A Study On Employee Motivation in Bharath Heavy Electrical Private Limited Aat Trichy

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Employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a
company's workers bring to their jobs.

"Psychological forces that determine the direction of a person's behavior in an organization, a

person's level of effort and a person's level of persistence". G. Jones and J. George from the book
"Contemporary Management."


Main Objectives of Employee Motivation are as follows:

1. The purpose of motivation is to create condition in which people are willing to work with
zeal, initiative. Interest, and enthusiasm, with a high personal and group moral
satisfaction with a sense of responsibility.

2. To increase loyalty against company.

3. For improve discipline and with pride and confidence in cohesive manner so that the goal
of an organization are achieved effectively.

4. Motivation techniques utilized to stimulate employee growth.

5. For the motivation you can buy mans time. Physical presence at a given place.

6. You can even buy a measured number of skilled muscular motions per hour or day.

7. Performance results from the interaction of physical, financial and human resource.

8. For the achieving a desired rate of production.


The workforce will be better satisfied if the management provides them with
opportunities to fulfill their physiological and psychological needs. The workers will
cooperate voluntarily with the management and will contribute their maximum towards
the goals of the enterprise.
Workers will tend to be as efficient as possible by improving upon their skills and
knowledge so that they are able to contribute to the progress of the organization. This will
also result in increased productivity.
The rates of labors turnover and absenteeism among the workers will be low.
There will be good human relations in the organization as friction among the workers
themselves and between the workers and the management will decrease.
The number of complaints and grievances will come down. Accident will also be low.
There will be increase in the quantity and quality of products. Wastage and scrap will be
less. Better quality of products will also increase the public image of the business.


Feeling trusted and empowered is a tremendous motivator.
Feeling that they are growing and developing personally
To belong is a fundamental need, whether as a member of a family, peer group, network, team
or company. Its human nature to want to be on the inside, not the outside.
Today people care more about what happens tomorrow, and want to contribute to ensuring the
future of our children, and the health of our communities and planet.
The fabric that holds it all together and makes it real is trust.

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task
itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure. Intrinsic
Motivation is based on taking pleasure in an activity rather working towards an external reward.

Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation refers to the performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome,

which then contradicts intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the
individual. Common extrinsic motivations are rewards like money and grades, coercion and
threat of punishment. Competition is in general extrinsic because it encourages the performer to
win and beat others, not to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the activity. A crowd cheering on the
individual and trophies are also extrinsic incentives.

Social psychological research has indicated that extrinsic rewards can lead to over justification
and a subsequent reduction in intrinsic motivation. In one study demonstrating this effect,
children who expected to be (and were) rewarded with a ribbon and a gold star for drawing
pictures spent less time playing with the drawing materials in subsequent observations than
children who were assigned to an unexpected reward condition. For those children who received
no extrinsic reward, Self-determination theory proposes that extrinsic motivation can be
internalized by the individual if the task fits with their values and beliefs and therefore helps to
fulfill their basic psychological needs.


Understanding employee motivation is necessary to the success of a company. By

knowing what encourages an employee to do his or her job, a company will be able to
implement different policies to increase the performance of the workers.
In order to understand employee motivation, one must realize that people are different.
This means that different things motivate different employees.

One type of employee motivation is achievement. In this type of employee motivation,

the worker is driven by the goal itself. This in a sense is like climbing a mountain because
the mountain is there.
Employers often make use of this by presenting challenges to the employees.
In making use of this type of employee motivation employers often include incentives
such as a promotion or cash. However, for the employees, the incentive is only a bonus to
the achievement.


For some employees, their motivation is the prospect of rising up in the ranks of the
corporation. They work hard in order to catch the eye of the boss and probably get a
promotion. This type of employee motivation is characterized by ambition.
Of course, there are times when this type of employee motivation can be dangerous.
Sometimes, superiors may find their jobs in danger because of an advancement-motivated
employee. However, if handled properly, an employee whose motivation is advancement
can be the best in the business. As such, this type of employee motivation should be
handled carefully.


