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To cite this article: Preetkanwal Singh Bains, Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu & H. S. Payal (2016)
Fabrication and Machining of Metal Matrix Composites: A Review, Materials and Manufacturing
Processes, 31:5, 553-573, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2015.1025976
Download by: [Visvesvaraya Technological University - VTu] Date: 30 November 2016, At: 03:51
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 31: 553573, 2016
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online
DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2015.1025976
Intrinsically smart, metal matrix composites (MMCs) are lightweight and high-performance materials having ever expanding industrial
applications. The structural and the functional properties of these materials can be altered as per the industrial demands. The process
technologies indulged in fabrication and machining of these materials attract the researchers and industrial community. Hybrid electric
discharge machining is a promising and the most reliable nonconventional machining process for MMCs. It exhibits higher competence
for machining complex shapes with greater accuracy. This paper presents an up-to-date review of progress and benets of different routes
for fabrication and machining of composites. It reports certain practical analysis and research ndings including various issues on
fabrication and machining of MMCs. It is concluded that polycrystalline tools and diamond-coated tools are best suitable for various
conventional machining operations. High speed, small depth of cut and low feed rate are a key to better nish. In addition, hybrid electrical
discharge machining has proved to be an active research area in critical as well as nonconventional machining since last few years. This paper
incorporates year-wise research work done in fabrication, conventional machining, nonconventional machining, and hybrid machining of
MMCs. Conclusions and future scope are addressed in the last section of the paper.
FIGURE 1.Schematic diagram of processing steps for the manufacture of powder metallurgy composites [17]. # Elsevier. Reproduced by permission of
Elsevier. Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.
various fabrication techniques that were in use for the Well-established methods in solid-state processes include
last few years. The following methods are most common blending of powder followed by isostatic pressing
for fabrication of the MMCs at large-scale industrial (powder metallurgy (PM) processing), spray deposition
level. techniques, and diffusion bonding. Melt stir casting,
melt inltration, spray casting, and in situ (reactive)
1. Solid-phase processes. processing come from liquid-state processing.
2. Liquid-phase processes. In the PM technique, dry or liquid suspended powder
is blended that is followed by hot isostatic pressing
(HIP), cold compaction, canning, degassing, etc. There
The adoption of the route for the synthesis of MMCs
are a few composites that can be fabricated by the PM
depended on many factors including the matrix temp-
technique alone, as quoted by Hehmann and Froes [6].
erature during processing, extent and reinforcement
In the PM method, the constituents are mixed into
loading, and desired degree of microstructural integrity.
solid-state diffusion, and sintering gives desired shape
to the composite. In spray deposition technique for com-
posite fabrication, each individual ber providing
reinforcement is coated along with the matrix material
followed by diffusion bonding. The MMC thus
fabricated possesses more homogeneous microstructure
compared to those fabricated by the cast technique. In
conferences held in the UK, Willis et al. [7] and
Miller et al. [8] had already supported it as the best
suitable technique for fabrication of reinforced and
un-reinforced alloys. It provides even distribution of
the reinforcement in a matrix that is 9598% dense. Melt
stir casting method or the vortex technique involves
incorporation of a reinforcing agent (particula-
te=whisker) into liquid matrix melt, stirring it with rotat-
ing impeller and allowing the mixture to solidify. In
inltration process, preform of bers=whisker is made
FIGURE 2.Research studies conducted on fabrication routes of MMCs and is inltrated by melt thus allowing mixing of liquid
for the last 10 years. metal (partial or full) with reinforcement. Sanchez et al.
[9] confers the inltration technique to be an appropriate with discontinuous reinforcement by mechanical alloying
method for the fabrication of MMC, wherein preforms and sintering. This process was followed by in situ
made of a reinforcing agent were lled with the alumi- precipitation of titanium carbide. They also discussed
num matrix. Sidhu et al. [10] in their review tried to the ex situ routes for the same. The titanium sponge
show the glimpses of stir casting process, pressurized and carbon black as expected raw materials, and
liquid inltration, and plasma spray decomposition calcium as a process control agent, could be an alterna-
methods of fabrication of MMCs. Apart from this, they tive to high-cost titanium metal without compromising
touched upon the PM technique for fabrication of the mechanical properties of the material. A high plastic
composites to some extent. In their study, the authors deformation can be seen before breaking at 1013 MPa
revealed the fabrication of MMC with Al as the matrix with a strain at fracture of 5%. This study revealed
component and SiC as the reinforcement agent because certain facts about MMCs. For instance, the small size
of ductility and low density of aluminum. For high- of reinforced particles provides better mechanical
temperature applications, Al was replaced by titanium properties and thermal stability, while large size and high
despite its high density and brittleness. In inltration volume of reinforcement give better wear resistance. The
process, the reinforcing member, that is, SiC is kept as PM technique adopted in this study proved to be the best
preform that is held intact with the help of silica or method of MMC fabrication as no other by-product or
alumina as binders. The liquid matrix, that is, Al is unwanted layer is formed between reinforcement and
compressed against preform with the assistance of piston matrix. The process accompanies the mechanical alloy-
cylinder arrangement. Rosso [11] discussed various ing in which calcium is used as process control agent.
methods to fabricate ceramics and MMCs and their The ne titanium powder with little nitrogen and oxygen
related properties along with the applications and future content was obtained. Tin was added to avoid the cold
prospects of such materials. He prepared the cylindrical welding phenomena. Carbon addition results in the
samples of the powders compacted with a pressure of formation of titanium carbide that increases with an
200300 MPa. Few samples were pre-sintered and increase in carbon content. Similarly, aluminum can be
machined afterwards, while the others underwent direct added to obtain titanium aluminides having even higher
mechanical operations and then sintered to examine the thermal resistance as explained by Mu~ noz-Moreno et al.
