Chapter 9, Keller 2008
Chapter 9, Keller 2008
Chapter 9, Keller 2008
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Learning Objectives
Landslides, the movement of materials down
slopes, constitute a serious natural hazard in
many parts of the United States and the rest of
the world. Landslides are often linked to other
hazards such as earthquakes and volcanoes.
Most landslides are small and slow, but a few
are large and fast. Both may cause significant
loss of life and damage to human property,
particularly in urban areas. In this chapter we
focus on the following learning objectives:
Understand basic slope processes and the
causes of slope failure
Understand the role of driving and resisting
forces on slopes and how these are related
to slope stability
Understand how slope angle and topography,
vegetation, water, and time affect both slope
processes and the incidence of landslides
Understand how human use of the land has
resulted in landslides
Know methods of identification, prevention,
warning, and correction of landslides
Understand processes related to land
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Figure 9.1 Idealized diagram of landslides at La Conchita, CA The fast-moving landslides of 1995 and 2005 are a reactivation of part of a larger prehistoric
slide that is less than 6,000 years old, which is part of a much larger, older (few tens of thousands of years) landslide called the Rincon Mountain landslide.
Sea cliff
Landslide deposits up to 15 m (50 ft) d
La Conchita
2 00
9 5&
on Mountain
(closed 101)
debris flow
oad R
Direction of
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 290
Types of Landslides
Earth materials may fail and move or deform in several ways (Figure 9.4). Rota-
tional slumps involve
P R Esliding
L I M I N A R along
Y P R O O FaS curved slip plain producing slump blocks
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 291
Free face
Free face
Talus slope
(rock fall deposits)
Very hard
strong granite
Convex Straight
Soil Concave
Convex slope
Straight slope
Concave slope
Figure 9.3 Slope segments (a) Slope on hard granite in Yosemite National Park with free face (several
thousand feet high) and talus slope. (b) Slopes on Santa Cruz Island, California, on relatively weak schist
(red) and volcanic rocks (white), with convex, straight, and concave slope segments. (Edward A. Keller)
Main track
Source area
Depositional Slip plane
area Materials Rotated
Type of block Toe
Movement Rock Soil
Landslides Rotational
(g) Earthflow (h) Debris flow with variable Slump(a) Slump(b)
water content (a) Rock slump (b) Soil slump
Firm clay
8:58 PM
Upper slump
Lateral spread Rock(k) Soil Fence out of alignment
Figure 9.4 Types of landslides Classification of landslides based on type of movement, materials, water content, and rate of movement.
(Modified after U.S. Geological Survey 2004. Fact Sheet 2004-3072)
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reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 293
Toe of flow
Head of slide
Shallow landslide in
soil above rock
Landslide deposit
p liff
To a c
Sea cliff
be ight
pl ial
p nt
sli ote
be ndy
Figure 9.A Daylighting beds Bedding planes Figure 9.B Translation slide This slide occurred in late 2003. Failure was
that intersect the surface of the land on a slope are along a daylightbedding plane. Slide deposits cover part of the beach.
said to daylight.Such beds are potential slip planes. (Edward A. Keller)
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Head of flow
Track of flow
Flow deposits
Figure 9.8 Shallow slides (a) Shallow soil slip, North Carolina. (b) Shallow debris flow, Klamath
River, California. Note the long narrow track and debris on the bank of the river. The logging road near
the bend of the failure may have helped destabilize the slope. (Edward A. Keller)
the slip plane is usually above the bedrock but below the soil within a slope material
known as colluvium, a mixture of weathered rock and other material (Figure 9.8).
Material type is a factor in falls as well as slides. If a resistant rock forms a very
steep slope, weathering or erosion along fractures may cause a rockfall. Such fail-
ures on nearly vertical high slopes in hard granite present a continuous, chronic
hazard in Yosemite National Park (Figure 9.9).
The type of materials composing a slope may greatly influence the type of
slope failure that occurs. For example, on shale slopes or slopes on weak volcanic
pyroclastic materials, failure commonly occurs as creep, the very slow downslope
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Figure 9.10 Shallow soil slips can kill (a) Shallow soil slips
on steep southern California, vegetated slopes. (Edward A. Keller)
(b) A home in southern California destroyed by a shallow soil slip,
debris flow that originated as a soil slip. This 1969 event claimed (b)
two lives. (Courtesy of John Shadle, Los Angeles Department of Building
and Safety) House destroyed
Steep slopes are often associated with rockfalls and debris avalanches, which are
the very rapid downslope movement of soil, rock, and organic debris. In southern
California, shallow soil slips are common on steep saturated slopes. Once they
move downslope, these soil slips are often transformed into earthflows or debris
flows, which can be extremely hazardous (Figure 9.10). Earthflows can occur on
moderate slopes, and creep can be observed on very gentle slopes.
