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Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter

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Faults diagnosis in five-level three-phase

shunt active power filter




Tarak Benslimane Thameur Abdelkrim

25 PUBLICATIONS 29 CITATIONS Unit de Recherche Applique en Energies


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Tarak Benslimane
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 10 November 2015
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)
Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2015, pp. 576~585
ISSN: 2088-8694 576

Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active

Power Filter

L. Benyettou*, T. Benslimane*, O. Abdelkhalek**, T. Abdelkrim***, K. Bentata*

*Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, University of Msila, Algeria
**Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bchar, Algeria
***Unit of Applied Research on Renewble Energies of Ghardaia, Algeria

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: In this paper, characteristics of open transistor faults in cascaded H-bridge
five-level three-phase PWM controlled shunt active power filter are
Received Jan 12, 2015 determined. Phase currents cant be trusted as fault indicator since their
Revised Jul 10, 2015 waveforms are slightly changed in the presence of open transistor fault. The
Accepted Jul 25, 2015 proposed method uses H bridges output voltages to determine the faulty
phase, the faulty bridge and more precisely, the open fault transistor.

Mean Values
Multilevel inverter
Open transistor fault
Copyright 2015 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:
Loutfi Benyettou,
Laboratory of Electrical Engineering, University of Msila, Algeria,
BP-111, Riad MSila, 28000, Algeria.
Email: [email protected]

Multilevel inverter offers interesting advantages such as possibility of operation in medium, high
voltage and high power applications, providing a better voltage waveform with low total harmonic distortion
for electric machines applications, output filter elimination, dv/dt transient reduction during commutation,
low EMI emissions by overvoltages and power loss reduction [1]. Diode-clamped, cascaded-bridges and
flying capacitors are the most used multilevel inverters in industry [2], [3]. However, the number of switches
needed in the topology increases with the number of levels and, although the switches may be highly reliable,
a system's fault probability will become increased [4], [5]). An unbalanced voltage is generated when a fault
occurs which can produce permanent damage to the load or complete system failure [6], [7].
Studies about fault detection in multilevel inverter and even fault-tolerant multilevel inverter have
been focused on power systems' fault analysis ([8], [9] and [10]) as first step to conceive different techniques
for obtaining a three-phase balanced output voltage ([4], [5], [11] and [12]). Xiaomin analyzed a flying
capacitor-based four-level inverter using the material redundancy technique (using extra components) [13]. A
cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with an additional leg and redundancy technique regarding change of
pulse width modulation (PWM) when a fault occurs has also been described [7]. Others ([4], [5] and [6])
have shown tolerant control for an asymmetric cascade multilevel inverter using material redundancy. Other
works have analyzed a three-level diode clamped multilevel inverter and also used extra components to
tolerate faults [14]. Some of these studies used protection functions [15], e.g. passive protection could
become activated according to fault time duration [16]. Several papers ([17] and [18]) have presented a
cascade multilevel inverter and fault-tolerant technique used to change PWM modulation in semiconductor
power devices. Others works ([19]) have dealt with a fault-tolerant system for electrical machines, such as

Journal homepage: http://iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJPEDS

577 ISSN: 2088-8694

induction motor [20], besides focusing on Aerospatiale applications and electric vehicle applications [21].
Others considered the most common faults in static converters (short and open circuit transistors) [22]. In the
same direction, D. Kastha and B. K. Bose considered various fault modes of a two level voltage source PWM
inverter system for induction motor drive [23]. They have studied rectifier diode short circuit, inverter
transistor base driver open and inverter transistor short-circuit conditions. However, they do not propose to
reconfigure the inverter topology.
De Araujo Ribeiro R. L. et al. investigated fault detection of open-switch damage in two level
voltage source PWM motor drive systems [24]. They mainly focused on detection and identification of the
power switch in which the fault has occurred. In another paper, they investigated the utilization of a two-leg
based topology when one of the inverter legs is lost. Then the machine operates with only two stator
windings [25]. They proposed to modify PWM control to allow continuous free operation of the drive. E. R.
C. Da Silva et al. have studied fault tolerant active power filter system [26]. They proposed to reconfigure
power converter and PWM control and examined a fault identification algorithm. T. Benslimane used active
filter output currents mean values polarities to detect and localize open switch faults in shunt active three-
phase filter based on two level voltage source inverter controlled by current Hysteresis controllers [27]. Surin
Khomfoi used artificial neural networks for the diagnostic of open loop PWM controlled cascaded h-bridge
multilevel inverter drives. He used inverter output voltages FFT analysis to extract principle component as
fault indicators for simultaneous transistor and diode open switch fault [28]. Karimi S. and Pourea P. et al.
put into practice an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)-based online fault tolerant control technique of
parallel active power filter based on two level three-phase voltage source inverter with redundant leg [29],
Most of mentioned works about multilevel inverter faults detection are related to electrical machine
drives applications. The few of them, which are related to static applications such as active power filters,
considered only two-level voltage source inverter.
This present paper deals with open transistor faults characterization in cascaded H-bridge five-level
three-phase PWM controlled shunt active power filter. Phase currents cant be trusted as fault indicator since
their waveforms are slightly changed in the presence of open transistor fault. The proposed method uses H-
bridges output voltages to determine the faulty phase, the faulty bridge and more precisely, the open faulty


