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measures for sustainable development have been addressed by some of the stake holders all over
the world. It has become every firms' sole responsibility to practice green marketing for the
welfare of consumers and society. One of the most important sector is banking system which
holds a unique position in an economy that can affect production, business and other economic
activities through their procedure for financing activities which would in turn contribute to
protect environment or climate from pollution. Moreover, efficiency in energy use, water
consumption and waste reduction may significantly contribute for operating cost of many of the
Projects or Businesses those include waste prevention and resource efficiency systems in a wide
organizations, and educational organizations are receiving enhanced attention these days.
Green finance as a part of Green Banking makes great contribution to the transition to resource-
efficient and low carbon industries i.e. green industry and green economy in general. Green
their own standards but also affect socially responsible behavior of other businesses.
The growing financial sector especially banks in Bangladesh can play key role as one of the
to design their strategy/action plan keeping in mind the vital environmental issues.
Green banking is the operation of the banking activities giving especial attention upon the social,
ecological and environmental factors aiming at the conservation of nature and natural resources.
Banks can be green through bringing changes in six main spheres of banking activities. Those
Keeping, Change in the Process of Recruitment and Development of Human Capital, Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR), and Making Consciousness Among Clients and General Mass.
In our country, Bangladesh Bank has already issued circulars regarding this. Banks have already
been asked to make their own green banking policy. Now we only need raising voice, keeping
hand over hands, thinking in positive way and working in collective manner to make this a true.
1. Introduction
Green Marketing
Green marketing refers to the process of producing and selling (package) products and also
services based on their environmental benefits. In current scenario more companies are starting
to follow the green marketing, at the same time urban consumers are more aware of the green
marketing but rural consumers not more aware of the green marketing.
In a world all the countries are taking necessary steps to reduce the plastics and implement the
Environmentally Friendly products way of Green Marketing and save the earth. These kinds of
products are not affecting the environment and also re-compose the wastage to re-usable. So this
could save the earth from the wastage and also save the peoples Health.
Green marketing refers to " Integrating business practices and products that are friendly to the
environment while also meeting the needs of the consumers" as stated by Pearson education.
Green marketing is important because it looks at how marketing activities utilize earth's limited
resources, while satisfying consumers wants, both of individuals and industry, as well as
In a world all the countries are taking necessary steps to reduce the plastics and implement the
environmentally friendly products way of Green Marketing and save the earth. These kinds of
products are not affecting the environment and also re-compose the wastage to re-usable. So this
could save the earth from the wastage and also save the peoples Health.
In current scenario people are using more products were compared to olden days. Products those
are produced in a safe way of environment and the products which are re-compostable called as
Product: A producer should offer ecological products which not only must not
contaminate the environment but should protect it and even liquidate existing
environmental damages.
Price: Prices for such products may be a little higher than conventional alternatives. But
Place: A distribution logistics is the most important aspect but main focus is on
ecological packaging. Marketing local and seasonal products e.g. vegetables from
aspects and may be publicized to improve a firms image. Furthermore, the fact that a
sponsoring the natural environment is also very important. And last but not least,
Five Possible reasons for Global Firms for using Green Marketing.
