Student-Teacher: Date: Primary EPC 2403 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem

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Student-Teacher: Alya Ghanim Mughawer Date: 25/10/2017

Primary EPC 2403 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1

Grade Level: Grade 3
Subject: Sciences
Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson students will be able to.
understand and use imperative verbs
understand and use simple nouns for body parts.
Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before
-Learners Book page 49
-show them a video about the human body.
-Activity Book page 42 -explain each part.
-play a song.
-Audio Tracks 36 and 37
Key vocabulary/ Target Language
wave, stand, hop, flap, wiggle, touch

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Ask learners to stand in a circle. Start the game by turning to one learner in the circle and giving them
Time:20 min

an instruction, for example, Hop on one foot. That learner must then follow the instruction and hop on

one foot while turning to the next learner in the circle and giving a different instruction. That learner
follows the instruction and gives a different instruction to the learner next to them. Continue until all
learners have spoken. Make sure that learners do the action while they are giving the instruction.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Some learners may struggle with the pronunciation of the action words, for example wave or hop. Teacher will
model the pronunciation and have learners repeat. Be encouraging if they struggle with pronunciation.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Topic vocabulary: Activity 1

1. Ask learners to open their Learners Book to page 49.
2. Focus on the pictures of children performing actions. Then tell learners that they are going to listen
to the audio and follow the instructions. Play the audio once and mime the movements.
Time: 20 min

3. Review the meaning of both. Say and mime, for example Show me both hands.

4. Play the audio again ask learners to follow the instructions.

5. Play it a third time, pausing after the verb for learners to repeat. Then play the instruction, pausing
for learners to repeat.
6. If you have time, you may wish to play the audio again, pause after each instruction and ask a
different learner each time to say it. Then the rest of class follows the instructions.
7. In pairs, learners briefly take it in turns to give instructions to the class using parts of the body.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Say it and do it: Activity 2

1. Go through the actions in the activity. For example, clap your hands, shake your head, wiggle your
finger. Check learners understanding by calling out a verb and having learners demonstrate the
action. Ask the learners to do two activities at the same time, for example, clap your hands and hop on
one foot.
2. In pairs, learners take it in turns to give a list of three instructions to their partner and follow it.

5 min

Rise the part from the body picture and the student say the name.


Worksheet to order the body.

Lesson Plan Reflection

My Teaching Childrens Learning (use

assessments of LO)
WWW What Went Well
I was explained the activity
then I give them the book.

EBI Even Better If

Show them an
anthropomorphic about the
human body so they will
understand more.

Next Steps
(Identify which lesson this will I will use object to show the
be seen in) student.

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