effect of sintering on the machining of powders. The [16]. Afterwards, the powder is sintered by spark plasma
powders were sintered for 1 hour at a temperature of technique to obtain sufciently dense samples. It was
1600 C in the air. The PM technique, compared to other observed that the average particle size increases after
fabrication techniques, is a promising and versatile sintering but not beyond micron size. X-ray analysis
method for the fabrication of a composite. It ensures followed sintering was performed wherein only phases
better mechanical and structural properties of the com- of titanium, a and b and Titanium carbide were
posites along with high homogeneity. Jha et al. [12] while detected. For both alloys, no intermetallic TiCr or other
synthesis and characterization revealed the effect of phases were observed. Samples with good toughness
sintering temperature, time, and composition of the con- and those withstanding plastic deformation in addition
stituents on the microstructure, hardness, and density of to high ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield
FeZrO2 MMC. The formation of Zr6Fe3O phase had strength (YS) can be witnessed. Harrigan [17] reviewed
been noticed in X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis as a and described various patents that were obtained while
result of partial reaction between Fe and ZrO2 and this MMCs were fabricated by the PM processing
phase increases with ZrO2 content. The microstructure techniques. He explained the method of cold isostatic
witnessed the dispersion of Fe, ZrO2, and a small pressing (CIP) vacuum sintering process (Fig. 1) while
amount of Zr6Fe3O along with some minor impurities fabricating the Al=B4C MMC, reinforced by boron car-
in the form of carbon. The density decreases with a per- bide, also known as Boralyn composites. This process
centage increase of ZrO2. The hardness of the samples of composites manufacturing involves lesser cost and
also varies with sintering temperature as explored by smaller process losses, thus lower nished product cost.
them. Phase formation due to partial reaction has also Moreover, the mechanical properties of composites thus
been reported by Konopka and Ozieblo [13]. They inves- manufactured are similar to those manufactured by
tigated the formation of FeAl2O4 spinel phase during vacuum hot pressing. Moustafa et al. [18] investigated
the sintering process employed in the fabrication of the process of MMC fabrication by the PM technique.
FeAl2O3 as MMC by the PM technique. Pagounis The authors explained the process of fabrication of
et al. [14] fabricated ceramic composite by HIP tech- Cu-based matrix reinforced with SiC (Ni coated and
nique using high chromium white iron powder as matrix uncoated) and Al2O3 (Ni coated and uncoated). They
and Al2O3, TiC, and Cr3C2 as reinforcements. The inves- revealed that uncoated SiC and Al2O3 reinforced
tigations revealed that the interface between matrix and composites swell when sintered while composite with Ni
reinforcement in the ironalloy matrix had an effect on coated SiC reinforcement shrinks when sintered. Ni
the amount of martensitic transformation. Moreover, coated reinforced composites exhibited higher relative
no effect on the wear resistance and hardness were density and lower porosity. The YS and compressive
noticed; however, toughness deteriorated to a great strength of composites with Ni coated reinforcement
extent with a weak interface. Zadra and Girardini [15] was also found to be superior as compared to
discussed the possibility of obtaining titanium MMCs composites with the uncoated reinforcement.
In stir casting process, the matrix is heated above Manna et al. [22] discussed the melt stirring
melting temperature and stirred followed by the technique and employed it in the fabrication of
addition of reinforcement material into the vortex. AlAl2O3=Grp MMC. Particulate ber is used as
But this technique of fabrication is not that reliable reinforcement media in this fabrication process,
due to the non-homogeneity of the constituents. In because of its isotropic properties compared to long
the plasma spray technique, the matrix and the bers. Since the mechanical properties of composites
reinforce material are decomposed by the spraying depend on the composition, size, volume fraction, and
method. But this approach contributes toward increas- the method of fabrication, homogeneity of the two
ing in cost of fabrication of MMC. Lai and Chung [19] members is signicantly required. One can conclude
noticed that SiC reacts with Al at higher temperature from this study that impact strength of Al 6070 matrix
and forms aluminum carbide, which is brittle in nature decreases with the addition of Al2O3 reinforcement,
and tends to weaken the composite affecting the mech- because of the brittle nature of the later. The hardness
anical properties of the same. The chemical reaction for of Al=Al2O3 MMC increases with the addition Al2O3
the same is as follows: reinforcement. The hardness of Al=Grp is found to
decline initially with the addition of 5% vol of Gr par-
4Al SiC ! Al4 C3 3Si ticulate. Later on, it improves with 10% and 15% vol
addition of Gr. Moreover, UTS decreases with the
Further, they proposed surface modication techniques addition of Al2O3 and Gr particulates.
as a solution to this problem. Melt stir casting technique is the simplest of various
In inltration method, excess interfacial reactions are methods involved in the fabrication of particle
less due to reduced contact time between matrix and reinforced MMCs. This process ensures interdendritic
reinforcement, which otherwise leads to weakening of particle trapping that provides a better distribution of
composite. Coating of reinforcement is no more required reinforcement. Excellent wetting properties between
by this process. Schobel et al. [20] enlisted certain limita- matrix and reinforcement are required. It is worth
tions of this process. According to them, voids formation noting that the particle distribution through the casting
is a common phenomenon while inltration of particle varies as there is the change in cooling rate from the
reinforced metals. The coefcient of thermal expansion surface to the center. The melt inltration process of
between matrix and reinforcement being different and fabricating MMC involves the injection of liquid matrix
high particle volume fractions are the reasons behind alloy, with or without the application of pressure or
the formation of voids. vacuum, into the interstices of the porous preforms of
In the abovementioned techniques, the reinforcement is reinforcement.
often prepared separately before composite fabrication. There is no second thought that various other fabri-
These techniques are also known as ex situ methods. In cation techniques exhibit much higher and unmatched
situ processing techniques involve the development of effort in the development of composites. The high cost,
the reinforcing agent in a metallic matrix with the help less adaptability, and an inability to secondary forming
of chemical reactions between different elements or process limits their use. The last few decades witnessed
element and compound. Kayikci and Savas [21] discussed the recognition of PM process in a variety of applica-
the centrifugal casting technique, also known as in situ tions, despite its existence for more than 100 years.
technique, for fabrication of functionally graded Al=AlB2 Harris [23] has compared results obtained from the
MMC. In this fabrication study, boron oxide (B2O3), as a PM technique with those obtained from other fabri-
boron source, has been dissolved in liquid Al at 1400 C cation methods. The results obtained are presented in
and MMC is fabricated. The resultant composite wit- Table 1. Although the fabrication of MMCs by liquid
nesses two distinct zones, the inner one has almost nil metal processing is being paid a considerable attention
traces of boron and the outer one has almost 11% boron because of its low cost, yet it suffers from certain draw-
as reinforcing agent. UTS and YSs of Al were increased backs. The distribution of ceramic particles or bers is
signicantly by addition of AlB2 akes. UTS and YS nonuniform due to the agglomeration and dendritic
increase further by replacing matrices part by AlSi, segregation. Second, undesirable chemical reaction at
AlCu, and Al. Apart from this, the external zone also the interface is caused due to the high temperature of
shows higher hardness as compared to internal region. the melt. Undoubtedly, the PM technique has been
As far as the fracture is concerned, the external zone the prominent one. In addition to traditional manufac-
justied good bonding between matrix and reinforcement turing methods, some of the critical fabrication techni-
without any traces of de-cohesion accompanied by the ques (Table 2) need further attention and investigations
brittle fracture in the external zone and ductile fracture to prove their utilization in the future. Some of the new
in internal zone. In situ technique is considered to be more methods that turn out to be the most promising as a
advantageous as compared to ex situ technique because fabrication methods are molecular level mixing,
MMCs fabricated with the former have good wettability CIP-HIP sintering technology, and sputtering method.
along with homogeneous distribution. The reinforcement These methods can provide, but are not limited to,
produced by this method exhibits more thermodynamic clean environment along with excellent impurity
stability with matrix hence it is suitable for high- control ensuring good homogeneity of the deposited
temperature use. matrix.
