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Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Template

Meera Ali

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

3. Describe how you can tell if youre achieving your goal (Evidence)

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome:

By the end of the lesson children will be able to know:
KG1 English (Letter A)
How to write letter A.

The name and sound awareness of letter A.

Some words that have letter A.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

Small book. Get the song ready.

Flash card with the words and picture. Get the book ready.

Flash card activities: Get the activities ready on the tables.

Ice-cream flash card activity. Key vocabulary

Basket and apple flash card activity. Apple, ant, alligator and ambulance.

Bracelet activity.

Pencil colors.

Crayon colors.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

I will put for them jolly phonics song of letter a, we will sing it together. (A a ants on my arm, A a ants on
my arm, A a ants on my arm. They causing me alarm)


I will write the letter on the board and I will ask them what
this letter is.

I will read the book for them that have some picture of
letter A.

I will start to show them the flash card that have the
pictures with the words of apple, ant, alligator and
ambulance. And I will ask them what they see.
Time: 15 min

I will show them how to write letter A, then I will choose some students to write letter A on the board.

I will choose some students to come to point on letter A that on the words.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Matching ice-cream activity:

Children have to match the upper case with the lower case.

Children have to search for the right picture that have letter A and
match it with the upper case and lower case to get the ice-cream.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Apple basket activity:

Children have to search for letter A that on the apple.

Children have to put the apple that have letter A on the the

Children have to put 3 apples only on the basket.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Colouring activity:

Children have to color the picture of apple, ant, alligator and

ambulance. They have to color letter A also.
Then they have to stick it by helping from the teacher or the assistant and wear as a bracelet.

I will sing for them clean up song.

10 min

I will let them to clean and tidy up.

I will ask them about the sound of the letter.



I will let them to sing jolly phonics song and do the action.


By observe the student while they doing the activities and ask them some question about what are they doing.
Lesson Plan Reflection

My Teaching Childrens Learning (use

assessments of LO)
WWW What Went Well The materials was very organized. Children was able to tell me what
The activities was appropriate for they saw on the flash card.
the children level. Also, they was able to tell where is
Flash card was clear for the letter A in the words.
EBI Even Better If Instruction of the activities: Some students did not know what
It better if I give them the they have to do so they went to do
instruction on the carpet before something else.
moving to the table to do the Also, some of them move around
the classroom.

Next Steps Next time I will give the students Next time I will tell them what is
(Identify which lesson this will be the instruction of the activities on my rules and the importance of
seen in) the carpet to know they have to do. following the rules to manage their
Lesson Plan Template
Meera Ali

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

3. Describe how you can tell if youre achieving your goal (Evidence)

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome:

By the end of the lesson children will be able to know:
KG1 English (Letter T)
The name and sound awareness of letter T.

How to write letter T.

Words have letter T.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

PowerPoint. Check the projector.

Video. Get the video ready.

Flash card activities. Get the PowerPoint ready.

Wheel activity. Get the materials ready.

Worksheet. Get the activities ready on the table.

Puzzle. Key vocabulary

Clips. Tiger, truck, tree and tomato.

Crepe paper.


Board marker.
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

First, I will show them a turtle and I will ask them what it is and what the
color of the turtle.

I will put for them jolly phonics letter T song.


We will sing it together and I will show them how to do the action.

Then I will put for them video about letter T. I will ask them about what
they watch on the video.


I will ask them to show me how to do letter T with their body.

I will show them how to write letter T (From left to right then from up to down).

I will choose some children to come to the board to write letter T.

I will ask them to tell me about things have letter T.

Time: 15 min

I will show them some picture that have letter T and I will ask them what they see.

Finally, I will do a quick activity two for them. I will choose some students to come to point on letter T and

the other one they have to point on picture that have letter T.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Wheel activity:

Children have to see the pictures that on the wheel. Then they
have to put the clips on the pictures that have letter T.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Letter T puzzle:

Children have to organize the puzzle of letter T. Then they have

to tell what they see on the puzzle.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Collage activity:

Children have to make tree with the crepe paper by stick the green and brown color
on letter T.
I will let them to clean and tidy up.

I will let them go back to the carpet.

I will read for them story of duck in the truck.

I will show them book of finger phonics and I will ask

them what they see. Also, I will choose some children
15 min

to come to trace on letter T that on the book.

I will ask them about the sound of letter T and about things that have letter T.


I will ask them about the sound of letter T and how we do the action of letter T.


By observe the student while they doing the activities and ask them some question about what are they doing.
Lesson Plan Reflection

My Teaching Childrens Learning (use

assessments of LO)
WWW What Went Well The engaging was very good. Children was able to write letter T
I engage them by showing them a and tell words that start with letter
turtle. T.
The kinesthetic was good by let Children was able to make letter T
them to make letter T with their with their body.
EBI Even Better If Collage tree activity: It better if I do the activities more
It better if I give the students open and flexible for the students
more options to do not just they because they finished fast.
have to make tree.

Next Steps Next time I will give the children Next time I will do the activities
(Identify which lesson this will be opportunity to choose what they open for the children to let them
seen in) want to do such as: tree, tiger, do whatever they want not what I
turtle and tomato. want them to do.
Lesson Plan Template
Meera Ali

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

3. Describe how you can tell if youre achieving your goal (Evidence)

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome:

Children at the end of the lesson will be able to know:
KG1 Science (Farm animals)
Which animals lives in the farm.

The name of the farm animals.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

PowerPoint, video. Check the projector.

Worksheet. Get the video ready.

