Experiment#02 Title:-: Blank Page Three Cord Ring Weight Weight Pan

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To determine the resultant of two forces using law of parallelogram of forces.


Blank page
Three cord ring
Weight pan

The main objective of this experiment is to determine the resultant force (weight) of
two forces by using law of parallelogram.



The quantity which are completely expressed by its magnitude and by its
direction is called vector.

Components of a vector :-

Consider a force F making an angle with the x-axis.we draw a perpendicular

from vector to the x-axis .Force F is the sum of its horizental Components and
vertical components .

F=Fx + Fy
Addition and subtraction:-
We can add and subtract vectors by different methods for example
Law of parallalogram
Law of triangular forces

I took a three knot ring and adjust it on the pulleys as shown above in the
I attched the weight pans on each end of the thread.
I draw the sketch of these on the blank page.
I added weight in the pans until it returns to it original position.

Observations and Calculations:-

Known Forces: FAB = 40N FCA = 45N

i.Force Descriptions Magnitude Actual % Error

FBC = 50 49 2
Known Forces: FAB = 30N FCA = 30N

ii.Force Descriptions Magnitude Actual % Error

FBC 30 30 0
Known Forces: FAB = 20N FCA = 20N

iii. Force Descriptions Magnitude Actual % Error

FBC = 25 24 4


I calculated a resultant force with the help of two known forces.




Problem statement:-

The parallelogram law of forces can be applied to any situation where multiple
forces are acting on an object. The launching of a stunt person from a cannon in
a circus is a prime example. To achieve a certain angle of launch with a certain
velocity, an initial velocity must be applied to the person, but countering that is
the force of gravity. So, the initial velocity is one leg of the parallelogram and
the other leg is the force of gravity.
To determine the resultant of two forces using law of parallelogram of forces.

Submitted to:-
Sir kashif

Submitted by:-

Department of industrial and manufacturing engineering

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