TABLE 1. Tensile properties different Al MMCs [22].
CONVENTIONAL MACHINING of chips. Hence, SiC not only gives strength to the com-
During machining of MMCs, many reinforcement posite but also gives better chip control that is very help-
materials are found to be harder as compared to most ful in machining. During chip breaking phenomenon, due
commonly used carbide and high-speed steel (HSS) tools, to high shear stress, cracks were initiated from the outer
says Ramrattan et al. [24]. Hence, the conventional surface of the chip. Also, some voids were observed
machining of MMCs put forward a crucial challenge. because of particle separation due to stress concentration
Conventionally, these materials can be machined by at the edges. These voids accelerate the crack growth
processes like turning, drilling, or milling, with proper along the shear plane.
tool design and under proper operating conditions. How- Although the cutting speed increases the surface nish
ever, the reinforcement causes rapid abrasive wear of tool to some extent but the rise in temperature of the tool
material hence result in poor machinability and cost softens it and affects the tool life to a great deal.
addition. A review report in compliance with machining Although the surface roughness does not have a direct
and the various issues involved in it is presented. impact on cutting speed, yet the same is affected by
Manna and Bhattacharyya [25] in their study high- the reinforcement size and feed as quoted by Davim
lighted the use of different tooling systems for the [33]. The feed, on the other hand, has a greater inuence
machining of SiC reinforced Al-based MMC. They were on cutting forces. Cutting forces varies directly with
namely xed rhombic tooling (FRT), xed circular tool- feed. El-Gallab and Sklad [34] concluded that evolution
ing (FCT), rotary circular tooling (RCT), and xed of high cutting forces due to high feed results in the
square tooling (FST). For each tooling system, the inu- initiation of voids around the SiC particles, resulting
ence of various parameters on tool wear and surface nish in the failure of composite in the form of microcracks.
has been observed. They noticed that among all the four Depth of cut is also a prominent factor that demands
tooling systems, RCT exhibited superior wear resistance analysis while machining of MMCs. According to Ciftci
during conventional turning of MMC, whereas the other et al. [35], depth of cut inversely affects the surface nish
three systems showed rapid tool wear. Further, it was also while machining. Chambers [37] found deterioration in
concluded that approximate tool life of RCT is tool life with the increase in depth of cut.
signicantly higher compared to other variants. Among the different tool materials, polycrystalline
diamond (PCD) tool, chemical vapor depositions
(CVDs), cubic boron nitride (CBN), tungsten carbide
Effect of Cutting Speed, Feed, and Depth of Cut (WC), silicon nitride, alumina, etc. are mostly used for
Mostly, cutting speed does not have direct impact on machining of composites. Several researchers [28, 34,
cutting forces while machining of MMCs, according to 36, 38] have clearly indicated that the PCD tools are
Coelho [26]. During machining of various MMCs, far better than carbide and coated carbide tools and
built-up edges (BUEs) have been noticed by many are the only alternative to the machining of MMCs in
researchers at low cutting speeds [2729]. Due to these order to have better tool life and enhanced machinabil-
BUEs, cutting force at low cutting speed is lower compare ity. This wear mechanism leads to extensive tool wear.
to that at high cutting speed. The formation of BUEs As shown in Fig. 3 and explained by Weinert et al.
has been investigated by Manna and Bhattacharyya [30] [42] excessive tool wear is noticed that can be overcome
while machining of SiC reinforced Al matrix composite only by using harder cutting tools like PCD tools. Since,
and they evaluated the consequence of cutting speed PCD tools are comparatively costlier, hence TiAlN or
and feed on ank wear while turning operation using diamond coatings can be seen as the alternative. Carbide
FRT. The effects of cutting speed, feed rate, and depth tools are mostly preferred over ceramic tools. However,
of cut on wear of the tool and BUEs were analyzed. these tool materials are chemically nonreactive to the
The results showed that at high speed and low depth of workpiece material. Normally, high amount of tool wear
cut, no BUEs were seen. The BUEs increase the actual is observed while machining with carbide tools. At low
rake angle while machining of MMC at low cutting speed. cutting speed and high feed rates, carbide tools give
A particular range of cutting speed (60150 m=min), low maximum efciency in terms of tool life, as reported
feed rate, and small depth of cut were recommended for by Kannan and Kishawy [39]. Research proved that
proper machining. The cutting force at lower cutting coated carbide tools show superior performance while
speed is lower compared to at higher cutting speed, due cutting of composites as compared to uncoated carbide
to the formation of BUEs. The chip formation, a shear tools. Basavarajappa et al. [40] showed a concern with
process that involves plastic deformation, can affect the the surface roughness variation along with surface and
surface nish, accuracy of workpiece, and tool life. Simi- subsurface deformation while drilling of Al=SiC=Grp
lar work has been reported by Hung et al. [31] wherein MMC. While drilling, carbide and coated carbide tools
they studied and compared different chip formation were used. It had been concluded that the tool wear
phenomena while machining of both monolithic and par- has a strong inuence on feed force and surface rough-
ticle reinforced MMCs. Lin et al. [32] studied the chip ness. The hybrid MMCs have higher surface roughness
forming mechanism while machining of SiC reinforced compared to other MMCs. The increase in cutting speed
Al matrix composite at three different speeds. The decreases the surface roughness that otherwise increases
addition of SiC resulted in a decrease in the ductility of with an increase in feed rate. Moreover, coated carbide
the matrix and the formation of semi-continuous types tools gave better performance than multifaceted carbide
FIGURE 3.SEM of worn-out cemented carbide tool while drilling of (a) Al2O3 short ber reinforced (b) SiC particle reinforced Mg alloys [42].
