Math 10 Curriculum Map
Math 10 Curriculum Map
Math 10 Curriculum Map
Mathematical Journal
Summative: Other: Student Portfolio
Chapter 2. Set How to use set Define a set using Chapter Test New Mathematics Counts set Students are encouraged to use Venn diagram to illustrate
language and language and notation different ways including Summative: Test: Written Second edition Book 5; and help they think about sets.
notation to describe sets and in words, list and set-; element
their operations? builder notation; Check students' understand of the; empty set/null set
(Week 5, 3 Define empty set, equal knowledge and skills covered in this handouts;
Weeks) set, finite and infinite set; chapter. equal set
Define subset, universal subset
set, complement of a Chapter Project
set, disjoint sets; proper subset
Formative: Project: Personal
Be able to perform universal set
operations with sets
including intersection, Go beyond what learned in this finite set
union; chapter and pose some really
interesting questions relating to infinite set
Use Venn diagram to
represent sets and sets. have students design posters complement of a set
relationships between or other types of work to showcase
their work. intersection set
Use Venn diagram to union set
represent operations Mathematical Journal
Venn diagram Venn
with sets; Formative: Other: Student Portfolio
Chapter 3. How to use matrices to Display information in Chapter Test New Mathematics Counts matrix / matrices
represent real world the form of matrices; Summative: Test: Written Second edition Book 5;
Guiding Questions Supplemental Skills/Notes Assessment Resources Key Terms Reflections
Matrices quantities? State the order of a; column
matrix; Check for students' understanding;
(Week 8, 4 How to perform Identify special types of and mastery of this chapter. handout; row
Weeks) operations with matrices like square order
matrices? matrices, unit (identity) Project Poster
matrices, zero matrices square matrix
Formative: Project: Personal
and equal matrices; identity unitmatrix
Add and subtract
matrices; Have students design a poster to
Multiply a matrix by a showcase what they have learned in
this chapter and present their work zero matrix
Multiply a matrix by a to the class as a whole. scalar
Interpret data in a given Mathematical Journal
matrix and solve Formative: Other: Student Portfolio
practical problems;
Have students keep track of the
new vocabularies and terminologies
that they come across during their
Education How can students apply Recall and apply knowledge and Mathematics Project Problem guidance worksheet;
Outside the the knowledge and skills skills to non-routine situations; Formative: Project: Personal
Classroom acquired in a classroom
setting at a outside- Identify, state and organize Students are provided with a
(Week 10, 1 school situation? problems; outside classroom real world
Week) situation where they are posed with
Solve problems; a problem that require them to
identify, organise and solve the
Chapter 4. How congruence and Use tests to determine Chapter Test New Mathematics Counts triangle The ratio between areas or volumes of similar shapes or
Congruence similarity is applied in whether triangles are Summative: Test: Written Second edition Book 5; solids is not very easy to understand. Students need many
and Similarity real world situations? congruent;; side examples and practices to help them build this intuitive
Understand relationship Check for students' understanding; angle understanding. Also practical examples like filling similar
(Week 12, 3 What is the quantitative between congruent of the knowledge and skills in this handout; solids with water and physically determine the volumes of the
Weeks) relationship between shapes and be able to chapter. area water will greatly strengthen their understanding.
objects, shapes and find unknown quantities; volume
figures that are Use tests to determine
Mathematics Journal length
congruence or similar? whether triangles are
Formative: Other: Student Portfolio
similar; congruencecongruent
Understand relationship
between congruent Have students keep track of the
shapes and be able to new vocabularies and terminologies
that they come across during their similaritysimilar
find unknown quantities;
studies. corresponding
Find the ratio of volumes
of similar solids;
Find the ratio of areas of Chapter Project corresponding side
similar plane figures; Formative: Project: Personal
corresponding angle
Have students design a poster to
showcase what they have learned in
this chapter and have them present cube
their work to the class as a whole.
Guiding Questions Supplemental Skills/Notes Assessment Resources Key Terms Reflections
Semester 1
Review & Mock
(Week 15, 2
Exams and
(Week 17, 3
Culture Week
(Week 20, 1
Chapter 5. How is vector Differentiate between Chapter Test New Mathematics Counts vector
Vectors represented in different vector and scalar Summative: Test: Common Second edition Book 5;
ways? quantities;; scalar
(Week 21, 4 Represent vector Check for students' understanding; direction
Weeks) How is vector applied to quantities by diffracted and mastery of the knowledge and handout;
solve real world line segments; skills learned in this chapter. magnitude
problems? Find the sum, difference directed line segment
and scalar multiples of
Mathematics Project
vectors; Formative: Project: Personal
Express and solve column vector
vectors in column form; zero vector
Find the magnitude of a Have students design a poster to
vector; showcase what they have learned in unit vector
Express a vector in this chapter and present their work
to the class as a whole. opposite
terms of position vectors;
Solve problems involving opposite vector
vectors; Mathematical Journal
resultant vector
Formative: Other: Student Portfolio
Triangle Law
Have students regularly keep track Parallelogram Law
of the new vocabularies and
terminologies that they come across
during their study. position vector
English Week
(Week 23, 1
Chapter 6. What are the keys Recall concepts and Chapter Quiz New mathematics Counts prime factors arc length
Revision words and terminologies skills in arithmetic; Summative: Other: Quiz Second Edition Book 5;
Highest Common Factor sector area
Topics for the knowledge and recall concepts and skills;
skills learned in the in algebra;;
Check for students' understanding sine rule
(Week 25, 7 recall concepts and skills and mastery of the knowledge and Lowest Common Multiple
in coordinate geometry cosine rule
Guiding Questions Supplemental Skills/Notes Assessment Resources Key Terms Reflections
Weeks) past? and graph; skills learned in this chapter. handout, worksheet; angle of elevation
recall concepts and skills
in measuration; Chapter Test decimal place angle of depression
recall concepts and skills Summative: Test: Written significant figures polygon
in trigonometry and
bearings; symmetry
Check for students' progress in this simple interest and
recall concepts and skills chapter. angle bisector
compound interest
in geometry;
recall concepts and skills perpendicular bisector
in statistics; Chapter Project
Formative: Project: Personal ratio bar graph
recall concepts and skills
expansion of algebraic pie chart
in probabilities;
Have students design posters and expression
other work that showcase what they factorisation of algebraic
know about the topics in this dot diagram
stem-and-leaf diagram
quadratic equation cumulative frequency table
box-and-whisker plot
complete the square mean
quadratic formula
quadratic graph
interquartile range
cubic graph
exponential graph standard deviation
distance-time graph - mutually exclusive
Semester 2
Review & Mock
(Week 32, 3
End of Year
Exam and
(Week 35, 4