z/OS concepts
z/OS is ideal for processing batch jobs workloads that run in the background with little or no human
interaction. However, z/OS is just as much an interactive operating system as it is a batch processing
system. By interactive we mean that end users (sometimes tens of thousands of them concurrently)
can use the system through direct interaction, such as commands and menu style user interfaces.
In z/OS, the facility known as Time Sharing Option/Extensions or TSO allows multiple users to log on
and interactively share the resources of the mainframe. TSO also provides users with a limited set of
basic commands; using this set is sometimes called using TSO in its native mode.
ISPF is a menu-driven interface for user interaction with a z/OS system. The ISPF environment is
executed from native TSO. ISPF provides utilities, an editor and ISPF applications to the user. To the
extent permitted by various security controls, an ISPF user has full access to most z/OS system
TSO/ISPF serves as both a system management interface and a development interface for traditional
z/OS programming.
The z/OS UNIX shell and utilities provide a command interface to the z/OS UNIX environment. You can
access the shell either by logging on to TSO/E or by using the remote login facilities of TCP/IP (rlogin).
If you use TSO/E, a command called OMVS creates a shell for you. You can work in the shell
environment until exiting or temporarily switching back to the TSO/E environment.
What is TSO?
Time Sharing Option/Extensions (TSO/E) allows users to create an interactive session with the
z/OS system. TSO provides a single-user logon capability and a basic command prompt
interface to z/OS.
What is ISPF?
ISPF is a full panel application navigated by keyboard. ISPF includes a text editor and browser,
and functions for locating and listing files and performing other utility functions.
What is TSO?
z/OS concepts
Time Sharing Option/Extensions (TSO/E) allows users to create an interactive session with the z/OS
system. TSO provides a single-user logon capability and a basic command prompt interface to z/OS.
Most users work with TSO through its menu-driven interface, Interactive System Productivity Facility
(ISPF). This collection of menus and panels offers a wide range of functions to assist users in working
with data files on the system. ISPF users include system programmers, application programmers,
administrators, and others who access z/OS. In general, TSO and ISPF make it easier for people with
varying levels of experience to interact with the z/OS system.
In a z/OS system, each user is granted a user ID and a password authorized for TSO logon. Logging on
to TSO requires a 3270 display device or, more commonly, a TN3270 emulator running on a PC.
During TSO logon, the system displays the TSO logon screen on the user's 3270 display device or
TN3270 emulator. The logon screen serves the same purpose as a Windows logon panel.
z/OS system programmers often modify the particular text layout and information of the TSO logon
panel to better suit the needs of the system's users. Therefore, the screen captures used in examples
will likely differ from what you might see on an actual production system.
Many of the screen capture examples also show program function (PF) key settings. Because it is
common practice for z/OS sites to customize the PF key assignments to suit their needs, the key
assignments shown in examples might not match the PF key settings in use at your site.
Perform ===>
Command ===>
What is ISPF?
z/OS concepts
ISPF is a full panel application navigated by keyboard. ISPF includes a text editor and browser, and
functions for locating and listing files and performing other utility functions.
After logging on to TSO, users typically access the ISPF menu. In fact, many use ISPF exclusively for
performing work on z/OS. ISPF menus list the functions that are most frequently needed by online users.
Figure 1 shows the allocate procedure to create a data set using ISPF.
Figure 2 shows the results of allocating a data set using ISPF panels.
To access ISPF under TSO, the user enters a command such as ISPPDF from the READY prompt to display
the ISPF Primary Option Menu.
The ISPF panel can be customized with additional options by the local system programmer. Therefore, it can
vary in features and content from site to site.
To reach the ISPF menu selections shown in Figure 5, you enter M on the option line.
Menu Help
IBM Products Panel
More: +
1 SMP/E System Modification Program/Extended
2 ISMF Integrated Storage Management Facility
3 RACF Resource Access Control Facility
4 HCD Hardware Configuration Dialogs
5 SDSF Spool Search and Display Facility
6 IPCS Interactive Problem Control System
7 DITTO DITTO/ESA for MVS Version 1
8 RMF Resource Measurement Facility
9 DFSORT Data Facility Sort
10 OMVS MVS OpenEdition
11 DB2 Data Base Products
12 RRS Resource Recovery Services
13 DB2ADM Data Base Admin Tool
14 QMF Query Management Facility
15 MQ WMQ Series Operations and Control
16 FMN File Manager 3.1 Operations and Control
17 WLM Workload Manager
18 PE Performance Expert
In Figure 5, DFSORT is offered as option 9 on this panel. We will select it now as a useful example of the
ISPF panel-driven applications.
Figure 6 shows the panel that would be displayed for option 9 of ISPF.
| \------------------------------------------------/ |
| | Licensed Materials - Property of IBM | |
| | | |
| | 5740-SM1 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 1992. | |
| | All rights reserved. US Government Users | |
| | Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or | |
| | disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule | |
| | Contract with IBM Corp. | |
| /------------------------------------------------\ |
The TSO sort function is available through ISPF as a menu-selectable option. Through the SORT option, the
user can allow ISPF to handle the TSO allocations, create the SORT control statement, and call the SORT
program to produce the results of the sort.