Debris flows are the downslope flow of relatively coarse material; more than
50 percent of particles in a debris flow are coarser than sand. Debris flows can
move very slowly or rapidly, depending on conditions. Debris flows, debris
avalanches, and mudflows vary in size: they can be relatively small to moderate
events, confined to a single valley of slope with a few hundred to hundreds of
thousands of cubic meters of debris. However, they can also be huge events
involving an entire flank of a mountain, measured in cubic kilometers of material
(see volcanic mudflows and debris flows, discussed in Chapter 7).
(a) (b)
Ice plants
slipped down slope
Figure 9.11 Ice plants on slopes are often unstable Shallow soil slips on steep slopes covered
with shallow-rooted ice plants near Santa Barbara, California: (a) an embankment on a road; (b) a home
site. The plastic sheet is an attempt to reduce infiltration of rain water. (Edward A. Keller)
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 300
on or in the slope can affect stability: (1) landslides such as shallow soil slips can
develop during rainstorms when slopes become saturated; (2) landslides such as
slumps or translational slides can develop months or even years after infiltration
of water deep into the slope; and (3) water can erode the base or toe of a slope,
thereby decreasing slope stability.
Waters ability to erode affects the stability of slopes. Stream or wave erosion on
a slope may remove material and create a steeper slope, thus reducing the safety
factor (Figure 9.12). This problem is particularly critical if the base of the slope
is an old, inactive landslide that is likely to move again if stability is reduced
(Figure 9.13). Therefore, it is important to recognize old landslides along potential
(a) (b)
Figure 9.13 Reactivation of a slide (a) Aerial view of a landslide along the Santa Barbara coastal
area. The arrow points to the location of the slide. (b) Closeup of the slide, which destroyed two homes.
The slide is a reactivation of an older failure. (Courtesy of Don Weaver)
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 301
road cuts and other excavations before construction in order to isolate and correct
potential problems.
Another way that water can cause landslides is by contributing to spontaneous
liquefaction of clay-rich sediment, or quick clay. When disturbed, some clays lose
their shear strength, behave as a liquid, and flow. The shaking of clay below
Anchorage, Alaska, during the 1964 earthquake produced this effect and was
extremely destructive. In Quebec, Canada, several large slides associated with
quick clays have destroyed numerous homes and killed about 70 people. The
slides occurred on river valley slopes when initially solid material was converted
into a liquid mud as the sliding movement began.8 These slides are especially
interesting because the liquefaction of clays occurs without earthquake shaking.
The slides are often initiated by river erosion at the toe of the slope and, although
they start in a small area, may develop into large events. Since they often involve
the reactivation of an older slide, future problems may be avoided by restricting
development in these areas.
0 0.5 1 Miles
0 0.5 1 Kilometers
Mount Borga
Elev. 2035 m
d i Tu
B Val
Piave R.
Lake Vaio
El. 680 m
Vaiont Dam Massalezza R.
El. Belluno
Pia v
1400 m e
zo R.
A' B' Venice
Figure 9.C Sketch map of the Vaiont Reservoir (a) showing the 1963 landslide that displaced
water that overtopped the dam and caused severe flooding and destruction over large areas downstream.
A-Aand B-Bare the cross sections shown in Figure 8.D. (After Kiersch, G. A. Civil Engineering 34:3239)
(b) Photograph of the Vaoint Dam after the landslide. Notice that the concrete dam is still intact but the
reservoir above the dam is completely filled (or nearly so) with landslide deposits. (ANSA)
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.
KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 303
0 100 300 500 m slide plane
600 Principal
slide plane
0 100 300 500 m
Lias formation: 400
Limestone, thin-bedded
with sandy marl interbeds 200
B B'
Figure 9.D Generalized geologic cross sections through the slide area of the Vaiont River Valley.
