Alien Saucer Crash in 1937 Nazi Germany

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The document discusses theories that the Nazis recovered an alien spacecraft in 1937 and studied its technology, leading to advances in their aerospace programs.

The document claims that an alien spacecraft crashed in Nazi Germany in 1937 and was recovered by the German army.

The document states that teams involved in studying the crashed craft came from the Luftwaffe, the Speer Ministry of Arms, and the Reichsforschungrat research council.

Alien saucer crash in 1937 Nazi Germany

Ten years before an alien craft crashed onto

rancher Mack Brazels property near Roswell,
New Mexico, a flying saucer lost control and
crashed onto the countryside of Nazi Germany.
This incredible storycovered-up by both the
U.S. and U.S.S.R. for more than 70 yearsis
allegedly the actual basis for the Nazis intense
research into wingless, disc aircraft; Hitlers
and Himmlers near obsession with exotic
technology and flying saucers; and the
incredible experiments by S.S. physicists that
culminated with flying saucers and the Bell
a bizarre multi-dimensional motor that
neutralized gravity and ripped a gash into the very fabric of the time-space continuum creating
incredible and horrific effects.
Similiar saucer alleged to have crashed in USSR, 1950s

The Third Reichs saucer

In 1937, as Nazi Germany was rising from the ashes of the old German Republic and becoming
the worlds first real superpower, an incredible thing happened: aliens crashed their distressed
craft into the German countryside. [Secret Treaty: The United States Government and Extra-
terrestrial Entities]
The German army was there to pick up the pieces. No record exists, however, indicating whether
any bodies were also retrieved.

When word of the crashed disc made its way back to the German High Command and the report
landed on the Fhrers desk, he immediately ordered elements of the Luftwaffe and Germanys
top aeronautical experts to sift through the remains. Ostensibly, the damaged saucer was moved
into a warehouse facility under 24-hour guard near the Rhine. Some parts were also flown to a
facility near the Austrian border.
Allegedly, members of the teams that worked on the advanced alien technology were from the
Luftwaffe, the Speer Ministry of Arms headed by Albert Speer, and the formal research council,
the Reichsforschungrat, composed of university
professors and industrial engineers.

The teams were assembled to reverse engineer what was

salvaged and among the experts called upon were the
Horton brotherswho later
designed and tested
revolutionary flying wing
aircraft and the worlds first
stealth jet fighter-bomber.
Some of their resulting
technology may have been
gleaned from intense study
of the alien craft, although
that cannot be proven.

Later, the expertise of Viktor

Schauberger was tapped. He was the inventor of the
revolutionary imploder motor that created an imploding
vortex. That motor may have been the basis for later S.S.
experiments in Poland with the notorious Glocke (Bell) device
that reportedly created inter-dimensional rifts in space-time.
[The S.S. Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis' Incredible
Secret Technology].

Italian researcher Renato

Vesco, in his classic and
well-researched book,
"Intercept But Dont
Shoot: The True Story of the
Flying Saucers" asserts that the Nazis were working on many
advanced propulsion systems and rudimentary anti-gravity
devices to power their disc-shaped, or lenticular, aircraft.
German schematic of an advanced disc version

Alien craft spurred Germans engineering efforts

Although vastly influenced by the capture of an actual disc, research into circular aircraft had
been going on as far back as the experiments in Italy before 1920 with crude jets attached to
aerodynamic discs. [Hitler's Flying Saucers]

The ET craft served to advance propulsion, electronics and provided clues to workable designs,
but the scientists were at a loss regarding the metallurgy as the craft was composed of materials
unknown to them and impossible to duplicate in the lab.

Some of Germanys most advanced theoretical engineers and physicists were personally tasked
by Hitler to get the technology working and
make it available for the war effort. In that
regards, geniuses like Ballenzo, Habermohl,
Miethe and Schriever were recruited.

