EASD Collective Bargaining Agreement
EASD Collective Bargaining Agreement
EASD Collective Bargaining Agreement
PREAMBLE ..................................................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 1. RECOGNITION ........................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................. 2
ARTICLE 3. DURATION OF AGREEMENT .................................................................... 3
ARTICLE 4. WAGES AND SALARY PROVISIONS ........................................................ 3
ARTICLE 5. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ............................................................................ 10
ARTICLE 6. MILEAGE .................................................................................................. 11
ARTICLE 7. TUITION REIMBURSEMENT ................................................................... 11
ARTICLE 8. SABBATICAL LEAVE................................................................................ 12
ARTICLE 9. PERSONAL DAY LEAVE .......................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 10. MEDICAL DISABILITY LEAVE ............................................................... 15
ARTICLE 11. SICK LEAVE ........................................................................................... 16
ARTICLE 12. CHILD-REARING OR ADOPTIVE LEAVE .............................................. 17
ARTICLE 13. OTHER LEAVES OF ABSENCE ............................................................. 18
ARTICLE 14. PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ....................................................................... 19
ARTICLE 15. TAX SHELTERED ANNUITY PROGRAM............................................... 21
ARTICLE 16. RETIREMENT ......................................................................................... 21
ARTICLE 17. TIME AND FACILITIES FOR ASSOCIATION USE ................................. 22
ARTICLE 18. HEALTH AND SAFETY........................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 19. PLANNING TIME .................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 20. JOB SECURITY AND JOB PROGRESSION .......................................... 24
ARTICLE 22. NO LOCKOUT - NO STRIKE .................................................................. 25
ARTICLE 23. NON-DISCRIMINATION ......................................................................... 25
ARTICLE 24. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ................................................................... 25
ARTICLE 25. WAIVERS................................................................................................ 30
APPENDIX A - ANNUAL SALARY SCHEDULES ......................................................... 31
The primary goal of both parties to this Agreement, the Ephrata Area School
Board and the Ephrata Area Education Association, is the improvement of
educational opportunities offered the youth of the Ephrata Area School District.
This constitutes a public trust equally binding upon the members of the
professional staff and the members of the School Board. In entering into this
Agreement, both parties affirm their intent to work together toward this common
This Agreement defines numerous relationships between the board and the
bargaining unit consistent with the provisions of Act 195 and Act 88.
WITNESSETH: Whereas, the parties have reached certain understandings which
they desire to confirm in the Agreement; and whereas, it is the intent of the parties,
their agents, servants and representatives to treat each other fairly and
reasonably; therefore, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is
hereby agreed as follows.
Both parties assert that this Agreement does state the terms and conditions to
which each party agrees to be bound and that this Agreement has been arrived at
on a voluntary basis without undue or unlawful coercion or force by either party.
This Agreement does not apply to new positions that may be added to the
bargaining unit and that have not historically been recognized as part of the
bargaining unit. The parties shall negotiate wages, terms and conditions of
employment, which shall apply to new positions.
2.1. Employee: The term "employee" as used in this Agreement shall mean
bargaining unit member.
2.2. Substitutes
2.3. School year: "School year" is the period of July 1 through the following June 30.
2.4. School term: "School term" is the period beginning not before August 15 and
ending the following June, during which the schools are officially open.
2.6. Basic Work Year: The "Basic Work Year" ("BWY") shall be a total of one hundred
ninety (190) days. The BWY shall be set within a school calendar as determined
by the School Board.
2.7. Basic Work Day:
2.7.1. The "Basic Work Day" ("BWD") shall be determined by the Employer, but
in no event shall the length of the normal day exceed seven (7) hours
and fifty (50) minutes including a thirty (30) minute lunch period as
required by state law. The starting and ending times of the BWD may be
altered by the administration to accommodate conditions unique to a
particular school.
2.7.2. Staff meetings beyond the Basic Work Day may be called by the building
principal or other district administrators as needed, provided that such
meetings are limited to one (1) per month during the term of the school
year, each with a maximum duration of one (1) hour. Meetings may
include, but are not limited to, staff development, staff meetings, training,
team meetings, scheduled IEP meetings, departmental meetings,
individual or departmental curriculum development or other professional
duties that the District Administration deems appropriate. Meetings may
not be called in the months of August and June.
This Agreement shall be effective, upon ratification by the parties, for the period of
July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2022, or until such later date as the two parties
may hereinafter agree is to be the extended ending date. Any such extended date
shall be evidenced by an amendment to this Agreement, to which both parties
shall signify their approval by placing their signatures thereon.
Both parties agree to open discussions for a new contract prior to January 10,
4.1. The salary schedules for the 2018-2019 through 2021-2022 school years are set
forth in Appendix A of this Agreement and apply only to full-time employees who
are employed for a Basic Work Year (BWY) and Basic Work Day (BWD). The
BWY is specified in section 2.6 of this Agreement.
4.1.1. If any full-time employee is employed for more than a Basic Work Year,
that employee's salary shall be adjusted by an addition of the employee's
per diem salary for each day worked beyond the Basic Work Year. The
Employer shall determine whether employees shall work more than the
Basic Work Year. The Employer shall notify employees on or before
May 1 if they will be required to work an extended contract for the next
school year. The notice shall specify the number of days.
4.1.2. If any full-time employee works less than the Basic Work Year without
being on an approved paid leave, the employee's salary shall be
adjusted by a deduction of the employee's per diem salary for each day
less than the Basic Work Year worked.
4.2. The salary schedules shall be adjusted and applied to part-time employees and
long-term substitutes in accordance with the applicable formula below:
4.2.1. For employees who work a full BWD but less than a BWY, the salary
schedule shall be adjusted as follows:
4.2.2. For employees who work a full BWY but less than a BWD, the salary
schedule shall be adjusted as follows:
4.2.3. For employees who work less than a BWD and less than a BWY, the
salary schedule shall be adjusted as follows:
# days worked per year x # hours worked per day x salary schedule
# days of BWY 7.83 hours
4.3. The Employer has the right to determine the initial placement of an employee on
the salary schedule.
4.4. These salary schedules will supersede all prior salary schedules or guides of the
Ephrata Area School District but will not be construed to deal negatively with past
contractual arrangements entered into between present employees and the
Ephrata Area School Board.
4.5. An employee who works less than a Basic Work Day (BWD) and/or less than a
Basic Work Year (BWY) shall be given credit for a full year at the beginning of the
next school year following the completion of the equivalent to fifty-six point six
percent (56.6%) of the hours of a BWY.
4.6.1 For courses completed and for which the employee was credited for
salary schedule placement prior to July 1, 2018, the term credit shall be
interpreted as graduate credit except as otherwise approved by the
Superintendent, except as follows:
4 All credits applied for salary purposes in the following columns
must be approved graduate credits that qualify for a graduate
degree at the university: Masters +15, Masters +30, Masters
+45, Masters +60, and Doctorate. All credits applied for salary purposes must be earned from an
accredited college or university, must be a graduate level
course, and requires regular direct communication between the
individual course instructor and the employee. The employee
must have prior approval by the Superintendent or designee.
4.6.2 For courses completed and for which the employee is credited on or after
July 1, 2018, the term credit shall be interpreted as graduate credit and
must meet all of the following criteria:
4.6.3 The employee must have prior MyLearningPlan approval by the Assistant
Superintendent in order to receive credit for advancement on the salary
bargaining unit employed in a non-instructional or specialized field shall be
subject to all the terms and conditions as set forth in Article 4.6 above;
provided, however, that any such employee under this section who already
possesses a Masters Degree in his/her specialty shall not be limited to
taking courses that are part of a Masters Degree program in order to
qualify for advanced salary credit above the Masters Degree column on the
applicable salary schedule. These courses will require advanced approval
by the Superintendent.
4.7. Pay periods shall be bi-weekly with salary being calculated over 26 or 27 pay
periods. Employees may select one of the following options:
The Employer shall provide a form on which the employee shall select the pay
option. This selection shall remain in effect until the employee submits a new
option or this benefit changes. All changes must be submitted to the Business
Office no later than July 1 preceding the year in which the new pay option is to
take effect.