The locations of the sections are shown in Figure 8.C. (After Kiersch, G. A. Civil Engineering 34:3239)
the valley rocks because of the water in the reservoir. The rate fill the reservoir even after engineers tried to lower the reser-
of creep before the slide increased as the groundwater level voir level.
rose in response to higher reservoir levels. Fourth, heavy Officials concluded that the disaster was caused by an in-
rains from late September until the day of the disaster further crease in the driving forces accompanied by a great decrease
increased the weight of the slope materials, raised the water in the resisting forces, as rising groundwater in the slope
pressure in the rocks, and produced runoff that continued to increased along zones of weakness in the rock.9
Timber Harvesting
The possible cause-and-effect relationship between timber harvesting and erosion
in northern California, Oregon, and Washington is a controversial topic. There
is evidence to support the hypothesis that landslides, especially shallow soil slips,
debris avalanches, and more deeply seated earthflows, are responsible for much
of the erosion in these areas. In fact, one study in the western Cascade Range of
Oregon concluded that shallow slides are the dominant erosion process in the
area. Timber-harvesting activities, such as clear-cutting and road building over
approximately a 20 year observation period on geologically stable land did not
greatly increase landslide-related erosion. During that same time period, however,
logging on weak, unstable slopes did increase landslide erosion by several times
compared with landslide erosion on forested land.10
The construction of roads in areas to be logged is an especially serious problem
because roads may interrupt surface drainage, alter subsurface movement of
water, and adversely change the distribution of mass on a slope by cut-and-fill,
or grading, operations.10 As we learn more about erosional processes in forested
areas, we are developing improved management procedures to minimize the
adverse effects of timber harvesting. Nevertheless, we are not yet out of the woods
with respect to landslide erosion problems associated with timber harvesting.
Human activities are most likely to cause landslides in urban areas where there
are high densities of people and supporting structures such as roads, homes, and
industries. Examples from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Los Angeles, California,
illustrate the situation.
Rio de Janeiro, with a population of more than 6 million people, may have more
slope-stability problems than any other city its size.11 The city is noted for the
beautiful granite peaks that spectacularly frame the urban area (Figure 9.14).
Combinations of steep slopes and fractured rock covered with thin soil contribute
to the problem. In the past, many such slopes were logged for lumber and fuel
and to clear space for agriculture. Landslides associated with heavy rainfall fol-
lowed the logging activity. More recently, lack of room on flat ground has led to
increased urban development on slopes. Vegetation cover has been removed, and
roads leading to development sites at progressively higher areas are being built.
Slide areas
Excavations have cut the base of many slopes and severed the soil mantle at
critical points. In addition, placing slope fill material below excavation areas has
increased the load on slopes already unstable before the fill. Because this area
periodically experiences tremendous rainstorms, it is apparent that Rio de Janeiro
has a serious problem.
In February 1988, an intense rainstorm dumped more than 12 cm (4.7 in.) of
rain on Rio de Janeiro in 4 hours. The storm caused flooding and mudslides that
killed about 90 people, leaving about 3,000 people homeless. Restoration costs
exceeded $100 million. Many of the landslides were initiated on steep slopes
where housing was precarious and control of stormwater runoff nonexistent. It
was in these hill-hugging shantytown areas that most of the deaths from mud-
slides occurred. In addition, 25 patients and staff of a nursing home located in a
more affluent mountainside area were killed when the home was knocked down
by the landslide. If future disasters are to be avoided, Rio de Janeiro is in dire need
of measures to control storm runoff and increase slope stability.
Los Angeles in particular and southern California in general have experienced
a remarkable frequency of landslides associated with hillside development.
Landslides in southern California result from complex physical conditions, in part
because of the great local variation in topography, rock and soil types, climate, and
vegetation. Interactions between the natural environment and human activity are
complex and notoriously unpredictable. For this reason, the area has the some-
times dubious honor of showing the ever-increasing value of the study of urban
geology.12 Los Angeles has led the nation in developing building codes concern-
ing grading for development.
In southern California, the grading process, in which benches, referred to as
pads, are cut into slopes for home sites, has been responsible for many landslides. It
took natural processes many thousands, if not millions, of years to produce valleys,
ridges, and hills. In this century, we have developed the machines to grade them.
F. B. Leighton writes: With modern engineering and grading practices and appro-
priate financial incentive, no hillside appears too rugged for future development.12
No Earth material can withstand the serious assault of modern technology. Thus,
human activity is a geological agent capable of carving the landscape as do glaciers
and rivers, but at a tremendously faster pace. Almost overnight, we can convert
steep hills into a series of flat lots and roads, and such conversions have led to
numerous artificially induced landslides. As shown in Figure 9.15, oversteepened
slopes in conjunction with increased water from sprinkled lawns or septic systems,
as well as the additional weight of fill material and a house, make formerly stable
slopes unstable. As a rule, any project that steepens or saturates a slope, increases
its height, or places an extra load on it may cause a landslide.12
Bedding planes
Cracks developing exposed on slope
daylight Figure 9.15 Urbanization and
landslide potential Development of
artificial translational landslides.
