Cavitation Behaviour of Rotary Lobe Pumps: Basics
Cavitation Behaviour of Rotary Lobe Pumps: Basics
Cavitation Behaviour of Rotary Lobe Pumps: Basics
Thomas Zenke and Meno Trk, Potsdam, as well as Burkhard Verhlsdonk, Essen
22 59 LANDTECHNIK 1/2004
and a better suction capability than two-wing
oval lobes particularly if the speed exceeds
400 rpm.
Fig. 2: Effect of lobe
wear on cavitation;
( = 1,450 mPas, Summary
pD = 2 bar), ps1 -
beginning of Flow tests have shown that different actuat-
cavitation, ps2 - full ing variables (pump speed, discharge pres-
cavitation and stall sure, fluid viscosity, lobe wear) as well as
of flow construction shape influence the cavitation
behaviour of rotary pumps. With the aid of
The suction characteristics are checked that the cavitation behaviour is improved at audible cavitation observations the suction
until distinct cavitation and flow cut-off (Q = high viscous media according to increasing behaviour was examined. Two cavitation
0). The cavitation noises are characterised wear and cavitation is found not until very states: pS1 as the beginning and pS2 as the
with the suction pressure at which they occur low absolute pressures (< 0.05 bar). This ef- distinct cavitation could be detected unambi-
for the first time. Two cavitation points are fect is mainly caused by displacement cham- guously. Probably, these two cavitation states
distinguished. ber cavitation. The increasing wear causes a result from two different cavitation forms
1. Cavitation pressure pS1 corresponds to the faster filling of the pump chamber since (gap cavitation and displacement chamber
suction pressure at which hissing and bub- higher wear creates a raised back flow due to cavitation) that show different reasons and
ble noises occur in the pump. The cause of the bigger gap cross section. However, the overlay partly. Gap cavitation (pS1) can be
these hissing noises is the beginning of cavitation behaviour improved by wear is recognised by hissing noises in the pump,
gap cavitation [1]. combined with a smaller volumetric effi- displacement chamber cavitation (pS2) can
2. Cavitation pressure pS2 corresponds to the ciency [2]. be recognised by vehement strokes in the
suction pressure at which a vibrating and In water tests the cavitation pressure pS1 is pump and flow cut-off (Q = 0). The cavita-
periodic knocks and continuous rattling- rising a little with increasing wear. The dis- tion point pS2 must be avoided whenever de-
noises can be recognised. This is the regi- tinct cavitation condition at pressure pS2 is signing a pump because the strong strokes
on of full cavitation and the flow rate almost independent of the wear. Only at can destroy the pump. The cavitation point
breaks suddenly down in this case (the higher speeds (n > 500 rpm) pS2 decreases pS1 with typical hissing noises is a suffi-
stall of flow). This phenomenon it is cau- with increasing wear. ciently precise limit to avoid cavitation in ro-
sed by displacement chamber cavitation The viscosity has a strong influence on the tary lobe pumps. The pressure pS1 is appro-
[1], which is caused by insufficient filling flow rate, on the energetic efficiency [2] and ximately equal to the NPSHr -value.
of pump chambers. In case of displace- on the suction behaviour. Compared to water In practice the cavitation limit is often de-
ment chamber cavitation this kind of cavi- the suction behaviour of glycerine is consi- fined with the drop of the flow rate by e.g.
tation superimposes the gap cavitation. derable poor. Pumping high viscous media a 3%. Regarding rotary pumps already vehe-
lobe pump appears almost sealed so that the ment cavitation can occur under this criteri-
Test results back flow is minimised. If cavitation occurs on. Therefore continuous monitoring of suc-
it is pump chamber cavitation caused by lack tion behaviour is necessary in practice ope-
A rotation speed influence on the cavitation of filling. ration.
could be found (Fig. 1). The cavitation pres- In further experiments the influence on ca-
sure pS1 (beginning of the gap cavitation) vitation of the discharge pressure was ex-
shows an almost linear characteristic curve amined. The cavitation pressures pS1 and pS2
with the volume flow and the speed. At are strongly dependent on the discharge
higher rotational speed a higher relative flow pressure. With increasing discharge pressure
velocity results in the tip gap. The NPSHr va- the cavitation pressures pS1 and pS2 increase Formula symbols
lue can be set as cavitation point pS1 and considerably, that means with increasing dis-
must be followed absolutely. charge pressure the cavitation behaviour of Q m3/h flow rate
In the speed range n < 400 rpm the cavita- the pumps deteriorates. The pressure influ- n min-1 rotational pump speed
tion pressure pS2 remains almost constant ence on both pS1 and pS2 decrease at high p bar absolute pressure
and is independent of the speed. Only at speeds (n > 400 rpm). Probably this effect is pD bar absolute discharge pres-
higher speeds (n > 400 rpm) pS2 occurs at based on the fact that - regarding increasing sure
higher absolute suction pressures (> 0.1 bar), speed - the tip speed inducted cavitation is pS 1 bar absolute cavitation
followed by strong strokes in the pump and drowning out the pressure induced cavita- pressure (gap flow
the volume flow cuts off. Operating a pump tion. cavitation) at beginning
under these unstable conditions, the pump is Probably the pressure influence on the ca- pS 2 bar absolute cavitation
stressed enormously and the strong cavita- vitation is also increased by the shaft deflec- pressure (displacement
tion strokes can cause destruction. tion of the one-side mounted pump bearings. chamber cavitation) at
The wear influence on the cavitation pres- The pressure forces press the shafts apart stall of flow
sures pS1 and pS2 was examined with high- and create change of tip gaps. Pumps with sK mm tip gap clearance
viscous glycerine and is shown in Figure 2. both-side bearings show a much better suc- NPSHr m required Net-Positive-
The cavitation pressure pS1 is almost inde- tion behaviour [2]. Suction-Head, (minimum
pendent from wear and increases with in- The lobe shape too has a significant influ- required inlet pressure to
creasing speed. The suction behaviour de- ence on the suction behaviour [3]. Multi- avoid cavitation)
teriorates. The cavitation pressure pS2 wing helical toothed lobes create significant mPas viscosity of fluid
decreases with increasing wear. That means less pressure pulses; they show quiet running
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