Documents captured by the Allies after the war

ended indicate that Schriever was the first to
have some success with the disc technology. His
own research, augmented by what had by then
been deduced from the retrieved saucer, enabled
him to build a working craft powered by
specially designed jet engines. The craft,
however, was unstable. The first two versions
ended in disasterous crashes killing the test
pilots. [Man-Made UFOs, 1944-1994: Fifty Years of Suppression].
Artists interpretation of first Nazi disc built by Schriever

Tides of war turn, Nazis expand saucer projects

As the years advanced and the Allies began counter-attacking Germany, some Nazi officials
began pressuring Schauberger to adapt a verson of his Repulsine imploder to serve as the motive
force for a different type of disc craft using the vortex propulsion motor.

Viktor Schaubergers incredible implosion motor

German saucer designed around the imploder motor

Although the Nazi engineers and scientists built their first experimental saucers from light steel
or heavy aluminum, the steel still proved too heavy and the aluminum too soft and not tough
enough to withstand the stress subjected to it when molded into a lens-shaped craft.
Frustrated scientists finally gave up trying to unravel the mystery of the alien metal and
succeeded in creating their own version with an alloy of aluminum and magnesium in 1944. The
new alloy was exactly what they needed to design bigger and better craft. The metal was light,
yet more durable than simple aluminum.

Primitive experimental propeller-driven disc airplane never saw production

Hitler pressed the engineers onwards with greater frenzy. Germany was now suffering nightly
bombing raids and factories across the country had been moved to gigantic underground
facilities. Aircraft production lines were being hampered and destroyed and the rocket facility
run by Werner von Braun at Peenemnde was not back up to full capacity after being bombed in

Slave laborers, mostly Slavic, were pressed into service to produce V-2 rockets, advanced
aircraft, synthetic fuel, high explosivesand incredible remote-controlled flying saucers.

Nazi Kugelblitz attack Allied bombers over Germany

The astounding Nazi Kugelblitz

According to documents and the testimony of surviving Polish slave laborers, the Germans
actually created an assemblyline to manufacture a flying disc weapon called the Kugelblitz (ball

The Allied pilots called them Foo-fighters.

The Kugelblitz was the first real flying saucer ever manufactured by any nation on Earth. Several
of the tests were secretly attended by Hitler and his S.S. chief, Heinrich Himmler.

Rare daylight photo of Nazi Kugelblitz trailing bomber

According to captured documents, the radio-controlled craft were made in the underground
factories at Thuringia and the craft varied in size from 10 to 15-feet across. Reportedly they were
amazingly manueverable and were able to achieve speeds of more than 1,250 miles per hour.
They emitted a strong electo-static field designed to disrupt the electrical circuits of conventional
aircraft causing enemy planes to falter, dive, and crash.
Other saucers
Prototypes of other saucers were designed and engineering mock-ups were made. Some made it
as far as wind tunnel tests. A few disc craft other than Schrievers early attempts were
constructed and flown.

About 18 months before the Germans surrendered, Hitler pinned his hopesand those of
Germanyon the incredible potential of a mind-boggling array of superweapons. The greatest of
the weapons were his new class of Vengeance weapons.

Germanys planned hypersonic cruise missile V-3

The old V-weapons were the rocket plane V-1 and intracontinental missile V-2. Hitlers dream
envisioned the worlds first cruise missile: a V-3 sub-orbital, intercontinental hypersonic rocket
capable of hitting New York and Washington.
Nazi Vril disc craft during test flight over undetermined German airfield

And then there were the flying saucers

German officers at airfield with Vril saucer prototype in distance

S.S. Reichsfhrer Himmler recommended S. S. Grupenfhrer Hans Kammler to head the saucer
projects and save the Fatherland. Hitler agreed.

Saucer chief: S.S. Grupenfhrer Hans Kammler circa 1944

Later Kammler is said to have overseen the Glocke project as well.

Undoubtedly, Germanys superweaponsspecifically those they were perfecting in the closing

months of the warwould have defeated the Allies and helped Germany conquer and rule
Western and Eastern Europe, suppress the U.S.S.R., and keep America neuteredeven with the
new atomic weapon the U.S. had developed.
But the Germans ran out of time.

