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Holy Bible
containing the Old and New Testaments

center-column references, translation notes,
significant textual variants, concordance, and maps

Words of Christ in Red

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The Holy Bible, New King James Version

1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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Preface to the New

King James Version
Purpose In 1786 Catholic scholar Alexander
In the preface to the 1611 edition, the Geddes said of the King James Bible, If
translators of the Authorized Version, accuracy and strictest attention to the let-
known popularly as the King James Bible, ter of the text be supposed to constitute an
state that it was not their purpose to excellent version, this is of all versions the
make a new translation . . . but to make a most excellent. George Bernard Shaw
good one better. Indebted to the earlier became a literary legend in our century
work of William Tyndale and others, they because of his severe and often humorous
saw their best contribution to consist in criticisms of our most cherished values.
revising and enhancing the excellence of Surprisingly, however, Shaw pays the fol-
the English versions which had sprung lowing tribute to the scholars commis-
from the Reformation of the sixteenth sioned by King James: The translation
century. In harmony with the purpose of was extraordinarily well done because to
the King James scholars, the translators the translators what they were translating
and editors of the present work have not was not merely a curious collection of an-
pursued a goal of innovation. They have cient books written by different authors in
perceived the Holy Bible, New King different stages of culture, but the Word of
James Version, as a continuation of the God divinely revealed through His chosen
and expressly inspired scribes. In this
labors of the earlier translators, thus un- conviction they carried out their work
locking for todays readers the spiritual with boundless reverence and care and
treasures found especially in the Autho- achieved a beautifully artistic result. His-
rized Version of the Holy Scriptures. tory agrees with these estimates. There-
A Living Legacy fore, while seeking to unveil the excellent
form of the traditional English Bible, spe-
For nearly four hundred years, and cial care has also been taken in the pres-
throughout several revisions of its English ent edition to preserve the work of preci-
form, the King James Bible has been deeply sion which is the legacy of the 1611
revered among the English-speaking peo- translators.
ples of the world. The precision of transla-
tion for which it is historically renowned, Complete Equivalence in Translation
and its majesty of style, have enabled that Where new translation has been neces-
monumental version of the word of God sary in the New King James Version, the
to become the mainspring of the religion, most complete representation of the orig-
language, and legal foundations of our inal has been rendered by considering the
civilization. history of usage and etymology of words
Although the Elizabethan period and in their contexts. This principle of com-
our own era share in zeal for technical ad- plete equivalence seeks to preserve all of
vance, the former period was more ag- the information in the text, while present-
gressively devoted to classical learning. ing it in good literary form. Dynamic
Along with this awakened concern for the equivalence, a recent procedure in Bible
classics came a flourishing companion in- translation, commonly results in para-
terest in the Scriptures, an interest that phrasing where a more literal rendering is
was enlivened by the conviction that the needed to reflect a specific and vital
manuscripts were providentially handed sense. For example, complete equivalence
down and were a trustworthy record of truly renders the original text in expres-
the inspired Word of God. The King James sions such as lifted her voice and wept
translators were committed to producing (Gen. 21:16); I gave you cleanness of
an English Bible that would be a precise teeth (Amos 4:6); Jesus met them, say-
translation, and by no means a para- ing, Rejoice! (Matt. 28:9); and Woman,
phrase or a broadly approximate render- what does your concern have to do with
ing. On the one hand, the scholars were Me? (John 2:4). Complete equivalence
almost as familiar with the original lan- translates fully, in order to provide an
guages of the Bible as with their native English text that is both accurate and
English. On the other hand, their rever- readable.
ence for the divine Author and His Word In keeping with the principle of com-
assured a translation of the Scriptures in plete equivalence, it is the policy to trans-
which only a principle of utmost accuracy late interjections which are commonly
could be accepted. omitted in modern language renderings
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of the Bible. As an example, the interjec- and phylactery, have no modern substi-
tion behold, in the older King James edi- tutes and are therefore retained.
tions, continues to have a place in English A special feature of the New King
usage, especially in dramatically calling James Version is its conformity to the
attention to a spectacular scene, or an thought flow of the 1611 Bible. The reader
event of profound importance such as the discovers that the sequence and selection
Immanuel prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. Conse- of words, phrases, and clauses of the new
quently, behold is retained for these occa- edition, while much clearer, are so close to
sions in the present edition. However, the the traditional that there is remarkable
Hebrew and Greek originals for this word ease in listening to the reading of either
can be translated variously, depending on edition while following with the other.
the circumstances in the passage. There- In the discipline of translating biblical
fore, in addition to behold, words such as and other ancient languages, a standard
indeed, look, see, and surely are also ren- method of transliteration, that is, the En-
dered to convey the appropriate sense glish spelling of untranslated words, such
suggested by the context in each case. as names of persons and places, has never
In faithfulness to God and to our read- been commonly adopted. In keeping with
ers, it was deemed appropriate that all the design of the present work, the King
participating scholars sign a statement af- James spelling of untranslated words is re-
firming their belief in the verbal and ple- tained, although made uniform through-
nary inspiration of Scripture, and in the out. For example, instead of the spellings
inerrancy of the original autographs. Isaiah and Elijah in the Old Testament,
and Esaias and Elias in the New Testa-
Devotional Quality ment, Isaiah and Elijah now appear in both
The King James scholars readily appre- Testaments.
ciated the intrinsic beauty of divine reve- King James doctrinal and theological
lation. They accordingly disciplined their terms, for example, propitiation, justifica-
talents to render well-chosen English tion, and sanctification, are generally fa-
words of their time, as well as a graceful, miliar to English-speaking peoples. Such
often musical arrangement of language, terms have been retained except where
which has stirred the hearts of Bible the original language indicates need for a
readers through the years. The transla- more precise translation.
tors, the committees, and the editors of Readers of the Authorized Version will
the present edition, while sensitive to the immediately be struck by the absence of
late-twentieth-century English idiom, and several pronouns: thee, thou, and ye are
while adhering faithfully to the Hebrew, replaced by the simple you, while your
Aramaic, and Greek texts, have sought to and yours are substituted for thy and
maintain those lyrical and devotional thine as applicable. Thee, thou, thy, and
qualities that are so highly regarded in thine were once forms of address to ex-
the Authorized Version. This devotional press a special relationship to human as
quality is especially apparent in the poetic well as divine persons. These pronouns
and prophetic books, although even the are no longer part of our language. How-
relatively plain style of the Gospels and ever, reverence for God in the present
Epistles cannot strictly be likened, as work is preserved by capitalizing pro-
sometimes suggested, to modern newspa- nouns, including You, Your, and Yours,
per style. The Koine Greek of the New which refer to Him. Additionally, capital-
Testament is influenced by the Hebrew ization of these pronouns benefits the
background of the writers, for whom even reader by clearly distinguishing divine
the gospel narratives were not merely flat and human persons referred to in a pas-
utterance, but often song in various de- sage. Without such capitalization the dis-
grees of rhythm. tinction is often obscure, because the an-
tecedent of a pronoun is not always clear
The Style in the English translation.
Students of the Bible applaud the time- In addition to the pronoun usages of the
less devotional character of our historic seventeenth century, the -eth and -est
Bible.Yet it is also universally understood verb endings, so familiar in the earlier
that our language, like all living lan- King James editions, are now obsolete.
guages, has undergone profound change Unless a speaker is schooled in these verb
since 1611. Subsequent revisions of the endings, there is common difficulty in se-
King James Bible have sought to keep lecting the correct form to be used with a
abreast of changes in English speech. The given subject of the verb in vocal prayer.
present work is a further step toward this That is, should we use love, loveth, or
objective. Where obsolescence and other lovest? do, doeth, doest, or dost? have,
reading difficulties exist, present-day vo- hath, or hast? Because these forms are
cabulary, punctuation, and grammar have obsolete, contemporary English usage has
been carefully integrated. Words repre- been substituted for the previous verb
senting ancient objects, such as chariot endings.
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In older editions of the King James Ver- by the family of ben Asher, gained the as-
sion, the frequency of the connective and cendancy. Through subsequent editions,
far exceeded the limits of present English the ben Asher text became in the twelfth
usage. Also, biblical linguists agree that century the only recognized form of the
the Hebrew and Greek original words for Hebrew Scriptures.
this conjunction may commonly be trans- Daniel Bomberg printed the first Rab-
lated otherwise, depending on the imme- binic Bible in 151617; that work was fol-
diate context. Therefore, instead of and, lowed in 152425 by a second edition pre-
alternatives such as also, but, however, pared by Jacob ben Chayyim and also
now, so, then, and thus are accordingly published by Bomberg. The text of ben
rendered in the present edition, when the Chayyim was adopted in most subsequent
original language permits. Hebrew Bibles, including those used by
The real character of the Authorized the King James translators. The ben
Version does not reside in its archaic pro- Chayyim text was also used for the first
nouns or verbs or other grammatical two editions of Rudolph Kittels Biblia He-
forms of the seventeenth century, but braica of 1906 and 1912. In 1937 Paul
rather in the care taken by its scholars to Kahle published a third edition of Biblia
impart the letter and spirit of the original Hebraica. This edition was based on the
text in a majestic and reverent style. oldest dated manuscript of the ben Asher
text, the Leningrad Manuscript B19a (A.D.
The Format 1008), which Kahle regarded as superior
The format of the New King James Ver- to that used by ben Chayyim.
sion is designed to enhance the vividness For the New King James Version the
and devotional quality of the Holy Scrip- text used was the 1967/1977 Stuttgart edi-
tures: tion of the Biblia Hebraica, with frequent
comparisons being made with the
Subject headings assist the reader to Bomberg edition of 152425. The Septu-
identify topics and transitions in the agint (Greek) Version of the Old Testa-
biblical content. ment and the Latin Vulgate also were con-
Words or phrases in italics indicate ex- sulted. In addition to referring to a variety
pressions in the original language of ancient versions of the Hebrew Scrip-
which require clarification by addi- tures, the New King James Version draws
tional English words, as also done on the resources of relevant manuscripts
throughout the history of the King from the Dead Sea caves. In the few
James Bible. places where the Hebrew was so obscure
Oblique type in the New Testament in- that the 1611 King James was compelled
dicates a quotation from the Old Testa- to follow one of the versions, but where
ment. information is now available to resolve
Prose is divided into paragraphs to indi- the problems, the New King James Ver-
cate the structure of thought. sion follows the Hebrew text. Significant
Poetry is structured as contemporary variations are recorded in the center ref-
verse to reflect the poetic form and erence column.
beauty of the passage in the original
language. The New Testament Text
The covenant name of God was usually There is more manuscript support for
translated from the Hebrew as LORD or the New Testament than for any other
GOD (using capital letters as shown) in body of ancient literature. Over five thou-
the King James Old Testament. This tra- sand Greek, eight thousand Latin, and
dition is maintained. In the present edi- many more manuscripts in other lan-
tion the name is so capitalized when- guages attest the integrity of the New Tes-
ever the covenant name is quoted in the tament. There is only one basic New Tes-
New Testament from a passage in the tament used by Protestants, Roman
Old Testament. Catholics, and Orthodox, by conserva-
tives and liberals. Minor variations in
The Old Testament Text hand copying have appeared through the
The Hebrew Bible has come down to us centuries, before mechanical printing be-
through the scrupulous care of ancient gan about A.D. 1450.
scribes who copied the original text in Some variations exist in the spelling of
successive generations. By the sixth cen- Greek words, in word order, and in similar
tury A.D. the scribes were succeeded by a details. These ordinarily do not show up
group known as the Masoretes, who con- in translation and do not affect the sense
tinued to preserve the sacred Scriptures of the text in any way.
for another five hundred years in a form Other manuscript differences such as
known as the Masoretic Text. Babylonia, omission or inclusion of a word or a
Palestine, and Tiberias were the main cen- clause, and two paragraphs in the
ters of Masoretic activity; but by the tenth Gospels, should not overshadow the over-
century A.D. the Masoretes of Tiberias, led whelming degree of agreement which
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exists among the ancient records. Bible Today, scholars agree that the science of
readers may be assured that the most im- New Testament textual criticism is in a
portant differences in English New Testa- state of flux. Very few scholars still favor
ments of today are due, not to manuscript the Textus Receptus as such, and then of-
divergence, but to the way in which trans- ten for its historical prestige as the text of
lators view the task of translation: How Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, and the King
literally should the text be rendered? How James Version. For about a century most
does the translator view the matter of bib- have followed a Critical Text (so called be-
lical inspiration? Does the translator cause it is edited according to specific
adopt a paraphrase when a literal render- principles of textual criticism) which de-
ing would be quite clear and more to the pends heavily upon the Alexandrian type
point? The New King James Version fol- of text. More recently many have aban-
lows the historic precedent of the Autho- doned this Critical Text (which is quite
rized Version in maintaining a literal ap- similar to the one edited by Westcott and
proach to translation, except where the Hort) for one that is more eclectic. Finally,
idiom of the original language cannot be a small but growing number of scholars
translated directly into our tongue. prefer the Majority Text, which is close to
The King James New Testament was the traditional text except in the Revela-
based on the traditional text of the Greek- tion.
speaking churches, first published in In light of these facts, and also because
1516, and later called the Textus Receptus the New King James Version is the fifth re-
or Received Text. Although based on the vision of a historic document translated
relatively few available manuscripts, from specific Greek texts, the editors de-
these were representative of many more cided to retain the traditional text in the
which existed at the time but only became body of the New Testament and to indi-
known later. In the late nineteenth cen- cate major Critical and Majority Text vari-
tury, B. Westcott and F. Hort taught that ant readings in the center reference col-
this text had been officially edited by the umn. Although these variations are duly
fourth-century church, but a total lack of indicated in the center-column notes of
historical evidence for this event has the present edition, it is most important to
forced a revision of the theory. It is now emphasize that fully eighty-five percent
widely held that the Byzantine Text that of the New Testament text is the same in
largely supports the Textus Receptus has the Textus Receptus, the Alexandrian
as much right as the Alexandrian or any Text, and the Majority Text.
other tradition to be weighed in determin-
ing the text of the New Testament. Center-Column Notes
Since the 1880s most contemporary Significant explanatory notes, alternate
translations of the New Testament have translations, and cross-references, as well
relied upon a relatively few manuscripts as New Testament citations of Old Testa-
discovered chiefly in the late nineteenth ment passages, are supplied in the center
and early twentieth centuries. Such trans- reference column.
lations depend primarily on two manu- Important textual variants in the Old
scripts, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Testament are identified in a standard
Sinaiticus, because of their greater age. form.
The Greek text obtained by using these The textual notes in the present edition
sources and the related papyri (our most of the New Testament make no evaluation
ancient manuscripts) is known as the of readings, but do clearly indicate the
Alexandrian Text. However, some schol- manuscript sources of readings. They ob-
ars have grounds for doubting the faith- jectively present the facts without such
fulness of Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, since tendentious remarks as the best manu-
they often disagree with one another, and scripts omit or the most reliable manu-
Sinaiticus exhibits excessive omission. scripts read. Such notes are value judg-
A third viewpoint of New Testament ments that differ according to varying
scholarship holds that the best text is viewpoints on the text. By giving a clearly
based on the consensus of the majority of defined set of variants the New King
existing Greek manuscripts. This text is James Version benefits readers of all tex-
called the Majority Text. Most of these tual persuasions.
manuscripts are in substantial agreement. Where significant variations occur in
Even though many are late, and none is the New Testament Greek manuscripts,
earlier than the fifth century, usually their textual notes are classified as follows:
readings are verified by papyri, ancient
versions, quotations from the early
church fathers, or a combination of these. NU-Text
The Majority Text is similar to the Textus These variations from the traditional
Receptus, but it corrects those readings text generally represent the Alexan-
which have little or no support in the drian or Egyptian type of text de-
Greek manuscript tradition. scribed previously in The New Testa-
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ment Text. They are found in the published Greek New Testament Ac-
Critical Text published in the twenty- cording to the Majority Text, whether
seventh edition of the Nestle-Aland supported by overwhelming, strong,
Greek New Testament (N) and in the or only a divided majority textual tra-
United Bible Societies fourth edition dition.
(U), hence the acronym, NU-Text.
M-Text The textual notes reflect the scholarship
This symbol indicates points of varia- of the past 150 years and will assist the
tion in the Majority Text from the tra- reader to observe the variations between
ditional text, as also previously dis- the different manuscript traditions of the
cussed in The New Testament Text. New Testament. Such information is gen-
It should be noted that M stands for erally not available in English transla-
whatever reading is printed in the tions of the New Testament.
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How to Use
This Reference Bible
Greeting CHAPTER 1
1 aRom. 1:1
A SUPERIOR NUMERAL indicates AUL, acalled to be an apostle of
an equivalent translation, alter-
nate translation, language note,
P Jesus Christ bthrough the will of
God, and cSosthenes our brother,
b2 Cor. 1:1
cActs 18:17

2 a[Acts 15:9]
explanatory note, or textual note. bRom. 1:7
c[1 Cor. 8:6]
2 To the church of God which is at d[Rom. 3:22]
Corinth, to those who aare 1sancti- 1set apart

fied in Christ Jesus, bcalled to be 3 aRom. 1:7

saints, with all who in every place 4 aRom. 1:8
call on the name of Jesus Christ cour 5 a[1 Cor. 12:8]
Lord, dboth theirs and ours:
6 a2 Tim. 1:8
1Or among
An ALTERNATE TRANSLATION is 3 aGrace to you and peace from 7 aPhil. 3:20
different in meaning from the God our Father and the Lord Jesus 8 a1 Thess.
words in the text, but is justified Christ. 3:13; 5:23
bCol. 1:22; 2:7
by the original languages. That Spiritual Gifts at Corinth
is, the translators could have un- 9 aIs. 49:7
b[John 15:4]
derstood the original word or 4 aI thank my God always con-
phrase this way, although they 10 a2 Cor.
cerning you for the grace of God 13:11 1Have a
felt their choice was more appro- which was given to you by Christ uniform testi-
priate. Jesus, mony
2schisms or
5 that you were enriched in every- dissensions
thing by Him ain all 1utterance and
11 1quarrels
all knowledge,
6 even as athe testimony of Christ 12 a1 Cor. 3:4
bActs 18:24
was confirmed 1in you, cJohn 1:42
7 so that you come short in no
gift, eagerly awaiting for the revela- 13 a2 Cor. 11:4

SQUARE BRACKETS around a tion of our Lord Jesus Christ, 14 aJohn 4:2
bActs 18:8
cross-reference mark it as a con- 8 awho will also confirm you to cRom. 16:23
ceptual cross-reference, which the end, bthat you may be blameless
identifies a passage similar in in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 16 a1 Cor.
9 aGod is faithful, by whom you 16:15, 17
concept to the referenced pas-
sage in the text. were called into bthe fellowship of 17 a[1 Cor. 2:1,
His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 4, 13]
18 a1 Cor. 2:14
Sectarianism Is Sin b2 Cor. 2:15
c[1 Cor. 15:2]
10 Now I plead with you, brethren, dRom. 1:16
1Lit. word
by the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, athat you all 1speak the same 19 aIs. 29:14
thing, and that there be no 2divi- 20 aIs. 19:12;
sions among you, but that you be 33:18 bJob
An EXPLANATORY NOTE explains perfectly joined together in the same 12:17
the word or phrase in the text. mind and in the same judgment. 1debater
Words set in roman type in trans- 11 For it has been declared to me 21 aDan. 2:20
lation notes are explanatory only concerning you, my brethren, by
and are not translated from the 22 aMatt. 12:38
original languages. those of Chloes household, that
there are 1contentions among you. 23 aLuke 2:34
b[1 Cor. 2:14]
12 Now I say this, that aeach of you 1Gr. skan-
says, I am of Paul, or I am of dalon, offense
bApollos, or I am of cCephas, or I 2NU Gentiles

am of Christ. 24 a[Rom. 1:4]

13 aIs Christ divided? Was Paul cru- bCol. 2:3

cified for you? Or were you baptized 26 aJohn 7:48

in the name of Paul? 1consider
A SUPERIOR LETTER (usually 14 I thank God that I baptized anone
preceding the referenced word or of you except bCrispus and cGaius, 27 aMatt. 11:25
phrase in the text as space per- 15 lest anyone should say that I 28 1insignifi-
mits) indicates a cross-reference. had baptized in my own name. cant or lowly
16 Yes, I also baptized the house- 30 a[2 Cor.
hold of aStephanas. Besides, I do not 5:21]
know whether I baptized any other. 31 aJer. 9:23,
17 For Christ did not send me to 24
baptize, but to preach the gospel,
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CHAPTER 1 anot with wisdom of words, lest the
1 aRom. 1:1
b2 Cor. 1:1
cross of Christ should be made of no
cActs 18:17 effect.
2 a[Acts 15:9] Christ the Power and Wisdom of center column indicates the verse
bRom. 1:7
c[1 Cor. 8:6] God to which an entry applies.
d[Rom. 3:22]
1set apart 18 For the 1message of the cross is
afoolishness to bthose who are per-
3 aRom. 1:7
ishing, but to us cwho are being
4 aRom. 1:8
saved it is the dpower of God.
5 a[1 Cor. 12:8] 19 For it is written:

6 a2 Tim. 1:8 a
I will destroy the wisdom of the A LITERAL TRANSLATION gives
1Or among
wise, the literal meaning of the word or
7 aPhil. 3:20 And bring to nothing the phrase.
8 a1 Thess. understanding of the
3:13; 5:23 prudent.
bCol. 1:22; 2:7

9 aIs. 49:7 20 aWhere is the wise? Where is the

b[John 15:4]
scribe? Where is the 1disputer of this
10 a2 Cor. age? bHas not God made foolish the
13:11 1Have a
uniform testi- wisdom of this world?
mony 21 For since, in the awisdom of God,
2schisms or
the world through wisdom did not
dissensions know God, it pleased God through A LANGUAGE NOTE gives the He-
11 1quarrels the foolishness of the message brew, Greek, or Aramaic word or
12 a1 Cor. 3:4 preached to save those who believe. phrase that underlies the English
bActs 18:24 22 For aJews request a sign, and translation.
cJohn 1:42
Greeks seek after wisdom;
13 a2 Cor. 11:4 23 but we preach Christ crucified,
ato the Jews a 1stumbling block and
14 aJohn 4:2 to the 2Greeks bfoolishness,
bActs 18:8
cRom. 16:23 24 but to those who are called, both
Jews and Greeks, Christ athe power
16 a1 Cor.
16:15, 17 of God and bthe wisdom of God.
25 Because the foolishness of God
17 a[1 Cor. 2:1, is wiser than men, and the weak-
4, 13]
ness of God is stronger than men.
18 a1 Cor. 2:14
b2 Cor. 2:15 Glory Only in the Lord
c[1 Cor. 15:2]
dRom. 1:16 26 For 1you see your calling, An EQUIVALENT TRANSLATION is
1Lit. word
brethren, athat not many wise ac- similar in meaning to the transla-
19 aIs. 29:14 cording to the flesh, not many tion in the text. It helps you un-
20 aIs. 19:12;
mighty, not many 2noble, are called. derstand the text by showing you
33:18 bJob 27 But aGod has chosen the foolish a synonym.
12:17 things of the world to put to shame
1debater the wise, and God has chosen the
21 aDan. 2:20 weak things of the world to put to
shame the things which are mighty;
22 aMatt. 12:38 28 and the 1base things of the
23 aLuke 2:34 world and the things which are
b[1 Cor. 2:14]
1Gr. skan-
despised God has chosen, and the
dalon, offense
things which are not, to bring to
2NU Gentiles nothing the things that are,
29 that no flesh should glory in His
24 a[Rom. 1:4] presence.
bCol. 2:3
30 But of Him you are in Christ
26 aJohn 7:48 Jesus, who became for us wisdom
2well-born from Godand arighteousness and
sanctification and redemption A TEXTUAL NOTE points out one
27 aMatt. 11:25 31 that, as it is written, aHe who or more significant textual vari-
28 1insignifi- glories, let him glory in the LORD. ants. The sources of the variant
cant or lowly readings are identified by abbre-
Christ Crucified
30 a[2 Cor. viations listed on page xii. (See
5:21] And I, brethren, when I came to also Preface, Center-Column
31 aJer. 9:23,
2 you, did not come with excel-
lence of speech or of wisdom de-

CHAPTER 2 claring to you the 1testimony of

1 1NU mys- 2 For I determined not to know
anything among you aexcept Jesus
2 aGal. 6:14 Christ and Him crucified.
3 aActs 18:1 3 aI was with you bin weakness, in
b[2 Cor. 4:7] fear, and in much trembling.
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OBLIQUE TYPE in the New Testa- 30 For in the resurrection they nei- 30 a[1 John
ment indicates a quotation from ther marry nor are given in 3:2] 1NU
omits of God
the Old Testament. The sources marriage, but aare like angels 1of
of the quotations are found in God in heaven. 32 aGen. 17:7;
cross-references. 26:24; 28:21;
31 But concerning the resurrection Ex. 3:6, 15;
of the dead, have you not read what Mark 12:26;
was spoken to you by God, saying, Luke 20:37;
32 aI am the God of Abraham, the Acts 7:32;
[Heb. 11:16]
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob ?
ITALIC TYPE in the text indicates God is not the God of the dead, but of 33 aMatt. 7:28
words that the original texts do the living. 34 aMark
not contain but which English re- 33 And when the multitudes heard 12:2831;
quires for clarity. this, athey were astonished at His Luke 10:2537
teaching. 35 aLuke 7:30;
10:25; 11:45,
The Scribes: Which Is the First 46, 52; 14:3;
Commandment of All? Titus 3:13
A BOLD-FACE VERSE NUMERAL 34 aBut when the Pharisees heard 37 aDeut. 6:5;
in the text indicates a paragraph 10:12; 30:6
that He had silenced the Sadducees,
break. When a new paragraph they gathered together. 39 aLev. 19:18;
begins within a verse, the new 35 Then one of them, aa lawyer, Matt. 19:19;
paragraph is indented (see, for Mark 12:31;
example, Nehemiah 13:22). asked Him a question, testing Him, Luke 10:27;
and saying, [Rom. 13:9;
36 Teacher, which is the great Gal. 5:14;
James 2:8]
commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said to him, aYou shall 40 a[Matt. 7:12;
Rom. 13:10;
QUOTATION MARKS in the text love the Lord your God with all your 1 Tim. 1:5]
follow modern English usage. For heart, with all your soul, and with all
your mind. 41 aLuke
easier reading, only the marks 20:4144
denoting the most recently 38 This is the first and great com-
opened quotation are repeated in mandment. 42 aMatt. 1:1;
a new paragraph. 39 And the second is like it: aYou 21:9
shall love your neighbor as yourself. 44 aPs. 110:1;
40 aOn these two commandments Acts 2:3235;
hang all the Law and the Prophets. Eph. 1:1923
46 aLuke 14:6
SUBJECT HEADINGS have been Jesus: How Can David Call His bMark 12:34
added to help you follow the flow Descendant Lord?
of thought in the biblical mate- CHAPTER 23
41 aWhile the Pharisees were gath-
rial. ered together, Jesus asked them, 2 aNeh. 8:4, 8
42 saying, What do you think 3 a[Rom. 2:19]
about the Christ? Whose Son is He? 1NU omits to

They said to Him, The aSon of observe

PERSONAL PRONOUNS and cer- David. 4 aLuke 11:46

tain nouns are capitalized when 43 He said to them, How then does
David in the Spirit call Him Lord, 5 a[Matt.
they refer to Deity. 6:16, 1618]
6 aLuke 11:43;
44 The a LORD said to my Lord, 20:46 1Or
Sit at My right hand, place of honor
POETRY is structured as contem- Till I make Your enemies Your 8 a[James 3:1]
porary verse to reflect the poetic footstool ? 1Leader 2NU

form and beauty of the original omits the

language. 45 If David then calls Him Lord,
how is He his Son? 9 a[Mal. 1:6]
46 aAnd no one was able to answer
11 aMatt.
Him a word, bnor from that day on 20:26, 27
did anyone dare question Him any-
The COVENANT NAME OF GOD in more. 12 aLuke
the Old Testament, represented 14:11; 18:14
1put down
by the Hebrew consonants Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees 2lifted up
YHWH, is translated LORD or Then Jesus spoke to the mul-
GOD (using capital letters as
shown), as it has been through- 23 titudes and to His disciples,
2 saying: aThe scribes and the
13 aLuke 11:52
14 aMark
out the history of the King James 12:40 1NU
Bible. In this edition the capital- Pharisees sit in Moses seat. omits v. 14.
ized form is also used whenever 3 Therefore whatever they tell
the covenant name is quoted in you 1to observe, that observe and 15 1Gr.
do, but do not do according to their Gehenna
the New Testament from a pas-
sage in the Old Testament. works; for athey say, and do not do. 16 aMatt.
4 aFor they bind heavy burdens, 15:14; 23:24
hard to bear, and lay them on mens b[Matt. 5:33,

shoulders; but they themselves will 34]

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Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii
How to Use This Reference Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viii
Special Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xii

The Old Testament

Genesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Ecclesiastes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .583
Exodus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Song of Solomon . . . . . . . . . . . .591
Leviticus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Isaiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .597
Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Jeremiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .659
Deuteronomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Lamentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .719
Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 Ezekiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .726
Judges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .775
Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Hosea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790
1 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .799
2 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269 Amos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .803
1 Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295 Obadiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .811
2 Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324 Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .812
1 Chronicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352 Micah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .814
2 Chronicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379 Nahum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .820
Ezra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410 Habakkuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .823
Nehemiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420 Zephaniah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .826
Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435 Haggai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .829
Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .442 Zechariah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .831
Psalms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .472 Malachi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .840
Proverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .554

The New Testament

Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .847 1 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1043
Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .878 2 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1047
Luke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .898 Titus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1049
John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .932 Philemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1051
Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957 Hebrews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1052
Romans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .989 James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1062
1 Corinthians . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1002 1 Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1066
2 Corinthians . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1014 2 Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1070
Galatians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1023 1 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1072
Ephesians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1027 2 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1076
Philippians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1032 3 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1077
Colossians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1035 Jude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1078
1 Thessalonians . . . . . . . . . . . .1038 Revelation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1080
2 Thessalonians . . . . . . . . . . . .1041

Concordance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1097
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .After Concordance
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Special Abbreviations
Arab. Arabic NU the most prominent modern
Critical Text of the Greek
Aram. Aramaic New Testament, published in
Bg. the 152425 edition of the He- the twenty-sixth edition of
brew Old Testament pub- the Nestle-Aland Greek New
lished by Daniel Bomberg Testament and in the third
(see Preface, The Old Testa- edition of the United Bible
ment Text) Societies Greek New Testa-
ment (see Preface, The New
cf. compare Testament Text)
ch., chs. chapter, chapters pl. plural
DSS Dead Sea Scrolls Qr. Qere (literally, in Aramaic,
fem. feminine read)certain words read
aloud, differing from the
f., ff. following verse, following written words, in the Ma-
verses soretic tradition of the He-
Gr. Greek brew Old Testament (see
Heb. Hebrew
Sam. Samaritan Pentateucha
i.e. that is variant Hebrew edition of the
Kt. Kethib (literally, in Aramaic, books of Moses, used by the
written)the written words Samaritan community
of the Hebrew Old Testament sing. singular
preserved by the Masoretes
(see Qr.) Syr. Syriac
Lat. Latin Tg. Targuman Aramaic para-
phrase of the Old Testament
lit. literally
TR Textus Receptus or Received
LXX Septuagintan ancient trans- Text (see Preface, The New
lation of the Old Testament Testament Text)
into Greek
v., vv. verse, verses
M Majority Text (see Preface,
The New Testament Text) vss. Versionsancient transla-
tions of the Bible
ms., mss. manuscript, manuscripts
Vg. Vulgatean ancient transla-
masc. masculine tion of the Bible into Latin,
MT Masoretic Textthe tradi- translated and edited by
tional Hebrew Old Testament Jerome
(see Preface, The Old Testa-
ment Text)
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Old Testament
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The First Book of Moses Called


T HE first part of Genesis focuses on the beginning and spread of sin in the
world and culminates in the devastating flood in the days of Noah. The second
part of the book focuses on Gods dealings with one man, Abraham, through
whom God promises to bring salvation and blessing to the world. Abraham and
his descendants learn firsthand that it is always safe to trust the Lord in times of
famine and feasting, blessing and bondage. From Abraham . . . to Isaac . . . to Jacob
. . . to Joseph . . . Gods promises begin to come to fruition in a great nation pos-
sessing a great land.
Genesis is a Greek word meaning origin, source, generation, or begin-
ning. The original Hebrew title Bereshith means In the Beginning.
The literary structure of Genesis is clear and is built around eleven separate
units, each including the word genealogy in the phrase This is the genealogy or
The book of the genealogy: (1) Introduction to the Genealogies (1:12:3); (2)
Heaven and Earth (2:44:26); (3) Adam (5:16:8); (4) Noah (6:99:29); (5) Sons of
Noah (10:111:9); (6) Shem (11:1026); (7) Terah (11:2725:11); (8) Ishmael
(25:1218); (9) Isaac (25:1935:29); (10) Esau (36:137:1); (11) Jacob (37:250:26).

The History of Creation CHAPTER 1 according to its kind, and the tree
1 a[John 1:13] that yields fruit, whose seed is in
N the abeginning bGod created the
I heavens and the earth.
2 The earth was awithout form,
bActs 17:24

2 aJer. 4:23
itself according to its kind. And God
saw that it was good.
bIs. 40:13, 14 13 So the evening and the morning
and void; and darkness 1was on the 1Words in
were the third day.
face of the deep. bAnd the Spirit of italic type
14 Then God said, Let there be
God was hovering over the face of have been
alights in the firmament of the heav-
added for
the waters. clarity. They ens to divide the day from the night;
3 aThen God said, bLet there be are not found and let them be for signs and bsea-
clight; and there was light. in the original
4 And God saw the light, that it Hebrew or sons, and for days and years;
was good; and God divided the light Aramaic. 15 and let them be for lights in the
from the darkness. 3 aPs. 33:6, 9 firmament of the heavens to give
5 God called the light Day, and the
b2 Cor. 4:6 light on the earth; and it was so.
adarkness He called Night. 1So the
c[Heb. 11:3]
16 Then God made two great
1lights: the agreater light to rule the
evening and the morning were the 5 aPs. 19:2;
first day. 33:6; 74:16; day, and the blesser light to rule the
104:20; 136:5 night. He made cthe stars also.
6 Then God said, aLet there be a 1Lit. And
1firmament in the midst of the evening was, 17 God set them in the firmament of
waters, and let it divide the waters and morning the aheavens to give light on the earth,
was, a day, 18 and to arule over the day and
from the waters. one.
7 Thus God made the firmament, over the night, and to divide the
aand divided the waters which were 6 aJer. 10:12
light from the darkness. And God
under the firmament from the saw that it was good.
waters which were babove the fir- 7 aProv. 8:27 19 So the evening and the morning
29 bPs. 148:4 were the fourth day.
mament; and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament 9 aJob 26:10 20 Then God said, Let the waters
bPs. 24:1, 2;
Heaven. So the evening and the abound with an abundance of living
33:7; 95:5 1creatures, and let birds fly above
morning were the second day.
9 Then God said, aLet the waters 11 aHeb. 6:7
b2 Sam. 16:1
the earth across the face of the 2fir-
under the heavens be gathered mament of the heavens.
together into one place, and blet the 14 aPs. 74:16; 21 So aGod created great sea crea-
136:59 bPs. tures and every living thing that
dry land appear; and it was so. 104:19
10 And God called the dry land moves, with which the waters
Earth, and the gathering together of 16 aPs. 136:8 abounded, according to their kind,
bPs. 8:3 cJob
the waters He called Seas. And God 38:7 1lumi- and every winged bird according to
saw that it was good. naries its kind. And God saw that it was
11 Then God said, Let the earth 17 aGen. 15:5
abring forth grass, the herb that 22 And God blessed them, saying,
18 aJer. 31:35
yields seed, and the bfruit tree that aBe fruitful and multiply, and fill
yields fruit according to its kind, 20 1souls the waters in the seas, and let birds
whose seed is in itself, on the earth; multiply on the earth.
and it was so. 21 aPs. 104:25 23 So the evening and the morning
12 And the earth brought forth 28 were the fifth day.
grass, the herb that yields seed 22 aGen. 8:17 24 Then God said, Let the earth
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GENESIS 1:25 2
bring forth the living creature 26 a[Eph. 4:24]
bGen. 9:2 1Syr.
Life in Gods Garden
according to its kind: cattle and all the wild ani-
creeping thing and beast of the 8 The LORD God planted aa garden
mals of beastward in cEden, and there He put
earth, each according to its kind; 27 aGen. 5:2
and it was so. bMatt. 19:4
the man whom He had formed.
25 And God made the beast of the 9 And out of the ground the LORD
28 aGen. 9:1, 7 God made aevery tree grow that is
earth according to its kind, cattle b1 Cor. 9:27
according to its kind, and every- 1moves about pleasant to the sight and good for
thing that creeps on the earth on food. bThe tree of life was also in the
according to its kind. And God saw midst of the garden, and the tree of
29 aGen. 9:3 the knowledge of good and cevil.
that it was good.
26 Then God said, aLet Us make 30 aPs. 145:15 10 Now a river went out of Eden to
man in Our image, according to Our
bJob 38:41 water the garden, and from there it
1a living soul
likeness; blet them have dominion parted and became four riverheads.
over the fish of the sea, over the birds 31 a[Ps. 104:24]
11 The name of the first is Pishon;
of the air, and over the cattle, over it is the one which skirts athe whole
1all the earth and over every creep- CHAPTER 2 land of Havilah, where there is gold.
ing thing that creeps on the earth. 12 And the gold of that land is
27 So God created man ain His 1 aPs. 33:6 good. aBdellium and the onyx stone
own image; in the image of God He are there.
2 aEx. 20:911;
created him; bmale and female He 31:17 13 The name of the second river is
created them. Gihon; it is the one which goes
28 Then God blessed them, and 3 a[Is. 58:13] around the whole land of Cush.
God said to them, aBe fruitful and 14 The name of the third river is
4 aGen. 1:1 aHiddekel;1 it is the one which goes
multiply; fill the earth and bsubdue 1Heb. tole-
toward the east of 2Assyria. The
it; have dominion over the fish of doth; lit. gen-
the sea, over the birds of the air, and
erations fourth river is the Euphrates.
over every living thing that 1moves 5 aGen. 1:11,
15 Then the LORD God took 1the
on the earth. 12 bGen. 7:4 man and put him in the garden of
29 And God said, See, I have given
cGen. 3:23 Eden to 2tend and keep it.
you every herb that yields seed 16 And the LORD God commanded
7 aGen. 3:19, the man, saying, Of every tree of
which is on the face of all the earth, 23 bJob 33:4
cGen. 7:22 the garden you may freely eat;
and every tree whose fruit yields d1 Cor. 15:45 17 but of the tree of the knowl-
seed; ato you it shall be for food. edge of good and evil ayou shall not
30 Also, to aevery beast of the earth, 8 aIs. 51:3
eat, for in the day that you eat of it
bGen. 3:23, 24
to every bbird of the air, and to every- cGen. 4:16 byou1 shall surely cdie.
thing that creeps on the earth, in 18 And the LORD God said, It is
which there is 1life, I have given every 9 aEzek. 31:8 not good that man should be alone;
green herb for food; and it was so. b[Gen. 3:22]
aI will make him a helper compara-
c[Deut. 1:39]
31 Then aGod saw everything that ble to him.
He had made, and indeed it was 11 aGen. 25:18 19 aOut of the ground the LORD
very good. So the evening and the God formed every beast of the field
morning were the sixth day. 12 aNum. 11:7
and every bird of the air, and
Thus the heavens and the earth,
2 and aall the host of them, were
14 aDan. 10:4
1Or Tigris
2Heb. Ashshur
bbrought them to 1Adam to see what
he would call them. And whatever
Adam called each living creature,
2 aAnd on the seventh day God that was its name.
ended His work which He had done, 15 1Or Adam
2cultivate 20 So Adam gave names to all cat-
and He rested on the seventh day tle, to the birds of the air, and to
from all His work which He had done. 17 aGen. 3:1, 3, every beast of the field. But for
3 Then God ablessed the seventh 11, 17 bGen.
Adam there was not found a helper
day and sanctified it, because in it 3:3, 19 cRom.
5:12 1Lit. comparable to him.
He rested from all His work which dying you 21 And the LORD God caused a
God had created and made. shall die adeep sleep to fall on Adam, and he
4 aThis is the 1history of the heav- slept; and He took one of his ribs,
18 a1 Cor.
ens and the earth when they were 11:8, 9 and closed up the flesh in its place.
created, in the day that the LORD 22 Then the rib which the LORD
God made the earth and the heavens, 19 aGen. 1:20,
God had taken from man He 1made
5 before any aplant of the field 24 bPs. 8:6 1Or
the man into a woman, aand He bbrought her
was in the earth and before any to the man.
herb of the field had grown. For the 21 a1 Sam. 23 And Adam said:
LORD God had not bcaused it to rain 26:12
on the earth, and there was no man 22 a1 Tim. 2:13 This is now abone of my bones
cto till the ground; bHeb. 13:4
And flesh of my flesh;
6 but a mist went up from the 1Lit. built
She shall be called 1Woman,
earth and watered the whole face of Because she was btaken out of
23 aGen. 29:14
the ground. b1 Cor. 11:8, 9 2Man.
7 And the LORD God formed man 1Heb. Ishshah
of the adust of the ground, and 2Heb. Ish
24 aTherefore a man shall leave his
bbreathed into his cnostrils the father and mother and bbe1 joined to
24 aMatt. 19:5
breath of life; and dman became a bMark 10:68 his wife, and they shall become one
living being. 1Lit. cling flesh.
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25 aAnd they were both naked, the 25 aGen. 3:7, And between ayour seed and
man and his wife, and were not 10 bIs. 47:3 bher Seed;
bashamed. cHe shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.
The Temptation and Fall of Man 1 a1 Chr. 21:1
b2 Cor. 11:3
Now athe serpent was bmore 16 To the woman He said:
3 cunning than any beast of the
field which the LORD God had
2 aGen. 2:16,
17 I will greatly multiply your
made. And he said to the woman, sorrow and your conception;
3 aEx. 19:12, aIn pain you shall bring forth
Has God indeed said, You shall not 13
eat of every tree of the garden? children;
bYour desire shall be 1for your
2 And the woman said to the ser- 4 a[2 Cor. 11:3]
pent, We may eat the afruit of the husband,
6 a1 John 2:16 And he shall crule over you.
trees of the garden; b1 Tim. 2:14
3 but of the fruit of the tree which 1Lit. a desir-
is in the midst of the garden, God able thing 17 Then to Adam He said, aBe-
has said, You shall not eat it, nor cause you have heeded the voice of
shall you atouch it, lest you die. 7 2:25
1girding cov-
your wife, and have eaten from the
4 aThen the serpent said to the erings
tree bof which I commanded you,
woman, You will not surely die. saying, You shall not eat of it:
5 For God knows that in the day 8 aJob 38:1
you eat of it your eyes will be
bJob 31:33 1Or cCursed is the ground for your
voice 2Or sake;
opened, and you will be like God, wind, breeze
knowing good and evil. In toil you shall eat of it

6 So when the woman asaw that 10 aGen. 2:25 All the days of your life.
the tree was good for food, that it 18 Both thorns and thistles it shall
12 a[Prov. 1bring forth for you,
was 1pleasant to the eyes, and a tree 28:13]
desirable to make one wise, she took And ayou shall eat the herb of
of its fruit band ate. She also gave to 13 a2 Cor. 11:3 the field.
her husband with her, and he ate. 19 aIn the sweat of your face you
14 aDeut. shall eat bread
7 Then the eyes of both of them 28:1520
were opened, aand they knew that Till you return to the ground,
they were naked; and they sewed fig 15 aJohn 8:44 For out of it you were taken;
bIs. 7:14 bFor dust you are,
leaves together and made them- cRom. 16:20
selves 1coverings. And cto dust you shall return.
8 And they heard athe 1sound of 16 aJohn 16:21
the LORD God walking in the gar- bGen. 4:7 20 And Adam called his wifes
den in the 2cool of the day, and
c1 Cor. 11:3
1Lit. toward
name aEve,1 because she was the
Adam and his wife bhid themselves mother of all living.
from the presence of the LORD God 17 a1 Sam. 21 Also for Adam and his wife the
among the trees of the garden. 15:23 bGen. LORD God made tunics of skin, and
9 Then the LORD God called to 2:17 cRom. clothed them.
8:2022 dEccl. 22 Then the LORD God said, Be-
Adam and said to him, Where are 2:23
you? hold, the man has become like one
10 So he said, I heard Your voice in 18 aPs. 104:14 of Us, to know good and evil. And
the garden, aand I was afraid because
1cause to
now, lest he put out his hand and
grow take also of the tree of life, and eat,
I was naked; and I hid myself.
11 And He said, Who told you that 19 a2 Thess. and live forever
you were naked? Have you eaten 3:10 bGen. 23 therefore the LORD God sent him
from the tree of which I commanded 2:7; 5:5 cJob out of the garden of Eden ato till the
21:26 ground from which he was taken.
you that you should not eat?
12 Then the man said, aThe 20 a2 Cor. 11:3 24 So aHe drove out the man; and
woman whom You gave to be with 1Lit. Life or He placed bcherubim cat the east of
Living the garden of Eden, and a flaming
me, she gave me of the tree, and I
ate. 23 aGen. 4:2;
sword which turned every way, to
13 And the LORD God said to the 9:20 guard the way to the tree of dlife.
woman, What is this you have Cain Murders Abel
24 aEzek. 31:3,
done? The woman said, aThe ser- 11 bPs. 104:4
pent deceived me, and I ate. Now Adam knew Eve his wife,
14 So the LORD God said to the ser-
cGen. 2:8
dGen. 2:9 4 and she conceived and bore
1Cain, and said, I have acquired a
CHAPTER 4 man from the LORD.
Because you have done this, 1 1Lit. Acquire 2 Then she bore again, this time
You are cursed more than all his brother 1Abel. Now aAbel was a
cattle, 2 aLuke 11:50, keeper of sheep, but Cain was a
And more than every beast of 51 1Lit. Breath tiller of the ground.
or Nothing
the field; 3 And 1in the process of time it
On your belly you shall go, 3 aNum. 18:12 came to pass that Cain brought an
1Lit. at the
And ayou shall eat dust offering of the fruit aof the ground to
All the days of your life. end of days the LORD.
15 And I will put enmity 4 aNum. 18:17 4 Abel also brought of athe first-
Between you and the woman, bLev. 3:16 born of his flock and of btheir fat.
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And the LORD crespected Abel and 4 cHeb. 11:4 22 And as for Zillah, she also bore
his offering, Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every
5 but He did not respect Cain and 7 1Lit. toward craftsman in bronze and iron. And
his offering. And Cain was very 8 a[1 John
the sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.
angry, and his countenance fell. 3:1215] 1Lit. 23 Then Lamech said to his wives:
6 So the LORD said to Cain, Why said to 2Sam.,
are you angry? And why has your LXX, Syr., Vg. Adah and Zillah, hear my voice;
countenance fallen? add Let us Wives of Lamech, listen to my
go out to the
7 If you do well, will you not be field. speech!
accepted? And if you do not do well, For I have 1killed a man for
sin lies at the door. And its desire is 9 aJohn 8:44 wounding me,
1for you, but you should rule over it. b1 Cor. Even a young man 2for hurting
8 Now Cain 1talked with Abel his 8:1113 me.
2brother; and it came to pass, when 24 If Cain shall be avenged
10 aHeb. 12:24 sevenfold,
they were in the field, that Cain rose
up against Abel his brother and 11 aGen. 3:14
Then Lamech seventy-
akilled him. sevenfold.
9 Then the LORD said to Cain, 13 1iniquity
Where is Abel your brother? He A New Son
said, aI do not know. Am I bmy 14 aPs. 51:11 25 And Adam knew his wife again,
bIs. 1:15
brothers keeper? cNum. 35:19, and she bore a son and anamed him
10 And He said, What have you 21, 27 1Seth, For God has appointed
done? The voice of your brothers another seed for me instead of Abel,
blood acries out to Me from the 15 aGen. 4:24 whom Cain killed.
ground. bEzek. 9:4, 6
26 And as for Seth, ato him also a
11 So now ayou are cursed from 1So with MT,
son was born; and he named him
Tg.; LXX,
the earth, which has opened its Syr., Vg. Not
1Enosh. Then men began bto call on
mouth to receive your brothers so; the name of the LORD.
blood from your hand.
12 When you till the ground, it 16 a2 Kin. The Family of Adam
shall no longer yield its strength to 13:23; 24:20
This is the book of the ageneal-
you. A fugitive and a vagabond you
shall be on the earth.
bJon. 1:3 1Lit.
Wandering 5 ogy of Adam. In the day that
God created man, He made him in
13 And Cain said to the LORD, My 17 aPs. 49:11 bthe likeness of God.
1punishment is greater than I can
bear! 2 He created them amale and fe-
19 aGen. 2:24;
male, and bblessed them and called
14 Surely You have driven me out 16:3
them Mankind in the day they were
this day from the face of the ground; created.
aI shall be bhidden from Your face; I 21 1pipe
3 And Adam lived one hundred
shall be a fugitive and a vagabond 23 1slain a and thirty years, and begot a son ain
on the earth, and it will happen that man for my his own likeness, after his image,
canyone who finds me will kill me. wound 2for
my hurt
and bnamed him Seth.
15 And the LORD said to him, 4 After he begot Seth, athe days of
1Therefore, whoever kills Cain,
24 aGen. 4:15 Adam were eight hundred years;
vengeance shall be taken on him band he had sons and daughters.
asevenfold. And the LORD set a
bmark on Cain, lest anyone finding 25 aGen. 5:3 5 So all the days that Adam lived
1Lit. Ap-
were nine hundred and thirty years;
him should kill him. pointed aand he died.

The Family of Cain 26 aGen. 5:6

6 Seth lived one hundred and five
bZeph. 3:9 years, and begot aEnosh.
16 Then Cain awent out from the 1Gr. Enos, 7 After he begot Enosh, Seth lived
bpresence of the LORD and dwelt in Luke 3:38 eight hundred and seven years, and
the land of 1Nod on the east of Eden. had sons and daughters.
17 And Cain knew his wife, and CHAPTER 5 8 So all the days of Seth were nine
she conceived and bore Enoch. And hundred and twelve years; and he
1 aGen. 2:4;
he built a city, aand called the name 6:9 bGen. 1:26; died.
of the city after the name of his 9:6 9 Enosh lived ninety years, and
sonEnoch. begot 1Cainan.
18 To Enoch was born Irad; and 2 aMark 10:6 10 After he begot Cainan, Enosh
bGen. 1:28; 9:1
Irad begot Mehujael, and Mehujael lived eight hundred and fifteen
begot Methushael, and Methushael years, and had sons and daughters.
3 a1 Cor.
begot Lamech. 15:48, 49 11 So all the days of Enosh were
19 Then Lamech took for himself bGen. 4:25 nine hundred and five years; and he
atwo wives: the name of one was died.
Adah, and the name of the second 4 aLuke 12 Cainan lived seventy years, and
was Zillah. 3:3638 bGen. begot Mahalalel.
20 And Adah bore Jabal. He was 1:28; 4:25
13 After he begot Mahalalel,
the father of those who dwell in 5 a[Heb. 9:27]
Cainan lived eight hundred and forty
tents and have livestock. years, and had sons and daughters.
21 His brothers name was Jubal. 6 aGen. 4:26 14 So all the days of Cainan were
He was the father of all those who nine hundred and ten years; and he
play the harp and 1flute. 9 1Heb. Qenan died.
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5 GENESIS 6:20
15 Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, 18 aJude 14, 15 dren to them. Those were the mighty
and begot Jared. 22 aGen. 6:9; men who were of old, men of renown.
16 After he begot Jared, Mahalalel 17:1; 24:40; 5 Then 1the LORD saw that the
lived eight hundred and thirty 48:15 wickedness of man was great in the
years, and had sons and daughters. 24 a2 Kin. 2:11 earth, and that every aintent2 of the
17 So all the days of Mahalalel bHeb. 11:5 thoughts of his heart was only evil
were eight hundred and ninety-five 3continually.
29 aLuke 3:36 6 And athe LORD was sorry that
years; and he died. bGen.
18 Jared lived one hundred and 3:1719; 4:11 He had made man on the earth, and
sixty-two years, and begot aEnoch. 1Lit. Rest bHe was grieved in His cheart.
19 After he begot Enoch, Jared 32 aGen. 6:10;
7 So the LORD said, I will ade-
lived eight hundred years, and had 7:13 bGen. stroy man whom I have created
sons and daughters. 10:21 from the face of the earth, both man
20 So all the days of Jared were nine and beast, creeping thing and birds
hundred and sixty-two years; and he CHAPTER 6 of the air, for I am sorry that I have
died. made them.
21 Enoch lived sixty-five years, 1 aGen. 1:28 8 But Noah afound grace in the
and begot Methuselah. 2 aDeut. 7:3, 4
eyes of the LORD.
22 After he begot Methuselah,
Enoch awalked with God three hun- 3 a[Gal. 5:16, Noah Pleases God
17] b2 Thess.
dred years, and had sons and daugh- 2:7 cPs. 78:39 9 This is the genealogy of Noah.
ters. 1LXX, Syr., aNoah was a just man, 1perfect in his
23 So all the days of Enoch were Tg., Vg. abide generations. Noah bwalked with
three hundred and sixty-five years. 4 aNum. 13:32, God.
24 And aEnoch walked with God; 33 1Heb. 10 And Noah begot three sons:
and he was not, for God btook him. nephilim, aShem, Ham, and Japheth.
25 Methuselah lived one hundred fallen or 11 The earth also was corrupt
and eighty-seven years, and begot mighty ones abefore God, and the earth was
Lamech. 5 aGen. 8:21 bfilled with violence.
1So with MT,
26 After he begot Lamech, Methu- 12 So God alooked upon the earth,
selah lived seven hundred and Tg.; Vg. God;
LXX LORD and indeed it was corrupt; for ball
eighty-two years, and had sons and God 2thought flesh had corrupted their way on the
daughters. 3all the day
27 So all the days of Methuselah 6 a1 Sam.
were nine hundred and sixty-nine 15:11, 29 bIs.
The Ark Prepared
years; and he died. 63:10 cMark 13 And God said to Noah, aThe
28 Lamech lived one hundred and 3:5
end of all flesh has come before Me,
eighty-two years, and had a son. 7 aGen. 7:4, 23 for the earth is filled with violence
29 And he called his name aNoah,1 through them; band behold, cI will
saying, This one will comfort us 8 aGen. 19:19
destroy them with the earth.
concerning our work and the toil of 9 a2 Pet. 2:5 14 Make yourself an ark of go-
our hands, because of the ground bGen. 5:22, 24
pherwood; make 1rooms in the ark,
bwhich the LORD has cursed. 1blameless or
having and cover it inside and outside with
30 After he begot Noah, Lamech integrity pitch.
lived five hundred and ninety-five 15 And this is how you shall make
years, and had sons and daughters. 10 aGen. 5:32;
7:13 it: The length of the ark shall be
31 So all the days of Lamech were three hundred 1cubits, its width fifty
seven hundred and seventy-seven 11 aRom. 2:13 cubits, and its height thirty cubits.
years; and he died. bEzek. 8:17
16 You shall make a window for
32 And Noah was five hundred 12 aPs. 14:2; the ark, and you shall finish it to a
years old, and Noah begot aShem, 53:2, 3 bPs. cubit from above; and set the door of
Ham, band Japheth. 14:13
the ark in its side. You shall make it
The Wickedness and Judgment of 13 a1 Pet. 4:7 with lower, second, and third decks.
bGen. 6:17
Man c2 Pet. 2:410
17 aAnd behold, I Myself am bring-
ing bfloodwaters on the earth, to
Now it came to pass, awhen men
6 began to multiply on the face of
the earth, and daughters were born
14 1Lit. com-
partments or
destroy from under heaven all flesh
in which is the breath of life; every-
thing that is on the earth shall cdie.
to them, 15 1A cubit is 18 But I will establish My acove-
2 that the sons of God saw the about 18 nant with you; and byou shall go into
daughters of men, that they were inches. the arkyou, your sons, your wife,
beautiful; and they atook wives for 17 a2 Pet. 2:5 and your sons wives with you.
themselves of all whom they chose. b2 Pet. 3:6
19 And of every living thing of all
cLuke 16:22
3 And the LORD said, aMy Spirit flesh you shall bring atwo of every
shall not bstrive1 with man forever, 18 aGen. sort into the ark, to keep them alive
cfor he is indeed flesh; yet his days 8:209:17; with you; they shall be male and
shall be one hundred and twenty 17:7 bGen. female.
7:1, 7, 13
years. 20 Of the birds after their kind, of
4 There were 1giants on the earth 19 aGen. 7:2, 8, animals after their kind, and of
in those adays, and also afterward, 9, 1416 every creeping thing of the earth
when the sons of God came in to the 20 aGen. 7:9, after its kind, two of every kind awill
daughters of men and they bore chil- 15 come to you to keep them alive.
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GENESIS 6:21 6
21 And you shall take for yourself 22 aGen. 7:5; 17 aNow the flood was on the earth
of all food that is eaten, and you 12:4, 5; Heb. forty days. The waters increased
11:7 bGen.
shall gather it to yourself; and it 7:5, 9, 16 and lifted up the ark, and it rose
shall be food for you and for them. c[1 John 5:3] high above the earth.
22 aThus Noah did; baccording to all CHAPTER 7 18 The waters prevailed and greatly
that cGod commanded him, so he did. 1 aMatt. 11:28 increased on the earth, aand the ark
bMatt. 24:38; moved about on the surface of the
The Great Flood Luke 17:26; waters.
Heb. 11:7; 19 And the waters prevailed exceed-
Then the aLORD said to Noah,
7 bCome into the ark, you and all
your household, because I have seen
1 Pet. 3:20;
2 Pet. 2:5
cGen. 6:9; Ps.
ingly on the earth, and all the high
hills under the whole heaven were
that cyou are righteous before Me in 33:18; Prov. covered.
10:9; 2 Pet. 2:9 20 The waters prevailed fifteen
this generation. 2 aLev. 11;
2 You shall take with you seven cubits upward, and the mountains
Deut. 14:320
each of every aclean animal, a male bLev. 10:10; were covered.
and his female; btwo each of ani- Ezek. 44:23 21 aAnd all flesh died that moved
mals that are unclean, a male and 3 1Lit. seed on 1the earth: birds and cattle and
his female; 4 aGen. 7:10;
beasts and every creeping thing that
3 also seven each of birds of the Ex. 7:25 bGen. creeps on the earth, and every man.
air, male and female, to keep 1the 7:12, 17 1Lit. 22 All in awhose nostrils was the
blot out breath 1of the spirit of life, all that
species alive on the face of all the
earth. 5 aGen. 6:22 was on the dry land, died.
4 For after aseven more days I 6 aGen. 5:4, 32 23 So He destroyed all living things
will cause it to rain on the earth 7 aGen. 6:18; which were on the face of the
bforty days and forty nights, and I 7:1, 13; Matt. ground: both man and cattle, creep-
24:38; Luke ing thing and bird of the air. They
will 1destroy from the face of the 17:27
earth all living things that I have were destroyed from the earth. Only
11 aMatt. aNoah and those who were with him
made. 24:39; Luke
5 aAnd Noah did according to all 17:27; 2 Pet. in the ark remained alive.
that the LORD commanded him. 2:5; 3:6 bGen. 24 aAnd the waters prevailed on the
6 Noah was asix hundred years 8:2; Prov. 8:28; earth one hundred and fifty days.
Is. 51:10;
old when the floodwaters were on Ezek. 26:19 Noahs Deliverance
the earth. cGen. 8:2; Ps.

7 aSo Noah, with his sons, his 78:23 Then God aremembered Noah,
wife, and his sons wives, went into
the ark because of the waters of the
12 aGen. 7:4,
17; 1 Sam.
8 and every living thing, and all
the animals that were with him in
flood. 14 aGen. 6:19
the ark. bAnd God made a wind to
8 Of clean animals, of animals bGen. 1:21 pass over the earth, and the waters
that are unclean, of birds, and of 15 aGen. 6:19,
everything that creeps on the earth, 20; 7:9 2 aThe fountains of the deep and
9 two by two they went into the 16 aGen. 7:2, 3 the windows of heaven were also
ark to Noah, male and female, as 17 aGen. 7:4,
bstopped, and cthe rain from heaven
God had commanded Noah. 12; 8:6 was restrained.
10 And it came to pass after seven 18 aPs. 104:26
3 And the waters receded contin-
days that the waters of the flood ually from the earth. At the end aof
21 aGen. 6:7,
were on the earth. 13, 17; 7:4 the hundred and fifty days the
11 In the six hundredth year of 1the land waters decreased.
Noahs life, in the second month, the 22 aGen. 2:7 4 Then the ark rested in the seventh
seventeenth day of the month, on 1LXX, Vg. month, the seventeenth day of the
athat day all bthe fountains of the omit of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.
great deep were broken up, and the spirit 5 And the waters decreased con-
cwindows of heaven were opened. 23 aMatt. tinually until the tenth month. In the
24:38, 39;
12 aAnd the rain was on the earth Luke 17:26, tenth month, on the first day of the
forty days and forty nights. 27; Heb. 11:7; month, the tops of the mountains
13 On the very same day Noah and 1 Pet. 3:20; were seen.
Noahs sons, Shem, Ham, and 2 Pet. 2:5 6 So it came to pass, at the end of
Japheth, and Noahs wife and the 24 aGen. 8:3, 4 forty days, that Noah opened athe
three wives of his sons with them, CHAPTER 8 window of the ark which he had
entered the ark 1 aGen. 19:29; made.
14 athey and every beast after its Ex. 2:24; 7 Then he sent out a raven, which
kind, all cattle after their kind, every 1 Sam. 1:19; kept going to and fro until the
Ps. 105:42;
creeping thing that creeps on the 106:4 bEx. waters had dried up from the earth.
earth after its kind, and every bird 14:21; 15:10; 8 He also sent out from himself a
after its kind, every bird of every Job 12:15; Ps. dove, to see if the waters had re-
bsort. 29:10; Is. ceded from the face of the ground.
44:27; Nah.
15 And they awent into the ark to 1:4 9 But the dove found no resting
Noah, two by two, of all flesh in 2 aGen. 7:11
place for the sole of her foot, and
which is the breath of life. bDeut. 11:17 she returned into the ark to him, for
16 So those that entered, male and cGen. 7:4, 12; the waters were on the face of the
female of all flesh, went in aas God Job 38:37 whole earth. So he put out his hand
had commanded him; and the LORD 3 aGen. 7:24 and took her, and drew her into the
shut him in. 6 aGen. 6:16 ark to himself.
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7 GENESIS 9:19
10 And he waited yet another 16 aGen. 7:13 3 aEvery moving thing that lives
seven days, and again he sent the 17 aGen. 1:22, shall be food for you. I have given
dove out from the ark. 28; 9:1, 7 you ball things, even as the cgreen
11 Then the dove came to him in 20 aGen. 12:7; herbs.
the evening, and behold, a freshly Ex. 29:18, 25
bGen. 7:2; Lev. 4 aBut you shall not eat flesh
plucked olive leaf was in her mouth; 11 cGen. 22:2; with its life, that is, its blood.
and Noah knew that the waters had Ex. 10:25 5 Surely for your lifeblood I will
receded from the earth. 21 aEx. 29:18, demand a reckoning; afrom the
12 So he waited yet another seven 25; Lev. 1:9; hand of every beast I will require it,
days and sent out the dove, which Ezek. 20:41;
2 Cor. 2:15; and bfrom the hand of man. From
did not return again to him anymore. Eph. 5:2 bGen. the hand of every cmans brother I
13 And it came to pass in the six 3:17; 6:7, 13, will require the life of man.
hundred and first year, in the first 17; Is. 54:9
cGen. 6:5;
month, the first day of the month, 11:6; Job 14:4; 6 Whoever asheds mans blood,
that the waters were dried up from Ps. 51:5; Jer. By man his blood shall be shed;
the earth; and Noah removed the 17:9; Rom. bFor in the image of God
covering of the ark and looked, and 1:21; 3:23; He made man.
Eph. 2:13
indeed the surface of the ground dGen. 9:11, 15 7 And as for you,
was dry. 1intent or abe fruitful and multiply;
14 And in the second month, on the thought Bring forth abundantly in the
twenty-seventh day of the month, 22 aIs. 54:9
bPs. 74:16; Jer.
the earth was dried. 33:20, 25
And multiply in it.
15 Then God spoke to Noah, say-
ing, CHAPTER 9 8 Then God spoke to Noah and to
16 Go out of the ark, ayou and his sons with him, saying:
your wife, and your sons and your 1 aGen. 1:28, 9 And as for Me, abehold, I estab-
29; 8:17; 9:7,
sons wives with you. 19; 10:32 lish bMy covenant with you and
17 Bring out with you every living 2 aGen. 1:26, with your 1descendants after you,
thing of all flesh that is with you: 28; Ps. 8:6 10 aand with every living creature
birds and cattle and every creeping 3 aDeut. 12:15; that is with you: the birds, the cattle,
thing that creeps on the earth, so 14:3, 9, 11; and every beast of the earth with
that they may abound on the earth, Acts 10:12, 13
bRom. 14:14,
you, of all that go out of the ark,
and abe fruitful and multiply on the 20; 1 Cor. every beast of the earth.
earth. 10:23, 26; Col. 11 Thus aI establish My covenant
18 So Noah went out, and his sons 2:16; [1 Tim. with you: Never again shall all flesh
and his wife and his sons wives 4:3, 4] cGen. be cut off by the waters of the flood;
with him. never again shall there be a flood to
19 Every animal, every creeping 4 aLev. 7:26;
17:1016; destroy the earth.
thing, every bird, and whatever 19:26; Deut. 12 And God said: aThis is the
creeps on the earth, according to 12:16, 23; sign of the covenant which I make
their families, went out of the ark. 15:23; 1 Sam. between Me and you, and every
14:33, 34; Acts
15:20, 29 living creature that is with you, for
Gods Covenant with Creation perpetual generations:
5 aEx. 21:28
20 Then Noah built an aaltar to the bGen. 4:9, 10; 13 I set aMy rainbow in the cloud,
LORD, and took of bevery clean ani- Ps. 9:12 cActs and it shall be for the sign of the
17:26 covenant between Me and the earth.
mal and of every clean bird, and
6 aEx. 21:12 14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud
offered cburnt offerings on the altar. 14; Lev. 24:17;
21 And the LORD smelled aa sooth- Num. 35:33; over the earth, that the rainbow
ing aroma. Then the LORD said in Matt. 26:52 shall be seen in the cloud;
His heart, I will never again bcurse bGen. 1:26, 27
15 and aI will remember My
the ground for mans sake, although 7 aGen. 9:1, 19 covenant which is between Me and
the cimagination1 of mans heart is 9 aGen. 6:18 you and every living creature of all
bIs. 54:9 1Lit.
evil from his youth; dnor will I again flesh; the waters shall never again
destroy every living thing as I have become a flood to destroy all flesh.
10 aPs. 145:9 16 The rainbow shall be in the
11 aGen. 8:21; cloud, and I will look on it to
Is. 54:9
22 While the earth aremains, remember athe everlasting covenant
12 aGen. 9:13,
Seedtime and harvest, 17; 17:11 between God and every living crea-
Cold and heat, 13 aEzek. 1:28;
ture of all flesh that is on the earth.
Winter and summer, Rev. 4:3 17 And God said to Noah, This is
And bday and night 15 aLev. 26:42, the sign of the covenant which I
Shall not cease. 45; Deut. 7:9; have established between Me and
Ezek. 16:60 all flesh that is on the earth.
16 aGen. 17:13,
So God blessed Noah and his sons,
9 and said to them: Be fruitful and
multiply, and fill the earth.
19; 2 Sam.
23:5; Is. 55:3;
Jer. 32:40;
Noah and His Sons
18 Now the sons of Noah who went
2 aAnd the fear of you and the Heb. 13:20 out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and
dread of you shall be on every beast 18 aGen. Japheth. aAnd Ham was the father of
9:2527; 10:6 Canaan.
of the earth, on every bird of the air,
on all that move on the earth, and on 19 aGen. 5:32 19 aThese three were the sons of
bGen. 9:1, 7;
all the fish of the sea. They are given 10:32; 1 Chr. Noah, band from these the whole
into your hand. 1:4 earth was populated.
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GENESIS 9:20 8
20 And Noah began to be aa 20 aGen. 3:19, 11 From that land he went ato As-
farmer, and he planted a vineyard. 23; 4:2 syria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth
21 Then he drank of the wine aand 21 aProv. 20:1 Ir, Calah,
was drunk, and became uncovered in 23 aEx. 20:12 12 and Resen between Nineveh and
his tent. 1Lit. back- Calah (that is the principal city).
22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, wards 13 Mizraim begot Ludim, Anamim,
saw the nakedness of his father, and 25 aDeut. 27:16 Lehabim, Naphtuhim,
told his two brothers outside. bJosh. 9:23 14 Pathrusim, and Casluhim a(from
23 aBut Shem and Japheth took a 26 aGen. 14:20; whom came the Philistines and
garment, laid it on both their shoul- 24:27 Caphtorim).
ders, and went backward and covered 27 aGen. 15 Canaan begot Sidon his first-
the nakedness of their father. Their 10:25; 39:3 born, and aHeth;
faces were 1turned away, and they did bEph. 2:13, 16 athe Jebusite, the Amorite, and
not see their fathers nakedness. 14; 3:6 the Girgashite;
24 So Noah awoke from his wine, CHAPTER 10
17 the Hivite, the Arkite, and the
and knew what his younger son had Sinite;
done to him. 1 aGen. 9:1, 7, 18 the Arvadite, the Zemarite, and
25 Then he said: 19 the Hamathite. Afterward the fami-
2 a1 Chr. 1:57 lies of the Canaanites were dis-
aCursed be Canaan; persed.
A bservant of servants 3 1Diphath, 19 aAnd the border of the Canaan-
He shall be to his brethren. 1 Chr. 1:6
ites was from Sidon as you go toward
4 1Sam. Gerar, as far as Gaza; then as you go
26 And he said: Rodanim and
toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah,
1 Chr. 1:7
aBlessed be the LORD, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.
5 aPs. 72:10 20 These were the sons of Ham,
The God of Shem,
And may Canaan be his 6 a1 Chr. according to their families, accord-
1:816 1Or ing to their languages, in their lands
servant. Phut
27 May God aenlarge Japheth, and in their nations.
bAnd may he dwell in the tents 8 aMic. 5:6 21 And children were born also to
of Shem; 9 aJer. 16:16 Shem, the father of all the children
And may Canaan be his
bGen. 21:20 of Eber, 1the brother of Japheth the
servant. 10 aMic. 5:6 elder.
bGen. 11:9 22 The asons of Shem were Elam,
28 And Noah lived after the flood 11 aMic. 5:6 Asshur, bArphaxad, Lud, and Aram.
three hundred and fifty years. 23 The sons of Aram were Uz, Hul,
14 a1 Chr. 1:12 Gether, and 1Mash.
29 So all the days of Noah were
nine hundred and fifty years; and he 15 aGen. 23:3 24 1Arphaxad begot aSalah, and
died. 16 aGen. 14:7; Salah begot Eber.
15:1921 25 aTo Eber were born two sons:
Nations Descended from Noah
19 aNum. the name of one was 1Peleg, for in
Now this is the genealogy of 34:212 his days the earth was divided; and
10 the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham,
and Japheth. aAnd sons were born
21 1Or the
older brother
his brothers name was Joktan.
26 Joktan begot Almodad, She-
to them after the flood. of Japheth leph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,
2 aThe sons of Japheth were 22 a1 Chr. 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,
Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, 1:1728 bLuke 28 1Obal, Abimael, Sheba,
Meshech, and Tiras. 3:36 29 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All
3 The sons of Gomer were Ashke- 23 1LXX these were the sons of Joktan.
naz, 1Riphath, and Togarmah. Meshech and 30 And their dwelling place was
1 Chr. 1:17 from Mesha as you go toward
4 The sons of Javan were Elishah,
Tarshish, Kittim, and 1Dodanim. 24 aGen. 11:12 Sephar, the mountain of the east.
5 From these athe coastland peo-
1So with MT,
31 These were the sons of Shem,
Vg., Tg.; LXX according to their families, accord-
ples of the Gentiles were separated Arphaxad
into their lands, everyone according begot Cainan, ing to their languages, in their
to his language, according to their and Cainan lands, according to their nations.
families, into their nations.
begot Salah 32 aThese were the families of the
(cf. Luke 3:35,
6 aThe sons of Ham were Cush, 36) sons of Noah, according to their
Mizraim, 1Put, and Canaan. generations, in their nations; band
25 a1 Chr. 1:19 from these the nations were divided
7 The sons of Cush were Seba, 1Lit. Division
Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and on the earth after the flood.
28 1Ebal,
Sabtechah; and the sons of Raamah 1 Chr. 1:22 The Tower of Babel
were Sheba and Dedan.
32 aGen. 10:1
8 Cush begot aNimrod; he began Now the whole earth had one
to be a mighty one on the earth.
9 He was a mighty ahunter bbefore
bGen. 9:19;
11:8 11 language and one 1speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they
the LORD; therefore it is said, Like CHAPTER 11 journeyed from the east, that they
Nimrod the mighty hunter before found a plain in the land aof Shinar,
1 1Lit. lip and they dwelt there.
the LORD.
10 aAnd the beginning of his king- 2 aGen. 10:10; 3 Then they said to one another,
dom was bBabel, Erech, Accad, and 14:1 Come, let us make bricks and 1bake
Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 3 1Lit. burn them thoroughly. They had brick
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9 GENESIS 12:7
for stone, and they had asphalt for 4 aDeut. 1:28; lived one hundred and nineteen
mortar. 9:1 bGen. 6:4 years, and begot sons and daughters.
cDeut. 4:27
4 And they said, Come, let us 26 Now Terah lived seventy years,
build ourselves a city, and a tower 5 aGen. 18:21 and abegot 1Abram, Nahor, and
awhose top is in the heavens; let us Haran.
make a bname for ourselves, lest we 6 aGen. 9:19
cbe scattered abroad over the face of bGen. 11:1 Terahs Descendants
cPs. 2:1
the whole earth. 27 This is the genealogy of Terah:
5 aBut the LORD came down to see Terah begot aAbram, Nahor, and
the city and the tower which the 7 aGen. 1:26
bEx. 4:11 Haran. Haran begot Lot.
sons of men had built. 28 And Haran died before his
6 And the LORD said, Indeed athe 8 a[Luke 1:51] father Terah in his native land, in Ur
people are one and they all have bone bGen. 10:25,
of the Chaldeans.
language, and this is what they begin 32 29 Then Abram and Nahor took
to do; now nothing that they cpropose wives: the name of Abrams wife
to do will be withheld from them. 9 a1 Cor.
14:23 1Lit. was aSarai,1 and the name of
7 Come, alet Us go down and Confusion, Nahors wife, bMilcah, the daughter
there bconfuse their language, that Babylon of Haran the father of Milcah and
they may not understand one anoth- the father of Iscah.
ers speech. 10 aGen. 30 But aSarai was barren; she had
8 So athe LORD scattered them 10:2225 no child.
abroad from there bover the face of 31 And Terah atook his son Abram
all the earth, and they ceased build- 12 aLuke 3:35
and his grandson Lot, the son of
ing the city. Haran, and his daughter-in-law
9 Therefore its name is called 16 a1 Chr. 1:19
bLuke 3:35 Sarai, his son Abrams wife, and
1Babel, abecause there the LORD
they went out with them from bUr of
confused the language of all the 20 aLuke 3:35 the Chaldeans to go to cthe land of
earth; and from there the LORD Canaan; and they came to Haran
scattered them abroad over the face 24 aJosh. 24:2 and dwelt there.
of all the earth. 32 So the days of Terah were two
26 a1 Chr. 1:26 hundred and five years, and Terah
Shems Descendants 1Abraham,
died in Haran.
Gen. 17:5
10 aThis is the genealogy of Shem:
Shem was one hundred years old, Promises to Abram
27 aGen. 11:31;
and begot Arphaxad two years after 17:5 Now the aLORD had said to
the flood.
11 After he begot Arphaxad, Shem 29 aGen. 17:15;
12 Abram:
lived five hundred years, and begot 20:12 bGen.
22:20, 23; Get bout of your country,
sons and daughters. 24:15 1Sarah, From your family
12 Arphaxad lived thirty-five Gen. 17:15 And from your fathers house,
years, aand begot Salah. To a land that I will show you.
13 After he begot Salah, Arphaxad 30 aGen. 2 aI will make you a great nation;
lived four hundred and three years, 16:1, 2 bI will bless you
and begot sons and daughters. And make your name great;
31 aGen. 12:1
14 Salah lived thirty years, and bActs 7:4 cAnd you shall be a blessing.
begot Eber. cGen. 10:19 3 aI will bless those who bless you,
15 After he begot Eber, Salah lived And I will curse him who
four hundred and three years, and CHAPTER 12 curses you;
begot sons and daughters. And in byou all the families
16 aEber lived thirty-four years, 1 aActs
7:2, 3 of the earth shall be
and begot bPeleg. 13:9 cblessed.
17 After he begot Peleg, Eber lived
2 aDeut. 26:5
four hundred and thirty years, and bGen. 22:17; 4 So Abram departed as the LORD
begot sons and daughters. 24:35 cGen. had spoken to him, and Lot went
18 Peleg lived thirty years, and 28:4 with him. And Abram was seventy-
begot Reu. five years old when he departed
19 After he begot Reu, Peleg lived 3 aNum. 24:9 from Haran.
bActs 3:25 cIs.
two hundred and nine years, and 41:27 5 Then Abram took Sarai his wife
begot sons and daughters. and Lot his brothers son, and all
20 Reu lived thirty-two years, and 5 aGen. 14:14 their possessions that they had
begot aSerug. bGen. 11:31 gathered, and athe 1people whom
21 After he begot Serug, Reu lived cGen. 13:18
1Lit. souls
they had acquired bin Haran, and
two hundred and seven years, and they cdeparted to go to the land of
begot sons and daughters. Canaan. So they came to the land of
6 aHeb. 11:9
22 Serug lived thirty years, and bDeut. 11:30 Canaan.
begot Nahor. cGen. 10:18, 6 Abram apassed through the land
23 After he begot Nahor, Serug 19 1Heb. Alon to the place of Shechem, bas far as
lived two hundred years, and begot Moreh 1the terebinth tree of Moreh. cAnd
sons and daughters. the Canaanites were then in the
24 Nahor lived twenty-nine years, 7 aGen. 17:1; land.
18:1 bGen.
and begot aTerah. 13:15; 15:18; 7 aThen the LORD appeared to
25 After he begot Terah, Nahor 17:8 1Lit. seed Abram and said, bTo your 1descen-
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GENESIS 12:8 10
dants I will give this land. And 7 cGen. 13:4, he had made there at first. And
there he built an caltar to the LORD, 18; 22:9 there Abram bcalled on the name of
who had appeared to him. 8 aGen. 4:26; the LORD.
8 And he moved from there to the 13:4; 21:33 5 Lot also, who went with Abram,
mountain east of Bethel, and he 9 aGen. 13:1, had flocks and herds and tents.
3; 20:1; 24:62
pitched his tent with Bethel on the 1Heb. Negev 6 Now athe land was not able to
west and Ai on the east; there he built 1support them, that they might dwell
10 aGen. 26:1
an altar to the LORD and acalled on bPs. 105:13 together, for their possessions were
the name of the LORD. cGen. 43:1 so great that they could not dwell
9 So Abram journeyed, agoing on 11 aGen. 12:14; together.
still toward the 1South. 26:7; 29:17 7 And there was astrife between
12 aGen. 20:11; the herdsmen of Abrams livestock
Abram in Egypt 26:7 and the herdsmen of Lots livestock.
bThe Canaanites and the Perizzites
10 Now there was aa famine in the 13 aGen.
land, and Abram bwent down to 20:118; then dwelt in the land.
26:611 bGen. 8 So Abram said to Lot, aPlease
Egypt to dwell there, for the famine 20:12 1Lit. my
was csevere in the land. soul let there be no strife between you
11 And it came to pass, when he 16 aGen. 20:14
and me, and between my herdsmen
was close to entering Egypt, that he bGen. 13:2 and your herdsmen; for we are
said to Sarai his wife, Indeed I 17 a1 Chr. brethren.
know that you are aa woman of 16:21 9 aIs not the whole land before
beautiful countenance. 18 aGen. 20:9, you? Please bseparate from me. cIf
12 Therefore it will happen, when 10; 26:10 you take the left, then I will go to
the Egyptians see you, that they 20 a[Prov. 21:1] the right; or, if you go to the right,
will say, This is his wife; and they then I will go to the left.
awill kill me, but they will let you CHAPTER 13 10 And Lot lifted his eyes and saw
live. all athe plain of Jordan, that it was
1 aGen. 12:4;
13 aPlease say you are my bsister, 14:12, 16 well watered everywhere (before
that it may be well with me for your bGen. 12:9 the LORD bdestroyed Sodom and
sake, and that 1I may live because of 1Heb. Negev Gomorrah) clike the garden of the
you. 2 aGen. 24:35; LORD, like the land of Egypt as you
14 So it was, when Abram came 26:14 go toward dZoar.
into Egypt, that the Egyptians saw 3 aGen. 12:8, 9 11 Then Lot chose for himself all
the woman, that she was very beau- 4 aGen. 12:7, the plain of Jordan, and Lot jour-
tiful. 8; 21:33 bPs. neyed east. And they separated
15 The princes of Pharaoh also saw 116:17 from each other.
her and commended her to Pha- 6 aGen. 36:7
1Lit. bear
12 Abram dwelt in the land of
raoh. And the woman was taken to Canaan, and Lot adwelt in the cities
Pharaohs house. 7 aGen. 26:20
bGen. 12:6;
of the plain and bpitched his tent
16 He atreated Abram well for her 15:20, 21
even as far as Sodom.
sake. He bhad sheep, oxen, male 13 But the men of Sodom awere
8 a1 Cor. 6:7
donkeys, male and female servants, exceedingly wicked and bsinful
female donkeys, and camels. 9 aGen. 20:15; against the LORD.
34:10 bGen.
17 But the LORD aplagued Pharaoh 13:11, 14 14 And the LORD said to Abram,
and his house with great plagues c[Rom. 12:18] after Lot ahad separated from him:
because of Sarai, Abrams wife. 10 aGen. Lift your eyes now and look from
18 And Pharaoh called Abram and 19:1729 the place where you arebnorth-
said, aWhat is this you have done to bGen. 19:24
cGen. 2:8, 10
ward, southward, eastward, and
me? Why did you not tell me that dDeut. 34:3 westward;
she was your wife? 12 aGen. 19:24,
15 for all the land which you see aI
19 Why did you say, She is my sis- 25, 29 bGen. give to you and byour 1descendants
ter? I might have taken her as my 14:12; 19:1 forever.
wife. Now therefore, here is your 13 aGen. 18:20, 16 And aI will make your descen-
wife; take her and go your way. 21 bGen. 6:11; dants as the dust of the earth; so
20 aSo Pharaoh commanded his 39:9 that if a man could number the dust
men concerning him; and they sent 14 aGen. 13:11 of the earth, then your descendants
bGen. 28:14
him away, with his wife and all that also could be numbered.
he had. 15 aActs 7:5 17 Arise, walk in the land through
b2 Chr. 20:7
1Lit. seed
its length and its width, for I give it
Abram Inherits Canaan to you.
16 aGen. 22:17 18 aThen Abram moved his tent,
Then Abram went up from
13 Egypt, he and his wife and all
that he had, and aLot with him, bto
18 aGen. 26:17
bGen. 14:13
cGen. 23:2;
and went and bdwelt by 1the tere-
binth trees of Mamre, cwhich are in
the 1South. 35:27 dGen. Hebron, and built an daltar there to
2 aAbram was very rich in live- 8:20; 22:8, 9 the LORD.
1Heb. Alon
stock, in silver, and in gold. Mamre Lots Captivity and Rescue
3 And he went on his journey
afrom the South as far as Bethel, to And it came to pass in the days
the place where his tent had been
at the beginning, between Bethel
1 aGen. 10:10;
14 of Amraphel king aof Shinar,
Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedor-
11:2 bIs. 11:11;
and Ai, 21:2 1Heb. laomer king of bElam, and Tidal
4 to the aplace of the altar which goyim king of 1nations,
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11 GENESIS 15:10
2 that they made war with Bera 2 aDeut. 29:23
bGen. 13:10;
Abram and Melchizedek
king of Sodom, Birsha king of
Gomorrah, Shinab king of aAdmah, 19:22 18 Then aMelchizedek king of Sa-
3 aNum. 34:12 lem brought out bbread and wine; he
Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the 4 aGen. 9:26
king of Bela (that is, bZoar). was cthe priest of dGod Most High.
5 aGen. 15:20 19 And he blessed him and said:
3 All these joined together in theVal- bDeut. 2:20
ley of Siddim a(that is, the Salt Sea). cDeut. 2:10
4 Twelve years athey served Ched- 6 aDeut. 2:12, Blessed be Abram of God Most
orlaomer, and in the thirteenth 22 High,
7 a2 Chr. 20:2 bPossessor of heaven and earth;
year they rebelled. 9 1Heb. goyim
5 In the fourteenth year Chedor- 20 And ablessed be God Most
10 aGen. 11:3 High,
laomer and the kings that were with bGen. 19:17,
him came and attacked athe 30 Who has delivered your
Rephaim in Ashteroth Karnaim, 11 aGen. 14:16, enemies into your hand.
bthe Zuzim in Ham, cthe Emim in 21
Shaveh Kiriathaim, 12 aGen. 11:27; And he bgave him 1a tithe of all.
12:5 bGen.
6 aand the Horites in their moun- 13:12 21 Now the king of Sodom said to
tain of Seir, as far as El Paran, 13 aGen. 39:14; Abram, Give me the 1persons, and
which is by the wilderness. 40:15 bGen. take the goods for yourself.
7 Then they turned back and came 13:18 cGen. 22 But Abram asaid to the king of
14:24; 21:27, Sodom, I bhave raised my hand to
to En Mishpat (that is, Kadesh), and 32 1Heb. Alon
attacked all the country of the Mamre the LORD, God Most High, cthe Pos-
Amalekites, and also the Amorites 14 aGen. 19:29 sessor of heaven and earth,
who dwelt ain Hazezon Tamar. bGen. 13:8;
23 that aI will take nothing, from a
8 And the king of Sodom, the king 14:12 cGen. thread to a sandal strap, and that I
12:5; 15:3;
of Gomorrah, the king of Admah, 17:27 dDeut. will not take anything that is yours,
the king of Zeboiim, and the king of 34:1 lest you should say, I have made
Bela (that is, Zoar) went out and 15 aIs. 41:2, 3
1Lit. on the
Abram rich
joined together in battle in the Val- left hand of
24 except only what the young
ley of Siddim 16 aGen. 31:18
men have eaten, and the portion of
9 against Chedorlaomer king of 17 a1 Sam. the men who went with me: Aner,
Elam, Tidal king of 1nations, 18:6 b2 Sam. Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take
Amraphel king of Shinar, and Ari- 18:18 cHeb. their portion.
och king of Ellasarfour kings 7:1 1Lit. strik-
ing Gods Covenant with Abram
against five. 18 aHeb.
10 Now the Valley of Siddim was 7:110 bGen. After these things the word of
full of aasphalt pits; and the kings
of Sodom and Gomorrah fled;
18:5 cPs.
110:4 dActs
15 the L ORD came to Abram in a
vision, saying, Do not be afraid,

some fell there, and the remainder Abram. I am your cshield, 1your
19 aRuth 3:10
fled bto the mountains. bGen. 14:22
exceedingly dgreat reward.
11 Then they took aall the goods of 20 aGen. 24:27 2 aBut Abram said, Lord GOD,
Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their bHeb. 7:4
what will You give me, bseeing I 1go
provisions, and went their way. childless, and the heir of my house
12 They also took Lot, Abrams 21 1Lit. souls
abrothers son bwho dwelt in Sodom, 22 aGen. 14:2, is Eliezer of Damascus?
and his goods, and departed. 8, 10 bDan. 3 Then Abram said, Look, You
12:7 cGen. have given me no offspring; indeed
13 Then one who had escaped 14:19 aone1 born in my house is my heir!
came and told Abram the aHebrew, 23 a2 Kin. 5:16
for bhe dwelt by 1the terebinth trees 4 And behold, the word of the
of Mamre the Amorite, brother of CHAPTER 15 LORD came to him, saying, This
Eshcol and brother of Aner; cand one shall not be your heir, but one
1 aDan. 10:1 who awill come from your own
they were allies with Abram. bGen. 21:17;
14 Now awhen Abram heard that 26:24 cDeut. body shall be your heir.
bhis brother was taken captive, he 33:29 dProv. 5 Then He brought him outside
11:18 1Or and said, Look now toward heaven,
armed his three hundred and eigh- your reward
teen trained servants who were shall be very and acount the bstars if you are able
cborn in his own house, and went in great to number them. And He said to him,
2 aGen. 17:18 cSo shall your ddescendants be.
pursuit das far as Dan. bActs 7:5 1am
15 He divided his forces against 6 And he abelieved in the LORD,
them by night, and he and his ser- 3 aGen. 14:14
and He baccounted it to him for
vants aattacked them and pursued 1a servant righteousness.
them as far as Hobah, which is 4 a2 Sam. 7:12 7 Then He said to him, I am the
1north of Damascus. 5 aPs. 147:4 LORD, who abrought you out of bUr
16 So he abrought back all the bJer. 33:22
cEx. 32:13
of the Chaldeans, cto give you this
goods, and also brought back his dGen. 17:19 land to inherit it.
brother Lot and his goods, as well as 6 aRom. 4:3, 9, 8 And he said, Lord GOD, ahow
the women and the people. 22 bPs. 32:2; shall I know that I will inherit it?
17 And the king of Sodom awent out 106:31 9 So He said to him, Bring Me a
to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh 7 aGen. 12:1
bGen. 11:28,
three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old
(that is, the bKings Valley), cafter his 31 cPs. 105:42,
female goat, a three-year-old ram, a
return from 1the defeat of Chedor- 44 turtledove, and a young pigeon.
laomer and the kings who were with 8 aLuke 1:18 10 Then he brought all these to
him. 10 aJer. 34:18 Him and acut them in two, down the
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GENESIS 15:11 12
middle, and placed each piece oppo- 10 bLev. 1:17 dealt harshly with her, bshe fled
site the other; but he did not cut bthe 12 aGen. 2:21; from her presence.
birds in two. 13 aEx. 1:11 7 Now the aAngel of the LORD
11 And when the vultures came bEx. 12:40 found her by a spring of water in the
down on the carcasses, Abram 14 aEx. 6:6 wilderness, bby the spring on the
bEx. 12:36
drove them away. 15 aJob 5:26
way to cShur.
12 Now when the sun was going bGen. 25:8; 8 And He said, Hagar, Sarais
down, aa deep sleep fell upon 47:30 cGen. maid, where have you come from,
Abram; and behold, horror and 25:8 1Die and and where are you going? She said,
great darkness fell upon him. join your I am fleeing from the presence of
13 Then He said to Abram: Know 16 aEx. 12:41 my mistress Sarai.
certainly athat your descendants will b1 Kin. 21:26 9 The Angel of the LORD said to
be strangers in a land that is not cMatt. 23:32
her, Return to your mistress, and
17 aJer. 34:18,
theirs, and will serve them, and bthey 19
asubmit yourself under her hand.
will afflict them four hundred years. 18 aGen. 24:7 10 Then the Angel of the LORD said
14 And also the nation whom they bGen. 12:7;
to her, aI will multiply your descen-
serve aI will judge; afterward bthey 17:8 dants exceedingly, so that they shall
shall come out with great posses- CHAPTER 16 not be counted for multitude.
sions. 1 aGen. 11:30; 11 And the Angel of the LORD said
15 Now as for you, ayou shall 1go 15:2, 3 bGen. to her:
bto your fathers in peace; cyou shall 12:16; 21:9
cGal. 4:24
be buried at a good old age. 2 aGen. 30:3 Behold, you are with child,
16 But ain the fourth generation bGen. 20:18 aAnd you shall bear a son.
cGen. 30:3, 9
they shall return here, for the iniquity dGen. 3:17
You shall call his name
bof the Amorites cis not yet complete. 1Ishmael,
1Lit. be built
17 And it came to pass, when the up from Because the LORD has heard
sun went down and it was dark, that 3 aGen. 12:4, 5 your affliction.
behold, there appeared a smoking 4 a[Prov. 12 aHe shall be a wild man;
30:21, 23]
oven and a burning torch that 1sight His hand shall be against every
apassed between those pieces. 5 aGen. 31:53 man,
1The wrong
18 On the same day the LORD amade And every mans hand against
done to me be
a covenant with Abram, saying: 6 a1 Pet. 3:7 him.
bTo your descendants I have bEx. 2:15 bAnd he shall dwell in the
given this land, from the river of 7 aGen. 21:17, presence of all his brethren.
Egypt to the great river, the River 18; 22:11, 15;
31:11 bGen.
Euphrates 20:1; 25:18 13 Then she called the name of the
19 the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the cEx. 15:22 LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-
Kadmonites, 9 a[Titus 2:9] 1the-God-Who-Sees; for she said,
20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the 10 aGen. 17:20 Have I also here 2seen Him awho
11 aLuke 1:13,
Rephaim, 31 1Lit. God sees me?
21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, Hears 14 Therefore the well was called
the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. 12 aGen. 21:20 aBeer Lahai Roi;1 observe, it is bbe-
bGen. 25:18
13 aGen. 31:42 tween Kadesh and Bered.
Hagar and Ishmael 1Heb. El Roi 15 So aHagar bore Abram a son;
Now Sarai, Abrams wife,
2Seen the
and Abram named his son, whom
16 ahad borne him no children.
And she had ban Egyptian maidser-
back of
14 aGen. 24:62
bNum. 13:26
Hagar bore, Ishmael.
16 Abram was eighty-six years old
vant whose name was cHagar. 1Lit. Well of when Hagar bore Ishmael to
the One Who Abram.
2 aSo Sarai said to Abram, See Lives and
now, the LORD bhas restrained me Sees Me The Sign of the Covenant
from bearing children. Please, cgo in 15 aGal. 4:22
to my maid; perhaps I shall 1obtain When Abram was ninety-nine
children by her. And Abram dheeded
the voice of Sarai.
1 aGen. 12:7;
18:1 bGen.
17 years old, the LORD aappeared
to Abram and said to him, bI am
3 Then Sarai, Abrams wife, took 28:3; 35:11
c2 Kin. 20:3
1Almighty God; cwalk before Me
Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and dDeut. 18:13 and be dblameless.
gave her to her husband Abram to 1Heb. El 2 And I will make My acovenant
be his wife, after Abram ahad dwelt Shaddai between Me and you, and bwill mul-
ten years in the land of Canaan. 2 aGen. 15:18 tiply you exceedingly.
bGen. 12:2;
4 So he went in to Hagar, and she 13:16; 15:5; 3 Then Abram fell on his face, and
conceived. And when she saw that 18:18 God talked with him, saying:
she had conceived, her mistress 4 a[Rom. 4:11, 4 As for Me, behold, My covenant
became adespised in her 1eyes. 12, 16] 1Lit. is with you, and you shall be aa
multitude of
5 Then Sarai said to Abram, 1My nations father of 1many nations.
wrong be upon you! I gave my maid 5 aNeh. 9:7 5 No longer shall ayour name be
bRom. 4:17
into your embrace; and when she 1Lit. Exalted
called 1Abram, but your name shall
saw that she had conceived, I Father 2Lit. be 2Abraham; bfor I have made you
became despised in her eyes. aThe Father of a a father of 3many nations.
LORD judge between you and me. Multitude 3a 6 I will make you exceedingly
6 aSo Abram said to Sarai, Indeed multitude of fruitful; and I will make anations of
6 aGen. 17:16;
your maid is in your hand; do to her 35:11 bMatt. you, and bkings shall come from
as you please. And when Sarai 1:6 you.
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13 GENESIS 18:12
7 And I will aestablish My cove- 7 a[Gal. 3:17]
bGen. 26:24;
22 Then He finished talking with
nant between Me and you and your 28:13 cRom.
him, and God went up from Abra-
descendants after you in their gener- 9:8 ham.
ations, for an everlasting cove- 23 So Abraham took Ishmael his
nant, bto be God to you and cyour 8 aActs 7:5
bGen. 23:4;
son, all who were born in his house
descendants after you. 28:4 cLev.
and all who were bought with his
8 Also aI give to you and your 26:12 1Lit. of money, every male among the men of
descendants after you the land bin1 your sojourn- Abrahams house, and circumcised
which you are a stranger, all the ings the flesh of their foreskins that very
land of Canaan, as an everlasting same day, as God had said to him.
9 aEx. 19:5
possession; and cI will be their God. 24 Abraham was ninety-nine years
9 And God said to Abraham: As 10 aActs 7:8 old when he was circumcised in the
for you, ayou shall keep My covenant, flesh of his foreskin.
you and your descendants after you 11 aEx. 12:13, 25 And Ishmael his son was thir-
throughout their generations. 48 teen years old when he was circum-
10 This is My covenant which you 12 aLev. 12:3
cised in the flesh of his foreskin.
shall keep, between Me and you and 26 That very same day Abraham
your descendants after you: aEvery 14 aEx. was circumcised, and his son Ish-
male child among you shall be cir- 4:2426 mael;
cumcised; 27 and aall the men of his house,
15 1Lit.
11 and you shall be circumcised in Princess born in the house or bought with
the flesh of your foreskins, and it money from a foreigner, were cir-
shall be aa sign of the covenant 16 aGen. 18:10 cumcised with him.
bGen. 35:11
between Me and you. cGen. 17:6;
12 He who is eight days old The Son of Promise
among you ashall be circumcised, Then the LORD appeared to
every male child in your genera-
tions, he who is born in your house
17 aGen. 17:3;
18:12; 21:6
18 him by 1the aterebinth trees of
Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent
or bought with money from any for- 18 aGen. 18:23 door in the heat of the day.
eigner who is not your descendant. 2 aSo he lifted his eyes and
13 He who is born in your house 19 aGen. 18:10; looked, and behold, three men were
and he who is bought with your 21:2; bGen. standing by him; band when he saw
money must be circumcised, and 22:16
them, he ran from the tent door to
My covenant shall be in your flesh 20 aGen. 16:10 meet them, and bowed himself to
for an everlasting covenant. bGen. the ground,
14 And the uncircumcised male 25:1216
cGen. 21:13,
3 and said, My Lord, if I have
child, who is not circumcised in the 18 now found favor in Your sight, do
flesh of his foreskin, that person not pass on by Your servant.
ashall be cut off from his people; he
21 aGen. 4 Please let aa little water be
has broken My covenant. 26:25 bGen. brought, and wash your feet, and
15 Then God said to Abraham, As 21:2 cGen.
18:14 rest yourselves under the tree.
for Sarai your wife, you shall not 5 And aI will bring a morsel of
call her name Sarai, but 1Sarah shall 27 aGen. 18:19 bread, that byou may refresh your
be her name. hearts. After that you may pass by,
16 And I will bless her aand also CHAPTER 18
cinasmuch as you have come to your
give you a son by her; then I will servant. They said, Do as you have
bless her, and she shall be a mother said.
bof nations; ckings of peoples shall 1 aGen. 13:18;
14:13 1Heb. 6 So Abraham hurried into the
be from her. Alon Mamre tent to Sarah and said, Quickly,
17 Then Abraham fell on his face make ready three measures of fine
aand laughed, and said in his heart, 2 aHeb. 13:2
bGen. 19:1
meal; knead it and make cakes.
Shall a child be born to a man who 7 And Abraham ran to the herd,
is one hundred years old? And shall 4 aGen. 19:2; took a tender and good calf, gave it
Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear 24:32; 43:24 to a young man, and he hastened to
a child? prepare it.
18 And Abraham asaid to God, Oh, 5 aJudg. 6:18, 8 So ahe took butter and milk and
19; 13:15, 16
that Ishmael might live before You! bJudg. 19:5 the calf which he had prepared, and
19 Then God said: No, aSarah your cGen. 19:8; set it before them; and he stood by
wife shall bear you a son, and you 33:10 them under the tree as they ate.
shall call his name Isaac; I will 9 Then they said to him, Where is
establish My bcovenant with him for 8 aGen. 19:3
Sarah your wife? So he said, Here,
an everlasting covenant, and with 9 aGen. 24:67
ain the tent.
his descendants after him. 10 And He said, I will certainly
20 And as for Ishmael, I have 10 a2 Kin. 4:16 return to you aaccording to the time
bRom. 9:9
heard you. Behold, I have blessed of life, and behold, bSarah your wife
him, and will make him fruitful, and 11 aGen. 17:17
shall have a son. (Sarah was listen-
awill multiply him exceedingly. He bGen. 31:35 ing in the tent door which was
shall beget btwelve princes, cand I 1Lit. the man- behind him.)
will make him a great nation. ner of women 11 Now aAbraham and Sarah were
had ceased to
21 But My acovenant I will establish be with Sarah old, well advanced in age; and 1Sarah
with Isaac, bwhom Sarah shall bear to bhad passed the age of childbearing.
you at this cset time next year. 12 aGen. 17:17 12 Therefore Sarah alaughed within
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GENESIS 18:13 14
herself, saying, bAfter I have grown 12 bLuke 1:18
c1 Pet. 3:6
and said, Suppose there should be
old, shall I have pleasure, my clord forty found there? So He said, I
being old also? will not do it for the sake of forty.
13 And the LORD said to Abraham, 14 aJer. 32:17 30 Then he said, Let not the Lord be
bGen. 17:21;
Why did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall 18:10 angry, and I will speak: Suppose thirty
I surely bear a child, since I am old? should be found there? So He said, I
14 aIs anything too hard for the will not do it if I find thirty there.
16 aRom. 15:24
LORD? bAt the appointed time I will 31 And he said, Indeed now, I have
return to you, according to the time taken it upon myself to speak to the
of life, and Sarah shall have a son. 17 aPs. 25:14 Lord: Suppose twenty should be
15 But Sarah denied it, saying, I did found there? So He said, I will not
not laugh, for she was afraid. And 18 a[Acts 3:25, destroy it for the sake of twenty.
He said, No, but you did laugh! 26 32 Then he said, aLet not the Lord
be angry, and I will speak but once
Abraham Intercedes for Sodom more: Suppose ten should be found
19 a[Deut. 4:9,
16 Then the men rose from there 10; 6:6, 7] there? bAnd He said, I will not
and looked toward Sodom, and destroy it for the sake of ten.
Abraham went with them ato send 20 aGen. 4:10;
33 So the LORD went His way as soon
them on the way. 19:13 bGen. as He had finished speaking with
17 And the LORD said, aShall I hide 13:13 Abraham; and Abraham returned to
from Abraham what I am doing, his place.
18 since Abraham shall surely 21 aGen. 11:5 Sodoms Depravity
become a great and mighty nation, bDeut. 8:2;

and all the nations of the earth shall 13:3 Now athe two angels came to
be ablessed in him?
19 For I have known him, in order 22 aGen. 18:16;
19 Sodom in the evening, and
bLot was sitting in the gate of
athat he may command his children 19:1 Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose
and his household after him, that to meet them, and he bowed himself
they keep the way of the LORD, to 23 a[Heb. with his face toward the ground.
do righteousness and justice, that 10:22] bNum. 2 And he said, Here now, my
the LORD may bring to Abraham 16:22 cJob lords, please aturn in to your ser-
9:22 dGen.
what He has spoken to him. 20:4 vants house and spend the night,
20 And the LORD said, Because and bwash your feet; then you may
athe outcry against Sodom and rise early and go on your way. And
25 aIs. 3:10, 11
Gomorrah is great, and because bDeut. 1:16, they said, cNo, but we will spend
their bsin is very grave, 17; 32:4 the night in the open square.
21 aI will go down now and see 3 But he insisted strongly; so they
whether they have done altogether 26 aJer. 5:1
turned in to him and entered his
according to the outcry against it house. aThen he made them a feast,
that has come to Me; and if not, bI and baked bunleavened bread, and
will know. 27 a[Gen. 3:19] they ate.
22 Then the men turned away from 4 Now before they lay down, the
there aand went toward Sodom, but 32 aJudg. 6:39 men of the city, the men of Sodom,
Abraham still stood before the bJames 5:16 both old and young, all the people
LORD. from every quarter, surrounded the
23 And Abraham acame near and CHAPTER 19 house.
said, bWould You also cdestroy the 5 aAnd they called to Lot and said
drighteous with the wicked? to him, Where are the men who
1 aGen. 18:2,
24 Suppose there were fifty righ- 16, 22 bGen. came to you tonight? bBring them
teous within the city; would You also 18:15 out to us that we cmay know them
destroy the place and not spare it for carnally.
the fifty righteous that were in it? 2 a[Heb. 13:2]
6 So aLot went out to them
25 Far be it from You to do such a bGen. 18:4; through the doorway, shut the door
thing as this, to slay the righteous 24:32 cLuke behind him,
with the wicked, so athat the righ- 24:28 7 and said, Please, my brethren,
teous should be as the wicked; far do not do so wickedly!
be it from You! bShall not the Judge 3 aGen. 18:68 8 aSee now, I have two daughters
of all the earth do right? bEx. 12:8 who have not known a man; please,
26 So the LORD said, aIf I find in let me bring them out to you, and
Sodom fifty righteous within the city, 5 aIs. 3:9 you may do to them as you wish;
then I will spare all the place for their bJudg. 19:22 only do nothing to these men, bsince
sakes. cGen. 4:1
this is the reason they have come
27 Then Abraham answered and under the shadow of my roof.
said, Indeed now, I who am abut 6 aJudg. 19:23 9 And they said, Stand back!
dust and ashes have taken it upon Then they said, This one acame in
myself to speak to the Lord: to 1stay here, band he keeps acting
8 aJudg. 19:24
28 Suppose there were five less bGen. 18:5 as a judge; now we will deal worse
than the fifty righteous; would You with you than with them. So they
destroy all of the city for lack of pressed hard against the man Lot,
five? So He said, If I find there 9 a2 Pet. 2:7, 8 and came near to break down the
bEx. 2:14 1As
forty-five, I will not destroy it. a resident door.
29 And he spoke to Him yet again alien 10 But the men reached out their
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15 GENESIS 20:3
hands and pulled Lot into the house 11 aGen. 20:17 26 But his wife looked back behind
with them, and shut the door. him, and she became aa pillar of salt.
11 And they astruck the men who 12 a2 Pet. 27 And Abraham went early in the
2:7, 9
were at the doorway of the house morning to the place where ahe had
with blindness, both small and 13 aGen. 18:20 stood before the LORD.
great, so that they became weary b1 Chr. 21:15 28 Then he looked toward Sodom
trying to find the door. and Gomorrah, and toward all the
14 aMatt. 1:18
bNum. 16:21,
land of the plain; and he saw, and
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed behold, athe smoke of the land
24, 26, 45
12 Then the men said to Lot, Have cEx. 9:21 which went up like the smoke of a
you anyone else here? Son-in-law, furnace.
your sons, your daughters, and 15 aRev. 18:4 29 And it came to pass, when God
whomever you have in the city destroyed the cities of the plain, that
atake them out of this place! 16 a2 Pet. 2:7
bLuke 18:13
God aremembered Abraham, and
13 For we will destroy this place, cPs. 34:22 sent Lot out of the midst of the over-
because the aoutcry against them throw, when He overthrew the cities
has grown great before the face of 17 aJer. 48:6 in which Lot had dwelt.
the LORD, and bthe LORD has sent 24:1618 The Descendants of Lot
us to destroy it. cGen. 14:10
14 So Lot went out and spoke to his 1LXX, Syr., 30 Then Lot went up out of Zoar and
sons-in-law, awho had married his Vg. they 2Lit. adwelt in the mountains, and his two
daughters, and said, bGet up, get swept away daughters were with him; for he was
out of this place; for the LORD will afraid to dwell in Zoar. And he and
18 aActs 10:14
destroy this city! cBut to his sons- his two daughters dwelt in a cave.
in-law he seemed to be joking. 21 aJob 42:8, 9 31 Now the firstborn said to the
15 When the morning dawned, the younger, Our father is old, and
angels urged Lot to hurry, saying, 22 aEx. 32:10 there is no man on the earth ato
aArise, take your wife and your two bGen. 13:10; come in to us as is the custom of all
daughters who are here, lest you be 14:2 1Lit. Lit- the earth.
tle or Insig-
consumed in the punishment of the nificant 32 Come, let us make our father
city. drink wine, and we will lie with him,
16 And while he lingered, the men 24 aDeut. that we amay preserve the 1lineage
atook hold of his hand, his wifes 29:23 bLev. of our father.
hand, and the hands of his two 10:2 33 So they made their father drink
daughters, the bLORD being merciful wine that night. And the firstborn
25 aPs. 107:34
to him, cand they brought him out 1devastated went in and lay with her father, and
and set him outside the city. he did not know when she lay down
17 So it came to pass, when they 26 aLuke 17:32 or when she arose.
had brought them outside, that 1he 34 It happened on the next day that
said, aEscape for your life! bDo not 27 aGen. 18:22 the firstborn said to the younger,
look behind you nor stay anywhere Indeed I lay with my father last
28 aRev. 9:2; night; let us make him drink wine
in the plain. Escape cto the moun- 18:9
tains, lest you be 2destroyed. tonight also, and you go in and lie
18 Then Lot said to them, Please, 29 aGen. 8:1; with him, that we may preserve the
ano, my lords! 1lineage of our father.
19 Indeed now, your servant has 35 Then they made their father
found favor in your sight, and you 30 aGen. 19:17, drink wine that night also. And the
19 younger arose and lay with him,
have increased your mercy which
you have shown me by saving my and he did not know when she lay
31 aGen. 16:2,
life; but I cannot escape to the 4; 38:8, 9 down or when she arose.
mountains, lest some evil overtake 36 Thus both the daughters of Lot
me and I die. 32 a[Mark were with child by their father.
20 See now, this city is near 12:19] 1Lit. 37 The firstborn bore a son and
seed called his name Moab; ahe is the
enough to flee to, and it is a little one;
please let me escape there (is it not a 34 1Lit. seed
father of the Moabites to this day.
little one?) and my soul shall live. 38 And the younger, she also bore
21 And he said to him, See, aI have 37 aDeut. 2:9 a son and called his name Ben-
favored you concerning this thing Ammi; ahe is the father of the people
also, in that I will not overthrow this 38 aDeut. 2:19 of Ammon to this day.
city for which you have spoken. Abraham and Abimelech
22 Hurry, escape there. For aI can- CHAPTER 20
not do anything until you arrive And Abraham journeyed
there. Therefore bthe name of the
city was called 1Zoar.
1 aGen. 18:1
bGen. 12:9;
20 from athere to the South, and
dwelt between bKadesh and Shur,
16:7, 14 cGen.
23 The sun had risen upon the 26:1, 6 and cstayed in Gerar.
earth when Lot entered Zoar. 2 Now Abraham said of Sarah his
24 Then the LORD rained abrimstone 2 aGen. 12:11 wife, aShe is my sister. And Abim-
and bfire on Sodom and Gomorrah, 13; 26:7 bGen. elech king of Gerar sent and btook
from the LORD out of the heavens. 12:15 Sarah.
25 So He 1overthrew those cities, all 3 aPs. 105:14
3 But aGod came to Abimelech bin
the plain, all the inhabitants of the bJob 33:15 a dream by night, and said to him,
cities, and awhat grew on the ground. cGen. 20:7 cIndeed you are a dead man
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GENESIS 20:4 16
because of the woman whom you 3 1Lit. married Isaac Is Born
have taken, for she is 1a mans wife. to a husband
And the LORD avisited Sarah
4 But Abimelech had not come
near her; and he said, Lord, awill
4 aGen.
5 a2 Kin. 20:3
21 as He had said, and the LORD
did for Sarah bas He had spoken.
You slay a righteous nation also? 1innocence
5 Did he not say to me, She is 2 For Sarah aconceived and bore
my sister? And she, even she her-
6 a1 Sam. Abraham a son in his old age, bat the
25:26, 34 set time of which God had spoken to
self said, He is my brother. aIn the bGen. 39:9
1integrity of my heart and inno- 7 a1 Sam. 7:5
cence of my hands I have done this. bGen. 2:17 3 And Abraham called the name
6 And God said to him in a dream,
cNum. 16:32, of his son who was born to him
33 whom Sarah bore to himaIsaac.1
Yes, I know that you did this in the 9 aGen. 26:10; 4 Then Abraham acircumcised his
integrity of your heart. For aI also 39:9 bGen. son Isaac when he was eight days
withheld you from sinning bagainst 34:7 1sinned old, bas God had commanded him.
Me; therefore I did not let you touch against
5 Now aAbraham was one hun-
her. 11 aProv. 16:6
bGen. 12:12; dred years old when his son Isaac
7 Now therefore, restore the 26:7 was born to him.
mans wife; afor he is a prophet, and 6 And Sarah said, aGod has
12 aGen. 11:29
he will pray for you and you shall 1made me laugh, and all who hear
13 aGen.
live. But if you do not restore her, 12:19, 11 bwill laugh with me.
bknow that you shall surely die, you bGen. 12:13;
cand all who are yours.
7 She also said, Who would have
20:5 said to Abraham that Sarah would
8 So Abimelech rose early in the 14 aGen. 12:16 nurse children? aFor I have borne
morning, called all his servants, and 15 aGen. 13:9; him a son in his old age.
told all these things in their hearing; 34:10; 47:6
and the men were very much afraid. 16 aGen. 26:11
bGen. 24:65
Hagar and Ishmael Depart
9 And Abimelech called Abraham
and said to him, What have you
1Lit. is a cov- 8 So the child grew and was
ering of the weaned. And Abraham made a
done to us? How have I 1offended eyes for you
you, athat you have brought on me to all 2Or jus- great feast on the same day that
and on my kingdom a great sin? You tified Isaac was weaned.
have done deeds to me bthat ought 17 aJob 42:9 9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar
bGen. 21:2 athe Egyptian, whom she had borne
not to be done. to Abraham, bscoffing.1
18 aGen. 12:17
10 Then Abimelech said to Abra- 10 Therefore she said to Abraham,
ham, What did you have in view, CHAPTER 21 aCast out this bondwoman and her
that you have done this thing? 1 a1 Sam. 2:21 son; for the son of this bondwoman
11 And Abraham said, Because I b[Gal. 4:23,
shall not be heir with my son,
thought, surely athe fear of God is 28]
namely with Isaac.
not in this place; and bthey will kill 2 aHeb. 11:11,
11 And the matter was very 1dis-
me on account of my wife. 12 bGen.
17:21; 18:10, pleasing in Abrahams sight abe-
12 But indeed ashe is truly my sis- 14 cause of his son.
ter. She is the daughter of my father, 3 aGen. 17:19, 12 But God said to Abraham, Do
but not the daughter of my mother; 21 1Lit. not let it be displeasing in your sight
and she became my wife. Laughter
because of the lad or because of your
13 And it came to pass, when aGod 4 aActs 7:8
bGen. 17:10, bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has
caused me to wander from my 12 said to you, listen to her voice; for ain
fathers house, that I said to her, Isaac your seed shall be called.
5 aGen. 17:1,
This is your kindness that you 17 13 Yet I will also make aa nation of
should do for me: in every place, 6 aIs. 54:1 the son of the bondwoman, because
wherever we go, bsay of me, He is bLuke 1:58 he is your 1seed.
my brother. 1Lit. made
14 So Abraham rose early in the
14 Then Abimelech atook sheep, laughter for
me morning, and took bread and 1a skin
oxen, and male and female servants, of water; and putting it on her
7 aGen. 18:11,
and gave them to Abraham; and he 12 shoulder, he gave it and the boy to
restored Sarah his wife to him. 9 aGen. 16:1, Hagar, and asent her away. Then she
15 And Abimelech said, See, amy 4, 15 b[Gal. departed and wandered in the
land is before you; dwell where it 4:29] 1Lit. Wilderness of Beersheba.
pleases you. laughing 15 And the water in the skin was
16 Then to Sarah he said, Behold, 10 aGal. 3:18; used up, and she placed the boy
I have given your brother a thou- 4:30
under one of the shrubs.
sand pieces of silver; aindeed this 11 aGen. 17:18
1distressing 16 Then she went and sat down
1vindicates you bbefore all who are
12 a[Rom. 9:7,
across from him at a distance of
with you and before everybody. 8] about a bowshot; for she said to her-
Thus she was 2rebuked. 13 aGen. 16:10; self, Let me not see the death of the
17 So Abraham aprayed to God; 17:20; 21:18; boy. So she sat opposite him, and
and God bhealed Abimelech, his 25:1218 lifted her voice and wept.
wife, and his female servants. Then 17 And aGod heard the voice of the
they bore children; 14 aJohn 8:35
1A water bot-
lad. Then the bangel of God called to
18 for the LORD ahad closed up all tle made of Hagar out of heaven, and said to
the wombs of the house of Abim- skins her, What ails you, Hagar? Fear
elech because of Sarah, Abrahams 17 aEx. 3:7 not, for God has heard the voice of
wife. bGen. 22:11 the lad where he is.
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17 GENESIS 22:17
18 Arise, lift up the lad and hold 18 aGen. 16:10; blove, and go cto the land of Moriah,
him with your hand, for aI will make 21:13; and offer him there as a dburnt
him a great nation. offering on one of the mountains of
19 Then aGod opened her eyes, and 19 aNum. which I shall tell you.
she saw a well of water. And she 22:31 3 So Abraham rose early in the
went and filled the skin with water, morning and saddled his donkey,
and gave the lad a drink. 20 aGen. 28:15; and took two of his young men
20 So God awas with the lad; and 39:2, 3, 21
bGen. 16:12 with him, and Isaac his son; and
he grew and dwelt in the wilder- he split the wood for the burnt
ness, band became an archer. 21 aGen. 24:4 offering, and arose and went to the
21 He dwelt in the Wilderness of place of which God had told him.
Paran; and his mother atook a wife 22 aGen. 20:2, 4 Then on the third day Abraham
for him from the land of Egypt. 14; 26:26 lifted his eyes and saw the place
bGen. 26:28
A Covenant with Abimelech afar off.
23 aJosh. 2:12 5 And Abraham said to his young
22 And it came to pass at that time 1take an oath men, Stay here with the donkey; the
that aAbimelech and Phichol, the 1lad and I will go yonder and wor-
commander of his army, spoke to 25 aGen. 26:15, ship, and we will acome back to you.
Abraham, saying, bGod is with you 18, 2022
6 So Abraham took the wood of
in all that you do. 27 aGen. 26:31; the burnt offering and alaid it on
23 Now therefore, aswear1 to me 31:44 1treaty Isaac his son; and he took the fire in
by God that you will not deal falsely his hand, and a knife, and the two of
with me, with my offspring, or with 29 aGen. 33:8 them went together.
my posterity; but that according to 7 But Isaac spoke to Abraham his
the kindness that I have done to 30 aGen. 31:48, father and said, My father! And he
you, you will do to me and to the 52
said, Here I am, my son. Then he
land in which you have dwelt. 31 aGen. 21:14; said, Look, the fire and the wood,
24 And Abraham said, I will 26:33 1Lit. but where is the 1lamb for a burnt
swear. Well of the offering?
25 Then Abraham rebuked Abim- Oath or Well
8 And Abraham said, My son,
elech because of a well of water of the Seven
God will provide for Himself the
which Abimelechs servants ahad 33 aGen. 4:26; alamb for a bburnt offering. So the
seized. 12:8; 13:4; two of them went together.
26 And Abimelech said, I do not 26:25 bDeut. 9 Then they came to the place of
know who has done this thing; you 32:40; 33:27
which God had told him. And Abra-
did not tell me, nor had I heard of it ham built an altar there and placed
until today. CHAPTER 22
the wood in order; and he bound
27 So Abraham took sheep and Isaac his son and alaid him on the
oxen and gave them to Abimelech, 1 aHeb. 11:17
altar, upon the wood.
and the two of them amade a
1covenant. 2 aGen. 22:12, 10 And Abraham stretched out his
28 And Abraham set seven ewe 16 bJohn 5:20 hand and took the knife to slay his
c2 Chr. 3:1
lambs of the flock by themselves. dGen. 8:20;
29 Then Abimelech asked Abra- 31:54 11 But the aAngel of the LORD
ham, aWhat is the meaning of these called to him from heaven and said,
seven ewe lambs which you have set 5 a[Heb. 11:19] Abraham, Abraham! So he said,
by themselves?
1Or young Here I am.
man 12 And He said, aDo not lay your
30 And he said, You will take
these seven ewe lambs from my 6 aJohn 19:17
hand on the lad, or do anything to
hand, that athey may be my witness him; for bnow I know that you fear
that I have dug this well. 7 1Or goat God, since you have not cwithheld
31 Therefore he acalled that place your son, your only son, from Me.
1Beersheba, because the two of 8 aJohn 1:29, 13 Then Abraham lifted his eyes
them swore an oath there. 36 bEx. 12:36 and looked, and there behind him
32 Thus they made a covenant at was a ram caught in a thicket by its
9 a[Heb.
Beersheba. So Abimelech rose with 11:1719] horns. So Abraham went and took
Phichol, the commander of his the ram, and offered it up for a
army, and they returned to the land 11 aGen. 16:7 burnt offering instead of his son.
of the Philistines. 11; 21:17, 18; 14 And Abraham called the name of
33 Then Abraham planted a 31:11 the place, 1The-LORD-Will-Provide;
tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and 12 a1 Sam.
as it is said to this day, In the Mount
athere called on the name of the of the LORD it shall be provided.
15:22 bJames
LORD, bthe Everlasting God. 2:21, 22 cGen. 15 Then the Angel of the LORD
34 And Abraham stayed in the land 22:2, 16 called to Abraham a second time
of the Philistines many days. out of heaven,
14 1Heb.
YHWH Yireh 16 and said: aBy Myself I have
Abrahams Faith Confirmed sworn, says the LORD, because you
Now it came to pass after have done this thing, and have not
22 these things that aGod tested
Abraham, and said to him, Abra-
16 aPs. 105:9

17 aGen. 17:16;
withheld your son, your only son
17 blessing I will abless you, and
ham! And he said, Here I am. 26:3, 24 bGen. multiplying I will multiply your
15:5; 26:4
2 Then He said, Take now your cGen. 13:16; descendants bas the stars of the
son, ayour only son Isaac, whom you 32:12 heaven cand as the sand which is on
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GENESIS 22:18 18
the seashore; and dyour descendants 17 dGen. 24:60 down before the people of the land;
shall possess the gate of their ene- 13 and he spoke to Ephron in the
mies. 18 aGen. 12:3; hearing of the people of the land,
18:18; 26:4;
18 aIn your seed all the nations of bGen. 18:19; saying, If you will give it, please
the earth shall be blessed, bbecause 22:3, 10; 26:5 hear me. I will give you money for
you have obeyed My voice. the field; take it from me and I will
19 So Abraham returned to his 19 aGen. 21:31 bury my dead there.
young men, and they rose and went 14 And Ephron answered Abra-
together to aBeersheba; and Abra- 20 aGen. 11:29; ham, saying to him,
ham dwelt at Beersheba. 24:15
15 My lord, listen to me; the land
21 aJob 1:1 is worth four hundred ashekels of
The Family of Nahor bJob 32:2 silver. What is that between you and
20 Now it came to pass after these me? So bury your dead.
things that it was told Abraham, say- 23 aGen. 24:15 16 And Abraham listened to
ing, Indeed aMilcah also has borne Ephron; and Abraham aweighed out
Rom. 9:10
children to your brother Nahor: the silver for Ephron which he had
21 aHuz his firstborn, Buz his CHAPTER 23 named in the hearing of the sons of
brother, Kemuel the father bof Aram, Heth, four hundred shekels of silver,
22 Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, 2 aJosh. 14:15; currency of the merchants.
and Bethuel. 15:13; 21:11 17 So athe field of Ephron which
23 And aBethuel begot 1Rebekah. bGen. 13:18;
was in Machpelah, which was before
These eight Milcah bore to Nahor, 23:19
Mamre, the field and the cave which
Abrahams brother. 3 aGen. 10:15; was in it, and all the trees that were
24 His concubine, whose name was 15:20 in the field, which were within all the
Reumah, also bore Tebah, Gaham, surrounding borders, were deeded
Thahash, and Maachah. 4 a[Gen. 17:8] 18 to Abraham as a possession in
bActs 7:5, 16
the presence of the sons of Heth,
Sarahs Death and Burial before all who went in at the gate of
6 aGen. 13:2;
Sarah lived one hundred and his city.
23 twenty-seven years; these
were the years of the life of Sarah.
14:14; 24:35
1Lit. prince of
19 And after this, Abraham buried
Sarah his wife in the cave of the field
2 So Sarah died in aKirjath Arba of Machpelah, before Mamre (that
(that is, bHebron) in the land of 8 1entreat is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan.
Canaan, and Abraham came to 20 So the field and the cave that is
9 aGen. 25:9 in it awere deeded to Abraham by
mourn for Sarah and to weep for her.
3 Then Abraham stood up from 10 aGen. 23:18;
the sons of Heth as property for a
before his dead, and spoke to the 34:20, 24 burial place.
sons of aHeth, saying,
4 aI am a foreigner and a visitor 11 a2 Sam. A Bride for Isaac
among you. bGive me property for a 24:2124
Now Abraham awas old, well
burial place among you, that I may
bury my dead out of my sight. 15 aEx. 30:13 24 advanced in age; and the LORD
bhad blessed Abraham in all things.
5 And the sons of Heth answered aJer. 2 So Abraham said ato the oldest
Abraham, saying to him, 16 32:9,
6 Hear us, my lord: You are aa
10 servant of his house, who bruled
1mighty prince among us; bury your over all that he had, Please, cput
17 aGen. 25:9; your hand under my thigh,
dead in the choicest of our burial 49:2932;
3 and I will make you aswear1 by
places. None of us will withhold 50:13
from you his burial place, that you the LORD, the God of heaven and
may bury your dead. 20 aJer. 32:10, the God of the earth, that byou will
7 Then Abraham stood up and 11 not take a wife for my son from the
bowed himself to the people of the daughters of the Canaanites, among
CHAPTER 24 whom I dwell;
land, the sons of Heth.
8 And he spoke with them, saying, 4 abut you shall go bto my coun-
1 aGen. 18:11; try and to my family, and take a wife
If it is your wish that I bury my dead 21:5 bGen.
out of my sight, hear me, and 1meet 12:2; 13:2; for my son Isaac.
with Ephron the son of Zohar for me, 24:35 5 And the servant said to him,
9 that he may give me the cave of Perhaps the woman will not be
aMachpelah which he has, which is 2 aGen. 15:2 willing to follow me to this land.
bGen. 24:10;
at the end of his field. Let him give it 39:46 cGen.
Must I take your son back to the
to me at the full price, as property 47:29 land from which you came?
for a burial place among you. 6 But Abraham said to him,
10 Now Ephron dwelt among the 3 aGen. 14:19, Beware that you do not take my
sons of Heth; and Ephron the Hittite 22 bDeut. 7:3 son back there.
1take an oath
answered Abraham in the presence 7 The LORD God of heaven, who
atook me from my fathers house
of the sons of Heth, all who aentered 4 aGen. 28:2
at the gate of his city, saying, bGen. 12:1 and from the land of my family, and
11 aNo, my lord, hear me: I give who spoke to me and swore to me,
you the field and the cave that is in 7 aGen. 12:1; saying, bTo your 1descendants I give
it; I give it to you in the presence of 24:3 bGen. this land, cHe will send His angel
the sons of my people. I give it to 12:7; 13:15; before you, and you shall take a
15:18; 17:8
you. Bury your dead! cEx. 23:20, 23; wife for my son from there.
12 Then Abraham bowed himself 33:2 1Lit. seed 8 And if the woman is not willing
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19 GENESIS 24:41
to follow you, then ayou will be 8 aJosh. daughter of Bethuel, Milcahs son,
released from this oath; only do not 2:1720 whom she bore to Nahor.
take my son back there. 10 aGen. 24:2,
25 Moreover she said to him, We
9 So the servant put his hand 22 bGen. have both straw and feed enough,
under the thigh of Abraham his 11:31, 32; and room to lodge.
master, and swore to him concern- 22:20; 27:43; 26 Then the man abowed down his
ing this matter. 29:5 head and worshiped the LORD.
10 Then the servant took ten of his 11 aEx. 2:16
27 And he said, aBlessed be the
masters camels and departed, afor LORD God of my master Abraham,
all his masters goods were in his 12 aEx. 3:6, 15 who has not forsaken bHis mercy
hand. And he arose and went to bNeh. 1:11 and His truth toward my master. As
Mesopotamia, to bthe city of Nahor. for me, being on the way, the LORD
11 And he made his camels kneel 13 aGen. 24:43 cled me to the house of my masters
bEx. 2:16
down outside the city by a well of brethren.
water at evening time, the time 28 So the young woman ran and
awhen women go out to draw water. 14 aJudg. 6:17,
37 told her mothers household these
12 Then he asaid, O LORD God of things.
my master Abraham, please bgive 15 aIs. 65:24 29 Now Rebekah had a brother
me success this day, and show kind- bGen. 24:45; whose name was aLaban, and Laban
ness to my master Abraham. 25:20 cGen. ran out to the man by the well.
22:20, 23
13 Behold, here aI stand by the 1Rebecca, 30 So it came to pass, when he saw
well of water, and bthe daughters of Rom. 9:10 the nose ring, and the bracelets on
the men of the city are coming out his sisters wrists, and when he
to draw water. 16 aGen. 12:11; heard the words of his sister
14 Now let it be that the young 26:7; 29:17 Rebekah, saying, Thus the man
woman to whom I say, Please let spoke to me, that he went to the
down your pitcher that I may drink, 18 a[1 Pet. 3:8, man. And there he stood by the
and she says, Drink, and I will also camels at the well.
give your camels a drinklet her 21 aGen. 31 And he said, Come in, aO
be the one You have appointed for 24:1214, 27, blessed of the LORD! Why do you
Your servant Isaac. And aby this I 52 stand outside? For I have prepared
will know that You have shown the house, and a place for the
kindness to my master. 22 aEx. 32:2, 3 camels.
15 And it happened, abefore he had 23 1to spend
32 Then the man came to the
finished speaking, that behold, bRe- the night house. And he unloaded the camels,
bekah,1 who was born to Bethuel, and aprovided straw and feed for the
son of cMilcah, the wife of Nahor, 24 aGen. 22:23; camels, and water to bwash his feet
Abrahams brother, came out with 24:15 and the feet of the men who were
her pitcher on her shoulder. with him.
16 Now the young woman awas 26 aEx. 4:31 33 Food was set before him to eat,
very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no but he said, aI will not eat until I
27 aEx. 18:10
man had known her. And she went bGen. 32:10 have told about my errand. And
down to the well, filled her pitcher, cGen. 24:21, he said, Speak on.
and came up. 48 34 So he said, I am Abrahams
17 And the servant ran to meet her servant.
and said, Please let me drink a lit- 29 aGen. 29:5, 35 The LORD ahas blessed my
tle water from your pitcher. master greatly, and he has become
18 aSo she said, Drink, my lord. 31 aJudg. 17:2
great; and He has given him flocks
Then she quickly let her pitcher and herds, silver and gold, male and
down to her hand, and gave him a 32 aGen. 43:24 female servants, and camels and
drink. bGen. 19:2 donkeys.
19 And when she had finished giv- 36 And Sarah my masters wife
ing him a drink, she said, I will 33 aJohn 4:34 abore a son to my master when she
draw water for your camels also, was old; and bto him he has given all
until they have finished drinking. 35 aGen. 13:2; that he has.
20 Then she quickly emptied her 37 Now my master amade me
pitcher into the trough, ran back to 36 aGen. swear, saying, You shall not take a
the well to draw water, and drew for 21:17 bGen. wife for my son from the daughters
all his camels. 21:10; 25:5 of the Canaanites, in whose land I
21 And the man, wondering at her, dwell;
remained silent so as to know 37 aGen. 38 abut you shall go to my fathers
whether athe LORD had made his house and to my family, and take a
journey prosperous or not. 38 aGen. 24:4 wife for my son.
22 So it was, when the camels had 39 aAnd I said to my master, Per-
finished drinking, that the man took 39 aGen. 24:5 haps the woman will not follow me.
a golden anose ring weighing half a 40 aBut he said to me, The LORD,
shekel, and two bracelets for her 40 aGen. 24:7 bbefore whom I walk, will send His
wrists weighing ten shekels of gold, bGen. 5:22,
angel with you and 1prosper your
23 and said, Whose daughter are 24; 17:1 1make way; and you shall take a wife for
your way
you? Tell me, please, is there room in successful my son from my family and from
your fathers house for us 1to lodge? my fathers house.
24 So she said to him, aI am the 41 aGen. 24:8 41 aYou will be clear from this oath
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GENESIS 24:42 20
when you arrive among my family; 42 aGen. 24:12 1hinder me, since the LORD has
for if they will not give her to you, prospered my way; send me away so
then you will be released from my that I may go to my master.
43 aGen. 24:13
oath. 57 So they said, We will call the
42 And this day I came to the well young woman and ask her person-
and said, aO LORD God of my mas- 45 aGen. 24:15 ally.
ter Abraham, if You will now pros- b1 Sam. 1:13 58 Then they called Rebekah and
per the way in which I go, said to her, Will you go with this
43 abehold, I stand by the well of man? And she said, I will go.
water; and it shall come to pass that 48 aGen. 24:26, 59 So they sent away Rebekah
52 bGen.
when the virgin comes out to draw 22:23; 24:27 their sister aand her nurse, and
water, and I say to her, Please give Abrahams servant and his men.
me a little water from your pitcher 60 And they blessed Rebekah and
to drink, 49 aJosh. 2:14 said to her:
44 and she says to me, Drink, and I
will draw for your camels also,let
50 aPs. 118:23
Our sister, may you become
her be the woman whom the LORD bGen. 31:24, aThe mother of thousands of ten
has appointed for my masters son. 29 thousands;
45 aBut before I had finished bAnd may your descendants
bspeaking in my heart, there was
Rebekah, coming out with her 51 aGen. 20:15 The gates of those who hate
pitcher on her shoulder; and she them.
went down to the well and drew 52 aGen. 24:26,
water. And I said to her, Please let 48 61 Then Rebekah and her maids
me drink. arose, and they rode on the camels
46 And she made haste and let her and followed the man. So the ser-
pitcher down from her shoulder, 53 aEx. 3:22; vant took Rebekah and departed.
and said, Drink, and I will give your 11:2; 12:35
b2 Chr. 21:3 62 Now Isaac came from the way
camels a drink also. So I drank, and of aBeer Lahai Roi, for he dwelt in
she gave the camels a drink also. the South.
47 Then I asked her, and said, 54 aGen. 24:56, 63 And Isaac went out ato meditate
Whose daughter are you? And she 59; 30:25 in the field in the evening; and he
said, The daughter of Bethuel, lifted his eyes and looked, and
Nahors son, whom Milcah bore to there, the camels were coming.
him. So I put the nose ring on her 56 1delay
64 Then Rebekah lifted her eyes,
nose and the bracelets on her wrists. and when she saw Isaac ashe dis-
48 aAnd I bowed my head and 59 aGen. 35:8 mounted from her camel;
worshiped the LORD, and blessed 65 for she had said to the servant,
the LORD God of my master Abra- Who is this man walking in the
ham, who had led me in the way of 60 aGen. 17:16 field to meet us? The servant said,
bGen. 22:17;
truth to btake the daughter of my It is my master. So she took a veil
masters brother for his son. and covered herself.
49 Now if you will adeal kindly 66 And the servant told Isaac all
and truly with my master, tell me. 62 aGen. 16:14; the things that he had done.
And if not, tell me, that I may turn to 25:11 67 Then Isaac brought her into his
the right hand or to the left. mother Sarahs tent; and he atook
50 Then Laban and Bethuel Rebekah and she became his wife,
answered and said, aThe thing 63 aJosh. 1:8
and he loved her. So Isaac bwas
comes from the LORD; we cannot comforted after his mothers death.
bspeak to you either bad or good.
64 aJosh. 15:18
51 aHere is Rebekah before you; Abraham and Keturah
take her and go, and let her be your
Abraham again took a wife,
masters sons wife, as the LORD has
67 aGen. 25:20;
29:20 bGen.
23:1, 2; 38:12
25 and her name was aKeturah.
2 And ashe bore him Zimran, Jok-
52 And it came to pass, when Abra-
hams servant heard their words, shan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and
that ahe worshiped the LORD, bow- Shuah.
ing himself to the earth. CHAPTER 25 3 Jokshan begot Sheba and
53 Then the servant brought out Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were
ajewelry of silver, jewelry of gold, and Asshurim, Letushim, and Leum-
clothing, and gave them to Rebekah. mim.
He also gave bprecious things to her 1 a1 Chr. 1:32, 4 And the sons of Midian were
brother and to her mother. 33 Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abidah, and
54 And he and the men who were Eldaah. All these were the children
with him ate and drank and stayed 2 a1 Chr. 1:32,
of Keturah.
all night. Then they arose in the 33 5 And aAbraham gave all that he
morning, and he said, aSend me had to Isaac.
away to my master. 6 But Abraham gave gifts to the
55 But her brother and her mother 5 aGen. 24:35, sons of the concubines which Abra-
said, Let the young woman stay ham had; and while he was still liv-
with us a few days, at least ten; after ing he asent them eastward, away
that she may go. 6 aGen. 21:14 from Isaac his son, to bthe country
56 And he said to them, Do not bJudg. 6:3 of the east.
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21 GENESIS 26:7
Abrahams Death and Burial 8 aGen. 15:15; cAnd the older shall serve the
47:8, 9 bGen. younger.
7 This is the sum of the years of 25:17; 35:29;
Abrahams life which he lived: one 49:29, 33
9 aGen. 35:29; 24 So when her days were fulfilled
hundred and seventy-five years. 50:13 bGen. for her to give birth, indeed there
8 Then Abraham breathed his last 23:9, 17; 49:30 were twins in her womb.
and adied in a good old age, an old 10 aGen. 25 And the first came out red. He
man and full of years, and bwas 23:316
bGen. 49:31 was alike a hairy garment all over;
gathered to his people. so they called his name 1Esau.
9 And ahis sons Isaac and Ishmael 11 aGen. 16:14
12 aGen. 11:10, 26 Afterward his brother came
buried him in the cave of bMach- 27; 16:15 out, and ahis hand took hold of
pelah, which is before Mamre, in the 13 a1 Chr. Esaus heel; so bhis name was
field of Ephron the son of Zohar the 1:2931 called 1Jacob. Isaac was sixty
Hittite, 15 1MT Hadad years old when she bore them.
10 athe field which Abraham pur- 16 aGen. 17:20 27 So the boys grew. And Esau was
chased from the sons of Heth. aa skillful hunter, a man of the field;
bThere Abraham was buried, and 17 aGen. 25:8;
49:33 but Jacob was ba 1mild man, cdwell-
Sarah his wife. 18 a1 Sam. ing in tents.
11 And it came to pass, after the 15:7 bGen. 28 And Isaac loved Esau because
death of Abraham, that God blessed 16:12 1fell he aate of his game, bbut Rebekah
his son Isaac. And Isaac dwelt at 19 aGen. 36:1, loved Jacob.
aBeer Lahai Roi. 9 bMatt. 1:2
20 aGen. 22:23; Esau Sells His Birthright
The Families of Ishmael and Isaac 24:15, 29, 67
bGen. 24:29
29 Now Jacob cooked a stew; and
12 Now this is the agenealogy of 21 a1 Chr. 5:20
Esau came in from the field, and he
Ishmael, Abrahams son, whom 9:1013 was weary.
Hagar the Egyptian, Sarahs maid- 22 a1 Sam. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Please
servant, bore to Abraham. 1:15; 9:9; feed me with that same red stew, for
13 And athese were the names of 10:22 I am weary. Therefore his name
the sons of Ishmael, by their names, 23 aGen. was called 1Edom.
according to their generations: The 17:46, 16; 31 But Jacob said, Sell me your
24:60 b2 Sam.
firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; then 8:14 cRom. birthright as of this day.
Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 9:12 32 And Esau said, Look, I am
14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 25 aGen. 27:11, about to die; so awhat is this
15 1Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, 16, 23 1Lit. birthright to me?
and Kedemah. Hairy
26 aHos. 12:3
33 Then Jacob said, 1Swear to me
16 These were the sons of Ishmael bGen. 27:36 as of this day. So he swore to him,
and these were their names, by their 1Supplanter and asold his birthright to Jacob.
towns and their 1settlements, atwelve or Deceitful, 34 And Jacob gave Esau bread and
princes according to their nations. lit. One Who stew of lentils; then ahe ate and
Takes the
17 These were the years of the life Heel drank, arose, and went his way.
of Ishmael: one hundred and thirty- 27 aGen. 27:3, Thus Esau bdespised his birthright.
seven years; and ahe breathed his 5 bJob 1:1, 8
last and died, and was gathered to cHeb. 11:9 Isaac and Abimelech
1Lit. complete
his people. There was a famine in the
18 a(They dwelt from Havilah as
far as Shur, which is east of Egypt
28 aGen. 27:4,
19, 25, 31
bGen. 27:610
26 land, besides athe first famine
that was in the days of Abraham.
as you go toward Assyria.) He 1died 30 1Lit. Red And Isaac went to bAbimelech king
bin the presence of all his brethren. 32 aMark 8:36, of the Philistines, in Gerar.
19 This is the agenealogy of Isaac, 37
2 Then the LORD appeared to him
Abrahams son. bAbraham begot 33 aHeb. 12:16
1Take an oath and said: aDo not go down to
Isaac. 34 aEccl. 8:15 Egypt; live in bthe land of which I
20 Isaac was forty years old when bHeb. 12:16, shall tell you.
he took Rebekah as wife, athe 17 3 aDwell in this land, and bI will
daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of be with you and cbless you; for to
Padan Aram, bthe sister of Laban CHAPTER 26
you and your descendants dI give all
the Syrian. 1 aGen. 12:10 these lands, and I will perform ethe
21 Now Isaac pleaded with the bGen. 20:1, 2
oath which I swore to Abraham
LORD for his wife, because she was 2 aGen. 12:7; your father.
barren; aand the LORD granted his 17:1; 18:1; 4 And aI will make your descen-
35:9 bGen.
plea, band Rebekah his wife con- 12:1 dants multiply as the stars of heaven;
ceived. 3 aHeb. 11:9 I will give to your descendants all
22 But the children struggled bGen. 28:13, these lands; band in your seed all the
together within her; and she said, If 15 cGen. 12:2
dGen. 12:7;
nations of the earth shall be blessed;
all is well, why am I like this? aSo 13:15; 15:18 5 abecause Abraham obeyed My
she went to inquire of the LORD. eGen. 22:16 voice and kept My charge, My com-
23 And the LORD said to her: 4 aGen. 15:5; mandments, My statutes, and My
22:17 bGen. laws.
aTwo nations are in your womb, 12:3; 22:18 6 So Isaac dwelt in Gerar.
Two peoples shall be separated 5 aGen. 22:16, 7 And the men of the place asked
from your body; 7 aGen. 12:13;
about his wife. And ahe said, She
One people shall be stronger 20:2, 12, 13 is my sister; for bhe was afraid to
than bthe other, bProv. 29:25 say, She is my wife, because he
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GENESIS 26:8 22
thought, lest the men of the place 7 cGen. 12:11; God of your father Abraham; cdo not
kill me for Rebekah, because she is 24:16; 29:17 fear, for dI am with you. I will bless
cbeautiful to behold. 8 1caressing you and multiply your descendants
8 Now it came to pass, when he 10 aGen. 20:9 for My servant Abrahams sake.
had been there a long time, that 11 aPs. 105:15
25 So he abuilt an altar there and
Abimelech king of the Philistines bcalled on the name of the LORD,
looked through a window, and saw, 12 aMatt. 13:8, and he pitched his tent there; and
and there was Isaac, 1showing 23; Mark 4:8
bGen. 24:1; there Isaacs servants dug a well.
endearment to Rebekah his wife. 25:3, 11; 26:3; 26 Then Abimelech came to him
9 Then Abimelech called Isaac Job 42:12; from Gerar with Ahuzzath, one of
and said, Quite obviously she is Prov. 10:22 his friends, aand Phichol the com-
your wife; so how could you say, 13 aGen. 24:35; mander of his army.
She is my sister? Isaac said to [Prov. 10:22] 27 And Isaac said to them, Why
him, Because I said, Lest I die on 14 aGen. 37:11; have you come to me, asince you
account of her. Eccl. 4:4 hate me and have bsent me away
10 And Abimelech said, What is 15 aGen. 21:25, from you?
this you have done to us? One of the 30 28 But they said, We have certainly
people might soon have lain with 16 aEx. 1:9 seen that the LORD ais with you. So
your wife, and ayou would have we said, Let there now be an oath
brought guilt on us. 17 1camped
between us, between you and us; and
11 So Abimelech charged all his 18 aGen. 21:31 let us make a 1covenant with you,
people, saying, He who atouches 20 aGen. 21:25 29 that you will do us no harm,
this man or his wife shall surely be 1Lit. Quarrel since we have not touched you, and
put to death. 21 1Lit. En- since we have done nothing to you
12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, mity but good and have sent you away in
and reaped in the same year aa hun- 22 aGen. 17:6; peace. aYou are now the blessed of
dredfold; and the LORD bblessed him. 28:3; 41:52; the LORD.
13 The man abegan to prosper, and Ex. 1:7 1Lit. 30 aSo he made them a feast, and
continued prospering until he be- Spaciousness they ate and drank.
came very prosperous; 24 aGen. 26:2 31 Then they arose early in the
14 for he had possessions of flocks bGen. 17:7, 8;
morning and aswore an oath with
and possessions of herds and a 24:12; Ex. 3:6;
one another; and Isaac sent them
great number of servants. So the Acts 7:32
cGen. 15:1 away, and they departed from him
Philistines aenvied him. dGen. 26:3, 4 in peace.
15 Now the Philistines had stopped 32 It came to pass the same day
25 aGen. 12:7,
up all the wells awhich his fathers 8; 13:4, 18; that Isaacs servants came and told
servants had dug in the days of 22:9; 33:20 him about the well which they had
Abraham his father, and they had bGen. 21:33;
dug, and said to him, We have
filled them with earth. Ps. 116:17
found water.
16 And Abimelech said to Isaac, 26 aGen. 21:22 33 So he called it 1Shebah. aThere-
Go away from us, for ayou are 27 aJudg. 11:7 fore the name of the city is 2Beer-
much mightier than we. bGen. 26:16
sheba to this day.
17 Then Isaac departed from there 28 aGen. 21:22, 34 aWhen Esau was forty years old,
and 1pitched his tent in the Valley of 23 1treaty he took as wives Judith the daughter
Gerar, and dwelt there. of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath
29 aGen. 24:31;
18 And Isaac dug again the wells of Ps. 115:15 the daughter of Elon the Hittite.
water which they had dug in the 35 And athey were a grief of mind
days of Abraham his father, for the 30 aGen. 19:3
Philistines had stopped them up 31 aGen. 21:31
to Isaac and Rebekah.
after the death of Abraham. aHe 33 aGen. 21:31; Isaac Blesses Jacob
called them by the names which his 28:10 1Lit.
Now it came to pass, when
father had called them.
19 Also Isaacs servants dug in the
valley, and found a well of running
Oath or
Seven 2Lit.
Well of the
27 Isaac was aold and bhis eyes
were so dim that he could not see,
Oath or Well
water there. of the Seven that he called Esau his older son
20 But the herdsmen of Gerar and said to him, My son. And he
34 aGen. 28:8;
aquarreled with Isaacs herdsmen,
36:2 answered him, Here I am.
saying, The water is ours. So he 2 Then he said, Behold now, I am
35 aGen. 27:46; old. I ado not know the day of my
called the name of the well 1Esek, 28:1, 8
because they quarreled with him. death.
21 Then they dug another well, and CHAPTER 27 3 aNow therefore, please take
they quarreled over that one also. 1 aGen. 35:28
bGen. 48:10;
your weapons, your quiver and your
So he called its name 1Sitnah. bow, and go out to the field and hunt
1 Sam. 3:2
22 And he moved from there and game for me.
dug another well, and they did not 2 a[Prov. 27:1; 4 And make me 1savory food,
quarrel over it. So he called its name James 4:14] such as I love, and bring it to me
1Rehoboth, because he said, For 3 aGen. 25:27, that I may eat, that my soul amay
now the LORD has made room for us, 28 bless you before I die.
and we shall abe fruitful in the land. 4 aGen. 27:19, 5 Now Rebekah was listening
23 Then he went up from there to 25, 27, 31; when Isaac spoke to Esau his son.
Beersheba. 48:9, 15, 16; And Esau went to the field to hunt
49:28; Deut.
24 And the LORD aappeared to him 33:1; Heb. game and to bring it.
the same night and said, bI am the 11:20 1tasty 6 So Rebekah spoke to Jacob her
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23 GENESIS 27:38
son, saying, Indeed I heard your 7 1tasty and I will eat of my sons game, so
father speak to Esau your brother, athat my soul may bless you. So he
8 aGen. 27:13, brought it near to him, and he ate;
saying, 43
7 Bring me game and make and he brought him wine, and he
1savory food for me, that I may eat it
9 aGen. 27:4 drank.
and bless you in the presence of the 26 Then his father Isaac said to
LORD before my death. 10 aGen. 27:4; him, Come near now and kiss me,
8 Now therefore, my son, aobey 48:16 my son.
my voice according to what I com- 27 And he came near and akissed
11 aGen. 25:25 him; and he smelled the smell of his
mand you.
9 Go now to the flock and bring 12 aGen. 27:21,
clothing, and blessed him and said:
me from there two choice kids of the 22 bGen. 9:25;
goats, and I will make asavory food Deut. 27:18 Surely, bthe smell of my son
from them for your father, such as Is like the smell of a field
he loves. 13 aGen. 43:9; Which the LORD has blessed.
1 Sam. 25:24; 28 Therefore may aGod give you
10 Then you shall take it to your 2 Sam. 14:9;
father, that he may eat it, and that Matt. 27:25 Of bthe dew of heaven,
he amay bless you before his death. Of cthe fatness of the earth,
11 And Jacob said to Rebekah his 14 aProv. 23:3; And dplenty of grain and wine.
mother, Look, aEsau my brother is Luke 21:34
29 aLet peoples serve you,
a hairy man, and I am a smooth- And nations bow down to you.
skinned man. 15 aGen. 27:27
Be master over your brethren,
12 Perhaps my father will afeel me, And blet your mothers sons
and I shall seem to be a deceiver to 19 aGen. 27:4 bow down to you.
cCursed be everyone who curses
him; and I shall bring ba curse on
myself and not a blessing. 21 aGen. 27:12 you,
13 But his mother said to him, And blessed be those who bless
aLet your curse be on me, my son;
23 aGen. 27:16 you!
only obey my voice, and go, get 25 aGen. 27:4, Esaus Lost Hope
them for me. 10, 19, 31
14 And he went and got them and 30 Now it happened, as soon as
brought them to his mother, and his 27 aGen. 29:13 Isaac had finished blessing Jacob,
bSong 4:11;
mother amade 1savory food, such as and Jacob had scarcely gone out
Hos. 14:6 from the presence of Isaac his
his father loved.
15 Then Rebekah took athe choice 28 aHeb. 11:20
father, that Esau his brother came in
clothes of her elder son Esau, which bGen. 27:39; from his hunting.
were with her in the house, and put Deut. 33:13, 31 He also had made 1savory food,
them on Jacob her younger son. 28; 2 Sam. and brought it to his father, and said
1:21; Ps. to his father, Let my father arise
16 And she put the skins of the 133:3; Prov.
kids of the goats on his hands and 3:20; Mic. 5:7; and aeat of his sons game, that your
on the smooth part of his neck. Zech. 8:12 soul may bless me.
17 Then she gave the savory food
cGen. 45:18; 32 And his father Isaac said to him,
and the bread, which she had pre-
Num. 18:12
dDeut. 7:13;
Who are you? So he said, I am
pared, into the hand of her son 33:28 your son, your firstborn, Esau.
Jacob. 33 Then Isaac trembled exceed-
18 So he went to his father and 29 aGen. 9:25; ingly, and said, Who? Where is the
said, My father. And he said, Here
25:23; Is. one who hunted game and brought
I am. Who are you, my son?
45:14; 49:7; it to me? I ate all of it before you
60:12, 14
came, and I have blessed himaand
19 Jacob said to his father, I am bGen. 37:7, 10;
indeed he shall be blessed.
Esau your firstborn; I have done just 49:8 cGen.
12:2, 3; Zeph. 34 When Esau heard the words of
as you told me; please arise, sit and 2:8, 9 his father, ahe cried with an exceed-
eat of my game, athat your soul may ingly great and bitter cry, and said
bless me. 31 aGen. 27:4 to his father, Bless meme also, O
20 But Isaac said to his son, How is 1tasty
my father!
it that you have found it so quickly, 35 But he said, Your brother came
33 aGen. 25:23;
my son? And he said, Because the 28:3, 4; Num. with deceit and has taken away
LORD your God brought it to me. 23:20; Rom. your blessing.
21 Then Isaac said to Jacob, 11:29 36 And Esau said, aIs he not rightly
Please come near, that I amay feel named 1Jacob? For he has supplant-
you, my son, whether you are really 34 a[Heb.
12:17] ed me these two times. He took
my son Esau or not. away my birthright, and now look,
22 So Jacob went near to Isaac his 36 aGen. 25:26, he has taken away my blessing!
father, and he felt him and said, 3234 1Sup- And he said, Have you not reserved
The voice is Jacobs voice, but the planter or a blessing for me?
hands are the hands of Esau. Deceitful, lit.
One Who 37 Then Isaac answered and said
23 And he did not recognize him, Takes the to Esau, aIndeed I have made him
because ahis hands were hairy like Heel your master, and all his brethren I
his brother Esaus hands; so he have given to him as servants; with
blessed him. 37 a2 Sam. bgrain and wine I have 1sustained
24 Then he said, Are you really 8:14 bGen.
27:28, 29
him. What shall I do now for you,
my son Esau? He said, I am. 1provided my son?
25 He said, Bring it near to me, support for 38 And Esau said to his father,
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GENESIS 27:39 24
Have you only one blessing, my 38 aHeb. 12:17 5 So Isaac sent Jacob away, and
father? Bless meme also, O my 39 aHeb. 11:20 he went to Padan Aram, to Laban
father! And Esau lifted up his voice 1fertility the son of Bethuel the Syrian, the
aand wept.
40 aGen. 25:23; brother of Rebekah, the mother of
39 Then Isaac his father answered 27:29 b2 Kin. Jacob and Esau.
and said to him: 8:2022
41 aGen. 26:27; Esau Marries Mahalath
Behold, ayour dwelling shall be 32:311; 37:4,
5, 8 bGen. 6 Esau saw that Isaac had blessed
of the 1fatness of the earth, 50:24, 10 Jacob and sent him away to Padan
And of the dew of heaven from cObad. 10 1are
Aram to take himself a wife from
above. soon here there, and that as he blessed him he
40 By your sword you shall live, 42 aPs. 64:5 gave him a charge, saying, You
And ayou shall serve your 43 aGen. 11:31; shall not take a wife from the
brother; 25:20; 28:2, 5 daughters of Canaan,
And bit shall come to pass, 44 aGen. 31:41 7 and that Jacob had obeyed his
when you become restless, father and his mother and had gone
That you shall break his yoke 46 aGen. 26:34,
35; 28:8 bGen. to Padan Aram.
from your neck. 24:3 8 Also Esau saw athat the daugh-
Jacob Escapes from Esau ters of Canaan did not please his
father Isaac.
41 So Esau ahated Jacob because CHAPTER 28 9 So Esau went to Ishmael and
of the blessing with which his father atook bMahalath the daughter of
blessed him, and Esau said in his 1 aGen. 27:33
Ishmael, Abrahams son, cthe sister
heart, bThe days of mourning for bGen. 24:3 of Nebajoth, to be his wife in addi-
my father 1are at hand; cthen I will 1commanded tion to the wives he had.
kill my brother Jacob. 2 aHos. 12:12
42 And the words of Esau her older bGen. 25:20 Jacobs Vow at Bethel
cGen. 22:23
son were told to Rebekah. So she dGen. 24:29; 10 Now Jacob awent out from Beer-
sent and called Jacob her younger 27:43; 29:5 sheba and went toward bHaran.
son, and said to him, Surely your 11 So he came to a certain place
3 aGen. 17:16;
brother Esau acomforts himself con- 35:11; 48:3 and stayed there all night, because
cerning you by intending to kill you. bGen. 26:4, 24 the sun had set. And he took one of
43 Now therefore, my son, obey 4 aGen. 12:2, the stones of that place and put it at
my voice: arise, flee to my brother 3; 22:17 bGen. his head, and he lay down in that
Laban ain Haran. 17:8; 23:4; place to sleep.
44 And stay with him a afew days, 36:7 1Lit. Of
your sojourn- 12 Then he adreamed, and behold,
until your brothers fury turns away, ings a ladder was set up on the earth,
45 until your brothers anger and its top reached to heaven; and
8 aGen. 24:3;
turns away from you, and he forgets 26:34, 35; there bthe angels of God were
what you have done to him; then I 27:46 ascending and descending on it.
will send and bring you from there. 9 aGen. 26:34, 13 aAnd behold, the LORD stood
Why should I be bereaved also of 35 bGen. 36:2, above it and said: bI am the LORD
you both in one day? 3 cGen. 25:13 God of Abraham your father and
46 And Rebekah said to Isaac, aI 10 aHos. 12:12 the God of Isaac; cthe land on which
am weary of my life because of the bGen. 12:4, 5;
you lie I will give to you and your
daughters of Heth; bif Jacob takes a 27:43; 29:4 descendants.
wife of the daughters of Heth, like 12 aGen. 31:10; 14 Also your adescendants shall
these who are the daughters of the 41:1 bJohn be as the dust of the earth; you shall
land, what good will my life be to spread abroad bto the west and the
me? 13 aGen. 35:1; east, to the north and the south; and
Then Isaac called Jacob and 48:3 bGen.
28 ablessed him, and 1charged
him, and said to him: bYou shall not
26:24 cGen.
13:15, 17;
26:3; 35:12
in you and cin your seed all the fam-
ilies of the earth shall be blessed.
15 Behold, aI am with you and will
take a wife from the daughters of 14 aGen. 13:16; bkeep1 you wherever you go, and
Canaan. 22:17 bGen. will cbring you back to this land; for
2 aArise, go to bPadan Aram, to 13:14, 15
cGen. 12:3;
dI will not leave you euntil I have
the house of cBethuel your mothers 18:18; 22:18; done what I have spoken to you.
father; and take yourself a wife 26:4 16 Then Jacob awoke from his
from there of the daughters of dLa- 15 aGen. 26:3, sleep and said, Surely the LORD is
ban your mothers brother. 24; 31:3 bGen. in athis place, and I did not know it.
48:16 cGen. 17 And he was afraid and said,
3 May aGod Almighty bless you, 35:6; 48:21
dDeut. 7:9;
How awesome is this place! This is
And make you bfruitful and 31:6, 8 eNum. none other than the house of God,
multiply you, 23:19 1protect and this is the gate of heaven!
That you may be an assembly 16 aEx. 3:5 18 Then Jacob rose early in the
of peoples; morning, and took the stone that he
4 And give you athe blessing of 18 aGen. 31:13,
45 bLev. had put at his head, aset it up as a
Abraham, 8:1012 pillar, band poured oil on top of it.
To you and your descendants 19 aJudg. 1:23,
19 And he called the name of athat
with you, 26 1Lit. House place 1Bethel; but the name of that
That you may inherit the land of God city had been Luz previously.
bIn1 which you are a stranger, 20 aThen Jacob made a vow, saying,
20 aJudg. 11:30
Which God gave to Abraham. bGen. 28:15 If bGod will be with me, and keep
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25 GENESIS 29:33
me in this way that I am going, and 20 c1 Tim. 6:8 Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel
give me cbread to eat and clothing to 21 aJudg.
put on, 11:31; 2 Sam. 15 Then Laban said to Jacob, Be-
21 so that aI come back to my
19:24, 30
bDeut. 26:17;
cause you are my relative, should
fathers house in peace, bthen the 2 Sam. 15:8 you therefore serve me for nothing?
LORD shall be my God. 22 aGen. 35:7, Tell me, awhat should your wages
22 And this stone which I have set 14 bGen. be?
as a pillar ashall be Gods house, 14:20; [Lev. 16 Now Laban had two daughters:
band of all that You give me I will
27:30]; Deut.
14:22 1tithe
the name of the elder was Leah, and
surely give a 1tenth to You. the name of the younger was Rachel.
CHAPTER 29 17 Leahs eyes were 1delicate, but
Jacob Meets Rachel Rachel was abeautiful of form and
1 aGen. 25:6; appearance.
So Jacob went on his journey
29 aand came to the land of the
people of the East.
Num. 23:7;
Judg. 6:3, 33;
Hos. 12:12
18 Now Jacob loved Rachel; so he
said, aI will serve you seven years
2 aGen. 24:10, for Rachel your younger daughter.
2 And he looked, and saw a awell 11; Ex. 2:15, 19 And Laban said, It is better
in the field; and behold, there were 16 that I give her to you than that I
three flocks of sheep lying by it; for 4 aGen. 11:31; should give her to another man.
out of that well they watered the 28:10
Stay with me.
flocks. A large stone was on the 5 aGen. 24:24,
20 So Jacob aserved seven years
wells mouth. 29; 28:2
6 aGen. 43:27 for Rachel, and they seemed only a
3 Now all the flocks would be bGen. 24:11; few days to him because of the love
gathered there; and they would roll Ex. 2:16, 17 he had for her.
the stone from the wells mouth, 7 1early in the 21 Then Jacob said to Laban, Give
water the sheep, and put the stone day
me my wife, for my days are ful-
back in its place on the wells mouth. 9 aEx. 2:16
filled, that I may ago in to her.
4 And Jacob said to them, My 10 aEx. 2:17
22 And Laban gathered together
brethren, where are you from? And 11 aGen. 33:4;
all the men of the place and amade a
45:14, 15
they said, We are from aHaran. 12 aGen. 13:8; feast.
5 Then he said to them, Do you 14:14, 16; 28:5 23 Now it came to pass in the eve-
know aLaban the son of Nahor? bGen. 24:28
ning, that he took Leah his daughter
And they said, We know him. 13 aGen.
and brought her to Jacob; and he
6 So he said to them, aIs he well? 24:2931;
went in to her.
And they said, He is well. And look, Luke 15:20
his daughter Rachel bis coming with 14 aGen. 2:23; 24 And Laban gave his maid aZil-
the sheep.
37:27; Judg. pah to his daughter Leah as a maid.
9:2; 2 Sam. 25 So it came to pass in the morn-
7 Then he said, Look, it is still 5:1; 19:12, 13
ing, that behold, it was Leah. And he
1high day; it is not time for the cattle 15 aGen. 30:28;
to be gathered together. Water the 31:41 said to Laban, What is this you
sheep, and go and feed them. 17 aGen. 12:11, have done to me? Was it not for
8 But they said, We cannot until 14; 26:7 1Or Rachel that I served you? Why then
weak have you adeceived me?
all the flocks are gathered together, 18 aGen. 31:41;
and they have rolled the stone from 2 Sam. 3:14;
26 And Laban said, It must not be
the wells mouth; then we water the Hos. 12:12 done so in our 1country, to give the
sheep. 20 aGen. 30:26; younger before the firstborn.
9 Now while he was still speaking Hos. 12:12 27 aFulfill her week, and we will
with them, aRachel came with her 21 aJudg. 15:1 give you this one also for the service
fathers sheep, for she was a shep- 22 aJudg. which you will serve with me still
14:10; John another seven years.
herdess. 2:1, 2
10 And it came to pass, when Jacob 24 aGen. 30:9,
28 Then Jacob did so and fulfilled
saw Rachel the daughter of Laban 10 her week. So he gave him his
his mothers brother, and the sheep 25 aGen. 27:35; daughter Rachel as wife also.
of Laban his mothers brother, that 31:7; 1 Sam. 29 And Laban gave his maid aBilhah
28:12 to his daughter Rachel as a maid.
Jacob went near and arolled the 26 1Lit. place
stone from the wells mouth, and 30 Then Jacob also went in to
27 aGen. 31:41; Rachel, and he also aloved Rachel
watered the flock of Laban his Judg. 14:2
mothers brother. 29 aGen.
more than Leah. And he served with
11 Then Jacob akissed Rachel, and 30:35 Laban bstill another seven years.
lifted up his voice and wept. 30 aGen.
29:1720; The Children of Jacob
12 And Jacob told Rachel that he Deut.
was aher fathers relative and that 21:1517 31 When the LORD asaw that Leah
he was Rebekahs son. bSo she ran bGen. 30:26; was 1unloved, He bopened her
and told her father. 31:41; Hos. womb; but Rachel was barren.
12:12 32 So Leah conceived and bore a
13 Then it came to pass, when 31 aPs. 127:3
Laban heard the report about Jacob bGen. 30:1 son, and she called his name 1Reu-
his sisters son, that ahe ran to meet 1Lit. hated ben; for she said, The LORD has
him, and embraced him and kissed 32 aGen. 16:11; surely alooked on my affliction. Now
him, and brought him to his house. 31:42; Ex. 3:7; therefore, my husband will love me.
So he told Laban all these things. 4:31; Deut. 33 Then she conceived again and
26:7; Ps. 25:18
14 And Laban said to him, aSurely 1Lit. See, a bore a son, and said, Because the
you are my bone and my flesh. And Son LORD has heard that I am 1unloved,
he stayed with him for a month. 33 1Lit. hated He has therefore given me this son
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GENESIS 29:34 26
also. And she called his name 33 2Lit. Heard 17 And God listened to Leah, and
2Simeon. 34 1Lit. she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth
34 She conceived again and bore a Attached son.
son, and said, Now this time my hus- 35 aGen. 49:8; 18 Leah said, God has given me
band will become attached to me, Matt. 1:2 1Lit. my wages, because I have given my
because I have borne him three sons. maid to my husband. So she called
Therefore his name was called 1Levi. CHAPTER 30
his name 1Issachar.
35 And she conceived again and 19 Then Leah conceived again and
bore a son, and said, Now I will aGen. bore Jacob a sixth son.
1 16:1,
praise the LORD. Therefore she 2; 29:31 bGen. 20 And Leah said, God has
called his name aJudah.1 Then she 37:11 c1 Sam. endowed me with a good endow-
stopped bearing. 1:5, 6; [Job ment; now my husband will dwell
Now when Rachel saw that 5:2]
30 ashe bore Jacob no children,
Rachel benvied her sister, and said to
2 aGen. 16:2;
1 Sam. 1:5
with me, because I have borne him
six sons. So she called his name
Jacob, Give me children, cor else I 3 aGen. 16:2 21 Afterward she bore a adaughter,
bGen. 50:23;
die! Job 3:12 cGen. and called her name 1Dinah.
2 And Jacobs anger was aroused 16:2, 3 1Lit. be 22 Then God aremembered Rachel,
against Rachel, and he said, aAm I built up by and God listened to her and bopened
in the place of God, who has with- her her womb.
held from you the fruit of the 4 aGen. 16:3, 4 23 And she conceived and bore a
womb? 6 aGen. 18:25; son, and said, God has taken away
3 So she said, Here is amy maid Ps. 35:24; amy reproach.
Bilhah; go in to her, band she will 43:1; Lam.
3:59 1Lit. 24 So she called his name 1Joseph,
bear a child on my knees, cthat I also Judge and said, aThe LORD shall add to
may 1have children by her. 8 1Lit. me another son.
4 Then she gave him Bilhah her wrestlings of
maid aas wife, and Jacob went in to God 1Lit. My Jacobs Agreement with Laban
her. Wrestling
5 And Bilhah conceived and bore 9 aGen. 30:4
25 And it came to pass, when
Jacob a son. Rachel had borne Joseph, that
11 1So with
6 Then Rachel said, God has Qr., Syr., Tg.; Jacob said to Laban, aSend me
ajudged my case; and He has also Kt., LXX, Vg. away, that I may go to bmy own
heard my voice and given me a son. in fortune
2Lit. Troop or
place and to my country.
Therefore she called his name 1Dan. Fortune
26 Give me my wives and my chil-
7 And Rachels maid Bilhah con- dren afor whom I have served you,
13 aProv. and let me go; for you know my
ceived again and bore Jacob a sec- 31:28; Luke
ond son. 1:48 1Lit. service which I have done for you.
8 Then Rachel said, With 1great Happy 27 And Laban said to him, Please
wrestlings I have wrestled with my 14 aGen. 25:30 stay, if I have found favor in your
sister, and indeed I have prevailed. 15 a[Num. eyes, for aI have learned by experi-
So she called his name 2Naphtali. 16:9, 13] ence that the LORD has blessed me
9 When Leah saw that she had 18 1Lit. Wages for your sake.
stopped bearing, she took Zilpah her 20 1Lit. 28 Then he said, aName me your
maid and agave her to Jacob as wife. Dwelling wages, and I will give it.
10 And Leahs maid Zilpah bore 21 aGen. 34:1 29 So Jacob said to him, aYou know
Jacob a son. 1Lit. Judg- how I have served you and how your
11 Then Leah said, 1A troop ment livestock has been with me.
comes! So she called his name 22 aGen. 19:29; 30 For what you had before I
2Gad. 1 Sam. 1:19, came was little, and it has increased
20 bGen. 29:31
12 And Leahs maid Zilpah bore to a great amount; the LORD has
23 a1 Sam. 1:6; blessed you 1since my coming. And
Jacob a second son. Is. 4:1; Luke
13 Then Leah said, I am happy, for 1:25 now, when shall I also aprovide for
the daughters awill call me blessed. 24 aGen.
my own house?
So she called his name 1Asher. 35:1618 1Lit. 31 So he said, What shall I give
14 Now Reuben went in the days of He Will Add you? And Jacob said, You shall not
wheat harvest and found mandrakes 25 aGen. 24:54, give me anything. If you will do this
in the field, and brought them to his 56 bGen. 18:33 thing for me, I will again feed and
mother Leah. Then Rachel said to 26 aGen. keep your flocks:
Leah, aPlease give me some of your 29:1820, 27, 32 Let me pass through all your
30; Hos. 12:12 flock today, removing from there all
sons mandrakes.
15 But she said to her, aIs it a small 27 aGen. 26:24; the speckled and spotted sheep, and
39:3; Is. 61:9
matter that you have taken away my all the brown ones among the
husband? Would you take away my 28 aGen. 29:15; lambs, and the spotted and speckled
31:7, 41
sons mandrakes also? And Rachel among the goats; and athese shall
29 aGen. 31:6, be my wages.
said, Therefore he will lie with you 3840; Matt.
tonight for your sons mandrakes. 24:45; Titus 33 So my arighteousness will
16 When Jacob came out of the field 2:10 answer for me in time to come, when
in the evening, Leah went out to 30 a[1 Tim. the subject of my wages comes before
meet him and said, You must come 5:8] 1Lit. at you: every one that is not speckled
in to me, for I have surely hired you my foot and spotted among the goats, and
with my sons mandrakes. And he 32 aGen. 31:8 brown among the lambs, will be con-
lay with her that night. 33 aPs. 37:6 sidered stolen, if it is with me.
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27 GENESIS 31:24
34 And Laban said, Oh, that it 35 aGen. times, but God cdid not allow him to
were according to your word! 31:912 hurt me.
35 So he removed that day the male 37 aGen. 8 If he said thus: aThe speckled
goats that were aspeckled and spot- 31:912 shall be your wages, then all the
ted, all the female goats that were 43 aGen. 12:16;
flocks bore speckled. And if he said
speckled and spotted, every one that 30:30 bGen. thus: The streaked shall be your
had some white in it, and all the 13:2; 24:35; wages, then all the flocks bore
brown ones among the lambs, and 26:13, 14 streaked.
gave them into the hand of his sons. 9 So God has ataken away the
36 Then he put three days journey livestock of your father and given
between himself and Jacob, and 1 aPs. 49:16 them to me.
Jacob fed the rest of Labans flocks. 10 And it happened, at the time
37 Now aJacob took for himself 2 aGen. 4:5 when the flocks conceived, that I
bDeut. 28:54
rods of green poplar and of the lifted my eyes and saw in a dream,
almond and chestnut trees, peeled 3 aGen. 28:15, and behold, the rams which leaped
white strips in them, and exposed 20, 21; 32:9
bGen. 46:4
upon the flocks were streaked,
the white which was in the rods. speckled, and gray-spotted.
38 And the rods which he had 5 aGen. 31:2, 3 11 Then athe Angel of God spoke
peeled, he set before the flocks in bGen. 21:22; to me in a dream, saying, Jacob.
the gutters, in the watering troughs 28:13, 15; And I said, Here I am.
31:29, 42, 53;
where the flocks came to drink, so Is. 41:10; Heb. 12 And He said, Lift your eyes
that they should conceive when they 13:5 1Lit. face now and see, all the rams which leap
came to drink. on the flocks are streaked, speckled,
39 So the flocks conceived before 6 aGen. 30:29; and gray-spotted; for aI have seen all
the rods, and the flocks brought forth that Laban is doing to you.
streaked, speckled, and spotted. 7 aGen. 29:25; 13 I am the God of Bethel, awhere
40 Then Jacob separated the lambs, 31:41 bNum. you anointed the pillar and where
and made the flocks face toward the 14:22; Neh. you made a vow to Me. Now barise,
4:12; Job 19:3;
streaked and all the brown in the Zech. 8:23 get out of this land, and return to the
flock of Laban; but he put his own cGen. 15:1; land of your family.
flocks by themselves and did not put 20:6; 31:29; 14 Then Rachel and Leah an-
them with Labans flock. Job 1:10; Ps. swered and said to him, aIs there
37:28; 105:14
41 And it came to pass, whenever still any portion or inheritance for
the stronger livestock conceived, 8 aGen. 30:32 us in our fathers house?
that Jacob placed the rods before 9 aGen. 31:1,
15 Are we not considered strangers
the eyes of the livestock in the gut- 16 by him? For ahe has sold us, and also
ters, that they might conceive completely consumed our money.
among the rods. 11 aGen. 16 For all these riches which God
16:711; 22:11,
42 But when the flocks were feeble, 15; 31:13;
has taken from our father are really
he did not put them in; so the fee- 48:16 ours and our childrens; now then,
bler were Labans and the stronger whatever God has said to you, do it.
Jacobs. 12 aGen. 31:42; 17 Then Jacob rose and set his
Ex. 3:7; Ps.
43 Thus the man abecame exceed- 139:3; Eccl. sons and his wives on camels.
ingly prosperous, and bhad large 5:8 18 And he carried away all his live-
flocks, female and male servants, stock and all his possessions which
and camels and donkeys. 13 aGen. he had gained, his acquired live-
28:1622; 35:1,
6, 15 bGen. stock which he had gained in Padan
Jacob Flees from Laban 31:3; 32:9 Aram, to go to his father Isaac in the
Now Jacob heard the words of land of aCanaan.
31 Labans sons, saying, Jacob
has taken away all that was our
14 aGen. 2:24
15 aGen. 29:15,
19 Now Laban had gone to shear
his sheep, and Rachel had stolen the
20, 23, 27; ahousehold 1 idols that were her
fathers, and from what was our Neh. 5:8
fathers he has acquired all this fathers.
awealth. 18 aGen. 17:8; 20 And Jacob stole away, unknown
2 And Jacob saw the acounte- 33:18; 35:27 to Laban the Syrian, in that he did
nance of Laban, and indeed it was not tell him that he intended to flee.
19 aGen. 31:30,
not bfavorable toward him as before. 34; 35:2; Judg. 21 So he fled with all that he had.
3 Then the LORD said to Jacob, 17:5; 1 Sam. He arose and crossed the river, and
aReturn to the land of your fathers 19:13; Hos. 3:4 aheaded1 toward the mountains of
and to your family, and I will bbe Gilead.
with you. Laban Pursues Jacob
4 So Jacob sent and called Rachel 21 aGen. 46:28;
2 Kin. 12:17;
and Leah to the field, to his flock, Luke 9:51, 53 22 And Laban was told on the third
5 and said to them, aI see your 1Lit. set his day that Jacob had fled.
fathers 1countenance, that it is not face toward 23 Then he took ahis brethren with
favorable toward me as before; but 23 aGen. 13:8
him and pursued him for seven
the God of my father bhas been with days journey, and he overtook him
me. 24 aGen. 20:3; in the mountains of Gilead.
6 And ayou know that with all my 31:29; 46:24; 24 But God ahad come to Laban the
might I have served your father. Job 33:15; Syrian in a dream by night, and said
Matt. 1:20
7 Yet your father has deceived bGen. 24:50; to him, Be careful that you bspeak
me and achanged my wages bten 31:7, 29 to Jacob neither good nor bad.
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GENESIS 31:25 28
25 So Laban overtook Jacob. Now 26 a1 Sam. whether stolen by day or stolen by
Jacob had pitched his tent in the 30:2 night.
mountains, and Laban with his 40 There I was! In the day the
28 aGen. 31:55; drought consumed me, and the frost
brethren pitched in the mountains Ruth 1:9, 14;
of Gilead. 1 Kin. 19:20; by night, and my sleep departed
26 And Laban said to Jacob: What Acts 20:37 from my eyes.
have you done, that you have stolen b1 Sam. 13:13
41 Thus I have been in your house
away unknown to me, and acarried twenty years; I aserved you four-
away my daughters like captives 29 aGen. 28:13; teen years for your two daughters,
31:5, 24, 42, 53 and six years for your flock, and
taken with the sword? bGen. 31:24
byou have changed my wages ten
27 Why did you flee away secretly,
and steal away from me, and not tell 30 aGen. 31:19;
me; for I might have sent you away Josh. 24:2; 42 aUnless the God of my father,
with joy and songs, with timbrel and Judg. 17:5; the God of Abraham and bthe Fear
harp? 18:24 of Isaac, had been with me, surely
28 And you did not allow me ato now you would have sent me away
kiss my sons and my daughters. Now 31 aGen. 26:7; empty-handed. cGod has seen my
byou have done foolishly in so doing. 32:7, 11 affliction and the labor of my hands,
29 It is in my power to do you and drebuked you last night.
32 aGen. 44:9
harm, but the aGod of your father Labans Covenant with Jacob
spoke to me blast night, saying, Be 34 1Heb.
careful that you speak to Jacob nei- teraphim 1Lit. 43 And Laban answered and said
ther good nor bad. felt to Jacob, These daughters are my
30 And now you have surely gone daughters, and these children are
because you greatly long for your 35 aEx. 20:12; my children, and this flock is my
fathers house, but why did you Lev. 19:32
flock; all that you see is mine. But
asteal my gods?
what can I do this day to these my
31 Then Jacob answered and said daughters or to their children whom
to Laban, Because I was aafraid, for 36 1transgres-
they have borne?
I said, Perhaps you would take your sion 44 Now therefore, come, alet us
daughters from me by force. make a 1covenant, byou and I, and let
32 With whomever you find your 39 aEx. 22:10 it be a witness between you and me.
gods, ado not let him live. In the bEx. 22:1013 45 So Jacob atook a stone and set it
presence of our brethren, identify up as a pillar.
what I have of yours and take it 41 aGen. 29:20, 46 Then Jacob said to his brethren,
with you. For Jacob did not know 2730 bGen. Gather stones. And they took
31:7 stones and made a heap, and they
that Rachel had stolen them.
33 And Laban went into Jacobs ate there on the heap.
42 aGen. 31:5, 47 Laban called it 1Jegar Sahadu-
tent, into Leahs tent, and into the 29, 53; Ps.
two maids tents, but he did not find 124:1, 2 bGen. tha, but Jacob called it 2Galeed.
them. Then he went out of Leahs 31:53; Is. 8:13 48 And Laban said, aThis heap is a
tent and entered Rachels tent.
cGen. 29:32; witness between you and me this
Ex. 3:7 dGen. day. Therefore its name was called
34 Now Rachel had taken the 31:24, 29;
1household idols, put them in the 1 Chr. 12:17
camels saddle, and sat on them. 49 also aMizpah,1 because he said,
And Laban 2searched all about the 44 aGen. 21:27,
May the LORD watch between you
tent but did not find them. 32; 26:28 and me when we are absent one
bJosh. 24:27 from another.
35 And she said to her father, Let 1treaty
50 If you afflict my daughters, or
it not displease my lord that I can- if you take other wives besides my
not arise before you, for the manner 45 aGen. 28:18; daughters, although no man is with
of women is with me. And he 35:14; Josh. ussee, God is witness between you
searched but did not find the 24:26, 27
and me!
1household idols.
47 1Lit., in
51 Then Laban said to Jacob, Here
36 Then Jacob was angry and is this heap and here is this pillar,
rebuked Laban, and Jacob answered Aram., Heap
of Witness which I have placed between you
and said to Laban: What is my 2Lit., in Heb., and me.
1trespass? What is my sin, that you Heap of Wit-
52 This heap is a witness, and this
have so hotly pursued me? pillar is a witness, that I will not
37 Although you have searched all pass beyond this heap to you, and
my things, what part of your house- 48 aJosh. 24:27
you will not pass beyond this heap
hold things have you found? Set it and this pillar to me, for harm.
here before my brethren and your 49 aJudg.
10:17; 11:29; 53 The God of Abraham, the God
brethren, that they may judge be- 1 Sam. 7:5, 6 of Nahor, and the God of their father
tween us both! 1Lit. Watch ajudge between us. And Jacob
38 These twenty years I have been bswore by cthe 1Fear of his father
with you; your ewes and your 53 aGen. 16:5 Isaac.
female goats have not miscarried bGen. 21:23
cGen. 31:42 1A
54 Then Jacob offered a sacrifice on
their young, and I have not eaten the reference to
the mountain, and called his brethren
rams of your flock. God to eat bread. And they ate bread and
39 aThat which was torn by beasts stayed all night on the mountain.
I did not bring to you; I bore the loss 55 aGen. 29:11, 55 And early in the morning Laban
of it. bYou required it from my hand, 13; 31:28, 43 arose, and akissed his sons and
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29 GENESIS 33:1
daughters and bblessed them. Then 55 bGen. 28:1 tance between successive droves.
cGen. 18:33;
Laban departed and creturned to his 30:25; Num.
17 And he commanded the first
place. 24:25 one, saying, When Esau my brother
meets you and asks you, saying, To
Esau Comes to Meet Jacob CHAPTER 32 whom do you belong, and where are
So Jacob went on his way, and you going? Whose are these in front
32 athe angels of God met him.
2 When Jacob saw them, he said,
1 aNum. 22:31;
2 Kin. 6:16,
17; [Ps. 34:7;
of you?
18 then you shall say, They are
This is Gods acamp. And he called
91:1; Heb. your servant Jacobs. It is a present
the name of that place 1Mahanaim. 2 aJosh. 5:14; sent to my lord Esau; and behold, he
3 Then Jacob sent messengers Ps. 103:21; also is behind us.
before him to Esau his brother ain the 148:2; Luke 19 So he commanded the second,
2:13 1Lit. Dou- the third, and all who followed the
land of Seir, bthe 1country of Edom. ble Camp
4 And he commanded them, say- 3 aGen. 14:6;
droves, saying, In this manner you
ing, aSpeak thus to my lord Esau, 33:14, 16 shall speak to Esau when you find
Thus your servant Jacob says: I bGen. 25:30; him;
have dwelt with Laban and stayed 36:69; Deut. 20 and also say, Behold, your ser-
there until now.
2:5; Josh. 24:4
1Lit. field
vant Jacob is behind us. For he
5 aI have oxen, donkeys, flocks, 4 aProv. 15:1
said, I will aappease him with the
and male and female servants; and I 5 aGen. 30:43 present that goes before me, and
have sent to tell my lord, that bI may bGen. 33:8, 15 afterward I will see his face; per-
find favor in your sight. 6 aGen. 33:1 haps he will accept me.
7 aGen. 32:11; 21 So the present went on over
6 Then the messengers returned to 35:3
Jacob, saying, We came to your 8 1Lit. strikes
before him, but he himself lodged
brother Esau, and ahe also is coming 9 a[Ps. 50:15] that night in the camp.
bGen. 28:13;
to meet you, and four hundred men 31:42 cGen. Wrestling with God
are with him. 31:3, 13
7 So Jacob was greatly afraid and 10 aGen. 24:27 22 And he arose that night and
adistressed; and he divided the peo- bJob 8:7 took his two wives, his two female
ple that were with him, and the 11 aPs. 59:1, 2
bHos. 10:14
servants, and his eleven sons, aand
flocks and herds and camels, into 1Lit. strike
crossed over the ford of Jabbok.
two companies. 12 aGen. 23 He took them, sent them 1over
8 And he said, If Esau comes to 28:1315 the brook, and sent over what he had.
the one company and 1attacks it, bGen. 22:17 24 Then Jacob was left alone; and
then the other company which is 13 aGen. 43:11 aa Man wrestled with him until the
1he had 1breaking of day.
left will escape. received
9 aThen Jacob said, bO God of my 20 a[Prov. 25 Now when He saw that He did
father Abraham and God of my 21:14] not prevail against him, He 1touched
father Isaac, the LORD cwho said to 22 aNum. the socket of his hip; and athe socket
me, Return to your country and to 21:24; Deut. of Jacobs hip was out of joint as He
3:16; Josh. wrestled with him.
your family, and I will deal well with 12:2
you: 23 1across 26 And aHe said, Let Me go, for
10 I am not worthy of the least of 24 aJosh. the day breaks. But he said, bI will
all the amercies and of all the truth 5:1315; Hos. not let You go unless You bless me!
12:24 1dawn 27 So He said to him, What is your
which You have shown Your servant; 25 aMatt.
for I crossed over this Jordan with 26:41; 2 Cor.
name? He said, Jacob.
bmy staff, and now I have become 12:7 1struck 28 And He said, aYour name shall
two companies. 26 aLuke 24:28 no longer be called Jacob, but
bHos. 12:4 1Israel; for you have bstruggled with
11 aDeliver me, I pray, from the 28 aGen. 35:10;
hand of my brother, from the hand God and cwith men, and have pre-
1 Kin. 18:31;
of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come 2 Kin. 17:34 vailed.
and 1attack me and bthe mother bHos. 12:3, 4 29 Then Jacob asked, saying, Tell
with the children. cGen. 25:31; me Your name, I pray. And He said,
27:33 1Lit. aWhy is it that you ask about My
12 For aYou said, I will surely Prince with
treat you well, and make your God
name? And He bblessed him there.
descendants as the bsand of the sea, 29 aJudg. 30 So Jacob called the name of the
which cannot be numbered for mul- 13:17, 18 place 1Peniel: For aI have seen God
titude. bGen. 35:9 face to face, and my life is preserved.
30 aGen. 16:13; 31 Just as he crossed over 1Penuel
13 So he lodged there that same Ex. 24:10, 11;
night, and took what 1came to his 33:20; Num.
the sun rose on him, and he limped
hand as aa present for Esau his 12:8; Deut. on his hip.
brother: 5:24; Judg. 32 Therefore to this day the chil-
14 two hundred female goats and 6:22; Is. 6:5; dren of Israel do not eat the muscle
twenty male goats, two hundred [Matt. 5:8; that shrank, which is on the hip
1 Cor. 13:12]
ewes and twenty rams, 1Lit. Face of socket, because He 1touched the
15 thirty milk camels with their God socket of Jacobs hip in the muscle
colts, forty cows and ten bulls, 31 1Lit. Face of that shrank.
twenty female donkeys and ten foals. God; same as
Peniel, v. 30 Jacob and Esau Meet
16 Then he delivered them to the 32 1struck
hand of his servants, every drove by Now Jacob lifted his eyes and
itself, and said to his servants, Pass
over before me, and put some dis-
1 aGen. 32:6
33 looked, and there, aEsau was
coming, and with him were four
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GENESIS 33:2 30
hundred men. So he divided the 3 aGen. 18:2; Jacob Comes to Canaan
children among Leah, Rachel, and 42:6
the two maidservants. 18 Then Jacob came 1safely to athe
4 aGen. 32:28 city of bShechem, which is in the
2 And he put the maidservants bGen. 45:14,

and their children in front, Leah and 15 land of Canaan, when he came from
her children behind, and Rachel and Padan Aram; and he pitched his tent
Joseph last.
5 aGen. 48:9; before the city.
[Ps. 127:3]; Is. 19 And ahe bought the parcel of
3 Then he crossed over before 8:18 1land, where he had pitched his tent,
them and abowed himself to the from the children of Hamor,
ground seven times, until he came 8 aGen.
near to his brother.
bGen. 32:5
Shechems father, for one hundred
pieces of money.
4 aBut Esau ran to meet him, and 20 Then he erected an altar there
embraced him, band fell on his neck 10 aGen. 43:3;
2 Sam. 3:13; and called it aEl1 Elohe Israel.
and kissed him, and they wept. 14:24, 28, 32
5 And he lifted his eyes and saw The Dinah Incident
the women and children, and said, 11 aJudg. 1:15;
Now aDinah the daughter of
Who are these with you? So he
said, The children awhom God has
1 Sam. 25:27;
30:26 bGen.
30:43; Ex.
34 Leah, whom she had borne to
Jacob, went out to see the daughters
graciously given your servant. 33:19 c2 Kin.
6 Then the maidservants came 5:23 1Lit. all of the land.
near, they and their children, and 2 And when Shechem the son of
14 aGen. 32:3; Hamor the Hivite, prince of the
bowed down. 36:8 1can
7 And Leah also came near with stand it
country, saw her, he atook her and
her children, and they bowed down. lay with her, and violated her.
Afterward Joseph and Rachel came 15 aGen. 34:11; 3 His soul 1was strongly attracted
near, and they bowed down.
47:25; Ruth to Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and
2:13 he loved the young woman and
8 Then Esau said, What do you
mean by aall this company which I 17 aJosh. spoke 2kindly to the young woman.
met? And he said, These are bto 13:27; Judg. 4 So Shechem aspoke to his father
find favor in the sight of my lord.
8:5; Ps. 60:6
1shelters 2Lit.
Hamor, saying, Get me this young
9 But Esau said, I have enough, Booths
woman as a wife.
my brother; keep what you have for 5 And Jacob heard that he had
yourself. 18 aJohn 3:23 defiled Dinah his daughter. Now his
10 And Jacob said, No, please, if I
bGen. 12:6;
sons were with his livestock in the
35:4; Josh. field; so Jacob aheld1 his peace until
have now found favor in your sight, 24:1; Judg.
they came.
then receive my present from my 9:1; Ps. 60:6
1Or to 6 Then Hamor the father of She-
hand, inasmuch as I ahave seen your Shalem, a city chem went out to Jacob to speak with
face as though I had seen the face of him.
of God, and you were pleased with 7 And the sons of Jacob came in
me. 19 aJosh.
24:32; John from the field when they heard it;
11 Please, take amy blessing that 4:5 1Lit. the and the men were grieved and very
is brought to you, because God has field angry, because he ahad done a dis-
dealt bgraciously with me, and graceful thing in Israel by lying with
because I have 1enough. cSo he 20 aGen. 35:7
1Lit. God, the Jacobs daughter, ba thing which
urged him, and he took it. God of Israel ought not to be done.
12 Then Esau said, Let us take our 8 But Hamor spoke with them,
journey; let us go, and I will go CHAPTER 34 saying, The soul of my son
before you. Shechem longs for your daughter.
13 But Jacob said to him, My lord 1 aGen. 30:21
Please give her to him as a wife.
knows that the children are weak, 2 aGen. 20:2 9 And make marriages with us;
and the flocks and herds which are give your daughters to us, and take
nursing are with me. And if the men 3 1Lit. clung our daughters to yourselves.
should drive them hard one day, all to 2tenderly 10 So you shall dwell with us, and
the flock will die. the land shall be before you. Dwell
4 aJudg. 14:2
14 Please let my lord go on ahead and trade in it, and acquire posses-
before his servant. I will lead on 5 a2 Sam. sions for yourselves in it.
slowly at a pace which the livestock 13:22 1kept 11 Then Shechem said to her
that go before me, and the children, silent
father and her brothers, Let me
1are able to endure, until I come to
7 aDeut. find favor in your eyes, and what-
my lord ain Seir. 22:2030; ever you say to me I will give.
15 And Esau said, Now let me Josh. 7:15; 12 Ask me ever so much adowry1
leave with you some of the people Judg. 20:6
bDeut. 23:17; and gift, and I will give according to
who are with me. But he said, 2 Sam. 13:12 what you say to me; but give me the
What need is there? aLet me find young woman as a wife.
favor in the sight of my lord. 12 aEx. 22:16, 13 But the sons of Jacob answered
16 So Esau returned that day on 17; Deut.
22:29 1bride- Shechem and Hamor his father, and
his way to Seir. price spoke adeceitfully, because he had
17 And Jacob journeyed to aSuc- defiled Dinah their sister.
coth, built himself a house, and 13 aGen. 31:7; 14 And they said to them, We can-
made 1booths for his livestock. Ex. 8:29
not do this thing, to give our sister
Therefore the name of the place is 14 aEx. 12:48 to one who is auncircumcised, for
called 2Succoth. bJosh. 5:29 bthat would be a reproach to us.
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31 GENESIS 35:16
15 But on this condition we will 19 a1 Chr. 4:9 Jacobs Return to Bethel
consent to you: If you will become 20 aGen. 19:1;
Then God said to Jacob,
as we are, if every male of you is cir-
23:10; Ruth
4:1, 11; 2 Sam.
35 Arise, go up to aBethel and
dwell there; and make an altar there
16 then we will give our daughters
to you, and we will take your daugh- 24 aGen. 23:10, to God, bwho appeared to you cwhen
18 you fled from the face of Esau your
ters to us; and we will dwell with
you, and we will become one people. 25 aGen. 29:33, brother.
34; 42:24; 2 And Jacob said to his ahouse-
17 But if you will not heed us and 49:57
be circumcised, then we will take hold and to all who were with him,
26 aGen. Put away bthe foreign gods that
our daughter and be gone. 49:5, 6
18 And their words pleased Hamor are among you, cpurify yourselves,
30 aGen. 49:6 and change your garments.
and Shechem, Hamors son. bJosh. 7:25
19 So the young man did not delay cEx. 5:21; 3 Then let us arise and go up to
to do the thing, because he delighted 1 Sam. 13:4; Bethel; and I will make an altar there
in Jacobs daughter. He was amore 2 Sam. 10:6
dGen. 46:26,
to God, awho answered me in the day
honorable than all the household of 27; Deut. 4:27;
of my distress band has been with me
his father. 1 Chr. 16:19; in the way which I have gone.
20 And Hamor and Shechem his Ps. 105:12 4 So they gave Jacob all the for-
son came to the agate of their city, CHAPTER 35 eign 1gods which were in their
and spoke with the men of their city, hands, and the aearrings which
saying: 1 aGen. 28:19; were in their ears; and Jacob hid
31:13 bGen.
21 These men are at peace with us. 28:13 cGen. them under bthe terebinth tree
Therefore let them dwell in the land 27:43 which was by Shechem.
and trade in it. For indeed the land is 2 aGen. 18:19; 5 And they journeyed, and athe
large enough for them. Let us take Josh. 24:15 terror of God was upon the cities
their daughters to us as wives, and bGen. 31:19,
that were all around them, and they
let us give them our daughters. 30, 34; Josh. did not pursue the sons of Jacob.
24:2, 14, 23
22 Only on this condition will the cEx. 19:10, 14; 6 So Jacob came to aLuz (that is,
men consent to dwell with us, to be Lev. 13:6 Bethel), which is in the land of
one people: if every male among us is 3 aGen. 32:7, Canaan, he and all the people who
circumcised as they are circumcised. 24; Ps. 107:6 were with him.
23 Will not their livestock, their bGen. 28:15,
7 And he abuilt an altar there and
property, and every animal of theirs 20; 31:3, 42
called the place 1El Bethel, because
be ours? Only let us consent to 4 aHos. 2:13
bJosh. 24:26;
bthere God appeared to him when
them, and they will dwell with us. Judg. 9:6 he fled from the face of his brother.
24 And all who went out of the gate 1idols 8 Now aDeborah, Rebekahs nurse,
of his city heeded Hamor and 5 aEx. 15:16; died, and she was buried below
Shechem his son; every male was 23:27; [Deut. Bethel under the terebinth tree. So
circumcised, all who awent out of 2:25; 11:25]; the name of it was called 1Allon
the gate of his city. Josh. 2:9; Bachuth.
25 Now it came to pass on the third 1 Sam. 14:15
9 Then aGod appeared to Jacob
day, when they were in pain, that two 6 aGen. 28:19, again, when he came from Padan
of the sons of Jacob, aSimeon and 22; 48:3
Aram, and bblessed him.
Levi, Dinahs brothers, each took his 7 aGen. 33:20; 10 And God said to him, Your
sword and came boldly upon the city 35:3; Eccl. 5:4
bGen. 28:13 name is Jacob; ayour name shall not
and killed all the males. 1Lit. God of be called Jacob anymore, bbut Israel
26 And they akilled Hamor and the House of shall be your name. So He called
Shechem his son with the edge of God
his name Israel.
the sword, and took Dinah from 8 aGen. 24:59 11 Also God said to him: aI am
Shechems house, and went out. 1Lit. Tere-
God Almighty. bBe fruitful and mul-
27 The sons of Jacob came upon binth of
Weeping tiply; ca nation and a company of
the slain, and plundered the city, nations shall proceed from you, and
because their sister had been 9 aJosh. 5:13;
Dan. 10:5 kings shall come from your body.
defiled. bGen. 32:29;
12 The aland which I gave Abra-
28 They took their sheep, their Hos. 12:4 ham and Isaac I give to you; and to
oxen, and their donkeys, what was 10 aGen. 17:5 your descendants after you I give
in the city and what was in the field, bGen. 32:28
this land.
29 and all their wealth. All their lit- 11 aGen. 17:1; 13 Then God awent1 up from him in
tle ones and their wives they took 28:3; 48:3, 4; the place where He talked with him.
captive; and they plundered even all Ex. 6:3 bGen.
14 So Jacob aset up a pillar in the
that was in the houses. 9:1, 7 cGen.
30 Then Jacob said to Simeon and 17:5, 6, 16; place where He talked with him, a
Levi, aYou have btroubled me cby
28:3; 48:4 pillar of stone; and he poured a drink
making me obnoxious among the 12 aGen. 12:7; offering on it, and he poured oil on it.
13:15; 26:3, 4; 15 And Jacob called the name of
inhabitants of the land, among the 28:13; 48:4;
Canaanites and the Perizzites; dand Ex. 32:13 the place where God spoke with
since I am few in number, they will him, aBethel.
13 aGen. 17:22;
gather themselves together against 18:33 Death of Rachel
me and kill me. I shall be destroyed,
my household and I. 14 aGen. 28:18, 16 Then they journeyed from
31 But they said, Should he treat 19; 31:45 Bethel. And when there was but a
our sister like a harlot? 15 aGen. 28:19 little distance to go to Ephrath,
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GENESIS 35:17 32
Rachel labored in childbirth, and 17 aGen. 30:24; which he had gained in the land of
she had hard labor. 1 Sam. 4:20 Canaan, and went to a country away
17 Now it came to pass, when she 181Lit. Son of from the presence of his brother
was in hard labor, that the midwife My Sorrow
2Lit. Son of
said to her, Do not fear; ayou will the Right
7 aFor their possessions were too
have this son also. Hand great for them to dwell together, and
18 And so it was, as her soul was bthe land where they were strangers
departing (for she died), that she 19 aGen. 48:7 could not support them because of
bRuth 1:2;
called his name 1Ben-Oni; but his 4:11; Mic. 5:2; their livestock.
father called him 2Benjamin. Matt. 2:6 8 So Esau dwelt in aMount Seir.
19 So aRachel died and was buried bEsau is Edom.
20 a1 Sam.
on the way to bEphrath (that is, 10:2 9 And this is the genealogy of
Bethlehem). Esau the father of the Edomites in
20 And Jacob set a pillar on her 21 aMic. 4:8 Mount Seir.
grave, which is the pillar of Rachels 22 aGen. 49:4; 10 These were the names of Esaus
grave ato this day. 1 Chr. 5:1 sons: aEliphaz the son of Adah the
21 Then Israel journeyed and 23 aGen.
wife of Esau, and Reuel the son of
pitched his tent beyond athe tower 29:3135; Basemath the wife of Esau.
of Eder. 30:1820; 46:8; 11 And the sons of Eliphaz were
22 And it happened, when Israel Ex. 1:14 Teman, Omar, 1Zepho, Gatam, and
dwelt in that land, that Reuben went 27 aGen. 13:18; Kenaz.
and alay with Bilhah his fathers con- 18:1; 23:19 12 Now Timna was the concubine
cubine; and Israel heard about it. bJosh. 14:15 of Eliphaz, Esaus son, and she bore
1Lit. Town or aAmalek to Eliphaz. These were the
City of Arba
Jacobs Twelve Sons sons of Adah, Esaus wife.
29 aGen. 15:15; 13 These were the sons of Reuel:
Now the sons of Jacob were 25:8; 49:33 Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Miz-
twelve: bGen. 25:9;
zah. These were the sons of Base-
23 the sons of Leah were aReuben, 49:31 1Joined
math, Esaus wife.
Jacobs firstborn, and Simeon, Levi, his ancestors
14 These were the sons of 1Ahol-
Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun; ibamah, Esaus wife, the daughter of
24 the sons of Rachel were Joseph CHAPTER 36
Anah, the daughter of Zibeon. And
and Benjamin; she bore to Esau: Jeush, Jaalam,
1 aGen. 25:30
25 the sons of Bilhah, Rachels and Korah.
maidservant, were Dan and Naphtali; 2 aGen. 26:34;
26 and the sons of Zilpah, Leahs 28:9 b2 Kin. The Chiefs of Edom
maidservant, were Gad and Asher. 7:6 cGen.
These were the sons of Jacob who
36:25 1Or 15 These were the chiefs of the
were born to him in Padan Aram. sons of Esau. The sons of Eliphaz,
3 aGen. 28:9 the firstborn son of Esau, were
Death of Isaac 4 a1 Chr. 1:35
Chief Teman, Chief Omar, Chief
Zepho, Chief Kenaz,
27 Then Jacob came to his father 5 1Or Oholi- 16 1Chief Korah, Chief Gatam, and
Isaac at aMamre, or bKirjath Arba1 bamah Chief Amalek. These were the
(that is, Hebron), where Abraham 7 aGen. 13:6, chiefs of Eliphaz in the land of
and Isaac had dwelt. 11 bGen. 17:8; Edom. They were the sons of Adah.
28 Now the days of Isaac were one 28:4; Heb. 17 These were the sons of Reuel,
hundred and eighty years. 11:9
Esaus son: Chief Nahath, Chief
29 So Isaac breathed his last and 8 aGen. 32:3; Zerah, Chief Shammah, and Chief
died, and awas 1gathered to his peo- Deut. 2:5; Mizzah. These were the chiefs of
ple, being old and full of days. And Josh. 24:4
bGen. 36:1, 19 Reuel in the land of Edom. These
bhis sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
were the sons of Basemath, Esaus
10 a1 Chr. 1:35 wife.
The Family of Esau 18 And these were the sons of
11 1Zephi,
1Aholibamah, Esaus wife: Chief
Now this is the genealogy of
Esau, who is Edom.
Esau took his wives from the
1 Chr. 1:36
12 aEx.
17:816; Num.
Jeush, Chief Jaalam, and Chief
Korah. These were the chiefs who
daughters of Canaan: Adah the 24:20; Deut. descended from Aholibamah, Esaus
daughter of Elon the bHittite; cAhol- 25:1719; wife, the daughter of Anah.
ibamah1 the daughter of Anah, the 1 Sam. 15:2, 3 19 These were the sons of Esau, who
daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; 14 1Or Oholi- is Edom, and these were their chiefs.
3 and aBasemath, Ishmaels bamah
daughter, sister of Nebajoth. The Sons of Seir
16 1Sam.
4 Now Adah bore Eliphaz to
a omits Chief 20 aThese were the sons of Seir
Esau, and Basemath bore Reuel. Korah bthe Horite who inhabited the land:
5 And 1Aholibamah bore Jeush, 18 1Or Oholi- Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah,
Jaalam, and Korah. These were the bamah 21 Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan. These
sons of Esau who were born to him 20 a1 Chr. were the chiefs of the Horites, the
in the land of Canaan. 1:3842 bGen. sons of Seir, in the land of Edom.
6 Then Esau took his wives, his 14:6; Deut. 22 And the sons of Lotan were
sons, his daughters, and all the per- 2:12, 22 Hori and 1Hemam. Lotans sister
sons of his household, his cattle and 22 1Homam, was Timna.
all his animals, and all his goods 1 Chr. 1:39 23 These were the sons of Shobal:
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33 GENESIS 37:15
1Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, 2Shepho, 23 1Alian, the land of their possession. Esau
and Onam. 1 Chr. 1:40 was the father of 1the Edomites.
24 These were the sons of Zibeon: 1 Chr. 1:40
both Ajah and Anah. This was the Joseph Dreams of Greatness
Anah who found the 1water in the 24 aLev. 19:19
Now Jacob dwelt in the land
wilderness as he pastured athe don-
keys of his father Zibeon.
1So with MT,
Vg. (hot
springs); LXX
37 awhere his father was a
1stranger, in the land of Canaan.
25 These were the children of Jamin; Tg. 2 This is the history of Jacob.
Anah: Dishon and 1Aholibamah the mighty men; Joseph, being seventeen years old,
daughter of Anah. Talmud mules
was feeding the flock with his broth-
26 These were the sons of 1Dishon: 25 1Or Oholi- ers. And the lad was with the sons of
2Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran, and bamah Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his
Cheran. fathers wives; and Joseph brought
27 These were the sons of Ezer: 26 1Heb. Dis-
aa bad report of them to his father.
han 2Hamran,
Bilhan, Zaavan, and 1Akan. 1 Chr. 1:41 3 Now Israel loved Joseph more
28 These were the sons of Dishan: than all his children, because he
aUz and Aran. 27 1Jaakan,
1 Chr. 1:42 was athe son of his old age. Also he
29 These were the chiefs of the bmade him a tunic of many colors.
Horites: Chief Lotan, Chief Shobal, 28 aJob 1:1 4 But when his brothers saw that
Chief Zibeon, Chief Anah, their father loved him more than all
30 Chief Dishon, Chief Ezer, and 31 aGen. 17:6,
16; 35:11; his brothers, they ahated him and
Chief Dishan. These were the chiefs 1 Chr. 1:43 could not speak peaceably to him.
of the Horites, according to their 5 Now Joseph had a dream, and
chiefs in the land of Seir. 37 aGen. 10:11
he told it to his brothers; and they
The Kings of Edom 39 1Sam., Syr. hated him even more.
Hadad and 6 So he said to them, Please hear
31 aNow these were the kings who 1 Chr. 1:50
2Pai, 1 Chr.
this dream which I have dreamed:
reigned in the land of Edom before 1:50
7 aThere we were, binding
any king reigned over the children sheaves in the field. Then behold,
of Israel: 40 1Aliah, my sheaf arose and also stood
32 Bela the son of Beor reigned in 1 Chr. 1:51 upright; and indeed your sheaves
Edom, and the name of his city was 41 1Or Oholi- stood all around and bowed down to
Dinhabah. bamah my sheaf.
33 And when Bela died, Jobab the 8 And his brothers said to him,
son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in 43 1Heb. Shall you indeed reign over us? Or
his place. shall you indeed have dominion over
34 When Jobab died, Husham of CHAPTER 37 us? So they hated him even more
the land of the Temanites reigned in for his dreams and for his words.
his place. 1 aGen. 17:8; 9 Then he dreamed still another
35 And when Husham died, Hadad 23:4; 28:4; dream and told it to his brothers,
36:7; Heb. 11:9
the son of Bedad, who attacked Mid- 1sojourner, and said, Look, I have dreamed
ian in the field of Moab, reigned in temporary another dream. And this time, athe
his place. And the name of his city resident sun, the moon, and the eleven stars
was Avith. 2 aGen. 35:25,
bowed down to me.
36 When Hadad died, Samlah of 26; 1 Sam. 10 So he told it to his father and his
Masrekah reigned in his place. 2:2224 brothers; and his father rebuked
37 And when Samlah died, Saul of him and said to him, What is this
aRehoboth-by-the-River reigned in 3 aGen. 44:20 dream that you have dreamed?
bGen. 37:23,
his place. 32; Judg. 5:30; Shall your mother and I and ayour
38 When Saul died, Baal-Hanan 1 Sam. 2:19 brothers indeed come to bow down
the son of Achbor reigned in his to the earth before you?
place. 4 aGen. 27:41; 11 And ahis brothers envied him,
49:23; 1 Sam.
39 And when Baal-Hanan the son 17:28; John but his father bkept the matter in
of Achbor died, 1Hadar reigned in 15:1820 mind.
his place; and the name of his city
was 2Pau. His wifes name was 7 aGen. 42:6, Joseph Sold by His Brothers
9; 43:26; 44:14
Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, 12 Then his brothers went to feed
the daughter of Mezahab. 9 aGen. 46:29; their fathers flock in aShechem.
The Chiefs of Esau 13 And Israel said to Joseph, Are
10 aGen. 27:29 not your brothers feeding the flock in
40 And these were the names of Shechem? Come, I will send you to
11 aMatt.
the chiefs of Esau, according to 27:17, 18; Acts
them. So he said to him, Here I am.
their families and their places, by 7:9 bDan. 14 Then he said to him, Please go
their names: Chief Timnah, Chief 7:28; Luke and see if it is well with your brothers
1Alvah, Chief Jetheth, 2:19, 51 and well with the flocks, and bring
41 Chief 1Aholibamah, Chief Elah, 12 aGen.
back word to me. So he sent him out
Chief Pinon, 33:1820 of the Valley of aHebron, and he went
42 Chief Kenaz, Chief Teman, Chief to Shechem.
Mibzar, 14 aGen. 13:18; 15 Now a certain man found him,
23:2, 19;
43 Chief Magdiel, and Chief Iram. 35:27; Josh.
and there he was, wandering in the
These were the chiefs of Edom, 14:14, 15; field. And the man asked him, say-
according to their dwelling places in Judg. 1:10 ing, What are you seeking?
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GENESIS 37:16 34
16 So he said, I am seeking my 16 aSong 1:7 has devoured him. Without doubt
brothers. aPlease tell me where they 17 a2 Kin. 6:13 Joseph is torn to pieces.
are feeding their flocks. 18 a1 Sam. 34 Then Jacob atore his clothes, put
17 And the man said, They have 19:1; Ps. sackcloth on his waist, and bmourned
31:13; 37:12,
departed from here, for I heard 32; Matt. for his son many days.
them say, Let us go to Dothan. So 21:38; 26:3, 4; 35 And all his sons and all his
Joseph went after his brothers and 27:1; Mark daughters aarose to comfort him;
found them in aDothan. 14:1; John but he refused to be comforted, and
11:53; Acts
18 Now when they saw him afar off, 23:12 he said, For bI shall go down into
even before he came near them, athey 19 1Lit. master the grave to my son in mourning.
conspired against him to kill him. of dreams Thus his father wept for him.
19 Then they said to one another, 20 aGen. 37:22; 36 Now athe 1Midianites had sold
Look, this 1dreamer is coming! Prov. 1:11 him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer
20 aCome therefore, let us now kill 21 aGen. 42:22 of Pharaoh and captain of the
him and cast him into some pit; and 23 aMatt. 27:28 guard.
we shall say, Some wild beast has 25 aProv. 30:20
devoured him. We shall see what bGen. 16:11, Judah and Tamar
12; 37:28, 36;
will become of his dreams! It came to pass at that time
21 But aReuben heard it, and he
delivered him out of their hands,
39:1 cJer. 8:22
26 aGen. 37:20 38 that Judah departed from his
brothers, and avisited a certain
27 a1 Sam.
and said, Let us not kill him. 18:17 bGen. Adullamite whose name was Hirah.
22 And Reuben said to them, Shed 42:21 cGen. 2 And Judah asaw there a daugh-
no blood, but cast him into this pit 29:14 ter of a certain Canaanite whose
which is in the wilderness, and do 28 aGen. 37:25; name was bShua, and he married
not lay a hand on himthat he Judg. 6:13;
8:22, 24 bGen. her and went in to her.
might deliver him out of their 45:4, 5; Ps. 3 So she conceived and bore a
hands, and bring him back to his 105:17; Acts son, and he called his name aEr.
father. 7:9 cMatt. 27:9
4 She conceived again and bore a
23 So it came to pass, when Joseph 29 aGen. 37:34; son, and she called his name aOnan.
had come to his brothers, that they 44:13; Job
1:20 5 And she conceived yet again
astripped Joseph of his tunic, the
30 aGen. 42:13, and bore a son, and called his name
tunic of many colors that was on him. 36 aShelah. He was at Chezib when she
24 Then they took him and cast 31 aGen. 37:3, bore him.
him into a pit. And the pit was 23 6 Then Judah atook a wife for Er
empty; there was no water in it. 33 aGen. 37:20 his firstborn, and her name was bTa-
25 aAnd they sat down to eat a 34 aGen. 37:29; mar.
meal. Then they lifted their eyes and 2 Sam. 3:31 7 But aEr, Judahs firstborn, was
bGen. 50:10
looked, and there was a company of wicked in the sight of the LORD,
bIshmaelites, coming from Gilead 35 a2 Sam. band the LORD killed him.
12:17 bGen.
with their camels, bearing spices, 25:8; 35:29; 8 And Judah said to Onan, Go in
cbalm, and myrrh, on their way to
42:38; 44:29, to ayour brothers wife and marry
carry them down to Egypt. 31 her, and raise up an heir to your
26 So Judah said to his brothers, 36 aGen. 39:1 brother.
1MT Medan-
What profit is there if we kill our 9 But Onan knew that the heir
brother and aconceal his blood? would not be ahis; and it came to
27 Come and let us sell him to the CHAPTER 38 pass, when he went in to his broth-
Ishmaelites, and alet not our hand 1 a2 Kin. 4:8 ers wife, that he emitted on the
be upon him, for he is bour brother 2 aGen. 34:2 ground, lest he should give an heir
and cour flesh. And his brothers lis- b1 Chr. 2:3 to his brother.
tened. 3 aGen. 46:12; 10 And the thing which he did 1dis-
28 Then aMidianite traders passed Num. 26:19 pleased the LORD; therefore He
by; so the brothers pulled Joseph up 4 aGen. 46:12; killed ahim also.
and lifted him out of the pit, band Num. 26:19 11 Then Judah said to Tamar his
sold him to the Ishmaelites for 5 aNum. 26:20 daughter-in-law, aRemain a widow
ctwenty shekels of silver. And they 6 aGen. 21:21 in your fathers house till my son
bRuth 4:12
took Joseph to Egypt. Shelah is grown. For he said, Lest
29 Then Reuben returned to the 7 aGen. 46:12; he also die like his brothers. And
pit, and indeed Joseph was not in Num. 26:19
b1 Chr. 2:3 Tamar went and dwelt bin her
the pit; and he atore his clothes. 8 aDeut. 25:5,
fathers house.
30 And he returned to his brothers 6; Matt. 22:24 12 Now in the process of time the
and said, The lad ais no more; and 9 aDeut. 25:6 daughter of Shua, Judahs wife,
I, where shall I go? 10 aGen. 46:12; died; and Judah awas comforted,
31 So they took aJosephs tunic, Num. 26:19 and went up to his sheepshearers at
killed a kid of the goats, and dipped 1Lit. was evil
Timnah, he and his friend Hirah the
the tunic in the blood. in the eyes of Adullamite.
32 Then they sent the tunic of 11 aRuth 1:12, 13 And it was told Tamar, saying,
13 bLev. 22:13
many colors, and they brought it to Look, your father-in-law is going
12 a2 Sam.
their father and said, We have 13:39 up ato Timnah to shear his sheep.
found this. Do you know whether it 13 aJosh.
14 So she took off her widows gar-
is your sons tunic or not? 15:10, 57; ments, covered herself with a veil
33 And he recognized it and said, Judg. 14:1 and wrapped herself, and asat in an
It is my sons tunic. A awild beast 14 aProv. 7:12 open place which was on the way
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35 GENESIS 39:14
to Timnah; for she saw bthat Shelah 14 bGen. 38:11, breach be upon you! Therefore his
was grown, and she was not given 26 name was called aPerez.1
to him as a wife. 17 aJudg. 15:1; 30 Afterward his brother came out
15 When Judah saw her, he thought Ezek. 16:33 who had the scarlet thread on his
she was a harlot, because she had bGen. 38:20
hand. And his name was called
covered her face. 18 aGen. 38:25;
16 Then he turned to her by the 41:42
way, and said, Please let me come Joseph a Slave in Egypt
in to you; for he did not know that 19 aGen. 38:14
Now Joseph had been taken
she was his daughter-in-law. So she
said, What will you give me, that
21 1in full view 39 adown to Egypt. And bPotiphar,
an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the
you may come in to me? 24 aJudg. 19:2
bLev. 20:14; guard, an Egyptian, cbought him
17 And he said, aI will send a 21:9; Deut. from the Ishmaelites who had taken
young goat from the flock. So she 22:21 1preg- him down there.
said, bWill you give me a pledge till nant
2 aThe LORD was with Joseph,
you send it? 25 aGen. 37:32; and he was a successful man; and
18 Then he said, What pledge 38:18 he was in the house of his master
shall I give you? So she said, aYour the Egyptian.
signet and cord, and your staff that 26 aGen. 37:33
b1 Sam. 24:17 3 And his master saw that the
is in your hand. Then he gave them cGen. 38:14 LORD was with him and that the
to her, and went in to her, and she dJob 34:31, 32
LORD amade all he did 1to prosper in
conceived by him. his hand.
19 So she arose and went away, 29 aGen. 46:12;
and alaid aside her veil and put on Num. 26:20; 4 So Joseph afound favor in his
the garments of her widowhood.
Ruth 4:12; sight, and served him. Then he made
1 Chr. 2:4; him boverseer of his house, and all that
20 And Judah sent the young goat Matt. 1:3 1Lit.
he had he put 1under his authority.
by the hand of his friend the Adul- Breach or
lamite, to receive his pledge from Breakthrough 5 So it was, from the time that he
the womans hand, but he did not had made him overseer of his house
30 aGen. 46:12;
find her. 1 Chr. 2:4; and all that he had, that athe LORD
21 Then he asked the men of that Matt. 1:3 blessed the Egyptians house for
place, saying, Where is the harlot Josephs sake; and the blessing of
who was 1openly by the roadside? the LORD was on all that he had in
And they said, There was no harlot the house and in the field.
in this place. 1 aGen. 12:10;
6 Thus he left all that he had in
22 So he returned to Judah and 43:15 bGen. Josephs 1hand, and he did not know
said, I cannot find her. Also, the 37:36; Ps. what he had except for the 2bread
men of the place said there was no 105:17 cGen. which he ate. Now Joseph awas
37:28; 45:4 handsome in form and appearance.
harlot in this place.
23 Then Judah said, Let her take 2 aGen. 26:24, 7 And it came to pass after these
them for herself, lest we be shamed; 28; 28:15; things that his masters wife 1cast
35:3; 39:3, 21, longing eyes on Joseph, and she
for I sent this young goat and you 23; 1 Sam.
have not found her. 16:18; 18:14,
said, aLie with me.
24 And it came to pass, about three 28; Acts 7:9 8 But he refused and said to his
months after, that Judah was told, masters wife, Look, my master
3 aPs. 1:3 1to does not know what is with me in the
saying, Tamar your daughter-in- be a success
law has aplayed the harlot; further- house, and he has committed all that
more she is 1with child by harlotry. 4 aGen. 18:3; he has to my hand.
So Judah said, Bring her out band 19:19; 39:21
bGen. 24:2, 10;
9 There is no one greater in this
let her be burned! 39:8, 22; 41:40
house than I, nor has he kept back
25 When she was brought out, she 1Lit. in his anything from me but you, because
sent to her father-in-law, saying, By hand you are his wife. aHow then can I do
the man to whom these belong, I am this great wickedness, and bsin
5 aGen. 18:26;
with child. And she said, aPlease 30:27; 2 Sam. against God?
determine whose these arethe 6:11 10 So it was, as she spoke to
signet and cord, and staff. Joseph day by day, that he adid not
6 aGen. 29:17; heed her, to lie with her or to be
26 So Judah aacknowledged them 1 Sam. 16:12
and said, bShe has been more righ- 1Care 2Food with her.
teous than I, because cI did not give 11 But it happened about this time,
her to Shelah my son. And he dnever 7 a2 Sam. when Joseph went into the house to
13:11 1Lit.
knew her again. lifted up her do his work, and none of the men of
27 Now it came to pass, at the time eyes toward the house was inside,
for giving birth, that behold, twins 12 that she acaught him by his gar-
9 aLev. 20:10;
were in her womb. Prov. 6:29, 32
ment, saying, Lie with me. But he
28 And so it was, when she was bGen. 20:6; left his garment in her hand, and
giving birth, that the one put out his 42:18; 2 Sam. fled and ran outside.
hand; and the midwife took a scar- 12:13; Ps. 51:4 13 And so it was, when she saw
let thread and bound it on his hand, 10 aProv. 1:10
that he had left his garment in her
saying, This one came out first. hand and fled outside,
29 Then it happened, as he drew 12 aProv. 7:13 14 that she called to the men of her
back his hand, that his brother came 14 aGen. 14:13;
house and spoke to them, saying,
out unexpectedly; and she said, 41:12 1laugh See, he has brought in to us a aHe-
How did you break through? This at brew to 1mock us. He came in to me
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GENESIS 39:15 36
to lie with me, and I cried out with a 17 aEx. 23:1 belong to God? Tell them to me,
loud voice. please.
15 And it happened, when he 19 aProv. 6:34, 9 Then the chief butler told his
heard that I lifted my voice and dream to Joseph, and said to him,
cried out, that he left his garment 20 aPs. 105:18 Behold, in my dream a vine was
with me, and fled and went outside. bGen. 40:3, 15; before me,
16 So she kept his garment with 41:14 10 and in the vine were three
her until his master came home. branches; it was as though it bud-
21 aActs 7:9,
17 Then she aspoke to him with 10 1Caused ded, its blossoms shot forth, and its
words like these, saying, The him to be clusters brought forth ripe grapes.
Hebrew servant whom you brought viewed with 11 Then Pharaohs cup was in my
to us came in to me to mock me; favor by hand; and I took the grapes and
18 so it happened, as I lifted my 22 aGen. 39:4;
pressed them into Pharaohs cup, and
voice and cried out, that he left his 40:3, 4 placed the cup in Pharaohs hand.
garment with me and fled outside. 12 And Joseph said to him, aThis
19 So it was, when his master 23 aGen. 39:2, is the interpretation of it: The three
heard the words which his wife 3 1Lit. his branches bare three days.
spoke to him, saying, Your servant hand 13 Now within three days Pha-
did to me after this manner, that his CHAPTER 40
raoh will alift up your head and
aanger was aroused. restore you to your 1place, and you
20 Then Josephs master took him 1 aNeh. 1:11 will put Pharaohs cup in his hand
and aput him into the bprison, a place according to the former manner,
where the kings prisoners were con- 2 aProv. 16:14 when you were his butler.
fined. And he was there in the prison. 14 But aremember me when it is
21 But the LORD was with Joseph 3 aGen. 39:1, well with you, and bplease show
20, 23; 41:10
and showed him mercy, and He kindness to me; make mention of
agave1 him favor in the sight of the me to Pharaoh, and get me out of
5 aGen. 37:5;
keeper of the prison. 41:1 this house.
22 And the keeper of the prison 15 For indeed I was astolen away
acommitted to Josephs hand all the 6 1dejected from the land of the Hebrews; band
prisoners who were in the prison; also I have done nothing here that
whatever they did there, it was his 7 aNeh. 2:2 they should put me into the dun-
doing. 8 aGen. 41:15
23 The keeper of the prison did not b[Dan. 2:11, 16 When the chief baker saw that
look into anything that was under 2022, 27, 28, the interpretation was good, he said
1Josephs authority, because athe 47] to Joseph, I also was in my dream,
LORD was with him; and whatever and there were three 1white baskets
he did, the LORD made it prosper. 12 aDan. 2:36;
4:18, 19 bGen.
on my head.
40:18; 42:17 17 In the uppermost basket were
The Prisoners Dreams all kinds of baked goods for
It came to pass after these 13 a2 Kin. Pharaoh, and the birds ate them out
40 things that the abutler and the
baker of the king of Egypt offended
25:27 1posi-
of the basket on my head.
18 So Joseph answered and said,
aThis is the interpretation of it: The
their lord, the king of Egypt. 14 aLuke 23:42
2 And Pharaoh was aangry with bJosh. 2:12 three baskets are three days.
his two officers, the chief butler and 19 aWithin three days Pharaoh
the chief baker. 15 aGen. will lift 1off your head from you and
37:2628 bhang you on a tree; and the birds
3 aSo he put them in custody in the bGen. 39:20
house of the captain of the guard, in will eat your flesh from you.
the prison, the place where Joseph 16 1Or baskets 20 Now it came to pass on the third
was confined. of white day, which was Pharaohs abirthday,
bread that he bmade a feast for all his ser-
4 And the captain of the guard
charged Joseph with them, and he vants; and he clifted up the head of
18 aGen. 40:12
served them; so they were in custody the chief butler and of the chief
for a while. 19 aGen. 40:13 baker among his servants.
5 Then the butler and the baker of bDeut. 21:22 21 Then he arestored the chief but-
the king of Egypt, who were con-
1Lit. up ler to his butlership again, and bhe
fined in the prison, ahad a dream, placed the cup in Pharaohs hand.
20 aMatt. 22 But he ahanged the chief baker,
both of them, each mans dream in 14:610
one night and each mans dream bMark 6:21 as Joseph had interpreted to them.
with its own interpretation. cGen. 40:13, 23 Yet the chief butler did not
6 And Joseph came in to them in 19 remember Joseph, but aforgot him.
the morning and looked at them, 21 aGen. 40:13 Pharaohs Dreams
and saw that they were 1sad. bNeh. 2:1
7 So he asked Pharaohs officers Then it came to pass, at the
who were with him in the custody of
his lords house, saying, aWhy do
22 aGen. 40:19 41 end of two full years, that
aPharaoh had a dream; and behold,
you look so sad today? 23 aEccl. 9:15, he stood by the river.
8 And they said to him, aWe each 2 Suddenly there came up out of
have had a dream, and there is no CHAPTER 41 the river seven cows, fine looking
interpreter of it. So Joseph said to and fat; and they fed in the meadow.
them, bDo not interpretations 1 aGen. 40:5 3 Then behold, seven other cows
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37 GENESIS 41:39
came up after them out of the river, 6 aEx. 10:13; had eaten them, for they were just
ugly and gaunt, and stood by the Ezek. 17:10 as ugly as at the beginning. So I
other cows on the bank of the river. 8 aDan. 2:1, 3; awoke.
4 And the ugly and gaunt cows 4:5, 19 bEx. 22 Also I saw in my dream, and
7:11, 22; Is.
ate up the seven fine looking and fat 29:14; Dan.
suddenly seven 1heads came up on
cows. So Pharaoh awoke. 1:20; 2:2; 4:7 one stalk, full and good.
5 He slept and dreamed a second cMatt. 2:1 23 Then behold, seven heads,
time; and suddenly seven heads of 9 aGen. 40:1, withered, thin, and blighted by the
grain came up on one stalk, plump 14, 23 east wind, sprang up after them.
and good. 10 aGen. 40:2,
24 And the thin heads devoured
6 Then behold, seven thin heads, 3 bGen. 39:20 the seven good heads. So aI told this
blighted by the aeast wind, sprang 11 aGen. 40:5;
to the magicians, but there was no
up after them. Judg. 7:15 one who could explain it to me.
7 And the seven thin heads de- 25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh,
12 aGen. 39:14;
voured the seven plump and full 43:32 bGen.
The dreams of Pharaoh are one;
heads. So Pharaoh awoke, and aGod has shown Pharaoh what He is
37:36 cGen.
indeed, it was a dream. 40:12 about to do:
8 Now it came to pass in the morn- 13 aGen. 40:21, 26 The seven good cows are seven
ing athat his spirit was troubled, and 22 years, and the seven good 1heads
he sent and called for all bthe magi- 14 aPs. 105:20
are seven years; the dreams are one.
cians of Egypt and all its cwise men. bDan. 2:25 27 And the seven thin and ugly
And Pharaoh told them his dreams, c[1 Sam. 2:8] cows which came up after them are
but there was no one who could d2 Kin. seven years, and the seven empty
interpret them for Pharaoh. 25:2729 heads blighted by the east wind are
aseven years of famine.
9 Then the achief butler spoke to 15 aGen. 41:8,
Pharaoh, saying: I remember my 12; Dan. 5:16 28 aThis is the thing which I have
faults this day. 16 aDan. 2:30; spoken to Pharaoh. God has shown
10 When Pharaoh was aangry with Acts 3:12; Pharaoh what He is about to do.
his servants, band put me in custody [2 Cor. 3:5] 29 Indeed aseven years of great
bGen. 40:8;
in the house of the captain of the 41:25, 28, 32;
plenty will come throughout all the
guard, both me and the chief baker, Deut. 29:29; land of Egypt;
11 awe each had a dream in one Dan. 2:22, 28, 30 but after them seven years of
night, he and I. Each of us dreamed 47 famine will aarise, and all the plenty
according to the interpretation of 17 aGen. 41:1 will be forgotten in the land of Egypt;
his own dream. 22 1Heads of
and the famine bwill deplete the land.
12 Now there was a young aHe- grain 31 So the plenty will not be known
brew man with us there, a bservant 24 aGen. 41:8;
in the land because of the famine
of the captain of the guard. And we Ex. 7:11; Is. following, for it will be very severe.
told him, and he cinterpreted our 8:19; Dan. 4:7 32 And the dream was repeated to
dreams for us; to each man he inter- 25 aGen. 41:28,
Pharaoh twice because the athing is
preted according to his own dream. 32; Dan. 2:28, established by God, and God will
13 And it came to pass, just aas he 29, 45; Rev. shortly bring it to pass.
interpreted for us, so it happened. 4:1 33 Now therefore, let Pharaoh
He restored me to my office, and he 26 1Heads of select a discerning and wise man,
hanged him. grain and set him over the land of Egypt.
14 aThen Pharaoh sent and called 27 a2 Kin. 8:1 34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let
Joseph, and they bbrought him 28 a[Gen.
him appoint 1officers over the land,
ato collect one-fifth of the produce
quickly cout of the dungeon; and he 41:25, 32;
shaved, dchanged his clothing, and Dan. 2:28] of the land of Egypt in the seven
came to Pharaoh. 29 aGen. 41:47
plentiful years.
15 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, I 35 And alet them gather all the
30 aGen. 41:54, food of those good years that are
have had a dream, and there is no 56 bGen.
one who can interpret it. aBut I have 47:13; Ps. coming, and store up grain under
heard it said of you that you can 105:16 the 1authority of Pharaoh, and let
understand a dream, to interpret it. 32 aGen. 41:25,
them keep food in the cities.
16 So Joseph answered Pharaoh, 28; Num. 36 Then that food shall be as a
1reserve for the land for the seven
saying, aIt is not in me; bGod will 23:19; Is.
give Pharaoh an answer of peace. 46:10, 11 years of famine which shall be in
17 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: 34 a[Prov. the land of Egypt, that the land amay
Behold, ain my dream I stood on 6:68] 1over- not 2perish during the famine.
the bank of the river. Josephs Rise to Power
18 Suddenly seven cows came up 35 aGen. 41:48
1Lit. hand
out of the river, fine looking and fat; 37 So athe advice was good in the
and they fed in the meadow. 36 aGen. 47:15, eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of
19 Then behold, seven other cows 19 1Lit. supply all his servants.
2be cut off
came up after them, poor and very 38 And Pharaoh said to his ser-
ugly and gaunt, such ugliness as I 37 aPs. 105:19; vants, Can we find such a one as
have never seen in all the land of Acts 7:10 this, a man ain whom is the Spirit of
Egypt. 38 aNum. God?
20 And the gaunt and ugly cows 27:18; [Job 39 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph,
32:8; Prov.
ate up the first seven, the fat cows. 2:6]; Dan. 4:8, Inasmuch as God has shown you
21 When they had eaten them up, 9, 18; 5:11, 14; all this, there is no one as discerning
no one would have known that they 6:3 and wise as you.
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GENESIS 41:40 38
40 aYou shall be 1over my house, 40 aPs. 105:21; the storehouses and asold to the
and all my people shall be ruled Acts 7:10 1In Egyptians. And the famine became
charge of
according to your word; only in severe in the land of Egypt.
regard to the throne will I be greater 41 aGen. 42:6; 57 aSo all countries came to Joseph
than you. Ps. 105:21; in Egypt to bbuy grain, because the
Dan. 6:3; Acts
41 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, 7:10 famine was severe in all lands.
See, I have aset you over all the
land of Egypt. 42 aEsth. 3:10 Josephs Brothers Go to Egypt
bEsth. 8:2, 15
42 Then Pharaoh atook his signet When aJacob saw that there
cDan. 5:7, 16,
ring off his hand and put it on 29 was grain in Egypt, Jacob
Josephs hand; and he bclothed him 43 aGen. 46:29 said to his sons, Why do you look
in garments of fine linen cand put a bEsth. 6:9 at one another?
gold chain around his neck. cGen. 42:6
2 And he said, Indeed I have
43 And he had him ride in the sec- 45 aGen. 46:20 heard that there is grain in Egypt;
ond achariot which he had; band 1Probably
go down to that place and buy for us
they cried out before him, Bow the Egyptian for there, that we may alive and not die.
knee! So he set him cover all the God Speaks
3 So Josephs ten brothers went
land of Egypt. and He Lives
down to buy grain in Egypt.
44 Pharaoh also said to Joseph, I 46 a1 Sam. 4 But Jacob did not send Josephs
am Pharaoh, and without your con- 16:21; 1 Kin.
brother Benjamin with his brothers,
sent no man may lift his hand or 12:6, 8; Dan.
foot in all the land of Egypt. 1:19 for he said, aLest some calamity
45 And Pharaoh called Josephs 47 1Lit. by
befall him.
name 1Zaphnath-Paaneah. And he handfuls 5 And the sons of Israel went to
gave him as a wife aAsenath, the buy grain among those who jour-
49 aGen. 22:17; neyed, for the famine was ain the
daughter of Poti-Pherah priest of Judg. 7:12;
land of Canaan.
On. So Joseph went out over all the 1 Sam. 13:5
land of Egypt. 6 Now Joseph was governor aover
50 aGen. 46:20; the land; and it was he who sold to
46 Joseph was thirty years old 48:5
when he astood before Pharaoh king all the people of the land. And
51 aPs. 45:10 Josephs brothers came and bbowed
of Egypt. And Joseph went out from 1Lit. Making
the presence of Pharaoh, and went Forgetful
down before him with their faces to
throughout all the land of Egypt. the earth.
52 aGen. 17:6; 7 Joseph saw his brothers and rec-
47 Now in the seven plentiful years 28:3; 49:22
the ground brought forth 1abun- 1Lit. Fruitful- ognized them, but he acted as aa
dantly. ness stranger to them and spoke 1roughly
48 So he gathered up all the food of to them. Then he said to them,
54 aPs. 105:16;
the seven years which were in the Acts 7:11 Where do you come from? And
land of Egypt, and laid up the food bGen. 41:30 they said, From the land of Canaan
in the cities; he laid up in every city to buy food.
55 aJohn 2:5
the food of the fields which sur- 8 So Joseph recognized his broth-
rounded them. 56 aGen. 42:6
1Lit. all that
ers, but they did not recognize him.
49 Joseph gathered very much was in them
9 Then Joseph aremembered the
grain, aas the sand of the sea, until dreams which he had dreamed
he stopped counting, for it was 57 aEzek. about them, and said to them, You
29:12 bGen. are spies! You have come to see the
immeasurable. 27:28, 37; 42:3 1nakedness of the land!
50 aAnd to Joseph were born two
sons before the years of famine CHAPTER 42
10 And they said to him, No, my
came, whom Asenath, the daughter lord, but your servants have come to
of Poti-Pherah priest of On, bore to 1 aActs 7:12 buy food.
him. 11 We are all one mans sons; we
2 aGen. 43:8;
51 Joseph called the name of the Ps. 33:18, 19;
are honest men; your servants are
firstborn 1Manasseh: For God has Is. 38:1 not spies.
made me forget all my toil and all 12 But he said to them, No, but you
4 aGen. 42:38
my afathers house. have come to see the nakedness of
52 And the name of the second he 5 aGen. 12:10; the land.
26:1; 41:57; 13 And they said, Your servants
called 1Ephraim: For God has Acts 7:11
caused me to be afruitful in the land are twelve brothers, the sons of one
of my affliction. 6 aGen. 41:41, man in the land of Canaan; and in
53 Then the seven years of plenty 55 bGen. fact, the youngest is with our father
37:710; 41:43;
which were in the land of Egypt Is. 60:14 today, and one ais no more.
ended, 14 But Joseph said to them, It is as
54 aand the seven years of famine 7 aGen. 45:1, 2 I spoke to you, saying, You are
began to come, bas Joseph had said. spies!
The famine was in all lands, but in all 9 aGen. 37:59
15 In this manner you shall be
the land of Egypt there was bread. parts
tested: aBy the life of Pharaoh, you
55 So when all the land of Egypt shall not leave this place unless
was famished, the people cried to 13 aGen. 37:30; your youngest brother comes
Pharaoh for bread. Then Pharaoh 42:32; 44:20; here.
Lam. 5:7
said to all the Egyptians, Go to 16 Send one of you, and let him
Joseph; awhatever he says to you, do. 15 a1 Sam. bring your brother; and you shall be
56 The famine was over all the face 1:26; 17:55 1kept in prison, that your words may
of the earth, and Joseph opened 1all 16 1Lit. bound be tested to see whether there is any
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39 GENESIS 43:9
truth in you; or else, by the life of 17 aGen. 40:4, take food for the famine of your
Pharaoh, surely you are spies! 7, 12 1Lit. households, and be gone.
17 So he 1put them all together in 34 And bring your ayoungest brother
prison athree days. 18 aGen. 22:12; to me; so I shall know that you are
18 Then Joseph said to them the 39:9; Ex. 1:17; not spies, but that you are honest
third day, Do this and live, afor I fear Lev. 25:43;
Neh. 5:15; men. I will grant your brother to you,
God: Prov. 1:7; 9:10 and you may btrade in the land.
19 If you are honest men, let one of 35 Then it happened as they emp-
your brothers be confined to your 20 aGen. 42:34; tied their sacks, that surprisingly
43:5; 44:23
prison house; but you, go and carry aeach mans bundle of money was in
grain for the famine of your houses. 21 aGen. his sack; and when they and their
20 And abring your youngest brother 37:2628; father saw the bundles of money,
to me; so your words will be verified, 44:16; 45:3;
Job 36:8, 9;
they were afraid.
and you shall not die. And they did Hos. 5:15 36 And Jacob their father said to
so. bProv. 21:13; them, You have abereaved me: Joseph
21 Then they said to one another, Matt. 7:2 is no more, Simeon is no more, and
aWe are truly guilty concerning our
22 aGen. 37:21, you want to take bBenjamin. All these
brother, for we saw the anguish of his 22, 29 bGen. things are against me.
soul when he pleaded with us, and we 9:5, 6; 1 Kin. 37 Then Reuben spoke to his
would not hear; btherefore this dis- 2:32; 2 Chr. father, saying, Kill my two sons if I
tress has come upon us. 24:22; Ps.
9:12; Luke do not bring him back to you; put
22 And Reuben answered them, 11:50, 51 him in my hands, and I will bring
saying, aDid I not speak to you, say- him back to you.
ing, Do not sin against the boy; and 24 aGen. 43:30; 38 But he said, My son shall not go
you would not listen? Therefore 45:14, 15
bGen. 34:25, down with you, for ahis brother is
behold, his blood is now brequired of 30; 43:14, 23 dead, and he is left alone. bIf any
us. calamity should befall him along the
23 But they did not know that 25 aGen. 44:1
bGen. 43:12 way in which you go, then you would
Joseph understood them, for he c[Matt. 5:44; cbring down my gray hair with sor-
spoke to them through an interpreter. Rom. 12:17, row to the grave.
24 And he turned himself away 20, 21; 1 Pet.
from them and awept. Then he 3:9] Josephs Brothers Return with
returned to them again, and talked 27 aGen. 43:21, Benjamin
with them. And he took bSimeon 22
Now the famine was asevere
from them and bound him before
their eyes. 28 1sank 43 in the land.
2 And it came to pass, when they
30 aGen. 42:7
The Brothers Return to Canaan 1harshly had eaten up the grain which they
25 Then Joseph agave a command to had brought from Egypt, that their
fill their sacks with grain, to brestore
33 aGen. 42:15, father said to them, Go aback, buy
19, 20 us a little food.
every mans money to his sack, and
to give them provisions for the jour- 34 aGen. 42:20; 3 But Judah spoke to him, saying,
ney. cThus he did for them. 43:3, 5 bGen. The man solemnly warned us, say-
26 So they loaded their donkeys
34:10 ing, You shall not see my face
with the grain and departed from 35 aGen. 43:12, unless your abrother is with you.
there. 15, 21 4 If you send our brother with us,
27 But as aone of them opened his we will go down and buy you food.
36 aGen. 43:14 5 But if you will not send him, we
sack to give his donkey feed at the bGen. 35:18;
encampment, he saw his money; and [Rom. 8:28, will not go down; for the man said
there it was, in the mouth of his sack. 31] to us, You shall not see my face
28 So he said to his brothers, My unless your brother is with you.
38 aGen. 37:22;
money has been restored, and there it 42:13; 44:20, 6 And Israel said, Why did you
is, in my sack! Then their hearts 28 bGen. 42:4; deal so 1wrongfully with me as to
1failed them and they were afraid, 44:29 cGen. tell the man whether you had still
saying to one another, What is this 37:35; 44:31 another brother?
that God has done to us? 7 But they said, The man asked
29 Then they went to Jacob their CHAPTER 43 us pointedly about ourselves and
father in the land of Canaan and told our family, saying, Is your father
him all that had happened to them, 1 aGen. 41:54, still alive? Have you another
saying: 57; 42:5; 45:6, brother? And we told him according
11 to these words. Could we possibly
30 The man who is lord of the land
aspoke 1roughly to us, and took us for 2 aGen. 42:2; have known that he would say,
spies of the country. 44:25 Bring your brother down?
31 But we said to him, We are hon- 3 aGen. 42:20;
8 Then Judah said to Israel his
est men; we are not spies. 43:5; 44:23 father, Send the lad with me, and
32 We are twelve brothers, sons of we will arise and go, that we may
our father; one is no more, and the 6 1Lit. alive and not die, both we and you
youngest is with our father this day in and also our little ones.
the land of Canaan. 8 aGen. 42:2; 9 I myself will be surety for him;
33 Then the man, the lord of the 47:19 from my hand you shall require
country, said to us, aBy this I will 9 aGen. 42:37;
him. aIf I do not bring him back to
know that you are honest men: Leave 44:32; Philem. you and set him before you, then let
one of your brothers here with me, 18, 19 me bear the blame forever.
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GENESIS 43:10 40
10 For if we had not lingered, surely 11 aGen. 32:20; for they heard that they would eat
by now we would have returned this 33:10; 43:25, bread there.
26; [Prov.
second time. 18:16] bGen. 26 And when Joseph came home,
11 And their father Israel said to 37:25; Jer. they brought him the present which
them, If it must be so, then do this: 8:22; Ezek. was in their hand into the house, and
Take some of the best fruits of the abowed down before him to the earth.
land in your vessels and acarry down
12 aGen. 42:25,
27 Then he asked them about their
a present for the mana little bbalm 35; 43:21, 22 well-being, and said, Is your father
and a little honey, spices and myrrh, well, the old man aof whom you
pistachio nuts and almonds. 14 aGen. 17:1; spoke? Is he still alive?
12 Take double money in your 28:3; 35:11; 28 And they answered, Your ser-
hand, and take back in your hand the 48:3 bGen. vant our father is in good health; he
money athat was returned in the 39:21; Ps.
106:46 cGen. is still alive. aAnd they bowed their
mouth of your sacks; perhaps it was 42:36; Esth. heads down and prostrated them-
an oversight. 4:16 selves.
13 Take your brother also, and 29 Then he lifted his eyes and saw
arise, go back to the man. 15 aGen. 39:1; his brother Benjamin, ahis mothers
14 And may God aAlmighty bgive 46:3, 6 son, and said, Is this your younger
you mercy before the man, that he brother bof whom you spoke to me?
may release your other brother and 16 aGen. 24:2;
39:4; 44:1 1Lit. And he said, God be gracious to
Benjamin. cIf I am bereaved, I am a slaughter you, my son.
bereaved! 30 Now ahis heart yearned for his
15 So the men took that present and 18 aGen. 42:28 brother; so Joseph made haste and
Benjamin, and they took double 1Lit. roll him-
sought somewhere to weep. And he
money in their hand, and arose and self upon us went into his chamber and bwept
went adown to Egypt; and they stood there.
before Joseph. 20 aGen. 42:3,
10 31 Then he washed his face and
16 When Joseph saw Benjamin came out; and he restrained himself,
with them, he said to the asteward of 21 aGen. 42:27, and said, Serve the abread.
his house, Take these men to my 35 32 So they set him a place by him-
home, and slaughter 1an animal and self, and them by themselves, and
make ready; for these men will dine 23 aGen. 42:24 the Egyptians who ate with him by
with me at noon. themselves; because the Egyptians
17 Then the man did as Joseph 24 aGen. 18:4; could not eat food with the aHe-
ordered, and the man brought the 19:2; 24:32 brews, for that is ban abomination to
men into Josephs house. the Egyptians.
18 Now the men were aafraid 26 aGen. 37:7,
33 And they sat before him, the
because they were brought into 10; 42:6; 44:14
firstborn according to his abirth-
Josephs house; and they said, It is right and the youngest according to
because of the money, which was 27 aGen. 29:6;
42:11, 13; his youth; and the men looked in
returned in our sacks the first time, 43:7; 45:3; astonishment at one another.
that we are brought in, so that he 2 Kin. 4:26 34 Then he took servings to them
may 1make a case against us and from before him, but Benjamins
seize us, to take us as slaves with our 28 aGen. 37:7,
serving was afive times as much as
donkeys. 10
any of theirs. So they drank and
19 When they drew near to the were merry with him.
steward of Josephs house, they 29 aGen. 35:17,
18 bGen. 42:13
talked with him at the door of the Josephs Cup
house, 30 a1 Kin. 3:26 And he commanded 1the
20 and said, O sir, awe indeed came
down the first time to buy food;
bGen. 42:24;
45:2, 14, 15; 44 asteward of his house, saying,
bFill the mens sacks with food, as
21 but ait happened, when we came 46:29
to the encampment, that we opened much as they can carry, and put
our sacks, and there, each mans 31 aGen. 43:25 each mans money in the mouth of
money was in the mouth of his sack, his sack.
our money in full weight; so we have 32 aGen. 41:12; 2 Also put my cup, the silver cup,
Ex. 1:15 bGen. in the mouth of the sack of the
brought it back in our hand. 46:34; Ex. 8:26
22 And we have brought down youngest, and his grain money. So
other money in our hands to buy 33 aGen. 27:36;
he did according to the word that
food. We do not know who put our 42:7; Deut. Joseph had spoken.
money in our sacks. 21:16, 17 3 As soon as the morning dawned,
23 But he said, Peace be with you, the men were sent away, they and
do not be afraid. Your God and the 34 aGen. 35:24; their donkeys.
45:22 4 When they had gone out of the
God of your father has given you
treasure in your sacks; I had your city, and were not yet far off, Joseph
money. Then he brought aSimeon CHAPTER 44 said to his steward, Get up, follow
out to them. the men; and when you overtake
24 So the man brought the men into 1 aGen. 43:16 them, say to them, Why have you
bGen. 42:25
Josephs house and agave them 1Lit. the one
arepaid evil for good?
water, and they washed their feet; over 5 Is not this the one from which
and he gave their donkeys feed. my lord drinks, and with which he
25 Then they made the present 4 a1 Sam. indeed practices divination? You
ready for Josephs coming at noon, 25:21 have done evil in so doing.
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41 GENESIS 45:6
6 So he overtook them, and he 8 aGen. 43:21 comes down with you, you shall see
spoke to them these same words. my face no more.
7 And they said to him, Why 9 aGen. 31:32 24 So it was, when we went up to
does my lord say these words? Far your servant my father, that we told
be it from us that your servants 12 1finished him the words of my lord.
should do such a thing. with 25 And aour father said, Go back
8 Look, we brought back to you and buy us a little food.
from the land of Canaan athe money 13 aGen. 37:29, 26 But we said, We cannot go
34; Num. 14:6;
which we found in the mouth of our 2 Sam. 1:11 down; if our youngest brother is with
sacks. How then could we steal sil- us, then we will go down; for we may
ver or gold from your lords house? 14 aGen. 37:7, not see the mans face unless our
9 With whomever of your ser- 10 youngest brother is with us.
vants it is found, alet him die, and we 27 Then your servant my father
also will be my lords slaves. 16 a[Num. said to us, You know that amy wife
10 And he said, Now also let it be 32:23] bGen. bore me two sons;
according to your words; he with 44:9 28 and the one went out from me,
whom it is found shall be my slave, and I said, aSurely he is torn to
and you shall be blameless. 17 aProv. 17:15 pieces; and I have not seen him
11 Then each man speedily let since.
down his sack to the ground, and 18 aGen. 18:30, 29 But if you atake this one also
each opened his sack. 32; Ex. 32:22 from me, and calamity befalls him,
12 So he searched. He began with you shall bring down my gray hair
the oldest and 1left off with the 20 aGen. 37:3; with sorrow to the grave.
43:8; 44:30
youngest; and the cup was found in bGen. 42:38 30 Now therefore, when I come to
Benjamins sack. cGen. 46:19 your servant my father, and the lad
13 Then they atore their clothes, dGen. 42:4 is not with us, since ahis life is
and each man loaded his donkey bound up in the lads life,
and returned to the city. 21 aGen. 31 it will happen, when he sees
14 So Judah and his brothers came 42:15, 20 that the lad is not with us, that he
to Josephs house, and he was still will die. So your servants will bring
there; and they afell before him on 23 aGen. down the gray hair of your servant
the ground. 43:3, 5 our father with sorrow to the grave.
15 And Joseph said to them, What 32 For your servant became surety
deed is this you have done? Did you 25 aGen. 43:2 for the lad to my father, saying, aIf I
not know that such a man as I can do not bring him back to you, then I
certainly practice divination? 27 aGen. shall bear the blame before my fa-
16 Then Judah said, What shall 30:2224; ther forever.
we say to my lord? What shall we 46:19 33 Now therefore, please alet your
speak? Or how shall we clear our- servant remain instead of the lad as
selves? God has afound out the iniq- 28 aGen. a slave to my lord, and let the lad go
uity of your servants; here bwe are, 37:3135 up with his brothers.
my lords slaves, both we and he 34 For how shall I go up to my
also with whom the cup was found. 29 aGen. 42:36, father if the lad is not with me, lest
17 But he said, aFar be it from me 38; 44:31 perhaps I see the evil that would
that I should do so; the man in 1come upon my father?
whose hand the cup was found, he 30 a[1 Sam.
shall be my slave. And as for you, go 18:1; 25:29] Joseph Revealed to His Brothers
up in peace to your father. Then Joseph could not restrain
Judah Intercedes for Benjamin
32 aGen. 43:9
45 himself before all those who
stood by him, and he cried out,
33 aEx. 32:32
18 Then Judah came near to him Make everyone go out from me!
and said: O my lord, please let your So no one stood with him awhile
34 1Lit. find
servant speak a word in my lords Joseph made himself known to his
hearing, and ado not let your anger brothers.
burn against your servant; for you CHAPTER 45 2 And he awept aloud, and the
are even like Pharaoh. Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh
19 My lord asked his servants, say- 1 aActs 7:13 heard it.
ing, Have you a father or a brother? 3 Then Joseph said to his broth-
20 And we said to my lord, We 2 aGen. 43:30; ers, aI am Joseph; does my father
have a father, an old man, and aa 46:29 still live? But his brothers could not
child of his old age, who is young; answer him, for they were dismayed
his brother is bdead, and he calone is 3 aGen. 43:27; in his presence.
left of his mothers children, and his Acts 7:13 4 And Joseph said to his brothers,
dfather loves him. Please come near to me. So they
21 Then you said to your servants, 4 aGen. 37:28; came near. Then he said: I am
aBring him down to me, that I may 39:1; Ps. Joseph your brother, awhom you
set my eyes on him. sold into Egypt.
22 And we said to my lord, The 5 aGen. 45:7,
5 But now, do not therefore be
lad cannot leave his father, for if he 8; 50:20; Ps. grieved or angry with yourselves
should leave his father, his father 105:16, 17 because you sold me here; afor God
would die. sent me before you to preserve life.
23 But you said to your servants, 6 aGen. 43:1; 6 For these two years the afamine
aUnless your youngest brother 47:4, 13 has been in the land, and there are
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GENESIS 45:7 42
still five years in which there will be 7 aGen. 45:5; donkeys loaded with grain, bread,
neither plowing nor harvesting. 50:20 and food for his father for the jour-
7 And God asent me before you to ney.
preserve a 1posterity for you in the 8 a[Rom. 8:28] 24 So he sent his brothers away,
earth, and to save your lives by a bIs. 22:21
cGen. 41:43;
and they departed; and he said to
great deliverance. 42:6
them, See that you do not become
8 So now it was not you who troubled along the way.
sent me here, but aGod; and He has 9 1delay 25 Then they went up out of Egypt,
made me ba father to Pharaoh, and and came to the land of Canaan to
lord of all his house, and a cruler 10 aGen. 46:28, Jacob their father.
34; 47:1, 6
throughout all the land of Egypt. 26 And they told him, saying,
9 Hurry and go up to my father, 11 aGen. 47:12 Joseph is still alive, and he is gov-
and say to him, Thus says your son ernor over all the land of Egypt.
Joseph: God has made me lord of 12 aGen. 42:23 aAnd Jacobs heart stood still, be-
all Egypt; come down to me, do not 13 aActs 7:14
cause he did not believe them.
1tarry. 27 But when they told him all the
10 aYou shall dwell in the land of 15 aGen. 48:10 words which Joseph had said to
Goshen, and you shall be near to them, and when he saw the carts
me, you and your children, your 18 aGen. 27:28; which Joseph had sent to carry him,
47:6 1The
childrens children, your flocks and choicest the spirit aof Jacob their father
your herds, and all that you have. produce revived.
11 There I will aprovide for you, 28 Then Israel said, It is enough.
21 aGen. 45:19; Joseph my son is still alive. I will go
lest you and your household, and all 46:5 1wagons
that you have, come to poverty; for and see him before I die.
there are still five years of famine. 22 a2 Kin. 5:5
12 And behold, your eyes and the bGen. 43:34 Jacobs Journey to Egypt
eyes of my brother Benjamin see that So Israel took his journey
it is amy mouth that speaks to you.
13 So you shall tell my father of
26 aJob 29:24

27 aJudg. 15:19
46 with all that he had, and
came to aBeersheba, and offered
all my glory in Egypt, and of all that sacrifices bto the God of his father
you have seen; and you shall hurry Isaac.
and abring my father down here. CHAPTER 46 2 Then God spoke to Israel ain the
14 Then he fell on his brother Ben- visions of the night, and said,
jamins neck and wept, and Ben- 1aGen. 21:31, Jacob, Jacob! And he said, Here I
jamin wept on his neck. 33; 26:32, 33; am.
15 Moreover he akissed all his 28:10 bGen. 3 So He said, I am God, athe God
brothers and wept over them, and 26:24, 25;
28:13; 31:42; of your father; do not fear to go
after that his brothers talked with 32:9 down to Egypt, for I will bmake of
him. you a great nation there.
16 Now the report of it was heard in 2 aGen. 15:1; 4 aI will go down with you to
22:11; 31:11
Pharaohs house, saying, Josephs Egypt, and I will also surely bbring
brothers have come. So it pleased 3 aGen. 17:1; you up again; and cJoseph 1will put
Pharaoh and his servants well. 28:13 bDeut. his hand on your eyes.
17 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, 26:5 5 Then aJacob arose from Beer-
Say to your brothers, Do this: 4 aGen. 28:15; sheba; and the sons of Israel carried
Load your animals and depart; go to 31:3; 48:21 their father Jacob, their little ones,
the land of Canaan. bGen. 15:16;
and their wives, in the 1carts bwhich
18 Bring your father and your 50:12, 24, 25 Pharaoh had sent to carry him.
cGen. 50:1
households and come to me; I will 1Will close 6 So they took their livestock and
give you the best of the land of your eyes their goods, which they had
Egypt, and you will eat athe 1fat of when you die acquired in the land of Canaan, and
the land. 5 aActs 7:15
went to Egypt, aJacob and all his
19 Now you are commandeddo bGen. descendants with him.
this: Take carts out of the land of 45:1921 7 His sons and his sons sons, his
Egypt for your little ones and your daughters and his sons daughters,
wives; bring your father and come. 6 aDeut. 26:5
and all his descendants he brought
20 Also do not be concerned about with him to Egypt.
your goods, for the best of all the 8 aEx. 1:14 8 Now athese were the names of
land of Egypt is yours. bNum. 26:4, 5
the children of Israel, Jacob and his
21 Then the sons of Israel did so; 9 aEx. 6:14
sons, who went to Egypt: bReuben
and Joseph gave them acarts,1 was Jacobs firstborn.
according to the command of 10 aEx. 6:15 9 The asons of Reuben were
Pharaoh, and he gave them provi- 1Nemuel,
Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
sions for the journey. 1 Chr. 4:24 10 aThe sons of Simeon were
2Jarib, 1 Chr.
22 He gave to all of them, to each 4:24 3Zerah,
1Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, 2Jachin,
man, achanges of garments; but to 1 Chr. 4:24 3Zohar, and Shaul, the son of a
Benjamin he gave three hundred Canaanite woman.
pieces of silver and bfive changes of 11 a1 Chr. 6:1, 11 The sons of aLevi were Gershon,
garments. Kohath, and Merari.
23 And he sent to his father these 12 a1 Chr. 2:3; 12 The sons of aJudah were bEr,
things: ten donkeys loaded with the 4:21 bGen. Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah (but
good things of Egypt, and ten female 38:3, 7, 10 Er and Onan died in the land of
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43 GENESIS 47:12
Canaan). cThe sons of Perez were 12 cGen. 38:29 32 And the men are ashepherds,
Hezron and Hamul. 13 1Puah, for their occupation has been to
13 The sons of Issachar were Tola, Num. 26:23; feed livestock; and they have
1Puvah, 2Job, and Shimron. 1 Chr. 7:1 brought their flocks, their herds,
2Jashub, Num.
14 The asons of Zebulun were 26:24; 1 Chr.
and all that they have.
Sered, Elon, and Jahleel. 7:1
33 So it shall be, when Pharaoh
15 These were the asons of Leah, 14 aNum. 26:26 calls you and says, aWhat is your
whom she bore to Jacob in Padan 15 aGen. 35:23; occupation?
Aram, with his daughter Dinah. All 49:31 34 that you shall say, Your ser-
the persons, his sons and his daugh- 16 1Sam., LXX vants aoccupation has been with
ters, were thirty-three. Zephon and livestock bfrom our youth even till
16 The sons of Gad were 1Ziphion, Num. 26:15 now, both we and also our fathers,
Haggi, Shuni, 2Ezbon, Eri, 3Arodi, 2Ozni, Num. that you may dwell in the land of
and Areli. 26:16 3Arod, Goshen; for every shepherd is can1
Num. 26:17 abomination to the Egyptians.
17 aThe sons of Asher were Jim- 17 a1 Chr. 7:30 Then Joseph awent and told
nah, Ishuah, Isui, Beriah, and Serah,
their sister. And the sons of Beriah
18 aGen. 30:10;
37:2 bGen.
47 Pharaoh, and said, My father
and my brothers, their flocks and
were Heber and Malchiel. 29:24
18 aThese were the sons of Zilpah, 19 aGen. 35:24
their herds and all that they possess,
bwhom Laban gave to Leah his bGen. 44:27 have come from the land of Canaan;
daughter; and these she bore to 20 aGen. 41:45, and indeed they are in bthe land of
Jacob: sixteen persons. 5052; 48:1 Goshen.
19 The asons of Rachel, bJacobs 21 a1 Chr. 7:6; 2 And he took five men from
wife, were Joseph and Benjamin. 8:1 bNum. among his brothers and apresented
20 aAnd to Joseph in the land of 26:38 cNum. them to Pharaoh.
Egypt were born Manasseh and
26:39 3 Then Pharaoh said to his broth-
Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daugh-
ers, aWhat is your occupation?
Num. 26:39 And they said to Pharaoh, bYour
ter of Poti-Pherah priest of On, bore 23 1Shuham, servants are shepherds, both we and
to him. Num. 26:42 also our fathers.
21 aThe sons of Benjamin were 24 aNum. 26:48
4 And they said to Pharaoh, aWe
Belah, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naa- 1Jahziel,
have come to dwell in the land,
man, bEhi, Rosh, cMuppim, 1Hup- 1 Chr. 7:13
2Shallum, because your servants have no pas-
pim, and Ard. ture for their flocks, bfor the famine
1 Chr. 7:13
22 These were the sons of Rachel, 25 aGen. 30:5, 7 is severe in the land of Canaan. Now
who were born to Jacob: fourteen bGen. 29:29 therefore, please let your servants
persons in all. 26 aEx. 1:5 cdwell in the land of Goshen.
23 The son of Dan was 1Hushim. bGen. 35:11 5 Then Pharaoh spoke to Joseph,
24 aThe sons of Naphtali were 27 aDeut. 10:22 saying, Your father and your broth-
1Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and 2Shillem. 28 aGen. 31:21 ers have come to you.
25 aThese were the sons of Bilhah, bGen. 47:1
6 aThe land of Egypt is before
bwhom Laban gave to Rachel his 29 aGen. 41:43
bGen. 45:14, 15
you. Have your father and brothers
daughter, and she bore these to dwell in the best of the land; let
Jacob: seven persons in all. 30 aLuke 2:29,
them dwell bin the land of Goshen.
26 aAll the persons who went with 31 aGen. 47:1 And if you know any competent
Jacob to Egypt, who came from his 32 aGen. 47:3 men among them, then make them
body, bbesides Jacobs sons wives, 33 aGen. 47:2, 3 chief herdsmen over my livestock.
were sixty-six persons in all. 34 aGen. 47:3 7 Then Joseph brought in his
27 And the sons of Joseph who bGen. 30:35; father Jacob and set him before
were born to him in Egypt were two 34:5; 37:17 Pharaoh; and Jacob ablessed Pha-
persons. aAll the persons of the cGen. 43:32 raoh.
house of Jacob who went to Egypt 8 Pharaoh said to Jacob, How old
were seventy. CHAPTER 47 are you?
1 aGen. 46:31
9 And Jacob said to Pharaoh,
Jacob Settles in Goshen bGen. 45:10;
aThe days of the years of my 1pil-

28 Then he sent Judah before him 46:28; 50:8 grimage are bone hundred and
to Joseph, ato point out before him 2 aActs 7:13 thirty years; cfew and evil have been
the way to Goshen. And they came 3 aGen. 46:33 the days of the years of my life, and
bGen. 46:32, 34 dthey have not attained to the days
bto the land of Goshen.
29 So Joseph made ready his achar- 4 aDeut. 26:5 of the years of the life of my fathers
iot and went up to Goshen to meet
bGen. 43:1 in the days of their pilgrimage.
cGen. 46:34
his father Israel; and he presented 10 So Jacob ablessed Pharaoh, and
6 aGen. 20:15; went out from before Pharaoh.
himself to him, and bfell on his neck 45:10, 18; 11 And Joseph situated his father
and wept on his neck a good while. 47:11 bGen. and his brothers, and gave them a
30 And Israel said to Joseph, aNow 47:4
possession in the land of Egypt, in
let me die, since I have seen your 7 aGen. 47:10;
the best of the land, in the land of
face, because you are still alive. 48:15, 20 aRameses, bas Pharaoh had com-
9 a[Heb. 11:9,
31 Then Joseph said to his brothers 13] bGen. manded.
and to his fathers household, aI 47:28 c[Job 12 Then Joseph provided ahis father,
will go up and tell Pharaoh, and say 14:1] dGen.
his brothers, and all his fathers
to him, My brothers and those of 5:5; 11:10, 11;
25:7, 8; 35:28 10 aGen. 47:7
my fathers house, who were in the 1Lit. sojourn- 11 aEx. 1:11; 12:37 bGen. 47:6, 27
land of Canaan, have come to me. ing 12 aGen. 45:11; 50:21
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GENESIS 47:13 44
household with bread, according to 13 aGen. 41:30; food, for those of your households
the number in their families. Acts 7:11 and as food for your little ones.
14 aGen. 41:56;
25 So they said, You have saved
Joseph Deals with the Famine aour lives; let us find favor in the
13 Now there was no bread in all sight of my lord, and we will be
the land; for the famine was very 15 aGen. 47:19 Pharaohs servants.
severe, aso that the land of Egypt 26 And Joseph made it a law over
and the land of Canaan languished 17 1supplied the land of Egypt to this day, that
because of the famine. Pharaoh should have one-fifth, aex-
19 aGen. 43:8 cept for the land of the priests only,
14 aAnd Joseph gathered up all the
money that was found in the land of 20 aJer. 32:43
which did not become Pharaohs.
Egypt and in the land of Canaan, for Josephs Vow to Jacob
the grain which they bought; and 21 1So with
Joseph brought the money into MT, Tg.; 27 So Israel adwelt in the land of
Sam., LXX, Egypt, in the country of Goshen;
Pharaohs house. Vg. made the
15 So when the money failed in the people virtual and they had possessions there and
land of Egypt and in the land of slaves bgrew and multiplied exceedingly.
Canaan, all the Egyptians came to 28 And Jacob lived in the land of
Joseph and said, Give us bread, for 22 aLev. 25:34; Egypt seventeen years. So the
awhy should we die in your pres- Ezra 7:24 length of Jacobs life was one hun-
bGen. 41:45
ence? For the money has failed. dred and forty-seven years.
16 Then Joseph said, Give your 25 aGen. 33:15 29 When the time adrew near that
livestock, and I will give you bread Israel must die, he called his son
for your livestock, if the money is 26 aGen. 47:22 Joseph and said to him, Now if I
gone. have found favor in your sight,
17 So they brought their livestock 27 aGen. 47:11 please bput your hand under my
bGen. 17:6;
to Joseph, and Joseph gave them thigh, and cdeal kindly and truly
26:4; 35:11;
bread in exchange for the horses, 46:3; Ex. 1:7;
with me. dPlease do not bury me in
the flocks, the cattle of the herds, Deut. 26:5; Egypt,
and for the donkeys. Thus he 1fed Acts 7:17 30 but alet me lie with my fathers;
them with bread in exchange for all you shall carry me out of Egypt and
their livestock that year. 29 aDeut. bbury me in their burial place. And
31:14; 1 Kin. he said, I will do as you have said.
18 When that year had ended, they 2:1 bGen.
came to him the next year and said 24:24 cGen. 31 Then he said, Swear to me.
to him, We will not hide from my 24:49; Josh. And he swore to him. So aIsrael
lord that our money is gone; my lord 2:14 dGen. bowed himself on the head of the
50:25 bed.
also has our herds of livestock.
There is nothing left in the sight of 30 a2 Sam.
my lord but our bodies and our Jacob Blesses Josephs Sons
19:37 bGen.
lands. 49:29; 50:513; Now it came to pass after
19 Why should we die before your
eyes, both we and our land? Buy us
Heb. 11:21 48 these things that Joseph was
told, Indeed your father is sick;
31 aGen. 48:2;
and our land for bread, and we and 1 Kin. 1:47; and he took with him his two sons,
our land will be servants of Heb. 11:21 aManasseh and Ephraim.
Pharaoh; give us seed, that we may 2 And Jacob was told, Look, your
alive and not die, that the land may
CHAPTER 48 son Joseph is coming to you; and
not be desolate. Israel 1strengthened himself and sat
20 Then Joseph abought all the 1 aGen. 41:51, up on the bed.
land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for every 56; 46:20; 3 Then Jacob said to Joseph: God
man of the Egyptians sold his field, 50:23; Josh. aAlmighty appeared to me at bLuz in
because the famine was severe upon 14:4
the land of Canaan and blessed me,
them. So the land became Pha- 2 1Collected
4 and said to me, Behold, I will
raohs. his strength
amake you fruitful and multiply you,
21 And as for the people, he and I will make of you a multitude
1moved them into the cities, from 3 aGen. 43:14; of people, and bgive this land to your
one end of the borders of Egypt to 49:25 bGen. descendants after you cas an ever-
the other end. 28:13, 19; lasting possession.
35:6, 9
22 aOnly the land of the bpriests he 5 And now your atwo sons,
did not buy; for the priests had ra- 4 aGen. 46:3 Ephraim and Manasseh, who were
tions allotted to them by Pharaoh, bGen. 35:12; born to you in the land of Egypt
and they ate their rations which Ex. 6:8 cGen. before I came to you in Egypt, are
Pharaoh gave them; therefore they 17:8 mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they
did not sell their lands. shall be mine.
5 aGen. 41:50;
23 Then Joseph said to the people, 46:20; 48:8; 6 Your 1offspring 2whom you
Indeed I have bought you and your Josh. 13:7; beget after them shall be yours; they
land this day for Pharaoh. Look, 14:4 will be called by the name of their
here is seed for you, and you shall brothers in their inheritance.
sow the land. 6 1children 7 But as for me, when I came
2Who are
24 And it shall come to pass in the born to you
from Padan, aRachel died beside me
harvest that you shall give one-fifth in the land of Canaan on the way,
to Pharaoh. Four-fifths shall be your 7 aGen. 35:9, when there was but a little distance
own, as seed for the field and for your 16, 19, 20 to go to Ephrath; and I buried her
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45 GENESIS 49:11
there on the way to Ephrath (that is, 9 aGen. 27:4; 21 Then Israel said to Joseph,
Bethlehem). 47:15 Behold, I am dying, but aGod will
8 Then Israel saw Josephs sons, be with you and bring you back to
and said, Who are these? 10 aGen. 27:1
bGen. 27:27;
the land of your fathers.
9 And Joseph said to his father, 45:15; 50:1
22 Moreover aI have given to you
They are my sons, whom God has one 1portion above your brothers,
given me in this place. And he said, which I took from the hand bof the
Please bring them to me, and aI will 11 aGen. 45:26 Amorite with my sword and my
bless them. bow.
10 Now athe eyes of Israel were 14 aMatt. 19:15
dim with age, so that he could not bGen. 48:19 Jacobs Last Words to His Sons
cJosh. 17:1
see. Then Joseph brought them near And Jacob called his sons and
him, and he bkissed them and
embraced them. 15 a[Heb.
49 said, Gather together, that I
may atell you what shall befall you
11:21] bGen.
11 And Israel said to Joseph, aI 17:1; 24:40 bin the last days:
had not thought to see your face;
but in fact, God has also shown me 2 Gather together and hear, you
16 aGen. 22:11,
your offspring! 1518; sons of Jacob,
12 So Joseph brought them from 28:1315; And listen to Israel your father.
beside his knees, and he bowed 31:11 bAmos
down with his face to the earth. 9:12 cNum.
26:34, 37 3 Reuben, you are amy firstborn,
13 And Joseph took them both, My might and the beginning of
Ephraim with his right hand toward my strength,
Israels left hand, and Manasseh with 17 aGen. 48:14
The excellency of dignity and
his left hand toward Israels right the excellency of power.
hand, and brought them near him. 19 aGen. 48:14 4 Unstable as water, you shall not
bNum. 1:33,
14 Then Israel stretched out his excel,
right hand and alaid it on Ephraims Because you awent up to your
head, who was the younger, and his fathers bed;
left hand on Manassehs head, 20 aRuth 4:11, Then you defiled it
bguiding his hands knowingly, for 12
He went up to my couch.
Manasseh was the cfirstborn.
15 And ahe blessed Joseph, and 21 aGen. 28:15; 5 Simeon and Levi are brothers;
said: 46:4; 50:24
Instruments of 1cruelty are in
their dwelling place.
God, bbefore whom my fathers 22 aJosh. 24:32 6 aLet not my soul enter their
bGen. 34:28
Abraham and Isaac walked, 1Lit. shoulder council;
The God who has fed me all my Let not my honor be united bto
life long to this day, their assembly;
16 The Angel awho has redeemed CHAPTER 49 cFor in their anger they slew a
me from all evil, man,
Bless the lads; 1 aDeut. 33:1, And in their self-will they
Let bmy name be named upon 625 bIs. 2:2; 1hamstrung an ox.
them, 39:6 7 Cursed be their anger, for it is
And the name of my fathers fierce;
Abraham and Isaac; 3 aGen. 29:32 And their wrath, for it is cruel!
And let them cgrow into a aI will divide them in Jacob
multitude in the midst of the 4 aGen. 35:22 And scatter them in Israel.
5 1violence
8 Judah,a you are he whom your
17 Now when Joseph saw that his brothers shall praise;
father alaid his right hand on the bYour hand shall be on the neck
head of Ephraim, it displeased him; 6 aProv. 1:15, of your enemies;
16 bPs. 26:9
so he took hold of his fathers hand cGen. 34:26
cYour fathers children shall bow
to remove it from Ephraims head to 1lamed down before you.
Manassehs head. 9 Judah is aa lions whelp;
18 And Joseph said to his father, 7 aJosh. 19:1, From the prey, my son, you
Not so, my father, for this one is the 9; 21:142 have gone up.
firstborn; put your right hand on his bHe 1bows down, he lies down
head. 8 aDeut. 33:7 as a lion;
19 But his father refused and said, bPs. 18:40 And as a lion, who shall rouse
aI know, my son, I know. He also c1 Chr. 5:2 him?
shall become a people, and he also 10 The 1scepter shall not depart
shall be great; but truly bhis younger 9 a[Rev. 5:5] from Judah,
brother shall be greater than he, bNum. 23:24; Nor ba lawgiver from between
and his descendants shall become a 24:9 1couches his feet,
multitude of nations. cUntil Shiloh comes;
20 So he blessed them that day, say- 10 aNum. 24:17; dAnd to Him shall be the
bPs. 60:7 cIs.
ing, aBy you Israel will bless, say- obedience of the people.
ing, May God make you as Ephraim 11:1 dPs. 11 Binding his donkey to the vine,
2:69; 72:811
and as Manasseh! And thus he set 1A symbol of And his donkeys colt
Ephraim before Manasseh. kingship to the choice vine,
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GENESIS 49:12 46
He washed his garments in 13 aDeut. aUp to the utmost bound of the
wine, 33:18, 19 everlasting hills.
bGen. 10:19
And his clothes in the blood of bThey shall be on the head of
grapes. 14 a1 Chr. Joseph,
12 His eyes are darker than wine, 12:32 And on the crown of the head
And his teeth whiter than milk. of him who was separate
15 a1 Sam. from his brothers.
13 Zebuluna shall dwell by the 10:9
haven of the sea; 27 Benjamin is a aravenous wolf;
He shall become a haven for
16 aDeut. In the morning he shall devour
33:22 the prey,
ships, bAnd at night he shall divide the
And his border shall badjoin 17 aJudg. 18:27
18 aIs. 25:9 28 All these are the twelve tribes of
14 Issachara is a strong donkey, Israel, and this is what their father
19 aDeut.
Lying down between two 33:20 1Lit. spoke to them. And he blessed
burdens; Troop 2Lit. them; he blessed each one accord-
15 He saw that rest was good, raid ing to his own blessing.
And that the land was pleasant;
He bowed ahis shoulder to bear 20 aDeut. Jacobs Death and Burial
a burden, 29 Then he charged them and said
And became a band of slaves. 21 aDeut. to them: I aam to be gathered to my
33:23 people; bbury me with my fathers cin
16 Dan shall judge his people
the cave that is in the field of
As one of the tribes of Israel. 23 aGen. 37:4, Ephron the Hittite,
17 aDan shall be a serpent by the 24
30 in the cave that is in the field of
way, 24 aJob 29:20 Machpelah, which is before Mamre
A viper by the path, bPs. 132:2, 5 in the land of Canaan, awhich Abra-
That bites the horses heels cGen. 45:11; ham bought with the field of
So that its rider shall fall 47:12 d[Ps. Ephron the Hittite as a possession
backward. 23:1; 80:1] eIs. for a burial place.
28:16 1Or
18 I have waited for your
supple 31 aThere they buried Abraham
salvation, O LORD! and Sarah his wife, bthere they
25 aGen. 28:13; buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife,
19 Gad,a1 a troop shall 2tramp 32:9; 35:3; and there I buried Leah.
upon him, 43:23; 50:17
bGen. 17:1;
32 The field and the cave that is
But he shall 2triumph at last. 35:11 cDeut. there were purchased from the sons
33:13 of Heth.
20 Bread from aAsher shall be 33 And when Jacob had finished
rich, 26 aDeut. commanding his sons, he drew his
And he shall yield royal dainties. 33:15 bDeut. feet up into the bed and breathed
33:16 his last, and was gathered to his
21 Naphtalia is a deer let loose; 27 aJudg.
Then Joseph afell on his fa-
He uses beautiful words. 20:21, 25
bZech. 14:1 50 thers face, and bwept over
him, and kissed him.
22 Joseph is a fruitful bough,
A fruitful bough by a well; 29aGen. 15:15; 2 And Joseph commanded his
25:8; 35:29 servants the physicians to aembalm
His branches run over the wall. bGen. 47:30
23 The archers have abitterly cGen. his father. So the physicians em-
grieved him, 23:1620; balmed Israel.
Shot at him and hated him. 50:13 3 Forty days were required for
24 But his abow remained in him, for such are the days required
30 aGen. for those who are embalmed; and
strength, 23:320 the Egyptians amourned1 for him
And the arms of his hands seventy days.
were 1made strong 31 aGen. 23:19,
4 Now when the days of his
By the hands of bthe Mighty 20; 25:9 bGen.
35:29; 50:13 mourning were past, Joseph spoke
God of Jacob to athe household of Pharaoh, say-
c(From there dis the Shepherd,
ethe Stone of Israel),
ing, If now I have found favor in
CHAPTER 50 your eyes, please speak in the hear-
25 aBy the God of your father who ing of Pharaoh, saying,
will help you, 1 aGen. 46:4, 5 aMy father made me swear, say-
bAnd by the Almighty cwho will 29 b2 Kin.
13:14 ing, Behold, I am dying; in my
bless you grave bwhich I dug for myself in the
With blessings of heaven 2 aGen. 50:26 land of Canaan, there you shall bury
above, me. Now therefore, please let me
Blessings of the deep that lies 3 aDeut. 34:8 go up and bury my father, and I will
beneath, 1Lit. wept
come back.
Blessings of the breasts and of 6 And Pharaoh said, Go up and
the womb. 4 aEsth. 4:2
bury your father, as he made you
26 The blessings of your father 5 aGen.
Have excelled the blessings of 47:2931 7 So Joseph went up to bury his
my ancestors, bIs. 22:16 father; and with him went up all the
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47 GENESIS 50:26
servants of Pharaoh, the elders of 10 aActs 8:2
b1 Sam. 31:13
17 Thus you shall say to Joseph: I
his house, and all the elders of the beg you, please forgive the trespass
land of Egypt, of your brothers and their sin; afor
8 as well as all the house of Jo- 11 1Lit. they did evil to you. Now, please,
seph, his brothers, and his fathers Mourning of forgive the trespass of the servants
house. Only their little ones, their Egypt of bthe God of your father. And
flocks, and their herds they left in Joseph wept when they spoke to
the land of Goshen. 13 aActs 7:16 him.
9 And there went up with him bGen.
18 Then his brothers also went and
both chariots and horsemen, and it 23:1620 afell down before his face, and they
was a very great gathering. said, Behold, we are your servants.
10 Then they came to the threshing 19 Joseph said to them, aDo not be
floor of Atad, which is beyond the 15 a[Job 15:21]
Jordan, and they amourned there
afraid, bfor am I in the place of God?
with a great and very solemn 20 aBut as for you, you meant evil
lamentation. bHe observed seven 17 a[Prov. against me; but bGod meant it for
days of mourning for his father. 28:13] bGen. good, in order to bring it about as it
11 And when the inhabitants of the 49:25 is this day, to save many people
land, the Canaanites, saw the alive.
mourning at the threshing floor of 18 aGen. 21 Now therefore, do not be
Atad, they said, This is a deep 37:710; afraid; aI will provide for you and
mourning of the Egyptians. There- 41:43; 44:14 your little ones. And he comforted
fore its name was called 1Abel them and spoke 1kindly to them.
Mizraim, which is beyond the Jor- 19 aGen. 45:5
dan. b2 Kin. 5:7 Death of Joseph
12 So his sons did for him just as 22 So Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he
he had commanded them. and his fathers household. And
13 For ahis sons carried him to the 20 aPs. 56:5
b[Acts Joseph lived one hundred and ten
land of Canaan, and buried him in 3:1315] years.
the cave of the field of Machpelah,
before Mamre, which Abraham 23 Joseph saw Ephraims children
ato the third generation. bThe chil-
bbought with the field from Ephron 21 a[Matt.
the Hittite as property for a burial 5:44] 1Lit. to dren of Machir, the son of Ma-
their hearts nasseh, cwere also brought up on
14 And after he had buried his Josephs knees.
father, Joseph returned to Egypt, he 23 aJob 42:16 24 And Joseph said to his brethren,
and his brothers and all who went bNum. 26:29; I am dying; but aGod will surely
up with him to bury his father. 32:39 cGen. visit you, and bring you out of this
land to the land bof which He swore
Joseph Reassures His Brothers to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
15 When Josephs brothers saw 24 aEx. 3:16, 25 Then aJoseph took an oath from
17 bGen. 26:3; the children of Israel, saying, God
that their father was dead, athey 35:12; 46:4
said, Perhaps Joseph will hate us, will surely 1visit you, and byou shall
and may 1actually repay us for all carry up my cbones from here.
the evil which we did to him. 25 aEx. 13:19 26 So Joseph died, being one hun-
bDeut. 1:8;
16 So they sent messengers to 30:18 cEx.
dred and ten years old; and they
Joseph, saying, Before your father 13:19 1give embalmed him, and he was put in a
died he commanded, saying, attention to coffin in Egypt.

The Second Book of Moses Called


E XODUS is the record of Israels birth as a nation. Within the protective womb
of Egypt, the Jewish family of seventy rapidly multiplies. At the right time,
accompanied with severe birth pains, an infant nation, numbering between two
and three million people, is brought into the world where it is divinely protected,
fed, and nurtured.
The Hebrew title, Weelleh Shemoth, Now These Are the Names, comes from
the first phrase in 1:1. Exodus begins with Now to show it as a continuation of
Genesis. The Greek title is Exodus, a word meaning exit, departure, or going
out. The Septuagint uses this word to describe the book by its key event
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EXODUS 1:1 48
(see 19:1, gone out). In Luke 9:31 and in Second Peter 1:15, the word exodus
speaks of physical death (Jesus and Peter). This embodies Exoduss theme of
redemption, because redemption is accomplished only through death. The Latin
title is Liber Exodus, Book of Departure, taken from the Greek title.

Israels Suffering in Egypt CHAPTER 1 Why have you done this thing, and
1 aGen. saved the male children alive?
OW athese are the names of the
N children of Israel who came to
Egypt; each man and his household
5 aGen. 46:26,
19 And athe midwives said to
Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew
27 1Lit. who women are not like the Egyptian
came with Jacob: came from women; for they 1are lively and give
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Ju- the loins of birth before the midwives come to
dah; 2DSS, LXX
3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benja- seventy-five;
cf. Acts 7:14 20 aTherefore God dealt well with
min; the midwives, and the people multi-
4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. 6 aGen. 50:26
plied and 1grew very mighty.
5 All those 1who were descendants 7 aActs 7:17 21 And so it was, because the mid-
of Jacob were aseventy2 persons (for 1became very
wives feared God, athat He 1pro-
Joseph was in Egypt already). numerous
vided households for them.
6 And aJoseph died, all his broth- 8 aActs 7:18, 22 So Pharaoh commanded all his
ers, and all that generation. 19 people, saying, aEvery son who is
7 aBut the children of Israel were 9 aGen. 26:16 1born you shall cast into the river, and
fruitful and increased abundantly, every daughter you shall save alive.
multiplied and 1grew exceedingly 10 aPs. 83:3, 4
bActs 7:19
mighty; and the land was filled with Moses Is Born
them. 11 aEx. 3:7; 5:6
And aa man of the house of Levi
8 Now there arose a new king over
Egypt, awho did not know Joseph.
bEx. 1:14;
2:11; 5:49; 6:6
c1 Kin. 9:19
2 went and took as wife a daugh-
ter of Levi.
9 And he said to his people, Look, dGen. 47:11
2 So the woman conceived and
the people of the children of Israel 13 aGen. 15:13 bore a son. And awhen she saw that
are more and amightier than we; 1harshness
he was a beautiful child, she hid him
10 acome, let us bdeal shrewdly three months.
14 aNum.
with them, lest they multiply, and it 20:15 bPs. 81:6 3 But when she could no longer
happen, in the event of war, that hide him, she took an ark of abul-
they also join our enemies and fight 15 aEx. 2:6
rushes for him, daubed it with bas-
against us, and so go up out of the 16 aActs 7:19 phalt and cpitch, put the child in it,
land. 17 aProv. 16:6 and laid it in the reeds dby the
11 Therefore they set taskmasters bDan. 3:16, 18 rivers bank.
over them ato afflict them with their 4 aAnd his sister stood afar off, to
bburdens. And they built for Pharaoh 19 aJosh. 2:4
csupply cities, Pithom dand Raamses.
1have vigor of know what would be done to him.
life, bear 5 Then the adaughter of Pharaoh
12 But the more they afflicted them, quickly, easily came down to bathe at the river.
the more they multiplied and grew. 20 a[Prov. And her maidens walked along the
And they were in dread of the chil- 11:18] riverside; and when she saw the ark
dren of Israel. 1became very
among the reeds, she sent her maid
13 So the Egyptians made the chil- numerous
to get it.
dren of Israel aserve with 1rigor. 21 a1 Sam. 6 And when she opened it, she
14 And they amade their lives bitter 2:35 1gave saw the child, and behold, the baby
with hard bondagebin mortar, in them families
wept. So she had compassion on
brick, and in all manner of service 22 aActs 7:19 him, and said, This is one of the
1Sam., LXX,
in the field. All their service in Hebrews children.
which they made them serve was Tg. add to the
Hebrews 7 Then his sister said to Pharaohs
with rigor. daughter, Shall I go and call a
15 Then the king of Egypt spoke to nurse for you from the Hebrew
the aHebrew midwives, of whom the CHAPTER 2 women, that she may nurse the
name of one was Shiphrah and the child for you?
name of the other Puah; 1 aEx. 6:1620 8 And Pharaohs daughter said to
16 and he said, When you do the her, Go. So the maiden went and
duties of a midwife for the Hebrew 2 aActs 7:20 called the childs mother.
women, and see them on the birth- 3 aIs. 18:2 9 Then Pharaohs daughter said
stools, if it is a ason, then you shall bGen. 14:10
to her, Take this child away and
cGen. 6:14 dIs.
kill him; but if it is a daughter, then nurse him for me, and I will give you
she shall live. your wages. So the woman took the
17 But the midwives afeared God, 4 aNum. 26:59 child and nursed him.
and did not do bas the king of Egypt 5 aActs 7:21 10 And the child grew, and she
commanded them, but saved the brought him to Pharaohs daughter,
male children alive. 10 aActs 7:21 and he became aher son. So she called
18 So the king of Egypt called for Mosheh, lit. his name 1Moses, saying, Because I
the midwives and said to them, Drawn Out drew him out of the water.
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49 EXODUS 3:15
Moses Flees to Midian 11 aHeb. and came to cHoreb, dthe mountain
11:2426 of God.
11 Now it came to pass in those 12 aActs 7:24, 2 And athe Angel of the LORD
days, awhen Moses was grown, that 25
appeared to him in a flame of fire
he went out to his brethren and 13 aActs
from the midst of a bush. So he
looked at their burdens. And he saw 7:2628
bProv. 25:8 looked, and behold, the bush was
an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one 14 aActs 7:27, burning with fire, but the bush was
of his brethren. 28 bJudg. 6:27 not consumed.
12 So he looked this way and that 15 aActs 7:29 3 Then Moses said, I will now
way, and when he saw no one, he bEx. 3:1 cGen.
turn aside and see this agreat sight,
akilled the Egyptian and hid him in 24:11; 29:2
1the presence why the bush does not burn.
the sand. of Pharaoh 4 So when the LORD saw that he
13 And awhen he went out the sec- 16 aEx. 3:1; turned aside to look, God called ato
ond day, behold, two Hebrew men 4:18; 18:12 him from the midst of the bush and
bwere fighting, and he said to the bGen. 24:11,
13, 19; 29:610
said, Moses, Moses! And he said,
one who did the wrong, Why are cGen. 30:38 Here I am.
you striking your companion? 5 Then He said, Do not draw
17 aGen. 47:3
14 Then he said, aWho made you a bGen. near this place. aTake your sandals
prince and a judge over us? Do you 26:1921 off your feet, for the place where
intend to kill me as you killed the cGen. 29:3, 10
you stand is holy ground.
Egyptian? So Moses bfeared and 18 aNum. 10:29
6 Moreover He said, aI am the God
bEx. 3:1; 4:18
said, Surely this thing is known! 1Jethro, Ex. of your fatherthe God of Abraham,
15 When Pharaoh heard of this 3:1 the God of Isaac, and the God of
matter, he sought to kill Moses. But 20 aGen. 31:54; Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for
aMoses fled from 1the face of
43:25 bhe was afraid to look upon God.
Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of 21 aEx. 4:25; 7 And the LORD said: aI have
bMidian; and he sat down by ca well. 18:2
surely seen the oppression of My
16 aNow the priest of Midian had 22 aEx. 4:20; people who are in Egypt, and have
seven daughters. bAnd they came 18:3, 4 bActs
7:29 1Lit. heard their cry bbecause of their
and drew water, and they filled the Stranger taskmasters, cfor I know their 1sor-
ctroughs to water their fathers flock. There
17 Then the ashepherds came and 8 So aI have come down to bde-
bdrove them away; but Moses stood temporary
resident liver them out of the hand of the
up and helped them, and cwatered 23 aActs 7:34 Egyptians, and to bring them up
their flock. bDeut. 26:7
from that land cto a good and large
18 When they came to aReuel1 their cJames 5:4
land, to a land dflowing with milk
father, bhe said, How is it that you 24 aEx. 6:5 and honey, to the place of ethe
bGen. 15:13;
have come so soon today? Canaanites and the Hittites and the
19 And they said, An Egyptian 26:25; Amorites and the Perizzites and
delivered us from the hand of the 28:1315 the Hivites and the Jebusites.
shepherds, and he also drew enough cGen. 12:13;
9 Now therefore, behold, athe cry
water for us and watered the flock. 15:14; 17:114
25 aEx. 4:31
of the children of Israel has come to
20 So he said to his daughters, bEx. 3:7 Me, and I have also seen the bop-
And where is he? Why is it that you pression with which the Egyptians
have left the man? Call him, that he CHAPTER 3 oppress them.
may aeat bread. 10 aCome now, therefore, and I
1 aEx. 4:18
21 Then Moses was content to live bEx. 2:16 cEx. will send you to Pharaoh that you
with the man, and he gave aZippo- 18:5 dEx. 17:6 may bring My people, the children
rah his daughter to Moses. 2 aDeut. 33:16 of Israel, out of Egypt.
22 And she bore him a son. He 3 aActs 7:31 11 But Moses said to God, aWho
called his name aGershom,1 for he 4 aDeut. 33:16 am I that I should go to Pharaoh,
said, I have been ba 2stranger in a 5 aJosh. 5:15 and that I should bring the children
foreign land. 6 a[Matt. of Israel out of Egypt?
23 Now it happened ain the process 22:32] b1 Kin. 12 So He said, aI will certainly be
of time that the king of Egypt died. 19:13
with you. And this shall be a bsign to
Then the children of Israel bgroaned 7 aEx. 2:2325 you that I have sent you: When you
bEx. 1:11 cEx.
because of the bondage, and they have brought the people out of
2:25 1pain
cried out; and ctheir cry came up to Egypt, you shall serve God on this
8 aGen.
God because of the bondage. 15:1316; 46:4; mountain.
24 So God aheard their groaning, 50:24, 25 bEx. 13 Then Moses said to God, Indeed,
and God bremembered His ccovenant 6:68; 12:51
cDeut. 1:25; when I come to the children of Israel
with Abraham, with Isaac, and with 8:79 dJer. 11:5 and say to them, The God of your
Jacob. eGen. 15:1921 fathers has sent me to you, and they
25 And God alooked upon the chil- 9 aEx. 2:23 say to me, What is His name? what
dren of Israel, and God backnowl- bEx. 1:11, 13,
shall I say to them?
edged them. 14
14 And God said to Moses, I AM
10 a[Mic. 6:4]
Moses at the Burning Bush WHO I AM. And He said, Thus
11 aEx. 4:10; you shall say to the children of
Now Moses was tending the Israel, aI AM has sent me to you.
3 flock of aJethro his father-in-law,
bthe priest of Midian. And he led the
12 aGen. 31:3
bEx. 4:8; 19:3 15 Moreover God said to Moses,
Thus you shall say to the children
14 a[John 8:24,
flock to the back of the desert, 28, 58] of Israel: The LORD God of your
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EXODUS 3:16 50
fathers, the God of Abraham, the 15 aPs. 30:4; som, and when he took it out,
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, 97:12; 102:12; behold, his hand was leprous, alike
has sent me to you. This is aMy snow.
name forever, and this is My memo- 16 aEx. 4:29 7 And He said, Put your hand in
rial to all generations. bEx. 2:25; 4:31 your bosom again. So he put his
16 Go and agather the elders of hand in his bosom again, and drew
17 aGen. it out of his bosom, and behold, ait
Israel together, and say to them, 15:1321; 46:4;
The LORD God of your fathers, the 50:24, 25 was restored like his other flesh.
God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of 8 Then it will be, if they do not
Jacob, appeared to me, saying, bI 18 aEx. 4:31 believe you, nor heed the message of
bEx. 5:1, 3
have surely visited you and seen cNum. 23:3, 4,
the afirst sign, that they may believe
what is done to you in Egypt; 15, 16
the message of the latter sign.
17 and I have said aI will bring you 9 And it shall be, if they do not
up out of the affliction of Egypt to 19 aEx. 5:2 believe even these two signs, or lis-
the land of the Canaanites and the ten to your voice, that you shall take
Hittites and the Amorites and the 20 aEx. 6:6; water from 1the river and pour it on
9:15 bDeut. the dry land. aThe water which you
Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jeb- 6:22 cEx. 11:1;
usites, to a land flowing with milk 12:3137 take from the river will become
and honey. blood on the dry land.
18 Then athey will heed your 21 aEx. 11:3; 10 Then Moses said to the LORD,
voice; and byou shall come, you and 12:36 O my Lord, I am not eloquent, nei-
the elders of Israel, to the king of 22 aEx. 11:2
ther before nor since You have spo-
Egypt; and you shall say to him, bEx. 33:6 cJob ken to Your servant; but aI am slow
The LORD God of the Hebrews has 27:17 of speech and 1slow of tongue.
cmet with us; and now, please, let us 11 So the LORD said to him, aWho
go three days journey into the has made mans mouth? Or who
wilderness, that we may sacrifice to CHAPTER 4 makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing,
the LORD our God. or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?
19 But I am sure that the king of 5 aEx. 4:31;
12 Now therefore, go, and I will be
Egypt awill not let you go, no, not awith your mouth and teach you
19:9 bEx. 3:6,
even by a mighty hand. 15 what you shall say.
20 So I will astretch out My hand 13 But he said, O my Lord, aplease
and strike Egypt with ball My won- 6 aNum. 12:10 send by the hand of whomever else
ders which I will do in its midst; and 7 aDeut. 32:39
You may send.
cafter that he will let you go. 14 So athe anger of the LORD was
21 And aI will give this people 8 aEx. 7:613 kindled against Moses, and He said:
favor in the sight of the Egyptians; Is not Aaron the Levite your
and it shall be, when you go, that 9 aEx. 7:19, 20 bbrother? I know that he can speak
1The Nile
you shall not go empty-handed. well. And look, che is also coming
22 aBut every woman shall ask of 10 aEx. 3:11; out to meet you. When he sees you,
her neighbor, namely, of her who 4:1; 6:12 he will be glad in his heart.
dwells near her house, barticles of 1heavy or dull 15 Now ayou shall speak to him
silver, articles of gold, and clothing; of tongue; and bput the words in his mouth.
cannot talk And I will be with your mouth and
and you shall put them on your sons very well
and on your daughters. So cyou with his mouth, and cI will teach you
shall plunder the Egyptians. 11 aPs. 94:9; what you shall do.
146:8 16 So he shall be your spokesman
Miraculous Signs for Pharaoh to the people. And he himself shall
12 aIs. 50:4 be as a mouth for you, and ayou
Then Moses answered and said,
4 But suppose they will not
believe me or listen to my voice;
13 aJon. 1:3 shall be to him as God.
17 And you shall take this rod in
suppose they say, The LORD has not 14 aNum. 11:1, your hand, with which you shall do
33 bNum. the signs.
appeared to you. 26:59 cEx.
2 So the LORD said to him, What 4:27 Moses Goes to Egypt
is that in your hand? He said, A
rod. 15 aEx. 4:12, 18 So Moses went and returned to
30; 7:1, 2 aJethro his father-in-law, and said to
3 And He said, Cast it on the bNum. 23:5,
ground. So he cast it on the ground, 12 cDeut. 5:31 him, Please let me go and return
and it became a serpent; and Moses to my brethren who are in Egypt, and
fled from it. 16 aEx. 7:1, 2 see whether they are still alive. And
4 Then the LORD said to Moses, Jethro said to Moses, bGo in peace.
18 aEx. 2:21;
Reach out your hand and take it by 3:1; 4:18
19 Now the LORD said to Moses in
aMidian, Go, return to bEgypt; for
the tail (and he reached out his bJudg. 18:6
hand and caught it, and it became a call the men who sought your life
rod in his hand), 19 aEx. 3:1; are dead.
18:1 bGen. 20 Then Moses atook his wife and
5 that they may abelieve that the 46:3, 6 cEx.
bLORD God of their fathers, the God
2:15, 23 his sons and set them on a donkey,
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and and he returned to the land of
the God of Jacob, has appeared to 20 aEx. 18:25 Egypt. And Moses took bthe rod of
bNum. 20:8,
you. God in his hand.
9, 11
6 Furthermore the LORD said to 21 And the LORD said to Moses,
him, Now put your hand in your bo- 21 aEx. 3:20; When you go back to Egypt, see
som. And he put his hand in his bo- 11:9, 10 that you do all those awonders before
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51 EXODUS 5:23
Pharaoh which I have put in your 21 bEx. 7:3, 13; fore. Let them go and gather straw
hand. But bI will harden his heart, so 9:12, 35; 10:1, for themselves.
20, 27; 14:4, 8;
that he will not let the people go. Deut. 2:30; 8 And you shall lay on them the
22 Then you shall asay to Josh. 11:20; quota of bricks which they made
Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD: 1 Sam. 6:6; Is. before. You shall not reduce it. For
bIsrael is My son, cMy firstborn. 63:17; John
12:40; Rom. they are idle; therefore they cry out,
23 So I say to you, let My son go 9:18 saying, Let us go and sacrifice to
that he may serve Me. But if you 22 aEx. 5:1 bIs.
our God.
refuse to let him go, indeed aI will 63:16; 64:8; 9 Let more work be laid on the
kill your son, your firstborn. Hos. 11:1; men, that they may labor in it, and
24 And it came to pass on the way, [Rom. 9:4; let them not regard false words.
2 Cor. 6:16,
at the aencampment, that the LORD 18] cJer. 31:9; 10 And the taskmasters of the peo-
bmet him and sought to ckill him. [James 1:18] ple and their officers went out and
25 Then aZipporah took ba sharp 23 aEx. 11:5;
spoke to the people, saying, Thus
stone and cut off the foreskin of her 12:29; Ps. says Pharaoh: I will not give you
son and 1cast it at 2Moses feet, and 105:36; 135:8; straw.
said, Surely you are a husband of 136:10 11 Go, get yourselves straw where
blood to me! 24 aGen. 42:27 you can find it; yet none of your
26 So He let him go. Then she said, bEx. 3:18; 5:3;
work will be reduced.
You are a 1husband of blood! Num. 22:22 12 So the people were scattered
cGen. 17:14
because of the circumcision. abroad throughout all the land of
27 And the LORD said to Aaron, Go 25 aEx. 2:21; Egypt to gather stubble instead of
18:2 bGen.
into the wilderness ato meet Moses. 17:14; Josh. straw.
So he went and met him on bthe 5:2, 3 1Lit. 13 And the taskmasters forced
mountain of God, and kissed him. made it touch
2Lit. his
them to hurry, saying, Fulfill your
28 So Moses atold Aaron all the work, your daily quota, as when
words of the LORD who had sent 26 1bride- there was straw.
him, and all the bsigns which He had groom 14 Also the aofficers of the children
commanded him. 27 aEx. 4:14 of Israel, whom Pharaohs taskmas-
29 Then Moses and Aaron awent bEx. 3:1; 18:5;
ters had set over them, were bbeaten
and gathered together all the elders 24:13 and were asked, Why have you not
of the children of Israel. 28 aEx. 4:15, fulfilled your task in making brick
30 aAnd Aaron spoke all the words 16 bEx. 4:8, 9 both yesterday and today, as
which the LORD had spoken to 29 aEx. 3:16; before?
Moses. Then he did the signs in the 12:21 15 Then the officers of the children
sight of the people. 30 aEx. 4:15, of Israel came and cried out to
31 So the people abelieved; and 16 Pharaoh, saying, Why are you deal-
when they heard that the LORD had 31 aEx. 3:18; ing thus with your servants?
bvisited the children of Israel and 4:8, 9; 19:9 16 There is no straw given to your
bGen. 50:24;
that He chad looked on their afflic- servants, and they say to us, Make
tion, then dthey bowed their heads Ex. 3:16 cEx. brick! And indeed your servants
2:25; 3:7 dGen.
and worshiped. 24:26; Ex. are beaten, but the fault is in your
12:27; 1 Chr. own people.
First Encounter with Pharaoh 29:20 17 But he said, You are idle! Idle!
Afterward Moses and Aaron Therefore you say, Let us go and
5 went in and told Pharaoh, Thus
says the LORD God of Israel: Let
CHAPTER 5 sacrifice to the LORD.
18 Therefore go now and work;
1 aEx. 3:18; for no straw shall be given you, yet
My people go, that they may 1hold aa 7:16; 10:9
feast to Me in the wilderness. 1keep a pil- you shall deliver the quota of
2 And Pharaoh said, aWho is the grim-feast bricks.
LORD, that I should obey His voice 2 a2 Kin. 19 And the officers of the children
to let Israel go? I do not know the 18:35; 2 Chr. of Israel saw that they were in trou-
LORD, bnor will I let Israel go. 32:14; Job ble after it was said, You shall not
21:15 bEx. reduce any bricks from your daily
3 So they said, aThe God of the 3:19; 7:14
Hebrews has bmet with us. Please, let quota.
3 aEx. 3:18; 20 Then, as they came out from
us go three days journey into the 7:16 bEx. 4:24;
desert and sacrifice to the LORD our Num. 23:3 Pharaoh, they met Moses and Aaron
God, lest He fall upon us with cpesti- cEx. 9:15 who stood there to meet them.
lence or with the sword. 4 aEx. 1:11;
21 aAnd they said to them, Let the
4 Then the king of Egypt said to 2:11; 6:6 LORD look on you and judge,
them, Moses and Aaron, why do because you have made 1us abhor-
5 aEx. 1:7, 9
you take the people from their rent in the sight of Pharaoh and in
work? Get back to your alabor. 6 aEx. 1:11; the sight of his servants, to put a
3:7; 5:10, 13, sword in their hand to kill us.
5 And Pharaoh said, Look, the 14
people of the land are amany now, 7 aEx. 1:14 Israels Deliverance Assured
and you make them rest from their
labor! 14 aEx. 5:6 bIs. 22 So Moses returned to the LORD
6 So the same day Pharaoh com- and said, Lord, why have You
manded the ataskmasters of the 21 aEx. 6:9; brought trouble on this people? Why
people and their officers, saying, 14:11; 15:24; is it You have sent me?
16:2 1Lit. our
7 You shall no longer give the scent to stink 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to
people straw to make abrick as be- before speak in Your name, he has done evil
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EXODUS 6:1 52
to this people; neither have You CHAPTER 6 16 These are the names of athe sons
delivered Your people at all. 1 aEx. 3:19
bEx. 12:31,
of Levi according to their genera-
Then the LORD said to Moses, tions: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
6 Now you shall see what I will
do to Pharaoh. For awith a strong
33, 39
2 1Heb.
And the years of the life of Levi were
one hundred and thirty-seven.
hand he will let them go, and with a 3 aGen. 17:1; 17 aThe sons of Gershon were
strong hand bhe will drive them out 35:9; 48:3
bGen. 28:3;
Libni and Shimi according to their
of his land. 35:11 cPs.
2 And God spoke to Moses and 68:4; 83:18 18 And athe sons of Kohath were
said to him: I am 1the LORD. 1Heb. YHWH, Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
3 aI appeared to Abraham, to traditionally And the years of the life of Kohath
Isaac, and to Jacob, as bGod 4 aGen. 12:7;
were one hundred and thirty-three.
Almighty, but by My name cLORD1 I 15:18; 17:4, 7, 19 aThe sons of Merari were Mahli
was not known to them. 8; 26:3; 28:4, and Mushi. These are the families
4 aI have also 1established My 13 bLev. 25:23
cGen. 28:4
of Levi according to their genera-
covenant with them, bto give them 1made or rati- tions.
the land of Canaan, the land of their fied 2sojourn- 20 Now aAmram took for himself
2pilgrimage, cin which they were ings 3sojourn- bJochebed, his fathers sister, as
3strangers. ers, wife; and she bore him cAaron and
5 And aI have also heard the residents Moses. And the years of the life of
groaning of the children of Israel 5 aEx. 2:24 Amram were one hundred and
whom the Egyptians keep in bond- 6 aDeut. 6:12 thirty-seven.
age, and I have remembered My co- bDeut. 26:8 21 aThe sons of Izhar were Korah,
cDeut. 7:8
venant. 1Mighty
Nepheg, and Zichri.
6 Therefore say to the children of power 22 And athe sons of Uzziel were
Israel: aI am the LORD; bI will bring 7 a2 Sam. 7:24 Mishael, Elzaphan, and Zithri.
you out from under the burdens of bEx. 29:45, 46 23 Aaron took to himself Elisheba,
cEx. 5:4, 5
the Egyptians, I will crescue you daughter of aAmminadab, sister of
from their bondage, and I will 8 aGen. 15:18; Nahshon, as wife; and she bore him
26:3 1prom-
redeem you with 1an outstretched ised, lit. lifted
bNadab, Abihu, cEleazar, and Itha-
arm and with great judgments. up My hand mar.
7 I will atake you as My people, 9 aEx. 5:21 24 And athe sons of Korah were As-
bEx. 2:23 1Lit.
and bI will be your God. Then you sir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph. These
shall know that I am the LORD your 12 aJer. 1:6
are the families of the Korahites.
God who brings you out cfrom 1One who 25 Eleazar, Aarons son, took for
under the burdens of the Egyptians. does not himself one of the daughters of
8 And I will bring you into the land speak well Putiel as wife; and ashe bore him
which I aswore1 to give to Abraham, 13 aDeut. Phinehas. These are the heads of
31:14 1charge
Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to 14 aGen. 46:9
the fathers houses of the Levites
you as a heritage: I am the LORD. 15 aGen. 46:10
according to their families.
9 So Moses spoke thus to the chil- 1Nemuel, 26 These are the same Aaron and
dren of Israel; abut they did not heed Num. 26:12 Moses to whom the LORD said,
Moses, because of banguish1 of spirit 16 aGen. 46:11 Bring out the children of Israel
and cruel bondage. 17 a1 Chr. 6:17 from the land of Egypt according to
10 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 18 a1 Chr. 6:2, their aarmies.1
saying, 19 a1 Chr.
27 These are the ones who spoke to
11 Go in, tell Pharaoh king of 6:19; 23:21 Pharaoh king of Egypt, ato bring out
Egypt to let the children of Israel go 20 aEx. 2:1, 2 the children of Israel from Egypt.
out of his land. bNum. 26:59
cNum. 26:59
These are the same Moses and
12 And Moses spoke before the Aaron.
LORD, saying, The children of Israel 21 a1 Chr.
6:37, 38 Aaron Is Moses Spokesman
have not heeded me. How then shall 22 aLev. 10:4
Pharaoh heed me, for aI am 1of uncir- 23 aRuth 4:19, 28 And it came to pass, on the day
cumcised lips? 20 bLev. 10:1 the LORD spoke to Moses in the land
cEx. 28:1
13 Then the LORD spoke to Moses of Egypt,
and Aaron, and gave them a acom- 24 aNum.
26:11 29 that the LORD spoke to Moses,
mand1 for the children of Israel and 25 aNum. 25:7, saying, I am the LORD. aSpeak to
for Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring 11 Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say
the children of Israel out of the land 26 aEx. 7:4; to you.
of Egypt. 12:17, 51 30 But Moses said before the
The Family of Moses and Aaron 27 aPs. 77:20 LORD, Behold, aI am 1of uncircum-
29 aEx. 6:11; cised lips, and how shall Pharaoh
14 These are the heads of their 7:2 heed me?
fathers houses: aThe sons of So the LORD said to Moses: See,
Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, were
Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
30 aEx. 4:10;
6:12 1One
who does not
7 I have made you aas God to
Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother
speak well
These are the families of Reuben. shall be byour prophet.
15 aAnd the sons of Simeon were 2 You ashall speak all that I com-
1Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zo- 1 aEx. 4:16 mand you. And Aaron your brother
bEx. 4:15, 16
har, and Shaul the son of a Canaan- 2 aEx. 4:15 shall tell Pharaoh to send the chil-
ite woman. These are the families of 3 aEx. 4:21; dren of Israel out of his land.
Simeon. 9:12 3 And aI will harden Pharaohs
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53 EXODUS 8:8
heart, and bmultiply My csigns and 3 bEx. 11:9; 19 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
My wonders in the land of Egypt. Acts 7:36 cEx. Say to Aaron, Take your rod and
4:7; Deut. 4:34
4 But aPharaoh will not heed you, astretch out your hand over the
4 aEx. 3:19, 20;
so bthat I may lay My hand on Egypt 10:1; 11:9 bEx. waters of Egypt, over their streams,
and bring My 1armies and My peo- 9:14 cEx. 6:6; over their rivers, over their ponds,
ple, the children of Israel, out of the 12:12 1hosts and over all their pools of water,
land of Egypt cby great judgments. 5 aEx. 7:17; that they may become blood. And
5 And the Egyptians ashall know 8:22; 14:4, 18; there shall be blood throughout all
that I am the LORD, when I bstretch Ps. 9:16 bEx.
9:15 cEx. 3:20; the land of Egypt, both in buckets of
out My hand on Egypt and cbring 6:6; 12:51 wood and pitchers of stone.
out the children of Israel from 6 aEx. 7:2 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, just
among them. as the LORD commanded. So he alifted
6 Then Moses and Aaron adid so; 7 aDeut. 29:5;
31:2; 34:7; up the rod and struck the waters that
just as the LORD commanded them, Acts 7:23, 30 were in the river, in the sight of
so they did. bNum. 33:39
Pharaoh and in the sight of his ser-
7 And Moses was aeighty years 9 aEx. 10:1; Is. vants. And all the bwaters that were
old and bAaron eighty-three years 7:11; John in the river were turned to blood.
old when they spoke to Pharaoh. 2:18; 6:30 bEx.
4:2, 3, 17 21 The fish that were in the river
Aarons Miraculous Rod 10 aEx. 7:9
died, the river stank, and the Egyp-
bEx. 4:3 tians acould not drink the water of
8 Then the LORD spoke to Moses 11 aGen. 41:8 the river. So there was blood
and Aaron, saying, bDan. 2:2; throughout all the land of Egypt.
9 When Pharaoh speaks to you, 2 Tim. 3:8 cEx. 22 aThen the magicians of Egypt
saying, aShow a miracle for your- 7:22; 8:7, 18; did bso with their 1enchantments;
2 Tim. 3:9;
selves, then you shall say to Aaron, Rev. 13:13, 14 and Pharaohs heart grew hard, and
bTake your rod and cast it before 1soothsayers he did not heed them, cas the LORD
Pharaoh, and let it become a ser- 2secret arts
had said.
pent. 14 aEx. 8:15; 23 And Pharaoh turned and went
10 So Moses and Aaron went in to 10:1, 20, 27 into his house. Neither was his heart
Pharaoh, and they did so, just aas 15 aEx. 2:5; moved by this.
the LORD commanded. And Aaron 8:20 bEx. 4:2, 24 So all the Egyptians dug all
cast down his rod before Pharaoh 3; 7:10
around the river for water to drink,
and before his servants, and it bbe- 16 aEx. 3:13, because they could not drink the
came a serpent. 18; 4:22 bEx.
3:12, 18; 4:23; water of the river.
11 But Pharaoh also acalled the 5:1, 3; 8:1 25 And seven days passed after the
wise men and bthe 1sorcerers; so the 1worship
LORD had struck the river.
magicians of Egypt, they also cdid in 17 aEx. 5:2;
like manner with their 2enchant- 7:5; 10:2; Ps. The Second Plague: Frogs
ments. 9:16; Ezek.
And the LORD spoke to Moses,
12 For every man threw down his
rod, and they became serpents. But
25:17 bEx. 4:9;
7:20 cRev.
11:6; 16:4, 6
8 Go to Pharaoh and say to him,
Thus says the LORD: Let My peo-
Aarons rod swallowed up their rods. 18 aEx. 7:24
13 And Pharaohs heart grew hard, 1be weary of ple go, athat they may serve Me.
and he did not heed them, as the drinking 2 But if you arefuse to let them
LORD had said. 19 aEx. 8:5, 6, go, behold, I will smite all your terri-
16; 9:22; tory with bfrogs.
The First Plague: Waters Become 10:12, 21; 3 So the river shall bring forth
Blood 14:21, 26 frogs abundantly, which shall go up
20 aEx. 17:5 and come into your house, into your
14 So the LORD said to Moses: bPs. 78:44;
abedroom, on your bed, into the
aPharaohs heart is hard; he refuses 105:29, 30
to let the people go. houses of your servants, on your
21 aEx. 7:18
15 Go to Pharaoh in the morning, people, into your ovens, and into
22 aEx. 7:11 your kneading bowls.
when he goes out to the awater, and bEx. 8:7 cEx.
you shall stand by the rivers bank 3:19; 7:3 4 And the frogs shall come up on
to meet him; and bthe rod which was 1secret arts you, on your people, and on all your
turned to a serpent you shall take in servants.
CHAPTER 8 5 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
your hand.
16 And you shall say to him, aThe 1 aEx. 3:12, 18; Say to Aaron, aStretch out your
LORD God of the Hebrews has sent 4:23; 5:1, 3 hand with your rod over the
me to you, saying, Let My people go, 2 aEx. 7:14; 9:2 streams, over the rivers, and over
bthat they may 1serve Me in the bRev. 16:13 the ponds, and cause frogs to come
wilderness; but indeed, until now 3 aPs. 105:30 up on the land of Egypt.
you would not hear! 5 aEx. 7:19 6 So Aaron stretched out his hand
17 Thus says the LORD: By this 6 aPs. 78:45;
over the waters of Egypt, and athe
ayou shall know that I am the LORD.
105:30 frogs came up and covered the land
Behold, I will strike the waters 7 aEx. 7:11, 22
of Egypt.
which are in the river with the rod 1secret arts 7 aAnd the magicians did so with
that is in my hand, and bthey shall 8 aEx. 8:28; their 1enchantments, and brought
be turned cto blood. 9:28; 10:17; up frogs on the land of Egypt.
18 And the fish that are in the Num. 21:7; 8 Then Pharaoh called for Moses
river shall die, the river shall stink, 1 Kin. 13:6 and Aaron, and said, aEntreat1 the
1Pray to,
and the Egyptians will aloathe1 to Make suppli- LORD that He may take away the
drink the water of the river. cation to frogs from me and from my people;
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EXODUS 8:9 54
and I will let the people bgo, that they 8 bEx. 10:8, 24 cknow that I am the LORD in the
may sacrifice to the LORD. 10 aEx. 9:14; midst of the dland.
9 And Moses said to Pharaoh, 15:11; Deut. 23 I will 1make a difference
Accept the honor of saying when I 4:35, 39; between My people and your people.
shall intercede for you, for your ser- 33:26; 2 Sam. Tomorrow this asign shall be.
7:22; 1 Chr.
vants, and for your people, to 17:20; Ps. 24 And the LORD did so. aThick
destroy the frogs from you and your 86:8; Is. 46:9; swarms of flies came into the house
houses, that they may remain in the [Jer. 10:6, 7] of Pharaoh, into his servants
river only. 12 aEx. 8:30; houses, and into all the land of
10 So he said, Tomorrow. And he 9:33; 10:18; Egypt. The land was corrupted
said, Let it be according to your 32:11; [James because of the swarms of flies.
word, that you may know that athere 5:1618] 25 Then Pharaoh called for Moses
is no one like the LORD our God. 15 aEccl. 8:11 and Aaron, and said, Go, sacrifice
11 And the frogs shall depart from bEx. 7:14, 22;
to your God in the land.
you, from your houses, from your 9:34; 1 Sam. 26 And Moses said, It is not right
servants, and from your people. to do so, for we would be sacrificing
They shall remain in the river only. 16 1gnats athe abomination of the Egyptians
12 Then Moses and Aaron went out 17 aPs. 105:31 to the LORD our God. If we sacrifice
from Pharaoh. And Moses acried out the abomination of the Egyptians
to the LORD concerning the frogs 18 aEx. 7:11, before their eyes, then will they not
12; 8:7 bDan.
which He had brought against 5:8; 2 Tim. 3:8,
1stone us?
Pharaoh. 9 1secret arts 27 We will go athree days journey
13 So the LORD did according to into the wilderness and sacrifice to
the word of Moses. And the frogs 19 aEx. 7:5;
10:7; 1 Sam. the LORD our God as bHe will com-
died out of the houses, out of the 6:3, 9; Ps. 8:3; mand us.
courtyards, and out of the fields. Luke 11:20 28 So Pharaoh said, I will let you
bEx. 8:15 1An
14 They gathered them together in go, that you may sacrifice to the
act of God
heaps, and the land stank. LORD your God in the wilderness;
15 But when Pharaoh saw that 20 aEx. 7:15; only you shall not go very far away.
there was arelief, bhe hardened his 9:13 bEx. 3:18; aIntercede for me.
heart and did not heed them, as the 4:23; 5:1, 3;
8:1 29 Then Moses said, Indeed I am
LORD had said. going out from you, and I will entreat
22 aEx. 9:4, 6, the LORD, that the swarms of flies
The Third Plague: Lice 26; 10:23;
may depart tomorrow from Pharaoh,
11:6, 7; 12:13
16 So the LORD said to Moses, Say bGen. 50:8 from his servants, and from his peo-
to Aaron, Stretch out your rod, and cEx. 7:5, 17; ple. But let Pharaoh not adeal deceit-
10:2; 14:4 dEx. fully anymore in not letting the peo-
strike the dust of the land, so that it 9:29
may become 1lice throughout all the ple go to sacrifice to the LORD.
land of Egypt. 23 aEx. 4:8
1Lit. set a ran-
30 So Moses went out from
17 And they did so. For Aaron som, Ex. 9:4;
Pharaoh and aentreated the LORD.
stretched out his hand with his rod 11:7 31 And the LORD did according to
and struck the dust of the earth, and the word of Moses; He removed the
ait became lice on man and beast. 24 aPs. 78:45; swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from
All the dust of the land became lice his servants, and from his people.
throughout all the land of Egypt. 26 aGen. 43:32; Not one remained.
46:34; [Deut. 32 But Pharaoh ahardened his
18 Now athe magicians so worked 7:25, 26;
with their 1enchantments to bring 12:31] 1Put us heart at this time also; neither
forth lice, but they bcould not. So to death by would he let the people go.
there were lice on man and beast. stoning
19 Then the magicians said to The Fifth Plague: Livestock
27 aEx. 3:18; Diseased
Pharaoh, This is athe1 finger of 5:3 bEx. 3:12
God. But Pharaohs bheart grew Then the LORD said to Moses,
hard, and he did not heed them, just
as the LORD had said.
28 aEx. 8:8, 15,
29, 32; 9:28;
1 Kin. 13:6
9 aGo in to Pharaoh and tell him,
Thus says the LORD God of the
The Fourth Plague: Flies 29 aEx. 8:8, 15 Hebrews: Let My people go, that
they may bserve Me.
30 aEx. 8:12 2 For if you arefuse to let them
20 And the LORD said to Moses,
aRise early in the morning and 32 aEx. 4:21; go, and still hold them,
stand before Pharaoh as he comes 8:8, 15; Ps. 3 behold, the ahand of the LORD
out to the water. Then say to him, 52:2 will be on your cattle in the field, on
Thus says the LORD: bLet My peo- CHAPTER 9 the horses, on the donkeys, on the
ple go, that they may serve Me. camels, on the oxen, and on the
1 aEx. 4:23; 8:1
21 Or else, if you will not let My bEx. 7:16 sheepa very severe pestilence.
people go, behold, I will send swarms 4 And athe LORD will make a dif-
of flies on you and your servants, on 2 aEx. 8:2 ference between the livestock of
your people and into your houses. 3 aEx. 7:4; Israel and the livestock of Egypt. So
The houses of the Egyptians shall be 1 Sam. 5:6; nothing shall die of all that belongs
full of swarms of flies, and also the Ps. 39:10; Acts to the children of Israel.
ground on which they stand. 5 Then the LORD appointed a set
22 And in that day aI will set apart 4 aEx. 8:22 time, saying, Tomorrow the LORD
the land of bGoshen, in which My 6 aEx. 9:19,
will do this thing in the land.
people dwell, that no swarms of flies 20, 25; Ps. 6 So the LORD did this thing on
shall be there, in order that you may 78:48, 50 the next day, and aall the livestock of
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55 EXODUS 10:2
Egypt died; but of the livestock of 7 aEx. 7:14; word of the LORD left his servants
the children of Israel, not one died. 8:32 and his livestock in the field.
7 Then Pharaoh sent, and indeed, 22 Then the LORD said to Moses,
9 aRev. 16:2
not even one of the livestock of the Stretch out your hand toward
Israelites was dead. But the aheart heaven, that there may be ahail in all
10 aDeut.
of Pharaoh became hard, and he did 28:27 the land of Egypton man, on
not let the people go. beast, and on every herb of the field,
11 a[Ex. 8:18, throughout the land of Egypt.
The Sixth Plague: Boils 19] bJob 2:7 23 And Moses stretched out his rod
8 So the LORD said to Moses and toward heaven; and athe LORD sent
Aaron, Take for yourselves hand- 12 aEx. 7:13 thunder and hail, and fire darted to
bEx. 4:21
fuls of ashes from a furnace, and let the ground. And the LORD rained
Moses scatter it toward the heavens hail on the land of Egypt.
13 aEx. 8:20 24 So there was hail, and fire min-
in the sight of Pharaoh. bEx. 9:1
9 And it will become fine dust in gled with the hail, so very heavy that
all the land of Egypt, and it will 14 aEx. 8:10
there was none like it in all the land
cause aboils that break out in sores of Egypt since it became a nation.
on man and beast throughout all the 15 aEx. 3:20;
25 And the ahail struck throughout
land of Egypt. 7:5 bEx. 5:3 the whole land of Egypt, all that was
10 Then they took ashes from the in the field, both man and beast; and
furnace and stood before Pharaoh, 16 a[Rom. the hail struck every herb of the field
and Moses scattered them toward 9:17, 18] bEx. and broke every tree of the field.
7:4, 5; 10:1; 26 aOnly in the land of Goshen,
heaven. And they caused aboils that 11:9; 14:17
break out in sores on man and beast. c1 Kin. 8:43 where the children of Israel were,
11 And the amagicians could not there was no hail.
stand before Moses because of the 20 a[Prov. 27 And Pharaoh sent and acalled for
bboils, for the boils were on the 13:13] bEx. Moses and Aaron, and said to them,
8:19; 10:7 bI have sinned this time. cThe LORD
magicians and on all the Egyptians.
12 But the LORD hardened the is righteous, and my people and I are
heart of Pharaoh; and he adid not 22 aRev. 16:21 wicked.
heed them, just bas the LORD had 28 aEntreat1 the LORD, that there
spoken to Moses. 23 aJosh. 10:11 may be no more 2mighty thundering
and hail, for it is enough. I will let
The Seventh Plague: Hail 25 aPs. 78:47, you bgo, and you shall stay no
48; 105:32, 33
13 Then the LORD said to Moses, longer.
aRise early in the morning and 26 aEx. 8:22,
29 So Moses said to him, As soon
stand before Pharaoh, and say to 23; 9:4, 6; as I have gone out of the city, I will
10:23; 11:7; aspread out my hands to the LORD;
him, Thus says the LORD God of the 12:13 the thunder will cease, and there
Hebrews: Let My people go, that will be no more hail, that you may
they may bserve Me, 27 aEx. 8:8 know that the bearth is the LORDs.
14 for at this time I will send all bEx. 9:34;
30 But as for you and your ser-
My plagues to your very heart, and 10:16, 17
vants, aI know that you will not yet
c2 Chr. 12:6
on your servants and on your peo- fear the LORD God.
ple, athat you may know that there
is none like Me in all the earth. 28 aEx. 8:8, 28; 31 Now the flax and the barley
15 Now if I had astretched out My 10:17 bEx. were struck, afor the barley was in
hand and struck you and your peo-
8:25; 10:8, 24
1Pray to,
the head and the flax was in bud.
ple with bpestilence, then you would Make suppli- 32 But the wheat and the spelt were
have been cut off from the earth. cation to 2Lit. not struck, for they are 1late crops.
16 But indeed for athis purpose I voices of God 33 So Moses went out of the city
or sounds of from Pharaoh and aspread out his
have raised you up, that I may bshow God
My power in you, and that My hands to the LORD; then the thunder
cname may be declared in all the 29 aIs. 1:15
and the hail ceased, and the rain
earth. bPs. 24:1 was not poured on the earth.
17 As yet you exalt yourself 34 And when Pharaoh saw that the
against My people in that you will 30 a[Is. 26:10] rain, the hail, and the thunder had
not let them go. ceased, he sinned yet more; and he
18 Behold, tomorrow about this 31 aRuth 1:22; hardened his heart, he and his ser-
time I will cause very heavy hail to 2:23 vants.
rain down, such as has not been in 35 So athe heart of Pharaoh was
Egypt since its founding until now. 32 1Lit. dark- hard; neither would he let the chil-
ened dren of Israel go, as the LORD had
19 Therefore send now and gather
your livestock and all that you have spoken by Moses.
33 aEx. 8:12;
in the field, for the hail shall come 9:29 The Eighth Plague: Locusts
down on every man and every ani-
mal which is found in the field and Now the LORD said to Moses,
is not brought home; and they shall
35 aEx. 4:21
10 Go in to Pharaoh; afor I have
hardened his heart and the hearts of
20 He who afeared the word of the his servants, bthat I may show these
LORD among the bservants of 1 aJohn 12:40 signs of Mine before him,
Pharaoh made his servants and his bEx. 7:4; 9:16 2 and that ayou may tell in the
livestock flee to the houses. hearing of your son and your sons
21 But he who did not regard the 2 aJoel 1:3 son the mighty things I have done
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EXODUS 10:3 56
in Egypt, and My signs which I have 2 bEx. 7:5, 17; of the land and all the fruit of the
done among them, that you may 8:22 trees which the hail had left. So
bknow that I am the LORD. 3 a[1 Kin. there remained nothing green on
3 So Moses and Aaron came in to 21:29; 2 Chr. the trees or on the plants of the field
Pharaoh and said to him, Thus says 34:27]; Job throughout all the land of Egypt.
42:6; [James
the LORD God of the Hebrews: How 4:10; 1 Pet. 16 Then Pharaoh called afor Moses
long will you refuse to ahumble 5:6] bEx. 4:23; and Aaron in haste, and said, bI
yourself before Me? Let My people 8:1; 9:1 have sinned against the LORD your
go, that they may bserve Me. 4 aProv. 30:27; God and against you.
4 Or else, if you refuse to let My Rev. 9:3 17 Now therefore, please forgive
people go, behold, tomorrow I will 5 aEx. 9:32;
my sin only this once, and aentreat1
bring alocusts into your territory. Joel 1:4; 2:25 the LORD your God, that He may
5 And they shall cover the face of take away from me this death only.
the earth, so that no one will be able 6 aEx. 8:3, 21 18 So he awent out from Pharaoh
to see the earth; and athey shall eat 7 aEx. 7:5; and entreated the LORD.
the residue of what is left, which 8:19; 9:20; 19 And the LORD turned a very
remains to you from the hail, and 12:33 bEx. strong west wind, which took the
23:33; Josh.
they shall eat every tree which grows 23:13; 1 Sam. locusts away and blew them ainto the
up for you out of the field. 18:21; Eccl. Red Sea. There remained not one
6 They shall afill your houses, the 7:26; 1 Cor. locust in all the territory of Egypt.
7:35 20 But the LORD ahardened Pha-
houses of all your servants, and the
houses of all the Egyptianswhich 9 aEx. 5:1; 7:16 raohs heart, and he did not let the
neither your fathers nor your children of Israel go.
11 aEx. 10:28
fathers fathers have seen, since the The Ninth Plague: Darkness
day that they were on the earth to 12 aEx. 7:19
bEx. 10:5, 15
this day. And he turned and went 21 Then the LORD said to Moses,
out from Pharaoh. 14 aDeut. aStretch out your hand toward
7 Then Pharaohs aservants said 28:38; Ps. heaven, that there may be darkness
to him, How long shall this man be 78:46; 105:34
bJoel 1:4, 7; over the land of Egypt, 1darkness
ba snare to us? Let the men go, that
2:111; Rev. which may even be felt.
they may serve the LORD their God. 9:3 22 So Moses stretched out his hand
Do you not yet know that Egypt is 15 aEx. 10:5
toward heaven, and there was athick
destroyed? bPs. 105:35 darkness in all the land of Egypt
8 So Moses and Aaron were bthree days.
brought again to Pharaoh, and he 16 aEx. 8:8 23 They did not see one another;
bEx. 9:27
said to them, Go, serve the LORD nor did anyone rise from his place
your God. Who are the ones that are 17 aEx. 8:8, 28; for three days. aBut all the children
going? 9:28; 1 Kin. of Israel had light in their dwellings.
13:6 1make
9 And Moses said, We will go supplication 24 Then Pharaoh called to Moses
with our young and our old; with our to and asaid, Go, serve the LORD; only
sons and our daughters, with our 18 aEx. 8:30
let your flocks and your herds be
flocks and our herds we will go, for kept back. Let your blittle ones also
awe must hold a feast to the LORD. 19 aJoel 2:20 go with you.
10 Then he said to them, The 20 aEx. 4:21; 25 But Moses said, You must also
LORD had better be with you when I 10:1; 11:10 give 1us sacrifices and burnt offer-
let you and your little ones go! ings, that we may sacrifice to the
21 aEx. 9:22 LORD our God.
Beware, for evil is ahead of you. 1Lit. that one
11 Not so! Go now, you who are may feel the 26 Our alivestock also shall go
men, and serve the LORD, for that is darkness with us; not a hoof shall be left
what you desired. And they were 22 aPs. 105:28;
behind. For we must take some of
driven aout from Pharaohs pres- Rev. 16:10 them to serve the LORD our God,
ence. bEx. 3:18 and even we do not know with what
12 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23 aEx. 8:22,
we must serve the LORD until we
aStretch out your hand over the 23 arrive there.
land of Egypt for the locusts, that 27 But the LORD ahardened Pha-
24 aEx. 8:8, 25; raohs heart, and he would not let
they may come upon the land of 10:8 bEx.
Egypt, and beat every herb of the 10:10 them go.
landall that the hail has left. 28 Then Pharaoh said to him, aGet
25 1Lit. into away from me! Take heed to yourself
13 So Moses stretched out his rod our hands
over the land of Egypt, and the and see my face no more! For in the
LORD brought an east wind on the 26 aEx. 10:9 day you see my face you shall die!
land all that day and all that night. 27 aEx. 4:21;
29 So Moses said, You have spo-
When it was morning, the east wind 10:1, 20; 14:4, ken well. aI will never see your face
brought the locusts. 8 again.
14 And athe locusts went up over 28 aEx. 10:11 Death of the Firstborn Announced
all the land of Egypt and rested on 29 aEx. 11:8;
all the territory of Egypt. They were And the LORD said to Moses, I
very severe; bpreviously there had
been no such locusts as they, nor
Heb. 11:27
11 will bring one more plague on
Pharaoh and on Egypt. aAfterward
shall there be such after them. he will let you go from here. bWhen
15 For they acovered the face of the 1 aEx. 12:31,
he lets you go, he will surely drive
whole earth, so that the land was 33, 39 bEx. you out of here altogether.
darkened; and they bate every herb 6:1; 12:39 2 Speak now in the hearing of the
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57 EXODUS 12:21
people, and let every man ask from 2 aEx. 3:22; 7 And they shall take some of the
his neighbor and every woman from 12:35, 36 blood and put it on the two door-
her neighbor, aarticles of silver and 3 aEx. 3:21;
posts and on the lintel of the houses
articles of gold. 12:36 bDeut. where they eat it.
3 aAnd the LORD gave the people 34:1012 8 Then they shall eat the flesh on
favor in the sight of the Egyptians. that anight; broasted in fire, with
Moreover the man bMoses was very 4 aEx. 12:12, cunleavened bread and with bitter
23, 29
great in the land of Egypt, in the herbs they shall eat it.
sight of Pharaohs servants and in 5 aEx. 4:23; 9 Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at
the sight of the people. 12:12, 29 all with water, but aroasted in fire
4 Then Moses said, Thus says the its head with its legs and its entrails.
LORD: aAbout midnight I will go out 6 aEx. 12:30 10 aYou shall let none of it remain
bEx. 10:14
into the midst of Egypt; until morning, and what remains of
5 and aall the firstborn in the land it until morning you shall burn with
7 aEx. 8:22
of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn bJosh. 10:21 fire.
of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, 1sharpen 11 And thus you shall eat it: 1with a
even to the firstborn of the female belt on your waist, your sandals on
servant who is behind the handmill, 8 aEx. your feet, and your staff in your hand.
and all the firstborn of the animals. 12:3133 So you shall eat it in haste. aIt is the
bHeb. 11:27
6 aThen there shall be a great cry LORDs Passover.
throughout all the land of Egypt, 9 aEx. 3:19; 12 For I awill pass through the land
bsuch as was not like it before, nor of Egypt on that night, and will
7:4; 10:1 bEx.
shall be like it again. 7:3; 9:16 strike all the firstborn in the land of
7 aBut against none of the chil- Egypt, both man and beast; and
dren of Israel bshall a dog 1move its 10 aRom. 2:5 bagainst all the gods of Egypt I will
tongue, against man or beast, that CHAPTER 12 execute judgment: cI am the LORD.
you may know that the LORD does 13 Now the blood shall be a sign
make a difference between the 2 aDeut. 16:1 for you on the houses where you are.
Egyptians and Israel. And when I see the blood, I will pass
8 And aall these your servants 3 aJosh. 4:19 over you; and the plague shall not be
shall come down to me and bow on you to destroy you when I strike
down to me, saying, Get out, and all 5 a[1 Pet. 1:19] the land of Egypt.
1perfect or
the people who follow you! After sound 2a year 14 So this day shall be to you aa
that I will go out. bThen he went out old memorial; and you shall keep it as a
from Pharaoh in great anger. bfeast to the LORD throughout your
9 But the LORD said to Moses, 6 aLev. 23:5 generations. You shall keep it as a
aPharaoh will not heed you, so that
feast cby an everlasting ordinance.
bMy wonders may be multiplied in 8 aNum. 9:12
bDeut. 16:7 15 aSeven days you shall eat
the land of Egypt. c1 Cor. 5:8 unleavened bread. On the first day
10 So Moses and Aaron did all these you shall remove leaven from your
wonders before Pharaoh; aand the 9 aDeut. 16:7 houses. For whoever eats leavened
LORD hardened Pharaohs heart, and bread from the first day until the
he did not let the children of Israel go 10 aEx. 16:19; seventh day, bthat 1person shall be
out of his land. 23:18; 34:25 2cut off from Israel.