Figure 1 presents the cascaded H-bridge five-level three-phase shunt active power filter connected
to balanced power grid (vsi for i = {1, 2, 3}) powering a three phase parallel-connected two diode rectifiers
feeding variable series (R, L) loads. The active filter is composed, in each phase, of two voltage source H-
bridge inverters (Hij, i = 1, 2, 3, j = 1, 2) with 4 bidirectional switches (transistor + diode) for each one. The
filter is connected to the power grid through inductive filter Lf for each phase. The output currents of shunt
active filter are controlled to provide a similar waveform of identified reactive and harmonic currents
generated by the non-linear load (diode rectifiers).


Figure 2 presents a block diagram of the proposed control system. The major advantage of this
control principle is its simplicity and easiness to be implemented. The task of this control is to determine the
current harmonic references to be generated by the active filter [31].
They are defined using classical active and reactive power method proposed by Akagi [32]. By
supposing that the main power supply voltages are sinusoidal, current harmonic references will be calculated
like indicated in [33], [34]. The (, ) voltage components at connexion point of active filter (v, v) and
currents (i, i) are defined by the classical Concordia transformation:

1 1 / 2
x 1 / 2

x2 (1)
x 0 3/2 3 / 2


Where x = {v, vs, i, iL}

IJPEDS Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2015 : 576 585

IJPEDS ISSN: 2088-8694 578

Figure 1. Cascaded H-bridge Five-level three-phase Figure 2. Block diagram of the harmonic currents
shunt active power filter topology identification

The instantaneous real and imaginary powers, noted by p and q, are calculated by:

p v v i

q v v i

These powers are then filtered by high-pass filters, which gives ph and qh and the harmonic components of
the currents will be:

1 0

ih 1 v v ph
i 1 1 / 2
h2 3 / 2 (3)
v2 v 2
ih 3 v v q h

1 / 2 3/2


Recently, static converters behavior during an occurence of faults in a static power switch or in
drivers as well as in topologies known as fault tolerant have been subject to numerous works and
publications. Early in 1994, Kastha et Bose have presented a systematic study on the consequences of voltage
source invertrs defaults feeding an induction motor [35]. However they did not present a method allowin the
detection of these faults. Peuget et al have presented a method allowing fault detection based on the trajectory
path of the phase current vector [35]. Actually, in normal condition (without faults), phase current vector in
frame has a circle trajectory path. When an open circuit fault occurs, caused by the failure of a static
power switch remaining in open state, whithin one leg of the inverter, the trajectory path becomes a semi-
circle. The position of the semi-circle in frame can be informative on the faulty power switch. Mendes et
Cardosohave prposed to use the phase current mean value in the stationary park frame in order to identify

Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter (Loutfi Benyettou)
579 ISSN: 2088-8694

faults of open circuit type [36]. The methods proposed above have been only applied to inverters feeding
induction motors and require at least one period of the phase current fundamental to detect faulty operation.
Also, more recently, reduction of the required time to detect malfunction (delay between fault apprition and
its detection) has been investigated in several research papers. Ribeiro et al. Have proposed to use
supplementary voltage sensors to detect open circuit and short circuit faults [37] and [38]. They have shown
that using the measurement of the three voltages between each inverters phase and the voltage at midpoint of
teh capacitors divider of the DC source and their comparison with the estimated voltages, fault can then be
detected in quarte of the period of the phase currents. Yu et al., Shamsi-Nejhad et al. Have used voltage
measurements of the switch terminals at the bottom of each leg to detect faults, [39] and [40]. They also
showed that from these measured voltages and their comparison with a threshold, the fault can be detected in
a period of the fundamental phase currents. Table 1 compares the methods mentioned previously in terms of
limits of application, detection time and the number of additional required sensors.