Some argue that no matter what the Nazis had, they could not have staved off American atomic
attacks. Yet evidence exists that in the final weeks of the war the Germans successfully
detonated their own low-yield atomic bomb and that coupled with stealth aircraft, the imploder
vortex motor, advanced television bombs, the hypersonic V-3 Amerika Bomb, and flying
saucer fightersostensibly augmented with harvested alien technologywould have sealed the
fate of the Nazis enemies

and perhaps Adolf Hitler would have attained his twisted dream of a Thousand Year Reich.

10 Bizarre Nazi UFO Rumours and Other

Third Reich Conspiracy Theories
In Europe, History, Lists / By Debra Kelly / 11 April 2015

(Image: Jim Nichols)

The Third Reichs obsession with esoterica and the occult is well known, so its perhaps not too
much of a stretch to imagine how the discredited movements bizarre pseudo-religious
fascinations might take it into the realm of the paranormal, alien encounters, UFO and the like.
Rumours of alien technology, and conspiracy theories about how the Third Reich is biding its
time before once again unleashing its poisonous ideology upon the world, are imaginative, but
tell us more about the those who spread them than the regime that were supposed to be behind
them to begin with. This article examines 10 of those conspiracy theories, from secret societies
and hidden bases to Nazi UFOs and connections to ancient gods.

10. Die Glocke (The Bell)

Theres surprisingly little information out there on what was supposedly one of the Nazis major
UFO projects. But then again, a lack of information just makes for a better conspiracy
theory. Called Die Glocke, or The Bell, the project was said to be the brainchild of SS Lieutenant
General Hans Kammler.
(Image: Zusurs; Die Glocke, the top secret Nazi Bell)

The craft, whose shape gave it its name, was said to have been powered by a mysterious
substance called Xerum 525, which was highly radioactive and necessitated the heavy lead lining
of the craft. According to the story, Nazi scientists got the craft running, but the energy it gave
off had some undisclosed and horrific side effects, which led to the deaths of a handful of

Living things exposed to the field would decompose, and even the residue left behind would
cause some pretty nasty side effects. The Nazis were said to use workers taken from nearby
concentration camps to clean the test chamber after Die Glocke had been run.
(Images: German Federal Archives, cc-sa-3.0; Unknown; left: V-2 launch, right: Kammler)

When the war was coming to an end, those who were working on the project were killed. Die
Glocke and General Kammler were reportedly taken to another top secret Nazi hideout,
where work has presumably continued on the mysterious craft.

As far-fetched as this rumours seem, theres the smallest grain of truth to it a grain that was
only recently discovered in 2014. Kammler was at the head of a secret weapons program and,
along with Heinrich Himmler, was one of the driving forces behind the V-2 rocket. The
discovery of an underground weapons stronghold and testing facility in Sankt Georgen an der
Gusen, Austria, by an Austrian filmmaker has given eerie, unsettling new credence to the idea.
(Image: Vincent van Zeijst, cc-sa-3.0; V-2 rocket engine in abandoned bunker)

UFOs and conspiracy theories aside, its thought that the complex was built by inmates from the
Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, and its estimated that somewhere around 320,000
people died building the underground bunker.

9. Ernst Zundel, Holocaust Denial and UFOs

The idea of the Holocaust Denial movement is an inexplicably weird one, but thats a whole
other set of conspiracy theories. Ernst Zundel has been at the forefront of the movement for
decades, in between stints in jail back in Germany, where he most recently served time for
inciting racial hatred. Throughout the 1970s, he was the head of a company that specialized in
Nazi and Neo-Nazi publications. But aside from that, he was also a proponent of the idea that the
Nazis were building, testing and flying UFOs.
(Image: Jim Nichols)

In 2013, Zundels wife published an article which, she claimed, had been written by her husband
in response to those who argued that the UFO developments of the Third Reich were a little far-
fetched. The article talks of how Zundel is well equipped to speak and write on the topic of Nazi
UFOs, since hes an expert on the subject after having written several books (in between his
duties, he says, trying to redeem Germanys reputation and clear up some nonsense about
Holocaust accusations).