Some employees work harder under pressure. This employee motivation is rarely
manifested consciously in a worker. It is often the case that an employee unknowingly
piles pressure on him or her and this pressure pushes them to work harder.
Sometimes, pressure is used by and employee to see just how far he or she would be able
to go. However, this type of employee motivation can have some very negative results,
considering the fact that every person has a limit. In fact, it often ends up in a breakdown
of some sort.

This is one of the most commonly used employee motivation techniques. Employees are
often threatened with termination if they fail to meet certain objectives. Of course, if an
employee does not handle pressure very well, this type of employee motivation technique
could be detrimental to his or her work performance.
The key to the best employee motivation technique is balance. You need to understand
that people have different preferences. Since it is virtually impossible to meet every
employees motivation needs, you must develop a technique that incorporates all of the
elements of employee motivation. In doing so, you will be able to ensure your companys
continued growth


Motivation is an important tool in the hands of the manager for inspiring the work force
and making them to do work with enthusiasm and willingness .If its an important function of the
management to motivate the people working in the organization to perform the work assigned to
them effectively and efficiently.
The management has to understand the Human behavior if it has to provide maximum
motivation to the personnel. Motivation is something that moves a person into action and
continues him in the course of action enthusiastically. The role of Motivation is to develop and
intensify the desire in every member of organization to work effectively and efficiently in his
The main aim of this study is to find out the employee motivation in IGP Private ltd,
Chennai as motivation is an important factor which increases the desire willingness and
enthusiasm in workers, to apply their great potentialities for the achievement of common goals.
To study the motivation level of employees.


To study the effectiveness of the techniques adopted by the company in employee

To study about the benefits and facilities provided to the employees.
To learn the employees satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exists in the


It is always essential for a concern to access its strategies and reshape its destiny. It is
necessary for every organization to study the different aspects that affects the
organization development. Every study has a clear and specific scope.
The scope of this study is limited to IGP Engineers Pvt. Ltd. In this survey the emphasis
is on the motivation of employees. The scope of the study involves the preparation of
questionnaire and data of the company.


The procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and
predicting phenomena are called methodology. Methods comprise the procedures used for
generating, collecting and evaluating data. Methods are ways of obtaining information useful for
assessing explanations.
The definition of research given by Creswell is "Research is a process of steps used to
collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue". It consists of
three steps: Pose a question, collect data to answer the question, and present an answer to the

The type of research chosen for the study is descriptive research. In descriptive research various
parameters will be chosen and analyzing the variations between these parameters. This was done
with an objective to find out the motivation level of the employees.

The data collected for the study is mainly through the distribution of questionnaire; to be precise
the data collected for study was both primary and secondary sources.

Primary data is the information collected for the first time; there are several methods in which
the data is complied. In this project it was obtained by mean of questionnaires. Questionnaire
was prepared and distributed to the employees.

Secondary data needed for conducting research work were collected from company
websites, library and search engines.

In this study the primary data was collected by survey technique. In this we distributed the
questionnaires to the respondents. The researcher structured the questionnaire in the form of:
1. Close Ended Questions
2. Multiple Choice Questions
A questionnaire is a sheet of paper containing questions relating to contain specific aspect,
regarding which the researcher collects the data. Because of their flexibility the questionnaire
method is by far the most common instrument to collect primary data. The questionnaire is given
to the respondent to be filled up.

Sampling design is to clearly define set of objective, technically called the universe to be studied.
Sampling technique used is simple random sampling method.

This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. The
sample size for this study was taken as 50.


The data collected was analyzed by employing the following statistical technique:

Percentage analysis:
Percentage refers to special kind of ration. It is used in making comparison between two or more
series of data. It is used to describe relationship. It is used to analyses the data. Bar charts, pie
charts were used to explain tabulation clearly.

Percentage (%) = number of respondents
X 100
Total number of respondents
As the respondents were busy with their work, it was difficult for the researcher to
meet the respondents and gain information.
The study was limited to a short period only.
The data depends totally on the respondents view, which may be biased.
In this study the sample size is 100.
The findings of the study cannot be applied to all other fields since it lacks
external validity.