individual and industrial are becoming more concerned and aware about the natural
opportunity that can be used to achieve its objectives . Therefore it can be assumed that
Social Responsibility : The global organizations nowadays believe they have a moral
obligation to be more socially responsible.Many firms are beginning to realize that they
are members of the wider community and therefore must behave in an environmentally
responsible fashion. This translates into firms that believe they must achieve
Governmental Pressure :As with all marketing related activities, governments want to
"protect" consumers and society; this protection has significant green marketing
products; modify consumer and industry's use and/or consumption of harmful goods; or
ensure that all types of consumers have the ability to evaluate the environmental
composition of goods. These ways governmental bodies are forcing firms to become
production are controlled through the issuing of various environmental licenses, thus
Competitive Pressure: Another major force in the environmental marketing area has
activities pressure firms to change their environmental marketing activities many cases
emulate this behavior. In some instances this competitive pressure has caused an entire
Cost or Profit Issues : Cost factors associated with waste disposal, or reductions in
material usage forces firms to modify their behavior. Firms that can reduce harmful
wastes may incur substantial cost savings. When attempting to minimize waste, firms are
often forced to re-examine their production processes. In these cases they often develop
more effective production processes that not only reduce waste, but reduce the need for
some raw materials. This serves as a double cost savings, since both waste and raw
material are reduced. Another way in which cost or profit issues may affect firms'
environmental marketing activities is that new industries may be developed. This can
occur in two ways: a firm develops a technology for reducing waste and sells it to other
New Concept
New concepts are not easy to reach very quickly to the consumers. They need to take more time
The company and government need to take steps that are creates more awareness and explain
about the new concept, and then only the consumer can understand and try to follow the new
concept. When consumers understand the new concept, then only they are going to accept the
new concept. Otherwise the new concept will facing many problem.
place to certify a product as natural. Unless some regulatory bodies are involved in providing the
certifications there will not be any verifiable means. A standard quality control board needs to be
Patience and Perseverance
The investors and corporate need view the environment as a major long-term investment
opportunity, the marketers need to look at the long-term benefits of this new green practices. It
will require a lot of patience and no immediate results. Since it is a new concept and idea, it will
have its own acceptance period. After the acceptance period automatically the concept reaches to
If green products are produced more, then the cost of production also raises when compared with
ordinary product. Raw material cost going high and production cost and also low sales, those
factors are going to raise the price of the green product. So consumers are not ready to pay a
In generally the implemented green marketing in business is more way seven though there are 7
steps to implement green market. These are the 7 steps to implement green marketing for their
4. Go digital when possible,
Implementation of practices of green of marketing not only by firms and also individuals can
follow. These are the some of the ways to follow green marketing practices are:
Green delivery and better use cycle for courier in near area,
In above we saw all over about the green marketing characteristics, benefits, challenges, how to
implement green marketing, 7 steps to implement green marketing, present trends and future of
green marketing. Consumers are most aware all about green marketing and try to necessary steps
to follow green marketing. Industries are needed to give more and clear state about green
marketing and advantages and benefits to the consumers then only them aware and try to follow.
Finally the important one is government; government is playing a vital role to create new rules
and regulations for implementing green marketing. Also government gives loans and subsidies
Green in some studies, the term green refer to define a broad range of social, ethical and
environmental dimensions. However, for the purpose of the study that tends to look into
environmental aspect, green in the discussion is primarily to describe banks impacts on the
Green Banking defined as promoting environmental-friendly practices and reducing your carbon
footprint from your banking activities. Green banking thus involves a two pronged approach.
Firstly, green banking focuses on the green transformation of internal operations of all banks. It
means all the banks should adopt appropriate ways of utilizing renewable energy, automation
environmental risks of project, before making financing decisions; and in particular supporting
On the other side Green Banking is like a normal bank, which considers all the social and
environmental/ecological factors with an aim to protect the environment and conserve natural
Bank NGOs
Int. financial
1.3 Purpose;-
The purpose of Green Banking Policy will be to ensure necessary measures to protect
environmental pollution while providing service or financing customers as well as to improve in-
house environment management through efficient use of various resources at Head Office,
Green banking is very important in mitigating the following risk involving the banking
a) Credit Risk:
Due to climate change and global warming, there have been direct as well as indirect costs to
banks. It has been observed that due to global warming, there have been extreme weather
conditions which affect the economic assets financed by the banks, thus leading to high
incidence of credit default. Credit risk can also arise indirectly when banks lead to companies
b) Legal Risk:
Banks, like other business entities, face legal risk if they do not comply with relevant
environmental regulation. They may also face risk of direct lender liability for cleanup costs or
claims for damages in case they actually take possession of polluted causing assets.