Zundel claims hes long been in personal contact with Rudolf Lusar, one of the most prolific
researchers of Nazi Germanys Ufology. He claims to be able to confirm that there was
considerable UFO development underway throughout the war years, and that the Third Reich
had succeeded in building saucer-shaped craft that could break the sound barrier.
(Image: German Federal Archives, cc-sa-3.0)

He also cites another book by Renato Vesco, a man who was allegedly the Air Technical
Intelligence Chief for Mussolini (above, with Adolph Hitler) during World War Two. According
to his book, there were all kinds of fantastic advancements under test by the Nazis, from new
alloys and metals to weird gadgets.

Ultimately, Zundel claims to be well informed on the development of Nazi UFOs, commenting
on American technology and how it was primitive in the face of the Third Reichs advances. And
he insists that, one of these days, everyones going to know that he was right.

8. The Nazi Moon Base

If you thought that NASAs missions to the moon were for scientific reasons, clearly, you
havent been paying attention.
(Image: James Stuby; Schrdingers Crater, location of a Nazi moon base in pop culture)

According to the conspiracy theorists, the real reason NASA and the US government were
involved in a race to the moon was to check on the Nazis that were living there. Apparently, in
1957, the Russians approached the Americans with confirmation that the Nazis had used their
UFO technology to flee to and set up camp on the moon. Documents recovered from Berlin
were said to detail Hitlers discovery of a moon substance called H3, which he realized would be
able to provide all the power he could possibly need for his nefarious moon-plans. America was,
of course, more than a little worried about the prospect, so NASA was formed and the space race
was on.

Also of questionable veracity is the claim that America was working on a shadowy
programme called Project A119. The unconfirmed reports claim that among Americas plans for
the moon was complete destruction, using a nuclear weapon in a display of American firepower
that was designed to make the Soviet Union think twice about continuing the Cold War.
(Image: Gregory H. Revera, cc-sa-3.0)

When NASAs manned spacecraft made it to the moon, they apparently found the Nazi moon
base, and managed to take photographs of the proof that the Nazis were there. The destruction of
the Challenger space shuttle was, some believe, actually caused by the interception of a Nazi
weapon fired from the moon.

Perhaps not, though the idea of the Nazi moon base did, of course, get a nice boost in popularity
around the time of the release of the movie Iron Sky, in large part because of the movies

7. Giuseppe Belluzzo
Heres another conspiracy theory with little supporting documentation. Giuseppe Belluzo was
the Minister of National Economy during Mussolinis time in power, and he was also an expert
in the field and advancement of turbines that were used in the development of various battleships
and cruisers. He died in 1952, but a few years earlier, according to the story, he had gone to the
press with some pretty bizarre claims.

(Image: Jim Nichols)

He had said that turbines werent the only things he was working on, and that there had been
plans in place for circular aircraft plans that had been in the works since about 1942. The craft
was unmanned, but it was capable of delivering nuclear weapons. Sketches were published in a
newspaper in 1950, and several others reportedly came forward to offer more supporting
evidence to the claim.

One of them was a British-based commando who said that he had been offered a part in a top
secret mission to Norway, where their objective was to destroy the base where the Nazis were
building their UFOs. The story was linked with other reports of the development of saucer-
shaped craft with code names like Kugelblitz and Feuerball. Belluzzos story was reported in
newspapers across the globe, repeated in the New York Times and the Los Angeles Mirror.

The story added another strange detail as well, claiming that the Russians had captured at least
one prototype of the craft and managed to get it up and running.
6. Hitler, UFOs and Vishnu


One fairly continuous themes throughout the idea of Nazis and UFOs is the idea that Hitler
escaped on one, and hes waiting for the right moment to return to earth, establishing the Fourth
Reich and finishing what he started. Thats pretty much the gist of the teachings of a woman who
went by the name of Savitri Devi, but aside from her belief that Hitler flew off in a UFO, most of
what else she says is non-traditional even for conspiracy theorists.

