Ultimate List of A+: Research Paper Topics

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List of A+
Research Paper Topics
IT Topics
History Topic Ideas
Psychology Topic Suggestions
Subject of Education
A Couple of Words about Culture
Themes to Write Argumentative Essays about
Questions to Explore in Your Science Research
Writing Research Paper about Health
Researching Business
Diving into Literature
Political Talk
Fun & Entertaining Materials
What is a Research Paper?
How to Find Topics to Write about?

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

IT Topics
Perhaps some of the best college research topics these days are IT
research paper topics. Explore these ideas for the most interesting
research paper topics for college:

1. Procedures to enhance it security.

2. New methodologies and challenges to it management in health.

3. Interrelation, patterns, and existing theories on behavior and it.

4. Common services center vs. Community multimedia center:

selecting the correct variety of it service.

5. Racial and gender issues in the IT domain.

6. Innovative theories regarding computer imitation of a human


7. The impact of digitization of medical records on the IT domain.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

History Topic Ideas
Human history is abundant in many treasures, and despite what
you might believe, not all of them have been explored. There are
many incredible history research topics, such as:

1. Palestine and the Golan heights.

2. Premises, progression, and consequences of the cold war.

3. The most remarkable revolutions in history.

4. Has slavery transformed the development of the Western


5. Could damage from the bubonic plague have been diminished?

6. Strange medieval family laws and their influence on society.

7. Life in London in the 15th century.

8. Religious cults in ancient societies.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Psychology Topic
Psychology is an ever-expanding discipline and there is a
multitude of psychology research paper topics from which to
choose, such as:

1. The origin of phobias and fears: engaging the monster within.

2. Dreams: are they messages from within?

3. Mechanisms of thinking: its all in your head.

4. Factors that influence behavior and character.

5. Mechanisms of aggravating habits.

6. The function of short- and long-term memory.

7. Why people yearn for their past.

8. What entices people to amass the most preposterous things?

9. Is autism a disease or a development idiosyncrasy.

10. The impact and outcomes of social networks and mental


Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

11. How memory works: recalling the essential.

12. How depression impacts the immune system.

13. A phenomenon-oriented approach to the study of depression.

14. How to manage post-traumatic stress disorder in children.

15. Depression as a cause of celiac disease.

16. Fighting depression with techniques to relieve anxiety.

17. The consequences of depression and relationship problems.

18. Eating behaviors in different cultures.

19. How behavioral patterns develop.

20. How to forecast and shape behavioral patterns.

21. Differences and similarities in the behavioral patterns of

diverse cultures.

22. Is there a genetic link to optimism that can shape behaviors

and attitudes?

23. The causes and consequences of insomnia.

24. How to combat child violence.

25. How defense mechanisms and behavioral patterns work.

26. How bilingualism works: the secret of processing mechanisms.

27. How fear-related beliefs fit into the cognition process.

28. Following the cognitive process involved in anxiety disorders.

29. How to fight emotional distress.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

30. Unusual mental health cases and cognition deviations.

31. Applying psychological approaches to ethical reality.

32. How motivation plays a role in human development.

33. The shared elements of self-affiliation and self-determination.

34. An examination of the causes and results of drug and alcohol


35. New ideas regarding the peculiarities of rational and social


36. How practicing a healthy lifestyle cures disease and promotes


37. Conflict solution in parent-child relationships.

38. Evaluating the challenges of preterm development in children.

39. How to battle cognitive deficit in Parkinsons disease.

40. Is attention deficit disorder a neuropsychological problem?

41. Examining the process of making decisions and taking risks.

42. The impact of music genres on how the brain works.

43. How to fight childhood disorders.

44. Shattering long-standing myths about ADHD.

45. Intellectually gifted people: how is it possible?

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Subject of Education
Ideas around education are always changing and this has resulted
in a wide range of research topics, such as:

1. Where theory encounters reality in gender issues.

2. Test anxiety with regard to contemporary methods of teaching.

3. The effects of contemporary teaching methods.

4. The mental process behind human learning.

5. The interpretation of IQ test results.

6. Should children be rebuked when they misbehave?

7. How to prohibit school bullies and harassment.

8. The creation of particular learning methods for blind children.

9. Positives and negatives of contemporary methods of teaching

and state-of-the-art innovations.

