Mohd Nasrull Bin Abdol Rahman

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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



The most widely used method for assessing work-related musculoskeletal

disorders (WMSDs) is still the observational method, mainly because it is
inexpensive and practical for use in a wide range of workplaces. However, there are
no tools available that cover the wide range of physical risk factors at workplaces.
Most of the existing observational methods have not been extensively tested for their
reliability and validity during the development process. Therefore, the main
objectives of this study are to (1) to develop a new observational technique called the
Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA) method and (2) to determine the
reliability and validity of the WERA method. The study was conducted in two
phases: development of the WERA paper checklist from scientific evidence and
literature review (Phase 1) and development of the WERA software program using
Visual Basic programming (Phase 2). In the validity trials, the relationship of the
main WERA body part scores to the development of pain or discomfort was
statistically significant for the wrist, shoulder, and back regions. This shows that the
WERA assessment provided a good indication of work related musculoskeletal
disorders which may be reported as pains, aches or discomfort in the relevant body
area. In the reliability trials, the results of inter-observer reliability demonstrated
moderate agreement among the observers (K=0.41) from the feedback survey about
the usability of WERA tool. On the other hand, all participants were agreed that the
WERA tool was easy and quick to use, applicable to workplace assessment for the
wide range of tasks, and valuable at work. The WERA tool has been developed for
both paper checklist and software program use. It can be used to identify the physical
risk factors associated with WMSDs at workplaces.


Kaedah yang paling banyak digunakan untuk menilai kerja yang berkaitan
dengan gangguan otot berangka (WMSDs) adalah kaedah pemerhatian, ini kerana
ianya adalah murah dan praktikal untuk digunakan di pelbagai tempat kerja. Walau
bagaimanapun, alat yang sedia ada tidak merangkumi pelbagai faktor risiko fizikal di
tempat kerja. Tambahan pula, kebanyakan kaedah pemerhatian yang sedia ada
didapati tidak diuji secara meluas tentang kebolehpercayaan dan kesahihannya
semasa proses pembangunan kaedah tersebut. Oleh itu, objektif utama kajian ini
adalah untuk (1) untuk membangunkan satu teknik baru dalam kaedah pemerhatian
yang dinamakan sebagai kaedah Workplace Ergonomics Risk Assessment WERA
(2) untuk menentukan kebolehpercayaan dan kesahihan kaedah WERA. Kajian ini
telah dijalankan dalam dua fasa iaitu pembangunan kertas senarai semak WERA
hasil dari bukti saintifik kajian literatur (Fasa 1) dan pembangunan program perisian
WERA yang menggunakan asas pengaturcaraan visual (Fasa 2). Dalam ujian
kesahihan, hubungan diantara skor WERA dengan ketidakselesaan pada bahagian
utama anggota badan adalah statistik yang signifikan bagi kawasan pergelangan
tangan, bahu dan belakang badan. Ia menunjukkan bahawa kaedah WERA
memberikan indikasi yang baik terhadap kerja yang berkaitan dengan gangguan otot
berangka yang boleh menyebabkan ketidakselesaan ataupun kesakitan anggota badan
tertentu. Dalam ujian kebolehpercayaan, keputusan kebolehpercayaan antara
pemerhati menunjukkan bahawa nilai persetujuan di antara pemerhati adalah
sederhana (K=0.41) manakala hasil maklum balas daripada soal selidik mengenai
kebolehgunaan kaedah WERA, semua peserta telah bersetuju bahawa kaedah WERA
ini mudah dan cepat untuk digunakan serta sesuai dan bernilai untuk digunakan di
pelbagai tempat kerja. Dengan membangunkan kertas senarai semak WERA dan
program perisian WERA, diharapkan ianya boleh digunakan untuk mengenal pasti
faktor-faktor risiko fizikal yang berkaitan dengan gangguan otot berangka di tempat




1.1 Overview of the Study 1
1.2 Problem Statements 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Research Questions 7
1.5 Scope of the Study 7
1.6 Significance of the Study 8
1.7 Organization of the Thesis 9

2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 Ergonomic Methods for Work-related 12
Musculoskeletal Disorders

2.2.1 Self-Report Questionnaires 13

2.2.2 Observational Methods 14
2.2.3 Direct Measurement Techniques 14
2.3 Observational Methods for Work-related 15
Musculoskeletal Disorders
2.3.1 Ovako Working Posture Assessment System 16
2.3.2 Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) 17
2.3.3 Posture, Activity, Tools and Handling (PATH) 19
2.3.4 Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) 21
2.3.5 Postural Loading on the Upper-Body 22
Assessment (LUBA)
2.3.6 Quick Exposure Check (QEC) 24
2.3.7 Back-Exposure Sampling Tool (Back-EST) 27
2.4 Concluding Remarks 29

3.1 Introduction 32
3.2 Development of the WERA Method 34
3.2.1 Specification of the WERA Items 34
3.2.2 Refining of the WERA Scoring System 36
3.3 Validity Trials of the WERA Method 36
3.3.1 Sample Size and Job Selection 36
3.3.2 Data Collection 39
3.3.3 Data Analysis 42
3.4 Reliability Trials of the WERA Method 44
3.4.1 Description of the Training and Observers 44
3.4.2 Data Collection 45
3.4.3 Data Analysis 47
3.5 Development of the WERA Software Program 48
3.5.1 Development of the WERA Algorithm 48
3.5.2 Design of the WERA Graphic User Interface 49
3.5.3 WERA Coding System 51

3.6 Verification of the WERA Software Program 53

3.6.1 Case Study 1: Company A 54 Sample Size and Job Selection 54 Data Collection 57 Data Analysis 59
3.6.2 Case Study 2: Company B 61 Sample Size and Job Selection 61 Data Collection 64 Data Analysis 66
3.6 Concluding Remarks 68