The Passover Instituted 11 aEx. 12:13, 16 On the first day there shall be
21, 27, 43 aa holy convocation, and on the sev-
Now the LORD spoke to 1Made ready
enth day there shall be a holy con-
12 Moses and Aaron in the land
of Egypt, saying,
to travel vocation for you. No manner of
work shall be done on them; but
12 aEx. 11:4, 5
2 a This month shall be your bNum. 33:4 that which everyone must eatthat
beginning of months; it shall be the cEx. 6:2 only may be prepared by you.
first month of the year to you. 17 So you shall observe the Feast
3 Speak to all the congregation 14 aEx. 13:9
bLev. 23:4, 5
of Unleavened Bread, for aon this
of Israel, saying: On the atenth of cEx. 12:17, 24; same day I will have brought your
this month every man shall take for 1armies bout of the land of Egypt.
himself a lamb, according to the Therefore you shall observe this day
house of his father, a lamb for a 15 aLev. 23:6
bGen. 17:14
throughout your generations as an
household. 1soul 2Put to
everlasting ordinance.
4 And if the household is too small death 18 aIn the first month, on the four-
for the lamb, let him and his neigh- teenth day of the month at evening,
bor next to his house take it accord- 16 aLev. 23:2, you shall eat unleavened bread, until
ing to the number of the persons; 7, 8 the twenty-first day of the month at
according to each mans need you evening.
shall make your count for the lamb. 17 aEx. 12:14; 19 For aseven days no leaven shall
13:3, 10
5 Your lamb shall be awithout1 bNum. 33:1 be found in your houses, since who-
blemish, a male 2of the first year. 1hosts ever eats what is leavened, that same
You may take it from the sheep or person shall be cut off from the con-
from the goats. 18 aLev. 23:58 gregation of Israel, whether he is a
6 Now you shall keep it until the stranger or a native of the land.
afourteenth day of the same month. 19 aEx. 12:15; 20 You shall eat nothing leavened;
23:15; 34:18
Then the whole assembly of the in all your dwellings you shall eat
congregation of Israel shall kill it at 21 a[Heb. unleavened bread.
twilight. 11:28] 21 Then aMoses called for all the
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EXODUS 12:22 58
belders of Israel and said to them, 21 bEx. 3:16 35 Now the children of Israel had
cNum. 9:4
cPick out and take lambs for your- done according to the word of
selves according to your families, 22aHeb. 11:28 Moses, and they had asked from the
and kill the Passover lamb. bEx. 12:7 Egyptians aarticles of silver, articles
22 aAnd you shall take a bunch of of gold, and clothing.
23 aEx. 11:4;
hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in 12:12, 13 bEx. 36 aAnd the LORD had given the
the basin, and bstrike the lintel and 24:8 cRev. 7:3; people favor in the sight of the
the two doorposts with the blood 9:4 dHeb. Egyptians, so that they granted
that is in the basin. And none of you 11:28 1Cross- them what they requested. Thus
piece at top of
shall go out of the door of his house door
bthey plundered the Egyptians.
until morning. 37 Then athe children of Israel
23 aFor the LORD will pass 24 aEx. 12:14, journeyed from bRameses to Suc-
through to strike the Egyptians; and 17; 13:5, 10 coth, about csix hundred thousand
when He sees the bblood on the 1lin- 25 aEx. 3:8, 17 men on foot, besides children.
tel and on the two doorposts, the 38 A amixed multitude went up
LORD will pass over the door and 26 aEx. 10:2; with them also, and flocks and
cnot allow dthe destroyer to come 13:8, 14, 15 herdsa great deal of blivestock.
into your houses to strike you. 27 aEx. 12:11 39 And they baked unleavened
24 And you shall aobserve this bEx. 4:31 cakes of the dough which they had
thing as an ordinance for you and brought out of Egypt; for it was not
your sons forever. 28 a[Heb.
11:28] leavened, because athey were driven
25 It will come to pass when you out of Egypt and could not wait, nor
come to the land which the LORD 29 aEx. 11:4, 5 had they prepared provisions for
bNum. 8:17;
will give you, ajust as He promised, themselves.
that you shall keep this service. 33:4 cEx. 9:6
1in prison 40 Now the 1sojourn of the children
26 aAnd it shall be, when your of Israel who lived in 2Egypt was
children say to you, What do you 31 aEx. 10:28, afour hundred and thirty years.
mean by this service? 29 bEx. 8:25; 41 And it came to pass at the end of
11:1 cEx. 10:9
27 that you shall say, aIt is the the four hundred and thirty years
Passover sacrifice of the LORD, who 32 aEx. 10:9, on that very same dayit came to
passed over the houses of the chil- 26 pass that aall the armies of the LORD
dren of Israel in Egypt when He 33 aEx. 10:7 went out from the land of Egypt.
struck the Egyptians and delivered bPs. 105:38 42 It is aa 1night of solemn obser-
our households. So the people vance to the LORD for bringing
bbowed their heads and worshiped. 35 aEx. 3:21,
22; 11:2, 3
them out of the land of Egypt. This
28 Then the children of Israel went is that night of the LORD, a solemn
away and adid so; just as the LORD 36 aEx. 3:21 observance for all the children of
had commanded Moses and Aaron, bGen. 15:14
Israel throughout their generations.
so they did.
37 aNum. 33:3, Passover Regulations
The Tenth Plague: Death of the 5 bGen. 47:11
cEx. 38:26
Firstborn 43 And the LORD said to Moses
38 aNum. 11:4 and Aaron, This is athe ordinance
29 aAnd it came to pass at midnight bDeut. 3:19 of the Passover: No foreigner shall
that bthe LORD struck all the first- eat it.
born in the land of Egypt, from the 39 aEx. 6:1; 44 But every mans servant who is
firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his 11:1; 12:3133
bought for money, when you have
throne to the firstborn of the captive 40 aActs 7:6 acircumcised him, then he may eat it.
who was 1in the dungeon, and all 1Length of the
45 aA sojourner and a hired ser-
the firstborn of clivestock. stay 2Sam., vant shall not eat it.
30 So Pharaoh rose in the night, LXX Egypt
and Canaan 46 In one house it shall be eaten;
he, all his servants, and all the you shall not carry any of the flesh
Egyptians; and there was a great cry 41 aEx. 3:8, 10; outside the house, anor shall you
in Egypt, for there was not a house 6:6; 7:4
break one of its bones.
where there was not one dead. 42 aDeut. 16:1, 47 aAll the congregation of Israel
The Exodus
6 1night of shall keep it.
vigil 48 And awhen a stranger 1dwells
31 Then he acalled for Moses and 43 aNum. 9:14 with you and wants to keep the
Aaron by night, and said, Rise, go Passover to the LORD, let all his
out from among my people, bboth 44 aGen. males be circumcised, and then let
17:12, 13 him come near and keep it; and he
you and the children of Israel. And
go, serve the LORD as you have 45 aLev. 22:10 shall be as a native of the land. For no
csaid. uncircumcised person shall eat it.
32 aAlso take your flocks and your 46 a[John 49 aOne law shall be for the
19:33, 36]
herds, as you have said, and be native-born and for the stranger
gone; and bless me also. 47 aEx. 12:6 who dwells among you.
33 aAnd the Egyptians burged the 50 Thus all the children of Israel
people, that they might send them 48 aNum. 9:14 did; as the LORD commanded Moses
1As a resident
out of the land in haste. For they alien and Aaron, so they did.
said, We shall all be dead. 51 aAnd it came to pass, on that
34 So the people took their dough 49 aNum. very same day, that the LORD
before it was leavened, having their 15:15, 16 brought the children of Israel out of
kneading bowls bound up in their 51 aEx. 12:41; the land of Egypt baccording to their
clothes on their shoulders. 20:2 bEx. 6:26 armies.
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59 EXODUS 14:7
The Firstborn Consecrated CHAPTER 13 go, that athe LORD killed all the first-
born in the land of Egypt, both the
Then the LORD spoke to
13 Moses, saying,
2 aConsecrate1 to Me all the first-
2 aLuke 2:23
1Set apart firstborn of man and the firstborn of
beast. Therefore I sacrifice to the
3 aDeut. 16:3 LORD all males that open the womb,
born, whatever opens the womb bEx. 3:20; 6:1 but all the firstborn of my sons I
among the children of Israel, both cEx. 12:8, 19
of man and beast; it is Mine. 1Lit. slaves
16 It shall be as aa sign on your
The Feast of Unleavened Bread 4 aEx. 12:2; hand and as frontlets between your
23:15; 34:18 eyes, for by strength of hand the
3 And Moses said to the people: LORD brought us out of Egypt.
aRemember this day in which you 5 aEx. 3:8, 17
bGen. 17:8 The Wilderness Way
went out of Egypt, out of the house cEx. 6:8 dEx.
of 1bondage; for bby strength of 12:25, 26 17 Then it came to pass, when
hand the LORD brought you out of Pharaoh had let the people go, that
this place. cNo leavened bread shall 6 aEx. God did not lead them by way of the
be eaten. 12:1520
land of the Philistines, although that
4 aOn this day you are going out, was near; for God said, Lest per-
in the month Abib. 7 aEx. 12:19
5 And it shall be, when the LORD haps the people achange their minds
abrings you into the bland of the 8 aEx. 10:2; when they see war, and breturn to
12:26; 13:14 Egypt.
Canaanites and the Hittites and the
Amorites and the Hivites and the Jeb- 9 aDeut. 6:8;
18 So God aled the people around
usites, which He cswore to your 11:18 by way of the wilderness of the Red
fathers to give you, a land flowing Sea. And the children of Israel went
with milk and honey, dthat you shall 10 aEx. 12:14, up in orderly ranks out of the land
24 1regulation of Egypt.
keep this service in this month.
6 aSeven days you shall eat 19 And Moses took the abones of
11 aEx. 13:5 bJoseph with him, for he had placed
unleavened bread, and on the sev- bNum. 21:3
enth day there shall be a feast to the the children of Israel under solemn
LORD. 12 aLev. 27:26 oath, saying, cGod will surely 1visit
7 Unleavened bread shall be
1Lit. cause to you, and you shall carry up my
pass over bones from here with you.
eaten seven days. And ano leavened
bread shall be seen among you, nor 13 aEx. 34:20
20 So athey took their journey from
bSuccoth and camped in Etham at
shall leaven be seen among you in bNum. 3:46,

all your quarters. 47; 18:15, 16 the edge of the wilderness.

8 And you shall atell your son in 21 And athe LORD went before
that day, saying, This is done 14 aDeut. 6:20
bEx. 13:3, 9
them by day in a pillar of cloud to
because of what the LORD did for lead the way, and by night in a pillar
me when I came up from Egypt. 15 aEx. 12:29
of fire to give them light, so as to go
9 It shall be as aa sign to you on by day and night.
your hand and as a memorial 16 aEx. 13:9 22 He did not take away the pillar
between your eyes, that the LORDs of cloud by day or the pillar of fire
law may be in your mouth; for with 17 aEx. 14:11
bDeut. 17:16
by night from before the people.
a strong hand the LORD has brought The Red Sea Crossing
you out of Egypt. 18 aNum. 33:6
10 aYou shall therefore keep this Now the LORD spoke to Mo-
1ordinance in its season from year
to year.
19 aGen. 50:24,
25 bEx. 1:6;
14 ses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
Deut. athat they turn and camp before bPi
The Law of the Firstborn 33:1317 cEx.
4:31 1give at- Hahiroth, between cMigdol and the
11 And it shall be, when the LORD tention to sea, opposite Baal Zephon; you
abrings you into the land of the shall camp before it by the sea.
bCanaanites, as He swore to you and 20 aNum. 3 For Pharaoh will say of the
33:68 bEx.
your fathers, and gives it to you, 12:37 children of Israel, aThey are bewil-
12 athat you shall 1set apart to the dered by the land; the wilderness
LORD all that open the womb, that 21 aDeut. 1:33 has closed them in.
is, every firstborn that comes from 4 Then aI will harden Pharaohs
an animal which you have; the CHAPTER 14 heart, so that he will pursue them;
males shall be the LORDs. 2 aEx. 13:18
and I bwill gain honor over Pharaoh
13 But aevery firstborn of a don- bNum. 33:7 and over all his army, cthat the
key you shall redeem with a lamb; cJer. 44:1 Egyptians may know that I am the
and if you will not redeem it, then LORD. And they did so.
you shall break its neck. And all the 3 aPs. 71:11 5 Now it was told the king of
firstborn of man among your sons Egypt that the people had fled, and
byou shall redeem. 4 aEx. 4:21; athe heart of Pharaoh and his ser-
7:3; 14:17 bEx.
14 aSo it shall be, when your son 9:16; 14:17, vants was turned against the peo-
asks you in time to come, saying, 18, 23 cEx. ple; and they said, Why have we
What is this? that you shall say to 7:5; 14:25 done this, that we have let Israel go
him, bBy strength of hand the LORD 5 aPs. 105:25
from serving us?
brought us out of Egypt, out of the 6 So he 1made ready his chariot
house of bondage. 6 1harnessed and took his people with him.
15 And it came to pass, when Pha- 7 Also, he took asix hundred
raoh was stubborn about letting us 7 aEx. 15:4 choice chariots, and all the chariots
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EXODUS 14:8 60
of Egypt with captains over every 8 aEx. 14:4
bNum. 33:3
the sea into dry land, and the waters
one of them. were bdivided.
8 And the LORD ahardened the 22 So athe children of Israel went
heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and 9 aJosh. 24:6 into the midst of the sea on the dry
he pursued the children of Israel; ground, and the waters were ba wall
10 aNeh. 9:9
and bthe children of Israel went out to them on their right hand and on
with boldness. their left.
11 aPs. 106:7, 8
9 So the aEgyptians pursued 23 And the Egyptians pursued and
them, all the horses and chariots of 12 aEx. 5:21;
went after them into the midst of the
Pharaoh, his horsemen and his 6:9 sea, all Pharaohs horses, his chari-
army, and overtook them camping ots, and his horsemen.
by the sea beside Pi Hahiroth, 13 a2 Chr. 24 Now it came to pass, in the
before Baal Zephon. 20:15, 17 bPs. morning awatch, that bthe LORD
10 And when Pharaoh drew near, 46:10, 11 cEx. looked down upon the army of the
the children of Israel lifted their 14:30; 15:2 Egyptians through the pillar of fire
dDeut. 28:68
eyes, and behold, the Egyptians 1deliverance and cloud, and He 1troubled the
marched after them. So they were army of the Egyptians.
very afraid, and the children of 14 aDeut. 1:30; 25 And He 1took off their chariot
Israel acried out to the LORD. 3:22 b[Is. wheels, so that they drove them
11 aThen they said to Moses, 30:15] 1Lit. be with difficulty; and the Egyptians
Because there were no graves in quiet said, Let us flee from the face of
Egypt, have you taken us away to Israel, for the LORD afights for them
die in the wilderness? Why have you 16 aNum. 20:8, against the Egyptians.
9, 11 26 Then the LORD said to Moses,
so dealt with us, to bring us up out
of Egypt? Stretch out your hand over the sea,
17 aEx. 14:8 that the waters may come back
12 aIs this not the word that we told bEx. 14:4
you in Egypt, saying, Let us alone upon the Egyptians, on their chari-
that we may serve the Egyptians? 19 a[Is. 63:9]
ots, and on their horsemen.
For it would have been better for us 27 And Moses stretched out his
to serve the Egyptians than that we 21 aPs. 66:6; hand over the sea; and when the
should die in the wilderness. 106:9; 136:13, morning appeared, the sea are-
13 And Moses said to the people, 14 bIs. 63:12, turned to its full depth, while the
aDo not be afraid. bStand still, and 13 Egyptians were fleeing into it. So
see the csalvation1 of the LORD, the LORD boverthrew1 the Egyptians
which He will accomplish for you 22 aEx. 15:19 in the midst of the sea.
bEx. 14:29;
today. For the Egyptians whom you 15:8
28 Then athe waters returned and
see today, you shall dsee again no covered the chariots, the horsemen,
more forever. 24 aJudg. 7:19
and all the army of Pharaoh that
14 aThe LORD will fight for you, bEx. 13:21 came into the sea after them. Not so
and you shall bhold1 your peace. 1confused much as one of them remained.
15 And the LORD said to Moses, 29 But athe children of Israel had
Why do you cry to Me? Tell the 25 aEx. 7:5; walked on dry land in the midst of
children of Israel to go forward. 14:4, 14, 18
1Sam., LXX,
the sea, and the waters were a wall
16 But alift up your rod, and Syr. bound
to them on their right hand and on
stretch out your hand over the sea their left.
and divide it. And the children of 27 aJosh. 4:18
30 So the LORD asaved1 Israel that
Israel shall go on dry ground bEx. 15:1, 7 day out of the hand of the Egyp-
through the midst of the sea. 1Lit. shook off tians, and Israel bsaw the Egyptians
17 And I indeed will aharden the dead on the seashore.
hearts of the Egyptians, and they 28 aPs. 78:53; 31 Thus Israel saw the great 1work
shall follow them. So I will bgain 106:11 which the LORD had done in Egypt;
honor over Pharaoh and over all his so the people feared the LORD, and
29 aPs. 66:6; abelieved the LORD and His servant
army, his chariots, and his horsemen. 78:52, 53
18 Then the Egyptians shall know Moses.
that I am the LORD, when I have 30 aPs. 106:8, The Song of Moses
gained honor for Myself over 10 bPs. 58:10;
Pharaoh, his chariots, and his Then aMoses and the children
19 And the Angel of God, awho
15 of Israel sang this song to the
LORD, and spoke, saying:
went before the camp of Israel, 31 aJohn 2:11;
11:45 1Lit.
moved and went behind them; and hand with I will bsing to the LORD,
the pillar of cloud went from before which the For He has triumphed
them and stood behind them. LORD worked gloriously!
20 So it came between the camp of The horse and its rider
the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. CHAPTER 15 He has thrown into the sea!
Thus it was a cloud and darkness to 2 The LORD is my strength and
the one, and it gave light by night to asong,
the other, so that the one did not 1 aPs. 106:12
bIs. 12:16
And He has become my
come near the other all that night. salvation;
21 Then Moses stretched out his He is my God, and bI will praise
2 aIs. 12:2
hand over the sea; and the LORD bGen. 28:21, Him;
caused the sea to go back by a strong 22 cEx. 3:6, My cfathers God, and I dwill
east wind all that night, and amade 15, 16 dIs. 25:1 exalt Him.
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61 EXODUS 15:27
3 The LORD is a man of awar; 3 aRev. 19:11
bPs. 24:8;
They will be bas still as a stone,
The LORD is His bname. 83:18
Till Your people pass over, O
4 aPharaohs chariots and his LORD,
army He has cast into the 4 aEx. 14:28 Till the people pass over
bEx. 14:7
sea; cWhom You have purchased.
bHis chosen captains also are 17 You will bring them in and
5 aNeh. 9:11
drowned in the Red Sea. aplant them
5 The depths have covered them; 6 aPs. 17:7; In the bmountain of Your
aThey sank to the bottom like a 118:15 inheritance,
stone. 7 aDeut. 33:26 In the place, O LORD, which You
bPs. 78:49, 50 have made
6 Your aright hand, O LORD, has cPs. 59:13 dIs.
For Your own dwelling,
become glorious in power; 5:24 The csanctuary, O Lord, which
Your right hand, O LORD, has 8 aEx. 14:21, Your hands have established.
dashed the enemy in pieces. 22, 29 bPs.
7 And in the greatness of Your 78:13 18 Thea LORD shall reign forever
aexcellence 1became firm
and ever.
You have overthrown those 9 aJudg. 5:30
who rose against You; bIs. 53:12 19 For the ahorses of Pharaoh went
You sent forth bYour wrath; with his chariots and his horsemen
It cconsumed them dlike 11 a1 Kin. 8:23
bIs. 6:3 c1 Chr. into the sea, and bthe LORD brought
stubble. 16:25 dPs. back the waters of the sea upon
8 And awith the blast of Your 77:11, 14 them. But the children of Israel went
nostrils 1mighty ones
on dry land in the midst of the sea.
The waters were gathered
together; 13 a[Ps. 77:20]
bPs. 78:54 The Song of Miriam
bThe floods stood upright like a
heap; 14 aJosh. 2:9 20 Then Miriam athe prophetess,
bthe sister of Aaron, ctook the tim-
The depths 1congealed in the bPs. 48:6

heart of the sea. 1Anguish

brel in her hand; and all the women
9 aThe enemy said, I will pursue, 15 aGen. 36:15,
went out after her dwith timbrels
I will overtake, 40 bDeut. 2:4 and with dances.
I will bdivide the spoil; cNum. 22:3, 4 21 And Miriam aanswered them:
dJosh. 5:1
My desire shall be satisfied on eJosh. 2:911,
them. bSing to the LORD,
I will draw my sword, For He has triumphed
My hand shall destroy them. 16aJosh. 2:9 gloriously!
b1 Sam. 25:37
10 You blew with Your wind, cJer. 31:11
The horse and its rider
The sea covered them; He has thrown into the sea!
They sank like lead in the 17 aPs. 44:2;
mighty waters. 80:8, 15 bPs. Bitter Waters Made Sweet
2:6; 78:54, 68
cPs. 68:16; 22 So Moses brought Israel from
11 Whoa is like You, O LORD, 76:2; 132:13, the Red Sea; then they went out into
among the 1gods? 14 the Wilderness of aShur. And they
Who is like You, bglorious in went three days in the wilderness
holiness, 18 aIs. 57:15
and found no bwater.
Fearful in cpraises, ddoing 19 aEx. 14:23 23 Now when they came to aMarah,
wonders? bEx. 14:28
they could not drink the waters of
12 You stretched out Your right Marah, for they were bitter. There-
hand; 20 aJudg. 4:4
The earth swallowed them.
bNum. 26:59 fore the name of it was called
c1 Sam. 18:6 1Marah.
13 You in Your mercy have aled dJudg. 11:34;
forth 21:21 24 And the people acomplained
The people whom You have against Moses, saying, What shall
redeemed; 21 a1 Sam. we drink?
18:7 bEx. 15:1 25 So he cried out to the LORD, and
You have guided them in Your
strength 22 aGen. 16:7; the LORD showed him a tree. aWhen
To bYour holy habitation. 20:1; 25:18 he cast it into the waters, the waters
bNum. 20:2
were made sweet. There He bmade a
14 The apeople will hear and be 23 aNum. 33:8
statute and an 1ordinance for them,
afraid; 1Lit. Bitter and there cHe tested them,
bSorrow1 will take hold of the 26 and said, aIf you diligently heed
inhabitants of Philistia. 24 aEx. 14:11; the voice of the LORD your God and
15 aThen bthe chiefs of Edom will do what is right in His sight, give
be dismayed; 25 a2 Kin. 2:21 ear to His commandments and keep
cThe mighty men of Moab, bJosh. 24:25 all His statutes, I will put none of the
cDeut. 8:2, 16 bdiseases on you which I have
Trembling will take hold of 1regulation
them; brought on the Egyptians. For I am
dAll the inhabitants of Canaan 26 aDeut. 7:12, the LORD cwho heals you.
will emelt away. 15 bDeut. 27 aThen they came to Elim, where
16 aFear and dread will fall on 28:27, 58, 60 there were twelve wells of water
cEx. 23:25
them; and seventy palm trees; so they
By the greatness of Your arm 27 aNum. 33:9 camped there by the waters.
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EXODUS 16:1 62
Bread from Heaven CHAPTER 16 and in the morning bthe dew lay all
1 aNum. 33:10, around the camp.
And they ajourneyed from
16 Elim, and all the congregation
of the children of Israel came to the
11; Ezek.
30:15 bEx.
12:6, 51; 19:1
14 And when the layer of dew lifted,
there, on the surface of the wilder-
2 aEx. 14:11;
ness, was aa small round bsub-
Wilderness of Sin, which is between stance, as fine as frost on the
Elim and bSinai, on the fifteenth day 15:24; Ps.
106:25; 1 Cor. ground.
of the second month after they 10:10 15 So when the children of Israel
departed from the land of Egypt. 3 aEx. 17:3; saw it, they said to one another,
2 Then the whole congregation of Num. 14:2, 3; What is it? For they did not know
the children of Israel acomplained 20:3; Lam. 4:9
bNum. 11:4, 5 what it was. And Moses said to
against Moses and Aaron in the them, aThis is the bread which the
wilderness. 4 aNeh. 9:15;
3 And the children of Israel said Ps. 78:2325; LORD has given you to eat.
to them, aOh, that we had died by
105:40; [John 16 This is the thing which the
6:3135]; LORD has commanded: Let every
the hand of the LORD in the land of 1 Cor. 10:3
bEx. 15:25; man gather it aaccording to each
Egypt, bwhen we sat by the pots of
meat and when we ate bread to the Deut. 8:2, 16 ones need, one bomer for each per-
cJudg. 2:22
full! For you have brought us out 1Lit. the por-
son, according to the number of
into this wilderness to kill this tion of a day persons; let every man take for
whole assembly with hunger. in its day those who are in his tent.
4 Then the LORD said to Moses, 5 aEx. 16:22, 17 Then the children of Israel did so
Behold, I will rain abread from 29; Lev. 25:21 and gathered, some more, some less.
heaven for you. And the people shall 6 aEx. 6:7 18 So when they measured it by
go out and gather 1a certain quota 7 aEx. 16:10, omers, ahe who gathered much had
every day, that I may btest them, 12; Is. 35:2; nothing left over, and he who gath-
40:5; John ered little had no lack. Every man
whether they will cwalk in My law 11:4, 40
or not. bNum. 14:27; had gathered according to each
5 And it shall be on the sixth day 17:5 cNum. ones need.
that they shall prepare what they 16:11 19 And Moses said, Let no one
8 a1 Sam. 8:7; aleave any of it till morning.
bring in, and ait shall be twice as Luke 10:16;
much as they gather daily. 20 Notwithstanding they did not
[Rom. 13:2]; 1heed Moses. But some of them left
6 Then Moses and Aaron said to 1 Thess. 4:8
all the children of Israel, aAt 9 aNum. 16:16
part of it until morning, and it bred
evening you shall know that the worms and stank. And Moses was
10 aEx. 13:21;
LORD has brought you out of the 16:7; Num. angry with them.
land of Egypt. 16:19; 1 Kin. 21 So they gathered it every morn-
7 And in the morning you shall 8:10 ing, every man according to his
see athe glory of the LORD; for He 12 aEx. 16:8; need. And when the sun became
bhears your complaints against the Num. 14:27 hot, it melted.
bEx. 16:6 cEx.
LORD. But cwhat are we, that you 16:7; 1 Kin. 22 And so it was, on the sixth day,
complain against us? 20:28; Joel that they gathered twice as much
8 Also Moses said, This shall be 3:17 bread, two omers for each one. And
seen when the LORD gives you 13 aNum. all the rulers of the congregation
11:31; Ps. came and told Moses.
meat to eat in the evening, and in 78:2729;
the morning bread to the full; for 105:40 bNum. 23 Then he said to them, This is
the LORD hears your complaints 11:9 what the LORD has said: Tomorrow
which you make against Him. And 14 aEx. 16:31; is aa Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to
what are we? Your complaints are Num. 11:7, 8; the LORD. Bake what you will bake
not against us but aagainst the Deut. 8:3; today, and boil what you will boil;
Neh. 9:15; Ps.
LORD. 78:24; 105:40 and lay up for yourselves all that
9 Then Moses spoke to Aaron, bPs. 147:16 remains, to be kept until morning.
Say to all the congregation of the 15 aEx. 16:4; 24 So they laid it up till morning, as
children of Israel, aCome near Neh. 9:15; Ps. Moses commanded; and it did not
before the LORD, for He has heard 78:24; [John astink, nor were there any worms in
6:31, 49, 58];
your complaints. 1 Cor. 10:3 it.
10 Now it came to pass, as Aaron 16 aEx. 12:4
25 Then Moses said, Eat that
spoke to the whole congregation of bEx. 16:32, 36 today, for today is a Sabbath to the
the children of Israel, that they 18 a2 Cor. 8:15 LORD; today you will not find it in
looked toward the wilderness, and 19 aEx. 12:10;
the field.
behold, the glory of the LORD aap- 16:23; 23:18 26 aSix days you shall gather it,
peared in the cloud. 20 1listen to but on the seventh day, the Sabbath,
11 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 23 aGen. 2:3;
there will be none.
saying, Ex. 20:811; 27 Now it happened that some of
12 aI have heard the complaints of 23:12; 31:15; the people went out on the seventh
the children of Israel. Speak to 35:2; Lev. day to gather, but they found none.
23:3; Neh.
them, saying, bAt twilight you shall 9:13, 14 28 And the LORD said to Moses,
eat meat, and cin the morning you 24 aEx. 16:20
How long ado you refuse to keep
shall be filled with bread. And you My commandments and My laws?
26 aEx. 20:9,
shall know that I am the LORD your 10 29 See! For the LORD has given you
God. 28 a2 Kin.
the Sabbath; therefore He gives you
13 So it was that aquails came up 17:14; Ps. on the sixth day bread for two days.
at evening and covered the camp, 78:10; 106:13 Let every man remain in his place;
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63 EXODUS 18:7
let no man go out of his place on the 31 aNum. 3tempted the LORD, saying, Is the
seventh day. 11:79 1Lit. LORD among us or not?
What, Ex.
30 So the people rested on the sev- 16:15
enth day. Victory over the Amalekites
33 aHeb. 9:4
31 And the house of Israel called 8 aNow Amalek came and fought
its name 1Manna. And ait was like 34aNum.
with Israel in Rephidim.
white coriander seed, and the taste 17:10
9 And Moses said to Joshua,
of it was like wafers made with 35 aDeut. 8:3, Choose us some men and go out,
honey. 16 bNum. fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will
32 Then Moses said, This is the 33:38 cJosh.
5:12 stand on the top of the hill with athe
thing which the LORD has com- rod of God in my hand.
manded: Fill an omer with it, to be CHAPTER 17 10 So Joshua did as Moses said to
kept for your generations, that they him, and fought with Amalek. And
1 aEx. 16:1
may see the bread with which I fed bNum. Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to
you in the wilderness, when I brought 33:1115 cEx. the top of the hill.
you out of the land of Egypt. 15:22 11 And so it was, when Moses
33 And Moses said to Aaron, 2 aNum. 20:2, aheld up his hand, that Israel pre-
aTake a pot and put an omer of 3, 13 b[Deut. vailed; and when he let down his
manna in it, and lay it up before the 6:16] hand, Amalek prevailed.
LORD, to be kept for your genera- 3 aEx. 16:2, 3 12 But Moses hands became
tions. bEx. 12:38 1heavy; so they took a stone and put
34 As the LORD commanded 4 aEx. 14:15 it under him, and he sat on it. And
Moses, so Aaron laid it up abefore bJohn 8:59; Aaron and Hur supported his
the Testimony, to be kept. 10:31 1Put me hands, one on one side, and the
35 And the children of Israel aate to death by
other on the other side; and his
manna bforty years, cuntil they came hands were steady until the going
to an inhabited land; they ate 5 aEzek. 2:6 down of the sun.
bNum. 20:8
manna until they came to the border 13 So Joshua defeated Amalek and
of the land of Canaan. 6 aNum. his people with the edge of the
36 Now an omer is one-tenth of an 20:10, 11 sword.
ephah. 7 aNum. 14 Then the LORD said to Moses,
20:13, 24; aWrite this for a memorial in the
Water from the Rock 27:14 1Lit. book and recount it in the hearing
Tempted 2Lit.
Then aall the congregation of of Joshua, that bI will utterly blot out
17 the children of Israel set out
on their journey from the Wilder-
3tested the remembrance of Amalek from
under heaven.
8 aGen. 36:12
ness of bSin, according to the com- 15 And Moses built an altar and
mandment of the LORD, and 9 aEx. 4:20 called its name, 1The-LORD-Is-My-
camped in Rephidim; but there was 11 a[James Banner;
no water for the people to cdrink. 5:16] 16 for he said, Because 1the LORD
2 aTherefore the people contended 12 1Weary of
has asworn: the LORD will have war
with Moses, and said, Give us being held up with Amalek from generation to
water, that we may drink. So Moses generation.
14 aEx. 24:4;
said to them, Why do you contend 34:27 b1 Sam. Jethros Advice
with me? Why do you btempt the 15:3
LORD? And aJethro, the priest of Mid-
3 And the people thirsted there
for water, and the people acom-
YHWH Nissi 18 ian, Moses father-in-law,
heard of all that bGod had done for
plained against Moses, and said, 16 aGen.
22:1416 1Lit. Moses and for Israel His people
Why is it you have brought us up a hand is that the LORD had brought Israel
out of Egypt, to kill us and our chil- upon the out of Egypt.
dren and our blivestock with thirst? throne of the 2 Then Jethro, Moses father-in-
4 So Moses acried out to the law, took aZipporah, Moses wife,
LORD, saying, What shall I do with CHAPTER 18 after he had sent her back,
this people? They are almost ready 3 with her atwo sons, of whom the
1 aEx. 2:16, 18;
to bstone1 me! 3:1 b[Ps. name of one was 1Gershom (for he
5 And the LORD said to Moses, 106:2, 8] said, bI have been a 2stranger in a
aGo on before the people, and take foreign land)
2 aEx. 2:21;
with you some of the elders of 4:2026 4 and the name of the other was
Israel. Also take in your hand your 1Eliezer (for he said, The God of my
rod with which byou struck the river, 3 aActs 7:29 father was my ahelp, and delivered
bEx. 2:22 1Lit.
and go. Stranger me from the sword of Pharaoh);
6 aBehold, I will stand before you There 5 and Jethro, Moses father-in-
there on the rock in Horeb; and you 2sojourner,
law, came with his sons and his wife
shall strike the rock, and water will temporary to Moses in the wilderness, where
come out of it, that the people may he was encamped at athe mountain
drink. And Moses did so in the 4 aGen. 49:25
1Lit. My God
of God.
sight of the elders of Israel. Is Help
6 Now he had said to Moses, I,
7 So he called the name of the your father-in-law Jethro, am com-
place aMassah1 and 2Meribah, 5 aEx. 3:1, 12; ing to you with your wife and her
because of the contention of the 4:27; 24:13 two sons with her.
children of Israel, and because they 7 aGen. 18:2 7 So Moses awent out to meet his
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EXODUS 18:8 64
father-in-law, bowed down, and 7 bEx. 4:27 22 And let them judge the people
bkissed him. And they asked each
8 aEx. 15:6, 16 at all times. aThen it will be that
other about their well-being, and every great matter they shall bring
they went into the tent. 9 a[Is. 63:714] to you, but every small matter they
8 And Moses told his father-in-law 10 aGen. 14:20 themselves shall judge. So it will be
all that the LORD had done to easier for you, for bthey will bear
Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for 11 a2 Chr. 2:5 the burden with you.
bEx. 1:10, 16,
Israels sake, all the hardship that 22; 5:2, 7 23 If you do this thing, and God so
had come upon them on the way, and cLuke 1:51 commands you, then you will be
how the LORD had adelivered them. 1acted pre- able to endure, and all this people
9 Then Jethro rejoiced for all the sumptuously will also go to their aplace in peace.
agood which the LORD had done for
12 aEx. 24:5 24 So Moses heeded the voice of
Israel, whom He had delivered out bDeut. 12:7 his father-in-law and did all that he
1So with MT,
of the hand of the Egyptians. had said.
LXX; Syr.,
10 And Jethro said, aBlessed be Tg., Vg. 25 And aMoses chose able men out
the LORD, who has delivered you offered of all Israel, and made them heads
out of the hand of the Egyptians and over the people: rulers of thousands,
13 aMatt. 23:2
out of the hand of Pharaoh, and who rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties,
has delivered the people from under 14 1Sit as and rulers of tens.
the hand of the Egyptians. judge 26 So they judged the people at all
11 Now I know that the LORD is 15 aLev. 24:12 times; the ahard1 cases they brought
agreater than all the gods; bfor in the to Moses, but they judged every
very thing in which they 1behaved 16 aEx. 24:14 small case themselves.
cproudly, He was above them. 27 Then Moses let his father-in-law
12 Then Jethro, Moses father-in- 18 aNum. depart, and ahe went his way to his
law, 1took a burnt aoffering and 11:14, 17 own land.
other sacrifices to offer to God. And 19 aEx. 4:16;
Aaron came with all the elders of 20:19 bNum.
Israel at Mount Sinai
Israel bto eat bread with Moses 9:8; 27:5 In the third month after the
father-in-law before God.
13 And so it was, on the next day,

20 aDeut. 5:1
19 children of Israel had gone
out of the land of Egypt, on the
that Moses asat to judge the people; bDeut. 1:18
same day, athey came to the Wilder-
and the people stood before Moses 21 aActs 6:3 ness of Sinai.
from morning until evening. b2 Sam. 23:3 2 For they had departed from
14 So when Moses father-in-law cEzek. 18:8 aRephidim, had come to the Wilder-
dDeut. 16:19
saw all that he did for the people, he ness of Sinai, and camped in the
said, What is this thing that you are 22 aDeut. 1:17 wilderness. So Israel camped there
doing for the people? Why do you bNum. 11:17
before bthe mountain.
alone 1sit, and all the people stand 23 aEx. 16:29 3 And aMoses went up to God,
before you from morning until and the LORD bcalled to him from
evening? 25 aDeut. 1:15 the mountain, saying, Thus you
15 And Moses said to his father-in- 26 aJob 29:16 shall say to the house of Jacob, and
law, Because athe people come to 1difficult mat- tell the children of Israel:
me to inquire of God. ters 4 aYou have seen what I did to the
16 When they have aa 1difficulty, 27 aNum. Egyptians, and how bI 1bore you on
they come to me, and I judge between 10:29, 30 eagles wings and brought you to
one and another; and I make known Myself.
the statutes of God and His laws. CHAPTER 19 5 Now atherefore, if you will
17 So Moses father-in-law said to 1 aNum. 33:15 indeed obey My voice and bkeep My
him, The thing that you do is not covenant, then cyou shall be a spe-
good. 2 aEx. 17:1
bEx. 3:1, 12; cial treasure to Me above all people;
18 Both you and these people who 18:5 for all the earth is dMine.
are with you will surely wear your- 6 And you shall be to Me a aking-
selves out. For this thing is too much 3 aActs 7:38 dom of priests and a bholy nation.
bEx. 3:4
for you; ayou are not able to perform These are the words which you shall
it by yourself. 4 aDeut. 29:2 speak to the children of Israel.
bIs. 63:9 1sus-
19 Listen now to my voice; I will 7 So Moses came and called for
give you 1counsel, and God will be the aelders of the people, and 1laid
with you: Stand abefore God for the 5 aEx. 15:26; before them all these words which
people, so that you may bbring the 23:22 bDeut. the LORD commanded him.
difficulties to God. 5:2 cPs. 135:4
dEx. 9:29 8 Then aall the people answered
20 And you shall ateach them the together and said, All that the
statutes and the laws, and show 6 a[1 Pet. 2:5, LORD has spoken we will do. So
them the way in which they must 9] bDeut. 7:6; Moses brought back the words of
14:21; 26:19
walk and bthe work they must do. the people to the LORD.
21 Moreover you shall select from 7 aEx. 4:29, 30
9 And the LORD said to Moses,
all the people aable men, such as Behold, I come to you ain the thick
bfear God, cmen of truth, dhating cloud, bthat the people may hear
8 aDeut. 5:27;
covetousness; and place such over 26:17 when I speak with you, and believe
them to be rulers of thousands, 9 aEx. 19:16;
you forever. So Moses told the
rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, 20:21; 24:15 words of the people to the LORD.
and rulers of tens. bDeut. 4:12, 36 10 Then the LORD said to Moses,
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65 EXODUS 20:17
Go to the people and aconsecrate 10 aLev. 11:44, 25 So Moses went down to the peo-
them today and tomorrow, and let 45
ple and spoke to them.
them wash their clothes. 12 aHeb. 12:20
11 And let them be ready for the The Ten Commandments
third day. For on the third day the 15 a[1 Cor. 7:5]
And God spoke all thesea
LORD will come down upon Mount
Sinai in the sight of all the people. 16 aHeb.
12:18, 19
20 words, saying:
2 I am the L
a your God, who
12 You shall set bounds for the bHeb. 12:21
people all around, saying, Take brought you out of the
heed to yourselves that you do not 17 aDeut. 4:10 land of Egypt, bout of the
go up to the mountain or touch its house of 1bondage.
base. aWhoever touches the moun- 18 aDeut. 4:11 3 aYou shall have no other gods
bEx. 3:2; 24:17
tain shall surely be put to death. cGen. 15:17;
before Me.
13 Not a hand shall touch him, but 19:28 dPs. 68:8 4 aYou shall not make for your-

he shall surely be stoned or shot 1LXX all the self a carved imageany
with an arrow; whether man or people likeness of anything that is
beast, he shall not live. When the in heaven above, or that is
19 aHeb. 12:21 in the earth beneath, or
trumpet sounds long, they shall bPs. 81:7
come near the mountain. that is in the water under
14 So Moses went down from the 21 a1 Sam. the earth;
mountain to the people and sancti- 6:19 5 ayou shall not bow down

fied the people, and they washed to them nor 1serve them.
22 aEx. 19:24; bFor I, the LORD your God,
their clothes. 24:5 bLev.
15 And he said to the people, Be 10:3; 21:68 am a jealous God, cvisiting2
ready for the third day; ado not c2 Sam. 6:7, 8 the iniquity of the fathers
come near your wives. upon the children to the
23 aEx. 19:12 third and fourth genera-
16 Then it came to pass on the
third day, in the morning, that there tions of those who hate
were athunderings and lightnings, CHAPTER 20 Me,
and a thick cloud on the mountain; 6 but ashowing mercy to
and the sound of the trumpet was 1 aDeut. 5:22 thousands, to those who
very loud, so that all the people who love Me and keep My
were in the camp btrembled. 2 aHos. 13:4 commandments.
bEx. 13:3
17 And aMoses brought the people 1slaves
7 aYou shall not take the name of

out of the camp to meet with God, the LORD your God in
and they stood at the foot of the 3 aJer. 25:6; vain, for the LORD bwill
mountain. 35:15 not hold him guiltless who
18 Now aMount Sinai was com- takes His name in vain.
pletely in smoke, because the LORD 4 aDeut. 8 aRemember the Sabbath day, to
4:1519; 27:15
descended upon bit in fire. cIts keep it holy.
smoke ascended like the smoke of a 5 aIs. 44:15, 19 9 aSix days you shall labor

furnace, and 1the dwhole mountain bDeut. 4:24 and do all your work,
quaked greatly. cNum. 14:18,
10 but the aseventh day is the
33 1worship
19 And when the blast of the trum- 2punishing Sabbath of the LORD your
pet sounded long and became louder God. In it you shall do
and louder, aMoses spoke, and bGod 6 aDeut. 7:9 no work: you, nor your
answered him by voice. son, nor your daughter,
20 Then the LORD came down 7 aLev. 19:12 nor your male servant, nor
bMic. 6:11
upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the your female servant, nor
mountain. And the LORD called 8 aLev. 26:2 your cattle, bnor your
Moses to the top of the mountain, stranger who is within
and Moses went up. 9 aLuke 13:14 your gates.
21 And the LORD said to Moses, 11 For ain six days the LORD
Go down and warn the people, lest 10 aGen. 2:2, 3 made the heavens and the
they break through ato gaze at the 13:1619 earth, the sea, and all that
LORD, and many of them perish. is in them, and rested the
22 Also let the apriests who come 11 aEx. 31:17 seventh day. Therefore the
near the LORD bconsecrate them- LORD blessed the Sabbath
selves, lest the LORD cbreak out 12 aLev. 19:3 day and hallowed it.
bDeut. 5:16,
against them. 33; 6:2; 11:8, 9 12 aHonor your father and your
23 But Moses said to the LORD, mother, that your days
The people cannot come up to 13 aRom. 13:9 may be blong upon the
Mount Sinai; for You warned us, say- land which the LORD your
ing, aSet bounds around the moun- 14 aMatt. 5:27 God is giving you.
bDeut. 5:18
tain and consecrate it. 13 aYou shall not murder.
24 Then the LORD said to him, 15 aLev. 19:11, 14 aYou shall not commit badultery.
Away! Get down and then come 13 15 aYou shall not steal.
up, you and Aaron with you. But do 16 aYou shall not bear false wit-
not let the priests and the people 16 aDeut. 5:20 ness against your neigh-
break through to come up to the 17 a[Eph. 5:3,
LORD, lest He break out against 5] b[Matt. 17 aYou shall not covet your neigh-
them. 5:28] bors house; byou shall
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EXODUS 20:18 66
not covet your neighbors 18 aHeb. 12:18, him to the door, or to the doorpost,
wife, nor his male servant, 19 bRev. 1:10, and his master shall pierce his ear
12 cEx. 19:16,
nor his female servant, nor 18 with an awl; and he shall serve him
his ox, nor his donkey, nor forever.
anything that is your 19 aHeb. 12:19
bDeut. 5:5,
7 And if a man asells his daughter
neighbors. 2327
to be a female slave, she shall not go
out as the male slaves do.
The People Afraid of Gods 20 a[Is. 41:10, 8 If she 1does not please her mas-
Presence 13] b[Deut. ter, who has betrothed her to him-
13:3] cIs. 8:13 self, then he shall let her be
18 Now aall the people bwitnessed
the thunderings, the lightning 21 aEx. 19:16 redeemed. He shall have no right to
flashes, the sound of the trumpet, sell her to a foreign people, since he
and the mountain csmoking; and 22 aDeut. 4:36; has dealt deceitfully with her.
when the people saw it, they trem- 5:24, 26 9 And if he has betrothed her to
bled and stood afar off. 23 aEx. 32:1, his son, he shall deal with her accord-
19 Then they said to Moses, aYou 2, 4 ing to the custom of daughters.
speak with us, and we will hear; but 10 If he takes another wife, he
blet not God speak with us, lest we 24 aEx. 20:25; shall not diminish her food, her
27:18 bEx.
die. 24:5 c2 Chr. clothing, aand her marriage rights.
20 And Moses said to the people, 6:6 dGen. 12:2 11 And if he does not do these
aDo not fear; bfor God has come to 1cause My three for her, then she shall go out
test you, and cthat His fear may be name to be free, without paying money.
before you, so that you may not sin.
21 So the people stood afar off, but 25 aDeut. 27:5
The Law Concerning Violence
Moses drew near athe thick dark- bJosh. 8:30, 31
12 aHe who strikes a man so that
ness where God was. 26 aEx. 28:42, he dies shall surely be put to death.
The Law of the Altar 43 13 However, aif he did not lie in
wait, but God bdelivered him into his
22 Then the LORD said to Moses, CHAPTER 21 hand, then cI will appoint for you a
Thus you shall say to the children 1 aDeut. 4:14; place where he may flee.
of Israel: You have seen that I have 6:1 1ordi- 14 But if a man acts with apremed-
talked with you afrom heaven. nances itation against his neighbor, to kill
23 You shall not make anything to him by treachery, byou shall take
be awith Megods of silver or gods 2 aJer. 34:14
him from My altar, that he may die.
of gold you shall not make for your- 5 aDeut. 15 And he who strikes his father
selves. 15:16, 17 or his mother shall surely be put to
24 An altar of aearth you shall death.
make for Me, and you shall sacrifice 6 aEx. 12:12;
22:8, 9 16 aHe who kidnaps a man and
on it your burnt offerings and your bsells him, or if he is cfound in his
peace offerings, byour sheep and 7 aNeh. 5:5 hand, shall surely be put to death.
your oxen. In every cplace where I 17 And ahe who curses his father
1record My name I will come to you, 8 1Lit. is evil or his mother shall surely be put to
in the eyes of
and I will dbless you. death.
25 And aif you make Me an altar of 10 a[1 Cor. 7:3, 18 If men contend with each
stone, you shall not build it of hewn 5] other, and one strikes the other with
stone; for if you buse your tool on it, 12 a[Matt.
a stone or with his fist, and he does
you have profaned it. 26:52] not die but is confined to his bed,
26 Nor shall you go up by steps to 19 if he rises again and walks
My altar, that your anakedness may 13 aDeut. 19:4, about outside awith his staff, then he
not be exposed on it. 5 b1 Sam. who struck him shall be 1acquitted.
24:4, 10, 18
The Law Concerning Servants cNum. 35:11 He shall only pay for the loss of his
time, and shall provide for him to be
Now these are the 1judg-
21 ments which you shall aset
before them:
14 aDeut.
19:11, 12
b1 Kin.
thoroughly healed.
20 And if a man beats his male or
female servant with a rod, so that he
2 aIf you buy a Hebrew servant, dies under his hand, he shall surely
he shall serve six years; and in the 16 aDeut. 24:7 be punished.
bGen. 37:28
seventh he shall go out free and cEx. 22:4
21 Notwithstanding, if he remains
pay nothing. alive a day or two, he shall not be
3 If he comes in by himself, he 17 aMark 7:10 punished; for he is his aproperty.
shall go out by himself; if he comes 22 If men 1fight, and hurt a
in married, then his wife shall go 19 a2 Sam. woman with child, so that 2she gives
3:29 1exempt
out with him. from punish- birth prematurely, yet no harm fol-
4 If his master has given him a ment lows, he shall surely be punished
wife, and she has borne him sons or accordingly as the womans hus-
daughters, the wife and her children 21 aLev. band imposes on him; and he shall
shall be her masters, and he shall 25:4446 apay as the judges determine.
go out by himself. 22 aEx. 18:21, 23 But if any harm follows, then
5 aBut if the servant plainly says, 22; 21:30 you shall give life for life,
1struggle 2Lit.
I love my master, my wife, and my 24 aeye for eye, tooth for tooth,
children; I will not go out free, her children hand for hand, foot for foot,
come out
6 then his master shall bring him 25 burn for burn, wound for
to the ajudges. He shall also bring 24 aLev. 24:20 wound, stripe for stripe.
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67 EXODUS 22:23
26 If a man strikes the eye of his 28 aGen. 9:5 the best of his own field and the best
1exempt from
male or female servant, and destroys punishment
of his own vineyard.
it, he shall let him go free for the sake 6 If fire breaks out and catches in
of his eye. 29 1was thorns, so that stacked grain, stand-
27 And if he knocks out the tooth inclined ing grain, or the field is consumed,
of his male or female servant, he he who kindled the fire shall surely
shall let him go free for the sake of 30 aEx. 21:22; make restitution.
Num. 35:31
his tooth. 7 If a man adelivers to his neigh-
32 aZech. bor money or articles to keep, and it
Animal Control Laws 11:12, 13; is stolen out of the mans house, bif
28 If an ox gores a man or a Matt. 26:15; the thief is found, he shall pay dou-
27:3, 9 bEx.
woman to death, then athe ox shall 21:28 ble.
surely be stoned, and its flesh shall 8 If the thief is not found, then
not be eaten; but the owner of the ox the master of the house shall be
shall be 1acquitted. CHAPTER 22 brought to the ajudges to see
29 But if the ox 1tended to thrust whether he has put his hand into his
with its horn in times past, and it 1a2 Sam. 12:6; neighbors goods.
has been made known to his owner, Prov. 6:31; 9 For any kind of trespass,
Luke 19:8
and he has not kept it confined, so whether it concerns an ox, a donkey,
that it has killed a man or a woman, 2 aJob 24:16; a sheep, or clothing, or for any kind
the ox shall be stoned and its owner Matt. 6:19; of lost thing which another claims to
also shall be put to death. 24:43; 1 Pet. be his, the acause of both parties
4:15 bNum. shall come before the judges; and
30 If there is imposed on him a 35:27
sum of money, then he shall pay ato whomever the judges condemn shall
redeem his life, whatever is imposed 3 aEx. 21:2; pay double to his neighbor.
on him. Matt. 18:25 10 If a man delivers to his neigh-
1Sold as a
31 Whether it has gored a son or bor a donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any
slave animal to keep, and it dies, is hurt,
gored a daughter, according to this
judgment it shall be done to him. 4 aEx. 21:16 or driven away, no one seeing it,
32 If the ox gores a male or female bProv. 6:31 11 then an aoath of the LORD shall
servant, he shall give to their master be between them both, that he has
athirty shekels of silver, and the box 7 aLev. 6:17
bEx. 22:4
not put his hand into his neighbors
shall be stoned. goods; and the owner of it shall
33 And if a man opens a pit, or if a 8 aEx. 21:6, 22;
accept that, and he shall not make
man digs a pit and does not cover it, 22:28; Deut. it good.
and an ox or a donkey falls in it, 17:8, 9; 19:17 12 But aif, in fact, it is stolen from
34 the owner of the pit shall make him, he shall make restitution to the
it good; he shall give money to their 9 aDeut. 25:1; owner of it.
2 Chr. 19:10
owner, but the dead animal shall be 13 If it is atorn to pieces by a
his. 11 aHeb. 6:16 beast, then he shall bring it as evi-
35 If one mans ox hurts anoth- dence, and he shall not make good
ers, so that it dies, then they shall 12 aGen. 31:39 what was torn.
sell the live ox and divide the money 14 And if a man borrows anything
from it; and the dead ox they shall 13 aGen. 31:39 from his neighbor, and it becomes
also divide. 16 aDeut.
injured or dies, the owner of it not
36 Or if it was known that the ox 22:28, 29 being with it, he shall surely make it
tended to thrust in time past, and its good.
owner has not kept it confined, he 17 aGen. 34:12; 15 If its owner was with it, he
shall surely pay ox for ox, and the 1 Sam. 18:25 shall not make it good; if it was
dead animal shall be his own. hired, it came for its hire.
18 aLev. 19:31;
20:6, 27; Deut. Moral and Ceremonial Principles
Responsibility for Property 18:10, 11;
1 Sam. 16 aIf a man entices a virgin who
If a man steals an ox or a
22 sheep, and slaughters it or
sells it, he shall arestore five oxen for
28:310; Jer.
27:9, 10 is not betrothed, and lies with her,
he shall surely pay the bride-price
an ox and four sheep for a sheep. 19 aLev. 18:23; for her to be his wife.
2 If the thief is found abreaking 20:15, 16; 17 If her father utterly refuses to
Deut. 27:21
in, and he is struck so that he dies, give her to him, he shall pay money
there shall be bno guilt for his blood- 20 aEx. 32:8; according to the abride-price of vir-
shed. 34:15; Lev. gins.
3 If the sun has risen on him, 17:7; Num. 18 aYou shall not permit a sorcer-
25:2; Deut.
there shall be guilt for his blood- 17:2, 3, 5;
ess to live.
shed. He should make full restitu- 1 Kin. 18:40; 19 aWhoever lies with an animal
tion; if he has nothing, then he shall 2 Kin. 10:25 shall surely be put to death.
be asold1 for his theft. 20 aHe who sacrifices to any god,
4 If the theft is certainly afound 21 aEx. 23:9; except to the LORD only, he shall be
Deut. 10:19;
alive in his hand, whether it is an ox Zech. 7:10 utterly destroyed.
or donkey or sheep, he shall brestore 1sojourner 21 aYou shall neither mistreat a
double. 1stranger nor oppress him, for you
5 If a man causes a field or vine- 22 aDeut. were strangers in the land of Egypt.
yard to be grazed, and lets loose his 24:17, 18; 22 aYou shall not afflict any
Prov. 23:10,
animal, and it feeds in another mans 11; Jer. 7:6, 7; widow or fatherless child.
field, he shall make restitution from [James 1:27] 23 If you afflict them in any way,
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EXODUS 22:24 68
and they acry at all to Me, I will 23 a[Luke let it rest and lie fallow, that the
surely bhear their cry; 18:7] bPs. 18:6 poor of your people may eat; and
24 and My awrath will become 24 aPs. 69:24 what they leave, the beasts of the
bPs. 109:9
hot, and I will kill you with the field may eat. In like manner you
25 aLev.
sword; byour wives shall be widows, 25:3537 bPs. shall do with your vineyard and
and your children fatherless. 15:5 your 1olive grove.
25 aIf you lend money to any of 26 aDeut. 24:6, 12 aSix days you shall do your
My people who are poor among 1013 work, and on the seventh day you
you, you shall not be like a money- 27 aEx. 34:6, 7 shall rest, that your ox and your
lender to him; you shall not charge 28 aEccl. 10:20 donkey may rest, and the son of
him binterest. bActs 23:5 your female servant and the
26 aIf you ever take your neigh- 29 aEx. 23:16, stranger may be refreshed.
bors garment as a pledge, you shall 19 bEx. 13:2, 13 And in all that I have said to
return it to him before the sun goes 12, 15
you, abe circumspect and bmake no
down. 30 aDeut. mention of the name of other gods,
15:19 bLev.
27 For that is his only covering, it 22:27 nor let it be heard from your mouth.
is his garment for his skin. What 31 aLev. 11:44;
will he sleep in? And it will be that 19:2 bEzek. Three Annual Feasts
when he cries to Me, I will hear, for 4:14
14 aThree times you shall keep a
I am agracious. CHAPTER 23 feast to Me in the year:
28 aYou shall not revile God, nor 1 aPs. 101:5 15 aYou shall keep the Feast of
curse a bruler of your people. bDeut.
Unleavened Bread (you shall eat
29 You shall not delay to offer athe 19:1621
2 aGen. 7:1 unleavened bread seven days, as I
first of your ripe produce and your bLev. 19:15 commanded you, at the time
juices. bThe firstborn of your sons appointed in the month of Abib, for
3 aDeut. 1:17;
you shall give to Me. 16:19 in it you came out of Egypt; bnone
30 aLikewise you shall do with 4 a[Rom. shall appear before Me empty);
your oxen and your sheep. It shall be 12:20] 16 aand the Feast of Harvest, the
with its mother bseven days; on the 5 aDeut. 22:4 firstfruits of your labors which you
eighth day you shall give it to Me. 6 aEccl. 5:8 have sown in the field; and bthe
31 And you shall be aholy men to 7 aEph. 4:25 Feast of Ingathering at the end of the
Me: byou shall not eat meat torn by bMatt. 27:4
year, when you have gathered in the
beasts in the field; you shall throw cRom. 1:18
fruit of your labors from the field.
it to the dogs. 8 aProv. 15:27; 17 aThree times in the year all your
17:8, 23
Justice for All males shall appear before the Lord
9 aEx. 22:21 1GOD.
You ashall not circulate a 18 aYou shall not offer the blood
23 false report. Do not put your
hand with the wicked to be an bun-
10 aLev. 25:17
11 1olive yards
of My sacrifice with leavened
bbread; nor shall the fat of My 1sac-
12 aLuke 13:14 rifice remain until morning.
righteous witness.
2 aYou shall not follow a crowd 13 a1 Tim. 4:16 19 aThe first of the firstfruits of
bJosh. 23:7
to do evil; bnor shall you testify in a 14 aEx. 23:17;
your land you shall bring into the
dispute so as to turn aside after 34:2224 house of the LORD your God. bYou
many to pervert justice. 15 aEx.
shall not boil a young goat in its
3 You shall not show partiality to 12:1420 mothers milk.
a apoor man in his dispute. bEx. 22:29;

4 aIf you meet your enemys ox 34:20 The Angel and the Promises
or his donkey going astray, you 16 aEx. 34:22
bDeut. 16:13 20 aBehold, I send an Angel before
shall surely bring it back to him you to keep you in the way and to
again. 17 aDeut.
16:16 1Heb. bring you into the place which I
5 aIf you see the donkey of one YHWH, usu- have prepared.
who hates you lying under its bur- ally trans- 21 Beware of Him and obey His
den, and you would refrain from lated LORD
voice; ado not provoke Him, for He
helping it, you shall surely help him 18 aEx. 34:25 will bnot pardon your transgres-
bDeut. 16:4
with it. 1feast sions; for cMy name is in Him.
6 aYou shall not pervert the judg- 22 But if you indeed obey His voice
ment of your poor in his dispute. 19 aDeut. 26:2,
10 bDeut. and do all that I speak, then aI will be
7 aKeep yourself far from a false 14:21 an enemy to your enemies and an
matter; bdo not kill the innocent and 20 aEx. 3:2; adversary to your adversaries.
righteous. For cI will not justify the 13:15; 14:19 23 aFor My Angel will go before
wicked. 21 aPs. 78:40, you and bbring you in to the Amo-
8 And ayou shall take no bribe, 56 bDeut. rites and the Hittites and the Per-
for a bribe blinds the discerning and 18:19 cIs. 9:6
22 aDeut. 30:7
izzites and the Canaanites and the
perverts the words of the righteous. Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will
9 Also ayou shall not oppress a 23 aEx. 23:20
bJosh. 24:8, 11
1cut them off.
1stranger, for you know the heart of
1annihilate 24 You shall not abow down to
a stranger, because you were them their gods, nor serve them, bnor do
strangers in the land of Egypt. 24 aEx. 20:5; according to their works; cbut you
23:13, 33 shall utterly overthrow them and
The Law of Sabbaths bDeut. 12:30,
31 cNum. completely break down their sacred
10 aSix years you shall sow your 33:52 pillars.
land and gather in its produce, 25 aDeut. 6:13 25 So you shall aserve the LORD
11 but the seventh year you shall bDeut. 28:5 your God, and bHe will bless your
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69 EXODUS 25:9
bread and your water. And cI will 25 cEx. 15:26 the LORD has made with you accord-
take sickness away from the midst 26 aDeut. 7:14; ing to all these words.
of you. 28:4 b1 Chr.
26 aNo one shall suffer miscar- 23:1 On the Mountain with God
riage or be barren in your land; I 27 aEx. 15:16 9 Then Moses went up, also
will bfulfill the number of your days. bDeut. 7:23
Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and sev-
27 I will send aMy fear before you, enty of the elders of Israel,
28 aJosh. 24:12
I will bcause confusion among all 10 and they asaw the God of Israel.
the people to whom you come, and 29 aDeut. 7:22 And there was under His feet as it
will make all your enemies turn 31 aGen. 15:18 were a paved work of bsapphire
their backs to you. bJosh. 21:44 stone, and it was like the cvery1
28 And aI will send hornets before 1boundaries
heavens in its clarity.
2Heb. Nahar,
you, which shall drive out the 11 But on the nobles of the chil-
Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hit- the Euphrates
dren of Israel He adid not 1lay His
tite from before you. 32 aEx. 34:12, hand. So bthey saw God, and they
29 aI will not drive them out from 15 1treaty cate and drank.
before you in one year, lest the land 33 aPs. 106:36 12 Then the LORD said to Moses,
become desolate and the beasts of aCome up to Me on the mountain
the field become too numerous for CHAPTER 24 and be there; and I will give you
you. btablets of stone, and the law and
30 Little by little I will drive them 1 aLev. 10:1, 2 commandments which I have writ-
out from before you, until you have bNum. 11:16
ten, that you may teach them.
increased, and you inherit the land. 13 So Moses arose with ahis assis-
3 aEx. 19:8;
31 And aI will set your 1bounds 24:7 tant Joshua, and Moses went up to
from the Red Sea to the sea, Philis- 1ordinances the mountain of God.
tia, and from the desert to the 14 And he said to the elders, Wait
2River. For I will bdeliver the inhabi- 4 aDeut. 31:9
bGen. 28:18 here for us until we come back to
tants of the land into your hand, and you. Indeed, Aaron and aHur are
you shall drive them out before you. 5 aEx. 18:12; with you. If any man has a difficulty,
32 aYou shall make no 1covenant 20:24
let him go to them.
with them, nor with their gods. 6 aHeb. 9:18 15 Then Moses went up into the
33 They shall not dwell in your 7 aHeb. 9:19 mountain, and aa cloud covered the
land, lest they make you sin against mountain.
Me. For if you serve their gods, ait 8 a[Luke 16 Now athe glory of the LORD
will surely be a snare to you. 22:20]
rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud
Israel Affirms the Covenant 10 a[John 1:18; covered it six days. And on the sev-
6:46] bEzek. enth day He called to Moses out of
1:26 cMatt. the midst of the cloud.
Now He said to Moses, Come
24 up to the LORD, you and
Aaron, aNadab and Abihu, band sev-
17:2 1Lit. sub-
stance of
17 The sight of the glory of the
LORD was like aa consuming fire on
enty of the elders of Israel, and wor- 11 aEx. 19:21
the top of the mountain in the eyes
ship from afar. bGen. 32:30 of the children of Israel.
2 And Moses alone shall come c1 Cor. 10:18 18 So Moses went into the midst of
1stretch out
near the LORD, but they shall not the cloud and went up into the
His mountain. And aMoses was on the
come near; nor shall the people go
up with him. 12 aEx. 24:2, mountain forty days and forty
3 So Moses came and told the 15 bEx. 31:18; nights.
people all the words of the LORD Offerings for the Sanctuary
and all the 1judgments. And all the 13 aEx. 32:17
people answered with one voice and Then the LORD spoke to
said, aAll the words which the
LORD has said we will do.
14 aEx. 17:10,
12 25 Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
15 aEx. 19:9
4 And Moses awrote all the words that they bring Me an 1offering.
of the LORD. And he rose early in 16 aEx. 16:10; aFrom everyone who gives it will-
the morning, and built an altar at 33:18 ingly with his heart you shall take
the foot of the mountain, and twelve 17 aDeut. 4:26, My offering.
bpillars according to the twelve 36; 9:3 3 And this is the offering which
tribes of Israel. 18 aEx. 34:28
you shall take from them: gold, sil-
5 Then he sent young men of the ver, and bronze;
children of Israel, who offered 4 blue, purple, and scarlet
aburnt offerings and sacrificed CHAPTER 25 thread, fine linen, and goats hair;
peace offerings of oxen to the LORD. 2 aEx. 35:49,
5 ram skins dyed red, 1badger
6 And Moses atook half the blood 21 1heave skins, and acacia wood;
and put it in basins, and half the offering 6 aoil for the light, and bspices for
blood he sprinkled on the altar. 5 1Or dolphin
the anointing oil and for the sweet
7 Then he atook the Book of the incense;
Covenant and read in the hearing of 6 aEx. 27:20 7 onyx stones, and stones to be set
bEx. 30:23
the people. And they said, All that in the aephod and in the breastplate.
the LORD has said we will do, and 7 aEx. 28:4, 8 And let them make Me a asanc-
be obedient. 614 tuary,1 that bI may dwell among
8 And Moses took the blood, sprin- 8 aHeb. 9:1, 2
kled it on the people, and said, This b[2 Cor. 6:16] 9 According to all that I show
is athe blood of the covenant which 1sacred place you, that is, the pattern of the
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EXODUS 25:10 70
tabernacle and the pattern of all its 10 aEx. 37:19; rings of gold, and put the rings on
furnishings, just so you shall make Deut. 10:3; the four corners that are at its four
Heb. 9:4
it. legs.
27 The rings shall be close to the
The Ark of the Testimony 11 aEx. 37:2;
Heb. 9:4 frame, as holders for the poles to
10 aAnd they shall make an ark of bear the table.
acacia wood; two and a half cubits 15 aNum. 4:6;
28 And you shall make the poles
shall be its length, a cubit and a half 1 Kin. 8:8 of acacia wood, and overlay them
its width, and a cubit and a half its with gold, that the table may be car-
height. 16 aEx. 16:34;
ried with them.
11 And you shall overlay it with 31:18; Deut. 29 You shall make aits dishes, its
pure gold, inside and out you shall 10:2; 31:26; pans, its pitchers, and its bowls for
overlay it, and shall make on it a 1 Kin. 8:9; pouring. You shall make them of
Heb. 9:4 pure gold.
molding of agold all around.
12 You shall cast four rings of gold 30 And you shall set the ashow-
17 aEx. 37:6; bread on the table before Me always.
for it, and put them in its four cor- Heb. 9:5
ners; two rings shall be on one side, The Gold Lampstand
and two rings on the other side. 20 a1 Kin. 8:7;
13 And you shall make poles of 1 Chr. 28:18; 31 aYou shall also make a lamp-
acacia wood, and overlay them with Heb. 9:5 stand of pure gold; the lampstand
gold. shall be of hammered work. Its
14 You shall put the poles into the 21 aEx. 26:34; shaft, its branches, its bowls, its
rings on the sides of the ark, that the 40:20 bEx. ornamental knobs, and flowers
ark may be carried by them. 25:16 shall be of one piece.
15 aThe poles shall be in the rings 32 And six branches shall come
of the ark; they shall not be taken 22 aEx. 29:42, out of its sides: three branches of
from it. 43; 30:6, 36; the lampstand out of one side, and
Lev. 16:2;
16 And you shall put into the ark Num. 17:4 three branches of the lampstand out
athe Testimony which I will give you. bNum. 7:89; of the other side.
17 aYou shall make a mercy seat 1 Sam. 4:4; 33 aThree bowls shall be made like
of pure gold; two and a half cubits 2 Sam. 6:2; almond blossoms on one branch,
2 Kin. 19:15;
shall be its length and a cubit and a Ps. 80:1; Is. with an ornamental knob and a
half its width. 37:16 flower, and three bowls made like
18 And you shall make two cheru- almond blossoms on the other
bim of gold; of hammered work you 23 aEx. branch, with an ornamental knob
shall make them at the two ends of 37:1016; and a flowerand so for the six
the mercy seat. 1 Kin. 7:48; branches that come out of the lamp-
19 Make one cherub at one end, 2 Chr. 4:8; stand.
Heb. 9:2
and the other cherub at the other 34 aOn the lampstand itself four
end; you shall make the cherubim at bowls shall be made like almond
the two ends of it of one piece with 29 aEx. 37:16; blossoms, each with its ornamental
Num. 4:7
the mercy seat. knob and flower.
20 And athe cherubim shall stretch 35 And there shall be a knob
30 aEx. 39:36; under the first two branches of the
out their wings above, covering the 40:23; Lev.
mercy seat with their wings, and 24:59 same, a knob under the second two
they shall face one another; the branches of the same, and a knob
faces of the cherubim shall be 31 aEx. under the third two branches of the
toward the mercy seat. 37:1724; same, according to the six branches
21 aYou shall put the mercy seat 1 Kin. 7:49; that extend from the lampstand.
on top of the ark, and bin the ark Zech. 4:2; 36 Their knobs and their branches
Heb. 9:2; Rev.
you shall put the Testimony that I 1:12 shall be of one piece; all of it shall be
will give you. one hammered piece of pure gold.
22 And athere I will meet with you, 33 aEx. 37:19
37 You shall make seven lamps for
and I will speak with you from it, and athey shall arrange its lamps
above the mercy seat, from bbetween so that they bgive light in front of it.
the two cherubim which are on the 34 aEx. 38 And its wick-trimmers and
ark of the Testimony, about every- their trays shall be of pure gold.
thing which I will give you in com- 39 It shall be made of a talent of
37 aEx. 27:21; pure gold, with all these utensils.
mandment to the children of Israel. 30:8; Lev.
24:3, 4; 2 Chr. 40 And asee to it that you make
The Table for the Showbread 13:11 bNum. them according to the pattern
23 aYou shall also make a table of
8:2 which was shown you on the moun-
acacia wood; two cubits shall be its tain.
40 aEx. 25:9;
length, a cubit its width, and a cubit 26:30; Num. The Tabernacle
and a half its height. 8:4; 1 Chr.
Moreover ayou shall make
24 And you shall overlay it with
pure gold, and make a molding of
gold all around.
28:11, 19; Acts
7:44; [Heb.
26 the tabernacle with ten cur-
tains of fine woven linen and blue,
25 You shall make for it a frame of purple, and scarlet thread; with
a handbreadth all around, and you CHAPTER 26
artistic designs of cherubim you
shall make a gold molding for the shall weave them.
frame all around. 2 The length of each curtain shall
26 And you shall make for it four 1 aEx. 36:819 be twenty-eight cubits, and the
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71 EXODUS 26:37
width of each curtain four cubits. 2 1Lit. one 19 You shall make forty sockets of
And every one of the curtains shall measure silver under the twenty boards: two
have 1the same measurements. sockets under each of the boards for
3 Five curtains shall be coupled its two tenons.
to one another, and the other five 20 And for the second side of the
curtains shall be coupled to one 7 aEx. 36:14 tabernacle, the north side, there
another. shall be twenty boards
4 And you shall make loops of 21 and their forty sockets of sil-
blue yarn on the edge of the curtain ver: two sockets under each of the
on the selvedge of one set, and like- 14 aEx. 35:7, boards.
wise you shall do on the outer edge 23; 36:19 22 For the far side of the taberna-
of the other curtain of the second cle, westward, you shall make six
set. boards.
5 Fifty loops you shall make in 23 And you shall also make two
the one curtain, and fifty loops you boards for the two back corners of
shall make on the edge of the cur- 15 aEx.
36:2034 the tabernacle.
tain that is on the end of the second 24 They shall be 1coupled together
set, that the loops may be clasped to at the bottom and they shall be cou-
one another. pled together at the top by one ring.
6 And you shall make fifty clasps Thus it shall be for both of them.
of gold, and couple the curtains 17 1Projections They shall be for the two corners.
together with the clasps, so that it for joining, lit.
hands 25 So there shall be eight boards
may be one tabernacle. with their sockets of silversixteen
7 aYou shall also make curtains socketstwo sockets under each of
of goats hair, to be a tent over the the boards.
tabernacle. You shall make eleven 26 And you shall make bars of
curtains. 24 1Lit. dou- acacia wood: five for the boards on
8 The length of each curtain shall bled
one side of the tabernacle,
be thirty cubits, and the width of 27 five bars for the boards on the
each curtain four cubits; and the other side of the tabernacle, and five
eleven curtains shall all have the bars for the boards of the side of the
same measurements. 28 aEx. 36:33 tabernacle, for the far side west-
9 And you shall couple five cur- ward.
tains by themselves and six curtains 28 The amiddle bar shall pass
by themselves, and you shall double through the midst of the boards
over the sixth curtain at the fore- from end to end.
front of the tent. 30 aEx. 25:9,
10 You shall make fifty loops on
40; 27:8; 29 You shall overlay the boards
39:32; Num. with gold, make their rings of gold
the edge of the curtain that is outer- 8:4; Acts 7:44;
most in one set, and fifty loops on [Heb. 8:2, 5] as holders for the bars, and overlay
the edge of the curtain of the second the bars with gold.
set. 30 And you shall raise up the tab-
11 And you shall make fifty ernacle aaccording to its pattern
bronze clasps, put the clasps into which you were shown on the
31 aEx. 27:21; mountain.
the loops, and couple the tent 36:3538; Lev.
together, that it may be one. 16:2; 2 Chr. 31 aYou shall make a veil woven of
12 The remnant that remains of 3:14; Matt. blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
27:51; Heb. fine woven linen. It shall be woven
the curtains of the tent, the half cur- 9:3; 10:20
tain that remains, shall hang over with an artistic design of cherubim.
the back of the tabernacle. 32 You shall hang it upon the four
13 And a cubit on one side and a pillars of acacia wood overlaid with
cubit on the other side, of what gold. Their hooks shall be gold,
remains of the length of the curtains 33 aEx. upon four sockets of silver.
25:1016; 33 And you shall hang the veil
of the tent, shall hang over the sides 40:21 bLev.
of the tabernacle, on this side and 16:2; Heb. from the clasps. Then you shall
on that side, to cover it. 9:2, 3 bring athe ark of the Testimony in
14 aYou shall also make a cover- there, behind the veil. The veil shall
ing of ram skins dyed red for the be a divider for you between bthe
tent, and a covering of badger skins holy place and the Most Holy.
above that. 34 aEx. 34 aYou shall put the mercy seat
15 And for the tabernacle you 25:1722; upon the ark of the Testimony in the
shall amake the boards of acacia 40:20; Heb. Most Holy.
9:5 35 aYou shall set the table outside
wood, standing upright.
16 Ten cubits shall be the length of the veil, and bthe lampstand across
a board, and a cubit and a half shall from the table on the side of the
be the width of each board. tabernacle toward the south; and
17 Two 1tenons shall be in each 35 aEx. 40:22; you shall put the table on the north
board for binding one to another. Heb. 9:2
bEx. 40:24
Thus you shall make for all the 36 aYou shall make a screen for
boards of the tabernacle. the door of the tabernacle, woven of
18 And you shall make the boards blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
for the tabernacle, twenty boards fine woven linen, made by a weaver.
for the south side. 36 aEx. 36:37 37 And you shall make for the
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EXODUS 27:1 72
screen afive pillars of acacia wood, 37 aEx. 36:38 17 All the pillars around the court
and overlay them with gold; their shall have bands of silver; their
hooks shall be gold, and you shall ahooks shall be of silver and their
cast five sockets of bronze for them. CHAPTER 27 sockets of bronze.
18 The length of the court shall be
The Altar of Burnt Offering one hundred cubits, the width fifty
You shall make aan altar of throughout, and the height five
27 acacia wood, five cubits long
and five cubits widethe altar shall
1 aEx. 38:1;
Ezek. 43:13
cubits, made of fine woven linen,
and its sockets of bronze.
be squareand its height shall be 19 All the utensils of the taberna-
three cubits. 8 aEx. 25:40; cle for all its service, all its pegs, and
2 You shall make its horns on its 26:30; Acts all the pegs of the court, shall be of
four corners; its horns shall be of 7:44; [Heb. bronze.
one piece with it. And you shall The Care of the Lampstand
overlay it with bronze.
3 Also you shall make its pans to 9 aEx. 38:920 20 And ayou shall command the
receive its ashes, and its shovels and children of Israel that they bring
its basins and its forks and its you pure oil of pressed olives for the
firepans; you shall make all its uten- 17 aEx. 38:19 light, to cause the lamp to 1burn
sils of bronze. continually.
4 You shall make a grate for it, a 21 In the tabernacle of meeting,
network of bronze; and on the net- 20 aEx. 35:8, aoutside the veil which is before the
work you shall make four bronze 28; Lev. 24:14
1Lit. ascend Testimony, bAaron and his sons shall
rings at its four corners. tend it from evening until morning
5 You shall put it under the rim before the LORD. cIt shall be a
of the altar beneath, that the net- 21 aEx. 26:31, statute forever to their generations
work may be midway up the altar. 33 bEx. 30:8; on behalf of the children of Israel.
6 And you shall make poles for 1 Sam. 3:3;
the altar, poles of acacia wood, and 2 Chr. 13:11 Garments for the Priesthood
cEx. 28:43;
overlay them with bronze. 29:9; Lev. Now take Aaron your brother,
7 The poles shall be put in the
rings, and the poles shall be on the
3:17; 16:34;
Num. 18:23;
19:21; 1 Sam.
28 and his sons with him, from
among the children of Israel, that he
two sides of the altar to bear it.
8 You shall make it hollow with 30:25 may minister to Me as bpriest,
boards; aas it was shown you on the Aaron and Aarons sons: cNadab,
mountain, so shall they make it. Abihu, dEleazar, and Ithamar.
CHAPTER 28 2 And ayou shall make 1holy gar-
The Court of the Tabernacle ments for Aaron your brother, for
glory and for beauty.
9 aYou shall also make the court 3 So ayou shall speak to all who
of the tabernacle. For the south side 1 aNum. 3:10; are gifted artisans, bwhom I have
there shall be hangings for the court 18:7 bPs. 99:6;
filled with the spirit of wisdom, that
made of fine woven linen, one hun- Heb. 5:4 cEx.
24:1, 9; Lev. they may make Aarons garments, to
dred cubits long for one side. 10:1 dEx. 6:23; consecrate him, that he may minister
10 And its twenty pillars and their Lev. 10:6, 16
to Me as priest.
twenty sockets shall be bronze. The 4 And these are the garments
hooks of the pillars and their bands which they shall make: aa breast-
shall be silver. 2 aEx. 29:5, 29;
plate, ban 1ephod, ca robe, da skillfully
11 Likewise along the length of 31:10; 39:131;
Lev. 8:79, 30 woven tunic, a turban, and ea sash.
the north side there shall be hang- 1sacred
So they shall make holy garments
ings one hundred cubits long, with for Aaron your brother and his sons,
its twenty pillars and their twenty that he may minister to Me as priest.
sockets of bronze, and the hooks of 3 aEx. 31:6;
the pillars and their bands of silver. 36:1 bEx. 31:3; The Ephod
12 And along the width of the 35:30, 31; Is.
11:2; Eph. 5 They shall take the gold, blue,
court on the west side shall be hang- 1:17
ings of fifty cubits, with their ten pil- purple, and scarlet thread, and the
lars and their ten sockets. fine linen,
13 The width of the court on the 4 aEx. 28:15 6 aand they shall make the ephod
east side shall be fifty cubits. bEx. 28:6 of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet
14 The hangings on one side of cEx. 28:31
dEx. 28:39
thread, and fine woven linen, artisti-
the gate shall be fifteen cubits, with eLev. 8:7 cally worked.
their three pillars and their three 1Ornamented 7 It shall have two shoulder
sockets. vest straps joined at its two edges, and so
15 And on the other side shall be it shall be joined together.
hangings of fifteen cubits, with 8 And the 1intricately woven
their three pillars and their three 6 aEx. 39:27; band of the ephod, which is on it,
Lev. 8:7
sockets. shall be of the same workmanship,
16 For the gate of the court there made of gold, blue, purple, and scar-
shall be a screen twenty cubits long, 8 1ingenious
let thread, and fine woven linen.
woven of blue, purple, and scarlet work of 9 Then you shall take two onyx
thread, and fine woven linen, made astones and engrave on them the
by a weaver. It shall have four pil- names of the sons of Israel:
lars and four sockets. 9 aEx. 35:27 10 six of their names on one stone
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73 EXODUS 28:41
and six names on the other stone, in 10 aGen. seam above the 1intricately woven
order of their abirth. 29:3130:24; band of the ephod.
11 With the work of an aengraver in 28 They shall bind the breastplate
stone, like the engravings of a signet, by means of its rings to the rings of
you shall engrave the two stones with 11 aEx. 35:35 the ephod, using a blue cord, so that
the names of the sons of Israel. You it is above the intricately woven
shall set them in settings of gold. band of the ephod, and so that the
12 And you shall put the two 12 aEx. 28:29, breastplate does not come loose
30; 39:6, 7
stones on the shoulders of the bLev. 24:7; from the ephod.
ephod as memorial stones for the Num. 31:54; 29 So Aaron shall abear the names
sons of Israel. So aAaron shall bear Josh. 4:7; of the sons of Israel on the breastplate
their names before the LORD on his Zech. 6:14; of judgment over his heart, when he
1 Cor. 11:24
two shoulders bas a memorial. goes into the holy place, as a memo-
13 You shall also make settings of rial before the LORD continually.
gold, 15 aEx. 39:821 30 And ayou shall put in the
14 and you shall make two chains breastplate of judgment the 1Urim
of pure gold like braided cords, and and the Thummim, and they shall
fasten the braided chains to the set- 17 aEx. 39:10 be over Aarons heart when he goes
1Or ruby
tings. in before the LORD. So Aaron shall
bear the judgment of the children of
The Breastplate 19 1Or amber Israel over his heart before the
15 aYou shall make the breastplate LORD continually.
of judgment. Artistically woven 20 1Or yellow Other Priestly Garments
according to the workmanship of jasper 2Or
the ephod you shall make it: of gold, carnelian 31 aYou shall make the robe of the
blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and ephod all of blue.
fine woven linen, you shall make it. 32 There shall be an opening for
27 1ingenious
16 It shall be doubled into a work of his head in the middle of it; it shall
square: a span shall be its length, have a woven binding all around its
and a span shall be its width. opening, like the opening in a coat
17 aAnd you shall put settings of 29 aEx. 28:12 of mail, so that it does not tear.
stones in it, four rows of stones: The 33 And upon its hem you shall
first row shall be a 1sardius, a topaz, make pomegranates of blue, purple,
30 aLev. 8:8;
and an emerald; this shall be the Num. 27:21; and scarlet, all around its hem, and
first row; Deut. 33:8; bells of gold between them all
18 the second row shall be a 1 Sam. 28:6; around:
turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond; Ezra 2:63; 34 a golden bell and a pomegran-
Neh. 7:65 1Lit.
19 the third row, a 1jacinth, an Lights and ate, a golden bell and a pomegran-
agate, and an amethyst; the Perfec- ate, upon the hem of the robe all
20 and the fourth row, a 1beryl, an tions around.
2onyx, and a jasper. They shall be 35 And it shall be upon Aaron
set in gold settings. when he ministers, and its sound will
31 aEx.
21 And the stones shall have the 39:2226 be heard when he goes into the holy
names of the sons of Israel, twelve place before the LORD and when he
according to their names, like the comes out, that he may not die.
engravings of a signet, each one 36 aEx. 39:30, 36 aYou shall also make a plate of
with its own name; they shall be 31; Lev. 8:9; pure gold and engrave on it, like the
Zech. 14:20
according to the twelve tribes. engraving of a signet:
22 You shall make chains for the
breastplate at the end, like braided 38 aEx. 28:43; HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
cords of pure gold. Lev. 10:17;
23 And you shall make two rings 22:9, 16; Num. 37 And you shall put it on a blue
18:1; [Is.
of gold for the breastplate, and put 53:11]; Ezek. cord, that it may be on the turban; it
the two rings on the two ends of the 4:46; [John shall be on the front of the turban.
breastplate. 1:29; Heb. 38 So it shall be on Aarons fore-
24 Then you shall put the two 9:28; 1 Pet. head, that Aaron may abear the
2:24] bLev.
braided chains of gold in the two 1:4; 22:27; iniquity of the holy things which
rings which are on the ends of the 23:11; Is. 56:7 the children of Israel hallow in all
breastplate; their 1holy gifts; and it shall always
25 and the other two ends of the be on his forehead, that they may
two braided chains you shall fasten 39 aEx. 35:35;
be baccepted before the LORD.
to the two settings, and put them on 39:2729 39 You shall askillfully weave the
the shoulder straps of the ephod in tunic of fine linen thread, you shall
the front. make the turban of fine linen, and
26 You shall make two rings of 40 aEx. 28:4; you shall make the sash of woven
gold, and put them on the two ends 39:2729, 41; work.
Ezek. 44:17,
of the breastplate, on the edge of it, 18 bEx. 28:2 40 aFor Aarons sons you shall
which is on the inner side of the 1headpieces make tunics, and you shall make
ephod. or turbans sashes for them. And you shall make
27 And two other rings of gold 1hats for them, for glory and bbeauty.
you shall make, and put them on the 41 aEx. 29:79;
41 So you shall put them on
two shoulder straps, underneath the 30:30; 40:15; Aaron your brother and on his sons
ephod toward its front, right at the Lev. 10:7 with him. You shall aanoint them,
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EXODUS 28:42 74
bconsecrate them, and 1sanctify 41 bEx. 29:9; its skin and its offal, you shall burn
them, that they may minister to Me Lev. 8; Heb. with fire outside the camp. It is a
7:28 1set them
as priests. apart sin offering.
42 And you shall make afor them 42 aEx. 39:28;
15 aYou shall also take one ram,
linen trousers to cover their 1naked- Lev. 6:10; and Aaron and his sons shall bput
ness; they shall 2reach from the 16:4; Ezek. their hands on the head of the ram;
waist to the thighs. 44:18 1bare 16 and you shall kill the ram, and
43 They shall be on Aaron and on flesh 2Lit. be
you shall take its blood and asprin-
his sons when they come into the 43 aEx. 20:26
bLev. 5:1, 17;
kle it all around on the altar.
tabernacle of meeting, or when they 20:19, 20; 17 Then you shall cut the ram in
come near athe altar to minister in 22:9; Num. pieces, wash its entrails and its legs,
the holy place, that they bdo not 9:13; 18:22 and put them with its pieces and
incur 1iniquity and die. cIt shall be a cEx. 27:21;
with its head.
Lev. 17:7
statute forever to him and his 1guilt 18 And you shall burn the whole
descendants after him. ram on the altar. It is a aburnt offer-
CHAPTER 29 ing to the LORD; it is a sweet aroma,
Aaron and His Sons Consecrated an offering made by fire to the LORD.
And this is what you shall do 1 aLev. 8; 19 aYou shall also take the other
29 to them to hallow them for
ministering to Me as priests: aTake
[Heb. 7:2628]
2 aLev. 2:4;
ram, and Aaron and his sons shall
put their hands on the head of the
6:1923 ram.
one young bull and two rams with-
out blemish, 4 aEx. 40:12; 20 Then you shall kill the ram,
Lev. 8:6; [Heb. and take some of its blood and put it
2 and aunleavened bread, unleav- 10:22]
ened cakes mixed with oil, and on the tip of the right ear of Aaron
5 aEx. 28:2; and on the tip of the right ear of his
unleavened wafers anointed with oil Lev. 8:7 bEx.
(you shall make them of wheat 28:8 sons, on the thumb of their right
flour). 6 aEx. 28:36,
hand and on the big toe of their
3 You shall put them in one bas- 37; Lev. 8:9 right foot, and sprinkle the blood all
ket and bring them in the basket, 7 aEx. 25:6;
around on the altar.
with the bull and the two rams. 30:2531; Lev. 21 And you shall take some of the
4 And Aaron and his sons you 8:12; 10:7; blood that is on the altar, and some of
21:10; Num. athe anointing oil, and sprinkle it on
shall bring to the door of the taber- 35:25; Ps.
nacle of meeting, aand you shall 133:2
Aaron and on his garments, on his
wash them with water. sons and on the garments of his sons
8 aEx. 28:39, with him; and bhe and his garments
5 aThen you shall take the gar- 40; Lev. 8:13
ments, put the tunic on Aaron, and shall be hallowed, and his sons and
9 aEx. 40:15; his sons garments with him.
the robe of the ephod, the ephod, Num. 3:10;
and the breastplate, and gird him 18:7; 25:13; 22 Also you shall take the fat of the
with bthe intricately woven band of Deut. 18:5 ram, the fat tail, the fat that covers
the ephod.
bEx. 28:41;
the entrails, the fatty lobe attached
Lev. 8
6 aYou shall put the turban on his to the liver, the two kidneys and the
head, and put the holy crown on the 10 aLev. 1:4; fat on them, the right thigh (for it is
turban. a ram of consecration),
7 And you shall take the anoint- 12 aLev. 8:15 23 aone loaf of bread, one cake
bEx. 27:2;
ing aoil, pour it on his head, and 30:2; Lev. 4:7 made with oil, and one wafer from
anoint him. the basket of the unleavened bread
13 aLev. 1:8;
8 Then ayou shall bring his sons 3:3, 4 that is before the LORD;
and put tunics on them. 24 and you shall put all these in the
14 aLev. 4:11, hands of Aaron and in the hands of
9 And you shall gird them with 12, 21; Heb.
sashes, Aaron and his sons, and put 13:11 his sons, and you shall awave them
the hats on them. aThe priesthood 15 aLev. 8:18
as a wave offering before the LORD.
shall be theirs for a perpetual bLev. 1:49 25 aYou shall receive them back
statute. So you shall bconsecrate 16 aEx. 24:6;
from their hands and burn them on
Aaron and his sons. Lev. 1:5, 11 the altar as a burnt offering, as a
10 You shall also have the bull 18 aEx. 20:24
sweet aroma before the LORD. It is
brought before the tabernacle of an offering made by fire to the
19 aLev. 8:22 LORD.
meeting, and aAaron and his sons
shall put their hands on the head of 21 aEx. 30:25, 26 Then you shall take athe breast
31; Lev. 8:30 of the ram of Aarons consecration
the bull. bEx. 28:41;
11 Then you shall kill the bull 29:1; [Heb. and wave it as a wave offering
before the LORD, by the door of the 9:22] before the LORD; and it shall be
tabernacle of meeting. 23 aLev. 8:26 your portion.
12 You shall take some of the 24 aLev. 7:30;
27 And from the ram of the conse-
blood of the bull and put it on athe 10:14 cration you shall consecrate athe
horns of the altar with your finger, 25 aLev. 8:28
breast of the wave offering which is
and bpour all the blood beside the waved, and the thigh of the heave
base of the altar. 26 aLev. 7:31, offering which is raised, of that
34; 8:29
13 And ayou shall take all the fat which is for Aaron and of that
that covers the entrails, the fatty 27 aLev. 7:31, which is for his sons.
34; Num.
lobe attached to the liver, and the 18:11, 18; 28 It shall be from the children of
two kidneys and the fat that is on Deut. 18:3 Israel for Aaron and his sons aby a
them, and burn them on the altar. 28 aLev. 10:15 statute forever. For it is a heave
14 But athe flesh of the bull, with bLev. 3:1; 7:34 offering; bit shall be a heave offering
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75 EXODUS 30:13
from the children of Israel from the 29 aEx. 28:2 nacle of meeting and the altar. I will
bNum. 20:26,
sacrifices of their peace offerings, 28 cNum. 18:8
also aconsecrate both Aaron and his
that is, their heave offering to the sons to minister to Me as priests.
LORD. 30 aNum. 45 aI will dwell among the chil-
29 And the aholy garments of 20:28 bLev. dren of Israel and will bbe their God.
Aaron bshall be his sons after him, 1sanctuary 46 And they shall know that aI am
cto be anointed in them and to be the LORD their God, who bbrought
consecrated in them. 31 aLev. 8:31 them up out of the land of Egypt,
30 aThat son who becomes priest 32 aMatt. 12:4
that I may dwell among them. I am
in his place shall put them on for the LORD their God.
bseven days, when he enters the tab- 33 aLev. 10:14,
ernacle of meeting to minister in the 15, 17 bLev. The Altar of Incense
1holy place. 22:10
You shall make aan altar to
31 And you shall take the ram of
the consecration and aboil its flesh
34 aLev. 7:18;
30 burn incense on; you shall
make it of acacia wood.
in the holy place. 35aLev. 2 A cubit shall be its length and a
32 Then Aaron and his sons shall 8:3335 cubit its widthit shall be square
eat the flesh of the ram, and the and two cubits shall be its height. Its
abread that is in the basket, by the 36 aHeb. 10:11
bEx. 30:2629; horns shall be of one piece with it.
door of the tabernacle of meeting. 40:10, 11 3 And you shall overlay its top,
33 aThey shall eat those things its sides all around, and its horns
with which the atonement was 37 aNum. 4:15; with pure gold; and you shall make
made, to consecrate and to sanctify Hag. 2:1113;
Matt. 23:19 for it a 1molding of gold all around.
them; bbut an outsider shall not eat 4 Two gold rings you shall make
them, because they are holy. 38 aNum. for it, under the molding on both its
34 And if any of the flesh of the 28:331;
29:638 bDan. sides. You shall place them on its
consecration offerings, or of the 12:11 two sides, and they will be holders
bread, remains until the morning, for the poles with which to bear it.
then ayou shall burn the remainder 39 aEzek. 5 You shall make the poles of
with fire. It shall not be eaten, 46:1315 1Lit.
between the acacia wood, and overlay them with
because it is holy. two evenings gold.
35 Thus you shall do to Aaron and 6 And you shall put it before the
his sons, according to all that I have 41 a2 Kin. aveil that is before the ark of the Tes-
commanded you. aSeven days you 16:15 1Lit.
between the timony, before the bmercy seat that
shall consecrate them. two evenings is over the Testimony, where I will
36 And you ashall offer a bull every meet with you.
day as a sin offering for atonement. 42 aEx. 30:8
bEx. 25:22; 7 Aaron shall burn on it asweet
bYou shall cleanse the altar when
33:7, 9 incense every morning; when bhe
you make atonement for it, and you tends the lamps, he shall burn
shall anoint it to sanctify it. 43 a1 Kin. 8:11 incense on it.
37 Seven days you shall make 44 aLev. 21:15 8 And when Aaron lights the
atonement for the altar and sanctify lamps 1at twilight, he shall burn
it. And the altar shall be most holy. 45 a [Rev. 21:3] incense on it, a perpetual incense
aWhatever touches the altar must be bGen. 17:8
before the LORD throughout your
holy. 46 aEx. 16:12; generations.
20:2 bLev. 9 You shall not offer astrange
The Daily Offerings 11:45 incense on it, or a burnt offering, or
38 Now this is what you shall offer CHAPTER 30 a grain offering; nor shall you pour
on the altar: atwo lambs of the first a drink offering on it.
year, bday by day continually. 1 aEx. 10 And aAaron shall make atone-
37:2529 ment upon its horns once a year
39 One lamb you shall offer ain
the morning, and the other lamb 3 1border with the blood of the sin offering of
you shall offer 1at twilight. atonement; once a year he shall
6 aEx. make atonement upon it throughout
40 With the one lamb shall be one- 26:3135 bEx.
tenth of an ephah of flour mixed 25:21, 22 your generations. It is most holy to
with one-fourth of a hin of pressed the LORD.
oil, and one-fourth of a hin of wine 7 a1 Sam. 2:28
bEx. 27:20, 21 The Ransom Money
as a drink offering.
41 And the other lamb you shall 8 1Lit. 11 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
aoffer 1at twilight; and you shall between the saying:
two evenings
offer with it the grain offering and 12 aWhen you take the census of
the drink offering, as in the morn- 9 aLev. 10:1 the children of Israel for their num-
ing, for a sweet aroma, an offering ber, then every man shall give ba1
made by fire to the LORD. 10 aLev.
16:334 ransom for himself to the LORD,
42 This shall be aa continual burnt when you number them, that there
offering throughout your genera- 12 aNum. 1:2; may be no cplague among them
tions at the door of the tabernacle 26:2 b[1 Pet. when you number them.
1:18, 19]
of meeting before the LORD, bwhere c2 Sam. 24:15 13 aThis is what everyone among
I will meet you to speak with you. 1the price of a those who are numbered shall give:
43 And there I will meet with the life half a shekel according to the
children of Israel, and the taberna- 13 aMatt. 17:24
shekel of the sanctuary b(a shekel is
cle ashall be sanctified by My glory. bNum. 3:47 twenty gerahs). cThe half-shekel
44 So I will consecrate the taber- cEx. 38:26 shall be an offering to the LORD.
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EXODUS 30:14 76
14 Everyone included among 14 1contribu- that they may minister to Me as
those who are numbered, from tion priests.
twenty years old and above, shall 15 aJob 34:19; 31 And you shall speak to the chil-
Prov. 22:2;
give an 1offering to the LORD. [Eph. 6:9] dren of Israel, saying: This shall be
15 The arich shall not give more 16 aEx.
a holy anointing oil to Me through-
and the poor shall not give less than 38:2531 out your generations.
half a shekel, when you give an bNum. 16:40 32 It shall not be poured on mans
offering to the LORD, to make atone- 1give flesh; nor shall you make any other
ment for yourselves. 18 aEx. 38:8; like it, according to its composition.
16 And you shall take the atone- 1 Kin. 7:38 aIt is holy, and it shall be holy to you.
bEx. 40:30;
ment money of the children of 1basin 33 aWhoever 1compounds any like
Israel, and ashall 1appoint it for the it, or whoever puts any of it on an
19 aEx. 40:31,
service of the tabernacle of meeting, 32; Ps. 26:6; outsider, bshall be 2cut off from his
that it may be ba memorial for the Is. 52:11; John people.
children of Israel before the LORD, 13:8, 10; Heb.
to make atonement for yourselves. 10:22 The Incense
21 aEx. 28:43
The Bronze Laver 1requirement 34 And the LORD said to Moses:
aTake sweet spices, stacte and ony-
23 aSong 4:14;
17 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, Ezek. 27:22 cha and galbanum, and pure frank-
saying: bPs. 45:8; incense with these sweet spices;
18 aYou shall also make a 1laver of Prov. 7:17
cSong 4:14;
there shall be equal amounts of
bronze, with its base also of bronze, Jer. 6:20
for washing. You shall bput it 35 You shall make of these an
between the tabernacle of meeting 24 aPs. 45:8 incense, a compound aaccording to
bEx. 29:40
and the altar. And you shall put the art of the perfumer, salted, pure,
water in it, 25 aEx. 37:29; and holy.
40:9; Lev.
19 for Aaron and his sons ashall 8:10; Num. 36 And you shall beat some of it
wash their hands and their feet in 35:25; Ps. very fine, and put some of it before
water from it. 89:20; 133:2 the Testimony in the tabernacle of
20 When they go into the taberna- 26 aEx. 40:9; meeting awhere I will meet with
cle of meeting, or when they come Lev. 8:10; you. bIt shall be most holy to you.
Num. 7:1
near the altar to minister, to burn an 37 But as for the incense which
offering made by fire to the LORD, 29 aEx. 29:37; you shall make, ayou shall not make
Num. 4:15;
they shall wash with water, lest they Hag. 2:1113 any for yourselves, according to its
die. 1composition. It shall be to you holy
30 aEx. 29:7;
21 So they shall wash their hands Lev. 8:12 for the LORD.
and their feet, lest they die. And ait 32 aEx. 30:25, 38 aWhoever makes any like it, to
shall be a 1statute forever to them 37 smell it, he shall be cut off from his
to him and his descendants through- 33 aEx. 30:38 people.
out their generations. bGen. 17:14;
Ex. 12:15; Lev. Artisans for Building the
The Holy Anointing Oil 7:20, 21 Tabernacle
1mixes 1Put to
22 Moreover the LORD spoke to Then the LORD spoke to
Moses, saying:
23 Also take for yourself aquality
34 aEx. 25:6;
31 Moses, saying:
2 aSee, I have called by name
spicesfive hundred shekels of liq- 35 aEx. 30:25 Bezalel the bson of Uri, the son of
uid bmyrrh, half as much sweet- 36 aEx. 29:42; Hur, of the tribe of Judah.
smelling cinnamon (two hundred Lev. 16:2 b[Ex. 3 And I have afilled him with the
and fifty shekels), two hundred and 29:37; 30:32]; Spirit of God, in wisdom, in under-
Lev. 2:3
fifty shekels of sweet-smelling standing, in knowledge, and in all
ccane, 37 aEx. 30:32 manner of workmanship,
1Lit. propor-
24 five hundred shekels of acassia, tion 4 to design artistic works, to
according to the shekel of the sanc- 38 aEx. 30:33
work in gold, in silver, in bronze,
tuary, and a bhin of olive oil. 5 in cutting jewels for setting, in
25 And you shall make from these CHAPTER 31 carving wood, and to work in all
a holy anointing oil, an ointment manner of workmanship.
compounded according to the art of 2 aEx. 6 And I, indeed I, have appointed
the perfumer. It shall be aa holy 35:3036:1 with him aAholiab the son of
b1 Chr. 2:20
anointing oil. Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and
26 aWith it you shall anoint the 3 aEx. 28:3; I have put wisdom in the hearts of
35:31; 1 Kin.
tabernacle of meeting and the ark of 7:14; Eph. all the bgifted artisans, that they
the Testimony; 1:17 may make all that I have com-
27 the table and all its utensils, the 6 aEx. 35:34 manded you:
lampstand and its utensils, and the bEx. 28:3; 7 athe tabernacle of meeting, bthe
altar of incense; 35:10, 35; 36:1 ark of the Testimony and cthe mercy
28 the altar of burnt offering with 7 aEx. 36:8 seat that is on it, and all the furni-
bEx. 37:15
all its utensils, and the laver and its cEx. 37:69
ture of the tabernacle
base. 8 athe table and its utensils, bthe
29 You shall consecrate them, that 8 aEx. pure gold lampstand with all its
37:1016 bEx.
they may be most holy; awhatever 37:1724; Lev. utensils, the altar of incense,
touches them must be holy. 24:4 9 athe altar of burnt offering with
30 aAnd you shall anoint Aaron 9 aEx. 38:17 all its utensils, and bthe laver and its
and his sons, and consecrate them, bEx. 38:8 base
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77 EXODUS 32:19
10 athe 1garments of ministry, the 10 aEx. 39:1, 6 Then they rose early on the next
holy garments for Aaron the priest 41 1Or woven day, offered burnt offerings, and
and the garments of his sons, to brought peace offerings; and the
minister as priests, 11 aEx. people asat down to eat and drink,
11 aand the anointing oil and 30:2333 bEx. and rose up to play.
bsweet incense for the holy place. 30:3438 7 And the LORD said to Moses,
According to all that I have com- 13 aEzek.
aGo, get down! For your people
manded you they shall do. 20:12, 20 bLev. whom you brought out of the land of
20:8 1conse- Egypt bhave corrupted themselves.
The Sabbath Law crates 8 They have turned aside quickly
12 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 14 aEx. 20:8 out of the way which aI commanded
saying, bNum. them. They have made themselves a
13 Speak also to the children of 15:3236
molded calf, and worshiped it and
Israel, saying: aSurely My Sabbaths sacrificed to it, and said, bThis is
you shall keep, for it is a sign 15 aEx. your god, O Israel, that brought you
between Me and you throughout 20:911 bGen. out of the land of Egypt!
your generations, that you may 2:2 9 And the LORD said to Moses, aI
know that I am the LORD who have seen this people, and indeed it
bsanctifies1 you. 17 aEx. 31:13 is a 1stiff-necked people!
bGen. 1:31;
14 aYou shall keep the Sabbath, 2:2, 3 10 Now therefore, alet Me alone,
therefore, for it is holy to you. Every- that bMy wrath may burn hot
one who 1profanes it shall surely be 18 a[Ex. 24:12; against them and I may 1consume
32:15, 16]
put to death; for bwhoever does any them. And cI will make of you a
work on it, that person shall be cut CHAPTER 32 great nation.
off from among his people. 11 aThen Moses pleaded with 1the
15 Work shall be done for asix 1 aEx. 24:18; LORD his God, and said: LORD, why
days, but the bseventh is the Sab- Deut. 9:912
bEx. 17:13
does Your wrath burn hot against
bath of rest, holy to the LORD. Who- cActs 7:40 Your people whom You have brought
ever does any work on the Sabbath dEx. 13:21 out of the land of Egypt with great
day, he shall surely be put to death. eEx. 32:8 1Or power and with a mighty hand?
16 Therefore the children of Israel a god 12 aWhy should the Egyptians
shall keep the Sabbath, to observe 2 aEx. 11:2; speak, and say, He brought them
the Sabbath throughout their gener- 35:22 out to harm them, to kill them in the
ations as a perpetual covenant. mountains, and to consume them
17 It is aa sign between Me and the 4 aEx. 20:3, 4, from the face of the earth? Turn
children of Israel forever; for bin six 23 bEx. 29:45, from Your fierce wrath, and brelent
days the LORD made the heavens from this harm to Your people.
and the earth, and on the seventh 5 a2 Kin. 10:20 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac,
day He rested and was refreshed. and Israel, Your servants, to whom
18 And when He had made an end 6 aNum. 25:2 You aswore by Your own self, and
of speaking with him on Mount 7 aDeut.
said to them, bI will multiply your
Sinai, He gave Moses atwo tablets of 9:821 bGen. descendants as the stars of heaven;
the Testimony, tablets of stone, writ- 6:11, 12 and all this land that I have spoken
ten with the finger of God. of I give to your descendants, and
8 aEx. 20:3, 4, they shall inherit it forever.
The Gold Calf 23 b1 Kin.
12:28 14 So the LORD arelented from the
Now when the people saw harm which He said He would do to
32 that Moses adelayed coming
down from the mountain, the people
9 a[Acts 7:51]
His people.
15 And aMoses turned and went
bgathered together to Aaron, and
10 aDeut. 9:14, down from the mountain, and the
said to him, cCome, make us 1gods 19 bEx. 22:24 two tablets of the Testimony were in
that shall dgo before us; for as for cNum. 14:12
his hand. The tablets were written
this Moses, the man who ebrought on both sides; on the one side and
us up out of the land of Egypt, we do 11 aDeut. 9:18, on the other they were written.
not know what has become of him. 2629 1Lit. the 16 Now the atablets were the work
2 And Aaron said to them, Break face of the of God, and the writing was the
LORD writing of God engraved on the
off the agolden earrings which are
in the ears of your wives, your sons, 12 aNum.
and your daughters, and bring them 14:1319 bEx. 17 And when Joshua heard the
to me. 32:14 noise of the people as they shouted,
3 So all the people broke off the he said to Moses, There is a noise
13 a[Heb. 6:13] of war in the camp.
golden earrings which were in their bGen. 12:7;
ears, and brought them to Aaron. 13:15; 15:7, 18 But he said:
4 aAnd he received the gold from 18; 22:17;
their hand, and he fashioned it with 26:4; 35:11, 12 It is not the noise of the shout
an engraving tool, and made a 14 a2 Sam.
of victory,
molded calf. Then they said, This is 24:16 Nor the noise of the cry of
your god, O Israel, that bbrought you defeat,
out of the land of Egypt! 15 aDeut. 9:15 But the sound of singing I
5 So when Aaron saw it, he built hear.
16 aEx. 31:18
an altar before it. And Aaron made
a aproclamation and said, Tomor- 19 aDeut. 9:16, 19 So it was, as soon as he came
row is a feast to the LORD. 17 near the camp, that ahe saw the calf
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EXODUS 32:20 78
and the dancing. So Moses anger 20 aNum. 5:17, go before you. Nevertheless, cin the
became hot, and he cast the tablets 24; Deut. 9:21 day when I dvisit for punishment, I
out of his hands and broke them at 21 aGen. 26:10 will visit punishment upon them for
the foot of the mountain. 22 aEx. 14:11;
their sin.
20 aThen he took the calf which Deut. 9:24 35 So the LORD plagued the people
they had made, burned it in the fire, because of awhat they did with the
and ground it to powder; and he 25 aEx. 33:4, 5 calf which Aaron made.
b2 Chr. 28:19
scattered it on the water and made
the children of Israel drink it. 27 aNum. The Command to Leave Sinai
21 And Moses said to Aaron, 25:513
Then the L said to Moses,
aWhat did this people do to you
that you have brought so great a sin
29 aEx. 28:41;
1 Sam. 15:18,
33 ORD
Depart and go up from here,
you and the people whom you have
upon them? 22; Prov. 21:3;
Zech. 13:3 brought out of the land of Egypt, to
22 So Aaron said, Do not let the 1Lit. Fill your the land of which I swore to Abra-
anger of my lord become hot. aYou hand ham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, bTo
know the people, that they are set your descendants I will give it.
30 a1 Sam.
on evil. 12:20, 23 2 aAnd I will send My Angel
23 For they said to me, Make us b2 Sam. 16:12
before you, band I will drive out the
gods that shall go before us; as for cNum. 25:13
Canaanite and the Amorite and
this Moses, the man who brought us 31 aDeut. 9:18 the Hittite and the Perizzite and the
out of the land of Egypt, we do not bEx. 20:23
Hivite and the Jebusite.
know what has become of him. 3 Go up ato a land flowing with
24 And I said to them, Whoever 32 aPs. 69:28;
Is. 4:3; Mal. milk and honey; for I will not go up
has any gold, let them break it off. 3:16; Rom. 9:3 in your midst, lest bI 1consume you
So they gave it to me, and I cast it bDan. 12:1;
on the way, for you are a cstiff-
into the fire, and this calf came out. Phil. 4:3; Rev.
3:5; 21:27 necked2 people.
25 Now when Moses saw that the 4 And when the people heard this
people were aunrestrained (for 33 aLev. 23:30; bad news, athey mourned, band no
Aaron bhad not restrained them, to [Ezek. 18:4;
one put on his ornaments.
33:2, 14, 15]
their shame among their enemies), bEx. 17:14; 5 For the LORD had said to Moses,
26 then Moses stood in the Deut. 29:20; Say to the children of Israel, You are
entrance of the camp, and said, Ps. 9:5; Rev.
a stiff-necked people. I could come up
Whoever is on the LORDs side 3:5; 21:27
into your midst in one moment and
come to me! And all the sons of 34 aEx. 3:17 consume you. Now therefore, take off
Levi gathered themselves together bEx. 23:20;
your 1ornaments, that I may aknow
to him. Josh. 5:14
cDeut. 32:35; what to do to you.
27 And he said to them, Thus says Rom. 2:5, 6 6 So the children of Israel
the LORD God of Israel: Let every dPs. 89:32
stripped themselves of their orna-
man put his sword on his side, and ments by Mount Horeb.
35 aNeh. 9:18
go in and out from entrance to
entrance throughout the camp, and Moses Meets with the LORD
alet every man kill his brother, every CHAPTER 33
man his companion, and every man 7 Moses took his tent and pitched
his neighbor. 1 aEx. 32:1, 7, it outside the camp, far from the
13; Josh. 3:17 camp, and acalled it the tabernacle
28 So the sons of Levi did accord- bGen. 12:7
ing to the word of Moses. And of meeting. And it came to pass that
about three thousand men of the 2 aEx. 32:34; everyone who bsought the LORD
Josh. 5:14 went out to the tabernacle of meet-
people fell that day. bEx. 23:2731;
29 aThen Moses said, 1Consecrate Josh. 24:11 ing which was outside the camp.
yourselves today to the LORD, that 8 So it was, whenever Moses went
3 aEx. 3:8 out to the tabernacle, that all the
He may bestow on you a blessing bNum. 16:21,
this day, for every man has opposed 45 cEx. 32:9; people rose, and each man stood aat
his son and his brother. 33:5 1destroy his tent door and watched Moses
30 Now it came to pass on the next
until he had gone into the tabernacle.
day that Moses said to the people, 4 aNum. 14:1, 9 And it came to pass, when
aYou have committed a great sin. 39 bEzra 9:3; Moses entered the tabernacle, that
So now I will go up to the LORD; Esth. 4:1, 4; the pillar of cloud descended and
bperhaps I can cmake atonement for
Ezek. 24:17,
stood at the door of the tabernacle,
your sin. and the LORD atalked with Moses.
31 Then Moses areturned to the 5 a[Ps. 139:23]
10 All the people saw the pillar of
LORD and said, Oh, these people cloud standing at the tabernacle door,
have committed a great sin, and have 7 aEx. 29:42, and all the people rose and awor-
bmade for themselves a god of gold! 43 bDeut. 4:29 shiped, each man in his tent door.
32 Yet now, if You will forgive their 8 aNum. 16:27
11 So athe LORD spoke to Moses
sinbut if not, I pray, ablot me bout face to face, as a man speaks to his
of Your book which You have writ- 9 aEx. 25:22; friend. And he would return to the
31:18; Ps. 99:7 camp, but bhis servant Joshua the
33 And the LORD said to Moses, 10 aEx. 4:31 son of Nun, a young man, did not
aWhoever has sinned against Me, I depart from the tabernacle.
11 aNum. 12:8;
will bblot him out of My book. Deut. 34:10 The Promise of Gods Presence
bEx. 24:13
34 Now therefore, go, lead the peo-
ple to the place of which I have aspo- 12 aEx. 3:10; 12 Then Moses said to the LORD,
ken to you. bBehold, My Angel shall 32:34 See, aYou say to me, Bring up this
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79 EXODUS 34:19
people. But You have not let me 12 bEx. 33:17 acloud and stood with him there, and
know whom You will send with me. 13 aEx. 34:9 bproclaimed the name of the LORD.
bPs. 25:4;
Yet You have said, bI know you by 27:11; 86:11;
6 And the LORD passed before
name, and you have also found 119:33 cDeut. him and proclaimed, The LORD, the
grace in My sight. 9:26, 29 LORD aGod, merciful and gracious,
13 Now therefore, I pray, aif I have 14 aIs. 63:9 longsuffering, and abounding in
found grace in Your sight, bshow me bJosh. 21:44; bgoodness and ctruth,
now Your way, that I may know You 22:4 7 akeeping mercy for thousands,
and that I may find grace in Your 15 aEx. 33:3 bforgiving iniquity and transgres-
sight. And consider that this nation 16 aNum. sion and sin, cby no means clearing
is cYour people. 14:14 bEx. the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the
14 And He said, aMy Presence will 34:10 fathers upon the children and the
go with you, and I will give you 17 a[James childrens children to the third and
brest. 5:16]
the fourth generation.
15 Then he said to Him, aIf Your 18 a[1 Tim. 8 So Moses made haste and
Presence does not go with us, do not abowed his head toward the earth,
19 aEx. 34:6, 7
bring us up from here. b[Rom. 9:15, and worshiped.
16 For how then will it be known 16, 18] c[Rom. 9 Then he said, If now I have
that Your people and I have found 4:4, 16] found grace in Your sight, O Lord,
grace in Your sight, aexcept You go 20 a[Gen. alet my Lord, I pray, go among us,
with us? So we bshall be separate, 32:30] even though we are a bstiff-necked1
Your people and I, from all the peo- 22 aIs. 2:21 people; and pardon our iniquity and
ple who are upon the face of the bPs. 91:1, 4
our sin, and take us as cYour inheri-
earth. 23 a[John 1:18] tance.
17 So the LORD said to Moses, aI
will also do this thing that you have CHAPTER 34 The Covenant Renewed
spoken; for you have found grace in 1 a[Ex. 24:12; 10 And He said: Behold, aI make a
My sight, and I know you by name. 31:18; 32:15, covenant. Before all your people I
18 And he said, Please, show me 16, 19] bDeut. will bdo 1marvels such as have not
aYour glory. 10:2, 4
been done in all the earth, nor in
19 Then He said, I will make all 2 aEx. 19:11,
any nation; and all the people
My agoodness pass before you, and 18, 20
among whom you are shall see the
I will proclaim the name of the 3 aEx. 19:12,
work of the LORD. For it is can awe-
LORD before you. bI will be gracious 13; 24:911
5 aEx. 19:9
some thing that I will do with you.
to whom I will be cgracious, and I bEx. 33:19 11 aObserve what I command you
will have compassion on whom I this day. Behold, bI am driving out
will have compassion. 6 aNeh. 9:17
bRom. 2:4 cPs. from before you the Amorite and
20 But He said, You cannot see My 108:4 the Canaanite and the Hittite and
face; for ano man shall see Me, and 7 aEx. 20:6 the Perizzite and the Hivite and the
live. bPs. 103:3, 4
21 And the LORD said, Here is a cJob 10:14
12 aTake heed to yourself, lest you
place by Me, and you shall stand on 8 aEx. 4:31 make a covenant with the inhabi-
the rock. 9 aEx. tants of the land where you are
22 So it shall be, while My glory 33:1216 bEx. going, lest it be a snare in your
passes by, that I will put you ain the 33:3 cPs.
33:12; 94:14 midst.
cleft of the rock, and will bcover you 1stubborn 13 But you shall adestroy their
with My hand while I pass by. 10 aDeut. 5:2 altars, break their sacred pillars,
23 Then I will take away My hand, bPs. 77:14 cPs. and bcut down their wooden images
and you shall see My back; but My 145:6 14 (for you shall worship ano
face shall anot be seen. 1wonderful
other god, for the LORD, whose
bname is Jealous, is a cjealous God),
Moses Makes New Tablets 11 aDeut. 6:25
bEx. 23:2033; 15 lest you make a covenant with
And the LORD said to Moses, the inhabitants of the land, and they
34 aCut two tablets of stone like
the first ones, and bI will write on
12 aEx. 23:32,
aplay the harlot with their gods and
make sacrifice to their gods, and
these tablets the words that were on 13 aDeut. 12:3 one of them binvites you and you
b2 Kin. 18:4 ceat of his sacrifice,
the first tablets which you broke.
2 So be ready in the morning, and 14 a[Ex. 16 and you take of ahis daughters
come up in the morning to Mount 20:35] b[Is. for your sons, and his daughters
9:6; 57:15] bplay the harlot with their gods and
Sinai, and present yourself to Me c[Deut. 4:24]
there aon the top of the mountain. 15 aJudg. 2:17
make your sons play the harlot with
3 And no man shall acome up bNum. 25:1, 2 their gods.
with you, and let no man be seen c1 Cor. 8:4, 7, 17 aYou shall make no molded
throughout all the mountain; let nei- 10 gods for yourselves.
ther flocks nor herds feed before 16 aGen. 28:1
bNum. 25:1, 2
18 The Feast of aUnleavened
that mountain. Bread you shall keep. Seven days
4 So he cut two tablets of stone 17 aEx. 20:4, you shall eat unleavened bread, as I
like the first ones. Then Moses rose 23; 32:8 commanded you, in the appointed
early in the morning and went up 18 aEx. 12:15, time of the month of Abib; for in the
16 bEx. 12:2; bmonth of Abib you came out from
Mount Sinai, as the LORD had com- 13:4
manded him; and he took in his 19 aEx. 13:2;
hand the two tablets of stone. 22:29 1the 19 aAll 1that open the womb are
5 Now the LORD descended in the firstborn Mine, and every male firstborn
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EXODUS 34:20 80
among your livestock, whether ox 20 aEx. 13:13
bEx. 22:29;
would take the veil off until he came
or sheep. 23:15; Deut.
out; and he would come out and
20 But athe firstborn of a donkey 16:16 speak to the children of Israel what-
you shall redeem with a lamb. And ever he had been commanded.
21 aEx. 20:9;
if you will not redeem him, then you 23:12; 31:15; 35 And whenever the children of
shall break his neck. All the first- 35:2; Lev. Israel saw the face of Moses, that
born of your sons you shall redeem. 23:3; Deut. the skin of Moses face shone, then
And none shall appear before Me 5:13 Moses would put the veil on his face
bempty-handed. 23 aEx. again, until he went in to speak with
21 aSix days you shall work, but 23:1417 Him.
on the seventh day you shall rest; in 24 a[Ex. 33:2];
plowing time and in harvest you Josh. 11:23; Sabbath Regulations
shall rest. 1 Kin. 4:21;
Then Moses gathered all the
22 And you shall observe the Feast
of Weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat
2 Chr.
36:1416; Ps.
35 congregation of the children
of Israel together, and said to them,
harvest, and the Feast of Ingather- 25 aEx. 12:10 aThese are the words which the
ing at the years end. LORD has commanded you to do:
23 aThree times in the year all 26 aEx. 23:19;
2 Work shall be done for asix
your men shall appear before the Deut. 26:2
Lord, the LORD God of Israel. days, but the seventh day shall be a
27 aEx. 17:14;
24 For I will acast out the nations 24:4; Deut. holy day for you, a Sabbath of rest
before you and enlarge your bor- 31:9 to the LORD. Whoever does any
ders; neither will any man covet 28 aEx. 24:18
work on it shall be put to bdeath.
your land when you go up to appear bEx. 34:1, 4; 3 aYou shall kindle no fire
before the LORD your God three Deut. 4:31; throughout your dwellings on the
times in the year.
10:2, 4 1Lit. Sabbath day.
Ten Words
25 You shall not offer the blood of 29 aEx. 32:15 Offerings for the Tabernacle
My sacrifice with leaven, anor shall bMatt. 17:2;
the sacrifice of the Feast of the 2 Cor. 3:7 4 And Moses spoke to all the con-
Passover be left until morning. gregation of the children of Israel,
32 aEx. 24:3
26 aThe first of the firstfruits of saying, aThis is the thing which the
your land you shall bring to the 33 a[2 Cor. LORD commanded, saying:
3:13, 14] 5 Take from among you an offer-
house of the LORD your God. You
shall not boil a young goat in its 34 a[2 Cor. ing to the LORD. aWhoever is of a
mothers milk. 3:1316] willing heart, let him bring it as an
27 Then the LORD said to Moses, offering to the LORD: bgold, silver,
Write athese words, for according CHAPTER 35 and bronze;
to the tenor of these words I have 6 ablue, purple, and scarlet
1 aEx. 34:32 thread, fine linen, and bgoats hair;
made a covenant with you and with
Israel. 2 aEx. 20:9, 10; 7 ram skins dyed red, badger
28 aSo he was there with the LORD Lev. 23:3; skins, and acacia wood;
Deut. 5:13 8 oil for the light, aand spices for
forty days and forty nights; he nei- bNum.
ther ate bread nor drank water. And 15:3236 the anointing oil and for the sweet
bHe wrote on the tablets the words incense;
3 aEx. 12:16;
of the covenant, the 1Ten Command- 16:23 9 onyx stones, and stones to be
ments. set in the ephod and in the breast-
4 aEx. 25:1, 2 plate.
The Shining Face of Moses 5 aEx. 25:2;
1 Chr. 29:14; Articles of the Tabernacle
29 Now it was so, when Moses came Mark
down from Mount Sinai (and the 12:4144; 10 aAll who are gifted artisans
atwo tablets of the Testimony were in 2 Cor. among you shall come and make all
8:1012; 9:7 that the LORD has commanded:
Moses hand when he came down bEx. 38:24
from the mountain), that Moses did 11 athe tabernacle, its tent, its cov-
not know that bthe skin of his face 6 aEx. 36:8 ering, its clasps, its boards, its bars,
bEx. 36:14
shone while he talked with Him. its pillars, and its sockets;
30 So when Aaron and all the chil- 8 aEx. 25:6; 12 athe ark and its poles, with the
dren of Israel saw Moses, behold, 30:2325 mercy seat, and the veil of the cover-
the skin of his face shone, and they 10 aEx. 31:26; ing;
were afraid to come near him. 36:1, 2 13 the atable and its poles, all its
31 Then Moses called to them, and 11 aEx. 26:1, 2; utensils, band the showbread;
Aaron and all the rulers of the con- 36:14 14 also athe lampstand for the
gregation returned to him; and 12 aEx. light, its utensils, its lamps, and the
Moses talked with them. 25:1022 oil for the light;
32 Afterward all the children of 13 aEx. 25:23
15 athe incense altar, its poles, bthe
Israel came near, aand he gave them bEx. 25:30; anointing oil, cthe sweet incense,
as commandments all that the LORD Lev. 24:5, 6 and the screen for the door at the
had spoken with him on Mount 14 aEx. 25:31
entrance of the tabernacle;
Sinai. 16 athe altar of burnt offering with
33 And when Moses had finished 15 aEx. 30:1 its bronze grating, its poles, all its
bEx. 30:25
speaking with them, he put aa veil cEx. 30:3438 utensils, and the laver and its base;
on his face. 17 athe hangings of the court, its
34 But awhenever Moses went in be- 16 aEx. 27:18 pillars, their sockets, and the screen
fore the LORD to speak with Him, he 17 aEx. 27:918 for the gate of the court;
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81 EXODUS 36:11
18 the pegs of the tabernacle, the 19 aEx. 31:10; ability to teach, in him and aAholiab
pegs of the court, and their cords; 39:1, 41 1Or the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of
woven gar-
19 athe 1garments of ministry, for ments Dan.
ministering in the holy placethe 35 He has afilled them with skill to
holy garments for Aaron the priest do all manner of work of the
and the garments of his sons, to 21 aEx. 25:2; engraver and the designer and the
minister as priests. 35:5, 22, 26, tapestry maker, in blue, purple, and
29; 36:2 bEx. scarlet thread, and fine linen, and of
The Tabernacle Offerings Presented 35:24 1Lit.
lifted him up the weaverthose who do every
20 And all the congregation of the work and those who design artistic
children of Israel departed from the works.
And Bezalel and Aholiab,
presence of Moses.
21 Then everyone came awhose
22 aEx. 32:2, 3
bEx. 11:2
36 and every agifted artisan in
whom the LORD has put wisdom
heart 1was stirred, and everyone
whose spirit was willing, and they and understanding, to know how to
23 a1 Chr. 29:8 do all manner of work for the ser-
bbrought the LORDs offering for the 1Or dolphin
work of the tabernacle of meeting, vice of the bsanctuary,1 shall do
for all its service, and for the holy according to all that the LORD has
garments. 25 aEx. 28:3; commanded.
22 They came, both men and 31:6; 36:1
The People Give More than Enough
women, as many as had a willing
heart, and brought aearrings and 2 Then Moses called Bezalel and
nose rings, rings and necklaces, all 26 1Lit. lifted
them up Aholiab, and every gifted artisan in
bjewelry of gold, that is, every man whose heart the LORD had put wis-
who made an offering of gold to the dom, everyone awhose heart 1was
LORD. 27 a1 Chr. 29:6; stirred, to come and do the work.
23 And aevery man, with whom Ezra 2:68 3 And they received from Moses
was found blue, purple, and scarlet all the aoffering which the children
thread, fine linen, and goats hair, of Israel bhad brought for the work
red skins of rams, and 1badger 28 aEx. 30:23 of the service of making the sanctu-
skins, brought them. ary. So they continued bringing to
24 Everyone who offered an offer- him freewill offerings every morn-
ing of silver or bronze brought the 29 aEx. 35:5, ing.
21; 36:3;
LORDs offering. And everyone with 1 Chr. 29:9 4 Then all the craftsmen who
whom was found acacia wood for were doing all the work of the sanc-
any work of the service, brought it. tuary came, each from the work he
25 All the women who were agifted 30 aEx. 31:16 was doing,
artisans spun yarn with their hands, 5 and they spoke to Moses, say-
and brought what they had spun, of ing, aThe people bring much more
blue, purple, and scarlet, and fine 34 aEx. 31:6 than enough for the service of the
linen. work which the LORD commanded
26 And all the women whose us to do.
hearts 1stirred with wisdom spun 35 aEx. 31:3, 6; 6 So Moses gave a command-
yarn of goats hair. 35:31; 1 Kin.
7:14; 2 Chr. ment, and they caused it to be pro-
27 aThe rulers brought onyx 2:14; Is. 28:26 claimed throughout the camp, say-
stones, and the stones to be set in ing, Let neither man nor woman do
the ephod and in the breastplate, any more work for the offering of
28 and aspices and oil for the light, the sanctuary. And the people were
for the anointing oil, and for the CHAPTER 36 restrained from bringing,
sweet incense. 7 for the material they had was
29 The children of Israel brought a sufficient for all the work to be
afreewill offering to the LORD, all 1 aEx. 28:3; doneindeed too amuch.
the men and women whose hearts 31:6; 35:10, 35
bEx. 25:8
were willing to bring material for 1holy place
Building the Tabernacle
all kinds of work which the LORD, 8 aThen all the gifted artisans
by the hand of Moses, had com- among them who worked on the
manded to be done. 2 aEx. 35:21, tabernacle made ten curtains woven
26; 1 Chr. of fine linen, and of blue, purple,
The Artisans Called by God 29:5, 9, 17
1lifted him up and scarlet thread; with artistic
30 And Moses said to the children designs of cherubim they made
of Israel, See, athe LORD has called them.
by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the 3 aEx. 35:5 9 The length of each curtain was
son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; bEx. 35:27 twenty-eight cubits, and the width
31 and He has filled him with the of each curtain four cubits; the cur-
Spirit of God, in wisdom and under- tains were all the same size.
standing, in knowledge and all man- 5 a2 Chr. 10 And he coupled five curtains to
24:14; 31:610;
ner of workmanship, [2 Cor. 8:2, 3] one another, and the other five cur-
32 to design artistic works, to tains he coupled to one another.
work in gold and silver and bronze, 11 He made loops of blue yarn on
33 in cutting jewels for setting, in 7 a1 Kin. 8:64 the edge of the curtain on the
carving wood, and to work in all selvedge of one set; likewise he did
manner of artistic workmanship. on the outer edge of the other cur-
34 And He has put in his heart the 8 aEx. 26:114 tain of the second set.
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EXODUS 36:12 82
12 aFifty loops he made on one cur- 12 aEx. 26:5 pass through the boards from one
tain, and fifty loops he made on the end to the other.
edge of the curtain on the end of the 34 He overlaid the boards with
second set; the loops held one cur- gold, made their rings of gold to be
tain to another. 14 aEx. 26:7
holders for the bars, and overlaid
13 And he made fifty clasps of the bars with gold.
gold, and coupled the curtains to 35 And he made aa veil of blue,
one another with the clasps, that it purple, and scarlet thread, and fine
might be one tabernacle. woven linen; it was worked with an
14 aHe made curtains of goats hair 19 aEx. 26:14 artistic design of cherubim.
for the tent over the tabernacle; he 1Or dolphin 36 He made for it four pillars of
made eleven curtains. acacia wood, and overlaid them
15 The length of each curtain was with gold, with their hooks of gold;
thirty cubits, and the width of each and he cast four sockets of silver for
curtain four cubits; the eleven cur- them.
tains were the same size. 20 aEx. 37 He also made a ascreen for the
26:1529 tabernacle door, of blue, purple, and
16 He coupled five curtains by
themselves and six curtains by scarlet thread, and fine woven
themselves. linen, made by a 1weaver,
17 And he made fifty loops on the 38 and its five pillars with their
edge of the curtain that is outermost 22 aEx. 26:17 hooks. And he overlaid their capi-
in one set, and fifty loops he made 1Projections tals and their rings with gold, but
on the edge of the curtain of the sec- for joining, lit. their five sockets were bronze.
ond set. hands
18 He also made fifty bronze Making the Ark of the Testimony
clasps to couple the tent together, Then aBezalel made bthe ark
that it might be one.
19 aThen he made a covering for the 29 1Lit. dou-
37 of acacia wood; two and a half
cubits was its length, a cubit and a
tent of ram skins dyed red, and a cov- bled half its width, and a cubit and a half
ering of 1badger skins above that. its height.
20 For the tabernacle ahe made 2 He overlaid it with pure gold
boards of acacia wood, standing inside and outside, and made a
upright. molding of gold all around it.
21 The length of each board was 31 aEx. 3 And he cast for it four rings of
ten cubits, and the width of each gold to be set in its four corners:
board a cubit and a half. two rings on one side, and two rings
22 Each board had two 1tenons afor on the other side of it.
binding one to another. Thus he 4 He made poles of acacia wood,
made for all the boards of the taber- 35 aEx. and overlaid them with gold.
nacle. 26:3137 5 And he put the poles into the
23 And he made boards for the tab- rings at the sides of the ark, to bear
ernacle, twenty boards for the south the ark.
side. 6 He also made the amercy seat of
24 Forty sockets of silver he made pure gold; two and a half cubits was
to go under the twenty boards: two 37 aEx. 26:36 its length and a cubit and a half its
1Lit. variega-
sockets under each of the boards for tor, a weaver
its two tenons. in colors 7 He made two cherubim of beaten
25 And for the other side of the gold; he made them of one piece at
tabernacle, the north side, he made the two ends of the mercy seat:
twenty boards 8 one cherub at one end on this
26 and their forty sockets of silver: side, and the other cherub at the
two sockets under each of the CHAPTER 37 other end on that side. He made the
boards. cherubim at the two ends of one
27 For the west side of the taberna- piece with the mercy seat.
cle he made six boards. 9 The cherubim spread out their
28 He also made two boards for the wings above, and covered the amercy
1 aEx. 35:30; seat with their wings. They faced one
two back corners of the tabernacle. 36:1 bEx.
29 And they were coupled at the 25:1020 another; the faces of the cherubim
bottom and 1coupled together at the were toward the mercy seat.
top by one ring. Thus he made both Making the Table for the
of them for the two corners. Showbread
30 So there were eight boards and
their socketssixteen sockets of sil- 6 aEx. 25:17 10 He made athe table of acacia
vertwo sockets under each of the wood; two cubits was its length, a
boards. cubit its width, and a cubit and a
31 And he made abars of acacia half its height.
wood: five for the boards on one 11 And he overlaid it with pure
9 aEx. 25:20
side of the tabernacle, gold, and made a molding of gold all
32 five bars for the boards on the around it.
other side of the tabernacle, and five 12 Also he made a frame of a hand-
bars for the boards of the tabernacle breadth all around it, and made a
on the far side westward. 10 aEx. molding of gold for the frame all
33 And he made the middle bar to 25:2329 around it.
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83 EXODUS 38:15
13 And he cast for it four rings of 16 aEx. 25:29 Making the Anointing Oil and the
gold, and put the rings on the four Incense
corners that were at its four legs.
14 The rings were close to the 29 He also made athe holy anoint-
frame, as holders for the poles to ing oil and the pure incense of sweet
bear the table. spices, according to the work of the
15 And he made the poles of acacia perfumer.
wood to bear the table, and overlaid Making the Altar of Burnt Offering
them with gold. 17 aEx.
25:3139 He made athe altar of burnt
16 He made of pure gold the uten-
sils which were on the table: its
adishes, its cups, its bowls, and its
38 offering of acacia wood; five
cubits was its length and five cubits
pitchers for pouring. its widthit was squareand its
height was three cubits.
Making the Gold Lampstand 2 He made its horns on its four
17 He also made the alampstand of corners; the horns were of one piece
pure gold; of hammered work he 23 aNum. 4:9
with it. And he overlaid it with
made the lampstand. Its shaft, its bronze.
branches, its bowls, its ornamental 3 He made all the utensils for the
knobs, and its flowers were of the altar: the pans, the shovels, the
same piece. basins, the forks, and the firepans;
18 And six branches came out of all its utensils he made of bronze.
its sides: three branches of the 4 And he made a grate of bronze
lampstand out of one side, and three network for the altar, under its rim,
branches of the lampstand out of 25 aEx. 30:15
midway from the bottom.
the other side. 5 He cast four rings for the four
19 There were three bowls made corners of the bronze grating, as
like almond blossoms on one holders for the poles.
branch, with an ornamental knob 6 And he made the poles of acacia
and a flower, and three bowls made wood, and overlaid them with
like almond blossoms on the other bronze.
branch, with an ornamental knob 7 Then he put the poles into the
and a flowerand so for the six 28 aEx. 30:5 rings on the sides of the altar, with
branches coming out of the lamp- which to bear it. He made the altar
stand. hollow with boards.
20 And on the lampstand itself were Making the Bronze Laver
four bowls made like almond blos-
soms, each with its ornamental knob 8 He made athe laver of bronze
and flower. and its base of bronze, from the
21 There was a knob under the bronze mirrors of the serving
first two branches of the same, 29 aEx. women who assembled at the door
a knob under the second two 30:2325 of the tabernacle of meeting.
branches of the same, and a knob
under the third two branches of Making the Court of the Tabernacle
the same, according to the six 9 Then he made athe court on the
branches extending from it. south side; the hangings of the court
22 Their knobs and their branches were of fine woven linen, one hun-
were of one piece; all of it was one dred cubits long.
hammered piece of pure gold. 10 There were twenty pillars for
23 And he made its seven lamps, its CHAPTER 38
awick-trimmers, and its trays of
them, with twenty bronze sockets.
The hooks of the pillars and their
pure gold. bands were silver.
24 Of a talent of pure gold he made 11 On the north side the hangings
it, with all its utensils. were one hundred cubits long, with
Making the Altar of Incense twenty pillars and their twenty
bronze sockets. The hooks of the
25 aHe made the incense altar of 1 aEx. 27:18 pillars and their bands were silver.
acacia wood. Its length was a cubit 12 And on the west side there were
and its width a cubitit was hangings of fifty cubits, with ten pil-
squareand two cubits was its lars and their ten sockets. The
height. Its horns were of one piece hooks of the pillars and their bands
with it. were silver.
26 And he overlaid it with pure 13 For the east side the hangings
gold: its top, its sides all around, and were fifty cubits.
its horns. He also made for it a 8 aEx. 30:18 14 The hangings of one side of the
molding of gold all around it. gate were fifteen cubits long, with
27 He made two rings of gold for it their three pillars and their three
under its molding, by its two cor- sockets,
ners on both sides, as holders for 15 and the same for the other side
the poles with which to bear it. of the court gate; on this side and
28 And he amade the poles of aca- that were hangings of fifteen cubits,
cia wood, and overlaid them with with their three pillars and their
gold. 9 aEx. 27:919 three sockets.
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EXODUS 38:16 84
16 All the hangings of the court all 20 aEx. 27:19 enty talents and two thousand four
around were of fine woven linen. hundred shekels.
17 The sockets for the pillars were 30 And with it he made the sockets
21 aNum. 1:50, for the door of the tabernacle of
bronze, the hooks of the pillars and 53; 9:15;
their bands were silver, and the 10:11; 17:7, 8; meeting, the bronze altar, the bronze
overlay of their capitals was silver; 2 Chr. 24:6; grating for it, and all the utensils for
and all the pillars of the court had Acts 7:44
bNum. 4:28,
the altar,
bands of silver. 33 cEx. 28:1;
31 the sockets for the court all
18 The screen for the gate of the Lev. 10:6, 16 around, the bases for the court gate,
court was woven of blue, purple, 1Lit. These all the pegs for the tabernacle, and
are the things all the pegs for the court all around.
and scarlet thread, and of fine appointed for
woven linen. The length was twenty Making the Garments of the
cubits, and the height along its Priesthood
width was five cubits, correspon- 22 aEx. 31:2, 6;
Of the ablue, purple, and scar-
ding to the hangings of the court.
19 And there were four pillars with
1 Chr. 2:1820
39 let thread they made bgar-
ments1 of ministry, for ministering in
their four sockets of bronze; their
hooks were silver, and the overlay 23 aEx. 31:6; the 2holy place, and made the holy
of their capitals and their bands was
36:1 1skillful garments for Aaron, cas the LORD
workman had commanded Moses.
20 All the apegs of the tabernacle, Making the Ephod
and of the court all around, were 24 aEx. 35:5,
2 aHe made the bephod of gold,
bronze. 22 bEx. 30:13,
24; Lev. 5:15; blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
Materials of the Tabernacle 27:3, 25; Num. of fine woven linen.
3:47; 18:16 3 And they beat the gold into thin
21 1This is the inventory of the tab- sheets and cut it into threads, to
ernacle, athe tabernacle of the Testi- 25 aEx.
work it in with the blue, purple, and
mony, which was counted according 30:1116; scarlet thread, and the fine linen,
to the commandment of Moses, for Num. 1:2 into artistic designs.
the service of the Levites, bby the 4 They made shoulder straps for it
hand of cIthamar, son of Aaron the to couple it together; it was coupled
priest. 26 aEx. 30:13, together at its two edges.
15 bEx. 12:37; 5 And the intricately woven band
22 aBezalel the son of Uri, the son Num. 1:46;
of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made 26:51 1Lit. a of his ephod that was on it was of the
all that the LORD had commanded head same workmanship, woven of gold,
Moses. blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
23 And with him was aAholiab the of fine woven linen, as the LORD had
son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of 27 aEx. 26:19, commanded Moses.
21, 25, 32 6 aAnd they set onyx stones,
Dan, an engraver and 1designer, a
weaver of blue, purple, and scarlet enclosed in 1settings of gold; they
thread, and of fine linen. were engraved, as signets are
28 aEx. 27:17 engraved, with the names of the
24 All the gold that was used in all
the work of the holy place, that is, sons of Israel.
the gold of the aoffering, was twenty- 7 He put them on the shoulders of
nine talents and seven hundred and CHAPTER 39 the ephod as amemorial stones for
the sons of Israel, as the LORD had
thirty shekels, according to bthe commanded Moses.
shekel of the sanctuary.
25 And the silver from those who 1 aEx. 25:4; Making the Breastplate
35:23 bEx.
were anumbered of the congregation 31:10; 35:19
was one hundred talents and one cEx. 28:4 1Or 8 aAnd he made the breastplate,
thousand seven hundred and seventy- woven gar- artistically woven like the workman-
five shekels, according to the shekel ments 2sanc- ship of the ephod, of gold, blue, pur-
of the sanctuary: tuary ple, and scarlet thread, and of fine
26 aa bekah for 1each man (that is, woven linen.
half a shekel, according to the shekel 9 They made the breastplate square
2 aEx. 28:614 by doubling it; a span was its length
of the sanctuary), for everyone bLev. 8:7
and a span its width when doubled.
included in the numbering from 10 aAnd they set in it four rows of
twenty years old and above, for bsix stones: a row with a sardius, a topaz,
hundred and three thousand, five 6 aEx. 28:911
1plaited work and an emerald was the first row;
hundred and fifty men. 11 the second row, a turquoise, a
27 And from the hundred talents of sapphire, and a diamond;
silver were cast athe sockets of the 7 aEx. 28:12, 12 the third row, a jacinth, an agate,
sanctuary and the bases of the veil: 29; Josh. 4:7 and an amethyst;
one hundred sockets from the hun- 13 the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx,
dred talents, one talent for each and a jasper. They were enclosed in
socket. 8 aEx.
28:1530 settings of gold in their mountings.
28 Then from the one thousand 14 There were atwelve stones
seven hundred and seventy-five according to the names of the sons of
shekels he made hooks for the pil- 10 aEx. 28:17 Israel: according to their names,
lars, overlaid their capitals, and engraved like a signet, each one with
amade bands for them. its own name according to the twelve
29 The offering of bronze was sev- 14 aRev. 21:12 tribes.
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85 EXODUS 40:8
15 And they made chains for the 22 aEx. The Work Completed
breastplate at the ends, like braided 28:3135 bEx.
cords of pure gold.
29:5; Lev. 8:7 32 Thus all the work of the taberna-
16 They also made two settings of cle of the tent of meeting was afin-
gold and two gold rings, and put the 25 aEx. 28:33 ished. And the children of Israel did
baccording to all that the LORD had
two rings on the two ends of the
breastplate. commanded Moses; so they did.
26 1serve 33 And they brought the tabernacle
17 And they put the two braided
chains of gold in the two rings on the to Moses, the tent and all its furnish-
ends of the breastplate. 27 aEx. 28:39, ings: its clasps, its boards, its bars, its
18 The two ends of the two braided
40 pillars, and its sockets;
chains they fastened in the two set- 34 the covering of ram skins dyed
tings, and put them on the shoulder 28 aEx. 28:4,
red, the covering of badger skins,
straps of the ephod in the front. 39; Lev. 8:9; and the veil of the covering;
19 And they made two rings of gold
Ezek. 44:18 35 the ark of the Testimony with its
bEx. 28:42;
and put them on the two ends of the poles, and the mercy seat;
Lev. 6:10
36 the table, all its utensils, and the
breastplate, on the edge of it, which ashowbread;
was on the inward side of the ephod. 29 aEx. 28:39 37 the pure gold lampstand with its
20 They made two other gold rings lamps (the lamps set in order), all its
and put them on the two shoulder utensils, and the oil for light;
straps, underneath the ephod toward 30 aEx. 28:36,
38 the gold altar, the anointing oil,
its front, right at the seam above the 37 bZech.
14:20 and the sweet incense; the screen for
intricately woven band of the ephod. the tabernacle door;
21 And they bound the breastplate 39 the bronze altar, its grate of
by means of its rings to the rings of 32 aEx. 40:17
bEx. 25:40; bronze, its poles, and all its utensils;
the ephod with a blue cord, so that it 39:42, 43 the laver with its base;
would be above the intricately woven 40 the hangings of the court, its pil-
band of the ephod, and that the lars and its sockets, the screen for
breastplate would not come loose 36 aEx.
the court gate, its cords, and its pegs;
from the ephod, as the LORD had 25:2330
all the utensils for the service of the
commanded Moses. tabernacle, for the tent of meeting;
41 1Or woven 41 and the 1garments of ministry, to
Making the Other Priestly Garments garments 2minister in the holy place: the holy
22 aHe made the brobe of the ephod garments for Aaron the priest, and
of woven work, all of blue. his sons garments, to minister as
23 And there was an opening in the 42 aEx. 35:10 priests.
middle of the robe, like the opening 42 According to all that the LORD
in a coat of mail, with a woven bind- 43 aLev. 9:22, had commanded Moses, so the chil-
ing all around the opening, so that it 23; Num. dren of Israel adid all the work.
would not tear. 6:2326; Josh. 43 Then Moses looked over all the
22:6; 2 Sam.
24 They made on the hem of the 6:18; 1 Kin. work, and indeed they had done it; as
robe pomegranates of blue, purple, 8:14; 2 Chr. the LORD had commanded, just so
and scarlet, and of fine woven linen. 30:27 they had done it. And Moses ablessed
25 And they made abells of pure them.
gold, and put the bells between the
pomegranates on the hem of the CHAPTER 40 The Tabernacle Erected and
robe all around between the pome- Arranged
granates: Then the LORD aspoke to Mo-
26 a bell and a pomegranate, a bell
and a pomegranate, all around the
1 aEx.
40 ses, saying:
2 On the first day of the afirst
hem of the robe to 1minister in, as the month you shall set up bthe taberna-
LORD had commanded Moses. 2 aEx. 12:2; cle of the tent of meeting.
27 aThey made tunics, artistically 13:4 bEx. 26:1, 3 aYou shall put in it the ark of the
woven of fine linen, for Aaron and 30; 40:17
Testimony, and 1partition off the ark
his sons, with the veil.
28 aa turban of fine linen, exquisite 3 aEx. 26:33; 4 aYou shall bring in the table and
hats of fine linen, bshort trousers of 40:21; Lev. barrange the things that are to be set
fine woven linen, 16:2; Num. 4:5
1screen in order on it; cand you shall bring in
29 aand a sash of fine woven linen the lampstand and 1light its lamps.
with blue, purple, and scarlet thread, 5 aYou shall also set the altar of
made by a weaver, as the LORD had 4 aEx. 26:35; gold for the incense before the ark of
commanded Moses. 40:22 bEx.
25:30; 40:23 the Testimony, and put up the screen
30 aThen they made the plate of the cEx. 40:24, 25 for the door of the tabernacle.
holy crown of pure gold, and wrote 1set up
6 Then you shall set the aaltar of
on it an inscription like the engrav- the burnt offering before the door of
ing of a signet: 5 aEx. 40:26 the tabernacle of the tent of meeting.
7 And ayou shall set the laver
b between the tabernacle of meeting
6 aEx. 39:39 and the altar, and put water in it.
31 And they tied to it a blue cord, to 8 You shall set up the court all
fasten it above on the turban, as the 7 aEx. 30:18; around, and hang up the screen at
LORD had commanded Moses. 40:30 the court gate.
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EXODUS 40:9 86
9 And you shall take the anoint- 9 aEx. 30:26 ernacle of meeting, across from the
ing oil, and aanoint the tabernacle table, on the south side of the taber-
10 aEx.
and all that is in it; and you shall hal- 30:2630 nacle;
low it and all its utensils, and it shall bEx. 29:36, 37 25 and ahe lit the lamps before the
be holy. LORD, as the LORD had commanded
10 You shall aanoint the altar of the 12 aLev. 8:113 Moses.
burnt offering and all its utensils, 26 aHe put the gold altar in the tab-
and consecrate the altar. bThe altar 13 aEx. 29:5;
39:1, 41 b[Ex. ernacle of meeting in front of the
shall be most holy. 28:41] veil;
11 And you shall anoint the laver 27 aand he burned sweet incense on
and its base, and consecrate it. 15 aNum. it, as the LORD had commanded
12 aThen you shall bring Aaron 25:13 Moses.
and his sons to the door of the taber- 28 aHe hung up the screen at the
17 aEx. 40:2
nacle of meeting and wash them 1erected door of the tabernacle.
with water. 29 aAnd he put the altar of burnt
13 You shall put the holy agar- 20 aEx. 25:16 offering before the door of the tab-
ments on Aaron, band anoint him ernacle of the tent of meeting, and
and consecrate him, that he may 21 aEx. 26:33 boffered upon it the burnt offering
minister to Me as priest. and the grain offering, as the LORD
22 aEx. 26:35
14 And you shall bring his sons had commanded Moses.
and clothe them with tunics. 23 aEx. 40:4 30 aHe set the laver between the
15 You shall anoint them, as you tabernacle of meeting and the altar,
anointed their father, that they may 24 aEx. 26:35 and put water there for washing;
minister to Me as priests; for their 31 and Moses, Aaron, and his sons
anointing shall surely be aan ever- 25 aEx. 25:37;
30:7, 8; 40:4 would awash their hands and their
lasting priesthood throughout their feet with water from it.
generations. 26 aEx. 30:1, 6; 32 Whenever they went into the
16 Thus Moses did; according to all 40:5 tabernacle of meeting, and when
that the LORD had commanded him, they came near the altar, they
so he did. 27 aEx. 30:7
washed, aas the LORD had com-
17 And it came to pass in the first manded Moses.
month of the second year, on the first 28 aEx. 26:36;
40:5 33 aAnd he raised up the court all
day of the month, that the ataberna- around the tabernacle and the altar,
cle was 1raised up. 29 aEx. 40:6 and hung up the screen of the court
18 So Moses raised up the taberna- bEx. 29:3842
gate. So Moses bfinished the work.
cle, fastened its sockets, set up its
boards, put in its bars, and raised up 30 aEx. 30:18; The Cloud and the Glory
its pillars.
19 And he spread out the tent over 31 aEx. 30:19,
34 aThen the bcloud covered the tab-
the tabernacle and put the covering 20 ernacle of meeting, and the cglory of
of the tent on top of it, as the LORD the LORD filled the tabernacle.
had commanded Moses. 32 aEx. 30:19 35 And Moses awas not able to
20 He took athe Testimony and put enter the tabernacle of meeting,
33 aEx. because the cloud rested above it,
it into the ark, inserted the poles 27:918; 40:8
through the rings of the ark, and put b[Heb. 3:25] and the glory of the LORD filled the
the mercy seat on top of the ark. tabernacle.
21 And he brought the ark into the 34 aNum. 9:15 36 aWhenever the cloud was taken
tabernacle, ahung up the veil of the b1 Kin. 8:10,
up from above the tabernacle, the
11 cLev. 9:6, children of Israel would 1go onward
covering, and partitioned off the ark 23
of the Testimony, as the LORD had in all their journeys.
commanded Moses. 35 a1 Kin. 8:11 37 But aif the cloud was not taken
22 aHe put the table in the taberna- up, then they did not journey till the
cle of meeting, on the north side of 36 aNum. 9:17
day that it was taken up.
the tabernacle, outside the veil; 38 For athe cloud of the LORD was
23 aand he set the bread in order 37 aNum.
above the tabernacle by day, and fire
upon it before the LORD, as the LORD 9:1922 was over it by night, in the sight of all
had commanded Moses. the house of Israel, throughout all
24 aHe put the lampstand in the tab- 38 aEx. 13:21 their journeys.
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The Third Book of Moses Called


L EVITICUS is Gods guidebook for His newly redeemed people, showing them
how to worship, serve, and obey a holy God. Fellowship with God through sac-
rifice and obedience show the awesome holiness of the God of Israel. Indeed,
you shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy (19:2).
Leviticus focuses on the worship and walk of the nation of God. In Exodus,
Israel was redeemed and established as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
Leviticus shows how Gods people are to fulfill their priestly calling.
The Hebrew title is Wayyiqra, And He Called. The Talmud refers to Leviticus
as the Law of the Priests, and the Law of the Offerings. The Greek title appear-
ing in the Septuagint is Leuitikon, That Which Pertains to the Levites. From this
word, the Latin Vulgate derived its name Leviticus which was adopted as the En-
glish title. This title is slightly misleading because the book does not deal with the
Levites as a whole but more with the priests, a segment of the Levites.

The Burnt Offering CHAPTER 1 with its head and its fat; and the
1 aEx. 19:3; priest shall lay them in order on the
OW the LORD acalled to Moses,
N and spoke to him bfrom the tab-
ernacle of meeting, saying,
25:22 bEx.
wood that is on the fire upon the
2 aLev. 22:18, 13 but he shall wash the entrails
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and the legs with water. Then the
and say to them: aWhen any one of priest shall bring it all and burn it
you brings an offering to the LORD, 3 aEph. 5:27 on the altar; it is a burnt sacrifice,
you shall bring your offering of the an aoffering made by fire, a sweet
4 aLev. 3:2, 8,
livestockof the herd and of the 13; 4:15 aroma to the LORD.
flock. b[Rom. 12:1]
14 And if the burnt sacrifice of his
3 If his offering is a burnt sacri- c2 Chr. 29:23,
offering to the LORD is of birds, then
fice of the herd, let him offer a male 24
awithout blemish; he shall offer it of
he shall bring his offering of aturtle-
5 aMic. 6:6 doves or young pigeons.
his own free will at the door of the b2 Chr. 35:11
15 The priest shall bring it to the
c[Heb. 12:24]
tabernacle of meeting before the altar, 1wring off its head, and burn it
LORD. 6 aLev. 7:8 on the altar; its blood shall be
4 aThen he shall put his hand on drained out at the side of the altar.
the head of the burnt offering, and it 7 aMal. 1:10
will be baccepted on his behalf cto
bGen. 22:9 16 And he shall remove its crop
make atonement for him. with its feathers and cast it abeside
9 aGen. 8:21
5 He shall kill the abull before the 1soothing or the altar on the east side, into the
LORD; band the priests, Aarons pleasing place for ashes.
sons, shall bring the blood cand
aroma 17 Then he shall split it at its
sprinkle the blood all around on the 10 aLev. 1:3
wings, but ashall not divide it com-
altar that is by the door of the taber- pletely; and the priest shall burn it
nacle of meeting.
11 aLev. 1:5 on the altar, on the wood that is on
6 And he shall askin the burnt 13 aNum. the fire. bIt is a burnt sacrifice, an
offering and cut it into its pieces. 15:47; offering made by fire, a 1sweet
7 The sons of Aaron the priest 28:1214 aroma to the LORD.
shall put afire on the altar, and blay 14 aLev. 5:7, The Grain Offering
the wood in order on the fire. 11; 12:8
When anyone offers aa grain
8 Then the priests, Aarons sons,
shall lay the parts, the head, and the
fat in order on the wood that is on
15 1Lit. nip or
chop off 2 offering to the LORD, his offer-
ing shall be of fine flour. And he
16 aLev. 6:10 shall pour oil on it, and put bfrankin-
the fire upon the altar;
9 but he shall wash its entrails 17 aGen. 15:10 cense on it.
and its legs with water. And the bLev. 1:9, 13
1soothing or
2 He shall bring it to Aarons
priest shall burn all on the altar as a pleasing
sons, the priests, one of whom shall
burnt sacrifice, an offering made by aroma take from it his handful of fine flour
fire, a asweet1 aroma to the LORD. and oil with all the frankincense.
10 If his offering is of the flocks CHAPTER 2 And the priest shall burn ait as a
of the sheep or of the goatsas a 1 aNum. 15:4 memorial on the altar, an offering
burnt sacrifice, he shall bring a bLev. 5:11 made by fire, a sweet aroma to the
male awithout blemish. LORD.
11 aHe shall kill it on the north 2 aLev. 2:9; 3 aThe rest of the grain offering
5:12; 6:15;
side of the altar before the LORD; 24:7 shall be Aarons and his bsons. cIt is
and the priests, Aarons sons, shall most holy of the offerings to the
sprinkle its blood all around on the 3 aLev. 7:9 LORD made by fire.
bLev. 6:6;
altar. 10:12, 13 4 And if you bring as an offering
12 And he shall cut it into its pieces, cNum. 18:9 a grain offering baked in the oven,
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it shall be unleavened cakes of fine 4 aEx. 29:2
4 the two kidneys and the fat that
flour mixed with oil, or unleavened is on them by the flanks, and the
wafers aanointed1 with oil. 5 1flat plate or
fatty lobe attached to the liver
5 But if your offering is a grain griddle above the kidneys, he shall remove;
offering baked in a 1pan, it shall be 5 and Aarons sons ashall burn it
of fine flour, unleavened, mixed 7 aLev. 7:9 on the altar upon the bburnt sacri-
with oil. fice, which is on the wood that is on
6 You shall break it in pieces and 9 aLev. 2:2, 16; the fire, as an coffering made by fire,
pour oil on it; it is a grain offering. 5:12; 6:15 bEx. a dsweet aroma to the LORD.
7 If your offering is a grain offer- 6 If his offering as a sacrifice of a
ing baked in a acovered pan, it shall 10 aLev. 2:3; peace offering to the LORD is of the
be made of fine flour with oil. 6:16 flock, whether male or female, ahe
8 You shall bring the grain offer- shall offer it without blemish.
ing that is made of these things to 11 aLev. 6:16, 7 If he offers a alamb as his offer-
the LORD. And when it is presented 17 ing, then he shall boffer it cbefore
to the priest, he shall bring it to the the LORD.
12 aLev. 23:10,
altar. 11, 17, 18 8 And he shall lay his hand on the
9 Then the priest shall take from head of his offering, and kill it
the grain offering aa memorial por- 13 a[Col. 4:6] before the tabernacle of meeting;
tion, and burn it on the altar. It is an bNum. 18:19 and Aarons sons shall sprinkle its
cEzek. 43:24
boffering made by fire, a sweet blood all around on the altar.
aroma to the LORD. 9 Then he shall offer from the
14 aLev. 23:10,
10 And awhat is left of the grain 14 b2 Kin.
sacrifice of the peace offering, as an
offering shall be Aarons and his 4:42 offering made by fire to the LORD,
sons. It is most holy of the offerings its fat and the whole fat tail which he
to the LORD made by fire. 15 aLev. 2:1 shall remove close to the backbone.
11 No grain offering which you And the fat that covers the entrails
bring to the LORD shall be made 16 aLev. 2:2 and all the fat that is on the entrails,
with aleaven, for you shall burn no 10 the two kidneys and the fat that
leaven nor any honey in any offer- CHAPTER 3 is on them by the flanks, and the
ing to the LORD made by fire. 1 aLev. 7:11,
fatty lobe attached to the liver
12 aAs for the offering of the first- 29 bLev. 1:3; above the kidneys, he shall remove;
fruits, you shall offer them to the 22:2024 11 and the priest shall burn them
LORD, but they shall not be burned 1imperfection
on the altar as afood, an offering
on the altar for a sweet aroma. or defect made by fire to the LORD.
13 And every offering of your grain 2 aLev. 1:4, 5;
12 And if his aoffering is a goat,
offering ayou shall season with salt; 16:21 bLev. 1:5 then bhe shall offer it before the
you shall not allow bthe salt of the LORD.
covenant of your God to be lacking 3 aLev. 1:8; 13 He shall lay his hand on its
from your grain offering. cWith all 3:16; 4:8, 9 head and kill it before the taberna-
your offerings you shall offer salt. cle of meeting; and the sons of
14 If you offer a grain offering of 5 aEx. 29:13 Aaron shall sprinkle its blood all
b2 Chr. 35:14
your firstfruits to the LORD, ayou cNum. 28:310 around on the altar.
shall offer for the grain offering of dNum. 15:810 14 Then he shall offer from it his
your firstfruits green heads of grain offering, as an offering made by fire
roasted on the fire, grain beaten 6 aLev. 3:1; to the LORD. The fat that covers the
from bfull heads. 22:2024 entrails and all the fat that is on the
15 And ayou shall put oil on it, and entrails,
7 aNum. 15:4,
lay frankincense on it. It is a grain 5 b1 Kin. 8:62
15 the two kidneys and the fat that
offering. cLev. 17:8, 9 is on them by the flanks, and the
16 Then the priest shall burn athe fatty lobe attached to the liver
memorial portion: part of its beaten 11 aNum. 28:2 above the kidneys, he shall remove;
grain and part of its oil, with all the 16 and the priest shall burn them
frankincense, as an offering made 12 aNum. on the altar as food, an offering
by fire to the LORD. 15:611 bLev. made by fire for a sweet aroma; aall
3:1, 7
the fat is the LORDs.
The Peace Offering 16 aLev. 17 This shall be a aperpetual1
When his offering is a asacrifice 7:2325 statute throughout your generations
3 of a peace offering, if he offers it
of the herd, whether male or female, 17 aLev. 6:18;
in all your dwellings: you shall eat
neither fat nor bblood.
7:36; 17:7;
he shall offer it bwithout 1blemish 23:14 bLev. The Sin Offering
before the LORD. 7:23, 26;
2 And ahe shall lay his hand on 17:10, 14 Now the LORD spoke to Moses,
the head of his offering, and kill it at
the door of the tabernacle of meet-
or never-
4 saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
ing; and Aarons sons, the priests, saying: aIf a person sins 1uninten-
shall bsprinkle the blood all around CHAPTER 4 tionally against any of the com-
on the altar. mandments of the LORD in anything
3 Then he shall offer from the 2 aLev. which ought not to be done, and
sacrifice of the peace offering an 5:1518 does any of them,
offering made by fire to the LORD. error 3 aif the anointed priest sins,
aThe fat that covers the entrails and bringing guilt on the people, then let
all the fat that is on the entrails, 3 aLev. 8:12 him offer to the LORD for his sin
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which he has sinned ba young bull 3 bLev. 3:1; 9:2 shall pour the remaining blood at
cLev. 9:7
without blemish as a csin offering. the base of the altar of burnt offer-
4 He shall bring the bull ato the ing, which is at the door of the tab-
4 aLev. 1:3, 4;
door of the tabernacle of meeting 4:15; Num. ernacle of meeting.
before the LORD, lay his hand on the 8:12 19 He shall take all the fat from it
bulls head, and kill the bull before and burn it on the altar.
the LORD. 5 aLev. 16:14; 20 And he shall do awith the bull
5 Then the anointed priest ashall Num. 19:4 as he did with the bull as a sin offer-
take some of the bulls blood and ing; thus he shall do with it. bSo the
6 aEx. 40:21,
bring it to the tabernacle of meeting. 26 priest shall make 1atonement for
6 The priest shall dip his finger in them, and it shall be forgiven them.
the blood and sprinkle some of the 7 aLev. 4:18, 21 Then he shall carry the bull out-
blood seven times before the LORD, 25, 30, 34; side the camp, and burn it as he
in front of the aveil of the sanctuary. 8:15; 9:9;
16:18 bEx.
burned the first bull. It is a sin offer-
7 And the priest shall aput some 40:5, 6; Lev. ing for the assembly.
of the blood on the horns of the 5:9 22 When a 1ruler has sinned, and
altar of sweet incense before the adone something unintentionally
LORD, which is in the tabernacle of 10 aLev. 3:35 against any of the commandments of
meeting; and he shall pour bthe the LORD his God in anything which
remaining blood of the bull at the 11 aEx. 29:14; should not be done, and is guilty,
Lev. 9:11;
base of the altar of the burnt offer- Num. 19:5 23 or aif his sin which he has com-
ing, which is at the door of the tab- mitted 1comes to his knowledge, he
ernacle of meeting. 12 aLev. 4:21; shall bring as his offering a kid of
8 He shall take from it all the fat 6:10, 11; 16:27
b[Heb. 13:11,
the goats, a male without blemish.
of the bull as the sin offering. The 12]
24 And ahe shall lay his hand on
fat that covers the entrails and all the head of the goat, and kill it at the
the fat which is on the entrails, 13 aNum. place where they kill the burnt
9 the two kidneys and the fat that 15:2426; offering before the LORD. It is a sin
is on them by the flanks, and the Josh. 7:11
bLev. 5:24, 17
fatty lobe attached to the liver 25 aThe priest shall take some of
above the kidneys, he shall remove, 15 aLev. 1:3, 4
the blood of the sin offering with his
10 aas it was taken from the bull of finger, put it on the horns of the
the sacrifice of the peace offering; 16 aLev. 4:5; altar of burnt offering, and pour its
and the priest shall burn them on [Heb. 9:1214] blood at the base of the altar of
the altar of the burnt offering. burnt offering.
11 aBut the bulls hide and all its 20 aLev. 4:3 26 And he shall burn all its fat on
bLev. 1:4;
flesh, with its head and legs, its Num. 15:25
the altar, like athe fat of the sacrifice
entrails and offal 1Lit. covering of the peace offering. bSo the priest
12 the whole bull he shall carry shall make 1atonement for him con-
outside the camp to a clean place, 22 aLev. 4:2, cerning his sin, and it shall be for-
awhere the ashes are poured out, 13, 27 1leader given him.
and bburn it on wood with fire; 27 aIf 1anyone of the 2common
23 aLev. 4:14;
where the ashes are poured out it 5:4 1is made people sins unintentionally by
shall be burned. known to him doing something against any of the
13 Now aif the whole congregation commandments of the LORD in any-
of Israel sins unintentionally, band 24 aLev. 4:4; thing which ought not to be done,
the thing is hidden from the eyes of [Is. 53:6] and is guilty,
the assembly, and they have done 28 or aif his sin which he has com-
25 aLev. 4:7,
something against any of the com- 18, 30, 34 mitted comes to his knowledge,
mandments of the LORD in anything then he shall bring as his offering a
which should not be done, and are 26 aLev. 3:35 kid of the goats, a female without
guilty; bLev. 4:20; blemish, for his sin which he has
14 when the sin which they have Num. 15:28 committed.
1Lit. covering
committed becomes known, then 29 aAnd he shall lay his hand on
the assembly shall offer a young 27 aLev. 4:2; the head of the sin offering, and kill
bull for the sin, and bring it before Num. 15:27 the sin offering at the place of the
the tabernacle of meeting. 1Lit. any soul
2Lit. people of
burnt offering.
15 And the elders of the congrega- the land
30 Then the priest shall take some
tion ashall lay their hands on the of its blood with his finger, put it on
head of the bull before the LORD. 28 aLev. 4:23 the horns of the altar of burnt offer-
Then the bull shall be killed before ing, and pour all the remaining
the LORD. 29 aLev. 1:4; blood at the base of the altar.
16 aThe anointed priest shall bring 4:4, 24 31 aHe shall remove all its fat, bas
some of the bulls blood to the taber- fat is removed from the sacrifice of
nacle of meeting. 31 aLev. 3:14 the peace offering; and the priest
bLev. 3:3, 4
17 Then the priest shall dip his fin- cGen. 8:21; shall burn it on the altar for a csweet
ger in the blood and sprinkle it Ex. 29:18; Lev. aroma to the LORD. dSo the priest
seven times before the LORD, in 1:9, 13; 2:2, 9, shall make atonement for him, and
front of the veil. 12 dLev. 4:26 it shall be forgiven him.
18 And he shall put some of the 32 aLev. 4:28
32 If he brings a lamb as his sin
blood on the horns of the altar offering, ahe shall bring a female
which is before the LORD, which is 33 aLev. 1:4; without blemish.
in the tabernacle of meeting; and he Num. 8:12 33 Then he shall alay his hand on
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 90

the head of the sin offering, and kill 35 aLev. 3:5 aprescribed manner. So bthe priest
bLev. 4:26, 31
it as a sin offering at the place shall make atonement on his behalf
where they kill the burnt offering. for his sin which he has committed,
34 The priest shall take some of CHAPTER 5 and it shall be forgiven him.
the blood of the sin offering with his 11 But if he is anot able to bring two
finger, put it on the horns of the 1 aProv. 29:24 turtledoves or two young pigeons,
bNum. 9:13
altar of burnt offering, and pour all 1his iniquity then he who sinned shall bring for
the remaining blood at the base of his offering one-tenth of an ephah of
the altar. 2 aNum. fine flour as a sin offering. bHe shall
35 He shall remove all its fat, as 19:1116 bLev. put no oil on it, nor shall he put frank-
the fat of the lamb is removed from 5:17 incense on it, for it is a sin offering.
the sacrifice of the peace offering. 12 Then he shall bring it to the
Then the priest shall burn it on the 3 aLev. 5:12, priest, and the priest shall take his
altar, aaccording to the offerings 13, 15 handful of it aas a memorial portion,
made by fire to the LORD. bSo the and burn it on the altar baccording
priest shall make atonement for his 4 aActs 23:12 to the offerings made by fire to the
b[James 5:12]
sin that he has committed, and it 1vows LORD. It is a sin offering.
shall be forgiven him. 13 aThe priest shall make atone-
5 aProv. 28:13 ment for him, 1for his sin that he has
The Trespass Offering committed in any of these matters;
If a person sins in ahearing the and it shall be forgiven him. bThe
5 utterance of an oath, and is a
witness, whether he has seen or
7 aLev. 12:6, 8;
14:21 bLev.
rest shall be the priests as a grain
known of the matterif he does not Offerings with Restitution
8 aLev.
tell it, he bbears 1guilt. 1:1517 1Lit.
2 Or aif a person touches any apart 14 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
unclean thing, whether it is the car- saying:
cass of an unclean beast, or the car- 9 aLev. 4:7, 18, 15 aIf a person commits a tres-
cass of unclean livestock, or the car- 30, 34 pass, and sins unintentionally in
cass of unclean creeping things, and regard to the holy things of the
he is unaware of it, he also shall be 10 aLev. LORD, then bhe shall bring to the
unclean and bguilty. 1:1417 bLev. LORD as his trespass offering a ram
4:20, 26; 5:13, without blemish from the flocks,
3 Or if he touches ahuman 16
uncleannesswhatever uncleanness with your valuation in shekels of sil-
with which a man may be defiled, 11 aLev.
ver according to cthe shekel of the
and he is unaware of itwhen he 14:2132 sanctuary, as a trespass offering.
realizes it, then he shall be guilty. bNum. 5:15 16 And he shall make restitution
4 Or if a person 1swears, speak- for the harm that he has done in
ing thoughtlessly with his lips ato do 12 aLev. 2:2 regard to the holy thing, aand shall
evil or bto do good, whatever it is bLev. 4:35
add one-fifth to it and give it to the
that a man may pronounce by an priest. bSo the priest shall make
oath, and he is unaware of itwhen 13 aLev. 4:26 atonement for him with the ram of
bLev. 2:3; 6:17,
he realizes it, then he shall be guilty 26 1concern-
the trespass offering, and it shall be
in any of these matters. ing his sin forgiven him.
5 And it shall be, when he is 17 If a person sins, and commits
guilty in any of these matters, that 15 aLev. 4:2; any of these things which are for-
he shall aconfess that he has sinned 22:14 bEzra bidden to be done by the command-
in that thing; 10:19 cEx. ments of the LORD, athough he does
30:13 not know it, yet he is bguilty and
6 and he shall bring his trespass
offering to the LORD for his sin shall bear his 1iniquity.
16 aNum. 5:7 18 aAnd he shall bring to the priest
which he has committed, a female bLev. 4:26
from the flock, a lamb or a kid of the a ram without blemish from the
goats as a sin offering. So the priest 17 aLev. 4:2,
flock, with your valuation, as a tres-
shall make atonement for him con- 13, 22, 27 pass offering. So the priest shall
cerning his sin. bLev. 5:1, 2 make atonement for him regarding
7 aIf he is not able to bring a his ignorance in which he erred and
lamb, then he shall bring to the did not know it, and it shall be for-
LORD, for his trespass which he has 18 aLev. 5:15 given him.
committed, two bturtledoves or two 19 It is a trespass offering; ahe has
young pigeons: one as a sin offering 19 aEzra 10:2 certainly trespassed against the
and the other as a burnt offering. LORD.
8 And he shall bring them to the CHAPTER 6 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
priest, who shall offer that which is
for the sin offering first, and awring 2 aNum. 5:6
6 saying:
2 If a person sins and acommits a
bLev. 19:11
off its head from its neck, but shall cEx. 22:7, 10 trespass against the LORD by blying1
not divide it 1completely. dProv. 24:28 to his neighbor about cwhat was
9 Then he shall sprinkle some of 1deceiving his delivered to him for safekeeping, or
the blood of the sin offering on the associate 2an about 2a pledge, or about a robbery,
side of the altar, and the arest of the entrusted or if he has dextorted from his
blood shall be drained out at the neighbor,
base of the altar. It is a sin offering. 3 aDeut.
3 or if he ahas found what was
10 And he shall offer the second as 22:14 bEx. lost and lies concerning it, and
a burnt offering according to the 22:11 bswears falselyin any one of these
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 91

things that a man may do in which 4 aLev. 24:18, it is most holy, like the sin offering
he sins: 21 1return and the atrespass offering.
4 then it shall be, because he has 5 aLev. 5:16; 18 aAll the males among the chil-
sinned and is guilty, that he shall Num. 5:7, 8; dren of Aaron may eat it. bIt shall be
1restore awhat he has stolen, or the 2 Sam. 12:6 a statute forever in your generations
thing which he has extorted, or what concerning the offerings made by
was delivered to him for safekeep- 6 aLev. 1:3; fire to the LORD. cEveryone who
ing, or the lost thing which he found, 1appraisal touches them must be holy.
5 or all that about which he has 19 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
sworn falsely. He shall arestore its 7 aLev. 4:26 saying,
full value, add one-fifth more to it, 20 aThis is the offering of Aaron
and give it to whomever it belongs, 9 aEx. and his sons, which they shall offer
on the day of his trespass offering. 29:3842; to the LORD, beginning on the day
Num. 28:310
6 And he shall bring his trespass when he is anointed: one-tenth of an
offering to the LORD, aa ram without bephah of fine flour as a daily grain
10 aEx.
blemish from the flock, with your 28:3943; Lev. offering, half of it in the morning
1valuation, as a trespass offering, to 16:4; Ezek. and half of it at night.
44:17, 18 bLev.
the priest. 1:16 21 It shall be made in a apan with
7 aSo the priest shall make oil. When it is mixed, you shall
atonement for him before the LORD, 11 aEzek. bring it in. The baked pieces of the
and he shall be forgiven for any one 44:19 bLev. grain offering you shall offer for a
of these things that he may have 4:12 1sweet aroma to the LORD.
done in which he trespasses. 12 aLev. 3:3, 5,
22 The priest from among his sons,
awho is anointed in his place, shall
9, 14
The Law of the Burnt Offering offer it. It is a statute forever to the
8 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, 13 aLev. 1:7 LORD. bIt shall be 1wholly burned.
saying, 23 For every grain offering for the
17 aLev. 7:7 priest shall be wholly burned. It
9 Command Aaron and his sons, 1share
saying, This is the alaw of the burnt shall not be eaten.
offering: The burnt offering shall be 18 aLev. 6:29; The Law of the Sin Offering
on the hearth upon the altar all 7:6; Num.
18:10; 1 Cor.
night until morning, and the fire of 9:13 bLev. 3:17 24 Also the LORD spoke to Moses,
the altar shall be kept burning on it. cEx. 29:37; saying,
10 aAnd the priest shall put on his Lev. 22:37; 25 Speak to Aaron and to his
linen garment, and his linen Num. 4:15; sons, saying, This is the law of the
Hag. 2:1113
trousers he shall put on his body, sin offering: aIn the place where the
and take up the ashes of the burnt 20 aEx. 29:2 burnt offering is killed, the sin offer-
offering which the fire has con- bEx. 16:36 ing shall be killed before the LORD.
sumed on the altar, and he shall put It is most holy.
them bbeside the altar. 21 aLev. 2:5; 26 aThe priest who offers it for sin
11 Then ahe shall take off his gar- 7:9 1pleasing shall eat it. In a holy place it shall be
ments, put on other garments, and 22 aLev. 4:3
eaten, in the court of the tabernacle
carry the ashes outside the camp bto bEx. 29:25 of meeting.
a clean place. 1completely 27 aEveryone who touches its flesh
12 And the fire on the altar shall 1must be holy. And when its blood is
be kept burning on it; it shall not be 25 aLev. 1:1, 3, sprinkled on any garment, you shall
5, 11
put out. And the priest shall burn wash that on which it was sprin-
wood on it every morning, and lay 26 a[Lev. 10:17, kled, in a holy place.
the burnt offering in order on it; and 18]; Num. 28 But the earthen vessel in which
he shall burn on it athe fat of the 18:9, 10; it is boiled ashall be broken. And if it
peace offerings. [Ezek. 44:28, is boiled in a bronze pot, it shall be
13 A fire shall always be burning both scoured and rinsed in water.
on the aaltar; it shall never go out. 27 aEx. 29:37; 29 All the males among the priests
Num. 4:15; may eat it. It is most holy.
The Law of the Grain Offering Hag. 2:1113 30 aBut no sin offering from which
1Lit. shall
14 This is the law of the grain any of the blood is brought into the
offering: The sons of Aaron shall 28 aLev. 11:33;
tabernacle of meeting, to make
offer it on the altar before the LORD. 15:12 atonement in 1the holy bplace, shall
15 He shall take from it his hand- be ceaten. It shall be dburned in the
ful of the fine flour of the grain 30 aLev. 4:7, fire.
11, 12, 18, 21;
offering, with its oil, and all the 10:18; 16:27; The Law of the Trespass Offering
frankincense which is on the grain [Heb. 13:11,
offering, and shall burn it on the 12] bEx. 26:33 Likewise athis is the law of the
altar for a sweet aroma, as a memo-
rial to the LORD.
cLev. 6:16, 23,
26 dLev. 16:27
1The Most
7 trespass offering (it is most holy):
2 In the place where they kill the
16 And the remainder of it Aaron Holy Place burnt offering they shall kill the
and his sons shall eat; with unleav- when capital- trespass offering. And its blood he
ened bread it shall be eaten in a shall sprinkle all around on the
holy place; in the court of the taber- altar.
nacle of meeting they shall eat it. CHAPTER 7 3 And he shall offer from it all its
17 It shall not be baked with fat. The fat tail and the fat that cov-
leaven. I have given it as their 1por- 1 aLev. ers the entrails,
tion of My offerings made by fire; 5:146:7 4 the two kidneys and the fat that
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 92

is on them by the flanks, and the 6 aLev. 20 But the person who eats the
fatty lobe attached to the liver 6:1618, 29; flesh of the sacrifice of the peace
Num. 18:9
above the kidneys, he shall remove; bLev. 2:3 offering that belongs to the aLORD,
5 and the priest shall burn them bwhile he is unclean, that person
7 aLev.
on the altar as an offering made by 6:2430; 14:13
cshall be cut off from his people.
fire to the LORD. It is a trespass 21 Moreover the person who
offering. 9 aLev. 2:3, 10; touches any unclean thing, such as
Num. 18:9; ahuman uncleanness, an bunclean
6 aEvery male among the priests Ezek. 44:29
may eat it. It shall be eaten in a holy 1on a griddle animal, or any cabominable1
place. bIt is most holy. 11 aLev. 3:1;
unclean thing, and who eats the
7 aThe trespass offering is like 22:18, 21; flesh of the sacrifice of the peace
the sin offering; there is one law for Ezek. 45:15 offering that belongs to the LORD,
them both: the priest who makes 12 aLev. 2:4;
that person dshall be cut off from his
atonement with it shall have it. Num. 6:15 people.
8 And the priest who offers any-
13 aLev. 2:12; Fat and Blood May Not Be Eaten
ones burnt offering, that priest 23:17, 18;
shall have for himself the skin of the Amos 4:5 22 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
burnt offering which he has offered. 14 aNum. 18:8, saying,
9 Also aevery grain offering that is 11, 19 23 Speak to the children of Israel,
baked in the oven and all that is pre- saying: aYou shall not eat any fat, of
pared in the covered pan, or 1in a pan, 15 aLev. 22:29,
30 ox or sheep or goat.
shall be the priests who offers it. 24 And the fat of an animal that
10 Every grain offering, whether 16 aLev. 19:58
dies naturally, and the fat of what is
mixed with oil or dry, shall belong 18 aNum. 18:27 torn by wild beasts, may be used in
to all the sons of Aaron, to one as bLev. 11:10,
any other way; but you shall by no
much as the other. 11, 41; 19:7;
[Prov. 15:8] means eat it.
The Law of Peace Offerings
1his iniquity 25 For whoever eats the fat of the
19 1pure
animal of which men offer an offer-
11 aThis is the law of the sacrifice ing made by fire to the LORD, the
of peace offerings which he shall 20 a[Heb. 2:17]
bLev. 5:3; 15:3;
person who eats it shall be cut off
offer to the LORD: 22:37; Num.
from his people.
12 If he offers it for a thanksgiv- 19:13; [1 Cor. 26 aMoreover you shall not eat any
ing, then he shall offer, with the sac- 11:28] cGen. blood in any of your dwellings,
rifice of thanksgiving, unleavened 17:14; Ex. whether of bird or beast.
31:14 27 Whoever eats any blood, that
cakes mixed with oil, unleavened
wafers aanointed with oil, or cakes 21 aLev. 5:2, 3, person shall be cut off from his peo-
of blended flour mixed with oil. 5 bLev. 11:24, ple.
28 cEzek. 4:14
13 Besides the cakes, as his offer- dLev. 7:20 1So
ing he shall offer aleavened bread with MT,
The Portion of Aaron and His Sons
with the sacrifice of thanksgiving of LXX, Vg.; 28 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
Sam., Syr.,
his peace offering. Tg. swarming saying,
14 And from it he shall offer one thing (cf. 5:2) 29 Speak to the children of Israel,
cake from each offering as a heave 23 aLev. 3:17; saying: aHe who offers the sacrifice
offering to the LORD. aIt shall 17:1015; of his peace offering to the LORD
belong to the priest who sprinkles Deut. 14:21; shall bring his offering to the LORD
the blood of the peace offering. Ezek. 4:14; from the sacrifice of his peace offer-
15 aThe flesh of the sacrifice of his 44:31
peace offering for thanksgiving 26 aGen. 9:4; 30 aHis own hands shall bring the
shall be eaten the same day it is Lev. 3:17; offerings made by fire to the LORD.
offered. He shall not leave any of it 17:1016;
19:26; Deut. The fat with the breast he shall
until morning. 12:23; 1 Sam. bring, that the bbreast may be waved
16 But aif the sacrifice of his offer- 14:33; Ezek. as a wave offering before the LORD.
ing is a vow or a voluntary offering, 33:25; [John 31 aAnd the priest shall burn the
6:53]; Acts
it shall be eaten the same day that 15:20, 29 fat on the altar, but the bbreast shall
he offers his sacrifice; but on the be Aarons and his sons.
next day the remainder of it also 29 aLev. 3:1; 32 aAlso the right thigh you shall
22:21; Ezek.
may be eaten; 45:15 give to the priest as a heave offering
17 the remainder of the flesh of from the sacrifices of your peace
the sacrifice on the third day must 30 aLev. 3:3, 4,
9, 14 bEx. offerings.
be burned with fire. 29:24, 27; Lev. 33 He among the sons of Aaron,
18 And if any of the flesh of the 8:27; 9:21; who offers the blood of the peace
sacrifice of his peace offering is Num. 6:20 offering and the fat, shall have the
eaten at all on the third day, it shall 31 aLev. 3:5, right thigh for his part.
not be accepted, nor shall it be aim- 11, 16 bNum. 34 For athe breast of the wave
puted to him; it shall be an babomi- 18:11; Deut. offering and the thigh of the heave
nation to him who offers it, and the offering I have taken from the chil-
person who eats of it shall bear 32 aEx. 29:27; dren of Israel, from the sacrifices of
1guilt. Lev. 7:34; their peace offerings, and I have
9:21; Num.
19 The flesh that touches any 6:20 given them to Aaron the priest and
unclean thing shall not be eaten. It to his sons from the children of
shall be burned with fire. And as for 34 aEx. 29:28; Israel by a statute forever.
Lev. 10:14, 15;
the clean flesh, all who are 1clean Num. 18:18, 35 This is the consecrated portion
may eat of it. 19; Deut. 18:3 for Aaron and his sons, from the of-
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 93

ferings made by fire to the LORD, on 35 1serve sons blaid their hands on the head of
the day when Moses presented them 36 aEx. the bull for the sin offering,
to 1minister to the LORD as priests. 40:1315; Lev. 15 and Moses killed it. aThen he
36 The LORD commanded this to 8:12, 30 took the blood, and put some on the
be given to them by the children of 37 aLev. 6:9
bLev. 6:14
horns of the altar all around with
Israel, aon the day that He anointed cLev. 6:25 his finger, and purified the altar.
them, by a statute forever through- dLev. 7:1 eEx. And he poured the blood at the base
out their generations. 29:1; Lev. 6:20 of the altar, and consecrated it, to
37 This is the law aof the burnt fLev. 7:11
make 1atonement for it.
offering, bthe grain offering, cthe sin 38 aLev. 1:1, 2; 16 aThen he took all the fat that
offering, dthe trespass offering, ethe Deut. 4:5 was on the entrails, the fatty lobe
consecrations, and fthe sacrifice of attached to the liver, and the two
the peace offering, CHAPTER 8 kidneys with their fat, and Moses
38 which the LORD commanded 2 aEx. 29:13 burned them on the altar.
Moses on Mount Sinai, on the day bEx. 28:2, 4 17 But the bull, its hide, its flesh,
when He commanded the children cEx. 30:24, 25 and its offal, he burned with fire
dEx. 29:10
of Israel ato offer their offerings to eEx. 29:15, 19
outside the camp, as the LORD ahad
the LORD in the Wilderness of Sinai. commanded Moses.
6 aEx. 30:20; 18 aThen he brought the ram as the
Aaron and His Sons Consecrated Heb. 10:22
burnt offering. And Aaron and his
7 aEx. 39:131 sons laid their hands on the head of
And the LORD spoke to Moses,
8 saying:
2 aTake Aaron and his sons with
8 aEx. 28:30;
Num. 27:21;
the ram,
19 and Moses killed it. Then he
Deut. 33:8;
him, and bthe garments, cthe anoint- 1 Sam. 28:6; sprinkled the blood all around on
ing oil, a dbull as the sin offering, Ezra 2:63; the altar.
two erams, and a basket of unleav- Neh. 7:65 1Lit. 20 And he cut the ram into pieces;
Lights and and Moses aburned the head, the
ened bread; the Perfec-
3 and gather all the congregation tions, Ex. pieces, and the fat.
together at the door of the taberna- 28:30 21 Then he washed the entrails and
cle of meeting. 9 aEx. 28:36, the legs in water. And Moses burned
4 So Moses did as the LORD com- 37; 29:6 the whole ram on the altar. It was a
manded him. And the congregation 10 aEx. burnt sacrifice for a 1sweet aroma,
was gathered together at the door of 30:2629; an offering made by fire to the
the tabernacle of meeting. 40:10, 11; Lev. LORD, aas the LORD had com-
8:2 manded Moses.
5 And Moses said to the congre-
gation, This is what the LORD com- 11 1set them 22 And ahe brought the second
apart for the ram, the ram of consecration. Then
manded to be done. LORD
6 Then Moses brought Aaron and Aaron and his sons laid their hands
12 aEx. 29:7; on the head of the ram,
his sons and awashed them with 30:30; Lev.
water. 21:10, 12; Ps. 23 and Moses killed it. Also he
7 And he aput the tunic on him, 133:2 took some of aits blood and put it on
girded him with the sash, clothed 13 aEx. 29:8, 9 the tip of Aarons right ear, on the
him with the robe, and put the 1headpieces thumb of his right hand, and on the
ephod on him; and he girded him 14 aEx. 29:10; big toe of his right foot.
with the intricately woven band of Ps. 66:15; 24 Then he brought Aarons sons.
the ephod, and with it tied the Ezek. 43:19
bLev. 4:4
And Moses put some of the ablood
ephod on him. on the tips of their right ears, on the
8 Then he put the breastplate on 15 aEx. 29:12, thumbs of their right hands, and on
36; Lev. 4:7;
him, and he aput the 1Urim and the Ezek. 43:20, the big toes of their right feet. And
Thummim in the breastplate. 26; [Heb. 9:22] Moses sprinkled the blood all
9 aAnd he put the turban on his 1Lit. covering around on the altar.
head. Also on the turban, on its 16 aEx. 29:13; 25 aThen he took the fat and the fat
front, he put the golden plate, the Lev. 4:8 tail, all the fat that was on the
holy crown, as the LORD had com- 17 aEx. 29:14; entrails, the fatty lobe attached to
manded Moses. Lev. 4:11, 12 the liver, the two kidneys and their
10 aAlso Moses took the anointing 18 aEx. 29:15 fat, and the right thigh;
oil, and anointed the tabernacle and 20 aLev. 1:8 26 aand from the basket of unleav-
all that was in it, and consecrated 21 aEx. 29:18
ened bread that was before the
them. 1pleasing LORD he took one unleavened cake,
11 He sprinkled some of it on the a cake of bread anointed with oil,
22 aEx. 29:19,
altar seven times, anointed the altar 31; Lev. 8:2 and one wafer, and put them on the
and all its utensils, and the laver and fat and on the right thigh;
23 aEx. 29:20,
its base, to 1consecrate them. 21; Lev. 14:14 27 and he put all these ain Aarons
12 And he apoured some of the hands and in his sons hands, and
24 a[Heb. 9:13,
anointing oil on Aarons head and 14, 1823] waved them as a wave offering
anointed him, to consecrate him. before the LORD.
25 aEx. 29:22
13 aThen Moses brought Aarons 28 aThen Moses took them from
sons and put tunics on them, girded 26 aEx. 29:23 their hands and burned them on the
them with sashes, and put 1hats on 27 aEx. 29:24; altar, on the burnt offering. They
them, as the LORD had commanded Lev. 7:30, 34 were consecration offerings for a
Moses. 28 aEx. 29:25 sweet aroma. That was an offering
14 aAnd he brought the bull for the 29 aPs. 99:6 made by fire to the LORD.
sin offering. Then Aaron and his bEx. 29:27 29 And aMoses took the bbreast and
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waved it as a wave offering before 29 cEx. 29:26 atonement for yourself and for the
the LORD. It was Moses cpart of the 30 aEx. 29:21;
people. bOffer the offering of the
ram of consecration, as the LORD 30:30; Num. people, and make atonement for
had commanded Moses. 3:3 them, as the LORD commanded.
30 Then aMoses took some of the 8 Aaron therefore went to the
31 aEx. 29:31,
anointing oil and some of the blood 32 altar and killed the calf of the sin
which was on the altar, and sprin- offering, which was for himself.
kled it on Aaron, on his garments, 32 aEx. 29:34 9 Then the sons of Aaron brought
on his sons, and on the garments of the blood to him. And he dipped his
33 aEx. 29:30,
his sons with him; and he conse- 35; Lev. 10:7; finger in the blood, put it on the
crated Aaron, his garments, his Ezek. 43:25, horns of the altar, and poured the
sons, and the garments of his sons 26 blood at the base of the altar.
with him. 34 a[Heb. 7:16]
10 aBut the fat, the kidneys, and the
31 And Moses said to Aaron and fatty lobe from the liver of the sin
his sons, aBoil the flesh at the door 35 aNum. 1:53; offering he burned on the altar, as
of the tabernacle of meeting, and 3:7; 9:19; the LORD had commanded Moses.
eat it there with the bread that is in Deut. 11:1;
1 Kin. 2:3;
11 aThe flesh and the hide he
the basket of consecration offer- Ezek. 48:11 burned with fire outside the camp.
ings, as I commanded, saying, 1office 12 And he killed the burnt offering;
Aaron and his sons shall eat it. and Aarons sons presented to him
32 aWhat remains of the flesh and CHAPTER 9 the blood, awhich he sprinkled all
of the bread you shall burn with around on the altar.
fire. 1 aEzek. 43:27 13 aThen they presented the burnt
33 And you shall not go outside offering to him, with its pieces and
the door of the tabernacle of meet- 2 aEx. 29:21; head, and he burned them on the
ing for seven days, until the days of Lev. 4:112 altar.
your consecration are ended. For 3 aLev. 4:23, 14 aAnd he washed the entrails and
aseven days he shall consecrate you.
28; Ezra 6:17; the legs, and burned them with the
34 aAs he has done this day, so the 10:19 burnt offering on the altar.
LORD has commanded to do, to 15 aThen he brought the peoples
4 aLev. 2:4
make atonement for you. bEx. 29:43; offering, and took the goat, which
35 Therefore you shall stay at the Lev. 9:6, 23 was the sin offering for the people,
door of the tabernacle of meeting and killed it and offered it for sin,
day and night for seven days, and 5 1in the pres-
ence of like the first one.
akeep the 1charge of the LORD, so
16 And he brought the burnt offer-
that you may not die; for so I have 7 aLev. 4:3; ing and offered it aaccording to the
been commanded. 1 Sam. 3:14; 1prescribed manner.
36 So Aaron and his sons did all [Heb. 5:35;
7:27] bLev. 17 Then he brought the grain offer-
the things that the LORD had com- 4:16, 20; Heb. ing, took a handful of it, and burned
manded by the hand of Moses. 5:1 it on the altar, abesides the burnt
The Priestly Ministry Begins 10 aEx. 23:18;
sacrifice of the morning.
Lev. 8:16 18 He also killed the bull and the
It came to pass on the aeighth ram as asacrifices of peace offer-
9 day that Moses called Aaron
and his sons and the elders of Israel.
11 aLev. 4:11,
12; 8:17
ings, which were for the people.
And Aarons sons presented to him
2 And he said to Aaron, Take for 12 aLev. 1:5; the blood, which he sprinkled all
yourself a young abull as a sin offer- 8:19 around on the altar,
ing and a ram as a burnt offering, 19 and the fat from the bull and the
13 aLev. 8:20
without blemish, and offer them ramthe fatty tail, what covers the
before the LORD. 14 aLev. 8:21 entrails and the kidneys, and the
3 And to the children of Israel fatty lobe attached to the liver;
you shall speak, saying, aTake a kid 15 a[Is. 53:10; 20 and they put the fat on the
Heb. 2:17; 5:3]
of the goats as a sin offering, and a breasts. aThen he burned the fat on
calf and a lamb, both of the first 16 aLev. 1:113 the altar;
year, without blemish, as a burnt 1ordinance
21 but the breasts and the right
offering, 17 aEx. 29:38,
thigh Aaron waved aas a wave offer-
4 also a bull and a ram as peace 39 ing before the LORD, as Moses had
offerings, to sacrifice before the commanded.
LORD, and aa grain offering mixed 18 aLev. 3:111 22 Then Aaron lifted his hand
with oil; for btoday the LORD will 20 aLev. 3:5, 16
toward the people, ablessed them,
appear to you. and came down from offering the
5 So they brought what Moses 21 aEx. 29:24, sin offering, the burnt offering, and
commanded before the tabernacle 26, 27; Lev. peace offerings.
of meeting. And all the congrega- 23 And Moses and Aaron went into
tion drew near and stood 1before the 22 aNum. the tabernacle of meeting, and came
LORD. 6:2226; Deut. out and blessed the people. Then the
6 Then Moses said, This is the 21:5; Luke
glory of the LORD appeared to all
thing which the LORD commanded the people,
you to do, and the glory of the LORD 24 aGen. 4:4; 24 and afire came out from before
will appear to you. Judg. 6:21; the LORD and consumed the burnt
7 And Moses said to Aaron, Go 2 Chr. 7:1; Ps. offering and the fat on the altar.
20:3 bEzra
to the altar, aoffer your sin offering 3:11 c1 Kin. When all the people saw it, they
and your burnt offering, and make 18:38, 39 bshouted and fell on their cfaces.
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The Profane Fire of Nadab and CHAPTER 10 and the thigh of the heave offering
Abihu you shall eat in a clean place, you,
1 aNum. 3:24 your sons, and your bdaughters with
Nadab and Abihu, the sons
10 of Aaron, each took his cen-
ser and put fire in it, put incense on
bLev. 16:12
cEx. 30:9 you; for they are your due and your
sons cdue, which are given from the
2 aNum. 11:1;
sacrifices of peace offerings of the
it, and offered cprofane fire before children of Israel.
the LORD, which He had not com- 15 aThe thigh of the heave offer-
manded them. ing and the breast of the wave of-
3 aEx. 19:22
2 So afire went out from the LORD fering they shall bring with the
and devoured them, and they died offerings of fat made by fire, to offer
4 aActs 5:6, 10
before the LORD. 1in front of as a wave offering before the LORD.
3 And Moses said to Aaron, This And it shall be yours and your sons
is what the LORD spoke, saying: 6 a2 Sam. 24:1 with you, by a statute forever, as the
1An act of LORD has commanded.
By those who come near Me
a mourning 16 Then Moses made careful
2weep bitterly
I must be regarded as holy; inquiry about athe goat of the sin
And before all the people offering, and there it wasburned
I must be glorified. 7 aLev. 8:33;
21:12 bLev. up. And he was angry with Eleazar
8:30 and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron who
So Aaron held his peace. were left, saying,
4 Then Moses called Mishael and 9 aEzek. 44:21 17 aWhy have you not eaten the
Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the sin offering in a holy place, since it
uncle of Aaron, and said to them, 10 aEzek. is most holy, and God has given it to
Come near, acarry your brethren 22:26; 44:23 you to bear bthe guilt of the congre-
from 1before the sanctuary out of gation, to make atonement for them
the camp. 11 aDeut. 24:8 before the LORD?
5 So they went near and carried 18 See! aIts blood was not brought
them by their tunics out of the 12 aNum. 18:9 inside 1the holy place; indeed you
camp, as Moses had said. bLev. 21:22
should have eaten it in a holy place,
6 And Moses said to Aaron, and bas I commanded.
to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons, 13 aNum. 19 And Aaron said to Moses,
Do not 1uncover your heads nor 18:10 bLev. Look, athis day they have offered
tear your clothes, lest you die, and 2:3; 6:16
1portion their sin offering and their burnt
awrath come upon all the people.
offering before the LORD, and such
But let your brethren, the whole 14 aNum. things have befallen me! If I had
house of Israel, 2bewail the burning 18:11 bLev. eaten the sin offering today, bwould
which the LORD has kindled. 22:13 cNum. it have been accepted in the sight of
7 aYou shall not go out from the 18:10 the LORD?
door of the tabernacle of meeting, 20 So when Moses heard that, he
lest you die, bfor the anointing oil of 15 aLev. 7:29, was content.
the LORD is upon you. And they did 30, 34
according to the word of Moses. Foods Permitted and Forbidden
16 aLev. 9:3, 15
Now the LORD spoke to Mo-
Conduct Prescribed for Priests
8 Then the LORD spoke to Aaron,
17 aLev.
6:2430 bEx.
11 ses and Aaron, saying to them,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
saying: 28:38 saying, aThese are the animals
9 aDo not drink wine or intoxi- which you may eat among all the
cating drink, you, nor your sons 18 aLev. 6:30 animals that are on the earth:
bLev. 6:26, 30
with you, when you go into the tab- 1The Most 3 Among the animals, whatever
ernacle of meeting, lest you die. It Holy Place divides the hoof, having cloven
shall be a statute forever throughout when capital- hooves and chewing the cudthat
your generations, ized you may eat.
10 that you may adistinguish 4 Nevertheless these you shall
between holy and unholy, and 19 aLev. 9:8, 12 anot eat among those that chew the
b[Is. 1:1115]
between unclean and clean, cud or those that have cloven
11 aand that you may teach the hooves: the camel, because it chews
children of Israel all the statutes CHAPTER 11 the cud but does not have cloven
which the LORD has spoken to them hooves, is 1unclean to you;
by the hand of Moses. 2 aDeut. 14:4 5 the 1rock hyrax, because it
12 And Moses spoke to Aaron, and chews the cud but does not have
to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons 4 aActs 10:14 cloven hooves, is 2unclean to you;
who were left: aTake the grain 6 the hare, because it chews the
offering that remains of the offer- cud but does not have cloven
5 1rock
ings made by fire to the LORD, and badger hooves, is unclean to you;
eat it without leaven beside the 2impure 7 and the swine, though it divides
altar; bfor it is most holy. the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet
13 You shall eat it in a aholy place, 7 aIs. 65:4; does not chew the cud, ais unclean
because it is your 1due and your 66:3, 17 to you.
sons due, of the sacrifices made by 8 Their flesh you shall not eat,
fire to the LORD; for bso I have been 8 aIs. 52:11 and their carcasses you shall not
commanded. touch. aThey are unclean to you.
14 aThe breast of the wave offering 9 aDeut. 14:9 9 aThese you may eat of all that
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LEVITICUS 11:10 96
are in the water: whatever in the 10 aLev. 7:18, you among the creeping things that
water has fins and scales, whether 21; Deut. 14:3 creep on the earth: the mole, athe
in the seas or in the riversthat you mouse, and the large lizard after its
may eat. kind;
10 But all in the seas or in the rivers 13 aDeut. 30 the gecko, the monitor lizard,
that do not have fins and scales, all 14:1219; Is. the sand reptile, the sand lizard, and
that move in the water or any living 66:17 the chameleon.
thing which is in the water, they are 31 These are unclean to you
1an aabomination to you. among all that creep. Whoever
22 aMatt. 3:4;
11 They shall be an abomination Mark 1:6
atouches them when they are dead
to you; you shall not eat their flesh, shall be unclean until evening.
but you shall regard their carcasses 32 Anything on which any of them
as an abomination. 24 1impure falls, when they are dead shall be
12 Whatever in the water does not 1unclean, whether it is any item of
have fins or scalesthat shall be an wood or clothing or skin or sack,
abomination to you. 25 aLev. 14:8; whatever item it is, in which any
13 aAnd these you shall regard as 15:5; Num. work is done, ait must be put in
19:10, 21, 22;
an abomination among the birds; 31:24; Zech. water. And it shall be unclean until
they shall not be eaten, they are an 13:1; [Heb. evening; then it shall be clean.
abomination: the eagle, the vulture, 9:10; 10:22; 33 Any aearthen vessel into which
Rev. 7:14]
the buzzard, any of them falls byou shall break;
14 the kite, and the falcon after its and whatever is in it shall be unclean:
kind; 29 aIs. 66:17 34 in such a vessel, any edible food
15 every raven after its kind, upon which water falls becomes
16 the ostrich, the short-eared owl, unclean, and any drink that may be
the sea gull, and the hawk after its 31 aHag. 2:13 drunk from it becomes unclean.
kind; 35 And everything on which a part
17 the little owl, the fisher owl, of any such carcass falls shall be
and the screech owl; 32 aLev. 15:12 unclean; whether it is an oven or
18 the white owl, the jackdaw, and cooking stove, it shall be broken
the carrion vulture; down; for they are unclean, and
19 the stork, the heron after its shall be unclean to you.
33 aLev. 6:28
kind, the hoopoe, and the bat. bLev. 15:12; 36 Nevertheless a spring or a cis-
20 All flying insects that creep on Ps. 2:9; Jer. tern, in which there is plenty of
all fours shall be an abomination to 48:38; [2 Tim. water, shall be clean, but whatever
you. 2:21]; Rev.
2:27 touches any such carcass becomes
21 Yet these you may eat of every unclean.
flying insect that creeps on all fours: 37 And if a part of any such carcass
those which have jointed legs above 38 1impure falls on any planting seed which is
their feet with which to leap on the to be sown, it remains clean.
earth. 38 But if water is put on the seed,
22 These you may eat: athe locust 39 aHag. and if a part of any such carcass falls
after its kind, the destroying locust 2:1113 on it, it becomes 1unclean to you.
after its kind, the cricket after its kind, 39 And if any animal which you
and the grasshopper after its kind. may eat dies, he who touches its car-
23 But all other flying insects 40 aEx. 22:31;
Lev. 17:15; cass shall be aunclean until evening.
which have four feet shall be an 22:8; Deut. 40 aHe who eats of its carcass shall
abomination to you. 14:21; Ezek. wash his clothes and be unclean
4:14; 44:31
Unclean Animals until evening. He also who carries
its carcass shall wash his clothes
24 By these you shall become 41 1detestable and be unclean until evening.
1unclean; whoever touches the car- 41 And every creeping thing that
cass of any of them shall be unclean creeps on the earth shall be 1an
until evening; 43 aLev. 20:25 abomination. It shall not be eaten.
25 whoever carries part of the car- 1Lit. your
42 Whatever crawls on its belly,
cass of any of them ashall wash his souls 2impure whatever goes on all fours, or what-
clothes and be unclean until ever has many feet among all creep-
evening: 44 aEx. 6:7;
ing things that creep on the earth
26 The carcass of any animal Lev. 22:33; these you shall not eat, for they are
which divides the foot, but is not 25:38; 26:45 an abomination.
bEx. 19:6; Lev.
cloven-hoofed or does not chew the 43 aYou shall not make 1yourselves
19:2; 20:7, 26;
cud, is unclean to you. Everyone [Amos 3:3];
2abominable with any creeping
who touches it shall be unclean. Matt. 5:48; thing that creeps; nor shall you
27 And whatever goes on its paws, 1 Thess. 4:7; make yourselves unclean with
among all kinds of animals that go 1 Pet. 1:15, 16; them, lest you be defiled by them.
[Rev. 22:11,
on all fours, those are unclean to 14] 44 For I am the LORD your aGod.
you. Whoever touches any such car- You shall therefore consecrate your-
cass shall be unclean until evening. selves, and byou shall be holy; for I
28 Whoever carries any such car- 45 aEx. 6:7; am holy. Neither shall you defile
cass shall wash his clothes and be 20:2; Lev. yourselves with any creeping thing
unclean until evening. It is unclean 22:33; 25:38; that creeps on the earth.
26:45; Ps.
to you. 105:4345; 45 aFor I am the LORD who brings
29 These also shall be unclean to Hos. 11:1 you up out of the land of Egypt, to
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97 LEVITICUS 13:20
be your God. bYou shall therefore be 45 bLev. 11:44 4 But if the bright spot is white
holy, for I am holy. on the skin of his body, and does not
46 This is the law 1of the animals 46 1concerning appear to be deeper than the skin,
and the birds and every living crea- and its hair has not turned white,
ture that moves in the waters, and of 47 aLev. 10:10; then the priest shall isolate the one
every creature that creeps on the Ezek. 44:23; who has the sore aseven days.
Mal. 3:18
earth, 5 And the priest shall examine
47 ato distinguish between the him on the seventh day; and indeed
unclean and the clean, and between CHAPTER 12 if the sore appears to be as it was,
the animal that may be eaten and and the sore has not spread on the
the animal that may not be eaten. skin, then the priest shall isolate
2 aLev. 15:19; him another seven days.
The Ritual After Childbirth [Job 14:4; Ps.
51:5] bEx. 6 Then the priest shall examine
Then the LORD spoke to Mo- 22:30; Lev. him again on the seventh day; and
12 ses, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
8:33; 13:4;
Luke 2:22
cLev. 18:19
indeed if the sore has faded, and the
sore has not spread on the skin,
saying: If a awoman has conceived, 1impure then the priest shall pronounce him
and borne a male child, then bshe clean; it is only a scab, and he ashall
shall be 1unclean seven days; cas in 3 aGen. 17:12; wash his clothes and be clean.
the days of her customary impurity Luke 1:59; 7 But if the scab should at all
2:21; John spread over the skin, after he has
she shall be unclean. 7:22, 23; Gal.
3 And on the aeighth day the flesh 5:3 been seen by the priest for his
of his foreskin shall be circumcised. cleansing, he shall be seen by the
4 She shall then continue in the 4 1consecrated priest again.
blood of her purification thirty- 8 And if the priest sees that the
three days. She shall not touch any 6 aLuke 2:22 scab has indeed spread on the skin,
1hallowed thing, nor come into the b[John 1:29; then the priest shall pronounce him
sanctuary until the days of her 1 Pet. 1:18, 19] 1unclean. It is leprosy.
cLev. 5:7 1Lit.
purification are fulfilled. a son of his
9 When the leprous sore is on a
5 But if she bears a female child, year person, then he shall be brought to
then she shall be unclean two the priest.
weeks, as in her customary impurity, 7 1Lit. cover- 10 aAnd the priest shall examine
and she shall continue in the blood ing him; and indeed if the swelling on
of her purification sixty-six days. the skin is white, and it has turned
6 aWhen the days of her purifica- 8 aLev. 5:7; the hair white, and there is a spot of
tion are fulfilled, whether for a son Luke 2:2224
bLev. 4:26
raw flesh in the swelling,
or a daughter, she shall bring to the 1pure
11 it is an old leprosy on the skin
priest a blamb 1of the first year as of his body. The priest shall pro-
a burnt offering, and a young nounce him 1unclean, and shall not
pigeon or a turtledove as a csin CHAPTER 13 isolate him, for he is unclean.
offering, to the door of the taberna- 12 And if leprosy breaks out all
cle of meeting. over the skin, and the leprosy cov-
7 Then he shall offer it before the 2 aDeut. 28:27; ers all the skin of the one who has
Is. 3:17 bDeut.
LORD, and make 1atonement for her. 17:8, 9; 24:8; the sore, from his head to his foot,
And she shall be clean from the flow Mal. 2:7; Luke wherever the priest looks,
of her blood. This is the law for her 17:14 1Heb. 13 then the priest shall consider;
who has borne a male or a female. saraath, dis- and indeed if the leprosy has cov-
figuring skin
8 aAnd if she is not able to bring a diseases, ered all his body, he shall pro-
lamb, then she may bring two turtle- including lep- nounce him clean who has the sore.
doves or two young pigeonsone as rosy, and so It has all turned awhite. He is clean.
a burnt offering and the other as a in vv. 246
and 14:132 14 But when raw flesh appears on
sin offering. bSo the priest shall him, he shall be unclean.
make atonement for her, and she 3 1defiled 15 And the priest shall examine
will be 1clean. the raw flesh and pronounce him to
4 aLev. 14:8
be unclean; for the raw flesh is
The Law Concerning Leprosy unclean. It is leprosy.
And the LORD spoke to Moses 16 Or if the raw flesh changes and
13 and Aaron, saying:
2 When a man has on the skin of
6 aLev. 11:25;
14:8; [John
13:8, 10]
turns white again, he shall come to
the priest.
his body a swelling, aa scab, or a 17 And the priest shall examine
bright spot, and it becomes on the 8 1defiled him; and indeed if the sore has
skin of his body like a 1leprous sore, turned white, then the priest shall
bthen he shall be brought to Aaron 10 aNum. pronounce him clean who has the
the priest or to one of his sons the 12:10, 12; sore. He is clean.
2 Kin. 5:27; 18 If the body develops a aboil in
priests. 2 Chr. 26:19,
3 The priest shall examine the 20 the skin, and it is healed,
sore on the skin of the body; and if 19 and in the place of the boil
the hair on the sore has turned 11 1defiled there comes a white swelling or a
white, and the sore appears to be bright spot, reddish-white, then it
deeper than the skin of his body, it is 13 aEx. 4:6 shall be shown to the priest;
a leprous sore. Then the priest shall 20 and if, when the priest sees it, it
examine him, and pronounce him 18 aEx. 9:9; indeed appears deeper than the
1unclean. 15:26 skin, and its hair has turned white,
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LEVITICUS 13:21 98
the priest shall pronounce him 22 1infection pronounce him clean. He shall wash
unclean. It is a leprous sore which his clothes and be clean.
has broken out of the boil. 35 But if the scale should at all
21 But if the priest examines it, spread over the skin after his
and indeed there are no white hairs cleansing,
in it, and it is not deeper than the 36 then the priest shall examine
skin, but has faded, then the priest him; and indeed if the scale has
shall isolate him seven days; spread over the skin, the priest need
22 and if it should at all spread 24 aIs. 3:24 not seek for yellow hair. He is
over the skin, then the priest shall unclean.
pronounce him unclean. It is a 1lep- 37 But if the scale appears to be at
rous sore. a standstill, and there is black hair
23 But if the bright spot stays in grown up in it, the scale has healed.
one place, and has not spread, it is He is clean, and the priest shall pro-
the scar of the boil; and the priest nounce him clean.
shall pronounce him clean. 38 If a man or a woman has bright
24 Or if the body receives a aburn 42 a2 Chr. spots on the skin of the body, specif-
on its skin by fire, and the raw flesh 26:19 ically white bright spots,
of the burn becomes a bright spot, 39 then the priest shall look; and
reddish-white or white, indeed if the bright spots on the skin
25 then the priest shall examine it; of the body are dull white, it is a
and indeed if the hair of the bright white spot that grows on the skin.
spot has turned white, and it He is clean.
appears deeper than the skin, it is 40 As for the man whose hair has
leprosy broken out in the burn. fallen from his head, he is bald, but
Therefore the priest shall pronounce 44 aIs. 1:5 he is clean.
him unclean. It is a leprous sore. 1altogether 41 He whose hair has fallen from
26 But if the priest examines it, defiled his forehead, he is bald on the fore-
and indeed there are no white hairs head, but he is clean.
in the bright spot, and it is not 42 And if there is on the bald head
deeper than the skin, but has faded, or bald aforehead a reddish-white
then the priest shall isolate him sore, it is leprosy breaking out on
seven days. his bald head or his bald forehead.
27 And the priest shall examine 43 Then the priest shall examine
him on the seventh day. If it has at it; and indeed if the swelling of the
all spread over the skin, then the 45 aLev. 10:6; sore is reddish-white on his bald
priest shall pronounce him unclean. 21:10 bEzek. head or on his bald forehead, as the
24:17, 22; Mic. appearance of leprosy on the skin of
It is a leprous sore. 3:7 cIs. 6:5;
28 But if the bright spot stays in 64:6; Lam. the body,
one place, and has not spread on the 4:15; Luke 5:8 44 he is a leprous man. He is
skin, but has faded, it is a swelling unclean. The priest shall surely pro-
from the burn. The priest shall pro- nounce him 1unclean; his sore is on
nounce him clean, for it is the scar his ahead.
from the burn. 45 Now the leper on whom the
29 If a man or woman has a sore sore is, his clothes shall be torn and
on the head or the beard, his head abare; and he shall bcover
30 then the priest shall examine his mustache, and cry, cUnclean!
the sore; and indeed if it appears 46 aNum. Unclean!
deeper than the skin, and there is in 5:14; 12:14; 46 He shall be unclean. All the
it thin yellow hair, then the priest 2 Kin. 7:3; days he has the sore he shall be
15:5; 2 Chr.
shall pronounce him unclean. It is a 26:21; Ps. unclean. He is unclean, and he shall
1dwell alone; his dwelling shall be
scaly leprosy of the head or beard. 38:11; Luke
17:12 1live aoutside the camp.
31 But if the priest examines the alone
scaly sore, and indeed it does not The Law Concerning Leprous
appear deeper than the skin, and Garments
there is no black hair in it, then the
priest shall isolate the one who has 47 Also, if a garment has a 1lep-
the scale seven days. rous plague in it, whether it is a
32 And on the seventh day the woolen garment or a linen garment,
priest shall examine the sore; and 48 whether it is in the warp or
indeed if the scale has not spread, woof of linen or wool, whether in
and there is no yellow hair in it, and 47 1A mold, leather or in anything made of
fungus, or
the scale does not appear deeper similar infes- leather,
than the skin, tation, and so 49 and if the plague is greenish or
33 he shall shave himself, but the in vv. 4759 reddish in the garment or in the
scale he shall not shave. And the leather, whether in the warp or in
priest shall isolate the one who has the woof, or in anything made of
the scale another seven days. leather, it is a leprous 1plague and
34 On the seventh day the priest shall be shown to the priest.
shall examine the scale; and indeed 50 The priest shall examine the
if the scale has not spread over the plague and isolate that which has
skin, and does not appear deeper the plague seven days.
than the skin, then the priest shall 49 1mark 51 And he shall examine the
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99 LEVITICUS 14:19
plague on the seventh day. If the 51 aLev. 14:44 take it, the cedar wood and the scar-
plague has spread in the garment, let and the hyssop, and dip them
either in the warp or in the woof, in and the living bird in the blood of
the leather or in anything made of CHAPTER 14 the bird that was killed over the
leather, the plague is aan active lep- running water.
rosy. It is unclean. 7 And he shall asprinkle it bseven
52 He shall therefore burn that 2 aMatt. 8:2, 4; times on him who is to be cleansed
garment in which is the plague, Mark 1:40, 44; from the leprosy, and shall pro-
Luke 5:12, 14;
whether warp or woof, in wool or in 17:14 1See nounce him clean, and shall let the
linen, or anything of leather, for it is note at 13:2 living bird loose in the open field.
an active leprosy; the garment shall 8 He who is to be cleansed ashall
be burned in the fire. 3 1Heb.
wash his clothes, shave off all his
53 But if the priest examines it, saraath, dis- hair, and bwash himself in water,
and indeed the plague has not figuring skin that he may be clean. After that he
spread in the garment, either in the diseases, shall come into the camp, and cshall
warp or in the woof, or in anything including lep-
rosy, and so stay outside his tent seven days.
made of leather, in vv. 132 9 But on the aseventh day he
54 then the priest shall command shall shave all the hair off his head
that they wash the thing in which is and his beard and his eyebrowsall
the plague; and he shall isolate it 4 aLev. 14:6,
49, 51, 52; his hair he shall shave off. He shall
another seven days. Num. 19:6; wash his clothes and wash his body
55 Then the priest shall examine Heb. 9:19 bEx. in water, and he shall be clean.
the plague after it has been washed; 25:4 cEx. 10 And on the eighth day ahe shall
and indeed if the plague has not 12:22; Ps. 51:7
take two male lambs without blem-
changed its color, though the plague ish, one ewe lamb of the first year
has not spread, it is unclean, and 7 aNum. 19:18, without blemish, three-tenths of an
you shall burn it in the fire; it con- 19; [Heb. 9:13, ephah of fine flour mixed with oil as
tinues eating away, whether the 21; 12:24] ba grain offering, and one log of oil.
b2 Kin. 5:10,
damage is outside or inside. 14; Ps. 51:2 11 Then the priest who makes him
56 If the priest examines it, and clean shall present the man who is
indeed the plague has faded after to be made clean, and those things,
washing it, then he shall tear it out 8 aLev. 11:25;
13:6; Num. 8:7 before the LORD, at the door of the
of the garment, whether out of the bLev. 11:25; tabernacle of meeting.
warp or out of the woof, or out of the [Eph. 5:26; 12 And the priest shall take one
leather. Heb. 10:22; male lamb and aoffer it as a trespass
57 But if it appears again in the Rev. 1:5, 6]
cLev. 13:5; offering, and the log of oil, and
garment, either in the warp or in the Num. 5:2, 3; bwave them as a wave offering
woof, or in anything made of 12:14, 15; before the LORD.
leather, it is a spreading plague; you 2 Chr. 26:21 13 Then he shall kill the lamb ain
shall burn with fire that in which is the place where he kills the sin
the plague. 9 aNum. 19:19 offering and the burnt offering, in a
58 And if you wash the garment, holy place; for bas the sin offering is
either warp or woof, or whatever is the priests, so is the trespass offer-
made of leather, if the plague has 10 aMatt. 8:4;
Mark 1:44; ing. cIt is most holy.
disappeared from it, then it shall be Luke 5:14 14 The priest shall take some of
washed a second time, and shall be bLev. 2:1;
the blood of the trespass offering,
clean. Num. 15:4 and the priest shall put it aon the tip
59 This is the law of the leprous of the right ear of him who is to be
plague in a garment of wool or 12 aLev. 5:6, cleansed, on the thumb of his right
linen, either in the warp or woof, or 18; 6:6; 14:19 hand, and on the big toe of his right
in anything made of leather, to pro- bEx. 29:2224,
nounce it clean or to pronounce it 26
15 And the priest shall take some
unclean. of the log of oil, and pour it into the
The Ritual for Cleansing Healed
13 aEx. 29:11; palm of his own left hand.
Lev. 1:5, 11; 16 Then the priest shall dip his
Lepers 4:4, 24 bLev.
6:2430; 7:7 right finger in the oil that is in his
Then the LORD spoke to Mo- left hand, and shall asprinkle some
cLev. 2:3; 7:6;

ses, saying, 21:22 of the oil with his finger seven times
2 This shall be the law of the before the LORD.
1leper for the day of his cleansing:
14 aEx. 29:20; 17 And of the rest of the oil in his
He ashall be brought to the priest. Lev. 8:23, 24 hand, the priest shall put some on
3 And the priest shall go out of the tip of the right ear of him who is
the camp, and the priest shall exam- 16 aLev. 4:6
to be cleansed, on the thumb of his
ine him; and indeed, if the 1leprosy right hand, and on the big toe of his
is healed in the leper, right foot, on the blood of the tres-
4 then the priest shall command 18 aLev. 4:26; pass offering.
to take for him who is to be 5:6; Num. 18 The rest of the oil that is in the
15:28; [Heb.
cleansed two living and clean birds, 2:17] 1Lit. cov- priests hand he shall put on the
acedar wood, bscarlet, and chyssop. ering head of him who is to be cleansed.
5 And the priest shall command aSo the priest shall make 1atone-
that one of the birds be killed in an 19 aLev. 5:1, 6;
ment for him before the LORD.
earthen vessel over running water. 12:7; [2 Cor. 19 Then the priest shall offer athe
6 As for the living bird, he shall 5:21] sin offering, and make atonement for
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LEVITICUS 14:20 100

him who is to be cleansed from his 20 aLev. 14:8, 9 a possession, and bI put the 1leprous
uncleanness. Afterward he shall kill plague in a house in the land of your
the burnt offering. possession,
20 And the priest shall offer the 21 aLev. 5:7,
35 and he who owns the house
burnt offering and the grain offer- 11; 12:8; 27:8 comes and tells the priest, saying, It
ing on the altar. So the priest shall 1Approxi- seems to me that there is asome
make atonement for him, and he mately two plague in the house,
shall be aclean. dry quarts
36 then the priest shall command
21 But aif he is poor and cannot that they empty the house, before
afford it, then he shall take one male the priest goes into it to examine
lamb as a trespass offering to be 22 aLev. 12:8; the plague, that all that is in the
waved, to make atonement for him, 15:14, 15 house may not be made unclean;
1one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour and afterward the priest shall go in
mixed with oil as a grain offering, a to examine the house.
log of oil, 37 And he shall examine the
23 aLev. 14:10,
22 aand two turtledoves or two 11 plague; and indeed if the plague is on
young pigeons, such as he is able to the walls of the house with ingrained
afford: one shall be a sin offering streaks, greenish or reddish, which
and the other a burnt offering. appear to be 1deep in the wall,
23 aHe shall bring them to the 24 aLev. 14:12 38 then the priest shall go out of
priest on the eighth day for his the house, to the door of the house,
cleansing, to the door of the taber- and 1shut up the house seven days.
nacle of meeting, before the LORD. 39 And the priest shall come again
24 aAnd the priest shall take the 25 aLev. 14:14,
17 on the seventh day and look; and
lamb of the trespass offering and indeed if the plague has spread on
the log of oil, and the priest shall the walls of the house,
wave them as a wave offering 40 then the priest shall command
before the LORD. 30 aLev. 14:22; that they take away the stones in
25 Then he shall kill the lamb of 15:14, 15 which is the plague, and they shall
the trespass offering, aand the priest cast them into an unclean place out-
shall take some of the blood of the side the city.
trespass offering and put it on the 32 aLev. 14:10 41 And he shall cause the house to
tip of the right ear of him who is to be scraped inside, all around, and
be cleansed, on the thumb of his the dust that they scrape off they
right hand, and on the big toe of his shall pour out in an unclean place
right foot. 34 aGen. 12:7; outside the city.
26 And the priest shall pour some 13:17; 17:8; 42 Then they shall take other
of the oil into the palm of his own Num. 32:22;
Deut. 7:1; stones and put them in the place of
left hand. 32:49 b[Prov. those stones, and he shall take other
27 Then the priest shall sprinkle 3:33] 1Decom- mortar and plaster the house.
with his right finger some of the oil position by 43 Now if the plague comes back
that is in his left hand seven times mildew, mold,
dry rot, etc., and breaks out in the house, after he
before the LORD. and so in vv. has taken away the stones, after he
28 And the priest shall put some of 3453 has scraped the house, and after it is
the oil that is in his hand on the tip plastered,
of the right ear of him who is to be 44 then the priest shall come and
cleansed, on the thumb of the right look; and indeed if the plague has
hand, and on the big toe of his right 35 a[Ps. 91:9,
10; Prov. 3:33; spread in the house, it is aan active
foot, on the place of the blood of the Zech. 5:4] leprosy in the house. It is unclean.
trespass offering. 45 And he shall break down the
29 The rest of the oil that is in the house, its stones, its timber, and all
priests hand he shall put on the head the plaster of the house, and he
of him who is to be cleansed, to make 37 1Lit. lower shall carry them outside the city to
atonement for him before the LORD. than the wall
an unclean place.
30 And he shall offer one of athe 46 Moreover he who goes into the
turtledoves or young pigeons, such house at all while it is shut up shall
as he can afford 38 1quarantine be 1unclean auntil evening.
31 such as he is able to afford, the 47 And he who lies down in the
one as a sin offering and the other house shall awash his clothes, and
as a burnt offering, with the grain he who eats in the house shall wash
offering. So the priest shall make 44 aLev. 13:51; his clothes.
atonement for him who is to be [Zech. 5:4]
48 But if the priest comes in and
cleansed before the LORD. examines it, and indeed the plague
32 This is the law for one who had has not spread in the house after the
a leprous sore, who cannot afford 46 aLev. 11:24; house was plastered, then the priest
athe usual cleansing.
15:5 1defiled shall pronounce the house clean,
The Law Concerning Leprous because the plague is healed.
Houses 49 And ahe shall take, to cleanse
47 aLev. 14:8
the house, two birds, cedar wood,
33 And the LORD spoke to Moses scarlet, and hyssop.
and Aaron, saying: 50 Then he shall kill one of the
34 aWhen you have come into the birds in an earthen vessel over run-
land of Canaan, which I give you as 49 aLev. 14:4 ning water;
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101 LEVITICUS 15:26

51 and he shall take the cedar 52 1ceremoni- has the discharge touches shall be
wood, the hyssop, the scarlet, and the ally cleanse broken, and every vessel of wood
living bird, and dip them in the blood shall be rinsed in water.
of the slain bird and in the running 53 aLev. 14:20 13 And when he who has a dis-
water, and sprinkle the house seven charge is cleansed of his discharge,
times. 54 aLev. 13:30;
then ahe shall count for himself
52 And he shall 1cleanse the house 26:21 seven days for his cleansing, wash
with the blood of the bird and the his clothes, and bathe his body in
running water and the living bird, running water; then he shall be
with the cedar wood, the hyssop, 55 aLev. clean.
13:4752 bLev.
and the scarlet. 14:34 14 On the eighth day he shall take
53 Then he shall let the living bird for himself atwo turtledoves or two
loose outside the city in the open young pigeons, and come before the
field, and amake atonement for the 56 aLev. 13:2 LORD, to the door of the tabernacle
house, and it shall be clean. of meeting, and give them to the
54 This is the law for any aleprous 57 aLev. 11:47; priest.
sore and scale, 20:25; Deut. 15 Then the priest shall offer
55 for the aleprosy of a garment 24:8; Ezek. them, athe one as a sin offering and
band of a house, the other as a burnt offering. bSo the
56 afor a swelling and a scab and a priest shall make 1atonement for
bright spot, him before the LORD because of his
57 to ateach when it is unclean CHAPTER 15
and when it is clean. This is the law 16 aIf any man has an emission of
of leprosy. 2 aLev. 22:4; semen, then he shall wash all his
Num. 5:2; body in water, and be unclean until
The Law Concerning Bodily 2 Sam. 3:29 evening.
Discharges 17 And any garment and any
And the LORD spoke to Moses leather on which there is semen, it
15 and Aaron, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
4 1defiled
shall be washed with water, and be
unclean until evening.
5 aLev. 5:2; 18 Also, when a woman lies with a
and say to them: aWhen any man 14:46 bLev.
has a discharge from his body, his 14:8, 47 cLev. man, and there is an emission of
discharge is unclean. 11:25; 17:15 semen, they shall bathe in water,
3 And this shall be his unclean- and abe unclean until evening.
ness in regard to his discharge 19 aIf a woman has a discharge,
6 aLev. 15:10;
whether his body runs with his dis- Deut. 23:10 and the discharge from her body is
charge, or his body is stopped up by blood, she shall be 1set apart seven
his discharge, it is his uncleanness. days; and whoever touches her shall
8 aNum. 12:14 be unclean until evening.
4 Every bed is 1unclean on which
he who has the discharge lies, and 20 Everything that she lies on dur-
everything on which he sits shall be 12 aLev. 6:28; ing her impurity shall be unclean;
unclean. 11:32, 33 also everything that she sits on shall
5 And whoever atouches his bed be unclean.
shall bwash his clothes and cbathe in 13 aLev. 14:8; 21 Whoever touches her bed shall
water, and be unclean until evening. 15:28; Num. wash his clothes and bathe in water,
6 He who sits on anything on 19:11, 12 and be unclean until evening.
which he who has the adischarge 22 And whoever touches anything
sat shall wash his clothes and bathe 14 aLev. 14:22, that she sat on shall wash his
in water, and be unclean until 23, 30, 31 clothes and bathe in water, and be
evening. unclean until evening.
7 And he who touches the body of 15 aLev. 14:30,
23 If anything is on her bed or on
him who has the discharge shall 31 bLev. 14:19, anything on which she sits, when he
wash his clothes and bathe in water, 31 1Lit. cover- touches it, he shall be unclean until
and be unclean until evening. ing evening.
8 If he who has the discharge 24 And aif any man lies with her at
aspits on him who is clean, then he
16 aLev. 22:4; all, so that her impurity is on him,
shall wash his clothes and bathe in Deut. 23:10, he shall be 1unclean seven days; and
water, and be unclean until evening. 11 every bed on which he lies shall be
9 Any saddle on which he who unclean.
has the discharge rides shall be 18 a[Ex. 19:15; 25 If aa woman has a discharge of
unclean. 1 Sam. 21:4; blood for many days, other than at
10 Whoever touches anything that 1 Cor. 6:18] the time of her customary impurity,
was under him shall be unclean or if it runs beyond her usual time of
until evening. He who carries any of 19 aLev. 12:2 impurity, all the days of her unclean
those things shall wash his clothes 1Lit. in her discharge shall be as the days of her
and bathe in water, and be unclean impurity customary impurity. She shall be
until evening. unclean.
11 And whomever the one who has 24 aLev. 18:19; 26 Every bed on which she lies all
the discharge touches, and has not 20:18 1defiled the days of her discharge shall be to
rinsed his hands in water, he shall her as the bed of her impurity; and
wash his clothes and bathe in water, 25 aMatt. 9:20;
whatever she sits on shall be
and be unclean until evening. Mark 5:25; unclean, as the uncleanness of her
12 The avessel of earth that he who Luke 8:43 impurity.
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LEVITICUS 15:27 102

27 Whoever touches those things 28 aLev. 15: on which the LORDs lot fell, and
shall be unclean; he shall wash his 1315 offer it as a sin offering.
clothes and bathe in water, and be 10 But the goat on which the lot
unclean until evening. 30 aLev. 5:7 fell to be the scapegoat shall be pre-
28 But aif she is cleansed of her sented alive before the LORD, to
discharge, then she shall count for 31 aDeut. 24:8 make aatonement upon it, and to let
herself seven days, and after that bNum. 5:3;
it go as the scapegoat into the
she shall be clean. 19:13, 20 wilderness.
29 And on the eighth day she shall 11 And Aaron shall bring the bull
take for herself two turtledoves or 32 aLev. 15:2 of the sin offering, which is for
bLev. 15:16
two young pigeons, and bring them ahimself, and make atonement for
to the priest, to the door of the tab- himself and for his house, and shall
ernacle of meeting. 33 aLev. 15:19 kill the bull as the sin offering
bLev. 15:25
30 Then the priest shall offer the cLev. 15:24
which is for himself.
one as a sin offering and the other 12 Then he shall take aa censer
as a aburnt offering, and the priest full of burning coals of fire from the
shall make atonement for her CHAPTER 16 altar before the LORD, with his
before the LORD for the discharge hands full of bsweet incense beaten
of her uncleanness. 1 aLev. 10:1, 2 fine, and bring it inside the veil.
31 Thus you shall aseparate the 13 aAnd he shall put the incense
children of Israel from their 2 aEx. 30:10 on the fire before the LORD, that the
uncleanness, lest they die in their bEx. 25:21, 22; cloud of incense may cover the
uncleanness when they bdefile My 40:34 bmercy seat that is on the Testimony,
tabernacle that is among them. lest he cdie.
32 aThis is the law for one who has 3 a[Heb. 9:7, 14 aHe shall take some of the
a discharge, band for him who emits 12, 24, 25] blood of the bull and bsprinkle it
bLev. 4:3 1Lit.
semen and is unclean thereby, with his finger on the mercy seat on
With this
33 aand for her who is indisposed the east side; and before the mercy
because of her customary impurity, seat he shall sprinkle some of the
and for one who has a discharge, 4 aEx. 28:39, blood with his finger seven times.
either man bor woman, cand for him 42, 43
bEx. 30:20 15 aThen he shall kill the goat of
who lies with her who is unclean. the sin offering, which is for the
people, bring its blood binside the
The Day of Atonement 5 aLev. 4:14
veil, do with that blood as he did
Now the LORD spoke to Mo- with the blood of the bull, and sprin-
16 ses after athe death of the two
sons of Aaron, when they offered
6 a[Heb. 5:3;
7:27, 28; 9:7]
kle it on the mercy seat and before
the mercy seat.
profane fire before the LORD, and 16 So he shall amake atonement
died; 10 a[1 John for the Holy Place, because of the
2 and the LORD said to Moses: uncleanness of the children of
Tell Aaron your brother anot to Israel, and because of their trans-
come at just any time into the Holy 11 a[Heb. 7:27; gressions, for all their sins; and so
Place inside the veil, before the he shall do for the tabernacle of
mercy seat which is on the ark, lest meeting which remains among them
he die; for bI will appear in the cloud 12 aLev. 10:1 in the midst of their uncleanness.
bEx. 30:3438
above the mercy seat. 17 There shall be ano man in the
3 1Thus Aaron shall acome into tabernacle of meeting when he goes
the Holy Place: bwith the blood of a 13 aEx. 30:7, 8 in to make atonement in the Holy
bEx. 25:21
young bull as a sin offering, and of a cEx. 28:43 Place, until he comes out, that he
ram as a burnt offering. may make atonement for himself,
4 He shall put the aholy linen for his household, and for all the
14 a[Heb. 9:25; assembly of Israel.
tunic and the linen trousers on his 10:4] bLev.
body; he shall be girded with a linen 4:6, 17 18 And he shall go out to the altar
sash, and with the linen turban he that is before the LORD, and make
shall be attired. These are holy gar- 15 a[Heb. 2:17]
atonement for ait, and shall take
ments. Therefore bhe shall wash his b[Heb. 6:19; some of the blood of the bull and
body in water, and put them on. 7:27; 9:3, 7, some of the blood of the goat, and
5 And he shall take from athe 12] put it on the horns of the altar all
congregation of the children of around.
Israel two kids of the goats as a sin 16 aEx. 29:36; 19 Then he shall sprinkle some of
offering, and one ram as a burnt 30:10 the blood on it with his finger seven
offering. times, cleanse it, and aconsecrate1 it
6 Aaron shall offer the bull as a 17 aLuke 1:10 from the 2uncleanness of the chil-
sin offering, which is for himself, dren of Israel.
and amake atonement for himself 18 aEx. 29:36 20 And when he has made an end
and for his house. of atoning for the Holy Place, the
7 He shall take the two goats and tabernacle of meeting, and the altar,
19 aEzek.
present them before the LORD at the 43:20 1set it
he shall bring the live goat.
door of the tabernacle of meeting. apart 2impu- 21 Aaron shall lay both his hands
8 Then Aaron shall cast lots for rity on the head of the live goat, aconfess
the two goats: one lot for the LORD over it all the iniquities of the chil-
and the other lot for the scapegoat. 21 aLev. 5:5; dren of Israel, and all their transgres-
9 And Aaron shall bring the goat 26:40 sions, concerning all their sins,
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103 LEVITICUS 17:15

bputting them on the head of the goat, 21 b[Is. 53:6] and to all the children of Israel, and
and shall send it away into the say to them, This is the thing which
22 a[Is. 53:6,
wilderness by the hand of a suitable 11, 12] bLev. the LORD has commanded, saying:
man. 14:7 1shall 3 Whatever man of the house of
22 The goat 1shall abear on itself carry 2solitary Israel who akills an ox or lamb or
all their iniquities to an 2uninhab- land goat in the camp, or who kills it out-
ited land; and he shall brelease the 23 aEzek.
side the camp,
goat in the wilderness. 42:14; 44:19 4 and does not bring it to the
23 Then Aaron shall come into the door of the tabernacle of meeting to
tabernacle of meeting, ashall take 24 1Lit. cover- offer an offering to the LORD before
off the linen garments which he put ing the tabernacle of the LORD, the guilt
on when he went into the Holy of bloodshed shall be aimputed to
25 aLev. 1:8;
Place, and shall leave them there. 4:10 that man. He has shed blood; and
24 And he shall wash his body that man shall be 1cut off from
with water in a holy place, put on 26 aLev. 15:5 among his people,
his garments, come out and offer his 5 to the end that the children of
burnt offering and the burnt offer- 27 aHeb. 13:11 Israel may bring their sacrifices
ing of the people, and make 1atone- awhich they offer in the open field,
ment for himself and for the people. 29 aLev.
23:2732 that they may bring them to the
25 aThe fat of the sin offering he 1humble your- LORD at the door of the tabernacle
shall burn on the altar. selves 2As a of meeting, to the priest, and offer
26 And he who released the goat resident alien them as peace offerings to the LORD.
as the scapegoat shall wash his 30 aJer. 33:8
6 And the priest ashall sprinkle
clothes aand bathe his body in 1Lit. covering the blood on the altar of the LORD
water, and afterward he may come at the door of the tabernacle of
into the camp. 31 aLev. 23:27, meeting, and bburn the fat for a
27 aThe bull for the sin offering 32 sweet aroma to the LORD.
and the goat for the sin offering, 7 They shall no more offer their
32 aLev. 4:3, 5,
whose blood was brought in to 16; 21:10 bEx. sacrifices ato 1demons, after whom
make atonement in the Holy Place, 29:29, 30 they bhave played the harlot. This
shall be carried outside the camp. shall be a statute forever for them
And they shall burn in the fire their 33 1Lit. cover- throughout their generations.
skins, their flesh, and their offal. ing 2The Most
Holy Place 8 Also you shall say to them:
28 Then he who burns them shall Whatever man of the house of
wash his clothes and bathe his body 34 aLev. 23:31 Israel, or of the strangers who dwell
in water, and afterward he may b[Heb. 9:7, 25,
among you, awho offers a burnt
come into the camp. 28] offering or sacrifice,
29 This shall be a statute forever 9 and does not abring it to the
for you: aIn the seventh month, on CHAPTER 17 door of the tabernacle of meeting, to
the tenth day of the month, you offer it to the LORD, that man shall
shall 1afflict your souls, and do no 3 aDeut. 12:5, be 1cut off from among his people.
work at all, whether a native of your 15, 21 10 aAnd whatever man of the
own country or a stranger who house of Israel, or of the strangers
2dwells among you. 4 aRom. 5:13 who dwell among you, who eats any
30 For on that day the priest shall 1Put to death
blood, bI will set My face against
make 1atonement for you, to that person who eats blood, and will
acleanse you, that you may be clean 5 aDeut.
12:127 cut him off from among his people.
from all your sins before the LORD. 11 For the alife of the flesh is in the
31 aIt is a sabbath of solemn rest 6 aLev. 3:2 blood, and I have given it to you
for you, and you shall afflict your bNum. 18:17
upon the altar bto make atonement
souls. It is a statute forever. for your souls; for cit is the blood
32 aAnd the priest, who is anointed 7 aDeut. 32:17
bEzek. 23:8 that makes atonement for the soul.
and bconsecrated to minister as 1Having the 12 Therefore I said to the children
priest in his fathers place, shall form of a goat of Israel, No one among you shall
make atonement, and put on the or satyr
eat blood, nor shall any stranger
linen clothes, the holy garments; who dwells among you eat blood.
8 aLev. 1:2, 3;
33 then he shall make 1atonement 18:26 13 Whatever man of the children
for 2the Holy Sanctuary, and he of Israel, or of the strangers who
shall make atonement for the taber- 9 aLev. 14:23 dwell among you, who ahunts and
nacle of meeting and for the altar, 1Put to death
catches any animal or bird that may
and he shall make atonement for be eaten, he shall bpour out its blood
the priests and for all the people of 10 aGen. 9:4
bLev. 20:3, 5, 6 and ccover it with dust;
the assembly. 14 afor it is the life of all flesh. Its
34 aThis shall be an everlasting 11 aGen. 9:4 blood sustains its life. Therefore I
statute for you, to make atonement b[Matt. 26:28]
said to the children of Israel, You
c[Heb. 9:22]
for the children of Israel, for all shall not eat the blood of any flesh,
their sins, bonce a year. And he did 13 aLev. 7:26 for the life of all flesh is its blood.
as the LORD commanded Moses. bDeut. 12:16, Whoever eats it shall be cut off.
24 cEzek. 24:7 15 aAnd every person who eats
The Sanctity of Blood
14 aGen. 9:4
what died naturally or what was torn
And the LORD spoke to Moses, by beasts, whether he is a native of
Speak to Aaron, to his sons,
15 aEx. 22:31
bLev. 11:25
your own country or a stranger, bhe
shall both wash his clothes and
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LEVITICUS 17:16 104

cbathe in water, and be unclean until 15 cLev. 15:5 daughter, to uncover her nakedness.
evening. Then he shall be clean. They are near of kin to her. It is
16 aLev. 5:1
16 But if he does not wash them 1iniquity wickedness.
or bathe his body, then ahe shall 18 Nor shall you take a woman
bear his 1guilt. aas a rival to her sister, to uncover
CHAPTER 18 her nakedness while the other is
Laws of Sexual Morality alive.
Then the LORD spoke to Mo- 2 aEx. 6:7 19 Also you shall not approach a
18 ses, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
3 aEzek. 20:7,
8 bLev.
woman to uncover her nakedness as
along as she is in her bcustomary

and say to them: aI am the LORD 18:2430; impurity.

your God. 20:23 1what is 20 aMoreover you shall not lie car-
done in nally with your bneighbors wife, to
3 aAccording to 1the doings of the 2statutes
land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you defile yourself with her.
shall not do; and baccording to the 4 aEzek. 20:19 21 And you shall not let any of
doings of the land of Canaan, where your descendants apass through bthe
I am bringing you, you shall not do; 8 aGen. 35:22 fire to cMolech, nor shall you pro-
nor shall you walk in their 2ordi- fane the name of your God: I am the
9 aDeut. 27:22 LORD.
4 aYou shall observe My judgments 12 aLev. 20:19
22 You shall not lie with aa male as
and keep My ordinances, to walk in with a woman. It is an abomination.
them: I am the LORD your God. 14 aLev. 20:20 23 Nor shall you mate with any
aanimal, to defile yourself with it.
5 You shall therefore keep My
statutes and My judgments, which if 17 aLev. 20:14 Nor shall any woman stand before
a man does, he shall live by them: I an animal to mate with it. It is per-
18 a1 Sam. version.
am the LORD. 1:6, 8
6 None of you shall approach 24 aDo not defile yourselves with
anyone who is near of kin to him, to 19 aEzek. 18:6 any of these things; bfor by all these
uncover his nakedness: I am the
bLev. 15:24; the nations are defiled, which I am
20:18 casting out before you.
7 The nakedness of your father 20 a[Prov.
25 For athe land is defiled; there-
or the nakedness of your mother 6:2533] bLev. fore I bvisit1 the punishment of its
you shall not uncover. She is your 20:10 iniquity upon it, and the land cvom-
mother; you shall not uncover her its out its inhabitants.
21 aLev. 20:25 26 aYou shall therefore 1keep My
nakedness. b2 Kin. 16:3
8 The nakedness of your afathers c1 Kin. 11:7, statutes and My judgments, and
wife you shall not uncover; it is your 33 shall not commit any of these abom-
fathers nakedness. inations, either any of your own
9 aThe nakedness of your sister, 22 aLev. 20:13 nation or any stranger who dwells
the daughter of your father, or the among you
23 aEx. 22:19 27 (for all these abominations the
daughter of your mother, whether
born at home or elsewhere, their 24 aMatt. men of the land have done, who
nakedness you shall not uncover. 15:1820 were before you, and thus the land
10 The nakedness of your sons
bDeut. 18:12 is defiled),
daughter or your daughters daugh- 28 lest athe land vomit you out also
25 aNum. when you defile it, as it vomited out
ter, their nakedness you shall not 35:33, 34 bJer.
uncover; for theirs is your own 5:9 cLev. the nations that were before you.
nakedness. 18:28; 20:22 29 For whoever commits any of
1bring judg-
11 The nakedness of your fathers these abominations, the persons
ment for who commit them shall be 1cut off
wifes daughter, begotten by your
fathershe is your sisteryou shall 26 aLev. 18:5, from among their people.
not uncover her nakedness. 30 1obey 30 Therefore you shall keep My
1ordinance, so athat you do not com-
12 aYou shall not uncover the
nakedness of your fathers sister; 28 aJer. 9:19 mit any of these abominable customs
she is near of kin to your father. which were committed before you,
29 1Put to
13 You shall not uncover the death and that you do not defile yourselves
nakedness of your mothers sister, by them: bI am the LORD your God.
for she is near of kin to your mother. 30 aLev. 18:3;
22:9 bLev. 18:2 Moral and Ceremonial Laws
14 aYou shall not uncover the 1charge
nakedness of your fathers brother. And the LORD spoke to Moses,
You shall not approach his wife; she
is your aunt. CHAPTER 19
19 saying,
2 Speak to all the congregation
15 You shall not uncover the of the children of Israel, and say to
nakedness of your daughter-in- 2 aLev. 11:44; them: aYou shall be holy, for I the
lawshe is your sons wifeyou 20:7, 26 LORD your God am holy.
shall not uncover her nakedness. 3 aEx. 20:12
3 aEvery one of you shall revere
16 You shall not uncover the bEx. 16:23; his mother and his father, and bkeep
nakedness of your brothers wife; it 20:8; 31:13 My Sabbaths: I am the LORD your
is your brothers nakedness. God.
17 You shall not uncover the 4 aEx. 20:4 4 aDo not turn to idols, bnor make
bEx. 34:17
nakedness of a woman and her 1molten for yourselves 1molded gods: I am
adaughter, nor shall you take her the LORD your God.
sons daughter or her daughters 5 aLev. 7:16 5 And aif you offer a sacrifice of
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105 LEVITICUS 20:2

a peace offering to the LORD, you 9 aDeut. ment for him with the ram of the
shall offer it of your own free will. 24:1922 trespass offering before the LORD
6 It shall be eaten the same day for his sin which he has committed.
you offer it, and on the next day. 11 aEx. 20:15, And the sin which he has committed
16 bEph. 4:25
And if any remains until the third shall be forgiven him.
day, it shall be burned in the fire. 23 When you come into the land,
12 aDeut. 5:11
7 And if it is eaten at all on the bLev. 18:21 and have planted all kinds of trees
third day, it is an abomination. It for food, then you shall count their
shall not be accepted. 13 aEx. fruit as 1uncircumcised. Three years
8 Therefore everyone who eats it 22:715, 2127 it shall be as uncircumcised to you. It
shall bear his iniquity, because he bDeut. 24:15 shall not be eaten.
has profaned the hallowed offering 24 But in the fourth year all its fruit
of the LORD; and that person shall 14 aDeut. shall be holy, a praise to the LORD.
be cut off from his people. 27:18 25 And in the fifth year you may eat
9 aWhen you reap the harvest of its fruit, that it may yield to you its
your land, you shall not wholly reap 15 aDeut. increase: I am the LORD your God.
the corners of your field, nor shall you 16:19 bEx. 26 You shall not eat anything with
23:3, 6
gather the gleanings of your harvest. the blood, nor shall you practice
10 And you shall not glean your divination or soothsaying.
16 aProv.
vineyard, nor shall you gather every 11:13; 18:8;
27 You shall not shave around the
grape of your vineyard; you shall 20:19 b1 Kin. sides of your head, nor shall you
leave them for the poor and the 21:719 disfigure the edges of your beard.
stranger: I am the LORD your God. 28 You shall not amake any cut-
11 aYou shall not steal, nor deal 17 a[1 John tings in your flesh for the dead, nor
falsely, bnor lie to one another. 2:9, 11; 3:15]
bMatt. 18:15
tattoo any marks on you: I am the
12 And you shall not aswear by My 1reprove
name falsely, bnor shall you profane 29 aDo not prostitute your daugh-
the name of your God: I am the ter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest
18 a[Deut.
LORD. 32:35] bMark the land fall into harlotry, and the
13 aYou shall not cheat your neigh- 12:31 land become full of wickedness.
bor, nor rob him. bThe wages of him 30 You shall 1keep My Sabbaths
who is hired shall not remain with 20 aDeut. and areverence My sanctuary: I am
you all night until morning. 22:2327 the LORD.
14 You shall not curse the deaf, 31 Give no regard to mediums and
anor put a stumbling block before familiar spirits; do not seek after
22 1Lit. cover- athem, to be defiled by them: I am
the blind, but shall fear your God: I ing
am the LORD. the LORD your God.
15 You shall do no injustice in 32 aYou shall 1rise before the gray
ajudgment. You shall not bbe partial 23 1unclean headed and honor the presence of
to the poor, nor honor the person of an old man, and bfear your God: I
the mighty. In righteousness you 28 aJer. 16:6 am the LORD.
shall judge your neighbor. 33 And aif a stranger dwells with
16 You shall not go about as a 29 aDeut. you in your land, you shall not mis-
atalebearer among your people; nor
22:21; 23:17, treat him.
shall you btake a stand against the 34 aThe stranger who dwells
life of your neighbor: I am the LORD. 30 aLev. 26:2
among you shall be to you as 1one
17 aYou shall not hate your brother 1observe born among you, and byou shall love
in your heart. bYou shall surely him as yourself; for you were
1rebuke your neighbor, and not bear 31 aLev. 20:6, strangers in the land of Egypt: I am
sin because of him. 27 the LORD your God.
18 aYou shall not take vengeance, 35 You shall do no injustice in
nor bear any grudge against the 32 a1 Tim. 5:1 judgment, in measurement of
children of your people, bbut you bLev. 19:14 length, weight, or volume.
1rise to give
shall love your neighbor as yourself: 36 You shall have ahonest scales,
honor honest weights, an honest ephah,
I am the LORD.
19 You shall keep My statutes.You and an honest hin: I am the LORD
33 aEx. 22:21 your God, who brought you out of
shall not let your livestock breed
with another kind.You shall not sow the land of Egypt.
34 aEx. 12:48 37 aTherefore you shall observe all
your field with mixed seed. Nor bDeut. 10:19
shall a garment of mixed linen and 1native My statutes and all My judgments,
wool come upon you. among you and perform them: I am the LORD.
20 Whoever lies carnally with a Penalties for Breaking the Law
woman who is abetrothed to a man 36 aDeut.
as a concubine, and who has not at 25:1315 Then the LORD spoke to Mo-
all been redeemed nor given her
freedom, for this there shall be 37 aLev. 18:4, 5
20 ses, saying,
2 aAgain, you shall say to the chil-
1scourging; but they shall not be put dren of Israel: bWhoever of the chil-
to death, because she was not free. CHAPTER 20 dren of Israel, or of the strangers
21 And he shall bring his trespass who 1dwell in Israel, who gives any
offering to the LORD, to the door of 2 aLev. 18:2 of his descendants to Molech, he
bLev. 18:21
the tabernacle of meeting, a ram as cDeut. 17:25 shall surely be put to death. The peo-
a trespass offering. 1As resident ple of the land shall cstone him with
22 The priest shall make 1atone- aliens stones.
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LEVITICUS 20:3 106

3 aI will set My face against that 3 aLev. 17:10 has uncovered his sisters naked-
1Put him to
man, and will 1cut him off from his death
ness. He shall bear his 2guilt.
people, because he has given some 18 aIf a man lies with a woman
of his descendants to Molech, to 4 1disregard during her 1sickness and uncovers
defile My sanctuary and profane My her nakedness, he has 2exposed her
holy name. 6 aLev. 19:31 flow, and she has uncovered the
4 And if the people of the land flow of her blood. Both of them shall
should in any way 1hide their eyes 7 aLev. 19:2 be 3cut off from their people.
1Set your-
from the man, when he gives some selves apart
19 You shall not uncover the
of his descendants to Molech, and for the LORD nakedness of your amothers sister
they do not kill him, nor of your bfathers sister, for that
5 then I will set My face against 8 aLev. 19:19, would uncover his near of kin. They
that man and against his family; 37 bEx. 31:13 shall bear their guilt.
1sets you
and I will cut him off from his peo- 20 If a man lies with his auncles
ple, and all who prostitute them- wife, he has uncovered his uncles
selves with him to commit harlotry 9 aEx. 21:17
nakedness. They shall bear their
with Molech. b2 Sam. 1:16 sin; they shall die childless.
6 And athe person who turns to 21 If a man takes his abrothers
mediums and familiar spirits, to 10 aEx. 20:14 wife, it is an 1unclean thing. He has
prostitute himself with them, I will uncovered his brothers nakedness.
set My face against that person and 11 aLev. 18:7, 8 They shall be childless.
cut him off from his people. 22 You shall therefore keep all My
7 aConsecrate1 yourselves there- 12 aLev. 18:15 astatutes and all My judgments, and
fore, and be holy, for I am the LORD perform them, that the land where I
13 aLev. 18:22
your God. am bringing you to dwell bmay not
8 And you shall keep aMy 14 aLev. 18:17
vomit you out.
statutes, and perform them: bI am 23 aAnd you shall not walk in the
the LORD who 1sanctifies you. 15 aLev. 18:23 statutes of the nation which I am
9 For aeveryone who curses his casting out before you; for they
father or his mother shall surely be 17 aLev. 18:9 commit all these things, and bthere-
put to death. He has cursed his 1Put to death
fore I abhor them.
father or his mother. bHis blood 24 But aI have said to you, You
shall be upon him. shall inherit their land, and I will
18 aLev. 15:24;
10 aThe man who commits adul- 18:19 1Or cus- give it to you to possess, a land flow-
tery with another mans wife, he tomary impu- ing with milk and honey. I am the
who commits adultery with his rity 2Lit. LORD your God, bwho has separated
made bare you from the peoples.
neighbors wife, the adulterer and 3Put to death
the adulteress, shall surely be put to 25 aYou shall therefore distinguish
death. 19 aLev. 18:13 between clean animals and
11 The man who lies with his afa- bLev. 18:12 unclean, between unclean birds and
thers wife has uncovered his clean, band you shall not make
fathers nakedness; both of them 20 aLev. 18:14 yourselves 1abominable by beast or
shall surely be put to death. Their by bird, or by any kind of living
blood shall be upon them. 21 aLev. 18:16 thing that creeps on the ground,
12 If a man lies with his adaughter- impure
which I have separated from you as
in-law, both of them shall surely be
put to death. They have committed 22 aLev. 18:26; 26 And you shall be holy to Me,
afor I the LORD am holy, and have
perversion. Their blood shall be 19:37 bLev.
upon them. 18:25, 28 separated you from the peoples, that
13 aIf a man lies with a male as he you should be Mine.
23 aLev. 18:3, 27 aA man or a woman who is a
lies with a woman, both of them 24 bDeut. 9:5
have committed an abomination. medium, or who has familiar spirits,
They shall surely be put to death. 24 aEx. 3:17; shall surely be put to death; they
Their blood shall be upon them. 6:8; 13:5; shall stone them with stones. Their
14 If a man marries a woman and 33:13 bEx. blood shall be upon them.
19:5; 33:16
her amother, it is wickedness. They Regulations for Conduct of Priests
shall be burned with fire, both he 25 aLev. 10:10;
and they, that there may be no And the LORD said to Moses,
wickedness among you.
15 If a man mates with an aanimal,
11:147 bLev.
1detestable or
21 Speak to the priests, the sons
of Aaron, and say to them: aNone
he shall surely be put to death, and 2defiled shall defile himself for the dead
you shall kill the animal. among his people,
16 If a woman approaches any 26 aLev. 19:2 2 except for his relatives who are
animal and mates with it, you shall nearest to him: his mother, his
kill the woman and the animal. 27 aLev. 19:31 father, his son, his daughter, and his
They shall surely be put to death. brother;
Their blood is upon them. CHAPTER 21 3 also his virgin sister who is
17 If a man takes his asister, his near to him, who has had no hus-
1 aEzek. 44:25
fathers daughter or his mothers band, for her he may defile himself.
daughter, and sees her nakedness 4 1Lit. master 4 Otherwise he shall not defile
and she sees his nakedness, it is a or husband himself, being a 1chief man among
wicked thing. And they shall be 1cut his people, to profane himself.
off in the sight of their people. He 5 aDeut. 14:1 5 aThey shall not make any bald
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107 LEVITICUS 22:15

place on their heads, nor shall they 6 aEx. 22:31
bLev. 3:11 cIs.
aveil or approach the altar, because
shave the edges of their beards nor 52:11
he has a defect, lest bhe profane My
make any cuttings in their flesh. sanctuaries; for I the LORD sanctify
6 They shall be aholy to their God 7 aEzek. 44:22 them.
and not profane the name of their bDeut. 24:1, 2
1Lit. he
24 And Moses told it to Aaron and
God, for they offer the offerings of his sons, and to all the children of
the LORD made by fire, and the 8 aLev. 11:44, Israel.
bbread of their God; ctherefore they Then the LORD spoke to Mo-
shall be holy.
7 aThey shall not take a wife who
45 bLev. 8:12,
30 1set him
22 ses, saying,
2 Speak to Aaron and his sons,
is a harlot or a defiled woman, nor 9 aDeut. 22:21
that they aseparate1 themselves
shall they take a woman bdivorced from the holy things of the children
from her husband; for 1the priest is 10 aLev. 8:12 of Israel, and that they bdo not pro-
holy to his God. bLev. 10:6, 7
1In mourning
fane My holy name by what they
8 Therefore you shall 1consecrate cdedicate to Me: I am the LORD.
him, for he offers the bread of your 11 aNum. 19:14
3 Say to them: Whoever of all
God. He shall be holy to you, for aI your descendants throughout your
the LORD, who bsanctify you, am 12 aLev. 10:7 generations, who goes near the holy
holy. bEx. 29:6, 7
things which the children of Israel
9 The daughter of any priest, if dedicate to the LORD, awhile he has
she profanes herself by playing the 18 aLev. 1uncleanness upon him, that person
22:1925 bLev.
harlot, she profanes her father. She 22:23 shall be cut off from My presence: I
shall be aburned with fire. am the LORD.
10 He who is the high priest 23 aLev. 16:2
bLev. 21:12
4 Whatever man of the descen-
among his brethren, on whose head dants of Aaron, who is a aleper or
the anointing oil was apoured and has ba discharge, shall not eat the
who is consecrated to wear the gar- CHAPTER 22 holy offerings cuntil he is clean. And
ments, shall not buncover1 his head dwhoever touches anything made
nor tear his clothes; 2 aNum. 6:3 unclean by a corpse, or ea man who
11 nor shall he go anear any dead bLev. 18:21 has had an emission of semen,
cEx. 28:38;
body, nor defile himself for his 5 or awhoever touches any creep-
Lev. 16:19;
father or his mother; 25:10; Num. ing thing by which he would be
12 anor shall he go out of the sanc- 18:32; Deut. made unclean, or bany person by
tuary, nor profane the sanctuary of 15:19 1keep whom he would become unclean,
his God; for the bconsecration of the themselves whatever his uncleanness may be
apart from
anointing oil of his God is upon him: 6 the person who has touched
I am the LORD. 3 aLev. 7:20, any such thing shall be unclean
13 And he shall take a wife in her 21; Num. until evening, and shall not eat the
virginity. 19:13 1defile- holy offerings unless he awashes his
14 A widow or a divorced woman body with water.
or a defiled woman or a harlot 4 aNum. 5:2 7 And when the sun goes down
these he shall not marry; but he bLev. 15:2 he shall be clean; and afterward he
shall take a virgin of his own people cLev. 14:2;
may eat the holy offerings, because
as wife. 15:13 dLev. ait is his food.
11:2428, 39,
15 Nor shall he profane his poster- 40; Num. 8 aWhatever dies naturally or is
ity among his people, for I the LORD 19:11 eLev. torn by beasts he shall not eat, to
sanctify him. 15:16, 17 defile himself with it: I am the LORD.
16 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 5 aLev.
9 They shall therefore keep aMy
saying, 11:2328 bLev.
1ordinance, blest they bear sin for it
17 Speak to Aaron, saying: No 15:7, 19 and die thereby, if they profane it: I
man of your descendants in suc- the LORD sanctify them.
ceeding generations, who has any 6 aLev. 15:5 10 aNo outsider shall eat the holy
defect, may approach to offer the 7 aLev. 21:22;
offering; one who 1dwells with the
bread of his God. Num. 18:11, priest, or a hired servant, shall not
18 For any man who has a adefect 13 eat the holy thing.
shall not approach: a man blind or 11 But if the priest abuys a person
lame, who has a marred face or any 8 aEx. 22:31; with his money, he may eat it; and
Lev. 7:24;
limb btoo long, 11:39, 40; one who is born in his house may
19 a man who has a broken foot or 17:15; Ezek. eat his food.
broken hand, 44:31 12 If the priests daughter is mar-
20 or is a hunchback or a dwarf, or ried to an outsider, she may not eat
a man who has a defect in his eye, 9 aLev. 18:30 of the holy offerings.
bEx. 28:43;
or eczema or scab, or is a eunuch. Lev. 22:16; 13 But if the priests daughter is a
21 No man of the descendants of Num. 18:22 widow or divorced, and has no
Aaron the priest, who has a defect, child, and has returned to her
shall come near to offer the offer- 10 aEx. 29:33;
fathers house as in her youth, she
ings made by fire to the LORD. He Lev. 22:13; may eat her fathers food; but no
has a defect; he shall not come near Num. 3:10 1As outsider shall eat it.
to offer the bread of his God. a visitor 14 And if a man eats the holy offer-
22 He may eat the bread of his ing unintentionally, then he shall
11 aEx. 12:44
God, both the most holy and the restore a holy offering to the priest,
holy; 15 aNum. and add one-fifth to it.
23 only he shall not go near the 18:32 15 They shall not profane the aholy
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LEVITICUS 22:16 108

offerings of the children of Israel, 18 aLev. 1:2, 3, name, but bI will be 1hallowed
which they offer to the LORD, 10 1brings his among the children of Israel. I am
16 or allow them to bear the guilt the LORD who csanctifies you,
of trespass when they eat their holy 19 aLev. 1:3; 33 awho brought you out of the
offerings; for I the LORD sanctify Deut. 15:21 land of Egypt, to be your God: I am
them. 20 aDeut. the LORD.
15:21; 17:1;
Offerings Accepted and Not Mal. 1:8, 14; Feasts of the LORD
Accepted [Eph. 5:27;
And the LORD spoke to Mo-
17 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
Heb. 9:14;
1 Pet. 1:19] 23 ses, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
21 aLev. 3:1, 6
18 Speak to Aaron and his sons, bNum. 15:3, 8; and say to them: The feasts of the
and to all the children of Israel, and Ps. 61:8; 65:1; LORD, which you shall proclaim to
say to them: aWhatever man of the Eccl. 5:4, 5 be aholy convocations, these are My
house of Israel, or of the strangers 22 aLev. 22:20;
in Israel, who 1offers his sacrifice Mal. 1:8 bLev. The Sabbath
for any of his vows or for any of his 1:9, 13; 3:3, 5
1running sore
freewill offerings, which they offer 3 aSix days shall work be done,
to the LORD as a burnt offering 23 aLev. 21:18 but the seventh day is a Sabbath
19 ayou shall offer of your own free of solemn rest, a holy convocation.
will a male without blemish from 25 aNum. You shall do no work on it; it is
15:15, 16 bLev.
the cattle, from the sheep, or from 21:6, 17 cMal. the Sabbath of the LORD in all your
the goats. 1:14 dwellings.
20 aWhatever has a defect, you The Passover and Unleavened
27 aEx. 22:30
shall not offer, for it shall not be Bread
acceptable on your behalf. 28 aDeut. 22:6,
21 And awhoever offers a sacrifice 7 4 aThese are the feasts of the
of a peace offering to the LORD, bto 29 aLev. 7:12; LORD, holy convocations which you
fulfill his vow, or a freewill offering Ps. 107:22; shall proclaim at their appointed
from the cattle or the sheep, it must 116:17; Amos times.
be perfect to be accepted; there 4:5 5 aOn the fourteenth day of the
shall be no defect in it. 30 aLev. 7:15 first month at twilight is the LORDs
22 aThose that are blind or broken Passover.
or maimed, or have an 1ulcer or 31 aLev. 19:37; 6 And on the fifteenth day of the
Num. 15:40;
eczema or scabs, you shall not offer Deut. 4:40 same month is the Feast of Unleav-
to the LORD, nor make ban offering ened Bread to the LORD; seven days
by fire of them on the altar to the 32 aLev. 18:21
bLev. 10:3;
you must eat unleavened bread.
LORD. Matt. 6:9;
7 aOn the first day you shall have
23 Either a bull or a lamb that has Luke 11:2 a holy convocation; you shall do no
any limb atoo long or too short you cLev. 20:8 1customary work on it.
may offer as a freewill offering, but 1treated as
8 But you shall offer an offering
for a vow it shall not be accepted. holy made by fire to the LORD for seven
24 You shall not offer to the LORD 33 aLev. 19:36, days. The seventh day shall be a
what is bruised or crushed, or torn 37; Num. holy convocation; you shall do no
or cut; nor shall you make any offer- 15:40; Deut. customary work on it.
ing of them in your land.
25 Nor afrom a foreigners hand The Feast of Firstfruits
shall you offer any of these as bthe CHAPTER 23 9 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
bread of your God, because their saying,
ccorruption is in them, and defects 2 aEx. 12:16 10 Speak to the children of Israel,
are in them. They shall not be 3 aEx. 20:9; and say to them: aWhen you come
accepted on your behalf. 23:12; 31:15; into the land which I give to you,
26 And the LORD spoke to Moses, Lev. 19:3; and reap its harvest, then you shall
saying: Deut. 5:13, 14;
Luke 13:14 bring a sheaf of bthe firstfruits of
27 aWhen a bull or a sheep or a your harvest to the priest.
goat is born, it shall be seven days 4 aEx. 11 He shall awave the sheaf before
with its mother; and from the eighth 23:1416; Lev. the LORD, to be accepted on your
23:2, 37
day and thereafter it shall be behalf; on the day after the Sabbath
accepted as an offering made by fire 5 aEx. 12:128; the priest shall wave it.
to the LORD. Num. 9:15; 12 And you shall offer on that day,
28 Whether it is a cow or ewe, do 28:1625;
Deut. 16:18; when you wave the sheaf, a male
not kill both her aand her young on Josh. 5:10 lamb of the first year, without blem-
the same day. ish, as a burnt offering to the LORD.
29 And when you aoffer a sacrifice 7 aEx. 12:16; 13 Its grain offering shall be two-
Num. 28:18,
of thanksgiving to the LORD, offer it 25 1occupa- tenths of an ephah of fine flour
of your own free will. tional mixed with oil, an offering made by
30 On the same day it shall be fire to the LORD, for a 1sweet aroma;
10 aEx. 23:19;
eaten; you shall leave anone of it 34:26 b[Rom. and its drink offering shall be of
until morning: I am the LORD. 11:16]; James wine, one-fourth of a hin.
31 aTherefore you shall keep My 1:18; Rev. 14:4 14 You shall eat neither bread nor
commandments, and perform them: 11 aEx. 29:24
parched grain nor fresh grain until
I am the LORD. the same day that you have brought
32 aYou shall not profane My holy 13 1pleasing an offering to your God; it shall be
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109 LEVITICUS 23:43

a statute forever throughout your 16 aActs 2:1
bNum. 28:26
that same day, for it is the Day of
generations in all your dwellings. Atonement, ato make atonement for
17 aEx. 23:16,
you before the LORD your God.
The Feast of Weeks 19; Num. 29 For any person who is not aaf-
15 And you shall count for your- 15:1721 flicted in soul on that same day
bshall be cut off from his people.
selves from the day after the Sab- 19 aLev. 4:23,
bath, from the day that you brought 30 And any person who does any
28; Num.
the sheaf of the wave offering: seven 28:30; [2 Cor. work on that same day, athat person
Sabbaths shall be completed. 5:21] bLev. 3:1 I will destroy from among his people.
16 Count afifty days to the day 31 You shall do no manner of
after the seventh Sabbath; then you 20 aLev. 14:13; work; it shall be a statute forever
Num. 18:12; throughout your generations in all
shall offer ba new grain offering to Deut. 18:4
the LORD. your dwellings.
17 You shall bring from your 22 aLev. 19:9, 32 It shall be to you a sabbath of
dwellings two wave loaves of two- 10; Deut. solemn rest, and you shall 1afflict
tenths of an ephah. They shall be of
24:1922; your souls; on the ninth day of the
Ruth 2:2, 15 month at evening, from evening to
fine flour; they shall be baked with
leaven. They are athe firstfruits to 24 aNum. 29:1
evening, you shall 2celebrate your
the LORD. bLev. 25:9 sabbath.
18 And you shall offer with the The Feast of Tabernacles
27 aLev.
bread seven lambs of the first year, 16:134; 25:9;
without blemish, one young bull, Num. 29:7 33 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
and two rams. They shall be as a saying,
burnt offering to the LORD, with 28 aLev. 16:34 34 Speak to the children of Israel,
their grain offering and their drink saying: aThe fifteenth day of this
offerings, an offering made by fire 29 aIs. 22:12; seventh month shall be the Feast of
Jer. 31:9;
for a sweet aroma to the LORD. Ezek. 7:16 Tabernacles for seven days to the
19 Then you shall sacrifice aone bGen. 17:14; LORD.
kid of the goats as a sin offering, Lev. 13:46; 35 On the first day there shall be a
and two male lambs of the first year Num. 5:2 holy convocation. You shall do no
as a sacrifice of a bpeace offering. 30 aLev. 20:36
customary work on it.
20 The priest shall wave them with 36 For seven days you shall offer an
aoffering made by fire to the LORD.
the bread of the firstfruits as a wave 32 1humble
bOn the eighth day you shall have a
offering before the LORD, with the yourselves
two lambs. aThey shall be holy to 2observe your
holy convocation, and you shall offer
sabbath an offering made by fire to the LORD.
the LORD for the priest.
21 And you shall proclaim on the 34 aEx. 23:16;
It is a csacred1 assembly, and you
same day that it is a holy convoca- Num. 29:12; shall do no customary work on it.
tion to you.You shall do no custom- Deut. 37 aThese are the feasts of the
ary work on it. It shall be a statute 16:1316; Ezra LORD which you shall proclaim to
3:4; Neh. 8:14; be holy convocations, to offer an
forever in all your dwellings Zech.
throughout your generations. 14:1619; offering made by fire to the LORD, a
22 aWhen you reap the harvest of John 7:2 burnt offering and a grain offering,
your land, you shall not wholly reap a sacrifice and drink offerings,
36 aNum. everything on its day
the corners of your field when you 29:1234
reap, nor shall you gather any glean- bNum. 38 abesides the Sabbaths of the
ing from your harvest. You shall 29:3538; LORD, besides your gifts, besides all
leave them for the poor and for the Neh. 8:18; your vows, and besides all your
John 7:37 freewill offerings which you give to
stranger: I am the LORD your God. cDeut. 16:8;
2 Chr. 7:8 the LORD.
The Feast of Trumpets 1solemn 39 Also on the fifteenth day of the
seventh month, when you have
23 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, 37 aLev. 23:2, 4 agathered in the fruit of the land,
saying, you shall keep the feast of the LORD
24 Speak to the children of Israel, 38 aNum. 29:39 for seven days; on the first day there
saying: In the aseventh month, on the shall be a sabbath-rest, and on the
first day of the month, you shall have 39 aEx. 23:16;
eighth day a sabbath-rest.
a sabbath-rest, ba memorial of blow- Deut. 16:13
40 And ayou shall take for your-
ing of trumpets, a holy convocation. 40 aNeh. 8:15 selves on the first day the 1fruit of
25 You shall do no customary bDeut. 12:7;
beautiful trees, branches of palm
work on it; and you shall offer an 16:14, 15
trees, the boughs of leafy trees, and
offering made by fire to the LORD. willows of the brook; band you shall
The Day of Atonement 41 aNum. rejoice before the LORD your God
29:12; Neh. for seven days.
26 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 8:18 41 aYou shall keep it as a feast to
saying: the LORD for seven days in the year.
42 a[Is. 4:6]
27 aAlso the tenth day of this sev- bNeh. 8:1416 It shall be a statute forever in your
enth month shall be the Day of 1tabernacles; generations.You shall celebrate it in
Atonement. It shall be a holy convo- shelters made the seventh month.
cation for you; you shall afflict your of boughs 42 aYou shall dwell in 1booths for
souls, and offer an offering made by 43 aEx. 13:14;
seven days. bAll who are native
fire to the LORD. Deut. 31:13; Israelites shall dwell in booths,
28 And you shall do no work on Ps. 78:5 43 athat your generations may
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LEVITICUS 23:44 110

bknow that I made the children of 43 bEx. 10:2 to death. All the congregation shall
cLev. 22:33
Israel dwell in booths when cI certainly stone him, the stranger as
brought them out of the land of 44 aLev. 23:2 well as him who is born in the land.
Egypt: I am the LORD your God. When he blasphemes the name of
44 So Moses adeclared to the chil- the LORD, he shall be put to death.
dren of Israel the feasts of the LORD. 2 aEx. 27:20, 17 aWhoever kills any man shall
21 surely be put to death.
Care of the Tabernacle Lamps 4 aEx. 25:31; 18 aWhoever kills an animal shall
Then the LORD spoke to Mo- 31:8; 37:17 make it good, animal for animal.
2 a
ses, saying:
Command the children of
1arrange or
set in order 19 If a man causes disfigurement
of his neighbor, as ahe has done, so
5 aEx. 25:30;
Israel that they bring to you pure oil 39:36; 40:23 shall it be done to him
of pressed olives for the light, to 6 aEx. 25:23, 20 fracture for afracture, beye for
make the lamps burn continually. 24; 1 Kin. eye, tooth for tooth; as he has
3 Outside the veil of the Testi- 7:48; 2 Chr. caused disfigurement of a man, so
4:19; 13:11; shall it be done to him.
mony, in the tabernacle of meeting, Heb. 9:2
Aaron shall be in charge of it from 21 And whoever kills an animal
7 aLev. 2:2, 9,
evening until morning before the 16 shall restore it; but whoever kills a
LORD continually; it shall be a 8 aNum. 4:7;
man shall be put to death.
statute forever in your generations. 1 Chr. 9:32; 22 You shall have athe1 same law
4 He shall 1be in charge of the 2 Chr. 2:4; for the stranger and for one from
lamps on athe pure gold lampstand Matt. 12:4, 5 your own country; for I am the
before the LORD continually. 9 a1 Sam. 21:6; LORD your God.
Matt. 12:4; 23 Then Moses spoke to the chil-
The Bread of the Tabernacle Mark 2:26;
Luke 6:4 bEx. dren of Israel; and they took outside
5 And you shall take fine flour 29:33; Lev. the camp him who had cursed, and
and bake twelve acakes with it. Two- 8:31 stoned him with stones. So the chil-
tenths of an ephah shall be in each 11 aEx. 22:28 dren of Israel did as the LORD com-
bJob 1:5, 11,
cake. manded Moses.
22; Is. 8:21
6 You shall set them in two rows, cEx. 18:22, 26
The Sabbath of the Seventh Year
six in a row, aon the pure gold table 12 aNum. 15:34
And the LORD spoke to Moses
before the LORD.
7 And you shall put pure frankin-
cense on each row, that it may be on
bNum. 27:5
1under guard
2Lit. it might
25 on Mount aSinai, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
be declared to
the bread for a amemorial, an offer- them from and say to them: When you come
ing made by fire to the LORD. the mouth of into the land which I give you, then
8 aEvery Sabbath he shall set it the LORD the land shall akeep a sabbath to the
in order before the LORD continually, 14 aDeut. 13:9; LORD.
being taken from the children of 17:7 3 Six years you shall sow your
Israel by an everlasting covenant. 15 aLev. 20:17; field, and six years you shall prune
Num. 9:13 1be your vineyard, and gather its fruit;
9 And ait shall be for Aaron and responsible
his sons, band they shall eat it in a for 4 but in the aseventh year there
holy place; for it is most holy to him 16 aEx. 20:7; shall be a sabbath of solemn brest
from the offerings of the LORD made 1 Kin. 21:10, for the land, a sabbath to the LORD.
by fire, by a perpetual statute. 13; [Matt. You shall neither sow your field nor
12:31; Mark prune your vineyard.
The Penalty for Blasphemy 3:28, 29]
5 aWhat grows of its own accord
17 aGen. 9:6;
10 Now the son of an Israelite Ex. 21:12; of your harvest you shall not reap,
woman, whose father was an Egyp- Num. 35:30, nor gather the grapes of your
tian, went out among the children of 31; Deut. untended vine, for it is a year of rest
19:11, 12; for the land.
Israel; and this Israelite womans 27:24
son and a man of Israel fought each 6 And the sabbath produce of the
18 aLev. 24:21 land shall be food for you: for you,
other in the camp.
19 aEx. 21:24 your male and female servants, your
11 And the Israelite womans son
ablasphemed the name of the LORD 20 aEx. 21:23; hired man, and the stranger who
Deut. 19:21 dwells with you,
and bcursed; and so they cbrought b[Matt. 5:38,
him to Moses. (His mothers name 39] 7 for your livestock and the
was Shelomith the daughter of 22 aEx. 12:49; beasts that are in your landall its
Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.) Lev. 19:3337; produce shall be for food.
12 Then they aput him 1in custody, Num. 9:14;
bthat 2the mind of the LORD might 15:15, 16, 29 The Year of Jubilee
1one standard
be shown to them. of judgment 8 And you shall count seven sab-
13 And the LORD spoke to Moses, baths of years for yourself, seven
saying, CHAPTER 25 times seven years; and the time of
14 Take outside the camp him who 1 aLev. 26:46
the seven sabbaths of years shall be
has cursed; then let all who heard to you forty-nine years.
2 aLev. 26:34,
him alay their hands on his head, and 35 9 Then you shall cause the trum-
let all the congregation stone him. 4 aDeut. 15:1;
pet of the Jubilee to sound on the
15 Then you shall speak to the Neh. 10:31 tenth day of the seventh month; aon
children of Israel, saying: Whoever b[Heb. 4:9] the Day of Atonement you shall
curses his God ashall 1bear his sin. 5 a2 Kin. 19:29 make the trumpet to sound through-
16 And whoever ablasphemes the 9 aLev. 23:24, out all your land.
name of the LORD shall surely be put 27 10 And you shall consecrate the fifti-
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111 LEVITICUS 25:42

eth year, and aproclaim liberty 10 aIs. 61:2; 27 then alet him count the years
throughout all the land to all its 63:4; Jer. 34:8, since its sale, and restore the remain-
15, 17; [Luke
inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for 4:19] bLev. der to the man to whom he sold it,
you; band each of you shall return to 25:13, 28, 54; that he may return to his possession.
his possession, and each of you shall Num. 36:4 28 But if he is not able to have it
return to his family. 11 aLev. 25:5 restored to himself, then what was
11 That fiftieth year shall be a 12 aLev. 25:6, 7
sold shall remain in the hand of him
Jubilee to you; in it ayou shall nei- who bought it until the Year of
ther sow nor reap what grows of its 13 aLev. 25:10; Jubilee; aand in the Jubilee it shall
own accord, nor gather the grapes 27:24; Num. be released, and he shall return to
of your untended vine. his possession.
12 For it is the Jubilee; it shall be 14 aLev. 19:13 29 If a man sells a house in a
holy to you; ayou shall eat its pro- 15 aLev. 27:18, walled city, then he may redeem it
duce from the field. 23 within a whole year after it is sold;
13 aIn this Year of Jubilee, each of 17 aLev. 25:14; within a full year he may redeem it.
you shall return to his possession. Prov. 14:31; 30 But if it is not redeemed within
14 And if you sell anything to your 22:22; Jer. 7:5, the space of a full year, then the
neighbor or buy from your neigh- 6; 1 Thess. 4:6 house in the walled city shall belong
bLev. 19:14,
bors hand, you shall not aoppress 32; 25:43 permanently to him who bought it,
one another. 1mistreat throughout his generations. It shall
15 aAccording to the number of 18 aLev. 19:37
not be released in the Jubilee.
years after the Jubilee you shall buy bLev. 26:5; 31 However the houses of villages
from your neighbor, and according Deut. 12:10; which have no wall around them
to the number of years of crops he Ps. 4:8; Jer. shall be counted as the fields of the
23:6 country. They may be redeemed,
shall sell to you.
16 According to the multitude of 19 aLev. 26:5; and they shall be released in the
years you shall increase its price, Ezek. 34:25 Jubilee.
and according to the fewer number 20 aMatt. 6:25, 32 Nevertheless athe cities of the
of years you shall diminish its price; 31 bLev. 25:4, Levites, and the houses in the cities
for he sells to you according to the 5 of their possession, the Levites may
number of the years of the crops. 21 aDeut. 28:8 redeem at any time.
17 Therefore ayou shall not bEx. 16:29 33 And if a man purchases a house
1oppress one another, bbut you shall
22 a2 Kin. from the Levites, then the house
fear your God; for I am the LORD 19:29 bLev. that was sold in the city of his pos-
your God. 26:10; Josh. session shall be released in the
5:11 Jubilee; for the houses in the cities
Provisions for the Seventh Year 23 aEx. 19:5; of the Levites are their possession
18 aSo you shall observe My 2 Chr. 7:20
bGen. 23:4;
among the children of Israel.
statutes and keep My judgments, Ex. 6:4; 1 Chr.
34 But athe field of the common-
and perform them; band you will 29:15; Ps. land of their cities may not be bsold,
dwell in the land in safety. 39:12; Heb. for it is their perpetual possession.
11:13; 1 Pet.
19 Then the land will yield its 2:11 Lending to the Poor
fruit, and ayou will eat your fill, and
25 aRuth 2:20; 35 If one of your brethren
dwell there in safety. 4:4, 6 bNum.
20 And if you say, aWhat shall we 5:8; Ruth 3:2, becomes poor, and 1falls into pov-
eat in the seventh year, since bwe shall 9, 12; [Job erty among you, then you shall ahelp
not sow nor gather in our produce? 19:25]; Jer. him, like a stranger or a sojourner,
32:7, 8 that he may live with you.
21 Then I will acommand My
blessing on you in the bsixth year, 27 aLev. 36 aTake no usury or interest from
and it will bring forth produce 25:5052 him; but bfear your God, that your
enough for three years. 28 aLev. 25:10, brother may live with you.
22 aAnd you shall sow in the 13 37 You shall not lend him your
eighth year, and eat bold produce 32 aNum. money for usury, nor lend him your
until the ninth year; until its pro- 35:18; Josh. food at a profit.
duce comes in, you shall eat of the 21:2 38 aI am the LORD your God, who
old harvest. 34 aNum. brought you out of the land of
35:25 bActs Egypt, to give you the land of
Redemption of Property 4:36, 37 Canaan and to be your God.
23 The land shall not be sold per- 35 aDeut.
The Law Concerning Slavery
manently, for athe land is Mine; for 15:711; 24:14,
15; Luke 6:35;
you are bstrangers and sojourners 1 John 3:17 39 And if one of your brethren who
with Me. 1Lit. his hand dwells by you becomes poor, and
24 And in all the land of your pos- fails sells himself to you, you shall not
session you shall grant redemption 36 aEx. 22:25; compel him to serve as a slave.
of the land. Deut. 23:19, 40 As a hired servant and a so-
25 aIf one of your brethren becomes 20 bNeh. 5:9 journer he shall be with you, and shall
poor, and has sold some of his pos- 38 aLev. 11:45; serve you until the Year of Jubilee.
session, and if bhis redeeming rela- 22:32, 33 41 And then he shall depart from
tive comes to redeem it, then he may 41 aEx. 21:3 youhe and his children awith
redeem what his brother sold. himand shall return to his own
26 Or if the man has no one to 42 aLev. 25:55; family. He shall return to the pos-
[Rom. 6:22;
redeem it, but he himself becomes 1 Cor. 7:22, session of his fathers.
able to redeem it, 23] 42 For they are aMy servants,
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LEVITICUS 25:43 112

whom I brought out of the land of 43 aEph. 6:9; neither a carved image nor a
Egypt; they shall not be sold as Col. 4:1 bEx. sacred pillar shall you rear up
1:13, 14; Lev.
slaves. 25:46, 53; for yourselves;
43 aYou shall not rule over him Ezek. 34:4 nor shall you set up an engraved
bwith 1rigor, but you cshall fear your cEx. 1:17;
stone in your land, to bow
Deut. 25:18;
God. Mal. 3:5 down to it;
44 And as for your male and 1severity for I am the LORD your God.
female slaves whom you may 2 aYou shall 1keep My Sabbaths
havefrom the nations that are and reverence My sanctuary:
around you, from them you may buy 45 a[Is. 56:3, 6, I am the LORD.
male and female slaves.
45 Moreover you may buy athe 3 aIf you walk in My statutes and
children of the strangers who dwell 46 aIs. 14:2 keep My commandments, and
among you, and their families who perform them,
are with you, which they beget in 50 aJob 7:1; Is. 4 athen I will give you rain in its
your land; and they shall become 16:14 season, bthe land shall yield
your property. its produce, and the trees of
46 And ayou may take them as an the field shall yield their
inheritance for your children after CHAPTER 26 fruit.
you, to inherit them as a possession; 5 aYour threshing shall last till the
they shall be your permanent time of vintage, and the
slaves. But regarding your brethren, 1 aEx. 20:4, 5; vintage shall last till the time
the children of Israel, you shall not Deut. 4:1518; of sowing;
rule over one another with rigor. 5:8 you shall eat your bread to the
47 Now if a sojourner or stranger full, and bdwell in your land
close to you becomes rich, and one 2 aLev. 19:30 safely.
of your brethren who dwells by him 1observe 6 aI will give peace in the land, and
becomes poor, and sells himself to byou shall lie down, and none
the stranger or sojourner close to will make you afraid;
you, or to a member of the 3 aDeut.
28:114 I will rid the land of cevil1
strangers family, beasts,
48 after he is sold he may be and dthe sword will not go
redeemed again. One of his brothers 4 aIs. 30:23
bPs. 67:6
through your land.
may redeem him; 7 You will chase your enemies,
49 or his uncle or his uncles son and they shall fall by the
may redeem him; or anyone who is 5 aDeut. 11:15; sword before you.
near of kin to him in his family may Joel 2:19, 26; 8 aFive of you shall chase a
redeem him; or if he is able he may Amos 9:13
bLev. 25:18, hundred, and a hundred of
redeem himself. 19; Ezek. you shall put ten thousand to
50 Thus he shall reckon with him 34:25 flight;
who bought him: The price of his your enemies shall fall by the
release shall be according to the sword before you.
number of years, from the year that 6 aIs. 45:7 bJob
11:19; Ps. 4:8;
he was sold to him until the Year of Zeph. 3:13 9 For I will alook on you favorably
Jubilee; it shall be aaccording to the c2 Kin. 17:25;
and bmake you fruitful,
time of a hired servant for him. Hos. 2:18
dEzek. 14:17 multiply you and confirm My
51 If there are still many years 1wild beasts ccovenant with you.
remaining, according to them he 10 You shall eat the aold harvest,
shall repay the price of his redemp- and clear out the old because
tion from the money with which he 8 aDeut. 32:30; of the new.
was bought. Judg. 7:712
11 aI will set My 1tabernacle among
52 And if there remain but a few you, and My soul shall not
years until the Year of Jubilee, then 9 aEx. 2:25; abhor you.
he shall reckon with him, and 2 Kin. 13:23 12 aI will walk among you and be
bGen. 17:6, 7;
according to his years he shall repay Ps. 107:38 your God, and you shall be
him the price of his redemption. cGen. 17:17 My people.
53 He shall be with him as a yearly 13 I am the LORD your God, who
hired servant, and he shall not rule brought you out of the land of
with rigor over him in your sight. 10 aLev. 25:22
Egypt, that you should not be
54 And if he is not redeemed in their slaves;
these years, then he shall be 11 aEx. 25:8; I have broken the bands of your
released in the Year of Jubileehe 29:45, 46; ayoke and made you walk
and his children with him. Josh. 22:19; 1upright.
55 For the children of Israel are Ps. 76:2; Ezek.
37:26; Rev.
servants to Me; they are My ser- 21:3 1dwelling 14 But if you do not obey Me, and
vants whom I brought out of the place do not observe all these
land of Egypt: I am the LORD your commandments,
God. 12 aDeut. 15 and if you despise My statutes,
Promise of Blessing and 23:14; [2 Cor. or if your soul abhors My
6:16] judgments, so that you do not
perform all My com-
You shall anot make idols for mandments, but break My
26 yourselves;
13 aGen. 27:40
1erect covenant,
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113 LEVITICUS 26:41

16 I also will do this to you: 16 aDeut. 28 then I also will walk contrary to
28:22 b1 Sam.
I will even appoint terror over 2:33 cEzek.
you in fury;
you, awasting disease and 24:23; 33:10 and I, even I, will chastise you
fever which shall bconsume dJudg. 6:36 seven times for your sins.
the eyes and ccause sorrow of profit
29 aYou1 shall eat the flesh of your
heart. sons, and you shall eat the
And dyou shall sow your seed flesh of your daughters.
1in vain, for your enemies 17 aPs. 34:16 30 aI will destroy your high places,
bDeut. 28:25
shall eat it. cPs. 106:41 cut down your incense altars,
17 I will 1set aMy face against you, dProv. 28:1 and cast your carcasses on
1oppose you
and byou shall be defeated by the lifeless forms of your
your enemies. idols;
cThose who hate you shall reign 18 a1 Sam. 2:5 and My soul shall abhor you.
over you, and you shall dflee 31 I will lay your acities waste and
when no one pursues you. 19 aIs. 25:11 bbring your sanctuaries to
bDeut. 28:23
desolation, and I will not
csmell the fragrance of your
18 And after all this, if you do not 1sweet aromas.
20 aPs. 127:1
obey Me, then I will punish bGen. 4:12
you aseven times more for 32 aI will bring the land to
your sins. desolation, and your enemies
19 I will abreak the pride of your 22 aDeut. who dwell in it shall be
32:24 bJudg. astonished at it.
power; 5:6
I bwill make your heavens like 33 aI will scatter you among the
iron and your earth like nations and draw out a sword
23 aAmos
bronze. 4:612 after you;
20 And your astrength shall be your land shall be desolate and
spent in vain; 24 aLev. 26:28,
your cities waste.
for your bland shall not yield 41 34 aThen the land shall enjoy its
its produce, nor shall the sabbaths as long as it lies
trees of the land yield their 25 aEzek. 5:17
desolate and you are in your
fruit. bDeut. 28:21 enemies land;
then the land shall rest and
26 aPs. 105:16 enjoy its sabbaths.
21 Then, if you walk contrary to bMic. 6:14 35 As long as it lies desolate it
Me, and are not willing to shall rest
obey Me, I will bring on you for the time it did not rest on
29 a2 Kin.
seven times more plagues, 6:28, 29 1In your asabbaths when you
according to your sins. time of dwelt in it.
22 aI will also send wild beasts famine
36 And as for those of you who are
among you, which shall rob left, I will send afaintness1 into
you of your children, destroy 30 a2 Chr. 34:3 their hearts in the lands of
your livestock, and make you their enemies;
few in number; 31 a2 Kin. the sound of a shaken leaf shall
and byour highways shall be des- 25:4, 10 bPs. cause them to flee;
olate. 74:7 cIs.
1:1115 they shall flee as though fleeing
1pleasing from a sword, and they shall
23 And if aby these things you are fall when no one pursues.
not reformed by Me, but walk 32 aJer. 9:11; 37 They shall stumble over one
contrary to Me, 18:16 another, as it were before
24 athen I also will walk contrary to a sword, when no one pur-
you, and I will punish you yet 33 aDeut. 4:27 sues;
seven times for your sins. and byou shall have no power to
25 And aI will bring a sword 34 a2 Chr. stand before your enemies.
against you that will execute 36:21 38 You shall aperish among the
the vengeance of the covenant; nations, and the land of your
when you are gathered together 35 aLev. 25:2 enemies shall eat you up.
within your cities bI will send 39 And those of you who are left
pestilence among you; ashall 1waste away in their
36 aEzek. 21:7,
and you shall be delivered into 12, 15 1fear iniquity in your enemies lands;
the hand of the enemy. also in their bfathers iniquities,
26 aWhen I have cut off your 37 a1 Sam. which are with them, they
supply of bread, ten women 14:15, 16
bJosh. 7:12, 13
shall waste away.
shall bake your bread in one
oven, and they shall bring 40 But aif they confess their iniquity
back your bread by weight, 38 aDeut. 4:26
band you shall eat and not be
and the iniquity of their
fathers, with their unfaith-
satisfied. 39 aEzek. 4:17;
33:10 bEx. fulness in which they were
34:7 1rot unfaithful to Me, and that they
27 And after all this, if you do not away also have walked contrary to
obey Me, but walk contrary to Me,
Me, 40 aNeh. 9:2 41 and that I also have walked
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LEVITICUS 26:42 114

contrary to them and have 41 aActs 7:51; above, if it is a male, then your val-
Rom. 2:29
brought them into the land of b2 Chr. 12:6, 7, uation shall be fifteen shekels, and
their enemies; 12; 1 Pet. 5:5, for a female ten shekels.
if their auncircumcised hearts 6 cPs. 39:9; 8 But if he is too poor to pay your
are bhumbled, and they caccept 51:3, 4; Dan. valuation, then he shall present
their guilt himself before the priest, and the
42 then I will aremember My 42 aEx. 2:24;
priest shall set a value for ahim;
covenant with Jacob, and My 6:5; Ps. according to the ability of him who
covenant with Isaac and 106:45; Ezek. vowed, the priest shall value him.
My covenant with Abraham I 16:60 bPs. 9 If it is an animal that men may
will remember; bring as an offering to the LORD, all
I will bremember the land.
43 aLev. 26:34,
that anyone gives to the LORD shall
43 aThe land also shall be left
35 bLev. 26:15 be holy.
empty by them, and will enjoy 10 He shall not substitute it or
its sabbaths while it lies 44 aDeut. 4:31; exchange it, good for bad or bad for
desolate without them; 2 Kin. 13:23; good; and if he at all exchanges ani-
they will accept their guilt, Jer. 30:11; mal for animal, then both it and the
because they bdespised My 11:136] one exchanged for it shall be aholy.
judgments and because their 11 If it is an unclean animal which
soul abhorred My statutes. 45 a[Rom. they do not offer as a sacrifice to the
44 Yet for all that, when they are in 11:28] bLev. LORD, then he shall present the ani-
the land of their enemies, aI 22:33; 25:38
cPs. 98:2;
mal before the priest;
will not cast them away, nor Ezek. 20:9, 14, 12 and the priest shall set a value
shall I abhor them, to utterly 22 for it, whether it is good or bad; as
destroy them and break My you, the priest, value it, so it shall be.
covenant with them; 46 aLev. 27:34; 13 aBut if he wants at all to
for I am the LORD their God. Deut. 6:1; redeem it, then he must add one-
45 But afor their sake I will 12:1; [John fifth to your valuation.
1:17] bLev.
remember the covenant of 25:1 14 And when a man 1dedicates his
their ancestors, bwhom I house to be holy to the LORD, then
brought out of the land of the priest shall set a value for it,
Egypt cin the sight of the CHAPTER 27 whether it is good or bad; as the
nations, that I might be their priest values it, so it shall stand.
God: 2 aLev. 7:16; 15 If he who dedicated it wants to
I am the LORD. Num. 6:2; 1redeem his house, then he must
Deut. add one-fifth of the money of your
46 aThese are the statutes and judg- 23:2123;
Judg. 11:30, valuation to it, and it shall be his.
ments and laws which the LORD 31, 39 1Or 16 If a man 1dedicates to the LORD
made between Himself and the chil- makes a diffi- part of a field of his possession,
dren of Israel bon Mount Sinai by the cult or then your valuation shall be accord-
hand of Moses. vow ing to the seed for it. A homer of
Redeeming Persons and Property
2appraisal barley seed shall be valued at fifty
Dedicated to God shekels of silver.
3 aEx. 30:13; 17 If he dedicates his field from
Lev. 27:25; the Year of Jubilee, according to
Now the LORD spoke to Mo-
27 ses, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
Num. 3:47;
18:16 your valuation it shall stand.
18 But if he dedicates his field
and say to them: aWhen a man 8 aLev. 5:11; after the Jubilee, then the priest
1consecrates by a vow certain per- 14:2124 shall areckon to him the money due
sons to the LORD, according to your according to the years that remain
2valuation, 10 aLev. 27:33 till the Year of Jubilee, and it shall be
3 if your valuation is of a male deducted from your valuation.
from twenty years old up to sixty 13 aLev. 6:5; 19 And if he who dedicates the
years old, then your valuation 22:14; 27:15, field ever wishes to redeem it, then
shall be fifty shekels of silver, aac- he must add one-fifth of the money
cording to the shekel of the sanc- 14 1sets apart
of your valuation to it, and it shall
tuary. belong to him.
4 If it is a female, then your valu- 15 1buy back
20 But if he does not want to
ation shall be thirty shekels; redeem the field, or if he has sold
5 and if from five years old up to 16 1sets apart
the field to another man, it shall not
twenty years old, then your valua- be redeemed anymore;
tion for a male shall be twenty 18 aLev. 25:15,
21 but the field, awhen it is
shekels, and for a female ten 16, 28 released in the Jubilee, shall be holy
shekels; to the LORD, as a bdevoted field; it
6 and if from a month old up to 21 aLev. 25:10, shall be cthe possession of the priest.
five years old, then your valuation 28, 31 bLev. 22 And if a man dedicates to the
for a male shall be five shekels of 27:28 cNum. LORD a field which he has bought,
18:14; Ezek.
silver, and for a female your valua- 44:29 which is not the field of ahis posses-
tion shall be three shekels of sil- sion,
ver; 22 aLev. 25:10, 23 then the priest shall reckon to
7 and if from sixty years old and 25 him the worth of your valuation, up
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115 NUMBERS 1:4

to the Year of Jubilee, and he shall 24 aLev. every devoted offering is most holy
25:1013, 28
give your valuation on that day as a to the LORD.
holy offering to the LORD. 25 aEx. 30:13
29 aNo person under the ban, who
24 aIn the Year of Jubilee the field may become doomed to destruction
shall return to him from whom it 26 aEx. 13:2, among men, shall be redeemed, but
was bought, to the one who owned 12; 22:30 shall surely be put to death.
the land as a possession. 30 And aall the tithe of the land,
25 And all your valuations shall be 27 aLev. 27:11, whether of the seed of the land or of
according to the shekel of the sanc- the fruit of the tree, is the LORDs. It
tuary: atwenty gerahs to the shekel. 28 aJosh.
is holy to the LORD.
26 But the afirstborn of the ani- 6:1719 31 aIf a man wants at all to redeem
mals, which should be the LORDs 1Given exclu- any of his tithes, he shall add one-
firstborn, no man shall dedicate; sively and fifth to it.
whether it is an ox or sheep, it is the 32 And concerning the tithe of the
LORDs. 29 aNum. 21:2 herd or the flock, of whatever
27 And if it is an unclean animal, apasses under the rod, the tenth one
then he shall redeem it according to 30 aGen. 28:22 shall be holy to the LORD.
your valuation, and ashall add one- 33 He shall not inquire whether it is
fifth to it; or if it is not redeemed, 31 aLev. 27:13 good or bad, anor shall he exchange it;
then it shall be sold according to and if he exchanges it at all, then both
your valuation. 32 aJer. 33:13 it and the one exchanged for it shall
28 aNevertheless no 1devoted offer- be holy; it shall not be redeemed.
33 aLev. 27:10
ing that a man may devote to the 34 aThese are the commandments
LORD of all that he has, both man 34 aLev. 26:46
which the LORD commanded Moses
and beast, or the field of his posses- b[Heb. for the children of Israel on Mount
sion, shall be sold or redeemed; 12:1829] bSinai.

The Fourth Book of Moses Called


N UMBERS is the book of wanderings. It takes its name from the two number-
ings of the Israelitesthe first at Mount Sinai and the second on the plains of
Moab. Most of the book, however, describes Israels experiences as they wander
in the wilderness. The lesson of Numbers is clear. While it may be necessary to
pass through wilderness experiences, one does not have to live there. For Israel,
an eleven-day journey became a forty-year agony.
The title of Numbers comes from the first word in the Hebrew text, Wayyedab-
ber, And He Said. Jewish writings, however, usually refer to it by the fifth
Hebrew word in 1:1, Bemidbar, In the Wilderness, which more nearly indicates
the content of the book. The Greek title in the Septuagint is Arithmoi, Numbers.
The Latin Vulgate followed this title and translated it Liber Numeri, Book of Num-
bers. These titles are based on the two numberings: the generation of Exodus
(Num. 1) and the generation that grew up in the wilderness and conquered
Canaan (Num. 26). Numbers has also been called the Book of the Journeyings,
the Book of the Murmurings, and the Fourth Book of Moses.