10. The function of technology in lesson planning.

11. Is there a one-size-fits-all strategy for education?

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

A Couple of Words
about Culture
Perhaps there is nothing more complex than human culture. And
how people have interacted with each other throughout history.
For this reason, these cultural topics might be of interest to you:

1. The impact of advertisements and commercials on how people

comprehend the world.

2. The implicit messages of mass media: what you see is what you

3. How the most remarkable cultural achievements of the 20th

century influenced contemporary art.

4. The repetition of cultural tendencies: the Greeks did it first.

5. Social roles adults endorse to children via toys.

6. Social models mass media bestows on teenagers and adults.

7. Eating habits in dissimilar cultures.

8. The origin of racial discrimination.

9. The segmentation and integration of humans.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

10. The impact of AIDS on mankind.

11. A new comprehension of past events.

12. Unearthing a common language: divorce prevention and

family therapy.

13. Painting a portrait of the average American family.

14. The roots of anti-Semitism and how it manifests today.

15. A case against cruelty to living beings.

16. An examination of the current job market and unemployment.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Themes to Write
Argumentative Essays about
It is easy to find unique argumentative research paper topics.
After all, we live in a crazy world in which all kinds of interesting
things happen. Here are some suggestions:

1. Political commitment and television.

2. Should marijuana be legalized?

3. Can people of different races ever understand each other?

4. Abusive relationships: where to draw the line on what

relationships should be allowed to exist?

5. Are there realistic limitations on abortion?

6. The many guises of violence in society.

7. The impact of women on world history.

8. Are social interactions possible without lies?

9. Dealing with overpopulation: can it be accomplished ethically?

10. Torture: is it ever acceptable?

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

11. The ethics of using animals in research.

12. Human dependence on computers: beneficial or harmful?

13. Post-9/11 security measures: an invasion of privacy or good


Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Questions to Explore in Your
Science Research Paper
Science is always bursting with new and exciting topics as we
delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe and technology.
Here are a few topic suggestions:

1. What cloning has in store for humanity: altering the personality.

2. How nanotechnology will impact modern science.

3. Will uranium isotopes precipitate the next scientific revolution?

4. How psychoactive drugs influence the central nervous system.

5. Deafness and using echolocation.

6. The role of erythropoietin and calcitriol in the human body.

7. The process of feeling pain: treatment and pain relievers of the


8. Is nuclear energy too hazardous to use?

9. Nuclear weapons: a responsibility for which no country is


Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

10. Peoples impact on climate change: the cost of a technological
11. Key issues and potential solutions for toxic waste disposal.

12. Are the effects of global warming reversible?

13. The future of NASA.

14. Endangered species: causes and concerns.

15. Black mold: the bathroom invasion.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Writing Research
Paper about Health
Just like science, health care is always changing, particularly as
technology advances. With new discoveries in disease research
and new technology being developed every day, the following
topics are great examples of what you can write about in your

1. Should image scan radiation be reduced to a minimum level?

2. Health care and insurance: concerns and problems.

3. The most likely outcomes of recent health care reform.

4. Old theories and new methods of sports injury rehabilitation.

5. A look at celebrities who have battled cancer.

6. A comparison of conventional and alternative cancer


7. How Clean Needle programs benefit society.

8. The need for education on nutrition in school.

9. The impact of diet on health.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Researching Business
Business is a broad field, so there are plenty of topics you can
write about, such as:

1. Deliberating on the secrets of effective leadership.

2. How time management influences the prosperity of a company.

3. How to resolve conflict between staff and management.

4. The function of diversity in the workplace of the 21 century. st

5. How mobile technology is altering the workplace.

6. Management by walking around: effective or fruitless?

7. Should businesses be regulated: pros and cons.

8. Social media and word-of-mouth in the digital age.

9. How the digital age has transformed small business.

10. The future of the franchise.

11. How the millennial employee is transforming the workplace.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Diving into Literature
Sometimes, there is no surrogate for a great paper on literature,
and with the changing world, there are always innovative ways to
observe literature, even the classics. Here are a few topic

1. The innovative era: poets of the 21 century.


2. A dissection of the most illustrious novels in history.

3. The Hunger Games: over and above Pulp Fiction.

4. The future of copyright.

5. An examination of racism in novels from the 1960s and 1970s.

6. The perception of exile in literature.

7. Culture and literature: which affects which?

8. An examination of homosexuality in literature.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Political Talk
1. American policy of intervention.