BHEL is the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in the energy related/

infrastructure sector today. BHEL was established more than 40 years ago when its first plant

was set up in Bhopal ushering in the indigenous Heavy Electrical Equipment industry in India, a

dream that has been more than realized with a well-recognized track record of performance. The

Companys inherent financial strengths can be seen from its net worth, Debt Equity ratio and

cash surplus. The Company has a net worth of Rs.60,270 Million as on 31st March 2005. The

Companys cash surplus stood over Rs.32,000 Million as on 31st March 2005. The Debt Equity

ratio of the Company is at 0.09. It has been earning profits continuously since 1971-72 and

achieved a sales turnover of Rs.103,364 Millions with a profit before tax of Rs.15,816 Millions

in year 2004-2005. In line with the excellent performance, an all time high dividend of 80%

(including 35% interim dividend) for the financial year 2004-05 has been paid.

With this BHEL has maintained its track record of paying dividends uninterruptedly for the

last 29 years. Constant increase in Net Asset Value (NAV) per share (Rs.246.24 per share as on

31/3/2005) indicates the intrinsic strength for the Company. At the end of year 2004-05,

outstanding orders in hand for execution in future; stand at over Rs.320,000 Million.
BHEL caters to core sectors of the Indian Economy viz., Power Generation &

Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Renewable Energy, etc. The wide network of BHEL's

14 manufacturing divisions, 4 power sector regional center, 8 service center, 18 regional offices

and a large number of Project Sites spread all over India and abroad enables the Company to

promptly serve its customers and provide them with suitable products, systems and services -

efficiently and at competitive prices.

BHEL has already attained ISO 9000 and all the major units/divisions of BHEL have

been upgraded to the latest ISO-9001: 2000 version quality standard certification for quality

management. All the major units/divisions of BHEL have been awarded ISO-14001 certification

for environmental management systems and OHSAS-18001 certification for occupational health

and safety management systems.


Generation: Power sector comprises of thermal, nuclear and hydro power plant business.

Today BHEL supplied sets account for nearly 6473 MW or 68% of the total installed capacity of

99146MW in company as against nil in 1969-70.


BHEL also provides a wide range of transmission products and system of upto 400KV

class. These include high voltage power and distributed transformer, capacitor, insulator etc. for

economic transmissions of bulk power over long distances High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)

systems are supplied.


BHEL is a major contributor of equipment and system to industries like cement,

fertilizers, refinery, petrochemical, etc.


Most of trains operated by Indian Railways including metro in Calcutta, are equipped

with BHELs transaction control equipment.

TELECOMMUNICATION: BHEL also cater to Telecommunication sector by way of small,

medium and large switching systems.


Technologies that can be offered by BHEL for its exploiting non-conventional and

renewable source of energy include: wind electric generator, solar power based water pumps,

lighting and heating systems.


BHEL has over the years, established its reference in over 60 countries of world, ranging

from United States to New Zealand in the Far East.










9. IOC


11. ONGC




15. SIEMENS New Delhi, etc.








7. LMZ, RUSSIA, etc.


To remain competitive and meet customers' expectations, BHEL lays great emphasis on

the continuous up-gradation of products and related technologies, and development of new

products. The Company has up-graded its products to contemporary levels through continuous

in-house efforts as well as through acquisition of new technologies from leading engineering

organizations of the world.


The most prized asset of BHEL is 53,800 employees. The HRD in institute and other

training institute of the company help in not only keeping their skills updated and finally hones

but also add new skills whenever required. Continuous training and relating to positive work

culture and participative style of management has lead to the development of committed and

motivated work force and productivity and quality levels.



To be an Indian multinational Engineering Enterprise Provident Total Business Solutions

through Quality Products, System and Services in the fields of energy, Industry, Transportation,

Infrastructure and other potential areas.


A World-Class Engineering Enterprise Committed to enhancing Stakeholder value.


Zeal to excel and Zest for change.

Integrity and fairness in all matters.

Strict adherence to commitments.

Loyalty and pride in the company.



To ensure a steady growth in business so as to fulfills National expectations from BHEL

and expanded international operations.


To provide a reasonable and adequate return on capital employed through improvement

in operational efficiency, cavity, utilization and productivity.


To build up a high degree of customer confidence by sustaining international standard of

excellence in product quality, performance and services.

Export :BHEL has exported its products to 60 countries of the world.


