Structural and Stratigraphical Correlation

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International Journal of Geosciences, 2014, 5, 1231-1240

Published Online October 2014 in SciRes.

Structural and Stratigraphical Correlation

of Seismic Profiles between Drigri Anticline
and Bahawalpur High in Central Indus Basin
of Pakistan
Shazia Asim1, S. N. Qureshi2, Summyia Khatoon Asif3, Shabeer Ahmed Abbasi4,
Sarfraz Solangi5, M. Qasim Mirza6
Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Metrology, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Oil and Gas Development Company Limited, Islamabad, Pakistan
Center of Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Nespak, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

Received 11 July 2014; revised 9 August 2014; accepted 2 September 2014

Copyright 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Publicly available seismic and well data are used to study the subsurface structure and stratigra-
phy of an area on the southern margin of the Central Indus Basin (CIB), Pakistan. Study area in-
cludes southern parts of the Punjab Platform and Sulaiman Foredeep tectonic units of the CIB. A
regional scale East-West depth cross-section is prepared in South of hydrocarbon bearing Safed
Koh Trend to Punjab Platform. It gives the structural configuration of various formations of Pa-
leozoic-Cenozoic times. Reflectors are marked and correlated with the help of wells Drigri-01 and
Bahawalpur East-01, located on seismic lines 914-RPR-03 and 916-YZM-05 respectively. These re-
flectors/formations are correlated with respect to ages to avoid the confusions as there are many
truncations in the area. Average velocities are used for the depth computation. Depth cross-sec-
tion (AB) shows that Punjab Monocline is a stable area with a shallow basement. In Punjab Plat-
form all the formations dip gently to the West. Then they attain steep dips in the Sulaiman Fore-
deep/Depression area. Depth cross-section along the Drigri anticline which lies in the SE of Sakhi
Sarwar anticline reveals that it is extended E-W over 17 km approx. and the reverse faults are
present on both flanks of a fold, due to that a pop up structure is formed. Its a low amplitude fold,
as it marks the southern end of Safed Koh Trend (first line of folding of the folded flank of Sub-Su-
laiman Fore Deep). Subsurface structural variations at Bahawalpur show a buried high of Jurassic-

How to cite this paper: Asim, S., Qureshi, S.N., Asif, S.K., Abbasi, S.A., Solangi, S. and Mirza, M.Q. (2014) Structural and
Stratigraphical Correlation of Seismic Profiles between Drigri Anticline and Bahawalpur High in Central Indus Basin of Paki-
stan. International Journal of Geosciences, 5, 1231-1240.
S. Asim et al.

Permian age. A sedimentary cover is 9 km thick in West and 3 m thick in East. Basement is uplifted
at Bahawalpur High.

Seismic Interpretation, Central Indus Basin, Burried Ridge

1. Introduction
The study area comprises of frontal fault propagation folded zone of Sulaiman Range, Sulaiman Depression and
Punjab Monocline of Pakistan (Figure 1 & Figure 2). It is bounded by longitude (7006''E - 7216''E) and lati-
tude (2917''N - 2923''N). Seismic profiles from West to East are 914-RPR-03, 954-FZP-09, C95-LMT-05,
W16-AT, B-01, PSPD-5085, PSPD-5340 and 916-YZM-05. A seismic line 914-RPR-03 lies in the NW of Ra-
janpur area of District D. G. Khan, with a Drigri-01 & Kotrum-01 wells located at SP-270 and South of profile
respectively. Drigri and Kotrum Anticlines mark the southern limit of the Safed Koh Trend. Bahawalpur East-01
well is located at SP-300 on seismic line 916-YZM-05. An East-West depth cross-section AB shows the

Figure 1. Research area lies in Punjab platform in middle Indus Basin [22].

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Figure 2. The profile covers the Punjab platform, Sulaiman

Foredeep/Depression and edge of the frontal fault propagation
fold zone (Main Thrust Front) [12].

structural and stratigraphical variations in the formations. The surface geology is made up of alluvium and loose
material mainly brought by rivers and from desert in the East.