The First Census of Israel CHAPTER 1 by their families, by their fathers

OW the LORD spoke to Moses 1 aEx. 19:1 houses, according to the number of
N ain the Wilderness of Sinai, bin
the tabernacle of meeting, on the
bEx. 25:22
cNum. 9:1;
names, every male bindividually,
3 from atwenty years old and
cfirst day of the second month, in aboveall who are able to go to
2 aNum. 26:2, war in Israel. You and Aaron shall
the second year after they had 63, 64 bEx.
come out of the land of Egypt, say- 30:12, 13; number them by their armies.
ing: 38:26 4 And with you there shall be a
2 aTake a census of all the con- 3 aEx. 30:14; man from every tribe, each one the
gregation of the children of Israel, 38:26 head of his fathers house.
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NUMBERS 1:5 116

5 These are the names of the 14 aNum. 7:42 26 From the achildren of Judah,
1Reuel, Num.
men who shall stand with you: from 2:14
their genealogies by their families,
Reuben, Elizur the son of Shedeur; by their fathers house, according to
6 from Simeon, Shelumiel the the number of names, from twenty
son of Zurishaddai; 16 aEx. 18:21; years old and above, all who were
7 from Judah, Nahshon the son Num. 7:2; able to go to war:
of Amminadab; 1 Chr. 27 those who were numbered of
8 from Issachar, Nethanel the bNum. 16:2 the tribe of Judah were aseventy-
son of Zuar; cEx. 18:21, 25; four thousand six hundred.
9 from Zebulun, Eliab the son of Jer. 5:5; Mic. 28 From the achildren of Issachar,
3:1, 9; 5:2 their genealogies by their families,
Helon; 1called
10 from the sons of Joseph: from by their fathers house, according to
Ephraim, Elishama the son of Ammi- the number of names, from twenty
hud; from Manasseh, Gamaliel the 17 aIs. 43:1 years old and above, all who were
son of Pedahzur; 1designated able to go to war:
11 from Benjamin, Abidan the son 29 those who were numbered of
of Gideoni; the tribe of Issachar were fifty-four
18 aEzra 2:59; thousand four hundred.
12 from Dan, Ahiezer the son of Heb. 7:3
Ammishaddai; 30 From the achildren of Zebulun,
13 from Asher, Pagiel the son of their genealogies by their families,
Ocran; 20 aNum. 2:10, by their fathers house, according to
14 from Gad, Eliasaph the son of 11; 26:511; the number of names, from twenty
32:6, 15, 21, 29 years old and above, all who were
15 from Naphtali, Ahira the son of able to go to war:
Enan. 22 aNum. 2:12,
31 those who were numbered of
16 aThese were bchosen1 from the 13; 26:1214 the tribe of Zebulun were fifty-
congregation, leaders of their seven thousand four hundred.
fathers tribes, cheads of the divi- 32 From the sons of Joseph, the
24 aGen. 30:11; achildren of Ephraim, their genealo-
sions in Israel. Num.
17 Then Moses and Aaron took 26:1518;
gies by their families, by their
these men who had been 1men- Josh. 4:12; fathers house, according to the
tioned aby name, Jer. 49:1 number of names, from twenty
18 and they assembled all the con- years old and above, all who were
gregation together on the first day able to go to war:
26 aGen. 29:35; 33 those who were numbered of
of the second month; and they Num.
the tribe of Ephraim were forty
recited their aancestry by families, 26:1922;
thousand five hundred.
by their fathers houses, according 2 Sam. 24:9;
to the number of names, from
Ps. 78:68; 34 From the achildren of Manas-
Matt. 1:2 seh, their genealogies by their fami-
twenty years old and above, each lies, by their fathers house, accord-
one individually. ing to the number of names, from
19 As the LORD commanded Mo- 27 a2 Chr.
twenty years old and above, all who
ses, so he numbered them in the 17:14
were able to go to war:
Wilderness of Sinai. 35 those who were numbered of
20 Now the achildren of Reuben, 28 aNum. 2:5, 6 the tribe of Manasseh were thirty-
Israels oldest son, their genealogies two thousand two hundred.
by their families, by their fathers 36 From the achildren of Benjamin,
house, according to the number of 30 aNum. 2:7, their genealogies by their families,
names, every male individually, 8; 26:26, 27
by their fathers house, according to
from twenty years old and above, all the number of names, from twenty
who were able to go to war: 32 aGen. years old and above, all who were
21 those who were numbered of 48:122; Num. able to go to war:
the tribe of Reuben were forty-six 26:2837; 37 those who were numbered of
thousand five hundred. Deut.
33:1317; Jer. the tribe of Benjamin were thirty-
22 From the achildren of Simeon, 7:15; Obad. 19 five thousand four hundred.
their genealogies by their families, by 38 From the achildren of Dan, their
their fathers house, of those who genealogies by their families, by
were numbered, according to the 34 aNum. 2:20, their fathers house, according to
number of names, every male indi- 21; 26:2834
the number of names, from twenty
vidually, from twenty years old and years old and above, all who were
above, all who were able to go to war: 36 aGen. 49:27; able to go to war:
23 those who were numbered of Num. 39 those who were numbered of
the tribe of Simeon were fifty-nine 26:3841; the tribe of Dan were sixty-two
thousand three hundred. 2 Chr. 17:17; thousand seven hundred.
Rev. 7:8
24 From the achildren of Gad, their 40 From the achildren of Asher,
genealogies by their families, by their genealogies by their families,
their fathers house, according to 38 aGen. 30:6; by their fathers house, according to
the number of names, from twenty 46:23; Num. the number of names, from twenty
years old and above, all who were 2:25, 26; years old and above, all who were
26:42, 43
able to go to war: able to go to war:
25 those who were numbered of 41 those who were numbered of
the tribe of Gad were forty-five 40 aNum. 2:27, the tribe of Asher were forty-one
thousand six hundred and fifty. 28; 26:4447 thousand five hundred.
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117 NUMBERS 2:23

42 From the children of Naphtali, 44 aNum. 26:64 shall be the leader of the children of
their genealogies by their families, Judah.
by their fathers house, according to 46 aEx. 12:37; 4 And his army was numbered at
the number of names, from twenty 38:26; Num. seventy-four thousand six hundred.
years old and above, all who were 2:32; 26:51,
63; Heb.
5 Those who camp next to him
able to go to war: 11:12; Rev. shall be the tribe of Issachar, and
43 those who were numbered of 7:48 Nethanel the son of Zuar shall be the
the tribe of Naphtali were fifty-three leader of the children of Issachar.
thousand four hundred. 47 aNum. 2:33; 6 And his army was numbered at
44 aThese are the ones who were 3:1422; fifty-four thousand four hundred.
numbered, whom Moses and Aaron 26:5762; 7 Then comes the tribe of Zebu-
numbered, with the leaders of 1 Chr. 6:147; lun, and Eliab the son of Helon shall
Israel, twelve men, each one repre- be the leader of the children of
senting his fathers house. Zebulun.
45 So all who were numbered of the 49 aNum. 2:33; 8 And his army was numbered at
children of Israel, by their fathers fifty-seven thousand four hundred.
houses, from twenty years old and 9 All who were numbered ac-
above, all who were able to go to 50 aEx. 38:21; cording to their armies of the forces
war in Israel Num. 3:7, 8;
4:15, 2527, 33 with Judah, one hundred and
46 all who were numbered were bNum. 3:23, eighty-six thousand four hundred
asix hundred and three thousand 29, 35, 38 athese shall 1break camp first.
five hundred and fifty. 10 On the asouth side shall be the
47 But athe Levites were not num- 51 aNum. standard of the forces with Reuben
bered among them by their fathers 4:515; 10:17, according to their armies, and the
tribe; 21 bNum. leader of the children of Reuben
48 for the LORD had spoken to 10:21 cNum.
3:10, 38; 4:15, shall be Elizur the son of Shedeur.
Moses, saying: 19, 20; 18:22 11 And his army was numbered at
49 aOnly the tribe of Levi you forty-six thousand five hundred.
shall not number, nor take a census 12 Those who camp next to him
52 aNum. 2:2,
of them among the children of 34; 24:2 shall be the tribe of Simeon, and the
Israel; leader of the children of Simeon
50 abut you shall appoint the Le- shall be Shelumiel the son of Zuri-
vites over the tabernacle of the Testi- 53 aNum. 1:50
bLev. 10:6; shaddai.
mony, over all its furnishings, and Num. 8:19; 13 And his army was numbered at
over all things that belong to it; they 16:46; 18:5; fifty-nine thousand three hundred.
shall carry the tabernacle and all its 1 Sam. 6:19 14 Then comes the tribe of Gad,
cNum. 8:24;
furnishings; they shall attend to it 18:24; 1 Chr. and the leader of the children of
band camp around the tabernacle.
23:32 1have in Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of
51 aAnd when the tabernacle is to their care 1Reuel.
go forward, the Levites shall take it 15 And his army was numbered at
down; and when the tabernacle is to forty-five thousand six hundred and
be set up, the Levites shall set it bup. CHAPTER 2 fifty.
cThe outsider who comes near shall
16 All who were numbered ac-
be put to death. cording to their armies of the forces
52 The children of Israel shall 2 aNum. 1:52;
24:2 bJosh. 3:4 with Reuben, one hundred and fifty-
pitch their tents, aeveryone by his 1banner one thousand four hundred and
own camp, everyone by his own fiftyathey shall 1be the second to
standard, according to their armies; 3 aNum. 10:5 break camp.
53 abut the Levites shall camp bNum. 1:7; 17 aAnd the tabernacle of meeting
around the tabernacle of the Testi- 7:12; 10:14; shall move out with the 1camp of the
mony, that there may be no bwrath Ruth 4:20; Levites bin the middle of the 2camps;
on the congregation of the children 1 Chr. 2:10;
Matt. 1:4; as they camp, so they shall move
of Israel; and the Levites shall Luke 3:32, 33 out, everyone in his place, by their
ckeep1 charge of the tabernacle of 3standards.
the Testimony. 18 On the west side shall be the
9 aNum. 10:14
54 Thus the children of Israel did; 1Lit. set forth standard of the forces with Ephraim
according to all that the LORD com- according to their armies, and the
manded Moses, so they did. leader of the children of Ephraim
10 aNum. 10:6
The Tribes and Leaders by Armies shall be Elishama the son of Ammi-
14 1Deuel, 19 And his army was numbered at
And the LORD spoke to Moses
2 and Aaron, saying:
2 aEveryone of the children of
Num. 1:14;
7:42 forty thousand five hundred.
20 Next to him comes the tribe of
Israel shall camp by his own 1stan- 16 aNum. 10:18
Manasseh, and the leader of the
dard, beside the emblems of his 1Lit. set forth children of Manasseh shall be
fathers house; they shall camp second Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
bsome distance from the tabernacle 21 And his army was numbered at
of meeting. 17 aNum. thirty-two thousand two hundred.
3 On the aeast side, toward the 10:17, 21 22 Then comes the tribe of Ben-
rising of the sun, those of the stan- bNum. 1:53
jamin, and the leader of the children
dard of the forces with Judah shall 2whole com- of Benjamin shall be Abidan the son
camp according to their armies; and pany 3ban- of Gideoni.
bNahshon the son of Amminadab ners 23 And his army was numbered at
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NUMBERS 2:24 118

thirty-five thousand four hundred. 24 aNum. 10:22 and present them before Aaron the
1Lit. set forth
24 All who were numbered ac- third
priest, that they may serve him.
cording to their armies of the 7 And they shall attend to his
forces with Ephraim, one hundred 25 1banner needs and the needs of the whole
and eight thousand one hundred 31 aNum. 10:25 congregation before the tabernacle
athey shall 1be the third to break 1Lit. set forth of meeting, to do athe work of the
camp. last 2banners tabernacle.
25 The 1standard of the forces 32 aEx. 38:26;
8 Also they shall attend to all the
with Dan shall be on the north side Num. 1:46; furnishings of the tabernacle of
according to their armies, and the 11:21 meeting, and to the needs of the
leader of the children of Dan shall children of Israel, to do the work of
33 aNum. 1:47;
be Ahiezer the son of Ammishad- 26:5762 the tabernacle.
dai. 9 And ayou shall give the Levites
26 And his army was numbered at 34 aNum. 1:54
bNum. 24:2, 5,
to Aaron and his sons; they are
sixty-two thousand seven hundred. 6 1banners given entirely to 1him from among
27 Those who camp next to him the children of Israel.
shall be the tribe of Asher, and the 10 So you shall appoint Aaron
leader of the children of Asher shall CHAPTER 3 and his sons, aand they shall attend
be Pagiel the son of Ocran. to their priesthood; bbut the outsider
28 And his army was numbered at 1 aEx. 6:1627
1Lit. genera- who comes near shall be put to
forty-one thousand five hundred. tions death.
29 Then comes the tribe of Naph- 11 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
tali, and the leader of the children of 2 aEx. 6:23
bLev. 10:1, 2; saying:
Naphtali shall be Ahira the son of Num. 26:60, 12 Now behold, aI Myself have
Enan. 61; 1 Chr. 24:2 taken the Levites from among the
30 And his army was numbered at children of Israel instead of every
3 aEx. 28:41;
fifty-three thousand four hundred. Lev. 8 1Lit. firstborn who opens the womb
31 All who were numbered of the whose hands among the children of Israel. There-
forces with Dan, one hundred and he filled fore the Levites shall be bMine,
fifty-seven thousand six hundred 4 aLev. 10:1, 2; 13 because aall the firstborn are
athey shall 1break camp last, with
Num. 26:61; Mine. bOn the day that I struck all
their 2standards. 1 Chr. 24:2 the firstborn in the land of Egypt, I
32 These are the ones who were 6 aNum. sanctified to Myself all the firstborn
numbered of the children of Israel 8:622; 18:17; in Israel, both man and beast. They
by their fathers houses. aAll who Deut. 10:8; shall be Mine: I am the LORD.
were numbered according to their 33:811
armies of the forces were six hun- 7 aNum. 1:50;
Census of the Levites Commanded
dred and three thousand five hun- 8:11, 15, 24, 26 14 Then the LORD spoke to Moses
dred and fifty. in the Wilderness of Sinai, saying:
33 But athe Levites were not num- 9 aNum. 8:19;
bered among the children of Israel, 18:6, 7 1Sam., 15 Number the children of Levi by
LXX Me their fathers houses, by their fami-
just as the LORD commanded
Moses. 10 aEx. 29:9; lies; you shall number aevery male
34 Thus the children of Israel adid Num. 18:7 from a month old and above.
bNum. 1:51;
according to all that the LORD com- 16 So Moses numbered them ac-
3:38; 16:40 cording to the 1word of the LORD, as
manded Moses; bso they camped by
their 1standards and so they broke 12 aNum. 3:41; he was commanded.
camp, each one by his family, 8:16; 18:6 bEx. 17 aThese were the sons of Levi by
13:2; Num. their names: Gershon, Kohath, and
according to their fathers houses. 3:45; 8:14
The Sons of Aaron 13 aEx. 13:2; 18 And these are the names of the
Lev. 27:26; sons of aGershon by their families:
Now these are the arecords1 of Num. 8:16, 17;
3 Aaron and Moses when the LORD
spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai.
Neh. 10:36;
Luke 2:23
bLibni and Shimei.
19 And the sons of aKohath by their
bEx. 13:12, 15; families: bAmram, Izehar, Hebron,
2 And these are the names of the Num. 8:17 and Uzziel.
sons of Aaron: Nadab, the afirstborn, 15 aNum. 3:39; 20 aAnd the sons of Merari by their
and bAbihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 26:62 families: Mahli and Mushi. These
3 These are the names of the sons are the families of the Levites by
of Aaron, athe anointed priests, 16 1Lit. mouth
1whom he consecrated to minister
their fathers houses.
17 aGen. 46:11; 21 From Gershon came the family
as priests. Ex. 6:1622; of the Libnites and the family of the
4 aNadab and Abihu had died Num. 26:57;
Shimites; these were the families of
before the LORD when they offered 1 Chr. 6:1, 16;
23:6 the Gershonites.
profane fire before the LORD in the 22 Those who were numbered,
Wilderness of Sinai; and they had 18 aNum. according to the number of all the
no children. So Eleazar and Ithamar 4:3841 bEx.
6:17 males from a month old and
ministered as priests in the pres- aboveof those who were num-
ence of Aaron their father. 19 aNum. bered there were seven thousand
4:3437 bEx.
The Levites Serve in the Tabernacle 6:18 five hundred.
23 aThe families of the Gershonites
5 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 20 aEx. 6:19; were to camp behind the tabernacle
Num. 4:4245
saying: westward.
6 aBring the tribe of Levi near, 23 aNum. 1:53 24 And the leader of the fathers
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119 NUMBERS 4:3

house of the Gershonites was Elia- 25 aNum. the LORD, by their families, all the
saph the son of Lael. 4:2426 bEx. males from a month old and above,
25:9 cEx. 26:1
25 aThe duties of the children of dEx. 26:7, 14 were twenty-two thousand.
Gershon in the tabernacle of meet- eEx. 26:36

ing included bthe tabernacle, cthe Levites Dedicated Instead of the

tent with dits covering, ethe screen 26 aEx. 27:9, Firstborn
for the door of the tabernacle of 12, 14, 15 bEx.
27:16 cEx. 40 Then the LORD said to Moses:
meeting, 35:18 aNumber1 all the firstborn males of
26 athe screen for the door of the the children of Israel from a month
court, bthe hangings of the court 27 a1 Chr. old and above, and take the number
which are around the tabernacle and 26:23 of their names.
the altar, and ctheir cords, according 41 aAnd you shall take the Levites
to all the work relating to them. 28 1Some LXX for MeI am the LORDinstead of
27 aFrom Kohath came the family mss. three
2taking care all the firstborn among the children
of the Amramites, the family of the of of Israel, and the livestock of the
Izharites, the family of the Hebron- Levites instead of all the firstborn
ites, and the family of the Uzzielites; 29 aEx. 6:18; among the livestock of the children
these were the families of the Num. 1:53 of Israel.
Kohathites. 42 So Moses numbered all the first-
28 According to the number of all 30 aLev. 10:4 born among the children of Israel,
the males, from a month old and as the LORD commanded him.
above, there were eight thousand 31 aNum. 4:15 43 And all the firstborn males,
1six hundred 2keeping charge of the bEx. 25:10
cEx. 25:23
according to the number of names
sanctuary. dEx. 25:31 from a month old and above, of those
29 aThe families of the children of eEx. 27:1; 30:1 who were numbered of them, were
Kohath were to camp on the south fEx. 26:3133 twenty-two thousand two hundred
side of the tabernacle. and seventy-three.
30 And the leader of the fathers 35 aNum. 1:53; 44 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
house of the families of the 2:25 saying:
Kohathites was Elizaphan the son 45 aTake the Levites instead of all
of aUzziel. 36 aNum. 4:31, the firstborn among the children of
31 aTheir duty included bthe ark, 32
Israel, and the livestock of the
cthe table, dthe lampstand, ethe altars, Levites instead of their livestock. The
38 aNum. 1:53
the utensils of the sanctuary with bNum. 18:5 Levites shall be Mine: I am the LORD.
which they ministered, fthe screen, cNum. 3:7, 8 46 And for athe redemption of the
and all the work relating to them. dNum. 3:10 two hundred and seventy-three of
32 And Eleazar the son of Aaron the firstborn of the children of
the priest was to be chief over the 39 aNum. 3:43; Israel, bwho are more than the num-
leaders of the Levites, with over- 4:48; 26:62 ber of the Levites,
sight of those who kept charge of 47 you shall take afive shekels for
the sanctuary. 40 aNum. 3:15 each one bindividually; you shall
1Take a cen-
33 From Merari came the family of sus of take them in the currency of the
the Mahlites and the family of the shekel of the sanctuary, cthe shekel
Mushites; these were the families of 41 aNum. 3:12, of twenty gerahs.
Merari. 45 48 And you shall give the money,
34 And those who were numbered, with which the excess number of
according to the number of all the 45 aNum. 3:12, them is redeemed, to Aaron and his
males from a month old and above, 41 sons.
were six thousand two hundred. 49 So Moses took the redemption
35 The leader of the fathers house 46 aEx. 13:13, money from those who were over
15; Num. and above those who were re-
of the families of Merari was Zuriel 18:15, 16
the son of Abihail. aThese were to bNum. 3:39, deemed by the Levites.
camp on the north side of the taber- 43 50 From the firstborn of the chil-
nacle. dren of Israel he took the money,
aone thousand three hundred and
36 And athe appointed duty of the 47 aLev. 27:6;
children of Merari included the Num. 18:16
bNum. 1:2, 18,
sixty-five shekels, according to the
boards of the tabernacle, its bars, its 20 cEx. 30:13
shekel of the sanctuary.
pillars, its sockets, its utensils, all 51 And Moses agave their redemp-
the work relating to them, 50 aNum. 3:46,
tion money to Aaron and his sons,
37 and the pillars of the court all 47 according to the word of the LORD,
around, with their sockets, their as the LORD commanded Moses.
pegs, and their cords. 51 aNum. 3:48
Duties of the Sons of Kohath
38 aMoreover those who were to
camp before the tabernacle on the Then the LORD spoke to Moses
east, before the tabernacle of meet-
ing, were Moses, Aaron, and his
CHAPTER 4 4 and Aaron, saying:
2 Take a census of the sons of
sons, bkeeping charge of the sanctu- 2 aNum. aKohath from among the children of
ary, cto meet the needs of the chil- 3:2732 Levi, by their families, by their
dren of Israel; but dthe outsider who fathers house,
came near was to be put to death. 3 aNum. 4:23, 3 afrom thirty years old and
39 aAll who were numbered of the 30, 35; 8:24; above, even to fifty years old, all
1 Chr. 23:3,
Levites, whom Moses and Aaron 24, 27; Ezra who enter the service to do the work
numbered at the commandment of 3:8 in the tabernacle of meeting.
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NUMBERS 4:4 120

4 aThis is the service of the sons 4 aNum. 4:15
bNum. 4:19
that they may live and not die when
of Kohath in the tabernacle of meet- they approach athe most holy
ing, relating to bthe most holy things: things: Aaron and his sons shall go
5 aEx. 26:31;
5 When the camp prepares to Heb. 9:3 bEx. in and 1appoint each of them to his
journey, Aaron and his sons shall 25:10, 16 service and his task.
come, and they shall take down athe 20 aBut they shall not go in to
covering veil and cover the bark of 6 aEx. 39:1 watch while the holy things are
the Testimony with it. bEx. 25:13;
being covered, lest they die.
6 Then they shall put on it a cov- 1 Kin. 8:7, 8
ering of badger skins, and spread Duties of the Sons of Gershon
7 aEx. 25:23,
over that a cloth entirely of ablue; 29, 30 bLev. 21 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
and they shall insert bits poles. 24:59 1jars saying:
7 On the atable of showbread for the drink 22 Also take a census of the sons
they shall spread a blue cloth, and offering 2Lit.
continual of aGershon, by their fathers house,
put on it the dishes, the pans, the bread by their families.
bowls, and the 1pitchers for pouring; 23 aFrom thirty years old and
and the bshowbread2 shall be on it. 9 aEx. 25:31 above, even to fifty years old, you
8 They shall spread over them a bEx. 25:37, 38
shall number them, all who enter to
scarlet cloth, and cover the same perform the service, to do the work
with a covering of badger skins; and 11 aEx. 30:15 in the tabernacle of meeting.
they shall insert its poles. 24 This is the aservice of the fami-
9 And they shall take a blue cloth 12 aEx. 25:9; lies of the Gershonites, in serving
1 Chr. 9:29
and cover the alampstand of the and carrying:
light, bwith its lamps, its wick- 14 1bowls
25 aThey shall carry the bcurtains
trimmers, its trays, and all its oil of the tabernacle and the tabernacle
vessels, with which they service it. 15 aNum. 7:9; of meeting with its covering, the
10 Then they shall put it with all 10:21; Deut. covering of cbadger skins that is on
its utensils in a covering of badger 31:9; Josh. it, the screen for the door of the tab-
skins, and put it on a carrying 4:10; 2 Sam. ernacle of meeting,
6:13; 1 Chr.
beam. 15:2, 15 26 the screen for the door of the
11 Over athe golden altar they b2 Sam. 6:6, 7; gate of the court, the hangings of
shall spread a blue cloth, and cover 1 Chr. 13:9, 10
cNum. 3:31
the court which are around the tab-
it with a covering of badger skins; ernacle and altar, and their cords,
and they shall insert its poles. all the furnishings for their service
12 Then they shall take all the 16 aEx. 25:6; and all that is made for these things:
autensils of service with which they Lev. 24:2 bEx.
30:34 cEx. so shall they serve.
minister in the sanctuary, put them 29:38 dEx. 27 Aaron and his sons shall
in a blue cloth, cover them with a 30:2325 1assign all the service of the sons of
covering of badger skins, and put the Gershonites, all their tasks and
them on a carrying beam. 19 aNum. 4:4 all their service. And you shall
13 Also they shall take away the 2appoint to them all their tasks as
ashes from the altar, and spread a 20 aEx. 19:21;
their duty.
purple cloth over it. 1 Sam. 6:19 28 This is the service of the fami-
14 They shall put on it all its lies of the sons of Gershon in the tab-
implements with which they minis- 22 aNum. 3:22 ernacle of meeting. And their duties
ter therethe firepans, the forks, shall be aunder the 1authority of
the shovels, the 1basins, and all the 23 aNum. 4:3; Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
utensils of the altarand they shall 1 Chr. 23:3,
spread on it a covering of badger 24, 27 Duties of the Sons of Merari
skins, and insert its poles. 29 As for the sons of aMerari, you
24 aNum. 7:7
15 And when Aaron and his sons shall number them by their families
have finished covering the sanctu- 25 aNum. 3:25, and by their fathers house.
ary and all the furnishings of the 26 bEx. 36:8 30 aFrom thirty years old and
sanctuary, when the camp is set to cEx. 26:14
above, even to fifty years old, you
go, then athe sons of Kohath shall shall number them, everyone who
come to carry them; bbut they shall 27 1command enters the service to do the work of
not touch any holy thing, lest they the tabernacle of meeting.
die. cThese are the things in the tab- 31 And athis is bwhat they must
ernacle of meeting which the sons 28 aNum. 4:33
1Lit. hand carry as all their service for the tab-
of Kohath are to carry. ernacle of meeting: cthe boards of
16 The appointed duty of Eleazar 29 aNum. the tabernacle, its bars, its pillars,
the son of Aaron the priest is athe oil 3:3337 its sockets,
for the light, the bsweet incense, cthe 32 and the pillars around the
daily grain offering, the danointing 30 aNum. 4:3; court with their sockets, pegs, and
oil, the oversight of all the taberna- 8:2426 cords, with all their furnishings and
cle, of all that is in it, with the sanc- all their service; and you shall aas-
tuary and its furnishings. 31 aNum. 3:36, sign to each man by name the items
17 Then the LORD spoke to Moses 37 bNum. 7:8
cEx. 26:15 he must carry.
and Aaron, saying: 33 This is the service of the fami-
18 Do not cut off the tribe of the 32 aEx. 25:9; lies of the sons of Merari, as all their
families of the Kohathites from 38:21 service for the tabernacle of meet-
among the Levites; ing, under the 1authority of Ithamar
19 but do this in regard to them, 33 1Lit. hand the son of Aaron the priest.
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121 NUMBERS 5:15

Census of the Levites 34 aNum. 4:2 him, bas the LORD commanded
34 aAnd Moses, Aaron, and the
leaders of the congregation num- 35 aNum. 4:47
Ceremonially Unclean Persons
bered the sons of the Kohathites by Isolated
their families and by their fathers 41 aNum. 4:22
And the L spoke to Moses,
35 from thirty ayears old and
42 1household
5 saying:
2 Command

the children of
above, even to fifty years old,
everyone who entered the service Israel that they put out of the camp
for work in the tabernacle of meet- 45 aNum. 4:29 every aleper, everyone who has a
bdischarge, and whoever becomes
cdefiled 1by a corpse.
36 and those who were numbered
by their families were two thousand 46 aNum. 3:39; 3 You shall put out both male
seven hundred and fifty. 1 Chr. 23:323 and female; you shall put them out-
37 These were the ones who were side the camp, that they may not
numbered of the families of the defile their camps ain the midst of
Kohathites, all who might serve in 47 aNum. 4:3, which I dwell.
23, 30
the tabernacle of meeting, whom 4 And the children of Israel did
Moses and Aaron numbered accord- so, and put them outside the camp;
ing to the commandment of the 49 aNum. 4:15, as the LORD spoke to Moses, so the
LORD by the hand of Moses. 24, 31 bNum. children of Israel did.
4:1, 21
38 And those who were numbered
of the sons of Gershon, by their fam- Confession and Restitution
ilies and by their fathers house, 5 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
39 from thirty years old and above, CHAPTER 5
even to fifty years old, everyone 6 Speak to the children of Israel:
who entered the service for work in aWhen a man or woman commits
the tabernacle of meeting 2 aLev. 13:3, 8,
46; Num. any sin that men commit in unfaith-
40 those who were numbered by 12:10, 14, 15 fulness against the LORD, and that
their families, by their fathers bLev. 15:2
person is guilty,
house, were two thousand six hun- cLev. 21:1;
7 athen he shall confess the sin
dred and thirty. Num. 9:6, 10;
19:11, 13; which he has committed. He shall
41 aThese are the ones who were 31:19 1by con- make restitution for his trespass bin
numbered of the families of the sons tact with full, plus one-fifth of it, and give it to
of Gershon, of all who might serve the one he has wronged.
in the tabernacle of meeting, whom 3 aLev. 26:11, 8 But if the man has no 1relative
Moses and Aaron numbered accord- 12; Num. to whom restitution may be made
ing to the commandment of the 35:34; [2 Cor. for the wrong, the restitution for
LORD. 6:16]
the wrong must go to the LORD for
42 Those of the families of the sons the priest, in addition to athe ram
of Merari who were numbered, by 6 aLev. of the atonement with which
their families, by their fathers 5:146:7 atonement is made for him.
9 Every aoffering1 of all the holy
43 from thirty years old and above, things of the children of Israel, which
even to fifty years old, everyone 7 aLev. 5:5;
26:40, 41; they bring to the priest, shall be bhis.
who entered the service for work in Josh. 7:19; Ps. 10 And every mans 1holy things
the tabernacle of meeting 32:5; 1 John
shall be his; whatever any man
44 those who were numbered by 1:9 bLev. 6:4, 5
their families were three thousand gives the priest shall be ahis.
two hundred. 8 aLev. 5:15; Concerning Unfaithful Wives
45 These are the ones who were 6:6, 7; 7:7
numbered of the families of the sons 1redeemer, 11 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron Heb. goel saying,
numbered aaccording to the word of 12 Speak to the children of Israel,
the LORD by the hand of Moses. 9 aEx. 29:28; and say to them: If any mans wife
46 All who were anumbered of the Lev. 6:17, 18, goes astray and behaves unfaithfully
Levites, whom Moses, Aaron, and 26; 7:614
bLev. 7:3234;
toward him,
the leaders of Israel numbered, by 10:14, 15
13 and a man alies with her car-
their families and by their fathers 1heave offer- nally, and it is hidden from the eyes
houses, ing of her husband, and it is concealed
47 afrom thirty years old and that she has defiled herself, and
above, even to fifty years old, every- 10 aLev. 10:13
there was no witness against her,
one who came to do the work of 1consecrated nor was she bcaught
service and the work of bearing bur- 14 if the spirit of jealousy comes
dens in the tabernacle of meeting upon him and he becomes ajealous
48 those who were numbered were 13 aLev. 18:20; of his wife, who has defiled herself;
20:10 bJohn
eight thousand five hundred and 8:4 or if the spirit of jealousy comes
eighty. upon him and he becomes jealous of
49 According to the commandment his wife, although she has not
of the LORD they were numbered by 14 aProv. 6:34; defiled herself
Song 8:6
the hand of Moses, aeach according 15 then the man shall bring his
to his service and according to his wife to the priest. He shall abring the
task; thus were they numbered by 15 aLev. 5:11 offering required for her, one-tenth of
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NUMBERS 5:16 122

an ephah of barley meal; he shall 15 b1 Kin. be free and may conceive children.
pour no oil on it and put no frankin- 17:18; Ezek. 29 This is the law of jealousy,
29:16; Heb.
cense on it, because it is a grain 10:3 when a wife, while under her hus-
offering of jealousy, an offering for bands authority, agoes astray and
remembering, for bbringing iniquity 18 aHeb. 13:4 defiles herself,
to remembrance. 30 or when the spirit of jealousy
16 And the priest shall bring her 21 aJosh. 6:26; comes upon a man, and he becomes
near, and set her before the LORD. 1 Sam. 14:24; jealous of his wife; then he shall
17 The priest shall take holy water Neh. 10:29 stand the woman before the LORD,
bJer. 29:22
in an earthen vessel, and take some 1Lit. fall away
and the priest shall execute all this
of the dust that is on the floor of the law upon her.
tabernacle and put it into the water. 31 Then the man shall be free
22 aPs. 109:18 from 1iniquity, but that woman
18 Then the priest shall stand the bDeut.
woman before the aLORD, uncover ashall bear her 2guilt.
the womans head, and put the
offering for remembering in her The Law of the Nazirite
25 aLev. 8:27
hands, which is the grain offering of bLev. 2:2, 9
Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
jealousy. And the priest shall have
in his hand the bitter water that 26 aLev. 2:2, 9
6 saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
brings a curse. and say to them: When either a man
19 And the priest shall put her 27 aDeut. or woman 1consecrates an offering
under oath, and say to the woman, 28:37; Is. to take the vow of a Nazirite, ato sep-
If no man has lain with you, and if 65:15; Jer.
24:9; 29:18, arate himself to the LORD,
you have not gone astray to 22; 42:18 3 ahe shall separate himself from
uncleanness while under your hus- bNum. 5:21 wine and similar drink; he shall
bands authority, be free from this drink neither vinegar made from
bitter water that brings a curse. 29 aNum. 5:19 wine nor vinegar made from similar
20 But if you have gone astray drink; neither shall he drink any
while under your husbands author- 31 aLev. 20:17, grape juice, nor eat fresh grapes or
ity, and if you have defiled yourself 19, 20 1guilt raisins.
and some man other than your hus- 2iniquity
4 All the days of his 1separation
band has lain with you he shall eat nothing that is produced
21 then the priest shall aput the by the grapevine, from seed to skin.
woman under the oath of the curse, CHAPTER 6
5 All the days of the vow of his
and he shall say to the woman separation no arazor shall come
bthe LORD make you a curse and an
2 aLev. 27:2; upon his head; until the days are ful-
oath among your people, when the Judg. 13:5; filled for which he separated him-
LORD makes your thigh 1rot and [Lam. 4:7;
Amos 2:11, self to the LORD, he shall be holy.
your belly swell; 12]; Acts Then he shall let the locks of the
22 and may this water that causes 21:23; Rom. hair of his head grow.
the curse ago into your stomach, and 1:1 1Or makes 6 All the days that he separates
make your belly swell and your a difficult vow
himself to the LORD ahe shall not go
thigh rot. bThen the woman shall near a dead body.
say, Amen, so be it. 3 aLev. 10:9; 7 aHe shall not 1make himself
Amos 2:12;
23 Then the priest shall write these Luke 1:15 unclean even for his father or his
curses in a book, and he shall scrape mother, for his brother or his sister,
them off into the bitter water. 4 1Separation when they die, because his separa-
24 And he shall make the woman as a Nazirite tion to God is on his head.
drink the bitter water that brings a 8 aAll the days of his separation
curse, and the water that brings the 5 aJudg. 13:5; he shall be holy to the LORD.
curse shall enter her to become bit- 16:17; 1 Sam. 9 And if anyone dies very sud-
ter. 1:11 denly beside him, and he defiles his
25 aThen the priest shall take the consecrated head, then he shall
grain offering of jealousy from the 6 aLev. 21:13, ashave his head on the day of his
womans hand, shall bwave the 11; Num. cleansing; on the seventh day he
offering before the LORD, and bring shall shave it.
it to the altar; 10 Then aon the eighth day he
26 and the priest shall take a 7 aLev. 21:1, 2,
11; Num. 9:6 shall bring two turtledoves or two
handful of the offering, aas its 1By touching young pigeons to the priest, to the
memorial portion, burn it on the a dead body door of the tabernacle of meeting;
altar, and afterward make the 11 and the priest shall offer one as
woman drink the water. 8 a[2 Cor. 6:17, a sin offering and the other as a
27 When he has made her drink 18] burnt offering, and make atonement
the water, then it shall be, if she has for him, because he sinned in regard
defiled herself and behaved unfaith- 9 aLev. 14:8, 9; to the corpse; and he shall sanctify
fully toward her husband, that the Acts 18:18; his head that same day.
water that brings a acurse will enter 12 He shall consecrate to the
her and become bitter, and her belly LORD the days of his separation,
10 aLev. 5:7;
will swell, her thigh will rot, and the 14:22; 15:14, and bring a male lamb in its first
woman bwill become a curse among 29 year aas a trespass offering; but the
her people. former days shall be 1lost, because
28 But if the woman has not defiled 12 aLev. 5:6 his separation was defiled.
herself, and is clean, then she shall 1void 13 Now this is the law of the Nazi-
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123 NUMBERS 7:17

rite: aWhen the days of his separa- 13 aActs 21:26 Offerings of the Leaders
tion are fulfilled, he shall be brought 14 aLev. 4:2,
Now it came to pass, when
to the door of the tabernacle of
27, 32 bLev.
3:6 7 Moses had finished asetting up
the tabernacle, that he banointed it
14 And he shall present his offer- 15 aLev. 2:4
ing to the LORD: one male lamb in bEx. 29:2 and consecrated it and all its fur-
its first year without blemish as a cNum. 15:5, 7, nishings, and the altar and all its
burnt offering, one ewe lamb in its 10 utensils; so he anointed them and
first year without blemish aas a sin 18 aNum. 6:9; consecrated them.
offering, one ram without blemish Acts 21:23, 24 2 Then athe leaders of Israel, the
bas a peace offering, 19 a1 Sam.
heads of their fathers houses, who
15 a basket of unleavened bread, 2:15 bEx. were the leaders of the tribes 1and
acakes of fine flour mixed with oil, 29:23, 24 cLev. over those who were numbered,
unleavened wafers banointed with 7:30 made an offering.
oil, and their grain offering with 20 aEx. 29:27, 3 And they brought their offering
their cdrink offerings. 28 before the LORD, six covered carts
16 Then the priest shall bring 24 aDeut. and twelve oxen, a cart for every
them before the LORD and offer his 28:36 bPs. two of the leaders, and for each one
sin offering and his burnt offering; 121:7; John an ox; and they presented them
7:11 before the tabernacle.
17 and he shall offer the ram as a
sacrifice of a peace offering to the 25 aPs. 31:16; 4 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
LORD, with the basket of unleavened 67:1; 80:3, 7, saying,
bread; the priest shall also offer its
19; 119:135;
Dan. 9:17
5 Accept these from them, that
grain offering and its drink offering. bGen. 43:29; they may be used in doing the work
18 aThen the Nazirite shall shave Ex. 33:19; of the tabernacle of meeting; and
his consecrated head at the door of Mal. 1:9 you shall give them to the Levites,
the tabernacle of meeting, and shall 26 aPs. 4:6; to every man according to his ser-
take the hair from his consecrated 89:15 bLev. vice.
head and put it on the fire which is 26:6; Is. 26:3, 6 So Moses took the carts and the
12; John oxen, and gave them to the Levites.
under the sacrifice of the peace 14:27; Phil. 4:7
offering. 1Look upon 7 Two carts and four oxen ahe
19 And the priest shall take the you with gave to the sons of Gershon, accord-
aboiled shoulder of the ram, one bun- favor ing to their service;
leavened cake from the basket, and 27 aDeut. 8 aand four carts and eight oxen
one unleavened wafer, and cput them 28:10; 2 Sam. he gave to the sons of Merari,
upon the hands of the Nazirite after
7:23; 2 Chr. according to their service, under the
7:14; Is. 43:7; 1authority of Ithamar the son of
he has shaved his consecrated hair, Dan. 9:18, 19
20 and the priest shall wave them bEx. 20:24; Aaron the priest.
as a wave offering before the Num. 23:20; 9 But to the sons of Kohath he
LORD; athey are holy for the priest,
Ps. 5:12; 67:7; gave none, because theirs was athe
115:12, 13; service of the holy things, bwhich
together with the breast of the wave Eph. 1:3
offering and the thigh of the heave 1invoke they carried on their shoulders.
offering. After that the Nazirite may 10 Now the leaders offered athe
drink wine. CHAPTER 7 dedication offering for the altar
21 This is the law of the Nazirite when it was anointed; so the leaders
who vows to the LORD the offering 1 aEx. offered their offering before the
for his separation, and besides that,
40:1733 bLev. altar.
8:10, 11 11 For the LORD said to Moses,
whatever else his hand is able to pro- They shall offer their offering, one
vide; according to the vow which he 2 aNum. 1:4
takes, so he must do according to the
1Lit. who
leader each day, for the dedication
stood over of the altar.
law of his separation. 12 And the one who offered his
7 aNum.
4:2428 offering on the first day was
aNahshon the son of Amminadab,
The Priestly Blessing 8 aNum.
4:2933 1Lit. from the tribe of Judah.
22 And the LORD spoke to Moses, hand 13 His offering was one silver plat-
saying: 9 aNum. 4:15 ter, the weight of which was one
23 Speak to Aaron and his sons, bNum. 4:614 hundred and thirty shekels, and one
saying, This is the way you shall 10 aNum. 7:1; silver bowl of seventy shekels,
bless the children of Israel. Say to Deut. 20:5; according to athe shekel of the sanc-
them: 1 Kin. 8:63; tuary, both of them full of fine flour
2 Chr. 7:5, 9; mixed with oil as a bgrain offering;
Ezra 6:16;
24 The LORD abless you and bkeep Neh. 12:27 14 one gold pan of ten shekels, full
you; of aincense;
25 The LORD amake His face shine 12 aNum. 2:3 15 aone young bull, one ram, and
upon you, 13 aEx. 30:13 one male lamb bin its first year, as a
And bbe gracious to you; bLev. 2:1 burnt offering;
26 aThe LORD 1lift up His 14 aEx. 30:34, 16 one kid of the goats as a asin
countenance upon you, 35 offering;
And bgive you peace. 15 aLev. 1:2
17 and for athe sacrifice of peace
bEx. 12:5 offerings: two oxen, five rams, five
27 aSo they shall 1put My name on male goats, and five male lambs in
the children of Israel, and bI will 16 aLev. 4:23 their first year. This was the offering
bless them. 17 aLev. 3:1 of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
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NUMBERS 7:18 124

18 On the second day Nethanel the 30 aNum. 1:5; hundred and thirty shekels, and one
son of Zuar, leader of Issachar, pre- 2:10 silver bowl of seventy shekels,
sented an offering. according to the shekel of the sanc-
19 For his offering he offered one tuary, both of them full of fine flour
silver platter, the weight of which mixed with oil as a grain offering;
was one hundred and thirty shekels, 38 one gold pan of ten shekels, full
and one silver bowl of seventy of incense;
shekels, according to the shekel of 39 one young bull, one ram, and
the sanctuary, both of them full of one male lamb in its first year, as a
fine flour mixed with oil as a grain burnt offering;
offering; 40 one kid of the goats as a sin
20 one gold pan of ten shekels, full offering;
of incense; 41 and as the sacrifice of peace
21 one young bull, one ram, and offerings: two oxen, five rams, five
one male lamb in its first year, as a 36 aNum. 1:6; male goats, and five male lambs in
2:12; 7:41
burnt offering; their first year. This was the offering
22 one kid of the goats as a sin of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
offering; 42 On the sixth day aEliasaph the
23 and as the sacrifice of peace son of 1Deuel, leader of the children
offerings: two oxen, five rams, five of Gad, presented an offering.
male goats, and five male lambs in 43 His offering was one silver plat-
their first year. This was the offering ter, the weight of which was one
of Nethanel the son of Zuar. hundred and thirty shekels, and one
24 On the third day Eliab the son of silver bowl of seventy shekels,
Helon, leader of the children of according to the shekel of the sanc-
Zebulun, presented an offering. tuary, both of them full of fine flour
25 His offering was one silver plat- mixed with oil as a grain offering;
ter, the weight of which was one 44 one gold pan of ten shekels, full
hundred and thirty shekels, and one 42 aNum. 1:14; of incense;
2:14; 10:20
silver bowl of seventy shekels, 1Reuel, Num. 45 one young bull, one ram, and
according to the shekel of the sanc- 2:14 one male lamb in its first year, as aa
tuary, both of them full of fine flour burnt offering;
mixed with oil as a grain offering; 46 one kid of the goats as a sin
26 one gold pan of ten shekels, full offering;
of incense; 47 and as the sacrifice of peace
27 one young bull, one ram, and offerings: two oxen, five rams, five
one male lamb in its first year, as a male goats, and five male lambs in
burnt offering; their first year. This was the offering
28 one kid of the goats as a sin of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
offering; 48 On the seventh day aElishama
29 and for the sacrifice of peace the son of Ammihud, leader of the
offerings: two oxen, five rams, five children of Ephraim, presented an
male goats, and five male lambs in offering.
their first year. This was the offering 45 aPs. 40:6 49 His offering was one silver plat-
of Eliab the son of Helon. ter, the weight of which was one
30 On the fourth day aElizur the son hundred and thirty shekels, and one
of Shedeur, leader of the children of silver bowl of seventy shekels,
Reuben, presented an offering. according to the shekel of the sanc-
31 His offering was one silver plat- tuary, both of them full of fine flour
ter, the weight of which was one mixed with oil as a grain offering;
hundred and thirty shekels, and one 50 one gold pan of ten shekels, full
silver bowl of seventy shekels, of incense;
according to the shekel of the sanc- 51 one young bull, one ram, and
tuary, both of them full of fine flour one male lamb in its first year, as a
mixed with oil as a grain offering; burnt offering;
32 one gold pan of ten shekels, full 52 one kid of the goats as a sin
of incense; 48 aNum. 1:10;
33 one young bull, one ram, and 2:18; 1 Chr. 53 and as the sacrifice of peace
one male lamb in its first year, as a 7:26 offerings: two oxen, five rams, five
burnt offering; male goats, and five male lambs in
34 one kid of the goats as a sin their first year. This was the offering
offering; of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
35 and as the sacrifice of peace 54 On the eighth day aGamaliel the
offerings: two oxen, five rams, five son of Pedahzur, leader of the chil-
male goats, and five male lambs in dren of Manasseh, presented an
their first year. This was the offering offering.
of Elizur the son of Shedeur. 55 His offering was one silver plat-
36 On the fifth day aShelumiel the ter, the weight of which was one
son of Zurishaddai, leader of the hundred and thirty shekels, and one
children of Simeon, presented an silver bowl of seventy shekels,
offering. according to the shekel of the sanc-
37 His offering was one silver plat- 54 aNum. 1:10; tuary, both of them full of fine flour
ter, the weight of which was one 2:20 mixed with oil as a grain offering;
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125 NUMBERS 8:2

56 one gold pan of ten shekels, full 60 aNum. 1:11; 76 one kid of the goats as a sin
of incense; 2:22 offering;
57 one young bull, one ram, and 77 and as the sacrifice of peace
one male lamb in its first year, as a offerings: two oxen, five rams, five
burnt offering; male goats, and five male lambs in
58 one kid of the goats as a sin their first year. This was the offering
offering; of Pagiel the son of Ocran.
59 and as the sacrifice of peace 78 On the twelfth day aAhira the
offerings: two oxen, five rams, five son of Enan, leader of the children
male goats, and five male lambs in of Naphtali, presented an offering.
their first year. This was the offering 66 aNum. 1:12; 79 His offering was one silver plat-
of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. ter, the weight of which was one
60 On the ninth day aAbidan the hundred and thirty shekels, and one
son of Gideoni, leader of the chil- silver bowl of seventy shekels,
dren of Benjamin, presented an according to the shekel of the sanc-
offering. tuary, both of them full of fine flour
61 His offering was one silver plat- mixed with oil as a grain offering;
ter, the weight of which was one 80 one gold pan of ten shekels, full
hundred and thirty shekels, and one of incense;
silver bowl of seventy shekels, 81 one young bull, one ram, and
according to the shekel of the sanc- 72 aNum. 1:13; one male lamb in its first year, as a
tuary, both of them full of fine flour burnt offering;
mixed with oil as a grain offering; 82 one kid of the goats as a sin
62 one gold pan of ten shekels, full offering;
of incense; 83 and as the sacrifice of peace
63 one young bull, one ram, and offerings: two oxen, five rams, five
one male lamb in its first year, as a male goats, and five male lambs in
burnt offering; their first year. This was the offering
64 one kid of the goats as a sin of Ahira the son of Enan.
offering; 84 This was athe dedication offer-
78 aNum. 1:15; ing for the altar from the leaders of
65 and as the sacrifice of peace 2:29
offerings: two oxen, five rams, five Israel, when it was anointed: twelve
male goats, and five male lambs in silver platters, twelve silver bowls,
their first year. This was the offering and twelve gold pans.
of Abidan the son of Gideoni. 85 Each silver platter weighed one
66 On the tenth day aAhiezer the hundred and thirty shekels and each
son of Ammishaddai, leader of the bowl seventy shekels. All the silver
children of Dan, presented an offer- of the vessels weighed two thousand
ing. four hundred shekels, according to
67 His offering was one silver plat- the shekel of the sanctuary.
84 aNum. 7:10 86 The twelve gold pans full of
ter, the weight of which was one
hundred and thirty shekels, and one incense weighed ten shekels apiece,
silver bowl of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanc-
according to the shekel of the sanc- tuary; all the gold of the pans
tuary, both of them full of fine flour weighed one hundred and twenty
mixed with oil as a grain offering; shekels.
68 one gold pan of ten shekels, full 87 All the oxen for the burnt offer-
of incense; ing were twelve young bulls, the
69 one young bull, one ram, and rams twelve, the male lambs in their
one male lamb in its first year, as a 88 aNum. 7:1, first year twelve, with their grain
10 offering, and the kids of the goats as
burnt offering;
70 one kid of the goats as a sin a sin offering twelve.
offering; 88 And all the oxen for the sacri-
71 and as the sacrifice of peace fice of peace offerings were twenty-
offerings: two oxen, five rams, five four bulls, the rams sixty, the male
male goats, and five male lambs in 89 a[Ex. 33:9, goats sixty, and the lambs in their
their first year. This was the offering 11]; Num. 12:8 first year sixty. This was the dedica-
of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
bEx. 25:21, 22
cPs. 80:1; 99:1
tion offering for the altar after it was
72 On the eleventh day aPagiel the
son of Ocran, leader of the children 89 Now when Moses went into the
of Asher, presented an offering. tabernacle of meeting ato speak
73 His offering was one silver plat- with Him, he heard bthe voice of
ter, the weight of which was one One speaking to him from above the
hundred and thirty shekels, and one CHAPTER 8 mercy seat that was on the ark of
silver bowl of seventy shekels, the Testimony, from cbetween the
according to the shekel of the sanc- two cherubim; thus He spoke to
tuary, both of them full of fine flour him.
mixed with oil as a grain offering; Arrangement of the Lamps
74 one gold pan of ten shekels, full
of incense; And the LORD spoke to Moses,
75 one young bull, one ram, and
one male lamb in its first year, as a
8 saying:
2 Speak to Aaron, and say to him,
burnt offering; 2 aLev. 24:24 When you aarrange the lamps, the
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NUMBERS 8:3 126

seven blamps shall give light in front 2 bEx. 25:37; 18 I have taken the Levites instead
of the lampstand. 40:25 of all the firstborn of the children of
3 And Aaron did so; he arranged 4 aEx. 25:31
the lamps to face toward the front of bEx. 25:18 19 And aI have given the Levites
the lampstand, as the LORD com- cEx. 25:40; as a gift to Aaron and his sons from
manded Moses. Acts 7:44 among the children of Israel, to do
4 aNow this workmanship of the the work for the children of Israel in
lampstand was hammered gold; 7 aNum. 19:9, the tabernacle of meeting, and to
13, 17, 20; Ps.
from its shaft to its flowers it was 51:2, 7; [Heb. make atonement for the children of
bhammered work. cAccording to the 9:13, 14] bLev. Israel, bthat there be no plague
pattern which the LORD had shown 14:8, 9 1Heb. among the children of Israel when
let them
Moses, so he made the lampstand. cause a razor the children of Israel come near the
to pass over sanctuary.
Cleansing and Dedication of the 20 Thus Moses and Aaron and all
Levites 8 aLev. 2:1; the congregation of the children of
Num. 15:810 Israel did to the Levites; according
5 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
saying: to all that the LORD commanded
9 aEx. 29:4; Moses concerning the Levites, so
6 Take the Levites from among 40:12 bLev. 8:3
the children of Israel and cleanse the children of Israel did to them.
them ceremonially. 10 aLev. 1:4 21 aAnd the Levites purified them-
7 Thus you shall do to them to selves and washed their clothes;
cleanse them: Sprinkle awater of 11 aNum. 18:6 then Aaron presented them, like a
purification on them, and blet1 them wave offering before the LORD, and
shave all their body, and let them Aaron made atonement for them to
12 aEx. 29:10 cleanse them.
wash their clothes, and so make
themselves clean. 14 aNum. 16:9
22 aAfter that the Levites went in to
8 Then let them take a young bull bNum. 3:12, do their work in the tabernacle of
with aits grain offering of fine flour 45; 16:9 meeting before Aaron and his sons;
bas the LORD commanded Moses
mixed with oil, and you shall take
another young bull as a sin offering. 15 aNum. 8:11, concerning the Levites, so they did
13 to them.
9 aAnd you shall bring the
Levites before the tabernacle of 16 aNum. 3:9
23 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
meeting, band you shall gather bEx. 13:2; saying,
together the whole congregation of Num. 3:12, 45 24 This is what pertains to the
the children of Israel. Levites: aFrom twenty-five years old
10 So you shall bring the Levites 17 aEx. 12:2, and above one may enter to perform
12, 13, 15; service in the work of the taberna-
before the LORD, and the children of Num. 3:13;
Israel ashall lay their hands on the Luke 2:23 1set cle of meeting;
Levites; them apart 25 and at the age of fifty years
11 and Aaron shall 1offer the they must cease performing this
Levites before the LORD like a 19 aNum. 3:9
bNum. 1:53;
work, and shall work no more.
awave offering from the children of 16:46; 18:5;
26 They may minister with their
Israel, that they may perform the 2 Chr. 26:16 brethren in the tabernacle of meet-
work of the LORD. ing, ato attend to needs, but they
12 aThen the Levites shall lay 21 aNum. 8:7 themselves shall do no work. Thus
their hands on the heads of the you shall do to the Levites regard-
young bulls, and you shall offer one 22 aNum. 8:15
bNum. 8:5
ing their duties.
as a sin offering and the other as a The Second Passover
burnt offering to the LORD, to make 24 aNum. 4:3;
atonement for the Levites. Now the LORD spoke to Moses
13 And you shall stand the Levites
before Aaron and his sons, and then
1 Chr. 23:3,
24, 27 9 in the Wilderness of Sinai, in the
first month of the second year after
26 aNum. 1:53
offer them like a wave offering to they had come out of the land of
the LORD. Egypt, saying:
14 Thus you shall aseparate the CHAPTER 9 2 Let the children of Israel keep
Levites from among the children of athe Passover at its appointed btime.
Israel, and the Levites shall be 2 aEx. 12:116; 3 On the fourteenth day of this
bMine. Lev. 23:5; month, 1at twilight, you shall 2keep
15 After that the Levites shall go Num. 28:16; it at its appointed time. According to
in to service the tabernacle of meet- Deut. 16:1, 2 all its 3rites and ceremonies you
b2 Chr.
ing. So you shall cleanse them and 30:115; Luke shall keep it.
aoffer them, like a wave offering. 22:7; [1 Cor. 4 So Moses told the children of
16 For they are awholly given to 5:7, 8] Israel that they should keep the
Me from among the children of Passover.
Israel; I have taken them for Myself 3 1Lit. 5 And athey kept the Passover on
binstead of all who open the womb, between the
evenings the fourteenth day of the first
the firstborn of all the children of 2observe month, at twilight, in the Wilderness
Israel. of Sinai; according to all that the
17 aFor all the firstborn among the LORD commanded Moses, so the
children of Israel are Mine, both 5 aJosh. 5:10 children of Israel did.
man and beast; on the day that I 6 aNum. 5:2;
6 Now there were certain men
struck all the firstborn in the land of 19:1122; who were adefiled by a human
Egypt I 1sanctified them to Myself. John 18:28 corpse, so that they could not keep
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127 NUMBERS 10:11

the Passover on that day; band they 6 bEx. 18:15, and according to the command of
came before Moses and Aaron that 19, 26; Num. the LORD they would journey.
day. 21 So it was, when the cloud
7 And those men said to him, We 8 aEx. 18:22; remained only from evening until
became defiled by a human corpse. Num. 27:5 morning: when the cloud was taken
Why are we kept from presenting 10 1descen- up in the morning, then they would
the offering of the LORD at its dants journey; whether by day or by night,
appointed time among the children 11 a2 Chr. 30:2,
whenever the cloud was taken up,
of Israel? 15 bEx. 12:8 they would journey.
8 And Moses said to them, Stand 22 Whether it was two days, a
still, that aI may hear what the LORD 12 aEx. 12:10 month, or a year that the cloud
bEx. 12:46;
will command concerning you. [John 19:36] remained above the tabernacle, the
9 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, cEx. 12:43 children of Israel awould remain
saying, 1statutes encamped and not journey; but when
10 Speak to the children of Israel, 13 aGen. 17:14;
it was taken up, they would journey.
saying: If anyone of you or your Ex. 12:15, 47 23 At the command of the LORD
1posterity is unclean because of a bNum. 9:7 they remained encamped, and at the
cNum. 5:31
corpse, or is far away on a journey, he command of the LORD they jour-
may still keep the LORDs Passover. 14 aEx. 12:49; neyed; they akept the charge of the
11 On athe fourteenth day of the Lev. 24:22; LORD, at the command of the LORD
second month, at twilight, they may Num. 15:15, by the hand of Moses.
16, 29 1As a
keep it. They shall beat it with resident alien
unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 2statute
Two Silver Trumpets
12 aThey shall leave none of it until And the LORD spoke to Mo-
morning, bnor break one of its bones.
cAccording to all the 1ordinances of
15 aEx. 40:33,
34; Neh. 9:12,
19; Ps. 78:14
10 ses, saying:
2 Make two silver trumpets for
the Passover they shall keep it. bIs. 4:5 cEx.
yourself; you shall make them of
13 But the man who is clean and is 13:21, 22;
hammered work; you shall use them
not on a journey, and ceases to keep 40:38
for acalling the congregation and for
the Passover, that same person ashall 17 aEx. directing the movement of the camps.
be cut off from among his people, 40:3638; 3 When athey blow both of them,
because he bdid not bring the offer- Num. 10:11,
12, 33, 34; Ps. all the congregation shall gather
ing of the LORD at its appointed 80:1 1lifted up before you at the door of the taberna-
time; that man shall cbear his sin. cle of meeting.
14 And if a stranger 1dwells among 18 a1 Cor. 10:1
1Lit. mouth 4 But if they blow only one, then
you, and would keep the LORDs the leaders, the aheads of the divi-
Passover, he must do so according to 19 aNum. 1:53; sions of Israel, shall gather to you.
the rite of the Passover and accord- 3:8 5 When you sound the aadvance,
ing to its ceremony; ayou shall have 22 aEx. 40:36, bthe camps that lie on the east side
one 2ordinance, both for the stranger 37 shall then begin their journey.
and the native of the land. 6 When you sound the advance
23 aNum. 9:19
the second time, then the camps
The Cloud and the Fire that lie aon the south side shall
CHAPTER 10 begin their journey; they shall
15 Now aon the day that the taber-
nacle was raised up, the cloud bcov- aIs.
sound the call for them to begin
2 1:13
ered the tabernacle, the tent of the their journeys.
Testimony; cfrom evening until 3 aJer. 4:5; 7 And when the assembly is to be
morning it was above the tabernacle Joel 2:15 gathered together, ayou shall blow,
like the appearance of fire. 4 aEx. 18:21; but not bsound the advance.
16 So it was always: the cloud cov- Num. 1:16; 7:2 8 aThe sons of Aaron, the priests,
ered it by day, and the appearance shall blow the trumpets; and these
5 aJoel 2:1 shall be to you as an 1ordinance for-
of fire by night. bNum. 2:3
17 Whenever the cloud awas 1taken ever throughout your generations.
up from above the tabernacle, after 6 aNum. 2:10 9 aWhen you go to war in your
that the children of Israel would 7 aNum. 10:3 land against the enemy who bop-
journey; and in the place where the bJoel 2:1 presses you, then you shall sound
cloud settled, there the children of an alarm with the trumpets, and you
8 aNum. 31:6; will be cremembered before the
Israel would pitch their tents. Josh. 6:4;
18 At the 1command of the LORD 1 Chr. 15:24; LORD your God, and you will be
the children of Israel would journey, 2 Chr. 13:12 saved from your enemies.
and at the command of the LORD 10 Also ain the day of your glad-
they would camp; aas long as the 9 aNum. 31:6; ness, in your appointed feasts, and
cloud stayed above the tabernacle Josh. 6:5; at the beginning of your months,
they remained encamped. 2 Chr. 13:14
bJudg. 2:18;
you shall blow the trumpets over
19 Even when the cloud continued 4:3; 6:9; 10:8,
your burnt offerings and over the
long, many days above the taberna- 12 cGen. 8:1; sacrifices of your peace offerings;
cle, the children of Israel akept the Ps. 106:4 and they shall be ba memorial for
charge of the LORD and did not jour- you before your God: I am the LORD
10 aLev. 23:24;
ney. Num. 29:1; your God.
20 So it was, when the cloud was 1 Chr. 15:24;
Departure from Sinai
above the tabernacle a few days: 2 Chr. 5:12;
Ps. 81:3 bLev.
according to the command of the 23:24; Num. 11 Now it came to pass on the twen-
LORD they would remain encamped, 10:9 tieth day of the second month, in the
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NUMBERS 10:12 128

second year, that the cloud awas 11 aNum. 9:17 LORD has promised good things to
taken up from above the tabernacle 12 aEx. 19:1; Israel.
of the Testimony. Num. 1:1; 9:5
bEx. 40:36
30 And he said to him, I will not
12 And the children of Israel set cGen. 21:21; go, but I will depart to my own land
out from the aWilderness of Sinai on Num. 12:16; and to my relatives.
btheir journeys; then the cloud set- Deut. 1:1 31 So Moses said, Please do not
tled down in the cWilderness of 13 aNum. 10:5, leave, inasmuch as you know how
Paran. 6 we are to camp in the wilderness,
13 So they started out for the first 14 aNum. 2:39 and you can 1be our aeyes.
time aaccording to the command of bNum. 1:7 32 And it shall be, if you go with
the LORD by the hand of Moses. usindeed it shall bethat awhat-
14 The 1standard of the camp of the 17 aNum. 1:51
ever good the LORD will do to us,
children of Judah aset out first 4:2132; 7:79
the same we will do to you.
according to their armies; over their 33 So they departed from athe
18 aNum. mountain of the LORD on a journey
army was bNahshon the son of 2:1016
Amminadab. of three days; and the ark of the
21 aNum. covenant of the LORD bwent before
15 Over the army of the tribe of the 4:420; 7:9
children of Issachar was Nethanel 1Prepared by them for the three days journey, to
the son of Zuar. the Gershon- search out a resting place for them.
16 And over the army of the tribe ites and the 34 And athe cloud of the LORD was
Merarites above them by day when they went
of the children of Zebulun was Eliab
the son of Helon. 22 aNum. out from the camp.
2:1824 35 So it was, whenever the ark set
17 Then athe tabernacle was taken
down; and the sons of Gershon and 25 aNum. out, that Moses said:
2:2531; Josh.
the sons of Merari set out, bcarrying 6:9 a
the tabernacle. Rise up, O LORD!
28 aNum. 2:34 Let Your enemies be scattered,
18 And athe standard of the camp
of Reuben set out according to their 29 aJudg. 4:11
bEx. 2:18; 3:1;
And let those who hate You flee
armies; over their army was Elizur 18:12 cGen.
before You.
the son of Shedeur. 12:7; Ex. 6:48
19 Over the army of the tribe of the dJudg. 1:16 36 And when it rested, he said:
eGen. 32:12;
children of Simeon was Shelumiel Ex. 3:8 Return, O LORD,
the son of Zurishaddai. 1Jethro, Ex.
To the many thousands of
20 And over the army of the tribe 3:1; LXX
of the children of Gad was Eliasaph Raguel
the son of Deuel. 31 aJob 29:15
1Act as our
21 Then the Kohathites set out, car- The People Complain
rying the aholy things. (The taberna- Now awhen the people com-
cle would be 1prepared for their
32 aEx. 18:9;
Lev. 19:34;
Judg. 1:16
11 plained, it displeased the
LORD; bfor the LORD heard it, and
22 And athe standard of the camp 33 aEx. 3:1; His anger was aroused. So the cfire
of the children of Ephraim set out Deut. 1:6 of the LORD burned among them,
according to their armies; over their bDeut. 1:33;
and consumed some in the outskirts
army was Elishama the son of Josh. 3:36;
Ezek. 20:6 of the camp.
Ammihud. 2 Then the people acried out to
34 aEx. 13:21;
23 Over the army of the tribe of the Neh. 9:12, 19 Moses, and when Moses bprayed to
children of Manasseh was Gamaliel the LORD, the fire was 1quenched.
35 aPs. 68:1, 2;
the son of Pedahzur. 132:8; Is. 3 So he called the name of the
24 And over the army of the tribe 17:1214 place 1Taberah, because the fire of
of the children of Benjamin was the L ORD had burned among
Abidan the son of Gideoni. CHAPTER 11 them.
25 Then athe standard of the camp 4 Now the amixed multitude who
of the children of Dan (the rear 1 aNum. 14:2;
16:11; 17:5; were among them 1yielded to bin-
guard of all the camps) set out Deut. 9:22 tense craving; so the children of
according to their armies; over their bPs. 78:21
Israel also wept again and said:
army was Ahiezer the son of cLev. 10:2;
cWho will give us meat to eat?
2 Kin. 1:12
Ammishaddai. 5 aWe remember the fish which
26 Over the army of the tribe of the 2 aNum. 12:11,
13; 21:7 we ate freely in Egypt, the cucum-
children of Asher was Pagiel the b[James 5:16] bers, the melons, the leeks, the
son of Ocran. 1extinguished onions, and the garlic;
27 And over the army of the tribe 3 1Lit. Burning 6 but now aour whole being is
of the children of Naphtali was 4 aEx. 12:38 dried up; there is nothing at all
Ahira the son of Enan. b1 Cor. 10:6 except this manna before our eyes!
28 aThus was the order of march of c[Ps. 78:18] 7 Now athe manna was like
1Lit. lusted
the children of Israel, according to coriander seed, and its color like the
their armies, when they began their color of bdellium.
journey. 5 aEx. 16:3 8 The people went about and
29 Now Moses said to aHobab the 6 aNum. 21:5 gathered it, ground it on millstones
son of bReuel1 the Midianite, Moses 7 aEx. 16:14, or beat it in the mortar, cooked it in
father-in-law, We are setting out for 31 pans, and made cakes of it; and aits
the place of which the LORD said, cI 8 aEx. 16:31 taste was like the taste of pastry
will give it to you. Come with us, 9 aEx. 16:13, prepared with oil.
and dwe will treat you well; for ethe 14 9 And awhen the dew fell on the
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129 NUMBERS 11:35

camp in the night, the manna fell on 10 aPs. 78:21 fish of the sea be gathered together
it. for them, to provide enough for
11 aEx. 5:22;
10 Then Moses heard the people Deut. 1:12 them?
weeping throughout their families, 1responsibility 23 And the LORD said to Moses,
everyone at the door of his tent; and aHas1 the LORDs arm been short-
athe anger of the LORD was greatly 12 aIs. 40:11 ened? Now you shall see whether
bIs. 49:23;
aroused; Moses also was dis- 1 Thess. 2:7
bwhat I say will happen to you or
pleased. cGen. 26:3 not.
11 aSo Moses said to the LORD, 1solemnly
24 So Moses went out and told the
Why have You afflicted Your ser- promised people the words of the LORD, and
vant? And why have I not found 13 aMatt. he agathered the seventy men of the
favor in Your sight, that You have 15:33; Mark elders of the people and placed
laid the 1burden of all these people 8:4 them around the tabernacle.
on me? 25 Then the LORD came down in
12 Did I conceive all these people? 14 aEx. 18:18; the cloud, and spoke to him, and
Deut. 1:12
Did I beget them, that You should took of the Spirit that was upon
say to me, aCarry them in your 15 aRev. 3:17 him, and placed the same upon the
bosom, as a bguardian carries a seventy elders; and it happened,
nursing child, to the land which You 16 aEx. 18:25; awhen the Spirit rested upon them,
cswore1 to their fathers? 24:1, 9 bDeut.
16:18 that bthey prophesied, 1although
13 aWhere am I to get meat to give they never did so again.
to all these people? For they weep all 17 a1 Sam. 26 But two men had remained in
over me, saying, Give us meat, that 10:6; 2 Kin. the camp: the name of one was
we may eat. 2:15; [Joel
Eldad, and the name of the other
14 aI am not able to bear all these 2:28]
Medad. And the Spirit rested upon
people alone, because the burden is 18 aEx. 16:7 them. Now they were among those
too heavy for me. 1Set your-
listed, but who ahad not gone out to
15 If You treat me like this, please selves apart the tabernacle; yet they prophesied
kill me here and nowif I have in the camp.
found favor in Your sightand ado 20 aPs. 78:29;
106:15 27 And a young man ran and told
not let me see my wretchedness! b1 Sam. 10:19
Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad
cNum. 21:5
The Seventy Elders are prophesying in the camp.
21 aGen. 12:2; 28 So Joshua the son of Nun,
16 So the LORD said to Moses: Ex. 12:37; Moses assistant, one of his choice
Gather to Me aseventy men of the Num. 1:46; men, answered and said, Moses my
elders of Israel, whom you know to 2:32 lord, aforbid them!
be the elders of the people and boffi- 29 Then Moses said to him, Are
22 a2 Kin. 7:2
cers over them; bring them to the you 1zealous for my sake? aOh, that
tabernacle of meeting, that they 23 aIs. 50:2; all the LORDs people were prophets
may stand there with you. 59:1 bNum. and that the LORD would put His
17 Then I will come down and talk 23:19 1Is the Spirit upon them!
with you there. aI will take of the LORDs power
limited? 30 And Moses returned to the
Spirit that is upon you and will put camp, he and the elders of Israel.
the same upon them; and they shall 24 aNum. 11:16
bear the burden of the people with The LORD Sends Quail
you, that you may not bear it your- 25 a2 Kin. 2:15
self alone. b1 Sam. 10:5, 31 Now a awind went out from the
18 Then you shall say to the people,
6, 10; Joel LORD, and it brought quail from the
2:28; Acts
1Consecrate yourselves for tomor- 2:17, 18; sea and left them fluttering near
row, and you shall eat meat; for you 1 Cor. 14:1 the camp, about a days journey on
have wept ain the hearing of the
1Tg., Vg. and this side and about a days journey
they did not on the other side, all around the
LORD, saying, Who will give us meat cease
to eat? For it was well with us in camp, and about two cubits above
Egypt. Therefore the LORD will give 26 aJer. 36:5 the surface of the ground.
you meat, and you shall eat. 32 And the people stayed up all that
19 You shall eat, not one day, nor 28 a[Mark day, all night, and all the next day,
9:3840; Luke and gathered the quail (he who gath-
two days, nor five days, nor ten 9:49]
days, nor twenty days, ered least gathered ten ahomers);
20 abut for a whole month, until it 29 a1 Cor. 14:5 and they spread them out for them-
comes out of your nostrils and 1jealous selves all around the camp.
becomes loathsome to you, because 33 But while the ameat was still
31 aEx. 16:13;
you have bdespised the LORD who is Ps. 78:2628; between their teeth, before it was
among you, and have wept before 105:40 chewed, the wrath of the LORD was
Him, saying, cWhy did we ever aroused against the people, and the
come up out of Egypt? 32 aEx. 16:36; LORD struck the people with a very
Ezek. 45:11 great plague.
21 And Moses said, aThe people
whom I am among are six hundred 33 aPs. 34 So he called the name of that
thousand men on foot; yet You have 78:2931; place 1Kibroth Hattaavah, because
said, I will give them meat, that 106:15 there they buried the people who
they may eat for a whole month. 34 1Lit. Graves
had yielded to craving.
22 aShall flocks and herds be of Craving 35 aFrom Kibroth Hattaavah the
slaughtered for them, to provide people moved to Hazeroth, and
enough for them? Or shall all the 35 aNum. 33:17 camped at Hazeroth.
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NUMBERS 12:1 130

Dissension of Aaron and Miriam CHAPTER 12 not journey till Miriam was brought
in again.
Then aMiriam and Aaron
12 1spoke bagainst Moses be-
cause of the 2Ethiopian woman
1 aNum. 20:1
bNum. 11:1
cEx. 2:21
16 And afterward the people
moved from aHazeroth and camped
1criticized in the Wilderness of Paran.
whom he had married; for che had 2Cushite
married an Ethiopian woman. Spies Sent into Canaan
2 So they said, Has the LORD in- 2 aNum. 16:3
And the Lord spoke to Moses,
bMic. 6:4
deed spoken only through aMoses? cEzek. 35:12,
bHas He not spoken through us
also? And the LORD cheard it. 2 aSend men to spy out the land
3 (Now the man Moses was very 4 a[Ps. 76:9] of Canaan, which I am giving to the
humble, more than all men who children of Israel; from each tribe of
were on the face of the earth.) 5 aEx. 19:9; their fathers you shall send a man,
34:5 every one a leader among them.
4 aSuddenly the LORD said to
Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, Come 6 aGen. 46:2
3 So Moses sent them afrom the
out, you three, to the tabernacle of bGen. 31:10 Wilderness of Paran according to
meeting! So the three came out. the command of the LORD, all of
5 aThen the LORD came down in 7 aJosh. 1:1 them men who were heads of the
bHeb. 3:2, 5
the pillar of cloud and stood in the c1 Tim. 1:12
children of Israel.
door of the tabernacle, and called 4 Now these were their names:
Aaron and Miriam. And they both 8 aDeut. 34:10 from the tribe of Reuben, Shammua
went forward. b[1 Cor. 13:12] the son of Zaccur;
6 Then He said,
cEx. 33:1923
d2 Pet. 2:10
5 from the tribe of Simeon,
1appearing Shaphat the son of Hori;
2riddles 6 afrom the tribe of Judah, bCaleb
Hear now My words: the son of Jephunneh;
If there is a prophet among 10 aDeut. 24:9 7 from the tribe of Issachar, Igal
you, b2 Kin. 5:27;
the son of Joseph;
I, the LORD, make Myself 15:5
8 from the tribe of Ephraim,
known to him ain a vision; 1Hoshea the son of Nun;
I speak to him bin a dream. 11 a2 Sam.
19:19; 24:10 9 from the tribe of Benjamin, Palti
7 Not so with aMy servant 1the penalty
the son of Raphu;
Moses; for this 10 from the tribe of Zebulun, Gad-
bHe is faithful in all cMy house.
12 aPs. 88:4 diel the son of Sodi;
8 I speak with him aface to face, 11 from the tribe of Joseph, that is,
Even bplainly,1 and not in 2dark 13 aPs. 103:3 from the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi
sayings; the son of Susi;
And he sees cthe form of the 14 aDeut. 25:9 12 from the tribe of Dan, Ammiel
LORD. bLev. 13:46
the son of Gemalli;
Why then dwere you not afraid 13 from the tribe of Asher, Sethur
To speak against My servant 15 aDeut. 24:9 the son of Michael;
Moses? 14 from the tribe of Naphtali,
16 aNum. Nahbi the son of Vophsi;
9 So the anger of the LORD was 11:35; 33:17, 15 from the tribe of Gad, Geuel the
aroused against them, and He son of Machi.
departed. CHAPTER 13 16 These are the names of the men
10 And when the cloud departed whom Moses sent to 1spy out the
from above the tabernacle, asud- 2 aDeut. 1:22; land. And Moses called aHoshea2
denly Miriam became bleprous, as 9:23 the son of Nun, Joshua.
white as snow. Then Aaron turned 3 aNum. 12:16;
17 Then Moses sent them to spy
toward Miriam, and there she was, a 32:8 out the land of Canaan, and said to
leper. them, Go up this way into the
11 So Aaron said to Moses, Oh, 6 aNum. 34:19 South, and go up to athe mountains,
bJosh. 14:6, 7
my lord! Please ado not lay 1this 18 and see what the land is like:
sin on us, in which we have done 8 1LXX, Vg.
whether the people who dwell in it
foolishly and in which we have Oshea are strong or weak, few or many;
sinned. 19 whether the land they dwell in
12 Please ado not let her be as one 16 aEx. 17:9 is good or bad; whether the cities
dead, whose flesh is half consumed 1secretly
they inhabit are like camps or
search 2LXX,
when he comes out of his mothers Vg. Oshea strongholds;
womb! 20 whether the land is 1rich or
13 So Moses cried out to the LORD, 17 aJudg. 1:9 poor; and whether there are forests
saying, Please aheal her, O God, I there or not. aBe of good courage.
pray! 20 aDeut. 31:6, And bring some of the fruit of the
14 Then the LORD said to Moses, 7, 23 1fertile land. Now the time was the season
or barren
If her father had but aspit in her of the first ripe grapes.
face, would she not be shamed 21 aNum. 20:1; 21 So they went up and spied out
seven days? Let her be bshut1 out of 27:14; 33:36
bJosh. 19:28
the land afrom the Wilderness of Zin
the camp seven days, and afterward cJosh. 13:5
as far as bRehob, near the entrance
she may be received again. of cHamath.
15 aSo Miriam was shut out of the 22 aJosh. 22 And they went up through the
camp seven days, and the people did 15:13, 14 South and came to aHebron; Ahi-
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131 NUMBERS 14:18

man, Sheshai, and Talmai, the 22 bJosh. come victims? Would it not be better
descendants of bAnak, were there. 11:21, 22 for us to return to Egypt?
(Now Hebron was built seven years 23 aDeut. 1:24, 4 So they said to one another,
before Zoan in Egypt.) 25 1Wadi aLet us select a leader and breturn
23 aThen they came to the 1Valley 24 1Lit. Clus-
to Egypt.
of Eshcol, and there cut down a ter 5 Then Moses and Aaron 1fell on
branch with one cluster of grapes; their faces before all the assembly
they carried it between two of them 26 aDeut. 1:19 of the congregation of the children
on a pole. They also brought some 27 aEx. 3:8, 17; of Israel.
of the pomegranates and figs. 13:5; 33:3 6 But Joshua the son of Nun and
24 The place was called the Valley of bDeut. 1:25
1Has an abun-
Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who
1Eshcol, because of the cluster which
dance of food
were among those who had spied
the men of Israel cut down there. out the land, tore their clothes;
25 And they returned from spying 28 aDeut. 1:28; 7 and they spoke to all the congre-
out the land after forty days. 9:1, 2 bJosh. gation of the children of Israel, say-
11:21, 22
26 Now they departed and came ing: aThe land we passed through to
back to Moses and Aaron and all the 29 aJudg. 6:3 spy out is an exceedingly good land.
congregation of the children of Israel 8 If the LORD adelights in us,
in the Wilderness of Paran, at 30 aNum. 14:6, then He will bring us into this land
aKadesh; they brought back word to 24
and give it to us, ba land which
them and to all the congregation, and 31 aDeut. 1:28; flows with milk and honey.
showed them the fruit of the land. 9:13 9 Only ado not rebel against the
27 Then they told him, and said: 32 aNum. LORD, bnor fear the people of the
We went to the land where you sent 14:36, 37 land, for cthey1 are our bread; their
us. It truly 1flows with amilk and bAmos 2:9 protection has departed from them,
honey, band this is its fruit. 33 aDeut. 1:28;
dand the LORD is with us. Do not
28 Nevertheless the apeople who 9:2 bIs. 40:22 fear them.
dwell in the land are strong; the c1 Sam. 17:42 10 aAnd all the congregation said
cities are fortified and very large; 1Heb.
to stone them with stones. Now bthe
nephilim 2As
moreover we saw the descendants mere insects glory of the LORD appeared in the
of bAnak there. tabernacle of meeting before all
29 aThe Amalekites dwell in the CHAPTER 14 the children of Israel.
land of the South; the Hittites, the 1 aDeut. 1:45
Jebusites, and the Amorites dwell Moses Intercedes for the People
in the mountains; and the Canaan- 2 aEx. 16:2; 11 Then the LORD said to Moses:
ites dwell by the sea and along the 17:3
How long will these people areject1
banks of the Jordan. 3 aDeut. 1:39 Me? And how long will they not bbe-
30 Then aCaleb quieted the people 1be killed in
lieve Me, with all the 2signs which I
before Moses, and said, Let us go battle have performed among them?
up at once and take possession, for 4 aNeh. 9:17 12 I will strike them with the
we are well able to overcome it. bActs 7:39 pestilence and disinherit them, and I
31 aBut the men who had gone up will amake of you a nation greater
with him said, We are not able to 5 1prostrated
themselves and mightier than they.
go up against the people, for they 13 And aMoses said to the LORD:
are stronger than we. 7 aNum. 13:27 bThen the Egyptians will hear it,
32 And they agave the children of for by Your might You brought these
Israel a bad report of the land which 8 aDeut. 10:15
bNum. 13:27 people up from among them,
they had spied out, saying, The 14 and they will tell it to the
land through which we have gone 9 aDeut. 1:26; inhabitants of this land. They have
as spies is a land that devours its 9:7, 23, 24
bDeut. 7:18 aheard that You, LORD, are among
inhabitants, and ball the people cNum. 24:8 these people; that You, LORD, are
whom we saw in it are men of great dDeut. 20:1, 3,
seen face to face and Your cloud
stature. 4; 31:68
1They shall be stands above them, and You go
33 There we saw the 1giants (athe as food for before them in a pillar of cloud by
descendants of Anak came from the our consump- day and in a pillar of fire by night.
giants); and we were blike2 grasshop- tion. 15 Now if You kill these people as
pers in our own sight, and so we one man, then the nations which
10 aEx. 17:4
were cin their sight. bEx. 16:10 have heard of Your fame will speak,
Israel Refuses to Enter Canaan saying,
11 aHeb. 3:8
bDeut. 9:23 16 Because the LORD was not
So all the congregation lifted aable to bring this people to the land
14 up their voices and cried, and
the people awept that night.
which He swore to give them, there-
fore He killed them in the wilder-
2 aAnd all the children of Israel 12 aEx. 32:10 ness.
complained against Moses and 17 And now, I pray, let the power
Aaron, and the whole congregation 13 aPs. 106:23 of my Lord be great, just as You have
bEx. 32:12
said to them, If only we had died in spoken, saying,
the land of Egypt! Or if only we had 14 aDeut. 2:25 18 aThe LORD is longsuffering and
died in this wilderness! abundant in mercy, forgiving iniq-
3 Why has the LORD brought us 16 aDeut. 9:28 uity and transgression; but He by
to this land to 1fall by the sword, that 18 aEx. 34:6, 7 no means clears the guilty, bvisiting
our wives and achildren should be- bEx. 20:5 the iniquity of the fathers on the
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NUMBERS 14:19 132

children to the third and fourth gen- 19 aEx. 32:32; will surely do so to all bthis evil
eration. 34:9 bPs. 51:1; congregation who are gathered
106:45 cPs.
19 aPardon the iniquity of this 78:38 together against Me. In this wilder-
people, I pray, baccording to the 20 aMic.
ness they shall be consumed, and
greatness of Your mercy, just cas You 7:1820 there they shall die.
have forgiven this people, from 21 aPs. 72:19 36 Now the men whom Moses sent
Egypt even until now. to spy out the land, who returned
22 aDeut. 1:35
20 Then the LORD said: I have par- bGen. 31:7 and made all the congregation com-
doned, aaccording to your word; 23 aNum.
plain against him by bringing a bad
21 but truly, as I live, aall the earth 26:65; 32:11 report of the land,
shall be filled with the glory of the 1solemnly 37 those very men who brought the
LORD promised evil report about the land, adied by
22 abecause all these men who 24 aJosh. 14:6, the plague before the LORD.
have seen My glory and the signs 8, 9 bNum. 38 aBut Joshua the son of Nun and
which I did in Egypt and in the 32:12 Caleb the son of Jephunneh
wilderness, and have put Me to the 25 aDeut. 1:40 remained alive, of the men who went
test now bthese ten times, and have 27 aEx. 16:28 to spy out the land.
bEx. 16:12
not heeded My voice,
23 they certainly shall not asee the 28 aHeb. A Futile Invasion Attempt
land of which I 1swore to their 3:1619
39 Then Moses told these words to
fathers, nor shall any of those who 29 aNum. 1:45, all the children of Israel, aand the
rejected Me see it. 46; 26:64
people mourned greatly.
24 But My servant aCaleb, because 30 aDeut. 40 And they rose early in the
he has a different spirit in him and 1:3638
1solemnly morning and went up to the top of
bhas followed Me fully, I will bring
promised the mountain, saying, aHere we are,
into the land where he went, and his 31 aDeut. 1:39 and we will go up to the place which
descendants shall inherit it. bPs. 106:24 the LORD has promised, for we have
25 Now the Amalekites and the 1be ac-
Canaanites dwell in the valley; quainted with 41 And Moses said, Now why do
tomorrow turn and amove out into 32 aNum. you 1transgress the command of the
the wilderness by the Way of the 26:64, 65; LORD? For this will not succeed.
32:13 1You
Red Sea. shall die. 42 aDo not go up, lest you be
33 aPs. 107:40 defeated by your enemies, for the
Death Sentence on the Rebels bDeut. 2:14 LORD is not among you.
26 And the LORD spoke to Moses cEzek. 23:35 43 For the Amalekites and the
and Aaron, saying,
1Vg. wander-
Canaanites are there before you, and
27 aHow long shall I bear with this you shall fall by the sword; abecause
34 aNum. you have turned away from the LORD,
evil congregation who complain 13:25 bEzek.
against Me? bI have heard the com- 4:6 c[Heb. 4:1] the LORD will not be with you.
plaints which the children of Israel 1iniquity 44 aBut they presumed to go up to
make against Me. 2opposition the mountaintop. Nevertheless, nei-
28 Say to them, aAs I live, says 35 aNum. ther the ark of the covenant of the
the LORD, just as you have spoken 23:19 b1 Cor. LORD nor Moses departed from the
10:5 camp.
in My hearing, so I will do to you:
29 The carcasses of you who have 37 a[1 Cor. 45 Then the Amalekites and the
10:10] Canaanites who dwelt in that moun-
complained against Me shall fall in
this wilderness, aall of you who 38 aJosh. 14:6, tain came down and attacked them,
10 and drove them back as far as
were numbered, according to your
39 aEx. 33:4 aHormah.
entire number, from twenty years
old and above. 40 aDeut.
30 aExcept for Caleb the son of 1:4144 Laws of Grain and Drink Offerings
Jephunneh and Joshua the son of 41 1overstep And the LORD spoke to Mo-
Nun, you shall by no means enter
the land which I 1swore I would
42 aDeut. 1:42;
2 a
ses, saying,
Speak to the children of Israel,
make you dwell in. 43 a2 Chr. 15:2 and say to them: When you have
31 aBut your little ones, whom you 44 aDeut. 1:43 come into the land you are to inhabit,
said would be victims, I will bring 45 aNum. 21:3 which I am giving to you,
in, and they shall 1know the land CHAPTER 15 3 and you amake an offering by
which byou have despised. fire to the LORD, a burnt offering or
2 aLev. 23:10
32 But as for you, ayour1 carcasses a sacrifice, bto fulfill a vow or as a
shall fall in this wilderness. 3 aLev. 1:2, 3 freewill offering or cin your appoint-
bLev. 7:16;
33 And your sons shall abe 1shep- 22:18, 21 cLev. ed feasts, to make a dsweet1 aroma to
herds in the wilderness bforty years, 23:2, 8, 12, 38 the LORD, from the herd or the flock,
and cbear the brunt of your infidelity, dEx. 29:18 4 then ahe who presents his offer-
until your carcasses are consumed in ing to the LORD shall bring ba grain
the wilderness. 4 aLev. 2:1; offering of one-tenth of an ephah of
34 aAccording to the number of the 6:14 bEx. fine flour mixed cwith one-fourth of
29:40 cNum.
days in which you spied out the 28:5 a hin of oil;
land, bforty days, for each day you 5 aNum. 28:7,
5 aand one-fourth of a hin of wine
shall bear your 1guilt one year, 14 bLev. 1:10; as a drink offering you shall pre-
namely forty years, cand you shall 3:6 pare with the burnt offering or the
know My 2rejection. 6 aNum. 28:12, sacrifice, for each blamb.
35 aI the LORD have spoken this. I 14 6 aOr for a ram you shall prepare
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133 NUMBERS 15:37

as a grain offering two-tenths of an 8 aLev. 7:11 knowledge of the congregation, that
ephah of fine flour mixed with one- the whole congregation shall offer
third of a hin of oil; 9 aNum. 28:12,
one young bull as a burnt offering, as
7 and as a drink offering you 14 a sweet aroma to the LORD, bwith its
shall offer one-third of a hin of wine grain offering and its drink offering,
as a sweet aroma to the LORD. according to the ordinance, and cone
8 And when you prepare a young 11 aNum. 28 kid of the goats as a sin offering.
bull as a burnt offering, or as a sac- 25 aSo the priest shall make atone-
rifice to fulfill a vow, or as a apeace 14 1As a resi- ment for the whole congregation of
offering to the LORD, dent alien the children of Israel, and it shall be
9 then shall be offered awith the forgiven them, for it was uninten-
young bull a grain offering of three- tional; they shall bring their offer-
tenths of an ephah of fine flour 15 aEx. 12:49; ing, an offering made by fire to the
Num. 9:14;
mixed with half a hin of oil; 15:29 1statute LORD, and their sin offering before
10 and you shall bring as the drink the LORD, for their unintended sin.
offering half a hin of wine as an 26 It shall be forgiven the whole
offering made by fire, a sweet aroma 18 aNum. 15:2; congregation of the children of
to the LORD. Deut. 26:1
Israel and the stranger who dwells
11 aThus it shall be done for each among them, because all the people
young bull, for each ram, or for each 19 aJosh. 5:11, did it unintentionally.
lamb or young goat. 12 27 And aif a person sins uninten-
12 According to the number that tionally, then he shall bring a female
you prepare, so you shall do with goat in its first year as a sin offering.
everyone according to their number. 20 aEx. 34:26;
Lev. 23:10, 14, 28 aSo the priest shall make atone-
13 All who are native-born shall 17; Deut. 26:2, ment for the person who sins unin-
do these things in this manner, in 10; Prov. 3:9, tentionally, when he sins uninten-
presenting an offering made by fire, 10 bLev. 2:14; tionally before the LORD, to make
23:10, 16
a sweet aroma to the LORD. atonement for him; and it shall be
14 And if a stranger 1dwells with forgiven him.
you, or whoever is among you 22 aLev. 4:2 29 aYou shall have one law for him
throughout your generations, and who sins unintentionally, for him
would present an offering made by who is native-born among the chil-
fire, a sweet aroma to the LORD, just 24 aLev. 4:13
bNum. 15:810 dren of Israel and for the stranger
as you do, so shall he do. cLev. 4:23 1Lit. who dwells among them.
15 aOne 1ordinance shall be for you away from
of the assembly and for the stranger the eyes Law Concerning Presumptuous Sin
who dwells with you, an ordinance 30 aBut the person who does any-
forever throughout your generations; 25 aLev. 4:20; thing 1presumptuously, whether he is
as you are, so shall the stranger be [Heb. 2:17] native-born or a stranger, that one
before the LORD. 2brings reproach on the LORD, and
16 One law and one custom shall he shall be 3cut off from among his
be for you and for the stranger who 27 aLev.
dwells with you. 4:2731
17 Again the LORD spoke to 31 Because he has adespised the
Moses, saying, word of the LORD, and has broken
28 aLev. 4:35 His commandment, that person
18 aSpeak to the children of Israel,
and say to them: When you come shall be completely cut off; his 1guilt
into the land to which I bring you, 29 aNum. 15:15 shall be upon him.
19 then it will be, when you eat of Penalty for Violating the Sabbath
athe bread of the land, that you shall
30 aNum.
offer up a heave offering to the LORD. 14:4044; 32 Now while the children of Israel
20 aYou shall offer up a cake of the Deut. 1:43; were in the wilderness, athey found
first of your ground meal as a heave 17:12; Ps. a man gathering sticks on the Sab-
19:13; Heb. bath day.
offering; as ba heave offering of the 10:26 1defi-
threshing floor, so shall you offer it antly, lit. with 33 And those who found him gather-
up. a high hand ing sticks brought him to Moses and
21 Of the first of your ground meal 3Put to death
Aaron, and to all the congregation.
you shall give to the LORD a heave 34 They put him aunder guard,
offering throughout your generations. because it had not been explained
31 a2 Sam. what should be done to him.
Laws Concerning Unintentional 12:9; Prov. 35 Then the LORD said to Moses,
Sin 13:13 1iniquity aThe man must surely be put to

22 aIf you sin unintentionally, and death; all the congregation shall
bstone him with stones outside the
do not observe all these command- 32 aEx. 31:14,
ments which the LORD has spoken 15; 35:2, 3 camp.
to Moses 36 So, as the LORD commanded
23 all that the LORD has com- Moses, all the congregation brought
34 aLev. 24:12 him outside the camp and stoned
manded you by the hand of Moses,
from the day the LORD gave com- him with stones, and he died.
mandment and onward throughout 35 aEx. 31:14,
Tassels on Garments
your generations 15 bLev. 24:14;
Deut. 21:21;
24 then it will be, aif it is uninten- 1 Kin. 21:13; 37 Again the LORD spoke to Moses,
tionally committed, 1without the Acts 7:58 saying,
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NUMBERS 15:38 134

38 Speak to the children of Israel: 38 aDeut. against the LORD. aAnd what is
Tell athem to make tassels on the cor- 22:12; Matt. Aaron that you complain against
ners of their garments throughout him?
their generations, and to put a blue 39 aPs. 103:18 12 And Moses sent to call Dathan
bDeut. 29:19
thread in the tassels of the corners. cPs. 73:27; and Abiram the sons of Eliab, but
39 And you shall have the tassel, 106:39; James they said, We will not come up!
that you may look upon it and are- 4:4 13 Is it a small thing that you have
member all the commandments of 40 a[Lev. 11:44, brought us up out of aa land flowing
the LORD and do them, and that you 45; Rom. 12:1; with milk and honey, to kill us in the
bmay not cfollow the harlotry to Col. 1:22; wilderness, that you should bkeep
which your own heart and your own 1 Pet. 1:15, 16] acting like a prince over us?
eyes are inclined, 14 Moreover ayou have not
40 and that you may remember CHAPTER 16 brought us into ba land flowing with
and do all My commandments, and 1 aEx. 6:21
milk and honey, nor given us inher-
be aholy for your God. bNum. 26:9; itance of fields and vineyards. Will
41 I am the LORD your God, who Deut. 11:6 you put out the eyes of these men?
brought you out of the land of 2 aNum. 1:16; We will not come up!
Egypt, to be your God: I am the 26:9 15 Then Moses was very angry,
LORD your God. and said to the LORD, aDo not
3 aNum. 12:2; 1respect their offering. bI have not
Rebellion Against Moses and 14:2; Ps.
106:16 bEx. taken one donkey from them, nor
Aaron 19:6 cEx. have I hurt one of them.
29:45 1assume 16 And Moses said to Korah,
Now aKorah the son of Izhar,
16 the son of Kohath, the son of
Levi, with bDathan and Abiram the
too much for
4 aNum. 14:5;
Tomorrow, you and all your compa-
ny be present abefore the LORD
sons of Eliab, and On the son of you and they, as well as Aaron.
Peleth, sons of Reuben, took men; 5 a[2 Tim. 17 Let each take his censer and put
2:19] bLev. incense in it, and each of you bring
2 and they rose up before Moses 21:68, 12
with some of the children of Israel, cEzek. 40:46; his censer before the LORD, two hun-
two hundred and fifty leaders of the 44:15, 16 1set dred and fifty censers; both you and
congregation, arepresentatives of aside for His Aaron, each with his censer.
use only 18 So every man took his censer,
the congregation, men of renown.
3 aThey gathered together against 9 a1 Sam. put fire in it, laid incense on it, and
18:23; Is. 7:13 stood at the door of the tabernacle
Moses and Aaron, and said to them, bNum. 3:41,
You 1take too much upon your- 45; 8:1316; of meeting with Moses and Aaron.
selves, for ball the congregation is Deut. 10:8 19 And Korah gathered all the con-
holy, every one of them, cand the 11 aEx. 16:7, 8
gregation against them at the door
LORD is among them. Why then do of the tabernacle of meeting. Then
you exalt yourselves above the 13 aEx. 16:3; athe glory of the LORD appeared to
Num. 11:46 all the congregation.
assembly of the LORD? bEx. 2:14;
4 So when Moses heard it, he afell Acts 7:27, 35 20 And the LORD spoke to Moses
on his face; and Aaron, saying,
14 aNum.
5 and he spoke to Korah and all 14:14 bEx. 21 aSeparate yourselves from
his company, saying, Tomorrow 3:8; Lev. 20:24 among this congregation, that I may
bconsume them in a moment.
morning the LORD will show who is 15 aGen. 4:4, 5
aHis and who is bholy,1 and will b1 Sam. 12:3; 22 Then they afell1 on their faces,
cause him to come near to Him. Acts 20:33 and said, O God, bthe God of the
That one whom He chooses He will spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin,
regard and You be angry with all the
cause to ccome near to Him.
6 Do this: Take censers, Korah 16 a1 Sam.
and all your company; 12:3, 7 23 So the LORD spoke to Moses,
7 put fire in them and put 19 aEx. 16:7, saying,
incense in them before the LORD 10; Lev. 9:6, 24 Speak to the congregation, say-
23; Num.
tomorrow, and it shall be that the 14:10
ing, Get away from the tents of
man whom the LORD chooses is the Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.
holy one. You take too much upon 21 aGen. 19:17; 25 Then Moses rose and went to
Jer. 51:6 bEx. Dathan and Abiram, and the elders
yourselves, you sons of Levi! 32:10; 33:5
8 Then Moses said to Korah, of Israel followed him.
Hear now, you sons of Levi: 22 aNum. 14:5 26 And he spoke to the congrega-
bNum. 27:16;
9 Is it aa small thing to you that Job 12:10; tion, saying, aDepart now from the
the God of Israel has bseparated you Eccl. 12:7; tents of these wicked men! Touch
from the congregation of Israel, to Heb. 12:9
nothing of theirs, lest you be con-
bring you near to Himself, to do the 18:2332; 20:4
sumed in all their sins.
work of the tabernacle of the LORD, 1prostrated 27 So they got away from around
and to stand before the congrega- themselves the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abi-
tion to serve them; 26 aGen. 19:12,
ram; and Dathan and Abiram came
10 and that He has brought you 14, 15, 17 out and stood at the door of their
near to Himself, you and all your 27 aEx. 20:5;
tents, with their wives, their sons,
brethren, the sons of Levi, with you? Num. 26:11 and their little achildren.
And are you seeking the priesthood 28 And Moses said: aBy this you
also? 28 aEx. 3:12; shall know that the LORD has sent
John 5:36
11 Therefore you and all your bNum. 24:13; me to do all these works, for I have
company are gathered together John 5:30 not done them bof my own will.
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135 NUMBERS 17:10

29 If these men die naturally like 29 aEx. 20:5; 45 Get away from among this con-
all men, or if they are avisited by the Job 35:15; Is. gregation, that I may consume them
common fate of all men, then the in a moment. And they fell on their
LORD has not sent me. faces.
30 But if the LORD creates aa new 30 aJob 31:3; 46 So Moses said to Aaron, Take a
thing, and the earth opens its mouth Is. 28:21 b[Ps. censer and put fire in it from the
and swallows them up with all that altar, put incense on it, and take it
belongs to them, and they bgo down quickly to the congregation and
alive into the pit, then you will 31 aNum. make 1atonement for them; afor
understand that these men have 26:10; Ps. wrath has gone out from the LORD.
rejected the LORD. 106:17 The plague has begun.
31 aNow it came to pass, as he fin- 47 Then Aaron took it as Moses
ished speaking all these words, that 32 aNum. commanded, and ran into the midst
the ground split apart under them, 26:11; 1 Chr. of the assembly; and already the
32 and the earth opened its mouth 6:22, 37 plague had begun among the peo-
and swallowed them up, with their ple. So he put in the incense and
households and aall the men with 35 aLev. 10:2; made atonement for the people.
Korah, with all their goods. Num. 11:13; 48 And he stood between the dead
33 So they and all those with them 26:10; Ps. and the living; so athe plague was
went down alive into the pit; the 106:18 stopped.
earth closed over them, and they 49 Now those who died in the
perished from among the assembly. 37 aLev. 27:28 plague were fourteen thousand
34 Then all Israel who were around seven hundred, besides those who
them fled at their cry, for they said, died in the Korah incident.
Lest the earth swallow us up also! 38 aProv. 20:2; 50 So Aaron returned to Moses at
Hab. 2:10
35 And aa fire came out from the bNum. 17:10; the door of the tabernacle of meet-
LORD and consumed the two hun- Ezek. 14:8 1Or ing, for the plague had stopped.
dred and fifty men who were offer- at the cost of
ing incense. their own The Budding of Aarons Rod
36 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, And the LORD spoke to Mo-
37 Tell Eleazar, the son of Aaron 40 aNum. 3:10;
17 ses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
the priest, to pick up the censers out 2 Chr. 26:18
1reminder and get from them a rod from each
of the blaze, for athey are holy, and fathers house, all their leaders
scatter the fire some distance away. according to their fathers houses
38 The censers of athese men who 41 aNum. 14:2; twelve rods. Write each mans name
sinned 1against their own souls, let Ps. 106:25
on his rod.
them be made into hammered 3 And you shall write Aarons
plates as a covering for the altar. 42 aEx. 40:34 name on the rod of Levi. For there
Because they presented them before shall be one rod for the head of each
the LORD, therefore they are holy; fathers house.
band they shall be a sign to the chil- 46 aLev. 10:6;
Num. 18:5 4 Then you shall place them in
dren of Israel. 1Lit. covering the tabernacle of meeting before athe
39 So Eleazar the priest took the Testimony, bwhere I meet with you.
bronze censers, which those who 5 And it shall be that the rod of
were burned up had presented, and 48 aNum. 25:8; the man awhom I choose will blos-
they were hammered out as a cover- Ps. 106:30
som; thus I will rid Myself of the
ing on the altar, complaints of the children of Israel,
40 to be a 1memorial to the chil- bwhich they make against you.
dren of Israel athat no outsider, who CHAPTER 17 6 So Moses spoke to the children
is not a descendant of Aaron, should of Israel, and each of their leaders
come near to offer incense before gave him a rod apiece, for each
the LORD, that he might not become 4 aEx. 25:16 leader according to their fathers
bEx. 25:22;
like Korah and his companions, just houses, twelve rods; and the rod of
29:42, 43;
as the LORD had said to him 30:36; Num. Aaron was among their rods.
through Moses. 17:7 7 And Moses placed the rods
Complaints of the People before the LORD in athe tabernacle
5 aNum. 16:5 of witness.
41 On the next day aall the congre- bNum. 16:11 8 Now it came to pass on the next
gation of the children of Israel com- day that Moses went into the taber-
plained against Moses and Aaron, nacle of witness, and behold, the
saying, You have killed the people 7 aEx. 38:21; arod of Aaron, of the house of Levi,
Num. 1:50, 51;
of the LORD. 9:15; 18:2; had sprouted and put forth buds,
42 Now it happened, when the con- Acts 7:44 had produced blossoms and yielded
gregation had gathered against ripe almonds.
Moses and Aaron, that they turned 9 Then Moses brought out all the
8 a[Ezek.
toward the tabernacle of meeting; 17:24]; Heb. rods from before the LORD to all the
and suddenly athe cloud covered it, 9:4 children of Israel; and they looked,
and the glory of the LORD appeared. and each man took his rod.
43 Then Moses and Aaron came 10 And the LORD said to Moses,
before the tabernacle of meeting. 10 aHeb. 9:4 Bring aAarons rod back before the
bNum. 16:38;
44 And the LORD spoke to Moses, Deut. 9:7, 24 Testimony, to be kept bas a sign
saying, cNum. 17:5 against the rebels, cthat you may put
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NUMBERS 17:11 136

their complaints away from Me, lest 13 aNum. 1:51, wave offerings of the children of
they die. 53; 18:4, 7 Israel; I have given them to you, and
11 Thus did Moses; just as the LORD CHAPTER 18 your sons and daughters with you,
had commanded him, so he did. as an ordinance forever. bEveryone
12 So the children of Israel spoke 1 aNum. 17:13 who is 1clean in your house may eat
to Moses, saying, Surely we die, we bEx. 28:38
perish, we all perish! 12 aAll the 1best of the oil, all the
13 aWhoever even comes near the 2 aNum. 1:47 best of the new wine and the grain,
tabernacle of the LORD must die. bNum. 3:510 btheir firstfruits which they offer to
Shall we all utterly die? 1testimony the LORD, I have given them to you.
13 Whatever first ripe fruit is in
Duties of Priests and Levites 3 aNum. 3:25, their land, awhich they bring to the
31, 36 bNum.
Then the LORD said to Aaron: LORD, shall be yours. Everyone who
18 aYou and your sons and your
fathers house with you shall bbear
16:40 cNum.
4:15 1service is clean in your house may eat it.
14 aEvery 1devoted thing in Israel
4 aNum. 3:10 shall be yours.
the 1iniquity related to the sanctu-
ary, and you and your sons with you 5 aLev. 24:3
15 Everything that first opens athe
shall bear the iniquity associated bNum. 8:19; womb of all flesh, which they bring
with your priesthood. 16:46 to the LORD, whether man or beast,
2 Also bring with you your shall be yours; nevertheless bthe
6 aNum. 3:12, firstborn of man you shall surely
brethren of the atribe of Levi, the 45 bNum. 3:9
tribe of your father, that they may be redeem, and the firstborn of
bjoined with you and serve you while 7 aNum. 3:10; unclean animals you shall redeem.
you and your sons are with you 18:5 bHeb. 9:3, 16 And those redeemed of the
6 c1 Pet. 5:2, 3 devoted things you shall redeem
before the tabernacle of 1witness.
3 They shall attend to your 1needs 8 aLev. 6:16,
when one month old, aaccording to
and aall the needs of the tabernacle; 18; 7:2834 your valuation, for five shekels of
bbut they shall not come near the arti- bEx. 29:29; silver, according to the shekel of the
cles of the sanctuary and the altar, 40:13, 15
sanctuary, which is btwenty gerahs.
clest they diethey and you also. 17 aBut the firstborn of a cow, the
4 They shall be joined with you 9 aLev. 2:2, 3; firstborn of a sheep, or the firstborn
and attend to the needs of the taber- 10:12, 13 bLev. of a goat you shall not redeem; they
nacle of meeting, for all the work of 6:25, 26 cLev. are holy. bYou shall sprinkle their
7:7 blood on the altar, and burn their fat
the tabernacle; abut an outsider
shall not come near you. 10 aLev. 6:16,
as an offering made by fire for a
5 And you shall attend to athe 26 sweet aroma to the LORD.
duties of the sanctuary and the duties 18 And their flesh shall be yours,
of the altar, bthat there may be no 11 aDeut. just as the awave1 breast and the
18:35 bLev. right thigh are yours.
more wrath on the children of Israel. 22:116
6 Behold, I Myself have ataken 1purified 19 All the heave offerings of the
your brethren the Levites from holy things, which the children of
among the children of Israel; bthey 12 aEx. 23:19 Israel offer to the LORD, I have
bEx. 22:29
are a gift to you, given by the LORD, 1Lit. fat
given to you and your sons and
to do the work of the tabernacle of daughters with you as an ordinance
meeting. 13 aEx. 22:29; forever; ait is a covenant of salt for-
7 Therefore ayou and your sons 23:19; 34:26 ever before the LORD with you and
with you shall attend to your priest- your descendants with you.
hood for everything at the altar and 14 aLev. 20 Then the LORD said to Aaron:
bbehind the veil; and you shall serve. 27:133 You shall have ano inheritance in
I give your priesthood to you as a their land, nor shall you have any
cgift for service, but the outsider who 15 aEx. 13:2 portion among them; bI am your
comes near shall be put to death. bEx. 13:1215 portion and your inheritance among
the children of Israel.
Offerings for Support of the Priests 16 aLev. 27:6
bEx. 30:13
Tithes for Support of the Levites
8 And the LORD spoke to Aaron:
Here, aI Myself have also given you 17 aDeut. 21 Behold, aI have given the chil-
15:19 bLev.
1charge of My heave offerings, all
3:2, 5 dren of Levi all the tithes in Israel as
the holy gifts of the children of 1an inheritance in return for the
Israel; I have given them bas a por- 18 aEx. work which they perform, bthe work
tion to you and your sons, as an 29:2628
1breast of the
of the tabernacle of meeting.
ordinance forever. wave offering
22 aHereafter the children of
9 This shall be yours of the most Israel shall not come near the taber-
holy things reserved from the fire: 19 a2 Chr. 13:5 nacle of meeting, blest they bear sin
every offering of theirs, every agrain and die.
offering and every bsin offering and 20 aJosh. 23 But the Levites shall perform
every ctrespass offering which they 13:14, 33 the work of the tabernacle of meet-
bEzek. 44:28
render to Me, shall be most holy for ing, and they shall bear their iniq-
you and your sons. 21 aLev. uity; it shall be a statute forever,
10 aIn a most holy place you shall 27:3033
bNum. 3:7, 8
throughout your generations, that
eat it; every male shall eat it. It shall 1a possession
among the children of Israel they
be holy to you. shall have no inheritance.
11 This also is yours: athe heave 22 aNum. 1:51 24 For the tithes of the children of
offering of their gift, with all the bLev. 22:9 Israel, which they offer up as a heave
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137 NUMBERS 19:20

offering to the LORD, I have given to 24 1for a pos- 7 aThen the priest shall wash his
the Levites 1as an inheritance; there- session clothes, he shall bathe in water, and
fore I have said to them, Among the 26 aNeh. 10:38 afterward he shall come into the
children of Israel they shall have no camp; the priest shall be unclean
inheritance. 27 aNum. until evening.
15:20; [2 Cor. 8 And the one who burns it shall
The Tithe of the Levites 8:12] wash his clothes in water, bathe in
25 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, 29 1Lit. fat
water, and shall be unclean until
saying, evening.
26 Speak thus to the Levites, and 31 a[Matt. 9 Then a man who is clean shall
say to them: When you take from 10:10; Luke gather up athe ashes of the heifer,
the children of Israel the tithes 10:7]; 1 Cor. and store them outside the camp in
9:13; [1 Tim. a clean place; and they shall be kept
which I have given you from them 5:18] 1wages
as your inheritance, then you shall for the congregation of the children
offer up a heave offering of it to the 32 aLev. 19:8; of Israel bfor the water of 1purifica-
LORD, aa tenth of the tithe. 22:16; Ezek. tion; it is for purifying from sin.
22:26 bLev. 10 And the one who gathers the
27 And your heave offering shall 22:2, 15
be reckoned to you as though it ashes of the heifer shall wash his
were the grain of the athreshing clothes, and be unclean until
floor and as the fullness of the wine- CHAPTER 19 evening. It shall be a statute forever
press. to the children of Israel and to the
28 Thus you shall also offer a 2 aLev. stranger who dwells among them.
heave offering to the LORD from all 22:2025 11 aHe who touches the dead
bDeut. 21:3; 1body of anyone shall be unclean
your tithes which you receive from 1 Sam. 6:7
the children of Israel, and you shall 1statute seven days.
give the LORDs heave offering from 2defect 12 aHe shall purify himself with
it to Aaron the priest. the water on the third day and on
29 Of all your gifts you shall offer 3 aLev. 4:12, the seventh day; then he will be
up every heave offering due to the 21; Num. 19:9; clean. But if he does not purify him-
Heb. 13:11
LORD, from all the 1best of them, the self on the third day and on the sev-
consecrated part of them. 4 aLev. 4:6; enth day, he will not be clean.
30 Therefore you shall say to Heb. 9:13 13 Whoever touches the body of
them: When you have lifted up the anyone who has died, and adoes not
best of it, then the rest shall be 5 aEx. 29:14; purify himself, bdefiles the taberna-
Lev. 4:11, 12;
accounted to the Levites as the pro- 9:11 cle of the LORD. That person shall
duce of the threshing floor and as be cut off from Israel. He shall be
the produce of the winepress. 6 aLev. 14:4, 6, unclean, because cthe water of
31 You may eat it in any place, you 49 bEx. 12:22; purification was not sprinkled on
and your households, for it is ayour 1 Kin. 4:33 him; dhis uncleanness is still on him.
1reward for your work in the taber-
7 aLev. 11:25;
14 This is the law when a man dies
nacle of meeting. 15:5; 16:26, 28 in a tent: All who come into the tent
32 And you shall abear no sin and all who are in the tent shall be
because of it, when you have lifted 9 a[Heb. 9:13, unclean seven days;
up the best of it. But you shall not 14] bNum. 15 and every aopen vessel, which
19:13, 20, 21
bprofane the holy gifts of the chil-
1Lit. impurity has no cover fastened on it, is
dren of Israel, lest you die. unclean.
11 aLev. 21:1, 16 aWhoever in the open field
Laws of Purification 11; Num. 5:2; touches one who is slain by a sword
6:6; 9:6, 10; or who has died, or a bone of a man,
Now the LORD spoke to Moses
19 and Aaron, saying,
2 This is the 1ordinance of the
31:19; Lam.
4:14; Hag.
2:13 1Lit. soul
or a grave, shall be unclean seven
law which the L ORD has com- of man 17 And for an unclean person they
manded, saying: Speak to the chil- shall take some of the aashes of the
12 aNum. heifer burnt for purification from
dren of Israel, that they bring you a 19:19; 31:19
red heifer without 2blemish, in sin, and 1running water shall be put
which there is no adefect band on 13 aLev. 22:37 on them in a vessel.
which a yoke has never come. bLev. 15:31 18 A clean person shall take ahys-
cNum. 8:7;
3 You shall give it to Eleazar the 19:9 dLev.
sop and dip it in the water, sprinkle
priest, that he may take it aoutside 7:20; 22:3 it on the tent, on all the vessels, on
the camp, and it shall be slaugh- the persons who were there, or on
tered before him; 15 aLev. 11:32; the one who touched a bone, the
4 and Eleazar the priest shall Num. 31:20 slain, the dead, or a grave.
take some of its blood with his fin- 19 The clean person shall sprinkle
16 aNum. the unclean on the third day and on
ger, and asprinkle some of its blood 19:11; 31:19
seven times directly in front of the the seventh day; aand on the seventh
tabernacle of meeting. 17 aNum. 19:9 day he shall purify himself, wash his
5 Then the heifer shall be burned 1Lit. living clothes, and bathe in water; and at
in his sight: aits hide, its flesh, its evening he shall be clean.
blood, and its offal shall be burned. 18 aPs. 51:7 20 But the man who is unclean and
6 And the priest shall take acedar 19 aLev. 14:9
does not purify himself, that person
wood and bhyssop and scarlet, and shall be cut off from among the
cast them into the midst of the fire 20 aNum. assembly, because he has adefiled the
burning the heifer. 19:13 sanctuary of the LORD. The water of
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NUMBERS 19:21 138

purification has not been sprinkled 22 aHag. 13 aThis was the water of 1Meri-
on him; he is unclean. 2:1113 bLev. bah, because the children of Israel
21 It shall be a perpetual statute contended with the LORD, and He
for them. He who sprinkles the CHAPTER 20 was hallowed among them.
water of purification shall wash his
clothes; and he who touches the 1 aNum. 13:21; Passage Through Edom Refused
33:36 bNum.
water of purification shall be 13:26 cEx. 14 aNow Moses sent messengers
unclean until evening. 15:20 from Kadesh to the king of bEdom.
22 aWhatever the unclean person cThus says your brother Israel:
touches shall be unclean; and bthe 2 aEx. 17:1
bNum. 16:19, You know all the hardship that has
person who touches it shall be 42 befallen us,
unclean until evening. 15 ahow our fathers went down to
3 aEx. 17:2 Egypt, band we dwelt in Egypt a
Moses Error at Kadesh bNum. 11:1,
33; 14:37; long time, cand the Egyptians
Thena the children of Israel, 1afflicted us and our fathers.
20 the whole congregation, came
into the Wilderness of Zin in the
16:3135, 49

4 aEx. 17:3
16 aWhen we cried out to the
LORD, He heard our voice and bsent
first month, and the people stayed in 6 aNum. 14:5; the Angel and brought us up out of
bKadesh; and cMiriam died there 16:4, 22, 45 Egypt; now here we are in Kadesh, a
and was buried there. bNum. 14:10
city on the edge of your border.
2 aNow there was no water for the themselves
17 Please alet us pass through your
congregation; bso they gathered country. We will not pass through
together against Moses and Aaron. 8 aEx. 4:17, 20; fields or vineyards, nor will we
3 And the people acontended with 17:5, 6 bNeh. drink water from wells; we will go
9:15 along the Kings Highway; we will
Moses and spoke, saying: If only
we had died bwhen our brethren 9 aNum. 17:10 not turn aside to the right hand or to
died before the LORD! the left until we have passed
4 aWhy have you brought up the 10 aPs. 106:33 through your territory.
assembly of the LORD into this 18 Then aEdom said to him, You
11 a[1 Cor. shall not pass through my land, lest
wilderness, that we and our animals 10:4]
should die here? I come out against you with the
5 And why have you made us 12 aDeut. 1:37; sword.
come up out of Egypt, to bring us to 3:26, 27; 34:5
bLev. 10:3
19 So the children of Israel said to
this evil place? It is not a place of him, We will go by the Highway,
grain or figs or vines or pomegran- 13 aDeut. 33:8 and if I or my livestock drink any of
ates; nor is there any water to 1Lit. Con- your water, athen I will pay for it; let
drink. tention me only pass through on foot, noth-
6 So Moses and Aaron went from ing more.
14 aJudg.
the presence of the assembly to the 11:16, 17 20 Then he said, aYou shall not
door of the tabernacle of meeting, bGen. pass through. So Edom came out
and athey 1fell on their faces. And 36:3139 against them with many men and
cDeut. 2:4
bthe glory of the LORD appeared to with a strong hand.
them. 15 aGen. 46:6
21 Thus Edom arefused to give
7 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, bEx. 12:40 Israel passage through his territory;
saying, cDeut. 26:6 so Israel bturned away from him.
1did evil to
8 aTake the rod; you and your Death of Aaron
brother Aaron gather the congrega- 16 aEx. 2:23;
tion together. Speak to the rock 3:7 bEx. 3:2; 22 Now the children of Israel, the
before their eyes, and it will yield its 14:19 whole congregation, journeyed from
water; thus byou shall bring water 17 aNum.
aKadesh band came to Mount Hor.
for them out of the rock, and give 21:22 23 And the LORD spoke to Moses
drink to the congregation and their and Aaron in Mount Hor by the bor-
animals. 18 aNum. der of the land of Edom, saying:
9 So Moses took the rod afrom 24:18
24 Aaron shall 1be agathered to his
before the LORD as He commanded 19 aDeut. 2:6, people, for he shall not enter the
him. 28 land which I have given to the chil-
10 And Moses and Aaron gathered dren of Israel, because you rebelled
the assembly together before the 20 aJudg. 11:17 against My word at the water of
rock; and he said to them, aHear 21 aDeut. 2:27, Meribah.
now, you rebels! Must we bring 30 bJudg. 25 aTake Aaron and Eleazar his
water for you out of this rock? 11:18 son, and bring them up to Mount
11 Then Moses lifted his hand and Hor;
22 aNum.
struck the rock twice with his rod; 33:37 bNum. 26 and strip Aaron of his gar-
aand water came out abundantly, ments and put them on Eleazar his
and the congregation and their ani- son; for Aaron shall be gathered to
mals drank. 24 aGen. 25:8
1Die and join
his people and die there.
12 Then the LORD spoke to Moses his ancestors 27 So Moses did just as the LORD
and Aaron, Because ayou did not commanded, and they went up to
believe Me, to bhallow Me in the 25 aNum. Mount Hor in the sight of all the
eyes of the children of Israel, there- 33:38 congregation.
fore you shall not bring this assem- 28 aEx. 29:29,
28 aMoses stripped Aaron of his
bly into the land which I have given 30 bNum. garments and put them on Eleazar
them. 33:38 his son; and bAaron died there on
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139 NUMBERS 21:27

the top of the mountain. Then 29 aGen. 50:3, rites; for athe Arnon is the border of
Moses and Eleazar came down from 10; Deut. 34:8 Moab, between Moab and the Amor-
the mountain. ites.
29 Now when all the congregation CHAPTER 21 14 Therefore it is said in the Book
saw that Aaron was dead, all the 1 aNum. 33:40;
of the Wars of the LORD:
house of Israel mourned for Aaron Josh. 12:14;
athirty days. Judg. 1:16 Waheb in Suphah,

2 aGen. 28:20; The brooks of the Arnon,

Canaanites Defeated at Hormah Judg. 11:30 15 And the slope of the brooks
The king of Arad, the Ca-
bDeut. 2:34 That reaches to the dwelling of
21 naanite, who dwelt in the
South, heard that Israel was coming
3 1Lit. Utter
And lies on the border of
on the road to Atharim. Then he 4 aJudg. 11:18
fought against Israel and took some 1impatient

of them prisoners. 16 From there they went ato Beer,

5 aNum. 20:4,
2 aSo Israel made a vow to the 5 1detests which is the well where the LORD
LORD, and said, If You will indeed said to Moses, Gather the people
6 a1 Cor. 10:9 together, and I will give them water.
deliver this people into my hand, then bDeut. 8:15
17 aThen Israel sang this song:
bI will utterly destroy their cities.
7 aNum. 11:2;
3 And the LORD listened to the Ps. 78:34; Is. Spring up, O well!
voice of Israel and delivered up the 26:16; Hos.
All of you sing to it
Canaanites, and they utterly 5:15 bLev.
destroyed them and their cities. So 26:40 cEx. 8:8; 18 The well the leaders sank,
the name of that place was called
1 Sam. 12:19; Dug by the nations nobles,
1 Kin. 13:6; By the alawgiver, with their
1Hormah. Acts 8:24
8 a[John 3:14,
The Bronze Serpent 15] bIs. 14:29;
30:6 And from the wilderness they went
4 Then they journeyed from Mount to Mattanah,
Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to ago 9 a2 Kin. 18:4; 19 from Mattanah to Nahaliel,
around the land of Edom; and the John 3:14, 15
from Nahaliel to Bamoth,
soul of the people became very 1dis- 10 aNum. 20 and from Bamoth, in the valley
couraged on the way. 33:43, 44
that is in the 1country of Moab, to
5 And the people aspoke against 11 1Lit. The the top of Pisgah which looks adown
God and against Moses: Why have Heaps of on the 2wasteland.
you brought us up out of Egypt to Abarim
die in the wilderness? For there is 12 aDeut. 2:13 King Sihon Defeated
no food and no water, and our soul 13 aNum. 21 Then aIsrael sent messengers to
1loathes this worthless bread.
22:36; Judg. Sihon king of the Amorites, saying,
6 So athe LORD sent bfiery ser- 11:18
22 aLet me pass through your
pents among the people, and they 14 1Ancient land. We will not turn aside into
bit the people; and many of the peo- unknown fields or vineyards; we will not
ple of Israel died. places; Vg.
drink water from wells. We will go
7 aTherefore the people came to What He did
in the Red by the Kings Highway until we
Moses, and said, We have bsinned, Sea have passed through your territory.
for we have spoken against the LORD 23 aBut Sihon would not allow
15 aNum.
and against you; cpray to the LORD 21:28; Deut. Israel to pass through his territory.
that He take away the serpents from 2:9, 18, 29 So Sihon gathered all his people
us. So Moses prayed for the people. 16 aJudg. 9:21 together and 1went out against Israel
8 Then the LORD said to Moses, in the wilderness, band he came to
aMake a bfiery serpent, and set it 17 aEx. 15:1
Jahaz and fought against Israel.
on a pole; and it shall be that every- 18 aIs. 33:22 24 Then aIsrael defeated him with
one who is bitten, when he looks at 20 aNum. 23:28 the edge of the sword, and took pos-
it, shall live. 1Lit. field
session of his land from the Arnon
9 So aMoses made a bronze ser- 2Heb. Jeshi-
to the Jabbok, as far as the people of
pent, and put it on a pole; and so it mon
Ammon; for the border of the peo-
was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, 21 aNum. ple of Ammon was fortified.
when he looked at the bronze ser- 32:33; Deut. 25 So Israel took all these cities,
pent, he lived. 2:2637; Judg.
11:19 and Israel adwelt in all the cities of
From Mount Hor to Moab 22 aNum.
the Amorites, in Heshbon and in all
20:16, 17 its villages.
10 Now the children of Israel 26 For Heshbon was the city of
moved on and acamped in Oboth. 23 aDeut. 29:7 Sihon king of the Amorites, who
bDeut. 2:32;
11 And they journeyed from Oboth Judg. 11:20 had fought against the former king
and camped at 1Ije Abarim, in the 1attacked of Moab, and had taken all his land
wilderness which is east of Moab, 24 aDeut. 2:33; from his hand as far as the Arnon.
toward the sunrise. Josh. 12:1; 27 Therefore those who speak in
12 aFrom there they moved and Neh. 9:22; Ps. 1proverbs say:
camped in the Valley of Zered. 135:10;
136:19; Amos
13 From there they moved and 2:9 Come to Heshbon, let it be
camped on the other side of the built;
Arnon, which is in the wilderness that 25 aAmos 2:10 Let the city of Sihon be
extends from the border of the Amo- 27 1parables repaired.
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NUMBERS 21:28 140

28 For afire went out from 28 aJer. 48:45, 6 aTherefore please come at once,
Heshbon, 46 bDeut. 2:9, bcurse this people for me, for they
18; Is. 15:1
A flame from the city of Sihon; cNum. 22:41; are too mighty for me. Perhaps I
It consumed bAr of Moab, 33:52 shall be able to defeat them and
The lords of the cheights of the 29 aJer. 48:46 drive them out of the land, for I know
Arnon. bJudg. 11:24; that he whom you bless is blessed,
29 Woe to you, aMoab! 1 Kin. 11:33; and he whom you curse is cursed.
2 Kin. 23:13
You have perished, O people of cIs. 15:2, 5 dIs. 7 So the elders of Moab and the
bChemosh! elders of Midian departed with athe
He has given his csons as 30 aNum. 32:3, diviners fee in their hand, and they
fugitives, 34; Jer. 48:18, came to Balaam and spoke to him
And his ddaughters into 22 bIs. 15:2 the words of Balak.
captivity, 32 aNum. 32:1, 8 And he said to them, aLodge
To Sihon king of the Amorites. 3, 35; Jer. here tonight, and I will bring back
48:32 1se- word to you, as the LORD speaks to
cretly search
30 But we have shot at them; me. So the princes of Moab stayed
Heshbon has perished aas far 33 aDeut. 29:7 with Balaam.
bDeut. 3:1
as Dibon. cJosh. 13:12 9 aThen God came to Balaam and
Then we laid waste as far as 34 aDeut. 3:2 said, Who are these men with
Nophah, bNum. 21:24; you?
Which reaches to bMedeba. Ps. 135:10; 10 So Balaam said to God, Balak
136:20 1given the son of Zippor, king of Moab, has
31 Thus Israel dwelt in the land of you victory
over him sent to me, saying,
the Amorites. 11 Look, a people has come out of
32 Then Moses sent to 1spy out 35 aDeut. 3:3,
4; 29:7; Josh. Egypt, and they cover the face of the
aJazer; and they took its villages
13:12 earth. Come now, curse them for
and drove out the Amorites who me; perhaps I shall be able to over-
were there. CHAPTER 22 power them and drive them out.
12 And God said to Balaam, You
King Og Defeated 1 aNum. 33:48,
shall not go with them; you shall not
33 aAnd they turned and went up curse the people, for athey are
2 aJosh. 24:9;
by the way to bBashan. So Og king of Judg. 11:25; blessed.
Bashan went out against them, he Mic. 6:5; Rev. 13 So Balaam rose in the morning
and all his people, to battle cat Edrei. 2:14 and said to the princes of Balak, Go
34 Then the LORD said to Moses, 3 aEx. 15:15 back to your land, for the LORD has
aDo not fear him, for I have 1deliv-
4 aNum. refused to give me permission to go
ered him into your hand, with all his 25:1518; with you.
people and his land; and byou shall 31:13; Josh. 14 And the princes of Moab rose
13:21 1con- and went to Balak, and said, Ba-
do to him as you did to Sihon king sume
of the Amorites, who dwelt at Hesh- laam refuses to come with us.
5 aNum. 31:8, 15 Then Balak again sent princes,
bon. 16; Deut. 23:4;
35 aSo they defeated him, his sons, Josh. 13:22; more numerous and more 1honor-
and all his people, until there was 24:9; Neh. able than they.
no survivor left him; and they took 13:1, 2; Mic. 16 And they came to Balaam and
6:5; 2 Pet.
possession of his land. 2:15; Jude 11; said to him, Thus says Balak the
Rev. 2:14 son of Zippor: Please let nothing
Balak Sends for Balaam bDeut. 23:4 hinder you from coming to me;
Then athe children of Israel 17 for I will certainly ahonor you
22 moved, and camped in the
plains of Moab on the side of the
Euphrates 2Or
the people of
greatly, and I will do whatever you
say to me. bTherefore please come,
Jordan across from Jericho. 6 aNum. 22:17; curse this people for me.
2 Now aBalak the son of Zippor 23:7, 8 bNum. 18 Then Balaam answered and
saw all that Israel had done to the
22:12; 24:9 said to the servants of Balak,
7 a1 Sam. aThough Balak were to give me his
3 And aMoab was exceedingly
9:7, 8 house full of silver and gold, bI could
afraid of the people because they 8 aNum. 22:19 not go beyond the word of the LORD
were many, and Moab was sick with 9 aGen. 20:3 my God, to do less or more.
dread because of the children of 12 aNum. 19 Now therefore, please, you also
astay here tonight, that I may know
Israel. 23:20; [Rom.
4 So Moab said to athe elders of 11:28] what more the LORD will say to me.
Midian, Now this company will 15 1distin- 20 aAnd God came to Balaam at
1lick up everything around us, as an guished night and said to him, If the men
ox licks up the grass of the field. 17 aNum. 24:11 come to call you, rise and go with
And Balak the son of Zippor was
bNum. 22:6 them; but bonly the word which I
king of the Moabites at that time. 18 aNum. speak to youthat you shall do.
5 Then ahe sent messengers to 22:38; 24:13
b1 Kin. 22:14;
21 So Balaam rose in the morning,
Balaam the son of Beor at bPethor, 2 Chr. 18:13
saddled his donkey, and went with
which is near 1the River in the land the princes of Moab.
19 aNum. 22:8
of 2the sons of his people, to call 20 aNum. 22:9 Balaam, the Donkey, and the Angel
him, saying: Look, a people has bNum. 22:35;
come from Egypt. See, they cover 23:5, 12, 16, 22 Then Gods anger was aroused
the face of the earth, and are set- 26; 24:13 because he went, aand the Angel of
tling next to me! 22 aEx. 4:24 the LORD took His stand in the way
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141 NUMBERS 23:10

as an adversary against him. And he 23 aJosh. 5:13; is on the border at the Arnon, the
was riding on his donkey, and his 2 Kin. 6:17; boundary of the territory.
Dan. 10:7;
two servants were with him. Acts 22:9 37 Then Balak said to Balaam, Did
23 Now athe donkey saw the Angel I not earnestly send to you, calling
of the LORD standing in the way 28 a2 Pet. 2:16 for you? Why did you not come to
with His drawn sword in His hand, me? Am I not able ato honor you?
29 a[Prov.
and the donkey turned aside out of 12:10; Matt. 38 And Balaam said to Balak,
the way and went into the field. So 15:19] Look, I have come to you! Now,
Balaam struck the donkey to turn 1mocked have I any power at all to say any-
her back onto the road. thing? aThe word that God puts in
30 a2 Pet. 2:16
24 Then the Angel of the LORD 1accustomed my mouth, that I must speak.
stood in a narrow path between the 39 So Balaam went with Balak,
vineyards, with a wall on this side 31 aGen. 21:19; and they came to Kirjath Huzoth.
and a wall on that side. 2 Kin. 6:17; 40 Then Balak offered oxen and
Luke 24:16, 31 sheep, and he sent some to Balaam
25 And when the donkey saw the
Angel of the LORD, she pushed her- 32 a[2 Pet. and to the princes who were with
self against the wall and crushed 2:14, 15] 1as him.
Balaams foot against the wall; so an adversary
2contrary Balaams First Prophecy
he struck her again.
26 Then the Angel of the LORD went 34 a1 Sam. 41 So it was, the next day, that
further, and stood in a narrow place 15:24, 30; Balak took Balaam and brought
where there was no way to turn 26:21; 2 Sam. him up to the ahigh places of Baal,
12:13 1Lit. is
either to the right hand or to the left. evil in your that from there he might observe
27 And when the donkey saw the eyes 1the extent of the people.
Angel of the LORD, she lay down Then Balaam said to Balak,
under Balaam; so Balaams anger
was aroused, and he struck the don-
35 aNum. 22:20 23 aBuild seven altars for me
here, and prepare for me here seven
36 aGen. 14:17
key with his staff. bNum. 21:13 bulls and seven rams.
28 Then the LORD aopened the 2 And Balak did just as Balaam
mouth of the donkey, and she said 37 aNum. had spoken, and Balak and Balaam
to Balaam, What have I done to 22:17; 24:11 aoffered a bull and a ram on each
you, that you have struck me these 38 aNum. altar.
three times? 23:26; 24:13; 3 Then Balaam said to Balak,
29 And Balaam said to the donkey, 1 Kin. 22:14; aStand by your burnt offering, and
Because you have 1abused me. I 2 Chr. 18:13
I will go; perhaps the LORD will
wish there were a sword in my 41 aNum. come bto meet me, and whatever He
hand, afor now I would kill you! 21:28; Deut. shows me I will tell you. So he went
30 aSo the donkey said to Balaam, 12:2 1the far- to a desolate height.
Am I not your donkey on which thest extent
4 aAnd God met Balaam, and he
you have ridden, ever since I said to Him, I have prepared the
became yours, to this day? Was I CHAPTER 23 seven altars, and I have offered on
ever 1disposed to do this to you? each altar a bull and a ram.
And he said, No. 1 aNum. 23:29 5 Then the LORD aput a word in
31 Then the LORD aopened Balaams Balaams mouth, and said, Return
eyes, and he saw the Angel of the 2 aNum. 23:14, to Balak, and thus you shall speak.
LORD standing in the way with His 30
6 So he returned to him, and there
drawn sword in His hand; and he 3 aNum. 23:15 he was, standing by his burnt offer-
bowed his head and fell flat on his bNum. 23:4, ing, he and all the princes of Moab.
face. 16 7 And he atook up his 1oracle and
32 And the Angel of the LORD said said:
4 aNum. 23:16
to him, Why have you struck your
donkey these three times? Behold, I 5 aNum. 22:20, Balak the king of Moab has
have come out 1to stand against you, 35, 38; 23:16; brought me from Aram,
because your way is aperverse2 Deut. 18:18; From the mountains of the east.
Jer. 1:9
before Me. bCome, curse Jacob for me,
33 The donkey saw Me and turned 7 aDeut. 23:4; And come, cdenounce Israel!
aside from Me these three times. If Job 27:1; 29:1;
she had not turned aside from Me, Ps. 78:2
bNum. 22:6,
8 Howa shall I curse whom God
surely I would also have killed you 11, 17 c1 Sam. has not cursed?
by now, and let her live. 17:10 And how shall I denounce
34 And Balaam said to the Angel of 1prophetic whom the LORD has not
the LORD, aI have sinned, for I did discourse denounced?
not know You stood in the way 8 aNum. 22:12 9 For from the top of the rocks I
against me. Now therefore, if it 1dis- see him,
pleases You, I will turn back. 9 aDeut. 32:8; And from the hills I behold
35 Then the Angel of the LORD said 33:28; Josh. him;
to Balaam, Go with the men, abut 11:23 bEx. There! aA people dwelling
33:16; Ezra
only the word that I speak to you, 9:2; [Eph. alone,
that you shall speak. So Balaam 2:14] bNot reckoning itself among the
went with the princes of Balak. nations.
36 Now when Balak heard that Ba- 10 aGen. 13:16;
22:17; 28:14;
laam was coming, ahe went out to 2 Chr. 1:9 1Or 10 Whoa can count the 1dust of
meet him at the city of Moab, bwhich dust cloud Jacob,
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NUMBERS 23:11 142

Or number one-fourth of 10 bPs.116:15 24 Look, a people rises alike a
Israel? lioness,
Let me die bthe death of the 11 aNum. 22:11 And lifts itself up like a lion;
righteous, bIt shall not lie down until it
And let my end be like his! 12 aNum. 22:38
devours the prey,
14 aNum.
And drinks the blood of the
11 Then Balak said to Balaam, 23:1, 2 slain.
What have you done to me? aI took
you to curse my enemies, and look, 15 1So with 25 Then Balak said to Balaam,
you have blessed them bountifully! MT, Tg., Vg.; Neither curse them at all, nor bless
12 So he answered and said, aMust Syr. call; LXX them at all!
go and ask
I not take heed to speak what the God 26 So Balaam answered and said
LORD has put in my mouth? to Balak, Did I not tell you, saying,
16 aNum. aAll that the LORD speaks, that I
Balaams Second Prophecy 22:35; 23:5 must do?
13 Then Balak said to him, Please
come with me to another place from 18 aJudg. 3:20 Balaams Third Prophecy
which you may see them; you shall 19 a1 Sam. 27 Then Balak said to Balaam,
see only the outer part of them, and 15:29; Mal. Please come, I will take you to
shall not see them all; curse them 3:6; James another place; perhaps it will please
for me from there. 1:17 bNum. God that you may curse them for me
14 So he brought him to the field of 11:23; 1 Kin.
8:56 from there.
Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, aand 28 So Balak took Balaam to the top
built seven altars, and offered a bull 20 aGen. 12:2; of Peor, that aoverlooks the 1waste-
and a ram on each altar. 22:17; Num. land.
15 And he said to Balak, Stand 22:12 29 Then Balaam said to Balak,
here by your burnt offering while I Build for me here seven altars, and
1meet the LORD over there. 21 aPs. 32:2;
[Rom. 4:7, 8] prepare for me here seven bulls and
16 Then the LORD met Balaam, and bPs. 89:1518 seven rams.
aput a word in his mouth, and said, 1trouble
30 And Balak did as Balaam had
Go back to Balak, and thus you said, and offered a bull and a ram
shall speak. 22 aNum. 24:8 on every altar.
17 So he came to him, and there he bDeut. 33:17;
Now when Balaam saw that it
was, standing by his burnt offering,
and the princes of Moab were with
Job 39:10

23 aPs. 31:19;
24 pleased the LORD to bless
Israel, he did not go as at aother
him. And Balak said to him, What 44:1 1enchant- times, to seek to use 1sorcery, but he
has the LORD spoken? ment
18 Then he took up his oracle and 2fortune- set his face toward the wilderness.
said: telling 2 And Balaam raised his eyes, and
saw Israel aencamped according to
aRise up, Balak, and hear! 24 aGen. 49:9 their tribes; and bthe Spirit of God
bGen. 49:27;
Listen to me, son of Zippor! came upon him.
Josh. 11:23
3 aThen he took up his oracle and
19 Goda is not a man, that He 26 aNum. 22:38
should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He 28 aNum. 21:20 The utterance of Balaam the
should repent. 1Heb. Jeshi- son of Beor,
Has He bsaid, and will He not mon The utterance of the man
do? whose eyes are opened,
Or has He spoken, and will He CHAPTER 24
4 The utterance of him who hears
not make it good? the words of God,
20 Behold, I have received a Who sees the vision of the
1 aNum. 23:3, Almighty,
command to bless; 15 1enchant-
aHe has blessed, and I cannot ments Who afalls down, with eyes
reverse it. wide open:
2 aNum. 2:2,
21 Hea has not observed iniquity 34 bNum. 5 How lovely are your tents,
11:25; 1 Sam. O Jacob!
in Jacob, 10:10; 19:20,
Nor has He seen 1wickedness 23; 2 Chr. 15:1 Your dwellings, O Israel!
in Israel. 6 Like valleys that stretch out,
The LORD his God is with him, 3 aNum. 23:7, Like gardens by the riverside,
bAnd the shout of a King is 18 aLike aloes bplanted by the

among them. LORD,

22 aGod brings them out of Egypt; 4 aEzek. 1:28 Like cedars beside the waters.
He has bstrength like a wild ox. 7 He shall pour water from his
6 aPs. 1:3; Jer. buckets,
17:8 bPs.
23 For there is no 1sorcery against 104:16 And his seed shall be ain many
Jacob, waters.
Nor any 2divination against 7 aJer. 51:13;
Israel. Rev. 17:1, 15
b1 Sam. 15:8,
His king shall be higher than
It now must be said of Jacob bAgag,
9 c2 Sam.
And of Israel, Oh, awhat God 5:12; 1 Chr. And his ckingdom shall be
has done! 14:2 exalted.
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143 NUMBERS 25:8

8 Goda brings him out of Egypt; 8 aNum. 23:22 And destroy the remains of the
bNum. 14:9;
He has strength like a wild ox; 23:24 cPs. 2:9;
He shall bconsume the nations, Jer. 50:17 dPs.
his enemies; 45:5 20 Then he looked on Amalek, and
He shall cbreak their bones he took up his oracle and said:
And dpierce them with his 9aGen. 49:9;
arrows. Num. 23:24
bGen. 12:3;
Amalek was first among the
9 Hea bows down, he lies down 27:29
as a lion; But shall be last until he
And as a lion, who shall rouse perishes.
10 aEzek.
him? 21:14, 17
bNum. 23:11; 21 Then he looked on the Kenites,
bBlessed is he who blesses you, Neh. 13:2 and he took up his oracle and said:
And cursed is he who curses
you. 11 aNum. Firm is your dwelling place,
22:17, 37 And your nest is set in the
10 Then Balaks anger was aroused rock;
against Balaam, and he astruck his 14 a[Mic. 6:5] 22 Nevertheless Kain shall be
bGen. 49:1;
hands together; and Balak said to Deut. 4:30;
Balaam, bI called you to curse my Dan. 2:28 How long until Asshur carries
enemies, and look, you have bounti- you away captive?
fully blessed them these three 17 aRev. 1:7;
times! Matt. 1:2; 23 Then he took up his oracle and
11 Now therefore, flee to your Luke 3:34 said:
bMatt. 2:2
place. aI said I would greatly honor cGen. 49:10
you, but in fact, the LORD has kept 1shatter the Alas! Who shall live when God
you back from honor. forehead does this?
12 So Balaam said to Balak, Did I 2Heb. Sheth, 24 But ships shall come from the
not also speak to your messengers Jer. 48:45 coasts of aCyprus,1
whom you sent to me, saying, And they shall afflict Asshur
13 If Balak were to give me his 18 a2 Sam. and afflict bEber,
house full of silver and gold, I could 8:14 1mightily And so shall 2Amalek, until he
not go beyond the word of the perishes.
LORD, to do good or bad of my own 19 aGen. 49:10;
Amos 9:11, 12
will. What the LORD says, that I 1shall rule 25 So Balaam rose and departed
must speak? and areturned to his place; Balak
14 And now, indeed, I am going to 24 aGen. 10:4;
also went his way.
my people. Come, aI will advise you Ezek. 27:6;
what this people will do to your peo- Dan. 11:30 Israels Harlotry in Moab
bGen. 10:21,
ple in the blatter days. Now Israel remained in aAca-
Balaams Fourth Prophecy
25 1Heb. Kit-
tim 2Lit. he or
that one
25 cia Grove,1 and the bpeople
began to commit harlotry with the
15 So he took up his oracle and said: women of Moab.
25 aNum. 2 aThey invited the people to bthe
The utterance of Balaam the 21:34; 31:8 sacrifices of their gods, and the peo-
son of Beor, ple ate and cbowed down to their
And the utterance of the man gods.
whose eyes are opened; CHAPTER 25
3 So Israel was joined to Baal of
16 The utterance of him who hears Peor, and athe anger of the LORD
the words of God, 1 aNum. 33:49; was aroused against Israel.
And has the knowledge of the Josh. 2:1 bRev. 4 Then the LORD said to Moses,
Most High, 2:14 1Heb. aTake all the leaders of the people
Who sees the vision of the and hang the offenders before the
Almighty, LORD, out in the sun, bthat the fierce
Who falls down, with eyes wide 2 aJosh. 22:17;
Hos. 9:10 anger of the LORD may turn away
open: bEx. 34:15; from Israel.
Deut. 32:38; 5 So Moses said to athe judges of
17 Ia see Him, but not now; 1 Cor. 10:20 Israel, bEvery one of you kill his
cEx. 20:5
I behold Him, but not near; men who were joined to Baal of
bA Star shall come out of Jacob; Peor.
cA Scepter shall rise out of 3 aPs. 106:28, 6 And indeed, one of the children
Israel, of Israel came and presented to his
And 1batter the brow of Moab, brethren a Midianite woman in the
4 aDeut. 4:3
And destroy all the sons of bNum. 25:11; sight of Moses and in the sight of all
2tumult. the congregation of the children of
Deut. 13:17
Israel, awho were weeping at the
18 And aEdom shall be a 5 aEx. 18:21 door of the tabernacle of meeting.
possession; bDeut. 13:6, 9 7 Now awhen Phinehas bthe son
Seir also, his enemies, shall be of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the
a possession, 6 aJoel 2:17 priest, saw it, he rose from among
While Israel does 1valiantly. the congregation and took a javelin
19 Out of Jacob One 1shall have
7 aPs. 106:30 in his hand;
dominion, bEx. 6:25 8 and he went after the man of
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NUMBERS 25:9 144

Israel into the tent and thrust both 8 aPs. 106:30
7 These are the families of the
of them through, the man of Israel, 16:4648
Reubenites: those who were num-
and the woman through her body. 9 aDeut. 4:3
bered of them were forty-three
So athe plague was bstopped among 11 aPs. 106:30
thousand seven hundred and thirty.
the children of Israel. b[Ex. 20:5]; 8 And the son of Pallu was Eliab.
9 And athose who died in the Deut. 32:16, 9 The sons of Eliab were Nemuel,
plague were twenty-four thousand. 21; 1 Kin. Dathan, and Abiram. These are the
10 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, 14:22; Ps. Dathan and Abiram, arepresenta-
78:58; Ezek.
saying: 16:38 tives of the congregation, who
11 aPhinehas the son of Eleazar, 12 a[Mal. 2:4, contended against Moses and Aaron
the son of Aaron the priest, has 5; 3:1] bIs. in the company of Korah, when they
turned back My wrath from the chil- 54:10; Ezek. contended against the LORD;
dren of Israel, because he was zeal- 34:25; 37:26; 10 aand the earth opened its mouth
Mal. 2:5
ous with My zeal among them, so 13 a1 Chr. 6:4
and swallowed them up together
that I did not consume the children bEx. 40:15 with Korah when that company
of Israel in bMy zeal. cActs 22:3; died, when the fire devoured two
12 Therefore say, aBehold, I give Rom. 10:2
d[Heb. 2:17]
hundred and fifty men; band they
to him My bcovenant of peace; 1Lit. covering became a sign.
13 and it shall be to him and ahis 15 aNum. 31:8;
11 Nevertheless athe children of
descendants after him a covenant of Josh. 13:21 Korah did not die.
ban everlasting priesthood, because 12 The sons of Simeon according to
17 aNum.
he was czealous for his God, and 31:13 1be their families were: of 1Nemuel, the
dmade 1atonement for the children hostile family of the Nemuelites; of Jamin,
of Israel. toward
the family of the Jaminites; of
14 Now the name of the Israelite 18 aNum. 2Jachin, the family of the Jachinites;
31:16; Rev.
who was killed, who was killed with 2:14 1tricks 13 of 1Zerah, the family of the
the Midianite woman, was Zimri the Zarhites; of Shaul, the family of the
son of Salu, a leader of a fathers CHAPTER 26 Shaulites.
house among the Simeonites. 14 These are the families of the
1 aNum. 25:9
15 And the name of the Midianite Simeonites: twenty-two thousand
woman who was killed was Cozbi 2 aEx. 30:12;
38:25, 26; two hundred.
the daughter of aZur; he was head of Num. 1:2; 15 The sons of Gad according to
the people of a fathers house in 14:29 bNum. their families were: of 1Zephon, the
Midian. 1:3 family of the Zephonites; of Haggi,
16 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, 3 aNum. 22:1; the family of the Haggites; of Shuni,
saying: 31:12; 33:48;
35:1 the family of the Shunites;
17 aHarass the Midianites, and 4 aNum. 1:1 16 of 1Ozni, the family of the
1attack them;
5 aGen. 46:8; Oznites; of Eri, the family of the
18 for they harassed you with Ex. 6:14; Erites;
their aschemes1 by which they 1 Chr. 5:13 17 of 1Arod, the family of the Aro-
seduced you in the matter of Peor 9 aNum. 1:16; dites; of Areli, the family of the Are-
and in the matter of Cozbi, the 16:1, 2 lites.
daughter of a leader of Midian, their 10 aNum. 18 These are the families of the
sister, who was killed in the day of 16:3235
bNum. sons of Gad according to those who
the plague because of Peor. 16:3840; were numbered of them: forty thou-
The Second Census of Israel
1 Cor. 10:6; sand five hundred.
2 Pet. 2:6 19 aThe sons of Judah were Er and
And it came to pass, after the 11 aEx. 6:24; Onan; and Er and Onan died in the
26 aplague, that the LORD spoke
to Moses and Eleazar the son of
1 Chr. 6:22, 23
12 1Jemuel,
land of Canaan.
20 And athe sons of Judah accord-
Gen. 46:10;
Aaron the priest, saying: Ex. 6:15 ing to their families were: of Shelah,
2 aTake a census of all the con- 2Jarib, 1 Chr.
the family of the Shelanites; of
4:24 Perez, the family of the Parzites; of
gregation of the children of Israel
bfrom twenty years old and above, 13 1Zohar, Zerah, the family of the Zarhites.
Gen. 46:10
by their fathers houses, all who are 21 And the sons of Perez were: of
15 1Ziphion,
able to go to war in Israel. Gen. 46:16 Hezron, the family of the Hezronites;
3 So Moses and Eleazar the priest 16 1Ezbon, of Hamul, the family of the Hamulites.
spoke with them ain the plains of Gen. 46:16 22 These are the families of Judah
Moab by the Jordan, across from 17 1Sam., Syr. according to those who were num-
Jericho, saying: Arodi and bered of them: seventy-six thousand
4 Take a census of the people Gen. 46:16 five hundred.
from twenty years old and above, 19 aGen. 38:2; 23 The sons of Issachar according
just as the LORD acommanded to their families were: of Tola, the
20 a1 Chr. 2:3 family of the Tolaites; of 1Puah, the
Moses and the children of Israel
who came out of the land of Egypt. 23 1So with family of the 2Punites;
Sam., LXX,
5 aReuben was the firstborn of Syr., Vg.; Heb. 24 of 1Jashub, the family of the
Israel. The children of Reuben were: Puvah, Gen. Jashubites; of Shimron, the family
of Hanoch, the family of the 46:13; 1 Chr. of the Shimronites.
7:1 2Sam.,
Hanochites; of Pallu, the family of LXX, Syr., Vg. 25 These are the families of
the Palluites; Puaites Issachar according to those who
6 of Hezron, the family of the 24 1Job, Gen. were numbered of them: sixty-four
Hezronites; of Carmi, the family of 46:13 thousand three hundred.
the Carmites. 26 aGen. 46:14 26 aThe sons of Zebulun according
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145 NUMBERS 26:62

to their families were: of Sered, the 28 aGen. 46:20; 44 aThe sons of Asher according to
family of the Sardites; of Elon, Deut. 33:16 their families were: of Jimna, the
the family of the Elonites; of family of the Jimnites; of Jesui, the
Jahleel, the family of the Jahleelites. 29 aJosh. 17:1
b1 Chr. 7:14,
family of the Jesuites; of Beriah,
27 These are the families of the 15
the family of the Beriites.
Zebulunites according to those who 45 Of the sons of Beriah: of Heber,
were numbered of them: sixty thou- the family of the Heberites; of Mal-
sand five hundred. 30 1Abiezer, chiel, the family of the Malchielites.
Josh. 17:2
28 aThe sons of Joseph according 46 And the name of the daughter of
to their families, by Manasseh and Asher was Serah.
Ephraim, were: 33 aNum. 27:1; 47 These are the families of the
29 The sons of aManasseh: of sons of Asher according to those
bMachir, the family of the Machirites; who were numbered of them: fifty-
and Machir begot Gilead; of Gilead, 35 1Bered, three thousand four hundred.
1 Chr. 7:20
the family of the Gileadites. 48 aThe sons of Naphtali according
30 These are the sons of Gilead: of to their families were: of 1Jahzeel,
1Jeezer, the family of the Jeezerites; 38 aGen. 46:21; the family of the Jahzeelites; of
1 Chr. 7:6
of Helek, the family of the Helekites; bGen. 46:21; Guni, the family of the Gunites;
31 of Asriel, the family of the 1 Chr. 8:1, 2 49 of Jezer, the family of the
Asrielites; of Shechem, the family of Jezerites; of aShillem, the family of
the Shechemites; 39 a1 Chr. 7:12 the Shillemites.
32 of Shemida, the family of the 1MT Sheph- 50 These are the families of Naph-
Shemidaites; of Hepher, the family upham; tali according to their families; and
of the Hepherites. Shephuphan, those who were numbered of them
1 Chr. 8:5
33 Now aZelophehad the son of 2Huppim, were forty-five thousand four hun-
Hepher had no sons, but daughters; Gen. 46:21 dred.
and the names of the daughters of 51 aThese are those who were
Zelophehad were Mahlah, Noah, 40 a1 Chr. 8:3 numbered of the children of Israel:
Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. 1Addar, 1 Chr. six hundred and one thousand
34 These are the families of Manas- 8:3 seven hundred and thirty.
seh; and those who were numbered 52 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
of them were fifty-two thousand 42 1Hushim, saying:
seven hundred. Gen. 46:23 53 aTo these the land shall be bdi-
35 These are the sons of Ephraim vided as an inheritance, according
according to their families: of 44 aGen. 46:17; to the number of names.
Shuthelah, the family of the Shuthal- 1 Chr. 7:30 54 aTo a large tribe you shall give
hites; of 1Becher, the family of the a larger inheritance, and to a small
Bachrites; of Tahan, the family of the 48 aGen. 46:24; tribe you shall give a smaller inher-
Tahanites. 1 Chr. 7:13
itance. Each shall be given its inher-
36 And these are the sons of 1 Chr. 7:13
itance according to those who were
Shuthelah: of Eran, the family of the numbered of them.
Eranites. 55 But the land shall be adivided
37 These are the families of the 49 a1 Chr. 7:13 by lot; they shall inherit according
sons of Ephraim according to those to the names of the tribes of their
who were numbered of them: thirty- 51 aEx. 12:37; fathers.
two thousand five hundred. These 38:26; Num. 56 According to the lot their inher-
1:46; 11:21
are the sons of Joseph according to itance shall be divided between the
their families. larger and the smaller.
38 aThe sons of Benjamin accord- 53 aJosh. 57 aAnd these are those who were
11:23; 14:1
ing to their families were: of Bela, bNum. 33:54 numbered of the Levites according
the family of the Belaites; of Ashbel, to their families: of Gershon, the
the family of the Ashbelites; of bAhi- family of the Gershonites; of Kohath,
54 aNum. 33:54
ram, the family of the Ahiramites; the family of the Kohathites; of Me-
39 of aShupham,1 the family of the rari, the family of the Merarites.
Shuphamites; of 2Hupham, the fam- 55 aNum. 58 These are the families of the Le-
33:54; 34:13;
ily of the Huphamites. Josh. 11:23; vites: the family of the Libnites, the
40 And the sons of Bela were 1Ard 14:2 family of the Hebronites, the family
and Naaman: aof Ard, the family of of the Mahlites, the family of the
the Ardites; of Naaman, the family 57 aGen. 46:11; Mushites, and the family of the Ko-
of the Naamites. Ex. 6:1619; rathites. And Kohath begot Amram.
41 These are the sons of Benjamin Num. 3:15; 59 The name of Amrams wife was
according to their families; and those 1 Chr. 6:1, 16 aJochebed the daughter of Levi, who
who were numbered of them were was born to Levi in Egypt; and to
forty-five thousand six hundred. 59 aEx. 2:1, 2; Amram she bore Aaron and Moses
42 These are the sons of Dan 6:20 and their sister Miriam.
according to their families: of 60 aTo Aaron were born Nadab and
1Shuham, the family of the Shuham- 60 aNum. 3:2 Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
ites. These are the families of Dan 61 And aNadab and Abihu died
according to their families. 61 aLev. 10:1, when they offered profane fire
43 All the families of the Shuham- 2; Num. 3:3, 4; before the LORD.
ites, according to those who were 1 Chr. 24:2 62 aNow those who were numbered
numbered of them, were sixty-four of them were twenty-three thousand,
thousand four hundred. 62 aNum. 3:39 every male from a month old and
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NUMBERS 26:63 146

above; bfor they were not numbered 62 bNum. 1:49 of Israel aa statute of judgment, just
cNum. 18:20,
among the other children of Israel, 23, 24
as the LORD commanded Moses.
because there was cno inheritance
given to them among the children of Joshua the Next Leader of Israel
63 aNum. 26:3
Israel. 12 Now the LORD said to Moses:
63 These are those who were num- 64 aNum. aGo up into this Mount Abarim,
bered by Moses and Eleazar the 14:2935 and see the land which I have given
priest, who numbered the children bNum. 1:146
to the children of Israel.
of Israel ain the plains of Moab by 13 And when you have seen it, you
the Jordan, across from Jericho. 65 aNum. also ashall 1be gathered to your peo-
64 aBut among these there was not 14:2635
bNum. 14:30 ple, as Aaron your brother was
a man of those who were numbered gathered.
by Moses and Aaron the priest 14 For in the Wilderness of Zin,
when they numbered the children of CHAPTER 27
Israel in the bWilderness of Sinai. during the strife of the congrega-
65 For the LORD had said of them, 1 aNum. 26:33; tion, you arebelled against My com-
They ashall surely die in the wilder- 36:1, 11 mand to hallow Me at the waters
ness. So there was not left a man of before their eyes. (These are the
3 aNum. 14:35; bwaters of Meribah, at Kadesh in the
them, bexcept Caleb the son of Je- 26:64, 65 Wilderness of Zin.)
phunneh and Joshua the son of bNum. 16:1, 2
15 Then Moses spoke to the LORD,
4 aDeut. 25:6
Inheritance Laws bJosh. 17:4 16 Let the LORD, athe God of the
1withdrawn spirits of all flesh, set a man over the
Then came the daughters of
27 aZelophehad the son of He-
pher, the son of Gilead, the son of
2inheritance congregation,
17 awho may go out before them
5 aEx. and go in before them, who may
Machir, the son of Manasseh, from 18:1326 lead them out and bring them in,
the families of Manasseh the son of that the congregation of the LORD
Joseph; and these were the names 7 aNum. 36:2 may not be blike sheep which have
of his daughters: Mahlah, Noah, no shepherd.
Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. 11 aNum. 18 And the LORD said to Moses:
2 And they stood before Moses, 35:29
Take Joshua the son of Nun with
before Eleazar the priest, and you, a man ain whom is the Spirit,
before the leaders and all the con- 12 aNum.
33:47 and blay your hand on him;
gregation, by the doorway of the 19 set him before Eleazar the
tabernacle of meeting, saying: 13 aDeut. 10:6; priest and before all the congrega-
3 Our father adied in the wilder- 34:5, 6 1Die tion, and ainaugurate1 him in their
ness; but he was not in the company and join your sight.
of those who gathered together ancestors
20 And ayou shall give some of your
against the LORD, bin company with authority to him, that all the congre-
Korah, but he died in his own sin; 14 aPs. 106:32,
gation of the children of Israel bmay
and he had no sons. 33 bEx. 17:7
be obedient.
4 Why should the name of our 21 aHe shall stand before Eleazar
father be aremoved1 from among his 16 aNum.
16:22 the priest, who shall inquire before
family because he had no son? the LORD for him bby the judgment
bGive us a 2possession among our
17 aDeut. 31:2 of the Urim. cAt his word they shall
fathers brothers. bZech. 10:2 go out, and at his word they shall
5 So Moses abrought their case come in, he and all the children of
before the LORD. 18 aGen. 41:38 Israel with himall the congrega-
6 And the LORD spoke to Moses, bDeut. 34:9
saying: 22 So Moses did as the LORD com-
7 The daughters of Zelophehad 19 aDeut. 3:28; manded him. He took Joshua and
speak what is right; ayou shall sure- 31:3, 7, 8, 23
set him before Eleazar the priest
ly give them a possession of inheri- and before all the congregation.
tance among their fathers brothers, 23 And he laid his hands on him
and cause the inheritance of their 20 aNum.
11:17 bJosh. aand 1inaugurated him, just as the
father to pass to them.
8 And you shall speak to the chil-
1:1618 LORD commanded by the hand of
dren of Israel, saying: If a man dies Moses.
21 a1 Sam.
and has no son, then you shall cause 23:9; 30:7 Daily Offerings
his inheritance to pass to his daugh- bEx. 28:30
c1 Sam. 22:10
Now the LORD spoke to Mo-
9 If he has no daughter, then you
shall give his inheritance to his 23 aDeut. 3:28;
28 ses, saying,
2 Command the children of
brothers. 31:7, 8 1com- Israel, and say to them, My offer-
10 If he has no brothers, then you ing, aMy food for My offerings made
shall give his inheritance to his CHAPTER 28 by fire as a sweet aroma to Me, you
fathers brothers. shall be careful to offer to Me at
11 And if his father has no broth- 2 aLev. 3:11;
their appointed time.
ers, then you shall give his inheri- 21:6, 8 3 And you shall say to them,
tance to the relative closest to him aThis is the offering made by fire
in his family, and he shall possess 3 aEx. which you shall offer to the LORD:
it. And it shall be to the children 29:3842 two male lambs in their first year
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147 NUMBERS 29:5

without blemish, day by day, as a 5 aEx. 16:36; 19 And you shall present an offer-
regular burnt offering. Num. 15:4 ing made by fire as a burnt offering
bLev. 2:1
4 The one lamb you shall offer in to the LORD: two young bulls, one
the morning, the other lamb you ram, and seven lambs in their first
shall offer in the evening, 6 aEx. 29:42; year. aBe sure they are without
Amos 5:25
5 and aone-tenth of an ephah of blemish.
fine flour as a bgrain offering mixed 20 Their grain offering shall be of
7 aEx. 29:42 fine flour mixed with oil: three-
with one-fourth of a hin of pressed
oil. tenths of an ephah you shall offer
6 It is aa regular burnt offering 8 1pleasing for a bull, and two-tenths for a ram;
which was ordained at Mount Sinai 21 you shall offer one-tenth of an
for a sweet aroma, an offering made 10 aEzek. 46:4 ephah for each of the seven lambs;
by fire to the LORD. 22 also aone goat as a sin offering,
7 And its drink offering shall be 11 aNum. to make 1atonement for you.
one-fourth of a hin for each lamb; 10:10; 1 Sam. 23 You shall offer these besides
ain a holy place you shall pour out 20:5; 1 Chr. the burnt offering of the morning,
the drink to the LORD as an offering. 23:31; 2 Chr. which is for a regular burnt offer-
2:4; Ezra 3:5;
8 The other lamb you shall offer Neh. 10:33; Is. ing.
in the evening; as the morning grain 1:13, 14; Ezek. 24 In this manner you shall offer
offering and its drink offering, you 45:17; 46:6, 7; the food of the offering made by fire
Hos. 2:11; Col. daily for seven days, as a sweet
shall offer it as an offering made by 2:16
fire, a 1sweet aroma to the LORD. aroma to the LORD; it shall be
offered besides the regular burnt
Sabbath Offerings 12 aNum. offering and its drink offering.
25 And aon the seventh day you
9 And on the Sabbath day two shall have a holy convocation. You
lambs in their first year, without 15 aNum. shall do no customary work.
blemish, and two-tenths of an ephah 15:24; 28:3, 22
of fine flour as a grain offering, Offerings at the Feast of Weeks
mixed with oil, with its drink offer- 16 aEx.
ing 12:120; Lev. 26 Also aon the day of the first-
10 this is athe burnt offering for 23:58; Num. fruits, when you bring a new grain
every Sabbath, besides the regular 9:25; Deut. offering to the LORD at your Feast
16:18; Ezek. of Weeks, you shall have a holy con-
burnt offering with its drink offer- 45:21
ing. vocation.You shall do no customary
17 aLev. 23:6 27 You shall present a burnt offer-
Monthly Offerings
ing as a sweet aroma to the LORD:
11 At the beginnings of your
18 aEx. 12:16; atwo young bulls, one ram, and
months you shall present a burnt Lev. 23:7 seven lambs in their first year,
1assembly or
offering to the LORD: two young 28 with their grain offering of fine
bulls, one ram, and seven lambs in 2occupational flour mixed with oil: three-tenths of
their first year, without blemish; an ephah for each bull, two-tenths
12 athree-tenths of an ephah of fine for the one ram,
19 aLev. 22:20;
flour as a grain offering, mixed with Num. 28:31; 29 and one-tenth for each of the
oil, for each bull; two-tenths of an 29:8; Deut. seven lambs;
ephah of fine flour as a grain offer- 15:21 30 also one kid of the goats, to
ing, mixed with oil, for the one ram; make 1atonement for you.
13 and one-tenth of an ephah of 22 aNum. 28:15 31 aBe sure they are without
fine flour, mixed with oil, as a grain 1Lit. covering 1blemish. You shall present them
offering for each lamb, as a burnt with their drink offerings, besides
offering of sweet aroma, an offering 25 aEx. 12:16; the regular burnt offering with its
made by fire to the LORD. 13:6; Lev. 23:8 grain offering.
14 Their drink offering shall be
half a hin of wine for a bull, one- 26 aEx. 23:16; Offerings at the Feast of Trumpets
third of a hin for a ram, and one- 34:22; Lev.
And in the seventh month, on
fourth of a hin for a lamb; this is the
burnt offering for each month
Deut. 16:912;
Acts 2:1
29 the first day of the month, you
shall have a holy convocation. You
throughout the months of the year. shall do no customary work. For
15 Also aone kid of the goats as a 27 aLev. 23:18, you ait is a day of blowing the trum-
sin offering to the LORD shall be 19 pets.
offered, besides the regular burnt 2 You shall offer a burnt offering
offering and its drink offering. 30 1Lit. cover- as a sweet aroma to the LORD: one
Offerings at Passover ing young bull, one ram, and seven
lambs in their first year, without
16 aOn the fourteenth day of the 31 aNum. 28:3, blemish.
first month is the Passover of the 19 1defect 3 Their grain offering shall be
LORD. fine flour mixed with oil: three-
17 aAnd on the fifteenth day of this tenths of an ephah for the bull, two-
month is the feast; unleavened CHAPTER 29 tenths for the ram,
bread shall be eaten for seven days. 4 and one-tenth for each of the
18 On the afirst day you shall have 1 aEx. 23:16;
seven lambs;
a holy 1convocation.You shall do no 34:22; Lev. 5 also one kid of the goats as a sin
2customary work. 23:2325 offering, to make atonement for you;
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NUMBERS 29:6 148

6 besides athe burnt offering with 6 aNum. the rams, and for the lambs, by their
its grain offering for the New Moon, 28:1115 number, aaccording to the ordinance;
bNum. 28:3
bthe regular burnt offering with its cNum. 22 also one goat as a sin offering,
grain offering, and their drink offer- 15:11, 12 besides the regular burnt offering, its
ings, caccording to their ordinance, grain offering, and its drink offering.
as a sweet aroma, an offering made 23 On the fourth day present ten
by fire to the LORD. bulls, two rams, and fourteen lambs
in their first year, without blemish,
Offerings on the Day of Atonement 24 and their grain offering and
7 aLev.
7 aOn the tenth day of this sev- 16:2934; their drink offerings for the bulls, for
enth month you shall have a holy 23:2632 bPs. the rams, and for the lambs, by their
35:13; Is. 58:5 number, according to the ordinance;
convocation. You shall bafflict your
souls; you shall not do any work. 25 also one kid of the goats as a sin
8 You shall present a burnt offer- offering, besides the regular burnt
ing to the LORD as a sweet aroma: offering, its grain offering, and its
one young bull, one ram, and seven drink offering.
lambs in their first year. aBe sure 8 aNum. 28:19 26 On the fifth day present nine
they are without blemish. bulls, two rams, and fourteen lambs
9 Their grain offering shall be of in their first year without blemish,
fine flour mixed with oil: three- 27 and their grain offering and
tenths of an ephah for the bull, two- their drink offerings for the bulls, for
tenths for the one ram, the rams, and for the lambs, by their
11 aLev. 16:3, 5
10 and one-tenth for each of the number, according to the ordinance;
seven lambs; 28 also one goat as a sin offering,
11 also one kid of the goats as a besides the regular burnt offering, its
sin offering, besides athe sin offer- grain offering, and its drink offering.
ing for atonement, the regular burnt 29 On the sixth day present eight
offering with its grain offering, and 12 aLev. bulls, two rams, and fourteen lambs
23:3335; in their first year without blemish,
their drink offerings. Deut.
30 and their grain offering and
Offerings at the Feast of Ezek. 45:25 their drink offerings for the bulls, for
Tabernacles the rams, and for the lambs, by their
number, according to the ordinance;
12 aOn the fifteenth day of the sev- 31 also one goat as a sin offering,
enth month you shall have a holy besides the regular burnt offering, its
convocation. You shall do no cus- grain offering, and its drink offering.
tomary work, and you shall keep a 13 aEzra 3:4
32 On the seventh day present
feast to the LORD seven days. seven bulls, two rams, and fourteen
13 aYou shall present a burnt offer- lambs in their first year without
ing, an offering made by fire as a blemish,
sweet aroma to the LORD: thirteen 33 and their grain offering and
young bulls, two rams, and fourteen 17 aLev. 23:36 their drink offerings for the bulls, for
lambs in their first year. They shall the rams, and for the lambs, by their
be without blemish. number, according to the ordinance;
14 Their grain offering shall be of 34 also one goat as a sin offering,
fine flour mixed with oil: three- besides the regular burnt offering,
tenths of an ephah for each of the 18 aNum. its grain offering, and its drink
thirteen bulls, two-tenths for each of 15:12; 28:7, offering.
the two rams, 14; 29:3, 4, 9, 35 On the eighth day you shall have
15 and one-tenth for each of the 10 a asacred1 assembly. You shall do no
fourteen lambs; customary work.
16 also one kid of the goats as a 36 You shall present a burnt offer-
sin offering, besides the regular ing, an offering made by fire as a
burnt offering, its grain offering, sweet aroma to the LORD: one bull,
and its drink offering. 21 aNum. 29:18 one ram, seven lambs in their first
17 On the asecond day present year without blemish,
twelve young bulls, two rams, four- 37 and their grain offering and
teen lambs in their first year with- their drink offerings for the bull, for
out blemish, the ram, and for the lambs, by their
18 and their grain offering and number, according to the ordinance;
35 aLev. 23:36
their drink offerings for the bulls, 1solemn 38 also one goat as a sin offering,
for the rams, and for the lambs, by besides the regular burnt offering, its
their number, aaccording to the ordi- grain offering, and its drink offering.
nance; 39 These you shall present to the
19 also one kid of the goats as a LORD at your aappointed feasts
sin offering, besides the regular (besides your bvowed offerings and
burnt offering with its grain offer- 39 aLev. your freewill offerings) as your burnt
ing, and their drink offerings. 1 Chr. 23:31; offerings and your grain offerings, as
20 On the third day present eleven 2 Chr. 31:3; your drink offerings and your peace
bulls, two rams, fourteen lambs in Ezra 3:5; Neh. offerings.
their first year without blemish, 10:33; Is. 1:14 40 So Moses told the children of
bLev. 7:16;
21 and their grain offering and 22:18, 21, 23; Israel everything, just as the LORD
their drink offerings for the bulls, for 23:38 commanded Moses.
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149 NUMBERS 31:14

The Law Concerning Vows CHAPTER 30 he confirms them, because he made
no response to her on the day that he
Then Moses spoke to athe
30 heads of the tribes concerning
the children of Israel, saying, This
heard them.
15 But if he does make them void
after he has heard them, then he
is the thing which the LORD has 1 aNum. 1:4,
shall bear her guilt.
commanded: 16; 7:2
16 These are the statutes which the
2 aIf a man makes a vow to the LORD commanded Moses, between
LORD, or bswears an oath to bind a man and his wife, and between a
himself by some agreement, he shall father and his daughter in her youth
not break his word; he shall cdo 2 aLev. 27:2;
in her fathers house.
according to all that proceeds out of Deut.
his mouth. Judg. 11:30, Vengeance on the Midianites
3 Or if a woman makes a vow to 31, 35; Eccl.
And the LORD spoke to Moses,
the LORD, and binds herself by some
agreement while in her fathers
house in her youth,
5:4 bLev. 5:4;
Matt. 14:9;
Acts 23:14
2 a
Take vengeance on the Midi-
cJob 22:27; Ps.
4 and her father hears her vow 22:25; 50:14; anites for the children of Israel.
and the agreement by which she has 66:13, 14; Afterward you shall bbe gathered to
bound herself, and her father 1holds Nah. 1:15 your people.
his peace, then all her vows shall 3 So Moses spoke to the people,
stand, and every agreement with saying, Arm some of yourselves for
which she has bound herself shall war, and let them go against the
stand. 4 1says noth- Midianites to take vengeance for
5 But if her father overrules her ing to inter- the LORD on aMidian.
on the day that he hears, then none 4 A thousand from each tribe of
of her vows nor her agreements by all the tribes of Israel you shall send
which she has bound herself shall to the war.
stand; and the LORD will release her, 5 So there were recruited from
because her father overruled her. 8 a[Gen. 3:16] the divisions of Israel one thousand
6 If indeed she takes a husband, from each tribe, twelve thousand
while bound by her vows or by a armed for war.
rash utterance from her lips by 6 Then Moses sent them to the
which she bound herself, 12 1annulled war, one thousand from each tribe;
7 and her husband hears it, and or invalidated he sent them to the war with Phine-
makes no response to her on the has the son of Eleazar the priest,
day that he hears, then her vows with the holy articles and athe sig-
shall stand, and her agreements by nal trumpets in his hand.
which she bound herself shall 7 And they warred against the
stand. CHAPTER 31 Midianites, just as the LORD com-
8 But if her husband aoverrules manded Moses, and athey killed all
her on the day that he hears it, he the bmales.
shall make void her vow which she 8 They killed the kings of Midian
took and what she uttered with her with the rest of those who were
lips, by which she bound herself, 2 aNum. 25:17
bNum. 27:12, killedaEvi, Rekem, bZur, Hur, and
and the LORD will release her. 13 Reba, the five kings of Midian. cBa-
9 Also any vow of a widow or a laam the son of Beor they also killed
divorced woman, by which she has with the sword.
bound herself, shall stand against 9 And the children of Israel took
her. 3 aJosh. 13:21 the women of Midian captive, with
10 If she vowed in her husbands their little ones, and took as spoil
house, or bound herself by an agree- all their cattle, all their flocks, and
ment with an oath, all their goods.
11 and her husband heard it, and 10 They also burned with fire all
made no response to her and did not 6 aNum. 10:9
the cities where they dwelt, and all
overrule her, then all her vows shall their forts.
stand, and every agreement by 11 And athey took all the spoil and
which she bound herself shall stand. all the bootyof man and beast.
12 But if her husband truly made 7 aDeut. 20:13;
them void on the day he heard Judg. 21:11; Return from the War
them, then whatever proceeded 1 Sam. 27:9;
1 Kin. 11:15,
from her lips concerning her vows 16 bGen. 34:25
12 Then they brought the captives,
or concerning the agreement bind- the booty, and the spoil to Moses, to
ing her, it shall not stand; her hus- Eleazar the priest, and to the con-
band has made them 1void, and the gregation of the children of Israel,
LORD will release her. to the camp in the plains of Moab by
8 aJosh. 13:21 the Jordan, across from Jericho.
13 Every vow and every binding bNum. 25:15
oath to afflict her soul, her husband cNum. 31:16; 13 And Moses, Eleazar the priest,
may confirm it, or her husband may Josh. 13:22 and all the leaders of the congrega-
make it void. tion, went to meet them outside the
14 Now if her husband makes no camp.
response whatever to her from day 14 But Moses was angry with the
to day, then he confirms all her vows 11 aDeut. officers of the army, with the cap-
or all the agreements that bind her; 20:14 tains over thousands and captains
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NUMBERS 31:15 150

over hundreds, who had come from 15 aDeut. 20:14 32 The booty remaining from the
the battle. plunder, which the men of war had
15 And Moses said to them: Have taken, was six hundred and seventy-
you kept aall the women alive? 16 aNum. 25:2 five thousand sheep,
16 Look, athese women caused the bNum. 24:14;
33 seventy-two thousand cattle,
2 Pet. 2:15;
children of Israel, through the bcoun- Rev. 2:14 34 sixty-one thousand donkeys,
sel of Balaam, to trespass against cNum. 25:9 35 and thirty-two thousand per-
the LORD in the incident of Peor, and sons in all, of women who had not
cthere was a plague among the con- known a man intimately.
gregation of the LORD. 17 aDeut. 7:2; 36 And the half, the portion for
17 Now therefore, akill every male 20:1618; those who had gone out to war, was
among the little ones, and kill every Judg. 21:11 in number three hundred and thirty-
woman who has known a man inti- seven thousand five hundred sheep;
mately. 37 and the LORDs 1tribute of the
18 But keep alive afor yourselves 18 aDeut. sheep was six hundred and seventy-
all the young girls who have not 21:1014 five.
known a man intimately. 38 The cattle were thirty-six thou-
19 And as for you, aremain outside sand, of which the LORDs tribute
the camp seven days; whoever has 19 aNum. 5:2
was seventy-two.
killed any person, and bwhoever has
39 The donkeys were thirty thou-
touched any slain, purify yourselves sand five hundred, of which the
and your captives on the third day LORDs tribute was sixty-one.
and on the seventh day. 40 The persons were sixteen thou-
20 Purify every garment, every- 21 1statute
sand, of which the LORDs tribute
thing made of leather, everything was thirty-two persons.
woven of goats hair, and everything 41 So Moses gave the tribute which
made of wood. 23 aNum. 19:9, was the LORDs heave offering to
21 Then Eleazar the priest said to 17
Eleazar the priest, aas the LORD
the men of war who had gone to the commanded Moses.
battle, This is the 1ordinance of the 42 And from the children of
law which the LORD commanded 24 aLev. 11:25 Israels half, which Moses separated
Moses: from the men who fought
22 Only the gold, the silver, the 43 now the half belonging to the
bronze, the iron, the tin, and the lead, 26 1captured congregation was three hundred
23 everything that can endure fire, and thirty-seven thousand five hun-
you shall put through the fire, and it dred sheep,
shall be clean; and it shall be puri- 27 aJosh. 22:8; 44 thirty-six thousand cattle,
fied awith the water of purification. 1 Sam. 30:24 45 thirty thousand five hundred
But all that cannot endure fire you donkeys,
shall put through water. 46 and sixteen thousand persons
24 aAnd you shall wash your 28 aNum. 47 and afrom the children of
clothes on the seventh day and be 31:30, 47 1tax Israels half Moses took one of
clean, and afterward you may come every fifty, drawn from man and
into the camp. beast, and gave them to the Levites,
29 aDeut. who kept charge of the tabernacle
Division of the Plunder 18:15
of the LORD, as the LORD command-
25 Now the LORD spoke to Moses, ed Moses.
saying: 48 Then the officers who were over
30 aNum. thousands of the army, the captains
26 Count up the plunder that was 31:4247
1takenof man and beastyou and bNum. 3:7, 8, of thousands and captains of hun-
Eleazar the priest and the chief 25, 31, 36; dreds, came near to Moses;
fathers of the congregation; 18:3, 4 1per- 49 and they said to Moses, Your
form the ser- servants have taken a count of the
27 and adivide the plunder into vice
two parts, between those who took men of war who are under our com-
part in the war, who went out to bat- mand, and not a man of us is missing.
tle, and all the congregation. 50 Therefore we have brought an
37 1tax
28 And levy a 1tribute for the offering for the LORD, what every
LORD on the men of war who went man found of ornaments of gold:
out to battle: aone of every five hun- armlets and bracelets and signet
dred of the persons, the cattle, the 41 aNum. 5:9, rings and earrings and necklaces,
10; 18:8, 19 ato make 1atonement for ourselves
donkeys, and the sheep;
29 take it from their half, and before the LORD.
agive it to Eleazar the priest as a 51 So Moses and Eleazar the priest
47 aNum. 31:30 received the gold from them, all the
heave offering to the LORD.
30 And from the children of Israels fashioned ornaments.
half you shall take aone of every fifty, 52 And all the gold of the offering
drawn from the persons, the cattle, 50 aEx. that they offered to the LORD, from
30:1216 1Lit.
the donkeys, and the sheep, from all covering the captains of thousands and cap-
the livestock, and give them to the tains of hundreds, was sixteen thou-
Levites bwho 1keep charge of the tab- sand seven hundred and fifty
ernacle of the LORD. 53 aNum.
31 So Moses and Eleazar the priest 31:32; Deut. 53 a(The men of war had taken
did as the LORD commanded Moses. 20:14 spoil, every man for himself.)
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151 NUMBERS 32:31

54 And Moses and Eleazar the 54 aEx. 30:16 lowing Him, He will once again
priest received the gold from the cap- leave them in the wilderness, and
tains of thousands and of hundreds, CHAPTER 32 you will destroy all these people.
and brought it into the tabernacle of 16 Then they came near to him and
meeting aas a memorial for the chil- 1 aNum. 21:32; said: We will build sheepfolds here
Josh. 13:25;
dren of Israel before the LORD. 2 Sam. 24:5 for our livestock, and cities for our
bDeut. 3:13 little ones,
The Tribes Settling East of the 17 but awe ourselves will be
Jordan 3 aNum. 32:36
bJosh. 13:17, armed, ready to go before the chil-
Now the children of Reuben 26 cNum. dren of Israel until we have brought
32 and the children of Gad had a
very great multitude of livestock;
32:38 dNum.
them to their place; and our little
ones will dwell in the fortified cities
and when they saw the land of 4 aNum. 21:24, because of the inhabitants of the
34, 35 land.
aJazer and the land of bGilead, that
indeed the region was a place for 7 aNum. 18 aWe will not return to our
13:2714:4 homes until every one of the chil-
2 the children of Gad and the chil- 8 aNum. 13:3, dren of Israel has 1received his
dren of Reuben came and spoke to 26 bDeut. inheritance.
1:1925 19 For we will not inherit with
Moses, to Eleazar the priest, and to
the leaders of the congregation, say- 9 aNum. 13:24, them on the other side of the Jordan
ing, 31; Deut. 1:24, and beyond, abecause our inheri-
28 tance has fallen to us on this eastern
3 Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, aNimrah,
bHeshbon, Elealeh, cShebam, Nebo, 10 aNum. side of the Jordan.
14:11; Deut. 20 Then aMoses said to them: If
and dBeon, 1:3436
4 the country awhich the LORD you do this thing, if you arm your-
defeated before the congregation of 11 aNum. selves before the LORD for the war,
14:28, 29; 21 and all your armed men cross
Israel, is a land for livestock, and 26:6365;
your servants have livestock. Deut. 1:35 over the Jordan before the LORD
5 Therefore they said, If we have bNum. 14:24, until He has driven out His enemies
found favor in your sight, let this land 30 from before Him,
be given to your servants as a posses- 12 aNum. 22 and athe land is subdued before
sion. Do not take us over the Jordan. 14:69, 24, 30; the LORD, then afterward byou may
Deut. 1:36; return and be blameless before the
6 And Moses said to the children Josh. 14:8, 9
of Gad and to the children of LORD and before Israel; and cthis
Reuben: Shall your brethren go to 13 aNum. land shall be your possession before
14:3335 the LORD.
war while you sit here? bNum. 26:64,
7 Now why will you adiscourage 65 23 But if you do not do so, then
the heart of the children of Israel take note, you have sinned against
14 aNum. 11:1;
from going over into the land which Deut. 1:34 the LORD; and be sure ayour sin will
the LORD has given them? find you out.
15 aDeut. 24 aBuild cities for your little ones
8 Thus your fathers did awhen I 30:17, 18;
sent them away from Kadesh Josh. and folds for your sheep, and do
1what has proceeded out of your
Barnea bto see the land. 22:1618;
9 For awhen they went up to the 2 Chr. 7:19; mouth.
15:2 25 And the children of Gad and the
Valley of Eshcol and saw the land,
they discouraged the heart of the 17 aJosh. 4:12, children of Reuben spoke to Moses,
children of Israel, so that they did 13 saying: Your servants will do as my
not go into the land which the LORD 18 aJosh. lord commands.
had given them. 22:14 1pos- 26 aOur little ones, our wives, our
sessed flocks, and all our livestock will be
10 aSo the LORDs anger was
aroused on that day, and He swore 19 aJosh. 12:1; there in the cities of Gilead;
an oath, saying, 13:8 27 abut your servants will cross
11 Surely none of the men who 20 aDeut. 3:18; over, every man armed for war,
came up from Egypt, afrom twenty Josh. 1:14 before the LORD to battle, just as my
years old and above, shall see the 22 aDeut. 3:20; lord says.
land of which I swore to Abraham, Josh. 11:23 28 So Moses gave command acon-
Isaac, and Jacob, because bthey bJosh. 22:4
cDeut. 3:12,
cerning them to Eleazar the priest,
have not wholly followed Me, 15, 16, 18;
to Joshua the son of Nun, and to the
12 except Caleb the son of Jephun- Josh. 1:15; chief fathers of the tribes of the chil-
neh, the Kenizzite, and Joshua the 13:8, 32; 22:4, dren of Israel.
son of Nun, afor they have wholly 9 29 And Moses said to them: If the
followed the LORD. 23 aGen. 4:7; children of Gad and the children of
13 So the LORDs anger was 44:16; Josh. Reuben cross over the Jordan with
aroused against Israel, and He made 7:126; Is. you, every man armed for battle
59:12; [Gal.
them awander in the wilderness 6:7] before the LORD, and the land is
forty years, until ball the generation subdued before you, then you shall
that had done evil in the sight of the 24 aNum. 32:16 give them the land of Gilead as a
1what you
LORD was gone. said you possession.
14 And look! You have risen in your would do 30 But if they do not cross over
fathers place, a brood of sinful men, 26 aJosh. 1:14 armed with you, they shall have
to increase still more the afierce possessions among you in the land
anger of the LORD against Israel. 27 aJosh. 4:12 of Canaan.
15 For if you aturn away from fol- 28 aJosh. 1:13 31 Then the children of Gad and the
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NUMBERS 32:32 152

children of Reuben answered, say- 33 aDeut. turned back to Pi Hahiroth, which is
ing: As the LORD has said to your 3:817; 29:8; east of Baal Zephon; and they
Josh. 12:16;
servants, so we will do. 13:831; 22:4 camped near Migdol.
32 We will cross over armed bNum. 21:24, 8 They departed 1from before
before the LORD into the land of 33, 35 Hahiroth and apassed through the
Canaan, but the possession of our 34 aNum. midst of the sea into the wilderness,
inheritance shall remain with us on 33:45, 46
bDeut. 2:36
went three days journey in the
this side of the Jordan. Wilderness of Etham, and camped at
33 So aMoses gave to the children of 35 aNum. Marah.
Gad, to the children of Reuben, and 32:1, 3 9 They moved from Marah and
to half the tribe of Manasseh the son acame to Elim. At Elim were twelve
36 aNum. 32:3
of Joseph, bthe kingdom of Sihon bNum. 32:24 springs of water and seventy palm
king of the Amorites and the king- 37 aNum. 21:27 trees; so they camped there.
dom of Og king of Bashan, the land 10 They moved from Elim and
with its cities within the borders, the 38 aIs. 46:1
bEzek. 25:9 camped by the Red Sea.
cities of the surrounding country. cEx. 23:13; 11 They moved from the Red Sea
34 And the children of Gad built Josh. 23:7 and camped in the aWilderness of Sin.
aDibon and Ataroth and bAroer, 12 They journeyed from the
39 aGen. 50:23;
35 Atroth and Shophan and aJazer Num. 27:1; Wilderness of Sin and camped at
and Jogbehah, 36:1 1drove Dophkah.
36 aBeth Nimrah and Beth Haran, out 13 They departed from Dophkah
bfortified cities, and folds for sheep. 40 aDeut. 3:12, and camped at Alush.
37 And the children of Reuben 13, 15; Josh. 14 They moved from Alush and
built aHeshbon and Elealeh and Kir- 13:31
camped at aRephidim, where there
jathaim, 41 aDeut. 3:14; was no water for the people to drink.
38 aNebo and bBaal Meon c(their Josh. 13:30 15 They departed from Rephidim
bJudg. 10:4;
names being changed ) and 1 Kin. 4:13 and camped in the aWilderness of
Shibmah; and they gave other 1Lit. Towns of Sinai.
names to the cities which they built. Jair 16 They moved from the Wilder-
39 And the children of aMachir the ness of Sinai and camped aat
son of Manasseh went to Gilead and CHAPTER 33 1Kibroth Hattaavah.
took it, and 1dispossessed the Amo- 17 They departed from Kibroth Hat-
rites who were in it. 1 aPs. 77:20
taavah and acamped at Hazeroth.
40 So Moses agave Gilead to 3 aEx. 12:37 18 They departed from Hazeroth
Machir the son of Manasseh, and he bEx. 12:2; 13:4
cEx. 14:8
and camped at aRithmah.
dwelt in it. 19 They departed from Rithmah
41 Also aJair the son of Manasseh 4 aEx. 12:29 and camped at Rimmon Perez.
b[Ex. 12:12;
went and took its small towns, and 20 They departed from Rimmon
called them bHavoth Jair.1 18:11]; Is. 19:1
Perez and camped at Libnah.
42 Then Nobah went and took 5 aEx. 12:37 21 They moved from Libnah and
Kenath and its villages, and he 6 aEx. 13:20 camped at Rissah.
called it Nobah, after his own name. 22 They journeyed from Rissah
7 aEx. 14:1,
Israels Journey from Egypt 2, 9 and camped at Kehelathah.
Reviewed 8 aEx. 14:22;
23 They went from Kehelathah and
15:22, 23 camped at Mount Shepher.
These are the journeys of the 24 They moved from Mount She-
1Many Heb.

children of Israel, who went mss., Sam., pher and camped at Haradah.
Syr., Tg., Vg. 25 They moved from Haradah and
out of the land of Egypt by their from Pi Hahi-
armies under the ahand of Moses roth; cf. Num. camped at Makheloth.
and Aaron. 33:7 26 They moved from Makheloth
2 Now Moses wrote down the 9 aEx. 15:27 and camped at Tahath.
starting points of their journeys at 27 They departed from Tahath and
11 aEx. 16:1 camped at Terah.
the command of the LORD. And
these are their journeys according 14 aEx. 17:1; 28 They moved from Terah and
to their starting points: 19:2 camped at Mithkah.
3 They adeparted from Rameses 15 aEx. 16:1; 29 They went from Mithkah and
in bthe first month, on the fifteenth 19:1, 2 camped at Hashmonah.
day of the first month; on the day 16 aNum. 11:34 30 They departed from Hashmo-
after the Passover the children of 1Lit. Graves of nah and acamped at Moseroth.
Israel went out cwith boldness in the Craving 31 They departed from Moseroth
sight of all the Egyptians. 17 aNum. 11:35 and camped at Bene Jaakan.
4 For the Egyptians were burying 18 aNum. 12:16
32 They moved from aBene Jaakan
all their firstborn, awhom the LORD and bcamped at Hor Hagidgad.
had killed among them. Also bon 30 aDeut. 10:6 33 They went from Hor Hagidgad
their gods the LORD had executed 32 aDeut. 10:6 and camped at Jotbathah.
judgments. bDeut. 10:7
34 They moved from Jotbathah
5 aThen the children of Israel 35 aDeut. 2:8; and camped at Abronah.
moved from Rameses and camped 1 Kin. 9:26; 35 They departed from Abronah
at Succoth. 22:48 aand camped at Ezion Geber.
6 They departed from aSuccoth 36 aNum. 20:1; 36 They moved from Ezion Geber
and camped at Etham, which is on 27:14 and camped in the aWilderness of
the edge of the wilderness. 37 aNum. Zin, which is Kadesh.
7 aThey moved from Etham and 20:22, 23; 21:4 37 They moved from aKadesh and
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153 NUMBERS 34:15

camped at Mount Hor, on the 38 aNum. and they shall harass you in the land
boundary of the land of Edom. 20:25, 28 where you dwell.
38 Then aAaron the priest went up 56 Moreover it shall be that I will
to Mount Hor at the command of the 40 aNum. 21:1 do to you as I thought to do to
LORD, and died there in the fortieth them.
year after the children of Israel had 43 aNum.
21:10 The Appointed Boundaries of
come out of the land of Egypt, on
the first day of the fifth month. Canaan
44 aNum.
39 Aaron was one hundred and Then the LORD spoke to Mo-
twenty-three years old when he died
on Mount Hor.

45 aNum.
34 ses, saying,
2 Command the children of
40 Now athe king of Arad, the 32:34 1Same Israel, and say to them: When you
Canaanite, who dwelt in the South as Ije Abarim,
v. 44 come into athe land of Canaan, this
in the land of Canaan, heard of the is the land that shall fall to you as an
coming of the children of Israel. inheritancethe land of Canaan to
46 aJer. 48:22
41 So they departed from Mount its boundaries.
Hor and camped at Zalmonah. 3 aYour southern border shall be
47 aDeut.
42 They departed from Zalmonah 32:49 from the Wilderness of Zin along
and camped at Punon. the border of Edom; then your
43 They departed from Punon and 48 aNum. 22:1; southern border shall extend east-
acamped at Oboth.
31:12; 35:1 ward to the end of bthe Salt Sea;
44 aThey departed from Oboth and 4 your border shall turn from the
camped at Ije Abarim, at the border 49 aNum. 25:1 southern side of athe Ascent of
of Moab. 1Heb. Abel
Akrabbim, continue to Zin, and be
45 They departed from 1Ijim and Shittim
on the south of bKadesh Barnea;
camped aat Dibon Gad. then it shall go on to cHazar Addar,
46 They moved from Dibon Gad 51 aJosh. 3:17
and continue to Azmon;
and camped at aAlmon Diblathaim. 5 the border shall turn from
47 They moved from Almon 52 aDeut. 7:2,
5; 12:3 1Places Azmon ato the Brook of Egypt, and
Diblathaim aand camped in the for pagan it shall end at the Sea.
mountains of Abarim, before Nebo. worship 6 As for the awestern border, you
48 They departed from the moun- shall have the Great Sea for a border;
tains of Abarim and acamped in the 53 aDeut. this shall be your western border.
plains of Moab by the Jordan, 11:31
7 And this shall be your northern
across from Jericho. border: From the Great Sea you
49 They camped by the Jordan, 54 aNum.
shall mark out your border line to
from Beth Jesimoth as far as the 26:5356
aMount Hor;
aAbel Acacia Grove1 in the plains of
55 aJosh. 23:13 8 from Mount Hor you shall mark
Moab. out your border ato the entrance of
Instructions for the Conquest of CHAPTER 34 Hamath; then the direction of the
Canaan border shall be toward bZedad;
2 aGen. 17:8 9 the border shall proceed to
50 Now the LORD spoke to Moses Ziphron, and it shall end at aHazar
in the plains of Moab by the Jordan, 3 aJosh. 15:13 Enan. This shall be your northern
across from Jericho, saying, bGen. 14:3 border.
51 Speak to the children of Israel, 10 You shall mark out your east-
and say to them: aWhen you have 4 aJosh. 15:3 ern border from Hazar Enan to
crossed the Jordan into the land of bNum. 13:26; Shepham;
Canaan, 32:8 cJosh. 11 the border shall go down from
15:3, 4
52 athen you shall drive out all the Shepham ato Riblah on the east side
inhabitants of the land from before 5 aJosh. 15:4,
of Ain; the border shall go down and
you, destroy all their engraved 47 reach to the eastern 1side of the Sea
stones, destroy all their molded bof Chinnereth;
images, and demolish all their 1high 6 aEzek. 47:20 12 the border shall go down along
places; the Jordan, and it shall end at athe
53 you shall dispossess the inhabi- 7 aNum. 33:37 Salt Sea. This shall be your land
tants of the land and dwell in it, for with its surrounding boundaries.
I have given you the land to apos- 8 aNum. 13:21 13 Then Moses commanded the
sess. bEzek. 47:15 children of Israel, saying: aThis is
54 And ayou shall divide the land the land which you shall inherit by
by lot as an inheritance among your 9 aEzek. 47:17 lot, which the LORD has command-
families; to the larger you shall give ed to give to the nine tribes and to
a larger inheritance, and to the 11 a2 Kin. the half-tribe.
smaller you shall give a smaller 23:33 bDeut. 14 aFor the tribe of the children of
inheritance; there everyones inheri- 3:17 1Lit. Reuben according to the house of
tance shall be whatever falls to him their fathers, and the tribe of the
by lot.You shall inherit according to 12 aNum. 34:3
children of Gad according to the
the tribes of your fathers. house of their fathers, have received
55 But if you do not drive out the 13 aJosh.
their inheritance; and the half-tribe
inhabitants of the land from before 14:15 of Manasseh has received its inheri-
you, then it shall be that those whom tance.
you let remain shall be airritants in 14 aNum. 15 The two tribes and the half-
your eyes and thorns in your sides, 32:33 tribe have received their inheritance
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NUMBERS 34:16 154

on this side of the Jordan, across 17 aJosh. 14:1, thousand cubits, and on the north
from Jericho eastward, toward the 2; 19:51 side two thousand cubits. The city
sunrise. shall be in the middle. This shall
18 aNum. 1:4,
belong to them as common-land for
The Leaders Appointed to Divide 16 the cities.
the Land 6 Now among the cities which
16 And the LORD spoke to Moses, you will give to the Levites you shall
saying, 29 1apportion appoint asix cities of refuge, to
17 These are the names of the which a manslayer may flee. And to
men who shall divide the land these you shall add forty-two cities.
among you as an inheritance: CHAPTER 35
7 So all the cities you will give to
aEleazar the priest and Joshua the the Levites shall be aforty-eight;
son of Nun. these you shall give with their
18 And you shall take one aleader common-land.
1 aNum. 33:50 8 And the cities which you will
of every tribe to divide the land for
the inheritance. give shall be afrom the possession
19 These are the names of the of the children of Israel; bfrom the
2 aJosh. 14:3,
men: from the tribe of Judah, Caleb 4; 21:2, 3; larger tribe you shall give many,
the son of Jephunneh; Ezek. 45:1; from the smaller you shall give few.
20 from the tribe of the children of 48:1020 bLev. Each shall give some of its cities to
25:3234 the Levites, in proportion to the
Simeon, Shemuel the son of Ammi-
hud; inheritance that each receives.
21 from the tribe of Benjamin, Eli- 6 aDeut. 4:41; Cities of Refuge
dad the son of Chislon; Josh. 20:2, 7,
22 a leader from the tribe of the 8; 21:3, 13 9 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
children of Dan, Bukki the son of saying,
Jogli; 10 Speak to the children of Israel,
23 from the sons of Joseph: a 7 aJosh. 21:41
and say to them: aWhen you cross
leader from the tribe of the children the Jordan into the land of Canaan,
of Manasseh, Hanniel the son of 11 then ayou shall appoint cities to
8 aJosh. 21:3
Ephod, bNum. 26:54; be cities of refuge for you, that the
24 and a leader from the tribe of 33:54 manslayer who kills any person
the children of Ephraim, Kemuel the accidentally may flee there.
son of Shiphtan; 12 aThey shall be cities of refuge
25 a leader from the tribe of the 10 aDeut. 19:2; for you from the avenger, that the
children of Zebulun, Elizaphan the Josh. 20:19
manslayer may not die until he
son of Parnach; stands before the congregation in
26 a leader from the tribe of the judgment.
11 aEx. 21:13;
children of Issachar, Paltiel the son Num. 13 And of the cities which you give,
of Azzan; 35:2225; you shall have asix cities of refuge.
27 a leader from the tribe of the Deut. 19:113 14 aYou shall appoint three cities
children of Asher, Ahihud the son of on this side of the Jordan, and three
Shelomi; cities you shall appoint in the land
28 and a leader from the tribe of 12 aDeut. 19:6;
Josh. 20:3, 5, 6 of Canaan, which will be cities of
the children of Naphtali, Pedahel refuge.
the son of Ammihud. 15 These six cities shall be for
29 These are the ones the LORD 13 aNum. 35:6 refuge for the children of Israel, afor
commanded to 1divide the inheri- the stranger, and for the sojourner
tance among the children of Israel among them, that anyone who kills a
in the land of Canaan. 14 aDeut. 4:41; person accidentally may flee there.
Josh. 20:8 16 aBut if he strikes him with an
Cities for the Levites
iron implement, so that he dies, he is
And the LORD spoke to Moses a murderer; the murderer shall
35 in athe plains of Moab by the
Jordan across from Jericho, saying:
15 aNum. 15:16
surely be put to death.
17 And if he strikes him with a
2 aCommand the children of 16 aEx. 21:12, stone in the hand, by which one
Israel that they give the Levites 14; Lev. 24:17; could die, and he does die, he is a
cities to dwell in from the inheri- Deut. 19:11, murderer; the murderer shall surely
tance of their possession, and you 12 be put to death.
shall also give the Levites bcom- 18 Or if he strikes him with a
mon-land around the cities. 19 aNum.
wooden hand weapon, by which one
3 They shall have the cities to 35:21, 24, 27; could die, and he does die, he is a
dwell in; and their common-land Deut. 19:6, 12 murderer; the murderer shall surely
shall be for their cattle, for their 1A family
be put to death.
herds, and for all their animals. member who 19 aThe1 avenger of blood himself
is to avenge
4 The common-land of the cities the victim shall put the murderer to death;
which you will give the Levites shall when he meets him, he shall put him
extend from the wall of the city out- to death.
ward a thousand cubits all around. 20 aGen. 4:8; 20 aIf he pushes him out of hatred
5 And you shall measure outside 2 Sam. 3:27; or, bwhile lying in wait, hurls some-
the city on the east side two thou- 20:10; 1 Kin. thing at him so that he dies,
2:31, 32 bEx.
sand cubits, on the south side two 21:14; Deut. 21 or in enmity he strikes him with
thousand cubits, on the west side two 19:11, 12 his hand so that he dies, the one who
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155 NUMBERS 36:13

struck him shall surely be put to 22 aEx. 21:13 of Manasseh, of the families of the
death. He is a murderer. The avenger sons of Joseph, came near and
of blood shall put the murderer to bspoke before Moses and before the
death when he meets him. 24 aNum. leaders, the chief fathers of the chil-
35:12; Josh. dren of Israel.
22 However, if he pushes him sud- 20:6
denly awithout enmity, or throws 2 And they said: aThe LORD com-
anything at him without lying in manded my lord Moses to give the
wait, 25 aJosh. 20:6 land as an inheritance by lot to the
23 or uses a stone, by which a man bEx. 29:7; Lev. children of Israel, and bmy lord was
could die, throwing it at him with- 4:3; 21:10 commanded by the LORD to give the
out seeing him, so that he dies, inheritance of our brother Zelophe-
while he was not his enemy or seek- had to his daughters.
ing his harm, 27 1Murder 3 Now if they are married to any
24 then athe congregation shall of the sons of the other tribes of the
judge between the manslayer and children of Israel, then their inheri-
the avenger of blood according to 29 aNum. 27:11 tance will be ataken from the inheri-
these judgments. tance of our fathers, and it will be
25 So the congregation shall deliv- added to the inheritance of the tribe
er the manslayer from the hand of 30 aDeut. 17:6; into which they marry; so it will be
19:15; Matt. taken from the lot of our inheritance.
the avenger of blood, and the con- 18:16; John
gregation shall return him to the 7:51; 8:17, 18; 4 And when athe Jubilee of the
city of refuge where he had fled, and 2 Cor. 13:1; children of Israel comes, then their
ahe shall remain there until the Heb. 10:28 inheritance will be added to the
death of the high priest bwho was inheritance of the tribe into which
anointed with the holy oil. they marry; so their inheritance will
26 But if the manslayer at any time 33 aDeut. 21:7, be taken away from the inheritance
8; Ps. 106:38 of the tribe of our fathers.
goes outside the limits of the city of bGen. 9:6 1Lit.
refuge where he fled, covering 5 Then Moses commanded the
27 and the avenger of blood finds children of Israel according to the
him outside the limits of his city of word of the LORD, saying: aWhat
refuge, and the avenger of blood 34 aLev. 18:24, the tribe of the sons of Joseph
kills the manslayer, he shall not be 25; Deut. speaks is right.
guilty of 1blood, 21:23 bEx. 6 This is what the LORD com-
29:45, 46 mands concerning the daughters of
28 because he should have
remained in his city of refuge until Zelophehad, saying, Let them
1marry whom they think best, abut
the death of the high priest. But
after the death of the high priest the CHAPTER 36 they may marry only within the fam-
manslayer may return to the land of ily of their fathers tribe.
his possession. 7 So the inheritance of the chil-
29 And these things shall be aa dren of Israel shall not change
1 aNum. 26:29 hands from tribe to tribe, for every
statute of judgment to you through- bNum. 27:111
out your generations in all your one of the children of Israel shall
akeep the inheritance of the tribe of
30 Whoever kills a person, the his fathers.
2 aNum. 26:55;
murderer shall be put to death on 33:54; Josh. 8 And aevery daughter who pos-
the atestimony of witnesses; but one 17:4 bNum. sesses an inheritance in any tribe of
witness is not sufficient testimony 27:1, 57 the children of Israel shall be the
against a person for the death wife of one of the family of her
penalty. fathers tribe, so that the children of
31 Moreover you shall take no 3 aNum. 27:4 Israel each may possess the inheri-
ransom for the life of a murderer tance of his fathers.
who is guilty of death, but he shall 9 Thus no inheritance shall
surely be put to death. 4 aLev. 25:10 change hands from one tribe to
32 And you shall take no ransom another, but every tribe of the chil-
for him who has fled to his city of dren of Israel shall keep its own
refuge, that he may return to dwell
5 aNum. 27:7 inheritance.
in the land before the death of the 10 Just as the LORD commanded
priest. Moses, so did the daughters of
6 aNum. 36:11, Zelophehad;
33 So you shall not pollute the 12 1Lit. be 11 afor Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah,
land where you are; for blood ade- wives to
Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of
files the land, and no 1atonement Zelophehad, were married to the
can be made for the land, for the sons of their fathers brothers.
blood that is shed on it, except bby 7 a1 Kin. 21:3
12 They were married into the fam-
the blood of him who shed it. ilies of the children of Manasseh the
34 Therefore ado not defile the son of Joseph, and their inheritance
land which you inhabit, in the midst 8 a1 Chr. 23:22
remained in the tribe of their fa-
of which I dwell; for bI the LORD thers family.
dwell among the children of Israel. 13 These are the commandments
11 aNum.
Marriage of Female Heirs 26:33; 27:1 and the judgments which the LORD
commanded the children of Israel
Now the chief fathers of the by the hand of Moses ain the plains
36 families of the achildren of
Gilead the son of Machir, the son
13 aNum. 26:3;
of Moab by the Jordan, across from
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The Fifth Book of Moses Called


D EUTERONOMY, Moses Upper Desert Discourse, consists of a series of

farewell messages by Israels 120-year-old leader. It is addressed to the new
generation destined to possess the Land of Promisethose who survived the forty
years of wilderness wandering.
Like Leviticus, Deuteronomy contains a vast amount of legal detail, but its
emphasis is on the laymen rather than the priests. Moses reminds the new gener-
ation of the importance of obedience if they are to learn from the sad example of
their parents.
The Hebrew title of Deuteronomy is Haddebharim, The Words, taken from the
opening phrase in 1:1, These are the words. The parting words of Moses to the
new generation are given in oral and written form so that they will endure to all
generations. Deuteronomy has been called five-fifths of the Law since it com-
pletes the five books of Moses. The Jewish people have also called it Mishneh Hat-
torah, Repetition of the Law, which is translated in the Septuagint as To
Deuteronomion Touto, This Second Law. Deuteronomy, however, is not a second
law but an adaptation and expansion of much of the original law given on Mount
Sinai. The English title comes from the Greek title Deuteronomion, Second Law.
Deuteronomy has also been appropriately called the Book of Remembrance.

The Previous Command to Enter CHAPTER 1 Tribal Leaders Appointed

Canaan 1 aDeut.
4:4446 1Heb.
9 And aI spoke to you at that
HESE are the words which Moses time, saying: I 1alone am not able to
T spoke to all Israel aon this side of
the Jordan in the wilderness, in the
arabah 2One
LXX ms., Tg.,
Vg. Red Sea
bear you.
10 The LORD your God has multi-
1plain opposite 2Suph, between Pa-
2 aNum. 13:26; plied you, aand here you are today,
ran, Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and 32:8 as the stars of heaven in multitude.
Dizahab. 3 aNum. 33:38 11 aMay the LORD God of your
2 It is eleven days journey from fathers make you a thousand
Horeb by way of Mount Seir ato 4 aNum. 21:23, times more numerous than you
24, 3335
Kadesh Barnea. bJosh. 13:12 are, and bless you bas He has
3 Now it came to pass ain the for- 1LXX, Syr., promised you!
tieth year, in the eleventh month, on Vg. and; cf. 12 aHow can I alone bear your
the first day of the month, that Josh. 12:4 problems and your burdens and
Moses spoke to the children of 6 aEx. 3:1, 12 your complaints?
bEx. 19:1, 2
Israel according to all that the LORD 13 Choose wise, understanding,
had given him as commandments to 7 1Heb. and knowledgeable men from
them, arabah among your tribes, and I will make
4 aafter he had killed Sihon king 8 aGen. 12:7; them 1heads over you.
of the Amorites, who dwelt in Hesh- 15:5; 22:17; 14 And you answered me and
bon, and Og king of Bashan, who 26:3; 28:13 said, The thing which you have told
dwelt at Ashtaroth bin1 Edrei. us to do is good.
5 On this side of the Jordan in the 9 aEx. 18:18, 15 So I took athe heads of your
land of Moab, Moses began to 24 1am not tribes, wise and knowledgeable
explain this law, saying, able to bear men, and 1made them heads over
you by myself
6 The LORD our God spoke to us you, leaders of thousands, leaders
ain Horeb, saying: You have dwelt 10 aGen. 15:5; of hundreds, leaders of fifties, lead-
long benough at this mountain. 22:17 ers of tens, and officers for your
7 Turn and take your journey, 11 a2 Sam. tribes.
and go to the mountains of the 24:3 bGen. 16 Then I commanded your
Amorites, to all the neighboring 15:5 judges at that time, saying, Hear
places in the 1plain, in the moun- 12 a1 Kin. the cases between your brethren,
tains and in the lowland, in the 3:8, 9 and ajudge righteously between a
South and on the seacoast, to the 13 1rulers man and his bbrother or the
land of the Canaanites and to 15 aEx. 18:25
stranger who is with him.
Lebanon, as far as the great river, 1appointed 17 aYou shall not show partiality
the River Euphrates. in judgment; you shall hear the
8 See, I have set the land before 16 aDeut. small as well as the great; you shall
16:18 bLev.
you; go in and possess the land 24:22 not be afraid in any mans presence,
which the LORD 1swore to your for bthe judgment is Gods. The case
fathersto aAbraham, Isaac, and 17 aProv. that is too hard for you, cbring to
Jacobto give to them and their b2 Chr. 19:6 me, and I will hear it.
descendants after them. cEx. 18:22, 26 18 And I commanded you at that
3005_05-08_Deuteronomy-Ruth 11/19/08 11:05 AM Page 157


time all the things which you should 19 aDeut. 2:7; The Penalty for Israels Rebellion
do. 8:15; 32:10
bNum. 13:26
34 And the LORD heard the sound
Israels Refusal to Enter the Land 21 aJosh. 1:6, 9 of your words, and was angry, aand
took an oath, saying,
19 So we departed from Horeb, 23 aNum. 13:2, 35 aSurely not one of these men of
aand went through all that great and 3
this evil generation shall see that
terrible wilderness which you saw 24 aNum. good land of which I 1swore to give
on the way to the mountains of the 13:2125 to your fathers,
Amorites, as the LORD our God had 36 aexcept Caleb the son of
commanded us. Then bwe came to 25 aNum.
13:27 Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to
Kadesh Barnea. him and his children I am giving the
20 And I said to you, You have 26 aNum. land on which he walked, because
come to the mountains of the Amo- 14:14 bhe 1wholly followed the LORD.
rites, which the LORD our God is giv- 27 aPs. 106:25 37 aThe LORD was also angry with
ing us. bDeut. 9:28
me for your sakes, saying, Even you
21 Look, the LORD your God has shall not go in there.
set the land before you; go up and 28 aDeut. 9:1,
2 bNum. 13:28 38 aJoshua the son of Nun, bwho
possess it, as the LORD God of your 1Lit. melted
stands before you, he shall go in
fathers has spoken to you; ado not there. cEncourage him, for he shall
fear or be discouraged. 29 aNum. 14:9
cause Israel to inherit it.
22 And every one of you came 30 aEx. 14:14 39 aMoreover your little ones and
near to me and said, Let us send your children, who byou say will be
men before us, and let them search 31 aIs. 46:3, 4;
63:9 victims, who today chave no knowl-
out the land for us, and bring back edge of good and evil, they shall go
word to us of the way by which we 32 aJude 5
in there; to them I will give it, and
should go up, and of the cities into 33 aEx. 13:21 they shall possess it.
which we shall come. bNum. 10:33
40 aBut as for you, turn and take
23 The plan pleased me well; so aI your journey into the wilderness by
took twelve of your men, one man 34 aDeut. 2:14,
15 the Way of the Red Sea.
from each tribe. 41 Then you answered and said to
24 aAnd they departed and went 35 aNum. me, aWe have sinned against the
up into the mountains, and came to 14:22, 23
1promised LORD; we will go up and fight, just as
the Valley of Eshcol, and spied it out. the LORD our God commanded us.
25 They also took some of the 36 a[Josh. And when everyone of you had gird-
fruit of the land in their hands and 14:9] bNum.
ed on his weapons of war, you were
brought it down to us; and they 32:11, 12
1fully ready to go up into the mountain.
brought back word to us, saying, It 42 And the LORD said to me, Tell
is a agood land which the LORD our 37 aDeut. 3:26;
them, aDo not go up nor fight, for I
God is giving us. 4:21; 34:4
am not among you; lest you be
26 aNevertheless you would not 38 aNum. defeated before your enemies.
go up, but rebelled against the com- 14:30 b1 Sam. 43 So I spoke to you; yet you
mand of the LORD your God; 16:22 cDeut.
would not listen, but arebelled
27 and you acomplained in your 31:7, 23
tents, and said, Because the LORD against the command of the LORD,
39 aNum. and bpresumptuously1 went up into
bhates us, He has brought us out of the 14:31 bNum.
land of Egypt to deliver us into the 14:3 cIs. 7:15, the mountain.
hand of the Amorites, to destroy us. 16 44 And the Amorites who dwelt in
28 Where can we go up? Our that mountain came out against you
40 aNum.
brethren have 1discouraged our 14:25
and chased you aas bees do, and
hearts, saying, aThe people are drove you back from Seir to
greater and taller than we; the cities 41 aNum. Hormah.
14:40 45 Then you returned and wept
are great and fortified up to heaven;
moreover we have seen the sons of 42 aNum. before the LORD, but the LORD
the bAnakim there. 14:4143 would not listen to your voice nor
29 Then I said to you, Do not be 43 aNum.
give ear to you.
terrified, aor afraid of them. 14:44 bDeut. 46 aSo you remained in Kadesh
30 aThe LORD your God, who goes 17:12, 13 many days, according to the days
before you, He will fight for you,
that you spent there.
according to all He did for you in 44 aPs. 118:12 The Desert Years
Egypt before your eyes, 46 aDeut. 2:7,
Then we turned and ajourneyed
31 and in the wilderness where
you saw how the LORD your God
carried you, as a aman carries his
2 into the wilderness of the Way
of the Red Sea, bas the LORD spoke
son, in all the way that you went 1 aDeut. 1:40 to me, and we 1skirted Mount Seir
until you came to this place. bNum. 14:25 for many days.
32 Yet, for all that, ayou did not 1circled
2 And the LORD spoke to me,
believe the LORD your God, around saying:
33 awho went in the way before 3 aDeut. 2:7, 3 You have skirted this mountain
you bto search out a place for you to 14 along enough; turn northward.
pitch your tents, to show you the 4 aNum.
4 And command the people, say-
way you should go, in the fire by 20:1421 ing, aYou are about to pass through
night and in the cloud by day. bDeut. 23:7 the territory of byour brethren, the
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descendants of Esau, who live in 5 aGen. 36:8; because I have given it to athe de-
Seir; and they will be afraid of you. Josh. 24:4 scendants of Lot as a possession.
Therefore watch yourselves care- 7 aDeut. 8:24; 20 (That was also regarded as a
[Matt. 6:8, 32]
fully. 1Lit. goings land of 1giants; giants formerly
5 Do not meddle with them, for I 8 aJudg. 11:18;
dwelt there. But the Ammonites call
will not give you any of their land, 1 Kin. 9:26 them aZamzummim,
no, not so much as one footstep, bNum. 21:4 21 aa people as great and numer-
abecause I have given Mount Seir to 9 aNum. 21:15, ous and tall as the Anakim. But the
Esau as a possession. 28; Deut. 2:18, LORD destroyed them before them,
6 You shall buy food from them 29 bGen. and they dispossessed them and
with money, that you may eat; and dwelt in their place,
10 aGen. 14:5 22 just as He had done for the
you shall also buy water from them bNum. 13:22,
with money, that you may drink. 33; Deut. 9:2 descendants of Esau, awho dwelt in
7 For the LORD your God has 11 1Heb. Seir, when He destroyed bthe
blessed you in all the work of your rephaim Horites from before them. They dis-
hand. He knows your 1trudging 12 aGen. 14:6; possessed them and dwelt in their
through this great wilderness. 36:20; Deut. place, even to this day.
aThese forty years the LORD your 2:22 1stead 23 And athe Avim, who dwelt in vil-
God has been with you; you have 13 aNum. 21:12 lages as far as Gazabthe Caph-
1Wadi or
lacked nothing. torim, who came from Caphtor,
8 And when we passed beyond destroyed them and dwelt in their
our brethren, the descendants of 14 aNum. 13:26 place.)
bNum. 14:33;
Esau who dwell in Seir, away from 26:64; Deut. 24 Rise, take your journey, and
across over the River Arnon. Look, I
the road of the plain, away from 1:34, 35 cNum.
aElath and Ezion Geber, we bturned 14:35; Ezek. have given into your hand bSihon
20:15 1per- the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and
and passed by way of the Wilder- ished
ness of Moab. his land. Begin 1to possess it, and
15 1perished engage him in battle.
9 Then the LORD said to me, Do
19 aGen. 19:38; 25 aThis day I will begin to put the
not harass Moab, nor contend with Num. 21:24
them in battle, for I will not give you dread and fear of you upon the
20 aGen. 14:5 nations 1under the whole heaven,
any of their land as a possession, 1Heb. rephaim
because I have given aAr to bthe who shall hear the report of you,
21 aDeut. 2:10
descendants of Lot as a possession. and shall btremble and be in
22 aGen. 36:8; anguish because of you.
10 a(The Emim had dwelt there in Deut. 2:5
times past, a people as great and bGen. 14:6;
numerous and tall as bthe Anakim. 36:2030 King Sihon Defeated
11 They were also regarded as 23 aJosh. 13:3 26 And I asent messengers from
1giants, like the Anakim, but the bGen. 10:14;
1 Chr. 1:12;
the Wilderness of Kedemoth to
Moabites call them Emim. Jer. 47:4; Sihon king of Heshbon, bwith words
12 aThe Horites formerly dwelt in Amos 9:7 of peace, saying,
Seir, but the descendants of Esau 24 aNum. 27 aLet me pass through your
dispossessed them and destroyed 21:13, 14; land; I will keep strictly to the road,
them from before them, and dwelt Judg. 11:18
bDeut. 1:4 1to
and I will turn neither to the right
in their 1place, just as Israel did to take posses- nor to the left.
the land of their possession which sion 28 You shall sell me food for
the LORD gave them.) 25 aEx. 23:27; money, that I may eat, and give me
13 Now rise and cross over athe Deut. 11:25; water for money, that I may drink;
1Valley of the Zered. So we crossed Josh. 2:9 bEx. aonly let me pass through on foot,
over the Valley of the Zered. 15:1416 29 ajust as the descendants of Esau
14 And the time we took to come under the who dwell in Seir and the Moabites
afrom Kadesh Barnea until we heavens who dwell in Ar did for me, until I
crossed over the Valley of the Zered 26 aNum. cross the Jordan to the land which
was thirty-eight years, buntil all the 21:2132; the LORD our God is giving us.
generation of the men of war 1was Deut. 1:4; 30 aBut Sihon king of Heshbon
consumed from the midst of the 11:1921 would not let us pass through, for
camp, cjust as the LORD had sworn bDeut. 20:10 bthe LORD your God chardened his
to them. 27 aNum. spirit and made his heart obstinate,
15 For indeed the hand of the 21:21, 22; that He might deliver him into your
LORD was against them, to destroy Judg. 11:19 hand, as it is this day.
them from the midst of the camp 28 aNum. 20:19 31 And the LORD said to me, See,
until they 1were consumed. 29 aNum. I have begun to agive Sihon and his
16 So it was, when all the men of 20:18; Deut. land over to you. Begin to possess it,
war had finally perished from 23:3, 4; Judg. that you may inherit his land.
among the people, 32 aThen Sihon and all his people
30 aNum. 21:23
17 that the LORD spoke to me, bJosh. 11:20 came out against us to fight at Jahaz.
saying: cEx. 4:21 33 And athe LORD our God deliv-
18 This day you are to cross over 31 aDeut. 1:3, 8 ered him 1over to us; so bwe defeated
at Ar, the boundary of Moab. 32 aNum. 21:23
him, his sons, and all his people.
19 And when you come near the 34 We took all his cities at that
33 aEx. 23:31;
people of Ammon, do not harass Deut. 7:2 time, and we autterly destroyed the
them or meddle with them, for I will bNum. 21:24 men, women, and little ones of every
not give you any of the land of the 1Lit. before us city; we left none remaining.
people of Ammon as a possession, 34 aLev. 27:28 35 We took only the livestock as
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plunder for ourselves, with the spoil 36 aDeut. 3:12; cities, I gave to the Reubenites and
of the cities which we took. 4:48 bJosh. the Gadites.
13:9, 16 cPs.
36 aFrom Aroer, which is on the 44:3 13 aThe rest of Gilead, and all
bank of the River Arnon, and from Bashan, the kingdom of Og, I gave to
bthe city that is in the ravine, as far 37 aGen. 32:22 half the tribe of Manasseh. (All the
bDeut. 2:5, 9,
as Gilead, there was not one city too 19
region of Argob, with all Bashan,
strong for us; cthe LORD our God was called the land of the 1giants.
delivered all to us. CHAPTER 3 14 aJair the son of Manasseh took
37 Only you did not go near the all the region of Argob, bas far as the
land of the people of Ammonany- 1 aNum. border of the Geshurites and the
where along the River aJabbok, or to bDeut. 1:4 Maachathites, and ccalled Bashan
the cities of the mountains, or after his own name, 1Havoth Jair, to
bwherever the LORD our God had 2 aNum. 21:34 this day.)
forbidden us. 15 Also I gave aGilead to Machir.
3 1struck
16 And to the Reubenites aand the
King Og Defeated 4 aDeut. 3:13, Gadites I gave from Gilead as far
Then we turned and went up 14 as the River Arnon, the middle of
3 the road to Bashan; and aOg
king of Bashan came out against us,
6 aDeut. 2:24,
34, 35
the river as the border, as far as the
River Jabbok, bthe border of the
he and all his people, to battle bat people of Ammon;
Edrei. 8 aJosh. 12:6; 17 the plain also, with the Jordan
2 And the LORD said to me, Do 13:812
b1 Chr. 5:23
as the border, from Chinnereth aas
not fear him, for I have delivered far as the east side of the Sea of the
him and all his people and his land 9 a1 Chr. 5:23 Arabah b(the Salt Sea), below the
into your hand; you shall do to him slopes of Pisgah.
as you did to aSihon king of the 10 aDeut. 4:49
bJosh. 12:5;
18 Then I commanded you at that
Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon. 13:11
time, saying: The LORD your God
3 So the LORD our God also has given you this land to possess.
11 aAmos 2:9 aAll you men of valor shall cross
delivered into our hands Og king of
Bashan, with all his people, and we
bDeut. 2:11, 20
cJer. 49:2
over armed before your brethren,
1attacked him until he had no sur- 1Heb. rephaim the children of Israel.
vivors remaining. 19 But your wives, your little ones,
4 And we took all his cities at 12 aNum. and your livestock (I know that you
that time; there was not a city which 32:33 bDeut. have much livestock) shall stay in
2:36 cNum. your cities which I have given you,
we did not take from them: sixty 34:14
cities, aall the region of Argob, the 20 until the LORD has given arest
kingdom of Og in Bashan. 13 aJosh. to your brethren as to you, and they
5 All these cities were fortified 13:2931; 17:1
1Heb. rephaim
also possess the land which the
with high walls, gates, and bars, LORD your God is giving them
besides a great many rural towns. 14 a1 Chr. 2:22 beyond the Jordan. Then each of
6 And we utterly destroyed them, bJosh. 13:13 you may breturn to his possession
as we did to Sihon king aof Hesh- cNum. 32:41
1Lit. Towns of
which I have given you.
bon, utterly destroying the men, Jair
21 And aI commanded Joshua at
women, and children of every city. that time, saying, Your eyes have
7 But all the livestock and the 15 aNum. seen all that the LORD your God has
spoil of the cities we took as booty 32:39, 40 done to these two kings; so will the
for ourselves. LORD do to all the kingdoms
16 a2 Sam.
8 And at that time we took the 24:5 bNum. through which you pass.
aland from the hand of the two kings 21:24 22 You must not fear them, for athe
of the Amorites who were on this LORD your God Himself fights for
side of the Jordan, from the River 17 aNum. you.
34:11, 12
Arnon to Mount bHermon bGen. 14:3
9 (the Sidonians call aHermon Moses Forbidden to Enter the Land
Sirion, and the Amorites call it Senir), 18 aNum. 23 Then aI pleaded with the LORD
10 aall the cities of the plain, all 32:20
at that time, saying:
Gilead, and ball Bashan, as far as 20 aDeut. 12:9, 24 O Lord GOD,You have begun to
Salcah and Edrei, cities of the king- 10 bJosh. 22:4 show Your servant aYour greatness
dom of Og in Bashan. and Your 1mighty hand, for bwhat
11 aFor only Og king of Bashan 21 a[Num.
27:22, 23] god is there in heaven or on earth
remained of the remnant of bthe who can do anything like Your
1giants. Indeed his bedstead was an
22 aEx. 14:14 works and Your mighty deeds?
iron bedstead. (Is it not in cRabbah 25 I pray, let me cross over and see
of the people of Ammon?) Nine 23 a[2 Cor. athe good land beyond the Jordan,
cubits is its length and four cubits 12:8, 9]
those pleasant mountains, and
its width, according to the standard 24 aDeut. 5:24; Lebanon.
cubit. 11:2 b2 Sam. 26 But the LORD awas angry with
7:22 1strong
The Land East of the Jordan me on your account, and would not
Divided 25 aDeut. 4:22 listen to me. So the LORD said to
me: Enough of that! Speak no more
12 And this aland, which we pos- 26 aNum. to Me of this matter.
20:12; 27:14 27 aGo up to the top of Pisgah, and
sessed at that time, bfrom Aroer,
which is by the River Arnon, and 27 aNum. lift your eyes toward the west, the
half the mountains of Gilead and cits 23:14; 27:12 north, the south, and the east; behold
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it with your eyes, for you shall not 28 aNum. no 1form; byou only heard a voice.
cross over this Jordan. 27:18, 23 13 aSo He declared to you His
28 But acommand1 Joshua, and covenant which He commanded you
encourage him and strengthen him; 29 aDeut. 4:46; to perform, bthe Ten Command-
for he shall go over before this peo- 34:6 ments; and cHe wrote them on two
ple, and he shall cause them to tablets of stone.
inherit the land which you will see. CHAPTER 4 14 And athe LORD commanded me
29 So we stayed in athe valley at that time to teach you statutes
opposite Beth Peor. 1 a[Rom. 10:5] and judgments, that you might
1take posses-
1observe them in the land which you
sion of
Moses Commands Obedience cross over to possess.
Now, O Israel, listen to athe 2 aProv. 30:6
4 statutes and the judgments
which I teach you to observe, that 3 aNum.
Beware of Idolatry
15 aTake careful heed to your-
you may live, and go in and 1possess selves, for you saw no bform when
the land which the LORD God of 6 a[2 Tim. the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out
your fathers is giving you. 3:15] of the midst of the fire,
2 aYou shall not add to the word 16 lest you aact corruptly and
which I command you, nor take 7 a[2 Sam. bmake for yourselves a carved
7:23] b[Is.
from it, that you may keep the com- 55:6] 1Or a image in the 1form of any figure:
mandments of the LORD your God cthe likeness of male or female,
which I command you. 17 the likeness of any animal that
3 Your eyes have seen what the 9 aProv. 4:23 is on the earth or the likeness of any
bDeut. 29:28
LORD did at aBaal Peor; for the cGen. 18:19
winged bird that flies in the air,
LORD your God has destroyed from 18 the likeness of anything that
among you all the men who fol- 10 aEx. 19:9, creeps on the ground or the likeness
lowed Baal of Peor. 16, 17 of any fish that is in the water
4 But you who held fast to the beneath the earth.
LORD your God are alive today, 12 aDeut. 5:4, 19 And take heed, lest you alift
every one of you. 22 b1 Kin. your eyes to heaven, and when you
5 Surely I have taught you 1similitude see the sun, the moon, and the stars,
statutes and judgments, just as the ball the host of heaven, you feel
LORD my God commanded me, that 13 aDeut. 9:9, driven to cworship them and serve
you should act according to them in 11 bEx. 34:28
cEx. 24:12
them, which the LORD your God
the land which you go to possess. has 1given to all the peoples under
6 Therefore be careful to observe the whole heaven as a heritage.
14 aEx. 21:1
them; for this is ayour wisdom and 1do or per- 20 But the LORD has taken you
your understanding in the sight of form and abrought you out of the iron fur-
the peoples who will hear all these nace, out of Egypt, to be bHis peo-
statutes, and say, Surely this great 15 aJosh. 23:11 ple, an inheritance, as you are this
bIs. 40:18
nation is a wise and understanding day.
people. 21 Furthermore athe LORD was
16 aDeut. 9:12;
7 For awhat great nation is there 31:29 bEx. angry with me for your sakes, and
that has bGod1 so near to it, as the 20:4, 5 cRom. swore that bI would not cross over
LORD our God is to us, for whatever 1:23 1simili- the Jordan, and that I would not
reason we may call upon Him? tude enter the good land which the LORD
8 And what great nation is there your God is giving you as an inheri-
19 aDeut. 17:3
that has such statutes and righteous b2 Kin. 21:3 tance.
judgments as are in all this law c[Rom. 1:25] 22 But aI must die in this land, bI
which I set before you this day? 1divided must not cross over the Jordan; but
9 Only take heed to yourself, and you shall cross over and 1possess
diligently akeep yourself, lest you 20 aJer. 11:4 cthat good land.
bDeut. 7:6;
bforget the things your eyes have
23 Take heed to yourselves, lest
seen, and lest they depart from your you forget the covenant of the LORD
heart all the days of your life. And 21 aNum. your God which He made with you,
cteach them to your children and 20:12 bNum. aand make for yourselves a carved
your grandchildren, 27:13, 14 image in the form of anything which
10 especially concerning athe day the LORD your God has forbidden
22 a2 Pet. you.
you stood before the LORD your 1:1315 bDeut.
God in Horeb, when the LORD said 3:27 cDeut. 24 For athe LORD your God is a
to me, Gather the people to Me, and 3:25 1take consuming fire, ba jealous God.
I will let them hear My words, that possession of 25 When you beget children and
they may learn to fear Me all the grandchildren and have grown old
days they live on the earth, and that 23 aDeut. 4:16 in the land, and act corruptly and
they may teach their children. 24 aDeut. 9:3
make a carved image in the form of
11 Then you came near and stood bEx. 20:5; anything, and ado evil in the sight of
at the foot of the mountain, and the 34:14 the LORD your God to provoke Him
mountain burned with fire to the to anger,
midst of heaven, with darkness, 25 a2 Kin. 26 aI call heaven and earth to wit-
cloud, and thick darkness. 17:17 ness against you this day, that you
12 aAnd the LORD spoke to you out 26 aDeut.
will soon utterly perish from the land
of the midst of the fire. You heard 30:18, 19 1live which you cross over the Jordan to
the sound of the words, but saw long on it possess; you will not 1prolong your
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days in it, but will be utterly de- 27 aDeut. 2prolong your days in the land
stroyed. 28:62 which the LORD your God is giving
27 And the LORD awill scatter you 28 aJer. 16:13 you for all time.
among the peoples, and you will be bPs. 115:47;
left few in number among the 135:1517 Cities of Refuge East of the Jordan
nations where the LORD will drive a[2 41 Then Moses aset apart three
you. 29 Chr.
15:4] cities on this side of the Jordan,
28 And athere you will serve gods, toward the rising of the sun,
the work of mens hands, wood and 30 aHos. 3:5 42 athat the manslayer might flee
stone, bwhich neither see nor hear bJoel 2:12
there, who kills his neighbor unin-
nor eat nor smell. tentionally, without having hated
29 aBut from there you will seek 31 aJer. 30:11 him in time past, and that by fleeing
the LORD your God, and you will to one of these cities he might live:
find Him if you seek Him with all 32 aJob 8:8 43 aBezer in the wilderness on the
your heart and with all your soul. bMatt. 24:31
plateau for the Reubenites, Ramoth
30 When you are in 1distress, and in Gilead for the Gadites, and Golan
all these things come upon you in the 33 aDeut.
alatter days, when you bturn to the 5:2426 in Bashan for the Manassites.
LORD your God and obey His voice 34 aDeut. 7:19 Introduction to Gods Law
31 (for the LORD your God is a bEx. 7:3 cEx.
merciful God), He will not forsake 13:3 dEx. 6:6 44 Now this is the law which Moses
you nor adestroy you, nor forget eDeut. 26:8 set before the children of Israel.
the covenant of your fathers which
45 These are the testimonies, the
He swore to them. statutes, and the judgments which
35 aMark
32 For aask now concerning the 12:32 Moses spoke to the children of
days that are past, which were Israel after they came out of Egypt,
before you, since the day that God 36 aHeb. 12:19, 46 on this side of the Jordan, ain the
created man on the earth, and ask 25 valley opposite Beth Peor, in the
bfrom one end of heaven to the land of Sihon king of the Amorites,
37 aDeut. 7:7, who dwelt at Heshbon, whom Moses
other, whether any great thing like 8; 10:15; 33:3
this has happened, or anything like bEx. 13:3, 9, and the children of Israel bdefeated1
it has been heard. 14 1Lit. seed after they came out of Egypt.
33 aDid any people ever hear the 47 And they took possession of his
38 aDeut. 7:1 land and the land aof Og king of
voice of God speaking out of the
midst of the fire, as you have heard, 39 aJosh. 2:11
Bashan, two kings of the Amorites,
and live? who were on this side of the Jordan,
34 Or did God ever try to go and 40 aLev. 22:31 toward the 1rising of the sun,
take for Himself a nation from the
1you may 48 afrom Aroer, which is on the
prosper 2live bank of the River Arnon, even to
midst of another nation, aby trials, long
bby signs, by wonders, by war, cby a Mount 1Sion (that is, bHermon),
mighty hand and dan outstretched 41 aNum. 35:6 49 and all the plain on the east side
arm, eand by great 1terrors, accord- of the Jordan as far as the Sea of the
ing to all that the LORD your God did 42 aDeut. 19:4 Arabah, below the aslopes of Pisgah.
for you in Egypt before your eyes? 43 aJosh. 20:8 The Ten Commandments Reviewed
35 To you it was shown, that you
And Moses called all Israel, and
might know that the LORD Himself
is God; athere is none other besides
46 aDeut. 3:29
bNum. 21:24
5 said to them: Hear, O Israel, the
statutes and judgments which I
36 aOut of heaven He let you hear 47 aNum.
speak in your hearing today, that
His voice, that He might instruct 21:3335 you may learn them and be careful
you; on earth He showed you His 1east to observe them.
great fire, and you heard His words 2 aThe LORD our God made a
out of the midst of the fire. 48 aDeut. 2:36; covenant with us in Horeb.
3:12 bDeut.
37 And because aHe loved your 3:9 1Syr. 3 The LORD adid not make this
fathers, therefore He chose their Sirion covenant with our fathers, but with
1descendants after them; and bHe us, those who are here today, all of
brought you out of Egypt with His 49 aDeut. 3:17 us who are alive.
Presence, with His mighty power, 4 aThe LORD talked with you
38 adriving out from before you face to face on the mountain from
nations greater and mightier than 2 aEx. 19:5 the midst of the fire.
you, to bring you in, to give you 5 aI stood between the LORD and
their land as an inheritance, as it is 3 aHeb. 8:9 you at that time, to declare to you
this day. the word of the LORD; for byou were
39 Therefore know this day, and 4 aEx. 19:9 afraid because of the fire, and you
consider it in your heart, that athe 5 aGal. 3:19
did not go up the mountain. He said:
LORD Himself is God in heaven bEx. 19:16 6 aI am the LORD your God who
above and on the earth beneath; brought you out of the
there is no other. 6 aEx. 20:217 land of Egypt, out of the
40 aYou shall therefore keep His house of 1bondage.
statutes and His commandments 7 aHos. 13:4
7 aYou shall have no other gods
which I command you today, that 1it 1besides
1before Me.
may go well with you and with your 8 aYou shall not make for your-
children after you, and that you may 8 aEx. 20:4 self a carved imageany
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likeness of anything that is 9 aEx. 34:7, all your assembly, in the mountain
in heaven above, or that is 1416 1wor- from the midst of the fire, the cloud,
ship them
in the earth beneath, or 2punishing and the thick darkness, with a loud
that is in the water under voice; and He added no more. And
the earth; 10 aDan. 9:4
aHe wrote them on two tablets of
9 you shall not abow1 down 1observe stone and gave them to me.
to them nor serve them. For
I, the LORD your God, am a The People Afraid of Gods
11 aEx. 20:7
jealous God, 2visiting the 1innocent Presence
iniquity of the fathers upon 23 aSo it was, when you heard the
the children to the third 12 aEx. 20:8 voice from the midst of the dark-
and fourth generations of 1sanctify it
ness, while the mountain was burn-
those who hate Me, ing with fire, that you came near to
10 abut showing mercy to 13 aEx. 23:12; me, all the heads of your tribes and
thousands, to those who 35:2 your elders.
love Me and 1keep My 24 And you said: Surely the LORD
commandments. 14 a[Heb. 4:4] our God has shown us His glory and
11 aYou shall not take the name of
His greatness, and awe have heard
the LORD your God in 15 aDeut. His voice from the midst of the fire.
vain, for the LORD will not 15:15 bDeut. We have seen this day that God
hold him 1guiltless who 4:34, 37
speaks with man; yet he bstill lives.
takes His name in vain. 25 Now therefore, why should we
12 aObserve the Sabbath day, to 16 aLev. 19:3 die? For this great fire will consume
1keep it holy, as the LORD bDeut. 6:2
cDeut. 4:40 us; aif we hear the voice of the LORD
your God commanded our God anymore, then we shall die.
you. 26 aFor who is there of all flesh
13 aSix days you shall labor 17 aMatt. 5:21
who has heard the voice of the liv-
and do all your work, ing God speaking from the midst of
14 but the seventh day is the 18 aEx. 20:14
the fire, as we have, and lived?
aSabbath of the LORD your
27 You go near and hear all that
God. In it you shall do no 19 a[Rom. the LORD our God may say, and atell
work: you, nor your son, 13:9]
us all that the LORD our God says to
nor your daughter, nor you, and we will hear and do it.
your male servant, nor your 20 aEx. 20:16; 28 Then the LORD heard the voice
female servant, nor your 23:1
of your words when you spoke to
ox, nor your donkey, nor me, and the LORD said to me: I have
any of your cattle, nor your 21 aEx. 20:17
heard the voice of the words of this
stranger who is within your people which they have spoken to
gates, that your male 22 aDeut. 4:13 you. aThey are right in all that they
servant and your female have spoken.
servant may rest as well as 23 aEx. 20:18, 29 aOh, that they had such a
you. 19 heart in them that they would fear
15 aAnd remember that you Me and balways keep all My com-
were a slave in the land of 24 aEx. 19:19 mandments, cthat it might be well
Egypt, and the LORD your bDeut. 4:33
with them and with their children
God brought you out from forever!
there bby a mighty hand 25 aDeut. 30 Go and say to them, Return to
and by an outstretched 18:16
your tents.
arm; therefore the LORD 31 But as for you, stand here by
your God commanded you 26 aDeut. 4:33 Me, aand I will speak to you all the
to keep the Sabbath day. commandments, the statutes, and
16 aHonor your father and your
27 aEx. 20:19 the judgments which you shall
mother, as the LORD your teach them, that they may observe
God has commanded you,
bthat your days may be 28 aDeut. them in the land which I am giving
18:17 them to possess.
long, and that it may be
well with cyou in the land 32 Therefore you shall 1be careful
which the LORD your God 29 aPs. 81:13
bDeut. 11:1
to do as the LORD your God has
is giving you. cDeut. 4:40
commanded you; ayou shall not turn
17 aYou shall not murder. aside to the right hand or to the left.
18 aYou shall not commit adultery. 33 You shall walk in aall the ways
31 a[Gal. 3:19] which the LORD your God has com-
19 aYou shall not steal.
20 aYou shall not bear false witness manded you, that you may live band
against your neighbor.
32 aDeut. that it may be well with you, and
17:20; 28:14
21 aYou shall not covet your neigh- 1observe that you may prolong your days in
bors wife; and you shall the land which you shall possess.
not desire your neighbors 33 aDeut. The Greatest Commandment
house, his field, his male 10:12 bDeut.
4:40 Now this is the command-
servant, his female servant,
his ox, his donkey, or
anything that is your CHAPTER 6
6 ment, and these are the statutes
and judgments which the L your
neighbors. God has commanded to teach you,
22 These words the LORD spoke to 1 aDeut. 12:1 that you may observe them in the
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land which you are crossing over to 2 a[Eccl. that it may be well with you, and that
possess, 12:13] bDeut. you may go in and possess the good
2 athat you may fear the LORD land of which the LORD swore to
your God, to keep all His statutes 3 aDeut. 7:13 your fathers,
bGen. 22:17
and His commandments which I cEx. 3:8, 17 19 ato cast out all your enemies
command you, you and your son 1Lit. observe from before you, as the LORD has
and your grandson, all the days of to do spoken.
your life, band that your days may 4 a[1 Cor. 8:4,
20 aWhen your son asks you in time
be prolonged. 6] 1Or The to come, saying, What is the meaning
3 Therefore hear, O Israel, and LORD is our of the testimonies, the statutes, and
1be careful to observe it, that it may God, the the judgments which the LORD our
LORD alone, God has commanded you?
be well with you, and that you may i.e., the only
amultiply greatly bas the LORD God
one 21 then you shall say to your son:
of your fathers has promised you We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt,
5 aMatt. 22:37
ca land flowing with milk and
b2 Kin. 23:25 and the LORD brought us out of
honey. Egypt awith a mighty hand;
4 aHear, O Israel: 1The LORD our 6 aDeut. 22 and the LORD showed signs and
God, the LORD is one! wonders before our eyes, great and
5 aYou shall love the LORD your 7 aDeut. 4:9; severe, against Egypt, Pharaoh,
God with all your heart, bwith all 11:19 and all his household.
your soul, and with all your strength. 8 aProv. 3:3; 23 Then He brought us out from
6 And athese words which I com- 6:21; 7:3 there, that He might bring us in, to
mand you today shall be in your 9 aDeut. 11:20 give us the land of which He 1swore
heart. to our fathers.
7 aYou shall teach them diligently 10 aJosh. 24:13 24 And the LORD commanded us to
to your children, and shall talk of 1observe all these 2statutes, ato fear
them when you sit in your house, 11 aDeut. 8:10; the LORD our God, bfor our good
when you walk by the way, when 11:15; 14:29 always, that cHe might preserve us
you lie down, and when you rise up. 12 aDeut. alive, as it is 3this day.
8 aYou shall bind them as a sign 8:1118 25 Then ait will be righteousness
on your hand, and they shall be as 13 aMatt. 4:10 for us, if we are careful to observe
frontlets between your eyes. bDeut. 5:11 all these commandments before the
9 aYou shall write them on the 14 aDeut. 13:7
LORD our God, as He has com-
doorposts of your house and on manded us.
your gates. 15 aEx. 20:5
bEx. 33:3
A Chosen People
Caution Against Disobedience 16 aLuke 4:12 When the Lord your God
10 So it shall be, when the LORD
your God brings you into the land of
b[1 Cor. 10:9]
1test 2tested 7 brings you into the land which
you go to apossess, and has cast out
17 aDeut.
which He 1swore to your fathers, to 11:22 many bnations before you, cthe Hit-
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give tites and the Girgashites and the
you large and beautiful cities 18 aEx. 15:26 Amorites and the Canaanites and
awhich you did not build, the Perizzites and the Hivites and
19 aNum.
11 houses full of all good things, 33:52, 53 the Jebusites, seven nations greater
which you did not fill, hewn-out 20 aEx. 13:8, and mightier than you,
wells which you did not dig, vine- 14 2 and when the LORD your God
yards and olive trees which you did 21 aEx. 13:3
delivers athem over to you, you shall
not plantawhen you have eaten conquer them and utterly destroy
and are full 23 1promised them. bYou shall make no covenant
12 then beware, lest you forget 24 aDeut. 6:2 with them nor show mercy to them.
the aLORD who brought you out of bJer. 32:39 3 aNor shall you make marriages
cDeut. 4:1 1do
the land of Egypt, from the house of 2ordinances
with them. You shall not give your
bondage. 3today daughter to their son, nor take their
13 You shall afear the LORD your daughter for your son.
God and serve Him, and bshall take 25 a[Rom. 4 For they will turn your sons
oaths in His name. 10:3, 5]
away from following Me, to serve
14 You shall not go after other CHAPTER 7 other gods; aso the anger of the LORD
gods, athe gods of the peoples who 1 aDeut. 6:10 will be aroused against you and
are all around you bGen. 15:1921 destroy you suddenly.
15 (for athe LORD your God is a cEx. 33:2 5 But thus you shall deal with
jealous God bamong you), lest the 2 aNum. 31:17 them: you shall adestroy their
anger of the LORD your God be bJosh. 2:14 altars, and break down their sacred
aroused against you and destroy you 3 a1 Kin. 11:2
pillars, and cut down their 1wooden
from the face of the earth. images, and burn their carved
16 aYou shall not 1tempt the LORD 4 aDeut. 6:15 images with fire.
your God bas you 2tempted Him in 5 aEx. 23:24; 6 For you are a 1holy people to
Massah. 34:13 1Heb. the LORD your God; athe LORD your
17 You shall adiligently keep the Asherim, God has chosen you to be a people
commandments of the LORD your Canaanite for Himself, a special treasure
God, His testimonies, and His statutes above all the peoples on the face of
which He has commanded you. 6 aEx. 19:5, 6
the earth.
18 And you ashall do what is right 7 The LORD did not set His alove
and good in the sight of the LORD, 7 aDeut. 4:37 on you nor choose you because you
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were more in number than any other 7 bDeut. 10:22 will send the hornet among them
people, for you were bthe least of all 8 aDeut. 10:15 until those who are left, who hide
peoples; bLuke 1:55, themselves from you, are destroyed.
8 but abecause the LORD loves 72, 73 cEx. 21 You shall not be terrified of
13:3, 14 1slav-
you, and because He would keep bthe ery them; for the LORD your God, the
oath which He swore to your fathers, great and awesome God, is among
cthe LORD has brought you out with 9 a1 Cor. 1:9; you.
2 Thess. 3:3;
a mighty hand, and redeemed you 2 Tim. 2:13 22 And the LORD your God will
from the house of 1bondage, from the bEx. 20:6; drive out those nations before you
hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Deut. 5:10; alittle by little; you will be unable to
9 Therefore know that the LORD Neh. 1:5; Dan. 1destroy them at once, lest the
your God, He is God, athe faithful beasts of the field become too
God bwho keeps covenant and 10 a[2 Pet. 3:9, numerous for you.
mercy for a thousand generations 10] 1delay 23 But the LORD your God will
with those who love Him and keep 13 aPs. 146:8; deliver them over to you, and will
His commandments; Prov. 15:9; inflict defeat upon them until they
10 and He repays those who hate John 14:21 are destroyed.
bDeut. 28:4
Him to their face, to destroy them. 1cause you to 24 And aHe will deliver their kings
He will not 1be aslack with him who increase into your hand, and you will destroy
hates Him; He will repay him to his their name from under heaven; bno
face. 14 aEx. 23:26 one shall be able to stand 1against
11 Therefore you shall keep the you until you have destroyed them.
15 aEx. 9:14;
commandment, the statutes, and the 15:26; Deut. 25 You shall burn the carved
judgments which I command you 28:27, 60 images of their gods with fire; you
today, to observe them. 16 aEx. 23:33;
shall not acovet1 the silver or gold that
Judg. 8:27; Ps. is on them, nor take it for yourselves,
Blessings of Obedience 106:36 1con- lest you be snared by it; for it is an
12 Then it shall come to pass, sume abomination to the LORD your God.
because you listen to these judg- 18 aPs. 105:5 26 Nor shall you bring an abomi-
ments, and keep and do them, that nation into your house, lest you be
19 aDeut. 4:34; doomed to destruction like it. You
the LORD your God will keep with 29:3
you the covenant and the mercy shall utterly detest it and utterly
which He swore to your fathers.
20 aEx. 23:28; abhor it, afor it is an 1accursed thing.
Josh. 24:12
13 And He will alove you and bless Remember the LORD Your God
you and 1multiply you; bHe will also 22 aEx. 23:29,
30 1consume
bless the fruit of your womb and the Every commandment which I
fruit of your land, your grain and
your new wine and your oil, the
24 aJosh.
10:24, 42;
8 command you today ayou must
1be careful to observe, that you may
12:124 bJosh.
increase of your cattle and the off- 23:9 1before live and bmultiply,2 and go in and
spring of your flock, in the land of 25 aProv. 23:6
possess the land of which the LORD
which He 2swore to your fathers to 1desire
3swore to your fathers.
give you. 2 And you shall remember that
14 You shall be blessed above all 26 aDeut. 13:17 the LORD your God aled you all the
1devoted or
peoples; there shall not be a male or banned way these forty years in the wilder-
female abarren among you or ness, to humble you and btest you,
among your livestock. cto know what was in your heart,
15 And the LORD will take away whether you would keep His com-
from you all sickness, and will 1 aDeut. 4:1; mandments or not.
afflict you with none of the aterrible 6:24 bDeut. 3 So He humbled you, aallowed
diseases of Egypt which you have 30:16 you to hunger, and bfed you with
1observe to
known, but will lay them on all do 2increase manna which you did not know nor
those who hate you. in number did your fathers know, that He
16 Also you shall 1destroy all the 3promised
might make you know that man
peoples whom the LORD your God 2 aDeut. 1:3; shall cnot live by bread alone; but
delivers over to you; your eye shall 2:7; 29:5; Ps. man lives by every word that pro-
have no pity on them; nor shall you 136:16; Amos ceeds from the mouth of the LORD.
serve their gods, for that will abe a 2:10 bEx. 16:4 4 aYour garments did not wear
c[John 2:25]
snare to you. out on you, nor did your foot swell
17 If you should say in your heart, 3 aEx. 16:2, 3 these forty years.
bEx. 16:12, 14,
These nations are greater than I; 35 cMatt. 4:4;
5 aYou should 1know in your
how can I dispossess them? Luke 4:4 heart that as a man chastens his son,
18 you shall not be afraid of them, so the LORD your God chastens you.
4 aDeut. 29:5;
but you shall aremember well what Neh. 9:21 6 Therefore you shall keep the
the LORD your God did to Pharaoh commandments of the LORD your
and to all Egypt: 5 a2 Sam. 7:14; God, ato walk in His ways and to fear
Ps. 89:3033;
19 athe great trials which your eyes Prov. 3:11, 12; Him.
saw, the signs and the wonders, the Heb. 12:511; 7 For the LORD your God is
mighty hand and the outstretched Rev. 3:19
bringing you into a good land, aa
arm, by which the LORD your God land of brooks of water, of fountains
brought you out. So shall the LORD 6 a[Deut. 5:33] and springs, that flow out of valleys
your God do to all the peoples of 7 aDeut.
and hills;
whom you are afraid. 11:912; Jer. 8 a land of wheat and barley, of
20 aMoreover the LORD your God 2:7 vines and fig trees and pomegran-
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ates, a land of olive oil and honey; 10 aDeut. 6:11, bring them down before you; dso
9 a land in which you will eat 12 you shall drive them out and
bread without scarcity, in which you 12 aDeut. destroy them quickly, as the LORD
will lack nothing; a land whose 28:47; Prov. has said to you.
30:9; Hos. 13:6
stones are iron and out of whose 1satisfied 4 aDo not think in your heart,
hills you can dig copper. after the LORD your God has cast
13 1increased
10 aWhen you have eaten and are them out before you, saying, Because
full, then you shall bless the LORD 14 a1 Cor. 4:7
bDeut. 8:11;
of my righteousness the LORD has
your God for the good land which Ps. 106:21
brought me in to possess this land;
He has given you. 1becomes but it is bbecause of the wickedness
11 Beware that you do not forget proud of these nations that the LORD is
the LORD your God by not keeping 15 aIs. driving them out from before you.
His commandments, His judgments, 63:1214 5 aIt is not because of your righ-
and His statutes which I command bNum. 21:6
cEx. 17:6;
teousness or the uprightness of your
you today, Num. 20:11
heart that you go in to possess their
12 alestwhen you have eaten land, but because of the wickedness
and are 1full, and have built beauti- 16 aEx. 16:15 of these nations that the LORD your
bJer. 24:5, 6;
ful houses and dwell in them; [Heb. 12:11] God drives them out from before
13 and when your herds and your you, and that He may 1fulfill the
flocks multiply, and your silver and 18 aProv. bword which the LORD swore to
10:22; Hos. 2:8
your gold are 1multiplied, and all bDeut. 7:8, 12 your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and
that you have is multiplied; 1confirm Jacob.
14 awhen your heart 1is lifted up, 19 aDeut. 4:26; 6 Therefore understand that the
and you bforget the LORD your God 30:18 LORD your God is not giving you
who brought you out of the land of 20 a[Dan. 9:11, this good land to possess because of
Egypt, from the house of bondage; 12] your righteousness, for you are a
15 who aled you through that astiff-necked1 people.
great and terrible wilderness, bin CHAPTER 9 7 Remember! Do not forget how
which were fiery serpents and scor- you aprovoked the LORD your God
pions and thirsty land where there 2 aNum. 13:22, to wrath in the wilderness. bFrom
was no water; cwho brought water 28, 33; Josh.
11:21, 22 the day that you departed from the
for you out of the flinty rock; land of Egypt until you came to this
16 who fed you in the wilderness 3 aDeut. 1:33; place, you have been rebellious
31:3; Josh.
with amanna, which your fathers did 3:11; 5:14; against the LORD.
not know, that He might humble you John 10:4 8 Also ain Horeb you provoked
and that He might test you, bto do bDeut. 4:24;
the LORD to wrath, so that the LORD
you good in the end Heb. 12:29
cDeut. 7:24 was angry enough with you to have
17 then you say in your heart, My dEx. 23:31 destroyed you.
power and the might of my hand 9 aWhen I went up into the
have gained me this wealth. 4 aDeut. 8:17;
[Rom. 11:6, mountain to receive the tablets of
18 And you shall remember the 20; 1 Cor. 4:4, stone, the tablets of the covenant
LORD your God, afor it is He who 7] bGen. which the LORD made with you,
gives you power to get wealth, bthat 15:16; Lev.
then I stayed on the mountain forty
He may 1establish His covenant 18:3, 2430;
Deut. 12:31; days and bforty nights. I neither ate
which He swore to your fathers, as 18:914 bread nor drank water.
it is this day. 5 a[Titus 3:5] 10 aThen the LORD delivered to
19 Then it shall be, if you by any bGen. 50:24 me two tablets of stone written with
means forget the LORD your God, 1perform
the finger of God, and on them were
and follow other gods, and serve 6 aEx. 34:9; all the words which the LORD had
them and worship them, aI testify Deut. 31:27 spoken to you on the mountain from
against you this day that you shall 1stubborn or
the midst of the fire bin1 the day of
surely perish. rebellious
the assembly.
20 As the nations which the LORD 7 aNum. 14:22 11 And it came to pass, at the end
bEx. 14:11
destroys before you, aso you shall of forty days and forty nights, that
perish, because you would not be 8 aEx. 32:18; the LORD gave me the two tablets of
obedient to the voice of the LORD Ps. 106:19
stone, the tablets of the covenant.
your God. 9 aEx. 24:12, 12 Then the LORD said to me,
15; Deut. aArise, go down quickly from here,
Israels Rebellions Reviewed 5:222 bEx.
24:18 for your people whom you brought
Hear, O Israel: You are to cross out of Egypt have acted corruptly;
9 over the Jordan today, and go in
to dispossess nations greater and
10 aEx. 31:18;
Deut. 4:13
bEx. 19:17
they have bquickly turned aside
from the way which I commanded
mightier than yourself, cities great 1when you
them; they have made themselves a
and fortified up to heaven, were all gath- molded image.
ered together
2 a people great and tall, the ade- 13 Furthermore athe LORD spoke
scendants of the Anakim, whom you 12 aEx. 32:7, 8 to me, saying, I have seen this peo-
bDeut. 31:29
know, and of whom you heard it ple, and indeed bthey are a 1stiff-
said, Who can stand before the 13 aEx. 32:9
bDeut. 9:6
necked people.
descendants of Anak? 1stubborn or 14 aLet Me alone, that I may destroy
3 Therefore understand today rebellious them and bblot out their name from
that the LORD your God is He who 14 aEx. 32:10
under heaven; cand I will make of you
agoes over before you as a bconsum- bDeut. 29:20 a nation mightier and greater than
ing fire. cHe will destroy them and cNum. 14:12 they.
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15 aSo I turned and came down 15 aEx. brought them out to kill them in the
from the mountain, and bthe moun- 32:1519 bEx. wilderness.
tain burned with fire; and the two 29 Yet they are Your people and
tablets of the covenant were in my 16 aEx. 32:19 Your inheritance, whom You brought
two hands. out by Your mighty power and by
16 And aI looked, and behold, you 17 aEx. 32:19 Your outstretched arm.
had sinned against the LORD your
Godhad made for yourselves a 18 aEx. 34:28;
The Second Pair of Tablets
molded calf! You had turned aside Ps. 106:23 At that time the LORD said to
quickly from the way which the
LORD had commanded you.
myself 10 me, 1Hew for yourself two
tablets of stone like the first, and
17 Then I took the two tablets and 19aEx. 32:10, come up to Me on the mountain and
threw them out of my two hands 11; Heb. 12:21 make yourself an aark of wood.
bEx. 32:14
and abroke them before your eyes. 2 And I will write on the tablets
18 And I afell1 down before the the words that were on the first
LORD, as at the first, forty days and 21 aEx. 32:20 tablets, which you broke; and ayou
forty nights; I neither ate bread nor shall put them in the ark.
22 aNum. 11:1,
drank water, because of all your sin 3 bEx. 17:7 3 So I made an ark of acacia
which you committed in doing cNum. 11:4, 34 wood, hewed two tablets of stone
wickedly in the sight of the LORD, to 1caused the like the first, and went up the moun-
provoke Him to anger. LORD to be tain, having the two tablets in my
19 aFor I was afraid of the anger hand.
and hot displeasure with which the 23 aNum. 13:3
4 And He wrote on the tablets
LORD was angry with you, to bPs. 106:24, 25 according to the first writing, the Ten
1Commandments, awhich the LORD
destroy you. bBut the LORD listened
to me at that time also. 24 aDeut. 9:7; had spoken to you in the mountain
20 And the LORD was very angry 31:27 from the midst of the fire in the day
with Aaron and would have of the assembly; and the LORD gave
destroyed him; so I prayed for 25 aDeut. 9:18
1fell down
them to me.
Aaron also at the same time. 5 Then I turned and acame down
21 Then I took your sin, the calf from the mountain, and bput the
26 aDeut. 32:9
which you had made, and burned it tablets in the ark which I had made;
cand there they are, just as the LORD
with fire and crushed it and ground
it very small, until it was as fine as CHAPTER 10 commanded me.
dust; and I athrew its dust into the 6 (Now the children of Israel jour-
brook that descended from the neyed from the wells of Bene
1 aEx. 25:10 Jaakan to Moserah, where Aaron
mountain. 1Cut out
adied, and where he was buried; and
22 Also at aTaberah and bMassah Eleazar his son ministered as priest
and cKibroth Hattaavah you 1pro- 2 aEx. 25:16,
voked the LORD to wrath. 21 in his 1stead.
7 aFrom there they journeyed to
23 Likewise, awhen the LORD sent 4 aEx. 20:1; Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to
you from Kadesh Barnea, saying, 34:28 1Lit. Jotbathah, a land of 1rivers of water.
Go up and possess the land which I Words 8 At that time athe LORD 1sepa-
have given you, then you rebelled rated the tribe of Levi bto bear the
against the commandment of the 5 aEx. 34:29
bEx. 40:20 ark of the covenant of the LORD, cto
LORD your God, and byou did not c1 Kin. 8:9 stand before the LORD to minister
believe Him nor obey His voice. to Him and dto bless in His name, to
24 aYou have been rebellious 6 aNum. this day.
against the LORD from the day that 20:2528; 9 aTherefore Levi has no portion
I knew you. 33:38 1place nor inheritance with his brethren;
25 aThus I 1prostrated myself be- the LORD is his inheritance, just as
fore the LORD; forty days and forty 7 aNum.
33:3234 the LORD your God promised him.)
nights I kept prostrating myself, 1brooks 10 As at the first time, aI stayed in
because the LORD had said He the mountain forty days and forty
would destroy you. 8 aNum. 3:6 nights; bthe LORD also heard me at
26 Therefore I prayed to the LORD, bNum. 4:5, 15; that time, and the LORD chose not to
and said: O Lord GOD, do not 10:21 cDeut. destroy you.
18:5 dNum.
destroy Your people and aYour inher- 6:23 1set 11 aThen the LORD said to me,
itance whom You have redeemed apart Arise, begin your journey before
through Your greatness, whom You the people, that they may go in and
have brought out of Egypt with a 9 aNum. 18:20, possess the land which I swore to
mighty hand. 24; Deut. 18:1, their fathers to give them.
2; Ezek. 44:28
27 Remember Your servants, Abra-
ham, Isaac, and Jacob; do not look The Essence of the Law
10 aEx. 34:28;
on the stubbornness of this peo- Deut. 9:18 12 And now, Israel, awhat does the
ple, or on their wickedness or their bEx. 32:14
LORD your God require of you, but
sin, to fear the LORD your God, to walk
28 lest the land from which You 11 aEx. 33:1 in all His ways and to blove Him, to
brought us should say, Because the serve the LORD your God with all
LORD was not able to bring them to 12 aMic. 6:8 your heart and with all your soul,
bDeut. 6:5;
the land which He promised them, Matt. 22:37; 13 and to keep the command-
and because He hated them, He has 1 Tim. 1:5 ments of the LORD and His statutes
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which I command you today afor 13 aDeut. 6:24 and go in and possess the land
1benefit or
your 1good? welfare
which you cross over to possess,
14 Indeed heaven and the highest 9 and athat you may prolong
heavens belong to the aLORD your 14 a[Neh. 9:6] your days in the land bwhich the
God, also the earth with all that is in it. LORD 1swore to give your fathers, to
15 The LORD delighted only in 15 1Lit. seed them and their descendants, ca land
your fathers, to love them; and He flowing with milk and honey.
chose their 1descendants after them, 16 aJer. 4:4
bDeut. 9:6, 13 10 For the land which you go to
you above all peoples, as it is this day. 1rebellious possess is not like the land of Egypt
16 Therefore circumcise the fore- from which you have come, where
skin of your aheart, and be bstiff- 17 aDan. 2:47 you sowed your seed and watered it
bRev. 19:16
necked1 no longer. cDeut. 7:21 by foot, as a vegetable garden;
17 For the LORD your God is aGod dActs 10:34 11 abut the land which you cross
of gods and bLord of lords, the great over to possess is a land of hills and
God, cmighty and awesome, who 18 aPs. 68:5; valleys, which drinks water from
dshows no partiality nor takes a 146:9 the rain of heaven,
bribe. 12 a land for which the LORD your
18 aHe administers justice for the 20 aMatt. 4:10
God cares; athe eyes of the LORD
fatherless and the widow, and loves CHAPTER 11 your God are always on it, from the
the stranger, giving him food and beginning of the year to the very
clothing. 2 1discipline end of the year.
19 Therefore love the stranger, for 13 And it shall be that if you
you were strangers in the land of 4 aPs. 106:11
earnestly 1obey My commandments
Egypt. which I command you today, to love
20 aYou shall fear the LORD your 6 aPs.
106:1618 1at the LORD your God and serve Him
God; you shall serve Him, and to their feet with all your heart and with all your
Him you shall hold fast, and take soul,
oaths in His name. 7 aDeut. 10:21;
14 then aI1 will give you the rain
21 He is your praise, and He is 29:2 1work
for your land in its season, bthe
your God, who has done for you
these great and awesome things 8 aJosh. 1:6, 7 early rain and the latter rain, that
which your eyes have seen. you may gather in your grain, your
9 aDeut. 4:40; new wine, and your oil.
22 Your fathers went down to 5:16, 33; 6:2
Egypt with seventy persons, and now bDeut. 9:5 15 aAnd I will send grass in your
the LORD your God has made you as cEx. 3:8 fields for your livestock, that you
the stars of heaven in multitude.
may beat and be 1filled.
16 Take heed to yourselves, alest
11 aDeut. 8:7
Love and Obedience Rewarded your heart be deceived, and you
12 a1 Kin. 9:3 turn aside and bserve other gods
Therefore you shall love the
11 LORD your God, and keep His
charge, His statutes, His judgments,
13 1Lit. listen
and worship them,
17 lest athe LORDs anger be
to aroused against you, and He bshut
and His commandments always. up the heavens so that there be no
2 Know today that I do not speak 14 aDeut.
rain, and the land yield no produce,
with your children, who have not 28:12 bJoel
2:23 1So with and cyou perish quickly from the
known and who have not seen the MT, Tg.; good land which the LORD is giving
1chastening of the LORD your God,
Sam., LXX, you.
His greatness and His mighty hand Vg. He
18 Therefore ayou shall 1lay up
and His outstretched arm these words of mine in your heart
3 His signs and His acts which 15 aPs. 104:14
He did in the midst of Egypt, to
bDeut. 6:11
and in your bsoul, and cbind them as
Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to all a sign on your hand, and they shall
his land; 16 aJob 31:27
be as frontlets between your eyes.
4 what He did to the army of bDeut. 8:19 19 aYou shall teach them to your
Egypt, to their horses and their char- children, speaking of them when
iots: ahow He made the waters of the 17 aDeut. 6:15; you sit in your house, when you
9:19 b2 Chr. walk by the way, when you lie down,
Red Sea overflow them as they pur- 6:26; 7:13
sued you, and how the LORD has cDeut. 4:26 and when you rise up.
destroyed them to this day; 20 aAnd you shall write them on
5 what He did for you in the 18 aDeut. 6:69 the doorposts of your house and on
bPs. 119:2, 34
wilderness until you came to this cDeut. 6:8
your gates,
place; 1Lit. put 21 that ayour days and the days of
6 and awhat He did to Dathan and your children may be multiplied in
Abiram the sons of Eliab, the son of 19 aDeut. 4:9, the land of which the LORD swore
Reuben: how the earth opened its 10; 6:7 to your fathers to give them, like
bthe days of the heavens above the
mouth and swallowed them up, their 20 aDeut. 6:9
households, their tents, and all the earth.
substance that was 1in their posses- 21 aDeut. 4:40 22 For if ayou carefully keep all
sion, in the midst of all Israel bPs. 72:5; these commandments which I com-
7 but your eyes have aseen every 89:29 mand you to doto love the LORD
great 1act of the LORD which He did. your God, to walk in all His ways,
22 aDeut. 11:1
8 Therefore you shall keep every bDeut. 10:20 and bto hold fast to Him
commandment which I command 23 then the LORD will adrive out all
you today, that you may abe strong, 23 aDeut. 4:38 these nations from before you, and
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you will bdispossess greater and 23 bDeut. 9:1 your hand, your vowed offerings,
mightier nations than yourselves. 24 aJosh. 1:3; your freewill offerings, and the
24 aEvery place on which the sole 14:9 bGen. bfirstborn of your herds and flocks.
of your foot treads shall be yours: 15:18; Ex. 7 And athere you shall eat before
bfrom the wilderness and Lebanon, 23:31; Deut.
1:7, 8 the LORD your God, and byou shall
from the river, the River Euphrates, 1Mediter- rejoice in 1all to which you have put
even to the 1Western Sea, shall be ranean your hand, you and your house-
your territory. 25 aDeut. 7:24 holds, in which the LORD your God
25 No man shall be able to astand bEx. 23:27; has blessed you.
1against you; the LORD your God Deut. 2:25; 8 You shall not at all do as we are
will put the bdread of you and the Josh. 2:911 doing here todayaevery man
fear of you upon all the land where doing whatever is right in his own
you tread, just as He has said to you. 26 aDeut. 30:1, eyes
26 aBehold, I set before you today 15, 19
9 for as yet you have not come to
a blessing and a curse: 27 aDeut. the arest1 and the inheritance which
27 athe blessing, if you obey the 28:114 the LORD your God is giving you.
commandments of the LORD your 28 aDeut. 10 But when you cross over the
God which I command you today; 28:1568 Jordan and dwell in the land which
28 and the acurse, if you do not 29 aDeut. the LORD your God is giving you to
obey the commandments of the 27:12, 13; inherit, and He gives you arest from
LORD your God, but turn aside from Josh. 8:33
all your enemies round about, so
the way which I command you 27:1326 that you dwell in safety,
today, to go after other gods which 11 then there will be the place
you have not known. 30 aGen. 12:6 where the LORD your God chooses
29 Now it shall be, when the LORD to make His name abide. There you
your God has brought you into the CHAPTER 12 shall bring all that I command you:
land which you go to possess, that your burnt offerings, your sacri-
you shall put the ablessing on Mount 1 aDeut. 6:1
bDeut. 4:9, 10; fices, your tithes, the heave offer-
Gerizim and the bcurse on Mount 1 Kin. 8:40 ings of your hand, and all your
Ebal. 1As long as choice offerings which you vow to
30 Are they not on the other side 2 aEx. 34:13 the LORD.
of the Jordan, toward the setting b2 Kin. 16:4; 12 And ayou shall rejoice before
sun, in the land of the Canaanites 17:10, 11 the LORD your God, you and your
who dwell in the plain opposite Gil- 3 aNum. 33:52; sons and your daughters, your male
gal, abeside the terebinth trees of Deut. 7:5; and female servants, and the bLevite
Moreh? Judg. 2:2 who is within your gates, since he
1Heb. Ashe-
31 For you will cross over the Jor- rim has no portion nor inheritance with
dan and go in to possess the land you.
which the LORD your God is giving 4 aDeut. 12:31 13 Take heed to yourself that you
you, and you will possess it and 5 aEx. 20:24 do not offer your burnt offerings in
dwell in it. bEx. 15:13;
every place that you see;
32 And you shall be careful to 1 Sam. 2:29
1home 14 but in the place which the
observe all the statutes and judg- LORD chooses, in one of your tribes,
ments which I set before you today. 6 aLev. 17:3, 4 there you shall offer your burnt
bDeut. 14:23
A Prescribed Place of Worship offerings, and there you shall do all
7 aDeut. 14:26
bDeut. 12:12,
that I command you.
These aare the statutes and 15 However, ayou may slaughter
12 judgments which you shall be
careful to observe in the land which
18 1all that
you under-
and eat meat within all your gates,
whatever your heart desires, accord-
the LORD God of your fathers is giv- 8 aJudg. 17:6;
ing to the blessing of the LORD your
ing you to possess, ball1 the days 21:25 God which He has given you; bthe
that you live on the earth. unclean and the clean may eat of it,
9 aDeut. 3:20; cof the gazelle and the deer alike.
2 aYou shall utterly destroy all 25:19; Ps.
the places where the nations which 95:11 1Or 16 aOnly you shall not eat the
you shall dispossess served their place of rest blood; you shall pour it on the
gods, bon the high mountains and on 10 aJosh. 11:23 earth like water.
the hills and under every green tree. 17 You may not eat within your
12 aDeut.
3 And ayou shall destroy their 12:18; 26:11 gates the tithe of your grain or your
altars, break their sacred pillars, bDeut. 10:9; new wine or your oil, of the first-
and burn their 1wooden images with 14:29 born of your herd or your flock, of
fire; you shall cut down the carved 15 aDeut. 12:21 any of your offerings which you
images of their gods and destroy bDeut. 12:22 vow, of your freewill offerings, or of
their names from that place. cDeut. 14:5
the 1heave offering of your hand.
4 You shall not aworship the 16 aGen. 9:4; 18 But you must eat them before
LORD your God with such things. Lev. 7:26; the LORD your God in the place
5 But you shall seek the aplace 17:1012; which the LORD your God chooses,
1 Sam. 14:33; you and your son and your daugh-
where the LORD your God chooses, Acts 15:20, 29
out of all your tribes, to put His ter, your male servant and your
name for His bdwelling1 place; and 17 1contribu- female servant, and the Levite who
there you shall go. is within your gates; and you shall
6 aThere you shall take your 18 1all your rejoice before the LORD your God in
burnt offerings, your sacrifices, undertakings 1all to which you put your hands.
your tithes, the heave offerings of 19 1Be careful 19 1Take heed to yourself that you
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do not forsake the Levite as long as 20 aGen. 15:18; dreams, band he gives you a sign or
you live in your land. Ex. 34:24; a wonder,
Deut. 11:24;
20 When the LORD your God aen- 19:8 2 and athe sign or the wonder
larges your border as He has prom- comes to pass, of which he spoke to
ised you, and you say, Let me eat 21 aDeut. 14:24 you, saying, Let us go after other
meat, because you long to eat meat, 23 aGen. 9:4;
godswhich you have not
you may eat as much meat as your Lev. 17:1014; knownand let us serve them,
heart desires. Deut. 12:16 3 you shall not listen to the
21 If the place where the LORD words of that prophet or that
your God chooses to put His name is 25 aDeut. 4:40; dreamer of dreams, for the LORD
6:18; Is. 3:10
too far from ayou, then you may bEx. 15:26; your God ais testing you to know
slaughter from your herd and from 1 Kin. 11:38 whether you love the LORD your
your flock which the LORD has God with all your heart and with all
given you, just as I have commanded 26 aNum. 5:9,
10; 18:19 your soul.
you, and you may eat within your 4 You shall awalk 1 after the
gates as much as your heart desires. 27 aLev. 1:5, 9, LORD your God and fear Him, and
22 Just as the gazelle and the deer 13, 17 keep His commandments and obey
are eaten, so you may eat them; the His voice; you shall serve Him and
28 aDeut. 12:25
unclean and the clean alike may eat bhold fast to Him.
them. 29 aEx. 23:23; 5 But athat prophet or that
23 Only be sure that you do not eat Deut. 19:1; dreamer of dreams shall be put to
the blood, afor the blood is the life; Josh. 23:4
death, because he has spoken in
you may not eat the life with the meat. 31 aLev. 18:3, order to turn you away from the
24 You shall not eat it; you shall 26, 30; 20:1, 2 LORD your God, who brought you
pour it on the earth like water. bDeut. 18:10;
out of the land of Egypt and
25 You shall not eat it, athat it may Ps. 106:37;
redeemed you from the house of
go well with you and your children Jer. 32:35
1detestable bondage, to entice you from the way
after you, bwhen you do what is action in which the LORD your God com-
right in the sight of the LORD. manded you to walk. bSo you shall
26 Only the aholy things which 32 aDeut. 4:2; 1put away the evil from your midst.
you have, and your vowed offerings, 13:18; Josh.
1:7; Prov. 30:6; 6 aIf your brother, the son of
you shall take and go to the place Rev. 22:18, 19 your mother, your son or your
which the LORD chooses. daughter, bthe wife 1of your bosom,
27 And ayou shall offer your burnt or your friend cwho is as your own
offerings, the meat and the blood, CHAPTER 13
soul, secretly entices you, saying,
on the altar of the LORD your God; aNum. Let us go and serve other gods,
and the blood of your sacrifices 1 12:6;
Jer. 23:28; which you have not known, neither
shall be poured out on the altar of Zech. 10:2 you nor your fathers,
the LORD your God, and you shall bMatt. 24:24;
7 of the gods of the people which
eat the meat. Mark 13:22;
are all around you, near to you or
28 Observe and obey all these 2 Thess. 2:9
far off from you, from one end of the
words which I command you, athat 2 aDeut. 18:22 earth to the other end of the earth,
it may go well with you and your 8 you shall anot 1consent to him
children after you forever, when you 3 aEx. 20:20;
or listen to him, nor shall your eye
do what is good and right in the Deut. 8:2, 16
pity him, nor shall you spare him or
sight of the LORD your God. 4 aDeut. 10:12, conceal him;
20; 2 Kin. 23:3 9 but you shall surely kill him;
Beware of False Gods bDeut. 30:20
1follow the your hand shall be first against him
29 When athe LORD your God cuts LORD to put him to adeath, and afterward
off from before you the nations the hand of all the people.
which you go to dispossess, and you 5 aDeut. 18:20; 10 And you shall stone him with
displace them and dwell in their land, Jer. 14:15
bDeut. 17:5, 7; stones until he dies, because he
30 take heed to yourself that you 1 Cor. 5:13 sought to entice you away from the
are not ensnared to follow them, 1exterminate
LORD your God, who brought you
after they are destroyed from before out of the land of Egypt, from the
you, and that you do not inquire 6 aDeut. 17:2
bGen. 16:5 house of bondage.
after their gods, saying, How did c1 Sam. 18:1, 11 So all Israel shall hear and
these nations serve their gods? I 3 1Whom you a fear, and not again do such
also will do likewise. cherish
wickedness as this among you.
31 aYou shall not worship the 8 aDeut. 7:16; 12 If you hear someone in one of
LORD your God in that way; for Prov. 1:10 your cities, which the LORD your
every 1abomination to the LORD 1yield
God gives you to dwell in, saying,
which He hates they have done to 13 1Corrupt men have gone out
their gods; for bthey burn even their 9 aLev. 24:14;
Deut. 17:7 from among you and enticed the
sons and daughters in the fire to inhabitants of their city, saying,
their gods. 11 aDeut. 17:13 Let us go and serve other gods
32 Whatever I command you, be which you have not known
careful to observe it; ayou shall not 12 aJudg.
20:148 14 then you shall inquire, search
add to it nor take away from it. out, and ask diligently. And if it is
Punishment of Apostates
13 1Lit. Sons indeed true and certain that such
of Belial an 1abomination was committed
If there arises among you a among you,
13 prophet or a adreamer of
14 1detestable
action 15 you shall surely strike the
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inhabitants of that city with the 16 aJosh. 6:24 14 every raven after its kind;
bJosh. 8:28; Is.
edge of the sword, utterly destroy- 17:1; 25:2; Jer.
15 the ostrich, the short-eared
ing it, all that is in it and its live- 49:2 1Or as a owl, the sea gull, and the hawk after
stockwith the edge of the sword. whole- their kinds;
16 And you shall gather all its offering 2Lit. 16 the little owl, the screech owl,
plunder into the middle of the street, mound or ruin the white owl,
and 1completely aburn with fire the 17 aJosh. 6:18
17 the jackdaw, the carrion vul-
city and all its plunder, for the LORD bJosh. 7:26 ture, the fisher owl,
your God. It shall be ba 2heap forever; 1increase 18 the stork, the heron after its
it shall not be built again. kind, and the hoopoe and the bat.
17 aSo none of the accursed 18 aDeut. 19 Also aevery 1creeping thing
things shall remain in your hand, 12:25, 28, 32 that flies is unclean for you; bthey
that the LORD may bturn from the shall not be eaten.
fierceness of His anger and show CHAPTER 14 20 You may eat all clean birds.
you mercy, have compassion on you 21 aYou shall not eat anything that
and 1multiply you, just as He swore dies of itself; you may give it to the
to your fathers, 1 a[Rom. 8:16; alien who is within your gates, that
Gal. 3:26]
18 because you have listened to bLev. 19:28; he may eat it, or you may sell it to a
the voice of the LORD your God, ato 21:15 1make foreigner; bfor you are a holy people
keep all His commandments which I any baldness to the LORD your God. cYou shall not
command you today, to do what is between your boil a young goat in its mothers milk.
right in the eyes of the LORD your
God. Tithing Principles
2 aLev. 20:26;
Improper Mourning
Deut. 7:6; 22 aYou shall truly tithe all the
[Rom. 12:1] increase of your grain that the field
You are athe children of the produces year by year.
14 LORD your God; byou shall
not cut yourselves nor 1shave the
3 aEzek. 4:14
1abominable 23 aAnd you shall eat before the
LORD your God, in the place where
front of your head for the dead. 4 aLev. 11:245 He chooses to make His name
2 aFor you are a holy people to abide, the tithe of your grain and
the LORD your God, and the LORD 5 1Or addax your new wine and your oil, of bthe
has chosen you to be a people for firstborn of your herds and your
Himself, a special treasure above all 8 aLev. 11:26, flocks, that you may learn to fear
the peoples who are on the face of 27 the LORD your God always.
the earth. 24 But if the journey is too long
9 aLev. 11:9 for you, so that you are not able to
Clean and Unclean Meat carry the tithe, or aif the place
12 aLev. 11:13
3 aYou shall not eat any 1detest- where the LORD your God chooses
able thing. 19 aLev. 11:20 to put His name is too far from you,
4 aThese are the animals which bLev. 11:23 when the LORD your God has
you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the
1swarming blessed you,
goat, 25 then you shall exchange it for
5 the deer, the gazelle, the roe 21 aLev. 17:15; money, take the money in your
22:8; Ezek. hand, and go to the place which the
deer, the wild goat, the 1mountain 4:14; 44:31
goat, the antelope, and the moun- bDeut. 14:2 LORD your God chooses.
tain sheep. cEx. 23:19; 26 And you shall spend that money
6 And you may eat every animal 34:26 for whatever your heart desires: for
with cloven hooves, having the hoof oxen or sheep, for wine or similar
22 aLev. 27:30; drink, for whatever your heart
split into two parts, and that chews Deut. 12:6, 17;
the cud, among the animals. Neh. 10:37 desires; you shall eat there before the
7 Nevertheless, of those that LORD your God, and you shall are-
chew the cud or have cloven hooves, 23 aDeut. joice, you and your household.
you shall not eat, such as these: the 12:57 bDeut. 27 You shall not 1forsake the aLe-
camel, the hare, and the rock hyrax;
15:19, 20 vite who is within your gates, for he
for they chew the cud but do not has no part nor inheritance with
24 aDeut. 12:5, you.
have cloven hooves; they are 21
unclean for you. 28 aAt the end of every third year
8 Also the swine is unclean for 26 aDeut. 12:7 you shall bring out the btithe of your
you, because it has cloven hooves, produce of that year and store it up
yet does not chew the cud; you shall 27 aDeut. 12:12 within your gates.
not eat their flesh aor touch their
1neglect 29 And the Levite, because he has
dead carcasses. no portion nor inheritance with you,
9 aThese you may eat of all that 28 aDeut. and the stranger and the fatherless
are in the waters: you may eat all
26:12; Amos
4:4 bNum.
and the widow who are within your
that have fins and scales. 18:2124 gates, may come and eat and be sat-
10 And whatever does not have isfied, that the LORD your God may
fins and scales you shall not eat; it is bless you in all the work of your
unclean for you. CHAPTER 15 hand which you do.
11 All clean birds you may eat. Debts Canceled Every Seven Years
12 aBut these you shall not eat: the 1 aEx. 21:2;
eagle, the vulture, the buzzard, 23:10, 11; Lev. At the end of aevery seven
13 the red kite, the falcon, and the
kite after their kinds;
25:4; Jer.
34:14 1remis-
15 years you shall grant a
1release of debts.
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2 And this is the form of the 2 1cancel the and the LORD your God redeemed
release: Every creditor who has lent debt 2exact it you; therefore I command you this
anything to his neighbor shall 4 aDeut. 7:13
thing today.
1release it; he shall not 2require it of 16 And aif it happens that he says
his neighbor or his brother, because 6 aDeut. 28:12, to you, I will not go away from you,
it is called the LORDs release. 44 because he loves you and your
3 Of a foreigner you may require house, since he prospers with you,
it; but you shall give up your claim 7 aEx. 23:6; 17 then you shall take an awl and
to what is owed by your brother, Lev. 25:3537; thrust it through his ear to the door,
4 except when there may be no 24:1214; and he shall be your servant forever.
poor among you; for the LORD will [1 John 3:17] Also to your female servant you
greatly abless you in the land which 1towns shall do likewise.
the LORD your God is giving you to 18 It shall not seem hard to you
possess as an inheritance 8 aMatt. 5:42; when you send him away free from
Gal. 2:10 you; for he has been worth aa double
5 only if you carefully obey the 1freely open
voice of the LORD your God, to hired servant in serving you six
observe with care all these com- 9 aDeut. 28:54, years. Then the LORD your God will
mandments which I command you 56 bEx. 22:23; bless you in all that you do.
today. Deut. 24:15;
6 For the LORD your God will Job 34:28; Ps. The Law Concerning Firstborn
12:5; James Animals
bless you just as He promised you; 5:4 c[Matt.
ayou shall lend to many nations, but 25:41, 42] 19 aAll the firstborn males that
you shall not borrow; you shall come from your herd and your flock
reign over many nations, but they 10 a2 Cor. 9:5,
you shall 1sanctify to the LORD your
shall not reign over you. 7 bDeut.
14:29; Ps. God; you shall do no work with the
Generosity to the Poor 41:1; Prov. firstborn of your herd, nor shear the
22:9 firstborn of your flock.
7 If there is among you a poor 20 aYou and your household shall
11 aMatt.
man of your brethren, within any of 26:11; Mark eat it before the LORD your God
the 1gates in your land which the 14:7; John year by year in the place which the
LORD your God is giving you, ayou 12:8 1freely LORD chooses.
shall not harden your heart nor shut open 21 aBut if there is a defect in it, if it
your hand from your poor brother, is lame or blind or has any serious
12 aEx. 21:26; defect, you shall not sacrifice it to
8 but ayou shall 1open your hand Jer. 34:14
wide to him and willingly lend him bLev. 25:3946 the LORD your God.
sufficient for his need, whatever he 22 You may eat it within your
needs. 13 1set him gates; athe unclean and the clean
9 Beware lest there be a wicked free person alike may eat it, as if it were
thought in your heart, saying, The a gazelle or a deer.
seventh year, the year of release, is 14 aProv. 10:22 23 Only you shall not eat its
at hand, and your aeye be evil blood; you shall pour it on the
15 aDeut. 5:15
against your poor brother and you ground like water.
give him nothing, and bhe cry out to 16 aEx. 21:5, 6
the LORD against you, and cit The Passover Reviewed
become sin among you. Observe the amonth of Abib,
10 You shall surely give to him, and
ayour heart should not be grieved
18 aIs. 16:14