Notice the keyboard program function key (PF key) selections at the bottom of each panel; using PF3 (END)
returns the user to the previous panel.
Although ISPF is a full panel application navigated by keyboard, you may download and install a variety of
ISPF graphical user interface (GUI) clients to include with a z/OS system. After installing the ISPF GUI
client, it is possible to use the mouse.
Many screen capture examples show ISPF program function (PF) key settings at the bottom of the panel.
Because it is common for z/OS users to customize the PF key assignments to suit their needs, the key
assignments shown might not match the PF key settings in use on your system. Actual function key
settings vary from customer to customer.
Keyboard mapping lists some of the most frequently used PF keys and other keyboard functions and
their corresponding keys.
The examples in this section use these keyboard settings. For example, directions to press Enter mean
that you should press the keyboard's control key (Ctrl) at the lower right. If the keyboard locks up, press
the control key at the lower left.
Help PF1
PA2 Alt-Home
Clear Pause
Page up PF7
From the ISPF Primary Menu, press the PF1 HELP key to display the ISPF tutorial. New users of ISPF
should acquaint themselves with the tutorial (Figure 1) and with the extensive online help facilities of
Besides the tutorial, you can access online help from any of the ISPF panels. When you invoke help, you
can scroll through information. Press the PF1-Help key for explanations of common ISPF entry mistakes,
and examples of valid entries. ISPF Help also contains help for the various functions found in the primary
option menu.
PA1 is a very important key for TSO users and every user should know how to find it on the keyboard.
Back in the early days, the "real" 3270 terminals had keys labeled PA1, PA2, and PA3. These were called
Program Action keys or PA keys. In practice, only PA1 is still widely used and it functions as a break key
for TSO. In TSO terminology, this is an attention interrupt. That is, pressing the PA1 key will end the
current task.
Finding the PA1 key on the keyboard of a 3270 terminal emulator such as TN3270 emulator can be a
challenge. A 3270 emulator can be customized to many different key combinations. On an unmodified
x3270 session, the PA1 key is Left Alt-1.
z/OS users typically use the ISPF Data Set List utility to work with data sets.
To access this utility from the ISPF Primary Option Menu, select Utilities, then select Dslist to display the
Utility Selection Panel, which is shown in Figure 1.
In the panel, you can use the Dsname Level data entry field to locate and list data sets. To search for
one data set in particular, enter the complete (or fully qualified) data set name. To search for a range
of data sets, such as all data sets sharing a common HLQ, enter only the HLQ in the Dsname Level field.
Qualifiers can be specified fully, partially, or defaulted. At least one qualifier must be partially specified.
To search for a portion of a name, specify an asterisk (*) before or after part of a data set name. Doing
so will cause the utility to return all data sets that match the search criteria. Avoid searching on * alone,
because TSO has many places to search in z/OS so this could take quite awhile.
In the majority of ISPF panels, a fully qualified data set name needs to be enclosed in single quotes.
Data set names not enclosed in single quotes will, by default, be prefixed with a high level qualifier
specified in the TSO PROFILE. This default can be changed using the PROFILE PREFIX command. In
addition, an exception is ISPF option 3.4 DSLIST; do not enclose Dsname Level in quotes on this panel.
For example, if you enter ZUSER in the Dsname field, the utility lists all data sets with ZUSER as a high-
level qualifier. The resulting list of data set names (see Figure 2) allows the user to edit or browse the
contents of any data set in the list.
To see all of the possible actions you might take for a given data set, specify a forward slash (/) in the
command column to the left of the data set name. ISPF will display a list of possible actions, as shown
in Figure 3.
z/OS users typically use the ISPF editor to create or modify data set members.
To access the editor, select 2 from the ISPF Primary Option Menu and, on the Edit Entry panel, enter the
name of the data set that you want to create or modify.
In edit mode, each line of text in the data set is known as a record. You can perform the following
To edit the contents of a data set, move the cursor to the area of the record to be changed and
type over the existing text.
To find and change text, you can enter commands on the editor command line.
To insert, copy, delete, or move text, place these commands directly on the line numbers where
the action should occur.
To commit your changes, use PF3 or save. To exit the data set without saving your changes,
enter Cancelon the edit command line.
Figure 1 shows the contents of data set ZUSER.PROGRAM.CNTL(SORTCNTL) opened in edit mode.
Take a look at the line numbers, the text area, and the editor command line. Primary command line, line
commands placed on the line numbers, and text overtype are three different ways in which you can
modify the contents of the data set. Line numbers increment by 10 with the TSO editor so that the
programmer can insert nine additional lines between each current line without having to renumber the
PF1 in edit mode displays the entire editor tutorial (Figure 2).
| EDIT |
The ISPF Settings menu and HILITE command allow you to customize the appearance of your ISPF
1. From the ISPF Primary Option Menu, select option 0 to display the Settings menu, as shown
in Figure 1.
2. In the list of options, type or remove the "/" on the line corresponding to the setting that you
want to change. Use the Tab or New line key to move the cursor.
Terminal Characteristics
Screen format 2 1. Data 2. Std 3. Max 4. Part
The actions in the bar across the top usually vary from site to site.
Another way to customize ISPF panels is with the hilite command, as shown in Figure 2 . This command
allows you to tailor various ISPF options to suit the needs of your environment.