Pencil. Get the PowerPoint ready.

Crayon, pencil and markers colors. Get the materials ready.

Cups. Get the activities ready on the correct areas.

Sticks. Key vocabulary

Dice. Pig, goat, donkey, sheep, duck, chicken, horse and cow.

Animals pictures.


Farm picture.

Plastic farm animals.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

First, I will put for them rhythm of old MacDonald, we will sing it together.


I will ask them about the animals that they saw on the video and I will ask them about what the name of
the place that this animals lives in.

I will show them some animals pictures and I will ask them what the name of this animals.

I will ask them about each animals, for example (What the chicken have? Answer: peak, two legs and

I will do a quick two activities, the first one I will choose two students and I will give them the name of the
Time: 15 min

animal they have to point on it. I will see who will point on the picture fast. (This is challenge activity).

The second activity I will choose some children to take one animal from inside the basket and tell the

other students what this animal name and what it have.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Math area activity: Children have to

watch the number that on the cup,
then they have to put the stick that
have animals picture on it inside the

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Science area activity: Children have to take the

magnifying and search for the farm animals that on
the farm picture.
Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Art are activity: Children can choose which animals they want to color it,
they able to choose which kind of colors they want to use crayon, marker
or pencil color. Finally they have to trace the name of the animal.

I will let them to clean and tidy up.

I will let them to make a line to go outside.

I will give them the instruction how to play the dice activity.

Children have to throw the dice, then they have to see which animal they get
15 min

finally they have to jump un tell they went to the right animal picture.



By observe the student while they doing the activities and ask them some question about what are they doing.
Lesson Plan Reflection

My Teaching Childrens Learning (use

assessments of LO)
WWW What Went Well The materials was very organized. Children was able to say the name
Engaging was good for children. I of the farm animals.
put for them old MacDonald Children was able to identify the
rhythm. animals.
Activities went well for the Children was able to do the
children because I make different activities.
activities in each area.
Outdoor activity went well

EBI Even Better If It better if I linked the farm It better If I make a comparing
animals with a jungle animals activity compare between farm
because the children already and jungle animals.
know the farm animals.

Next Steps Next time I will not focus only on Next time I will do classifying
(Identify which lesson this will be the farm animals name, I will activity to let the children classify
seen in) linked it with other things. the farm and jungle animal.
Lesson Plan Template
Meera Ali

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

3. Describe how you can tell if youre achieving your goal (Evidence)

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome:

By the end of the lesson children will be able to know:
KG1 English (Letter i)
The name and sound awareness of letter i.

How to write letter i.

Words have letter i.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

PowerPoint. Check the projector.

Video. Get the video ready.

Flash card activities. Get the PowerPoint ready.

Play dough. Get the materials ready.

Worksheet. Get the activities ready on the table.

Markers. Key vocabulary

Glitter glue. Ice, ice cream, iguana, iron, insect, ink and igloo.

Cotton, cake cup, glue.


Pencil colors, crayon colors and marker colors.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

I will put for them jolly phonics letter i song. (Inky the mouse is my pet. She spilled the ink and got wet.
The ink it spread all over the desk i i i i Inkys wet). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7GuPnhElJs

We will sing it together and I will show them how to do the action. (Wiggle the finger at the end of the

Then I will put for them song about letter i. After the song finish I will ask them about what they watch on
the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P56hZEhqFCw

I will show them how to write letter i. (From top to bottom, then we have
to put dote on the top).

I will choose some children to come to the board to write letter i.

I will ask them to tell me about things have letter i.

I will show them some picture that have letter i and I will ask them what
they see.
Time: 15 min

Finally, I will do a quick activity two for them. I will choose some
students to come to point on letter i and the other one they have to

point on picture that have letter i.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Play dough activity:

Children have to format letter i with the play dough. Also, they have to
model things that have letter i by the play dough. Then children have to say
what they model with the play dough.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Tracing activity:

Children have to try to write letter i on the card by using the marker, then they
have to trace on the letter i dotes.
Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Matching activity:

Children have to search for pictures and words that have letter i then they have
to put on the letter i picture. Then children have to say what picture they put on
letter i picture and they have to show where is letter i in the words that they put it
on letter i picture.

Independent Experience(small group activity 4)

Art activity:

Children have to choose if they want to make igloo or ice cream.

Igloo: children have to put the cotton on the igloo picture, then they can use the glue glitter to put it on
the cotton. Finally, they have to trace on igloo words.

Ice cream: children have to use the cake cup to put on the ice cream cone, then they can use the glue
glitter to color the cake cup or the ice cream cone. Also, children able to color the ice cream cone by using
crayon or pencil or marker colors. Finally, they have to trace on ice cream word.

I will let them to clean and tidy up.

15 min

I will let them go back to the carpet.

I will ask them about the sound of letter i and about words that have letter i.


I will choose some students to search for letter i around the classroom.


By observe the student while they doing the activities and ask them some question about what are they doing.
Lesson Plan Reflection

My Teaching Childrens Learning (use

assessments of LO)
WWW What Went Well Engaging was very good. Children was able to write letter i.
I engage the students by put for Children was able to say words
them song about letter i and jolly start with letter i.
phonics song. Children was able to search for
Activities was more challenging letter i around the classroom.
for each level and it was
appropriate for their level and their

EBI Even Better If It better if I do outdoor activity It better if I let the children to
because the time was short. search for thing have letter i.

Next Steps Next time I will make outdoor Next time I ask the children to
(Identify which lesson this will be activity. search for things have letter i
seen in) inside the classroom and outside.

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