The year 2005-06 closed with a profit of 631 crores.The net profit for the year 2005-2006

as Rs 5110 Million.

Research and development:

BHEL has set up a separate research and development division at Hyderabad

to concentrate on basic research. This is supplemented by applied research and development in

each of its manufacturing plants.

Different unit of BHEL:

Corporate office:

BHEL house sari Fort, New Delhi.

Major Units:

1. Heavy Electrical Plant, Piplani Bhopal.

2. High-Pressure Boiler Plant, Tamilnadu.

3. Heavy Electricals Equipment Plant, Hardwar, Uttarakhand.

4. Heavy Power Equipment Plant, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

Minor Units:

1. Transformer Plant PO-BHEL, Jhansi.

2. Electrical Machine Repair Plant, Mumbai.

3. Insulator Plant Jagdishpur, Distt Sultanpur.

4. Boiler Auxiliaries Plant, Ranipet Tamilnadu.

5. High-Pressure Boiler Plant and Steam less Steel Tube Plant, Triuchirappalli.



BHEL has thirteen manufacturing unit at present which are as follows:

1. HPP and SSTP - Tirchy

2. BAP - Ranipet

3. IVP - Goindwal

4. HEP - Bhopal

5. TP - Jhansi

6. HEEP & CFFP - Hardwar

7. HPEP - Hyderabad

8. ED,ESD & EPD - Bangalore

9. IP - Jagdishpur

10. CFP - Rudrapur

11. SSCP - Gurgaon

12. HERP - Varanasi

13. EMRS - Mumbai.

The four major are BHEL-Bhopal, BHEL- Hyderabad, BHEL- Tirchy, BHEL- Hardwar.

The corporate office is situated in New Delhi and provides necessary top-management

leadership, direction strategic planning and operational and management support service. It also

coordinates the activities and functions of various manufacturing and services division and

numerous other functional and product group. It also looks after long term planning in regard to

resource and marketing and also planning for marshalling of human, physical and financial


Few other division like the power sector, industrial system and products regional

operational division also have their headquarters and some other department in Delhi. In

addition, the Human Resource Development Institute of BHEL is also situated in New Delhi.

1.Order inflow of Rs. 7188 Cr up by more than 50% of the last years Rs. 4682 Cr. Which itself

was the highest ever achieved by BHEL.

2.BHEL starts the year 2007-08 with a record outstanding order book of over Rs. 10,600 Cr.

3.100th Electric Locomotive made by BHEL handed over to Indian Railway.

4.BHEL enters into a leasing arrangement for locus for the first time by signing an agreement

with Indian Railways for building and leasing 53 nos. AC/DC Locus of 5000/4600 hp.

5.BHEL built first 250 MW set at Dahanu operating continuously for a record period of more

than 135 days at plant load factor (PLF) of 100% and above.

6.250 Hydro set of BHEL installed at Dhupdal-1.

7.Successfully synchronized and handed over the 30 MV Fr 6 Gas Turbine at Wide Al Jizzi,


8.A combined two cylinder HP-IP turbine for 150 MV utility sets which will substantially lower

and manufacturing cycle time besides being more efficient component then the existing 3

cylinder turbine has been developed.

9.Dr. N.C. Trehan, an environment scientist with BHEL was awarded the Dr. Meghanand Saha

Award instituted by Department of Science and Technology.


The top management of the company carried out a BHEL Vision exercise to define

broad contours of the organization in the year 2007-08. This resulted in laying down a new

vision for the company which envisages BHEL becoming a world class innovative, competitive

and profitable engineering enterprise providing total business solutions. This is supported by a

mission and a set of value that would drive the organization behaviour. An organization wide

communication exercise was also carried out to widely disseminated the outcome of the vision

2007 exercise. While the exercise reiterated the need for continued focus on BHEL core business

of power sector, it also identified the company to become a leading Indian Engineering

Enterprise with presence in the area of energy, transportation, industry, infrastructure and other

allied areas.

As a part of this exercise certain new business areas were also identified viz. Power

Generation, Energy Management, Coal Washiers, Material handling including ports, Piping

including ash and handling, transportation diesel engines, New defense products etc. For detailed

examination Specific task force were forms to carry out a business attractiveness assessment.