c) Reputation Risk:
Reputation and image are very important for the bank. It is important to demonstrate that the
bank acts responsibly at all the times and this is particularly important when providing finance
for major business activities. Not considering environmental impacts arising from a borrowers
operations can result in negative publicity for both the borrower and the Bank. Reputation risk is
present in financing transactions particularly where the bank considering a large exposure. The
banks reputation can be damaged if there is a failure of the business due to environmental
d) Security Risk:
Bank might be exposed due to poor quality of the security / collateral e.g. contaminated land or
A bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels
those deposits into lending activities, either directly or through capital markets. Banks offer
different channels to access their different banking products and services through ATM, Branch,
Mobile banking, Internet banking, etc. There are four major avenues for greening banks
processes, products and services, strategies and other activities which are briefly outlined here.
2.1 Green Banking Process
A Green Bank requires each of its functional units and activities to be green environmentally
friendly and help to improve environmental sustainability. Several opportunities are available for
banks to green their functional units and activities. Key among them are :-
Adopt techniques for workforce and parts optimization as well as intelligent device
Use electronic means, wherever possible, to maintain contact with and correspond with
d) Product Life-Cycle Management
Design and offer banking products and services in such a way that consume less
Implement effective systems for product end-oflife management that have minimal
Banks are developing new products and services that respond to consumer demand for
sustainable choices. Following are some of the options that banks should offer to their customers,
Electronic and telephone banking, facilitating customers to perform most of their banking
Automatic payments reduce the need to write and send cheques by mail
Offering and promoting mutual funds that focus investment in 'green' companies
2.3 Green Banking Strategies
In Bangladesh many banks adopts the green banking business model for sustainable banking by
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) provides for co- operation between developed and
entity from a developed country to developing country, which results in emission reduction.
These emission reductions have to be certified by an appropriate authority and these Certified
Emission Reductions (CERs) are commonly known as Carbon Credits. The banks can involve
themselves in carbon credit business, wherein banks can provide all the services in the area of
CDMs and carbon credits and the services of identification and funding of CDMs projects,
advisory services for registration of CDM projects and commercialization of CERs under
b) Green Mortgages:
Dhaka Bank Ltd. will offer special discount to the borrower who will provide mortgage of land
and buildings which are greener. This initiative will induce use of more energy-efficient
Dhaka Bank will not allow the land as mortgage that is prone to environmental impacts by virtue
of its geographical location and polluted by the operation business activities. As a mortgage
preference will be given to the buildings those are designed and constructed with energy efficient
Carbon foot-print is a measure of the impact of our activities on the environment. It relates to
the amount of GHG we are producing in day-to-day business while burning fossil fuels for
electricity, heating, transportation etc. Dhaka bank will take the following measures to reduce the
carbon footprint:-
i. Paperless Banking: As the bank is computerized with all branches, there is ample scope
for doing paperless or less-paper banking. Normally banks use huge quantity of papers
for office correspondence, recording public transactions and reporting, etc. Dhaka bank
will switch over to electronic correspondence and reporting more effectively and the
time management and automated solutions and using compact fluorescent lighting (CFL)
can help banks save energy consumption considerably. Dhaka bank has also adopted the
policy to use energy savings lights, to use gradually renewable energy such as solar
iii. Using Mass Transportation System: Bank will take the policy for mass transportation
iv. Green Building: Dhaka Bank gradually will build their office building as per the code of
green building to reduce their carbon footprint as well as to save the cost.
The Green Banking Policy promoted by Bangladesh Bank has been phased out to internalize
3.1 Phase I
Activities under Phase I are to be completed by December 31, 2011 or within extended time
allowed by Bangladesh Bank. This phase includes developing Green Banking policies and shows
g. Online banking
3.2 Phase II
f. guidelines
Activities under Phase III have to be completed by December 31, 2013. At this phase, the Bank
will introduce Green Products and submit report based on international standard.