Born in France in 1905 as Maximiani Portas, her discovery of the texts of H.P. Lovecraft and of
Bullfinchs mythology would ultimately shape her belief system. Coming to believe in the
existence of the Greek gods, she eventually ended up traveling through Jerusalem and coming
away with a deep-rooted antisemitism. She took her Hindu name after wandering through India.
And it was also there where she decided that the Nazi use of the swastika was clearly indicative
of the goodness that surrounded them and their teachings, and that Hitler was an incarnation of
(Images: Ramanarayanadatta astri; Sanjay Acharya, cc-sa-3.0)

Vishnu is one of the three primary gods in the Hindu triumvirate, usually portrayed as the
greatest of them. While the others are the creator and the destroyer, Vishnu is the protector, the
one who represents the light and the sun, and is responsible for preserving the mind, the body,
the existence of mankind and Om, the worlds sound.

Indias relationship with Nazi Germany was understandably rocky, balancing anti-British
sentiment with the horrors that slowly began to reach the people after the war. Savitri Devi had
no doubts, and she wrote work after work telling of the virtues of Hitler, the Third Reich, and
their work. According to the pamphlets that she published, she had been in contact with members
of the inner circle of the SS, who had assured her that work had been completed on their flying
saucers, and that her incarnation of Vishnu was safe, alive and well.
5. Vril, Thule and UFOs

This is one of those tricky ones where its absolutely unclear where the truth ends and the fiction
begins, so well just stick to telling the story.

(Image: Jim Nichols)

Vril and Thule are two secret societies rumoured to have been active within the echelons of Nazi
Germany, credited as a sort of underground stream working to bring Hitler to power. The Third
Reich was only a stage, and the Fourth Reich which is theoretically still coming was going to
be a world government. The Fourth Reich has now been re-named the Allied Union, and their
logo has had something of an update, too although the symbol has, some believe, been seen on
the alien spacecraft visiting Earth for decades.

The original Thule was a location, reputed to be either somewhere in Scandinavia or, according
to some, connected with the mythical lost city of Atlantis. But its also been linked to the Nazi
party by mystics who supposedly studied the occult in hopes of finding the original home of the
Aryan race. Thule has its main UFO base in Antarctica (more on that in a minute), and there are
plans to make this the center of the upcoming worldwide government. Vril is the inner, elite
circle of Thule, and since the end of World War Two, theyve been working hand in hand with
the US government.
(Image: Olaus Magnus, public domain; Thule as Tile from the Carta Marina)

Vril, reportedly from a Sumerian word meaning like god (even though there is no V in
Sumerian), was said to have been founded by a group of mystics with the dual purpose of
awakening and contacting the masters of Thule, of tapping into hidden spiritual powers, and
constructing a craft to go to Alpha Tauri, home of the aliens. It was supposedly the Nazis who,
with their research into the occult, first discovered how to channel this alien energy and
adapt alien technology to their own interstellar craft.

Thats the basics of the whole thing, in a very condensed nutshell. The footnote to the whole idea
of Vril is that the term was first used in the 1870 book The Power of the Coming Race, by
Edward Bulwer-Lytton. (Thats the, It was a dark and stormy night author.) The story pretty
much goes along with the ideas that have transferred onto the Nazis, giving rise, in large part, to
the popularity of the idea of Nazi UFOs.

4. Haunebu 1 and Brazil

After the end of the Second World War, a number of ranking German officials fled the country
and the fallout that they knew was coming after the atrocities committed in the name of the Third
Reich. So, its not entirely surprising that many of them would be taking the idea of the Nazi
UFO with them.

(Image: Jim Nichols)

According to this story, the Nazis succeeding in building an alien craft based on whatever
technology it was that they had been experimenting on. The largest of the craft was called
Haunebu 1, and while it was functional, it wasnt functional enough to be useful. It still had
control issues, and one theory suggests that the Nazis didnt just find or recover alien technology,
they made a deal for it. The aliens like any good negotiators didnt give up all their
information right away, and held back some details. By the time the Nazis had figured this part
out, theyd already ruined their end of the deal, and were left with a functional but useless flying

The Haunebe 1 was supposedly taken to Brazil a country thats known for its UFO sightings.
According to the writer Randolph Winters, theres a military base in Brazil thats dedicated to
continuing the research and construction of Nazi UFOs. The base, run by German intelligence, is
responsible for most of the UFO sightings around Brazil, and there have been a lot in the past 70

3. Operation Highjump

The official accounts of Operation Highjump indicate there were several different goals given to
the 1946 mission. Partially, the mission was undertaken to provide American troops with cold-
weather and extreme climate training, with the idea that should the Soviet Union decide to
attack, it was likely that they would do so by crossing the North Pole, and it might be necessary
to deploy troops to intercept. A more classified reason for the mission was that it would allow the
Navy to claim some land on the other side of the world in Antarctica. But though the training
operation (carried out in the southern hemisphere to avoid the northern winter) did begin giving
the military an idea of what to expect from the pole and it began the era of photographic
mapping it didnt accomplish much else.