4.1 Introduction 69
4.2 WERA Paper Checklist 69
4.2.1 Specification of the WERA Items 70 Shoulder Posture and Repetition 70 Wrist Posture and Repetition 73 Back Posture and Repetition 75 Neck Posture and Repetition 77 Leg Posture 79 Lifting the Load 81 Vibration 82 Contact Stress 83 Task Duration 84
4.2.2 Refining of the WERA Scoring System 85 WERA Scale and Scoring System 85 WERA Action Level 87
4.3 WERA Software Program 87
4.3.1 WERA User Menu 88
4.3.2 WERA Items Screenshot 89
4.3.3 WERA Final Report 96
4.7 Concluding Remarks 98


5.1 Introduction 99
5.2 Validity Testing of WERA Method 100
5.2.1 Description of the Sample 100
5.2.2 Body Discomfort Survey 101 Wall Plastering Job 101 Bricklaying Job 102 Floor Concreting Job 102
5.2.3 WERA Assessment 103 Wall Plastering Job 103 Bricklaying Job 104 Floor Concreting Job 105
5.2.4 WERA Validation 106 Wall Plastering Job 106 Bricklaying Job 107 Floor Concreting Job 108
5.3 Reliability Testing of WERA Method 108
5.3.1 Description of the Observers 108
5.3.2 Inter-Observer Reliability 109 Task A 109 Task B 110 Task C 111
5.3.3 Percentage of Agreement 112
5.3.4 Feedback Survey from Observers 113
5.3.5 Validation of WERA Scale and Scoring 114
5.4 Verification of WERA Software Program : Case 116
Study 1
5.4.1 Description of the Sample 116
5.4.2 Body Discomfort Survey 117 Wafer Saw Job 117 Wire Bond Job 118 Multi Plunger Job 118

5.4.3 WERA Software Analysis 119 Wafer Saw Job 119 Wire Bond Job 120 Multi Plunger Job 121
5.4.4 WERA Verification 121 Wafer Saw Job 122 Wire Bond Job 122 Multi Plunger Job 123
5.5 Verification of WERA Software Program : Case 124
Study 2
5.5.1 Description of the Sample 124
5.5.2 Body Discomfort Survey 125 Inspection Job 125 Transaction Job 126 Packaging Job 126
5.5.3 WERA Software Analysis 127 Inspection Job 127 Transaction Job 128 Packaging Job 129
5.5.4 WERA Verification 130 Inspection Job 130 Transaction Job 130 Packaging Job 131
5.7 Concluding Remarks 132

6.1 Introduction 133
6.2 Validity Testing of WERA Method 134
6.2.1 Wall Plastering Job 134
6.2.2 Bricklaying Job 136
6.2.3 Floor Concreting Job 137
6.3 Reliability Testing of WERA Method 139
6.3.1 Inter-Observer Reliability 139

6.3.2 Percentage of Agreement 140

6.3.3 Feedback Survey from Observers 141
6.3.4 Validation of WERA Scale and Scoring 142
6.4 Verification of WERA Software Program: Case 144
Study 1
6.4.1 Wafer Saw Job 144
6.4.2 Wire Bond Job 146
6.4.3 Multi Plunger Job 148
6.5 Verification of WERA Software Program: Case 150
Study 2
6.5.1 Inspection Job 150
6.5.2 Transaction Job 152
6.5.3 Packaging Job 153
6.6 Concluding Remarks 155


7.1 Introduction 157
7.2 Conclusions 157
7.3 Future Works 158

Appendices A N 176-241



1.1 Risk factors assessed by different assessment methods 4

1.2 Reliability and validity studies of different assessment 5


2.1 Gaps of knowledge for in this research 30

2.2 Inclusion criteria for developing the WERA method 31

4.1 Combination of risk level, score and indicator 86

4.2 Combination of physical risk factors and scoring system 86

for WERA tool

4.3 Risk level, final score and action level of WERA tool 87

5.1 Demographics of the workers in three jobs of construction 100

industry (N=130)

5.2 WERA final score and risk level for wall plastering job 104

5.3 WERA final score and risk level for bricklaying job 105

5.4 WERA final score and risk level for floor concreting job 106

5.5 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for wall plastering 107


5.6 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for bricklaying job 107

5.7 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for floor concreting 108


5.8 Demographics of observers in the training session (N=33) 109


5.9 Inter-observer reliability for Task A 110

5.10 Inter-observer reliability for Task B 111

5.11 Inter-observer reliability for Task C 112

5.12 Observers ratings on the feedback survey of WERA tool 114

5.13 WERA Inter-Item Correlations Matrix (Spearman 115

Correlation Coefficients)

5.14 Demographics of the operators in three jobs of 116

manufacturing industry (N=115)

5.15 WERA final score and risk level for wafer saw job 120

5.16 WERA final score and risk level for wire bond job 120

5.17 WERA final score and risk level for multi plunger job 121

5.18 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for wafer saw job 122

5.19 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for wire bond job 123

5.20 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for multi plunger 123


5.21 Demographics of the operators in three jobs of 124

manufacturing industry (N=118)

5.22 WERA final score and risk level for inspection job 128

5.23 WERA final score and risk level for transaction job 128

5.24 WERA final score and risk level for packaging job 129

5.25 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for inspection job 130

5.26 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for transaction job 131

5.27 Chi-square statistical analysis (2-test) for packaging job 131




1.1 Occupational accidents by sector for the category of death 3

until 2010

2.1 Characteristics of the different methods 12

2.2 Observational methods for assessing the WMSDs from 16

1977 to 2009

2.3 Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) 18

2.4 Posture, Activity, Tools & Handling (PATH) 20

2.5 Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) 22

2.6 Postural Loading on the Upper-Body Assessment 23

2.7 Quick Exposure Check (QEC) 26

2.8 Back-Exposure Sampling Tool (Back-EST) 28

3.1 Development process of WERA method 33

3.2 The main WERA variables 34

3.3 The specification of the WERA items 35

3.4 Three different positions in wall plastering job: standing 37

position (A), bending posture (B) and reaching overhead

3.5 Two different positions for the bricklaying job, standing 38

position (A) and bending posture (B)