Stable slopes may be made unstable
fill by a variety of alterations including
Cesspool removing support from the bedding
plane surfaces, adding water to the
Cut surface slope, steepening the slope, and
on bedrock adding fill on the slope. The cracks
shown in the upper part of the
diagram are an early sign that a land-
slide is likely to occur soon. (Reprinted,
with permission, from Leighton F. B. 1966.
Landslides and urban development. In
Engineering geology in southern California.
Bedding planes Los Angeles: Los Angeles Section of the
Association of Engineering Geology)
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 306
Landslides on both private and public land in Hamilton County, Ohio, have
been a serious problem. The slides occur in glacial deposits, composed mostly of
clay, lakebed sediments, and unstratified material called till as well as colluvium
and soil formed on shale. The average cost of damage exceeds $5 million per year.
Major landslides in Cincinnati, Ohio, have damaged highways and several private
Modification of sensitive slopes associated with urbanization in Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania, is estimated to be responsible for 90 percent of the land-
slides in the area. An average of $2 million in damages results each year from
these landslides. Most of the landslides are slow moving, but one rockfall in an
adjacent county crushed a bus and killed 22 passengers. Most of the landslides in
Allegheny County are caused by construction activity that loads the top of a slope,
cuts into a sensitive location such as the toe of a slope, or alters water conditions
on or beneath the surface of a slope.13
0 0.5 km
Figure 9.16 Landslide hazard map (a) Landslide inventory map and (b) landslide risk and land-
use map for part of Santa Clara County, California. (After U.S. Geological Survey. 1982. Goals and tasks of the
landslide part of a ground-failure hazards reduction program. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 880)
Preventing Landslides
Preventing large, natural landslides is difficult, but common sense and good
engineering practices can help to minimize the hazard. For example, loading the
top of slopes, cutting into sensitive slopes, placing fills on slopes, or changing
water conditions on slopes should be avoided or done with caution.13 Common
engineering techniques for landslide prevention include provisions for surface
and subsurface drainage, removal of unstable slope materials, construction of
retaining walls or other supporting structures, or some combination of these.4
Drainage Control. Surface and subsurface drainage control are usually effective
in stabilizing a slope. The objective is to divert water to keep it from running
across or infiltrating into the slope. Surface water may be diverted around the
slope by a series of surface drains. This practice is common for roadcuts (Fig-
ure 9.17a). The amount of water infiltrating a slope may also be controlled by
covering the slope with an impermeable layer such as soil-cement, asphalt, or
even plastic (Figure 9.17b). Groundwater may be inhibited from entering a slope
by constructing subsurface drains. A drainpipe with holes along its length is
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 308
(a) (b)
Figure 9.17 Two ways to increase slope stability (a) Drains on a roadcut to remove surface water
from the cut before it infiltrates the slope. (b) Covering a slope with a soil-cement in Greece to reduce
infiltration of water and provide strength. (Edward A. Keller)
Grading. Although grading of slopes for development has increased the landslide
hazard in many areas, carefully planned grading can be used to increase slope
stability. In a single cut-and-fill operation, material from the upper part of a slope is
removed and placed near the base. The overall gradient is thus reduced, and mate-
rial is removed from an area where it contributes to the driving forces and placed
at the toe of the slope, where it increases the resisting forces. However, this
method is not practical on very steep, high slopes. As an alternative, the slope may
be cut into a series of benches or steps. The benches are designed with surface
drains to divert runoff. The benches reduce the overall slope of the land and are
good collection sites for falling rock and small slides (Figure 9.18).4
slip plane
of landslide
Piles into
stable rock Fill for
house pad
retaining wall
are designed to provide support at the base of a slope (Figure 9.19). They should
be anchored well below the base of the slope, backfilled with permeable gravel or
crushed rock (Figure 9.20), and provided with drain holes to reduce the chances of
water pressure building up in the slope (Figure 9.20). The evolution of a retaining
wall is shown on Figure 9.21. A shallow landslide along a road causes a problem
(Figure 9.21a). The wall is shown during construction in 1999 in Figure 9.21b. The
finished wall in 2001 now stabilizes the slope (Figure 9.21c).
Preventing landslides can be expensive, but the rewards can be well worth the
effort. It has been estimated that the benefit-to-cost ratio for landslide prevention
ranges from approximately 10 to 2,000. That is, for every dollar spent on landslide
prevention, the savings will vary from $10 to $2,000.15 The cost of not preventing
a slide is illustrated by the massive landslide in Utah known as the Thistle slide.