Table 1. Comparison of defect detection methods at the power semiconductors

(fundamental frequency of 50 Hz)
Method Principle Application Limit Detection Time Number. sensors
Tracking the trajectory of the phase current vector [35] machines > 20 ms -
Average value of the phase currents in the reference frame machines > 20 ms -
Park [36] Power
Voltage measurement "pole voltage" converter [37] - > 5 ms 3
Measuring the voltages across the switches [39] - > 5 ms 3

In the present work, a novel fast fault detection method of power switches or drivers used in a three
phase voltage source inverter. The prposed method allows a considerable reduction of detection time. We
show that a fault can be detected less than 10us by using an algorithm based on temprel criterium and voltage
criturium. Thus, it is allowed from one hand to detect faults rapidly (voltage test), and on the hand avoiding
erroneous detection that follow state change of power switches (temporal test)


Several faulty cases can occur: power transistor or power transistor driver can be faulty. In each
case, it results in the following models:
- A transistor is closed instead of being normally open. It results in a short-circuit of the DC voltage source.
To isolate the faulty switch as fast as possible, one can use fuses.
- A transistor is open instead of being normally closed. The filter may continue injecting currents to the
power supply. These currents don't cause any prompt risk because they are at the same range level as the case
of no-fault condition. However, the filter, in this case, may pollute more the power supply instead of
elimination of harmonic currents of non-linear load. This case is considered in this paper.
This section presents simulation results obtained with PSIM simulator for PWM controlled cascaded H-
bridge five-level three-phase shunt active power filter. Horizontally shifted carriers PWM control technique
is considered where reference signals are compared to 4 carriers shifted by 90 one to another to generate
transistors control signal. Simulation parameters are:
- Main source grid: 220V, 50 Hz;
- Non-linear load: R1 = 10 Ohm for t [0,0.7sec], R1 = 5 Ohm for t [0.7,1.5sec], L1 = 0.005 H, R2 =
1000 Ohm for t [0,1.1sec], R2 = 5 Ohm for t [1.1, 1.5sec], L2 = 0.01 H, Ls = 0.0015 H;
- Active filter: Vdc = 300 V, Lf = 0.004 H, fp = 5000 Hz (PWM carriers frequency), Proportional-integral
(PI) regulators: Gain kp = 0.5, time constant Ti = 0.001.
These parameters are chosen to reduce THD of main source currents below 5%. It is noticed that
filter output currents are superimposed to their harmonic identified reference currents and that grid source
currents are almost sinusoidal (Figure 3.b, Figure 3.c). It is also remarked that PI output signals (PWM
reference signals: Vref1, Vref2, Vref3) are symmetric (Figure 4.d) which produce symmetric output voltages
Va1 and Va2 (Vb1, Vb2, Vc1, Vc2 with a,b et c as phase indicators) with small mean values Va1mean,
Va2mean, Vb1mean, Vba2mean, Vc1mean, Vc2mean (Figure 4.e, Figure 4.f).
Faulty phase, faulty bridge and more precisely, open faulty transistor detection is based on the
calculation of zero harmonic component (mean value, dc offset) included in H bridges output voltages. This
is done by using a second-order low-pass filter with cut-off frequency of 5 Hz and damping ratio of 0.7.

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When a transistor is in open fault condition, the PI regulators will output a PWM reference signal in a way to
compensate the error due to that faulty transistor. In this case, PWM reference signals will be asymmetric
making H bridges output voltages asymmetric too with significant mean values specific to each faulty
transistor (Figure 5).
A change in H bridges output voltages waveforms is defined as the instant at which a sudden
increase or decrease is observed in the DC offset component of these voltages. A change is considered to
have occurred in the H bridges output voltages mean values when they exceeds or falls below a given band
(Figure 5.c).
Phase 1 is linked to the first leg of inverter which is composed of upper bridge H11 and lower
bridge H12. If the open circuit faulty transistor belongs to leg 1, one of its bridges output voltages will have
the maximum mean value (Va1mean = 60 V or Va2mean = 60 V). If the faulty transistor belongs to the
upper bridge H11 (T11, T12, T13, T14), this latters output voltage will have the maximum mean value
(Va1mean = 60 V) (figure 4). If the faulty transistor belongs to the lower bridge H12 (T15, T16, T17, T18),
this latters output voltage will have the maximum mean value (Va2mean = 60 V) (Figure 6). If one of the
transistors T11 and T12 of the upper bridge H11 is the faulty one, this bridges output voltage will have the
maximum mean value with negative polarity (Va1mean = - 60 V) (figure 4.c). If one of the transistors T13
and T14 of the upper bridge H11 is the faulty one, this bridges output voltage will have the maximum mean
value with positive polarity (Va1mean = + 60 V). If one of the transistors T15 and T16 of the lower bridge
H12 is the faulty one, this bridges output voltage will have the maximum mean value with negative polarity
(Va2mean = - 60 V) (Figure 6).

a. Non linear load phase currents b. Active filter phase currents and their references

c. Power grid phase currents

Figure 3. Simulation results of H-bridge five-level three-phase shunt active power filter in normal operating
condition (results 1)

Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter (Loutfi Benyettou)
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a. PWM reference signals and carriers

b. Bridge H11 and phase 1 output voltages c. Bridges output voltages mean values

Figure 4. Simulation results of H-bridge five-level three-phase shunt active power filter in normal operating
condition (results 2)

The first phase three bridges open transistor faults characteristics are classified in Table 2. This table
could be implemented practically using simple comparators with predefined threshold of H Bridges output
voltages mean values.