3.6 Four different positions in floor concreting job: bending 39

posture in left side (A), bending posture in right side (B),
kneeling posture (C) and standing posture (D)

3.7 Research design for validity study 40

3.8 Data analysis for validity study 43

3.9 Training session of the Ergonomic and Manual Handling 44


3.10 Research design and data collection for training session 46

3.11 WERA software algorithm 49

3.12 Design of the WERA Graphic User Interface 50

3.13 A sample of WERA code 53

3.14 Five tasks in wafer saw job: taking the wafer (T1), 55
writing the log book (T2), cleaning the wafer (T3),
inserting the wafer (T4) and operating the wafer machine

3.15 Four tasks in wire bond job: key in the data (T1), screen 56
monitoring (T2), adjusting the wire (T3) and inspection
the wire (T4)

3.16 Five tasks in multi plunger job: set up the resin tablet 57
(T1), preparing the plunger bushes (T2), pressing the
resin tablet (T3) checking the tablet loader (T4) and
writing the log book (T5)

3.17 Research design for Case Study 1 58

3.18 Data analysis for Case Study 1 60

3.19 Five tasks in inspection job: inserting microchip roller 62

tape (T1), rolling the microchip roller tape (T2),
monitoring the microchip (T3), checking the microchip
(T4) and writing the log book (T5)

3.20 Four tasks in transaction job: preparing microchip roller 63

tape (T1), checking microchip roller tape (T2), key in the
data (T3) and transferring microchip roller tape (T4)

3.21 Five tasks in packaging job: inserting microchip roller 64

tape into cardboard (T1), packaging microchip roller tape
into cardboard (T2), labelling the cardboard (T3),
checking the cardboard (T4) and transferring the
cardboard (T5)

3.22 Research design for Case Study 2 65

3.23 Data analysis for Case Study 2 67

4.1 Risk level for the shoulder posture item in the WERA 72
4.2 Risk level for shoulder repetition item in the WERA tool 72

4.3 Risk level for the wrist posture item of the WERA tool 74

4.4 Risk level for wrist repetition item in the WERA tool 75

4.5 Risk level for the back posture item in the WERA tool 76

4.6 Risk level for back repetition item in the WERA tool 77

4.7 Risk level for the neck posture item in the WERA tool 79

4.8 Risk level for the leg posture item in the WERA tool 80

4.9 Risk level for the lifting load item in the WERA tool 82

4.10 Risk level for vibration item in the WERA tool 83

4.11 Risk level for contact stress item in the WERA tool 84

4.12 Risk level for task duration item in the WERA tool 85

4.13 Screenshot of the WERA user menu 88

4.14 Screenshot of the WERA shoulder part 89

4.15 Screenshot of the WERA wrist part 90


4.16 Screenshot of the WERA back part 91

4.17 Screenshot of the WERA neck part 92

4.18 Screenshot of the WERA leg part 93

4.19 Screenshot of the WERA lifting load part 93

4.20 Screenshot of the WERA vibration part 94

4.21 Screenshot of the WERA contact stress part 95

4.22 Screenshot of the WERA task duration part 95

4.23 Summary table for the WERA final score and action level 96

4.24 WERA final report 97

5.1 Percentage of workers reporting to body discomfort in 101

wall plastering job

5.2 Percentage of workers reporting to body discomfort in 102

bricklaying job

5.3 Percentage of workers reporting to body discomfort in 103

floor concreting job

5.4 The percentage of agreement from observers 113

5.5 Percentage of operators reporting to body discomfort in 117

wafer saw job

5.6 Percentage of workers reporting to body discomfort in 118

wire bond job

5.7 Percentage of workers reporting to body discomfort in 119

multi plunger job

5.8 Percentage of workers reported to body discomfort in 125

inspection job

5.9 Percentage of workers reporting to body discomfort in 125

transaction job

5.10 Percentage of workers reporting to body discomfort in 127

packaging job


Back-EST - Back Exposure Sampling Tool

BDS - Body Discomfort Survey

DOSH - Department of Occupational Safety and Health

LUBA - Postural Loading on the Upper-Body Assessment

MSDs - Musculoskeletal Disorders

NIOSH - National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administrative

