You guys are weird... You want to talk about the archtypical principals in regards to SM production but
then at the same time you dont really want to teach anyone how to make it
Which are the main archetypes? Sol and Luna, they are opposites. If Sol is hot and dry then Luna must
be cold and moist rigth?
The SM that we need is in the aetherical plane, not astral plane, because aetherical matter is the
immediate matter to this dense phisical matter in our reality. Then you only need to rip/tear/scrape the
aether... How? Putting in interaction these or other polarities... Have you thought why the sages say that
we need to collect dew in a electric storm? Because the thunderbolt or ray, with its power, rip the aether
allowing the SM particles to pass to this reality, to this phisical plane.
You can rip the aether making a change of pression or a deceleration of gravity or a sudden change of
temperatures, etc, etc... And how can you get it pure? Only you need to isolate the place of its
From the time immemorial the ancient sages, the philosophers of nature, have spoken of a particular
mystery of nature, perhaps the highest of all the arcane alchemy: the Celestial Saltpeter.
With the development of modern science, especially chemistry, the word 'saltpetre' became almost
obsolete, replaced instead by a more technical term 'Nitrate', salt of nitric acid. But the true essence of
this wonderful salt remains completely hidden to scientific investigation, which observes only the
shape, the molecular structure, the chemical formula. The ancient sages knew how to observe and
understand nature more deeply than we are now capable: of course, they did not possess the tools and
modern scientific knowledge, but had a more introspective and philosophical insight into nature which
is now almost entirely replaced by the Scientific protocols but we come to our saltpetre.
The chemical potassium nitrate or Earthly Saltpeter is the son of supernal Celestial Saltpeter, volatile
salt dispersed in the air is heavily steeped in the right quantities, so that everything on earth can be
created and survive. Everything that you track down on our planet today is the result of the action of
Celestial Saltpeter and is composed, in its latest and intimate resort, from this miraculous salt.
Therefore, if Potassium Nitrate is the Earthly Salpeter then what is the chemical formula of Celestial
Salpeter, the father of the first? The chemistry probably does not know it, because it never interested in
the arcane knowledge of nature.
The alchemists of old, on the other hand, declared that for preparing the 'Philosopher's Stone "and to
extract the quintessence of the three kingdoms (animal, vegetable and mineral) absolutely knew the
first universal matter and, consequently, how to get it. Returning to the heavenly nitre, it is a salt that
lives in the air and that can manifest itself only through alchemical manipulation which is very simple
but of utmost importance. Take a quantity of Saltpetre Terrestrial and dissolve it in water, possibly
rainwater or distilled, having taken care to previously heat the pot so slight pyrex glass or ceramic in
which pour the water and salt. Place the water and salt in the pot, have patience to dissolve the salt
and wait for several minutes so that Saltpetre can congeal into a magnificent needle-like crystals.
Once that happened, take care to separate the crystalline formations, spilling excess water in another
pot similar to the first and keeping the formations of saltpetre in a glass jar.Continue that way until it
no longer crystallizes. We will then the last small pot containing water in stasis, and waits for the
evaporation. During the operations, we will create on the inside edge of the salt pans a cuticle, an
inlay salnitrica to keep. If the procedure has been done correctly, after a few days, especially during
the spring, we will create around the pot, and also in the area of the house where the pot has been
preserved, some white inflorescences of salt: this is the Celestial Salpeter, called to emerge from its
'counterpart', which acts as a 'magnet' that can attract and corporificare the 'father'. This is the
revelation of the innermost structure of terrestrial nature and microcosmic. The saltpeter is food of all
living things and is the modulator of the so-called 'radical moisture', humoral vital force that animates
all animals and plants. The saltpeter, acquired in adequate proportions, is a real cure for the human
body, because man is the mirror of the cosmos. In fact, the Celestial Salpeter is created for 'offspring'
cosmic coming from nitrogen, found in every part of the universe. The nitrogen has as it's father
hydrogen, which, coming down in the sublunar world, is changed first into nitrogen, and then into
ozone, and then to oxygen. The earth is the manifestation of potassium nitrate, while its twin is sodium,
the result of Celestial Salpeter gets precipitated in Sea water and gained second-order natural forces of
sun and moon. Finally, the ancients asserted with absolute certainty, that this salt keeps alive the man
much more than does the food, because, they said that we will breathe about four grams a day and this
restores our radical moisture in much deeper than that we introduce through the mouth, from which we
derive our sustenance for only 0.01% required, while everything else is excrement.