(Image: US Navy)

That, according to the conspiracy theorists, is because the fleet was thwarted by the Nazi UFOs
that were deployed from the base there. According to the statements of some who had served on
ships used during Operation Highjump, theyd had no idea what was going theyd heard the
firing and responded to the situation, but it hadnt been clear at the time just what they were up

Admiral Byrd, who had, in theory, been in charge of the operation was said to have made a
handful of statements, on the record, that suggested there was more to the operation than just
difficulties in dealing the with extreme conditions at the pole. Some of his remarks were said to
reference a new war, flying saucers, and the need for defensive bases that would protect the rest
of the world from whatever it was that Operation Highjump had stumbled upon.

(Image: Chris Danals/NSF (used for illustration only), public domain)

This theory is supposedly supported by the idea that roughly quarter of a million German people
went unaccounted for after the war clearly the most logical explanation was that they were
manning the base that foiled Operation Highjump. There are even online copies of what was
supposedly Admiral Byrds log and journal from the voyage, called The Inner Earth: My Secret
Diary. The diary tells first of running into classic signs of aliens, like instrument and technology
malfunctions, and then recounting an incredible story of mammoth sightings, glowing cities, and
blond, impossibly tall military personnel with German accents who escorted them to their

2. The Antarctic Fortress

The idea of this Antarctic Fortress is possibly one of the most enduring of all the Nazi UFO
myths. According to Admiral Byrds fact-or-fiction diary, the inside of the base is bright and
beautiful, too beautiful for him to put into words, but darkened by the presence of the Master,
who promises an end to Earth and those living on it.
(Image: NuclearVacuum; a fictitious flag of New Swabia)

One of the more well known versions of the story says that in 1938, a group of German explorers
were sent to map Antarctica. When they did, they found a series of vast underground caverns
heated by rivers. The largest of the caverns became Base 211, and by the end of the war, it was
the new home of the Thule, the SS, and the Nazis research, development and manufacturing
facilities. After Germanys official surrender and the end of the war, Hitler, Eva Braun, and a
handful of other high-ranking Nazis boarded a U-boat and headed for Base 211.

This isnt a new theory, either, and it was circulating as early as 1952. The seeds of doubt were
placed when Allied officials made comments suggesting that they hadnt confirmed Hitlers
death, and by this time, their obsession with the idea of a hollow earth was well known. It
seemed plausible that he could have gotten away, and possible that there was some kind of
backup plan. It was about this time that the aforementioned Ernst Zundel started putting in his
two cents about conspiracy theories, and its one thats hung in there ever since.
(Image: Jim Nichols)

And, like many conspiracy theories, theres a grain of truth to this one the first part, at least. In
December of 1938, there was a German expedition to Antarctica, but it was to determine whether
or not it was worth extending the countrys whaling territory that far south. There were other,
follow-up expeditions planned, but escalating tensions on the home front put a stop to them.

1. Roswell and Nazi UFOs

Anyone with a passing interest in flying saucers will be familiar with the mystery surrounding
what has been termed New Mexicos Area 51.
(Image: Drew Peacock, public domain)

The purported 1947 crash and cover-up has fueled the rhetoric of conspiracy theorists for
decades, and one hypothesis in the mix holds that the Americans were testing UFO technology
that had been seized from the Germans at the end of the war. Some even believe that it was Die
Glocke, crashing in the desert in what would have been a pretty ignoble end.