OWAS - Ovako Working Posture Assessment System

PATH - Posture, Activity, Tools & Handling

QEC - Quick Exposure Check

REBA - Rapid Entire Body Assessment

RULA - Rapid Upper Limb Assessment

SHO - Safety and Health Officer

SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

WERA - Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment

WMSDs - Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders



K - Cohens Kappa Coefficient

N - Sample Size

SD - Standard Deviation

X - Mean

- Degree

- Plus-Minus

% - Percentage

- Alpha

2 - Chi Square

p - Pearson Chi-Square

r - Spearman Correlation Coefficients




A Summary table of the observational method 176

from 1976 to 2009

B WERA Paper Checklist 179

C Feedback Survey of WERA Tool 180

D Self-Report Chart (Body Discomfort Survey) 181

E WERA Coding System 182

F WERA Assessment (Validity Study) 206

- Wall Plastering Job

G WERA Assessment (Validity Study) 209

- Bricklaying Job

H WERA Assessment (Validity Study) 211

- Floor Concreting Job

I WERA Software Program (Verification Study) 214

- Wafer Saw Job

J WERA Software Program (Verification Study) 219

- Wire Bond Job

K WERA Software Program (Verification Study) 223

- Multi Plunger Job

L WERA Software Program (Verification Study) 228

- Inspection Job

M WERA Software Program (Verification Study) 233

- Transaction Job

N WERA Software Program (Verification Study) 237

- Packaging Job


1.1 Overview of the Study

Ergonomics is the one of main components of safety programs around the

country, and many companies have begun implementing effective ergonomic
programs in their workplaces (Brodie, 2008). A basic ergonomic assessment is often
the starting point for a company to approach implementing such a program due to the
ergonomics hazards at a workplace (Brodie, 2008; Burdorf, 2010). This approach
helps the company determine whether the jobs or tasks expose employees to risk
factors that could lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). By determining how the
job exposes employees to ergonomic risk factors, this approach helps the company
reduce the cost of occupational injuries and work-related illnesses (Li and Buckle,
1999a; Li and Buckle, 1999b; David, 2005; Brodie, 2008; Burdorf, 2010). An
additional reason to invest in ergonomics at the workplace is that it helps improve the
productivity of employees, which can result in increased bottom line profits of a
company (Brodie, 2008; Burdorf, 2010).
Benefits from the use of ergonomics are important to industries, so an
ergonomic assessment should be the first step taken in the process of safety and
health assessment (Brodie, 2008; Burdorf, 2010; Takala et al., 2010). The rationale
for this study grew out of research needs for practical methods used to define and
evaluate the ergonomics risk factors present in a job associated with work-related
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). It is important to identify the ergonomics
stressors linked with development of WMSDs, which are key elements for any
ergonomics program in developing the assessment of biomechanical exposure in
workplaces (Li and Buckle, 1999a; Li and Buckle, 1999b; David, 2005; Brodie, 2008;

Burdorf, 2010). The accurate measurement of workers exposure to the risk factors
related to WMSDs are critical to both epidemiologists and ergonomists in conducting
their research studies (David, 2005; Burdorf, 2010).
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are a common health
problem and a major cause of disabilities (Hales and Bernard, 1996; Bernard, 1997;
Kuorinka, 1998; Malchaire et al., 2001). A range of physical, individual, and
psychosocial risk factors are associated with the development of WMSDs. Physical
risk factors are based on exposure to physical demands while performing tasks; these
factors include awkward posture, forceful exertion, repetition of movement, contact
stress, vibration, and task duration (Bernard, 1997; Malchaire et al., 2001; Aptel et
al., 2002; Punnett and Wegman, 2004). Recent studies have shown that the effects of
WMSDs result in productivity loss at work, sickness, absence, and disability
(Bernard, 1997; Aptel et al., 2002; Punnett and Wegman, 2004). According to the
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) report on occupational
accidents for the category of death until August 2010 (Figure 1.1), 51% of victims
were reported by the construction industry, the highest figure. The manufacturing
industry was the second highest, for which 45% of victims were reported, behind the
agriculture industry (26% of victims) and the transportation industry (10% of victims)
(DOSH, 2010).

Figure 1.1 Occupational accidents by sector for the category of death until

Musculoskeletal injuries begin with the workers experiencing discomfort or

pain due to their tasks at a workplace (Hales and Bernard, 1996; Kuorinka, 1998;
Malchaire et al., 2001; Devereux et al., 2002; Punnett and Wegman, 2004; Khan et
al., 2010). Due to the risk factors present at workplaces, the discomfort will lead to
an increase in the severity of symptoms and will be experienced as aches and pains
(Devereux et al., 2002; Punnett and Wegman, 2004; Khan et al., 2010). The aches
and pains may eventually result in musculoskeletal injuries such as low back pain,
tendonitis, or serious nerve-compression injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome
(Malchaire et al., 2001; Aptel et al., 2002; Punnett and Wegman, 2004).

1.2 Problem Statements

Current techniques to assess the exposure of the risk factors related to

WMSDs still utilize observational methods, mainly because they are inexpensive and
practical for use in a wide range of workplaces whereas using the other methods
would be difficult due to the disruption they would cause (Beek and Dressen,1998;
Li and Buckle, 1999a; David, 2005; Brodie, 2008; Takala et al., 2010).
However, there is no tool available to covers the wide range of physical risk
factors in the workplace (Table 1.1), which include posture, repetition, forceful
exertion, vibration, contact stress and task duration (David, 2005; Takala et al., 2010).
There is a need to widen the existing range of physical risk factors and to consider
the interactions among them (David, 2005). Most of the observational tools available
only focus on postural assessments of various body parts rather than covering the
critical physical exposure factors in the workplaces (David, 2005; Burdorf, 2010;
Takala et al., 2010).

Table 1.1: Risk factors assessed by different assessment methods

Method (Year of First Risk Factors
Publication) Posture Forceful Repetition Vibration Contact Task
Exertion Stress Duration
Ovako Working Posture
Assessment System
OWAS (1977)
Rapid Upper Limb
Assessment RULA (1993)
Posture, Activity, Tools &
Handling PATH (1996)
Quick Exposure Check
QEC (1999)
Rapid Entire Body
Assessment REBA (2000)
Postural Loading on the
Upper Body Assessment
LUBA (2001)
Back Exposure Sampling
Tool BackEst (2009)
(Sources: David, 2005; Takala et al., 2010)

Furthermore, most of the existing observational methods have not been

extensively tested due to infrequent assessments of reliability and validity (Table 1.2)
during the development process of the tools (David, 2005; Brodie, 2008; Burdorf,

2010; Takala et al., 2010). The evaluation of reliability and validity are critical to the
development of ergonomic exposure assessment tools, particularly for research that
attempts to establish a causal relationship between ergonomic risk factors and
musculoskeletal health outcomes (David, 2005; Burdorf, 2010; Takala et al., 2010).
Takala et al. (2010) stated that a major challenge in developing an observational tool
is the validation of exposure assessment techniques. Poor performance of exposure
assessment tools due to the lack of reliability and validity testing contributes to the
scepticism regarding the work-relatedness of musculoskeletal disorders (David, 2005;
Takala et al., 2010).