This hypothesis was also supported in more modern times by Rudolf Steiner, founder of
Anthroposophy: Steiner, in one of his lectures, said that the construction of our body is due basically
what we breathe and not to what we eat.
So from the above, one can easily deduce why the ancient alchemists chiamassero such salt "our
Blessed Magnesia", "The White Dove of the Holy Spirit", "Our Telesma or Old Demogorgon" and in
many other ways, Depending on the subject on which they worked to extract it.
Originally Posted by Androgynus
Of course I'm not saying that! Quite the opposite, in the sense that I think your contribution is highly
beneficial for those who need to hear things in the way you present them.
I'm just saying that this is not exactly how *I* view this subject matter. No problem AT ALL.
And you DO display lots of knowledge of nature's intricacies. This is a gift I do not possess. There is
room for everyone's perspectives, and not everyone has to agree
I thank you for the nice platitudes, but isn't it the point of discussing these things to arrive at a
conclusion about the laws (or as the monks would say, habits *entendre*) of Nature? Therefore if there
is disagreement, then there is misunderstanding happening somewhere and it is the goal of debate to
clear up said misunderstanding.
You have stated many and sundry times that "this is not how I view it" - so state out in the open what
your main problem with these ideas is - and not some nebulous statement like "your thinking is to
complex", in other words how this differs from your view of the G.'.W.'.
I am yet to experiment with this, but my (sort of) 'educated' (?) guess would be that the involved Salts
MUST BE PREPARED in order to have a mild (low temperature) reaction.
I've heard too many stories of people attempting this sort of approach and ending up with exploding
crucibles (not to mention an arm or a leg)...
So please be extremely careful if you attempt anything of the kind, and make sure you know what you're
doing, BEFORE you do it!
The Golden Chain of Homer speaks of salt experiments a lot. The thing about "burning with water" is
that water is indeed like a bag tied with criss-cross bindings... as Fulcanelli described. As excess
moisture evaporates (indicating that it has less cohesive force than the rest of the mixt), the dissolved
matter in the "water-bag" draws closer and closer together. It is a uniting force, whereas the fire-of-the-
stove or even the celestial fire if it is not in harmony or right relation with the matter, is a separative
You have written "I would honestly enjoy to hear (from you) a simplified overview of the underlying
principles, from your perspective." Well, I tend to try to teach or show by examples, so lets start with a
couple of quotes from the classical authors: Sendivogius for starters said: The first and principal
substance is the moisture of air mingled with warmth. This substance the Sages have called Mercury,
and in the philosophical sea it is governed by the rays of the Sun and the Moon.
The philosophical sea is all around us, but more specifically it is in the sky. Greek myth speaks of
Oceanus, the Titan personifying the world-encircling river in the sky, which is this philosophical sea of
the sages. In Fulcanelli's "Dwellings", there is the following quote: "The woman who is appropriate for
the stone and who must be united to it is the fountain of living water, whose source, entirely heavenly,
and particularly which has its center in the sun and the moon, produces this clear and precious stream
of the Sages, which flows into the sea of philosophers that surrounds the whole world." (from the
conversation between Eudoxus and Pyrophile). So we see once again this image reflected in different
places of the rays of the Sun and Moon governing the world ocean.
In another work of the philosophers, they say that the first thing that must be done by the student of
Nature in order to augument/transmute etc is to learn how to make them quite volatile. Flamel agrees,
speaking as he does of the firch of metals. Lully, on the other hand, exhorts his son that the sophists do
not understand "the power of of the bound-together bodies". Sendivogius, on the other hand, in his
treatise concerning sulphur, writes of Saturn who is Sulphur's jailer - the very same Saturn who is
spoken of when they speak of the salt of Saturn, ravenous Saturn who eats/swallows his children,
Saturn whose daughter is said by Fulcanelli to be the stone of the philosophers. Quite a riddle, no?
Further, Pernety writes of the wings of Mercury, and speaks of the world being held together by secret
All the machinery of the world composes only one body, all the parts of which are bound by
meanswhich partake of the nature of the extremes. This bond is hidden, this knot is secret; but it is not
theless real, and it is by mean of it that all these parts lend themselves to mutual aid, since there is
arelation, and a true commerce between them. The emissary spirits of the superior natures make
andmaintain this communication; some go away while others come; some return to their source
whileothers descend from it; the last come takes their place, the others depart in their turn, still
otherssucceed them; and by this continual flux and reflux Nature is renewed and maintained. These are
thewings of Mercury, by the aid of which this messenger of the gods made such frequent visits to
theinhabitants of the Heavens and the Earth.
