraphrase, and restate to reflect back what the Y

learner has said for clarity and understanding?

2.5 Shift coaching behaviors as needed in the moment based on No No opportunity to

learners needs? demonstrate.

Goal Setting

3.1 Identify with the learner the targeted skills based on family Y

3.2 Identify with the learner a timeline for the coaching process? N Didnt talk about
the whole
coaching process.

3.3 Develop with the learner a plan for action to achieve targeted Y
skills? (i.e., who will do what by when)

3.4 Review previous goals, if applicable? Y


4.1 Observe the learner demonstrate knowledge or the targeted skill? N/A

Guided Reflection & Problem Solving

5.1 Ask questions that promote learners AWARENESS? Y

5.2 Ask questions that promote learners ANALYSIS? Y

5.3 Ask questions that assist the learner in identifying Y


5.4 Ask questions that assist the learner in identifying future ACTION Y
in relation to fidelity of implementation of evidence-based practices
and natural environments?


6.1 Provide the opportunity for the learner to practice the targeted N/A
skill? (verbally encouraged learner to practice)

Modeling/Demonstrating/Direct Teaching

7.1 Create opportunities for the learner to observe the coach and/or N/A
others model the targeted skill? Behaviors to consider:

- modeling with intention: coach informs learner on what to watch for

- modeling with narrative: coach narrates what he or she is doing for

the learner

- modeling with reflection: coach asks learner for his or her perspective
on what was modeled or demonstrate

7.2 Intentionally scaffold the learners knowledge or capacity for skill N/A
mastery? (e.g., providing print, verbal, visual, and video information
matched to their learning preferences on how to and why;
providing content about specific strategies, about child development,
and about how to embed intervention into routines; may be a brief
verbal explanation followed by a demonstration; print materials and
video may also be used.)


8.1 Allow the learner to reflect first on his or her performance before Y
providing feedback?

8.2 Provide feedback that is concise? Y

8.3 Provide feedback that is specific? Y

8.4 Provide feedback that is descriptive? Y

8.5 Provide feedback that is directed toward changeable behaviors? Y

8.6 Check for the learners understanding? Y

8.7 Verbally acknowledge the learners successes? Y

8.8 Provide and/or promote access to new information and resources Y

for further learning?

Transfer of Knowledge

9.1 Was there an evidence-based practice (EBP) discussed with and Y

demonstrated with the learner using an individualized, learner-
centered and contextualized approach? Behaviors to consider:

- 9.11 coach asked what learner already knows or is already

doing in relation to EBP
- 9.12 coach built on or expanded upon learners knowledge
and skills in relation to EBP
- 9.13 coach demonstrated fidelity of implementation of EBP

9.2 Was there evidence of transfer of learning from the coach to the Y Although, the
learner? Behaviors to consider: coach did not
observe the learner
- 9.21 coach invited the learner to demonstrate what he or she
is currently doing in relation to EBP in action or have
- 9.22 coach invited the learner to try a new skill that expands the opportunity to
upon the learners current knowledge/skills model, we did
- 9.23 coach provided repeated opportunities for learner to
discuss what the
practice the new skill with support
- 9.24 coach provided performance-specific feedback to learner coachee has been
in real-time doing in relation to
- 9.25 coach invited the learner to demonstrate independent the People Play
implementation of EBP or relevant components of EBP within strategy and
the setting in which the skill/s were taught provided feebback.
- 9.26 coach invited the learner to demonstrate independent
implementation of EBP or relevant components of EBP
beyond the setting in which the skill/s were taught (i.e.,
generalization across activities, routines, people, settings,
materials, prompts)

Did the learner Y/N Comments

Goal Setting

10.1 Share information about family priorities and desired goals for No Coach should have
the child/family? asked the
coachees goals.

10.2 Share what s/he has tried or accomplished between coaching Y


10.3 Identify what s/he wants to try or accomplish between coaching Y

conversations and when the next conversation will be scheduled?


11.1 Observe own behavior on a video-recording (as applicable) to N/A

assist in reflection on fidelity of evidence-based practices in their
natural environments?

11.2 Observe the coach modeling or demonstrating a new skill? N/A


12.1 Try new ideas or actions related to the child, caregiver, or No No opportunity to
environmental arrangement that were either previously discussed or do the
planned with the coach? action/practice.

Guided Reflection & Problem Solving

13.1 Determine what worked or did not work and why during the N/A
observation and/or action?

13.2 Generating alternatives, ideas for how to enhance the use of the Y Did not observe,
practice or strategy and how to generalize the strategy to new, but we did talk
relevant situations, with support from the coach? about how to use
the strategy
throughout the

13.3 Jointly determine next steps for future implementation? Y


14.1 Provide feedback to coach about coaching interaction or No Should have asked
intervention? coachee for

14.2 Ask any unanswered questions or raise concerns? N/A

14.3 Confirm understanding of next steps? Y

Transfer of Knowledge

15.1 Was there evidence of transfer of learning from the coach to the Y
learner? Behaviors to consider:

- 15.11 learner demonstrated what he or she is currently doing

in relation to EBP
- 15.12 learner tried a new skill that expands upon his or her
current knowledge/skills
- 15.13 learner was provided repeated opportunities to practice
the new skill with support from coach
- 15.14 learner received performance-specific feedback from
coach in real-time and provided feedback to coach
- 15.15 learner demonstrated independent implementation of
EBP or relevant components of EBP within the setting in
which the skill/s were taught
- 15.16 learner demonstrated independent implementation of
EBP or relevant components of EBP beyond the setting in
which the skill/s were taught (i.e., generalization across
activities, routines, people, settings, materials, prompts)

Other comments:

Questions to guide reflection: (adapted from Dunlap & Ridgley, 2011)

What was your PLAN?

The plan is to improve Lincolns communication through responsive teaching strategies. I wanted to
reflect on how the people play strategy went between visits and introduce the new responsive
teaching strategy of match.

What did you SEE/OBSERVE in your interaction?

I saw that the coachee did practice the strategies that were talked about between visits. She was
very aware of what went well and what didnt. The coach used a lot of reflective questions to have
the coachee reflect on how the implementation of strategies was going, and how she could use
them throughout the day.

What did you LIKE?

I liked how the coach elicited reflective information from the coachee. I also like how they were able
to work together to figure out ways embed the learning opportunities throughout the day.

What would you ADD?

We would like to add an opportunity for the coach to model the strategies for the coachee and
provide the coachee with an opportunity to practice the strategy. This would allow the coach to see
the fidelity of the implementation and be able to provide the coachee with feedback.

What would you CHANGE?

We would take the time to ask the parent what their specific priorities are, and base the session off
of those priorities.

What is your next PLAN for continued learning? (also include timeline for accomplishing goals/plan)

Our plan for continued learning is to review the Sheldon and Roush Coaching book and continue to
build our competence on the coaching process. We will continue to practice the coaching process
and provide each other with feedback.

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