In April 1983, this slide moved across a canyon, creating a natural dam about
60 m (197 ft) high and flooding the community of Thistle, the DenverRio Grande
Railroad and its switchyard, and a major U.S. highway (Figure 9.22).15 The land-
slide and resultant flooding caused approximately $200 million in damages.
(a) (b)
The Thistle slide involved a reactivation of an older slide, which had been known
for many years to be occasionally active in response to high precipitation. There-
fore, it could have been recognized that the extremely high amounts of precipitation
in 1983 would cause a problem. In fact, a review of the landslide history suggests
that the Thistle landslide was recognizable, predictable, and preventable! Analysis
of the pertinent data suggests that emplacement of subsurface drains and control of
surface runoff would have lowered the water table in the slide mass enough to have
prevented failure. The cost of preventing the landslide was estimated to be between
$300,000 and $500,000, a small amount compared with the damages caused by the
slide.15 Because the benefit-to-cost ratio in landslide prevention is so favorable, it
seems prudent to evaluate active and potentially active landslides in areas where
considerable damage may be expected and possibly prevented.
Correcting Landslides
After a slide has begun, the best way to stop it is to attack the process that started
the slide. In most cases, the cause of the slide is an increase in water pressure, and
in such cases an effective drainage program must be initiated. This may include
surface drains at the head of the slide to keep additional surface water from
infiltrating and subsurface drainpipes or wells to remove water and lower the
water pressure. Draining tends to increase the resisting force of the slope material,
thereby stabilizing the slope.7
High avalanche
limit Behrends
Potential avalanche
No hazard
0 0.5 km
approx. scale
slab of snow and ice, weighing millions of tons, fails owing to the overloading of a
slope with fresh snow or to development of zones of weakness within the snow-
pack. These slabs move rapidly downslope at velocities of up to 100 km per hour
(62 mi per hour). Avalanches tend to move down tracks, called chutes, that have
previously produced avalanches (Figure 9.23). As a result, maps delineating the
hazard may be developed. Avoiding hazardous areas is obviously the preferred
and least expensive adjustment to avalanches. Other adjustments include clearing
excess snow with carefully placed explosives, constructing buildings and struc-
tures to divert or retard avalanches, or planting trees in avalanche-prone areas to
better anchor the snow on slopes.
9.7 Subsidence
Interactions between geologic conditions and human activity have been factors in
numerous incidents of subsidence, the very slow to rapid sinking or settling of
Earth materials (Figure 9.4e). Most subsidence is caused either by the withdrawal
of fluids from subsurface reservoirs or by the collapse of surface and near-surface
soil and rocks over subterranean voids.
Withdrawal of Fluids
The withdrawal of fluidssuch as oil with associated gas and water, ground-
water, and mixtures of steam and water for geothermal powerhave all caused
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Subsidence 313
Central Valley
0 100 200
Amount of subsidence
Santa Clara N Land level 1955
Valley area Tulare-Wasco
Los Banos Arvin-Maricopa
Kettleman area
subsidence.17 In all cases, the general principles are the same: Fluids in Earth
materials below Earths surface have a high fluid pressure that tends to support
the material above. This is why a large rock at the bottom of a swimming pool
seems lighter: Buoyancy produced by the liquid tends to lift the rock. If support or
buoyancy is removed from Earth materials by pumping out the fluid, the support
is reduced, and surface subsidence may result.
Thousands of square kilometers of the central valley of California have sub-
sided as a result of overpumping groundwater in the area (Figure 9.24a). More
than 5,000 km2 (1,930 mi2) in the Los BanosKettleman City area alone have
subsided more than 0.3 m (1 ft), and within this area, one stretch of valley 113 km
(70 mi) long has subsided an average of more than 3 m (10 ft), with a maximum of
about 9 m (30 ft) (Figure 9.24b). As the water was mined, the pore pressure was
reduced and the grains were compacted;18,19 the effect at the surface was subsi-
dence (Figure 9.25). Similar examples of subsidence caused by overpumping are
documented near Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; HoustonGalveston,
Texas; and Mexico City, Mexico. The subsidence can cause extremely long, deep
surface fissures (open cracks) to form in sediments.19
Subsidence is also caused by removal of subterranean Earth materials by natural
processes. Voids, large open spaces such as caves, often form by chemical weath-
ering within soluble rocks such as limestone and dolomite, and the resulting lack
of support for overlying rock may cause it to collapse. The result is the formation
of a sinkhole, a circular area of subsidence caused by the collapse of a near-
surface subterranean void or room in a cavern.