Lets see how these things relate. Forgetting about how chemistry produces salts, we must ask ourself
how nature produces the salts, these keys to art and nature? We should answer that they are children
born of Mercury, literally and figuratively. First of all the fixed matter must be dissolved in the water,
then the volatile (the air) dissolved in it as well. For is it not written that one cannot proceed from one
extreme to another except via the mean? The fixed and the volatile unite only by means of the mediator,
the blood of nature, the water. And the energy transmitted to the water by the celestial fire or light
governs the movements of these matters, which further governs in what relation the matter is drawn
In the earth we see a similar situation - whether we visit it in the molten sea of the volcano, or in the
cauldron of the thermal vents. This blood of nature draws things together, slowly. Therefore the dry
salts - magnets that they are - as they absorb water, also absorb the celestial fire of the air which then
becomes the central fire. Then they dry out again as the water is driven off, and then they are moistened
Have you ever asked yourself why water falls from the sky once it gets up there? How does the water
become more dense than the atmosphere? It has to be drawn together, organized, in order to form drops
dense enough to overcome the force that holds it up there. Everywhere in life we see this organizational
principle creating means and geometric harmony of specific types so that life can continue. Life is
organized, and it is so by virtue of the blood of nature, and by virtue of this secret knot or bond.
Thats just a start, and it doesn't touch on the more detailed stuff.
Green Lion
Patron of the Sacred Art Rectificando
Join Date
Dec 2008
I am anxious to re-specify certain things because I see that many members of this forum
focus more on the fact of finding a "device" which can produce the phenomenon that I
describe that on the laws which I try to make you understand.
What is important, it is the analogical laws which it can bring to understand. The key is to
put in parallel these some tracks which I give with a real observation of the Nature, without
a priori, but also with spiritual not-duals ways, the Genesis from the point of view of every
spiritual tradition etc.
I try to indicate you another way of dreading the Nature, the Life and the alchemy.
Alchemical treaties are written for those who already have this vision of the Nature and of
the Life. They can propose thus directly "laboratory techniques", "paths", materials,
distillations, calcinations etc.
But they never look in clearly the necessary method allowing to change our vision of the
I consider (but it is my personal vision, as all the rest of what I write or explain, being
nothing by definition the Absolute Truth) that the most important both things in alchemy
are to understand what the Spiritus Mundi is and what the Magnet of the Wise is.
The presentation which I make of the alchemy takes as support Spiritus Mundi. Simply
because from my point of view, it is what was the least described and explained in
alchemical texts, but also because by understanding the mechanisms of Spiritus Mundi, we
understand de facto what is the Magnet of the Wise.
The Magnet of the Wise is a state of the material. It is not A material. It is not THE
The treaties of alchemy explain it only very rarely. It is what makes that everybody is in
search of a material or of a set of materials which can serve in Great Work. It is for it that
everybody "fights" by saying that there is only one material and that the ideas of the others
are necessarily in the error. It is a non-problem. It is moreover for me the biggest trap which
the alchemical authors left us. While the key is to understand the changes of states of the
material. And by understanding them, we manage to perceive what can be the Magnet of
the Wise. It is for it that I consider Aureae Catenae Homeri as one of the biggest treaties of
alchemy. Because he insists enormously on the changes of states of the material, on the law
of the mediums which governs the passage from an element to the other one.
Other works consider that the reader has already understood what is the Magnet of the
Wise, that it is not the material which counts, but its qualities, its changes of states in such
or such condition.
If you content with reading and with analyzing treaties (that it is the one of Artephius, those
of Fulcanelli, Valois, Philalthe etc.) As if they indicated first and foremost finding THE
material and if it is then enough to apply their "recipe", you will not go farther than of High
Spagyric. Simply because you will miss " the spirit ", Spiritus Mundi. You will believe to
have the magnet of the Wise by focusing you on the various resultant materials that you
will have obtained. While what counts, it is the state in which is the material which you
work. Any material can potentially bring to the Philosopher's stone. Some are easier than
the others to work because they have characteristics, qualities more or less close to the state
necessary to obtain the Magnet of the Wise. It is only the capacity of capturing Spiritus
Mundi that has the worked material which determines if we stay in Spagyric or if we really
pass into alchemy.