Table 1.2: Reliability and validity studies of different assessment methods

Method (Year of First Publication) Psychometric Properties
Reliability Testing Validity Testing

Ovako Working Posture Assessment System OWAS

(1977) -
Rapid Upper Limb Assessment RULA (1993)

Posture, Activity, Tools & Handling PATH (1996)

Quick Exposure Check QEC (1999)
Rapid Entire Body Assessment REBA (2000)
Postural Loading on the Upper Body Assessment
LUBA (2001) -
Back Exposure Sampling Tool BackEst (2009)
(Sources: David, 2005; Takala et al., 2010)

Therefore, this research aims to develop a new type of ergonomic risk

assessment tool that covers both the range of the physical risk factors associated with
WMSDs and establishes the reliability and validity of the tool during the
development process.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this research are:

i. To develop a new ergonomic risk assessment technique which
assesses the exposure of physical risk factors associated with WMSDs.
ii. To establish the reliability and validity of the ergonomic risk
assessment tool during the development process.
iii. To evaluate the application of the ergonomic risk assessment tool on
different tasks.

The specific objectives of this research are:

a. To develop the ergonomic risk assessment paper checklist (Phase 1)
and to test its reliability and validity during the development process.
b. To determine the validity of the ergonomic risk assessment tool that
corresponds with other valid methods in the workplace. A
comparative study will be performed using the Body Discomfort
c. To investigate the inter-observer reliability of observers assessing the
physical risk factors of workers performing tasks using the ergonomic
risk assessment tool.
d. To develop the ergonomic risk assessment software program (Phase 2)
based on the ergonomic risk assessment paper checklist in Phase 1.
e. To verify that the ergonomic risk assessment software program
corresponds with other valid methods in the workplace. A
comparative study will be performed using the Body Discomfort

1.4 Research Questions

1) How valid is the ergonomic risk assessment tool in the workplace? Does
the ergonomic risk assessment tool correspond to the Body Discomfort
2) How reliable is the ergonomic risk assessment tool between users and
observers? Do the users and observers have good, moderate, or low levels
of agreement when assessing the physical risk factors of tasks using
ergonomic risk assessment tool?
3) How usable is the ergonomic risk assessment tool among the users and
observers? Is the ergonomic risk assessment tool easy to use, applicable
to the wide range of jobs, and valuable at work?

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this research encompasses the development of the observational

method, which is called the Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA) tool.
This tool covers the physical risk factors associated with work-related
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) at workplaces; these factors include posture,
repetition, lifting the load, vibration, contact stress and task duration. This tool
assessed five main body regions: shoulders, wrists, back, neck and legs. This tool did
not cover the specifics of environmental factors such as noise, lighting and thermal
comfort since these factors focus more on the work environment and there already
exist specific tools to evaluate these factors, such as the ACGIH Threshold Limit
Value for Heat Stress and Strain (2006a) for thermal comfort risk factors, the
ACGIH Threshold Limit Value for Noise (2006b) for noise risk assessment and the
Cornell Task Lighting Evaluation (2007) for lighting risk assessment.
During the validity test, 130 workers (Male) from the ages of 20 to 44 years
have been selected to perform three jobs in the construction industry, including wall
plastering, bricklaying, and floor concreting. Case Study 1 involved 115 operators
(female) ranging from the ages of 20 to 35 years selected to perform three jobs at
Company A located in Tangga Batu Indutrial Estate, Melaka. The jobs were also in

the manufacturing industry and included wafer sawing, wire bonding, and multi-
plunging. Case Study 2 involved 118 operators (Female) from the ages of 20 to 35
years selected to perform three jobs at Company B located in Senawang Industrial
Estate, Negeri Sembilan. These jobs in the manufacturing industry included
inspection, transaction, and packaging job. This study focused on selection of
participants of the working ages of 20 to 44 because the statistical data from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011) reported that workers who were 20 to 44 years of
age had the highest incidence rate at 134 cases per 10,000 full-time workers in the
construction and manufacturing industries. Department of Occupational Safety and
Health (DOSH) reported that industries with the highest occupational accidents rates
included the construction and manufacturing industries (DOSH, 2010). Therefore,
the validity test and case studies have been focused on the construction and
manufacturing industries. This research has aided in the development of two types of
the WERA tool, the WERA paper checklist and the WERA software program.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The proposed method for this study will contribute to new knowledge in the
ergonomic research field, especially to knowledge of methods in ergonomic exposure
assessment tools. This is because the lack of well-designed exposure assessment
methods is a primary issue for epidemiological studies of work-related
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) (David, 2005; Burdorf, 2010; Takala et al.,
2010). To date, no tool has been developed to cover the range of physical risk factors
related to WMSDs which carried out reliability and validity studies during the
development process of the tool. This is the first ergonomic risk assessment tool that
meets the research needs for practical methods to evaluate and define the ergonomics
risks inherent to a job, especially factors associated with WMSDs in the workplace.
The results of this study are useful to the development of new techniques of
the observational tool called the Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA),
which covers the range of physical risk factors related to WMSDs and addresses the
reliability and validity studies during the development process of the tool. Critical
information may be introduced to identify the ergonomics hazards that are linked

with the development of WMSDs; it is key to examine these hazards as part of any
ergonomics activity in developing the assessment of biomechanical exposure at the
In addition, assessing exposure to risk factors for WMSDs is an essential
stage in the management and prevention of WMDSs, and such assessment may even
form part of an overall risk assessment programme in the industry (David, 2005;
Brodie, 2008; Burdorf, 2010; Takala et al., 2010). Well-designed observational tools
that assess the physical risk factors related to the WMSDs have been of vital
importance to both epidemiologists and ergonomists in conducting research studies
(David, 2005; Brodie, 2008; Burdorf, 2010; Takala et al., 2010).