tools in terms of surface roughness. However, micro- et al. [44] studied the performance of different tool mate-
cracks, particle pullout, and shear of particles were rials including cemented carbide, ceramics, CBN, and
witnessed while analyzing drilled holes. Ciftci et al. [35] diamond (PCD) while turning of composites. They justi-
reported the investigations wherein melt-squeezed cast ed that only diamond tools were best suited for this
MMC with different particle sizes of SiC reinforcement process in terms of performance. Further, it was con-
had been fabricated and machined. The machining was cluded that with an increase in cutting speed, the surface
done by both uncoated and carbide-coated tools by roughness decreases and increases with an increase in
varying the speed but at constant feed and depth of feed rate. Paulo and Monteiro [45] studied the relation-
cut. The performance of carbide-coated tools was better. ship among cutting forces and tool wear. While machin-
Meanwhile, the effects of cutting speed and tool coating ing (turning and drilling) of Al=SiC MMC using PCD
on surface roughness and tool wear were analyzed, and tool, the tool life is deteriorated by the ank wear
it was found out that the uncoated tools gave better sur- instead of the crater wear that otherwise is encountered
face nish at low speed. The edge chipping was found to commonly while machining of steels. Sahin et al. [29]
be responsible for poorer surface nish at higher speeds. explained the machinability of 2024 aluminum alloy
The tool life was remarkably affected by the particle size reinforced with different ratios of Al2O3 at different cut-
and weight of SiC as reinforcement accompanied by the ting conditions and cutting speeds by TiN coated car-
cutting speed. Andrewes et al. [41] investigated the bide tool and TP30 coated carbide tool. These coatings
machining of SiC reinforced MMC by PCD and CVD on the tools augmented the tool life that is higher in case
diamond coated tools. Further, they added that the of TiN coated carbide tool. The tool life deteriorates
ank wear determines the tool life and the crater wear, with the increase in cutting speed for both of the tools.
which is very much common in machining of steel, was Major wear form for both the tools was primarily
not observed. The results justied that the rapid ank rounding of nose and ank wear. Teti [46] presented a
wear of CVD tool was the consequence of adhesive detailed summary of conventional machining of some
and abrasive wear mechanisms. The ank wear was of the prominent composite materials. Komanduri [47]
the after effect of the adhesion of an aluminum lm on and Hung et al. [48] justied enough reasons to support
cutting tool and abrasion of SiC particles while cutting. that the conventional machining of MMCs is not in any
Weinert et al. [42] and Weinert and Konig [43] while way similar to machining of other metals and alloys. As
machining of MMCs observed that tool wear results in because tool faces matrix and reinforcement alterna-
an increase in production cost. Moreover, abrasion is tively while machining, it becomes necessary to adopt
the primary cause of wear that is generated by particles correct mechanism and cutting tool.
sliding over rake. They further concluded that CVD Although controversy arises in stating the exact
coated diamond tools are far better than PCD tools mechanism of the tool wear, it needs further research
and are a good choice for cutting of MMCs as far as so as to improve the economics and performance of cut-
hardness is concerned despite its high cost. Ferreira ting process. According to Coppini and Ferreira [49], as
FIGURE 4.Results of drilling experiments in machining of MMCs [53]. # Elsevier. Reproduced by permission of Elsevier. Permission to reuse must be
obtained from the rightsholder.
far as machining of composites is concerned, negligible Jawaid et al. [55] concluded that with an increase in cut-
amount machining data is available in tool manufac- ting speed, tool wear increases along with a decrease in
turers catalogs as compared to conventional machining thrust force. Songmene and Balazinski [56, 57] per-
of metals. Hence, the optimization of cutting conditions formed dry drilling using HSS twist drill to test the
is crucial, and it has been a tedious task for researchers machinability of newly introduced MMC of Al matrix
so far. with nickel coated graphite and ceramic particles
Turning: Although turning is a very typical machining (GrA-Ni1). This new MMC possessed better machin-
process, many contentious issues have been depicted by ability than any other SiC reinforced MMCs such as
the researchers. Hung et al. [50] investigated the turning Al-9Si.20SiC due to reason that ceramic and graphite
of MMC with CBN, PDC, WC, and DCC tools. Chen particles found in GrA-Ni1 are not that hard as the
and Hoshi [27] observed that cutting speed and tempera- SiC and Al2O3 in other MMCs. Also, as explained by
ture did not have much impact on tool wear of WC Rohatgi et al. [58] and Ames et al. [59], the graphite par-
tools. Coelho et al. [26] discussed the same experience ticles in Al matrix act as solid lubricant while drilling.
for WC and PCD tools. This conclusion can probably The hardness of GrA-Ni1 was also lower than
wave out the fact that abrasion is the cause of tool wear Al-9Si.20SiC and this was a favorable factor for machin-
while machining of SiC reinforced MMCs. In this work, ability. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photo-
the authors had developed an empirical relationship graphs show the tool wear as in gure below clearly
among tool wear and milling speed. Further, Looney witnessing the worn-out carbide cutting edges while
et al. [51] examined the effects of cutting speed on tool drilling of ber and particle reinforced magnesium
wear, cutting forces, and surface nish while machining
of SiC reinforced Al matrix MMC. They concluded that
CBN tool exhibited the best performance compared
to silicon nitride tool whereas carbide tools worn out
signicantly at a rapid rate.
Drilling: In the experimental work carried out by
Coelho et al. [52, 53], they presented results of machin-
ability tests performed in conventional speed drilling
and high-speed drilling. These tests were carried out with
the PCD tool on Al-based MMC with 15% SiC
reinforcement. In this attempt, comparison was made
with results of PCD drill bits with that of HSS, diamond
coated HSS, WC, and TiN coated carbide tools. It was
concluded (as in Fig. 4) that PCD coated tools give bet-
ter performance under different cutting conditions.