19 aEx. 13:2,
16 and keep the Passover to the
LORD your God, for bin the month of
when you give to him, because bfor 12 1set apart
Abib the LORD your God brought
this thing the LORD your God will or consecrate
you out of Egypt by night.
bless you in all your works and in all 20 aLev. 2 Therefore you shall sacrifice
to which you put your hand. 7:1518; Deut. the Passover to the LORD your God,
11 For athe poor will never cease 12:5; 14:23 from the flock and athe herd, in the
from the land; therefore I command bplace where the LORD chooses to
you, saying, You shall 1open your 21 aLev. put His name.
hand wide to your brother, to your 22:1925;
Deut. 17:1 3 You shall eat no leavened bread
poor and your needy, in your land. with it; aseven days you shall eat
The Law Concerning Bondservants 22 aDeut. unleavened bread with it, that is, the
12:15, 16, 22 bread of affliction (for you came out
12 aIf your brother, a Hebrew of the land of Egypt in haste), that
man, or a Hebrew woman, is bsold CHAPTER 16 you may bremember the day in
to you and serves you six years, which you came out of the land of
then in the seventh year you shall aEx.
Egypt all the days of your life.
let him go free from you. 1 12:2 4 aAnd no leaven shall be seen
bEx. 13:4
13 And when you 1send him away among you in all your territory for
free from you, you shall not let him 2 aNum. 28:19 seven days, nor shall any of the
go away empty-handed; bDeut. 12:5, meat which you sacrifice the first
14 you shall supply him liberally 26; 15:20 day at twilight remain overnight
from your flock, from your threshing until bmorning.
floor, and from your winepress. From 3 aNum. 29:12
bEx. 13:3;
5 You may not sacrifice the
what the LORD your God has ablessed Deut. 4:9 Passover within any of your gates
you with, you shall give to him. which the LORD your God gives you;
15 aYou shall remember that you 4 aEx. 13:7 6 but at the place where the LORD
were a slave in the land of Egypt, bNum. 9:12 your God chooses to make His name
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abide, there you shall sacrifice the 6 aEx. 12:710 LORD your God gives you, accord-
Passover aat twilight, at the going 7 a2 Kin. 23:23 ing to your tribes, and they shall
down of the sun, at the time you 8 aEx. 12:16;
judge the people with just judgment.
came out of Egypt. 13:6; Lev. 19 aYou shall not pervert justice;
7 And you shall roast and eat it 23:8, 36 1Lit. byou shall not 1show partiality, cnor
ain the place which the LORD your restraint take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the
God chooses, and in the morning 10 aEx. 34:22; eyes of the wise and 2twists the
you shall turn and go to your tents. Lev. 23:15, 16; words of the righteous.
8 Six days you shall eat unleav- Num. 28:26 20 You shall follow what is alto-
b1 Cor. 16:2
ened bread, and aon the seventh day gether just, that you may alive and
there shall be a 1sacred assembly to 11 aDeut. 16:14 inherit the land which the LORD
the LORD your God.You shall do no 12 aDeut. 15:15 your God is giving you.
work on it. 13 aEx. 23:16
21 aYou shall not plant for your-
self any tree, as a 1wooden image,
The Feast of Weeks Reviewed 14 aNeh. 8:9 near the altar which you build for
9 You shall count seven weeks yourself to the LORD your God.
for yourself; begin to count the 15 aLev. 22 aYou shall not set up a sacred
23:3941 pillar, which the LORD your God
seven weeks from the time you
begin to put the sickle to the grain. 16 aEx. hates.
You ashall not sacrifice to the
10 Then you shall keep the aFeast
of Weeks to the LORD your God with
34:2224 bEx.
17 LORD your God a bull or
sheep which has any 1blemish or
the tribute of a freewill offering from
your hand, which you shall give bas
17 aLev. 14:30, defect, for that is an 2abomination to
31; Deut.
the LORD your God blesses you. 16:10 the LORD your God.
11 aYou shall rejoice before the 2 aIf there is found among you,
18 aEx. 23:18; within any of your 1gates which the
LORD your God, you and your son Deut. 1:16, 17;
and your daughter, your male ser- John 7:24 LORD your God gives you, a man or
vant and your female servant, the 1towns a woman who has been wicked in
Levite who is within your gates, 19 aEx. 23:2, 6 the sight of the LORD your God, bin
the stranger and the fatherless and bDeut. 1:17 transgressing His covenant,
the widow who are among you, at the
cEx. 23:8 1Lit. 3 who has gone and served other
regard faces gods and worshiped them, either
place where the LORD your God 2perverts
athe sun or moon or any of the host
chooses to make His name abide. 20 aEzek.
12 aAnd you shall remember that of heaven, bwhich I have not com-
18:59 manded,
you were a slave in Egypt, and you
shall be careful to observe these 21 aEx. 34:13 4 aand it is told you, and you hear
1Or Asherah
statutes. of it, then you shall inquire diligently.
22 aLev. 26:1 And if it is indeed true and certain
The Feast of Tabernacles Reviewed that such an 1abomination has been
CHAPTER 17 committed in Israel,
13 aYou shall observe the Feast of 5 then you shall bring out to your
Tabernacles seven days, when you 1 aDeut. 15:21; gates that man or woman who has
have gathered from your threshing Mal. 1:8, 13 committed that wicked thing, and
1Lit. evil thing
floor and from your winepress. 2detestable ashall stone bto death that man or
14 And ayou shall rejoice in your thing woman with stones.
feast, you and your son and your 6 Whoever is deserving of death
daughter, your male servant and 2 aDeut. 13:6
bJosh. 7:11 shall be put to death on the testi-
your female servant and the Levite, 1towns mony of two or three awitnesses; he
the stranger and the fatherless and the shall not be put to death on the tes-
widow, who are within your 1gates. 3 aDeut. 4:19
bJer. 7:22 timony of one witness.
15 aSeven days you shall keep a 7 The hands of the witnesses
sacred feast to the LORD your God in 4 aDeut. 13:12,
14 1detestable shall be the first against him to put
the place which the LORD chooses, thing him to death, and afterward the
because the LORD your God will hands of all the people. So you shall
bless you in all your produce and in 5 aLev.
24:1416; put away the evil from among ayou.
all the work of your hands, so that Josh. 7:25 8 aIf a matter arises which is too
you surely rejoice. bDeut. 13:618
hard for you to judge, between
16 aThree times a year all your 6 aNum. 35:30; degrees of guilt for bloodshed,
males shall appear before the LORD Deut. 19:15; between one judgment or another, or
your God in the place which He Matt. 18:16;
between one punishment or another,
chooses: at the Feast of Unleavened John 8:17;
2 Cor. 13:1; matters of controversy within your
Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at 1 Tim. 5:19; gates, then you shall arise and go up
the Feast of Tabernacles; and bthey Heb. 10:28 to the bplace which the LORD your
shall not appear before the LORD 7 aDeut. 13:5; God chooses.
empty-handed. 19:19; 1 Cor. 9 And ayou shall come to the
17 Every man shall give as he is 5:13 priests, the Levites, and bto the judge
able, aaccording to the blessing of 8 aDeut. 1:17; there in those days, and inquire of
the LORD your God which He has 2 Chr. 19:10 them; cthey shall pronounce upon
given you. bDeut. 12:5;
you the sentence of judgment.
Justice Must Be Administered 10 You shall do according to the
9 aJer. 18:18 sentence which they pronounce upon
18 You shall appoint ajudges and 19:1719 you in that place which the LORD
officers in all your 1gates, which the cEzek. 44:24 chooses. And you shall be care-
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ful to do according to all that they 12 aNum. adue1 from the people, from those
order you. 15:30 who offer a sacrifice, whether it is
11 According to the sentence of 13 aDeut. bull or sheep: they shall give to the
the law in which they instruct you, 13:11 priest the shoulder, the cheeks, and
according to the judgment which 14 a1 Sam. 8:5, the stomach.
they tell you, you shall do; you shall 19, 20; 10:19 4 aThe firstfruits of your grain
not turn aside to the right hand or and your new wine and your oil, and
15 a1 Sam.
to the left from the sentence which 9:15, 16; the first of the fleece of your sheep,
they pronounce upon you. 10:24; 16:12, you shall give him.
12 Now athe man who acts pre- 13 bJer. 30:21 5 For athe LORD your God has
sumptuously and will not heed the 16 a1 Kin. chosen him out of all your tribes bto
priest who stands to minister there 4:26; 10:2629 stand to minister in the name of the
before the LORD your God, or the bEzek. 17:15 LORD, him and his sons forever.
cEx. 13:17, 18
judge, that man shall die. So you dDeut. 28:68
6 So if a Levite comes from any
shall put away the evil from Israel. of your 1gates, from where he
13 aAnd all the people shall hear 17 a1 Kin. a dwells among all Israel, and
and fear, and no longer act pre- 10:14 comes with all the desire of his
sumptuously. 18 aDeut. mind bto the place which the LORD
31:2426 chooses,
Principles Governing Kings 7 then he may serve in the name
19 aPs. 119:97,
14 When you come to the land 98 of the LORD his God aas all his
which the LORD your God is giving brethren the Levites do, who stand
20 aDeut. 5:32 there before the LORD.
you, and possess it and dwell in it, 1become
and say, aI will set a king over me proud 2con- 8 They shall have equal apor-
like all the nations that are around tinue long in tions to eat, besides what comes
me, his kingdom from the sale of his inheritance.
15 you shall surely set a king over Avoid Wicked Customs
you awhom the LORD your God CHAPTER 18
chooses; one bfrom among your 9 When you come into the land
brethren you shall set as king over 1 aDeut. 10:9 which the LORD your God is giving
1no portion
you; you may not set a foreigner you, ayou shall not learn to follow
over you, who is not your brother. 3 aLev. the 1abominations of those nations.
16 But he shall not multiply 7:3234; 10 There shall not be found among
1 Sam.
ahorses for himself, nor cause the
2:1316, 29 you anyone who makes his son or
people bto return to Egypt to multi- 1right his daughter apass1 through the fire,
ply horses, for cthe LORD has said to bor one who practices witchcraft, or
you, dYou shall not return that way 4 aEx. 22:29 a soothsayer, or one who interprets
again. 5 aEx. 28:1 omens, or a sorcerer,
17 Neither shall he multiply wives bDeut. 10:8
11 aor one who conjures spells, or
for himself, lest his heart turn away; 6 aNum. 35:2 a medium, or a spiritist, or bone who
nor shall he greatly multiply silver bDeut. 12:5; calls up the dead.
and agold for himself. 14:23 1towns 12 For all who do these things are
18 Also it shall be, when he sits on 7 a2 Chr. 31:2
1an abomination to the LORD, and
the throne of his kingdom, that he abecause of these abominations the
shall write for himself a copy of this 8 a2 Chr. 31:4 LORD your God drives them out
law in a book, from the one abefore 9 aDeut. 12:29, from before you.
the priests, the Levites. 30; 20:1618 13 You shall be 1blameless before
19 And ait shall be with him, and the LORD your God.
he shall read it all the days of his acts
14 For these nations which you
life, that he may learn to fear the 10 aDeut. will dispossess listened to soothsay-
LORD his God and be careful to 12:31 bIs. 8:19
1Be burned as
ers and diviners; but as for you, the
observe all the words of this law an offering to
LORD your God has not 1appointed
and these statutes, an idol such for you.
20 that his heart may not 1be lifted
above his brethren, that he amay not 11 aLev. 20:27 A New Prophet Like Moses
b1 Sam. 28:7
turn aside from the commandment 15 aThe LORD your God will raise
to the right hand or to the left, and 12 aLev. 18:24
up for you a Prophet like me from
that he may 2prolong his days in his your midst, from your brethren.
kingdom, he and his children in the 13 1Lit. perfect Him you shall hear,
midst of Israel. 16 according to all you desired of
14 1allowed
The Portion of the Priests and you to do so the LORD your God in Horeb ain the
Levites 15 aActs 3:22
day of the assembly, saying, bLet
me not hear again the voice of the
The priests, the Levitesall LORD my God, nor let me see this
18 the tribe of Levishall have
1no part nor ainheritance with Israel;
16 aDeut.
5:2327 bEx.
20:18, 19
great fire anymore, lest I die.
17 And the LORD said to me:
they shall eat the offerings of the 17 aDeut. 5:28 aWhat they have spoken is good.
LORD made by fire, and His portion. 18 aJohn 1:45
18 aI will raise up for them a
2 Therefore they shall have no bIs. 49:2; 51:16 Prophet like you from among their
inheritance among their brethren; c[John 4:25; brethren, and bwill put My words in
the LORD is their inheritance, as He 8:28] His mouth, cand He shall speak to
said to them. 19 a[Heb. them all that I command Him.
3 And this shall be the priests 12:25] 19 aAnd it shall be that whoever
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will not hear My words, which He 20 aDeut. 13:5; LORD your God is giving you as an
speaks in My name, I will require it Jer. 14:14, 15; inheritance, and thus guilt of blood-
Zech. 13:25
of him. bDeut. 13:13; shed be upon you.
20 But athe prophet who presumes Jer. 2:8cJer. 11 But aif anyone hates his neigh-
to speak a word in My name, which 28:9 bDeut. bor, lies in wait for him, rises
I have not commanded him to speak, against him and strikes him mor-
or bwho speaks in the name of other 22 aJer. 28:9 tally, so that he dies, and he flees to
bDeut. 13:2
gods, that prophet shall die. cDeut. 18:20 one of these cities,
21 And if you say in your heart, 12 then the elders of his city shall
How shall we know the word which CHAPTER 19 send and bring him from there, and
the LORD has not spoken? deliver him over to the hand of the
22 awhen a prophet speaks in the 1 aDeut. 12:29 avenger of blood, that he may die.
name of the LORD, bif the thing does 2 aEx. 21:13; 13 aYour eye shall not pity him,
bbut you shall 1put away the guilt of
not happen or come to pass, that is Num.
the thing which the LORD has not 35:1015; innocent blood from Israel, that it
Deut. 4:41; may go well with you.
spoken; the prophet has spoken it Josh. 20:2
cpresumptuously; you shall not be
afraid of him. 4 aNum. Property Boundaries
35:934; Deut.
4:42 1igno- 14 aYou shall not remove your
Three Cities of Refuge rantly, lit. neighbors landmark, which the
When the Lord your God men of old have set, in your inheri-
19 ahas cut off the nations whose
land the LORD your God is giving
6 aNum. 35:12
tance which you will inherit in the
land that the LORD your God is giv-
8 aDeut. 12:20 ing you to possess.
you, and you dispossess them and fGen. 15:1821
dwell in their cities and in their The Law Concerning Witnesses
houses, 9 aJosh. 20:79
2 ayou shall separate three cities 10 aNum. 15 aOne witness shall not rise
for yourself in the midst of your 35:33; Deut.
21:19 against a man concerning any iniq-
land which the LORD your God is uity or any sin that he commits; by
giving you to possess. 11 aNum. the mouth of two or three witnesses
35:16, 24;
3 You shall prepare roads for Deut. 27:24; the matter shall be established.
yourself, and divide into three parts [1 John 3:15] 16 If a false witness arises against
the territory of your land which the 13 aDeut. 13:8 any man to testify against him of
LORD your God is giving you to bNum. 35:33, wrongdoing,
inherit, that any manslayer may flee 34; 1 Kin. 2:31
1purge the
17 then both men in the contro-
there. blood of the versy shall stand before the LORD,
4 And athis is the case of the innocent
abefore the priests and the judges
manslayer who flees there, that he 14 aDeut.
who serve in those days.
may live: Whoever kills his neigh- 27:17; Job 18 And the judges shall make
bor 1unintentionally, not having 24:2; Prov. careful inquiry, and indeed, if the
hated him in time past 22:28; Hos. witness is a false witness, who has
5 as when a man goes to the testified falsely against his brother,
woods with his neighbor to cut tim- 15 aNum. 19 athen you shall do to him as he
35:30; Deut. thought to have done to his brother;
ber, and his hand swings a stroke 17:6; Matt.
with the ax to cut down the tree, and 18:16; John so byou shall put away the evil from
the head slips from the handle and 8:17; 2 Cor. among you.
strikes his neighbor so that he 13:1; 1 Tim. 20 aAnd those who remain shall
5:19; Heb.
dieshe shall flee to one of these 10:28 hear and fear, and hereafter they
cities and live; shall not again commit such evil
16 aEx. 23:1; among you.
6 alest the avenger of blood, while Ps. 27:12;
his anger is hot, pursue the man- 35:11 21 aYour eye shall not pity: blife
slayer and overtake him, because the 17 aDeut.
shall be for life, eye for eye, tooth for
way is long, and kill him, though he 17:811; 21:5 tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
was not deserving of death, since he 19 aProv. 19:5; Principles Governing Warfare
had not hated the victim in time past. Dan. 6:24
bDeut. 13:5;
7 Therefore I command you, say- When you go out to battle
ing, You shall separate three cities
for yourself.
17:7; 21:21;
22:21 20 against your enemies, and see
horses and chariots and people
20 aDeut.
8 Now if the LORD your God aen- 17:13; 21:21 more numerous than you, do not be
larges your territory, as He swore to bafraid of them; for the LORD your
21 aDeut. 19:13
byour fathers, and gives you the
bEx. 21:23, 24; God is cwith you, who brought you
land which He promised to give to Lev. 24:20; up from the land of Egypt.
your fathers, Matt. 5:38, 39 2 So it shall be, when you are on
9 and if you keep all these com- the verge of battle, that the priest
mandments and do them, which I CHAPTER 20 shall approach and speak to the
command you today, to love the people.
1 aPs. 20:7; Is.
LORD your God and to walk always 31:1 bDeut. 3 And he shall say to them, Hear,
in His ways, athen you shall add 7:18 cNum. O Israel: Today you are on the verge
three more cities for yourself 23:21; Deut. of battle with your enemies. Do not
besides these three, 5:6; 31:6, 8; let your heart faint, do not be afraid,
2 Chr. 13:12;
10 alest innocent blood be shed in 32:7, 8; Ps. and do not tremble or be terrified
the midst of your land which the 23:4; Is. 41:10 because of them;
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4 for the LORD your God is He 4 aDeut. 1:30; its trees by wielding an ax against
who goes with you, ato fight for you 3:22; Josh. them; if you can eat of them, do not
against your enemies, to save you. cut them down to use in the siege,
5 Then the officers shall speak to for the tree of the field is mans food.
the people, saying: What man is 5 aNeh. 12:27 20 Only the trees which you know
there who has built a new house are not trees for food you may
and has not adedicated it? Let him destroy and cut down, to build siege-
go and return to his house, lest he 7 aDeut. 24:5 works against the city that makes
die in the battle and another man war with you, until it is subdued.
dedicate it.
6 Also what man is there who has 8 aJudg. 7:3 The Law Concerning Unsolved
1So with MT, Murder
planted a vineyard and has not Tg.; Sam.,
eaten of it? Let him go and return to If anyone is found slain,
his house, lest he die in the battle
and another man eat of it.
LXX, Syr., Vg.
lest he make
his brothers
21 lying in the field in the land
which the Lord your God is giving
heart faint
7 aAnd what man is there who is you to possess, and it is not known
betrothed to a woman and has not who killed him,
married her? Let him go and return 10 a2 Sam. 2 then your elders and your
to his house, lest he die in the battle 10:19 judges shall go out and measure the
and another man marry her. distance from the slain man to the
8 The officers shall speak fur- surrounding cities.
ther to the people, and say, aWhat 13 aNum. 31:7 3 And it shall be that the elders
man is there who is fearful and of the city nearest to the slain man
fainthearted? Let him go and return will take a heifer which has not
to his house, 1lest the heart of his 14 aJosh. 8:2
b1 Sam. 14:30 been worked and which has not
brethren faint like his heart. pulled with a ayoke.
9 And so it shall be, when the offi- 4 The elders of that city shall
cers have finished speaking to the 16 aEx. bring the heifer down to a valley
people, that they shall make captains 23:3133; with flowing water, which is neither
of the armies to lead the people. Num. 21:2, 3; plowed nor sown, and they shall
Deut. 7:15;
10 When you go near a city to Josh. 11:14 break the heifers neck there in the
fight against it, athen proclaim an valley.
offer of peace to it. 5 Then the priests, the sons of
11 And it shall be that if they 18 aEx. Levi, shall come near, for athe LORD
accept your offer of peace, and open 34:1216; your God has chosen them to minis-
to you, then all the people who are Deut. 7:4; ter to Him and to bless in the name
12:30; 18:9
found in it shall be placed under bEx. 23:33; of the LORD; bby their word every
tribute to you, and serve you. 2 Kin. controversy and every 1assault shall
12 Now if the city will not make 21:315; Ps. be settled.
peace with you, but makes war 106:3441 6 And all the elders of that city
against you, then you shall besiege it. things nearest to the slain man ashall wash
13 And when the LORD your God their hands over the heifer whose
delivers it into your hands, ayou neck was broken in the valley.
shall strike every male in it with the 7 Then they shall answer and
edge of the sword. CHAPTER 21 say, Our hands have not shed this
14 But the women, the little ones, blood, nor have our eyes seen it.
athe livestock, and all that is in the 8 Provide atonement, O LORD, for
city, all its spoil, you shall plunder 3 aNum. 19:2 Your people Israel, whom You have
for yourself; and byou shall eat the redeemed, aand do not lay innocent
enemies plunder which the LORD blood to the charge of Your people
your God gives you. 5 aDeut. 10:8; Israel. And atonement shall be pro-
1 Chr. 23:13 vided on their behalf for the blood.
15 Thus you shall do to all the bDeut. 17:8, 9
cities which are very far from you, 1Lit. stroke 9 So ayou shall put away the
which are not of the cities of these guilt of innocent blood from among
nations. you when you do what is right in
16 But aof the cities of these peo- 6 aPs. 19:12; the sight of the LORD.
ples which the LORD your God gives 26:6; Matt.
you as an inheritance, you shall let 27:24 Female Captives
nothing that breathes remain alive, 10 When you go out to war
17 but you shall utterly destroy 8 aDeut. 19:10, against your enemies, and the LORD
them: the Hittite and the Amorite 13; Jon. 1:14 your God delivers them into your
and the Canaanite and the Perizzite hand, and you take them captive,
and the Hivite and the Jebusite, just 11 and you see among the cap-
as the LORD your God has com- 9 aDeut. 19:13 tives a beautiful woman, and desire
manded you, her and would take her for your
18 lest athey teach you to do awife,
according to all their 1abominations 11 aNum. 31:18 12 then you shall bring her home
which they have done for their gods, to your house, and she shall ashave
and you bsin against the LORD your 12 aLev. 14:8,
her head and trim her nails.
God. 9; Num. 6:9 13 She shall put off the clothes of
19 When you besiege a city for a her captivity, remain in your house,
long time, while making war against and amourn her father and her
it to take it, you shall not destroy 13 aPs. 45:10 mother a full month; after that you
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may go in to her and be her hus- 14 aGen. 34:2; 3 You shall do the same with his
band, and she shall be your wife. Deut. 22:29; donkey, and so shall you do with his
Judg. 19:24
14 And it shall be, if you have no garment; with any lost thing of your
delight in her, then you shall set her brothers, which he has lost and you
free, but you certainly shall not sell 15 aGen. 29:33 have found, you shall do likewise;
her for money; you shall not treat you 1must not hide yourself.
her brutally, because you have 4 aYou shall not see your broth-
ahumbled her.
16 a1 Chr. 5:2; ers donkey or his ox fall down
26:10 along the road, and hide yourself
Firstborn Inheritance Rights from them; you shall surely help
15 If a man has two wives, one him lift them up again.
17 a2 Kin. 2:9 5 A woman shall not wear any-
loved aand the other unloved, and bGen. 49:3
they have borne him children, both cGen. 25:31, thing that pertains to a man, nor
the loved and the unloved, and if the 33 shall a man put on a womans gar-
firstborn son is of her who is ment, for all who do so are 1an
unloved, abomination to the LORD your God.
16 then it shall be, aon the day he 21 aDeut. 13:5; 6 If a birds nest happens to be
bequeaths his possessions to his
19:19, 20; before you along the way, in any tree
22:21, 24 or on the ground, with young ones
sons, that he must not bestow first- bDeut. 13:11
born status on the son of the loved or eggs, with the mother sitting on
wife in preference to the son of the the young or on the eggs, ayou shall
unloved, the true firstborn. 22 aDeut. not take the mother with the young;
17 But he shall acknowledge the 22:26; Matt. 7 you shall surely let the mother
son of the unloved wife as the first-
26:66; Mark go, and take the young for yourself,
14:64; Acts athat it may be well with you and
born aby giving him a double por- 23:29
tion of all that he has, for he bis the that you may prolong your days.
beginning of his strength; cthe right 8 When you build a new house,
of the firstborn is his. 23 aJosh. 8:29; then you shall make a parapet for
10:26, 27; your roof, that you may not bring
The Rebellious Son John 19:31
bLev. 18:25;
guilt of bloodshed on your house-
Num. 35:34
hold if anyone falls from it.
18 If a man has a stubborn and cGal. 3:13 9 aYou shall not sow your vine-
rebellious son who will not obey the yard with different kinds of seed,
voice of his father or the voice of his lest the yield of the seed which you
mother, and who, when they have have sown and the fruit of your
chastened him, will not heed them, CHAPTER 22 vineyard be defiled.
19 then his father and his mother 10 aYou shall not plow with an ox
shall take hold of him and bring him and a donkey together.
out to the elders of his city, to the 1 aEx. 23:4 11 aYou shall not wear a garment
gate of his city. 1ignore them of different sorts, such as wool and
20 And they shall say to the elders linen mixed together.
of his city, This son of ours is stub- 12 You shall make atassels on the
born and rebellious; he will not 3 1may not four corners of the clothing with
obey our voice; he is a glutton and a avoid respon- which you cover yourself.
21 Then all the men of his city Laws of Sexual Morality
shall stone him to death with stones; 4 aEx. 23:5 13 If any man takes a wife, and
aso you shall put away the evil from
among you, band all Israel shall goes in to her, and adetests her,
hear and fear. 14 and charges her with shameful
5 1detestable conduct, and brings a bad name on
Miscellaneous Laws her, and says, I took this woman,
and when I came to her I found she
22 If a man has committed a sin 6 aLev. 22:28 was not a virgin,
adeserving of death, and he is put to
15 then the father and mother of
death, and you hang him on a tree, the young woman shall take and
23 ahis body shall not remain 7 aDeut. 4:40
bring out the evidence of the young
overnight on the tree, but you shall womans virginity to the elders of
surely bury him that day, so that the city at the gate.
byou do not defile the land which 9 aLev. 19:19
16 And the young womans father
the LORD your God is giving you as shall say to the elders, I gave my
an inheritance; for che who is 10 a[2 Cor. daughter to this man as wife, and he
hanged is accursed of God. 6:1416] detests her.
You ashall not see your
22 brothers ox or his sheep
going astray, and 1hide yourself 11 aLev. 19:19
17 Now he has charged her with
shameful conduct, saying, I found
your daughter was not a virgin,
from them; you shall certainly and yet these are the evidences of
bring them back to your brother. my daughters virginity. And they
2 And if your brother is not near 12 aNum. shall spread the cloth before the eld-
you, or if you do not know him, then Matt. 23:5 ers of the city.
you shall bring it to your own 18 Then the elders of that city
house, and it shall remain with you shall take that man and punish him;
until your brother seeks it; then you 13 aDeut. 19 and they shall fine him one hun-
shall restore it to him. 21:15; 24:3 dred shekels of silver and give them
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to the father of the young woman, 21 aDeut. 21:21 3 aAn Ammonite or Moabite
bGen. 34:7;
because he has brought a bad name Judg. 20:510;
shall not enter the assembly of the
on a virgin of Israel. And she shall be 2 Sam. 13:12, LORD; even to the tenth generation
his wife; he cannot divorce her all his 13 cDeut. 13:5 none of his descendants shall
1purge the
days. enter the assembly of the LORD
evil person
20 But if the thing is true, and evi- forever,
dences of virginity are not found for 22 aLev. 20:10; 4 abecause they did not meet you
the young woman, Num. 5:2227; with bread and water on the road
Ezek. 16:38;
21 then they shall bring out the [Matt. 5:27, when you came out of Egypt, and
young woman to the door of her 28]; John 8:5; bbecause they hired against you Ba-
fathers house, and the men of her city [1 Cor. 6:9; laam the son of Beor from Pethor of
shall stone her to death with astones, Heb. 13:4] 1Mesopotamia, to curse you.
because she has bdone a disgraceful 23 aLev. 5 Nevertheless the LORD your
thing in Israel, to play the harlot in 19:2022; God would not listen to Balaam, but
Matt. 1:18, 19
her fathers house. cSo you shall 1put the LORD your God turned the curse
away the evil from among you. 24 aDeut. 21:14
bDeut. 22:21,
into a blessing for you, because the
22 aIf a man is found lying with a 22; 1 Cor. 5:2,
LORD your God aloves you.
woman married to a husband, then 13 6 aYou shall not seek their peace
both of them shall diethe man that nor their prosperity all your days
28 aEx. 22:16,
lay with the woman, and the 17 forever.
woman; so you shall put away the 7 You shall not abhor an Edom-
29 aEx. 22:16, ite, afor he is your brother.You shall
evil from Israel. 17 bDeut.
23 If a young woman who is a vir- 22:24 not abhor an Egyptian, because
gin is abetrothed to a husband, and a byou were an alien in his land.
30 aLev. 18:8;
man finds her in the city and lies 20:11; Deut. 8 The children of the third gener-
with her, 27:20; 1 Cor. ation born to them may enter the
24 then you shall bring them both 5:1 bRuth 3:9; assembly of the LORD.
out to the gate of that city, and you Ezek. 16:8
shall stone them to death with Cleanliness of the Campsite
stones, the young woman because CHAPTER 23
9 When the army goes out
she did not cry out in the city, and 1 aLev. 21:20; against your enemies, then keep
the man because he ahumbled his 22:24 yourself from every wicked thing.
neighbors wife; bso you shall put 3 aNeh. 13:1, 2 10 aIf there is any man among you
away the evil from among you. who becomes unclean by some
25 But if a man finds a betrothed 4 aDeut.
2:2730 occurrence in the night, then he
young woman in the countryside, bNum. 22:5, 6; shall go outside the camp; he shall
and the man forces her and lies with 23:7; Josh. not come inside the camp.
her, then only the man who lay with 24:9; 2 Pet. 11 But it shall be, when evening
her shall die. 2:15; Jude 11
1Heb. Aram comes, that ahe shall wash with
26 But you shall do nothing to the Naharaim water; and when the sun sets, he may
young woman; there is in the young come into the camp.
woman no sin deserving of death, 5 aDeut. 4:37
12 Also you shall have a place out-
for just as when a man rises against 6 aEzra 9:12 side the camp, where you may go
his neighbor and kills him, even so 7 aGen. out;
is this matter. 25:2426; 13 and you shall have an imple-
27 For he found her in the coun- Deut. 2:4, 8; ment among your equipment, and
Amos 1:11;
tryside, and the betrothed young Obad. 10, 12 when you sit down outside, you
woman cried out, but there was no bEx. 22:21; shall dig with it and turn and cover
one to save her. 23:9; Lev. your refuse.
28 aIf a man finds a young woman 19:34; Deut. 14 For the LORD your God awalks
who is a virgin, who is not be- in the midst of your camp, to deliver
trothed, and he seizes her and lies 10 aLev. 15:16 you and give your enemies over to
with her, and they are found out, 11 aLev. 15:5 you; therefore your camp shall be
29 then the man who lay with her 14 aLev. 26:12; holy, that He may see no unclean
shall give to the young womans Deut. 7:21 thing among you, and turn away
father afifty shekels of silver, and she from you.
15 a1 Sam.
shall be his wife bbecause he has 30:15
humbled her; he shall not be permit- Miscellaneous Laws
ted to divorce her all his days. 16 aEx. 22:21;
Prov. 22:22 15 aYou shall not give back to his
30 aA man shall not take his 1pleases him
master the slave who has escaped
fathers wife, nor buncover his best
from his master to you.
fathers bed. 17 aLev. 19:29; 16 He may dwell with you in your
Deut. 22:21 midst, in the place which he chooses
Those Excluded from the bGen. 19:5;
Congregation 2 Kin. 23:7 within one of your gates, where it
1Heb. 1seems best to him; ayou shall not
He who is emasculated by
23 crushing or mutilation shall
anot enter the assembly of the LORD.
fem. of
qadesh (note
oppress him.
17 There shall be no ritual 1harlot
aof the daughters of Israel, or a bper-
2) 2Heb.
2 One of illegitimate birth shall qadesh, one verted2 one of the sons of Israel.
not enter the assembly of the LORD; practicing 18 You shall not bring the wages
even to the tenth generation none of sodomy and of a harlot or the price of a dog to
prostitution in
his descendants shall enter the religious ritu- the house of the LORD your God for
assembly of the LORD. als any vowed offering, for both of these
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are 1an abomination to the LORD 18 1detestable 7 If a man is afound 1kidnapping
your God. 19 aEx. 22:25; any of his brethren of the children
19 aYou shall not charge interest Lev. 25:3537; of Israel, and mistreats him or sells
to your brotherinterest on money Neh. 5:27; him, then that kidnapper shall die;
or food or anything that is lent out Ps. 15:5 band you shall put away the evil
at interest. 20 aDeut. 15:3 from among you.
20 aTo a foreigner you may charge bDeut. 15:10 8 Take heed in aan outbreak of
interest, but to your brother you 21 aNum. 30:1,
leprosy, that you carefully observe
shall not charge interest, bthat the 2; Job 22:27; and do according to all that the
LORD your God may bless you in all Ps. 61:8; Eccl. priests, the Levites, shall teach you;
to which you set your hand in the 5:4, 5; Matt. just as I commanded them, so you
land which you are entering to pos- 5:33
shall be careful to do.
sess. 23 aNum. 30:2; 9 aRemember what the LORD
21 aWhen you make a vow to the Ps. 66:13, 14 your God did bto Miriam on the way
LORD your God, you shall not delay 25 aMatt. 12:1; when you came out of Egypt!
to pay it; for the LORD your God will Mark 2:23; 10 When you alend your brother
surely require it of you, and it would Luke 6:1 anything, you shall not go into his
be sin to you. house to get his pledge.
22 But if you abstain from vow- CHAPTER 24 11 You shall stand outside, and
ing, it shall not be sin to you. the man to whom you lend shall
23 aThat which has gone from 1a[Matt. 5:31; bring the pledge out to you.
your lips you shall keep and per- 19:7; Mark 12 And if the man is poor, you
form, for you voluntarily vowed to 10:4] b[Jer.
3:8] 1inde- shall not 1keep his pledge over-
the LORD your God what you have cency, lit. night.
promised with your mouth. nakedness of 13 aYou shall in any case return
24 When you come into your a thing the pledge to him again when the
neighbors vineyard, you may eat 4 a[Jer. 3:1] 1a sun goes down, that he may sleep in
your fill of grapes at your pleasure, detestable his own garment and bbless you;
but you shall not put any in your thing and cit shall be righteousness to you
container. 5 aDeut. 20:7 before the LORD your God.
25 When you come into your bProv. 5:18 14 You shall not aoppress a hired
neighbors standing grain, ayou may servant who is poor and needy,
pluck the heads with your hand, but 6 1life
whether one of your brethren or
you shall not use a sickle on your 7 aEx. 21:16 one of the aliens who is in your land
neighbors standing grain. bDeut. 19:19
within your gates.
1Lit. stealing
Law Concerning Divorce 15 Each day ayou shall give him
8 aLev. 13:2; his wages, and not let the sun go
When a aman takes a wife down on it, for he is poor and has
24 and marries her, and it hap-
pens that she finds no favor in his
9 a[1 Cor. 10:6]
bNum. 12:10
set his heart on it; blest he cry out
against you to the LORD, and it be
eyes because he has found some sin to you.
1uncleanness in her, and he writes 10 aMatt. 5:42
16 aFathers shall not be put to
her a bcertificate of divorce, puts it 12 1Lit. sleep death for their children, nor shall
in her hand, and sends her out of his with his children be put to death for their
house, pledge
fathers; a person shall be put to
2 when she has departed from 13 aEx. 22:26; death for his own sin.
his house, and goes and becomes Ezek. 18:7
bJob 29:11;
17 aYou shall not pervert justice
another mans wife, 2 Tim. 1:18
due the stranger or the fatherless,
3 if the latter husband detests cDeut. 6:25; bnor take a widows garment as a
her and writes her a certificate of Ps. 106:31; pledge.
divorce, puts it in her hand, and Dan. 4:27 18 But ayou shall remember that
sends her out of his house, or if the 14 aLev. 19:13; you were a slave in Egypt, and the
latter husband dies who took her as Deut. 15:718; LORD your God redeemed you from
his wife, [Prov. 14:31]; there; therefore I command you to do
4 athen her former husband who Amos 4:1; this thing.
[Mal. 3:5;
divorced her must not take her back 1 Tim. 5:18] 19 aWhen you reap your harvest
to be his wife after she has been in your field, and forget a sheaf in
defiled; for that is 1an abomination 15 aLev. 19:13; the field, you shall not go back to
before the LORD, and you shall not Jer. 22:13 bEx.
22:23; Deut. get it; it shall be for the stranger, the
bring sin on the land which the 15:9; Job 35:9; fatherless, and the widow, that the
LORD your God is giving you as an James 5:4 LORD your God may bbless you in
inheritance. 16 a2 Kin. 14:6; all the work of your hands.
Miscellaneous Laws 2 Chr. 25:4; 20 When you beat your olive trees,
Jer. 31:29, 30; you shall not go over the boughs
Ezek. 18:20 again; it shall be for the stranger,
5 aWhen a man has taken a new
wife, he shall not go out to war or be 17 aEx. 23:6 the fatherless, and the widow.
charged with any business; he shall bEx. 22:26 21 When you gather the grapes of
be free at home one year, and bbring 18 aDeut. 24:22
your vineyard, you shall not glean it
happiness to his wife whom he has afterward; it shall be for the
taken. 19 aLev. 19:9, stranger, the fatherless, and the
6 No man shall take the lower or 10 bDeut. widow.
15:10; Ps.
the upper millstone in pledge, for he 41:1; Prov. 22 And you shall remember that
takes 1ones living in pledge. 19:17 you were a slave in the land of Egypt;
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therefore I command you to do this CHAPTER 25 15 You shall have a perfect and
thing. just weight, a perfect and just mea-
If there is a adispute between 1 aDeut. sure, athat your days may be length-
25 men, and they come to 1court,
that the judges may judge them, and
17:813; 19:17
bProv. 17:15
1Lit. the judg-
ened in the land which the LORD
your God is giving you.
they justify the righteous and con-
b ment 16 For aall who do such things, all
demn the wicked, who behave unrighteously, are 1an
2 then it shall be, if the wicked 2 aProv. 19:29 abomination to the LORD your God.
man adeserves to be beaten, that the bMatt. 10:17

judge will cause him to lie down Destroy the Amalekites

band be beaten in his presence, 3 a2 Cor. 11:24
bJob 18:3
17 aRemember what Amalek did
according to his guilt, with a certain to you on the way as you were com-
number of blows. ing out of Egypt,
3 aForty blows he may give him 4 a[Prov.
18 how he met you on the way
and no more, lest he should exceed 12:10]
1threshes and attacked your rear ranks, all the
this and beat him with many blows stragglers at your rear, when you
above these, and your brother bbe 5 aMatt. 22:24 were tired and weary; and he adid
humiliated in your sight. not fear God.
4 aYou shall not muzzle an ox 19 Therefore it shall be, awhen the
6 aGen. 38:9
while it 1treads out the grain. bRuth 4:5, 10 LORD your God has given you rest
Marriage Duty of the Surviving from your enemies all around, in the
Brother 7 aRuth 4:1, 2 land which the LORD your God is
giving you to possess as an inheri-
5 aIf brothers dwell together, and 8 aRuth 4:6 tance, that you will bblot out the
one of them dies and has no son, the remembrance of Amalek from
widow of the dead man shall not be 9 aRuth 4:7, 8 under heaven.You shall not forget.
married to a stranger outside the bRuth 4:11
family; her husbands brother shall Offerings of Firstfruits and Tithes
go in to her, take her as his wife, and 12 aDeut. 7:2; And it shall be, when you
perform the duty of a husbands
brother to her.
19:13 26 come into the land which the
LORD your God is giving you as an
6 And it shall be that the firstborn 13 aMic. 6:11 inheritance, and you possess it and
son which she bears awill succeed to dwell in it,
the name of his dead brother, that 15 aEx. 20:12 2 athat you shall take some of the
bhis name may not be blotted out of
first of all the produce of the ground,
Israel. 16 aProv. 11:1 which you shall bring from your land
7 But if the man does not want to 1detestable
that the LORD your God is giving
take his brothers wife, then let his you, and put it in a basket and bgo to
brothers wife go up to the agate to 17 aEx. the place where the LORD your God
the elders, and say, My husbands 17:816
chooses to make His name abide.
brother refuses to raise up a name 3 And you shall go to the one
to his brother in Israel; he will not 18 aRom. 3:18
who is priest in those days, and say
perform the duty of my husbands to him, I declare today to the LORD
brother. 19 a1 Sam. 1your God that I have come to the
8 Then the elders of his city shall 15:3 bEx.
17:14 country which the LORD swore to
call him and speak to him. But if he our fathers to give us.
stands firm and says, aI do not want 4 Then the priest shall take the
to take her, CHAPTER 26
basket out of your hand and set it
9 then his brothers wife shall aEx. down before the altar of the LORD
come to him in the presence of the 2 22:29;
23:16, 19 your God.
elders, aremove his sandal from his bDeut. 12:5 5 And you shall answer and say
foot, spit in his face, and answer and before the LORD your God: My
say, So shall it be done to the man 3 1LXX my father was aa 1Syrian, babout to per-
who will not bbuild up his brothers ish, and che went down to Egypt and
house. 5 aHos. 12:12 2dwelt there, dfew in number; and
10 And his name shall be called in bGen. 43:1, 2; there he became a nation, egreat,
Israel, The house of him who had 45:7, 11 cActs mighty, and populous.
his sandal removed. 7:15 dDeut.
6 But the aEgyptians mistreated
10:22 eDeut.
Miscellaneous Laws 1:10 1Or us, afflicted us, and laid hard bond-
Aramean 2As age on us.
11 If two men fight together, and a resident 7 aThen we cried out to the LORD
the wife of one draws near to rescue God of our fathers, and the LORD
her husband from the hand of the heard our voice and looked on our
one attacking him, and puts out her 6 aEx. 1:811, affliction and our labor and our
hand and seizes him by the genitals, oppression.
12 then you shall cut off her hand; 7 aEx. 2:2325;
8 So athe LORD brought us out of
ayour eye shall not pity her. Egypt with a mighty hand and with
3:9; 4:31
13 aYou shall not have in your bag an outstretched arm, bwith great ter-
differing weights, a heavy and a 8 aDeut. 5:15 ror and with signs and wonders.
light. bDeut. 4:34; 9 He has brought us to this place
14 You shall not have in your 34:11, 12 and has given us this land, aa land
house differing measures, a large flowing with milk and honey;
and a small. 9 aEx. 3:8, 17 10 and now, behold, I have brought
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the firstfruits of the land which you, 11 aDeut. 12:7; is giving you, that byou shall set up
O LORD, have given me. Then you 16:11; Eccl. for yourselves large stones, and
3:12, 13;
shall set it before the LORD your 5:1820 whitewash them with lime.
God, and worship before the LORD 12 aLev. 27:30;
3 You shall write on them all the
your God. Num. 18:24 words of this law, when you have
11 So ayou shall rejoice in every bDeut. 14:28, crossed over, that you may enter the
good thing which the LORD your 29 land which the LORD your God is
God has given to you and your 13 aPs. giving you, aa land flowing with
house, you and the Levite and the 119:141, 153, milk and honey, just as the LORD
stranger who is among you. 176 1hallowed God of your fathers promised you.
12 When you have finished laying 4 Therefore it shall be, when you
aside all the atithe of your increase 14 aLev. 7:20; have crossed over the Jordan, that
Jer. 16:7; Hos.
in the third yearbthe year of 9:4 1Lit. in my
aon Mount Ebal you shall set up
tithingand have given it to the mourning 1Or these stones, which I command you
Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, while I was today, and you shall whitewash
and the widow, so that they may eat unclean them with lime.
within your gates and be filled, 15 aPs. 80:14; 5 And there you shall build an
13 then you shall say before the Is. 63:15; altar to the LORD your God, an altar
Zech. 2:13
LORD your God: I have removed the bEx. 3:8 of stones; ayou shall not use an iron
1holy tithe from my house, and also 1home tool on them.
have given them to the Levite, the 17 aEx. 20:19 6 You shall build with 1whole
stranger, the fatherless, and the bDeut. 15:5 stones the altar of the LORD your
widow, according to all Your com- 18 aEx. 6:7; God, and offer burnt offerings on it
mandments which You have com- 19:5; Deut. to the LORD your God.
manded me; I have not transgressed 7:6; 14:2; 28:9; 7 You shall offer peace offerings,
Your commandments, anor have I [Titus 2:14; and shall eat there, and arejoice
forgotten them. 1 Pet. 2:9]
before the LORD your God.
14 aI have not eaten any of it 1when 19 aDeut. 4:7, 8 And you shall awrite very
in mourning, nor have I removed any 8; 28:1 bEx.
19:6; Deut. plainly on the stones all the words
of it 2for an unclean use, nor given 7:6; 28:9; Is. of this law.
any of it for the dead. I have obeyed 62:12; [1 Pet. 9 Then Moses and the priests, the
the voice of the LORD my God, and 2:9] 1conse- Levites, spoke to all Israel, saying,
have done according to all that You crated
Take heed and listen, O Israel:
have commanded me. aThis day you have become the peo-
15 aLook down from Your holy CHAPTER 27
ple of the LORD your God.
1habitation, from heaven, and bless
2 aJosh. 4:1 10 Therefore you shall obey the
Your people Israel and the land bJosh. 8:32 voice of the LORD your God, and
which You have given us, just as You 3 aEx. 3:8 observe His commandments and
swore to our fathers, ba land flow- His statutes which I command you
ing with milk and honey. 4 aDeut. 11:29;
Josh. 8:30, 31 today.
A Special People of God 5 aEx. 20:25; Curses Pronounced from Mount
Josh. 8:31
16 This day the LORD your God Ebal
6 1uncut
commands you to observe these 11 And Moses commanded the
statutes and judgments; therefore 7 aDeut. 26:11
people on the same day, saying,
you shall be careful to observe them 8 aJosh. 8:32 12 These shall stand aon Mount
with all your heart and with all your 9 aDeut. 26:18 Gerizim to bless the people, when
soul. 12 aDeut. you have crossed over the Jordan:
17 Today you have aproclaimed 11:29; Josh. Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar,
the LORD to be your God, and that 8:33; Judg. 9:7 Joseph, and Benjamin;
you will walk in His ways and keep 13 aDeut. 13 and athese shall stand on
His statutes, His commandments, 11:29; Josh. Mount Ebal to curse: Reuben, Gad,
and His judgments, and that you 8:33
Asher, Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.
will bobey His voice. 14 aDeut. 14 And athe Levites shall speak
18 Also today athe LORD has pro- 33:10; Josh.
with a loud voice and say to all the
claimed you to be His special people, 8:33; Dan.
9:11 men of Israel:
just as He promised you, that you 15 aCursed is the one who makes a
should keep all His commandments, 15 aEx. 20:4,
23; 34:17; Lev. carved or molded image, 1an abom-
19 and that He will set you ahigh 19:4; 26:1; ination to the LORD, the work of the
above all nations which He has Deut. 4:16, 23; hands of the craftsman, and sets it
made, in praise, in name, and in Is. 44:9; Hos.
up in secret.
honor, and that you may be ba 1holy 13:2 bNum. aAnd
5:22; Jer. 11:5; all the people shall
people to the LORD your God, just as 1 Cor. 14:16 1a answer and say, Amen!
He has spoken. detestable 16 aCursed is the one who treats his
The Law Inscribed on Stones father or his mother with contempt.
16 aEx. 20:12; And all the people shall say,
Lev. 19:3;
Now Moses, with the elders of Amen!
27 Israel, commanded the peo-
ple, saying: Keep all the command-
20:9; Deut.
5:16; 21:1821;
Ezek. 22:7
17 aCursed is the one who moves
his neighbors landmark.
ments which I command you today. 17 aDeut. And all the people shall say,
2 And it shall be, on the day 19:14; Prov. Amen!
awhen you cross over the Jordan to 22:28 18 aCursed is the one who makes
the land which the LORD your God 18 aLev. 19:14 the blind to wander off the road.
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And all the people shall say, 19 aEx. 22:21, hand, and He will bless you in the
Amen! 22; 23:9; Lev. land which the LORD your God is
19:33; Deut.
19 aCursed is the one who perverts 10:18; 24:17 giving you.
the justice due the stranger, the 9 aThe LORD will establish you
fatherless, and widow. 20 aLev. 18:8; as a holy people to Himself, just as
20:11; Deut.
And all the people shall say, 22:30; 1 Cor. He has sworn to you, if you keep the
Amen! 5:1 commandments of the LORD your
20 aCursed is the one who lies 21 aEx. 22:19; God and walk in His ways.
with his fathers wife, because he Lev. 18:23; 10 Then all peoples of the earth
has uncovered his fathers bed. 20:15, 16 shall see that you are acalled by the
And all the people shall say, 22 aLev. 18:9 name of the LORD, and they shall be
Amen! bafraid of you.
21 aCursed is the one who lies 23 aLev. 18:17; 11 And athe LORD will grant you
with any kind of animal. plenty of goods, in the fruit of your
And all the people shall say, 24 aEx. 20:13; body, in the increase of your live-
Amen! 21:12; Lev. stock, and in the produce of your
24:17; Num.
22 aCursed is the one who lies 35:30, 31 ground, in the land of which the
with his sister, the daughter of his LORD 1swore to your fathers to give
father or the daughter of his moth- 25 aEx. 23:7; you.
Ps. 15:5; Ezek.
er. 22:12 12 The LORD will open to you His
And all the people shall say, good 1treasure, the heavens, ato give
Amen! 26 aPs. 119:21; the rain to your land in its season,
Jer. 11:3; Gal.
23 aCursed is the one who lies 3:10 and bto bless all the work of your
with his mother-in-law. hand. cYou shall lend to many
And all the people shall say, CHAPTER 28
nations, but you shall not borrow.
Amen! 13 And the LORD will make ayou
24 aCursed is the one who attacks 1aEx. 15:26; the head and not the tail; you shall
his neighbor secretly. Lev. 26:313; be above only, and not be beneath, if
And all the people shall say, Deut. 7:1226;
you 1heed the commandments of the
Amen! 11:13 Deut. LORD your God, which I command
26:19; 1 Chr.
25 aCursed is the one who takes a 14:2 you today, and are careful to
bribe to slay an innocent person. observe them.
And all the people shall say, 2 aDeut. 28:15 14 aSo you shall not turn aside
Amen! 3 aPs. 128:1, 4 from any of the words which I com-
26 aCursed is the one who does bGen. 39:5
mand you this day, to the right or
not confirm all the words of this law 4 aGen. 22:17 the left, to go after other gods to
by observing them. 1offspring serve them.
And all the people shall say, 6 aPs. 121:8
Amen! Curses on Disobedience
7 aLev. 26:7, 8
Blessings on Obedience 15 But it shall come to pass, aif
8 aLev. 25:21 you do not obey the voice of the
bDeut. 15:10
Now it shall come to pass, aif LORD your God, to observe carefully
28 you diligently obey the voice
of the LORD your God, to observe
9 aEx. 19:5, 6 all His commandments and His
statutes which I command you
10 aNum. 6:27;
carefully all His commandments 2 Chr. 7:14; Is. today, that all these curses will come
which I command you today, that 63:19; Dan. upon you and overtake you:
the LORD your God bwill set you 9:18, 19
bDeut. 11:25
16 Cursed shall you be in the city,
high above all nations of the earth. and cursed shall you be in the coun-
2 And all these blessings shall 11 aDeut. 30:9 try.
come upon you and aovertake you, 1promised 17 Cursed shall be your basket
because you obey the voice of the 12 aLev. 26:4; and your kneading bowl.
LORD your God: Deut. 11:14 18 Cursed shall be the 1fruit of
3 aBlessed shall you be in the bDeut. 14:29
cDeut. 15:6
your body and the produce of your
city, and blessed shall you be bin the 1storehouse land, the increase of your cattle and
country. the offspring of your flocks.
4 Blessed shall be athe 1fruit of 13 a[Is. 9:14, 19 Cursed shall you be when you
your body, the produce of your 15] 1listen to come in, and cursed shall you be
ground and the increase of your 14 aDeut. 5:32; when you go out.
herds, the increase of your cattle Josh. 1:7 20 The LORD will send on you
and the offspring of your flocks. acursing, bconfusion, and crebuke in
15 aLev.
5 Blessed shall be your basket 26:1439; all that you set your hand to do,
and your kneading bowl. Josh. 23:15; until you are destroyed and until
6 aBlessed shall you be when you Dan. 9:1014; you perish quickly, because of the
Mal. 2:2
come in, and blessed shall you be wickedness of your doings in which
when you go out. 18 1offspring you have forsaken Me.
7 The LORD awill cause your ene- 20 aMal. 2:2 21 The LORD will make the
mies who rise against you to be bIs. 65:14 cPs. 1plague cling to you until He has
defeated before your face; they shall 80:16; Is. consumed you from the land which
come out against you one way and 30:17 you are going to possess.
flee before you seven ways. 21 1pestilence 22 aThe LORD will strike you with
8 The LORD will acommand the 22 aLev. 26:16
consumption, with fever, with inflam-
blessing on you in your storehouses bAmos 4:9 mation, with severe burning fever,
and in all to which you bset your 1blight with the sword, with bscorching,1
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and with mildew; they shall pursue 23 aLev. 26:19 word among all nations where the
you until you perish. 25 aDeut. 32:30
LORD will drive you.
23 And ayour heavens which are 1a terror 38 aYou shall carry much seed out
over your head shall be bronze, and to the field but gather little in, for
the earth which is under you shall 26 a1 Sam. bthe locust shall 1consume it.
be iron. 17:44; Ps. 79:2
39 You shall plant vineyards and
24 The LORD will change the rain 27 aEx. 15:26 tend them, but you shall neither
of your land to powder and dust; b1 Sam. 5:6 drink of the awine nor gather the
from the heaven it shall come down grapes; for the worms shall eat them.
28 aJer. 4:9
on you until you are destroyed. 40 You shall have olive trees
25 aThe LORD will cause you to be 29 aJob 5:14 throughout all your territory, but
defeated before your enemies; you you shall not anoint yourself with
shall go out one way against them 30 a2 Sam. the oil; for your olives shall drop off.
12:11; Job
and flee seven ways before them; 31:10; Jer. 41 You shall beget sons and daugh-
and you shall become 1troublesome 8:10 bAmos ters, but they shall not be yours; for
to all the kingdoms of the earth. 5:11; Zeph. athey shall go into captivity.
26 aYour carcasses shall be food 1:13 cDeut. 42 Locusts shall 1consume all
20:6; Job 31:8;
for all the birds of the air and the Jer. 12:13; your trees and the produce of your
beasts of the earth, and no one shall Mic. 6:15 land.
frighten them away. 43 The alien who is among you
27 The LORD will strike you with 32 a2 Chr. 29:9 shall rise higher and higher above
bPs. 119:82
athe boils of Egypt, with btumors, cNeh. 5:5 you, and you shall come down lower
with the scab, and with the itch, 1nothing you and lower.
from which you cannot be healed. can do 44 He shall lend to you, but you
28 The LORD will strike you with 33 aLev. 26:16;
shall not lend to him; he shall be the
madness and blindness and aconfu- Jer. 5:15, 17 head, and you shall be the tail.
sion of heart. 45 Moreover all these curses shall
29 And you shall agrope at noon- 36 a2 Kin. 17:4, come upon you and pursue and over-
day, as a blind man gropes in dark- 6; 24:12, 14; take you, until you are destroyed, be-
25:7, 11;
ness; you shall not prosper in your 2 Chr. cause you 1did not obey the voice of
ways; you shall be only oppressed 36:121; Jer. the LORD your God, to keep His com-
and plundered continually, and no 39:19 bDeut. mandments and His statutes which
4:28; Jer.
one shall save you. 16:13 He commanded you.
30 aYou shall betroth a wife, but 46 And they shall be upon ayou for
another man shall lie with her; byou 37 a1 Kin. 9:7, a sign and a wonder, and on your
shall build a house, but you shall not 8; Jer. 24:9; descendants forever.
25:9 bPs. 44:14
dwell in it; cyou shall plant a vine- 1a thing of 47 aBecause you did not serve the
yard, but shall not gather its grapes. horror LORD your God with joy and glad-
31 Your ox shall be slaughtered ness of heart, bfor the abundance of
before your eyes, but you shall not 38 aMic. 6:15; everything,
Hag. 1:6 bEx.
eat of it; your donkey shall be vio- 10:4; Joel 1:4 48 therefore you shall serve your
lently taken away from before you, 1devour enemies, whom the LORD will send
and shall not be restored to you; your against you, in ahunger, in thirst, in
sheep shall be given to your enemies, 39 aZeph. 1:13 nakedness, and in need of every-
and you shall have no one to rescue 41 aLam. 1:5 thing; and He bwill put a yoke of
them. iron on your neck until He has
32 Your sons and your daughters 42 1possess destroyed you.
shall be given to aanother people, 45 1did not lis-
49 aThe LORD will bring a nation
and your eyes shall look and bfail ten to against you from afar, from the end
with longing for them all day long; of the earth, bas swift as the eagle
and there shall be 1no strength in 46 aNum. flies, a nation whose language you
your chand. 26:10; Is. 8:18; will not understand,
Ezek. 14:8
33 A nation whom you have not 50 a nation of fierce countenance,
known shall eat athe fruit of your 47 aDeut. 12:7; awhich does not respect the elderly
land and the produce of your labor, Neh. 9:3537
bDeut. 32:15
nor show favor to the young.
and you shall be only oppressed and 51 And they shall eat the increase
crushed continually. 48 aLam. 4:46 of your livestock and the produce of
34 So you shall be driven mad bJer. 28:13, 14 your land, until you are destroyed;
because of the sight which your they shall not leave you grain or new
49 aIs. 5:2630;
eyes see. 7:1820; Jer. wine or oil, or the increase of your
35 The LORD will strike you in the 5:15 bJer. cattle or the offspring of your flocks,
knees and on the legs with severe 48:40; 49:22; until they have destroyed you.
boils which cannot be healed, and Lam. 4:19; 52 They shall abesiege you at all
Hos. 8:1
from the sole of your foot to the top your gates until your high and forti-
of your head. 50 a2 Chr. fied walls, in which you trust, come
36 The LORD will abring you and 36:17 down throughout all your land; and
the king whom you set over you to a 52 a2 Kin. 25:1,
they shall besiege you at all your
nation which neither you nor your 2, 4 gates throughout all your land which
fathers have known, and bthere you the LORD your God has given you.
shall serve other godswood and 53 aLev. 26:29; 53 aYou shall eat the 1fruit of your
stone. 2 Kin. 6:28, own body, the flesh of your sons and
29; Jer. 19:9;
37 And you shall become aan1 Lam. 2:20; your daughters whom the LORD
astonishment, a proverb, band a by- 4:10 1offspring your God has given you, in the siege
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and desperate straits in which your 54 aDeut. 15:9 67 aIn the morning you shall say,
bDeut. 13:6
enemy shall distress you. 1Lit. tender Oh, that it were evening! And at
54 The 1sensitive and very refined 2Lit. his eye evening you shall say, Oh, that it
man among you awill2 be hostile shall be evil were morning! because of the fear
toward his brother, toward bthe wife toward which terrifies your heart, and bbe-
of his bosom, and toward the rest of 56 1sensitive cause of the sight which your eyes
his children whom he leaves behind, 2refined 3Lit. see.
55 so that he will not give any of her eye shall 68 And the LORD awill take you
be evil toward
them the flesh of his children whom back to Egypt in ships, by the way of
he will eat, because he has nothing 57 aGen. 49:10
which I said to you, bYou shall
left in the siege and desperate never see it again. And there you
straits in which your enemy shall 58 aEx. 6:3 shall be offered for sale to your ene-
distress you at all your gates. 59 aDan. 9:12
mies as male and female slaves, but
56 The 1tender and 2delicate no one will buy you.
woman among you, who would not 60 aDeut. 7:15
venture to set the sole of her foot on 62 aDeut. 4:27
The Covenant Renewed in Moab
bDeut. 10:22;
the ground because of her delicate- These are the words of the
ness and sensitivity, 3will refuse to
the husband of her bosom, and to
Neh. 9:23
63 aDeut. 30:9;
29 covenant which the LORD
commanded Moses to make with
her son and her daughter, Jer. 32:41
bProv. 1:26; the children of Israel in the land of
57 her 1placenta which comes out [Is. 1:24] cJer. Moab, besides the acovenant which
afrom between her feet and her chil-
12:14; 45:4 He made with them in Horeb.
dren whom she bears; for she will 1torn
2 Now Moses called all Israel and
eat them secretly for lack of every- 64 aLev. 26:33; said to them: aYou have seen all
thing in the siege and desperate Deut. 4:27, 28; that the LORD did before your eyes
straits in which your enemy shall Neh. 1:8; Jer.
in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and
distress you at all your gates. 16:13; Amos
9:9 bDeut. to all his servants and to all his
58 If you do not carefully observe 28:36 land
all the words of this law that are 3 athe great trials which your
65 aLam. 1:3;
written in this book, that you may Amos 9:4 eyes have seen, the signs, and those
fear athis glorious and awesome bLev. 26:36
great wonders.
name, THE LORD YOUR GOD, cLev. 26:16
1anxious 4 Yet athe LORD has not given
59 then the LORD will bring upon you a heart to 1perceive and eyes to
you and your descendants aextraordi- 67 aJob 7:4 see and ears to hear, to this very day.
bDeut. 28:34
nary plaguesgreat and prolonged 5 aAnd I have led you forty years
plaguesand serious and prolonged 68 aJer. 43:7; in the wilderness. bYour clothes have
sicknesses. Hos. 8:13 not worn out on you, and your san-
bDeut. 17:16
60 Moreover He will bring back dals have not worn out on your feet.
on you all athe diseases of Egypt, of 6 aYou have not eaten bread, nor
which you were afraid, and they CHAPTER 29 have you drunk wine or similar
shall cling to you. drink, that you may know that I am
61 Also every sickness and every 1 aLev. 26:46;
Deut. 5:2, 3 the LORD your God.
plague, which is not written in this 7 And when you came to this
Book of the Law, will the LORD 2 aEx. 19:4;
Deut. 11:7 place, aSihon king of Heshbon and
bring upon you until you are Og king of Bashan came out against
destroyed. 3 aDeut. 4:34; us to battle, and we conquered
62 You ashall be left few in num- 7:19
ber, whereas you were bas the stars 4 a[Is. 6:9, 10; 8 We took their land and agave it
of heaven in multitude, because you Ezek. 12:2]; as an inheritance to the Reubenites,
would not obey the voice of the Matt. 13:14;
[Acts 28:26, to the Gadites, and to half the tribe of
LORD your God. 27]; Rom. Manasseh.
63 And it shall be, that just as the 11:8; [Eph. 9 Therefore akeep the words of
LORD arejoiced over you to do you 4:18] 1under- this covenant, and do them, that you
stand or
good and multiply you, so the LORD know may bprosper in all that you do.
bwill rejoice over you to destroy you 10 All of you stand today before
and bring you to nothing; and you 5 aDeut. 1:3;
8:2 bDeut. 8:4 the LORD your God: your leaders
shall be cplucked1 from off the land and your tribes and your elders and
which you go to possess. 6 aEx. 16:12; your officers, all the men of Israel,
64 Then the LORD awill scatter Deut. 8:3
11 your little ones and your
you among all peoples, from one 7 aNum. 21:23, wivesalso the stranger who is
end of the earth to the other, and 24; Deut. in your camp, from athe one who
bthere you shall serve other gods, 2:263:3
cuts your wood to the one who
which neither you nor your fathers 8 aNum. 32:33; draws your water
have knownwood and stone. Deut. 3:12, 13 12 that you may enter into
65 And aamong those nations you 9 aDeut. 4:6; covenant with the LORD your God,
shall find no rest, nor shall the sole 1 Kin. 2:3
bJosh. 1:7
and ainto His oath, which the LORD
of your foot have a resting place; your God makes with you today,
bbut there the LORD will give you a 11 aJosh. 9:21, 13 that He may aestablish you
1trembling heart, failing eyes, and 23, 27 today as a people for Himself, and
canguish of soul. 12 aNeh. 10:29 that He may be God to you, bjust as
66 Your life shall hang in doubt 13 aDeut. 28:9
He has spoken to you, and cjust as
before you; you shall fear day and bEx. 6:7 cGen. He has sworn to your fathers, to
night, and have no assurance of life. 17:7, 8 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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14 I make this covenant and this 14 a[Jer. 31:31; 28 And the LORD auprooted them
oath, anot with you alone, Heb. 8:7, 8] from their land in anger, in wrath,
15 but with him who stands here 15 aActs 2:39 and in great indignation, and cast
with us today before the LORD our 17 1detestable them into another land, as it is this
God, aas well as with him who is not things day.
here with us today 18 aDeut. 11:16
29 The secret things belong to the
16 (for you know that we dwelt in bHeb. 12:15 LORD our God, but those things
the land of Egypt and that we came cDeut. 32:32; which are revealed belong to us and
through the nations which you Acts 8:23 to our children forever, that we may
passed by, 19 aJer. 3:17; do all the words of this law.
17 and you saw their 1abomina- 7:24 bIs. 30:1
tions and their idols which were 1walk in the The Blessing of Returning to God
among themwood and stone and Now ait shall come to pass,
silver and gold);
18 so that there may not be among
or imagina-
tion 30 when ball these things come
upon you, the blessing and the
20 aEzek. 14:7
you man or woman or family or bPs. 74:1 cPs. ccurse which I have set before you,
tribe, awhose heart turns away 79:5; Ezek. and dyou 1call them to mind among
today from the LORD our God, to go 23:25 dEx. all the nations where the LORD your
and serve the gods of these nations, 32:33; Deut.
band that there may not be among 9:14; 2 Kin. God drives you,
14:27 2 and you areturn to the LORD
you a root bearing cbitterness or your God and obey His voice,
21 a[Matt.
wormwood; 24:51] bDeut. according to all that I command you
19 and so it may not happen, when 30:10 today, you and your children, with
he hears the words of this curse, that 22 aJer. 19:8; all your heart and with all your soul,
he blesses himself in his heart, say- 49:17; 50:13 3 athat the LORD your God will
ing, I shall have peace, even though bring you back from captivity, and
I 1follow the adictates of my heart 23 aJer. 17:6;
Zeph. 2:9 have compassion on you, and
bas though the drunkard could be bGen. 19:24, b gather you again from all the
included with the sober. 25; Is. 1:9; Jer. nations where the LORD your God
20 aThe LORD would not spare 20:16; Hos. has scattered you.
him; for then bthe anger of the LORD 4 aIf any of you are driven out to
and cHis jealousy would burn 24 a1 Kin. 9:8; the farthest parts under heaven,
against that man, and every curse Jer. 22:8 from there the LORD your God will
that is written in this book would set- 27 aDan. 9:11 gather you, and from there He will
tle on him, and the LORD dwould blot 28 a1 Kin. bring you.
out his name from under heaven. 14:15; 2 Chr. 5 Then the LORD your God will
21 And the LORD awould separate 7:20; Ps. 52:5; bring you to the land which your
him from all the tribes of Israel for Prov. 2:22 fathers possessed, and you shall pos-
adversity, according to all the curses sess it. He will prosper you and mul-
of the covenant that are written in CHAPTER 30 tiply you more than your fathers.
this Book of the bLaw, 6 And athe LORD your God will
22 so that the coming generation 1 aLev. 26:40 circumcise your heart and the heart
bDeut. 28:2
of your children who rise up after cDeut. of your descendants, to love the
you, and the foreigner who comes 28:1545 LORD your God with all your heart
from a far land, would say, when dDeut. 4:29, 30
1Lit. cause
and with all your soul, that you may
they asee the plagues of that land them to
and the sicknesses which the LORD return to your 7 Also the LORD your God will
has laid on it: heart put all these acurses on your ene-
23 The whole land is brimstone, 2 aDeut. 4:29,
mies and on those who hate you,
asalt, and burning; it is not sown,
30; Neh. 1:9; who persecuted you.
nor does it bear, nor does any grass Is. 55:7; Lam. 8 And you will aagain obey the
grow there, blike the overthrow of 3:40; Joel 2:12 voice of the LORD and do all His
Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah, and 3 aPs. 106:45; commandments which I command
Zeboiim, which the LORD overthrew Jer. 29:14; you today.
in His anger and His wrath. Lam. 3:22, 32 9 aThe LORD your God will make
bPs. 147:2; Jer.
24 All nations would say, aWhy 32:37; Ezek. you abound in all the work of your
has the LORD done so to this land? 34:13 hand, in the 1fruit of your body, in
What does the heat of this great 4 aDeut. 28:64;
the increase of your livestock, and
anger mean? Neh. 1:9; Is. in the produce of your land for
25 Then people would say: 62:11 good. For the LORD will again bre-
Because they have forsaken the 6 aDeut. 10:16;
joice over you for good as He
covenant of the LORD God of their Jer. 32:39; rejoiced over your fathers,
fathers, which He made with them Ezek. 11:19 10 if you obey the voice of the
when He brought them out of the 7 aIs. 54:1517;
LORD your God, to keep His com-
land of Egypt; Jer. 30:16, 20 mandments and His statutes which
26 for they went and served other are written in this Book of the Law,
8 aZeph. 3:20 and if you turn to the LORD your
gods and worshiped them, gods that
they did not know and that He had 9 aDeut. 28:11 God with all your heart and with all
bDeut. 28:63;
not given to them. your soul.
Jer. 32:41 1off-
27 Then the anger of the LORD spring The Choice of Life or Death
was aroused against this land, ato 11 aIs. 45:19
bring on it every curse that is writ- 1not hidden 11 For this commandment which I
ten in this book. from command you today ais 1not too
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mysterious for you, nor is it far off. 12 aProv. 30:4; 7 Then Moses called Joshua and
12 aIt is not in heaven, that you Rom. 10:68 said to him in the sight of all Israel,
should say, Who will ascend into 14 aRom. 10:8 aBe strong and of good courage, for
heaven for us and bring it to us, that 15 aDeut. 30:1, you must go with this people to the
we may hear it and do it? 19 land which the LORD has sworn to
13 Nor is it beyond the sea, that 18 aDeut. 4:26; their fathers to give them, and you
you should say, Who will go over 8:19 shall cause them to inherit it.
the sea for us and bring it to us, that 19 aDeut. 4:26 8 And the LORD, aHe is the One
we may hear it and do it? bDeut. 30:15 who goes before you. bHe will be
14 But the word is very near you, 20 aPs. 27:1; with you, He will not leave you nor
ain your mouth and in your heart,
[John 11:25; forsake you; do not fear nor be dis-
that you may do it. 14:6; Col. 3:4] mayed.
15 See, aI have set before you
today life and good, death and evil, CHAPTER 31 The Law to Be Read Every Seven
16 in that I command you today to Years
2 aEx. 7:7;
love the LORD your God, to walk in Deut. 34:7 9 So Moses wrote this law aand
His ways, and to keep His com- bNum. 27:17; delivered it to the priests, the sons
mandments, His statutes, and His 1 Kin. 3:7 of Levi, bwho bore the ark of the
cNum. 20:12
judgments, that you may live and covenant of the LORD, and to all the
multiply; and the LORD your God 3 aDeut. 9:3; elders of Israel.
will bless you in the land which you Josh. 11:23
bNum. 27:18 10 And Moses commanded them,
go to possess. cNum. 27:21 saying: At the end of every seven
17 But if your heart turns away so years, at the appointed time in the
that you do not hear, and are drawn 4 aDeut. 3:21 ayear of release, bat the Feast of
bNum. 21:24,
away, and worship other gods and 33 Tabernacles,
serve them, 5 aDeut. 7:2; 11 when all Israel comes to aap-
18 aI announce to you today that 20:1020 pear before the LORD your God in
you shall surely perish; you shall the bplace which He chooses, cyou
6 aJosh. 10:25;
not prolong your days in the land 1 Chr. 22:13 shall read this law before all Israel
which you cross over the Jordan to bDeut. 1:29 in their hearing.
go in and possess. cDeut. 20:4
12 aGather the people together,
dJosh. 1:5;
19 aI call heaven and earth as wit- Heb. 13:5 men and women and little ones, and
nesses today against you, that bI the stranger who is within your
have set before you life and death, 7 aNum. 27:19; gates, that they may hear and that
Deut. 31:23;
blessing and cursing; therefore Josh. 1:6 they may learn to fear the LORD
choose life, that both you and your your God and carefully observe all
descendants may live; 8 aEx. 13:21
bDeut. 31:6; the words of this law,
20 that you may love the LORD Josh. 1:5; 13 and that their children, awho
your God, that you may obey His 1 Chr. 28:20; have not known it, bmay hear and
voice, and that you may cling to Heb. 13:5 learn to fear the LORD your God as
Him, for He is your alife and the 9 aDeut. 17:18; long as you live in the land which
length of your days; and that you 31:25, 26
bNum. 4:5, 6,
you cross the Jordan to possess.
may dwell in the land which the 15; Deut. 10:8;
LORD swore to your fathers, to Abra- 31:25, 26; Prediction of Israels Rebellion
ham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them. Josh. 3:3
14 Then the LORD said to Moses,
10 aDeut. 15:1, aBehold, the days approach when
Joshua the New Leader of Israel 2 bLev. 23:34;
Deut. 16:13
you must die; call Joshua, and pre-
Then Moses went and spoke
31 these words to all Israel.
2 And he said to them: I aam one
11 aDeut. 16:16
bDeut. 12:5
cJosh. 8:34;
sent yourselves in the tabernacle of
meeting, that bI may 1inaugurate
him. So Moses and Joshua went
hundred and twenty years old today. 2 Kin. 23:2 and presented themselves in the
I can no longer bgo out and come in. 12 aDeut. 4:10 tabernacle of meeting.
Also the LORD has said to me, cYou 15 Now athe LORD appeared at the
shall not cross over this Jordan. 13 aDeut. 11:2 tabernacle in a pillar of cloud, and
bPs. 78:6, 7
3 The LORD your God aHimself the pillar of cloud stood above the
crosses over before you; He will 14 aNum. 27:13 door of the tabernacle.
bNum. 27:19;
destroy these nations from before Deut. 3:28 16 And the LORD said to Moses:
you, and you shall dispossess them. 1commission Behold, you will 1rest with your
bJoshua himself crosses over before fathers; and this people will arise and
15 aEx. 33:9
you, just cas the LORD has said. bplay the harlot with the gods of the
4 aAnd the LORD will do to them 16 aDeut. 29:22 foreigners of the land, where they go
bEx. 34:15;
bas He did to Sihon and Og, the
Deut. 4:2528; to be among them, and they will cfor-
kings of the Amorites and their Judg. 2:11, 12, sake Me and dbreak My covenant
land, when He destroyed them. 17 cDeut. which I have made with them.
5 aThe LORD will give them over 32:15 dJudg. 17 Then My anger shall be
2:20 1Die and
to you, that you may do to them join your
aaroused against them in that day,
according to every commandment ancestors and bI will forsake them, and I will
which I have commanded you. 17 aJudg. 2:14;
chide My face from them, and they
6 aBe strong and of good 6:13 b2 Chr. shall be 1devoured. And many evils
courage, bdo not fear nor be afraid 15:2 cDeut. and troubles shall befall them, so
of them; for the LORD your God, cHe 32:20 dJudg. that they will say in that day, dHave
6:13 eNum.
is the One who goes with you. dHe 14:42 1con- not these evils come upon us
will not leave you nor forsake you. sumed because our God is enot among us?
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18 And aI will surely hide My face 18 aDeut. And hear, O bearth, the words of
in that day because of all the evil 31:17; [Is. my mouth.
1:15, 16]
which they have done, in that they 2 Let amy 1teaching drop as the
have turned to other gods. 19 aDeut. rain,
19 Now therefore, write down this 31:22, 26 My speech distill as the dew,
song for yourselves, and teach it to bAs raindrops on the tender herb,
20 aDeut.
the children of Israel; put it in their 32:1517 And as showers on the grass.
bDeut. 31:16
mouths, that this song may be aa 3 For I proclaim the aname of the
witness for Me against the children 21 aDeut. 31:17 LORD:
of Israel. bHos. 5:3 bAscribe greatness to our God.
20 When I have brought them to cAmos 5:25, 4 He is athe Rock, bHis work is
26 perfect;
the land flowing with milk and
honey, of which I swore to their 23 aNum. For all His ways are justice,
cA God of truth and dwithout
fathers, and they have eaten and 27:23; Deut.
filled themselves aand grown fat, 31:14 bDeut. injustice;
bthen they will turn to other gods Righteous and upright is He.
and serve them; and they will pro- 26 a2 Kin. 22:8
voke Me and break My covenant. bDeut. 31:19
5 Theya have corrupted
21 Then it shall be, awhen many 27 aDeut. 9:7, themselves;
evils and troubles have come upon 24 bEx. 32:9; They are not His children,
them, that this song will testify Deut. 9:6, 13 Because of their blemish:
against them as a witness; for it will 28 aDeut. 30:19
A bperverse and crooked
not be forgotten in the mouths of their generation.
descendants, for bI know the inclina- 29 aDeut. 32:5; 6 Do you thus adeal1 with the
Judg. 2:19; LORD,
tion cof their behavior today, even [Acts 20:29,
before I have brought them to the 30] bDeut. O foolish and unwise people?
land of which I swore to give them. 28:15 cGen. Is He not byour Father, who
49:1; Deut. cbought you?
22 Therefore Moses wrote this 4:30
song the same day, and taught it to Has He not dmade you and
the children of Israel. established you?
23 aThen He inaugurated Joshua CHAPTER 32
the son of Nun, and said, bBe 7 Remembera the days of old,
strong and of good courage; for you 1aDeut. 4:26; Consider the years of many
Ps. 50:4; Is. generations.
shall bring the children of Israel 1:2 bJer. 6:19 bAsk your father, and he will
into the land of which I swore to
them, and I will be with you. 2 aIs. 55:10, 11 show you;
bPs. 72:6 1doc-
24 So it was, when Moses had com- Your elders, and they will tell
pleted writing the words of this law you:
in a book, when they were finished, 3 aDeut. 28:58 8 When the Most High adivided
b1 Chr. 29:11
25 that Moses commanded the their inheritance to the
Levites, who bore the ark of the 4 aDeut. 32:15, nations,
covenant of the LORD, saying: 18, 30; Ps. When He bseparated the sons of
26 Take this Book of the Law, aand 18:2 b2 Sam. Adam,
22:31 cDeut. He set the boundaries of the
put it beside the ark of the covenant 7:9; Is. 65:16;
of the LORD your God, that it may Jer. 10:10 dJob peoples
be there bas a witness against you; 34:10 According to the number of the
1children of Israel.
27 afor I know your rebellion and 5 aDeut. 4:25;
your bstiff neck. If today, while I am 31:29 bPhil.
9 For athe LORDs portion is His
yet alive with you, you have been 2:15 people;
rebellious against the LORD, then Jacob is the place of His
6 aPs. 116:12 inheritance.
how much more after my death? bEx. 4:22;
28 Gather to me all the elders of Deut. 1:31; Is.
your tribes, and your officers, that I 63:16 cPs. 74:2 10 He found him ain a desert land
may speak these words in their
dDeut. 32:15
1repay the
And in the wasteland, a howling
hearing aand call heaven and earth wilderness;
to witness against them. 7 aPs. 44:1 He encircled him, He instructed
29 For I know that after my death
bEx. 12:26; him,
you will abecome utterly corrupt, and
13:14; Ps. He bkept him as the 1apple of
turn aside from the way which I have His eye.
commanded you. And bevil will 8 aActs 17:26 11 aAs an eagle stirs up its nest,
befall you cin the latter days, because
bGen. 11:8
Hovers over its young,
you will do evil in the sight of the angels of God;
Spreading out its wings, taking
Symmachus, them up,
LORD, to provoke Him to anger Lat. sons of Carrying them on its wings,
through the work of your hands. God 12 So the LORD alone led him,
The Song of Moses 9 aEx. 19:5 And there was no foreign god
with him.
30 Then Moses spoke in the hear- 10 aJer. 2:6;
ing of all the assembly of Israel the Hos. 13:5 bPs. 13 Hea made him ride in the
17:8; Prov. 7:2;
words of this song until they were Zech. 2:8 heights of the earth,
ended: 1pupil That he might eat the produce of
11 aIs. 31:5
the fields;
32 Give ear, O heavens, and I
a He made him draw honey from
will speak; 13 aIs. 58:14 the rock,
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And oil from the flinty rock; 14 aPs. 81:16 25 The sword shall destroy
bGen. 49:11
14 Curds from the cattle, and milk outside;
of the flock, There shall be terror within
aWith fat of lambs; 15 aDeut. 31:20 For the young man and virgin,
bIs. 1:4 cIs.
And rams of the breed of 51:13 dPs. 95:1 The nursing child with the man
Bashan, and goats, of gray hairs.
With the choicest wheat; 16 aPs. 78:58; 26 aI would have said, I will dash
And you drank wine, the bblood 1 Cor. 10:22 them in pieces,
of the grapes. 1detestable I will make the memory of them
acts to cease from among men,
15 But Jeshurun grew fat and 27 Had I not feared the wrath of
kicked; 17 aRev. 9:20 the enemy,
aYou grew fat, you grew thick, Lest their adversaries should
You are obese! 18 aIs. 17:10
bJer. 2:32
Then he bforsook God who Lest they should say, aOur
cmade him, hand is high;
And scornfully esteemed the 19 aJudg. 2:14 And it is not the LORD who has
dRock of his salvation. done all this.
16 aThey provoked Him to jealousy 20 aMatt. 17:17
with foreign gods; 28 For they are a nation void of
With 1abominations they 21 aPs. 78:58 counsel,
bPs. 31:6
provoked Him to anger. cRom. 10:19
Nor is there any understanding
17 aThey sacrificed to demons, not 1foolishness, in them.
to God, lit. vanities 29 aOh, that they were wise, that
To gods they did not know, they understood this,
To new gods, new arrivals 22 aNum. That they would consider their
That your fathers did not 16:3335; Ps. blatter end!
fear. 18:7, 8; Lam. 30 How could one chase a
4:11 1lowest
18 Of the Rock who begot you,
part of 2Or thousand,
you are unmindful, Sheol And two put ten thousand to
And have bforgotten the God flight,
who fathered you. 23 aEx. 32:12; Unless their Rock ahad sold
Deut. 29:21, them,
19 Anda when the LORD saw it, He 24 bPs. 7:12, And the LORD had surrendered
spurned them, them?
Because of the provocation of 31 For their rock is not like our
His sons and His daughters. 24 aLev. 26:22 Rock,
20 And He said: I will hide My aEven our enemies themselves
face from them, 26 aEzek. being judges.
I will see what their end will be, 32 For atheir vine is of the vine of
For they are a perverse Sodom
generation, 27 aIs. And of the fields of Gomorrah;
aChildren in whom is no faith. Their grapes are grapes of gall,
21 aThey have provoked Me to 29 aPs. 81:13;
Their clusters are bitter.
jealousy by what is not [Luke 19:42] 33 Their wine is athe poison of
God; bDeut. 31:29 serpents,
They have moved Me to anger And the cruel bvenom of
bby their 1foolish idols.
30 aJudg. 2:14; cobras.
But cI will provoke them to Ps. 44:12
jealousy by those who are 34 Is this not alaid up in store with
not a nation; 31 a[1 Sam. Me,
I will move them to anger by a 4:7, 8; Jer. Sealed up among My
foolish nation. 40:2, 3] treasures?
22 For aa fire is kindled in My 35 aVengeance is Mine, and
anger, 32 aIs. 1:810 recompense;
And shall burn to the 1lowest Their foot shall slip in due time;
2hell; 33 aPs. 58:4 bFor the day of their calamity is
bRom. 3:13
It shall consume the earth with at hand,
her increase, And the things to come hasten
And set on fire the foundations 34 a[Jer. 2:22] upon them.
of the mountains.
35 aPs. 94:1; 36 Fora the LORD will judge His
Rom. 12:19;
23 I will aheap disasters on them; Heb. 10:30 people
bI will spend My arrows on b2 Pet. 2:3 bAnd have compassion on His
them. servants,
24 They shall be wasted with 36 aPs. 135:14; When He sees that their power
hunger, Heb. 10:30 is gone,
Devoured by pestilence and bPs. 106:45;
And cthere is no one remaining,
Jer. 31:20
bitter destruction; c2 Kin. 14:26 bond or free.
I will also send against them 37 He will say: aWhere are their
the ateeth of beasts, 37 aJudg.
With the poison of serpents of 10:14; Jer. The rock in which they sought
the dust. 2:28 refuge?
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38 Who ate the fat of their 39 aIs. 41:4; the waters of 1Meribah Kadesh, in
sacrifices, 43:10 bIs. 45:5 the Wilderness of Zin, because you
c1 Sam. 2:6
And drank the wine of their bdid not hallow Me in the midst of
drink offering? 41 aIs. 1:24; the children of Israel.
Let them rise and help you, 66:16 52 aYet you shall see the land
And be your refuge. before you, though you shall not go
43 aRom. 15:10 there, into the land which I am giv-
39 Now see that aI, even I, am He, bRev. 6:10;
ing to the children of Israel.
And bthere is no God besides 19:2 cPs. 65:3;
79:9; 85:1 Moses Final Blessing on Israel
Me; 1DSS frag-
cI kill and I make alive; ment adds Now this is athe blessing with
I wound and I heal;
Nor is there any who can
And let all
the gods
(angels) wor-
33 which Moses bthe man of God
blessed the children of Israel before
deliver from My hand. ship Him; cf. his death.
40 For I raise My hand to heaven, LXX and 2 And he said:
And say, As I live forever, Heb. 1:6
41 aIf I 1whet My glittering sword, 44 1Heb. The LORD came from Sinai,
And My hand takes hold on Hoshea, Num. And dawned on them from bSeir;
judgment, 13:8, 16
He shone forth from cMount
I will render vengeance to My 46 aEzek. 40:4; Paran,
enemies, 44:5 bDeut. And He came with dten
And repay those who hate Me. 11:19 thousands of saints;
42 I will make My arrows drunk From His right hand
47 aDeut. 8:3;
with blood, 30:1520 1vain Came a fiery law for them.
And My sword shall devour 3 Yes, aHe loves the people;
flesh, 49 aNum. bAll His saints are in Your hand;
With the blood of the slain and 27:1214
They csit down at Your feet;
the captives, 50 aNum. Everyone dreceives Your words.
From the heads of the leaders 20:25, 28; 4 aMoses 1commanded a law for us,
of the enemy. 33:38 1Join bA heritage of the congregation
your ances-
tors of Jacob.
43 Rejoice,a O Gentiles, with His 5 And He was aKing in
1people; 51 aNum. bJeshurun,
For He will bavenge the blood 20:1113 bLev.
10:3 1Lit. Con- When the leaders of the people
of His servants, tention at were gathered,
And render vengeance to His Kadesh All the tribes of Israel together.
52 aDeut.
He cwill provide atonement for 34:15 6 Let aReuben live, and not die,
His land and His people. Nor let his men be few.
44 So Moses came with 1Joshua the 1 aGen. 49:28 7 And this he said of aJudah:
son of Nun and spoke all the words of bPs. 90
this song in the hearing of the people. Hear, LORD, the voice of
45 Moses finished speaking all 2 aPs. 68:8, 17
bDeut. 2:1, 4 Judah,
these words to all Israel, cNum. 10:12 And bring him to his people;
46 and he said to them: aSet your dDan. 7:10 bLet his hands be sufficient for
hearts on all the words which I tes- him,
tify among you today, which you 3 aHos. 11:1
b1 Sam. 2:9 And may You be ca help against
shall command your bchildren to be c[Luke 10:39]
his enemies.
careful to observeall the words of dProv. 2:1
this law. 4 aJohn 1:17; 8 And of aLevi he said:
47 For it is not a 1futile thing for 7:19 bPs.
you, because it is your alife, and by 119:111 Let Your 1Thummim and Your
this word you shall prolong your 1charged us
Urim be with Your holy one,
days in the land which you cross with
cWhom You tested at Massah,
over the Jordan to possess. 5 aEx. 15:18 And with whom You contended
bDeut. 32:15
Moses to Die on Mount Nebo at the waters of Meribah,
6 aGen. 49:3, 4 9 aWho says of his father and
48 Then the LORD spoke to Moses mother,
that very same day, saying: 7 aGen. I have not bseen them;
49:812 bGen.
49 aGo up this mountain of the 49:8 cPs. 146:5
cNor did he acknowledge his
Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in brothers,
the land of Moab, across from Jeri- 8 aGen. 49:5 Or know his own children;
bEx. 28:30 cPs.
cho; view the land of Canaan, which 81:7 1Lit. Per-
For dthey have observed Your
I give to the children of Israel as a fections and word
possession; Your Lights And kept Your covenant.
50 and die on the mountain which 10 aThey shall teach Jacob Your
9 a[Num.
you ascend, and be 1gathered to 25:58] b[Gen. judgments,
your people, just as aAaron your 29:32] cEx. And Israel Your law.
brother died on Mount Hor and was 32:2628
dMal. 2:5, 6
They shall put incense before
gathered to his people; You,
51 because ayou trespassed against 10 aLev. 10:11
bAnd a whole burnt sacrifice on
Me among the children of Israel at bPs. 51:19 Your altar.
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11 Bless his substance, LORD, 11 a2 Sam. Because a lawgivers portion
And aaccept the work of his 24:23 was reserved there.
hands; bHe came with the heads of the
Strike the loins of those who 13 aGen.
49:2226 people;
rise against him, bGen. 27:28 He administered the justice of
And of those who hate him, the LORD,
that they rise not again. 15 aGen. 49:26 And His judgments with Israel.
bHab. 3:6

12 Of Benjamin he said: 22 And of Dan he said:

16 aEx. 3:24;
The beloved of the LORD shall Acts 7:3035 Dan is a lions whelp;
bGen. 49:26
dwell in safety by Him, aHe shall leap from Bashan.
Who shelters him all the day
17 a1 Chr. 5:1
long; bNum. 23:22 23 And of Naphtali he said:
And he shall dwell between His c1 Kin. 22:11;
shoulders. Ps. 44:5 dGen. O Naphtali, asatisfied with
48:19 favor,
13 And of Joseph he said: And full of the blessing of the
18 aGen.
49:1315 LORD,
Blessed of the LORD is his land,
a bPossess the west and the south.
With the precious things of 19 aEx. 15:17;
heaven, with the bdew, Ps. 2:6; Is. 2:3 24 And of Asher he said:
And the deep lying beneath, bPs. 4:5; 51:19
14 With the precious fruits of the aAsher is most blessed of sons;
sun, 20 a1 Chr. 12:8 Let him be favored by his
With the precious produce of brothers,
the months, 21 aNum. And let him bdip his foot in oil.
15 With the best things of athe 32:16, 17
bJosh. 4:12 25 Your sandals shall be airon and
ancient mountains, bronze;
With the precious things bof the As your days, so shall your
everlasting hills, 22 aGen. 49:16,
17; Josh. 19:47 strength be.
16 With the precious things of the
earth and its fullness, 23 aGen. 49:21 26 There is ano one like the God of
And the favor of aHim who bJosh. 19:32 bJeshurun,
dwelt in the bush. cWho rides the heavens to help
Let the blessing come bon the 24 aGen. 49:20 you,
head of Joseph, bJob 29:6
And in His excellency on the
And on the crown of the head clouds.
of him who was separate 25 aDeut. 8:9 27 The eternal God is your
from his brothers. arefuge,
17 His glory is like a afirstborn 26 aEx. 15:11; And underneath are the
bull, Deut. 4:35; Ps.
everlasting arms;
And his horns like the bhorns of 86:8; Jer. 10:6
bDeut. 32:15 bHe will thrust out the enemy
the wild ox; cDeut. 10:14;
from before you,
Together with them Ps. 68:3, 33, And will say, Destroy!
cHe shall push the peoples 34; 104:3
28 Then aIsrael shall dwell in safety,
To the ends of the earth; bThe fountain of Jacob calone,
dThey are the ten thousands of 27 a[Ps. 90:1;
91:2, 9] bDeut. In a land of grain and new
Ephraim, 9:35 wine;
And they are the thousands of His dheavens shall also drop
Manasseh. 28 aDeut. dew.
33:12; Jer. 29 aHappy are you, O Israel!
18 And of Zebulun he said: 23:6; 33:16 bWho is like you, a people saved
bDeut. 8:7, 8

cNum. 23:9 by the LORD,
Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going dGen. 27:28 cThe shield of your help
out, And the sword of your majesty!
And Issachar in your tents! 29 aPs. 144:15 Your enemies dshall submit to
19 They shall acall the peoples to bDeut.
the mountain; 4:3234;
And eyou shall tread down their
There bthey shall offer 2 Sam. 7:23
cGen. 15:1; Ps. 1high places.
sacrifices of righteousness; 115:9 dPs.
For they shall partake of the 18:44; 66:3 Moses Dies on Mount Nebo
abundance of the seas eNum. 33:52

And of treasures hidden in the 1Places for

Then Moses went up from the
sand. pagan wor-
34 plains of Moab ato Mount
Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, which is
20 And of Gad he said: across from Jericho. And the LORD
CHAPTER 34 showed him all the land of Gilead as
Blessed is he who aenlarges Gad; far as Dan,
He dwells as a lion, 1 aNum. 27:12;
2 all Naphtali and the land of
And tears the arm and the Deut. 32:49 Ephraim and Manasseh, all the
crown of his head. land of Judah as far as the 1Western
21 He provided the first part for
2 1Mediter- Sea,
himself, ranean 3 the South, and the plain of the
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Valley of Jericho, athe city of palm 3 a2 Chr. 28:15 for Moses in the plains of Moab
trees, as far as Zoar. 4 aGen. 12:7
athirty days. So the days of weeping
4 Then the LORD said to him, bDeut. 3:27 and mourning for Moses ended.
aThis is the land of which I swore to 9 Now Joshua the son of Nun was
5 aDeut. 32:50;
give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Josh. 1:1, 2 full of the aspirit of wisdom, for
saying, I will give it to your descen- 6 aJude 9
bMoses had laid his hands on him;
dants. bI have caused you to see it so the children of Israel heeded him,
with your eyes, but you shall not 7 aDeut. 31:2 and did as the LORD had command-
bGen. 27:1;
cross over there. 48:10 1eye- ed Moses.
5 aSo Moses the servant of the sight was not 10 But since then there ahas not
LORD died there in the land of Moab, weakened arisen in Israel a prophet like
according to the word of the LORD. Moses, bwhom the LORD knew face
6 And He buried him in a valley 8 aGen. 50:3, to face,
in the land of Moab, opposite Beth 10 11 in all athe signs and wonders
Peor; but ano one knows his grave to 9 aIs. 11:2 which the LORD sent him to do in
this day. bNum. 27:18, the land of Egypt, before Pharaoh,
7 aMoses was one hundred and 23 before all his servants, and in all his
twenty years old when he died. bHis 10 aDeut. land,
1eyes were not dim nor his natural 18:15, 18 12 and by all that mighty power
bEx. 33:11
vigor 2diminished. and all the great terror which Moses
8 And the children of Israel wept 11 aDeut. 7:19 performed in the sight of all Israel.

The Book of


J OSHUA, the first of the twelve historical books (JoshuaEsther), forges a link
between the Pentateuch and the remainder of Israels history. Through three
major military campaigns involving more than thirty enemy armies, the people of
Israel learn a crucial lesson under Joshuas capable leadership: victory comes
through faith in God and obedience to His word, rather than through military
might or numerical superiority.
The title of this book is appropriately named after its central figure, Joshua. His
original name is Hoshea, Salvation (Num. 13:8); but Moses evidently changes it
to Yehoshua, Yahweh is Salvation (Num. 13:16). He is also called Yeshua, a short-
ened form of Yehoshua. This is the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek name Iesous
(Jesus). Thus, the Greek title given to the book in the Septuagint is Iesous Naus,
Joshua the Son of Nun. The Latin title is Liber Josue, the Book of Joshua.
His name is symbolic of the fact that although he is the leader of the Israelite
nation during the conquest, the Lord is the Conqueror.

Gods Commission to Joshua CHAPTER 1 5 aNo man shall be able to stand

1 aEx. 24:13 before you all the days of your life;
bas I was with Moses, so cI will be
FTER the death of Moses the
A servant of the L
pass that the L ORD
, it came to
spoke to Joshua
2 aDeut. 34:5
3 aDeut. 11:24
with you. dI will not leave you nor
forsake you.
the son of Nun, Moses assistant,
a 4 aGen. 15:18 6 aBe strong and of good courage,
saying: for to this people you shall 1divide as
5 aDeut. 7:24 an inheritance the land which I
2 aMoses My servant is dead. bEx. 3:12
Now therefore, arise, go over this cDeut. 31:8, 23 swore to their fathers to give them.
Jordan, you and all this people, to dDeut. 31:6, 7 7 Only be strong and very coura-
the land which I am giving to geous, that you may observe to do
6 aDeut. 31:7,
themthe children of Israel. 23 1give as a according to all the law awhich
3 aEvery place that the sole of possession Moses My servant commanded you;
bdo not turn from it to the right hand
your foot will tread upon I have 7 aDeut. 31:7
given you, as I said to Moses. bDeut. 5:32 or to the left, that you may 1prosper
4 aFrom the wilderness and this 1have success wherever you go.
Lebanon as far as the great river, or act wisely 8 aThis Book of the Law shall not
the River Euphrates, all the land of 8 aJosh. 8:34 depart from your mouth, but byou1
the Hittites, and to the Great Sea bPs. 1:13 shall meditate in it day and night,
toward the going down of the sun, 1you shall be that you may observe to do accord-
shall be your territory. constantly in ing to all that is written in it. For then
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191 JOSHUA 2:18

you will make your way prosperous, 9 aDeut. 31:7 4 aThen the woman took the two
bPs. 27:1
and then you will have good success. men and hid them. So she said, Yes,
9 aHave I not commanded you? the men came to me, but I did not
11 aDeut. 9:1;
Be strong and of good courage; bdo Josh. 3:17 know where they were from.
not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for 5 And it happened as the gate
the LORD your God is with you 13 aNum. was being shut, when it was dark,
wherever you go. 32:2028 that the men went out. Where the
men went I do not know; pursue
The Order to Cross the Jordan 14 1cross over them quickly, for you may overtake
ahead of them.
10 Then Joshua commanded the
officers of the people, saying, 6 (But ashe had brought them up
15 aJosh. to the roof and hidden them with
11 Pass through the camp and 22:14
command the people, saying, Pre- the stalks of flax, which she had laid
pare provisions for yourselves, for 17 a1 Sam. in order on the roof.)
awithin three days you will cross 20:13; 1 Kin. 7 Then the men pursued them by
over this Jordan, to go in to possess 1:37 the road to the Jordan, to the fords.
the land which the LORD your God is And as soon as those who pursued
giving you to possess. them had gone out, they shut the
12 And to the Reubenites, the gate.
Gadites, and half the tribe of Ma- 8 Now before they lay down, she
nasseh Joshua spoke, saying, 1aNum. 25:1; came up to them on the roof,
Josh. 3:1 9 and said to the men: aI know
13 Remember athe word which bHeb. 11:31;
Moses the servant of the LORD com- James 2:25 that the LORD has given you the
manded you, saying, The LORD cMatt. 1:5 land, that bthe terror of you has
1Heb. Shittim
your God is giving you rest and is 2Lit. lay down
fallen on us, and that all the inhabi-
giving you this land. tants of the land care fainthearted
14 Your wives, your little ones, because of you.
2 aJosh. 2:22
and your livestock shall remain in 10 For we have heard how the
the land which Moses gave you on 4 a2 Sam.
LORD adried up the water of the Red
this side of the Jordan. But you shall 17:19, 20 Sea for you when you came out of
1pass before your brethren armed, Egypt, and bwhat you did to the two
all your mighty men of valor, and 6 aEx. 1:17; kings of the Amorites who were on
help them, 2 Sam. 17:19 the other side of the Jordan, Sihon
15 until the LORD has given your and Og, whom you cutterly de-
brethren rest, as He gave you, and 9 aDeut. 1:8
bGen. 35:5;
they also have taken possession of Ex. 23:27;
11 And as soon as we aheard these
the land which the LORD your God is Deut. 2:25; things, bour hearts melted; neither
giving them. aThen you shall return 11:25; Josh. did there remain any more courage
to the land of your possession and 9:9, 10 cEx. in anyone because of you, for cthe
15:15; Josh.
enjoy it, which Moses the LORDs 5:1 LORD your God, He is God in
servant gave you on this side of the heaven above and on earth beneath.
Jordan toward the sunrise. 10 aEx. 14:21; 12 Now therefore, I beg you,
16 So they answered Joshua, say- Josh. 4:23 aswear to me by the LORD, since I
ing, All that you command us we bNum.
have shown you kindness, that you
will do, and wherever you send us 21:2135 also will show kindness to bmy
cDeut. 20:17;
we will go. Josh. 6:21 fathers house, and cgive me 1a true
17 Just as we heeded Moses in all token,
things, so we will heed you. Only the 11 aEx. 15:14, 13 and aspare my father, my
LORD your God abe with you, as He 15 bJosh. 5:1; mother, my brothers, my sisters, and
was with Moses. 7:5; Ps. 22:14; all that they have, and deliver our
18 Whoever rebels against your Is. 13:7 cDeut.
4:39 lives from death.
command and does not heed your 14 So the men answered her, Our
words, in all that you command him, 12 a1 Sam. lives for yours, if none of you tell
shall be put to death. Only be strong 20:14, 15, 17 this business of ours. And it shall be,
and of good courage. b1 Tim. 5:8
when the LORD has given us the
cEx. 12:13;
Rahab Hides the Spies Josh. 2:18 1a land, that awe will deal kindly and
pledge of truly with you.
Now Joshua the son of Nun sent truth 15 Then she alet them down by a
2 out two men afrom 1Acacia
Grove to spy secretly, saying, Go, 13 aJosh.
rope through the window, for her
house was on the city wall; she
6:2325 dwelt on the wall.
view the land, especially Jericho.
So they went, and bcame to the 16 And she said to them, Get to
14 aGen. 47:29;
house of a harlot named cRahab, Judg. 1:24; the mountain, lest the pursuers
and 2lodged there. [Matt. 5:7] meet you. Hide there three days,
2 And ait was told the king of Jeri- until the pursuers have returned.
cho, saying, Behold, men have 15 aActs 9:25 Afterward you may go your way.
come here tonight from the children 17 So the men said to her: We will
of Israel to search out the country. 17 aEx. 20:7 be ablameless1 of this oath of yours
1free from
3 So the king of Jericho sent to which you have made us swear,
obligation to
Rahab, saying, Bring out the men this oath 18 aunless, when we come into the
who have come to you, who have land, you bind this line of scarlet
entered your house, for they have 18 aJosh. 2:12 cord in the window through which
come to search out all the country. bJosh. 6:23 you let us down, band unless you
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JOSHUA 2:19 192

1bring your father, your mother, your 18 1Lit. gather edge of the water of the Jordan, byou
brothers, and all your fathers house- shall stand in the Jordan.
hold to your own home. 19 a1 Kin. 2:32
1free from 9 So Joshua said to the children
19 So it shall be that whoever obligation of Israel, Come here, and hear the
goes outside the doors of your 2guilt of words of the LORD your God.
house into the street, his blood shall bloodshed 10 And Joshua said, By this you
be on his own head, and we will be shall know that athe living God is
20 1free from
1guiltless. And whoever is with you
obligation to among you, and that He will with-
in the house, ahis 2blood shall be on out fail bdrive out from before you
our head if a hand is laid on him. 24 aEx. 23:31 the cCanaanites and the Hittites and
20 And if you tell this business of the Hivites and the Perizzites and
ours, then we will be 1free from your the Girgashites and the Amorites
oath which you made us swear. CHAPTER 3 and the Jebusites:
21 Then she said, According to 11 Behold, the ark of the covenant
your words, so be it. And she sent 1 aJosh. 2:1
1Heb. Shittim
of athe Lord of all the earth is cross-
them away, and they departed. And ing over before you into the Jordan.
she bound the scarlet cord in the 2 aJosh. 1:10, 12 Now therefore, atake for your-
window. 11 selves twelve men from the tribes of
22 They departed and went to the Israel, one man from every tribe.
mountain, and stayed there three 3 aNum. 10:33 13 And it shall come to pass, aas
bDeut. 31:9, 25
days until the pursuers returned. 1carrying
soon as the soles of the feet of the
The pursuers sought them all along priests who bear the ark of the
the way, but did not find them. 4 aEx. 19:12 LORD, bthe Lord of all the earth,
23 So the two men returned, shall rest in the waters of the Jor-
descended from the mountain, and 5 aJosh. 7:13 dan, that the waters of the Jordan
crossed over; and they came to 1Consecrate
shall be cut off, the waters that come
Joshua the son of Nun, and told him down from upstream, and they
all that had befallen them. 6 aNum. 4:15 cshall stand as a heap.
24 And they said to Joshua, Truly 7 aJosh. 4:14
14 So it was, when the people set
athe LORD has delivered all the land bJosh. 1:5, 9 out from their camp to cross over
into our hands, for indeed all the 1make you the Jordan, with the priests bearing
inhabitants of the country are faint- great the aark of the covenant before the
hearted because of us. people,
8 aJosh. 3:3
bJosh. 3:17 15 and as those who bore the ark
Israel Crosses the Jordan came to the Jordan, and athe feet of
Then Joshua rose early in the 10 aMatt. the priests who bore the ark dipped
3 morning; and they set out afrom
1Acacia Grove and came to the Jor-
1 Thess. 1:9
bEx. 33:2
in the edge of the water (for the
bJordan overflows all its banks cdur-

dan, he and all the children of cActs 13:19 ing the whole time of harvest),
Israel, and lodged there before they 16 that the waters which came
crossed over. 11 aZech. 4:14; down from upstream stood still, and
2 So it was, aafter three days, that 6:5 rose in a heap very far away 1at
the officers went through the camp; Adam, the city that is beside aZare-
12 aJosh. 4:2, 4 tan. So the waters that went down
3 and they commanded the peo- binto the Sea of the Arabah, cthe Salt
ple, saying, aWhen you see the ark 13 aJosh. 3:15,
of the covenant of the LORD your 16 bJosh. 3:11 Sea, failed, and were cut off; and the
God, band the priests, the Levites,
cPs. 78:13; people crossed over opposite Jeri-
1bearing it, then you shall set out
114:3 cho.
from your place and go after it. 17 Then the priests who bore the
14 aActs 7:44,
4 aYet there shall be a space 45 ark of the covenant of the LORD
between you and it, about two thou- stood firm on dry ground in the
sand cubits by measure. Do not come 15 aJosh. 3:13 midst of the Jordan; aand all Israel
near it, that you may know the way
b1 Chr. 12:15
cJosh. 4:18;
crossed over on dry ground, until all
by which you must go, for you have 5:10, 12
the people had crossed completely
not passed this way before. over the Jordan.
5 And Joshua said to the people, 16 a1 Kin.
The Memorial Stones
aSanctify1 yourselves, for tomorrow 4:12; 7:46
bDeut. 3:17
the LORD will do wonders among And it came to pass, when all
6 Then Joshua spoke to the
cGen. 14:3
1Many mss.,
vss., and Qr.
4 the people had completely
crossed aover the Jordan, that the
priests, saying, aTake up the ark of from Adam LORD spoke to Joshua, saying:
the covenant and cross over before 17 aEx. 3:8;
2 aTake for yourselves twelve
the people. So they took up the ark 6:18; 14:21, men from the people, one man from
of the covenant and went before the 22, 29; 33:1 every tribe,
people. 3 and command them, saying,
7 And the LORD said to Joshua, CHAPTER 4
Take for yourselves twelve stones
This day I will begin to aexalt1 you from here, out of the midst of the
in the sight of all Israel, that they Jordan, from the place where athe
may know that, bas I was with 1 aDeut. 27:2 priests feet stood firm. You shall
Moses, so I will be with you. 2 aJosh. 3:12
carry them over with you and leave
8 You shall command athe priests them in bthe lodging place where
who bear the ark of the covenant, 3 aJosh. 3:13 you lodge tonight.
saying, When you have come to the bJosh. 4:19, 20 4 Then Joshua called the twelve
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193 JOSHUA 5:7

men whom he had appointed from 6 aDeut. 27:2; of the priests feet touched the dry
the children of Israel, one man from Ps. 103:2 bEx. land, that the waters of the Jordan
12:26; 13:14;
every tribe; Deut. 6:20 returned to their place aand over-
5 and Joshua said to them: Cross flowed all its banks as before.
over before the ark of the LORD 7 aJosh. 3:13, 19 Now the people came up from
your God into the midst of the Jor- 16 bEx. 12:14; the Jordan on the tenth day of the
Num. 16:40
dan, and each one of you take up a first month, and they camped ain
stone on his shoulder, according to 11 aJosh. 3:11; Gilgal on the east border of Jericho.
the number of the tribes of the chil- 6:11 20 And athose twelve stones which
dren of Israel, they took out of the Jordan, Joshua
12 aNum. set up in Gilgal.
6 that this may be aa sign among 32:17, 20, 27,
you bwhen your children ask in time 28; Josh. 1:14 21 Then he spoke to the children of
to come, saying, What do these Israel, saying: aWhen your children
stones mean to you? 13 1equipped ask their fathers in time to come,
7 Then you shall answer them saying, What are these stones?
14 aJosh. 3:7;
that athe waters of the Jordan were 1 Chr. 29:25 22 then you shall let your children
cut off before the ark of the 1made Joshua know, saying, aIsrael crossed over
covenant of the LORD; when it great this Jordan on bdry land;
crossed over the Jordan, the waters 23 for the LORD your God dried
16 aEx. 25:16,
of the Jordan were cut off. And these 22 up the waters of the Jordan before
stones shall be for ba memorial to you until you had crossed over, as
the children of Israel forever. 18 aJosh. 3:15; the LORD your God did to the Red
8 And the children of Israel did so, 1 Chr. 12:15 Sea, awhich He dried up before us
just as Joshua commanded, and took 19 aJosh. 5:9
until we had crossed over,
up twelve stones from the midst of 24 athat all the peoples of the earth
the Jordan, as the LORD had spoken 20 aDeut. may know the hand of the LORD,
to Joshua, according to the number 11:30; Josh. that it is bmighty, that you may cfear
of the tribes of the children of Israel, 4:3; 5:9, 10 the LORD your God 1forever.
and carried them over with them to 21 aJosh. 4:6 The Second Generation
the place where they lodged, and Circumcised
laid them down there. 22 aEx. 12:26,
9 Then Joshua set up twelve 27; 13:814;
So it was, when all the kings of
stones in the midst of the Jordan, in
the place where the feet of the priests
Deut. 26:59
bJosh. 3:17 5 the Amorites who were on the
west side of the Jordan, and all the
who bore the ark of the covenant 23 aEx. 14:21 kings of the Canaanites awho were
stood; and they are there to this day. by the sea, bheard that the LORD had
10 So the priests who bore the ark 24 a1 Kin. 8:42;
2 Kin. 19:19; dried up the waters of the Jordan
stood in the midst of the Jordan Ps. 106:8 bEx. from before the children of Israel
until everything was finished that 15:16; 1 Chr. until 1we had crossed over, that
the LORD had commanded Joshua 29:12; Ps. 2their heart melted; cand there was
89:13 cEx.
to speak to the people, according to 14:31; Deut. no spirit in them any longer because
all that Moses had commanded 6:2; Ps. 76:7; of the children of Israel.
Joshua; and the people hurried and Jer. 10:7 1Lit. 2 At that time the LORD said to
crossed over. all days
Joshua, Make aflint knives for
11 Then it came to pass, when all yourself, and circumcise the sons of
the people had completely crossed CHAPTER 5 Israel again the second time.
over, that the aark of the LORD and 3 So Joshua made flint knives for
the priests crossed over in the pres- 1 aNum. 13:29 himself, and circumcised the sons of
ence of the people. bEx. 15:14, 15
Israel at 1the hill of the foreskins.
cJosh. 2:10,
12 And athe men of Reuben, the 4 And this is the reason why
11; 9:9; 1 Kin.
men of Gad, and half the tribe of 10:5 1So with Joshua circumcised them: aAll the
Manasseh crossed over armed Kt.; Qr., some people who came out of Egypt who
before the children of Israel, as Heb. mss. and were males, all the men of war, had
Moses had spoken to them. editions, LXX,
Syr., Tg., Vg. died in the wilderness on the way,
13 About forty thousand 1prepared they 2their after they had come out of Egypt.
for war crossed over before the LORD courage failed 5 For all the people who came out
for battle, to the plains of Jericho. had been circumcised, but all the
14 On that day the LORD aexalted1 2 aEx. 4:25 people born in the wilderness, on
Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and 3 1Heb. the way as they came out of Egypt,
they feared him, as they had feared Gibeath had not been circumcised.
Moses, all the days of his life. Haaraloth 6 For the children of Israel
15 Then the LORD spoke to Joshua, walked aforty years in the wilder-
4 aNum. 14:29;
saying, 26:64, 65; ness, till all the people who were
16 Command the priests who bear Deut. 2:1416 men of war, who came out of Egypt,
athe ark of the Testimony to come were 1consumed, because they did
up from the Jordan. 6 aNum. 14:33; not obey the voice of the LORDto
17 Joshua therefore commanded Deut. 1:3; 29:5
bNum. 14:23, whom the LORD swore that bHe
the priests, saying, Come up from 2935; would not show them the land
the Jordan. 26:2365; which the LORD had sworn to their
18 And it came to pass, when the Heb. 3:11 cEx. fathers that He would give us, ca
3:8 1destroyed
priests who bore the ark of the land flowing with milk and honey.
covenant of the LORD had come from 7 aNum. 14:31; 7 Then Joshua circumcised atheir
the midst of the Jordan, and the soles Deut. 1:39 sons whom He raised up in their
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JOSHUA 5:8 194

place; for they were uncircumcised, 8 aGen. 34:25 shall shout with a great shout; then
because they had not been circum- the wall of the city will fall down
cised on the way. flat. And the people shall go up
8 So it was, when they had fin- 9 aGen. 34:14 every man straight before him.
bJosh. 4:19
ished circumcising all the people, 1Lit. Rolling
6 Then Joshua the son of Nun
that they stayed in their places in called the priests and said to them,
the camp atill they were healed. Take up the ark of the covenant,
9 Then the LORD said to Joshua, and let seven priests bear seven
This day I have rolled away athe 10 aEx. 12:6; trumpets of rams horns before the
reproach of Egypt from you. There- Num. 9:5
ark of the LORD.
fore the name of the place is called 7 And he said to the people, Pro-
bGilgal1 to this day.
ceed, and march around the city,
10 Now the children of Israel 11 1roasted and let him who is armed advance
camped in Gilgal, and kept the before the ark of the LORD.
Passover aon the fourteenth day of 8 So it was, when Joshua had spo-
the month at twilight on the plains 12 aEx. 16:35 ken to the people, that the seven
of Jericho. priests bearing the seven trumpets
11 And they ate of the produce of of rams horns before the LORD
the land on the day after the 13 aGen. 18:1, advanced and blew the trumpets,
Passover, unleavened bread and 2; 32:24, 30; and the ark of the covenant of the
1parched grain, on the very same day. Ex. 23:23;
Num. 22:31; LORD followed them.
12 Then athe manna ceased on the Zech. 1:8; 9 The armed men went before the
day after they had eaten the pro- Acts 1:10 priests who blew the trumpets, aand
duce of the land; and the children of bNum. 22:23;
the rear guard came after the ark,
Israel no longer had manna, but 1 Chr. 21:16
while the priests continued blowing
they ate the food of the land of the trumpets.
Canaan that year. 10 Now Joshua had commanded
14 aGen. 17:3; the people, saying, You shall not
The Commander of the Army of Num. 20:6
the LORD bEx. 34:8 shout or make any noise with your
voice, nor shall a word proceed out
13 And it came to pass, when of your mouth, until the day I say to
Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted 15 aEx. 3:5;
you, Shout! Then you shall shout.
his eyes and looked, and behold, aa Acts 7:33 11 So he had athe ark of the LORD
Man stood opposite him bwith His circle the city, going around it once.
sword drawn in His hand. And Then they came into the camp and
Joshua went to Him and said to 1lodged in the camp.
Him, Are You for us or for our CHAPTER 6 12 And Joshua rose early in the
adversaries? morning, aand the priests took up
14 So He said, No, but as Com- the ark of the LORD.
mander of the army of the LORD I 13 Then seven priests bearing
have now come. And Joshua afell 1 aJosh. 2:1 seven trumpets of rams horns
on his face to the earth and bwor- before the ark of the LORD went on
shiped, and said to Him, What does continually and blew with the trum-
my Lord say to His servant? 2 aJosh. 2:9, pets. And the armed men went
15 Then the Commander of the 24; 8:1 bDeut. before them. But the rear guard
LORDs army said to Joshua, aTake came after the ark of the LORD,
your sandal off your foot, for the while the priests continued blowing
place where you stand is holy. And the trumpets.
Joshua did so. 4 aLev. 25:9;
Judg. 7:16, 22 14 And the second day they
b1 Kin. 18:43; marched around the city once and
The Destruction of Jericho 2 Kin. 4:35; returned to the camp. So they did
5:10 cNum. six days.
Now aJericho was securely shut
6 up because of the children of
Israel; none went out, and none
15 But it came to pass on the sev-
enth day that they rose early, about
came in. the dawning of the day, and
9 aNum. 10:25 marched around the city seven
2 And the LORD said to Joshua:
See! aI have given Jericho into your times in the same manner. On that
hand, its bking, and the mighty men day only they marched around the
of valor. 11 aJosh. 4:11 city seven times.
1spent the
3 You shall march around the night
16 And the seventh time it hap-
city, all you men of war; you shall go pened, when the priests blew the
all around the city once. This you trumpets, that Joshua said to the
shall do six days. people: Shout, for the LORD has
12 aDeut. 31:25
4 And seven priests shall bear given you the city!
seven atrumpets of rams horns 17 Now the city shall be adoomed
before the ark. But the seventh day by the LORD to destruction, it and
you shall march around the city 17 aDeut. all who are in it. Only bRahab the
13:17; Josh.
bseven times, and cthe priests shall
7:1 bJosh. 2:1; harlot shall live, she and all who are
blow the trumpets. Matt. 1:5 with her in the house, because cshe
5 It shall come to pass, when they cJosh. 2:4, 6
hid the messengers that we sent.
make a long blast with the rams 18 And you, aby all means abstain
horn, and when you hear the sound from the accursed things, lest you
of the trumpet, that all the people 18 aDeut. 7:26 become accursed when you take of
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195 JOSHUA 7:15

the accursed things, and make the 18 bJosh. 7:1, Do not weary all the people there, for
camp of Israel a curse, band trouble 12, 25; 1 Kin. the people of Ai are few.
18:17, 18;
it. [Jon. 1:12] 4 So about three thousand men
19 But all the silver and gold, and went up there from the people, abut
vessels of bronze and iron, are 1con- 19 1set apart they fled before the men of Ai.
secrated to the LORD; they 2shall 2shall go 5 And the men of Ai struck down
come into the treasury of the LORD. about thirty-six men, for they
20 So the people shouted when the 20 aHeb. 11:30 chased them from before the gate as
priests blew the trumpets. And it far as Shebarim, and struck them
happened when the people heard down on the descent; therefore athe1
21 aDeut. 7:2;
the sound of the trumpet, and the 20:16, 17 hearts of the people melted and
people shouted with a great shout, became like water.
that athe wall fell down flat. Then 6 Then Joshua atore his clothes,
22 aJosh.
the people went up into the city, 2:1219; Heb. and fell to the earth on his face
every man straight before him, and 11:31 before the ark of the LORD until
they took the city. evening, he and the elders of
21 And they autterly destroyed all 23 aJosh. 2:13 Israel; and they bput dust on their
that was in the city, both man and heads.
woman, young and old, ox and 25 a[Matt. 1:5]
7 And Joshua said, Alas, Lord
sheep and donkey, with the edge of 1GOD, awhy have You brought this
the sword. people over the Jordan at allto
22 But Joshua had said to the two 26 a1 Kin. deliver us into the hand of the
16:34 1warned
men who had spied out the country, Amorites, to destroy us? Oh, that we
Go into the harlots house, and from had been content, and dwelt on the
there bring out the woman and all CHAPTER 7 other side of the Jordan!
that she has, aas you swore to her. 8 O Lord, what shall I say when
23 And the young men who had Israel turns its 1back before its ene-
been spies went in and brought out 1 aJosh. 7:20, mies?
Rahab, aher father, her mother, her 21 bJosh. 9 For the Canaanites and all the
6:1719 cJosh.
brothers, and all that she had. So 22:20 1acted inhabitants of the land will hear it,
they brought out all her relatives and unfaithfully and surround us, and acut off our
left them outside the camp of Israel. 2devoted name from the earth. Then bwhat
3Zimri, 1 Chr.
24 But they burned the city and all will You do for Your great name?
that was in it with fire. Only the sil-
ver and gold, and the vessels of The Sin of Achan
bronze and iron, they put into the 4 aLev. 26:17;
Deut. 28:25 10 So the LORD said to Joshua:
treasury of the house of the LORD. Get up! Why do you lie thus on
25 And Joshua spared Rahab the your face?
harlot, her fathers household, and 5 aLev. 26:36;
Josh. 2:9, 11 11 Israel has sinned, and they
all that she had. So ashe dwells in 1the peoples have also transgressed My covenant
Israel to this day, because she hid courage failed which I commanded them. aFor they
the messengers whom Joshua sent have even taken some of the
to spy out Jericho. 6 aGen. 37:29, 1accursed things, and have both
26 Then Joshua 1charged them at 34 b1 Sam. stolen and bdeceived; and they have
that time, saying, aCursed be the 4:12
also put it among their own stuff.
man before the LORD who rises up 12 aTherefore the children of
and builds this city Jericho; he shall 7 aEx. 17:3; Israel could not stand before their
lay its foundation with his firstborn, Num. 21:5
1Heb. YHWH, enemies, but turned their backs
and with his youngest he shall set LORD before their enemies, because bthey
up its gates. have become doomed to destruc-
27 So the LORD was with Joshua, tion. Neither will I be with you any-
and his fame spread throughout all 8 1Lit. neck
more, unless you destroy the
the country. accursed from among you.
9 aDeut. 32:26
Defeat at Ai bEx. 32:12; 13 Get up, asanctify1 the people,
Num. 14:13 and say, bSanctify yourselves for
But the children of Israel 1com- tomorrow, because thus says the
7 mitted a atrespass regarding the
baccursed2 things, for cAchan the
11 aJosh.
6:1719 bActs
LORD God of Israel: There is an
accursed thing in your midst, O
son of Carmi, the son of 3Zabdi, the 5:1, 2 1de- Israel; you cannot stand before your
son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, enemies until you take away the
took of the accursed things; so the accursed thing from among you.
anger of the LORD burned against 12 aJudg. 2:14 14 In the morning therefore you
bDeut. 7:26;
the children of Israel. [Hag. 2:13, 14] shall be brought according to your
2 Now Joshua sent men from Jeri- tribes. And it shall be that the tribe
cho to Ai, which is beside Beth 13 aEx. 19:10
which athe LORD takes shall come
Aven, on the east side of Bethel, and bJosh. 3:5 1set according to families; and the family
spoke to them, saying, Go up and apart which the LORD takes shall come by
spy out the country. So the men households; and the household
went up and spied out Ai. 14 a[Prov. which the LORD takes shall come
3 And they returned to Joshua and 16:33] man by man.
said to him, Do not let all the people 15 aThen it shall be that he who is
go up, but let about two or three 15 a1 Sam. taken with the accursed thing shall
thousand men go up and attack Ai. 14:38, 39 be burned with fire, he and all that
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JOSHUA 7:16 196

he has, because he has btrans- 15 bJosh. 7:11 bI have given into your hand the
cGen. 34:7;
gressed1 the covenant of the LORD, Judg. 20:6 king of Ai, his people, his city, and
and because he chas done a dis- 1overstepped his land.
graceful thing in Israel. 2 And you shall do to Ai and its
16 So Joshua rose early in the 18 a1 Sam.
king as you did to aJericho and its
morning and brought Israel by their 14:42 king. Only bits spoil and its cattle
tribes, and the tribe of Judah was you shall take as booty for your-
taken. selves. Lay an ambush for the city
17 He brought the clan of Judah, 19 a1 Sam. 6:5; behind it.
Jer. 13:16;
and he took the family of the John 9:24 3 So Joshua arose, and all the
Zarhites; and he brought the family bNum. 5:6, 7; people of war, to go up against Ai;
of the Zarhites man by man, and 2 Chr. 30:22; and Joshua chose thirty thousand
Ezra 10:10,
Zabdi was taken. 11; Ps. 32:5; mighty men of valor and sent them
18 Then he brought his household Prov. 28:13; away by night.
man by man, and Achan the son of Jer. 3:12, 13; 4 And he commanded them, say-
Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Dan. 9:4 ing: Behold, ayou shall lie in ambush
c1 Sam. 14:43
Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, awas against the city, behind the city. Do
taken. not go very far from the city, but all
19 Now Joshua said to Achan, My 20 aNum. of you be ready.
22:34; 1 Sam.
son, I beg you, agive glory to the 15:24 5 Then I and all the people who
LORD God of Israel, band make con- are with me will approach the city;
fession to Him, and ctell me now and it will come about, when they
what you have done; do not hide it 21 1desired come out against us as at the first,
from me. that awe shall flee before them.
20 And Achan answered Joshua 24 aNum. 6 For they will come out after us
and said, Indeed aI have sinned 16:32, 33; till we have drawn them from the
against the LORD God of Israel, and Dan. 6:24
bJosh. 7:26; city, for they will say, They are flee-
this is what I have done: 15:7 ing before us as at the first. There-
21 When I saw among the spoils a fore we will flee before them.
beautiful Babylonian garment, two 7 Then you shall rise from the
25 aJosh. 6:18;
hundred shekels of silver, and a 1 Chr. 2:7; ambush and seize the city, for the
wedge of gold weighing fifty [Gal. 5:12] LORD your God will deliver it into
shekels, I 1coveted them and took bDeut. 17:5
your hand.
them. And there they are, hidden in 8 And it will be, when you have
the earth in the midst of my tent, 26 aJosh. 8:29; taken the city, that you shall set the
with the silver under it. 2 Sam. 18:17; city on fire. According to the com-
22 So Joshua sent messengers, and Lam. 3:53 mandment of the LORD you shall
bDeut. 13:17
they ran to the tent; and there it cJosh. 7:24; Is. do. aSee, I have commanded you.
was, hidden in his tent, with the sil- 65:10; Hos. 9 Joshua therefore sent them out;
ver under it. 2:15 1Lit. and they went to lie in ambush, and
23 And they took them from the Trouble
stayed between Bethel and Ai, on
midst of the tent, brought them to the west side of Ai; but Joshua
Joshua and to all the children of lodged that night among the people.
Israel, and laid them out before the CHAPTER 8
10 Then Joshua rose up early in
LORD. the morning and mustered the peo-
24 Then Joshua, and all Israel 1 aDeut. 1:21; ple, and went up, he and the elders
with him, took Achan the son of 7:18; 31:8; of Israel, before the people to Ai.
Zerah, the silver, the garment, the Josh. 1:9; 10:8 11 aAnd all the people of war who
wedge of gold, his sons, his daugh- bJosh. 6:2
were with him went up and drew
ters, his oxen, his donkeys, his near; and they came before the city
sheep, his tent, and aall that he had, 2 aJosh. 6:21 and camped on the north side of Ai.
and they brought them to bthe Valley bDeut. 20:14;
Now a valley lay between them and
of Achor. Josh. 8:27
25 And Joshua said, aWhy have 12 So he took about five thousand
you troubled us? The LORD will 4 aJudg. 20:29 men and set them in ambush
trouble you this day. bSo all Israel between Bethel and Ai, on the west
stoned him with stones; and they 5 aJosh. 7:5; side of 1the city.
burned them with fire after they had Judg. 20:32 13 And when they had set the peo-
stoned them with stones. ple, all the army that was on the
26 Then they araised over him a north of the city, and its rear guard
8 a2 Sam.
great heap of stones, still there to 13:28 on the west of the city, Joshua went
this day. So bthe LORD turned from that night into the midst of the valley.
the fierceness of His anger. There- 14 Now it happened, when the
fore the name of that place has been 11 aJosh. 8:5
king of Ai saw it, that the men of the
called cthe Valley of 1Achor to this city hurried and rose early and went
day. 12 1Ai out against Israel to battle, he and
The Fall of Ai all his people, at an appointed place
14 aJudg. before the plain. But he adid not
Now the LORD said to Joshua: know that there was an ambush
8 aDo not be afraid, nor be dis-
mayed; take all the people of war
20:34; Eccl.
9:12 against him behind the city.
15 And Joshua and all Israel amade
with you, and arise, go up to Ai. See, 15 aJudg. 20:36 as if they were beaten before them,
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197 JOSHUA 9:7

and fled by the way of the wilder- 22 aDeut. 7:2 at the entrance of the gate of the city,
ness. and craise over it a great heap of
16 So all the people who were in Ai 26 aJosh. 6:21 stones that remains to this day.
were called together to pursue
them. And they pursued Joshua and Joshua Renews the Covenant
were drawn away from the city. 27 aNum. 30 Now Joshua built an altar to the
17 There was not a man left in Ai or 31:22, 26
bJosh. 8:2 LORD God of Israel ain Mount Ebal,
Bethel who did not go out after 31 as Moses the servant of the LORD
Israel. So they left the city open and had commanded the children of Is-
pursued Israel. 28 aDeut. 13:16 rael, as it is written in the Book of the
18 Then the LORD said to Joshua, Law of Moses: aan altar of whole
Stretch out the spear that is in your 29 aJosh. 10:26 stones over which no man has
hand toward Ai, for I will give it into bDeut. 21:22, wielded an iron tool. And bthey of-
your hand. And Joshua stretched 23; Josh. 10:27 fered on it burnt offerings to the
out the spear that was in his hand cJosh. 7:26;
LORD, and sacrificed peace offerings.
toward the city. 32 And there, in the presence of
19 So those in ambush arose quickly the children of Israel, ahe wrote on
out of their place; they ran as soon 30 aDeut. the stones a copy of the law of
as he had stretched out his hand, 27:48 Moses, which he had written.
and they entered the city and took it, 33 Then all Israel, with their elders
and hurried to set the city on fire. 31 aEx. 20:25;
and officers and judges, stood on
20 And when the men of Ai looked Deut. 27:5, 6 either side of the ark before the
behind them, they saw, and behold, bEx. 20:24 priests, the Levites, awho bore the
the smoke of the city ascended to ark of the covenant of the LORD,
bthe stranger as well as he who was
heaven. So they had no power to 32 aDeut. 27:2,
flee this way or that way, and the 3, 8
born among them. Half of them
people who had fled to the wilder- were in front of Mount Gerizim and
ness turned back on the pursuers. half of them in front of Mount Ebal,
33 aDeut. 31:9, cas Moses the servant of the LORD
21 Now when Joshua and all Israel
saw that the ambush had taken the 25 bDeut. had commanded before, that they
31:12 cDeut. should bless the people of Israel.
city and that the smoke of the city 11:29; 27:12
ascended, they turned back and 34 And afterward ahe read all the
struck down the men of Ai. words of the law, bthe blessings and
22 Then the others came out of the 34 aDeut. the cursings, according to all that is
city against them; so they were
31:11; Neh. written in the cBook of the Law.
8:3 bDeut. 35 There was not a word of all that
caught in the midst of Israel, some 28:2, 15, 45;
Moses had commanded which
on this side and some on that side. 29:20, 21;
And they struck them down, so that 30:19 cJosh. Joshua did not read before all the
1:8 assembly of Israel, awith the women,
they alet none of them remain or the little ones, band the strangers
escape. who were living among them.
23 But the king of Ai they took 35 aEx. 12:38;
Deut. 31:12
alive, and brought him to Joshua. bJosh. 8:33 The Treaty with the Gibeonites
24 And it came to pass when Israel
And it came to pass when aall
had made an end of slaying all the
inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the
9 the kings who were on this side
of the Jordan, in the hills and in the
wilderness where they pursued
them, and when they all had fallen lowland and in all the coasts of bthe
by the edge of the sword until they Great Sea toward Lebanoncthe Hit-
were consumed, that all the 1 aNum. 13:29; tite, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the
Josh. 3:10 Perizzite, the Hivite, and the
Israelites returned to Ai and struck bNum. 34:6
Jebusiteheard about it,
it with the edge of the sword. cEx. 3:17;
2 that they agathered together to
25 So it was that all who fell that 23:23
fight with Joshua and Israel with
day, both men and women, were one 1accord.
twelve thousandall the people of 2 aJosh. 10:5; 3 But when the inhabitants of
Ai. Ps. 83:3, 5 aGibeon bheard what Joshua had
1Lit. mouth
26 For Joshua did not draw back done to Jericho and Ai,
his hand, with which he stretched 4 they worked craftily, and went
out the spear, until he had autterly 3 aJosh. 9:17, and 1pretended to be ambassadors.
destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai. 22; 10:2; And they took old sacks on their
27 aOnly the livestock and the spoil 21:17; 2 Sam.
donkeys, old wineskins torn and
21:1, 2 bJosh.
of that city Israel took as booty for 6:27 2mended,
themselves, according to the word 5 old and patched sandals on
of the LORD which He had bcom- their feet, and old garments on
manded Joshua. 4 1acted as themselves; and all the bread of
28 So Joshua burned Ai and made envoys 2Lit.
tied up their provision was dry and moldy.
it aa heap forever, a desolation to 6 And they went to Joshua, ato the
this day. camp at Gilgal, and said to him and
29 aAnd the king of Ai he hanged 6 aJosh. 5:10 to the men of Israel, We have come
on a tree until evening. bAnd as soon from a far country; now therefore,
as the sun was down, Joshua com- make a 1covenant with us.
manded that they should take his 7 aJosh. 9:1; 7 Then the men of Israel said to
corpse down from the tree, cast it 11:19 the aHivites, Perhaps you dwell
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JOSHUA 9:8 198

among us; so bhow can we make a 7 bEx. 23:32; very far from you, when byou dwell
covenant with you? Deut. 7:2 near us?
8 But they said to Joshua, aWe 23 Now therefore, you are
are your servants. And Joshua said 8 aDeut. 20:11; acursed, and none of you shall be
2 Kin. 10:5
to them, Who are you, and where freed from being slaveswoodcut-
do you come from? 9 aDeut. 20:15
ters and water carriers for the house
9 So they said to him: aFrom a bEx. 15:14; of my God.
very far country your servants have Josh. 2:9, 10; 24 So they answered Joshua and
come, because of the name of the 5:1 said, Because your servants were
LORD your God; for we have bheard clearly told that the LORD your God
of His fame, and all that He did in 10 aNum. acommanded His servant Moses to
Egypt, 21:24, 33 give you all the land, and to destroy
10 and aall that He did to the two all the inhabitants of the land from
kings of the Amorites who were 14 aNum. before you; therefore bwe were very
27:21; Is. 30:1 much afraid for our lives because of
beyond the Jordanto Sihon king 1Lit. did not
of Heshbon, and Og king of Bashan, inquire at the you, and have done this thing.
who was at Ashtaroth. mouth of 25 And now, here we are, ain your
11 Therefore our elders and all hands; do with us as it seems good
the inhabitants of our country spoke 15 a2 Sam. and right to do to us.
to us, saying, Take provisions with 21:2 26 So he did to them, and delivered
you for the journey, and go to meet them out of the hand of the children
them, and say to them, We are your 17 aJosh. 18:25 of Israel, so that they did not kill
servants; now therefore, make a them.
covenant with us. 18 aPs. 15:4 27 And that day Joshua made them
1strike awoodcutters and water carriers for
12 This bread of ours we took hot
for our provision from our houses on the congregation and for the altar of
the day we departed to come to you. 20 a2 Sam. the LORD, bin the place which He
21:1, 2, 6; would choose, even to this day.
But now look, it is dry and moldy. Ezek. 17:13,
13 And these wineskins which we 15
filled were new, and see, they are The Sun Stands Still
torn; and these our garments and Now it came to pass when
our sandals have become old
because of the very long journey.
21 aDeut. 29:11
bJosh. 9:15
10 Adoni-Zedek king of Jeru-
salem aheard how Joshua had taken
14 Then the men of Israel took 22 aJosh. 9:6, 9
bJosh. 9:16
bAi and had utterly destroyed itcas
some of their provisions; abut they he had done to Jericho and its king,
1did not ask counsel of the LORD.
so he had done to dAi and its king
15 So Joshua amade peace with 23 aGen. 9:25
and ehow the inhabitants of Gibeon
them, and made a covenant with had made peace with Israel and
them to let them live; and the rulers 24 aEx.
23:3133; were among them,
of the congregation swore to them. Deut. 7:1, 2 2 that they afeared greatly,
16 And it happened at the end of bEx. 15:14 because Gibeon was a great city,
three days, after they had made a like one of the royal cities, and
covenant with them, that they heard 25 aGen. 16:6 because it was greater than Ai, and
that they were their neighbors who all its men were mighty.
dwelt near them. 27 aJosh. 9:21, 3 Therefore Adoni-Zedek king of
17 Then the children of Israel jour- 23 bDeut. 12:5 Jerusalem sent to Hoham king of
neyed and came to their cities on Hebron, Piram king of Jarmuth,
the third day. Now their cities were Japhia king of Lachish, and Debir
aGibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth, and CHAPTER 10 king of Eglon, saying,
Kirjath Jearim. 4 Come up to me and help me,
18 But the children of Israel did not 1 aJosh. 9:1 that we may attack Gibeon, for ait
1attack them, abecause the rulers of bJosh. 8:1 has made peace with Joshua and
the congregation had sworn to them cJosh. 6:21
dJosh. 8:22,
with the children of Israel.
by the LORD God of Israel. And all 26, 28 eJosh. 5 Therefore the five kings of the
the congregation complained against 9:15 aAmorites, the king of Jerusalem,
the rulers. the king of Hebron, the king of Jar-
19 Then all the rulers said to all the 2 aEx. muth, the king of Lachish, and the
congregation, We have sworn to 15:1416; king of Eglon, bgathered together
them by the LORD God of Israel; Deut. 11:25; and went up, they and all their
now therefore, we may not touch 1 Chr. 14:17
armies, and camped before Gibeon
them. and made war against it.
20 This we will do to them: We 4 aJosh. 9:15; 6 And the men of Gibeon sent to
will let them live, lest awrath be Joshua at the camp aat Gilgal, saying,
upon us because of the oath which 5 aNum. 13:29
Do not forsake your servants; come
we swore to them. bJosh. 9:2 up to us quickly, save us and help us,
21 And the rulers said to them, for all the kings of the Amorites who
Let them live, but let them be 6 aJosh. 5:10; dwell in the mountains have gath-
awoodcutters and water carriers for ered together against us.
all the congregation, as the rulers 7 So Joshua ascended from Gilgal,
had bpromised them. 7 aJosh. 8:1 he and aall the people of war with
22 Then Joshua called for them, and him, and all the mighty men of valor.
he spoke to them, saying, Why have 8 aJosh. 11:6; 8 And the LORD said to Joshua,
you deceived us, saying, aWe are Judg. 4:14 aDo not fear them, for I have deliv-
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199 JOSHUA 10:35

ered them into your hand; bnot a man 8 bJosh. 1:5, 9 those five kings to me from the
cJosh. 21:44
of them shall cstand before you. cave.
9 Joshua therefore came upon 23 And they did so, and brought
them suddenly, having marched all out those five kings to him from the
night from Gilgal. 10 aJudg. 4:15; cave: the king of Jerusalem, the
10 So the LORD arouted them 1 Sam. 7:10, king of Hebron, the king of Jar-
12; Is. 28:21
before Israel, killed them with a bJosh. 16:3, 5 muth, the king of Lachish, and the
great slaughter at Gibeon, chased cJosh. 15:35 king of Eglon.
them along the road that goes bto 24 So it was, when they brought out
Beth Horon, and struck them down those kings to Joshua, that Joshua
as far as cAzekah and Makkedah. 11 aIs. 30:30; called for all the men of Israel, and
11 And it happened, as they fled Rev. 16:21 said to the captains of the men of
before Israel and were on the war who went with him, Come
descent of Beth Horon, athat the near, put your feet on the necks of
LORD cast down large hailstones 12 aIs. 28:21; these kings. And they drew near
from heaven on them as far as Hab. 3:11 and aput their feet on their necks.
Azekah, and they died. There were bJudg. 12:12 25 Then Joshua said to 1them, aDo
more who died from the hailstones not be afraid, nor be dismayed; be
than the children of Israel killed strong and of good courage, for
with the sword. 13 a2 Sam.
bthus the LORD will do to all your
12 Then Joshua spoke to the LORD 1:18 enemies against whom you fight.
in the day when the LORD delivered 26 And afterward Joshua struck
up the Amorites before the children 1them and killed them, and hanged
of Israel, and he said in the sight of 14 aIs. 38:7, 8 them on five trees; and they awere
Israel: bEx. 14:14; hanging on the trees until evening.
Deut. 1:30; 27 So it was at the time of the
Sun, stand still over Gibeon;
a 20:4; Josh. going down of the sun that Joshua
10:42; 23:3
And Moon, in the Valley of commanded, and they atook them
bAijalon. down from the trees, cast them into
13 So the sun stood still, the cave where they had been hid-
And the moon stopped, 15 aJosh. 10:43 den, and laid large stones against
Till the people had revenge the caves mouth, which remain
Upon their enemies. until this very day.
21 aEx. 11:7
aIs this not written in the Book of 1criticized, lit. Conquest of the Southland
sharpened his
Jasher? So the sun stood still in the tongue 28 On that day Joshua took
midst of heaven, and did not hasten Makkedah, and struck it and its
to go down for about a whole day. king with the edge of the sword. He
14 And there has been ano day like utterly adestroyed 1themall the
that, before it or after it, that the 24 aPs. 107:40;
Is. 26:5, 6; people who were in it. He let none
LORD heeded the voice of a man; for Mal. 4:3 remain. He also did to the king of
bthe LORD fought for Israel.
Makkedah bas he had done to the
15 aThen Joshua returned, and all king of Jericho.
Israel with him, to the camp at Gilgal. 25 aDeut. 29 Then Joshua passed from Mak-
The Amorite Kings Executed 31:68; Josh. kedah, and all Israel with him, to
1:9 bDeut. aLibnah; and they fought against
3:21; 7:19
16 But these five kings had fled 1The captains Libnah.
and hidden themselves in a cave at 30 And the LORD also delivered it
Makkedah. and its king into the hand of Israel;
17 And it was told Joshua, saying, he struck it and all the people who
26 aJosh. 8:29;
The five kings have been found 2 Sam. 21:9 were in it with the edge of the
hidden in the cave at Makkedah. 1The kings sword. He let none remain in it, but
18 So Joshua said, Roll large did to its king as he had done to the
stones against the mouth of the cave, king of Jericho.
and set men by it to guard them. 27 aDeut.
31 Then Joshua passed from Lib-
19 And do not stay there your- 21:22, 23; nah, and all Israel with him, to
selves, but pursue your enemies, Josh. 8:29 Lachish; and they encamped
and attack their rear guard. Do not against it and fought against it.
allow them to enter their cities, for 32 And the LORD delivered Lachish
the LORD your God has delivered 28 aDeut. 7:2, into the hand of Israel, who took it
them into your hand. 16 bJosh. 6:21 on the second day, and struck it and
20 Then it happened, while Joshua 1So with MT
all the people who were in it with the
and the children of Israel made an and most edge of the sword, according to all
end of slaying them with a very many Heb. that he had done to Libnah.
great slaughter, till they had fin- mss., some 33 Then Horam king of Gezer
ished, that those who escaped LXX mss., came up to help Lachish; and
and some Tg.
entered fortified cities. mss. it
Joshua struck him and his people,
21 And all the people returned to until he left him none remaining.
the camp, to Joshua at Makkedah, 34 From Lachish Joshua passed to
in peace. aNo one 1moved his tongue Eglon, and all Israel with him; and
against any of the children of Israel. 29 aJosh. they encamped against it and fought
15:42; 21:13;
22 Then Joshua said, Open the 2 Kin. 8:22; against it.
mouth of the cave, and bring out 19:8 35 They took it on that day and
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JOSHUA 10:36 200

struck it with the edge of the sword; 36 aJosh. You shall bhamstring their horses
all the people who were in it he 14:1315; and burn their chariots with fire.
utterly destroyed that day, accord- 7 So Joshua and all the people of
ing to all that he had done to 38 aJosh. 15:15 war with him came against them
Lachish. 40 aDeut. 1:7
suddenly by the waters of Merom,
36 So Joshua went up from Eglon, bDeut. 7:24 and they attacked them.
and all Israel with him, to aHebron; cDeut. 20:16, 8 And the LORD delivered them
and they fought against it. 17 1Heb. into the hand of Israel, who de-
37 And they took it and struck it Negev, and so feated them and chased them to
with the edge of the swordits king, the book
1Greater aSidon, to the 2Brook bMis-
all its cities, and all the people who rephoth, and to the Valley of Mizpah
were in it; he left none remaining, 41 aDeut. 9:23 eastward; they attacked them until
bGen. 10:19
according to all that he had done to cJosh. 11:16; they left none of them remaining.
Eglon, but utterly destroyed it and all 15:51 9 So Joshua did to them as the
the people who were in it. LORD had told him: he hamstrung
38 Then Joshua returned, and all 42 aJosh. 10:14
their horses and burned their chari-
Israel with him, to aDebir; and they ots with fire.
fought against it. CHAPTER 11 10 Joshua turned back at that time
39 And he took it and its king and and took Hazor, and struck its king
all its cities; they struck them with 1
10:3 with the sword; for Hazor was for-
the edge of the sword and utterly merly the head of all those kingdoms.
destroyed all the people who were 2 aNum. 34:11 11 And they struck all the people
in it. He left none remaining; as he bJosh. 17:11 who were in it with the edge of the
had done to Hebron, so he did to 3 aJosh. 9:1 sword, autterly destroying them.
Debir and its king, as he had done bJudg. 3:3, 5 There was none left bbreathing.
also to Libnah and its king. cJosh. 11:17; Then he burned Hazor with fire.
40 So Joshua conquered all the 13:5, 11 dGen. 12 So all the cities of those kings,
land: the amountain country and and all their kings, Joshua took and
the 1South and the lowland and the 4 aJudg. 7:12 struck with the edge of the sword.
wilderness slopes, and ball their He utterly destroyed them, aas
kings; he left none remaining, but 5 1Lit. assem-
bled by Moses the servant of the LORD had
cutterly destroyed all that breathed, commanded.
as the LORD God of Israel had com- 13 But as for the cities that stood
manded. 6 aJosh. 10:8 on their 1mounds, Israel burned
b2 Sam. 8:4
41 And Joshua conquered them none of them, except Hazor only,
from aKadesh Barnea as far as 8 aGen. 49:13 which Joshua burned.
bGaza, cand all the country of bJosh. 13:6
1Heb. Sidon
14 And all the aspoil of these cities
Goshen, even as far as Gibeon. Rabbah 2Heb. and the livestock, the children of
42 All these kings and their land Misrephoth Israel took as booty for themselves;
Joshua took at one time, abecause the Maim, lit. but they struck every man with the
LORD God of Israel fought for Israel. Burnings of edge of the sword until they had
43 Then Joshua returned, and all destroyed them, and they left none
Israel with him, to the camp at Gilgal. 11 aDeut. breathing.
20:16 bJosh. 15 aAs the LORD had commanded
The Northern Conquest 10:40 Moses his servant, so bMoses com-
And it came to pass, when 12 aNum. manded Joshua, and cso Joshua did.
11 Jabin king of Hazor heard
these things, that he asent to Jobab
13 1Heb. tel, a
1He left nothing undone of all that
the LORD had commanded Moses.
king of Madon, to the king bof Shim- heap of suc-
Summary of Joshuas Conquests
ron, to the king of Achshaph, cessive city
2 and to the kings who were from 16 Thus Joshua took all this land:
the north, in the mountains, in the 14 aDeut. athe mountain country, all the
plain south of aChinneroth, in the 20:1418 South, ball the land of Goshen, the
lowland, and in the heights bof Dor 15 aEx. lowland, and the Jordan 1plain
on the west, 34:1017 the mountains of Israel and its low-
3 to the Canaanites in the east and bDeut. 31:7, 8
cJosh. 1:7 1Lit.
in the west, the aAmorite, the Hittite, He turned
17 afrom 1Mount Halak and the
the Perizzite, the Jebusite in the aside from ascent to Seir, even as far as Baal
mountains, band the Hivite below nothing Gad in the Valley of Lebanon below
cHermon din the land of Mizpah. Mount Hermon. He captured ball
16 aJosh. 12:8
4 So they went out, they and all bJosh. 10:40, their kings, and struck them down
their armies with them, as many 41 1Heb. and killed them.
people aas the sand that is on the arabah 18 Joshua made war a long time
seashore in multitude, with very 17 aJosh. 12:7
with all those kings.
many horses and chariots. bDeut. 7:24 19 There was not a city that made
5 And when all these kings had 1Lit. The peace with the children of Israel,
1met together, they came and Smooth or except athe Hivites, the inhabitants
camped together at the waters of Bald Moun- of Gibeon. All the others they took
Merom to fight against Israel. in battle.
6 But the LORD said to Joshua, 19 aJosh. 9:37 20 For ait was of the LORD 1to harden
aDo not be afraid because of them, their hearts, that they should come
20 aDeut. 2:30
for tomorrow about this time I will 1Lit. to make against Israel in battle, that He might
deliver all of them slain before Israel. strong utterly destroy them, and that they
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201 JOSHUA 13:6

might receive no mercy, but that He 20 bDeut. slopes, in the wilderness, and in the
might destroy them, bas the LORD 20:16, 17 Southbthe Hittites, the Amorites,
had commanded Moses. 21 aNum. the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the
13:22, 33
21 And at that time Joshua came Hivites, and the Jebusites:
and cut off athe Anakim from the 22 a1 Sam. 9 athe king of Jericho, one; bthe
17:4 bJosh.
mountains: from Hebron, from 15:46 king of Ai, which is beside Bethel,
Debir, from Anab, from all the 23 aNum. one;
mountains of Judah, and from all the 34:215 10 athe king of Jerusalem, one; the
mountains of Israel; Joshua utterly bNum. 26:53
cDeut. 12:9,
king of Hebron, one;
destroyed them with their cities. 10; 25:19
11 the king of Jarmuth, one; the
22 None of the Anakim were left in king of Lachish, one;
the land of the children of Israel; CHAPTER 12 12 the king of Eglon, one; athe king
they remained only ain Gaza, in 1 aNum. 21:24 of Gezer, one;
bDeut. 3:8
Gath, band in Ashdod. 13 athe king of Debir, one; the king
2 aDeut.
23 So Joshua took the whole land, 2:2427 of Geder, one;
aaccording to all that the LORD had 14 the king of Hormah, one; the
3 aDeut. 3:17
said to Moses; and Joshua gave it as bJosh. 13:20 king of Arad, one;
an inheritance to Israel baccording cDeut. 3:17; 15 athe king of Libnah, one; the
to their divisions by their tribes. 4:49 1Sea of king of Adullam, one;
Then the land crested from war. Galilee 2Lit. 16 athe king of Makkedah, one;
Sea of the bthe king of Bethel, one;
Plain, the
The Kings Conquered by Moses Dead Sea 3Or 17 the king of Tappuah, one; athe
Teman 4Or king of Hepher, one;
These are the kings of the
12 land whom the children of
Israel defeated, and whose land
Ashdoth Pis-
4 aNum. 21:33
18 the king of Aphek, one; the king
of 1Lasharon, one;
they possessed on the other side of bDeut. 3:11 19 the king of Madon, one; athe
the Jordan toward the rising of the cDeut. 1:4 king of Hazor, one;
sun, afrom the River Arnon bto 5 aDeut. 3:8 20 the king of aShimron Meron,
Mount Hermon, and all the eastern
bDeut. 3:10 one; the king of Achshaph, one;
cDeut. 3:14
Jordan plain: 21 the king of Taanach, one; the
2 One king was aSihon king of the 6 aNum. 21:24, king of Megiddo, one;
35 bNum. 22 athe king of Kedesh, one; the
Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon 32:2933
and ruled half of Gilead, from Aroer, king of Jokneam in Carmel, one;
7 aJosh. 11:17
which is on the bank of the River bGen. 14:6; 23 the king of Dor in the aheights
Arnon, from the middle of that river, 32:3 cJosh. of Dor, one; the king of bthe people
even as far as the River Jabbok, 11:23 1Lit. The of Gilgal, one;
Bald Moun- 24 the king of Tirzah, oneaall the
which is the border of the tain
Ammonites, kings, thirty-one.
8 aJosh. 10:40;
3 and athe eastern Jordan plain 11:16 bEx. 3:8; Remaining Land to Be
from the 1Sea of Chinneroth as far 23:23
as the 2Sea of the Arabah (the Salt 9 aJosh. 6:2
bJosh. 8:29
Sea), bthe road to Beth Jeshimoth, Now Joshua awas old, ad-
and 3southward below cthe4 slopes
of Pisgah.
10 aJosh. 10:23
12 aJosh. 10:33
13 vanced in years. And the LORD
said to him: You are old, advanced
4 The other king was aOg king of 13 aJosh. in years, and there remains very
Bashan and his territory, who was 10:38, 39 much land yet to be possessed.
of bthe remnant of the giants, cwho 15 aJosh. 2 aThis is the land that yet re-
dwelt at Ashtaroth and at Edrei, 10:29, 30 mains: ball the territory of the Philis-
5 and reigned over aMount Her- 16 aJosh. 10:28
bJudg. 1:22
tines and all cthat of the Geshurites,
mon, bover Salcah, over all Bashan, 3 afrom Sihor, which is east of
cas far as the border of the Geshu- 17 a1 Kin. 4:10 Egypt, as far as the border of Ekron
rites and the Maachathites, and over 18 1Or Sharon northward (which is counted as
half of Gilead to the border of Sihon 19 aJosh. 11:10 Canaanite); the bfive lords of the
king of Heshbon. 20 aJosh. 11:1; Philistinesthe Gazites, the Ash-
6 aThese Moses the servant of the 19:15 dodites, the Ashkelonites, the Gittites,
LORD and the children of Israel had 22 aJosh. and the Ekronites; also cthe Avites;
conquered; and bMoses the servant 19:37; 20:7; 4 from the south, all the land of the
of the LORD had given it as a posses- 23 aJosh. 11:2
Canaanites, and Mearah that belongs
sion to the Reubenites, the Gadites, bIs. 9:1 to the Sidonians aas far as Aphek, to
and half the tribe of Manasseh. 24 aDeut. 7:24 the border of bthe Amorites;
5 the land of athe 1Gebalites, and
The Kings Conquered by Joshua all Lebanon, toward the sunrise,
1 aJosh. 14:10; bfrom Baal Gad below Mount Her-
7 And these are the kings of the 23:1, 2
country awhich Joshua and the chil- 2 aJudg. 3:13
mon as far as the entrance to
dren of Israel conquered on this bJoel 3:4 Hamath;
side of the Jordan, on the west, from c2 Sam. 3:3 6 all the inhabitants of the moun-
Baal Gad in the Valley of Lebanon 3 aJer. 2:18 tains from Lebanon as far as athe
bJudg. 3:3 1Brook Misrephoth, and all the Sido-
as far as 1Mount Halak and the cDeut. 2:23
ascent to bSeir, which Joshua cgave niansthem bI will drive out from
4 aJosh. 12:18; before the children of Israel; only
to the tribes of Israel as a posses- 19:30 bJudg.
sion according to their divisions, 1:34 5 bJosh. 12:7 1Or Giblites 6 aJosh. 11:8
8 ain the mountain country, in the 5 a1 Kin. 5:18; bJosh. 23:13 1Heb. Misrephoth Maim, lit.
lowlands, in the Jordan plain, in the Ezek. 27:9 Burnings of Water
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JOSHUA 13:7 202

cdivide2 it by lot to Israel as an inher- 6 cJosh. 14:1, 2 23 And the border of the children of
itance, as I have commanded you. Reuben was the bank of the Jordan.
7 Now therefore, divide this land 8 aNum. 32:33 This was the inheritance of the chil-
as an inheritance to the nine tribes bJosh. 12:16 dren of Reuben according to their
and half the tribe of Manasseh. 9 aNum. 21:30
families, the cities and their villages.
The Land Divided East of the 10 aNum. The Land of Gad
Jordan 21:24, 25
24 aMoses also had given an inher-
8 With the other half-tribe the 11 aJosh. 12:5 itance to the tribe of Gad, to the
Reubenites and the Gadites re- children of Gad according to their
ceived their inheritance, awhich 12 aDeut. 3:11
bNum. 21:24, families.
Moses had given them, bbeyond the 34, 35 1Lit. 25 aTheir territory was Jazer, and
Jordan eastward, as Moses the ser- struck 2dis- all the cities of Gilead, band half the
vant of the LORD had given them: possessed land of the Ammonites as far as
9 from Aroer which is on the bank 13 aJosh. 13:11 Aroer, which is before cRabbah,
of the River Arnon, and the town 26 and from Heshbon to Ramath
that is in the midst of the ravine, 14 aJosh. 14:3, Mizpah and Betonim, and from
aand all the plain of Medeba as far 4 bJosh. 13:33
1no land as a Mahanaim to the border of Debir,
as Dibon; possession 27 and in the valley aBeth Haram,
10 aall the cities of Sihon king of the Beth Nimrah, bSuccoth, and Zaphon,
Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, 15 aNum. the rest of the kingdom of Sihon
as far as the border of the children of 34:14
king of Heshbon, with the Jordan as
Ammon; 16 aJosh. 12:2 its border, as far as the edge cof the
11 aGilead, and the border of the bNum. 21:28 1Sea of Chinnereth, on the other side
cNum. 21:30
Geshurites and Maachathites, all of the Jordan eastward.
Mount Hermon, and all Bashan as 17 aNum. 28 This is the inheritance of the
far as Salcah; 21:28, 30 children of Gad according to their
12 all the kingdom of Og in families, the cities and their villages.
Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth 18 aNum.
and Edrei, who remained of athe Half the Tribe of Manasseh (East)
remnant of the giants; bfor Moses 19 aNum.
had 1defeated and 2cast out these. 32:37 bNum. 29 aMoses also had given an inher-
13 Nevertheless the children of 32:38 itance to half the tribe of Manasseh;
Israel adid not drive out the Geshu- it was for half the tribe of the chil-
20 aDeut. 3:17
rites or the Maachathites, but the dren of Manasseh according to their
Geshurites and the Maachathites 21 aDeut. 3:10 families:
dwell among the Israelites until this
bNum. 21:24
cNum. 31:8
30 Their territory was from
day. Mahanaim, all Bashan, all the king-
14 aOnly to the tribe of Levi he had 22 aNum. 22:5; dom of Og king of Bashan, and aall
given 1no inheritance; the sacrifices 31:8 1diviner the towns of Jair which are in
of the LORD God of Israel made by Bashan, sixty cities;
24 aNum.
fire are their inheritance, bas He 34:14 31 half of Gilead, and aAshtaroth
said to them. and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of
25 aNum. 32:1, Og in Bashan, were for the bchildren
The Land of Reuben 35 bJudg. of Machir the son of Manasseh, for
11:13, 15
cDeut. 3:11 half of the children of Machir
15 aAnd Moses had given to the according to their families.
tribe of the children of Reuben an 27 aNum. 32 These are the areas which
inheritance according to their fami- 32:36 bGen.
Moses had 1distributed as an inheri-
lies. 33:17 cNum.
34:11 1Sea of tance in the plains of Moab on the
16 Their territory was afrom Aroer, Galilee other side of the Jordan, by Jericho
which is on the bank of the River eastward.
Arnon, band the city that is in the 29 aNum.
33 aBut to the tribe of Levi Moses
midst of the ravine, cand all the 34:14
had given no inheritance; the LORD
plain by Medeba; 30 aNum. God of Israel was their inheritance,
17 aHeshbon and all its cities that 32:41 bas He had said to them.
are in the plain: Dibon, Bamoth
31 aJosh. 9:10;
Baal, Beth Baal Meon, 12:4; 13:12 The Land Divided West of the
18 aJahaza, Kedemoth, Mephaath, bNum. 32:39, Jordan
19 aKirjathaim, bSibmah, Zereth 40
These are the areas which the
Shahar on the mountain of the valley,
20 Beth Peor, athe slopes of Pisgah,
and Beth Jeshimoth
32 1appor-
14 children of Israel inherited in
the land of Canaan, which Eleazar

21 aall the cities of the plain and all 33 aJosh. the priest, Joshua the son of Nun,
the kingdom of Sihon king of the 13:14; 18:7 and the heads of the fathers of the
bNum. 18:20
Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, tribes of the children of Israel dis-
bwhom Moses had struck cwith the CHAPTER 14 tributed as an inheritance to them.
princes of Midian: Evi, Rekem, Zur, 2 Their inheritance was aby lot, as
1 aNum.
Hur, and Reba, who were princes of 34:1629 the LORD had commanded by the
Sihon dwelling in the country. hand of Moses, for the nine tribes
22 The children of Israel also killed 2 aNum. 26:55; and the half-tribe.
with the sword aBalaam the son of 33:54; 34:13 3 aFor Moses had given the inher-
Beor, the 1soothsayer, among those 3 aJosh. 13:8, itance of the two tribes and the half-
who were killed by them. 32, 33 tribe on the other side of the Jordan;
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203 JOSHUA 15:13

but to the Levites he had given no 4 a2 Chr. 30:1 of Edom at the bWilderness of Zin
bNum. 35:28
inheritance among them. southward was the extreme south-
4 For athe children of Joseph were 5 aJosh. 21:2 ern boundary.
two tribes: Manasseh and Ephraim. 2 And their asouthern border
And they gave no part to the Levites 6 aNum. 32:11, began at the shore of the Salt Sea,
in the land, except bcities to dwell in, 12 bNum. from the bay that faces southward.
14:24, 30
with their common-lands for their cNum. 13:26 3 Then it went out to the southern
livestock and their property. side of athe Ascent of Akrabbim,
5 aAs the LORD had commanded 7 aNum. 13:6, passed along to Zin, ascended on
Moses, so the children of Israel did; 17; 14:6 the south side of Kadesh Barnea,
and they divided the land. 8 aNum. 13:31,
passed along to Hezron, went up to
32 bNum. Adar, and went around to Karkaa.
Caleb Inherits Hebron 14:24 4 From there it passed atoward
1courage of
6 Then the children of Judah Azmon and went out to the Brook of
the people fail
came to Joshua in Gilgal. And Caleb Egypt; and the border ended at the
the son of Jephunneh the aKenizzite 9 aNum. 14:23, sea. This shall be your southern bor-
said to him: You know bthe word 24 bDeut. 1:36 der.
which the LORD said to Moses the 5 The east border was the Salt
10 aNum. Sea as far as the mouth of the Jor-
man of God concerning cyou and me 14:24, 30, 38
in Kadesh Barnea. bJosh. 5:6 dan. And the aborder on the north-
7 I was forty years old when 1Lit. walked ern quarter began at the bay of the
Moses the servant of the LORD asent sea at the mouth of the Jordan.
11 aDeut. 34:7 6 The border went up to aBeth
me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out bDeut. 31:2
the land, and I brought back word to Hoglah and passed north of Beth
him as it was in my heart. 12 aNum. Arabah; and the border went up bto
8 Nevertheless amy brethren 13:28, 33 the stone of Bohan the son of
bRom. 8:31
who went up with me made the cJosh. 15:14
1heart of the people melt, but I 7 Then the border went up toward
aDebir from bthe Valley of Achor,
wholly bfollowed the LORD my God. 13 aJosh. 22:6
9 So Moses swore on that day, bJosh. 10:37; and it turned northward toward Gil-
saying, aSurely the land bwhere 15:13 gal, which is before the Ascent of
your foot has trodden shall be your 14 aJosh. 21:12
Adummim, which is on the south
inheritance and your childrens for- bJosh. 14:8, 9 side of the valley. The border contin-
ever, because you have wholly fol- ued toward the waters of En
lowed the LORD my God. 15 aGen. 23:2 Shemesh and ended at cEn Rogel.
bJosh. 11:23
10 And now, behold, the LORD has 8 And the border went up aby the
kept me aalive, bas He said, these CHAPTER 15
Valley of the Son of Hinnom to the
forty-five years, ever since the LORD southern slope of the bJebusite city
spoke this word to Moses while 1 aNum. 34:3 (which is Jerusalem). The border
Israel 1wandered in the wilderness; bNum. 33:36
went up to the top of the mountain
and now, here I am this day, eighty- that lies before the Valley of Hinnom
five years old. 2 aNum. 34:3, 4 westward, which is at the end of the
11 aAs yet I am as strong this day Valley cof 1Rephaim northward.
as on the day that Moses sent me; 3 aNum. 34:4 9 Then the border went around
just as my strength was then, so from the top of the hill to athe foun-
now is my strength for war, both 4 aNum. 34:5 tain of the water of Nephtoah, and
bfor going out and for coming in.
5 aJosh. extended to the cities of Mount
12 Now therefore, give me this 18:1519 Ephron. And the border went
mountain of which the LORD spoke around bto Baalah (which is cKirjath
in that day; for you heard in that day 6 aJosh. 18:19, Jearim).
21 bJosh.
how athe Anakim were there, and 18:17
10 Then the border 1turned west-
that the cities were great and forti- ward from Baalah to Mount Seir,
fied. bIt may be that the LORD will be 7 aJosh. 13:26 passed along to the side of Mount
with me, and cI shall be able to drive bJosh. 7:26
c2 Sam. 17:17
Jearim on the north (which is Chesa-
them out as the LORD said. lon), went down to Beth Shemesh,
13 And Joshua ablessed him, band 8 aJosh. 18:16 and passed on to aTimnah.
gave Hebron to Caleb the son of bJudg. 1:21; 11 And the border went out to the
Jephunneh as an inheritance. 19:10 cJosh. side of aEkron northward. Then the
14 aHebron therefore became the 18:16 1Lit. border went around to Shicron,
inheritance of Caleb the son of passed along to Mount Baalah, and
Jephunneh the Kenizzite to this day, 9 aJosh. 18:15 extended to Jabneel; and the border
because he bwholly followed the b1 Chr. 13:6
cJudg. 18:12
ended at the sea.
LORD God of Israel. 12 The west border was athe coast-
15 And athe name of Hebron for- 10 aGen. 38:13
line of the Great Sea. This is the
merly was Kirjath Arba (Arba was 1turned boundary of the children of Judah all
the greatest man among the around around according to their families.
Anakim). bThen the land had rest
from war. 11 aJosh. 19:43 Caleb Occupies Hebron and Debir
The Land of Judah 12 aNum. 13 aNow to Caleb the son of Je-
34:6, 7 phunneh he gave a share among the
So this was the 1lot of the tribe children of bJudah, according to the
15 of the children of Judah ac-
cording to their families: aThe border
13 aJosh. 14:13
bNum. 13:6
cJosh. 14:15
commandment of the LORD to
Joshua, namely, cKirjath Arba,
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JOSHUA 15:14 204

which is Hebron (Arba was the 14 aJudg. 1:10, 44 Keilah, Achzib, and Mareshah:
father of Anak). 20 bNum. nine cities with their villages;
14 Caleb drove out athe three sons 15 aJosh. 45 Ekron, with its towns and vil-
of Anak from there: bSheshai, Ahi- 10:38; Judg. lages;
man, and Talmai, the children of 1:11 46 from Ekron to the sea, all that
Anak. 16 aJudg. 1:12 lay near aAshdod, with their vil-
1Lit. strikes
15 Then ahe went up from there to lages;
the inhabitants of Debir (formerly 17 aJudg. 1:13; 47 Ashdod with its towns and vil-
3:9 bNum.
the name of Debir was Kirjath 32:12; Josh. lages, Gaza with its towns and vil-
Sepher). 14:6 cJudg. lagesas far as athe Brook of Egypt
16 aAnd Caleb said, He who 1:12 and bthe Great Sea with its coast-
1attacks Kirjath Sepher and takes it, 18 aJudg. 1:14
bGen. 24:64;
to him I will give Achsah my daugh- 1 Sam. 25:23
48 And in the mountain country:
ter as wife. 19 aGen. 33:11
Shamir, Jattir, Sochoh,
17 So aOthniel the bson of Kenaz, 21 aGen. 35:21
49 Dannah, Kirjath Sannah (which
the brother of Caleb, took it; and he 24 a1 Sam.
is Debir),
gave him cAchsah his daughter as 23:14 50 Anab, Eshtemoh, Anim,
wife. 28 aGen. 21:31; 51 aGoshen, Holon, and Giloh:
18 aNow it was so, when she came Josh. 19:2 eleven cities with their villages;
to him, that she persuaded him to 30 aJosh. 19:4 52 Arab, Dumah, Eshean,
ask her father for a field. So bshe 31 aJosh. 19:5; 53 Janum, Beth Tappuah, Aphekah,
dismounted from her donkey, and 1 Sam. 27:6;
54 Humtah, aKirjath Arba (which is
Caleb said to her, What do you 32 aJudg.
Hebron), and Zior: nine cities with
wish? 20:45, 47 their villages;
19 She answered, Give me a 33 aJudg. 55 aMaon, Carmel, Ziph, Juttah,
ablessing; since you have given me 13:25; 16:31 56 Jezreel, Jokdeam, Zanoah,
land in the South, give me also 35 a1 Sam. 57 Kain, Gibeah, and Timnah: ten
springs of water. So he gave her the 22:1 cities with their villages;
upper springs and the lower springs. 38 a2 Kin. 14:7 58 Halhul, Beth Zur, Gedor,
39 a2 Kin. 59 Maarath, Beth Anoth, and
The Cities of Judah 14:19 bJosh.
10:3 Eltekon: six cities with their villages;
20 This was the inheritance of the 40 1Or Lah- 60 aKirjath Baal (which is Kirjath
tribe of the children of Judah mam Jearim) and Rabbah: two cities with
according to their families: 42 aJosh. 21:13 their villages.
21 The cities at the limits of the 46 aJosh. 11:22 61 In the wilderness: Beth Arabah,
tribe of the children of Judah, 47 aJosh. 15:4 Middin, Secacah,
toward the border of Edom in the
bNum. 34:6
62 Nibshan, the City of Salt, and
51 aJosh. aEn Gedi: six cities with their vil-
South, were Kabzeel, aEder, Jagur, 10:41; 11:16 lages.
22 Kinah, Dimonah, Adadah, 54 aJosh. 14:15 63 As for the Jebusites, the inhabi-
23 Kedesh, Hazor, Ithnan, 55 a1 Sam.
tants of Jerusalem, athe children of
24 aZiph, Telem, Bealoth, 23:24, 25
Judah could not drive them out; bbut
25 Hazor, Hadattah, Kerioth, Hez- 60 aJosh.
18:14; 1 Sam. the Jebusites dwell with the children
ron (which is Hazor), 7:1, 2 of Judah at Jerusalem to this day.
26 Amam, Shema, Moladah, 62 a1 Sam.
27 Hazar Gaddah, Heshmon, Beth 23:29; Ezek. Ephraim and West Manasseh
Pelet, 47:10
The lot 1fell to the children of
28 Hazar Shual, aBeersheba, Biz-
63 aJudg. 1:8,
21; 2 Sam. 5:6;
1 Chr. 11:4
16 Joseph from the Jordan, by
Jericho, to the waters of Jericho on
29 Baalah, Ijim, Ezem, bJudg. 1:21
30 Eltolad, Chesil, aHormah, the east, to the awilderness that goes
31 aZiklag, Madmannah, Sansan- CHAPTER 16 up from Jericho through the moun-
nah, tains to 2Bethel,
1 aJosh. 8:15;
32 Lebaoth, Shilhim, Ain, and aRim- 18:12 1Lit. 2 then went out 1from aBethel to
mon: all the cities are twenty-nine, went out Luz, passed along to the border of
with their villages. 2LXX Bethel the Archites at Ataroth,
Luz 3 and went down westward to the
33 In the lowland: aEshtaol, Zorah, 2 aJosh. 18:13;
Ashnah, Judg. 1:26
boundary of the Japhletites, aas far as
34 Zanoah, En Gannim, Tappuah, 1LXX to the boundary of Lower Beth Horon to
bGezer; and 1it ended at the sea.
Enam, Bethel,
35 Jarmuth, aAdullam, Socoh, Aze- 3 aJosh. 18:13; 4 aSo the children of Joseph, Ma-
kah, 1 Kin. 9:17; nasseh and Ephraim, took their
2 Chr. 8:5 1inheritance.
36 Sharaim, Adithaim, Gederah, bJosh. 21:21;
and Gederothaim: fourteen cities 1 Kin. 9:15;
The Land of Ephraim
with their villages; 1 Chr. 7:28
1Lit. the
37 Zenan, Hadashah, Migdal Gad, goings out of 5 aThe border of the children of
38 Dilean, Mizpah, aJoktheel, it were at the Ephraim, according to their families,
39 aLachish, Bozkath, bEglon, sea was thus: The border of their inheri-
40 Cabbon, 1Lahmas, Kithlish, 4 aJosh. 17:14
tance on the east side was bAtaroth
41 Gederoth, Beth Dagon, Naa- Addar cas far as Upper Beth Horon.
mah, and Makkedah: sixteen cities 5 aJudg. 1:29; 6 And the border went out toward
1 Chr. 7:28, 29
with their villages; bJosh. 18:13 the sea on the north side of aMich-
42 aLibnah, Ether, Ashan, c2 Chr. 8:5 methath; then the border went
43 Jiphtah, Ashnah, Nezib, 6 aJosh. 17:7 around eastward to Taanath
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205 JOSHUA 18:1

Shiloh, and passed by it on the east 7 1Naaran, Manasseh belonged to the children
of Janohah. 1 Chr. 7:28 of Ephraim.
7 Then it went down from Jano- 9 And the 1border descended to
hah to Ataroth and 1Naarah, reached 8 aJosh. 17:8 the 2Brook Kanah, southward to the
bJosh. 17:9
to Jericho, and came out at the Jor- 1Lit. the brook. aThese cities of Ephraim are
dan. goings out of among the cities of Manasseh. The
8 The border went out from aTap- it were at the border of Manasseh was on the
puah westward to the bBrook Ka- sea north side of the brook; and it ended
nah, and 1it ended at the sea. This at the sea.
was the inheritance of the tribe of 9 aJosh. 17:9 10 Southward it was Ephraims,
the children of Ephraim according northward it was Manassehs, and
to their families. 10 aJosh. the sea was its border. Manassehs
9 aThe separate cities for the chil- 15:63; 17:12, territory was adjoining Asher on the
dren of Ephraim were among the 13; Judg. 1:29;
1 Kin. 9:16
north and Issachar on the east.
inheritance of the children of Ma- 11 And in Issachar and in Asher,
nasseh, all the cities with their villages. aManasseh had bBeth Shean and its
10 aAnd they did not drive out the CHAPTER 17
towns, Ibleam and its towns, the
Canaanites who dwelt in Gezer; but inhabitants of Dor and its towns, the
the Canaanites dwell among the inhabitants of En Dor and its towns,
Ephraimites to this day and have 1 aGen. 41:51; the inhabitants of Taanach and its
become forced laborers. 46:20; 48:18
bGen. 50:23;
towns, and the inhabitants of
Judg. 5:14
Megiddo and its townsthree hilly
The Other Half-Tribe of Manasseh cDeut. 3:15 regions.
(West) 12 Yet athe children of Manasseh
There was also a lot for the could not drive out the inhabitants
17 tribe of Manasseh, for he was
the afirstborn of Joseph: namely for
2 aNum.
b1 Chr. 7:18
cNum. 26:31
of those cities, but the Canaanites
were determined to dwell in that
bMachir the firstborn of Manasseh, dNum. 26:32
the father of Gilead, because he was 1Jeezer, 13 And it happened, when the chil-
a man of war; therefore he was Num. 26:30 dren of Israel grew strong, that they
given cGilead and Bashan. put the Canaanites to aforced labor,
2 And there was a lot for athe rest 3 aNum. 26:33; but did not utterly drive them out.
of the children of Manasseh accord- 27:1; 36:2
More Land for Ephraim and
ing to their families: bfor the chil- Manasseh
dren of 1Abiezer, the children of 4 aJosh. 14:1
bNum. 27:211
Helek, cthe children of Asriel, the 1possession
14 aThen the children of Joseph
children of Shechem, dthe children spoke to Joshua, saying, Why have
of Hepher, and the children of you given us only bone 1lot and one
Shemida; these were the male chil- 5 aJosh. 22:7 share to inherit, since we are ca
dren of Manasseh the son of Joseph great people, inasmuch as the LORD
according to their families. 7 aJosh. 16:6 has blessed us until now?
3 But aZelophehad the son of 15 So Joshua answered them, If
Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of 8 aJosh. 16:8 you are a great people, then go up to
Machir, the son of Manasseh, had the forest country and clear a place
no sons, but only daughters. And 9 aJosh. 16:9 for yourself there in the land of the
these are the names of his daugh- 1boundary Perizzites and the giants, since the
ters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, 2Wadi mountains of Ephraim are too con-
and Tirzah. fined for you.
4 And they came near before 11 a1 Chr. 7:29 16 But the children of Joseph said,
aEleazar the priest, before Joshua the bJudg. 1:27; The mountain country is not
1 Sam. 31:10; enough for us; and all the Canaan-
son of Nun, and before the rulers, 1 Kin. 4:12
saying, bThe LORD commanded ites who dwell in the land of the val-
Moses to give us an 1inheritance ley have achariots of iron, both
12 aJudg. 1:19, those who are of Beth Shean and its
among our brothers. Therefore, 27, 28
according to the commandment of towns and those who are bof the Val-
the LORD, he gave them an inheri- ley of Jezreel.
13 aJosh. 16:10 17 And Joshua spoke to the house
tance among their fathers brothers.
5 Ten shares fell to aManasseh, of Josephto Ephraim and Ma-
besides the land of Gilead and 14 aJosh. 16:4
bGen. 48:22
nassehsaying, You are a great
Bashan, which were on the other cGen. 48:19; people and have great power; you
side of the Jordan, Num. 26:34, shall not have only one 1lot,
6 because the daughters of Ma- 37 1allotment 18 but the mountain country shall
nasseh received an inheritance be yours. Although it is wooded, you
among his sons; and the rest of 16 aJosh. shall cut it down, and its 1farthest
Manassehs sons had the land of 17:18; Judg. extent shall be yours; for you shall
Gilead. 1:19; 4:3
bJosh. 19:18;
drive out the Canaanites, athough
7 And the territory of Manasseh 1 Kin. 4:12
they have iron chariots and are
was from Asher to aMichmethath, strong.
that lies east of Shechem; and the 17 1allotment The Remainder of the Land
border went along south to the Divided
inhabitants of En Tappuah. 18aDeut. 20:1
8 Manasseh had the land of Tap- Now the whole congregation
puah, but aTappuah on the border of
1Lit. goings
out 18 of the children of Israel
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JOSHUA 18:2 206

assembled together aat Shiloh, and CHAPTER 18 dar, near the hill that lies on the
bset up the tabernacle of meeting south side bof Lower Beth Horon.
there. And the land was subdued 1aJosh. 19:51; 14 Then the border extended
before them. 21:2; 22:9; Jer. around the west side to the south,
2 But there remained among the 7:12 bJudg. from the hill that lies before Beth
18:31; 1 Sam.
children of Israel seven tribes which 1:3, 24; 4:3, 4 Horon southward; and 1it ended at
had not yet received their inheri- aKirjath Baal (which is Kirjath
tance. 3 aJudg. 18:9 Jearim), a city of the children of
3 Then Joshua said to the chil- Judah. This was the west side.
dren of Israel: aHow long will you 5 aJosh. 15:1 15 The south side began at the end
neglect to go and possess the land bJosh.
of Kirjath Jearim, and the border
16:117:18 extended on the west and went out
which the LORD God of your fathers
has given you? to athe spring of the waters of Neph-
6 aJosh. 14:2;
4 Pick out from among you three 18:10 toah.
men for each tribe, and I will send 1describe in 16 Then the border came down to
them; they shall rise and go through writing the end of the mountain that lies
the land, survey it according to their before athe Valley of the Son of Hin-
inheritance, and come back to me. 7 aNum. 18:7, nom, which is in the Valley of the
20; Josh. 13:33 1Rephaim on the north, descended
5 And they shall divide it into bJosh. 13:8
seven parts. aJudah shall remain in to the Valley of Hinnom, to the side
their territory on the south, and the 8 aGen. 13:17 of the Jebusite city on the south,
bhouse of Joseph shall remain in 1describe in and descended to bEn Rogel.
their territory on the north. writing 17 And it went around from the
6 You shall therefore 1survey the north, went out to En Shemesh, and
9 1described it extended toward Geliloth, which is
land in seven parts and bring the in writing
survey here to me, athat I may cast before the Ascent of Adummim, and
lots for you here before the LORD 10 aActs 13:19
descended to athe stone of Bohan
our God. bNum. the son of Reuben.
7 aBut the Levites have no part 34:1629; 18 Then it passed along toward the
among you, for the priesthood of the
Josh. 19:51
north side of 1Arabah, and went
LORD is their inheritance. bAnd down to Arabah.
Gad, Reuben, and half the tribe of 19 And the border passed along to
11 aJudg. 1:21
Manasseh have received their inher- the north side of Beth Hoglah; then
1the border ended at the north bay
itance beyond the Jordan on the 12 aJosh. 16:1
at the aSalt Sea, at the south end of
east, which Moses the servant of the the Jordan. This was the southern
LORD gave them. 13 aGen. 28:19;
8 Then the men arose to go away; Josh. 16:2; boundary.
and Joshua charged those who went
Judg. 1:23
bJosh. 16:3
20 The Jordan was its border on
to 1survey the land, saying, Go, the east side. This was the inheri-
tance of the children of Benjamin,
walk athrough the land, survey it, 14 aJosh. 15:9
according to its boundaries all
1Lit. its
and come back to me, that I may around, according to their fami-
cast lots for you here before the goings out
were lies.
LORD in Shiloh. 21 Now the cities of the tribe of the
9 So the men went, passed 15 aJosh. 15:9 children of Benjamin, according to
through the land, and 1wrote the their families, were Jericho, Beth
survey in a book in seven parts by 16 aJosh. 15:8 Hoglah, Emek Keziz,
cities; and they came to Joshua at bJosh. 15:7
1Lit. Giants 22 Beth Arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel,
the camp in Shiloh. 23 Avim, Parah, Ophrah,
10 Then Joshua cast alots for them 24 Chephar Haammoni, Ophni,
17 aJosh. 15:6
in Shiloh before the LORD, and and Gaba: twelve cities with their
there bJoshua divided the land to 18 1Beth villages;
the children of Israel according to Arabah, Josh. 25 aGibeon, bRamah, Beeroth,
their 1divisions. 15:6; 18:22 26 Mizpah, Chephirah, Mozah,
27 Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah,
19 aJosh. 15:2, 28 Zelah, Eleph, aJebus (which is
The Land of Benjamin 5 1Lit. the
goings out of Jerusalem), Gibeath, and Kirjath:
11 aNow the lot of the tribe of the the border fourteen cities with their villages.
children of Benjamin came up were This was the inheritance of the chil-
according to their families, and the dren of Benjamin according to their
25 aJosh. families.
territory of their lot came out 11:19; 21:17;
between the children of Judah and 1 Kin. 3:4, 5
the children of Joseph. bJer. 31:15 Simeons Inheritance with Judah
12 aTheir border on the north side The asecond lot came out for
began at the Jordan, and the border
went up to the side of Jericho on
28 aJosh. 15:8,
19 Simeon, for the tribe of the
children of Simeon according to
the north, and went up through the their families. bAnd their inheritance
mountains westward; it ended at the CHAPTER 19 was within the inheritance of the
Wilderness of Beth Aven. children of Judah.
13 The border went over from there 1 aJudg. 1:3 2 aThey had in their inheritance
toward Luz, to the side of Luz bJosh. 19:9 Beersheba (Sheba), Moladah,
a(which is Bethel) southward; and 3 Hazar Shual, Balah, Ezem,
the border descended to Ataroth Ad- 2 a1 Chr. 4:28 4 Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah,
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207 JOSHUA 19:44

5 Ziklag, Beth Marcaboth, Hazar 8 a1 Sam. The Land of Asher
Susah, 30:27
6 Beth Lebaoth, and Sharuhen: 24 aThe fifth lot came out for the
thirteen cities and their villages; 9 aJosh. 19:1
tribe of the children of Asher ac-
7 Ain, Rimmon, Ether, and Ashan: 1too large cording to their families.
four cities and their villages;
2Lit. them 25 And their territory included
8 and all the villages that were all Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achshaph,
around these cities as far as Baalath 11 aGen. 49:13
26 Alammelech, Amad, and Mi-
Beer, aRamah of the South. This was bJosh. 12:22 shal; it reached to aMount Carmel
the inheritance of the tribe of the westward, along the Brook Shihor
children of Simeon according to Libnath.
12 a1 Chr. 6:72
their families. 27 It turned toward the sunrise to
9 The inheritance of the children Beth Dagon; and it reached to Zebu-
of Simeon was included in the share 13 a2 Kin. lun and to the Valley of Jiphthah El,
14:25 then northward beyond Beth Emek
of the children of Judah, for the
share of the children of Judah was and Neiel, bypassing aCabul which
1too much for them. aTherefore the 14 1Lit. the was on the left,
children of Simeon had their inher- goings out of 28 including 1Ebron, Rehob, Ham-
it were mon, and Kanah, aas far as Greater
itance within the inheritance of
2that people. Sidon.
22 aJosh. 29 And the border turned to Ra-
The Land of Zebulun 15:10; Judg. mah and to the fortified city of Tyre;
1:33 then the border turned to Hosah,
10 The third lot came out for the and ended at the sea by the region
children of Zebulun according to of aAchzib.
24 aJudg. 1:31,
their families, and the border of 32 30 Also Ummah, Aphek, and Rehob
their inheritance was as far as were included: twenty-two cities
Sarid. with their villages.
11 aTheir border went toward the 26 a1 Sam.
15:12; 1 Kin. 31 This was the inheritance of the
west and to Maralah, went to Dab- 18:20; Is. 33:9; tribe of the children of Asher
basheth, and extended along the 35:2; Jer. according to their families, these
brook that is beast of Jokneam. 46:18
cities with their villages.
12 Then from Sarid it went east-
ward toward the sunrise along the 27 a1 Kin. 9:13 The Land of Naphtali
border of Chisloth Tabor, and went
out toward aDaberath, bypassing 32 aThe sixth lot came out to the
Japhia. 28 aGen. 10:19; children of Naphtali, for the chil-
Josh. 11:8; dren of Naphtali according to their
13 And from there it passed along Judg. 1:31;
on the east of aGath Hepher, toward Acts 27:3 1So families.
Eth Kazin, and extended to Rim- with MT, Tg., 33 And their border began at
mon, which borders on Neah. Vg.; a few Heleph, enclosing the territory from
Heb. mss. the terebinth tree in Zaanannim,
14 Then the border went around it Abdon (cf.
on the north side of Hannathon, and 21:30 and Adami Nekeb, and Jabneel, as far as
1it ended in the Valley of Jiphthah 1 Chr. 6:74) Lakkum; 1it ended at the Jordan.
El. 34 aFrom Heleph the border ex-
15 Included were Kattath, Nahal- 29 aJudg. 1:31
tended westward to Aznoth Tabor,
lal, Shimron, Idalah, and Bethle- and went out from there toward
hem: twelve cities with their vil- Hukkok; it adjoined Zebulun on the
lages. 32 aJosh. south side and Asher on the west
19:3239; side, and ended at Judah by the Jor-
16 This was the inheritance of the Judg. 1:33
children of Zebulun according to dan toward the sunrise.
their families, these cities with their 35 And the fortified cities are Zid-
villages. 33 1Lit. its dim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, Chin-
goings out nereth,
The Land of Issachar were
36 Adamah, Ramah, Hazor,
17 The fourth lot came out to Issa- 37 aKedesh, Edrei, En Hazor,
34 aDeut. 33:23 38 Iron, Migdal El, Horem, Beth
char, for the children of Issachar
according to their families. Anath, and Beth Shemesh: nineteen
18 And their territory went to 37 aJosh. 20:7 cities with their villages.
Jezreel, and included Chesulloth, 39 This was the inheritance of the
Shunem, tribe of the children of Naphtali
40 aJosh. according to their families, the cities
19 Haphraim, Shion, Anaharath, 19:4048;
20 Rabbith, Kishion, Abez, Judg. 1:3436 and their villages.
21 Remeth, En Gannim, En Had- The Land of Dan
dah, and Beth Pazzez. 41 aJosh. 15:33
22 And the border reached to 40 aThe seventh lot came out for
Tabor, Shahazimah, and aBeth She- the tribe of the children of Dan
mesh; their border ended at the Jor- 42 aJudg. 1:35; according to their families.
1 Kin. 4:9
dan: sixteen cities with their vil- bJosh. 10:12; 41 And the territory of their inher-
lages. 21:24 itance was Zorah, aEshtaol, Ir
23 This was the inheritance of the Shemesh,
tribe of the children of Issachar 43 aJosh.
42 aShaalabbin, bAijalon, Jethlah,
according to their families, the cities 15:11; Judg. 43 Elon, Timnah, aEkron,
and their villages. 1:18 44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath,
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JOSHUA 19:45 208

45 Jehud, Bene Berak, Gath Rim- 46 1over Galilee, in the mountains of Naph-
mon, against 2Heb. tali, bShechem in the mountains of
46 Me Jarkon, and Rakkon, with Ephraim, and cKirjath Arba (which
the region 1near 2Joppa. 47 aJudg. 18
is Hebron) in dthe mountains of
47 And the aborder of the children bJudg. 18:29 Judah.
of Dan went beyond these, because 8 And on the other side of the Jor-
the children of Dan went up to fight 49 1finished
dan, by Jericho eastward, they
against Leshem and took it; and assigned aBezer in the wilderness on
they struck it with the edge of the the plain, from the tribe of Reuben,
50 aJosh. 24:30
sword, took possession of it, and b1 Chr. 7:24
bRamoth in Gilead, from the tribe of
dwelt in it. They called Leshem, Gad, and cGolan in Bashan, from the
bDan, after the name of Dan their tribe of Manasseh.
51 aNum.
father. 34:17; Josh. 9 aThese were the cities appointed
48 This is the inheritance of the 14:1 bJosh. for all the children of Israel and for
tribe of the children of Dan accord- 18:1, 10 the stranger who 1dwelt among
ing to their families, these cities them, that whoever killed a person
with their villages. accidentally might flee there, and
CHAPTER 20 not die by the hand of the avenger
Joshuas Inheritance of blood buntil he stood before the
49 When they had 1made an end of 2 aEx. 21:13; congregation.
dividing the land as an inheritance Num. 35:634;
according to their borders, the chil- Deut. 19:2, 9 Cities of the Levites
dren of Israel gave an inheritance Then the heads of the fathers
among them to Joshua the son of
4 1states 21 houses of the aLevites came
near to bEleazar the priest, to
50 According to the word of the 5 aNum. 35:12 Joshua the son of Nun, and to the
LORD they gave him the city which heads of the fathers houses of the
he asked for, aTimnath bSerah in the tribes of the children of Israel.
mountains of Ephraim; and he built 6 aNum. 35:12,
24, 25 2 And they spoke to them at
the city and dwelt in it. aShiloh in the land of Canaan, say-
51 aThese were the inheritances 7 aJosh. 21:32; ing, bThe LORD commanded
which Eleazar the priest, Joshua the 1 Chr. 6:76 through Moses to give us cities to
son of Nun, and the heads of the bJosh. 21:21;
dwell in, with their common-lands
fathers of the tribes of the children 2 Chr. 10:1
cJosh. 14:15; for our livestock.
of Israel divided as an inheritance 21:11, 13 3 So the children of Israel gave to
by lot bin Shiloh before the LORD, at dLuke 1:39 the Levites from their inheritance,
the door of the tabernacle of meet- at the commandment of the LORD,
ing. So they made an end of dividing 8 aDeut. 4:43; these cities and their common-
the country. Josh. 21:36; lands:
1 Chr. 6:78 4 Now the lot came out for the
The Cities of Refuge bJosh. 21:38;
families of the Kohathites. And athe
1 Kin. 22:3
The LORD also spoke to children of Aaron the priest, who
20 Joshua, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
cJosh. 21:27

9 aNum. 35:15
were of the Levites, bhad thirteen
cities by lot from the tribe of Judah,
saying: aAppoint1 for yourselves bJosh. 20:6 from the tribe of Simeon, and from
1As a resident
cities of refuge, of which I spoke to the tribe of Benjamin.
alien 5 aThe rest of the children of
you through Moses,
3 that the slayer who kills a per- Kohath had ten cities by lot from the
son accidentally or unintentionally CHAPTER 21
families of the tribe of Ephraim, from
may flee there; and they shall be your the tribe of Dan, and from the half-
refuge from the avenger of blood. tribe of Manasseh.
4 And when he flees to one of 1 aNum. 6 And athe children of Gershon
those cities, and stands at the 35:18 bNum. had thirteen cities by lot from the
entrance of the gate of the city, and Josh. 14:1; families of the tribe of Issachar,
1declares his case in the hearing of 17:4 from the tribe of Asher, from the
the elders of that city, they shall tribe of Naphtali, and from the half-
take him into the city as one of 2 aJosh. 18:1 tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.
them, and give him a place, that he bNum. 35:2 7 aThe children of Merari accord-
may dwell among them. ing to their families had twelve
5 aThen if the avenger of blood 4 aJosh. 21:8, cities from the tribe of Reuben, from
pursues him, they shall not deliver 19 bJosh. the tribe of Gad, and from the tribe
the slayer into his hand, because he 19:51 of Zebulun.
struck his neighbor unintentionally, 8 aAnd the children of Israel gave
but did not hate him beforehand. 5 aJosh. 21:20 these cities with their common-
6 And he shall dwell in that city lands by lot to the Levites, bas the
auntil he stands before the congre- 6 aJosh. 21:27 LORD had commanded by the hand
gation for judgment, and until the of Moses.
death of the one who is high priest 7 aJosh. 21:34 9 So they gave from the tribe of
in those days. Then the slayer may the children of Judah and from the
return and come to his own city and 8 aJosh. 21:3 tribe of the children of Simeon these
his own house, to the city from bNum. 35:2 cities which are 1designated by
which he fled. name,
7 So they appointed aKedesh in 9 1Lit. called 10 which were for the children of
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209 JOSHUA 22:3

Aaron, one of the families of the 11 aJosh. 20:7; Mishal with its common-land,
Kohathites, who were of the children 1 Chr. 6:55 Abdon with its common-land,
bJosh. 14:15;
of Levi; for the lot was theirs first. 15:13, 14 31 Helkath with its common-land,
11 aAnd they gave them 1Kirjath cJosh. 20:7; and Rehob with its common-land:
Arba (Arba was the father of Luke 1:39
1Lit. City of
four cities;
bAnak), cwhich is Hebron, in the 32 and from the tribe of Naphtali,
Arba aKedesh in Galilee with its common-
mountains of Judah, with the com-
mon-land surrounding it. 12 aJosh. land (a city of refuge for the slayer),
12 But athe fields of the city and its 14:14; 1 Chr. Hammoth Dor with its common-
6:56 land, and Kartan with its common-
villages they gave to Caleb the son
of Jephunneh as his possession. 13 a1 Chr. 6:57 land: three cities.
13 Thus ato the children of Aaron bJosh. 15:54; 33 All the cities of the Gershonites
the priest they gave bHebron with its 20:2, 7 cJosh. according to their families were thir-
15:42; 2 Kin. teen cities with their common-lands.
common-land (a city of refuge for 8:22
the slayer), cLibnah with its com- 34 aAnd to the families of the chil-
mon-land, 14 aJosh. 15:48 dren of Merari, the rest of the
14 aJattir with its common-land, bJosh. 15:50 Levites, from the tribe of Zebulun,
bEshtemoa with its common-land, Jokneam with its common-land,
15 a1 Chr. 6:58 Kartah with its common-land,
15 aHolon with its common-land, bJosh. 15:49
bDebir with its common-land, 35 Dimnah with its common-land,
16 aAin with its common-land, bJut- 16 a1 Chr. 6:59 and Nahalal with its common-land:
tah with its common-land, and cBeth bJosh. 15:55
cJosh. 15:10
four cities;
Shemesh with its common-land: 36 1and from the tribe of Reuben,
aBezer with its common-land, Jahaz
nine cities from those two tribes; 17 aJosh. 18:25
17 and from the tribe of Benjamin, bJosh. 18:24 with its common-land,
aGibeon with its common-land, 37 Kedemoth with its common-
bGeba with its common-land, 18 a1 Chr. 6:60 land, and Mephaath with its com-
18 Anathoth with its common-land, 20 a1 Chr. 6:66
mon-land: four cities;
and aAlmon with its common-land: 1allotment 38 and from the tribe of Gad,
aRamoth in Gilead with its common-
four cities.
19 All the cities of the children of 21 aJosh. 20:7 land (a city of refuge for the slayer),
bJudg. 1:29
Aaron, the priests, were thirteen Mahanaim with its common-land,
cities with their common-lands. 24 aJosh. 10:12
39 Heshbon with its common-land,
20 aAnd the families of the chil- and Jazer with its common-land:
dren of Kohath, the Levites, the rest 27 aJosh. 21:6; four cities in all.
of the children of Kohath, even they 1 Chr. 6:71
bJosh. 20:8
40 So all the cities for the children
had the cities of their 1lot from the of Merari according to their families,
tribe of Ephraim. 32 aJosh. 20:7 the rest of the families of the Levites,
21 For they gave them aShechem were by their lot twelve cities.
with its common-land in the moun- 34 aJosh. 21:7; 41 aAll the cities of the Levites
tains of Ephraim (a city of refuge for
1 Chr. 6:7781 within the possession of the chil-
the slayer), bGezer with its common- 36 aDeut. 4:43;
dren of Israel were forty-eight cities
land, Josh. 20:8 1So with their common-lands.
22 Kibzaim with its common-land, with LXX, Vg. 42 Every one of these cities had its
and Beth Horon with its common- (cf. 1 Chr. common-land surrounding it; thus
land: four cities;
6:78, 79); MT,
Bg., Tg. omit
were all these cities.
23 and from the tribe of Dan, vv. 36, 37
The Promise Fulfilled
Eltekeh with its common-land, Gib- 38 aJosh. 20:8
bethon with its common-land, 43 So the LORD gave to Israel aall
24 aAijalon with its common-land, 41 aNum. 35:7 the land of which He had sworn to
and Gath Rimmon with its common- give to their fathers, and they btook
land: four cities; 43 aGen. 12:7; possession of it and dwelt in it.
26:3, 4; 28:4, 44 aThe LORD gave them brest all
25 and from the half-tribe of Ma- 13, 14 bNum.
nasseh, Tanach with its common- 33:53; Josh. around, according to all that He had
land and Gath Rimmon with its 1:11 sworn to their fathers. And cnot a
common-land: two cities. man of all their enemies stood
26 All the ten cities with their com- 44 aDeut. 7:23, against them; the LORD delivered all
24; Josh. their enemies into their hand.
mon-lands were for the rest of the 11:23; 22:4
families of the children of Kohath. bJosh. 1:13, 45 aNot a word failed of any good
27 aAlso to the children of Gershon, 15; 11:23 thing which the LORD had spoken to
cDeut. 7:24
of the families of the Levites, from the house of Israel. All came to pass.
the other half-tribe of Manasseh, 45 a[Num. Eastern Tribes Return to Their
they gave bGolan in Bashan with its 23:19]; Josh.
common-land (a city of refuge for 23:14; 1 Kin.
the slayer), and Be Eshterah with its Then Joshua called the
common-land: two cities;
28 and from the tribe of Issachar, CHAPTER 22
22 Reubenites, the Gadites, and
half the tribe of Manasseh,
Kishion with its common-land, 2 and said to them: You have
Daberath with its common-land, 2 aNum. kept aall that Moses the servant of
29 Jarmuth with its common-land, 32:2022; the LORD commanded you, band
Deut. 3:18
and En Gannim with its common- bJosh. 1:1218 have obeyed my voice in all that I
land: four cities; commanded you.
30 and from the tribe of Asher, 3 1forsaken 3 You have not 1left your brethren
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JOSHUA 22:4 210

these many days, up to this day, but 4 aJosh. 21:44 14 and with him ten rulers, one
bNum. 32:33
have kept the charge of the com- ruler each from the chief house of
mandment of the LORD your God. every tribe of Israel; and aeach one
4 And now the LORD your God 5 aDeut. 6:6, was the head of the house of his
17; 11:22; Jer.
has given arest to your brethren, as 12:16 bDeut. father among the 1divisions of Israel.
He promised them; now therefore, 10:12; 11:13, 15 Then they came to the children
return and go to your tents and to 22 1be very of Reuben, to the children of Gad,
careful to do
the land of your possession, bwhich and to half the tribe of Manasseh, to
Moses the servant of the LORD gave the land of Gilead, and they spoke
6 aGen. 47:7;
you on the other side of the Jordan. Ex. 39:43; with them, saying,
5 But atake1 careful heed to do the Josh. 14:13; 16 Thus says the whole congrega-
commandment and the law which 2 Sam. 6:18; tion of the LORD: What atreachery1
Moses the servant of the LORD com- Luke 24:50 is this that you have committed
manded you, bto love the LORD your against the God of Israel, to turn
God, to walk in all His ways, to keep 7 aJosh. away this day from following the
His commandments, to hold fast to LORD, in that you have built for
Him, and to serve Him with all your yourselves an altar, bthat you might
8 aNum. 31:27;
heart and with all your soul. 1 Sam. 30:24 rebel this day against the LORD?
6 So Joshua ablessed them and 1plunder 17 Is the iniquity aof Peor not
sent them away, and they went to enough for us, from which we are
their tents. 9 aNum. 32:1, not cleansed till this day, although
7 Now to half the tribe of Ma- 26, 29 there was a plague in the congrega-
nasseh Moses had given a posses- tion of the LORD,
sion in Bashan, abut to the other 11 aDeut. 18 but that you must turn away
half of it Joshua gave a possession 13:1218;
Judg. 20:12,
this day from following the LORD?
among their brethren on this side of 13 1Lit. front And it shall be, if you rebel today
the Jordan, westward. And indeed, against the LORD, that tomorrow
when Joshua sent them away to 12 aJosh. 18:1;
aHe will be angry with the whole
their tents, he blessed them, Judg. 20:1 congregation of Israel.
8 and spoke to them, saying, 19 1Nevertheless, if the land of your
Return with much riches to your 13 aDeut. possession is unclean, then cross
tents, with very much livestock, with 13:14; Judg. over to the land of the possession of
silver, with gold, with bronze, with 20:12 bEx.
6:25; Num. the LORD, awhere the LORDs taber-
iron, and with very much clothing. 25:7, 1113 nacle stands, and take possession
aDivide the 1spoil of your enemies
among us; but do not rebel against
with your brethren. 14 aNum. 1:4 the LORD, nor rebel against us, by
9 So the children of Reuben, the 1Lit. thou- building yourselves an altar besides
children of Gad, and half the tribe of sands the altar of the LORD our God.
Manasseh returned, and departed 20 aDid not Achan the son of Zerah
from the children of Israel at Shiloh, 16 aDeut. 1commit a trespass in the 2accursed
which is in the land of Canaan, to go 12:514 bLev.
17:8, 9 thing, and wrath fell on all the con-
to athe country of Gilead, to the land 1unfaithful gregation of Israel? And that man
of their possession, which they had act did not perish alone in his iniquity.
obtained according to the word of 21 Then the children of Reuben, the
the LORD by the hand of Moses. 17 aNum. children of Gad, and half the tribe of
25:19; Deut. Manasseh answered and said to the
An Altar by the Jordan 4:3
heads of the 1divisions of Israel:
10 And when they came to the 18 aNum. 16:22
22 The LORD aGod of gods, the
region of the Jordan which is in the LORD God of gods, He bknows, and
land of Canaan, the children of 19 aJosh. 18:1
let Israel itself knowif it is in
Reuben, the children of Gad, and 1However rebellion, or if in treachery against
half the tribe of Manasseh built an the LORD, do not save us this day.
altar there by the Jordana great, 20 aJosh. 23 If we have built ourselves an
impressive altar. 7:126 1act altar to turn from following the
11 Now the children of Israel unfaithfully LORD, or if to offer on it burnt offer-
aheard someone say, Behold, the ings or grain offerings, or if to offer
children of Reuben, the children of peace offerings on it, let the LORD
Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh 21 1Lit. thou- Himself arequire an account.
have built an altar on the 1frontier sands 24 But in fact we have done it 1for
of the land of Canaan, in the region fear, for a reason, saying, In time to
of the Jordanon the children of 22 aDeut. 4:35; come your descendants may speak
Israels side. 10:17; Is. 44:8; to our descendants, saying, What
12 And when the children of Israel 45:5; 46:9; have you to do with the LORD God
[1 Cor. 8:5, 6]
heard of it, athe whole congregation b[Job 10:7; of Israel?
of the children of Israel gathered 23:10; Jer. 25 For the LORD has made the
together at Shiloh to go to war 12:3; 2 Cor. Jordan a border between you and
against them. 11:11, 31] us, you children of Reuben and chil-
13 Then the children of Israel asent dren of Gad.You have no part in the
bPhinehas the son of Eleazar the 23 aDeut. LORD. So your descendants would
18:19; 1 Sam.
priest to the children of Reuben, to 20:16 make our descendants cease fearing
the children of Gad, and to half the the LORD.
tribe of Manasseh, into the land of 24 1Lit. from 26 Therefore we said, Let us now
Gilead, fear prepare to build ourselves an altar,
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211 JOSHUA 23:16

not for burnt offering nor for sacri- 27 aGen. 31:48; aLORD your God has done to all
fice, Josh. 22:34; these nations because of you, for the
24:27 bDeut.
27 but that it may be aa 1witness 12:5, 14 1testi-
bLORD your God is He who has
between you and us and our gener- mony fought for you.
ations after us, that we may bper- 29 aDeut. 4 See, aI have divided to you by
form the service of the LORD before 12:13, 14 lot these nations that remain, to be
Him with our burnt offerings, with 30 1Lit. thou- an inheritance for your tribes, from
our sacrifices, and with our peace sands the Jordan, with all the nations that
offerings; that your descendants 31 aEx. 25:8; I have cut off, as far as the Great Sea
may not say to our descendants in Lev. 26:11, 12; westward.
time to come, You have no part in 2 Chr. 15:2; 5 And the LORD your God awill
the LORD. Zech. 8:23 expel them from before you and
28 Therefore we said that it will 33 a1 Chr. drive them out of your sight. So you
be, when they say this to us or to 29:20; Neh. shall possess their land, bas the
our generations in time to come, 8:6; Dan. 2:19;
Luke 2:28 LORD your God promised you.
that we may say, Here is the replica 6 aTherefore be very courageous
of the altar of the LORD which our 34 1LXX adds
and half the to keep and to do all that is written
fathers made, though not for burnt tribe of Ma- in the Book of the Law of Moses,
offerings nor for sacrifices; but it is nasseh blest you turn aside from it to the
a witness between you and us. right hand or to the left,
29 Far be it from us that we should CHAPTER 23 7 and lest you ago1 among these
rebel against the LORD, and turn nations, these who remain among
from following the LORD this day, ato 1 aJosh. 21:44; you. You shall not bmake mention of
build an altar for burnt offerings, for 22:4 bJosh.
13:1; 24:29 the name of their gods, nor cause any-
grain offerings, or for sacrifices, one to cswear by them; you shall not
besides the altar of the LORD our 2 aDeut. 31:28 dserve them nor bow down to them,
God which is before His tabernacle. 3 aPs. 44:3 8 but you shall ahold fast to the
bEx. 14:14;
30 Now when Phinehas the priest LORD your God, as you have done to
Deut. 1:30;
and the rulers of the congregation, Josh. 10:14, 42 this day.
the heads of the 1divisions of Israel 9 aFor the LORD has 1driven out
who were with him, heard the words 4 aJosh. 13:2,
6; 18:10 from before you great and strong
that the children of Reuben, the nations; but as for you, no one has
children of Gad, and the children of 5 aEx. 23:30;
33:2 bNum. been able to stand against you to
Manasseh spoke, it pleased them. 33:53 this day.
31 Then Phinehas the son of 10 aOne man of you shall chase a
6 aJosh. 1:7
Eleazar the priest said to the children bDeut. 5:32 thousand, for the LORD your God is
of Reuben, the children of Gad, and He who fights for you, bas He prom-
the children of Manasseh, This day 7 aEx. 23:33;
Deut. 7:2, 3; ised you.
we perceive that the LORD is aamong [Prov. 4:14; 11 aTherefore take careful heed to
us, because you have not committed Eph. 5:11] yourselves, that you love the LORD
bEx. 23:13; Ps.
this treachery against the LORD. Now your God.
you have delivered the children of 16:4; Jer. 5:7;
Hos. 2:17 12 Or else, if indeed you do ago
Israel out of the hand of the LORD. cDeut. 6:13;
back, and cling to the remnant of
32 And Phinehas the son of 10:20 dEx.
these nationsthese that remain
Eleazar the priest, and the rulers, 20:5 1associ-
returned from the children of ate with among youand bmake marriages
Reuben and the children of Gad, 8 aDeut. 10:20
with them, and go in to them and
from the land of Gilead to the land they to you,
9 aDeut. 7:24; 13 know for certain that athe
of Canaan, to the children of Israel, 11:23; Josh.
LORD your God will no longer drive
and brought back word to them. 1:5 1dispos-
33 So the thing pleased the children sessed out these nations from before you.
bBut they shall be snares and traps
of Israel, and the children of Israel 10 aLev. 26:8;
ablessed God; they spoke no more of Deut. 28:7; Is. to you, and scourges on your sides
going against them in battle, to
30:17 bEx. and thorns in your eyes, until you
14:14 perish from this good land which
destroy the land where the children
of Reuben and Gad dwelt. 11 aJosh. 22:5 the LORD your God has given you.
34 The children of Reuben and the 12 a[2 Pet. 14 Behold, this day aI1 am going
children of 1Gad called the altar, 2:20, 21] the way of all the earth. And you
bDeut. 7:3, 4;
Witness, For it is a witness be- know in all your hearts and in all
Ezra 9:2; Neh.
tween us that the LORD is God. 13:25 your souls that bnot one thing has
failed of all the good things which
13 aJudg. 2:3
Joshuas Farewell Address bEx. 23:33; the LORD your God spoke concern-
34:12; Deut. ing you. All have come to pass for
Now it came to pass, a long you; not one word of them has failed.
23 time after the LORD ahad given
rest to Israel from all their enemies
14 a1 Kin. 2:2
bJosh. 21:45;
15 aTherefore it shall come to
pass, that as all the good things have
round about, that Joshua bwas old, [Luke 21:33] come upon you which the LORD
1I am going to
advanced in age. die. your God promised you, so the LORD
2 And Joshua acalled for all will bring upon you ball harmful
15 aDeut. 28:63 things, until He has destroyed you
Israel, for their elders, for their bLev.
heads, for their judges, and for their 26:1439; from this good land which the LORD
officers, and said to them: I am old, Deut. your God has given you.
advanced in age. 28:1568 16 1When you have transgressed
3 You have seen all that the 16 1Or if ever the covenant of the LORD your God,
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JOSHUA 24:1 212

which He commanded you, and 16 aDeut. orites, but bnot with your sword or
have gone and served other gods, 4:2428 with your bow.
and bowed down to them, then the CHAPTER 24 13 I have given you a land for
aanger of the L ORD will burn which you did not labor, and acities
1 aGen. 35:4
against you, and you shall perish bJosh. 23:2 which you did not build, and you
c1 Sam. 10:19
quickly from the good land which dwell in them; you eat of the vine-
He has given you. 2 aGen. yards and olive groves which you
11:732 bJosh. did not plant.
The Covenant at Shechem 24:14 1The 14 aNow therefore, fear the LORD,
Then Joshua gathered all the serve Him in bsincerity and in truth,
24 tribes of Israel to aShechem
and called for the elders of Israel,
3 aGen. 12:1;
Acts 7:2, 3
b[Ps. 127:3]
and cput away the gods which your
fathers served on the other side of
1The 1the River and din Egypt. Serve the
for their heads, for their judges, and
for their officers; and they cpre- Euphrates
2Lit. seed
sented themselves before God. 15 And if it seems evil to you to
2 And Joshua said to all the peo- 4 aGen. serve the LORD, achoose for your-
25:2426 selves this day whom you will serve,
ple, Thus says the LORD God of bDeut. 2:5
Israel: aYour fathers, including cGen. 46:1, whether bthe gods which your
Terah, the father of Abraham and 3, 6 fathers served that were on the
the father of Nahor, dwelt on the 5 aEx. 3:10
other side of 1the River, or cthe gods
other side of 1the River in old times; bEx. 710 of the Amorites, in whose land you
and bthey served other gods. dwell. dBut as for me and my house,
6 aEx. 12:37,
3 aThen I took your father Abra- 51; 14:231 we will serve the LORD.
ham from the other side of 1the 16 So the people answered and
7 aEx. 14:20 said: Far be it from us that we
River, led him throughout all the bDeut. 4:34
land of Canaan, and multiplied his cJosh. 5:6 should forsake the LORD to serve
2descendants and bgave him Isaac.
8 aNum.
other gods;
4 To Isaac I gave aJacob and 21:2135 17 for the LORD our God is He
Esau. To bEsau I gave the mountains who brought us and our fathers up
9 aJudg. 11:25
of Seir to possess, cbut Jacob and bNum. 22:214 out of the land of Egypt, from the
his children went down to Egypt. house of bondage, who did those
10 aDeut. 23:5 great signs in our sight, and pre-
5 aAlso I sent Moses and Aaron, bNum. 23:11,
and bI plagued Egypt, according to 20; 24:10 served us in all the way that we
what I did among them. Afterward I went and among all the people
11 aJosh. 3:14,
brought you out. 17 bJosh. 6:1; through whom we passed.
6 Then I abrought your fathers 10:1 18 And the LORD drove out from
out of Egypt, and you came to the 12 aEx. 23:28
before us all the people, including
sea; and the Egyptians pursued bPs. 44:3 the Amorites who dwelt in the land.
aWe also will serve the LORD, for He
your fathers with chariots and 13 aDeut. 6:10,
horsemen to the Red Sea. 11 is our God.
7 So they cried out to the LORD; 19 But Joshua said to the people,
14 a1 Sam. aYou cannot serve the LORD, for He
and He put adarkness between you 12:24 b2 Cor.
and the Egyptians, brought the sea 1:12 cEzek. is a bholy God. He is ca jealous God;
20:18 dEzek. dHe will not forgive your transgres-
upon them, and covered them. And
byour eyes saw what I did in Egypt. 20:7, 8 1The sions nor your sins.
Then you dwelt in the wilderness ca 20 aIf you forsake the LORD and
long time. 15 a1 Kin. serve foreign gods, bthen He will
18:21 bJosh. turn and do you harm and consume
8 And I brought you into the land 24:2 cEx.
of the Amorites, who dwelt on the 23:24, 32 you, after He has done you good.
other side of the Jordan, aand they dGen. 18:19 21 And the people said to Joshua,
fought with you. But I gave them No, but we will serve the LORD!
into your hand, that you might pos- 22 So Joshua said to the people,
sess their land, and I destroyed 18 aPs. 116:16 You are witnesses against your-
them from before you. 19 aMatt. 6:24 selves that ayou have chosen the
9 Then aBalak the son of Zippor, b1 Sam. 6:20 LORD for yourselves, to serve Him.
king of Moab, arose to make war cEx. 20:5 dEx.
And they said, We are witnesses!
against Israel, and bsent and called 23 Now therefore, he said, aput
Balaam the son of Beor to curse you. 20 aEzra 8:22
bDeut. 4:2426
away the foreign gods which are
10 aBut I would not listen to Ba- among you, and bincline your heart
laam; btherefore he continued to 22 aPs. 119:173 to the LORD God of Israel.
bless you. So I delivered you out of 23 aGen. 35:2 24 And the people asaid to Joshua,
his hand. b1 Kin. 8:57, The LORD our God we will serve,
11 Then ayou went over the Jordan 58 and His voice we will obey!
and came to Jericho. And bthe men 24 aDeut. 25 So Joshua amade1 a covenant
of Jericho fought against youalso 5:2427 with the people that day, and made
the Amorites, the Perizzites, the 25 aEx. 15:25 for them a statute and an ordinance
Canaanites, the Hittites, the Gir- bJosh. 24:1 bin Shechem.
1Lit. cut a
gashites, the Hivites, and the 26 Then Joshua awrote these words
Jebusites. But I delivered them into in the Book of the Law of God. And
your hand. 26 aDeut. he took ba large stone, and cset it up
12 aI sent the hornet before you 31:24 bJudg. there dunder the oak that was by the
9:6 cGen.
which drove them out from before 28:18 dGen. sanctuary of the LORD.
you, also the two kings of the Am- 35:4 27 And Joshua said to all the peo-
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213 JUDGES 1:6

ple, Behold, this stone shall be aa 27 aGen. 31:48 31 aIsrael served the LORD all the
bDeut. 32:1
witness to us, for bit has heard all days of Joshua, and all the days of
the words of the LORD which He the elders who outlived Joshua, who
spoke to us. It shall therefore be a 28 aJudg. 2:6, 7
had bknown all the works of the
witness to you, lest you deny your LORD which He had done for Israel.
God. 29 aJudg. 2:8
32 aThe bones of Joseph, which the
28 So aJoshua let the people children of Israel had brought up out
depart, each to his own inheritance. 30 aJosh. 19:50
of Egypt, they buried at Shechem, in
the plot of ground bwhich Jacob had
Death of Joshua and Eleazar 31 aJudg. 2:7
bought from the sons of Hamor the
bDeut. 11:2
29 aNow it came to pass after these father of Shechem for one hundred
1pieces of silver, and which had
things that Joshua the son of Nun, 32 aGen. 50:25
the servant of the LORD, died, being bGen. 33:19 become an inheritance of the chil-
one hundred and ten years old. 1Heb. qesitah,
dren of Joseph.
an unknown 33 And aEleazar the son of Aaron
30 And they buried him within the ancient mea-
border of his inheritance at aTim- sure of weight died. They buried him in a hill
nath Serah, which is in the moun- belonging to bPhinehas his son,
tains of Ephraim, on the north side 33 aEx. 28:1 which was given to him in the
of Mount Gaash. bEx. 6:25 mountains of Ephraim.

The Book of


T HE Book of Judges stands in stark contrast to Joshua. In Joshua an obedient

people conquered the land through trust in the power of God. In Judges, how-
ever, a disobedient and idolatrous people are defeated time and time again
because of their rebellion against God.
In seven distinct cycles of sin to salvation, Judges shows how Israel had set
aside Gods law and in its place substituted what was right in his own eyes
(21:25). The recurring result of abandonment from Gods law is corruption from
within and oppression from without. During the nearly four centuries spanned by
this book, God raises up military champions to throw off the yoke of bondage and
to restore the nation to pure worship. But all too soon the sin cycle begins again
as the nations spiritual temperature grows steadily colder.
The Hebrew title is Shophetim, meaning judges, rulers, deliverers, or sav-
iors. Shophet not only carries the idea of maintaining justice and settling dis-
putes, but it is also used to mean liberating and delivering. First the judges
deliver the people; then they rule and administer justice. The Septuagint used the
Greek equivalent of this word, Kritai (Judges). The Latin Vulgate called it Liber
Judicum, the Book of Judges. This book could also appropriately be titled the
Book of Failure.

The Continuing Conquest of CHAPTER 1 likewise go with you to your allotted

Canaan territory. And Simeon went with
OW after the adeath of Joshua it him.
N came to pass that the children of
Israel basked the LORD, saying,
1 aJosh. 24:29
bNum. 27:21
cJosh. 17:12,
4 Then Judah went up, and the
LORD delivered the Canaanites and
Who shall be first to go up for us 13 the Perizzites into their hand; and
against the cCanaanites to fight they killed ten thousand men at
against them? 2 aGen. 49:8, 9
2 And the LORD said, aJudah 5 And they found Adoni-Bezek in
shall go up. Indeed I have delivered Bezek, and fought against him; and
the land into his hand. 3 aJosh. 19:1
they defeated the Canaanites and
3 So Judah said to aSimeon his bJudg. 1:17 the Perizzites.
brother, Come up with me to my 6 Then Adoni-Bezek fled, and
allotted territory, that we may fight they pursued him and caught him
against the Canaanites; and bI will 4 a1 Sam. 11:8 and cut off his thumbs and big toes.
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JUDGES 1:7 214

7 And Adoni-Bezek said, Seventy 7 aLev. 24:19; 22 And the 1house of Joseph also
kings with their thumbs and big toes 1 Sam. 15:33; went up against Bethel, aand the
[James 2:13]
cut off used to gather scraps under 8 aJosh. 15:63;
LORD was with them.
my table; aas I have done, so God has Judg. 1:21 23 So the 1house of Joseph asent
repaid me. Then they brought him 9 aJosh. 10:36; men to spy out Bethel. (The name of
to Jerusalem, and there he died. 11:21; 15:13 the city was formerly bLuz.)
1Heb. Negev,
8 Now athe children of Judah 24 And when the spies saw a man
and so coming out of the city, they said to
fought against Jerusalem and took throughout
it; they struck it with the edge of the the book him, Please show us the entrance
sword and set the city on fire. 10 aJosh. to the city, and awe will show you
9 aAnd afterward the children of 15:1319 mercy.
bJosh. 14:15
Judah went down to fight against 1attacked
25 So he showed them the en-
the Canaanites who dwelt in the trance to the city, and they struck
11 aJosh. 15:15 the city with the edge of the sword;
mountains, in the 1South, and in the
12 aJosh. but they let the man and all his fam-
lowland. 15:16, 17
10 Then Judah 1went against the 13 aJudg. 3:9
ily go.
Canaanites who dwelt in aHebron. 14 aJosh.
26 And the man went to the land of
(Now the name of Hebron was for- 15:18, 19 the Hittites, built a city, and called
merly bKirjath Arba.) And they 1LXX, Vg. he its name Luz, which is its name to
killed Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai. urged her this day.
11 aFrom there they went against 15 aGen. 33:11
the inhabitants of Debir. (The name 16 aNum. Incomplete Conquest of the Land
of Debir was formerly Kirjath 10:2932;
Judg. 4:11, 17; 27 aHowever, Manasseh did not
Sepher.) 1 Sam. 15:6; drive out the inhabitants of Beth
12 aThen Caleb said, Whoever 1 Chr. 2:55 Shean and its villages, or bTaanach
bDeut. 34:3;
attacks Kirjath Sepher and takes it, and its villages, or the inhabitants of
Judg. 3:13
to him I will give my daughter cJosh. 12:14 cDor and its villages, or the inhabi-
Achsah as wife. d1 Sam. 15:6 tants of Ibleam and its villages, or
13 And Othniel the son of Kenaz, 17 aJudg. 1:3 the inhabitants of Megiddo and its
aCalebs younger brother, took it; so bNum. 21:3;
Josh. 19:4
villages; for the Canaanites were
he gave him his daughter Achsah as determined to dwell in that land.
wife. 18 aJosh. 11:22
28 And it came to pass, when Israel
14 aNow it happened, when she 19 aJosh.
17:16, 18; was strong, that they put the
came to him, that 1she urged him to Judg. 4:3, 13 Canaanites 1under tribute, but did
ask her father for a field. And she 20 aNum. not completely drive them out.
dismounted from her donkey, and 14:24; Josh. 29 aNor did Ephraim drive out the
Caleb said to her, What do you 14:9, 14 bJosh. Canaanites who dwelt in Gezer; so
wish? 15:14; Judg.
1:10 1drove the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer
15 So she said to him, aGive me a out from among them.
blessing; since you have given me there 30 Nor did aZebulun drive out the
land in the South, give me also 21 aJosh. inhabitants of Kitron or the inhabi-
springs of water. And Caleb gave 15:63; Judg. tants of Nahalol; so the Canaanites
her the upper springs and the lower 1:8
dwelt among them, and 1were put
springs. 22 aJudg. 1:19
1family under tribute.
16 aNow the children of the Kenite, 23 aJosh. 2:1; 31 aNor did Asher drive out the
Moses father-in-law, went up bfrom 7:2 bGen. inhabitants of Acco or the inhabi-
the City of Palms with the children 28:19 1family tants of Sidon, or of Ahlab, Achzib,
of Judah into the Wilderness of 24 aJosh. 2:12, Helbah, Aphik, or Rehob.
Judah, which lies in the South near 14 32 So the Asherites adwelt among
cArad; dand they went and dwelt 27 aJosh. the Canaanites, the inhabitants of
among the people. 17:1113
bJosh. 21:25 the land; for they did not drive them
17 aAnd Judah went with his brother cJosh. 17:11 out.
Simeon, and they attacked the 28 1to forced 33 aNor did Naphtali drive out the
Canaanites who inhabited Zephath, labor inhabitants of Beth Shemesh or the
and utterly destroyed it. So the name 29 aJosh. inhabitants of Beth Anath; but they
of the city was called bHormah. 16:10; 1 Kin. dwelt among the Canaanites, the
18 Also Judah took aGaza with its 9:16
inhabitants of the land. Neverthe-
territory, Ashkelon with its territory, 30 aJosh. less the inhabitants of Beth She-
and Ekron with its territory. 1became mesh and Beth Anath were put
19 So the LORD was with Judah. forced labor- under tribute to them.
And they drove out the moun- ers 34 And the Amorites forced the
taineers, but they could not drive 31 aJosh. children of Dan into the mountains,
out the inhabitants of the lowland, 19:2431 for they would not allow them to
because they had achariots of iron. 32 aPs. 106:34, come down to the valley;
20 aAnd they gave Hebron to 33 aJosh.
35 and the Amorites were deter-
Caleb, as Moses had said. Then he 19:3239 mined to dwell in Mount Heres, ain
1expelled from there the bthree sons Aijalon, and in 1Shaalbim; yet when
35 aJosh. 19:42
of Anak. 1Shaalabbin, the strength of the house of Joseph
21 aBut the children of Benjamin Josh. 19:42
became greater, they 2were put
did not drive out the Jebusites who forced labor-
under tribute.
inhabited Jerusalem; so the Jebu- ers 36 Now the boundary of the Amo-
sites dwell with the children of Ben- 36 aNum. 34:4; rites was afrom the Ascent of Akrab-
jamin in Jerusalem to this day. Josh. 15:3 bim, from Sela, and upward.
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215 JUDGES 3:5

Israels Disobedience CHAPTER 2 hand of the LORD was against them
1 aEx. 20:2; for calamity, as the LORD had said,
Then the Angel of the LORD
2 came up from Gilgal to Bochim,
and said: aI led you up from Egypt
Judg. 6:8, 9
bDeut. 1:8
cGen. 17:7, 8;
and as the LORD had asworn to them.
And they were greatly distressed.
16 Nevertheless, athe LORD raised
and bbrought you to the land of Lev. 26:42, 44;
up judges who delivered them out of
Deut. 7:9; Ps.
which I swore to your fathers; and cI 89:34 the hand of those who plundered
said, I will never break My 2 aEx. 23:32; them.
covenant with you. Deut. 7:2 bEx. 17 Yet they would not listen to their
2 And ayou shall make no 34:12, 13; judges, but they aplayed the harlot
1covenant with the inhabitants of Deut. 12:3 cPs.
106:34 1treaty with other gods, and bowed down to
this land; byou shall tear down their them. They turned quickly from the
3 aNum. 33:55;
altars. cBut you have not obeyed My Josh. 23:13 way in which their fathers walked,
voice. Why have you done this? bJudg. 3:6
in obeying the commandments of
3 Therefore I also said, I will not cEx. 23:33;
the LORD; they did not do so.
drive them out before you; but they Deut. 7:16; Ps.
106:36 1LXX, 18 And when the LORD raised up
shall be athorns1 in your side, and Tg., Vg. ene- judges for them, athe LORD was
btheir gods shall 2be a csnare to mies to you with the judge and delivered them
you. 2entrap you
out of the hand of their enemies all
4 So it was, when the Angel of the 5 1Lit. Weep- the days of the judge; bfor the LORD
LORD spoke these words to all the ing
6 aJosh. 22:6;
was moved to pity by their groaning
children of Israel, that the people 24:2831 because of those who oppressed
lifted up their voices and wept. them and harassed them.
7 aJosh. 24:31
5 Then they called the name of 19 And it came to pass, awhen the
8 aJosh. 24:29
that place 1Bochim; and they sacri- judge was dead, that they reverted
9 aJosh. 24:30
ficed there to the LORD. bJosh. 19:49, and behaved more corruptly than
6 And when aJoshua had dis- 50 their fathers, by following other
missed the people, the children of 10 aEx. 5:2; gods, to serve them and bow down
Israel went each to his own inheri- 1 Sam. 2:12; to them. They did not cease from
tance to possess the land. Gal. 4:8; [Titus
1:16] 1Died their own doings nor from their
Death of Joshua and joined stubborn way.
their ances- 20 Then the anger of the LORD was
7 aSo the people served the LORD tors hot against Israel; and He said,
all the days of Joshua, and all the 11 aJudg. 3:7, Because this nation has atrans-
12; 4:1; 6:1
days of the elders who outlived 12 aDeut.
gressed My covenant which I com-
Joshua, who had seen all the great 31:16; Judg. manded their fathers, and has not
works of the LORD which He had 8:33; 10:6 heeded My voice,
done for Israel. bDeut. 6:14
cEx. 20:5
21 I also will no longer drive out
8 Now aJoshua the son of Nun, the before them any of the nations
servant of the LORD, died when he 13 aJudg. 10:6; which Joshua aleft when he died,
Ps. 106:36 1A
was one hundred and ten years old. Canaanite 22 so athat through them I may btest
9 aAnd they buried him within the god 2Canaan- Israel, whether they will keep the
border of his inheritance at bTimnath ite goddesses ways of the LORD, to walk in them as
Heres, in the mountains of Ephraim, 14 aDeut. their fathers kept them, or not.
on the north side of Mount Gaash. 31:17; Judg. 23 Therefore the LORD left those
3:8; Ps.
10 When all that generation had 106:4042 nations, without driving them out
1been gathered to their fathers, b2 Kin. 17:20 immediately; nor did He deliver
another generation arose after them cIs. 50:1 dLev.
them into the hand of Joshua.
26:37; Josh.
who adid not know the LORD nor the 7:12, 13
work which He had done for Israel. The Nations Remaining in the Land
15 aLev.
Now these are athe nations
Israels Unfaithfulness
11 Then the children of Israel did
3 which the LORD left, that He
might test Israel by them, that is, all
16 aJudg. 3:9,
aevil in the sight of the LORD, and
10, 15; Ps. who had not 1known any of the
served the Baals; 106:4345 wars in Canaan
12 and they aforsook the LORD 17 aEx. 34:15 2 (this was only so that the gener-
God of their fathers, who had 18 aJosh. 1:5 ations of the children of Israel might
brought them out of the land of bGen. 6:6 be taught to know war, at least those
Egypt; and they followed bother 19 aJudg. 3:12 who had not formerly known it),
gods from among the gods of the 20 a[Josh. 3 namely, afive lords of the
people who were all around them, 23:16] Philistines, all the Canaanites, the
and they cbowed down to them; and 21 aJosh. 23:4, Sidonians, and the Hivites who
5, 13
they provoked the LORD to anger. dwelt in Mount Lebanon, from
22 aJudg. 3:1, 4
13 They forsook the LORD aand bDeut. 8:2, 16; Mount Baal Hermon to the entrance
served 1Baal and the 2Ashtoreths. 13:3 of Hamath.
14 aAnd the anger of the LORD was 4 And they were left, that He
hot against Israel. So He bdelivered CHAPTER 3 might test Israel by them, to 1know
them into the hands of plunderers 1 aJudg. 1:1; whether they would obey the com-
who despoiled them; and cHe sold 2:21, 22 mandments of the LORD, which He
them into the hands of their enemies 1experienced had commanded their fathers by the
all around, so that they dcould no 3 aJosh. 13:3 hand of Moses.
longer stand before their enemies. 4 1find out 5 aThus the children of Israel dwelt
15 Wherever they went out, the 5 aPs. 106:35 among the Canaanites, the Hittites,
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JUDGES 3:6 216

the Amorites, the Perizzites, the 6 aEx. 34:15, vate chamber). Then Ehud said, I
Hivites, and the Jebusites. 16; Deut. 7:3, have a message from God for you.
4; Josh. 23:12
6 And athey took their daughters So he arose from his seat.
to be their wives, and gave their 7 aJudg. 2:11 21 Then Ehud reached with his left
daughters to their sons; and they bDeut. 32:18 hand, took the dagger from his right
1Name or
served their gods. thigh, and thrust it into his belly.
symbol for
Canaanite 22 Even the 1hilt went in after the
Othniel goddesses blade, and the fat closed over the
7 So the children of Israel did blade, for he did not draw the dag-
aevil in the sight of the LORD. They 8 aDeut. 32:30; ger out of his belly; and his entrails
bforgot the LORD their God, and Judg. 2:14 came out.
bHab. 3:7
served the Baals and 1Asherahs. 23 Then Ehud went out through
8 Therefore the anger of the LORD 9 aJudg. 3:15 the porch and shut the doors of the
was hot against Israel, and He asold bJudg. 2:16 upper room behind him and locked
cJudg. 1:13
them into the hand of bCushan- them.
Rishathaim king of Mesopotamia; 24 When he had gone out, 1Eglons
10 aNum.
and the children of Israel served 27:18; 1 Sam. servants came to look, and to their
Cushan-Rishathaim eight years. 11:6; 2 Chr. surprise, the doors of the upper
9 When the children of Israel 15:1 room were locked. So they said, He
acried out to the LORD, the LORD is probably aattending2 to his needs
braised up a deliverer for the chil- 12 aJudg. 2:19 in the cool chamber.
b1 Sam. 12:9
dren of Israel, who delivered them: 25 So they waited till they were
cOthniel the son of Kenaz, Calebs aembarrassed, and still he had not
13 aJudg. 5:14
younger brother. bDeut. 34:3; opened the doors of the upper room.
10 aThe Spirit of the LORD came Judg. 1:16; Therefore they took the key and
2 Chr. 28:15 opened them. And there was their
upon him, and he judged Israel. He 1struck
went out to war, and the LORD deliv- master, fallen dead on the floor.
ered Cushan-Rishathaim king of 14 aDeut. 28:48 26 But Ehud had escaped while
Mesopotamia into his hand; and his they delayed, and passed beyond the
hand prevailed over Cushan- 15 aPs. 78:34 1stone images and escaped to Seirah.
bJudg. 20:16
Rishathaim. 27 And it happened, when he
11 So the land had rest for forty 19 aJosh. 4:20
arrived, that ahe blew the trumpet in
years. Then Othniel the son of 1Tg. quarries the bmountains of Ephraim, and the
Kenaz died. children of Israel went down with
22 1handle him from the mountains; and 1he led
Ehud them.
24 a1 Sam. 28 Then he said to them, Follow
12 aAnd the children of Israel 24:3 1Lit. his
again did evil in the sight of the 1Lit. covering me, for athe LORD has delivered
LORD. So the LORD strengthened his feet your enemies the Moabites into
bEglon king of Moab against Israel, your hand. So they went down
because they had done evil in the 25 a2 Kin. 2:17; after him, seized the bfords of the
8:11 Jordan leading to Moab, and did
sight of the LORD.
13 Then he gathered to himself the 26 1Tg. quar-
not allow anyone to cross over.
people of Ammon and aAmalek, ries 29 And at that time they killed
went and 1defeated Israel, and took about ten thousand men of Moab,
possession of bthe City of Palms. 27 aJudg. 6:34; all stout men of valor; not a man
14 So the children of Israel aserved 1 Sam. 13:3
bJosh. 17:15
Eglon king of Moab eighteen years. 1Lit. he went 30 So Moab was subdued that day
15 But when the children of Israel before them under the hand of Israel. And athe
acried out to the LORD, the LORD land had rest for eighty years.
raised up a deliverer for them: Ehud 28 aJudg. 7:9,
the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a 15; 1 Sam. Shamgar
bleft-handed man. By him the chil-
17:47 bJosh.
2:7; Judg. 12:5 31 After him was aShamgar the son
dren of Israel sent tribute to Eglon of Anath, who killed six hundred
king of Moab. 30 aJudg. 3:11 men of the Philistines bwith an ox
16 Now Ehud made himself a dag- goad; cand he also delivered dIsrael.
ger (it was double-edged and a cubit 31 aJudg. 5:6
b1 Sam. 17:47
in length) and fastened it under his cJudg. 2:16 Deborah
clothes on his right thigh. d1 Sam. 4:1
When Ehud was dead, athe chil-
17 So he brought the tribute to
Eglon king of Moab. (Now Eglon
was a very fat man.) CHAPTER 4
4 dren of Israel again did bevil in
the sight of the LORD.
18 And when he had finished pre- 2 So the LORD asold them into the
senting the tribute, he sent away the 1 aJudg. 2:19 hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who
bJudg. 2:11
people who had carried the tribute. reigned in bHazor. The commander
19 But he himself turned back of his army was cSisera, who dwelt
afrom the 1stone images that were at 2 aJudg. 2:14
bJosh. 11:1, 10 in dHarosheth Hagoyim.
Gilgal, and said, I have a secret c1 Sam. 12:9; 3 And the children of Israel cried
message for you, O king. He said, Ps. 83:9
dJudg. 4:13, 16
out to the LORD; for Jabin had nine
Keep silence! And all who attend- hundred achariots of iron, and for
ed him went out from him. 3 aDeut. 20:1;
twenty years bhe had harshly
20 So Ehud came to him (now he Judg. 1:19 oppressed the children of Israel.
was sitting upstairs in his cool pri- bPs. 106:42 4 Now Deborah, a prophetess, the
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217 JUDGES 5:7

wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel 5 aGen. 35:8 era, and said to him, Turn aside, my
at that time. lord, turn aside to me; do not fear.
5 aAnd she would sit under the 6 aHeb. 11:32 And when he had turned aside with
palm tree of Deborah between bJosh. 19:37; her into the tent, she covered him
Ramah and Bethel in the mountains 21:32 cJudg. with a 1blanket.
of Ephraim. And the children of 8:18 1march 19 Then he said to her, Please give
Israel came up to her for judgment. me a little water to drink, for I am
6 Then she sent and called for 7 aEx. 14:4 thirsty. So she opened aa jug of
aBarak the son of Abinoam from bJudg. 5:21; milk, gave him a drink, and covered
bKedesh in Naphtali, and said to 1 Kin. 18:40; him.
Ps. 83:9, 10 20 And he said to her, Stand at the
him, Has not the LORD God of 1Lit. draw
Israel commanded, Go and 1deploy door of the tent, and if any man
troops at Mount cTabor; take with comes and inquires of you, and
you ten thousand men of the sons of 9 aJudg. 2:14 says, Is there any man here? you
Naphtali and of the sons of Zebulun; shall say, No.
7 and against you aI will deploy 10 aJudg. 5:18
21 Then Jael, Hebers wife, atook a
Sisera, the commander of Jabins bEx. 11:8; tent peg and took a hammer in her
army, with his chariots and his mul- 1 Kin. 20:10 hand, and went softly to him and
1Lit. at his
titude at the bRiver Kishon; and I drove the peg into his temple, and it
feet went down into the ground; for he
will 1deliver him into your hand?
8 And Barak said to her, If you was fast asleep and weary. So he
will go with me, then I will go; but if 11 aJudg. 1:16 died.
you will not go with me, I will not bNum. 10:29
cJudg. 4:6
22 And then, as Barak pursued Sis-
go! era, Jael came out to meet him, and
9 So she said, I will surely go said to him, Come, I will show you
with you; nevertheless there will be 14 aDeut. 9:3; the man whom you seek. And when
no glory for you in the journey you 31:3; 2 Sam. he went into her tent, there lay Sis-
are taking, for the LORD will asell 5:24; Ps. 68:7; era, dead with the peg in his temple.
Is. 52:12 23 So on that day God subdued
Sisera into the hand of a woman. 1Arise!
Then Deborah arose and went with Jabin king of Canaan in the pres-
Barak to Kedesh. ence of the children of Israel.
10 And Barak called aZebulun and 16 aEx. 14:28; 24 And the hand of the children of
Ps. 83:9 Israel grew stronger and stronger
Naphtali to Kedesh; he went up with
ten thousand men bunder1 his com- against Jabin king of Canaan, until
mand, and Deborah went up with 17 aJudg. 5:6 they had destroyed Jabin king of
him. Canaan.
11 Now Heber athe Kenite, of the The Song of Deborah
18 1rug
children of bHobab the father-in-law
of Moses, had separated himself Then Deborah and Barak the
from the Kenites and pitched his
tent near the terebinth tree at
19 aJudg.
5 son of Abinoam asang on that
day, saying:
Zaanaim, cwhich is beside Kedesh.
12 And they reported to Sisera that 21 aJudg. 2 When1 leaders alead in Israel,
Barak the son of Abinoam had gone 5:2427 bWhen the people 2willingly
up to Mount Tabor. offer themselves,
13 So Sisera gathered together all Bless the LORD!
his chariots, nine hundred chariots CHAPTER 5
of iron, and all the people who were 3 Hear,a O kings! Give ear,
with him, from Harosheth Hagoyim O princes!
to the River Kishon. 1 aEx. 15:1; I, even bI, will sing to the LORD;
14 Then Deborah said to Barak, Judg. 4:4 I will sing praise to the LORD
1Up! For this is the day in which the God of Israel.
LORD has delivered Sisera into your
2 aPs. 18:47
hand. aHas not the LORD gone out b2 Chr. 17:16 4 LORD, awhen You went out from
before you? So Barak went down 1Or When Seir,
from Mount Tabor with ten thou- locks are When You marched from bthe
sand men following him. loosed 2volun- field of Edom,
15 And the LORD routed Sisera The earth trembled and the
and all his chariots and all his army heavens poured,
with the edge of the sword before 3 aDeut. 32:1, The clouds also poured water;
Barak; and Sisera alighted from his 3 bPs. 27:6 5 The mountains 1gushed before
chariot and fled away on foot. the LORD,
16 But Barak pursued the chariots 4 aDeut. 33:2;
bThis Sinai, before the LORD
and the army as far as Harosheth Ps. 68:7 bPs. God of Israel.
Hagoyim, and all the army of Sisera 68:8
fell by the edge of the sword; not a 6 In the days of aShamgar, son of
man was aleft. 5 aPs. 97:5 Anath,
17 However, Sisera had fled away bEx. 19:18 In the days of bJael,
on foot to the tent of aJael, the wife 1flowed cThe highways were deserted,
of Heber the Kenite; for there was And the travelers walked along
peace between Jabin king of Hazor 6 aJudg. 3:31
the byways.
and the house of Heber the Kenite. bJudg. 4:17 7 Village life ceased, it ceased in
18 And Jael went out to meet Sis- cIs. 33:8 Israel,
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JUDGES 5:8 218

Until I, Deborah, arose, 8 aDeut. 32:17 19 The kings came and fought,
Arose a mother in Israel. Then the kings of Canaan
8 They chose anew gods; fought
Then there was war in the In aTaanach, by the waters of
gates; 10 aJudg. 10:4;
Not a shield or spear was seen 12:14 They took no spoils of silver.
among forty thousand in 20 They fought from the heavens;
Israel. The stars from their courses
9 My heart is with the rulers of fought against Sisera.
Israel 21 The torrent of Kishon swept

Who offered themselves 12 aPs. 57:8 them away,

willingly with the people. That ancient torrent, the torrent
Bless the LORD! of Kishon.
O my soul, march on in
10 Speak, you who ride on white strength!
adonkeys, 14 aJudg. 3:13 22 Then the horses hooves
Who sit in judges attire, pounded,
And who walk along the road. The galloping, galloping of his
11 Far from the noise of the steeds.
archers, among the watering 15 1So with
23 Curse Meroz, said the 1angel of
places, LXX, Syr., the LORD,
There they shall recount the Tg., Vg.; MT Curse its inhabitants bitterly,
And my Because they did not come to
righteous acts of the LORD, princes in
The righteous acts for His Issachar 2Lit. the help of the LORD,
villagers in Israel; at his feet To the help of the LORD against
Then the people of the LORD the mighty.
shall go down to the gates.
24 Most blessed among women is
12 Awake,a awake, Deborah! Jael,
Awake, awake, sing a song! 17 aJosh. 22:9
bJosh. 19:29,
The wife of Heber the Kenite;
aBlessed is she among women in
Arise, Barak, and lead your 31 1Or at ease
captives away, tents.
O son of Abinoam! 25 He asked for water, she gave
13 Then the survivors came down, She brought out cream in a
the people against the nobles; 18 aJudg. 4:6, lordly bowl.
The LORD came down for me
10 26 She stretched her hand to the
against the mighty. tent peg,
14 From Ephraim were those Her right hand to the
whose roots were in aAmalek. workmens hammer;
She pounded Sisera, she
After you, Benjamin, with your 19 aJudg. 1:27 pierced his head,
peoples, She split and struck through
From Machir rulers came his temple.
down, 27 At her feet he sank, he fell, he
And from Zebulun those who lay still;
bear the recruiters staff. 21 aJudg. 4:7
At her feet he sank, he fell;
15 And 1the princes of Issachar Where he sank, there he fell
were with Deborah; adead.
As Issachar, so was Barak
Sent into the valley 2under his 23 1Or Angel 28 The mother of Sisera looked
command; through the window,
Among the divisions of Reuben And cried out through the
There were great resolves of lattice,
heart. Why is his chariot so long in
16 Why did you sit among the 24 a[Luke 1:28] coming?
sheepfolds, Why tarries the clatter of his
To hear the pipings for the chariots?
flocks? 29 Her wisest 1ladies answered
The divisions of Reuben have her,
great searchings of heart. 27 aJudg.
4:1821 Yes, she 2answered herself,
17 aGilead stayed beyond the 30 Are they not finding and
Jordan, dividing the spoil:
And why did Dan remain 1on To every man a girl or two;
ships? For Sisera, plunder of dyed
bAsher continued at the 29 1princesses garments,
2Lit. repeats
seashore, Plunder of garments
And stayed by his inlets. her words to
herself embroidered and dyed,
18 aZebulun is a people who Two pieces of dyed embroidery
jeopardized their lives to the for the neck of the looter?
point of death,
Naphtali also, on the heights of 31 Thus let all Your enemies
the battlefield. 31 aPs. 92:9 aperish, O LORD!
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219 JUDGES 6:26

But let those who love Him be 31 b2 Sam. are all His miracles bwhich our
blike the csun 23:4 cPs. 37:6; fathers told us about, saying, Did
89:36, 37 dPs.
When it comes out in full 19:5 not the LORD bring us up from
dstrength. Egypt? But now the LORD has cfor-
CHAPTER 6 saken us and delivered us into the
So the land had rest for forty years. hands of the Midianites.
1 aJudg. 2:11 14 Then the LORD turned to him
bNum. 22:4;
Midianites Oppress Israel and said, aGo in this might of
Then the children of Israel did yours, and you shall save Israel
6 aevil in the sight of the LORD. So
the LORD delivered them into the
2 a1 Sam. 13:6;
Heb. 11:38
3 aJudg. 7:12
from the hand of the Midianites.
bHave I not sent you?

hand of bMidian for seven years, 4 aLev. 26:16

15 So he said to Him, O 1my Lord,
2 and the hand of Midian pre- bDeut. 28:31 how can I save Israel? Indeed amy
vailed against Israel. Because of the 5 1innumer-
clan is the weakest in Manasseh,
Midianites, the children of Israel able and I am the least in my fathers
made for themselves the dens, athe 6 aPs. 50:15; house.
caves, and the strongholds which Hos. 5:15 16 And the LORD said to him,
aSurely I will be with you, and you
are in the mountains. 8 aJosh. 24:17
3 So it was, whenever Israel had 1slavery shall 1defeat the Midianites as one
sown, Midianites would come up; 9 aPs. 44:2, 3 man.
also Amalekites and the apeople of 10 a2 Kin.
17 Then he said to Him, If now I
the East would come up against 17:35, 37, 38; have found favor in Your sight, then
ashow me a sign that it is You who
them. Jer. 10:2
bJudg. 2:1, 2
4 Then they would encamp talk with me.
against them and adestroy the pro- 11 aJosh. 17:2; 18 aDo not depart from here, I
Judg. 6:15 pray, until I come to You and bring
duce of the earth as far as Gaza, and bJudg. 7:1;
leave no sustenance for Israel, nei- Heb. 11:32 out my offering and set it before
ther sheep nor ox nor bdonkey. 12 aJudg. 13:3;
You. And He said, I will wait until
5 For they would come up with Luke 1:11, 28 you come back.
their livestock and their tents, com- bJosh. 1:5 19 aSo Gideon went in and pre-
ing in as numerous as locusts; both 13 a[Is. 59:1] pared a young goat, and unleavened
they and their camels were 1without bJosh. 4:6, 21; bread from an ephah of flour. The
number; and they would enter the Ps. 44:1 cDeut. meat he put in a basket, and he put
31:17; 2 Chr.
land to destroy it. 15:2; Ps. the broth in a pot; and he brought
6 So Israel was greatly impover- 44:916 1Heb. them out to Him under the terebinth
ished because of the Midianites, and adoni, used of tree and presented them.
the children of Israel acried out to man 20 The Angel of God said to him,
the LORD. 14 a1 Sam. Take the meat and the unleavened
7 And it came to pass, when the 12:11 bJosh. bread and alay them on this rock, and
1:9 bpour out the broth. And he did so.
children of Israel cried out to the
LORD because of the Midianites, 15 a1 Sam. 21 Then the Angel of the LORD put
9:21 1Heb.
8 that the LORD sent a prophet to Adonai, used out the end of the staff that was in
the children of Israel, who said to of God His hand, and touched the meat and
them, Thus says the LORD God of 16 aEx. 3:12; the unleavened bread; and afire rose
Israel: I brought you up from Egypt Josh. 1:5 1Lit. out of the rock and consumed the
and brought you out of the ahouse of strike meat and the unleavened bread. And
1bondage; 17 aJudg. 6:36, the Angel of the LORD departed out
9 and I delivered you out of the 37; 2 Kin. of his sight.
20:8; Ps.
hand of the Egyptians and out of the 86:17; Is. 7:11; 22 Now Gideon aperceived that He
hand of all who oppressed you, and 38:7, 8 was the Angel of the LORD. So
adrove them out before you and Gideon said, Alas, O Lord GOD!
18 aGen.
gave you their land. 18:3, 5 bFor I have seen the Angel of the
10 Also I said to you, I am the 19 aGen. LORD face to face.
LORD your God; ado not fear the 18:68 23 Then the LORD said to him,
gods of the Amorites, in whose land 20 aJudg. 13:19 aPeace be with you; do not fear, you
you dwell. But you have not obeyed b1 Kin. 18:33,
shall not die.
My bvoice. 34 24 So Gideon built an altar there to
21 aLev. 9:24 the LORD, and called it 1The-LORD-
Gideon 22 aGen. 32:30; Is-Peace. To this day it is still ain
11 Now the Angel of the LORD Ex. 33:20; Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
Judg. 13:21,
came and sat under the terebinth 22 bGen. 16:13 25 Now it came to pass the same
tree which was in Ophrah, which 23 aDan. 10:19
night that the LORD said to him,
belonged to Joash athe Abiezrite, 24 aJudg. 8:32
Take your fathers young bull, the
while his son bGideon threshed 1Heb. YHWH second bull of seven years old, and
wheat in the winepress, in order to atear down the altar of bBaal that
hide it from the Midianites. 25 aJudg. 2:2 your father has, and ccut down the
12 And the aAngel of the LORD bJudg. 3:7 1wooden image that is beside it;
appeared to him, and said to him, cEx. 34:13; 26 and build an altar to the LORD
The LORD is bwith you, you mighty Deut. 7:5 your God on top of this 1rock in the
1Heb. Ashe-
man of valor! rah, a proper arrangement, and take the
13 Gideon said to Him, O 1my lord, Canaanite second bull and offer a burnt sacri-
if the LORD is with us, why then has goddess fice with the wood of the image
all this happened to us? And awhere 26 1stronghold which you shall cut down.
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JUDGES 6:27 220

27 So Gideon took ten men from 31 1contend but on all the ground let there be
among his servants and did as the dew.
LORD had said to him. But because 40 And God did so that night. It
he feared his fathers household and was dry on the fleece only, but there
the men of the city too much to do it 32 aJudg. 7:1; was dew on all the ground.
by day, he did it by night. 1 Sam. 12:11;
2 Sam. 11:21 Gideons Valiant Three Hundred
1Lit. Let Baal
Gideon Destroys the Altar of Baal
Then aJerubbaal (that is, Gid-
28 And when the men of the city
arose early in the morning, there
7 eon) and all the people who
were with him rose early and
was the altar of Baal, torn down; encamped beside the well of Harod,
and the wooden image that was 33 aJudg. 6:3 so that the camp of the Midianites
beside it was cut down, and the sec- bJosh. 17:16; was on the north side of them by the
ond bull was being offered on the Hos. 1:5 hill of Moreh in the valley.
altar which had been built. 2 And the LORD said to Gideon,
29 So they said to one another, The people who are with you are
Who has done this thing? And too many for Me to give the Midian-
when they had inquired and asked, 34 aJudg. 3:10; ites into their hands, lest Israel
they said, Gideon the son of Joash 1 Chr. 12:18; aclaim glory for itself against Me,
has done this thing. 2 Chr. 24:20
bNum. 10:3;
saying, My own hand has saved me.
30 Then the men of the city said to Judg. 3:27 3 Now therefore, proclaim in the
Joash, Bring out your son, that he hearing of the people, saying,
may die, because he has torn down aWhoever is fearful and afraid, let
the altar of Baal, and because he him turn and depart at once from
has cut down the wooden image Mount Gilead. And twenty-two
that was beside it. 35 aJudg. 5:17; thousand of the people returned,
31 But Joash said to all who stood 7:23 bJudg.
4:6, 10; 5:18 and ten thousand remained.
against him, Would you 1plead for 4 But the LORD said to Gideon,
Baal? Would you save him? Let the The people are still too many;
one who would plead for him be put bring them down to the water, and I
to death by morning! If he is a god, will test them for you there. Then it
let him plead for himself, because 37 a[Ex. 4:37] will be, that of whom I say to you,
his altar has been torn down! This one shall go with you, the
32 Therefore on that day he called same shall go with you; and of
him aJerubbaal,1 saying, Let Baal whomever I say to you, This one
plead against him, because he has 39 aGen. 18:32 shall not go with you, the same
torn down his altar. shall not go.
33 Then all athe Midianites and 5 So he brought the people down
Amalekites, the people of the East, to the water. And the LORD said to
gathered together; and they crossed Gideon, Everyone who laps from
over and encamped in bthe Valley of CHAPTER 7 the water with his tongue, as a dog
Jezreel. laps, you shall set apart by himself;
34 But athe Spirit of the LORD likewise everyone who gets down
came upon Gideon; then he bblew on his knees to drink.
the trumpet, and the Abiezrites 6 And the number of those who
gathered behind him. 1 aJudg. 6:32 lapped, putting their hand to their
35 And he sent messengers mouth, was three hundred men; but
throughout all Manasseh, who also all the rest of the people got down
gathered behind him. He also sent on their knees to drink water.
messengers to aAsher, bZebulun, 2 aDeut. 8:17; 7 Then the LORD said to Gideon,
and Naphtali; and they came up to Is. 10:13 aBy the three hundred men who
meet them. lapped I will save you, and deliver
The Sign of the Fleece the Midianites into your hand. Let
all the other people go, every man to
36 So Gideon said to God, If You 3 aDeut. 20:8 his 1place.
will save Israel by my hand as You 8 So the people took provisions
have said and their trumpets in their hands.
37 alook, I shall put a fleece of And he sent away all the rest of
wool on the threshing floor; if there Israel, every man to his tent, and
7 a1 Sam. 14:6
is dew on the fleece only, and it is 1home retained those three hundred men.
dry on all the ground, then I shall Now the camp of Midian was below
know that You will save Israel by my him in the valley.
hand, as You have said. 9 It happened on the same anight
38 And it was so. When he rose that the LORD said to him, Arise, go
early the next morning and 9 aGen. 46:2, 3; down against the camp, for I have
Judg. 6:25
squeezed the fleece together, he delivered it into your hand.
wrung the dew out of the fleece, a 10 But if you are afraid to go
bowlful of water. down, go down to the camp with
39 Then Gideon said to God, aDo Purah your servant,
not be angry with me, but let me 11 aGen. 24:14; 11 and you shall ahear what they
speak just once more: Let me test, I 1 Sam. 14:9, say; and afterward 1your hands shall
10 1you shall
pray, just once more with the fleece; be encour- be strengthened to go down against
let it now be dry only on the fleece, aged the camp. Then he went down with
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221 JUDGES 8:11

Purah his servant to the outpost of 12 aJudg. 6:3, 24 Then Gideon sent messengers
the armed men who were in the 33; 8:10 throughout all the amountains of
bJudg. 6:5
camp. 1innumerable Ephraim, saying, Come down
12 Now the Midianites and Ama- against the Midianites, and seize
lekites, aall the people of the East, from them the watering places as
were lying in the valley bas numer- 14 aJudg. 6:14, far as Beth Barah and the Jordan.
ous as locusts; and their camels Then all the men of Ephraim gath-
were 1without number, as the sand ered together and bseized the water-
by the seashore in multitude. 21 aEx. 14:13, ing places as far as cBeth Barah and
13 And when Gideon had come, 14; 2 Chr. the Jordan.
there was a man telling a dream to 20:17 b2 Kin. 25 And they captured atwo princes
his companion. He said, I have had of the Midianites, bOreb and Zeeb.
a dream: To my surprise, a loaf of They killed Oreb at the rock of
barley bread tumbled into the camp 22 aJosh. 6:4, Oreb, and Zeeb they killed at the
of Midian; it came to a tent and 16, 20 bPs. winepress of Zeeb. They pursued
83:9; Is. 9:4 Midian and brought the heads of
struck it so that it fell and over- c1 Sam. 14:20;
turned, and the tent collapsed. 2 Chr. 20:23 Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon on the
14 Then his companion answered d1 Kin. 4:12 cother side of the Jordan.
1Heb. Beth
and said, This is nothing else but
Shittah Gideon Subdues the Midianites
the sword of Gideon the son of
Joash, a man of Israel! Into his hand Now athe men of Ephraim said
aGod has delivered Midian and the
whole camp.
23 aJudg. 6:35 8 to him, Why have you done this
to us by not calling us when you
15 And so it was, when Gideon went to fight with the Midianites?
heard the telling of the dream and 24 aJudg. 3:27
bJudg. 3:28 And they reprimanded him sharply.
its interpretation, that he wor- cJohn 1:28 2 So he said to them, What have
shiped. He returned to the camp of I done now in comparison with you?
Israel, and said, Arise, for the LORD Is not the 1gleaning of the grapes of
has delivered the camp of Midian 25 aJudg. 8:3
bPs. 83:11; Is. Ephraim better than 2the vintage of
into your hand. 10:26 cJudg. aAbiezer?
16 Then he divided the three hun- 8:4 3 aGod has delivered into your
dred men into three companies, and hands the princes of Midian, Oreb
he put a trumpet into every mans and Zeeb. And what was I able to do
hand, with empty pitchers, and CHAPTER 8 in comparison with you? Then
torches inside the pitchers. their banger toward him subsided
17 And he said to them, Look at when he said that.
me and do likewise; watch, and 1 aJudg. 12:1; 4 When Gideon came ato the Jor-
when I come to the edge of the camp 2 Sam. 19:41 dan, he and bthe three hundred men
you shall do as I do: who were with him crossed over,
18 When I blow the trumpet, I and exhausted but still in pursuit.
all who are with me, then you also 2 aJudg. 6:11
1Few grapes 5 Then he said to the men of aSuc-
blow the trumpets on every side of left after the coth, Please give loaves of bread to
the whole camp, and say, The sword harvest 2The the people who follow me, for they
of the LORD and of Gideon! whole harvest are exhausted, and I am pursuing
19 So Gideon and the hundred Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Mid-
men who were with him came to the 3 aJudg. 7:24, ian.
outpost of the camp at the begin- 25 bProv. 15:1 6 And the leaders of Succoth said,
ning of the middle watch, just as aAre1 the hands of Zebah and Zal-
they had posted the watch; and they munna now in your hand, that bwe
blew the trumpets and broke the 4 aJudg. 7:25 should give bread to your army?
bJudg. 7:6
pitchers that were in their hands. 7 So Gideon said, For this cause,
20 Then the three companies blew when the LORD has delivered Zebah
the trumpets and broke the pitch- 5 aGen. 33:17; and Zalmunna into my hand, athen I
ersthey held the torches in their Ps. 60:6 will tear your flesh with the thorns
left hands and the trumpets in their of the wilderness and with briers!
right hands for blowingand they 6 a1 Kin.
8 Then he went up from there ato
cried, The sword of the LORD and 20:11; Judg. Penuel and spoke to them in the
of Gideon! 8:15 b1 Sam. same way. And the men of Penuel
21 And aevery man stood in his 25:11 1Lit. Is answered him as the men of Suc-
place all around the camp; band the the palm
coth had answered.
whole army ran and cried out and 9 So he also spoke to the men of
fled. 7 aJudg. 8:16 Penuel, saying, When I acome back
22 When the three hundred ablew in peace, bI will tear down this
the trumpets, bthe LORD set cevery tower!
mans sword against his companion 8 aGen. 32:30, 10 Now Zebah and Zalmunna
31; 1 Kin.
throughout the whole camp; and the 12:25 were at Karkor, and their armies
army fled to 1Beth Acacia, toward with them, about fifteen thousand,
Zererah, as far as the border of all who were left of aall the army of
dAbel Meholah, by Tabbath. 9 a1 Kin. 22:27 the people of the East; for bone hun-
bJudg. 8:17
23 And the men of Israel gathered dred and twenty thousand men who
together from aNaphtali, Asher, and drew the sword had fallen.
all Manasseh, and pursued the Mid- 10 aJudg. 7:12 11 Then Gideon went up by the
ianites. bJudg. 6:5 road of those who dwell in tents on
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JUDGES 8:12 222

the east of aNobah and Jogbehah; 11 aNum. rings that he requested was one
and he 1attacked the army while the 32:35, 42 thousand seven hundred shekels of
bJudg. 18:27;
camp felt bsecure. [1 Thess. 5:3] gold, besides the crescent orna-
12 When Zebah and Zalmunna 1Lit. struck ments, pendants, and purple robes
fled, he pursued them; and he atook which were on the kings of Midian,
the two kings of Midian, Zebah and 12 aPs. 83:11 and besides the chains that were
Zalmunna, and routed the whole around their camels necks.
15 aJudg. 8:6 27 Then Gideon amade it into an
13 Then Gideon the son of Joash 16 aJudg. 8:7
ephod and set it up in his city,
returned from battle, from the 1disciplined bOphrah. And all Israel cplayed the
Ascent of Heres. harlot with it there. It became da
14 And he caught a young man of 17 aJudg. 8:9 snare to Gideon and to his house.
b1 Kin. 12:25
the men of Succoth and interro- 28 Thus Midian was subdued
gated him; and he wrote down for before the children of Israel, so that
18 aJudg. 4:6;
him the leaders of Succoth and its Ps. 89:12 they lifted their heads no more.
elders, seventy-seven men. aAnd the country was quiet for forty
15 Then he came to the men of 21 aPs. 83:11 years in the days of Gideon.
Succoth and said, Here are Zebah
and Zalmunna, about whom you 22 a[Judg. 9:8] Death of Gideon
bJudg. 3:9;
aridiculed me, saying, Are the
9:17 29 Then aJerubbaal the son of Joash
hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now went and dwelt in his own house.
in your hand, that we should give 23 a1 Sam. 8:7; 30 Gideon had aseventy sons who
bread to your weary men? 10:19; 12:12; were his own offspring, for he had
16 aAnd he took the elders of the Ps. 10:16 many wives.
city, and thorns of the wilderness 31 aAnd his concubine who was in
and briers, and with them he 1taught 24 aGen. 37:25,
28 1Lit. Shechem also bore him a son,
the men of Succoth. request a whose name he called Abimelech.
17 aThen he tore down the tower of request 32 Now Gideon the son of Joash
bPenuel and killed the men of the
died aat a good old age, and was
city. 27 aJudg. 17:5 buried in the tomb of Joash his
bJudg. 6:11, 24
18 And he said to Zebah and Zal- c[Ps. 106:39] father, bin Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
munna, What kind of men were dDeut. 7:16 33 So it was, aas soon as Gideon
they whom you killed at aTabor? So was dead, that the children of Israel
they answered, As you are, so were 28 aJudg. 5:31 again bplayed the harlot with the
they; each one resembled the son of Baals, cand made Baal-Berith their
a king. 29 aJudg. 6:32;
7:1 god.
19 Then he said, They were my 34 Thus the children of Israel adid
brothers, the sons of my mother. As 30 aJudg. 9:2, 5 not remember the LORD their God,
the LORD lives, if you had let them who had delivered them from the
live, I would not kill you. 31 aJudg. 9:1 hands of all their enemies on every
20 And he said to Jether his first- side;
born, Rise, kill them! But the youth 32 aGen. 25:8; 35 anor did they show kindness to
would not draw his sword; for he was Job 5:26
bJudg. 6:24; the house of Jerubbaal (Gideon) in
afraid, because he was still a youth. 8:27 accordance with the good he had
21 So Zebah and Zalmunna said, done for Israel.
Rise yourself, and kill us; for as a 33 aJudg. 2:19
man is, so is his strength. So bJudg. 2:17 Abimelechs Conspiracy
cJudg. 9:4, 46
Gideon arose and akilled Zebah and Then Abimelech the son of
Zalmunna, and took the crescent
ornaments that were on their
34 aDeut. 4:9;
Judg. 3:7; Ps.
9 Jerubbaal went to Shechem, to
ahis mothers brothers, and spoke
camels necks. 78:11, 42;
with them and with all the family of
106:13, 21
Gideons Ephod the house of his mothers father,
35 aJudg. saying,
22 Then the men of Israel said to 9:1618 2 Please speak in the hearing of
Gideon, aRule over us, both you all the men of Shechem: Which is
and your son, and your grandson better for you, that all aseventy of
also; for you have bdelivered us the sons of Jerubbaal reign over
from the hand of Midian. you, or that one reign over you?
1aJudg. 8:31,
23 But Gideon said to them, I will
Remember that I am your own flesh
not rule over you, nor shall my son and bbone.
rule over you; athe LORD shall rule 2 aJudg. 8:30; 3 And his mothers brothers
over you. 9:5, 18 bGen. spoke all these words concerning
24 Then Gideon said to them, I 29:14 him in the hearing of all the men of
would like to 1make a request of Shechem; and their heart was
you, that each of you would give me 3 aGen. 29:15 inclined to follow Abimelech, for
the earrings from his plunder. For 4 aJudg. 8:33
they said, He is our abrother.
they had golden earrings, abecause bJudg. 11:3; 4 So they gave him seventy
they were Ishmaelites. 2 Chr. 13:7; shekels of silver from the temple of
25 So they answered, We will Acts 17:5 aBaal-Berith, with which Abimelech
gladly give them. And they spread hired bworthless and reckless men;
out a garment, and each man threw 5 aJudg. 6:24 and they followed him.
bJudg. 8:30;
into it the earrings from his plunder. 9:2, 18; 2 Kin. 5 Then he went to his fathers
26 Now the weight of the gold ear- 11:1, 2 house aat Ophrah and bkilled his
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223 JUDGES 9:33

brothers, the seventy sons of Jerub- 7 aDeut. 11:29; of Shechem, because he is your
baal, on one stone. But Jotham the 27:12; Josh. brother
8:33; John
youngest son of Jerubbaal was left, 4:20 19 if then you have acted in truth
because he hid himself. and sincerity with Jerubbaal and
6 And all the men of Shechem 8 a2 Kin. 14:9
with his house this day, then are-
gathered together, all of Beth Millo, bJudg. 8:22, 23 joice in Abimelech, and let him also
and they went and made Abimelech rejoice in you.
king beside the terebinth tree at the 20 But if not, alet fire come from
pillar that was in Shechem. 9 a[John 5:23] Abimelech and devour the men of
Shechem and Beth Millo; and let
The Parable of the Trees 13 aPs. 104:15 fire come from the men of Shechem
7 Now when they told Jotham, he and from Beth Millo and devour
went and stood on top of aMount 15 aIs. 30:2; Abimelech!
Gerizim, and lifted his voice and Dan. 4:12; 21 And Jotham ran away and fled;
cried out. And he said to them: Hos. 14:7
bNum. 21:28;
and he went to aBeer and dwelt
Judg. 9:20;
there, for fear of Abimelech his
Listen to me, you men of Ezek. 19:14 brother.
c2 Kin. 14:9;
Shechem, Is. 2:13; Ezek. Downfall of Abimelech
That God may listen to you! 31:3
22 After Abimelech had reigned
8 Thea trees once went forth to over Israel three years,
16 aJudg. 8:35
anoint a king over them. 1Lit. accord- 23 aGod sent a bspirit of ill will
And they said to the olive tree, ing to the between Abimelech and the men of
b Reign over us! doing of his Shechem; and the men of Shechem
9 But the olive tree said to them, hands cdealt treacherously with Abimelech,
Should I cease giving my oil, 24 athat the crime done to the sev-
aWith which they honor God and 17 aJudg. 7 enty sons of Jerubbaal might be set-
bJudg. 8:22
men, tled and their bblood be laid on
And go to sway over trees? Abimelech their brother, who killed
18 aJudg. 8:30, them, and on the men of Shechem,
10 Then the trees said to the fig 35; 9:2, 5, 6
bJudg. 8:31
who aided him in the killing of his
tree, brothers.
You come and reign over us! 25 And the men of Shechem set
11 But the fig tree said to them, 19 aIs. 8:6; 1men in ambush against him on the
Should I cease my sweetness [Phil. 3:3] tops of the mountains, and they
and my good fruit, robbed all who passed by them
And go to sway over trees? 20 aJudg. 9:15, along that way; and it was told
45, 56, 57 Abimelech.
12 Then the trees said to the vine, 26 Now Gaal the son of Ebed came
You come and reign over us! 21 aNum. 21:16 with his brothers and went over to
13 But the vine said to them, Shechem; and the men of Shechem
Should I cease my new wine, put their confidence in him.
aWhich cheers both God and men, 23 a1 Kin.
12:15; Is. 27 So they went out into the fields,
And go to sway over trees? 19:14 b1 Sam. and gathered grapes from their
16:14; 18:9, vineyards and trod them, and 1made
14 Then all the trees said to the 10; 1 Kin. merry. And they went into athe
22:22; 2 Chr.
bramble, 18:22 cIs. 33:1 house of their god, and ate and
You come and reign over us! drank, and cursed Abimelech.
15 And the bramble said to the 28 Then Gaal the son of Ebed said,
24 a1 Kin. 2:32; aWho is Abimelech, and who is
trees, Esth. 9:25;
If in truth you anoint me as Matt. 23:35, Shechem, that we should serve him?
king over you, 36 bNum. Is he not the son of Jerubbaal, and is
Then come and take shelter in 35:33 not Zebul his officer? Serve the men
my ashade; of bHamor the father of Shechem;
But if not, blet fire come out of 25 1Lit. liers- but why should we serve him?
the bramble in-wait for 29 aIf only this people were under
And devour the ccedars of my 1authority! Then I would remove
Lebanon! 27 aJudg. 9:4 Abimelech. So 2he said to Abim-
1rejoiced elech, Increase your army and
16 Now therefore, if you have come out!
acted in truth and sincerity in mak- 28 a1 Sam. 30 When Zebul, the ruler of the
ing Abimelech king, and if you have 25:10; 1 Kin. city, heard the words of Gaal the son
dealt well with Jerubbaal and his 12:16 bGen. of Ebed, his anger was aroused.
house, and have done to him aas1 he 34:2, 6; Josh. 31 And he sent messengers to
deserves Abimelech secretly, saying, Take
17 for my afather fought for you, note! Gaal the son of Ebed and his
risked his life, and bdelivered you 29 a2 Sam. brothers have come to Shechem;
15:4 1Lit.
out of the hand of Midian; hand 2So with and here they are, fortifying the city
18 abut you have risen up against MT, Tg.; DSS against you.
my fathers house this day, and they; LXX I 32 Now therefore, get up by night,
killed his seventy sons on one stone, you and the people who are with
and made Abimelech, the son of his 32 1Set up an you, and 1lie in wait in the field.
bfemale servant, king over the men ambush 33 And it shall be, as soon as the
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JUDGES 9:34 224

sun is up in the morning, that you 33 1Lit. as ple who were with him. And Abim-
shall rise early and rush upon the your hand can elech took an ax in his hand and cut
city; and when he and the people down a bough from the trees, and
who are with him come out against took it and laid it on his shoulder;
you, you may then do to them 1as then he said to the people who were
34 1Set up an
you find opportunity. ambush with him, What you have seen me
34 So Abimelech and all the people do, make haste and do as I have
who were with him rose by night, done.
and 1lay in wait against Shechem in 37 1Heb. Meo-
49 So each of the people likewise
four companies. nenim cut down his own bough and fol-
35 When Gaal the son of Ebed lowed Abimelech, put them against
went out and stood in the entrance the 1stronghold, and set the strong-
to the city gate, Abimelech and the 38 aJudg. 9:28,
hold on fire above them, so that all
people who were with him rose 29 the people of the tower of Shechem
from lying in wait. died, about a thousand men and
36 And when Gaal saw the people, women.
he said to Zebul, Look, people are 41 1exiled
50 Then Abimelech went to The-
coming down from the tops of the bez, and he 1encamped against The-
mountains! But Zebul said to him, bez and took it.
You see the shadows of the moun- 51 But there was a strong tower in
43 1Lit. struck
tains as if they were men. the city, and all the men and
37 So Gaal spoke again and said, womenall the people of the city
See, people are coming down from fled there and shut themselves in;
45 aJudg. 9:20 then they went up to the top of the
the center of the land, and another bDeut. 29:23;
company is coming from the 1Divin- 2 Kin. 3:25 tower.
ers Terebinth Tree. 52 So Abimelech came as far as
38 Then Zebul said to him, Where the tower and fought against it; and
indeed is your mouth now, with 46 aJudg. 8:33
he drew near the door of the tower
which you asaid, Who is Abimelech, 1fortified to burn it with fire.
that we should serve him? Are not room 53 But a certain woman adropped
these the people whom you an upper millstone on Abimelechs
despised? Go out, if you will, and head and crushed his skull.
fight with them now. 48 aPs. 68:14 54 Then ahe called quickly to the
39 So Gaal went out, leading the young man, his armorbearer, and
men of Shechem, and fought with said to him, Draw your sword and
Abimelech. 49 1fortified kill me, lest men say of me, A
40 And Abimelech chased him, room woman killed him. So his young
and he fled from him; and many fell man thrust him through, and he
wounded, to the very entrance of the died.
gate. 50 1besieged 55 And when the men of Israel saw
41 Then Abimelech dwelt at that Abimelech was dead, they
Arumah, and Zebul 1drove out Gaal departed, every man to his 1place.
and his brothers, so that they would 53 a2 Sam.
56 aThus God repaid the wicked-
not dwell in Shechem. 11:21 ness of Abimelech, which he had
42 And it came about on the next done to his father by killing his sev-
day that the people went out into the enty brothers.
field, and they told Abimelech. 54 a1 Sam. 57 And all the evil of the men of
43 So he took his people, divided 31:4 Shechem God returned on their
them into three companies, and lay own heads, and on them came athe
in wait in the field. And he looked, curse of Jotham the son of Jerub-
and there were the people, coming 55 1home baal.
out of the city; and he rose against Tola
them and 1attacked them.
After Abimelech there aarose
44 Then Abimelech and the com-
pany that was with him rushed for-
ward and stood at the entrance of
56 aJudg. 9:24;
Job 31:3;
Prov. 5:22
10 to save Israel Tola the son of
Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of
the gate of the city; and the other Issachar; and he dwelt in Shamir in
two companies rushed upon all who the mountains of Ephraim.
57 aJudg. 9:20 2 He judged Israel twenty-three
were in the fields and killed them.
45 So Abimelech fought against years; and he died and was buried
the city all that day; ahe took the city in Shamir.
and killed the people who were in it; CHAPTER 10 Jair
and he bdemolished the city and
sowed it with salt. 3 After him arose Jair, a Gileadite;
46 Now when all the men of the and he judged Israel twenty-two
tower of Shechem had heard that, 1 aJudg. 2:16 years.
they entered the 1stronghold of the 4 Now he had thirty sons who
temple aof the god Berith. arode on thirty donkeys; they also
47 And it was told Abimelech that 4 aJudg. 5:10; had thirty towns, bwhich are called
all the men of the tower of Shechem 12:14 bDeut. 1Havoth Jair to this day, which are
were gathered together. 3:14 1Lit. in the land of Gilead.
Towns of Jair,
48 Then Abimelech went up to Num. 32:41; 5 And Jair died and was buried in
Mount aZalmon, he and all the peo- Deut. 3:14 Camon.
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225 JUDGES 11:16

Israel Oppressed Again 6 aJudg. 2:11; but he was the son of a harlot; and
3:7; 6:1; 13:1 Gilead begot Jephthah.
bJudg. 2:13
6 Then athe children of Israel cJudg. 2:12 2 Gileads wife bore sons; and
again did evil in the sight of the d1 Kin. 11:33; when his wifes sons grew up, they
LORD, and bserved the Baals and Ps. 106:36 drove Jephthah out, and said to him,
the Ashtoreths, cthe gods of Syria, 7 aJudg. 2:14; You shall have ano inheritance in
the gods of dSidon, the gods of Moab, 4:2; 1 Sam. our fathers house, for you are the
the gods of the people of Ammon, 12:9 bJudg. son of another woman.
and the gods of the Philistines; and 13:1 cJudg.
3:13 3 Then Jephthah fled from his
they forsook the LORD and did not brothers and dwelt in the land of
serve Him. 8 aNum. 32:33 aTob; and bworthless men banded
1Lit. shat-
7 So the anger of the LORD was tered together with Jephthah and went
hot against Israel; and He asold out raiding with him.
them into the hands of the bPhil- 10 aJudg. 6:6;
1 Sam. 12:10 4 It came to pass after a time that
istines and into the hands of the bDeut. 1:41 the apeople of Ammon made war
people of cAmmon. 11 aEx. 14:30 against Israel.
8 From that year they 1harassed bNum. 21:21, 5 And so it was, when the people
and oppressed the children of Israel 24, 25 cJudg. of Ammon made war against Israel,
for eighteen yearsall the children 3:12, 13 dJudg. that the elders of Gilead went to get
of Israel who were on the other side Jephthah from the land of Tob.
of the Jordan in the aland of the 12 aJudg. 1:31; 6 Then they said to Jephthah,
Amorites, in Gilead. 5:19 bJudg.
6:3; 7:12 cPs. Come and be our commander, that
9 Moreover the people of Ammon 106:42, 43 we may fight against the people of
crossed over the Jordan to fight 1LXX mss. Ammon.
against Judah also, against Ben- Midianites 7 So Jephthah said to the elders
jamin, and against the house of 13 a[Deut. of Gilead, aDid you not hate me,
Ephraim, so that Israel was severely 32:15; Judg. and expel me from my fathers
2:12; Jer. 2:13]
distressed. house? Why have you come to me
10 aAnd the children of Israel cried 14 aDeut. now when you are in 1distress?
out to the LORD, saying, We have 32:37, 38 8 aAnd the elders of Gilead said
bsinned against You, because we 15 a1 Sam. to Jephthah, That is why we have
have both forsaken our God and 3:18; 2 Sam. bturned1 again to you now, that you
served the Baals! may go with us and fight against
11 So the LORD said to the children 16 a2 Chr. 7:14; the people of Ammon, and be cour
Jer. 18:7, 8
of Israel, Did I not deliver you bPs. 106:44, head over all the inhabitants of
afrom the Egyptians and bfrom the
45; Is. 63:9 Gilead.
Amorites and cfrom the people of 9 So Jephthah said to the elders
17 aGen. 31:49;
Ammon and dfrom the Philistines? Judg. 11:11, of Gilead, If you take me back
12 Also athe Sidonians band 29 home to fight against the people of
Amalekites and 1Maonites cop- 18 aJudg. 11:8,
Ammon, and the LORD delivers
pressed you; and you cried out to 11 them to me, shall I be your head?
Me, and I delivered you from their 10 And the elders of Gilead said to
hand. CHAPTER 11 Jephthah, aThe LORD will be a wit-
13 aYet you have forsaken Me and ness between us, if we do not do
served other gods. Therefore I will 1 aHeb. 11:32 according to your words.
bJudg. 6:12;
deliver you no more. 11 Then Jephthah went with the
2 Kin. 5:1
14 Go and acry out to the gods elders of Gilead, and the people
which you have chosen; let them 2 aGen. 21:10; made him ahead and commander
Deut. 23:2 over them; and Jephthah spoke all
deliver you in your time of distress.
15 And the children of Israel said 3 a2 Sam. 10:6, his words bbefore the LORD in Miz-
8 b1 Sam. 22:2 pah.
to the LORD, We have sinned! aDo
to us whatever seems best to You; 4 aJudg. 10:9, 12 Now Jephthah sent messengers
only deliver us this day, we pray. 17 to the king of the people of Ammon,
16 aSo they put away the foreign 7 aGen. 26:27 saying, aWhat do you have against
gods from among them and served
1trouble me, that you have come to fight
the LORD. And bHis soul could no 8 aJudg. 10:18 against me in my land?
longer endure the misery of Israel.
b[Luke 17:4] 13 And the king of the people of
cJudg. 10:18
17 Then the people of Ammon 1returned
Ammon answered the messengers
gathered together and encamped in of Jephthah, aBecause Israel took
Gilead. And the children of Israel
10 aGen. 31:49, away my land when they came up
50; Jer. 29:23; out of Egypt, from bthe Arnon as far
assembled together and encamped 42:5
as cthe Jabbok, and to the Jordan.
in aMizpah. 11 aJudg. 11:8 Now therefore, restore those lands
18 And the people, the leaders of bJudg. 10:17;
Gilead, said to one another, Who is 20:1; 1 Sam.
14 So Jephthah again sent messen-
the man who will begin the fight 10:17
gers to the king of the people of
against the people of Ammon? He 12 a2 Sam.
shall abe head over all the inhabi- 16:10
15 and said to him, Thus says
tants of Gilead. 13 aNum.
Jephthah: aIsrael did not take away
Jephthah bJosh. 13:9 the land of Moab, nor the land of the
cGen. 32:22 people of Ammon;
Now aJephthah the Gileadite 16 for when Israel came up from
11 was ba mighty man of valor,
15 aDeut. 2:9,
19 Egypt, they walked through the
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JUDGES 11:17 226

wilderness as far as the Red Sea 16 aNum. vanced toward the people of
and acame to Kadesh. 13:26; 20:1 Ammon.
17 Then aIsrael sent messengers to 17 aNum. 20:14
30 And Jephthah amade a vow to
the king of Edom, saying, Please let 20:1421
the LORD, and said, If You will
me pass through your land. bBut the cJosh. 24:9 indeed deliver the people of Ammon
king of Edom would not heed. And dNum. 20:1 into my hands,
in like manner they sent to the cking 18 aDeut. 2:9, 31 then it will be that whatever
of Moab, but he would not consent. 18, 19 bNum. comes out of the doors of my house
So Israel dremained in Kadesh. 21:4 to meet me, when I return in peace
18 And they awent along through 19 aNum. from the people of Ammon, ashall
the wilderness and bbypassed the 21:21; Deut. surely be the LORDs, band I will
land of Edom and the land of Moab, 2:2636 offer it up as a burnt offering.
bNum. 21:22;
came to the east side of the land of Deut. 2:27 32 So Jephthah advanced toward
Moab, and encamped on the other 20 aNum.
the people of Ammon to fight
side of the Arnon. But they did not 21:23; Deut. against them, and the LORD deliv-
enter the border of Moab, for the 2:27 ered them into his hands.
Arnon was the border of Moab. 21 aJosh. 24:8 33 And he 1defeated them from
19 Then aIsrael sent messengers to bNum. 21:24, Aroer as far as aMinnithtwenty
Sihon king of the Amorites, king of 25 1Lit. struck citiesand to 2Abel Keramim, with
Heshbon; and Israel said to him, 22 aDeut. 2:36, a very great slaughter. Thus the peo-
Please blet us pass through your 37 ple of Ammon were subdued before
land into our place. 23 1driven out the children of Israel.
20 aBut Sihon did not trust Israel 24 aNum.
to pass through his territory. So 21:29; 1 Kin.
Jephthahs Daughter
Sihon gathered all his people 11:7; Jer. 48:7 34 When Jephthah came to his
b[Deut. 9:4, 5;
together, encamped in Jahaz, and house at aMizpah, there was bhis
fought against Israel. Josh. 3:10]
daughter, coming out to meet him
21 And the LORD God of Israel ade- 25 aNum. 22:2;
with timbrels and dancing; and she
livered Sihon and all his people into Josh. 24:9;
Mic. 6:5 was his only child. Besides her he
the hand of Israel, and they bdefeated1 had neither son nor daughter.
them. Thus Israel gained possession 26 aNum.
21:25, 26 35 And it came to pass, when he
of all the land of the Amorites, who bDeut. 2:36 saw her, that he atore his clothes,
inhabited that country. 27 aGen. 18:25 and said, Alas, my daughter! You
22 They took possession of aall the bGen. 16:5; have brought me very low! You are
territory of the Amorites, from the 31:53; [1 Sam. among those who trouble me! For I
Arnon to the Jabbok and from 24:12, 15] bhave 1given my word to the LORD,
the wilderness to the Jordan. 29 aJudg. 3:10 and cI cannot 2go back on it.
23 And now the LORD God of 30 aGen. 28:20; 36 So she said to him, My father, if
Israel has 1dispossessed the Amor- Num. 30:2; you have given your word to the
ites from before His people Israel; 1 Sam. 1:11 LORD, ado to me according to what
should you then possess it? 31 aLev. 27:2, has gone out of your mouth, because
24 Will you not possess whatever 3, 28; 1 Sam. bthe LORD has avenged you of your
aChemosh your god gives you to 1:11 bPs. 66:13
enemies, the people of Ammon.
possess? So whatever bthe LORD our 33 aEzek. 37 Then she said to her father, Let
God takes possession of before us, 27:17 1Lit.
struck 2Lit. this thing be done for me: let me
we will possess. Plain of Vine- alone for two months, that I may go
25 And now, are you any better yards and wander on the mountains and
than aBalak the son of Zippor, king 34 aJudg. 1bewail my virginity, my 2friends
of Moab? Did he ever strive against 10:17; 11:11 and I.
Israel? Did he ever fight against bEx. 15:20;
38 So he said, Go. And he sent
them? 1 Sam. 18:6;
her away for two months; and she
26 While Israel dwelt in aHeshbon Ps. 68:25; Jer.
31:4 went with her friends, and bewailed
and its villages, in bAroer and its vil- her virginity on the mountains.
lages, and in all the cities along the 35 aGen. 37:29,
34 bEccl. 5:2, 39 And it was so at the end of two
banks of the Arnon, for three hun- 4, 5 cNum. months that she returned to her
dred years, why did you not recover 30:2 1Lit. father, and he acarried out his vow
them within that time? opened my
with her which he had vowed. She
27 Therefore I have not sinned mouth 2Lit.
take it back 1knew no man. And it became a cus-
against you, but you wronged me by tom in Israel
fighting against me. May the LORD, 36 aNum. 30:2
athe Judge, brender judgment this
b2 Sam. 18:19, 40 that the daughters of Israel went
31 four days each year to 1lament the
day between the children of Israel 37 1lament daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite.
and the people of Ammon. 2companions
28 However, the king of the people 39 aJudg. 11:31
of Ammon did not heed the words 1Remained a
Jephthahs Conflict with Ephraim
which Jephthah sent him. Then athe men of Ephraim
Jephthahs Vow and Victory
40 1commem-
12 1gathered together, crossed
over toward Zaphon, and said to
29 Then athe Spirit of the LORD Jephthah, Why did you cross over
came upon Jephthah, and he passed CHAPTER 12 to fight against the people of
through Gilead and Manasseh, and 1 aJudg. 8:1
Ammon, and did not call us to go
passed through Mizpah of Gilead; 1were sum- with you? We will burn your house
and from Mizpah of Gilead he ad- moned down on you with fire!
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227 JUDGES 13:16

2 And Jephthah said to them, My 3 a1 Sam. 19:5; from aZorah, of the family of the
people and I were in a great struggle 28:21; Job Danites, whose name was Manoah;
with the people of Ammon; and and his wife was barren and had no
when I called you, you did not deliv- children.
er me out of their hands. 3 And the aAngel of the LORD
3 So when I saw that you would 4 a1 Sam. appeared to the woman and said to
not deliver me, I atook my life in my 25:10 her, Indeed now, you are barren
hands and crossed over against the and have borne no children, but you
people of Ammon; and the LORD shall conceive and bear a son.
delivered them into my hand. Why 5 aJosh. 22:11 4 Now therefore, please be care-
then have you come up to me this ful anot to drink wine or similar
day to fight against me? drink, and not to eat anything
4 Now Jephthah gathered to- unclean.
gether all the men of Gilead and 6 aPs. 69:2, 15
1Lit. a flowing 5 For behold, you shall conceive
fought against Ephraim. And the stream; used and bear a son. And no arazor shall
men of Gilead defeated Ephraim, as a test of come upon his head, for the child
because they said, You Gileadites dialect 2Lit. shall be ba Nazirite to God from the
aare fugitives of Ephraim among the speak so
womb; and he shall cbegin to deliver
Ephraimites and among the Manas- Israel out of the hand of the
sites. Philistines.
5 The Gileadites seized the afords 14 aJudg. 5:10; 6 So the woman came and told her
of the Jordan before the Ephraimites 10:4 husband, saying, aA Man of God
arrived. And when any Ephraimite came to me, and His bcountenance1
who escaped said, Let me cross was like the countenance of the
over, the men of Gilead would say 15 aJudg. 3:13, Angel of God, very awesome; but I
to him, Are you an Ephraimite? 27; 5:14 cdid not ask Him where He was from,
If he said, No, and He did not tell me His name.
6 then they would say to him, 7 And He said to me, Behold,
Then say, aShibboleth!1 And he you shall conceive and bear a son.
would say, Sibboleth, for he could CHAPTER 13 Now drink no wine or similar drink,
not 2pronounce it right. Then they nor eat anything unclean, for the
would take him and kill him at the child shall be a Nazirite to God from
fords of the Jordan. There fell at that the womb to the day of his death.
time forty-two thousand Ephraimites. 1 aJudg. 2:11 8 Then Manoah prayed to the
7 And Jephthah judged Israel six bJudg. 10:7;
LORD, and said, O my Lord, please
years. Then Jephthah the Gileadite 1 Sam. 12:9
let the Man of God whom You sent
died and was buried in among the come to us again and teach us what
cities of Gilead. we shall do for the child who will be
Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon 2 aJosh. 19:41; born.
Judg. 16:31 9 And God listened to the voice of
8 After him, Ibzan of Bethlehem Manoah, and the Angel of God
judged Israel. came to the woman again as she
9 He had thirty sons. And he gave 3 aJudg. 6:12 was sitting in the field; but Manoah
away thirty daughters in marriage, her husband was not with her.
and brought in thirty daughters 10 Then the woman ran in haste
from elsewhere for his sons. He and told her husband, and said to
judged Israel seven years. 4 aNum. 6:2, 3, him, Look, the Man who came to
20; Judg. 13:4;
10 Then Ibzan died and was buried Luke 1:15 me the other day has just now
at Bethlehem. appeared to me!
11 After him, Elon the Zebulunite 11 So Manoah arose and followed
judged Israel. He judged Israel ten his wife. When he came to the Man,
years. 5 aNum. 6:5; he said to Him, Are You the Man
12 And Elon the Zebulunite died 1 Sam. 1:11
bNum. 6:2 who spoke to this woman? And He
and was buried at Aijalon in the c1 Sam. 7:13; said, I am.
country of Zebulun. 2 Sam. 8:1; 12 Manoah said, Now let Your
13 After him, Abdon the son of Hil- 1 Chr. 18:1 words come to pass! What will be
lel the Pirathonite judged Israel. the boys rule of life, and his work?
14 He had forty sons and thirty 13 So the Angel of the LORD said
grandsons, who arode on seventy 6 aGen. to Manoah, Of all that I said to the
young donkeys. He judged Israel 32:2430 woman let her be careful.
eight years. bMatt. 28:3;
14 She may not eat anything that
15 Then Abdon the son of Hillel Luke 9:29;
Acts 6:15 comes from the vine, anor may she
the Pirathonite died and was buried cJudg. 13:17, drink wine or similar drink, nor eat
in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, 18 1appear- anything unclean. All that I com-
ain the mountains of the Amalekites. ance
manded her let her observe.
The Birth of Samson 15 Then Manoah said to the Angel
of the LORD, Please alet us detain
Again the children of Israel You, and we will prepare a young
13 adid evil in the sight of the
LORD, and the LORD delivered them
14 aNum. 6:3,
4; Judg. 13:4 goat for You.
16 And the Angel of the LORD said
binto the hand of the Philistines for to Manoah, Though you detain Me,
forty years. 15 aGen. 18:5; I will not eat your food. But if you
2 Now there was a certain man Judg. 6:18 offer a burnt offering, you must offer
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JUDGES 13:17 228

it to the LORD. (For Manoah did not 18 aGen. 32:29 came mightily upon him, and he
know He was the Angel of the LORD.) tore the lion apart as one would
17 Then Manoah said to the Angel 19 aJudg. have torn apart a young goat,
of the LORD, What is Your name, 6:1921 though he had nothing in his hand.
that when Your words come to pass But he did not tell his father or his
we may honor You? mother what he had done.
20 aLev. 9:24;
18 And the Angel of the LORD said 1 Chr. 21:16; 7 Then he went down and talked
to him, aWhy do you ask My name, Ezek. 1:28; with the woman; and she pleased
seeing it is wonderful? Matt. 17:6 Samson well.
19 So Manoah took the young goat 8 After some time, when he
with the grain offering, aand offered 21 aJudg. 6:22 returned to get her, he turned aside
it upon the rock to the LORD. And to see the carcass of the lion. And
He did a wondrous thing while behold, a swarm of bees and honey
Manoah and his wife looked on 22 aGen. 32:30; were in the carcass of the lion.
20 it happened as the flame went up Ex. 33:20; 9 He took some of it in his hands
Deut. 5:26;
toward heaven from the altarthe Judg. 6:22, 23 and went along, eating. When he
Angel of the LORD ascended in the came to his father and mother, he
flame of the altar! When Manoah gave some to them, and they also
and his wife saw this, they afell on 24 aHeb. 11:32
b1 Sam. 3:19; ate. But he did not tell them that he
their faces to the ground. Luke 1:80 had taken the honey out of the acar-
21 When the Angel of the LORD cass of the lion.
appeared no more to Manoah and 10 So his father went down to the
his wife, athen Manoah knew that 25 aJudg. 3:10; woman. And Samson gave a feast
He was the Angel of the LORD. 1 Sam. 11:6;
Matt. 4:1 there, for young men used to do so.
22 And Manoah said to his wife, bJosh. 15:33; 11 And it happened, when they
aWe shall surely die, because we Judg. 18:11
cJudg. 16:31
saw him, that they brought thirty
have seen God! 1Lit. Camp of companions to be with him.
23 But his wife said to him, If the Dan, Judg. 12 Then Samson said to them, Let
LORD had desired to kill us, He 18:12 me apose a riddle to you. If you can
would not have accepted a burnt correctly solve and explain it to me
offering and a grain offering from bwithin the seven days of the feast,
our hands, nor would He have CHAPTER 14 then I will give you thirty linen gar-
shown us all these things, nor ments and thirty cchanges of cloth-
would He have told us such things ing.
as these at this time. 1 aGen. 38:13; 13 But if you cannot explain it to
24 So the woman bore a son and Josh. 15:10, 57 me, then you shall give me thirty
called his name aSamson; and bthe bGen. 34:2
linen garments and thirty changes
child grew, and the LORD blessed of clothing. And they said to him,
him. 2 aGen. 21:21 aPose your riddle, that we may hear
25 aAnd the Spirit of the LORD it.
began to move upon him at 1Mahaneh 14 So he said to them:
Dan bbetween Zorah and cEshtaol. 3 aGen. 24:3, 4
bGen. 34:14;

Samsons Philistine Wife Ex. 34:16; Out of the eater came

Deut. 7:3 1Lit. something to eat,
Now Samson went down ato she is right in And out of the strong came
14 Timnah, and bsaw a woman in
Timnah of the daughters of the
my eyes
something sweet.
Philistines. 4 aJosh. 11:20; Now for three days they could not
2 So he went up and told his 1 Kin. 12:15; explain the riddle.
2 Kin. 6:33;
father and mother, saying, I have 2 Chr. 10:15 15 But it came to pass on the 1sev-
seen a woman in Timnah of the bDeut. 28:48; enth day that they said to Samsons
daughters of the Philistines; now Judg. 13:1 wife, aEntice your husband, that he
therefore, aget her for me as a wife. may explain the riddle to us, bor else
3 Then his father and mother said 6 aJudg. 3:10
we will burn you and your fathers
to him, Is there no woman among house with fire. Have you invited us
the daughters of ayour brethren, or in order to take what is ours? Is that
among all my people, that you must 9 aLev. 11:27 not so?
go and get a wife from the buncir- 16 Then Samsons wife wept on
cumcised Philistines? And Samson 12 a1 Kin. 10:1; him, and said, aYou only hate me!
said to his father, Get her for me, Ezek. 17:2 You do not love me! You have posed a
for 1she pleases me well. bGen. 29:27
cGen. 45:22;
riddle to the sons of my people, but
4 But his father and mother did 2 Kin. 5:22
you have not explained it to me. And
not know that it was aof the LORD he said to her, Look, I have not ex-
that He was seeking an occasion to plained it to my father or my mother;
move against the Philistines. For at 13 aEzek. 17:2 so should I explain it to you?
that time bthe Philistines had domin- 17 Now she had wept on him the
ion over Israel. 15 aJudg. 16:5
seven days while their feast lasted.
5 So Samson went down to Tim- bJudg. 15:6 And it happened on the seventh day
nah with his father and mother, and 1So with MT, that he told her, because she
came to the vineyards of Timnah. Tg., Vg.; LXX, pressed him so much. Then she
Syr. fourth
Now to his surprise, a young explained the riddle to the sons of
lion came roaring against him. her people.
6 And athe Spirit of the LORD 16 aJudg. 16:15 18 So the men of the city said to him
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229 JUDGES 16:3

on the seventh day before the sun 19 aJudg. 3:10; Why have you come up against
went down: 13:25 us? So they answered, We have
come up to 1arrest Samson, to do to
What is sweeter than honey? 20 aJudg. 15:2
him as he has done to us.
And what is stronger than a bJohn 3:29 11 Then three thousand men of
lion? Judah went down to the cleft of the
rock of Etam, and said to Samson,
And he said to them: Do you not know that the
CHAPTER 15 Philistines arule over us? What is
If you had not plowed with my this you have done to us? And he
heifer, said to them, As they did to me, so
You would not have solved my 1 aGen. 38:17 I have done to them.
riddle! 12 But they said to him, We have
come down to arrest you, that we
19 Then athe Spirit of the LORD 2 aJudg. 14:20 may deliver you into the hand of the
came upon him mightily, and he went Philistines. Then Samson said to
down to Ashkelon and killed thirty of them, Swear to me that you will not
6 aJudg. 14:15 kill me yourselves.
their men, took their apparel, and
gave the changes of clothing to those 13 So they spoke to him, saying,
who had explained the riddle. So his 8 a2 Chr. 11:6
No, but we will tie you securely and
anger was aroused, and he went back deliver you into their hand; but we
up to his fathers house. will surely not kill you. And they
20 And Samsons wife awas given 9 aJudg. 15:19 bound him with two anew ropes and
to his companion, who had been brought him up from the rock.
bhis best man. 14 When he came to Lehi, the
10 1Lit. bind Philistines came shouting against
him. Then athe Spirit of the LORD
Samson Defeats the Philistines came mightily upon him; and the
After a while, in the time of 11 aLev. 26:25; ropes that were on his arms became
15 wheat harvest, it happened
that Samson visited his wife with a
Deut. 28:43;
Judg. 13:1;
14:4; Ps.
like flax that is burned with fire, and
his bonds 1broke loose from his
ayoung goat. And he said, Let me go 106:4042 hands.
15 He found a fresh jawbone of a
in to my wife, into her room. But her donkey, reached out his hand and
father would not permit him to go in. 13 aJudg. took it, and akilled a thousand men
2 Her father said, I really 16:11, 12 with it.
thought that you thoroughly ahated 16 Then Samson said:
her; therefore I gave her to your
companion. Is not her younger sis- 14 aJudg. 3:10; With the jawbone of a donkey,
ter better than she? Please, take her 14:6 1Lit. were
melted Heaps upon heaps,
instead. With the jawbone of a donkey
3 And Samson said to them, This I have slain a thousand men!
time I shall be blameless regarding 15 aLev. 26:8;
the Philistines if I harm them! Josh. 23:10; 17 And so it was, when he had fin-
4 Then Samson went and caught Judg. 3:31 ished speaking, that he threw the
three hundred foxes; and he took jawbone from his hand, and called
torches, turned the foxes tail to tail, that place 1Ramath Lehi.
and put a torch between each pair 17 1Lit. Jaw-
bone Height 18 Then he became very thirsty; so
of tails. he cried out to the LORD and said,
5 When he had set the torches on aYou have given this great deliver-
fire, he let the foxes go into the 18 aPs. 3:7 ance by the hand of Your servant;
standing grain of the Philistines, and now shall I die of thirst and fall
and burned up both the shocks and into the hand of the uncircumcised?
the standing grain, as well as the 19 aGen. 45:27; 19 So God split the hollow place
vineyards and olive groves. Is. 40:29 1Lit. that is in 1Lehi, and water came out,
6 Then the Philistines said, Who Judg. 15:14 and he drank; and ahis spirit
has done this? And they answered, 1Lit. Spring of returned, and he revived. Therefore
Samson, the son-in-law of the the Caller he called its name 2En Hakkore,
Timnite, because he has taken his which is in Lehi to this day.
wife and given her to his compan- 20 And ahe judged Israel btwenty
ion. aSo the Philistines came up and 20 aJudg. 10:2; years cin the days of the Philistines.
12:714 bJudg.
burned her and her father with fire. 16:31 cJudg.
7 Samson said to them, Since 13:1
Samson and Delilah
you would do a thing like this, I will Now Samson went to aGaza
surely take revenge on you, and
after that I will cease.
16 and saw a harlot there, and
went in to her.
8 So he attacked them hip and 2 When the Gazites were told,
thigh with a great slaughter; then he Samson has come here! they asur-
went down and dwelt in the cleft of rounded the place and lay in wait
the rock of aEtam. 1 aJosh. 15:47 for him all night at the gate of the
9 Now the Philistines went up, city. They were quiet all night, say-
encamped in Judah, and deployed 2 a1 Sam.
ing, In the morning, when it is day-
themselves aagainst Lehi. 23:26; Ps. light, we will kill him.
10 And the men of Judah said, 118:1012 3 And Samson lay low till
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JUDGES 16:4 230

midnight; then he arose at midnight, 5 aJosh. 13:3 pestered him daily with her words
bJudg. 14:15
took hold of the doors of the gate of and pressed him, so that his soul
the city and the two gateposts, was 1vexed to death,
pulled them up, bar and all, put 17 that he atold her all his heart,
them on his shoulders, and carried and said to her, bNo razor has ever
them to the top of the hill that faces come upon my head, for I have been
Hebron. 11 aJudg. 15:13 a Nazirite to God from my mothers
4 Afterward it happened that he 1Lit. with womb. If I am shaven, then my
loved a woman in the Valley of which work strength will leave me, and I shall
has never
Sorek, whose name was Delilah. been done become weak, and be like any other
5 And the alords of the Philistines man.
came up to her and said to her, 18 When Delilah saw that he had
bEntice him, and find out where his told her all his heart, she sent and
great strength lies, and by what called for the lords of the
means we may overpower him, that Philistines, saying, Come up once
we may bind him to afflict him; and 15 aJudg. 14:16 more, for he has told me all his
every one of us will give you eleven heart. So the lords of the Philistines
hundred pieces of silver. came up to her and brought the
6 So Delilah said to Samson, money in their hand.
Please tell me where your great 19 aThen she lulled him to sleep on
strength lies, and with what you 16 1Lit. impa-
her knees, and called for a man and
may be bound to afflict you. tient to the had him shave off the seven locks of
7 And Samson said to her, If they point of his head. Then 1she began to tor-
bind me with seven fresh bow- ment him, and his strength left him.
strings, not yet dried, then I shall 20 And she said, The Philistines
become weak, and be like any other are upon you, Samson! So he
man. awoke from his sleep, and said, I
8 So the lords of the Philistines will go out as before, at other times,
brought up to her seven fresh bow- 17 a[Mic. 7:5] and shake myself free! But he did
bNum. 6:5;
strings, not yet dried, and she bound Judg. 13:5 not know that the LORD ahad
him with them. departed from him.
9 Now men were lying in wait, 21 Then the Philistines took him
staying with her in the room. And she and 1put out his aeyes, and brought
said to him, The Philistines are upon him down to Gaza. They bound him
you, Samson! But he broke the bow- with bronze fetters, and he became
strings as a strand of yarn breaks 19 aProv. 7:26, a grinder in the prison.
27 1So with 22 However, the hair of his head
when it touches fire. So the secret of MT, Tg., Vg.;
his strength was not known. LXX he began to grow again after it had
10 Then Delilah said to Samson, began to be been shaven.
Look, you have mocked me and weak,
told me lies. Now, please tell me Samson Dies with the Philistines
what you may be bound with. 23 Now the lords of the Philistines
11 So he said to her, If they bind gathered together to offer a great
me securely with anew ropes 1that sacrifice to aDagon their god, and to
have never been used, then I shall 20 aNum. 14:9, rejoice. And they said:
become weak, and be like any other 42, 43; [Josh.
man. 7:12]; 1 Sam. Our god has delivered into our
12 Therefore Delilah took new 16:14; 18:12;
28:15, 16; hands
ropes and bound him with them, 2 Chr. 15:2 Samson our enemy!
and said to him, The Philistines are
upon you, Samson! And men were 24 When the people saw him, they
lying in wait, staying in the room. apraised their god; for they said:
But he broke them off his arms like
a thread. Our god has delivered into our
13 Delilah said to Samson, Until 21 a2 Kin. 25:7 hands our enemy,
1Lit. bored
now you have mocked me and told out The destroyer of our land,
me lies. Tell me what you may be And the one who multiplied
bound with. And he said to her, If our dead.
you weave the seven locks of my
head into the web of the loom 25 So it happened, when their
14 So she wove it tightly with the hearts were amerry, that they said,
batten of the loom, and said to him, 23 a1 Sam. 5:2 Call for Samson, that he may per-
The Philistines are upon you, Sam- form for us. So they called for Sam-
son! But he awoke from his sleep, son from the prison, and he per-
and pulled out the batten and the formed for them. And they stationed
web from the loom. him between the pillars.
15 Then she said to him, aHow can 24 aDan. 5:4
26 Then Samson said to the lad
you say, I love you, when your who held him by the hand, Let me
heart is not with me? You have feel the pillars which support the
mocked me these three times, and temple, so that I can lean on them.
have not told me where your great 27 Now the temple was full of men
strength lies. and women. All the lords of the
16 And it came to pass, when she 25 aJudg. 9:27 Philistines were thereabout three
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231 JUDGES 18:9

thousand men and women on the 27 aDeut. 22:8 9 And Micah said to him, Where
aroof watching while Samson per- do you come from? So he said to
28 aJer. 15:15
formed. him, I am a Levite from Bethlehem
28 Then Samson called to the 31 aJudg. 13:25
bJudg. 15:20
in Judah, and I am on my way to
LORD, saying, O Lord GOD, are- find a place to stay.
member me, I pray! Strengthen me, 10 Micah said to him, Dwell with
I pray, just this once, O God, that I CHAPTER 17 me, aand be a bfather and a priest to
may with one blow take vengeance me, and I will give you ten shekels
on the Philistines for my two eyes! 1 aJudg. 18:2 of silver per year, a suit of clothes,
29 And Samson took hold of the 2 aLev. 5:1
and your sustenance. So the Levite
two middle pillars which supported bGen. 14:19 went in.
the temple, and he braced himself 11 Then the Levite was content to
against them, one on his right and 3 aEx. 20:4, 23; dwell with the man; and the young
34:17; Lev.
the other on his left. 19:4 man became like one of his sons to
30 Then Samson said, Let me die him.
with the Philistines! And he pushed 4 aIs. 46:6 12 So Micah aconsecrated1 the
with all his might, and the temple 5 aJudg. 18:24
Levite, and the young man bbecame
fell on the lords and all the people bJudg. 8:27; his priest, and lived in the house of
who were in it. So the dead that he 18:14 cGen. Micah.
killed at his death were more than 31:19, 30; Hos. 13 Then Micah said, Now I know
he had killed in his life. 3:4 1Heb. that the LORD will be good to me,
31 And his brothers and all his since I have a Levite as apriest!
fathers household came down and 6 aJudg. 18:1;
took him, and brought him up and 19:1 bDeut. The Danites Adopt Micahs Idolatry
aburied him between Zorah and 12:8; Judg.
In athose days there was no
Eshtaol in the tomb of his father
Manoah. He had judged Israel
7 aJosh. 19:15;
18 king in Israel. And in those
days the tribe of the Danites was
btwenty years. Judg. 19:1;
Ruth 1:1, 2; seeking an inheritance for itself to
Micahs Idolatry Mic. 5:2; Matt. dwell in; for until that day their
2:1, 5, 6 inheritance among the tribes of
bDeut. 18:6
Now there was a man from
17 the mountains of Ephraim,
whose name was aMicah.
10 aJudg. 18:19
bGen. 45:8;
Israel had not fallen to them.
2 So the children of Dan sent
five men of their family from their
Job 29:16
2 And he said to his mother, The territory, men of valor from aZorah
eleven hundred shekels of silver 12 aJudg. 17:5 and Eshtaol, bto spy out the land
that were taken from you, and on bJudg. 18:30
1Lit. filled the
and search it. They said to them,
which you aput a curse, even saying hand of
Go, search the land. So they went
it in my earshere is the silver with to the mountains of Ephraim, to
me; I took it. And his mother said, 13 aJudg. 18:4 the chouse of Micah, and lodged
bMay you be blessed by the LORD, there.
my son! CHAPTER 18 3 While they were at the house of
3 So when he had returned the Micah, they recognized the voice of
eleven hundred shekels of silver to 1 aJudg. 17:6; the young Levite. They turned aside
his mother, his mother said, I had 19:1; 21:25 and said to him, Who brought you
wholly dedicated the silver from my here? What are you doing in this
hand to the LORD for my son, to 19:4048 place? What do you have here?
amake a carved image and a molded 4 He said to them, Thus and so
2 aJudg. 13:25
image; now therefore, I will return it bNum. 13:17; Micah did for me. He has ahired me,
to you. Josh. 2:1 and I have become his priest.
cJudg. 17:1
4 Thus he returned the silver to 5 So they said to him, Please ain-
his mother. Then his mother atook 4 aJudg. 17:10, quire bof God, that we may know
two hundred shekels of silver and 12 whether the journey on which we go
gave them to the silversmith, and he 5 a1 Kin. 22:5;
will be prosperous.
made it into a carved image and a [Is. 30:1]; Hos. 6 And the priest said to them,
molded image; and they were in the 4:12 bJudg. aGo in peace. 1The presence of the
house of Micah. 1:1; 17:5; LORD be with you on your way.
5 The man Micah had a ashrine, 7 So the five men departed and
and made an bephod and chouse- 6 a1 Kin. 22:6 went to aLaish. They saw the people
hold1 idols; and he consecrated one 1Lit. The who were there, bhow they dwelt
of his sons, who became his priest. LORD is safely, in the manner of the Sido-
before the
6 aIn those days there was no way in which nians, quiet and secure. There were
king in Israel; beveryone did what you go no rulers in the land who might put
was right in his own eyes. them to shame for anything. They
7 Now there was a young man 7 aJosh. 19:47 were far from the cSidonians, and
from aBethlehem in Judah, of the 18:2729 they had no ties 1with anyone.
family of Judah; he was a Levite, cJudg. 10:12 8 Then the spies came back to
1So with MT,
and bwas staying there. their brethren at aZorah and Esh-
Tg., Vg.; LXX
8 The man departed from the city with Syria taol, and their brethren said to
of Bethlehem in Judah to stay wher- them, What is your report?
ever he could find a place. Then he 8 aJudg. 18:2 9 So they said, aArise, let us go
came to the mountains of Ephraim, 9 aNum. 13:30;
up against them. For we have seen
to the house of Micah, as he jour- Josh. 2:23, 24 the land, and indeed it is very good.
neyed. b1 Kin. 22:3 Would you bdo nothing? Do not
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JUDGES 18:10 232

hesitate to go, and enter to possess 10 aJudg. 18:7, away my 1gods which I made, and
the land. 27 bDeut. 8:9 the priest, and you have gone away.
10 When you go, you will come to Now what more do I have? How can
a asecure people and a large land. 12 aJosh. 15:60
you say to me, What ails you?
For God has given it into your bJudg. 13:25 25 And the children of Dan said to
hands, ba place where there is no 1Lit. Camp of him, Do not let your voice be heard
lack of anything that is on the earth. Dan among us, lest 1angry men fall upon
11 And six hundred men of the you, and you lose your life, with the
family of the Danites went from lives of your household!
there, from Zorah and Eshtaol, 13 aJudg. 18:2 26 Then the children of Dan went
armed with weapons of war. their way. And when Micah saw that
12 Then they went up and en- 14 a1 Sam.
they were too strong for him, he
camped in aKirjath Jearim in Judah. 14:28 bJudg. turned and went back to his house.
(Therefore they call that place bMa- 17:5
haneh Dan1 to this day. There it is, Danites Settle in Laish
west of Kirjath Jearim.)
13 And they passed from there to 16 aJudg. 18:11 27 So they took the things Micah
the mountains of Ephraim, and had made, and the priest who had
came to athe house of Micah. belonged to him, and went to Laish,
14 aThen the five men who had 17 aJudg. 18:2, to a people quiet and secure; aand
gone to spy out the country of Laish 14 bJudg. they struck them with the edge of
17:4, 5 the sword and burned the city with
answered and said to their brethren,
Do you know that bthere are in fire.
these houses an ephod, household 19 aJob 21:5;
28 There was no deliverer, because
idols, a carved image, and a molded 29:9; 40:4; it was afar from Sidon, and they had
image? Now therefore, consider Mic. 7:16 no ties with anyone. It was in the
what you should do.
bJudg. 17:10
valley that belongs bto Beth Rehob.
15 So they turned aside there, and So they rebuilt the city and dwelt
came to the house of the young there.
23 a2 Kin. 6:28 29 And athey called the name of
Levite manto the house of
Micahand greeted him. the city bDan, after the name of Dan
16 The asix hundred men armed their father, who was born to Israel.
24 aGen. 31:30;
with their weapons of war, who Judg. 17:5 However, the name of the city for-
were of the children of Dan, stood 1idols merly was Laish.
by the entrance of the gate. 30 Then the children of Dan set up
17 Then athe five men who had for themselves the carved image;
gone to spy out the land went up. 25 1Lit. bitter and Jonathan the son of Gershom,
of soul the son of 1Manasseh, and his sons
Entering there, they took bthe carved
image, the ephod, the household were priests to the tribe of Dan aun-
idols, and the molded image. The til the day of the captivity of the
27 aJosh. 19:47
priest stood at the entrance of the land.
gate with the six hundred men who 31 So they set up for themselves
were armed with weapons of war. 28 aJudg. 18:7
Micahs carved image which he
18 When these went into Micahs bNum. 13:21; made, aall the time that the house of
house and took the carved image, 2 Sam. 10:6 God was in Shiloh.
the ephod, the household idols, and The Levites Concubine
the molded image, the priest said to 29 aJosh. 19:47
them, What are you doing? And it came to pass in those
19 And they said to him, Be quiet,
aput your hand over your mouth,
bJudg. 20:1;
1 Kin. 12:29,
30; 15:20
19 days, awhen there was no
king in Israel, that there was a cer-
and come with us; bbe a father and a tain Levite staying in the remote
priest to us. Is it better for you to be mountains of Ephraim. He took for
a priest to the household of one 30 a2 Kin. himself a concubine from bBethle-
15:29 1LXX,
man, or that you be a priest to a Vg. Moses hem in Judah.
tribe and a family in Israel? 2 But his concubine played the
20 So the priests heart was glad; harlot against him, and went away
and he took the ephod, the house- 31 aDeut. from him to her fathers house at
hold idols, and the carved image, and 12:132; Josh. Bethlehem in Judah, and was there
took his place among the people. 18:1, 8; Judg. four whole months.
19:18; 21:12
21 Then they turned and departed, 3 Then her husband arose and
and put the little ones, the livestock, went after her, to aspeak 1kindly to
and the goods in front of them. her and bring her back, having his
22 When they were a good way CHAPTER 19 servant and a couple of donkeys
from the house of Micah, the men with him. So she brought him into
who were in the houses near her fathers house; and when the
Micahs house gathered together 1 aJudg. 17:6; father of the young woman saw
and overtook the children of Dan. 18:1; 21:25 him, he was glad to meet him.
bJudg. 17:7;
23 And they called out to the chil- 4 Now his father-in-law, the
dren of Dan. So they turned around Ruth 1:1 young womans father, detained
and said to Micah, aWhat ails you, him; and he stayed with him three
that you have gathered such a com- 3 aGen. 34:3;
days. So they ate and drank and
pany? 50:21 1Lit. to lodged there.
24 So he said, You have ataken her heart 5 Then it came to pass on the
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233 JUDGES 19:30

fourth day that they arose early in 5 aGen. 18:5; the remote mountains of Ephraim; I
the morning, and he stood to depart; Judg. 19:8; Ps. am from there. I went to Bethlehem
but the young womans father said in Judah; now I am going to athe
to his son-in-law, aRefresh your house of the LORD. But there is no
heart with a morsel of bread, and 9 1Lit. to your one who will take me into his house,
afterward go your way. tent 19 although we have both straw
6 So they sat down, and the two of and fodder for our donkeys, and
them ate and drank together. Then 10 aJosh.
bread and wine for myself, for your
the young womans father said to the 18:28; 1 Chr. female servant, and for the young
man, Please be content to stay all 11:4, 5 man who is with your servant; there
night, and let your heart be merry. is no lack of anything.
7 And when the man stood to 20 And the old man said, aPeace
depart, his father-in-law urged him; 11 aJosh. 15:8, be with you! However, let all your
63; Judg. 1:21;
so he lodged there again. 2 Sam. 5:6 needs be my responsibility; bonly do
8 Then he arose early in the not spend the night in the open
morning on the fifth day to depart, square.
but the young womans father said, 12 aJosh. 18:28 21 aSo he brought him into his
Please refresh your heart. So they house, and gave fodder to the don-
delayed until afternoon; and both of keys. bAnd they washed their feet,
13 aJosh. 18:25
them ate. and ate and drank.
9 And when the man stood to
departhe and his concubine and 15 aMatt. 25:43 Gibeahs Crime
his servanthis father-in-law, the
young womans father, said to him, 22 As they were aenjoying them-
Look, the day is now drawing 16 aPs. 104:23 selves, suddenly bcertain men of the
toward evening; please spend the city, cperverted1 men, surrounded
night. See, the day is coming to an 18 aJosh. 18:1;
the house and beat on the door. They
end; lodge here, that your heart may Judg. 18:31; spoke to the master of the house, the
be merry. Tomorrow go your way 20:18; 1 Sam. old man, saying, dBring out the man
early, so that you may get 1home. 1:3, 7 who came to your house, that we
10 However, the man was not will- may know him carnally!
ing to spend that night; so he rose 20 aGen. 43:23;
23 But athe man, the master of the
and departed, and came to opposite Judg. 6:23; house, went out to them and said to
aJebus (that is, Jerusalem). With him 1 Sam. 25:6 them, No, my brethren! I beg you,
were the two saddled donkeys; his bGen. 19:2
do not act so wickedly! Seeing this
concubine was also with him. man has come into my house, bdo
11 They were near Jebus, and the 21 aGen. 24:32;
not commit this outrage.
day was far spent; and the servant 43:24 bGen. 24 aLook, here is my virgin daugh-
said to his master, Come, please, 18:4; John ter and 1the mans concubine; let me
and let us turn aside into this city aof 13:5 bring them out now. bHumble them,
the Jebusites and lodge in it. and do with them as you please; but
12 But his master said to him, We 22 aJudg.
to this man do not do such a vile
will not turn aside here into a city of 16:25; 19:6, 9 thing!
foreigners, who are not of the chil- bGen. 19:4, 5; 25 But the men would not heed
dren of Israel; we will go on ato Judg. 20:5; him. So the man took his concubine
Gibeah. Hos. 9:9; 10:9 and brought her out to them. And
cDeut. 13:13;
13 So he said to his servant, 1 Sam. 2:12; they aknew her and abused her all
Come, let us draw near to one of 1 Kin. 21:10; night until morning; and when the
these places, and spend the night in [2 Cor. 6:15]
dGen. 19:5;
day began to break, they let her go.
Gibeah or in aRamah. [Rom. 1:26, 26 Then the woman came as the
14 And they passed by and went 27] 1Lit. sons day was dawning, and fell down at
their way; and the sun went down of Belial the door of the mans house where
on them near Gibeah, which her master was, till it was light.
belongs to Benjamin. 27 When her master arose in the
23 aGen. 19:6,
15 They turned aside there to go in 7 bGen. 34:7; morning, and opened the doors of
to lodge in Gibeah. And when he Deut. 22:21; the house and went out to go his
went in, he sat down in the open Judg. 20:6, 10; way, there was his concubine, fallen
square of the city, for no one would 2 Sam. 13:12 at the door of the house with her
atake them into his house to spend hands on the threshold.
the night. 24 aGen. 19:8 28 And he said to her, Get up and
16 Just then an old man came in bGen. 34:2; let us be going. But athere was no
from ahis work in the field at Deut. 21:14 answer. So the man lifted her onto
1Lit. his
evening, who also was from the the donkey; and the man got up and
mountains of Ephraim; he was stay- went to his place.
ing in Gibeah, whereas the men of 25 aGen. 4:1
29 When he entered his house he
the place were Benjamites. took a knife, laid hold of his concu-
17 And when he raised his eyes, he bine, and adivided her into twelve
saw the traveler in the open square 28 aJudg. 20:5 pieces, 1limb by limb, and sent her
of the city; and the old man said, throughout all the territory of Israel.
Where are you going, and where 30 And so it was that all who saw it
do you come from? 29 aJudg. 20:6; said, No such deed has been done
1 Sam. 11:7
18 So he said to him, We are pass- 1Lit. with her or seen from the day that the chil-
ing from Bethlehem in Judah toward bones dren of Israel came up from the land
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JUDGES 20:1 234

of Egypt until this day. Consider it, 30 aJudg. 20:7; jamin gathered together from their
aconfer, and speak up! Prov. 13:10 cities to Gibeah, to go to battle
against the children of Israel.
Israels War with the Benjamites 15 And from their cities at that
CHAPTER 20 time athe children of Benjamin num-
So aall the children of Israel
20 came out, from bDan to cBeer-
sheba, as well as from the land of 1 aJosh. 22:12;
bered twenty-six thousand men
who drew the sword, besides the
Gilead, and the congregation gath- Judg. 20:11; inhabitants of Gibeah, who num-
ered together as one man before the 21:5 bJudg. bered seven hundred select men.
LORD dat Mizpah.
18:29; 1 Sam. 16 Among all this people were
3:20; 2 Sam.
2 And the leaders of all the peo- 3:10; 24:2 seven hundred select men who were
cJosh. 19:2 aleft-handed; every one could sling a
ple, all the tribes of Israel, presented
themselves in the assembly of the
dJudg. 10:17; stone at a hairs breadth and not
1 Sam. 7:5 miss.
people of God, four hundred thou-
sand foot soldiers awho drew the 17 Now besides Benjamin, the men
sword. 2 aJudg. 8:10 of Israel numbered four hundred
3 (Now the children of Benjamin thousand men who drew the sword;
heard that the children of Israel had 4 aJudg. 19:15 all of these were men of war.
gone up to Mizpah.) Then the chil- 18 Then the children of Israel arose
dren of Israel said, Tell us, how did and awent up to 1the house of God to
5 aJudg. 19:22 binquire of God. They said, Which
this wicked deed happen? bJudg. 19:25,
4 So the Levite, the husband of 26 of us shall go up first to battle
the woman who was murdered, against the children of Benjamin?
answered and said, My concubine The LORD said, cJudah first!
6 aJudg. 19:29 19 So the children of Israel rose in
and aI went into Gibeah, which bJosh. 7:15
belongs to Benjamin, to spend the the morning and encamped against
night. Gibeah.
7 aJudg. 19:30 20 And the men of Israel went out
5 aAnd the men of Gibeah rose
against me, and surrounded the to battle against Benjamin, and the
house at night because of me. They 9 aJudg. 1:3 men of Israel put themselves in bat-
intended to kill me, bbut instead tle array to fight against them at
they ravished my concubine so that 12 aDeut.
she died. 13:14; Josh. 21 Then athe children of Benjamin
6 So aI took hold of my concu- 22:13, 16 came out of Gibeah, and on that day
bine, cut her in pieces, and sent her cut down to the ground twenty-two
throughout all the territory of the 13 aDeut. thousand men of the Israelites.
inheritance of Israel, because they 13:13; Judg. 22 And the people, that is, the men
bcommitted lewdness and outrage in 19:22 bDeut. of Israel, encouraged themselves
17:12; 1 Cor. and again formed the battle line at
Israel. 5:13 1Lit. sons
7 Look! All of you are children of of Belial the place where they had put them-
Israel; agive your advice and coun- selves in array on the first day.
sel here and now! 23 aThen the children of Israel went
15 aNum. 1:36,
8 So all the people arose as one 37; 2:23; 26:41 up and wept before the LORD until
man, saying, None of us will go to evening, and asked counsel of the
his tent, nor will any turn back to LORD, saying, Shall I again draw
16 aJudg. 3:15; near for battle against the children
his house; 1 Chr. 12:2
9 but now this is the thing which of my brother Benjamin? And the
we will do to Gibeah: We will go up LORD said, Go up against him.
aagainst it by lot. 18 aJudg. 24 So the children of Israel
20:23, 26
10 We will take ten men out of bNum. 27:21 approached the children of Ben-
every hundred throughout all the cJudg. 1:1, 2 jamin on the second day.
tribes of Israel, a hundred out of 1Or Bethel 25 And aBenjamin went out
every thousand, and a thousand out against them from Gibeah on the
of every ten thousand, to make pro- 21 a[Gen. second day, and cut down to the
visions for the people, that when 49:27] ground eighteen thousand more of
they come to Gibeah in Benjamin, the children of Israel; all these drew
they may repay all the vileness that 23 aJudg.
the sword.
they have done in Israel. 20:26, 27 26 Then all the children of Israel,
11 So all the men of Israel were that is, all the people, awent up and
gathered against the city, united 25 aJudg. 20:21
came to 1the house of God and wept.
together as one man. They sat there before the LORD
12 aThen the tribes of Israel sent and fasted that day until evening;
men through all the tribe of Ben- 26 aJudg. and they offered burnt offerings and
20:18, 23; 21:2
jamin, saying, What is this wicked- 1Or Bethel peace offerings before the LORD.
ness that has occurred among you? 27 So the children of Israel inquired
13 Now therefore, deliver up the of the LORD (athe ark of the covenant
men, athe 1perverted men who are in 27 aJosh. 18:1; of God was there in those days,
1 Sam. 1:3;
Gibeah, that we may put them to 3:3; 4:3, 4 28 aand Phinehas the son of Elea-
death and bremove the evil from zar, the son of Aaron, bstood before
Israel! But the children of Benjamin it in those days), saying, Shall I yet
would not listen to the voice of their 28 aNum. 25:7, again go out to battle against the
13; Josh. 24:33
brethren, the children of Israel. bDeut. 10:8; children of my brother Benjamin, or
14 Instead, the children of Ben- 18:5 shall I cease? And the LORD said,
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235 JUDGES 21:9

Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver 29 aJosh. 8:4 battle overtook them, and whoever
them into your hand. came out of the cities they
29 Then Israel aset men in ambush destroyed in their midst.
all around Gibeah. 31 aJudg. 21:19 43 They surrounded the Ben-
30 And the children of Israel went jamites, chased them, and easily
up against the children of Benjamin trampled them down as far as the
on the third day, and put themselves 34 aJosh. 8:14;
front of Gibeah toward the east.
in battle array against Gibeah as at Job 21:13; Is. 44 And eighteen thousand men of
the other times. 47:11 1Lit. Benjamin fell; all these were men of
31 So the children of Benjamin they valor.
went out against the people, and 45 Then 1they turned and fled
were drawn away from the city. toward the wilderness to the rock of
They began to strike down and kill 35 1Lit. struck aRimmon; and they cut down five
some of the people, as at the other thousand of them on the highways.
times, in the highways a(one of Then they pursued them relentless-
which goes up to Bethel and the 36 aJosh. 8:15
ly up to Gidom, and killed two thou-
other to Gibeah) and in the field, sand of them.
about thirty men of Israel. 46 So all who fell of Benjamin that
32 And the children of Benjamin day were twenty-five thousand men
said, They are defeated before us, 37 aJosh. 8:19 who drew the sword; all these were
as at first. But the children of Israel 1men of valor.
said, Let us flee and draw them 47 aBut six hundred men turned
away from the city to the highways. 38 aJosh. 8:20 and fled toward the wilderness to the
33 So all the men of Israel rose rock of Rimmon, and they stayed at
from their place and put themselves the rock of Rimmon for four months.
in battle array at Baal Tamar. Then 39 1Lit. to 48 And the men of Israel turned
Israels men in ambush burst forth strike the back against the children of Ben-
from their position in the plain of slain ones jamin, and struck them down with
Geba. the edge of the swordfrom every
34 And ten thousand select men city, men and beasts, all who were
from all Israel came against Gibeah, 40 aJosh. 8:20 found. They also set fire to all the
and the battle was fierce. aBut 1the cities they came to.
Benjamites did not know that disas-
ter was upon them. Wives Provided for the Benjamites
42 1fled
35 The LORD 1defeated Benjamin Now athe men of Israel had
before Israel. And the children of
Israel destroyed that day twenty-
21 sworn an oath at Mizpah, say-
ing, None of us shall give his
five thousand one hundred Ben- 45 aJosh.
15:32; 1 Chr. daughter to Benjamin as a wife.
jamites; all these drew the sword. 6:77; Zech. 2 Then the people came ato 1the
36 So the children of Benjamin 14:10 1LXX house of God, and remained there
saw that they were defeated. aThe the rest before God till evening. They lifted
men of Israel had given ground to up their voices and wept bitterly,
the Benjamites, because they relied 3 and said, O LORD God of
on the men in ambush whom they 46 1valiant Israel, why has this come to pass in
had set against Gibeah. warriors Israel, that today there should be
37 aAnd the men in ambush quickly one tribe missing in Israel?
rushed upon Gibeah; the men in 4 So it was, on the next morning,
ambush spread out and struck the 47 aJudg. 21:13 that the people rose early and abuilt
whole city with the edge of the an altar there, and offered burnt
sword. offerings and peace offerings.
38 Now the appointed signal 5 The children of Israel said,
between the men of Israel and the CHAPTER 21 Who is there among all the tribes
men in ambush was that they would of Israel who did not come up with
make a great cloud of asmoke rise the assembly to the LORD? aFor
up from the city, they had made a great oath con-
39 whereupon the men of Israel 1 aJudg. 20:1 cerning anyone who had not come
would turn in battle. Now Benjamin up to the LORD at Mizpah, saying,
had begun 1to strike and kill about He shall surely be put to death.
thirty of the men of Israel. For they 2 aJudg. 20:18, 6 And the children of Israel
said, Surely they are defeated 26 1Heb. grieved for Benjamin their brother,
before us, as in the first battle. Bethel and said, One tribe is cut off from
40 But when the cloud began to rise Israel today.
from the city in a column of smoke, 7 What shall we do for wives for
the Benjamites alooked behind 4 aDeut. 12:5; those who remain, seeing we have
them, and there was the whole city 2 Sam. 24:25 sworn by the LORD that we will not
going up in smoke to heaven. give them our daughters as wives?
41 And when the men of Israel 8 And they said, What one is
turned back, the men of Benjamin 5 aJudg. there from the tribes of Israel who
panicked, for they saw that disaster 20:13 did not come up to Mizpah to the
had come upon them. LORD? And, in fact, no one had
42 Therefore they 1turned their come to the camp from aJabesh
backs before the men of Israel in the 8 a1 Sam. Gilead to the assembly.
direction of the wilderness; but the 11:1; 31:11 9 For when the people were
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JUDGES 21:10 236

counted, indeed, not one of the 10 aNum. children of Israel have sworn an
inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead was 31:17; Judg. oath, saying, Cursed be the one
5:23; 1 Sam.
there. 11:7 who gives a wife to Benjamin.
10 So the congregation sent out 19 Then they said, In fact, there is
there twelve thousand of their most a yearly afeast of the LORD in
valiant men, and commanded them, bShiloh, which is north of Bethel, on
saying, aGo and strike the inhabi- 11 aNum.
31:17; Deut. the east side of the chighway that
tants of Jabesh Gilead with the edge 20:13, 14 goes up from Bethel to Shechem,
of the sword, including the women and south of Lebonah.
and children. 20 Therefore they instructed the
11 And this is the thing that you children of Benjamin, saying, Go,
shall do: aYou shall utterly destroy 12 aJosh. 18:1;
Judg. 18:31 lie in wait in the vineyards,
every male, and every woman who 21 and watch; and just when the
has known a man intimately. daughters of Shiloh come out ato
12 So they found among the inhab- perform their dances, then come out
itants of Jabesh Gilead four hun- 13 aJudg. 20:47
from the vineyards, and every man
dred young virgins who had not catch a wife for himself from the
known a man intimately; and they daughters of Shiloh; then go to the
brought them to the camp at 15 aJudg. 21:6 land of Benjamin.
aShiloh, which is in the land of
22 Then it shall be, when their
Canaan. fathers or their brothers come to us
13 Then the whole congregation to complain, that we will say to
sent word to the children of Ben- 18 aJudg.
jamin awho were at the rock of Rim- 11:35; 21:1 them, Be kind to them for our
mon, and announced peace to them. sakes, because we did not take a
14 So Benjamin came back at that wife for any of them in the war; for
time, and they gave them the 19 aLev. 23:2 it is not as though you have given
women whom they had saved alive bDeut. 12:5; the women to them at this time,
of the women of Jabesh Gilead; and Josh. 18:1; making yourselves guilty of your
Judg. 18:31; oath.
yet they had not found enough for 1 Sam. 1:3
them. cJudg. 20:31 23 And the children of Benjamin
15 And the people agrieved for did so; they took enough wives for
Benjamin, because the LORD had their number from those who
made a void in the tribes of Israel. 21 aEx. 15:20;
danced, whom they caught. Then
16 Then the elders of the congrega- Judg. 11:34; they went and returned to their
tion said, What shall we do for 1 Sam. 18:6 inheritance, and they arebuilt the
wives for those who remain, since cities and dwelt in them.
the women of Benjamin have been 24 So the children of Israel de-
destroyed? 23 aJudg. 20:48
parted from there at that time, every
17 And they said, There must be man to his tribe and family; they
an inheritance for the survivors of went out from there, every man to
Benjamin, that a tribe may not be his inheritance.
destroyed from Israel. 25 aJudg. 17:6; 25 aIn those days there was no
18:1; 19:1
18 However, we cannot give them bDeut. 12:8; king in Israel; beveryone did what
wives from our daughters, afor the Judg. 17:6 was right in his own eyes.

The Book of


R UTH is a cameo story of love, devotion, and redemption set in the black con-
text of the days of the judges. It is the story of a Moabite woman who forsakes
her pagan heritage in order to cling to the people of Israel and to the God of Israel.
Because of the faithfulness in a time of national faithlessness, God rewards her by
giving her a new husband (Boaz), a son (Obed), and a privileged position in the
lineage of David and Christ (she is the great-grandmother of David).
Ruth is the Hebrew title of this book. This name may be a Moabite modification
of the Hebrew word reuit, meaning friendship or association. The Septuagint
entitles the book Routh, the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name. The Latin title
of Ruth, a transliteration of Routh.
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237 RUTH 2:6

Elimelechs Family Goes to Moab CHAPTER 1 and to her gods; breturn after your
OW it came to pass, in the days
N when the judges ruled, that
a 1
there was a famine in the land. And
1 aJudg.
2:1618 bGen.
12:10; 26:1;
16 But Ruth said:
2 Kin. 8:1 Entreat1 me not to leave you,
a certain man of cBethlehem, Judah, cJudg. 17:8; Or to turn back from following
went to 2dwell in the country of Mic. 5:2 dGen. after you;
dMoab, he and his wife and his two 19:37 1Lit.
judged 2As a For wherever you go, I will go;
sons. resident alien And wherever you lodge, I will
2 The name of the man was Elim- lodge;
elech, the name of his wife was 2 aGen. 35:19; bYour people shall be my people,
Naomi, and the names of his two 1 Sam. 1:1;
1 Kin. 11:26 And your God, my God.
sons were Mahlon and Chilion bJudg. 3:30 17 Where you die, I will die,
aEphrathites of Bethlehem, Judah.
And there will I be buried.
And they went bto the country of 4 1lived aThe LORD do so to me, and
Moab and remained there. 6 aEx. 3:16; more also,
3 Then Elimelech, Naomis hus- 4:31; Jer. If anything but death parts you
band, died; and she was left, and her 29:10; Zeph. and me.
two sons. 2:7; Luke 1:68
bPs. 132:15;
4 Now they took wives of the Matt. 6:11 18 aWhen she saw that she 1was
women of Moab: the name of the one 1attended to
determined to go with her, she
was Orpah, and the name of the stopped speaking to her.
8 aJosh. 24:15
other Ruth. And they 1dwelt there b2 Tim. 19 Now the two of them went until
about ten years. 1:1618 cRuth they came to Bethlehem. And it hap-
5 Then both Mahlon and Chilion 2:20 pened, when they had come to Beth-
also died; so the woman survived 9 aRuth 3:1 lehem, that aall the city was excited
her two sons and her husband. because of them; and the women
11 aGen. 38:11; said, bIs this Naomi?
Naomi Returns with Ruth Deut. 25:5 20 But she said to them, Do not
6 Then she arose with her daugh- 13 aJudg. 2:15; call me 1Naomi; call me 2Mara, for
ters-in-law that she might return Job 19:21; Ps. the Almighty has dealt very bitterly
32:4; 38:2 with me.
from the country of Moab, for she
had heard in the country of Moab 14 a[Prov. 21 I went out full, aand the LORD
that the LORD had avisited1 His peo- 17:17] has brought me home again empty.
ple by bgiving them bread. Why do you call me Naomi, since
15 aJudg. 11:24 the LORD has testified against me,
7 Therefore she went out from the bJosh. 1:15
place where she was, and her two and 1the Almighty has afflicted me?
daughters-in-law with her; and they 16 a2 Kin. 2:2, 22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth
4, 6 bRuth the Moabitess her daughter-in-law
went on the way to return to the 2:11, 12 1Urge
land of Judah. me not with her, who returned from the
8 And Naomi said to her two country of Moab. Now they came to
daughters-in-law, aGo, return each 17 a1 Sam. Bethlehem aat the beginning of bar-
3:17; 2 Sam. ley harvest.
to her mothers house. bThe LORD 19:13; 2 Kin.
deal kindly with you, as you have 6:31
Ruth Meets Boaz
dealt cwith the dead and with me. 18 aActs 21:14
9 The LORD grant that you may There was a arelative of Naomis
find arest, each in the house of her
husband. So she kissed them, and
1Lit. made
herself strong
to go
2 husband, a man of great wealth,
of the family of bElimelech. His
they lifted up their voices and wept. 19 aMatt. 21:10 name was cBoaz.
10 And they said to her, Surely we bIs. 23:7; Lam. 2 So Ruth the Moabitess said to
will return with you to your people. 2:15 Naomi, Please let me go to the afield,
11 But Naomi said, Turn back, my 20 1Lit. Pleas-
and glean heads of grain after him in
daughters; why will you go with me? ant 2Lit. Bit- whose sight I may find favor. And
Are there still sons in my womb, ter she said to her, Go, my daughter.
athat they may be your husbands? 3 Then she left, and went and
12 Turn back, my daughters, go 21 aJob 1:21
1Heb. Shaddai gleaned in the field after the
for I am too old to have a husband. reapers. And she happened to come
If I should say I have hope, if I 22 aRuth 2:23; to the part of the field belonging to
should have a husband tonight and 2 Sam. 21:9 Boaz, who was of the family of
should also bear sons, Elimelech.
13 would you wait for them till CHAPTER 2 4 Now behold, Boaz came from
they were grown? Would you aBethlehem, and said to the reapers,
restrain yourselves from having 1 aRuth 3:2, 12 bThe LORD be with you! And they
bRuth 1:2
husbands? No, my daughters; for it cRuth 4:21 answered him, The LORD bless
grieves me very much for your you!
sakes that athe hand of the LORD 2 aLev. 19:9, 5 Then Boaz said to his servant
has gone out against me! 10; 23:22; who was in charge of the reapers,
Deut. 24:19
14 Then they lifted up their voices Whose young woman is this?
and wept again; and Orpah kissed 4 aRuth 1:1 6 So the servant who was in
her mother-in-law, but Ruth aclung bPs. 129:7, 8; charge of the reapers answered and
to her. Luke 1:28;
2 Thess. 3:16
said, It is the young Moabite
15 And she said, Look, your sister- woman awho came back with
in-law has gone back to aher people 6 aRuth 1:22 Naomi from the country of Moab.
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RUTH 2:7 238

7 And she said, Please let me 10 a1 Sam. law with whom she had worked,
glean and gather after the reapers 25:23 b1 Sam. and said, The mans name with
among the sheaves. So she came whom I worked today is Boaz.
and has continued from morning 20 Then Naomi said to her daugh-
until now, though she rested a little 11 aRuth ter-in-law, aBlessed be he of the
in the house. LORD, who bhas not forsaken His
8 Then Boaz said to Ruth, You kindness to the living and the
will listen, my daughter, will you 12 a1 Sam. dead! And Naomi said to her, This
not? Do not go to glean in another 24:19; Ps. man is a relation of ours, cone of
58:11 bRuth 1our close relatives.
field, nor go from here, but stay 1:16; Ps. 17:8;
close by my young women. 36:7; 57:1; 21 Ruth the Moabitess said, He
9 Let your eyes be on the field 61:4; 63:7; also said to me, You shall stay close
which they reap, and go after them. 91:4 by my young men until they have
Have I not commanded the young finished all my harvest.
men not to touch you? And when 13 aGen. 33:15; 22 And Naomi said to Ruth her
you are thirsty, go to the vessels and 1 Sam. 1:18
b1 Sam. 25:41
daughter-in-law, It is good, my
drink from what the young men 1Lit. to the daughter, that you go out with his
have drawn. heart of young women, and that people do
10 So she afell on her face, bowed not 1meet you in any other field.
down to the ground, and said to him, 23 So she stayed close by the
14 aRuth 2:18 young women of Boaz, to glean
Why have I found bfavor in your
eyes, that you should take notice of until the end of barley harvest and
me, since I am a foreigner? 15 1Gather wheat harvest; and she dwelt with
11 And Boaz answered and said to after the her mother-in-law.
her, It has been fully reported to 2rebuke
me, aall that you have done for your Ruths Redemption Assured
mother-in-law since the death of Then Naomi her mother-in-law
your husband, and how you have
left your father and your mother
17 aRuth 1:22
3 said to her, My daughter, ashall
I not seek bsecurity1 for you, that it
and the land of your birth, and have 18 aRuth 2:14 may be well with you?
come to a people whom you did not 2 Now Boaz, awhose young
know before. 19 aRuth2:10; women you were with, is he not our
12 aThe LORD repay your work, [Ps. 41:1] relative? In fact, he is winnowing
and a full reward be given you by the barley tonight at the threshing floor.
LORD God of Israel, bunder whose 3 Therefore wash yourself and
20 aRuth 3:10;
wings you have come for refuge. 2 Sam. 2:5 aanoint yourself, put on your best
13 Then she said, aLet me find bProv. 17:17 garment and go down to the thresh-
favor in your sight, my lord; for you cRuth 3:9; 4:4,
ing floor; but do not make yourself
have comforted me, and have spo- 6 1our
redeemers, known to the man until he has fin-
ken 1kindly to your maidservant, Heb. goalenu ished eating and drinking.
bthough I am not like one of your
4 Then it shall be, when he lies
maidservants. down, that you shall notice the
14 Now Boaz said to her at meal- 22 1encounter
place where he lies; and you shall
time, Come here, and eat of the go in, uncover his feet, and lie
bread, and dip your piece of bread down; and he will tell you what you
in the vinegar. So she sat beside the CHAPTER 3 should do.
reapers, and he passed parched 5 And she said to her, All that
grain to her; and she ate and awas you say to me I will do.
1 a1 Cor. 7:36;
satisfied, and kept some back. 1 Tim. 5:8 6 So she went down to the thresh-
15 And when she rose up to 1glean, bRuth 1:9 1Lit. ing floor and did according to all
Boaz commanded his young men, rest that her mother-in-law instructed
saying, Let her glean even among her.
the sheaves, and do not 2reproach 2 aRuth 2:3, 8 7 And after Boaz had eaten and
her. drunk, and ahis heart was cheerful,
16 Also let grain from the bundles he went to lie down at the end of the
fall purposely for her; leave it that 3 a2 Sam. 14:2
heap of grain; and she came softly,
she may glean, and do not rebuke uncovered his feet, and lay down.
her. 7 aJudg. 19:6, 8 Now it happened at midnight
17 So she gleaned in the field until 9, 22; 2 Sam. that the man was startled, and
evening, and beat out what she had 13:28; Esth.
1:10 turned himself; and there, a woman
gleaned, and it was about an ephah was lying at his feet.
of abarley. 9 And he said, Who are you? So
18 Then she took it up and went 9 aEzek. 16:8
bRuth 2:20;
she answered, I am Ruth, your
into the city, and her mother-in-law 3:12 1Or maidservant. aTake1 your maidser-
saw what she had gleaned. So she Spread the vant under your wing, for you are ba
brought out and gave to her awhat corner of your 2close relative.
she had kept back after she had garment over 10 Then he said, aBlessed are you
your maidser-
been satisfied. vant of the LORD, my daughter! For you
19 And her mother-in-law said to 2redeemer, have shown more kindness at the
her, Where have you gleaned Heb. goel end than bat the beginning, in that
today? And where did you work? you did not go after young men,
Blessed be the one who atook notice 10 aRuth 2:20 whether poor or rich.
of you. So she told her mother-in- bRuth 1:8 11 And now, my daughter, do not
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239 RUTH 4:22

fear. I will do for you all that you 11 aProv. 12:4; deem my right of redemption for
request, for all the people of my 31:1031 yourself, for I cannot redeem it.
town know that you are aa virtuous 12 aRuth 3:9 7 aNow this was the custom in
woman. bRuth 4:1 former times in Israel concerning re-
12 Now it is true that I am a aclose 13 aDeut.
deeming and exchanging, to confirm
relative; however, bthere is a relative 25:510 bJer. anything: one man took off his san-
closer than I. 4:2; 12:16 dal and gave it to the other, and this
13 Stay this night, and in the was a confirmation in Israel.
morning it shall be that if he will 14 a[1 Cor. 8 Therefore the close relative
aperform the duty of a close relative said to Boaz, Buy it for yourself.
for yougood; let him do it. But if 15 1cloak So he took off his sandal.
2Many Heb.
he does not want to perform the 9 And Boaz said to the elders
mss., Syr., Vg.
duty for you, then I will perform the she; MT, LXX, and all the people, You are wit-
duty for you, bas the LORD lives! Lie Tg. he nesses this day that I have bought
down until morning. all that was Elimelechs, and all
14 So she lay at his feet until morn- 16 1Or How that was Chilions and Mahlons,
are you,
ing, and she arose before one could from the hand of Naomi.
recognize another. Then he said, 18 a[Ps. 37:3, 5] 10 Moreover, Ruth the Moabitess,
aDo not let it be known that the the widow of Mahlon, I have
woman came to the threshing floor. CHAPTER 4 acquired as my wife, to perpetuate
15 Also he said, Bring the 1shawl the name of the dead through his
that is on you and hold it. And 1 aRuth 3:12 inheritance, athat the name of the
when she held it, he measured six 1Lit. so and dead may not be cut off from among
ephahs of barley, and laid it on her. so, Heb. his brethren and from 1his position
Then 2she went into the city. peloni almoni at the gate. You are witnesses this
16 When she came to her mother- 2 a1 Kin. 21:8 day.
in-law, she said, 1Is that you, my 11 And all the people who were at
daughter? Then she told her all 3 aLev. 25:25 the gate, and the elders, said, We
that the man had done for her. 4 aJer. 32:7, 8 are witnesses. aThe LORD make the
17 And she said, These six ephahs bGen. 23:18 woman who is coming to your
of barley he gave me; for he said to cLev. 25:25 house like Rachel and Leah, the two
1Lit. uncover
me, Do not go empty-handed to who bbuilt the house of Israel; and
your ear 2So
your mother-in-law. with many may you prosper in cEphrathah and
18 Then she said, aSit still, my Heb. mss., be famous in dBethlehem.
daughter, until you know how the LXX, Syr., 12 May your house be like the
matter will turn out; for the man Tg., Vg.; MT house of aPerez, bwhom Tamar bore
will not rest until he has con- to Judah, because of cthe offspring
cluded the matter this day. 5 aMatt. 22:24 which the LORD will give you from
1Lit. raise up
this young woman.
Boaz Redeems Ruth
6 aRuth 3:12, Descendants of Boaz and Ruth
Now Boaz went up to the gate
4 and sat down there; and behold,
athe close relative of whom Boaz
7 aDeut.
13 So Boaz atook Ruth and she
became his wife; and when he went
had spoken came by. So Boaz said, in to her, bthe LORD gave her con-
Come aside, 1friend, sit down here. 10 aDeut. 25:6 ception, and she bore a son.
1Probably his
So he came aside and sat down. civic office 14 Then athe women said to
2 And he took ten men of athe el- Naomi, Blessed be the LORD, who
ders of the city, and said, Sit down 11 aPs. 127:3; has not left you this day without a
here. So they sat down. 128:3 bGen. 1close relative; and may his name be
3 Then he said to the close rela- cGen. famous in Israel!
tive, Naomi, who has come back 35:1618 15 And may he be to you a restorer
from the country of Moab, sold the dMic. 5:2
of life and a 1nourisher of your old
piece of land awhich belonged to our 12 aMatt. 1:3
age; for your daughter-in-law, who
brother Elimelech. bGen. 38:629 loves you, who is abetter to you than
4 And I thought to 1inform you, c1 Sam. 2:20 seven sons, has borne him.
saying, aBuy it back bin the pres- 16 Then Naomi took the child and
13 aRuth 3:11
ence of the inhabitants and the el- bGen. 29:31; laid him on her bosom, and became
ders of my people. If you will 33:5 a nurse to him.
redeem it, redeem it; but if 2you will 17 aAlso the neighbor women gave
not redeem it, then tell me, that I 14 aLuke 1:58 him a name, saying, There is a son
may know; cfor there is no one but Heb. goel born to Naomi. And they called his
you to redeem it, and I am next name Obed. He is the father of
after you. And he said, I will 15 a1 Sam. 1:8
Jesse, the father of David.
redeem it. 18 aNow this is the genealogy of
5 Then Boaz said, On the day 17 aLuke 1:58 Perez: bPerez begot Hezron;
you buy the field from the hand of 19 Hezron begot Ram, and Ram
Naomi, you must also buy it from 18 a1 Chr. 2:4, begot Amminadab;
5 bNum.
Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the 26:20, 21 20 Amminadab begot aNahshon,
dead, ato 1perpetuate the name of and Nahshon begot bSalmon;1
the dead through his inheritance. 20 aNum. 1:7
bMatt. 1:4
21 Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz
6 aAnd the close relative said, I 1Heb. Salmah begot Obed;
cannot redeem it for myself, lest I 22 Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse
ruin my own inheritance. You re- 22 aMatt. 1:6 begot aDavid.
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The First Book of


T HE Book of First Samuel describes the transition of leadership in Israel from

judges to kings. Three characters are prominent in the book: Samuel, the last
judge and first prophet; Saul, the first king of Israel; and David, the king-elect,
anointed but not yet recognized as Sauls successor.
The books of First and Second Samuel were originally one book in the Hebrew
Bible, known as the Book of Samuel or simply Samuel. This name has been
variously translated The Name of God, His Name Is God, Heard of God, and
Asked of God. The Septuagint divides Samuel into two books even though it is
one continuous account. This division artificially breaks up the history of David.
The Greek (Septuagint) title is Bibloi Basileion, Books of Kingdoms, referring to
the later kingdoms of Israel and Judah. First Samuel is called Basileion Alpha,
First Kingdoms. Second Samuel and First and Second Kings are called Second,
Third, and Fourth Kingdoms. The Latin Vulgate originally called the books of
Samuel and Kings Libri Regum, Books of the Kings. Later the Latin Bible com-
bined the Hebrew and Greek titles for the first of these books, calling it Liber I
Samuelis, the First Book of Samuel, or simply First Samuel.