4.8. The Employer agrees to pay the following hourly rate to employees who are
approved to perform homebound instruction, curriculum writing projects, professional
development activities, and summer school teaching assignments all beyond the
Basic Work Day and/or Basic Work Year. The hourly rate will be as follows.
The curriculum rate is calculated each year based on the hourly per diem rate of
B, Step 1 as follows: [(Base Salary at Step 1, B column) / (Number of Contract
Days per year)] / (Length of a Contract Day, including lunch).
Mileage will be paid from the employee's base school to the student's location and
back for homebound instruction.
4.9. The Employer agrees to pay a yearly sum that is listed below to each employee
who is appointed as a mentor by the School Board under the Ephrata Area School
District Induction Plan. This sum shall cover additional work required during the
Basic Work Year and up to two (2) days beyond the Basic Work Year. Section
4.1.1 shall not apply to these first two (2) days.
The Employer agrees to pay a yearly sum that is listed below to each employee
who is appointed as an orientation mentor by the School Board under the Ephrata
Area School District Induction Plan.
Mentors shall receive fifty (50) percent of the above rates for the initial nine (9)
weeks of mentor duties. Mentors who perform mentor duties for more than nine (9)
weeks, but less than a full year, shall receive pay on a pro-rated basis for all days
after the ninth week.
4.10. The Employer agrees to negotiate with the Association compensations for other
extra contracted and/or support services, which it requires employees to perform.
4.11. The Employer agrees to pay the following yearly sum to each employee who is
appointed as an elementary subject area chairperson:
4.12. The Employer agrees to pay the following yearly sum to each employee who is
appointed as a grade-level leader:
4.13. The Employer agrees to pay the following yearly sum to each employee who is
appointed as a technology leader:
4.14.1. The Employer may, but shall not be required to, schedule and provide
optional staff development workshops, programs, and curriculum
development activities. Employees may fulfill part or all of the
requirements for these flexible staff development days by attending such
School District programs.
4.14.2. Employees may fulfill part or all of the requirements for these flexible
staff development days by attending education workshops, programs, or
learning activities for professional school employees at times or days
outside of the school calendar, provided such are approved in advance
by the Superintendent or his designee. Such outside activities may be
taken in minimum increments of one-half (1/2) day.
4.14.5. Activities including, but not limited to, the following will be approved:
1. Activities provided by the District and approved for use as a flex day.
4.14.7. Records day is for employees to focus on student educational planning,
including reviewing student files and records, analysis of grades and test
results, preparation for upcoming units of study, curriculum preparation,
progress monitoring of lEPs and IST plans, development of
individualized classroom instruction, planning for students
developmental programs, and developing classroom management plans.
This does not include Employer scheduled parent meetings.
4.14.8. Teachers will prepare and submit to the building principal one (1)
summary report of activities completed for each separate/District activity.
4.15. New staff will participate in three (3) District-directed staff development days
intended to be at the beginning of the school year but shall be at discretion of
4.15.1. During the school year for new and non-tenured staff beginning with the
staff hired for the 2018-2019 school year, the Employer may schedule an
additional four (4) sessions, each up to two and one quarter (2 1/4)
4.16. The Employer will pay for the instruction of staff development programs and
courses when such work is not part of the employee's regular job duties and
occurs outside of the BWD and BWY. The Superintendent or his/her designee
must approve professional staff interested in teaching staff development programs
and courses to be taught. All approvals, including the number of teaching and
reimbursement hours, must be approved prior to registration and/or teaching of the
course. If all approvals are not received in writing in advance, there shall be no
payment. The hourly rate will be in accordance with Section 4.8 of this
4.16.1. For programs and courses taught outside the BWD/BWY, the Employer
will pay for every hour of direct instruction and two hours of preparation
per hour of teaching courses taught for the first time by the instructor. For
courses taught a second time or more times, the Employer will pay for
every hour of direct instruction and one hour of preparation per hour of
4.16.2. For programs and courses taught within the BWD/BWY, the Employer
will pay for one hour of preparation per hour of teaching.
4.17. The Employer agrees to pay each special education teacher and each elementary
gifted teacher his/her own per diem rate for three (3) additional days annually for
extra duties required by such positions. This amount shall be in lieu of any
additional amounts previously paid for such position or required by statute.
4.18. Yearly day-to-day substitutes will be paid a per diem rate equal to seventy (70)
percent of the per diem rate for a professional employee at B, Step 1. (The per
diem rate for B, Step 1 shall equal the annual rate divided by the total number of
days in a BWY.) Yearly day-to-day substitutes shall not receive benefits. For
yearly day-to-day substitutes who work less than a full day, the above per diem
rate shall be pro-rated accordingly.
5.1. The parties agree that other employee benefits to be provided under the
Agreement are accurately reflected in Appendix C attached to and made a part of
this Agreement; however, no matter respecting the provisions of any employee
group insurance plan and/or any employee's dependents insurance plan or the
application or interpretation of same, including the settlement or payment of
claims, shall be subject to the grievance procedure included in this Agreement.
The exclusive process by which employees can appeal claims and UCR (Usual,
Customary, and Reasonable) determinations is provided through the Lincoln
Benefit Trust. The specific process shall be outlined in the benefit plan booklets
provided by the Employer.
5.2. The Employer agrees that the Association shall be represented by two (2)
bargaining unit members on the Employers Health Care Committee. Currently the
District is represented by three (3) Trustees on the Lincoln Benefit Trust; the
Employer agrees that the Association shall be represented by one (1) bargaining
unit member as one of these three (3) Trustees.
5.3. The Employer agrees to provide plan booklets that define all benefits and claim
procedures for medical, dental and life insurance. Furthermore, all benefit change
or changes in conditions shall be reflected in writing and distributed to all
employees within thirty (30) days of the effective date of change.
5.4. If the District could be required to pay any excise taxes or other such additional
penalties under federal health insurance statutes and regulations based on the
insurance benefits provided by the District (referred to as excise taxes), then the
parties shall immediately negotiate in good faith changes to the health insurance
plan or other related benefits to prevent the imposition of such excise taxes, to be
effective January 1, 2022 (or the effective date of such excise taxes). The
premium rates determined by the health plan administrator shall be used in
calculating the cost of the health insurance benefits under the federal statute and
If plan changes are required to avoid the imposition of any such excise taxes, then
the parties shall also negotiate how to apply any net savings in premium rates as a
result of such plan changes, with the intent that such savings shall be applied for
the benefit of the employees through enhanced benefits in other health insurances
that will not affect the excise taxes calculation (for example, dental or vision
insurances), or through reduced employee premium contributions.
Employees who are required by the Employer to use their personal automobile
shall be reimbursed at the IRS rate that is in effect on the date that the employee
is required to use his or her vehicle.
7.1. As of September 1, for courses started after that date, a maximum payment
equivalent to the highest per graduate credit charge of Millersville, Penn State, and
Temple University will be paid up to a maximum of twelve (12) credits per year up
to and including the completion of a Masters Degree, once a Masters Degree has
been earned reimbursement will be paid up to a maximum of nine (9) credits per
year. Employees completing a sabbatical will be reimbursed for the 12 required
The reimbursement is for the cost of tuition or the equivalent of the cost of tuition
for approved I.U. 13 courses and such other courses for which reimbursement
may be made pursuant to 7.2.2. The costs of registration, deferred payment,
books, transportation, meals, laboratory, and other fees will not be refunded.
7.2. Tuition or equivalent cost reimbursement will be made four (4) times a year on a
schedule to be determined by the Superintendent to professional employees who:
7.2.2. Complete courses that will, in the opinion of the Superintendent, improve
the employee's skill or knowledge relating to present teaching
responsibilities, including courses approved for certification purposes
(including a maximum of nine in-service credits), pursuant to regulations
and approved by the I.U. 13 In-Service Council and the Department of
Education for certification by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
7.2.3. Professional staff members who are completing coursework after earning
a Masters Degree may use one (1) course from an Approved Third Party
provider for up to three (3) credits of their nine (9) eligible for
by the Human Resources Department.