Moreover, tool life was not affected signicantly by
the cutting speed. Lane [54] conrmed the same in his FIGURE 5.Research on conventional machining of MMCs for the last 10
ndings. While drilling of Al 2014 reinforced with SiC, years.
machining techniques include the electro-discharge, laser that although several advances have been made in this
beam, abrasive water jet, electrochemical, and electro- area, yet this process aims to improve the efciency of
chemical discharge machining. Among these, electrical machining. It ensures to acquire good material removal
discharge machining (EDM) is one of the controlled but rate (MRR) along with lesser tool wear and improved
violent thermal processes in which a certain volume of surface quality both at macro and micro levels. Now
metal is eroded by producing millions of electric dis- becoming established, many industries producing
charges in a matter of seconds. Abbas et al. [66] revealed sophisticated products employ EDM as a nontraditional
FIGURE 8.Removal rate when EDM PRMMCs and non-reinforced aluminum alloy [102]. # Elsevier. Reproduced by permission of Elsevier. Permission
to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.
removal process. With the advent of this process, the workpiece was made to vibrate instead of the tool. Using
surface nish and machining quality of a material had this technique, micro-holes of diameter as small as 5 mm
a mirror-like emergence. Further, Uno and Okada [75] were machined successfully in quartz, silicon, and glass.
and Uno et al. [76] investigated that a material machined Size reduction of the nished product has dragged
with powder mixed EDM (PMEDM) exhibits high researchers attention to micro EDM. According to
resistance to abrasion and corrosion. Sidhu et al. [77] Rajurkar and Yu [90], complex shaped micro cavities,
noticed a considerable improvement in conductivity micro-holes, and micro shaft of diameter as small as 5
and corrosive resistance of the surface while machining m are possible to machine with micro EDM. Several
of SiC reinforced Al matrix composite with PMEDM similar attempts using micro EDM had been made by
technique. They advocated PMEDM as a suitable Masuzawa et al. [9193] for producing micro parts such
machining option for MMCs in order to enhance their as micro pins, micro nozzles, micro shafts, micro cavi-
surface properties. This technique (earlier known as ties. According to Zhang et al. [94], dry machining was
additive EDM) originated in the late 1970s but came introduced to lessen the use of dielectric. This dielectric
to existence in the 1990s as observed by Erden and Bilgin causes pollution on decomposition and release harmful
[78] and Jeswani [79]. Zhixin et al. [80] in 1995 developed gases like Co and CH4 and adds to cost to manage the
a new method to cut holes in ceramics and named it as waste thereof. Yu et al. [95] investigated the machining
ultrasonic vibration pulse electronic discharge machine by dry EDM of cemented carbide material and com-
(UVPEDM). They acclaimed high MRR by use of this pared its characteristics with those of oil die sinking
variant in EDM. Ogawa et al. [81] revealed the similar EDM. The results conrmed that dry EDM showed
kind of investigation wherein they claimed to achieve almost six time higher work removal rate and one-third
micro holes of almost double depth by UVPEDM as lower electrode wear as compared to EDM in presence
compared to conventional EDM. It was an era when of dielectric medium (as in Fig. 6). The total machining
EDM experienced alterations with respect to its increase performance appears to be same as oil die sinking EDM.
in efciency and control. Kunieda et al. [96] in their study enlisted individual
characteristics of dry EDM as under:
Recent Developments in EDM
Stovicek [82] revealed that EDM, from the last few 1. Dry EDM has negligible tool electrode wear for any
years, has made a signicant breakthrough in medical, pulse duration.
optical, dental, jewelry industry, etc. Ramasawmy and 2. Structure of EDM is compact due to the absence of
Blunt [83] explored that the material of any hardness dielectric uid and its storage space.
and shape can be machined provided material should 3. Gap between tool and workpiece is less as compared
be electrically conductive in nature. Shrivastava and to conventional EDM. Hence, the force of reaction is
Dubey [84] and Jain [85] discussed the developments in also lesser.
EDM, brought up in different areas depending upon 4. After melting, residual stresses are lower due to the
the trends and interest of researchers for example: decrease in thickness of resolidication layer.
Ultrasonic vibration EDM
Dry EDM Evolution of powder mixed hybrid EDM proved to be a
Powder mixed EDM breakthrough that signicantly affected performance
EDM in water and stability of EDM. Wong et al. [97] experienced near
Micro EDM mirror nish in surface of the nished part by using
graphite, silicon, glass, Al, and SiC of different sizes in
According to Guo et al. [86], the ultrasonic vibrations dielectric. In this process, a proper combination of
when associated with EDM increased the efciency by powder and workpiece along with good knowledge of
improving dielectric circulation. They claimed that this fundamentals is necessary. Further, moving a step
technique can increase the cutting efciency by 30% and ahead, Yan et al. [98] explored that the resistance to
reduce the roughness of the machined surface from 1.95 corrosion and surface hardness can also be improved
Ra to 1.7 Ra. It results in efcient debris removal between by adding correct combination of powder in dielectric.
the tool and workpiece and helped to increase the MRR. Showing the concern over environment, health and
The efforts and recommendation by Zhang et al. [87] in safety and following their norms, water, as an alternate
their research work aimed at spark erosion by direct cur- to oil as dielectric, was used in 1981, as in research work
rent (DC) power supply instead of usual pulse power sup- published by Jeswani [99]. He revealed that distilled
ply for spark erosion that reduced the cost and made the water as dielectric resulted in high MRR and less tool
equipment simpler to use. Huang et al. [88] investigated wear as compared to kerosene. Although machining
the effects of ultrasonic vibration on EDM performance accuracy was poor, yet surface nish was better in this
while drilling of holes in Nitinol wherein machining technique. Jilani and Pandey [100] compared machining
efciency increased more than 60 times, and that too with distilled water, tap water, and tap waterdistilled
without affecting the tool wear rate (TWR). Egashira water mixture using copper tool with negative polarity.
and Masuzawa [89] laid a groundwork by developing a Tap water dielectric gave best machining performance
new method for micro ultrasonic machining wherein with negligible electrode wear.
EDM Applications in Machining of MMC reinforced MMC with other nonconventional machining
The attributes of EDM of composite material processes such as LBM and abrasive water jet machining.
resemble much to those of monolithic materials yet the They investigated that although EDM process is suitable
presence of reinforcement material makes the process for machining of such type of materials with lesser surface
more complicated and slower. The EDM of MMCs damage but MRR was very slow. Mahdavinejad and
has been extensively accepted by the industry due to Mahdavinejad [109], while machining the WCCo com-
competitive machining cost and features. Hocheng et al. posite, noticed that increase in pulse times or duration
[101] investigated the material removal rate while EDM increase the instability of EDM process and also explained
of SiC reinforced aluminum matrix MMC. They the methods to control it. In WCCo composite, the
revealed that material removal rate is higher at the cracks developed on the surface because of melting and
beginning of the process and it slows down afterwards evaporation of cobalt before WC particles melting, result-
due to the entrapment of debris in the gap between ing in unstable machining. As a result of this instability,
workpiece and tool. MRR increased with an increase recast layer is formed due to melting and vaporization,
in current accompanied by tapering and surface rough- and it makes the surface of workpiece uneven and
ness that can be avoided by high current and shorter rough. Chiang [110] emphasized that current has a direct
pulse-on time. The effect of current and pulse on time effect on TWR whereas pulse on time has an inverse
are shown in Fig. 8. Muller and Monaghan [102, 103] effect. TWR can be reduced by using rotary tube electrode
noticed that the MRR increases with change in current in EDM and electrode having higher electric, thermal, and
and pulse on time to some extent and then decreases. wear resistance along with easy manufacturability.