The Family of Elkanah CHAPTER 1 on the seat by the doorpost of athe

1tabernacle of the LORD.
OW there was a certain man of
N Ramathaim Zophim, of the
amountains of Ephraim, and his
1 aJosh. 17:17,
18; 24:33
b1 Chr. 6:27,
10 aAnd she was in bitterness of
soul, and prayed to the LORD and
3338 cRuth 1wept in anguish.
name was bElkanah the son of Jero- 1:2 1Eliel, 11 Then she amade a vow and said,
ham, the son of 1Elihu, the son of 1 Chr. 6:34
O LORD of hosts, if You will indeed
2Tohu, the son of Zuph, can Ephra- 2Toah, 1 Chr.
6:34 blook on the affliction of Your maid-
imite. servant and cremember me, and not
2 And he had atwo wives: the 2 aDeut. forget Your maidservant, but will
name of one was Hannah, and the 21:1517
name of the other Peninnah. Penin- give Your maidservant a male child,
nah had children, but Hannah had 3 aLuke 2:41 then I will give him to the LORD all
no children. bDeut. 12:57; the days of his life, and dno razor
3 This man went up from his city 16:16 cJosh. shall come upon his head.
18:1 12 And it happened, as she contin-
ayearly bto worship and sacrifice to
the LORD of hosts in cShiloh. Also 4 aDeut. 12:17,
ued praying before the LORD, that
the two sons of Eli, Hophni and 18 Eli watched her mouth.
Phinehas, the priests of the LORD, 13 Now Hannah spoke in her
were there. 5 aGen. 16:1; heart; only her lips moved, but her
30:1, 2 voice was not heard. Therefore Eli
4 And whenever the time came
for Elkanah to make an aoffering, he 6 aJob 24:21
thought she was drunk.
would give portions to Peninnah his 14 So Eli said to her, How long
wife and to all her sons and daugh- 8 aRuth 4:15 will you be drunk? Put your wine
ters. away from you!
5 But to Hannah he would give a 9 a1 Sam. 3:3
1palace or
15 But Hannah answered and said,
double portion, for he loved Han- temple, Heb.
No, my lord, I am a woman of sor-
nah, aalthough the LORD had closed heykal rowful spirit. I have drunk neither
her womb. wine nor intoxicating drink, but have
10 aJob 7:11 apoured out my soul before the LORD.
6 And her rival also aprovoked 1Lit. wept
her severely, to make her miserable, 16 Do not consider your maidser-
because the LORD had closed her vant a awicked1 woman, for out of
womb. 11 aNum. the abundance of my complaint and
7 So it was, year by year, when 30:611 bPs. grief I have spoken until now.
she went up to the house of the 25:18 cGen. 17 Then Eli answered and said,
8:1 dNum. 6:5 aGo in peace, and bthe God of
LORD, that she provoked her; there-
fore she wept and did not eat. 15 aPs. 42:4; Israel grant your petition which
62:8 you have asked of Him.
Hannahs Vow 18 And she said, aLet your maid-
8 Then Elkanah her husband said 16 aDeut. servant find favor in your sight. So
13:13 1Lit. the woman bwent her way and ate,
to her, Hannah, why do you weep? daughter of
Why do you not eat? And why is Belial and her face was no longer sad.
your heart grieved? Am I not abetter Samuel Is Born and Dedicated
to you than ten sons? 17 aMark 5:34
bPs. 20:35
9 So Hannah arose after they had 19 Then they rose early in the morn-
finished eating and drinking in 18 aRuth 2:13 ing and worshiped before the LORD,
Shiloh. Now Eli the priest was sitting bRom. 15:13 and returned and came to their
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241 1 SAMUEL 2:16

house at Ramah. And Elkanah aknew 19 aGen. 4:1
bGen. 21:1;
And the hungry have ceased to
Hannah his wife, and the LORD bre- 30:22
membered her. Even athe barren has borne
20 So it came to pass in the process 20 1Lit. Heard seven,
of time that Hannah conceived and by God And bshe who has many
bore a son, and called his name 21 a1 Sam. 1:3 children has become feeble.
1Samuel, saying, Because I have
asked for him from the LORD. 22 aLuke 2:22 6 Thea LORD kills and makes
b1 Sam. 1:11,
21 Now the man Elkanah and all his 28 cEx. 21:6 alive;
house awent up to offer to the LORD He brings down to the grave
the yearly sacrifice and his vow. 23 aNum. 30:7, and brings up.
10, 11 1con-
22 But Hannah did not go up, for firm 2So with 7 The LORD amakes poor and
she said to her husband, Not until MT, Tg., Vg.; makes rich;
the child is weaned; then I will atake DSS, LXX, bHe brings low and lifts up.
him, that he may appear before the Syr. your 8 He raises the poor from the
LORD and bremain there cforever. 24 aNum. 15:9, dust
23 So aElkanah her husband said 10 bJosh. 18:1 And lifts the beggar from the
to her, Do what seems best to you; ash heap,
Syr. a three- bTo set them among princes
wait until you have weaned him. year-old bull
Only let the LORD 1establish 2His And make them inherit the
word. Then the woman stayed and 25 aLuke 2:22 throne of glory.
nursed her son until she had 26 a2 Kin. 2:2,
weaned him. 4, 6; 4:30 For the pillars of the earth are
24 Now when she had weaned him, a[Matt.
the LORDs,
she atook him up with her, with 1three 27 7:7] And He has set the world upon
bulls, one ephah of flour, and a skin 28 aGen. 24:26, them.
of wine, and brought him to bthe 52 1granted 9 aHe will guard the feet of His
house of the LORD in Shiloh. And the CHAPTER 2
child was young. But the bwicked shall be silent
25 Then they slaughtered a bull, 1 aPhil. 4:6 in darkness.
bLuke 1:4655
and abrought the child to Eli. cPs. 75:10;
26 And she said, O my lord! aAs 89:17, 24; For by strength no man shall
your soul lives, my lord, I am the 92:10; 112:9 prevail.
woman who stood by you here, dPs. 9:14; 13:5;
10 The adversaries of the LORD
praying to the LORD. 35:9 1Strength shall be abroken in pieces;
2Lit. My
27 aFor this child I prayed, and the bFrom heaven He will thunder
mouth is
LORD has granted me my petition enlarged against them.
which I asked of Him. cThe LORD will judge the ends
2 aEx. 15:11
28 Therefore I also have lent him bDeut. 4:35 of the earth.
to the LORD; as long as he lives he cDeut. 32:4,
shall be 1lent to the LORD. So they 30, 31 d He will give estrength to His
aworshiped the LORD there.
3 aPs. 94:4 king,
b1 Sam. 16:7 And fexalt the 1horn of His
Hannahs Prayer anointed.
4 aPs. 37:15;
And Hannah aprayed and said:
2 My heart rejoices in the L
b ORD;
5 aPs. 113:9
11 Then Elkanah went to his house
at Ramah. But the child 1ministered
bIs. 54:1
c My 1horn is exalted in the to the LORD before Eli the priest.
LORD. 6 aDeut. 32:39
The Wicked Sons of Eli
2 I smile at my enemies, 7 aDeut. 8:17,
Because I drejoice in Your 18 bPs. 75:7 12 Now the sons of Eli were acor-
salvation. rupt;1 bthey did not know the LORD.
8 aLuke 1:52 13 And the priests custom with the
bJob 36:7 cJob
2 Noa one is holy like the LORD, 38:46 people was that when any man
For there is bnone besides You, offered a sacrifice, the priests ser-
Nor is there any crock like our 9 a[1 Pet. 1:5]
b[Rom. 3:19]
vant would come with a three-
God. pronged fleshhook in his hand
10 aPs. 2:9 bPs. while the meat was boiling.
3 Talk no more so very proudly; 18:13, 14 cPs. 14 Then he would thrust it into the
aLet no arrogance come from 96:13; 98:9 pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; and
d[Matt. 28:18]
your mouth, ePs. 21:1, 7 the priest would take for himself all
For the LORD is the God of fPs. 89:24 that the fleshhook brought up. So
bknowledge; 1Strength
they did in aShiloh to all the
And by Him actions are 11 1served Israelites who came there.
weighed. 15 Also, before they aburned the
12 aDeut. fat, the priests servant would come
4 Thea bows of the mighty men 13:13 bJudg. and say to the man who sacrificed,
2:10 1Lit. sons
are broken, of Belial Give meat for roasting to the priest,
And those who stumbled are for he will not take boiled meat
girded with strength. 14 a1 Sam. 1:3 from you, but raw.
5 Those who were full have hired 15 aLev. 3:35, 16 And if the man said to him,
themselves out for bread, 16 They should really burn the fat
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1 SAMUEL 2:17 242

first; then you may take as much as 17 aGen. 6:11
b[Mal. 2:79]
30 Therefore the LORD God of
your heart desires, he would then 1despised Israel says: aI said indeed that your
answer him, No, but you must give house and the house of your father
it now; and if not, I will take it by 18 a1 Sam.
would walk before Me forever. But
force. 2:11; 3:1 bEx. now the LORD says: bFar be it from
17 Therefore the sin of the young 28:4 Me; for those who honor Me I will
men was very great abefore the honor, and cthose who despise Me
LORD, for men babhorred1 the offer- 19 a1 Sam. 1:3, shall be lightly esteemed.
ing of the LORD. 21 31 Behold, athe days are coming
that I will cut off your 1arm and the
Samuels Childhood Ministry 20 aGen. 14:19 arm of your fathers house, so that
b1 Sam. 1:11,
18 aBut Samuel ministered before 27, 28 1gift
there will not be an old man in your
the LORD, even as a child, bwearing house.
a linen ephod. 21 aGen. 21:1
32 And you will see an enemy in My
19 Moreover his mother used to b1 Sam. 2:26; dwelling place, despite all the good
make him a little robe, and bring it 3:1921 which God does for Israel. And there
1attended to
to him year by year when she acame shall not be aan old man in your
up with her husband to offer the house forever.
yearly sacrifice. 22 aEx. 38:8
1So with MT,
33 But any of your men whom I do
20 And Eli awould bless Elkanah Tg., Vg.; DSS,
not cut off from My altar shall con-
and his wife, and say, The LORD LXX omit rest sume your eyes and grieve your
give you descendants from this of verse heart. And all the descendants of
woman for the 1loan that was bgiven your house shall die in the flower of
to the LORD. Then they would go to 25 aDeut. 1:17; their age.
their own home. 25:1, 2 bNum. 34 Now this shall be aa sign to you
15:30 cJosh. that will come upon your two sons,
21 And the LORD avisited1 Hannah, 11:20 1Tg. the
so that she conceived and bore Judge on Hophni and Phinehas: bin one
three sons and two daughters. day they shall die, both of them.
Meanwhile the child Samuel bgrew 26 a1 Sam. 35 Then aI will raise up for Myself
before the LORD. 2:21 bProv. 3:4 a faithful priest who shall do
according to what is in My heart
Prophecy Against Elis Household 27 a1 Kin. 13:1 and in My mind. bI will build him a
22 Now Eli was very old; and he
bEx. 4:1416;
sure house, and he shall walk before
12:1 cMy anointed forever.
heard everything his sons did to all 36 aAnd it shall come to pass that
Israel, 1and how they lay with athe 28 aEx. 28:1, 4 everyone who is left in your house
women who assembled at the door bNum. 5:9
will come and bow down to him for
of the tabernacle of meeting. a piece of silver and a morsel of
23 So he said to them, Why do you 29 aDeut.
bread, and say, Please, 1put me in
do such things? For I hear of your 32:15 bDeut.
evil dealings from all the people. 12:5 cMatt. one of the priestly positions, that I
24 No, my sons! For it is not a
10:37 may eat a piece of bread.
good report that I hear. You make 30 aEx. 29:9 Samuels First Prophecy
the LORDs people transgress. bJer. 18:9, 10
Now athe boy Samuel minis-
25 If one man sins against anoth-
er, aGod1 will judge him. But if a
man bsins against the LORD, who
cMal. 2:912

31 a1 Kin.
3 tered to the LORD before Eli.
And bthe word of the LORD was rare
will intercede for him? Neverthe- 2:27, 35
in those days; there was no wide-
less they did not heed the voice of spread revelation.
their father, cbecause the LORD 2 And it came to pass at that time,
desired to kill them. 32 aZech. 8:4 while Eli was lying down in his
26 And the child Samuel agrew in place, and when his eyes had begun
stature, and bin favor both with the 34 a1 Kin. 13:3 to grow aso dim that he could not
b1 Sam. 4:11,
LORD and men. 17 see,
27 Then a aman of God came to Eli 3 and before athe lamp of God
and said to him, Thus says the 35 a1 Kin. 2:35 went out in the 1tabernacle of the
LORD: bDid I not clearly reveal b1 Kin. 11:38 LORD where the ark of God was,
Myself to the house of your father cPs. 18:50 and while Samuel was lying down,
when they were in Egypt in 4 that the LORD called Samuel.
Pharaohs house? 36 a1 Kin. 2:27 And he answered, Here I am!
28 Did I not achoose him out of all 5 So he ran to Eli and said, Here
the tribes of Israel to be My priest, to I am, for you called me. And he
offer upon My altar, to burn incense, CHAPTER 3 said, I did not call; lie down again.
and to wear an ephod before Me? And he went and lay down.
And bdid I not give to the house of 1 Sam. 6 Then the LORD called yet again,
2:11, 18 bPs.
your father all the offerings of the 74:9 Samuel! So Samuel arose and
children of Israel made by fire? went to Eli, and said, Here I am, for
29 Why do you akick at My sacri- 2 a1 Sam. 4:15
you called me. He answered, I did
fice and My offering which I have not call, my son; lie down again.
commanded in My bdwelling place, 3 aEx. 27:20,
7 (Now Samuel adid not yet know
and honor your sons more than cMe, 21 1palace or the LORD, nor was the word of the
to make yourselves fat with the best temple LORD yet revealed to him.)
of all the offerings of Israel My peo- 8 And the LORD called Samuel
ple? 7 a1 Sam. 2:12 again the third time. So he arose and
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243 1 SAMUEL 4:16

went to Eli, and said, Here I am, for 9 a1 Kin. 2:17 killed about four thousand men of
you did call me. Then Eli perceived 11 a2 Kin. the army in the field.
that the LORD had called the boy. 21:12 3 And when the people had come
9 Therefore Eli said to Samuel, 12 a1 Sam. into the camp, the elders of Israel
Go, lie down; and it shall be, if He 2:2736 said, Why has the LORD defeated
calls you, that you must say, 13 a1 Sam.
us today before the Philistines? aLet
aSpeak, L ORD , for Your servant
2:2931 us bring the ark of the covenant of
hears. So Samuel went and lay b1 Sam. 2:22 the LORD from Shiloh to us, that
down in his place. c1 Sam. 2:12,
when it comes among us it may save
17, 22 d1 Sam. us from the hand of our enemies.
10 Now the LORD came and stood 2:23, 25 1Lit.
and called as at other times, rebuke 4 So the people sent to Shiloh,
Samuel! Samuel! And Samuel that they might bring from there the
14 aNum. ark of the covenant of the LORD of
answered, Speak, for Your servant 15:30, 31
hears. hosts, awho dwells between bthe
15 1So with cherubim. And the ctwo sons of Eli,
11 Then the LORD said to Samuel: MT, Tg., Vg.;
Behold, I will do something in LXX adds
Hophni and Phinehas, were there
Israel aat which both ears of every- and he arose with the ark of the covenant of God.
one who hears it will tingle. in the morn- 5 And when the ark of the
ing covenant of the LORD came into the
12 In that day I will perform
against Eli aall that I have spoken 17 aRuth 1:17 camp, all Israel shouted so loudly
concerning his house, from begin- 18 aIs. 39:8
that the earth shook.
ning to end. 6 Now when the Philistines heard
13 aFor I have told him that I will 19 a1 Sam. the noise of the shout, they said,
2:21 bGen. What does the sound of this great
bjudge his house forever for the 21:22; 28:15;
iniquity which he knows, because 39:2, 21, 23 shout in the camp of the Hebrews
chis sons made themselves vile, and
c1 Sam. 9:6 mean? Then they understood that
he ddid not 1restrain them. the ark of the LORD had come into
14 And therefore I have sworn to 20 aJudg. 20:1 the camp.
the house of Eli that the iniquity of
1confirmed 7 So the Philistines were afraid,
Elis house ashall not be atoned for 21 a1 Sam.3:1, for they said, God has come into
4 the camp! And they said, aWoe to
by sacrifice or offering forever. us! For such a thing has never hap-
15 So Samuel lay down until pened before.
1morning, and opened the doors of CHAPTER 4
8 Woe to us! Who will deliver us
the house of the LORD. And Samuel 1 a1 Sam. 7:12 from the hand of these mighty
was afraid to tell Eli the vision. 1So with MT,
gods? These are the gods who
16 Then Eli called Samuel and Tg.; LXX, Vg. struck the Egyptians with all the
said, Samuel, my son! He an- add And it
came to pass plagues in the wilderness.
swered, Here I am. in those days 9 aBe strong and conduct your-
17 And he said, What is the word that the selves like men, you Philistines, that
that the LORD spoke to you? Please Philistines you do not become servants of the
do not hide it from me. aGod do so gathered
themselves Hebrews, bas they have been to you.
to you, and more also, if you hide together to 1Conduct yourselves like men, and
anything from me of all the things fight; LXX fight!
that He said to you. adds further
against Israel 10 So the Philistines fought, and
18 Then Samuel told him every- aIsrael was 1defeated, and every man
thing, and hid nothing from him. 2 a1 Sam. 12:9
1Lit. struck
fled to his tent. There was a very
And he said, aIt is the LORD. Let great slaughter, and there fell of
Him do what seems good to Him. 3 aJosh. 6:621 Israel thirty thousand foot soldiers.
19 So Samuel agrew, and bthe 4 a1 Sam. 6:2 11 Also athe ark of God was cap-
LORD was with him cand let none of bNum. 7:89 tured; and bthe two sons of Eli,
his words 1fall to the ground. c1 Sam. 2:12
Hophni and Phinehas, died.
20 And all Israel afrom Dan to 7 aEx. 15:14
Beersheba knew that Samuel had Death of Eli
been 1established as a prophet of 9 a1 Cor. 16:13
bJudg. 13:1 12 Then a man of Benjamin ran
the LORD. 1Lit. Be men
from the battle line the same day,
21 Then the LORD appeared again 10 aDeut. and acame to Shiloh with his clothes
in Shiloh. For the LORD revealed 28:15, 25 1Lit. torn and bdirt on his head.
Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by athe struck down 13 Now when he came, there was
word of the LORD. 11 aPs. 78:60, Eli, sitting on aa seat 1by the wayside
And the word of Samuel came
4 to all 1Israel.
61 b1 Sam.
watching, for his heart 2trembled for
the ark of God. And when the man
came into the city and told it, all the
12 a2 Sam. 1:2
The Ark of God Captured bJosh. 7:6 city cried out.
13 a1 Sam. 1:9; 14 When Eli heard the noise of the
Now Israel went out to battle 4:18 1So with outcry, he said, What does the
against the Philistines, and en- MT, Vg.; LXX sound of this tumult mean? And
camped beside aEbenezer; and the beside the the man came quickly and told Eli.
gate watch-
Philistines encamped in Aphek. ing the road 15 Eli was ninety-eight years old,
2 Then the aPhilistines put them- 2trembled and ahis eyes were so 1dim that he
selves in battle array against Israel. with anxiety could not see.
And when they joined battle, Israel 15 a1 Sam. 3:2 16 Then the man said to Eli, I am
was 1defeated by the Philistines, who 1fixed he who came from the battle. And I
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1 SAMUEL 4:17 244

fled today from the battle line. And 16 a2 Sam. 1:4 of the aGod of Israel must not
he said, aWhat happened, my son? remain with us, for His hand is
17 So the messenger answered and 20 aGen. harsh toward us and Dagon our
35:1619 1pay
said, Israel has fled before the any attention god.
Philistines, and there has been a to 8 Therefore they sent and gath-
great slaughter among the people. ered to themselves all the alords of
Also your two sons, Hophni and 21 a1 Sam. the Philistines, and said, What
Phinehas, are dead; and the ark of 14:3 bPs. 26:8; shall we do with the ark of the God
God has been captured. 78:61 1Lit.
Inglorious of Israel? And they answered, Let
18 Then it happened, when he the ark of the God of Israel be car-
made mention of the ark of God, ried away to bGath. So they carried
that Eli fell off the seat backward by CHAPTER 5 the ark of the God of Israel away.
the side of the gate; and his neck 9 So it was, after they had carried
was broken and he died, for the man 1 a1 Sam. 4:1; it away, that athe hand of the LORD
was old and heavy. And he had 7:12 was against the city with a very
judged Israel forty years. great destruction; and He struck the
2 a1 Chr. men of the city, both small and great,
Ichabod 10:810 1A 1and tumors broke out on them.
Philistine idol 10 Therefore they sent the ark of
19 Now his daughter-in-law, Phine-
has wife, was with child, due to be God to Ekron. So it was, as the ark of
3 aIs. 19:1;
delivered; and when she heard the 46:1, 2 bIs. God came to Ekron, that the Ekron-
news that the ark of God was cap- 46:7 ites cried out, saying, They have
tured, and that her father-in-law and brought the ark of the God of Israel
her husband were dead, she bowed 4 aMic. 1:7 1So to us, to kill us and our people!
herself and gave birth, for her labor with LXX, 11 So they sent and gathered
Syr., Tg., Vg.; together all the lords of the
pains came upon her. MT Dagon
20 And about the time of her death Philistines, and said, Send away
athe women who stood by her said to
5 aZeph. 1:9 the ark of the God of Israel, and let
her, Do not fear, for you have borne it go back to its own place, so that it
a son. But she did not answer, nor 6 aEx. 9:3 does not kill us and our people. For
did she 1regard it. b1 Sam. 6:5 there was a deadly destruction
cDeut. 28:27;
21 Then she named the child aIcha- throughout all the city; the hand of
Ps. 78:66
bod,1 saying, bThe glory has dJosh. 15:46, God was very heavy there.
departed from Israel! because the 47 1Probably 12 And the men who did not die
ark of God had been captured and bubonic were stricken with the tumors, and
plague. LXX, the acry of the city went up to
because of her father-in-law and her Vg. add And
husband. in the midst heaven.
22 And she said, The glory has of their land
departed from Israel, for the ark of rats sprang The Ark Returned to Israel
up, and there
God has been captured. Now the ark of the LORD was in
The Philistines and the Ark
was a great
death panic in
the city.
6 the country of the Philistines
seven months.
Then the Philistines took the 2 And the Philistines acalled for
5 ark of God and brought it afrom
Ebenezer to Ashdod.
7 a1 Sam. 6:5 the priests and the diviners, saying,
What shall we do with the ark of
8 a1 Sam. 6:4
2 When the Philistines took the bJosh. 11:22 the LORD? Tell us how we should
ark of God, they brought it into the send it to its place.
house of aDagon1 and set it by 9 aDeut. 2:15 3 So they said, If you send away
Dagon. 1Vg. and they the ark of the God of Israel, do not
3 And when the people of Ashdod had tumors in send it aempty; but by all means
their secret return it to Him with ba trespass
arose early in the morning, there parts
was Dagon, afallen on its face to the offering. Then you will be healed,
earth before the ark of the LORD. So 12 aJer. 14:2 and it will be known to you why His
they took Dagon and bset it in its hand is not removed from you.
place again. 4 Then they said, What is the
4 And when they arose early the CHAPTER 6 trespass offering which we shall
next morning, there was Dagon, fall- return to Him? They answered,
en on its face to the ground before the aFive golden tumors and five gold-
2 aGen. 41:8
ark of the LORD. aThe head of Dagon en rats, according to the number of
and both the palms of its hands were 3 aDeut. 16:16 the lords of the Philistines. For the
broken off on the threshold; only bLev. 5:15, 16 same plague was on all of 1you and
1Dagons torso was left of it. on your lords.
5 Therefore neither the priests of 4 a1 Sam. 5:6, 5 Therefore you shall make
Dagon nor any who come into 9, 12; 6:17 images of your tumors and images
1Lit. them
Dagons house atread on the thresh- of your rats that aravage the land,
old of Dagon in Ashdod to this day. 5 a1 Sam. 5:6 and you shall bgive glory to the God
6 But the ahand of the LORD was bJosh. 7:19 of Israel; perhaps He will clighten1
heavy on the people of Ashdod, and c1 Sam. 5:6, His hand from you, from dyour gods,
He bravaged them and struck them 11 d1 Sam. and from your land.
5:3, 4, 7 1ease
with ctumors,1 both Ashdod and its 6 Why then do you harden your
6 aEx. 7:13;
hearts aas the Egyptians and
7 And when the men of Ashdod 8:15; 9:34; Pharaoh hardened their hearts?
saw how it was, they said, The ark 14:17 When He did mighty things among
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245 1 SAMUEL 7:10

them, bdid they not let the people go, 6 bEx. 12:31 into the ark of the LORD. 1He bstruck
that they might depart? fifty thousand and seventy men of
7 Now therefore, make aa new 7 a2 Sam. 6:3 the people, and the people lamented
cart, take two milk cows bwhich bNum. 19:2 because the LORD had struck the
have never been yoked, and hitch people with a great slaughter.
the cows to the cart; and take their 8 a1 Sam. 6:4,
calves home, away from them. 5 The Ark at Kirjath Jearim
8 Then take the ark of the LORD 20 And the men of Beth Shemesh
and set it on the cart; and put athe 9 aJosh. 15:10; said, aWho is able to stand before
articles of gold which you are 21:16 b1 Sam. this holy LORD God? And to whom
returning to Him as a trespass offer- 6:3 1this shall it go up from us?
ing in a chest by its side. Then send calamity to
us 21 So they sent messengers to the
it away, and let it go. inhabitants of aKirjath Jearim, say-
9 And watch: if it goes up the ing, The Philistines have brought
road to its own territory, to aBeth 12 aNum.
20:19 back the ark of the LORD; come
Shemesh, then He has done 1us this down and take it up with you.
great evil. But if not, then bwe shall Then the men of aKirjath Jearim
know that it is not His hand that
struck usit happened to us by
13 a1 Sam.
7 came and took the ark of the
LORD, and brought it into the house
chance. of bAbinadab on the hill, and cconse-
10 Then the men did so; they took 16 aJosh. 13:3 crated Eleazar his son to keep the
two milk cows and hitched them to ark of the LORD.
the cart, and shut up their calves at 17 a1 Sam. 6:4
home. b1 Sam. 5:8 Samuel Judges Israel
11 And they set the ark of the 2 So it was that the ark remained
LORD on the cart, and the chest with 19 aEx. 19:21 in Kirjath Jearim a long time; it was
the gold rats and the images of their b2 Sam. 6:7
there twenty years. And all the
1Or He struck
tumors. house of Israel lamented after the
seventy men
12 Then the cows headed straight of the people LORD.
for the road to Beth Shemesh, and and fifty oxen 3 Then Samuel spoke to all the
went along the ahighway, lowing as of a man
house of Israel, saying, If you are-
they went, and did not turn aside to turn to the LORD with all your
the right hand or the left. And the 20 aMal. 3:2 hearts, then bput away the foreign
lords of the Philistines went after gods and the cAshtoreths1 from
them to the border of Beth Shemesh. 21 a1 Chr. among you, and dprepare your
13 Now the people of Beth 13:5, 6 hearts for the LORD, and eserve Him
Shemesh were reaping their awheat only; and He will deliver you from
harvest in the valley; and they lifted the hand of the Philistines.
their eyes and saw the ark, and CHAPTER 7 4 So the children of Israel put
rejoiced to see it. away the aBaals and the 1Ash-
14 Then the cart came into the field toreths, and served the LORD only.
of Joshua of Beth Shemesh, and 1 a1 Sam. 6:21 5 And Samuel said, aGather all
stood there; a large stone was there. b2 Sam. 6:3, 4
cLev. 21:8 Israel to Mizpah, and bI will pray to
So they split the wood of the cart the LORD for you.
and offered the cows as a burnt 6 So they gathered together at
offering to the LORD. 3 aDeut. Mizpah, adrew water, and poured it
15 The Levites took down the ark of 30:210 bGen.
35:2 cJudg. out before the LORD. And they
the LORD and the chest that was with 2:13 dJob bfasted that day, and said there, cWe
it, in which were the articles of gold, 11:13 eLuke have sinned against the LORD. And
and put them on the large stone. 4:8 1Images of Samuel judged the children of Israel
Then the men of Beth Shemesh Canaanite
goddesses at Mizpah.
offered burnt offerings and made 7 Now when the Philistines heard
sacrifices the same day to the LORD. that the children of Israel had gath-
16 So when athe five lords of the 4 aJudg. 2:11;
10:16 1Images ered together at Mizpah, the lords of
Philistines had seen it, they of Canaanite the Philistines went up against
returned to Ekron the same day. goddesses Israel. And when the children of
17 aThese are the golden tumors Israel heard of it, they were afraid
which the Philistines returned as a 5 aJudg. 10:17; of the Philistines.
trespass offering to the LORD: one 20:1 b1 Sam. 8 So the children of Israel said to
for Ashdod, one for Gaza, one for 12:1719 Samuel, aDo not cease to cry out to
Ashkelon, one for bGath, one for the LORD our God for us, that He
Ekron; 6 a2 Sam. may save us from the hand of the
18 and the golden rats, according 14:14 bNeh. Philistines.
to the number of all the cities of the 9:1, 2 c1 Sam. 9 And Samuel took a asuckling
Philistines belonging to the five lamb and offered it as a whole burnt
lords, both fortified cities and coun- offering to the LORD. Then bSamuel
try villages, even as far as the large 8 aIs. 37:4 cried out to the LORD for Israel, and
stone of Abel on which they set the the LORD answered him.
ark of the LORD, which stone 9 aLev. 22:27 10 Now as Samuel was offering up
remains to this day in the field of b1 Sam. 12:18 the burnt offering, the Philistines
Joshua of Beth Shemesh. drew near to battle against Israel.
19 Then aHe struck the men of Beth 10 a2 Sam.
aBut the LORD thundered with a loud
Shemesh, because they had looked 22:14, 15 thunder upon the Philistines that
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1 SAMUEL 7:11 246

day, and so confused them that they 11 1struck the LORD to the people who asked
were overcome before Israel. them down him for a king.
11 And the men of Israel went out 12 aGen. 28:18;
11 And he said, aThis will be the
of Mizpah and pursued the Philis- 35:14; Josh. behavior of the king who will reign
tines, and 1drove them back as far 4:9; 24:26 1Lit. over you: He will take your bsons
as below Beth Car. Stone of Help and appoint them for his own cchar-
12 Then Samuel atook a stone and iots and to be his horsemen, and
set it up between Mizpah and Shen, 13 aJudg. 13:1
b1 Sam. 13:5
some will run before his chariots.
and called its name 1Ebenezer, say- 12 He will aappoint captains over
ing, Thus far the LORD has helped 15 a1 Sam.
his thousands and captains over his
us. 12:11 fifties, will set some to plow his
13 aSo the Philistines were subdued, ground and reap his harvest, and
and they bdid not come anymore into 17 a1 Sam. 8:4 some to make his weapons of war
the territory of Israel. And the hand bJudg. 21:4 and equipment for his chariots.
of the LORD was against the 13 He will take your daughters to
Philistines all the days of Samuel.
be perfumers, cooks, and bakers.
14 Then the cities which the 14 And ahe will take the best of
Philistines had taken from Israel your fields, your vineyards, and
were restored to Israel, from Ekron 1 a1 Sam. 12:2
bDeut. 16:18,
your olive groves, and give them to
to Gath; and Israel recovered its ter- 19; 2 Chr. 19:5
his servants.
ritory from the hands of the cJudg. 10:4 15 He will take a tenth of your
Philistines. Also there was peace grain and your vintage, and give it
between Israel and the Amorites. 3 aJer. to his officers and servants.
15 And Samuel ajudged Israel all 22:1517 bEx. 16 And he will take your male ser-
the days of his life. 18:21 cEx. vants, your female servants, your
23:68; Deut.
16 He went from year to year on a 16:19; 1 Sam. finest 1young men, and your don-
circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah, 12:3 keys, and put them to his work.
and judged Israel in all those places. 17 He will take a tenth of your
17 But ahe always returned to 5 aDeut. 17:14, sheep. And you will be his servants.
Ramah, for his home was there. 15; Hos. 13:10, 18 And you will cry out in that day
11; Acts 13:21
There he judged Israel, and there he because of your king whom you
bbuilt an altar to the LORD. have chosen for yourselves, and the
6 a1 Sam.
12:17 b1 Sam. LORD awill not hear you in that day.
Israel Demands a King 7:9 19 Nevertheless the people are-
Now it came to pass when fused to obey the voice of Samuel;
8 Samuel was aold that he bmade
his csons judges over Israel.
7 aEx. 16:8
b1 Sam. 10:19
and they said, No, but we will have
a king over us,
2 The name of his firstborn was 20 that we also may be alike all the
9 a1 Sam.
Joel, and the name of his second, Abi- 8:1118 nations, and that our king may judge
jah; they were judges in Beersheba. us and go out before us and fight our
3 But his sons adid not walk in his 11 aDeut. battles.
ways; they turned aside bafter dis- 17:1420 21 And Samuel heard all the words
b1 Sam. 14:52
honest gain, ctook bribes, and per- c2 Sam. 15:1
of the people, and he repeated them
verted justice. in the hearing of the LORD.
4 Then all the elders of Israel 12 a1 Sam.
22 So the LORD said to Samuel,
aHeed their voice, and make them a
gathered together and came to 22:7
Samuel at Ramah, king. And Samuel said to the men
5 and said to him, Look, you are 14 a1 Kin. 21:7; of Israel, Every man go to his city.
[Ezek. 46:18]
old, and your sons do not walk in Saul Chosen to Be King
your ways. Now amake us a king to 16 1LXX cattle
There was a man of Benjamin
judge us like all the nations.
6 But the thing adispleased Sam-
uel when they said, Give us a king
18 aProv.
1:2528; Is.
9 whose name was aKish the son
of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of
to judge us. So Samuel bprayed to 1:15; Mic. 3:4 Bechorath, the son of Aphiah, a
the LORD. Benjamite, a mighty man of 1power.
7 And the LORD said to Samuel, 19 aIs. 66:4; 2 And he had a choice and hand-
Jer. 44:16 some son whose name was Saul.
Heed the voice of the people in all
that they say to you; for athey have 20 a1 Sam. 8:5
There was not a more handsome
not rejected you, but bthey have person than he among the children
rejected Me, that I should not reign 22 a1 Sam. 8:7; of Israel. aFrom his shoulders
over them. Hos. 13:11 upward he was taller than any of
8 According to all the works the people.
which they have done since the day 3 Now the donkeys of Kish, Sauls
that I brought them up out of Egypt, CHAPTER 9 father, were lost. And Kish said to
even to this daywith which they his son Saul, Please take one of the
have forsaken Me and served other 1a1 Sam. servants with you, and arise, go and
godsso they are doing to you also. 14:51; 1 Chr. look for the donkeys.
9 Now therefore, heed their 8:33; 9:3639 4 So he passed through the moun-
voice. However, you shall solemnly tains of Ephraim and through the
forewarn them, and ashow them the 2 a1 Sam. land of aShalisha, but they did not
behavior of the king who will reign 10:23 find them. Then they passed through
over them. the land of Shaalim, and they were
10 So Samuel told all the words of 4 a2 Kin. 4:42 not there. Then he passed through
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247 1 SAMUEL 10:3

the land of the Benjamites, but they 5 a1 Sam. 1:1 in the gate, and said, Please tell me,
b1 Sam. 10:2
did not find them. where is the seers house?
5 When they had come to the land 6 aDeut. 33:1 19 Samuel answered Saul and
of aZuph, Saul said to his servant b1 Sam. 3:19
said, I am the seer. Go up before me
who was with him, Come, let bus 7 aJudg. 6:18; to the high place, for you shall eat
return, lest my father cease caring 13:17 with me today; and tomorrow I will
about the donkeys and become wor- 9 aGen. 25:22 let you go and will tell you all that is
ried about us. b2 Kin. 17:13 in your heart.
6 And he said to him, Look now, 1Lit. to seek 20 But as for ayour donkeys that
there is in this city aa man of God, God were lost three days ago, do not be
and he is an honorable man; ball 10 1Lit. Your anxious about them, for they have
that he says surely comes to pass. word is good been found. And 1on whom bis all
So let us go there; perhaps he can 11 aEx. 2:16 the desire of Israel? Is it not on you
show us the way that we should go. and on all your fathers house?
12 aGen. 31:54 21 And Saul answered and said,
7 Then Saul said to his servant, b1 Kin. 3:2
But look, if we go, awhat shall we aAm I not a Benjamite, of the
bring the man? For the bread in our 15 a1 Sam. bsmallest of the tribes of Israel, and
vessels is all gone, and there is no cmy family the least of all the fami-
present to bring to the man of God. 16 aDeut. lies of the 1tribe of Benjamin? Why
What do we have? 17:15 b1 Sam. then do you speak like this to me?
10:1 cEx.
8 And the servant answered Saul 2:2325; 3:7, 9 22 Now Samuel took Saul and his
again and said, Look, I have here at 1prince or servant and brought them into the
hand one-fourth of a shekel of sil- ruler hall, and had them sit in the place of
ver. I will give that to the man of 17 a1 Sam. honor among those who were invited;
God, to tell us our way. 16:12 there were about thirty persons.
9 (Formerly in Israel, when a man 20 a1 Sam. 9:3
23 And Samuel said to the cook,
awent 1to inquire of God, he spoke b1 Sam. 8:5, Bring the portion which I gave
thus: Come, let us go to the seer; 19; 12:13 1for you, of which I said to you, Set it
for he who is now called a prophet whom apart.
was formerly called ba seer.) 21 a1 Sam. 24 So the cook took up athe thigh
10 Then Saul said to his servant, 15:17 bJudg. with its upper part and set it before
1Well said; come, let us go. So they 20:4648
cJudg. 6:15
Saul. And Samuel said, Here it is,
went to the city where the man of 1Lit. tribes what was kept back. It was set apart
God was. for you. Eat; for until this time it has
24 aLev. 7:32, been kept for you, since I said I
11 As they went up the hill to the 33
city, athey met some young women invited the people. So Saul ate with
going out to draw water, and said to 25 aDeut. 22:8 Samuel that day.
1So with MT,
them, Is the seer here? Tg.; LXX
25 When they had come down
12 And they answered them and omits He from the high place into the city,
1Samuel spoke with Saul on athe top
said, Yes, there he is, just ahead of spoke with
you. Hurry now; for today he came Saul on the of the house.
top of the 26 They arose early; and it was
to this city, because athere is a sacri- house; LXX,
fice of the people today bon the high Vg. afterward about the dawning of the day that
place. add And he Samuel called to Saul on the top of
13 As soon as you come into the prepared a the house, saying, Get up, that I
bed for Saul may send you on your way. And
city, you will surely find him before on the top of
he goes up to the high place to eat. the house, Saul arose, and both of them went
For the people will not eat until he and he slept. outside, he and Samuel.
comes, because he must bless the 27 1now Saul Anointed King
sacrifice; afterward those who are
invited will eat. Now therefore, go 27 As they were going down to the
up, for about this time you will find 1 a2 Kin. 9:3, 6
bPs. 2:12 cActs
outskirts of the city, Samuel said to
him. 13:21 dDeut.
Saul, Tell the servant to go on
14 So they went up to the city. As 32:9 1So with ahead of us. And he went on. But
they were coming into the city, there MT, Tg.,Vg.; you stand here 1awhile, that I may
was Samuel, coming out toward LXX people announce to you the word of God.
them on his way up to the high place. Israel; and you Then aSamuel took a flask of
15 aNow the LORD had told Samuel
in his ear the day before Saul came,
shall rule the
people of the
Lord; LXX,Vg.
10 oil and poured it on his head,
band kissed him and said: Is it not
saying, add And you because cthe LORD has anointed you
shall deliver
16 Tomorrow about this time aI His people commander over dHis 1inheritance?
will send you a man from the land from the 2 When you have departed from
of Benjamin, band you shall anoint hands of their me today, you will find two men by
him 1commander over My people enemies all aRachels tomb in the territory of
around them.
Israel, that he may save My people And this shall Benjamin bat Zelzah; and they will
from the hand of the Philistines; for be a sign to say to you, The donkeys which you
I have clooked upon My people, you, that God went to look for have been found.
because their cry has come to Me. has anointed And now your father has ceased
you to be a
17 So when Samuel saw Saul, the prince. caring about the donkeys and is
LORD said to him, aThere he is, the worrying about cyou, saying, What
man of whom I spoke to you. This 2 aGen. shall I do about my son?
35:1620; 48:7
one shall reign over My people. bJosh. 18:28 3 Then you shall go on forward
18 Then Saul drew near to Samuel c1 Sam. 9:35 from there and come to the terebinth
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1 SAMUEL 10:4 248

tree of Tabor. There three men going 3 aGen. 28:22; I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and
up ato God at Bethel will meet you, 35:1, 3, 7 delivered you from the hand of the
one carrying three young goats, 41ask you Egyptians and from the hand of all
another carrying three loaves of about your kingdoms and from those who
bread, and another carrying a skin welfare oppressed you.
of wine. 5 a1 Sam. 13:2, 19 aBut you have today rejected
4 And they will 1greet you and 3 b1 Sam. your God, who Himself saved you
give you two loaves of bread, which 19:12, 20
c2 Kin. 3:15
from all your adversities and your
you shall receive from their hands. tribulations; and you have said to
5 After that you shall come to the 6 aNum. 11:25, Him, No, set a king over us! Now
hill of God awhere the Philistine gar- 29 b1 Sam. therefore, present yourselves before
rison is. And it will happen, when 10:10; 19:23, the LORD by your tribes and by your
24 1clans.
you have come there to the city, that
you will meet a group of prophets 7 aEx. 4:8 20 And when Samuel had acaused
coming down bfrom the high place bJudg. 6:12
all the tribes of Israel to come near,
with a stringed instrument, a tam- 8 a1 Sam. the tribe of Benjamin was chosen.
bourine, a flute, and a harp before 11:14, 15; 13:8 21 When he had caused the tribe of
them; cand they will be prophesying. b1 Sam. Benjamin to come near by their
6 Then athe Spirit of the LORD 13:810 families, the family of Matri was
will come upon you, and byou will 9 1changed his chosen. And Saul the son of Kish
prophesy with them and be turned heart was chosen. But when they sought
into another man. him, he could not be found.
7 And let it be, when these asigns 10 a1 Sam.
10:5 b1 Sam. 22 Therefore they ainquired of the
come to you, that you do as the occa- 19:20 LORD further, Has the man come
sion demands; for bGod is with you. here yet? And the LORD answered,
8 You shall go down before me 11 aMatt. There he is, hidden among the
ato Gilgal; and surely I will come 13:5457
down to you to offer burnt offerings 12 aJohn 5:30, 23 So they ran and brought him
and make sacrifices of peace offer- 36 from there; and when he stood
ings. bSeven days you shall wait, till 14 a1 Sam. among the people, ahe was taller
I come to you and show you what 14:50 than any of the people from his
you should do. shoulders upward.
9 So it was, when he had turned 16 a1 Sam. 24 And Samuel said to all the peo-
his back to go from Samuel, that ple, Do you see him awhom the
God 1gave him another heart; and all 17 aJudg. 20:1 LORD has chosen, that there is no
those signs came to pass that day. b1 Sam. 7:5, 6
one like him among all the people?
10 aWhen they came there to the 18 aJudg. 6:8, 9 So all the people shouted and said,
hill, there was ba group of prophets bLong1 live the king!
to meet him; then the Spirit of God 19 a1 Sam. 8:7, 25 Then Samuel explained to the
came upon him, and he prophesied 19; 12:12
1thousands people athe behavior of royalty, and
among them. wrote it in a book and laid it up
11 And it happened, when all who 20 aActs 1:24, before the LORD. And Samuel sent
knew him formerly saw that he 26 all the people away, every man to
indeed prophesied among the 22 a1 Sam. his house.
prophets, that the people said to one 23:2, 4, 10, 11 26 And Saul also went home ato
another, What is this that has come Gibeah; and valiant men went with
upon the son of Kish? aIs Saul also 23 a1 Sam. 9:2
him, whose hearts God had touched.
among the prophets? 24 a2 Sam. 27 aBut some brebels said, How
12 Then a man from there answered 21:6 b1 Kin. can this man save us? So they
and said, But awho is their father? 1:25, 39 1Lit.
despised him, cand brought him no
Therefore it became a proverb: Is May the king
live presents. But he 1held his peace.
Saul also among the prophets?
13 And when he had finished 25 a1 Sam.
prophesying, he went to the high 8:1118 Saul Saves Jabesh Gilead
place. Then aNahash the Ammonite
14 Then Sauls auncle said to him
and his servant, Where did you
26 aJudg. 20:14
27 a1 Sam.
11 came up and 1encamped
against bJabesh Gilead; and all the
11:12 bDeut.
go? So he said, To look for the 13:13 c1 Kin. men of Jabesh said to Nahash,
donkeys. When we saw that they 4:21; 10:25 cMake a covenant with us, and we
were nowhere to be found, we went 1kept silent
will serve you.
to Samuel. 2 And Nahash the Ammonite
15 And Sauls uncle said, Tell me, CHAPTER 11 answered them, On this condition I
please, what Samuel said to you. will make a covenant with you, that
16 So Saul said to his uncle, He 1 a1 Sam. I may put out all your right eyes,
told us plainly that the donkeys had 12:12 bJudg. and bring areproach on all Israel.
been afound. But about the matter 21:8 cGen.
26:28 3 Then the elders of Jabesh said
of the kingdom, he did not tell him 1besieged to him, Hold off for seven days, that
what Samuel had said. we may send messengers to all the
2 aGen. 34:14 territory of Israel. And then, if there
Saul Proclaimed King
3 1deliver is no one to 1save us, we will come
17 Then Samuel called the people out to you.
together ato the LORD bat Mizpah, 4 a1 Sam. 4 So the messengers came ato
10:26; 15:34
18 and said to the children of Israel, bJudg. 2:4; Gibeah of Saul and told the news in
aThus says the LORD God of Israel: 20:23, 26; 21:2 the hearing of the people. And ball
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249 1 SAMUEL 12:15

the people lifted up their voices and 6 aJudg. 3:10; 3 Here I am. Witness against me
wept. 6:34; 11:29; before the LORD and before aHis
13:25; 14:6
5 Now there was Saul, coming 7 aJudg. 19:29
anointed: bWhose ox have I taken,
behind the herd from the field; and bJudg. 21:5, 8, or whose donkey have I taken, or
Saul said, What troubles the peo- 10 1Lit. as one whom have I cheated? Whom have I
ple, that they weep? And they told man oppressed, or from whose hand
him the words of the men of Jabesh. 8 aJudg. 1:5
b2 Sam. 24:9
have I received any cbribe with
6 aThen the Spirit of God came which to dblind my eyes? I will
upon Saul when he heard this news, 11 a1 Sam. restore it to you.
31:11 bJudg.
and his anger was greatly aroused. 7:16, 20 4 And they said, aYou have not
7 So he took a yoke of oxen and 12 a1 Sam. cheated us or oppressed us, nor
acut them in pieces, and sent them have you taken anything from any
10:27 bLuke
throughout all the territory of Israel 19:27 mans hand.
by the hands of messengers, saying, 13 a2 Sam. 5 Then he said to them, The
bWhoever does not go out with 19:22 bEx. LORD is witness against you, and
14:13, 30
Saul and Samuel to battle, so it shall
14 a1 Sam.
His anointed is witness this day,
be done to his oxen. And the fear of 7:16; 10:8
athat you have not found anything
the LORD fell on the people, and 15 a1 Sam.
bin my hand. And they answered,
they came out 1with one consent. 10:17 b1 Sam. He is witness.
8 When he numbered them in 10:8 6 Then Samuel said to the people,
aBezek, the children bof Israel were aIt is the LORD who raised up Moses
three hundred thousand, and the CHAPTER 12 and Aaron, and who brought your
men of Judah thirty thousand. 1 a1 Sam. 8:5, fathers up from the land of Egypt.
9 And they said to the messengers 7, 9, 20, 22 7 Now therefore, stand still, that
b1 Sam. 10:24;
who came, Thus you shall say to the I may areason with you before the
11:14, 15 1lis-
men of Jabesh Gilead: Tomorrow, tened to LORD concerning all the brighteous
by the time the sun is hot, you shall 2 aNum. 27:17 acts of the LORD which He did to
have help. Then the messengers b1 Sam. 8:1, 5 you and your fathers:
came and reported it to the men of 3 a1 Sam. 8 aWhen Jacob had gone into
Jabesh, and they were glad. 10:1; 24:6 1Egypt, and your fathers bcried out
bNum. 16:15
10 Therefore the men of Jabesh cEx. 23:8 to the LORD, then the LORD csent
said, Tomorrow we will come out to dDeut. 16:19 Moses and Aaron, who brought
you, and you may do with us what- 4 aLev. 19:13 your fathers out of Egypt and made
ever seems good to you. 5 aActs 23:9; them dwell in this place.
11 So it was, on the next day, that 24:20 bEx. 9 And when they aforgot the LORD
aSaul put the people bin three com- 22:4 their God, He sold them into the
panies; and they came into the 6 aMic. 6:4 hand of bSisera, commander of the
midst of the camp in the morning 7 aIs. 1:18 army of Hazor, into the hand of
watch, and killed Ammonites until bJudg. 5:11
the cPhilistines, and into the hand of
the heat of the day. And it happened 8 aGen. 46:5, 6 the king of dMoab; and they fought
bEx. 2:2325
that those who survived were scat- cEx. 3:10; against them.
tered, so that no two of them were 4:1416 1So 10 Then they cried out to the LORD,
left together. with MT, Tg., and said, aWe have sinned, because
12 Then the people said to Samuel, Vg.; LXX we have forsaken the LORD band
aWho is he who said, Shall Saul adds and the
Egyptians served the Baals and 1Ashtoreths; but
reign over us? bBring the men, that afflicted them now deliver us from the hand of our
we may put them to death. 9 aJudg. 3:7 enemies, and we will serve You.
13 But Saul said, aNot a man shall bJudg. 4:2 11 And the LORD sent 1Jerubbaal,
be put to death this day, for today cJudg. 3:31; 2Bedan, aJephthah, and bSamuel,3
bthe LORD has accomplished salva- 10:7; 13:1
dJudg. 3:1230 and delivered you out of the hand of
tion in Israel. your enemies on every side; and you
10 aJudg. 10:10
14 Then Samuel said to the people, bJudg. 2:13; dwelt in safety.
Come, let us go ato Gilgal and 3:7 1Images of 12 And when you saw that aNa-
renew the kingdom there. Canaanite hash king of the Ammonites came
15 So all the people went to Gilgal, goddesses
11 aJudg. 11:1
against you, byou said to me, No,
and there they made Saul king b1 Sam. 7:13 but a king shall reign over us, when
abefore the LORD in Gilgal. bThere cthe LORD your God was your king.
1Gideon, cf.
they made sacrifices of peace offer- Judg. 6:2532; 13 Now therefore, ahere is the king
ings before the LORD, and there Syr. Deborah; bwhom you have chosen and whom
Saul and all the men of Israel Tg. Gideon
2LXX, Syr. you have desired. And take note, cthe
rejoiced greatly. Barak; Tg. LORD has set a king over you.
Simson 3Syr. 14 If you afear the LORD and serve
Samuels Address at Sauls Simson
Coronation Him and obey His voice, and do not
12 a1 Sam. rebel against the commandment of
11:1, 2
Now Samuel said to all Israel: the LORD, then both you and the
12 Indeed I have 1heeded ayour
voice in all that you said to me, and
b1 Sam. 8:5,
19, 20 cJudg.
king who reigns over you will con-
tinue following the LORD your God.
bhave made a king over you. 13 a1 Sam. 15 However, if you do anot obey
10:24 b1 Sam.
2 And now here is the king, 8:5; 12:17, 19 the voice of the LORD, but brebel
awalking before you; band I am old cHos. 13:11 against the commandment of the
and grayheaded, and look, my sons 14 aJosh. 24:14 LORD, then the hand of the LORD
are with you. I have walked before 15 aDeut. will be against you, as it was
you from my childhood to this day. 28:15 bIs. 1:20 against your fathers.
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1 SAMUEL 12:16 250

16 Now therefore, astand and see 16 aEx. 14:13, which is on the seashore in multi-
this great thing which the LORD will 31 tude. And they came up and
17 aGen. 30:14
do before your eyes: b[James encamped in Michmash, to the east
17 Is today not the awheat har- 5:1618] cEzra of bBeth Aven.
vest? bI will call to the LORD, and He 10:9 d1 Sam. 6 When the men of Israel saw that
will send thunder and crain, that you 8:7 they were in danger (for the people
may perceive and see that dyour 18 aEx. 14:31 were distressed), then the people
wickedness is great, which you have 19 aEx. 9:28 ahid in caves, in thickets, in rocks, in
done in the sight of the LORD, in 20 aDeut. holes, and in pits.
asking a king for yourselves. 21 a2 Chr.
7 And some of the Hebrews
18 So Samuel called to the LORD, 25:15 bIs. crossed over the Jordan to the aland
and the LORD sent thunder and rain 41:29 of Gad and Gilead. As for Saul, he
that day; and aall the people greatly 22 aDeut. 31:6 was still in Gilgal, and all the people
bIs. 43:21 cJer.
feared the LORD and Samuel. followed him trembling.
19 And all the people said to 14:21 dDeut.
7:611 8 aThen he waited seven days,
Samuel, aPray for your servants to 23 aRom. 1:9 according to the time set by Samuel.
the LORD your God, that we may not bPs. 34:11 But Samuel did not come to Gilgal;
die; for we have added to all our sins c1 Kin. 8:36 and the people were scattered from
the evil of asking a king for our- 24 aEccl. 12:13
bIs. 5:12
selves. cDeut. 10:21
9 So Saul said, Bring a burnt
20 Then Samuel said to the people, 25 aJosh. 24:20
offering and peace offerings here to
Do not fear. You have done all this bDeut. 28:36 me. And he offered the burnt offer-
wickedness; ayet do not turn aside ing.
from following the LORD, but serve CHAPTER 13 10 Now it happened, as soon as he
the LORD with all your heart. had finished presenting the burnt
21 And ado not turn aside; bfor 1 1Heb. is dif- offering, that Samuel came; and
ficult; cf.
then you would go after empty 2 Sam. 5:4; Saul went out to meet him, that he
things which cannot profit or deliv- 2 Kin. 14:2; might 1greet him.
er, for they are nothing. see also 11 And Samuel said, What have
22 For athe LORD will not forsake 2 Sam. 2:10; you done? Saul said, When I saw
bHis people, cfor His great names
Acts 13:21
2 a1 Sam. that the people were scattered from
sake, because dit has pleased the 14:5, 31 me, and that you did not come with-
LORD to make you His people. b1 Sam. 14:1 in the days appointed, and that the
c1 Sam. 10:26
23 Moreover, as for me, far be it Philistines gathered together at
from me that I should sin against 3 a1 Sam. 10:5 Michmash,
b2 Sam. 5:25
the LORD ain ceasing to pray for 4 1odious
12 then I said, The Philistines will
you; but bI will teach you the cgood 5 aJudg. 7:12
now come down on me at Gilgal,
and the right way. bJosh. 7:2 1So and I have not made supplication to
24 aOnly fear the LORD, and serve with MT, the LORD. Therefore I felt com-
Him in truth with all your heart; for LXX, Tg., Vg.; pelled, and offered a burnt offering.
bconsider what cgreat things He has Syr. and some 13 And Samuel said to Saul, aYou
mss. of LXX
done for you. three thou- have done foolishly. bYou have not
25 But if you still do wickedly, sand kept the commandment of the LORD
ayou shall be swept away, bboth you 6 aJudg. 6:2 your God, which He commanded
and your king. 7 aNum. you. For now the LORD would have
32:142 established your kingdom over
Sauls Unlawful Sacrifice 8 a1 Sam. 10:8 Israel forever.
10 1Lit. bless 14 aBut now your kingdom shall
Saul 1reigned one year; and
13 when he had reigned two
years over Israel,
13 a2 Chr. 16:9
b1 Sam. 15:11,
not continue. bThe LORD has sought
for Himself a man cafter His own
2 Saul chose for himself three thou- 22, 28 heart, and the LORD has command-
sand men of Israel. Two thousand 14 a1 Sam. ed him to be commander over His
were with Saul in aMichmash and in 15:28; 31:6
b1 Sam. 16:1
people, because you have dnot kept
the mountains of Bethel, and a thou- cActs 7:46; what the LORD commanded you.
sand were with bJonathan in cGibeah 13:22 d1 Sam. 15 Then Samuel arose and went up
of Benjamin. The rest of the people he 15:11, 19 from Gilgal to Gibeah of 1Benjamin.
sent away, every man to his tent. 15 a1 Sam. And Saul numbered the people
13:2, 6, 7; 14:2 present with him, aabout six hun-
3 And Jonathan attacked athe 1So with MT,
garrison of the Philistines that was Tg.; LXX, Vg. dred men.
in bGeba, and the Philistines heard add And the
rest of the No Weapons for the Army
of it. Then Saul blew the trumpet people went
throughout all the land, saying, Let up after Saul 16 Saul, Jonathan his son, and the
the Hebrews hear! to meet the people present with them remained
4 Now all Israel heard it said that people who in 1Gibeah of Benjamin. But the
Saul had attacked a garrison of the against them, Philistines encamped in Michmash.
Philistines, and that Israel had also going from 17 Then raiders came out of the
become 1an abomination to the Gilgal to camp of the Philistines in three
Philistines. And the people were Gibeah in the companies. One company turned
hill of Ben-
called together to Saul at Gilgal. jamin. onto the road to aOphrah, to the
5 Then the Philistines gathered 16 1Heb. Geba land of Shual,
together to fight with Israel, 1thirty 17 aJosh. 18:23 18 another company turned to the
thousand chariots and six thousand 18 aJosh. 16:3; road to aBeth Horon, and another
horsemen, and people aas the sand 18:13, 14 company turned to the road of the
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251 1 SAMUEL 14:23

border that overlooks the Valley of 18 bGen. 14:2; 10 But if they say thus, Come up
bZeboim toward the wilderness. Neh. 11:34 to us, then we will go up. For the
19 Now athere was no blacksmith 19 aJudg. 5:8; LORD has delivered them into our
to be found throughout all the land 2 Kin. 24:14; hand, and athis will be a sign to us.
of Israel, for the Philistines said, Jer. 24:1; 29:2 11 So both of them showed them-
Lest the Hebrews make swords or selves to the garrison of the Philis-
21 1About two-
spears. thirds shekel tines. And the Philistines said,
20 But all the Israelites would go weight Look, the Hebrews are coming out
down to the Philistines to sharpen of the holes where they have ahid-
each mans plowshare, his mattock, 22 aJudg. 5:8 den.
his ax, and his sickle; 12 Then the men of the garrison
23 a1 Sam.
21 and the charge for a sharpening 14:1, 4 called to Jonathan and his armor-
was a 1pim for the plowshares, the bearer, and said, Come up to us,
mattocks, the forks, and the axes, and we will 1show you something.
and to set the points of the goads. CHAPTER 14 Jonathan said to his armorbearer,
22 So it came about, on the day of Come up after me, for the LORD
battle, that athere was neither sword 1 has delivered them into the hand of
nor spear found in the hand of any Israel.
2 a1 Sam.
of the people who were with Saul 13:15, 16 13 And Jonathan climbed up on his
and Jonathan. But they were found hands and knees with his armor-
with Saul and Jonathan his son. 3 a1 Sam. 22:9, bearer after him; and they afell before
23 aAnd the garrison of the 11, 20 b1 Sam. Jonathan. And as he came after him,
Philistines went out to the pass of 4:21 c1 Sam.
2:28 his armorbearer killed them.
Michmash. 14 That first slaughter which
4 a1 Sam. Jonathan and his armorbearer
Jonathan Defeats the Philistines 13:23 made was about twenty men within
about 1half an acre of land.
6 a1 Sam.
Now it happened one day that 15 And athere was 1trembling in
14 Jonathan the son of Saul said
to the young man who bore his
17:26, 36; Jer.
9:25, 26 bJudg.
7:4, 7; 1 Sam.
the camp, in the field, and among all
the people. The garrison and bthe
armor, Come, let us go over to the 17:46, 47; raiders also trembled; and the earth
2 Chr. 14:11;
Philistines garrison that is on the [Ps. 115:3; quaked, so that it was ca very great
other side. But he did not tell his 135:6; Zech. trembling.
father. 4:6; Matt. 16 Now the watchmen of Saul in
19:26; Rom. Gibeah of Benjamin looked, and
2 And Saul was sitting in the out- 8:31]
skirts of aGibeah under a pome- there was the multitude, melting
granate tree which is in Migron. The 10 aGen. 24:14; away; and they awent here and there.
people who were with him were Judg. 6:3640 17 Then Saul said to the people
about six hundred men. who were with him, Now call the
11 a1 Sam.
3 aAhijah the son of Ahitub, bIcha- 13:6; 14:22 roll and see who has gone from us.
bods brother, the son of Phinehas, And when they had called the roll,
the son of Eli, the LORDs priest in 12 1teach surprisingly, Jonathan and his
Shiloh, was cwearing an ephod. But armorbearer were not there.
the people did not know that 13 aLev. 26:8; 18 And Saul said to Ahijah, Bring
Josh. 23:10
Jonathan had gone. the 1ark of God here (for at that
4 Between the passes, by which 14 1Lit. half time the 2ark of God was with the
Jonathan sought to go over ato the the area children of Israel).
Philistines garrison, there was a plowed by a 19 Now it happened, while Saul
yoke of oxen atalked to the priest, that the noise
sharp rock on one side and a sharp in a day
rock on the other side. And the which was in the camp of the
name of one was Bozez, and the 15 aDeut. 28:7; Philistines continued to increase; so
name of the other Seneh. 2 Kin. 7:6, 7; Saul said to the priest, Withdraw
5 The front of one faced north- Job 18:11 your hand.
b1 Sam. 13:17
ward opposite Michmash, and the cGen. 35:5 20 Then Saul and all the people
other southward opposite Gibeah. 1terror who were with him assembled, and
6 Then Jonathan said to the they went to the battle; and indeed
young man who bore his armor, 16 a1 Sam. aevery mans sword was against his
Come, let us go over to the garrison neighbor, and there was very great
of these auncircumcised; it may be 18 1So with confusion.
that the LORD will work for us. For MT, Tg., Vg.; 21 Moreover the Hebrews who
nothing restrains the LORD bfrom LXX ephod were with the Philistines before that
2See preced-
saving by many or by few. ing note time, who went up with them into the
7 So his armorbearer said to him, camp from the surrounding country,
Do all that is in your heart. Go 19 aNum. 27:21 they also joined the Israelites who
then; here I am with you, according were with Saul and Jonathan.
to your heart. 20 aJudg. 7:22; 22 Likewise all the men of Israel
2 Chr. 20:23
8 Then Jonathan said, Very well, who ahad hidden in the mountains
let us cross over to these men, and 22 a1 Sam. of Ephraim, when they heard that
we will show ourselves to them. 13:6 the Philistines fled, they also fol-
9 If they say thus to us, Wait lowed hard after them in the battle.
until we come to you, then we will 23 aEx. 14:30; 23 aSo the LORD saved Israel that
2 Chr. 32:22;
stand still in our place and not go up Hos. 1:7 day, and the battle shifted bto Beth
to them. b1 Sam. 13:5 Aven.
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1 SAMUEL 14:24 252

Sauls Rash Oath 24 aJosh. 6:26 37 So Saul aasked counsel of God,
25 aDeut. 9:28; Shall I go down after the
24 And the men of Israel were dis- Philistines? Will You deliver them
Matt. 3:5 bEx.
tressed that day, for Saul had 3:8; Num. into the hand of Israel? But bHe did
aplaced the people under oath, say-
13:27; Matt. not answer him that day.
ing, Cursed is the man who eats 3:4
38 And Saul said, aCome over
any food until evening, before I have 27 1Lit. eyes here, all you chiefs of the people,
taken vengeance on my enemies. and know and see what this sin was
So none of the people tasted food. 31 1Lit. struck
25 aNow all the people of the land 32 aGen. 9:4; 39 For aas the LORD lives, who
came to a forest; and there was Lev. 3:17; saves Israel, though it be in
bhoney on the ground. 17:1014; Jonathan my son, he shall surely
26 And when the people had come 19:26; Deut.
die. But not a man among all the
into the woods, there was the honey, 12:16, 23, 24;
Acts 15:20 people answered him.
dripping; but no one put his hand to 1plunder
40 Then he said to all Israel, You
his mouth, for the people feared the be on one side, and my son
oath. 35 a1 Sam.
27 But Jonathan had not heard his 7:12, 17; Jonathan and I will be on the other
father charge the people with the
2 Sam. 24:25 side. And the people said to Saul,
oath; therefore he stretched out the 37 aJudg. 20:18
Do what seems good to you.
end of the rod that was in his hand b1 Sam. 28:6 41 Therefore Saul said to the LORD
and dipped it in a honeycomb, and God of Israel, aGive1 a perfect lot.
38 aJosh. 7:14; bSo Saul and Jonathan were taken,
put his hand to his mouth; and his 1 Sam. 10:19
but the people escaped.
1countenance brightened.
28 Then one of the people said, 39 a1 Sam. 42 And Saul said, Cast lots
Your father strictly charged the
14:24, 44; between my son Jonathan and me.
2 Sam. 12:5 So Jonathan was taken.
people with an oath, saying, Cursed 43 Then Saul said to Jonathan,
is the man who eats food this day. 41 aProv.
16:33; Acts aTell me what you have done. And
And the people were faint. 1:2426 bJosh. Jonathan told him, and said, bI only
29 But Jonathan said, My father 7:16; 1 Sam.
tasted a little honey with the end of
has troubled the land. Look now, 10:20, 21 1So
how my countenance has bright- with MT, Tg.; the rod that was in my hand. So now
ened because I tasted a little of this
LXX, Vg. Why I must die!
do You not 44 Saul answered, aGod do so and
honey. answer Your
more also; bfor you shall surely die,
30 How much better if the people servant
had eaten freely today of the spoil of today? If the Jonathan.
their enemies which they found! For
injustice is 45 But the people said to Saul,
with me or Shall Jonathan die, who has
now would there not have been a Jonathan my
accomplished this great deliverance
much greater slaughter among the son, O LORD
Philistines? God of Israel, in Israel? Certainly not! aAs the
give proof; LORD lives, not one hair of his head
31 Now they had 1driven back the and if You say
Philistines that day from Michmash it is with Your
shall fall to the ground, for he has
to Aijalon. So the people were very people Israel, worked bwith God this day. So the
faint. give holiness. people rescued Jonathan, and he
32 And the people rushed on the 43 aJosh. 7:19
did not die.
1spoil, and took sheep, oxen, and b1 Sam. 14:27 46 Then Saul returned from pursu-
calves, and slaughtered them on the ing the Philistines, and the Philis-
44 aRuth 1:17; tines went to their own place.
ground; and the people ate them 1 Sam. 25:22
awith the blood. b1 Sam. 14:39
Sauls Continuing Wars
33 Then they told Saul, saying, 45 a2 Sam.
Look, the people are sinning 14:11; 1 Kin.
47 So Saul established his sover-
against the LORD by eating with the 1:52; Luke eignty over Israel, and fought
blood! So he said, You have dealt 21:18; Acts against all his enemies on every
treacherously; roll a large stone to 27:34 b[2 Cor. side, against Moab, against the peo-
6:1; Phil. 2:12,
me this day. 13] ple of aAmmon, against Edom,
34 Then Saul said, Disperse your- against the kings of bZobah, and
selves among the people, and say to 47 a1 Sam. against the Philistines. Wherever he
them, Bring me here every mans 11:113 turned, he 1harassed them.
b2 Sam. 10:6
ox and every mans sheep, slaughter 1LXX, Vg. 48 And he gathered an army and
them here, and eat; and do not sin prospered aattacked 1 the Amalekites, and
against the LORD by eating with the delivered Israel from the hands of
48 aEx. 17:16;
blood. So every one of the people 1 Sam. 15:37 those who plundered them.
brought his ox with him that night, 1Lit. struck 49 aThe sons of Saul were
and slaughtered it there. Jonathan, 1Jishui, and Malchishua.
35 Then Saul abuilt an altar to the 49 a1 Sam. And the names of his two daughters
31:2; 1 Chr.
LORD. This was the first altar that 8:33 b1 Sam. were these: the name of the first-
he built to the LORD. 18:1720, 27; born Merab, and the name of the
36 Now Saul said, Let us go down 19:12 1Abi- younger bMichal.
nadab, 1 Chr. 50 The name of Sauls wife was
after the Philistines by night, and 8:33; 9:39
plunder them until the morning Ahinoam the daughter of Ahimaaz.
light; and let us not leave a man of 50 a1 Sam. And the name of the commander of
them. And they said, Do whatever 10:14 his army was Abner the son of Ner,
seems good to you. Then the priest 51 a1 Sam. 9:1, Sauls auncle.
said, Let us draw near to God here. 21 51 aKish was the father of Saul, and
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253 1 SAMUEL 15:26

Ner the father of Abner was the son 52 a1 Sam. of the LORD! I have performed the
of Abiel. 8:11 commandment of the LORD.
52 Now there was fierce war with 14 But Samuel said, What then is
the Philistines all the days of Saul. CHAPTER 15 this bleating of the sheep in my
And when Saul saw any strong man ears, and the lowing of the oxen
or any valiant man, ahe took him for 1 a1 Sam. which I hear?
himself. 9:16; 10:1 15 And Saul said, They have
brought them from the Amalekites;
Saul Spares King Agag 2 aDeut. afor the people spared the best of

Samuel also said to Saul, 25:1719 the sheep and the oxen, to sacrifice
15 aThe LORD sent me to anoint
you king over His people, over 3 aDeut. 25:19
to the LORD your God; and the rest
we have utterly destroyed.
Israel. Now therefore, heed the
bNum. 24:20 16 Then Samuel said to Saul, Be
1Lit. strike
voice of the words of the LORD. quiet! And I will tell you what the
2 Thus says the LORD of hosts: I LORD said to me last night. And he
will punish Amalek for what he did to 6 aNum. 24:21 said to him, Speak on.
bGen. 18:25;
Israel, ahow he ambushed him on the 17 So Samuel said, aWhen you
19:12, 14 cEx.
way when he came up from Egypt. 18:10, 19
were little in your own eyes, were
3 Now go and aattack1 Amalek, you not head of the tribes of Israel?
and butterly destroy all that they And did not the LORD anoint you
7 a1 Sam.
have, and do not spare them. But 14:48 bGen.
king over Israel?
kill both man and woman, infant 2:11; 25:17, 18 18 Now the LORD sent you on a
and nursing child, ox and sheep, cGen. 16:7 mission, and said, Go, and utterly
camel and donkey. destroy the sinners, the Amalekites,
4 So Saul gathered the people 8 a1 Sam. and fight against them until they are
together and numbered them in 15:32, 33
Telaim, two hundred thousand foot b1 Sam. 19 Why then did you not obey the
27:8, 9 voice of the LORD? Why did you
soldiers and ten thousand men of
Judah. swoop down on the 1spoil, and do
5 And Saul came to a city of 9 a1 Sam. evil in the sight of the LORD?
15:3, 15, 19 20 And Saul said to Samuel, aBut
Amalek, and lay in wait in the valley.
6 Then Saul said to athe Kenites, I have obeyed the voice of the
bGo, depart, get down from among 11 aGen. 6:6, 7 LORD, and gone on the mission on
b1 Kin. 9:6
the Amalekites, lest I destroy you c1 Sam. 13:13;
which the LORD sent me, and
with them. For cyou showed kind- 15:3, 9
brought back Agag king of Amalek;
ness to all the children of Israel d1 Sam. 15:35; I have utterly destroyed the Ama-
when they came up out of Egypt. 16:1 lekites.
So the Kenites departed from 21 aBut the people took of the
among the Amalekites. 12 aJosh. 15:55 plunder, sheep and oxen, the best of
7 aAnd Saul attacked the Amalek- the things which should have been
ites, from bHavilah all the way to 13 aJudg. 17:2 utterly destroyed, to sacrifice to the
cShur, which is east of Egypt. LORD your God in Gilgal.
8 aHe also took Agag king of the 15 a[Gen. 3:12,
22 So Samuel said:
Amalekites alive, and butterly 13]; 1 Sam.
destroyed all the people with the 15:9, 21
aHas the LORD as great delight
edge of the sword. in burnt offerings and
9 But Saul and the people aspared 17a1 Sam. sacrifices,
Agag and the best of the sheep, the 9:21; 10:22 As in obeying the voice of the
oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all LORD?
that was good, and were unwilling 18 1extermi- Behold, bto obey is better than
to utterly destroy them. But every- nated sacrifice,
thing despised and worthless, that And to heed than the fat of
they utterly destroyed. 19 1plunder rams.
23 For rebellion is as the sin of
Saul Rejected as King 20 a1 Sam.
15:13 And stubbornness is as iniquity
10 Now the word of the LORD and idolatry.
came to Samuel, saying, 21 a1 Sam.
Because you have rejected the
11 aI greatly regret that I have set 15:15 word of the LORD,
up Saul as king, for he has bturned aHe also has rejected you from
back from following Me, cand has 22 a[Is. being king.
not performed My commandments. 1:1117]
And it dgrieved Samuel, and he b[Hos. 6:6] 24 aThen Saul said to Samuel, I
cried out to the LORD all night. have sinned, for I have transgressed
12 So when Samuel rose early in 23 a1 Sam. the commandment of the LORD and
the morning to meet Saul, it was 13:14; 16:1 your words, because I bfeared the
told Samuel, saying, Saul went to 1divination
people and obeyed their voice.
aCarmel, and indeed, he set up a 25 Now therefore, please pardon
monument for himself; and he has 24 aJosh. 7:20 my sin, and return with me, that I
gone on around, passed by, and b[Is. 51:12, 13]
may worship the LORD.
gone down to Gilgal. 26 But Samuel said to Saul, I will
13 Then Samuel went to Saul, and 26 a1 Sam. not return with you, afor you have
Saul said to him, aBlessed are you 2:30 rejected the word of the LORD, and
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1 SAMUEL 15:27 254

the LORD has rejected you from 27 a1 Kin. 7 But the LORD said to Samuel,
being king over Israel. 11:30, 31 aDo not look at his appearance or
27 And as Samuel turned around 28a1 Kin. at his physical stature, because I
to go away, aSaul seized the edge of 11:31 have 1refused him. bFor2 the LORD
his robe, and it tore. 29 aNum. does not see as man sees; for man
28 So Samuel said to him, aThe 23:19 clooks at the outward appearance,
LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel but the LORD looks at the dheart.
from you today, and has given it to a 30 a[John 5:44;
12:43] 8 So Jesse called Abinadab, and
neighbor of yours, who is better made him pass before Samuel. And
than you. 33 a[Gen. 9:6] he said, Neither has the LORD cho-
29 And also the Strength of Israel 34 a1 Sam. sen this one.
awill not lie nor relent. For He is not 9 Then Jesse made Shammah
7:17 b1 Sam.
a man, that He should relent. 11:4 pass by. And he said, Neither has
30 Then he said, I have sinned; yet 35 a1 Sam. the LORD chosen this one.
ahonor me now, please, before the 10 Thus Jesse made seven of his
elders of my people and before sons pass before Samuel. And
Israel, and return with me, that I CHAPTER 16 Samuel said to Jesse, The LORD
may worship the LORD your God. 1 a1 Sam. has not chosen these.
31 So Samuel turned back after 15:23, 35
b1 Sam. 9:16;
11 And Samuel said to Jesse, Are
Saul, and Saul worshiped the LORD. 10:1 cRuth
all the young men here? Then he
32 Then Samuel said, Bring Agag 4:1822 dActs said, There remains yet the
king of the Amalekites here to me. 13:22 1Lit. youngest, and there he is, keeping
So Agag came to him cautiously. seen the asheep. And Samuel said to
And Agag said, Surely the bitter- 2 a1 Sam. 9:12 Jesse, Send and bring him. For we
ness of death is past. will not 1sit down till he comes here.
33 But Samuel said, aAs your 4 a1 Sam. 21:1 12 So he sent and brought him in.
b1 Kin. 2:13
sword has made women childless, Now he was aruddy, bwith 1bright
so shall your mother be childless 5 aEx. 19:10 eyes, and good-looking. cAnd the
among women. And Samuel LORD said, Arise, anoint him; for
hacked Agag in pieces before the 6 a1 Sam. this is the one!
LORD in Gilgal. 17:13, 28 13 Then Samuel took the horn of
34 Then Samuel went to aRamah, b1 Kin. 12:26
oil and anointed him in the midst of
and Saul went up to his house at 7 aPs. 147:10 his brothers; and athe Spirit of the
bGibeah of Saul. bIs. 55:8, 9 LORD came upon David from that
35 And aSamuel went no more to c2 Cor. 10:7
d1 Kin. 8:39
day forward. So Samuel arose and
see Saul until the day of his death. 1rejected went to Ramah.
Nevertheless Samuel mourned for 2LXX For God
Saul, and the LORD regretted that does not see A Distressing Spirit Troubles Saul
He had made Saul king over Israel. as man sees;
14 aBut the Spirit of the LORD de-
Tg. It is not
David Anointed King by the parted from Saul, and ba distressing
appearance of spirit from the LORD troubled him.
Now the LORD said to Samuel, a man; Vg.
16 aHow long will you mourn for
Saul, seeing I have rejected him from
Nor do I
judge accord-
ing to the
15 And Sauls servants said to him,
Surely, a distressing spirit from
God is troubling you.
reigning over Israel? bFill your horn looks of a 16 Let our master now command
with oil, and go; I am sending you to man your servants, who are before you, to
cJesse the Bethlehemite. For dI have 11 a2 Sam. 7:8 seek out a man who is a skillful
1provided Myself a king among his 1So with
player on the harp. And it shall be
sons. LXX, Vg.; MT that he will aplay it with his hand
turn around;
2 And Samuel said, How can I Tg., Syr. turn when the 1distressing spirit from God
go? If Saul hears it, he will kill me. away is upon you, and you shall be well.
But the LORD said, Take a heifer 12 a1 Sam.
17 So Saul said to his servants,
with you, and say, aI have come to 1Provide me now a man who can
17:42 bGen.
sacrifice to the LORD. 39:6 c1 Sam. play well, and bring him to me.
3 Then invite Jesse to the sacri- 9:17 1Lit. 18 Then one of the servants
fice, and I will show you what you beautiful answered and said, Look, I have
shall do; you shall anoint for Me the 13 aNum. seen a son of Jesse the Bethle-
one I name to you. 27:18 hemite, who is skillful in playing, a
4 So Samuel did what the LORD 14 aJudg. 16:20 mighty man of valor, a man of war,
said, and went to Bethlehem. And bJudg. 9:23 prudent in speech, and a handsome
the elders of the town atrembled at person; and athe LORD is with him.
his coming, and said, bDo you come 16 a1 Sam. 19 Therefore Saul sent messengers
18:10; 19:9
peaceably? 1Lit. evil to Jesse, and said, Send me your
5 And he said, Peaceably; I have son David, who is with the sheep.
come to sacrifice to the LORD. 17 1Lit. Look 20 And Jesse atook a donkey
now for a
aSanctify 1 yourselves, and come
man for me loaded with bread, a skin of wine,
with me to the sacrifice. Then he and a young goat, and sent them by
consecrated Jesse and his sons, and 18 a1 Sam. his son David to Saul.
3:19; 18:12, 14
invited them to the sacrifice. 21 So David came to Saul and
6 So it was, when they came, that 20 a1 Sam. astood before him. And he loved him
he looked at aEliab and bsaid, Sure- 10:4, 27 greatly, and he became his armor-
ly the LORDs anointed is before 21 aGen. bearer.
Him! 41:46 22 Then Saul sent to Jesse, saying,
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255 1 SAMUEL 17:29

Please let David stand before me, CHAPTER 17 14 David was the youngest. And
for he has found favor in my sight. the three oldest followed Saul.
23 And so it was, whenever the 15 But David occasionally went
spirit from God was upon Saul, that 1 aJosh. 15:35;
and returned from Saul ato feed his
David would take a harp and play it 2 Chr. 28:18 fathers sheep at Bethlehem.
with his hand. Then Saul would 16 And the Philistine drew near
become refreshed and well, and the and presented himself forty days,
distressing spirit would depart from 4 a2 Sam.
morning and evening.
him. 21:19 bJosh. 17 Then Jesse said to his son
11:21, 22 David, Take now for your brothers
David and Goliath an ephah of this dried grain and
Now the Philistines gathered these ten loaves, and run to your
17 their armies together to bat-
tle, and were gathered at aSochoh,
5 1clothed
with scaled
brothers at the camp.
18 And carry these ten cheeses to
which belongs to Judah; they en- body armor the captain of their thousand, and
asee how your brothers fare, and
camped between Sochoh and
Azekah, in Ephes Dammim. bring back news of them.
2 And Saul and the men of Israel 8 a1 Sam. 8:17 19 Now Saul and they and all the
were gathered together, and they men of Israel were in the Valley of
encamped in the Valley of Elah, and Elah, fighting with the Philistines.
drew up in battle array against the 9 a1 Sam. 11:1 20 So David rose early in the morn-
Philistines. ing, left the sheep with a keeper, and
3 The Philistines stood on a took the things and went as Jesse
mountain on one side, and Israel 10 a1 Sam.
had commanded him. And he came
stood on a mountain on the other 17:26, 36, 45; to the camp as the army was going
side, with a valley between them. 2 Sam. 21:21 out to the fight and shouting for the
4 And a champion went out from battle.
the camp of the Philistines, named 21 For Israel and the Philistines
aGoliath, from bGath, whose height 12 aRuth 4:22; had drawn up in battle array, army
was six cubits and a span. 1 Sam. 16:1, against army.
5 He had a bronze helmet on his 18; 17:58
bGen. 35:19
22 And David left his supplies in
head, and he was 1armed with a coat c1 Sam. 16:10, the hand of the supply keeper, ran
of mail, and the weight of the coat 11; 1 Chr. to the army, and came and greeted
was five thousand shekels of bronze. 2:1315 his brothers.
6 And he had bronze armor on his 23 Then as he talked with them,
legs and a bronze javelin between there was the champion, the Philis-
his shoulders. 13 a1 Sam. tine of Gath, Goliath by name, com-
7 Now the staff of his spear was 16:6, 8, 9; ing up from the armies of the
1 Chr. 2:13 Philistines; and he spoke aaccording
like a weavers beam, and his iron
spearhead weighed six hundred to the same words. So David heard
shekels; and a shield-bearer went them.
before him. 15 a1 Sam. 24 And all the men of Israel, when
16:11, 19; they saw the man, fled from him
8 Then he stood and cried out to 2 Sam. 7:8
the armies of Israel, and said to them, and were dreadfully afraid.
Why have you come out to line up 25 So the men of Israel said, Have
for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and you seen this man who has come
18 aGen. 37:13, up? Surely he has come up to defy
you the aservants of Saul? Choose a 14
man for yourselves, and let him come Israel; and it shall be that the man
down to me. who kills him the king will enrich
9 If he is able to fight with me with great riches, awill give him his
and kill me, then we will be your 23 a1 Sam. daughter, and give his fathers house
servants. But if I prevail against him exemption from taxes in Israel.
and kill him, then you shall be our 26 Then David spoke to the men
servants and aserve us. who stood by him, saying, What
10 And the Philistine said, I adefy 25 aJosh. 15:16 shall be done for the man who kills
the armies of Israel this day; give this Philistine and takes away athe
me a man, that we may fight to- reproach from Israel? For who is
gether. 26 a1 Sam. this buncircumcised Philistine, that
11 When Saul and all Israel heard 11:2 b1 Sam. he should cdefy the armies of dthe
14:6; 17:36;
these words of the Philistine, they Jer. 9:25, 26 living God?
were dismayed and greatly afraid. c1 Sam. 17:10 27 And the people answered him in
12 Now David was athe son of that dDeut. 5:26;
this manner, saying, aSo shall it be
bEphrathite of Bethlehem Judah, 2 Kin. 19:4; done for the man who kills him.
Jer. 10:10
whose name was Jesse, and who 28 Now Eliab his oldest brother
had ceight sons. And the man was heard when he spoke to the men; and
old, advanced in years, in the days Eliabs aanger was aroused against
of Saul. 27 a1 Sam. David, and he said, Why did you
13 The three oldest sons of Jesse come down here? And with whom
had gone to follow Saul to the bat- have you left those few sheep in the
tle. The anames of his three sons wilderness? I know your pride and
who went to the battle were Eliab 28 aGen. 37:4, the insolence of your heart, for you
836; [Prov.
the firstborn, next to him Abinadab, 18:19; Matt. have come down to see the battle.
and the third Shammah. 10:36] 29 And David said, What have I
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1 SAMUEL 17:30 256

done now? aIs1 there not a cause? 29 a1 Sam. You come to me with a sword, with a
30 Then he turned from him 17:17 1Lit. Is spear, and with a javelin. aBut I come
it not a word
toward another and asaid the same or matter? to you in the name of the LORD of
thing; and these people answered hosts, the God of the armies of Israel,
him as the first ones did. 30 a1 Sam. whom you have bdefied.
31 Now when the words which 17:26, 27 46 This day the LORD will deliver
David spoke were heard, they 32 aDeut.
you into my hand, and I will strike
reported them to Saul; and he sent 20:14 you and take your head from you.
for him. b1 Sam. 16:18 And this day I will give athe car-
32 Then David said to Saul, aLet casses of the camp of the Philistines
no mans heart fail because of him; 33 aNum. to the birds of the air and the wild
byour servant will go and fight with 13:31; Deut.
9:2 beasts of the earth, bthat all the
this Philistine. earth may know that there is a God
33 And Saul said to David, aYou 34 aJudg. 14:5 in Israel.
are not able to go against this Philis- 47 Then all this assembly shall
tine to fight with him; for you are a 37 a[2 Cor. know that the LORD adoes not save
1:10; 2 Tim.
youth, and he a man of war from his 4:17, 18] with sword and spear; for bthe battle
youth. b1 Sam. 20:13; is the LORDs, and He will give you
34 But David said to Saul, Your ser- 1 Chr. 22:11, into our hands.
vant used to keep his fathers sheep, 16 48 So it was, when the Philistine
and when a alion or a bear came and 38 1Lit. clothes
arose and came and drew near to
took a lamb out of the flock, meet David, that David hurried and
35 I went out after it and struck it, 42 a[Ps. 123:4; aran toward the army to meet the
and delivered the lamb from its Prov. 16:18; Philistine.
mouth; and when it arose against 1 Cor. 1:27, 49 Then David put his hand in his
28] b1 Sam.
me, I caught it by its beard, and 16:12 1belit- bag and took out a stone; and he
struck and killed it. tled slung it and struck the Philistine in
36 Your servant has killed both his forehead, so that the stone sank
lion and bear; and this uncircum- 43 a1 Sam. into his forehead, and he fell on his
cised Philistine will be like one of 24:14; 2 Sam. face to the earth.
3:8; 9:8; 16:9;
them, seeing he has defied the 2 Kin. 8:13 50 So David prevailed over the
armies of the living God. Philistine with a asling and a stone,
37 Moreover David said, aThe 44 a1 Sam. and struck the Philistine and killed
LORD, who delivered me from the 17:46; 1 Kin.
20:10, 11
him. But there was no sword in the
paw of the lion and from the paw of hand of David.
the bear, He will deliver me from the 45 a2 Sam. 51 Therefore David ran and stood
hand of this Philistine. And Saul 22:33, 35; over the Philistine, took his asword
said to David, bGo, and the LORD 2 Chr. 32:8; and drew it out of its sheath and
Ps. 124:8;
be with you! [2 Cor. 10:4]; killed him, and cut off his head with
38 So Saul clothed David with his Heb. 11:33, 34 it. And when the Philistines saw that
1armor, and he put a bronze helmet b1 Sam. 17:10 their champion was dead, bthey fled.
on his head; he also clothed him 52 Now the men of Israel and Judah
with a coat of mail. 46 aDeut. 28:26 arose and shouted, and pursued the
bJosh. 4:24;
39 David fastened his sword to his 1 Kin. 8:43; Philistines as far as the entrance of
armor and tried to walk, for he had 18:36; 2 Kin. 1the valley and to the gates of Ekron.
not tested them. And David said to 19:19; Is. And the wounded of the Philistines
Saul, I cannot walk with these, for I 52:10 fell along the road to aShaaraim,
have not tested them. So David 47 a1 Sam. even as far as Gath and Ekron.
took them off. 14:6; 2 Chr. 53 Then the children of Israel
40 Then he took his staff in his 14:11; 20:15; returned from chasing the Philis-
hand; and he chose for himself five Ps. 44:6; Hos. tines, and they plundered their
1:7; Zech. 4:6
smooth stones from the brook, and b2 Chr. 20:15 tents.
put them in a shepherds bag, in a 54 And David took the head of the
pouch which he had, and his sling 48 aPs. 27:3 Philistine and brought it to Jerusa-
was in his hand. And he drew near lem, but he put his armor in his
to the Philistine. 50 aJudg. 3:31; tent.
15:15; 20:16
41 So the Philistine came, and 55 When Saul saw David going out
began drawing near to David, and 51 a1 Sam. against the Philistine, he said to
the man who bore the shield went 21:9; 2 Sam. aAbner, the commander of the army,
before him. 23:21 bHeb. Abner, bwhose son is this youth?
42 And when the Philistine looked 11:34 And Abner said, As your soul lives,
about and saw David, he adisdained1 52 aJosh. 15:36 O king, I do not know.
him; for he was only a youth, bruddy 1So with MT, 56 So the king said, Inquire whose
and good-looking. Syr., Tg., Vg.; son this young man is.
43 So the Philistine asaid to David, LXX Gath 57 Then, as David returned from
Am I a dog, that you come to me 55 a1 Sam.
the slaughter of the Philistine,
with sticks? And the Philistine 14:50 b1 Sam. Abner took him and brought him
cursed David by his gods. 16:21, 22 before Saul awith the head of the
44 And the Philistine asaid to Philistine in his hand.
David, Come to me, and I will give 57 a1 Sam. 58 And Saul said to him, Whose
your flesh to the birds of the air and son are you, young man? So David
the beasts of the field! 58 a1 Sam. answered, aI am the son of your
45 Then David said to the Philistine, 17:12 servant Jesse the Bethlehemite.
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257 1 SAMUEL 18:30

Saul Resents David CHAPTER 18 David, because he went out and
1 aGen. 44:30 came in before them.
Now when he had finished
18 speaking to Saul, athe 1soul of
Jonathan was knit to the soul of
b1 Sam. 20:17
1life of
Jonathan was
David Marries Michal
David, band Jonathan loved him as bound up 17 Then Saul said to David, Here is
his own soul. with the life my older daughter Merab; aI will give
of her to you as a wife. Only be valiant
2 Saul took him that day, aand
would not let him go home to his 2 a1 Sam. for me, and fight bthe LORDs battles.
fathers house anymore. 17:15 For Saul thought, cLet my hand not
3 Then Jonathan and David made 3 a1 Sam. be against him, but let the hand of the
a acovenant, because he loved him 20:817 Philistines be against him.
as his own soul. 5 1Or pros-
18 So David said to Saul, aWho
4 And Jonathan took off the robe pered am I, and what is my life or my
that was on him and gave it to fathers family in Israel, that I
6 aEx. 15:20, should be son-in-law to the king?
David, with his armor, even to his 21 1Philistines
sword and his bow and his belt. 19 But it happened at the time
5 So David went out wherever 7 aEx. 15:21
b1 Sam. 21:11;
when Merab, Sauls daughter,
Saul sent him, and 1behaved wisely. 29:5
should have been given to David,
And Saul set him over the men of that she was given to aAdriel the
8 aEccl. 4:4 bMeholathite as a wife.
war, and he was accepted in the b1 Sam. 15:28
20 aNow Michal, Sauls daughter,
sight of all the people and also in loved David. And they told Saul, and
the sight of Sauls servants. 9 1Viewed
6 Now it had happened as they
with suspi- the thing pleased him.
cion 21 So Saul said, I will give her to
were coming home, when David him, that she may 1be a snare to
10 a1 Sam.
was returning from the slaughter 16:14 b1 Sam. him, and that athe hand of the
of the 1Philistine, that athe women 19:24 c1 Sam. Philistines may be against him.
had come out of all the cities of 16:23 d1 Sam.
Therefore Saul said to David a sec-
Israel, singing and dancing, to 19:9, 10
ond time, bYou shall be my son-in-
meet King Saul, with tambourines, 11 a1 Sam. law today.
with joy, and with musical instru- 19:10; 20:33
22 And Saul commanded his ser-
ments. 12 a1 Sam. vants, Communicate with David
7 So the women asang as they 18:15, 29 secretly, and say, Look, the king has
danced, and said: b1 Sam. 16:13,
delight in you, and all his servants
18 c1 Sam.
16:14; 28:15 love you. Now therefore, become
Saul has slain his thousands, the kings son-in-law.
And David his ten thousands. 13 aNum.
27:17 1Lit. 23 So Sauls servants spoke those
himself words in the hearing of David. And
8 Then Saul was very angry, and David said, Does it seem to you a
the saying adispleased him; and he 14 aJosh. 6:27
light thing to be a kings son-in-law,
said, They have ascribed to David 16 a1 Sam. seeing I am a poor and lightly
ten thousands, and to me they have 18:5 esteemed man?
ascribed only thousands. Now what 17 a1 Sam. 24 And the servants of Saul told
more can he have but bthe king- 14:49; 17:25 him, saying, 1In this manner David
dom? bNum. 32:20,
9 So Saul 1eyed David from that 27, 29 c1 Sam.
18:21, 25 25 Then Saul said, Thus you shall
day forward. say to David: The king does not
10 And it happened on the next 18 a2 Sam. desire any adowry but one hundred
day that athe distressing spirit from 7:18
foreskins of the Philistines, to take
God came upon Saul, band he 19 a2 Sam. bvengeance on the kings enemies.
prophesied inside the house. So 21:8 bJudg. But Saul cthought to make David
David cplayed music with his hand, 7:22
fall by the hand of the Philistines.
as at other times; dbut there was a 20 a1 Sam. 26 So when his servants told David
spear in Sauls hand. 18:28 these words, it pleased David well to
11 And Saul acast the spear, for he 21 a1 Sam. become the kings son-in-law. Now
said, I will pin David to the wall! 18:17 b1 Sam. athe days had not expired;
But David escaped his presence 18:26 1be bait 27 therefore David arose and went,
twice. he and ahis men, and killed two hun-
12 Now Saul was aafraid of David, 24 1Lit. dred men of the Philistines. And
because bthe LORD was with him, According to bDavid brought their foreskins, and
these words
but had cdeparted from Saul. they gave them in full count to the
13 Therefore Saul removed him 25 aEx. 22:17 king, that he might become the
b1 Sam. 14:24
from 1his presence, and made him c1 Sam. 18:17 kings son-in-law. Then Saul gave
his captain over a thousand; and ahe him Michal his daughter as a wife.
went out and came in before the 26 a1 Sam. 28 Thus Saul saw and knew that
people. 18:21 the LORD was with David, and that
14 And David behaved wisely in all 27 a1 Sam. Michal, Sauls daughter, loved him;
his ways, and athe LORD was with 18:13 b2 Sam. 29 and Saul was still more afraid of
him. 3:14 David. So Saul became Davids
15 Therefore, when Saul saw that 29 1all the enemy 1continually.
he behaved very wisely, he was days 30 Then the princes of the Philis-
afraid of him. 30 a2 Sam. tines awent out to war. And so it was,
16 But aall Israel and Judah loved 11:1 whenever they went out, that David
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1 SAMUEL 19:1 258

bbehaved more wisely than all the 30 b1 Sam. him up to me in the bed, that I may
servants of Saul, so that his name 18:5 kill him.
became highly esteemed. 16 And when the messengers had
come in, there was the image in the
Saul Persecutes David bed, with a cover of goats hair for
Now Saul spoke to Jonathan his head.
19 his son and to all his servants,
that they should kill aDavid; but
1 a1 Sam. 8:8,
9 b1 Sam. 18:1
17 Then Saul said to Michal, Why
have you deceived me like this, and
Jonathan, Sauls son, bdelighted sent my enemy away, so that he has
greatly in David. 3 a1 Sam. escaped? And Michal answered
20:813 Saul, He said to me, Let me go!
2 So Jonathan told David, saying, aWhy should I kill you?
My father Saul seeks to kill you.
Therefore please be on your guard 4 a1 Sam. 18 So David fled and escaped, and
20:32; [Prov. went to aSamuel at bRamah, and
until morning, and stay in a secret 31:8, 9] bGen.
place and hide. 42:22; [Prov. told him all that Saul had done to
3 And I will go out and stand 17:13]; Jer. him. And he and Samuel went and
beside my father in the field where 18:20 stayed in Naioth.
you are, and I will speak with my 19 Now it was told Saul, saying,
father about you. Then what I 5 aJudg. 9:17; Take note, David is at Naioth in
12:3 b1 Sam. Ramah!
observe, I will tell ayou. 17:49, 50
4 Thus Jonathan aspoke well of c1 Sam. 11:13; 20 Then aSaul sent messengers to
David to Saul his father, and said to 1 Chr. 11:14 take David. bAnd when they saw the
him, Let not the king bsin against
d1 Sam. 20:32 group of prophets prophesying, and
his servant, against David, because
Samuel standing as leader over
he has not sinned against you, and them, the Spirit of God came upon
because his works have been very the messengers of Saul, and they
7 a1 Sam. also cprophesied.
good toward you. 16:21; 18:2,
5 For he took his alife in his 10, 13 21 And when Saul was told, he
hands and bkilled the Philistine, and sent other messengers, and they
cthe LORD brought about a great 8 a1 Sam.
prophesied likewise. Then Saul sent
deliverance for all Israel.You saw it 18:27; 23:5 messengers again the third time,
and rejoiced. dWhy then will you and they prophesied also.
esin against innocent blood, to kill 9 a1 Sam.
22 Then he also went to Ramah,
David without a cause? 16:14; 18:10, and came to the great well that is at
6 So Saul heeded the voice of 11 Sechu. So he asked, and said,
Jonathan, and Saul swore, As the Where are Samuel and David?
LORD lives, he shall not be killed. 11 aJudg. 16:2; And someone said, Indeed they are
7 Then Jonathan called David, Ps. 59:title at Naioth in Ramah.
and Jonathan told him all these 23 So he went there to Naioth in
things. So Jonathan brought David 12 aJosh. 2:15; Ramah. Then athe Spirit of God was
to Saul, and he was in his presence
Acts 9:25; upon him also, and he went on and
2 Cor. 11:33 prophesied until he came to Naioth
aas in times past.
8 And there was war again; and in Ramah.
13 1household 24 aAnd he also stripped off his
David went out and fought with the idols, Heb.
Philistines, aand struck them with a teraphim clothes and prophesied before
mighty blow, and they fled from him. Samuel in like manner, and lay
9 Now athe distressing spirit from 17 a2 Sam.
down bnaked all that day and all
the LORD came upon Saul as he sat 2:22 that night. Therefore they say, cIs
in his house with his spear in his Saul also among the prophets?
hand. And David was playing music 18 a1 Sam. Jonathans Loyalty to David
with his hand. 16:13 b1 Sam.
7:17 Then David fled from Naioth
10 Then Saul sought to pin David to
the wall with the spear, but he slipped
away from Sauls presence; and he 20 a1 Sam.
20 in Ramah, and went and said
to Jonathan, What have I done?
19:11, 14; What is my iniquity, and what is my
drove the spear into the wall. So John 7:32
David fled and escaped that night. b1 Sam. 10:5, sin before your father, that he seeks
11 aSaul also sent messengers to 6, 10; [1 Cor. my life?
Davids house to watch him and to 14:3, 24, 25] 2 So Jonathan said to him, By no
cNum. 11:25;
kill him in the morning. And Michal, Joel 2:28 means! You shall not die! Indeed, my
Davids wife, told him, saying, If father will do nothing either great
you do not save your life tonight, 23 a1 Sam.
or small without first telling me.
tomorrow you will be killed. 10:10 And why should my father hide this
12 So Michal alet David down thing from me? It is not so!
through a window. And he went and 24 aIs. 20:2
3 Then David took an oath
fled and escaped. bMic. 1:8 again, and said, Your father cer-
13 And Michal took 1an image and c1 Sam. tainly knows that I have found
laid it in the bed, put a cover of 10:1012 favor in your eyes, and he has said,
goats hair for his head, and covered Do not let Jonathan know this, lest
it with clothes. he be grieved. But atruly, as the
14 So when Saul sent messengers CHAPTER 20 LORD lives and as your soul lives,
to take David, she said, He is sick. there is but a step between me and
15 Then Saul sent the messengers 3 a1 Sam. 27:1; death.
back to see David, saying, Bring 2 Kin. 2:6 4 So Jonathan said to David,
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259 1 SAMUEL 20:34

Whatever you yourself desire, I will 5 aNum. 10:10; come to athe place where you hid on
do it for you. 28:1115 the day of the deed; and remain by
b1 Sam.
5 And David said to Jonathan, 19:2, 3 the stone Ezel.
Indeed tomorrow is the aNew 20 Then I will shoot three arrows
Moon, and I should not fail to sit 6 a1 Sam. 16:4; to the side, as though I shot at a tar-
with the king to eat. But let me go, 17:12; John get;
that I may bhide in the field until the 7:42 21 and there I will send a lad, say-
third day at evening. ing, Go, find the arrows. If I
6 If your father misses me at all, 7 aDeut. 1:23; expressly say to the lad, Look, the
2 Sam. 17:4
then say, David earnestly asked b1 Sam. 25:17; arrows are on this side of you; get
permission of me that he might run Esth. 7:7 them and comethen, aas the
over ato Bethlehem, his city, for LORD lives, there is safety for you
there is a yearly sacrifice there for 8 aJosh. 2:14 and no harm.
all the family. b1 Sam. 18:3; 22 But if I say thus to the young
7 aIf he says thus: It is well, your 20:16; 23:18
c2 Sam. 14:32
man, Look, the arrows are beyond
servant will be safe. But if he is very yougo your way, for the LORD has
angry, be sure that bevil is deter- 12 1searched
sent you away.
mined by him. out 23 And as for athe matter which
8 Therefore you shall adeal you and I have spoken of, indeed the
kindly with your servant, for byou 13 aRuth 1:17; LORD be between you and me for-
have brought your servant into a 1 Sam. 3:17 ever.
covenant of the LORD with you. Nev- bJosh. 1:5;
24 Then David hid in the field. And
ertheless, cif there is iniquity in me, 1 Sam. 17:37; when the New Moon had come, the
18:12; 1 Chr.
kill me yourself, for why should you 22:11, 16 king sat down to eat the feast.
bring me to your father? c1 Sam. 10:7 25 Now the king sat on his seat, as
9 But Jonathan said, Far be it at other times, on a seat by the wall.
from you! For if I knew certainly 15 a1 Sam. And 1Jonathan arose, and Abner sat
that evil was determined by my 24:21; 2 Sam. by Sauls side, but Davids place
9:1, 3, 7; 21:7
father to come upon you, then 1stop being was empty.
would I not tell you? kind 2family 26 Nevertheless Saul did not say
10 Then David said to Jonathan, anything that day, for he thought,
Who will tell me, or what if your 16 aDeut. Something has happened to him;
father answers you roughly? 23:21; 1 Sam. he is unclean, surely he is aunclean.
11 And Jonathan said to David, 25:22; 31:2; 27 And it happened the next day,
2 Sam. 4:7;
Come, let us go out into the field. 21:8 1family the second day of the month, that
So both of them went out into the Davids place was empty. And Saul
field. 17 a1 Sam. said to Jonathan his son, Why has
12 Then Jonathan said to David: 18:1 the son of Jesse not come to eat,
The LORD God of Israel is witness! either yesterday or today?
When I have 1sounded out my father 18 a1 Sam. 28 So Jonathan aanswered Saul,
sometime tomorrow, or the third 20:5, 24 David earnestly asked permission
day, and indeed there is good of me to go to Bethlehem.
toward David, and I do not send to 19 a1 Sam. 29 And he said, Please let me go,
you and tell you, 19:2 for our family has a sacrifice in the
13 may athe LORD do so and much city, and my brother has com-
more to Jonathan. But if it pleases 21 aJer. 4:2 manded me to be there. And now, if
my father to do you evil, then I will I have found favor in your eyes,
report it to you and send you away, 23 a1 Sam. please let me get away and see my
20:14, 15
that you may go in safety. And bthe brothers. Therefore he has not
LORD be with you as He has cbeen 25 1So with
come to the kings table.
with my father. MT, Syr., Tg., 30 Then Sauls anger was aroused
14 And you shall not only show Vg.; LXX he against Jonathan, and he said to
me the kindness of the LORD while I sat across him, You son of a perverse, rebel-
still live, that I may not die; Jonathan lious woman! Do I not know that
15 but ayou shall not 1cut off your you have chosen the son of Jesse to
kindness from my 2house forever, 26 aLev. 7:20, your own shame and to the shame
no, not when the LORD has cut off 21; 15:5 of your mothers nakedness?
every one of the enemies of David 31 For as long as the son of Jesse
from the face of the earth. 28 a1 Sam. lives on the earth, you shall not be
16 So Jonathan made a covenant 20:6 established, nor your kingdom. Now
with the 1house of David, saying, therefore, send and bring him to me,
aLet the LORD require it at the 31 1Lit. is a for he 1shall surely die.
hand of Davids enemies. son of death 32 And Jonathan answered Saul
17 Now Jonathan again caused his father, and said to him, aWhy
David to vow, because he loved him; 32 aGen. 31:36; should he be killed? What has he
afor he loved him as he loved his 1 Sam. 19:5;
[Prov. 31:9]; done?
own soul. Matt. 27:23; 33 Then Saul acast a spear at him
18 Then Jonathan said to David, Luke 23:22 to 1kill him, bby which Jonathan
aTomorrow is the New Moon; and knew that it was determined by his
you will be missed, because your 33 a1 Sam. father to kill David.
seat will be empty. 18:11; 19:10 34 So Jonathan arose from the table
b1 Sam. 20:7
19 And when you have stayed 1strike him in fierce anger, and ate no food the
three days, go down quickly and down second day of the month, for he was
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1 SAMUEL 20:35 260

grieved for David, because his father 40 1equipment bread; for there was no bread there
had treated him shamefully. but the showbread bwhich had been
35 And so it was, in the morning, taken from before the LORD, in
that Jonathan went out into the field 42 a1 Sam. order to put hot bread in its place on
at the time appointed with David, the day when it was taken away.
and a little lad was with him. 7 Now a certain man of the ser-
36 Then he said to his lad, Now vants of Saul was there that day,
run, find the arrows which I shoot. CHAPTER 21 detained before the LORD. And his
As the lad ran, he shot an arrow name was aDoeg, an Edomite, the
beyond him. chief of the herdsmen who belonged
37 When the lad had come to the 1 a1 Sam. 14:3;
to Saul.
place where the arrow was which Mark 2:26 8 And David said to Ahimelech,
Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried b1 Sam. 16:4 Is there not here on hand a spear or
out after the lad and said, Is not the a sword? For I have brought neither
arrow beyond you? my sword nor my weapons with me,
38 And Jonathan cried out after 4 aEx. 25:30; because the kings business required
the lad, Make haste, hurry, do not Lev. 24:59; haste.
Matt. 12:4
delay! So Jonathans lad gathered bEx. 19:15 9 So the priest said, The sword of
up the arrows and came back to his 1ordinary Goliath the Philistine, whom you
master. 2consecrated killed in athe Valley of Elah, bthere it
39 But the lad did not know any- is, wrapped in a cloth behind the
thing. Only Jonathan and David ephod. If you will take that, take it.
knew of the matter. 5 aEx. 19:14, For there is no other except that one
15; 1 Thess. here. And David said, There is
40 Then Jonathan gave his 4:4 bLev. 8:26
1weapons to his lad, and said to him, 1The young none like it; give it to me.
Go, carry them to the city. men are cere-
41 As soon as the lad had gone, monially David Flees to Gath
David arose from a place toward the 10 Then David arose and fled that
south, fell on his face to the ground, day from before Saul, and went to
and bowed down three times. And 6 aMatt. 12:3, Achish the king of Gath.
they kissed one another; and they 4; Mark 2:25, 11 And athe servants of Achish
wept together, but David more so. 26; Luke 6:3, 4 said to him, Is this not David the
bLev. 24:8, 9
42 Then Jonathan said to David, king of the land? Did they not sing
aGo in peace, since we have both
of him to one another in dances,
sworn in the name of the LORD, say- saying:
ing, May the LORD be between you 7 a1 Sam.
14:47; 22:9;
and me, and between your descen- Ps. 52:title bSaul has slain his thousands,
dants and my descendants, forever. And David his ten thousands?
So he arose and departed, and
Jonathan went into the city. 9 a1 Sam. 17:2, 12 Now David atook these words
50 b1 Sam. 1to heart, and was very much afraid
David and the Holy Bread 31:10
of Achish the king of Gath.
Now David came to Nob, to 13 So ahe changed his behavior
21 Ahimelech the priest. And
aAhimelech was bafraid when he met
11 aPs. 56:title
b1 Sam.
before them, pretended 1madness in
their hands, 2scratched on the doors
David, and said to him, Why are you 18:68; 29:5 of the gate, and let his saliva fall
alone, and no one is with you? down on his beard.
2 So David said to Ahimelech the 14 Then Achish said to his servants,
priest, The king has ordered me on 12 aLuke 2:19 Look, you see the man is insane.
1Lit. in his
some business, and said to me, Do Why have you brought him to me?
not let anyone know anything about 15 Have I need of madmen, that
the business on which I send you, or you have brought this fellow to play
what I have commanded you. And I 13 aPs. 34:title
the madman in my presence? Shall
have directed my young men to 1insanity this fellow come into my house?
such and such a place. Davids Four Hundred Men
3 Now therefore, what have you
on hand? Give me five loaves of David therefore departed from
bread in my hand, or whatever can
be found.
CHAPTER 22 22 there and aescaped bto the
cave of Adullam. So when his broth-
4 And the priest answered David ers and all his fathers house heard
and said, There is no 1common it, they went down there to him.
bread on hand; but there is aholy2 1 aPs. 57:title; 2 aAnd everyone who was in dis-
bread, bif the young men have at bJosh. 12:15; tress, everyone who was in debt, and
least kept themselves from women. 15:35; 2 Sam. everyone who was 1discontented
5 Then David answered the 23:13 gathered to him. So he became cap-
priest, and said to him, Truly, tain over them. And there were
women have been kept from us about bfour hundred men with him.
about three days since I came out. 2 aJudg. 11:3 3 Then David went from there to
b1 Sam. 25:13
And 1the avessels of the young men 1Lit. bitter of Mizpah of aMoab; and he said to the
are holy, and the bread is in effect soul king of Moab, Please let my father
common, even though it was conse- and mother come here with you, till
crated bin the vessel this day. I know what God will do for me.
6 So the priest agave him holy 3 a2 Sam. 8:2 4 So he brought them before the
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261 1 SAMUEL 23:9

king of Moab, and they dwelt with 5 a2 Sam. the priests of the LORD, because
him all the time that David was in 24:11; 1 Chr. their hand also is with David, and
21:9; 29:29;
the stronghold. 2 Chr. 29:25 because they knew when he fled and
5 Now the prophet aGad said to did not tell it to me. But the servants
David, Do not stay in the strong- of the king awould not lift their hands
hold; depart, and go to the land of 6 a1 Sam. to strike the priests of the LORD.
Judah. So David departed and went 15:34 18 And the king said to Doeg, You
into the forest of Hereth. turn and kill the priests! So Doeg
7 a1 Sam. 8:14 the Edomite turned and 1struck the
Saul Murders the Priests priests, and akilled on that day
6 When Saul heard that David and eighty-five men who wore a linen
the men who were with him had 8 a1 Sam. 18:3; ephod.
been discoverednow Saul was 20:16, 30 19 aAlso Nob, the city of the
staying in aGibeah under a tamarisk priests, he struck with the edge of
tree in Ramah, with his spear in his the sword, both men and women,
9 a1 Sam. 21:7;
hand, and all his servants standing 22:22; Ps. children and nursing infants, oxen
about him 52:title and donkeys and sheepwith the
7 then Saul said to his servants
b1 Sam. 21:1
c1 Sam. 14:3
edge of the sword.
who stood about him, Hear now, 20 aNow one of the sons of Ahim-
you Benjamites! Will the son of elech the son of Ahitub, named Abi-
Jesse agive every one of you fields 10 aNum.
athar, bescaped and fled after David.
and vineyards, and make you all 27:21; 1 Sam. 21 And Abiathar told David that
captains of thousands and captains 10:22 b1 Sam. Saul had killed the LORDs priests.
of hundreds?
21:6, 9 22 So David said to Abiathar, I
8 All of you have conspired knew that day, when Doeg the
against me, and there is no one who 14 a1 Sam.
Edomite was there, that he would
reveals to me that amy son has made 19:4, 5; 20:32; surely tell Saul. I have caused the
a covenant with the son of Jesse; and 24:11 death of all the persons of your
there is not one of you who is sorry fathers 1house.
for me or reveals to me that my son 23 Stay with me; do not fear. aFor
16 aDeut. 24:16 he who seeks my life seeks your life,
has stirred up my servant against
me, to lie in wait, as it is this day. but with me you shall be safe.
9 Then answered aDoeg the Edom- 17 aEx. 1:17 David Saves the City of Keilah
ite, who was set over the servants of
Saul, and said, I saw the son of Then they told David, saying,
Jesse going to Nob, to bAhimelech
the son of cAhitub.
18 a1 Sam.
23 Look, the Philistines are
fighting against aKeilah, and they
10 aAnd he inquired of the LORD are robbing the threshing floors.
for him, bgave him provisions, and 2 Therefore David ainquired of
gave him the sword of Goliath the 19 aJosh. the LORD, saying, Shall I go and
Philistine. 21:145; 1attack these Philistines? And the
11 So the king sent to call Ahim- 1 Sam. 22:9, LORD said to David, Go and attack
elech the priest, the son of Ahitub, the Philistines, and save Keilah.
and all his fathers house, the 3 But Davids men said to him,
priests who were in Nob. And they 20 a1 Sam. Look, we are afraid here in Judah.
all came to the king. 23:6, 9; 30:7; How much more then if we go to
12 And Saul said, Hear now, son 1 Kin. 2:26, 27 Keilah against the armies of the
b1 Sam. 2:33
of Ahitub! He answered, Here I Philistines?
am, my lord. 4 Then David inquired of the
13 Then Saul said to him, Why 22 1family LORD once again. And the LORD
have you conspired against me, you answered him and said, Arise, go
and the son of Jesse, in that you down to Keilah. For I will deliver the
have given him bread and a sword, 23 a1 Kin. 2:26 Philistines into your hand.
and have inquired of God for him, 5 And David and his men went to
that he should rise against me, to lie Keilah and afought with the
in wait, as it is this day? CHAPTER 23 Philistines, struck them with a
14 So Ahimelech answered the mighty blow, and took away their
king and said, And who among all livestock. So David saved the inhab-
your servants is as afaithful as 1 aJosh. 15:44;
itants of Keilah.
David, who is the kings son-in-law, Neh. 3:17, 18 6 Now it happened, when Abi-
who goes at your bidding, and is athar the son of Ahimelech afled to
honorable in your house? David at Keilah, that he went down
15 Did I then begin to inquire of 2 a1 Sam. with an ephod in his hand.
God for him? Far be it from me! Let 22:10; 23:4, 6, 7 And Saul was told that David
9; 28:6; 30:8;
not the king impute anything to his 2 Sam. 5:19, had gone to Keilah. So Saul said,
servant, or to any in the house of my 23 1Lit. strike God has delivered him into my
father. For your servant knew noth- hand, for he has shut himself in by
ing of all this, little or much. entering a town that has gates and
16 And the king said, You shall 5 a1 Sam. 19:8; bars.
2 Sam. 5:20
surely die, Ahimelech, you and all 8 Then Saul called all the people
ayour fathers house! together for war, to go down to
17 Then the king said to the guards 6 a1 Sam. Keilah to besiege David and his men.
who stood about him, Turn and kill 22:20 9 When David knew that Saul
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1 SAMUEL 23:10 262

plotted evil against him, ahe said to 9 aNum. 27:21; 24 So they arose and went to Ziph
Abiathar the priest, Bring the 1 Sam. 23:6; before Saul. But David and his men
ephod here. were in the Wilderness aof Maon, in
10 Then David said, O LORD God 10 a1 Sam. the plain on the south of Jeshimon.
of Israel, Your servant has certainly 22:19 25 When Saul and his men went to
heard that Saul seeks to come to 12 1Lit. shut
seek him, they told David. Therefore
Keilah ato destroy the city for my up he went down 1to the rock, and
sake. stayed in the Wilderness of Maon.
11 Will the men of Keilah deliver 13 a1 Sam. And when Saul heard that, he pur-
me into his hand? Will Saul come 22:2; 25:13 sued David in the Wilderness of
down, as Your servant has heard? O 14 aPs. 11:1 Maon.
LORD God of Israel, I pray, tell Your bJosh. 15:55; 26 Then Saul went on one side of
servant. And the LORD said, He 2 Chr. 11:8
cPs. 32:7; 54:3,
the mountain, and David and his
will come down. 4
men on the other side of the moun-
12 Then David said, Will the men tain. aSo David made haste to get
of Keilah 1deliver me and my men 15 1Or in away from Saul, for Saul and his
into the hand of Saul? And the Horesh men bwere encircling David and his
LORD said, They will deliver you. 16 1encour-
men to take them.
13 So David and his men, aabout aged him 27 aBut a messenger came to Saul,
six hundred, arose and departed saying, Hurry and come, for the
from Keilah and went wherever 17 a[Ps. 27:13; Philistines have invaded the land!
they could go. Then it was told Saul Heb. 13:6] 28 Therefore Saul returned from
b1 Sam. 20:31;
that David had escaped from 24:20 pursuing David, and went against
Keilah; so he halted the expedition. the Philistines; so they called that
18 a1 Sam. place 1the Rock of Escape.
David in Wilderness Strongholds 18:3; 20:1217, 29 Then David went up from there
42; 2 Sam. 9:1;
14 And David stayed in strong- 21:7 and dwelt in strongholds at aEn
holds in the wilderness, and Gedi.
19 a1 Sam.
remained in athe mountains in the 26:1; Ps. David Spares Saul
Wilderness of bZiph. Saul csought 54:title
him every day, but God did not Now it happened, awhen Saul
deliver him into his hand.
15 So David saw that Saul had
20 aPs. 54:3 24 had returned from following
the Philistines, that it was told him,
23 1thousands
come out to seek his life. And David saying, Take note! David is in the
was in the Wilderness of Ziph 1in a 24 aJosh. Wilderness of En Gedi.
forest. 15:55; 1 Sam. 2 Then Saul took three thousand
16 Then Jonathan, Sauls son, chosen men from all Israel, and
arose and went to David in the 25 1Or from awent to seek David and his men on
woods and 1strengthened his hand the rock the Rocks of the Wild Goats.
in God. 3 So he came to the sheepfolds
26 aPs. 31:22
17 And he said to him, aDo not bPs. 17:9 by the road, where there was a
fear, for the hand of Saul my father cave; and aSaul went in to battend
shall not find you. You shall be king 27 a2 Kin. 19:9 to his needs. (cDavid and his men
over Israel, and I shall be next to you. were staying in the recesses of the
bEven my father Saul knows that. 28 1Heb. Sela cave.)
18 So the two of them amade a koth 4 aThen the men of David said to
covenant before the LORD. And him, This is the day of which the
David stayed in the woods, and 29 aJosh. LORD said to you, Behold, I will
Jonathan went to his own house. 15:62; 2 Chr. deliver your enemy into your hand,
19 Then the Ziphites acame up to that you may do to him as it seems
Saul at Gibeah, saying, Is David good to you. And David arose and
not hiding with us in strongholds in CHAPTER 24 secretly cut off a corner of Sauls
the woods, in the hill of Hachilah, robe.
which is on the south of Jeshimon? 1 a1 Sam. 5 Now it happened afterward that
20 Now therefore, O king, come 23:19, 28, 29 aDavids heart troubled him because
down according to all the desire of 2 a1 Sam. 26:2; he had cut Sauls robe.
your soul to come down; and aour Ps. 38:12 6 And he said to his men, aThe
part shall be to deliver him into the LORD forbid that I should do this
kings hand. 3 a1 Sam. thing to my master, the LORDs
24:10 bJudg.
21 And Saul said, Blessed are you 3:24 cPs. anointed, to stretch out my hand
of the LORD, for you have compas- 57:title; against him, seeing he is the
sion on me. 142:title anointed of the LORD.
22 Please go and find out for sure, 4 a1 Sam.
7 So David arestrained his ser-
and see the place where his hideout 26:811 vants with these words, and did not
is, and who has seen him there. For allow them to rise against Saul. And
I am told he is very crafty. 5 a2 Sam. Saul got up from the cave and went
23 See therefore, and take knowl- 24:10 on his way.
edge of all the lurking places where 6 a1 Sam. 8 David also arose afterward,
he hides; and come back to me with 26:11 went out of the cave, and called out
certainty, and I will go with you. to Saul, saying, My lord the king!
And it shall be, if he is in the land, 7 aPs. 7:4; And when Saul looked behind him,
[Matt. 5:44;
that I will search for him throughout Rom. 12:17, David stooped with his face to the
all the 1clans of Judah. 19] earth, and bowed down.
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263 1 SAMUEL 25:15

9 And David said to Saul: aWhy 9 aPs. 141:6; David and the Wife of Nabal
do you listen to the words of men [Prov. 16:28;
who say, Indeed David seeks your
17:9] 2 Now there was a man ain Maon
harm? 11 aJudg. whose business was in bCarmel, and
10 Look, this day your eyes have
11:27; Ps. 7:3; the man was very rich. He had three
35:7 b1 Sam.
seen that the LORD delivered you 26:20 thousand sheep and a thousand
today into my hand in the cave, and 12 aGen. 16:5;
goats. And he was shearing his
someone urged me to kill you. But Judg. 11:27; sheep in Carmel.
my eye spared you, and I said, I will 1 Sam. 3 The name of the man was Nabal,
not stretch out my hand against my
26:1023; Job and the name of his wife Abigail.
lord, for he is the LORDs anointed.
5:8 And she was a woman of good un-
11 Moreover, my father, see! Yes,
13 a[Matt. derstanding and beautiful appear-
7:1620] ance; but the man was harsh and evil
see the corner of your robe in my 14 a1 Sam. in his doings. He was of the house
hand! For in that I cut off the corner 17:43; 2 Sam. of aCaleb.
of your robe, and did not kill you, 9:8 b1 Sam.
4 When David heard in the
know and see that there is aneither 26:20
wilderness that Nabal was ashear-
evil nor rebellion in my hand, and I 15 a1 Sam.
ing his sheep,
have not sinned against you.Yet you 24:12 b2 Chr.
bhunt my life to take it. 24:22 cPs. 5 David sent ten young men; and
35:1; 43:1; David said to the young men, Go
12 aLet the LORD judge between 119:154; Mic.
up to Carmel, go to Nabal, and greet
you and me, and let the LORD 7:9
him in my name.
avenge me on you. But my hand 16 a1 Sam.
6 And thus you shall say to him
shall not be against you. 26:17
who lives in prosperity: aPeace be
13 As the proverb of the ancients 17 a1 Sam.
to you, peace to your house, and
says, aWickedness proceeds from 26:21 bGen.
38:26 c[Matt. peace to all that you have!
the wicked. But my hand shall not 5:44] 7 Now I have heard that you have
be against you. 18 a1 Sam. shearers. Your shepherds were with
14 After whom has the king of 26:23 us, and we did not hurt them, anor
Israel come out? Whom do you pur- 20 a1 Sam. was there anything missing from
sue? aA dead dog? bA flea? 23:17 them all the while they were in
15 aTherefore let the LORD be 21 aGen. 21:23; Carmel.
judge, and judge between you and 1 Sam. 8 Ask your young men, and they
me, and bsee and cplead my case, 20:1417
b2 Sam. will tell you. Therefore 1let my young
and deliver me out of your hand. 21:68 men find favor in your eyes, for we
16 So it was, when David had fin- come on aa feast day. Please give
ished speaking these words to Saul, 22 a1 Sam.
23:29 whatever comes to your hand to your
that Saul said, aIs this your voice, servants and to your son David.
my son David? And Saul lifted up CHAPTER 25 9 So when Davids young men
his voice and wept. came, they spoke to Nabal accord-
17 aThen he said to David: You are 1 a1 Sam. 28:3
bNum. 20:29; ing to all these words in the name of
bmore righteous than I; for cyou have
Deut. 34:8 David, and waited.
rewarded me with good, whereas I cGen. 21:21; 10 Then Nabal answered Davids
have rewarded you with evil. Num. 10:12; servants, and said, aWho is David,
18 And you have shown this day 13:3 1So with
MT, Syr., Tg., and who is the son of Jesse? There
how you have dealt well with me; Vg.; LXX are many servants nowadays who
for when athe LORD delivered me Maon break away each one from his mas-
into your hand, you did not kill me. 2 a1 Sam. ter.
19 For if a man finds his enemy, 23:24 bJosh. 11 aShall I then take my bread
will he let him get away safely? 15:55 and my water and my 1meat that I
Therefore may the LORD reward 3 aJosh. 15:13; have killed for my shearers, and
you with good for what you have 1 Sam. 30:14 give it to men when I do not know
done to me this day. 4 aGen. 38:13; where they are from?
20 And now aI know indeed that 2 Sam. 13:23
12 So Davids young men turned
you shall surely be king, and that 6 aJudg. 19:20; on their heels and went back; and
the kingdom of Israel shall be estab- 1 Chr. 12:18;
Ps. 122:7; they came and told him all these
lished in your hand. Luke 10:5 words.
21 aTherefore swear now to me by 7 a1 Sam. 13 Then David said to his men, Ev-
the LORD bthat you will not cut off 25:15, 21 ery man gird on his sword. So every
my descendants after me, and that 8 aNeh. man girded on his sword, and David
you will not destroy my name from 8:1012; Esth. also girded on his sword. And about
my fathers house. 8:17; 9:19, 22 four hundred men went with David,
1be gracious
22 So David swore to Saul. And and two hundred astayed with the
to the young
Saul went home, but David and his men supplies.
men went up to athe stronghold. 10 aJudg. 9:28
14 Now one of the young men told
Abigail, Nabals wife, saying, Look,
11 aJudg. 8:6,
Death of Samuel 15 1Lit. David sent messengers from the
slaughter wilderness to greet our master; and
Then aSamuel died; and the
25 Israelites gathered together
and blamented for him, and buried
13 a1 Sam.
he 1reviled them.
15 But the men were very good to
us, and awe were not hurt, nor did
14 1scolded or
him at his home in Ramah. And scorned at we miss anything as long as we
David arose and went down cto the 15 a1 Sam. accompanied them, when we were
Wilderness of 1Paran. 25:7, 21 in the fields.
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1 SAMUEL 25:16 264

16 They were aa wall to us both by 16 aEx. 14:22 your God; and the lives of your ene-
night and day, all the time we were mies He shall bsling out, as from the
with them keeping the sheep. 17 a1 Sam. pocket of a sling.
20:7 bDeut.
17 Now therefore, know and con- 13:13 1Lit. son 30 And it shall come to pass, when
sider what you will do, for aharm is of Belial the LORD has done for my lord
determined against our master and according to all the good that He
against all his household. For he is 18 aGen. 32:13 has spoken concerning you, and has
such a bscoundrel1 that one cannot appointed you aruler over Israel,
speak to him. 19 aGen. 32:16, 31 that this will be no grief to you,
18 Then Abigail made haste and 20 nor offense of heart to my lord,
atook two hundred loaves of bread, either that you have shed blood
two skins of wine, five sheep al- 21 aPs. 109:5 without cause, or that my lord has
ready dressed, five seahs of roasted avenged himself. But when the
grain, one hundred clusters of 22 a1 Sam. LORD has dealt well with my lord,
3:17; 20:13, 16
raisins, and two hundred cakes of b1 Sam. 25:34 then remember your maidservant.
figs, and loaded them on donkeys. c1 Kin. 14:10; 32 Then David said to Abigail:
19 And she said to her servants, 21:21 aBlessed is the LORD God of Israel,
aGo on before me; see, I am coming who sent you this day to meet me!
after you. But she did not tell her 23 aJudg. 1:14 33 And blessed is your advice and
husband Nabal. blessed are you, because you have
20 So it was, as she rode on the 24 1speak to akept me this day from coming to
donkey, that she went down under bloodshed and from avenging
cover of the hill; and there were 25 1pay atten-
myself with my own hand.
David and his men, coming down tion to 2Lit. 34 For indeed, as the LORD God of
toward her, and she met them. Fool Israel lives, who has akept me back
21 Now David had said, Surely in from hurting you, unless you had
vain I have protected all that this fel- 26 a2 Kin. 2:2 hurried and come to meet me,
bGen. 20:6
low has in the wilderness, so that c[Rom. 12:19]
surely bby morning light no males
nothing was missed of all that d2 Sam. 18:32 would have been left to Nabal!
belongs to him. And he has arepaid 1Lit. saving 35 So David received from her
me evil for good. yourself hand what she had brought him,
22 aMay God do so, and more also, and said to her, aGo up in peace to
to the enemies of David, if I bleave 27 aGen. 33:11 your house. See, I have heeded your
cone male of all who belong to him voice and brespected your person.
by morning light. 28 a2 Sam. 36 Now Abigail went to Nabal, and
7:1116, 27
23 Now when Abigail saw David, b1 Sam. 18:17 there he was, aholding a feast in his
she adismounted quickly from the c1 Sam. 24:11 house, like the feast of a king. And
donkey, fell on her face before David, Nabals heart was merry within
and bowed down to the ground. 29 a[Col. 3:3] him, for he was very drunk; there-
24 So she fell at his feet and said: bJer. 10:18
fore she told him nothing, little or
On me, my lord, on me let this iniq- much, until morning light.
uity be! And please let your maid- 30 a1 Sam. 37 So it was, in the morning, when
13:14; 15:28
servant 1speak in your ears, and the wine had gone from Nabal, and
hear the words of your maidservant. his wife had told him these things,
32 aLuke 1:68
25 Please, let not my lord 1regard that his heart died within him, and
this scoundrel Nabal. For as his 33 a1 Sam.
he became like a stone.
name is, so is he: 2Nabal is his name, 25:26 38 Then it happened, after about
and folly is with him! But I, your ten days, that the LORD astruck
maidservant, did not see the young 34 a1 Sam. Nabal, and he died.
men of my lord whom you sent. 25:26 b1 Sam. 39 So when David heard that
26 Now therefore, my lord, aas the 25:22 Nabal was dead, he said, aBlessed
LORD lives and as your soul lives, be the LORD, who has bpleaded the
since the LORD has bheld you back 35 a2 Kin. 5:19 cause of my reproach from the hand
bGen. 19:21
from coming to bloodshed and from of Nabal, and has ckept His servant
cavenging1 yourself with your own from evil! For the LORD has
36 a2 Sam.
hand, now then, dlet your enemies 13:28
dreturned the wickedness of Nabal
and those who seek harm for my on his own head. And David sent
lord be as Nabal. 38 a1 Sam. and proposed to Abigail, to take her
27 And now athis present which 26:10 as his wife.
your maidservant has brought to my 40 When the servants of David had
lord, let it be given to the young men 39 a1 Sam. come to Abigail at Carmel, they
who follow my lord. 25:32 bProv. spoke to her saying, David sent us to
22:23 c1 Sam.
28 Please forgive the trespass of 25:26, 34 you, to ask you to become his wife.
your maidservant. For athe LORD d1 Kin. 2:44 41 Then she arose, bowed her face
will certainly make for my lord an to the earth, and said, Here is your
enduring house, because my lord 41 aLuke 7:38, maidservant, a servant to awash the
bfights the battles of the LORD, cand 44 feet of the servants of my lord.
evil is not found in you throughout 42 So Abigail rose in haste and
your days. 42 1Lit. with rode on a donkey, 1attended by five
five of her
29 Yet a man has risen to pursue maidens at of her maidens; and she followed
you and seek your life, but the life of her feet the messengers of David, and
my lord shall be abound in the bun- became his wife.
dle of the living with the LORD 43 aJosh. 15:56 43 David also took Ahinoam aof
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265 1 SAMUEL 26:25

Jezreel, band so both of them were 43 b1 Sam. 13 Now David went over to the
his wives. 27:3; 30:5 other side, and stood on the top of a
44 But Saul had given aMichal his hill afar off, a great distance being
44 a1 Sam.
daughter, Davids wife, to 1Palti the 18:20; 2 Sam. between them.
son of Laish, who was from bGallim. 3:14 bIs. 10:30 14 And David called out to the peo-
1Paltiel, ple and to Abner the son of Ner, say-
2 Sam. 3:15 ing, Do you not answer, Abner?
David Spares Saul a Second Time
Then Abner answered and said,
Now the Ziphites came to Who are you, calling out to the
26 Saul at Gibeah, saying, aIs
David not hiding in the hill of
15 So David said to Abner, Are
Hachilah, opposite Jeshimon? 1 a1 Sam. you not a man? And who is like you
23:19; Ps.
2 Then Saul arose and went down 54:title in Israel? Why then have you not
to the Wilderness of Ziph, having guarded your lord the king? For one
athree thousand chosen men of
2 a1 Sam. 13:2; of the people came in to destroy
Israel with him, to seek David in the 24:2 your lord the king.
Wilderness of Ziph. 16 This thing that you have done
3 And Saul encamped in the hill 5 a1 Sam. is not good. As the LORD lives, you
of Hachilah, which is opposite 14:50, 51;
deserve to die, because you have not
Jeshimon, by the road. But David guarded your master, the LORDs
stayed in the wilderness, and he saw 6 a1 Chr. 2:16
anointed. And now see where the
that Saul came after him into the b2 Sam. 2:13 kings spear is, and the jug of water
wilderness. cJudg. 7:10, 11 that was by his head.
d2 Sam. 2:18,
4 David therefore sent out spies, 17 Then Saul knew Davids voice,
24 and said, aIs that your voice, my
and understood that Saul had
indeed come. son David? David said, It is my
8 a1 Sam. 24:4
5 So David arose and came to the 1Or one time voice, my lord, O king.
place where Saul had encamped. 18 And he said, aWhy does my
And David saw the place where 9 a1 Sam. 24:6, lord thus pursue his servant? For
Saul lay, and aAbner the son of Ner, 7; 2 Sam. 1:14, what have I done, or what evil is in
the commander of his army. Now 16 my hand?
Saul lay within the camp, with the 19 Now therefore, please, let my
people encamped all around him. 10 a[Deut. lord the king hear the words of his
32:35]; 1 Sam.
6 Then David answered, and said 25:26, 38; servant: If the LORD has astirred you
to Ahimelech the Hittite and to [Luke 18:7; up against me, let Him accept an
Abishai athe son of Zeruiah, brother Rom. 12:19; offering. But if it is the children of
of bJoab, saying, Who will cgo Heb. 10:30]
bGen. 47:29;
men, may they be cursed before the
down with me to Saul in the camp? Deut. 31:14; LORD, bfor they have driven me out
And dAbishai said, I will go down [Job 7:1; 14:5]; this day from sharing in the cinheri-
with you. Ps. 37:13
c1 Sam. 31:6
tance of the LORD, saying, Go, serve
7 So David and Abishai came to other gods.
the people by night; and there Saul 20 So now, do not let my blood fall
11 a1 Sam.
lay sleeping within the camp, with 24:612; to the earth before the face of the
his spear stuck in the ground by his [Rom. 12:17, LORD. For the king of Israel has
head. And Abner and the people lay 19] come out to seek aa flea, as when
all around him. one hunts a partridge in the moun-
8 Then Abishai said to David, 12 aGen. 2:21; tains.
aGod has delivered your enemy 15:12; Is. 21 Then Saul said, aI have sinned.
into your hand this day. Now there- Return, my son David. For I will
fore, please, let me strike him 1at 17 a1 Sam.
harm you no more, because my life
once with the spear, right to the 24:16 was precious in your eyes this day.
earth; and I will not have to strike Indeed I have played the fool and
him a second time! 18 a1 Sam. erred exceedingly.
9 But David said to Abishai, Do 24:9, 1114 22 And David answered and said,
not destroy him; afor who can Here is the kings spear. Let one of
stretch out his hand against the 19 a2 Sam. the young men come over and get it.
LORDs anointed, and be guiltless? 16:11; 24:1 23 aMay the LORD brepay every
bDeut. 4:27, 28
10 David said furthermore, As the c2 Sam. 14:16; man for his righteousness and his
LORD lives, athe LORD shall strike 20:19 faithfulness; for the LORD delivered
him, or bhis day shall come to die, you into my hand today, but I would
or he shall cgo out to battle and per- 20 a1 Sam. not stretch out my hand against the
ish. 24:14 LORDs anointed.
11 aThe LORD forbid that I should 24 And indeed, as your life was
stretch out my hand against the 21 aEx. 9:27; valued much this day in my eyes, so
1 Sam. 15:24,
LORDs anointed. But please, take 30; 24:17; let my life be valued much in the
now the spear and the jug of water 2 Sam. 12:13 eyes of the LORD, and let Him deliv-
that are by his head, and let us go. er me out of all tribulation.
12 So David took the spear and the 23 a1 Sam. 25 Then Saul said to David, May
jug of water by Sauls head, and 24:19; Ps. 7:8;
18:20; 62:12
you be blessed, my son David! You
they got away; and no man saw or b2 Sam. 22:21 shall both do great things and also
knew it or awoke. For they were all still aprevail. So David went on his
asleep, because aa deep sleep from 25 aGen. 32:28; way, and Saul returned to his
the LORD had fallen on them. 1 Sam. 24:20 place.
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1 SAMUEL 27:1 266

David Allied with the Philistines CHAPTER 27 you will go out with me to battle,
you and your men.
And David said in his heart,
27 Now I shall perish someday
by the hand of Saul. There is noth-
1 1despair of
searching for
2 So David said to Achish, Surely
you know what your servant can
2 a1 Sam. do. And Achish said to David,
ing better for me than that I should 25:13 b1 Sam. Therefore I will make you one of
speedily escape to the land of the 21:10; 1 Kin. my chief guardians forever.
Philistines; and Saul will 1despair of 2:39
me, to seek me anymore in any part 3 a1 Sam.
Saul Consults a Medium
of Israel. So I shall escape out of his 25:42, 43 3 Now aSamuel had died, and all
hand. Israel had lamented for him and
2 Then David arose aand went 6 aJosh. 15:31;
19:5; 1 Chr. buried him in bRamah, in his own
over with the six hundred men who 12:1; Neh. city. And Saul had put cthe mediums
were with him bto Achish the son of 11:28 and the spiritists out of the land.
Maoch, king of Gath. 4 Then the Philistines gathered
7 a1 Sam. 29:3
3 So David dwelt with Achish at 1Lit. the num- together, and came and encamped
Gath, he and his men, each man ber of days at aShunem. So Saul gathered all
with his household, and David awith Israel together, and they encamped
his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreel- 8 aJosh. 13:2,
13 bJosh. at bGilboa.
itess, and Abigail the Carmelitess, 16:10; Judg. 5 When Saul saw the army of the
Nabals widow. 1:29 cEx. 17:8, Philistines, he was aafraid, and his
4 And it was told Saul that David 16; 1 Sam. heart trembled greatly.
15:7, 8 dGen.
had fled to Gath; so he sought him 25:18; Ex. 6 And when Saul inquired of the
no more. 15:22 1Or LORD, athe LORD did not answer
5 Then David said to Achish, If I Gezrites
him, either by bdreams or cby Urim
have now found favor in your eyes, times
or by the prophets.
let them give me a place in some 7 Then Saul said to his servants,
town in the country, that I may dwell 9 1Lit. struck Find me a woman who is a
there. For why should your servant medium, athat I may go to her and
dwell in the royal city with you? 10 a1 Chr. 2:9, inquire of her. And his servants
25 bJudg. 1:16
6 So Achish gave him Ziklag that said to him, In fact, there is a
day. Therefore aZiklag has belonged woman who is a medium at En Dor.
to the kings of Judah to this day. CHAPTER 28 8 So Saul disguised himself and
7 Now 1the time that David adwelt put on other clothes, and he went,
in the country of the Philistines was 1 a1 Sam. and two men with him; and they
29:1, 2
one full year and four months. came to the woman by night. And
ahe said, Please conduct a sance
8 And David and his men went up 3 a1 Sam. 25:1
and raided athe Geshurites, bthe b1 Sam. 1:19 for me, and bring up for me the one
cEx. 22:18;
1Girzites, and the cAmalekites. For I shall name to you.
Lev. 19:31;
those nations were the inhabitants 20:27; Deut. 9 Then the woman said to him,
of the land from 2of old, das you go 18:10, 11; Look, you know what Saul has
to Shur, even as far as the land of 1 Sam. 15:23; done, how he has acut off the medi-
28:9 ums and the spiritists from the land.
9 Whenever David 1attacked the 4 aJosh. 19:18; Why then do you lay a snare for my
land, he left neither man nor woman 1 Sam. 28:4; life, to cause me to die?
alive, but took away the sheep, the 1 Kin. 1:3; 10 And Saul swore to her by the
2 Kin. 4:8 LORD, saying, As the LORD lives,
oxen, the donkeys, the camels, and b1 Sam. 31:1
the apparel, and returned and came no punishment shall come upon you
to Achish. 5 aJob 18:11; for this thing.
10 Then Achish would say, Where
[Is. 57:20] 11 Then the woman said, Whom
have you made a raid today? And 6 a1 Sam.
shall I bring up for you? And he
David would say, Against the 14:37; Prov. said, Bring up Samuel for me.
southern area of Judah, or against 1:28; Lam. 2:9 12 When the woman saw Samuel,
the southern area of athe Jerahmeel-
bNum. 12:6;
she cried out with a loud voice. And
Joel 2:28 cEx. the woman spoke to Saul, saying,
ites, or against the southern area of 28:30; Num.
Why have you deceived me? For
bthe Kenites. 27:21; Deut.
33:8 you are Saul!
11 David would save neither man 13 And the king said to her, Do
nor woman alive, to bring news to 7 a1 Chr. 10:13 not be afraid. What did you see?
Gath, saying, Lest they should And the woman said to Saul, I saw
inform on us, saying, Thus David 8 aDeut. 18:10,
11; 1 Chr. aa1 spirit ascending out of the earth.
did. And thus was his behavior all 10:13; Is. 8:19 14 So he said to her, What is his
the time he dwelt in the country of form? And she said, An old man is
the Philistines. 9 a1 Sam. 28:3
coming up, and he is covered with aa
12 So Achish believed David, say- 13 aEx. 22:28; mantle. And Saul perceived that it
ing, He has made his people Israel Ps. 138:1 was Samuel, and he stooped with
1Heb. elohim
utterly abhor him; therefore he will his face to the ground and bowed
be my servant forever. 14 a1 Sam. down.
Now ait happened in those
28 days that the Philistines gath-
ered their armies together for war,
15:27; 2 Kin.
2:8, 13
15 Now Samuel said to Saul, Why
have you adisturbed me by bringing
me up? And Saul answered, I am
15 aIs. 14:9
to fight with Israel. And Achish said b1 Sam. 16:14; deeply distressed; for the Philistines
to David, You assuredly know that 18:12 make war against me, and bGod has
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267 1 SAMUEL 30:3

departed from me and cdoes not 15 c1 Sam. princes of the Philistines, Is this
answer me anymore, neither by 28:6 not David, the servant of Saul king
prophets nor by dreams. Therefore I 17 a1 Sam. of Israel, who has been with me
have called you, that you may reveal 15:28 1Or him, athese days, or these years? And to
to me what I should do. i.e., David this day I have bfound no fault in
16 Then Samuel said: So why do 18 a1 Sam. him since he defected to me.
you ask me, seeing the LORD has 13:913; 4 But the princes of the Philis-
departed from you and has become 15:126; tines were angry with him; so the
your enemy? 1 Kin. 20:42; princes of the Philistines said to
1 Chr. 10:13;
17 And the LORD has done for Jer. 48:10 him, aMake this fellow return, that
1Himself aas He spoke by me. For b1 Sam. he may go back to the place which
the LORD has torn the kingdom out 15:39 you have appointed for him, and do
of your hand and given it to your 19 a1 Sam. not let him go down with us to bbat-
neighbor, David. 31:16; Job tle, lest cin the battle he become our
18 aBecause you did not obey the 3:1719 adversary. For with what could he
voice of the LORD nor execute His 21 aJudg. 12:3;
reconcile himself to his master, if
fierce wrath upon bAmalek, there- 1 Sam. 19:5; not with the heads of these dmen?
fore the LORD has done this thing to Job 13:14 5 Is this not David, aof whom
you this day. they sang to one another in dances,
19 Moreover the LORD will also CHAPTER 29 saying:
deliver Israel with you into the hand
of the Philistines. And tomorrow a1 bSaul has slain his thousands,
1 Sam. 28:1
you and your sons will be with ame. bJosh. 12:18; And David his ten thousands?
The LORD will also deliver the army 19:30; 1 Sam.
4:1; 1 Kin.
of Israel into the hand of the 20:30 6 Then Achish called David and
Philistines. said to him, Surely, as the LORD
20 Immediately Saul fell full length 2 a1 Sam. 6:4; lives, you have been upright, and
on the ground, and was dreadfully 7:7 b1 Sam. ayour going out and your coming in
28:1, 2
afraid because of the words of 1passed on in with me in the army is good in my
Samuel. And there was no strength the rear sight. For to this day bI have not
in him, for he had eaten no food all found evil in you since the day of
day or all night. 3 a1 Sam. 27:7 your coming to me. Nevertheless
b1 Sam.
21 And the woman came to Saul 27:16; 1 Chr. the lords do not favor you.
and saw that he was severely trou- 12:19, 20; 7 Therefore return now, and go
bled, and said to him, Look, your Dan. 6:5 in peace, that you may not displease
maidservant has obeyed your voice, 4 a1 Sam. 27:6 the lords of the Philistines.
and I have aput my life in my hands b1 Sam. 14:21 8 So David said to Achish, But
and heeded the words which you c1 Sam. 29:9
d1 Chr. 12:19,
what have I done? And to this day
spoke to me. 20
what have you found in your ser-
22 Now therefore, please, heed vant as long as I have been with
also the voice of your maidservant, 5 a1 Sam. you, that I may not go and fight
and let me set a piece of bread 21:11 b1 Sam. against the enemies of my lord the
before you; and eat, that you may king?
have strength when you go on your 6 a2 Sam. 3:25; 9 Then Achish answered and said
way. 2 Kin. 19:27
b1 Sam. 29:3
to David, I know that you are as
23 But he refused and said, I will good in my sight aas an angel of
not eat. So his servants, together 9 a2 Sam. God; nevertheless bthe princes of
with the woman, urged him; and he 14:17, 20; the Philistines have said, He shall
heeded their voice. Then he arose 19:27 b1 Sam. not go up with us to the battle.
29:4 10 Now therefore, rise early in the
from the ground and sat on the
bed. 10 a1 Chr. morning with your masters ser-
24 Now the woman had a fatted 12:19, 22 1So vants awho have come with 1you.
calf in the house, and she hastened with MT, Tg., And as soon as you are up early in
Vg.; LXX
to kill it. And she took flour and adds and go the morning and have light, depart.
kneaded it, and baked unleavened to the place 11 So David and his men rose early
bread from it. which I have to depart in the morning, to return
25 So she brought it before Saul selected for to the land of the Philistines. aAnd
you there;
and his servants, and they ate. Then and set no the Philistines went up to Jezreel.
they rose and went away that night. bothersome
word in your Davids Conflict with the
The Philistines Reject David heart, for you Amalekites
are good
Then athe Philistines gathered before me. Now it happened, when David
29 together all their armies bat
Aphek, and the Israelites encamped
And rise on
your way
30 and his men came to aZiklag,
on the third day, that the
by a fountain which is in Jezreel. 11 a2 Sam. 4:4 bAmalekites had invaded the South
2 And the alords of the Philistines and Ziklag, attacked Ziklag and
1passed in review by hundreds and burned it with fire,
by thousands, but bDavid and his 2 and had taken captive the
men passed in review at the rear awomen and those who were there,
1 a1 Sam. 27:6
with Achish. b1 Sam. 15:7; from small to great; they did not kill
3 Then the princes of the Philis- 27:8 anyone, but carried them away and
tines said, What are these Hebrews 2 a1 Sam. went their way.
doing here? And Achish said to the 27:2, 3 3 So David and his men came to
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1 SAMUEL 30:4 268

the city, and there it was, burned 5 a1 Sam. from the land of the Philistines and
with fire; and their wives, their sons, 25:42, 43 from the land of Judah.
and their daughters had been taken 6 aEx. 17:4;
17 Then David attacked them from
captive. John 8:59 twilight until the evening of the next
4 Then David and the people who b1 Sam. 23:16; day. Not a man of them escaped,
were with him lifted up their voices Is. 25:4; Hab. except four hundred young men
and wept, until they had no more 3:1719 1Lit. who rode on camels and fled.
power to weep. 18 So David recovered all that the
5 And Davids two awives, Ahi- 7 a1 Sam. Amalekites had carried away, and
noam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail 23:29 David rescued his two wives.
the widow of Nabal the Carmelite, b1 Sam. 23:6 19 And nothing of theirs was lack-
had been taken captive. ing, either small or great, sons or
6 Now David was greatly dis- 8 a1 Sam. 23:2, daughters, spoil or anything which
tressed, for athe people spoke of 4; Ps. 50:15; they had taken from them; aDavid
stoning him, because the soul of all recovered all.
the people was 1grieved, every man 10 a1 Sam. 20 Then David took all the flocks
for his sons and his daughters. bBut 30:9, 21 and herds they had driven before
David strengthened himself in the those other livestock, and said,
LORD his God. 12 a1 Sam. This is Davids spoil.
7 aThen David said to Abiathar 25:18; 1 Kin. 21 Now David came to the atwo
the priest, Ahimelechs son, Please 20:7 bJudg. hundred men who had been so
15:19; 1 Sam.
bring the ephod here to me. And 14:27 weary that they could not follow
bAbiathar brought the ephod to David, whom they also had made to
David. 14 a2 Sam. stay at the Brook Besor. So they
8 aSo David inquired of the LORD, 8:18; 1 Kin. went out to meet David and to meet
saying, Shall I pursue this troop? 1:38, 44; Ezek. the people who were with him. And
25:16; Zeph.
Shall I overtake them? And He 2:5 bJosh. when David came near the people,
answered him, Pursue, for you 14:13; 15:13 he 1greeted them.
shall surely overtake them and 22 Then all the wicked and
without fail recover all. 15 aDeut. 23:15 aworthless1 men of those who went
9 So David went, he and the six with David answered and said,
hundred men who were with him, 16 a1 Thess. Because they did not go with us,
and came to the Brook Besor, where 5:3 we will not give them any of the
those stayed who were left behind. spoil that we have recovered,
19 a1 Sam.
10 But David pursued, he and four 30:8 except for every mans wife and
hundred men; afor two hundred children, that they may lead them
stayed behind, who were so weary 21 a1 Sam. away and depart.
that they could not cross the Brook 30:10 1asked 23 But David said, My brethren,
Besor. them con- you shall not do so with what the
11 Then they found an Egyptian in cerning their LORD has given us, who has pre-
the field, and brought him to David; served us and delivered into our
and they gave him bread and he ate, 22 aDeut. hand the troop that came against us.
and they let him drink water. 13:13; Judg. 24 For who will heed you in this
12 And they gave him a piece of aa 19:22 1Lit. matter? But aas his part is who goes
cake of figs and two clusters of men of Belial down to the battle, so shall his part
raisins. So bwhen he had eaten, his be who stays by the supplies; they
24 aNum.
strength came back to him; for he 31:27; Josh. shall share alike.
had eaten no bread nor drunk water 22:8 25 So it was, from that day for-
for three days and three nights. ward; he made it a statute and an
13 Then David said to him, To 26 1booty ordinance for Israel to this day.
whom do you belong, and where are 26 Now when David came to Zik-
you from? And he said, I am a 27 aJosh. 19:8 lag, he sent some of the 1spoil to the
bJosh. 15:48;
young man from Egypt, servant of elders of Judah, to his friends, say-
an Amalekite; and my master left ing, Here is a present for you from
me behind, because three days ago I 28 aJosh. 13:16
the spoil of the enemies of the
fell sick. b1 Chr. 27:27 LORD
14 We made an invasion of the cJosh. 15:50 27 to those who were in Bethel,
southern area of athe Cherethites, in those who were in aRamoth of the
the territory which belongs to 29 a1 Sam. South, those who were in bJattir,
Judah, and of the southern area bof 27:10 bJudg. 28 those who were in aAroer, those
1:16; 1 Sam.
Caleb; and we burned Ziklag with 15:6; 27:10 who were in bSiphmoth, those who
fire. were in cEshtemoa,
15 And David said to him, Can you 30 aNum. 29 those who were in Rachal,
take me down to this troop? So he 14:45; 21:3; those who were in the cities of athe
said, Swear to me by God that you Josh. 12:14; Jerahmeelites, those who were in
will neither kill me nor deliver me 15:30; 19:4; the cities of the bKenites,
Judg. 1:17 1Or
into the hands of my amaster, and I Borashan 30 those who were in aHormah,
will take you down to this troop. those who were in 1Chorashan,
16 And when he had brought him 31 aNum. those who were in Athach,
down, there they were, spread out 13:22; Josh. 31 those who were in aHebron, and
over all the land, aeating and drink- 14:1315; to all the places where David him-
ing and dancing, because of all the 2 Sam. 2:1 self and his men were accustomed
great spoil which they had taken b1 Sam. 23:22 to brove.
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269 2 SAMUEL 1:6

The Tragic End of Saul and His CHAPTER 31 and those who were on the other
Sons 1 a1 Chr. side of the Jordan, saw that the men
10:112 of Israel had fled and that Saul and
Now athe Philistines fought
31 against Israel; and the men of
Israel fled from before the Phi-
b1 Sam. 28:4
2 a1 Sam.
14:49; 1 Chr.
his sons were dead, they forsook the
cities and fled; and the Philistines
8:33 came and dwelt in them.
listines, and fell slain on Mount bGil- 3 a2 Sam. 1:6 8 So it happened the next day,
boa. 1Lit. found
when the Philistines came to strip the
2 Then the Philistines followed him
slain, that they found Saul and his
hard after Saul and his sons. And 4 aJudg. 9:54;
the Philistines killed aJonathan, 1 Chr. 10:4 three sons fallen on Mount Gilboa.
Abinadab, and Malchishua, Sauls
bJudg. 14:3;
9 And they cut off his head and
1 Sam. 14:6; stripped off his armor, and sent
sons. 17:26, 36
3 aThe battle became fierce c2 Sam. 1:14 word throughout the land of the
against Saul. The archers 1hit him,
d2 Sam. 1:6, Philistines, to aproclaim it in the
10 1torture temple of their idols and among the
and he was severely wounded by 9 aJudg. 16:23,
the archers. 24; 2 Sam. people.
4 aThen Saul said to his armor- 1:20 10 aThen they put his armor in the
bearer, Draw your sword, and 10 a1 Sam. temple of the bAshtoreths, and cthey
21:9 bJudg. fastened his body to the wall of
thrust me through with it, lest bthese 2:13; 1 Sam. dBeth1 Shan.
uncircumcised men come and thrust 7:3 c2 Sam.
me through and 1abuse me. But his 21:12 dJudg. 11 aNow when the inhabitants of
armorbearer would not, cfor he was 1:27 1Beth Jabesh Gilead heard what the
Shean, Josh. Philistines had done to Saul,
greatly afraid. Therefore Saul took 17:11
a sword and dfell on it. 11 a1 Sam. 12 aall the valiant men arose and
5 And when his armorbearer saw 11:113 traveled all night, and took the body
that Saul was dead, he also fell on 12 a1 Sam. of Saul and the bodies of his sons
his sword, and died with him. 2 Sam. 2:47 from the wall of Beth Shan; and
6 So Saul, his three sons, his b2 Chr. 16:14; they came to Jabesh and bburned
armorbearer, and all his men died Jer. 34:5; them there.
together that same day. Amos 6:10 13 Then they took their bones and
13 a2 Sam. 2:4, aburied them under the tamarisk tree
7 And when the men of Israel who 5; 21:1214
were on the other side of the valley, bGen. 50:10 at Jabesh, band fasted seven days.

The Second Book of


T HE Book of Second Samuel records the highlights of Davids reign, first over
the territory of Judah, and finally over the entire nation of Israel. It traces the
ascension of David to the throne, his climactic sins of adultery and murder, and
the shattering consequences of those sins upon his family and the nation.
See First Samuel for details on the titles of the books of Samuel. The Hebrew
title for both books (originally one) is Samuel. The Greek title for Second
Samuel is Basileion Beta, Second Kingdoms. The Latin title is Liber II Samuelis,
the Second Book of Samuel, or simply Second Samuel.

The Report of Sauls Death CHAPTER 1 have you come from? So he said to
him, I have escaped from the camp
OW it came to pass after the
N adeath of Saul, when David had
returned from bthe slaughter of the
1 a1 Sam. 31:6
b1 Sam. 30:1,
17, 26
of Israel.
4 Then David said to him, aHow
Amalekites, and David had stayed did the matter go? Please tell me.
two days in Ziklag, 2 a2 Sam. 4:10 And he answered, The people have
2 on the third day, behold, it hap- b1 Sam. 4:12 fled from the battle, many of the peo-
c1 Sam. 25:23
pened that aa man came from Sauls 1To show
ple are fallen and dead, and Saul and
bJonathan his son are dead also.
camp bwith his clothes 1torn and grief
dust on his head. So it was, when he 5 So David said to the young man
came to David, that he cfell to the 4 a1 Sam. who told him, How do you know that
ground and prostrated himself. 4:16; 31:3 Saul and Jonathan his son are dead?
b1 Sam. 31:2
3 And David said to him, Where 6 Then the young man who told
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2 SAMUEL 1:7 270

him said, As I happened by chance 6 a1 Sam. 31:1 For the shield of the mighty is
b1 Sam.
to be on aMount Gilboa, there was 31:24
1cast away there!
bSaul, leaning on his spear; and The shield of Saul, not
9 1agony
indeed the chariots and horsemen canointed with oil.
10 aJudg. 9:54;
followed hard after him. 2 Kin. 11:12 22 From the blood of the slain,
7 Now when he looked behind 11 a2 Sam.
From the fat of the mighty,
him, he saw me and called to me. aThe bow of Jonathan did not
3:31; 13:31
And I answered, Here I am. 12 a2 Sam. turn back,
8 And he said to me, Who are 3:31 b1 Sam. And the sword of Saul did not
you? So I answered him, I am an 31:13 c2 Sam. return empty.
Amalekite. 6:21
9 He said to me again, Please 14 aNum. 12:8
b1 Sam. 31:4
23 Saul and Jonathan were
stand over me and kill me, for c1 Sam. 24:6; beloved and pleasant in their
1anguish has come upon me, but my
26:9 lives,
life still remains in me. 15 a2 Sam. And in their adeath they were
10 So I stood over him and akilled 4:10, 12 not divided;
him, because I was sure that he could 16 a1 Sam. They were swifter than eagles,
not live after he had fallen. And I took 26:9; 2 Sam. They were bstronger than lions.
the crown that was on his head and 3:28; 1 Kin.
the bracelet that was on his arm, and b2 Sam. 1:10; 24 O daughters of Israel, weep
have brought them here to my lord. Luke 19:22 over Saul,
11 Therefore David took hold of his 18 a1 Sam. Who clothed you in scarlet,
own clothes and atore them, and so 31:3 bJosh. with luxury;
did all the men who were with him. 10:13 1Lit. of Who put ornaments of gold on
the Upright
12 And they amourned and wept your apparel.
19 a2 Sam.
and bfasted until evening for Saul 1:27
and for Jonathan his son, for the 20 a1 Sam.
25 How the mighty have fallen in
cpeople of the LORD and for the
27:2; 31:813; the midst of the battle!
house of Israel, because they had Mic. 1:10 Jonathan was slain in your
b1 Sam. 6:17;
fallen by the sword. high places.
Jer. 25:20
13 Then David said to the young cEx. 15:20; 26 I am distressed for you, my
man who told him, Where are you Judg. 11:34; brother Jonathan;
from? And he answered, I am the 1 Sam. 18:6
d1 Sam. 31:4
You have been very pleasant to
son of an alien, an Amalekite. me;
14 So David said to him, How 21 a1 Sam. aYour love to me was wonderful,
awas it you were not bafraid to cput 31:1 bEzek. Surpassing the love of women.
31:15 c1 Sam.
forth your hand to destroy the 10:1 1Lit. de-
LORDs anointed? filed 27 Howa the mighty have fallen,
15 Then aDavid called one of the 22 aDeut. And the weapons of war
young men and said, Go near, and 32:42; 1 Sam. perished!
execute him! And he struck him so 18:4
that he died. 23 a1 Sam.
31:24 bJudg. David Anointed King of Judah
16 So David said to him, aYour 14:18
blood is on your own head, for byour It happened after this that David
own mouth has testified against
you, saying, I have killed the
26 a1 Sam.
18:14; 19:2;
2 ainquired of the LORD, saying,
Shall I go up to any of the cities of
LORDs anointed. 27 a2 Sam. Judah? And the LORD said to him,
1:19, 25 Go up. David said, Where shall I
The Song of the Bow go up? And He said, To bHebron.
CHAPTER 2 2 So David went up there, and his
17 Then David lamented with this atwo wives also, Ahinoam the
lamentation over Saul and over Jon- 1aJudg. 1:1; Jezreelitess, and Abigail the widow
athan his son, 1 Sam. 23:2, of Nabal the Carmelite.
4, 9; 30:7, 8
18 aand he told them to teach the b1 Sam. 3 And David brought up athe men
children of Judah the Song of the 30:31; 2 Sam. who were with him, every man with
Bow; indeed it is written bin the Book 2:11; 5:13; his household. So they dwelt in the
1of Jasher: 1 Kin. 2:11
cities of Hebron.
2 a1 Sam. 4 aThen the men of Judah came,
25:42, 43;
19 The beauty of Israel is slain on 30:5 and there they banointed David king
your high places! 3 a1 Sam. over the house of Judah. And they
aHow the mighty have fallen! told David, saying, cThe men of
27:2, 3; 30:1;
20 aTell it not in Gath, 1 Chr. 12:1 Jabesh Gilead were the ones who
Proclaim it not in the streets of 4 a1 Sam. buried Saul.
bAshkelon 30:26; 2 Sam. 5 So David sent messengers to
2:11; 5:5;
Lest cthe daughters of the 19:14, 4143 the men of Jabesh Gilead, and said
Philistines rejoice, b1 Sam. to them, aYou are blessed of the
Lest the daughters of dthe 16:13; 2 Sam. LORD, for you have shown this kind-
uncircumcised triumph. 5:3 c1 Sam. ness to your lord, to Saul, and have
buried him.
5 aRuth 2:20;
21 O amountains of Gilboa, 3:10 6 And now may athe LORD show
bLet there be no dew nor rain kindness and truth to you. I also will
6 aEx. 34:6;
upon you, 2 Tim. 1:16, repay you this kindness, because
Nor fields of offerings. 18 you have done this thing.
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271 2 SAMUEL 3:4

7 Now therefore, let your hands 8 a1 Sam. should I strike you to the ground?
be strengthened, and be valiant; for 14:50; 2 Sam. How then could I face your brother
3:6 bGen.
your master Saul is dead, and also 32:2; Josh. Joab?
the house of Judah has anointed me 21:38; 2 Sam. 23 However, he refused to turn
king over them. 17:24 1Esh- aside. Therefore Abner struck him
Baal, 1 Chr. ain the stomach with the blunt end
Ishbosheth Made King of Israel 8:33; 9:39 of the spear, so that the spear came
8 But aAbner the son of Ner, com- out of his back; and he fell down
mander of Sauls army, took 1Ish- 9 aJosh. 22:9 there and died on the spot. So it was
bosheth the son of Saul and brought bJudg. 1:32 that as many as came to the place
c1 Sam. 29:1
him over to bMahanaim; where Asahel fell down and died,
9 and he made him king over stood bstill.
aGilead, over the bAshurites, over 11 a2 Sam. 24 Joab and Abishai also pursued
cJezreel, over Ephraim, over Ben- 5:5; 1 Kin. Abner. And the sun was going down
jamin, and over all Israel. 2:11 1Lit. when they came to the hill of
number of Ammah, which is before Giah by
10 Ishbosheth, Sauls son, was days
forty years old when he began to the road to the Wilderness of
reign over Israel, and he reigned Gibeon.
two years. Only the house of Judah 12 aJosh. 25 Now the children of Benjamin
followed David. 10:212; gathered together behind Abner
18:25 and became 1a unit, and took their
11 And athe 1time that David was
king in Hebron over the house of stand on top of a hill.
Judah was seven years and six 13 a1 Sam. 26 Then Abner called to Joab and
months. 26:6; 2 Sam. said, Shall the sword devour for-
8:16; 1 Chr. ever? Do you not know that it will
Israel and Judah at War 2:16; 11:6 be bitter in the latter end? How long
bJer. 41:12
will it be then until you tell the peo-
12 Now Abner the son of Ner, and ple to return from pursuing their
the servants of Ishbosheth the son 16 1Heb. brethren?
of Saul, went out from Mahanaim to Helkath 27 And Joab said, As God lives,
aGibeon. Hazzurim 1unless ayou had spoken, surely
13 And aJoab the son of Zeruiah, then by morning all the people
and the servants of David, went out 18 a1 Chr. 2:16 would have given up pursuing their
and met them by bthe pool of b1 Chr. 12:8;
Gibeon. So they sat down, one on Hab. 3:19 cPs. 28 So Joab blew a trumpet; and all
one side of the pool and the other 18:33
the people stood still and did not
on the other side of the pool. pursue Israel anymore, nor did they
14 Then Abner said to Joab, Let 23 a2 Sam. fight anymore.
the young men now arise and com- 3:27; 4:6; 29 Then Abner and his men went
pete before us. And Joab said, Let 20:10 b2 Sam. on all that night through the plain,
them arise. 20:12
crossed over the Jordan, and went
15 So they arose and went over by through all Bithron; and they came
number, twelve from Benjamin, fol- 25 1one band to Mahanaim.
lowers of Ishbosheth the son of 30 So Joab returned from pursuing
Saul, and twelve from the servants Abner. And when he had gathered
of David. 27 a2 Sam.
16 And each one grasped his oppo- 2:14 1if you all the people together, there were
nent by the head and thrust his had not spo- missing of Davids servants nine-
ken teen men and Asahel.
sword in his opponents side; so 31 But the servants of David had
they fell down together. Therefore struck down, of Benjamin and
that place was called 1the Field of 32 a1 Sam.
Sharp Swords, which is in Gibeon. 20:6 Abners men, three hundred and
17 So there was a very fierce battle sixty men who died.
that day, and Abner and the men of 32 Then they took up Asahel and
Israel were beaten before the ser- CHAPTER 3 buried him in his fathers tomb,
vants of David. which was in aBethlehem. And Joab
18 Now the athree sons of Zeruiah and his men went all night, and they
1 a1 Kin. came to Hebron at daybreak.
were there: Joab and Abishai and 14:30; [Ps.
Now there was a long awar
Asahel. And Asahel was bas fleet of
foot cas a wild gazelle.
3 between the house of Saul and
the house of David. But David grew
19 So Asahel pursued Abner, and in 2 a1 Chr.
going he did not turn to the right hand 3:14 b1 Sam.
stronger and stronger, and the house
or to the left from following Abner. 25:42, 43 of Saul grew weaker and weaker.
20 Then Abner looked behind him Sons of David
and said, Are you Asahel? He 3 a2 Sam.
answered, I am. 15:110 2 Sons were born ato David in
21 And Abner said to him, Turn bJosh. 13:13; Hebron: His firstborn was Amnon
aside to your right hand or to your 1 Sam. 27:8; bby Ahinoam the Jezreelitess;
left, and lay hold on one of the 2 Sam. 13:37; 3 his second, 1Chileab, by Abigail
young men and take his armor for 14:32; 15:8 the widow of Nabal the Carmelite;
yourself. But Asahel would not turn 1 Chr. 3:1 the third, aAbsalom the son of
aside from following him. Maacah, the daughter of Talmai,
22 So Abner said again to Asahel, king bof Geshur;
Turn aside from following me. Why 4 a1 Kin. 1:5 4 the fourth, aAdonijah the son of
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2 SAMUEL 3:5 272

Haggith; the fifth, Shephatiah the 7 a2 Sam. David in Hebron all that seemed
son of Abital; 21:811 good to Israel and the whole house
b2 Sam. 16:21
5 and the sixth, Ithream, by Da- of Benjamin.
vids wife Eglah. These were born to 8 aDeut.
20 So Abner and twenty men with
David in Hebron. 23:18; 1 Sam. him came to David at Hebron. And
24:14; 2 Sam. David made a feast for Abner and
Abner Joins Forces with David 9:8; 16:9 the men who were with him.
6 Now it was so, while there was 21 Then Abner said to David, I
war between the house of Saul and 9 aRuth 1:17; will arise and go, and agather all
1 Kin. 19:2 Israel to my lord the king, that they
the house of David, that Abner was b1 Sam.
strengthening his hold on the house 15:28; 16:1,
may make a covenant with you, and
of Saul. 12; 28:17; that you may breign over all that
7 And Saul had a concubine, 1 Chr. 12:23 your heart desires. So David sent
whose name was aRizpah, the Abner away, and he went in peace.
daughter of Aiah. So Ishbosheth 10 aJudg. 20:1;
1 Sam. 3:20; Joab Murders Abner
said to Abner, Why have you bgone 2 Sam. 17:11;
in to my fathers concubine? 1 Kin. 4:25 22 At that moment the servants of
8 Then Abner became very angry 1family David and Joab came from a raid
at the words of Ishbosheth, and said, and brought much 1spoil with them.
Am I aa dogs head that belongs to 13 aGen. 43:3 But Abner was not with David in
Judah? Today I show loyalty to the b1 Sam. Hebron, for he had sent him away,
house of Saul your father, to his 18:20; 19:11; and he had gone in peace.
25:44; 2 Sam.
brothers, and to his friends, and 6:16
23 When Joab and all the troops
have not delivered you into the hand that were with him had come, they
of David; and you charge me today 14 a2 Sam.
told Joab, saying, Abner the son of
with a fault concerning this woman? 2:10 b1 Sam. Ner came to the king, and he sent
9 aMay God do so to Abner, and 18:2527 him away, and he has gone in
more also, if I do not do for David peace.
bas the LORD has sworn to him 15 1Palti, 24 Then Joab came to the king and
10 to transfer the kingdom from 1 Sam. 25:44 said, What have you done? Look,
the 1house of Saul, and set up the Abner came to you; why is it that
throne of David over Israel and over 16 a2 Sam. you sent him away, and he has
16:5; 19:16 already gone?
Judah, afrom Dan to Beersheba. 1Lit. going
11 And he could not answer Abner and weeping 25 Surely you realize that Abner
another word, because he feared the son of Ner came to deceive you,
him. 18 a2 Sam. 3:9 to know ayour going out and your
12 Then Abner sent messengers on 1So with coming in, and to know all that you
his behalf to David, saying, Whose many Heb. are doing.
is the land? saying also, Make mss., LXX, 26 And when Joab had gone from
Syr., Tg.; MT Davids presence, he sent messen-
your covenant with me, and indeed he
my hand shall be with you to bring gers after Abner, who brought him
all Israel to you. 19 a1 Sam.
back from the well of Sirah. But
13 And David said, Good, I will 10:20, 21; David did not know it.
make a covenant with you. But one 1 Chr. 12:29 27 Now when Abner had returned
thing I require of you: ayou shall not to Hebron, Joab atook him aside in
see my face unless you first bring 21 a2 Sam. the gate to speak with him privately,
bMichal, Sauls daughter, when you 3:10, 12 and there 1stabbed him bin the stom-
b1 Kin. 11:37
come to see my face. ach, so that he died for the blood of
cAsahel his brother.
14 So David sent messengers to
aIshbosheth, Sauls son, saying, 22 1booty 28 Afterward, when David heard
Give me my wife Michal, whom I it, he said, My kingdom and I are
25 aDeut. 28:6; 1guiltless before the LORD forever of
betrothed to myself bfor a hundred 1 Sam. 29:6;
foreskins of the Philistines. Is. 37:28
the blood of Abner the son of Ner.
15 And Ishbosheth sent and took 29 aLet it rest on the head of Joab
her from her husband, from 1Paltiel 27 a2 Sam.
and on all his fathers house; and let
the son of Laish. 20:9, 10; there never fail to be in the 1house
16 Then her husband went along 1 Kin. 2:5 of Joab one bwho has a discharge or
with her to aBahurim, 1weeping b2 Sam. 4:6 is a leper, who leans on a staff or
c2 Sam. 2:23
behind her. So Abner said to him, 1Lit. struck
falls by the sword, or who lacks
Go, return! And he returned. bread.
17 Now Abner had communicated 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother
28 1innocent
with the elders of Israel, saying, In killed Abner, because he had killed
time past you were seeking for their brother aAsahel at Gibeon in
29 aDeut.
David to be king over you. 21:69; 1 Kin.
the battle.
18 Now then, do it! aFor the LORD 2:32, 33 bLev.
Davids Mourning for Abner
has spoken of David, saying, By the 15:2 1family
hand of My servant David, 1I will 31 Then David said to Joab and to
save My people Israel from the hand 30 a2 Sam. all the people who were with him,
of the Philistines and the hand of all aTear your clothes, bgird yourselves
their enemies. with sackcloth, and mourn for
31 aJosh. 7:6;
19 And Abner also spoke in the 2 Sam. 1:2, Abner. And King David followed
hearing of aBenjamin. Then Abner 11 bGen. the coffin.
also went to speak in the hearing of 37:34 32 So they buried Abner in Hebron;
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273 2 SAMUEL 5:7

and the king lifted up his voice and 33 a2 Sam. house, he was lying on his bed in his
wept at the grave of Abner, and all 13:12, 13 bedroom; then they struck him and
the people wept. 35 a2 Sam. killed him, beheaded him and took
33 And the king sang a lament 12:17; Jer. his head, and were all night escap-
16:7, 8 bRuth
over Abner and said: 1:17 cJudg. ing through the plain.
20:26; 2 Sam. 8 And they brought the head of
Should Abner die as a afool 1:12 Ishbosheth to David at Hebron, and
dies? 39 a2 Sam. said to the king, Here is the head of
34 Your hands were not bound 19:57 b1 Kin. Ishbosheth, the son of Saul your
Nor your feet put into fetters; 2:5, 6, 3234; enemy, awho sought your life; and
2 Tim. 4:14
As a man falls before wicked the LORD has avenged my lord the
men, so you fell. CHAPTER 4 king this day of Saul and his
1 aEzra 4:4; 9 But David answered Rechab
Then all the people wept over him Is. 13:7 bMatt.
again. 2:3 1Ishbo- and Baanah his brother, the sons of
35 And when all the people came sheth 1Lit. his Rimmon the Beerothite, and said to
ato persuade David to eat food while hands them, As the LORD lives, awho has
dropped redeemed my life from all adversity,
it was still day, David took an oath,
saying, bGod do so to me, and more 2 aJosh. 18:25
10 when asomeone told me, say-
also, if I taste bread or anything else part of
ing, Look, Saul is dead, thinking to
ctill the sun goes down! have brought good news, I arrested
3 aNeh. 11:33 him and had him executed in Zik-
36 Now all the people took note of
it, and it pleased them, since what- 4 a2 Sam. 9:3
b1 Sam. 29:1,
lagthe one who thought I would
ever the king did pleased all the 11 c2 Sam. 9:6
give him a reward for his news.
people. 1Merib-Baal, 11 How much more, when wicked
37 For all the people and all Israel 1 Chr. 8:34; men have killed a righteous person
understood that day that it had not 9:40 in his own house on his bed? There-
been the kings intent to kill Abner 5 a2 Sam. fore, shall I not now arequire his
1blood at your hand and 2remove
the son of Ner. 2:8, 9
38 Then the king said to his ser- 6 a2 Sam. you from the earth?
vants, Do you not know that a 2:23; 20:10 12 So David acommanded his
1Lit. struck
prince and a great man has fallen young men, and they executed
this day in Israel? 8 a1 Sam. them, cut off their hands and feet,
39 And I am weak today, though 19:2, 10, 11; and hanged them by the pool in
23:15; 25:29 Hebron. But they took the head of
anointed king; and these men, the
sons of Zeruiah, aare too harsh for 9 aGen. 48:16; Ishbosheth and buried it in the
1 Kin. 1:29; btomb of Abner in Hebron.
me. bThe LORD shall repay the evil- Ps. 31:7
doer according to his wickedness. 10 a2 Sam. David Reigns over All Israel
Ishbosheth Is Murdered Then all the tribes of Israel

4 When Sauls 1son heard that Ab-

ner had died in Hebron, ahe2 lost
11 a[Gen. 9:5,
6; Ps. 9:12]
1Or blood-
5 acame to David at Hebron and
spoke, saying, Indeed bwe are your
shed 2Lit. bone and your flesh.
heart, and all Israel was btroubled. consume you
2 Now Sauls son had two men 2 Also, in time past, when Saul
12 a2 Sam. was king over us, ayou were the one
who were captains of troops. The 1:15 b2 Sam.
name of one was Baanah and the 3:32 who led Israel out and brought them
name of the other Rechab, the sons in; and the LORD said to you, bYou
of Rimmon the Beerothite, of the CHAPTER 5 shall shepherd My people Israel,
children of Benjamin. (For aBeeroth and be ruler over Israel.
1 a1 Chr. 3 aTherefore all the elders of
also was 1part of Benjamin, 11:13 bGen.
3 because the Beerothites fled to 29:14; Judg. Israel came to the king at Hebron,
aGittaim and have been sojourners 9:2; 2 Sam. band King David made a covenant

there until this day.) 19:12, 13 with them at Hebron cbefore the
4 aJonathan, Sauls son, had a son 2 a1 Sam. LORD. And they anointed David
who was lame in his feet. He was 18:5, 13, 16
b1 Sam. 16:1
king over Israel.
five years old when the news about 4 David was athirty years old
Saul and Jonathan came bfrom 3 a2 Sam. when he began to reign, and bhe
3:17; 1 Chr. reigned forty years.
Jezreel; and his nurse took him up 11:3 b2 Sam.
and fled. And it happened, as she 2:4; 3:21; 5 In Hebron he reigned over
made haste to flee, that he fell and 2 Kin. 11:17 Judah aseven years and six months,
became lame. His name was
cJudg. 11:11;
and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-
1 Sam. 23:18 three years over all Israel and
5 Then the sons of Rimmon the 4 aGen. 41:46; Judah.
Num. 4:3;
Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah, set Luke 3:23 The Conquest of Jerusalem
out and came at about the heat of b1 Kin. 2:11;
the day to the ahouse of Ishbosheth, 1 Chr. 26:31; 6 aAnd the king and his men went
who was lying on his bed at noon. 29:27
to Jerusalem against bthe Jebusites,
6 And they came there, all the 5 a2 Sam. the inhabitants of the land, who
way into the house, as though to get 2:11; 1 Chr. spoke to David, saying, You shall
3:4; 29:27
wheat, and they 1stabbed him ain the not come in here; but the blind and
stomach. Then Rechab and Baanah 6 aJudg. 1:21 the lame will repel you, thinking,
bJosh. 15:63;
his brother escaped. Judg. 1:8; David cannot come in here.
7 For when they came into the 19:11, 12 7 Nevertheless David took the
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2 SAMUEL 5:8 274

stronghold of Zion a(that is, the City 7 a1 Kin. 2:10; 24 And it shall be, when you ahear
of David). 8:1; 9:24 the sound of marching in the tops of
8 a1 Chr.
8 Now David said on that day, 11:69 the mulberry trees, then you shall
Whoever climbs up by way of the 9 a2 Sam. 5:7 advance quickly. For then bthe LORD
1Lit. The
water shaft and defeats the will go out before you to strike the
Jebusites (the lame and the blind, 10 a1 Sam. camp of the Philistines.
who are hated by Davids soul), ahe 17:45 b1 Sam. 25 And David did so, as the LORD
shall be chief and captain. There- 18:12, 28 commanded him; and he drove back
fore they say, The blind and the 11 a1 Kin. the Philistines from aGeba1 as far as
5:118 b1 Chr. bGezer.
lame shall not come into the house. 14:1
9 Then David dwelt in the strong- 12 aNum. 24:7
hold, and called it athe City of bIs. 45:4 The Ark Brought to Jerusalem
David. And David built all around 13 a[Deut.
Again David gathered all the
from 1the Millo and inward.
10 So David went on and became
14 a1 Chr.
3:58 b2 Sam.
6 choice men of Israel, thirty
great, and athe LORD God of hosts 12:24
1Shimea, 2 And aDavid arose and went
was with bhim. 1 Chr. 3:5 with all the people who were with
11 Then aHiram bking of Tyre sent 15 1Elishama, him from 1Baale Judah to bring up
messengers to David, and cedar 1 Chr. 3:6 from there the ark of God, whose
trees, and carpenters and masons. 17 a1 Chr.
11:16 b2 Sam. name is called 2by the Name, the
And they built David a house. 23:14 LORD of Hosts, bwho dwells
12 So David knew that the LORD 18 a1 Chr. between the cherubim.
had established him as king over 11:15 3 So they set the ark of God on a
Israel, and that He had aexalted His 19 a1 Sam.
23:2 new cart, and brought it out of the
kingdom bfor the sake of His people 20 aIs. 28:21 house of Abinadab, which was on
Israel. 1Lit. Master athe hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, the
13 And aDavid took more concu- of Break- sons of Abinadab, drove the new
bines and wives from Jerusalem, throughs 1cart.
21 aDeut. 7:5,
after he had come from Hebron. 25 1idols 4 And they brought it out of athe
Also more sons and daughters were 22 a1 Chr. house of Abinadab, which was on
born to David. 14:13
the hill, accompanying the ark of
14 Now athese are the names of 23 a2 Sam.
5:19 God; and Ahio went before the ark.
those who were born to him in 24 a1 Chr. 5 Then David and all the house of
Jerusalem: 1Shammua, Shobab, 14:15 bJudg. Israel aplayed music before the
Nathan, bSolomon, 4:14
LORD on all kinds of instruments of
15 Ibhar, 1Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia, 25 a1 Chr.
14:16 bJosh. fir wood, on harps, on stringed
16 Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet. 16:10 1So instruments, on tambourines, on
with MT, Tg., sistrums, and on cymbals.
The Philistines Defeated Vg.; LXX
Gibeon 6 And when they came to aNa-
17 aNow when the Philistines chons threshing floor, Uzzah put out
heard that they had anointed David CHAPTER 6 his bhand to the ark of God and 1took
king over Israel, all the Philistines 2 a1 Chr. 13:5, hold of it, for the oxen stumbled.
went up to search for David. And 6 bPs. 80:1 7 Then the anger of the LORD was
1Baalah, Kir-
David heard of it band went down to jath Jearim,
aroused against Uzzah, and God
the stronghold. Josh. 15:9; struck him there for his 1error; and
18 The Philistines also went and 1 Chr. 13:6 he died there by the ark of God.
deployed themselves in athe Valley 2LXX, Tg., 8 And David became angry
of Rephaim. Vg. omit by because of the LORDs outbreak
19 So David ainquired of the LORD, the Name; against Uzzah; and he called the
saying, Shall I go up against the many Heb. name of the place 1Perez Uzzah to
mss., Syr.
Philistines? Will You deliver them there
this day.
into my hand? And the LORD said 3 a1 Sam. 26:1 9 aDavid was afraid of the LORD
to David, Go up, for I will doubtless 1LXX adds that day; and he said, How can the
deliver the Philistines into your with the ark ark of the LORD come to me?
hand. 4 a1 Sam. 7:1 10 So David would not move the ark
20 So David went to aBaal Perazim, 5 a1 Sam. of the LORD with him into the aCity of
and David defeated them there; and 18:6, 7
6 a1 Chr. 13:9
David; but David took it aside into
he said, The LORD has broken bNum. 4:15, the house of Obed-Edom the bGittite.
through my enemies before me, like 19, 20 1held it 11 aThe ark of the LORD remained
a breakthrough of water. Therefore 7 1Or irrever- in the house of Obed-Edom the Git-
he called the name of that place ence tite three months. And the LORD
1Baal Perazim. 8 1Lit. Out- bblessed Obed-Edom and all his
21 And they left their 1images burst household.
Against Uz-
there, and David and his men acar- zah 12 Now it was told King David,
ried them away. 9 aPs. 119:120 saying, The LORD has blessed the
22 aThen the Philistines went up 10 a2 Sam. 5:7 house of Obed-Edom and all that
once again and deployed them- b1 Chr. 13:13; belongs to him, because of the ark
selves in the Valley of Rephaim. 26:48 of God. aSo David went and
23 Therefore aDavid inquired of 11 a1 Chr. brought up the ark of God from the
13:14 bGen.
the LORD, and He said, You shall 30:27; 39:5
house of Obed-Edom to the City of
not go up; circle around behind 12 a1 Chr. David with gladness.
them, and come upon them in front 15:2516:3 13 And so it was, when athose bear-
of the mulberry trees. 13 aJosh. 3:3 ing the ark of the LORD had gone six
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275 2 SAMUEL 7:19

paces, that he sacrificed boxen and 13 b1 Kin. 8:5 Thus says the LORD: aWould you
fatted sheep. 14 aPs. 30:11; build a house for Me to dwell in?
14 Then David adanced1 before the 149:3 b1 Sam. 6 For I have not dwelt in a house
LORD with all his might; and David 2:18, 28 asince the time that I brought the
was wearing ba linen ephod. 1whirled
children of Israel up from Egypt,
15 aSo David and all the house of about even to this day, but have moved
Israel brought up the ark of the 15 a1 Chr. about in ba tent and in a tabernacle.
LORD with shouting and with the 15:28 7 Wherever I have amoved about
sound of the trumpet. 16 a2 Sam.
with all the children of Israel, have I
16 Now as the ark of the LORD 3:14 ever spoken a word to anyone from
came into the City of David, aMichal, the tribes of Israel, whom I com-
17 a1 Chr. 16:1
Sauls daughter, looked through a b1 Chr. 15:1 manded bto shepherd My people
window and saw King David leaping c1 Kin. 8:5, Israel, saying, Why have you not
and whirling before the LORD; and 62, 63 built Me a house of cedar?
she despised him in her heart. 18 a1 Kin. 8 Now therefore, thus shall you
17 So athey brought the ark of the 8:14, 15, 55 say to My servant David, Thus says
LORD, and set it in bits place in the 19 a1 Chr. 16:3
the LORD of hosts: aI took you from
midst of the tabernacle that David the sheepfold, from following the
had erected for it. Then David cof- 20 aPs. 30:title
b2 Sam. 6:14,
sheep, to be ruler over My people,
fered burnt offerings and peace 16 cJudg. 9:4
over Israel.
offerings before the LORD. 1openly 9 And aI have been with you
18 And when David had finished wherever you have gone, band have
offering burnt offerings and peace 21 a1 Sam. 1cut off all your enemies from
13:14; 15:28
offerings, ahe blessed the people in b2 Kin. 11:17 before you, and have made you a
the name of the LORD of hosts. great name, like the name of the
23 aIs. 22:14
19 aThen he distributed among all great men who are on the earth.
the people, among the whole multi- CHAPTER 7 10 Moreover I will appoint a place
tude of Israel, both the women and 1 a1 Chr.
for My people Israel, and will aplant
the men, to everyone a loaf of 17:127 them, that they may dwell in a place
bread, a piece of meat, and a cake of their own and move no more; bnor
of raisins. So all the people de- 2 a2 Sam. 5:11 shall the sons of wickedness oppress
bActs 7:46
parted, everyone to his house. cEx. 26:1 them anymore, as previously,
20 aThen David returned to bless his 11 asince the time that I com-
3 a1 Kin. 8:17,
household. And Michal the daughter 18 manded judges to be over My peo-
of Saul came out to meet David, and ple Israel, and have caused you to
said, How glorious was the king of 5 a1 Kin. 5:3, rest from all your enemies. Also the
4; 8:19
Israel today, buncovering himself LORD 1tells you bthat He will make
today in the eyes of the maids of his 6 a1 Kin. 8:16
bEx. 40:18, 34
you a 2house.
servants, as one of the cbase fellows 12 aWhen your days are fulfilled
1shamelessly uncovers himself! 7 aLev. 26:11, and you brest with your fathers, cI
21 So David said to Michal, It was 12 b2 Sam. will set up your seed after you, who
before the LORD, awho chose me 5:2 will come from your body, and I will
instead of your father and all his 8 a1 Sam. establish his kingdom.
house, to appoint me ruler over the 16:11, 12 13 aHe shall build a house for My
bpeople of the LORD, over Israel. name, and I will bestablish the
9 a2 Sam. 5:10
Therefore I will play music before b1 Sam. 31:6 throne of his kingdom forever.
the LORD. 14 aI will be his Father, and he
22 And I will be even more undig- 10 aPs. 44:2; shall be bMy son. If he commits iniq-
nified than this, and will be humble 80:8 bPs. uity, I will chasten him with the rod
in my own sight. But as for the 89:22, 23 of men and with the 1blows of the
maidservants of whom you have 11 aJudg. sons of men.
spoken, by them I will be held in 2:1416
b2 Sam. 7:27
15 But My mercy shall not depart
honor. 1declares to from him, aas I took it from Saul,
23 Therefore Michal the daughter you 2Royal whom I removed from before you.
of Saul had no children ato the day dynasty 16 And ayour house and your
of her death. 12 a1 Kin. 2:1
kingdom shall be established for-
bDeut. 31:16 ever before 1you. Your throne shall
Gods Covenant with David cPs. 132:11 be established forever.
Now it came to pass awhen the 17 According to all these words
7 king was dwelling in his house,
and the LORD had given him rest
13 a1 Kin. 5:5;
8:19 b[Is. 9:7;
and according to all this vision, so
Nathan spoke to David.
from all his enemies all around, 14 a[Heb. 1:5] Davids Thanksgiving to God
b[Ps. 2:7;
2 that the king said to Nathan the
89:26, 27, 30]
prophet, See now, I dwell in aa 1strokes 18 Then King David went in and
house of cedar, bbut the ark of God sat before the LORD; and he said:
dwells inside tent ccurtains. 15 a1 Sam. aWho am I, O Lord GOD? And what
15:23, 28;
3 Then Nathan said to the king, 16:14 is my house, that You have brought
Go, do all that is in your aheart, for me this far?
the LORD is with you. 16 a2 Sam. 19 And yet this was a small thing in
7:13 1LXX Me
4 But it happened that night that Your sight, O Lord GOD; andYou have
the word of the LORD came to 18 aEx. 3:11 also spoken of Your servants house
Nathan, saying, 19 a[Is. for a great while to come. aIs this the
5 Go and tell My servant David, 55:8, 9] manner of man, O Lord GOD?
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2 SAMUEL 7:20 276

20 Now what more can David say 20 aJohn 21:17 sand chariots, 1seven hundred
to You? For You, Lord GOD, aknow 22 aDeut. horsemen, and twenty thousand
Your servant. 10:17 bEx. foot soldiers. Also David aham-
15:11 cEx.
21 For Your words sake, and 10:2 1Tg., strung all the chariot horses, except
according to Your own heart, You Syr. O LORD that he spared enough of them for
have done all these great things, to God one hundred chariots.
make Your servant know them. 23 aPs. 147:20
bDeut. 9:26;
5 aWhen the Syrians of Damascus
22 Therefore aYou are great, 1O came to help Hadadezer king of
Lord GOD. For bthere is none like Zobah, David killed twenty-two
24 a[Deut.
You, nor is there any God besides 26:18] bPs.
thousand of the Syrians.
You, according to all that we have 48:14 6 Then David put garrisons in
heard with our cears. 28 aJohn 17:17 Syria of Damascus; and the Syrians
23 And who is likeYour people, like 29 a2 Sam.
became Davids servants, and
Israel, athe one nation on the earth 22:51 brought tribute. So athe LORD pre-
whom God went to redeem for Him- served David wherever he went.
CHAPTER 8 7 And David took athe shields of
self as a people, to make for Himself
a nameand to do for Yourself great 1 1Lit. struck gold that had belonged to the ser-
2Lit. The Bri-
and awesome deeds for Your land vants of Hadadezer, and brought
dle of the
before bYour people whom You Mother City them to Jerusalem.
redeemed for Yourself from Egypt, 2 aNum. 24:17
8 Also from 1Betah and from
aBerothai,2 cities of Hadadezer, King
the nations, and their gods? b2 Sam. 12:31
24 For aYou have made Your peo- c1 Kin. 4:21 David took a large amount of bronze.
ple Israel Your very own people for- 3 a1 Sam. 9 When 1Toi king of aHamath
ever; band You, LORD, have become 14:47 b2 Sam. heard that David had defeated all
10:1519 the army of Hadadezer,
their God. 4 aJosh. 11:6,
25 Now, O LORD God, the word 10 then Toi sent 1Joram his son to
9 1seven King David, to 2greet him and bless
which You have spoken concerning thousand,
Your servant and concerning his 1 Chr. 18:4 him, because he had fought against
house, establish it forever and do as 5 a1 Kin. Hadadezer and defeated him (for
You have said. 11:2325 Hadadezer had been at war with
26 So let Your name be magnified 6 a2 Sam. 7:9; Toi); and Joram brought with him
forever, saying, The LORD of hosts 8:14 articles of silver, articles of gold,
is the God over Israel. And let the 7 a1 Kin. 10:16 and articles of bronze.
house of Your servant David be 8 aEzek. 47:16 11 King David also adedicated these
established before You.
1Tibhath, to the LORD, along with the silver and
1 Chr. 18:8 gold that he had dedicated from all
27 For You, O LORD of hosts, God 2Chun,
of Israel, have revealed this to Your 1 Chr. 18:8 the nations which he had subdued
servant, saying, I will build you a 9 a1 Kin. 8:65
12 from 1Syria, from Moab, from the
house. Therefore Your servant has 1Tou, 1 Chr. people of Ammon, from the aPhilis-
found it in his heart to pray this 18:9 tines, from Amalek, and from the
prayer to You. 10 1Hadoram, spoil of Hadadezer the son of Rehob,
28 And now, O Lord GOD, You are
1 Chr. 18:10
2Lit. ask him
king of Zobah.
God, and aYour words are true, and of his welfare
13 And David made himself a
aname when he returned from
You have promised this goodness to 11 a1 Kin. 7:51
killing beighteen thousand 1Syrians
Your servant. 12 a2 Sam. in cthe Valley of Salt.
29 Now therefore, let it please You 5:1725
1LXX, Syr., 14 He also put garrisons in Edom;
to bless the house of Your servant, Heb. mss. throughout all Edom he put gar-
that it may continue before You for- Edom risons, and aall the Edomites became
ever; for You, O Lord GOD, have spo- 13 a2 Sam. 7:9 Davids servants. And the LORD pre-
ken it, and with Your blessing let the b2 Kin. 14:7
served David wherever he went.
house of Your servant be blessed c1 Chr. 18:12
aforever. 1LXX, Syr.,
Heb. mss. Davids Administration
Davids Further Conquests and 1 Chr. 15 So David reigned over all Israel;
18:12 and David administered judgment
After this it came to pass that and justice to all his people.
8 David 1attacked the Philistines
and subdued them. And David took
14 aGen.
27:29, 3740
16 a2 Sam.
16 aJoab the son of Zeruiah was
over the army; bJehoshaphat the son
2Metheg Ammah from the hand of 19:13; 20:23
b1 Kin. 4:3
of Ahilud was recorder;
the Philistines. 17 aZadok the son of Ahitub and
2 Then ahe defeated Moab. Forc- 17 a1 Chr. Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were
6:48; 24:3 the priests; 1Seraiah was the 2scribe;
ing them down to the ground, he 1Shavsha,
measured them off with a line. With 1 Chr. 18:16 18 aBenaiah the son of Jehoiada
two lines he measured off those to 2secretary was over both the bCherethites and
be put to death, and with one full 18 a1 Chr. the Pelethites; and Davids sons
line those to be kept alive. So the 18:17 b1 Sam. were 1chief ministers.
30:14 1Lit.
Moabites became Davids bservants, priests Davids Kindness to Mephibosheth
and cbrought tribute. CHAPTER 9
3 David also defeated Hadadezer Now David said, Is there still
the son of Rehob, king of aZobah, as
he went to recover bhis territory at
1 a1 Sam.
9 anyone who is left of the house of
Saul, that I may ashow him 1kind-
the River Euphrates. 1covenant ness for Jonathans sake?
4 David took from him one thou- faithfulness 2 And there was a servant of the
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277 2 SAMUEL 10:15

house of Saul whose name was 2 a2 Sam. akindness to Hanun the son of bNa-
aZiba. So when they had called him 16:14; 19:17, hash, as his father showed kindness
to David, the king said to him, Are to me. So David sent by the hand of
you Ziba? He said, At your service! his servants to comfort him con-
3 Then the king said, Is there not 3 a1 Sam. cerning his father. And Davids ser-
20:14 b2 Sam.
still someone of the house of Saul, 4:4 vants came into the land of the peo-
to whom I may show athe kindness ple of Ammon.
of God? And Ziba said to the king, 4 a2 Sam.
3 And the princes of the people of
There is still a son of Jonathan who 17:2729 Ammon said to Hanun their lord,
is blame in his feet. Do you think that David really
4 So the king said to him, Where honors your father because he has
6 a2 Sam. 16:4;
is he? And Ziba said to the king, 19:2430 1Or sent comforters to you? Has David
Indeed he is in the house of aMachir Merib-Baal not rather sent his servants to you
the son of Ammiel, in Lo Debar. to search the city, to spy it out, and
5 Then King David sent and 8 a2 Sam. 16:9 to overthrow it?
brought him out of the house of 4 Therefore Hanun took Davids
Machir the son of Ammiel, from Lo servants, shaved off half of their
Debar. 9 a2 Sam. 16:4;
19:29 beards, cut off their garments in the
6 Now when aMephibosheth1 the middle, aat their buttocks, and sent
son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, them away.
had come to David, he fell on his 10 a2 Sam. 9:7,
11, 13; 19:28 5 When they told David, he sent to
face and prostrated himself. Then b2 Sam. 19:17 meet them, because the men were
David said, Mephibosheth? And greatly 1ashamed. And the king said,
he answered, Here is your ser- 11 1LXX Wait at Jericho until your beards
vant! Davids table have grown, and then return.
7 So David said to him, Do not 6 When the people of Ammon
fear, for I will surely show you kind- 12 a1 Chr. 8:34 saw that they ahad made themselves
ness for Jonathan your fathers repulsive to David, the people of
sake, and will restore to you all the Ammon sent and hired bthe Syrians
land of Saul your grandfather; and 13 a2 Sam. 9:7, of cBeth Rehob and the Syrians of
10, 11; 1 Kin.
you shall eat bread at my table con- 2:7; 2 Kin. Zoba, twenty thousand foot sol-
tinually. 25:29 b2 Sam. diers; and from the king of dMaacah
8 Then he bowed himself, and 9:3 one thousand men, and from eIsh-
said, What is your servant, that you Tob twelve thousand men.
should look upon such aa dead dog 7 Now when David heard of it, he
as I? CHAPTER 10 sent Joab and all the army of athe
9 And the king called to Ziba, mighty men.
Sauls servant, and said to him, aI 8 Then the people of Ammon
have given to your masters son all 1 a2 Sam. 11:1; came out and put themselves in bat-
that belonged to Saul and to all his 1 Chr. 19:1
tle array at the entrance of the gate.
house. And athe Syrians of Zoba, Beth
10 You therefore, and your sons 2 a2 Sam. 9:1; Rehob, Ish-Tob, and Maacah were
and your servants, shall work the 1 Kin. 2:7
b1 Sam. 11:1 by themselves in the field.
land for him, and you shall bring in 9 When Joab saw that the battle
the harvest, that your masters son line was against him before and
may have food to eat. But Me- 4 aIs. 20:4;
47:2 behind, he chose some of Israels
phibosheth your masters son ashall best and put them in battle array
eat bread at my table always. Now against the Syrians.
Ziba had bfifteen sons and twenty 5 1humiliated
10 And the rest of the people he
servants. put under the command of aAbishai
11 Then Ziba said to the king, 6 aGen. 34:30; his brother, that he might set them
According to all that my lord the Ex. 5:21
b2 Sam. 8:3, 5 in battle array against the people of
king has commanded his servant, so cJudg. 18:28 Ammon.
will your servant do. As for Me- dDeut. 3:14; 11 Then he said, If the Syrians are
phibosheth, said the king, he shall Josh. 13:11, 13 too strong for me, then you shall
eJudg. 11:3, 5
eat at 1my table like one of the help me; but if the people of Ammon
kings sons. are too strong for you, then I will
12 Mephibosheth had a young son 7 a2 Sam. 23:8 come and help you.
awhose name was Micha. And all
12 aBe of good courage, and let us
who dwelt in the house of Ziba were 8 a2 Sam. 10:6 bbe strong for our people and for the
servants of Mephibosheth. cities of our God. And may cthe
13 So Mephibosheth dwelt in LORD do what is good in His sight.
10 a1 Sam.
Jerusalem, afor he ate continually at 26:6; 2 Sam. 13 So Joab and the people who
the kings table. And he bwas lame 3:30 were with him drew near for the bat-
in both his feet. tle against the Syrians, and they fled
The Ammonites and Syrians 12 aDeut. 31:6; before him.
Defeated Josh. 1:6, 7, 9; 14 When the people of Ammon
Neh. 4:14 saw that the Syrians were fleeing,
b1 Sam. 4:9;
It happened after this that the they also fled before Abishai, and
10 aking of the people of Ammon
died, and Hanun his son reigned in
1 Cor. 16:13
c1 Sam. 3:18 entered the city. So Joab returned
from the people of Ammon and
his place. 14 a2 Sam. went to aJerusalem.
2 Then David said, I will show 11:1 15 When the Syrians saw that they
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2 SAMUEL 10:16 278

had been defeated by Israel, they 16 1Heb. Uriah did not go down to his house,
gathered together. Hadarezer David said to Uriah, Did you not
16 Then 1Hadadezer sent and Euphrates come from a journey? Why did you
brought out the Syrians who were 3Shophach, not go down to your house?
beyond 2the River, and they came to 1 Chr. 19:16 11 And Uriah said to David, aThe
Helam. And 3Shobach the com- ark and Israel and Judah are
mander of Hadadezers army went 18 a1 Chr. dwelling in tents, and bmy lord Joab
before them. 19:18 and the servants of my lord are
17 When it was told David, he encamped in the open fields. Shall I
gathered all Israel, crossed over the then go to my house to eat and
19 a2 Sam. 8:6
Jordan, and came to Helam. And the 1Heb. drink, and to lie with my wife? As
Syrians set themselves in battle Hadarezer you live, and as your soul lives, I will
array against David and fought with not do this thing.
him. 12 Then David said to Uriah, Wait
18 Then the Syrians fled before CHAPTER 11 here today also, and tomorrow I will
Israel; and David killed seven hun- let you depart. So Uriah remained
dred charioteers and forty thousand 1 a1 Kin. in Jerusalem that day and the next.
ahorsemen of the Syrians, and 13 Now when David called him, he
struck Shobach the commander of b1 Chr. 20:1 ate and drank before him; and he
their army, who died there. c2 Sam. 12:26;
made him adrunk. And at evening
19 And when all the kings who Jer. 49:2, 3; he went out to lie on his bed bwith
Amos 1:14
were servants to 1Hadadezer saw the servants of his lord, but he did
that they were defeated by Israel, not go down to his house.
they made peace with Israel and 2 aDeut. 22:8; 14 In the morning it happened that
aserved them. So the Syrians were 1 Sam. 9:25; David awrote a letter to Joab and
afraid to help the people of Ammon Matt. 24:17;
Acts 10:9 sent it by the hand of Uriah.
anymore. bGen. 34:2; 15 And he wrote in the letter, say-
[Ex. 20:17]; ing, Set Uriah in the forefront of
David, Bathsheba, and Uriah Job 31:1; the 1hottest battle, and retreat from
[Matt. 5:28]
It happened in the spring of him, that he may abe struck down
11 the year, at the atime when
kings go out to battle, that bDavid 3 a2 Sam.
and die.
16 So it was, while Joab besieged
23:39 the city, that he assigned Uriah to a
sent Joab and his servants with him, b1 Sam. 26:6
and all Israel; and they destroyed 1Bathshua, place where he knew there were
the people of Ammon and besieged 1 Chr. 3:5 valiant men.
cRabbah. But David remained at 1Ammiel, 17 Then the men of the city came
Jerusalem. 1 Chr. 3:5 out and fought with Joab. And some
2 Then it happened one evening of the people of the servants of David
that David arose from his bed aand 4 a[Lev. 20:10; fell; and Uriah the Hittite died also.
walked on the roof of the kings Deut. 22:22]; 18 Then Joab sent and told David
house. And from the roof he bsaw a Ps. 51:title; all the things concerning the war,
[James 1:14, 19 and charged the messenger, say-
woman bathing, and the woman 15] bLev.
was very beautiful to behold. 15:19, 28 ing, When you have finished telling
3 So David sent and inquired the matters of the war to the king,
about the woman. And someone 20 if it happens that the kings
8 aGen. 18:4; wrath rises, and he says to you:
said, Is this not 1Bathsheba, the 19:2
daughter of 2Eliam, the wife aof Why did you approach so near to
Uriah the bHittite? the city when you fought? Did you
4 Then David sent messengers, 9 a1 Kin. not know that they would shoot
14:27, 28 from the wall?
and took her; and she came to him,
and ahe lay with her, for she was 21 Who struck aAbimelech the son
bcleansed from her impurity; and 11 a2 Sam. 7:2, of 1Jerubbesheth? Was it not a
she returned to her house. 6 b2 Sam. woman who cast a piece of a mill-
5 And the woman conceived; so 20:622 stone on him from the wall, so that
she sent and told David, and said, I he died in Thebez? Why did you go
am with child. 13 aGen. 19:33, near the wall?then you shall say,
6 Then David sent to Joab, saying, 35 b2 Sam. Your servant Uriah the Hittite is
Send me Uriah the Hittite. And 11:9 dead also.
Joab sent Uriah to David. 22 So the messenger went, and
7 When Uriah had come to him, 14 a1 Kin. came and told David all that Joab
David asked how Joab was doing, 21:8, 9 had sent by him.
and how the people were doing, and 23 And the messenger said to
how the war prospered. 15 a2 Sam. David, Surely the men prevailed
8 And David said to Uriah, Go 12:9 1fiercest against us and came out to us in the
down to your house and awash your field; then we drove them back as
feet. So Uriah departed from the far as the entrance of the gate.
21 aJudg.
kings house, and a gift of food from 9:5054 24 The archers shot from the wall
the king followed him. 1Gideon; at your servants; and some of the
9 But Uriah slept at the adoor of Jerubbaal kings servants are dead, and your
the kings house with all the ser- Judg. 6:32ff servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.
vants of his lord, and did not go 25 Then David said to the messen-
down to his house. 25 1Lit. be evil ger, Thus you shall say to Joab: Do
10 So when they told David, saying, in your sight not let this thing 1displease you, for
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279 2 SAMUEL 12:24

the sword devours one as well as 27 a2 Sam. and give them to your neighbor, and
another. Strengthen your attack 12:9 b1 Chr. he shall lie with your wives in the
21:7; [Heb.
against the city, and overthrow it. 13:4] 1Lit. sight of this sun.
So encourage him. was evil in 12 For you did it secretly, abut I
26 When the wife of Uriah heard the eyes of will do this thing before all Israel,
that Uriah her husband was dead, before the sun.
she mourned for her husband. CHAPTER 12
13 aSo David said to Nathan, bI
27 And when her mourning was have sinned against the LORD. And
over, David sent and brought her to Nathan said to David, The LORD
his house, and she abecame his wife 1 aPs. 51:title also has cput away your sin; you
b1 Kin.
and bore him a son. But the thing 20:3541 shall not die.
that David had done bdispleased1 14 However, because by this deed
the LORD. you have given great occasion to the
5 1deserves to
die, lit. is a enemies of the LORD ato blaspheme,
Nathans Parable and Davids son of death the child also who is born to you
Confession shall surely die.
Then the LORD sent Nathan 15 Then Nathan departed to his
12 to David. And ahe came to
him, and bsaid to him: There were
6 a[Ex. 22:1];
Luke 19:8 house.
The Death of Davids Son
two men in one city, one rich and 7 a1 Sam.
the other poor. 16:13; 2 Sam. And the aLORD struck the child
5:3 that Uriahs wife bore to David, and
2 The rich man had exceedingly
many flocks and herds. it became ill.
3 But the poor man had nothing, 9 a1 Sam. 16 David therefore pleaded with
except one little ewe lamb which he 15:19 bNum. God for the child, and David fasted
15:31 c2 Sam.
had bought and nourished; and it 11:1417, 27 and went in and alay all night on the
grew up together with him and with ground.
his children. It ate of his own food 17 So the elders of his house arose
10 a2 Sam. and went to him, to raise him up
and drank from his own cup and lay 13:28; 18:14;
in his bosom; and it was like a 1 Kin. 2:25; from the ground. But he would not,
daughter to him. [Amos 7:9] nor did he eat food with them.
4 And a traveler came to the rich 18 Then on the seventh day it came
man, who refused to take from his 11 aDeut. to pass that the child died. And the
own flock and from his own herd to 28:30; 2 Sam. servants of David were afraid to tell
prepare one for the wayfaring man 16:21, 22 him that the child was dead. For
who had come to him; but he took they said, Indeed, while the child
the poor mans lamb and prepared it 12 a2 Sam. was alive, we spoke to him, and he
for the man who had come to him. 16:22 would not heed our voice. How can
5 So Davids anger was greatly we tell him that the child is dead?
aroused against the man, and he 13 a1 Sam. He may do some harm!
said to Nathan, As the LORD lives, 15:24 b2 Sam. 19 When David saw that his ser-
24:10; Job vants were whispering, David per-
the man who has done this 1shall 7:20; Ps. 51;
surely die! Luke 18:13 ceived that the child was dead.
6 And he shall restore afourfold c2 Sam. 24:10; Therefore David said to his ser-
for the lamb, because he did this Job 7:21; [Ps. vants, Is the child dead? And they
32:15; Prov. said, He is dead.
thing and because he had no pity. 28:13; Mic.
7 Then Nathan said to David, 7:18]; Zech. 20 So David arose from the
You are the man! Thus says the 3:4 ground, washed and aanointed him-
LORD God of Israel: I aanointed you self, and changed his clothes; and
king over Israel, and I delivered you 14 aIs. 52:5; he went into the house of the LORD
from the hand of Saul. [Ezek. 36:20, and bworshiped. Then he went to
8 I gave you your masters house 23]; Rom. his own house; and when he
2:24 requested, they set food before him,
and your masters wives into your
keeping, and gave you the house of and he ate.
Israel and Judah. And if that had 15 a1 Sam. 21 Then his servants said to him,
been too little, I also would have 25:38 What is this that you have done?
given you much more! You fasted and wept for the child
9 aWhy have you bdespised the 16 a2 Sam. while he was alive, but when the
commandment of the LORD, to do 13:31 child died, you arose and ate food.
evil in His sight? cYou have killed 22 And he said, While the child
Uriah the Hittite with the sword; 20 aRuth 3:3; was alive, I fasted and wept; afor I
you have taken his wife to be your Matt. 6:17
bJob 1:20
said, Who can tell whether 1the
wife, and have killed him with the LORD will be gracious to me, that
sword of the people of Ammon. the child may live?
10 Now therefore, athe sword shall 22 aIs. 38:15; 23 But now he is dead; why
Joel 2:14; should I fast? Can I bring him back
never depart from your house, Jon. 3:9 1Heb.
because you have despised Me, and mss., Syr. again? I shall go ato him, but bhe
have taken the wife of Uriah the Hit- God shall not return to me.
tite to be your wife. Solomon Is Born
11 Thus says the LORD: Behold, I 23 aGen. 37:35
bJob 7:810
will raise up adversity against you 24 Then David comforted Bath-
from your own house; and I will sheba his wife, and went in to her
atake your wives before your eyes 24 aMatt. 1:6 and lay with her. So ashe bore
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2 SAMUEL 12:25 280

a son, and bhe1 called his name 24 b1 Chr. 22:9 saying, Now go to your brother
1So with Kt.,
Solomon. Now the LORD loved him, LXX, Vg.;
Amnons house, and prepare food
25 and He sent word by the hand of Qr., a few for him.
Nathan the prophet: So 1he called Heb. mss., 8 So Tamar went to her brother
his name 2Jedidiah, because of the Syr., Tg. she Amnons house; and he was lying
LORD. down. Then she took flour and
25 1Qr., some kneaded it, made cakes in his sight,
Rabbah Is Captured Heb. mss., and baked the cakes.
26 Now aJoab fought against bRab- Syr., Tg. she
2Lit. Beloved
9 And she took the pan and
bah of the people of Ammon, and of the LORD
placed them out before him, but he
took the royal city. refused to eat. Then Amnon said,
aHave everyone go out from me.
27 And Joab sent messengers to
David, and said, I have fought 26 a1 Chr. 20:1 And they all went out from him.
bDeut. 3:11;
against Rabbah, and I have taken 10 Then Amnon said to Tamar,
2 Sam. 11:1 Bring the food into the bedroom,
the citys water supply.
28 Now therefore, gather the rest that I may eat from your hand. And
of the people together and encamp 30 a1 Chr. 20:2 Tamar took the cakes which she had
against the city and take it, lest I 1plunder made, and brought them to Amnon
take the city and it be called after her brother in the bedroom.
my name. 11 Now when she had brought
29 So David gathered all the peo- them to him to eat, ahe took hold of
CHAPTER 13 her and said to her, Come, lie with
ple together and went to Rabbah,
fought against it, and took it. me, my sister.
30 aThen he took their kings 12 But she answered him, No, my
1 a2 Sam. 3:2,
crown from his head. Its weight was 3; 1 Chr. 3:2
brother, do not 1force me, for ano
a talent of gold, with precious b1 Chr. 3:9 such thing should be done in Israel.
stones. And it was set on Davids c2 Sam. 3:2 Do not do this bdisgraceful thing!
head. Also he brought out the 1spoil 13 And I, where could I take my
of the city in great abundance. shame? And as for you, you would
3 a1 Sam. 16:9
31 And he brought out the people be like one of the fools in Israel.
who were in it, and put them to Now therefore, please speak to the
work with saws and iron picks and 6 aGen. 18:6 king; afor he will not withhold me
iron axes, and made them cross from you.
over to the brick works. So he did to 14 However, he would not heed her
all the cities of the people of 9 aGen. 45:1 voice; and being stronger than she,
Ammon. Then David and all the he aforced her and lay with her.
people returned to Jerusalem. 11 aGen. 39:12; 15 Then Amnon hated her 1exceed-
[Deut. 27:22]; ingly, so that the hatred with which
Amnon and Tamar Ezek. 22:11 he hated her was greater than the
After this aAbsalom the son of love with which he had loved her.
13 David had a lovely sister,
whose name was bTamar; and cAm-
12 a[Lev.
And Amnon said to her, Arise, be
20:17] bGen. 16 So she said to him, No, indeed!
non the son of David loved her. 34:7; Judg.
2 Amnon was so distressed over 19:23; 20:6
This evil of sending me away is
his sister Tamar that he became 1Lit. humble worse than the other that you did to
sick; for she was a virgin. And it me me. But he would not listen to her.
was improper for Amnon to do any- 17 Then he called his servant who
thing to her. 13 aGen. 20:12
attended him, and said, Here! Put
3 But Amnon had a friend whose this woman out, away from me, and
name was Jonadab athe son of bolt the door behind her.
Shimeah, Davids brother. Now Jon- 14 aLev. 18:9; 18 Now she had on aa robe of many
adab was a very crafty man. [Deut. 22:25; colors, for the kings virgin daugh-
27:22]; 2 Sam. ters wore such apparel. And his ser-
4 And he said to him, Why are 12:11
you, the kings son, becoming thin- vant put her out and bolted the door
ner day after day? Will you not tell behind her.
me? Amnon said to him, I love 15 1with a 19 Then Tamar put aashes on her
very great head, and tore her robe of many col-
Tamar, my brother Absaloms sister. hatred
5 So Jonadab said to him, Lie ors that was on her, and blaid her
down on your bed and pretend to be hand on her head and went away
ill. And when your father comes to 18 aGen. 37:3; crying bitterly.
see you, say to him, Please let my Judg. 5:30; 20 And Absalom her brother said
Ps. 45:13, 14 to her, Has Amnon your brother
sister Tamar come and give me
food, and prepare the food in my been with you? But now hold your
sight, that I may see it and eat it 19 aJosh. 7:6; peace, my sister. He is your brother;
from her hand. 2 Sam. 1:2; do not take this thing to heart. So
6 Then Amnon lay down and pre- Job 2:12; 42:6 Tamar remained desolate in her
bJer. 2:37
tended to be ill; and when the king brother Absaloms house.
came to see him, Amnon said to the 21 But when King David heard of
king, Please let Tamar my sister 22 aGen. all these things, he was very angry.
come and amake a couple of cakes 24:50; 31:24
b[Lev. 19:17,
22 And Absalom spoke to his
for me in my sight, that I may eat 18; 1 John
brother Amnon aneither good nor bad.
from her hand. 2:9, 11; 3:10, For Absalom bhated Amnon, because
7 And David sent home to Tamar, 12, 15] he had forced his sister Tamar.
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281 2 SAMUEL 14:12

Absalom Murders Amnon 23 aGen. 38:12, all his servants wept very bitterly.
13; 1 Sam. 37 But Absalom fled and went to
23 And it came to pass, after two 25:4 aTalmai the son of Ammihud, king
full years, that Absalom ahad sheep- 28 aJudg. 19:6,
of Geshur. And David mourned for
shearers in Baal Hazor, which is 9, 22; Ruth
3:7; 1 Sam. his son every day.
near Ephraim; so Absalom invited 25:36; Esth. 38 So Absalom fled and went to
all the kings sons. 1:10 1Lit. sons aGeshur, and was there three years.
24 Then Absalom came to the king of valor
39 And 1King David 2longed to go to
and said, Kindly note, your servant 29 a2 Sam.
Absalom. For he had been acom-
has sheepshearers; please, let the 12:10 b2 Sam.
18:9; 1 Kin. forted concerning Amnon, because
king and his servants go with your 1:33, 38 he was dead.
servant. 31 a2 Sam.
25 But the king said to Absalom, 1:11 b2 Sam. Absalom Returns to Jerusalem
No, my son, let us not all go now, 12:16
So Joab the son of Zeruiah
lest we be a burden to you. Then he
urged him, but he would not go; and
32 a2 Sam.
33 a2 Sam.
14 perceived that the kings heart
was concerned aabout Absalom.
he blessed him.
26 Then Absalom said, If not, 19:19 2 And Joab sent to aTekoa and
please let my brother Amnon go 34 a2 Sam. brought from there a wise woman,
13:37, 38 and said to her, Please pretend to
with us. And the king said to him, 1LXX adds
Why should he go with you? And the be a mourner, band put on mourning
27 But Absalom urged him; so he watchman apparel; do not anoint yourself with
let Amnon and all the kings sons go went and told oil, but act like a woman who has
the king, and been mourning a long time for the
with him. said, I see
28 Now Absalom had commanded men from the dead.
his servants, saying, Watch now, way of Horo- 3 Go to the king and speak to
naim, from the him in this manner. So Joab aput
when Amnons aheart is merry with regions of the
wine, and when I say to you, Strike mountains.
the words in her mouth.
Amnon! then kill him. Do not be 37 a2 Sam. 3:3;
4 And when the woman of Tekoa
1spoke to the king, she afell on her
afraid. Have I not commanded you? 1 Chr. 3:2
Be courageous and 1valiant. 38 a2 Sam. face to the ground and prostrated
29 So the servants of Absalom adid 14:23, 32; 15:8 herself, and said, bHelp, O king!
to Amnon as Absalom had com- 39 aGen. 38:12; 5 Then the king said to her, What
manded. Then all the kings sons 2 Sam. 12:19, troubles you? And she answered,
23 1So with aIndeed I am a widow, my husband
arose, and each one got on bhis mule MT, Syr., Vg.;
and fled. LXX the is dead.
30 And it came to pass, while they spirit of the 6 Now your maidservant had
were on the way, that news came to king; Tg. the two sons; and the two fought with
soul of King each other in the field, and there
David, saying, Absalom has killed David 2So
was no one to part them, but the
all the kings sons, and not one of with MT, Tg.;
one struck the other and killed
them is left! LXX, Vg.
31 So the king arose and atore his
ceased to pur- him.
sue after 7 And now the whole family has
garments and blay on the ground, risen up against your maidservant,
and all his servants stood by with CHAPTER 14
and they said, Deliver him who
their clothes torn. 1 a2 Sam. struck his brother, that we may
32 Then aJonadab the son of 13:39 execute him afor the life of his
Shimeah, Davids brother, answered 2 a2 Sam. brother whom he killed; and we
and said, Let not my lord suppose 23:26; 2 Chr. will destroy the heir also. So they
they have killed all the young men, 11:6; Amos
would extinguish my ember that is
the kings sons, for only Amnon is 1:1 bRuth 3:3
3 aEx. 4:15; left, and leave to my husband nei-
dead. For by the command of Absa- ther name nor remnant on the
2 Sam. 14:19
lom this has been determined from earth.
4 a1 Sam.
the day that he forced his sister 20:41; 25:23; 8 Then the king said to the
Tamar. 2 Sam. 1:2 woman, Go to your house, and I
33 Now therefore, alet not my lord b2 Kin. 6:26,
will give orders concerning you.
the king take the thing to his heart, 28 1Many
Heb. mss., 9 And the woman of Tekoa said
to think that all the kings sons are LXX, Syr., Vg. to the king, My lord, O king, let
dead. For only Amnon is dead. came athe 1iniquity be on me and on my
5 a[Zech. 7:10] fathers house, band the king and
Absalom Flees to Geshur 7 aNum. 35:19; his throne be guiltless.
34 aThen Absalom fled. And the Deut. 19:12, 10 So the king said, Whoever says
young man who was keeping watch 9 aGen. 27:13;
anything to you, bring him to me,
lifted his eyes and looked, and 43:9; 1 Sam. and he shall not touch you any-
there, many people were coming 25:24; Matt. more.
from the road on the hillside behind 27:25 b2 Sam. 11 Then she said, Please let the
1him. 3:28, 29; king remember the LORD your God,
1 Kin. 2:33
35 And Jonadab said to the king, 1guilt and do not permit athe avenger of
Look, the kings sons are coming; 11 aNum. blood to destroy anymore, lest they
as your servant said, so it is. 35:19, 21; destroy my son. And he said, bAs
36 So it was, as soon as he had fin- [Deut. 19:410]
b1 Sam. 14:45;
the LORD lives, not one hair of your
ished speaking, that the kings sons 1 Kin. 1:52;
son shall fall to the ground.
indeed came, and they lifted up their Matt. 10:30; 12 Therefore the woman said,
voice and wept. Also the king and Acts 27:34 Please, let your maidservant speak
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2 SAMUEL 14:13 282

another word to my lord the king. 13 aJudg. 20:2
b2 Sam. 13:37,
David Forgives Absalom
And he said, Say on.
13 So the woman said: Why then
38 25 Now in all Israel there was no
have you schemed such a thing one who was praised as much as
against athe people of God? For the 14 aJob 30:23; Absalom for his good looks. aFrom
king speaks this thing as one who is 34:15; the sole of his foot to the crown of
guilty, in that the king does not [Heb. 9:27] his head there was no blemish in
bJob 34:19;
bring bhis banished one home again. him.
Matt. 22:16;
14 For we awill surely die and Acts 10:34; 26 And when he cut the hair of his
become like water spilled on the Rom. 2:11 headat the end of every year he
ground, which cannot be gathered
cNum. 35:15 cut it because it was heavy on him
1cast out
up again. Yet God does not btake when he cut it, he weighed the hair
away a life; but He cdevises means, of his head at two hundred shekels
so that His banished ones are not 16 aDeut. 32:9; according to the kings standard.
1expelled from Him. 1 Sam. 26:19; 27 aTo Absalom were born three
15 Now therefore, I have come to 2 Sam. 20:19 sons, and one daughter whose name
speak of this thing to my lord the was Tamar. She was a woman of
king because the people have made 17 a1 Sam.
beautiful appearance.
me afraid. And your maidservant 29:9; 2 Sam. 28 And Absalom dwelt two full
said, I will now speak to the king; it 19:27 b1 Kin. years in Jerusalem, abut did not see
may be that the king will perform
3:9 the kings face.
the request of his maidservant. 29 Therefore Absalom sent for
16 For the king will hear and 19 a2 Sam. Joab, to send him to the king, but he
deliver his maidservant from the 14:3 would not come to him. And when
hand of the man who would he sent again the second time, he
destroy me and my son together would not come.
20 a2 Sam. 30 So he said to his servants, See,
from the ainheritance of God. 14:17; 19:27
17 Your maidservant said, The Joabs field is near mine, and he has
word of my lord the king will now barley there; go and set it on fire.
be comforting; for aas the angel of 22 1Lit. blessed And Absaloms servants set the
God, so is my lord the king in bdis- field on fire.
cerning good and evil. And may the 23 a2 Sam.
31 Then Joab arose and came to
LORD your God be with you. 13:37, 38 Absaloms house, and said to him,
18 Then the king answered and Why have your servants set my
said to the woman, Please do not field on fire?
24 aGen. 43:3; 32 And Absalom answered Joab,
hide from me anything that I ask 2 Sam. 3:13
you. And the woman said, Please, Look, I sent to you, saying, Come
let my lord the king speak. here, so that I may send you to the
19 So the king said, Is the hand of 25 aDeut. king, to say, Why have I come from
Joab with you in all this? And the 28:35; Job 2:7; Geshur? It would be better for me to
woman answered and said, As you
Is. 1:6 be there still. Now therefore, let
live, my lord the king, no one can me see the kings face; but aif there is
turn to the right hand or to the left 27 a2 Sam. iniquity in me, let him execute me.
from anything that my lord the king 13:1; 18:18 33 So Joab went to the king and
has spoken. For your servant Joab told him. And when he had called
commanded me, and ahe put all for Absalom, he came to the king
28 a2 Sam.
these words in the mouth of your 14:24
and bowed himself on his face to the
maidservant. ground before the king. Then the
20 To bring about this change of king akissed Absalom.
32 a1 Sam.
affairs your servant Joab has done 20:8; [Prov. Absaloms Treason
this thing; but my lord is wise, aac- 28:13]
cording to the wisdom of the angel After this ait happened that
of God, to know everything that is in
the earth. 33 aGen. 33:4;
15 Absalom bprovided himself
with chariots and horses, and fifty
45:15; Luke
21 And the king said to Joab, All 15:20 men to run before him.
right, I have granted this thing. Go 2 Now Absalom would rise early
therefore, bring back the young and stand beside the way to the
man Absalom. CHAPTER 15
gate. So it was, whenever anyone
22 Then Joab fell to the ground on who had a alawsuit1 came to the
his face and bowed himself, and king for a decision, that Absalom
1thanked the king. And Joab said, would call to him and say, What
1 a2 Sam.
Today your servant knows that I 12:11 b1 Kin. city are you from? And he would
have found favor in your sight, my 1:5 say, Your servant is from such and
lord, O king, in that the king has ful- such a tribe of Israel.
filled the request of his servant. 3 Then Absalom would say to
2 aDeut. 19:17
23 So Joab arose aand went to 1Lit. contro- him, Look, your 1case is good and
Geshur, and brought Absalom to versy right; but there is no 2deputy of the
Jerusalem. king to hear you.
24 And the king said, Let him 4 Moreover Absalom would say,
return to his own house, but ado not 3 1Lit. words aOh, that I were made judge in the
2Lit. listener
let him see my face. So Absalom land, and everyone who has any suit
returned to his own house, but did or cause would come to me; then I
not see the kings face. 4 aJudg. 9:29 would give him justice.
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283 2 SAMUEL 15:34

5 And so it was, whenever anyone 5 a2 Sam. day. Should I make you wander up
came near to bow down to him, that 14:33; 20:9 and down with us today, since I go aI
he would put out his hand and take 6 a[Rom. know not where? Return, and take
him and akiss him. 7 a[Deut.
your brethren back. Mercy and
6 In this manner Absalom acted 23:21] b2 Sam. truth be with you.
toward all Israel who came to the 3:2, 3 1LXX 21 But Ittai answered the king and
king for judgment. aSo Absalom mss., Syr., said, aAs the LORD lives, and as my
stole the hearts of the men of Israel. Josephus four lord the king lives, surely in what-
7 Now it came to pass aafter 1forty 8 a1 Sam. 16:2 ever place my lord the king shall be,
bGen. 28:20,
years that Absalom said to the king, 21 c2 Sam. whether in death or life, even there
Please, let me go to bHebron and 13:38 also your servant will be.
pay the vow which I made to the 10 a1 Kin. 1:34; 22 So David said to Ittai, Go, and
LORD. 2 Kin. 9:13 cross over. Then Ittai the Gittite and
8 aFor your servant btook a vow 11 a1 Sam. all his men and all the little ones
cwhile I dwelt at Geshur in Syria, 16:3, 5 bGen. who were with him crossed over.
saying, If the LORD indeed brings 20:5 23 And all the country wept with a
me back to Jerusalem, then I will 12 a2 Sam. loud voice, and all the people
16:15; 1 Chr.
serve the LORD. 27:33; Ps. crossed over. The king himself also
9 And the king said to him, Go in 41:9; 55:1214 crossed over the Brook Kidron, and
peace. So he arose and went to bJosh. 15:51 all the people crossed over toward
cPs. 3:1
Hebron. the way of the awilderness.
10 Then Absalom sent spies 13 aJudg. 9:3; 24 There was aZadok also, and all
throughout all the tribes of Israel, 2 Sam. 15:6
1Lit. after the Levites with him, bearing the
saying, As soon as you hear the 14 a2 Sam.
bark of the covenant of God. And
sound of the trumpet, then you shall 12:11; Ps. they set down the ark of God, and
say, Absalom areigns in Hebron! 3:title cAbiathar went up until all the peo-
11 And with Absalom went two 16 aPs. 3:title ple had finished crossing over from
hundred men ainvited from Jerusa- b2 Sam. 12:11;
the city.
lem, and they bwent along innocently 16:21, 22 25 Then the king said to Zadok,
and did not know anything. 18 a2 Sam. Carry the ark of God back into the
8:18 b1 Sam.
12 Then Absalom sent for Ahitho- 23:13; 25:13; city. If I find favor in the eyes of the
phel the Gilonite, aDavids coun- 30:1, 9 1Lit. by LORD, He awill bring me back and
selor, from his cityfrom bGiloh his hand show me both it and bHis dwelling
while he offered sacrifices. And the 19 a2 Sam. place.
conspiracy grew strong, for the peo- 18:2 26 But if He says thus: I have no
ple with Absalom ccontinually 20 a1 Sam. adelight in you, here I am, blet Him
increased in number. 23:13
21 aRuth 1:16,
do to me as seems good to Him.
17; [Prov. 27 The king also said to Zadok the
David Escapes from Jerusalem priest, Are you not a aseer?1 Return
13 Now a messenger came to 23 a2 Sam. to the city in peace, and byour two
David, saying, aThe hearts of the 15:28; 16:2 sons with you, Ahimaaz your son,
men of Israel are 1with Absalom. 24 a2 Sam. and Jonathan the son of Abiathar.
14 So David said to all his servants 8:17 bNum. 28 See, aI will wait in the plains of
4:15; 1 Sam.
who were with him at Jerusalem, 4:4 c1 Sam.
the wilderness until word comes
Arise, and let us aflee, or we shall 22:20 from you to inform me.
not escape from Absalom. Make 25 a[Ps. 43:3] 29 Therefore Zadok and Abiathar
haste to depart, lest he overtake us bEx. 15:13; carried the ark of God back to
suddenly and bring disaster upon Jer. 25:30 Jerusalem. And they remained there.
us, and strike the city with the edge 26 aNum. 14:8; 30 So David went up by the Ascent
2 Sam. 22:20; of the Mount of Olives, and wept as
of the sword. 1 Kin. 10:9;
15 And the kings servants said to 2 Chr. 9:8; Is. he went up; and he ahad his head
the king, We are your servants, 62:4 b1 Sam. covered and went bbarefoot. And all
ready to do whatever my lord the 3:18 the people who were with him ccov-
king commands. 27 a1 Sam. ered their heads and went up,
16 Then athe king went out with all 9:69 b2 Sam. dweeping as they went up.
17:1720 31 Then someone told David, say-
his household after him. But the 1prophet
king left bten women, concubines, to 28 aJosh. 5:10;
ing, aAhithophel is among the con-
keep the house. 2 Sam. 17:16 spirators with Absalom. And David
17 And the king went out with all 30 a2 Sam. said, O LORD, I pray, bturn the coun-
the people after him, and stopped at 19:4; Esth. sel of Ahithophel into foolishness!
the outskirts. 6:12; Ezek. 32 Now it happened when David
18 Then all his servants passed 24:17, 23 bIs. had come to the top of the moun-
20:24 cJer.
1before him; aand all the Cherethites,
14:3, 4 d[Ps. tain, where he worshiped God
all the Pelethites, and all the Gittites, 126:6] there was Hushai the aArchite com-
bsix hundred men who had followed
31 aPs. 3:1, 2; ing to meet him bwith his robe torn
him from Gath, passed before the 55:12 b2 Sam. and dust on his head.
king. 16:23; 17:14, 33 David said to him, If you go on
19 Then the king said to aIttai the 23 with me, then you will become aa
32 aJosh. 16:2 burden to me.
Gittite, Why are you also going b2 Sam. 1:2
with us? Return and remain with the 33 a2 Sam.
34 But if you return to the city, and
king. For you are a foreigner and 19:35 say to Absalom, aI will be your ser-
also an exile from your own place. 34 a2 Sam. vant, O king; as I was your fathers
20 In fact, you came only yester- 16:19 servant previously, so I will now also
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2 SAMUEL 15:35 284

be your servant, then you may 35 a2 Sam. adead dog bcurse my lord the king?
defeat the counsel of Ahithophel for 17:15, 16 Please, let me go over and take off
me. 36 a2 Sam. his head!
35 And do you not have Zadok 10 But the king said, aWhat have I
and Abiathar the priests with you 37 a2 Sam. to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah?
16:16; 1 Chr.
there? Therefore it will be that 27:33 b2 Sam. So let him curse, because bthe LORD
whatever you hear from the kings 16:15 has said to him, Curse David. cWho
house, you shall tell to aZadok and then shall say, Why have you done
Abiathar the priests. CHAPTER 16 so?
36 Indeed they have there awith 1 a2 Sam. 11 And David said to Abishai and
them their two sons, Ahimaaz, 15:30, 32 all his servants, See how amy son
Zadoks son, and Jonathan, Abi- b2 Sam. 9:2;
who bcame from my own body
19:17, 29
athars son; and by them you shall seeks my life. How much more now
send me everything you hear. 2 a2 Sam. may this Benjamite? Let him alone,
15:23; 17:29
37 So Hushai, aDavids friend, went and let him curse; for so the LORD
3 a2 Sam. 9:9,
into the city. bAnd Absalom came 10 b2 Sam. has ordered him.
into Jerusalem. 19:27 12 It may be that the LORD will
5 a2 Sam. 3:16 look on 1my affliction, and that the
Mephibosheths Servant
b2 Sam. 19:21; LORD will arepay me with bgood for
1 Kin. 2:8, 9, his cursing this day.
4446 13 And as David and his men went
When aDavid was a little past
16 the top of the mountain, there
was bZiba the servant of Mephib-
7 aDeut. 13:13
1Lit. man of
along the road, Shimei went along
the hillside opposite him and cursed
osheth, who met him with a couple 2worthless as he went, threw stones at him and
of saddled donkeys, and on them two man 1kicked up dust.
hundred loaves of bread, one hun- 8 aJudg. 9:24, 14 Now the king and all the people
dred clusters of raisins, one hundred 56, 57; 1 Kin. who were with him became weary;
2:32, 33 so they refreshed themselves there.
summer fruits, and a skin of wine. b2 Sam. 1:16;
2 And the king said to Ziba, 3:28, 29; 4:11,
What do you mean to do with 12 1Lit. man The Advice of Ahithophel
these? So Ziba said, The donkeys of bloodshed
15 Meanwhile aAbsalom and all
are for the kings household to ride 9 a1 Sam. the people, the men of Israel, came
on, the bread and summer fruit for 24:14; 2 Sam.
9:8 bEx. 22:28 to Jerusalem; and Ahithophel was
the young men to eat, and the wine with him.
10 a2 Sam.
for athose who are faint in the 3:39; 19:22; 16 And so it was, when Hushai the
wilderness to drink. [1 Pet. 2:23] Archite, aDavids friend, came to
3 Then the king said, And where is b2 Kin. 18:25;
Absalom, that bHushai said to Absa-
your amasters son? bAnd Ziba said [Lam. 3:38]
c[Rom. 9:20] lom, Long live the king! Long live
to the king, Indeed he is staying in the king!
Jerusalem, for he said, Today the 11 a2 Sam.
12:11 bGen. 17 So Absalom said to Hushai, Is
house of Israel will restore the king- 15:4 this your loyalty to your friend?
dom of my father to me. 12 aDeut. 23:5;
aWhy did you not go with your
4 So the king said to Ziba, Here, Neh. 13:2; friend?
all that belongs to Mephibosheth is Prov. 20:22 18 And Hushai said to Absalom,
yours. And Ziba said, I humbly bDeut. 23:5;
No, but whom the LORD and this
bow before you, that I may find [Rom. 8:28;
Heb. 12:10, people and all the men of Israel
favor in your sight, my lord, O king! 11] 1So with choose, his I will be, and with him I
Shimei Curses David
Kt., LXX, will remain.
Syr., Vg.; Qr. 19 Furthermore, awhom should I
my eyes; Tg.
5 Now when King David came to tears of my serve? Should I not serve in the pres-
aBahurim, there was a man from the eyes ence of his son? As I have served in
family of the house of Saul, whose 13 1Lit. dusted your fathers presence, so will I be in
name was bShimei the son of Gera, him with dust your presence.
coming from there. He came out, 15 a2 Sam. 20 Then Absalom said to aAhith-
cursing continuously as he came. 15:12, 37 ophel, Give advice as to what we
6 And he threw stones at David 16 a2 Sam. should do.
and at all the servants of King 15:37 b2 Sam. 21 And Ahithophel said to Absa-
David. And all the people and all the lom, Go in to your fathers aconcu-
mighty men were on his right hand 17 a2 Sam. bines, whom he has left to keep the
19:25; [Prov.
and on his left. 17:17] house; and all Israel will hear that
7 Also Shimei said thus when he 19 a2 Sam.
you bare abhorred by your father.
cursed: Come out! Come out! You 15:34 Then cthe hands of all who are with
1bloodthirsty man, ayou 2rogue!
20 a2 Sam. you will be strong.
8 The LORD has abrought upon 15:12 22 So they pitched a tent for Absa-
you all bthe blood of the house of 21 a2 Sam. lom on the top of the house, and
Saul, in whose place you have 15:16; 20:3 Absalom went in to his fathers con-
bGen. 34:30;
reigned; and the LORD has delivered cubines ain the sight of all Israel.
the kingdom into the hand of Absa- 1 Sam. 13:4 23 Now the advice of Ahithophel,
c2 Sam. 2:7;
lom your son. So now you are Zech. 8:13 which he gave in those days, was as
caught in your own evil, because 22 a2 Sam. if one had inquired at the oracle of
you are a 1bloodthirsty man! 12:11, 12 God. So was all the advice of
9 Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah 23 a2 Sam. Ahithophel aboth with David and
said to the king, Why should this 15:12 with Absalom.
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285 2 SAMUEL 17:27

Moreover Ahithophel said to CHAPTER 17
17 Absalom, Now let me choose
twelve thousand men, and I will 2 aDeut. 25:18;
Hushai Warns David to Escape
15 aThen Hushai said to Zadok and
arise and pursue David tonight.
2 Sam. 16:14
bZech. 13:7
Abiathar the priests, Thus and so
2 I will come upon him while he 1tremble with Ahithophel advised Absalom and
is aweary and weak, and make him fear the elders of Israel, and thus and so
1afraid. And all the people who are I have advised.
with him will flee, and I will bstrike 4 a2 Sam. 5:3; 16 Now therefore, send quickly
only the king.
19:11 and tell David, saying, Do not
3 Then I will bring back all the spend this night ain the plains of the
5 a2 Sam. wilderness, but speedily cross over,
people to you. When all return 15:3234
lest the king and all the people who
except the man whom you seek, all are with him be swallowed up.
the people will be at peace. 8 aHos. 13:8
17 aNow Jonathan and Ahimaaz
4 And the saying pleased Absa- 10 aJosh. 2:11 bstayed at cEn Rogel, for they dared
lom and all the aelders of Israel. not be seen coming into the city; so
11 aJudg. 20:1; a female servant would come and
The Advice of Hushai 2 Sam. 3:10 tell them, and they would go and tell
bGen. 22:17;
Josh. 11:4; King David.
5 Then Absalom said, Now call 18 Nevertheless a lad saw them,
1 Kin. 20:10
Hushai the Archite also, and let us and told Absalom. But both of them
hear what he asays too. 13 aMic. 1:6 went away quickly and came to a
6 And when Hushai came to mans house ain Bahurim, who had
Absalom, Absalom spoke to him, 14 a2 Sam. a well in his court; and they went
saying, Ahithophel has spoken in 15:31, 34
down into it.
this manner. Shall we do as he says? 19 aThen the woman took and
If not, speak up. 15 a2 Sam.
15:35, 36 spread a covering over the wells
7 So Hushai said to Absalom: mouth, and spread ground grain on
The advice that Ahithophel has 16 a2 Sam. it; and the thing was not known.
given is not good at this time. 15:28 20 And when Absaloms servants
8 For, said Hushai, you know came to the woman at the house,
your father and his men, that they 17 a2 Sam.
they said, Where are Ahimaaz and
are mighty men, and they are 15:27, 36;
1 Kin. 1:42, 43 Jonathan? So athe woman said to
enraged in their minds, like aa bear bJosh. 2:46 them, They have gone over the
robbed of her cubs in the field; and cJosh. 15:7;
water brook. And when they had
your father is a man of war, and will 18:16
searched and could not find them,
not camp with the people. they returned to Jerusalem.
9 Surely by now he is hidden in 18 a2 Sam.
3:16; 16:5 21 Now it came to pass, after they
some pit, or in some other place. had departed, that they came up out
And it will be, when some of them 19 aJosh. of the well and went and told King
are overthrown at the first, that 2:46 David, and said to David, aArise
whoever hears it will say, There is a and cross over the water quickly.
slaughter among the people who 20 aEx. 1:19;
[Lev. 19:11]; For thus has Ahithophel advised
follow Absalom. Josh. 2:35 against you.
10 And even he who is valiant, 22 So David and all the people who
whose heart is like the heart of a 21 a2 Sam. were with him arose and crossed
lion, will amelt completely. For all 17:15, 16 over the Jordan. By morning light
Israel knows that your father is a not one of them was left who had
mighty man, and those who are 23 a2 Sam. not gone over the Jordan.
with him are valiant men. 15:12 b2 Kin.
20:1 cMatt. 23 Now when Ahithophel saw that
11 Therefore I advise that all 27:5 1Lit. gave his advice was not followed, he
Israel be fully gathered to you, charge con- saddled a donkey, and arose and
afrom Dan to Beersheba, blike the cerning his went home to ahis house, to his city.
sand that is by the sea for multitude, Then he 1put his bhousehold in
and that you go to battle in person. 24 aGen. 32:2; order, and changed himself, and
12 So we will come upon him in Josh. 13:26; died; and he was buried in his
some place where he may be found, 2 Sam. 2:8; fathers tomb.
and we will fall on him as the dew 19:32 24 Then David went to aMa-
falls on the ground. And of him and hanaim. And Absalom crossed over
25 a2 Sam.
all the men who are with him there 19:13; 20:912; the Jordan, he and all the men of
shall not be left so much as one. 1 Kin. 2:5, 32 Israel with him.
13 Moreover, if he has withdrawn b1 Chr. 2:16
25 And Absalom made aAmasa
into a city, then all Israel shall bring 1 Chr. 2:17
captain of the army instead of Joab.
ropes to that city; and we will apull 2So with MT, This Amasa was the son of a man
it into the river, until there is not one some LXX whose name was 1Jithra, an
small stone found there. mss., Tg.; 2Israelite, who had gone in to bAbi-
14 So Absalom and all the men of some LXX gail the daughter of Nahash, sister
mss. Ish-
Israel said, The advice of Hushai maelite (cf. of Zeruiah, Joabs mother.
the Archite is better than the advice 1 Chr. 2:17); 26 So Israel and Absalom en-
of Ahithophel. For athe LORD had Vg. of Jezrael camped in the land of Gilead.
purposed to defeat the good advice 27 Now it happened, when David
of Ahithophel, to the intent that the 27 a1 Sam. had come to Mahanaim, that aShobi
11:1; 2 Sam.
LORD might bring disaster on Absa- 10:1; 12:29 the son of Nahash from Rabbah of
lom. b2 Sam. 9:4 the people of Ammon, bMachir the
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2 SAMUEL 17:28 286

son of Ammiel from Lo Debar, and 27 c2 Sam. ground? I would have given you ten
cBarzillai the Gileadite from Roge- 19:31, 32; shekels of silver and a belt.
1 Kin. 2:7
lim, 12 But the man said to Joab,
28 brought beds and basins, earthen Though I were to receive a thou-
vessels and wheat, barley and flour, sand shekels of silver in my hand, I
parched grain and beans, lentils and 29 a2 Sam. would not raise my hand against the
16:2, 14
parched seeds, kings son. aFor in our hearing the
29 honey and curds, sheep and king commanded you and Abishai
cheese of the herd, for David and and Ittai, saying, 1Beware lest any-
the people who were with him to one touch the young man Absalom!
eat. For they said, The people are 13 Otherwise I would have dealt
hungry and weary and thirsty ain falsely against my own life. For
the wilderness. there is nothing hidden from the
1 aEx. 18:25; king, and you yourself would have
Absaloms Defeat and Death Num. 31:14; set yourself against me.
1 Sam. 22:7
And David 1numbered the 14 Then Joab said, I cannot linger
1Lit. attended

people who were with him, to with you. And he took three spears
and aset captains of thousands and in his hand and thrust them through
captains of hundreds over them. Absaloms heart, while he was still
2 Then David sent out one third of 2 aJudg. 7:16;
alive in the midst of the terebinth
the people under the hand of Joab, 1 Sam. 11:11 tree.
aone third under the hand of Abishai b2 Sam. 15 And ten young men who bore
the son of Zeruiah, Joabs brother, 15:1922 Joabs armor surrounded Absalom,
and one third under the hand of bIt- and struck and killed him.
tai the Gittite. And the king said to 16 So Joab blew the trumpet, and
the people, I also will surely go out 3 a2 Sam. the people returned from pursuing
with you myself. 21:17 Israel. For Joab held back the peo-
3 aBut the people answered, You ple.
shall not go out! For if we flee away, 17 And they took Absalom and
they will not care about us; nor if 5 a2 Sam.
cast him into a large pit in the
half of us die, will they care about 18:12 woods, and alaid a very large heap
us. But you are worth ten thousand of stones over him. Then all Israel
bfled, everyone to his tent.
of us now. For you are now more
help to us in the city. 18 Now Absalom in his lifetime
6 aJosh. 17:15, had taken and set up a 1pillar for
4 Then the king said to them, 18; 2 Sam.
Whatever seems best to you I will 17:26 himself, which is in athe Kings Val-
do. So the king stood beside the ley. For he said, bI have no son to
gate, and all the people went out by keep my name in remembrance. He
hundreds and by thousands. called the pillar after his own name.
9 a2 Sam.
5 Now the king had commanded 14:26 And to this day it is called Absa-
Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, saying, loms Monument.
Deal gently for my sake with the David Hears of Absaloms Death
young man Absalom. aAnd all the 12 a2 Sam.
people heard when the king gave all 18:5 1Vss. 19 Then aAhimaaz the son of Zadok
the captains orders concerning Ab- Protect the said, Let me run now and take the
salom. young man news to the king, how the LORD has
Absalom for 1avenged him of his enemies.
6 So the people went out into the me!
field of battle against Israel. And the 20 And Joab said to him, You shall
battle was in the awoods of Ephraim. not take the news this day, for you
7 The people of Israel were over- shall take the news another day. But
thrown there before the servants of 17 aDeut. today you shall take no news,
21:20, 21;
David, and a great slaughter of Josh. 7:26; because the kings son is dead.
twenty thousand took place there 8:29 b2 Sam. 21 Then Joab said to the Cushite,
that day. 19:8; 20:1, 22 Go, tell the king what you have
8 For the battle there was scat- seen. So the Cushite bowed himself
tered over the face of the whole to Joab and ran.
countryside, and the woods de- 18 aGen. 14:17 22 And Ahimaaz the son of Zadok
voured more people that day than b2 Sam. 14:27 said again to Joab, But 1whatever
the sword devoured. 1monument happens, please let me also run
9 Then Absalom met the servants after the Cushite. So Joab said,
of David. Absalom rode on a mule. Why will you run, my son, since
The mule went under the thick 19 a2 Sam. you have no news ready?
boughs of a great terebinth tree, and 15:36; 17:17 23 But whatever happens, he
ahis head caught in the terebinth; so 1vindicated
said, let me run. So he said to him,
he was left hanging between heaven Run. Then Ahimaaz ran by way of
and earth. And the mule which was the plain, and outran the Cushite.
under him went on. 22 1Lit. be 24 Now David was sitting between
10 Now a certain man saw it and what may the atwo gates. And the watchman
told Joab, and said, I just saw Absa- went up to the roof over the gate, to
lom hanging in a terebinth tree! the wall, lifted his eyes and looked,
11 So Joab said to the man who told 24 aJudg. 5:11;
and there was a man, running alone.
him, You just saw him! And why did 2 Sam. 13:34; 25 Then the watchman cried out
you not strike him there to the 2 Kin. 9:17 and told the king. And the king said,
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287 2 SAMUEL 19:18

If he is alone, there is news in his 27 a1 Kin. 1:42
1Lit. I see the
lives of your wives and the lives of
mouth. And he came rapidly and running
your concubines,
drew near. 6 in that you love your enemies
26 Then the watchman saw another and hate your friends. For you have
man running, and the watchman 28 a2 Sam. declared today that you 1regard nei-
called to the gatekeeper and said, 16:12 1Peace ther princes nor servants; for today
be to you
There is another man, running I perceive that if Absalom had lived
alone! And the king said, He also and all of us had died today, then it
brings news. 33 a2 Sam. would have pleased you well.
27 So the watchman said, 1I think 12:10 b2 Sam. 7 Now therefore, arise, go out
the running of the first is like the and speak 1comfort to your servants.
running of Ahimaaz the son of For I swear by the LORD, if you do
Zadok. And the king said, He is a CHAPTER 19 not go out, not one will stay with you
good man, and comes with agood this night. And that will be worse for
news. you than all the evil that has befallen
28 So Ahimaaz called out and said 1 aJer. 14:2 you from your youth until now.
to the king, 1All is well! Then he 8 Then the king arose and sat in
bowed down with his face to the 2 aEsth. 4:3 the agate. And they told all the peo-
earth before the king, and said, ple, saying, There is the king, sit-
aBlessed be the LORD your God, ting in the gate. So all the people
3 a2 Sam.
who has delivered up the men who 17:24, 27; came before the king. For everyone
raised their hand against my lord 19:32 1went of Israel had bfled to his tent.
the king! by stealth
29 The king said, Is the young David Returns to Jerusalem
man Absalom safe? Ahimaaz 4 a2 Sam. 9 Now all the people were in a
answered, When Joab sent the 15:30 b2 Sam. dispute throughout all the tribes of
kings servant and me your servant, 18:33
Israel, saying, The king saved us
I saw a great tumult, but I did not from the hand of our aenemies, he
know what it was about. 5 a2 Sam. delivered us from the hand of the
30 And the king said, Turn aside 18:14 bPhilistines, and now he has cfled
and stand here. So he turned aside from the land because of Absalom.
and stood still. 10 But Absalom, whom we
6 1have no
31 Just then the Cushite came, and respect for anointed over us, has died in battle.
the Cushite said, There is good Now therefore, why do you say noth-
news, my lord the king! For the ing about bringing back the king?
LORD has avenged you this day of 7 1Lit. to the
heart of 11 So King David sent to aZadok
all those who rose against you. and Abiathar the priests, saying,
32 And the king said to the Speak to the elders of Judah, say-
Cushite, Is the young man Absalom 8 a2 Sam. 15:2; ing, Why are you the last to bring
safe? So the Cushite answered, 18:24 b2 Sam.
18:17 the king back to his house, since the
May the enemies of my lord the words of all Israel have come to the
king, and all who rise against you to king, to his very house?
do harm, be like that young man! 9 a2 Sam. 12 You are my brethren, you are
8:114 amy bone and my flesh. Why then are
b2 Sam. 3:18
Davids Mourning for Absalom c2 Sam. 15:14 you the last to bring back the king?
33 Then the king was deeply 13 aAnd say to Amasa, Are you
moved, and went up to the chamber 11 a2 Sam.
not my bone and my flesh? bGod do
over the gate, and wept. And as he 15:24 so to me, and more also, if you are
went, he said thus: aO my son not commander of the army before
Absalommy son, my son Absa- me 1continually in place of Joab.
lomif only I had died in your 12 a2 Sam. 5:1; 14 So he swayed the hearts of all
1 Chr. 11:1
place! O Absalom my son, bmy son! the men of Judah, ajust as the heart
And Joab was told, Behold, of one man, so that they sent this
19 the king is weeping and
amourning for Absalom.
13 a2 Sam.
17:25; 1 Chr.
word to the king: Return, you and
all your servants!
2:17 bRuth
2 So the victory that day was 1:17 1perma- 15 Then the king returned and
turned into amourning for all the nently came to the Jordan. And Judah
people. For the people heard it said came to aGilgal, to go to meet the
that day, The king is grieved for his 14 aJudg. 20:1
king, to escort the king bacross the
son. Jordan.
3 And the people 1stole back ainto 16 And aShimei the son of Gera, a
the city that day, as people who are 15 aJosh. 5:9; Benjamite, who was from Bahurim,
ashamed steal away when they flee 1 Sam. 11:14, hurried and came down with the
15 b2 Sam.
in battle. 17:22 men of Judah to meet King David.
4 But the king acovered his face, 17 There were a thousand men of
and the king cried out with a loud aBenjamin with him, and bZiba the
voice, bO my son Absalom! O Absa- 16 a2 Sam. servant of the house of Saul, and his
16:5; 1 Kin.
lom, my son, my son! 2:8 fifteen sons and his twenty servants
5 Then aJoab came into the house with him; and they went over the
to the king, and said, Today you Jordan before the king.
have disgraced all your servants 17 a2 Sam. 18 Then a ferryboat went across to
3:19; 1 Kin.
who today have saved your life, the 12:21 b2 Sam. carry over the kings household,
lives of your sons and daughters, the 9:2, 10; 16:1, 2 and to do what he thought good.
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2 SAMUEL 19:19 288

Davids Mercy to Shimei 19 a1 Sam. across the Jordan with the king, to
22:15 b2 Sam. escort him across the Jordan.
Now Shimei the son of Gera fell 16:5, 6
c2 Sam. 13:33 32 Now Barzillai was a very aged
down before the king when he had 1charge me man, eighty years old. And ahe had
crossed the Jordan. with iniquity provided the king with supplies
19 Then he said to the king, aDo while he stayed at Mahanaim, for he
not let my lord 1impute iniquity to was a very rich man.
me, or remember what bwrong your 20 aJudg. 1:22; 33 And the king said to Barzillai,
servant did on the day that my lord 1 Kin. 11:28
Come across with me, and I will
the king left Jerusalem, that the provide for you while you are with
king should ctake it to heart. me in Jerusalem.
20 For I, your servant, know that I 21 a[Ex. 22:28]
b[1 Sam. 26:9] 34 But Barzillai said to the king,
have sinned. Therefore here I am, How long have I to live, that I
the first to come today of all athe should go up with the king to
house of Joseph to go down to meet 22 a2 Sam. Jerusalem?
my lord the king. 3:39; 16:10 35 I am today aeighty years old.
21 But Abishai the son of Zeruiah b1 Sam. 11:13
Can I discern between the good and
answered and said, Shall not Shimei bad? Can your servant taste what I
be put to death for this, abecause he eat or what I drink? Can I hear any
bcursed the LORDs anointed? 23 a1 Kin. 2:8,
9, 37, 46 longer the voice of singing men and
22 And David said, aWhat have I singing women? Why then should
to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, your servant be a further burden to
that you should be adversaries to 24 a2 Sam. 9:6; my lord the king?
me today? bShall any man be put to 21:7 36 Your servant will go a little
death today in Israel? For do I not way across the Jordan with the
know that today I am king over king. And why should the king
Israel? 25 a2 Sam. repay me with such a reward?
23 Therefore athe king said to 16:17
37 Please let your servant turn
Shimei, You shall not die. And the back again, that I may die in my
king swore to him. own city, near the grave of my
27 a2 Sam.
David and Mephibosheth Meet 16:3, 4 father and mother. But here is your
b2 Sam. 14:17, servant aChimham; let him cross
24 Now aMephibosheth the son of 20 over with my lord the king, and do
Saul came down to meet the king. for him what seems good to you.
And he had not cared for his feet, 38 And the king answered,
nor trimmed his mustache, nor 28 a2 Sam. Chimham shall cross over with me,
9:713 1com-
washed his clothes, from the day the plain and I will do for him what seems
king departed until the day he good to you. Now whatever you
returned in peace. request of me, I will do for you.
25 So it was, when he had come to 31 a2 Sam. 39 Then all the people went over
Jerusalem to meet the king, that the 17:2729; the Jordan. And when the king had
king said to him, aWhy did you not 1 Kin. 2:7 crossed over, the king akissed
go with me, Mephibosheth? Barzillai and blessed him, and he
26 And he answered, My lord, O returned to his own place.
king, my servant deceived me. For 32 a2 Sam.
17:2729 The Quarrel About the King
your servant said, I will saddle a
donkey for myself, that I may ride 40 Now the king went on to Gilgal,
on it and go to the king, because 35 aPs. 90:10 and 1Chimham went on with him.
your servant is lame. And all the people of Judah es-
27 And ahe has slandered your corted the king, and also half the
servant to my lord the king, bbut my 37 a2 Sam. people of Israel.
lord the king is like the angel of 19:40; Jer.
41 Just then all the men of Israel
God. Therefore do what is good in 41:17
came to the king, and said to the
your eyes. king, Why have our brethren, the
28 For all my fathers house were men of Judah, stolen you away and
39 aGen. 31:55;
but dead men before my lord the Ruth 1:14; abrought the king, his household,
king. aYet you set your servant 2 Sam. 14:33 and all Davids men with him across
among those who eat at your own the Jordan?
table. Therefore what right have I 42 So all the men of Judah an-
still to 1cry out anymore to the king? 40 1MT swered the men of Israel, Because
29 So the king said to him, Why Chimhan
the king is aa close relative of ours.
do you speak anymore of your mat- Why then are you angry over this
ters? I have said, You and Ziba matter? Have we ever eaten at the
divide the land. 41 a2 Sam.
19:15 kings expense? Or has he given us
30 Then Mephibosheth said to the any gift?
king, Rather, let him take it all, 43 And the men of Israel answered
inasmuch as my lord the king has 42 a2 Sam. the men of Judah, and said, We
come back in peace to his own 19:12 have aten shares in the king; there-
house. fore we also have more right to
Davids Kindness to Barzillai David than you. Why then do you
43 a1 Kin.
11:30, 31
despise uswere we not the first to
31 And aBarzillai the Gileadite bJudg. 8:1; advise bringing back our king? Yet
came down from Rogelim and went 12:1 bthe words of the men of Judah were
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289 2 SAMUEL 20:25

1fiercer than the words of the men of 43 1harsher And when the man saw that all the
Israel. people stood still, he moved Amasa
from the highway to the field and
The Rebellion of Sheba CHAPTER 20 threw a garment over him, when he
And there happened to be saw that everyone who came upon
20 there a 1rebel, whose name
was Sheba the son of Bichri, a Ben- 1 a2 Sam.
him halted.
13 When he was removed from the
jamite. And he blew a trumpet, and
19:43; 1 Kin. highway, all the people went on
12:16 b1 Sam. after Joab to pursue Sheba the son
said: 13:2; 2 Sam.
18:17; 2 Chr. of Bichri.
We have no share in David,
a 10:16 1Lit. 14 And he went through all the
man of Belial tribes of Israel to aAbel and Beth
Nor do we have inheritance in
the son of Jesse; Maachah and all the Berites. So
bEvery man to his tents, they were gathered together and
2 a2 Sam.
O Israel! 19:14
also went after 1Sheba.
15 Then they came and besieged
2 So every man of Israel deserted him in Abel of Beth Maachah; and
David, and followed Sheba the son 3 a2 Sam. they acast up a siege mound against
of Bichri. But the amen of Judah, 15:16; 16:21, the city, and it stood by the rampart.
from the Jordan as far as Jerusalem,
22 And all the people who were with
remained loyal to their king. Joab battered the wall to throw it
3 Now David came to his house at down.
4 a2 Sam.
Jerusalem. And the king took the 17:25; 19:13
16 Then a wise woman cried out
ten women, ahis concubines whom from the city, Hear, hear! Please
he had left to keep the house, and say to Joab, Come nearby, that I
put them in seclusion and supported 6 a2 Sam. may speak with you.
them, but did not go in to them. So 21:17 b2 Sam. 17 When he had come near to her,
11:11; 1 Kin. the woman said, Are you Joab? He
they were shut up to the day of their 1:33
death, living in widowhood. answered, I am. Then she said to
4 And the king said to Amasa, him, Hear the words of your maid-
aAssemble the men of Judah for me 7 a2 Sam. 8:18;
servant. And he answered, I am
within three days, and be present 1 Kin. 1:38, 44 listening.
here yourself.
b2 Sam. 15:18 18 So she spoke, saying, They
5 So Amasa went to assemble the used to talk in former times, saying,
men of Judah. But he delayed longer They shall surely seek guidance at
than the set time which David had
9 aMatt. 26:49; Abel, and so they would end dis-
Luke 22:47
appointed him. putes.
6 And David said to aAbishai, 19 I am among the peaceable and
Now Sheba the son of Bichri will 10 a2 Sam.
faithful in Israel.You seek to destroy
do us more harm than Absalom. 3:27; 1 Kin. a city and a mother in Israel. Why
Take byour lords servants and pur- 2:5 b2 Sam. would you swallow up athe inheri-
2:23 tance of the LORD?
sue him, lest he find for himself for-
tified cities, and escape us. 20 And Joab answered and said,
7 So Joabs men, with the Far be it, far be it from me, that I
14 a1 Kin.
aCherethites, the Pelethites, and ball 15:20; 2 Kin. should swallow up or destroy!
the mighty men, went out after him. 15:29; 2 Chr. 21 That is not so. But a man from
And they went out of Jerusalem to 16:4 1Lit. him the mountains of Ephraim, Sheba
pursue Sheba the son of Bichri. the son of Bichri by name, has
8 When they were at the large raised his hand against the king,
15 a2 Kin. against David. Deliver him only, and
stone which is in Gibeon, Amasa 19:32; Ezek.
came before them. Now Joab was 4:2 I will depart from the city. So the
dressed in battle armor; on it was a woman said to Joab, Watch, his
belt with a sword fastened in its head will be thrown to you over the
sheath at his hips; and as he was 19 a1 Sam. wall.
going forward, it fell out. 26:19; 2 Sam. 22 Then the woman ain her wis-
14:16; 21:3 dom went to all the people. And
9 Then Joab said to Amasa, Are
you in health, my brother? aAnd they cut off the head of Sheba the
Joab took Amasa by the beard with son of Bichri, and threw it out to
22 a2 Sam.
his right hand to kiss him. 20:16; [Eccl. Joab. Then he blew a trumpet, and
10 But Amasa did not notice the 9:1316] they withdrew from the city, every
sword that was in Joabs hand. And man to his tent. So Joab returned to
ahe struck him with it bin the stom- the king at Jerusalem.
ach, and his entrails poured out on 23 a2 Sam.
8:1618; Davids Government Officers
the ground; and he did not strike 1 Kin. 4:36
him again. Thus he died. Then Joab 23 And aJoab was over all the army
and Abishai his brother pursued of Israel; Benaiah the son of Jehoia-
Sheba the son of Bichri. 24 a1 Kin. 4:6 da was over the Cherethites and the
b2 Sam. 8:16;
11 Meanwhile one of Joabs men Pelethites;
stood near Amasa, and said, Who- 1 Kin. 4:3 24 Adoram was ain charge of rev-
ever favors Joab and whoever is for enue; bJehoshaphat the son of
Davidfollow Joab! 25 a2 Sam.
Ahilud was recorder;
12 But Amasa wallowed in his 8:17; 1 Kin. 25 Sheva was scribe; aZadok and
blood in the middle of the highway. 4:4 Abiathar were the priests;
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2 SAMUEL 20:26 290

26 aand Ira the Jairite was 1a chief 26 a2 Sam. bones of Saul, and the bones of
minister under David. 8:18 1Or Jonathan his son, from the men of
Davids priest aJabesh Gilead who had stolen them
David Avenges the Gibeonites CHAPTER 21 from the street of 1Beth Shan, where
Now there was a famine in the 1 aNum. 27:21; the bPhilistines had hung them up,
21 days of David for three years,
year after year; and David ainquired
2 Sam. 5:19
1Lit. house of
after the Philistines had struck
down Saul in Gilboa.
of the LORD. And the LORD an- 13 So he brought up the bones of
2 aJosh. 9:3, Saul and the bones of Jonathan his
swered, It is because of Saul and his 1520 b[Ex.
1bloodthirsty house, because he 34:1116]
son from there; and they gathered
killed the Gibeonites. the bones of those who had been
3 a1 Sam. hanged.
2 So the king called the Gib- 26:19; 2 Sam.
eonites and spoke to them. Now the 20:19 14 They buried the bones of Saul
Gibeonites were not of the children and Jonathan his son in the country
6 aNum. 25:4
of Israel, but aof the remnant of the b1 Sam. 10:26 of Benjamin in aZelah, in the tomb of
Amorites; the children of Israel had c1 Sam. 10:24; Kish his father. So they performed
sworn protection to them, but Saul [Hos. 13:11] all that the king commanded. And
had sought to kill them bin his zeal 7 a2 Sam. 4:4; after that bGod heeded the prayer for
for the children of Israel and 9:10 b1 Sam. the land.
18:3; 20:1217;
Judah. 23:18; 2 Sam.
3 Therefore David said to the 9:17 Philistine Giants Destroyed
Gibeonites, What shall I do for you? 8 a2 Sam. 3:7
And with what shall I make atone- 1Merab, 15 When the Philistines were at
ment, that you may bless athe inheri- 1 Sam. 18:19; war again with Israel, David and his
tance of the LORD? 25:44; 2 Sam. servants with him went down and
4 And the Gibeonites said to him, 3:14; 6:23 2Lit. fought against the Philistines; and
bore to Adriel David grew faint.
We will have no silver or gold from
Saul or from his house, nor shall 9 a2 Sam. 6:17 16 Then Ishbi-Benob, who was one
you kill any man in Israel for us. So 10 a2 Sam. 3:7; of the sons of 1the agiant, the weight
he said, Whatever you say, I will do 21:8 bDeut. of whose bronze spear was three
for you.
21:23 hundred shekels, who was bearing a
5 Then they answered the king, 12 a1 Sam. new sword, thought he could kill
As for the man who consumed us
b1 Sam. 31:8
and plotted against us, that we 1Beth Shean, 17 But aAbishai the son of Zeruiah
should be destroyed from remaining Josh. 17:11 came to his aid, and struck the
in any of the territories of Israel, 14 aJosh. 18:28
Philistine and killed him. Then the
6 let seven men of his descen- bJosh. 7:26; men of David swore to him, saying,
bYou shall go out no more with us
dants be delivered ato us, and we 2 Sam. 24:25
will hang them before the LORD bin 16 aNum. to battle, lest you quench the clamp
Gibeah of Saul, cwhom the LORD 13:22, 28; of Israel.
chose. And the king said, I will Josh. 15:14; 18 aNow it happened afterward
give them.
2 Sam. that there was again a battle with
21:1822 1Or the Philistines at Gob. Then
7 But the king spared aMephib- Rapha bSibbechai the Hushathite killed
osheth the son of Jonathan, the son 17 a2 Sam. 1Saph, who was one of the sons of
of Saul, because of bthe LORDs oath 20:610 2the giant.
that was between them, between b2 Sam. 18:3

David and Jonathan the son of Saul. c2 Sam. 22:29; 19 Again there was war at Gob
8 So the king took Armoni and 1 Kin. 11:36 with the Philistines, where aElhanan
Mephibosheth, the two sons of aRiz- 18 a1 Chr. the son of 1Jaare-Oregim the Bethle-
pah the daughter of Aiah, whom she 20:48 b1 Chr. hemite killed bthe brother of Goliath
11:29; 27:11 the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear
bore to Saul, and the five sons of 1Sippai, 1 Chr.
1Michal the daughter of Saul, whom 20:4 2Or was like a weavers beam.
she 2brought up for Adriel the son of Rapha 20 Yet again athere was war at
Barzillai the Meholathite; 19 a2 Sam.
Gath, where there was a man of
9 and he delivered them into the 23:24 b1 Sam. great stature, who had six fingers
hands of the Gibeonites, and they 17:4; 1 Chr. on each hand and six toes on each
20:5 1Jair, foot, twenty-four in number; and he
hanged them on the hill abefore the 1 Chr. 20:5
LORD. So they fell, all seven to- also was born to 1the giant.
gether, and were put to death in the 20 a1 Chr. 20:6
1Or Rapha
21 So when he adefied Israel,
days of harvest, in the first days, in Jonathan the son of 1Shimea,
the beginning of barley harvest. 21 a1 Sam. Davids brother, killed him.
17:10 22 aThese four were born to 1the
10 Now aRizpah the daughter of 1Shammah,
Aiah took sackcloth and spread it 1 Sam. 16:9 giant in Gath, and fell by the hand
for herself on the rock, bfrom the and else- of David and by the hand of his ser-
beginning of harvest until the late where vants.
rains poured on them from heaven. 22 a1 Chr. 20:8
1Or Rapha Praise for Gods Deliverance
And she did not allow the birds of
the air to rest on them by day nor Then David aspoke to the
the beasts of the field by night.
11 And David was told what Riz-
1 aEx. 15:1;
22 LORD the words of this song,
on the day when the LORD had bde-
Deut. 31:30;
pah the daughter of Aiah, the concu- Judg. 5:1 bPs. livered him from the hand of all his
bine of Saul, had done. 18:title; 34:19 enemies, and from the hand of Saul.
12 Then David went and took the 2 aPs. 18 2 And he asaid:
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291 2 SAMUEL 22:32

The LORD is my rock and my
b 2 bDeut. 32:4
cPs. 91:2
17 Hea sent from above, He took
cfortress and my deliverer; me,
3 The God of my strength, ain 3 aHeb. 2:13 He drew me out of many
bGen. 15:1
whom I will trust; cLuke 1:69
My bshield and the chorn1 of my dProv. 18:10 18 He delivered me from my
salvation, ePs. 9:9; 46:1, strong enemy,
My dstronghold and my 7, 11
From those who hated me;
erefuge; For they were too strong for
My Savior,You save me from 5 1Or over- me.
violence. whelmed 19 They confronted me in the day
4 I will call upon the LORD, who 6 aPs. 116:3 of my calamity,
is worthy to be praised; 7 aPs. 116:4;
But the LORD was my
So shall I be saved from my 120:1 bEx. 3:7
enemies. 20 aHe also brought me out into a
8 aJudg. 5:4
bJob 26:11 broad place;
5 When the waves of death 1So with MT, He delivered me because He
LXX, Tg.; bdelighted in me.
surrounded me, Syr., Vg. hills
The floods of ungodliness (cf. Ps. 18:7)
1made me afraid. 21 Thea LORD rewarded me
6 The asorrows of Sheol 9 aHeb. 12:29 according to my
surrounded me; 10 aIs. 64:1 righteousness;
The snares of death confronted bEx. 20:21 According to the bcleanness of
me. 11 aPs. 104:3 my hands
7 In my distress aI called upon 1So with MT, He has recompensed me.
the LORD, LXX; many 22 For I have akept the ways of the
Heb. mss., LORD,
And cried out to my God; Syr., Vg. flew
He bheard my voice from His (cf. Ps. 18:10); And have not wickedly
temple, Tg. spoke departed from my God.
And my cry entered His
with power 23 For all His ajudgments were
ears. 12 aJob 36:29 before me;
14 aJob 37:25
And as for His statutes, I did
8 Then athe earth shook and not depart from them.
15 aDeut. 24 I was also ablameless before
trembled; 32:23
bThe foundations of 1heaven Him,
quaked and were shaken, 16 aNah. 1:4 And I kept myself from my
bEx. 15:8
Because He was angry. iniquity.
9 Smoke went up from His 17 aPs. 144:7 25 Therefore athe LORD has
1recompensed me according
nostrils, 19 aIs. 10:20
to my righteousness,
And devouring afire from His 20 aPs. 31:8; According to 2my cleanness in
mouth; 118:5 b2 Sam.
His eyes.
Coals were kindled by it. 15:26
10 He abowed the heavens also, 21 a1 Sam. 26 With athe merciful You will
and came down 26:23 bPs. 24:4
show Yourself merciful;
With bdarkness under His 22 aPs. 119:3 With a blameless man You will
feet. 23 a[Deut. show Yourself blameless;
11 He rode upon a cherub, and 6:69; 7:12] 27 With the pure You will show
flew; Yourself pure;
24 a[Eph. 1:4]
And He 1was seen aupon the And awith the devious You will
wings of the wind. 25 a2 Sam.
22:21 show Yourself shrewd.
12 He made adarkness canopies 1rewarded 28 You will save the ahumble1
around Him, 2LXX, Syr.,
Dark waters and thick clouds Vg. the clean- But Your eyes are on bthe
of the skies. ness of my
hands in His haughty, that You may bring
13 From the brightness before sight (cf. Ps. them down.
Him 18:24); Tg. my
Coals of fire were kindled. cleanness 29 For You are my alamp,
before His
word O LORD;
14 The LORD thundered from
The LORD shall enlighten my
heaven, 26 a[Matt. 5:7]
And the Most High uttered His 27 a[Lev. 30 For by You I can run against a
voice. 26:23, 24] troop;
15 He sent out aarrows and 28 aPs. 72:12 By my God I can leap over a
scattered them; bJob 40:11
Lightning bolts, and He 31 As for God, aHis way is
vanquished them. 29 aPs. perfect;
16 Then the channels of the sea 119:105; bThe word of the LORD is
awere seen, 132:17
The foundations of the world 30 a2 Sam. He is a shield to all who trust in
were uncovered, 5:68
At the brebuke of the LORD, 31 a[Matt.
At the blast of the breath of His 5:48] bPs. 12:6 32 For awho is God, except the
nostrils. 32 aIs. 45:5, 6 LORD?
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2 SAMUEL 22:33 292

And who is a rock, except our 33 aPs. 27:1
b[Heb. 13:21]
49 He delivers me from my
God? cPs. 101:2, 6 enemies.
33 1God is my astrength and 1DSS, LXX, You also lift me up above those
power, Syr., Vg. It is who rise against me;
And He bmakes 2my way God who You have delivered me from the
cperfect. arms me with aviolent man.
strength (cf.
34 He makes 1my feet alike the Ps. 18:32); Tg. 50 Therefore I will give thanks to
feet of deer, It is God who You, O LORD, among athe
And bsets me on my high sustains me Gentiles,
with strength
places. 2So with Qr., And sing praises to Your bname.
35 He teaches my hands 1to make LXX, Syr.,
war, Tg., Vg. (cf. 51 Hea is the tower of salvation to
Ps. 18:32); Kt. His king,
So that my arms can bend a His
bow of bronze. And shows mercy to His
34 a2 Sam. banointed,
2:18 bIs. 33:16 To David and chis descendants
36 You have also given me the 1So with Qr.,
shield of Your salvation; LXX, Syr., forevermore.
Your gentleness has made me Tg., Vg. (cf.
great. Ps. 18:33); Kt. Davids Last Words
37 You aenlarged my path under Now these are the last words
So my feet did not slip.
35 1Lit. for the
23 of David.
37 aProv. 4:12 Thus says David the son of
38 I have pursued my enemies and Jesse;
destroyed them; 39 aMal. 4:3
Thus says athe man raised up
Neither did I turn back again 40 a[Ps. 18:32] on high,
till they were destroyed. b[Ps. 44:5] bThe anointed of the God of
1Lit. caused
39 And I have destroyed them and to bow down
wounded them, And the sweet psalmist of
So that they could not rise; 41 aGen. 49:8 Israel:
1given me vic-
They have fallen aunder my
tory over
feet. 2 Thea Spirit of the LORD spoke
40 For You have aarmed me with 42 a1 Sam. by me,
strength for the battle; 28:6 And His word was on my
You have 1subdued under me 43 aPs. 18:42 tongue.
bthose who rose against me. bIs. 10:6 3 The God of Israel said,
1scattered aThe Rock of Israel spoke to me:
41 You have also 1given me the
anecks of my enemies,
44 a2 Sam. 3:1 He who rules over men must
So that I destroyed those who bDeut. 28:13 be just,
hated me. c[Is. 55:5]
Ruling bin the fear of God.
42 They looked, but there was 4 And ahe shall be like the light
none to save; 46 a[Mic. 7:17] of the morning when the sun
Even ato the LORD, but He did 1So with rises,
not answer them. LXX, Tg., Vg. A morning without clouds,
(cf. Ps. 18:45);
43 Then I beat them as fine aas the MT gird Like the tender grass springing
dust of the earth; themselves out of the earth,
I trod them blike dirt in the By clear shining after rain.
47 aPs. 89:26
And I 1spread them out. 48 aPs. 144:2 5 Although my house is not so
with God,
49 aPs. 140:1, aYet He has made with me an
44 Youa have also delivered me 4, 11
from the 1strivings of my everlasting covenant,
people; 50 a2 Sam. Ordered in all things and
8:114 bRom. secure.
You have kept me as the bhead 15:9
of the nations. For this is all my salvation and
cA people I have not known 51 aPs. 144:10 all my desire;
shall serve me.
bPs. 89:20
c2 Sam.
Will He not make it increase?
45 The foreigners submit to 7:1216 6 But the sons of rebellion shall
me; all be as thorns thrust away,
As soon as they hear, they obey Because they cannot be taken
me. with hands.
46 The foreigners fade away, 1 a2 Sam. 7:8,
7 But the man who touches
And 1come frightened afrom 9 b1 Sam. them
their hideouts. 16:12, 13 Must be 1armed with iron and
the shaft of a spear,
2 a[2 Pet. 1:21]
47 The LORD lives! And they shall be utterly
Blessed be my Rock! 3 a[Deut. 32:4] burned with fire in their
bEx. 18:21
Let God be exalted, place.
The aRock of my salvation! 4 aPs. 89:36 Davids Mighty Men
48 It is God who avenges me,
5 aPs. 89:29
And asubdues the peoples 8 These are the names of the
under me; 7 1Lit. filled mighty men whom David had:
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293 2 SAMUEL 24:5

1Josheb-Basshebeth the Tachmo- 8 1Lit. One a spear in his hand; so he went down
nite, chief among 2the captains. He Who Sits in to him with a staff, wrested the spear
the Seat
was called Adino the Eznite, (1 Chr. 11:11) out of the Egyptians hand, and
because he had killed eight hundred 2So with MT, killed him with his own spear.
men at one time. Tg.; LXX, Vg. 22 These things Benaiah the son of
the three
9 And after him was aEleazar the Jehoiada did, and won a name
son of 1Dodo, the Ahohite, one of the 9 a1 Chr. among three mighty men.
three mighty men with David when 11:12; 27:4
1Dodai, 1 Chr.
23 He was more honored than the
they defied the Philistines who were 27:4
thirty, but he did not attain to the
gathered there for battle, and the first three. And David appointed
men of Israel had retreated. 10 aJudg. 8:4 him aover his guard.
10 He arose and attacked the
b1 Sam. 30:24,
24 aAsahel the brother of Joab was
Philistines until his hand was aweary, one of the thirty; Elhanan the son of
and his hand stuck to the sword. The 11 a1 Chr. Dodo of Bethlehem,
LORD brought about a great victory 11:27 b1 Chr. 25 aShammah the Harodite, Elika
11:13, 14 the Harodite,
that day; and the people returned
after him only to bplunder. 13 a1 Chr. 26 Helez the Paltite, Ira the son of
11 And after him was aShammah 11:15 b1 Sam. Ikkesh the Tekoite,
22:1 c2 Sam. 27 Abiezer the Anathothite, Me-
the son of Agee the Hararite. bThe 5:18
Philistines had gathered together bunnai the Hushathite,
into a troop where there was a piece 14 a1 Sam. 28 Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai
of ground full of lentils. So the peo- 22:4, 5 the Netophathite,
ple fled from the Philistines. 17 a[Lev.
29 Heleb the son of Baanah (the
12 But he stationed himself in the 17:10] Netophathite), Ittai the son of Ribai
middle of the field, defended it, and from Gibeah of the children of Ben-
18 a2 Sam. jamin,
killed the Philistines. So the LORD 21:17; 1 Chr.
30 Benaiah a Pirathonite, Hiddai
brought about a great victory. 11:20 1So with
13 Then athree of the thirty chief MT, LXX, Vg.; from the brooks of aGaash,
men went down at harvest time and
some Heb. 31 Abi-Albon the Arbathite, Azma-
mss., Syr. veth the Barhumite,
came to David at bthe cave of Adul- thirty; Tg. the
32 Eliahba the Shaalbonite (of the
lam. And the troop of Philistines mighty men
sons of Jashen), Jonathan,
encamped in cthe Valley of Rephaim. 20 aJosh. 15:21 33 aShammah the 1Hararite, Ahiam
14 David was then in athe strong- bEx. 15:15
the son of Sharar the Hararite,
1Lit. great of
hold, and the garrison of the acts 34 Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai, the
Philistines was then in Bethlehem. son of the Maachathite, Eliam the
15 And David said with longing, 21 1Lit. a man son of aAhithophel the Gilonite,
Oh, that someone would give me a of appearance
35 1Hezrai the Carmelite, Paarai
drink of the water from the well of 23 a2 Sam. the Arbite,
Bethlehem, which is by the gate! 8:18; 20:23 36 Igal the son of Nathan of
16 So the three mighty men broke aZobah, Bani the Gadite,
24 a2 Sam.
through the camp of the Philistines, 2:18; 1 Chr. 37 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai
drew water from the well of Bethle- 27:7 the Beerothite (armorbearer of Joab
hem that was by the gate, and took it the son of Zeruiah),
25 a1 Chr.
and brought it to David. Neverthe- 11:27 38 aIra the Ithrite, Gareb the
less he would not drink it, but poured Ithrite,
it out to the LORD. 30 aJudg. 2:9 39 and aUriah the Hittite: thirty-
17 And he said, Far be it from me, 33 a2 Sam. seven in all.
O LORD, that I should do this! Is this 23:11 1Or
not athe blood of the men who went Ararite Davids Census of Israel and Judah
in jeopardy of their lives? There- Again athe anger of the LORD
fore he would not drink it. These
things were done by the three
34 a2 Sam.
15:12 24 was aroused against Israel,
and He moved David against them to
mighty men. 35 1Hezro,
1 Chr. 11:37 say, Go, 1number Israel and Judah.
18 Now aAbishai the brother of 2 So the king said to Joab the com-
Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief 36 a2 Sam. 8:3
mander of the army who was with
of 1another three. He lifted his spear 38 a1 Chr. 2:53 him, Now go throughout all the
against three hundred men, killed tribes of Israel, afrom Dan to Beer-
them, and won a name among these 39 a2 Sam. sheba, and count the people, that bI
three. 11:3, 6
may know the number of the people.
19 Was he not the most honored of 3 And Joab said to the king, Now
three? Therefore he became their CHAPTER 24 may the LORD your God aadd to the
captain. However, he did not attain people a hundred times more than
to the first three. 1 a2 Sam. 21:1, there are, and may the eyes of my
20 Benaiah was the son of Jehoia- 2 bNum. 26:2;
1 Chr. 27:23, lord the king see it. But why does
da, the son of a valiant man from 24 1take a my lord the king desire this thing?
aKabzeel, 1who had done many census of 4 Nevertheless the kings word
deeds. bHe had killed two lion-like 2 aJudg. 20:1;
1prevailed against Joab and against
heroes of Moab. He also had gone 2 Sam. 3:10 the captains of the army. Therefore
down and killed a lion in the midst b[Jer. 17:5] Joab and the captains of the army
of a pit on a snowy day. 3 aDeut. 1:11
went out from the presence of the
21 And he killed an Egyptian, 1a king to count the people of Israel.
spectacular man. The Egyptian had 4 1overruled 5 And they crossed over the
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2 SAMUEL 24:6 294

Jordan and camped in aAroer, on 5 aDeut. 2:36; 16 aAnd when the 1angel stretched
the right side of the town which is in Josh. 13:9, 16 out His hand over Jerusalem to
bNum. 32:1, 3
the midst of the ravine of Gad, and destroy it, bthe LORD relented from
toward bJazer. 6 aJosh. 19:47; the destruction, and said to the
6 Then they came to Gilead and to Judg. 18:29 angel who was destroying the peo-
bJosh. 19:28;
the land of Tahtim Hodshi; they Judg. 18:28 ple, It is enough; now restrain your
came to aDan Jaan and around to hand. And the angel of the LORD
bSidon; 7 aJosh. 19:29 was by the threshing floor of 2Arau-
bJosh. 11:3;
7 and they came to the stronghold Judg. 3:3
nah the Jebusite.
of aTyre and to all the cities of the 17 Then David spoke to the LORD
bHivites and the Canaanites. Then 9 a1 Chr. 21:5 when he saw the angel who was
they went out to South Judah as far striking the people, and said,
10 a1 Sam.
as Beersheba. 24:5 b2 Sam. Surely aI have sinned, and I have
8 So when they had gone through 23:1 c2 Sam. done wickedly; but these sheep,
all the land, they came to Jerusalem 12:13 d1 Sam. what have they done? Let Your
at the end of nine months and 13:13; [2 Chr. hand, I pray, be against me and
twenty days. against my fathers house.
9 Then Joab gave the sum of the 11 a1 Sam.
number of the people to the king. 22:5 b1 Sam. The Altar on the Threshing Floor
aAnd there were in Israel eight hun- 9:9; 1 Chr.
29:29 18 And Gad came that day to
dred thousand valiant men who David and said to him, aGo up,
drew the sword, and the men of 13 aEzek. erect an altar to the LORD on the
Judah were five hundred thousand 14:21 1So with
MT, Syr., Tg., threshing floor of Araunah the
men. Vg.; LXX Jebusite.
The Judgment on Davids Sin three (cf. 19 So David, according to the word
1 Chr. 21:12) of Gad, went up as the LORD com-
10 And aDavids heart condemned 14 a[Ps. 51:1; manded.
him after he had numbered the peo- 103:8, 13, 14; 20 Now Araunah looked, and saw
ple. So bDavid said to the LORD, cI 119:156; the king and his servants coming
have sinned greatly in what I have 130:4, 7] b[Is. toward him. So Araunah went out
47:6; Zech.
done; but now, I pray, O LORD, take 1:15] and bowed before the king with his
away the iniquity of Your servant, face to the ground.
for I have ddone very foolishly. 15 a1 Chr. 21 Then Araunah said, Why has
11 Now when David arose in the my lord the king come to his ser-
morning, the word of the LORD 16 aEx. 12:23; vant? aAnd David said, To buy the
came to the prophet aGad, Davids 2 Kin. 19:35; threshing floor from you, to build an
bseer, saying, Acts 12:23 altar to the LORD, that bthe plague
bGen. 6:6;
12 Go and tell David, Thus says 1 Sam. 15:11 may be withdrawn from the people.
the LORD: I offer you three things; 1Or Angel 22 Now Araunah said to David,
choose one of them for yourself, 2Ornan, 1 Chr. Let my lord the king take and offer
that I may do it to you. 21:15 up whatever seems good to him.
13 So Gad came to David and told aLook, here are oxen for burnt sacri-
17 a2 Sam. 7:8;
him; and he said to him, Shall asev- 1 Chr. 21:17; fice, and threshing implements and
en1 years of famine come to you in Ps. 74:1 the yokes of the oxen for wood.
your land? Or shall you flee three 18 a1 Chr.
23 All these, O king, Araunah has
months before your enemies, while 21:18 given to the king. And Araunah
they pursue you? Or shall there be said to the king, May the LORD
three days plague in your land? 21 aGen. your God aaccept you.
Now consider and see what answer bNum. 16:48, 24 Then the king said to Araunah,
I should take back to Him who sent 50 No, but I will surely buy it from you
me. for a price; nor will I offer burnt offer-
14 And David said to Gad, I am in 22 a1 Sam. ings to the LORD my God with that
6:14; 1 Kin.
great distress. Please let us fall into 19:21 which costs me nothing. So aDavid
the hand of the LORD, afor His mer- bought the threshing floor and the
cies are great; but bdo not let me fall 23 a[Ezek. oxen for fifty shekels of silver.
into the hand of man. 20:40, 41] 25 And David built there an altar
15 So athe LORD sent a plague 24 a1 Chr. to the LORD, and offered burnt
upon Israel from the morning till 21:24, 25 offerings and peace offerings. aSo
the appointed time. From Dan to 25 a2 Sam.
the LORD heeded the prayers for the
Beersheba seventy thousand men of 21:14 b2 Sam. land, and bthe plague was with-
the people died. 24:21 drawn from Israel.
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The First Book of the


T HE first half of First Kings traces the life of Solomon. Under his leadership
Israel rises to the peak of her size and glory. Solomons great accomplish-
ments, including the unsurpassed splendor of the temple which he constructs in
Jerusalem, bring him worldwide fame and respect. However, Solomons zeal for
God diminishes in his later years, as pagan wives turn his heart away from wor-
ship in the temple of God. As a result, the king with the divided heart leaves
behind a divided kingdom. For the next century, the book of First Kings traces the
twin histories of two sets of kings and two nations of disobedient people who are
growing indifferent to Gods prophets and precepts.
Like the two books of Samuel, the two books of Kings were originally one in
the Hebrew Bible. The original title was Melechim, Kings, taken from the first
word in 1:1, Vehamelech, Now King. The Septuagint artificially divided the book
of Kings in the middle of the story of Ahaziah into two books. It called the books
of Samuel First and Second Kingdoms and the books of Kings Third and Fourth
Kingdoms. The Septuagint may have divided Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles into
two books each because the Greek required a greater amount of scroll space than
did the Hebrew. The Latin title for these books is Liber Regum Tertius et Quartus,
Third and Fourth Books of Kings.