7.2.6. Failure to return to employment for one full calendar year following
course completion shall result in full tuition reimbursement forfeiture.
Failure to return to employment for two full calendar years following
course completion shall result in fifty percent (50%) tuition
reimbursement forfeiture. If a professional employee receives payment
for credits and fails to complete one full school semester following course
completion, the amount of payment shall be withheld from the
employees final paycheck. The provisions of this subparagraph shall
not apply to a professional employee who fails to return to employment
because of his/her death, disability, retirement, furlough, or other
reason(s) approved by the Superintendent.
7.3. Approval of a course of study and tuition reimbursement does not constitute or
imply a guarantee of advancement in salary or classification.
7.4. All class work and study, except research work or projects involving pupils or staff
within the District for which prior written approval has been requested from and
granted by the employee's building principal and the Superintendent, must be
done outside of the employee's regular work hours. Such education must not
interfere with the proper performance of the employee's assigned duties and
7.5. Long-term substitutes must be employed as such in the semester of approval and
the semester of reimbursement to be eligible for this reimbursement.
8.1. The sabbatical leave program will be the program mandated by the Pennsylvania
School Code, Sections 1166 -1171, for full-time employees.
8.2. Employees who qualify for a sabbatical leave under Paragraph 8.1 may apply for a
sabbatical leave for study for one semester at one-hundred (100) percent of their
base salary in lieu of two semesters at 50% of their base salary.
8.2.2. To qualify for this leave, employees must enroll and complete twelve (12)
credits of course work in approved graduate study and are exempt from
the credit limit described in article 7.1 above.
8.3. The number of leaves shall be granted in accordance with provisions of Sections
1166 -1170 of the Public School Code as amended except as otherwise limited by
Paragraph 8.2.
8.3.1. In the event that more than five (5) percent in any building or an
aggregate in excess of ten (10) percent of eligible professionals apply for
a sabbatical leave, the Superintendent may use these percentages as
8.3.2. The Superintendent's discretion is limited to one right of refusal for any
individual, unless there are repeated requests in excess of the five (5)
percent per building and ten (10) percent eligibility requirements.
8.4. Employees on sabbatical leave shall receive hospitalization and health insurance,
life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, and dental
insurance; however, they shall not receive any other benefits, nor shall they
accrue any benefits (other than what is mandated by the Pennsylvania School
Code); provided, however, that employees on approved sabbatical leaves for
study will be eligible for tuition reimbursement under Article 7 of this Agreement.
8.5. The deadline for employees to apply for this leave is January 30 prior to the year
of the requested leave; the Employer agrees to reply to Sabbatical Leave requests
by March 31.
9.1. The Employer agrees to provide three (3) Personal Leave Days per school year
with pay cumulative to a maximum of five (5) for each full-time employee and part-
time employee. For employees who work less than a Basic Work Day, the length
of a Personal Leave Day shall be equal to the length of the contracted day. Long-
term substitutes who work less than a Basic Work Year shall receive one (1)
Personal Day per semester worked.
9.1.1. Employees will be paid at the per-diem day-to-day substitute rate for any
and all unused Personal Days in excess of two (2) days remaining in
their account at the close of a school term in June before the employees
become eligible for another allotment of three (3) personal leave days
each August.
9.2. The Personal Leave Day may never be used in advance of the school year in
which said Personal Leave Day is earned.
9.3. Personal Leave Days may not be used during the first five (5) student days and
the last five (5) student days of school, on Staff Development full or half days or on
Parent-Teacher Conferences.
9.4. At least seventy-two (72) hours notice must be given for Personal Leave Days
before or after any school vacation or if more than one Personal Day is to be taken
at one time. For all other Personal Day requests, the employee must notify the
building principal at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. The only exception to
this is in the event of an emergency for one of the reasons listed in subsections
9.4.1 through 9.4.8 below which prevents the above required notice or requires
use during the first five (5) or last five (5) student days. The principal will then grant
the use of a Personal Day (whole or half-day) for an emergency reason, but the
total number of persons approved for Personal Days under this situation may not
be more than one (1) more than the maximum number approved for regular
Personal Days for the given building.
9.4.4. Illness of employee when all sick leave has been used and prior to
application of Income Protection Plan.
9.4.5. Entering, return to, or arrival home from military service by son, daughter,
husband or wife.
9.4.8. One day per year to accompany son or daughter to or from school
outside of Lancaster County when it cannot be scheduled on nonworking
9.5. On any given day, the number of persons granted a regular Personal Leave Day
may not exceed more than one (1) in buildings with 1 to 10 teachers, more than
two (2) in buildings with 11 to 20 teachers, more than three (3) in buildings with 21
to 30 teachers, or more than four (4) in buildings with 31 or more teachers.
Personal Days of an emergency nature may be granted as listed in Paragraph 9.4
Regular Emergency
Buildings with Personal Day Personal Day
1 - 10 Teachers one + 1
11 - 20 Teachers two + 1
21 - 30 Teachers three + 1
9.6. For employees who work a Basic Work Day, a Personal Leave Day shall be
considered one full day, not two half days.
10.1. Leaves of absence for medical disability may be requested by full-time employees
and regular part-time employees who work at least eight hundred and sixty (860)
hours per school term. Pregnancy and child-bearing related medical disabilities
shall be treated the same as any other medical disability.
10.2. An employee granted medical leave must use accumulated sick leave and
Personal Leave. Otherwise, medical leave shall be unpaid.
10.3. The employee must present written certification from a physician that the
employee is disabled from work, which certification must indicate the nature of the
disability, the date it began (or the expected date it will begin), and the expected
date it will end.
The Employer may reasonably require the employee to submit physicians'
statements during the period of disability.
10.4. An employee on medical disability leave for thirty (30) or less school days shall
continue to accrue and be entitled to use all benefits.
10.5. An employee on medical disability leave for more than thirty (30) days shall
continue to receive hospitalization insurance, dental insurance, life insurance,
accidental death and dismemberment insurance, and income protection insurance,
until the exhaustion of paid sick leave and paid personal leave; provided, however,
that employees on approved FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) leave shall be
covered by the District FMLA Policy.
10.6. An employee shall receive credit for step movement on the salary schedules for all
days paid as sick leave or personal leave.
10.7. Medical disability leaves shall terminate two (2) years after commencement of the
leave or at the expiration of income protection payments (for those eligible for
income protection), whichever is later.
10.8. No other benefits shall accrue or be granted during medical disability leaves, other
than those set forth above.
No benefit shall accrue or be granted during unpaid medical leave except that the
employee may continue participation in the group hospitalization, dental, and life
insurance plans by submitting to the District Business Office the full cost (100% of
premiums) of such plans during the time of leave; provided, however, that
employees on approved FMLA leave shall be covered by the District FMLA policy.
10.9. By mutual agreement, the Employer and the Association may agree to extend an
employee's unpaid leave to the end of a semester.
The Employer accepts the sick leave program as mandated in the Pennsylvania
School Code of 1949, Section 1154, as the sick leave policy for full-time
employees covered by this Agreement.
Part-time employees and long-term substitutes shall earn one day of paid sick
leave for each eighteen (18) day period actually worked, up to a maximum of ten
(10) sick days per school year. Sick leave may be accumulated from year to year
during uninterrupted service with the Employer; however, there shall be no
accumulation or carry over of unused sick leave after a break in service; nor may a
part-time employee or long-term substitute transfer unused sick leave from prior
12.2.1. Each employee desiring child rearing leave shall submit a request at
least sixty (60) days prior to expected delivery by completion of forms,
which can be obtained from the Office of the Superintendent;
12.2.2. When submitting the form for the Employer's approval, the employee
shall include a statement from the employee's physician concerning the
expected date of the child's birth;
12.2.3. The duration of such leave, at the employee's election made at the time
of application for leave, shall be permitted as follows:
12.2.4. No benefits shall accrue or be granted during the period the employee is
on child rearing leave except that the employee may continue
participation in the group hospitalization, dental, and life insurance plans
by submitting to the District Business Office the full cost (100% of
premiums) of such plans during the time of leave; provided, however,
that employees on approved FMLA leave shall be covered by the District
FMLA policy.