2. The future of the European Union.

3. Causes of world hunger.

4. Iraqs weapons of mass destruction.

5. The justice system and juvenile criminals.

6. Afghanistansuccess or stalemate?

7. Was media coverage of SARS adequate?

8. The New World War: fighting terrorism.

9. Same-sex marriage: are laws keeping up with changing


10. BREXIT: good or bad?

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Fun & Entertaining
1. How people are affected by death of a game character.

2. Challenges faced by people creating their own cartoon.

3. Beloved comic strip characters and their influence on society.

4. An examination of UFOs: fact or fiction?

5. What if aliens do exist: the impact on humanity.

6. Is there differentiation between dj vu and precognition?

7. The existence of spirits and how to communicate with them.

8. Theories regarding the Bermuda triangle.

9. Investigating alternative cosmology theories.

10. Does fortune telling have a scientific basis?

11. Law of attraction: fact or fiction?

12. Who is more intelligent: men or women?

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

What is a Research Paper?
If you arent clear on what a research paper is, then you wont get
very far when writing one. A research paper is just as its name
suggests a form of academic writing that necessitates the
independent investigation of a specified topic and reports the
unique results of that investigation.

Suny Empire State College provides a great and exhaustive

explanation of what a research paper is.

In order to write a paper, you are required to write a research

question. This is a question associated with your topic that acts as
a guide during your research, enabling you to focus and provide
unique arguments.

Duke University and Grand Canyon University offer a great

explanation of how to formulate a research question.

Of course:

Before you can produce a research question, you have to choose

from the countless research topics available. With that in mind,
lets examine how you can discover some unique research paper
topics about which to write.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

How to Find Topics to Write about
Unearthing a topic about which to write will be governed by a
number of factors, including:

The course for which the paper is assigned

Whether there is a topic assigned to you by the professor

Whether you are given a broad-spectrum subject area

How much freedom you are given to branch out and select a topic

Hopefully, you have been furnished with some freedom of choice

when it comes to choosing from the wealth of academic paper
topics. However, if you do have some choice in the matter, you
might be speculating about how to narrow it down.

Todays your lucky day!

There are a number of ways to effectively comb through the

abundance of research paper topics and discover one that will
work well for you. Here are some suggestions:

Ask your professor. He or she might seem like a task-master, but

chances are your professor wants you to succeed and might have
some fabulous ideas of interesting things to research. You can
also inquire with other university staff and graduate students for
ideas. These people know the field well and it provides you a way
to get to know them better, something that will work to your

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

Browse through scientific journals and research papers, but be
sure to adhere to the most recent research possible. There are
bound to be problems and issues discussed in published papers
that would make a great research paper topic.

Investigate other professional and government publications for

ideas. Again, keep to the most recent publications, within the last
three to five years, if possible.

Browse through your library catalog to uncover the most

interesting areas of study in your field.

Take notes everywhere you go! It doesnt matter if you are in

class listening to your professor give a lecture, traveling, reading a
magazine, watching the news, or watching a TV show or movie,
ideas are absolutely everywhere! Write things down whenever you
come across something unique and interesting and you just might
find a topic to pursue.

Once you have that narrowed down, you can focus your research
and write a remarkable paper.

Now, all thats left to do is to make up your mind and select a topic
that suits you the most.

With this big of a variety, youll certainly find a couple of themes youll
want to write a research paper about. Have no doubts, its going to
be successful.

And dont forget: if youre having troubles with writing an essay, you
can always get help at Custom-Writing.org.

Ultimate List of A+ Research Paper Topics

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