1.7 Organization of the Thesis

This thesis contains seven chapters. The chapters are arranged according to
the sequence of objectives and the rationale of the research. The seven chapters are:
Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 2 (Literature Review), Chapter 3 (Research
Methodology), Chapter 4 (Development of the WERA Method), Chapter 5 (Results),
Chapter 6 (Discussion) and Chapter 7 (Summary, Conclusions and Future Works).
Chapter 1 describes the background of the research, the objectives to be
achieved, the research scope, the significance of the research and the organization of
the thesis. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the literature and primarily focuses on the
discussion of the ergonomic methods used in assessing work-related musculoskeletal
disorders (WMSDs). These methods are divided into three main categories: self-
report questionnaires, observational methods, and direct measurement techniques.
Chapter 3 explains the research methodology and focuses on the development of the
WERA method, the validity of the WERA method, the reliability of the WERA
method, development of the WERA software program and verification of the WERA
software program in two different case studies.
Chapter 4 describes details of the development of the WERA method, which
is divided into two phases: development of the WERA paper checklist (Phase 1) and
development of the WERA software program (Phase 2). Chapter 5 shows the results
of the validity and reliability testing of the WERA method (Phase 1) and verification

of the WERA software program (Phase 2). It is divided into six sections:
introduction, validity testing of the WERA method, reliability of the WERA method,
verification of the WERA software program by Case Study 1, and verification of
WERA software program by Case Study 2. Chapter 6 discusses the findings from the
Chapter 5, including the results of the validity and reliability testing of the WERA
method (Phase 1) and verification of the WERA software program (Phase 2).
Chapter 7 concludes with the summary, further conclusions and future work
on this research.


2.1 Introduction

The review of the literature primarily focuses on the ergonomic methods used
to assess work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). It is divided into four
sections: introduction, ergonomic methods for WMSDs, observational methods for
WMSDs and conclusion. Section 2.2 discusses the commonly used exposure
quantification ergonomic methods for WMSDs, which include self-report
questionnaires, observational methods and direct measurement techniques. To
identify the gaps of knowledge in this research, Section 2.3 presents details of the
observational methods that have been developed for assessing WMSDs. This section
is subdivided into seven sections that discuss the types of observational tools based
upon several criteria. The inclusion criteria for selecting the observational tools were
as follows: (1) the year of first publication in original scientific articles from 1977 to
2009; (2) objectives of the method; (3) range of physical risk factors covered by the
method; and (4) the making of the method during the development process in term of
reliability and validity studies. Based on these strategies, it would be useful for the
researcher to develop a proposed method based on the gaps of knowledge in Section
2.4. Designing methodology for the development process on the proposed method is
outlined in Chapters 3 and 4.

2.2 Ergonomic Methods for Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders

Lower back pain and neck pain are categorised as work-related

musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), which are commonly experienced among
workers (Hales and Bernard, 1996; Malchaire et al., 2001; Punnett and Wegman,
2004). In a study by Bernard (1997), WMSDs became a serious health problem and a
major cause of disabilities. WMSDs are caused by a range of physical, individual and
psychological risk factors (Kuorinka, 1998; Punnet and Wegman, 2004). The
physical demands include adaptation of work posture, forceful exertion, repetitive
motion, vibration and task duration while performing a task (Bernard, 1997; Aptel et
al., 2002).
Commonly used exposure quantification ergonomic methods in work-related
musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) studies are divided into three categories: self-
report questionnaires, observational methods and direct measurement techniques
(Winkel and Mathiassen, 1994). Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses
and may be used for different applications or purposes. Figure 2.1 illustrates some
general characteristics of each method and may be used as a guide to select a

Source from Winkel and Mathiassen (1994)

Figure 2.1 Characteristics of the different methods


In general, direct measurement with instrumentation results in the most

specific and accurate exposure estimation, but involves significant costs. This
method would be impractical for individual exposure assessment in very large
populations of large-scale epidemiological studies because of the significant
resources and expertise that would be required. Self-reporting using questionnaires or
interview methods can be used to assess large populations but the data obtained by
these methods have low validity to the level of exposure. Observational measurement
methods are frequently used in field studies as a compromise between questionnaire
and direct measurement methods, since the former contains strengths and weaknesses
of the latter. Observational methods present the best compromise for individual
exposure assessment in large-scale epidemiological studies. The following sections
discuss details of the ergonomic methods, such as self-report questionnaires,
observational methods and direct measurement techniques.

2.2.1 Self-Report Questionnaires

Kadefors and Forsman (2000) stated that data collection on exposure of

physical risk factors in the workplace using self-reports can be obtained from
workers diaries, interviews, and questionnaires. The most recent innovations in data
collection using self-report are the written record, video film self-evaluation and the
web-based questionnaires (Dane et al., 2002). Other information can also be
collected, such as demographic variables, signs and symptoms of body parts and
signs of discomfort.
The advantages of these methods are that they are easy to use, can be applied
to a wide range of working situations, and are suitable for surveying a large number
of subjects. To ensure that the collection of data adequately represents the group of
workers that are being investigated, a large sample size is needed. Accurate
interpretation of the findings requires high-cost analysis and appropriate skills.
Imprecise and unreliable worker perception of exposure presents a major problem for
these methods. For example, reports of having experienced neck and back pain were
found to increase the probability of workers reporting higher durations and

frequencies of physical load compared to workers who were pain free in the same
occupational groups (Viikari et al., 1996; Balogh et al., 2004).
The degree of difficulty of the self-report methods may vary depending on
factors such as worker literacy, reading comprehension, or question interpretation
(Spielholz et al., 2001). Although the self-report methods generate doubt in
quantifying the level of exposure (Pope et al., 1998), other methods can be used to
analyse the details of exposure risk of the occupational group (Burdorf et al., 1999).
The levels of reliability and validity of self-report methods are too low for use as the
basis for ergonomics intervention at the workplace (Li and Buckle, 1999a).

2.2.2 Observational Methods

The most commonly used method is the observational method, which is

applied to evaluate the ergonomic hazards at workplace, monitor the ergonomic
improvements, and conduct research on ergonomic issues. Although this is the best
method of approach, the density of the gathered data on ergonomic hazards is
limited. The quantitative measurement of the exposure, risk and data can be tracked.
The low cost of the assessment and its quick turnaround times are positive
characteristics in the process of identifying ergonomics hazards in the workplace. A
simple observational method can be used to recognize and control the ergonomic
issues in the workplace. Section 2.3 discusses the details of the observational
methods for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs).