Sinkholes have caused considerable damage to highways, homes, sewage facil-
ities, and other structures. Natural or artificial fluctuations in the water table are
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Zone of saturation
Water table
Zone of saturation
Compacted sediment
probably the trigger mechanism. High water table conditions enlarge the cavern
closer to the surface of Earth by dissolving material, and the buoyancy of the
water helps support the overburden. Lowering of the water table eliminates some
of the buoyant support and facilitates collapse. On May 8, 1981, this process was
dramatically illustrated in Winter Park, Florida, when a large sinkhole began
developing. The sink grew rapidly for 3 days, swallowing part of a community
swimming pool, parts of two businesses, several automobiles, and a house (Fig-
ure 9.26). Damage caused by the sinkhole exceeded $2 million. Sinkholes form
nearly every year in central Florida when the groundwater level is lowest. The
Winter Park sinkhole formed during a drought, when groundwater levels were
at a record low. Although the exact positions of sinkholes cannot be predicted,
their occurrence is greater during droughts; in fact, several smaller sinkholes
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Subsidence 315
developed at about the same time as the Winter Park event.20 On June 23, 1986, a
large subsidence pit developed at the site of an unrecognized, filled sinkhole in
Lehigh Valley near Allentown, in eastern Pennsylvania. Within a period of only a
few minutes, the collapse left a pit approximately 30 m (100 ft) in diameter and
14 m (46 ft) deep. Fortunately, the damage was confined to a street, parking lots,
sidewalks, sewer lines, water lines, and utilities. Seventeen residences adjacent
to the sinkhole narrowly escaped damage or loss; subsequent stabilization and
repair costs were nearly half a million dollars. Figure 9.27 shows the generalized
geology of Lehigh Valley. The northern part of the valley is underlain by shale,
whereas the southern portion is underlain by limestone. The valley is bounded by
resistant sandstone rocks to the north and resistant Precambrian igneous rocks to
the south (Figure 9.27).21
Photographs from the 1940s to 1969 provide evidence of the sinkholes history.
In the 1940s, the sinkhole was delineated by a pond approximately 65 m (213 ft) in
diameter. By 1958 the pond had dried up, the sinkhole was covered by vegetation,
and the surrounding area was planted in crops. Ground photographs in 1960 sug-
gest that people were using the sinkhole as a site to dump tree stumps, blocks of
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh R. Delaware R.
0 5 10 km
asphalt, and other trash. By 1969 there was no surface expression of the sinkhole;
it was completely filled, and corn was planted over it.
Even though the sinkhole was completely filled with trash and other debris, it
continued to receive runoff water that was later increased in volume by urbaniza-
tion. Sources of water included storm runoff from adjacent apartments and
townhouses, streets, and parking lots. It is also suspected that an old, leaking
water line contributed to runoff into the sinkhole area. In addition, urbanization
placed increased demand on local groundwater resources, resulting in the lower-
ing of the water table. Geologists believe that hydrologic conditions contributed
to the sudden failure. The increased urban runoff facilitated the loosening or
removal of the plugthat is, the soil, clay, and trash that filled the sinkhole
while the lowering of the groundwater reduced the overlying support, as was the
case with the Winter Park sinkhole. Sinkholes are discussed further in Chapter 12
with groundwater processes.
Salt Deposits
Serious subsidence events have been associated with salt mining. Salt is often
mined by solution methods: Water is injected through wells into salt deposits, the
salt dissolves, and water supersaturated with salt is pumped out. Because the
removal of salt leaves a cavity in the rock and weakens support for the overlying
rock, it may lead to large-scale subsidence.
On November 21, 1980, a bizarre example of subsidence associated with a salt
mine occurred in southern Louisiana. Lake Peigneur, a shallow lake with an
average depth of 1 m (3.3 ft), drained after the collapse of the salt mine below it.
The collapse occurred after an oil-drilling operation apparently punched a hole
into an abandoned mine shaft of the Jefferson Island Salt Dome, a still-active
multimillion-dollar salt mine located about 430 m (1,410 ft) below the surface. As
water entering the mine enlarged the hole, pillars of salt were scoured and dis-
solved, causing the roof of the mine to collapse and producing a large subsidence
pit (Figure 9.28).