12.2.5. The child-rearing leave shall be available, subject to the conditions listed
above, to both female and male employees in accordance with state and
federal law.
12.3. Adoptive Leave
12.3.1. An employee adopting a child four (4) years of age or younger at the
date of adoption and requesting an unpaid adoptive leave shall notify the
Superintendent in writing of the intent to adopt at the time formal
application for adoption is made;
12.3.2. Such leave shall be granted, to commence no later than the time the
employee receives custody of the child, or prior to such custody if
necessary to fulfill the requirements of the adoption;
12.3.3. Adoptive leave shall terminate on the second July 1 following adoption
unless sooner terminated upon written application by the employee, and
upon consultation with the Superintendent with the approval of the
School Board; written application must be submitted at least sixty (60)
days prior to the return of said employee;
12.3.4. No benefits shall accrue or be granted during the period the employee is
on adoptive leave, except that the employee may continue participation
in the group hospitalization, dental, and life insurance plans by
submitting to the District Business Office the full cost (100% of
premiums) of such plans during the time of leave; provided, however,
that employees on approved FMLA leave shall be covered by the District
FMLA policy.
12.4. All leaves must be approved in advance by the Superintendent and the School
13.1.2. The above provisions are in accordance with the current Family and
Medical Leave Act and its amendments. Any changes to the existing law
will change this leave and policy, if required by law.
13.2.2. If an employee is paid sick leave and it is determined that the employee
is eligible for workers' compensation benefits, the employee must
reimburse the Employer for sick leave paid in excess of that allowed in
Paragraph 13.2.1.
13.4. No other leaves shall be granted except those mandated by the Pennsylvania
School Code of 1949 (such as sick leave, bereavement leave, sabbatical leave) or
those mentioned previously in this Agreement, unless approved in advance by the
Superintendent and the School Board.
14.1. The Ephrata Area Education Association shall indemnify and save the Ephrata
Area School District, the School Board, their agents, successors, and assigns
harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, judgments, attachments, and
any other form of liability that shall arise out of or by reason or action taken by the
foregoing for the purpose of complying with this provision for payroll deductions.
14.2. The Ephrata Area School District agrees to forward payroll deductions to the
appropriate payee within thirty (30) days of the deduction from payroll.
The Employer agrees to authorize payroll deduction for dues (E.A.E.A., P.S.E.A.,
and N.E.A.) according to a schedule agreed to by the parties.
14.4. Deductions will be made in one of five (5) amounts to be determined by the
E.A.E.A. President, who will notify the Superintendent of these amounts by July 1
of each year.
14.5. The Ephrata Area Education Association must submit the original signed payroll
deductions requests for association members, plus an alphabetical listing of all
persons requesting deductions, to the District Payroll Office by the first Monday in
October. The Ephrata Area Education Association may submit signed original
payroll deductions requests for new employees in the thirty (30) school day period
following the employee's report to work.
14.6. Fair Share Provision
Fair share shall be implemented for each school year in which the percentage of
members of the bargaining unit who are voluntarily paying (either directly or by
dues deductions) the Associations dues is at a minimum the percentage shown in
the schedule below. The number of members of the bargaining unit used to
determine the required minimum percentage shall be established annually each
October 1. The District shall deduct from each non-member in the bargaining unit
represented by the Association an amount annually certified by the Association as
the fair share fee, as provided for by Act 84 of 1988. The Board and the
Association agree to extend to all non-members the opportunity to join the
Non-members with bona fide religious objections to a fair share fee may direct the
Association to contribute their agency fee to a non-religious charity. The
Associations escrow agent shall provide verification of said payment to any
affected non-member once the total agency fee obligation has been fully satisfied
via payroll deduction.
The District and the Association agree to comply with all the provisions of the said
The fair share fee shall not be greater than the amount of dues uniformly required
of members of the bargaining unit.
Deductions shall be made (a) on the same date as deductions for those members
of the bargaining unit who have authorized, in writing, dues deductions, under
Paragraph 14.5 of the current negotiated agreement, during the time such
deductions are required to be made, and (b) be in the proportionate amount that
the fair share fee bears to the amount deducted from those persons who have
authorized deductions.
If any legal action is brought against the District as a result of any actions it is
requested to perform by the Association pursuant to this Article, the Association
agrees to provide for the defense of the District at the Associations expense and
through counsel selected by the Association.
The District agrees to give the Association immediate notice of any such legal
action brought against it and agrees to cooperate fully with the Association in the
defense of the case. If the District does not fully cooperate with the Association,
any obligation of the Association to provide a defense under this Article shall
The Association agrees, in any action so defended, to indemnify and hold the
District harmless for any monetary damages the District might be liable, as a
consequence of its compliance with this Article; except that it is expressly
understood that this save harmless provision will not apply to any legal action that
may arise as a result of any willful misconduct or the failure by the District to
properly perform its obligation under this Article.
The Employer agrees to make available the possibility for payroll reduction as
provided under Section 403(b) and Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1954 as amended. The Employer assumes only the responsibility of making the
payroll reduction but only after the company has properly qualified under School
District policy and the employee has provided the District Payroll Secretary with an
original properly signed request for payroll reduction form. The E.A.E.A. and the
employee requesting the payroll reduction shall indemnify and save the Ephrata
Area School District, the School Board, their agents, successors, and assigns
harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, judgments, attachments, and
any other form of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken by the
foregoing for the purpose of complying with this provision for payroll reductions.
No new tax sheltered annuity companies will be considered unless there is a
minimum of six (6) employees requesting a tax sheltered annuity deduction from
that company. All programs must comply with the District hold harmless
16.1. A special retirement payment will be provided for full-time employees who meet all
of the following prerequisites and conditions:
16.1.1. A special retirement payment will be provided for any full-time employee
who has completed a minimum of fifteen (15) years of professional
educational service in the field of public education, with ten (10) years of
that service being rendered as a professional employee of the Ephrata
Area School District and who notifies the Superintendent in writing of
his/her intent to retire on or before February 1 of the year in which he/she
intends to retire, or at least one hundred-fifty (150) calendar days, before
the effective date of his/her retirement.
16.1.2. The special retirement payment is calculated using the rate listed below
times the number of years of actual teaching service credited with
PSERS in the field of public education.
Rate Schedule:
2018 2022 - $180 per year teaching PSERS service
16.1.3. In addition to the special retirement payment amount set forth above, full-
time employees who have completed a minimum of twenty (20) years of
professional educational service in the Ephrata Area School District and
who meet all other requirements established above shall be
compensated using the rate schedule listed below per year of Ephrata
Area School District teaching service.
Rate Schedule:
2018 2022 - $100 per year teaching service in the Ephrata Area School
16.2. The foregoing special payment shall be paid in a single payment to an employee
403(b) or similar retirement account in June of the year in which the professional
employee retires. Disabled employees will be paid following retirement.
16.3. To qualify for any of the above special payments, the retiring employee must be
planning to use the benefits provided by the Public School Employees Retirement
System immediately upon retirement.
16.4. Any payments received under Paragraph 16.1 shall not be considered as part of
the employee's annual salary in the year of retirement for purposes of computing
retirement benefits.
16.5. A voluntary retirement shall be defined as one that is initiated by the professional
employee, as opposed to one which is reasonably required by the Employer for
reasons other than mental or physical illness.
16.6. Full-time employees who retire and have met the notification prerequisites of
Paragraph 16.1 shall be paid for unused sick days according to the following
Any full-time employee who has completed a minimum of fifteen (15) years of
professional service in the Ephrata Area School District shall be paid according to
the following rate schedule for a maximum of two hundred-fifty (250) days of
accumulated sick leave as of the end of his/her last school semester worked.