2.2.3 Direct Measurement Techniques

Attaching a sensor directly to the subject is one of the methods developed to

measure the exposure variables in the workplace. Simple handheld devices and
electronic goniometers can be used to obtain measurements and recordings of the
range of motion while performing a task. To measure the rotation angles of fingers,
wrists and forearm, a light-weight device commonly used to measure the articulating

joint of the body part directly was developed (Biometric Ltd, 1998) together with
corresponding systems for computerized data analysis (Radwin and Lin, 1993).
Frievalds et al. (2000) developed the system, which recorded the concurrent
movement of wrists, hand and fingers with grip pressure and directly connected to
the computer. The Lumbar Motion Monitor is one of the tools developed to record
body postures and movement assessment with combination appropriate software
(Marras et al., 1992). It also used to record continuous data of three-dimensional
components, including the trunk position, velocity and acceleration for subsequent
analysis by computer (Hasson et al., 2001; Bernmark and Wiktorin, 2002). Li and
Buckle (1999a) found that recording the body posture with the sensor attached to the
workers body is a technique to determine the time spent in different postures during
working hour. For investigating the simulation of task, the computing systems that
record the three-dimensional coordinates of all body markers are more suitable.
Electromyography (EMG) is another direct method that can be used to estimate
muscle tension, but it requires careful interpretation due to the non-linear
relationships involved (Schuldt et al., 1987; Wells et al., 1997). Although it may
difficult to interpret, it useful in evaluating the fatigue of local muscles (Merletti and
Parker, 1999). Highly accurate data can be obtained by using this method, but many
practitioners assume this method is still impractical because of the time needed for
analysis and for interpreting the data. To purchase the direct measurement tools, the
initial investment and other resources need to be considered to accommodate the
maintenance costs and the costs of highly trained and skilled staff (Li and Buckle,

2.3 Observational Methods for Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders

Observational methods are often used to evaluate the ergonomic risk factors
in the workplace. This method is commonly applied to identify ergonomic hazards
due to its simple characteristics and its low costs. Figure 2.2 shows the evolution of
the observational methods in practice from 1977 to 2009. The following sections
discuss the details of the observational methods related to work-related
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) that have been published.

Observational Methods in the Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs)

(from 1977 to 2009)
Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS)
(Karhu et al., 1977)

Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)

(McAtamney and Corlett, 1993)

Posture, Activity, Tools & Handling (PATH)

(Buchholz et al., 1996)

Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)

(Hignett and McAtamney, 2000)

Postural Loading on the Upper-Body Assessment (LUBA)

(Kee and Karwowski, 2001)

Quick Exposure Check (QEC)

(David et al., 2008)

Back-Exposure Sampling Tool (Back-EST)

(Village et al., 2009)

Figure 2.2 Observational methods for assessing the WMSDs from 1977 to 2009

2.3.1 Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS)

The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) was developed to

identify and evaluate poor working postures in workplaces (Karhu et al., 1977). The
development of the OWAS tool has been conducted in the steel industry, which was
used to define the various postures in workplaces such as the one adopted while
overhauling iron smelting ovens. This method uses four digit-codes to describe the
whole body posture involving back, arms, legs and the weight of the load handled.
The range of risk factors includes posture and forceful exertion. There were two
phases that occurred during the development of OWAS. The first phase was the
classification of postures and the second phase was the evaluation of the defined

Over 12 work-study engineers were trained to analyse the 28 tasks in the steel
plant using the OWAS tool in order to prove the reliability of the OWAS method.
The results were found to be fairly good with 93% agreement between the two
groups of work-study engineers (Karhu et al., 1977).
In conclusion, the OWAS tool was developed to identify and evaluate poor
working postures in the workplace. In addition, the concept of its reliability may
need more clarification. There is no formal study that has been conducted to
determine its validity during its development process.

2.3.2 Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)

A survey method known as Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) was

developed to analyse upper limb disorders which were related to work tasks
(McAtamney and Corlett, 1993). Part of its development involved the operators, who
performed five different tasks while standing in the garment making industry and
were assessed using the RULA tool. The evaluation of exposure risk factors was
based on a diagram of body posture and three scoring tables were provided. In this
method posture and forceful exertion risk factors are covered. Three stages were
involved in the development of the RULA tool: the working posture recording, the
scoring system and the scale of action levels.
Sixteen experienced operators who performed VDU-based data entry tasks
were assessed using the RULA in order to establish its validity. From this
experiment, body part scores showed that neck and lower arm scores were found to
be statistically significant (P < 0.01) while trunk, upper arm, and wrist scores were
not significant. More than 120 professional practitioners including physiotherapists,
industrial engineers and safety and production engineers were trained to test the
reliability of the RULA tool using videotape examples of operators performing
screen-based keyboard operations as well as packing, sewing and brick sorting tasks.
The results showed that scoring among the subjects had high consistency. There was
a moderate level of agreement for inter-observer reliability and validity in the
workplace (McAtamney and Corlett, 1993).

In conclusion, the RULA tool is more suitable to provide a rapid assessment

of the posture, muscle functions, and forces that were applied. Figure 2.3 shows the
Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA).

