CS2358 Set1
CS2358 Set1
CS2358 Set1
Sixth Semester
(Regulations 2008)
1 (a) Create a HTML application with frames, links, tables and other tags for INDIA Map.
State the assumptions you make (Social logic you are taking into consideration). (90)
2 (a) Create a HTML page with frames, links, tables and other tags for highlighting the facilities
in the Department in your College. State the assumptions you make (business logic you are
taking into consideration). (90)
3. Design a table and alter that table's column properties using an external and internal CSS file.
5. Create a User Registration form with First Name, Last name, Address, City, State, Country,
Pincode, Username and Password fields for a General login webpage and satisfy the
following criteria: (100)
true otherwise
6. Design a Job Registration form/Sign Up form using HTML. [The Form should contains Text
box[name], Radio button [sex], Text area[comments], List Items[country],File[Browse], Label
Field, Password field[password] and check box. (100)
7. Create a page with JavaScript to do the following. These can all be on one page. (100)
(c) Display the current date on the page in the following format: April 30, 2014.
Do not display the time. Do not "hard code" the date; if I load the page tomorrow,
I should get a different date than if I load it today.
(e) Put some useful advice, on any subject, in the status line of the browser.
8. Create a user profile application using HTTP Servlet in which user can add, update and delete
all user information. (100)
9. Write an ASP/JSP program for Employee Details which includes EmpID, Name, Designation,
Salary, DOJ, etc., to connect with the database and execute queries to retrieve and update data.
Also prepare the report for single and group of employees based on the end user needs. (100)
10.Write a program to input the new registration details to the Database. In addition, create a
DSN to connect the JSP page to the database. (100)
11.Create an online application in any of the web application like ASP/JSP for Tourism
management like the available trip details in season based. Type of mode, Concession
details for passengers and Booking/Cancelling tickets. (100)
12.Write a DTD for an XML document that declares an address book containing contacts. Each
contact has a name and address. An address should contain attributes for street name, state
and phone number. Also write an XML document and validate it against this DTD. (100)
13. (a) Consider a Library Management System application. Develop aJavaScript program that
will validate the controls in the forms you have created for the application. State the
assumptions you make (business logic you are taking into consideration). (90)
Note: Your application must access a database.
14. (a) Consider a Banking application. Develop a JavaScript program that will validate the
controls in the forms you have created for the application. State the assumptions you make
(business logic you are taking into consideration).
Note: Your application must access a database.
15.(a) Develop a web application for a Super Market Billing System using ASP / JSP pages. Use
cookies as part of the web application. State the assumptions you make (business logic
you are taking into consideration). (90)
16.(a) Create a HTML application with frames, links, tables and other tags that will provide
information about the services provided in Veena Multi Specialty Hospital. State the
assumptions you make (business logic you are taking into consideration). (90)
18.(a) Develop a web application for a Banking System using ASP / JSP pages. Use cookies as
part of the web application. State the assumptions you make (business logic you are
taking into consideration).
19.(a) Develop a web application for a Railway Reservation System using ASP / JSP pages. Use
cookies as part of the web application. State the assumptions you make (business logic
you are taking into consideration). (90)
Note: Your application must access a database.
20. Develop a web service for an airline management and implement the following scenario
using database (100)