Similar results have been reported by Seo et al. [104] Amongst the various defects observed during EDM,
while EDM of SiC reinforced Al matrix. They found residual stress, which is generated due to irregular solidi-
that material removal rate can be maximized by an cation of molten metal, is the most signicant defect. It
optimum combination of peak current and pulse on may lead to failure, especially under tensile loading or
time, thus the disturbed coordination among two leads may also cause corrosion [111, 112]. When the induced
to larger tool wear. Patel et al. [105] revealed that residual stresses exceed the ultimate strength of the
weight percentage and size of SiC in SiC reinforced material, the failure appears in the form of cracks [113].
Al matrix composite were the prominent parameters Various material removal mechanisms such as melt-
while machining of such MMCs using micro-EDM. ing, spalling, and chemical oxidation=decomposition
They investigated that MRR and EWR increase with put a shadow of effect on machining of composites
servo speed and pulse on duration, while decrease with depending on material composition, micro-structure,
the increase in sparking gap voltage. Same trend had and context of EDM. From the above review, it is
been noticed with hole taper. Yan et al. [106] after a evident that sinking EDM has been graced up by most
detailed survey examined the various machining pro- of the reported research work, wire EDM (WEDM)
cesses that were performed on various MMCs. They has been least tried. Although it has scaled new heights
examined the machining of Al2O3=6061 Al MMC using in few areas, the research in EDM of MMCs is still in its
rotary EDM coupled with a disk like electrode. Similar developing stage. Mechanism of machining processes for
investigations were carried out by Mamalis et al. [107] most of the composite materials is still hard to under-
while machining ceramicmetal composite stand. The in-depth investigations in nonconventional
plasma-sprayed WCCo coated steel plates. Muller machining of MMCs may bring new revolution in their
and Monaghan [108] compared the EDM of particle processing. Table 3 shows a comparison of different
Tool affected MRR Surface Machine
Process Medium consumption zone (mm3=min) nish (mm) cost Efciency Advantages Drawbacks
USM Abrasive Med None 1520 2.76.8 Low High Good surface nish, conical hole, tool wear, low
in water minimum damage MRR
AJM Abrasive Low None 1.85.8 5.57.3 Med High No thermal damage, thick Roundness of cutting edge,
in gas section cutting noise level, water wastage
ECM Electrolyte Very low None 0.0970.371 3.35.9 Med Low No change in material Hazardous waste is
property, less tool wear, generated, less literatures
no recast layer available
WEDM Dielectric High Yes 7.84.5 2.15.5 Low High Cutting of curved surfaces Expensive tooling, low
oil MRR, thermal damage
EDM Dielectric High Yes 0.5-21 1.57.5 Low High Cutting of complex parts Expensive tooling, low
oil MRR, thermal damage
LBM Air Very low Yes 0.1 0.40.5 High Very high Narrow kerf, high Thermal damage, fumes
processing speed, and dust generation
nonconventional machining processes with EDM. and low nishing rate are often difcult to avoid in this
Although low MRR and high tool wear are the vulner- process. The sticking of the abrasive particles into the
able factors in the performance of EDM, yet these can workpiece is also a serious issue. The cutting accuracy
be overcome by several other advantages when is restrained by hole tapering due to inevitable aring
compared with other non-conventional techniques. of abrasive jet. However, these limitations can be over-
come by employing different variants of AFM that
achieve better results. Jain [116] has reported several
ABRASIVE FLOW MACHINING applications of this process in the eld of aerospace,
The surface nish has become an important concern medical sector, automobile parts, and in molds and dyes.
in order to increase the performance and serviceability Kozak and Oczos [121] explored some of the advanced
of the nished component. In production cycle, as manufacturing processes that can be hybridized with
described by Rhoades [114], almost 15% of total machin- conventional and nonconventional methods to develop
ing cost is of the nishing operations. It includes the a new process having superior manufacturing and con-
involvement of labor-intensive traditional methods for trolling capabilities. They suggested some of the pro-
nishing like lapping, honing, etc. which adds to cesses like abrasive electrochemical machining
increase in cost and wastage of time. Moreover, these (AECM) and abrasive EDM (AEDM).
methods are suitable for parts with simple geometries Optimization of process parameters of the AFM by
and shapes and are found to be unsuitable for complex proper and correct knowledge can be helpful in
geometries. This issue had been solved with the advent enhancing the efciency and productivity with minimum
of the abrasive ow machining (AFM) that was cost and efforts. Hamatani and Ramulu [122] investi-
developed by Extrude Hone Corporation in 1960s as a gated the machinability of high-temperature particulate
method to deburr, polish, and radius hard-to-reach sur- reinforced ceramic TiB2 =SiC and SiC=Al MMC by an
faces. Kalpakjian and Schmid [115] explored it to be well abrasive water jet. They concluded it to be a fair
suited for surface nishing of soft material like alumi- machining method for both metal and ceramic matrix
num to hard and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, composites for both piercing and slot cutting. The impor-
silicon, carbides, and mold steels. In this technique, an tance of the number of cycles in this regard has been
abrasive media is forced to ow through or across the reported by Williams and Rajurkar [124] in their research
workpiece and nish the surfaces and edges where work. They concluded that workpiece faced certain
restriction is caused to this media. Material is removed amount of abrasion during initial cycles, but afterwards
from the workpiece by the action of a focused abrasive stability in MRR and surface nish was noticed. Jain
media that comprises of abrasives and a semisolid and Adsul [123] contradicted the aforesaid ndings by
visco-elastic=visco-plastic carrier that ows across the reporting that MRR increases nonlinearly with increas-
surface to be nished. Even typically unreachable areas ing number of process cycles. However, surface rough-
and a large number of parts in a single xture can be ness decreased with increase in the number of cycles as
worked upon by this technique. Jain [116] explored a per their study. The size and concentration of abrasive
number of other similar techniques that have been particles play vital roles in enhancing process perfor-
developed for surface nishing, for instance, elastic mance. Jain [116] and Jain and Adsul [123] have reported
emission machining, Magnetic abrasive nishing, mag- similar trends in their ndings. Jain [113] suggested the
netic oat polishing, magneto rheological nishing, etc. right size of abrasive particles to be between 8 and 500
The self-deformable abrasive media as per the geometry meshes (grit), and concluded that smaller the grain size