Source from McAtamney and Corlett (1993)

Figure 2.3 Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)


2.3.3 Posture, Activity, Tools & Handling (PATH)

A work sampling-based tool known as the Posture, Activity, Tools &

Handling (PATH) tool has been developed to characterized the ergonomic hazards
present in highway construction work (Buchholz et al., 1996). The PATH tool has
been specifically developed for the construction and agriculture industries and can
easily be applied to non-repetitive work.
This method used a digit-code to describe a whole body posture. The coding
system was based on a modification of the Ovako Work Posture Analysing System
(OWAS) coding system, which described the activity of the worker, the type of the
tool used, the size or type of handles and hand grasping. These also encompass the
basics of posture code of the PATH method. The range of risk factors covered
includes postures and forceful exertion.
During the development process, the results of the PATH analysis were
compared with simulated real time analysis in order to determine the validity of the
posture codes. For recording the postures of the back and shoulders, a simulated real
time analysis method has been developed. There are two sections of work collection
segments in the PATH tool: the manual material handling activities and the
construction activities. In addition, a simulated real time method was established to
define the codes of PATH trunk postures.
Multiple training sessions have been conducted to establish the reliability of
the PATH tool; these include the exercises, coding sheets and templates practice, a
two-dimensional mannequin and other visual aids. The participants were first
introduced to an overview of the construction taxonomy and the PATH method.
Next, the participants were taught about the PATH posture codes and were asked to
apply the PATH posture codes to still photographs. This task was to be completed
with the 5 seconds of observation time while coding the video was performed in real
time. The participants were coding the postures of workers at the construction site in
real time. Inter-observer agreement has been evaluated based on the coding posture
of the workers, which was performed simultaneously by the trainees and experienced
observers during the real-time coding.
In conclusion, the PATH tool was developed to analyse the ergonomic risk
factors and focused on posture and forceful exertion in the highway construction
scenario. Figure 2.4 shows the Posture, Activity, Tools & Handling (PATH) tool.

Source from Buchholz et al. (1996)

Figure 2.4 Posture, Activity, Tools & Handling (PATH)


2.3.4 Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)

The Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) tool was developed and
specifically designed for analysing the unpredictable working postures in healthcare
and other service industries (Hignett and McAtamney, 2000). The evaluation of the
exposure risk factors was based on the diagram of body postures and three scoring
tables were provided. In this method, posture and forceful exertion risk factors are
covered. Three stages were involved in the development of the REBA: the working
posture recording, scoring system development and development of the scale of
action levels, which provided the level of risk and further actions to be taken.
More than 14 professionals were involved in gathering and coding over 600
working postures of workers in the health care, manufacturing and electricity
industries during two training sessions in order to test the reliability of the REBA
tool. Refining the REBA method and starting an analysis of inter-observer reliability
for the body part coding were the main objectives of this training. As a result, the
inter-observer reliability was at 85% agreement. The REBA tool needs further
validation, even though it was defined as a useful tool to analyse postures. This is
because no formal studies have been conducted for to test the validity of this tool
during the development process. Figure 2.5 shows the Rapid Entire Body
Assessment (REBA).

Source from Hignett and McAtamney (2000)

Figure 2.5 Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)

2.3.5 Postural Loading on the Upper-Body Assessment (LUBA)

Postural Loading on the Upper-Body Assessment (LUBA) was developed as

a survey method for gathering data on the discomfort ratio value of body parts
corresponding to the task duration in static postures (Kee and Karwowski, 2001)
During the development process, the validity of the LUBA tool was tested by
20 male subjects who participated in the experiment. The tool measured the pain or
discomfort reported. To gather the data of the subjects discomfort in a wide range of
body motions, the free modulus technique was used in the experiment. Based on the
levels of angular deviations from regular joint motions, the scheme of postural
classification was developed. The postures were grouped into several categories

defined by the results of the same degrees of discomfort in statistical analysis. In this
study, the reference point was determined by the relationship of the lowest score of
numerical discomfort to the score of discomfort for the elbow flexion. Four
categories of different actions have been proposed as criteria to evaluate postural
stress during work in order to enable practitioners to make the necessary corrections.
In conclusion, the LUBA tool was developed based on experimental data that
analysed postural discomfort depending on the task duration in static postures.
However, no formal studies have been conducted to test the reliability of this tool
during the development process. Figure 2.6 shows the Postural Loading on the
Upper-Body Assessment (LUBA).

Source from Kee and Karwowski (2001)

Figure 2.6 Postural Loading on the Upper-Body Assessment (LUBA)

2.3.6 Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC)

David et al. (2008) have developed an observational tool called the Quick
Exposure Checklist (QEC) to evaluate the ergonomics risk factors related to work-
related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Development of the QEC tool involved
two phases in which a total of 206 practitioners participated in order to test, modify
and validate this tool using simulated and real workplace tasks. The QEC tool
assesses the four main body areas and involves practitioners and employees in the
During the development process in Phase 1, the validity of the QEC tool was
tested by 18 practitioners using the QEC tool to assess four task simulations which
were compared to the results of the SIMI 3D computerised motion analysis by
experts. The validation was also conducted by comparing the scores of six
practitioners with expert assessments using the QEC tool (Li and Buckle, 1999a; Li
and Buckle, 1999b). In Phase 2, the validity test was conducted at six organisations
and five tasks were assigned to each organisation. Seven practitioners with two
experts from the group assessed the each job (David et al., 2005).
In Phase 1, the reliability of QEC was based on comparison of the variation
task score conducted by practitioners with the results of SIMI 3D computerised
motion analysis by experts (Li and Buckle, 1999a; Li and Buckle, 1999b). Eighteen
practitioners viewed the video recordings of 18 industrial static and dynamic
activities, including the combination of repetitive and forceful characteristics in
seated and standing participants. In Phase 2, the inter-observer reliability was
designed to complement the trial results in Phase 1 using video film of the jobs
(David et al., 2005).
Training on the QEC assessment involved six practitioners who performed
QEC assessment on the small range of the tasks in the workplace. The trial
assessment was focused on simulated tasks to familiarize the trainees with the QEC
tool and to facilitate discussion with the experts. The practitioners were observed and
evaluated on the three tasks involving laboratory work using the QEC tool.
In conclusion, evaluation of the reliability and validity of the QEC tool is the
most important part of the development of the QEC tool in Phase 1. The risk
assessment method using video film showed that the observer-reliability of QEC had
'fair to moderate' levels of agreement. In Phase 2, the evaluation of inter-observer


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