Attention, I force nobody to believe in me. I am neither a master, nor an adept. I am only a
researcher and I shall remain it all my life. I just suggest you changing your vision of the
alchemy. Maybe that it will be useful for you. But if you are convinced of your personal
conception of the alchemy and what it gives you satisfactory results, do not listen to what I
say. I share, I impose nothing and I am certainly not the spokesman of the Truth.
08-02-2011 #183
Green Lion
Patron of the Sacred Art Rectificando
Join Date
Dec 2008
Hi Blueflame
Upon reading your post regarding the states of matter as being crucial in capturing the
spiritus mundi (as opposed to the type of matter) what sprung to mind fairly quickly are the
elaborate recipes of many alchemists when they will distil a substance and add it to the
remains, then redistil over and over again until everything at length will distil. Some of
these alchemists seem to assure us that this process will produce a philosophical stone, even
though they clearly have differing starting matters. Its as if the process of distilling (which
is really finely dividing the substance and infusing the elements of Air and hence Fire into
them) then readding to the salt is somewhat concentrating these elements into the starting
material and saturating them until they change state. It seems that the oily or waxy state
could be said to be resultant when Air and Fire have saturated a salt. Is this the kind of thing
you are refering to Green Lion, or am I not close to your meaning?
The repetition of distillations is a part of processes used to change states of materials. It was
used indeed often by the ancients, especially in wet path. It is a good idea to begin to get
acquainted with the concept of change of state by the distillation. It is moreover what
proposes the author of the Golden Chain. Now, it is necessary to dig and to go farther.
I have recently been reading about the athanor and its peculiar design mentioned quite
explicitly in Pernety and I wonder if it is not a microcosm, a miniature version of the planet
Earth with its interior heat. I wonder if the hot earth itself is the celestial "magnet" that
attracts celestial water, drawing it into its atmosphere or "Air" element, hence why we have
so much water in our atmosphere and in the oceans. I know I am still thinking along the
lines of a "device" to capture the spiritus mundi, but the Creation itself can be viewed as
such and alchemical devices only imitate nature, since alchemy is said to ultimately
produce substances not found in nature by application of "art" even though they are
produced along natural principles...even 'supernatural' principles.
It is always necessary to begin to observe the Nature because it is her who can give us most
operational keys. But it is necessary to observe it as the Ancients. It is for it that it is
necessary to read again alchemical treaties speaking about the creation, about the
generation of metals and to put them in parallel with our personal observation of the
Nature. Naturally the Earth is itself a magnet to Spiritus Mundi. Otherwise the life would
not have developed. But it is necessary to pay attention not to mix the water of the oceans
with the water which interests us. The water which interests us is the one which results
from the sky, passes in the air, penetrates the Earth and eventually raises of the center of the
Earth under the shape of the mercury about which speak about alchemical treaties.
Surely to capture the spiritus mundi one needs at least a magnet and an hermetically sealed
flask to ensure the liquid does not interact with the outer atmosphere! Is this not a device?
And ? To capture Spiritus Mundi, it is already necessary to understand what it is. Then to
understand which type of magnet can get it. Then to understand which state of the material
allows to get it. Which other type of state of the material allows to keep it It is necessary
to understand the general laws of the Nature before imagining some protocol.
08-03-2011 #185
Green Lion
Patron of the Sacred Art Rectificando
Join Date
Dec 2008
Electricity, like Magnetism, Heat, Light etc. are parts of manifestation of the Spiritus
Mundi, but thats all. Spiritus Mundi not just reacts like water (like in the case of radiant
energy of Tesla) but looks like water visually, or like a green gas in certain cases.
06-14-2010 #269
Green Lion
Patron of the Sacred Art Rectificando
Join Date
Dec 2008
But isn't every-thing this fine matter/high-short frequency condensed and slowed into
Yes, because all the matter results from the light of black sun. The matter is only the
"condensed" light. Henri Coton Alvart explains it very well in his book Les deux
Lumires .
If you agree, then we're back at spagyrics - that is, separate, purify and recombine.