The lake drained so fast that 10 barges, a tugboat, and an oil-drilling barge
disappeared in a whirlpool of water into the mine. Fortunately, the 50 miners and
7 people on the oil rig escaped. The subsidence also claimed more than 0.25 km2
(0.1 mi2) of Jefferson Island, including historic botanical gardens, greenhouses, and
Jefferson Island
salt dome
Production shaft
Lake Peigneur
Salt dome
430 m
New Orleans ?
Subsidence pit
Salt mine
Salt mine
Figure 9.28 A bizarre subsidence event (a) Location of Lake
Peigneur. (b) Idealized diagram showing the Jefferson Island salt dome
collapse that caused a large subsidence pit to form in the bottom of Mine collapse?
Lake Peigneur, Louisiana. (b)
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 317
Subsidence 317
a $500,000 private home. The remaining gardens were disrupted by large fractures
that dropped the land down to the new edge of the lake. These fractures are formed
as the land sinks and are commonly found on the margins of large subsidence pits.
Lake Peigneur immediately began refilling with water from a canal connecting
it to the Gulf of Mexico, and nine of the barges popped to the surface 2 days later.
There was fear at first that even larger subsidence would take place as pillars of
salt holding up the roof of the salt dome dissolved. However, the hole was appar-
ently sealed by debris in the form of soil and lake sediment that was pulled into
the mine. Approximately 15 million cubic meters (530 million cubic feet) of water
entered the salt dome, and the mine was a total loss. The previously shallow lake
now has a large, deep hole in the bottom, which undoubtedly will change its
aquatic ecology. In a 1983 out-of-court settlement, the salt-mining company was
reportedly compensated $30 million by the oil company involved. The owners of
the botanical garden and private home apparently were compensated $13 million
by the oil company, drilling company, and mining company.
The flooding of the mine raises important questions concerning the structural
integrity of salt mines. The federal Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program is plan-
ning to store 75 million barrels of crude oil in an old salt mine of the Weeks Island
salt dome about 19 km (12 mi) from Jefferson Island. Although the role of the
draining lake in the collapse is very significant, few salt domes have lakes above
them. The Jefferson Island subsidence was thus a rare event.
Coal Mining
Subsurface mining of coal in the western and eastern United States has produced
serious subsidence problems. The subsidence is most common where underground
mining is close to the surface of the land or where the rocks left as pillars after min-
ing are weak or intensely fractured. Usually, only 50 percent of the coal is removed,
leaving the remainder as pillars that support the roof, formed from the rocks over-
lying the mine. Over time, the pillars weather, weaken, and collapse, producing the
surface subsidence.22 In the United States, more than 8,000 km2 (3,090 mi2) of land
has subsided owing to underground coal mining, and subsidence continues today,
long after mining terminated. In 1995, a coal mine that was last operated in the
1930s collapsed beneath a 600 m (1,970 ft) length of Interstate Highway 70 in Ohio;
repairs took 3 months.23 Subsidence most often affects farmland and rangelands
but has also damaged buildings and other structures in towns and cities, including
Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Figure 9.29).22,23
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
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Landslides and related phenomena cause substantial dam- dams and reservoirs have increased migration of ground-
ages and loss of life. Although they are natural events, their water into slopes, resulting in slope failure. Logging operations
occurrence can be increased or decreased by human activity. on weak, unstable slopes have increased landslide erosion.
The most common landforms are slopesdynamic, Grading of slopes for development has created or increased
evolving systems in which surface material is constantly erosion problems in many urbanized areas of the world.
moving downslope, or mass wasting, at rates varying from Minimizing landslide hazards requires identification, pre-
imperceptible creep to thundering avalanches. Slope failure vention, and correction procedures. Monitoring and mapping
may involve flowage, slumping, sliding, or falling of Earth techniques facilitate identification of hazardous sites. Identifi-
materials; landslides are often complex combinations of cation of potential landslides has been used to establish
sliding and flowage. grading codes, and landslide damage in these areas has been
The forces that produce landslides are determined by the decreased. Prevention of large natural slides is very difficult,
interactions of several variables: the type of Earth material on but careful engineering practices can do much to minimize
the slope, topography and slope angle, climate, vegetation, the hazard when it cannot be avoided. Engineering tech-
water, and time. The cause of most landslides can be deter- niques for landslide prevention include drainage control,
mined by examining the relations between forces that tend to proper grading, and construction of supports such as retaining
make Earth materials slide, the driving forces, and forces that walls. Correction of landslides must attack the processes that
tend to oppose movement, the resisting forces. The most started the slide; this usually means initiating a drainage
common driving force is the weight of the slope materials, program that lowers water pressure in the slope.