Adonijah Presumes to Be King CHAPTER 1 Rogel;2 he also invited all his broth-
1 a1 Chr. 23:1 ers, the kings sons, and all the men
OW King David was aold,
N 1advanced in years; and they put
covers on him, but he could not get
of Judah, the kings servants.
10 But he did not invite Nathan the
prophet, Benaiah, the mighty men,
warm. 2 1Or serve
or aSolomon his brother.
2 Therefore his servants said to 3 a1 Kin. 2:17 11 So Nathan spoke to Bathsheba
him, Let a young woman, a virgin, bJosh. 19:18;
the mother of Solomon, saying,
be sought for our lord the king, and 1 Sam. 28:4
Have you not heard that Adonijah
let her 1stand before the king, and the son of aHaggith has become
let her care for him; and let her lie in 5 a2 Sam. 3:4
your bosom, that our lord the king
b2 Sam. 15:1 king, and David our lord does not
1The fourth
may be warm. know it?
son 2Lit. reign
3 So they sought for a lovely 12 Come, please, let me now give
young woman throughout all the 6 a2 Sam. 3:3, you advice, that you may save your
territory of Israel, and found
4; 1 Chr. 3:2
1Lit. pained
own life and the life of your son
aAbishag the bShunammite, and Solomon.
brought her to the king. 7 a1 Chr. 11:6 13 Go immediately to King David
4 The young woman was very
b2 Sam. 20:25 and say to him, Did you not, my
c1 Kin. 2:22,
lovely; and she cared for the king, lord, O king, swear to your maidser-
and served him; but the king did not vant, saying, aAssuredly your son
know her. 8 a1 Kin. 2:35 Solomon shall reign after me, and he
5 Then aAdonijah the 1son of Hag-
b1 Kin. 2:25; shall sit on my throne? Why then
2 Sam. 8:18 has Adonijah become king?
gith exalted himself, saying, I will 2be c2 Sam. 12:1
king; and bhe prepared for himself d1 Kin. 4:18 14 Then, while you are still talking
chariots and horsemen, and fifty men e2 Sam. 23:8 there with the king, I also will come
to run before him. in after you and confirm your words.
9 aJosh. 15:7; 15 So Bathsheba went into the
6 (And his father had not 1rebuked 18:16; 2 Sam.
him at any time by saying, Why 17:17 1Lit. chamber to the king. (Now the king
have you done so? He was also very Serpent 2A was very old, and Abishag the Shu-
good-looking. aHis mother had borne spring south nammite was serving the king.)
of Jerusalem 16 And Bathsheba bowed and did
him after Absalom.) in the Kidron
7 Then he conferred with aJoab Valley homage to the king. Then the king
the son of Zeruiah and with bAbi- said, What is your wish?
athar the priest, and cthey followed 10 a2 Sam. 17 Then she said to him, My lord,
12:24 ayou swore by the LORD your God to
and helped Adonijah.
8 But aZadok the priest, bBenaiah 11 a2 Sam. 3:4 your maidservant, saying, As-
the son of Jehoiada, cNathan the suredly Solomon your son shall
13 a1 Kin. 1:30; reign after me, and he shall sit on
prophet, dShimei, Rei, and ethe 1 Chr. 22:913
mighty men who belonged to David my throne.
were not with Adonijah. 17 a1 Kin. 1:13, 18 So now, look! Adonijah has
9 And Adonijah sacrificed sheep 30 become king; and now, my lord the
and oxen and fattened cattle by the 19 a1 Kin. king, you do not know about it.
stone of 1Zoheleth, which is by aEn 1:79, 25 19 aHe has sacrificed oxen and
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1 KINGS 1:20 296

fattened cattle and sheep in abun- 21 aDeut. on my own bmule, and take him
dance, and has invited all the sons 31:16; 2 Sam. down to cGihon.1
7:12; 1 Kin.
of the king, Abiathar the priest, and 2:10 34 There let Zadok the priest and
Joab the commander of the army; Nathan the prophet aanoint him
but Solomon your servant he has king over Israel; and bblow the horn,
not invited. 25 a1 Kin. 1:9, and say, 1Long live King Solomon!
20 And as for you, my lord, O king, 19 b1 Sam. 35 Then you shall come up after
the eyes of all Israel are on you, that 10:24 1Lit. Let
King Adoni-
him, and he shall come and sit on
you should tell them who will sit on jah live my throne, and he shall be king in
the throne of my lord the king after my place. For I have appointed him
him. to be ruler over Israel and Judah.
21 Otherwise it will happen, when 29 a2 Sam. 4:9; 36 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada
my lord the king arests with his 12:5 answered the king and said,
fathers, that I and my son Solomon aAmen! May the LORD God of my
will be counted as offenders. lord the king say so too.
22 And just then, while she was 30 a1 Kin. 1:13,
17 37 aAs the LORD has been with my
still talking with the king, Nathan lord the king, even so may He be
the prophet also came in. with Solomon, and bmake his throne
23 So they told the king, saying, 31 aNeh. 2:3; greater than the throne of my lord
Here is Nathan the prophet. And Dan. 2:4; 3:9 King David.
when he came in before the king, he 38 So Zadok the priest, Nathan the
bowed down before the king with prophet, aBenaiah the son of Jehoia-
his face to the ground. 33 a2 Sam. da, the bCherethites, and the
20:6 bEsth. 6:8
24 And Nathan said, My lord, O c2 Chr. 32:30; Pelethites went down and had
king, have you said, Adonijah shall 33:14 1A Solomon ride on King Davids mule,
reign after me, and he shall sit on spring east of and took him to Gihon.
my throne? Jerusalem in 39 Then Zadok the priest took a
the Kidron
25 aFor he has gone down today, Valley horn of aoil from the tabernacle and
and has sacrificed oxen and fat- banointed Solomon. And they blew
tened cattle and sheep in abun- the horn, cand all the people said,
dance, and has invited all the kings 34 a1 Sam. 1Long live King Solomon!
sons, and the commanders of the 10:1; 16:3, 12; 40 And all the people went up after
army, and Abiathar the priest; and 2 Sam. 2:4; him; and the people played the
5:3; 1 Kin.
look! They are eating and drinking 19:16; 2 Kin. flutes and rejoiced with great joy, so
before him; and they say, bLong1 9:3; 11:12; that the earth seemed to split with
live King Adonijah! 1 Chr. 29:22 their sound.
b2 Sam. 15:10;
26 But he has not invited meme 41 Now Adonijah and all the
2 Kin. 9:13;
your servantnor Zadok the priest, 11:14 1Lit. Let guests who were with him heard it
nor Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, King Solomon as they finished eating. And when
nor your servant Solomon. live Joab heard the sound of the horn, he
27 Has this thing been done by my said, Why is the city in such a noisy
lord the king, and you have not told uproar?
your servant who should sit on the 36 aJer. 28:6
42 While he was still speaking, there
throne of my lord the king after came aJonathan, the son of Abiathar
him? the priest. And Adonijah said to him,
37 aJosh. 1:5,
David Proclaims Solomon King 17; 1 Sam. Come in, for byou are a prominent
20:13 b1 Kin. man, and bring good news.
28 Then King David answered and 1:47 43 Then Jonathan answered and
said, Call Bathsheba to me. So she said to Adonijah, No! Our lord King
came into the kings presence and David has made Solomon king.
38 a2 Sam.
stood before the king. 8:18; 23:2023 44 The king has sent with him
29 And the king took an oath and b2 Sam. 20:7; Zadok the priest, Nathan the
said, aAs the LORD lives, who has 1 Chr. 18:17 prophet, Benaiah the son of Je-
redeemed my life from every distress, hoiada, the Cherethites, and the
30 ajust as I swore to you by the Pelethites; and they have made him
LORD God of Israel, saying, As- 39 aEx. 30:23, ride on the kings mule.
25, 32; Ps.
suredly Solomon your son shall be 89:20 b1 Chr. 45 So Zadok the priest and
king after me, and he shall sit on my 29:22 c1 Sam. Nathan the prophet have anointed
throne in my place, so I certainly 10:24 1Lit. Let him king at Gihon; and they have
will do this day. King Solomon gone up from there rejoicing, so that
31 Then Bathsheba bowed with her the city is in an uproar. This is the
face to the earth, and paid homage noise that you have heard.
to the king, and said, aLet my lord 42 a2 Sam. 46 Also Solomon asits on the
King David live forever! 17:17, 20 throne of the kingdom.
32 And King David said, Call to b2 Sam. 18:27
47 And moreover the kings ser-
me Zadok the priest, Nathan the vants have gone to bless our lord
prophet, and Benaiah the son of King David, saying, aMay God
Jehoiada. So they came before the 46 a1 Kin. 2:12; make the name of Solomon better
1 Chr. 29:23
king. than your name, and may He make
33 The king also said to them, his throne greater than your throne.
aTake with you the servants of your bThen the king bowed himself on
47 a1 Kin. 1:37
lord, and have Solomon my son ride bGen. 47:31 the bed.
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297 1 KINGS 2:22

48 Also the king said thus, Blessed 48 a1 Kin. 3:6; from Bahurim, who cursed me with
be the LORD God of Israel, who has [Ps. 132:11, a malicious curse in the day when I
agiven one to sit on my throne this
12] b2 Sam.
7:12 went to Mahanaim. But bhe came
day, while my eyes see bit! 50 aEx. 27:2; down to meet me at the Jordan, and
49 So all the guests who were with 30:10; 1 Kin. cI swore to him by the LORD, saying,
Adonijah were afraid, and arose, 2:28 I will not put you to death with the
and each one went his way. 52 a1 Sam. sword.
50 Now Adonijah was afraid of Sol- 14:45; 2 Sam. 9 Now therefore, ado not hold
14:11; Acts
omon; so he arose, and went and 27:34 him guiltless, for you are a wise
atook hold of the horns of the altar. man and know what you ought to
51 And it was told Solomon, say- do to him; but bbring his gray hair
ing, Indeed Adonijah is afraid of CHAPTER 2
down to the grave with blood.
King Solomon; for look, he has 1 aGen. 47:29;
taken hold of the horns of the altar, Deut. 31:14 Death of David
saying, Let King Solomon swear to 10 So aDavid 1rested with his fa-
me today that he will not put his ser- 2 aJosh. 23:14
thers, and was buried in bthe City of
bDeut. 31:7,
vant to death with the sword. 23; 1 Chr. David.
52 Then Solomon said, If he 22:13 11 The period that David areigned
proves himself a worthy man, anot 3 a[Deut. 29:9; over Israel was forty years; seven
one hair of him shall fall to the Josh. 1:7]; years he reigned in Hebron, and in
earth; but if wickedness is found in 1 Chr. 22:12,
Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three
him, he shall die. 13
53 So King Solomon sent them to 4 a2 Sam. 7:25
b[Ps. 132:12] 12 aThen Solomon sat on the
bring him down from the altar. And
he came and fell down before King
c2 Kin. 20:3
d2 Sam. 7:12,
throne of his father David; and his
Solomon; and Solomon said to him, 13; 1 Kin. 8:25
kingdom was bfirmly established.
Go to your house. 5 a2 Sam. 3:39; Solomon Executes Adonijah
18:5, 12, 14
Davids Instructions to Solomon b2 Sam. 3:27;
13 Now Adonijah the son of Hag-
1 Kin. 2:32 gith came to Bathsheba the mother
Now athe days of David drew
2 near that he should die, and he
1charged Solomon his son, saying:
c2 Sam. 20:10

6 a1 Kin. 2:9;
Prov. 20:26
of Solomon. So she said, aDo you
come peaceably? And he said,
2 aI go the way of all the earth; 7 a2 Sam. Peaceably.
bbe strong, therefore, and prove 19:3139 14 Moreover he said, I have some-
yourself a man.
b2 Sam. 9:7, thing to say to you. And she said,
10; 19:28 Say it.
3 And keep the charge of the c2 Sam.
LORD your God: to walk in His 17:1729 15 Then he said, You know that
ways, to keep His statutes, His com- 8 a2 Sam. the kingdom was amine, and all
mandments, His judgments, and His 16:513 Israel had set their expectations on
testimonies, as it is written in the
b2 Sam. 19:18 me, that I should reign. However,
c2 Sam. 19:23
Law of Moses, that you may apros- the kingdom has been turned over,
9 aEx. 20:7; and has become my brothers; for bit
per in all that you do and wherever Job 9:28
you turn; bGen. 42:38; was his from the LORD.
4 that the LORD may afulfill His 44:31 16 Now I ask one petition of you;
word which He spoke concerning 10 a1 Kin. 1:21; do not 1deny me. And she said to
me, saying, bIf your sons take heed Acts 2:29; him, Say it.
13:36 b2 Sam. 17 Then he said, Please speak to
to their way, to cwalk before Me in 5:7; 1 Kin. 3:1
truth with all their heart and with 1Died and King Solomon, for he will not refuse
all their soul, He said, dyou shall joined his you, that he may give me aAbishag
not lack a man on the throne of ancestors the Shunammite as wife.
Israel. 11 a2 Sam. 5:4, 18 So Bathsheba said, Very well, I
5 Moreover you know also what 5; 1 Chr. 3:4; will speak for you to the king.
29:26, 27 19 Bathsheba therefore went to
Joab the son of Zeruiah adid to me, 12 a1 Kin.
and what he did to the two com- 1:46; 1 Chr.
King Solomon, to speak to him for
manders of the armies of Israel, to 29:23 b2 Chr. Adonijah. And the king rose up to
bAbner the son of Ner and cAmasa 1:1 meet her and abowed down to her,
the son of Jether, whom he killed. 13 a1 Sam. and sat down on his throne and had
And he shed the blood of war in 16:4, 5 a throne set for the kings mother;
bso she sat at his right hand.
peacetime, and put the blood of war 15 a1 Kin. 1:11,
on his belt that was around his 18 b1 Chr. 20 Then she said, I desire one
22:9, 10;
waist, and on his sandals that were 28:57; [Dan. small petition of you; do not 1refuse
on his feet. 2:21] me. And the king said to her, Ask
6 Therefore do aaccording to 16 1Lit. turn it, my mother, for I will not refuse
your wisdom, and do not let his gray away the face you.
hair go down to the grave in peace. 17 a1 Kin. 21 So she said, Let Abishag the
7 But show kindness to the sons 1:3, 4 Shunammite be given to Adonijah
of aBarzillai the Gileadite, and let 19 a[Ex. 20:12] your brother as wife.
bPs. 45:9
them be among those who beat at 22 And King Solomon answered
your table, for so cthey came to me 20 1Lit. turn and said to his mother, Now why
away the face
when I fled from Absalom your do you ask Abishag the Shunam-
brother. 22 a1 Kin. 1:6; mite for Adonijah? Ask for him the
2:15; 1 Chr.
8 And see, you have with you 3:2, 5 b1 Kin. kingdom alsofor he is my aolder
aShimei the son of Gera, a Benjamite 1:7 brotherfor him, and for bAbiathar
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1 KINGS 2:23 298

the priest, and for Joab the son of 23 aRuth 1:17 throne, there shall be peace forever
Zeruiah. 24 a2 Sam. from the LORD.
23 Then King Solomon swore by 7:11, 13; 34 So Benaiah the son of Jehoiada
the LORD, saying, aMay God do so 1 Chr. 22:10 went up and struck and killed him;
to me, and more also, if Adonijah and he was buried in his own house
has not spoken this word against his in the wilderness.
own life! 25 a2 Sam. 35 The king put Benaiah the son of
24 Now therefore, as the LORD 8:18; 1 Kin. Jehoiada in his place over the army,
lives, who has confirmed me and set 4:4 and the king put aZadok the priest
me on the throne of David my father, 26 aJosh. in the place of bAbiathar.
and who has established a 1house 21:18; Jer. 1:1
for me, as He apromised, Adonijah b1 Sam. 22:23; Shimei Executed
shall be put to death today! 23:6; 2 Sam.
15:14, 29 1Lit. 36 Then the king sent and called
25 So King Solomon sent by the you are a for aShimei, and said to him, Build
hand of aBenaiah the son of Jehoi- man of death yourself a house in Jerusalem and
ada; and he struck him down, and dwell there, and do not go out from
27 a1 Sam.
he died. 2:3135 there anywhere.
Abiathar Exiled, Joab Executed 37 For it shall be, on the day you
28 a1 Kin. 1:7
b1 Kin. 1:50 go out and cross athe Brook Kidron,
26 And to Abiathar the priest the know for certain you shall surely
king said, Go to aAnathoth, to your 29 a1 Kin. die; byour 1blood shall be on your
own fields, for 1you are deserving of 2:5, 6 own head.
death; but I will not put you to death 30 a[Ex. 21:14] 38 And Shimei said to the king,
at this time, bbecause you carried The saying is good. As my lord the
the ark of the Lord GOD before my 31 a[Ex. 21:14]
b[Num. 35:33;
king has said, so your servant will
father David, and because you were Deut. 19:13; do. So Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem
afflicted every time my father was 21:8, 9] many days.
afflicted. 39 Now it happened at the end of
27 So Solomon removed Abiathar 32 a[Gen. 9:6]; three years, that two slaves of
from being priest to the LORD, that Judg. 9:24, 57
b2 Chr. 21:13, Shimei ran away to aAchish the son
he might afulfill the word of the 14 c2 Sam. of Maachah, king of Gath. And they
LORD which He spoke concerning 3:27 d2 Sam. told Shimei, saying, Look, your
the house of Eli at Shiloh. 20:9, 10 1Or slaves are in Gath!
28 Then news came to Joab, for bloodshed
40 So Shimei arose, saddled his
Joab ahad defected to Adonijah, 33 a2 Sam. donkey, and went to Achish at Gath
though he had not defected to Absa- 3:29 b[Prov. to seek his slaves. And Shimei went
lom. So Joab fled to the tabernacle 25:5]
and brought his slaves from Gath.
of the LORD, and btook hold of the 35 a1 Sam. 41 And Solomon was told that
horns of the altar. 2:35; 1 Kin. Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to
29 And King Solomon was told, 4:4; 1 Chr. Gath and had come back.
Joab has fled to the tabernacle of 6:53; 24:3;
29:22 b1 Kin. 42 Then the king sent and called
the LORD; there he is, by the altar. 2:27 for Shimei, and said to him, Did I
Then Solomon sent Benaiah the son not make you swear by the LORD,
of Jehoiada, saying, Go, astrike him 36 a2 Sam. and warn you, saying, Know for
down. 16:513;
1 Kin. 2:8 certain that on the day you go out
30 So Benaiah went to the taberna- and travel anywhere, you shall
cle of the LORD, and said to him, 37 a2 Sam. surely die? And you said to me,
Thus says the king, aCome out! 15:23; 2 Kin.
The word I have heard is good.
23:6; John
And he said, No, but I will die 18:1 bLev. 43 Why then have you not kept
here. And Benaiah brought back 20:9; Josh. the oath of the LORD and the com-
word to the king, saying, Thus said 2:19; 2 Sam. mandment that I gave you?
Joab, and thus he answered me. 1:16; Ezek.
18:13 1Or 44 The king said moreover to
31 Then the king said to him, aDo bloodshed Shimei, You know, as your heart
as he has said, and strike him down acknowledges, aall the wickedness
and bury him, bthat you may take 39 a1 Sam. that you did to my father David;
away from me and from the house 27:2
therefore the LORD will breturn your
of my father the innocent blood 44 a2 Sam. wickedness on your own head.
which Joab shed. 16:513 45 But King Solomon shall be
b1 Sam. 25:39;
32 So the LORD awill return his blessed, and athe throne of David
1blood on his head, because he 2 Kin. 11:1,
1216; Ps. shall be established before the
struck down two men more righ- 7:16; Ezek. LORD forever.
teous band better than he, and killed 17:19 46 So the king commanded Bena-
them with the swordcAbner the iah the son of Jehoiada; and he went
45 a2 Sam.
son of Ner, the commander of the 7:13; [Prov. out and struck him down, and he
army of Israel, and dAmasa the son 25:5] died. Thus the akingdom was estab-
of Jether, the commander of the lished in the hand of Solomon.
army of Judahthough my father 46 a1 Kin. 2:12;
2 Chr. 1:1
David did not know it. Solomon Requests Wisdom
33 Their blood shall therefore CHAPTER 3
return upon the head of Joab and Now aSolomon made 1a treaty
aupon the head of his descendants
forever. bBut upon David and his
1 a1 Kin. 7:8;
9:24 b2 Sam.
3 with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and
married Pharaohs daughter; then he
5:7 1an
descendants, upon his house and his alliance brought her bto the City of David un-
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299 1 KINGS 4:3

til he had finished building his cown 1 c1 Kin. 7:1 peace offerings, and bmade a feast
d1 Kin. 6
house, and dthe house of the LORD, e1 Kin. 9:15, for all his servants.
and ethe wall all around Jerusalem. 19
2 aMeanwhile the people sacri- Solomons Wise Judgment
ficed at the high places, because 2 a[Deut.
12:25, 13, 14]; 16 Now two women who were har-
there was no house built for the 1 Kin. 11:7; lots came to the king, and astood
name of the LORD until those days. 22:43 before him.
3 And Solomon aloved the LORD, 17 And one woman said, O my
bwalking in the statutes of his father 3 a[Rom. 8:28]
b[1 Kin. 3:6, lord, this woman and I dwell in the
David, except that he sacrificed and 14] same house; and I gave birth while
burned incense at the high places. she was in the house.
4 Now athe king went to Gibeon 4 a1 Kin. 9:2;
2 Chr. 1:3 18 Then it happened, the third day
to sacrifice there, bfor that was the b1 Chr. 16:39; after I had given birth, that this
great high place: Solomon offered a 21:29 woman also gave birth. And we
thousand burnt offerings on that were together; 1no one was with us
altar. 5 a1 Kin. 9:2;
11:9; 2 Chr. in the house, except the two of us in
5 aAt Gibeon the LORD appeared 1:7 bNum. the house.
to Solomon bin a dream by night; 12:6; Matt. 19 And this womans son died in
and God said, Ask! What shall I 1:20; 2:13 the night, because she lay on him.
give you? 6 a2 Chr. 1:8 20 So she arose in the middle of
6 aAnd Solomon said: You have b1 Kin. 2:4; the night and took my son from my
shown great mercy to Your servant 9:4; 2 Kin. side, while your maidservant slept,
David my father, because he 20:3 c2 Sam. and laid him in her bosom, and laid
bwalked before You in truth, in righ- 7:817; 1 Kin.
1:48 her dead child in my bosom.
teousness, and in uprightness of 21 And when I rose in the morning
heart with You; You have continued 7 a1 Chr. 22:5; to nurse my son, there he was, dead.
this great kindness for him, and You Jer. 1:6, 7 But when I had examined him in the
bNum. 27:17;
chave given him a son to sit on his morning, indeed, he was not my son
2 Sam. 5:2
throne, as it is this day. whom I had borne.
7 Now, O LORD my God, You 8 a[Ex. 19:6; 22 Then the other woman said,
Deut. 7:6]
have made Your servant king bGen. 13:6; No! But the living one is my son,
instead of my father David, but I am 15:5; 22:17 and the dead one is your son. And
a alittle child; I do not know how bto the first woman said, No! But the
go out or come in. 9 a2 Chr. 1:10; dead one is your son, and the living
[James 1:5]
8 And Your servant is in the midst bPs. 72:1, 2 one is my son. Thus they spoke
of Your people whom You ahave cho- c2 Sam. 14:17; before the king.
sen, a great people, btoo numerous Is. 7:15; [Heb. 23 And the king said, The one
to be numbered or counted. 5:14] 1Lit. says, This is my son, who lives, and
9 aTherefore give to Your servant your son is the dead one; and the
an 1understanding heart bto judge 11 a[James 4:3] other says, No! But your son is the
Your people, that I may cdiscern dead one, and my son is the living
between good and evil. For who is 12 a[1 John one.
5:14, 15]
able to judge this great people of b1 Kin. 24 Then the king said, Bring me a
Yours? 4:2931; 5:12; sword. So they brought a sword
10 The speech pleased the Lord, 10:24; Eccl. before the king.
that Solomon had asked this thing. 1:16 25 And the king said, Divide the
11 Then God said to him: Because 13 a[Matt. 6:33; living child in two, and give half to
you have asked this thing, and have Eph. 3:20] one, and half to the other.
anot asked long life for yourself, nor b1 Kin. 4:21,
26 Then the woman whose son was
24; 10:23; living spoke to the king, for ashe
have asked riches for yourself, nor 1 Chr. 29:12
have asked the life of your enemies, yearned with compassion for her
but have asked for yourself under- 14 a[1 Kin. son; and she said, O my lord, give
standing to discern justice, 6:12] b1 Kin. her the living child, and by no
15:5 cPs.
12 abehold, I have done according 91:16; Prov.
means kill him! But the other said,
to your words; bsee, I have given you 3:2 1prolong Let him be neither mine nor yours,
a wise and understanding heart, so but divide him.
15 aGen. 41:7 27 So the king answered and said,
that there has not been anyone like bGen. 40:20;
you before you, nor shall any like 1 Kin. 8:65; Give the first woman the living
you arise after you. Esth. 1:3; child, and by no means kill him; she
13 And I have also agiven you what Dan. 5:1; is his mother.
Mark 6:21 28 And all Israel heard of the judg-
you have not asked: both briches and
honor, so that there shall not be any- 16 aNum. 27:2 ment which the king had rendered;
one like you among the kings all and they feared the king, for they
your days. 18 1Lit. no saw that the awisdom of God was in
stranger him to administer justice.
14 So aif you walk in My ways, to
keep My statutes and My command- 26 aGen. 43:30;
Solomons Administration
ments, bas your father David walked, Is. 49:15; Jer.
31:20; Hos.
then I will clengthen1 your days. So King Solomon was king over
15 Then Solomon aawoke; and
indeed it had been a dream. And he
28 a1 Kin. 3:9,
4 all Israel.
2 And these were his officials:
came to Jerusalem and stood before 11, 12; 2 Chr. Azariah the son of Zadok, the
1:12; Dan.
the ark of the covenant of the LORD, 1:17; [Col. priest;
offered up burnt offerings, offered 2:2, 3] 3 Elihoreph and Ahijah, the sons
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1 KINGS 4:4 300

of Shisha, 1scribes; aJehoshaphat CHAPTER 4 sheep, besides deer, gazelles, roe-
the son of Ahilud, the recorder; bucks, and fatted fowl.
4 aBenaiah the son of Jehoiada, 3 a2 Sam. 24 For he had dominion over all
8:16; 20:24
over the army; Zadok and bAbiathar, 1secretaries the region on this side of 1the River
the priests; 4 a1 Kin. 2:35 from Tiphsah even to Gaza, namely
5 Azariah the son of Nathan, over b1 Kin. 2:27 over aall the kings on this side of
athe officers; Zabud the son of 5 a1 Kin. 4:7 the River; and bhe had peace on
Nathan, ba priest and cthe kings b2 Sam. 8:18;
every side all around him.
friend; 20:26 c2 Sam. 25 And Judah and Israel adwelt1
15:37; 16:16
6 Ahishar, over the household; and 6 a1 Kin. 5:14 safely, beach man under his vine and
aAdoniram the son of Abda, over the
8 1Lit. Son of his fig tree, cfrom Dan as far as
labor force. Hur Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.
7 And Solomon had twelve gover- 9 1Lit. Son of 26 aSolomon had 1forty thousand
nors over all Israel, who provided Deker stalls of bhorses for his chariots, and
food for the king and his household; 10 1Lit. Son of twelve thousand horsemen.
each one made provision for one 11 1Lit. Son of
27 And athese governors, each man
month of the year. Abinadab in his month, provided food for King
8 These are their names: 1Ben-Hur, 13 aNum. Solomon and for all who came to
in the mountains of Ephraim; 32:41 bDeut. King Solomons table. There was no
9 1Ben-Deker, in Makaz, Shaalbim, 3:4 1Lit. Son lack in their supply.
of Geber 28 They also brought barley and
Beth Shemesh, and Elon Beth Hanan; 15 a2 Sam.
10 1Ben-Hesed, in Arubboth; to him 15:27 straw to the proper place, for the
belonged Sochoh and all the land of 16 a1 Chr. horses and steeds, each man
Hepher; 27:33 according to his charge.
11 1Ben-Abinadab, in all the regions 18 a1 Kin. 1:8 29 And aGod gave Solomon wis-
of Dor; he had Taphath the daughter 19 aDeut. dom and exceedingly great under-
of Solomon as wife; 3:810 standing, and largeness of heart like
12 Baana the son of Ahilud, in 20 aGen. 22:17; the sand on the seashore.
32:12 bMic.
Taanach, Megiddo, and all Beth 4:4 30 Thus Solomons wisdom ex-
Shean, which is beside Zaretan 21 aPs. 72:8 celled the wisdom of all the men aof
below Jezreel, from Beth Shean to bGen. 15:18 the East and all bthe wisdom of
cPs. 68:29
Abel Meholah, as far as the other side 1The Eu-
of Jokneam; phrates 31 For he was awiser than all
13 1Ben-Geber, in Ramoth Gilead; to 22 aNeh. 5:18 menbthan Ethan the Ezrahite,
him belonged athe towns of Jair the 1Lit. bread cand Heman, Chalcol, and Darda,
son of Manasseh, in Gilead; to him 2Each about 5 the sons of Mahol; and his fame was
also belonged bthe region of Argob in bushels in all the surrounding nations.
24 aPs. 72:11 32 aHe spoke three thousand
Bashansixty large cities with walls b1 Chr. 22:9
and bronze gate-bars; 1The Euphra- proverbs, and his bsongs were one
14 Ahinadab the son of Iddo, in tes thousand and five.
Mahanaim; 25 a[Jer. 23:6] 33 Also he spoke of trees, from the
b[Mic. 4:4]
15 aAhimaaz, in Naphtali; he also cJudg. 20:1
cedar tree of Lebanon even to the
took Basemath the daughter of 1lived in hyssop that springs out of the wall;
Solomon as wife; safety he spoke also of animals, of birds, of
16 Baanah the son of aHushai, in 26 a1 Kin. creeping things, and of fish.
Asher and Aloth; 10:26 b[Deut. 34 And men of all nations, from all
17:16] 1So the kings of the earth who had
17 Jehoshaphat the son of Paruah, with MT, most
in Issachar; other authori- heard of his wisdom, acame to hear
18 aShimei the son of Elah, in Ben- ties; some the wisdom of Solomon.
jamin; LXX mss.
four thou- Solomon Prepares to Build the
19 Geber the son of Uri, in the land sand; cf.
of Gilead, in athe country of Sihon 2 Chr. 9:25
king of the Amorites, and of Og king 27 a1 Kin. 4:7 Now aHiram king of Tyre sent
of Bashan. He was the only governor
who was in the land.
29 a1 Kin. 3:12
30 aGen. 25:6
5 his servants to Solomon,
because he heard that they had
bIs. 19:11, 12

Prosperity and Wisdom of 31 a1 Kin. 3:12

anointed him king in place of his
Solomons Reign b1 Chr. 15:19 father, bfor Hiram had always loved
c1 Chr. 2:6 David.
20 Judah and Israel were as numer- 32 aEccl. 12:9
bSong 1:1
2 Then aSolomon sent to Hiram,
ous aas the sand by the sea in multi- saying:
34 a1 Kin. 10:1
tude, beating and drinking and rejoic-
ing. 3 aYou know how my father

21 So aSolomon reigned over all CHAPTER 5 David could not build a house
kingdoms from bthe1 River to the for the name of the LORD his
land of the Philistines, as far as the God bbecause of the wars
1 a2 Chr. 2:3
border of Egypt. cThey brought trib- b2 Sam. 5:11 which were fought against him
ute and served Solomon all the days 2 a2 Chr. 2:3 on every side, until the LORD
of his life. 3 a1 Chr. 28:2, put 1his foes under the soles of
22 aNow Solomons 1provision for 3 b1 Chr. 22:8; his feet.
one day was thirty 2kors of fine flour, 28:3 1Lit. 4 But now the LORD my God has
sixty kors of meal, 4 a1 Kin. 4:24
given me arest1 on every side;
23 ten fatted oxen, twenty oxen 1peace 2mis- there is neither adversary nor
from the pastures, and one hundred fortune 2evil occurrence.
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301 1 KINGS 6:13

5 aAnd behold, 1I propose to build 5 a2 Chr. 2:4 17 And the king commanded them
b2 Sam. 7:12,
a house for the name of the 13 1Lit. I am
to quarry large stones, costly
LORD my God, bas the LORD saying stones, and ahewn stones, to lay the
spoke to my father David, 6 a2 Chr. 2:8,
foundation of the 1temple.
saying, Your son, whom I will 10 18 So Solomons builders, Hirams
set on your throne in your 9 aEzra 3:7
builders, and the Gebalites quarried
place, he shall build the house bEzek. 27:17 them; and they prepared timber and
for My name. 11 a2 Chr. 2:10
stones to build the 1temple.
6 Now therefore, command that 1Each about 5
they cut down acedars for me bushels 2So Solomon Builds the Temple
from Lebanon; and my servants with MT, Tg.,
And ait came to pass in the four
will be with your servants, and I
will pay you wages for your
Vg.; LXX,
Syr. twenty
6 hundred and 1eightieth year
after the children of Israel had come
servants according to whatever kors out of the land of Egypt, in the
you say. For you know there is 12 a1 Kin. 3:12 fourth year of Solomons reign over
none among us who has skill to 14 a1 Kin. Israel, in the month of 2Ziv, which is
cut timber like the Sidonians. 12:18 the second month, bthat he began to
15 a2 Chr. build the house of the LORD.
7 So it was, when Hiram heard 2:17, 18 2 Now athe house which King
the words of Solomon, that he 16 a1 Kin. 9:23 Solomon built for the LORD, its
rejoiced greatly and said, 1So with MT, length was sixty cubits, its width
Tg., Vg.; LXX twenty, and its height thirty cubits.
Blessed be the LORD this day, six hundred
3 The vestibule in front of the
for He has given David a wise 17 a1 Kin. 6:7
1Lit. house
1sanctuary of the house was 2twenty
son over this great people! cubits long across the width of the
18 1Lit. house house, and the width of 3the
8 Then Hiram sent to Solomon, vestibule extended 4ten cubits from
saying: CHAPTER 6 the front of the house.
4 And he made for the house
I have considered the message 1 a2 Chr. 3:1, 2 awindows with beveled frames.
which you sent me, and I will bActs 7:47
1So with MT, 5 Against the wall of the 1temple
do all you desire concerning Tg., Vg.; LXX he built achambers all around,
the cedar and cypress logs. fortieth 2Or against the walls of the temple, all
9 My servants shall bring them Ayyar, April around the sanctuary band the
down afrom Lebanon to the or May 2inner sanctuary. Thus he made side
sea; I will float them in rafts by 2 aEzek. 41:1 chambers all around it.
sea to the place you indicate to 3 1Heb. hey- 6 The lowest chamber was five
me, and will have them broken kal; here the cubits wide, the middle was six cubits
apart there; then you can take main room of wide, and the third was seven cubits
the temple;
them away. And you shall fulfill elsewhere wide; for he made narrow ledges
my desire bby giving food for called the around the outside of the temple, so
my household. holy place, that the support beams would not be
Ex. 26:33; fastened into the walls of the 1temple.
Ezek. 41:1
10 Then Hiram gave Solomon ce- 2About 30 feet 7 And athe temple, when it was
dar and cypress logs according to 3Lit. it 4About being built, was built with stone fin-
all his desire. 15 feet ished at the quarry, so that no ham-
11 aAnd Solomon gave Hiram 4 aEzek. 40:16; mer or chisel or any iron tool was
twenty thousand 1kors of wheat as 41:16 heard in the temple while it was
food for his household, and 2twenty 5 aEzek. 41:6 being built.
b1 Kin. 6:16,
kors of pressed oil. Thus Solomon 8 The doorway for the 1middle
1921, 31 1Lit. story was on the right side of the
gave to Hiram year by year. house 2Heb.
12 So the LORD gave Solomon wis- debir; here temple. They went up by stairs to
dom, aas He had promised him; and the inner the middle story, and from the mid-
there was peace between Hiram and room of the dle to the third.
temple; else-
Solomon, and the two of them made where called 9 aSo he built the 1temple and fin-
a treaty together. the Most Holy ished it, and he paneled the temple
13 Then King Solomon raised up a Place, v. 16 with beams and boards of cedar.
labor force out of all Israel; and the 6 1Lit. house 10 And he built side chambers
labor force was thirty thousand 7 aDeut.
against the entire temple, each five
men. 27:5, 6 cubits high; they were attached to
14 And he sent them to Lebanon, 8 1So with
the temple with cedar beams.
ten thousand a month in shifts: they MT, Vg.; LXX 11 Then the word of the LORD
were one month in Lebanon and upper story; came to Solomon, saying:
two months at home; aAdoniram Tg. ground 12 Concerning this 1temple which
was in charge of the labor force. you are building, aif you walk in My
15 aSolomon had seventy thousand 9 a1 Kin. 6:14, statutes, execute My judgments,
who carried burdens, and eighty 38 1Lit. house keep all My commandments, and
thousand who quarried stone in the 12 a1 Kin. 2:4; walk in them, then I will perform
mountains, 9:4 b[2 Sam. My 2word with you, bwhich I spoke
7:13] 1Lit.
16 besides three thousand 1three house to your father David.
hundred from the achiefs of 2promise 13 And aI will dwell among the
Solomons deputies, who supervised 13 aEx. 25:8 children of Israel, and will not bfor-
the people who labored in the work. b[Deut. 31:6] sake My people Israel.
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1 KINGS 6:14 302

14 So Solomon built the temple 16 aEx. 26:33; 32 The two doors were of olive
and finished it. Lev. 16:2; wood; and he carved on them fig-
1 Kin. 8:6;
15 And he built the inside walls of 2 Chr. 3:8; ures of cherubim, palm trees, and
the temple with cedar boards; from Ezek. 45:3; open flowers, and overlaid them
the floor of the temple to the ceiling Heb. 9:3 with gold; and he spread gold on the
he paneled the inside with wood; and cherubim and on the palm trees.
he covered the floor of the temple 33 So for the door of the 1sanctuary
19 1The Most he also made doorposts of olive
with planks of cypress. Holy Place
16 Then he built the twenty-cubit wood, 2one-fourth of the wall.
room at the rear of the temple, from 34 And the two doors were of
floor to ceiling, with cedar boards; 22 aEx. 30:1, 3, cypress wood; atwo panels com-
he built it inside as the inner sanctu- 6 prised one folding door, and two
ary, as the aMost Holy Place. panels comprised the other folding
17 And in front of it the temple door.
sanctuary was forty cubits long. 23 aEx. 37:79; 35 Then he carved cherubim, palm
2 Chr. 3:1012 trees, and open flowers on them,
18 The inside of the temple was
cedar, carved with ornamental buds and overlaid them with gold applied
and open flowers. All was cedar; 27 aEx. 25:20;
evenly on the carved work.
there was no stone to be seen. 37:9; 1 Kin. 36 And he built the ainner court
19 And he prepared the 1inner sanc- 8:7; 2 Chr. 5:8 with three rows of hewn stone and a
1Lit. house
tuary inside the temple, to set the ark row of cedar beams.
of the covenant of the LORD there. 37 aIn the fourth year the founda-
20 The inner sanctuary was twenty 29 aEx. 36:8,
tion of the house of the LORD was
cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and 35
laid, in the month of 1Ziv.
twenty cubits high. He overlaid it 38 And in the eleventh year, in the
with pure gold, and overlaid the month of 1Bul, which is the eighth
altar of cedar. 31 1Or five- month, the house was finished in all
21 So Solomon overlaid the inside sided its details and according to all its
of the temple with pure gold. He plans. So he was aseven years in
stretched gold chains across the building it.
front of the inner sanctuary, and 33 1temple 2Or
four-sided Solomons Other Buildings
overlaid it with gold.
22 The whole temple he overlaid But Solomon took athirteen
with gold, until he had finished all
the temple; also he overlaid with
34 aEzek.
7 years to build his own house; so
he finished all his house.
gold athe entire altar that was by the 2 He also built the aHouse of the
inner sanctuary. Forest of Lebanon; its length was
23 Inside the inner sanctuary ahe 36 a1 Kin. 7:12; 1one hundred cubits, its width 2fifty
made two cherubim of olive wood, Jer. 36:10
cubits, and its height thirty cubits,
each ten cubits high. with four rows of cedar pillars, and
24 One wing of the cherub was five 37 a1 Kin. 6:1 cedar beams on the pillars.
cubits, and the other wing of the 1Or Ayyar, 3 And it was paneled with cedar
cherub five cubits: ten cubits from April or May above the beams that were on forty-
the tip of one wing to the tip of the five pillars, fifteen to a row.
other. 4 There were windows with
25 And the other cherub was ten 38 a2 Sam. beveled frames in three rows, and
cubits; both cherubim were of the 7:13; 1 Kin.
5:5; 6:1; 8:19 window was opposite window in
same size and shape. 1Or Heshvan, three tiers.
26 The height of one cherub was October or 5 And all the doorways and door-
ten cubits, and so was the other November posts had rectangular frames; and
cherub. window was opposite window in
27 Then he set the cherubim inside three tiers.
the inner 1room; and athey stretched CHAPTER 7 6 He also made the Hall of Pillars:
out the wings of the cherubim so its length was fifty cubits, and its
that the wing of the one touched one width thirty cubits; and in front of
wall, and the wing of the other 1 a1 Kin. 3:1; them was a portico with pillars, and
cherub touched the other wall. And 9:10; 2 Chr. a canopy was in front of them.
their wings touched each other in 7 Then he made a hall for the
the middle of the room. throne, the Hall of Judgment, where
28 Also he overlaid the cherubim 2 a1 Kin. he might judge; and it was paneled
with gold. 10:17, 21; with cedar from floor to 1ceiling.
29 Then he carved all the walls of 2 Chr. 9:16
1About 150
8 And the house where he dwelt
the temple all around, both the feet 2About
had another court inside the hall, of
inner and outer sanctuaries, with 75 feet like workmanship. Solomon also
carved afigures of cherubim, palm made a house like this hall for
trees, and open flowers. Pharaohs daughter, awhom he had
30 And the floor of the temple he 7 1Lit. floor of taken as wife.
overlaid with gold, both the inner the upper 9 All these were of costly stones
and outer sanctuaries. level cut to size, trimmed with saws,
31 For the entrance of the inner inside and out, from the foundation
sanctuary he made doors of olive 8 a1 Kin. 3:1;
to the eaves, and also on the outside
wood; the lintel and doorposts were 9:24; 11:1; to the great court.
1one-fifth of the wall. 2 Chr. 8:11 10 The foundation was of costly
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303 1 KINGS 7:39

stones, large stones, some ten cubits 12 a1 Kin. 6:36 25 It stood on atwelve oxen: three
bJohn 10:23;
and some eight cubits. Acts 3:11
looking toward the north, three
11 And above were costly stones, looking toward the west, three look-
hewn to size, and cedar wood. ing toward the south, and three
12 The great court was enclosed looking toward the east; the Sea
with three rows of hewn stones and a was set upon them, and all their
row of cedar beams. So were the ain- 13 1Heb. back parts pointed inward.
Hiram; cf.
ner court of the house of the LORD 2 Chr. 2:13, 14 26 It was a handbreadth thick; and
band the vestibule of the temple. its brim was shaped like the brim of
a cup, like a lily blossom. It con-
Hiram the Craftsman tained 1two thousand baths.
13 Now King Solomon sent and 14 a2 Chr. 2:14 The Carts and the Lavers
brought 1Huram from Tyre. b2 Chr. 4:16
cEx. 31:3; 36:1
14 aHe was the son of a widow 27 He also made ten 1carts of
from the tribe of Naphtali, and bhis bronze; four cubits was the length
father was a man of Tyre, a bronze of each cart, four cubits its width,
worker; che was filled with wisdom and three cubits its height.
and understanding and skill in 15 a2 Kin. 28 And this was the design of the
working with all kinds of bronze 25:17; 2 Chr. carts: They had panels, and the pan-
3:15; 4:12; els were between frames;
work. So he came to King Solomon Jer. 52:21
and did all his work. 1fashioned 29 on the panels that were between
the frames were lions, oxen, and
The Bronze Pillars for the Temple cherubim. And on the frames was a
15 And he 1cast atwo pillars of pedestal on top. Below the lions and
bronze, each one eighteen cubits 20 a2 Chr.
oxen were wreaths of plaited work.
high, and a line of twelve cubits 3:16; 4:13; 30 Every cart had four bronze
measured the circumference of each. Jer. 52:23 wheels and axles of bronze, and its
16 Then he made two capitals of four feet had supports. Under the
cast bronze, to set on the tops of the laver were supports of cast bronze
pillars. The height of one capital beside each wreath.
was five cubits, and the height of 21 a2 Chr. 3:17 31 Its opening inside the crown at
the other capital was five cubits.
1Lit. He Shall the top was one cubit in diameter;
17 He made a lattice network, with
2Lit. In It Is
and the opening was round, shaped
wreaths of chainwork, for the capi- Strength
like a pedestal, one and a half cubits
tals which were on top of the pillars: in outside diameter; and also on the
seven chains for one capital and opening were engravings, but the
seven for the other capital. panels were square, not round.
18 So he made the pillars, and two 32 Under the panels were the four
23 a2 Kin. wheels, and the axles of the wheels
rows of pomegranates above the 25:13; 2 Chr.
were joined to the cart. The height
network all around to cover the cap- 4:2; Jer.
of a wheel was one and a half
itals that were on top; and thus he 52:17
did for the other capital. cubits.
19 The capitals which were on top 33 The workmanship of the wheels
of the pillars in the hall were in the was like the workmanship of a
chariot wheel; their axle pins, their
shape of lilies, four cubits. 24 a2 Chr. 4:3
rims, their spokes, and their hubs
20 The capitals on the two pillars were all of cast bronze.
also had pomegranates above, by 34 And there were four supports at
the convex surface which was next the four corners of each cart; its
to the network; and there were atwo 25 a2 Chr. 4:4, supports were part of the cart itself.
hundred such pomegranates in rows 5; Jer. 52:20
35 On the top of the cart, at the
on each of the capitals all around. height of half a cubit, it was per-
21 aThen he set up the pillars by the fectly round. And on the top of the
vestibule of the temple; he set up the cart, its flanges and its panels were
pillar on the right and called its 26 1About of the same casting.
name 1Jachin, and he set up the pillar 12,000 gal-
36 On the plates of its flanges and
on the left and called its name 2Boaz. lons; three
thousand, on its panels he engraved cherubim,
22 The tops of the pillars were in 2 Chr. 4:5 lions, and palm trees, wherever
the shape of lilies. So the work of there was a clear space on each,
the pillars was finished. with wreaths all around.
The Sea and the Oxen 37 Thus he made the ten carts. All
27 1Or stands of them were of 1the same mold, one
23 And he made athe Sea of cast measure, and one shape.
bronze, ten cubits from one brim to 38 Then ahe made ten lavers of
the other; it was completely round. bronze; each laver contained 1forty
Its height was five cubits, and a line 37 1one baths, and each laver was four
of thirty cubits measured its circum- cubits. On each of the ten carts was
ference. a laver.
24 Below its brim were ornamental 39 And he put five carts on the
buds encircling it all around, ten to right side of the house, and five on
a cubit, aall the way around the Sea. 38 aEx. 30:18; the left side of the house. He set the
2 Chr. 4:6
The ornamental buds were cast in 1About 240 Sea on the right side of the house,
two rows when it was cast. gallons toward the southeast.
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1 KINGS 7:40 304

Furnishings of the Temple 40 a2 Chr. 4 Then they brought up the ark of
4:115:1 the LORD, athe 1tabernacle of meet-
1Heb. Hiram;
40 aHuram1 made the lavers and ing, and all the holy furnishings that
cf. 2 Chr. 2:13,
the shovels and the bowls. So 14 were in the tabernacle. The priests
Huram finished doing all the work and the Levites brought them up.
that he was to do for King Solomon 41 a1 Kin.
7:17, 18 5 Also King Solomon, and all the
for the house of the LORD: congregation of Israel who were
41 the two pillars, the two bowl- 42 a1 Kin. 7:20
assembled with him, were with him
shaped capitals that were on top of 45 aEx. 27:3 before the ark, asacrificing sheep
the two pillars; the two anetworks 1Heb. Hiram;
and oxen that could not be counted
covering the two bowl-shaped capi- cf. 2 Chr.
or numbered for multitude.
2:13, 14
tals which were on top of the pillars; 6 Then the priests abrought in the
42 afour hundred pomegranates for 46 a2 Chr. 4:17
bGen. 33:17 ark of the covenant of the LORD to
the two networks (two rows of cJosh. 3:16 bits place, into the inner sanctuary of
pomegranates for each network, to the temple, to the Most Holy Place,
cover the two bowl-shaped capitals 47 a1 Chr. cunder the wings of the cherubim.
that were on top of the pillars); 22:3, 14
7 For the cherubim spread their
43 the ten carts, and ten lavers on 48 aEx. 37:25, two wings over the place of the ark,
the carts; 26; 2 Chr. 4:8
bEx. 37:10, 11 and the cherubim overshadowed
44 one Sea, and twelve oxen under cLev. 24:58 the ark and its poles.
the Sea; 8 The poles aextended so that the
45 athe pots, the shovels, and the 50 1firepans 1ends of the poles could be seen
bowls. All these articles which 51 a2 Sam. from the holy place, in front of the
1Huram made for King Solomon for 8:11
inner sanctuary; but they could not
the house of the LORD were of bur- CHAPTER 8 be seen from outside. And they are
nished bronze. there to this day.
1 a2 Chr.
46 aIn the plain of Jordan the king 5:214 9 aNothing was in the ark bexcept
had them cast in clay molds, be- b2 Sam.
the two tablets of stone which
tween bSuccoth and cZaretan. 6:1217
c2 Sam. 5:7; Moses cput there at Horeb, dwhen
47 And Solomon did not weigh all 6:12, 16 the LORD made a covenant with the
the articles, because there were so children of Israel, when they came
many; the weight of the bronze was 2 aLev. 23:34 out of the land of Egypt.
1Or Tishri,
not adetermined. September or 10 And it came to pass, when the
48 Thus Solomon had all the fur- October priests came out of the holy place,
nishings made for the house of the that the cloud afilled the house of
3 aNum. 4:15;
LORD: athe altar of gold, and bthe 7:9 the LORD,
table of gold on which was cthe 11 so that the priests could not con-
showbread; 4 a2 Chr. 1:3
1tent tinue ministering because of the
49 the lampstands of pure gold, cloud; for the aglory of the LORD
five on the right side and five on the 5 a2 Sam. 6:13 filled the house of the LORD.
left in front of the inner sanctuary, 6 a2 Sam. 6:17 12 aThen Solomon spoke:
with the flowers and the lamps and b1 Kin. 6:19
c1 Kin. 6:27
the wick-trimmers of gold; The LORD said He would dwell
50 the basins, the trimmers, the 8 aEx. bin the dark cloud.
bowls, the ladles, and the 1censers 25:1315; 37:4, 13 aI have surely built You an
of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, 5 1heads
exalted house,
both for the doors of the inner room 9 aEx. 25:21 bAnd a place for You to dwell in
(the Most Holy Place) and for the bDeut. 10:5
cEx. 24:7, 8; forever.
doors of the main hall of the temple. 40:20 dEx.
51 So all the work that King Sol- 34:27, 28 Solomons Speech at Completion of
omon had done for the house of the the Work
10 aEx. 40:34,
LORD was finished; and Solomon 35 14 Then the king turned around
brought in the things awhich his and ablessed the whole assembly of
father David had dedicated: the sil- 11 a2 Chr.
7:1, 2 Israel, while all the assembly of
ver and the gold and the furnish- Israel was standing.
ings. He put them in the treasuries 12 a2 Chr. 6:1
bPs. 18:11; 15 And he said: aBlessed be the
of the house of the LORD. 97:2 LORD God of Israel, who bspoke with
The Ark Brought into the Temple 13 a2 Sam. His mouth to my father David, and
7:13 bPs. with His hand has fulfilled it, saying,
Now aSolomon assembled the
8 elders of Israel and all the heads
of the tribes, the chief fathers of the
14 a2 Sam.
16 Since the day that I brought My
people Israel out of Egypt, I have
chosen no city from any tribe of
children of Israel, to King Solomon 15 aLuke 1:68
Israel in which to build a house, that
in Jerusalem, bthat they might bring b2 Sam. 7:2, aMy name might be there; but I chose
cup the ark of the covenant of the 12, 13, 25 bDavid to be over My people Israel.
LORD from the City of David, which 16 a1 Kin. 8:29 17 Now ait was in the heart of my
is Zion. b2 Sam. 7:8 father David to build a 1temple for
2 Therefore all the men of Israel 17 a2 Sam. 7:2,
the name of the LORD God of Israel.
assembled with King Solomon at 3 1Lit. house, 18 aBut the LORD said to my
the afeast in the month of 1Ethanim, and so in vv. father David, Whereas it was in
which is the seventh month. 1820 your heart to build a temple for My
3 So all the elders of Israel came, 18 a2 Chr. name, you did well that it was in
aand the priests took up the ark. 6:8, 9 your heart.
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305 1 KINGS 8:45

19 Nevertheless ayou shall not 19 a2 Sam. 7:5, and judge Your servants, acondemn-
build the temple, but your son who 12, 13; 1 Kin. ing the wicked, bringing his way on
5:3, 5; 6:38;
will come from your body, he shall 1 Chr. 17:11, his head, and justifying the righ-
build the temple for My name. 12; 22:810; teous by giving him according to his
20 So the LORD has fulfilled His 2 Chr. 6:2 righteousness.
word which He spoke; and I have 33 aWhen Your people Israel are
1filled the position of my father 20 a1 Chr.
28:5, 6 1risen defeated before an enemy because
David, and sit on the throne of in the place of they have sinned against You,
Israel, aas the LORD promised; and I and bwhen they turn back to You and
have built a temple for the name of 21 aDeut. confess Your name, and pray and
the LORD God of Israel. 31:26; 1 Kin. make supplication to You in this
21 And there I have made a place temple,
for the ark, in which is athe covenant 22 a1 Kin. 8:54; 34 then hear in heaven, and for-
of the LORD which He made with 2 Chr. 6:12 give the sin of Your people Israel,
bEx. 9:33;
our fathers, when He brought them and bring them back to the land
out of the land of Egypt. Ezra 9:5
which You gave to their afathers.
23 aEx. 15:11; 35 aWhen the heavens are shut up
Solomons Prayer of Dedication 2 Sam. 7:22 and there is no rain because they
b[Deut. 7:9;
22 Then Solomon stood before athe have sinned against You, when they
Neh. 1:5; Dan. pray toward this place and confess
altar of the LORD in the presence of 9:4] c[Gen.
all the assembly of Israel, and 17:1; 1 Kin. Your name, and turn from their sin
bspread out his hands toward 3:6]; 2 Kin. because You afflict them,
heaven; 20:3 36 then hear in heaven, and for-
23 and he said: LORD God of give the sin of Your servants, Your
25 a2 Sam.
Israel, athere is no God in heaven 7:12, 16; people Israel, that You may ateach
above or on earth below like You, 1 Kin. 2:4; 9:5 them bthe good way in which they
bwho keep Your covenant and mercy should walk; and send rain on Your
with Your servants who cwalk before 26 a2 Sam. land which You have given to Your
7:25 people as an inheritance.
You with all their hearts.
24 You have kept what You prom- 27 a[2 Chr. 2:6; 37 aWhen there is famine in the
ised Your servant David my father; Is. 66:1; Acts land, pestilence or blight or mildew,
You have both spoken with Your 7:49; 17:24] locusts or grasshoppers; when their
b2 Cor. 12:2
mouth and fulfilled it with Your enemy besieges them in the land of
hand, as it is this day. 29 aDeut. 12:11
their 1cities; whatever plague or
25 Therefore, LORD God of Israel, b1 Kin. 9:3; whatever sickness there is;
now keep what You promised Your 2 Chr. 7:15 38 whatever prayer, whatever sup-
servant David my father, saying, cDan. 6:10
1Lit. house
plication is made by anyone, or by
aYou shall not fail to have a man sit all Your people Israel, when each
before Me on the throne of Israel, 30 aNeh. 1:6 one knows the plague of his own
only if your sons take heed to their heart, and spreads out his hands
way, that they walk before Me as 31 aEx. 22:811 toward this temple:
you have walked before Me. 39 then hear in heaven Your
32 aDeut. 25:1 dwelling place, and forgive, and act,
26 aAnd now I pray, O God of
Israel, let Your word come true, 33 aLev. 26:17; and give to everyone according to
which You have spoken to Your ser- Deut. 28:25 all his ways, whose heart You know
vant David my father. bLev. 26:39, 40 (for You alone aknow the hearts of
27 But awill God indeed dwell on all the sons of men),
34 a[Lev.
the earth? Behold, heaven and the 26:4042;
40 athat they may fear You all the
bheaven of heavens cannot contain
Deut. 30:13] days that they live in the land which
You. How much less this temple You gave to our fathers.
which I have built! 35 aLev. 26:19; 41 Moreover, concerning a for-
28 Yet regard the prayer of Your Deut. 28:23 eigner, who is not of Your people
servant and his supplication, O 36 aPs. 25:4; Israel, but has come from a far
LORD my God, and listen to the cry 27:11; 94:12 country for Your names sake
and the prayer which Your servant is b1 Sam. 12:23 42 (for they will hear of Your great
praying before You today: name and Your astrong hand and
37 aLev. 26:16, Your outstretched arm), when he
29 that Your eyes may be open 25, 26; Deut.
toward this 1temple night and day, 28:21, 22, 27, comes and prays toward this temple,
toward the place of which You said, 38, 42, 52 1Lit. 43 hear in heaven Your dwelling
aMy name shall be bthere, that You gates place, and do according to all for
may hear the prayer which Your ser- which the foreigner calls to You,
39 a[1 Sam. athat all peoples of the earth may
vant makes ctoward this place. 16:7; 1 Chr.
30 aAnd may You hear the suppli- 28:9; Jer. know Your name and bfear You, as
cation of Your servant and of Your 17:10]; Acts do Your people Israel, and that they
people Israel, when they pray 1:24 may know that this temple which I
toward this place. Hear in heaven 40 a[Ps. 130:4]
have built is called by Your name.
Your dwelling place; and when You 44 When Your people go out to
hear, forgive. 42 aEx. 13:3; battle against their enemy, wherever
31 When anyone sins against his Deut. 3:24 You send them, and when they pray
neighbor, and is forced to take aan to the LORD toward the city which
43 a[Ex. 9:16;
oath, and comes and takes an oath 1 Sam. 17:46;
You have chosen and the temple
before Your altar in this temple, 2 Kin. 19:19] which I have built for Your name,
32 then hear in heaven, and act, bPs. 102:15 45 then hear in heaven their
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1 KINGS 8:46 306

prayer and their supplication, and 45 1justice His statutes and His judgments,
maintain their 1cause. which He commanded our fathers.
46 When they sin against You a(for 46 aPs. 130:3
bLev. 26:34,
59 And may these words of mine,
there is no one who does not sin), 44
with which I have made supplica-
and You become angry with them tion before the LORD, be near the
and deliver them to the enemy, and 47 a[Lev.
LORD our God day and night, that
they take them captive bto the land 26:4042] He may maintain the cause of His
of the enemy, far or near; bDan. 9:5 1Lit. servant and the cause of His people
47 ayet when they 1come to them- bring back to Israel, as each day may require,
selves in the land where they were their heart 60 athat all the peoples of the
carried captive, and repent, and earth may know that bthe LORD is
make supplication to You in the land 48 aJer. God; there is no other.
of those who took them captive, bDan. 6:10 61 Let your aheart therefore be
bsaying, We have sinned and done 1loyal to the LORD our God, to walk
wrong, we have committed wicked- 49 1justice in His statutes and keep His com-
ness; mandments, as at this day.
48 and when they areturn to You 50 aPs. 106:46
with all their heart and with all their Solomon Dedicates the Temple
soul in the land of their enemies 51 aDeut. 62 Then athe king and all Israel
who led them away captive, and 9:2629 bJer. with him offered sacrifices before
bpray to You toward their land which 11:4 the LORD.
You gave to their fathers, the city 63 And Solomon offered a sacrifice
which You have chosen and the tem- 52 a1 Kin. 8:29 of peace offerings, which he offered
ple which I have built for Your name: to the LORD, twenty-two thousand
49 then hear in heaven Your 53 aEx. 19:5, 6 bulls and one hundred and twenty
dwelling place their prayer and thousand sheep. So the king and all
their supplication, and maintain 54 a2 Chr. 7:1 the children of Israel dedicated the
their 1cause, house of the LORD.
50 and forgive Your people who 55 a2 Sam. 64 On athe same day the king conse-
have sinned against You, and all 6:18
crated the middle of the court that
their transgressions which they was in front of the house of the LORD;
have transgressed against You; and 56 a1 Chr.
22:18 bDeut. for there he offered burnt offerings,
agrant them compassion before
12:10 1peace grain offerings, and the fat of the
those who took them captive, that peace offerings, because the bbronze
they may have compassion on them 57 aDeut. 31:6 altar that was before the LORD was
51 (for athey are Your people and too small to receive the burnt offer-
Your inheritance, whom You 58 aPs. 119:36 ings, the grain offerings, and the fat
brought out of Egypt, bout of the of the peace offerings.
iron furnace), 60 a1 Sam. 65 At that time Solomon held aa
52 athat Your eyes may be open to 17:46 bDeut. feast, and all Israel with him, a great
the supplication of Your servant and 4:35, 39 assembly from bthe entrance of
the supplication of Your people Hamath to cthe Brook of Egypt,
Israel, to listen to them whenever 61 aDeut. before the LORD our God, dseven
they call to You. 18:13 1Lit. at days and seven more daysfour-
peace with
53 For You separated them from teen days.
among all the peoples of the earth 66 aOn the eighth day he sent the
to be Your inheritance, aas You 62 a2 Chr.
7:410 people away; and they 1blessed the
spoke by Your servant Moses, when king, and went to their tents joyful
You brought our fathers out of 64 a2 Chr. 7:7 and glad of heart for all the good that
Egypt, O Lord GOD. b2 Chr. 4:1 the LORD had done for His servant
David, and for Israel His people.
Solomon Blesses the Assembly 65 aLev. 23:34
54 aAnd so it was, when Solomon bNum. 34:8 Gods Second Appearance to
had finished praying all this prayer
cGen. 15:18 Solomon
d2 Chr. 7:8
and supplication to the LORD, that And ait came to pass, when
he arose from before the altar of the
LORD, from kneeling on his knees
66 a2 Chr. 7:9
9 Solomon had finished building
the house of the LORD band the
with his hands spread up to heaven. kings house, and call Solomons
55 Then he stood aand blessed all CHAPTER 9 desire which he wanted to do,
the assembly of Israel with a loud 2 that the LORD appeared to
voice, saying: 1 a2 Chr. 7:11 Solomon the second time, aas He
56 Blessed be the LORD, who has b1 Kin. 7:1 had appeared to him at Gibeon.
given arest1 to His people Israel, c2 Chr. 8:6 3 And the LORD said to him: aI
according to all that He promised. have heard your prayer and your
bThere has not failed one word of all 2 a1 Kin. 3:5; supplication that you have made
His good promise, which He prom- 11:9 before Me; I have consecrated this
ised through His servant Moses. house which you have built bto put
57 May the LORD our God be with 3 aPs. 10:17 My name there forever, cand My
b1 Kin. 8:29
us, as He was with our fathers. aMay cDeut. 11:12 eyes and My heart will be there per-
He not leave us nor forsake us, petually.
58 that He may aincline our hearts 4 aGen. 17:1
4 Now if you awalk before Me bas
to Himself, to walk in all His ways, b1 Kin. 11:4, your father David walked, in in-
and to keep His commandments and 6; 15:5 tegrity of heart and in uprightness, to
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307 1 KINGS 10:4

do according to all that I have com- 4 c1 Kin. 8:61 17 And Solomon built Gezer,
manded you, and if you ckeep My 5 a2 Sam. Lower aBeth Horon,
statutes and My judgments, 7:12, 16 18 aBaalath, and Tadmor in the
5 then I will establish the throne wilderness, in the land of Judah,
of your kingdom over Israel forever, 6 a2 Sam. 19 all the storage cities that
7:1416 1turn
aas I promised David your father,
back Solomon had, cities for ahis chariots
saying, You shall not fail to have a and cities for his bcavalry, and what-
man on the throne of Israel. 7 a[Lev. ever Solomon cdesired to build in
6 aBut if you or your sons at all b[Jer. 7:414] Jerusalem, in Lebanon, and in all
1turn from following Me, and do not cPs. 44:14 the land of his dominion.
keep My commandments and My 1destroy 20 aAll the people who were left of
statutes which I have set before you, 8 a2 Chr. 7:21
the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites,
but go and serve other gods and b[Deut. Hivites, and Jebusites, who were not
worship them, 29:2426] of the children of Israel
7 athen I will 1cut off Israel from 9 a[Deut.
21 that is, their descendants awho
the land which I have given them; 29:2528] were left in the land after them,
bwhom the children of Israel had not
and this house which I have conse-
crated bfor My name I will cast out 10 a2 Chr. 8:1 been able to destroy completely
cfrom these Solomon raised dforced
of My sight. cIsrael will be a proverb 11 a1 Kin. 5:1
and a byword among all peoples. labor, as it is to this day.
8 And as for athis house, which is 13 aJosh. 22 But of the children of Israel
19:27 1Lit. Solomon amade no forced laborers,
exalted, everyone who passes by it Good for
will be astonished and will hiss, and Nothing because they were men of war and
say, bWhy has the LORD done thus his servants: his officers, his cap-
15 a1 Kin. 5:13 tains, commanders of his chariots,
to this land and to this house? b2 Sam. 5:9
9 Then they will answer, Be- cJosh. 11:1; and his cavalry.
cause they forsook the LORD their 19:36 dJosh. 23 Others were chiefs of the offi-
God, who brought their fathers out 17:11 eJosh. cials who were over Solomons
16:10 1Lit. work: afive hundred and fifty, who
of the land of Egypt, and have The Landfill
embraced other gods, and wor- ruled over the people who did the
shiped them and served them; 16 aJosh. 16:10 work.
therefore the LORD has brought all 17 a2 Chr. 8:5
24 But aPharaohs daughter came
this acalamity on them. up from the City of David to bher
18 aJosh. house which 1Solomon had built for
Solomon and Hiram Exchange 19:44 her. cThen he built the Millo.
Gifts 19 a1 Kin. 25 aNow three times a year
10:26 b1 Kin. Solomon offered burnt offerings
10 Now ait happened at the end of 4:26 c1 Kin. and peace offerings on the altar
twenty years, when Solomon had 9:1 which he had built for the LORD,
built the two houses, the house of and he burned incense with them on
20 a2 Chr. 8:7
the LORD and the kings house the altar that was before the LORD.
11 a(Hiram the king of Tyre had 21 aJudg. So he finished the temple.
supplied Solomon with cedar and 1:2136; 3:1
bJosh. 15:63; 26 aKing Solomon also built a fleet
cypress and gold, as much as he 17:12, 13 of ships at bEzion Geber, which is
desired), that King Solomon then cJudg. 1:28, 35 near 1Elath on the shore of the Red
gave Hiram twenty cities in the land dEzra 2:55, 58
Sea, in the land of Edom.
of Galilee. 22 a[Lev. 27 aThen Hiram sent his servants
12 Then Hiram went from Tyre to 25:39] with the fleet, seamen who knew the
see the cities which Solomon had sea, to work with the servants of
given him, but they did not please 23 a2 Chr. 8:10
him. 24 a1 Kin. 3:1 28 And they went to aOphir, and
13 So he said, What kind of cities b1 Kin. 7:8
acquired four hundred and twenty
are these which you have given me, c2 Sam. 5:9
1Lit. he; cf. talents of gold from there, and
my brother? aAnd he called them 2 Chr. 8:11 brought it to King Solomon.
the land of 1Cabul, as they are to
this day. 25 aEx. The Queen of Shebas Praise of
14 Then Hiram sent the king one 23:1417 Solomon
hundred and twenty talents of gold. 26 a2 Chr. Now when the aqueen of Sheba
Solomons Additional
8:17, 18
bNum. 33:35
1Heb. Eloth
10 heard of the fame of Solomon
concerning the name of the LORD,
she came bto test him with hard
15 And this is the reason for athe 27 a1 Kin. 5:6,
9; 10:11 questions.
labor force which King Solomon 2 She came to Jerusalem with a
raised: to build the house of the 28 aJob 22:24 very great 1retinue, with camels that
LORD, his own house, 1the bMillo, bore spices, very much gold, and
the wall of Jerusalem, cHazor, precious stones; and when she came
dMegiddo, and eGezer. CHAPTER 10 to Solomon, she spoke with him
16 (Pharaoh king of Egypt had about all that was in her heart.
gone up and taken Gezer and 1 aMatt. 12:42 3 So Solomon answered all her
burned it with fire, ahad killed the bJudg. 14:12 questions; there was nothing 1so dif-
Canaanites who dwelt in the city, ficult for the king that he could not
2 1company
and had given it as a dowry to his explain it to her.
daughter, Solomons wife.) 3 1too 4 And when the queen of Sheba
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1 KINGS 10:5 308

had seen all the wisdom of 5 a1 Chr. throne of ivory, and overlaid it with
Solomon, the house that he had 26:16; 2 Chr. pure gold.
built, 19 The throne had six steps, and the
5 the food on his table, the seating 8 aProv. 8:34 top of the throne was round at the
of his servants, the service of his back; there were armrests on either
waiters and their apparel, his cup- 9 a1 Kin. 5:7 side of the place of the seat, and two
bearers, aand his entryway by which b2 Sam. 22:20 lions stood beside the armrests.
he went up to the house of the LORD, c2 Sam. 8:15;
20 Twelve lions stood there, one on
there was no more spirit in her. Ps. 72:2; each side of the six steps; nothing
[Prov. 8:15]
6 Then she said to the king: It like this had been made for any
was a true report which I heard in 10 aPs. 72:10,
other kingdom.
my own land about your words and 15 21 aAll King Solomons drinking
your wisdom. vessels were gold, and all the ves-
7 However I did not believe the 11 a1 Kin. 9:27, sels of the House of the Forest of
words until I came and saw with my 28; Job 22:24 Lebanon were pure gold. Not one
1algum, 2 Chr.
own eyes; and indeed the half was 9:10, 11
was silver, for this was accounted as
not told me. Your wisdom and pros- nothing in the days of Solomon.
perity exceed the fame of which I 12 a2 Chr. 9:11
22 For the king had amerchant1
heard. b2 Chr. 9:10 ships at sea with the fleet of Hiram.
8 aHappy are your men and 1Or supports Once every three years the mer-
happy are these your servants, who chant bships came bringing gold, sil-
stand continually before you and 15 a2 Chr. 1:16 ver, ivory, apes, and 2monkeys.
b2 Chr. 9:24;
hear your wisdom! 23 So aKing Solomon surpassed all
Ps. 72:10
9 aBlessed be the LORD your the kings of the earth in riches and
God, who bdelighted in you, setting 17 a1 Kin.
you on the throne of Israel! Because 14:26 b1 Kin. 24 Now all the earth sought the
the LORD has loved Israel forever, 7:2 presence of Solomon to hear his wis-
therefore He made you king, cto do dom, which God had put in his heart.
justice and righteousness. 18 a1 Kin. 25 Each man brought his present:
10 Then she agave the king one hun- 10:22; 2 Chr. articles of silver and gold, garments,
dred and twenty talents of gold, 9:17; Ps. 45:8 armor, spices, horses, and mules, at
spices in great quantity, and precious a set rate year by year.
21 a2 Chr. 9:20
stones. There never again came such 26 aAnd Solomon bgathered chari-
abundance of spices as the queen of 22 aGen. 10:4;
ots and horsemen; he had one thou-
Sheba gave to King Solomon. 2 Chr. 20:36 sand four hundred chariots and
11 aAlso, the ships of Hiram, which b1 Kin. twelve thousand horsemen, whom
brought gold from Ophir, brought 9:2628; 22:48; he 1stationed in the chariot cities
great quantities of 1almug wood and Ps. 72:10 1Lit. and with the king at Jerusalem.
ships of
precious stones from Ophir. Tarshish, 27 aThe king made silver as com-
12 aAnd the king made 1steps of the deep-sea ves- mon in Jerusalem as stones, and he
almug wood for the house of the sels 2Or pea- made cedar trees as abundant as the
LORD and for the kings house, also cocks sycamores which are in the lowland.
harps and stringed instruments for 28 aAlso Solomon had horses
singers. There never again came 23 a1 Kin. 3:12, imported from Egypt and Keveh;
13; 4:30;
such balmug wood, nor has the like 2 Chr. 1:12 the kings merchants bought them
been seen to this day. in Keveh at the current price.
13 Now King Solomon gave the 26 a1 Kin. 4:26; 29 Now a chariot that was im-
queen of Sheba all she desired, 2 Chr. 1:14; ported from Egypt cost six hundred
whatever she asked, besides what 9:25 b[Deut. shekels of silver, and a horse one
17:16]; 1 Kin.
Solomon had given her according to 9:19 1So with hundred and fifty; aand 1thus,
the royal generosity. So she turned LXX, Syr., through their agents, they exported
and went to her own country, she Tg., Vg. (cf. them to all the kings of the Hittites
and her servants. 2 Chr. 9:25); and the kings of Syria.
MT led
Solomons Great Wealth Solomons Heart Turns from the
27 a[Deut. LORD
14 The weight of gold that came to 17:17]; 2 Chr.
Solomon yearly was six hundred 1:1517 But aKing Solomon loved
and sixty-six talents of gold,
15 besides that from the atraveling 28 a[Deut.
11 bmany foreign women, as well
as the daughter of Pharaoh: women
17:16]; 2 Chr.
merchants, from the income of 1:16; 9:28 of the Moabites, Ammonites,
traders, bfrom all the kings of Ara- Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites
bia, and from the governors of the 29 aJosh. 1:4; 2 from the nations of whom the
country. 2 Kin. 7:6, 7 LORD had said to the children of
1Lit. by their
16 And King Solomon made two hands
Israel, aYou shall not intermarry
hundred large shields of hammered with them, nor they with you. Surely
gold; six hundred shekels of gold they will turn away your hearts af-
went into each shield. CHAPTER 11 ter their gods. Solomon clung to
17 He also made athree hundred these in love.
shields of hammered gold; three 1 a[Neh. 13:26] 3 And he had seven hundred
b[Deut. 17:17];
minas of gold went into each shield. 1 Kin. 3:1 wives, princesses, and three hun-
The king put them in the bHouse of dred concubines; and his wives
the Forest of Lebanon. 2 aEx. 34:16; turned away his heart.
18 aMoreover the king made a great [Deut. 7:3, 4] 4 For it was so, when Solomon was
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309 1 KINGS 11:33

old, athat his wives turned his heart 4 a[Deut. 20 Then the sister of Tahpenes
after other gods; and his bheart was 17:17; Neh. bore him Genubath his son, whom
13:26] b1 Kin.
not 1loyal to the LORD his God, cas 8:61 c1 Kin. Tahpenes weaned in Pharaohs
was the heart of his father David. 9:4 1Lit. at house. And Genubath was in
5 For Solomon went after aAsh- peace with Pharaohs household among the
toreth the goddess of the Sidonians, 5 aJudg. 2:13; sons of Pharaoh.
and after bMilcom1 the abomination 1 Kin. 11:33 21 aSo when Hadad heard in Egypt
of the cAmmonites. b[Lev. 20:25] that David 1rested with his fathers,
c2 Kin. 23:13
6 Solomon did evil in the sight of 1Or Molech
and that Joab the commander of the
the LORD, and did not fully follow army was dead, Hadad said to
the LORD, as did his father David. 7 aNum. 33:52 Pharaoh, 2Let me depart, that I may
7 aThen Solomon built a 1high bNum. 21:29; go to my own country.
place for bChemosh the abomination Judg. 11:24 22 Then Pharaoh said to him, But
c2 Kin. 23:13
of Moab, on cthe hill that is east of 1A place for what have you lacked with me, that
Jerusalem, and for Molech the abom- pagan wor- suddenly you seek to go to your
ination of the people of Ammon. ship own country? So he answered,
8 And he did likewise for all his 9 a1 Kin. 3:5;
Nothing, but do let me go anyway.
foreign wives, who burned incense 9:2 23 And God raised up another
and sacrificed to their gods. adversary against him, Rezon the
9 So the LORD became angry with 10 a1 Kin. 6:12; son of Eliadah, who had fled from
Solomon, because his heart had 9:6, 7 his lord, aHadadezer king of Zobah.
turned from the LORD God of Israel, 11 a1 Kin. 24 So he gathered men to him and
awho had appeared to him twice, 11:31; 12:15, became captain over a band of
10 and ahad commanded him con- 16 b1 Kin. raiders, awhen David killed those of
11:31, 37
cerning this thing, that he should Zobah. And they went to Damascus
not go after other gods; but he did 13 a2 Sam. and dwelt there, and reigned in
not keep what the LORD had com- 7:15; 1 Chr. Damascus.
manded. 17:13; Ps. 25 He was an adversary of Israel
89:33 b1 Kin.
11 Therefore the LORD said to Sol- 12:20 c2 Sam. all the days of Solomon (besides the
omon, Because you have done this, 7:15, 16 trouble that Hadad caused); and he
and have not kept My covenant and dDeut. 12:11; abhorred Israel, and reigned over
My statutes, which I have com- 1 Kin. 9:3; Syria.
manded you, aI will surely tear the
kingdom away from you and give it 14 a1 Chr. 5:26 Jeroboams Rebellion
to your bservant. 26 Then Solomons servant, aJer-
15 a2 Sam.
12 Nevertheless I will not do it in 8:14; 1 Chr. oboam the son of Nebat, an
your days, for the sake of your 18:12, 13 Ephraimite from Zereda, whose
father David; I will tear it out of the bNum. 24:18,
mothers name was Zeruah, a widow,
hand of your son. 19; [Deut. balso crebelled against the king.
13 aHowever I will not tear away 20:13]
27 And this is what caused him to
the whole kingdom; I will give bone 21 a1 Kin. 2:10, rebel against the king: aSolomon
tribe to your son cfor the sake of My 34 1Died and
had built the Millo and 1repaired the
servant David, and for the sake of joined his
ancestors damages to the City of David his
Jerusalem dwhich I have chosen. 2Lit. Send me father.
Adversaries of Solomon
away 28 The man Jeroboam was a
23 a2 Sam. 8:3; mighty man of valor; and Solomon,
14 Now the LORD araised up an 10:16 seeing that the young man was ain-
adversary against Solomon, Hadad dustrious, made him the officer over
the Edomite; he was a descendant 24 a2 Sam. 8:3; all the labor force of the house of
10:8, 18
of the king in Edom. Joseph.
15 aFor it happened, when David 26 a1 Kin. 12:2 29 Now it happened at that time,
b1 Kin. 11:11;
was in Edom, and Joab the com- when Jeroboam went out of
mander of the army had gone up to 2 Chr. 13:6 Jerusalem, that the prophet aAhijah
c2 Sam. 20:21
bury the slain, bafter he had killed the Shilonite met him on the way;
every male in Edom 27 a1 Kin. 9:15, and he had clothed himself with a
16 (because for six months Joab 24 1Lit. closed new garment, and the two were
up the
remained there with all Israel, until breaches alone in the field.
he had cut down every male in 30 Then Ahijah took hold of the
Edom), 28 a[Prov. new garment that was on him, and
17 that Hadad fled to go to Egypt, 22:29] atore it into twelve pieces.
he and certain Edomites of his 29 a1 Kin. 31 And he said to Jeroboam, Take
fathers servants with him. Hadad 12:15; 14:2; for yourself ten pieces, for athus
was still a little child. 2 Chr. 9:29 says the LORD, the God of Israel:
18 Then they arose from Midian 30 a1 Sam. Behold, I will tear the kingdom out
and came to Paran; and they took 15:27, 28; 24:5 of the hand of Solomon and will
men with them from Paran and came give ten tribes to you
to Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, 31 a1 Kin. 32 (but he shall have one tribe for
11:11, 13
who gave him a house, apportioned the sake of My servant David, and
food for him, and gave him land. 33 a1 Sam. 7:3; for the sake of Jerusalem, the city
19 And Hadad found great favor in 1 Kin. 11:58
1So with MT,
which I have chosen out of all the
the sight of Pharaoh, so that he gave Tg.; LXX,
tribes of Israel),
him as wife the sister of his own wife, Syr., Vg. he 33 abecause 1they have forsaken
that is, the sister of Queen Tahpenes. has Me, and worshiped Ashtoreth the
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1 KINGS 11:34 310

goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh 35 a1 Kin. and his heavy yoke which he put on
the god of the Moabites, and Mil- 12:16, 17 us, and we will serve you.
com the god of the people of 5 So he said to them, Depart for
Ammon, and have not walked in My 36 a[1 Kin. three days, then come back to me.
ways to do what is right in My eyes 15:4; 2 Kin. And the people departed.
and keep My statutes and My judg- 8:19] 6 Then King Rehoboam consulted
ments, as did his father David. the elders who stood before his
34 However I will not take the father Solomon while he still lived,
38 aDeut. 31:8;
whole kingdom out of his hand, Josh. 1:5 and he said, How do you advise me
because I have made him ruler all b2 Sam. 7:11, to answer these people?
the days of his life for the sake of 27 7 And they spoke to him, saying,
My servant David, whom I chose aIf you will be a servant to these
because he kept My command- people today, and serve them, and
ments and My statutes. 40 a1 Kin.
11:17; 14:25; answer them, and speak good words
35 But aI will take the kingdom out 2 Chr. 12:29 to them, then they will be your ser-
of his sons hand and give it to vants forever.
youten tribes. 8 But he rejected the advice which
36 And to his son I will give one 41 a2 Chr. 9:29 the elders had given him, and con-
tribe, that aMy servant David may sulted the young men who had grown
always have a lamp before Me in up with him, who stood before him.
Jerusalem, the city which I have 42 a2 Chr. 9:30
9 And he said to them, What
chosen for Myself, to put My name advice do you give? How should we
there. 43 a1 Kin. 2:10; answer this people who have spo-
37 So I will take you, and you shall 2 Chr. 9:31 ken to me, saying, Lighten the yoke
reign over all your heart desires, b1 Kin. 14:21;
which your father put on us?
and you shall be king over Israel. 2 Chr. 10:1
1Died and 10 Then the young men who had
38 Then it shall be, if you heed all joined his grown up with him spoke to him,
that I command you, walk in My ancestors saying, Thus you should speak to
ways, and do what is right in My this people who have spoken to you,
sight, to keep My statutes and saying, Your father made our yoke
My commandments, as My servant CHAPTER 12 heavy, but you make it lighter on
David did, then aI will be with you usthus you shall say to them: My
and bbuild for you an enduring little finger shall be thicker than my
house, as I built for David, and will 1 a2 Chr. 10:1 fathers waist!
give Israel to you. bJudg. 9:6
11 And now, whereas my father
39 And I will afflict the descen- put a heavy yoke on you, I will add
dants of David because of this, but to your yoke; my father chastised
not forever. 2 a1 Kin. 11:26
b1 Kin. 11:40 you with whips, but I will chastise
40 Solomon therefore sought to you with 1scourges!
kill Jeroboam. But Jeroboam arose 12 So Jeroboam and all the people
and fled to Egypt, to aShishak king 4 a1 Sam. came to Rehoboam the third day, as
of Egypt, and was in Egypt until the 8:1118; the king had directed, saying,
death of Solomon. 1 Kin. 4:7;
Come back to me the third day.
5:1315 1hard
Death of Solomon 13 Then the king answered the
people 1roughly, and rejected the
41 Now athe rest of the acts of Sol- 7 a2 Chr. 10:7; advice which the elders had given
omon, all that he did, and his wis- [Prov. 15:1] him;
dom, are they not written in the 14 and he spoke to them according
book of the acts of Solomon? to the advice of the young men, say-
11 1Scourges
42 aAnd the period that Solomon with points or ing, My father made your yoke
reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel barbs, lit. heavy, but I will add to your yoke;
was forty years. scorpions my father chastised you with whips,
43 aThen Solomon 1rested with his but I will chastise you with
fathers, and was buried in the City 1scourges!
of David his father. And Rehoboam 13 1harshly
15 So the king did not listen to the
his son reigned in his bplace. people; for athe turn of events was
The Revolt Against Rehoboam 14 1Lit. scor- from the LORD, that He might fulfill
pions His word, which the LORD had bspo-
And aRehoboam went to ken by Ahijah the Shilonite to Jer-
12 bShechem, for all Israel had
gone to Shechem to make him king. 15 aDeut. 2:30;
oboam the son of Nebat.
16 Now when all Israel saw that
Judg. 14:4;
2 So it happened, when aJer- 1 Kin. 12:24; the king did not listen to them, the
oboam the son of Nebat heard it (he 2 Chr. 10:15
b1 Kin. 11:11,
people answered the king, saying:
was still in bEgypt, for he had fled 29, 31
from the presence of King Solomon aWhat share have we in David?
and had been dwelling in Egypt), We have no inheritance in the
3 that they sent and called him. 16 a2 Sam. son of Jesse.
Then Jeroboam and the whole 20:1 To your tents, O Israel!
assembly of Israel came and spoke Now, see to your own house,
to Rehoboam, saying, O David!
4 Your father made our ayoke 17 a1 Kin.
11:13, 36;
1heavy; now therefore, lighten the
2 Chr. So Israel departed to their tents.
burdensome service of your father, 11:1417 17 But Rehoboam reigned over athe
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311 1 KINGS 13:10

children of Israel who dwelt in the 18 a1 Kin. 4:6; the fifteenth day of the eighth
cities of Judah. 5:14 month, like athe feast that was in
18 Then King Rehoboam asent 19 a2 Kin. Judah, and offered sacrifices on the
Adoram, who was in charge of the 17:21 altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing
revenue; but all Israel stoned him 20 a2 Kin. to the calves that he had made. bAnd
with stones, and he died. Therefore 17:21 b1 Kin. at Bethel he installed the priests of
11:13, 32, 36
King Rehoboam mounted his char- the high places which he had made.
iot in haste to flee to Jerusalem. 21 a2 Chr. 33 So he made offerings on the
19 So aIsrael has been in rebellion b2 Sam. 19:17 altar which he had made at Bethel
against the house of David to this 22 a2 Chr. 11:2;
on the fifteenth day of the eighth
day. 12:57 month, in the month which he had
20 Now it came to pass when all adevised in his own heart. And he
24 a1 Kin.
Israel heard that Jeroboam had come 12:15
1ordained a feast for the children of
back, they sent for him and called Israel, and offered sacrifices on the
25 aGen. 12:6;
him to the congregation, and made Judg. 9:4549; altar and bburned incense.
him king over all aIsrael. There was 1 Kin. 12:1
none who followed the house of bGen. 32:30, The Message of the Man of God
David, but the tribe of Judah bonly. 31; Judg. 8:8,
And behold, aa man of God
21 And when aRehoboam came to
Jerusalem, he assembled all the
17 1fortified
27 a[Deut.
13 went from Judah to Bethel 1by
the word of the LORD, band Jer-
house of Judah with the tribe of 12:57, 14]
bBenjamin, one hundred and eighty 28 a2 Kin.
oboam stood by the altar to burn
10:29; 17:16; incense.
thousand chosen men who were [Hos. 8:47] 2 Then he cried out against the
warriors, to fight against the house bEx. 32:4, 8 altar 1by the word of the LORD, and
of Israel, that he might restore the 29 aGen. 28:19 said, O altar, altar! Thus says the
kingdom to Rehoboam the son of bJudg. LORD: Behold, a child, aJosiah by
Solomon. 18:2631 name, shall be born to the house of
22 But athe word of God came to 30 a1 Kin. David; and on you he shall sacrifice
Shemaiah the man of God, saying, 13:34; 2 Kin. the priests of the high places who
23 Speak to Rehoboam the son of 17:21
burn incense on you, and mens
Solomon, king of Judah, to all the 31 a[Num. bones shall be bburned on you.
house of Judah and Benjamin, and 3:10; 17:111];
3 And he gave aa sign the same
to the rest of the people, saying, Judg. 17:5;
1 Kin. 13:33; day, saying, This is the sign which
24 Thus says the LORD: You shall 2 Kin. 17:32; the LORD has spoken: Surely the
not go up nor fight against your 2 Chr. 11:14, altar shall split apart, and the ashes
brethren the children of Israel. Let 15 1Lit. a
on it shall be poured out.
every man return to his house, afor house; cf.
1 Kin. 13:32, 4 So it came to pass when King
this thing is from Me. Therefore lit. houses Jeroboam heard the saying of the
they obeyed the word of the LORD, 32 aLev. 23:33, man of God, who cried out against
and turned back, according to the 34; Num. the altar in Bethel, that he stretched
word of the LORD. 29:12; 1 Kin. out his hand from the altar, saying,
8:2, 5 bAmos
Jeroboams Gold Calves 7:1013 1insti- Arrest him! Then his hand, which
tuted he stretched out toward him, with-
25 Then Jeroboam abuilt1 Shechem 33 aNum. 15:39
ered, so that he could not pull it
in the mountains of Ephraim, and b1 Kin. 13:1 back to himself.
dwelt there. Also he went out from 1instituted 5 The altar also was split apart,
there and built bPenuel. CHAPTER 13
and the ashes poured out from the
26 And Jeroboam said in his heart, altar, according to the sign which
Now the kingdom may return to 1 a2 Kin. 23:17
b1 Kin. 12:32,
the man of God had given by the
the house of David: 33 1at the
word of the LORD.
27 If these people ago up to offer LORDs com- 6 Then the king answered and
sacrifices in the house of the LORD mand said to the man of God, Please aen-
at Jerusalem, then the heart of this 2 a2 Kin. treat the favor of the LORD your
people will turn back to their lord, 23:15, 16 God, and pray for me, that my hand
Rehoboam king of Judah, and they b[Lev. 26:30]
1at the
may be restored to me. So the man
will kill me and go back to LORDs com-
of God entreated the LORD, and the
Rehoboam king of Judah. mand kings hand was restored to him,
28 Therefore the king asked advice, and became as before.
amade two calves of gold, and said to 3 aEx. 4:15;
Judg. 6:17; 7 Then the king said to the man of
the people, It is too much for you to Is. 7:14; 38:7; God, Come home with me and
go up to Jerusalem. bHere are your John 2:18; refresh yourself, and aI will give you
gods, O Israel, which brought you up 1 Cor. 1:22 a reward.
from the land of Egypt! 6 aEx. 8:8; 8 But the man of God said to the
29 And he set up one in aBethel, 9:28; 10:17; king, aIf you were to give me half
Num. 21:7;
and the other he put in bDan. Jer. 37:3; Acts your house, I would not go in with
30 Now this thing became aa sin, 8:24; [James you; nor would I eat bread nor drink
for the people went to worship 5:16] water in this place.
before the one as far as Dan. 7 a1 Sam. 9:7; 9 For so it was commanded me
31 He made 1shrines on the high 2 Kin. 5:15 by the word of the LORD, saying,
places, aand made priests from 8 aNum. 22:18;
aYou shall not eat bread, nor drink
every class of people, who were not 24:13; 1 Kin. water, nor return by the same way
of the sons of Levi. 13:16, 17 you came.
32 Jeroboam 1ordained a feast on 9 a[1 Cor. 5:11] 10 So he went another way and did
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1 KINGS 13:11 312

not return by the way he came to 11 a1 Kin. and the lion standing by the corpse.
Bethel. 13:25 1Lit. son Then they went and told it in the
city where the old prophet dwelt.
Death of the Man of God 26 Now when the prophet who had
12 1LXX, Syr., brought him back from the way
11 Now an aold prophet dwelt in Tg., Vg. heard it, he said, It is the man of
Bethel, and his 1sons came and told showed him God who was disobedient to the
him all the works that the man of word of the LORD. Therefore the
God had done that day in Bethel; LORD has delivered him to the lion,
they also told their father the words 16 a1 Kin. which has torn him and killed him,
which he had spoken to the king. 13:8, 9 according to the word of the LORD
12 And their father said to them, which He spoke to him.
Which way did he go? For his sons 27 And he spoke to his sons, say-
1had seen which way the man of
17 a1 Kin. ing, Saddle the donkey for me. So
God went who came from Judah. 20:35; they saddled it.
13 Then he said to his sons, Sad- 1 Thess. 4:15 28 Then he went and found his
1Lit. a com-
dle the donkey for me. So they sad- corpse thrown on the road, and the
mand came
dled the donkey for him; and he to me by donkey and the lion standing by
rode on it, the corpse. The lion had not eaten
14 and went after the man of God, the corpse nor torn the donkey.
and found him sitting under an oak. 29 And the prophet took up the
Then he said to him, Are you the 22 a1 Kin. 13:9
corpse of the man of God, laid it on
man of God who came from Judah? the donkey, and brought it back. So
And he said, I am. the old prophet came to the city to
15 Then he said to him, Come 24 a1 Kin. mourn, and to bury him.
home with me and eat bread. 20:36 30 Then he laid the corpse in his
16 And he said, aI cannot return own tomb; and they mourned over
with you nor go in with you; neither him, saying, aAlas, my brother!
can I eat bread nor drink water with 30 aJer. 22:18 31 So it was, after he had buried
you in this place. him, that he spoke to his sons, say-
17 For 1I have been told aby the ing, When I am dead, then bury me
word of the LORD, You shall not eat
31 aRuth 1:17;
in the tomb where the man of God is
bread nor drink water there, nor 2 Kin. 23:17, buried; alay my bones beside his
return by going the way you came. 18 bones.
18 He said to him, I too am a 32 aFor the 1saying which he cried
prophet as you are, and an angel out by the word of the LORD against
spoke to me by the word of the the altar in Bethel, and against all
32 a1 Kin. 13:2;
LORD, saying, Bring him back with 2 Kin. 23:16, the 2shrines on the high places
you to your house, that he may eat 19 b1 Kin. which are in the cities of bSamaria,
bread and drink water. (He was 16:24; John will surely come to pass.
lying to him.) 4:5; Acts 8:14
1Lit. word
33 aAfter this event Jeroboam did
19 So he went back with him, and 2Lit. houses not turn from his evil way, but again
ate bread in his house, and drank he made priests from every class of
water. people for the high places; whoever
20 Now it happened, as they sat at wished, he consecrated him, and he
the table, that the word of the LORD 33 a1 Kin. became one of the priests of the
12:31, 32;
came to the prophet who had 2 Chr. 11:15; high places.
brought him back; 13:9 34 aAnd this thing was the sin of
21 and he cried out to the man of the house of Jeroboam, so as bto
God who came from Judah, saying, exterminate and destroy it from the
Thus says the LORD: Because you face of the earth.
34 a1 Kin.
have disobeyed the word of the 12:30; 2 Kin.
LORD, and have not kept the com- 17:21 b[1 Kin. Judgment on the House of
mandment which the LORD your 14:10; 15:29,
God commanded you, 30]
22 but you came back, ate bread, At that time Abijah the son of
and drank water in the aplace of
which the LORD said to you, Eat no CHAPTER 14
14 Jeroboam became sick.
2 And Jeroboam said to his wife,
bread and drink no water, your Please arise, and disguise yourself,
corpse shall not come to the tomb of that they may not recognize you as
your fathers. 2 a1 Kin.
the wife of Jeroboam, and go to
23 So it was, after he had eaten 11:2931 Shiloh. Indeed, Ahijah the prophet
bread and after he had drunk, that is there, who told me that aI would
he saddled the donkey for him, the be king over this people.
prophet whom he had brought 3 aAlso take 1with you ten loaves,
back. 3 a1 Sam. 9:7, some cakes, and a jar of honey, and
8; 1 Kin. 13:7;
24 When he was gone, aa lion met 2 Kin. 4:42 go to him; he will tell you what will
him on the road and killed him. And 1Lit. in your become of the child.
his corpse was thrown on the road, hand 4 And Jeroboams wife did so; she
and the donkey stood by it. The lion arose aand went to Shiloh, and came
also stood by the corpse. to the house of Ahijah. But Ahijah
25 And there, men passed by and 4 a1 Kin. 11:29 could not see, for his eyes were
saw the corpse thrown on the road, 1Lit. set 1glazed by reason of his age.
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313 1 KINGS 14:31

5 Now the LORD had said to Ahi- 7 a1 Kin. 16:2 18 And they buried him; and all
jah, Here is the wife of Jeroboam, 8 a1 Kin. 11:31
b1 Kin. 11:33,
Israel mourned for him, aaccording
coming to ask you something about 38; 15:5
to the word of the LORD which He
her son, for he is sick. Thus and thus 9 a1 Kin. 12:28
spoke through His servant Ahijah
you shall say to her; for it will be, bPs. 50:17 the prophet.
when she comes in, that she will 10 a1 Kin.
pretend to be another woman. 15:29 b1 Kin.
Death of Jeroboam
6 And so it was, when Ahijah 21:21 cDeut. 19 Now the rest of the acts of Jer-
heard the sound of her footsteps as 32:36
11 a1 Kin.
oboam, how he amade war and how
she came through the door, he said, 16:4; 21:24 he reigned, indeed they are written
Come in, wife of Jeroboam. Why do in the book of the chronicles of the
12 a1 Kin.
you pretend to be another person? 14:17 kings of Israel.
For I have been sent to you with bad 13 a2 Chr. 20 The period that Jeroboam
news. 12:12; 19:3 reigned was twenty-two years. So
7 Go, tell Jeroboam, Thus says the 1Be buried
he rested with his fathers. Then
LORD God of Israel: aBecause I ex- 14 a1 Kin. aNadab his son reigned in his place.
alted you from among the people, and 15:2729 1Or
this day and
made you ruler over My people Israel, from now on
Rehoboam Reigns in Judah
8 and atore the kingdom away 15 a2 Kin. 17:6 21 And Rehoboam the son of
from the house of David, and gave it b[Josh. 23:15,
Solomon reigned in Judah. aRe-
to you; and yet you have not been as 16] c2 Kin.
hoboam was forty-one years old
My servant David, bwho kept My 15:29 d[Ex.
commandments and who followed 34:13, 14] when he became king. He reigned
Me with all his heart, to do only
1The Eu- seventeen years in Jerusalem, the
phrates 2Heb. city bwhich the LORD had chosen
what was right in My eyes; Asherim,
out of all the tribes of Israel, to put
9 but you have done more evil Canaanite
deities His name there. cHis mothers name
than all who were before you, afor was Naamah, an Ammonitess.
16 a1 Kin.
you have gone and made for your- 12:30; 13:34; 22 aNow Judah did evil in the sight
self other gods and molded images 15:30, 34; 16:2 of the LORD, and they bprovoked
to provoke Me to anger, and bhave 17 aSong 6:4 Him to jealousy with their sins
cast Me behind your back b1 Kin. 14:12
which they committed, more than
10 therefore behold! aI will bring 18 a1 Kin. all that their fathers had done.
disaster on the house of Jeroboam, 14:13
23 For they also built for them-
and bwill cut off from Jeroboam 19 a2 Chr.
selves ahigh1 places, bsacred pillars,
every male in Israel, cbond and free; 13:220
20 a1 Kin. and cwooden images on every high
I will take away the remnant of the 15:25 hill and dunder every green tree.
house of Jeroboam, as one takes 24 aAnd there were also 1perverted
21 a2 Chr.
away refuse until it is all gone. 12:13 b1 Kin. persons in the land. They did
11 The dogs shall eat awhoever 11:32, 36 according to all the babominations
belongs to Jeroboam and dies in the c1 Kin. 14:31
of the nations which the LORD had
city, and the birds of the air shall eat 22 a2 Chr. cast out before the children of cIs-
whoever dies in the field; for the 12:1, 14
bDeut. 32:21 rael.
LORD has spoken! 25 aIt happened in the fifth year of
23 aDeut. 12:2
12 Arise therefore, go to your own b[Deut. 16:22] King Rehoboam that Shishak king
house. aWhen your feet enter the c[2 Kin. 17:9, of Egypt came up against Jerusalem.
city, the child shall die. 10] dIs. 57:5 26 aAnd he took away the treasures
1Places for
13 And all Israel shall mourn for of the house of the LORD and the
pagan wor-
him and bury him, for he is the only ship treasures of the kings house; he
one of Jeroboam who shall 1come to 24 aDeut. took away everything. He also took
the grave, because in him athere is 23:17 bDeut. away all the gold shields bwhich
found something good toward the 20:18 c[Deut. Solomon had made.
LORD God of Israel in the house of 9:4, 5] 1Heb.
qadesh, one 27 Then King Rehoboam made
Jeroboam. practicing bronze shields in their place, and
14 aMoreover the LORD will raise sodomy and 1committed them to the hands of the
up for Himself a king over Israel who prostitution in captains of the 2guard, who guarded
shall cut off the house of Jeroboam; religious ritu-
als the doorway of the kings house.
1this is the day. What? Even now!
25 a1 Kin.
28 And whenever the king entered
15 For the LORD will strike Israel, 11:40 the house of the LORD, the guards
as a reed is shaken in the water. He 26 a2 Chr. carried them, then brought them
will auproot Israel from this bgood 12:911 back into the guardroom.
land which He gave to their fathers, b1 Kin. 10:17
29 aNow the rest of the acts of
and will scatter them cbeyond 1the 27 1entrusted Rehoboam, and all that he did, are
2Lit. runners
River, dbecause they have made they not written in the book of the
their 2wooden images, provoking 29 a2 Chr. chronicles of the kings of Judah?
the LORD to anger. 12:15, 16
30 And there was awar between
30 a1 Kin.
16 And He will give Israel up 12:2124; 15:6 Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their
because of the sins of Jeroboam, 31 a2 Chr.
awho sinned and who made Israel 31 aSo Rehoboam 1rested with his
12:16 b1 Kin.
sin. 14:21 c2 Chr. fathers, and was buried with
17 Then Jeroboams wife arose and 12:16 1Died his fathers in the City of David. bHis
departed, and came to aTirzah. and joined his mothers name was Naamah, an
bWhen she came to the threshold of ancestors
2Abijah, Ammonitess. Then cAbijam2 his son
the house, the child died. 2 Chr. 12:16 reigned in his place.
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1 KINGS 15:1 314

Abijam Reigns in Judah CHAPTER 15 cthat he might let none go out or

aIn the eighteenth year of

1 a2 Chr. 13:1 come in to Asa king of Judah.
15 King Jeroboam the son of
Nebat, Abijam became king over
2 a2 Chr.
b2 Chr. 13:2
18 Then Asa took all the silver and
gold that was left in the treasuries
c2 Chr. 11:21 of the house of the LORD and the
Judah. treasuries of the kings house, and
2 He reigned three years in 3 aPs. 119:80
1Lit. at peace delivered them into the hand of his
Jerusalem. aHis mothers name was with servants. And King Asa sent them to
bMaachah the granddaughter of
4 a2 Sam. aBen-Hadad the son of Tabrimmon,
21:17 the son of Hezion, king of Syria,
3 And he walked in all the sins of 5 a1 Kin. 9:4; who dwelt in bDamascus, saying,
his father, which he had done before 14:8 b2 Sam.
19 Let there be a treaty between
him; ahis heart was not 1loyal to the 11:3, 1517;
you and me, as there was between
12:9, 10
LORD his God, as was the heart of my father and your father. See, I
his father David. 6 a1 Kin. 14:30
4 Nevertheless afor Davids sake
1So with MT, have sent you a present of silver and
LXX, Tg., Vg.; gold. Come and break your treaty
the LORD his God gave him a lamp in some Heb.
with Baasha king of Israel, so that
Jerusalem, by setting up his son after mss., Syr. Abi-
him and by establishing Jerusalem; jam he will withdraw from me.
5 because David adid what was 7 a2 Chr. 20 So Ben-Hadad heeded King
right in the eyes of the LORD, and 13:222 Asa, and asent the captains of his
had not turned aside from anything 8 a2 Chr. 14:1 armies against the cities of Israel.
1Died and
that He commanded him all the He attacked bIjon, cDan, dAbel Beth
joined his
days of his life, bexcept in the matter ancestors Maachah, and all Chinneroth, with
of Uriah the Hittite. 11 a2 Chr. 14:2 all the land of Naphtali.
6 aAnd there was war between 12 a1 Kin. 21 Now it happened, when Baasha
1Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the 14:24; 22:46 heard it, that he stopped building
days of his life.
1Heb. Ramah, and remained in aTirzah.
qedeshim, 22 aThen King Asa made a procla-
7 aNow the rest of the acts of Abi- those practic-
jam, and all that he did, are they not ing sodomy mation throughout all Judah; none
written in the book of the chronicles and prostitu- was exempted. And they took away
of the kings of Judah? And there tion in reli- the stones and timber of Ramah,
gious rituals which Baasha had used for build-
was war between Abijam and Jer- 13 a2 Chr.
oboam. ing; and with them King Asa built
15:1618 bEx. bGeba of Benjamin, and cMizpah.
8 aSo Abijam 1rested with his 32:20 1A
fathers, and they buried him in the Canaanite 23 The rest of all the acts of Asa, all
City of David. Then Asa his son goddess his might, all that he did, and the
reigned in his place. 14 a1 Kin. 3:2; cities which he built, are they not
22:43 b1 Kin. written in the book of the chronicles
8:61; 15:3
Asa Reigns in Judah 1Places for of the kings of Judah? But ain the
pagan wor- time of his old age he was diseased
9 In the twentieth year of Jer- ship in his feet.
oboam king of Israel, Asa became 15 a1 Kin. 7:51 24 So Asa 1rested with his fathers,
king over Judah. 17 a2 Chr. and was buried with his fathers in
10 And he reigned forty-one years 16:16 bJosh. the City of David his father. aThen
in Jerusalem. His grandmothers 18:25 c1 Kin. bJehoshaphat his son reigned in his
name was Maachah the grand- 12:2629
daughter of Abishalom. 18 a2 Chr. 16:2
b1 Kin. 11:23,
11 aAsa did what was right in the 24 Nadab Reigns in Israel
eyes of the LORD, as did his father 20 a1 Kin. 20:1
David. b2 Kin. 15:29
25 Now aNadab the son of Jer-
12 aAnd he banished the 1perverted cJudg. 18:29 oboam became king over Israel in
persons from the land, and removed d2 Sam. 20:14, the second year of Asa king of
all the idols that his fathers had 15 Judah, and he reigned over Israel
made. 21 a1 Kin. two years.
14:17; 26 And he did evil in the sight of
13 Also he removed aMaachah his 16:1518
grandmother from being queen the LORD, and walked in the way of
22 a2 Chr. 16:6
mother, because she had made an bJosh. 21:17 his father, and in ahis sin by which
obscene image of 1Asherah. And cJosh. 18:26 he had made Israel sin.
Asa cut down her obscene image 23 a2 Chr. 27 aThen Baasha the son of Ahijah,
and bburned it by the Brook Kidron. 16:1114 of the house of Issachar, conspired
14 aBut the 1high places were not 24 a2 Chr. 17:1 against him. And Baasha killed him
removed. Nevertheless Asas bheart bMatt. 1:8
1Died and
at bGibbethon, which belonged to
was loyal to the LORD all his days. joined his the Philistines, while Nadab and all
15 He also brought into the house ancestors Israel laid siege to Gibbethon.
of the LORD the things which his 25 a1 Kin. 28 Baasha killed him in the third
father ahad dedicated, and the 14:20 year of Asa king of Judah, and
things which he himself had dedi- 26 a1 Kin. reigned in his place.
cated: silver and gold and utensils. 12:2833; 29 And it was so, when he became
16 Now there was war between king, that he killed all the house of
27 a1 Kin. Jeroboam. He did not leave to Jer-
Asa and Baasha king of Israel all 14:14 bJosh.
their days. 19:44; 21:23 oboam anyone that breathed, until he
17 And aBaasha king of Israel came 29 a1 Kin. had destroyed him, according to athe
up against Judah, and built bRamah, 14:1014 word of the LORD which He had spo-
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315 1 KINGS 16:24

ken by His servant Ahijah the Shi- 30 a1 Kin. him and killed him in the twenty-
lonite, 14:9, 16 seventh year of Asa king of Judah,
30 abecause of the sins of Jer- and reigned in his place.
oboam, which he had sinned and by 32 a1 Kin. 11 Then it came to pass, when he
which he had made Israel sin, began to reign, as soon as he was
because of his provocation with seated on his throne, that he killed
which he had provoked the LORD 34 a1 Kin. all the household of Baasha; he adid
13:33; 14:16
God of Israel to anger. not leave him one male, neither of
31 Now the rest of the acts of his relatives nor of his friends.
Nadab, and all that he did, are they CHAPTER 16 12 Thus Zimri destroyed all the
not written in the book of the chron- household of Baasha, aaccording to
icles of the kings of Israel? 1 a1 Kin. 16:7; the word of the LORD, which He
32 aAnd there was war between 2 Chr. 19:2; spoke against Baasha by Jehu the
Asa and Baasha king of Israel all 20:34 b2 Chr. prophet,
their days. c1 Kin. 15:27 13 for all the sins of Baasha and
the sins of Elah his son, by which
Baasha Reigns in Israel they had sinned and by which they
2 a1 Sam. 2:8;
33 In the third year of Asa king of 1 Kin. 14:7 had made Israel sin, in provoking
Judah, Baasha the son of Ahijah b1 Kin. the LORD God of Israel to anger
12:2533; awith their 1idols.
became king over all Israel in Tirzah, 15:34
and reigned twenty-four years. 14 Now the rest of the acts of Elah,
34 He did evil in the sight of the and all that he did, are they not writ-
LORD, and walked in athe way of 3 a1 Kin. ten in the book of the chronicles of
16:11; 21:21 the kings of Israel?
Jeroboam, and in his sin by which b1 Kin. 14:10;
he had made Israel sin. 15:29 1con-
Zimri Reigns in Israel
Then the word of the LORD sume
16 came to aJehu the son of
bHanani, against cBaasha, saying: 4 a1 Kin.
15 In the twenty-seventh year of
Asa king of Judah, Zimri had
2 aInasmuch as I lifted you out of 14:11; 21:24 reigned in Tirzah seven days. And
the dust and made you ruler over the people were encamped aagainst
My people Israel, and byou have 5 a2 Chr. 16:11 Gibbethon, which belonged to the
walked in the way of Jeroboam, and Philistines.
have made My people Israel sin, to 6 a1 Kin. 16 Now the people who were
provoke Me to anger with their sins, 14:17; 15:21
1Died and
encamped heard it said, Zimri has
3 surely I will atake1 away the joined his
conspired and also has killed the
posterity of Baasha and the poster- ancestors king. So all Israel made Omri, the
ity of his house, and I will make commander of the army, king over
your house like bthe house of Jer- 7 a1 Kin. 16:1 Israel that day in the camp.
oboam the son of Nebat. b1 Kin. 15:27, 17 Then Omri and all Israel with
4 The dogs shall eat awhoever 29 him went up from Gibbethon, and
belongs to Baasha and dies in the they besieged Tirzah.
city, and the birds of the air shall eat 9 a2 Kin. 18 And it happened, when Zimri
whoever dies in the fields. 9:3033 bGen. saw that the city was 1taken, that he
5 Now the rest of the acts of 24:2; 39:4; went into the citadel of the kings
1 Kin. 18:3
Baasha, what he did, and his might, 1Lit. who was house and burned the kings house
aare they not written in the book of 2down upon himself with fire, and
over the
the chronicles of the kings of Israel? house died,
6 So Baasha 1rested with his 19 because of the sins which he
fathers and was buried in aTirzah. 11 a1 Sam. had committed in doing evil in the
Then Elah his son reigned in his 25:22 sight of the LORD, ain walking in the
place. bway of Jeroboam, and in his sin
7 And also the word of the LORD 12 a1 Kin. 16:3 which he had committed to make
came by the prophet aJehu the son Israel sin.
of Hanani against Baasha and his 13 aDeut. 20 Now the rest of the acts of Zimri,
house, because of all the evil that he 32:21; 1 Sam. and the treason he committed, are
did in the sight of the LORD in pro- 12:21; [Is. they not written in the book of the
voking Him to anger with the work 41:29; Jon. chronicles of the kings of Israel?
2:8; 1 Cor. 8:4;
of his hands, in being like the house 10:19] 1Lit.
of Jeroboam, and because bhe killed vanities
Omri Reigns in Israel
them. 21 Then the people of Israel were
Elah Reigns in Israel 15 a1 Kin. divided into two parts: half of the
15:27 people followed Tibni the son of
8 In the twenty-sixth year of Asa Ginath, to make him king, and half
king of Judah, Elah the son of 18 1captured
2Lit. over him
followed Omri.
Baasha became king over Israel, 22 But the people who followed
and reigned two years in Tirzah. Omri prevailed over the people who
9 aNow his servant Zimri, com- 19 a1 Kin. followed Tibni the son of Ginath. So
mander of half his chariots, con- 15:26, 34 Tibni died and Omri reigned.
b1 Kin.
spired against him as he was in 12:2533 23 In the thirty-first year of Asa
Tirzah drinking himself drunk in king of Judah, Omri became king
the house of Arza, bsteward1 of his 23 a1 Kin. over Israel, and reigned twelve years.
house in Tirzah. 15:21; 2 Kin. Six years he reigned in aTirzah.
10 And Zimri went in and struck 15:14 24 And he bought the hill of
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1 KINGS 16:25 316

Samaria from Shemer for two tal- 24 a1 Kin. and stayed by the Brook Cherith,
ents of silver; then he built on the 13:32; 2 Kin. which flows into the Jordan.
17:24; John
hill, and called the name of the city 4:4 1Heb. 6 The ravens brought him bread
which he built, aSamaria,1 after the Shomeron and meat in the morning, and bread
name of Shemer, owner of the hill. and meat in the evening; and he
25 aOmri did evil in the eyes of the drank from the brook.
LORD, and did worse than all who 25 aMic. 6:16
7 And it happened after a while
were before him. that the brook dried up, because
26 For he awalked in all the ways of there had been no rain in the land.
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and in
his sin by which he had made Israel 26 a1 Kin. Elijah and the Widow
sin, provoking the LORD God of 16:19 b1 Kin.
16:13 1Lit. 8 Then the word of the LORD
Israel to anger with their bidols.1 vanities came to him, saying,
27 Now the rest of the acts of Omri 9 Arise, go to aZarephath, which
which he did, and the might that he belongs to bSidon, and dwell there.
showed, are they not written in the See, I have commanded a widow
book of the chronicles of the kings 31 aDeut. 7:3
bJudg. 18:7; there to provide for you.
of Israel? 1 Kin. 11:15 10 So he arose and went to
28 So Omri rested with his fathers c1 Kin. 21:25,
Zarephath. And when he came to the
and was buried in Samaria. Then 26; 2 Kin.
gate of the city, indeed a widow was
10:18; 17:16
Ahab his son reigned in his place. there gathering sticks. And he called
Ahab Reigns in Israel to her and said, Please bring me a
little water in a cup, that I may drink.
29 In the thirty-eighth year of Asa 32 a2 Kin. 11 And as she was going to get it,
10:21, 26, 27
king of Judah, Ahab the son of Omri he called to her and said, Please
became king over Israel; and Ahab bring me a morsel of bread in your
the son of Omri reigned over Israel hand.
in Samaria twenty-two years. 33 a2 Kin. 13:6
b1 Kin. 14:9;
12 So she said, As the LORD your
30 Now Ahab the son of Omri did 16:29, 30;
God lives, I do not have bread, only
evil in the sight of the LORD, more 21:25 1Heb. a handful of flour in a bin, and a lit-
than all who were before him. Asherah, a tle oil in a 1jar; and see, I am gather-
31 And it came to pass, as though it Canaanite ing a couple of sticks that I may go
had been a trivial thing for him to goddess in and prepare it for myself and my
walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son son, that we may eat it, and adie.
of Nebat, athat he took as wife 13 And Elijah said to her, Do not
Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, 34 aJosh. 6:26 fear; go and do as you have said, but
1At the cost of
king of the bSidonians; cand he went make me a small cake from it first,
and served Baal and worshiped him. the life of and bring it to me; and afterward
32 Then he set up an altar for Baal make some for yourself and your
in athe temple of Baal, which he had son.
built in Samaria. 14 For thus says the LORD God of
33 aAnd Ahab made a 1wooden CHAPTER 17 Israel: The bin of flour shall not be
image. Ahab bdid more to provoke used up, nor shall the jar of oil run
the LORD God of Israel to anger dry, until the day the LORD sends
than all the kings of Israel who were rain on the earth.
before him. 1 aJudg. 12:4 15 So she went away and did
b1 Kin. 18:10;
34 In his days Hiel of Bethel built according to the word of Elijah; and
Jericho. He laid its foundation 1with 22:14; 2 Kin. she and he and her household ate
3:14; 5:20
Abiram his firstborn, and with his cDeut. 10:8 for many days.
youngest son Segub he set up its d1 Kin. 18:1; 16 The bin of flour was not used
gates, aaccording to the word of the James 5:17
eLuke 4:25
up, nor did the jar of oil run dry,
LORD, which He had spoken according to the word of the LORD
through Joshua the son of Nun. which He spoke by Elijah.
Elijah Proclaims a Drought 4 aJob 38:41 Elijah Revives the Widows Son
And Elijah the Tishbite, of the 17 Now it happened after these
17 ainhabitants of Gilead, said to
Ahab, bAs the LORD God of Israel 9 aObad. 20;
things that the son of the woman
who owned the house became sick.
lives, cbefore whom I stand, dthere Luke 4:25, 26
b2 Sam. 24:6
And his sickness was so 1serious
shall not be dew nor rain ethese that 2there was no breath left in him.
years, except at my word. 18 So she said to Elijah, aWhat
2 Then the word of the LORD have I to do with you, O man of
came to him, saying, 12 aDeut. God? Have you come to me to bring
3 Get away from here and turn 28:23, 24 1Lit. my sin to remembrance, and to kill
eastward, and hide by the Brook pitcher or my son?
water jar
Cherith, which flows into the Jor- 19 And he said to her, Give me
dan. your son. So he took him out of her
4 And it will be that you shall arms and carried him to the upper
drink from the brook, and I have 17 1severe 2He room where he was staying, and
commanded the aravens to feed you died. laid him on his own bed.
there. 20 Then he cried out to the LORD
5 So he went and did according to and said, O LORD my God, have You
the word of the LORD, for he went 18 aLuke 5:8 also brought tragedy on the widow
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317 1 KINGS 18:26

with whom I lodge, by killing her 21 a2 Kin. 4:34, to a place I do not know; so when I
son? 35; Acts 20:10 go and tell Ahab, and he cannot find
21 aAnd he stretched himself out you, he will kill me. But I your ser-
on the child three times, and cried vant have feared the LORD from my
out to the LORD and said, O LORD 22 aLuke 7:14, youth.
my God, I pray, let this childs soul 15; Heb. 11:35 13 Was it not reported to my lord
come back to him. what I did when Jezebel killed the
22 Then the LORD heard the voice prophets of the LORD, how I hid one
of Elijah; and the soul of the child 24 aJohn 2:11; hundred men of the LORDs proph-
came back to him, and he arevived. 3:2; 16:30 ets, fifty to a cave, and fed them with
23 And Elijah took the child and bread and water?
brought him down from the upper 14 And now you say, Go, tell your
room into the house, and gave him CHAPTER 18 master, Elijah is here. He will kill
to his mother. And Elijah said, See, me!
your son lives! 15 Then Elijah said, As the LORD
24 Then the woman said to Elijah, 1 a1 Kin. 17:1; of hosts lives, before whom I stand,
Now by this aI know that you are a Luke 4:25; I will surely present myself to him
man of God, and that the word of James 5:17
bDeut. 28:12
the LORD in your mouth is the 16 So Obadiah went to meet Ahab,
truth. and told him; and Ahab went to
meet Elijah.
Elijahs Message to Ahab 3 1Lit. over 17 Then it happened, when Ahab
the house saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him,
And it came to pass after
18 amany days that the word of
the LORD came to Elijah, in the third
aIs that you, O btroubler of Israel?
18 And he answered, I have not
year, saying, Go, present yourself 4 1Lit. cut off troubled Israel, but you and your
to Ahab, and bI will send rain on the fathers house have, ain that you
earth. have forsaken the commandments
2 So Elijah went to present him- 7 a2 Kin. 1:68 of the LORD and have followed the
self to Ahab; and there was a severe Baals.
famine in Samaria. 19 Now therefore, send and gather
3 And Ahab had called Obadiah, 12 a2 Kin. 2:16;
all Israel to me on aMount Carmel,
who was 1in charge of his house. Ezek. 3:12, 14; the four hundred and fifty prophets
(Now Obadiah feared the LORD Matt. 4:1; Acts of Baal, band the four hundred
greatly. 8:39 prophets of 1Asherah, who 2eat at
4 For so it was, while Jezebel Jezebels table.
1massacred the prophets of the
17 a1 Kin. Elijahs Mount Carmel Victory
LORD, that Obadiah had taken one 21:20 bJosh.
hundred prophets and hidden them, 7:25; Acts 20 So Ahab sent for all the children
fifty to a cave, and had fed them 16:20 of Israel, and agathered the prophets
with bread and water.) together on Mount Carmel.
5 And Ahab had said to Obadiah, 21 And Elijah came to all the peo-
Go into the land to all the springs 18 a1 Kin. ple, and said, aHow long will you
of water and to all the brooks; per- 16:3033; falter between two opinions? If the
haps we may find grass to keep the [2 Chr. 15:2] LORD is God, follow Him; but if
horses and mules alive, so that we Baal, bfollow him. But the people
will not have to kill any livestock. answered him not a word.
6 So they divided the land 19 aJosh. 22 Then Elijah said to the people,
between them to explore it; Ahab 19:26; 2 Kin. aI alone am left a prophet of the
went one way by himself, and Oba- 2:25 b1 Kin. LORD; bbut Baals prophets are four
16:33 1A
diah went another way by himself. Canaanite hundred and fifty men.
7 Now as Obadiah was on his goddess 2Are 23 Therefore let them give us two
way, suddenly Elijah met him; and provided for bulls; and let them choose one bull
he arecognized him, and fell on his by Jezebel for themselves, cut it in pieces, and
face, and said, Is that you, my lord lay it on the wood, but put no fire
Elijah? under it; and I will prepare the other
8 And he answered him, It is I. 20 a1 Kin. 22:6 bull, and lay it on the wood, but put
Go, tell your master, Elijah is here. no fire under it.
9 So he said, How have I sinned, 24 Then you call on the name of
that you are delivering your servant 21 a2 Kin. your gods, and I will call on the
into the hand of Ahab, to kill me? 17:41; [Matt. name of the LORD; and the God who
10 As the LORD your God lives, 6:24] bJosh. aanswers by fire, He is God. So all
there is no nation or kingdom where the people answered and said, 1It is
my master has not sent someone to well spoken.
hunt for you; and when they said, 25 Now Elijah said to the prophets
He is not here, he took an oath 22 a1 Kin. of Baal, Choose one bull for your-
from the kingdom or nation that 19:10, 14 selves and prepare it first, for you
b1 Kin. 18:19
they could not find you. are many; and call on the name of
11 And now you say, Go, tell your your god, but put no fire under it.
master, Elijah is here ! 26 So they took the bull which was
12 And it shall come to pass, as 24 a1 Kin. given them, and they prepared it,
18:38; 1 Chr.
soon as I am gone from you, that 21:26 1Lit. The and called on the name of Baal from
athe Spirit of the LORD will carry you word is good morning even till noon, saying, O
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1 KINGS 18:27 318

Baal, 1hear us! But there was ano 26 aPs. 115:5; to the Brook bKishon and cexecuted
voice; no one answered. Then they Jer. 10:5; them there.
2leaped about the altar which they [1 Cor. 8:4]
1answer 2Lit.
had made. limped about,
The Drought Ends
27 And so it was, at noon, that Eli- leaped in 41 Then Elijah said to Ahab, Go
jah mocked them and said, Cry dancing
1aloud, for he is a god; either he is around up, eat and drink; for there is the
27 1with a
sound of abundance of rain.
meditating, or he is busy, or he is on 42 So Ahab went up to eat and
loud voice
a journey, or perhaps he is sleeping drink. And Elijah went up to the top
and must be awakened. 28 a[Lev. 19:28;
Deut. 14:1] of Carmel; athen he bowed down on
28 So they cried aloud, and acut 1swords the ground, and put his face
themselves, as was their custom, between his knees,
with 1knives and lances, until the 29 aEx. 29:39,
41 b1 Kin. 43 and said to his servant, Go up
blood gushed out on them. 18:26 now, look toward the sea. So he
29 And when midday was past, 30 a1 Kin. went up and looked, and said,
athey prophesied until the time of
19:10, 14; There is nothing. And seven times
the offering of the evening sacrifice. 2 Chr. 33:16 he said, Go again.
But there was bno voice; no one 31 aGen. 32:28; 44 Then it came to pass the seventh
answered, no one paid attention. 35:10; 2 Kin. time, that he said, There is a cloud,
30 Then Elijah said to all the peo- 17:34 as small as a mans hand, rising out
ple, Come near to me. So all the 32 a[Ex. 20:25; of the sea! So he said, Go up, say to
people came near to him. aAnd he Col. 3:17] Ahab, 1Prepare your chariot, and go
repaired the altar of the LORD that 33 aGen. 22:9; down before the rain stops you.
was broken down. Lev. 1:68 45 Now it happened in the mean-
bJudg. 6:20
31 And Elijah took twelve stones, time that the sky became black with
according to the number of the 35 a1 Kin. clouds and wind, and there was a
tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom 18:32, 38 heavy rain. So Ahab rode away and
the word of the LORD had come, 36 aGen. 28:13; went to Jezreel.
saying, aIsrael shall be your name. Ex. 3:6; 4:5; 46 Then the ahand of the LORD
32 Then with the stones he built an [Matt. 22:32] came upon Elijah; and he bgirded1
b1 Kin. 8:43;
altar ain the name of the LORD; and 2 Kin. 19:19 up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab
he made a trench around the altar cNum. 16:28 to the entrance of Jezreel.
large enough to hold two seahs of 38 aGen. 15:17;
seed. Lev. 9:24;
Elijah Escapes from Jezebel
33 And he aput the wood in order, 10:1, 2; Judg. And Ahab told Jezebel all that
cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on
the wood, and said, Fill four water-
6:21; 2 Kin.
1:12; 1 Chr.
21:26; 2 Chr.
19 Elijah had done, also how he
had aexecuted all the prophets with
pots with water, and bpour it on the 7:1; Job 1:16 the sword.
burnt sacrifice and on the wood. 39 a1 Kin. 2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger
34 Then he said, Do it a second 18:21, 24 to Elijah, saying, aSo let the gods
time, and they did it a second time; 40 a2 Kin. do to me, and more also, if I do not
and he said, Do it a third time, and 10:25 bJudg. make your life as the life of one of
they did it a third time. 4:7; 5:21 them by tomorrow about this time.
35 So the water ran all around the c[Deut. 13:5;
3 And when he saw that, he arose
altar; and he also filled athe trench 18:20]
and ran for his life, and went to
with water. 42 aJames Beersheba, which belongs to Judah,
36 And it came to pass, at the time 5:17, 18
and left his servant there.
of the offering of the evening sacri- 44 1Lit. Bind 4 But he himself went a days
fice, that Elijah the prophet came or Harness journey into the wilderness, and
near and said, LORD aGod of Abra- 46 a2 Kin. 3:15; came and sat down under a 1broom
ham, Isaac, and Israel, blet it be Is. 8:11; Ezek. tree. And he aprayed that he might
known this day that You are God in 3:14 b2 Kin.
4:29; 9:1; Jer. die, and said, It is enough! Now,
Israel and I am Your servant, and 1:17; 1 Pet. LORD, take my life, for I am no bet-
that cI have done all these things at 1:13 1Tucked ter than my fathers!
Your word. the skirts of 5 Then as he lay and slept under a
37 Hear me, O LORD, hear me, his robe in his broom tree, suddenly an angel
belt in prepa-
that this people may know that You ration for touched him, and said to him, Arise
are the LORD God, and that You quick travel and eat.
have turned their hearts back to CHAPTER 19 6 Then he looked, and there by his
You again. head was a cake baked on 1coals,
38 Then athe fire of the LORD fell 1 a1 Kin. 18:40 and a jar of water. So he ate and
and consumed the burnt sacrifice, 2 aRuth 1:17; drank, and lay down again.
and the wood and the stones and 1 Kin. 20:10; 7 And the angel of the LORD came
the dust, and it licked up the water 2 Kin. 6:31
back the second time, and touched
that was in the trench. 4 aNum. 11:15; him, and said, Arise and eat,
39 Now when all the people saw it, Jer. 20:1418;
Jon. 4:3, 8
because the journey is too great for
they fell on their faces; and they 1juniper you.
said, aThe LORD, He is God! The 8 So he arose, and ate and drank;
6 1hot stones
LORD, He is God! and he went in the strength of that
40 And Elijah said to them, aSeize 8 aEx. 24:18; food forty days and aforty nights as
34:28; Deut.
the prophets of Baal! Do not let one 9:911, 18; far as bHoreb, the mountain of God.
of them escape! So they seized Matt. 4:2 bEx. 9 And there he went into a cave,
them; and Elijah brought them down 3:1; 4:27 and spent the night in that place; and
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319 1 KINGS 20:14

behold, the word of the LORD came 10 aRom. 11:3
bNum. 25:11,
gave it to the people, and they ate.
to him, and He said to him, What 13; Ps. 69:9
Then he arose and followed Elijah,
are you doing here, Elijah? c1 Kin. 18:4 and became his servant.
10 So he said, aI have been very d1 Kin. 18:22;
bzealous for the LORD God of hosts; Rom. 11:3 Ahab Defeats the Syrians
for the children of Israel have for- Now aBen-Hadad the king of
saken Your covenant, torn down Your
altars, and ckilled Your prophets with
11 aEx. 19:20;
24:12, 18 bEx.
33:21, 22
20 Syria gathered all his forces
together; thirty-two kings were with
the sword. dI alone am left; and they cEzek. 1:4; him, with horses and chariots. And
seek to take my life. 37:7 he went up and besieged bSamaria,
Gods Revelation to Elijah and made war against it.
12 1a delicate 2 Then he sent messengers into
11 Then He said, Go out, and whispering the city to Ahab king of Israel, and
stand aon the mountain before the said to him, Thus says Ben-Hadad:
LORD. And behold, the LORD
13 aEx. 3:6; Is.
3 Your silver and your gold are
bpassed by, and ca great and strong mine; your loveliest wives and chil-
6:2 b1 Kin.
wind tore into the mountains and 19:9 dren are mine.
broke the rocks in pieces before the 4 And the king of Israel answered
LORD, but the LORD was not in the 14 a1 Kin. and said, My lord, O king, just as
wind; and after the wind an earth- 19:10 you say, I and all that I have are
quake, but the LORD was not in the yours.
earthquake; 15 a2 Kin. 5 Then the messengers came back
12 and after the earthquake a fire, 8:815 and said, Thus speaks Ben-Hadad,
but the LORD was not in the fire; saying, Indeed I have sent to you,
and after the fire 1a still small voice. 16 a2 Kin. saying, You shall deliver to me
13 So it was, when Elijah heard it, 9:110 b1 Kin. your silver and your gold, your
that ahe wrapped his face in his man- 19:1921;
2 Kin. 2:915 wives and your children;
tle and went out and stood in the 6 but I will send my servants to
entrance of the cave. bSuddenly a 17 a2 Kin. 8:12; you tomorrow about this time, and
voice came to him, and said, What 13:3, 22 they shall search your house and
are you doing here, Elijah? b2 Kin. the houses of your servants. And it
14 aAnd he said, I have been very 9:1410:28
c[Hos. 6:5]
shall be, that whatever is 1pleasant
zealous for the LORD God of hosts; in your eyes, they will put it in their
because the children of Israel have hands and take it.
forsaken Your covenant, torn down 18 aRom. 11:4 7 So the king of Israel called all
bHos. 13:2
Your altars, and killed Your prophets the elders of the land, and said,
with the sword. I alone am left; and Notice, please, and see how this
they seek to take my life. 19 a1 Sam.
28:14; 2 Kin. man seeks trouble, for he sent to me
15 Then the LORD said to him: Go, 2:8, 13, 14 for my wives, my children, my sil-
return on your way to the Wilderness ver, and my gold; and I did not deny
of Damascus; aand when you arrive, 20 a[Matt. 8:21, him.
anoint Hazael as king over Syria. 22; Luke 9:61, 8 And all the elders and all the
16 Also you shall anoint aJehu the 62]; Acts people said to him, Do not listen or
son of Nimshi as king over Israel. 20:37
And bElisha the son of Shaphat of 9 Therefore he said to the mes-
Abel Meholah you shall anoint as 21 a2 Sam. sengers of Ben-Hadad, Tell my lord
prophet in your place. 24:22
the king, All that you sent for to
17 aIt shall be that whoever your servant the first time I will do,
escapes the sword of Hazael, Jehu but this thing I cannot do. And the
will bkill; and whoever escapes the CHAPTER 20 messengers departed and brought
sword of Jehu, cElisha will kill. back word to him.
18 aYet I have reserved seven 10 Then Ben-Hadad sent to him
thousand in Israel, all whose knees 1 a1 Kin. and said, aThe gods do so to me,
have not bowed to Baal, band every 15:18, 20; and more also, if enough dust is left
mouth that has not kissed him. 2 Kin. 6:24
b1 Kin. 16:24; of Samaria for a handful for each of
Elisha Follows Elijah 2 Kin. 6:24 the people 1who follow me.
11 So the king of Israel answered
19 So he departed from there, and 6 1pleasing and said, Tell him, Let not the one
found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who puts on his armor aboast like
who was plowing with twelve yoke 10 a1 Kin. 19:2;
the one who takes it off.
of oxen before him, and he was with 2 Kin. 6:31 12 And it happened when Ben-
the twelfth. Then Elijah passed by 1Lit. at my Hadad heard this message, as he
him and threw his amantle on him. feet and the kings were adrinking at the
20 And he left the oxen and ran 1command post, that he said to his
after Elijah, and said, aPlease let 11 aProv. 27:1; servants, Get ready. And they got
me kiss my father and my mother, [Eccl. 7:8] ready to attack the city.
and then I will follow you. And he 13 Suddenly a prophet approached
said to him, Go back again, for 12 a1 Kin. Ahab king of Israel, saying, Thus
20:16 1Lit.
what have I done to you? booths or says the LORD: Have you seen all
21 So Elisha turned back from him, shelters this great multitude? Behold, aI will
and took a yoke of oxen and slaugh- deliver it into your hand today, and
tered them and aboiled their flesh, 13 a1 Kin. you shall know that I am the LORD.
using the oxens equipment, and 20:28 14 So Ahab said, By whom? And
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1 KINGS 20:15 320

he said, Thus says the LORD: By 16 a1 Kin. Thus says the LORD: Because the
the young leaders of the provinces. 16:9; 20:12; Syrians have said, The LORD is
[Prov. 20:1]
Then he said, Who will set the bat- God of the hills, but He is not God of
tle in order? And he answered, the valleys, therefore bI will deliver
You. all this great multitude into your
15 Then he mustered the young hand, and you shall know that I am
leaders of the provinces, and there the LORD.
were two hundred and thirty-two; 22 a2 Sam. 29 And they encamped opposite
and after them he mustered all the 11:1; 1 Kin. each other for seven days. So it was
people, all the children of Israel 20:26 1Lit. at that on the seventh day the battle
seven thousand. the return was joined; and the children of Israel
16 So they went out at noon. Mean- killed one hundred thousand foot
while Ben-Hadad and the thirty-two soldiers of the Syrians in one day.
kings helping him were agetting 30 But the rest fled to Aphek, into
drunk at the command post. the city; then a wall fell on twenty-
17 The young leaders of the seven thousand of the men who
24 1positions
provinces went out first. And Ben- were left. And Ben-Hadad fled and
Hadad sent out a patrol, and they went into the city, into an inner
told him, saying, Men are coming chamber.
out of Samaria!
18 So he said, If they have come Ahabs Treaty with Ben-Hadad
out for peace, take them alive; and if 25 1Lit. that 31 Then his servants said to him,
they have come out for war, take fell from you Look now, we have heard that the
them alive. kings of the house of Israel are mer-
19 Then these young leaders of the ciful kings. Please, let us aput sack-
provinces went out of the city with cloth around our waists and ropes
the army which followed them. around our heads, and go out to the
20 And each one killed his man; so king of Israel; perhaps he will spare
the Syrians fled, and Israel pursued 26 aJosh. 13:4; your life.
them; and Ben-Hadad the king of 2 Kin. 13:17
32 So they wore sackcloth around
Syria escaped on a horse with the their waists and put ropes around
cavalry. their heads, and came to the king of
21 Then the king of Israel went out Israel and said, Your servant Ben-
and attacked the horses and chari- Hadad says, Please let me live.
ots, and killed the Syrians with a 27 aJudg. And he said, Is he still alive? He is
great slaughter. 6:35; 1 Sam. my brother.
22 And the prophet came to the 13:58 33 Now the men were watching
king of Israel and said to him, Go, closely to see whether any sign of
strengthen yourself; take note, and mercy would come from him; and
see what you should do, afor 1in the they quickly grasped at this word
spring of the year the king of Syria and said, Your brother Ben-Hadad.
will come up against you. So he said, Go, bring him. Then
28 a1 Kin. Ben-Hadad came out to him; and he
The Syrians Again Defeated 17:18 b1 Kin.
had him come up into the chariot.
23 Then the servants of the king of 34 So Ben-Hadad said to him,
aThe cities which my father took
Syria said to him, Their gods are
gods of the hills. Therefore they from your father I will restore; and
were stronger than we; but if we you may set up marketplaces for
fight against them in the plain, yourself in Damascus, as my father
surely we will be stronger than they. 31 aGen. did in Samaria. Then Ahab said, I
24 So do this thing: Dismiss the 37:34; 2 Sam. will send you away with this treaty.
kings, each from his position, and 3:31 So he made a treaty with him and
put captains in their 1places; sent him away.
25 and you shall muster an army Ahab Condemned
like the army 1that you have lost,
horse for horse and chariot for 35 Now a certain man of athe sons
chariot. Then we will fight against 34 a1 Kin. of the prophets said to his neighbor
them in the plain; surely we will be 15:20 bby the word of the LORD, Strike
stronger than they. And he listened me, please. And the man refused to
to their voice and did so. strike him.
26 So it was, in the spring of the 36 Then he said to him, Because
year, that Ben-Hadad mustered the you have not obeyed the voice of the
Syrians and went up to aAphek to LORD, surely, as soon as you depart
fight against Israel. 35 a2 Kin. 2:3, from me, a lion shall kill you. And
27 And the children of Israel were 5, 7, 15 as soon as he left him, aa lion found
b1 Kin. 13:17,
mustered and given provisions, and 18
him and killed him.
they went against them. Now the 37 And he found another man, and
children of Israel encamped before said, Strike me, please. So the man
them like two little flocks of goats, struck him, inflicting a wound.
while the Syrians filled the acoun- 38 Then the prophet departed and
tryside. waited for the king by the road, and
28 Then a aman of God came and 36 a1 Kin. disguised himself with a bandage
spoke to the king of Israel, and said, 13:24 over his eyes.
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321 1 KINGS 21:21

39 Now aas the king passed by, he 39 a2 Sam. nobles who were dwelling in the city
cried out to the king and said, Your 12:1 b2 Kin. with Naboth.
10:24 1Lit.
servant went out into the midst of weigh 9 She wrote in the letters, saying,
the battle; and there, a man came
over and brought a man to me, and Proclaim a fast, and seat
said, Guard this man; if by any 42 a1 Kin. Naboth 1with high honor
means he is missing, byour life shall 22:3137 among the people;
be for his life, or else you shall 1pay 10 and seat two men, scoundrels,
a talent of silver. before him to bear witness
40 While your servant was busy 43 a1 Kin. 21:4 against him, saying, You have
here and there, he was gone. Then ablasphemed God and the
the king of Israel said to him, So king. Then take him out, and
shall your judgment be; you your- CHAPTER 21 bstone him, that he may die.
self have decided it.
41 And he hastened to take the 11 So the men of his city, the elders
bandage away from his eyes; and 1 aJudg. 6:33; and nobles who were inhabitants of
1 Kin. 18:45,
the king of Israel recognized him as 46
his city, did as Jezebel had sent to
one of the prophets. them, as it was written in the letters
42 Then he said to him, Thus says which she had sent to them.
the LORD: aBecause you have let slip 2 a1 Sam. 8:14 12 aThey proclaimed a fast, and
out of your hand a man whom I seated Naboth with high honor
appointed to utter destruction, there- among the people.
fore your life shall go for his life, and 3 a[Lev. 25:23; 13 And two men, scoundrels, came
your people for his people. Num. 36:7; in and sat before him; and the
43 So the king of Israel awent to his Ezek. 46:18] scoundrels awitnessed against him,
house sullen and displeased, and against Naboth, in the presence of
came to Samaria. the people, saying, Naboth has
5 a1 Kin. blasphemed God and the king!
Naboth Is Murdered for His 19:1, 2 bThen they took him outside the city
Vineyard and stoned him with stones, so that
And it came to pass after he died.
21 these things that Naboth the
Jezreelite had a vineyard which was
9 1Lit. at the
head 14 Then they sent to Jezebel, say-
ing, Naboth has been stoned and is
in Jezreel, next to the palace of
a dead.
Ahab king of Samaria. 10 a[Ex. 22:28; 15 And it came to pass, when
2 So Ahab spoke to Naboth, say- Lev. 24:15, Jezebel heard that Naboth had been
16]; Acts 6:11 stoned and was dead, that Jezebel
ing, Give me your avineyard, that I b[Lev. 24:14]
may have it for a vegetable garden, said to Ahab, Arise, take posses-
because it is near, next to my house; sion of the vineyard of Naboth the
and for it I will give you a vineyard 12 aIs. 58:4 Jezreelite, which he refused to give
better than it. Or, if it seems good to you for money; for Naboth is not
you, I will give you its worth in alive, but dead.
money. 13 a[Ex. 20:16; 16 So it was, when Ahab heard that
3 But Naboth said to Ahab, The 23:1, 7] Naboth was dead, that Ahab got up
LORD forbid athat I should give the
b2 Kin. 9:26; and went down to take possession
2 Chr. 24:21; of the vineyard of Naboth the
inheritance of my fathers to you! Acts 7:58, 59;
4 So Ahab went into his house Heb. 11:37
sullen and displeased because of the The LORD Condemns Ahab
word which Naboth the Jezreelite
had spoken to him; for he had said, 17 a[Ps. 9:12] 17 aThen the word of the LORD
b1 Kin. 19:1
I will not give you the inheritance came to bElijah the Tishbite, saying,
of my fathers. And he lay down on 18 Arise, go down to meet Ahab
his bed, and turned away his face, king of Israel, awho lives in
and would eat no food. 18 a1 Kin. Samaria. There he is, in the vine-
13:32; 2 Chr.
5 But aJezebel his wife came to 22:9 yard of Naboth, where he has gone
him, and said to him, Why is your down to take possession of it.
spirit so sullen that you eat no food? 19 You shall speak to him, saying,
6 He said to her, Because I spoke 19 a1 Kin. Thus says the LORD: Have you
to Naboth the Jezreelite, and said to 22:38; 2 Kin. murdered and also taken posses-
him, Give me your vineyard for 9:26 sion? And you shall speak to him,
money; or else, if it pleases you, I saying, Thus says the LORD: aIn
will give you another vineyard for the place where dogs licked the
it. And he answered, I will not give 20 a1 Kin. blood of Naboth, dogs shall lick
18:17 b1 Kin.
you my vineyard. 21:25; 2 Kin. your blood, even yours.
7 Then Jezebel his wife said to 17:17; [Rom. 20 So Ahab said to Elijah, aHave
him, You now exercise authority 7:14] you found me, O my enemy? And
over Israel! Arise, eat food, and let he answered, I have found you,
your heart be cheerful; I will give because byou have sold yourself to
you the vineyard of Naboth the 21 a1 Kin. do evil in the sight of the LORD:
Jezreelite. 14:10; 2 Kin. 21 Behold, aI will bring calamity on
9:8 b2 Kin.
8 And she wrote letters in Ahabs 10:10 c1 Sam. you. I will take away your bposterity,
name, sealed them with his seal, and 25:22 d1 Kin. and will cut off from Ahab cevery
sent the letters to the elders and the 14:10 male in Israel, both dbond and free.
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1 KINGS 21:22 322

22 I will make your house like the 22 a1 Kin. hate him, because he does not
house of aJeroboam the son of Nebat, 15:29 b1 Kin. prophesy good concerning me, but
16:3, 11
and like the house of bBaasha the son evil. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not
of Ahijah, because of the provocation 23 a2 Kin. 9:10, the king say such things!
with which you have provoked Me to 3037 1So 9 Then the king of Israel called an
anger, and made Israel sin. with MT, officer and said, Bring Micaiah the
LXX; some
23 And aconcerning Jezebel the Heb. mss., son of Imlah quickly!
LORD also spoke, saying, The dogs Syr., Tg., Vg. 10 The king of Israel and Je-
shall eat Jezebel by the 1wall of plot of ground hoshaphat the king of Judah, having
instead of
Jezreel. wall (cf. put on their robes, sat each on his
24 The dogs shall eat awhoever 2 Kin. 9:36) throne, at a threshing floor at the
belongs to Ahab and dies in the city, entrance of the gate of Samaria; and
and the birds of the air shall eat 24 a1 Kin. all the prophets prophesied before
whoever dies in the field. 14:11; 16:4
25 But athere was no one like Ahab 25 a1 Kin. 11 Now Zedekiah the son of
who sold himself to do wickedness 16:3033; Chenaanah had made ahorns of iron
in the sight of the LORD, bbecause 21:20 b1 Kin. for himself; and he said, Thus says
Jezebel his wife 1stirred him up. 16:31 1incited the LORD: With these you shall
26 And he behaved very abom- bgore the Syrians until they are
inably in following idols, according 26 aGen. 15:16; destroyed.
to all athat the Amorites had done, [Lev. 12 And all the prophets prophesied
whom the LORD had cast out before 18:2530]; so, saying, Go up to Ramoth Gilead
2 Kin. 21:11
the children of Israel. and prosper, for the LORD will de-
27 So it was, when Ahab heard 27 aGen. 37:34; liver it into the kings hand.
those words, that he tore his clothes 2 Sam. 3:31; 13 Then the messenger who had
and aput sackcloth on his body, and 2 Kin. 6:30 gone to call Micaiah spoke to him,
fasted and lay in sackcloth, and 29 a[2 Kin. saying, Now listen, the words of the
went about mourning. 22:19] b2 Kin. prophets with one accord encour-
28 And the word of the LORD came 9:25; 10:11, 17 age the king. Please, let your word
to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, be like the word of one of them, and
29 See how Ahab has humbled speak encouragement.
himself before Me? Because he ahas CHAPTER 22 14 And Micaiah said, As the LORD
humbled himself before Me, I will lives, awhatever the LORD says to
not bring the calamity in his days. me, that I will speak.
bIn the days of his son I will bring 2 a1 Kin.
15:24; 2 Chr. 15 Then he came to the king; and
the calamity on his house. 18:2 the king said to him, Micaiah, shall
we go to war against Ramoth
Micaiah Warns Ahab 3 aDeut. 4:43; Gilead, or shall we refrain? And he
Josh. 21:38;
Now three years passed with- answered him, Go and prosper, for
out war between Syria and Is-
1 Kin. 4:13

4 a2 Kin. 3:7
the LORD will deliver it into the
hand of the king!
2 Then it came to pass, in the third 16 So the king said to him, How
5 a2 Kin. 3:11
year, that aJehoshaphat the king of many times shall I make you swear
Judah went down to visit the king of 6 a1 Kin. 18:19 that you tell me nothing but the
Israel. 1The false truth in the name of the LORD?
3 And the king of Israel said to his prophets 17 Then he said, I saw all Israel
ascattered on the mountains, as sheep
servants, Do you know that 7 a2 Kin. 3:11
aRamoth in Gilead is ours, but we 1Or him that have no shepherd. And the LORD
hesitate to take it out of the hand of said, These have no master. Let each
the king of Syria? 11 aZech. return to his house in peace.
1:1821 bDeut. 18 And the king of Israel said to
4 So he said to Jehoshaphat, Will 33:17
you go with me to fight at Ramoth Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell you he
Gilead? Jehoshaphat said to the 14 aNum. would not prophesy good concern-
king of Israel, aI am as you are, my 22:38; 24:13 ing me, but evil?
people as your people, my horses as 17 aNum.
19 Then Micaiah said, Therefore
your horses. 27:17; 1 Kin. hear the word of the LORD: aI saw
5 Also Jehoshaphat said to the 22:3436; the LORD sitting on His throne, band
king of Israel, aPlease inquire for 2 Chr. 18:16; all the host of heaven standing by,
the word of the LORD today. Matt. 9:36; on His right hand and on His left.
Mark 6:34
6 Then the king of Israel agathered 20 And the LORD said, Who will
1the prophets together, about four 19 aIs. 6:1; persuade Ahab to go up, that he may
hundred men, and said to them, Ezek. 1:2628; fall at Ramoth Gilead? So one
Shall I go against Ramoth Gilead to Dan. 7:9 bJob spoke in this manner, and another
1:6; 2:1; Ps.
fight, or shall I refrain? So they said, 103:20; Dan. spoke in that manner.
Go up, for the Lord will deliver it 7:10; Zech. 21 Then a spirit came forward and
into the hand of the king. 1:10; [Matt. stood before the LORD, and said, I
7 And aJehoshaphat said, Is 18:10; Heb. will persuade him.
1:7, 14]
there not still a prophet of the LORD 22 The LORD said to him, In what
here, that we may inquire of 1Him? 22 aJudg. 9:23; way? So he said, I will go out and
8 So the king of Israel said to 1 Sam. 16:14; be a lying spirit in the mouth of all
Jehoshaphat, There is still one man, 18:10; 19:9; his prophets. And the LORD said,
Job 12:16; aYou shall persuade him, and also
Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom [Ezek. 14:9;
we may inquire of the LORD; but I 2 Thess. 2:11] prevail. Go out and do so.
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323 1 KINGS 22:53

23 aTherefore look! The LORD has 23 a[Ezek. iot at a pool in Samaria, and the dogs
put a lying spirit in the mouth of all 14:9] licked up his blood while 1the harlots
these prophets of yours, and the 24 aJer. 20:2 bathed, according ato the word of the
b2 Chr. 18:23
LORD has declared disaster against LORD which He had spoken.
you. 25 a1 Kin. 39 Now the rest of the acts of
24 Now Zedekiah the son of 20:30 Ahab, and all that he did, athe ivory
Chenaanah went near and astruck 27 a2 Chr. house which he built and all the
Micaiah on the cheek, and said, 16:10; cities that he built, are they not writ-
bWhich way did the spirit from the 18:2527 ten in the book of the chronicles of
LORD go from me to speak to you? 28 aNum. the kings of Israel?
25 And Micaiah said, Indeed, you 16:29; Deut. 40 So Ahab 1rested with his fathers.
shall see on that day when you go 18:2022 Then aAhaziah his son reigned in his
into an ainner chamber to hide! 30 a2 Chr. place.
26 So the king of Israel said, Take 35:22
Micaiah, and return him to Amon Jehoshaphat Reigns in Judah
31 a1 Kin. 20:1
the governor of the city and to Joash b1 Kin. 20:24; 41 aJehoshaphat the son of Asa had
the kings son; 2 Chr. 18:30 become king over Judah in the
27 and say, Thus says the king: 32 a2 Chr. fourth year of Ahab king of Israel.
Put this fellow in aprison, and feed 18:31 42 Jehoshaphat was thirty-five
him with bread of affliction and years old when he became king, and
38 a1 Kin.
water of affliction, until I come in 21:19 1Tg., he reigned twenty-five years in
peace. Syr. they Jerusalem. His mothers name was
28 But Micaiah said, If you ever washed his Azubah the daughter of Shilhi.
return in peace, athe LORD has not armor 43 And ahe walked in all the ways
spoken by me. And he said, Take 39 aPs. 45:8; of his father Asa. He did not turn
heed, all you people! Amos 3:15 aside from them, doing what was
Ahab Dies in Battle 40 a2 Kin. 1:2, right in the eyes of the LORD. Never-
18 1Died and theless bthe high places were not
29 So the king of Israel and joined his taken away, for the people offered
ancestors sacrifices and burned incense on
Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went
up to Ramoth Gilead. 41 a2 Chr. the high places.
30 And the king of Israel said to 20:31 44 Also aJehoshaphat made bpeace
Jehoshaphat, I will disguise myself 43 a2 Chr. 17:3; with the king of Israel.
and go into battle; but you put on 20:32, 33 45 Now the rest of the acts of
b1 Kin. 14:23;
your robes. So the king of Israel Jehoshaphat, the might that he
adisguised himself and went into 15:14; 2 Kin. showed, and how he made war, are
battle. they not written ain the book of the
31 Now the aking of Syria had 44 a2 Chr. 19:2 chronicles of the kings of Judah?
b2 Chr. 18:1
commanded the thirty-two bcap- 46 aAnd the rest of the 1perverted
tains of his chariots, saying, Fight 45 a2 Chr. persons, who remained in the days
20:34 of his father Asa, he banished from
with no one small or great, but only
with the king of Israel. 46 aGen. 19:5; the land.
32 So it was, when the captains of Deut. 23:17; 47 aThere was then no king in
1 Kin. 14:24; Edom, only a deputy of the king.
the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that 15:12; 2 Kin.
they said, Surely it is the king of 23:7; Jude 7
48 aJehoshaphat bmade 1merchant
Israel! Therefore they turned aside 1Heb. qadesh, ships to go to cOphir for gold; dbut
to fight against him, and one practic- they never sailed, for the ships were
Jehoshaphat acried out. ing sodomy wrecked at eEzion Geber.
and prostitu- 49 Then Ahaziah the son of Ahab
33 And it happened, when the cap- tion in reli-
tains of the chariots saw that it was gious rituals
said to Jehoshaphat, Let my ser-
not the king of Israel, that they vants go with your servants in the
47 a2 Sam. ships. But Jehoshaphat would not.
turned back from pursuing him. 8:14; 2 Kin.
34 Now a certain man drew a bow 3:9; 8:20
50 And aJehoshaphat 1rested with
at random, and struck the king of his fathers, and was buried with his
48 a2 Chr. fathers in the City of David his
Israel between the joints of his 20:3537
armor. So he said to the driver of b1 Kin. 10:22 father. Then Jehoram his son
his chariot, Turn around and take c1 Kin. 9:28 reigned in his place.
d2 Chr. 20:37
me out of the battle, for I am e1 Kin. 9:26 Ahaziah Reigns in Israel
wounded. 1Or ships of
35 The battle increased that day; Tarshish 51 aAhaziah the son of Ahab be-
and the king was propped up in his came king over Israel in Samaria in
chariot, facing the Syrians, and died 50 a2 Chr. 21:1
1Died and the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat
at evening. The blood ran out from joined his king of Judah, and reigned two years
the wound onto the floor of the ancestors over Israel.
chariot. 51 a1 Kin. 52 He did evil in the sight of the
36 Then, as the sun was going 22:40 LORD, and awalked in the way of his
down, a shout went throughout the father and in the way of his mother
52 a1 Kin.
army, saying, Every man to his city, 15:26; 21:25 and in the way of Jeroboam the son
and every man to his own country! of Nebat, who had made Israel sin;
37 So the king died, and was 53 aJudg. 2:11 53 for ahe served Baal and wor-
b1 Kin.
brought to Samaria. And they 16:3032 1In shiped him, and provoked the LORD
buried the king in Samaria. the same God of Israel to anger, baccording1
38 Then someone washed the char- way that to all that his father had done.
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The Second Book of the


T HE Book of Second Kings continues the drama begun in First Kingsthe

tragic history of two nations on a collision course with captivity. The author
systematically traces the reigning monarchs of Israel and Judah, first by carrying
one nations history forward, then retracing the same period for the other nation.
Nineteen consecutive evil kings rule in Israel, leading to the captivity by As-
syria. The picture is somewhat brighter in Judah, where godly kings occasionally
emerge to reform the evils of their predecessors. In the end, however, sin out-
weighs righteousness and Judah is marched off to Babylon.

God Judges Ahaziah CHAPTER 1 11 Then he sent to him another

captain of fifty with his fifty men.
OAB arebelled against Israel
M bafter the death of Ahab.
2 Now aAhaziah fell through the
1 a2 Sam. 8:2
b2 Kin. 3:5
And he answered and said to him:
Man of God, thus has the king said,
Come down quickly!
lattice of his upper room in Samaria, 12 So Elijah answered and said to
and was injured; so he sent messen- them, If I am a man of God, let fire
gers and said to them, Go, inquire 2 a1 Kin. 22:40
come down from heaven and con-
b2 Kin. 1:3, 6,
of bBaal-Zebub,1 the god of cEkron, sume you and your fifty men. And
16; Matt.
whether I shall recover from this in- 10:25; Mark the fire of God came down from
jury. 3:22 c1 Sam. heaven and consumed him and his
3 But the 1angel of the LORD said 5:10 1Lit. Lord
to Elijah the Tishbite, Arise, go up of Flies
13 Again, he sent a third captain of
to meet the messengers of the king fifty with his fifty men. And the
of Samaria, and say to them, Is it third captain of fifty went up, and
because there is no God in Israel 3 1Or Angel
came and 1fell on his knees before
that you are going to inquire of Elijah, and pleaded with him, and
Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron? said to him: Man of God, please let
4 Now therefore, thus says the 5 1Ahaziah
LORD: You shall not come down my life and the life of these fifty ser-
from the bed to which you have vants of yours abe precious in your
gone up, but you shall surely die. 8 aZech. 13:4; sight.
So Elijah departed. Matt. 3:4; 14 Look, fire has come down from
5 And when the messengers re-
Mark 1:6
b1 Kin. 18:7
heaven and burned up the first two
turned to 1him, he said to them, captains of fifties with their fifties.
Why have you come back? But let my life now be precious in
6 So they said to him, A man your sight.
10 a1 Kin. 15 And the 1angel of the LORD said
came up to meet us, and said to us, 18:3638;
to Elijah, Go down with him; do not
Go, return to the king who sent you, Luke 9:54
and say to him, Thus says the be afraid of him. So he arose and
LORD: Is it because there is no God went down with him to the king.
in Israel that you are sending to 13 a1 Sam. 16 Then he said to him, Thus says
inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of 26:21; Ps. the LORD: Because you have sent
72:14 1Lit. messengers to inquire of Baal-
Ekron? Therefore you shall not bowed down
come down from the bed to which Zebub, the god of Ekron, is it
you have gone up, but you shall because there is no God in Israel to
surely die. inquire of His word? Therefore you
15 1Or Angel
7 Then he said to them, What shall not come down from the bed to
kind of man was it who came up to which you have gone up, but you
meet you and told you these 17 a1 Kin.
shall surely die.
words? 22:50; 2 Kin. 17 So Ahaziah died according to
8 So they answered him, aA hairy 8:16; Matt. 1:8 the word of the LORD which Elijah
man wearing a leather belt around
1The son of had spoken. Because he had no son,
Ahab king of aJehoram1 became king in his place,
his waist. And he said, bIt is Elijah Israel, 2 Kin.
the Tishbite. 3:1 in the second year of Jehoram the
9 Then the king sent to him a cap- son of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah.
tain of fifty with his fifty men. So he 18 Now the rest of the acts of
went up to him; and there he was, Ahaziah which he did, are they not
sitting on the top of a hill. And he CHAPTER 2 written in the book of the chronicles
spoke to him: Man of God, the king of the kings of Israel?
has said, Come down! Elijah Ascends to Heaven
10 So Elijah answered and said to 1 aGen. 5:24;
[Heb. 11:5]
the captain of fifty, If I am a man of And it came to pass, when the
God, then alet fire come down from
heaven and consume you and your
b1 Kin.
19:1621 2 LORD was about to atake up Eli-
jah into heaven by a whirlwind, that
fifty men. And fire came down Elijah went with bElisha from Gilgal.
from heaven and consumed him and 2 aRuth 1:15, 2 Then Elijah said to Elisha, aStay
his fifty. 16 here, please, for the LORD has sent
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325 2 KINGS 3:4

me on to Bethel. But Elisha said, 2 b1 Sam. 1:26; him, they said, The spirit of Elijah
As the LORD lives, and bas your 2 Kin. 2:4, 6; rests on Elisha. And they came to
soul lives, I will not leave you! So meet him, and bowed to the ground
they went down to Bethel. before him.
3 Now athe sons of the prophets 3 a1 Kin.
16 Then they said to him, Look
who were at Bethel came out to 20:35; 2 Kin. now, there are fifty strong men with
Elisha, and said to him, Do you know 2:5, 7, 15; 4:1, your servants. Please let them go and
that the LORD will take away your 38; 9:1 1Lit. search for your master, alest perhaps
from your
master 1from over you today? And he head the Spirit of the LORD has taken him
said, Yes, I know; keep silent! up and cast him upon some moun-
4 Then Elijah said to him, Elisha, tain or into some valley. And he
stay here, please, for the LORD has 8 aEx. 14:21, said, You shall not send anyone.
sent me on to Jericho. But he said, 22; Josh. 3:16; 17 But when they urged him till he
As the LORD lives, and as your soul 2 Kin. 2:14
bJosh. 3:17
was aashamed, he said, Send
lives, I will not leave you! So they them! Therefore they sent fifty
came to Jericho. men, and they searched for three
5 Now the sons of the prophets days but did not find him.
11 a2 Kin. 6:17; 18 And when they came back to
who were at Jericho came to Elisha Ps. 104:4
and said to him, Do you know that bGen. 5:24; him, for he had stayed in Jericho, he
the LORD will take away your mas- Heb. 11:5 said to them, Did I not say to you,
ter from over you today? So he Do not go?
answered, Yes, I know; keep silent! Elisha Performs Miracles
6 Then Elijah said to him, Stay 12 a2 Kin.
here, please, for the LORD has sent 13:14
19 Then the men of the city said to
me on to the Jordan. But he said, Elisha, Please notice, the situation
As the LORD lives, and as your soul of this city is pleasant, as my lord
14 a2 Kin. 2:8
lives, I will not leave you! So the sees; but the water is bad, and the
two of them went on. ground barren.
7 And fifty men of the sons of the 20 And he said, Bring me a new
15 a2 Kin. 2:7
prophets went and stood facing 1Or at Jericho bowl, and put salt in it. So they
them at a distance, while the two of opposite him brought it to him.
them stood by the Jordan. saw 21 Then he went out to the source
8 Now Elijah took his mantle, of the water, and acast in the salt
rolled it up, and struck the water; there, and said, Thus says the
and ait was divided this way and 16 a1 Kin. LORD: I have 1healed this water;
that, so that the two of them crossed 18:12; Ezek. from it there shall be no more death
8:3; Acts 8:39
over on dry bground. or barrenness.
9 And so it was, when they had 22 So the water remains ahealed to
crossed over, that Elijah said to 17 a2 Kin. 8:11
this day, according to the word of
Elisha, Ask! What may I do for you, Elisha which he spoke.
before I am taken away from you? 23 Then he went up from there to
Elisha said, Please let a double por- 21 aEx. 15:25,
Bethel; and as he was going up the
tion of your spirit be upon me. 26; 2 Kin. road, some youths came from the
10 So he said, You have asked a 4:41; 6:6; John city and mocked him, and said to
hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see 9:6 1purified him, Go up, you baldhead! Go up,
me when I am taken from you, it you baldhead!
shall be so for you; but if not, it shall 24 So he turned around and looked
not be so. 22 aEzek. at them, and apronounced a curse
47:8, 9
11 Then it happened, as they con- on them in the name of the LORD.
tinued on and talked, that suddenly And two female bears came out of
aa chariot of fire appeared with
24 aDeut.
the woods and mauled forty-two of
horses of fire, and separated the two 27:1326 the youths.
of them; and Elijah bwent up by a 25 Then he went from there to
aMount Carmel, and from there he
whirlwind into heaven.
12 And Elisha saw it, and he cried 25 a1 Kin. returned to Samaria.
out, aMy father, my father, the char- 18:19, 20;
iot of Israel and its horsemen! So 2 Kin. 4:25 Moab Rebels Against Israel
he saw him no more. And he took Now aJehoram the son of Ahab
hold of his own clothes and tore
them into two pieces. CHAPTER 3
3 became king over Israel at
Samaria in the eighteenth year of
13 He also took up the mantle of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and
Elijah that had fallen from him, and reigned twelve years.
went back and stood by the bank of 1 a2 Kin. 1:17
2 And he did evil in the sight of
the Jordan. the LORD, but not like his father and
14 Then he took the mantle of Eli-
2 a1 Kin.
mother; for he put away the sacred
jah that had fallen from him, and 16:31, 32 pillar of Baal athat his father had
struck the water, and said, Where is made.
the LORD God of Elijah? And when 3 Nevertheless he persisted in
he also had struck the water, ait was 3 a1 Kin.
athe sins of Jeroboam the son of
divided this way and that; and 12:2832 Nebat, who had made Israel sin; he
Elisha crossed over. did not depart from them.
15 Now when the sons of the proph- 4 Now Mesha king of Moab was a
ets who were afrom1 Jericho saw 4 a2 Sam. 8:2 sheepbreeder, and he aregularly
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2 KINGS 3:5 326

paid the king of Israel one hundred 4 bIs. 16:1, 2 tified city and every choice city, and
thousand blambs and the wool of shall cut down every good tree,
one hundred thousand rams. and stop up every spring of water,
5 But it happened, when aAhab 5 a2 Kin. 1:1 and ruin every good piece of land
died, that the king of Moab rebelled with stones.
against the king of Israel. 20 Now it happened in the morn-
6 So King Jehoram went out of 7 a1 Kin. 22:4 ing, when athe grain offering was
Samaria at that time and mustered offered, that suddenly water came
all Israel. by way of Edom, and the land was
7 Then he went and sent to 11 a1 Kin. 22:7 filled with water.
b1 Kin. 19:21;
Jehoshaphat king of Judah, saying, 21 And when all the Moabites
[John 13:4, 5, heard that the kings had come up to
The king of Moab has rebelled 13, 14] 1Was
against me. Will you go with me to the personal fight against them, all who were able
fight against Moab? And he said, I servant of to bear arms and older were 1gath-
will go up; aI am as you are, my peo- ered; and they stood at the border.
ple as your people, my horses as 22 Then they rose up early in the
your horses. 12 a2 Kin. 2:25 morning, and the sun was shining
8 Then he said, Which way shall on the water; and the Moabites saw
we go up? And he answered, By the water on the other side as red as
way of the Wilderness of Edom. 13 a[Ezek. blood.
9 So the king of Israel went with 14:3] bJudg. 23 And they said, This is blood;
the king of Judah and the king of 10:14; Ruth the kings have surely struck swords
Edom, and they marched on that 1:15 c1 Kin. and have killed one another; now
22:611 therefore, Moab, to the spoil!
roundabout route seven days; and d1 Kin. 18:19
there was no water for the army, nor 24 So when they came to the camp
for the animals that followed them. of Israel, Israel rose up and attacked
10 And the king of Israel said, the Moabites, so that they fled
14 a1 Kin. 17:1;
Alas! For the LORD has called these 2 Kin. 5:16
before them; and they entered their
three kings together to deliver them land, killing the Moabites.
into the hand of Moab. 25 Then they destroyed the cities,
11 But aJehoshaphat said, Is there 15 a1 Sam.
and each man threw a stone on
no prophet of the LORD here, that 10:5 b1 Sam. every good piece of land and filled it;
we may inquire of the LORD by 16:16, 23; and they stopped up all the springs
him? So one of the servants of the 1 Chr. 25:1 of water and cut down all the good
king of Israel answered and said, cEzek. 1:3;
trees. But they left the stones of aKir
Elisha the son of Shaphat is here, 3:14, 22; 8:1 Haraseth intact. However the sling-
who bpoured1 water on the hands of ers surrounded and attacked it.
Elijah. 26 And when the king of Moab saw
16 aJer. 14:3 that the battle was too fierce for
12 And Jehoshaphat said, The 1water canals
word of the LORD is with him. So him, he took with him seven hun-
the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat dred men who drew swords, to
and the king of Edom awent down to break through to the king of Edom,
20 aEx. 29:39, but they could not.
him. 40
13 Then Elisha said to the king of 27 Then ahe took his eldest son
Israel, aWhat have I to do with you? who would have reigned in his
bGo to cthe prophets of your father
21 1summoned
place, and offered him as a burnt
and the dprophets of your mother. offering upon the wall; and there
But the king of Israel said to him, was great 1indignation against
No, for the LORD has called these 25 aIs. 16:7,
Israel. bSo they departed from him
three kings together to deliver them 11; Jer. and returned to their own land.
into the hand of Moab. 48:31, 36
Elisha and the Widows Oil
14 And Elisha said, aAs the LORD
of hosts lives, before whom I stand, A certain woman of the wives of
surely were it not that I regard the
presence of Jehoshaphat king of
27 a[Deut.
18:10; Amos
4 athe sons of the prophets cried
out to Elisha, saying, Your servant
Judah, I would not look at you, nor 2:1; Mic. 6:7] my husband is dead, and you know
b2 Kin. 8:20
see you. 1wrath that your servant feared the LORD.
15 But now bring me aa musician. And the creditor is coming bto take
Then it happened, when the musi- my two sons to be his slaves.
cian bplayed, that cthe hand of the 2 So Elisha said to her, What
LORD came upon him. CHAPTER 4 shall I do for you? Tell me, what do
16 And he said, Thus says the you have in the house? And she
LORD: aMake this valley full of said, Your maidservant has nothing
1ditches. in the house but a jar of oil.
17 For thus says the LORD: You 1 a1 Kin. 3 Then he said, Go, borrow ves-
shall not see wind, nor shall you see 20:35; 2 Kin. sels from everywhere, from all your
2:3 b[Lev.
rain; yet that valley shall be filled 25:3941, 48];
neighborsempty vessels; ado not
with water, so that you, your cattle, 1 Sam. 22:2; gather just a few.
and your animals may drink. Neh. 5:25; 4 And when you have come in,
18 And this is a simple matter in Matt. 18:25 you shall shut the door behind you
the sight of the LORD; He will also and your sons; then pour it into all
deliver the Moabites into your hand. those vessels, and set aside the full
19 Also you shall attack every for- 3 a2 Kin. 3:16 ones.
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327 2 KINGS 4:35

5 So she went from him and shut 8 aJosh. 19:18 on the bed of the man of God, shut
1Lit. great
the door behind her and her sons, 2Lit. laid hold the door upon him, and went out.
who brought the vessels to her; and on him 22 Then she called to her husband,
she poured it out. and said, Please send me one of the
6 Now it came to pass, when the young men and one of the donkeys,
vessels were full, that she said to her that I may run to the man of God
son, Bring me another vessel. And 10 1Or a small
walled upper and come back.
he said to her, There is not another chamber 23 So he said, Why are you going
vessel. So the oil ceased. to him today? It is neither the aNew
7 Then she came and told the man Moon nor the Sabbath. And she
of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil said, 1It is well.
12 a2 Kin.
and pay your debt; and you and 4:2931; 24 Then she saddled a donkey, and
your sons live on the rest. 5:2027; 8:4, 5 said to her servant, Drive, and go
forward; do not slacken the pace for
Elisha Raises the Shunammites me unless I tell you.
Son 25 And so she departed, and went
16 a2 Kin. 4:28
8 Now it happened one day that 1Lit. About to the man of God aat Mount
Elisha went to aShunem, where this season, Carmel.
there was a 1notable woman, and as the time of So it was, when the man of God
life saw her afar off, that he said to his
she 2persuaded him to eat some
food. So it was, as often as he servant Gehazi, Look, the Shunam-
passed by, he would turn in there to mite woman!
eat some food. 23 aNum. 26 Please run now to meet her, and
9 And she said to her husband, 10:10; 28:11; say to her, Is it well with you? Is it
1 Chr. 23:31 well with your husband? Is it well
Look now, I know that this is a holy 1Or It will be
man of God, who passes by us regu- well with the child? And she answered,
larly. It is well.
10 Please, let us make 1a small 27 Now when she came to the man
upper room on the wall; and let us of God at the hill, she caught him by
25 a2 Kin. 2:25
put a bed for him there, and a table the feet, but Gehazi came near to
and a chair and a lampstand; so it push her away. But the man of God
will be, whenever he comes to us, he said, Let her alone; for her soul is in
can turn in there. 28 a2 Kin. 4:16 deep distress, and the LORD has hid-
11 And it happened one day that he den it from me, and has not told me.
came there, and he turned in to the 28 So she said, Did I ask a son of
upper room and lay down there. 29 a1 Kin. my lord? aDid I not say, Do not
12 Then he said to aGehazi his 18:46; 2 Kin. deceive me?
servant, Call this Shunammite 9:1 bLuke 10:4 29 Then he said to Gehazi, aGet1
cEx. 7:19;
woman. When he had called her, 14:16; 2 Kin.
yourself ready, and take my staff in
she stood before him. 2:8, 14; Acts your hand, and be on your way. If
13 And he said to him, Say now to 19:12 1Lit. you meet anyone, bdo not greet him;
her, Look, you have been con- Gird up your and if anyone greets you, do not
loins. The answer him; but clay my staff on the
cerned for us with all this care. skirt of the
What can I do for you? Do you want robe was face of the child.
me to speak on your behalf to the wrapped 30 And the mother of the child
king or to the commander of the around the said, aAs the LORD lives, and as
legs and your soul lives, I will not bleave
army? She answered, I dwell tucked in the
among my own people. belt to gain you. So he arose and followed her.
14 So he said, What then is to be freedom of 31 Now Gehazi went on ahead of
done for her? And Gehazi an- movement. them, and laid the staff on the face of
swered, Actually, she has no son, the child; but there was neither voice
and her husband is old. nor hearing. Therefore he went back
15 So he said, Call her. When he 30 a2 Kin. 2:2 to meet him, and told him, saying,
had called her, she stood in the b2 Kin. 2:4 The child has anot awakened.
doorway. 32 When Elisha came into the
16 Then he said, 1About this time house, there was the child, lying
next year you shall embrace a son. 31 aJohn 11:11 dead on his bed.
And she said, No, my lord. Man of 33 He awent in therefore, shut the
God, ado not lie to your maidservant! door behind the two of them, band
17 But the woman conceived, and prayed to the LORD.
bore a son when the appointed time 33 a2 Kin. 4:4; 34 And he went up and lay on the
[Matt. 6:6];
had come, of which Elisha had told Luke 8:51 child, and put his mouth on his
her. b1 Kin. 17:20 mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his
18 And the child grew. Now it hap- hands on his hands; and ahe
pened one day that he went out to stretched himself out on the child,
his father, to the reapers. 34 a1 Kin.
and the flesh of the child became
19 And he said to his father, My 17:2123; Acts warm.
head, my head! So he said to a ser- 20:10 35 He returned and walked back
vant, Carry him to his mother. and forth in the house, and again
20 When he had taken him and went up aand stretched himself out
brought him to his mother, he sat on 35 a1 Kin.
on him; then bthe child sneezed
her knees till noon, and then died. 17:21 b2 Kin. seven times, and the child opened
21 And she went up and laid him 8:1, 5 his eyes.
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2 KINGS 4:36 328

36 And he called Gehazi and said, 37 a1 Kin. said the girl who is from the land of
Call this Shunammite woman. So 17:23; [Heb. Israel.
he called her. And when she came 5 Then the king of Syria said, Go
in to him, he said, Pick up your now, and I will send a letter to the
son. 38 a2 Kin. 2:1 king of Israel. So he departed and
37 So she went in, fell at his feet, b2 Kin. 8:1 atook with him ten talents of silver,
cLuke 10:39;
and bowed to the ground; then she Acts 22:3
six thousand shekels of gold, and
apicked up her son and went out. ten changes of clothing.
6 Then he brought the letter to the
Elisha Purifies the Pot of Stew king of Israel, which said,
40 aEx. 10:17
38 And Elisha returned to aGilgal,
and there was a bfamine in the land. Now be advised, when this
Now the sons of the prophets were 41 aEx. 15:25; letter comes to you, that I have
csitting before him; and he said to 2 Kin. 2:21 sent Naaman my servant to
his servant, Put on the large pot, you, that you may heal him of
and boil stew for the sons of the his leprosy.
42 a1 Sam. 9:4
prophets. b1 Sam. 9:7;
39 So one went out into the field to [1 Cor. 9:11; 7 And it happened, when the king
gather herbs, and found a wild vine, Gal. 6:6] of Israel read the letter, that he tore
and gathered from it a lapful of wild his clothes and said, Am I aGod, to
gourds, and came and sliced them kill and make alive, that this man
43 aLuke 9:13; sends a man to me to heal him of his
into the pot of stew, though they did John 6:9
not know what they were. bLuke 9:17; leprosy? Therefore please consider,
40 Then they served it to the men John 6:11 and see how he seeks a quarrel with
to eat. Now it happened, as they me.
were eating the stew, that they cried 8 So it was, when Elisha the man
out and said, Man of God, there is 44 aMatt. of God heard that the king of Israel
14:20; 15:37; had torn his clothes, that he sent to
adeath in the pot! And they could
John 6:13
not eat it. the king, saying, Why have you
41 So he said, Then bring some torn your clothes? Please let him
flour. And ahe put it into the pot, and CHAPTER 5 come to me, and he shall know that
said, Serve it to the people, that they there is a prophet in Israel.
may eat. And there was nothing 9 Then Naaman went with his
harmful in the pot. 1 aLuke 4:27 horses and chariot, and he stood at
bEx. 11:3
the door of Elishas house.
Elisha Feeds One Hundred Men 10 And Elisha sent a messenger to
him, saying, Go and awash in the
42 Then a man came from aBaal 2 a2 Kin. 6:23;
Jordan seven times, and your flesh
Shalisha, band brought the man of 13:20 1Or in
bands shall be restored to you, and you
God bread of the firstfruits, twenty 2Served, lit. shall be clean.
loaves of barley bread, and newly was before 11 But Naaman became furious,
ripened grain in his knapsack. And and went away and said, Indeed, I
he said, Give it to the people, that said to myself, He will surely come
they may eat. 5 a1 Sam. 9:8;
2 Kin. 8:8, 9 out to me, and stand and call on the
43 But his servant said, aWhat? name of the LORD his God, and
Shall I set this before one hundred wave his hand over the place, and
men? He said again, Give it to the 7 a[Gen. 30:2; heal the leprosy.
people, that they may eat; for thus Deut. 32:39; 12 Are not the 1Abanah and the
says the LORD: bThey shall eat and 1 Sam. 2:6]
Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus,
have some left over. better than all the waters of Israel?
44 So he set it before them; and Could I not wash in them and be
they ate aand had some left over, 10 a2 Kin. 4:41;
John 9:7 clean? So he turned and went away
according to the word of the LORD. in a rage.
Naamans Leprosy Healed 13 And his aservants came near
12 1So with and spoke to him, and said, My
Now aNaaman, commander of Kt., LXX, Vg.; father, if the prophet had told you to
5 the army of the king of Syria,
was ba great and honorable man in
Qr., Syr., Tg.
Amanah do something great, would you not
have done it? How much more then,
the eyes of his master, because by when he says to you, Wash, and be
him the LORD had given victory to 13 a1 Sam. clean?
Syria. He was also a mighty man of 28:23 14 So he went down and dipped
valor, but a leper. seven times in the Jordan, according
2 And the Syrians had gone out to the saying of the man of God; and
aon1 raids, and had brought back 14 a2 Kin. 5:10;
Job 33:25 his aflesh was restored like the flesh
captive a young girl from the land of bLuke 4:27; of a little child, and bhe was clean.
Israel. She 2waited on Naamans 5:13 15 And he returned to the man of
wife. God, he and all his aides, and came
3 Then she said to her mistress, and stood before him; and he said,
If only my master were with the 15 aDan. 2:47; Indeed, now I know that there is
3:29; 6:26, 27
prophet who is in Samaria! For he bGen. 33:11
ano God in all the earth, except in
would heal him of his leprosy. Israel; now therefore, please take ba
4 And Naaman went in and told gift from your servant.
his master, saying, Thus and thus 16 a2 Kin. 3:14 16 But he said, aAs the LORD lives,
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329 2 KINGS 6:17

before whom I stand, bI will receive 16 bGen. 14:22, place where we dwell with you is too
nothing. And he urged him to take 23; 2 Kin. small for us.
5:20, 26;
it, but he refused. [Matt. 10:8]; 2 Please, let us go to the Jordan,
17 So Naaman said, Then, if not, Acts 8:18, 20 and let every man take a beam from
please let your servant be given two there, and let us make there a place
mule-loads of earth; for your ser- where we may dwell. So he
vant will no longer offer either answered, Go.
burnt offering or sacrifice to other 18 a2 Kin. 7:2, 3 Then one said, aPlease consent
gods, but to the LORD. 17 to go with your servants. And he
18 Yet in this thing may the LORD answered, I will go.
pardon your servant: when my mas- 4 So he went with them. And
ter goes into the temple of Rimmon 20 a2 Kin. 4:12;
when they came to the Jordan, they
to worship there, and ahe leans on 8:4, 5 cut down trees.
my hand, and I bow down in the 5 But as one was cutting down a
temple of Rimmonwhen I bow tree, the iron ax head fell into the
down in the temple of Rimmon, may water; and he cried out and said,
the LORD please pardon your ser- 22 a2 Kin. 4:26 Alas, master! For it was aborrowed.
vant in this thing. 6 So the man of God said, Where
19 Then he said to him, Go in did it fall? And he showed him the
peace. So he departed from him a place. So ahe cut off a stick, and
short distance. 24 1Lit. the hill threw it in there; and he made the
iron float.
Gehazis Greed 7 Therefore he said, Pick it up
20 But aGehazi, the servant of for yourself. So he reached out his
26 a[Eccl. 3:1, hand and took it.
Elisha the man of God, said, Look, 6]
my master has spared Naaman this The Blinded Syrians Captured
Syrian, while not receiving from his
hands what he brought; but as the 8 Now the aking of Syria was
LORD lives, I will run after him and 27 a[1 Tim. making war against Israel; and he
take something from him. 6:10] bEx. 4:6; consulted with his servants, saying,
21 So Gehazi pursued Naaman. Num. 12:10; My camp will be in such and such a
2 Kin. 15:5
When Naaman saw him running after place.
him, he got down from the chariot to 9 And the man of God sent to the
meet him, and said, Is all well? king of Israel, saying, Beware that
22 And he said, All is awell. My CHAPTER 6 you do not pass this place, for the
master has sent me, saying, Indeed, Syrians are coming down there.
just now two young men of the sons 10 Then the king of Israel sent
of the prophets have come to me someone to the place of which the
from the mountains of Ephraim. 1 a2 Kin. 4:38 man of God had told him. Thus he
Please give them a talent of silver warned him, and he was watchful
and two changes of garments. there, not just once or twice.
23 So Naaman said, Please, take 11 Therefore the heart of the king
two talents. And he urged him, and 3 a2 Kin. 5:23 of Syria was greatly troubled by this
bound two talents of silver in two thing; and he called his servants
bags, with two changes of garments, and said to them, Will you not
and handed them to two of his ser- show me which of us is for the king
vants; and they carried them on 5 a[Ex. 22:14] of Israel?
ahead of him. 12 And one of his servants said,
24 When he came to 1the citadel, he None, my lord, O king; but Elisha,
took them from their hand, and the prophet who is in Israel, tells the
stored them away in the house; then 6 aEx. 15:25;
king of Israel the words that you
2 Kin. 2:21;
he let the men go, and they departed. 4:41 speak in your bedroom.
25 Now he went in and stood 13 So he said, Go and see where
before his master. Elisha said to he is, that I may send and get him.
him, Where did you go, Gehazi? And it was told him, saying, Surely
And he said, Your servant did not 8 a2 Kin. 8:28, he is in aDothan.
go anywhere. 29 14 Therefore he sent horses and
26 Then he said to him, Did not chariots and a great army there, and
my heart go with you when the man they came by night and surrounded
turned back from his chariot to the city.
meet you? Is it atime to receive 13 aGen. 37:17 15 And when the servant of the
money and to receive clothing, olive man of God arose early and went
groves and vineyards, sheep and out, there was an army, surrounding
oxen, male and female servants? the city with horses and chariots.
27 Therefore the leprosy of Naa- 16 aEx. 14:13;
1 Kin. 17:13 And his servant said to him, Alas,
man ashall cling to you and your b2 Chr. 32:7; my master! What shall we do?
descendants forever. And he went Ps. 55:18; 16 So he answered, aDo not fear,
out from his presence bleprous, as [Rom. 8:31] for bthose who are with us are more
white as snow. than those who are with them.
The Floating Ax Head 17 And Elisha prayed, and said,
17 aNum.
LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he
And athe sons of the prophets may see. Then the LORD aopened the
6 said to Elisha, See now, the
22:31; Luke
24:31 eyes of the young man, and he saw.
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2 KINGS 6:18 330

And behold, the mountain was full of 17 b2 Kin. 2:11; and more also, if the head of Elisha
bhorses and chariots of fire all around Ps. 34:7; the son of Shaphat remains on him
68:17; Zech.
Elisha. 1:8; 6:17 today!
18 So when the Syrians came 32 But Elisha was sitting in his
down to him, Elisha prayed to the house, and athe elders were sitting
LORD, and said, Strike this people, 18 aGen. 19:11; with him. And the king sent a man
Acts 13:11
I pray, with blindness. And aHe ahead of him, but before the messen-
struck them with blindness accord- ger came to him, he said to the el-
ing to the word of Elisha. 21 a2 Kin. 2:12; ders, bDo you see how this son of ca
19 Now Elisha said to them, This 5:13; 8:9 murderer has sent someone to take
is not the way, nor is this the city. away my head? Look, when the mes-
Follow me, and I will bring you to 22 a[Rom. senger comes, shut the door, and
the man whom you seek. But he led 12:20] hold him fast at the door. Is not the
them to Samaria. sound of his masters feet behind
20 So it was, when they had come him?
to Samaria, that Elisha said, LORD, 23 a2 Kin. 5:2; 33 And while he was still talking
6:8, 9
open the eyes of these men, that they with them, there was the messenger,
may see. And the LORD opened coming down to him; and then the
their eyes, and they saw; and there 24 a1 Kin. 20:1 king said, Surely this calamity is
they were, inside Samaria! from the LORD; awhy should I wait
21 Now when the king of Israel for the LORD any longer?
25 a2 Kin. 4:38;
saw them, he said to Elisha, My afa- Then Elisha said, Hear the
ther, shall I kill them? Shall I kill
8:1 1Approxi-
mately 1 pint 7 word of the LORD. Thus says the
LORD: aTomorrow about this time a
22 But he answered, You shall not 1seah of fine flour shall be sold for
kill them. Would you kill those whom 29 aLev. a shekel, and two seahs of barley for
you have taken captive with your Deut. a shekel, at the gate of Samaria.
sword and your bow? aSet food and 28:5257; 2 aSo an officer on whose hand
water before them, that they may eat Lam. 4:10 the king leaned answered the man
and drink and go to their master. of God and said, Look, bif the LORD
23 Then he prepared a great feast 30 a1 Kin. would make windows in heaven,
for them; and after they ate and 21:27 could this thing be? And he said,
drank, he sent them away and they In fact, you shall see it with your
went to their master. So athe bands eyes, but you shall not eat of it.
of Syrian raiders came no more into 31 aRuth 1:17;
1 Kin. 19:2 The Syrians Flee
the land of Israel.
Syria Besieges Samaria in Famine 3 Now there were four leprous
32 aEzek. 8:1; men aat the entrance of the gate;
14:1; 20:1
24 And it happened after this that bLuke 13:32 and they said to one another, Why
aBen-Hadad king of Syria gathered c1 Kin. 18:4, are we sitting here until we die?
all his army, and went up and 13, 14; 21:10, 4 If we say, We will enter the
besieged Samaria. 13 city, the famine is in the city, and we
25 And there was a great afamine shall die there. And if we sit here,
in Samaria; and indeed they 33 aJob 2:9 we die also. Now therefore, come,
besieged it until a donkeys head let us surrender to the aarmy of the
was sold for eighty shekels of silver, Syrians. If they keep us alive, we
and one-fourth of a 1kab of dove CHAPTER 7 shall live; and if they kill us, we
droppings for five shekels of silver. shall only die.
26 Then, as the king of Israel was 1 a2 Kin. 7:18, 5 And they rose at twilight to go
passing by on the wall, a woman 19 1A third of to the camp of the Syrians; and
cried out to him, saying, Help, my an ephah, or when they had come to the outskirts
lord, O king! about 8 gal- of the Syrian camp, to their surprise
27 And he said, If the LORD does no one was there.
not help you, where can I find help 6 For the Lord had caused the
for you? From the threshing floor or 2 a2 Kin. 5:18; army of the Syrians ato hear the
from the winepress? 7:17, 19, 20 noise of chariots and the noise of
bGen. 7:11;
28 Then the king said to her, What Mal. 3:10 horsesthe noise of a great army;
is troubling you? And she so they said to one another, Look,
answered, This woman said to me, the king of Israel has hired against
Give your son, that we may eat him 3 a[Lev. 13:45, us bthe kings of the Hittites and the
today, and we will eat my son 46; Num. kings of the Egyptians to attack
tomorrow. 12:1014] us!
29 So awe boiled my son, and ate 7 Therefore they aarose and fled
him. And I said to her on the next at twilight, and left the camp
day, Give your son, that we may eat 4 a2 Kin. 6:24 intacttheir tents, their horses, and
him; but she has hidden her son. their donkeysand they fled for
30 Now it happened, when the king 6 a2 Sam. 5:24; their lives.
heard the words of the woman, that 2 Kin. 19:7; 8 And when these lepers came to
he atore his clothes; and as he Job 15:21
b1 Kin. 10:29
the outskirts of the camp, they went
passed by on the wall, the people into one tent and ate and drank, and
looked, and there underneath he carried from it silver and gold and
had sackcloth on his body. 7 aPs. 48:46; clothing, and went and hid them;
31 Then he said, aGod do so to me [Prov. 28:1] then they came back and entered an-
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331 2 KINGS 8:12

other tent, and carried some from 9 1Calamity shall see it with your eyes, but you
there also, and went and hid it. shall not eat of it.
9 Then they said to one another, 20 And so it happened to him, for
We are not doing right. This day is the people trampled him in the gate,
a day of good news, and we remain 12 a2 Kin. and he died.
silent. If we wait until morning light, 6:2429 1Hide
some 1punishment will come upon themselves in The King Restores the
us. Now therefore, come, let us go ambush Shunammites Land
and tell the kings household. Then Elisha spoke to the woman
10 So they went and called to the
gatekeepers of the city, and told
8 awhose son he had restored to
life, saying, Arise and go, you and
them, saying, We went to the Syr- 16 a2 Kin. 7:1 your household, and stay wherever
ian camp, and surprisingly no one you can; for the LORD bhas called for
was there, not a human sound a cfamine, and furthermore, it will
only horses and donkeys tied, and come upon the land for seven years.
the tents intact. 2 So the woman arose and did
11 And the gatekeepers called out, 17 a2 Kin. 6:32;
7:2 according to the saying of the man
and they told it to the kings house- of God, and she went with her
hold inside. household and dwelt in the land of
12 So the king arose in the night the Philistines seven years.
and said to his servants, Let me 3 It came to pass, at the end of
now tell you what the Syrians have 18 a2 Kin. 7:1 seven years, that the woman
done to us. They know that we are returned from the land of the
ahungry; therefore they have gone
Philistines; and she went to make
out of the camp to 1hide themselves an appeal to the king for her house
in the field, saying, When they and for her land.
come out of the city, we shall catch CHAPTER 8
4 Then the king talked with aGe-
them alive, and get into the city. hazi, the servant of the man of God,
13 And one of his servants an- saying, Tell me, please, all the great
swered and said, Please, let several things Elisha has done.
men take five of the remaining 1 a2 Kin. 4:18, 5 Now it happened, as he was
horses which are left in the city. 3135 bPs. telling the king how he had restored
Look, they may either become like 105:16; Hag.
1:11 c2 Sam.
the dead to life, that there was the
all the multitude of Israel that are 21:1; 1 Kin. woman whose son he had arestored
left in it; or indeed, I say, they may 18:2; 2 Kin. to life, appealing to the king for her
become like all the multitude of 4:38; 6:25 house and for her land. And Gehazi
Israel left from those who are con- said, My lord, O king, this is the
sumed; so let us send them and see. woman, and this is her son whom
14 Therefore they took two chari- Elisha restored to life.
ots with horses; and the king sent 4 a2 Kin. 4:12;
6 And when the king asked the
them in the direction of the Syrian 5:2027 woman, she told him. So the king
army, saying, Go and see. appointed a certain officer for her,
15 And they went after them to the saying, Restore all that was hers,
Jordan; and indeed all the road was and all the proceeds of the field
full of garments and weapons which from the day that she left the land
the Syrians had thrown away in 5 a2 Kin. 4:35 until now.
their haste. So the messengers
returned and told the king. Death of Ben-Hadad
16 Then the people went out and 7 Then Elisha went to Damascus,
plundered the tents of the Syrians. 7 a2 Kin. 6:24 and aBen-Hadad king of Syria was
So a seah of fine flour was sold for a sick; and it was told him, saying,
shekel, and two seahs of barley for a The man of God has come here.
shekel, aaccording to the word of the 8 And the king said to aHazael,
LORD. bTake a present in your hand, and
17 Now the king had appointed the 8 a1 Kin. 19:15
b1 Sam. 9:7; go to meet the man of God, and
officer on whose hand he leaned to 1 Kin. 14:3; cinquire of the LORD by him, saying,
have charge of the gate. But the peo- 2 Kin. 5:5 Shall I recover from this disease?
ple trampled him in the gate, and he c2 Kin. 1:2
9 So aHazael went to meet him
died, just aas the man of God had and took a present with him, of
said, who spoke when the king every good thing of Damascus, forty
came down to him. camel-loads; and he came and stood
18 So it happened just as the man 9 a1 Kin. 19:15 before him, and said, Your son Ben-
of God had spoken to the king, say- Hadad king of Syria has sent me to
ing, aTwo seahs of barley for a you, saying, Shall I recover from
shekel, and a seah of fine flour for a this disease?
shekel, shall be sold tomorrow 10 And Elisha said to him, Go, say
about this time in the gate of 10 a2 Kin. 8:15 to him, You shall certainly recover.
Samaria. However the LORD has shown me
19 Then that officer had answered that ahe will really die.
the man of God, and said, Now 11 Then he 1set his countenance in
look, if the LORD would make win- 11 aLuke 19:41
a stare until he was ashamed; and
dows in heaven, could such a thing 1fixed his the man of God awept.
be? And he had said, In fact, you gaze 12 And Hazael said, Why is my
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2 KINGS 8:13 332

lord weeping? He answered, Be- 12 a2 Kin. reigned one year in Jerusalem. His
cause I know athe evil that you will 10:32; 12:17; mothers name was Athaliah the
13:3, 7; Amos
do to the children of Israel: Their 1:3, 4 b2 Kin. granddaughter of Omri, king of
strongholds you will set on fire, and 15:16; Hos. Israel.
their young men you will kill with 13:16; Amos 27 aAnd he walked in the way of
the sword; and you bwill dash their 1:13; Nah.
3:10 the house of Ahab, and did evil in
children, and rip open their women 13 a1 Sam. the sight of the LORD, like the house
with child. 17:43; 2 Sam. of Ahab, for he was the son-in-law
13 So Hazael said, But what ais 9:8 b1 Kin. of the house of Ahab.
your servanta dog, that he should 19:15 28 Now he went awith Joram the
do this gross thing? And Elisha 16 a2 Kin. 1:17; son of Ahab to war against Hazael
answered, bThe LORD has shown 3:1 b2 Chr.
21:3 king of Syria at bRamoth Gilead;
me that you will become king over 1Co-regent and the Syrians wounded Joram.
Syria. with his 29 Then aKing Joram went back to
14 Then he departed from Elisha, father Jezreel to recover from the wounds
and came to his master, who said to 17 a2 Chr. which the Syrians had inflicted on
him, What did Elisha say to you? 21:510
him at 1Ramah, when he fought
And he answered, He told me you 18 a2 Kin. 8:26,
27 against Hazael king of Syria. bAnd
would surely recover. 19 a2 Sam. Ahaziah the son of Jehoram, king of
15 But it happened on the next day 7:13; 1 Kin. Judah, went down to see Joram the
that he took a thick cloth and 11:36; 15:4; son of Ahab in Jezreel, because he
dipped it in water, and spread it 2 Chr. 21:7 was sick.
over his face so that he died; and 20 aGen. 27:40;
Hazael reigned in his place. 2 Chr. 21:810 Jehu Anointed King of Israel
b1 Kin. 22:47
And Elisha the prophet called
Jehoram Reigns in Judah
16 Now ain the fifth year of Joram
21 1Jehoram,
v. 16
22 aJosh.
9 one of athe sons of the prophets,
and said to him, bGet1 yourself
the son of Ahab, king of Israel, 21:13; 2 Kin. ready, take this flask of oil in your
19:8; 2 Chr.
Jehoshaphat having been king of 21:10 hand, cand go to Ramoth Gilead.
Judah, bJehoram the son of 23 1Jehoram, 2 Now when you arrive at that
Jehoshaphat began to reign as 1king v. 16 place, look there for Jehu the son of
of Judah. 24 a2 Chr. 22:1, Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi, and
17 He was athirty-two years old 7 1Died and go in and make him rise up from
when he became king, and he joined his among ahis associates, and take him
reigned eight years in Jerusalem. ancestors 2Or
Azariah or to an inner room.
18 And he walked in the way of the Jehoahaz 3 Then atake the flask of oil, and
kings of Israel, just as the house of 26 a2 Chr. 22:2 pour it on his head, and say, Thus
Ahab had done, for athe daughter of 27 a2 Chr. says the LORD: I have anointed you
Ahab was his wife; and he did evil 22:3, 4 king over Israel. Then open the
in the sight of the LORD. 28 a2 Chr. 22:5 door and flee, and do not delay.
19 Yet the LORD would not destroy b1 Kin. 22:3,
4 So the young man, the servant
Judah, for the sake of His servant 29
29 a2 Kin. 9:15
of the prophet, went to Ramoth
David, aas He promised him to give b2 Kin. 9:16; Gilead.
a lamp to him and his sons forever. 2 Chr. 22:6, 7 5 And when he arrived, there
20 In his days aEdom revolted 1Ramoth, v.
were the captains of the army sit-
against Judahs authority, band 28 ting; and he said, I have a message
made a king over themselves. CHAPTER 9 for you, Commander. Jehu said,
21 So 1Joram went to Zair, and all 1 a1 Kin. 20:35
b2 Kin. 4:29; For which one of us? And he said,
his chariots with him. Then he rose Jer. 1:17 For you, Commander.
by night and attacked the Edomites c2 Kin. 8:28, 6 Then he arose and went into the
who had surrounded him and the 29 1Lit. Gird house. And he poured the oil on his
captains of the chariots; and the up your loins head, and said to him, aThus says
troops fled to their tents. 2 a2 Kin. 9:5, the LORD God of Israel: I have
22 Thus Edom has been in revolt 11
3 a1 Kin. 19:16
anointed you king over the people
against Judahs authority to this day. of the LORD, over Israel.
aAnd Libnah revolted at that time. 6 a1 Sam. 2:7,
8; 1 Kin. 7 You shall strike down the house
23 Now the rest of the acts of 19:16; 2 Kin. of Ahab your master, that I may
1Joram, and all that he did, are they aavenge the blood of My servants
9:3; 2 Chr.
not written in the book of the chron- 22:7 the prophets, and the blood of all
icles of the kings of Judah? 7 a[Deut. the servants of the LORD, bat the
24 So Joram 1rested with his 32:35, 41]
b1 Kin. 18:4; hand of Jezebel.
fathers, and was buried with his 21:15 8 For the whole house of Ahab
fathers in the City of David. Then 8 a1 Kin. shall perish; and aI will cut off from
aAhaziah2 his son reigned in his
14:10; 21:21; Ahab all bthe males in Israel, both
place. 2 Kin. 10:17 cbond and free.
b1 Sam. 25:22
Ahaziah Reigns in Judah cDeut. 32:36; 9 So I will make the house of
2 Kin. 14:26 Ahab like the house of aJeroboam
25 In the twelfth year of Joram the 9 a1 Kin. the son of Nebat, and like the house
son of Ahab, king of Israel, Ahaziah 14:10; 15:29; of bBaasha the son of Ahijah.
the son of Jehoram, king of Judah, 21:22 b1 Kin. 10 aThe dogs shall eat Jezebel on
16:3, 11
began to reign. 10 a1 Kin.
the plot of ground at Jezreel, and
26 Ahaziah was atwenty-two years 21:23; 2 Kin. there shall be none to bury her.
old when he became king, and he 9:35, 36 And he opened the door and fled.
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333 2 KINGS 9:36

11 Then Jehu came out to the ser- 11 aJer. 29:26; your mother Jezebel and her witch-
vants of his master, and one said to Hos. 9:7; craft are so many?
Mark 3:21;
him, Is all well? Why did athis mad- John 10:20; 23 Then Joram turned around and
man come to you? And he said to Acts 26:24; fled, and said to Ahaziah, Treach-
them, You know the man and his [1 Cor. 4:10] ery, Ahaziah!
babble. 24 Now Jehu 1drew his bow with
12 And they said, A lie! Tell us full strength and shot Jehoram
now. So he said, Thus and thus he 13 aMatt. 21:7, between his arms; and the arrow
spoke to me, saying, Thus says the 8; Mark 11:7, came out at his heart, and he sank
LORD: I have anointed you king 8 1Lit. under down in his chariot.
his feet
over Israel. 25 Then Jehu said to Bidkar his
13 Then each man hastened ato take captain, Pick him up, and throw
his garment and put it 1under him on him into the tract of the field of
the top of the steps; and they blew 14 a2 Kin. 8:28 Naboth the Jezreelite; for remember,
trumpets, saying, Jehu is king! when you and I were riding together
behind Ahab his father, that athe
Joram of Israel Killed 15 a2 Kin. 8:29 LORD laid this bburden upon him:
1Jehoram, v.
14 So Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat, 26 Surely I saw yesterday the
the son of Nimshi, conspired against blood of Naboth and the blood of
aJoram. (Now Joram had been his sons, says the LORD, aand I will
defending Ramoth Gilead, he and repay you 1in this plot, says the
all Israel, against Hazael king of
16 a2 Kin. 8:29 LORD. Now therefore, take and
Syria. throw him on the plot of ground,
15 But aKing 1Joram had returned according to the word of the LORD.
to Jezreel to recover from the 17 1Are you
peaceful? Ahaziah of Judah Killed
wounds which the Syrians had
inflicted on him when he fought 27 But when Ahaziah king of Judah
with Hazael king of Syria.) And saw this, he fled by the road to 1Beth
Jehu said, If you are so minded, let 18 1Lit. Turn Haggan. So Jehu pursued him, and
behind me said, 2Shoot him also in the char-
no one leave or escape from the city
to go and tell it in Jezreel. iot. And they shot him at the Ascent
16 So Jehu rode in a chariot and of Gur, which is by Ibleam. Then he
went to Jezreel, for Joram was laid 21 a1 Kin. fled to aMegiddo, and died there.
19:17; 2 Chr. 28 And his servants carried him in
up there; aand Ahaziah king of 22:7 b1 Kin.
Judah had come down to see Joram. 21:114 1Har- the chariot to Jerusalem, and buried
17 Now a watchman stood on the ness up 2Lit. him in his tomb with his fathers in
tower in Jezreel, and he saw the found the City of David.
company of Jehu as he came, and 29 In the eleventh year of Joram
said, I see a company of men. the son of Ahab, Ahaziah had
And Joram said, Get a horseman 24 1Lit. filled become king over Judah.
and send him to meet them, and let his hand
him say, 1Is it peace? Jezebels Violent Death
18 So the horseman went to meet 30 Now when Jehu had come to
him, and said, Thus says the king: 25 a1 Kin. Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; aand she
Is it peace? And Jehu said, What 21:19, 2429
bIs. 13:1 put paint on her eyes and adorned
have you to do with peace? 1Turn her head, and looked through a win-
around and follow me. So the dow.
watchman reported, saying, The 31 Then, as Jehu entered at the
messenger went to them, but is not 26 a1 Kin. gate, she said, aIs it peace, Zimri,
coming back. 21:13, 19 1on
this property murderer of your master?
19 Then he sent out a second horse- 32 And he looked up at the win-
man who came to them, and said, dow, and said, Who is on my side?
Thus says the king: Is it peace? Who? So two or three eunuchs
And Jehu answered, What have you 27 a2 Chr. 22:7, looked out at him.
9 1Lit. The
to do with peace? Turn around and Garden House 33 Then he said, Throw her
follow me. 2Lit. Strike down. So they threw her down, and
20 So the watchman reported, say- some of her blood spattered on the
ing, He went up to them and is not wall and on the horses; and he tram-
coming back; and the driving is like 30 a[Jer. 4:30]; pled her underfoot.
the driving of Jehu the son of Ezek. 23:40 34 And when he had gone in, he
Nimshi, for he drives furiously! ate and drank. Then he said, Go
21 Then Joram said, 1Make ready. now, see to this accursed woman,
And his chariot was made ready. 31 a1 Kin. and bury her, for ashe was a kings
Then aJoram king of Israel and 16:920; daughter.
Ahaziah king of Judah went out, 2 Kin. 9:1822 35 So they went to bury her, but
each in his chariot; and they went they found no more of her than the
out to meet Jehu, and 2met him bon skull and the feet and the palms of
the property of Naboth the Jezreel- 34 a[Ex. 22:28]; her hands.
ite. 1 Kin. 16:31 36 Therefore they came back and
22 Now it happened, when Joram told him. And he said, This is the
saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, word of the LORD, which He spoke
Jehu? So he answered, What 36 a1 Kin. by His servant Elijah the Tishbite,
peace, as long as the harlotries of 21:23 saying, aOn the plot of ground at
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2 KINGS 9:37 334

Jezreel dogs shall eat the flesh of 37 aPs. 83:10 of the house of Ahab in Jezreel, and
Jezebel; all his great men and his close
37 and the corpse of Jezebel shall acquaintances and his priests, until
be aas refuse on the surface of the he left him none remaining.
field, in the plot at Jezreel, so that
they shall not say, Here lies Ahaziahs Forty-two Brothers
1 1So with
Jezebel. MT, Syr., Tg.; Killed
LXX Samaria;
Ahabs Seventy Sons Killed Vg. city 2the 12 And he arose and departed and
guardians of went to Samaria. On the way, at
Now Ahab had seventy sons 1Beth Eked of the Shepherds,
10 in Samaria. And Jehu wrote
and sent letters to Samaria, to the 3 1most
13 aJehu met with the brothers of
Ahaziah king of Judah, and said,
rulers of 1Jezreel, to the elders, and Who are you? So they answered,
to 2those who reared Ahabs sons, We are the brothers of Ahaziah; we
saying: 4 a2 Kin. 9:24, have come down to greet the sons of
27 1Lit. stand the king and the sons of the queen
2 Now as soon as this letter before mother.
comes to you, since your 14 And he said, Take them alive!
masters sons are with you, and So they took them alive, and akilled
you have chariots and horses, a 7 aJudg. 9:5;
1 Kin. 21:21; them at the well of 1Beth Eked, forty-
fortified city also, and weapons, 2 Kin. 11:1 two men; and he left none of them.
3 choose the 1best qualified of
your masters sons, set him on The Rest of Ahabs Family Killed
his fathers throne, and fight 9 a2 Kin.
15 Now when he departed from
for your masters house. 9:1424
there, he 1met aJehonadab the son of
bRechab, coming to meet him; and
4 But they were exceedingly he greeted him and said to him, Is
10 a1 Sam.
afraid, and said, Look, atwo kings 3:19; 1 Kin. your heart right, as my heart is
could not 1stand up to him; how 8:56; Jer. toward your heart? And Jehonadab
then can we stand? 44:28 b1 Kin.
answered, It is. Jehu said, If it is,
5 And he who was in charge of 21:1724, 29
cgive me your hand. So he gave him
the house, and he who was in his hand, and he took him up to him
charge of the city, the elders also, 12 1Or The into the chariot.
and those who reared the sons, sent Shearing 16 Then he said, Come with me,
to Jehu, saying, We are your ser- House
and see my azeal for the LORD. So
vants, we will do all you tell us; but they had him ride in his chariot.
we will not make anyone king. Do 17 And when he came to Samaria,
what is good in your sight. 13 a2 Chr. 22:8
ahe killed all who remained to Ahab
6 Then he wrote a second letter to in Samaria, till he had destroyed
them, saying: 14 a2 Chr. 22:8 them, according to the word of the
1Or The
If you are for me and will obey Shearing
LORD bwhich He spoke to Elijah.
my voice, take the heads of the House
Worshipers of Baal Killed
men, your masters sons, and
come to me at Jezreel by this 18 Then Jehu gathered all the peo-
time tomorrow. 15 aJer. 35:6 ple together, and said to them,
b1 Chr. 2:55
cEzra 10:19;
aAhab served Baal a little, Jehu will
Now the kings sons, seventy per- Ezek. 17:18 serve him much.
sons, were with the great men of the 1Lit. found
19 Now therefore, call to me all
city, who were rearing them. the aprophets of Baal, all his ser-
7 So it was, when the letter came vants, and all his priests. Let no one
16 a1 Kin.
to them, that they took the kings 19:10 be missing, for I have a great sacri-
sons and aslaughtered seventy per- fice for Baal. Whoever is missing
sons, put their heads in baskets and shall not live. But Jehu acted decep-
sent them to him at Jezreel. 17 a2 Kin. 9:8; tively, with the intent of destroying
8 Then a messenger came and told 2 Chr. 22:8
b1 Kin. 21:21,
the worshipers of Baal.
him, saying, They have brought the 29
20 And Jehu said, 1Proclaim a
heads of the kings sons. And he solemn assembly for Baal. So they
said, Lay them in two heaps at the proclaimed it.
entrance of the gate until morning. 18 a1 Kin. 21 Then Jehu sent throughout all
9 So it was, in the morning, that 16:31, 32 Israel; and all the worshipers of
he went out and stood, and said to Baal came, so that there was not a
all the people, You are righteous. man left who did not come. So they
Indeed aI conspired against my mas- 19 a1 Kin. came into the 1temple of Baal, and
18:19; 22:6
ter and killed him; but who killed all the atemple of Baal was full from
these? one end to the other.
10 Know now that nothing shall 20 1Conse- 22 And he said to the one in charge
afall to the earth of the word of the crate of the wardrobe, Bring out vestments
LORD which the LORD spoke con- for all the worshipers of Baal. So he
cerning the house of Ahab; for the brought out vestments for them.
LORD has done what He spoke bby 21 a1 Kin. 23 Then Jehu and Jehonadab the
16:32; 2 Kin.
His servant Elijah. 11:18 1Lit. son of Rechab went into the temple
11 So Jehu killed all who remained house of Baal, and said to the worshipers
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335 2 KINGS 11:14

of Baal, Search and see that no ser- 24 a1 Kin. was cdead, she arose and destroyed
vants of the LORD are here with 20:39 all the royal heirs.
you, but only the worshipers of 2 But 1Jehosheba, the daughter of
Baal. 25 1Lit. city King Joram, sister of aAhaziah, took
24 So they went in to offer sacri- 2Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole
fices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu 26 a[Deut. 7:5, him away from among the kings
had appointed for himself eighty 25]; 1 Kin. sons who were being murdered; and
14:23; 2 Kin.
men on the outside, and had said, If 3:2 they hid him and his nurse in the
any of the men whom I have bedroom, from Athaliah, so that he
brought into your hands escapes, 27 aEzra 6:11;
was not killed.
whoever lets him escape, it shall be Dan. 2:5; 3:29 3 So he was hidden with her in the
ahis life for the life of the other. 1Lit. house house of the LORD for six years,
25 Now it happened, as soon as he while Athaliah reigned over the land.
had made an end of offering the 29 a1 Kin.
burnt offering, that Jehu said to the 12:2830; Joash Crowned King of Judah
guard and to the captains, Go in and 13:33, 34
4 In athe seventh year Jehoiada
kill them; let no one come out! And sent and brought the captains of
they killed them with the edge of the 30 a2 Kin. 9:6, hundredsof the bodyguards and
sword; then the guards and the offi- 7 b2 Kin. 13:1,
10; 14:23; the 1escortsand brought them into
cers threw them out, and went into 15:8, 12 the house of the LORD to him. And
the 1inner room of the temple of Baal. he made a covenant with them and
26 And they brought the asacred took an oath from them in the house
31 a1 Kin.
pillars out of the temple of Baal and 14:16 1was of the LORD, and showed them the
burned them. not careful kings son.
27 Then they broke down the sa- 5 Then he commanded them, say-
cred pillar of Baal, and tore down 32 a1 Kin. ing, This is what you shall do: One-
the 1temple of Baal and amade it a 19:17; 2 Kin. third of you who 1come on duty aon
refuse dump to this day. 8:12; 13:22
the Sabbath shall be keeping watch
28 Thus Jehu destroyed Baal from over the kings house,
Israel. 33 aDeut. 2:36 6 one-third shall be at the gate of
29 However Jehu did not turn away bAmos 1:35
Sur, and one-third at the gate
from the sins of Jeroboam the son of behind the escorts. You shall keep
Nebat, who had made Israel sin, 35 a2 Kin. 13:1 the watch of the house, lest it be
that is, from athe golden calves that 1Died and
broken down.
were at Bethel and Dan. joined his
ancestors 7 The two 1contingents of you
30 And the LORD asaid to Jehu, who go off duty on the Sabbath
Because you have done well in shall keep the watch of the house of
doing what is right in My sight, and CHAPTER 11 the LORD for the king.
have done to the house of Ahab all 8 But you shall surround the
that was in My heart, byour sons king on all sides, every man with his
shall sit on the throne of Israel to 1 a2 Chr. 22:10
b2 Kin. 8:26 weapons in his hand; and whoever
the fourth generation. c2 Kin. 9:27 comes within range, let him be put
31 But Jehu 1took no heed to walk to death.You are to be with the king
in the law of the LORD God of Israel 2 a2 Kin. 8:25 as he goes out and as he comes in.
with all his heart; for he did not 1Jehoshabe-
9 aSo the captains of the hundreds
depart from athe sins of Jeroboam, thath, 2 Chr. did according to all that Jehoiada
who had made Israel sin. 22:11 2Or
Jehoash the priest commanded. Each of them
Death of Jehu took his men who were to be on duty
4 a2 Kin. 12:2;
on the Sabbath, with those who
32 In those days the LORD began to 2 Chr. 23:1 were going off duty on the Sabbath,
cut off parts of Israel; and aHazael 1guards and came to Jehoiada the priest.
conquered them in all the territory 10 And the priest gave the captains
of Israel 5 a1 Chr. 9:25 of hundreds the spears and shields
33 from the Jordan eastward: all 1Lit. enter in which had belonged to King David,
the land of GileadGad, Reuben, athat were in the temple of the LORD.
and Manassehfrom aAroer, which 7 1companies 11 Then the escorts stood, every
is by the River Arnon, including man with his weapons in his hand, all
bGilead and Bashan. around the king, from the right 1side
9 a2 Chr. 23:8
34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, of the temple to the left side of the
all that he did, and all his might, are 10 a2 Sam. 8:7;
temple, by the altar and the house.
they not written in the book of the 1 Chr. 18:7 12 And he brought out the kings
chronicles of the kings of Israel? son, put the crown on him, and gave
35 So Jehu 1rested with his fathers, 11 1Lit. shoul-
him the aTestimony;1 they made him
and they buried him in Samaria. der king and anointed him, and they
Then aJehoahaz his son reigned in clapped their hands and said,
his place. 12 aEx. 25:16;
bLong live the king!
36 And the period that Jehu 31:18 b1 Sam.
reigned over Israel in Samaria was 10:24 1Law, Death of Athaliah
twenty-eight years. Ex. 25:16, 21;
13 aNow when Athaliah heard the
Deut. 31:9
Athaliah Reigns in Judah noise of the escorts and the people,
13 a2 Kin.
she came to the people in the tem-
When aAthaliah bthe mother ple of the LORD.
11 of Ahaziah saw that her son
8:26; 2 Chr.
23:12 14 When she looked, there was the
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2 KINGS 11:15 336

king standing by aa pillar according 14 a2 Kin. 23:3; the temple, wherever any dilapida-
to custom; and the leaders and the 2 Chr. 34:31 tion is found.
trumpeters were by the king. All the 15 1Lit. 6 Now it was so, by the twenty-
people of the land were rejoicing between third year of King Jehoash, athat the
and blowing trumpets. So Athaliah ranks
priests had not repaired the dam-
tore her clothes and cried out, 17 a2 Chr. ages of the temple.
Treason! Treason! 23:16 bJosh. 7 aSo King Jehoash called Je-
24:24, 25;
15 And Jehoiada the priest com- 2 Chr. hoiada the priest and the other
manded the captains of the hun- 15:1215 priests, and said to them, Why have
dreds, the officers of the army, and c2 Sam. 5:3 you not repaired the damages of the
said to them, Take her outside 18 a2 Kin. temple? Now therefore, do not take
1under guard, and slay with the
10:26, 27 more money from your constituency,
sword whoever follows her. For the b[Deut. 12:3]
c1 Kin. 18:40;
but deliver it for repairing the dam-
priest had said, Do not let her be 2 Kin. 10:11
ages of the temple.
killed in the house of the LORD. d2 Chr. 23:18 8 And the priests agreed that they
16 So they seized her; and she 1Idols 2Lit. would neither receive more money
went by way of the horses entrance offices from the people, nor repair the dam-
into the kings house, and there she 21 a2 Chr. ages of the temple.
was killed. 24:114 9 Then Jehoiada the priest took aa
17 aThen Jehoiada bmade a chest, bored a hole in its lid, and set
covenant between the LORD, the CHAPTER 12 it beside the altar, on the right side
king, and the people, that they 1 a2 Chr. 24:1 as one comes into the house of the
should be the LORDs people, and 1Joash, 2 Kin. LORD; and the priests who 1kept the
also cbetween the king and the peo- 11:2ff. door put bthere all the money
ple. 2 a2 Kin. 11:4 brought into the house of the LORD.
18 And all the people of the land 10 So it was, whenever they saw
went to the atemple of Baal, and tore 3 a1 Kin. that there was much money in the
15:14; 22:43;
it down. They thoroughly bbroke in 2 Kin. 14:4; chest, that the kings ascribe1 and
pieces its altars and 1images, and 15:35 1Places the high priest came up and 2put it
ckilled Mattan the priest of Baal for pagan in bags, and counted the money that
before the altars. And dthe priest worship was found in the house of the LORD.
appointed 2officers over the house 4 a2 Kin. 22:4 11 Then they gave the money,
bEx. 30:1316
of the LORD. cLev. 27:228
which had been apportioned, into
19 Then he took the captains of dEx. 35:5; the hands of those who did the work,
hundreds, the bodyguards, the 1 Chr. 29:39 who had the oversight of the house
escorts, and all the people of the 1Lit. the of the LORD; and they 1paid it out to
land; and they brought the king money com- the carpenters and builders who
ing over 2any
down from the house of the LORD, mans heart worked on the house of the LORD,
and went by way of the gate of the prompts him 12 and to masons and stonecutters,
escorts to the kings house. Then he to bring and for buying timber and hewn
sat on the throne of the kings. 5 1Lit. stone, to arepair the damage of the
20 So all the people of the land breaches house of the LORD, and for all that
rejoiced; and the city was quiet, for was paid out to repair the temple.
6 a2 Chr. 24:5
they had slain Athaliah with the 13 However athere were not made
sword in the kings house. 7 a2 Chr. 24:6 for the house of the LORD basins of
21 Jehoash was aseven years old 9 a2 Chr. 23:1; silver, trimmers, sprinkling-bowls,
when he became king. 24:8 bMark trumpets, any articles of gold or
12:41; Luke articles of silver, from the money
Jehoash Repairs the Temple 21:1 1guarded brought into the house of the LORD.
at the door
In the seventh year of Jehu, 14 But they gave that to the work-
12 aJehoash1 became king, and
he reigned forty years in Jerusalem.
10 a2 Sam.
8:17; 2 Kin.
19:2; 22:3, 4,
men, and they repaired the house of
the LORD with it.
His mothers name was Zibiah of 12 1secretary 15 Moreover athey did not require
Beersheba. 2tied it up an account from the men into whose
2 Jehoash did what was right in 11 1Lit.
hand they delivered the money to be
the sight of the LORD all the days weighed paid to workmen, for they dealt
in which aJehoiada the priest in- faithfully.
12 a2 Kin. 16 aThe money from the trespass
structed him. 22:5, 6
3 But athe 1high places were not offerings and the money from the
13 a2 Chr. sin offerings was not brought into
taken away; the people still sacri- 24:14
ficed and burned incense on the the house of the LORD. bIt belonged
high places. 15 a2 Kin. 22:7; to the priests.
[1 Cor. 4:2];
4 And Jehoash said to the priests, 2 Cor. 8:20 Hazael Threatens Jerusalem
aAll the money of the dedicated
gifts that are brought into the house 16 a[Lev. 5:15, 17 aHazael king of Syria went up
18] b[Lev. 7:7;
of the LORDeach mans bcensus1 Num. 18:9] and fought against Gath, and took
money, each mans cassessment it; then bHazael set his face to 1go up
moneyand all the money that 2a 17 a2 Kin. 8:12 to Jerusalem.
b2 Chr. 24:23
man dpurposes in his heart to bring 1Advance 18 And Jehoash king of Judah atook
into the house of the LORD, upon all the sacred things that his fathers,
5 let the priests take it them- 18 a1 Kin.
Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Aha-
selves, each from his constituency; 15:18; 2 Kin. ziah, kings of Judah, had dedicated,
and let them repair the 1damages of 16:8; 18:15, 16 and his own sacred things, and all
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337 2 KINGS 13:23

the gold found in the treasuries of the 19 1Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz became king
house of the LORD and in the kings vv. 118 over Israel in Samaria, and reigned
house, and sent them to Hazael king 20 a2 Kin. 14:5; sixteen years.
of Syria. Then he went away from 2 Chr. 24:25 11 And he did evil in the sight of
Jerusalem. 1Lit. The the LORD. He did not depart from all
Landfill the sins of Jeroboam the son of
Death of Joash Nebat, who made Israel sin, but
21 a2 Chr.
19 Now the rest of the acts of 24:27 1Zabad, walked in them.
1Joash, and all that he did, are they 2 Chr. 24:26 12 aNow the rest of the acts of
not written in the book of the chron- 2Shimrith,
Joash, ball that he did, and chis
icles of the kings of Judah? 2 Chr. 24:26 might with which he fought against
20 And ahis servants arose and Amaziah king of Judah, are they not
formed a conspiracy, and killed CHAPTER 13 written in the book of the chronicles
Joash in the house of 1the Millo, of the kings of Israel?
which goes down to Silla. 1 a2 Kin. 12:1 13 So Joash arested1 with his
21 For 1Jozachar the son of b2 Kin. 10:35
fathers. Then Jeroboam sat on his
Shimeath and Jehozabad the son of 2 Kin. 12:118 throne. And Joash was buried in
2Shomer, his servants, struck him. Samaria with the kings of Israel.
So he died, and they buried him 2 a1 Kin.
with his fathers in the City of David. 12:2633 1Lit. Death of Elisha
Then aAmaziah his son reigned in turn
his place. 14 Elisha had become sick with the
3 aJudg. 2:14 illness of which he would die. Then
Jehoahaz Reigns in Israel b2 Kin. 8:12
cAmos 1:4
Joash the king of Israel came down
In the twenty-third year of to him, and wept over his face, and
13 aJoash1 the son of Ahaziah,
king of Judah, bJehoahaz the son of
4 a[Ps. 78:34]
b[Ex. 3:7, 9;
said, O my father, my father, athe
chariots of Israel and their horse-
Jehu became king over Israel in Judg. 2:18]; men!
Samaria, and reigned seventeen
2 Kin. 14:26 15 And Elisha said to him, Take a
years. 5 a2 Kin.
bow and some arrows. So he took
2 And he did evil in the sight of 13:25; 14:25, himself a bow and some arrows.
the LORD, and followed the asins of 27; Neh. 9:27 16 Then he said to the king of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who Israel, Put your hand on the bow.
had made Israel sin. He did not
6 a1 Kin. 16:33
1Heb. Ashe-
So he put his hand on it, and Elisha
1depart from them. rah, a Canaan-
put his hands on the kings hands.
3 Then athe anger of the LORD ite goddess 17 And he said, Open the east
was aroused against Israel, and He window; and he opened it. Then
delivered them into the hand of 7 a2 Kin. 10:32 Elisha said, Shoot; and he shot.
b[Amos 1:3]
bHazael king of Syria, and into the And he said, The arrow of the
hand of cBen-Hadad the son of Haz- 9 1Died and
LORDs deliverance and the arrow
ael, all their days. joined his of deliverance from Syria; for you
4 So Jehoahaz apleaded with the ancestors 2Or must strike the Syrians at aAphek
LORD, and the LORD listened to him; Jehoash till you have destroyed them.
for bHe saw the oppression of Israel, 18 Then he said, Take the arrows;
10 1Joash, v. 9 so he took them. And he said to the
because the king of Syria oppressed
them. 12 a2 Kin. king of Israel, Strike the ground;
5 aThen the LORD gave Israel a 14:815 so he struck three times, and
deliverer, so that they escaped from b2 Kin. stopped.
13:1419, 25 19 And the man of God was angry
under the hand of the Syrians; and c2 Kin. 14:9;
the children of Israel dwelt in their 2 Chr. with him, and said, You should
tents as before. 25:1725 have struck five or six times; then
6 Nevertheless they did not depart you would have struck Syria till you
from the sins of the house of Jer- 13 a2 Kin. had destroyed it! aBut now you will
14:16 1Died strike Syria only three times.
oboam, who had made Israel sin, but and joined his
walked in them; aand the 1wooden ancestors 20 Then Elisha 1died, and they
image also remained in Samaria. buried him. And the araiding bands
7 For He left of the army of Jehoa- 14 a2 Kin. 2:12 from Moab invaded the land in the
haz only fifty horsemen, ten chari- spring of the year.
17 a1 Kin. 21 So it was, as they were burying
ots, and ten thousand foot soldiers; 20:26
for the king of Syria had destroyed a man, that suddenly they spied a
them aand made them blike the dust 19 a2 Kin. band of raiders; and they put the
at threshing. 13:25 man in the tomb of Elisha; and
8 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoa- when the man was let down and
haz, all that he did, and his might, are 20 a2 Kin. 3:5; touched the bones of Elisha, he
24:2 1Having
they not written in the book of the prophesied at revived and stood on his feet.
chronicles of the kings of Israel? least 55 years
9 So Jehoahaz 1rested with his Israel Recaptures Cities from Syria
fathers, and they buried him in 22 a2 Kin.
8:12, 13 22 And aHazael king of Syria
Samaria. Then 2Joash his son reigned oppressed Israel all the days of
in his place. 23 a2 Kin. Jehoahaz.
Jehoash Reigns in Israel 14:27 b[Ex. 23 But the LORD was agracious to
2:24, 25] them, had compassion on them, and
cGen. 13:16,
10 In the thirty-seventh year of 17; 17:27;
bregarded them, cbecause of His
Joash king of Judah, 1Jehoash Ex. 32:13 covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and
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2 KINGS 13:24 338

Jacob, and would not yet destroy 25 a2 Kin. Shemesh, which belongs to Judah.
them or cast them from His pres- 13:18, 19 12 And Judah was defeated by
1Joash, vv.
ence. 1214, 25 Israel, and every man fled to his
24 Now Hazael king of Syria died. tent.
Then Ben-Hadad his son reigned in CHAPTER 14 13 Then Jehoash king of Israel
his place. 1 a2 Kin. 13:10 captured Amaziah king of Judah,
25 And 1Jehoash the son of Jehoa- b2 Chr.
the son of Jehoash, the son of
haz recaptured from the hand of 25:1, 2 Ahaziah, at Beth Shemesh; and he
Ben-Hadad, the son of Hazael, the 3 a2 Kin. 12:2 went to Jerusalem, and broke down
cities which he had taken out of the 4 a2 Kin. 12:3
the wall of Jerusalem from athe Gate
hand of Jehoahaz his father by war. 1Places for of Ephraim to bthe Corner Gate
aThree times Joash defeated him pagan wor- 1four hundred cubits.
and recaptured the cities of Israel. ship 14 And he took all athe gold and
5 a2 Kin. 12:20 silver, all the articles that were
Amaziah Reigns in Judah found in the house of the LORD and
6 a[Ezek. 18:4, in the treasuries of the kings house,
In athe second year of Joash
14 the son of Jehoahaz, king of
Israel, bAmaziah the son of Joash,
7 a2 Chr.
and hostages, and returned to Sa-
25:516 15 aNow the rest of the acts of
king of Judah, became king. b2 Sam. 8:13
2 He was twenty-five years old cJosh. 15:38 Jehoash which he didhis might,
when he became king, and he 1Lit. The and how he fought with Amaziah
reigned twenty-nine years in Jeru- Rock; the city king of Judahare they not written
of Petra in the book of the chronicles of the
salem. His mothers name was
Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. 8 a2 Chr. kings of Israel?
3 And he did what was right in 25:17, 18
16 So Jehoash 1rested with his
the sight of the LORD, yet not like 2 Kin. 13:9,
fathers, and was buried in Samaria
his father David; he did everything 1214, 25; with the kings of Israel. Then Jer-
aas his father Joash had done. 2 Chr. 25:17ff. oboam his son reigned in his place.
4 aHowever the 1high places were 9 aJudg.
17 aAmaziah the son of Joash, king
not taken away, and the people still 9:815 b1 Kin. of Judah, lived fifteen years after
sacrificed and burned incense on 4:33 the death of Jehoash the son of
the high places. 10 aDeut. 8:14
Jehoahaz, king of Israel.
5 Now it happened, as soon as the 1Made you 18 Now the rest of the acts of
kingdom was established in his proud Amaziah, are they not written in the
hand, that he executed his servants 11 aJosh.
book of the chronicles of the kings
awho had murdered his father the 19:38; 21:16 of Judah?
king. 19 And athey formed a conspiracy
13 aNeh. 8:16; against him in Jerusalem, and he
6 But the children of the murder- 12:39 bJer.
ers he did not execute, according to 31:38 1About fled to bLachish; but they sent after
what is written in the Book of the 600 feet him to Lachish and killed him there.
Law of Moses, in which the LORD 14 a1 Kin. 7:51
20 Then they brought him on horses,
commanded, saying, aFathers shall and he was buried at Jerusalem
not be put to death for their children, 15 a2 Kin. with his fathers in the City of David.
13:12, 13 21 And all the people of Judah took
nor shall children be put to death for aAzariah,1 who was sixteen years
their fathers; but a person shall be 16 1Died and
put to death for his own sin. joined his old, and made him king instead of
ancestors his father Amaziah.
7 aHe killed ten thousand
Edomites in bthe Valley of Salt, and 17 a2 Chr. 22 He built aElath1 and restored it
took Sela by war, and called its
1 c 25:2528 to Judah, after 2the king rested with
name Joktheel to this day. 19 a2 Chr.
his fathers.
8 aThen Amaziah sent messen- 25:27 bJosh.
Jeroboam II Reigns in Israel
gers to 1Jehoash the son of Jehoa- 10:31
haz, the son of Jehu, king of Israel, 21 a2 Kin. 23 In the fifteenth year of Amaziah
saying, Come, let us face one 15:13
the son of Joash, king of Judah, Jer-
another in battle. 2 Chr. 26:1ff.;
oboam the son of Joash, king of
9 And Jehoash king of Israel sent Is. 6:1; etc. Israel, became king in Samaria, and
to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, reigned forty-one years.
aThe thistle that was in Lebanon 22 a2 Kin. 16:6 24 And he did evil in the sight of
1Heb. Eloth
sent to the bcedar that was in Leba- 2Amaziah the LORD; he did not depart from all
non, saying, Give your daughter to died and the asins of Jeroboam the son of
my son as wife; and a wild beast joined his Nebat, who had made Israel sin.
that was in Lebanon passed by and ancestors. 25 He arestored the 1territory of
trampled the thistle. 24 a1 Kin. Israel bfrom the entrance of Hamath
10 You have indeed defeated 12:2633 to cthe2 Sea of the Arabah, accord-
Edom, and ayour heart has 1lifted 25 a2 Kin. ing to the word of the LORD God of
you up. Glory in that, and stay at 10:32; 13:5, 25 Israel, which He had spoken
home; for why should you meddle b1 Kin. 8:65
cDeut. 3:17
through His servant dJonah the son
with trouble so that you fallyou dJon. 1:1 of Amittai, the prophet who was
and Judah with you? eJosh. 19:13 from eGath Hepher.
11 But Amaziah would not heed. 1border 2The 26 For the LORD asaw that the
Therefore Jehoash king of Israel Dead Sea affliction of Israel was very bitter;
went out; so he and Amaziah king 26 a2 Kin. 13:4 and whether bond or free, bthere
of Judah faced one another at aBeth bDeut. 32:36 was no helper for Israel.
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339 2 KINGS 15:26

27 aAnd the LORD did not say that 27 a[2 Kin. Shallum Reigns in Israel
He would blot out the name of Israel 13:5, 23]
from under heaven; but He saved 13 Shallum the son of Jabesh be-
them by the hand of Jeroboam the 28 a1 Kin. came king in the thirty-ninth year of
11:24 b2 Sam. 1Uzziah king of Judah; and he
son of Joash. 8:6; 1 Kin.
28 Now the rest of the acts of Jero- 11:24; 2 Chr.
reigned a full month in Samaria.
boam, and all that he didhis might, 8:3 14 For Menahem the son of Gadi
how he made war, and how he recap- went up from aTirzah, came to
tured for Israel, from aDamascus and 29 a2 Kin. 15:8
Samaria, and struck Shallum the
Hamath, bwhat had belonged to Ju- 1Died and son of Jabesh in Samaria and killed
dahare they not written in the joined his him; and he reigned in his place.
ancestors 15 Now the rest of the acts of Shal-
book of the chronicles of the kings
of Israel? lum, and the conspiracy which he
CHAPTER 15 1led, indeed they are written in the
29 So Jeroboam 1rested with his
fathers, the kings of Israel. Then book of the chronicles of the kings
aZechariah his son reigned in his 1 a2 Kin. of Israel.
15:13, 30 16 Then from Tirzah, Menahem
place. b2 Kin. 14:21;
2 Chr. attacked aTiphsah, all who were
Azariah Reigns in Judah 26:1, 3, 4 there, and its territory. Because they
did not surrender, therefore he
In the twenty-seventh year of
15 Jeroboam king of Israel,
aAzariah the son of Amaziah, king
4 a2 Kin. 12:3;
14:4; 15:35
1Places for
attacked it. All bthe women there
who were with child he ripped open.
of Judah, bbecame king. pagan wor- Menahem Reigns in Israel
2 He was sixteen years old when ship
he became king, and he reigned 17 In the thirty-ninth year of Azari-
fifty-two years in Jerusalem. His 5 a2 Chr. ah king of Judah, Menahem the son
mothers name was Jecholiah of 26:1923; Ps. of Gadi became king over Israel,
Jerusalem. 78:31 bIs. 6:1
c[Lev. 13:46];
and reigned ten years in Samaria.
3 And he did what was right in the Num. 12:14 18 And he did evil in the sight of
sight of the LORD, according to all the LORD; he did not depart all his
that his father Amaziah had done, 7 a2 Chr. 26:23
days from the sins of Jeroboam the
4 aexcept that the 1high places 1Died and son of Nebat, who had made Israel
were not removed; the people still joined his sin.
sacrificed and burned incense on ancestors 19 aPul1 king of Assyria came
the high places. against the land; and Menahem
5 Then the LORD astruck the king, 8 a2 Kin. 14:29 gave Pul a thousand talents of sil-
so that he was a leper until the day ver, that his 2hand might be with
of his bdeath; so he cdwelt in an iso- 9 a2 Kin. 14:24 him to bstrengthen the kingdom
lated house. And Jotham the kings under his control.
son was over the royal house, judg- 10 aAmos 7:9 20 And Menahem aexacted1 the
ing the people of the land. money from Israel, from all the very
6 Now the rest of the acts of 12 a2 Kin. wealthy, from each man fifty shek-
Azariah, and all that he did, are they 10:30 els of silver, to give to the king of
not written in the book of the chron- Assyria. So the king of Assyria
icles of the kings of Judah? 13 1Azariah, turned back, and did not stay there
7 So Azariah 1rested with his 2 Kin. 14:21ff.; in the land.
fathers, and athey buried him with 15:1ff. 21 Now the rest of the acts of
his fathers in the City of David. Then Menahem, and all that he did, are
Jotham his son reigned in his place. 14 a1 Kin. they not written in the book of the
14:17; Song chronicles of the kings of Israel?
Zechariah Reigns in Israel 22 So Menahem 1rested with his
8 In the thirty-eighth year of fathers. Then Pekahiah his son
15 1Lit. con-
Azariah king of Judah, aZechariah spired reigned in his place.
the son of Jeroboam reigned over Pekahiah Reigns in Israel
Israel in Samaria six months. 16 a1 Kin. 4:24
9 And he did evil in the sight of b2 Kin. 8:12; 23 In the fiftieth year of Azariah
the LORD, aas his fathers had done; Hos. 13:16 king of Judah, Pekahiah the son of
he did not depart from the sins of Menahem became king over Israel
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who 19 a1 Chr. 5:26; in Samaria, and reigned two years.
Is. 66:19; Hos.
had made Israel sin. 8:9 b2 Kin. 24 And he did evil in the sight of
10 Then Shallum the son of Jabesh 14:5 1Tiglath- the LORD; he did not depart from
conspired against him, and astruck Pileser III, v. the sins of Jeroboam the son of
and killed him in front of the peo- 29 2Support Nebat, who had made Israel sin.
ple; and he reigned in his place. 25 Then Pekah the son of Rem-
11 Now the rest of the acts of 20 a2 Kin. aliah, an officer of his, conspired
Zechariah, indeed they are written 23:35 1took against him and 1killed him in
in the book of the chronicles of the Samaria, in the acitadel of the kings
kings of Israel. 22 1Died and house, along with Argob and Arieh;
joined his
12 This was the word of the LORD ancestors and with him were fifty men of
which He spoke to Jehu, saying, Gilead. He killed him and reigned in
aYour sons shall sit on the throne of
25 a1 Kin.
his place.
Israel to the fourth generation. And 16:18 1Lit. 26 Now the rest of the acts of Peka-
so it was. struck hiah, and all that he did, indeed they
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2 KINGS 15:27 340

are written in the book of the chron- 27 a2 Chr. 28:6; of the LORD his God, as his father
icles of the kings of Israel. Is. 7:1 David had done.
29 a2 Kin. 3 But he walked in the way of the
Pekah Reigns in Israel 16:7, 10; kings of Israel; indeed ahe made his
1 Chr. 5:26 son pass through the fire, according
27 In the fifty-second year of b1 Kin. 15:20
Azariah king of Judah, aPekah the c2 Kin. 17:6 to the babominations of the nations
son of Remaliah became king over 1A later name whom the LORD had cast out from
of Pul, v. 19 before the children of Israel.
Israel in Samaria, and reigned
twenty years. 30 a2 Kin. 17:1; 4 And he sacrificed and burned
28 And he did evil in the sight of [Hos. 10:3, 7, incense on the ahigh places, bon the
15] hills, and under every green tree.
the LORD; he did not depart from
the sins of Jeroboam the son of 32 a2 Chr. 27:1 5 aThen Rezin king of Syria and
Nebat, who had made Israel sin. Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of
33 1Jerushah, Israel, came up to Jerusalem to
29 In the days of Pekah king of 2 Chr. 27:1
Israel, 1Tiglath-Pileser king of make war; and they besieged Ahaz
Assyria acame and took bIjon, Abel 34 a2 Kin. but could not overcome him.
15:3, 4; 6 At that time Rezin king of Syria
Beth Maachah, Janoah, Kedesh, 2 Chr. 26:4, 5 acaptured 1Elath for Syria, and
Hazor, Gilead, and Galilee, all the
land of Naphtali; and he ccarried 35 a2 Kin. 15:4
b2 Chr. 23:20;
drove the men of Judah from Elath.
them captive to Assyria. 27:3 1Places
Then the 2Edomites went to Elath,
30 Then Hoshea the son of Elah led for pagan and dwell there to this day.
a conspiracy against Pekah the son worship 7 So Ahaz sent messengers to
aTiglath-Pileser1 king of Assyria,
of Remaliah, and struck and killed 37 a2 Kin.
him; so he areigned in his place in 16:59; Is. saying, I am your servant and your
the twentieth year of Jotham the 7:117 b2 Kin. son. Come up and save me from the
son of Uzziah. 15:26, 27 hand of the king of Syria and from
31 Now the rest of the acts of 38 1Died and the hand of the king of Israel, who
Pekah, and all that he did, indeed joined his rise up against me.
they are written in the book of the ancestors 8 And Ahaz atook the silver and
chronicles of the kings of Israel. gold that was found in the house of
CHAPTER 16 the LORD, and in the treasuries of
Jotham Reigns in Judah the kings house, and sent it as a
3 a[Lev. 18:21]; present to the king of Assyria.
32 In the second year of Pekah the 2 Kin. 17:17;
son of Remaliah, king of Israel, 2 Chr. 28:3; 9 So the king of Assyria heeded
aJotham the son of Uzziah, king of Ps. 106:37, 38; him; for the king of Assyria went up
Judah, began to reign. Is. 1:1 b[Deut. against aDamascus and btook it, car-
12:31]; 2 Kin. ried its people captive to cKir, and
33 He was twenty-five years old 21:2, 11
when he became king, and he killed Rezin.
reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. 4 a2 Kin. 10 Now King Ahaz went to Damas-
15:34, 35 cus to meet Tiglath-Pileser king of
His mothers name was 1Jerusha the b[Deut. 12:2];
daughter of Zadok. 1 Kin. 14:23 Assyria, and saw an altar that was
34 And he did what was right in at Damascus; and King Ahaz sent to
5 a2 Kin. Urijah the priest the design of the
the sight of the LORD; he did aac- 15:37;
cording to all that his father Uzziah Is. 7:1, 4 altar and its pattern, according to all
had done. its workmanship.
6 a2 Kin. 11 Then aUrijah the priest built an
35 aHowever the 1high places were 14:22; 2 Chr.
not removed; the people still sacri- 26:2 1Lit. altar according to all that King Ahaz
ficed and burned incense on the Large Tree; had sent from Damascus. So Urijah
high places. bHe built the Upper sing. of Eloth
2A few
the priest made it before King Ahaz
Gate of the house of the LORD. ancient mss.
came back from Damascus.
36 Now the rest of the acts of Syrians 12 And when the king came back
Jotham, and all that he did, are they from Damascus, the king saw the
7 a2 Kin. altar; and athe king approached the
not written in the book of the chron- 15:29; 1 Chr.
icles of the kings of Judah? 5:26; 2 Chr. altar and made offerings on it.
37 In those days the LORD began to 28:20 1A later 13 So he burned his burnt offering
name of Pul, and his grain offering; and he
send aRezin king of Syria and bPekah 2 Kin. 15:19
the son of Remaliah against Judah. poured his drink offering and sprin-
38 So Jotham 1rested with his 8 a2 Kin. kled the blood of his peace offerings
fathers, and was buried with his 12:17, 18; on the altar.
2 Chr. 28:21
fathers in the City of David his fa- 14 He also brought athe bronze
ther. Then Ahaz his son reigned in 9 a2 Kin. 14:28 altar which was before the LORD,
bAmos 1:5 cIs.
his place. from the front of the 1templefrom
22:6; Amos
9:7 between the new altar and the
Ahaz Reigns in Judah house of the LORDand put it on
11 aIs. 8:2 the north side of the new altar.
In the seventeenth year of 15 Then King Ahaz commanded
16 Pekah the son of Remaliah,
Ahaz the son of Jotham, king of
12 a2 Chr.
26:16, 19 Urijah the priest, saying, On the
great new altar burn athe morning
14 aEx. 27:1, 2;
Judah, began to reign. 40:6, 29; burnt offering, the evening grain
2 Ahaz was twenty years old when 2 Chr. 4:1 1Lit. offering, the kings burnt sacrifice,
he became king, and he reigned six- house and his grain offering, with the burnt
teen years in Jerusalem; and he did 15 aEx. offering of all the people of the land,
not do what was right in the sight 29:3941 their grain offering, and their drink
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341 2 KINGS 17:22

offerings; and sprinkle on it all the 17 a2 Chr. 9 Also the children of Israel
blood of the burnt offering and all 28:24 b1 Kin. secretly did against the LORD their
the blood of the sacrifice. And the c1 Kin. God things that were not right, and
bronze altar shall be for me to 7:2325 they built for themselves 1high
inquire by. places in all their cities, afrom
16 Thus did Urijah the priest, ac- 20 a2 Chr. watchtower to fortified city.
cording to all that King Ahaz com- 10 aThey set up for themselves
manded. sacred pillars and bwooden images1
17 aAnd King Ahaz cut off bthe CHAPTER 17 con every high hill and under every
panels of the carts, and removed the a2
green tree.
lavers from them; and he took down 1 Kin. 15:30
11 There they burned incense on all
cthe Sea from the bronze oxen that the high places, like the nations
3 a2 Kin.
were under it, and put it on a pave- 18:912 whom the LORD had carried away
ment of stones. b2 Kin. 24:1
before them; and they did wicked
18 Also he removed the Sabbath things to provoke the LORD to anger,
pavilion which they had built in the 5 aHos. 13:16
12 for they served idols, aof which
temple, and he removed the kings 6 aHos. 1:4; the LORD had said to them, bYou
outer entrance from the house of the 13:16 b[Deut. shall not do this thing.
LORD, on account of the king of 28:36, 64; 13 Yet the LORD testified against
Assyria. 29:27, 28]
c1 Chr. 5:26 Israel and against Judah, by all of
19 Now the rest of the acts of Ahaz His aprophets, bevery seer, saying,
which he did, are they not written in 7 a[Josh.
cTurn from your evil ways, and
the book of the chronicles of the 23:16] bJudg. keep My commandments and My
kings of Judah? 6:10 statutes, according to all the law
20 So Ahaz rested with his fathers, which I commanded your fathers,
and awas buried with his fathers in 8 a[Lev. 18:3]
and which I sent to you by My ser-
the City of David. Then Hezekiah 9 a2 Kin. 18:8 vants the prophets.
his son reigned in his place. 1Places for 14 Nevertheless they would not
pagan wor- hear, but astiffened their necks, like
Hoshea Reigns in Israel ship
the necks of their fathers, who bdid
In the twelfth year of Ahaz not believe in the LORD their God.
17 king of Judah, aHoshea the
son of Elah became king of Israel in
10 aIs. 57:5
b[Ex. 34:1214]
c[Deut. 12:2]
15 And they arejected His statutes
band His covenant that He had
1Heb. Ashe-
Samaria, and he reigned nine years. rim, Canaan-
made with their fathers, and His tes-
2 And he did evil in the sight of ite deities timonies which He had testified
the LORD, but not as the kings of against them; they followed cidols,
Israel who were before him. 12 a[Ex. dbecame idolaters, and went after
3 aShalmaneser king of Assyria 20:35]
b[Deut. 4:19]
the nations who were all around
came up against him; and Hoshea them, concerning whom the LORD
bbecame his vassal, and paid him had charged them that they should
13 aNeh. 9:29,
tribute money. 30 b1 Sam. enot do like them.
4 And the king of Assyria uncov- 9:9 c[Jer. 16 So they left all the command-
ered a conspiracy by Hoshea; for he 18:11; 25:5; ments of the LORD their God, amade
had sent messengers to So, king of for themselves a molded image and
Egypt, and brought no tribute to the 14 a[Acts 7:51] two calves, bmade a wooden image
king of Assyria, as he had done year bDeut. 9:23 and worshiped all the chost of
by year. Therefore the king of heaven, dand served Baal.
Assyria shut him up, and bound him 15 aJer. 44:3 17 aAnd they caused their sons and
bDeut. 29:25
in prison. cDeut. 32:21 daughters to pass through the fire,
d[Rom. bpracticed witchcraft and soothsay-
Israel Carried Captive to Assyria 1:2123] ing, and csold themselves to do evil
e[Deut. 12:30,
5 Now athe king of Assyria went 31]
in the sight of the LORD, to provoke
throughout all the land, and went up Him to anger.
to Samaria and besieged it for three 16 a1 Kin. 18 Therefore the LORD was very
years. 12:28 b[1 Kin. angry with Israel, and removed
14:15] c[Deut. them from His sight; there was none
6 aIn the ninth year of Hoshea, the 4:19] d1 Kin.
king of Assyria took Samaria and 16:31; 22:53 left abut the tribe of Judah alone.
bcarried Israel away to Assyria, cand 19 Also aJudah did not keep the
placed them in Halah and by the 17 a2 Kin. 16:3 commandments of the LORD their
Habor, the River of Gozan, and in God, but walked in the statutes of
the cities of the Medes. c1 Kin. 21:20 Israel which they made.
7 For aso it was that the children 20 And the LORD rejected all the
of Israel had sinned against the 18 a1 Kin. descendants of Israel, afflicted
LORD their God, who had brought 11:13, 32 them, and adelivered them into the
them up out of the land of Egypt, hand of plunderers, until He had
19 aJer. 3:8 cast them from His bsight.
from under the hand of Pharaoh
king of Egypt; and they had bfeared 20 a2 Kin. 21 For aHe tore Israel from the
other gods, 13:3; 15:29 house of David, and bthey made Jer-
8 and ahad walked in the statutes b2 Kin. 24:20 oboam the son of Nebat king. Then
of the nations whom the LORD had Jeroboam drove Israel from follow-
cast out from before the children of 21 a1 Kin. ing the LORD, and made them com-
11:11, 31
Israel, and of the kings of Israel, b1 Kin. mit a great sin.
which they had made. 12:20, 28 22 For the children of Israel walked
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2 KINGS 17:23 342

in all the sins of Jeroboam which he 23 a1 Kin. 35 with whom the LORD had made
did; they did not depart from them, 14:16; Is. 8:4 a covenant and charged them, say-
b2 Kin. 17:6
23 until the LORD removed Israel ing: aYou shall not fear other gods,
out of His sight, aas He had said by all 24 aEzra 4:2, nor bbow down to them nor serve
His servants the prophets. bSo Israel 10 b2 Kin. them nor sacrifice to them;
was carried away from their own 18:34 36 but the LORD, who abrought you
land to Assyria, as it is to this day. 29 a1 Kin. up from the land of Egypt with great
12:31; 13:32 power and ban outstretched arm,
Assyria Resettles Samaria cHim you shall fear, Him you shall
30 a2 Kin. worship, and to Him you shall offer
24 aThen the king of Assyria 17:24
brought people from Babylon, sacrifice.
Cuthah, bAva, Hamath, and from 31 aEzra 4:9 37 And the statutes, the ordi-
b[Lev. 18:21;
Sepharvaim, and placed them in the nances, the law, and the command-
Deut. 12:31] ment which He wrote for you, ayou
cities of Samaria instead of the chil-
dren of Israel; and they took posses- 32 a1 Kin. shall be careful to observe forever;
sion of Samaria and dwelt in its 12:31; 13:33 you shall not fear other gods.
1Places for
cities. 38 And the covenant that I have
pagan wor- made with you, ayou shall not for-
25 And it was so, at the beginning ship
of their dwelling there, that they did get, nor shall you fear other gods.
not fear the LORD; therefore the 33 aZeph. 1:5 39 But the LORD your God you
LORD sent lions among them, which shall fear; and He will deliver you
34 aGen. 32:28; from the hand of all your enemies.
killed some of them. 35:10
26 So they spoke to the king of 40 However they did not obey, but
Assyria, saying, The nations whom 35 aJudg. 6:10 they followed their former rituals.
you have removed and placed in the
b[Ex. 20:5]
41 aSo these nations feared the
cities of Samaria do not know the 36 aEx.
LORD, yet served their carved
rituals of the God of the land; there- 14:1530 images; also their children and their
fore He has sent lions among them, bEx. 6:6; 9:15 childrens children have continued
and indeed, they are killing them
c[Deut. 10:20]
doing as their fathers did, even to
because they do not know the ritu- 37 aDeut. 5:32
this day.
als of the God of the land. Hezekiah Reigns in Judah
27 Then the king of Assyria com- 38 aDeut. 4:23;
manded, saying, Send there one of Now it came to pass in the
the priests whom you brought from
there; let him go and dwell there,
41 a2 Kin.
17:32, 33
18 third year of aHoshea the son
of Elah, king of Israel, that bHezekiah
and let him teach them the rituals of the son of Ahaz, king of Judah, be-
the God of the land. CHAPTER 18 gan to reign.
28 Then one of the priests whom 2 He was twenty-five years old
they had carried away from Samaria 1 a2 Kin. 17:1
when he became king, and he
came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught b2 Chr. 28:27; reigned twenty-nine years in
them how they should fear the LORD. 29:1 Jerusalem. His mothers name was
29 However every nation contin- aAbi1 the daughter of Zechariah.
ued to make gods of its own, and put 2 aIs. 38:5 3 And he did what was right in
them ain the shrines on the high 2 Chr. 29:1ff. the sight of the LORD, according to
places which the Samaritans had all that his father David had done.
made, every nation in the cities 4 a2 Chr. 31:1
bNum. 21:59
4 aHe removed the 1high places
where they dwelt. 1Places for
and broke the sacred pillars, cut
30 The men of aBabylon made Suc- pagan wor- down the 2wooden image and broke
coth Benoth, the men of Cuth made ship 2Heb. in pieces the bbronze serpent that
Nergal, the men of Hamath made Asherah, a Moses had made; for until those days
Ashima, Canaanite the children of Israel burned incense
goddess 3Lit.
31 aand the Avites made Nibhaz Bronze Thing, to it, and called it 3Nehushtan.
and Tartak; and the Sepharvites also similar to 5 He atrusted in the LORD God of
bburned their children in fire to Heb. nahash, Israel, bso that after him was none
Adrammelech and Anammelech, serpent like him among all the kings of
the gods of Sepharvaim. 5 a2 Kin. Judah, nor who were before him.
32 So they feared the LORD, aand 19:10; [Job 6 For he aheld fast to the LORD; he
from every class they appointed for 13:15; Ps. did not depart from following Him,
themselves priests of the 1high 13:5] b2 Kin. but kept His commandments, which
places, who sacrificed for them in the LORD had commanded Moses.
the shrines of the high places. 6 aDeut. 10:20; 7 The LORD awas with him; he
33 aThey feared the LORD, yet Josh. 23:8 bprospered wherever he went. And
served their own godsaccording to 7 a[2 Chr. 15:2]
he crebelled against the king of
the rituals of the nations from among bGen. 39:2, 3; Assyria and did not serve him.
whom they were carried away. 1 Sam. 18:5, 8 aHe 1subdued the Philistines, as
34 To this day they continue prac- 14; Ps. 60:12
c2 Kin. 16:7
far as Gaza and its territory, bfrom
ticing the former rituals; they do not watchtower to fortified city.
fear the LORD, nor do they follow 8 a1 Chr. 4:41; 9 Now ait came to pass in the
their statutes or their ordinances, or 2 Chr. 28:18; fourth year of King Hezekiah, which
the law and commandment which Is. 14:29
b2 Kin. 17:9
was the seventh year of Hoshea the
the LORD had commanded the chil- 1Lit. struck son of Elah, king of Israel, that Shal-
dren of Jacob, awhom He named maneser king of Assyria came up
Israel, 9 a2 Kin. 17:3 against Samaria and besieged it.
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343 2 KINGS 18:35

10 And at the end of three years 10 a2 Kin. 17:6 22 But if you say to me, We trust
they took it. In the sixth year of in the LORD our God, is it not He
Hezekiah, that is, athe ninth year of 11 a2 Kin. 17:6; awhose 1high places and whose
Hoshea king of Israel, Samaria was Hos. 1:4; altars Hezekiah has taken away,
taken. Amos 4:2 and said to Judah and Jerusalem,
b1 Chr. 5:26
11 aThen the king of Assyria car- You shall worship before this altar
ried Israel away captive to Assyria, in Jerusalem?
and put them bin Halah and by the 12 a2 Kin. 23 Now therefore, I urge you, give
Habor, the River of Gozan, and in a pledge to my master the king of
the cities of the Medes, Assyria, and I will give you two
12 because they adid not obey the 13 a2 Chr. 32:1; thousand horsesif you are able on
Is. 36:139:8
voice of the LORD their God, but your part to put riders on them!
transgressed His covenant and all 24 How then will you repel one
that Moses the servant of the LORD 15 a1 Kin. captain of the least of my masters
15:18, 19;
had commanded; and they would 2 Kin. 12:18; servants, and put your trust in
neither hear nor do them. 16:8 Egypt for chariots and horsemen?
13 And ain the fourteenth year of 25 Have I now come up without the
King Hezekiah, Sennacherib king of 16 1Lit. them LORD against this place to destroy it?
Assyria came up against all the for- The LORD said to me, Go up against
tified cities of Judah and took them. 17 a2 Kin.
this land, and destroy it.
14 Then Hezekiah king of Judah 20:20 bIs. 7:3 26 aThen Eliakim the son of
sent to the king of Assyria at 1A title, prob- Hilkiah, Shebna, and Joah said to
Lachish, saying, I have done wrong; ably Com- the Rabshakeh, Please speak to
turn away from me; whatever you mander in
Chief 2A title, your servants in bAramaic, for we
impose on me I will pay. And the probably understand it; and do not speak to
king of Assyria assessed Hezekiah Chief Officer us in 1Hebrew in the hearing of the
king of Judah three hundred tal- 3A title, prob-
people who are on the wall.
ents of silver and thirty talents of ably Chief of
Staff or Gov- 27 But the Rabshakeh said to
gold. ernor them, Has my master sent me to
15 So Hezekiah agave him all the your master and to you to speak
silver that was found in the house of 18 a2 Kin. 19:2; these words, and not to the men
the LORD and in the treasuries of Is. 22:20 1sec- who sit on the wall, who will eat and
the kings house. retary drink their own waste with you?
16 At that time Hezekiah stripped 28 Then the Rabshakeh stood and
the gold from the doors of the tem- 19 a2 Chr. called out with a loud voice in
ple of the LORD, and from the pillars 32:10; [Ps. 1Hebrew, and spoke, saying, Hear
which Hezekiah king of Judah had 118:8, 9] the word of the great king, the king
overlaid, and gave 1it to the king of of Assyria!
Assyria. 20 1Lit. a word 29 Thus says the king: aDo not let
of the lips Hezekiah deceive you, for he shall
Sennacherib Boasts Against the not be able to deliver you from his
LORD 21 aIs. 30:27; hand;
Ezek. 29:6, 7 30 nor let Hezekiah make you
17 Then the king of Assyria sent
the 1Tartan, the 2Rabsaris, and the trust in the LORD, saying, The
3Rabshakeh from Lachish, with a 22 a2 Kin. 18:4; LORD will surely deliver us; this city
2 Chr. 31:1; shall not be given into the hand of
great army against Jerusalem, to 32:12 1Places
King Hezekiah. And they went up for pagan the king of Assyria.
and came to Jerusalem. When they worship 31 Do not listen to Hezekiah; for
had come up, they went and stood thus says the king of Assyria: Make
by the aaqueduct from the upper 26 aIs. peace with me 1by a present and
pool, bwhich was on the highway to 36:1139:8 come out to me; and every one of
the Fullers Field. bEzra 4:7;
you eat from his own avine and
Dan. 2:4 1Lit. every one from his own fig tree, and
18 And when they had called to the Judean
king, aEliakim the son of Hilkiah, every one of you drink the waters of
who was over the household, Shebna his own cistern;
28 1Lit. Judean 32 until I come and take you away
the 1scribe, and Joah the son of
Asaph, the recorder, came out to to a land like your own land, aa land
them. 29 a2 Chr. of grain and new wine, a land of
19 Then the Rabshakeh said to bread and vineyards, a land of olive
them, Say now to Hezekiah, Thus groves and honey, that you may live
says the great king, the king of 31 a1 Kin. 4:20, and not die. But do not listen to
Assyria: aWhat confidence is this 25 1By paying Hezekiah, lest he persuade you, say-
in which you trust? ing, The LORD will deliver us.
20 You speak of having plans and 33 aHas any of the gods of the
power for war; but they are 1mere 32 aDeut. nations at all delivered its land from
8:79; 11:12
words. And in whom do you trust, the hand of the king of Assyria?
that you rebel against me? 34 Where are the gods of aHamath
21 aNow look! You are trusting in 33 a2 Kin. and Arpad? Where are the gods of
19:12; Is.
the staff of this broken reed, Egypt, 10:10, 11 Sepharvaim and Hena and bIvah?
on which if a man leans, it will go Indeed, have they delivered Sama-
into his hand and pierce it. So is 34 a2 Kin.
ria from my hand?
Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who 19:13 b2 Kin. 35 Who among all the gods of the
trust in him. 17:24 lands have delivered their countries
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2 KINGS 18:36 344

from my hand, athat the LORD 35 aDan. 3:15 lands by utterly destroying them;
should deliver Jerusalem from my and shall you be delivered?
hand? 37 aIs. 33:7 12 aHave the gods of the nations
36 But the people held their peace delivered those whom my fathers
and answered him not a word; for CHAPTER 19 have destroyed, Gozan and Haran
the kings commandment was, Do and Rezeph, and the people of
not answer him. bEden who were in Telassar?
1 a2 Kin.
37 Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, 18:13; 2 Chr. 13 aWhere is the king of Hamath,
who was over the household, 32:2022; Is. the king of Arpad, and the king of
Shebna the scribe, and Joah the son 37:1 bPs. 69:11 the city of Sepharvaim, Hena, and
of Asaph, the recorder, came to Ivah?
Hezekiah awith their clothes torn, 3 1give birth 14 aAnd Hezekiah received the let-
and told him the words of the Rab- ter from the hand of the messen-
shakeh. 4 a2 Sam. gers, and read it; and Hezekiah
16:12 b2 Kin. went up to the house of the LORD,
Isaiah Assures Deliverance 18:35 cPs. and spread it before the LORD.
And aso it was, when King 15 Then Hezekiah prayed before
19 Hezekiah heard it, that he
tore his clothes, covered himself
6 aIs. 37:6
b[Ps. 112:7]
the LORD, and said: O LORD God of
Israel, the One awho dwells between
with bsackcloth, and went into the c2 Kin. 18:17 the cherubim, bYou are God, You
house of the LORD. alone, of all the kingdoms of the
2 Then he sent Eliakim, who was 7 a2 Kin. earth. You have made heaven and
over the household, Shebna the 19:3537; Jer. earth.
scribe, and the elders of the priests, 51:1 16 aIncline Your ear, O LORD, and
covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah hear; bopen Your eyes, O LORD, and
the prophet, the son of Amoz. 8 a2 Kin. see; and hear the words of Sen-
3 And they said to him, Thus 18:14, 17 nacherib, cwhich he has sent to
says Hezekiah: This day is a day of reproach the living God.
trouble, and rebuke, and blas- 9 a1 Sam. 17 Truly, LORD, the kings of
phemy; for the children have come 23:27; Is. 37:9 Assyria have laid waste the nations
to birth, but there is no strength to and their lands,
1bring them forth. 10 a2 Kin. 18:5 18 and have cast their gods into
4 aIt may be that the LORD your the fire; for they were anot gods, but
bthe work of mens handswood
God will hear all the words of the 12 a2 Kin.
Rabshakeh, whom his master the 18:33, 34 and stone. Therefore they destroyed
bEzek. 27:23
king of Assyria has sent to breproach them.
the living God, and will crebuke the 19 Now therefore, O LORD our
words which the LORD your God has 13 a2 Kin. God, I pray, save us from his hand,
heard. Therefore lift up your prayer 18:34 athat all the kingdoms of the earth

for the remnant that is left. may bknow that You are the LORD
5 So the servants of King Hezekiah 14 aIs. 37:14 God,You alone.
came to Isaiah.
6 aAnd Isaiah said to them, Thus 15 aEx. 25:22;
The Word of the LORD Concerning
you shall say to your master, Thus Ps. 80:1; Is. Sennacherib
37:16 b[Is.
says the LORD: Do not be bafraid of 44:6] 20 Then Isaiah the son of Amoz
the words which you have heard, sent to Hezekiah, saying, Thus says
with which the cservants of the king the LORD God of Israel: aBecause
16 aPs. 31:2; Is.
of Assyria have blasphemed Me. 37:17 b1 Kin. you have prayed to Me against Sen-
7 Surely I will send aa spirit upon 8:29; 2 Chr. nacherib king of Assyria, bI have
him, and he shall hear a rumor and 6:40 c2 Kin. heard.
return to his own land; and I will 19:4
21 This is the word which the
cause him to fall by the sword in his LORD has spoken concerning him:
own land. 18 a[Is.
44:920; Jer.
Sennacheribs Threat and 10:35] bPs. The virgin, athe daughter of
Hezekiahs Prayer 115:4; Jer. Zion,
10:3; [Acts Has despised you, laughed you
8 Then the Rabshakeh returned to scorn;
and found the king of Assyria war- The daughter of Jerusalem
ring against Libnah, for he heard 19 aPs. 83:18 bHas shaken her head behind
b1 Kin. 8:42,
that he had departed afrom Lachish. 43 your back!
9 And athe king heard concerning
Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, Look, 22 Whom have you reproached
20 aIs. 37:21
he has come out to make war with b2 Kin. 20:5; and blasphemed?
you. So he again sent messengers Ps. 65:2 Against whom have you raised
to Hezekiah, saying, your voice,
10 Thus you shall speak to Heze- 21 aJer. 14:17; And lifted up your eyes on
kiah king of Judah, saying: Do not Lam. 2:13 bPs. high?
let your God ain whom you trust 22:7, 8 Against athe Holy One of
deceive you, saying, Jerusalem Israel.
shall not be given into the hand of 22 aJer. 51:5 23 aBy your messengers you have
the king of Assyria. reproached the Lord,
11 Look! You have heard what the 23 a2 Kin. And said: bBy the multitude of
kings of Assyria have done to all 18:17 bPs. 20:7 my chariots
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345 2 KINGS 20:8

I have come up to the height of 24 aIs. 19:6 He shall anot come into this
the mountains, city,
To the limits of Lebanon; 25 a[Is. 45:7] Nor shoot an arrow there,
bIs. 10:5, 6
I will cut down its tall cedars Nor come before it with shield,
And its choice cypress trees; 26 aPs. 129:6 Nor build a siege mound
I will enter the extremity of its against it.
borders, 27 aPs. 33 By the way that he came,
To its fruitful forest. 139:13; Is. By the same shall he return;
24 I have dug and drunk strange 37:28 And he shall not come into this
water, city,
28 aJob 41:2; Says the LORD.
And with the soles of my feet I Ezek. 29:4;
have adried up 38:4; Amos 34 For aI will bdefend this city, to
All the brooks of defense. 4:2 b2 Kin. save it
19:33, 36 For My own sake and cfor My
25 Did you not hear long ago servant Davids sake.
29 aEx. 3:12;
How aI made it, 1 Sam. 2:34;
From ancient times that I 2 Kin. 20:8, 9; Sennacheribs Defeat and Death
formed it? Is. 7:1114;
Luke 2:12 35 And ait came to pass on a cer-
Now I have brought it to pass, 1Without cul-
tain night that the 1angel of the
That byou should be tivation LORD went out, and killed in the
For crushing fortified cities into camp of the Assyrians one hundred
heaps of ruins. 30 a2 Kin. 19:4;
2 Chr. 32:22, and eighty-five thousand; and when
26 Therefore their inhabitants had 23 people arose early in the morning,
little power; there were the corpsesall dead.
They were dismayed and 31 a2 Kin. 36 So Sennacherib king of Assyria
confounded; 25:26; Is. 9:7
1So with
departed and went away, returned
They were as the grass of the many Heb. home, and remained at aNineveh.
field mss. and 37 Now it came to pass, as he was
And the green herb, ancient vss. worshiping in the temple of Nisroch
As athe grass on the housetops (cf. Is. 37:32); his god, that his sons aAdrammelech
MT omits of
And grain blighted before it is hosts and Sharezer bstruck him down with
grown. the sword; and they escaped into the
32 aIs. 8:710 land of Ararat. Then cEsarhaddon
27 But aI know your dwelling his son reigned in his place.
place, 34 a2 Kin. 20:6;
Your going out and your 2 Chr. 32:21
bIs. 31:5 Hezekiahs Life Extended
coming in, c1 Kin. 11:12,
In athose days Hezekiah was
And your rage against Me.
28 Because your rage against Me
20 sick and near death. And Isaiah
the prophet, the son of Amoz, went to
and your tumult 35 aEx. 12:29;
Have come up to My ears, Is. 10:1219; him and said to him, Thus says the
Therefore aI will put My hook
37:36; Hos. 1:7
1Or Angel
LORD: Set your house in order, for
in your nose you shall die, and not live.
And My bridle in your lips, 36 aGen. 10:11
2 Then he turned his face toward
And I will turn you back the wall, and prayed to the LORD,
bBy the way which you came. 37 a2 Kin. saying,
17:31 b2 Kin. 3 aRemember now, O LORD, I
19:7; 2 Chr. pray, how I have walked before You
29 This shall be a asign to you: 32:21 cEzra in truth and with a loyal heart, and
have done what was good in Your
You shall eat this year such as sight. And Hezekiah wept bitterly.
grows 1of itself, CHAPTER 20
4 And it happened, before Isaiah
And in the second year what a2 had gone out into the middle court,
1 Kin.
springs from the same; 18:13; 2 Chr. that the word of the LORD came to
Also in the third year sow and 32:24; Is. him, saying,
reap, 38:122 5 Return and tell Hezekiah athe
Plant vineyards and eat the leader of My people, Thus says the
fruit of them. 3 a2 Kin.
18:36; Neh. LORD, the God of David your father:
30 aAnd the remnant who have 13:22 bI have heard your prayer, I have
escaped of the house of seen cyour tears; surely I will heal
Judah 5 a1 Sam. 9:16; you. On the third day you shall go
Shall again take root 10:1 b2 Kin. up to the house of the LORD.
downward, 19:20; Ps. 65:2 6 And I will add to your days fif-
cPs. 39:12;
And bear fruit upward. 56:8 teen years. I will deliver you and
31 For out of Jerusalem shall go a this city from the hand of the king of
remnant, 6 a2 Kin. Assyria; and aI will defend this city
And those who escape from 19:34; 2 Chr. for My own sake, and for the sake of
32:21 My servant David.
Mount Zion.
aThe zeal of the LORD 1of hosts 7 Then aIsaiah said, Take a lump
7 aIs. 38:21
will do this. of figs. So they took and laid it on
8 aJudg. 6:17,
the boil, and he recovered.
32 Therefore thus says the LORD 37, 39; Is. 8 And Hezekiah said to Isaiah,
concerning the king of Assyria: 7:11, 14; 38:22 aWhat is the sign that the LORD will
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2 KINGS 20:9 346

heal me, and that I shall go up to the 9 aIs. 38:7, 8 fathers. Then Manasseh his son
house of the LORD the third day? 10 1Lit. steps reigned in his place.
9 Then Isaiah said, aThis is the 11 aIs. 38:8
1Lit. steps
sign to you from the LORD, that the
LORD will do the thing which He 12 aIs. 39:18 Manasseh Reigns in Judah
has spoken: shall the shadow go for- Manasseh awas twelve years
ward ten degrees or go backward
ten degrees?
Baladan, Is.
13 a2 Chr.
21 old when he became king,
and he reigned fifty-five years in
10 And Hezekiah answered, It is 32:27, 31 1So Jerusalem. His mothers name was
an easy thing for the shadow to go with many Hephzibah.
down ten 1degrees; no, but let the Heb. mss.,
Syr., Tg.; MT 2 And he did evil in the sight of
shadow go backward ten degrees. omits all 2Lit. the LORD, aaccording to the abomi-
11 So Isaiah the prophet cried out the house of nations of the nations whom the
to the LORD, and aHe brought the his armor LORD had cast out before the chil-
shadow ten 1degrees backward, by 15 a2 Kin. dren of Israel.
which it had gone down on the sun- 20:13
3 For he rebuilt the 1high places
dial of Ahaz. 17 aJer. 27:21, awhich Hezekiah his father had
22; 52:17
18 a2 Kin.
destroyed; he raised up altars for
The Babylonian Envoys 24:12 bDan. Baal, and made a 2wooden image,
1:37 cDan. bas Ahab king of Israel had done;
12 aAt that time 1Berodach-Bal- 1:11, 18 1be
adan the son of Baladan, king of and he cworshiped all 3the host of
born from heaven and served them.
Babylon, sent letters and a present 19 a1 Sam.
to Hezekiah, for he heard that 3:18
4 aHe also built altars in the house
Hezekiah had been sick. of the LORD, of which the LORD had
20 a2 Chr.
13 And aHezekiah was attentive to 32:32 bNeh. said, bIn Jerusalem I will put My
them, and showed them all the 3:16 cIs. 7:3 name.
house of his treasuresthe silver
d2 Chr. 32:3, 5 And he built altars for all the
30 1aqueduct host of heaven in the atwo courts of
and gold, the spices and precious 21 a2 Chr.
ointment, and 1all 2his armoryall the house of the LORD.
32:33 1Died 6 aAlso he made his son pass
that was found among his treasures. and joined his
There was nothing in his house or in ancestors through the fire, practiced bsooth-
all his dominion that Hezekiah did saying, used witchcraft, and con-
not show them. CHAPTER 21 sulted spiritists and mediums. He
14 Then Isaiah the prophet went to did much evil in the sight of the
King Hezekiah, and said to him,
1 a2 Chr. LORD, to provoke Him to anger.
What did these men say, and from 7 He even set a carved image of
2 a2 Kin. 16:3 1Asherah that he had made, in the
where did they come to you? So 3 a2 Kin. 18:4, 2house of which the LORD had said
Hezekiah said, They came from a 22 b1 Kin.
far country, from Babylon. 16:3133 to David and to Solomon his son,
c[Deut. 4:19; aIn this house and in Jerusalem,
15 And he said, What have they
seen in your house? So Hezekiah 17:25]
1Places for
which I have chosen out of all the
answered, aThey have seen all that pagan wor-
tribes of Israel, I will put My name
is in my house; there is nothing ship 2Heb. forever;
among my treasures that I have not Asherah, a 8 aand I will not make the feet of
shown them.
Canaanite Israel wander anymore from the
goddess 3The land which I gave their fathers
16 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, gods of the
Hear the word of the LORD: Assyrians only if they are careful to do accord-
17 Behold, the days are coming 4 aJer. 7:30; ing to all that I have commanded
when all that is in your house, and 32:34 b1 Kin. them, and according to all the law
what your fathers have accumulated 11:13 that My servant Moses commanded
until this day, ashall be carried to 5 a1 Kin. 6:36; them.
7:12 9 But they paid no attention, and
Babylon; nothing shall be left, says 6 a[Lev. 18:21;
the LORD. Manasseh aseduced them to do
20:2] b[Deut. more evil than the nations whom
18 And athey shall take away some 18:1014]
of your sons who will 1descend from 7 a1 Kin. 8:29;
the LORD had destroyed before the
you, whom you will beget; band they 9:3 1A children of Israel.
shall be ceunuchs in the palace of Canaanite 10 And the LORD spoke aby His
the king of Babylon. goddess
servants the prophets, saying,
19 So Hezekiah said to Isaiah, 11 aBecause Manasseh king of
8 a2 Sam. 7:10 Judah has done these abominations
aThe word of the LORD which you
9 a[Prov. (bhe has acted more wickedly than
have spoken is good! For he said, 29:12]
Will there not be peace and truth at all the cAmorites who were before
10 a2 Kin. him, and dhas also made Judah sin
least in my days? 17:13
with his idols),
11 a2 Kin.
Death of Hezekiah 23:26, 27; 12 therefore thus says the LORD
24:3, 4 b1 Kin. God of Israel: Behold, I am bringing
20 aNow the rest of the acts of 21:26 cGen. such calamity upon Jerusalem and
Hezekiahall his might, and how 15:16 d2 Kin. Judah, that whoever hears of it, both
he bmade a cpool and a 1tunnel and ahis ears will tingle.
dbrought water into the cityare 12 aJer. 19:3
13 And I will stretch over Jerusa-
they not written in the book of the 13 aAmos 7:7, lem athe measuring line of Samaria
8 b2 Kin.
chronicles of the kings of Judah? 22:1619; and the plummet of the house of
21 So aHezekiah 1rested with his 25:411 Ahab; bI will wipe Jerusalem as one
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347 2 KINGS 22:15

wipes a dish, wiping it and turning it 14 aJer. 6:9 Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law
upside down.
14 So I will forsake the aremnant 16 a2 Kin. 24:4
3 aNow it came to pass, in the
of My inheritance and deliver them eighteenth year of King Josiah, that
into the hand of their enemies; and the king sent Shaphan the scribe,
17 a2 Chr. the son of Azaliah, the son of
they shall become victims of plun- 33:1119
der to all their enemies, b2 Kin. 20:21 Meshullam, to the house of the
15 because they have done evil in LORD, saying:
My sight, and have provoked Me to 4 Go up to Hilkiah the high
18 a2 Chr. priest, that he may count the money
anger since the day their fathers 33:20 1Died
came out of Egypt, even to this day. and joined his which has been abrought into the
16 aMoreover Manasseh shed very ancestors house of the LORD, which bthe door-
much innocent blood, till he had keepers have gathered from the
filled Jerusalem from one end to 19 a2 Chr. people.
another, besides his sin by which he 33:2123 5 And let them adeliver it into the
made Judah sin, in doing evil in the hand of those doing the work, who
sight of the LORD. 20 a2 Kin. are the overseers in the house of the
17 Now athe rest of the acts of bMa- 21:26, 11, 16 LORD; let them give it to those who
nassehall that he did, and the sin are in the house of the LORD doing
that he committedare they not 22 aJudg. 2:12,
the work, to repair the damages of
written in the book of the chronicles 13; 1 Kin. the house
of the kings of Judah? 11:33; 1 Chr. 6 to carpenters and builders and
18 So aManasseh 1rested with his
28:9 masonsand to buy timber and
fathers, and was buried in the gar- hewn stone to repair the house.
23 a1 Chr. 3:14; 7 However athere need be no
den of his own house, in the garden 2 Chr. 33:24, accounting made with them of the
of Uzza. Then his son Amon reigned 25; Matt. 1:10 money delivered into their hand,
in his place. b2 Kin. 12:20;
because they deal faithfully.
Amons Reign and Death 8 Then Hilkiah the high priest
said to Shaphan the scribe, aI have
19 aAmon was twenty-two years 24 a2 Kin. 14:5
found the Book of the Law in the
old when he became king, and he house of the LORD. And Hilkiah
reigned two years in Jerusalem. His gave the book to Shaphan, and he
mothers name was Meshullemeth CHAPTER 22 read it.
the daughter of Haruz of Jotbah. 9 So Shaphan the scribe went to
20 And he did evil in the sight of 1 a1 Kin. 13:2; the king, bringing the king word,
the LORD, aas his father Manasseh 2 Chr. 34:1 saying, Your servants have 1gath-
bJosh. 15:39
had done. ered the money that was found in
21 So he walked in all the ways the house, and have delivered it into
that his father had walked; and he 2 aDeut. 5:32; the hand of those who do the work,
served the idols that his father had Josh. 1:7 who oversee the house of the
served, and worshiped them. LORD.
22 He aforsook the LORD God of 3 a2 Chr. 34:8 10 Then Shaphan the scribe
his fathers, and did not walk in the showed the king, saying, Hilkiah
way of the LORD. 4 a2 Kin. 12:4 the priest has given me a book. And
23 aThen the servants of Amon b2 Kin. 12:9, Shaphan read it before the king.
bconspired against him, and killed 10 11 Now it happened, when the king
the king in his own house. heard the words of the Book of the
24 But the people of the land aexe- 5 a2 Kin. Law, that he tore his clothes.
cuted all those who had conspired 12:1114 12 Then the king commanded
against King Amon. Then the peo- Hilkiah the priest, aAhikam the son
ple of the land made his son Josiah 7 a2 Kin. of Shaphan, 1Achbor the son of
king in his place. 12:15; [1 Cor. Michaiah, Shaphan the scribe, and
25 Now the rest of the acts of 4:2] Asaiah a servant of the king, saying,
Amon which he did, are they not 13 Go, inquire of the LORD for me,
written in the book of the chronicles 8 aDeut. for the people and for all Judah,
of the kings of Judah? 31:2426; concerning the words of this book
26 And he was buried in his tomb 2 Chr. 34:14 that has been found; for great is athe
in the garden of Uzza. Then Josiah wrath of the LORD that is aroused
his son reigned in his place. 9 1Lit. poured against us, because our fathers have
out not obeyed the words of this book,
Josiah Reigns in Judah to do according to all that is written
12 a2 Kin. concerning us.
Josiah awas eight years old
when he became king, and he
thirty-one years in
25:22; Jer.
26:24 1Abdon
the son of
14 So Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam,
Achbor, Shaphan, and Asaiah went
to Huldah the prophetess, the wife
Micah, 2 Chr.
Jerusalem. His mothers name was 34:20 of Shallum the son of aTikvah, the
Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah of son of Harhas, keeper of the
bBozkath. wardrobe. (She dwelt in Jerusalem
13 a[Deut.
2 And he did what was right in 29:2328; in the Second Quarter.) And they
the sight of the LORD, and walked in 31:17, 18] spoke with her.
all the ways of his father David; he 15 Then she said to them, Thus
adid not turn aside to the right hand says the LORD God of Israel, Tell
14 a2 Chr.
or to the left. 34:22 the man who sent you to Me,
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2 KINGS 22:16 348

16 Thus says the LORD: Behold, aI 16 aDeut. to the sun, to the moon, to the 1con-
will bring calamity on this place 29:27 stellations, and to aall the host of
and on its inhabitantsall the 17 aDeut. heaven.
words of the book which the king of 29:2527 6 And he brought out the awooden1
Judah has read 18 a2 Chr. image from the house of the LORD,
17 abecause they have forsaken 34:26 to the Brook Kidron outside Jerusa-
Me and burned incense to other 19 a[Ps. 51:17]
lem, burned it at the Brook Kidron
gods, that they might provoke Me to b1 Kin. 21:29 and ground it to bashes, and threw
anger with all the works of their cLev. 26:31, 32 its ashes on cthe graves of the com-
dJer. 26:6;
hands. Therefore My wrath shall be mon people.
aroused against this place and shall 7 Then he tore down the ritual
not be quenched. 20 a[Is. 57:1, 2] 1booths aof the 2perverted persons
1Cause you to
18 But as for athe king of Judah, that were in the house of the LORD,
join your an-
who sent you to inquire of the cestors in
bwhere the cwomen wove hangings
LORD, in this manner you shall death 2Die a for the wooden image.
speak to him, Thus says the LORD natural death 8 And he brought all the priests
God of Israel: Concerning the CHAPTER 23 from the cities of Judah, and defiled
words which you have heard the high places where the priests
19 because your aheart was ten- 1 a2 Chr. had burned incense, from aGeba to
34:29, 30
der, and you bhumbled yourself Beersheba; also he broke down the
before the LORD when you heard 2 aDeut. high places at the gates which were
what I spoke against this place and 31:1013 at the entrance of the Gate of Joshua
b2 Kin. 22:8
against its inhabitants, that they the governor of the city, which were
would become ca desolation and da 3 a2 Kin. 11:14 to the left of the city gate.
b2 Kin. 11:17
curse, and you tore your clothes and 9 aNevertheless the priests of the
wept before Me, I also have heard 4 a2 Kin. 25:18 high places did not come up to the
you, says the LORD. b2 Kin. 21:37
altar of the LORD in Jerusalem, bbut
1A Canaanite
20 Surely, therefore, I will 1gather they ate unleavened bread among
goddess 2The
you to your fathers, and you ashall gods of the their brethren.
2be gathered to your grave in peace;
Assyrians 10 And he defiled aTopheth, which
and your eyes shall not see all the is in bthe Valley of the 1Son of Hin-
5 a2 Kin. 21:3
calamity which I will bring on this 1Of the Zo- nom, cthat no man might make his
place. So they brought back diac son or his daughter dpass through
word to the king. the fire to Molech.
6 a2 Kin. 21:7
bEx. 32:20 11 Then he removed the horses
Josiah Restores True Worship c2 Chr. 34:4 that the kings of Judah had 1dedi-
Now athe king sent them to cated to the sun, at the entrance to
23 gather all the elders of Judah
and Jerusalem to him.
Asherah, a
the house of the LORD, by the cham-
ber of Nathan-Melech, the officer
2 The king went up to the house of 7 a1 Kin.
who was in the court; and he burned
the LORD with all the men of Judah, 14:24; 15:12 the chariots of the sun with fire.
and with him all the inhabitants of bEzek. 16:16 12 The altars that were aon the
Jerusalemthe priests and the cEx. 38:8 1Lit.
roof, the upper chamber of Ahaz,
houses 2Heb. which the kings of Judah had made,
prophets and all the people, both qedeshim,
small and great. And he aread in those practic- and the altars which bManasseh had
their hearing all the words of the ing sodomy made in the two courts of the house
Book of the Covenant bwhich had and prostitu- of the LORD, the king broke down
tion in and pulverized there, and threw
been found in the house of the LORD. religious ritu-
3 Then the king astood by a pillar als their dust into the Brook Kidron.
and made a bcovenant before the 13 Then the king defiled the 1high
8 aJosh. 21:17
LORD, to follow the LORD and to places that were east of Jerusalem,
keep His commandments and His 9 a[Ezek. which were on the 2south of 3the
testimonies and His statutes, with all 44:1014] Mount of Corruption, which aSol-
b1 Sam. 2:36
his heart and all his soul, to perform omon king of Israel had built for Ash-
the words of this covenant that were 10 aIs. 30:33 toreth the abomination of the Sido-
bJosh. 15:8
written in this book. And all the peo- c[Lev. 18:21]
nians, for Chemosh the abomination
ple took a stand for the covenant. d2 Kin. 21:6 of the Moabites, and for Milcom
4 And the king commanded 1Kt. Sons the abomination of the people of
Hilkiah the high priest, the apriests of Ammon.
11 1given
the second order, and the doorkeep- 14 And he abroke in pieces the
ers, to bring bout of the temple of the 12 aJer. 19:13
b2 Kin. 21:5
sacred pillars and cut down the
LORD all the articles that were made wooden images, and filled their
for Baal, for 1Asherah, and for all 13 a1 Kin. places with the bones of men.
2the host of heaven; and he burned 11:57 1Places 15 Moreover the altar that was at
them outside Jerusalem in the fields for pagan
worship 2Lit.
Bethel, and the 1high place awhich
of Kidron, and carried their ashes to right of 3The Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who
Bethel. Mount of made Israel sin, had made, both that
5 Then he removed the idolatrous Olives altar and the high place he broke
priests whom the kings of Judah had 14 a[Ex. 23:24] down; and he burned the high place
ordained to burn incense on the high and crushed it to powder, and
places in the cities of Judah and in 15 a1 Kin. burned the wooden image.
12:2833 1A
the places all around Jerusalem, and place for pa- 16 As Josiah turned, he saw the
those who burned incense to Baal, gan worship tombs that were there on the moun-
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349 2 KINGS 24:2

tain. And he sent and took the bones 16 a1 Kin. 13:2 Josiah Dies in Battle
out of the tombs and burned them
on the altar, and defiled it according 17 a1 Kin. 28 Now the rest of the acts of
to the aword of the LORD which the 13:1, 30, 31 Josiah, and all that he did, are they
man of God proclaimed, who pro- not written in the book of the chron-
claimed these words. 18 a1 Kin. icles of the kings of Judah?
13:11, 31 29 aIn his days Pharaoh Necho
17 Then he said, What gravestone
is this that I see? So the men of the king of Egypt went 1to the aid of the
19 a2 Chr. king of Assyria, to the River Eu-
city told him, It is athe tomb of the 34:6, 7 1Lit.
man of God who came from Judah houses phrates; and King Josiah went
and proclaimed these things which 2Places for against him. And Pharaoh Necho
you have done against the altar of pagan wor- killed him at bMegiddo when he
ship 3So with cconfronted him.
Bethel. LXX, Syr.,
18 And he said, Let him alone; let Vg.; MT, Tg. 30 aThen his servants moved his
no one move his bones. So they let omit the body in a chariot from Megiddo,
his bones alone, with the bones of
LORD brought him to Jerusalem, and
athe prophet who came from buried him in his own tomb. And bthe
20 a1 Kin. 13:2 people of the land took Jehoahaz the
Samaria. b2 Kin. 10:25;
19 Now Josiah also took away all 11:18 c2 Chr.
son of Josiah, anointed him, and
the 1shrines of the 2high places that 34:5 1Places made him king in his fathers place.
for pagan
were ain the cities of Samaria, which worship The Reign and Captivity of
the kings of Israel had made to pro- Jehoahaz
voke 3the LORD to anger; and he did 21a2Chr. 35:1
to them according to all the deeds bDeut. 16:28 31 aJehoahaz was twenty-three
he had done in Bethel. years old when he became king, and
20 aHe bexecuted all the priests of 22 a2 Chr. he reigned three months in Jerusa-
the 1high places who were there, on 35:18, 19 lem. His mothers name was bHamu-
the altars, and cburned mens bones tal the daughter of Jeremiah of
on them; and he returned to 24 a[Lev. Libnah.
Jerusalem. 19:31; 20:27] 32 And he did evil in the sight of
b2 Kin. 22:8
21 Then the king commanded all the LORD, according to all that his
the people, saying, aKeep the fathers had done.
25 a2 Kin. 18:5
Passover to the LORD your God, bas 33 Now Pharaoh Necho put him in
it is written in this Book of the 26 aJer. 15:4
prison aat Riblah in the land of
Covenant. Hamath, that he might not reign in
22 aSuch a Passover surely had 27 a2 Kin.
Jerusalem; and he imposed on the
never been held since the days of 17:18, 20; land a tribute of one hundred tal-
the judges who judged Israel, nor in 18:11; 21:13 ents of silver and a talent of gold.
all the days of the kings of Israel b1 Kin. 8:29;
34 Then aPharaoh Necho made Eli-
9:3 akim the son of Josiah king in place
and the kings of Judah.
23 But in the eighteenth year of of his father Josiah, and bchanged
29 aJer. 2:16; his name to cJehoiakim. And
King Josiah this Passover was held 46:2 bZech.
before the LORD in Jerusalem. 12:11 c2 Kin. Pharaoh took Jehoahaz dand went
24 Moreover Josiah put away those 14:8 1Or to to Egypt, and 1he died there.
attack, Heb.
who consulted mediums and spiri- al can mean Jehoiakim Reigns in Judah
tists, the household gods and idols, together with
all the abominations that were seen or against 35 So Jehoiakim gave athe silver
in the land of Judah and in and gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed
Jerusalem, that he might perform 30 a2 Chr. the land to give money according to
the words of athe law which were 35:24 b2 Chr. the command of Pharaoh; he ex-
written in the book bthat Hilkiah the acted the silver and gold from the
priest found in the house of the 31 aJer. 22:11
people of the land, from every one
LORD. b2 Kin. 24:18 according to his assessment, to give
25 aNow before him there was no it to Pharaoh Necho.
king like him, who turned to the 33 a2 Kin. 25:6 36 aJehoiakim was twenty-five
LORD with all his heart, with all his years old when he became king, and
soul, and with all his might, accord- 34 a2 Chr. 36:4 he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem.
ing to all the Law of Moses; nor bDan. 1:7 His mothers name was Zebudah the
after him did any arise like him. cMatt. 1:11
dEzek. 19:3, 4
daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah.
1Jehoahaz 37 And he did evil in the sight of
Impending Judgment on Judah the LORD, according to all that his
26 Nevertheless the LORD did not 35 a2 Kin. fathers had done.
turn from the fierceness of His great 23:33
Judah Overrun by Enemies
wrath, with which His anger was
aroused against Judah, abecause of 36 a2 Chr. 36:5 In ahis days Nebuchadnezzar
all the provocations with which
Manasseh had provoked Him. CHAPTER 24
24 king of bBabylon came up,
and Jehoiakim became his vassal
27 And the LORD said, I will also for three years. Then he turned and
remove Judah from My sight, as aI 1 aDan. 1:1 rebelled against him.
b2 Kin. 20:14
have removed Israel, and will cast 2 aAnd the LORD sent against him
off this city Jerusalem which I have 2 aJer. 25:9;
raiding 1bands of Chaldeans, bands
chosen, and the house of which I 32:28; 35:11 of Syrians, bands of Moabites, and
said, bMy name shall be there. 1troops bands of the people of Ammon; He
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2 KINGS 24:3 350

sent them against Judah to destroy 2 b2 Kin. thousand, all who were strong and
it, baccording to the word of the 20:17; fit for war, these the king of Babylon
LORD which He had spoken by His 23:27 brought captive to Babylon.
servants the prophets.
3 Surely at the commandment of 3 a2 Kin. 21:2, Zedekiah Reigns in Judah
the LORD this came upon Judah, to 11; 23:26
17 Then athe king of Babylon made
remove them from His sight abe- Mattaniah, bJehoiachins1 uncle,
cause of the sins of Manasseh, 4 a2 Kin. 21:16
king in his place, and cchanged his
according to all that he had done, 6 aJer. 22:18, name to Zedekiah.
4 aand also because of the inno- 19 18 aZedekiah was twenty-one years
cent blood that he had shed; for he old when he became king, and he
had filled Jerusalem with innocent 7 aJer. 37:57 reigned eleven years in Jerusalem.
blood, which the LORD would not bJer. 46:2
His mothers name was bHamutal
pardon. the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
5 Now the rest of the acts of 8 a2 Chr. 36:9
1Jeconiah, 19 aHe also did evil in the sight of
Jehoiakim, and all that he did, are 1 Chr. 3:16; the LORD, according to all that
they not written in the book of the Jer. 24:1; or Jehoiakim had done.
chronicles of the kings of Judah? Coniah, Jer.
20 For because of the anger of the
6 aSo Jehoiakim rested with his 22:24, 28
LORD this happened in Jerusalem
fathers. Then Jehoiachin his son 10 aDan. 1:1 and Judah, that He finally cast them
reigned in his place. 1Lit. came out from His presence. aThen
7 And athe king of Egypt did not into siege Zedekiah rebelled against the king
come out of his land anymore, for of Babylon.
bthe king of Babylon had taken all 12 aJer.
that belonged to the king of Egypt 22:2430; 24:1; The Fall and Captivity of Judah
29:1, 2 b2 Chr.
from the Brook of Egypt to the 36:10 Now it came to pass ain the
River Euphrates.
The Reign and Captivity of
13 aIs. 39:6
bDan. 5:2, 3
25 ninth year of his reign, in the
tenth month, on the tenth day of
Jehoiachin cJer. 20:5 the month, that Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon and all his army
8 aJehoiachin1 was eighteen years 14 aJer. 24:1 came against Jerusalem and en-
old when he became king, and he b2 Kin. 24:16
camped against it; and they built a
c1 Sam. 13:19
reigned in Jerusalem three months. d2 Kin. 25:12 siege wall against it all around.
His mothers name was Nehushta the 2 So the city was besieged until
daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem. 15 aJer. the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.
9 And he did evil in the sight of 22:2428 3 By the ninth day of the afourth
the LORD, according to all that his month the famine had become so
father had done. 16 aJer. 52:28 severe in the city that there was no
10 aAt that time the servants of food for the people of the land.
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon 17 aJer. 37:1
b2 Chr. 36:10 4 Then athe city wall was broken
came up against Jerusalem, and the c2 Chr. 36:4 through, and all the men of war fled
city 1was besieged. 1Lit. his
at night by way of the gate between
11 And Nebuchadnezzar king of two walls, which was by the kings
Babylon came against the city, as 18 aJer. 52:1 garden, even though the Chaldeans
b2 Kin. 23:31
his servants were besieging it. were still encamped all around
12 aThen Jehoiachin king of Judah, against the city. And bthe king1
his mother, his servants, his princes, 19 a2 Chr.
36:12 went by way of the 2plain.
and his officers went out to the king 5 But the army of the Chaldeans
of Babylon; and the king of Bab- 20 aEzek. pursued the king, and they overtook
ylon, bin the eighth year of his reign, 17:15 him in the plains of Jericho. All his
took him prisoner. army was scattered from him.
The Captivity of Jerusalem 6 So they took the king and
1aJer. 6:6; brought him up to the king of Bab-
13 aAnd he carried out from there 34:2 ylon aat Riblah, and they pro-
all the treasures of the house of the nounced judgment on him.
LORD and the treasures of the kings 3 aLam. 4:9, 10 7 Then they killed the sons of
house, and he bcut in pieces all the Zedekiah before his eyes, aput1 out
articles of gold which Solomon king 4 aJer. 39:2 the eyes of Zedekiah, bound him
bEzek. 12:12
of Israel had made in the temple of 1Lit. he 2Or with bronze fetters, and took him to
the LORD, cas the LORD had said. Arabah, the Babylon.
14 Also ahe carried into captivity all Jordan Valley 8 And in the fifth month, aon the
Jerusalem: all the captains and all seventh day of the month (which
the mighty men of valor, bten thou- 6 aJer. 52:9 was bthe nineteenth year of King
sand captives, and call the craftsmen Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon),
and smiths. None remained except 7 aJer. 39:7 cNebuzaradan the captain of the
dthe poorest people of the land. guard, a servant of the king of
15 And ahe carried Jehoiachin cap- 8 aJer. 52:12 Babylon, came to Jerusalem.
tive to Babylon. The kings mother, b2 Kin. 24:12 9 aHe burned the house of the LORD
cJer. 39:9
the kings wives, his officers, and the band the kings house; all the houses
mighty of the land he carried into of Jerusalem, that is, all the houses of
captivity from Jerusalem to Babylon. 9 a2 Chr. the great, che burned with fire.
36:19 bJer.
16 aAll the valiant men, seven thou- 39:8 cJer. 10 And all the army of the Chalde-
sand, and craftsmen and smiths, one 17:27 ans who were with the captain of
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351 2 KINGS 25:30

the guard abroke down the walls of 10 a2 Kin. Gedaliah Made Governor of Judah
Jerusalem all around. 14:13; Neh.
11 Then Nebuzaradan the captain
1:3 22 Then he made Gedaliah the son
of the guard carried away captive 11 aIs. 1:9; of aAhikam, the son of Shaphan,
athe rest of the people who Jer. 5:19; 39:9 governor over bthe people who
remained in the city and the defec- remained in the land of Judah,
12 a2 Kin. whom Nebuchadnezzar king of
tors who had deserted to the king of 24:14; Jer.
Babylon, with the rest of the multi- 39:10; 40:7; Babylon had left.
tude. 52:16 23 Now when all the acaptains of
12 But the captain of the guard aleft the armies, they and their men,
13 aJer. 52:17 heard that the king of Babylon had
some of the poor of the land as vine- b1 Kin. 7:15
dressers and farmers. c1 Kin. 7:27 made Gedaliah governor, they came
13 aThe bronze bpillars that were in
d1 Kin. 7:23 to Gedaliah at MizpahIshmael the
e2 Kin. 20:17;
the house of the LORD, and cthe son of Nethaniah, Johanan the son
Jer. 27:1922 of Careah, Seraiah the son of Tan-
carts and dthe bronze Sea that were
in the house of the LORD, the 14 aEx. 27:3; humeth the Netophathite, and
1 Kin. 7:45 1Jaazaniah the son of a Maachathite,
Chaldeans broke in pieces, and ecar-
ried their bronze to Babylon. 16 a1 Kin. 7:47
they and their men.
14 They also took away athe pots, 24 And Gedaliah took an oath
the shovels, the trimmers, the 17 a1 Kin. before them and their men, and said
spoons, and all the bronze utensils 7:1522; Jer. to them, Do not be afraid of the ser-
52:21 1About vants of the Chaldeans. Dwell in the
with which the priests ministered. 27 feet
15 The firepans and the basins, the land and serve the king of Babylon,
things of solid gold and solid silver, 18 aJer. and it shall be well with you.
39:913; 25 But ait happened in the seventh
the captain of the guard took away. 52:1216, 24
16 The two pillars, one Sea, and the b1 Chr. 6:14; month that Ishmael the son of
carts, which Solomon had made for Ezra 7:1 cJer. Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of
the house of the LORD, athe bronze 21:1; 29:25, 29 the royal family, came with ten men
of all these articles was beyond 19 aEsth. 1:14;
and struck and killed Gedaliah, the
measure. Jer. 52:25 1Lit. Jews, as well as the Chaldeans who
17 aThe height of one pillar was those seeing were with him at Mizpah.
1eighteen cubits, and the capital on the kings 26 And all the people, small and
face great, and the captains of the
it was of bronze. The height of the
capital was three cubits, and the 21 aLev. 26:33; armies, arose aand went to Egypt;
network and pomegranates all Deut. 28:36, for they were afraid of the Chal-
around the capital were all of 64; 2 Kin. deans.
bronze. The second pillar was the Jehoiachin Released from Prison
same, with a network. 22 a2 Kin.
18 aAnd the captain of the guard 22:12 bIs. 1:9; 27 aNow it came to pass in the thirty-
Jer. 40:5
took bSeraiah the chief priest, seventh year of the captivity of
cZephaniah the second priest, and 23 aJer. 40:79 Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the
1Jezaniah, Jer.
the three doorkeepers. twelfth month, on the twenty-
19 He also took out of the city an seventh day of the month, that
officer who had charge of the men 1Evil-Merodach king of Babylon, in
25 aJer. 41:13
of war, afive men of 1the kings close the year that he began to reign, bre-
associates who were found in the 26 a2 Kin. leased Jehoiachin king of Judah
19:31; Jer.
city, the chief recruiting officer of 43:47 from prison.
the army, who mustered the people 28 He spoke kindly to him, and
of the land, and sixty men of the 27 a2 Kin. gave him a more prominent seat
people of the land who were found 24:12, 15; Jer. than those of the kings who were
in the city. bGen. 40:13, with him in Babylon.
20 So Nebuzaradan, captain of the 20 1Lit. Man 29 So Jehoiachin changed from his
guard, took these and brought them of Marduk prison garments, and he aate 1bread
to the king of Babylon at Riblah. 29 a2 Sam. 9:7 regularly before the king all the
21 Then the king of Babylon struck 1Food days of his life.
them and put them to death at 30 And as for his 1provisions, there
Riblah in the land of Hamath. aThus 30 1Lit. was a 2regular ration given him by
Judah was carried away captive 2Lit. the king, a portion for each day, all
from its own land. allowance the days of his life.
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The First Book of the


T HE books of First and Second Chronicles cover the same period of Jewish his-
tory described in Second Samuel through Second Kings, but the perspective is
different. These books are no mere repetition of the same material, but rather form
a divine editorial on the history of Gods people. While Second Samuel and First
and Second Kings give a political history of Israel and Judah, First and Second
Chronicles present a religious history of the Davidic dynasty of Judah. The former
are written from a prophetic and moral viewpoint and the latter from a priestly and
spiritual perspective. The Book of First Chronicles begins with the royal line of
David and then traces the spiritual significance of Davids righteous reign.
The books of First and Second Chronicles were originally one continuous work
in the Hebrew. The title was Dibere Hayyamim, meaning The Words [accounts,
events] of the Days. The equivalent meaning today would be The Events of the
Times. Chronicles was divided into two parts in the third-century B.C. Greek
translation of the Hebrew Bible (the Septuagint). At that time it was given the
name Paraleipomenon. Of Things Omitted, referring to the things omitted from
Samuel and Kings. Some copies add the phrase, Basileon Iouda, Concerning the
Kings of Judah. The first book of Chronicles was called Paraleipomenon Primus,
The First Book of Things Omitted. The name Chronicles comes from Jerome
in his Latin Vulgate Bible (A.D. 385405): Chronicorum Liber. He meant his title in
the sense of the Chronicles of the Whole of Sacred History.

The Family of AdamSeth to CHAPTER 1 19 To Eber were born two sons: the
Abraham 1 aGen. 1:27;
name of one was 1Peleg, for in his
2:7; 5:1, 2, 5 days the 2earth was divided; and his
DAM,a bSeth, Enosh,
A 2 Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared,
3 Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech,
bGen. 4:25, 26;
brothers name was Joktan.
20 aJoktan begot Almodad, She-
4 aGen. leph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,
4 aNoah,1 Shem, Ham, and Ja- 5:2810:1 21 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,
pheth. 1So with MT,
22 1Ebal, Abimael, Sheba,
5 aThe sons of Japheth were Vg.; LXX
adds the sons 23 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All
Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, of Noah these were the sons of Joktan.
Meshech, and Tiras. 5 aGen. 10:24 24 aShem, Arphaxad, Shelah,
6 The sons of Gomer were Ashke- 25 aEber, Peleg, Reu,
6 1Riphath,
naz, 1Diphath, and Togarmah. Gen. 10:3 26 Serug, Nahor, Terah,
7 The sons of Javan were Elishah, 27 and aAbram, who is Abraham.
1Tarshishah, Kittim, and 2Rodanim. 7 1Tarshish,
Gen. 10:4 28 aThe sons of Abraham were
8 aThe sons of Ham were Cush, 2Dodanim,
bIsaac and cIshmael.
Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. Gen. 10:4
9 The sons of Cush were Seba, 8 aGen. 10:6 The Family of Ishmael
Havilah, 1Sabta, 2Raama, and Sabte- 9 1Sabtah,
cha. The sons of Raama were Sheba Gen. 10:7 29 These are their genealogies: The
2Raamah, afirstborn of Ishmael was Nebajoth;
and Dedan.
10 Cush abegot Nimrod; he began Gen. 10:7 then Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
to be a mighty one on the earth. 10 aGen. 30 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 1Ha-
10:810, 13 dad, Tema,
11 Mizraim begot Ludim, Anamim,
Lehabim, Naphtuhim, 12 aDeut. 2:23 31 Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
12 Pathrusim, Casluhim (from 13 aGen. 9:18, These were the sons of Ishmael.
whom came the Philistines and the 2527; 10:15
aCaphtorim). 17 aGen. The Family of Keturah
13 aCanaan begot Sidon, his first- 11:10 bLuke 32 Now athe sons born to Keturah,
born, and Heth; 3:36 1Mash, Abrahams concubine, were Zim-
14 the Jebusite, the Amorite, and Gen. 10:23 ran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ish-
the Girgashite; 19 1Lit. Divi- bak, and Shuah. The sons of Jok-
15 the Hivite, the Arkite, and the sion, Gen. shan were Sheba and Dedan.
Sinite; 10:25 2Or land
33 The sons of Midian were Ephah,
16 the Arvadite, the Zemarite, and 20 aGen. 10:26 Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah.
the Hamathite. 22 1Obal, Gen. All these were the children of Ketu-
17 The sons of aShem were Elam, 10:28 rah.
Asshur, bArphaxad, Lud, Aram, Uz, 24 aLuke
Hul, Gether, and 1Meshech. 3:3436
28 aGen. 21:2, 3 bGen. 21:2 cGen. 16:11, 15
18 Arphaxad begot Shelah, and 25 aGen. 11:15 29 aGen. 25:1316 30 1Hadar, Gen. 25:15
Shelah begot Eber. 27 aGen. 17:5 32 aGen. 25:14
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353 1 CHRONICLES 2:23

The Family of Isaac 34 aGen. 21:2 2 Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naph-
bGen. 25:9, 25,
tali, Gad, and Asher.
34 And aAbraham begot Isaac. bThe 26, 29; 32:28
sons of Isaac were Esau and Israel. 35 aGen. From Judah to David
35 The sons of aEsau were Eliphaz, 36:1019
Reuel, Jeush, Jaalam, and Korah. 36 aGen. 36:12 3 The sons of aJudah were Er,
36 And the sons of Eliphaz were
1Zepho, Gen.
Onan, and Shelah. These three were
36:11 born to him by the daughter of
Teman, Omar, 1Zephi, Gatam, and 38 aGen. bShua, the Canaanitess. cEr, the
Kenaz; and by aTimna, Amalek. 36:2028
37 The sons of Reuel were Nahath, 39 1Hemam or
firstborn of Judah, was wicked in
Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. Heman, Gen. the sight of the LORD; so He killed
36:22 him.
The Family of Seir 40 1Alvan, 4 And aTamar, his daughter-in-
Gen. 36:23 law, bbore him Perez and Zerah. All
38 aThe sons of Seir were Lotan, 2Shepho, Gen.
the sons of Judah were five.
Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer, 36:23
5 The sons of aPerez were Hezron
and Dishan. 41 aGen. 36:25 and Hamul.
39 And the sons of Lotan were 1Hemdan,
6 The sons of Zerah were 1Zimri,
Gen. 36:26
Hori and 1Homam; Lotans sister aEthan, Heman, Calcol, and 2Dara
was Timna. 42 1Akan,
Gen. 36:27 five of them in all.
40 The sons of Shobal were 1Alian, 43 aGen. 7 The son of aCarmi was 1Achar,
Manahath, Ebal, 2Shephi, and Onam. 36:3143 the troubler of Israel, who trans-
The sons of Zibeon were Ajah and 46 1Lit. struck gressed in the baccursed2 thing.
Anah. 48 aGen. 36:37 8 The son of Ethan was Azariah.
41 The son of Anah was aDishon. 50 1Hadar, 9 Also the sons of Hezron who
The sons of Dishon were 1Hamran, Gen. 36:39 were born to him were Jerahmeel,
Eshban, Ithran, and Cheran. 2Pau, Gen. 1Ram, and 2Chelubai.
42 The sons of Ezer were Bilhan, 36:39
10 Ram abegot Amminadab, and
Zaavan, and 1Jaakan. The sons of 51 1Alvah,
Amminadab begot Nahshon, bleader
Dishan were Uz and Aran. Gen. 36:40
CHAPTER 2 of the children of Judah;
The Kings of Edom 1 aGen.
11 Nahshon begot 1Salma, and
29:3235; Salma begot Boaz;
43 Now these were the akings who 35:23, 26; 12 Boaz begot Obed, and Obed
reigned in the land of Edom before 46:827 bGen. begot Jesse;
a king reigned over the children of 29:32; 35:22 13 aJesse begot Eliab his firstborn,
1Jacob, Gen.
Israel: Bela the son of Beor, and the 32:28 Abinadab the second, 1Shimea the
name of his city was Dinhabah. 3 aNum. 26:19 third,
44 And when Bela died, Jobab the bGen. 38:2 14 Nethanel the fourth, Raddai the
son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in cGen. 38:7 fifth,
his place. 4 aGen. 38:6 15 Ozem the sixth, and David the
bMatt. 1:3 aseventh.
45 When Jobab died, Husham of the
land of the Temanites reigned in his 5 aRuth 4:18 16 Now their sisters were Zeruiah
place. 6 a1 Kin. 4:31
1Zabdi, Josh.
and Abigail. aAnd the sons of
46 And when Husham died, Hadad 7:1 2Darda,
Zeruiah were Abishai, Joab, and
the son of Bedad, who 1attacked 1 Kin. 4:31 Asahelthree.
Midian in the field of Moab, reigned 7 a1 Chr. 4:1 17 Abigail bore Amasa; and the
in his place. The name of his city bJosh. 6:18 father of Amasa was 1Jether the Ish-
was Avith. 1Achan, Josh. maelite.
47 When Hadad died, Samlah of 7:1 2banned
or devoted The Family of Hezron
Masrekah reigned in his place. 9 1Aram,
48 aAnd when Samlah died, Saul of Matt. 1:3, 4 18 Caleb the son of Hezron had
Rehoboth-by-the-River reigned in 2Caleb, vv. 18,
children by Azubah, his wife, and by
his place. 42 Jerioth. Now these were her sons:
49 When Saul died, Baal-Hanan the 10 aMatt. 1:4 Jesher, Shobab, and Ardon.
bNum. 1:7; 2:3
son of Achbor reigned in his place. 19 When Azubah died, Caleb 1took
50 And when Baal-Hanan died, 11 1Salmon, aEphrath2 as his wife, who bore him
1Hadad reigned in his place; and the Ruth 4:21;
Luke 3:32 Hur.
name of his city was 2Pai. His wifes 13 a1 Sam. 20 And Hur begot Uri, and Uri
name was Mehetabel the daughter 16:6 begot aBezalel.
of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab. 1Shammah,
21 Now afterward Hezron went in
51 Hadad died also. And the chiefs 1 Sam. 16:9 to the daughter of aMachir the
of Edom were Chief Timnah, Chief 15 a1 Sam. father of Gilead, whom he married
1Aliah, Chief Jetheth, 16:10, 11;
17:12 when he was sixty years old; and
52 Chief Aholibamah, Chief Elah, she bore him Segub.
16 a2 Sam.
Chief Pinon, 2:18 22 Segub begot aJair,1 who had
53 Chief Kenaz, Chief Teman, Chief 17 1Jithra the twenty-three cities in the land of
Mibzar, Israelite, Gilead.
54 Chief Magdiel, and Chief Iram. 2 Sam. 17:25 23 a(Geshur and Syria took from
These were the chiefs of Edom. 19 a1 Chr. 2:50 them the towns of Jair, with Kenath
1Lit. took to
The Family of Israel himself 2Or
These were the asons of 1Israel: 22 aJudg. 10:3 1Reckoned to Manasseh
2 bReuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
Issachar, Zebulun,
20 aEx. 31:2;
21 aNum. 27:1
through the daughter of Machir, Num.
32:41; Deut. 3:14; 25:5, 6; 1 Kin. 4:13; 1 Chr.
7:14 23 aDeut. 3:14
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1 CHRONICLES 2:24 354

and its townssixty towns.) All 24 a1 Chr. 4:5 Haran, Moza, and Gazez; and Haran
these belonged to the sons of begot Gazez.
Machir the father of Gilead. 31 a1 Chr. 2:34, 47 And the sons of Jahdai were Re-
24 After Hezron died in Caleb gem, Jotham, Geshan, Pelet, Ephah,
Ephrathah, Hezrons wife Abijah and Shaaph.
36 a1 Chr.
bore him aAshhur the father of 11:41 48 Maachah, Calebs concubine,
Tekoa. bore Sheber and Tirhanah.
37 a2 Chr. 23:1 49 She also bore Shaaph the father
The Family of Jerahmeel of Madmannah, Sheva the father of
25 The sons of Jerahmeel, the first- 49 aJosh. 15:17 Machbenah and the father of Gibea.
born of Hezron, were Ram, the first- 1Or Achsa And the daughter of Caleb was
born, and Bunah, Oren, Ozem, and
Ahijah. 50 a1 Chr. 4:4 50 These were the descendants of
26 Jerahmeel had another wife,
bJosh. 9:17;
Caleb: The sons of aHur, the firstborn
18:14 of 1Ephrathah, were Shobal the
whose name was Atarah; she was 1Ephrath, v.
the mother of Onam. 19 father of bKirjath Jearim,
27 The sons of Ram, the firstborn 51 Salma the father of Bethlehem,
of Jerahmeel, were Maaz, Jamin, 52 1Reaiah, and Hareph the father of Beth Gader.
and Eker. 1 Chr. 4:2 2Or 52 And Shobal the father of Kirjath
Manuhoth- Jearim had descendants: 1Haroeh,
28 The sons of Onam were Sham- ites, same as
mai and Jada. The sons of Shammai Mana-
and half of the 2families of Manuhoth.
were Nadab and Abishur. hethites, v. 54 53 The families of Kirjath Jearim
29 And the name of the wife of were the Ithrites, the Puthites, the
Abishur was Abihail, and she bore 54 1Or Shumathites, and the Mishraites.
him Ahban and Molid. Ataroth of From these came the Zorathites and
the house of the Eshtaolites.
30 The sons of Nadab were Seled Joab
and Appaim; Seled died without 54 The sons of Salma were Bethle-
children. 55 aJudg. 1:16
hem, the Netophathites, 1Atroth
31 The son of Appaim was Ishi, the b2 Kin. 10:15; Beth Joab, half of the Manahethites,
son of Ishi was Sheshan, and aShe- Jer. 35:2 and the Zorites.
shans son was Ahlai. 55 And the families of the scribes
32 The sons of Jada, the brother of CHAPTER 3 who dwelt at Jabez were the
Shammai, were Jether and Jon- Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and the
athan; Jether died without chil- 1 a2 Sam. Suchathites. These were the aKen-
dren. 3:25 b1 Sam. ites who came from Hammath, the
25:43 cJosh. father of the house of bRechab.
33 The sons of Jonathan were 15:56 d1 Sam.
Peleth and Zaza. These were the 25:3942
1Chileab, The Family of David
sons of Jerahmeel. 2 Sam. 3:3
34 Now Sheshan had no sons, only Now these were the sons of
daughters. And Sheshan had an
Egyptian servant whose name was 2 a2 Sam.
3 David who were born to him in
Hebron: The firstborn was aAmnon,
13:37; 15:1
Jarha. b1 Kin. 1:5 by bAhinoam the cJezreelitess; the
35 Sheshan gave his daughter to second, 1Daniel, by dAbigail the
Jarha his servant as wife, and she 3 a2 Sam. 3:5 Carmelitess;
bore him Attai. 2 the third, aAbsalom the son of
36 Attai begot Nathan, and Nathan 4 a2 Sam. 2:11 Maacah, the daughter of Talmai,
b2 Sam. 5:5
begot aZabad; king of Geshur; the fourth, bAdoni-
37 Zabad begot Ephlal, and Ephlal jah the son of Haggith;
begot aObed; 5 a1 Chr. 3 the fifth, Shephatiah, by Abital;
38 Obed begot Jehu, and Jehu be- b2 Sam. 12:24, the sixth, Ithream, by his wife
got Azariah; 25 1Sham- aEglah.
39 Azariah begot Helez, and Helez mua, 1 Chr. 4 These six were born to him in
begot Eleasah; 14:4; 2 Sam. Hebron. aThere he reigned seven
40 Eleasah begot Sismai, and Sis- 2Bathsheba, years and six months, and bin
mai begot Shallum; 2 Sam. 11:3 Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three
41 Shallum begot Jekamiah, and 3Eliam, years.
Jekamiah begot Elishama. 2 Sam. 11:3 5 aAnd these were born to him in
Jerusalem: 1Shimea, Shobab, Na-
The Family of Caleb 6 1Elishua, than, and bSolomonfour by
1 Chr. 14:5; 2Bathshua the daughter of 3Ammiel.
42 The descendants of Caleb the 2 Sam. 5:15
brother of Jerahmeel were Mesha, 2Elpelet, 6 Also there were Ibhar, 1Elish-
his firstborn, who was the father of 1 Chr. 14:5 ama, 2Eliphelet,
Ziph, and the sons of Mareshah the 7 Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia,
father of Hebron. 8 a2 Sam. 8 Elishama, 1Eliada, and Eliphe-
5:1416 1Be- letanine in all.
43 The sons of Hebron were Korah, eliada, 1 Chr.
Tappuah, Rekem, and Shema. 14:7 9 These were all the sons of
44 Shema begot Raham the father David, besides the sons of the con-
of Jorkoam, and Rekem begot Sham- 9 a2 Sam. 13:1 cubines, and aTamar their sister.
mai. The Family of Solomon
45 And the son of Shammai was 10 a1 Kin.
Maon, and Maon was the father of 11:43; Matt. 10 Solomons son was aRehoboam;
1:710 1Abi- 1Abijah was his son, Asa his son,
Beth Zur. jam, 1 Kin.
46 Ephah, Calebs concubine, bore 15:1 Jehoshaphat his son,
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355 1 CHRONICLES 4:26

11 1Joram his son, 2Ahaziah his 11 1Jehoram, 9 Now Jabez was amore honor-
son, 3Joash his son, 2 Kin. 1:17; 8:16 able than his brothers, and his
2Or Azariah or
12 Amaziah his son, 1Azariah his Jehoahaz
mother called his name 1Jabez, say-
son, Jotham his son, 3Jehoash, ing, Because I bore him in pain.
13 Ahaz his son, Hezekiah his son, 2 Kin. 12:1 10 And Jabez called on the God of
Manasseh his son, 12 1Uzziah, Is. Israel saying, Oh, that You would
14 Amon his son, and Josiah his 6:1 bless me indeed, and enlarge my 1ter-
son. 15 1Eliakim, ritory, that Your hand would be with
15 The sons of Josiah were Joha- 2 Kin. 23:34 me, and thatYou would keep me from
nan the firstborn, the second 1Jehoi- 2Jehoahaz, evil, that I may not cause pain! So
akim, the third Zedekiah, and the 2 Kin. 23:31 God granted him what he requested.
fourth 2Shallum. 16 aMatt. 1:11 11 Chelub the brother of aShuhah
16 The sons of aJehoiakim were 1Jehoiachin, begot Mehir, who was the father of
1Jeconiah his son and 2Zedekiah his 2 Kin. 24:8, or Eshton.
son. Coniah, Jer. 12 And Eshton begot Beth-Rapha,
2Mattaniah, Paseah, and Tehinnah the father of
The Family of Jeconiah 1Ir-Nahash. These were the men of
2 Kin. 24:17
17 And the sons of 1Jeconiah 2were 17 aMatt. 1:12
Assir, Shealtiel ahis son, 1Jehoiachin, 13 The sons of Kenaz were aOth-
18 and Malchiram, Pedaiah, She- 2 Kin. 24:8, or niel and Seraiah. The sons of Oth-
nazzar, Jecamiah, Hoshama, and Coniah, Jer. niel were 1Hathath,
Nedabiah. 22:24 2Or the 14 and Meonothai who begot
captive were Ophrah. Seraiah begot Joab the
19 The sons of Pedaiah were Ze-
rubbabel and Shimei. The sons of 22 aEzra 8:2 father of aGe Harashim,1 for they
Zerubbabel were Meshullam, Hana- CHAPTER 4 were craftsmen.
niah, Shelomith their sister, 1 aGen. 38:29; 15 The sons of aCaleb the son of
20 and Hashubah, Ohel, Berechiah, 46:12 1Chelubai, Jephunneh were Iru, Elah, and
Hasadiah, and Jushab-Hesedfive 1 Chr. 2:9 or Naam. The son of Elah was 1Kenaz.
in all. Caleb, 1 Chr. 16 The sons of Jehallelel were
21 The sons of Hananiah were 2:18 Ziph, Ziphah, Tiria, and Asarel.
Pelatiah and Jeshaiah, the sons of 2 1Haroeh, 17 The sons of Ezrah were Jether,
Rephaiah, the sons of Arnan, the 1 Chr. 2:52 Mered, Epher, and Jalon. And
sons of Obadiah, and the sons of 4 aEx. 31:2; 1Mereds wife bore Miriam, Sham-
Shechaniah. 1 Chr. 2:50 mai, and Ishbah the father of Eshte-
22 The son of Shechaniah was She- 5 a1 Chr. 2:24 moa.
maiah. The sons of Shemaiah were 9 aGen. 34:19 18 (1His wife Jehudijah bore Jered
aHattush, Igal, Bariah, Neariah, and 1Lit. He Will the father of Gedor, Heber the father
Shaphatsix in all. Cause Pain of Sochoh, and Jekuthiel the father
23 The sons of Neariah were Elioe- 10 1border of Zanoah.) And these were the sons
nai, Hezekiah, and Azrikamthree 11 aGen. of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh,
in all. 38:15 whom Mered took.
24 The sons of Elioenai were Hoda- 12 1Lit. City of 19 The sons of Hodiahs wife, the
viah, Eliashib, Pelaiah, Akkub, Nahash sister of Naham, were the fathers of
Johanan, Delaiah, and Anani 13 aJosh. Keilah the Garmite and of Eshte-
seven in all. 15:17; Judg. moa the aMaachathite.
3:9, 11 1LXX,
Vg. add and 20 And the sons of Shimon were
The Family of Judah Meonothai Amnon, Rinnah, Ben-Hanan, and
14 aNeh. 11:35 Tilon. And the sons of Ishi were
The sons of Judah were aPerez, 1Lit. Valley of Zoheth and Ben-Zoheth.
4 Hezron, 1Carmi, Hur, and Shobal.
2 And 1Reaiah the son of Shobal
15 aJosh. 14:6,
21 The sons of aShelah bthe son of
Judah were Er the father of Lecah,
begot Jahath, and Jahath begot 14; 15:13, Laadah the father of Mareshah, and
17; 1 Chr. 6:56
Ahumai and Lahad. These were the 1Or Uknaz the families of the house of the linen
families of the Zorathites. 17 1Lit. she workers of the house of Ashbea;
3 These were the sons of the 18 1Or His
22 also Jokim, the men of Chozeba,
father of Etam: Jezreel, Ishma, and Judean wife and Joash; Saraph, who ruled in
Idbash; and the name of their sister 19 a2 Kin. Moab, and Jashubi-Lehem. Now the
was Hazelelponi; 25:23 1records are ancient.
4 and Penuel was the father of 21 aGen. 38:11, 23 These were the potters and
Gedor, and Ezer was the father of 14 bGen. those who dwell at 1Netaim and
Hushah. These were the sons of aHur, 38:15; 46:12 2Gederah; there they dwelt with the
the firstborn of Ephrathah the father 22 1Lit. words king for his work.
of Bethlehem. 23 1Lit. Plants
5 And aAshhur the father of Tekoa 2Lit. Hedges
The Family of Simeon
had two wives, Helah and Naarah. 24 aNum.
6 Naarah bore him Ahuzzam, 26:1214 24 The asons of Simeon were
1Jemuel, Gen. 1Nemuel, Jamin, 2Jarib, 3Zerah, and
Hepher, Temeni, and Haahashtari. 46:10; Ex.
These were the sons of Naarah. 6:15; Num. Shaul,
7 The sons of Helah were Zereth, 26:12 2Jachin, 25 Shallum his son, Mibsam his
Zohar, and Ethnan; Gen. 46:10; son, and Mishma his son.
8 and Koz begot Anub, Zobebah, Num. 26:12 26 And the sons of Mishma were
3Zohar, Gen.
and the families of Aharhel the son 46:10; Ex. Hamuel his son, Zacchur his son,
of Harum. 6:15 and Shimei his son.
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1 CHRONICLES 4:27 356

27 Shimei had sixteen sons and six 27 aNum. 2:9 3 the sons of aReuben the first-
daughters; but his brothers did not 29 1Balah,
born of Israel were Hanoch, Pallu,
have many children, anor did any of Josh. 19:3 Hezron, and Carmi.
their families multiply as much as 2Eltolad, 4 The sons of Joel were Shemaiah
the children of Judah. Josh. 19:4 his son, Gog his son, Shimei his son,
28 They dwelt at Beersheba, Mola- 5 Micah his son, Reaiah his son,
31 1Hazar
dah, Hazar Shual, Susah, Josh. Baal his son,
29 1Bilhah, Ezem, 2Tolad, 19:5 6 and Beerah his son, whom
30 Bethuel, Hormah, Ziklag, 1Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria
31 Beth Marcaboth, 1Hazar Susim, 32 1Ether, acarried into captivity. He was
Beth Biri, and at Shaaraim. These Josh. 19:7 leader of the Reubenites.
were their cities until the reign of 33 1Baalath 7 And his brethren by their fami-
David. Beer, Josh. lies, awhen the genealogy of their
32 And their villages were 1Etam, 19:8 generations was registered: the
Ain, Rimmon, Tochen, and Ashan chief, Jeiel, and Zechariah,
41 a2 Kin. 18:8
five cities b2 Kin. 19:11 8 and Bela the son of Azaz, the
33 and all the villages that were 1Lit. struck son of Shema, the son of Joel, who
around these cities as far as 1Baal. dwelt in aAroer, as far as Nebo and
These were their dwelling places, 43 aEx. 17:14; Baal Meon.
and they maintained their geneal- 1 Sam. 15:8; 9 Eastward they settled as far as
30:17 1Lit.
ogy: struck the 1entrance of the wilderness this
34 Meshobab, Jamlech, and Joshah side of the River Euphrates, because
the son of Amaziah; CHAPTER 5 their cattle had 2multiplied ain the
35 Joel, and Jehu the son of land of Gilead.
Joshibiah, the son of Seraiah, the 1 aGen. 29:32; 10 Now in the days of Saul they
49:3 bGen.
son of Asiel; 35:22; 49:4 made war awith the Hagrites, who
36 Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, cGen. fell by their hand; and they dwelt in
Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, and Bena- 48:15, 22 their tents throughout the entire area
iah; 2 aGen. 49:8,
east of Gilead.
37 Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son 10; Ps. 60:7;
of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son 108:8 bMic. The Family of Gad
of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah 5:2; Matt. 2:6
1the right of 11 And the achildren of Gad dwelt
38 these mentioned by name were the firstborn next to them in the land of bBashan
leaders in their families, and their as far as cSalcah:
fathers house increased greatly. 3 aGen 46:9; 12 Joel was the chief, Shapham the
39 So they went to the entrance of Ex. 6:14;
next, then Jaanai and Shaphat in
Gedor, as far as the east side of the Num. 26:5
valley, to seek pasture for their 6 a2 Kin. 18:11 13 and their brethren of their fa-
flocks. 1Heb. Tilgath-
thers house: Michael, Meshullam,
40 And they found rich, good pas- Pilneser Sheba, Jorai, Jachan, Zia, and
ture, and the land was broad, quiet, Eberseven in all.
and peaceful; for some Hamites for- 7 a1 Chr. 5:17
14 These were the children of Abi-
merly lived there. 8 aNum. 32:34; hail the son of Huri, the son of
41 These recorded by name came Josh. 12:2; Jaroah, the son of Gilead, the son of
in the days of Hezekiah king of 13:15, 16
Michael, the son of Jeshishai, the
Judah; and they aattacked1 their son of Jahdo, the son of Buz;
tents and the Meunites who were 9 aJosh. 22:8,
9 1beginning 15 Ahi the son of Abdiel, the son of
found there, and butterly destroyed 2increased
Guni, was chief of their fathers
them, as it is to this day. So they house.
dwelt in their place, because there 10 aGen. 25:12
16 And the Gadites dwelt in Gil-
was pasture for their flocks there. ead, in Bashan and in its villages,
11 aNum.
42 Now some of them, five hun- 26:1518 and in all the 1common-lands of
dred men of the sons of Simeon, bJosh. 13:11, aSharon within their borders.
went to Mount Seir, having as their 2428 cDeut. 17 All these were registered by
captains Pelatiah, Neariah, Repha- 3:10
genealogies in the days of aJotham
iah, and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi. 16 a1 Chr. king of Judah, and in the days of
43 And they 1defeated athe rest of 27:29; Song bJeroboam king of Israel.
the Amalekites who had escaped. 2:1; Is. 35:2; 18 The sons of Reuben, the Gad-
They have dwelt there to this day. 65:10 1open
lands ites, and half the tribe of Manasseh
The Family of Reuben had forty-four thousand seven hun-
17 a2 Kin. dred and sixty valiant men, men
Now the sons of Reuben the 15:5, 32 able to bear shield and sword, to
5 firstborn of Israelahe was
indeed the firstborn, but because he
b2 Kin. 14:16,
28 shoot with the bow, and skillful in
war, who went to war.
bdefiled his fathers bed, chis 19 aGen. 25:15; 19 They made war with the
birthright was given to the sons of 1 Chr. 1:31 Hagrites, aJetur, Naphish, and Nodab.
Joseph, the son of Israel, so that the 20 a[1 Chr.
20 And athey were helped against
genealogy is not listed according to 5:22] b2 Chr. them, and the Hagrites were deliv-
the birthright; 14:1113 cPs. ered into their hand, and all who
2 yet aJudah prevailed over his 9:10; 20:7, 8; were with them, for they bcried out
brothers, and from him came a 22:4, 5 1Lit. to God in the battle. He 1heeded
bruler, although 1the birthright was was en-
treated for their prayer, because they cput their
Josephs them trust in Him.
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357 1 CHRONICLES 6:40

21 Then they took away their live- 22 a[Josh. 16 The sons of Levi were aGer-
stockfifty thousand of their 23:10; 2 Chr. shon,1 Kohath, and Merari.
32:8; Rom.
camels, two hundred and fifty thou- 8:31] b2 Kin. 17 These are the names of the sons
sand of their sheep, and two thou- 15:29; 17:6 of Gershon: Libni and Shimei.
sand of their donkeysalso one 23 aDeut. 3:9 18 The sons of Kohath were Am-
hundred thousand of their men; 25 a2 Kin. 17:7 ram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
22 for many fell dead, because the 26 a2 Kin. 19 The sons of Merari were Mahli
war awas Gods. And they dwelt in 15:19 b2 Kin. and Mushi. Now these are the fami-
15:29 c2 Kin.
their place until bthe captivity. 17:6; 18:11 lies of the Levites according to their
1Heb. Tilgath- fathers:
The Family of Manasseh (East) Pilneser 20 Of Gershon were Libni his son,
23 So the children of the half-tribe Jahath his son, aZimmah his son,
of Manasseh dwelt in the land. Their CHAPTER 6
21 1Joah his son, 2Iddo his son,
numbers increased from Bashan to Zerah his son, and 3Jeatherai his son.
Baal Hermon, that is, to aSenir, or 1 aGen. 46:11;
22 The sons of Kohath were 1Am-
Mount Hermon. Ex. 6:16; minadab his son, aKorah his son,
24 These were the heads of their Num. 26:57; Assir his son,
fathers houses: Epher, Ishi, Eliel, 1 Chr. 23:6
1Or Gershom,
23 Elkanah his son, Ebiasaph his
Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah, and v. 16 son, Assir his son,
Jahdiel. They were mighty men of 2 a1 Chr. 24 Tahath his son, Uriel his son,
valor, famous men, and heads of 6:18, 22 Uzziah his son, and Shaul his son.
their fathers houses. 3 aLev. 10:1, 2 25 The sons of Elkanah were
8 a2 Sam. 8:17 aAmasai and Ahimoth.
25 And they were unfaithful to the
God of their fathers, and aplayed the
b2 Sam. 15:27
26 As for Elkanah, the sons of
harlot after the gods of the peoples 10 a2 Chr. Elkanah were 1Zophai his son,
26:17, 18 2Nahath his son,
of the land, whom God had de- b1 Kin. 6:1;
stroyed before them. 2 Chr. 3:1 1Lit. 27 1Eliab his son, Jeroham his son,
26 So the God of Israel stirred up house and Elkanah his son.
the spirit of aPul king of Assyria, 11 aEzra 7:3
b2 Chr. 19:11
28 The sons of Samuel were 1Joel
that is, bTiglath-Pileser1 king of the firstborn, and Abijah 2the second.
12 1Meshul- 29 The sons of Merari were Mahli,
Assyria. He carried the Reubenites, lam, 1 Chr.
the Gadites, and the half-tribe of 9:11 Libni his son, Shimei his son, Uzzah
Manasseh into captivity. He took 14 a2 Kin. his son,
them to cHalah, Habor, Hara, and 25:1821; 30 Shimea his son, Haggiah his
the river of Gozan to this day. Neh. 11:11 son, and Asaiah his son.
15 a2 Kin.
25:21 Musicians in the House of the LORD
The Family of Levi
16 aGen. 46:11;
The sons of Levi were aGer- Ex. 6:16 1Heb. 31 Now these are athe men whom
6 shon,1 Kohath, and Merari.
2 The sons of Kohath were Am-
Gershom, an
spelling for
David appointed over the service of
song in the house of the LORD, after
ram, aIzhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. Gershon, vv. the bark came to rest.
3 The children of Amram were 1, 17, 20, 43, 32 They were ministering with
62, 71 music before the dwelling place of the
Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. And the 20 a1 Chr. 6:42
sons of Aaron were aNadab, Abihu, tabernacle of meeting, until Solomon
21 1Ethan, v.
Eleazar, and Ithamar. 42 2Adaiah, v. had built the house of the LORD in
4 Eleazar begot Phinehas, and 41 3Ethni, v. Jerusalem, and they served in their
Phinehas begot Abishua; 41 office according to their order.
5 Abishua begot Bukki, and Bukki 22 aNum. 16:1
1Izhar, vv. 2,
33 And these are the ones who
begot Uzzi; 1ministered with their sons: Of the
6 Uzzi begot Zerahiah, and Zer- 25 a1 Chr.
sons of the aKohathites were Heman
ahiah begot Meraioth; 6:35, 36 the singer, the son of Joel, the son of
7 Meraioth begot Amariah, and 26 1Zuph, v. Samuel,
Amariah begot Ahitub; 35; 1 Sam. 1:1
2Toah, v. 34
34 the son of Elkanah, the son of
8 aAhitub begot bZadok, and Jeroham, the son of 1Eliel, the son of
27 1Eliel, v. 34 2Toah,
Zadok begot Ahimaaz;
28 1So with 35 the son of Zuph, the son of Elka-
9 Ahimaaz begot Azariah, and LXX, Syr.,
Azariah begot Johanan; Arab.; cf. v. 33 nah, the son of Mahath, the son of
10 Johanan begot Azariah (it was and 1 Sam. Amasai,
he awho ministered as priest in the 8:2 2Heb. 36 the son of Elkanah, the son of
btemple 1 that Solomon built in
31 a1 Chr.
Joel, the son of Azariah, the son of
Jerusalem); 15:1622, 27; Zephaniah,
11 aAzariah begot bAmariah, and 16:46 37 the son of Tahath, the son of
Amariah begot Ahitub; b2 Sam. 6:17; Assir, the son of aEbiasaph, the son
12 Ahitub begot Zadok, and Zadok 1 Kin. 8:4; of Korah,
1 Chr.
begot 1Shallum; 15:2516:1 38 the son of Izhar, the son of
13 Shallum begot Hilkiah, and 33 aNum. 26:57 Kohath, the son of Levi, the son of
Hilkiah begot Azariah; 1Lit. stood Israel.
14 Azariah begot aSeraiah, and with 39 And his brother aAsaph, who
Seraiah begot Jehozadak. 34 1Elihu, stood at his right hand, was Asaph
1 Sam. 1:1
15 Jehozadak went into captivity 2Tohu, 1 Sam. the son of Berachiah, the son of
awhen the LORD carried Judah and
1:1 Shimea,
Jerusalem into captivity by the hand 37 aEx. 6:24 40 the son of Michael, the son of
of Nebuchadnezzar. 39 a2 Chr. 5:12 Baaseiah, the son of Malchijah,
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1 CHRONICLES 6:41 358

41 the son of aEthni, the son of 41 a1 Chr. 6:21 62 And to the sons of Gershon,
Zerah, the son of Adaiah, throughout their families, they gave
42 the son of Ethan, the son of 44 1Jeduthun, thirteen cities from the tribe of
Zimmah, the son of Shimei, 1 Chr. 9:16; Issachar, from the tribe of Asher,
43 the son of Jahath, the son of 25:1, 3, 6; from the tribe of Naphtali, and from
Gershon, the son of Levi. 2 Chr. 35:15; the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.
Ps. 62:title 2Or
44 Their brethren, the sons of Me- Kushaiah 63 To the sons of Merari, through-
rari, on the left hand, were 1Ethan out their families, they gave atwelve
the son of 2Kishi, the son of Abdi, cities from the tribe of Reuben, from
the son of Malluch, 48 a1 Chr. the tribe of Gad, and from the tribe
45 the son of Hashabiah, the son of of Zebulun.
Amaziah, the son of Hilkiah, 64 So the children of Israel gave
46 the son of Amzi, the son of Bani, 49 aEx. 28:1; these cities with their 1common-
the son of Shamer, [Num. 18:18] lands to the Levites.
bLev. 1:8, 9
47 the son of Mahli, the son of cEx. 30:7 65 And they gave by lot from the
Mushi, the son of Merari, the son of tribe of the children of Judah, from
Levi. the tribe of the children of Simeon,
48 And their brethren, the Levites, 50 a1 Chr. and from the tribe of the children of
6:48; Ezra
were appointed to every akind of 7:5 Benjamin these cities which are
service of the tabernacle of the called by their names.
house of God. 66 Now asome of the families of the
54 aJosh. 21 sons of Kohath were given cities as
The Family of Aaron their territory from the tribe of
49 aBut Aaron and his sons offered 55 aJosh. Ephraim.
sacrifices bon the altar of burnt
14:13; 21:11, 67 aAnd they gave them one of the
12 1open cities of refuge, Shechem with its
offering and con the altar of incense, lands
common-lands, in the mountains of
for all the work of the Most Holy Ephraim, also Gezer with its com-
Place, and to make atonement for 56 aJosh. mon-lands,
Israel, according to all that Moses 14:13; 15:13 68 aJokmeam with its common-
the servant of God had commanded. lands, Beth Horon with its common-
50 Now these are the asons of lands,
57 aJosh.
Aaron: Eleazar his son, Phinehas 21:13, 19 69 Aijalon with its common-lands,
his son, Abishua his son, and Gath Rimmon with its common-
51 Bukki his son, Uzzi his son, Zer- lands.
ahiah his son, 58 1Holon,
52 Meraioth his son, Amariah his Josh. 21:15 70 And from the half-tribe of Ma-
son, Ahitub his son, nasseh: Aner with its common-
53 Zadok his son, and Ahimaaz his 59 1Ain, Josh.
lands and Bileam with its common-
son. 21:16 lands, for the rest of the family of
the sons of Kohath.
Dwelling Places of the Levites 71 From the family of the half-tribe
60 1Almon, of Manasseh the sons of Gershon
Josh. 21:18
54 aNow these are their dwelling were given Golan in Bashan with its
places throughout their settlements common-lands and 1Ashtaroth with
in their territory, for they were given 61 a1 Chr. its common-lands.
by lot to the sons of Aaron, of the 6:6670 bJosh. 72 And from the tribe of Issachar:
21:5 1Kedesh with its common-lands,
family of the Kohathites:
55 aThey gave them Hebron in the Daberath with its common-lands,
land of Judah, with its surrounding 63 aJosh. 21:7, 73 Ramoth with its common-
1common-lands. 3440 lands, and Anem with its common-
56 aBut the fields of the city and its lands.
villages they gave to Caleb the son 64 1open lands 74 And from the tribe of Asher:
of Jephunneh. Mashal with its common-lands,
57 And ato the sons of Aaron they Abdon with its common-lands,
66 a1 Chr. 6:61
gave one of the cities of refuge, 75 Hukok with its common-lands,
Hebron; also Libnah with its com- and Rehob with its common-lands.
mon-lands, Jattir, Eshtemoa with its 67 aJosh. 21:21 76 And from the tribe of Naphtali:
common-lands, Kedesh in Galilee with its common-
58 1Hilen with its common-lands, 68 aJosh. 21:22
lands, Hammon with its common-
Debir with its common-lands, lands, and Kirjathaim with its com-
59 1Ashan with its common-lands, mon-lands.
and Beth Shemesh with its com- 71 1Beesh- 77 From the tribe of Zebulun the
mon-lands. terah, Josh. rest of the children of Merari were
60 And from the tribe of Benjamin: given 1Rimmon with its common-
Geba with its common-lands, lands and Tabor with its common-
1Alemeth with its common-lands, 72 1Kishon, lands.
and Anathoth with its common- Josh. 21:28 78 And on the other side of the Jor-
lands. All their cities among their dan, across from Jericho, on the east
families were thirteen. 77 1Heb. Rim- side of the Jordan, they were given
61 aTo the rest of the family of the mono, an from the tribe of Reuben: Bezer in the
tribe of the Kohathites they gave bby alternate wilderness with its common-lands,
spelling of
lot ten cities from half the tribe of Rimmon, Jahzah with its common-lands,
Manasseh. 1 Chr. 4:32 79 Kedemoth with its common-
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359 1 CHRONICLES 7:32

lands, and Mephaath with its com- CHAPTER 7 The Family of Manasseh (West)
80 And from the tribe of Gad: 1 aNum. 14 The adescendants of Manasseh:
26:2325 his Syrian concubine bore him
Ramoth in Gilead with its common- 1Puvah, Gen.
bMachir the father of Gilead, the
lands, Mahanaim with its common- 46:13 2Job,
lands, Gen. 46:13 father of Asriel.
81 Heshbon with its common-lands, 15 Machir took as his wife the sis-
and Jazer with its common-lands.
2 a2 Sam. ter of 1Huppim and 2Shuppim,
24:19; 1 Chr. whose name was Maachah. The
The Family of Issachar name of Gileads 3grandson was
aZelophehad, but Zelophehad begot
6 aGen. 46:21;
The sons of Issachar were aTola,
7 1Puah, 2Jashub, and Shimron
four in all.
1 Chr. 8:1
only daughters.
16 (Maachah the wife of Machir
bore a son, and she called his name
2 The sons of Tola were Uzzi, Peresh. The name of his brother was
12 1Shupham,
Rephaiah, Jeriel, Jahmai, Jibsam, Num. 26:39 Sheresh, and his sons were Ulam
and Shemuel, heads of their fathers 2Hupham,
and Rakem.
house. The sons of Tola were mighty Num. 26:39
3Iri, v. 7 4Ahi- 17 The son of Ulam was aBedan.)
men of valor in their generations; ram, Num. These were the descendants of
atheir number in the days of David
26:38 Gilead the son of Machir, the son of
was twenty-two thousand six hun- Manasseh.
dred. 13 aNum. 18 His sister Hammoleketh bore
3 The son of Uzzi was Izrahiah, 26:4850
1Jahzeel, Gen. Ishhod, 1Abiezer, and Mahlah.
and the sons of Izrahiah were 46:24 19 And the sons of Shemida were
Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Ishiah. 2Shillem, Gen. Ahian, Shechem, Likhi, and Aniam.
All five of them were chief men. 46:24
4 And with them, by their genera- The Family of Ephraim
tions, according to their fathers 14 aNum.
houses, were thirty-six thousand
26:2934 20 aThe sons of Ephraim were
b1 Chr. 2:21
troops ready for war; for they had Shuthelah, Bered his son, Tahath his
many wives and sons. 15 aNum.
son, Eladah his son, Tahath his son,
5 Now their brethren among all 26:3033; 27:1 21 Zabad his son, Shuthelah his
the families of Issachar were mighty
1Hupham, v. son, and Ezer and Elead. The men of
men of valor, listed by their genealo-
12; Num. Gath who were born in that land
26:39 killed them because they came
gies, eighty-seven thousand in all. 2Shupham, v.
down to take away their cattle.
12; Num.
The Family of Benjamin 26:39 3Lit. the 22 Then Ephraim their father
second mourned many days, and his breth-
6 The sons of aBenjamin were Bela, ren came to comfort him.
Becher, and Jediaelthree in all. 17 a1 Sam.
12:11 23 And when he went in to his wife,
7 The sons of Bela were Ezbon, she conceived and bore a son; and
Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth, and Irifive 18 1Jeezer, he called his name 1Beriah, because
in all. They were heads of their Num. 26:30 tragedy had come upon his house.
fathers houses, and they were listed 24 Now his daughter was Sheerah,
by their genealogies, twenty-two 20 aNum. who built Lower and Upper aBeth
thousand and thirty-four mighty Horon and Uzzen Sheerah;
men of valor. 23 1Lit. In 25 and Rephah was his son, as well
8 The sons of Becher were Zemi- Tragedy as Resheph, and Telah his son,
rah, Joash, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Tahan his son,
Jerimoth, Abijah, Anathoth, and 24 aJosh. 16:3, 26 Laadan his son, Ammihud his
5; 2 Chr. 8:5
Alemeth. All these are the sons of son, aElishama his son,
Becher. 26 aNum. 27 1Nun his son, and aJoshua his
9 And they were recorded by ge- 10:22 son.
nealogy according to their gener- 28 Now their apossessions and
ations, heads of their fathers 27 aEx. 17:9, dwelling places were Bethel and its
houses, twenty thousand two hun- 14; 24:13;
33:11 1Heb. towns: to the east 1Naaran, to the
dred mighty men of valor. Non west Gezer and its towns, and
10 The son of Jediael was Bilhan, Shechem and its towns, as far as
and the sons of Bilhan were Jeush, 28 aJosh. 2Ayyah and its towns;
Benjamin, Ehud, Chenaanah, Ze- 16:110 29 and by the borders of the chil-
than, Tharshish, and Ahishahar. Josh. 16:7 dren of aManasseh were Beth Shean
11 All these sons of Jediael were 2Many Heb. and its towns, Taanach and its
heads of their fathers houses; there mss., Bg., towns, bMegiddo and its towns, Dor
were seventeen thousand two hun- LXX, Tg., Vg. and its towns. In these dwelt the
dred mighty men of valor fit to go children of Joseph, the son of Israel.
out for war and battle. 29 aGen. 41:51;
12 1Shuppim and 2Huppim were Josh. 17:7 The Family of Asher
bJosh. 17:11
the sons of 3Ir, and Hushim was the 30 aThe sons of Asher were Imnah,
son of 4Aher. 30 aGen. Ishvah, Ishvi, Beriah, and their sis-
The Family of Naphtali 46:17; Num. ter Serah.
26:4447 31 The sons of Beriah were Heber
13 The asons of Naphtali were 31 1Or Birza-
and Malchiel, who was the father of
1Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, and 2Shallum, 1Birzaith.
vith or Bir-
the sons of Bilhah. zoth 32 And Heber begot Japhlet,
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1 CHRONICLES 7:33 360

1Shomer, 2Hotham, and their sister 32 1Shemer, 21 Adaiah, Beraiah, and Shimrath
Shua. 1 Chr. 7:34 were the sons of 1Shimei.
33 The sons of Japhlet were Pa- 1 Chr. 7:35 22 Ishpan, Eber, Eliel,
sach, Bimhal, and Ashvath. These 23 Abdon, Zichri, Hanan,
were the children of Japhlet. 34 a1 Chr. 7:32 24 Hananiah, Elam, Antothijah,
34 The sons of aShemer were Ahi, 25 Iphdeiah, and Penuel were the
Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram. 37 1Jether, v. sons of Shashak.
35 And the sons of his brother 38 26 Shamsherai, Shehariah, Athaliah,
Helem were Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, 27 Jaareshiah, Elijah, and Zichri
and Amal. CHAPTER 8 were the sons of Jeroham.
36 The sons of Zophah were Suah, 28 These were heads of the fathers
Harnepher, Shual, Beri, Imrah, 1 aGen. 46:21; houses by their generations, chief
37 Bezer, Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, Num. 26:38; men. These dwelt in Jerusalem.
1Jithran, and Beera. 1 Chr. 7:6 29 Now 1the father of Gibeon,
38 The sons of Jether were Jephun- Num. 26:38 whose awifes name was Maacah,
neh, Pispah, and Ara. dwelt at Gibeon.
39 The sons of Ulla were Arah, 3 1Ard, Num. 30 And his firstborn son was
Haniel, and Rizia. 26:40 Abdon, then Zur, Kish, Baal, Nadab,
40 All these were the children of 31 Gedor, Ahio, 1Zecher,
Asher, heads of their fathers houses, 5 1Shupham, 32 and Mikloth, who begot 1Shim-
choice men, mighty men of valor, Num. 26:39, eah. They also dwelt 2alongside
chief leaders. And they were or Shuppim, their 3relatives in Jerusalem, with
1 Chr. 7:12
recorded by genealogies among the their brethren.
army fit for battle; their number was 6 a1 Chr. 6:60
33 aNer1 begot Kish, Kish begot
twenty-six thousand. b1 Chr. 2:52 Saul, and Saul begot Jonathan, Mal-
chishua, 2Abinadab, and 3Esh-
The Family Tree of King Saul of Baal.
13 a1 Chr. 8:21
Benjamin 34 The son of Jonathan was 1Merib-
Now Benjamin begot aBela his Baal, and Merib-Baal begot aMicah.
8 firstborn, Ashbel the second,
1Aharah the third,
21 1Shema,
1 Chr. 7:13 35 The sons of Micah were Pithon,
Melech, 1Tarea, and Ahaz.
2 Nohah the fourth, and Rapha 29 a1 Chr. 36 And Ahaz begot 1Jehoaddah;
the fifth. 9:3538 1Jeiel, Jehoaddah begot Alemeth, Azma-
1 Chr. 9:35 veth, and Zimri; and Zimri begot
3 The sons of Bela were 1Addar,
Gera, Abihud, Moza.
31 1Zechariah, 37 Moza begot Binea, 1Raphah his
4 Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah, 1 Chr. 9:37
5 Gera, 1Shephuphan, and Huram. son, Eleasah his son, and Azel his
6 These are the sons of Ehud, who son.
32 1Shimeam,
were the heads of the fathers 1 Chr. 9:38 38 Azel had six sons whose names
houses of the inhabitants of aGeba, 2Lit. opposite were these: Azrikam, Bocheru, Ish-
and who forced them to move to
3brethren mael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and
bManahath: Hanan. All these were the sons of
7 Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera who 33 a1 Sam. Azel.
14:51 1Also 39 And the sons of Eshek his brother
forced them to move. He begot Uzza the son of
and Ahihud. Gibeon, 1 Chr. were Ulam his firstborn, Jeush the
8 Also Shaharaim had children in 9:36, 39 second, and Eliphelet the third.
the country of Moab, after he had
40 The sons of Ulam were mighty
1 Sam. 14:49 men of valorarchers. They had
sent away Hushim and Baara his 3Ishbosheth,
wives. 2 Sam. 2:8 many sons and grandsons, one hun-
9 By Hodesh his wife he begot dred and fifty in all. These were all
Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam, 34 a2 Sam. sons of Benjamin.
So aall Israel was 1recorded by
10 Jeuz, Sachiah, and Mirmah.
These were his sons, heads of their
9:12 1Mephib-
2 Sam. 4:4
9 genealogies, and indeed, they
were inscribed in the book of the
fathers houses.
11 And by Hushim he begot Abitub kings of Israel. But Judah was car-
35 1Tahrea, ried away captive to Babylon
and Elpaal. 1 Chr. 9:41
12 The sons of Elpaal were Eber, because of their unfaithfulness.
Misham, and Shemed, who built 36 1Jarah,
2 aAnd the first inhabitants who
Ono and Lod with its towns; 1 Chr. 9:42 dwelt in their possessions in their
13 and Beriah and aShema, who cities were Israelites, priests, Le-
were heads of their fathers houses 37 1Raphaiah, vites, and bthe Nethinim.
of the inhabitants of Aijalon, who 1 Chr. 9:43
Dwellers in Jerusalem
drove out the inhabitants of Gath.
14 Ahio, Shashak, Jeremoth, CHAPTER 9 3 Now in aJerusalem the children
15 Zebadiah, Arad, Eder, of Judah dwelt, and some of the
16 Michael, Ispah, and Joha were 1 aEzra 2:59
children of Benjamin, and of the
the sons of Beriah. children of Ephraim and Manasseh:
17 Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, 4 Uthai the son of Ammihud, the
Heber, 2 aEzra 2:70; son of Omri, the son of Imri, the son
Neh. 7:73
18 Ishmerai, Jizliah, and Jobab were bEzra 2:43; of Bani, of the descendants of Perez,
the sons of Elpaal. 8:20 the son of Judah.
19 Jakim, Zichri, Zabdi, 5 Of the Shilonites: Asaiah the
20 Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel, 3 aNeh. 11:1, 2 firstborn and his sons.
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361 1 CHRONICLES 9:39

