Observation Table 1
Observation Table 1
Observation Table 1
Observation Table:
Reasons for speaking in the classroom
Bachelor of Education, Primary Education Degree
What was the most common reason for speaking? learning answer open question from teacher.
What was the least common reason for speaking? Learning repeated word (whole class)
How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using Teacher Talk, in your opinion? 20 min.
Do you feel it was an appropriate amount of talk? Why / Why not? No, student will not keep
attention and feel bored.
What do you think is an appropriate sequence of interaction patterns? Before the activity+
Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used appropriately?
Why? / Why not? No , she didnt use Arabic language only English.
Choose one of the following questions (A, B, or C) and write your answer:
Why is talk important for learners? (Think about the What and How.)
B. Why is it important to think about using English for varied purposes in the classroom? For
example, not just for giving an example, but also for correcting, for praising, for everyday uses,
like asking for help, or asking to borrow something?
C. What role do you think Arabic should play in the English classroom?
Bachelor of Education, Primary Education Degree