In order to incentivize the participating banks to engage more proactively in green banking
activities, the central bank has decided to provide following preferential treatments:
Awarding credit points for green banking initiatives in the assessment of management
Publicizing names of top ten performers in green banking at Bangladesh Bank website.
Taking into account green banking performance while considering requests for new bank
branch licenses.
4. Industry Analysis
Banks are required to allocate a considerable amount for green banking in their annual budgets,
III. Budget for marketing & capacity building for green banking.
35 Banks have allocated Taka 23,018.36 million in their annual budget for 2012. On average, a
Area Amount (in million taka)
For 2012 banks have allocated Taka 20,034.59 million for green finance of which Taka 3,273.69
Bank Category Allocation for year 2012 Utilization
(January-September 2012
Allocation for
20,000.00 year 2012
0.00 Utilization
September 2012
4.3 Online Banking
Access to online banking services for the customers is expanding rapidly along with increase in
the number of branches with online coverage and accounts facilitated with internet banking.
The online banking scenario looks promising, wherein 3,226 out of 8,199 branches (39.35%) are
equipped with online banking services. 90.73%of the total branches of PCBs have been brought
under online banking coverage. 4.84% of the total branches of SCBs have been brought under
online banking coverage. The SCBs need to go a long way in the arena of green banking.
With fast expanding mobile telephony and great enthusiasm of the banks in offering financial
services through mobile phones, Bangladesh Bank issued guidelines on mobile financial services
in 2011. 23 banks have been given license thus for to provide mobile financial services (MFS) of
which 14 banks have already started their operations. These banks are presently providing MFS
to around 1.5 million customers; average transaction volume is around Taka 330 million per day.
The average rate of growth of customer base in mobile banking is currently 15% per month.
4.5 ATM Services of Banks
Most of the banks have been offering 24 hour banking services through their countrywide ATM
booths. Now 4,332 ATM booths are operating in Bangladesh. Dutch Bangladesh Bank is taking
150 powered by solae
100 SME/ATM units
powered by solar
5. Green Banking Prospects
Banks should ensure finance in projects those are environment friendly or ethical in nature. It is
necessary to give especial concentration upon their financing so that the project or any of its
parts they have taken or are going to take in hand will not be threat for the environment.
Investment should be increased for projects installing solar energy plant, bio-gas, and/or other
renewable energy plants, bio-fertilizer plants, Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Hybrid Hoffman
Kiln projects for the production of brick etc. At lower interest and utmost care they should take
proper steps in shielding the production of hazardous Carbon from their projects. Encouraging
farmers to grow salinity or flood tolerable species while providing them agro-investment and
Banks should invest in projects to manage waste materials harmful for environment especially
produced by those mills and factories draining such components to rivers, rivulets, canals or
other water bodies and continuously doing harm to the environment. They should ensure proper
Environmental Risk Rating before Investment:
Banks should invest in a project after assessing its environmental or climatic risk. They should
rate the presence of factors harmful for environment and its degree. Investment should only be
given after being insured about the proper management of those harmful components. Banks can
bring Green Home Loan, Green Car Loan and other newer products in this regard.
Now days alternative delivery channels are ensuring modern banking facilities. Most common
alternative delivery channels are ATM card, credit card, debit card, mobile banking, on-line
banking, internet banking etc. BACPS (Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing System) and
BEFTN (Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network) etc. implemented by Bangladesh Bank
has enhanced the services provided through alternative delivery channel. Such products in one
hand have sped up the services taken by the clients and in other hand have lessened the use of
Making every Deposit Products Environment Friendly:
Deposits of clients are the main sources of money for every bank. So, banks provide different
deposit services to their clients. All of such deposit products should be made environment
Uses of papers encourage flattening of plants and lead the environment to destruction.
Considering this, banks should lessen the use of papers otherwise introduce the use of recyclable
papers. They should stop unnecessary printing and in need print on both sides of a paper and use
eco-fonts while printing. Storage of all necessary in- formation should be ensured through
establishing electric data bank like EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse). E- tendering system
should be introduced in purchasing necessary stationeries and other items for the institution.