These task force have submitted their report/recommendations and in certain areas

necessary work is being taken-up.

VISION A world class, innovative, competitive and profitable engineering enterprise

providing total business solutions.


Two manufacturing plant of BHEL are situated at Ranipur near Hardwar. On the northern

side is the Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant (HEEP), set up originally with Soviet

Collaboration. The plant went into production in 1967 and is engaged in the manufacture of
power generation and utilization equipment. Located in the south of HEEP is the Central

Foundry Forge Plant (CFFP), set up with French Collaboration for the production of alloy steel

casting and forgings required to complete the production profile of BHEL.

A pollution control Research Institute has also set up within the BHEL campus at

Ranipur to provide services to Government and private agencies to control industrial pollution

with respect to air, water and noise and solid waste.


1. Established in 1960s under the Indo Soviet Agreement of 1959 and 1960 in the area of

Scientific, Technical, and Industrial Cooperation.

2. DPR-prepared in 1963-64, construction started from Oct.1963.

3. Initial production of Electric Motors Started from January 1967.

4. Major construction/ erection/ commissioning completed by 1971-72. As per original DPR


5. Stamping unit added later during 1968-1972.

6. Annual manufacturing capacity for thermal manufacturing capacity for thermal sets was

expended from 1500 MW under LSTG project during 1979-85.

7. Motor manufacturing technology updated with Siemens collaboration during 1984-87.

8. Facilities being modernized continually through Replacement Reconditioning-

retrofitting, Technological/operation balancing.


Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant commenced manufacture of thermal sets originally with

Soviet know how in 1967. After initial manufacture of 100MW sets, HEEP went into production

of 200/210 MW sets. Keeping in view the increasing power demand and changing technology,

BHEL entered into an agreement in 1967 with Kraft Work Union of Germany for production of

thermal sets of 200/210 MW to 1000 MW. HEEP has manufactured, till September 1993, 106

thermal sets of 200/201 MW, six sets of 235 MW for nuclear power stations and 13 sets of 500

MW capacity each. The design work has also been started at HEEP for development and

manufacture of 800 MW sets in near future. More than 40 percent of the countrys electrical

energy is generated from the power equipment supplied by BHEL, Hardwar.

The present product profile of HEEP is:

Product Range

Thermal Sets Steam turbines and turbo generator of unit size

upto 1000MW.

Hydro Sets Turbines and matching generators of various

Ratings with a max runner dia of 6600 mm.

Gas Turbines 60 MW, 150 MW and 200 MW ISO ratings.

Combined cycle power with steam turbines upto 30 MW plant.

Electrical machines Medium and large size AC/DC electrical

machine of various capacities upto 20000 KW.

Apparatus & control Complete sets to match the above products.

Medical equipment 4-6 MEV Linac accelerator machine for

treatment of cancer.

Light aircraft Two seater Swati Light Aircraft for a wide

range of applications.

HEEP (Hardwar) has exported its products to Iran, Russia and Germany. The products

exported include condensers for 800 MW thermal sets, turbine rotors, artists wheel blades, gas

turbine combustion chambers haulage winches and electrical machines.

HEEP went in a capital investment of 377.75 Crores as on 31.03.1998, generating a

turnover of 779.46 Crores.

The manpower division at HEEP stands as:

Executives 1453

Supervisors 1530

Others including workers &

Supporting Staff 6250


TOTAL 9233


HEEP over the years, has acquired the competence to manufacture higher size thermal

sets by optimizing the utilization of existing capacities, modernization of machine tools and
installation of CNC machines facilities at BHEL, Hardwar which today match with any

international standards


To Central Foundry Forge Plant was set up at Hardwar with French Collaboration. The

construction started in 1974 and production was commenced in 1976. This plant has an in- built

high degree of sophistication normally associated with much larger plants and has successfully

developed various intricate casting and forgings, which were hitherto imported.

CFFP has successfully manufactured various type of steel etc. as per Indian and International


CFFP has been supplying sophisticated castings used in power sector e.g. steam turbine

castings, turbo generator press ring, hydro turbine Kaplan blades and Francis Runners,

compressor castings etc.The castings have also been manufactured for defence, nuclear, chemical

and steel sector.