of workpiece is the virtue that makes it advantageous better the surface nish. Similarly, Jain and Adsul [123]
and more versatile to use over other processes. Accord- concluded that both MRR and surface roughness decline
ing to Benedict [117], the AFM had been successfully with the increase in mesh size of abrasive particles. Wil-
employed to a variety of diverse jobs like cutting threads liams and Rajurkar [124] found that good surface nish
into glass rods, nishing of aerofoil surfaces of impellers, can be achieved even by coarse grains of the abrasive
cutting titanium foil. Spring collects as quoted by Kim media. They also explored that cutting rate increases pro-
and Kim [118] and diesel injector nozzles as revealed portionally with extrusion pressure and recommended
by Jung et al. [119] also nd application of the AFM 0.7 MPa to be right extrusion pressure. Further, it was
technique. Sankar et al. [120] described that process also concluded by them that increase in stiffness of abras-
parameters of the AFM, for example, MRR, surface n- ive media and extrusion pressure results in an increase in
ish, and surface integrity are signicantly affected by MRR. Extrusion pressure experiences a setback due to
various direct and indirect factors. These include fea- the internal resistance of abrasive particles while owing,
tures of the workpiece, machine tooling, part geometry, as reported by Rhoades [114]. Viscosity of the abrasive
and nature and properties of abrasive media. An enor- media is a prominent factor that affects the performance
mous amount of research study has been carried out in of the process. Williams and Rajurkar [124] also reported
optimization of process parameters of the AFM. AJM that more viscous abrasive media improves the MRR
does not generate high temperatures and, as a result, and surface nish of the machined product. Wang and
no thermally affected zone is induced therein. Besides Weng [125] explored some cheaper and more efcient
the advantages of the AFM, certain limitations have abrasive media that can enhance the performance of
also been reported by Benedict [117]. The low MRR the AFM. According to them, vinyl-silicone polymer
(or silicone rubber) is an alternative that has good In ultrasonic vibration-assisted machining (UEDM),
deformation and low ow effect without sticking to the vibrations of small amplitude are imparted to the
workpiece. They also concluded that abrasive with small moving tool or workpiece. These vibrations are within
sizes can produce smoother surfaces as compared to large the ultrasonic frequency range (1825 kHz), and the
abrasive sizes. It may be more time-consuming, yet the piezoelectric material within the tool holder or spindle
polishing efciency is good. Sankar et al. [126] studied system generates these vibrations. As explored by
the relationship between extrusion pressure and change Vicario et al. [130], ultrasonic-assisted machining is
in surface roughness (DRa) and concluded it to be opti- advantageous mainly due to the reduction of process
mum at about 6 MPa. Similarly, the relationship between forces and extended tool life. It also permits an easier
weight percentage of processing oil (plasticizer) and DRa ductile machining of brittle materials like MMCs, cer-
also showed an optimum at 10 wt%. They observed that amics, glass, etc. The vibrations to tool or workpiece
nishing and material removal mechanism for alloys were should be applied in the appropriate direction. Schubert
quite different from MMCs. Increase in extrusion pressure et al. [131] in their ndings explained that the mean
and number of cycles varies directly with an increase in cutting force is signicantly reduced while ultrasonic
material removal rate, and they change inversely with vibration-assisted turning of aluminum or aluminum-
the change in oil content in the medium. Sankar et al. based MMCs along the cutting direction, as compared
[127] in their ndings also discussed that performance of to conventional machining. In the case of aluminum-
the AFM could be enhanced if rotary motion to the work- based MMCs, because of a change in depth of cut, a
piece made can be provided. They concluded that the higher surface roughness is mostly observed. Liang
shearing force acting on the MMC workpiece is higher et al. [132] concluded the similar results while the
in this mechanism, and consequently higher surface rough- ultrasonic-assisted grinding (UAG) of silicon, where an
ness and MRR are achieved. Muller and Monaghan [128] axial vibration gives a better surface roughness. In [133]
concluded AWJ to be appropriate for rough cut applica- Liu et al. investigated the UAG of WC. They revealed
tions (feed rates up to v 450 mm=min), without any ther- that machining of ductile material without fracture is
mal damage within the composite. Shanmugam et al. [129] possible when depth of cut is below its critical depth of
revealed the use of jetting machining technology over cut value and same is the case with brittle materials as
Laser Machining of composites. According to them, depicted by Dornfeld et al. [134]. Chen et al. [135] while
abrasive water jet cutting of materials showed very low machining AlZnMg alloy by adding TiC particles into
delamination except for graphite epoxy composites. They the dielectric revealed some interesting facts. They
also explored that the kerf angle and the surface roughness explored that the USM when combined with EDM
along with waviness could be reduced by decreasing the developed an alloyed layer that augmented the hardness
cutting speed without compromising with productivity. and wear resistance of the surface. Praneetpongrung
et al. [136] explored that the ceramic material like Si3N4
can be machined by UEDM using cylindrical copper
HYBRID MACHININGLATEST MACHINING PROCESS tungsten bar that produces two times higher MRR than
Based on research and review studies, it can be con- the normal EDM. Tong et al. [137] carried out
cluded that technological results may deviate widely from micro-UAEDM on steel plate with a tungsten electrode.
one another as a result of slight changes in the process They investigated the decrease in machining time by 18
parameters. Although a lot of research had been carried times while drilling of a blind hole of 180 mm depth at
out (Fig. 11), yet the unconventional machining processes the vibration frequency of 6 kHz and the amplitude of
have their own limitations regarding MRR, high specic 3 mm. They also revealed that UAEDM is an ideal
energy consumption, surface integrity, and inaccuracy in method for micro-machining of noncircular cross section
geometry. To overcome these limitations, researchers are and shapes and drilling of micro-holes with high pre-
concentrating now on hybrid machining processes like cision. The picture of the micro-gear-array structure
pure hybrid process and assisted hybrid process. produced by UEDM is shown in Fig. 10. Laser-assisted
Pure hybrid processes are those processes in which machining (LAM) found its use in turning of hard
several constituent process mechanisms (originating materials wherein the laser beam is focused directly in
from the different methods) simultaneously affect the front of the cutting tool and softens the material to ease
machining zone and contribute signicantly in the the machining.
