National Qualifications Framework
National Qualifications Framework
National Qualifications Framework
NQF Equivalent
Level criteria Example qualifications Equivalent FHEQ qualifications
level FHEQ level
understanding of an area of work or study
to enable the formulation of solutions and
responses to complex problems and
situations. Learning at this level involves Level 5 Professional Diploma
the demonstration of high levels of Foundation degree
knowledge, a high level of work expertise Level 5 Professional Certificate
Level in job roles and competence in managing HND
5 and training others. Qualifications at this Level 5 Professional Award
I (Intermediate)
level are appropriate for people working DipHE
as higher grade technicians, professionals International Advanced
or managers. Level 5 qualifications are at DipFE
a level equivalent to intermediate Higher Diploma in Computer Studies
Education qualifications such as Diplomas
of Higher Education, Foundation and other (IADCS)NCC Education UK.
degrees that do not typically provide
access to postgraduate programmes. Full Technological Certificate
International Level 4
Level 4 qualifications recognise specialist
learning and involve detailed analysis of a Level 4 Professional Diploma
high level of information and knowledge in Diploma
an area of work or study. Learning at this
Level 4 Professional Certificate
level is appropriate for people working in
technical and professional jobs, and/or
C (Certificate)
Certificate of Higher
managing and developing others. Level 4
Level 4 Professional Award
qualifications are at a level equivalent to
Certificates of Higher Education. International Diploma in
Education UK.
International Level 3
A Level
AS Level
Advanced Diploma
National Diploma
National Certificate
National Award
Level 3 qualifications recognise the ability
to gain, and where relevant apply a range
of knowledge, skills and understanding.
Level 3 Diploma
Learning at this level involves obtaining
detailed knowledge and skills. It is Level 3 Certificate
appropriate for people wishing to go to
university, people working independently, Level 3 Award
or in some areas supervising and training
others in their field of work. Level 3 International Certificate
in Computer Studies(ICCS)
Level 3 NVQ
Certificate in Occupational
International Level 2
Higher Diploma
First Diploma
Level 2 qualifications recognise the ability
to gain a good knowledge and First Certificate
understanding of a subject area of work or
study, and to perform varied tasks with Level 2 Diploma
some guidance or supervision. Learning at
this level involves building knowledge
Level 2 Certificate
and/or skills in relation to an area of work
or a subject area and is appropriate for
many job roles.
Level 2 Award
Level 2 DiDA
Level 2 CIDA+
Level 2 CiDA
Level 2 AiDA
Level 2 NVQ
Foundation Diploma
Introductory Diploma
Introductory Certificate
Level 2 Diploma
Level 2 Certificate
Level 2 Award
Level 1 DiDA
Level 1 CIDA+
Level 1 CiDA
Level 1 AiDA
Level 1 NVQ.
In general usage, qualifications are often compared to the best-known qualification at that
level. For example, the Level 2 DiDA is often said to be equal to four GCSEs at grades A*
While the NQF says what each qualification is officially worth, UCAS, the university entrance
system, has its own tariff, which sometimes differs from the NQF. Furthermore, colleges and
employers often have their own differing ideas as to what a qualification is worth.
Currently, qualification titles such as 'certificate' and 'diploma' are not indicators of the level
of a qualification.