CHEM F313: Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Energy & Electromagnetic Spectrum
CHEM F313: Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Energy & Electromagnetic Spectrum
CHEM F313: Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Energy & Electromagnetic Spectrum
Lecture 02
Energy & Electromagnetic Spectrum
BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Electromagnetic waves
1. Wavelength, l 6. Monochromatic/Polychromatic
2. Frequency, 7. Interference
3. Wave number, 8. Polarised/non-polarized
4. Radiant Power, P
5. Intensity, I
BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Electromagnetic spectrum
Energy Change
Valance Electrons
BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Width of Spectral Lines
Irrespective of the improvement of the instrumentation (thin slit) the
line width of the spectra are often blurred. Natural line width is
governed by,
Collision Broadening: Due to continual motion in liquid & gas phase,
molecules/atoms collide frequently. Vibration & rotation spectra are
usually affected.
Doppler Broadening: Due to collisions. Random motion creates both
higher and lower frequencies. More effective in gases then liquids
Heisenbergs Uncertainly Principle: E x t = /2 ~ 10-34 J.s ,
which means that lowest energy state is most certain.
E.g. lifetime of excited electronic state is ~ 10-8 s, so, E ~ 10-28 J,
and hence = 108 Hz. This is typically small w.r.t. source (~ 1016
For excited electronic spin state lifetime = 10-7 s, which shows
= 107 Hz. But this is comparable with the frequency of such
transitions ~109 Hz, hence a considerably broad signal.
Also, the relation between radiant power and concentration can be found out at a
constant distance travelled and a fixed wavelength,
Beers Law
The number of absorbent is proportional to the concentration, C
is called absorptivity [Lg-1cm-1] if C is in g.L-1 and l is in cm
Or, molar absorption coefficient [Lmol-1cm-1] if C is in molL-1 and l is in cm
BITSPilani, Pilani Campus