Office order, notice, account statement, invitation letter, thanking letter should be taken under
Meeting should be carried on through Video/Audio Conferencing rather than physical visit.
Necessary steps should be taken while making the office electricity sustainable. Ensuring the use
of day light instead of the use of electric bulb and ensuring proper ventilation instead the use of
AC may save energy. Energy saving bulbs can be used in need. Unnecessary use of light, fan,
AC and computer etc. should be stopped. Electricity supply to the office premises should be
ensured through utilization of solar energy and/or other renewable energies. Water and gas
should be used sustainably. Overall environment should be kept neat and clean and free from any
form of pollutants. All the staff members should be made conscious in this regard.
5.4 Change in the Process of Recruitment and Development of Human Capital
Banks should start E-recruitment system while recruiting human capital. They can provide salary
and bonus etc. through on-line system and can grow their human capitals as environment
specialists and welfare worker along with making them skilled bankers. Skills and consciousness
can also be developed through arranging seminars and symposiums time to time. Dividing the
whole human capital of the institution into several clusters or groups and involving them in
different environment friendly activities may help the proper implementation of Green Banking.
Now days every bank is playing vital roles in CSR concern. This is the responsibility of an
institution upon society where it is established. CSR can act in the following way in establishing
Green Banking -
Banks can make especial funds to combat against climatic change and ensure its proper
utilization. They can help environmentalist NGOs or other such organizations through this fund.
Internal human resources of the bank can also play roles in this regard.
Combat against Natural Disasters and assisting :
Banks can play direct or indirect roles in combating natural disasters. Providing monetary sup-
ports, relief goods and interest free loans etc. after such diverse situation will assist the victims to
Banks should formulate policies and make reports on Green Banking and analyze those reports
function as a conventional paper cheque. Because the cheque is in an electronic format, it can be
processed in fewer steps and comply with more security features than a standard paper check.
Security features provided by the proposed i-Cheque includes authorized signatures,
Because of the many benefits and increased security methods that i-Cheque offer, this method
The E2E Processing system of i-Cheque :
Most of the customers of thr banking sector of BANGLADESH are already enjoying the i-
Banking service. During subscription in the i-Banking system customers are entitling an ID
along with password. With the same ID & password, he/she can use the i-Cheque as well.
There will be a model cheque in the web site of the bank, which is similar to the paper cheque.
While the customer will click in the i-cheque option in i-Banking, there will be same options
displayed as like as a paper cheque. (Please refer to Appendix-I for a model i-cheque)
Customer needs to just write the things what are required i.e., the name of beneficiary & amount
of payment (in number), and select the mode of payment (cash/account). Rest of the information
like, date, amount written in words, and encrypted Cheque number will be self generated by the
system. After this, when customer will click the OK command, a report (containing all the
aforesaid information) will go to the banks server, and queued against his/her account
(regular/credit cards). Now the customer has to print out that page from the net. Of course, there
will be a printing option available, till the cheque has been processed by the bank. Finally
customer/beneficiary has to submit the printed copy to the nearest branch with the authorized
signature in the designated fields of the printed cheque. (Please refer Appendix-II for the
In case, the customer, who does not have any printing facility, shall keep the bunch of photocopy
of a reference letter (should be available in the website to download). She/he only needs to write
the beneficiary name along with the A/C# (exactly written in the i-Cheque system) & the
encrypted cheque number generated by the system, and to put the authorized signature. (Please
Using i-Cheque conversion to process customers' payments holds many benefits over
substantially less than that of paper check processing; i-Cheques require less manpower
to process and eliminate incidental costs such as printing cheque books, delivering the
cheque books to customer, and maintaining relationship with courier agency (all are
variable cost). With contrast, to migrate in the i-Cheque system will require the system
development cost at once (i.e., fixed cost only), instead of all the aforesaid variable cost.