6 Of the sons of Zerah: Jeuel, and 10 aNeh. were two hundred and twelve. aThey
their brethrensix hundred and 11:1014 were recorded by their genealogy, in
ninety. their villages. David and Samuel
7 Of the sons of Benjamin: Sallu bthe seer had appointed them to
11 a2 Chr.
the son of Meshullam, the son of 31:13; Jer. their trusted office.
Hodaviah, the son of Hassenuah; 20:1 1Seraiah, 23 So they and their children were
8 Ibneiah the son of Jeroham; Neh. 11:11 in charge of the gates of the house
Elah the son of Uzzi, the son of of the LORD, the house of the taber-
Michri; Meshullam the son of Sheph- 13 1Lit. mighty
nacle, by assignment.
atiah, the son of Reuel, the son of men of 24 The gatekeepers were assigned
Ibnijah; strength to the four directions: the east, west,
9 and their brethren, according to north, and south.
their generationsnine hundred 25 And their brethren in their vil-
and fifty-six. All these men were 15 aNeh. 11:17 lages had to come with them from
heads of a fathers house in their time to time afor seven days.
fathers houses. 16 aNeh. 11:17
26 For in this trusted office were
bNeh. 11:17 four chief gatekeepers; they were
The Priests at Jerusalem Levites. And they had charge over
10 aOf the priests: Jedaiah, Jehoia- the chambers and treasuries of the
rib, and Jachin; 19 1Lit. thresh- house of God.
olds 27 And they lodged all around the
11 1Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the
son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, house of God because 1they had the
aresponsibility, and they were in
the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, 20 aNum.
the aofficer over the house of God; 25:613; 31:6 charge of opening it every morning.
12 Adaiah the son of Jeroham, the Other Levite Responsibilities
son of Pashur, the son of Malchijah;
21 a1 Chr.
Maasai the son of Adiel, the son of 26:2, 14 1gate- 28 Now some of them were in
Jahzerah, the son of Meshullam, the keeper charge of the serving vessels, for
son of Meshillemith, the son of they brought them in and took them
Immer; out by count.
13 and their brethren, heads of 22 a1 Chr. 29 Some of them were appointed
their fathers housesone thousand 26:1, 2 over the furnishings and over all the
b1 Sam. 9:9
seven hundred and sixty. They were implements of the sanctuary, and
1very able men for the work of the over the afine flour and the wine and
service of the house of God. 25 a2 Kin. the oil and the incense and the
11:47; 2 Chr. spices.
The Levites at Jerusalem 23:8 30 And some of the sons of the
14 Of the Levites: Shemaiah the priests made athe ointment of the
son of Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, 27 a1 Chr.
the son of Hashabiah, of the sons of 23:3032 1the 31 Mattithiah of the Levites, the
Merari; watch was firstborn of Shallum the Korahite,
15 Bakbakkar, Heresh, Galal, and committed to had the trusted office aover the
them things that were baked in the pans.
Mattaniah the son of Micah, the son
of aZichri, the son of Asaph; 32 And some of their brethren of
16 aObadiah the son of bShemaiah, 29 a1 Chr. the sons of the Kohathites awere in
the son of Galal, the son of Jedu- 23:29 charge of preparing the showbread
thun; and Berechiah the son of Asa, for every Sabbath.
the son of Elkanah, who lived in the 33 These are athe singers, heads of
villages of the Netophathites. 30 aEx. the fathers houses of the Levites,
30:2225 who lodged in the chambers, and
The Levite Gatekeepers were free from other duties; for they
17 And the gatekeepers were Shal- 31 aLev. 2:5; were employed in that work day
lum, Akkub, Talmon, Ahiman, and 6:21 and night.
their brethren. Shallum was the 34 These heads of the fathers
chief. houses of the Levites were heads
18 Until then they had been gate- 32 aLev. 24:58 throughout their generations. They
keepers for the camps of the children dwelt at Jerusalem.
of Levi at the Kings Gate on the east. 33 a1 Chr. The Family of King Saul
19 Shallum the son of Kore, the son 6:31; 25:1
of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and 35 Jeiel the father of Gibeon, whose
his brethren, from his fathers wifes name was aMaacah, dwelt at
house, the Korahites, were in charge 35 a1 Chr. Gibeon.
of the work of the service, 1gate- 36 His firstborn son was Abdon,
keepers of the tabernacle. Their then Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab,
fathers had been keepers of the 37 1Zecher, 37 Gedor, Ahio, 1Zechariah, and
entrance to the camp of the LORD. 1 Chr. 8:31 Mikloth.
20 And aPhinehas the son of Eleazar 38 And Mikloth begot 1Shimeam.
had been the officer over them in They also dwelt alongside their rel-
time past; the LORD was with him. 38 1Shimeah, atives in Jerusalem, with their
1 Chr. 8:32
21 aZechariah the son of Meshel- brethren.
emiah was 1keeper of the door of 39 aNer begot Kish, Kish begot
the tabernacle of meeting. 39 a1 Chr. Saul, and Saul begot Jonathan, Mal-
22 All those chosen as gatekeepers 8:3338 chishua, Abinadab, and Esh-Baal.
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1 CHRONICLES 9:40 362

40 The son of Jonathan was Merib- 41 a1 Chr. 8:35
1Tarea, 1 Chr.
because bhe consulted a medium for
Baal, and Merib-Baal begot Micah. 8:35 2So with
41 The sons of Micah were Pithon, Arab., Syr., 14 But he did not inquire of the
Melech, 1Tahrea, aand2 Ahaz. Tg., Vg. (cf. LORD; therefore He killed him, and
42 And Ahaz begot 1Jarah; Jarah 8:35); MT, aturned the kingdom over to David
LXX omit and
begot Alemeth, Azmaveth, and Ahaz the son of Jesse.
Zimri; and Zimri begot Moza;
43 Moza begot Binea, 1Rephaiah 42 1Jehoad- David Made King over All Israel
dah, 1 Chr.
his son, Eleasah his son, and Azel Then aall Israel came together
his son.
44 And Azel had six sons whose
43 1Raphah,
1 Chr. 8:37
11 to David at Hebron, saying,
Indeed we are your bone and your
names were these: Azrikam, Boch- flesh.
eru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, 2 Also, in time past, even when
and Hanan; these were the sons of CHAPTER 10
Saul was king, you were the one
Azel. who led Israel out and brought them
1 a1 Sam.
Tragic End of Saul and His Sons 31:1, 2 in; and the LORD your aGod said to
2 1Jishui, you, You shall bshepherd My people
Now athe Philistines fought
10 against Israel; and the men of
Israel fled from before the Philis-
1 Sam. 14:49
8 1plunder
Israel, and be ruler over My people
3 Therefore all the elders of Israel
tines, and fell slain on Mount 10 a1 Sam. came to the king at Hebron, and
Gilboa. 31:10 1Lit. David made a covenant with them
2 Then the Philistines followed house
at Hebron before the LORD. And
hard after Saul and his sons. And the 12 a1 Sam. athey anointed David king over
Philistines killed Jonathan, 1Abin- 14:52 b2 Sam. Israel, according to the word of the
adab, and Malchishua, Sauls sons. LORD 1by bSamuel.
3 The battle became fierce against 13 a1 Sam.
Saul. The archers hit him, and he 13:13, 14; The City of David
was wounded by the archers. b[Lev. 19:31;
4 And David and all Israel awent
4 Then Saul said to his armor- 20:6]; 1 Sam. to Jerusalem, which is Jebus, bwhere
bearer, Draw your sword, and 28:7 1Lit.
the Jebusites were, the inhabitants
thrust me through with it, lest these transgressed
uncircumcised men come and abuse of the land.
14 a1 Sam. 5 But the inhabitants of Jebus
me. But his armorbearer would not, 15:28; 2 Sam.
said to David, You shall not come
for he was greatly afraid. Therefore 3:9, 10; 5:3;
Saul took a sword and fell on it. 1 Chr. 12:23 in here! Nevertheless David took
5 And when his armorbearer saw the stronghold of Zion (that is, the
that Saul was dead, he also fell on CHAPTER 11 City of David).
his sword and died. 6 Now David said, Whoever
6 So Saul and his three sons died, 1 a2 Sam. 5:1 attacks the Jebusites first shall be
1chief and captain. And Joab the
and all his house died together. 2 a1 Sam.
son of Zeruiah went up first, and
7 And when all the men of Israel 16:13; Ps.
who were in the valley saw that they 78:7072 became chief.
b2 Sam. 7:7
had fled and that Saul and his sons 7 Then David dwelt in the strong-
were dead, they forsook their cities 3 a2 Sam. 5:3 hold; therefore they called it 1the
and fled; then the Philistines came
b1 Sam. 16:1, City of David.
4, 12, 13 1Lit. 8 And he built the city around it,
and dwelt in them. by the hand
8 So it happened the next day, of Samuel from 1the Millo to the surrounding
when the Philistines came to 1strip area. Joab 2repaired the rest of the
4 a2 Sam. 5:6 city.
the slain, that they found Saul and bJosh. 15:8,
his sons fallen on Mount Gilboa. 63; Judg. 1:21; 9 So David awent on and became
9 And they stripped him and took 19:10, 11 great, and the LORD of hosts was
his head and his armor, and sent 6 1Lit. head
with bhim.
word throughout the land of the 7 1Zion, The Mighty Men of David
Philistines to proclaim the news in 2 Sam. 5:7
the temple of their idols and among 10 Now athese were the heads of
8 1Lit. The the mighty men whom David had,
the people. Landfill 2Lit.
10 aThen they put his armor in the revived who strengthened themselves with
1temple of their gods, and fastened him in his kingdom, with all Israel,
9 a2 Sam. 3:1 to make him king, according to bthe
his head in the temple of Dagon. b1 Sam. 16:18
11 And when all Jabesh Gilead word of the LORD concerning Israel.
heard all that the Philistines had 10 a2 Sam. 11 And this is the number of the
23:8 b1 Sam.
done to Saul, 16:1, 12 mighty men whom David had: aJa-
12 all the avaliant men arose and shobeam the son of a Hachmonite,
took the body of Saul and the bodies 11 a1 Chr. 27:2 bchief of 1the captains; he had lifted
b1 Chr. 12:18
of his sons; and they brought them 1So with Qr.; up his spear against three hundred,
to bJabesh, and buried their bones Kt., LXX, Vg. killed by him at one time.
under the tamarisk tree at Jabesh, the thirty (cf. 12 After him was Eleazar the son
and fasted seven days. 2 Sam. 23:8) of aDodo, the Ahohite, who was one
13 So Saul died for his unfaithful- 12 a1 Chr. 27:4 of the three mighty men.
ness which he had 1committed 13 1Ephes
13 He was with David at 1Pas-
against the LORD, abecause he did not Dammim, dammim. Now there the Philistines
keep the word of the LORD, and also 1 Sam. 17:1 were gathered for battle, and there
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363 1 CHRONICLES 12:6

was a piece of ground full of barley. 14 1Lit. took 29 1Sibbechai the Hushathite, 2Ilai
So the people fled from the Philis- their stand the Ahohite,
tines. 15 a2 Sam. 30 aMaharai the Netophathite, 1He-
14 But they 1stationed themselves 23:13 b2 Sam. led the son of Baanah the Netoph-
5:18; 1 Chr.
in the middle of that field, defended 14:9 1Lit. athite,
it, and killed the Philistines. So the Giants 31 1Ithai the son of Ribai of Gib-
LORD brought about a great victory. 20 a2 Sam.
eah, of the sons of Benjamin, aBena-
15 Now three of the thirty chief men 23:18; 1 Chr. iah the Pirathonite,
awent down to the rock to David, into 18:12 1So with 32 1Hurai of the brooks of Gaash,
the cave of Adullam; and the army of MT, LXX, Vg.; 2Abiel the Arbathite,
Syr. thirty
the Philistines encamped bin the Val- 33 Azmaveth the 1Baharumite, Eli-
ley of 1Rephaim. 21 a2 Sam. ahba the Shaalbonite,
16 David was then in the strong- 23:19 34 the sons of 1Hashem the Gizo-
hold, and the garrison of the 22 a2 Sam. nite, Jonathan the son of Shageh the
Philistines was then in Bethlehem. 23:20 1was Hararite,
great in deeds
17 And David said with longing, 35 Ahiam the son of 1Sacar the
Oh, that someone would give me a 23 1About 712 Hararite, 2Eliphal the son of 3Ur,
drink of water from the well of feet 36 Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahi-
Bethlehem, which is by the gate! 26 a2 Sam. jah the Pelonite,
18 So the three broke through the 23:24 37 1Hezro the Carmelite, 2Naarai
camp of the Philistines, drew water 27 a2 Sam. the son of Ezbai,
from the well of Bethlehem that was 23:26; 1 Chr. 38 Joel the brother of Nathan, Mib-
by the gate, and took it and brought 27:10 har the son of Hagri,
it to David. Nevertheless David the Harodite, 39 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai
would not drink it, but poured it out 2 Sam. 23:25 the 1Berothite (the armorbearer of
to the LORD. 2Paltite,
Joab the son of Zeruiah),
2 Sam. 23:26 40 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,
19 And he said, Far be it from me,
O my God, that I should do this! 28 a1 Chr. 27:9 41 aUriah the Hittite, 1Zabad the
b1 Chr. 27:12
Shall I drink the blood of these men son of Ahlai,
who have put their lives in jeop- 29 1Mebunnai, 42 Adina the son of Shiza the Reu-
ardy? For at the risk of their lives 2 Sam. 23:27
benite (a chief of the Reubenites)
they brought it. Therefore he would 2 Sam. 23:28
and thirty with him,
not drink it. These things were done 43 Hanan the son of Maachah,
by the three mighty men. 30 a1 Chr. Joshaphat the Mithnite,
27:13 1Heleb,
20 aAbishai the brother of Joab 2 Sam. 23:29, 44 Uzzia the Ashterathite, Shama
was chief of another 1three. He had or Heldai, and Jeiel the sons of Hotham the
lifted up his spear against three 1 Chr. 27:15 Aroerite,
hundred men, killed them, and won 31 a1 Chr. 45 Jediael the son of Shimri, and
a name among these three. 27:14 1Ittai, Joha his brother, the Tizite,
21 aOf the three he was more hon- 2 Sam. 23:29 46 Eliel the Mahavite, Jeribai and
ored than the other two men. 32 1Hiddai, Joshaviah the sons of Elnaam,
Therefore he became their captain. 2 Sam. 23:30 Ithmah the Moabite,
However he did not attain to the first 47 Eliel, Obed, and Jaasiel the
2 Sam. 23:31
three. Mezobaite.
22 Benaiah was the son of Je- 33 1Barhu-
mite, 2 Sam. The Growth of Davids Army
hoiada, the son of a valiant man 23:31
from Kabzeel, who 1had done many Now athese were the men who
deeds. aHe had killed two lion-like
heroes of Moab. He also had gone
34 1Jashen,
2 Sam. 23:32 12 came to David at bZiklag
while he was still a fugitive from
down and killed a lion in the midst 35 1Sharar,
2 Sam. 23:33 Saul the son of Kish; and they were
of a pit on a snowy day. 2Eliphelet, among the mighty men, helpers in
23 And he killed an Egyptian, a 2 Sam. 23:34 the war,
man of great height, 1five cubits tall. 3Ahasbai,
2 armed with bows, using both
In the Egyptians hand there was a 2 Sam. 23:34
the right hand and athe left in hurl-
spear like a weavers beam; and he 37 1Hezrai, ing stones and shooting arrows with
went down to him with a staff, 2 Sam. 23:38 the bow. They were of Benjamin,
2Paarai the
wrested the spear out of the Egyp- Arbite, Sauls brethren.
tians hand, and killed him with his 2 Sam. 23:35 3 The chief was Ahiezer, then
own spear. 39 1Beeroth- Joash, the sons of 1Shemaah the
24 These things Benaiah the son of ite, 2 Sam. Gibeathite; Jeziel and Pelet the sons
Jehoiada did, and won a name 23:37 of Azmaveth; Berachah, and Jehu
among three mighty men. 41 a2 Sam. 11 the Anathothite;
25 Indeed he was more honored 1The last six- 4 Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty
than the thirty, but he did not attain teen are not man among the thirty, and over
to the first three. And David ap- added in
2 Sam. 23. the thirty; Jeremiah, Jahaziel,
pointed him over his guard. Johanan, and Jozabad the Ged-
26 Also the mighty warriors were CHAPTER 12 erathite;
aAsahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan 1 a1 Sam. 27:2 5 Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shem-
b1 Sam. 27:6
the son of Dodo of Bethlehem, ariah, and Shephatiah the Haru-
27 1Shammoth the Harorite, aHelez 2 aJudg. 3:15; phite;
the 2Pelonite, 20:16 6 Elkanah, Jisshiah, Azarel, Joe-
28 aIra the son of Ikkesh the Te- 3 1Or Has- zer, and Jashobeam, the Korah-
koite, bAbiezer the Anathothite, maah ites;
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1 CHRONICLES 12:7 364

7 and Joelah and Zebadiah the 8 a2 Sam. 2:18
1Lit. sepa-
was a great army, alike the army of
sons of Jeroham of Gedor. rated them-
8 Some Gadites 1joined David at selves to
the stronghold in the wilderness, Davids Army at Hebron
mighty men of valor, men trained 23 Now these were the numbers of
for battle, who could handle shield the 1divisions that were equipped
and spear, whose faces were like 14 a1 Sam.
18:13 for war, and acame to David at bHe-
the faces of lions, and were aas bron to cturn over the kingdom of
swift as gazelles on the moun- Saul to him, daccording to the word
tains: of the LORD:
9 Ezer the first, Obadiah the sec- 15 aJosh. 3:15; 24 of the sons of Judah bearing
ond, Eliab the third, 4:18, 19
shield and spear, six thousand eight
10 Mishmannah the fourth, Jere- hundred 1armed for war;
miah the fifth, 25 of the sons of Simeon, mighty
11 Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh, 17 1Lit. before men of valor fit for war, seven thou-
12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the them 2Lit. vio- sand one hundred;
ninth, lence
26 of the sons of Levi four thou-
13 Jeremiah the tenth, and Mach- sand six hundred;
banai the eleventh. 27 Jehoiada, the leader of the Aar-
14 These were from the sons of 18 a2 Sam. onites, and with him three thousand
Gad, captains of the army; the least 17:25 1Lit. seven hundred;
was over a hundred, and the great- clothed 28 aZadok, a young man, a valiant
est was over a athousand. warrior, and from his fathers house
15 These are the ones who crossed twenty-two captains;
the Jordan in the first month, when 29 of the sons of Benjamin, rela-
it had overflowed all its abanks; and 19 a1 Sam.
29:2 b1 Sam. tives of Saul, three thousand (until
they put to flight all those in the val- 29:4 then athe greatest part of them had
leys, to the east and to the west. remained loyal to the house of Saul);
16 Then some of the sons of Ben- 30 of the sons of Ephraim twenty
jamin and Judah came to David at thousand eight hundred, mighty
the stronghold. 21 a1 Sam.
30:1, 9, 10 men of valor, 1famous men through-
17 And David went out 1to meet out their fathers house;
them, and answered and said to 31 of the half-tribe of Manasseh
them, If you have come peaceably eighteen thousand, who were desig-
to me to help me, my heart will be 22 aGen. 32:2; nated by name to come and make
united with you; but if to betray me Josh. 5:1315
David king;
to my enemies, since there is no 32 of the sons of Issachar awho had
2wrong in my hands, may the God of
our fathers look and bring judg- understanding of the times, to know
23 a2 Sam. what Israel ought to do, their chiefs
2:14 b1 Chr. were two hundred; and all their
18 Then the Spirit 1came upon 11:1 c1 Chr.
brethren were at their command;
aAmasai, chief of the captains, and 10:14 d1 Sam.
he said: 16:14 1Lit. 33 of Zebulun there were fifty
heads of thousand who went out to battle,
those expert in war with all weapons of
We are yours, O David;
We are on your side, O son of war, astouthearted men who could
Jesse! keep ranks;
Peace, peace to you, 24 1equipped 34 of Naphtali one thousand cap-
And peace to your helpers! tains, and with them thirty-seven
For your God helps you. thousand with shield and spear;
35 of the Danites who could keep
So David received them, and made 28 a2 Sam. battle formation, twenty-eight thou-
8:17; 1 Chr.
them captains of the troop. 6:8, 53 sand six hundred;
19 And some from Manasseh 36 of Asher, those who could go out
defected to David awhen he was to war, able to keep battle forma-
going with the Philistines to battle tion, forty thousand;
against Saul; but they did not help 29 a2 Sam. 37 of the Reubenites and the
2:8, 9
them, for the lords of the Phi- Gadites and the half-tribe of Ma-
listines sent him away by agree- nasseh, from the other side of the
ment, saying, bHe may defect to Jordan, one hundred and twenty
his master Saul and endanger our 30 1Lit. men of thousand armed for battle with
heads. names every kind of weapon of war.
20 When he went to Ziklag, those 38 All these men of war, who could
of Manasseh who defected to him keep ranks, came to Hebron with a
were Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, 32 aEsth. 1:13
loyal heart, to make David king over
Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zil- all Israel; and all the rest of Israel
lethai, captains of the thousands were of aone mind to make David
who were from Manasseh. king.
21 And they helped David against 33 aPs. 12:2; 39 And they were there with David
athe bands of raiders, for they were [James 1:8] three days, eating and drinking, for
all mighty men of valor, and they their brethren had prepared for
were captains in the army. them.
22 For at that time they came to 38 a2 Chr. 40 Moreover those who were near
David day by day to help him, until it 30:12 to them, from as far away as Issachar
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365 1 CHRONICLES 14:17

and Zebulun and Naphtali, were CHAPTER 13 blessed bthe house of Obed-Edom
bringing food on donkeys and and all that he had.
1 a1 Chr.
camels, on mules and oxenprovi- 11:15; 12:34
sions of flour and cakes of figs and David Established at Jerusalem
2 a1 Sam. 31:1;
cakes of raisins, wine and oil and Now aHiram king of Tyre sent
oxen and sheep abundantly, for
there was joy in Israel.
Is. 37:4
3 a1 Sam.
7:1, 2
14 messengers to David, and
cedar trees, with masons and car-
The Ark Brought from Kirjath 5 a1 Sam. 7:5 penters, to build him a house.
bJosh. 13:3
Jearim c1 Sam. 6:21;
2 So David knew that the LORD
7:1, 2 had established him as king over
Then David consulted with
13 the acaptains of thousands and
hundreds, and with every leader.
6 aJosh. 15:9,
60 bEx. 25:22;
1 Sam. 4:4;
Israel, for his kingdom was ahighly
exalted for the sake of His people
2 And David said to all the 2 Kin. 19:15 3 Then David took more wives in
1Baale Judah,
assembly of Israel, If it seems 2 Sam. 6:2
Jerusalem, and David begot more
good to you, and if it is of the LORD sons and daughters.
our God, let us send out to our 7 aNum. 4:15;
1 Sam. 6:7 4 And athese are the names of his
brethren everywhere who are aleft b1 Sam. 7:1 children whom he had in Jerusalem:
in all the land of Israel, and with 1Lit. caused 1Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Sol-
them to the priests and Levites the ark of omon,
who are in their cities and their God to ride
5 Ibhar, 1Elishua, 2Elpelet,
common-lands, that they may 8 a2 Sam. 6:5
1songs 6 Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia,
gather together to us; 7 Elishama, 1Beeliada, and Eliph-
3 and let us bring the ark of our 9 1Nachon,
2 Sam. 6:6 2Or elet.
God back to us, afor we have not let it go off
inquired at it since the days of Saul. 10 a[Num.
The Philistines Defeated
4 Then all the assembly said that 4:15]; 1 Chr.
they would do so, for the thing was 15:13, 15 bLev.
8 Now when the Philistines heard
right in the eyes of all the people. 10:2 that aDavid had been anointed king
5 So aDavid gathered all Israel 11 1Lit. Out-
over all Israel, all the Philistines
together, from bShihor in Egypt to burst Against went up to search for David. And
as far as the entrance of Hamath, to Uzza David heard of it and went out
bring the ark of God cfrom Kirjath 14 a2 Sam. against them.
Jearim. 6:11 b[Gen. 9 Then the Philistines went and
30:27]; 1 Chr. made a raid aon the Valley of
6 And David and all Israel went 26:48 1Rephaim.
up to aBaalah,1 to Kirjath Jearim,
which belonged to Judah, to bring CHAPTER 14 10 And David ainquired of God,
up from there the ark of God the saying, Shall I go up against the
LORD, bwho dwells between the 1 a2 Sam. 5:11; Philistines? Will You deliver them
1 Kin. 5:1 into my hand? The LORD said to
cherubim, where His name is pro-
claimed. 2 aNum. 24:7 him, Go up, for I will deliver them
7 So they 1carried the ark of God 4 a1 Chr. 3:58 into your hand.
aon a new cart bfrom the house of 11 So they went up to Baal Per-
1 Chr. 3:5 azim, and David defeated them
Abinadab, and Uzza and Ahio drove 5 1Elishama,
the cart. there. Then David said, God has
1 Chr. 3:6
8 Then aDavid and all Israel 2Eliphelet, broken through my enemies by my
played music before God with all 1 Chr. 3:6 hand like a breakthrough of water.
their might, with 1singing, on harps, 7 1Eliada, Therefore they called the name of
on stringed instruments, on tam- 2 Sam. 5:6; that place 1Baal Perazim.
bourines, on cymbals, and with 1 Chr. 3:8 12 And when they left their gods
trumpets. 8 a2 Sam. there, David gave a commandment,
5:1721 and they were burned with fire.
9 And when they came to 1Chi-
dons threshing floor, Uzza put out 9 aJosh. 17:15; 13 aThen the Philistines once again
18:16; 1 Chr. made a raid on the valley.
his hand to hold the ark, for the 11:15; 14:13
oxen 2stumbled. 1Lit. Giants 14 Therefore David inquired again
10 Then the anger of the LORD was 10 a1 Sam. of God, and God said to him, You
aroused against Uzza, and He struck 23:2, 4; 30:8; shall not go up after them; circle
him abecause he put his hand to the 2 Sam. 2:1; around them, aand come upon them
5:19, 23; 21:1 in front of the mulberry trees.
ark; and he bdied there before God.
11 And David became angry 11 1Lit. Master 15 And it shall be, when you hear
of Break- a sound of marching in the tops of
because of the LORDs outbreak throughs
against Uzza; therefore that place is the mulberry trees, then you shall
13 a2 Sam.
called 1Perez Uzza to this day. 5:2225 go out to battle, for God has gone
12 David was afraid of God that 14 a2 Sam.
out before you to strike the camp of
day, saying, How can I bring the 5:23 the Philistines.
ark of God to me? 16 1Geba,
16 So David did as God commanded
13 So David would not move the 2 Sam. 5:25 him, and they drove back the army of
ark with him into the City of David, 17 aJosh. 6:27; the Philistines from 1Gibeon as far as
but took it aside into the house of 2 Chr. 26:8 Gezer.
Obed-Edom the Gittite. b[Ex.
17 Then athe fame of David went
14 aThe ark of God remained with 15:1416; out into all lands, and the LORD
Deut. 2:25; bbrought the fear of him upon all
the family of Obed-Edom in his 11:25]; 2 Chr.
house three months. And the LORD 20:29 nations.
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1 CHRONICLES 15:1 366

The Ark Brought to Jerusalem CHAPTER 15 Eliab, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattithiah,
1 a1 Chr. 16:1 Elipheleh, Mikneiah, Obed-Edom,
David built houses for himself
15 in the City of David; and he
prepared a place for the ark of God,
2 a[Num. 4:15];
2 Sam. 6:111
and Jeiel, the gatekeepers;
19 the singers, Heman, Asaph, and
aand pitched a tent for it. bNum. 4:215; Ethan, were to sound the cymbals of
Deut. 10:8; bronze;
2 Then David said, No one may 31:9 20 Zechariah, 1Aziel, Shemira-
carry the aark of God but the moth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah,
Levites, for bthe LORD has chosen 3 aEx. 40:20,
21; 2 Sam. and Benaiah, with strings according
them to carry the ark of God and to 6:12; 1 Kin. to aAlamoth;
minister before Him forever. 8:1; 1 Chr. 21 Mattithiah, Elipheleh, Mikneiah,
3 And David agathered all Israel 13:5 Obed-Edom, Jeiel, and Azaziah,
together at Jerusalem, to bring up 5 1kinsmen to direct with harps on the aShemi-
the ark of the LORD to its place, nith;
which he had prepared for it. 8 aEx. 6:22 22 Chenaniah, leader of the Le-
4 Then David assembled the chil- 9 aEx. 6:18 vites, was instructor in charge of the
dren of Aaron and the Levites: music, because he was skillful;
5 of the sons of Kohath, Uriel the 11 a2 Sam. 23 Berechiah and Elkanah were
chief, and one hundred and twenty 8:17; 15:2429,
35, 36; 18:19, doorkeepers for the ark;
of his 1brethren; 22, 27; 19:11; 24 Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel,
6 of the sons of Merari, Asaiah the 20:25; 1 Chr. Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah, and
chief, and two hundred and twenty 12:28 b1 Sam. Eliezer, the priests, awere to blow
of his brethren; 22:2023; 23:6;
30:7; 1 Kin. the trumpets before the ark of God;
7 of the sons of Gershom, Joel the 2:22, 26, 27; and bObed-Edom and Jehiah, door-
chief, and one hundred and thirty of Mark 2:6 keepers for the ark.
his brethren; 12 1consecrate 25 So aDavid, the elders of Israel,
8 of the sons of aElizaphan, She- and the captains over thousands
maiah the chief, and two hundred of 13 a2 Sam. 6:3 went to bring up the ark of the
b1 Chr.
his brethren; covenant of the LORD from the house
9 of the sons of aHebron, Eliel the 1regarding the of Obed-Edom with joy.
chief, and eighty of his brethren; ordinance 26 And so it was, when God helped
10 of the sons of Uzziel, Ammin- the Levites who bore the ark of the
14 1conse-
adab the chief, and one hundred crated covenant of the LORD, that they
and twelve of his brethren. offered seven bulls and seven rams.
11 And David called for aZadok 15 aEx. 25:14; 27 David was clothed with a robe
and bAbiathar the priests, and for Num. 4:15; 7:9
of fine alinen, as were all the Levites
the Levites: for Uriel, Asaiah, Joel, 17 a1 Chr. 6:33; who bore the ark, the singers, and
Shemaiah, Eliel, and Amminadab. 25:1 b1 Chr. Chenaniah the music master with
12 He said to them, You are the 6:39 c1 Chr. the singers. David also wore a linen
heads of the fathers houses of the ephod.
Levites; 1sanctify yourselves, you 18 1So with 28 aThus all Israel brought up the
and your brethren, that you may MT, Vg.; LXX ark of the covenant of the LORD
omits Ben
bring up the ark of the LORD God of with shouting and with the sound
Israel to the place I have prepared 20 aPs. 46:title of the horn, with trumpets and
1Jaaziel, v. 18
for it. with cymbals, making music with
13 For abecause you did not do it 21 aPs. 6:title stringed instruments and harps.
the first time, bthe LORD our God 29 And it happened, aas the ark of
broke out against us, because we 24 a[Num. the covenant of the LORD came to
10:8]; Ps. 81:3 the City of David, that Michal,
did not consult Him 1about the b1 Chr.
proper order. 13:13, 14 Sauls daughter, looked through a
14 So the priests and the Levites window and saw King David
1sanctified themselves to bring up 25 a2 Sam. whirling and playing music; and she
6:12, 13;
the ark of the LORD God of Israel. 1 Kin. 8:1 despised him in her heart.
15 And the children of the Levites
bore the ark of God on their shoul- 27 a1 Sam. The Ark Placed in the Tabernacle
2:18, 28
ders, by its poles, as aMoses had So athey brought the ark of
commanded according to the word
of the LORD.
28 aNum.
23:21; Josh.
16 God, and set it in the midst of
the tabernacle that David had erected
6:20; 1 Chr.
16 Then David spoke to the leaders 13:8; Zech. for it. Then they offered burnt offer-
of the Levites to appoint their 4:7; 1 Thess. ings and peace offerings before God.
brethren to be the singers accompa- 4:16 2 And when David had finished
nied by instruments of music, 29 a1 Sam. offering the burnt offerings and the
stringed instruments, harps, and 18:20, 27; peace offerings, ahe blessed the peo-
cymbals, by raising the voice with 19:1117; ple in the name of the LORD.
resounding joy. 2 Sam. 3:13, 3 Then he distributed to everyone
14; 6:16, 2023
17 So the Levites appointed aHeman of Israel, both man and woman, to
the son of Joel; and of his brethren, CHAPTER 16 everyone a loaf of bread, a piece of
bAsaph the son of Berechiah; and of
1 a2 Sam. 6:17;
meat, and a cake of raisins.
their brethren, the sons of Merari, 1 Chr. 15:1 4 And he appointed some of the
cEthan the son of Kushaiah; Levites to minister before the ark of
18 and with them their brethren of 2 a1 Kin. 8:14 the LORD, to acommemorate, to
the second rank: Zechariah, 1Ben, 4 aPs. 38:title; thank, and to praise the LORD God
Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, 70:title of Israel:
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367 1 CHRONICLES 16:37

5 Asaph the chief, and next to him 5 a1 Chr. 15:18 23 aSing to the LORD, all the earth;
Zechariah, then aJeiel, Shemira- Proclaim the good news of His
moth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, salvation from day to day.
Benaiah, and Obed-Edom: Jeiel with 7 a2 Sam. 22:1; 24 Declare His glory among the
stringed instruments and harps, but 23:1 bPs. nations,
Asaph made music with cymbals; 105:115
His wonders among all peoples.
6 Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests
regularly blew the trumpets before 25 For the LORD is great and
the ark of the covenant of God. 8 a1 Chr. greatly to be praised;
17:19, 20; Ps.
105:115 He is also to be feared above all
Davids Song of Thanksgiving gods.
7 On that day aDavid bfirst deliv- 26 For all the gods aof the peoples
ered this psalm into the hand of 14 aPs. 48:10;
are 1idols,
Asaph and his brethren, to thank [Is. 26:9] But the LORD made the
the LORD: heavens.
27 Honor and majesty are before
8 Oh, give thanks to the LORD!
16 aGen. 17:2; Him;
Call upon His name; 26:3; 28:13; Strength and gladness are in
Make known His deeds among 35:11 His place.
the peoples!
9 Sing to Him, sing psalms to 28 Give to the LORD, O families of
Him; 17 aGen. 35:11, the peoples,
Talk of all His wondrous 12 bGen. Give to the LORD glory and
28:1015 strength.
10 Glory in His holy name; 29 Give to the LORD the glory due
Let the hearts of those rejoice His name;
who seek the LORD! 19 aGen. 34:30; Bring an offering, and come
Deut. 7:7
11 Seek the LORD and His before Him.
strength; Oh, worship the LORD in the
Seek His face evermore! beauty of holiness!
12 Remember His marvelous 21 aGen. 12:17; 30 Tremble before Him, all the
20:3; Ex.
works which He has done, 7:1518 earth.
His wonders, and the The world also is firmly
judgments of His mouth, established,
13 O seed of Israel His servant, It shall not be moved.
22 aGen. 20:7;
You children of Jacob, His Ps. 105:15
chosen ones! 31 Let the heavens rejoice, and let
the earth be glad;
14 He is the LORD our God; And let them say among the
23 aPs. 96:113
His ajudgments are in all the nations, The LORD reigns.
earth. 32 Let the sea roar, and all its
15 Remember His covenant fullness;
forever, 26 aLev. 19:4;
[1 Cor. 8:5, 6] Let the field rejoice, and all
The word which He 1worthless that is in it.
commanded, for a thousand things 33 Then the atrees of the woods
generations, shall rejoice before the
16 The acovenant which He made LORD,
with Abraham, 33 aIs. 55:12, For He is bcoming to judge the
And His oath to Isaac, 13 b[Joel earth.
17 And aconfirmed it to bJacob for 3:114]; Zech.
a statute, 14:114;
[Matt. 34 aOh, give thanks to the LORD,
To Israel for an everlasting 25:3146] for He is good!
covenant, For His mercy endures forever.
18 Saying, To you I will give the 35 aAnd say, Save us, O God of our
land of Canaan 34 a2 Chr. 5:13; salvation;
As the allotment of your 7:3; Ezra 3:11; Gather us together, and deliver
inheritance, Ps. 106:1; us from the Gentiles,
19 When you were afew in 107:1; 118:1;
To give thanks to Your holy
number, 136:1; Jer.
33:11 name,
Indeed very few, and strangers To triumph in Your praise.
in it.
20 When they went from one 35 aPs. 106:47, 36 aBlessed be the LORD God of
nation to another, 48 Israel
And from one kingdom to From everlasting to everlasting!
another people,
21 He permitted no man to do 36 a1 Kin. 8:15, And all bthe people said, Amen!
them wrong; 56; Ps. 72:18
bDeut. 27:15;
and praised the LORD.
Yes, He arebuked kings for Neh. 8:6 Regular Worship Maintained
their sakes,
22 Saying, aDo not touch My 37 So he left aAsaph and his broth-
anointed ones, 37 a1 Chr. ers there before the ark of the cov-
And do My prophets no harm. 16:4, 5 enant of the LORD to minister before
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1 CHRONICLES 16:38 368

the ark regularly, as every days work 37 b2 Chr. shall the sons of wickedness oppress
brequired; 8:14; Ezra 3:4 them anymore, as previously,
38 and aObed-Edom with his sixty- 38a1 Chr. 10 since the time that I com-
eight brethren, including Obed- 13:14 manded judges to be over My people
Edom the son of Jeduthun, and 39 a1 Chr. Israel. Also I will subdue all your en-
Hosah, to be gatekeepers; 21:29; 2 Chr. emies. Furthermore I tell you that the
39 and Zadok the priest and his 1:3 b1 Kin. 3:4 LORD will build you a 1house.
1Place for
brethren the priests, abefore the tab- 11 And it shall be, when your days
pagan wor-
ernacle of the LORD bat the 1high ship are afulfilled, when you must 1go to
place that was at Gibeon, be with your fathers, that I will set
40 to offer burnt offerings to the 40 a[Ex. up your bseed after you, who will be
LORD on the altar of burnt offering 29:3842; of your sons; and I will establish his
Num. 28:3, 4]
regularly amorning and evening, kingdom.
and to do according to all that is 41 a1 Chr. 12 aHe shall build Me a house, and
written in the Law of the LORD 25:16; 2 Chr. I will establish his throne forever.
5:13; 7:3; Ezra
which He commanded Israel; 3:11; Jer. 13 aI will be his Father, and he
41 and with them Heman and 33:11 shall be My son; and I will not take
Jeduthun and the rest who were My mercy away from him, bas I took
43 a2 Sam.
chosen, who were designated by 6:1820 it from him who was before you.
name, to give thanks to the LORD, 14 And aI will establish him in My
abecause His mercy endures forever; house and in My kingdom forever;
42 and with them Heman and CHAPTER 17
and his throne shall be established
Jeduthun, to sound aloud with trum- forever.
pets and cymbals and the musical 1 a2 Sam. 7:1;
1 Chr. 14:1 15 According to all these words
instruments of God. Now the sons of and according to all this vision, so
Jeduthun were gatekeepers. 4 a[1 Chr. Nathan spoke to David.
43 aThen all the people departed, 28:2, 3] 16 aThen King David went in and
every man to his house; and David 7 a1 Sam. sat before the LORD; and he said:
returned to bless his house. 16:1113 Who am I, O LORD God? And what
is my house, that You have brought
Gods Covenant with David me this far?
8 1given you
Now ait came to pass, when prestige 17 And yet this was a small thing
17 David was dwelling in his
house, that David said to Nathan the
9 a[Deut.
30:19; Jer.
in Your sight, O God; and You have
also spoken of Your servants house
prophet, See now, I dwell in a house 16:1416; for a great while to come, and have
of cedar, but the ark of the covenant 23:58; 24:6; regarded me according to the rank of
Ezek. a man of high degree, O LORD God.
of the LORD is under tent curtains. 37:2127];
2 Then Nathan said to David, Do Amos 9:14 18 What more can David say to
all that is in your heart, for God is You for the honor of Your servant?
10 1Royal For You know Your servant.
with you. dynasty
3 But it happened that night that 19 O LORD, for Your servants
the word of God came to Nathan, 11 a1 Kin. 2:10; sake, and according to Your own
saying, 1 Chr. 29:28
b1 Kin. 5:5;
heart, You have done all this great-
4 Go and tell My servant David, 6:12; 8:1921; ness, in making known all these
Thus says the LORD: You shall anot [1 Chr. great things.
build Me a house to dwell in. 22:913; 20 O LORD, there is none like You,
5 For I have not dwelt in a house 28:20]; Matt. nor is there any God besides You,
1:6; Luke 3:31
since the time that I brought up 1Die and join according to all that we have heard
Israel, even to this day, but have your ances- with our ears.
gone from tent to tent, and from one tors 21 aAnd who is like Your people
tabernacle to another. 12 a1 Kin. 6:38;
Israel, the one nation on the earth
6 Wherever I have moved about 2 Chr. 6:2; [Ps. whom God went to redeem for Him-
with all Israel, have I ever spoken a 89:2037] self as a peopleto make for Your-
word to any of the judges of Israel, 13 a2 Sam.
self a name by great and awesome
whom I commanded to shepherd 7:14, 15; Matt. deeds, by driving out nations from
My people, saying, Why have you 3:17; Mark before Your people whom You
not built Me a house of cedar? 1:11; Luke redeemed from Egypt?
3:22; 2 Cor. 22 For You have made Your people
7 Now therefore, thus shall you 6:18; Heb. 1:5
say to My servant David, Thus says b[1 Sam. Israel Your very own people forever;
the LORD of hosts: I took you afrom 15:2328]; and You, LORD, have become their
the sheepfold, from following the 1 Chr. 10:14 God.
sheep, to be 1ruler over My people 14 aPs. 89:3, 4; 23 And now, O LORD, the word
Israel. Matt. 19:28; which You have spoken concerning
8 And I have been with you wher- 25:31; [Luke Your servant and concerning his
1:3133] house, let it be established forever,
ever you have gone, and have cut off
all your enemies from before you, 16 a2 Sam. and do as You have said.
and have 1made you a name like the 7:18 24 So let it be established, that
name of the great men who are on 21 a[Deut.
Your name may be magnified for-
the earth. 4:68, 3338]; ever, saying, The LORD of hosts, the
9 Moreover I will appoint a place Ps. 147:20 God of Israel, is Israels God. And
for My people Israel, and will aplant 25 1Lit. have
let the house of Your servant David
them, that they may dwell in a place uncovered the be established before You.
of their own and move no more; nor ear of 25 For You, O my God, 1have re-
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369 1 CHRONICLES 19:9

vealed to Your servant that You will 26 1Or You Zeruiah killed beighteen thousand
build him a house. Therefore Your alone are 1Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
servant has found it in his heart to CHAPTER 18 13 aHe also put garrisons in Edom,
pray before You. 1 a2 Sam. and all the Edomites became Da-
26 And now, LORD, 1You are God, 8:118 1Lit. vids servants. And the LORD pre-
and have promised this goodness to struck served David wherever he went.
Your servant. 2 a2 Sam. 8:2;
27 Now You have been pleased to Zeph. 2:9 bPs. Davids Administration
bless the house of Your servant, that 60:8 1Lit.
struck 14 So David reigned over all Israel,
it may continue before You forever; and administered judgment and jus-
for You have blessed it, O LORD, and 3 a2 Sam. 8:3
1Lit. struck
tice to all his people.
it shall be blessed forever. 2Heb. 15 Joab the son of Zeruiah was
Hadarezer over the army; Jehoshaphat the son
Davids Further Conquests of Ahilud was recorder;
4 1seven hun-
After this ait came to pass that 16 Zadok the son of Ahitub and
18 David 1attacked the Philis-
tines, subdued them, and took Gath
dred, 2 Sam.
8:4 2crippled
5 a2 Sam. 8:5,
1Abimelech the son of Abiathar were
the priests; 2Shavsha was the scribe;
and its towns from the hand of the 6; 1 Kin. 17 aBenaiah the son of Jehoiada
Philistines. 11:2325 was over the Cherethites and the
2 Then he 1defeated aMoab, and 8 a2 Sam. 8:8 Pelethites; and Davids sons were
b1 Kin. 7:15, 1chief ministers at the kings side.
the Moabites became Davids bser-
vants, and brought tribute. 23; 2 Chr.
4:12, 15, 16 The Ammonites and Syrians
3 And aDavid 1defeated 2Hadadezer 1Betah,
king of Zobah as far as Hamath, as 2 Sam. 8:8
Ita happened after this that
he went to establish his power by
the River Euphrates.
4 David took from him one thou-
2 Sam. 8:8
3Heb. 19 Nahash the king of the people
of Ammon died, and his son reigned
sand chariots, 1seven thousand 4Great laver in his place.
horsemen, and twenty thousand or basin 2 Then David said, I will show
foot soldiers. Also David 2ham- 9 1Toi, 2 Sam. kindness to Hanun the son of
strung all the chariot horses, except 8:9, 10 2Lit. Nahash, because his father showed
struck kindness to me. So David sent mes-
that he spared enough of them for
one hundred chariots. 10 a2 Sam. sengers to comfort him concerning
5 When the aSyrians of Damascus 8:1012
his father. And Davids servants
came to help Hadadezer king of 2 Sam. 8:10
came to Hanun in the land of the
Zobah, David killed twenty-two 2Lit. struck people of Ammon to comfort him.
thousand of the Syrians. 3 And the princes of the people of
11 a2 Sam. Ammon said to Hanun, 1Do you
6 Then David put garrisons in 10:14 b2 Sam.
Syria of Damascus; and the Syrians 5:1725 think that David really honors your
became Davids servants, and c2 Sam. 1:1 father because he has sent com-
brought tribute. So the LORD pre- 12 a2 Sam.
forters to you? Did his servants not
served David wherever he went. 23:18; 1 Chr. come to you to search and to over-
7 And David took the shields of 2:16 b2 Sam. throw and to spy out the land?
8:13 1Syrians, 4 Therefore Hanun took Davids
gold that were on the servants of 2 Sam. 8:13 servants, shaved them, and cut off
Hadadezer, and brought them to 13 aGen. their garments 1in the middle, at
Jerusalem. 27:2940; their abuttocks, and sent them away.
8 Also from 1Tibhath and from Num. 24:18;
5 Then some went and told David
2Chun, cities of 3Hadadezer, David 2 Sam. 8:14
about the men; and he sent to meet
brought a large amount of abronze, 16 1Ahimelech, them, because the men were greatly
with which bSolomon made the 2 Sam. 8:17
ashamed. And the king said, Wait
bronze 4Sea, the pillars, and the arti- 2 Sam. 8:17, at Jericho until your beards have
cles of bronze. or Shisha, grown, and then return.
9 Now when 1Tou king of Hamath 1 Kin. 4:3 6 When the people of Ammon saw
heard that David had 2defeated all 17 a2 Sam. that they had made themselves
the army of Hadadezer king of 8:18 1Lit. at repulsive to David, Hanun and the
Zobah, the hand of people of Ammon sent a thousand
10 he sent 1Hadoram his son to the king
talents of silver to hire for them-
King David, to greet him and bless CHAPTER 19 selves chariots and horsemen from
him, because he had fought against 1 a1 Sam. 11:1;
1Mesopotamia, from Syrian Maa-
Hadadezer and 2defeated him (for 2 Sam. cah, aand from 2Zobah.
Hadadezer had been at war with 10:119 7 So they hired for themselves
Tou); and Hadoram brought with 3 1Lit. In your thirty-two thousand chariots, with
him all kinds of aarticles of gold, sil- eyes is David the king of Maacah and his people,
ver, and bronze. honoring who came and encamped before
11 King David also dedicated these your father
because Medeba. Also the people of Ammon
to the LORD, along with the silver gathered together from their cities,
and gold that he had brought from 4 aIs. 20:4 1in and came to battle.
all these nationsfrom Edom, from 8 Now when David heard of it, he
Moab, from the apeople of Ammon, 6 a1 Chr. 18:5, sent Joab and all the army of the
from the bPhilistines, and from 9 1Heb. Aram mighty men.
cAmalek. Naharaim
2Zoba, 2 Sam. 9 Then the people of Ammon came
12 Moreover aAbishai the son of 10:6 out and put themselves in battle
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1 CHRONICLES 19:10 370

array before the gate of the city, and 16 1The out the 1spoil of the city in great
the kings who had come were by Euphrates abundance.
2Zoba, 2 Sam.
themselves in the field. 10:6, or 3 And he brought out the people
10 When Joab saw that the battle Shobach, who were in it, and 1put them to
line was against him before and 2 Sam. 10:16 work with saws, with iron picks,
behind, he chose some of Israels and with axes. So David did to all
best and put them in battle array 18 1seven hun-
the cities of the people of Ammon.
against the Syrians. dred, 2 Sam. Then David and all the people
11 And the rest of the people he put 10:18 2horse- returned to Jerusalem.
under the command of Abishai his men, 2 Sam.
brother, and they set themselves in 10:18 Philistine Giants Destroyed
battle array against the people of 4 Now it happened afterward
Ammon. CHAPTER 20 athat war broke out at 1Gezer with
12 Then he said, If the Syrians are the Philistines, at which time
too strong for me, then you shall bSibbechai the Hushathite killed
help me; but if the people of Ammon 1 a2 Sam. 11:1 2Sippai, who was one of the sons of
b2 Sam.
are too strong for you, then I will 11:212:25 3the giant. And they were subdued.
help you. c2 Sam. 12:26 5 Again there was war with the
13 Be of good courage, and let us 1Lit. at the
Philistines, and Elhanan the son of
be strong for our people and for the return of the 1Jair killed Lahmi the brother of
cities of our God. And may the Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose
LORD do what is good in His sight. spear was like a weavers abeam.
14 So Joab and the people who 2 a2 Sam. 6 Yet again athere was war at
were with him drew near for the 12:30, 31 Gath, where there was a man of
battle against the Syrians, and they great stature, with twenty-four fin-
fled before him. gers and toes, six on each hand and
15 When the people of Ammon saw 3 1LXX cut six on each foot; and he also was
that the Syrians were fleeing, they them with born to 1the giant.
also fled before Abishai his brother, 7 So when he defied Israel,
and entered the city. So Joab went Jonathan the son of 1Shimea,
to Jerusalem. 4 a2 Sam. Davids brother, killed him.
21:18 b1 Chr.
16 Now when the Syrians saw that 11:29 1Gob, 8 These were born to the giant in
they had been defeated by Israel, 2 Sam. 21:18 Gath, and they fell by the hand of
they sent messengers and brought 2Saph, 2 Sam.
David and by the hand of his ser-
the Syrians who were beyond 1the 21:18 3Or
Raphah vants.
River, and 2Shophach the com-
mander of Hadadezers army went The Census of Israel and Judah
before them. 5 a1 Sam. Now aSatan stood up against
17 When it was told David, he
gathered all Israel, crossed over the
17:7; 1 Chr.
11:23 1Jaare-
21 Israel, and moved David to
1number Israel.
Jordan and came upon them, and 2 Sam. 21:19 2 So David said to Joab and to the
set up in battle array against them. leaders of the people, Go, number
So when David had set up in battle Israel from Beersheba to Dan, aand
array against the Syrians, they 6 a1 Sam. 5:8;
bring the number of them to me that
fought with him. 2 Sam. 21:20
1Or Raphah I may know it.
18 Then the Syrians fled before 3 And Joab answered, May the
Israel; and David killed 1seven thou- LORD make His people a hundred
sand charioteers and forty thousand 7 1Shammah, times more than they are. But, my lord
2foot soldiers of the Syrians, and 1 Sam. 16:9 or
Shimeah, the king, are they not all my lords
killed Shophach the commander of 2 Sam. 21:21 servants? Why then does my lord
the army. require this thing? Why should he
19 And when the servants of be a cause of guilt in Israel?
Hadadezer saw that they were CHAPTER 21 4 Nevertheless the kings word
defeated by Israel, they made peace prevailed against Joab. Therefore
with David and became his servants. Joab departed and went throughout
So the Syrians were not willing to 1 a2 Sam.
24:125; Job all Israel and came to Jerusalem.
help the people of Ammon anymore. 1:6 1take a 5 Then Joab gave the sum of the
census of number of the people to David. All
Rabbah Is Conquered
Israel had one million one hundred
Ita happened 1in the spring of
20 the year, at the time kings go
out to battle, that Joab led out the
2 a1 Chr.
27:23, 24
thousand men who drew the sword,
and Judah had four hundred and
seventy thousand men who drew
armed forces and ravaged the coun- the sword.
try of the people of Ammon, and 6 a1 Chr. 27:24 6 aBut he did not count Levi and
came and besieged Rabbah. But Benjamin among them, for the kings
bDavid stayed at Jerusalem. And 1word was abominable to Joab.
cJoab defeated Rabbah and over- 7 And 1God was displeased with
7 1Lit. it was
threw it. evil in the this thing; therefore He struck Israel.
2 Then David atook their kings eyes of God 8 So David said to God, aI have
crown from his head, and found it to sinned greatly, because I have done
weigh a talent of gold, and there 8 a2 Sam.
this thing; bbut now, I pray, take
were precious stones in it. And it was 24:10 b2 Sam. away the iniquity of Your servant,
set on Davids head. Also he brought 12:13 for I have done very foolishly.
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371 1 CHRONICLES 22:7

9 Then the LORD spoke to Gad, 9 a1 Sam. 9:9; to me at the full price, that the
Davids aseer, saying, 2 Kin. 17:13; plague may be withdrawn from the
1 Chr. 29:29;
10 Go and tell David, asaying, 2 Chr. 16:7, people.
Thus says the LORD: I offer you 10; Is. 30:9, 23 But Ornan said to David, Take
three things; choose one of them for 10; Amos it to yourself, and let my lord the
7:12, 13
yourself, that I may do it to you. king do what is good in his eyes.
11 So Gad came to David and said 10 a2 Sam. Look, I also give you the oxen for
to him, Thus says the LORD: 24:1214 burnt offerings, the threshing imple-
Choose for yourself, ments for wood, and the wheat for
12 aeither 1three years of famine, 12 a2 Sam. the grain offering; I give it all.
24:13 1seven, 24 Then King David said to Ornan,
or three months to be defeated by 2 Sam. 24:13
your foes with the sword of your 2Or Angel, No, but I will surely buy it for the
enemies overtaking you, or else for and so full price, for I will not take what is
three days the sword of the LORD throughout yours for the LORD, nor offer burnt
the chapter
the plague in the land, with the offerings with that which costs me
2angel of the LORD destroying
13 aPs. 51:1; nothing.
throughout all the territory of Israel. 130:4, 7 25 So aDavid gave Ornan six hun-
Now consider what answer I should dred shekels of gold by weight for
take back to Him who sent me. 14 a1 Chr. the place.
27:24 26 And David built there an altar to
13 And David said to Gad, I am in
great distress. Please let me fall into 15 a2 Sam. the LORD, and offered burnt offer-
the hand of the LORD, for His amer- 24:16 bGen. ings and peace offerings, and called
cies are very great; but do not let me 6:6 c2 Chr. 3:1
1Or the Angel
on the LORD; and aHe answered him
fall into the hand of man. 2Or He 3Or
from heaven by fire on the altar of
14 So the LORD sent a aplague Your 4Arau- burnt offering.
upon Israel, and seventy thousand nah, 2 Sam. 27 So the LORD commanded the
men of Israel fell. 24:16, 1824 angel, and he returned his sword to
15 And God sent 1an aangel to its sheath.
16 aJosh. 5:13; 28 At that time, when David saw
Jerusalem to destroy it. As 2he was 2 Chr. 3:1
destroying, the LORD looked and that the LORD had answered him on
brelented of the disaster, and said to 17 a2 Sam. 7:8; the threshing floor of Ornan the
the angel who was destroying, It is Ps. 74:1 Jebusite, he sacrificed there.
enough; now restrain 3your hand. 29 aFor the tabernacle of the LORD
18 a1 Chr. and the altar of the burnt offering,
And the angel of the LORD stood by 21:11, 12;
the cthreshing floor of 4Ornan the 2 Chr. 3:1 which Moses had made in the
Jebusite. wilderness, were at that time at the
16 Then David lifted his eyes and 22 1Lit. Give high place in bGibeon.
asaw the angel of the LORD standing 30 But David could not go before it
25 a2 Sam. to inquire of God, for he was afraid of
between earth and heaven, having 24:24
in his hand a drawn sword stretched the sword of the angel of the LORD.
out over Jerusalem. So David and 26 aLev. 9:24;
David Prepares to Build the Temple
the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell Judg. 6:21;
1 Kin.
on their faces. Then David said, aThis is the
17 And David said to God, Was it
not I who commanded the people to
2 Chr. 3:1; 7:1 22 house of the LORD God, and
this is the altar of burnt offering for
be numbered? I am the one who has 29 a1 Kin. 3:4; Israel.
sinned and done evil indeed; but 2 Chr. 1:3
b1 Chr. 16:39 2 So David commanded to gather
these asheep, what have they done? the aaliens who were in the land of
Let Your hand, I pray, O LORD my CHAPTER 22 Israel; and he appointed masons to
God, be against me and my fathers bcut hewn stones to build the house
house, but not against Your people 1 aDeut. 12:5; of God.
that they should be plagued. 2 Sam. 24:18;
1 Chr. 21:18, 3 And David prepared iron in
18 Therefore, the aangel of the 19, 26, 28; abundance for the nails of the doors
LORD commanded Gad to say to 2 Chr. 3:1 of the gates and for the joints, and
David that David should go and erect bronze in abundance abeyond mea-
an altar to the LORD on the threshing 2 a1 Kin. 9:20, sure,
21; 2 Chr.
floor of Ornan the Jebusite. 2:17, 18 4 and cedar trees in abundance;
19 So David went up at the word of b1 Kin. 5:17, for the aSidonians and those from
Gad, which he had spoken in the 18 Tyre brought much cedar wood to
name of the LORD. David.
20 Now Ornan turned and saw the 3 a1 Kin. 7:47;
1 Chr. 22:14 5 Now David said, aSolomon my
angel; and his four sons who were son is young and inexperienced, and
with him hid themselves, but Ornan 4 a1 Kin. the house to be built for the LORD
continued threshing wheat. 5:610 must be exceedingly magnificent,
21 So David came to Ornan, and famous and glorious throughout all
Ornan looked and saw David. And 5 a1 Kin. 3:7; countries. I will now make prepara-
1 Chr. 29:1, 2
he went out from the threshing tion for it. So David made abundant
floor, and bowed before David with 6 1com- preparations before his death.
his face to the ground. manded 6 Then he called for his son
22 Then David said to Ornan, Solomon, and 1charged him to build
1Grant me the place of this thresh- 7 a2 Sam. 7:1, a house for the LORD God of Israel.
2; 1 Kin. 8:17;
ing floor, that I may build an altar 1 Chr. 17:1; 7 And David said to Solomon: My
on it to the LORD. You shall grant it 28:2 son, as for me, ait was in my mind
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1 CHRONICLES 22:8 372

to build a house bto the name of the 7 bDeut. 12:5, leaders of Israel, with the priests
LORD my God; 11 and the Levites.
8 but the word of the LORD came 8 a1 Chr. 28:3 3 Now the Levites were numbered
to me, saying, aYou have shed much 9 a1 Chr. 28:5 from the age of athirty years and
b1 Kin. 4:20,
blood and have made great wars; 25; 5:4 1Lit.
above; and the number of individual
you shall not build a house for My Peaceful males was thirty-eight thousand.
name, because you have shed much 4 Of these, twenty-four thousand
10 a1 Chr.
blood on the earth in My sight. 17:12, 13; 28:6 were to alook after the work of the
9 aBehold, a son shall be born to bHeb. 1:5 house of the LORD, six thousand
you, who shall be a man of rest; and 11 a1 Chr. were bofficers and judges,
I will give him brest from all his ene- 22:16 5 four thousand were gatekeep-
mies all around. His name shall be 12 a1 Kin. ers, and four thousand apraised the
1Solomon, for I will give peace and
3:912 LORD with musical instruments,
quietness to Israel in his days. bwhich I made, said David, for
13 a1 Chr. 28:7
10 aHe shall build a house for My b[Josh. 1:6, 7, giving praise.
name, and bhe shall be My son, and 9] 1com- 6 Also aDavid separated them into
I will be his Father; and I will estab- manded 1divisions among the sons of Levi:
lish the throne of his kingdom over 14 a1 Chr. 22:3 Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
Israel forever. 16 a1 Chr. 7 Of the aGershonites: 1Laadan
11 Now, my son, may athe LORD 22:11 and Shimei.
be with you; and may you prosper, 17 a1 Chr. 8 The sons of Laadan: the first
and build the house of the LORD 28:16 Jehiel, then Zetham and Joelthree
your God, as He has said to you. 18 aJosh. 22:4 in all.
12 Only may the LORD agive you 9 The sons of Shimei: Shelomith,
19 a2 Chr.
wisdom and understanding, and 5:214 b1 Kin. Haziel, and Haranthree in all.
give you charge concerning Israel, 5:3 These were the heads of the fathers
that you may keep the law of the CHAPTER 23 houses of Laadan.
LORD your God. 10 And the sons of Shimei: Jahath,
13 aThen you will prosper, if you 1 a1 Kin. 1Zina, Jeush, and Beriah. These
take care to fulfill the statutes and were the four sons of Shimei.
judgments with which the LORD 3 aNum. 4:13
11 Jahath was the first and Zizah
1charged Moses concerning Israel. 4 aEzra 3:8, 9
the second. But Jeush and Beriah did
bBe strong and of good courage; do
16:1820 not have many sons; therefore they
not fear nor be dismayed. were assigned as one fathers house.
14 Indeed I have taken much trou- 5 a1 Chr. 15:16
b2 Chr. 12 aThe sons of Kohath: Amram,
ble to prepare for the house of the 29:2527 Izhar, Hebron, and Uzzielfour in
LORD one hundred thousand talents 6 aEx. 6:16 all.
of gold and one million talents of 1groups 13 The sons of aAmram: Aaron and
silver, and bronze and iron abeyond Moses; and bAaron was set apart, he
7 a1 Chr. 26:21
measure, for it is so abundant. I 1Libni, Ex. and his sons forever, that he should
have prepared timber and stone 6:17 1sanctify the most holy things, cto
also, and you may add to them. 10 1LXX, Vg. burn incense before the LORD, dto
15 Moreover there are workmen Zizah and v. minister to Him, and eto give the
with you in abundance: woodsmen 11 blessing in His name forever.
and stonecutters, and all types of 12 aEx. 6:18 14 Now athe sons of Moses the man
skillful men for every kind of work. 13 aEx. 6:20 of God were reckoned to the tribe of
16 Of gold and silver and bronze bHeb. 5:4 Levi.
and iron there is no limit. Arise and c1 Sam. 2:28
15 aThe sons of Moses were 1Ger-
d[Deut. 21:5]
begin working, and athe LORD be eNum. 6:23 shon and Eliezer.
with you. 1consecrate 16 Of the sons of Gershon, aShe-
17 David also commanded all the buel1 was the first.
aleaders of Israel to help Solomon 14 a1 Chr.
26:2024 17 Of the descendants of Eliezer,
his son, saying, aRehabiah was the first. And Eliezer
18 Is not the LORD your God with 15 aEx. 18:3, 4
1Heb. Ger- had no other sons, but the sons of
you? aAnd has He not given you rest shom, 1 Chr. Rehabiah were very many.
on every side? For He has given the 6:16 18 Of the sons of Izhar, aShelomith
inhabitants of the land into my 16 a1 Chr. was the first.
hand, and the land is subdued before 26:24 19 aOf the sons of Hebron, Jeriah
the LORD and before His people. was the first, Amariah the second,
19 Now set your heart and your 1 Chr. 24:20
Jahaziel the third, and Jekameam
soul to seek the LORD your God. 17 a1 Chr.
the fourth.
Therefore arise and build the sanc- 26:25
20 Of the sons of Uzziel, Michah
tuary of the LORD God, to abring the 18 a1 Chr.
was the first and Jesshiah the sec-
ark of the covenant of the LORD and 24:22
the holy articles of God into the 19 a1 Chr. 21 aThe sons of Merari were Mahli
house that is to be built bfor the 24:23
and Mushi. The sons of Mahli were
name of the LORD. 21 a1 Chr. Eleazar and bKish.
24:26 b1 Chr.
The Divisions of the Levites 24:29 22 And Eleazar died, and ahad no
22 a1 Chr.
sons, but only daughters; and their
So when David was old and 1brethren, the sons of Kish, btook
23 full of days, he made his son
aSolomon king over Israel.
24:28 bNum.
36:6 1kinsmen them as wives.
23 aThe sons of Mushi were Mahli,
23 a1 Chr.
2 And he gathered together all the 24:30 Eder, and Jeremoththree in all.
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373 1 CHRONICLES 24:31

24 These were the sons of aLevi by 24 aNum. sons of Eleazar and from the sons of
their fathers housesthe heads of 10:17, 21 Ithamar.
bNum. 1:3;
the fathers houses as they were Ezra 3:8 6 And the scribe, Shemaiah the
counted individually by the number son of Nethanel, one of the Levites,
of their names, who did the work for 25 a1 Chr. wrote them down before the king,
the service of the house of the 22:18 the leaders, Zadok the priest, Ahim-
LORD, from the age of btwenty years elech the son of Abiathar, and the
and above. 26 aNum. 4:5, heads of the fathers houses of the
25 For David said, The LORD God 15; 7:9; Deut. priests and Levites, one fathers
of Israel ahas given rest to His peo- house taken for Eleazar and one for
ple, that they may dwell in Jerusa- 27 a2 Sam.
lem forever; 23:1 7 Now the first lot fell to Jehoia-
26 and also to the Levites, They rib, the second to Jedaiah,
shall no longer acarry the tabernacle, 29 aEx. 25:30 8 the third to Harim, the fourth to
or any of the articles for its service. bLev. 6:20 Seorim,
27 For by the alast words of David cLev. 2:1, 4
dLev. 2:5, 7
9 the fifth to Malchijah, the sixth
the Levites were numbered from eLev. 19:35 to Mijamin,
twenty years old and above; 10 the seventh to Hakkoz, the
28 because their duty was to help 31 aNum. 10:10
eighth to aAbijah,
the sons of Aaron in the service of bLev. 23:24 11 the ninth to Jeshua, the tenth to
the house of the LORD, in the courts 1appointed Shecaniah,
and in the chambers, in the purify- feasts 12 the eleventh to Eliashib, the
ing of all holy things and the work twelfth to Jakim,
of the service of the house of God, 32 a2 Chr. 13 the thirteenth to Huppah, the
29 both with athe showbread and 13:10, 11 fourteenth to Jeshebeab,
b[Num. 1:53];
bthe fine flour for the grain offering, 14 the fifteenth to Bilgah, the six-
1 Chr. 9:27
with cthe unleavened cakes and cNum. 3:69, teenth to Immer,
dwhat is baked in the pan, with what 38 15 the seventeenth to Hezir, the
is mixed and with all kinds of emea- eighteenth to 1Happizzez,
sures and sizes; CHAPTER 24 16 the nineteenth to Pethahiah, the
30 to stand every morning to thank twentieth to 1Jehezekel,
and praise the LORD, and likewise 1 aLev. 10:16; 17 the twenty-first to Jachin, the
Num. 26:60,
at evening; 61; 1 Chr. 6:3 twenty-second to Gamul,
31 and at every presentation of a 18 the twenty-third to Delaiah, the
burnt offering to the LORD aon the 2 aNum. 3:14; twenty-fourth to Maaziah.
Sabbaths and on the New Moons 26:61 19 This was the schedule of their
and on the bset1 feasts, by number service afor coming into the house
according to the ordinance govern- 3 a1 Chr. 18:16 of the LORD according to their ordi-
ing them, regularly before the nance by the hand of Aaron their
LORD; 10 aNeh. 12:4, father, as the LORD God of Israel
32 and that they should aattend to 17; Luke 1:5 had commanded him.
the bneeds of the tabernacle of
meeting, the needs of the holy place, 15 1LXX, Vg. Other Levites
and the cneeds of the sons of Aaron Aphses
20 And the rest of the sons of Levi:
their brethren in the work of the of the sons of Amram, 1Shubael; of
house of the LORD. 16 1MT
Jehezkel the sons of Shubael, Jehdeiah.
The Divisions of the Priests 21 Concerning aRehabiah, of the
19 a1 Chr. 9:25 sons of Rehabiah, the first was
Now these are the divisions of Isshiah.
24 the sons of Aaron. aThe sons
of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu,
20 1Shebuel,
1 Chr. 23:16
22 Of the Izharites, 1Shelomoth; of
the sons of Shelomoth, Jahath.
Eleazar, and Ithamar. 23 Of the sons 1of aHebron, Jeriah
2 And aNadab and Abihu died 21 a1 Chr. was the first, Amariah the second,
before their father, and had no chil- 23:17 Jahaziel the third, and Jekameam
dren; therefore Eleazar and Ithamar the fourth.
22 1Shelomith,
ministered as priests. 1 Chr. 23:18 24 Of the sons of Uzziel, Michah; of
3 Then David with Zadok of the the sons of Michah, Shamir.
sons of Eleazar, and aAhimelech of 23 a1 Chr. 25 The brother of Michah, Isshiah;
the sons of Ithamar, divided them 23:19; 26:31 of the sons of Isshiah, Zechariah.
according to the schedule of their 1Supplied 26 aThe sons of Merari were Mahli
service. from 23:19 and Mushi; the son of Jaaziah,
4 There were more leaders found some Heb. Beno.
of the sons of Eleazar than of the mss. and LXX 27 The sons of Merari by Jaaziah
sons of Ithamar, and thus they were mss.) 2See were Beno, Shoham, Zaccur, and Ibri.
divided. Among the sons of Eleazar previous note 28 Of Mahli: Eleazar, awho had no
were sixteen heads of their fathers sons.
houses, and eight heads of their 26 aEx. 6:19; 29 Of Kish: the son of Kish, Jerah-
1 Chr. 23:21
fathers houses among the sons of meel.
Ithamar. 28 a1 Chr.
30 Also athe sons of Mushi were
5 Thus they were divided by lot, 23:22 Mahli, Eder, and Jerimoth. These
one group as another, for there were were the sons of the Levites accord-
officials of the sanctuary and offi- 30 a1 Chr. ing to their fathers houses.
cials of the house of God, from the 23:23 31 These also cast lots just as their
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1 CHRONICLES 25:1 374

brothers the sons of Aaron did, in CHAPTER 25 17 the tenth for Shimei, his sons
the presence of King David, Zadok, and his brethren, twelve;
Ahimelech, and the heads of the 1 a1 Chr. 6:30,
18 the eleventh for 1Azarel, his
fathers houses of the priests and 33, 39, 44; sons and his brethren, twelve;
Levites. The chief fathers did just as 2 Chr. 5:12 19 the twelfth for Hashabiah, his
their younger brethren. sons and his brethren, twelve;
20 the thirteenth for 1Shubael, his
The Musicians 2 1Jesharelah, sons and his brethren, twelve;
v. 14 2Lit. at
Moreover David and the cap- the hands of 21 the fourteenth for Mattithiah,
25 tains of the army separated
for the service some of the sons of
his sons and his brethren, twelve;
22 the fifteenth for 1Jeremoth, his
aAsaph, of Heman, and of Jeduthun, 3 a1 Chr. sons and his brethren, twelve;
16:41, 42 23 the sixteenth for Hananiah, his
who should prophesy with harps, 1Jizri, v. 11
stringed instruments, and cymbals. 2So with one sons and his brethren, twelve;
And the number of the skilled men Heb. ms., 24 the seventeenth for Josh-
performing their service was: LXX mss.
3Shimei is the
bekashah, his sons and his
2 Of the sons of Asaph: Zaccur, sixth, v. 17
brethren, twelve;
Joseph, Nethaniah, and 1Asharelah; 25 the eighteenth for Hanani, his
the sons of Asaph were 2under the sons and his brethren, twelve;
direction of Asaph, who prophesied 4 1Azarel, v. 26 the nineteenth for Mallothi, his
according to the order of the king. 18 2Shubael, sons and his brethren, twelve;
v. 20 3Jere- 27 the twentieth for Eliathah, his
3 Of aJeduthun, the sons of moth, v. 22
Jeduthun: Gedaliah, 1Zeri, Jeshaiah, sons and his brethren, twelve;
2Shimei, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, 28 the twenty-first for Hothir, his
3six, under the direction of their 5 a1 Chr. 16:42 sons and his brethren, twelve;
father Jeduthun, who prophesied
1Increase his 29 the twenty-second for Giddalti,
power or his sons and his brethren, twelve;
with a harp to give thanks and to influence
praise the LORD. 30 the twenty-third for Mahazioth,
4 Of Heman, the sons of Heman: his sons and his brethren, twelve;
Bukkiah, Mattaniah, 1Uzziel, 2She- 6 a1 Chr. 15:16 31 the twenty-fourth for Romamti-
buel, 3Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani,
b1 Chr. 15:19; Ezer, his sons and his brethren,
25:2 twelve.
Eliathah, Giddalti, Romamti-Ezer,
Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and The Gatekeepers
Mahazioth. 7 a1 Chr. 23:5
5 All these were the sons of Concerning the divisions of
Heman the kings seer in the words
of God, to 1exalt his ahorn. For God 8 a2 Chr. 23:13
26 the gatekeepers: of the
Korahites, 1Meshelemiah the son of
gave Heman fourteen sons and aKore, of the sons of 2Asaph.
three daughters. 11 1Zeri, v. 3
2 And the sons of Meshelemiah
6 All these were under the direc- were aZechariah the firstborn, Jedi-
tion of their father for the music in ael the second, Zebadiah the third,
the house of the LORD, with cym- 14 1Asharelah, Jathniel the fourth,
bals, stringed instruments, and v. 2 3 Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the
aharps, for the service of the house sixth, Eliehoenai the seventh.
of God. Asaph, Jeduthun, and 18 1Uzziel, v. 4
4 Moreover the sons of aObed-
Heman were bunder the authority of Edom were Shemaiah the firstborn,
the king. Jehozabad the second, Joah the
7 So the anumber of them, with 20 1Shebuel, third, Sacar the fourth, Nethanel the
their brethren who were instructed v. 4 fifth,
in the songs of the LORD, all who 5 Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the
were skillful, was two hundred and seventh, Peulthai the eighth; for
22 1Jerimoth,
eighty-eight. v. 4 God blessed him.
8 And they cast lots for their duty, 6 Also to Shemaiah his son were
the small as well as the great, athe sons born who governed their
teacher with the student. CHAPTER 26 fathers houses, because they were
9 Now the first lot for Asaph came men of great ability.
out for Joseph; the second for 7 The sons of Shemaiah were
Gedaliah, him with his brethren and 1 aPs. 42:title Othni, Rephael, Obed, and Elzabad,
1Shelemiah, v.
sons, twelve; 14 2Ebiasaph, whose brothers Elihu and Semachiah
10 the third for Zaccur, his sons 1 Chr. 6:37; were able men.
and his brethren, twelve; 9:19 8 All these were of the sons of
11 the fourth for 1Jizri, his sons Obed-Edom, they and their sons
and his brethren, twelve; 2 a1 Chr. 9:21
and their brethren, aable men with
12 the fifth for Nethaniah, his sons strength for the work: sixty-two of
and his brethren, twelve; Obed-Edom.
13 the sixth for Bukkiah, his sons 4 a1 Chr. 9 And Meshelemiah had sons and
and his brethren, twelve; 15:18, 21 brethren, eighteen able men.
14 the seventh for 1Jesharelah, his 10 Also aHosah, of the children of
sons and his brethren, twelve; Merari, had sons: Shimri the first
8 a1 Chr. 9:13
15 the eighth for Jeshaiah, his sons (for though he was not the firstborn,
and his brethren, twelve; his father made him the first),
16 the ninth for Mattaniah, his 10 a1 Chr. 11 Hilkiah the second, Tebaliah the
sons and his brethren, twelve; 16:38 third, Zechariah the fourth; all the
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375 1 CHRONICLES 27:10

sons and brethren of Hosah were 13 a1 Chr. 24:5, cials and judges over Israel outside
thirteen. 31; 25:8 Jerusalem.
12 Among these were the divisions 14 1Meshele- 30 Of the Hebronites, aHashabiah
of the gatekeepers, among the chief miah, v. 1 and his brethren, one thousand
men, having duties just like their seven hundred able men, had the
brethren, to serve in the house of 15 1Heb. asup- oversight of Israel on the west side of
the LORD. the Jordan for all the business of the
13 And they acast lots for each 16 a1 Kin. 10:5; LORD, and in the service of the king.
gate, the small as well as the great, 2 Chr. 9:4 31 Among the Hebronites, aJerijah
according to their fathers house. 17 1Heb. asup-
was head of the Hebronites accord-
14 The lot for the East Gate fell to pim ing to his genealogy of the fathers.
1Shelemiah. Then they cast lots for In the fortieth year of the reign of
his son Zechariah, a wise counselor, 18 1Probably a David they were sought, and there
and his lot came out for the North court or were found among them capable
Gate; extending men bat Jazer of Gilead.
15 to Obed-Edom the South Gate, west of the 32 And his brethren were two
and to his sons the 1storehouse. temple thousand seven hundred able men,
16 To Shuppim and Hosah the lot heads of fathers houses, whom
20 a1 Chr. 9:26
came out for the West Gate, with the b2 Sam. 8:11; King David made officials over the
Shallecheth Gate on the aascending 1 Chr. 26:22, Reubenites, the Gadites, and the
highwaywatchman opposite watch- 24, 26; 28:12; half-tribe of Manasseh, for every
man. Ezra 2:69 matter pertaining to God and the
1holy things
17 On the east were six Levites, on aaffairs of the king.
the north four each day, on the 21 1Libni,
south four each day, and for the 1 Chr. 6:17 The Military Divisions
1storehouse two by two. 2Jehiel, 1 Chr.
And the children of Israel,
18 As for the 1Parbar on the west,
there were four on the highway and
23:8; 29:8

23 aEx. 6:18;
27 according to their number, the
heads of fathers houses, the captains
two at the Parbar. Num. 3:19 of thousands and hundreds and their
19 These were the divisions of the officers, served the king in every mat-
24 a1 Chr.
gatekeepers among the sons of 23:16 ter of the military divisions. These
Korah and among the sons of Merari. divisions came in and went out
25 a1 Chr. month by month throughout all the
The Treasuries and Other Duties 23:18
months of the year, each division
20 Of the Levites, Ahijah was aover 26 a2 Sam. having twenty-four thousand.
the treasuries of the house of God 8:11 2 Over the first division for the
and over the treasuries of the bdedi- 27 1plunder
first month was aJashobeam the son
cated1 things. of Zabdiel, and in his division were
21 The sons of 1Laadan, the 28 a1 Sam. 9:9 twenty-four thousand;
descendants of the Gershonites of 3 he was of the children of Perez,
Laadan, heads of their fathers 29 aNeh. 11:16 and the chief of all the captains of
b1 Chr. 23:4
houses, of Laadan the Gershonite: the army for the first month.
2Jehieli. 4 Over the division of the second
30 a1 Chr.
22 The sons of Jehieli, Zetham and 27:17 month was 1Dodai an Ahohite, and
Joel his brother, were over the trea- of his division Mikloth also was the
suries of the house of the LORD. 31 a1 Chr. leader; in his division were twenty-
23:19 bJosh.
23 Of the aAmramites, the Izharites, 21:39 four thousand.
the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites: 5 The third captain of the army
24 aShebuel the son of Gershom, 32 a2 Chr. for the third month was aBenaiah,
the son of Moses, was overseer of 19:11 the son of Jehoiada the priest, who
the treasuries. CHAPTER 27 was chief; in his division were
25 And his brethren by Eliezer twenty-four thousand.
were Rehabiah his son, Jeshaiah his 2 a1 Chr. 11:11 6 This was the Benaiah who was
son, Joram his son, Zichri his son, amighty among the thirty, and was
4 1Heb. Dodai,
and aShelomith his son. usually over the thirty; in his division
26 This Shelomith and his brethren spelled Dodo, was Ammizabad his son.
were over all the treasuries of the 2 Sam. 23:9 7 The fourth captain for the
dedicated things awhich King David fourth month was aAsahel the
5 a1 Chr. 18:17
and the heads of fathers houses, the brother of Joab, and Zebadiah his
captains over thousands and hun- 6 a2 Sam. son after him; in his division were
dreds, and the captains of the army, 23:2023 twenty-four thousand.
had dedicated. 8 The fifth captain for the fifth
7 a2 Sam.
27 Some of the 1spoils won in bat- 23:24; 1 Chr. month was 1Shamhuth the Izrahite;
tles they dedicated to maintain the 11:26 in his division were twenty-four
house of the LORD. thousand.
28 And all that Samuel athe seer, 8 1Shammah, 9 The sixth captain for the sixth
Saul the son of Kish, Abner the son 2 Sam. 23:11, month was aIra the son of Ikkesh the
or Sham-
of Ner, and Joab the son of Zeruiah moth, 1 Chr. Tekoite; in his division were twenty-
had dedicated, every dedicated 11:27 four thousand.
thing, was under the hand of 10 The seventh captain for the sev-
Shelomith and his brethren. 9 a1 Chr. 11:28 enth month was aHelez the Pelonite,
29 Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and 10 a1 Chr. of the children of Ephraim; in his
his sons aperformed duties as boffi- 11:27 division were twenty-four thousand.
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1 CHRONICLES 27:11 376

11 The eighth captain for the 11 a2 Sam. over the vineyards, and Zabdi the
eighth month was aSibbechai the 21:18; 1 Chr. Shiphmite was over the produce of
11:29; 20:4
Hushathite, of the Zarhites; in his the vineyards for the supply of
division were twenty-four thou- 12 a1 Chr. wine.
sand. 11:28 28 Baal-Hanan the Gederite was
12 The ninth captain for the ninth over the olive trees and the sycamore
month was aAbiezer the Anathoth- 13 a2 Sam. trees that were in the lowlands, and
23:28; 1 Chr.
ite, of the Benjamites; in his division 11:30 Joash was over the store of oil.
were twenty-four thousand. 29 And Shitrai the Sharonite was
13 The tenth captain for the tenth 14 a1 Chr. over the herds that fed in Sharon, and
month was aMaharai the Netopha- 11:31 Shaphat the son of Adlai was over
thite, of the Zarhites; in his division the herds that were in the valleys.
were twenty-four thousand. 15 1Heleb, 30 Obil the Ishmaelite was over the
2 Sam. 23:29,
14 The eleventh captain for the or Heled, camels, Jehdeiah the Meronothite
eleventh month was aBenaiah the 1 Chr. 11:30 was over the donkeys,
Pirathonite, of the children of 31 and Jaziz the aHagrite was over
Ephraim; in his division were 17 a1 Chr. the flocks. All these were the offi-
26:30 cials over King Davids property.
twenty-four thousand.
15 The twelfth captain for the 18 a1 Sam.
32 Also Jehonathan, Davids uncle,
twelfth month was 1Heldai the 16:6 was a counselor, a wise man, and a
Netophathite, of Othniel; in his divi- 1scribe; and Jehiel the 2son of Hach-
sion were twenty-four thousand. 23 a[Deut. 6:3] moni was with the kings sons.
bGen. 15:5;
33 aAhithophel was the kings
22:17; 26:4;
Leaders of Tribes Ex. 32:13; counselor, and bHushai the Archite
Deut. 1:10 was the kings companion.
16 Furthermore, over the tribes of 34 After Ahithophel was Jehoiada
Israel: the officer over the Reuben- 24 a2 Sam. the son of Benaiah, then aAbiathar.
ites was Eliezer the son of Zichri; 24:1215; And the general of the kings army
over the Simeonites, Shephatiah the 1 Chr. 21:17
was bJoab.
son of Maachah;
17 over the Levites, aHashabiah the 31 a1 Chr. 5:10
Solomon Instructed to Build the
son of Kemuel; over the Aaronites, 32 1secretary Temple
Zadok; 2Or Hach-
Now David assembled at Je-
18 over Judah, aElihu, one of
Davids brothers; over Issachar,

33 a2 Sam.
28 rusalem all athe leaders of
Israel: the officers of the tribes and
Omri the son of Michael; 15:12 b2 Sam. bthe captains of the divisions who
19 over Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son 15:3237
of Obadiah; over Naphtali, Jerimoth served the king, the captains over
the son of Azriel; 34 a1 Kin. 1:7
thousands and captains over hun-
20 over the children of Ephraim, b1 Chr. 11:6 dreds, and cthe stewards over all the
Hoshea the son of Azaziah; over the substance and 1possessions of the
half-tribe of Manasseh, Joel the son CHAPTER 28 king and of his sons, with the offi-
of Pedaiah; cials, the valiant men, and all dthe
1 a1 Chr. 27:16 mighty men of valor.
21 over the half-tribe of Manasseh b1 Chr. 27:1, 2
in Gilead, Iddo the son of Zechariah; c1 Chr. 27:25 2 Then King David rose to his feet
over Benjamin, Jaasiel the son of d2 Sam. and said, Hear me, my brethren
Abner; 23:839; and my people: aI had it in my heart
1 Chr. to build a house of rest for the ark of
22 over Dan, Azarel the son of 11:1047 1Or
Jeroham. These were the leaders of livestock the covenant of the LORD, and for
bthe footstool of our God, and had
the tribes of Israel.
23 But David did not take the num- 2 a2 Sam. 7:2 made preparations to build it.
ber of those twenty years old and
bPs. 99:5;
3 But God said to me, aYou shall
132:7; [Is. not build a house for My name,
under, because athe LORD had said 66:1]
He would multiply Israel like the because you have been a man of
bstars of the heavens. 3 a2 Sam. 7:5, war and have shed bblood.
24 Joab the son of Zeruiah began 13; 1 Kin. 5:3 4 However the LORD God of
b[1 Chr. 17:4;
a census, but he did not finish, for Israel achose me above all the house
22:8] of my father to be king over Israel
awrath came upon Israel because of
this census; nor was the number 4 a1 Sam.
forever, for He has chosen bJudah to
recorded in the account of the 16:613 bGen. be the ruler. And of the house of
chronicles of King David. 49:810; Judah, cthe house of my father, and
1 Chr. 5:2; Ps. damong the sons of my father, He
60:7 c1 Sam.
Other State Officials 16:1 d1 Sam. was pleased with me to make me
13:14; 16:12, king over all Israel.
25 And Azmaveth the son of Adiel 13; Acts 13:22 5 aAnd of all my sons (for the
was over the kings treasuries; and LORD has given me many sons) bHe
Jehonathan the son of Uzziah was 5 a1 Chr. has chosen my son Solomon to sit
3:19; 14:37;
over the storehouses in the field, in 23:1 b1 Chr. on the throne of the kingdom of the
the cities, in the villages, and in the 22:9; 29:1 LORD over Israel.
fortresses. 6 Now He said to me, It is ayour
26 Ezri the son of Chelub was over 6 a2 Sam. 7:13, son Solomon who shall build My
those who did the work of the field 14; 1 Kin. house and My courts; for I have cho-
6:38; 1 Chr.
for tilling the ground. 22:9, 10; sen him to be My son, and I will be
27 And Shimei the Ramathite was 2 Chr. 1:9; 6:2 his Father.
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377 1 CHRONICLES 29:9

7 Moreover I will establish his 7 a1 Chr. 22:13 20 And David said to his son
kingdom forever, aif he is steadfast 9 a[1 Sam.
Solomon, aBe strong and of good
to observe My commandments and 12:24]; Jer. courage, and do it; do not fear nor
My judgments, as it is this day. 9:24; Hos. 4:1; be dismayed, for the LORD Godmy
8 Now therefore, in the sight of [John 17:3]
b2 Kin. 20:3
Godwill be with you. bHe will not
all Israel, the assembly of the LORD, c[1 Sam. 16:7; leave you nor forsake you, until you
and in the hearing of our God, be 1 Kin. 8:39; have finished all the work for the
careful to seek out all the command- 1 Chr. 29:17]; service of the house of the LORD.
ments of the LORD your God, that Jer. 11:20; 21 Here are athe divisions of the
you may possess this good land, and 17:10; 20:12; priests and the Levites for all the
Rev. 2:23
leave it as an inheritance for your d2 Chr. 15:2; service of the house of God; and bev-
children after you forever. [Jer. 29:13] ery willing craftsman will be with
eDeut. 31:17
9 As for you, my son Solomon, you for all manner of workmanship,
aknow the God of your father, and
10 a1 Chr.
for every kind of service; also the
serve Him bwith a loyal heart and 22:13; 28:6 leaders and all the people will be
with a willing mind; for cthe LORD completely at your command.
searches all hearts and understands 11 a1 Kin. 6:3;
all the intent of the thoughts. dIf you 1 Chr. 28:19 Offerings for Building the Temple
seek Him, He will be found by you; Furthermore King David said
but if you forsake Him, He will ecast
you off forever.
12 aEx. 25:40;
Heb. 8:5
b1 Chr. 26:20,
29 to all the assembly: My son
Solomon, whom alone God has
10 Consider now, afor the LORD 28 achosen, is byoung and inexperi-
has chosen you to build a house for 13 a1 Chr. 23:6 enced; and the work is great,
the sanctuary; be strong, and do it. because the 1temple is not for man
11 Then David gave his son 15 aEx. but for the LORD God.
Solomon athe plans for the vestibule, 25:3139; 2 Now for the house of my God I
its houses, its treasuries, its upper 1 Kin. 7:49
have prepared with all my might:
chambers, its inner chambers, and 16 a1 Kin. 7:48 gold for things to be made of gold,
the place of the mercy seat; silver for things of silver, bronze for
12 and the aplans for all that he had 18 aEx. 30:110 things of bronze, iron for things of
by the Spirit, of the courts of the bEx. 25:1822;
iron, wood for things of wood, aonyx
house of the LORD, of all the cham- 1 Sam. 4:4;
1 Kin. 6:23 stones, stones to be set, glistening
bers all around, bof the treasuries of stones of various colors, all kinds of
the house of God, and of the treasur- 19 aEx. 25:40; precious stones, and marble slabs in
ies for the dedicated things; 1 Chr. 28:11, abundance.
13 also for the division of the 12 1details
3 Moreover, because I have set
priests and the aLevites, for all the 20 aDeut. 31:6, my affection on the house of my
work of the service of the house of 7; [Josh. God, I have given to the house of my
the LORD, and for all the articles of 1:69]; 1 Chr. God, over and above all that I have
service in the house of the LORD. 22:13 bJosh.
1:5; Heb. 13:5 prepared for the holy house, my
14 He gave gold by weight for own special treasure of gold and sil-
things of gold, for all articles used in 21 a1 Chr. ver:
every kind of service; also silver for 2426 bEx. 4 three thousand talents of gold,
all articles of silver by weight, for all 35:2535; of the gold of aOphir, and seven
36:1, 2;
articles used in every kind of serv- 2 Chr. 2:13, thousand talents of refined silver, to
ice; 14 overlay the walls of the houses;
15 the weight for the alampstands 5 the gold for things of gold and
of gold, and their lamps of gold, by CHAPTER 29 the silver for things of silver, and for
weight for each lampstand and its 1 a1 Chr. 28:5
all kinds of work to be done by the
lamps; for the lampstands of silver b1 Kin. 3:7; hands of craftsmen. Who then is
by weight, for the lampstand and its 1 Chr. 22:5; awilling to 1consecrate himself this
lamps, according to the use of each Prov. 4:3 1Lit. day to the LORD?
lampstand. palace
6 Then athe leaders of the fathers
16 And by weight he gave gold for 2 aIs. 54:11, 12; houses, leaders of the tribes of
the tables of the showbread, for Rev. 21:18 Israel, the captains of thousands
each atable, and silver for the tables and of hundreds, with bthe officers
of silver; 4 a1 Kin. 9:28 over the kings work, coffered will-
17 also pure gold for the forks, the 5 a2 Chr.
basins, the pitchers of pure gold, 29:31; [2 Cor. 7 They gave for the work of the
and the golden bowlshe gave gold 8:5, 12] 1Lit. house of God five thousand talents
by weight for every bowl; and for fill his hand and ten thousand darics of gold, ten
the silver bowls, silver by weight for thousand talents of silver, eighteen
6 a1 Chr. 27:1;
every bowl; 28:1 b1 Chr. thousand talents of bronze, and one
18 and refined gold by weight for 27:2531 cEx. hundred thousand talents of iron.
the aaltar of incense, and for the 35:2135 8 And whoever had precious
construction of the chariot, that is, stones gave them to the treasury of
the gold bcherubim that spread their 8 a1 Chr. 23:8
1Possibly the the house of the LORD, into the hand
wings and overshadowed the ark of same as Je- of aJehiel1 the Gershonite.
the covenant of the LORD. hieli, 1 Chr. 9 Then the people rejoiced, for
19 All this, said David, athe 26:21, 22 they had offered willingly, because
LORD made me understand in writ- 9 aEx. 25:2;
with a loyal heart they had aoffered
ing, by His hand upon me, all the 1 Kin. 8:61; willingly to the LORD; and King
1works of these plans. 2 Cor. 9:7 David also rejoiced greatly.
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1 CHRONICLES 29:10 378

Davids Praise to God 11 aMatt. 6:13; loyal heart to keep Your command-
1 Tim. 1:17; ments and Your testimonies and
10 Therefore David blessed the Rev. 5:13
Your statutes, to do all these things,
LORD before all the assembly; and and to build the 1temple for which bI
David said: 12 aRom. 11:36 have made provision.
20 Then David said to all the assem-
Blessed are You, LORD God of bly, Now bless the LORD your God.
Israel, our Father, forever and 14 1Lit. of Your So all the assembly blessed the LORD
ever. hand
God of their fathers, and bowed their
11 Yours, O LORD, is the
heads and prostrated themselves
greatness, before the LORD and the king.
15 aLev. 25:23;
The power and the glory, Ps. 39:12;
The victory and the majesty; Heb. 11:13, Solomon Anointed King
For all that is in heaven and in 14; 1 Pet. 2:11
earth is Yours; bJob 14:2; Ps. 21 And they made sacrifices to the
90:9 1sojourn- LORD and offered burnt offerings to
Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, ers, tempo-
And You are exalted as head rary residents
the LORD on the next day: a thousand
over all. 2transients, bulls, a thousand rams, a thousand
12 aBoth riches and honor come temporary lambs, with their drink offerings,
from You, residents in and asacrifices in abundance for all
an even more Israel.
And You reign over all. temporary
In Your hand is power and sense 22 So they ate and drank before the
might; LORD with great gladness on that
In Your hand it is to make great day. And they made Solomon the son
And to give strength to all. 17 a[1 Sam. of David king the second time, and
16:7; 1 Chr. aanointed him before the LORD to be
28:9] bProv.
13 Now therefore, our God, 11:20 the leader, and Zadok to be priest.
We thank You 23 Then Solomon sat on the throne
And praise Your glorious name. of the LORD as king instead of
14 But who am I, and who are my 19 a[1 Chr. David his father, and prospered; and
28:9]; Ps. 72:1 all Israel obeyed him.
people, b1 Chr. 29:1, 2
That we should be able to offer 1Lit. palace 24 All the leaders and the mighty
so willingly as this? men, and also all the sons of King
For all things come from You, David, asubmitted1 themselves to
And 1of Your own we have 21 a1 Kin. 8:62, King Solomon.
63 25 So the LORD exalted Solomon
given You.
15 For awe are 1aliens and exceedingly in the sight of all Israel,
2pilgrims before You, 22 a1 Kin.
and abestowed on him such royal
As were all our fathers; 1:3235, 39; majesty as had not been on any
bOur days on earth are as a 1 Chr. 23:1 king before him in Israel.
shadow, The Close of Davids Reign
And without hope. 24 aEccl. 8:2
1Lit. gave the 26 Thus David the son of Jesse
16 O LORD our God, all this abun- hand reigned over all Israel.
dance that we have prepared to 27 aAnd the period that he reigned
build You a house for Your holy over Israel was forty years; bseven
25 a1 Kin. 3:13;
name is from Your hand, and is all 2 Chr. 1:12; years he reigned in Hebron, and
Your own. Eccl. 2:9 thirty-three years he reigned in
17 I know also, my God, that You Jerusalem.
atest the heart and bhave pleasure in 28 So he adied in a good old age,
uprightness. As for me, in the 27 a2 Sam. 5:4; bfull of days and riches and honor;
uprightness of my heart I have will- 1 Kin. 2:11 and Solomon his son reigned in his
b2 Sam. 5:5
ingly offered all these things; and place.
now with joy I have seen Your peo- 29 Now the acts of King David,
ple, who are present here to offer 28 aGen. 25:8 first and last, indeed they are writ-
willingly to You. b1 Chr. 23:1
ten in the 1book of Samuel the seer,
18 O LORD God of Abraham, in the book of Nathan the prophet,
Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, keep 29 1Lit. words
and in the book of Gad the seer,
this forever in the intent of the 30 with all his reign and his might,
thoughts of the heart of Your peo- aand the events that happened to
ple, and fix their heart toward You. 30 aDan. 2:21; him, to Israel, and to all the king-
19 And agive my son Solomon a 4:23, 25 doms of the lands.
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The Second Book of the


T HE Book of Second Chronicles parallels First and Second Kings but virtually
ignores the northern kingdom of Israel because of its false worship and refusal
to acknowledge the temple in Jerusalem. Chronicles focuses on those kings who
pattern their lives and reigns after the life and reign of godly King David. It gives
extended treatment to such zealous reformers as Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joash, Hez-
ekiah, and Josiah.
The temple and temple worship, central throughout the book, befit a nation
whose worship of God is central to its very survival. The book begins with Sol-
omons glorious temple and concludes with Cyruss edict to rebuild the temple
more than four hundred years later.

Solomon Requests Wisdom CHAPTER 1 honor or the life of your enemies, nor
have you asked long lifebut have
OW aSolomon the son of David
N was strengthened in his king-
dom, and bthe LORD his God was
1 a1 Kin. 2:46
bGen. 39:2
c1 Chr. 29:25
asked wisdom and knowledge for
yourself, that you may judge My peo-
ple over whom I have made you king
with him and cexalted him exceed- 12 wisdom and knowledge are
ingly. 2 a1 Chr.
granted to you; and I will give you
2 And Solomon spoke to all Is- 27:134
riches and wealth and honor, such
rael, to athe captains of thousands 3 a1 Kin. 3:4 as anone of the kings have had who
and of hundreds, to the judges, and bEx. 2527;
were before you, nor shall any after
to every leader in all Israel, the 35:436:38
you have the like.
heads of the fathers houses. 1Place for
3 Then Solomon, and all the
assembly with him, went to 1the 4 a2 Sam. Solomons Military and Economic
high place that was at aGibeon; for 6:217 Power
the tabernacle of meeting with God 13 So Solomon came to Jerusalem
was there, which Moses the servant 5 aEx. 27:1, 2;
of the LORD had bmade in the 38:1, 2 bEx. from 1the high place that was at
31:2 1Some Gibeon, from before the tabernacle
wilderness. authorities it of meeting, and reigned over Israel.
4 aBut David had brought up the was there
14 aAnd Solomon gathered chari-
ark of God from Kirjath Jearim to ots and horsemen; he had one thou-
6 a1 Kin. 3:4
the place David had prepared for it, sand four hundred chariots and
for he had pitched a tent for it at 7 a1 Kin. twelve thousand horsemen, whom
Jerusalem. 3:514; 9:2
he stationed in the chariot cities and
5 Now athe bronze altar that with the king in Jerusalem.
bBezalel the son of Uri, the son of 8 aPs. 18:50
Hur, had made, 1he put before the
b1 Chr. 28:5 15 aAlso the king made silver and
tabernacle of the LORD; Solomon gold as common in Jerusalem as
9 a2 Sam. stones, and he made cedars as
and the assembly sought Him there. 7:816 bGen.
abundant as the sycamores which
6 And Solomon went up there to 13:16
the bronze altar before the LORD, are in the lowland.
which was at the tabernacle of meet-
10 a1 Kin. 3:9
bDeut. 31:2
16 aAnd Solomon had horses im-
ing, and aoffered a thousand burnt ported from Egypt and Keveh; the
offerings on it. 11 a1 Kin. kings merchants bought them in
7 aOn that night God appeared to 3:1113 Keveh at the current price.
Solomon, and said to him, Ask! 17 They also acquired and imported
12 a2 Chr. 9:22 from Egypt a chariot for six hundred
What shall I give you?
8 And Solomon said to God: You 13 1Place for
shekels of silver, and a horse for one
have shown great amercy to David worship hundred and fifty; thus, 1through
my father, and have made me bking their agents, they exported them to
in his place. 14 a1 Kin. all the kings of the Hittites and the
10:26 kings of Syria.
9 Now, O LORD God, let Your
promise to David my father be 15 a2 Chr. 9:27 Solomon Prepares to Build the
established, afor You have made me Temple
king over a people like the bdust of 16 a1 Kin.
10:28; 22:36
the earth in multitude. Then Solomon adetermined to
10 aNow give me wisdom and
knowledge, that I may bgo out and
17 1Lit. by
their hands
2 build a temple for the name of
the LORD, and a royal house for
come in before this people; for who himself.
can judge this great people of CHAPTER 2 2 aSolomon selected seventy thou-
Yours? sand men to bear burdens, eighty
11 aThen God said to Solomon: Be- 1 a1 Kin. 5:5 thousand to quarry stone in the
cause this was in your heart, and you mountains, and three thousand six
have not asked riches or wealth or 2 a2 Chr. 2:18 hundred to oversee them.
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2 CHRONICLES 2:3 380

3 Then Solomon sent to 1Hiram 3 a1 Chr. 14:1 temple for the LORD and a
1Heb. Huram;
king of Tyre, saying: cf. 1 Kin. 5:1
royal house for himself!
13 And now I have sent a skillful
aAs you have dealt with David 4 a2 Chr. 2:1 man, endowed with
bEx. 30:7 cEx.
my father, and sent him cedars 25:30; Lev.
understanding, 1Huram my
to build himself a house to 2master craftsman
24:8 dEx.
dwell in, so deal with me. 29:3842
eNum. 28:3,
14 a(the son of a woman of the
4 Behold, aI am building a temple daughters of Dan, and his
911 1Lit.
for the name of the LORD my incense of father was a man of Tyre),
God, to dedicate it to Him, bto spices skilled to work in gold and
burn before Him 1sweet 2appointed silver, bronze and iron, stone
incense, for cthe continual 5 aPs. 135:5; and wood, purple and blue, fine
showbread, for dthe burnt [1 Cor. 8:5, 6] linen and crimson, and to make
offerings morning and evening, any engraving and to
6 a1 Kin. 8:27;
on the eSabbaths, on the New 2 Chr. 6:18; Is. accomplish any plan which
Moons, and on the 2set feasts of 66:1 may be given to him, with your
the LORD our God. This is an skillful men and with the
7 a1 Chr. 22:15 skillful men of my lord David
ordinance forever to Israel.
5 And the temple which I build 8 a1 Kin. 5:6 your father.
will be great, for aour God is 9 1Lit. house
15 Now therefore, the wheat, the
greater than all gods. barley, the oil, and the wine
6 aBut who is able to build Him a 10 a1 Kin. 5:11 which amy lord has spoken of,
temple, since heaven and the 11 a1 Kin. 10:9; let him send to his servants.
heaven of heavens cannot 2 Chr. 9:8 16 aAnd we will cut wood from
contain Him? Who am I then, 12 a1 Kin. 5:7
Lebanon, as much as you need;
that I should build Him a bGen. 1; 2; we will bring it to you in rafts
temple, except to burn sacrifice Acts 4:24; by sea to 1Joppa, and you will
before Him?
14:15; Rev. carry it up to Jerusalem.
10:6 1Heb.
7 Therefore send me at once a Huram; cf.
17 aThen Solomon numbered all
man skillful to work in gold 1 Kin. 5:1
the aliens who were in the land of
and silver, in bronze and iron, 13 1Hiram, Israel, after the census in which
in purple and crimson and 1 Kin. 7:13
2Lit. father,
bDavid his father had numbered
blue, who has skill to engrave 1 Kin. 7:13, 14 them; and there were found to be
with the skillful men who are one hundred and fifty-three thou-
with me in Judah and 14 a1 Kin. 7:13,
14 sand six hundred.
Jerusalem, awhom David my 18 And he made aseventy thousand
father provided. 15 a2 Chr. 2:10 of them bearers of burdens, eighty
8 aAlso send me cedar and 16 a1 Kin. 5:8, thousand stonecutters in the moun-
cypress and algum logs from 9 1Heb. Japho tain, and three thousand six hundred
Lebanon, for I know that your overseers to make the people work.
17 a1 Kin. 5:13;
servants have skill to cut 2 Chr. 8:7, 8
timber in Lebanon; and indeed b1 Chr. 22:2 Solomon Builds the Temple
my servants will be with your Now aSolomon began to build
9 to prepare timber for me in
18 a2 Chr. 2:2

3 the house of the LORD at bJerusa-
lem on Mount Moriah, where 1the
abundance, for the 1temple LORD had appeared to his father
which I am about to build shall David, at the place that David had
1 a1 Kin. 6:1
be great and wonderful. bGen. 22:214 prepared on the threshing floor of
10 aAnd indeed I will give to your c1 Chr. 21:18; cOrnan2 the Jebusite.
servants, the woodsmen who 22:1 1Lit. He,
2 And he began to build on the
cut timber, twenty thousand following MT,
Vg.; LXX the second day of the second month in
kors of ground wheat, twenty LORD; Tg. the the fourth year of his reign.
thousand kors of barley, twenty Angel of the 3 This is the foundation awhich
thousand baths of wine, and LORD 2Arau-
nah, 2 Sam. Solomon laid for building the house
twenty thousand baths of oil. 24:16 of God: The length was sixty cubits
3 a1 Kin. 6:2;
(by cubits according to the former
11 Then Hiram king of Tyre an- measure) and the width twenty
1 Chr.
swered in writing, which he sent to 28:1119 cubits.
Solomon: 4 And the avestibule that was in
4 a1 Kin. 6:3;
1 Chr. 28:11 front of 1the sanctuary was twenty
aBecause the LORD loves His 1The holy cubits long across the width of the
people, He has made you king place, the house, and the height was 2one hun-
over them. main room of dred and twenty. He overlaid the
the temple,
1 Kin. 6:3 2So inside with pure gold.
12 Hiram also said:
with MT, 5 aThe larger 1room he bpaneled
LXX, Vg.; with cypress which he overlaid with
aBlessed be the LORD God of Arab., some fine gold, and he carved palm trees
LXX mss.,
Israel, bwho made heaven and Syr. twenty and chainwork on it.
earth, for He has given King 6 And he decorated the house
David a wise son, endowed 5 a1 Kin. 6:17 with precious stones for beauty, and
b1 Kin. 6:15;
with prudence and Jer. 22:14 1Lit. the gold was gold from Parvaim.
understanding, who will build a house 7 He also overlaid the housethe
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381 2 CHRONICLES 4:22

beams and doorposts, its walls and 8 aEx. 26:33; upon them, and all their back parts
doorswith gold; and he carved 1 Kin. 6:16 pointed inward.
cherubim on the walls. 9 a1 Chr. 28:11 5 It was a handbreadth thick; and
8 And he made the aMost Holy 10 aEx. its brim was shaped like the brim of
Place. Its length was according to 25:1820; a cup, like a lily blossom. It con-
the width of the house, twenty 1 Kin. 6:2328 tained 1three thousand baths.
cubits, and its width twenty cubits. 14 aEx. 26:31; 6 He also made aten lavers, and
He overlaid it with six hundred tal- Matt. 27:51; put five on the right side and five on
ents of fine gold. Heb. 9:3 the left, to wash in them; such things
9 The weight of the nails was fifty 15 a1 Kin. as they offered for the burnt offering
shekels of gold; and he overlaid the 7:1520; Jer. they would wash in them, but the
52:21 1Lit. 1Sea was for the bpriests to wash in.
upper aarea with gold. house 2eigh-
10 aIn the Most Holy Place he made teen, 1 Kin. 7 aAnd he made ten lampstands of
two cherubim, fashioned by carv- 7:15; 2 Kin. gold baccording to their design, and
ing, and overlaid them with gold. 25:17; Jer. set them in the temple, five on the
52:21 3Lit.
11 The wings of the cherubim were long right side and five on the left.
twenty cubits in overall length: one 8 aHe also made ten tables, and
wing of the one cherub was five 16 a1 Kin. 7:20
placed them in the temple, five on
cubits, touching the wall of the 17 a1 Kin. 7:21
1Lit. He Shall
the right side and five on the left.
room, and the other wing was five Establish 2Lit.
And he made one hundred bbowls of
cubits, touching the wing of the In It Is gold.
other cherub; Strength 9 Furthermore ahe made the court
12 one wing of the other cherub of the priests, and the bgreat court
was five cubits, touching the wall of CHAPTER 4 and doors for the court; and he
the room, and the other wing also overlaid these doors with bronze.
was five cubits, touching the wing 1 aEx. 27:1, 2; 10 aHe set the Sea on the right side,
of the other cherub. 2 Kin. 16:14; toward the southeast.
Ezek. 43:13,
13 The wings of these cherubim 16 11 Then aHuram made the pots and
spanned twenty cubits overall. They the shovels and the bowls. So
stood on their feet, and they faced 2 aEx.
30:1721; Huram finished doing the work that
inward. 1 Kin. 7:2326 he was to do for King Solomon for
14 And he made the aveil of blue, 1Great laver
the house of God:
purple, crimson, and fine linen, and or basin 12 the two pillars and athe bowl-
wove cherubim into it. 3 a1 Kin. shaped capitals that were on top of
15 Also he made in front of the 7:2426 the two pillars; the two networks
1temple atwo pillars 2thirty-five
4 a1 Kin. 7:25 covering the two bowl-shaped capi-
cubits 3high, and the capital that 5 1About 8,000 tals which were on top of the pillars;
was on the top of each of them was gallons; two 13 afour hundred pomegranates for
five cubits. thousand, the two networks (two rows of
16 He made wreaths of chainwork, 1 Kin. 7:26 pomegranates for each network, to
as in the inner sanctuary, and put 6 a1 Kin. 7:38, cover the two bowl-shaped capitals
them on top of the pillars; and he 40 bEx. that were on the pillars);
made aone hundred pomegranates, 30:1921
1Great basin 14 he also made acarts and the
and put them on the wreaths of lavers on the carts;
chainwork. 7 a1 Kin. 7:49
bEx. 25:31; 15 one Sea and twelve oxen under
17 Then he aset up the pillars be- 1 Chr. 28:12, it;
fore the temple, one on the right 19 16 also the pots, the shovels, the
hand and the other on the left; he forksand all their articles aHuram
8 a1 Kin. 7:48
called the name of the one on the b1 Chr. 28:17 his 1master craftsman made of bur-
right hand 1Jachin, and the name of nished bronze for King Solomon for
the one on the left 2Boaz. 9 a1 Kin. 6:36
b2 Kin. 21:5 the house of the LORD.
Furnishings of the Temple 10 a1 Kin. 7:39
17 In the plain of Jordan the king
had them cast in clay molds,
Moreover he made aa bronze 11 a1 Kin. between Succoth and 1Zeredah.
4 altar: twenty cubits was its
length, twenty cubits its width, and
12 a1 Kin. 7:41
18 aAnd Solomon had all these arti-
cles made in such great abundance
ten cubits its height. 13 a1 Kin. 7:20 that the weight of the bronze was not
2 aThen he made the 1Sea of cast 14 a1 Kin. 7:27,
bronze, ten cubits from one brim to 43 19 Thus aSolomon had all the fur-
the other; it was completely round. Its 16 a1 Kin. 7:45;
nishings made for the house of God:
height was five cubits, and a line of 2 Chr. 2:13 the altar of gold and the tables on
thirty cubits measured its circumfer- 1Lit. father which was bthe showbread;
ence. 17 1Zaretan,
20 the lampstands with their lamps
3 aAnd under it was the likeness 1 Kin. 7:46 of pure gold, to burn ain the pre-
of oxen encircling it all around, ten 18 a1 Kin. 7:47
scribed manner in front of the inner
to a cubit, all the way around the sanctuary,
Sea. The oxen were cast in two 19 a1 Kin. 21 with athe flowers and the lamps
7:4850 bEx.
rows, when it was cast. 25:30 and the wick-trimmers of gold, of
4 It stood on twelve aoxen: three purest gold;
looking toward the north, three look- 20 aEx. 27:20, 22 the trimmers, the bowls, the
ing toward the west, three looking ladles, and the censers of pure gold.
toward the south, and three looking 21 aEx. 25:31 As for the entry of the 1sanctuary,
toward the east; the Sea was set 22 1Lit. house its inner doors to the Most Holy
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2 CHRONICLES 5:1 382

Place, and the doors of the main CHAPTER 5 to make one sound to be heard in
hall of the temple, were gold. praising and thanking the LORD,
So aall the work that Solomon and when they lifted up their voice
5 had done for the house of the
LORD was finished; and Solomon
1 a1 Kin. 7:51
2 a1 Kin.
with the trumpets and cymbals and
instruments of music, and praised
8:19; Ps. 47:9
brought in the things which his b2 Sam. 6:12 the LORD, saying:
father David had dedicated: the sil- aFor He is good,
3 a1 Kin. 8:2
ver and the gold and all the furnish- bLev. 23:34;
For His mercy endures
ings. And he put them in the trea- 2 Chr. 7:810 forever,
suries of the house of God.
4 a1 Chr. 15:2,
15 that the house, the house of the
The Ark Brought into the Temple LORD, was filled with a cloud,
2 aNow Solomon assembled the 7 a2 Chr. 4:20
1Lit. house
14 so that the priests could not
1continue ministering because of
elders of Israel and all the heads of
the tribes, the chief fathers of the 9 aEx. the cloud; afor the glory of the LORD
children of Israel, in Jerusalem, that 25:1315 1Lit. filled the house of God.
it is Then aSolomon spoke:
they might bring the ark of the
covenant of the LORD up bfrom the 10 aEx. 25:16; 6 The L ORD said He would dwell
City of David, which is Zion. Deut. 10:2, 5;
3 aTherefore all the men of Israel 2 Chr. 6:11; in the bdark cloud.
Heb. 9:4 1Or 2 I have surely built You an
assembled with the king bat the where
feast, which was in the seventh exalted house,
month. 11 a1 Chr. And aa place for You to dwell in
24:15 1conse- forever.
4 So all the elders of Israel came, crated
and the aLevites took up the ark. Solomons Speech upon
5 Then they brought up the ark, 12 aEx. 32:26;
Completion of the Work
the tabernacle of meeting, and all 1 Chr. 25:17
b1 Chr. 13:8;
the holy furnishings that were in the 15:16, 24 3 Then the king turned around
tabernacle. The priests and the and ablessed the whole assembly of
Levites brought them up. 13 a1 Chr. Israel, while all the assembly of
16:34, 41;
6 Also King Solomon, and all the 2 Chr. 7:3; Israel was standing.
congregation of Israel who were Ezra 3:11; Ps. 4 And he said: Blessed be the
assembled with him before the ark, 100:5; 106:1; LORD God of Israel, who has ful-
were sacrificing sheep and oxen 136; Jer. 33:11 filled with His hands what He spoke
that could not be counted or num- 14 aEx. 40:35; with His mouth to my father David,
bered for multitude. 1 Kin. 8:11; asaying,
7 Then the priests brought in the 2 Chr. 7:2; 5 Since the day that I brought My
Ezek. 43:5 people out of the land of Egypt, I
ark of the covenant of the LORD to 1Lit. stand to
its place, into the ainner sanctuary of minister have chosen no city from any tribe
the 1temple, to the Most Holy Place, of Israel in which to build a house,
under the wings of the cherubim. CHAPTER 6
that My name might be there, nor
8 For the cherubim spread their did I choose any man to be a ruler
wings over the place of the ark, and over My people Israel.
1 aEx. 19:9; 6 aYet I have chosen Jerusalem,
the cherubim overshadowed the ark 20:21; 1 Kin.
and its poles. 8:1221 b[Lev. that My name may be there, and I
bhave chosen David to be over My
9 The poles extended so that the 16:2]; Ps. 97:2
ends of the apoles of the ark could people Israel.
2 a2 Sam. 7:13;
be seen from the holy place, in front 1 Chr. 17:12; 7 Now ait was in the heart of my
of the inner sanctuary; but they 2 Chr. 7:12 father David to build a 1temple for
could not be seen from outside. And the name of the LORD God of Israel.
1they are there to this day. 3 a2 Sam. 6:18 8 But the LORD said to my father
10 Nothing was in the ark except 4 a1 Chr. 17:5 David, Whereas it was in your heart
the two tablets which Moses aput to build a temple for My name, you
6 aDeut. did well in that it was in your heart.
there at Horeb, 1when the LORD 12:57; 2 Chr.
made a covenant with the children 12:13; Zech. 9 Nevertheless you shall not
of Israel, when they had come out of 2:12 b1 Sam. build the temple, but your son who
Egypt. 16:713; will come from your body, he shall
1 Chr. 28:4 build the temple for My aname.
11 And it came to pass when the
priests came out of the Most Holy 7 a2 Sam. 7:2; 10 So the LORD has fulfilled His
Place (for all the priests who were 1 Chr. 17:1; word which He spoke, and I have
present had 1sanctified themselves, 28:2; Ps. filled the position of my father
132:15 1Lit. David, and asit on the throne of
without keeping to their adivisions), house, and so
12 aand the Levites who were the in vv. 810 Israel, as the LORD promised; and I
singers, all those of Asaph and have built the temple for the name
9 a1 Chr. of the LORD God of Israel.
Heman and Jeduthun, with their 28:36
sons and their brethren, stood at the 11 And there I have put the ark, ain
east end of the altar, clothed in white 10 a1 Kin. 2:12; which is the covenant of the LORD
linen, having cymbals, stringed 10:9 which He made with the children of
instruments and harps, band with 11 a2 Chr.
them one hundred and twenty 5:710
Solomons Prayer of Dedication
priests sounding with trumpets 12 a1 Kin. 8:22;
13 indeed it came to pass, when the 2 Chr. 7:79 12 aThen 1Solomon stood before the
trumpeters and singers were as one, 1Lit. he altar of the LORD in the presence of
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383 2 CHRONICLES 6:37

all the assembly of Israel, and 14 a[Ex. 15:11; which You gave to them and their
spread out his hands Deut. 4:39] fathers.
b[Deut. 7:9]
13 (for Solomon had made a 26 When the aheavens are shut up
bronze platform five cubits long, and there is no rain because they
five cubits wide, and three cubits 15 a1 Chr. 22:9, have sinned against You, when they
high, and had set it in the midst of 10 pray toward this place and confess
the court; and he stood on it, knelt Your name, and turn from their sin
down on his knees before all the because You afflict them,
assembly of Israel, and spread out 16 a2 Sam. 27 then hear in heaven, and for-
his hands toward heaven); 7:12, 16; give the sin of Your servants, Your
14 and he said: LORD God of 1 Kin. 2:4; people Israel, that You may teach
6:12; 2 Chr.
Israel, athere is no God in heaven or 7:18 bPs. them the good way in which they
on earth like You, who keep Your 132:12 should walk; and send rain on Your
bcovenant and mercy with Your ser- land which You have given to Your
vants who walk before You with all people as an inheritance.
their hearts. 18 a[2 Chr. 2:6; 28 When there ais famine in the
15 aYou have kept what You prom- Is. 66:1; Acts land, pestilence or blight or mildew,
ised Your servant David my father; 7:49] 1Lit. locusts or grasshoppers; when their
You have both spoken with Your enemies besiege them in the land of
mouth and fulfilled it with Your their cities; whatever plague or
hand, as it is this day. 20 a2 Chr. 7:15
whatever bsickness there is;
16 Therefore, LORD God of Israel, bPs. 5:7; Dan. 29 whatever prayer, whatever sup-
now keep what You promised Your 6:10 plication is made by anyone, or by
servant David my father, saying, all Your people Israel, when each
aYou shall not fail to have a man sit one knows his own burden and his
before Me on the throne of Israel, 21 a[Is. 43:25; own grief, and spreads out his
bonly if your sons take heed to their 44:22; Mic. hands to this temple:
way, that they walk in My law as 30 then hear from heaven Your
you have walked before Me. dwelling place, and forgive, and
17 And now, O LORD God of Israel, 22 aEx. 22:811
give to everyone according to all his
let Your word come true, which You ways, whose heart You know (for
have spoken to Your servant David. You alone aknow the bhearts of the
18 But will God indeed dwell with 23 a[Job 34:11]
sons of men),
men on the earth? aBehold, heaven 31 that they may fear You, to walk
and the heaven of heavens cannot in Your ways as long as they live in
contain You. How much less this 24 a2 Kin.
the land which You gave to our
1temple which I have built! fathers.
21:14, 15
19 Yet regard the prayer of Your 32 Moreover, concerning a for-
servant and his supplication, O eigner, awho is not of Your people
LORD my God, and listen to the cry 26 aDeut. Israel, but has come from a far
and the prayer which Your servant is 28:23, 24; country for the sake of Your great
praying before You: 1 Kin. 17:1 name and Your mighty hand and
20 that Your eyes may be aopen Your outstretched arm, when they
toward this temple day and night, come and pray in this temple;
toward the place where You said 28 a2 Chr. 20:9
b[Mic. 6:13]
33 then hear from heaven Your
You would put Your name, that You dwelling place, and do according to
may hear the prayer which Your ser- all for which the foreigner calls to
vant makes btoward this place. 30 a[1 Chr.
You, that all peoples of the earth
21 And may You hear the supplica- 28:9; Prov. may know Your name and fear You,
tions of Your servant and of Your 21:2; 24:12] as do Your people Israel, and that
people Israel, when they pray b[1 Sam. 16:7]
they may know that 1this temple
toward this place. Hear from heaven which I have built is called by Your
Your dwelling place, and when You name.
hear, aforgive. 32 aJohn 12:20; 34 When Your people go out to
22 If anyone sins against his Acts 8:27 battle against their enemies, wher-
neighbor, and is forced to take an ever You send them, and when they
aoath, and comes and takes an oath pray to You toward this city which
before Your altar in this temple, 33 1Lit. Your You have chosen and the temple
name is called
23 then hear from heaven, and act, upon this which I have built for Your name,
and judge Your servants, bringing house 35 then hear from heaven their
retribution on the wicked by bring- prayer and their supplication, and
ing his way on his own head, and maintain their cause.
justifying the righteous by giving 36 aProv. 20:9; 36 When they sin against You (for
him according to his arighteousness. Eccl. 7:20; there is ano one who does not sin),
[Rom. 3:9, 19;
24 Or if Your people Israel are 5:12; Gal. and You become angry with them
defeated before an aenemy because 3:10]; James and deliver them to the enemy, and
they have sinned against You, and 3:2; 1 John 1:8
they take them bcaptive to a land far
return and confess Your name, and 28:6368
or near;
pray and make supplication before 37 yet when they 1come to them-
You in this temple, selves in the land where they were
25 then hear from heaven and for- 37 1Lit. bring
carried captive, and repent, and
give the sin of Your people Israel, back to their make supplication to You in the land
and bring them back to the land hearts of their captivity, saying, We have
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2 CHRONICLES 6:38 384

sinned, we have done wrong, and 38 aDan. 6:10 7 Furthermore aSolomon conse-
have committed wickedness; 40 a2 Chr. 6:20 crated the middle of the court that
38 and when they return to You was in front of the house of the
41 aPs.
with all their heart and with all their 132:810, 16 LORD; for there he offered burnt
soul in the land of their captivity, b1 Chr. 28:2 offerings and the fat of the peace
where they have been carried cap- cNeh. 9:25 offerings, because the bronze altar
tive, and pray toward their land 42 a2 Sam. which Solomon had made was not
which You gave to their fathers, the 7:15; Ps. able to receive the burnt offerings,
acity which You have chosen, and 89:49; 132:1, the grain offerings, and the fat.
toward the temple which I have 810; Is. 55:3 8 aAt that time Solomon kept the
built for Your name: feast seven days, and all Israel with
39 then hear from heaven Your CHAPTER 7 him, a very great assembly bfrom
dwelling place their prayer and the entrance of Hamath to cthe1
their supplications, and maintain 1 a1 Kin. 8:54 Brook of Egypt.
bLev. 9:24;
their cause, and forgive Your people Judg. 6:21;
9 And on the eighth day they held
who have sinned against You. 1 Kin. 18:38; a asacred assembly, for they ob-
40 Now, my God, I pray, let Your 1 Chr. 21:26 served the dedication of the altar
c1 Kin. 8:10,
eyes be aopen and let Your ears be 11 1Lit. house
seven days, and the feast seven days.
attentive to the prayer made in this 10 aOn the twenty-third day of the
place. 2 a2 Chr. 5:14 seventh month he sent the people
3 a2 Chr. 5:13; away to their tents, joyful and glad
41 Nowa therefore, Ps. 106:1; of heart for the good that the LORD
Arise, O LORD God, to Your 136:1 b1 Chr. had done for David, for Solomon,
bresting place, 16:41; 2 Chr. and for His people Israel.
You and the ark of Your 11 Thus aSolomon finished the
strength. 4 a1 Kin. 8:62, house of the LORD and the kings
63 house; and Solomon successfully
Let Your priests, O LORD God,
be clothed with salvation, 6 a1 Chr. 15:16 accomplished all that came into his
And let Your saints crejoice in b2 Chr. 5:12
1Lit. hand
heart to make in the house of the
goodness. LORD and in his own house.
7 a1 Kin.
42 O LORD God, do not turn away 8:6466; 9:3 Gods Second Appearance to
the face of Your Anointed; 8 a1 Kin. 8:65 Solomon
aRemember the mercies of Your b1 Kin. 4:21,

servant David. 24; 2 Kin. 12 Then the LORD aappeared to

14:25 cJosh. Solomon by night, and said to him:
13:3 1The Shi- I have heard your prayer, band have
Solomon Dedicates the Temple hor, 1 Chr.
13:5 chosen this cplace for Myself as a
When aSolomon had finished
7 praying, bfire came down from
heaven and consumed the burnt
9 aLev. 23:36
house of sacrifice.
13 aWhen I shut up heaven and
there is no rain, or command the
10 a1 Kin. 8:66
offering and the sacrifices; and cthe locusts to devour the land, or send
glory of the LORD filled the 1temple. 11 a1 Kin. 9:1
pestilence among My people,
2 aAnd the priests could not enter 12 a1 Kin. 3:5; 14 if My people who are acalled by
the house of the LORD, because the 11:9 bDeut. My name will bhumble themselves,
glory of the LORD had filled the 12:5, 11
c2 Chr. 6:20 and pray and seek My face, and turn
LORDs house. from their wicked ways, cthen I will
3 When all the children of Israel 13 aDeut. hear from heaven, and will forgive
28:23, 24;
saw how the fire came down, and 1 Kin. 17:1; their sin and heal their land.
the glory of the LORD on the temple, 2 Chr. 6:2628 15 Now aMy eyes will be open and
they bowed their faces to the ground 14 aDeut.
My ears attentive to prayer made in
on the pavement, and worshiped 28:10; [Is. this place.
and praised the LORD, saying: 43:7] b2 Chr. 16 For now aI have chosen and
12:6, 7; 1sanctified this house, that My name
a For He is good, [James 4:10]
c2 Chr. 6:27, may be there forever; and 2My eyes
b For His mercy endures forever. 30 and 3My heart will be there perpetu-
4 aThen the king and all the peo- 15 a2 Chr. 6:20,
40 17 aAs for you, if you walk before
ple offered sacrifices before the Me as your father David walked,
LORD. 16 a1 Kin. 9:3; and do according to all that I have
5 King Solomon offered a sacri- 2 Chr. 6:6 1set
apart 2My commanded you, and if you keep
fice of twenty-two thousand bulls attention 3My My statutes and My judgments,
and one hundred and twenty thou- concern 18 then I will establish the throne
sand sheep. So the king and all the 17 a1 Kin. 9:4 of your kingdom, as I covenanted
people dedicated the house of God. with David your father, saying,
6 aAnd the priests attended to 18 a2 Sam. aYou shall not fail to have a man as
their services; the Levites also with 1 Kin. 2:4; ruler in Israel.
instruments of the music of the 2 Chr. 6:16 19 aBut if you turn away and for-
LORD, which King David had made 19 aLev. 26:14,
sake My statutes and My command-
to praise the LORD, saying, For His 33; [Deut. ments which I have set before you,
mercy endures forever, whenever 28:15, 36] and go and serve other gods, and
David offered praise by their 1min- 20 aDeut.
worship them,
istry. bThe priests sounded trumpets 28:6368; 20 athen I will uproot them from
opposite them, while all Israel stood. 2 Kin. 25:17 My land which I have given them;
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385 2 CHRONICLES 9:7

and this house which I have 1sancti- 20 bPs. 44:14 13 according to the adaily rate, offer-
1set apart
fied for My name I will cast out of ing according to the commandment
My sight, and will make it a proverb of Moses, for the Sabbaths, the New
21 a2 Kin. 25:9
and a bbyword among all peoples. b2 Chr. 29:8 Moons, and the bthree appointed
21 And as for athis 1house, which c[Deut. 29:24, yearly cfeaststhe Feast of Unleav-
2is exalted, everyone who passes by 25; Jer. 22:8, ened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and
it will be bastonished and say, cWhy 9] 1Temple the Feast of Tabernacles.
2Or was
has the LORD done thus to this land 14 And, according to the 1order of
and this house? David his father, he appointed the
22 Then they will answer, Be- CHAPTER 8
adivisions of the priests for their
cause they forsook the LORD God service, bthe Levites for their duties
of their fathers, who brought them (to praise and serve before the
out of the land of Egypt, and 1 a1 Kin. priests) as the duty of each day
embraced other gods, and wor- b1 Kin. required, and the cgatekeepers by
shiped them and served them; 6:387:1 their divisions at each gate; for so
therefore He has brought all this David the man of God had com-
calamity on them. 2 1Heb. manded.
Huram, 2 Chr. 15 They did not depart from the
Solomons Additional 2:3 command of the king to the priests
Achievements and Levites concerning any matter
4 a1 Kin. 9:17,
It acame to pass at the end of or concerning the atreasuries.
8 btwenty years, when Solomon
had built the house of the LORD and
18 b1 Chr.
18:3, 9 16 Now all the work of Solomon
was well-ordered 1from the day of
his own house, 5 a1 Chr. 7:24 the foundation of the house of the
2 that the cities which 1Hiram had LORD until it was finished. So the
given to Solomon, Solomon built 6 a2 Chr. 7:11 house of the LORD was completed.
them; and he settled the children of 17 Then Solomon went to aEzion
Israel there. 7 aGen. Geber and 1Elath on the seacoast, in
3 And Solomon went to Hamath 15:1821; the land of Edom.
1 Kin. 9:20 18 aAnd Hiram sent him ships by
Zobah and seized it.
4 aHe also built Tadmor in the the hand of his servants, and ser-
9 1slaves
wilderness, and all the storage cities vants who knew the sea. They went
which he built in bHamath. 10 a1 Kin. 9:23
with the servants of Solomon to
bOphir, and acquired four hundred
5 He built Upper Beth Horon and
aLower Beth Horon, fortified cities
11 a1 Kin. 3:1;
and fifty talents of gold from there,
with walls, gates, and bars, 7:8; 9:24; 11:1 and brought it to King Solomon.
6 also Baalath and all the storage The Queen of Shebas Praise of
cities that Solomon had, and all the 13 aEx.
chariot cities and the cities of the 29:3842;
Num. 28:3, 9,
cavalry, and all that Solomon ade- Now awhen the queen of Sheba
sired to build in Jerusalem, in
Lebanon, and in all the land of his
11, 26; 29:1
bEx. 23:1417;
34:22, 23;
9 heard of the fame of Solomon,
she came to Jerusalem to test
dominion. Deut. 16:16 Solomon with hard questions, hav-
cLev. 23:144
7 aAll the people who were left of ing a very great retinue, camels that
the Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, 14 a1 Chr. 24:3
bore spices, gold in abundance, and
Hivites, and Jebusites, who were not b1 Chr. 25:1 precious stones; and when she came
of Israel c1 Chr. 9:17; to Solomon, she spoke with him
8 that is, their descendants who 26:1 1ordi- about all that was in her heart.
were left in the land after them, 2 So Solomon answered all her
whom the children of Israel did not 15 a1 Chr.
questions; there was nothing so dif-
destroyfrom these Solomon raised 26:2028 ficult for Solomon that he could not
forced labor, as it is to this day. explain it to her.
9 But Solomon did not make the 16 1So with 3 And when the queen of Sheba
children of Israel 1servants for his LXX, Syr., had seen the wisdom of Solomon,
work. Some were men of war, cap- Vg.; MT as far the house that he had built,
tains of his officers, captains of his as 4 the food on his table, the seating
chariots, and his cavalry. of his servants, the service of his
17 a1 Kin. 9:26;
10 And others were chiefs of the 2 Chr. 20:36 waiters and their apparel, his acup-
officials of King Solomon: atwo hun- 1Heb. Eloth, bearers and their apparel, and his
dred and fifty, who ruled over the 2 Kin. 14:22 entryway by which he went up to
people. the house of the LORD, there was no
11 Now Solomon abrought the 18 a1 Kin. 9:27; more spirit in her.
daughter of Pharaoh up from the 2 Chr. 9:10, 13 5 Then she said to the king: It
b1 Chr. 29:4
City of David to the house he had was a true report which I heard in
built for her, for he said, My wife my own land about your words and
shall not dwell in the house of David CHAPTER 9 your wisdom.
king of Israel, because the places to 6 However I did not believe their
which the ark of the LORD has come words until I came and saw with my
are holy. 1 a1 Kin. 10:1; own eyes; and indeed the half of the
Ps. 72:10;
12 Then Solomon offered burnt [Matt. 12:42; greatness of your wisdom was not
offerings to the LORD on the altar of Luke 11:31] told me. You exceed the fame of
the LORD which he had built before which I heard.
the vestibule, 4 aNeh. 1:11 7 Happy are your men and happy
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2 CHRONICLES 9:8 386

are these your servants, who stand 8 aDeut. 7:8; aTarshish with the servants of
continually before you and hear 2 Chr. 2:11; 1Hiram. Once every three years the
[Ps. 44:3]
your wisdom! 2merchant ships came, bringing gold,
8 Blessed be the LORD your God, silver, ivory, apes, and 3monkeys.
who delighted in you, setting you on 10 a2 Chr. 8:18 22 So King Solomon surpassed all
1almug, 1 Kin.
His throne to be king for the LORD 10:11, 12
the kings of the earth in riches and
your God! Because your God has wisdom.
aloved Israel, to establish them for- 23 And all the kings of the earth
ever, therefore He made you king 11 1almug, sought the presence of Solomon to
over them, to do justice and righ- 1 Kin. 10:11, hear his wisdom, which God had
teousness. put in his heart.
9 And she gave the king one hun- 24 Each man brought his present:
dred and twenty talents of gold, 13 a1 Kin. articles of silver and gold, garments,
spices in great abundance, and pre- 10:1429 aarmor, spices, horses, and mules, at
cious stones; there never were any a set rate year by year.
spices such as those the queen of 16 a1 Kin. 7:2 25 Solomon ahad four thousand
Sheba gave to King Solomon. 1three minas, stalls for horses and chariots, and
10 Also, the servants of Hiram and 1 Kin. 10:17 twelve thousand horsemen whom he
the servants of Solomon, awho stationed in the chariot cities and
brought gold from Ophir, brought 18 1Lit. hands with the king at Jerusalem.
1algum wood and precious stones. 26 aSo he reigned over all the kings
11 And the king made walkways of 21 a2 Chr.
bfrom 1the River to the land of the
the 1algum wood for the house of 20:36, 37; Ps. Philistines, as far as the border of
the LORD and for the kings house, 72:10 1Heb. Egypt.
also harps and stringed instruments Huram; cf. 27 aThe king made silver as com-
for singers; and there were none 1 Kin. 10:22
2Lit. ships of
mon in Jerusalem as stones, and he
such as these seen before in the Tarshish, made cedar trees bas abundant as the
land of Judah. deep-sea ves- sycamores which are in the lowland.
12 Now King Solomon gave to the sels 3Or pea- 28 aAnd they brought horses to
queen of Sheba all she desired, cocks Solomon from Egypt and from all
whatever she asked, much more lands.
than she had brought to the king. So 24 a1 Kin.
she turned and went to her own 20:11 Death of Solomon
country, she and her servants. 29 aNow the rest of the acts of Sol-
25 aDeut. omon, first and last, are they not
Solomons Great Wealth 17:16; 1 Kin. written in the book of Nathan the
4:26; 10:26; prophet, in the prophecy of bAhijah
13 aThe weight of gold that came to 2 Chr. 1:14; Is.
Solomon yearly was six hundred 2:7 the Shilonite, and in the visions of
cIddo the seer concerning Jeroboam
and sixty-six talents of gold,
14 besides what the traveling mer- the son of Nebat?
26 a1 Kin. 4:21 30 aSolomon reigned in Jerusalem
chants and traders brought. And all bGen. 15:18;
the kings of Arabia and governors Ps. 72:8 1The over all Israel forty years.
of the country brought gold and sil- Euphrates 31 Then Solomon 1rested with his
ver to Solomon. fathers, and was buried in the City
15 And King Solomon made two 27 a1 Kin.
of David his father. And Rehoboam
hundred large shields of hammered 10:27 b2 Chr. his son reigned in his place.
gold; six hundred shekels of ham- 1:1517
The Revolt Against Rehoboam
mered gold went into each shield.
16 He also made three hundred And aRehoboam went to
shields of hammered gold; 1three
hundred shekels of gold went into
28 a1 Kin.
10:28; 2 Chr.
10 Shechem, for all Israel had
gone to Shechem to make him king.
each shield. The king put them in 2 So it happened, when Jeroboam
the aHouse of the Forest of Lebanon. 29 a1 Kin. the son of Nebat heard it (he was in
17 Moreover the king made a great 11:41 b1 Kin. Egypt, awhere he had fled from the
throne of ivory, and overlaid it with 11:29 c2 Chr. presence of King Solomon), that
pure gold. 12:15; 13:22
Jeroboam returned from Egypt.
18 The throne had six steps, with a 3 Then they sent for him and
footstool of gold, which were fas- 30 a1 Kin. 4:21; called him. And Jeroboam and all
tened to the throne; there were 11:42, 43; Israel came and spoke to Reho-
1armrests on either side of the place 1 Chr. 29:28 boam, saying,
of the seat, and two lions stood 4 Your father made our yoke
beside the armrests. 31 1Died and heavy; now therefore, lighten the
19 Twelve lions stood there, one on joined his burdensome service of your father
each side of the six steps; nothing ancestors and his heavy yoke which he put on
like this had been made for any us, and we will serve you.
other kingdom. 5 So he said to them, Come back
20 All King Solomons drinking CHAPTER 10 to me after three days. And the
vessels were gold, and all the ves- people departed.
sels of the House of the Forest of 6 Then King Rehoboam consulted
Lebanon were pure gold. Not one 1 a1 Kin. the elders who stood before his
was silver, for this was accounted as 12:120
father Solomon while he still lived,
nothing in the days of Solomon. saying, How do you advise me to
21 For the kings ships went to 2 a1 Kin. 11:40 answer these people?
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387 2 CHRONICLES 11:18

7 And they spoke to him, saying, 8 a1 Kin. Now awhen Rehoboam came
If you are kind to these people, and
please them, and speak good words
12:811 11 to Jerusalem, he assembled
from the house of Judah and Ben-
to them, they will be your servants jamin one hundred and eighty thou-
forever. 11 1Scourges sand chosen men who were war-
8 aBut he rejected the advice with points or riors, to fight against Israel, that he
which the elders had given him, and barbs, lit. might restore the kingdom to
consulted the young men who had Rehoboam.
grown up with him, who stood 2 But the word of the LORD came
before him. ato Shemaiah the man of God, saying,
9 And he said to them, What 12 a1 Kin. 3 Speak to Rehoboam the son of
advice do you give? How should we 12:1214 Solomon, king of Judah, and to all
answer this people who have spo- Israel in Judah and Benjamin, say-
ken to me, saying, Lighten the yoke ing,
which your father put on us? 4 Thus says the LORD: You shall
14 1So with
10 Then the young men who had many Heb. not go up or fight against your
grown up with him spoke to him, mss., LXX, brethren! Let every man return
saying, Thus you should speak to Syr., Vg. (cf. v. to his house, for this thing is from
the people who have spoken to you, 10; 1 Kin. Me. Therefore they obeyed the
12:14); MT I
saying, Your father made our yoke 2Lit. scor- words of the LORD, and turned back
heavy, but you make it lighter on pions from attacking Jeroboam.
usthus you shall say to them: My
little finger shall be thicker than my Rehoboam Fortifies the Cities
fathers waist! 5 So Rehoboam dwelt in Jerusa-
11 And now, whereas my father put 15 aJudg. 14:4;
1 Chr. 5:22; lem, and built cities for defense in
a heavy yoke on you, I will add to 2 Chr. 11:4; Judah.
your yoke; my father chastised you 22:7 b1 Kin. 6 And he built Bethlehem, Etam,
with whips, but I will chastise you 11:2939
with 1scourges! 7 Beth Zur, Sochoh, Adullam,
12 So aJeroboam and all the people 8 Gath, Mareshah, Ziph,
came to Rehoboam on the third day, 19 a1 Kin. 9 Adoraim, Lachish, Azekah,
as the king had directed, saying, 12:19 10 Zorah, Aijalon, and Hebron,
Come back to me the third day. which are in Judah and Benjamin,
13 Then the king answered them fortified cities.
roughly. King Rehoboam rejected 11 And he fortified the strong-
the advice of the elders, CHAPTER 11 holds, and put captains in them, and
14 and he spoke to them according stores of food, oil, and wine.
to the advice of the young men, say- 12 Also in every city he put shields
ing, 1My father made your yoke and spears, and made them very
heavy, but I will add to it; my father strong, having Judah and Benjamin
chastised you with whips, but I will 1 a1 Kin.
12:2124 on his side.
chastise you with 2scourges!
15 So the king did not listen to the Priests and Levites Move to Judah
people; afor the turn of events was
from God, that the LORD might ful- 2 a1 Chr. 12:5;
13 And from all their territories the
fill His bword, which He had spoken 2 Chr. 12:15 priests and the Levites who were in
by the hand of Ahijah the Shilonite all Israel took their stand with him.
to Jeroboam the son of Nebat. 14 For the Levites left atheir com-
16 Now when all Israel saw that mon-lands and their possessions
the king did not listen to them, the
14 aNum. and came to Judah and Jerusalem,
35:25 b1 Kin. for bJeroboam and his sons had
people answered the king, saying: 12:2833;
rejected them from serving as
2 Chr. 13:9
What share have we in David? priests to the LORD.
We have no inheritance in the 15 aThen he appointed for himself
son of Jesse. priests for the 1high places, for bthe
Every man to your tents, 15 a1 Kin. demons, and cthe calf idols which he
12:31; 13:33; had made.
O Israel! 14:9; [Hos.
Now see to your own house, 13:2] b[Lev. 16 aAnd 1after the Levites left,
O David! 17:7; 1 Cor. those from all the tribes of Israel,
10:20] c1 Kin. such as set their heart to seek the
12:28 1Places LORD God of Israel, bcame to Jeru-
So all Israel departed to their tents. for pagan
17 But Rehoboam reigned over the worship salem to sacrifice to the LORD God
children of Israel who dwelt in the of their fathers.
cities of Judah. 17 So they astrengthened the king-
18 Then King Rehoboam sent Hado- dom of Judah, and made Rehoboam
16 a2 Chr. 14:7 the son of Solomon strong for three
ram, who was in charge of revenue; b2 Chr. 15:9,
but the children of Israel stoned him 10; 30:11, 18 years, because they walked in the
with stones, and he died. Therefore 1Lit. after way of David and Solomon for three
King Rehoboam mounted his chariot them years.
in haste to flee to Jerusalem. The Family of Rehoboam
19 aSo Israel has been in rebellion
against the house of David to this 17 a2 Chr. 12:1, 18 Then Rehoboam took for himself
day. 13 as wife Mahalath the daughter of
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2 CHRONICLES 11:19 388

Jerimoth the son of David, and of 18 a1 Sam. house; he took everything. He also
Abihail the daughter of aEliah the 16:6 carried away the gold shields which
son of Jesse. 20 a2
Chr. 13:2 Solomon had bmade.
19 And she bore him children: Je- b1 Kin. 15:2
c1 Kin. 14:31
10 Then King Rehoboam made
ush, Shamariah, and Zaham. 1Lit. daughter,
bronze shields in their place, and
20 After her he took aMaachah the but in the committed them ato the hands of the
1granddaughter of bAbsalom; and broader sense captains of the guard, who guarded
she bore him cAbijah, Attai, Ziza, of grand- the doorway of the kings house.
and Shelomith. daughter 11 And whenever the king entered
21 Now Rehoboam loved Maachah 21 aDeut. 17:17 the house of the LORD, the guard
the granddaughter of Absalom more would go and bring them out; then
than all his awives and his concu- 22 aDeut. they would take them back into the
bines; for he took eighteen wives and b2 Chr. 13:1 guardroom.
sixty concubines, and begot twenty- 12 When he humbled himself, the
eight sons and sixty daughters. 23 a2 Chr. 11:5 wrath of the LORD turned from him,
22 And Rehoboam aappointed so as not to destroy him completely;
bAbijah the son of Maachah as chief, and things also went well in Judah.
to be leader among his brothers; for CHAPTER 12
he intended to make him king. The End of Rehoboams Reign
1 a2
Chr. 11:17
23 He dealt wisely, and 1dispersed b1 13 Thus King Rehoboam strength-
some of his sons throughout all the 14:2224 ened himself in Jerusalem and
territories of Judah and Benjamin, reigned. Now aRehoboam was forty-
to every afortified city; and he gave 2 a1 Kin. one years old when he became king;
them provisions in abundance. He 11:40; 14:25
and he reigned seventeen years in
also sought many wives for them. 3 a2 Chr. 16:8; Jerusalem, bthe city which the LORD
Nah. 3:9 had chosen out of all the tribes of
Egypt Attacks Judah Israel, to put His name there. His
5 a2 Chr. 11:2
Now ait came to pass, when mothers name was Naamah, an
12 Rehoboam had established
the kingdom and had strengthened
6 a[James
4:10] bEx.
9:27; [Dan.
14 And he did evil, because he did
himself, that bhe forsook the law of 9:14] not prepare his heart to seek the
the LORD, and all Israel along with LORD.
7 a1 Kin. 15 The acts of Rehoboam, first and
him. 21:28, 29
2 aAnd it happened in the fifth last, are they not written in the book
year of King Rehoboam that Shi- 8 aIs. 26:13
b[Deut. 28:47,
of Shemaiah the prophet, aand of
shak king of Egypt came up against 48]
Iddo the seer concerning genealo-
Jerusalem, because they had trans- gies? bAnd there were wars between
gressed against the LORD, 9 a1 Kin. Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their
3 with twelve hundred chariots, 14:25, 26 days.
b1 Kin. 10:16,
sixty thousand horsemen, and peo- 17; 2 Chr. 16 So Rehoboam 1rested with his
ple without number who came with 9:15, 16 fathers, and was buried in the City
him out of Egyptathe Lubim and of David. Then aAbijah2 his son
10 a1 Kin. reigned in his place.
the Sukkiim and the Ethiopians. 14:27
4 And he took the fortified cities Abijah Reigns in Judah
of Judah and came to Jerusalem. 13 a1 Kin.
14:21 b2 Chr.
5 Then aShemaiah the prophet In athe eighteenth year of
came to Rehoboam and the leaders
of Judah, who were gathered to-
6:6 c1 Kin.
11:1, 5 13 King Jeroboam, Abijah be-
came king over bJudah.
gether in Jerusalem because of 15 a2 Chr. 9:29;
13:22 b1 Kin. 2 He reigned three years in Jeru-
Shishak, and said to them, Thus 14:30 salem. His mothers name was
says the LORD: You have forsaken 1Michaiah the daughter of Uriel of
Me, and therefore I also have left 16 a2 Chr. Gibeah. And there was war between
you in the hand of Shishak. 1Died and Abijah and Jeroboam.
6 So the leaders of Israel and the joined his 3 Abijah set the battle in order
king ahumbled themselves; and they ancestors
with an army of valiant warriors,
said, bThe LORD is righteous. 1 Kin. 14:31 four hundred thousand choice men.
7 Now when the LORD saw that Jeroboam also drew up in battle for-
they humbled themselves, athe word mation against him with eight hun-
of the LORD came to Shemaiah, say- CHAPTER 13 dred thousand choice men, mighty
ing, They have humbled them- men of valor.
selves; therefore I will not destroy 1 a1 Kin. 15:1 4 Then Abijah stood on Mount
b1 Kin. 12:17
them, but I will grant them some aZemaraim, which is in the moun-
deliverance. My wrath shall not be 2 1Maachah, tains of Ephraim, and said, Hear
poured out on Jerusalem by the 1 Kin. 15:2; me, Jeroboam and all Israel:
2 Chr. 11:20,
hand of Shishak. 21 5 Should you not know that the
8 Nevertheless athey will be his LORD God of Israel agave the do-
servants, that they may distinguish 4 aJosh. 18:22 minion over Israel to David forever,
bMy service from the service of the to him and his sons, bby a covenant
5 a2 Sam.
kingdoms of the nations. 7:816 bLev. of salt?
9 aSo Shishak king of Egypt came 2:13; Num. 6 Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
up against Jerusalem, and took away 18:19 the servant of Solomon the son of
the treasures of the house of the 6 a1 Kin. David, rose up and arebelled against
LORD and the treasures of the kings 11:28; 12:20 his lord.
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389 2 CHRONICLES 14:13

7 Then aworthless rogues gath- 7 aJudg. 9:4 20 So Jeroboam did not recover
b2 Chr. 12:13
ered to him, and strengthened them- strength again in the days of Abijah;
selves against Rehoboam the son of 8 a1 Kin. and the LORD astruck him, and bhe
Solomon, when Rehoboam was 12:28; 14:9; died.
byoung and inexperienced and could 2 Chr. 11:15; 21 But Abijah grew mighty, mar-
not withstand them. [Hos. 8:46] ried fourteen wives, and begot
8 And now you think to with- 9 a2 Chr. twenty-two sons and sixteen daugh-
stand the kingdom of the LORD, 11:1315 bEx. ters.
which is in the hand of the sons of 29:2933 cJer. 22 Now the rest of the acts of Abi-
David; and you are a great multi- 2:11; 5:7 jah, his ways, and his sayings are
tude, and with you are the gold 10 aJosh. 24:15 written in athe 1annals of the
calves which Jeroboam amade for prophet Iddo.
So Abijah rested with his
you as gods.
9 aHave you not cast out the
priests of the LORD, the sons of
11 aEx. 29:38;
2 Chr. 2:4 bEx.
25:30; Lev.
14 fathers, and they buried him
in the City of David. Then aAsa his
24:59 cEx.
Aaron, and the Levites, and made 27:20, 21; Lev. son reigned in his place. In his days
for yourselves priests, like the peo- 24:2, 3 the land was quiet for ten years.
ples of other lands, bso that whoever
12 aJosh. Asa Reigns in Judah
comes to consecrate himself with a 5:1315; [Heb.
young bull and seven rams may be a 2:10] b[Num. 2 Asa did what was good and right
priest of cthings that are not gods? 10:810] in the eyes of the LORD his God,
10 But as for us, the LORD is our 3 for he removed the altars of the
aGod, and we have not forsaken 14 aJosh. 24:7;
2 Chr. 6:34, foreign gods and athe 1high places,
Him; and the priests who minister to 35; 14:11 and bbroke down the sacred pillars
the LORD are the sons of Aaron, and cand cut down the wooden images.
the Levites attend to their duties. 15 a1 Kin.
4 He commanded Judah to aseek
14:14; 2 Chr.
11 aAnd they burn to the LORD 14:12 the LORD God of their fathers, and
every morning and every evening to observe the law and the com-
burnt sacrifices and sweet incense; 18 a1 Chr. 5:20; mandment.
they also set the bshowbread in 2 Chr. 14:11; 5 He also removed the 1high places
[Ps. 22:5]
order on the pure gold table, and the and the incense altars from all the
lampstand of gold with its lamps cto 19 aJosh. 15:9 cities of Judah, and the kingdom
burn every evening; for we keep the 1Or Ephron
was quiet under him.
command of the LORD our God, but 6 And he built fortified cities in
you have forsaken Him. 20 a1 Sam. 2:6;
25:38; Acts Judah, for the land had rest; he had
12 Now look, God Himself is with 12:23 b1 Kin. no war in those years, because the
us as our ahead, band His priests 14:20 LORD had given him arest.
with sounding trumpets to sound 7 Therefore he said to Judah, Let
the alarm against you. O children of 22 a2 Chr. 9:29
1Or commen- us build these cities and make walls
Israel, do not fight against the LORD tary, Heb. around them, and towers, gates, and
God of your fathers, for you shall midrash bars, while the land is yet before us,
not prosper! because we have sought the LORD
13 But Jeroboam caused an am- CHAPTER 14 our God; we have sought Him, and
bush to go around behind them; so He has given us rest on every side.
they were in front of Judah, and the a1
So they built and prospered.
ambush was behind them. 1 Kin. 15:8
8 And Asa had an army of three
14 And when Judah looked around, 3 a1 Kin. hundred thousand from Judah who
to their surprise the battle line was 15:14; 2 Chr. carried 1shields and spears, and
at both front and rear; and they 15:17 b[Ex. from Benjamin two hundred and
acried out to the LORD, and the 34:13] c1 Kin.
11:7 1Places eighty thousand men who carried
priests sounded the trumpets. for pagan shields and drew abows; all these
15 Then the men of Judah gave a worship were mighty men of bvalor.
shout; and as the men of Judah 9 aThen Zerah the Ethiopian came
shouted, it happened that God 4 a[2 Chr. 7:14]
out against them with an army of a
astruck Jeroboam and all Israel million men and three hundred
5 1Places for
before Abijah and Judah. pagan wor- chariots, and he came to bMareshah.
16 And the children of Israel fled ship 10 So Asa went out against him,
before Judah, and God delivered and they set the troops in battle
6 a2 Chr. 15:15
them into their hand. array in the Valley of Zephathah at
17 Then Abijah and his people 8 a1 Chr. 12:2 Mareshah.
struck them with a great slaughter; b2 Chr. 13:3 11 And Asa acried out to the LORD
1large shields
so five hundred thousand choice his God, and said, LORD, it is bnoth-
men of Israel fell slain. 9 a2 Chr. 12:2, ing for You to help, whether with
18 Thus the children of Israel were 3; 16:8 bJosh. many or with those who have no
subdued at that time; and the chil- 15:44 power; help us, O LORD our God, for
dren of Judah prevailed, abecause we rest on You, and cin Your name
they relied on the LORD God of their 11 aEx. 14:10; we go against this multitude. O
2 Chr. 13:14;
fathers. [Ps. 22:5] LORD, You are our God; do not let
19 And Abijah pursued Jeroboam b[1 Sam. 14:6] man prevail against You!
c1 Sam. 17:45;
and took cities from him: Bethel 12 So the LORD astruck the Ethio-
[Prov. 18:10]
with its villages, Jeshanah with its pians before Asa and Judah, and the
villages, and aEphrain1 with its vil- 12 a2 Chr. Ethiopians fled.
lages. 13:15 13 And Asa and the people who
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2 CHRONICLES 14:14 390

were with him pursued them to 13 aGen. 10:19; to death, whether small or great,
aGerar. So the Ethiopians were over- 20:1 1plunder whether man or woman.
thrown, and they could not recover, 14aGen. 35:5; 14 Then they took an oath before
for they were broken before the Deut. 11:25; the LORD with a loud voice, with
LORD and His army. And they car- Josh. 2:9; shouting and trumpets and rams
2 Chr. 17:10
ried away very much 1spoil. 1plunder horns.
14 Then they defeated all the cities 15 And all Judah rejoiced at the
around Gerar, for athe fear of the 15 1Lit. struck oath, for they had sworn with all their
LORD came upon them; and they heart and asought Him with all their
plundered all the cities, for there was CHAPTER 15 soul; and He was found by them, and
exceedingly much 1spoil in them. the LORD gave them brest all around.
15 They also 1attacked the live- 1aNum. 24:2; 16 Also he removed aMaachah, the
stock enclosures, and carried off Judg. 3:10; 1mother of Asa the king, from being
sheep and camels in abundance, 2 Chr. 20:14; queen mother, because she had
and returned to Jerusalem. 24:20 made an obscene image of 2Asherah;
2 a[James 4:8] and Asa cut down her obscene im-
The Reforms of Asa b[1 Chr. 28:9]; age, then crushed and burned it by
Now athe Spirit of God came 2 Chr. 14:4; the Brook Kidron.
15 upon Azariah the son of Oded.
2 And he went out 1to meet Asa,
33:12, 13; [Jer.
29:13; Matt.
7:7] c2 Chr.
17 But athe 1high places were not
removed from Israel. Nevertheless
and said to him: Hear me, Asa, and 24:20 1Lit. the heart of Asa was loyal all his days.
all Judah and Benjamin. aThe LORD before 18 He also brought into the house
is with you while you are with Him. 3 aHos. 3:4 of God the things that his father had
bIf you seek Him, He will be found b2 Kin. 12:2 dedicated and that he himself had
cLev. 10:11;
by you; but cif you forsake Him, He dedicated: silver and gold and uten-
will forsake you. 2 Chr. 17:8, 9 sils.
3 aFor a long time Israel has been 4 a[Deut. 4:29] 19 And there was no war until the
without the true God, without a thirty-fifth year of the reign of Asa.
bteaching priest, and without claw; 6 aMatt. 24:7
1Lit. beaten in
4 but awhen in their trouble they pieces Asas Treaty with Syria
turned to the LORD God of Israel, and
In the thirty-sixth year of the
sought Him, He was found by them.
5 And in those times there was
8 a2 Chr. 13:19
1So with MT,
LXX; Syr., Vg.
16 reign of Asa, aBaasha king of
Israel came up against Judah and
no peace to the one who went out, Azariah the
nor to the one who came in, but son of Oded built Ramah, bthat he might let none
great turmoil was on all the inhabi- (cf. v. 1) go out or come in to Asa king of
tants of the lands. Judah.
9 a2 Chr. 11:16 2 Then Asa brought silver and
6 aSo nation was 1destroyed by
nation, and city by city, for God 11 a2 Chr. gold from the treasuries of the house
troubled them with every adversity. 14:1315 1Lit. of the LORD and of the kings house,
in that day and sent to Ben-Hadad king of Syria,
7 But you, be strong and do not 2plunder
let your hands be weak, for your who dwelt in Damascus, saying,
work shall be rewarded! 12 a2 Kin. 23:3; 3 Let there be a treaty between
8 And when Asa heard these 2 Chr. 23:16; you and me, as there was between
34:31; Neh. my father and your father. See, I
words and the prophecy of 1Oded 10:29
the prophet, he took courage, and have sent you silver and gold; come,
removed the abominable idols from 13 aEx. 22:20 break your treaty with Baasha king
bDeut. 13:515
all the land of Judah and Benjamin of Israel, so that he will withdraw
and from the cities awhich he had 15 a2 Chr. 15:2 from me.
taken in the mountains of Ephraim; b2 Chr. 14:7 4 So Ben-Hadad heeded King Asa,
and he restored the altar of the and sent the captains of his armies
16 a1 Kin. 15:2, against the cities of Israel. They
LORD that was before the vestibule 10, 13 1Or
of the LORD. grandmother attacked Ijon, Dan, Abel Maim, and
9 Then he gathered all Judah and 2A Canaanite all the storage cities of Naphtali.
Benjamin, and athose who dwelt deity 5 Now it happened, when Baasha
with them from Ephraim, Manasseh, 17 a1 Kin.
heard it, that he stopped building
and Simeon, for they came over to 15:14; 2 Chr. Ramah and ceased his work.
him in great numbers from Israel 14:3, 5 1Places 6 Then King Asa took all Judah,
for pagan and they carried away the stones
when they saw that the LORD his worship
God was with him. and timber of Ramah, which Baasha
10 So they gathered together at had used for building; and with
CHAPTER 16 them he built Geba and Mizpah.
Jerusalem in the third month, in the
fifteenth year of the reign of Asa. Hananis Message to Asa
11 aAnd they offered to the LORD 1 a1 Kin.
1at that time seven hundred bulls
b2 Chr. 15:9 7 And at that time aHanani the seer
and seven thousand sheep from the came to Asa king of Judah, and said
2spoil they had brought. 7 a1 Kin. 16:1; to him: bBecause you have relied on
2 Chr. 19:2
12 Then they aentered into a b2 Chr. the king of Syria, and have not relied
covenant to seek the LORD God of 32:810; Ps. on the LORD your God, therefore the
their fathers with all their heart and 118:9; [Is. army of the king of Syria has escaped
with all their soul; 31:1; Jer. 17:5] from your hand.
13 aand whoever would not seek the 8 a2 Chr. 14:9 8 Were athe Ethiopians and bthe
LORD God of Israel bwas to be put b2 Chr. 12:3 Lubim not a huge army with very
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391 2 CHRONICLES 18:5

many chariots and horsemen? Yet, 8 c2 Chr. jahthe Levites; and with them
because you relied on the LORD, He 13:16, 18 Elishama and Jehoram, the priests.
delivered them into your chand. 9 aJob 34:21; 9 aSo they taught in Judah, and
9 aFor the eyes of the LORD run [Prov. 5:21; had the Book of the Law of the LORD
to and fro throughout the whole 15:3; Jer. with them; they went throughout all
earth, to show Himself strong on 16:17; 32:19]; the cities of Judah and taught the
Zech. 4:10
behalf of those whose heart is loyal b1 Sam. 13:13 people.
to Him. In this byou have done fool- c1 Kin. 15:32 10 And athe fear of the LORD fell
ishly; therefore from now on cyou on all the kingdoms of the lands
10 a2 Chr.
shall have wars. 18:26; Jer. that were around Judah, so that they
10 Then Asa was angry with the 20:2; Matt. did not make war against Jehosha-
seer, and aput him in prison, for he 14:3 phat.
was enraged at him because of this. 11 a1 Kin.
11 Also some of the Philistines
And Asa oppressed some of the peo- 15:23, 24;
abrought Jehoshaphat presents and
ple at that time. 2 Chr. 14:2 silver as tribute; and the Arabians
brought him flocks, seven thousand
Illness and Death of Asa 12 a[Jer. 17:5]
seven hundred rams and seven thou-
11 aNote that the acts of Asa, first 13 a1 Kin. sand seven hundred male goats.
and last, are indeed written in the 15:24 1Died 12 So Jehoshaphat became increas-
and joined his ingly powerful, and he built fortress-
book of the kings of Judah and Is- ancestors
rael. es and storage cities in Judah.
12 And in the thirty-ninth year of 14 aGen. 50:2; 13 He had much property in the
Mark 16:1; cities of Judah; and the men of war,
his reign, Asa became diseased in John 19:39, 40
his feet, and his malady was severe; b2 Chr. 21:19; mighty men of valor, were in Jerusa-
yet in his disease he adid not seek Jer. 34:5 1Lit. lem.
the LORD, but the physicians. dug 14 These are their numbers, ac-
13 aSo Asa 1rested with his fathers; cording to their fathers houses. Of
he died in the forty-first year of his CHAPTER 17 Judah, the captains of thousands:
reign. Adnah the captain, and with him
14 They buried him in his own 1a1 Kin. three hundred thousand mighty
tomb, which he had 1made for him- 15:24; 2 Chr. men of valor;
self in the City of David; and they 20:31 15 and next to him was Jehohanan
laid him in the bed which was filled 2 a2 Chr. 11:5 the captain, and with him two hun-
awith spices and various ingredients b2 Chr. 15:8 dred and eighty thousand;
prepared in a mixture of ointments. 16 and next to him was Amasiah
4 a1 Kin. 12:28 the son of Zichri, awho willingly
They made ba very great burning for 1LXX the
him. LORD God offered himself to the LORD, and
with him two hundred thousand
Jehoshaphat Reigns in Judah 5 a1 Sam. mighty men of valor.
10:27; 1 Kin.
Then aJehoshaphat his son 10:25 b2 Chr. 17 Of Benjamin: Eliada a mighty
17 reigned in his place, and
strengthened himself against Israel.
6 a1 Kin.
man of valor, and with him two hun-
dred thousand men armed with bow
2 And he placed troops in all the 22:43; 2 Chr.
and shield;
fortified cities of Judah, and set gar- 15:17; 19:3; 18 and next to him was Jehozabad,
risons in the land of aJudah and in 20:33 1Places and with him one hundred and
the cities of Ephraim bwhich Asa his
for pagan eighty thousand prepared for war.
father had taken. 19 These served the king, besides
athose the king put in the fortified
3 Now the LORD was with Je- 7 a2 Chr. 15:3;
hoshaphat, because he walked in 35:3 cities throughout all Judah.
the former ways of his father David; 9 aDeut. 6:49; Micaiah Warns Ahab
he did not seek the Baals, 2 Chr. 35:3;
Neh. 8:3, 7 Jehoshaphat ahad riches and
4 but sought 1the God of his
father, and walked in His command-
ments and not according to athe acts
10 aGen. 35:5;
2 Chr. 14:14
18 honor in abundance; and by
marriage he ballied himself with
of Israel. cAhab.
11 a2 Sam. 8:2;
5 Therefore the LORD established 2 Chr. 9:14; 2 aAfter some years he went down
the kingdom in his hand; and all 26:8 to visit Ahab in Samaria; and Ahab
Judah agave presents to Jehosha- killed sheep and oxen in abundance
16 aJudg. 5:2, for him and the people who were
phat, band he had riches and honor 9; 1 Chr. 29:9
in abundance. with him, and persuaded him to go
6 And his heart took delight in the 19 a2 Chr. 17:2 up with him to Ramoth Gilead.
ways of the LORD; moreover ahe re- 3 So Ahab king of Israel said to
moved the 1high places and wooden CHAPTER 18 Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Will you
images from Judah. go with me against Ramoth Gilead?
7 Also in the third year of his 1 a2 Chr. 17:5 And he answered him, I am as you
reign he sent his leaders, Ben-Hail, b1 Kin. 22:44; are, and my people as your people;
Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and 2 Kin. 8:18
c1 Kin. 22:40
we will be with you in the war.
Michaiah, ato teach in the cities of 4 Also Jehoshaphat said to the
Judah. 2 a[Ex. 23:2]; king of Israel, aPlease inquire for
8 And with them he sent Levites: 1 Kin. 22:2 the word of the LORD today.
Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, 4 a1 Sam. 23:2,
5 Then the king of Israel gathered
Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, 4, 9; 2 Sam. the prophets together, four hundred
Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tobadoni- 2:1 men, and said to them, Shall we go
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2 CHRONICLES 18:6 392

to war against Ramoth Gilead, or 6 a2 Kin. 3:11 Gilead? So one spoke in this man-
1Or him
shall I refrain? So they said, Go ner, and another spoke in that man-
up, for God will deliver it into the ner.
kings hand. 20 Then a aspirit came forward
6 But Jehoshaphat said, Is there and stood before the LORD, and
not still a prophet of the LORD here, 10 aZech. said, I will persuade him. The
that we may inquire of aHim?1 1:1821 LORD said to him, In what way?
7 So the king of Israel said to 21 So he said, I will go out and be
Jehoshaphat, There is still one man a lying spirit in the mouth of all his
by whom we may inquire of the prophets. And the LORD said, You
LORD; but I hate him, because he 13 aNum. shall persuade him and also prevail;
never prophesies good concerning 22:1820, 35; go out and do so.
me, but always evil. He is Micaiah 23:12, 26; 22 Therefore look! aThe LORD has
the son of Imla. And Jehoshaphat 1 Kin. 22:14 put a lying spirit in the mouth of
said, Let not the king say such these prophets of yours, and the
things! LORD has declared disaster against
8 Then the king of Israel called you.
one of his officers and said, Bring 16 a[Jer. 23 Then Zedekiah the son of Che-
Micaiah the son of Imla quickly! 23:18; 31:10] naanah went near and astruck Mica-
bNum. 27:17;
9 The king of Israel and Jehosha- iah on the cheek, and said, Which
1 Kin. 22:17;
phat king of Judah, clothed in their [Ezek. 34:58]; way did the spirit from the LORD go
robes, sat each on his throne; and Matt. 9:36; from me to speak to you?
they sat at a threshing floor at the Mark 6:34 24 And Micaiah said, Indeed you
entrance of the gate of Samaria; and shall see on that day when you go
all the prophets prophesied before into an inner chamber to hide!
them. 25 Then the king of Israel said,
10 Now Zedekiah the son of Chena- 18 aIs. 6:15; Take Micaiah, and return him to
anah had made ahorns of iron for Dan. 7:9, 10 Amon the governor of the city and
himself; and he said, Thus says the to Joash the kings son;
LORD: With these you shall gore the 26 and say, Thus says the king:
aPut this fellow in prison, and feed
Syrians until they are destroyed.
11 And all the prophets prophesied him with bread of affliction and
20 aJob 1:6; water of affliction, until I return in
so, saying, Go up to Ramoth Gilead 2 Thess. 2:9
and prosper, for the LORD will de- peace.
liver it into the kings hand. 27 But Micaiah said, If you ever
12 Then the messenger who had return in peace, the LORD has not
gone to call Micaiah spoke to him, spoken by ame. And he said, Take
saying, Now listen, the words of the 22 aJob 12:16, heed, all you people!
17; Is.
prophets with one accord encour- 19:1214;
age the king. Therefore please let Ahab Dies in Battle
Ezek. 14:9
your word be like the word of one of 28 So the king of Israel and
them, and speak encouragement. Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went
13 And Micaiah said, As the LORD up to Ramoth Gilead.
lives, awhatever my God says, that I 23 aJer. 20:2;
29 And the king of Israel said to
will speak. Mark 14:65; Jehoshaphat, I will adisguise my-
14 Then he came to the king; and Acts 23:2 self and go into battle; but you put
the king said to him, Micaiah, shall on your robes. So the king of Israel
we go to war against Ramoth Gil- disguised himself, and they went
ead, or shall I refrain? And he said, into battle.
Go and prosper, and they shall be 30 Now the king of Syria had com-
26 a2 Chr.
delivered into your hand! 16:10 manded the captains of the chariots
15 So the king said to him, How who were with him, saying, Fight
many times shall I make you swear with no one small or great, but only
that you tell me nothing but the with the king of Israel.
truth in the name of the LORD? 31 So it was, when the captains of
16 Then he said, I saw all Israel 27 aDeut. 18:22 the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that
ascattered on the mountains, as they said, It is the king of Israel!
sheep that have no bshepherd. And Therefore they surrounded him to
the LORD said, These have no mas- attack; but Jehoshaphat acried out,
ter. Let each return to his house in 29 a2 Chr. and the LORD helped him, and God
peace. 35:22 diverted them from him.
17 And the king of Israel said to 32 For so it was, when the captains
Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell you he of the chariots saw that it was not
would not prophesy good concern- the king of Israel, that they turned
ing me, but evil? 31 a2 Chr.
back from pursuing him.
18 Then Micaiah said, Therefore 13:14, 15 33 Now a certain man drew a bow
hear the word of the LORD: I saw the at random, and struck the king of
LORD sitting on His athrone, and all Israel between the 1joints of his
the host of heaven standing on His armor. So he said to the driver of his
right hand and His left. chariot, Turn around and take me
19 And the LORD said, Who will 33 1Or scale out of the battle, for I am wounded.
armor and
persuade Ahab king of Israel to go the breast- 34 The battle increased that day,
up, that he may fall at Ramoth plate and the king of Israel propped him-
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393 2 CHRONICLES 20:16

self up in his chariot facing the Syr- CHAPTER 19 2 Then some came and told
ians until evening; and about the 2 a1 Kin. 16:1
Jehoshaphat, saying, A great multi-
time of sunset he died. bPs. 139:21 tude is coming against you from
Then Jehoshaphat the king of beyond the sea, from 1Syria; and
19 Judah returned safely to his
house in Jerusalem.
c2 Chr. 32:25

3 a2 Chr. 17:4,
6 b2 Chr.
they are ain Hazazon Tamar (which
is bEn Gedi).
2 And Jehu the son of Hanani athe 30:19 1Or 3 And Jehoshaphat feared, and
seer went out to meet him, and said to Asherim, Heb. set 1himself to aseek the LORD, and
King Jehoshaphat, Should you help bproclaimed a fast throughout all
the wicked and blove those who hate 4 a2 Chr. Judah.
the LORD? Therefore the cwrath of 15:813
4 So Judah gathered together to
the LORD is upon you. 5 a[Deut. ask ahelp from the LORD; and from
3 Nevertheless agood things are 16:1820]
all the cities of Judah they came to
found in you, in that you have 6 a[Deut. 1:17] seek the LORD.
bPs. 82:1 1Lit.
removed the 1wooden images from 5 Then Jehoshaphat stood in the
in the matter
the land, and have bprepared your of the judg- assembly of Judah and Jerusalem,
heart to seek God. ment in the house of the LORD, before the
7 a[Deut. 32:4] new court,
The Reforms of Jehoshaphat b[Deut. 10:17, 6 and said: O LORD God of our
4 So Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusa- 18] fathers, are You not aGod in heaven,
lem; and he went out again among 8 a2 Chr. 17:8 and bdo You not rule over all the king-
the people from Beersheba to the 1LXX, Vg. for
doms of the nations, and cin Your
the inhabi- hand is there not power and might, so
mountains of Ephraim, and brought tants of
them back to the LORD God of their Jerusalem that no one is able to withstand You?
9 a[2 Sam.
7 Are You not aour God, who
5 Then he set ajudges in the land bdrove out the inhabitants of this
throughout all the fortified cities of 10 aDeut. 17:8
land before Your people Israel, and
Judah, city by city, bNum. 16:46 gave it to the descendants of Abra-
6 and said to the judges, Take c[Ezek. 3:18] ham cYour friend forever?
heed to what you are doing, for ayou 11 aEzra 7:3 8 And they dwell in it, and have
do not judge for man but for the b1 Chr. 26:30 built You a sanctuary in it for Your
LORD, bwho is with you 1in the judg- c[2 Chr. 15:2; name, saying,
ment. 20:17] 9 aIf disaster comes upon us
7 Now therefore, let the fear of sword, judgment, pestilence, or
the LORD be upon you; take care CHAPTER 20 faminewe will stand before this
and do it, for athere is no iniquity 1 a1 Chr. 18:2 temple and in Your presence (for
with the LORD our God, no bpartial- b1 Chr. 19:15 Your bname is in this temple), and
ity, nor taking of bribes. c2 Chr. 26:7 cry out to You in our affliction, and
1So with MT,
8 Moreover in Jerusalem, for the You will hear and save.
Vg.; LXX
judgment of the LORD and for con- Meunites (cf. 10 And now, here are the people of
troversies, Jehoshaphat aappointed 2 Chr. 26:7) Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir
some of the Levites and priests, and 2 aGen. 14:7 whom You awould not let Israel
some of the chief fathers of Israel, bJosh. 15:62 invade when they came out of the
1when they returned to Jerusalem. 1So with MT, land of Egypt, but bthey turned from
9 And he commanded them, say- LXX, Vg.; them and did not destroy them
ing, Thus you shall act ain the fear Heb. mss.,
Old Lat. 11 here they are, rewarding us aby
of the LORD, faithfully and with a Edom coming to throw us out of Your pos-
loyal heart: 3 a2 Chr. 19:3 session which You have given us to
10 aWhatever case comes to you bEzra 8:21 inherit.
from your brethren who dwell in 1Lit. his face 12 O our God, will You not ajudge
their cities, whether of bloodshed or 4 a2 Chr. 14:11 them? For we have no power against
offenses against law or command- this great multitude that is coming
6 aDeut. 4:39
ment, against statutes or ordinances, bDan. 4:17, 25, against us; nor do we know what to
you shall warn them, lest they tres- 32 c1 Chr. do, but bour eyes are upon You.
pass against the LORD and bwrath 29:12 13 Now all Judah, with their little
come upon cyou and your brethren. 7 aEx. 6:7 bPs. ones, their wives, and their children,
Do this, and you will not be guilty. 44:2 cIs. 41:8 stood before the LORD.
11 And take notice: aAmariah the 9 a2 Chr. 14 Then athe Spirit of the LORD
chief priest is over you bin all matters 6:2830 came upon Jahaziel the son of
of the LORD; and Zebadiah the son of b2 Chr. 6:20
Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the
Ishmael, the ruler of the house of 10 aDeut. 2:4, son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a
Judah, for all the kings matters; also 9, 19 bNum. Levite of the sons of Asaph, in the
the Levites will be officials before 20:21
midst of the assembly.
you. Behave courageously, and the 11 aPs. 83:118 15 And he said, Listen, all you of
LORD will be cwith the good. 12 aJudg. 11:27 Judah and you inhabitants of
bPs. 25:15;
Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir Jerusalem, and you, King Jehosha-
121:1, 2;
Defeated 123:1, 2; 141:8 phat! Thus says the LORD to you:
aDo not be afraid nor dismayed
14 a2 Chr.
It happened after this that the because of this great multitude, bfor
20 people of aMoab with the peo-
ple of bAmmon, and others with
15:1; 24:20
15 a[Deut.
the battle is not yours, but Gods.
16 Tomorrow go down against
1:29, 30; 31:6,
them besides the cAmmonites,1 8] b1 Sam. them. They will surely come up by
came to battle against Jehoshaphat. 17:47 the Ascent of Ziz, and you will find
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2 CHRONICLES 20:17 394

them at the end of the 1brook before 16 1streambed hoshaphat in front of them, to go
the Wilderness of Jeruel. or wadi back to Jerusalem with joy, for the
17 aYou will not need to fight in 17 aEx. 14:13,
LORD had amade them rejoice over
this battle. Position yourselves, 14 bNum. their enemies.
stand still and see the salvation of 14:9; [2 Chr. 28 So they came to Jerusalem, with
the LORD, who is with you, O Judah 15:2; 32:8] stringed instruments and harps and
and Jerusalem! Do not fear or be trumpets, to the house of the LORD.
18 aEx. 4:31; 29 And athe fear of God was on all
dismayed; tomorrow go out against 2 Chr. 7:3;
them, bfor the LORD is with you. 29:28 the kingdoms of those countries
18 And Jehoshaphat abowed his when they heard that the LORD had
head with his face to the ground, 20 aIs. 7:9 fought against the enemies of Israel.
and all Judah and the inhabitants of 30 Then the realm of Jehoshaphat
Jerusalem bowed before the LORD, 21 a1 Chr. was quiet, for his aGod gave him rest
16:29; Ps. all around.
worshiping the LORD. 29:2; 90:17;
19 Then the Levites of the children 96:9; 110:3
of the Kohathites and of the chil- b1 Chr. 16:34; The End of Jehoshaphats Reign
dren of the Korahites stood up to Ps. 106:1;
136:1 c1 Chr. 31 aSo Jehoshaphat was king over
praise the LORD God of Israel with 16:41; 2 Chr. Judah. He was thirty-five years old
voices loud and high. 5:13 when he became king, and he
20 So they rose early in the morn- reigned twenty-five years in Jeru-
ing and went out into the Wilder- 22 aJudg. 7:22; salem. His mothers name was
ness of Tekoa; and as they went out, 1 Sam. 14:20
Azubah the daughter of Shilhi.
Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear 23 aJudg. 7:22; 32 And he walked in the way of his
me, O Judah and you inhabitants of 1 Sam. 14:20 father aAsa, and did not turn aside
Jerusalem: aBelieve in the LORD 1had finished from it, doing what was right in the
your God, and you shall be estab- sight of the LORD.
lished; believe His prophets, and 25 1A few Heb. 33 Nevertheless athe 1high places
you shall prosper. mss., Old Lat.,
Vg. garments; were not taken away, for as yet the
21 And when he had consulted with LXX armor people had not bdirected their
the people, he appointed those who hearts to the God of their fathers.
should sing to the LORD, aand who 26 1Lit. Bless- 34 Now the rest of the acts of
should praise the beauty of holiness, ing Jehoshaphat, first and last, indeed
as they went out before the army and they are written in the book of Jehu
27 aNeh. 12:43
were saying: the son of Hanani, awhich is men-
29 a2 Chr. tioned in the book of the kings of
bPraise the LORD, Israel.
14:14; 17:10
cFor His mercy endures forever. 35 After this aJehoshaphat king of
30 a1 Kin. Judah allied himself with Ahaziah
22 Now when they began to sing 22:4143; king of Israel, bwho acted very
2 Chr. 14:6, 7; cwickedly.
and to praise, athe LORD set 15:15; Job
ambushes against the people of 34:29 36 And he allied himself with him
Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, ato make ships to go to Tarshish, and
who had come against Judah; and 31 a[1 Kin. they made the ships in Ezion Geber.
they were defeated. 22:4143] 37 But Eliezer the son of Dodavah of
23 For the people of Ammon and Mareshah prophesied against Je-
32 a2 Chr. 14:2
Moab stood up against the inhabi- hoshaphat, saying, Because you have
tants of Mount Seir to utterly kill 33 a2 Chr.
allied yourself with Ahaziah, the
and destroy them. And when they 15:17; 17:6 LORD has destroyed your works.
1had made an end of the inhabitants b2 Chr. 12:14; aThen the ships were wrecked, so that
of Seir, athey helped to destroy one 19:3 1Places they were not able to go bto Tarshish.
for pagan
another. worship
24 So when Judah came to a place Jehoram Reigns in Judah
overlooking the wilderness, they 34 a1 Kin. And aJehoshaphat 1rested
looked toward the multitude; and
there were their dead bodies, fallen
16:1, 7 21 with his fathers, and was
buried with his fathers in the City of
on the earth. No one had escaped. 35 a2 Chr. 18:1
b1 Kin. David. Then Jehoram his son
25 When Jehoshaphat and his peo- 22:4853 reigned in his place.
ple came to take away their spoil, c[2 Chr. 19:2]
2 He had brothers, the sons of
they found among them an abun- Jehoshaphat: Azariah, Jehiel, Zech-
dance of valuables on the 1dead bod- 36 a1 Kin. 9:26; ariah, Azaryahu, Michael, and
ies, and precious jewelry, which they Shephatiah; all these were the sons
stripped off for themselves, more 37 a1 Kin. of Jehoshaphat king of Israel.
than they could carry away; and 22:48 b2 Chr. 3 Their father gave them great
they were three days gathering the 9:21 gifts of silver and gold and precious
spoil because there was so much. things, with fortified cities in Judah;
26 And on the fourth day they CHAPTER 21 but he gave the kingdom to Jeho-
assembled in the Valley of 1Ber- ram, because he was the firstborn.
achah, for there they blessed the 4 Now when Jehoram 1was estab-
LORD; therefore the name of that 1 a1 Kin. 22:50
1Died and
lished over the kingdom of his
place was called The Valley of joined his
father, he strengthened himself and
Berachah until this day. ancestors killed all his brothers with the
27 Then they returned, every man sword, and also others of the
of Judah and Jerusalem, with Je- 4 1Lit. arose princes of Israel.
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395 2 CHRONICLES 22:9

5 aJehoram was thirty-two years 5 a2 Kin. ain his intestines with an incurable
old when he became king, and he 8:1722 disease.
reigned eight years in Jerusalem. 6 a2 Chr. 18:1 19 Then it happened in the course
6 And he walked in the way of the 7 a2 Sam.
of time, after the end of two years,
kings of Israel, just as the house of 7:817 b1 Kin. that his intestines came out because
Ahab had done, for he had the 11:36; 2 Kin. of his sickness; so he died in severe
daughter of aAhab as a wife; and he 8:19; Ps. pain. And his people made no 1burn-
did evil in the sight of the LORD. 132:11 ing for him, like athe burning for his
7 Yet the LORD would not destroy 8 a2 Kin. 8:20; fathers.
the house of David, because of the 14:7, 10; 20 He was thirty-two years old
acovenant that He had made with 2 Chr. 25:14, when he became king. He reigned in
David, and since He had promised Jerusalem eight years and, to no
to give a lamp to him and to his 11 a[Lev. 20:5] ones sorrow, departed. However
1Places for
bsons forever. they buried him in the City of
pagan wor-
8 aIn his days Edom revolted ship David, but not in the tombs of the
against Judahs authority, and made kings.
a king over themselves. 13 a2 Chr.
21:11 b[Ex. Ahaziah Reigns in Judah
9 So Jehoram went out with his 34:15]; Deut.
officers, and all his chariots with him. 31:16 c1 Kin. Then the inhabitants of Jeru-
And he rose by night and attacked
the Edomites who had surrounded
2 Kin. 9:22
d1 Kin. 2:32;
22 salem made aAhaziah his
youngest son king in his place, for
him and the captains of the chariots. 2 Chr. 21:4 the raiders who came with the bAra-
10 Thus Edom has been in revolt bians into the camp had killed all
against Judahs authority to this 15 a2 Chr.
21:18, 19 the colder sons. So Ahaziah the son
day. At that time Libnah revolted of Jehoram, king of Judah, reigned.
against his rule, because he had for- 16 a2 Chr. 2 Ahaziah was 1forty-two years
saken the LORD God of his fathers. 33:11; [Jer.
51:11] b1 Kin. old when he became king, and he
11 Moreover he made 1high places 11:14, 23 reigned one year in Jerusalem. His
in the mountains of Judah, and c2 Chr. 17:11
mothers name was aAthaliah the
caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem 17 a2 Chr. 24:7
2granddaughter of Omri.
to acommit harlotry, and led Judah 1Ahaziah or 3 He also walked in the ways of
astray. Azariah, the house of Ahab, for his mother
12 And a letter came to him from 2 Chr. 22:1 advised him to do wickedly.
Elijah the prophet, saying, 18 a2 Chr. 4 Therefore he did evil in the sight
13:20; 21:15; of the LORD, like the house of Ahab;
Thus says the LORD God of Acts 12:23 for they were his counselors after
your father David: 19 a2 Chr. the death of his father, to his de-
Because you have not walked 16:14 1Burn- struction.
in the ways of Jehoshaphat ing of spices 5 He also followed their advice,
your father, or in the ways of and went with 1Jehoram the son of
Asa king of Judah, CHAPTER 22 Ahab king of Israel to war against
13 but have walked in the way of Hazael king of Syria at Ramoth
the kings of Israel, and have 1 a2 Chr. Gilead; and the Syrians wounded
amade Judah and the 21:17; 22:6
b2 Chr. 21:16
inhabitants of Jerusalem to c2 Chr. 21:17 6 aThen he returned to Jezreel to
bplay the harlot like the
recover from the wounds which he
charlotry of the house of Ahab, 2 a2 Chr. 21:6
had received at Ramah, when he
and also have dkilled your 2 Kin. 8:26 fought against Hazael king of Syria.
brothers, those of your fathers 2Lit. daughter And 1Azariah the son of Jehoram,
household, who were better king of Judah, went down to see
than yourself, 5 1Joram, v. 7; Jehoram the son of Ahab in Jezreel,
2 Kin. 8:28
14 behold, the LORD will strike because he was sick.
your people with a serious 6 a2 Kin. 9:15
1Heb. mss.,
7 His going to Joram awas Gods oc-
afflictionyour children, your LXX, Syr., Vg.
casion for Ahaziahs 1downfall; for
wives, and all your possessions; Ahaziah and when he arrived, bhe went out with
15 and you will become very sick 2 Kin. 8:29 2Jehoram against Jehu the son of
with a adisease of your Nimshi, cwhom the LORD had
7 aJudg. 14:4;
intestines, until your intestines 1 Kin. 12:15; anointed to 3cut off the house of Ahab.
come out by reason of the 2 Chr. 10:15 8 And it happened, when Jehu
sickness, day by day. b2 Kin.
was aexecuting judgment on the
9:2124 house of Ahab, and bfound the
c2 Kin. 9:6, 7
16 Moreover the aLORD bstirred up 1Lit. crushing princes of Judah and the sons of
against Jehoram the spirit of the 2Joram, vv. 5, Ahaziahs brothers who served
Philistines and the cArabians who 7; 2 Kin. 8:28
Ahaziah, that he killed them.
were near the Ethiopians. 9 aThen he searched for Ahaziah;
17 And they came up into Judah 8 a2 Kin. and they caught him (he was hiding
and invaded it, and carried away all 9:2224
b2 Kin.
in Samaria), and brought him to
the possessions that were found in 10:1014; Hos.
Jehu. When they had killed him, they
the kings house, and also ahis sons 1:4 buried him, because, they said, he
and his wives, so that there was not is the son of bJehoshaphat, who
a son left to him except 1Jehoahaz, 9 a[2 Kin. 9:27] csought the LORD with all his heart.
b1 Kin. 15:24
the youngest of his sons. c2 Chr. 17:4; So the house of Ahaziah had no one
18 After all this the LORD struck him 20:3, 4 to assume power over the kingdom.
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2 CHRONICLES 22:10 396

Athaliah Reigns in Judah 10 a2 Kin. the captains of hundreds the spears
11:13 and the large and small ashields
10 aNow when Athaliah the mother which had belonged to King David,
of Ahaziah saw that her son was that were in the temple of God.
dead, she arose and destroyed all 11 a2 Kin.
12:18 10 Then he set all the people, every
the royal heirs of the house of 1Jehosheba, man with his weapon in his hand,
Judah. 2 Kin. 11:2 from the right side of the temple to
11 But 1Jehoshabeath, the daugh- the left side of the temple, along by
ter of the king, took aJoash the son the altar and by the temple, all
of Ahaziah, and stole him away around the king.
from among the kings sons who 11 And they brought out the kings
were being murdered, and put him son, put the crown on him, agave
and his nurse in a bedroom. So him the 1Testimony, and made him
Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King 1 a2 Kin. 11:4
b2 Kin. 12:2 king. Then Jehoiada and his sons
Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada the c1 Chr. 2:37, anointed him, and said, Long live
priest (for she was the sister of 38 the king!
Ahaziah), hid him from Athaliah so
that she did not kill him. Death of Athaliah
12 And he was hidden with them in 2 aEzra 1:5
the house of God for six years, while 12 Now when aAthaliah heard the
Athaliah reigned over the land. noise of the people running and
3 a2 Sam. 7:12; praising the king, she came to the
Joash Crowned King of Judah
1 Kin. 2:4; 9:5; people in the temple of the LORD.
2 Chr. 6:16;
7:18; 21:7 13 When she looked, there was the
In athe seventh year bJehoiada king standing by his pillar at the
23 strengthened himself, and
made a covenant with the captains 4 a1 Chr. 9:25
entrance; and the leaders and
the trumpeters were by the king. All
of hundreds: Azariah the son of the people of the land were rejoic-
Jeroham, Ishmael the son of Jeho- ing and blowing trumpets, also the
hanan, Azariah the son of cObed, 6 a1 Chr. singers with musical instruments,
Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and 23:2832
and athose who led in praise. So
Elishaphat the son of Zichri. Athaliah tore her clothes and said,
2 And they went throughout 8 a1 Chr.
bTreason! Treason!
Judah and gathered the Levites 24:131 14 And Jehoiada the priest brought
from all the cities of Judah, and the out the captains of hundreds who
achief fathers of Israel, and they were set over the army, and said to
came to Jerusalem. 9 a2 Sam. 8:7 them, Take her outside under guard,
3 Then all the assembly made a and slay with the sword whoever fol-
covenant with the king in the house lows her. For the priest had said, Do
11 aDeut. 17:18
of God. And he said to them, 1Law, Ex. not kill her in the house of the LORD.
Behold, the kings son shall reign, 25:16, 21; 15 So they seized her; and she
as the LORD has asaid of the sons of 31:18 went by way of the entrance aof the
David. Horse Gate into the kings house,
4 This is what you shall do: One- and they killed her there.
third of you aentering on the Sabbath, 12 a2 Chr. 16 Then Jehoiada made a acove-
of the priests and the Levites, shall be nant between himself, the people,
keeping watch over the doors; and the king, that they should be the
5 one-third shall be at the kings 13 a1 Chr. 25:8 LORDs people.
house; and one-third at the Gate of b2 Kin. 9:23 17 And all the people went to the
the Foundation. All the people shall 1temple of Baal, and tore it down.
be in the courts of the house of the They broke in pieces its altars and
LORD. 15 aNeh. 3:28; images, and akilled Mattan the
Jer. 31:40
6 But let no one come into the priest of Baal before the altars.
house of the LORD except the 18 Also Jehoiada appointed the
priests and athose of the Levites 16 aJosh. oversight of the house of the LORD
who serve. They may go in, for they 24:24, 25; to the hand of the priests, the
are holy; but all the people shall 2 Chr. Levites, whom David had aassigned
keep the watch of the LORD. in the house of the LORD, to offer
7 And the Levites shall surround the burnt offerings of the LORD, as
the king on all sides, every man with 17 aDeut. it is written in the bLaw of Moses,
his weapons in his hand; and who- 13:69; 1 Kin. with rejoicing and with singing, as
ever comes into the house, let him 18:40 1Lit. it was established by David.
be put to death. You are to be with house 19 And he set the agatekeepers at
the king when he comes in and the gates of the house of the LORD,
when he goes out. 18 a1 Chr. 23:6,
so that no one who was in any way
8 So the Levites and all Judah did 30, 31; 24:1 unclean should enter.
according to all that Jehoiada the bNum. 28:2 20 aThen he took the captains of
priest commanded. And each man hundreds, the nobles, the governors
took his men who were to be on of the people, and all the people of
duty on the Sabbath, with those 19 a1 Chr. the land, and brought the king down
who were going off duty on the Sab- from the house of the LORD; and
bath; for Jehoiada the priest had not they went through the Upper Gate
dismissed athe divisions. 20 a1 Kin. 9:22; to the kings house, and set the king
9 And Jehoiada the priest gave to 2 Kin. 11:19 on the throne of the kingdom.
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397 2 CHRONICLES 24:25

21 So all the people of the land CHAPTER 24 restored the house of God to its orig-
rejoiced; and the city was quiet, for inal condition and reinforced it.
they had slain Athaliah with the 14 When they had finished, they
sword. 1 a2 Kin. brought the rest of the money be-
11:21; 12:115
fore the king and Jehoiada; athey
Joash Repairs the Temple made from it articles for the house
Joash awas seven years old 2 a2 Chr. of the LORD, articles for serving and
24 when he became king, and he
reigned forty years in Jerusalem.
26:4, 5 offering, spoons and vessels of gold
and silver. And they offered burnt
His mothers name was Zibiah of 5 a2 Kin. 12:4 offerings in the house of the LORD
Beersheba. continually all the days of Jehoiada.
2 Joash adid what was right in the 6 a2 Kin. 12:7 Apostasy of Joash
bEx. 30:1216
sight of the LORD all the days of cNum. 1:50;
Jehoiada the priest. Acts 7:44
15 But Jehoiada grew old and was
3 And Jehoiada took two wives for full of days, and he died; he was one
him, and he had sons and daughters. hundred and thirty years old when
4 Now it happened after this that 7 a2 Chr. 21:17 he died.
b2 Kin. 12:4
Joash set his heart on repairing the 16 And they buried him in the City
house of the LORD. of David among the kings, because
5 Then he gathered the priests 8 a2 Kin. 12:9 he had done good in Israel, both
and the Levites, and said to them, toward God and His house.
Go out to the cities of Judah, and 9 a2 Chr. 24:6 17 Now after the death of Jehoiada
agather from all Israel money to the leaders of Judah came and
repair the house of your God from bowed down to the king. And the
11 a2 Kin.
year to year, and see that you do it 12:10 king listened to them.
quickly. However the Levites did 18 Therefore they left the house of
not do it quickly. the LORD God of their fathers, and
12 a2 Chr. served awooden images and idols;
6 aSo the king called Jehoiada the 30:12
chief priest, and said to him, Why and bwrath came upon Judah and
have you not required the Levites to Jerusalem because of their trespass.
bring in from Judah and from Je- 14 a2 Kin. 19 Yet He asent prophets to them,
12:13 to bring them back to the LORD; and
rusalem the collection, according to
the commandment of bMoses the they testified against them, but they
servant of the LORD and of the 18 a1 Kin. would not listen.
14:23 b[Ex. 20 Then the Spirit of God 1came
assembly of Israel, for the ctaberna- 34:1214];
cle of witness? Judg. 5:8; upon aZechariah the son of Je-
7 For athe sons of Athaliah, that 2 Chr. 19:2; hoiada the priest, who stood above
wicked woman, had broken into the 28:13; 29:8; the people, and said to them, Thus
32:25 says God: bWhy do you transgress
house of God, and had also pre-
sented all the bdedicated things of the commandments of the LORD, so
the house of the LORD to the Baals. 19 a2 Kin. that you cannot prosper? cBecause
8 Then at the kings command 17:13; you have forsaken the LORD, He
athey made a chest, and set it outside 21:1015; also has forsaken you.
2 Chr. 36:15,
at the gate of the house of the LORD. 16; Jer. 7:25, 21 So they conspired against him,
9 And they made a proclamation 26; 25:4 and at the command of the king
throughout Judah and Jerusalem to they astoned him with stones in the
bring to the LORD athe collection 20 aJudg. 6:34; court of the house of the LORD.
that Moses the servant of God had Matt. 23:35 22 Thus Joash the king did not
imposed on Israel in the wilderness. bNum. 14:41; remember the kindness which Je-
[Prov. 28:13] hoiada his 1father had done to him,
10 Then all the leaders and all the c[2 Chr. 15:2]
people rejoiced, brought their con- 1Lit. clothed but killed his son; and as he died, he
tributions, and put them into the said, The LORD look on it, and are-
chest until all had given. pay!
21 a[Neh.
11 So it was, at that time, when the 9:26]; Matt. Death of Joash
chest was brought to the kings offi- 23:35; Acts
cial by the hand of the Levites, and 7:58, 59 23 So it happened in the spring of
awhen they saw that there was much the year that athe army of Syria came
money, that the kings scribe and the 22 a[Gen. 9:5] up against him; and they came to
high priests officer came and emp- 1Foster father
Judah and Jerusalem, and destroyed
tied the chest, and took it and all the leaders of the people from
returned it to its place. Thus they did 23 a2 Kin. among the people, and sent all their
day by day, and gathered money in 12:17; Is. 7:2 1spoil to the king of Damascus.
abundance. 24 For the army of the Syrians
12 The king and Jehoiada gave it to acame with a small company of
those who did the work of the ser- 24 aLev. 26:8; men; but the LORD bdelivered a very
vice of the house of the LORD; and [Deut. 32:30]; great army into their hand, because
they hired masons and carpenters Is. 30:17 bLev. they had forsaken the LORD God of
26:25; [Deut.
to arepair the house of the LORD, 28:25] c2 Chr. their fathers. So they cexecuted
and also those who worked in iron 22:8; Is. 10:5 judgment against Joash.
and bronze to restore the house of 25 And when they had withdrawn
the LORD. 25 a2 Kin.
from him (for they left him severely
13 So the workmen labored, and the 12:20, 21; wounded), ahis own servants con-
work was completed by them; they 2 Chr. 25:3 spired against him because of the
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2 CHRONICLES 24:26 398

blood of the 1sons of Jehoiada the 25 1LXX, Vg. Ephraim, to go back home. There-
priest, and killed him on his bed. So son and vv. fore their anger was greatly aroused
he died. And they buried him in the against Judah, and they returned
City of David, but they did not bury home in great anger.
him in the tombs of the kings. 26 1Jozachar, 11 Then Amaziah strengthened
26 These are the ones who con- 2 Kin. 12:21 himself, and leading his people, he
spired against him: 1Zabad the son 2 Kin. 12:21 went to athe Valley of Salt and
of Shimeath the Ammonitess, and killed ten thousand of the people of
Jehozabad the son of 2Shimrith the Seir.
Moabitess. 27 a2 Kin. 12 Also the children of Judah took
27 Now concerning his sons, and 12:18 b2 Kin. captive ten thousand alive, brought
athe many oracles about him, and the 12:21 1Or
commentary, them to the top of the rock, and cast
repairing of the house of God, indeed Heb. midrash them down from the top of the rock,
they are written in the 1annals of the so that they all were dashed in
book of the kings. bThen Amaziah pieces.
his son reigned in his place. CHAPTER 25 13 But as for the soldiers of the
army which Amaziah had dis-
Amaziah Reigns in Judah charged, so that they would not go
Amaziah awas twenty-five with him to battle, they raided the
25 years old when he became
king, and he reigned twenty-nine
1 a2 Kin.
14:16 cities of Judah from Samaria to
Beth Horon, killed three thousand
years in Jerusalem. His mothers in them, and took much 1spoil.
2 a2 Kin. 14:4; 14 Now it was so, after Amaziah
name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. 2 Chr. 25:14
2 And he did what was right in came from the slaughter of the
the sight of the LORD, abut not with Edomites, that ahe brought the gods
a loyal heart. 3 a2 Kin. 14:5; of the people of Seir, set them up to
3 aNow it happened, as soon as the 2 Chr. 24:25 be bhis gods, and bowed down be-
kingdom was established for him, fore them and burned incense to
that he executed his servants who 4 aDeut. 24:16;
had murdered his father the king. 2 Kin. 14:6; 15 Therefore the anger of the LORD
4 However he did not execute Jer. 31:30; was aroused against Amaziah, and
their children, but did as it is written [Ezek. 18:20] He sent him a prophet who said to
in the Law in the Book of Moses, him, Why have you sought athe
where the LORD commanded, say- 5 aNum. 1:3 gods of the people, which bcould not
ing, aThe fathers shall not be put to rescue their own people from your
death for their children, nor shall hand?
the children be put to death for their 7 a2 Chr. 11:2 16 So it was, as he talked with him,
fathers; but a person shall die for that the king said to him, Have we
his own sin. 8 a2 Chr.
made you the kings counselor?
14:11; 20:6 Cease! Why should you be killed?
The War Against Edom Then the prophet ceased, and said,
5 Moreover Amaziah gathered I know that God has adetermined to
9 a[Deut. 8:18]; destroy you, because you have done
Judah together and set over them Prov. 10:22
this and have not heeded my
captains of thousands and captains advice.
of hundreds, according to their
fathers houses, throughout all Ju- 11 a2 Kin. 14:7
Israel Defeats Judah
dah and Benjamin; and he num-
bered them afrom twenty years old 13 1plunder 17 Now aAmaziah king of Judah
and above, and found them to be asked advice and sent to 1Joash the
three hundred thousand choice son of Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu,
men, able to go to war, who could 14 a2 Chr. king of Israel, saying, Come, let us
28:23 b[Ex. face one another in battle.
handle spear and shield. 20:3, 5]
6 He also hired one hundred thou- 18 And Joash king of Israel sent to
sand mighty men of valor from Israel Amaziah king of Judah, saying,
for one hundred talents of silver. 15 a[Ps. 96:5] The thistle that was in Lebanon
b2 Chr. 25:11
7 But a aman of God came to him, sent to the cedar that was in
saying, O king, do not let the army Lebanon, saying, Give your daugh-
of Israel go with you, for the LORD is 16 a[1 Sam. ter to my son as wife; and a wild
not with Israelnot with any of the 2:25] beast that was in Lebanon passed
children of Ephraim. by and trampled the thistle.
8 But if you go, be gone! Be strong 19 Indeed you say that you have
17 a2 Kin.
in battle! Even so, God shall make 14:814
defeated the Edomites, and your
you fall before the enemy; for God 1Jehoash, heart is lifted up to aboast. Stay at
has apower to help and to overthrow. 2 Kin. 14:8ff. home now; why should you meddle
9 Then Amaziah said to the man with trouble, that you should fall
of God, But what shall we do about 19 a2 Chr.
you and Judah with you?
the hundred talents which I have 26:16; 32:25; 20 But Amaziah would not heed,
given to the troops of Israel? And [Prov. 16:18] for ait came from God, that He
the man of God answered, aThe might give them into the hand of
LORD is able to give you much more their enemies, because they bsought
than this. 20 a1 Kin. the gods of Edom.
12:15; 2 Chr.
10 So Amaziah discharged the 22:7 b2 Chr. 21 So Joash king of Israel went out;
troops that had come to him from 25:14 and he and Amaziah king of Judah
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399 2 CHRONICLES 26:21

faced one another at aBeth Shemesh, 21 aJosh. 19:38 9 And Uzziah built towers in
which belongs to Judah. Jerusalem at the aCorner Gate, at
22 And Judah was defeated by 23 a2 Chr. the Valley Gate, and at the corner
Israel, and every man fled to his tent. 21:17; 22:1, 6 buttress of the wall; then he fortified
23 Then Joash the king of Israel them.
captured Amaziah king of Judah, 24 a1 Chr. 10 Also he built towers in the
the son of Joash, the son of aJehoa- 26:15 desert. He dug many wells, for he
haz, at Beth Shemesh; and he had much livestock, both in the low-
brought him to Jerusalem, and 25 a2 Kin. lands and in the plains; he also had
broke down the wall of Jerusalem 14:1722
farmers and vinedressers in the
from the Gate of Ephraim to the mountains and in 1Carmel, for he
Corner Gatefour hundred cubits. 28 1The City of loved the soil.
24 And he took all the gold and sil- 11 Moreover Uzziah had an army
ver, all the articles that were found of fighting men who went out to war
in the house of God with aObed- CHAPTER 26 by companies, according to the
Edom, the treasures of the kings number on their roll as prepared by
house, and hostages, and returned Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the
to Samaria. 1 1Azariah, officer, under the hand of Hananiah,
2 Kin. 14:21ff. one of the kings captains.
Death of Amaziah 12 The total number of 1chief offi-
25 aAmaziah the son of Joash, king 2 1Heb. Eloth cers of the mighty men of valor was
of Judah, lived fifteen years after the two thousand six hundred.
death of Joash the son of Jehoahaz, 4 a2 Chr. 24:2 13 And under their authority was
king of Israel. an army of three hundred and seven
26 Now the rest of the acts of 5 a2 Chr. 24:2 thousand five hundred, that made
Amaziah, from first to last, indeed bGen. 41:15; war with mighty power, to help the
Dan. 1:17; king against the enemy.
are they not written in the book of 10:1 c[2 Chr.
the kings of Judah and Israel? 15:2; 20:20; 14 Then Uzziah prepared for them,
27 After the time that Amaziah 31:21] 1Heb. for the entire army, shields, spears,
turned away from following the mss., LXX, helmets, body armor, bows, and
LORD, they made a conspiracy Syr., Tg.,
Arab. fear
slings to cast stones.
against him in Jerusalem, and he 15 And he made devices in Je-
fled to Lachish; but they sent after rusalem, invented by askillful men,
6 aIs. 14:29 to be on the towers and the corners,
him to Lachish and killed him there.
28 Then they brought him on to shoot arrows and large stones. So
7 a2 Chr. 21:16 his fame spread far and wide, for he
horses and buried him with his fa-
thers in 1the City of Judah. was marvelously helped till he
8 a2 Sam. 8:2; became strong.
Uzziah Reigns in Judah 2 Chr. 17:11
The Penalty for Uzziahs Pride
Now all the people of Judah
26 took 1Uzziah, who was six-
teen years old, and made him king
9 a2 Kin.
14:13; 2 Chr.
25:23; Neh.
16 But awhen he was strong his
heart was blifted up, to his destruc-
instead of his father Amaziah. 3:13, 19, 32; tion, for he transgressed against the
Zech. 14:10 LORD his God cby entering the tem-
2 He built 1Elath and restored it to
Judah, after the king rested with his ple of the LORD to burn incense on
fathers. 10 1Or the fer- the altar of incense.
tile fields
3 Uzziah was sixteen years old 17 So aAzariah the priest went in
when he became king, and he after him, and with him were eighty
12 1Lit. chief priests of the LORDvaliant men.
reigned fifty-two years in Jeru- fathers
salem. His mothers name was 18 And they withstood King Uzziah,
Jecholiah of Jerusalem. and said to him, It ais not for you,
15 aEx. 39:3, 8
4 And he did what was aright in Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD,
the sight of the LORD, according to but for the bpriests, the sons of Aaron,
all that his father Amaziah had done. 16 a[Deut. who are consecrated to burn incense.
32:15] bDeut.
5 aHe sought God in the days of 8:14; 2 Chr. Get out of the sanctuary, for you have
Zechariah, who bhad understanding 25:19 c1 Kin. trespassed! You shall have no honor
in the 1visions of God; and as long 13:14; 2 Kin. from the LORD God.
16:12, 13 19 Then Uzziah became furious;
as he sought the LORD, God made
him cprosper. and he had a censer in his hand to
6 Now he went out and amade war 17 a1 Chr. 6:10 burn incense. And while he was
against the Philistines, and broke angry with the priests, aleprosy
down the wall of Gath, the wall of 18 a[Num. broke out on his forehead, before
Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod; and 3:10; 16:39, the priests in the house of the
40; 18:7] bEx.
he built cities around Ashdod and 30:7, 8; Heb. LORD, beside the incense altar.
among the Philistines. 7:14 20 And Azariah the chief priest
7 God helped him against athe and all the priests looked at him,
Philistines, against the Arabians 19 aLev. 13:42; and there, on his forehead, he was
who lived in Gur Baal, and against Num. 12:10; leprous; so they thrust him out of
the Meunites. 2 Kin. 5:2527 that place. Indeed he also ahurried
8 Also the Ammonites abrought to get out, because the LORD had
tribute to Uzziah. His fame spread 20 aEsth. 6:12 struck him.
as far as the entrance of Egypt, for 21 aKing Uzziah was a leper until
he became exceedingly strong. 21 a2 Kin. 15:5 the day of his death. He dwelt in an
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2 CHRONICLES 26:22 400

bisolated house, because he was a 21 b[Lev. 13:46; 4 And he sacrificed and burned
leper; for he was cut off from the Num. 5:2] incense on the 1high places, on the
house of the LORD. Then Jotham 22 a2 Kin. 20:1; hills, and under every green tree.
his son was over the kings house, 2 Chr. 32:20,
32; Is. 1:1
judging the people of the land. Syria and Israel Defeat Judah
22 Now the rest of the acts of 23 a2 Kin. 15:7;
2 Chr. 21:20; 5 Therefore athe LORD his God
Uzziah, from first to last, the prophet 28:27; Is. 6:1 delivered him into the hand of the
aIsaiah the son of Amoz wrote. 1Died and
king of Syria. They bdefeated him,
23 aSo Uzziah 1rested with his joined his and carried away a great multitude
fathers, and they buried him with ancestors
of them as captives, and brought
his fathers in the field of burial them to Damascus. Then he was
which belonged to the kings, for CHAPTER 27
also delivered into the hand of the
they said, He is a leper. Then Jo- king of Israel, who defeated him
tham his son reigned in his place. 1 a2 Kin.
15:3235 with a great slaughter.
Jotham Reigns in Judah
1Jerusha, 6 For aPekah the son of Remaliah
2 Kin. 15:33 killed one hundred and twenty thou-
Jotham awas twenty-five years sand in Judah in one day, all valiant
27 old when he became king, and
he reigned sixteen years in Jeru-
2 a2 Kin.
15:35; Ezek.
20:44; 30:13
men, bbecause they had forsaken the
LORD God of their fathers.
salem. His mothers name was 3 a2 Chr. 7 Zichri, a mighty man of
1Jerushah the daughter of Zadok. 33:14; Neh. Ephraim, killed Maaseiah the kings
2 And he did what was right in 3:26 son, Azrikam the officer over the
the sight of the LORD, according to 5 a2 Chr. 26:8 house, and Elkanah who was sec-
all that his father Uzziah had done 6 a2 Chr. 26:5 ond to the king.
(although he did not enter the tem- 8 And the children of Israel car-
9 a2 Kin. 15:38
ple of the LORD). But still athe peo- bIs. 1:1; Hos. ried away captive of their abrethren
ple acted corruptly. 1:1; Mic. 1:1 two hundred thousand women,
3 He built the Upper Gate of the 1Died and sons, and daughters; and they also
house of the LORD, and he built joined his took away much 1spoil from them,
extensively on the wall of aOphel. and brought the spoil to Samaria.
4 Moreover he built cities in the
mountains of Judah, and in the CHAPTER 28 Israel Returns the Captives
forests he built fortresses and towers. 1a2 Kin. 9 But a aprophet of the LORD was
5 He also fought with the king of 16:24 there, whose name was Oded; and
the aAmmonites and defeated them. he went out before the army that
2 aEx. 34:17;
And the people of Ammon gave him Lev. 19:4 came to Samaria, and said to them:
in that year one hundred talents of bJudg. 2:11
Look, bbecause the LORD God of
silver, ten thousand kors of wheat, 3 aJosh. 15:8 your fathers was angry with Judah,
and ten thousand of barley. The peo- b2 Kin. 23:10 He has delivered them into your
ple of Ammon paid this to him in the c[Lev. 18:21];
hand; but you have killed them in a
second and third years also. 2 Kin. 16:3;
rage that creaches up to heaven.
6 So Jotham became mighty, 2 Chr. 33:6
abecause he prepared his ways
d[Lev. 10 And now you propose to force
18:2430] the children of Judah and Jerusalem
before the LORD his God. to be your amale and female slaves;
4 1Places for
7 Now the rest of the acts of pagan wor- but are you not also guilty before
Jotham, and all his wars and his ship the LORD your God?
ways, indeed they are written in the 5 a[Is. 10:5] 11 Now hear me, therefore, and
book of the kings of Israel and b2 Kin. 16:5, 6; return the captives, whom you have
Judah. [2 Chr. 24:24]; taken captive from your brethren,
8 He was twenty-five years old Is. 7:1, 17 afor the fierce wrath of the LORD is
when he became king, and he 6 a2 Kin. 15:27 upon you.
reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. b[2 Chr. 29:8]
12 Then some of the heads of the
9 aSo Jotham 1rested with his 8 aDeut. 28:25, children of Ephraim, Azariah the
fathers, and they buried him in the 41; 2 Chr. 11:4 son of Johanan, Berechiah the son
City of David. Then bAhaz his son 1plunder
of Meshillemoth, Jehizkiah the son
reigned in his place. 9 a2 Chr. 25:15 of Shallum, and Amasa the son of
bPs. 69:26; [Is.
Ahaz Reigns in Judah 10:5; 47:6];
Hadlai, stood up against those who
Ezek. 25:12, came from the war,
Ahaz awas twenty years old 13 and said to them, You shall not
28 when he became king, and he
reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem;
15; 26:2;
Obad. 10;
[Zech. 1:15]
bring the captives here, for we
already have offended the LORD.
cEzra 9:6; Rev.
and he did not do what was right in 18:5 You intend to add to our sins and to
the sight of the LORD, as his father 10 a[Lev. 25:39,
our guilt; for our guilt is great, and
David had done. 42, 43, 46] there is fierce wrath against Israel.
2 For he walked in the ways of the 14 So the armed men left the cap-
kings of Israel, and made amolded 11 aPs. 78:49; tives and the 1spoil before the lead-
James 2:13
images for bthe Baals. ers and all the assembly.
3 He burned incense in athe Valley 14 1plunder 15 Then the men awho were desig-
of the Son of Hinnom, and burned 15 a2 Chr. nated by name rose up and took the
bhis children in the cfire, according 28:12 b[Prov. captives, and from the 1spoil they
to the abominations of the nations 25:21, 22; clothed all who were naked among
Luke 6:27;
whom the LORD had dcast out Rom. 12:20] them, dressed them and gave them
before the children of Israel. 1plunder sandals, bgave them food and drink,
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401 2 CHRONICLES 29:16

and anointed them; and they let all 15 cDeut. 34:3; 1Abijah the daughter of Zechariah.
the feeble ones ride on donkeys. So Judg. 1:16 2 And he did what was right in
they brought them to their brethren 16 a2 Kin. 16:7 the sight of the LORD, according to
1LXX, Syr.,
at Jericho, cthe city of palm trees. Vg. king (cf. v.
all that his father David had done.
Then they returned to Samaria. 20) Hezekiah Cleanses the Temple
Assyria Refuses to Help Judah 17 a2 Chr.
21:10; Obad. 3 In the first year of his reign, in
16 aAt the same time King Ahaz sent 1014 the first month, he aopened the
to the 1kings of Assyria to help him. 18 a2 Chr. doors of the house of the LORD and
17 For again the aEdomites had 21:16, 17; repaired them.
come, attacked Judah, and carried Ezek. 16:27, 4 Then he brought in the priests
57 and the Levites, and gathered them
away captives.
18 aThe Philistines also had in- 19 a2 Kin. 16:2; in the East Square,
vaded the cities of the lowland and 2 Chr. 21:2 5 and said to them: Hear me,
bEx. 32:25
of the South of Judah, and had taken 1humbled Levites! Now 1sanctify yourselves,
Beth Shemesh, Aijalon, Gederoth, asanctify the house of the LORD God
Sochoh with its villages, Timnah 20 a2 Kin.
of your fathers, and carry out the
with its villages, and Gimzo with its 15:29; 16:79; rubbish from the holy place.
villages; and they dwelt there. 1 Chr. 5:26 6 For our fathers have trespassed
1Heb. Tilgath-
19 For the LORD 1brought Judah and done evil in the eyes of the LORD
Pilneser our God; they have forsaken Him,
low because of Ahaz king of aIsrael,
for he had bencouraged moral 23 a2 Chr. have aturned their faces away from
decline in Judah and had been con- 25:14 bJer. the 1dwelling place of the LORD, and
44:17, 18
tinually unfaithful to the LORD. turned their backs on Him.
20 Also aTiglath-Pileser1 king of 24 a2 Chr. 7 aThey have also shut up the
29:3, 7 doors of the vestibule, put out the
Assyria came to him and distressed
him, and did not assist him. 25 1Places for lamps, and have not burned incense
21 For Ahaz took part of the trea- pagan wor- or offered burnt offerings in the
sures from the house of the LORD, holy place to the God of Israel.
from the house of the king, and 26 a2 Kin. 8 Therefore the awrath of the
16:19, 20 LORD fell upon Judah and Jeru-
from the leaders, and he gave it to
the king of Assyria; but he did not 27 a2 Chr. salem, and He has bgiven them up to
help him. 21:20; 24:25
1Died and
trouble, to desolation, and to cjeer-
joined his
ing, as you see with your deyes.
Apostasy and Death of Ahaz ancestors 9 For indeed, because of this aour
22 Now in the time of his distress fathers have fallen by the sword;
King Ahaz became increasingly CHAPTER 29 and our sons, our daughters, and
unfaithful to the LORD. This is that our wives are in captivity.
King Ahaz. 1a2 Kin. 18:1; 10 Now it is in my heart to make
2 Chr. 32:22, aa covenant with the LORD God of
23 For ahe sacrificed to the gods of 33 b2 Chr. Israel, that His fierce wrath may
Damascus which had defeated him, 26:5 1Abi,
turn away from us.
saying, Because the gods of the 2 Kin. 18:2
kings of Syria help them, I will sac- 11 My sons, do not be negligent
3 a2 Chr. now, for the LORD has achosen you
rifice to them bthat they may help 28:24; 29:7
to stand before Him, to serve Him,
me. But they were the ruin of him 5 a1 Chr. and that you should minister to Him
and of all Israel. 15:12; 2 Chr.
and burn incense.
24 So Ahaz gathered the articles of 29:15, 34; 35:6
1consecrate 12 Then these Levites arose: aMa-
the house of God, cut in pieces the hath the son of Amasai and Joel the
articles of the house of God, ashut up 6 a[Is. 1:4]; Jer.
son of Azariah, of the sons of the
the doors of the house of the LORD, 2:27; Ezek.
8:16 1Temple bKohathites; of the sons of Merari,
and made for himself altars in every Kish the son of Abdi and Azariah
corner of Jerusalem. 7 a2 Chr. 28:24
the son of Jehallelel; of the Ger-
25 And in every single city of Judah 8 a2 Chr. 24:18 shonites, Joah the son of Zimmah
he made 1high places to burn incense b2 Chr. 28:5
c1 Kin. 9:8; and Eden the son of Joah;
to other gods, and provoked to anger Jer. 18:16; 13 of the sons of Elizaphan, Shimri
the LORD God of his fathers. 19:8; 25:9, 18; and Jeiel; of the sons of Asaph,
26 aNow the rest of his acts and all 29:18 dDeut. Zechariah and Mattaniah;
his ways, from first to last, indeed 28:32
14 of the sons of Heman, Jehiel and
they are written in the book of the 9 aDeut. 28:25; Shimei; and of the sons of Jeduthun,
kings of Judah and Israel. 2 Chr. 28:58,
Shemaiah and Uzziel.
27 So Ahaz 1rested with his 17
15 And they gathered their breth-
fathers, and they buried him in the 10 a2 Chr. ren, asanctified1 themselves, and
city, in Jerusalem; but they adid not 15:12; 23:16
went according to the command-
bring him into the tombs of the 11 aNum. 3:6; ment of the king, at the words of the
kings of Israel. Then Hezekiah his 8:14; 18:2, 6; LORD, bto cleanse the house of the
son reigned in his place. 2 Chr. 30:16,
17 LORD.
Hezekiah Reigns in Judah 12 a2 Chr.
16 Then the priests went into the
31:13 bNum. inner part of the house of the LORD
Hezekiah abecame king when to cleanse it, and brought out all the
29 he was twenty-five years old,
and he reigned twenty-nine years in
3:19, 20
15 a2 Chr. 29:5
b1 Chr. 23:28
debris that they found in the temple
of the LORD to the court of the house
Jerusalem. His mothers name was 1consecrated of the LORD. And the Levites took
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2 CHRONICLES 29:17 402

it out and carried it to the Brook 16 a2 Chr. sounded; all this continued until the
aKidron. 15:16; 30:14 burnt offering was finished.
17 Now they began to 1sanctify on 29 And when they had finished
the first day of the first month, and 17 1consecrate offering, athe king and all who were
on the eighth day of the month they present with him bowed and wor-
came to the vestibule of the LORD. shiped.
So they sanctified the house of the 19 a2 Chr. 30 Moreover King Hezekiah and
LORD in eight days, and on the six- 28:24 1conse- the leaders commanded the Levites
teenth day of the first month they to sing praise to the LORD with the
finished. words of David and of Asaph the
18 Then they went in to King 21 aLev. 4:314 seer. So they sang praises with glad-
Hezekiah and said, We have ness, and they bowed their heads
cleansed all the house of the LORD, and worshiped.
the altar of burnt offerings with all 22 aLev. 8:14, 31 Then Hezekiah answered and
its articles, and the table of the 15, 19, 24; said, Now that you have conse-
Heb. 9:21
showbread with all its articles. crated yourselves to the LORD, come
19 Moreover all the articles which near, and bring sacrifices and
King Ahaz in his reign had acast 23 aLev. 4:15, athank offerings into the house of
aside in his transgression we have 24; 8:14 the LORD. So the assembly brought
prepared and 1sanctified; and there in sacrifices and thank offerings,
they are, before the altar of the 24 aLev. 14:20
and as many as were of a bwilling
LORD. heart brought burnt offerings.
32 And the number of the burnt
Hezekiah Restores Temple Worship 25 a1 Chr. 16:4; offerings which the assembly
20 Then King Hezekiah rose early, 25:6 b1 Chr. brought was seventy bulls, one hun-
gathered the rulers of the city, and
23:5; 25:1;
2 Chr. 8:14
dred rams, and two hundred lambs;
went up to the house of the LORD. c2 Sam. 24:11 all these were for a burnt offering to
21 And they brought seven bulls, d2 Chr. 30:12 the LORD.
seven rams, seven lambs, and seven 33 The consecrated things were six
male goats for a asin offering for the hundred bulls and three thousand
26 a1 Chr. 23:5; sheep.
kingdom, for the sanctuary, and for Amos 6:5
Judah. Then he commanded the bNum. 10:8, 34 But the priests were too few, so
priests, the sons of Aaron, to offer 10; 1 Chr. that they could not skin all the burnt
them on the altar of the LORD. 15:24; 16:6; offerings; therefore atheir brethren
2 Chr. 5:12 the Levites helped them until the
22 So they killed the bulls, and the
priests received the blood and work was ended and until the other
asprinkled it on the altar. Likewise 27 a2 Chr. priests had 1sanctified themselves,
bfor the Levites were cmore diligent
they killed the rams and sprinkled 23:18
the blood on the altar. They also in dsanctifying themselves than the
killed the lambs and sprinkled the priests.
blood on the altar. 29 a2 Chr. 35 Also the burnt offerings were in
20:18 abundance, with athe fat of the
23 Then they brought out the male
goats for the sin offering before the peace offerings and with bthe drink
king and the assembly, and they laid 31 aLev. 7:12 offerings for every burnt offering.
their ahands on them. bEx. 35:5, 22 So the service of the house of the
24 And the priests killed them; and LORD was set in order.
they presented their blood on the 36 Then Hezekiah and all the peo-
34 a2 Chr. ple rejoiced that God had prepared
altar as a sin offering ato make an 35:11 b2 Chr.
atonement for all Israel, for the king 30:3 cPs. 7:10 the people, since the events took
commanded that the burnt offering d2 Chr. 29:5 place so suddenly.
and the sin offering be made for all Hezekiah Keeps the Passover
25 aAnd he stationed the Levites in And Hezekiah sent to all
the house of the LORD with cym-
bals, with stringed instruments, and
35 aLev. 3:15,
16 bNum.
30 Israel and Judah, and also
wrote letters to Ephraim and Ma-
with harps, baccording to the com- nasseh, that they should come to the
mandment of David, of cGad the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, to
kings seer, and of Nathan the CHAPTER 30 keep the Passover to the LORD God
prophet; dfor thus was the com- of Israel.
mandment of the LORD by His 2 For the king and his leaders and
prophets. 2 aNum. 9:10, all the assembly in Jerusalem had
26 The Levites stood with the in- 11; 2 Chr. agreed to keep the Passover in the
struments aof David, and the priests 30:13, 15 second amonth.
with bthe trumpets. 3 For they could not keep it aat
27 Then Hezekiah commanded 1the regular time, bbecause a suffi-
them to offer the burnt offering on 3 aEx. 12:6, 18 cient number of priests had not con-
b2 Chr. 29:17,
the altar. And when the burnt offer- 34 1The first secrated themselves, nor had the
ing began, athe song of the LORD month, Lev. people gathered together at Jerusa-
also began, with the trumpets and 23:5; lit. that lem.
with the instruments of David king 4 And the matter pleased the king
of Israel. and all the assembly.
28 So all the assembly worshiped, 5 1established 5 So they 1resolved to make a proc-
the singers sang, and the trumpeters a decree to lamation throughout all Israel, from
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403 2 CHRONICLES 31:1

Beersheba to Dan, that they should 6 aEsth. 8:14; had charge of the slaughter of the
come to keep the Passover to the Job 9:25; Jer. Passover lambs for everyone who
51:31 b[Jer.
LORD God of Israel at Jerusalem, 4:1; Joel 2:13] was not clean, to sanctify them to
since they had not done it for a long c2 Kin. 15:19, the LORD.
time in the prescribed manner. 29 d2 Chr. 18 For a multitude of the people,
6 Then the arunners went through- amany from Ephraim, Manasseh,
out all Israel and Judah with the let- 7 aEzek. 20:18 Issachar, and Zebulun, had not
bIs. 1:9 c2 Chr.
ters from the king and his leaders, 29:8 cleansed themselves, byet they ate
and spoke according to the com- the Passover contrary to what was
mand of the king: Children of 8 aEx. 32:9;
Deut. 10:16; written. But Hezekiah prayed for
Israel, breturn to the LORD God of Acts 7:51 them, saying, May the good LORD
Abraham, Isaac, and Israel; then He b2 Chr. 29:10 provide atonement for everyone
will return to the remnant of you 19 who aprepares his heart to seek
who have escaped from the hand of 9 aPs. 106:46 God, the LORD God of his fathers,
cthe kings of dAssyria. b[Ex. 34:6;
Mic. 7:18] c[Is.
though he is not cleansed according
7 And do not be alike your fathers 55:7] to the purification of the sanctuary.
and your brethren, who trespassed 20 And the LORD listened to Heze-
against the LORD God of their 10 a2 Chr.
36:16 kiah and healed the people.
fathers, so that He bgave them up to 21 So the children of Israel who
cdesolation, as you see. 11 a2 Chr.
11:16; 30:18, were present at Jerusalem kept athe
8 Now do not be astiff-necked,1 21 Feast of Unleavened Bread seven
as your fathers were, but yield your- days with great gladness; and the
12 a[2 Cor. 3:5;
selves to the LORD; and enter His Phil. 2:13; Levites and the priests praised
sanctuary, which He has sanctified Heb. 13:20, the LORD day by day, singing to the
forever, and serve the LORD your 21] b2 Chr. LORD, accompanied by loud instru-
God, bthat the fierceness of His 29:25
wrath may turn away from you. 13 aLev. 23:6; 22 And Hezekiah gave encourage-
9 For if you return to the LORD, Num. 9:11
ment to all the Levites awho taught
your brethren and your children 14 a2 Chr. the good knowledge of the LORD;
will be treated with acompassion by 28:24 b2 Chr.
and they ate throughout the feast
those who lead them captive, so that seven days, offering peace offerings
they may come back to this land; for 15 a2 Chr.
29:34 1hum- and bmaking confession to the
the LORD your God is bgracious and bled them- LORD God of their fathers.
merciful, and will not turn His face selves 2set 23 Then the whole assembly
from you if you creturn to Him. themselves agreed to keep the feast aanother
10 So the runners passed from city apart
seven days, and they kept it another
to city through the country of 16 a2 Chr. seven days with gladness.
Ephraim and Manasseh, as far as 35:10, 15
1Or in their 24 For Hezekiah king of Judah
Zebulun; but athey laughed at them proper order agave to the assembly a thousand
and mocked them. bulls and seven thousand sheep,
11 Nevertheless asome from Asher, 17 a2 Chr.
29:34 1conse- and the leaders gave to the assem-
Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled crated bly a thousand bulls and ten thou-
themselves and came to Jerusalem. 18 a2 Chr. 30:1, sand sheep; and a great number of
12 Also athe hand of God was on 11, 25 bEx. priests bsanctified1 themselves.
Judah to give them singleness of 12:4349;
25 The whole assembly of Judah
heart to obey the command of the [Num. 9:10]
rejoiced, also the priests and Le-
king and the leaders, bat the word of 19 a2 Chr. 19:3 vites, all the assembly that came
the LORD. 21 aEx. 12:15; from Israel, the sojourners awho
13 Now many people, a very great 13:6; 1 Kin. came from the land of Israel, and
assembly, gathered at Jerusalem to 8:65
those who dwelt in Judah.
keep the Feast of aUnleavened 22 a[Deut. 26 So there was great joy in
Bread in the second month. 33:10]; 2 Chr.
Jerusalem, for since the time of
14 They arose and took away the 17:9; 35:3
bEzra 10:11 aSolomon the son of David, king of
aaltars that were in Jerusalem, and
they took away all the incense altars 23 a1 Kin. 8:65; Israel, there had been nothing like
and cast them into the Brook 2 Chr. 35:17, this in Jerusalem.
18 27 Then the priests, the Levites,
15 Then they slaughtered the Pass- 24 a2 Chr. 35:7, arose and ablessed the people, and
8 b2 Chr. their voice was heard; and their
over lambs on the fourteenth day of 29:34 1conse-
the second month. The priests and crated
prayer came up to bHis holy dwell-
the Levites 1were aashamed, and ing place, to heaven.
25 a2 Chr.
2sanctified themselves, and brought 30:11, 18 The Reforms of Hezekiah
the burnt offerings to the house of 26 a2 Chr.
Now when all this was fin-
the LORD.
16 They stood in their aplace
1according to their custom, accord-
27 aNum. 6:23
bDeut. 26:15;
31 ished, all Israel who were pres-
ent went out to the cities of Judah
ing to the Law of Moses the man of Ps. 68:5 and abroke the sacred pillars in
God; the priests sprinkled the blood pieces, cut down the wooden images,
received from the hand of the CHAPTER 31 and threw down the 1high places and
Levites. the altarsfrom all Judah, Ben-
17 For there were many in the 1 a2 Kin. 18:4 jamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh
1Places for
assembly who had not 1sanctified pagan wor- until they had utterly destroyed them
themselves; atherefore the Levites ship all. Then all the children of Israel
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2 CHRONICLES 31:2 404

returned to their own cities, every 2 a1 Chr. 23:6; the afreewill offerings to God, to dis-
man to his possession. 24:1 b1 Chr. tribute the offerings of the LORD and
23:30, 31
2 And Hezekiah appointed athe 1Temple the most holy things.
divisions of the priests and the Le- 15 And under him were aEden,
vites according to their divisions, 3 a2 Chr. 35:7 Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Ama-
each man according to his service, 28:129:40 riah, and Shecaniah, his faithful
the priests and Levites bfor burnt 1share assistants in bthe cities of the
offerings and peace offerings, to 2property priests, to distribute callotments to
serve, to give thanks, and to praise in 4 aNum. 18:8;
their brethren by divisions, to the
the gates of the 1camp of the LORD. 2 Kin. 12:16; great as well as the small.
3 The king also appointed a 1por- Neh. 13:10; 16 Besides those males from three
tion of his apossessions2 for the Ezek. 44:29
bMal. 2:7 1the
years old and up who were written
burnt offerings: for the morning and portion due
in the genealogy, they distributed to
evening burnt offerings, the burnt everyone who entered the house of
offerings for the Sabbaths and the 5 aEx. 22:29; the LORD his daily portion for the
New Moons and the set feasts, as it Neh. 13:12 work of his service, by his division,
b[Lev. 27:30];
is written in the bLaw of the LORD. Deut. 14:28; 17 and to the priests who were
4 Moreover he commanded the 26:12, 13 written in the genealogy according
people who dwelt in Jerusalem to to their fathers house, and to the
6 a[Lev. 27:30]; Levites afrom twenty years old and
contribute asupport1 for the priests Deut. 14:28
and the Levites, that they might de- up according to their work, by their
vote themselves to bthe Law of the 10 a1 Chr. 6:8, divisions,
LORD. 9 b[Mal. 3:10] 18 and to all who were written in
cEx. 36:5
5 As soon as the commandment the genealogytheir little ones and
was circulated, the children of Israel 11 a1 Kin. their wives, their sons and daugh-
brought in abundance athe first- 6:58 1store- ters, the whole company of them
rooms for in their faithfulness they 1sancti-
fruits of grain and wine, oil and
honey, and of all the produce of the 12 a2 Chr. 35:9; fied themselves in holiness.
field; and they brought in abun- Neh. 13:13 19 Also for the sons of Aaron the
dantly the btithe of everything. priests, who were in athe fields of the
13 a1 Chr. 9:11;
6 And the children of Israel and Jer. 20:1 common-lands of their cities, in every
Judah, who dwelt in the cities of single city, there were men who were
14 aDeut. bdesignated by name to distribute
Judah, brought the tithe of oxen and
23:23; 2 Chr. portions to all the males among the
sheep; also the atithe of holy things 35:8
which were consecrated to the priests and to all who were listed by
LORD their God they laid in heaps. 15 a2 Chr. genealogies among the Levites.
7 In the third month they began 29:12 bJosh. 20 Thus Hezekiah did throughout
21:13, 9 all Judah, and he adid what was
laying them in heaps, and they fin- c1 Chr. 9:26
ished in the seventh month. good and right and true before the
8 And when Hezekiah and the 17 a1 Chr. LORD his God.
23:24, 27 21 And in every work that he be-
leaders came and saw the heaps,
they blessed the LORD and His peo- 18 1conse- gan in the service of the house of
ple Israel. crated God, in the law and in the com-
9 Then Hezekiah questioned the mandment, to seek his God, he did it
19 aLev. 25:34; with all his heart. So he aprospered.
priests and the Levites concerning Num. 35:14
the heaps. b2 Chr.
Sennacherib Boasts Against the
10 And Azariah the chief priest, 31:1215
from the ahouse of Zadok, answered 20a2 Kin. 20:3;
him and said, bSince the people After athese deeds of faithful-
began to bring the offerings into the
house of the LORD, we have had
21 a2 Chr. 26:5;
32 ness, Sennacherib king of
Assyria came and entered Judah; he
32:30; Ps. 1:3
enough to eat and have plenty left, encamped against the fortified
for the LORD has blessed His peo- cities, thinking to win them over to
ple; and what is left is this great CHAPTER 32 himself.
cabundance. 2 And when Hezekiah saw that
11 Now Hezekiah commanded 1 Kin. Sennacherib had come, and that his
them to prepare arooms1 in the 18:1319:37;
Is. 36:137:38 purpose was to make war against
house of the LORD, and they pre- Jerusalem,
pared them. 3 1Lit. mighty 3 he consulted with his leaders
12 Then they faithfully brought in men and 1commanders to stop the water
the offerings, the tithes, and the 4 a2 Kin. 20:20 from the springs which were out-
dedicated things; aCononiah the 1So with MT, side the city; and they helped him.
Levite had charge of them, and Vg.; Arab., 4 Thus many people gathered to-
Shimei his brother was the next. LXX, Syr.
king gether who stopped all the asprings
13 Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, and the brook that ran through the
Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, 5 aIs. 22:9, 10
b2 Kin. 25:4;
land, saying, Why should the
Mahath, and Benaiah were overseers 2 Chr. 25:23
1kings of Assyria come and find
under the hand of Cononiah and c2 Sam. 5:9; much water?
Shimei his brother, at the command- 1 Kin. 9:15, 5 And ahe strengthened himself,
ment of Hezekiah the king and 24; 11:27; bbuilt up all the wall that was bro-
Azariah the aruler of the house of God. 2 Kin. 12:20; ken, raised it up to the towers, and
1 Chr. 11:8
14 Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, 1Lit. The built another wall outside; also he
the keeper of the East Gate, was over Landfill repaired 1the cMillo in the City of
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405 2 CHRONICLES 32:31

David, and made 2weapons and 5 2javelins 18 aThen they called out with a
shields in abundance. 6 a2 Chr. loud voice in 1Hebrew to the people
6 Then he set military captains 30:22; Is. 40:2 of Jerusalem who were on the wall,
over the people, gathered them to- 7 a[Deut. 31:6]
b2 Chr. 20:15
to frighten them and trouble them,
gether to him in the open square of c2 Kin. 6:16;
that they might take the city.
the city gate, and agave them en- [Rom. 8:31] 19 And they spoke against the God
couragement, saying, 8 a[Jer. 17:5;
of Jerusalem, as against the gods of
7 aBe strong and courageous; bdo 1 John 4:4] the people of the earthathe work
not be afraid nor dismayed before bEx. 14:13; of mens hands.
the king of Assyria, nor before all [1 Sam.
17:4547]; Sennacheribs Defeat and Death
the multitude that is with him; for 2 Chr. 13:12;
cthere are more with us than with 20:17; [Rom. 20 aNow because of this King
him. 8:31] Hezekiah and bthe prophet Isaiah,
8 With him is an aarm of flesh; 9 a2 Kin. 18:17 the son of Amoz, prayed and cried
but bwith us is the LORD our God, to 10 a2 Kin. out to heaven.
help us and to fight our battles. 18:19 21 aThen the LORD sent an angel
And the people were strengthened 11 a2 Kin. who cut down every mighty man of
by the words of Hezekiah king of 18:30 valor, leader, and captain in the
Judah. 12 a2 Kin. camp of the king of Assyria. So he
9 aAfter this Sennacherib king of 18:22 b2 Chr. returned bshamefaced to his own
31:1, 2 land. And when he had gone into
Assyria sent his servants to Jerusa-
lem (but he and all the forces with 13 a2 Kin. the temple of his god, some of his
18:3335 own offspring struck him down
him laid siege against Lachish), to 14 a[Is.
Hezekiah king of Judah, and to all with the sword there.
Judah who were in Jerusalem, say- 22 Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah
15 a2 Kin. and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
ing, 18:29
10 aThus says Sennacherib king of from the hand of Sennacherib the
17 a2 Kin. 19:9; king of Assyria, and from the hand
Assyria: In what do you trust, that [1 Cor. 8:5, 6]
you remain under siege in Jeru- b2 Kin. 19:12; of all others, and 1guided them on
salem? Dan. 3:15 every side.
11 Does not Hezekiah persuade 18 a2 Kin. 23 And many brought gifts to the
you to give yourselves over to die by 18:28; Ps. 59:6 LORD at Jerusalem, and apresents1
1Lit. Judean
famine and by thirst, saying, aThe to Hezekiah king of Judah, so that
LORD our God will deliver us from 19 a2 Kin. he was bexalted in the sight of all
19:18; [Ps. nations thereafter.
the hand of the king of Assyria? 96:5; 115:48]
12 aHas not the same Hezekiah 20 a2 Kin. Hezekiah Humbles Himself
taken away His high places and His 19:15 b2 Kin.
24 aIn those days Hezekiah was
altars, and commanded Judah and 19:2
Jerusalem, saying, You shall wor- 21 a2 Kin. sick and near death, and he prayed
19:35; Is. to the LORD; and He spoke to him
ship before one altar and burn 10:1219; and gave him a sign.
incense on bit? Zech. 14:3 25 But Hezekiah adid not repay
13 Do you not know what I and my bPs. 44:7
according to the favor shown him,
fathers have done to all the peoples 22 1LXX gave for bhis heart was lifted up; cthere-
of other lands? aWere the gods of them rest; Vg.
fore wrath was looming over him
the nations of those lands in any gave them
treasures and over Judah and Jerusalem.
way able to deliver their lands out of 26 aThen Hezekiah humbled him-
23 a2 Sam.
my hand? 8:10; 2 Chr. self for the pride of his heart, he and
14 Who was there among all the 17:5; 26:8; Ps. the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that
gods of those nations that my fa- 45:12 b2 Chr.
the wrath of the LORD did not come
thers utterly destroyed that could 1:1 1Lit. pre-
cious things upon them bin the days of Hezekiah.
deliver his people from my hand,
24 a2 Kin. Hezekiahs Wealth and Honor
that your God should be able to 20:111; Is.
deliver you from my ahand? 38:18 27 Hezekiah had very great riches
15 Now therefore, ado not let 25 aPs. 116:12 and honor. And he made himself
Hezekiah deceive you or persuade b2 Chr. 26:16;
treasuries for silver, for gold, for pre-
you like this, and do not believe [Hab. 2:4]
c2 Chr. 24:18 cious stones, for spices, for shields,
him; for no god of any nation or and for all kinds of desirable items;
kingdom was able to deliver his 26 aJer. 26:18,
19 b2 Kin. 28 storehouses for the harvest of
people from my hand or the hand of 20:19 grain, wine, and oil; and stalls for all
my fathers. How much less will your 28 1So with kinds of livestock, and 1folds for
God deliver you from my hand? LXX, Vg.; flocks.
16 Furthermore, his servants spoke Arab., Syr. 29 Moreover he provided cities for
against the LORD God and against omit folds for himself, and possessions of flocks
flocks; MT
His servant Hezekiah. flocks for and herds in abundance; for aGod
17 He also wrote letters to revile sheepfolds had given him very much property.
the LORD God of Israel, and to 29 a1 Chr. 30 a This same Hezekiah also
speak against Him, saying, aAs the 29:12 stopped the water outlet of Upper
gods of the nations of other lands 30 aIs. 22:911 Gihon, and 1brought the water by
have not delivered their people from b2 Chr. 31:21
1Lit. brought
tunnel to the west side of the City of
my hand, so the God of Hezekiah it straight to
David. Hezekiah bprospered in all
will not deliver His people from my (cf. 2 Kin. his works.
bhand. 20:20) 31 However, regarding the ambas-
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2 CHRONICLES 32:32 406

sadors of the princes of Babylon, 31 aIs. 39:1 LORD had destroyed before the chil-
b[Deut. 8:2,
whom they asent to him to inquire 16] dren of Israel.
about the wonder that was done in
the land, God withdrew from him, in Manasseh Restored After
32 aIs. 3639
order to btest him, that He might b2 Kin. 1820 Repentance
know all that was in his heart. 10 And the LORD spoke to Ma-
33 a2 Kin.
Death of Hezekiah 20:21 bProv. nasseh and his people, but they
10:7 1Died would not 1listen.
32 Now the rest of the acts of and joined his 11 aTherefore the LORD brought
Hezekiah, and his goodness, indeed ancestors upon them the captains of the army
they are written in athe vision of Isa- of the king of Assyria, who took
iah the prophet, the son of Amoz, CHAPTER 33 Manasseh with 1hooks, bbound him
and in the bbook of the kings of 1 a2 Kin.
with 2bronze fetters, and carried
Judah and Israel. 21:19 him off to Babylon.
33 aSo Hezekiah 1rested with his 12 Now when he was in affliction,
fathers, and they buried him in the 2 a2 Chr. 28:3 he implored the LORD his God, and
upper tombs of the sons of David; ahumbled himself greatly before the
and all Judah and the inhabitants of 3 a2 Kin. 18:4 God of his fathers,
bDeut. 16:21
Jerusalem bhonored him at his death. cDeut. 17:3
13 and prayed to Him; and He are-
Then Manasseh his son reigned in 1Places for ceived his entreaty, heard his suppli-
his place. pagan wor- cation, and brought him back to
ship 2The Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then
Manasseh Reigns in Judah gods of the Manasseh bknew that the LORD was
Manasseh awas twelve years God.
33 old when he became king,
and he reigned fifty-five years in
4 a2 Chr. 6:6;
14 After this he built a wall outside
the City of David on the west side of
aGihon, in the valley, as far as the
2 But he did evil in the sight of the 5 a2 Chr. 4:9 entrance of the Fish Gate; and it
benclosed Ophel, and he raised it to
LORD, according to the aabomina-
tions of the nations whom the LORD 6 a[Lev. 18:21]
bDeut. 18:11
a very great height. Then he put mil-
had cast out before the children of c2 Kin. 21:6
itary captains in all the fortified
Israel. cities of Judah.
3 For he rebuilt the 1high places 7 a2 Chr. 25:14 15 He took away athe foreign gods
which Hezekiah his father had abro- bPs. 132:14 and the idol from the house of the
ken down; he raised up altars for
1Temple LORD, and all the altars that he had
the Baals, and bmade wooden im- built in the mount of the house of
8 a2 Sam. 7:10 the LORD and in Jerusalem; and he
ages; and he worshiped call 2the cast them out of the city.
host of heaven and served them. 10 1obey 16 He also repaired the altar of the
4 He also built altars in the house LORD, sacrificed peace offerings
of the LORD, of which the LORD had 11 aDeut.
and athank offerings on it, and com-
said, aIn Jerusalem shall My name 28:36 b2 Chr.
manded Judah to serve the LORD
be forever. 36:6 1Nose
5 And he built altars for all the
hooks, 2 Kin. God of Israel.
19:28 2chains 17 aNevertheless the people still
host of heaven ain the two courts of sacrificed on the 1high places, but
the house of the LORD. 12 a2 Chr.
only to the LORD their God.
6 aAlso he caused his sons to pass 7:14; 32:26
through the fire in the Valley of the Death of Manasseh
Son of Hinnom; he practiced 13 aEzra 8:23
bDan. 4:25
bsoothsaying, used witchcraft and 18 Now the rest of the acts of
sorcery, and cconsulted mediums Manasseh, his prayer to his God,
14 a1 Kin. 1:33
and spiritists. He did much evil in b2 Chr. 27:3 and the words of athe seers who
the sight of the LORD, to provoke spoke to him in the name of the
Him to anger. 15 a2 Chr. LORD God of Israel, indeed they are
7 aHe even set a carved image, the 33:3, 5, 7 written in the 1book of the kings of
idol which he had made, in the Israel.
1house of God, of which God had 16 aLev. 7:12 19 Also his prayer and how God
said to David and to Solomon his received his entreaty, and all his sin
17 a2 Chr. and trespass, and the sites where he
son, bIn this house and in Jeru- 32:12 1Places
salem, which I have chosen out of for pagan built 1high places and set up wooden
all the tribes of Israel, I will put My worship images and carved images, before he
name forever; was humbled, indeed they are writ-
8 aand I will not again remove 18 a1 Sam. 9:9 ten among the sayings of 2Hozai.
1Lit. words
the foot of Israel from the land 20 aSo Manasseh rested with his
which I have appointed for your fathers, and they buried him in his
19 1Places for own house. Then his son Amon
fathersonly if they are careful to pagan wor-
do all that I have commanded them, ship 2LXX the reigned in his place.
according to the whole law and the seers
Amons Reign and Death
statutes and the ordinances by the
20 a2 Kin.
hand of Moses. 21:18 21 aAmon was twenty-two years
9 So Manasseh seduced Judah and old when he became king, and he
the inhabitants of Jerusalem to do 21 a2 Kin. 21: reigned two years in Jerusalem.
more evil than the nations whom the 1924 22 But he did evil in the sight of the
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407 2 CHRONICLES 34:22

LORD, as his father Manasseh had 23 a2 Chr. from all the bremnant of Israel, from
done; for Amon sacrificed to all the 33:12, 19 all Judah and Benjamin, and which
carved images which his father Ma- they had brought back to Jerusalem.
nasseh had made, and served them. 24 a2 Kin. 10 Then they put it in the hand of
23 And he did not humble himself 21:23, 24; the foremen who had the oversight
before the LORD, aas his father Ma- 2 Chr. 24:25
b2 Chr. 25:27
of the house of the LORD; and they
nasseh had humbled himself; but gave it to the workmen who worked
Amon trespassed more and more. in the house of the LORD, to repair
24 aThen his servants conspired and restore the house.
against him, and bkilled him in his CHAPTER 34 11 They gave it to the craftsmen
own house. and builders to buy hewn stone and
25 But the people of the land exe- timber for beams, and to floor the
cuted all those who had conspired 1 a2 Kin. 22:1, houses which the kings of Judah
against King Amon. Then the peo- 2; Jer. 1:2; 3:6 had destroyed.
ple of the land made his son Josiah 12 And the men did the work faith-
king in his place. fully. Their overseers were Jahath
3 aEccl. 12:1 and Obadiah the Levites, of the sons
b2 Chr. 15:2;
Josiah Reigns in Judah of Merari, and Zechariah and
[Prov. 8:17]
Josiah awas eight years old c1 Kin. 13:2 Meshullam, of the sons of the
34 when he became king, and he
reigned thirty-one years in Jerusa-
d2 Chr.
33:1719, 22
1Places for
Kohathites, to supervise. Others of
the Levites, all of whom were skill-
lem. pagan wor- ful with instruments of music,
2 And he did what was right in ship 13 were aover the burden bearers
the sight of the LORD, and walked in and were overseers of all who did
the ways of his father David; he did work in any kind of service. bAnd
4 aLev. 26:30; some of the Levites were scribes,
not turn aside to the right hand or to 2 Kin. 23:4
the left. b2 Kin. 23:6 officers, and gatekeepers.
3 For in the eighth year of his 14 Now when they brought out
reign, while he was still ayoung, he the money that was brought into the
began to bseek the God of his father 5 a1 Kin. 13:2 house of the LORD, Hilkiah the
b2 Kin. 23:20
David; and in the twelfth year he priest afound the Book of the Law of
began cto purge Judah and Jerusa- the LORD given by Moses.
lem dof the 1high places, the wooden 6 1Lit. swords
15 Then Hilkiah answered and said
images, the carved images, and the to Shaphan the scribe, I have found
molded images. the Book of the Law in the house of
4 aThey broke down the altars of 7 aDeut. 9:21 the LORD. And Hilkiah gave the
abook to Shaphan.
the Baals in his presence, and the
incense altars which were above 16 So Shaphan carried the book to
them he cut down; and the wooden 8 a2 Kin. the king, bringing the king word,
22:320 saying, All that was committed to
images, the carved images, and the b2 Kin. 25:22
molded images he broke in pieces, c2 Chr. 18:25 your servants they are doing.
and made dust of them band scat- 1Lit. house 17 And they have 1gathered the
tered it on the graves of those who money that was found in the house
had sacrificed to them. of the LORD, and have delivered it
9 a2 Kin. 12:4 into the hand of the overseers and
5 He also aburned the bones of the b2 Chr. 30:6
priests on their baltars, and cleansed the workmen.
Judah and Jerusalem. 18 Then Shaphan the scribe told
6 And so he did in the cities of 13 a2 Chr. 8:10 the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest
Manasseh, Ephraim, and Simeon, as
b1 Chr. 23:4, 5 has given me a book. And Shaphan
far as Naphtali and all around, with read it before the king.
1axes. 19 Thus it happened, when the king
14 a2 Kin. 22:8 heard the words of the Law, that he
7 When he had broken down the
altars and the wooden images, had tore his clothes.
abeaten the carved images into pow- 15 aDeut. 20 Then the king commanded Hil-
der, and cut down all the incense 31:24, 26 kiah, aAhikam the son of Shaphan,
1Abdon the son of Micah, Shaphan
altars throughout all the land of
Israel, he returned to Jerusalem. the scribe, and Asaiah a servant of
17 1Lit. poured the king, saying,
out 21 Go, inquire of the LORD for me,
Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law
and for those who are left in Israel
8 aIn the eighteenth year of his 20 aJer. 26:24 and Judah, concerning the words of
reign, when he had purged the land 1Achbor the the book that is found; for great is
and the 1temple, he sent bShaphan son of Micha- the wrath of the LORD that is poured
the son of Azaliah, Maaseiah the iah, 2 Kin. out on us, because our fathers have
cgovernor of the city, and Joah the 22:12
not akept the word of the LORD, to
son of Joahaz the recorder, to repair do according to all that is written in
the house of the LORD his God. 21 a2 Kin. this book.
9 When they came to Hilkiah the 17:1519 22 So Hilkiah and those the king
high priest, they delivered athe had appointed went to Huldah the
money that was brought into the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the
house of God, which the Levites who 22 1Tikvah, son of 1Tokhath, the son of 2Hasrah,
2 Kin. 22:14
kept the doors had gathered from 2Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe. (She dwelt
the hand of Manasseh and Ephraim, 2 Kin. 22:14 in Jerusalem in the Second Quarter.)
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2 CHRONICLES 34:23 408

And they spoke to her to that effect. 24 a2 Chr. 36: Josiah Keeps the Passover
23 Then she answered them, Thus 1420 bDeut.
28:1568 Now aJosiah kept a Passover
says the LORD God of Israel, Tell
the man who sent you to Me,
27 a2 Kin.
35 to the LORD in Jerusalem, and
they slaughtered the Passover lambs
24 Thus says the LORD: Behold, I
will abring calamity on this place and
22:19; 2 Chr. on the bfourteenth day of the first
12:7; 30:6;
on its inhabitants, all the curses that 33:12, 13 month.
are written in the bbook which they 2 And he set the priests in their
aduties and bencouraged them for
have read before the king of Judah, 29 a2 Kin.
25 because they have forsaken Me 23:13 the service of the house of the LORD.
and burned incense to other gods, 3 Then he said to the Levites awho
that they might provoke Me to taught all Israel, who were holy to
30 aNeh. 8:13
anger with all the works of their the LORD: bPut the holy ark cin the
hands. Therefore My wrath will be house which Solomon the son of
poured out on this place, and not be
31 a2 Chr. 6:13
b2 Kin. 11:14;
David, king of Israel, built. dIt shall
quenched. 23:3 c2 Chr. no longer be a burden on your
26 But as for the king of Judah, 23:16; 29:10 shoulders. Now serve the LORD
who sent you to inquire of the your God and His people Israel.
LORD, in this manner you shall 33 a1 Kin. 4 Prepare yourselves aaccording
speak to him, Thus says the LORD 11:5; 2 Chr. to your fathers 1houses, according
God of Israel: Concerning the 33:2 bJer. 3:10 to your divisions, following the
1Lit. serve to bwritten instruction of David king of
words which you have heard serve
Israel and the cwritten instruction of
27 because your heart was tender, Solomon his son.
and you humbled yourself before CHAPTER 35 5 And astand in the holy place
God when you heard His words according to the divisions of the
against this place and against its 1 a2 Kin. fathers houses of your brethren
inhabitants, and you humbled your- 23:21, 22 bEx. the lay people, and according to the
self before Me, and you tore your 12:6; Num.
division of the fathers house of the
clothes and wept before Me, I also 9:3; Ezra 6:19
have heard you, says the aLORD. 6 So slaughter the Passover
28 Surely I will gather you to your 2 a2 Chr.
offerings, aconsecrate yourselves,
fathers, and you shall be gathered to 23:18; Ezra
and prepare them for your breth-
6:18 b2 Chr.
your grave in peace; and your eyes 29:515 ren, that they may do according to
shall not see all the calamity which the word of the LORD by the hand of
I will bring on this place and its 3 aDeut. 33:10; Moses.
inhabitants. So they brought 2 Chr. 17:8, 9; 7 Then Josiah agave the lay peo-
back word to the king. Neh. 8:7
ple lambs and young goats from the
b2 Chr. 34:14
Josiah Restores True Worship cEx. 40:21; flock, all for Passover offerings for
2 Chr. 5:7
d1 Chr. 23:26
all who were present, to the number
29 aThen the king sent and gath- of thirty thousand, as well as three
ered all the elders of Judah and thousand cattle; these were from the
Jerusalem. 4 a1 Chr. kings bpossessions.
30 The king went up to the house 9:1013 b1
Chr. 2326 8 And his aleaders gave willingly
of the LORD, with all the men of c2 Chr. 8:14 to the people, to the priests, and to
Judah and the inhabitants of Jeru- 1households the Levites. Hilkiah, Zechariah, and
salemthe priests and the Levites, Jehiel, rulers of the house of God,
and all the people, great and small. 5 aPs. 134:1 gave to the priests for the Passover
And he aread in their hearing all the offerings two thousand six hundred
words of the Book of the Covenant 6 a2 Chr. 29:5, from the flock, and three hundred
which had been found in the house 15 cattle.
of the LORD. 9 Also aConaniah, his brothers
31 Then the king astood in bhis 7 a2 Chr. 30:24 Shemaiah and Nethanel, and Hash-
place and made a ccovenant before b2 Chr. 31:3 abiah and Jeiel and Jozabad, chief
the LORD, to follow the LORD, and of the Levites, gave to the Levites
to keep His commandments and His 8 aNum. 7:2 for Passover offerings five thousand
testimonies and His statutes with all from the flock and five hundred cat-
his heart and all his soul, to perform tle.
9 a2 Chr. 31:12
the words of the covenant that were 10 So the service was prepared,
written in this book. and the priests astood in their places,
32 And he made all who were pres- 10 aEzra 6:18; and the bLevites in their divisions,
Heb. 9:6
ent in Jerusalem and Benjamin take b2 Chr. 5:12; according to the kings command.
a stand. So the inhabitants of 7:6; 8:14, 15; 11 And they slaughtered the Pass-
Jerusalem did according to the 13:10; over offerings; and the priests
covenant of God, the God of their 29:2534 asprinkled the blood with their
fathers. hands, while the Levites bskinned
33 Thus Josiah removed all the 11 aEx. 12:22; the animals.
aabominations from all the country 2 Chr. 29:22
b2 Chr. 29:34 12 Then they removed the burnt
that belonged to the children of offerings that they might give them
Israel, and made all who were pres- 12 aLev. 3:3; to the divisions of the fathers houses
ent in Israel 1diligently serve the Ezra 6:18 of the lay people, to offer to the LORD,
LORD their God. bAll his days they as it is written ain the Book of Moses.
did not depart from following the 13 aEx. 12:8, 9; And so they did with the cattle.
LORD God of their fathers. Deut. 16:7 13 Also they aroasted the Passover
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409 2 CHRONICLES 36:10

offerings with fire according to the 13 b1 Sam. the tombs of his fathers. And ball
ordinance; but the other holy offer- 2:1315 Judah and Jerusalem mourned for
ings they bboiled in pots, in caldrons, Josiah.
and in pans, and divided them 15 a1 Chr. 25 Jeremiah also alamented for bJo-
quickly among all the lay people. 25:16 b1 Chr. siah. And to this day call the singing
14 Then afterward they prepared 9:17, 18 men and the singing women speak
portions for themselves and for the of Josiah in their lamentations.
priests, because the priests, the sons 17 aEx. 12:15;
dThey made it a custom in Israel;
of Aaron, were busy in offering 13:6; 2 Chr. and indeed they are written in the
burnt offerings and fat until night; 30:21 Laments.
therefore the Levites prepared por- 26 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah
tions for themselves and for the 18 a2 Kin.
and his goodness, according to what
priests, the sons of Aaron. 23:22, 23 was written in the Law of the LORD,
15 And the singers, the sons of 27 and his deeds from first to last,
Asaph, were in their places, accord- indeed they are written in the book
ing to the acommand of David, 20 a2 Kin. of the kings of Israel and Judah.
Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun the 23:29 bIs. 10:9;
Jer. 46:2 The Reign and Captivity of
kings seer. Also the gatekeepers
bwere at each gate; they did not Jehoahaz
have to leave their position, because 22 a1 Kin.
Then athe people of the land
their brethren the Levites prepared
portions for them.
22:30; 2 Chr.
18:29 36 took Jehoahaz the son of
Josiah, and made him king in his fa-
16 So all the service of the LORD thers place in Jerusalem.
was prepared the same day, to keep 24 a2 Kin.
2 1Jehoahaz was twenty-three
the Passover and to offer burnt offer- 23:30 b1 Kin.
14:18; Zech. years old when he became king, and
ings on the altar of the LORD, accord- 12:11 he reigned three months in Jerusa-
ing to the command of King Josiah. lem.
17 And the children of Israel who 3 Now the king of Egypt deposed
were present kept the Passover at 25 aLam. 4:20
him at Jerusalem; and he imposed
bJer. 22:10, 11
that time, and the Feast of aUnleav- cMatt. 9:23 on the land a tribute of one hundred
ened Bread for seven days. dJer. 22:20
talents of silver and a talent of gold.
18 aThere had been no Passover 4 Then the king of Egypt made
kept in Israel like that since the days 1Jehoahazs brother Eliakim king
of Samuel the prophet; and none of CHAPTER 36
over Judah and Jerusalem, and
the kings of Israel had kept such a changed his name to Jehoiakim. And
Passover as Josiah kept, with the 1 a2 Kin. Necho took 2Jehoahaz his brother
priests and the Levites, all Judah 23:3034 and carried him off to Egypt.
and Israel who were present, and
the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Reign and Captivity of
19 In the eighteenth year of the 2 1MT Joahaz
reign of Josiah this Passover was
kept. 5 aJehoiakim was twenty-five
4 1Lit. his 2MT
Joahaz years old when he became king, and
Josiah Dies in Battle he reigned eleven years in Jerusa-
20 aAfter all this, when Josiah had lem. And he did bevil in the sight of
prepared the temple, Necho king of
5 a2 Kin. the LORD his God.
23:36, 37; 6 aNebuchadnezzar king of Bab-
Egypt came up to fight against bCar- 1 Chr. 3:15
chemish by the Euphrates; and b[Jer. ylon came up against him, and
Josiah went out against him. 22:1319] bound him in 1bronze fetters to
bcarry him off to Babylon.
21 But he sent messengers to him,
saying, What have I to do with you, 7 aNebuchadnezzar also carried
6 a2 Kin. 24:1; off some of the articles from the
king of Judah? I have not come Hab. 1:6
against you this day, but against the b[Deut. house of the LORD to Babylon, and
house with which I have war; for 29:2229]; put them in his temple at Babylon.
2 Chr. 33:11; 8 Now the rest of the acts of
God commanded me to make haste. Jer. 36:30
Refrain from meddling with God, 1chains Jehoiakim, the abominations which
who is with me, lest He destroy you. he did, and what was found against
22 Nevertheless Josiah would not him, indeed they are written in the
7 a2 Kin. book of the kings of Israel and
turn his face from him, but adis- 24:13; Dan.
guised himself so that he might 1:1, 2 Judah. Then 1Jehoiachin his son
fight with him, and did not heed the reigned in his place.
words of Necho from the mouth of 8 1Or Jeconiah The Reign and Captivity of
God. So he came to fight in the Val- Jehoiachin
ley of Megiddo.
23 And the archers shot King 9 a2 Kin. 9 aJehoiachin was 1eight years old
Josiah; and the king said to his ser- 24:817 1Heb. when he became king, and he
mss., LXX,
vants, Take me away, for I am Syr. eighteen reigned in Jerusalem three months
severely wounded. and 2 Kin. and ten days. And he did evil in the
24 aHis servants therefore took 24:8 sight of the LORD.
him out of that chariot and put him 10 At the turn of the year aKing
in the second chariot that he had, 10 a2 Kin.
Nebuchadnezzar summoned him
and they brought him to Jerusalem. 24:1017 and took him to Babylon, bwith the
So he died, and was buried in one of bDan. 1:1, 2 costly articles from the house of the
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2 CHRONICLES 36:11 410

LORD, and made cZedekiah,1 2Je- 10 cJer. 37:1
1Or Mattani-
the weak; He gave them all into his
hoiakims brother, king over Judah ah 2Lit. his hand.
and Jerusalem. brother, 2 18 aAnd all the articles from the
Kin. 24:17 house of God, great and small, the
Zedekiah Reigns in Judah treasures of the house of the LORD,
11 aZedekiah was twenty-one 11 aJer. 52:1 and the treasures of the king and of
years old when he became king, and his leaders, all these he took to
he reigned eleven years in Jerusa- 12 aJer. 21:37; Babylon.
lem. 44:10 19 aThen they burned the house of
12 He did evil in the sight of the God, broke down the wall of Jerusa-
LORD his God, and adid not humble 13 aEzek. lem, burned all its palaces with fire,
himself before Jeremiah the prophet, 17:15 b2 Kin. and destroyed all its precious pos-
who spoke from the mouth of the 17:14 sessions.
LORD. 20 And athose who escaped from
13 And he also arebelled against 15 aJer. 7:13; the sword he carried away to Bab-
King Nebuchadnezzar, who had 25:3, 4 ylon, bwhere they became servants
made him swear an oath by God; to him and his sons until the rule of
but he bstiffened his neck and hard-
ened his heart against turning to the 16 aJer. 5:12, the kingdom of Persia,
13 b[Prov. 21 to fulfill the word of the LORD
LORD God of Israel. 1:2432] cJer.
14 Moreover all the leaders of the 38:6 dPs. 79:5 by the mouth of aJeremiah, until the
priests and the people transgressed land bhad enjoyed her Sabbaths. As
more and more, according to all the 17 a2 Kin. 25:1
long as she lay desolate cshe kept
abominations of the nations, and bPs. 74:20 Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years.
defiled the house of the LORD which
He had consecrated in Jerusalem. The Proclamation of Cyrus
18 a2 Kin.
25:1315 22 aNow in the first year of Cyrus
The Fall of Jerusalem king of Persia, that the word of the
15 aAnd the LORD God of their 19 a2 Kin. 25:9 LORD by the mouth of bJeremiah
fathers sent warnings to them by might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred
His messengers, rising up early and up the spirit of cCyrus king of Per-
20 a2 Kin.
sending them, because He had com- 25:11 bJer. sia, so that he made a proclamation
passion on His people and on His 17:4; 27:7 throughout all his kingdom, and
dwelling place. also put it in writing, saying,
16 But athey mocked the messen-
gers of God, bdespised His words, 21 aJer.
25:912; 23 aThus says Cyrus king of
and cscoffed at His prophets, until 27:68; 29:10 Persia: All the kingdoms of the
the dwrath of the LORD arose bLev. 26:3443
earth the LORD God of heaven
against His people, till there was no cLev. 25:4, 5
has given me. And He has
17 aTherefore He brought against commanded me to build Him a
22 aEzra 1:13 1house at Jerusalem which is in
them the king of the Chaldeans, bJer. 29:10 cIs.
who bkilled their young men with 44:28; 45:1 Judah. Who is among you of all
the sword in the house of their sanc- His people? May the LORD his
tuary, and had no compassion on 23 aEzra 1:2, 3 God be with him, and let him
young man or virgin, on the aged or 1Temple go up!

The Book of


E ZRA continues the Old Testament narrative of Second Chronicles by showing

how God fulfills His promise to return His people to the Land of Promise after
seventy years of exile. Israels second exodus, this one from Babylon, is less
impressive than the return from Egypt because only a remnant chooses to leave
Ezra relates the story of two returns from Babylonthe first led by Zerubbabel
to rebuild the temple (16), and the second under the leadership of Ezra to rebuild
the spiritual condition of the people (710). Sandwiched between these two
accounts is a gap of nearly six decades, during which Esther lives and rules as
queen in Persia.
Ezra is the Aramaic form of the Hebrew word ezer, help, and perhaps means
Yahweh helps. Ezra and Nehemiah were originally bound together as one book
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411 EZRA 2:21

because Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah were viewed as one continuous history.
The Septuagint, a Greek-language version of the Old Testament translated in the
third century B.C., calls EzraNehemiah, Esdras Deuteron, Second Esdras. First
Esdras is the name of the apocryphal book of Esdras. The Latin title is Liber
Primus Esdrae, First Book of Ezra. In the Latin Bible, Ezra is called First Ezra
and Nehemiah is called Second Ezra.

End of the Babylonian Captivity CHAPTER 1 captives who were brought from
Babylon to Jerusalem.
OW in the first year of Cyrus
N king of Persia, that the word of
the LORD aby the mouth of Jeremiah
1 a2 Chr.
36:22, 23; Jer.
The Captives Who Returned to
might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred 25:12; 29:10
bEzra 5:13, 14;
these are the people of the
2 Now
up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, Is. 44:2845:13
bso that he made a proclamation province who came back from
throughout all his kingdom, and the captivity, of those who had been
2 aIs. 44:28; carried away, bwhom Nebuchadnez-
also put it in writing, saying, 45:1, 13 1Tem-
ple zar the king of Babylon had carried
2 Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: away to Babylon, and who returned
All the kingdoms of the earth to Jerusalem and Judah, everyone to
3 a1 Kin. 8:23;
the LORD God of heaven has 18:39; Is. his own city.
given me. And He has 37:16; Dan. 2 Those who came with Zerubba-
acommanded me to build Him a 6:26 bel were Jeshua, Nehemiah, 1Se-
1house at Jerusalem which is in raiah, 2Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan,
Judah. 5 a[Phil. 2:13]
3Mispar, Bigvai, 4Rehum, and
3 Who is among you of all His 1stirred up Baanah. The number of the men of
people? May his God be with the people of Israel:
him, and let him go up to 6 aEzra 2:68
Jerusalem which is in Judah, 1Lit. strength- 3 the people of Parosh,
and build the house of the ened their two thousand one hundred and
LORD God of Israel a(He is hands seventy-two;
God), which is in Jerusalem. 4 the people of Shephatiah, three
4 And whoever is left in any 7 aEzra 5:14; hundred and seventy-two;
place where he dwells, let the 6:5; Dan. 1:2; 5 the people of Arah, aseven
men of his place help him with 5:2, 3 b2 Kin.
24:13; 2 Chr. hundred and seventy-five;
silver and gold, with goods and 36:7, 18 1Lit. 6 the people of aPahath-Moab, of
livestock, besides the freewill house the people of Jeshua and Joab,
offerings for the house of God two thousand eight hundred
which is in Jerusalem. 8 aEzra 5:14, and twelve;
16 7 the people of Elam, one
5 Then the heads of the fathers thousand two hundred and
houses of Judah and Benjamin, and fifty-four;
the priests and the Levites, with all CHAPTER 2 8 the people of Zattu, nine
whose spirits aGod 1had moved, arose hundred and forty-five;
to go up and build the house of the 9 the people of Zaccai, seven
LORD which is in Jerusalem. 1 aNeh. 7:673; hundred and sixty;
6 And all those who were around Jer. 32:15;
10 the people of 1Bani, six hundred
them 1encouraged them with arti- 50:5; Ezek.
14:22 b2 Kin. and forty-two;
cles of silver and gold, with goods 24:1416; 11 the people of Bebai, six
and livestock, and with precious 25:11; 2 Chr. hundred and twenty-three;
things, besides all that was awill- 36:20
12 the people of Azgad, one
ingly offered. thousand two hundred and
7 aKing Cyrus also brought out 2 1Azariah, twenty-two;
the articles of the house of the Neh. 7:7
LORD, bwhich Nebuchadnezzar had 2Raamiah, 13 the people of Adonikam, six
taken from Jerusalem and put in the Neh. 7:7 3Mis- hundred and sixty-six;
pereth, Neh. 14 the people of Bigvai, two
1temple of his gods;
7:7 4Nehum,
8 and Cyrus king of Persia brought Neh. 7:7 thousand and fifty-six;
them out by the hand of Mithredath 15 the people of Adin, four
the treasurer, and counted them hundred and fifty-four;
5 aNeh. 7:10 16 the people of Ater of Hezekiah,
out to aSheshbazzar the prince of Ju-
dah. ninety-eight;
9 This is the number of them: 6 aNeh. 7:11 17 the people of Bezai, three
thirty gold platters, one thousand hundred and twenty-three;
silver platters, twenty-nine knives, 10 1Binnui, 18 the people of 1Jorah, one
10 thirty gold basins, four hundred Neh. 7:15 hundred and twelve;
and ten silver basins of a similar 19 the people of Hashum, two
kind, and one thousand other arti- 18 1Hariph, hundred and twenty-three;
cles. Neh. 7:24 20 the people of 1Gibbar, ninety-
11 All the articles of gold and silver five;
were five thousand four hundred. 20 1Gibeon, 21 the people of Bethlehem, one
All these Sheshbazzar took with the Neh. 7:25 hundred and twenty-three;
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EZRA 2:22 412

22 the men of Netophah, fifty-six; 24 1Beth 52 the sons of 1Bazluth, the sons
23 the men of Anathoth, one Neh. 7:28 of Mehida, the sons of Harsha,
hundred and twenty-eight; 53 the sons of Barkos, the sons of
24 the people of 1Azmaveth, forty- 25 1Kirjath
Sisera, the sons of Tamah,
two; Jearim, Neh. 54 the sons of Neziah, and the
25 the people of 1Kirjath Arim, 7:29 sons of Hatipha.
Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven 55 The sons of aSolomons
hundred and forty-three; 31 aEzra 2:7 servants: the sons of Sotai, the
26 the people of Ramah and Geba, sons of bSophereth, the sons of
six hundred and twenty-one; 36 a1 Chr.
27 the men of Michmas, one 24:718 56 the sons of Jaala, the sons of
hundred and twenty-two; Darkon, the sons of Giddel,
28 the men of Bethel and Ai, two 37 a1 Chr. 57 the sons of Shephatiah, the sons
24:14 of Hattil, the sons of Pochereth
hundred and twenty-three;
29 the people of Nebo, fifty-two; of Zebaim, and the sons of 1Ami.
38 a1 Chr. 9:12 58 All the aNethinim and the
30 the people of Magbish, one
hundred and fifty-six; children of bSolomons servants
31 the people of the other aElam,
39 a1 Chr. 24:8 were three hundred and ninety-
one thousand two hundred and two.
40 1Judah, 59 And these were the ones who
fifty-four; Ezra 3:9, or came up from Tel Melah, Tel
32 the people of Harim, three Hodevah,
Harsha, Cherub, 1Addan, and
hundred and twenty; Neh. 7:43
Immer; but they could not
33 the people of Lod, Hadid, and 2identify their fathers house or
Ono, seven hundred and 43 a1 Chr. 9:2;
Ezra 7:7 their 3genealogy, whether they
twenty-five; were of Israel:
34 the people of Jericho, three 44 1Sia, Neh. 60 the sons of Delaiah, the sons of
hundred and forty-five; 7:47 Tobiah, and the sons of Nekoda,
35 the people of Senaah, three six hundred and fifty-two;
thousand six hundred and 50 1Nephishe- 61 and of the sons of the priests:
thirty. sim, Neh. 7:52 the sons of aHabaiah, the sons
36 The priests: the sons of aJe- of 1Koz, and the sons of
daiah, of the house of Jeshua, 52 1Bazlith, bBarzillai, who took a wife of
nine hundred and seventy-three; Neh. 7:54 the daughters of Barzillai the
37 the sons of aImmer, one Gileadite, and was called by
thousand and fifty-two; 55 a1 Kin. 9:21 their name.
bNeh. 7:5760
38 the sons of aPashhur, one 1Perida, Neh.
thousand two hundred and 7:57 62 These sought their listing among
forty-seven; those who were registered by
39 the sons of aHarim, one 57 1Amon, genealogy, but they were not found;
atherefore they were excluded from
thousand and seventeen. Neh. 7:59
40 The Levites: the sons of Jeshua the priesthood as defiled.
and Kadmiel, of the sons of 58 aJosh. 9:21, 63 And the 1governor said to them
1Hodaviah, seventy-four. 27; 1 Chr. 9:2
b1 Kin. 9:21
that they ashould not eat of the most
41 The singers: the sons of Asaph, holy things till a priest could consult
one hundred and twenty-eight. with the bUrim and Thummim.
59 1Or Addon, 64 aThe whole assembly together
42 The sons of the gatekeepers: the Neh. 7:61 2Lit.
sons of Shallum, the sons of Ater, tell 3Lit. seed was forty-two thousand three hun-
the sons of Talmon, the sons of dred and sixty,
Akkub, the sons of Hatita, and 61 aNeh. 7:63 65 besides their male and female
the sons of Shobai, one hundred
b2 Sam. 17:27; servants, of whom there were seven
1 Kin. 2:7 1Or thousand three hundred and thirty-
and thirty-nine in all. Hakkoz
43 The Nethinim: the sons of
a seven; and they had two hundred
Ziha, the sons of Hasupha, the men and women singers.
62 aNum. 3:10 66 Their horses were seven hun-
sons of Tabbaoth, dred and thirty-six, their mules two
44 the sons of Keros, the sons of 63 aLev. 22:2, hundred and forty-five,
1Siaha, the sons of Padon, 10, 15, 16 bEx.
28:30; Num. 67 their camels four hundred and
45 the sons of Lebanah, the sons 27:21 1Heb. thirty-five, and their donkeys six
of Hagabah, the sons of Akkub, Tirshatha thousand seven hundred and
46 the sons of Hagab, the sons of twenty.
Shalmai, the sons of Hanan, 64 aNeh. 7:66; 68 aSome of the heads of the fa-
47 the sons of Giddel, the sons of Is. 10:22 thers houses, when they came to
Gahar, the sons of Reaiah, the house of the LORD which is in
48 the sons of Rezin, the sons of 68 aEzra 1:6; Jerusalem, offered freely for the
Nekoda, the sons of Gazzam, 3:5; Neh. 7:70
house of God, to erect it in its place:
49 the sons of Uzza, the sons of 69 According to their ability, they
Paseah, the sons of Besai, 69 a1 Chr. gave to the atreasury for the work
26:20; Ezra
50 the sons of Asnah, the sons of 8:2535 sixty-one thousand gold drachmas,
Meunim, the sons of 1Nephusim, five thousand minas of silver, and
51 the sons of Bakbuk, the sons of 70 aEzra 6:16, one hundred priestly garments.
Hakupha, the sons of Harhur, 17; Neh. 7:73 70 aSo the priests and the Levites,
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413 EZRA 4:7

some of the people, the singers, the CHAPTER 3 with trumpets, and the Levites, the
gatekeepers, and the Nethinim, sons of Asaph, with cymbals, to
dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in 1 aNeh. 7:73; praise the LORD, according to the
their cities. 8:1, 2 bordinance2 of David king of Israel.

2 a1 Chr. 6:14, 11 aAnd they sang responsively,

Worship Restored at Jerusalem 15; Ezra 4:3; praising and giving thanks to the
Neh. 12:1, 8; LORD:
And when the aseventh month
3 had come, and the children of
Israel were in the cities, the people
Hag. 1:1; 2:2
bEzra 2:2; 4:2,
3; 5:2 c1 Chr.
b For He is good,
cFor His mercy endures forever
3:17 dDeut.
gathered together as one man to 12:5, 6 1Or toward Israel.
Jerusalem. Joshua
2 Then 1Jeshua the son of aJoza- 2Jehozadak,
Then all the people shouted with a
dak2 and his brethren the priests, 1 Chr. 6:14 great shout, when they praised the
band Zerubbabel the son of cSheal- aNum. LORD, because the foundation of the
3 28:3
tiel and his brethren, arose and built 1foundations house of the LORD was laid.
the altar of the God of Israel, to offer 4 aLev.
12 But many of the priests and
burnt offerings on it, as it is dwritten 23:3343; Levites and aheads of the fathers
in the Law of Moses the man of Neh. 8:1418; houses, old men who had seen the
God. Zech. 14:16
bEx. 23:16
first temple, wept with a loud voice
3 Though fear had come upon cNum. 29:12, when the foundation of this temple
them because of the people of those 13 was laid before their eyes.Yet many
countries, they set the altar on its shouted aloud for joy,
1bases; and they offered aburnt offer- 5 aEx. 29:38; 13 so that the people could not dis-
Num. 28:3, 11,
ings on it to the LORD, both the morn- 19, 26; Ezra cern the noise of the shout of joy
ing and evening burnt offerings. 1:4; 2:68; 7:15, from the noise of the weeping of the
4 aThey also kept the Feast of 16; 8:28 people, for the people shouted with
Tabernacles, bas it is written, and 7 a1 Kin. 5:6, a loud shout, and the sound was
coffered the daily burnt offerings in 9; 2 Chr. 2:10; heard afar off.
the number required by ordinance Acts 12:20
for each day.
b2 Chr. 2:16; Resistance to Rebuilding the
Acts 9:36 Temple
5 Afterwards they offered the cEzra 1:2; 6:3
aregular burnt offering, and those
Now when athe 1adversaries of
for New Moons and for all the
appointed feasts of the LORD that
8 aEzra 3:2;
4:3 b1 Chr.
23:4, 24
4 Judah and Benjamin heard that
the descendants of the captivity
were consecrated, and those of 1Jehozadak,
were building the temple of the
everyone who willingly offered a 1 Chr. 6:14
LORD God of Israel,
freewill offering to the LORD. 9 1Hodaviah, 2 they came to Zerubbabel and
6 From the first day of the seventh Ezra 2:40 the heads of the fathers houses, and
month they began to offer burnt said to them, Let us build with you,
offerings to the LORD, although the 10 a1 Chr. 16:5,
6 b1 Chr. 6:31; for we seek your God as you do; and
foundation of the temple of the LORD 16:4; 25:1 1So we have sacrificed to Him asince the
had not been laid. with LXX, days of Esarhaddon king of Assyria,
7 They also gave money to the Syr., Vg.; MT
they sta- who brought us here.
masons and the carpenters, and tioned the 3 But Zerubbabel and Jeshua and
afood, drink, and oil to the people of priests 2Lit. the rest of the heads of the fathers
Sidon and Tyre to bring cedar logs hands houses of Israel said to them, aYou
from Lebanon to the sea, to bJoppa, 11 aEx. 15:21; may do nothing with us to build a
caccording to the permission which 1house for our God; but we alone
2 Chr. 7:3;
they had from Cyrus king of Persia. Neh. 12:24
b1 Chr. 16:34;
will build to the LORD God of Israel,
Ps. 136:1 as bKing Cyrus the king of Persia
Restoration of the Temple Begins c1 Chr. 16:41; has commanded us.
8 Now in the second month of the Jer. 33:11 4 Then athe people of the land tried
second year of their coming to the 12 aEzra 2:68
to discourage the people of Judah.
house of God at Jerusalem, aZerubba- They troubled them in building,
bel the son of Shealtiel, Jeshua the 5 and hired counselors against
CHAPTER 4 them to frustrate their purpose all
son of 1Jozadak, and the rest of their
brethren the priests and the Levites, the days of Cyrus king of Persia,
1 aEzra 4:79 even until the reign of aDarius king
and all those who had come out of the 1enemies
captivity to Jerusalem, began work of Persia.
band appointed the Levites from 2 a2 Kin.
twenty years old and above to oversee 17:24; 19:37; Rebuilding of Jerusalem Opposed
Ezra 4:10
the work of the house of the LORD. 6 In the reign of Ahasuerus, in the
9 Then Jeshua with his sons and 3 aNeh. 2:20
bEzra 1:14
beginning of his reign, they wrote
brothers, Kadmiel with his sons, 1Temple an accusation against the inhabi-
and the sons of 1Judah, arose as one tants of Judah and Jerusalem.
to oversee those working on the 4 aEzra 3:3 7 In the days of aArtaxerxes also,
house of God: the sons of Henadad 5 aEzra 5:5;
1Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabel, and the
with their sons and their brethren 6:1 rest of their companions wrote to
the Levites. Artaxerxes king of Persia; and the
10 When the builders laid the foun- 7 aEzra 7:1, 7, letter was written in bAramaic
21 b2 Kin.
dation of the temple of the LORD, 18:26 1Or in script, and translated into the Ara-
athe1 priests stood in their apparel peace maic language.
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EZRA 4:8 414

8 1Rehum the commander and 8 1The origi- 18 The letter which you sent to us
nal language has been clearly read before
Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter of Ezra 4:8
against Jerusalem to King Artax- through 6:18 me.
erxes in this fashion: is Aramaic. 19 And 1I gave the command, and a
search has been made, and it
9 From Rehum the commander,
1 was found that this city in
9 a2 Kin.
Shimshai the scribe, and the 17:30, 31 1Lit. former times has revolted
rest of their companions Then 2Or against kings, and rebellion and
representatives of athe Susa sedition have been fostered in it.
Dinaites, the Apharsathchites, 20 There have also been mighty
the Tarpelites, the people of 10 a2 Kin.
kings over Jerusalem, who have
aruled over all the region
Persia and Erech and Babylon 17:24; Ezra
bbeyond the River; and tax,
and 2Shushan, the Dehavites, 4:1 bEzra 4:11,
the Elamites, 17; 7:12 1The tribute, and custom were paid
Euphrates to them.
10 and the rest of the nations
a 2Lit. and now
whom the great and noble 21 Now 1give the command to
Osnapper took captive and make these men cease, that this
settled in the cities of Samaria 11 1Lit. and city may not be built until the
now command is given by me.
and the remainder beyond 1the
Riverband2 so forth. 22 Take heed now that you do not
12 a2 Chr.
fail to do this. Why should
11 (This is a copy of the letter that 36:13 bEzra damage increase to the hurt of
they sent him) 5:3, 9 the kings?

To King Artaxerxes from your 23 Now when the copy of King

13 aEzra 4:20;
servants, the men of the region 7:24 Artaxerxes letter was read before
beyond the River, 1and so forth: Rehum, Shimshai the scribe, and
their companions, they went up in
12 Let it be known to the king that 17 1Lit. and haste to Jerusalem against the Jews,
now and by force of arms made them
the Jews who came up from cease.
you have come to us at 24 Thus the work of the house of
Jerusalem, and are building the 19 1Lit. by me
arebellious and evil city, and a decree has God which is at Jerusalem ceased,
been put and it was discontinued until the
are finishing its bwalls and forth second year of the reign of Darius
repairing the foundations. king of Persia.
13 Let it now be known to the
king that, if this city is built 20 a1 Kin. 4:21;
1 Chr. 18:3;
and the walls completed, they Ps. 72:8 bGen. Restoration of the Temple Resumed
will not pay atax, tribute, or 15:18; Josh.
Then the prophet aHaggai and
custom, and the kings treasury
will be diminished.
5 bZechariah the son of Iddo,
prophets, prophesied to the Jews
14 Now because we receive 21 1put forth a
support from the palace, it was decree
who were in Judah and Jerusalem,
not proper for us to see the in the name of the God of Israel,
kings dishonor; therefore we who was over them.
have sent and informed the 2 So aZerubbabel the son of Sheal-
CHAPTER 5 tiel and Jeshua the son of 1Jozadak
king, rose up and began to build the house
15 that search may be made in the of God which is in Jerusalem; and
book of the records of your 1 aHag. 1:1 bthe prophets of God were with
fathers. And you will find in the bZech. 1:1
them, helping them.
book of the records and know 3 At the same time aTattenai the
that this city is a rebellious city, governor of the region beyond 1the
harmful to kings and provinces, 2 aEzra 3:2;
Hag. 1:12 River and Shethar-Boznai and their
and that they have incited bEzra 6:14;
companions came to them and
sedition within the city in Hag. 2:4 spoke thus to them: bWho has com-
former times, for which cause 1 Chr. 6:14 manded you to build this 2temple
this city was destroyed. and finish this wall?
16 We inform the king that if this 4 aThen, accordingly, we told
city is rebuilt and its walls are 3 aEzra 5:6; them the names of the men who
completed, the result will be 6:6 bEzra 1:3;
5:9 1The were constructing this building.
that you will have no dominion Euphrates 5 But athe eye of their God was
beyond the River. 2Lit. house upon the elders of the Jews, so that
they could not make them cease till
17 The king sent an answer: a report could go to Darius. Then a
4 aEzra 5:10 bwritten answer was returned con-
To Rehum the commander, to cerning this matter.
Shimshai the scribe, to the rest 5 a2 Chr. 16:9; 6 This is a copy of the letter that
of their companions who dwell Ezra 7:6, 28; Tattenai sent:
in Samaria, and to the Ps. 33:18
bEzra 6:6
remainder beyond the River: The governor of the region
beyond the River, and Shethar-
Peace, and so forth.
1 6 aEzra 4:710 Boznai, aand his companions,
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415 EZRA 6:9

the Persians who were in the 8 1Lit. house
2Lit. stones of
17 Now therefore, if it seems good
region beyond the River, to rolling, stones
to the king, alet a search be
Darius the king. too heavy to made in the kings treasure
be carried house, which is there in
7 (They sent a letter to him, in Babylon, whether it is so that a
which was written thus) decree was issued by King
9 aEzra 5:3, 4 Cyrus to build this house of
To Darius the king: God at Jerusalem, and let the
king send us his pleasure
All peace. concerning this matter.
11 a1 Kin. 6:1,
38 1Lit. house
8 Let it be known to the king that The Decree of Darius
we went into the province of
Then King Darius issued a de-
Judea, to the 1temple of the
great God, which is being built 12 a2 Chr.
34:25; 36:16,
6 cree, aand a search was made in
the 1archives, where the treasures
with 2heavy stones, and timber 17 b2 Kin.
is being laid in the walls; and 24:2; 25:811; were stored in Babylon.
this work goes on diligently and 2 Chr. 36:17; 2 And at 1Achmetha, in the palace
prospers in their hands. Jer. 52:1215
cJer. 13:19
that is in the province of aMedia, a
9 Then we asked those elders, scroll was found, and in it a record
and spoke thus to them: aWho was written thus:
commanded you to build this
temple and to finish these 13 aEzra 1:1 3 In the first year of King Cyrus,
walls? King Cyrus issued a adecree
10 We also asked them their concerning the house of God at
names to inform you, that we Jerusalem: Let the house be
might write the names of the 14 aEzra 1:7, 8; rebuilt, the place where they
men who were chief among 6:5; Dan. 5:2 offered sacrifices; and let the
bHag. 1:14;
them. 2:2, 21 foundations of it be firmly laid,
11 And thus they returned us an its height sixty cubits and its
answer, saying: We are the width sixty cubits,
servants of the God of heaven 4 awith three rows of heavy
16 aEzra
and earth, and we are 3:810; Hag. stones and one row of new
rebuilding the 1temple that was 2:18 bEzra timber. Let the bexpenses be
built many years ago, which a 6:15 paid from the kings treasury.
great king of Israel built aand 5 Also let athe gold and silver
completed. articles of the house of God,
12 But abecause our fathers 17 aEzra 6:1, 2 which Nebuchadnezzar took
provoked the God of heaven to from the temple which is in
wrath, He gave them into the Jerusalem and brought to
hand of bNebuchadnezzar king Babylon, be restored and taken
of Babylon, the Chaldean, who CHAPTER 6 back to the temple which is in
destroyed this temple and Jerusalem, each to its place;
ccarried the people away to and deposit them in the house
Babylon. of God
13 However, in the first year of 6 aNow therefore, Tattenai,
1 aEzra 5:17
aCyrus king of Babylon, King 1Lit. house of governor of the region beyond
Cyrus issued a decree to build the scrolls the River, and Shethar-Boznai,
this 1house of God. and your companions the
14 Also, athe gold and silver Persians who are beyond the
articles of the house of God, 2 a2 Kin. 17:6 River, keep yourselves far from
which Nebuchadnezzar had there.
Ecbatana, the
taken from the temple that was ancient capi- 7 Let the work of this house of
in Jerusalem and carried into tal of Media God alone; let the governor of
the temple of Babylonthose the Jews and the elders of the
King Cyrus took from the Jews build this house of God
temple of Babylon, and they 3 aEzra 1:1;
on its site.
were given to bone named 5:13 8 Moreover I issue a decree as to
Sheshbazzar, whom he had what you shall do for the elders
made governor. of these Jews, for the building
15 And he said to him, Take of this 1house of God: Let the
4 a1 Kin. 6:36
these articles; go, carry them to bEzra 3:7 cost be paid at the kings
the temple site that is in expense from taxes on the
Jerusalem, and let the house of region beyond the River; this is
God be rebuilt on its former to be given immediately to
site. 5 aEzra 1:7, 8; these men, so that they are not
16 Then the same Sheshbazzar hindered.
came and alaid the foundation 9 And whatever they need
of the house of God which is in young bulls, rams, and lambs
Jerusalem; but from that time 6 aEzra 5:3, 6 for the burnt offerings of the
even until now it has been God of heaven, wheat, salt,
under construction, and bit is wine, and oil, according to the
not finished. 8 1Temple request of the priests who are
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EZRA 6:10 416

in Jerusalemlet it be given 10 aEzra 7:23; together with all who had separated
them day by day without fail, [Jer. 29:7; themselves from the afilth1 of the
1 Tim. 2:1, 2]
10 athat they may offer sacrifices nations of the land in order to seek
of sweet aroma to the God of 11 aDan. 2:5; the LORD God of Israel.
heaven, and pray for the life of 3:29 22 And they kept the aFeast of
the king and his sons. 12 aDeut. 12:5,
Unleavened Bread seven days with
11 Also I issue a decree that 11; 1 Kin. 9:3 joy; for the LORD made them joyful,
whoever alters this edict, let a 1Temple and bturned the heart cof the king of
timber be pulled from his house Assyria toward them, to strengthen
14 aEzra 5:1, 2
and erected, and let him be bEzra 1:1; their hands in the work of the house
hanged on it; aand let his house 5:13; 6:3 cEzra of God, the God of Israel.
be made a refuse heap because 4:24; 6:12
of this. dEzra 7:1, 11; The Arrival of Ezra
Neh. 2:1
12 And may the God who causes Now after these things, in the
His aname to dwell there
destroy any king or people who

16 a1 Kin. 8:63;
7 reign of aArtaxerxes king of
Persia, Ezra the bson of Seraiah, cthe
put their hand to alter it, or to 2 Chr. 7:5 son of Azariah, the son of dHilkiah,
destroy this 1house of God 2 the son of Shallum, the son of
which is in Jerusalem. I Darius 17 aEzra 8:35 Zadok, the son of Ahitub,
issue a decree; let it be done 3 the son of Amariah, the son of
diligently. 18 a1 Chr. 24:1; Azariah, the son of Meraioth,
2 Chr. 35:5
b1 Chr. 23:6 4 the son of Zerahiah, the son of
The Temple Completed and cNum. 3:6; 8:9 Uzzi, the son of Bukki,
Dedicated 5 the son of Abishua, the son of
19 aEx. 12:6 Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the
13 Then Tattenai, governor of the 1The Hebrew
region beyond the River, Shethar- language son of Aaron the chief priest
Boznai, and their companions dili- resumes in 6 this Ezra came up from Babylon;
gently did according to what King Ezra 6:19 and and he was aa skilled scribe in the
continues Law of Moses, which the LORD God
Darius had sent. through 7:11.
14 aSo the elders of the Jews built, of Israel had given. The king granted
and they prospered through the 20 a2 Chr. him all his request, baccording to the
prophesying of Haggai the prophet 29:34; 30:15
b2 Chr. 35:11
hand of the LORD his God upon him.
and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And 7 aSome of the children of Israel,
they built and finished it, according 21 aEzra 9:11 the priests, bthe Levites, the singers,
to the commandment of the God of 1uncleanness the gatekeepers, and cthe Nethinim
Israel, and according to the 1com- came up to Jerusalem in the seventh
22 aEx. 12:15; year of King Artaxerxes.
mand of bCyrus, cDarius, and dAr- 13:6, 7; 2 Chr.
taxerxes king of Persia. 30:21; 35:17 8 And Ezra came to Jerusalem in
15 Now the temple was finished on bEzra 7:27; the fifth month, which was in the
the third day of the month of Adar, [Prov. 21:1]
c2 Kin. 23:29;
seventh year of the king.
which was in the sixth year of the 2 Chr. 33:11;
9 On the first day of the first month
reign of King Darius. Ezra 1:1; 6:1 he began his journey from Babylon,
16 Then the children of Israel, the and on the first day of the fifth month
priests and the Levites and the rest CHAPTER 7
he came to Jerusalem, aaccording to
of the descendants of the captivity, the good hand of his God upon him.
celebrated athe dedication of this 10 For Ezra had prepared his heart
1 aNeh. 2:1 to aseek1 the Law of the LORD, and
1house of God with joy. b1 Chr. 6:14
17 And they aoffered sacrifices at cJer. 52:24 to do it, and to bteach statutes and
the dedication of this house of God, d2 Chr. 35:8 ordinances in Israel.
one hundred bulls, two hundred 6 aEzra 7:11, The Letter of Artaxerxes to Ezra
rams, four hundred lambs, and as a 12, 21 bEzra
sin offering for all Israel twelve 7:9, 28; 8:22 11 This is a copy of the letter that
male goats, according to the num- King Artaxerxes gave Ezra the
7 aEzra 8:114 priest, the scribe, expert in the words
ber of the tribes of Israel. bEzra 8:15
18 They assigned the priests to cEzra 2:43; of the commandments of the LORD,
their adivisions and the Levites to 8:20 and of His statutes to Israel:
their bdivisions, over the service of 9 aEzra 7:6; 12 Artaxerxes, aking of kings,
God in Jerusalem, cas it is written in Neh. 2:8, 18
the Book of Moses. To Ezra the priest, a scribe of
10 aPs. 119:45
The Passover Celebrated bDeut. 33:10; the Law of the God of heaven:
Ezra 7:6, 25;
19 1And the descendants of the Neh. 8:18; Perfect peace, band2 so forth.
captivity kept the Passover aon the [Mal. 2:7]
fourteenth day of the first month. 13 I issue a decree that all those of
20 For the priests and the Levites 12 aEzek. 26:7; the people of Israel and the
had apurified themselves; all of Dan. 2:37
bEzra 4:10
priests and Levites in my
them were ritually clean. And they 1The original realm, who volunteer to go up
bslaughtered the Passover lambs for to Jerusalem, may go with you.
language of
all the descendants of the captivity, Ezra 7:1226 14 And whereas you are being
for their brethren the priests, and is Aramaic.
2Lit. and now
sent 1by the king and his aseven
for themselves. counselors to inquire
21 Then the children of Israel who 14 aEsth. 1:14 concerning Judah and
had returned from the captivity ate 1from before Jerusalem, with regard to the
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417 EZRA 8:15

Law of your God which is in 15 a2 Chr. 6:2; law of your God and the law of
your hand; Ezra 6:12; Ps. the king, let judgment be
15 and whereas you are to carry executed speedily on him,
the silver and gold which the whether it be death, or
king and his counselors have 1banishment, or confiscation of
16 aEzra 8:25
freely offered to the God of b1 Chr. 29:6, 9 goods, or imprisonment.
Israel, awhose dwelling is in 1Temple

Jerusalem; 27 aBlessed1 be the LORD God of

16 aand whereas all the silver and our fathers, bwho has put such a
17 aNum. thing as this in the kings heart, to
gold that you may find in all the 15:413 bDeut.
province of Babylon, along with 12:511 beautify the house of the LORD
the freewill offering of the which is in Jerusalem,
people and the priests, are to be 28 and ahas extended mercy to me
bfreely offered for the 1house of 23 1Lit. is from before the king and his counselors,
their God in Jerusalem the decree
and before all the kings mighty
17 now therefore, be careful to princes.
buy with this money bulls, So I was encouraged, as bthe hand
rams, and lambs, with their 25 aEx. 18:21,
of the LORD my God was upon me;
agrain offerings and their drink
22; Deut. and I gathered leading men of Israel
offerings, and boffer them on 16:18 b2 Chr. to go up with me.
the altar of the house of your 17:7; Ezra
God in Jerusalem. 7:10; [Mal. Heads of Families Who Returned
2:7; Col. 1:28] with Ezra
18 And whatever seems good to
you and your brethren to do These are the heads of their
with the rest of the silver and
the gold, do it according to the
26 1Lit. root-
ing out
8 fathers houses, and this is the
genealogy of those who went up
will of your God. with me from Babylon, in the reign
19 Also the articles that are given of King Artaxerxes:
to you for the service of the 27 a1 Chr. 2 of the sons of Phinehas, Ger-
29:10 bEzra
house of your God, deliver in 6:22; [Prov. shom; of the sons of Ithamar, Daniel;
full before the God of 21:1] 1The of the sons of David, aHattush;
Jerusalem. Hebrew 3 of the sons of Shecaniah, of the
20 And whatever more may be language sons of aParosh, Zechariah; and reg-
resumes in
needed for the house of your Ezra 7:27. istered with him were one hundred
God, which you may have and fifty males;
occasion to provide, pay for it 4 of the sons of aPahath-Moab,
from the kings treasury. 28 aEzra 9:9 Eliehoenai the son of Zerahiah, and
21 And I, even I, Artaxerxes the bEzra 5:5; 7:6,
with him two hundred males;
9; 8:18 5 of 1the sons of Shechaniah, Ben-
king, issue a decree to all the
treasurers who are in the Jahaziel, and with him three hun-
region beyond the River, that dred males;
whatever Ezra the priest, the CHAPTER 8 6 of the sons of Adin, Ebed the
scribe of the Law of the God of son of Jonathan, and with him fifty
heaven, may require of you, let males;
it be done diligently, 7 of the sons of Elam, Jeshaiah
2 a1 Chr. 3:22;
22 up to one hundred talents of Ezra 2:68 the son of Athaliah, and with him
silver, one hundred kors of seventy males;
wheat, one hundred baths of 8 of the sons of Shephatiah, Zeba-
wine, one hundred baths of oil, 3 aEzra 2:3 diah the son of Michael, and with
and salt without prescribed him eighty males;
limit. 9 of the sons of Joab, Obadiah the
23 Whatever 1is commanded by 4 aEzra 10:30 son of Jehiel, and with him two hun-
the God of heaven, let it dred and eighteen males;
diligently be done for the 10 of 1the sons of Shelomith, Ben-
2house of the God of heaven. 5 1So with Josiphiah, and with him one hun-
MT, Vg.; LXX dred and sixty males;
For why should there be wrath the sons of
against the realm of the king Zatho, 11 of the sons of aBebai, Zechariah
and his sons? Shechaniah the son of Bebai, and with him
24 Also we inform you that it shall twenty-eight males;
not be lawful to impose tax, 12 of the sons of Azgad, Johanan
10 1So with 1the son of Hakkatan, and with him
tribute, or custom on any of the MT, Vg.; LXX
priests, Levites, singers, the sons of
one hundred and ten males;
gatekeepers, Nethinim, or Banni, 13 of the last sons of Adonikam,
servants of this house of God. Shelomith whose names are theseEliphelet,
25 And you, Ezra, according to Jeiel, and Shemaiahand with
your God-given wisdom, aset them sixty males;
magistrates and judges who 11 aEzra 10:28 14 also of the sons of Bigvai, Uthai
may judge all the people who and 1Zabbud, and with them sev-
are in the region beyond the enty males.
12 1Or the
River, all such as know the youngest son, Servants for the Temple
laws of your God; and bteach
those who do not know them. 15 Now I gathered them by the river
26 Whoever will not observe the 14 1Or Zakkur that flows to Ahava, and we camped
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EZRA 8:16 418

there three days. And I looked 15 aEzra 7:7; gold are a freewill offering to the
among the people and the priests, 8:2 LORD God of your fathers.
and found none of the asons of Levi 16 aEzra 10:15 29 Watch and keep them until you
there. weigh them before the leaders of
16 Then I sent for Eliezer, Ariel, She- 17 1Lit. I put the priests and the Levites and
maiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, words in their aheads of the fathers houses of
mouths to say
Nathan, Zechariah, and aMeshullam, 2So with Vg.; Israel in Jerusalem, in the chambers
leaders; also for Joiarib and Elna- MT to Iddo of the house of the LORD.
than, men of understanding. his brother; 30 So the priests and the Levites
17 And I gave them a command for LXX to their received the silver and the gold and
Iddo the chief man at the place Ca- the articles by weight, to bring them
siphia, and 1I told them what they 18 a2 Chr. to Jerusalem to the house of our God.
should say to 2Iddo and his brethren 30:22; Neh.
the Nethinim at the place Casiphia 8:7 The Return to Jerusalem
that they should bring us servants 19 aNeh. 12:24 31 Then we departed from the river
for the house of our God. of Ahava on the twelfth day of the
18 Then, by the good hand of our 20 aEzra 2:43; first month, to go to Jerusalem. And
God upon us, they abrought us a 7:7 athe hand of our God was upon us,
man of understanding, of the sons and He delivered us from the hand
21 a1 Sam. 7:6;
of Mahli the son of Levi, the son of 2 Chr. 20:3 of the enemy and from ambush
Israel, namely Sherebiah, with his bLev. 16:29;
along the road.
sons and brothers, eighteen men; 23:29; Is. 32 So we acame to Jerusalem, and
19 and aHashabiah, and with him 58:3, 5 cPs. 5:8
stayed there three days.
Jeshaiah of the sons of Merari, his 22 a1 Cor. 9:15 33 Now on the fourth day the silver
brothers and their sons, twenty men; bEzra 7:6, 9, and the gold and the articles were
20 aalso of the Nethinim, whom 28 c[Ps. 33:18, aweighed in the house of our God by
David and the leaders had appointed 19; 34:15, 22;
the hand of Meremoth the son of
for the service of the Levites, two Rom. 8:28]
d[Ps. 34:16] Uriah the priest, and with him was
hundred and twenty Nethinim. All of e[2 Chr. 15:2]
Eleazar the son of Phinehas; with
them were designated by name. them were the Levites, bJozabad the
23 a[1 Chr.
Fasting and Prayer for Protection 5:20]; 2 Chr. son of Jeshua and Noadiah the son
33:13; Is. of Binnui,
21 Then I aproclaimed a fast there 19:22 34 with the number and weight of
at the river of Ahava, that we might everything. All the weight was writ-
bhumble ourselves before our God, 25 aEzra 7:15, ten down at that time.
to seek from Him the cright way for 35 The children of those who had
us and our little ones and all our 28 aLev. been acarried away captive, who
possessions. 21:69; Deut. had come from the captivity, bof-
22 For aI was ashamed to request of 33:8 bLev. fered burnt offerings to the God of
22:2, 3; Num.
the king an escort of soldiers and 4:4, 15, 19, 20 Israel: twelve bulls for all Israel,
horsemen to help us against the 1consecrated ninety-six rams, seventy-seven
enemy on the road, because we had lambs, and twelve male goats as a
spoken to the king, saying, bThe 29 aEzra 4:3 sin offering. All this was a burnt
hand of our God is upon all those for 31 aEzra 7:6, 9, offering to the LORD.
cgood who seek Him, but His power 36 And they delivered the kings
and His wrath are dagainst all those aorders to the kings satraps and the
who eforsake Him. 32 aNeh. 2:11 governors in the region beyond
23 So we fasted and entreated our 33 aEzra 8:26,
1the River. So they gave support to
God for this, and He aanswered our 30 bNeh. 11:16 the people and the 2house of God.
35 aEzra 2:1 Intermarriage with Pagans
Gifts for the Temple bEzra 6:17
When these things were done,
24 And I separated twelve of the
leaders of the priestsSherebiah,
36 aEzra
7:2124 1The
9 the leaders came to me, saying,
The people of Israel and the priests
Hashabiah, and ten of their breth- Euphrates and the Levites have not aseparated
ren with them themselves from the peoples of the
25 and weighed out to them athe lands, bwith respect to the abomina-
silver, the gold, and the articles, the CHAPTER 9 tions of the Canaanites, the Hittites,
offering for the house of our God the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the
which the king and his counselors 1 aEzra 6:21; Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyp-
and his princes, and all Israel who Neh. 9:2 tians, and the Amorites.
bDeut. 12:30,
were present, had offered. 31
2 For they have ataken some of
26 I weighed into their hand six their daughters as wives for them-
hundred and fifty talents of silver, 2 aEx. 34:16; selves and their sons, so that the
silver articles weighing one hundred [Deut. 7:3]; bholy seed is cmixed with the peo-
talents, one hundred talents of gold, Ezra 10:2; ples of those lands. Indeed, the hand
Neh. 13:23
27 twenty gold basins worth a bEx. 22:31; of the leaders and rulers has been
thousand drachmas, and two ves- [Deut. 7:6] foremost in this 1trespass.
sels of fine polished bronze, pre- c[2 Cor. 6:14] 3 So when I heard this thing, aI
cious as gold. tore my garment and my robe, and
28 And I said to them, You are plucked out some of the hair of my
aholy1 to the LORD; the articles are head and beard, and sat down bas-
3 aJob 1:20
bholy also; and the silver and the bPs. 143:4 tonished.
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419 EZRA 10:12

4 Then everyone who atrembled at 4 aEzra 10:3; righteous, for we are left as a rem-
the words of the God of Israel Is. 66:2 bEx. nant, as it is this day. bHere we are
assembled to me, because of the before You, cin our guilt, though no
transgression of those who had 5 aEx. 9:29 one can stand before You because of
been carried away captive, and I sat 6 aDan. 9:7, 8 this!
astonished until the bevening sacri- bPs. 38:4

fice. c2 Chr. 28:9; Confession of Improper Marriages

[Ezra 9:13,
5 At the evening sacrifice I arose Now awhile Ezra was praying,
from my fasting; and having torn
my garment and my robe, I fell on
15]; Rev. 18:5
7 a2 Chr.
36:1417; Ps.
10 and while he was confessing,
weeping, and bowing down bbefore
my knees and aspread out my hands 106:6; Dan. the house of God, a very large
to the LORD my God. 9:5, 6 bDeut. assembly of men, women, and chil-
6 And I said: O my God, I am too 28:36; Neh.
aashamed and humiliated to lift up 9:30 cDeut. dren gathered to him from Israel;
32:25 dDan. for the people wept very cbitterly.
my face to You, my God; for bour 9:7, 8 1Lit. 2 And Shechaniah the son of
iniquities have risen higher than our shame of Jehiel, one of the sons of Elam,
heads, and our guilt has cgrown up faces
spoke up and said to Ezra, We have
to the heavens. 8 aPs. 34:5 atrespassed1 against our God, and
7 Since the days of our fathers to 9 aNeh. 9:36; have taken pagan wives from the
this day awe have been very guilty, Esth. 7:4 peoples of the land; yet now there is
and for our iniquities bwe, our kings, bNeh. 9:17;
hope in Israel in spite of this.
and our priests have been delivered Ps. 136:23
cEzra 7:28 3 Now therefore, let us make aa
into the hand of the kings of the dIs. 5:2 covenant with our God to put away
lands, to the csword, to captivity, to all these wives and those who have
plunder, and to dhumiliation,1 as it is 11 aEzra 6:21
been born to them, according to the
this day. 12 a[Ex. 23:32; advice of my master and of those
8 And now for a little while grace 34:15, 16;
Deut. 7:3, 4]; who btremble at cthe commandment
has been shown from the LORD our Ezra 9:2 of our God; and let it be done
God, to leave us a remnant to bDeut. 23:6 according to the dlaw.
escape, and to give us a peg in His c[Prov. 13:22;
4 Arise, for this matter is your
holy place, that our God may aen- 20:7]
responsibility. We also are with you.
lighten our eyes and give us a mea- 13 a[Ps. aBe of good courage, and do it.
sure of revival in our bondage. 103:10] 5 Then Ezra arose, and made the
9 aFor we were slaves. bYet our 14 a[John 5:14; leaders of the priests, the Levites,
God did not forsake us in our 2 Pet. 2:20] and all Israel aswear an oath that
bNeh. 13:23
bondage; but cHe extended mercy to cDeut. 9:8 they would do according to this
us in the sight of the kings of Persia, 1destroyed word. So they swore an oath.
to revive us, to repair the house of our 6 Then Ezra rose up from before
God, to rebuild its ruins, and to give 15 aNeh. 9:33;
Dan. 9:14 the house of God, and went into the
us da wall in Judah and Jerusalem. b[Rom. 3:19] chamber of Jehohanan the son of
10 And now, O our God, what shall c1 Cor. 15:17
Eliashib; and when he came there,
we say after this? For we have for- he aate no bread and drank no
saken Your commandments, CHAPTER 10 water, for he mourned because of
11 which You commanded by Your the guilt of those from the captivity.
servants the prophets, saying, The 1 aDan. 9:4, 20 7 And they issued a proclamation
b2 Chr. 20:9
land which you are entering to pos- cNeh. 8:19 throughout Judah and Jerusalem to
sess is an unclean land, with the all the descendants of the captivity,
auncleanness of the peoples of the 2 aEzra 10:10, that they must gather at Jerusalem,
lands, with their abominations 13, 14, 17, 18;
Neh. 13:2327 8 and that whoever would not
which have filled it from one end to 1been unfaith- come within three days, according
another with their impurity. ful to to the instructions of the leaders
12 Now therefore, ado not give 3 a2 Chr. 34:31 and elders, all his property would be
your daughters as wives for their bEzra 9:4 confiscated, and he himself would
sons, nor take their daughters to cDeut. 7:2, 3
be separated from the assembly of
dDeut. 24:1, 2
your sons; and bnever seek their those from the captivity.
peace or prosperity, that you may be 4 a1 Chr. 28:10 9 So all the men of Judah and
strong and eat the good of the land, 5 aEzra 10:12, Benjamin gathered at Jerusalem
and cleave it as an inheritance to 19; Neh. 5:12; within three days. It was the ninth
your children forever. 13:25 month, on the twentieth of the
13 And after all that has come 6 aDeut. 9:18 month; and aall the people sat in the
upon us for our evil deeds and for open square of the house of God,
our great guilt, since You our God 9 a1 Sam. trembling because of this matter
ahave punished us less than our 12:18; Ezra
9:4; 10:3 and because of heavy rain.
iniquities deserve, and have given 10 Then Ezra the priest stood up
10 1acted
us such deliverance as this, unfaithfully and said to them, You have 1trans-
14 should we aagain break Your 2Heb. have gressed and 2have taken pagan
commandments, and bjoin in mar- caused to wives, adding to the guilt of Israel.
riage with the people committing dwell or have 11 Now therefore, amake confes-
brought back
these abominations? Would You not sion to the LORD God of your
be cangry with us until You had 1con- 11 a[Lev. fathers, and do His will; bseparate
sumed us, so that there would be no 26:4042]; yourselves from the peoples of the
Josh. 7:19;
remnant or survivor? [Prov. 28:13] land, and from the pagan wives.
15 O LORD God of Israel, aYou are bEzra 10:3 12 Then all the assembly answered
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EZRA 10:13 420

and said with a loud voice, Yes! As 14 a2 Kin. Maaseiah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Joz-
you have said, so we must do. 23:26; 2 Chr. abad, and Elasah.
13 But there are many people; it is 29:10; 30:8 23 Also of the Levites: Jozabad,
the season for heavy rain, and we Shimei, Kelaiah (the same is Kelita),
are not able to stand outside. Nor is Pethahiah, Judah, and Eliezer.
this the work of one or two days, for 24 Also of the singers: Eliashib; and
there are many of us who have 15 aEzra 8:16; of the gatekeepers: Shallum, Telem,
transgressed in this matter. Neh. 3:4
and Uri.
14 Please, let the leaders of our 25 And others of Israel: of the
entire assembly stand; and let all asons of Parosh: Ramiah, Jeziah,
those in our cities who have taken 16 aEzra 4:3 Malchiah, Mijamin, Eleazar, Malchi-
pagan wives come at appointed jah, and Benaiah;
times, together with the elders and 26 of the sons of Elam: Mattaniah,
judges of their cities, until athe Zechariah, Jehiel, Abdi, Jeremoth,
fierce wrath of our God is turned 18 aEzra 5:2; and Eliah;
away from us in this matter. Hag. 1:1, 12;
2:4; Zech. 3:1; 27 of the sons of Zattu: Elioenai,
15 Only Jonathan the son of Asa- 6:11 Eliashib, Mattaniah, Jeremoth, Za-
hel and Jahaziah the son of Tikvah 1Jehozadak,
bad, and Aziza;
opposed this, and aMeshullam and 1 Chr. 6:14 28 of the asons of Bebai: Jeho-
Shabbethai the Levite gave them hanan, Hananiah, Zabbai, and Ath-
support. lai;
16 Then the descendants of the 19 a2 Kin. 29 of the sons of Bani: Meshullam,
captivity did so. And Ezra the priest, 10:15 bLev. Malluch, Adaiah, Jashub, Sheal, and
with certain aheads of the fathers 6:4, 6 cLev. 1Ramoth;
households, were set apart by the 5:6, 15 30 of the asons of Pahath-Moab:
fathers households, each of them Adna, Chelal, Benaiah, Maaseiah,
by name; and they sat down on the Mattaniah, Bezalel, Binnui, and Ma-
first day of the tenth month to 25 aEzra 2:3; nasseh;
examine the matter. 8:3; Neh. 7:8 31 of the sons of Harim: Eliezer,
17 By the first day of the first Ishijah, Malchijah, Shemaiah,
month they finished questioning all Shimeon,
the men who had taken pagan 32 Benjamin, Malluch, and Shema-
wives. 28 aEzra 8:11
Pagan Wives Put Away 33 of the sons of Hashum: Matte-
nai, Mattattah, Zabad, Eliphelet,
18 And among the sons of the 29 1Or Jere- Jeremai, Manasseh, and Shimei;
priests who had taken pagan wives moth 34 of the sons of Bani: Maadai,
the following were found of the sons Amram, Uel,
of aJeshua the son of 1Jozadak, and 35 Benaiah, Bedeiah, 1Cheluh,
his brothers: Maaseiah, Eliezer, 36 Vaniah, Meremoth, Eliashib,
30 aEzra 8:4
Jarib, and Gedaliah. 37 Mattaniah, Mattenai, 1Jaasai,
19 And they agave their promise 38 Bani, Binnui, Shimei,
that they would put away their 39 Shelemiah, Nathan, Adaiah,
wives; and being bguilty, they pre- 35 1Or Cheluhi 40 Machnadebai, Shashai, Sharai,
sented a ram of the flock as their or Cheluhu 41 Azarel, Shelemiah, Shemariah,
ctrespass offering. 42 Shallum, Amariah, and Joseph;
20 Also of the sons of Immer: 43 of the sons of Nebo: Jeiel, Mat-
Hanani and Zebadiah; 37 1Or Jaasu
tithiah, Zabad, Zebina, 1Jaddai, Joel,
21 of the sons of Harim: Maaseiah, and Benaiah.
Elijah, Shemaiah, Jehiel, and Uz- 44 All these had taken pagan
ziah; wives, and some of them had wives
22 of the sons of Pashhur: Elioenai, 43 1Or Jaddu by whom they had children.