and the most common resisting force is the strength of the Snow avalanches present a serious hazard on snowcov-
slope materials. The safety factor of a slope is the ratio of re- ered, steep slopes. Loss of human life due to avalanches is
sisting forces to driving forces; a ratio greater than 1 means increasing as more people venture into mountain areas for
that the slope is stable; a ratio less than 1 indicates potential winter recreation.
slope failure. The type of rock or soil on a slope influences Withdrawal of fluids such as oil and water and subsur-
both the type and the frequency of landslides. face mining of salt, coal, and other minerals have caused
Water has an especially significant role in producing land- widespread subsidence. In the case of fluid withdrawal, the
slides. Water in streams, lakes, or oceans erodes the base of cause of subsidence is a reduction of water pressures that
slopes, increasing the driving forces. Excess water increases tend to support overlying Earth materials. In the case of solid-
the weight of the slope materials while raising the water pres- material removal, subsidence may result from loss of support
sure. Increased water pressure, in turn, decreases the resisting for the overlying material. The latter situation may occur
forces in the slope materials. The effects of human use on the naturally when voids are formed in soluble rock such as lime-
magnitude and frequency of landslides vary from insignifi- stone and the collapse of overlying Earth material produces
cant to very significant. When landslides occur indepen- sinkholes.
dently of human activity, we need to learn enough about Most people perceive the landslide hazard as minimal,
them to avoid development in hazardous areas or to provide unless they have prior experience. Furthermore, hillside resi-
protective measures. In other cases, when human use has dents, like floodplain occupants, are not easily swayed by
increased the number and severity of landslides, we need technical information. Nevertheless, the wise person will have
to learn how to minimize these occurrences. In some cases, a geologist inspect property on a slope before purchasing.
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 320
Slopes are very sensitive to changes in hydrology, and when maps are necessary to help inform people about the potential
trees are removed the amount of water that infiltrates the soil hazards of hillside development.
or runs off the land changes. Trees use a lot of soil water
through the process of transpiration, which is loss of water Scientific Knowledge and Values
through leaves and other plant tissue. When trees or other Physical, chemical, and biological processes operating on hill-
vegetation are removed this process stops, and the amount of slopes are fairly well understood. We also know the risks
water in the soil may increase. Wet slopes are more prone to associated with hillside development and the methods to
landsliding than are dry slopes. If trees are logged, the roots reduce the landslide hazard. As more people in the future are
may die and decay. When they do, the soil loses some forced by economics or lured by the view to live in hazardous
strength because root systems bind the soil together. The areas on steep hillslopes, we need to examine our values.
combined effects of wetter soils and reduced soil strength as How can we provide safe housing for growing urban areas,
tree roots decay result in more shallow landslides. This con- especially in developing countries? Too often shantytowns
cept explains the significant increase in shallow landslides develop on undesirable steep lands that have been cleared of
that occurs several years after logging. forest. These areas, when hit by intense rainstorms or shaken
by earthquakes, commonly produce slides that may kill hun-
Hazardous Earth Processes, Risk Assessment, and Perception dreds to thousands of people. This scenario does not have to
People are basically optimistic about where they wish to live, be replayed again and again if we place value on human life
and their perception of landslide risk reflects this optimism. and apply principles of sound land-use planning for people
Education about potential risks and construction of hazard moving to urban centers.
Key Terms
landslide (p. 288) safety factor (SF) (p. 294) subsidence (p. 288)
mass wasting (p. 288) sinkholes (p. 313) translational landslide (p. 295)
rotational landslide (p. 295) snow avalanche (p. 311)
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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KELLMC09_0132251507.QXD 2/15/07 8:58 PM Page 321
Review Questions
1. What is a landslide? 7. How may spontaneous liquefac- 12. What is the process that causes sub-
2. What are the main ways that tion occur? sidence due to withdrawal of fluid
materials on a slope may fail? 8. Why does time play an important such as groundwater or petroleum?
3. What is the safety factor, and how role in landslides? 13. What was the role of groundwater
is it defined? 9. What is the main lesson learned in the formation of the Winter
from the Vaiont Dam disaster? Park sinkhole?
4. Differentiate between rotational
slides (slumps) and translational 10. How might the process of urban-
slides and shallow slips. ization increase or decrease the
5. How does the slope angle affect stability of slopes?
the incidence of landslides? 11. What are the main steps we can
6. What are the three ways that take to prevent landslides?
vegetation is important in slope
Unpublished Work 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From the forthcoming book Introduction to Environmental Geology, Fourth Edition, by Edward A. Keller, ISBN 9780132251501. To be published by Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights
reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.