Engilsh Lesson Plan 2 Done
Engilsh Lesson Plan 2 Done
Engilsh Lesson Plan 2 Done
Please note: You need to refer to the MOE/Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) curriculum
documents for the Cycle 1 learning outcomes and explanatory notes, where there are
ideas for activities. You will note that some examples have been added to this lesson plan
The teacher and the students they will put the classroom rules together by showing
them a picture such as (eyes, mouths and hand) then the students they will say what
they should do. And if they didn't and misbehave so they will put the punishment.
The teacher will show them their reward system and she will explain it for them.
The teacher will show this to didnt flash card including the verb with their picture then
the teacher and the student will discuss the verb they know them or not to know their
knowledge and the teacher will explain it for them also she will explain it for them how
are they irregular verbs.
Activity 1 Activity 2
The teacher will give each group a The teacher will give each student a card
paragraph this paragraph contains an this card is two type, The first type
irregular verb, so the teacher will choose contains An irregular verb The second
the reader from each group to read for a card contains the past of this verb. So
whole group the paragraph. After some of the students will take the first
finishing reading the teacher will give it to type of the card The second will take the
a student in the group a sticky note then second type of the card. So the teacher
the student well search of an irregular will let all the student stand up so The
verb. After finishing that the teacher will student Will search for their friend which
discuss with them. the card is complete the card thats that
student has. So each student will be
together one has an irregular verb and
their partner has a past then the teacher
and the students will discuss together.
Activity 3 Activity 4
Each student will have a schedule, This To link this lesson with the previous
schedule Divided by two section, The first lesson That about writing so the teacher
section is about Present tense. And the will give each student and an irregular
second section about past tense. The verb So the student will write to sentence
student will have a small paper this paper one that in the past and one that in the
contain different ward about the past and present contain this word that the
the present verb so the student will teacher gives it to them.
choose a small paper then the student
will read this paper and the student will
think when will put this paper in any
section of the schedule. So where will
paste The paper into the schedule using a