Rate schedule:
2018 2022 - $55 per day
17.1. The Employer agrees to permit the utilization of time and facilities by the E.A.E.A.
membership as follows:
The Association may use a maximum of eight (8) school days (no more than four
(4) of which may be taken at any one time) per school year for employees to
attend meetings or workshops (including the Pennsylvania State Education
Association and the National Education Association conventions) subject to the
following provisions:
17.1.1. Approval of each school day must be obtained from the Superintendent
at least five (5) school days prior to the desired use of such school
17.1.2. The Association will reimburse the School District the amount of the
current per diem substitute salary per day for each employee
participating in the meeting or workshop set forth in Paragraph 17.1;
17.1.3. Employees will not lose the regular reimbursement for the school day(s)
17.2. In each school, space on a bulletin board used by the faculty and not in general
view of pupils or the public may be utilized for E.A.E.A. notices. This must be
arranged with and approved by the building principal.
17.3. The Association may utilize the teachers' mailboxes to distribute communications
but may not ask the assistance of pupils or clerical or administrative personnel
either for delivery of mail or for stuffing of mailboxes. All postage for Association
mail shall be provided by the E.A.E.A.
17.4. The Association may place files in the area used by the President. The files are to
be provided by the Association. The Association agrees not to use the time or
services of pupils for performance of Association business.
17.5. The Association agrees not to use the time or services of non-instructional District
personnel during school hours.
17.6. The Association shall not use the School District mailing address but shall obtain
its own post office box at the expense of the Association.
The parties agree to meet and discuss concerning health and safety.
as preparation time when necessary to provide coverage; provided, however, that
in the event this occurs more than one (1) time per month and the teacher does
not otherwise receive at least 225 minutes of preparation time that week, the
teacher will receive additional compensation at the same rate as the curriculum
writing rate (prorated) for the lost preparation time (the time less than 225 minutes
for that week). The daily preparation time set forth above shall not apply in cases
of less than a full Basic Work Day, or when there is less than a regular work week
of five Basic Work Days; in such cases the District shall continue to make
appropriate adjustments.
The Employer and the Association understand and agree that if any part of this
Agreement is in conflict with any existing or future federal or state law or
regulation, that portion which is in conflict shall be invalid and the applicable
federal or state law or regulation shall prevail and the remainder of this Agreement
shall continue in full force and effect unaffected thereby.
Any provisions of this Agreement which require the approval or consent of any
federal or state government agency shall not become effective until such approval
or consent has been received by the Employer and then shall be made effective
according to the terms and consistent with, but not in excess of, the applicable
provisions contained in this Agreement.
Should any federal or state law be enacted and put into effect during the term of
this Agreement providing benefits paralleling any of those contained herein and
imposing the costs upon the Employer, then and to that extent only, such
paralleling benefits provided herein and imposing the costs upon the Employer
shall become inoperative and canceled in any policies of insurance or provisions
of the Agreement, and the Employer shall be relieved of the cost thereof in order
to avoid duplication of insurance costs or any other costs to the Employer,
provided that total benefits shall continue at, but in no way exceed, levels provided
for in this Agreement.
The Employer will not conduct a lockout of employees during the term of this
Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, no officer or member of the
Ephrata Area Education Association, individually or collectively, under any
circumstances will encourage, condone, permit, or take part in any picketing, work
stoppage, absence from work, slow down, strike, or any other curtailment or
interference with the operation of the School District in or about its physical
facilities, property, or equipment or the shipment or receipt of materials or the
ingress or egress of persons or materials. The Employer continues to have the
right to actions and causes of action, in law or in equity, for the recovery of losses
and damages arising out of any breach or violation of this section, and nothing in
this Agreement shall be, or shall be interpreted to be a waiver, bar, or release of
any such rights. The jurisdiction of the arbitrator appointed to resolve a grievance
arising out of any breach, violation, or alleged breach or alleged violation of this
section shall be limited solely to the question of whether or not the employee did,
in fact, engage in any form of conduct or activity expressly or impliedly prohibited
by this section.
It is in the interest of the general public and in the interest of the school children
that both the Employer and employees serve that grievances be reconciled and
disposed of as expeditiously as is possible.
(1) If the parties cannot voluntarily agree upon the selection of an arbitrator, the
parties shall notify the Bureau of Mediation of the inability to do so. The
Bureau of Mediation shall then submit to the parties the names of seven
arbitrators. Each party shall alternately strike a name until one name
remains. The public Employer shall strike the first name. The person
remaining shall be the arbitrator.
(2) The costs of arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties. Fees paid to
arbitrators shall be based on a schedule established by the Bureau of
1970, July 23, P.L. 563, No. 195, art. IX, Section 903.
24.2. Purpose
The parties to this Agreement agree that an orderly and expeditious resolution of
grievances arising out of the interpretation of the terms of this Agreement shall
provide for a five (5) step process which is described in the following paragraphs
and the table attached hereto.
24.3. Definitions
24.4. Procedure
24.4.3. Grievance File - The Employer and the Association shall maintain a
grievance file in which copies of all grievances and decisions relating
thereto shall be kept. Grievances and decisions shall not be kept in an
individual grievant's personnel file.
Step I -The person or persons initiating the alleged grievance shall first discuss
the matter with their first level supervisor (secondary department supervisor or
elementary principal) within seven (7) school days after its occurrence. Both shall
make an honest effort to resolve the matter. The first level supervisor shall give the
employee(s) alleging a grievance a verbal reply within seven (7) school days from
the date of the foregoing discussion. Any alleged grievance not discussed with the
first level supervisor within seven (7) school days after the occurrence shall be
deemed to have been waived and shall not thereafter be considered.
Step II - If the action in Step I above fails to resolve the grievance to the
satisfaction of the affected party(s), the person(s) initiating the alleged grievance
shall present the grievance in writing to the High School Principal, Middle School
Principal, or Elementary Assistant Superintendent, depending on the first level
supervision initially involved, within ten (10) school days after the reply given in
response to the discussion in Step I above. A copy of the grievance shall also be
presented to the Association Grievance Committee. The person(s) submitting a
written grievance shall receive a written reply to same within ten (10) school days
of the date it was submitted to the High School Principal, Middle School Principal
or Elementary Assistant Superintendent, depending on the first level supervision
initially involved.
Step III - If the action in Step II above fails to resolve the grievance to the
satisfaction of the affected party(s), the grievance shall be referred to the
Superintendent within ten (10) school days of the date of the written reply thereof
at Step II. The Superintendent shall give the affected person(s) a written reply to
the grievance within ten (10) school days of the date of the receipt of same.
Step IV - If the action in Step III above fails to resolve the grievance to the
satisfaction of the affected party(s), the grievance shall be referred to the Board of
Education within ten (10) school days of the date of the Superintendent's written
reply. The grievance shall be considered by the Board of Education at the next
official School Board meeting. Action shall be taken in not more than ten (10)
school days following the meeting at which the grievance is submitted.
Step V - If the action in Step IV above fails to resolve the grievance to the
satisfaction of the affected party(s), within ten (10) school days of the date of the
written reply of the Board of Education, the grievance may be referred to binding
arbitration as provided in Section 903 of the Act upon the written request of either
the Association or the Board. If the grievance fails to meet the criteria of Section
903 of the Act, the decision of the Board of Education in Step IV shall be final; or, if
the action in Step IV fails to resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the affected
party(s) and is not referred to arbitration as provided in Section 903 of the Act
within ten (10) school days of the Board of Education's written reply thereto, the
grievance shall be deemed waived or resolved pursuant to the Board of
Education's written reply.
