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2nd Dental Research Exhibition and Meeting 2014

Strategic Achievement for Dental Care in Mutidisciplanary Approach

Selasa-Sabtu, 2-6 September 2014
1. Ball Room Hotel Ambarukmo Palace (Jumat, 5 September 2014)

Waktu Acara Tema Pembicara
07.15-07.45 30 Registrasi
07.45-08.00 15 Opening Rektor, dekan,ka.prodi, ketua panitia
Session 2 Konservasi Perio
Tata cara klinis dalam penanggulangan masalah restorasi Resin
08.00-08.45 45 1.1 Rio Suryantoro, drg., Sp.KG
Komposit pada gigi posterior
08.45-09.30 45 1.2 The rational usage of fiber post Tri Endro, drg., Sp.KG
09.30-10.15 45 1.3 Periodontal, Dental and Implant Care in Multidisciplinary Approach Prof. Dr. M. Rubianto, drg, MS, Sp. Perio (K)
10.15-10.30 15 Coffee break - -
Session 1 Bedah Mulut
10.30-11.15 45 2.1 Kiat-kiat Pencabutan Sulit M. Bakhrul Lutfianto, drg.
11.15-12.00 45 2.2 Penanganan Kasus Komplikasi Bedah Mulut untuk dokter gigi umum Prof. Dr. Setyo Harnowo, drg, Sp.BM (K), FICD
12.00-13.30 90 ISHOMA - -
Session 3 Hukum Kesehatan
13.30-14.15 45 3.2 Penjagaan legalitas kewenangan student exchange Dr. Laksmi Dwiati, drg. MM, MHA
14.15-15.00 45 3.3 Interdisciplinary orthodontic therapy : diagnosis dan treatment Yusuf Samsudin, drg., Sp.Ort (K)
15.00-15.30 30 Coffee break - -
Session 4 Preventif (KGA)
15.30-16.15 45 4.1 The current status of pediatric dentistry in Japan Prof. Tsutomu Iwamoto, D.D.S., Ph.D
16.15-17.00 45 4.2 Management behavior pada perawatan gigi anak usia tumbuh kembang Atiek Driana Rahmawati, drg., MDSc., Sp.KGA

2. Ball Room Hotel Ambarukmo Palace (Sabtu, 6 September 2014)

Waktu Acara Tema Pembicara
Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No. 17 Yogyakarta
Contact Person :
drg. Regia Aristiyanto [085743707185]
Sitirahma Desmarleni, S. KG [085769186088]
2nd Dental Research Exhibition and Meeting 2014
Strategic Achievement for Dental Care in Mutidisciplanary Approach
Selasa-Sabtu, 2-6 September 2014
07.30-08.00 30 Registrasi
Session 1 Prosthodonsi (Estetik)
08.00-08.40 40 1.1 Trend of prostodontic research and practice in ultra-aged sociaty Prof. Tetsuo Ichikawa
08.40-09.20 40 1.2 Various mini implant for overdenture Rudy Wigianto, drg., PH.D., DFM., FICCDE
09.20-10.00 40 1.3 1/3 cervical chalanges Robert H. Dharma, drg.
10.00-10.15 15 Coffee break - -
Session 2 Opdent (Estetik)
The basic and technique of direct composite as a permanent aestetics Taofik Hidayat, drg, Sp.KG
10.15-10.55 40 2.1
restoration alternative
10.55-11.35 40 2.2 Endodontic Case : Story Behind the screen Marino Sutedjo, drg, Sp.KG
11.35-12.45 70 ISHOMA - -
Session 3 Cancer
12.45-13.25 40 3.1 The Metastatic Niche and Oral Cancer Progression Prof. Dr. Sittichai Koontongkaew
13.25-14.05 40 3.2 Aspiration pneumonia in the elderly and its prevention Prof. Yoichiro Miyake, D.D.S., Ph.D
Session 4 - -
14.05-14.45 40 4.1 Medicolegal in dentistry Prof.Dr.dr.Agus Purwadianto,SH, Msi, SpF(K).
14.45-15.15 30 Coffee break - -
Inter-professional Education (IPE)
Session 5
Penanganan Pasien dengan Riwayat Penyakit Sistemik di Kedokteran dr. Probosuseno, Sp. PD., KGer
15.15-15.55 40 5.1
15.55-16.35 40 5.2 Penatalaksanaan perawatan gigi pada ibu hamil Supriyatingsih, dr, M.Kes, Sp.OG
Peran dokter gigi dalam penegakkan identifikasi dan Dwi Suhartiningtyas, drg.
16.35-17.15 40 5.3
penatalaksanaan kasus oral medic compromised
1. Table Clinic (Jumat, 5 September 2014)

Waktu Acara Tema Pembicara
14.00-17.00 180 Ruang 1 Live odontectomy surgery and IMW Masykur Rahmat, drg., Sp.BM (K)
Bedah Mulut fixation

Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No. 17 Yogyakarta
Contact Person :
drg. Regia Aristiyanto [085743707185]
Sitirahma Desmarleni, S. KG [085769186088]
2nd Dental Research Exhibition and Meeting 2014
Strategic Achievement for Dental Care in Mutidisciplanary Approach
Selasa-Sabtu, 2-6 September 2014

14.00-17.00 180 Ruang 2 Fiber post sebagai restorasi pasca Tri Endro, drg., Sp.KG
Endodontic perawatan endodontic

14.00-17.00 180 Ruang 3 Creating good proximal contact in class Rio Suryantoro, drg., Sp.KG
Conservative II restoration to prevent food impaction

2. Table Clinic (Sabtu, 6 September 2014)

Waktu Acara Tema Pembicara
14.00-17.00 180 Ruang 1 Endodontic update : sebagai teknik Marino Sutedjo, drg.. Sp.KG
Endodontic preparasi terkini

14.00-17.00 180 Ruang 2 Fiber reinforce splinting untuk Ika Andriani, drg., MDSc., Sp.Perio
Periodontic stabilisasi mobilitas gigi

14.00-17.00 180 Ruang 3 Technical guide to aestetics and long Taofik Hidayat, drg., Sp.KG
Conservative lasting direct composite restoration

Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No. 17 Yogyakarta
Contact Person :
drg. Regia Aristiyanto [085743707185]
Sitirahma Desmarleni, S. KG [085769186088]
2nd Dental Research Exhibition and Meeting 2014
Strategic Achievement for Dental Care in Mutidisciplanary Approach
Selasa-Sabtu, 2-6 September 2014
PERAWATAN GIGI DAN MULUT (RSGM AMC, Kamis, 4 September 2014)

Sasaran Pasien
Hari, Tanggal Waktu Acara

06.30-07.50 Persiapan panitia Persiapan panitia

08.00-08.10 Pembukaan Acara dan Doa

08.10-08.20 Sambutan

Registrasi dan triage

Kamis 08.20-11.30 Education center dan perawatan
Perawatan pasien umum

11.30-12.30 Istirahat dan Penyelesaian Perawatan

12..30-13.00 Penutupan dan Beres Beres

Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No. 17 Yogyakarta
Contact Person :
drg. Regia Aristiyanto [085743707185]
Sitirahma Desmarleni, S. KG [085769186088]

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