Indian Boiler Board has recognized CFFP as a well-known steel maker and Foundry & Forge

master. The American Bureau of Shipping has approved CFFP for the manufacture of casting

and forgings for Ship Building Industry. CFFP has the credential of exporting motor frame and

steam turbine castings and forgings to USSR and Germany.

The present product profile of CFFP:

Special steel castings like steam chest,

Cylinders, stray rings, runner blades etc. 6000 tonnes.

Special steel forgings like steam turbine

Rotors, rotor discs hydro turbine shaft,

Couplings etc. 3250 tonnes.

Special steam blooms 4000 tonnes.

A capital investment of 108.75 crores generating a turnover of 113 crores went in CFFP

as on 31.03.1998. The manpower division at CFFP stands as:

Executives 203

Supervisors 164

Others including workers &

Supporting Staff 1256


TOTAL 1623


The ISO 9000 certificates provide Bureau veritas Quality International have been accorded

to the two plants.


The Hardwar division comprising both the plants, employees nearly 11,000 persons, of

which about 9000 are skilled and semi-skilled workers. Hardwar Division has not only provided

direct employment to thousands of person but has also been instrumental in the established of

nearly 30 ancillaries, which also provide employment to over 1500 persons.

The BHEL Hardwar, lays emphasis on innovative and modern concepts of management of

human resources.


A Pollution Control and Research Institute (PCRI) has also been setup at Hardwar with

UNDP assistance to develop new technologies for prevention of air, water, noise, and solid

wastes pollution. The Institute has already conducted a number of studies on the effect of

emission of industrial pollutants in and around the industries and thermal power stations. The

Institute is rendering constancy services to a large number of Government and private



HEEP unit of BHEL is headed by Executive Director Mr. H.W. Bhatnagar. Under the

Executive Director there are twelve General Managers who are heads of different department

but major department is HEEP, Hardwar are twenty one and few are headed by additional

GMs and Sr. Deputy Gr. Mr. These are as follows:

1. Engineering.
2. Engineering and Commercial.
3. Personal and Administration.
4. Work Engineering and services.
5. Finance.
6. Electric Machine Manufacturing.
7. Turbine Manufacturing.
8. Fabrication and Welding Technology.
9. Quality Management.
10. Technology and Tool Room.
11. Insulation system and GRI.
12. Material Management.
13. Defense Project.
14. Business Development.
15. Productivity and TQM.
16. Resource Planning and Technology Development.
17. Quality Surveillance.
18. Material Planning and Inventory Control.
19. Gas Turbine Project.
20. Kraft Weak Union Collaboration.
21. Vigilance.

1. 1993 Accreditation of ISO: 9001 Quality System.

2. 1997 BHEL, One of the 9 PSUs, declared Navratna by Govt. of
3. 1997 National Productivity Award for HEEP by the President of India.
4. 1998 Certificate of merit by National Productivity council for
outstanding performance second consecutive year.
5. 1998 Accrediation of U Stamp.
6. 1999 Accrediation of R Stamp from National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspector, USA.
7. 1999 AD-Merkblatt HPO re-certification by RWTUV for gas turbine
combustion chambers.
8. 1999 INSAAN Award for excellence in suggestion for 9th consecutive
9. 2000 Accrediation of ISO:14001 environmental management systems.
10. 2001 INSAAN Award for excellence in suggestion for 11th consecutive
11. 2001 Indo-German Greentech Environment Excellence Award for
the year 2000-2001 in Power Equipment Sector.
12. 2002 Accrediation of ISO:9000-2K.

13. 2002 Rajiv Gandhi Memorial National Gold Award for Excellence
Pollution Control implementation for the year 2001-2002 in
Power Sector.

14. 2002 Accrediation of OHSAS-18001.



In its quest to be world class BHEL, pursue continual improvement in the quality of its

products, services and performance leading to customers, satisfaction and business growth

through dedication, commitment and team work of all employees.


To continually improve.
Competitive edge of products/service by building and improving key processors.
Value addition by reducing cost of quality.
Delivery & response.
Quality of supplies by improving suppliers performance.
Capability of human resource by upgrading skills competence.
Value for stakeholders.