2. Tectonic and Depositional Setting

Tectonically Pakistan comprises of two domains of large landmasses, i.e. Tethyan and Gondwanian Domains
and is continued by the Indo-Pakistan crustal plate. The northern most and western regions of Pakistan fall in
Tethyan Domain, which have complicated geology and complex crustal structure, While the Indus Basin con-
sists of the gondwanian domain [1]. The early rifting of micro-continents away from the northern margin of the
Gondwanaland can be discussed with the development of Paleo-Neo-Tethys with a spreading ridge in between
[2]. During Cretaceous, there was a period of tectonic instability. The spreading rate was high, ~20 - 30 cm/a in
80 - 53 Ma ([3]-[5]). There was a convergence between Indian and Eurasian plates in Tertiary time. To go with
the prominent convergence and the late Paleocene collision between the Indian and the Eurasian plates in the
North Pakistan, the area was also affected by the translation between Indian plate and Afghan Craton in the
northwest [6] and by territory convergence between Arabian Plate and Afghan Craton ([7]-[11]) suggest that the
oblique collision of the Eurasian and Indo-Pakistan plates caused the development of large scale; N-S running,
left-lateral strike-slip faults in the basement which are responsible for the segmentation of the Indo-Pakistan
Plate. Pakistan lies on the north western corner of the Indian Plate. The collision zone in the northern Pakistan
has been subdivided as the Main Karakoram Thrust (MKT), Main Mantle Thrust (MMT), Main Boundary
Thrust (MBT) and Salt Range Thrust (SRT) [12]. Pre-Cambrian Basement rocks are exposed along the Sar-
godha High. Lithospheric flexural buldge developed due to northward under thrusting of the Indian Plate and
loading of South verging thrust sheets [13]. This was also suggested by [12], they explained the tectonic con-
figuration of the Sargodha Ridge as an outer swell due to loading of Indian Shield by the Himalayan thrusts.

3. Sedimentary Basins
Two major sedimentary basins of Pakistan are Indus Basin and Baluchistan Basin. The Indus Basin is the largest
basin in Pakistan, oriented in NE-SW direction including the 25,000 square kilometers of SE part of Pakistan.
Tectonically Indus Basin is much stable area as compared to other tectonic zones of Pakistan [1]. The main fea-
ture which controlled the sedimentation in the proto-Indus Basin up to Jurassic was Precambrian Indian Shield
whose topographic highs exist in the form of Kirana Hills (Sargodha High) and Nagar Parker. It is the Sargodha
High which is considered to be a divide between Upper Indus Basin and Lower Indus Basin.

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The classification of Indus Basin:

Upper Indus Basin: Kohat Sub-basin & Potwar Sub-basin;
Lower Indus Basin: Central Indus Basin & southern Indus Basin (Figure 1).
Another major feature of basement topography is Khair-pur-Jacobabad High and its associated structures
which grew through Jurassic and Cretaceous/Paleocene ages and divided the Lower Indus Basin further into two
basins namely southern and Central Indus Basin [14]. Punjab Platform is an eastern part of Middle Indus Basin
in Pakistan with Sulaiman depression and fold belt in the West, Sargodha High in North and Pokhran High in
the South [15]. Jacobabad and Mari Kandhkot highs are together termed as the Sukkur Rift. Central Indus Basin
is also named as Sulaiman Sub-basin [16]. It is sub divided into (Figure 2):
Punjab Platform;
Sulaiman Sub-basin;
Sulaiman Depression;
East Sulaiman Depression;
Zindapir Inner Folded Zone;
Mari Bugti Inner Folded Zone;
Sulaiman Fold Belt;
Punjab Platform:
This unit marks the eastern segment of Central Indus Basin. Tectonically it is a broad monoclinic dipping
gently towards the Sulaiman depression. Punjab Platform is tectonically the least affected area because of its
greater distance from collision zone.
Sulaiman Depression:
This depression is a longitudinally oriented area of subsidence, it becomes arcuate and takes up a transverse
orientation along its southern rim. The Sulaiman Foredeep/Depression is a broad syncline with a very gentle,
undisturbed eastern limb & steeper western limb. The eastern limb has monoclinal dips & over 200 km wide.
The western flank of the depression includes Zindapir Inner Folded Zone while Murri Bugti Inner Folded Zone
lies in the South, to the East it merges in Punjab platform. The depth of the basement beneath this syncline is
about 8 km.
Sulaiman Fold Belt:
This is a major tectonic feature in the proximity of collision zone and therefore contains a large number of
disturbed anticlinal features. The trends of the structure are mainly East-West.
General stratigraphy of Central Indus Basin is given in Table 1.