Table 2. H Bridges output voltages mean values corresponding to faulty open circuit transistors of phase 1
H Bridges output voltages mean values
Faulty bridge Open faulty transistor Faulty phase
Vb1mean (V)

Vb2mean (V)
Va1mean (V)

Va2mean (V)

Vc1mean (V)

Vc2mean (V)

1, 2, 3
or (a, b, c)

H11 T11 or T12 1 or (a) -60 +30 -15 -15 -16 -14
T13 or T14 1 or (a) +60 -30 +15 +15 +16 +14
H12 T15 or T16 1 or (a) +30 -60 -15 -15 -14 -16
T17 or T18 1 or (a) -30 +60 +15 +15 +14 +16

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a. PWM reference signals

c. Bridges output voltages mean values

b. Bridges output voltages

Figure 5. Simulation results of H-bridge five-level three-phase shunt active power filter in T11 open fault

Figure 6. Simulation results of H-bridge five-level three-phase shunt active power filter in T15 open fault

Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter (Loutfi Benyettou)
583 ISSN: 2088-8694

This paper presents a simple, reliable and efficient open transistor faults detection and localization
technique in shunt active three-phase filter based on H-bridge five-level three-phase PWM-controlled shunt
active power filter. H bridges output voltages mean values are used to characterize different open transistor
faults leading to the conception of diagnostic technique permetting the determination of faulty phase, faulty
bridge and more precisely the faulty transistor.
Simulation results demonstrate that when optimising active filter parameters, the zero harmonic
component strategy can be used with robustness to detect and localize the open faulty switch in active power

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Benyettou Loutfi was born in Msila, Algeria in 1979. He received his Engineer degree in
Electronics and Magister degree in industrial control from Msila University in 2002 and 2006
respectively. He was recruited in 2009 as electronics assistant professor in University of M'sila.
His scientific interests are power quality conditioning, DSP and digital control, control and
diagnostic. He is member of several research projects at University of Msila and Electrical
Engineering Laboratory of Msila University.

Faults Diagnosis in Five-Level Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter (Loutfi Benyettou)
585 ISSN: 2088-8694

Benslimane Tarak received the Electrical Engineering degree from the University Center of
Bechar (Algeria) in June 2001 and the Magister degree in electrical engineering from Military
Polytechnic School (EMP) in February 2004 of Algiers, Algeria. He received his Ph.D. in
electrical engineering from Boumerdes University, Algeria, in 2009. Since 2009 he has held a
teaching and research position in the Department of Electrical Engineering of M'sila University,
Algeria and he is still part of lecturing staff as Associate Professor. His scientific interests are
power quality conditioning, power electronics, electrical drives control and diagnostic, fault
tolerant control and renewable energies applications.

Abdelkhalek Othmane was born in 1976 in Taghit, Bechar (Algeria). He obtained Engineer
degree in Electrical Engineering in 2001 from University of Bechar in Algeria. He obtained
respectively Magister and PhD Degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Sidi-Bel-
Abbs (Algeria) in 2004 and University of Bechar in 2010. Currently, he is an Associate
Professor in University of Bechar. His research interests include power quality and control
intelligent techniques.

Abdelkrim Thameur was born in 1978 in Algiers. He obtained Engineer degree in Electrical
Engineering in 2001 from University of Boumerdes in Algeria. He obtained respectively
Magister and PhD Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Military Polytechnic School of
Algiers in 2004 and National Polytechnic School of Algiers in 2010. Since 2005, he is with
Applied Research Unit on Renewable Energies in Ghardaa, Algeria. He is Senior Research
Associate in Electrical Engineering. His research interests are in power electronics, electrical
drives and renewable energies.

Bentata Khadidja was born in 1989 in Msila, Algeria. She obtained her license degree in
Electromechanics in 2009 from University of Msila in Algeria. She obtained her Master degree
in Engineering of Electromechanical Systems in 2012 from University of Msila. Her research
interests include renewable energies, electrical drives control and power electronics.

IJPEDS Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2015 : 576 585

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