BHEL, Hardwar is engaged in Engineering & Manufacturing of turbines, Generators,

Heart exchangers, Pressure vessels, large size AC & DC Motors, castings & forgings etc, for

power and industry sectors.

In Line with Corporate Environment Policy, BHEL is committed to:

Comply with all applicable environment policy legislation/regulations and standards.

Design all product and system safe to use & dispose off, recyclable/reusable, wherever

techno-economically feasible.

Adopt pollution prevention approach in all activities/services and ensure continual

improvement in environmental performance through periodical review of objectives and


Promote activities to minimize waste, generation to conserve / reduce recycle reuse

resources. Such as raw materials, water, oil, power, energy, fuels.

Entrance environmental awareness amongst employees & suppliers.


The new purchase policy lays more emphasis on developing a base of reliable vendors for

manually supportive long-term relationship provides for greater decentralization & flexibility

consistent with their need for effective customer response.

HRM (Human Resource Management) POLICY:

Various strategies are being adopted to achieve the main objective of Human Resource

Management fostering a work culture of openness and commitment to quality & excellence with

unproved communication at all level is the main strategy. Proper communication will definitely,

de-bureaucratize the organization working & force on achieving speed in being responsive to

meet needs of internal & external customers.



BHEL, Hardwar has following cells in the personal department:

Office Establishment & Policy Cell:

Office Establishment maintenance personal record of office & general foreman including

biodata, medical report, leave, promotion & transfer both external and internal in the plant,

retirement, LIC advance, allowances, savings, conveyance, reimbursement etc.

Policy cell works on the policies formed in the personnel manual taking into

consideration the stimulatory requirements. In personnel manual BHEL policies and various

personnel functions are defined. It also plays a liaison role between corporate function and

unions. BHEL corporate office is in Delhi. It keeps interpretation of policies to various

implementing authorities.

Industrial Relation Cell:

IR department maintains record of income and handles the union dispute through

conciliations, negotiations, and arbitration through bodies later joint committee, plant council &

shop council.

Welfare Department:

It follows statutory obligations under factory act 1948. There is also representative of

welfare department in shop council. It is coordination between welfare of employee, various acts

regarding it & management.

Operation Cell:

In this, personal record & file are maintained of the non-executive of administrative

building & all hospital employees.

Administration Cell:

This cell maintains the file of all non-executive of administrative building & all hospital


Once the establishment sections starts maintaining an employees file, it states that the

particular employee has completed his probation periods at are factory & are now regularized.
Then he is given various facilities like LTC, festival advance, house building advance etc a

separate record is maintained for each & every loan & advance taken by him.

An employee in BHEL is given an annual increment, at the end of each financial year.

Then after three or four year of joining, his name is including in promotion seekers list.

Rajbhasha Cell:

A part from all other mentioned section, the personal department. At HEEP, Hardwar has

a separate section for promotion of our national language Hindi.

This section has taken several steps for increasing the use of Hindi, in the unit. Some of these

steps are:

Every day a new Hindi word, along with its English version is written on boards are

placed at different places in the unit.

All the nameplates at the doors are having name first written in Hindi, then in English.

Rajbhasha Cell repeatedly asks the units authorities to write all the official letter in Hindi.

Even the calendar of BHEL has dates & months in Hindi.

Liaison Cell:

Liaison cell helps in maintaining good communication in between the plant and tries to

make them better and seek methods to improve it & also gives directly too.

Another function of liaison cell is to approach or to settle any grievance through

department & shop council.

It also sees that benefits to uplift the SC/ST in the organization, so that nobody

encroaches there right. This department has legal authority as they have presidential directive,

which every public sector must follow:

Roaster: For promotion & recruitment for A&B categories there is 120 point roaster for

handicapped / X servicemen in promotion roaster for C&D is 40 point.

Canteen Section:

As per the provision of Factory Act 1948. Canteens have been provided inside & outside

the plant providing food on subsidized rates. Canteens are being run on tender basis and

procurement is also provided.

Terminal Benefit Cell:

This cell has commenced from 1997. It provides single window services in clearance of

due left in case reigned, or death deceived.

