Music Therapy Maximizing With Music Therapy
Music Therapy Maximizing With Music Therapy
Music Therapy Maximizing With Music Therapy
8. 3A2013t hear a tune is an increase in deep breathing. The body's
resource.html?c=ps&ss=defLink&p=Convera&rid=ds2- production of serotonin also accelerates.
%3A4b039bc3&t=pubmed Music was found to reduce the pain during dental procedures.
Music is a significant mood-changer and reliever of stress, To wash away stress, try taking a 20-minute "sound bath." Put
working on many levels at once. some relaxing music on your stereo, then lie in a comfortable
position on a couch or on the floor near the speakers. For a
deeper experience, you can wear headphones to focus your
attention and to avoid distraction.
Play a tune on the guitar and sing along. That works even in the Choose music with a slow rhythm - slower than the natural
worst of times. By the time I'm done with the song, I've breathed heart beat which is about 72 beats per minute. Music that has
deep, I've controlled myself to some degree to be able to sing on repeating or cyclical pattern is found to be effective in most
key :-), and I've come back into myself, and more into the real people.
time moment. As the music plays, allow it to wash over you, rinsing off the
stress from the day. Focus on your breathing, letting it
Internet Discussion Forum deepen, slow and become regular. Concentrate on the silence
between the notes in the music; this keeps you from analyzing
the music and makes relaxation more complete.
If you need a stimulation after a day of work, go for a faster
Many experts suggest that it is the rhythm of the music or the music rather than slow calming music.
beat that has the calming effect on us although we may not be When going gets tough, go for a music you are familiar with -
very conscious about it. They point out that when we were a such as a childhood favorite or favorite oldies. Familiarity often
baby in our mother's womb, we probably were influenced by the breeds calmness.
heart beat of our mother. We respond to the soothing music at
later stages in life, perhaps associating it with the safe, relaxing, Take walks with your favorite music playing on the walkman.
protective environment provided by our mother. Inhale and exhale in tune with the music. Let the music takes
you. This is a great stress reliever by combining exercise
(brisk walk), imagery and music.
Music can be one of the most soothing or nerve wracking
experiences available. Choosing what will work for any individual Listening to the sounds of nature, such as ocean waves or the
is difficult, most will choose something they 'like' instead of what calm of a deep forest, can reduce stress. Try taking a 15- to
might be beneficial. In doing extensive research on what any 20-minute walk if you're near the seashore or a quiet patch of
given piece of music produces in the physiological response woods. If not, you can buy tapes of these sounds in many
system many unexpected things were found. Many of the so- music stores.
called Meditation and Relaxation recordings actually produced
adverse EEG patterns, just as bad as Hard Rock and Heavy Metal.
The surprising thing was many selections of Celtic, Native is developed and maintained by ICBS, Inc.
American as well as various music containing loud drums or flute Send mail to: [email protected] with comments about this
were extremely soothing. The most profound finding was Any web site.
music Performed Live and even at moderately loud volumes even Copyright © 1998-2007 ICBS, Inc. Terms of Use
if it was somewhat discordant had very a beneficial response. All Rights Reserved.
Whenever the proper sounds were experienced an amazing
right/left brain hemisphere synchronization occurred. The normal
voltage spiking pattern changed to a smooth sinusoidal waveform
and the usual voltage differential equalized. The entire human
energetic system is extremely influenced by sounds, the physical
body and chakra centers respond specifically to certain tones and Music and Your Body: How Music Affects Us and Why Music
frequencies. Special consideration should be given to the positive Therapy Promotes Health
effects of one actually playing or creating music themselves.
2. How and Why Is Music A Good Tool For Health?
Research has shown that music has a profound effect on your Updated: November 07, 2007
body and psyche. In fact, there’s a growing field of health care
known as Music Therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by
practice music therapy are finding a benefit in using music to
the Medical Review Board
help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even
hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help
with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote Music can affect the body in many health-promoting ways, which
movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for is the basis for a growing field known as music therapy.
many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring. This However, you can use music in your daily life and achieve many
is not surprising, as music affects the body and mind in many stress relief benefits on your own. One of the great benefits of
powerful ways. The following are some of effects of music, which music as a stress reliever is that it can be used while you conduct
help to explain the effectiveness of music therapy: your regular activities so that it really doesn’t take time away
from your busy schedule. Music provides a wonderful backdrop
for your life so that you can find increased enjoyment from what
• Brain Waves: Research has shown that music with a you’re doing and also reduce stress from your day. The following
strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in are some of the ways you can use music to enhance your regular
sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper activities:
concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower
tempo promoting a calm, meditative state. Also, Getting Ready in the Morning:
research has found that the change in brainwave activity
levels that music can bring can also enable the brain to You can wake yourself up with music, and start your day feeling
shift speeds more easily on its own as needed, which great, setting the tone for a lower-stress day. (For more tips on
means that music can bring lasting benefits to your starting your day off right, read my article 6 Great Ways to Start
state of mind, even after you’ve stopped listening. Your Day.)