Some go farther still, suggesting that it wasnt exactly the Americans experimenting on German
flying saucer technology theyd captured, but that Roswell was the home of a super-top secret
society that was continuing the Nazis work in creating the Fourth Reich, and theyd just sort of
made the best of a bad situation and relocated after the war. That, or theyd been kidnapped and
conscripted into American military service, decoding and reverse engineering alien technology
that theyd long been working on.
(Images: US Government; Sacramento Bee; left: weather balloon, right: Roswell report

Some conspiracy theorists, meanwhile, are on the other side of the fence, arguing that
alien technology might have been involved in the Roswell incident, but that the Third
Reich didnt have anything to do with it. They point to the small, child-size aliens as evidence of
this. But theres a Nazi-esque explanation for this theory also, owing to the experiments carried
out by Nazi doctors on child prisoners.

Its been suggested that the grey-skinned little aliens were actually human children, engineered,
malformed and genetically altered by Josef Mengele to be placed on the craft and play some
undetermined role in the crash.
(Image: CGP Grey, cc-4.0)

Either way, theorists invariably point to the incredible speed at which military technology
advanced from that point. We broke the sound barrier in 1947 and put a man in space in 1961.
Surely, that technology must have had a kick-start from somewhere. right?

Related Nazi Architecture: 10 Unsettling Relics of the Third Reich


In science fiction, conspiracy theory, and underground comic books, stories or claims circulate
linking UFOs to Nazi Germany. These Nazi UFO theories describe supposedly successful
attempts to develop advanced aircraft or spacecraft prior to and during World War II, and further
claim the post-war survival of these craft in secret underground bases in Antarctica, South
America or the United States, along with their creators.Within the canon of media various code-
names or sub-classification of UFO craft are identified: Rundflugzeug, Feuerball, Diskus,
Haunebu, Hauneburg-Gerte, V7, VRIL, Kugelblitz, Andromeda-Gerte, Flugkreisel,
Kugelwaffen, Reichsflugscheiben.
Accounts appear from as early as 1950, likely inspired by historical German development of
specialized engines such as Viktor Schaubergers Repulsine around the time of WWII.
Elements of the claims have been widely incorporated into various works of fictional and
purportedly non-fictional media including video games and documentaries, often mixed with
more substantiated information.

Nazi UFO literature very often conforms largely to documented history on the following points:

-Nazi Germany claimed the territory of New Swabia in Antarctica, sent an expedition there in
1938, and planned others

-Nazi Germany conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry,
Viktor Schaubergers engine research, flying wing craft and the Arthur Sack A.S.6 experimental
circular winged aircraft.

-Some UFO sightings during World War II, particularly those known as foo fighters, were
thought by the allies to be prototype enemy aircraft designed to harass Allied aircraft through
electromagnetic disruption; a technology similar to todays electromagnetic pulse (EMP)

Artistic impression of a Haunebu-type Nazi flying saucer, similar in appearance to craft

allegedly photographed by George Adamski, ReinholdSchmidt, Howard Menger, and Stephen

Nazis on the Moon in 1945?

According to several websites whose writers failed miserably in their due diligence, the
Romanian scientist Radovan Tomovici, who has studied conspiracy theories for decades,
stated, For over 70 years, it has been common knowledge that the Nazis had a research program
overseen by Hans Kammler during the war, with the goal of conquest and control of orbital
space. It seems that Kammler, who mysteriously vanished [in Antarctica] shortly before the
end of the war, and his team were successful. Were in trouble now.

Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists bloggers failed to realize that the fascinating tidbit was a
piece of PR manufactured for the marketing build up of the film Iron Sky scheduled for an April
2012 release.
<a class=wpGallery mceItem title=gallery2

21; rel=prettyPhoto

Nazi General Hans Kammler in charge of saucer program

Nazi flying saucers being given a second look

After decades of derision and dismissal by the main stream media, the surviving documents and
testimonies by eye-witnesses that a Nazi flying disc program did exist and actually met with
some success is being revisited.

The Daily Mail asks: Hitlers secret flying saucer: Did the Fhrer plan to attack London and
New York in UFOs? while rival newspaper The Sun claims the Nazi Reich made much more
progress with advanced flying saucers than most military historians admitted: Close encounters
of the Third Reich.