24.7. Rights of Concerned Parties
24.7.2. End of Year Grievance - A grievance arising at or near the end of the
school year must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the
last day of the school year and shall be processed pursuant to the
grievance procedure in effect at the time the grievance first arose. Both
parties may mutually agree in writing to compress the time limits
applicable to each step of the grievance procedure so as to expedite the
resolution of year end or summertime grievances. The parties may also
mutually agree in writing to extend the time periods for factors such as
vacation, etc. A summertime grievance may be filed directly with the
Superintendent in writing at Step III. Summertime grievances arising out
of a salary notification letter shall be deemed to have occurred on the
first payday in September of that school year and may be filed directly
with the Superintendent in writing at Step III.
IV. Final decision by the Board of Education, except when At next official
the parties to such an agreement are required by School Board
Section 903 of Act 195 to go to binding arbitration for meeting
resolution of such a grievance. Decision by the School
Board shall be made in not more than ten (10) school
days from time of official board meeting in which
grievance has first been presented.
Year Top Step B B+15 B+30 ME M M+15 M+30 M+45 M+60 D
1 17 1 50,693 51,074 51,456 52,274 52,274 53,170 54,114 55,056 56,209 57,668
2 16 2 51,291 52,059 52,817 53,895 53,895 54,855 55,801 56,636 57,742 59,239
3 15 3 52,056 53,107 54,432 55,565 55,565 56,543 57,521 58,499 59,615 61,174
45 14 4 52,945 54,497 56,047 57,235 57,235 58,230 59,226 60,222 61,387 62,991
6 13 5 53,777 55,887 57,663 58,905 58,905 59,917 60,931 61,945 63,114 64,766
7 12 6 54,609 57,277 59,278 60,575 60,575 61,605 62,636 63,668 64,842 66,541
8 11 7 55,442 58,667 60,893 62,245 62,245 63,292 64,340 65,391 66,569 68,317
9 10 8 56,274 60,058 62,508 63,915 63,915 64,979 66,045 67,114 68,296 70,092
10 9 9 57,107 61,448 64,124 65,585 65,585 66,667 67,750 68,837 70,023 71,867
1112 8 10 57,939 62,838 65,739 67,255 67,255 68,354 69,455 70,560 71,750 73,642
1315 7 11 58,772 64,228 67,354 68,925 68,925 70,041 71,159 72,283 73,477 75,418
1617 6 12 59,604 65,618 68,969 70,595 70,595 71,729 72,864 74,006 75,204 77,193
18 5 13 60,436 67,008 70,585 72,265 72,265 73,416 74,569 75,729 76,932 78,968
19 4 14 61,269 68,399 72,200 73,935 73,935 75,103 76,274 77,452 78,659 80,743
20 3 15 62,101 69,789 73,815 75,605 75,605 76,791 77,978 79,175 80,386 82,518
21 2 16 62,934 71,179 75,430 77,275 77,275 78,478 79,683 80,898 82,113 84,294
22 1 17 63,766 72,569 77,046 78,945 78,945 80,166 81,388 82,621 83,840 86,069
23+ Top 18 64,598 73,959 78,661 80,615 80,615 81,853 83,093 84,344 85,567 87,844
Year Top Step B B+15 B+30 ME M M+15 M+30 M+45 M+60 D
1 17 1 51,583 52,096 52,609 53,748 53,748 54,853 55,993 57,132 58,426 59,945
2 16 2 52,115 53,159 54,011 55,341 55,341 56,350 57,350 58,348 59,570 61,116
3 15 3 52,770 54,268 55,599 56,969 56,969 58,134 59,137 60,023 61,195 62,781
4 14 4 53,516 55,629 57,188 58,598 58,598 59,776 60,955 61,997 63,180 64,832
56 13 5 54,220 56,990 58,777 60,227 60,227 61,417 62,609 63,801 65,058 66,758
7 12 6 54,925 58,351 60,365 61,856 61,856 63,059 64,263 65,469 66,778 68,474
8 11 7 55,629 59,711 61,954 63,485 63,485 64,700 65,918 67,137 68,449 70,180
9 10 8 56,334 61,072 63,542 65,113 65,113 66,342 67,572 68,804 70,119 71,886
10 9 9 57,038 62,433 65,131 66,742 66,742 67,984 69,226 70,472 71,790 73,592
11 8 10 57,743 63,794 66,720 68,371 68,371 69,625 70,881 72,140 73,461 75,298
1213 7 11 58,447 65,155 68,308 70,000 70,000 71,267 72,535 73,808 75,132 77,004
1416 6 12 59,151 66,516 69,897 71,628 71,628 72,908 74,189 75,475 76,803 78,710
1718 5 13 59,856 67,876 71,485 73,257 73,257 74,550 75,844 77,143 78,473 80,416
19 4 14 60,560 69,237 73,074 74,886 74,886 76,191 77,498 78,811 80,144 82,122
20 3 15 61,265 70,598 74,662 76,515 76,515 77,833 79,152 80,479 81,815 83,829
21 2 16 61,969 71,959 76,251 78,144 78,144 79,475 80,807 82,146 83,486 85,535
22 1 17 62,674 73,320 77,840 79,772 79,772 81,116 82,461 83,814 85,157 87,241
23+ Top 18 63,378 74,681 79,428 81,401 81,401 82,758 84,115 85,482 86,827 88,947
Year Top Step B B+15 B+30 ME M M+15 M+30 M+45 M+60 D
1 17 1 52,706 53,385 54,064 55,607 55,607 56,976 58,364 59,752 61,224 62,818
2 16 2 53,155 54,547 55,517 56,965 56,965 58,136 59,345 60,551 61,923 63,533
3 15 3 53,671 55,733 57,072 58,653 58,653 59,722 60,783 61,840 63,136 64,774
4 14 4 54,237 57,057 58,627 60,318 60,318 61,614 62,677 63,615 64,858 66,538
5 13 5 54,780 58,381 60,182 61,895 61,895 63,310 64,603 65,708 66,961 68,712
67 12 6 55,323 59,705 61,737 63,471 63,471 64,894 66,317 67,620 68,952 70,753
8 11 7 55,866 61,029 63,292 65,048 65,048 66,478 67,908 69,339 70,775 72,530
9 10 8 56,409 62,353 64,847 66,625 66,625 68,061 69,499 70,937 72,420 74,149
10 9 9 56,952 63,676 66,402 68,202 68,202 69,645 71,089 72,535 74,020 75,768
11 8 10 57,495 65,000 67,957 69,779 69,779 71,229 72,680 74,133 75,620 77,387
12 7 11 58,038 66,324 69,512 71,356 71,356 72,813 74,271 75,731 77,219 79,006
1314 6 12 58,581 67,648 71,067 72,932 72,932 74,397 75,861 77,329 78,819 80,625
1517 5 13 59,124 68,972 72,622 74,509 74,509 75,980 77,452 78,927 80,419 82,244
1819 4 14 59,667 70,296 74,176 76,086 76,086 77,564 79,043 80,525 82,018 83,863
20 3 15 60,210 71,619 75,731 77,663 77,663 79,148 80,634 82,123 83,618 85,482
21 2 16 60,752 72,943 77,286 79,240 79,240 80,732 82,224 83,721 85,218 87,100
22 1 17 61,295 74,267 78,841 80,816 80,816 82,315 83,815 85,319 86,817 88,719
23+ Top 18 61,838 75,591 80,396 82,393 82,393 83,899 85,406 86,917 88,417 90,338
Year Top Step B B+15 B+30 ME M M+15 M+30 M+45 M+60 D
1 17 1 54,047 54,924 55,801 57,827 57,827 59,511 61,195 62,880 64,564 66,249
2 16 2 54,397 56,204 57,300 58,935 58,935 60,386 61,858 63,328 64,888 66,578
3 15 3 54,747 57,483 58,831 60,374 60,374 61,615 62,896 64,175 65,629 67,335
4 14 4 55,097 58,763 60,345 62,163 62,163 63,297 64,420 65,541 66,914 68,651
5 13 5 55,448 60,042 61,860 63,886 63,886 65,301 66,428 67,422 68,739 70,521
6 12 6 55,798 61,322 63,375 65,401 65,401 67,085 68,469 69,640 70,969 72,825
78 11 7 56,148 62,602 64,890 66,915 66,915 68,600 70,284 71,667 73,079 74,988
9 10 8 56,498 63,881 66,404 68,430 68,430 70,114 71,799 73,483 75,010 76,852
10 9 9 56,848 65,161 67,919 69,945 69,945 71,629 73,314 74,998 76,682 78,367
11 8 10 57,198 66,441 69,434 71,460 71,460 73,144 74,828 76,513 78,197 79,882
12 7 11 57,549 67,720 70,949 72,974 72,974 74,659 76,343 78,028 79,712 81,396
13 6 12 57,899 69,000 72,464 74,489 74,489 76,174 77,858 79,542 81,227 82,911
1415 5 13 58,249 70,279 73,978 76,004 76,004 77,688 79,373 81,057 82,741 84,426
1618 4 14 58,599 71,559 75,493 77,519 77,519 79,203 80,887 82,572 84,256 85,941
1920 3 15 58,949 72,839 77,008 79,033 79,033 80,718 82,402 84,087 85,771 87,455
21 2 16 59,300 74,118 78,523 80,548 80,548 82,233 83,917 85,601 87,286 88,970
22 1 17 59,650 75,398 80,037 82,063 82,063 83,747 85,432 87,116 88,801 90,485
23+ Top 18 60,000 76,678 81,552 83,578 83,578 85,262 86,947 88,631 90,315 92,000
A.5. Additional Compensation for Teachers Remaining at the Top Step
For staff members that reached the Top step of the salary schedule in any
previous school year, their salary for the next school year will be the Top step of
the salary schedule for the next school year plus the additional compensation as
listed below. The additional compensation does not remain as part of the salary
for the next school year.