4. Previous Work Done

Previous work was done in the North of Drigri-Anticline in East-West direction, along Sakhi-Sarwar [17], along
Zindapir Anticlinonrium ([18] [19]) and generalized cross section across the Middle Indus Basin ([14] [20])
were made.

5. Petroleum Potential
Source Rocks
Shales of Shinawari Formation and Chichali formation of Mesozoic act as a source in the Punjab Platform and
Sulaiman Depression. These source rocks have acquired sufficient maturity to generate large volumes of gas.
Reservoir Rocks
Proven Reservoir Rocks of the Mesozoic age are Lumshiwal, Samanasuk, Shinawari and Datta formations of
Punjab Platform area with discoveries at Tal, Chanda, Dhulian, Panjpir, Nandpur, toot and Meyal fields.
Sealing Mechanism
Drigri and Kotrum structures are gentle anticlines and the seal is provided by Ranikot shales (Paleocene) on
Late Cretaceous Pab Sandstones.

6. Work Flow
All of the previous work done by respectable authors has been very helpful in the East-West correlation of the
seismic profiles. The boundaries are determined by Drigri-01 well in West and Bahawalpur-01 well in East. The

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Table 1. Stratigraphy of central Indus Basin (Kadri, 1995).

S. Asim et al.

area in between is correlated by seismic lines keeping in view the previously made cross sections.
On the basis of previous work, Well and Seismic data the few shortcomings are fulfilled as either Paleozoic in
the area was not correlated before or Pre-Cambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic (cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic) were
not discussed separately. Also depths were not mentioned in some cases and early cross sections were made in
Time domain because depth conversion is very sensitive to the velocities used.
Reflection seismology is a remote imaging method used in petroleum exploration [21].
Seismic lines used in this study are 914-RPR-03, 954-FZP-09, C95-LMT-05, W16-AT, B-01, PSPD-5085,
PSPD-5340 and 916-YZM-05. Reflectors are picked by matching seismic with synthetic (Figure 3 & Figure 4)
and using well tops (Table 2 & Table 3) for the part where logs are not run or absent. Correlation of reflectors

Figure 3. Generation of synthetic seismogram at well Drigri-01.

Pirkoh Limestone
Sirki Fm
Habib Rahi Limestone
Ghazij Shale

Figure 4. Matching of synthetic traces with seismic

line 914-RPR-03.

S. Asim et al.

Table 2. Well tops of Drigri-01 which lies in West of depth cross-section AB.

Well name Drigri-01 Type EX Status ABD

Operator OGDC Spud date 02/09/1992 Compl. date 28/11/1992
Depth (m) 3250.0 Latitude 29 22 04.92 Longitude 70 10 54.28
K.B.E 149.02 Province PUNJAB Formation GHAZIJ
Sr. no Formation age Formation Top (m) Thickness (m)
2 PLIOCENE NAGRI 847.0 1011.0
3 MIOCENE CHINJI 1858.0 406.0
5 EOCENE DRAZINDA 2590.0 302.0
6 EOCENE PIRKOH 2892.0 22.0
7 EOCENE SIRKI 2914.0 225.0
8 EOCENE HABIB RAHI 3139.0 38.0
9 EOCENE GHAZIJ 3177.0 73.0

Table 3. Well tops of Bahawalpur-01 which lies in East of depth cross-section AB.

Well name Bahawalpur East-01 Type EX Status ABD

Operator SHELL Spud date 19/12/1980 Compl. date 17/02/1981
Depth (m) 3024.0 Latitud 29 22 07.00 Longitude 72 09 07.40
K.B.E 134.90 Province PUNJAB Formation BASEMENT
Sr. no Formation age Formation Top (m) Thickness (m)
2 EOCENE CHORGALI 800.00 121.0
3 EOCENE SAKESAR 921.0 72.0
12 EARLY PERMIAN AMB 1394.0 71.0
14 EARLY PERMIAN WARCHA 1563.0 122.0
15 EARLY PERMIAN DANDOT 1185.00 45.0
16 EARLY PERMIAN TOBRA 1730.0 10.0
19 Pre-Cambrian SALT RANGE 2154.00 817.0

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in rest of the seismic lines keeping in mind for the different surveys parameters, datum planes and jump corre-
lation. Then next stage is solving average velocities given at each seismic section in order to encounter lateral
changes in velocities (Figure 5). After that a Depth computation by multiplication of average velocities with one
way time of reflectors. The depth cross-sections are plotted side by side to get a profile AB (Figure 6).