General Administration:

It keeps records of various functions of Personal Department to keep a check and track of

things happening related in absenteeism. Over all it takes care of general administration personal

department as a whole.

Recruitment & Manpower Planning:

This section meets the requirement of staffing schedule and keeps in contact of with

employment agencies and does selection. It keeps into account the organizational policies, union

requirement & government influence with recruitment. It also sees the internal recruitment.
Manpower planning department forecast manpower. It assesses to which extend manpower

resources are employed optionally. It anticipates manpower problems.

It plans the necessary programs of recruitment, selection, promotion, development,

transfer, motivation, and compensation.

It also provides job description and job analysis.

Industrial Dispute Cases & Contacts Labour Cell:

This cell looks after the industrial dispute & tries to solve them. If this cell unable to

settle disputes then conciliation takes place. This cell also maintains domestic inquiry reports. It

also checks the enforcement of awards of Industrial dispute acts and labour courts. There is also

a section in which Senior Manager maintain the record registration number of agreement of

contractors. Contracts are given in time and are properly compensated for holidays.

Law Department:

This department deals with matters related to dispute. In some cases, it hires advocates to

solve the cases in high courts & supreme courts.

Health Services:

BHEL is providing comprehensive Health Care Services to its employees. It provides

preventive and promotion health service to all employees of both (HEEP & CFFP). It has

contributed in saving precious lives of due employees through early diagnosis & systematic



I. Promotion & maintenance of physical, mental, & social well being of all the employees

and other families.

II. Prevention of health arising due to work environment related problems.

III. Protection of workers from risk arising from factors adverse to health.


To protect & promote the health of all working employees & their family

members & assist management in implementing health program.

To explain & discuss matter related to interaction between work & health hazard

effecting employees due to treatment of illness & injuries for any work related



Health service could be categories under 2 main sub-heads;

A. General Medical Services.

B. Occupational Health Services.


SWOT Analysis means to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of

any company. In this I analyze the SWOT of BHEL.


(i) Navratan PSE Status helps in getting more orders.

(ii) Large human resource availability.

(iii) Flexibility product mix.

(iv) One of the profit making PSE.


(i) Overheads are increasing continuously.

(ii) Government contract based products.

(iii) Strong unionism.

(iv) Surplus work force.


(i) Global competitiveness will help in export.

(ii) Navratan status in helping in more autonomous decision making.

(iii) Product line diversification.

(iv) Building a strong employee-employer relationship.


(i) Privatization of the core areas of BHEL.

(ii) Increased competition by Siemens, ABB etc.

(iii) Lesser demand domestically.


At the outset it is understood that employees basic needs has to be fulfilled with his
salary. In this connection if his basic needs are fulfilled he can perform well in his duty which
helps in companys development. So the company should concentrate on financial motivation.

Secondly the highly experienced people, in other words old employees can be given some
recreation in their job so their work can be lessened so that they can perform and get interest in
their job.

The concern should arrange training programmed to the employees in periodical interval.
It will create efficiency of workers as well as efficiency of the concern. From this study the
employee satisfaction is an intangible asset of concern.


In todays knowledge based economy, people are being called on take on higher and
more complex responsibilities. With increased responsibility, comes higher impact on the
organizations success. Being able to identify the motivation needs for success in a position has
become critical. As a result, thousands of organizations are viewing employee motivation as a
strategy be managed and developed.

There are various factors that influence motivational factor such as salary, working
conditions, training interpersonal relations and job satisfaction.

The findings of the study have reaffirmed that each one of these factors are important in
contributing to motivation, but none of them can be said as being more important than the other.

Motivation is the ultimate function of so many individual attitudes taken together. It is

very complex, complicated and personal experience. A number of material and immaterial
factors contribute
1. Stephen P.Robbins`& Seema Sanghi (2005) ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVOUR,
Dorling Kindersley (Indian) pvt. Ltd ., New Delhi.
RELATIONS, Sathitya bawan, Agra.
3. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (2003) ,ICFAI center for Management
Research, Hyderabad.
5. Gupta .S.P, (2005) SATISTICAL METHODS, Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi.


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