Upon discussing with a Software consultant found that, it may require BDT. 150K-200K
to develop the system of i-Cheque (Exact quantitative/cost-benefit analysis is not
Reduced risk of errors & fraud: i-Cheques will be processed using an automated system,
which cuts down the number of people who must handle the cheque, reducing the
potential for error and fraud by the use of real time risk management tool. The threat of
o While the customer compromise his i-Banking ID & password, and fraudster
o Fraudulently printed i-Cheque (in the 2nd event) submitted to Bank with fishy
Improved TAT: Customer, who will use i-Cheque, will have funds deposited/paid almost
Managing Brand Value: SCB will be a pioneer by taking such initiative in the Banking
industry. Providing the service with different channel (as fast as secured), encouraging
paperless system, and obtaining the patents for i-Cheque will remarkably create image
more uses of gasoline (i.e., delivering cheque books through vehicles). Reduction in the
use of carbon & paper (for printing paper cheques) is really an exceptional instigation to
found that, worldwide 3.6 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions created by
Promoting i-Cheque :
After launching of the i-Cheque system, customers will be gradually migrated to the system. This
can be done by informing customers through sending message/e-mail. The promotional strategy
for i-Cheque could be as same taken for promoting electronic billing system/sending Bank
Bangladeshi Banks
GreenSense Scheme GreenSense may pay Bank customers some discount every time there is
a paperless transaction up to some specific period. This way the bank saves money by not
mailing statements and dealing with paper bills, and it passes some of its savings on to the
consumer. In addition to saving money, this also saves paper, gasoline, and many other natural
Green Mortgages lowers mortgage rates one percent on a five-year fixed rate mortgage can
be for those who participate in the green mortgage. Customers can also receive up to 1% of their
mortgage value for buying energy efficient certified appliances. As an additional bonus, Banks
may donates money to the Friends of the Environment Foundations for each green mortgage
Save and Donate With the Save and Donate scheme , consumers can pick a charity to receive
an estimate percentage of the average annual account balance. The bank may also offer Ethical
Savings bonds, which offer 2-, 3-, and 5-year bonds with specific range the money in these
accounts is loaned to businesses like organic farms, microfinance organizations, and renewable
energy. This bank will not only be dedicated solely to benefitting green organizations, but it may
Ethical Banking Bank may offer ethical banking, ensuring that it only banks with
organizations its customers decide are ethical. The bank may offer a credit card that gives
shoppers 0% interest for three months on its green think partners. The bank may also offer
Green Banking Charity When a consumer opens an account at a bank, a certain sum of
money is donated to a local environmental charity. These products allow customers to donate to
local charities
Flowchart of processing i-Cheque :
___________ Branch
Dear Sir,
I Mr. /Ms. _____________________________ informing you that, an i-Cheque bearing the number
mentioned in subject, has been generated by me dated on ___/___/____. Requesting you to make the
payment of amount mentioned in my i-Cheque to Mr. /Ms. _______________________________ or,
bearer from my A/C# or, CC#_____________________________.
I do hereby declare that, I am giving this payment instruction with my proper acknowledgement.
Sincerely yours,
*Any informational mismatch with the i-Cheque makes this reference letter void
*Ask the amount to be paid to bearer for security check
6. Conclusion:-
Bangladesh Bank has issued different circulars time to time regarding modernization of Green
Banking practice and its proper implementation. If every bank in Bangladesh formulate their
work plan following those rules and works collectively only then it will be possible to complete
implementation of Green Banking activities in Bangladesh. It will then helps earth in regaining
Green Environment and ensure safe residence for our off-springs. Only the collective approach
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08 February 2013
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11. Verma, MK 2012, Green Banking: A Unique Corporate Social Responsibility of India
13. Green Banking Policy of BASIC bank ltd, Bangladesh, Head Office, Dhaka,
14. Mohmed Aminul Islam, Green Banking: Future Important Issue for Banking Industry,
15. Bangladesh Bank (2010) Review of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives in