K Is Increased From $20,000 To $24,000,: Section 21 30 Minutes 20 Questions

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Section 21 $18,000 and the total monthly payroll for

30 Minutes 20 Questions the 36 office workers is $63,000. By how
much does the average (arithmetic mean)
1. In Township K each property is taxed at 8 monthly salary of an office worker exceed
percent of its assessed value. If the that of a production worker in this
assessed value of a property in Township company?
K is increased from $20,000 to $24,000,
(A) $62.50
by how much will the property tax
(B) $187.50
(C) $250.00
(A) $32 (D) $375.00
(B) $50 (E) $500.00
(C) $320
(D) $400
(E) $500

2. One night 18 percent of the female officers

on a police force were on duty. If 180
officers were on duty that night and half of
these were female officers, how many
female officers were on the police force?
(A) 90 6. In the figure above, if the area of the
(B) 180 rectangular region PQRS is 40, and if PT
(C) 270 = TS, what is the area of the pentagonal
(D) 500 region PQRST?
(E) 1,000 (A) 15
(B) 20
3. If an integer n is divisible by both 6 and 8, (C) 25
then it must also be divisible by which of (D) 30
the following? (E) It cannot be determined from the
(A) 10 information given.
(B) 12
(C) 14 1 2

(D) 16 100 1,000
(E) 18 1 2

1,000 10,000
4. On the number line, if x is halfway
between -5 and 3, and if y is halfway 1
between -2 and 6, what number is halfway 10
between x and y ? 1
(A) -1 8
1 (C) 1
(B) (D) 8
(E) 10
(C) 0
1 8. Which of the following is the prime
2 factorization of 2,520?
(E) 1
(A) 2 2 3 2 5 2
5. In a certain company, the total monthly (B) 2 2 3 5 2 7
payroll for the 12 production workers is

(C) 2 3 3 5 7 2 325,000 in 1980 to 350,000 in 1990, and

(D) 2 3 3 2 5 7 it is projected that the population will
increase by the same number from 1990
(E) 2 3 3 2 5 2 7 to 2000. Approximately what is the
projected percent increase in population
2x x from 1990 to 2000 ?
9. If x 1, then
3 6 (A) 7.1%
1 (B) 7.7%
(A) (C) 8.3%
2 (D) 14.3%
1 (E) 15.3%
1 13. A jar contains only x black balls and y
(C) white balls. One ball is drawn randomly
4 from the jar and is not replaced. A second
1 ball is then drawn randomly from the jar.
10 What is the probability that the first ball
1 drawn is black and the second ball drawn
(E) is white?
x y
10. Out of their annual net income, a couple (A)
x y x y
spent 25 percent for food, 13.5 percent
for entertainment, 20 percent for housing, x x 1
8 percent for car expenses, 15 percent for x y x y 1
clothing, and saved the rest. What was xy
the ratio of the amount saved to the (C)
amount spent for entertainment? x y
x 1 y 1
19 (D)
(A) x y x y
6 x y
(B) (E)
5 x y x y 1
(C) 14. If y + | y | = 0, which of the following
27 must be true?
(D) (A) y > 0
(B) y0
7 (C) y < 0
3 (D) y0
(E) y = 0
z 3 z 1
11. If 2 , then z = 15. Of the z students at a certain college, x
z 1 z 3
are studying French and y are studying
(A) 2 German. If w are studying both French
(B) 1 and German, which of the following
(C) -1 expresses the number of students at the
(D) -2 college not studying either French or
(E) -3 German ?

12.The population of city X increased from (A) z + w x y


(B) z w x y sold each of the others for $5 more than

(C) z w x + y the average (arithmetic mean) cost of the
(D) w + x + y z x calculators. If the total revenue from
(E) w x y z the sale of the calculators was $120 more
than the cost of the shipment, how many
16. Of the science books in a certain supply calculators were in the shipment?
room, 50 are on botany, 65 are on
(A) 24
zoology, 90 are on physics. 50 are on
(B) 25
geology, and 110 are on chemistry. If
(C) 26
science books are removed randomly
(D) 28
from the supply room, how many must
(E) 30
be removed to ensure that 80 of the
books removed are on the same science?
20. 512 513
(A) 81
(B) 159 (A) 5 25
(C) 166 (B) 10 25
(D) 285
(E) 324 (C) 6(512 )
(D) 1012 5
17. What is the greatest possible straight-line (E) 2(512 ) 5
distance, in centimeters, between two
vertices of the rectangular box shown
(A) 10 2
(B) 10 5
(C) 10 6
(D) 30
(E) 40

18. A certain shade of gray paint is obtained

by mixing 3 parts of white paint with 5
parts of black paint. If 2 gallons of the
mixture is needed and the individual
colors can be purchased only in one-
gallon or half- gallon cans, what is the
least amount of paint, in gallons, that
must be purchased in order to measure
out the portions needed for the mixture?
(A) 2
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 3
(E) 4

19. A merchant paid $300 for a shipment of x

identical calculators. The merchant used
2 of the calculators as demonstrators and

Section 22 6. x ( x + 1 ) ( x + 2 ) + x ( x + 3 ) =
30 Minutes 20 Questions
(A) x 3 4 x 2 5x
1. Tamara saves $35 each week. If she now (B) x 3 3x 2 2 x
has $100 saved, in how many weeks can (C) x 3 6 x 2 3x
she first have enough saved to buy a lawn
mower that costs $250 ?
(D) 2 x 3 3x 2 5 x
(E) 2x 2 6x 2
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6

2. 2 ( 4 ( 3 + 5)) =
(A) 16
(B) 10
(C) 6
(D) 12
(E) 16

3. On a certain test, 3 students each had a

score of 90, 9 students each had a score of 7. What is the area of the shaded region in
80, 4 students each had a score of 70, and the figure above ?
4 students each had a score of 60. What
was the average (arithmetic mean) score (A) 72
for the 20 students ? (B) 57
(C) 55
(A) 70.5 1
(B) 75.0 (D) 54
(C) 75.5 2
(D) 80.0 1
(E) 49
(E) 80.5 2

4. If a hiker walks at a constant speed of 8. Which of the following equals the ratio of
1 1 1
2 miles per hour, how many miles can 3 to 1 ?
2 3 3
the hiker walk in 4 hours and 12 minutes ?
(A)1 : 3
(A)10.0 (B)2 : 5
(B)10.3 (C)5 : 2
(C)10.4 (D)3 : 1
(D)10.5 (E)40 : 9
Company X Company Y
5. In the manufacture of a certain product, 5 Prince $75 $530
Surcharge as a
percent of the units produced are defective Percent of Price
4% 3%
and 4 percent of the defective units are Installation
$82.50 $93.00
shipped for sale. What percent of the units Charge
produced are defective units that are
shipped for sale? 9. The table above shows the various charges
made by two companies for the same air
(A) 0.125%
conditioner. What is the total amount that
(B) 0.2%
can be saved on the purchase and
(C) 0.8%
installation of the air conditioner by
(D) 1.25%
dealing with the company that offers the
(E) 2.0%

lower total charge? 14. For a group of n people, k of whom are

(A) $41.60 nk
of the same sex, the expression
(B) $45.00 n
(C) $50.75 yields an index for a certain phenomenon
(D) $55.75 in group dynamics for members of that
(E) $61.25 sex. For a group that consists of 20
people, 4 of whom are females, by how
10. The numbers in which of the following much does the index for the females
pairs do NOT have a pair of distinct exceed the index for the males in the
prime divisors in common ? group?
(A) 10 and 20 (A) 0.05
(B) 12 and 18 (B) 0.0625
(C) 24 and 32 (C) 0.2
(D) 21 and 63 (D) 0.25
(E) 22 and 88 (E) 0.6

11. If the sum of two integers is 6, then it

must be true that 15. A certain used-book dealer sells
paperback books at 3 times dealer's cost
(A) both integers are even and hardback books at 4 times dealer's
(B) both integers are odd cost. Last week the dealer sold a total of
(C) both integers are positive 120 books, each of which had cost the
(D) if one integer is negative, the other is dealer $1. If the gross profit (sales
positive revenue minus dealer's cost) on the sale
(E) if one integer is positive, the other is of all of these books was $300, how
negative many of the books sold were paperbacks?
12. A square picture frame has an outer (A) 40
perimeter of 36 inches and is 1 inch wide (B) 60
on all sides. What is the inner perimeter (C) 75
of the frame, in inches? (D) 90
(E) 100
(A) 27
1 3v 2 2d
d and t , where
(B) 27 20 v
d is the distance traveled, in meters,
(C) 28
after the brakes are applied
1 v is the velocity, in meters per second,
(D) 31
2 before the brakes are applied
(E) 32 t is the time, in seconds, it takes to stop
after the brakes are applied
13. If 2 x( 2) 19 4 x , then x =
x 16. The formulas above are used to compute
(A) -3 the distance a car travels after the brakes
(B) 3 are applied. If the driver of a car applied
(C) 4 the brakes just as a traffic light turned
(D) 5 yellow and stopped exactly 6 seconds
(E) 9 later, what is the value of v
(A) 20

(C) 30 Section 23
(D) 40 30 Minutes 20 Questions
(E) 60
1.The value of which of the following
2 expressions is equal to 2 ?
17. A certain fraction is equivalent to . If
5 22 2
the numerator of the fraction is increased I.
by 4 and the denominator is doubled, the 2
1 22 22
new fraction is equivalent to . What is II.
3 2
the sum of the numerator and 24 24
denominator of the original fraction? III.
(A) 49(B) 35 (C) 28
(D) 26(E) 21 (A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
18. If all of the telephone extensions in a
(D) I and II only
certain company must be even numbers,
(E) I, II, and III
and if each of the extensions uses all four
of the digits 1, 2, 3, and 6, what is the
greatest number of four-digit extensions 2. If a survey shows that 28 citizens out of a
that the company can have? sample of 200 support a particular Senate
bill, what percent of the sample does not
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 12 support the bill?
(D) 16 (E) 24
(A) 56%
(B) 64%
19. The product of the first twelve positive
(C) 72%
integers is divisible by all of the
(D) 82%
following EXCEPT
(E) 86%
(A) 210
(B) 88
(C) 75 3. Joe went on a diet 6 months ago when he
(D) 60 weighed 222 pounds. If he now weighs
(E) 34 198 pounds and continues to lose at the
same average monthly rate, in
20. A car traveled 462 miles per tankful of approximately how many months will he
gasoline on the highway and 336 miles weigh 180 pounds?
per tankful of gasoline in the city. If the
(A) 3
car traveled 6 fewer miles per gallon in
(B) 3.5
the city than on the highway, how many
(C) 4
miles per gallon did the car travel in the
(D) 4.5
(E) 5
(A) 14
(B) 16 1

(C) 21
(D) 22 2
4. 4

(E) 27 1

(A) 2


4 1
(B) (A) x 2,000 ( x 3,000)
3 3
(C) 1 1
3 (B) ( x 3,000) x
(D) 3
4 1
1 (C) x 3,000 x
(E) 3
2 1
(D) x 7,000 x
5. 3 x 2 2 x 8 1
(E) x 3,000 x
(A) (3x + 4)(x - 2) 3
(B) (3x - 4)(x + 2)
(C) (3x + 2)(x - 4)
(D) (3x - 2)(x + 4)
(E) none of the above


7. If the sum of 7 consecutive integers is 434,

then the greatest of the 7 integers is
(A) 71
(B) 69 10. In the figure above, CE = 5, BD = 8, and
(C) 67 the area of quadrilateral ABCD is 36.
(D) 65 What is the area of ABD ?
(E) 62 (A) 4
(B) 9
8. At a certain college, 50 percent of the total (C) 16
number of students are freshmen. If 20 (D) 20
percent of the fresh-men are enrolled in (E) 56
the school of liberal arts and, of these, 30
percent are psychology majors, what 11. If the remainder is 7 when positive
percent of the students at the college are integer n is divided by 18, what is the
freshmen psychology majors enrolled in remainder when n is divided by 6 ?
the school of liberal arts?
(A) 0
(A) 3% (B) 1
(B) 6% (C) 2
(C) 12% (D) 3
(D) 15% (E) 4
(E) 20%

9. A plane was originally flying at an altitude 12. There are how many hours between x
of x feet when it ascended 2,000 feet and minutes past 12 noon and 8:10 p.m. of
then descended 5,000 feet. If the plane's the same day, where x < 60?
altitude after these two changes was
3 490 x
its original altitude, then the solution of (A)
which of the following equations gives the
plane's original altitude, in feet ?
480 x


470 x 3
(C) 16. Beth received of the votes cast in a
60 10
(D) 60 (60 x + 7) certain election. What fraction of the
(E) 60 (60 x + 17) other votes cast would she have needed
in order to have received of the votes
x y 2
13. If x = 4 and y = 16, then is
xy cast?
closest to which of the following ? 1
1 5
3 2
1 7
2 3
3 10
4 7
7 20
8 1
(E) 1 2
14. A total of $20,000 was invested in two 17. Kim bought a total of $2.65 worth of
certificates of deposit at simple annual postage stamps in four denominations. If
interest rates of 6 percent and 8 percent, she bought an equal number of 5-cent
respectively. If the total interest on the and 25-cent stamps and twice as many
two certificates was $1,440 at the end of 10-cent stamps as 5-cent stamps, what is
one year, what fractional part of the the least number of 1-cent stamps she
$20.000 was invested at the higher rate? could have bought ?
3 (A) 5
8 (B) 10
2 (C) 15
(B) (D) 20
5 (E) 25
2 18. If x is an even integer and y is an odd
3 integer, which of the following
(D) CANNOT be true?
3 (A) x y is an even integer.
4 (B) y x is an odd integer.
(C) x is a multiple of y.
15. If the tens digit x and the units digit y of a (D) y is a multiple of x.
positive integer n are reversed, the (E) xy is an even integer.
resulting integer is 9 more than n. What
is y in terms of x ?
(A) 10 - x
(B) 9 - x
(C) x + 9
(D) x - 1
(E) x + 1


Section 24
30 Minutes 20 Questions

1. Of the 10 employees at a certain company,

5 had annual salaries of $20,000, 4 had
annual salaries of $25,000, and 1 had an
annual salary of $30,000. If a bonus equal
to 10 percent of annual salary was given to
19. In the diagram above, points A, B, C, D, each employee, what was the total amount
and E represent the five teams in a of he bonuses?
certain league in which each team must
play each of the other teams exactly once. (A) $230,000
The segments connecting pairs of points (B) $75,000
indicate that the two corresponding teams (C) $30,000
have already played their game. The (D) $23,000
arrows on the segments point to the (E) $7,500
teams that lost; the lack of an arrow on a
segment indicates that the game ended in
a tie. After all games have been played,
which of the following could NOT be the
percent of games played that ended in a
(A) 10%
(B) 20%
(C) 30%
(D) 40% 2. In the figure above, if PQRS is a square
(E) 50% and QT = TR, which of the following
statements is NOT true?
(A) PT = TS
(B) x = y
(C) u = v
(D) r = y
(E) The area of PQT is equal to the area
of SRT.
20. The figure above shows the shape of a 3. If ab 0, which of the following is equal
tunnel entrance. If the curved portion is
of a circle and the base of the to a ?
entrance is 12 feet across, what is the b
perimeter, in feet, of the curved portion a
of the entrance'? (A)
(A) 9 (B) 1
(B) 12 (C) a
(D) b
(C) 9 2
(D) 18 (E)
9 a
2 4. What is the greatest integer k such that
2 k 100 ?

(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 49 (E) 50

5. A certain electric-company plan offers

customers reduced rates for electricity
used between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. weekdays
and 24 hours a day Saturdays and
Sundays. Under this plan, the reduced
rates apply to
what fraction of a week?
2 9. In City R, streets run either east-west or
5 north-south, as shown on the map above.
(B) Blocks along east-west streets are 400 feet
long and blocks along north-south streets
(C) are 200 feet long. If the width of the
14 streets is ignored, what is the straight-line
16 distance, in feet, from X to Y ?
21 (A) 200 5
9 (B) 1,000
10 (C) 1,200
(D) 400 10
6. A certain mixture of nuts consists of 5 (E) 1,600
parts almonds to 2 parts walnuts, by
weight. What is the number of pounds of 1
almonds in 140 pounds of the mixture ? 10. If x(1 ) 1 y , then y =
(A) 100 1
(B) 84 (A)
(C) 40 x
(D) 28 (B) x
(E) 20 (C) x 2
(D) 1
7. x2
(0.01) 2 (0.014) (0.01)(0.0026) (E) 2 x
(A) 0.0000166
(B) 0.0000274 11. A side of beef lost 35 percent of its
(C) 0.00004 weight in processing. If the side of beef
(D) 0.000166 weighed 546 pounds after processing,
(E) 0.0004 how many pounds did it weigh before
8. The pages of a report are numbered (A) 191
consecutively from 1 to 10. If the sum of (B) 355
the page numbers up to and including (C) 737
page number x of the report is equal to one (D) 840
more than the sum of the page numbers (E) 1,560
following page number x, then x =
12. The total price of n (n > 1) equally priced
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 8

copies of a certain book is $50. In terms will be sold. If all the balcony seats are
of n, which of the following gives the total sold when the price of each seat is $10,
price of n - 1 of these copies? which of the following could be the price
of a balcony seat if the revenue from the
(A) 50 (n 1) sale of balcony seats is $1,360 ?
50 (A) $12
n 1 (B) $14
50( n 1) (C) $16
(C) (D) $17
(E) $18
n 1 16. If n (2 2 )(3 4 )(5 6 ) , the value of
(E) which of the following products is
n( n 1) greater than n ?

13. Of the following sums, which is I. ( 2)(3 3 )(5 2 )

greatest ? II. ( 2)(3)(5 4 )
III. ( 2 2 )(3 2 )(5 3 )
1 1 1 1
2 3 4 5 (A) None
1 1 1 1 (B) I only
(B) (C) II only
22 32 42 52 (D) III only
1 1 1 1 (E) II and III
(C) 2 3 4 5
2 2 2 2
1 1 1
(D) 1 17. If b and c are positive numbers and
2 3 4 1 b c
1 1 1 1 , then b + c =
(E) b c 8
2 3 4 5
(A) 4
14. One millisecond is 0.001 of a second. (B) 6
The costs for a single run of a computer (C) 7
program are $1.07 for operating-system (D) 8
overhead, $0.023 per millisecond of (E) 9
computer time, and $4.35 for the
mounting of a data tape. What is the total 18. In a certain performance of a 3-act play,
of these three costs for 1 run of a program the first act was 18 minutes shorter than
that requires 1.5 seconds of computer the third act and half as long as the
time ? second act. If the average (arithmetic
mean) length of the 3 acts was 46
(A) $7.15 minutes, how many minutes long was the
(B) $8.87 third act?
(C) $28.96 (A) 30
(D) $35.57 (B) 39
(E) $39.92 (C) 46
(D) 48
15. A certain theater has 100 balcony seats. (E) 66
For every $2 increase in the price of a
balcony seat above $10, 5 fewer seats 19. In an office, 40 percent of the workers


have at least 5 years of service, and a Section 25

total of 16 workers have at least 10 years 30 Minutes 20 Questions
of service. If 90 percent of the workers
have fewer than 10 years of service, how 1. For each color copy, Print Shop X charges
many of the workers have at least 5 but $1.25 and Print Shop Y charges $2.75.
fewer than 10 years of service? How much greater is the charge for 84
color copies at Print Shop Y than at Print
(A) 48 Shop X ?
(B) 64
(A) $84.00
(C) 50
(B) $105.00
(D) 144
(C) $126.00
(E) 160
(D) $231.00
(E) $336.00
20. If n and p are different positive prime
numbers, which of the integers n 4 , p 3 ,
and np has (have) exactly 4 positive 2. The sum of 25 percent of 36 and 75
divisors? percent of 56 equals
(A) n4 only (A) 23
(B) p3 only (B) 37
(C) np only (C) 41
(D) n4 and np (D) 51
(E) p3 and np (E) 69

3. If x2 < x. then x must be

(A) less than 0
(B) equal to 0
(C) between 0 and 1
(D) equal to 1
(E) greater than 1

4. If 15 people contributed a total of $20.00

toward a gift and each of them contributed
at least $1.00, then the maximum possible
amount any one person could have
contributed is
(A) $1.00
(B) $1.25
(C) $5.00
(D) $6.00
(E) $20.00

5. If the cost of a yearly membership in a

certain club increased from $199 to $299,
what was the approximate percent
increase in cost?
(A) 33 %
(B) 50%

2 2
(C) 66 % (E) 16 %
3 3
(D) 100%
(E) 150% 10. If x and y are two-digit integers such that
x > 40 and y<70, which of the following
6. On the number line, the number p is twice is closest to the maximum possible value
as many units from -2 as -2 is from 6. If p of xy ?
is less than 2, what is the value of p ?
(A) 700
(B) 2,800
(A) 18
(C) 4,000
(B) 10
(D) 7,000
(C) 6
(E) 28,000
(D) 10
(E) 14
11. What is the diameter of a circular region
that has area 10 ?
7. A telephone call costs $1.25 for the first
minute and $0.32 for each additional (A) 5
minute. What is the cost, in dollars, of a (B) 10
telephone call that lasts for x minutes, (C) 20
where x is an integer? (D) 10
(A) 0.32+ 1.25x (E) 2 10
(B) 1.25+ 0.32x
(C) 0.32+ 1.25(x - 1) 12. If 3x + 2y = 7 and 2x y = 7, what is the
(D) 1.25+ 0.32(x + 1) value of x ?
(E) 1.25 + 0.32(x - 1)
(A) 0
(B) 1
8. If x and y are integers, then 7
x y (C)
CANNOT be equal to
(A) 1 (D)
1 (E) 3
(C) 0 13. Worldwide production of motor vehicles
1 was 3.9 million vehicles in 1946 and 45.7
(D) million in 1987. Of the following, which
is closest to the average (arithmetic
(E) 1
mean) annual increase, in millions, in
worldwide production of motor vehicles
9. The markup on a television set is 20
during this period?
percent of the cost. The markup is what
percent of the selling price? (A) 0.08
(B) 1.0
(markup = selling price - cost)
(C) 1.1
(A) 8% (D) 10.5
(B) 10% (E) 41.8
(C) 12 % 14. Raymond took several days to mow a
(D) 15% 1
certain lawn. He mowed of the lawn


1 yx
the first day, of the remaining (D)
2 y
unmowed portion the second day, and y
3 (E)
of the remaining unmowed portion
the third day. What fraction of the lawn 17. Due to construction, the speed limit
remained unmowed at the end of the third along an 8-mile section of highway is
day? reduced from 55 miles per hour to 35
miles per hour. Approximately how many
1 minutes more will it take to travel along
6 this section of highway at the new speed
1 limit than it would have taken at the old
(B) speed limit ?
1 (A) 5
12 (B) 8
1 (C) 10
(D) (D) 15
16 (E) 24

15. Of the votes cast on a certain proposal,

80 more were in favor of the proposal
than were against it. If the number of
votes against the proposal was 40 percent
of the total vote, what was the total
number of votes cast?
18. The figure above shows the dimensions
(Each vote cast was either in favor of the of a rectangular board that is to be cut
into four identical pieces by making cuts
proposal or against it.)
at points A, B, and C, as indicated. If x =
(A) 480 45, what is the length AB ?
(B) 400 (1 foot = 12 inches)
(C) 300
(D) 240 (A) 5 ft 6 in
(E) 160 (B) 5 ft 3 2 in
(C) 5 ft 3 in
1 1 (D) 5 ft
16. If xy 0 and cx . Which of
x y (E) 4 ft 9 in
the following is equal to c ?
19. If x < y < z and y - x > 5, where x is an
x even integer and y and z are odd integers,
(A) what is the least possible value of z x ?
y (1 x 2 )
1 (A) 6
(B) (B) 7
x2 y
(C) 8
yx (D) 9
x2 y (E) 10


Section 26
20. On the day of the performance of a 30 Minutes 20 Questions
certain play, each ticket that regularly
sells for less than $10.00 is sold for half 1
price plus $0.50, and each ticket that 1. A car with a 12-gallon gas tank used
regularly sells for $10.00 or more is sold of a full tank of gas to make a 150-mile
for half price plus $1.00. On the day of trip. How many miles per gallon did the
the performance, a person purchases a car average on the trip?
total of y tickets, of which x regularly sell
for $9.00 each and the rest regularly sell (A) 30
for $12.00 each. What is the amount paid, (B) 25
in dollars, for the y tickets ? 1
(C) 12
(A) 7y - 2x 1
(B) 12x - 7y (D) 8
9 x 12 y 3
(C) (E) 6
(D) 7y + 4x 2. If 5n + 4 =11, what is the value of l0n
(E) 7y + 5x 2?
(A) 68
(B) 14
(C) 12
(D) 7
(E) -1

3. At the beginning of each year, the price of

item X is 10 percent higher than its price
at the beginning of the previous year.
During three consecutive years, if the
price of item X is $8 at the beginning of
the first year, what is its price at the
beginning of the third year?

(A) $8.80
(B) $9.60
(C) $9.68
(D) $10.00
(E) $16.00

1 1

2 3
1 1

2 3

(C) 1 interest rate of 5 percent, which of the

3 following gives the amount of simple
(D) interest, in dollars, earned after n months ?
(E) 6 (A) 0.05P + n
(B) 0.05P +
(C) 0.05P n
(D) 0.05P
5. An association of mathematics teachers n
(E) 0.05P
has 1,260 members. Only 525 of these 12
members cast votes in the election for
president of the association. What percent 9. If a person purchases 15 of the 3,000
of the total membership voted for the tickets sold in a raffle that awards one
winning candidate if the winning prize, what is the probability that this
candidate received 60 percent of the votes person will not win?
(A) 0
(A) 75% 1
(B) 58% (B)
(C) 42%
(D) 34% 1
(E) 25% 2
6. In the figure above, what is the value of (D)
x? (E) 1
(A) 50
(B) 70 10. Virginia, Adrienne, and Dennis have
(C) 80 taught history for a combined total of 96
(D) 90 years. If Virginia has taught for 9 more
(E) 100 years than Adrienne and for 9 fewer years
than Dennis, for how many years has
7. Which of the following fractions, if Dennis taught?
written as a decimal, would have a 2 in the (A) 23
thousandths place ? (B) 32
3 (C) 35
(A) (D) 41
11 (E) 44
9 11. Approximately 90 percent of the volume
1 of a certain cube that is floating in a tank
(C) of water is beneath the surface. If 6.4
cubic centimeters of the cube is above the
(D) surface of the water, what is the
7 approximate length, in centimeters, of an
1 edge of the cube?
6 (A) 10
(B) 8
8. If P dollars is invested at an annual (C) 6


(D) 4 2
(E) 2 (C)
12. If x = 2u, then the average (arithmetic 6
mean) of x and u, in terms of u, is 6
u 5
3 16. A certain Social Security recipient will
u receive an annual benefit of $12,000
2 provided he has annual earnings of
2u $9,360 or less, but the benefit will be
(C) reduced by $1 for every $3 of annual
earnings over $9,360. What amount of
3u total annual earnings would result in a 50
4 percent reduction in the recipient's annual
3u Social Security benefit? (Assume Social
(E) Security benefits are not counted as part
of annual earnings.)
13. If the sum of a set of ten different
positive prime numbers is an even (A) $15,360
number, which of the following prime (B) $17,360
numbers CANNOT be in the set ? (C) $18,000
(D) $21,360
(A) 2 (E) $27,360
(B) 3
(C) 5 1 1 1 1
(D) 7 17. 10
11 12 12
(E) 11 2 2 2 2
14. A book dealer buys used books for prices (A)
ranging from $0.75 to $1.50 and then 27
sells them for prices ranging from $3.00 1
to $5.50. If the dealer were to sell 20 of (B)
these books, the minimum gross profit
from this sale would be (C)
(A) $15
(B) $30 1
(C) $45 213
(D) $50 1
(E) $80 (E)
2 45
15. If x (a + b) = y, where y 0 and 2a =
18. If it would take one machine 10 minutes
3b = 1, then to fill a large production order and
x another machine 12 minutes to fill the
same order, how many minutes would it
(A) take both machines working together, at
6 their respective rates, to fill the order?


1 Section 27
(A) 4 25 mintues 16 Questions
(B) 5
1. A project scheduled to be carried out over
(C) 5 a single fiscal year has a budget of
11 $12,600, divided into 12 equal monthly
1 allocations. At the end of the 4th month of
(D) 5
2 that fiscal year, the total amount actually
(E) 11 spent on the project was $4,580. By how
much was the project over its budget ?
m (A) $380
19. If is an integer, then each of the
7 (B) $540
following must be an integer EXCEPT (C) $1,050
(D) $1,380
m 28 (E) $1,430
7 2. For which of the following values of n is
m 21 100 n
(B) NOT an integer ?
7 n
(C) (A) 1
98 (B) 2
m 2 49 (C) 3
49 (D) 4
m 14 (E) 5
14 3. Rectangular floors X and Y have equal
area. If floor X is 12 feet by 18 feet and
20. Not Scored
floor Y is 9 feet wide, what is the length of
floor Y, in feet ?

(A) 13
(B) 18
(C) 18
(D) 21
(E) 24

4. A case contains c cartons. Each carton

contains b boxes and each box contains
100 paper clips. How many paper clips are
contained in 2 cases ?
(A) 100bc
(C) 200bc

200 (B) 2004

(E) (C) 2005
(D) 2006
(E) 2007
5. In a certain city, 60 percent of the
registered voters are Democrats and the
rest are Republicans. In a mayoral race, if 1 2 3 9
9. 4
75 percent of the registered voters who are 2 3 8 16
Democrats and 20 percent of the
registered voters who are Republicans are 29
expected to vote for Candidate A, what (A)
percent of the registered voters are
expected to vote for Candidate A ? (B)
(A) 50% 15
(B) 53% (C)
(C) 54% 16
(D) 55% 9
(E) 57% 13
(E) 0
3x 5
6. if y y and y 0, then x = 10. The sum of the prime numbers that are
greater than 60 and less than 70 is
2 (A) 67
3 (B) 128
5 (C) 191
(B) (D) 197
7 (E) 260
3 11. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen,
(D) 1 and the approximate ratio, by mass, of
(E) 4 hydrogen to oxygen is 2 : 16.
Approximately how many grams of
7. If x + 5 > 2 and, x 3 < 7, the value of x oxygen are there in 144 grams of water ?
must be between which of he following
pairs of numbers ? (A) 16
(B) 72
(A) -3 and 10 (C) 112
(B) -3 and 4 (D) 128
(C) 2 and 7 (E) 142
(D) 3 and 4
(E) 3 and 10 12. If x (2x + 1) = 0 and
8. A certain company retirement plan has a ( x )(2 x 3) 0 , then x =
rule of 70 provision that allows an 2
employee to retire when the employees (A) 3
age plus years of employment with the 1
company total at least 70. In what year (B)
could a female employee hired in 1986 on 2
her 32nd birthday first be eligible to retire (C) 0
under this provision ? 1
(A) 2003


3 in advance ?
2 (A) 4y (B) 5y (C) 6y
(D) 8y (E) 9y

13. A rainstorm increased the amount of

water stored in State J reservoirs from
124 billion gallons to 138 billion gallons.
If the storm increased the amount of
water in the reservoirs to 82 percent of
total capacity, approximately how many
billion gallons of water were the
reservoirs short of total capacity prior to
the storm?
(A) 9 (B) 14 (C) 25
(D) 30 (E) 44

14. If s1, s2, s3, ...... is the sequence such that

sn for all positive integers n,
n 1
then the product of the first 10 terms of
this sequence is
1 1
(A) (B)
(10)(11) 11
1 9
(C) (D)
10 10

15. On a scale that measures the intensity of

a certain phenomenon, a reading of n + 1
corresponds to an intensity that is 10
times the intensity corresponding to a
reading of n. On that scale, the intensity
corresponding to a reading of 8 is how
many times as great as the intensity
corresponding to a reading of 3 ?
(A) 5 (B) 50 (C) 10 5
(D) 510 (E) 810 310

16. John and Mary were each paid x dollars

in advance to do a certain job together,
John worked on the job for 10 hours and
Mary worked 2 hours less than John. If
Mary gave John y dollars of her payment
so that they would have received the
same hourly wage, what was the dollar
amount, in terms of y, that John was paid


Section 28 team or into 12 teams with an equal

25 Minutes 16 Questions number of players on each team. What is
the least possible number of students in
the class?
(A) 20
(B) 24
(C) 36
(D) 48
(E) 96

4. At least of the 40 members of a
committee must vote in favor of a
resolution for it to pass. What is the
greatest number of members who could
vote against the resolution and still have it
pass ?
1. According to the graph above, what
(A) 19
percent of the funds for highway
(B) 17
maintenance came from the tax on tires?
(C) 16
(A) 3 % (D) 14
(B) 6 % (E) 13
(C) 8 %
(D) 10% 1
(E) 16% 5. When percent of 5,000 is subtracted
from of 5,000 the difference is
(A) 0
(B) 50
(C) 450
(D) 495
(E) 500

6. A poll reveals that the average (arithmetic

mean) income of 10 households is
$25,000. If 6 of the households have
2. According to the graph above, when x = 3, incomes of $30,000 each, what is the
y most nearly ? average income of the other 4 households?
(A) 1 (A) $21,500
1 (B) $20,000
2 (C) $17,500
(C) 0 (D) $7,500
1 (E) $7,000
(E) 1

3. A gym class can be divided into 8 teams

with an equal number of players on each

1 (A) $1.00
1 (B) $2.65
7. 1 (C) $4.30
1 (D) $5.00
3 (E) $5.30
(A) 11. If a square mirror has a 20-inch diagonal,
what is the approximate perimeter of the
(B) mirror, in inches?
11 (A) 40
(C) (B) 60
8 (C) 80
11 (D) 100
7 (E) l20
(E) 12. Which of the following is the value of
4 3
0.000064 ?
5 (A) 0.004
8. If T (k 32) , and if T = 290, then K
9 (B) 0.008
= (C) 0.02
1,738 (D) 0.04
(A) (E) 0.2
(B) 322
(C) 490
(D) 554 13. The present ratio of students to teachers
at a certain school is 30 to 1. If the
(E) student enrollment were to increase by 50
5 students and the number of teachers were
to increase by 5, the ratio of students to
9. The water from one outlet, flowing at a teachers would then be 25 to 1. What is
constant rate, can fill a swimming pool in the present number of teachers ?
9 hours. The water from a second outlet,
flowing at a constant rate, can fill the (A) 5
same pool in 5 hours. If both outlets are (B) 8
used at the same time, approximately what (C) 10
is the number of hours required to fill the (D) 12
pool ? (E) 15

(A) 0.22 14. What is the smallest integer n for which

(B) 0.31 25 n 512 ?
(C) 2.50
(D) 3.21 (A) 6
(E) 4.56 (B) 7
(C) 8
10. Diana bought a stereo for $530, which (D) 9
was the retail price plus a 6 percent sales (E) 10
tax. How much money could she have
saved if she had bought the stereo at the 15. Raffle tickets numbered consecutively
same retail price in a neighboring state from 101 through 350 are placed in a
where she would have paid a sales tax of box. What is the probability that a ticket
5 percent? selected at random will have a number

with a hundreds digit of 2? Section 29

25 Minutes 16 Questions
5 1. As a salesperson, Phyllis can choose one
2 of two methods of annual payment: either
(B) an annual salary of $35,000 with no
33 commission or an annual salary of
(C) $10,000 plus a 20 percent commission on
83 her total annual sales. What must her total
99 annual sales be to give her the same
250 annual pay with either method ?
100 (A) $100,000
249 (B) $120,000
(C) $125,000
16. If x and y are different prime numbers, (D) $130,000
each greater (E) $132,000
than 2, which of the following must be true
? 2. A restaurant buys fruit in cans containing
I. x + y 91 1
II. x y is an even integer. 3 cups of fruit each. If the restaurant
x 1
III. is not an integer. uses cup of the fruit in each serving of
(A) II only its fruit compote, what is the least number
(B) I and II only of cans needed to prepare 60 servings of
(C) I and III only the compote ?
(D) II and III only (A) 7
(E) I, II, and III (B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 10
(E) 12

3. If x > 3,000, then the value of is
2x 1
closest to


4. Machine A produces 100 parts twice as

fast as machine B does. Machine B
produces 100 parts in 40 minutes. If each
machine produces parts at a constant rate,
how many parts does machine A produce
in 6 minutes ?
(A) 30
(B) 25
(C) 20 8. In ABC above, what is x in terms of z ?
(D) 15 (A) z + 73
(E) 7.5 (B) z 73
(C) 70 z
5. If 18 is 15 percent of 30 percent of a (D) z 70
certain number, what is the number ? (E) 73 z
(A) 9
(B) 36 9. In 1990 a total of x earthquakes occurred
(C) 40 worldwide, some but not all of which
(D) 81 occurred in Asia. If m of these earthquakes
(E) 400 occurred in Asia, which of the following
represents the ratio of the umber of earth
quakes that occurred in Asia to the number
6. A necklace is made by stringing N
that did not occur in Asia ?
individual beads together in the repeating
pattern red bead, green bead, white bead,
blue bead, and yellow bead. If the x
necklace design begins with a red bead m
and ends with a white bead, then N could m
equal. (B)
(A) 16 m
(B) 32 (C)
(C) 41 x
(D) 54 (D)
(E) 68 xm
(E) 1
1 x
7. If x (0.08) 2 , y , and
(0.08) 2
x y
z (1 0.08) 2 1 , which of the 10. If 1 , then y =
following is true ?
(A) x = y = z (A)
x 1
(B) y < z < x
(C) z < x < y x
(D) y < x and x = z x 1
(E) x < y and x = z x 1
x 1
(E) x


1 CANNOT be the sum of M and N ?

11.If of the air in a tank is removed with
2 (A) 181
each stroke of a vacuum pump, what (B) 163
fraction of the original amount of air has (C) 121
been removed after 4 strokes ? (D) 99
(E) 44
16 15. Working alone, printers X, Y, and Z can
7 do a certain printing job, consisting of a
8 large number of pages, in 12, 15, and 18
1 hours, respectively. What is the ratio of
(C) the time it takes printer X to do the job,
4 working alone at its rate, to the time it
1 takes printers Y and Z to do the job,
8 working together at their individual
1 rates ?
16 4
12. Last year Department Store X had a sales
total for December that was 4 times the (B)
average (arithmetic mean) of the monthly 2
sales totals for January through 15
November. The sales total for December 22
was what fraction of the sales total for 22
the year ? (D)
1 11
(A) (E)
4 4
15 16. In 1985 a company sold a brand of shoes
1 to retailers for a fixed price per pair. In
(C) 1986 the number of pairs of the shoes
3 that the company sold to retailers
4 decreased by 20 percent, while the price
11 per pair increased by 20 percent. If the
4 companys revenue from the sale of the
(E) shoes in 1986 was $3.0 million, what was
5 the approximate revenue from the sale of
the shoes in 1985 ?
13. How many integers n are there such that
1 < 5n + 5 < 25 ? (A) $2.4 million
(B) $2.9 million
(A) Five (C) $3.0 million
(B) Four (D) $3.1 million
(C) Three (E) $3.6 million
(D) Two
(E) One

14. If the two-digit integers M and N are

positive and have the same digits, but in
reverse order, which of the following


Section 30 61.24 (0.998) 2

25 Minutes 16 Questions 5. The
(3)(0.072) expression above is approximately equal
1. to
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4
(A) 0.04 (D) 5 (E) 6
(B) 0.3
(C) 0.4 6. Car X and car Y traveled the same 80-mile
(D) 0.8 route. If car X took 2 hours and car Y
(E) 4.0 traveled at an average speed that was 50
percent faster than the averages speed of
2. A car dealer sold x used cars and y new car X, how many hours did it take car Y to
cars during May. If the number of used travel the route ?
cars sold was 10 greater than the number
of new cars sold. Which of the following 2
expresses this relationship ? 3
(A) x > 10y (B) 1
(B) x > y + 10 1
(C) 1
(C) x > y 10 3
(D) x = y + 10 3
(E) x = y 10 (D) 1
(E) 3
3. What is the maximum number of 1 -
4 17 1 3 3
foot pieces of wire that can be cut from a 7. If the numbers , , , , and
24 2 8 4
wire that is 24 feet long?
(A) 11 were ordered from greatest to least,
(B) 18 the middle number of the resulting
(C) 19 sequence would be
(D) 20
(E) 30 17
4. If each of the two lines 1 and 2 is 1
parallel to line 3 , which of the 2
following must be true? 3
(A) Lines 1 , 2 , and 3 lie in the 8
same plane. 3
(B) Lines 1 , 2 , and 3 lie in 4
different planes. 9
(C) Line 1 is parallel to line 2 . 16
(D) Line 1 is the same line as line 2 .
8. If a 10 percent deposit that has been paid
(E) Line 1 is the same line as line 3 . toward the purchase of a certain product is
$110, how much more remains to he paid?
(A) $880
(B) $900
(C) $1,000

(D) $1,100
(E) $1,210
13. A company that ships boxes to a total of
9. Kim purchased n items from a catalog for
(12) distribution centers uses color
$8 each. Postage and handling charges
coding to identify each center. If either a
consisted of $3 for the first item and $1
single color or a pair of two different
for each additional item. Which of the
colors is chosen to represent each center
following gives the total dollar amount of
and if each center is uniquely represented
Kims purchase, including postage and
by that choice of one or two colors, what
handling, in terms of n ?
is the minimum number of colors needed
(A) 8n + 2 for the coding ? (Assume that the order
(B) 8n + 4 of the colors in a pair does not matter.)
(C) 9n + 2
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 12 (E) 24
(D) 9n + 3
(E) 9n + 4
14. If x + y = a and x y = b, then 2xy =
10. 7 7 2

a2 b2
(A) 98 2
(B) 49 b2 a2
(C) 28 2
(D) 21 a b
(E) 14 (C)
11. If the average (arithmetic mean) of the ab
four numbers K, 2K + 3, 3K 5, and 5K 2
+ 1 is 63, what is the value of K ? a2 b2
(A) 11 2
(B) 15 15. A rectangular circuit board is designed to
(C) 22 have width w inches, perimeter p inches,
(D) 23 and area k square inches. Which of the
3 following equations must be true?
(E) 25
10 (A) w 2 pw k 0
(B) w 2 pw 2k 0
12. A rabbit on a controlled diet is fed daily
(C) 2w 2 pw 2k 0
300 grams of a mixture of two foods,
food X and food Y. Food X contains 10 (D) 2 w 2 pw 2k 0
percent protein and food Y contains 15 (E) 2 w 2 pw 2k 0
percent protein. If the rabbits diet
provides exactly 38 grams of protein 16. On a certain road, 10 percent of the
daily, how many grams of food X are in motorists exceed the posted speed limit
the mixture? and receive speeding tickets, but 20
(A) 100 percent of the motorists who exceed the
(B) 140 posted speed limit do not receive
(C) 150 speeding tickets. What percent of the
(D) 160 motorists on that road exceed the posted
(E) 200 speed limit ?


1 1
(A) 10 % (B) 12 %
2 2
(C) 15% (D) 22%
(E) 30%


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