material removal mechanism. For example, electro dis- Ding and Shin [138] revealed that residual stresses
charge grinding (EDG), electrochemical discharge become more tensile and result in small stress penetration
machining (ECDM), powder mixed EDM (PEDM), depth while machining of hardened steels and better sur-
abrasive electric discharge nishing (AEDF), etc. face roughness due to increase in temperature with LAM
Assisted hybrid processes are those in which material as compared to conventional cutting. Li et al. [139] per-
removal is dominated by only one process (the primary formed micro-drilling of fuel injection nozzles by hybrid
source) and others are just assisting in the material process with LBM and EDM. They found out that recast
removal. For example, magnetic eld affected EDM, layer and HAZs which were associated with laser drilling
laser-assisted turning, vibration-assisted grinding, had been entirely eliminated in addition to remarkable
vibration-assisted EDM, media-assisted cutting, ultra- time saving. Surface integrity improvement and uni-
sonic vibration EDM (UEDM), etc. formity in plastically deformed surface layer had been
experienced by while machining of Inconel-718 with Fabrication Fabrication of MMCs determines the cor-
LAM as reported by Attia et al. [140]. Similar results relation between properties and cost of the material for a
had been concluded by Lei et al. [141] wherein precision given set of constituents. Compatibility between matrix
parts of Si3N4 ceramics have been made using LAM. and reinforcement is a signicant necessity for fabri-
Higher tool life as compared to conventional metal cut- cation. Moreover, not each combination can be easily
ting had been achieved. Mainly, the ank face of the tool processed into useful composites [17]. However, some
experienced wear, and the rake face came across negli- research investigations [147] suggest that tailoring the
gible crater wear. Under normal conditions, no indi- metal matrix interfaces is possible in order to cope with
cation of surface=subsurface cracks on machined compatibility. Economical fabrication techniques, less
surfaces of workpiece was experienced for LAM. Sam- costly materials, and judicial surface modication meth-
ples showed the thickness in the ranges of 24 mm, ods should be given attention as research and develop-
comparatively smaller than conventional grinding. Kuo ment priorities. Some industrial experts advocate
et al. [142] used the hybrid process of micro-EDM to fab- optimization and evaluation of processes like the PM
ricate an Nd-YAG laser to weld 3D micro parts with technique, spray method, and modied casting techni-
high precision. They explained that great micro precision ques while others suggest metal inltration and diffusion
and high failure sensitivity that are needed in bonding may be considered for fabrication of MMCs.
micro-assembly of the process can be achieved that could Precise hybrid manifestation in the fabrication process
help in the creation of microstructure with high aspect can bring about a big change in efciency. For instance,
ratio and high joint strength. Chang et al. [143] examined according to Ullbrand et al. [148], spark plasma sinter-
an improvement in the surface roughness as compared ing proved to be a promising method in PM technique
to traditional planning during the machining of Al2O3 as it showed a good dispersion of the copper nanober
ceramics. Surface roughness has been improved and into the Cu matrix. Also, it can be carried out at much
lower burs formation has been experienced by Kaminski lower temperature (550650 C) as compared to conven-
and Alvelid [144] while water jet machining of alloyed tional sintering (750975 C) resulting in lower densities
steels when jet pressure was increased. Sharman et al. Conventional machining Although it is a big challenge
[145] while ultra high pressure turning of Inconel 718 to machine MMC with conventional processes, it is poss-
observed similar types of effects along with a decrease ible to do so and an ample amount of research literature
in developed tensile stresses in the near surface layer. is available related to it (Fig. 5). Proper tooling design
While cryogenic machining of Inconel 718, a thicker and controlled and automated operating conditions
compressive zone below the surface was detected. The make it possible. Machining of MMC, which constitutes
microstructure was ne and clear, and very less plastic 7090% of most MMCs is broadly affected by matrix
deformation was noticed on the machined surface as and fraction of reinforcement used during synthesis com-
explored by Pusavec et al. [146]. posite. The hardness and strength of MMC affects tool
life as harder workpiece proved to be a setback to the
tool life. PCD tools and diamond coated tools emerge
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE out as an alternative to being relied upon for machining
MMCs are the material exhibiting properties that are (drilling, turning, and milling). CBN tool is a promising
hard to be obtained from a single material otherwise. alternative to carbide tools after PCD. Most often, PCD
These can be tailored and used as per the demands of tools are used for nishing operations while carbide tools
various industrial applications by suitable fusion of their are preferred for rough machining that is economical.
constituent materials. Aluminum is preferred as matrix Diamond coating improves the tool life, but the same
component due to its ductility and low density. PM is is not true for TiN coating of carbide tools. While
one of the most promising and versatile routes for the machining of MMCs with carbide tools, subsurface zone
fabrication of composites as compared to other manu- experiences deterioration as a result of plastic defor-
facturing methods. This method ensures more homo- mation of reinforcement that leads to the change of
geneous microstructure of the fabricated MMC as properties of nished part. Here again, PCD tools were
compared to other techniques. However, the existence best suited for cutting without much damage with clean
of a new phase in addition to impurities in the form of cut. Water-based cutting uids, although reduce the
carbon could be witnesses in XRD results due to partial BUEs, yet it is unable to improve the tool life.
reaction between matrix and reinforcement. Al2O3,
reinforcement of the brittle nature, reduces the impact
strength and increases the hardness of composite while Nonconventional Machining
fabrication with melt stirring technique. The interface EDM: Improvements being brought by EDM in the
between matrix and reinforcement in an MMC has an machining process in past few years have made it most
effect on the amount of martensitic transformation. popular among various machining processes. The
The toughness of composite deteriorates with weak unmatched contribution of EDM to industries remains
interface, but no effect on the wear resistance and hard- crucial. The EDM and W-EDM in MMCs are widely
ness were noticed. In situ technique as compared to ex reported in the literature as indicated by the literature
situ technique is considered to be more advantageous review and Fig. 9. In EDM of carbon ber reinforced
while synthesis of MMC. composites, excellent surface characteristics, high quality,
and cost-effective holes in composites on both the top and terms of recast layer and other geometrical aspects in
the bottom surfaces can be achieved by smaller pulse various hybrid EDM processes.
energy conditions. Pulse current and pulse on time are
the two factors that affect the MRR while machining of
MMC fabricated by stir casting technique. The increase ACKNOWLEDGMENT
in pulse energy can result in an increase in surface rough- The authors would like to express special thanks
ness and more massive recast layer is formed due to the to IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala for
rise in temperature. High speed, small depth of cut, and supporting this research work.
low feed rate are suggested parameters in order to achieve
better surface nish. TWR and MRR are found to be
higher for larger current and pulse on time but at the REFERENCES
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