No. The spagyria separates a mixte in several parts (salt, sulfur, mercury). Then it cleanses
these parts and finally recombines three in a single body. But the alchemy does not
separate. It leaves only a mixte. It is the Secret Fire / Spiritus Mundi which separates,
cleanses and recombines. But it makes it only in a single vessel. The terms of separation,
purification and combination thus are to be understood in the allegorical sense because
everything takes place in a single place, without any action of the alchemist.
This alternative is the work on pure, only Spiritus Mundi. It is the most difficult practice. It
is for it that most of the former alchemists worked with a mixte, modified to serve as
magnet for the Spiritus Mundi.
Should we be thinking of virtues and qualities? or something that has no qualities? I don't
think it can be collected/condensed with fire, air, water or earth or any of the three
kingdoms. If it could, it wouldn't be the quintessence - that is, it wouldn't be the three gunas
(or four elements) perfectly balanced prior to manifestation/imbalance.
The mixte which serves as magnet is going to specify the Spiritus Mundi. But in the end,
it's not a problem. Indeed, Spiritus Mundi is going to reincrudate the mixte, the magnet.
This mixte is then going to return to its root and thus to become again the essential chaos,
from the point of view of the microcosm that is the vessel or the melting pot. The perfection
and the balance will arrive from themselves, according to the action of the Spiritus Mundi
on the mixte. The basic reign of the alchemical work is thus specified. But the result gives
anyway a universal Philosopher's stone.
It is for it that it is more interesting to think on the qualities than on the matters. Because it
is the qualities which are going to give us the general laws. The matter will be then specific
06-17-2010 #295
Mysterious Stranger Visita
Join Date
Feb 2010
Maybe we could start with GL's basic experiment , an empty globe flask, the martian
influence and 9 months. Well the earth is also a globe and her geometry interacts with the
aether in the same way, it surrounds her and she bathes in it constantly, yet the sun sets the
aether in motion, its excites it, and bumps it in and out of existence as a positive and
negative entropy matter, so there is a positive water which you are most familiar with
which you drink everyday and there is a negative entropy water that does not wet the hands,
and behaves as sort of an astral refrigerant, familiarize your self with the properties of
refrigerants, especially ammonia, NH4, many, many references in alchemical manuscripts
to the nitrous residues left by evaporated dew,(salt-peter) and niterous deposits on the walls
of the caves of the adepts, and its polymorphs into gur-like products , i.e. the red and the
white which are the mother of metals, i.e. clays which give birth to marcasite nodules,
which are the closest matters to metals as Kircheweger spoke of and Fulcaneli also
mentioned these marcasite nodules as referenced below, don't forget about all the bible
references the Mutus Liber gives concerning the earth and the fat places of it and the
heavens that rain down "dew", where does this "dew" accumulate of course in the red earth
of man, the HADAMA, the very earth he was formed from this IMO is what Fulcanelli was
refering to when he once again said, "Our globe, reflection and mirror of the microcosm, is
therefore nothing but a small part of the primordial Chaos, destined by divine will for
elementary renewal in the three kingdoms, but which sets of mysterious circumstances have
oriented and directed toward the mineral kingdom. Thus given form and specified,
subjected to the laws ruling the evolution and the progression of minerals, this chaos, which
has become a body, contains in a confused manner the purest seed and the closest substance
there is to minerals and metals" this chaos of course if we all agree is the aether, the true
prima matera which when bumped the right way condenses into the "dew", the water that
wets not and "its body that is has become", is clay...... For a little insight into refrigerants
and there actions on metals... NH4 will dissolve gold as it will all metals that have a red
sulfur, i.e. copper,bronze, brass,... that is why these metals are not used in ammonia
refrigeration systems, instead metals with a white sulfur are used, keep in mind I'm not
saying that this water is a refrigerant as we know them in this world but rather its qualities
behave much like them because they are akin to each other.
The first of these ways which uses the vase of the art is time-consuming, painstaking,
thankless, accessible to wealthy people, but is in a place of great honor in spite of the
expenditures it entails, because it is the one which authors preferably describe. It s used
as a support for their reasoning as well as for the theoretical development of the Work,
requires an uninterrupted labor of twelve to eighteen months, and starts with natural gold
prepared and dissolved in the philosophical mercury which is then cooked in a glass
matrass. This is the honorable vase reserved for noble use of these precious substances
which are the exalted gold and mercury of the sages.