7. Results and Discussion

From the representative Depth cross-section (Figure 6) prepared with the help of Seismic profiles, it is seen that
all the formations dip gently to the West. They dip more steeply in the Sulaiman Foredeep. In the East, forma-
tions are successively truncated at the Base Tertiary. These stratigraphic traps give a good possibility of hydro-
carbon presence provided by a fact if adequate seal is present.
There is a Thrust fault along Drigri that cuts in the Paleocene & Mesozoic sediments with a vertical throw of

Figure 5. Average velocities are used for depth computation.

Figure 6. Depth cross-section AB in East-West direction.

S. Asim et al.

about 10 msec. This anticline may have been formed at the expense of flow of Eocene shales. Also the flow of
shales of Mesozoic age is very prominent in Drigri anticline. The fault propagation & fault bend folds are the
most important structural features & they form important traps for hydrocarbon in the foreland fold & thrust
belts. The frontal Sulaiman & Khirthar ranges are the most prospective & productive line of folding as com-
pared to middle Indus. The Sakhi Sarwar structure in the Eastern Sulaiman range is a fault propagation fold. The
Domanda, Dhodhak, Rodho, Zindapir, Fort Munro, Pirkoh, Loti, Uch & Mazarane structures in the sulaiman &
Khirthar Ranges are thrusted anticlines ([19]).
Nagri & Chinji Formation almost 1700 m thick have been deposited in Drigri anticline. Siwaliks are 800 m
thick in East. Nari Formation (Oligocene) is overlain by Gaj Formation in Drigri anticline which onlaps (uncon-
formable) on Eocene strata in East. Nari Formation truncates in East. Eocene, Paleocene & Cretaceous are 1300
m, 800 m & 150 m approx. thick respectively in West. Eocene strata thins out in East but still attain a thickness
of more than 250 m in East suggesting the presence of more accommodation space for its sedimentation in West.
The oldest rocks encountered in Punjab Platform through drilling are of Infracambrian Salt Range Formation.
Pre-Himalayan orogenic movements have resulted in prolonged uplifts/sea regression causing unconformities.
As a result, several salt cored anticline structures are expected in the southern portion of this monocline ([14]
[19]). Paleocene & Cretaceous strata diminishes and onlap on Jurassic sediments in East. This suggests that
Base Cretaceous is an unconformable surface and the basement uplift has occurred before Cretaceous. In the
subsurface, Punjab Platform contains marine Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Neogene sediments. The zone is charac-
terized by regional unconformities [16]. A series of small highs are present from North to South as Budhuana,
Panjpir, Sarai Sidhu, Nandpur, Tola, Karampur, Bahawalpur East and Marot.

8. Conclusion
The depth cross section AB shows the high in subsurface formations at well Bahawalpur East-01 location. East
Jurassic and Triassic sediments show their presence. Jurrasic and Triassic are 300 m in East and thicken in West
and achieve the thicknesses greater than 1000 m along Drigri and Kotrum anticlines. Whereas Permian, Cam-
brian and Pre-Cambrian formations which are correlated from Bahawalpur East-01 well, show a thick sedimen-
tation in East as Permian is 346 m, Cambrian is 414 m and Pre-Cambrian (Salt Range Formation) is 817 m thick.
Pre-Cambrian & Paleozoic sediments may present below a thick pile of Mesozoic sediments in West, but they
are not drilled due to greater depths. Basement is uplifted in the East. It is gradually dipping westward and it is
more than 9 km deep beneath the deformation front in the eastern Sulaiman range.

Authors are thankful to Landmark Resources (LMKR) and Directorate General Petroleum Concessions (DGPC)
for providing seismic data of the area.

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