<a class=wpGallery mceItem title=gallery2


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Fleeing to Neuschwabenland, Antarctica

Some contend that after the end of the war in May 1945, the Germans continued their space
effort from their south polar colony of Neuschwabenland (New Swabia).

Sir Roy Fedden (an aeronautical engineer and Chief of the Technical Mission to Germany for the
Ministry of Aircraft Production) stated that the only craft that could approach the capabilities
attributed to the flying saucers seen around the world during the late 1940s and early 1950s were
those being designed by the Germans towards the end of the war:

I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realise that if they (the Germans)
had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have been confronted with a set
of entirely new and deadly developments in air warfare.

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A mysterious structure near the Polish town of Nowa Ruba located by the foothills of the Owl
Mountains may be a part of the Nazi flying saucer program.
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Nick Cook, aeronautical expert and bestselling author

Analyst Nick Cook states:

It would be a mistake to disregard the research in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s just because
it was done in the Third Reich. This kind of suppression of facts would be unscientific and would
be just as bad as the suppression of facts that happened during that era.

Nick Cook is an aeronautical expert and repected advisor to the worldwide leading journal Janes
Defence weekly. Hes also the editor of the air weapons section. His book, The Hunt for Zero
Point, dealt with flying saucers, the Nazi disc program and the intense American and British
quest for anti-gravity. His book was an international bestseller.

Nazi Moon enthusiasts argue that:

Many of the so-called UFO cases in the 1950s and 1960sincluding the famous flyovers above
Washington, D.C. during July of 1952were actually warnings by the Nazi S. S. They flaunted
their superiority over the Allies aeronautical prowess.

The Nazi S. S. continue to maintain a mammoth, underground city-factory complex far beneath
the frozen wastelands of the Antarctic ice not far from U. S. and Norwegian bases.

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Patrolling the Norwegian fjords

The disciplined remnants of an elite Waffen S. S. corps and their appointed successors monitor
the superpowers and continue an ingenious yet relentless campaign (begun in early 1947) of
military, economic and political blackmail and extortion on a worldwide scale.

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Early model impresses S.S. overseers

The diabolical Nazi S. S. established and expanded upon a network of lunar bases whose primary
purpose is to exploit the ultimate military high ground, control and contain the superpowers,
and mine the abundant minerals available there (including Helium-3 for nuclear fusion reactors)
for light and heavy manufacturing purposes to support terrestrial and lunar operations.

Some contend this is why NASA killed the Apollo program and never returned to the moon.
Many space probes have returned photos of what can only be described as mining operations and
structures on the lunar surface. Are they operated by space aliens? Not likely argue the Nazi
theorists. More likely the Nazi space corps runs the show.

The Nazi S. S. established secret maintenance bases in extreme northern Norway, under deep
lakes located within northwest Canada, Central America, southern South America, and under
targeted regions of the vast oceans and seas. These areas have been hotbeds of flying saucer
reports and UFO activity for years, but strangely no activity was ever reported from these regions
prior to 1945.

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Staging area for advanced Nazi military flying saucer

When Admiral Richard E. Byrds United States naval task force confronted and engaged the
Polar Waffen SS forces near the giant Nazi base of Neuschwabenland in the Antarctic in 1956
the Americans lost. The task force limped back with home months earlier than planned with
almost one hundred men missing and scores more injured. One of the fleets ships was lost and
Byrd was ordered by President Eisenhower never to talk to the news media about it the
horrifying events that transpired on the southern ice pack.

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Candid photo of Kammler at reputed saucer facility

The German navys super submarines disappeared at the fall of the Third Reich. They were
never sunk or scuttled and none of the Allied forces captured them. They were last reported on a
heading towards the South Pole.

Tons of Nazi gold disappeared at the end of the war. The Allies never found it, nor did anyone
else. Today the horde has an estimated value of trillions of dollars. Did the so-called Nazi Last
Battalion smuggle it out of Germany before the Allied Forces arrived? Did they use it to further
capitalize their Antarctic base and satellite operations in Argentina and the mountainous
fortresses they built that still are in operation today in Paraguay?

Are these theorists correct? The answers may be found on the far side of the Moon.

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