Saabs History Hud
Saabs History Hud
Saabs History Hud
Fighter HUDs Saab also cooperated with the American company Hughes Aircraft,
The premier Viggen flight was made in 1967 and it was taken in opera- who had the capability to manufacture a hologram big enough to meet
tional service by the Swedish air force in 1971, and then one of the the requirement in fighter aircraft. Saab (SRA) integrated the holographic
most advanced fighter aircraft systems in the world. display in a presentation system, which was flight tested in a Viggen
by the FMV (Swedish defense Materiel Administration). This became
The head-up display was a huge step forward by making a fighter aircraft
the first airborne wide angle head-up display system with holographic
easier to fly, especially on extreme low level flights carried out by the
difraktional optics.
SwAF air-to-ground attack squadrons, when they trained to be a spear-
head in the frontline of Swedens armed forces during the Cold War era. Sweden and Saab were thru pioneers in this field and the system
was developed and fine-tuned. Since the 1990s this type of HUD has
The development of the HUD continued during the 1970s, in coopera-
been established and is in use in most of the modern fighter jets.
tion the British company Smith Industries. This resulted in improved
This technology is also used in Saabs combat proven Gripen fighter
Field Of View, with better brightness and improved contrast making the
system, and hundreds of units are installed in the Gripen fleet, which
symbols more visible.
is in operational frontline service in five countries.
Virtual Image Display (VID)
The Maverick air-to-ground missile was
integrated in the Viggen system during the
1970`s. There was no space for the TV
rangefinder on the instrument panel in the
cockpit, which the pilot needed to lock
on targets.
Document id: Saab_Head-Up Displays and Optical Systems ver. 1 Sep 2014
well as guidance and control of TOW mis- Bell 406CS (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
siles and various other weapon systems as through a FMS deal)
swiveling guns etc. More than 150 helicopters/systems where HeliTOW Sight Unit
The high magnication of the direct-view delivered together with the respective heli-
optics used in HeliTOW, combined with copter manufacturer (OEM).
the inherent wide eld of view and high The total value of the Saab HeliTOW pro-
performance IR, Laser and CCD sensors etc, grams where in excess of 300 Million Euros,
ensured excellent situation awareness. Best and Saab still support the systems that
in class sensor stabilization gave the system remain in operation.
outstanding image quality.