Name: Katherine Melson Content Area: Word Study Grade Level: 2 Lesson Length: Varies
Name: Katherine Melson Content Area: Word Study Grade Level: 2 Lesson Length: Varies
Name: Katherine Melson Content Area: Word Study Grade Level: 2 Lesson Length: Varies
Grade Level: 2
Word Study is vital to students future literacy success. Through careful work with and examination of suitable word lists, students
learn about the features that make up words, recognize spelling patterns, and expand their vocabulary. Word Study allows students to
be more comfortable working with increasingly difficult words, which as result pushes students towards being better readers, spellers,
and ultimately literate adults.
Lesson Objectives
State and/or National Standards: Learning Targets:
2.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word To identify and gain insight on spelling patterns of words
a) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. To understand the meaning of words
d) Identify and use synonyms and antonyms.
To be able to recite words aloud
2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and
spelling. To find rhyming words, synonyms, and antonyms though various
a) Use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and word study activities
consonant digraphs to decode and spell words.
b) Use knowledge of short, long, and r-controlled vowel patterns To explore patterns of the English language through hands on
to decode and spell words. activities
c) Decode regular multisyllabic words.
2.14 The student will use available technology for reading and
Assessment Descriptions: Criteria: Describe how students will Use of Assessment: Describe the feedback
Describe how you will assess students. demonstrate mastery. you will provide, potential plans for
adjusting instruction, etc.
The hope is to give every student Each word study activity is graded out of 20 Rather than just correcting the activity,
immediate feedback on their word study points. Students have received the right students will receive a circle around
activity. When students are finished, they scaffolding to complete the activity incorrect or missing words and will have
are graded right away. Points are deducted perfectly, so a score of 20/20 on the word the opportunity to make the corrections
if they spell word list words incorrectly, do study activities demonstrate mastery. themselves.
not set up the page correctly, or fail to
complete the activity. Students have the Because students have spent two weeks Word study is naturally differentiated by
opportunity to make the necessary writing down their word study words and choosing word lists that are just right for
corrections to get points back. have completed a practice test, a score of each student and by allowing student
20/20 on the spelling test demonstrates choice on which word study activities to
mastery of spelling. complete.
Use the columns below to detail what the teacher and students will be doing throughout the lesson, as well as the materials, resources,
and technology that will be used. You are encouraged to divide your plan into sections based on the instructional model you are using.
For example, a gradual release plan may include sections such as I do, we do, you do together, and you do alone.
Be sure to refer to the lesson plan rubric for specific information as to how you will be assessed.
I do You do alone
On the projector, the teacher shows how After each student has sorted a few words
to properly set up a blank page in the Word from the list in front of the whole group
Study book. Today the students will learn and the teacher is sure the students
how to do Word Study sentences. understand the pattern, the students can
continue sorting at their desks.
The teacher will write a few sentences
using word list words, emphasizing the
importance of meaning.
We do together
Then, the teacher will have a student
suggest a meaningful sentence, and will
write it on the paper on the projector.
We do together
The teacher shows students how to access
spelling city and their individual word study
group test. Tests are sorted into colored
groups, and students will know the color of
their group and where to find their test.
The first time students are introduced to
word study, the teacher will take time
modeling and explaining all word study
options; 1 per day. Students will be
required to complete the activity that is
taught that day with their first word list.
However, once students move on to word
list 2, they will only be required to do the
word sort on the first day, and then they
may choose 3 activities (any of the ones
they had learned with list 1) to complete
on their own. One of these 3 must be
writing 10 sentences. Students will be
given 2 days to complete each word sort
activity, 1 day for the practice test, and the
final spelling test will be held on a Friday.
An entire word study list takes 2 weeks to
The teacher places students in groups based on DSA score results, and chooses suitable word lists for each group that are not too easy
or too hard. Word study is naturally differentiated due to the element of choice. Students who struggle a lot with using a computer to
create a word search will most likely choose another option such as rhyming words that will be more doable and less time consuming
for them to complete. Students looking for a challenge may try to write more complex sentences or choose complicated tasks.
Students who struggle to remember the options for word study after list 1 may use the teachers word study binder for assistance. This
word study binder has every activity completed. Using this binder as a reference, struggling students can double check that they are
setting up their page and completing the activity correctly.
Activity Description
Sort (all) Students find patterns among word list words and sort all words under
the correct heading.
Draw and Label (10) Students choose 10 words to draw and then label.
Rhyming Words (10) Students choose 10 words and find a rhyming word for each. Rhyming
word must follow the same spelling pattern.
Sentences (10) Students choose 10 words and use each one in a meaningful sentence.
ABC Order (all) Students sort all word list words into ABC order.
Word Search (10) Students create their own word search online with 10 words and print
to find the words. Full credit is given if students spelled the 10 words
correctly and can find them all.
Definitions (5) Students choose 5 words to look up in the dictionary and define.
Synonyms (10) Students choose 10 words and then use RhymeZone or their mind to
come up with synonyms.
Antonyms (10) Students choose 10 words and then use RhymeZone or their mind to
come up with antonyms.
Add my Word (10) Students choose 10 words and then add up the value of each word.
Consonants are worth 10 and vowels are worth 1.