• Breathing and Heart Rate: With alterations in
brainwaves comes changes in other bodily functions. During a Commute:
Those governed by the autonomic nervous system, such Put an end to road rage by playing your favorite music in the car.
as breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the It can reliever some of the tension you feel from the commute
changes music can bring. This can mean slower itself and the day so far, and help you feel less like you’re
breathing, slower heart rate, and an activation of the wasting time in traffic, and more like you’re having some nice
relaxation response, among other things. This is why time to yourself. It can also take your mind off of all that you
music and music therapy can help counteract or prevent need to get done once you reach your destination, so you’ll arrive
the damaging effects of chronic stress, greatly less stressed and more prepared to take on what awaits you.
promoting not only relaxation, but health.
• State of Mind: Music can also be used to bring a more Cooking:
positive state of mind, helping to keep depression and Good nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and it
anxiety at bay. This can help prevent the stress can actually keep your stress level down. Eating at home is a
response from wreaking havoc on the body, and can great way to ensure healthy meals and less expense, but many
help keep creativity and optimism levels higher, bringing people find themselves too tired to cook once they get home. If
many other benefits. you put on some smooth jazz or other genre of music that you
• Other Benefits: Music has also been found to bring many enjoy, cooking becomes a fun activity rather than a chore, and
other benefits, such as lowering blood pressure (which you’ll likely find yourself relaxed and in a better frame of mind
can also reduce the risk of stroke and other health once dinner starts, which can enable you to savor your dinner
problems over time), boost immunity, ease muscle and your company as you eat.
tension, and more. With so many benefits and such
profound physical effects, it’s no surprise that so many While Eating:
are seeing music as an important tool to help the body
As you’re eating your meal, music can also be a helper. Soothing
in staying (or becoming) healthy.
music can trigger the relaxation response, which can lower
cortisol levels, making it easier to digest food. Also, studies have
Using Music Therapy: shown that classical music in particular can help you eat less,
With all these benefits that music can carry, it's no surprise that digest better, and enjoy your food more.
music therapy is growing in popularity. For more information on
music therapy, visit the American Music Therapy Association's
website. Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by Music and Healing
the Medical Review Board Hospitals are usually noisy places, there isn’t a lot soothing going
on. There are monitors, TVs, people talking and endless sounds.
Music Relaxation: Music and Stress Management It is hard for people to sleep and hard for them to relax. That is a
With all the ways music affects your body, you can probably shame, because if people can relax they have a lower stress
already clearly see how music can be used as an effective response and it is known that stress can slow healing.
relaxation and stress management tool. In addition to the many
physical changes that music can bring (which I list in this article More and more, researchers are looking how changing the
on music and music therapy), music is especially helpful in environment can impact healing. One approach was to rearrange
relaxation and stress management because it can be used in the the hospital schedules to help patients get more uninterrupted
following ways: sleep in the hospital. Another approach was to fill the rooms of
patients recovering from surgery with music.
• Music and Physical Relaxation: Music can promote
relaxation of tense muscles, enabling you to easily Best Music for Healing
release some of the tension you carry from a stressful While there is no “best” music for healing, people seem to prefer
day (or week). classical music or instrumental music (like Brazilian guitar). In
• Music as an Aid in Stress Relief Activities: Music can some cases, a professional musician trained in healing music, a
help you get ‘into the zone’ when practicing yoga, self music therapist, will be brought. The most common instrument
hypnosis or guided imagery, can help you feel energized for music therapists is the harp. But the absolute “best” music for
when exercising, help dissolve the stress when you’re healing probably varies by individual. The characteristics of
soaking in the tub, and be a helpful part of many other healing music should be calming, soothing and relaxed.
stress relief activities. It can take an effective stress
reliever and make it even more effective! Science of Healing Music
• Music and a Meditative State: As mentioned before, How music creates healing is not known. The most obvious route
music can help your brain get into a meditative state, is the relaxation route. By creating a relaxing environment, the
which carries wonderful stress relief benefits with it. For music gives the body a better chance to heal by reducing stress
those who find intimidating, music can be an easier hormones. There are other possible explanations. It is fairly well
alternative. established that music with a slow rhythm can slow the heart
• Music to Promote a Positive Focus: Music, especially rate. Some music therapists have elaborate explanations of how
upbeat tunes, can take your mind off what stresses you, music can “harmonize” various organs in the body and how
healing music interacts with the brain. These theories have yet to Definitions
be proven. In my opinion, the “why” doesn’t matter so much
here, it is just great that music helps healing in some cases.
Music in the context of this Best Practice Information Sheet, was
considered to be recorded music played, via a MP3 player, tape
Sources: recorder or compact disc player, for a patient before, during or
after a single episode of diagnostic/therapeutic procedure.
American Medical Association. Music Therapist.
American Music Therapy Association
The purpose of this Best Practice Information Sheet is to provide
summarised evidence on music listening in managing anxiety or
pain related to procedural or operative interventions.
Types of Intervention
Music as an Intervention in Hospitals
Anonymous. Best Practice Information Sheets - Joanna
Briggs Institute. Adelaide: 2009. Vol. 13, Iss. 3; pg. 13, 4 pgs The Best Practice Information Sheet included pre-
procedure/operation, during procedure/operation and post-
procedural/operational music listening. It excluded other forms of
Abstract (Summary)
music therapy.
