Italy Kappa Viscosity Mar14
Italy Kappa Viscosity Mar14
Italy Kappa Viscosity Mar14
Steve Plimpton
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Presentation: SAND2014-2225C
Tackling a new problem with LAMMPS
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6.20 Calculating thermal conductivity
6.21 Calculating viscosity
What is thermal conductivity?
J = T
J = heat flux =
Area time
= thermal conductivity = W / m K
What is viscosity?
Jz (px ) =
= transverse velocity gradient
= shear viscosity
4 methods for computing thermal conductivity
Non-equilibrium methods:
basic idea: induce a temperature gradient or heat flux and
monitor the other quantity
direct thermostatting method of Ikeshoji and Hafskjold
reverse perturbation method of Muller-Plathe
aggregate variant of Muller-Plathe method
Equilibrium method:
Green-Kubo formalism
4 methods for computing thermal conductivity
Non-equilibrium methods:
basic idea: induce a temperature gradient or heat flux and
monitor the other quantity
direct thermostatting method of Ikeshoji and Hafskjold
reverse perturbation method of Muller-Plathe
aggregate variant of Muller-Plathe method
Equilibrium method:
Green-Kubo formalism
Non-equilibrium methods:
basic idea: induce a flow gradient or momentum flux and
monitor the other quantity
drag wall over fluid to induce shear
NEMD shear deformation with SLLOD thermostatting
Muller-Plathe reverse perturbation method
Equilibrium method:
Green-Kubo formalism
auto-correlation of pressure tensor component
4 methods for computing shear viscosity
Non-equilibrium methods:
basic idea: induce a flow gradient or momentum flux and
monitor the other quantity
drag wall over fluid to induce shear
NEMD shear deformation with SLLOD thermostatting
Muller-Plathe reverse perturbation method
Equilibrium method:
Green-Kubo formalism
auto-correlation of pressure tensor component
LAMMPS implementation:
fix langevin using compute temp/region as bias
fix langevin can tally energy each thermostat adds/subtracts
fix ave/spatial monitors resulting temperature gradient
Q z
2Areat T
Script for direct thermostatting method
# heat layers
fix hot all langevin ${thi} ${thi} 1.0 59804 tally yes
fix cold all langevin ${tlo} ${tlo} 1.0 287859 ...
fix modify hot temp Thot
fix modify cold temp Tcold
LAMMPS implementation:
fix thermal/conductivity swaps KE and tallies heat flux
fix ave/spatial monitors induced temperature gradient
Q z
2Areat T
Script for Muller-Plathe reverse method
run 20000
Output for Muller-Plathe reverse method
LAMMPS implementation:
fix heat adds/subtracts KE in a region
fix ave/spatial monitors induced temperature gradient
Q z
2Areat T
Script for variant of Muller-Plathe method
run 20000
Output for variant of Muller-Plathe method
= hJx (0)Jx (t)i dt = hJ(0) J(t)i dt
kB T 2 0 3kB T 2 0
" #
1 X X
J = ei vi Si vi
i i
1 X X
= ei vi + (fij vj ) xij
i i<j
1 X 1 X
= ei vi + (fij (vi + vj )) xij
V 2
i i<j
Green-Kubo method
LAMMPS implementation:
compute heat/flux calculates J tensor
fix ave/correlate performs auto-correlation
variable trap() function performs time integration
Script for Green-Kubo method
run 100000
Output for Green-Kubo method
Direct thermostat 3.41
Muller-Plathe 3.45
M-P with fix heat 3.39
Green-Kubo 3.78
Evans paper 3.3
Experiment agrees with Evans
Comparing the 4 methods for thermal conductivity
Direct thermostat 3.41
Muller-Plathe 3.45
M-P with fix heat 3.39
Green-Kubo 3.78
Evans paper 3.3
Experiment agrees with Evans
LAMMPS methodology:
Rigid, moving wall
Fix addforce can apply load
if desired
Important to thermostat flow
since adding energy
fix langevin on non-sheared
compute temp/profile to
subtract flow profile
Monitor Pxz and velocity
profile of flow
(2) Shearing via deforming box
LAMMPS methodology:
Fix deform for box deformation
Important to thermostat flow
since adding energy
fix nvt/sllod for SLLOD
equations of motion
Evans and Morriss,
Phys Rev A, 30, 1528 (1984)
Monitor Pxz and velocity
profile of flow
insure flow profile agrees
with box deformation
(3) Muller-Plathe reverse perturbation method
Phys Rev E, 59, 4894 (1999)
Define two slabs within
simulation box
J (p ) p v
Find max Vx in one region, z x
max Vx in other region
Fix viscosity swaps momenta of
these 2 atoms (or molecules)
Tally momentum flux due to
Monitor the induced velocity
Reverse of previous methods
(4) Green-Kubo equilibrium method
Moving wall 0.946
Deforming box 1.18
Muller-Plathe 0.997
Green-Kubo 1.07
literature value 1.0
Comparing the 4 methods for viscosity
Moving wall 0.946
Deforming box 1.18
Muller-Plathe 0.997
Green-Kubo 1.07
literature value 1.0