The second way demands, from beginning to end, only the help of a coarse clay abundantly
available, of such a low cost that in our time ten francs are sufficient to acquire a quantity
more than enough for our needs. It is the clay and the way of the poor, of the simple and the
modest, of those whom nature fills with wonder even by her most humble manifestations.
Extremely easy, it only requires the presence of the artist, for the mysterious labor perfects
itself by itself and is achieved in seven to nine days at the most. This way, unknown to the
majority of practicing alchemists, is elaborated from start to finish in one crucible made of
fireproof clay. It is the way that the great masters called womans work and childs play; it
is to it that they apply the old hermetic axiom: una res, una via, una dispositione. One
matter, one vessel, one furnace. Such is our earthen vase, a despised, plain vase of common
use, "which everyone has before his eyes, which costs nothing, which can be found at
everyones house, yet which nonce can recognize without a revelation".
"Our two vases appear well defined, clearly marked and in absolute agreement with the
precepts of hermetic theory. One is the vase o nature made of the same red clay God
used to form the body of Adam with. The other is the case of the art, whose entire
material is composed of pure, clear, red, incombustible, fixed, and diaphanous gold, of
an incomparable brightness. And these are our two vessels which truly represent only two
distinct bodies containing the metallic spirits, the only agents we need. "
"Clay owes to iron its special coloration, sometimes yellow when iron is found divided as a
hydrate, sometimes red when it is in the form of sequioxide, a color which is further
intensified by baking (as in bricks, tiles and pottery). Of all the classified ores, iron pyrite is
the most common and the best known. The black ferruginous masses in variously sized
balls, in shell-like agglomerations, in nodules, are often encountered in fields, on the
sides of paths, in chalky terrain. Country children often play with these marcasites
which show a fibrous crystalline radiating texture when they are broken. Sometimes they
contain small quantities of gold. "
Fulcanelli goes on to speak of the treatment of the same matter, iron sulfite/pyrite by
archemists, spagyrists and alchemists alike, elaborating that the two formers used a variety
of chemcial processes to potentialize the stone with vary degrees of success, including the
use of a red, diaphanous glass-like form of gold which marks the long way of the rich royal
chemists whereas alchemists allowed the universal spirit to descend and not some
chemicals and elborate processes to solve and perfect their matter. Thus the two "hermetic"
vases, an analogy he uses for the two ways, but therin also very cleverly conceals the prima
matera of the ars brevia while also very openly declaring it, yet the need for the revelations
remain paramount to the would be practicant of this path.
I am a poor man so I work in the way of the poor, and I have little time left so I use the ars
brevis. One matter, one vessel, one way implies just as GL suggested that the matter
perfects itself with itself and requires no intevention or laying of the hands by the artist, i.e
spagyrical operations such as crystallization and repeated purifications and recombinations.
"The vital energy of the sun, the magnetism of the air and water are concentrated in the
clay. The researcher Stanley Miller using sparks to simulate the magnetic storms, succeeded
to obtain amino acid molecules, but reversed. Further experiments of the Russian Oparin
with polarized light obtained molecules of amino-acids equal to those that make up living
bodies, Oparin did converge a ray of polarized light on the clay quartz."
Hi Leo,
ars brevis, higth temperatures or exposure of the clay to the air (Glauber)?
Is the end result a red glass?
Thank you in advance for your answer and for your posts!!
Hello Rebus7 :)
With the method I've been following, I'm able to observe the condensation of a rainbow colored oil that
forms on the interior walls of my flask. The condensation is increased in volume and speed through
chanting and singing, as Androgynus has suggested in another post. It first appears as a thin coating of
fog, and then after a few minutes of chanting becomes iridescent/opalescent in appearance. I had been
using lighting from a standard incandescent light-bulb to observe the effect, but wondered if it would
be easier to observe the effect with different lighting. I tried using a "black-light"(aka ultra-violet)
instead of the incandescent light, and noticed the condensation seemed to slow. This observation was
counter-intuitive to me, since I thought that lunar-light was closer to the ultra-violet spectrum. The oil
that had formed from chanting in regular light, seemed to begin to vanish at a faster rate once the black-
light had been introduced. I only attempted this experiment once, so please keep in mind that other
factors could of played a part in the effect. I realize you had asked about infra-red rather than ultra-
violet, so I hope this helps..
Amazing. I would have thought that these effects would have taken months to occur, not minutes.
So, what has happened to this oil since your experiment?