2018-2019 $400
2019-2020 $400
2020-2021 $400
2021-2022 $400
B.1. The School Board agrees to extra-curricular salary benefits that include: (1) basic
units and (2) a step system, which provides for the initial step plus additional
steps as listed below. These steps shall be as follows for the years of the present
B.2. It is agreed that when new extra-curricular positions are created or when
responsibilities for positions are redefined, the Employer and the E.A.E.A.
Negotiations Committee will jointly determine the number of units to be assigned
to the positions affected. It is understood that the units are to be based on the
following criteria:
B.2.1. The number of hours beyond the regular school day required by that
activity shall be the most important criteria - approximately fifty (50)
B.2.2. The responsibilities associated with the position shall be the second
most important criteria - approximately thirty-five (35) percent.
B.3. For the placement of new personnel onto the salary guide and for determining
salaries for promotions among assistants, the following guidelines will be used.
B.3.2. In unusual circumstances in which the person appointed in a position
possesses well-known or professional talent or skills, the
Superintendent is given the discretion to offer that person any of the
salaries which this increment system provides for that position. The
Superintendent will confer with the chairman of the E.A.E.A.
Negotiations Committee when such an exception is to be made.
B.4.3. The ending of the regular season for each of the sports is defined as
Fall Sports
Cross-Country ............................................... District Run
Field Hockey ................................................. Last Scheduled Game
Football ......................................................... Last Scheduled Game
Golf ............................................................... League Tournament
Soccer ........................................................... Last Scheduled Game
Tennis (Girls) ................................................ Last Scheduled Dual Match
Volleyball (Girls) ............................................ Last Scheduled Game
Winter Sports
Basketball (Boys & Girls) .............................. Last Scheduled Game
Bowling (Boys & Girls) .................................. Last Scheduled Game
Rifle ............................................................... Individual Shoot
Swimming ..................................................... League Championship Meet
Track (Indoor) ............................................... Last Scheduled Open Meet
Wrestling ....................................................... Sectional Meet
Spring Sports
Baseball ........................................................ Last Scheduled Game
Lacrosse (Boys) ............................................ Last Scheduled Game
Lacrosse (Girls)............................................. Last Scheduled Game
Softball .......................................................... Last Scheduled Game
Tennis (Boys) ................................................ Last Scheduled Dual Match
Track (Boys & Girls) ...................................... League Championship Meet
Soccer (Girls) ................................................ Last Scheduled Game
Volleyball (Boys) ........................................... Last Scheduled Match
B.5. Extra-Curricular Activities Unit System
Fall Sports
Head Football ............................................ 600 A
Assistant Football (7) ................................ 375 A
Assistant Football...................................... 400 A
Head Boys Soccer .................................... 425 A
Assistant Boys Soccer (3) ......................... 300 A
Assistant Boys Soccer .............................. 163 A
Assistant Boys Soccer .............................. 162 A
Head Field Hockey .................................... 425 A
Assistant Field Hockey (4) ........................ 300 A
Head Girls Tennis ..................................... 325 A
Head Cross Country ................................. 350 A
Assistant Cross Country ........................... 275 A
Assistant Cross Country ........................... 250 A
Fall Assistant Cheerleaders (2) ................. 200 A
Head Girls Volleyball................................. 325 A
Assistant Girls Volleyball ........................... 250 A
Head Golf .................................................. 300 A
Head Girls Soccer ..................................... 425 A
Asst. Girls Soccer (3) ................................ 300 A
Asst. Girls Soccer ..................................... 325 A
Winter Sports
Wellness Supervisor ................................. 600 B
Head Boys Basketball ............................... 575 B
Assistant Boys Basketball ......................... 400 B
Assistant Boys Basketball (4) ................... 375 B
Head Girls Basketball ............................... 575 B
Assistant Girls Basketball ......................... 400 B
Assistant Girls Basketball (4) .................... 375 B
Head Wrestling ......................................... 525 B
Assistant Wrestling ................................... 375 B
Assistant Wrestling .................................. 350 B
Assistant Wrestling (2) ............................. 175 B
Head Swimming ........................................ 450 B
Assistant Swimming .................................. 350 B
Winter Assistant Cheerleaders (2) ........... 225 B
Head Rifle ................................................. 400 B
Head Winter Track .................................... 300 B
Asst. Winter Track ..................................... 100 B
Head Bowling ............................................ 300 B
Spring Sports
Asst. Weight Room ................................... 225 C
Head Boys Baseball .................................. 425 C
Assistant Boys Baseball (3) ...................... 300 C
Head Track & Field ................................... 470 C
Asst. Track & Field (4) .............................. 290 C
Asst. Track & Field ................................... 325 C
Asst. Track & Field (2) ............................. 150 C
Head Boys Tennis ..................................... 325 C
Head Girls Softball .................................... 425 C
Assistant Girls Softball (3) ......................... 300 C
Head Boys Volleyball ................................ 325 C
Assistant Boys Volleyball .......................... 150 C
Assistant Boys Volleyball .......................... 100 C
Head Girls Lacrosse ................................. 425 C
Asst. Girls Lacrosse .................................. 300 C
Head Boys Lacrosse ................................. 425 C
Asst. Boys Lacrosse ................................. 300 C
Any designated assistant coach who is assigned the duties of the Head Junior
High coach shall receive an additional twenty-five (25) units.