Side Effects
There is no evidence to suggest that listening to music has any 1. The Joanna Briggs Institute. Systematic reviews - the review process, Lev
effect on reducing side effects of analgesic drugs. No statistically line 2009
significant difference was found on the use of music in reducing 2. The Joanna Briggs Institute. Music as an Intervention in Hospitals. Best P
side effects of analgesia such as nausea.4 information sheets for the health professionals. 2001; 5(4): 1-6.
3. Evans D. The effectiveness of music as an Intervention for hospital patien
Acknowledgments of Advanced Nursing. 2002; 37(1): 8-18.
4. Cepeda MS, Carr DB, Lau J, Alvarez H. Music for pain relief. Cochrane Dat
2006 (2).
There is no evidence to suggest that listening to music has any
5. Gillen E, Biley F, Allen D. Effects of music listening on adult patients' pre-
effect on reducing side effects of analgesic drugs. No statistically
hospital. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. 2008; 6(1): 24
significant difference was found on the use of music in reducing
6. Nilsson U. The anxiety- and pain-reducing effects of music interventions:
side effects of analgesia such as nausea.4 Acknowledgments
Journal. 2008; 87(4): 780 (2): 5-94.
7. Pearson A, Wiechula R, Court A, Lockwood C. The JBI model of evidence-
* Professor Carole Kenner, Dean of College of Nursing, University Based Healthc 2005; 3(8): 207-215.
of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA Subjects: Best practice, Evidence-based medicine,
Medical research, Music therapy, Hospitals
* Mrs Elizabeth Gillen, Site Librarian, Nursing, Health and Social Psychological aspects, Anxieties,
Care Research Centre, Cardiff University, UK Medical treatment
Author(s): Anonymous
* Dr Francis Biley, Associate Professor, Centre for Qualitative
Research, Bournemouth University, UK Document types: Best Practice Information Sheets
Document features: References, Charts
In addition this Best Practice information sheet has been
Publication title: Best Practice InformationSheets - Joanna Br
reviewed by nominees of international Joanna Briggs
Institute. Adelaide: 2009. Vol. 13, Iss. 3; p
Collaborating Centres.
Source type: Report
[Sidebar] ISSN: 13291874
* The use of music in the pre-procedural period may reduce ProQuest document ID: 1883977021
psychological anxiety and reduce the volume of sedative drugs
Text Word Count 2145
required to manage anxiety.(Grade A)
* Music may reduce the respiratory rate of the patients, caused Document URL:
by anxiety. However, music should only be used in conjunction did=1883977021&sid=6&Fmt=3&clientId
with standard care in the management of physiologically =71572&RQT=309&VName=PQD
presented anxiety. (Grade B)
* The use of music may reduce pain related to surgical operation
or painful procedure and reduce the volume of analgesic drugs Effects of music therapy on women's physiologic
required to manage pain. However, it should not be used as a measures, anxiety, and satisfaction during cesarean
primary intervention for the management of pain due to its small delivery
effect. (Grade A) Shu-Chen Chang, Chung-Hey Chen. Research in Nursing &
* Music recommended to be flowing and non-lyrical with 60 to 80 Health. New York: Dec 2005. Vol. 28, Iss. 6; pg. 453
beat per minute that consists of low tones with strings, and with
minimal brass percussion. A volume level of 60 dB is also Abstract (Summary)
recommended. (Grade B)
* No sufficient evidence was identified to recommend the use of
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of music
therapy on women's physiologic measures, level of anxiety, and
satisfaction during cesarean delivery. Sixty-four women who Author(s): David W Luce
were planning to have a cesarean delivery were randomly divided Author Affiliation: DAVID W. LUCE Chapman University, Orange, C
into an experimental and a control group. The experimental
group received routine care and music therapy, whereas the David W. Luce, Ph.D., MT-BC, is the Director of
control group received routine care only. Our results indicated University, Orange, CA. The author gratefully ac
that compared to the control group the experimental group had Taggart, associate professor of music education
significantly lower anxiety and a higher level of satisfaction and early childhood music educator for her instr
regarding the cesarean experience. No significant differences and collegiality that contributed to the developm
were found between the two groups in any of the physiological © 2004, by the American Music Therapy Associ
indexes. This controlled study provides evidence that music
therapy can reduce anxiety and create a more satisfying Document types: General Information
experience for women undergoing cesarean delivery.
Publication title: Music Therapy Perspectives.
Silver Spring: 2004. Vol. 22,
Iss. 1; pg. 26, 8 pgs
The healing power of music
Peter Jaret. Reader's Digest. (U.S. edition). Pleasantville: Sep Source type: Periodical
2001. Vol. 159, Iss. 953; pg. 175 ISSN: 07346875
ProQuest document ID: 771862621
Abstract (Summary)
Text Word Count 6193
Music therapy has the potential to fight infections, soothe pain, Document URL:
and ease autism. Part of music's power comes form its ability to 771862621&sid=2&Fmt=4&clientId=715
relieve anxiety, which can suppress immune defenses as well as 72&RQT=309&VName=PQD
intensify the experience of pain.