Musical Organizations/Art
Director- Marching Band ..................... 525 A
Assistant - Marching Band (3) ............ 350 A
Asst. MR Band Visual ......................... 120 A
HS Chorus .......................................... 250 B
HS Orchestra ...................................... 250 B
HS Concert Band ................................ 250 B
Camerata (HS Vocal Ensembles) ....... 150 B
HS String Ensembles ......................... 50 B
HS Jazz Band ..................................... 275 B
MS Chorus ......................................... 75 B
MS Band ............................................. 75 B
MS Mixed Ensemble ........................... 75 B
MS Orchestra ..................................... 75 B
5th Gr. Orchestra ................................ 50 B
6th Gr. Orchestra ................................ 50 B
Elementary Orchestra ......................... 100 B
5th Gr. Chorus ..................................... 50 B
6th Gr. Chorus .................................... 50 B
4th Gr. Band ........................................ 50 B
5th Gr. Band ........................................ 50 B
6th Gr. Band ....................................... 50 B
Elementary Vocal Music Director (4) . 25 B
Percussion Ensemble ......................... 75 B
TriM Advisor ....................................... 25 B
Elementary Art Advisor (2).................. 60 D
Art Show - MS (2) ............................... 35 D
Art Show - HS (2) ............................... 35 D
Student Organizations
Advisor - HS Student Council ............. 350 B
Assistant - HS Student Council........... 300 B
Advisor - MS Student Council ............. 350 B
Assistant - MS Student Council .......... 300 B
Advisor - Senior Class (2) ................... 110 B
Advisor - Junior Class (2) ................... 110 B
Advisor - Sophomore Class (2)........... 75 B
Advisor - Freshmen Class (1) ............. 75 B
Advisor - Chess Club .......................... 125 B
Advisor - National Honor Society (2) .. 100 B
Advisor - Art National Honor Society .. 25 B
Advisor - German Natl Honor Society ...... 25 B
Advisor - Spanish Natl Honor Society ...... 25 B
HS Anime ........................................... 25 B
HS Ski................................................. 40 B
HS Dance Team ................................. 50 B
HS Friends of Rachel ......................... 25 B
HS Robotics........................................ 50 B
MS Boston .......................................... 40 B
HS Aevidum........................................ 50 B
MS Aevidum ....................................... 50 B
HS Minithon ........................................ 50 B
IS/MS Minithon ................................... 50 B
HS Leo Club ....................................... 25 B
HS Quiz Bowl ..................................... 150 B
MS Quiz Bowl ..................................... 75 B
IS/MS Play
Director ........................................... 200 D
Total IS/MS Drama Support ............ 225* D
IS/MS Musical
Director ........................................... 325 D
Total IS/MS Musical Support .......... 550* D
Pay Codes
A . . . .1st pay period of October and at completion of responsibilities
B . . . .1st pay period of December and at completion of responsibilities
C . . . .1st pay period of April and at completion of responsibilities
D . . . .Completion of responsibilities
B.6. While the Employer has agreed to negotiate extra-curricular salaries, the
Employer will continue to assume full responsibility and authority for (1) the
creation of extra-curricular positions, (2) the elimination of extra-curricular
positions, and (3) the determination of the persons who will fill those positions.
The creation or elimination of extra-curricular positions and the appointment of
persons to extra-curricular positions will not be subject to the grievance
B.7. If the Employer has approved an extra-curricular assistant position but does not
fill such approved assistant position, the Employer agrees to negotiate with the
Association the salary of that extra-curricular activity's head, director, or advisor.
This shall not apply when an assistant position has been eliminated.
B.8. Extra duty support positions shall be discussed by the Extra-Curricular
Negotiating Committee and incorporated into the contract by addendum.
Increases in payments for these positions shall fall within percentages negotiated
by the parties for salaries.
The Employer agrees to pay up to a total of 550 units to the members of the
Science Department for their additional work involved with the High School
Science Fair and up to a total of 330 units for work involved with the Middle
School Science Fair. It is to be understood that these units are paid for both
sponsoring of a local science show and for the school's involvement in the
Lancaster County Science and Engineering Fair.
The Employer agrees to provide term life insurance in the amount listed below for
each full-time employee, long-term substitute, and part-time employee who works
more than eight-hundred sixty (860) hours per school term.
C.3. Hospitalization
a brand-name drug and Highmark has approved the request.
Step Therapy The Program emphasizes the use of high quality generic
drugs, which have the same chemical composition and provide the same
intended clinical effect as the brand drugs. The Program requires the patient
to try a generic alternative first before the brand will be covered. All current
scripts will not require new prior authorization.
The PPO Plan is a 5-tier plan, see below. The professional staff will be
responsible for nine (9) percent of the premium share:
a. The Usual Fee - That which an individual provider most frequently charges
the majority of his patients for the procedure performed.
b. The Customary Fee - Fee based on charges made by most doctors of the
same specialty in comparable geographic/economic areas for the
procedure performed.
Payment for services performed by providers will be made to the doctor on the
basis of one-hundred (100) percent of the UCR allowance or the amount
charged, whichever is less. Such payment will constitute full discharge of the
Trust's liability under the plan. The participant shall be responsible for payment of
remaining charges.
Utilization Review
Employer may require utilization review services for pre-admission certification
concurrent review with admissions, discharge planning, second surgical opinion
and/or large case management, and as per the present benefit plans.
Spousal Rule
If a spouse is offered his/her own Employer-Sponsored coverage and would opt
to remain on the Ephrata Area School District Medical Insurance Plan, there will
be an annual surcharge. This will be deducted biweekly from the employees
payroll check along with premium share as follows.
Basic Work Year Coverage
Any benefit-eligible Employee who retires or resigns after having completed or
having been paid for the Basic Work Year BWY, as defined in Paragraph 2.6,
shall have all of his/her insurance benefits (medical/Rx, dental, vision, life, etc.)
continued without interruption until August 31 at 11:59 PM, which immediately
follows said employees separation from service. The Employee separating from
service shall continue to be responsible for contributing premium share
contributions, where applicable, at the negotiated rate for all active employees as
set forth in Appendix C through August 31 immediately following separation from
The Employer agrees to provide for each employee the following group dental
insurance plan, which includes a twenty-five (25) dollar deductible provision and
maximum benefits in the following amounts per annum:
h. Orthodontics ........................................................... 50% 50%
Lifetime maximum $1,500 per individual
The Employer agrees to make available dental insurance for eligible employees
and their dependents who request such coverage in writing. The Delta Dental
Plan is a 3-tier plan, see below. The professional staff will be responsible for nine
(9) percent of the premium share:
The Employer recognizes that some unusual situations arise in which persons
may run out of sick leave. To help minimize the financial stress in such a
situation, the Employer agrees to provide an income protection plan which will
provide the following benefits under the following conditions:
C.5.1. For a full-time employee who has used all accumulated sick leave, and
C.5.3. The Employer agrees to reimburse said employee at the rate of sixty-
six and two thirds (66 2/3) percent for each work day (Monday through
Friday) up to the maximum number of work days listed below for an
extended illness or injury resulting in total disability arising during the
period of this Agreement. Reimbursement for this benefit will begin on
the eighth (8th) day (following a seven (7) calendar day waiting period),
following the last day that sick leave is applicable.
C.5.4. Sixty-six and two-thirds (66 2/3) percent shall be defined as a daily
benefit rate equal to sixty-six and two-thirds (66 2/3) percent of the
employee's base per diem rate in effect on the date the employee
becomes eligible for this benefit.
C.5.5. This benefit is not cumulative and is not a recurring benefit. It can be
used for different periods of disability during different school years but
the total number of days of disability benefit cannot exceed the
effective maximum listed in C.5.3.
C.5.6. The employee must submit written certification by a physician that
he/she is disabled from work. Said certification must indicate the
nature of the disability, the date it began (or the expected date it will
begin), and the expected date it will end.
C.5.7. Before granting this benefit, the Employer may, within its discretion,
require the employee to receive a physical examination from the
Employer's physician or such other physician as may be designated by
the Employer and be certified physically qualified or unqualified to
return to work and assume all of the employee's usual and customary
responsibilities. The Employer will be solely responsible for the
payment of any physician's fees arising out of any physical
examination by a physician selected by the Employer and so required
by the Employer.
C.6. The Employer and the Association will form a committee to investigate the
implementation of possible changes to the current health benefits, such as, by
way of example but not limitation, vision care expenses, spousal rule, further
coordination of benefits, benefit waiver, or to address the effects of new
legislation. The committee shall meet on a regular basis to consider changes
from time to time. Any adoption of such changes will be with the mutual consent
of the Association and the Employer.
C.7. Vision
C.8. The portion of any premium or benefit cost that must be paid by the employee
shall be paid directly through payroll deductions. The Employer shall establish a
Section 125 plan.