The Book of


N EHEMIAH, contemporary of Ezra and cupbearer to the king in the Persian

palace, leads the third and last return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile.
His concern for the welfare of Jerusalem and its inhabitants prompts him to take
bold action. Granted permission to return to his homeland, Nehemiah challenges
his countrymen to arise and rebuild the shattered wall of Jerusalem. In spite of
opposition from without and abuse from within, the task is completed in only
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421 NEHEMIAH 2:8

fifty-two days, a feat even the enemies of Israel must attribute to Gods enabling.
By contrast, the task of reviving and reforming the people of God within the
rebuilt wall demands years of Nehemiahs godly life and leadership.
The Hebrew for Nehemiah is Nehemyah, Comfort of Yahweh. The book is
named after its chief character, whose name appears in the opening verse. The
combined books of EzraNehemiah is given the Greek title Esdras Deuteron, Sec-
ond Esdras in the Septuagint, a third-century B.C. Greek-language translation of
the Hebrew Old Testament. The Latin title of Nehemiah is Liber Secundus Esdrae,
Second Book of Ezra (Ezra was the first). At this point, it is considered a separate
book from Ezra, and is later called Liber Nehemiae, Book of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah Prays for His People CHAPTER 1 redeemed by Your great power, and
1 aNeh. 10:1
by Your strong hand.
bNeh. 2:1 11 O Lord, I pray, please alet Your
TItHE words of Nehemiah the son
cEsth. 1:1, 2, 5 ear be attentive to the prayer of Your
of Hachaliah. 1Or Susa 2Or
servant, and to the prayer of
came to pass in the month of fortified Your servants who bdesire to fear
Chislev, in the btwentieth year, as I palace, and so
Your name; and let Your servant
was in cShushan1 the 2citadel, elsewhere in
the book prosper this day, I pray, and grant
2 that aHanani one of my brethren him mercy in the sight of this man.
came with men from Judah; and I 2 aNeh. 7:2 For I was the kings ccupbearer.
asked them concerning the Jews
who had escaped, who had survived 3 aNeh. 7:6
bNeh. 2:17 Nehemiah Sent to Judah
the captivity, and concerning Jeru cNeh. 2:17
And it came to pass in the
3 And they said to me, The sur-
d2 Kin. 25:10

5 aDan. 9:4
2 month of Nisan, in the twentieth
year of aKing 1Artaxerxes, when
vivors who are left from the captivity bNeh. 4:14
in the aprovince are there in great c[Ex. 20:6; wine was before him, that bI took
distress and breproach. cThe wall of 34:6, 7] 1Lit. the wine and gave it to the king.
Jerusalem dis also broken down, and Him 2Lit. His Now I had never been sad in his
its gates are burned with fire. presence before.
6 a2 Chr. 6:40 2 Therefore the king said to me,
4 So it was, when I heard these bDan. 9:20
words, that I sat down and wept, Why is your face sad, since you are
and mourned for many days; I was 7 aDan. 9:5 not sick? This is nothing but asor-
fasting and praying before the God bDeut. 28:15
row of heart. So I became 1dread-
of heaven. 8 aLev. 26:33
fully afraid,
5 And I said: I pray, aLORD God 1act treacher- 3 and said to the king, aMay the
of heaven, O great and bawesome ously king live forever! Why should my
God, cYou who keep Your covenant face not be sad, when bthe city, the
9 a[Deut. place of my fathers tombs, lies
and mercy with those who love 1You 4:2931;
and observe 2Your commandments, 30:25] bDeut. waste, and its gates are burned with
6 please let Your ear be attentive 30:4
and aYour eyes open, that You may 4 Then the king said to me, What
10 aDeut. 9:29 do you request? So I aprayed to the
hear the prayer of Your servant
which I pray before You now, day 11 aNeh. 1:6 God of heaven.
and night, for the children of Israel bIs. 26:8 cNeh. 5 And I said to the king, If it
Your servants, and bconfess the sins 2:1 pleases the king, and if your servant
of the children of Israel which we CHAPTER 2
has found favor in your sight, I ask
have sinned against You. Both my that you send me to Judah, to the
fathers house and I have sinned. 1 aEzra 7:1 city of my fathers tombs, that I may
7 aWe have acted very corruptly bNeh. 1:11
rebuild it.
against You, and have bnot kept the Longimanus
6 Then the king said to me (the
commandments, the statutes, nor queen also sitting beside him), How
the ordinances which You com- 2 aProv. 15:13 long will your journey be? And
manded Your servant Moses. 1Lit. very
when will you return? So it pleased
much the king to send me; and I set him aa
8 Remember, I pray, the word
that You commanded Your servant 3 aDan. 2:4; time.
Moses, saying, aIf you 1are unfaith- 5:10; 6:6, 21 7 Furthermore I said to the king,
ful, I will scatter you among the b2 Chr. 36:19
cNeh. 1:3
If it pleases the king, let letters be
nations; given to me for the agovernors of
9 abut if you return to Me, and 4 aNeh. 1:4 the region beyond 1the River, that
keep My commandments and do they must permit me to pass
them, bthough some of you were 6 aNeh. 5:14; through till I come to Judah,
cast out to the farthest part of the 13:6 8 and a letter to Asaph the keeper
heavens, yet I will gather them from 7 aEzra 7:21; of the kings forest, that he must give
there, and bring them to the place 8:36 1The me timber to make beams for the
which I have chosen as a dwelling Euphrates gates of the 1citadel which pertains
for My name. ato the 2temple, for the city wall, and
8 aNeh. 3:7
10 aNow these are Your servants 1palace 2Lit. for the house that I will occupy. And
and Your people, whom You have house the king granted them to me
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NEHEMIAH 2:9 422

baccording to the good hand of my 8 bEzra 5:5; they consecrated it and hung its
God upon me. 7:6, 9, 28; doors. They built cas far as the Tower
Neh. 2:18
9 Then I went to the governors in of 1the Hundred, and consecrated it,
the region beyond the River, and 10 aNeh. 2:19; then as far as the Tower of dHananel.
gave them the kings letters. Now 4:1 1Lit. ser- 2 1Next to Eliashib athe men of
the king had sent captains of the Jericho built. And next to them Zac-
army and horsemen with me. 11 aEzra 8:32 cur the son of Imri built.
10 When aSanballat the Horonite 13 a2 Chr. 26:9; 3 Also the sons of Hassenaah
and Tobiah the Ammonite 1official Neh. 3:13 built athe Fish Gate; they laid its
heard of it, they were deeply dis- bNeh. 1:3; 2:17 beams and bhung its doors with its
1Dung 2exam-
turbed that a man had come to seek bolts and bars.
the well-being of the children of Is- ined
4 And next to them aMeremoth
rael. 14 aNeh. 3:15 the son of Urijah, the son of 1Koz,
b2 Kin. 20:20
made repairs. Next to them bMe-
Nehemiah Views the Wall of shullam the son of Berechiah, the
Jerusalem 15 a2 Sam.
15:23; Jer. son of Meshezabel, made repairs.
11 So I acame to Jerusalem and 31:40 1torrent Next to them Zadok the son of
valley, wadi Baana made repairs.
was there three days. 2examined
12 Then I arose in the night, I and a 5 Next to them the Tekoites made
few men with me; I told no one what 17 aNeh. 1:3; repairs; but their nobles did not put
Ps. 44:13; their 1shoulders to athe work of their
my God had put in my heart to do at 79:4; Jer. 24:9;
Jerusalem; nor was there any ani- Ezek. 5:14, 15; Lord.
mal with me, except the one on 22:4 1desolate 6 Moreover Jehoiada the son of
which I rode. 18 aNeh. 2:8
Paseah and Meshullam the son of
13 And I went out by night athrough b2 Sam. 2:7 Besodeiah repaired athe Old Gate;
the Valley Gate to the Serpent Well 1Lit. strength- they laid its beams and hung its
and the 1Refuse Gate, and 2viewed ened doors, with its bolts and bars.
the walls of Jerusalem which were 19 aNeh. 6:6 7 And next to them Melatiah the
bbroken down and its gates which Gibeonite, Jadon the Meronothite,
were burned with fire. 20 aEzra 4:3; the amen of Gibeon and Mizpah,
Neh. 6:16
14 Then I went on to the aFountain repaired the bresidence1 of the gover-
Gate and to the bKings Pool, but nor of the region 2beyond the River.
there was no room for the animal CHAPTER 3 8 Next to him Uzziel the son of
under me to pass. Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths,
15 So I went up in the night by the 1 aNeh. 3:20; made repairs. Also next to him Han-
avalley,1 and 2viewed the wall; then I 12:10; 13:4, 7, aniah, 1one of the perfumers, made
28 bJohn 5:2
turned back and entered by the Val- cNeh. 12:39 repairs; and they 2fortified Jeru-
ley Gate, and so returned. dJer. 31:38; salem as far as the aBroad Wall.
16 And the officials did not know Zech. 14:10 9 And next to them Rephaiah the
1Heb. Ham-
where I had gone or what I had meah son of Hur, leader of half the district
done; I had not yet told the Jews, the of Jerusalem, made repairs.
priests, the nobles, the officials, or 2 aEzra 2:34; 10 Next to them Jedaiah the son of
the others who did the work. Neh. 7:36 1Lit.
On his hand Harumaph made repairs in front of
17 Then I said to them, You see the his house. And next to him Hattush
distress that we are in, how Jeru- 3 a2 Chr. the son of Hashabniah made repairs.
salem lies 1waste, and its gates are 33:14; Neh.
12:39; Zeph.
11 Malchijah the son of Harim and
burned with fire. Come and let us 1:10 bNeh. 6:1; Hashub the son of Pahath-Moab re-
build the wall of Jerusalem, that we 7:1 paired another section, aas well as
may no longer be aa reproach. the Tower of the Ovens.
4 aEzra 8:33
18 And I told them of athe hand of bEzra 10:15 12 And next to him was Shallum
my God which had been good upon 1Or Hakkoz the son of Hallohesh, leader of half
me, and also of the kings words that the district of Jerusalem; he and his
he had spoken to me. So they said, 5 a[Judg. 5:23]
1Lit. necks daughters made repairs.
Let us rise up and build. Then they 13 Hanun and the inhabitants of
bset1 their hands to this good work. 6 aNeh. 12:39 Zanoah repaired athe Valley Gate.
19 But when Sanballat the Horo- 7 aNeh. 7:25 They built it, hung its doors with its
nite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, bEzra 8:36; bolts and bars, and repaired a thou-
and Geshem the Arab heard of it, Neh. 2:79 sand cubits of the wall as far as bthe
1Lit. throne
they laughed at us and despised us, 2West of the Refuse Gate.
and said, What is this thing that Euphrates 14 Malchijah the son of Rechab,
you are doing? aWill you rebel leader of the district of aBeth Hac-
against the king? 8 aNeh. 12:38
1Lit. the son cerem, repaired the Refuse Gate; he
20 So I answered them, and said to 2restored built it and hung its doors with its
them, The God of heaven Himself bolts and bars.
will prosper us; therefore we His ser- 11 aNeh. 12:38 15 Shallun the son of Col-Hozeh,
vants will arise and build, abut you 13 aNeh. 2:13, leader of the district of Mizpah,
have no heritage or right or memo- 15 bNeh. 2:13 repaired athe Fountain Gate; he built
rial in Jerusalem. it, covered it, hung its doors with its
14 aJer. 6:1
Rebuilding the Wall bolts and bars, and repaired the wall
15 aNeh. 2:14
bIs. 8:6; John
of the Pool of bShelah1 by the cKings
Then aEliashib the high priest Garden, as far as the stairs that go
3 rose up with his brethren the
priests band built the Sheep Gate;
9:7 c2 Kin.
25:4 1Or
down from the City of David.
16 After him Nehemiah the son of
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423 NEHEMIAH 4:14

Azbuk, leader of half the district of 16 a2 Kin. merchants, in front of the 2Miphkad
Beth Zur, made repairs as far as the 20:20; Is. 7:3; Gate, and as far as the upper room
22:11 1LXX,
place in front of the 1tombs of Da- Syr., Vg. tomb at the corner.
vid, to the aman-made pool, and as 32 And between the upper room at
far as the House of the Mighty. 18 1So with
the corner, as far as the aSheep
17 After him the Levites, under MT, Vg.; some Gate, the goldsmiths and the mer-
Rehum the son of Bani, made re- Heb. mss., chants made repairs.
pairs. Next to him Hashabiah, LXX, Syr.
Binnui (cf. v. The Wall Defended Against
leader of half the district of Keilah, 24)
made repairs for his district. Enemies
18 After him their brethren, under But it so happened, awhen San-
1Bavai the son of Henadad, leader of
the other half of the district of Kei-
19 a2 Chr. 26:9
1Lit. turning 4 ballat heard that we were re-
building the wall, that he was furi-
lah, made repairs. 1A ous and very indignant, and mocked
19 And next to him Ezer the son of 20 few Heb.
mss., Syr., Vg. the Jews.
Jeshua, the leader of Mizpah, re- Zaccai 2Lit. 2 And he spoke before his breth-
paired another section in front of turning ren and the army of Samaria, and
the Ascent to the Armory at the said, What are these feeble Jews
21 1Or Hakkoz doing? Will they fortify themselves?
20 After him Baruch the son of Will they offer sacrifices? Will they
1Zabbai carefully repaired the other
24 aEzra 8:33 complete it in a day? Will they revive
section, from the 2buttress to the bNeh. 3:19 the stones from the heaps of rub-
door of the house of Eliashib the 1Lit. turning
bishstones that are burned?
high priest. 3 Now aTobiah the Ammonite was
21 After him Meremoth the son of 25 aJer. 32:2; beside him, and he said, Whatever
Urijah, the son of 1Koz, repaired an- 33:1; 37:21 they build, if even a fox goes up on it,
other section, from the door of the 1Lit. turning
he will break down their stone wall.
house of Eliashib to the end of the 4 aHear, O our God, for we are de-
house of Eliashib. 26 aEzra 2:43; spised; bturn their reproach on their
22 And after him the priests, the Neh. 11:21
b2 Chr. 27:3
own heads, and give them as plun-
men of the plain, made repairs. cNeh. 8:1, 3; der to a land of captivity!
23 After him Benjamin and Has- 12:37 5 aDo not cover their iniquity, and
shub made repairs opposite their do not let their sin be blotted out
house. After them Azariah the son 28 a2 Kin. from before You; for they have pro-
of Maaseiah, the son of Ananiah, 11:16; 2 Chr. voked You to anger before the build-
made repairs by his house. 23:15; Jer. ers.
24 After him aBinnui the son of 31:40 6 So we built the wall, and the en-
Henadad repaired another section, tire wall was joined together up to
from the house of Azariah to bthe 30 1Lit. room half its height, for the people had a
1buttress, even as far as the corner.
mind to work.
25 Palal the son of Uzai made 31 1Lit. a son 7 Now it happened, awhen San-
repairs opposite the 1buttress, and of the gold- ballat, Tobiah, bthe Arabs, the
on the tower which projects from smiths 2Lit. Ammonites, and the Ashdodites
the kings upper house that was by Inspection or
Recruiting heard that the walls of Jerusalem
the acourt of the prison. After him were being restored and the 1gaps
Pedaiah the son of Parosh made were beginning to be closed, that
repairs. 32 aNeh. 3:1; they became very angry,
26 Moreover athe Nethinim who 8 and all of them aconspired
dwelt in bOphel made repairs as far together to come and attack Jeru-
as the place in front of cthe Water CHAPTER 4 salem and create confusion.
Gate toward the east, and on the 9 Nevertheless awe made our
projecting tower. prayer to our God, and because of
27 After them the Tekoites re- 1 aNeh. 2:10, them we set a watch against them
paired another section, next to the 19 day and night.
great projecting tower, and as far as 10 Then Judah said, The strength
the wall of Ophel. 3 aNeh. 2:10, of the laborers is failing, and there
28 Beyond the aHorse Gate the 19 is so much rubbish that we are not
priests made repairs, each in front able to build the wall.
of his own house. 4 aPs. 123:3, 4 11 And our adversaries said, They
29 After them Zadok the son of bPs. 79:12; will neither know nor see anything,
Immer made repairs in front of his Prov. 3:34 till we come into their midst and kill
own house. After him Shemaiah the them and cause the work to cease.
son of Shechaniah, the keeper of the 5 aPs. 69:27, 12 So it was, when the Jews who
East Gate, made repairs. 28; 109:14, 15; dwelt near them came, that they told
30 After him Hananiah the son of Jer. 18:23 us ten times, From whatever place
Shelemiah, and Hanun, the sixth you turn, they will be upon us.
son of Zalaph, repaired another sec- 7 aNeh. 4:1 13 Therefore I positioned men
bNeh. 2:19
tion. After him Meshullam the son 1Lit. breaks
behind the lower parts of the wall,
of Berechiah made repairs in front at the openings; and I set the people
of his 1dwelling. according to their families, with
31 After him Malchijah, 1one of the 8 aPs. 83:35 their swords, their spears, and their
goldsmiths, made repairs as far as bows.
the house of the Nethinim and of the 9 a[Ps. 50:15] 14 And I looked, and arose and said
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NEHEMIAH 4:15 424

to the nobles, to the leaders, and to 14 a[Num. them, for other men have our lands
the rest of the people, aDo not be 14:9]; Deut. and vineyards.
1:29 b[Deut.
afraid of them. Remember the Lord, 10:17] c2 Sam. 6 And I became very angry when I
bgreat and awesome, and cfight for 10:12 heard their outcry and these words.
your brethren, your sons, your 7 After serious thought, I rebuked
daughters, your wives, and your 15 aJob 5:12
the nobles and rulers, and said to
houses. them, aEach of you is 1exacting
15 And it happened, when our ene- usury from his brother. So I 2called
mies heard that it was known to us, 16 1Supported a great assembly against them.
and athat God had brought their plot 8 And I said to them, According
to nothing, that all of us returned to 20 aEx. 14:14, to our ability we have aredeemed
the wall, everyone to his work. 25; Deut. 1:30; our Jewish brethren who were sold
16 So it was, from that time on, that 3:22; 20:4; to the nations. Now indeed, will you
half of my servants worked at con- Josh. 23:10; even sell your brethren? Or should
2 Chr. 20:29
struction, while the other half held they be sold to us? Then they were
the spears, the shields, the bows, and silenced and found nothing to say.
wore armor; and the leaders 1were 21 1Lit. them 9 Then I said, What you are
behind all the house of Judah. doing is not good. Should you not
17 Those who built on the wall, and walk ain the fear of our God bbe-
those who carried burdens, loaded CHAPTER 5 cause of the reproach of the nations,
themselves so that with one hand our enemies?
they worked at construction, and 10 I also, with my brethren and
with the other held a weapon. 1 aLev. my servants, am lending them
18 Every one of the builders had 25:3537; money and grain. Please, let us stop
Neh. 5:7, 8
his sword girded at his side as he bDeut. 15:7 this 1usury!
built. And the one who sounded the 11 Restore now to them, even this
trumpet was beside me. day, their lands, their vineyards,
19 Then I said to the nobles, the 5 aIs. 58:7 dEx. their olive groves, and their houses,
21:7; [Lev.
rulers, and the rest of the people, 25:39] also a hundredth of the money and
The work is great and extensive, the grain, the new wine and the oil,
and we are separated far from one that you have charged them.
another on the wall. 7 a[Ex. 22:25; 12 So they said, We will restore it,
Lev. 25:36;
20 Wherever you hear the sound Deut. 23:19, and will require nothing from them;
of the trumpet, rally to us there. 20]; Ezek. we will do as you say. Then I called
aOur God will fight for us. 22:12 1charg- the priests, aand required an oath
21 So we labored in the work, and ing interest from them that they would do ac-
2Lit. held
half of 1the men held the spears from cording to this promise.
daybreak until the stars appeared. 13 Then aI shook out 1the fold of my
22 At the same time I also said to 8 aLev. 25:48 garment and said, So may God
the people, Let each man and his shake out each man from his house,
servant stay at night in Jerusalem, 9 aLev. 25:36 and from his property, who does not
that they may be our guard by night b2 Sam. 12:14; perform this promise. Even thus may
and a working party by day. Rom. 2:24; he be shaken out and emptied. And
23 So neither I, my brethren, my [1 Pet. 2:12] all the assembly said, Amen! and
servants, nor the men of the guard praised the LORD. bThen the people
who followed me took off our 10 1interest did according to this promise.
clothes, except that everyone took
them off for washing. The Generosity of Nehemiah
12 aEzra 10:5;
Nehemiah Deals with Oppression Jer. 34:8, 9 14 Moreover, from the time that I
was appointed to be their governor
And there was a great aoutcry of in the land of Judah, from the twen-
5 the people and their wives
against their bJewish brethren.
13 aMatt.
10:14; Acts
13:51; 18:6
tieth year auntil the thirty-second
year of King Artaxerxes, twelve
b2 Kin. 23:3
2 For there were those who said, 1Lit. my lap
years, neither I nor my brothers bate
We, our sons, and our daughters the governors provisions.
are many; therefore let us get grain, 15 But the former governors who
that we may eat and live. 14 aNeh. 2:1; were before me laid burdens on the
3 There were also some who said, 13:6 b[1 Cor. people, and took from them bread
We have mortgaged our lands and 9:415] and wine, besides forty shekels of
vineyards and houses, that we silver. Yes, even their servants bore
might buy grain because of the 15 a2 Cor. 11:9; rule over the people, but aI did not
famine. 12:13 bNeh. do so, because of the bfear of God.
4 There were also those who said, 5:9 16 Indeed, I also continued the
We have borrowed money for the awork on this wall, and 1we did not
kings tax on our lands and vine- 16 aNeh. 4:1; buy any land. All my servants were
yards. 6:1 1So with gathered there for the work.
5 Yet now aour flesh is as the MT; LXX, 17 And aat my table were one hun-
Syr., Vg. I
flesh of our brethren, our children as dred and fifty Jews and rulers,
their children; and indeed we bare besides those who came to us from
forcing our sons and our daughters 17 a2 Sam. 9:7; the nations around us.
to be slaves, and some of our daugh- 1 Kin. 18:19 18 Now that awhich was prepared
ters have been brought into slavery. daily was one ox and six choice
It is not in our power to redeem 18 a1 Kin. 4:22 sheep. Also fowl were prepared for
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425 NEHEMIAH 7:6

me, and once every ten days an 18 bNeh. 5:14, to save his life? I will not go in!
abundance of all kinds of wine. Yet 15 12 Then I perceived that God had
in spite of this bI did not demand the not sent him at all, but that ahe pro-
governors provisions, because the nounced this prophecy against me
bondage was heavy on this people. 19 a2 Kin. 20:3; because Tobiah and Sanballat had
Neh. 13:14,
19 aRemember me, my God, for 22, 31 hired him.
good, according to all that I have 13 For this reason he was hired,
done for this people. that I should be afraid and act that
way and sin, so that they might
Conspiracy Against Nehemiah CHAPTER 6 have cause for an evil report, that
Now it happened awhen Sanbal- they might reproach me.
6 lat, Tobiah, 1Geshem the Arab,
and the rest of our enemies heard
14 aMy God, remember Tobiah and
Sanballat, according to these their
1 aNeh. 2:10, works, and the bprophetess Noadiah
that I had rebuilt the wall, and that 19; 4:1, 7;
there were no breaks left in it 13:28 bNeh. and the rest of the prophets who
b(though at that time I had not hung 3:1, 3 1Or would have made me afraid.
the doors in the gates), The Wall Completed
2 that Sanballat and 1Geshem
asent to me, saying, Come, let us 15 So the wall was finished on the
meet together 2among the villages 2 aProv. 26:24, twenty-fifth day of Elul, in fifty-two
25 b1 Chr. days.
in the plain of bOno. But they 8:12; Neh.
cthought to do me harm. 11:35 cPs. 16 And it happened, awhen all our
3 So I sent messengers to them, 37:12, 32 1Or enemies heard of it, and all the
saying, I am doing a great work, so
Gashmu 2Or nations around us saw these things,
in Kephirim, that they were very disheartened in
that I cannot come down. Why exact location
should the work cease while I leave unknown their own eyes; for bthey perceived
it and go down to you? that this work was done by our God.
4 But they sent me this message 17 Also in those days the nobles of
four times, and I answered them in 6 aNeh. 2:19 Judah sent many letters to Tobiah,
the same manner.
1Heb. Gash- and the letters of Tobiah came to
5 Then Sanballat sent his servant
mu them.
to me as before, the fifth time, with 18 For many in Judah were pledged
an open letter in his hand. to him, because he was the ason-in-
6 In it was written: 10 1Lit. house law of Shechaniah the son of Arah,
and his son Jehohanan had married
It is reported among the the daughter of bMeshullam the son
nations, and 1Geshem says, 12 aEzek. of Berechiah.
that you and the Jews plan to
13:22 19 Also they reported his good
rebel; therefore, according to deeds before me, and reported my
1words to him. Tobiah sent letters to
these rumors, you are 14 aNeh. 13:29 frighten me.
rebuilding the wall, athat you bEzek. 13:17
Then it was, when the wall was
may be their king.
And you have also appointed
7 built and I had ahung the doors,
when the gatekeepers, the singers,
prophets to proclaim 16 aNeh. 2:10, and the Levites had been appointed,
concerning you at Jerusalem, 20; 4:1, 7; 6:1
2 that I gave the charge of Jerusa-
bPs. 126:2
saying, There is a king in lem to my brother aHanani, and
Judah! Now these matters will Hananiah the leader bof the 1citadel,
be reported to the king. So for he was a faithful man and
come, therefore, and let us 18 aNeh. 13:4,
cfeared God more than many.
28 bEzra
consult together. 10:15; Neh. 3 And I said to them, Do not let
3:4 the gates of Jerusalem be opened
8 Then I sent to him, saying, No until the sun is hot; and while they
such things as you say are being stand guard, let them shut and bar
done, but you invent them in your 19 1Or affairs the doors; and appoint guards from
own heart. among the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
9 For they all were trying to make one at his watch station and another
us afraid, saying, Their hands will in front of his own house.
be weakened in the work, and it will CHAPTER 7
not be done. The Captives Who Returned to
Now therefore, O God, strengthen Jerusalem
my hands. 4 Now the city was large and spa-
1 aNeh. 6:1, 15
10 Afterward I came to the house cious, but the people in it were afew,
of Shemaiah the son of Delaiah, the and the houses were not rebuilt.
son of Mehetabel, who was a secret 5 Then my God put it into my
2 aNeh. 1:2
informer; and he said, Let us meet bNeh. 2:8; heart to gather the nobles, the
together in the house of God, within 10:23 cEx. rulers, and the people, that they
the 1temple, and let us close the 18:21 1palace might be registered by genealogy.
doors of the temple, for they are And I found a register of the geneal-
coming to kill you; indeed, at night ogy of those who had come up in the
they will come to kill you. 4 aDeut. 4:27 first return, and found written in it:
11 And I said, Should such a man
as I flee? And who is there such as I 6 aThese are the people of the
who would go into the temple 6 aEzra 2:170 province who came back from
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NEHEMIAH 7:7 426

the captivity, of those who had 7 aEzra 5:2; thousand two hundred and
been carried away, whom Neh. 12:1, 47; fifty-four;
Matt. 1:12, 13
Nebuchadnezzar the king of 1Seraiah, Ezra 35 the sons of Harim, three
Babylon had carried away, and 2:2 2Mispar, hundred and twenty;
who returned to Jerusalem and Ezra 2:2 36 the sons of Jericho, three
Judah, everyone to his city. hundred and forty-five;
7 Those who came with 37 the sons of Lod, Hadid, and
aZerubbabel were Jeshua, 15 1Bani, Ezra Ono, seven hundred and twenty-
Nehemiah, 1Azariah, Raamiah, one;
Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, 38 the sons of Senaah, three
2Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, and
24 1Jorah, Ezra
thousand nine hundred and
Baanah. 2:18 thirty.
The number of the men of 39 The priests: the sons of
aJedaiah, of the house of
the people of Israel:
8 the sons of Parosh, two 25 1Gibbar, Jeshua, nine hundred and
thousand one hundred and Ezra 2:20 seventy-three;
seventy-two; 40 the sons of aImmer, one
9 the sons of Shephatiah, three thousand and fifty-two;
hundred and seventy-two; 28 1Azmaveth, 41 the sons of aPashhur, one
Ezra 2:24 thousand two hundred and
10 the sons of Arah, six hundred
and fifty-two; forty-seven;
11 the sons of Pahath-Moab, of the 42 the sons of aHarim, one
29 1Kirjath
sons of Jeshua and Joab, two Arim, Ezra thousand and seventeen.
thousand eight hundred and 2:25 43 The Levites: the sons of Jeshua,
eighteen; of Kadmiel, and of the sons of
1Hodevah, seventy-four.
12 the sons of Elam, one thousand
two hundred and fifty-four; 34 aNeh. 7:12 44 The singers: the sons of Asaph,
13 the sons of Zattu, eight one hundred and forty-eight.
hundred and forty-five; 45 The gatekeepers: the sons of
14 the sons of Zaccai, seven 39 a1 Chr. 24:7 Shallum, the sons of Ater, the
hundred and sixty; sons of Talmon, the sons of
15 the sons of 1Binnui, six Akkub, the sons of Hatita, the
hundred and forty-eight; 40 a1 Chr. 9:12 sons of Shobai, one hundred
16 the sons of Bebai, six hundred and thirty-eight.
and twenty-eight; 46 The Nethinim: the sons of Ziha,
41 a1 Chr. 9:12; the sons of Hasupha, the sons
17 the sons of Azgad, two 24:9 of Tabbaoth,
thousand three hundred and 47 the sons of Keros, the sons of
twenty-two; 1Sia, the sons of Padon,
18 the sons of Adonikam, six 42 a1 Chr. 24:8
48 the sons of 1Lebana, the sons of
hundred and sixty-seven; 2Hagaba, the sons of 3Salmai,
19 the sons of Bigvai, two 49 the sons of Hanan, the sons of
thousand and sixty- 43 1Hodaviah,
Giddel, the sons of Gahar,
seven; Ezra 2:40; or
Judah, Ezra 50 the sons of Reaiah, the sons of
20 the sons of Adin, six hundred 3:9 Rezin, the sons of Nekoda,
and fifty-five; 51 the sons of Gazzam, the sons of
21 the sons of Ater of Hezekiah, Uzza, the sons of Paseah,
ninety-eight; 47 1Siaha, 52 the sons of Besai, the sons of
22 the sons of Hashum, three Ezra 2:44
Meunim, the sons of
hundred and twenty-eight; 1Nephishesim,
23 the sons of Bezai, three 53 the sons of Bakbuk, the sons of
hundred and twenty-four; 48 1MT
Lebanah 2MT Hakupha, the sons of Harhur,
24 the sons of 1Hariph, one Hogabah 54 the sons of 1Bazlith, the sons of
hundred and twelve; 3Shalmai,
Mehida, the sons of Harsha,
25 the sons of 1Gibeon, ninety-five; Ezra 2:46; or 55 the sons of Barkos, the sons of
26 the men of Bethlehem and Shamlai
Sisera, the sons of Tamah,
Netophah, one hundred and 56 the sons of Neziah, and the
eighty-eight; sons of Hatipha.
52 1Nephusim,
27 the men of Anathoth, one Ezra 2:50 57 The sons of Solomons
hundred and twenty-eight; servants: the sons of Sotai, the
28 the men of 1Beth Azmaveth, sons of Sophereth, the sons of
forty-two; 54 1Bazluth, 1Perida,
29 the men of 1Kirjath Jearim, Ezra 2:52 58 the sons of Jaala, the sons of
Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven Darkon, the sons of Giddel,
hundred and forty-three; 59 the sons of Shephatiah, the
30 the men of Ramah and Geba, 57 1Peruda, sons of Hattil, the sons of
six hundred and twenty-one; Ezra 2:55 Pochereth of Zebaim, and the
31 the men of Michmas, one sons of 1Amon.
hundred and twenty-two; 60 All the Nethinim, and the sons
59 1Ami, Ezra
32 the men of Bethel and Ai, one 2:57 of Solomons servants, were
hundred and twenty-three; three hundred and ninety-two.
33 the men of the other Nebo, fifty- 61 And these were the ones who
two; 61 1Addan, came up from Tel Melah, Tel
34 the sons of the other aElam, one Ezra 2:59 Harsha, Cherub, 1Addon, and
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427 NEHEMIAH 8:13

Immer, but they could not 63 1Or Hakkoz of Moses, which the LORD had com-
identify their fathers house nor manded Israel.
their lineage, whether they 2 So Ezra the priest brought athe
were of Israel: 65 1Heb. Tir- Law before the assembly of men
62 the sons of Delaiah, the sons of shatha and women and all who could hear
Tobiah, the sons of Nekoda, six with understanding bon the first day
hundred and forty-two; of the seventh month.
63 and of the priests: the sons of 70 aNeh. 8:9
1Heb. Tir-
3 Then he aread from it in the open
Habaiah, the sons of 1Koz, the shatha
square that was in front of the Water
sons of Barzillai, who took a Gate 1from morning until midday,
wife of the daughters of before the men and women and
Barzillai the Gileadite, and was those who could understand; and the
71 aEzra 2:69
called by their name. ears of all the people were attentive
64 These sought their listing to the Book of the Law.
among those who were 4 So Ezra the scribe stood on a
registered by genealogy, but it 73 aEzra 3:1 platform of wood which they had
was not found; therefore they made for the purpose; and beside
were excluded from the him, at his right hand, stood Mat-
priesthood as defiled. tithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Urijah,
65 And the 1governor said to them CHAPTER 8
Hilkiah, and Maaseiah; and at his left
that they should not eat of the hand Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchijah,
most holy things till a priest Hashum, Hashbadana, Zechariah,
could consult with the Urim 1 aEzra 3:1 and Meshullam.
and Thummim. bNeh. 3:26 5 And Ezra opened the book in
66 Altogether the whole assembly cEzra 7:6
the sight of all the people, for he
was forty-two thousand three was standing above all the people;
hundred and sixty, and when he opened it, all the peo-
67 besides their male and female 2 a[Deut. ple astood up.
servants, of whom there were 31:11, 12]; 6 And Ezra blessed the LORD, the
Neh. 8:9 bLev.
seven thousand three hundred 23:24; Num. great God. Then all the people aan-
and thirty-seven; and they had 29:16 swered, Amen, Amen! while blift-
two hundred and forty-five men ing up their hands. And they cbowed
and women singers. their heads and worshiped the
68 Their horses were seven 3 aDeut. LORD with their faces to the ground.
hundred and thirty-six, their 31:911; 7 Also Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah,
mules two hundred and forty- 2 Kin. 23:2
1Lit. from the
Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah,
five, light Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad,
69 their camels four hundred and Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites,
thirty-five, and donkeys six ahelped the people to understand
thousand seven hundred and the Law; and the people bstood in
5 aJudg. 3:20;
twenty. 1 Kin. 8:1214 their place.
70 And some of the heads of the 8 So they read distinctly from the
fathers houses gave to the book, in the Law of God; and they
work. aThe 1governor gave to 6 aNeh. 5:13; gave the sense, and helped them to
the treasury one thousand gold [1 Cor. 14:16] understand the reading.
drachmas, fifty basins, and five bPs. 28:2;
9 aAnd Nehemiah, who was the
hundred and thirty priestly Lam. 3:41; 1governor, Ezra the priest and
garments. 1 Tim. 2:8 cEx.
4:31; 12:27; scribe, and the Levites who taught
71 Some of the heads of the 2 Chr. 20:18 the people said to all the people,
fathers houses gave to the bThis day is holy to the LORD your
treasury of the work atwenty God; cdo not mourn nor weep. For
thousand gold drachmas, and 7 aLev. 10:11; all the people wept, when they
two thousand two hundred Deut. 33:10; heard the words of the Law.
silver minas. 2 Chr. 17:7; 10 Then he said to them, Go your
72 And that which the rest of the [Mal. 2:7]
bNeh. 9:3 way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
people gave was twenty aand send portions to those for
thousand gold drachmas, two whom nothing is prepared; for this
thousand silver minas, and day is holy to our Lord. Do not sor-
sixty-seven priestly garments. 9 aEzra 2:63;
Neh. 7:65, 70; row, for the joy of the LORD is your
73 So the priests, the Levites, the 10:1 bLev. strength.
gatekeepers, the singers, some of 23:24; Num. 11 So the Levites quieted all the
29:1 cDeut.
the people, the Nethinim, and all 16:14; Eccl. people, saying, Be still, for the day
Israel dwelt in their cities. 3:4 1Heb. Tir- is holy; do not be grieved.
shatha 12 And all the people went their
Ezra Reads the Law way to eat and drink, to asend por-
aWhen the seventh month came, tions and rejoice greatly, because
the children of Israel were in their 10 a[Deut. they bunderstood the words that
cities. 26:1113]; were declared to them.
Esth. 9:19, 22;
Now all athe people gathered
8 together as one man in the open
square that was bin front of the
Rev. 11:10 The Feast of Tabernacles
13 Now on the second day the
Water Gate; and they told Ezra the 12 aNeh. 8:10 heads of the fathers houses of all
cscribe to bring the Book of the Law bNeh. 8:7, 8 the people, with the priests and
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NEHEMIAH 8:14 428

Levites, were gathered to Ezra the 14 aLev. 23:34, Which is exalted above all
scribe, in order to understand the 40, 42; Deut. blessing and praise!
16:13 1Tempo-
words of the Law. rary shelters 6 You alone are the LORD;
14 And they found written in the You have made heaven,
Law, which the LORD had com- 15 aLev. 23:4 The heaven of heavens, with
manded by Moses, that the children bDeut. 16:16
cLev. 23:40
dall their host,
of Israel should dwell in abooths1 The earth and everything on it,
during the feast of the seventh The seas and all that is in
16 aDeut. 22:8
month, bNeh. 12:37 them,
15 and athat they should announce c2 Kin. 14:13; And You epreserve them all.
and proclaim in all their cities and Neh. 12:39 The host of heaven worships
bin Jerusalem, saying, Go out to You.
the mountain, and cbring olive 17 a2 Chr.
30:21 1Tempo-
branches, branches of oil trees, myr- rary shelters 7 You are the LORD God,
tle branches, palm branches, and Who chose aAbram,
branches of leafy trees, to make 18 aDeut. 31:11 And brought him out of Ur of
booths, as it is written. bLev. 23:36 the Chaldeans,
cNum. 29:35
16 Then the people went out and And gave him the name
brought them and made themselves bAbraham;
booths, each one on the aroof of his CHAPTER 9 8 You found his heart afaithful
house, or in their courtyards or the before You,
courts of the house of God, and in And made a bcovenant with
the open square of the bWater Gate 1 aNeh. 8:2
bJosh. 7:6;
cand in the open square of the Gate
1 Sam. 4:12; To give the land of the
of Ephraim. 2 Sam. 1:2; Canaanites,
17 So the whole assembly of those Job 2:12 1Lit. The Hittites, the Amorites,
who had returned from the captivity earth on them The Perizzites, the Jebusites,
made 1booths and sat under the And the Girgashites
booths; for since the days of Joshua 2 aEzra 10:11;
Neh. 13:3, 30 To give it to his descendants.
the son of Nun until that day the bNeh. 1:6 You chave performed Your
children of Israel had not done so. words,
And there was very agreat gladness. 3 aNeh. 8:7, 8 For You are righteous.
18 Also aday by day, from the first
day until the last day, he read from 4 1Lit. ascent 9 Youa saw the affliction of our
the Book of the Law of God. And fathers in Egypt,
they kept the feast bseven days; and 5 a1 Chr. 29:13 And bheard their cry by the Red
on the ceighth day there was a Sea.
sacred assembly, according to the 6 aDeut. 6:4; 10 You ashowed signs and
2 Kin. 19:15,
prescribed manner. 19; [Ps. 86:10]; wonders against Pharaoh,
The People Confess Their Sins
Is. 37:16, 20 Against all his servants,
bGen. 1:1; Ex.
And against all the people of
20:11; Rev.
Now on the twenty-fourth day his land.
9 of athis month the children of
Israel were assembled with fasting,
14:7 c[Deut.
10:14]; 1 Kin.
8:27 dGen. 2:1
For You knew that they bacted
1proudly against them.
e[Ps. 36:6]
in sackcloth, band with 1dust on So You cmade a name for
their heads. Yourself, as it is this day.
7 aGen. 11:31
2 Then athose of Israelite lineage bGen. 17:5 11 aAnd You divided the sea before
separated themselves from all for- them,
eigners; and they stood and bcon- 8 aGen. 15:6; So that they went through the
fessed their sins and the iniquities 22:13; [James midst of the sea on the dry
of their fathers. 2:2123] bGen. land;
15:18 cJosh.
3 And they stood up in their place 23:14 And their persecutors You
and aread from the Book of the Law threw into the deep,
of the LORD their God for one- 9 aEx. 2:25; 3:7
bAs a stone into the mighty
fourth of the day; and for another bEx. 14:10 waters.
fourth they confessed and wor- 12 Moreover You aled them by day
shiped the LORD their God. 10 aEx. 714
bEx. 18:11
with a cloudy pillar,
4 Then Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, 1presumptu- And by night with a pillar of
Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, ously or inso- fire,
and Chenani stood on the 1stairs of lently cJer. To give them light on the
the Levites and cried out with a loud 32:20 road
voice to the LORD their God. Which they should travel.
5 And the Levites, Jeshua, Kad- 11 aEx.
14:2028 bEx.
miel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, 15:1, 5 13 Youa came down also on Mount
Hodijah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, Sinai,
said: 12 aEx. 13:21, And spoke with them from
22 heaven,
Stand up and bless the LORD And gave them bjust ordinances
your God 13 aEx. 20:118 and true laws,
b[Rom. 7:12]
Forever and ever! Good statutes and
14 aGen. 2:3;
Blessed be aYour glorious Ex. 16:23; 14 You made known to them Your
name, 20:8; 23:12 aholy Sabbath,
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429 NEHEMIAH 9:29

And commanded them 15 aEx. And brought them into the land
precepts, statutes and laws, 16:1417; Which You had told their
John 6:31 bEx.
By the hand of Moses Your 17:6; Num. fathers
servant. 20:8; [1 Cor. To go in and possess.
15 You agave them bread from 10:4] cDeut. 24 So athe 1people went in
heaven for their hunger, 1:8 1Lit. raised
Your hand to And possessed the land;
And bbrought them water out of bYou subdued before them the
the rock for their thirst, 16 aPs. 106:6 inhabitants of the land,
And told them to cgo in to bDeut.
The Canaanites,
possess the land 1:2633; 31:27; And gave them into their
Neh. 9:29
Which You had 1sworn to give 1presumptu- hands,
them. ously 2Stiff- With their kings
ened their And the people of the land,
16 Buta they and our fathers acted necks,
became stub- That they might do with them
born as they wished.
bHardened2 their necks,
25 And they took strong cities and
And did not heed Your 17 aPs. 78:11, a arich land,
commandments. 4245 bNum. And possessed bhouses full of
17 They refused to obey, 14:4; Acts 7:39
cJoel 2:13 1So all goods,
And athey were not mindful of with MT, Vg.; Cisterns already dug,
Your wonders LXX in Egypt vineyards, olive groves,
That You did among them. And 1fruit trees in abundance.
But they hardened their necks, 18 aEx. 32:48,
So they ate and were filled and
And 1in their rebellion 31
cgrew fat,
They appointed ba leader 19 aPs. 106:45 And delighted themselves in
To return to their bondage. bEx. 13:2022;
Your great dgoodness.
But You are God, 1 Cor. 10:1
Ready to pardon, 26 Nevertheless they awere
cGracious and merciful, 20 aNum. 11:17
bEx. 16:1416 disobedient
Slow to anger, cEx. 17:6 And rebelled against You,
Abundant in kindness, bCast Your law behind their
And did not forsake them. 21 aDeut. 2:7 backs
bDeut. 8:4;
29:5 And killed Your cprophets, who
18 Even when they made a
1testified against them
molded calf for themselves, 22 aNum. To turn them to Yourself;
And said, This is your god 21:2135 1Lit. And they worked great
That brought you up out of corners 2So
Egypt, with MT, Vg.;
27 aTherefore You delivered them
And worked great LXX omits
The land of into the hand of their
19 Yet in Your amanifold mercies enemies,
23 aGen. 15:5; Who oppressed them;
You did not forsake them in the 22:17; Heb.
wilderness. 11:12 And in the time of their trouble,
The bpillar of the cloud did not When they cried to You,
depart from them by day, 24 aJosh. 1:24
bJosh. 18:1;
You bheard from heaven;
To lead them on the road; [Ps. 44:2, 3]
And according to Your
Nor the pillar of fire by night, 1Lit. sons abundant mercies
cYou gave them deliverers who
To show them light,
And the way they should go. 25 aNum. 13:27 saved them
bDeut. 6:11;
20 You also gave Your agood Spirit From the hand of their
Josh. 24:13
to instruct them, c[Deut. 32:15] enemies.
And did not withhold Your dHos. 3:5 1Lit.
bmanna from their mouth, trees for eat- 28 But after they had rest,
ing aThey again did evil before You.
And gave them cwater for their
thirst. 26 aJudg. 2:11
Therefore You left them in the
21 aForty years You sustained them b1 Kin. 14:9; hand of their enemies,
in the wilderness; Ps. 50:17 So that they had dominion over
c1 Kin. 18:4;
They lacked nothing; them;
19:10; Matt. Yet when they returned and
Their bclothes did not wear out 23:37; Acts
And their feet did not swell. 7:52 1admon- cried out to You,
ished or You heard from heaven;
warned them And bmany times You delivered
22 Moreover You gave them
kingdoms and nations, 27 aJudg. 2:14;
them according to Your
And divided them into Ps. 106:41 bPs. mercies,
1districts. 106:44 cJudg. 29 And 1testified against them,
So they took possession of the 2:18 That You might bring them
land of aSihon, back to Your law.
28 aJudg. 3:12
2The land of the king of bPs. 106:43 Yet they acted 2proudly,
Heshbon, And did not heed Your
And the land of Og king of 29 aLev. 18:5; commandments,
Bashan. Rom. 10:5; But sinned against Your
23 You also multiplied atheir [Gal. 3:12] judgments,
children as the stars of aWhich if a man does, he shall
them 2pre-
heaven, sumptuously live by them.
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NEHEMIAH 9:30 430

And they shrugged their 29 3Became Our leaders, our Levites, and
shoulders, stubborn our priests bseal it.
3Stiffened their necks,
And would not hear. 30 a2 Kin. The People Who Sealed the
17:1318; Covenant
30 Yet for many years You had 2 Chr.
patience with them, 36:1120; Jer. Now those who placed their
And 1testified aagainst them by
Your Spirit bin Your
7:25 b[Acts
7:51]; 1 Pet.
1:11 cIs. 5:5
10 seal on the document were:
prophets. 1admonished Nehemiah the 1governor, athe
Yet they would not listen; or warned son of Hacaliah, and Zedekiah,
cTherefore You gave them into them
2 aSeraiah, Azariah, Jeremiah,
the hand of the peoples of the 3 Pashhur, Amariah, Malchijah,
lands. 31 aJer. 4:27; 4 Hattush, Shebaniah, Malluch,
31 Nevertheless in Your great [Rom. 11:25]
5 Harim, Meremoth, Obadiah,
mercy 6 Daniel, Ginnethon, Baruch,
aYou did not utterly consume 32 a[Ex. 34:6,
7] b2 Kin.
7 Meshullam, Abijah, Mijamin,
them nor forsake them; 15:19; 17:36; 8 Maaziah, Bilgai, and Shemaiah.
For You are God, gracious and Ezra 4:2, 10 These were the priests.
merciful. 1hardship
9 The Levites: Jeshua the son of
Azaniah, Binnui of the sons of
32 Now therefore, our God, 33 aPs. Henadad, and Kadmiel.
The great, the amighty, and 119:137; [Dan. 10 Their brethren: Shebaniah, Ho-
awesome God, 9:14] bPs.
106:6; [Dan. dijah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan,
Who keeps covenant and 9:5, 6, 8] 11 Micha, Rehob, Hashabiah,
mercy: 12 Zaccur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah,
Do not let all the 1trouble seem 35 aDeut. 28:47 13 Hodijah, Bani, and Beninu.
small before You 14 The leaders of the people: aPa-
That has come upon us, 36 aDeut.
rosh, Pahath-Moab, Elam, Zattu,
Our kings and our princes, 28:48; Ezra Bani,
Our priests and our prophets, 9:9 15 Bunni, Azgad, Bebai,
Our fathers and on all Your 16 Adonijah, Bigvai, Adin,
people, 37 aDeut. 17 Ater, Hezekiah, Azzur,
bFrom the days of the kings of 28:33, 51
bDeut. 28:48
18 Hodijah, Hashum, Bezai,
Assyria until this day. 19 Hariph, Anathoth, Nebai,
33 However aYou are just in all 20 Magpiash, Meshullam, Hezir,
that has befallen us; 38 a2 Kin. 23:3; 21 Meshezabel, Zadok, Jaddua,
For You have dealt faithfully, 2 Chr. 29:10; 22 Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah,
Ezra 10:3
But bwe have done wickedly. bNeh. 10:1 23 Hoshea, Hananiah, Hasshub,
34 Neither our kings nor our 24 Hallohesh, Pilha, Shobek,
princes, 25 Rehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah,
Our priests nor our fathers, CHAPTER 10 26 Ahijah, Hanan, Anan,
Have kept Your law, 27 Malluch, Harim, and Baanah.
Nor heeded Your
commandments and Your 1 aNeh. 1:1 The Covenant That Was Sealed
1Heb. Tir-
testimonies, shatha 28 aNow the rest of the peoplethe
With which You testified priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers,
against them. 2 aNeh. the singers, the Nethinim, band all
35 For they have anot served You 12:121 those who had separated them-
in their kingdom, selves from the peoples of the lands
Or in the many good things 14 aEzra 2:3 to the Law of God, their wives, their
that You gave them, sons, and their daughters, everyone
Or in the large and rich land 28 aEzra who had knowledge and under-
which You set before them; 2:3643 bEzra standing
Nor did they turn from their 9:1; Neh. 13:3 29 these joined with their brethren,
wicked works. their nobles, aand entered into a
29 aDeut. curse and an oath bto walk in Gods
36 Here awe are, servants today! 29:12; Neh. Law, which was given by Moses the
And the land that You gave to 5:12; Ps. servant of God, and to observe and
our fathers, b2 Kin. 23:3; do all the commandments of the
To eat its fruit and its bounty, 2 Chr. 34:31 LORD our Lord, and His ordinances
Here we are, servants in it! and His statutes:
37 And ait yields much increase to 30 aEx. 34:16; 30 We would not give aour daugh-
the kings Deut. 7:3; ters as wives to the peoples of the
You have set over us, [Ezra 9:12] land, nor take their daughters for
Because of our sins; our sons;
Also they have bdominion over 31 aEx. 20:10; 31 aif the peoples of the land
our bodies and our cattle Lev. 23:3; brought 1wares or any grain to sell
Deut. 5:12
At their pleasure; bEx. 23:10, 11; on the Sabbath day, we would not
And we are in great distress. Lev. 25:4; Jer. buy it from them on the Sabbath, or
34:14 c[Deut. on a holy day; and we would forego
38 And because of all this, 15:1, 2]; Neh. the bseventh years produce and the
5:12 1mer-
We amake a sure covenant and chandise 2col-
cexacting2 of every debt.
write it; lection 32 Also we made ordinances for
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431 NEHEMIAH 11:20

ourselves, to exact from ourselves 32 aEx. of the children of Judah and of the
yearly aone-third of a shekel for the 30:1116; children of Benjamin.
38:25, 26;
service of the house of our God: 2 Chr. 24:6, 9; The children of Judah: Athaiah
33 for athe showbread, for the reg- Matt. 17:24 the son of Uzziah, the son of Zecha-
ular grain offering, for the bregular riah, the son of Amariah, the son of
burnt offering of the Sabbaths, the 33 aLev. 24:5; Shephatiah, the son of Mahalalel, of
New Moons, and the set feasts; for 2 Chr. 2:4 the children of bPerez;
bNum. 28; 29
the holy things, for the sin offerings 5 and Maaseiah the son of Ba-
to make atonement for Israel, and ruch, the son of Col-Hozeh, the son
all the work of the house of our 34 aNeh. 13:31; of Hazaiah, the son of Adaiah, the
[Is. 40:16] son of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah,
God. bLev. 6:12
34 We cast lots among the priests, the son of Shiloni.
the Levites, and the people, afor 6 All the sons of Perez who dwelt
35 aEx. 23:19; at Jerusalem were four hundred and
bringing the wood offering into the 34:26; Lev.
house of our God, according to our 19:23; Num. sixty-eight valiant men.
fathers houses, at the appointed 18:12; Deut. 7 And these are the sons of Ben-
times year by year, to burn on the 26:1, 2 jamin: Sallu the son of Meshullam,
altar of the LORD our God bas it is the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah,
written in the Law. 36 aEx. 13:2, the son of Kolaiah, the son of Maa-
12, 13; Lev. seiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of
35 And we made ordinances ato 27:26, 27;
bring the firstfruits of our ground Num. 18:15, Jeshaiah;
and the firstfruits of all fruit of all 16 8 and after him Gabbai and Sal-
trees, year by year, to the house of lai, nine hundred and twenty-eight.
the LORD; 37 aLev. 23:17; 9 Joel the son of Zichri was their
36 to bring the afirstborn of our Num. 15:19; overseer, and Judah the son of 1Se-
sons and our cattle, as it is written 18:12; Deut. nuah was second over the city.
18:4; 26:2 10 aOf the priests: Jedaiah the son
in the Law, and the firstborn of our bLev. 27:30;
herds and our flocks, to the house of Num. 18:21; of Joiarib, and Jachin;
our God, to the priests who minister Mal. 3:10 11 Seraiah the son of Hilkiah, the
in the house of our God;
son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok,
37 ato bring the firstfruits of our the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahi-
dough, our offerings, the fruit from 38 aNum. 18:26 tub, was the leader of the house of
b1 Chr. 9:26;
all kinds of trees, the new wine and God.
2 Chr. 31:11
oil, to the priests, to the storerooms 12 Their brethren who did the work
of the 1house of our God; and to of the house were eight hundred
39 aDeut. 12:6, and twenty-two; and Adaiah the son
bring bthe tithes of our land to the 11; 2 Chr.
Levites, for the Levites should 31:12; Neh. of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the
receive the tithes in all our farming 13:12 bNeh. son of Amzi, the son of Zechariah,
communities. 13:10, 11
c[Heb. 10:25]
the son of Pashhur, the son of
38 And the priest, the descendant of Malchijah,
Aaron, shall be with the Levites 13 and his brethren, heads of the
awhen the Levites receive tithes; and fathers houses, were two hundred
CHAPTER 11 and forty-two; and Amashai the son
the Levites shall bring up a tenth of
the tithes to the house of our God, to of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son
bthe rooms of the storehouse. 1 aNeh. 10:18; of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer,
39 For the children of Israel and Matt. 4:5; 14 and their brethren, mighty men of
the children of Levi ashall bring the
5:35; 27:53 valor, were one hundred and twenty-
offering of the grain, of the new eight. Their overseer was Zabdiel 1the
wine and the oil, to the storerooms 2 aJudg. 5:9; son of one of the great men.
where the articles of the sanctuary
2 Chr. 17:16 15 Also of the Levites: Shemaiah
are, where the priests who minister the son of Hasshub, the son of Azri-
and the gatekeepers band the 3 a1 Chr. 9:2, 3
bEzra 2:43
kam, the son of Hashabiah, the son
singers are; and we will not cneglect cEzra 2:55
of Bunni;
the house of our God. 16 aShabbethai and bJozabad, of
the heads of the Levites, had the
4 a1 Chr. 9:3 oversight of cthe business outside of
The People Dwelling in Jerusalem bGen. 38:29
the 1house of God;
Now the leaders of the people
11 dwelt at Jerusalem; the rest of
the people cast lots to bring one out
9 1Or Hasse-
17 Mattaniah the son of 1Micha, the
son of Zabdi, the son of Asaph, the
leader who began the thanksgiving
of ten to dwell in Jerusalem, athe with prayer; Bakbukiah, the second
holy city, and nine-tenths were to 10 a1 Chr. 9:10
among his brethren; and Abda the
dwell in other cities. son of Shammua, the son of Galal,
2 And the people blessed all the 14 1Or the son the son of Jeduthun.
men who awillingly offered them- Haggedolim 18 All the Levites in athe holy city
selves to dwell at Jerusalem. were two hundred and eighty-four.
3 aThese are the heads of the 16 aEzra 10:15 19 Moreover the gatekeepers, Ak-
province who dwelt in Jerusalem. bEzra 8:33 kub, Talmon, and their brethren
(But in the cities of Judah everyone c1 Chr. 26:29 who kept the gates, were one hun-
dwelt in his own possession in their dred and seventy-two.
citiesIsraelites, priests, Levites, 20 And the rest of Israel, of the
bNethinim, and cdescendants of 17 1Or Michah priests and Levites, were in all the
Solomons servants.) cities of Judah, everyone in his
4 Also ain Jerusalem dwelt some 18 aNeh. 11:1 inheritance.
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NEHEMIAH 11:21 432

21 aBut the Nethinim dwelt in 21 a2 Chr. 27:3; 10 Jeshua begot Joiakim, Joiakim
Ophel. And Ziha and Gishpa were Neh. 3:26 begot Eliashib, Eliashib begot Joiada,
over the Nethinim. 221work 11 Joiada begot Jonathan, and
22 Also the overseer of the Levites 2Temple
Jonathan begot Jaddua.
at Jerusalem was Uzzi the son of 23 aEzra 6:8, 9; 12 Now in the days of Joiakim, the
Bani, the son of Hashabiah, the son 7:20 1fixed priests, the aheads of the fathers
of Mattaniah, the son of Micha, of share houses were: of Seraiah, Meraiah; of
the sons of Asaph, the singers in Jeremiah, Hananiah;
24 aGen. 38:30
charge of the 1service of the 2house b1 Chr. 18:17 13 of Ezra, Meshullam; of Amariah,
of God. 1Lit. at the Jehohanan;
23 For ait was the kings command kings hand 14 of 1Melichu, Jonathan; of 2She-
concerning them that a 1certain por- 25 aJosh. 14:15 baniah, Joseph;
tion should be for the singers, a 15 of 1Harim, Adna; of 2Meraioth,
quota day by day. 35 a1 Chr. 4:14 Helkai;
24 Pethahiah the son of Meshez- 16 of Iddo, Zechariah; of Ginne-
abel, of the children of aZerah the CHAPTER 12 thon, Meshullam;
son of Judah, was bthe1 kings deputy 17 of Abijah, Zichri; the son of
in all matters concerning the people. 1 aEzra 2:1, 2; 1Minjamin; of 2Moadiah, Piltai;
7:7 bNeh. 7:7; 18 of Bilgah, Shammua; of Shema-
The People Dwelling Outside Matt. 1:12, 13
Jerusalem cNeh. 10:28 iah, Jehonathan;
19 of Joiarib, Mattenai; of Jedaiah,
25 And as for the villages with 2 1Melichu, v. Uzzi;
their fields, some of the children of 14 20 of 1Sallai, Kallai; of Amok, Eber;
Judah dwelt in aKirjath Arba and its 3 1Shebaniah, 21 of Hilkiah, Hashabiah; and of
villages, Dibon and its villages, Je- v. 14 2Harim, Jedaiah, Nethanel.
kabzeel and its villages; v. 15
3Meraioth, v.
22 During the reign of Darius the
26 in Jeshua, Moladah, Beth Pelet, 15 Persian, a record was also kept of
27 Hazar Shual, and Beersheba the Levites and priests who had
and its villages; 4 aLuke 1:5 been aheads of their fathers houses
1Ginnethon, v.
28 in Ziklag and Meconah and its in the days of Eliashib, Joiada,
villages; Johanan, and Jaddua.
29 in En Rimmon, Zorah, Jarmuth, 5 1Minjamin, 23 The sons of Levi, the heads of
30 Zanoah, Adullam, and their vil- v. 17 2Moa- the fathers houses until the days of
lages; in Lachish and its fields; in diah, v. 17
Johanan the son of Eliashib, were
Azekah and its villages. They dwelt 7 aEzra 3:2; written in the book of the achroni-
from Beersheba to the Valley of Hin- Hag. 1:1; cles.
nom. Zech. 3:1 1Sal-
lai, v. 20 24 And the heads of the Levites
31 Also the children of Benjamin were Hashabiah, Sherebiah, and
from Geba dwelt in Michmash, Aija, 8 aNeh. 11:17 Jeshua the son of Kadmiel, with
and Bethel, and their villages; their brothers across from them, to
32 in Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah; 12 aNeh. 7:70,
71; 8:13; 11:13 apraise and give thanks, bgroup1
33 in Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim; alternating with group, caccording
34 in Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat; 14 1Malluch, v.
to the command of David the man
35 in Lod, Ono, and athe Valley of 2 2Shecha-
of God.
niah, v. 3
Craftsmen. 25 Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, Obadiah,
36 Some of the Judean divisions of 15 1Rehum, v.
Meshullam, Talmon, and Akkub were
Levites were in Benjamin. 3 2Meremoth,
v. 3 gatekeepers keeping the watch at
The Priests and Levites the storerooms of the gates.
17 1Mijamin, v. 26 These lived in the days of Joia-
Now these are the apriests 5 2Maadiah, v.
12 and the Levites who came up
with bZerubbabel the son of She-
20 1Sallu, v. 7
kim the son of Jeshua, the son of
1Jozadak, and in the days of Nehemi-
ah athe governor, and of Ezra the
altiel, and Jeshua: cSeraiah, Jeremiah, 22 a1 Chr. 24:6 priest, bthe scribe.
2 Amariah, 1Malluch, Hattush, 23 a1 Chr. Nehemiah Dedicates the Wall
3 1Shechaniah, 2Rehum, 3Mere- 9:1422
moth, aNeh.
27 Now at athe dedication of the
24 11:17 wall of Jerusalem they sought out
4 Iddo, 1Ginnethoi, aAbijah, bEzra 3:11
5 1Mijamin, 2Maadiah, Bilgah, c1 Chr. 2326 the Levites in all their places, to
6 Shemaiah, Joiarib, Jedaiah, 1Lit. watch by bring them to Jerusalem to cele-
watch brate the dedication with gladness,
7 1Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, and Jeda-
bboth with thanksgivings and sing-
iah. 26 aNeh. 8:9
These were the heads of the bEzra 7:6, 11 ing, with cymbals and stringed
priests and their brethren in the instruments and harps.
1 Chr. 6:14 28 And the sons of the singers
days of aJeshua.
8 Moreover the Levites were 27 aDeut. 20:5; gathered together from the country-
Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Neh. 7:1; Ps. side around Jerusalem, from the
30:title b1 Chr.
Judah, and Mattaniah awho led the 25:6; 2 Chr.
avillages of the Netophathites,
thanksgiving psalms, he and his 5:13; 7:6 29 from the house of Gilgal, and
brethren. from the fields of Geba and Azma-
9 Also Bakbukiah and Unni, their 28 a1 Chr. 9:16 veth; for the singers had built them-
brethren, stood across from them in 30 aEzra 6:20; selves villages all around Jerusalem.
their duties. Neh. 13:22, 30 30 Then the priests and Levites apu-
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433 NEHEMIAH 13:11

rified themselves, and purified the 31 aNeh. 12:38 aaccording to the command of David
bNeh. 2:13;
people, the gates, and the wall. 3:13
and Solomon his son.
31 So I brought the leaders of 46 For in the days of David aand
Judah up on the wall, and appointed 35 aNum. 10:2, Asaph of old there were chiefs of
two large thanksgiving choirs. aOne the singers, and songs of praise and
went to the right hand on the wall 36 a1 Chr. 23:5 thanksgiving to God.
b2 Chr. 29:26,
btoward the Refuse Gate.
27 47 In the days of Zerubbabel and in
32 After them went Hoshaiah and the days of Nehemiah all Israel gave
half of the leaders of Judah, 37 aNeh. 2:14; the portions for the singers and the
3:15 bNeh.
33 and Azariah, Ezra, Meshullam, 3:15 c2 Sam. gatekeepers, a portion for aeach day.
34 Judah, Benjamin, Shemaiah, Jer- 5:79 dNeh. bThey also 1consecrated holy things
emiah, 3:26; 8:1, 3, 16 for the Levites, cand the Levites con-
35 and some of the priests sons 38 aNeh. 12:31 secrated them for the children of
awith trumpetsZechariah the son bNeh. 3:11
cNeh. 3:8
of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah,
the son of Mattaniah, the son of Mi- 39 a2 Kin. Principles of Separation
chaiah, the son of Zaccur, the son of 14:13; Neh.
On that day athey read from
36 and his brethren, Shemaiah,
8:16 bNeh. 3:6
cNeh. 3:3
dNeh. 3:1
13 the Book of Moses in the hear-
ing of the people, and in it was
Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Ne- eNeh. 3:32
fJer. 32:2 found written bthat no Ammonite or
thanel, Judah, and Hanani, with athe 1Heb. Ham- Moabite should ever come into the
musical binstruments of David the meah assembly of God,
man of God. Ezra the scribe went 41 1Or Mi- 2 because they had not met the
before them. jamin, v. 5 children of Israel with bread and
37 aBy the Fountain Gate, in front of water, but ahired Balaam against
42 1Lit. made
them, they went up bthe stairs of the their voice to them to curse them. bHowever, our
cCity of David, on the stairway of the
be heard God turned the curse into a blessing.
wall, beyond the house of David, as 43 aEzra 3:13 3 So it was, when they had heard
far as dthe Water Gate eastward. the Law, athat they separated all the
38 aThe other thanksgiving choir 44 a2 Chr.
31:11, 12; mixed multitude from Israel.
went the opposite way, and I was Neh. 13:5, 12,
behind them with half of the people 13 bNeh. The Reforms of Nehemiah
on the wall, going past the bTower 10:3739 1Lit.
4 Now before this, aEliashib the
of the Ovens as far as cthe Broad stood
Wall, 45 a1 Chr.
priest, having authority over the
39 aand above the Gate of Ephraim, 25; 26 storerooms of the house of our God,
above bthe Old Gate, above cthe Fish 46 a1 Chr. 25:1;
was allied with bTobiah.
Gate, dthe Tower of Hananel, the 2 Chr. 29:30 5 And he had prepared for him a
Tower of 1the Hundred, as far as ethe large room, awhere previously they
47 aNeh. 11:23
Sheep Gate; and they stopped by bNum. 18:21, had stored the grain offerings, the
fthe Gate of the Prison. 24 cNum. frankincense, the articles, the tithes
40 So the two thanksgiving choirs
18:26 1set of grain, the new wine and oil,
apart bwhich were commanded to be
stood in the house of God, likewise I given to the Levites and singers and
and the half of the rulers with me; CHAPTER 13 gatekeepers, and the offerings for
41 and the priests, Eliakim, Maa- the priests.
seiah, 1Minjamin, Michaiah, Elioe- 1 a[Deut. 6 But during all this I was not in
nai, Zechariah, and Hananiah, with 31:11, 12];
Jerusalem, afor in the thirty-second
trumpets; 2 Kin. 23:2;
Neh. 8:3, 8; year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon
42 also Maaseiah, Shemaiah, Elea- 9:3; Is. 34:16 I had returned to the king. Then
zar, Uzzi, Jehohanan, Malchi- bDeut. 23:3, 4
after certain days I obtained leave
jah, Elam, and Ezer. The singers 2 aNum. 22:5; from the king,
1sang loudly with Jezrahiah the Josh. 24:9, 10 7 and I came to Jerusalem and dis-
director. bNum. 23:1;
covered the evil that Eliashib had
43 Also that day they offered great 24:10; Deut.
23:5 done for Tobiah, in apreparing a
sacrifices, and rejoiced, for God had room for him in the courts of the
made them rejoice with great joy; 3 aNeh. 9:2;
1house of God.
the women and the children also 8 And it grieved me bitterly;
rejoiced, so that the joy of Jerusa- 4 aNeh. 12:10
bNeh. 2:10; therefore I threw all the household
lem was heard aafar off. 4:3; 6:1 goods of Tobiah out of the room.
Temple Responsibilities 5 aNeh. 12:44 9 Then I commanded them to
bNum. 18:21, acleanse the rooms; and I brought
44 aAnd at the same time some 24 back into them the articles of the
were appointed over the rooms of 6 aNeh. house of God, with the grain offer-
the storehouse for the offerings, the 5:1416 ing and the frankincense.
firstfruits, and the btithes, to gather 7 aNeh. 13:1, 5 10 I also realized that the portions
into them from the fields of the 1Temple for the Levites had anot been given
cities the portions specified by the 9 a2 Chr. 29:5, them; for each of the Levites and
Law for the priests and Levites; for 15, 16 the singers who did the work had
Judah rejoiced over the priests and 10 aNeh. 10:37; gone back to bhis field.
Levites who 1ministered. Mal. 3:8 11 So aI contended with the rulers,
45 Both the singers and the gate- bNum. 35:2 and said, bWhy is the house of God
keepers kept the charge of their God 11 aNeh. 13:17, forsaken? And I gathered them
and the charge of the purification, 25 bNeh. 10:39 together and set them in their place.
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NEHEMIAH 13:12 434

12 aThen all Judah brought the 12 aNeh. 10:38; time on they came no more on the
tithe of the grain and the new wine 12:44 Sabbath.
and the oil to the storehouse. 13 a2 Chr.
22 And I commanded the Levites
13 aAnd I appointed as treasurers 31:12 b1 Cor. that athey should cleanse them-
over the storehouse Shelemiah the 4:2 selves, and that they should go and
priest and Zadok the scribe, and of guard the gates, to sanctify the Sab-
the Levites, Pedaiah; and next to 14 aNeh. 5:19; bath day.
them was Hanan the son of Zaccur, 13:22, 31 Remember me, O my God, con-
the son of Mattaniah; for they were cerning this also, and spare me
15 a[Ex. 20:10]
considered bfaithful, and their task bNeh. 10:31; according to the greatness of Your
was to distribute to their brethren. [Jer. 17:21] mercy!
14 aRemember me, O my God, con- 23 In those days I also saw Jews
cerning this, and do not wipe out my 18 aEzra 9:13; who ahad married women of bAsh-
good deeds that I have done for the [Jer. 17:21] dod, Ammon, and Moab.
house of my God, and for its ser- 24 And half of their children spoke
vices! 19 aLev. 23:32 the language of Ashdod, and could
bJer. 17:21, 22
15 In those days I saw people in not speak the language of Judah,
Judah treading wine presses aon the 20 1merchan- but spoke according to the language
Sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, dise 2spent of one or the other people.
and loading donkeys with wine, the night 25 So I acontended with them and
grapes, figs, and all kinds of bur- 1cursed them, struck some of them
dens, bwhich they brought into Jeru- 21 1Lit. before and pulled out their hair, and made
salem on the Sabbath day. And I them bswear by God, saying, You
warned them about the day on 22 a1 Chr. shall not give your daughters as
15:12; Neh.
which they were selling provisions. 12:30 wives to their sons, nor take their
16 Men of Tyre dwelt there also, daughters for your sons or your-
who brought in fish and all kinds of 23 a[Ex. 34:16; selves.
goods, and sold them on the Sab- Deut. 7:3, 4]; 26 aDid not Solomon king of Is-
bath to the children of Judah, and in Ezra 9:2; Neh. rael sin by these things? Yet among
10:30 bNeh.
Jerusalem. 4:7 many nations there was no king
17 Then I contended with the no- like him, bwho was beloved of his
bles of Judah, and said to them, 25 aProv. 28:4 God; and God made him king over
What evil thing is this that you do, bEzra 10:5; all Israel. cNevertheless pagan
by which you profane the Sabbath Neh. 10:29, 30 women caused even him to sin.
day? them cursed 27 Should we then hear of your
18 aDid not your fathers do thus, doing all this great evil, atransgress-
and did not our God bring all this 26 a1 Kin. 11:1, ing against our God by marrying
disaster on us and on this city? Yet 2 b2 Sam. pagan women?
you bring added wrath on Israel by 12:24, 25
c1 Kin. 11:48
28 And one of the sons aof Joiada,
profaning the Sabbath. the son of Eliashib the high priest,
19 So it was, at the gates of Jeru- 27 a[Ezra
was a son-in-law of bSanballat the
salem, as it abegan to be dark before 10:2]; Neh. Horonite; therefore I drove him
the Sabbath, that I commanded the 13:23 from me.
gates to be shut, and charged that 29 aRemember them, O my God,
they must not be opened till after 28 aNeh. 12:10, because they have defiled the priest-
the Sabbath. bThen I posted some of 12 bNeh. 4:1, hood and bthe covenant of the
7; 6:1, 2
my servants at the gates, so that no priesthood and the Levites.
burdens would be brought in on the 29 aNeh. 6:14 30 aThus I cleansed them of every-
Sabbath day. bMal. 2:4, 11, thing pagan. I also bassigned duties
20 Now the merchants and sellers 12 to the priests and the Levites, each
of all kinds of 1wares 2lodged out- to his service,
side Jerusalem once or twice. 30 aNeh. 10:30
bNeh. 12:1
31 and to bringing athe wood offer-
21 Then I warned them, and said to ing and the firstfruits at appointed
them, Why do you spend the night 31 aNeh. 10:34
1around the wall? If you do so again, bNeh. 13:14,
bRemember me, O my God, for
I will lay hands on you! From that 22 good!
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The Book of


G ODS hand of providence and protection on behalf of His people is evident

throughout the Book of Esther, though His name does not appear once.
Hamans plot brings grave danger to the Jews and is countered by the courage of
beautiful Esther and the counsel of her wise cousin Mordecal, resulting in a great
deliverance. The Feast of Purim becomes an annual reminder of Gods faithfulness
on behalf of His people.
Esthers Hebrew name was Hadassah, Myrtle (2:7), but her Persian name
Ester was derived from the Persian word for Star (Stara). The Greek title for this
book is Esther, and the Latin title is Hester.

The King Dethrones Queen Vashti CHAPTER 1 who served in the presence of King
OW it came to pass in the days
N of aAhasuerus1 (this was the
Ahasuerus who reigned bover one 1 aEzra 4:6;
11 to bring Queen Vashti before the
king, wearing her royal crown, in
Dan. 9:1 order to show her beauty to the peo-
hundred and twenty-seven prov- bEsth. 8:9
ple and the officials, for she was
inces, cfrom India to Ethiopia), cDan. 6:1
1Generally beautiful to behold.
2 in those days when King Ahas- identified 12 But Queen Vashti refused to
uerus asat on the throne of his king- with Xerxes I come at the kings command
dom, which was in bShushan1 the (485464 B.C.)
brought by his eunuchs; therefore
3 that in the third year of his the king was furious, and his anger
reign he amade a feast for all his 2 a1 Kin. 1:46 burned within him.
officials and servantsthe powers
bNeh. 1:1; 13 Then the king said to the awise
of Persia and Media, the nobles, and
Dan. 8:2 1Or men bwho understood the times (for
Susa 2Or for- this was the kings manner toward
the princes of the provinces being tified palace,
before him and so else- all who knew law and justice,
4 when he showed the riches of where in the 14 those closest to him being Car-
book shena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish,
his glorious kingdom and the splen-
dor of his excellent majesty for Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the
aseven princes of Persia and Media,
many days, one hundred and eighty 3 aGen. 40:20; bwho had access to the kings pres-
days in all. Esth. 2:18
5 And when these days were com- ence, and who 1ranked highest in
pleted, the king made a feast lasting the kingdom):
seven days for all the people who 5 1Or Susa 15 What shall we do to Queen
were present in 1Shushan the Vashti, according to law, because
2citadel, from great to small, in the she did not obey the command of
court of the garden of the kings 6 aEsth. 7:8;
King Ahasuerus brought to her by
palace. Ezek. 23:41; the eunuchs?
6 There were white and blue linen Amos 2:8; 6:4 16 And Memucan answered before
curtains fastened with cords of fine the king and the princes: Queen
linen and purple on silver rods and Vashti has not only wronged the
7 aEsth. 2:18 king, but also all the princes, and all
marble pillars; and the acouches 1Lit. hand
were of gold and silver on a mosaic the people who are in all the
pavement of alabaster, turquoise, provinces of King Ahasuerus.
and white and black marble. 10 aEsth. 7:9 17 For the queens behavior will
7 And they served drinks in become known to all women, so that
golden vessels, each vessel being they will adespise their husbands in
different from the other, with royal 13 aJer. 10:7; their eyes, when they report, King
wine in abundance, aaccording to Dan. 2:12; Ahasuerus commanded Queen
Matt. 2:1 Vashti to be brought in before him,
the 1generosity of the king. b1 Chr. 12:32
8 In accordance with the law, the but she did not come.
drinking was not compulsory; for so 18 This very day the noble ladies
the king had ordered all the officers 14 aEzra 7:14 of Persia and Media will say to all
of his household, that they should b2 Kin. 25:19; the kings officials that they have
[Matt. 18:10] heard of the behavior of the queen.
do according to each mans plea- 1Lit. sat in
sure. first place Thus there will be excessive con-
9 Queen Vashti also made a feast tempt and wrath.
for the women in the royal palace 19 If it pleases the king, let a royal
which belonged to King Ahasuerus. 17 a[Eph. 5:33] 1decree go out from him, and let it
10 On the seventh day, when the be recorded in the laws of the Per-
heart of the king was merry with sians and the Medes, so that it will
wine, he commanded Mehuman, 19 aEsth. 8:8; anot 2be altered, that Vashti shall
Dan. 6:8 1Lit.
Biztha, aHarbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, word 2pass come no more before King Ahas-
Zethar, and Carcas, seven eunuchs away uerus; and let the king give her
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ESTHER 1:20 436

royal position to another who is bet- 20 a[Eph. 5:33; and he moved her and her maidser-
ter than she. Col. 3:18; vants to the best place in the house
1 Pet. 3:1]
20 When the kings decree which of the women.
he will make is proclaimed through- 10 aEsther had not 1revealed her
out all his empire (for it is great), all people or family, for Mordecai had
wives will ahonor their husbands, 22 aEsth. 3:12; charged her not to reveal it.
8:9 b[Eph.
both great and small. 5:2224; 11 And every day Mordecai paced
21 And the reply pleased the king 1 Tim. 2:12] in front of the court of the womens
and the princes, and the king did quarters, to learn of Esthers wel-
according to the word of Memucan. fare and what was happening to her.
22 Then he sent letters to all the 12 Each young womans turn came
kings provinces, ato each province CHAPTER 2 to go in to King Ahasuerus after she
in its own script, and to every peo- had completed twelve months prep-
ple in their own language, that each aration, according to the regulations
man should bbe master in his own for the women, for thus were the
house, and speak in the language of 1 aEsth. 1:19, days of their preparation appor-
his own people. 20 tioned: six months with oil of myrrh,
and six months with perfumes and
Esther Becomes Queen preparations for beautifying women.
3 1Or Susa 13 Thus prepared, each young
After these things, when the
2 wrath of King Ahasuerus sub-
sided, he remembered Vashti, awhat
2palace 2Heb.
woman went to the king, and she
was given whatever she desired to
take with her from the womens
she had done, and what had been quarters to the kings palace.
decreed against her. 5 a1 Sam. 9:1 14 In the evening she went, and in
2 Then the kings servants who 1Or Susa
the morning she returned to the sec-
attended him said: Let beautiful 2palace
ond house of the women, to the cus-
young virgins be sought for the king; tody of Shaashgaz, the kings
3 and let the king appoint offi- eunuch who kept the concubines.
cers in all the provinces of his king- 6 a2 Kin. She would not go in to the king
dom, that they may gather all the 24:14, 15; again unless the king delighted in
beautiful young virgins to 1Shushan 2 Chr. 36:10,
her and called for her by name.
the 2citadel, into the womens quar- 20; Jer. 24:1
1Lit. Who 2Je- 15 Now when the turn came for
ters, under the custody of 3Hegai the hoiachin, Esther athe daughter of Abihail the
kings eunuch, custodian of the 2 Kin. 24:6 uncle of Mordecai, who had taken
women. And let beauty preparations her as his daughter, to go in to the
be given them. king, she requested nothing but
4 Then let the young woman who 7 aEsth. 2:15 what Hegai the kings eunuch, the
pleases the king be queen instead of custodian of the women, advised.
Vashti. This thing pleased the king, And Esther bobtained favor in the
and he did so. 8 aEsth. 2:3 sight of all who saw her.
5 In 1Shushan the 2citadel there 1Or Susa 16 So Esther was taken to King
was a certain Jew whose name was 2palace Ahasuerus, into his royal palace, in
Mordecai the son of Jair, the son of the tenth month, which is the month
Shimei, the son of aKish, a Ben- of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his
jamite. 9 aEsth. 2:3, 12 reign.
6 aKish1 had been carried away 1Lit. her por- 17 The king loved Esther more than
from Jerusalem with the captives tions all the other women, and she
who had been captured with 2Jeco- obtained grace and favor in his sight
niah king of Judah, whom Neb- more than all the virgins; so he set
uchadnezzar the king of Babylon 10 aEsth. 2:20 the royal acrown upon her head and
had carried away. 1Revealed the made her queen instead of Vashti.
7 And Mordecai had brought up identity of 18 Then the king amade a great
Hadassah, that is, Esther, ahis uncles feast, the Feast of Esther, for all his
daughter, for she had neither father officials and servants; and he pro-
nor mother. The young woman was 15 aEsth. 2:7; claimed a holiday in the provinces
lovely and beautiful. When her father 9:29 bEsth. and gave gifts according to the 1gen-
5:2, 8 erosity of a king.
and mother died, Mordecai took her
as his own daughter.
8 So it was, when the kings com- Mordecai Discovers a Plot
mand and decree were heard, and 17 aEsth. 1:11 19 When virgins were gathered to-
when many young women were gether a second time, Mordecai sat
agathered at 1Shushan the 2citadel,
within the kings gate.
under the custody of Hegai, that 18 aEsth. 1:3 20 aNow Esther had not revealed
Esther also was taken to the kings 1Lit. hand
her family and her people, just as
palace, into the care of Hegai the Mordecai had charged her, for
custodian of the women. Esther obeyed the command of
9 Now the young woman pleased 20 aEsth. 2:10; Mordecai as when she was brought
him, and she obtained his favor; so [Prov. 22:6] up by him.
he readily gave abeauty preparations 21 In those days, while Mordecai sat
to her, besides 1her allowance. Then within the kings gate, two of the
seven choice maidservants were pro- 21 1Bigthana, kings eunuchs, 1Bigthan and Teresh,
vided for her from the kings palace, Esth. 6:2 doorkeepers, became furious and
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437 ESTHER 4:8

sought to lay hands on King Ahas- 22 aEsth. 6:1, 2 11 And the king said to Haman,
uerus. 23 aEsth. 6:1
The money and the people are
22 So the matter became known to given to you, to do with them as
Mordecai, awho told Queen Esther, seems good to you.
and Esther informed the king in CHAPTER 3 12 aThen the kings scribes were
Mordecais name. called on the thirteenth day of the
23 And when an inquiry was made 1 aNum. 24:7; first month, and a decree was writ-
into the matter, it was confirmed, 1 Sam. 15:8 ten according to all that Haman
bEsth. 5:11
and both were hanged on a gallows; commandedto the kings satraps,
and it was written in athe book of 2 aEsth. 2:19, to the governors who were over
the chronicles in the presence of the 21; 5:9 bEsth. each province, to the officials of all
king. 3:5; Ps. 15:4 people, to every province baccording
3 aEsth. 3:2 to its script, and to every people in
Hamans Conspiracy Against the their language. cIn the name of King
Jews 5 aEsth. 3:2; Ahasuerus it was written, and
5:9 bDan. 3:19 sealed with the kings signet ring.
After these things King Ahasu-
3 erus promoted Haman, the son
of Hammedatha the aAgagite, and
6 aPs. 83:4;
[Rev. 12:117]
13 And the letters were asent by
couriers into all the kings provinces,
badvanced him and set his seat to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate
7 aEsth. all the Jews, both young and old, lit-
above all the princes who were with 9:2426 1Lit.
him. from day to tle children and women, bin one day,
2 And all the kings servants who day and on the thirteenth day of the twelfth
were awithin the kings gate bowed month to month, which is the month of Adar,
month 2LXX and cto plunder their 1possessions.
and paid homage to Haman, for so adds to de-
the king had commanded concern- stroy the 14 aA copy of the document was to
ing him. But Mordecai bwould not people of be issued as law in every province,
Mordecai in being published for all people, that
bow or pay homage. one day; Vg.
3 Then the kings servants who adds the na- they should be ready for that day.
were within the kings gate said to tion of the 15 The couriers went out, hastened
Mordecai, Why do you transgress Jews should by the kings command; and the
be destroyed decree was proclaimed in 1Shushan
the akings command? 3So with MT,
4 Now it happened, when they Vg.; LXX and the 2citadel. So the king and Haman
spoke to him daily and he would not the lot fell on sat down to drink, but athe city of
listen to them, that they told it to the four- Shushan was 3perplexed.
teenth of the
Haman, to see whether Mordecais month Esther Agrees to Help the Jews
words would stand; for Mordecai
had told them that he was a Jew. 8 aEzra When Mordecai learned all that
5 When Haman saw that Morde-
cai adid not bow or pay him hom-
4:1215; Acts
16:20, 21 4 had happened, 1he atore his
clothes and put on sackcloth band
age, Haman was bfilled with wrath. 10 aGen. 41:42 ashes, and went out into the midst
bEsth. 8:2, 8
6 But he disdained to lay hands cEsth. 7:6
of the city. He ccried out with a loud
on Mordecai alone, for they had told and bitter cry.
him of the people of Mordecai. 12 aEsth. 8:9 2 He went as far as the front of
Instead, Haman asought to destroy bEsth. 1:22
c1 Kin. 21:8;
the kings gate, for no one might
all the Jews who were throughout Esth. 8:810
enter the kings gate clothed with
the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus sackcloth.
the people of Mordecai. 13 a2 Chr. 30:6; 3 And in every province where
7 In the first month, which is the Esth. 8:10, 14
bEsth. 8:12
the kings command and decree
month of Nisan, in the twelfth year cEsth. 8:11; arrived, there was great mourning
of King Ahasuerus, athey cast Pur 9:10 1LXX among the Jews, with fasting, weep-
(that is, the lot), before Haman 1to adds the text ing, and wailing; and many lay in
determine the day and the 2month, of the letter sackcloth and ashes.
3until it fell on the twelfth month, here 4 So Esthers maids and eunuchs
which is the month of Adar. 14 aEsth. 8:13, came and told her, and the queen
8 Then Haman said to King Ahas- 14 was deeply distressed. Then she
uerus, There is a certain people sent garments to clothe Mordecai
scattered and dispersed among the 15 aEsth. 8:15; and take his sackcloth away from
[Prov. 29:2]
people in all the provinces of your 1Or Susa him, but he would not accept them.
kingdom; atheir laws are different 2palace 3in 5 Then Esther called Hathach,
from all other peoples, and they do confusion one of the kings eunuchs whom he
not keep the kings laws. Therefore had appointed to attend her, and she
it is not fitting for the king to let CHAPTER 4 gave him a command concerning
them remain. Mordecai, to learn what and why
9 If it pleases the king, let a 1 a2 Sam. 1:11; this was.
decree be written that they be Esth. 3:810; 6 So Hathach went out to Morde-
destroyed, and I will pay ten thou- Jon. 3:5, 6
bJosh. 7:6;
cai in the city square that was in
sand talents of silver into the hands Ezek. 27:30
front of the kings gate.
of those who do the work, to bring it cGen. 27:34 7 And Mordecai told him all that
into the kings treasuries. 1Lit. Mordecai had happened to him, and athe sum
10 So the king atook bhis signet of money that Haman had promised
ring from his hand and gave it to 7 aEsth. 3:9 to pay into the kings treasuries to
Haman, the son of Hammedatha the 8 aEsth. 3:14, destroy the Jews.
Agagite, the cenemy of the Jews. 15 8 He also gave him aa copy of the
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ESTHER 4:9 438

written decree for their destruction, 8 1Or Susa man quickly, that he may do as
which was given at 1Shushan, that Esther has said. So the king and
he might show it to Esther and Haman went to the banquet that
explain it to her, and that he might 11 aEsth. 5:1; Esther had prepared.
6:4 bDan. 2:9
command her to go in to the king to cEsth. 5:2; 8:4 6 At the banquet of wine athe king
make supplication to him and plead dEsth. 2:14 said to Esther, bWhat is your peti-
before him for her people. tion? It shall be granted you. What is
9 So Hathach returned and told your request, up to half the king-
Esther the words of Mordecai. 16 aEsth. 5:1 dom? It shall be done!
bGen. 43:14
10 Then Esther spoke to Hathach, 1Or Susa 7 Then Esther answered and said,
and gave him a command for My petition and request is this:
Mordecai: 8 If I have found favor in the sight
11 All the kings servants and the 17 1LXX adds of the king, and if it pleases the king
people of the kings provinces know a prayer of to grant my petition and 1fulfill my
that any man or woman who goes Mordecai request, then let the king and Ha-
into athe inner court to the king, man come to the abanquet which I
who has not been called, bhe has but will prepare for them, and tomorrow
one law: put all to death, except the I will do as the king has said.
one cto whom the king holds out the CHAPTER 5
golden scepter, that he may live.Yet Hamans Plot Against Mordecai
I myself have not been dcalled to go 9 So Haman went out that day
in to the king these thirty days. 1 aEsth. 4:16 ajoyful and with a glad heart; but
12 So they told Mordecai Esthers bEsth. 4:11; when Haman saw Mordecai in the
words. 6:4 1LXX kings gate, and bthat he did not
13 And Mordecai told them to an- adds many
stand or tremble before him, he was
extra details
swer Esther: Do not think in your in vv. 1, 2 filled with indignation against
heart that you will escape in the Mordecai.
kings palace any more than all the 10 Nevertheless Haman arestrained
other Jews. 2 a[Prov. 21:1] himself and went home, and he sent
14 For if you remain completely bEsth. 4:11;
and called for his friends and his
silent at this time, relief and deliver- 8:4
wife Zeresh.
ance will arise for the Jews from 11 Then Haman told them of his
another place, but you and your 3 aEsth. 7:2; great riches, athe multitude of his
fathers house will perish. Yet who Mark 6:23 children, everything in which the
knows whether you have come to the king had promoted him, and how he
kingdom for such a time as this? had badvanced him above the offi-
15 Then Esther told them to reply 6 aEsth. 7:2 cials and servants of the king.
to Mordecai: bEsth. 9:12
12 Moreover Haman said, Be-
16 Go, gather all the Jews who are sides, Queen Esther invited no one
present in 1Shushan, and fast for but me to come in with the king to
me; neither eat nor drink for athree 8 aEsth. 6:14
1Lit. to do the banquet that she prepared; and
days, night or day. My maids and I tomorrow I am again invited by her,
will fast likewise. And so I will go to along with the king.
the king, which is against the law; 9 a[Job 20:5; 13 Yet all this avails me nothing,
band if I perish, I perish! Luke 6:25]
bEsth. 3:5
so long as I see Mordecai the Jew
17 So Mordecai went his way and sitting at the kings gate.
did according to all that Esther com- 14 Then his wife Zeresh and all his
manded 1him. friends said to him, Let a agallows1
10 a2 Sam.
13:22 be made, 2fifty cubits high, and in
Esthers Banquet the morning bsuggest to the king
Now it happened aon the third that Mordecai be hanged on it; then
5 day that Esther put on her royal
robes and stood in bthe inner court of
11 aEsth.
9:710 bEsth.
go merrily with the king to the ban-
quet. And the thing pleased Haman;
3:1 so he had cthe gallows made.
the kings palace, across from the
kings house, while the king sat on The King Honors Mordecai
his royal throne in the royal house, 14 aEsth. 7:9
facing the entrance of the 1house. That night 1the king could not
bEsth. 6:4
cEsth. 7:10
2 So it was, when the king saw 1Lit. tree or
sleep. So one was commanded
Queen Esther standing in the court, wood 2About to bring athe book of the records of
that ashe found favor in his sight, 75 feet the chronicles; and they were read
and bthe king held out to Esther the before the king.
golden scepter that was in his hand. 2 And it was found written that
Then Esther went near and touched Mordecai had told of 1Bigthana and
the top of the scepter. CHAPTER 6 Teresh, two of the kings eunuchs,
3 And the king said to her, What the doorkeepers who had sought to
do you wish, Queen Esther? What is lay hands on King Ahasuerus.
your request? aIt shall be given to 1 aEsth. 2:23; 3 Then the king said, What honor
youup to half the kingdom! 10:2 1Lit. the or dignity has been bestowed on
4 So Esther answered, If it pleases kings sleep Mordecai for this? And the kings
fled away
the king, let the king and Haman servants who attended him said,
come today to the banquet that I Nothing has been done for him.
have prepared for him. 2 1Bigthan, 4 So the king said, Who is in the
5 Then the king said, Bring Ha- Esth. 2:21 court? Now Haman had just en-
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439 ESTHER 8:5

tered athe outer court of the kings 4 aEsth. 5:1 your sight, O king, and if it pleases
bEsth. 5:14
palace bto suggest that the king hang the king, let my life be given me at
Mordecai on the gallows that he had my petition, and my people at my
prepared for him. 6 a[Prov. 16:18;
5 The kings servants said to him, 18:12] 4 For we have been asold, my peo-
Haman is there, standing in the ple and I, to be destroyed, to be
court. And the king said, Let him killed, and to be annihilated. Had we
come in. 8 a1 Kin. 1:33 been sold as bmale and female
6 So Haman came in, and the king 1crown
slaves, I would have held my tongue,
asked him, What shall be done for although the enemy could never
the man whom the king delights to compensate for the kings loss.
honor? Now Haman thought in his 9 aGen. 41:43 5 So King Ahasuerus answered
1Lit. cause
heart, Whom would the king de- him to ride and said to Queen Esther, Who is
light to honor more than ame? he, and where is he, who would dare
7 And Haman answered the king, presume in his heart to do such a
For the man whom the king 12 a2 Chr. thing?
delights to honor, 26:20 b2 Sam. 6 And Esther said, The adversary
8 let a royal robe be brought 15:30; Jer. and aenemy is this wicked Haman!
14:3, 4
which the king has worn, and aa So Haman was terrified before the
horse on which the king has ridden, king and queen.
which has a royal 1crest placed on 13 a[Gen. 7 Then the king arose in his wrath
its head. 12:3]; Zech. from the banquet of wine and went
9 Then let this robe and horse be 2:8 into the palace garden; but Haman
delivered to the hand of one of the stood before Queen Esther, pleading
kings most noble princes, that he for his life, for he saw that evil was
may array the man whom the king 14 aEsth. 5:8 determined against him by the king.
delights to honor. Then 1parade him 8 When the king returned from
on horseback through the city the palace garden to the place of the
square, aand proclaim before him: CHAPTER 7 banquet of wine, Haman had fallen
Thus shall it be done to the man across athe couch where Esther was.
whom the king delights to honor! Then the king said, Will he also
10 Then the king said to Haman, assault the queen while I am in the
Hurry, take the robe and the horse, 2 aEsth. 5:6 house? As the word left the kings
as you have suggested, and do so for mouth, they bcovered Hamans face.
Mordecai the Jew who sits within 4 aEsth. 3:9;
9 Now aHarbonah, one of the
the kings gate! Leave nothing un- 4:7 bDeut. eunuchs, said to the king, Look!
done of all that you have spoken. 28:68 bThe 1gallows, fifty cubits high,
11 So Haman took the robe and the which Haman made for Mordecai,
horse, arrayed Mordecai and led who spoke cgood on the kings
him on horseback through the city 6 aEsth. 3:10 behalf, is standing at the house of
square, and proclaimed before him, Haman. Then the king said, Hang
Thus shall it be done to the man him on it!
whom the king delights to honor! 8 aEsth. 1:6 10 So athey bhanged Haman on the
bJob 9:24
12 Afterward Mordecai went back gallows that he had prepared for
to the kings gate. But Haman ahur- Mordecai. Then the kings wrath
ried to his house, mourning band 9 aEsth. 1:10 subsided.
with his head covered. bEsth. 5:14;
13 When Haman told his wife [Ps. 7:16; Esther Saves the Jews
Zeresh and all his friends every- Prov. 11:5, 6]
On that day King Ahasuerus
thing that had happened to him, his
wise men and his wife Zeresh said
cEsth. 6:2 1Lit.
tree or wood 8 gave Queen Esther the house of
Haman, the aenemy of the Jews.
to him, If Mordecai, before whom And Mordecai came before the
you have begun to fall, is of Jewish 10 a[Ps. 7:16; king, for Esther had told bhow he
descent, you will not prevail against 94:23; Prov. was related to her.
ahim but will surely fall before him. 11:5, 6] bPs.
37:35, 36; 2 So the king took off ahis signet
14 While they were still talking Dan. 6:24 ring, which he had taken from
with him, the kings eunuchs came, Haman, and gave it to Mordecai; and
and hastened to bring Haman to Esther appointed Mordecai over the
athe banquet which Esther had pre-
house of Haman.
pared. CHAPTER 8
3 Now Esther spoke again to the
Haman Hanged Instead of king, fell down at his feet, and
Mordecai implored him with tears to counter-
1 aEsth. 7:6 act the evil of Haman the Agagite,
bEsth. 2:7, 15
So the king and Haman went to and the scheme which he had
7 dine with Queen Esther.
2 And on the second day, aat the
devised against the Jews.
4 And athe king held out the golden
2 aEsth. 3:10
banquet of wine, the king again said scepter toward Esther. So Esther
to Esther, What is your petition, arose and stood before the king,
Queen Esther? It shall be granted 4 aEsth. 4:11;
5 and said, If it pleases the king,
you. And what is your request, up to 5:2 and if I have found favor in his sight
half the kingdom? It shall be done! and the thing seems right to the
3 Then Queen Esther answered king and I am pleasing in his eyes,
and said, If I have found favor in 5 aEsth. 3:13 let it be written to revoke the aletters
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ESTHER 8:6 440

devised by Haman, the son of 6 aNeh. 2:3; gladness, a feast aand a holiday.
Hammedatha the Agagite, which he Esth. 7:4; 9:1 Then many of the people of the land
wrote to annihilate the Jews who aEsth. bbecame Jews, because cfear of the
7 8:1;
are in all the kings provinces. Prov. 13:22 Jews fell upon them.
6 For how can I endure to see 8 aEsth. 1:19;
athe evil that will come to my peo- The Jews Destroy Their Tormentors
Dan. 6:8, 12,
ple? Or how can I endure to see the 15 1Lit. as is Now ain the twelfth month, that
destruction of my countrymen?
7 Then King Ahasuerus said to
good in your
eyes 9 is, the month of Adar, on the
thirteenth day, bthe time came for
Queen Esther and Mordecai the 9 aEsth. 3:12 the kings command and his decree
Jew, Indeed, aI have given Esther bEsth. 1:1
to be executed. On the day that the
cEsth. 1:22;
the house of Haman, and they have 3:12 enemies of the Jews had hoped to
hanged him on the gallows because overpower them, the opposite oc-
he tried to lay his hand on the Jews. 10 a1 Kin. 21:8; curred, in that the Jews themselves
8 You yourselves write a decree Esth. 3:12, 13
1Lit. sons of
coverpowered those who hated
concerning the Jews, 1as you please, the swift them.
in the kings name, and seal it with horses 2 The Jews agathered together in
the kings signet ring; for whatever their cities throughout all the
is written in the kings name and 11 aEsth. 9:2
bEsth. 9:10, provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay
sealed with the kings signet ring 15, 16 hands on those who bsought their
ano one can revoke.
harm. And no one could withstand
9 aSo the kings scribes were called 12 aEsth. 3:13; them, cbecause fear of them fell
at that time, in the third month, which 9:1 1LXX
adds the text upon all people.
is the month of Sivan, on the twenty- of the letter 3 And all the officials of the
third day; and it was written, accord- here provinces, the satraps, the gover-
ing to all that Mordecai commanded, nors, and all those doing the kings
13 aEsth. 3:14,
to the Jews, the satraps, the gover- 15 work, helped the Jews, because the
nors, and the princes of the provinces fear of Mordecai fell upon them.
bfrom India to Ethiopia, one hundred 14 1Or Susa
2palace 4 For Mordecai was great in the
and twenty-seven provinces in all, to kings palace, and his fame spread
every province cin its own script, to 15 aEsth. 3:15; throughout all the provinces; for
every people in their own language, Prov. 29:2 1vi- this man Mordecai abecame increas-
and to the Jews in their own script olet 2Or Susa
ingly prominent.
and language. 16 aPs. 97:11; 5 Thus the Jews defeated all their
10 aAnd he wrote in the name of 112:4 enemies with the stroke of the
King Ahasuerus, sealed it with the sword, with slaughter and destruc-
kings signet ring, and sent letters 17 a1 Sam.
25:8; Esth. tion, and did what they pleased with
by couriers on horseback, riding on 9:19 bPs. 18:43 those who hated them.
royal horses 1bred from swift steeds. cGen. 35:5;
6 And in aShushan1 the 2citadel
11 By these letters the king permit- Ex. 15:16; the Jews killed and destroyed five
Deut. 2:25;
ted the Jews who were in every city 11:25; 1 Chr. hundred men.
to agather together and protect their 14:17; Esth. 7 Also Parshandatha, Dalphon,
livesto bdestroy, kill, and annihilate 9:2 Aspatha,
all the forces of any people or 8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha,
province that would assault them, CHAPTER 9 9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and
both little children and women, and Vajezatha
to plunder their possessions, 1 aEsth. 8:12 10 athe ten sons of Haman the son
12 aon one day in all the provinces bEsth. 3:13 of Hammedatha, the enemy of the
of King Ahasuerus, on the thir- c2 Sam. 22:41
Jewsthey killed; bbut they did not
teenth day of the twelfth month, 2 aEsth. 8:11; lay a hand on the 1plunder.
which is the month of 1Adar. 9:1518 bPs. 11 On that day the number of those
13 aA copy of the document was to 71:13, 14 who were killed in 1Shushan the
cEsth. 8:17
be issued as a decree in every 2citadel 3was brought to the king.
province and published for all peo- 4 a2 Sam. 3:1; 12 And the king said to Queen
ple, so that the Jews would be ready 1 Chr. 11:9; Esther, The Jews have killed and
on that day to avenge themselves on [Prov. 4:18] destroyed five hundred men in
their enemies. 6 aEsth. 1:2; Shushan the citadel, and the ten sons
14 The couriers who rode on royal 3:15; 4:16 1Or of Haman. What have they done in
horses went out, hastened and Susa 2palace the rest of the kings provinces? Now
pressed on by the kings command. awhat is your petition? It shall be
10 aEsth. 5:11;
And the decree was issued in 9:710; Job granted to you. Or what is your fur-
1Shushan the 2citadel. ther request? It shall be done.
15 So Mordecai went out from the 27:1315; Ps. 13 Then Esther said, If it pleases
presence of the king in royal apparel 21:10 bEsth. the king, let it be granted to the
8:11 1spoil
of 1blue and white, with a great Jews who are in Shushan to do
crown of gold and a garment of fine 11 1Or Susa again tomorrow aaccording to
2palace 3Lit.
linen and purple; and athe city of todays decree, and let Hamans ten
2Shushan rejoiced and was glad. came
sons bbe hanged on the gallows.
16 The Jews had alight and glad- 12 aEsth. 5:6; 14 So the king commanded this to
ness, joy and honor. 7:2 be done; the decree was issued in
17 And in every province and city, 13 aEsth. 8:11;
Shushan, and they hanged Hamans
wherever the kings command and 9:15 b2 Sam. ten sons.
decree came, the Jews had joy and 21:6, 9 15 And the Jews who were in
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441 ESTHER 10:3

1Shushan agathered together again 15 aEsth. 8:11; he and his sons should be hanged
on the fourteenth day of the month 9:2 bEsth. 9:10 on the gallows.
1Or Susa
of Adar and killed three hundred 26 So they called these days Purim,
men at Shushan; bbut they did not 16 aEsth. 9:2 after the name 1Pur. Therefore, be-
lay a hand on the plunder. bEsth. 8:11 cause of all the words of athis letter,
16 The remainder of the Jews in what they had seen concerning this
the kings provinces agathered 17 1Lit. it matter, and what had happened to
together and protected their lives, 18 aEsth. 9:11, them,
had rest from their enemies, and 15 1Or Susa 27 the Jews established and im-
killed seventy-five thousand of their 2Lit. it posed it upon themselves and their
enemies; bbut they did not lay a descendants and all who would
hand on the plunder. 19 aDeut. ajoin them, that without fail they
16:11, 14
17 This was on the thirteenth day bEsth. 8:16, 17 should celebrate these two days
of the month of Adar. And on the cNeh. 8:10, 12; every year, according to the written
fourteenth of 1the month they Esth. 9:22 instructions and according to the
rested and made it a day of feasting prescribed time,
22 aNeh. 8:10;
and gladness. Esth. 9:19 28 that these days should be
b[Deut. remembered and kept throughout
The Feast of Purim 15:711]; Job every generation, every family, every
29:16 province, and every city, that these
18 But the Jews who were at 1Shu-
shan assembled together aon the 24 aEsth. 3:6,
days of Purim should not fail to be
thirteenth day, as well as on the 7; 9:26 observed among the Jews, and that
fourteenth; and on the fifteenth of the memory of them should not per-
2the month they rested, and made it 25 aEsth. ish among their descendants.
7:410; 8:3; 29 Then Queen Esther, athe daugh-
a day of feasting and gladness. 9:13, 14 bEsth.
19 Therefore the Jews of the vil- 7:10 1Lit. she ter of Abihail, with Mordecai the
lages who dwelt in the unwalled or it 2Lit. his Jew, wrote with full authority to con-
towns celebrated the fourteenth day firm this bsecond letter about Purim.
of the month of Adar awith gladness 26 aEsth. 9:20
1Lit. Lot
30 And Mordecai sent letters to all
and feasting, bas a holiday, and for the Jews, to athe one hundred and
csending presents to one another. 27 aEsth. 8:17; twenty-seven provinces of the king-
20 And Mordecai wrote these [Is. 56:3, 6]; dom of Ahasuerus, with words of
things and sent letters to all the Zech. 2:11 peace and truth,
Jews, near and far, who were in all 31 to confirm these days of Purim
29 aEsth. 2:15 at their appointed time, as Mordecai
the provinces of King Ahasuerus, bEsth. 8:10;
21 to establish among them that 9:20, 21 the Jew and Queen Esther had pre-
they should celebrate yearly the scribed for them, and as they had
fourteenth and fifteenth days of the 30 aEsth. 1:1 decreed for themselves and their
month of Adar, descendants concerning matters of
31 aEsth. 4:3, their afasting and lamenting.
22 as the days on which the Jews 16
had rest from their enemies, as the 32 So the decree of Esther con-
month which was turned from sor- firmed these matters of Purim, and
row to joy for them, and from CHAPTER 10 it was written in the book.
mourning to a holiday; that they Mordecais Advancement
should make them days of feasting 1aGen. 10:5;
and joy, of asending presents to one Ps. 72:10; Is. And King Ahasuerus imposed
another and gifts to the bpoor.
23 So the Jews accepted the cus-
11:11; 24:15
10 tribute on the land and on
athe islands of the sea.
2 aEsth. 8:15;
tom which they had begun, as 9:4 bEsth. 6:1 2 Now all the acts of his power and
1Lit. made
Mordecai had written to them, his might, and the account of the
24 because Haman, the son of him great greatness of Mordecai, ato which the
Hammedatha the Agagite, the en- 3 aGen. 41:40, king 1advanced him, are they not
emy of all the Jews, ahad plotted 43, 44; 2 Chr. written in the book of the bchronicles
against the Jews to annihilate them, 28:7 bNeh. of the kings of Media and Persia?
and had cast Pur (that is, the lot), to 2:10; Ps.
122:8, 9 1Lit.
3 For Mordecai the Jew was asec-
consume them and destroy them; seed. LXX, ond to King Ahasuerus, and was
25 but awhen 1Esther came before Vg. add a great among the Jews and well
the king, he commanded by letter dream of received by the multitude of his
that 2this wicked plot which Haman Mordecai brethren, bseeking the good of his
here; Vg. adds
had devised against the Jews should six more people and speaking peace to all
breturn on his own head, and that chapters his 1countrymen.
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The Book of


J OB is perhaps the earliest book of the Bible. Set in the period of the patriarchs
(Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph), it tells the story of a man who loses every-
thinghis wealth, his family, his healthand wrestles with the question, Why?
The book begins with a heavenly debate between God and Satan, moves
through three cycles of earthly debates between Job and his friends, and con-
cludes with a dramatic divine diagnosis of Jobs problem. In the end, Job
acknowledges the sovereignty of God in his life and receives back more than he
had before his trials.
Iyyob is the Hebrew title for this book, and the name has two possible mean-
ings. If derived from the Hebrew word for Persecution, it means Persecuted
One. It is more likely that it comes from the Arabic word meaning To Come
Back or Repent. If so, it may be defined Repentant One. Both meanings apply
to the book. The Greek title is Iob, and the Latin title is Iob.

Job and His Family in Uz CHAPTER 1 and said, Does Job fear God for
HERE was a man ain the land of
T Uz, whose name was bJob; and
that man was cblameless and up-
1 a1 Chr. 1:17
bEzek. 14:14,
20; James
10 aHave You not 1made a hedge
around him, around his household,
5:11 cGen. 6:9; and around all that he has on every
right, and one who dfeared God and side? bYou have blessed the work of
1shunned evil. 17:1; [Deut.
2 And seven sons and three
18:13] d[Prov. his hands, and his possessions have
16:6] 1Lit. increased in the land.
daughters were born to him. turned away
11 aBut now, stretch out Your
3 Also, his possessions were seven from
thousand sheep, three thousand hand and touch all that he has, and
3 1Lit. sons he will surely bcurse1 You to Your
camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, face!
five hundred female donkeys, and a 5 aGen. 8:20;
very large household, so that this [Job 42:8] 12 And the LORD said to Satan,
man was the greatest of all the 1peo-
b1 Kin. 21:10, Behold, all that he has is in your
13 1conse- 1power; only do not lay a hand on
ple of the East. crate 2Lit.
4 And his sons would go and feast blessed, but in his person. So Satan went out from
in their houses, each on his ap- an evil sense; the presence of the LORD.
cf. Job 1:11;
pointed day, and would send and 2:5, 9 Job Loses His Property and
invite their three sisters to eat and Children
drink with them. 6 aJob 2:1 1Lit.
5 So it was, when the days of the Adversary 13 Now there was a day awhen his
feasting had run their course, that 7 a[1 Pet. 5:8] sons and daughters were eating and
Job would send and 1sanctify them, 1Lit. the Ad- drinking wine in their oldest broth-
and he would rise early in the morn- versary ers house;
ing aand offer burnt offerings ac- 8 1Lit. set your
14 and a messenger came to Job
cording to the number of them all. heart on 2Lit. and said, The oxen were plowing
For Job said, It may be that my turns away and the donkeys feeding beside
sons have sinned and bcursed2 God from them,
in their hearts. Thus Job did regu- 10 aJob 29:26;
15 when the 1Sabeans 2raided
larly. Ps. 34:7; Is. them and took them awayindeed
5:2 b[Ps. they have killed the servants with
Satan Attacks Jobs Character 128:1, 2; Prov. the edge of the sword; and I alone
10:22] 1Pro-
6 Now athere was a day when the tected him have escaped to tell you!
sons of God came to present them- 16 While he was still speaking,
selves before the LORD, and 1Satan 11 aJob 2:5; another also came and said, The
19:21 bIs. 8:21; fire of God fell from heaven and
also came among them. Mal. 3:13, 14
7 And the LORD said to 1Satan, 1Lit. bless, but burned up the sheep and the ser-
From where do you come? So in an evil vants, and 1consumed them; and I
Satan answered the LORD and said, sense; cf. Job alone have escaped to tell you!
1:5 17 While he was still speaking,
From agoing to and fro on the
earth, and from walking back and 12 1Lit. hand another also came and said, The
forth on it. Chaldeans formed three bands,
8 Then the LORD said to Satan, 13 a[Eccl. 9:12] raided the camels and took them
Have you 1considered My servant 15 1Lit. Sheba; away, yes, and killed the servants
Job, that there is none like him on cf. Job 6:19 with the edge of the sword; and I
the earth, a blameless and upright 2Lit. fell upon alone have escaped to tell you!
man, one who fears God and 2shuns 16 1destroyed
18 While he was still speaking,
evil? another also came and said, aYour
9 So Satan answered the LORD 18 aJob 1:4, 13 sons and daughters were eating and
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443 JOB 3:13

drinking wine in their oldest broth- 19 1LXX omits Jobs Three Friends
ers house, across
19 and suddenly a great wind 20 aGen. 37:29, 11 Now when Jobs three friends
came from 1across the wilderness 34; Josh. 7:6; heard of all this adversity that had
Ezra 9:3 come upon him, each one came from
and struck the four corners of the b[1 Pet. 5:6]
house, and it fell on the young peo- his own placeEliphaz the aTeman-
21 a[Ps. 49:17; ite, Bildad the bShuhite, and Zophar
ple, and they are dead; and I alone Eccl. 5:15];
have escaped to tell you! 1 Tim. 6:7 the Naamathite. For they had made
20 Then Job arose, atore his robe,
bEccl. 5:19; an appointment together to come
[James 1:17] cand mourn with him, and to com-
and shaved his head; and he bfell to cGen. 31:16;
fort him.
the ground and worshiped. [1 Sam. 2:6]
dEph. 5:20; 12 And when they raised their eyes
21 And he said: [1 Thess. 5:18] from afar, and did not recognize him,
aNaked I came from my 22 aJob 2:10 they lifted their voices and wept; and
mothers womb, each one tore his robe and asprinkled
And naked shall I return
CHAPTER 2 dust on his head toward heaven.
there. 13 So they sat down with him on
1 aJob 1:68 the ground aseven days and seven
The LORD bgave, and the 2 aJob 1:7 nights, and no one spoke a word to
LORD has ctaken away; 3 aJob 1:1, 8 him, for they saw that his grief was
dBlessed be the name of the bJob 27:5, 6
very great.
LORD. cJob 9:17 1Lit.
consume Job Deplores His Birth
22 aIn all this Job did not sin nor 5 aJob 1:11
After this Job opened his mouth
bJob 19:20
charge God with wrong. 1Lit. bless, but
in an evil
and cursed the day of his birth.
Satan Attacks Jobs Health sense; cf. Job 2 And Job 1spoke, and said:
Again athere was a day when
2 the sons of God came to present
themselves before the LORD, and
6 aJob 1:12
7 aIs. 1:6
3 Maya the day perish on which I
was born,
And the night in which it was
Satan came also among them to 8 aJob 42:6;
present himself before the LORD. Jer. 6:26;
Ezek. 27:30; A male child is conceived.
2 And the LORD said to Satan, Jon. 3:6; Matt. 4 May that day be darkness;
From where do you come? aSatan 11:21 May God above not seek it,
answered the LORD and said, From 9 1Lit. Bless, Nor the light shine upon it.
going to and fro on the earth, and but in an evil 5 May darkness and athe shadow
from walking back and forth on it. sense; cf. Job
1:5 of death claim it;
3 Then the LORD said to Satan, May a cloud settle on it;
Have you considered My servant 10 aJob 1:21,
22; [Heb. 12:6; May the blackness of the day
Job, that there is none like him on James 5:10, terrify it.
the earth, aa blameless and upright 11] bJob 1:22; 6 As for that night, may darkness
man, one who fears God and shuns [James 1:12]
cPs. 39:1 seize it;
evil? And still he bholds fast to his May it not 1rejoice among the
integrity, although you incited Me 11 aGen. 36:11;
1 Chr. 1:36; days of the year,
against him, cto 1destroy him with- Job 6:19; Jer. May it not come into the
out cause. 49:7; Obad. 9 number of the months.
bGen. 25:2;
4 So Satan answered the LORD 7 Oh, may that night be barren!
1 Chr. 1:32
and said, Skin for skin! Yes, all that cJob 42:11; May no joyful shout come into
a man has he will give for his life. Rom. 12:15 it!
5 aBut stretch out Your hand now, 12 aJosh. 7:6; 8 May those curse it who curse
and touch his bbone and his flesh, Neh. 9:1; the day,
and he will surely 1curse You to Your Lam. 2:10; Those awho are ready to arouse
face! Ezek. 27:30
6 aAnd the LORD said to Satan, 13 aGen. 50:10;
Ezek. 3:15 9 May the stars of its morning be
Behold, he is in your hand, but dark;
spare his life. CHAPTER 3 May it look for light, but have
7 So Satan went out from the none,
presence of the LORD, and struck 2 1Lit. an- And not see the 1dawning of
Job with painful boils afrom the sole swered the day;
of his foot to the crown of his head. 3 aJob 10:18, 10 Because it did not shut up the
8 And he took for himself a pot- 19; Jer. doors of my mothers womb,
sherd with which to scrape himself Nor hide sorrow from my eyes.
awhile he sat in the midst of the 5 aJob 10:21,
22; Jer. 13:16;
ashes. Amos 5:8 11 Whya did I not die at birth?
9 Then his wife said to him, Do 6 1LXX, Syr., Why did I not 1perish when I
you still hold fast to your integrity? Tg., Vg. be came from the womb?
1Curse God and die! joined 12 a Why did the knees receive me?
10 But he said to her, You speak as 8 aJer. 9:17 Or why the breasts, that I
one of the foolish women speaks. 9 1eyelids of should nurse?
aShall we indeed accept good from the dawn 13 For now I would have lain still
God, and shall we not accept adver- 11 aJob 10:18, and been quiet,
sity? bIn all this Job did not csin 19 1expire I would have been asleep;
with his lips. 12 aGen. 30:3 Then I would have been at rest
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JOB 3:14 444

14 With kings and counselors of 14 aJob 15:28; 7 Remember now, awho ever
the earth, Is. 58:12 perished being innocent?
Who abuilt ruins for Or where were the upright ever
themselves, 16 aPs. 58:8 cut off?
15 Or with princes who had gold, 8 Even as I have seen,
Who filled their houses with 17 aJob 17:16 aThose who plow iniquity
silver; 1Lit. weary of And sow trouble reap the
16 Or why was I not hidden alike a strength same.
stillborn child, 9 By the blast of God they perish,
Like infants who never saw 18 aJob 39:7 And by the breath of His anger
1are at ease
light? they are consumed.
17 There the wicked cease from 10 The roaring of the lion,
troubling, 20 aJer. 20:18 The voice of the fierce lion,
b2 Kin. 4:27
And there the 1weary are at And athe teeth of the young
arest. lions are broken.
18 There the prisoners 1rest 21 aRev. 9:6 11 aThe old lion perishes for lack of
bProv. 2:4 1Lit.
together; prey,
wait And the cubs of the lioness are
aThey do not hear the voice of
the oppressor. scattered.
22 aJob 7:15,
19 The small and great are there, 16
And the servant is free from his 12 Now a word was secretly
master. brought to me,
23 aJob 19:8; And my ear received a whisper
Ps. 88:8; Lam. of it.
20 Whya is light given to him who 3:7
is in misery, 13 aIn disquieting thoughts from
And life to the bbitter of soul, the visions of the night,
24 1Lit. my When deep sleep falls on men,
21 Who along1 for death, but it bread
does not come, 14 Fear came upon me, and
And search for it more than 25 a[Job 9:28;
bhidden treasures; Which made all my bones
22 Who rejoice exceedingly, shake.
And are glad when they can 15 Then a spirit passed before my
find the agrave? CHAPTER 4
23 Why is light given to a man The hair on my body stood up.
whose way is hidden, 16 It stood still,
aAnd whom God has hedged in? 3 aIs. 35:3 But I could not discern its
24 For my sighing comes before 1I appearance.
eat, A form was before my eyes;
4 aIs. 35:3 1Lit. There was silence;
And my groanings pour out bending
Then I heard a voice saying:
like water. 17 Can a mortal be more righteous
25 For the thing I greatly afeared 6 aJob 1:1 than God?
has come upon me, bProv. 3:26
Can a man be more pure than
And what I dreaded has his Maker?
happened to me. 7 a[Job 8:20; 18 If He aputs no trust in His
26 I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; 36:6, 7; Ps.
I have no rest, for trouble 37:25]
If He charges His angels with
comes. error,
8 a[Job 15:31,
Eliphaz: Job Has Sinned 35; Prov. 22:8; 19 How much more those who
Hos. 10:13; dwell in houses of clay,
Then Eliphaz the Temanite an- Whose foundation is in the
4 swered and said:
Gal. 6:7]

10 aJob 5:15;
Who are crushed before a
2 If one attempts a word with Ps. 58:6 moth?
you, will you become weary? 20 aThey are broken in pieces from
But who can withhold himself 11 aJob 29:17; morning till evening;
from speaking? Ps. 34:10 They perish forever, with no
3 Surely you have instructed one regarding.
many, 13 aJob 33:15 21 Does not their own excellence
And you ahave strengthened go away?
weak hands. 14 aHab. 3:16
They die, even without
4 Your words have upheld him wisdom.
who was stumbling,
And you ahave strengthened 18 aJob 15:15 Eliphaz: Job Is Chastened by God
the 1feeble knees; Call out now;
5 But now it comes upon you,
and you are weary;
20 aPs. 90:5, 6 5 Is there anyone who will answer
It touches you, and you are And to which of the holy ones
troubled. CHAPTER 5 will you turn?
6 Is not ayour reverence byour 2 For wrath kills a foolish man,
confidence? 3 a[Ps. 37:35,
And envy slays a simple one.
And the integrity of your ways 36]; Jer. 3 aI have seen the foolish taking
your hope? 12:13 root,
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445 JOB 6:12

But suddenly I cursed his 4 aPs. 119:155 And ayou shall not be afraid of
bPs. 109:12
dwelling place. the bbeasts of the earth.
4 His sons are afar from safety, 5 1LXX They 23 aFor you shall have a covenant
They are crushed in the gate, shall not be with the stones of the field,
taken from
And bthere is no deliverer. evil men; Vg. And the beasts of the field shall
5 Because the hungry eat up his And the be at peace with you.
harvest, armed man 24 You shall know that your tent is
1Taking it even from the thorns, shall take him in peace;
by violence
2And a snare snatches their 2LXX The You shall visit your dwelling
3substance. might shall and find nothing amiss.
6 For affliction does not come draw them 25 You shall also know that ayour
from the dust, off; Vg. And descendants shall be many,
the thirsty
Nor does trouble spring from shall drink up And your offspring blike the
the ground; their riches grass of the earth.
7 Yet man is aborn to 1trouble, 3wealth 26 aYou shall come to the grave at a
As the sparks fly upward. 7 aJob 14:1 full age,
1labor As a sheaf of grain ripens in its
8 But as for me, I would seek 10 a[Job
God, 36:2729; 27 Behold, this we have asearched
And to God I would commit my 37:611; out;
cause 38:26] It is true.
9 Who does great things, and 11 aPs. 113:7 Hear it, and know for yourself.
unsearchable, 12 aNeh. 4:15
Marvelous things without Job: My Complaint Is Just
number. 13 a[Job 37:24; Then Job answered and said:
10 aHe gives rain on the earth,
And sends waters on the
1 Cor. 3:19]
15 aJob 4:10,
2 Oh, that my grief were fully
fields. 11; Ps. 35:10
11 aHe sets on high those who are 16 a1 Sam. 2:8; And my calamity laid with it on
lowly, Ps. 107:41, 42 the scales!
And those who mourn are 17 aPs. 94:12; 3 For then it would be heavier
lifted to safety. [Prov. 3:11, 12; than the sand of the sea
12 aHe frustrates the devices of the Heb. 12:5, 6; Therefore my words have been
crafty, Rev. 3:19]
So that their hands cannot 18 a[Deut. 4 aFor the arrows of the Almighty
carry out their plans. 32:39; 1 Sam.
are within me;
2:6, 7]; Is.
13 He catches the awise in their 30:26; Hos. 6:1 My spirit drinks in their poison;
own craftiness, bThe terrors of God are arrayed
And the counsel of the cunning 19 aPs. 34:19; cagainst me.
91:3; [1 Cor.
comes quickly upon them. 10:13] bPs. 5 Does the awild donkey bray
14 They meet with darkness in the 91:10; [Prov. when it has grass,
daytime, 24:16] Or does the ox low over its
And grope at noontime as in 20 aPs. 33:19, fodder?
the night. 20; 37:19 1Lit. 6 Can flavorless food be eaten
15 But aHe saves the needy from hand without salt?
the sword, 21 aJob 5:15; Or is there any taste in the
From the mouth of the mighty, Ps. 31:20 white of an egg?
And from their hand. 22 aPs. 91:13; 7 My soul refuses to touch them;
16 aSo the poor have hope, Is. 11:9; 35:9; They are as loathsome food to
And injustice shuts her mouth. 65:25; Ezek. me.
34:25 bHos.
17 Behold,a happy is the man 8 Oh, that I might have my
whom God corrects; 23 aPs. 91:12 request,
Therefore do not despise the 25 aPs. 112:2 That God would grant me the
chastening of the Almighty. bPs. 72:16 thing that I long for!
18 aFor He bruises, but He binds 26 a[Prov. 9:11; 9 That it would please God to
up; 10:27] crush me,
He wounds, but His hands That He would loose His hand
27 aPs. 111:2
make whole. and acut me off!
19 aHe shall deliver you in six 10 Then I would still have comfort;
troubles, CHAPTER 6 Though in anguish I would
Yes, in seven bno evil shall exult,
touch you. 4 aJob 16:13;
Ps. 38:2 bPs. He will not spare;
20 aIn famine He shall redeem you 88:15, 16 cJob For aI have not concealed the
from death, 30:15 words of bthe Holy One.
And in war from the 1power of 5 aJob 39:58
the sword. 11 What strength do I have, that I
21 aYou shall be hidden from the 9 aNum. 11:15; should hope?
1 Kin. 19:4;
scourge of the tongue, Job 7:16; 9:21; And what is my end, that I
And you shall not be afraid of 10:1 should prolong my life?
destruction when it comes. 10 aActs 20:20
12 Is my strength the strength of
22 You shall laugh at destruction b[Lev. 19:2; Is. stones?
and famine, 57:15] Or is my flesh bronze?
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JOB 6:13 446

13 Is my help not within me? 14 a[Prov. Are not his days also like the
And is success driven from me? 17:17] 1Or de-
spairing days of a hired man?
2 Like a servant who 1earnestly
14 Toa him who is 1afflicted, 15 aPs. 38:11 desires the shade,
kindness should be shown by bJer. 15:18 And like a hired man who
his friend, eagerly looks for his wages,
Even though he forsakes the 19 aGen. 25:15; 3 So I have been allotted amonths
fear of the Almighty. Is. 21:14; Jer. of futility,
15 aMy brothers have dealt 25:23 b1 Kin.
10:1; Ps. And wearisome nights have
deceitfully like a brook, 72:10; Ezek. been appointed to me.
bLike the streams of the brooks 27:22, 23 4 aWhen I lie down, I say, When
that pass away, shall I arise,
16 Which are dark because of the 20 aJer. 14:3
1Lit. ashamed And the night be ended?
ice, For I have had my fill of tossing
And into which the snow till dawn.
vanishes. 21 aJob 13:4
bPs. 38:11 5 My flesh is acaked with worms
17 When it is warm, they cease to and dust,
flow; 27 aPs. 57:6 My skin is cracked and breaks
When it is hot, they vanish out afresh.
from their place. 29 aJob 17:10
18 The paths of their way turn bJob 27:5, 6;
6 Mya days are swifter than a
aside, 34:5 1Lit. is in
it weavers shuttle,
They go nowhere and perish. And are spent without hope.
19 The caravans of aTema look, 30 1palate 7 Oh, remember that amy life is a
The travelers of bSheba hope breath!
for them. My eye will never again see
20 They are adisappointed1 CHAPTER 7 good.
because they were confident; 8 aThe eye of him who sees me
They come there and are will see me no more;
confused. 1 a[Job 14:5,
21 For now ayou are nothing,
13, 14]; Ps. While your eyes are upon me, I
39:4 shall no longer be.
You see terror and bare afraid.
22 Did I ever say, Bring 9 As the cloud disappears and
2 1Lit. pants
something to me? for vanishes away,
Or, Offer a bribe for me from So ahe who goes down to the
your wealth? 3 a[Job 15:31] grave does not come up.
23 Or, Deliver me from the 10 He shall never return to his
enemys hand? 4 aDeut. 28:67; house,
Job 7:13, 14 aNor shall his place know him
Or, Redeem me from the hand
of oppressors? anymore.
5 aIs. 14:11
24 Teach me, and I will hold my 11 Therefore I will anot restrain
6 aJob 9:25;
tongue; 16:22; 17:11; my mouth;
Cause me to understand Is. 38:12; I will speak in the anguish of
wherein I have erred. [James 4:14] my spirit;
25 How forceful are right I will bcomplain in the
words! 7 aJob 7:16; bitterness of my soul.
Ps. 78:39;
But what does your arguing 89:47 12 Am I a sea, or a sea serpent,
prove? That You set a guard over me?
26 Do you intend to rebuke my 8 aJob 8:18; 13 aWhen I say, My bed will
words, 20:9 comfort me,
And the speeches of a My couch will ease my
desperate one, which are as 9 a2 Sam. complaint,
wind? 12:23 14 Then You scare me with dreams
27 Yes, you overwhelm the And terrify me with visions,
10 aPs. 103:16
fatherless, 15 So that my soul chooses
And you aundermine your 11 aPs. 39:1, 9
friend. b1 Sam. 1:10 And death rather than 1my
28 Now therefore, be pleased to body.
look at me; 13 aJob 9:27 16 aI loathe my life;
For I would never lie to your I would not live forever.
face. 15 1Lit. my bLet me alone,
29 aYield now, let there be no bones For cmy days are but 1a
injustice! breath.
Yes, concede, my 16 aJob 10:1
bJob 14:6 cPs.
brighteousness 1still stands!
62:9 1Without 17 Whata is man, that You should
30 Is there injustice on my tongue? substance, fu- exalt him,
Cannot my 1taste discern the tile That You should set Your heart
unsavory? on him,
17 aJob 22:2;
Job: My Suffering Is Comfortless Ps. 8:4; 144:3; 18 That You should 1visit him
Heb. 2:6 every morning,
Is there not aa time of hard And test him every moment?
7 service for man on earth? 18 1attend to 19 How long?
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447 JOB 9:10

Will You not look away from 20 aPs. 36:6 And the hope of the bhypocrite
bPs. 21:12 1So
me, with MT, Tg.,
shall perish,
And let me alone till I swallow Vg.; LXX, 14 Whose confidence shall be cut
my saliva? Jewish tradi- off,
20 Have I sinned? tion to You And whose trust is 1a spiders
What have I done to You, aO web.
watcher of men? 15 aHe leans on his house, but it
Why bhave You set me as Your 3 aGen. 18:25; does not stand.
target, [Deut. 32:4; He holds it fast, but it does not
So that I am a burden 1to 2 Chr. 19:7; endure.
Job 34:10, 12;
myself? 36:23; 37:23]; 16 He grows green in the sun,
21 Why then do You not pardon Rom. 3:5 And his branches spread out in
my transgression, 4 aJob 1:5, 18, his garden.
And take away my iniquity? 19 1Lit. into 17 His roots wrap around the rock
For now I will lie down in the the hand of heap,
their trans-
dust, gression And look for a place in the
And You will seek me 5 a[Job
diligently, 5:1727; 18 aIf he is destroyed from his
But I will no longer be. 11:13] place,
6 1arise Then it will deny him, saying, I
Bildad: Job Should Repent 7 aJob 42:12 have not seen you.
Then Bildad the Shuhite an-
8 swered and said:
8 aDeut. 4:32;
32:7; Job
15:18; 20:4
19 Behold, this is the joy of His
2 How long will you speak these 9 aGen. 47:9; And aout of the earth others
[1 Chr. 29:15]; will grow.
things, Job 7:6; [Ps.
And the words of your mouth 39:5; 102:11; 20 Behold, aGod will not 1cast
be like a strong wind? 144:4] 1Lit. away the blameless,
3 aDoes God subvert judgment? not Nor will He uphold the
Or does the Almighty pervert 12 aPs. 129:6 evildoers.
justice? 13 aPs. 9:17 21 He will yet fill your mouth with
4 If ayour sons have sinned
bJob 11:20;
18:14; 27:8; And your lips with 1rejoicing.
against Him, Ps. 112:10;
He has cast them away 1for [Prov. 10:28] 22 Those who hate you will be
aclothed with shame,
their transgression. 14 1Lit. a spi-
5 aIf you would earnestly seek ders house And the dwelling place of the
God 15 aJob 8:22; wicked 1will come to
And make your supplication to 27:18; Ps. nothing.
the Almighty, Job: There Is No Mediator
18 aJob 7:10
6 If you were pure and upright,
Surely now He would 1awake 19 aPs. 113:7 Then Job answered and said:
for you,
And prosper your rightful
20 aJob 4:7 1re-
2 Truly I know it is so,
dwelling place. 21 1Lit. shouts But how can a aman be
of joy brighteous before God?
7 Though your beginning was
22 aPs. 35:26;
small, 109:29 1Lit. 3 If one wished to 1contend with
Yet your latter end would will not be Him,
aincrease abundantly. He could not answer Him one
CHAPTER 9 time out of a thousand.
8 Fora inquire, please, of the 4 God is wise in heart and mighty
2 a[Job 4:17;
former age, 15:1416; Ps. in strength.
And consider the things 143:2; Rom. Who has hardened himself
discovered by their fathers; 3:20] b[Hab. against Him and prospered?
9 For awe were born yesterday, 2:4; Rom.
1:17; Gal.
5 He removes the mountains, and
and know 1nothing, 3:11; Heb. they do not know
Because our days on earth are 10:38] When He overturns them in His
a shadow. 3 1argue anger;
10 Will they not teach you and tell 4 aJob 36:5 6 He ashakes the earth out of its
you, 6 aIs. 2:19, 21; place,
And utter words from their Hag. 2:6; Heb. And its bpillars tremble;
heart? 12:26 bJob 7 He commands the sun, and it
26:11 does not rise;
11 Can the papyrus grow up 8 aGen. 1:6; He seals off the stars;
Job 37:18; Ps.
without a marsh? 104:2, 3; Is. 8 aHe alone spreads out the
Can the reeds flourish without 40:22 1walks heavens,
water? 2Lit. heights And 1treads on the 2waves of
12 aWhile it is yet green and not cut 9 aGen. 1:16; the sea;
down, Job 38:31; 9 aHe made 1the Bear, Orion, and
Amos 5:8
It withers before any other 1Heb. Ash, the Pleiades,
plant. Kesil, and And the chambers of the south;
13 So are the paths of all who Kimah 10 aHe does great things past
aforget God; 10 aJob 5:9 finding out,
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JOB 9:11 448

Yes, wonders without number. 11 a[Job 23:8, 29 If I am condemned,
11 aIf He goes by me, I do not see 9; 35:14] Why then do I labor in vain?
Him; 30 aIf I wash myself with snow
If He moves past, I do not 12 a[Is. 45:9; water,
perceive Him; Dan. 4:35; And cleanse my hands with
Rom. 9:20] 1soap,
12 aIf He takes away, 1who can 1Lit. who can
hinder Him? turn Him 31 Yet You will plunge me into the
Who can say to Him, What are back? pit,
You doing? And my own clothes will 1abhor
13 God will not withdraw His 13 aJob 26:12 me.
anger, 1Heb. rahab
aThe allies of 1the proud lie 32 For aHe is not a man, as I am,
prostrate beneath Him. 15 aJob 10:15;
That I may answer Him,
23:17 And that we should go to court
14 How then can I answer Him, together.
And choose my words to 33 aNor is there any mediator
17 aJob 2:3
reason with Him? between us,
15 aFor though I were righteous, I Who may lay his hand on us
could not answer Him; 22 a[Eccl. 9:2, both.
I would beg mercy of my Judge. 3]; Ezek. 21:3 34 aLet Him take His rod away
16 If I called and He answered me, from me,
I would not believe that He was 25 aJob 7:6, 7 And do not let dread of Him
listening to my voice. terrify me.
17 For He crushes me with a 26 aJob 39:29;
35 Then I would speak and not
tempest, Hab. 1:8 1Lit. fear Him,
And multiplies my wounds ships of reeds But it is not so with me.
awithout cause.
18 He will not allow me to catch Job: I Would Plead with God
27 aJob 7:13
my breath, My asoul loathes my life;
But fills me with bitterness.
19 If it is a matter of strength, 28 aPs. 119:120
bEx. 20:7
10 I will 1give free course to my
indeed He is strong; bI will speak in the bitterness of
And if of justice, who will my soul.
appoint my day in court? 30 a[Jer. 2:22]
1lye 2 I will say to God, Do not
20 Though I were righteous, my condemn me;
own mouth would condemn Show me why You contend with
me; 31 1loathe me.
Though I were blameless, it 3 Does it seem good to You that
would prove me perverse. 32 aEccl. 6:10; You should oppress,
[Is. 45:9; Jer. That You should despise the
21 I am blameless, yet I do not 49:19; Rom. work of Your hands,
know myself; 9:20]
And smile on the counsel of the
I despise my life. wicked?
22 It is all one thing; 33 a[1 Sam. 4 Do You have eyes of flesh?
Therefore I say, aHe destroys 2:25]; Job Or ado You see as man sees?
the blameless and the 9:19; Is. 1:18
5 Are Your days like the days of a
wicked. mortal man?
23 If the scourge slays suddenly, 34 aJob 13:20, Are Your years like the days of
He laughs at the plight of the 21; Ps. 39:10 a mighty man,
innocent. 6 That You should seek for my
24 The earth is given into the iniquity
hand of the wicked. CHAPTER 10 And search out my sin,
He covers the faces of its 7 Although You know that I am
judges. not wicked,
If it is not He, who else could it 1 a1 Kin. 19:4; And there is no one who can
Job 7:16; Jon.
be? 4:3 bJob 7:11 deliver from Your hand?
1Lit. leave on
25 Now amy days are swifter than myself 8 Youra hands have made me and
a runner; fashioned me,
They flee away, they see no 4 a[1 Sam. An intricate unity;
good. 16:7; Job Yet You would bdestroy me.
26 They pass by like 1swift 28:24; 34:21] 9 Remember, I pray, athat You
ships, have made me like clay.
aLike an eagle swooping on its And will You turn me into dust
8 aJob 10:3;
prey. Ps. 119:73 again?
b[Job 9:22]
27 aIf I say, I will forget my 10 aDid You not pour me out like
complaint, milk,
I will put off my sad face and 9 aGen. 2:7; And curdle me like cheese,
wear a smile, Job 33:6 11 Clothe me with skin and
28 aI am afraid of all my sufferings; flesh,
I know that You bwill not hold 10 a[Ps. And knit me together with
me innocent. 139:1416] bones and sinews?
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449 JOB 12:3

12 You have granted me life and 14 aJob 7:20; Know therefore that aGod
favor, Ps. 139:1 1exacts from you
And Your care has preserved 15 aJob 10:7; Less than your iniquity
my spirit. Is. 3:11 b[Job deserves.
9:12, 15] cPs.
13 And these things You have 25:18 1Lit. will 7 Cana you search out the deep
hidden in Your heart; things of God?
I know that this was with 16 aIs. 38:13; Can you find out the limits of
You: Lam. 3:10; the Almighty?
14 If I sin, then aYou mark me, Hos. 13:7 8 They are higher than heaven
And will not acquit me of my 18 aJob
what can you do?
iniquity. 3:1113 Deeper than 1Sheol what can
15 If I am wicked, awoe to me; you know?
bEven if I am righteous, I 20 aPs. 39:5 9 Their measure is longer than
bJob 7:16, 19
1cannot lift up my head. the earth
I am full of disgrace; 21 aPs. 88:12 And broader than the sea.
cSee my misery! bPs. 23:4
16 If my head is exalted, 10 Ifa He passes by, imprisons, and
aYou hunt me like a fierce lion, gathers to judgment,
And again You show Yourself Then who can 1hinder Him?
awesome against me. 11 For aHe knows deceitful
17 You renew Your witnesses 21Lit. a man men;
against me, of lips He sees wickedness also.
And increase Your indignation 3 1be silent Will He not then consider it?
toward me; 12 For an aempty-headed man will
Changes and war are ever with 4 aJob 6:30 be wise,
me. When a wild donkeys colt is
6 a[Ezra 9:13] born a man.
1Lit. forgets
18 Whya then have You brought some of your
me out of the womb? iniquity for 13 If you would aprepare your
Oh, that I had perished and no you heart,
eye had seen me! And bstretch out your hands
7 aJob 33:12,
19 I would have been as though I 13; 36:26; toward Him;
had not been. [Eccl. 3:11; 14 If iniquity were in your hand,
I would have been carried from Rom. 11:33] and you put it far away,
the womb to the grave. And awould not let wickedness
8 1The abode
20 aAre not my days few? of the dead dwell in your tents;
Cease! bLeave me alone, that I 15 aThen surely you could lift up
may take a little comfort, 10 aJob 9:12; your face without spot;
21 Before I go to the place from [Rev. 3:7] 1re- Yes, you could be steadfast, and
which I shall not return, strain not fear;
aTo the land of darkness band
11 a[Ps. 10:14] 16 Because you would aforget your
the shadow of death, misery,
22 A land as dark as darkness 12 a[Ps. 39:5]; And remember it as waters
itself, Rom. 1:22 that have passed away,
As the shadow of death, 13 a[1 Sam.
17 And your life awould be
without any order, 7:3] bPs. 88:9 brighter than noonday.
Where even the light is like Though you were dark, you
darkness. 14 aPs. 101:3 would be like the morning.
18 And you would be secure,
Zophar Urges Job to Repent 15 aJob 22:26; because there is hope;
Ps. 119:6;
Then Zophar the Naamathite Yes, you would dig around you,
11 answered and said:
[1 John 3:21]

16 aIs. 65:16
and atake your rest in
2 Should not the multitude of 19 You would also lie down, and
17 aPs. 37:6; no one would make you
words be answered? Prov. 4:18; Is.
And should 1a man full of talk 58:8, 10 afraid;
be vindicated? Yes, many would court your
3 Should your empty talk make 18 aLev. 26:5, favor.
6; Ps. 3:5; 20 But athe eyes of the wicked will
men 1hold their peace? Prov. 3:24
And when you mock, should no fail,
one rebuke you? 20 aLev. 26:16; And they shall not escape,
4 For you have said, Deut. 28:65; And btheir hope1loss of life!
aMy doctrine is pure, Job 17:5 bJob
18:14; [Prov. Job Answers His Critics
And I am clean in your eyes. 11:7] 1Lit. the
5 But oh, that God would breathing out Then Job answered and said:
And open His lips against you,
of life
2 No doubt you are the people,
6 That He would show you the CHAPTER 12 And wisdom will die with you!
secrets of wisdom! 3 But I have 1understanding as
For they would double your 3 aJob 13:2 well as you;
prudence. 1Lit. a heart I am not ainferior to you.
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JOB 12:4 450

Indeed, who does not know 4 aJob 21:3
bPs. 91:15
22 He auncovers deep things out of
such things as these? darkness,
5aProv. 14:2 And brings the shadow of
4 Ia am one mocked by his 1Or disaster death to light.
friends, 23 aHe makes nations great, and
6 a[Job 9:24;
Who bcalled on God, and He 21:616; Ps. destroys them;
answered him, 73:12; Jer. He 1enlarges nations, and
The just and blameless who is 12:1; Mal. guides them.
ridiculed. 3:15] 24 He takes away the
5 A 1lamp is despised in the 10 a[Acts
1understanding of the chiefs
thought of one who is at ease; 17:28] bJob of the people of the earth,
It is made ready for athose 27:3; 33:4 1Or And amakes them wander in a
soul 2Lit. all
whose feet slip. flesh of men pathless wilderness.
6 aThe tents of robbers prosper, 25 aThey grope in the dark without
And those who provoke God 11 1palate light,
are secure And He makes them bstagger
12 1Long life
In what God provides by His like a drunken man.
hand. 13 aJob 9:4;

7 But now ask the beasts, and

they will teach you;

14 aJob 11:10;
my eye has seen all
ear has heard and
Is. 25:2
And the birds of the air, and understood it.
they will tell you; 15 aDeut. 2 aWhat you know, I also know;
11:17; [1 Kin.
8 Or speak to the earth, and it 8:35, 36] I am not inferior to you.
will teach you; bGen. 7:1124 3 aBut I would speak to the
And the fish of the sea will Almighty,
explain to you. 19 1Lit. And I desire to reason with
priests, but
9 Who among all these does not not in a tech- God.
know nical sense 4 But you forgers of lies,
That the hand of the LORD has aYou are all worthless
done this, 20 aJob 32:9 physicians.
10 aIn whose hand is the 1life of 21 a[Job 5 Oh, that you would be silent,
every living thing, 34:19]; Ps. And ait would be your
And the bbreath of 2all 107:40; [Dan. wisdom!
2:21] 1loosens
mankind? the belt of 6 Now hear my reasoning,
11 Does not the ear test words And heed the pleadings of my
And the 1mouth taste its food? 22 aDan. 2:22; lips.
12 Wisdom is with aged men, [1 Cor. 4:5] 7 aWill you speak 1wickedly for
And with 1length of days, 23 aIs. 9:3; God,
understanding. 26:15 1Lit. And talk deceitfully for Him?
spreads out 8 Will you show partiality for
13 With Him are awisdom and 24 aPs. 107:4
strength, 1Lit. heart Will you contend for God?
He has counsel and 9 Will it be well when He
understanding. 25 aJob 5:14; searches you out?
15:30; 18:18
14 If aHe breaks a thing down, it bPs. 107:27 Or can you mock Him as one
cannot be rebuilt; mocks a man?
If He imprisons a man, there 10 He will surely rebuke you
can be no release. CHAPTER 13 If you secretly show partiality.
15 If He awithholds the waters, 11 Will not His 1excellence make
they dry up; 2 aJob 12:3 you afraid,
If He bsends them out, they 3aJob 23:3; And the dread of Him fall upon
overwhelm the earth. 31:35 you?
16 With Him are strength and 12 Your platitudes are proverbs of
prudence. 4 aJob 6:21; ashes,
[Jer. 23:32]
The deceived and the deceiver Your defenses are defenses of
are His. 5 aJob 13:13; clay.
17 He leads counselors away 21:5; Prov.
plundered, 17:28 13 Hold1 your peace with me, and
And makes fools of the judges. 7 aJob 27:4; let me speak,
18 He loosens the bonds of kings, 36:4 1unrigh- Then let come on me what
And binds their waist with a teously may!
belt. 11 1Lit. exalta- 14 Why ado I take my flesh in my
19 He leads 1princes away tion teeth,
plundered, And put my life in my hands?
And overthrows the mighty. 13 1Be silent 15 aThough He slay me, yet will I
20 aHe deprives the trusted ones of 14 aJob 18:4 trust Him.
speech, bEven so, I will defend my own
And takes away the 15 aPs. 23:4; ways before Him.
discernment of the elders. [Prov. 14:32] 16 He also shall be my salvation,
bJob 27:5
21 aHe pours contempt on princes, For a ahypocrite could not come
And 1disarms the mighty. 16 aJob 8:13 before Him.
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451 JOB 15:1

17 Listen carefully to my speech, 18 a[Rom. 7 For there is hope for a tree,
8:34] If it is cut down, that it will
And to my declaration with
your ears. 19 aJob 7:21; sprout again,
18 See now, I have prepared my 10:8; Is. 50:8 And that its tender shoots will
case, 20 aJob 9:34 not cease.
I know that I shall be 21 aJob 9:34;
8 Though its root may grow old
avindicated. Ps. 39:10 in the earth,
19 aWho is he who will contend 22 aJob 9:16;
And its stump may die in the
with me? 14:15 ground,
If now I hold my tongue, I 9 Yet at the scent of water it will
24 a[Deut. bud
perish. 32:20]; Ps.
13:1 bLam. 2:5 And bring forth branches like a
Jobs Despondent Prayer
25 aIs. 42:3
10 But man dies and 1is laid away;
20 Onlya two things do not do to 26 aJob 20:11 Indeed he 2breathes his last
me, And where is ahe?
27 aJob 33:11
Then I will not hide myself 1Lit. inscribe 11 As water disappears from the
from You: a print 2Lit. sea,
21 aWithdraw Your hand far from roots
And a river becomes parched
me, 28 1Lit. He and dries up,
And let not the dread of You 12 So man lies down and does not
make me afraid. CHAPTER 14 rise.
22 Then call, and I will aanswer; aTill the heavens are no more,
Or let me speak, then You 1 aJob 5:7; They will not awake
respond to me. Eccl. 2:23
1turmoil Nor be roused from their sleep.
23 How many are my iniquities
and sins? 2 aJob 8:9; Ps. 13 Oh, that You would hide me in
Make me know my 90:5, 6, 9;
102:11; the grave,
transgression and my sin. 103:15; 144:4; That You would conceal me
24 aWhy do You hide Your face, Is. 40:6; James until Your wrath is past,
And bregard me as Your 1:10, 11; 1 Pet. That You would appoint me a
enemy? set time, and remember me!
25 aWill You frighten a leaf driven 3 aPs. 8:4; 14 If a man dies, shall he live
144:3 b[Ps.
to and fro? 143:2] 1LXX, again?
And will You pursue dry Syr., Vg. him All the days of my hard service
stubble? aI will wait,
4 a[Job 15:14;
26 For You write bitter things 25:4; Ps. 51:2, Till my change comes.
against me, 5, 10; John 15 aYou shall call, and I will answer
And amake me inherit the 3:6; Rom. You;
5:12; Eph. 2:3]
iniquities of my youth. You shall desire the work of
27 aYou put my feet in the stocks, 5 aJob 7:1; Your hands.
21:21; Heb. 16 For now aYou number my steps,
And watch closely all my paths. 9:27
You 1set a limit for the 2soles of But do not watch over my sin.
my feet. 6 aJob 7:16, 17 aMy transgression is sealed up
19; Ps. 39:13
bJob 7:1 1Lit. in a bag,
28 Man1 decays like a rotten thing, cease And You 1cover my iniquity.
Like a garment that is 10 aJob 10:21,
moth-eaten. 22 1lies pros- 18 But as a mountain falls and
trate 2expires crumbles away,
who is born of woman And as a rock is moved from
14 Man
Is of few days and full of
12 aPs. 102:25,
26; [Is. 51:6;
65:17; 66:22];
its place;
19 As water wears away stones,
2 a He comes forth like a flower
Acts 3:21; And as torrents wash away the
[2 Pet. 3:7, 10,
and fades away; 11; Rev. 20:11; soil of the earth;
He flees like a shadow and 21:1] So You destroy the hope of
does not continue. 14 aJob 13:15
3 And ado You open Your eyes on 20 You prevail forever against
15 aJob 13:22 him, and he passes on;
such a one,
And bbring 1me to judgment 16 aJob 10:6, You change his countenance
with Yourself?
14; 13:27; and send him away.
31:4; 34:21; 21 His sons come to honor, and
4 Who acan bring a clean thing Ps. 56:8; ahe does not know it;
out of an unclean? 139:13; Prov.
5:21; [Jer. They are brought low, and he
No one! 32:19] does not perceive it.
5 aSince his days are determined,
17 aDeut. 22 But his flesh will be in pain
The number of his months is 32:3234 1Lit. over it,
with You; plaster over And his soul will mourn over
You have appointed his limits, 21 aEccl. 9:5; it.
so that he cannot pass. Is. 63:16
6 aLook away from him that he
Eliphaz Accuses Job of Folly
may 1rest, CHAPTER 15
Till blike a hired man he Then aEliphaz the Temanite
finishes his day. 1 aJob 4:1 15 answered and said:
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 452

JOB 15:2 452

2 Should a wise man answer 2 1Lit. his aAnd the number of years is
with empty knowledge, belly hidden from the oppressor.
And fill 1himself with the east 41meditation 21 1Dreadful sounds are in his ears;
wind? or complaint aIn prosperity the destroyer
3 Should he reason with 6 aJob 9:20;
comes upon him.
unprofitable talk, [Luke 19:22] 22 He does not believe that he will
Or by speeches with which he areturn from darkness,
can do no good? 7 aJob 38:4, For a sword is waiting for him.
21; Ps. 90:2; 23 He awanders about for bread,
4 Yes, you cast off fear, Prov. 8:25
And restrain 1prayer before saying, Where is it?
God. 8 aJob 29:4; He knows bthat a day of
5 For your iniquity teaches your Rom. 11:34; darkness is ready at his
[1 Cor. 2:11]
mouth, hand.
And you choose the tongue of 9 aJob 12:3; 24 Trouble and anguish make him
the crafty. 13:2 afraid;
6 aYour own mouth condemns 10 aJob 8:810;
They overpower him, like a
you, and not I; 12:12; 32:6, 7 king ready for 1battle.
Yes, your own lips testify 25 For he stretches out his hand
against you. 11 1Or a secret against God,
And acts defiantly against the
7 Are you the first man who was 12 1Or why do Almighty,
born? your eyes 26 Running stubbornly against
aOr were you made before the flash Him
hills? 14 aJob 14:4; With his strong, embossed
8 aHave you heard the counsel of Prov. 20:9; shield.
God? [Eccl. 7:20;
1 John 1:8, 10]
Do you limit wisdom to 27 Thougha he has covered his
yourself? 15 aJob 4:18; face with his fatness,
9 aWhat do you know that we do 25:5 And made his waist heavy with
not know? 16 aJob 4:19;
What do you understand that is Ps. 14:3; 53:3 28 He dwells in desolate cities,
not in us? bJob 34:7; In houses which no one
10 aBoth the gray-haired and the Prov. 19:28 inhabits,
aged are among us, 18 aJob 8:8; Which are destined to become
Much older than your father. 20:4 ruins.
11 Are the consolations of God too 29 He will not be rich,
19 aJoel 3:17 Nor will his wealth acontinue,
small for you, 1Or earth
And the word spoken 1gently Nor will his possessions
with you? 20 aPs. 90:12 overspread the earth.
12 Why does your heart carry you 30 He will not depart from
21 aJob 20:21; darkness;
away, 1 Thess. 5:3
And 1what do your eyes wink 1Terrifying The flame will dry out his
at, branches,
22 aJob And aby the breath of His
13 That you turn your spirit 14:1012
against God, mouth he will go away.
And let such words go out of 23 aPs. 59:15; 31 Let him not atrust in futile
your mouth? 109:10 bJob things, deceiving himself,
18:12 For futility will be his reward.
14 Whata is man, that he could be 24 1attack 32 It will be accomplished abefore
pure? his time,
27 aPs. 17:10; And his branch will not be
And he who is born of a 73:7; 119:70
woman, that he could be green.
righteous? 29 aJob 20:28; 33 He will shake off his unripe
15 aIf God puts no trust in His 27:16, 17 grape like a vine,
saints, 30 aJob 4:9
And cast off his blossom like
And the heavens are not pure an olive tree.
in His sight, 31 aJob 35:13; 34 For the company of hypocrites
16 aHow much less man, who is Is. 59:4 will be barren,
abominable and filthy, 32 aJob 22:16; And fire will consume the tents
bWho drinks iniquity like water! Ps. 55:23; of bribery.
Eccl. 7:17 35 aThey conceive trouble and
17 I will tell you, hear me; 35 aPs. 7:14; Is.
bring forth futility;
What I have seen I will declare, 59:4; [Hos. Their womb prepares deceit.
18 What wise men have told, 10:13]
Job Reproaches His Pitiless Friends
Not hiding anything received
afrom their fathers, Then Job answered and said:
19 To whom alone the 1land was

2 aJob 13:4;
2 I have heard many such things;
And ano alien passed among 21:34 1Trou- Miserable1 comforters are you
them: blesome all!
20 The wicked man writhes with 3 1Empty 3 Shall 1words of wind have an
pain all his days, words end?
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 453

453 JOB 17:16

Or what provokes you that you 4 aPs. 22:7; And my evidence is on high.
answer? 109:25; Lam. 20 My friends scorn me;
2:15; Zeph.
4 I also could speak as you do, 2:15; Matt. My eyes pour out tears to God.
If your soul were in my souls 27:39 21 aOh, that one might plead for a
place. 7 aJob 7:3 bJob man with God,
I could heap up words against 16:20; As a man pleads for his
you, 19:1315 1neighbor!
And ashake my head at you; 8 aJob 10:17 22 For when a few years are
5 But I would strengthen you 9 aJob 10:16, finished,
with my mouth, 17; 19:11; I shall ago the way of no return.
And the comfort of my lips Hos. 6:1 bJob
13:24; 33:10 Job Prays for Relief
would relieve your grief.
10 aPs. 22:13;
My spirit is broken,
6 Though I speak, my grief is not
35:21 bIs. 50:6;
Lam. 3:30;
Mic. 5:1; Matt.
17 My days are extinguished,
aThe grave is ready for me.
And if I remain silent, how am I 26:67; Mark 2 Are not mockers with me?
eased? 14:65; Luke
22:63; Acts And does not my eye 1dwell on
7 But now He has aworn me out; 23:2 their aprovocation?
You bhave made desolate all my 11 aJob 1:15,
company. 17 3 Now put down a pledge for me
8 You have shriveled me up, 12 aJob 9:17 with Yourself.
And it is a awitness against me; bJob 7:20; Who is he who awill shake
My leanness rises up against me Lam. 3:12 hands with me?
And bears witness to my face. 13 1Lit. kid- 4 For You have hidden their heart
9 aHe tears me in His wrath, and neys from aunderstanding;
hates me; 14 1Vg. giant Therefore You will not exalt
He gnashes at me with His 15 aJob 30:19; them.
teeth; Ps. 7:5 1Lit. 5 He who speaks flattery to his
bMy adversary sharpens His horn friends,
gaze on me. 16 1Lit. red Even the eyes of his children
10 They agape at me with their will afail.
18 aJob 27:9;
mouth, [Ps. 66:18]
They bstrike me reproachfully 6 But He has made me aa byword
19 aGen. 31:50;
on the cheek, Rom. 1:9; of the people,
They gather together against Phil. 1:8; And I have become one in
me. 1 Thess. 2:5 whose face men spit.
11 God ahas delivered me to the 21 aJob 31:35; 7 aMy eye has also grown dim
ungodly, Eccl. 6:10; [Is. because of sorrow,
And turned me over to the 45:9; Rom.
9:20] 1friend And all my members are like
hands of the wicked. shadows.
12 I was at ease, but He has 22 aJob 10:21;
Eccl. 12:5 8 Upright men are astonished at
ashattered me;
He also has taken me by my CHAPTER 17 And the innocent stirs himself
neck, and shaken me to up against the hypocrite.
pieces; 1 aPs. 88:3, 4 9 Yet the righteous will hold to
He has bset me up for His 2 a1 Sam. 1:6; his away,
target, Job 12:4; 17:6; And he who has bclean hands
13 His archers surround me. 30:1, 9; 34:7 will be stronger and stronger.
1Lit. lodge
He pierces my 1heart and does
not pity; 3 aProv. 6:1; 10 But please, acome back again,
He pours out my gall on the 17:18; 22:26 1all of you,
ground. 4 aJob 12:20; For I shall not find one wise
14 He breaks me with wound 32:9 man among you.
upon wound; 5 aJob 11:20 11 aMy days are past,
He runs at me like a 1warrior. 6 aJob 30:9 My purposes are broken off,
7 aPs. 6:7; 31:9
Even the 1thoughts of my heart.
15 I have sewn sackcloth over my 12 They change the night into
skin, 9 aProv. 4:18 day;
bPs. 24:4
And alaid my 1head in the dust. The light is near, they say, in
16 My face is 1flushed from 10 aJob 6:29 the face of darkness.
1So with
weeping, some Heb. 13 If I wait for the grave as my
And on my eyelids is the mss., LXX, house,
shadow of death; Syr., Vg.; MT, If I make my bed in the
17 Although no violence is in my Tg. all of darkness,
hands, 14 If I say to corruption, You are
And my prayer is pure. 11 aJob 7:6 my father,
And to the worm, You are my
18 O earth, do not cover my blood, 15 aJob 7:6; mother and my sister,
13:15; 14:19;
And alet my cry have no resting 19:10 15 Where then is my ahope?
place! 16 aJon. 2:6
As for my hope, who can see it?
19 Surely even now amy witness is 1The abode of 16 Will they go down ato the gates
in heaven, the dead of 1Sheol?
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JOB 18:1 454

Shall we have brest together in 16 bJob As those 2in the east are
the dust? 3:1719; 21:33 frightened.
21 Surely such are the dwellings
Bildad: The Wicked Are Punished CHAPTER 18
of the wicked,
Then aBildad the Shuhite an- And this is the place of him
18 swered and said:
1 aJob 8:1
3 aPs. 73:22
who adoes not know God.
4 aJob 13:14 Job Trusts in His Redeemer
2 How long till you put an end to 1Lit. one who
words? Then Job answered and said:
Gain understanding, and
afterward we will speak.
tears his soul
5 aJob 21:17;
Prov. 13:9;
2 How long will you torment my
3 Why are we counted aas beasts, 20:20; 24:20 soul,
And regarded as stupid in your 6 aJob 21:17; And break me in pieces with
sight? Ps. 18:28 words?
4 aYou1 who tear yourself in 7 aJob 5:12, 3 These ten times you have
anger, 13; 15:6 1reproached me;
Shall the earth be forsaken for 8 aJob 22:10; You are not ashamed that you
you? Ps. 9:15; 35:8; 2have wronged me.
Or shall the rock be removed Is. 24:17, 18 4 And if indeed I have erred,
from its place? 9 aJob 5:5 My error remains with me.
11 aJob 20:25; 5 If indeed you aexalt yourselves
5 Thea light of the wicked indeed Jer. 6:25 against me,
goes out, 12 aJob 15:23 And plead my disgrace against
And the flame of his fire does me,
13 1parts
not shine. 6 Know then that aGod has
6 The light is dark in his tent, 14 aJob 11:20 wronged me,
aAnd his lamp beside him is put 16 aJob 29:19 And has surrounded me with
out. 17 aJob 24:20; His net.
7 The steps of his strength are [Ps. 34:16];
shortened, Prov. 10:7
1Lit. before
7 If I cry out concerning 1wrong,
And ahis own counsel casts him the outside,
I am not heard.
down. i.e., the distin- If I cry aloud, there is no
8 For ahe is cast into a net by his guished or justice.
own feet, famous 8 aHe has 1fenced up my way, so
And he walks into a snare. 18 1Or They that I cannot pass;
9 The net takes him by the heel, drive him And He has set darkness in my
And aa snare lays hold of him. 19 aJob 27:14, paths.
10 A noose is hidden for him on 15; Is. 14:22 9 aHe has stripped me of my glory,
the ground, 20 aPs. 37:13; And taken the crown from my
And a trap for him in the road. Jer. 50:27; head.
11 aTerrors frighten him on every Obad. 12 1Lit. 10 He breaks me down on every
who came af-
side, ter 2Lit. who side,
And drive him to his feet. have gone be- And I am gone;
12 His strength is starved, fore My ahope He has uprooted like
And adestruction is ready at his 21 aJer. 9:3; a tree.
side. 1 Thess. 4:5 11 He has also kindled His wrath
13 It devours patches of his skin; against me,
The firstborn of death devours CHAPTER 19 And aHe counts me as one of
his 1limbs. His enemies.
3 1shamed or
14 He is uprooted from athe disgraced 2A 12 His troops come together
shelter of his tent, Jewish tradi- And build up their road against
And they parade him before tion make me;
the king of terrors. yourselves They encamp all around my
strange to me
15 They dwell in his tent who are tent.
none of his; 5 aPs. 35:26;
38:16; 55:12,
Brimstone is scattered on his 13 13 Hea has removed my brothers
dwelling. 6 aJob 16:11
far from me,
16 aHis roots are dried out below, And my acquaintances are
And his branch withers above. 7 1violence completely estranged from
17 aThe memory of him perishes 8 aJob 3:23; me.
from the earth, Ps. 88:8; Lam. 14 My relatives have failed,
3:7, 9 1walled
And he has no name 1among off my way And my close friends have
the renowned. forgotten me.
18 1He is driven from light into 9 aJob 12:17, 15 Those who dwell in my house,
19; Ps. 89:44
darkness, and my maidservants,
And chased out of the world. 10 aJob 17:14, Count me as a stranger;
19 He has neither son nor
a I am an alien in their sight.
posterity among his people, 11 aJob 13:24; 16 I call my servant, but he gives
Nor any remaining in his no answer;
dwellings. 13 aJob 16:20; I beg him with my mouth.
Ps. 31:11;
20 Those 1in the west are 38:11; 69:8; 17 My breath is offensive to my
astonished aat his day, 88:8, 18 wife,
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455 JOB 20:23

And I am 1repulsive to the 17 1Lit. 5 aThat the triumphing of the
children of my own body. strange wicked is short,
18 Even ayoung children despise And the joy of the hypocrite is
me; 18 a2 Kin. 2:23; but for a bmoment?
I arise, and they speak against Job 17:6 6 aThough his haughtiness mounts
me. up to the heavens,
19 aAll my close friends abhor me, 19 aPs. 38:11; And his head reaches to the
And those whom I love have 55:12, 13 clouds,
turned against me. 7 Yet he will perish forever like
20 aMy bone clings to my skin and his own refuse;
to my flesh, 20 aJob 16:8; Those who have seen him will
33:21; Ps.
And I have escaped by the skin 102:5; Lam. say, Where is he?
of my teeth. 4:8 8 He will fly away alike a dream,
and not be found;
21 Have pity on me, have pity on Yes, he bwill be chased away
22 aJob 13:24,
me, O you my friends, 25; 16:11; like a vision of the night.
For the hand of God has struck 19:6; Ps. 69:26 9 The eye that saw him will see
me! him no more,
22 Why do you apersecute me as Nor will his place behold him
26 a[Ps. 17:15];
God does, Matt. 5:8; anymore.
And are not satisfied with my 1 Cor. 13:12; 10 His children will seek the favor
flesh? [1 John 3:2]
1Lit. struck
of the poor,
And his hands will restore his
23 Oh, that my words were wealth.
written! 11 His bones are full of ahis
Oh, that they were inscribed in 27 1Lit. kid- youthful vigor,
a book! neys bBut it will lie down with him in
24 That they were engraved on a the dust.
With an iron pen and lead, CHAPTER 20 12 Though evil is sweet in his
forever! mouth,
25 For I know that my aRedeemer And he hides it under his
lives, 1 aJob 11:1 tongue,
And He shall stand at last on 13 Though he spares it and does
the earth; not forsake it,
3 1Lit. of my
26 And after my skin is insulting cor- But still keeps it in his 1mouth,
1destroyed, this I know,
rection 14 Yet his food in his stomach
That ain my flesh I shall see turns sour;
God, It becomes cobra venom within
27 Whom I shall see for myself, 4 aJob 8:8;
15:10 him.
And my eyes shall behold, and 15 He swallows down riches
not another. And vomits them up again;
How my 1heart yearns within 5 aPs. 37:35, 36
b[Job 8:13;
God casts them out of his belly.
me! 13:16; 15:34; 16 He will suck the poison of
28 If you should say, How shall 27:8] cobras;
we persecute him? The vipers tongue will slay him.
Since the root of the matter is 17 He will not see athe streams,
found in me, 6 aIs. 14:13, 14
The rivers flowing with honey
29 Be afraid of the sword for and cream.
yourselves; 8 aPs. 73:20; 18 He will restore that for which
For wrath brings the 90:5 bJob he labored,
punishment of the sword, 18:18; And will not swallow it down;
That you may know there is a 27:2123
From the proceeds of business
judgment. He will get no enjoyment.
Zophars Sermon on the Wicked
11 aJob 13:26
bJob 21:26
19 For he has 1oppressed and
Man forsaken the poor,
He has violently seized a house
Then aZophar the Naamathite which he did not build.
20 answered and said:
13 1Lit. palate

20 Becausea he knows no
2 Therefore my anxious thoughts 17 aPs. 36:8; quietness in his 1heart,
Jer. 17:8
make me answer, He will not save anything he
Because of the turmoil within desires.
me. 19 1crushed 21 Nothing is left for him to eat;
3 I have heard the rebuke 1that Therefore his well-being will
reproaches me, 20 aEccl.
not last.
And the spirit of my 5:1315 1Lit. 22 In his self-sufficiency he will be
understanding causes me to belly in distress;
answer. Every hand of 1misery will
22 1Or the
come against him.
4 Do you not know this of aold, wretched or 23 When he is about to fill his
Since man was placed on earth, sufferer stomach,
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JOB 20:24 456

God will cast on him the fury of 24 aIs. 24:18; And rejoice to the sound of the
His wrath, Amos 5:19
And will rain it on him while 25aJob 16:13 13 They aspend their days in
he is eating. bJob 18:11, 14 wealth,
24 aHe will flee from the iron And 1in a moment go down to
weapon; 26 aPs. 21:9 the 2grave.
A bronze bow will pierce him 14 Yet they say to God, Depart
through. 28 aJob 20:15; from us,
25 It is drawn, and comes out of 21:30
For we do not desire the
the body; 29 aJob 27:13; knowledge of Your ways.
Yes, athe glittering point comes 31:2, 3 15 aWho is the Almighty, that we
out of his 1gall. should serve Him?
bTerrors come upon him;
CHAPTER 21 And bwhat profit do we have if
26 Total darkness is reserved for we pray to Him?
his treasures. 2 1comfort 16 Indeed 1their prosperity is not
aAn unfanned fire will consume
in their hand;
him; 3 aJob 16:10 aThe counsel of the wicked is far
It shall go ill with him who is 5 aJudg. 18:19; from me.
left in his tent. Job 13:5; 29:9;
27 The heavens will reveal his 40:4 17 How often is the lamp of the
iniquity, wicked put out?
And the earth will rise up 7 aJob 12:6;
Ps. 17:10, 14; How often does their
against him. 73:3, 12; [Jer. destruction come upon
28 The increase of his house will 12:1]; Hab.
depart, 1:13, 16
The sorrows God adistributes in
And his goods will flow away in 9 aPs. 73:5 His anger?
the day of His awrath. 1The rod of
18 aThey are like straw before the
29 aThis is the portion from God for Gods chas-
tisement wind,
a wicked man, And like chaff that a storm
The heritage appointed to him 10 aEx. 23:26 1carries away.
by God. 19 They say, God 1lays up 2ones
13 aJob 21:23;
Jobs Discourse on the Wicked 36:11 1With- iniquity afor his children;
out lingering Let Him recompense him, that
2Or Sheol
Then Job answered and said:
2 Listen carefully to my speech,
14 aJob 22:17
he may know it.
20 Let his eyes see his destruction,
And alet him drink of the wrath
And let this be your 15 aEx. 5:2;
of the Almighty.
1consolation. Job 22:17;
34:9 bJob 35:3; 21 For what does he care about his
3 Bear with me that I may speak, Mal. 3:14 household after him,
And after I have spoken, keep When the number of his
amocking. 16 aJob 22:18;
Ps. 1:1; Prov. months is cut in half?
1:10 1Lit. their
4 As for me, is my complaint goal 22 Cana anyone teach God
against man? knowledge,
And if it were, why should I not 17 a[Job 31:2,
be impatient? 3; Luke 12:46] Since He judges those on
5 Look at me and be astonished; high?
18 aPs. 1:4;
aPut your hand over your mouth. 35:5; Is. 17:13; 23 One dies in his full strength,
6 Even when I remember I am Hos. 13:3 Being wholly at ease and
1steals away
terrified, secure;
And trembling takes hold of my 19 a[Ex. 20:5]; 24 His 1pails are full of milk,
flesh. Jer. 31:29; And the marrow of his bones is
7 aWhy do the wicked live and Ezek. 18:2
1stores up
become old, 2Lit. his 25 Another man dies in the
Yes, become mighty in power? bitterness of his soul,
8 Their descendants are 20 aPs. 75:8; Is. Never having eaten with
51:17; Jer. pleasure.
established with them in their 25:15; Rev.
sight, 14:10; 19:15 26 They alie down alike in the
And their offspring before their dust,
22 aJob 35:11; And worms cover them.
eyes. 36:22; [Is.
9 Their houses are safe from fear, 40:13; 45:9;
aNeither is 1the rod of God upon Rom. 11:34; 27 Look, I know your thoughts,
them. 1 Cor. 2:16] And the schemes with which
10 Their bull breeds without 241LXX, Vg. you would wrong me.
failure; bowels; Syr. 28 For you say,
Their cow calves awithout sides; Tg. Where is the house of the
breasts prince?
11 They send forth their little ones 26 aJob 3:13; And where is 1the tent,
like a flock, 20:11; Eccl. The dwelling place of the
And their children dance. 9:2 wicked?
12 They sing to the tambourine 28 1Vg. omits 29 Have you not asked those who
and harp, the tent travel the road?
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457 JOB 22:30

And do you not know their 30 aJob 20:29; And see the highest stars,
signs? [Prov. 16:4; how lofty they are!
2 Pet. 2:9]
30 aFor the wicked are reserved for 13 And you say, aWhat does God
the day of doom; 33 aHeb. 9:27 know?
They shall be brought out on Can He judge through the deep
the day of wrath. 34 1faithless- darkness?
31 Who condemns his way to his 14 aThick clouds cover Him, so that
face? He cannot see,
And who repays him for what CHAPTER 22 And He walks above the circle
he has done? of heaven.
32 Yet he shall be brought to the 1 aJob 4:1; 15 Will you keep to the old way
grave, 15:1; 42:9 Which wicked men have trod,
And a vigil kept over the tomb. 16 Who awere cut down before
2 aJob 35:7;
33 The clods of the valley shall be [Ps. 16:2; their time,
sweet to him; Luke 17:10] Whose foundations were swept
aEveryone shall follow him, away by a flood?
As countless have gone before 6 a[Ex. 22:26, 17 aThey said to God, Depart from
27]; Deut.
him. 24:6, 10, 17; us!
34 How then can you comfort me Job 24:3, 9; What can the Almighty do to
with empty words, Ezek. 18:16 1them?
Since 1falsehood remains in 18 Yet He filled their houses with
7 aDeut. 15:7;
your answers? Job 31:17; Is. good things;
58:7; Ezek. But the counsel of the wicked is
Eliphaz Accuses Job of Wickedness 18:7; Matt. far from me.
Then aEliphaz the Temanite
22 answered and said: 8 1Lit. man of
19 Thea righteous see it and are
2 Cana a man be profitable to And the innocent laugh at
9 1Lit. arms them:
Though he who is wise may be 11 aJob 38:34; 20 Surely our 1adversaries are cut
profitable to himself? Ps. 69:1, 2; down,
3 Is it any pleasure to the 124:5; Lam. And the fire consumes their
3:54 remnant.
Almighty that you are
righteous? 13 aPs. 73:11
Or is it gain to Him that you 21 Now acquaint yourself with
make your ways blameless? 14 aPs. 139:11, Him, and abe at peace;
12 Thereby good will come to
4 Is it because of your fear of 16 aJob 14:19;
Him that He corrects you, 15:32; Ps. 22 Receive, please, ainstruction
And enters into judgment with 90:5; Is. 28:2; from His mouth,
Matt. 7:26, 27 And blay up His words in your
5 Is not your wickedness great, 17 aJob 21:14, heart.
And your iniquity without 15 1LXX, Syr. 23 If you return to the Almighty,
end? us you will be built up;
6 For you have ataken pledges You will remove iniquity far
19 aPs. 52:6;
from your brother for no 58:10; 107:42 from your tents.
reason, 24 Then you will alay your gold in
And stripped the naked of their 20 1LXX sub- the dust,
clothing. stance is And the gold of Ophir among
7 You have not given the weary 21 a[Ps. 34:10];
the stones of the brooks.
water to drink, Is. 27:5 25 Yes, the Almighty will be your
And you ahave withheld bread 1gold
from the hungry. 22 aJob 6:10; And your precious silver;
23:12; Prov. 26 For then you will have your
8 But the 1mighty man possessed 2:6 b[Ps.
the land, adelight in the Almighty,
And the honorable man dwelt And lift up your face to God.
in it. 24 a2 Chr. 1:15 27 aYou will make your prayer to
9 You have sent widows away 25 1Ancient
empty, vss. suggest He will hear you,
And the 1strength of the defense; MT And you will pay your vows.
fatherless was crushed. gold, as in v. 28 You will also declare a thing,
10 Therefore snares are all around And it will be established for
you, 26 aJob 27:10; you;
And sudden fear troubles Ps. 37:4; Is. So light will shine on your
you, 58:14 ways.
11 Or darkness so that you cannot 27 aJob 11:13;
29 When they cast you down, and
see; 33:26; [Is. you say, Exaltation will
And an abundance of awater 58:911] come!
covers you. Then aHe will save the humble
29 aJob 5:11; person.
[Matt. 23:12;
12 Is not God in the height of James 4:6; 30 He will even deliver one who is
heaven? 1 Pet. 5:5] not innocent;
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JOB 23:1 458

Yes, he will be delivered by the CHAPTER 23 Job Complains of Violence on the
purity of your hands. Earth
2 aJob 7:11 Since atimes are not hidden
Job Proclaims Gods Righteous
1So with MT,
Tg., Vg.; LXX,
Syr. His
24 from the Almighty,
Why do those who know Him
Then Job answered and said: see not His bdays?
2 Even today my complaint is
3 aJob 13:3,
18; 16:21; 2 Some remove alandmarks;
31:35 They seize flocks violently and
1My hand is listless because of feed on them;
6 aIs. 57:16 3 They drive away the donkey of
my groaning.
3 aOh, that I knew where I might the fatherless;
8 aJob 9:11; They atake the widows ox as a
find Him, 35:14
That I might come to His seat! pledge.
4 I would present my case before 10 a[Ps. 1:6;
4 They push the needy off the
Him, 139:13] b[Ps. road;
And fill my mouth with 17:3; 66:10; All the apoor of the land are
arguments. James 1:12] forced to hide.
5 I would know the words which 5 Indeed, like wild donkeys in the
He would answer me, 11 aJob 31:7; desert,
Ps. 17:5
And understand what He would They go out to their work,
say to me. searching for food.
12 aJob 6:10;
6 aWould He contend with me in
22:22 bPs. The wilderness yields food for
His great power? 44:18 1Lit. ap- them and for their children.
No! But He would take note of pointed 6 They gather their fodder in the
portion field
7 There the upright could reason And glean in the vineyard of
13 a[Ps. 115:3] the wicked.
with Him,
And I would be delivered 7 They aspend the night naked,
14 a[1 Thess. without clothing,
forever from my Judge. 3:24]
And have no covering in the
8 Look,a I go forward, but He is 16 aPs. 22:14
not there, 8 They are wet with the showers
And backward, but I cannot 17 aJob 10:18,
of the mountains,
perceive Him; 19 1Or by or And ahuddle around the rock
9 When He works on the left before for want of shelter.
hand, I cannot behold Him;
When He turns to the right 9 Some snatch the fatherless
hand, I cannot see Him. CHAPTER 24 from the breast,
10 But aHe knows the way that I And take a pledge from the
take; 1 a[Acts 1:7] poor.
When bHe has tested me, I shall b[Is. 2:12]; Jer. 10 They cause the poor to go
come forth as gold. 46:10; [Obad. naked, without aclothing;
15]; Zeph. 1:7
11 My foot has held fast to His
a And they take away the
steps; sheaves from the hungry.
2 a[Deut.
I have kept His way and not 19:14; 27:17]; 11 They press out oil within their
turned aside. Prov. 22:28; walls,
12 I have not departed from the 23:10; Hos. And tread winepresses, yet
acommandment of His lips; 5:10 suffer thirst.
bI have treasured the words of 12 The dying groan in the city,
His mouth 3 a[Deut. 24:6, And the souls of the wounded
10, 12, 17];
More than my 1necessary food. Job 22:6, 9 cry out;
Yet God does not charge them
13 But He is unique, and who can 4 aJob 29:16; with wrong.
make Him change? Prov. 28:28
And whatever aHis soul 13 There are those who rebel
desires, that He does. 7 aEx. 22:26, against the light;
14 For He performs what is 27; [Deut. They do not know its ways
24:12, 13]; Job
aappointed for me,
22:6; [James Nor abide in its paths.
And many such things are with 2:15, 16] 14 aThe murderer rises with the
Him. light;
15 Therefore I am terrified at His 8 aLam. 4:5 He kills the poor and
presence; needy;
When I consider this, I am 10 aJob 31:19 And in the night he is like a
afraid of Him. thief.
16 For God amade my heart weak, 14 aPs. 10:8 15 aThe eye of the adulterer waits
And the Almighty terrifies me; for the twilight,
17 Because I was not acut off bSaying, No eye will see
15 aProv.
1from the presence of 7:710 bPs. me;
darkness, 10:11 1Lit. And he 1disguises his face.
puts a cover-
And He did not hide deep ing on his 16 In the dark they break into
darkness from my face. face houses
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459 JOB 27:2

Which they marked for 16 a[John 3:20] 5 If even the moon does not
themselves in the daytime; shine,
aThey do not know the light. 19 1Lit. seize And the stars are not pure in
2Or Sheol
17 For the morning is the same to His asight,
them as the shadow of 6 How much less man, who is
death; 20 aJob 18:17; aa maggot,
If someone recognizes Ps. 34:16; And a son of man, who is a
Prov. 10:7
them, worm?
They are in the terrors of the
shadow of death. 21 1Lit. feeds Job: Mans Frailty and Gods
on Majesty
18 They should be swift on the But Job answered and said:
face of the waters,
Their portion should be cursed
23 aPs. 11:4;
[Prov. 15:3] 26
2 How have you helped him who
in the earth, is without power?
So that no one would turn into 24 1Lit. gath-
ered up How have you saved the arm
the way of their vineyards. that has no strength?
19 As drought and heat 1consume 3 How have you counseled one
the snow waters, CHAPTER 25 who has no wisdom?
So 2the grave consumes those And how have you declared
who have sinned. sound advice to many?
20 The womb should forget him, 1 aJob 8:1; 4 To whom have you uttered
The worm should feed sweetly 18:1
on him; And whose spirit came from
aHe should be remembered no 3 aJames 1:17
1Can His
armies be
And wickedness should be counted? 5 The dead tremble,
broken like a tree. Those under the waters and
21 For he 1preys on the barren those inhabiting them.
4 aJob 4:17;
who do not bear, 15:14; Ps. 6 aSheol is naked before Him,
And does no good for the 130:3; 143:2 And Destruction has no
widow. b[Job 14:4]
7 aHe stretches out the north over
22 But God draws the mighty 5 aJob 15:15 empty space;
away with His power; He hangs the earth on nothing.
He rises up, but no man is sure 6 aPs. 22:6 8 aHe binds up the water in His
of life. thick clouds,
23 He gives them security, and Yet the clouds 1are not broken
they rely on it; CHAPTER 26 under it.
Yet aHis eyes are on their 9 He covers the face of His
ways. throne,
24 They are exalted for a little 6 a[Ps. 139:8]; And spreads His cloud over it.
while, Prov. 15:11;
[Heb. 4:13] 10 aHe drew a circular horizon on
Then they are gone. the face of the waters,
They are brought low; At the boundary of light and
They are 1taken out of the way 7 aJob 9:8; Ps.
24:2; 104:2 darkness.
like all others; 11 The pillars of heaven tremble,
They dry out like the heads of And are 1astonished at His
8 aJob 37:11;
grain. Prov. 30:4 1do rebuke.
not break 12 aHe stirs up the sea with His
25 Now if it is not so, who will power,
prove me a liar, 10 a[Job And by His understanding He
And make my speech worth 38:111]; Ps. breaks up 1the storm.
nothing? 33:7; 104:9; 13 aBy His Spirit He adorned the
Prov. 8:29; Jer.
5:22 heavens;
Bildad: How Can Man Be His hand pierced bthe fleeing
Righteous? serpent.
11 1amazed
Then aBildad the Shuhite an- 14 Indeed these are the mere
25 swered and said: 12 aEx. 14:21;
edges of His ways,
And how small a whisper we
Job 9:13; Is.
2 Dominion and fear belong to 51:15; [Jer. hear of Him!
Him; 31:35] 1Lit. But the thunder of His power
He makes peace in His high rahab who can understand?
places. Job Maintains His Integrity
3 1Is there any number to His 13 a[Job 9:8];
armies? Ps. 33:6 bIs.
Moreover Job continued his
Upon whom does aHis light not
27 discourse, and said:
4 aHow then can man be righteous CHAPTER 27 2 As God lives, awho has taken
before God? away my justice,
Or how can he be bpure who is And the Almighty, who has
born of a woman? 2 aJob 34:5 made my soul bitter,
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JOB 27:3 460

3 As long as my breath is in me, 5 aJob 2:9; 22 It hurls against him and does
And the breath of God in my 13:15 not aspare;
nostrils, 6 aJob 2:3; He flees desperately from its
4 My lips will not speak 1power.
33:9 bActs
wickedness, 24:16 1reprove 23 Men shall clap their hands at
Nor my tongue utter deceit. him,
5 Far be it from me 8 aMatt. 16:26; And shall hiss him out of his
Luke 12:20
That I should say you are right; place.
Till I die aI will not put away 9 aJob 35:12,
my integrity from me. 13; Ps. 18:41; Jobs Discourse on Wisdom
6 My righteousness I ahold fast, Prov. 1:28;
Surely there is a mine for
and will not let it go;
bMy heart shall not 1reproach
28:9; [Is. 1:15];
Jer. 14:12;
Ezek. 8:18;
28 silver,
And a place where gold is
me as long as I live. [Mic. 3:4;
John 9:31;
James 4:3] 2 Iron is taken from the 1earth,
7 May my enemy be like the And copper is smelted from
wicked, 10 aJob 22:26, ore.
And he who rises up against 27; [Ps. 37:4; 3 Man puts an end to darkness,
me like the unrighteous. Is. 58:14]
And searches every recess
8 aFor what is the hope of the 11 1Or by For ore in the darkness and the
hypocrite, shadow of death.
Though he may gain much, 13 aJob 20:29 4 He breaks open a shaft away
If God takes away his life? from people;
9 aWill God hear his cry 14 aDeut. In places forgotten by feet
28:41; Esth.
When trouble comes upon him? 9:10; Hos. 9:13 They hang far away from men;
10 aWill he delight himself in the They swing to and fro.
Almighty? 15 aPs. 78:64 5 As for the earth, from it comes
Will he always call on God? 1Lit. his
17 aProv. 28:8;
But underneath it is turned up
11 I will teach you 1about the hand [Eccl. 2:26] as by fire;
of God; 6 Its stones are the source of
What is with the Almighty I 18 aIs. 1:8; sapphires,
will not conceal. Lam. 2:6 1So And it contains gold dust.
12 Surely all of you have seen it; with MT, Vg.;
LXX, Syr. spi- 7 That path no bird knows,
Why then do you behave with der (cf. 8:14); Nor has the falcons eye seen it.
complete nonsense? Tg. decay 8 The 1proud lions have not
trodden it,
13 Thisa is the portion of a wicked Nor has the fierce lion passed
man with God, 19 aJob 7:8, 21; over it.
And the heritage of oppressors, 20:7 1So with 9 He puts his hand on the flint;
received from the Almighty: MT, Tg.; LXX, He overturns the mountains 1at
14 aIf his children are multiplied, it Syr. But shall
not add (i.e., the roots.
is for the sword; do it again); 10 He cuts out channels in the
And his offspring shall not be Vg. But take rocks,
satisfied with bread. away nothing And his eye sees every precious
15 Those who survive him shall be 20 aJob 18:11 thing.
buried in death, 11 He dams up the streams from
And atheir1 widows shall not 22 aJer. 13:14; trickling;
weep, Ezek. 5:11; What is hidden he brings forth
16 Though he heaps up silver like 24:14 1Lit. to light.
And piles up clothing like 12 Buta where can wisdom be
clay CHAPTER 28 found?
17 He may pile it up, but athe just And where is the place of
will wear it, 2 1Lit. dust understanding?
And the innocent will divide 13 Man does not know its avalue,
the silver. 8 1Lit. sons of Nor is it found in the land of
18 He builds his house like a pride, figura- the living.
tive of the
great lions 14 aThe deep says, It is not in me;
aLike a 2booth which a And the sea says, It is not with
watchman makes. 9 1At the base me.
19 The rich man will lie down, 15 It acannot be purchased for
1But not be gathered up; 12 aEccl. 7:24 gold,
He opens his eyes, 13 aProv. 3:15
Nor can silver be weighed for
And he is ano more. its price.
20 aTerrors overtake him like a 14 aJob 28:22 16 It cannot be valued in the gold
flood; of Ophir,
A tempest steals him away in 15 aProv. In precious onyx or sapphire.
the night. 3:1315; 8:10, 17 Neither agold nor crystal can
11, 19
21 The east wind carries him equal it,
away, and he is gone; 17 aProv. 8:10; Nor can it be exchanged for
It sweeps him out of his place. 16:16 1vessels 1jewelry of fine gold.
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461 JOB 29:25

18 No mention shall be made of 18 aProv. 3:15; When I took my seat in the
1coral or quartz, 8:11 1Heb. open square,
For the price of wisdom is 8 The young men saw me and hid,
above arubies. 19 aProv. 8:19 And the aged arose and stood;
19 The topaz of Ethiopia cannot 9 The princes refrained from
20 aJob 28:12;
equal it, [Ps. 111:10; talking,
Nor can it be valued in pure Prov. 1:7; And aput their hand on their
agold. 9:10] mouth;
21 1heaven
10 The voice of nobles was
20 Froma where then does wisdom hushed,
come? 22aJob 28:14 And their atongue stuck to the
And where is the place of 1Heb. Abad-
roof of their mouth.
understanding? don 11 When the ear heard, then it
21 It is hidden from the eyes of all 24 a[Ps. 11:4; blessed me,
living, 33:13, 14; And when the eye saw, then it
And concealed from the birds 66:7; Prov. approved me;
of the 1air. 12 Because aI delivered the poor
22 aDestruction1 and Death 25 aPs. 135:7 who cried out,
say, The fatherless and the one who
We have heard a report about it 26 aJob 37:3; had no helper.
with our ears. 13 The blessing of a perishing
23 God understands its way, 27 1Lit. it man came upon me,
And He knows its place. And I caused the widows heart
24 For He looks to the ends of the 28 a[Deut. 4:6; to sing for joy.
Ps. 111:10;
earth, Prov. 1:7; 9:10; 14 aI put on righteousness, and it
And asees under the whole Eccl. 12:13] clothed me;
heavens, My justice was like a robe and
25 aTo establish a weight for the CHAPTER 29 a turban.
wind, 15 I was aeyes to the blind,
And apportion the waters by 2 aJob 1:15
And I was feet to the lame.
measure. bJob 1:10 16 I was a father to the poor,
26 When He amade a law for the And aI searched out the case
rain, 3 aJob 18:6 that I did not know.
And a path for the thunderbolt, 4 aJob 15:8; 17 I broke athe fangs of the
27 Then He saw 1wisdom and [Ps. 25:14; wicked,
declared it; Prov. 3:32] And plucked the victim from
He prepared it, indeed, He 6 aGen. 49:11;
his teeth.
searched it out. Deut. 32:14;
28 And to man He said, Job 20:17 18 Then I said, aI shall die in my
bDeut. 32:13;
Behold, athe fear of the Lord, nest,
Ps. 81:16 1So And multiply my days as the
that is wisdom, with ancient
And to depart from evil is vss. and a few sand.
understanding. Heb. mss. (cf. 19 aMy root is spread out bto the
Job 20:17); waters,
MT wrath
Jobs Summary Defense And the dew lies all night on
9 aJob 21:5 my branch.
Job further continued his dis- 20 My glory is fresh within me,
29 course, and said: 10 aPs. 137:6 And my abow is renewed in my
12 aJob
2 Oh, that I were as in months 31:1623; [Ps.
apast, 72:12; Prov. 21 Men listened to me and waited,
21:13; 24:11]
As in the days when God And kept silence for my
bwatched over me;
14 aDeut. counsel.
3 aWhen His lamp shone upon my 24:13; Job 22 After my words they did not
head, 27:5, 6; Ps. speak again,
132:9; [Is.
And when by His light I walked 59:17; 61:10; And my speech settled on them
through darkness; Eph. 6:14] as dew.
4 Just as I was in the days of my 23 They waited for me as for the
prime, 15 aNum. 10:31 rain,
When athe friendly counsel of 16 aProv. 29:7 And they opened their mouth
God was over my tent; wide as for athe spring rain.
5 When the Almighty was yet 17 aPs. 58:6; 24 If I mocked at them, they did
Prov. 30:14
with me, not believe it,
When my children were around 18 aPs. 30:6 And the light of my
me; countenance they did not cast
6 When amy steps were bathed 19 aJob 18:16 down.
bPs. 1:3; [Jer.
with 1cream, 17:7, 8] 25 I chose the way for them, and
And bthe rock poured out rivers sat as chief;
of oil for me! 20 aGen. 49:24; So I dwelt as a king in the
Ps. 18:34 army,
7 When I went out to the gate by 23 a[Zech. As one who comforts
the city, 10:1] mourners.
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JOB 30:1 462

But now they mock at me, CHAPTER 30 And I have become like dust
30 men 1younger than I,
Whose fathers I disdained to 1 of fewer
and ashes.
put with the dogs of my days 20 I acry out to You, but You do not
flock. answer me;
4 1A plant of I stand up, and You regard me.
2 Indeed, what profit is the the salty
strength of their hands to me? marshes 21 But You have become cruel to
Their vigor has perished. me;
3 They are gaunt from want and 6 1wadis 2Lit. With the strength of Your hand
holes You aoppose me.
Fleeing late to the wilderness, 9 aJob 17:6;
22 You lift me up to the wind and
desolate and waste, Ps. 69:12; cause me to ride on it;
4 Who pluck 1mallow by the Lam. 3:14, 63 You spoil my success.
bushes, 23 For I know that You will bring
10 aNum. me to death,
And broom tree roots for their 12:14; Deut.
food. 25:9; Job 17:6; And to the house aappointed
5 They were driven out from Is. 50:6; Matt. for all living.
26:67; 27:30
among men,
They shouted at them as at a 24 Surely He would not stretch out
11 aJob 12:18
thief. 1So with MT, His hand against a heap of
6 They had to live in the clefts of Syr., Tg.; ruins,
the 1valleys, LXX, Vg. His If they cry out when He
In 2caves of the earth and the destroys it.
12 aJob 19:12 25 aHave I not wept for him who
rocks. was in trouble?
7 Among the bushes they brayed, 16 aPs. 42:4
bPs. 22:14; Is. Has not my soul grieved for the
Under the nettles they nestled. 53:12 poor?
8 They were sons of fools, 26 But when I looked for good,
Yes, sons of vile men; 20 aJob 19:7 evil came to me;
They were scourged from the And when I waited for light,
land. 21 aJob 10:3;
16:9, 14; 19:6, then came darkness.
22 27 1My heart is in turmoil and
9 Anda now I am their taunting cannot rest;
song; 23 a[Heb. 9:27] Days of affliction confront me.
Yes, I am their byword. 28 I go about mourning, but not in
25 aPs. 35:13,
10 They abhor me, they keep far 14; Rom. the sun;
from me; 12:15 I stand up in the assembly and
They do not hesitate ato spit in cry out for help.
my face. 26 aJob 3:25, 29 aI am a brother of jackals,
26; Jer. 8:15
11 Because aHe has loosed 1my And a companion of ostriches.
bowstring and afflicted me, 27 1I seethe in- 30 aMy skin grows black and falls
They have cast off restraint side from me;
before me. bMy bones burn with fever.
12 At my right hand the rabble 28 aJob 30:31; 31 My harp is turned to mourning,
Ps. 38:6; 42:9;
arises; 43:2 And my flute to the voice of
They push away my feet, those who weep.
And athey raise against me 29 aPs. 44:19;
I have made a covenant with
their ways of destruction.
13 They break up my path,
102:6; Mic. 1:8

30 aPs. 119:83;
31Why my eyes;
then should I look upon a
They promote my calamity; Lam. 4:8; 5:10 ayoung woman?
They have no helper. bPs. 102:3
2 For what is the aallotment of
14 They come as broad breakers; God from above,
Under the ruinous storm they CHAPTER 31 And the inheritance of the
roll along. Almighty from on high?
15 Terrors are turned upon me; 1a[Matt. 5:28] 3 Is it not destruction for the
They pursue my honor as the 1look intently
wind, or gaze And disaster for the workers of
And my prosperity has passed iniquity?
like a cloud. 2 aJob 20:29
4 aDoes He not see my ways,
4 a[2 Chr. And count all my steps?
16 Anda now my soul is bpoured 16:9]; Job
out because of my plight; 24:23; 28:24; 5 If I have walked with
The days of affliction take hold 34:21; 36:7;
[Prov. 5:21; falsehood,
of me. 15:3; Jer. Or if my foot has hastened to
17 My bones are pierced in me at 32:19] deceit,
night, 6 1Let me be weighed on honest
And my gnawing pains take no 6 aJob 23:10;
27:5, 6 1Lit. scales,
rest. Let Him That God may know my
18 By great force my garment is weigh me aintegrity.
disfigured; 7 If my step has turned from the
It binds me about as the collar 7 aNum. 15:39; way,
[Eccl. 11:9];
of my coat. Ezek. 6:9; Or amy heart walked after my
19 He has cast me into the mire, [Matt. 5:29] eyes,
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463 JOB 32:1

Or if any spot adheres to my 8 aLev. 26:16; And because my hand had
hands, Deut. 28:30, gained much;
38; Job 20:18;
8 Then alet me sow, and another Mic. 6:15 1up- 26 aIf I have observed the 1sun
eat; rooted when it shines,
Yes, let my harvest be 1rooted Or the moon moving in
out. 10 aDeut. brightness,
28:30; 2 Sam.
12:11; Jer. 27 So that my heart has been
9 If my heart has been enticed by 8:10 secretly enticed,
a woman, And my mouth has kissed my
Or if I have lurked at my 11 aGen. 38:24; hand;
[Lev. 20:10;
neighbors door, Deut. 22:22]; 28 This also would be an iniquity
10 Then let my wife grind for Job 31:28 deserving of judgment,
For I would have denied God
And let others bow down over 13 a[Deut. who is above.
her. 24:14, 15]
11 For that would be wickedness; 14 a[Ps. 44:21] 29 Ifa I have rejoiced at the
Yes, ait would be iniquity destruction of him who hated
deserving of judgment. 15aJob 34:19; me,
12 For that would be a fire that Prov. 14:31; Or lifted myself up when evil
consumes to destruction, 22:2; [Mal.
2:10] found him
And would root out all my 30 a(Indeed I have not allowed my
increase. 16 aJob 29:12 mouth to sin
By asking for a curse on his
13 If I have adespised the cause of 18 1Lit. her 1soul);
my male or female servant 31 If the men of my tent have not
20 a[Deut.
When they complained against 24:13] 1Lit. said,
me, loins Who is there that has not been
14 What then shall I do when satisfied with his meat?
aGod rises up? 21 aJob 22:9
32 a(But no sojourner had to lodge
When He punishes, how shall I in the street,
23 aIs. 13:6
answer Him? For I have opened my doors to
15 aDid not He who made me in the 24 a[Matt. 6:19, the 1traveler);
womb make them? 20; Mark 33 If I have covered my
Did not the same One fashion 10:2325]
transgressions aas1 Adam,
us in the womb? By hiding my iniquity in my
25 aJob 1:3, 10;
Ps. 62:10 bosom,
16 If I have kept the poor from 34 Because I feared the great
their desire, 26 a[Deut. amultitude,
Or caused the eyes of the 4:19; 17:3];
And dreaded the contempt of
widow to afail, Ezek. 8:16
1Lit. light families,
17 Or eaten my morsel by myself, So that I kept silence
So that the fatherless could not 29 a[Prov. 17:5; And did not go out of the door
eat of it 24:17]; Obad.
35 aOh, that I had one to hear me!
18 (But from my youth I reared 12
Here is my mark.
him as a father, 30 a[Matt. Oh, bthat the Almighty would
And from my mothers womb I 5:44] 1Or life answer me,
guided 1the widow); That my 1Prosecutor had
19 If I have seen anyone perish for 32 aGen. 19:2,
written a book!
lack of clothing, 3 1So with
Or any poor man without LXX, Syr., 36 Surely I would carry it on my
Tg., Vg.; MT shoulder,
20 If his 1heart has not ablessed me, And bind it on me like a crown;
And if he was not warmed with 33 aGen. 3:10; 37 I would declare to Him the
the fleece of my sheep; [Prov. 28:13] number of my steps;
1Or as men do
21 If I have raised my hand Like a prince I would approach
aagainst the fatherless, Him.
34 aEx. 23:2
When I saw I had help in the
gate; 35 aJob 19:7; 38 If my land cries out against me,
22 Then let my arm fall from my 30:20, 24, 28 And its furrows weep together;
bJob 13:22, 24;
shoulder, 39 If aI have eaten its 1fruit
33:10 1Lit. Ac-
Let my arm be torn from the cuser without money,
socket. Or bcaused its owners to lose
23 For adestruction from God is a 39 aJob 24:6, their lives;
terror to me,
1012; [James 40 Then let athistles grow instead
5:4] b1 Kin. of wheat,
And because of His 21:19 1Lit.
magnificence I cannot strength And weeds instead of barley.
endure. 40 aGen. 3:18 The words of Job are ended.
24 Ifa I have made gold my hope, Elihu Contradicts Jobs Friends
Or said to fine gold, You are CHAPTER 32
my confidence; So these three men ceased an-
25 If I have rejoiced because my
wealth was great,
1 aJob 6:29;
31:6; 33:9
32 swering Job, because he was
arighteous in his own eyes.
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JOB 32:2 464

2 Then the wrath of Elihu, the son 2 aGen. 22:21 I must open my lips and
bJob 27:5, 6
of Barachel the aBuzite, of the fam- answer.
ily of Ram, was aroused against Job; 21 Let me not, I pray, show
his wrath was aroused because he 4 1Vg. till Job partiality to anyone;
bjustified himself rather than God. had spoken Nor let me flatter any man.
3 Also against his three friends 22 For I do not know how to
his wrath was aroused, because 6 aLev. 19:32 flatter,
they had found no answer, and yet Else my Maker would soon
had condemned Job. take me aaway.
7 1Lit. Days,
4 Now because they were years years
older than he, Elihu had waited 1to Elihu Contradicts Job
speak to Job. But please, Job, hear my
5 When Elihu saw that there was
no answer in the mouth of these
8a1 Kin. 3:12;
4:29; [Job
33 speech,
And listen to all my words.
35:11; 38:36;
three men, his wrath was aroused. Prov. 2:6; 2 Now, I open my mouth;
6 So Elihu, the son of Barachel Eccl. 2:26; My tongue speaks in my
the Buzite, answered and said: Dan. 1:17; mouth.
2:21; Matt.
11:25; James 3 My words come from my
I am ayoung in years, and you 1:5] upright heart;
are very old; My lips utter pure knowledge.
Therefore I was afraid, 9 a[1 Cor. 1:26]
4 aThe Spirit of God has made me,
And dared not declare my 1Or Men of And the breath of the Almighty
opinion to you. many years gives me life.
7 I said, 1Age should speak, 5 If you can answer me,
And multitude of years should 13 a[Jer. 9:23;
Set your words in order before
teach wisdom. 1 Cor. 1:29] me;
8 But there is a spirit in man, Take your stand.
6 aTruly I am 1as your spokesman
And athe breath of the
14 1ordered before God;
Almighty gives him
understanding. I also have been formed out of
9 aGreat1 men are not always 19 1bosom clay.
wise, 2opening 7 aSurely no fear of me will terrify

Nor do the aged always you,

understand justice. 22 aJob 27:8
Nor will my hand be heavy on
10 Therefore I say, Listen to me,
I also will declare my opinion. 8 Surely you have spoken 1in my
CHAPTER 33 hearing,
11 Indeed I waited for your words,
I listened to your reasonings, And I have heard the sound of
while you searched out what your words, saying,
4 a[Gen. 2:7]; 9 Ia am pure, without
to say. Job 32:8
12 I paid close attention to you; transgression;
And surely not one of you I am innocent, and there is no
convinced Job,
6 aJob 4:19
1Lit. as your
iniquity in me.
Or answered his words mouth
10 Yet He finds occasions against
13 Lest you say,
a me,
aHe counts me as His enemy;
We have found wisdom; 7 aJob 9:34 11 aHe puts my feet in the stocks,
God will vanquish him, not He watches all my paths.
14 Now he has not 1directed his 8 1Lit. in my
ears 12 Look, in this you are not
words against me; righteous.
So I will not answer him with I will answer you,
your words. 9 aJob 10:7
For God is greater than man.
13 Why do you acontend with Him?
15 They are dismayed and answer 10 aJob 13:24; For He does not give an
no more; 16:9 accounting of any of His
Words escape them. words.
16 And I have waited, because 14 aFor God may speak in one way,
11 aJob 13:27;
they did not speak, 19:8 or in another,
Because they stood still and Yet man does not perceive it.
answered no more. 15 aIn a dream, in a vision of the
17 I also will answer my part, 13 aJob 40:2;
[Is. 45:9] night,
I too will declare my opinion. When deep sleep falls upon
18 For I am full of words; men,
The spirit within me compels 14 aJob 33:29; While slumbering on their beds,
me. 40:5; Ps. 62:11
16 aThen He opens the ears of men,
19 Indeed my 1belly is like wine And seals their instruction.
that has no 2vent; 15 a[Num. 17 In order to turn man from his
It is ready to burst like new 12:6] deed,
wineskins. And conceal pride from man,
20 I will speak, that I may find 16 a[Job 36:10, 18 He keeps back his soul from
relief; 15] the Pit,
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465 JOB 34:20

And his life from 1perishing by 18 1Lit. pass- 3 For the ear tests words
the sword. ing
As the palate tastes food.
19 aJob 30:17 4 Let us choose justice for
19 Man is also chastened with ourselves;
pain on his abed, 20 aPs. 107:18 Let us know among ourselves
bJob 3:24; 6:7
And with strong pain in many 1desirable what is good.
of his bones,
20 aSo that his life abhors bbread, 24 1an atone- 5 For Job has said, aI am
And his soul 1succulent food. ment
21 His flesh wastes away from 27 a[2 Sam. But bGod has taken away my
sight, 12:13; Prov. justice;
And his bones stick out which 28:13; Luke
15:21; 1 John 6 aShould I lie concerning my
once were not seen. 1:9] b[Rom. right?
22 Yes, his soul draws near the Pit, 6:21] My 1wound is incurable, though
And his life to the executioners. I am without transgression.
28 aIs. 38:17
1Kt. my 2Kt. 7 What man is like Job,
23 If there is a messenger for him, my aWho drinks 1scorn like water,
A mediator, one among a 8 Who goes in company with the
thousand, 30 aPs. 56:13
workers of iniquity,
To show man His uprightness, 33 aPs. 34:11 And walks with wicked men?
24 Then He is gracious to him, and 1Keep silent
9 For ahe has said, It profits a
says, man nothing
Deliver him from going down CHAPTER 34 That he should delight in God.
to the Pit;
I have found 1a ransom; 3 aJob 6:30; 10 Therefore listen to me, you
25 His flesh shall be young like a 12:11 1men of understanding:
childs, aFar be it from God to do
He shall return to the days of 5 aJob 13:18;
33:9 bJob 27:2 wickedness,
his youth. And from the Almighty to
26 He shall pray to God, and He 6 aJob 6:4; commit iniquity.
will delight in him, 9:17 1Lit. ar-
row 11 aFor He repays man according
He shall see His face with joy, to his work,
For He restores to man His 7 aJob 15:16 And makes man to find a
righteousness. 1derision
reward according to his way.
27 Then he looks at men and 9 aMal. 3:14 12 Surely God will never do
I have sinned, and perverted wickedly,
10 a[Gen.
what was right, 18:25; Deut. Nor will the Almighty apervert
And it bdid not profit me. 32:4; 2 Chr. justice.
28 He will aredeem 1his soul from
19:7]; Job 8:3; 13 Who gave Him charge over the
36:23; Ps. earth?
going down to the Pit, 92:15; Rom.
And 2his life shall see the 9:14 1men of Or who appointed Him over the
light. heart whole world?
11 aJob 34:25;
14 If He should set His heart on it,
29 Behold, God works all these Ps. 62:12; If He should agather to Himself
things, [Prov. 24:12; His Spirit and His breath,
Jer. 32:19]; 15 All flesh would perish together,
Twice, in fact, three times with Ezek. 33:20;
a man, [Matt. 16:27]; And man would return to dust.
30 aTo bring back his soul from the Rom. 2:6;
Pit, [2 Cor. 5:10; 16 If you have understanding, hear
Rev. 22:12]
That he may be enlightened this;
with the light of life. 12 aJob 8:3 Listen to the sound of my
14 aJob 12:10; 17 aShould one who hates justice
31 Give ear, Job, listen to me; Ps. 104:29;
Hold your peace, and I will [Eccl. 12:7] govern?
speak. Will you bcondemn Him who is
15 a[Gen. most just?
32 If you have anything to say, 3:19]; Job
answer me; 10:9; [Eccl. 18 aIs it fitting to say to a king,
Speak, for I desire to justify 12:7] You are worthless,
you. And to nobles, You are
17 a2 Sam.
33 If not, alisten to me; 23:3; Job wicked?
1Hold your peace, and I will 34:30 bJob 19 Yet He ais not partial to princes,
teach you wisdom. 40:8 Nor does He regard the rich
18 aEx. 22:28
more than the poor;
Elihu Proclaims Gods Justice For bthey are all the work of
19 a[Deut. His hands.
10:17; Acts 20 In a moment they die, ain the
Elihu further answered and
34 said:
10:34; Rom.
2:11, 12] bJob
middle of the night;
The people are shaken and
2 Hear my words, you wise men; 20 aEx. 12:29;
pass away;
Give ear to me, you who have Job 34:25; The mighty are taken away
knowledge. 36:20 without a hand.
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JOB 34:21 466

21 Fora His eyes are on the ways 21 a[2 Chr. 2 Do you think this is right?
of man, 16:9]; Job Do you say,
31:4; Ps.
And He sees all his steps. 34:15; [Prov. My righteousness is more than
22 aThere is no darkness nor 5:21; 15:3; Jer. Gods?
shadow of death 16:17; 32:19] 3 For ayou say,
Where the workers of iniquity What advantage will it be to
may hide themselves. 22 a[Ps. 139:11, You?
12; Amos 9:2,
23 For He need not further 3] What profit shall I have, more
consider a man, than if I had sinned?
That he should go before God 24 aJob 12:19;
in judgment. [Dan. 2:21] 4 I will answer you,
24 aHe breaks in pieces mighty And ayour companions with
men without inquiry, 27 a1 Sam. you.
And sets others in their place. 15:11 bPs. 5 Look to the heavens and see;
25 Therefore He knows their 28:5; Is. 5:12 And behold the clouds
works; They are higher than you.
He overthrows them in the 28 aJob 35:9; 6 If you sin, what do you
James 5:4
night, b[Ex. 22:23]; accomplish aagainst Him?
And they are crushed. Job 22:27 Or, if your transgressions are
26 He strikes them as wicked men multiplied, what do you do to
In the open sight of others, 35 aJob 35:16; Him?
27 Because they aturned back 38:2 7 aIf you are righteous, what do
from Him, you give Him?
And bwould not consider any of 37 aJob 7:11; Or what does He receive from
His ways, 10:1 your hand?
28 So that they acaused the cry of 8 Your wickedness affects a man
the poor to come to Him; CHAPTER 35
such as you,
For He bhears the cry of the And your righteousness a son
afflicted. of man.
29 When He gives quietness, who 3 aJob 21:15;
then can make trouble? 34:9 9 Becausea of the multitude of
And when He hides His face, oppressions they cry out;
who then can see Him, 4 aJob 34:8 They cry out for help because
Whether it is against a nation of the arm of the mighty.
or a man alone? 5 aGen. 15:5; 10 But no one says, aWhere is
30 That the hypocrite should not [Job 22:12; Ps. God my Maker,
8:3] bWho gives songs in the night,
Lest the people be ensnared. 6 aJob 7:20;
11 Who ateaches us more than the
[Prov. 8:36; beasts of the earth,
31 For has anyone said to God, Jer. 7:19] And makes us wiser than the
I have borne chastening; birds of heaven?
I will offend no more; 7 aJob 22:2; 12 aThere they cry out, but He does
32 Teach me what I do not see; Ps. 16:2; Prov. not answer,
If I have done iniquity, I will do 9:12; [Luke Because of the pride of evil
17:10]; Rom.
no more? 11:35 men.
33 Should He repay it according 13 aSurely God will not listen to
to your terms, 9 aJob 34:28 empty talk,
Just because you disavow it? Nor will the Almighty regard it.
You must choose, and not I; 10 aIs. 51:13 14 aAlthough you say you do not
Therefore speak what you bJob 8:21; Ps. see Him,
know. 42:8; 77:6; Yet justice is before Him, and
149:5; Acts byou must wait for Him.
34 Men of understanding say to 15 And now, because He has not
me, 11 aJob 36:22;
apunished in His anger,
Wise men who listen to me: Ps. 94:12; [Is. Nor taken much notice of folly,
35 Joba speaks without 48:17]; Jer. 16 Therefore Job opens his mouth
knowledge, 32:33; [1 Cor. in vain;
His words are without wisdom. He multiplies words without
36 Oh, that Job were tried to the knowledge.
12 aProv. 1:28
Because his answers are like Elihu Proclaims Gods Goodness
13 aJob 27:9;
those of wicked men! Elihu also proceeded and
37 For he adds arebellion to his
[Prov. 15:29;
Is. 1:15]; Jer.
11:11; [Mic.
36 said:
He claps his hands among us, 3:4]
2 Bear with me a little, and I will
And multiplies his words show you
against God. 14 aJob 9:11
b[Ps. 37:5, 6] That there are yet words to
Elihu Condemns speak on Gods behalf.
Self-Righteousness 15 aPs. 89:32 3 I will fetch my knowledge from
Moreover Elihu answered and I will ascribe righteousness to
35 said:
16 aJob 34:35;
38:2 my Maker.
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467 JOB 37:6

4 For truly my words are not false; CHAPTER 36 For byou have chosen this
One who is perfect in 5 aJob 12:13, rather than affliction.
knowledge is with you. 16; 37:23 1of
heart 22 Behold, God is exalted by His
5 Behold, God is mighty, but 6 aJob 5:15 power;
despises no one; Who teaches like Him?
aHe is mighty in strength 1of 7 a[Ps. 33:18; 23 aWho has assigned Him His
34:15] bPs.
understanding. 113:8 way,
6 He does not preserve the life of Or who has said, You have
8 aPs. 107:10 done bwrong?
the wicked, 1chains
But gives justice to the
aoppressed. 9 1proudly Elihu Proclaims Gods Majesty
7 aHe does not withdraw His eyes 10 aJob 33:16; 24 Remember to amagnify His
from the righteous; 36:15 1disci- work,
But bthey are on the throne pline
Of which men have sung.
with kings, 11 a[Is. 1:19, 25 Everyone has seen it;
For He has seated them forever, 20] Man looks on it from afar.
And they are exalted. 12 aJob 4:21
8 And aif they are bound in 1MT as one
26 Behold, God is great, and we
1fetters, without ado not know Him;
Held in the cords of affliction, knowledge bNor can the number of His
9 Then He tells them their work 13 a[Rom. 2:5] years be discovered.
and their transgressions 14 aPs. 55:23 27 For He adraws up drops of
That they have acted 1defiantly. 1Lit. Their water,
10 aHe also opens their ear to soul dies Which distill as rain from the
1instruction, 2Heb. qede-
shim, those
And commands that they turn practicing 28 aWhich the clouds drop down
from iniquity. sodomy or And pour abundantly on
11 If they obey and serve Him, prostitution man.
They shall aspend their days in in religious
rituals 29 Indeed, can anyone understand
prosperity, the spreading of clouds,
And their years in pleasures. 16 aPs. 18:19; The thunder from His
12 But if they do not obey, 31:8; 118:5
bPs. 23:5 cPs. canopy?
They shall perish by the sword, 36:8 30 Look, He ascatters His light
And they shall die 1without upon it,
aknowledge. 17 aJob 22:5,
10, 11 And covers the depths of the
13 But the hypocrites in heart 18 aPs. 49:7 31 For aby these He judges the
astore up wrath;
19 a[Prov. 11:4] peoples;
They do not cry for help when He bgives food in abundance.
He binds them. 21 a[Ps. 31:6;
66:18] b[Heb. 32 aHe covers His hands with
14 aThey1 die in youth, 11:25] lightning,
And their life ends among the And commands it to 1strike.
2perverted persons. 23 aJob 34:13;
[Is. 40:13, 14] 33 aHis thunder declares it,
15 He delivers the poor in their bJob 8:3 The cattle also, concerning 1the
affliction, rising storm.
24 a[Rev. 15:3]
And opens their ears in
oppression. 26 a[1 Cor. At this also my heart
16 Indeed He would have brought
13:12] bHeb.
37And trembles,
leaps from its place.
you out of dire distress, 27 aPs. 147:8 2 Hear attentively the thunder of
aInto a broad place where there His voice,
28 a[Prov. 3:20]
is no restraint; And the rumbling that comes
And bwhat is set on your table 30 aJob 37:3 from His mouth.
would be full of crichness. 31 a[Acts 3 He sends it forth under the
17 But you are filled with the 14:17] bPs. whole heaven,
judgment due the awicked; 104:14, 15 His 1lightning to the ends of the
Judgment and justice take hold 32 aPs. 147:8 earth.
of you. 1strike the
4 After it aa voice roars;
18 Because there is wrath, beware mark He thunders with His majestic
lest He take you away with 33 a1 Kin. voice,
one blow; 18:41 1Lit. And He does not restrain them
For aa large ransom would not what is rising when His voice is heard.
help you avoid it. CHAPTER 37 5 God thunders marvelously with
19 aWill your riches, 3 1Or light
His voice;
Or all the mighty forces, aHe does great things which we
Keep you from distress? 4 aPs. 29:3 cannot comprehend.
20 Do not desire the night, 5 aJob 5:9; 6 For aHe says to the snow, Fall
When people are cut off in 9:10; 36:26 on the earth;
their place. 6 aPs. 147:16,
Likewise to the 1gentle rain and
21 Take heed, ado not turn to 17 1Lit. the heavy rain of His
iniquity, shower of rain strength.
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JOB 37:7 468

7 He seals the hand of every 7 aPs. 109:27 The LORD Reveals His Omnipotence
bPs. 19:3, 4
man, to Job
aThat ball men may know His 8 aJob 38:40;
Then the LORD answered Job
The beasts ago into dens,
Ps. 104:21, 22
10 aJob 38:29,
30; Ps. 147:17,
aout of the whirlwind, and

And remain in their lairs. 18

9 From the chamber of the south
comes the whirlwind,
11 1clouds of 2 Whoa is this who darkens
light counsel
And cold from the scattering 12 aJob 36:32; By bwords without knowledge?
winds of the north. Ps. 148:8 1Lit. 3 Now 1prepare yourself like a
10 aBy the breath of God ice is the world of
given, the earth
And the broad waters are 13 aEx. 9:18, I will question you, and you
frozen. 23; 1 Sam. shall answer Me.
12:18, 19 bJob
11 Also with moisture He 38:26, 27 4 Wherea were you when I laid
saturates the thick clouds; c1 Kin.
the foundations of the earth?
He scatters His 1bright 18:4146 1Lit.
a rod Tell Me, if you have
clouds. understanding.
12 And they swirl about, being 14 aPs. 111:2
15 1places
5 Who determined its
turned by His guidance, measurements?
That they may ado whatever He them
16 aJob 36:29 Surely you know!
commands them bJob 36:4 Or who stretched the 1line upon
On the face of 1the whole earth. it?
13 aHe causes it to come, 18 aGen. 1:6;
[Is. 44:24] 6 To what were its foundations
Whether for 1correction, bJob 9:8; Ps. fastened?
Or bfor His land, 104:2; [Is. Or who laid its cornerstone,
Or cfor mercy. 45:12; Jer.
7 When the morning stars sang
10:12; Zech.
12:1] together,
14 Listen to this, O Job; And all athe sons of God
23 a[Job 11:7,
Stand still and aconsider the 8; Rom. 11:33, shouted for joy?
wondrous works of God. 34; 1 Tim.
15 Do you know when God 6:16] b[Job
8 Ora who shut in the sea with
1dispatches them, 9:4; 36:5]
And causes the light of His 24 a[Matt.
When it burst forth and issued
cloud to shine? 10:28] b[Job
5:13; Matt. from the womb;
16 aDo you know how the clouds 11:25]; 1 Cor. 9 When I made the clouds its
are balanced, 1:26 garment,
Those wondrous works of And thick darkness its
bHim who is perfect in CHAPTER 38
swaddling band;
knowledge? 10 When aI fixed My limit for it,
1 aEx. 19:16;
17 Why are your garments hot, Job 40:6 And set bars and doors;
When He quiets the earth by 2 aJob 34:35; 11 When I said,
the south wind? 42:3 b1 Tim. This far you may come, but no
18 With Him, have you aspread out 1:7 farther,
the bskies, 3 aJob 40:7 And here your proud waves
Strong as a cast metal mirror? 1Lit. gird up amust stop!
your loins like
19 Teach us what we should say to 4 aJob 15:7; 12 Have you acommanded the
Him, Ps. 104:5
morning since your days
For we can prepare nothing 5 1measuring began,
because of the darkness. line
And caused the dawn to know
20 Should He be told that I wish 7 aJob 1:6 its place,
to speak? 8 aGen. 1:9; 13 That it might take hold of the
If a man were to speak, surely Ps. 33:7; ends of the earth,
104:9; Prov.
he would be swallowed up. 8:29; [Jer. And athe wicked be shaken out
21 Even now men cannot look at 5:22] of it?
the light when it is bright in 10 aJob 26:10 14 It takes on form like clay under
the skies, 11 a[Ps. 89:9; a seal,
When the wind has passed and 93:4] And stands out like a garment.
cleared them. 12 a[Ps. 74:16; 15 From the wicked their alight is
22 He comes from the north as 148:5] withheld,
golden splendor; 13 aJob 34:25; And bthe 1upraised arm is
With God is awesome majesty. Ps. 104:35 broken.
23 As for the Almighty, awe cannot 15 aJob 18:5;
find Him; [Prov. 13:9] 16 Have you aentered the springs
bHe is excellent in power, b[Num. 15:30];
of the sea?
Ps. 10:15;
In judgment and abundant 37:17 1Lit. Or have you walked in search
justice; high of the depths?
He does not oppress. 16 a[Ps. 77:19]; 17 Have athe gates of death been
24 Therefore men afear Him; Prov. 8:24 1revealed to you?
He shows no partiality to any 17 aPs. 9:13 Or have you seen the doors of
who are bwise of heart. 1Lit. opened the shadow of death?
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469 JOB 39:12

18 Have you comprehended the 22 aPs. 135:7 37 Who can number the clouds by
breadth of the earth? wisdom?
Tell Me, if you know all this. 23 aEx. 9:18; Or who can pour out the bottles
Josh. 10:11; of heaven,
Is. 30:30;
19 Where is the way to the Ezek. 13:11, 38 When the dust hardens in
dwelling of light? 13; Rev. 16:21 clumps,
And darkness, where is its place, And the clods cling together?
20 That you may take it to its 24 1Lit. divided
territory, 39 Cana you hunt the prey for the
That you may know the paths 25 aJob 28:26 lion,
to its home? Or satisfy the appetite of the
21 Do you know it, because you 27 aPs. 104:13, young lions,
were born then, 14; 107:35 40 When they crouch in their
Or because the number of your dens,
days is great? 28 aJob 36:27, Or lurk in their lairs to lie in
28; [Ps. 147:8; wait?
Jer. 14:22]
22 Have you entered athe treasury 41 aWho provides food for the
of snow, 29 a[Job
Or have you seen the treasury 37:10]; Ps. When its young ones cry to
of hail, 147:16, 17 God,
23 aWhich I have reserved for the And wander about for lack of
time of trouble, 30 a[Job 37:10] food?
1Lit. impris-
For the day of battle and war?
24 By what way is light 1diffused,
Or the east wind scattered over

31aJob 9:9;
you know the time when
wild mountain goats
bear young?

the earth? Amos 5:8 1Or

the Seven
Or can you mark when bthe
25 Who ahas divided a channel for Stars deer gives birth?
the overflowing water, 2 Can you number the months
Or a path for the thunderbolt, 32 1Lit. Con- that they fulfill?
26 To cause it to rain on a land stellations Or do you know the time when
2Or Arcturus
where there is no one, they bear young?
A wilderness in which there is 3 They bow down,
33 a[Ps. 148:6]; They bring forth their young,
no man; Jer. 31:35, 36
27 aTo satisfy the desolate waste, They deliver their 1offspring.
And cause to spring forth the 4 Their young ones are healthy,
36 a[Job 9:4;
growth of tender grass? 32:8; Ps. 51:6; They grow strong with grain;
28 aHas the rain a father? Eccl. 2:26; They depart and do not return
Or who has begotten the drops James 1:5]
1Lit. the in-
to them.
of dew? ward parts
29 From whose womb comes the 5 Who set the wild donkey
ice? 39 aPs. 104:21
And the afrost of heaven, who Who loosed the bonds of the
gives it birth? 41 aPs. 147:9;
[Matt. 6:26; 6 aWhose home I have made the
30 The waters harden like stone, Luke 12:24] wilderness,
And the surface of the deep is And the 1barren land his
afrozen.1 dwelling?
CHAPTER 39 7 He scorns the tumult of the
31 Can you bind the cluster of the city;
1 aDeut. 14:5; He does not heed the shouts of
Or loose the belt of Orion? 1 Sam. 24:2; the driver.
32 Can you bring out 1Mazzaroth Ps. 104:18 bPs. 8 The range of the mountains is
in its season? 29:9 his pasture,
Or can you guide 2the Great And he searches after aevery
Bear with its cubs? 3 1Lit. pangs green thing.
33 Do you know athe ordinances
of the heavens? 5 1A species of 9 Will the awild ox be willing to
wild donkey
Can you set their dominion serve you?
over the earth? Will he bed by your manger?
6 aJob 24:5;
Jer. 2:24; Hos. 10 Can you bind the wild ox in the
34 Can you lift up your voice to 8:9 1Lit. salt furrow with ropes?
the clouds, land Or will he plow the valleys
That an abundance of water behind you?
may cover you? 8 aGen. 1:29 11 Will you trust him because his
35 Can you send out lightnings, strength is great?
that they may go, 9 aNum. 23:22; Or will you leave your labor to
And say to you, Here we are!? Deut. 33:17; him?
Ps. 22:21;
36 aWho has put wisdom in 1the 29:6; 92:10; Is. 12 Will you trust him to bring
mind? 34:7 home your 1grain,
Or who has given And gather it to your threshing
understanding to the heart? 12 1Lit. seed floor?
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JOB 39:13 470

13 The wings of the ostrich wave 16 aLam. 4:3 2 Shall athe one who contends
1Lit. fear
proudly, with the Almighty correct
But are her wings and pinions Him?
like the kindly storks? 17 aJob 35:11 He who brebukes God, let him
14 For she leaves her eggs on the answer it.
And warms them in the dust; 19 1Or a mane Jobs Response to God
15 She forgets that a foot may 3 Then Job answered the LORD
crush them, and said:
Or that a wild beast may break 20 1make him
them. 4 Behold,a I am vile;
16 She atreats her young harshly, What shall I answer You?
as though they were not hers; 21 aJer. 8:6 bI lay my hand over my mouth.
Her labor is in vain, without 5 Once I have spoken, but I will
not answer;
17 Because God deprived her of 27 aProv. Yes, twice, but I will proceed no
wisdom, 30:18, 19 bJer.
49:16; Obad. 4 further.
And did not aendow her with
understanding. Gods Challenge to Job
18 When she lifts herself on high, 30 aMatt.
She scorns the horse and its 24:28; Luke
6 aThen the LORD answered Job
rider. 17:37 out of the whirlwind, and said:

19 Have you given the horse 7 Nowa 1prepare yourself like a

strength? man;
CHAPTER 40 bI will question you, and you
Have you clothed his neck with
1thunder? shall answer Me:
20 Can you 1frighten him like a
locust? 1 aJob 38:1 8 Woulda you indeed 1annul My
His majestic snorting strikes judgment?
terror. Would you condemn Me that
2 aJob 9:3; you may be justified?
21 He paws in the valley, and 10:2; 33:13
rejoices in his strength; bJob 13:3; 23:4 9 Have you an arm like God?
aHe gallops into the clash of Or can you thunder with aa
arms. voice like His?
22 He mocks at fear, and is not 4 aEzra 9:6; 10 aThen adorn yourself with
Job 42:6 bJob majesty and splendor,
frightened; 29:9; Ps. 39:9
Nor does he turn back from the And array yourself with glory
sword. and beauty.
23 The quiver rattles against 6 aJob 38:1 11 Disperse the rage of your
him, wrath;
The glittering spear and Look on everyone who is
javelin. 7 aJob 38:3 proud, and humble him.
24 He devours the distance with
bJob 42:4 1Lit.
12 Look on everyone who is
gird up your aproud, and bring him low;
fierceness and rage; loins
Nor does he come to a halt Tread down the wicked in their
because the trumpet has place.
sounded. 8 aJob 16:11; 13 Hide them in the dust together,
25 At the blast of the trumpet he 19:6; [Ps. 51:4; Bind their faces in hidden
Rom. 3:4] darkness.
says, Aha! 1nullify
He smells the battle from afar, 14 Then I will also confess to you
The thunder of captains and That your own right hand can
shouting. 9 aJob 37:4; save you.
[Ps. 29:3, 4]
26 Does the hawk fly by your 15 Look now at the 1behemoth,
wisdom, which I made along with you;
10 aPs. 93:1; He eats grass like an ox.
And spread its wings toward 104:1
the south? 16 See now, his strength is in his
27 Does the aeagle mount up at hips,
your command, 12 a1 Sam. 2:7; And his power is in his
And bmake its nest on high? [Is. 2:12; stomach muscles.
13:11]; Dan. 17 He moves his tail like a cedar;
28 On the rock it dwells and 4:37
resides, The sinews of his thighs are
On the crag of the rock and the tightly knit.
stronghold. 15 1A large 18 His bones are like beams of
29 From there it spies out the prey; animal, exact bronze,
Its eyes observe from afar.
identity un- His ribs like bars of iron.
30 Its young ones suck up blood; 19 He is the first of the aways of
And awhere the slain are, there God;
it is. 19 aJob 26:14 Only He who made him can
bring near His sword.
40 Moreover the L ORD a an- 20 Surely the mountains ayield
swered Job, and said: 20 aPs. 104:14 food for him,
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471 JOB 42:3

And all the beasts of the field CHAPTER 41 That no air can come between
play there. them;
21 He lies under the lotus trees, 17 They are joined one to another,
In a covert of reeds and marsh. They stick together and cannot
22 The lotus trees cover him with be parted.
their shade; 1 aPs. 74:14; 18 His sneezings flash forth light,
104:26; Is.
The willows by the brook 27:1 1A large And his eyes are like the
surround him. sea creature, eyelids of the morning.
23 Indeed the river may rage, exact identity 19 Out of his mouth go burning
Yet he is not disturbed; lights;
He is confident, though the Sparks of fire shoot out.
Jordan gushes into his 20 Smoke goes out of his nostrils,
mouth, As from a boiling pot and
24 Though he takes it in his eyes, 2 a2 Kin. burning rushes.
Or one pierces his nose with a 19:38; Is.
37:29 1thorn 21 His breath kindles coals,
snare. And a flame goes out of his
41OrCan you draw out
Leviathan with a hook,
a 1
snare his tongue with a line 6 1Or bargain
22 Strength dwells in his neck,
And 1sorrow dances before him.
23 The folds of his flesh are joined
which you lower? over him
2 Can you aput a reed through They are firm on him and
his nose, cannot be moved.
Or pierce his jaw with a 1hook? 24 His heart is as hard as stone,
3 Will he make many 11 a[Rom. Even as hard as the lower
supplications to you? 11:35] bEx.
Will he speak softly to you? 19:5; [Deut.
4 Will he make a covenant with
10:14; Job 25 When he raises himself up, the
9:510; mighty are afraid;
you? 26:614]; Ps.
Because of his crashings they
Will you take him as a servant 24:1; 50:12;
1 Cor. 10:26, 1are beside themselves.
forever? 28 26 Though the sword reaches him,
5 Will you play with him as with it cannot avail;
a bird, Nor does spear, dart, or javelin.
Or will you leash him for your 27 He regards iron as straw,
maidens? And bronze as rotten wood.
6 Will your companions 1make a 12 1Lit. keep
banquet of him?
silent about 28 The arrow cannot make him
Will they apportion him among flee;
the merchants? Slingstones become like
7 Can you fill his skin with stubble to him.
harpoons, 13 1Lit. take 29 Darts are regarded as straw;
Or his head with fishing spears?
off the face of He laughs at the threat of
his garment javelins.
8 Lay your hand on him;
Remember the battle 30 His undersides are like sharp
Never do it again! potsherds;
9 Indeed, any hope of He spreads pointed marks in
overcoming him is false; 15 1Lit. shields the mire.
Shall one not be overwhelmed 31 He makes the deep boil like a
at the sight of him? pot;
10 No one is so fierce that he He makes the sea like a pot of
would dare stir him up. 22 1despair ointment.
Who then is able to stand 32 He leaves a shining wake
against Me? behind him;
11 aWho has preceded Me, that I One would think the deep had
should pay him? 25 1Or purify
white hair.
bEverything under heaven is themselves 33 On earth there is nothing like
Mine. him,
Which is made without fear.
12 I will not 1conceal his limbs, 34 He beholds every high thing;
His mighty power, or his He is king over all the children
graceful proportions. CHAPTER 42 of pride.
13 Who can 1remove his outer Jobs Repentance and Restoration
Who can approach him with a Then Job answered the LORD
double bridle?
14 Who can open the doors of his 2 aGen. 18:14;
42 and said:
[Matt. 19:26;
face, Mark 10:27; 2 I know that You acan do
With his terrible teeth all 14:36; Luke everything,
around? 18:27] And that no purpose of Yours
15 His rows of 1scales are his can be withheld from You.
pride, 3 You asked, aWho is this who
Shut up tightly as with a seal; hides counsel without
16 One is so near another 3 aJob 38:2 knowledge?
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JOB 42:4 472

Therefore I have uttered what I 3 bPs. 40:5; 10 aAnd the LORD 1restored Jobs
did not understand, 131:1; 139:6 losses when he prayed for his friends.
bThings too wonderful for me, 4 aJob 38:3; Indeed the LORD gave Job btwice as
which I did not know. 40:7 much as he had before.
4 Listen, please, and let me 5 aJob 26:14 11 Then aall his brothers, all his sis-
speak; 6 aEzra 9:6
ters, and all those who had been his
You said, aI will question you, 1despise acquaintances before, came to him
and you shall answer Me. and ate food with him in his house;
8 aNum. 23:1 and they consoled him and com-
b[Matt. 5:24]
5 I have aheard of You by the cGen. 20:17 forted him for all the adversity that
hearing of the ear, 1Lit. his face the LORD had brought upon him.
But now my eye sees You. 9 1Lit. lifted Each one gave him a piece of silver
6 Therefore I aabhor1 myself, up the face of and each a ring of gold.
And repent in dust and ashes. Job 12 Now the LORD blessed athe lat-
10 aDeut. 30:3 ter days of Job more than his begin-
7 And so it was, after the LORD bIs. 40:2 1Lit. ning; for he had bfourteen thousand
had spoken these words to Job, that turned the sheep, six thousand camels, one thou-
the LORD said to Eliphaz the Te- captivity of sand yoke of oxen, and one thousand
Job, what was
manite, My wrath is aroused captured from female donkeys.
against you and your two friends, Job 13 aHe also had seven sons and
for you have not spoken of Me what 11 aJob 19:13 three daughters.
is right, as My servant Job has. 14 And he called the name of the
8 Now therefore, take for your- 12 aJames 5:11 first 1Jemimah, the name of the sec-
bJob 1:3
selves aseven bulls and seven rams, ond 2Keziah, and the name of the
bgo to My servant Job, and offer up 13 aJob 1:2 third 3Keren-Happuch.
for yourselves a burnt offering; and 14 1Lit. Hand- 15 In all the land were found no
My servant Job shall cpray for you. some as the women so beautiful as the daugh-
For I will accept 1him, lest I deal with Day 2Cassia, ters of Job; and their father gave
you according to your folly; because a fragrance them an inheritance among their
3Lit. The Horn
you have not spoken of Me what is of Color or brothers.
right, as My servant Job has. The Colorful 16 After this Job alived one hun-
9 So Eliphaz the Temanite and Ray dred and forty years, and saw his
Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the 16 aJob 5:26; children and grandchildren for four
Naamathite went and did as the Prov. 3:16 generations.
LORD commanded them; for the 17 aGen. 15:15; 17 So Job died, old and afull of
LORD had 1accepted Job. 25:8 days.

The Book of


T HE Book of Psalms is the largest and perhaps most widely used book in the
Bible. It explores the full range of human experience in a very personal and
practical way. Its 150 songs run from the Creation through the patriarchal, theo-
cratic, monarchical, exilic, and postexilic periods. The tremendous breadth of sub-
ject matter in the Psalms includes diverse topics, such as jubilation, war, peace,
worship, judgment, messianic prophecy, praise, and lament. The Psalms were set
to the accompaniment of stringed instruments and served as the temple hymn-
book and devotional guide for the Jewish people.
The Book of Psalms was gradually collected and originally unnamed, perhaps
due to the great variety of material. It came to be known as Sepher Tehillim
Book of Praisesbecause almost every psalm contains some note of praise to
God. The Septuagint uses the Greek work Psalmoi as its title for this book, mean-
ing Poems Sung to the Accompaniment of Musical Instruments. It also calls it
the Psalterium (A Collection of Songs), and this word is the basis for the term
Psalter. The Latin title is Liber Psalmorum, Book of Psalms.
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473 PSALM 4:1

BOOK ONE PSALM 1 Today I have begotten You.
1 aProv. 4:14 8 Ask of Me, and I will give You
Psalms 141 bJer. 15:17 The nations for Your
PSALM 1 And the ends of the earth for
2 aPs. 119:14,
The Way of the Righteous and the 16, 35 b[Josh. Your possession.
End of the Ungodly 1:8] 1ponders 9 aYou shall 1break them with a
by talking to rod of iron;
LESSED ais the man himself
B Who walks not in the counsel
of the 1ungodly,
3 aJer. 17:8
bGen. 39:2, 3,
You shall dash them to pieces
like a potters vessel.
Nor stands in the path of 23 1channels 10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings;
sinners, 4 aJob 21:18 Be instructed, you judges of the
bNor sits in the seat of the
6 aPs. 37:18
scornful; 11 Serve the LORD with fear,
2 But ahis delight is in the law of PSALM 2 And rejoice with trembling.
the LORD, 12 1Kiss the Son, lest 2He be angry,
bAnd in His law he 1meditates 1 aActs 4:25,
26 1Gentiles And you perish in the way,
day and night. 2throng tu- When aHis wrath is kindled but
3 He shall be like a tree multuously
a little.
aPlanted by the 1rivers of water, bBlessed are all those who put
or empty
That brings forth its fruit in its their trust in Him.
season, 2 a[Mark 3:6;
Whose leaf also shall not 11:18]; b[John
1:41] 1Christ, PSALM 3
wither; Commis-
And whatever he does shall sioned One,
The LORD Helps His Troubled
bprosper. Heb. Messiah People
3 aLuke 19:14 A Psalm of David awhen he fled
4 The ungodly are not so, from Absalom his son.
But are alike the chaff which 4 aPs. 37:13
ORD, how they have increased
the wind drives away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not
6 1Lit. in-
stalled 2Lit.
L who trouble me!
Many are they who rise up
stand in the judgment, Upon Zion,
Nor sinners in the congregation the hill of My against me.
of the righteous.
holiness 2 Many are they who say of me,
7 a[Heb. 1:5; There is no help for him in
6 For athe LORD knows the way 5:5] 1Or de- God. Selah
cree of the
of the righteous, LORD: He
But the way of the ungodly said to Me
3 But You, O LORD, are aa shield
1for me,
shall perish.
9aPs. 89:23; My glory and bthe One who
110:5, 6; 1So lifts up my head.
PSALM 2 with MT, Tg.;
LXX, Syr., 4 I cried to the LORD with my
The Messiahs Triumph and Vg. rule (cf. voice,
Kingdom Rev. 2:27) And aHe heard me from His
bholy hill. Selah
HY ado the 1nations 2rage, 12 a[Rev. 6:16,
W And the people plot a 3vain
17] b[Ps. 5:11;
34:22] 1LXX, 5 I lay down and slept;
Vg. Embrace I awoke, for the LORD
2 The kings of the earth set discipline; sustained me.
themselves, Tg. Receive
instruction 6 aI will not be afraid of ten
And the arulers take counsel 2LXX the thousands of people
together, LORD Who have set themselves
Against the LORD and against against me all around.
His bAnointed,1 saying,
3 Let aus break Their bonds in title a2 Sam. 7 Arise, O LORD;
pieces 15:1317 Save me, O my God!
And cast away Their cords 3 aPs. 5:12; aFor You have struck all my
from us. 28:7 bPs. 9:13; enemies on the cheekbone;
27:6 1Lit. You have broken the teeth of
4 He who sits in the heavens around
ashall laugh;
the ungodly.
4 aPs. 4:3; 8 aSalvation belongs to the LORD.
The Lord shall hold them in 34:4 bPs. 2:6; Your blessing is upon Your
derision. 15:1; 43:3
people. Selah
5 Then He shall speak to them in 5 aLev. 26:6
His wrath, PSALM 4
6 aPs. 23:4;
And distress them in His deep 27:3
displeasure: The Safety of the Faithful
6 Yet I have 1set My King 7 aJob 16:10
2On My holy hill of Zion.
To the 1Chief Musician. With
8 a[Is. 43:11] stringed instruments. A Psalm of
PSALM 4 David.
7 I will declare the 1decree:
The LORD has said to Me, EAR me when I call,
aYou are My Son,
title 1Choir
Director H O God of my righteousness!
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PSALM 4:2 474

You have relieved me in my 1 1Be gracious 8 a Lead me, O LORD, in Your
distress; to me
righteousness because of my
1Have mercy on me, and hear 3a[2 Tim. enemies;
my prayer. 2:19] 1Many Make Your way straight before
Heb. mss.,
LXX, Tg., Vg. my face.
2 How long, O you sons of men, made wonder-
Will you turn my glory to ful 9 For there is no 1faithfulness in
shame? their mouth;
4 a[Ps. 119:11;
How long will you love Eph. 4:26] Their inward part is
worthlessness bPs. 77:6 1Lit. destruction;
And seek falsehood? Selah Tremble or Be aTheir throat is an open tomb;
3 But know that athe LORD has agitated They flatter with their tongue.
1set apart for Himself him 5 aDeut. 33:19; 10 Pronounce them guilty,
who is godly; Ps. 51:19 bPs. O God!
The LORD will hear when I call 37:3, 5; 62:8 Let them fall by their own
to Him. 6 aNum. 6:26; counsels;
Ps. 80:3, 7, 19 Cast them out in the multitude
4 Be1 angry, and do not sin.
7 aPs. 97:11, of their transgressions,
bMeditate within your heart on
12; Is. 9:3; For they have rebelled against
your bed, and be still. Selah Acts 14:17 You.
5 Offer athe sacrifices of 8 aJob 11:19;
righteousness, Ps. 3:5 b[Lev. 11 But let all those rejoice who put
And bput your trust in the LORD. 25:18]; Deut. their trust in You;
12:10 Let them ever shout for joy,
6 There are many who say, because You 1defend them;
Who will show us any good? PSALM 5 Let those also who love Your
LORD, lift up the light of Your
countenance upon us. title 1Heb. ne- Be joyful in You.
7 You have put agladness in my hiloth 12 For You, O LORD, will bless the
heart, 1 aPs. 4:1 1Lit. righteous;
More than in the season that groaning With favor You will surround
their grain and wine 3 aPs. 55:17; him as with a shield.
increased. 88:13
8 I will both lie down in peace,
and sleep; 4 1Lit. sojourn
bFor You alone, O LORD, make A Prayer of Faith in Time of
5 a[Hab. 1:13] Distress
me dwell in safety. bPs. 1:5

6 aPs. 55:23 To the Chief Musician. With

PSALM 5 stringed instruments. aOn 1an
7 1Lit. the
A Prayer for Guidance temple of eight-stringed harp. A Psalm of
Your holiness David.
To the Chief Musician. With 1flutes.
LORD, ado not rebuke me in
A Psalm of David.
IVE aear to my words, O LORD,
8 aPs. 25:4, 5;
27:11; 31:3 O Your anger,
G Consider my 1meditation.
2 Give heed to the voice of my cry,
9 aRom. 3:13
Nor chasten me in Your hot
2 Have mercy on me, O LORD, for
11 1protect, lit.
My King and my God, cover I am weak;
For to You I will pray. O LORD, aheal me, for my
3 My voice You shall hear in the PSALM 6 bones are troubled.
morning, O LORD; 3 My soul also is greatly
aIn the morning I will direct it to atroubled;
title aPs. 12:
You, title 1Heb. But You, O LORDhow long?
And I will look up. sheminith
1 aPs. 38:1;
4 Return, O LORD, deliver me!
4 For You are not a God who 118:18; [Jer. Oh, save me for Your mercies
takes pleasure in wickedness, 10:24] sake!
Nor shall evil 1dwell with You. 5 aFor in death there is no
5 The aboastful shall not bstand 2 aPs. 41:4;
147:3; [Hos. remembrance of You;
in Your sight; 6:1] In the grave who will give You
You hate all workers of thanks?
iniquity. 3 aPs. 88:3;
John 12:27
6 You shall destroy those who 6 I am weary with my groaning;
speak falsehood; 5 aPs. 30:9; All night I make my bed swim;
The LORD abhors the 88:1012; I drench my couch with my
abloodthirsty and deceitful
115:17; [Eccl.
9:10]; Is. 38:18 tears.
man. 7 aMy eye wastes away because of
6 1Or Every grief;
7 But as for me, I will come into It grows old because of all my
Your house in the multitude 7 aJob 17:7; enemies.
of Your mercy; Ps. 31:9
In fear of You I will worship 8 a[Matt. 8 Depart from me, all you
toward 1Your holy temple. 25:41] workers of iniquity;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 475

475 PSALM 8:9

For the LORD has bheard the 8 bPs. 3:4; 28:6 He bends His bow and makes it
voice of my weeping. ready.
9 The LORD has heard my PSALM 7 13 He also prepares for Himself
supplication; instruments of death;
The LORD will receive my title aHab. 3:1 He makes His arrows into fiery
b2 Sam. 16
prayer. 1Heb. Shig-
10 Let all my enemies be ashamed gaion
and greatly troubled; 14 aBehold, the wicked brings forth
Let them turn back and be 1 aPs. 31:15 iniquity;
ashamed suddenly. 2 aPs. 57:4; Is.
Yes, he conceives trouble and
38:13 bPs. brings forth falsehood.
PSALM 7 50:22 15 He made a pit and dug it out,
aAnd has fallen into the ditch
Prayer and Praise for Deliverance 3 a2 Sam. 16:7
b1 Sam. 24:11 which he made.
from Enemies 16 aHis trouble shall return upon
4 a1 Sam. 24:7; his own head,
A aMeditation1 of David, which he 26:9
sang to the LORD bconcerning the And his violent dealing shall
words of Cush, a Benjamite.
6 aPs. 94:2 bPs. come down on 1his own
35:23; 44:23 crown.
1So with MT,
LORD my God, in You I put my
O trust;
aSave me from all those who
Tg., Vg.; LXX
17 I will praise the LORD
according to His
persecute me; 8 aPs. 26:1;
And deliver me, 35:24; 43:1 And will sing praise to the
2 aLest they tear me like a lion, bPs. 18:20; name of the LORD Most High.
bRending me in pieces, while 35:24
there is none to deliver. 9 a[1 Sam. PSALM 8
16:7] 1Lit. kid-
neys, the most The Glory of the LORD in Creation
3 O LORD my God, if I have
secret part of
done this: man To the Chief Musician. 1On the
If there is biniquity in my instrument of Gath. A Psalm of
hands, 10 aPs. 97:10, David.
11; 125:4 1Lit.
4 If I have repaid evil to him who My shield is LORD, our Lord,
was at peace with me,
Or ahave plundered my enemy
upon God
12 aDeut. 32:41
O How aexcellent is Your name
in all the earth,
without cause, Who have bset Your glory above
5 Let the enemy pursue me and 14 aJob 15:35;
the heavens!
overtake me; Is. 59:4;
[James 1:15]
Yes, let him trample my life to 2 aOut of the mouth of babes and
the earth, 15 a[Job 4:8];
nursing infants
And lay my honor in the dust. Ps. 57:6
You have 1ordained strength,
Selah 16 aEsth. 9:25; Because of Your enemies,
Ps. 140:9 1The
crown of his That You may silence bthe
6 Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; enemy and the avenger.
a own head
Lift Yourself up because of the
rage of my enemies; 3 When I aconsider Your heavens,
bRise up 1for me to the PSALM 8
the work of Your fingers,
judgment You have The moon and the stars, which
commanded! title 1Heb. Al
Gittith You have ordained,
7 So the congregation of the 4 aWhat is man that You are
peoples shall surround You; 1 aPs. 148:13
bPs. 113:4 mindful of him,
For their sakes, therefore, And the son of man that You
return on high. 2 aMatt. 21:16; bvisit1 him?
8 The LORD shall judge the [1 Cor. 1:27]
bPs. 44:16 1es-
5 For You have made him a little
peoples; tablished lower than 1the angels,
aJudge me, O LORD, baccording
And You have crowned him
to my righteousness, 3 aPs. 111:2 with glory and honor.
And according to my integrity 4 aJob 7:17,
within me. 18; [Heb. 6 You have made him to have
2:68] b[Job dominion over the works of
9 Oh, let the wickedness of the 10:12] 1give Your hands;
attention to
wicked come to an end, or care for
bYou have put all things under
But establish the just; his feet,
aFor the righteous God tests the 5 1Heb. Elo- 7 All sheep and oxen
him, God;
hearts and 1minds. LXX, Syr., Even the beasts of the field,
10 1My defense is of God, Tg., Jewish 8 The birds of the air,
Who saves the aupright in heart. tradition an- And the fish of the sea
gels That pass through the paths of
11 God is a just judge, 6 a[Gen. 1:26, the seas.
And God is angry with the 28] b[1 Cor.
wicked every day. 15:27; Eph. 9 aO LORD, our Lord,
1:22; Heb. 2:8]
12 If he does not turn back, How excellent is Your name in
He will asharpen His sword; 9 aPs. 8:1 all the earth!
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PSALM 9:1 476

PSALM 9 PSALM 9 15 aThe 1nations have sunk down in
Prayer and Thanksgiving for the the pit which they made;
LORDs Righteous Judgments title 1Heb. In the net which they hid, their
Muth Labben own foot is caught.
To the Chief Musician. To the tune 2 aPs. 5:11;
16 The LORD is aknown by the
of 1Death of the Son. A Psalm of 104:34 b[Ps. judgment He executes;
David. 83:18; 92:1] The wicked is snared in the
work of his own hands.
WILL praise You, O LORD, with 5 aProv. 10:7
I my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous
bMeditation.1 Selah
17 The wicked shall be turned into
6 a[Ps. 34:16]
works. hell,
2 I will be glad and arejoice in 7aPs.102:12, And all the 1nations athat forget
26; Heb. 1:11 God.
I will sing praise to Your name, 8 a[Ps. 96:13;
18 aFor the needy shall not always
bO Most High. 98:9; Acts be forgotten;
17:31] bThe expectation of the poor

3 When my enemies turn back, shall not perish forever.

9 aPs. 32:7;
They shall fall and perish at 46:1; 91:2 1Lit.
Your presence. secure height
19 Arise, O LORD,
4 For You have maintained my Do not let man prevail;
right and my cause; 10 aPs. 91:14 Let the 1nations be judged in
Your sight.
You sat on the throne judging 11 aPs. 66:16; 20 Put them in fear, O LORD,
in righteousness. 107:22
That the 1nations may know
5 You have rebuked the 1nations, themselves to be but men.
12 a[Gen. 9:5;
You have destroyed the wicked; Ps. 72:14] 1af- Selah
You have ablotted out their flicted
name forever and ever. PSALM 10
14 aPs. 13:5;
20:5; 35:9 A Song of Confidence in Gods
6 O enemy, destructions are 1Jerusalem
finished forever! Triumph over Evil
And you have destroyed cities; 15 aPs. 7:15, 16 HY do You stand afar off,
Even their memory has

16 aEx. 7:5
Why do You hide in times of
7 aBut the LORD shall endure bPs. 92:3
1Heb. Hig-
forever; 2 The wicked in his pride
He has prepared His throne for gaion 1persecutes the poor;
judgment. 17 aJob 8:13; aLet them be caught in the plots
8 aHe shall judge the world in Ps. 50:22 which they have devised.
And He shall administer 18 aPs. 9:12;
3 For the wicked aboasts of his
judgment for the peoples in 12:5 b[Ps. hearts desire;
1He bblesses the greedy and
uprightness. 62:5; 71:5];
Prov. 23:18 renounces the LORD.
9 The LORD also will be a 19 1Gentiles
4 The wicked in his proud
arefuge1 for the oppressed, countenance does not seek
A refuge in times of trouble. 20 1Gentiles God;
1God is in none of his athoughts.
10 And those who aknow Your
name will put their trust in PSALM 10
You; 5 His ways 1are always
For You, LORD, have not prospering;
forsaken those who seek You.
2 aPs. 7:16; Your judgments are far above,
9:16 1hotly out of his sight;
11 Sing praises to the LORD, who As for all his enemies, he
dwells in Zion! 3 aPs. 49:6; sneers at them.
aDeclare His deeds among the 94:3, 4 bProv. 6 aHe has said in his heart, I shall
28:4 1Or The not be moved;
people. greedy man bI shall never be in adversity.
12 aWhen He avenges blood, He curses and
spurns the 7 aHis mouth is full of cursing and
remembers them; LORD bdeceit and oppression;
He does not forget the cry of Under his tongue is trouble and
the 1humble. 4 aPs. 14:1;
36:1 1Or All
13 Have mercy on me, O LORD! his thoughts
are, There is 8 He sits in the lurking places of
Consider my trouble from those no God the villages;
who hate me, In the secret places he murders
You who lift me up from the 5 1Lit. are
strong the innocent;
gates of death, His eyes are secretly fixed on
14 That I may tell of all Your 6 aPs. 49:11; the helpless.
praise [Eccl. 8:11]
bRev. 18:7
9 He lies in wait secretly, as a
In the gates of 1the daughter of lion in his den;
Zion. 7 a[Rom. 3:14] He lies in wait to catch the
I will arejoice in Your salvation. bPs. 55:10, 11 poor;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 477

477 PSALM 13:2

He catches the poor when he 10 1Or he is who loves violence His soul
draws him into his net. crushed, is hates.
bowed 1Or
10 So 1he crouches, he lies low, mighty ones 6 Upon the wicked He will rain
That the helpless may fall by coals;
his 2strength. 12 aPs. 17:7; Fire and brimstone and a
11 He has said in his heart, 94:2; Mic. 5:9 burning wind
bPs. 9:12
God has forgotten; aShall be 1the portion of their
He hides His face; 14 a[Ps. 11:4] cup.
He will never see. b[2 Tim. 1:12]
cPs. 68:5; Hos. 7 For the LORD is righteous,
12 Arise, O LORD! 14:3 1Lit. He aloves righteousness;
leaves, en- 1His countenance beholds the
O God, alift up Your hand! trusts
Do not forget the bhumble. upright.
13 Why do the wicked renounce 16 aPs. 29:10
God? PSALM 12
He has said in his heart, 18 1vindicate
2terrify Mans Treachery and Gods
You will not require an Constancy
PSALM 11 To the Chief Musician. aOn 1an
14 But You have aseen, for You eight-stringed harp. A Psalm of
observe trouble and grief, 1 aPs. 56:11 David.
To repay it by Your hand.
ELP,1 LORD, for the godly man
The helpless bcommits1 himself
to You;
cYou are the helper of the
2 aPs. 64:3, 4
1Lit. in dark-
H aceases!
For the faithful disappear from
fatherless. among the sons of men.
3 aPs. 82:5; 2 aThey speak idly everyone with
15 Break the arm of the wicked 87:1; 119:152
and the evil man; his neighbor;
Seek out his wickedness until 4 aPs. 2:4; [Is. With flattering lips and 1a
You find none. 66:1]; Matt. double heart they speak.
5:34; 23:22;
16 aThe LORD is King forever and
[Acts 7:49]; 3 May the LORD 1cut off all
Rev. 4:2 b[Ps. flattering lips,
ever; 33:18; 34:15,
The nations have perished out 16] And the tongue that speaks
2proud things,
of His land.
17 LORD,You have heard the 5 aGen. 22:1; 4 Who have said,
[James 1:12] With our tongue we will
desire of the humble;
You will prepare their heart; 6 a1 Sam. 1:4;
You will cause Your ear to Ps. 75:8; Ezek. Our lips are our own;
hear, 38:22 1Their Who is lord over us?
allotted por-
18 To 1do justice to the fatherless tion or 5 For the oppression of the poor,
and the oppressed, serving
for the sighing of the needy,
That the man of the earth may Now I will arise, says the
2oppress no more. 7 aPs. 33:5;
45:7 1Or The LORD;
upright be- I will set him in the safety for
PSALM 11 holds His which he yearns.
Faith in the LORDs Righteousness
6 The words of the LORD are
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of PSALM 12 apure words,
David. Like silver tried in a furnace of
title aPs. 6:title earth,
N athe LORD I put my trust;
I How can you say to my soul,
Flee as a bird to your
1Heb. shem-
inith 7
Purified seven times.
You shall keep them, O LORD,
You shall preserve them from
mountain? 1 a[Is. 57:1]; this generation forever.
2 For look! aThe wicked bend Mic. 7:2 1Save
their bow, 8 The wicked prowl on every
They make ready their arrow 2 aPs. 10:7;
41:6 1An in- side,
on the string, consistent When vileness is exalted
That they may shoot 1secretly mind among the sons of men.
at the upright in heart.
3 aIf the foundations are 3 1destroy
2great PSALM 13
What can the righteous do? Trust in the Salvation of the LORD
6 a2 Sam.
22:31; Ps. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
4 The LORD is in His holy temple, 18:30;
The LORDs athrone is in 119:140; Prov.
heaven; OW long, O LORD?
bHis eyes behold,
His eyelids test the sons of PSALM 13
H Will You forget me forever?
aHow long will You hide Your
men. face from me?
5 The LORD atests the righteous, 1 aJob 13:24; 2 How long shall I take counsel
But the wicked and the one Ps. 89:46 in my soul,
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PSALM 13:3 478

Having sorrow in my heart 3 a1 Sam. Who may dwell in Your holy
daily? 14:29; Ezra hill?
9:8; Job 33:30;
How long will my enemy be Ps. 18:28 bJer.
exalted over me? 51:39 2 He who walks uprightly,
And works righteousness,
3 Consider and hear me, O LORD And speaks the atruth in his
my God; PSALM 14 heart;
aEnlighten my eyes, 3 He who adoes not backbite with
bLest I sleep the sleep of death; 1 aPs.
10:4; his tongue,
4 Lest my enemy say, 53:1 Nor does evil to his neighbor,
I have prevailed against him; bNor does he 1take up a
2 aPs. 33:13,
Lest those who trouble me 14; 102:19; reproach against his
rejoice when I am moved. Rom. 3:11 friend;
4 aIn whose eyes a vile person is
5 But I have trusted in Your 3 aRom. 3:12 despised,
mercy; But he honors those who fear
My heart shall rejoice in Your 4 aPs. 79:6; Is. the LORD;
salvation. 64:7; Jer.
10:25; Amos He who bswears to his own hurt
6 I will sing to the LORD, 8:4; Mic. 3:3 and does not change;
Because He has dealt 5 He who does not put out his
bountifully with me. 6 aPs. 9:9; money at usury,
40:17; 46:1; Nor does he take a bribe
PSALM 14 142:5
against the innocent.
Folly of the Godless, and Gods 7 aPs. 53:6;
He who does these things ashall
Final Triumph [Rom.
11:2527] never be moved.
bDeut. 30:3;
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of Job 42:10 1Lit.
David. Who will give
out of Zion The Hope of the Faithful, and the
HE afool has said in his heart,
T There is no God.
They are corrupt,
the salvation
of Israel? 2Or
His captive
Messiahs Victory
people A aMichtam of David.
They have done abominable
RESERVE1 me, O God,
There is none who does good. PSALM 15 P for in You I put my trust.
2 The LORD looks down from
a 2 O my soul, you have said to the
1 aPs. 24:35 LORD,
heaven upon the children of 1sojourn
men, You are my Lord,
To see if there are any who aMy goodness is nothing apart
2 aZech. 8:16;
understand, who seek God. [Eph. 4:25] from You.
3 aThey have all turned aside, 3 As for the saints who are on
They have together become 3 a[Lev. the earth,
19:1618] bEx.
corrupt; 23:1 1receive They are the excellent ones, in
There is none who does good, awhom is all my delight.
No, not one. 4 aEsth. 3:2
bLev. 5:4 4 Their sorrows shall be
4 Have all the workers of iniquity multiplied who hasten after
no knowledge, 5 a2 Pet. 1:10 another god;
Who eat up my people as they Their drink offerings of ablood
eat bread, PSALM 16 I will not offer,
And ado not call on the LORD? bNor take up their names on my
5 There they are in great fear, lips.
For God is with the generation title aPs.
5660 5 O LORD, You are the portion of
of the righteous.
6 You shame the counsel of the 1 1Watch over
my inheritance and my cup;
poor, You 1maintain my lot.
But the LORD is his arefuge. 2 aJob 35:7 6 The lines have fallen to me in
pleasant places;
7 aOh, that the salvation of Israel
1 3 aPs. 119:63 Yes, I have a good inheritance.
would come out of Zion!
bWhen the LORD brings back 4 aPs. 106:37, 7 I will bless the LORD who has
2the captivity of His people, 38 b[Ex. given me counsel;
23:13]; Josh.
Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be 23:7 My 1heart also instructs me in
glad. the night seasons.
5 1Lit. uphold 8 aI have set the LORD always
PSALM 15 before me;
7 1Mind, lit. Because He is at my right hand
The Character of Those Who May kidneys I shall not be moved.
Dwell with the LORD
8 a[Acts 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and
A Psalm of David. 2:2528]
my glory rejoices;
ORD, awho may 1abide in Your My flesh also will 1rest in
L tabernacle?
9 1Or dwell se-
curely hope.
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479 PSALM 18:9

10 aFor You will not leave my soul 10 aPs. 49:15; 13 Arise, O LORD,
86:13; Acts Confront him, cast him down;
in 1Sheol, 2:31, 32; Heb.
Nor will You allow Your Holy 13:20 1The Deliver my life from the wicked
One to 2see corruption. abode of with Your sword,
11 You will show me the apath of the dead 14 With Your hand from men,
life; O LORD,
In Your presence is fullness of From men of the world who
joy; 11 aPs. 139:24; have their portion in this life,
At Your right hand are [Matt. 7:14] And whose belly You fill with
pleasures forevermore. Your hidden treasure.
They are satisfied with
PSALM 17 children,
PSALM 17 And leave the rest of their
Prayer with Confidence in Final possession for their babes.
A Prayer of David. 3 aJob 23:10; 15 As for me, aI will see Your face
Ps. 66:10; in righteousness;
EAR a just cause, O LORD, Zech. 13:9; bI shall be satisfied when I
H Attend to my cry;
Give ear to my prayer which is
[1 Pet. 1:7]
bPs. 39:1 1ex-
cawake in Your likeness.

2Nothing evil
not from deceitful lips. PSALM 18
2 Let my vindication come from God the Sovereign Savior
Your presence; 5 aJob 23:11;
Let Your eyes look on the Ps. 44:18; To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
things that are upright. 119:133 David athe servant of the LORD,
who spoke to the LORD the words
3 You have tested my heart; of bthis song on the day that the
You have visited me in the 6 aPs. 86:7; LORD delivered him from the hand
night; 116:2 of all his enemies and from the
aYou have 1tried me and have hand of Saul. And he said:
found 2nothing; aWILL love You, O LORD, my
I have purposed that my mouth
shall not btransgress.
7 1deliver
I strength.
2 The LORD is my rock and my
4 Concerning the works of men, 8 1pupil
By the word of Your lips, fortress and my deliverer;
I have kept away from the My God, my 1strength, ain
paths of the destroyer. whom I will trust;
10 aEzek.
5 aUphold my steps in Your paths, 16:49 b[1 Sam. My shield and the 2horn of my
That my footsteps may not slip. 2:3] salvation, my stronghold.
3 I will call upon the LORD, awho
6 aI have called upon You, for You is worthy to be praised;
will hear me, O God; 15 a[1 John So shall I be saved from my
3:2] bPs. 4:6, enemies.
Incline Your ear to me, and hear 7; 16:11 c[Is.
my speech. 26:19]
4 The pangs of death surrounded
7 Show Your marvelous me,
lovingkindness by Your right And the floods of 1ungodliness
hand, PSALM 18 made me afraid.
O You who 1save those who 5 The sorrows of Sheol
trust in You surrounded me;
From those who rise up against The snares of death confronted
them. title aPs. 36:
title b2 Sam. me.
8 Keep me as the 1apple of Your 22 6 In my distress I called upon the
eye; LORD,
Hide me under the shadow of And cried out to my God;
Your wings, 1 aPs. 144:1 He heard my voice from His
9 From the wicked who oppress temple,
me, And my cry came before Him,
From my deadly enemies who 2 aHeb. 2:13
1Lit. rock even to His ears.
surround me. 2Strength
7 Then the earth shook and
10 They have closed up their afat trembled;
hearts; 3 aPs. 76:4; The foundations of the hills also
With their mouths they bspeak Rev. 5:12 quaked and were shaken,
proudly. Because He was angry.
11 They have now surrounded us 8 Smoke went up from His
in our steps; 4 aPs. 116:3 nostrils,
1Lit. Belial
They have set their eyes, And devouring fire from His
crouching down to the earth, mouth;
12 As a lion is eager to tear his 7 aActs 4:31 Coals were kindled by it.
prey, 9 aHe bowed the heavens also, and
And like a young lion lurking came down
in secret places. 9 aPs. 144:5 With darkness under His feet.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 480

PSALM 18:10 480

10 aAnd He rode upon a cherub, 10 aPs. 80:1; 25 aWith the merciful You will show
99:1 b[Ps. Yourself merciful;
and flew; 104:3]
bHe flew upon the wings of the With a blameless man You will
wind. 11 aPs. 97:2 show Yourself blameless;
11 He made darkness His secret 26 With the pure You will show
place; 12 aPs. 97:3; Yourself pure;
aHis canopy around Him was 140:10; Hab.
3:11 And awith the devious You will
dark waters show Yourself shrewd.
And thick clouds of the skies. 13 a[Ps. 29:39; 27 For You will save the humble
12 aFrom the brightness before 104:7] 1So people,
with MT, Tg., But will bring down ahaughty
Him, Vg.; a few
His thick clouds passed with Heb. mss., looks.
hailstones and coals of LXX omit
fire. Hailstones 28 aFor You will light my lamp;
and coals of The LORD my God will
13 The LORD thundered from enlighten my darkness.
heaven, 14 aJosh. 29 For by You I can 1run against a
And the Most High uttered aHis 10:10; Ps. troop,
144:6; Is. By my God I can leap over a
voice, 30:30; Hab.
1Hailstones and coals of fire. 3:11 1Lit. wall.
14 aHe sent out His arrows and them 30 As for God, aHis way is
scattered 1the foe, perfect;
16 aPs. 144:7 bThe word of the LORD is
Lightnings in abundance, and 1proven;
He vanquished them. 19 aPs. 4:1;
15 Then the channels of the sea 31:8; 118:5 He is a shield cto all who trust
were seen, in Him.
The foundations of the world 20 a1 Sam.
were uncovered
24:19; [Job 31 aFor who is God, except the
33:26]; Ps. 7:8 LORD?
At Your rebuke, O LORD, And who is a rock, except our
At the blast of the breath of 23 1with
Your nostrils. God?
24 a1 Sam. 32 It is God who aarms me with
16 aHe sent from above, He took
26:23; Ps. strength,
me; And makes my way perfect.
He drew me out of many 25 a[1 Kin. 33 aHe makes my feet like the feet
waters. 8:32; Ps. of deer,
17 He delivered me from my
62:12]; Matt. And bsets me on my high
5:7 places.
strong enemy,
From those who hated me, 26 a[Lev. 34 aHe teaches my hands to make
For they were too strong for 26:2328]; war,
Prov. 3:34 So that my arms can bend a
18 They confronted me in the day bow of bronze.
27 a[Ps. 101:5];
of my calamity, Prov. 6:17
35 You have also given me the
But the LORD was my support. shield of Your salvation;
28 a1 Kin. 15:4;
19 He also brought me out into a
Job 18:6; [Ps. Your right hand has held me
broad place; 119:105] up,
He delivered me because He Your gentleness has made me
delighted in me. 29 1Or run
through great.
36 You enlarged my path under
20 aThe LORD rewarded me 30 a[Deut. me,
according to my 32:4]; Rev. aSo my feet did not slip.
righteousness; 15:3 bPs. 12:6;
According to the cleanness of 119:140;
[Prov. 30:5] 37 I have pursued my enemies and
my hands c[Ps. 17:7] overtaken them;
He has recompensed me. 1Lit. refined
Neither did I turn back again
21 For I have kept the ways of the till they were destroyed.
LORD, 31 a[Deut.
32:31, 39; 38 I have wounded them,
And have not wickedly 1 Sam. 2:2; So that they could not
departed from my God. Ps. 86:810; rise;
22 For all His judgments were Is. 45:5] They have fallen under my
before me, 32 a[Ps. 91:2] feet.
And I did not put away His 39 For You have armed me with
statutes from me. 33 a2 Sam. strength for the battle;
23 I was also blameless 1before 2:18; Hab. You have 1subdued under me
Him, 3:19 bDeut.
32:13; 33:29 those who rose up against
And I kept myself from my me.
iniquity. 34 aPs. 144:1 40 You have also given me the
24 aTherefore the LORD has necks of my enemies,
recompensed me according 36 aPs. 66:9; So that I destroyed those who
Prov. 4:12
to my righteousness, hated me.
According to the cleanness of 39 1Lit. caused 41 They cried out, but there was
my hands in His sight. to bow none to save;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 481

481 PSALM 20:4

Even to the LORD, but He did
a 41 aJob 27:9; a And rejoices like a strong man
Prov. 1:28; Is.
not answer them. 1:15; Ezek. to run its race.
42 Then I beat them as fine as the 8:18; Zech. 6 Its rising is from one end of
dust before the wind; 7:13 heaven,
I acast them out like dirt in the And its circuit to the other end;
streets. 42 aZech. 10:5 And there is nothing hidden
from its heat.
43 You have delivered me 43 a2 Sam.
8; Ps. 89:27 7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
from the strivings of the bIs. 52:15
people; 1Gentiles 1converting the soul;
aYou have made me the head of The testimony of the LORD is
the 1nations; 44 1feign sub- sure, making bwise the
bA people I have not known mission simple;
shall serve me. 8 The statutes of the LORD are
44 As soon as they hear of me 45 aMic. 7:17 right, rejoicing the heart;
they obey me; The commandment of the
The foreigners 1submit to me. 47 aPs. 47:3 LORD is pure, enlightening
45 aThe foreigners fade away, the eyes;
48 aPs. 27:6; 9 The fear of the LORD is clean,
And come frightened from their 59:1
hideouts. enduring forever;
49 a2 Sam.
The judgments of the LORD are
46 The LORD lives! 22:50; Rom. true and righteous altogether.
Blessed be my Rock! 15:9 1nations 10 More to be desired are they
Let the God of my salvation be than agold,
exalted. 50 a2 Sam. Yea, than much fine gold;
7:12; Ps. 21:1; Sweeter also than honey and
47 It is God who avenges me, 144:10 1Lit.
aAnd subdues the peoples under seed the 1honeycomb.
me; 11 Moreover by them Your servant
48 He delivers me from my is warned,
enemies. PSALM 19 And in keeping them there is
aYou also lift me up above those great reward.
who rise against me; 1 aIs. 40:22;
12 Who can understand his
You have delivered me from the [Rom. 1:19,
20] bGen. 1:6, errors?
violent man. 7 1expanse of aCleanse me from secret
49 aTherefore I will give thanks to heaven 2the
You, O LORD, among the work of His
1Gentiles, hands 13 Keep back Your servant also
from apresumptuous sins;
And sing praises to Your 4 aRom. 10:18 Let them not have bdominion
name. 1LXX, Syr.,
over me.
Vg. sound; Tg. Then I shall be blameless,
50 aGreat deliverance He gives to business 2tent
And I shall be innocent of
His king, 1great transgression.
And shows mercy to His 5 aEccl. 1:5
anointed, 14 aLet the words of my mouth and
To David and his 1descendants 7 aPs. 111:7;
[Rom. 7:12] the meditation of my heart
forevermore. bPs. 119:130 Be acceptable in Your sight,
O LORD, my 1strength and my
PSALM 19 bRedeemer.
10 aPs. 119:72,
The Perfect Revelation of the LORD 127; Prov.
8:10, 11, 19 PSALM 20
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of 1honey in the
The Assurance of Gods Saving
David. combs
HE aheavens declare the glory of
T God;
And the bfirmament1 shows
12 a[Ps. 51:1,
2] To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
2His handiwork. 13aNum. 15:30 AY the LORD answer you in the
2 Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals
bPs. 119:133;
6:1214] 1Or
M day of trouble;
May the name of the God of
knowledge. much Jacob 1defend you;
3 There is no speech nor 2 May He send you help from the
language 14 aPs. 51:15 sanctuary,
bPs. 31:5; Is.
Where their voice is not heard. 47:4 1Lit. rock And strengthen you out of
4 Their 1line has gone out
a Zion;
through all the earth, 3 May He remember all your
And their words to the end of PSALM 20 offerings,
the world. And accept your burnt
1 1Lit. set you
sacrifice. Selah
In them He has set a on high
2tabernacle for the sun, 4 May He grant you according to
5 Which is like a bridegroom 4 aPs. 21:2 your hearts desire,
coming out of his chamber, 1counsel And afulfill all your 1purpose.
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PSALM 20:5 482

5 We will rejoice in your 6 1Commis- 10 Their offspring You shall
salvation, sioned one, destroy from the earth,
Heb. messiah
And in the name of our God we And their 1descendants from
will set up our banners! among the sons of men.
May the LORD fulfill all your 7 aDeut. 20:1; 11 For they intended evil against
Ps. 33:16, 17;
petitions. Prov. 21:31; Is. You;
31:1 They devised a plot which they
6 Now I know that the LORD are not able to aperform.
saves His 1anointed; 12 Therefore You will make them
He will answer him from His PSALM 21 turn their back;
holy heaven You will make ready Your
With the saving strength of His arrows on Your string toward
right hand. 2 a2 Sam. their faces.
7 Some trust in chariots, and 13 Be exalted, O LORD, in Your
some in ahorses; 4 aPs. 61:5, 6;
own strength!
But we will remember the 133:3 We will sing and praise Your
name of the LORD our God. power.
8 They have bowed down and
6 aPs. 16:11;
fallen; 45:7 1Lit. joy- PSALM 22
But we have risen and stand ful with The Suffering, Praise, and Posterity
upright. gladness
of the Messiah
9 Save, LORD! 7 1shaken To the Chief Musician. Set to 1The
May the King answer us when Deer of the Dawn. A Psalm of
we call. David.
10 1Lit. seed
Y aGod, My God, why have You
Joy in the Salvation of the LORD 11 aPs. 2:14 M forsaken Me?
Why are You so far from
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of helping Me,
David. PSALM 22 And from the words of My
HE king shall have joy in Your
T strength, O LORD;
And in Your salvation how
title 1Heb.
2 O My God, I cry in the daytime,
but You do not hear;
And in the night season, and
greatly shall he rejoice! Hashahar am not silent.
2 You have given him his hearts
desire, 1 a[Matt.
3 But You are holy,
And have not withheld the 27:46; Mark Enthroned in the apraises of
arequest of his lips. Selah 15:34] Israel.
4 Our fathers trusted in You;
3 For You meet him with the 3 aDeut. 10:21;
They trusted, and You delivered
blessings of goodness; Ps. 148:14 them.
You set a crown of pure gold 5 They cried to You, and were
upon his head. delivered;
aHe asked life from You, and You
5 aIs. 49:23 aThey trusted in You, and were
gave it to him not ashamed.
Length of days forever and ever. 6 aJob 25:6; Is.
5 His glory is great in Your 41:14 bPs. 6 But I am aa worm, and no man;
109:25; [Is. A reproach of men, and
salvation; 53:3]; Matt.
Honor and majesty You have 27:3944 despised by the people.
placed upon him. 7 aAll those who see Me ridicule
6 For You have made him most Me;
7 aMatt. 27:39;
blessed forever; Mark 15:29 They 1shoot out the lip, they
aYou have made him 1Show con- shake the head, saying,
1exceedingly glad with Your tempt with 8 Hea 1trusted in the LORD, let
their mouth Him rescue Him;
presence. bLet Him deliver Him, since He
7 For the king trusts in the LORD,
And through the mercy of the 8 aMatt. 27:43; delights in Him!
Luke 23:35
Most High he shall not be bPs. 91:14 9 But You are He who took Me
1moved. 1LXX, Syr.,
Vg. hoped;
out of the womb;
Tg. praised You made Me trust while on
8 Your hand will find all Your My mothers breasts.
enemies; 10 I was cast upon You from birth.
Your right hand will find those 9 a[Ps. 71:5, 6] From My mothers womb
who hate You. aYou have been My God.
9 You shall make them as a fiery 10 a[Is. 46:3; 11 Be not far from Me,
oven in the time of Your 49:1]; Luke For trouble is near;
anger; 1:35
For there is none to help.
The LORD shall swallow them
up in His wrath, 12 aPs. 22:21; 12 aMany bulls have surrounded
And the fire shall devour them. 68:30 Me;
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483 PSALM 24:2

Strong bulls of bBashan have 12 bDeut. And all the families of the
encircled Me. 32:14 1nations
13 aThey 1gape at Me with their 13 aJob 16:10;
1Lit. have
Shall worship before 2You.
mouths, opened their 28 aFor the kingdom is the LORDs,
Like a raging and roaring lion. mouths at And He rules over the nations.
14 I am poured out like water, 14 aDan. 5:6 29 aAll the prosperous of the earth
aAnd all My bones are out of 1Lit. in the Shall eat and worship;
joint; midst of My bAll those who go down to 1the
My heart is like wax; dust
It has melted 1within Me. 15 aProv. Shall bow before Him,
17:22 bJohn
15 aMy strength is dried up like a 19:28 Even he who cannot keep
potsherd, 16 aMatt. himself alive.
And bMy tongue clings to My 27:35; 1So
jaws; with some 30 A posterity shall serve Him.
You have brought Me to the Heb. mss., It will be recounted of the Lord
LXX, Syr., to the next generation,
dust of death. Vg.; MT Like
a lion instead 31 They will come and declare His
16 For dogs have surrounded Me; of They righteousness to a people
The congregation of the wicked pierced who will be born,
has enclosed Me. 17 aLuke That He has done this.
aThey1 pierced My hands and 23:27, 35
My feet; 18 aMatt. 27:35
17 I can count all My bones. 20 aPs. 35:17 PSALM 23
aThey look and stare at Me. 1Lit. My only
The LORD the Shepherd of His
18 aThey divide My garments People
among them, 21 a2 Tim.
4:17 bIs. 34:7 A Psalm of David.
And for My clothing they cast
lots. 22 aHeb. 2:12
HE LORD is amy shepherd;
b[Rom. 8:29]
bI shall not 1want.
19 But You, O LORD, do not be far 23 aPs. 135:19,
from Me; 20 1Lit. seed 2 aHe makes me to lie down in
24 aHeb. 5:7 1green pastures;
O My Strength, hasten to help bHe leads me beside the 2still
Me! 25 aPs. 35:18;
20 Deliver Me from the sword, 40:9, 10 bEccl. waters.
5:4 3 He restores my soul;
aMy1 precious life from the
27 1Gentiles aHe leads me in the paths of
power of the dog. 2So with MT,
21 aSave Me from the lions mouth LXX, Tg.;
And from the horns of the wild Arab., Syr., For His names sake.
oxen! Vg. Him
28 aMatt. 6:13 4 Yea, though I walk through the
bYou have answered Me.
29 aPs. 17:10;
valley of athe shadow of
45:12; b[Is. death,
22 aI will declare Your name to bMy 26:19] 1Death bI will fear no evil;
brethren; cFor You are with me;
In the midst of the assembly I PSALM 23 Your rod and Your staff, they
will praise You. comfort me.
23 aYou who fear the LORD, praise 1 a[Is. 40:11];
b[Phil. 4:19]
Him! 1lack 5 You aprepare a table before me
All you 1descendants of Jacob, 2 aEzek. 34:14 in the presence of my
glorify Him, b[Rev. 7:17] enemies;
And fear Him, all you offspring 1Lit. pastures You banoint my head with oil;
of Israel! of tender My cup runs over.
grass 2Lit.
24 For He has not despised nor waters of rest 6 Surely goodness and mercy
abhorred the affliction of the 3 aPs. 5:8; 31:3
shall follow me
afflicted; All the days of my life;
4 aJob 3:5;
Nor has He hidden His face 10:21, 22; And I will 1dwell in the house
from Him; 24:17 b[Ps. of the LORD
But awhen He cried to Him, He 3:6; 27:1] c[Is. 2Forever.
heard. 43:2]
5 aPs. 104:15 PSALM 24
bPs. 92:10
25 aMy praise shall be of You in the
great assembly; 6 1So with The King of Glory and His
bI will pay My vows before those LXX, Syr., Kingdom
Tg., Vg.; MT
who fear Him. return 2Or To A Psalm of David.
26 The poor shall eat and be the end of my
HE aearth is the LORDs,
Those who seek Him will
praise the LORD.
days, lit. For
length of days T and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell
PSALM 24 therein.
Let your heart live forever!
1 a1 Cor. 2 For He has afounded it upon the
27 All the ends of the world 10:26, 28 seas,
Shall remember and turn to the 2 aPs. 89:11 And established it upon the
LORD, 1Lit. rivers 1waters.
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PSALM 24:3 484

3 Who may ascend into the hill of
a 3 aPs. 15:15 8 Good and upright is the LORD;
the LORD? 4 a[Job 17:9];
Therefore He teaches sinners in
Or who may stand in His holy Ps. 26:6 bPs. the way.
place? 51:10; 73:1; 9 The humble He guides in
4 He who has aclean hands and [Matt. 5:8] justice,
cPs. 15:4
ba pure heart, And the humble He teaches His
Who has not lifted up his soul 6 aPs. 27:4, 8 way.
to an idol, 10 All the paths of the LORD are
7 aPs. 118:20; mercy and truth,
Nor csworn deceitfully. Is. 26:2 bPs.
5 He shall receive blessing from 29:2, 9; 97:6; To such as keep His covenant
the LORD, Hag. 2:7; Acts and His testimonies.
And righteousness from the 7:2; [1 Cor. 11 aFor Your names sake, O LORD,
God of his salvation. Pardon my iniquity, for it is
6 This is Jacob, the generation of 8 aRev. great.
those who aseek Him, 19:1316
Who seek Your face. Selah 12 Who is the man that fears the
aHim shall 1He teach in the way
7 Lift up your heads, O you
2He chooses.
gates! 1 aPs. 86:4;
And be lifted up, you 143:8 13 aHe himself shall dwell in
everlasting doors!
bAnd the King of glory shall 2 aPs. 34:8 bPs. And bhis descendants shall
13:4; 41:11 inherit the earth.
come in.
8 Who is this King of glory? 3 1Waits for 14 aThe secret of the LORD is with
The LORD strong and mighty, You in faith those who fear Him,
The LORD mighty in abattle. And He will show them His
4 aEx. 33:13;
9 Lift up your heads, O you Ps. 5:8; 27:11; covenant.
gates! 86:11; 119:27; 15 aMy eyes are ever toward the
Lift up, you everlasting doors!
143:8 LORD,
And the King of glory shall 6 aPs. 103:17;
For He shall 1pluck my feet out
come in. 106:1 of the net.
10 Who is this King of glory? 7 aJob 13:26; 16 aTurn Yourself to me, and have
The LORD of hosts, [Jer. 3:25] bPs. mercy on me,
He is the King of glory. Selah 51:1
For I am 1desolate and afflicted.
11 aPs. 31:3; 17 The troubles of my heart have
PSALM 25 79:9; 109:21; enlarged;
143:11 Bring me out of my distresses!
A Plea for Deliverance and
Forgiveness 12 a[Ps. 25:8; 18 aLook on my affliction and my
37:23] 1Or he pain,
A Psalm of David. 2Or he
And forgive all my sins.
O aYou, O LORD, I lift up my 19 Consider my enemies, for they
T soul.
2 O my God, I atrust in You;
13 a[Prov.
19:23] bPs.
37:11; 69:36;
are many;
And they hate me with 1cruel
Matt. 5:5 1Lit. hatred.
Let me not be ashamed; goodness
bLet not my enemies triumph 20 Keep my soul, and deliver me;
over me. 14 a[Prov. 3:32; Let me not be ashamed, for I
3 Indeed, let no one who 1waits
John 7:17] put my trust in You.
on You be ashamed; 15 a[Ps. 123:2; 21 Let integrity and uprightness
141:8] 1Lit. preserve me,
Let those be ashamed who deal bring out For I wait for You.
treacherously without cause.
16 aPs. 69:16 22 aRedeem Israel, O God,
4 Show me Your ways,
a 1lonely
Out of all their troubles!
O LORD; 18 a2 Sam.
Teach me Your paths. 16:12; Ps. 31:7 PSALM 26
5 Lead me in Your truth and
teach me, 19 1violent ha- A Prayer for Divine Scrutiny and
tred Redemption
For You are the God of my
salvation; 22 a[Ps. 130:8]
A Psalm of David.
On You I wait all the day.
6 Remember, O LORD, aYour
tender mercies and Your
V For I have bwalked in my
1 aPs. 7:8
lovingkindnesses, b2 Kin. 20:3; cI have also trusted in the LORD;
For they are from of old. [Prov. 20:7] I shall not slip.
7 Do not remember athe sins of c[Ps. 13:5;
2 aExamine me, O LORD, and
my youth, nor my 28:7] 1prove me;
transgressions; 2 aPs. 17:3; Try my mind and my heart.
bAccording to Your mercy 139:23 1test 3 For Your lovingkindness is
remember me, me before my eyes,
For Your goodness sake, 3 a2 Kin. 20:3; And aI have walked in Your
O LORD. Ps. 86:11 truth.
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485 PSALM 28:2

4 I have not asat with idolatrous 4 aPs. 1:1; Jer. He shall hide me in His
mortals, pavilion;
Nor will I go in with hypocrites. 5 aPs. 31:6; In the secret place of His
5 I have ahated the assembly of 139:21 tabernacle
evildoers, He shall hide me;
8 aPs. 27:4;
And will not sit with the 84:14, 10 He shall bset me high upon a
wicked. 1Lit. of the rock.
tabernacle of
6 I will wash my hands in Your glory 6 And now amy head shall be
1lifted up above my enemies
innocence; 9 aPs. 28:3 1Do
So I will go about Your altar, not take all around me;
O LORD, away Therefore I will offer sacrifices
7 That I may proclaim with the of 2joy in His tabernacle;
10 a1 Sam. 8:3 I will sing, yes, I will sing
voice of thanksgiving,
And tell of all Your wondrous 12 aPs. 40:2 praises to the LORD.
8 LORD, aI have loved the 7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with
PSALM 27 my voice!
habitation of Your house,
And the place 1where Your Have mercy also upon me, and
glory dwells.
1 aPs. 18:28; answer me.
84:11; [Is. 8 When You said, Seek My
60:19, 20; Mic.
9 Do1 not gather my soul with
a 7:8] bEx. 15:2; face,
sinners, Ps. 62:7; My heart said to You, Your
118:14; Is. face, LORD, I will seek.
Nor my life with bloodthirsty 12:2; 33:2
men, 9 aDo not hide Your face from
10 In whose hands is a sinister 2 aPs. 14:4 1de- me;
scheme, vour Do not turn Your servant away
And whose right hand is full of 3 aPs. 3:6
in anger;
abribes. You have been my help;
4 aPs. 26:8; Do not leave me nor forsake
11 But as for me, I will walk in my 65:4 bLuke me,
2:37 1delight- O God of my salvation.
integrity; fulness
Redeem me and be merciful to 10 aWhen my father and my
me. 5 aPs. 31:20; mother forsake me,
91:1 bPs. 40:2 Then the LORD will take care of
12 aMy foot stands in an even
place; 6 aPs. 3:3
In the congregations I will 1Lifted up in
11 aTeach me Your way, O LORD,
bless the LORD. honor 2joyous
shouts And lead me in a smooth path,
because of my enemies.
PSALM 27 9 aPs. 69:17;
12 Do not deliver me to the will of
An Exuberant Declaration of Faith my adversaries;
10 aIs. 49:15 For afalse witnesses have risen
A Psalm of David. against me,
11 aPs. 25:4;
HE LORD is my alight and my And such as breathe out
T salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
86:11; 119:33

12 aDeut.
13 I would have lost heart, unless
19:18; Ps. I had believed
The bLORD is the strength of my 35:11; Matt.
life; 26:60; Mark That I would see the goodness
Of whom shall I be afraid? 14:56; John of the LORD
19:33 aIn the land of the living.
2 When the wicked came against
me 13 aJob 28:13;
14 aWait1 on the LORD;
To aeat1 up my flesh, Ps. 52:5;
Be of good courage,
116:9; 142:5;
My enemies and foes, Is. 38:11; Jer. And He shall strengthen your
They stumbled and fell. 11:19; Ezek. heart;
3 aThough an army may encamp 26:20
Wait, I say, on the LORD!
against me, 14 aPs. 25:3;
My heart shall not fear; 37:34; 40:1; PSALM 28
Though war may rise against 62:5; 130:5;
me, Prov. 20:22; Is. Rejoicing in Answered Prayer
25:9; [Hab.
In this I will be confident. 2:3] 1Wait in A Psalm of David.
4 One thing I have desired of the
OYou I will cry, O LORD my Rock:
That will I seek: PSALM 28 T aDo not be silent to me,
bLest, if You are silent to me,
That I may bdwell in the house I become like those who go
of the LORD 1 aPs. 35:22;
39:12; 83:1 down to the pit.
All the days of my life, bPs. 88:4; 2 Hear the voice of my
To behold the 1beauty of the 143:7; Prov. supplications
LORD, 1:12 When I cry to You,
And to inquire in His temple. 2 aPs. 5:7 bPs.
aWhen I lift up my hands
5 For ain the time of trouble 138:2 btoward Your holy sanctuary.
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PSALM 28:3 486

3 Do not 1take me away with the 3 aPs. 12:2; Lebanon and bSirion like a
wicked 55:21; 62:4;
Jer. 9:8 1drag young wild ox.
And with the workers of 4 a[Ps. 62:12];
7 The voice of the LORD 1divides
iniquity, 2 Tim. 4:14; the flames of fire.
aWho speak peace to their [Rev. 18:6;
neighbors, 22:12] 8 The voice of the LORD shakes
But evil is in their hearts. 5 aIs. 5:12 the wilderness;
4 aGive them according to their 7 aPs. 18:2; The LORD shakes the
59:17 bPs. Wilderness of aKadesh.
deeds, 13:5; 112:7
And according to the 8 aPs. 20:6 1So
9 The voice of the LORD makes
wickedness of their with MT, Tg.; the adeer give birth,
endeavors; LXX, Syr., Vg. And strips the forests bare;
Give them according to the the strength And in His temple everyone
of His people says, Glory!
work of their hands; 2Commis-
Render to them what they sioned one,
deserve. Heb. messiah 10 The aLORD sat enthroned at the
5 Because athey do not regard the 9 a[Deut. 9:29; Flood,
works of the LORD, 32:9; 1 Kin. And bthe LORD sits as King
8:51; Ps. forever.
Nor the operation of His 33:12]; 106:40
hands, bDeut. 1:31; 11 aThe LORD will give strength to
He shall destroy them Is. 63:9 His people;
And not build them up. The LORD will bless His people
PSALM 29 with peace.
6 Blessed be the LORD, 1 a1 Chr.
Because He has heard the voice 16:28, 29 1As- PSALM 30
of my supplications! cribe
The Blessedness of Answered
7 The LORD is amy strength and 2 a2 Chr.
20:21; Ps.
my shield; 110:3 1Ascribe
My heart btrusted in Him, and I 2Lit. of His A Psalm. A Song aat the dedication
am helped; name
of the house of David.
Therefore my heart greatly
WILL extol You, O LORD,
And with my song I will praise
3 a[Job 37:4,
5]; Ps. 18:13;
Acts 7:2
I for You have alifted me up,
And have not let my foes
Him. 5 aJudg. 9:15; brejoice over me.
1 Kin. 5:6; Ps.
8 The LORD is 1their strength, 104:16; Is. 2 O LORD my God, I cried out to
And He is the asaving refuge of 2:13; 14:8 You,
His 2anointed. 6 aPs. 114:4 And You ahealed me.
bDeut. 3:9
9 Save Your people, 3 O LORD, aYou brought my soul
And bless aYour inheritance; 7 1stirs up, lit. up from the grave;
hews out You have kept me alive, 1that I
Shepherd them also, 8 aNum. 13:26
bAnd bear them up forever. should not go down to the
9 aJob 39:1 pit.
10 aGen. 6:17;
PSALM 29 Job 38:8, 25
bPs. 10:16 4 Sing praise to the LORD, you
Praise to God in His Holiness and saints of His,
Majesty 11 aPs. 28:8;
68:35; [Is. And give thanks at the
A Psalm of David. 40:29] remembrance of 1His holy
IVE1 aunto the LORD, PSALM 30 5 For aHis anger is but for a
G O you mighty ones,
Give unto the LORD glory and
title aDeut.
bHis favor is for life;
strength. 1 aPs. 28:9 bPs. Weeping may endure for a night,
2 1Give unto the LORD the glory 25:2 But 1joy comes in the morning.
2due to His name; 2 aPs. 6:2;
Worship the LORD in athe 103:3; [Is. 6 Now in my prosperity I said,
3beauty of holiness. 53:5] I shall never be 1moved.
3 aPs. 86:13 7 LORD, by Your favor You have
1So with Qr.,
3 The voice of the LORD is over Tg.; Kt., LXX, made my mountain stand
the waters; Syr., Vg. from strong;
The God of glory thunders;
a those who de- aYou hid Your face, and I was
scend to the
The LORD is over many waters. pit troubled.
4 The voice of the LORD is 4 aPs. 97:12
powerful; 1Or His holi- 8 I cried out to You, O LORD;
The voice of the LORD is full of ness And to the LORD I made
majesty. 5 aPs. 103:9; supplication:
Is. 26:20; 54:7, 9 What profit is there in my blood,
5 The voice of the LORD breaks 8 bPs. 63:3 1a When I go down to the pit?
athe cedars,
shout of joy aWill the dust praise You?
6 1shaken
Yes, the LORD splinters the 7 a[Deut.
Will it declare Your truth?
cedars of Lebanon. 31:17; Ps. 10 Hear, O LORD, and have mercy
6 aHe makes them also skip like a 104:29; 143:7] on me;
calf, 9 a[Ps. 6:5] LORD, be my helper!
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487 PSALM 31:24

11 aYou have turned for me my 11 aEccl. 3:4; cThose who see me outside flee
mourning into dancing; Is. 61:3; Jer. from me.
31:4 1The
You have put off 1my sackcloth sackcloth of 12 aI am forgotten like a dead man,
and clothed me with my mourning out of mind;
gladness, I am like a 1broken vessel.
12 1soul
12 To the end that my 1glory may 13 aFor I hear the slander of
sing praise to You and not be many;
silent. PSALM 31 bFear is on every side;
O LORD my God, I will give While they ctake counsel
thanks to You forever. 1 aPs. 22:5 together against me,
1have taken They scheme to take away my
PSALM 31 refuge life.
The LORD a Fortress in Adversity 2 aPs. 17:6; 14 But as for me, I trust in You,
71:2; 86:1;
102:2 O LORD;
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of 1strength 2Lit. I say, You are my God.
David. house of 15 My times are in Your ahand;
Deliver me from the hand of
IN Let
You, O L
a , I put my trust;
3 a[Ps. 18:2] my enemies,
me never be ashamed; bPs. 23:3; And from those who persecute
Deliver me in Your 25:11 me.
righteousness. 16 aMake Your face shine upon Your
2 a Bow down Your ear to me, 5 aLuke 23:46
b[Deut. 32:4]; servant;
Deliver me speedily; Ps. 71:22 Save me for Your mercies
Be my rock of 1refuge, sake.
A 2fortress of defense to save 6 aJon. 2:8 17 Do not let me be ashamed,
me. O LORD, for I have called
7 a[John 10:27]
3 For You are my rock and my
a 1troubles upon You;
fortress; Let the wicked be ashamed;
8 a[Deut. bLet them be silent in the
Therefore, bfor Your names 32:30]; Ps. grave.
sake, 37:33 b[Ps.
18 aLet the lying lips be put to
Lead me and guide me. 4:1; 18:19]
1given me silence,
4 Pull me out of the net which over Which bspeak insolent things
they have secretly laid for proudly and contemptuously
me, 9 aPs. 6:7 1Lit.
belly against the righteous.
For You are my strength.
5 aInto Your hand I commit my 11 a[Is. 53:4] 19 aOh, how great is Your goodness,
spirit; bJob 19:13;
Which You have laid up for
You have redeemed me, O Ps. 38:11;
those who fear You,
88:8, 18 cPs.
LORD God of btruth. 64:8 1despised Which You have prepared for
thing those who trust in You
6 I have hated those awho regard In the presence of the sons of
useless idols; 12 aPs. 88:4, 5
1Lit. perishing
But I trust in the LORD. 20 aYou shall hide them in the
7 I will be glad and rejoice in 13 aPs. 50:20; secret place of Your
Your mercy, Jer. 20:10 presence
For You have considered my bLam. 2:22
From the plots of man;
cPs. 62:4;
trouble; Matt. 27:1
bYou shall keep them secretly in
You have aknown my soul in a 1pavilion
15 a[Job 14:5; From the strife of tongues.
8 And have not ashut1 me up into 24:1]
the hand of the enemy; 21 Blessed be the LORD,
bYou have set my feet in a wide 16 aPs. 4:6;
80:3 For aHe has shown me His
place. marvelous kindness in a
17 aPs. 25:2, 20 1strong city!
9 Have mercy on me, O LORD, for b[1 Sam. 2:9];
22 For I said in my haste,
I am in trouble; Ps. 94:17;
aMy eye wastes away with 115:17 I am cut off from before Your
grief, 18 aPs. 109:2; Nevertheless You heard the
Yes, my soul and my 1body! 120:2 b[1 Sam. voice of my supplications
10 For my life is spent with 2:3]; Ps. 94:4;
[Jude 15] When I cried out to You.
And my years with sighing; 19 aPs. 145:7; 23 Oh, love the LORD, all you His
My strength fails because of [Rom. 2:4; saints!
my iniquity, 11:22] For the LORD preserves the
And my bones waste away. 20 a[Ps. 27:5; faithful,
11 I am a 1reproach among all my
32:7] bJob And fully repays the proud
enemies, 5:21 1shelter person.
But bespecially among my 24 aBe of good courage,
21 a[Ps. 17:7]
neighbors, 1fortified And He shall strengthen your
And am repulsive to my heart,
acquaintances; 24 a[Ps. 27:14] All you who hope in the LORD.
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PSALM 32:1 488

PSALM 32 PSALM 32 2 Praise the LORD with the harp;
The Joy of Forgiveness
1 Make melody to Him with an
title 1Heb.
Maschil instrument of ten strings.
A Psalm of David. A 1 a[Ps. 85:2;
3 Sing to Him a new song;
103:3]; Rom. Play skillfully with a shout of
4:7, 8 joy.
LESSED is he whose
B atransgression is forgiven,
Whose sin is covered.
2 a[2 Cor. 5:19]
bJohn 1:47 4 For the word of the LORD is
1charge his right,
2 Blessed is the man to whom the account with And all His work is done in
LORD adoes not 1impute 4 a1 Sam. 5:6; truth.
iniquity, Ps. 38:2; 39:10 5 He loves righteousness and
And bin whose spirit there is no 5 a2 Sam. justice;
deceit. 12:13; Ps. The earth is full of the
38:18; [Prov.
3 When I kept silent, my bones 28:13; 1 John goodness of the LORD.
grew old 6 By the word of the LORD the
Through my groaning all the 6 a[1 Tim.
1:16] bPs. heavens were made,
day long. 69:13; Is. 55:6 And all the bhost of them cby
4 For day and night Your ahand 7 aPs. 9:9 bEx. the breath of His mouth.
was heavy upon me; 15:1; Judg. 7 aHe gathers the waters of the
My vitality was turned into the 5:1; [Ps. 40:3]
sea together 1as a heap;
drought of summer. Selah 9 aProv. 26:3 He lays up the deep in
5 I acknowledged my sin to You, 10 aPs. 16:4; storehouses.
And my iniquity I have not [Prov. 13:21;
hidden. Rom. 2:9] 8 Let all the earth fear the LORD;
aI said, I will confess my b[Ps. 5:11, 12];
Prov. 16:20 Let all the inhabitants of the
transgressions to the LORD, world stand in awe of Him.
And You forgave the iniquity of 11 aPs. 64:10;
9 For aHe spoke, and it was done;
my sin. Selah 68:3; 97:12
He commanded, and it stood
6 For this cause everyone who is
a PSALM 33 fast.
godly shall bpray to You 1 aPs. 32:11; 10 aThe LORD brings the counsel of
In a time when You may be 97:12; Phil. the nations to nothing;
found; 3:1; 4:4
Surely in a flood of great He makes the plans of the
2 1Lit. Sing to peoples of no effect.
waters Him
They shall not come near him. 11 aThe counsel of the LORD stands
6 aGen. 1:6, 7; forever,
7 aYou are my hiding place; Ps. 148:5;
You shall preserve me from [Heb. 11:3; The plans of His heart to all
trouble; 2 Pet. 3:5] generations.
bGen. 2:1
You shall surround me with c[Job 26:13]
12 Blessed is the nation whose
bsongs of deliverance. Selah God is the LORD,
7 aGen. 1:9; The people He has achosen as
Job 26:10;
8 I will instruct you and teach 38:8 1LXX, His own inheritance.
you in the way you should Tg., Vg. in a
go; vessel 13 aThe LORD looks from heaven;
I will guide you with My eye. 9 aGen. 1:3; He sees all the sons of men.
9 Do not be like the ahorse or like Ps. 148:5 14 From the place of His dwelling
the mule, 10 a[Ps. 2:13]; He looks
Which have no understanding, Is. 8:10; 19:3 On all the inhabitants of the
Which must be harnessed with 11 a[Job 23:13; earth;
bit and bridle, Prov. 19:21] 15 He fashions their hearts
Else they will not come near 12 a[Ex. 19:5; individually;
you. Deut. 7:6]; Ps. aHe 1considers all their works.
10 aMany sorrows shall be to the 13 aJob 28:24; 16 aNo king is saved by the
[Ps. 14:2] multitude of an army;
But bhe who trusts in the LORD, 15 a[2 Chr. A mighty man is not delivered
16:9]; Job by great strength.
mercy shall surround him. 34:21; [Jer.
11 aBe glad in the LORD and 32:19] 1under- 17 aA horse is a 1vain hope for
rejoice, you righteous; stands safety;
And shout for joy, all you 16 aPs. 44:6; Neither shall it deliver any by
upright in heart! 60:11; [Jer. its great strength.
9:23, 24]
PSALM 33 17 a[Ps. 20:7; 18 aBehold, the eye of the LORD is
147:10; Prov. on those who fear Him,
The Sovereignty of the LORD in 21:31] 1false
On those who hope in His
Creation and History 18 a[Job 36:7]; mercy,
Ps. 32:8;
EJOICE ain the LORD, O you 19 To deliver their soul from
R righteous!
For praise from the upright is
34:15; [1 Pet.
3:12] death,
And ato keep them alive in
19 aJob 5:20;
beautiful. Ps. 37:19 famine.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 489

489 PSALM 35:8

20 Our soul waits for the LORD; PSALM 34 15 aThe eyes of the LORD are on
He is our help and our shield. the righteous,
title a1 Sam.
21 For our heart shall rejoice in 21:1015 And His ears are open to their
Him, cry.
1 a[Eph. 5:20;
Because we have trusted in His 1 Thess. 5:18] 16 aThe face of the LORD is against
holy name. those who do evil,
4 a[2 Chr. 15:2;
22 Let Your mercy, O LORD, be Ps. 9:10; Matt.
bTo 1cut off the remembrance of
upon us, 7:7; Luke them from the earth.
Just as we hope in You. 11:9]
7 a[Ps. 91:11]; 17 The righteous cry out, and athe
PSALM 34 Dan. 6:22 LORD hears,
b2 Kin. 6:17
And delivers them out of all
The Happiness of Those Who Trust 1Or Angel
their troubles.
in God 8 aPs. 119:103; 18 aThe LORD is near bto those who
[Heb. 6:5];
A Psalm of David awhen he 1 Pet. 2:3 bPs. have a broken heart,
pretended madness before 2:12 And saves such as 1have a
Abimelech, who drove him away, 9 1lack contrite spirit.
and he departed. 10 a[Ps. 84:11] 19 aMany are the afflictions of the
WILL abless the LORD at all times; 11 aPs. 32:8 righteous,
I His praise shall continually be
in my mouth.
12a[1 Pet.
bBut the LORD delivers him out
of them all.
2 My soul shall make its boast in 13 a[Eph. 4:25] 20 He guards all his bones;
the LORD; 14 aPs. 37:27;
aNot one of them is broken.
The humble shall hear of it and Is. 1:16, 17 21 aEvil shall slay the wicked,
b[Rom. 14:19;
be glad. Heb. 12:14]
And those who hate the
3 Oh, magnify the LORD with me, righteous shall be
And let us exalt His name 15 aJob 36:7; 1condemned.
[Ps. 33:18]
together. 22 The LORD aredeems the soul of
16 aLev. 17:10; His servants,
Jer. 44:11;
4 I asought the LORD, and He Amos 9:4 And none of those who trust in
heard me, bJob 18:17; Him shall be condemned.
And delivered me from all my Ps. 9:6;
fears. 109:15; [Prov.
10:7] 1destroy PSALM 35
5 They looked to Him and were
radiant, 17 aPs. 34:6; The LORD the Avenger of His
And their faces were not 145:19 People
ashamed. 18 a[Ps.
145:18] bPs. A Psalm of David.
6 This poor man cried out, and 51:17; [Is.
the LORD heard him, LEAD1 my cause, O LORD, with
And saved him out of all his
57:15] 1are
crushed in
P those who strive with me;
Fight against those who fight
7 aThe 1angel of the LORD 19aProv. 24:16
bPs. 34:4, 6, 17
against me.
bencamps all around those 2 Take hold of shield and
20 aJohn 19:33, 1buckler,
who fear Him, 36
And delivers them. And stand up for my help.
21 aPs. 94:23; 3 Also draw out the spear,
8 Oh, ataste and see that the 140:11; Prov. And stop those who pursue
24:16 1held
LORD is good; guilty me.
bBlessed is the man who trusts Say to my soul,
22 a1 Kin. 1:29
in Him! I am your salvation.
9 Oh, fear the LORD, you His PSALM 35
saints! 4 aLet those be put to shame and
There is no 1want to those who 1 1Contend for brought to dishonor
fear Him. me Who seek after my life;
10 The young lions lack and suffer 2 1A small Let those be bturned back and
hunger; shield brought to confusion
aBut those who seek the LORD 4 aPs. 40:14, Who plot my hurt.
shall not lack any good thing. 15; 70:2, 3 bPs. 5 aLet them be like chaff before
129:5 the wind,
11 Come, you children, listen to 5 aJob 21:18; And let the 1angel of the LORD
me; Ps. 83:13; Is. chase them.
aI will teach you the fear of the
29:5 1Or An-
gel 6 Let their way be adark and
LORD. 6 aPs. 73:18;
12 aWho is the man who desires Jer. 23:12 And let the angel of the LORD
life, 7 aPs. 9:15 pursue them.
And loves many days, that he 7 For without cause they have
8 a[Ps. 55:23]; ahidden their net for me in a
may see good? Is. 47:11;
13 Keep your tongue from evil, [1 Thess. 5:3] pit,
And your lips from speaking 1Lit. Let de- Which they have dug without
adeceit. struction he cause for my life.
does not
14 aDepart from evil and do good; know come 8 1Let adestruction come upon him
bSeek peace and pursue it. upon him, unexpectedly,
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PSALM 35:9 490

And let his net that he has 10 aPs. 51:8 24 Vindicate me, O LORD my God,
b[Ex. 15:11];
hidden catch himself; Ps. 71:19; according to Your
Into that very destruction let 86:8; [Mic. righteousness;
him fall. 7:18] And let them not rejoice over
9 And my soul shall be joyful in 25 Let them not say in their
the LORD; 12 aPs. 38:20; hearts, Ah, so we would have
It shall rejoice in His salvation. 109:5; Jer. it!
10 All my bones shall say,
a 18:20; John Let them not say, We have
LORD, bwho is like You, 10:32 swallowed him up.
Delivering the poor from him
who is too strong for him, 26 Let them be ashamed and
Yes, the poor and the needy 13 aJob 30:25 brought to mutual confusion
from him who plunders him? 1Lit. bosom Who rejoice at my hurt;
Let them be aclothed with
11 Fiercea witnesses rise up; shame and dishonor
They ask me things that I do 14 1in mourn- Who exalt themselves against
not know. ing me.
12 aThey reward me evil for good,
To the sorrow of my soul. 27 aLet them shout for joy and be
13 But as for me, awhen they were glad,
sick, 15 1limping,
stumbling Who favor my righteous cause;
My clothing was sackcloth; And let them say continually,
I humbled myself with fasting; Let the LORD be magnified,
And my prayer would return to Who has pleasure in the
my own 1heart. 17 aPs. 13:1; prosperity of His servant.
[Hab. 1:13]
14 I paced about as though he 28 And my tongue shall speak of
were my friend or brother; Your righteousness
I bowed down 1heavily, as one And of Your praise all the day
who mourns for his mother. 18 1a mighty long.
15 But in my adversity they
rejoiced 19 aPs. 69:4; PSALM 36
And gathered together; 109:3; Lam. Mans Wickedness and Gods
Attackers gathered against me, 3:52; [John
And I did not know it; 15:25]
They tore at me and did not To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
cease; David the servant of the LORD.
16 With ungodly mockers at feasts 26 aPs. 109:29
N oracle within my heart
They gnashed at me with their
teeth. A concerning the transgression
of the wicked:
17 Lord, how long will You alook 27 aRom. 12:15 aThere is no fear of God before
on? his eyes.
Rescue me from their 2 For he flatters himself in his
destructions, own eyes,
My precious life from the lions. PSALM 36 When he finds out his iniquity
18 I will give You thanks in the and when he hates.
great assembly; 3 The words of his mouth are
I will praise You among 1many wickedness and deceit;
people. 1 aRom. 3:18 aHe has ceased to be wise and to
do good.
19 aLet them not rejoice over me 4 aHe devises wickedness on his
who are wrongfully my 3 aPs. 94:8; bed;
enemies; Jer. 4:22 He sets himself bin a way that
Nor let them wink with the eye is not good;
who hate me without a cause. He does not 1abhor cevil.
20 For they do not speak peace, 4 aProv. 4:16;
But they devise deceitful matters [Mic. 2:1] bIs. 5 Your mercy, O LORD, is in the
Against the quiet ones in the 65:2 c[Ps. 52:3; heavens;
land. Rom. 12:9]
1reject, loathe
Your faithfulness reaches to the
21 They also opened their mouth clouds.
wide against me, 6 Your righteousness is like the
And said, Aha, aha! 1great mountains;
Our eyes have seen it. 6 aJob 11:8; aYour judgments are a great deep;
Ps. 77:19; O LORD,You preserve man and
[Rom. 11:33]
22 This You have seen, O LORD; 1Lit. moun- beast.
Do not keep silence. tains of God
O Lord, do not be far from me. 7 How precious is Your
23 Stir up Yourself, and awake to lovingkindness, O God!
my vindication, 7 aRuth 2:12;
Therefore the children of men
To my cause, my God and my Ps. 17:8; 57:1;
aput their trust under the
Lord. 91:4 shadow of Your wings.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 491

491 PSALM 37:26

8 They are abundantly satisfied
a 8 aPs. 63:5; 11 aBut the meek shall inherit the
with the fullness of Your 65:4; Is. 25:6; earth,
Jer. 31:1214
house, bPs. 46:4; Rev. And shall delight themselves in
And You give them drink from 22:1 the abundance of peace.
bthe river of Your pleasures.
9 aFor with You is the fountain of 9 a[Jer. 2:13; 12 The wicked plots against the
John 4:10, 14] just,
life; b[1 Pet. 2:9]
bIn Your light we see light. aAnd gnashes at him with his
10 Oh, continue Your PSALM 37 13 aThe Lord laughs at him,
lovingkindness to those who For He sees that bhis day is
know You, 1aPs. 73:3;
And Your righteousness to the [Prov. 23:17; 14 The wicked have drawn the
upright in heart. 24:19] sword
11 Let not the foot of pride come And have bent their bow,
against me, 2 aJob 14:2; To cast down the poor and
Ps. 90:5, 6;
And let not the hand of the 92:7; James needy,
wicked drive me away. 1:11 To slay those who are of
12 There the workers of iniquity upright conduct.
have fallen; 4 aJob 22:26; 15 Their sword shall enter their
They have been cast down and Ps. 94:19; Is. own heart,
58:14 bPs.
are not able to rise. 21:2; 145:19; And their bows shall be
[Matt. 7:7, 8] broken.
5 a[Ps. 55:22; 16 aA little that a righteous man
The Heritage of the Righteous and Prov. 16:3; has
the Calamity of the Wicked 1 Pet. 5:7]
Is better than the riches of
1Lit. Roll off
A Psalm of David. onto many wicked.
17 For the arms of the wicked
Oa not fret because of evildoers,
D Nor be envious of the workers
of iniquity.
6 aJob 11:17;
[Is. 58:8, 10]
shall be broken,
But the LORD upholds the
2 For they shall soon be cut down 7 aPs. 40:1;
62:5; [Lam.
alike the grass,
3:26] b[Ps. 18 The LORD knows the days of
And wither as the green herb. 73:312] the upright,
And their inheritance shall be
3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; 8 a[Eph. 4:26] forever.
bPs. 73:3
Dwell in the land, and feed on 19 They shall not be ashamed in
His faithfulness. the evil time,
9 aPs. 25:13;
4 aDelight yourself also in the Prov. 2:21; [Is. And in the days of famine they
LORD, 57:13; 60:21; shall be satisfied.
And He shall give you the Matt. 5:5] 1de- 20 But the wicked shall perish;
desires of your bheart. stroyed And the enemies of the
10 a[Heb.
5 Commit1 your way to the
10:36] bJob Like the splendor of the
LORD, 7:10; Ps. meadows, shall vanish.
Trust also in Him, 37:35, 36 Into smoke they shall vanish
And He shall bring it to pass. away.
6 aHe shall bring forth your 11 a[Matt. 5:5]
righteousness as the light, 21 The wicked borrows and does
And your justice as the 12 aPs. 35:16
not repay,
noonday. 13 aPs. 2:4;
But athe righteous shows mercy
59:8 b1 Sam. and gives.
7 Rest in the LORD, aand wait 26:10; Job 22 aFor those blessed by Him shall
patiently for Him; 18:20 inherit the earth,
Do not fret because of him who But those cursed by Him shall
bprospers in his way, 16 aProv.
15:16; 16:8; be 1cut off.
Because of the man who brings [1 Tim. 6:6]
wicked schemes to pass. 23 aThe steps of a good man are
8 aCease from anger, and forsake 21 aPs. 112:5, 9 1ordered by the LORD,
wrath; And He delights in his way.
bDo not fretit only causes 22 a[Prov. 3:33] 24 aThough he fall, he shall not be
harm. utterly cast down;
For the LORD upholds him with
9 For evildoers shall be 1cut off; 23 a[1 Sam.
2:9]; Ps. 40:2; His hand.
But those who wait on the 66:9; 119:5
LORD, 1established 25 I have been young, and now am
They shall ainherit the earth. old;
10 For ayet a little while and the 24 aProv. 24:16 Yet I have not seen the
wicked shall be no more; righteous forsaken,
Indeed, byou will look carefully 26 a[Deut. Nor his descendants begging
15:8]; Ps.
for his place, 37:21 1Lit. all bread.
But it shall be no more. the day 26 aHe is 1ever merciful, and lends;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 492

PSALM 37:27 492

And his descendants are 29 aPs. 37:9; Nor chasten me in Your hot
Prov. 2:21
blessed. displeasure!
2 For Your arrows pierce me
27 Depart from evil, and do good; deeply,
And dwell forevermore. 30 a[Matt. And Your hand presses me
28 For the LORD loves justice, 12:35]
And does not forsake His
saints; 3 There is no soundness in my
They are preserved forever, 31 1slip flesh
But the descendants of the Because of Your anger,
wicked shall be cut off. Nor any health in my bones
29 aThe righteous shall inherit the 32 aPs. 10:8; Because of my sin.
land, 17:11 4 For my iniquities have gone
And dwell in it forever. over my head;
Like a heavy burden they are
30 aThe mouth of the righteous 33 aPs. 31:8; too heavy for me.
speaks wisdom, [2 Pet. 2:9] 5 My wounds are foul and
And his tongue talks of justice. festering
31 The law of his God is in his Because of my foolishness.
heart; 34 aPs. 27:14;
None of his steps shall 1slide. 37:9 6 I am 1troubled, I am bowed
down greatly;
32 The wicked awatches the I go mourning all the day
righteous, 36 1So with long.
And seeks to slay him. MT, LXX, Tg.; 7 For my loins are full of
33 The LORD awill not leave him in Syr., Vg. I inflammation,
passed by
his hand, And there is no soundness in
Nor condemn him when he is my flesh.
judged. 8 I am feeble and severely
38 a[Ps. 1:46; broken;
34 aWait on the LORD, 37:20, 28]
I groan because of the turmoil
And keep His way, of my heart.
And He shall exalt you to
inherit the land; 39 aPs. 9:9; 9 Lord, all my desire is before
When the wicked are cut off, 37:19 You;
you shall see it. And my sighing is not hidden
35 I have seen the wicked in great from You.
power, 40 aPs. 22:4; Is. 10 My heart pants, my strength
And spreading himself like a 31:5; Dan.
3:17; 6:23 fails me;
native green tree. b1 Chr. 5:20; As for the light of my eyes, it
36 Yet 1he passed away, and Ps. 34:22 also has gone from me.
behold, he was no more;
Indeed I sought him, but he 11 My loved ones and my friends
could not be found. astand aloof from my plague,
PSALM 38 And my relatives stand afar off.
37 Mark the blameless man, and 12 Those also who seek my life lay
observe the upright; snares for me;
For the future of that man is Those who seek my hurt speak
peace. title aPs. of destruction,
38 aBut the transgressors shall be And plan deception all the day
destroyed together; long.
The future of the wicked shall
be cut off. 1 aPs. 6:1 13 But I, like a deaf man, do not
39 But the salvation of the And I am like a amute who
righteous is from the LORD; 6 1Lit. bent does not open his mouth.
He is their strength ain the time down 14 Thus I am like a man who does
of trouble. not hear,
40 And athe LORD shall help them And in whose mouth is no
and deliver them; 11 aPs. 31:11; response.
He shall deliver them from the 88:18
wicked, 15 For 1in You, O LORD, aI hope;
And save them, You will 2hear, O Lord my
bBecause they trust in Him. 15 a[Ps. 39:7] God.
1I wait for 16 For I said, Hear me, lest they
You, O LORD rejoice over me,
PSALM 38 2answer
Lest, when my foot slips, they
Prayer in Time of Chastening exalt themselves against me.
A Psalm of David. aTo bring to
17 aPs. 51:3 17 aFor I am ready to fall,
And my sorrow is continually
LORD, do not arebuke me in before me.
O Your wrath, 18 aPs. 32:5 18 For I will adeclare my iniquity;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 493

493 PSALM 40:10

I will be bin 1anguish over my 18 b[2 Cor. 7:9, You make his beauty amelt
sin. 10] 1anxiety away like a moth;
19 But my enemies are vigorous, 20 aPs. 35:12 Surely every man is vapor.
and they are strong; 21 aPs. 22:19; Selah
And those who hate me 35:22
wrongfully have multiplied. 12 Hear my prayer, O LORD,
20 Those also awho render evil for PSALM 39 And give ear to my cry;
good, Do not be silent at my tears;
They are my adversaries, 1 aJob 2:10; For I am a stranger with You,
Ps. 34:13; A sojourner, aas all my fathers
because I follow what is [James
good. 3:512] were.
2 aPs. 38:13
13 aRemove Your gaze from me,
21 Do not forsake me, O LORD; that I may regain strength,
O my God, abe not far from me! 3 1meditating Before I go away and bam no
22 Make haste to help me, 4 aPs. 90:12; more.
O Lord, my salvation! 119:84
5 aPs. 62:9; PSALM 40
PSALM 39 [Eccl. 6:12]
Faith Persevering in Trial
6 1make
Prayer for Wisdom and Forgiveness uproar for To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
To the Chief Musician. To David.
Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. 7 aPs. 38:15
aWAITED patiently for the LORD;

I SAID, I will guard my ways,

Lest I sin with my atongue;
8 aPs. 44:13;
79:4; 119:22 I And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry.
9 aPs. 39:2
I will restrain my mouth with a b2 Sam. 16:10; 2 He also brought me up out of a
muzzle, Job 2:10 horrible pit,
While the wicked are before 10 aJob 9:34; Out of athe miry clay,
me. 13:21 And bset my feet upon a rock,
2 aI was mute with silence, 11 aJob 13:28;
And established my steps.
I held my peace even from [Ps. 90:7]; Is. 3 aHe has put a new song in my
good; 50:9 mouth
And my sorrow was stirred up. 12 aGen. 47:9; Praise to our God;
3 My heart was hot within me; Lev. 25:23; Many will see it and fear,
While I was 1musing, the fire 1 Chr. 29:15; And will trust in the LORD.
burned. Ps. 119:19;
Heb. 11:13;
Then I spoke with my tongue: 1 Pet. 2:11 4 Blessed is that man who makes
the LORD his trust,
4 LORD, make me to know my
a 13 aJob 7:19;
10:20, 21; And does not respect the
end, 14:6; Ps. proud, nor such as turn aside
And what is the measure of my 102:24 b[Job to lies.
days, 14:10] 5 aMany, O LORD my God, are
That I may know how frail I Your wonderful works
am. PSALM 40 Which You have done;
5 Indeed,You have made my days bAnd Your thoughts toward us
1 aPs. 25:5;
as handbreadths, 27:14; 37:7 Cannot be recounted to You in
And my age is as nothing order;
2 aPs. 69:2, 14;
before You; Jer. 38:6 bPs. If I would declare and speak of
Certainly every man at his best 27:5 them,
state is but avapor. Selah 3 aPs. 32:7; They are more than can be
6 Surely every man walks about 33:3 numbered.
like a shadow; 4 aPs. 34:8;
Surely they 1busy themselves in 84:12 6 Sacrifice and offering You did
vain; not desire;
5 aJob 9:10
He heaps up riches, bPs. 139:17; My ears You have opened.
And does not know who will [Is. 55:8] Burnt offering and sin offering
gather them. 6 a[1 Sam.
You did not require.
15:22]; Ps. 7 Then I said, Behold, I
7 And now, Lord, what do I wait 51:16; Is. 1:11; come;
for? [Jer. 6:20; In the scroll of the book it is
My ahope is in You. 7:22, 23];
Amos 5:22; written of me.
8 Deliver me from all my [Mic. 6:68; 8 aI delight to do Your will, O my
transgressions; Heb. 10:59] God,
Do not make me athe reproach 8 a[Matt. And Your law is bwithin my
of the foolish. 26:39; John heart.
9 aI was mute, I did not open my 4:34; 6:38];
Heb. 10:7
mouth, b[Ps. 37:31; 9 I have proclaimed the good
Because it was bYou who did it. Jer. 31:33; news of righteousness
10 aRemove Your plague from me; 2 Cor. 3:3] In the great assembly;
I am consumed by the blow of 9 aPs. 22:22, 25 Indeed, bI do not restrain my
Your hand. bPs. 119:13 lips,
11 When with rebukes You correct 10 aActs 20:20, O LORD,You Yourself know.
man for iniquity, 27 10 I have not hidden Your
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PSALM 40:11 494

righteousness within my 11 aPs. 61:7; Heal my soul, for I have sinned
heart; Prov. 20:28 against You.
I have declared Your 12aPs. 38:4; 5 My enemies speak evil of me:
faithfulness and Your 65:3 When will he die, and his name
salvation; 13 aPs. 70:1 perish?
I have not concealed Your 6 And if he comes to see me, he
lovingkindness and Your 14 aPs. 35:4, speaks 1lies;
26; 70:2; 71:13
truth 1Lit. soul His heart gathers iniquity to
From the great assembly. itself;
15 aPs. 73:19 When he goes out, he tells it.
11 Do not withhold Your tender 16 aPs. 70:4
mercies from me, O LORD; bPs. 35:27 7 All who hate me whisper
aLet Your lovingkindness and
17 aPs. 70:5;
together against me;
Your truth continually 86:1; 109:22 Against me they 1devise my
preserve me. bPs. 40:5; hurt.
12 For innumerable evils have 1 Pet. 5:7 8 An1 evil disease, they say,
surrounded me; clings to him.
aMy iniquities have overtaken PSALM 41 And now that he lies down, he
me, so that I am not able to will rise up no more.
look up; 1 1helpless or 9 aEven my own familiar friend in
They are more than the hairs of powerless whom I trusted,
my head; bWho ate my bread,
2 aPs. 27:12
Therefore my heart fails me. Has 1lifted up his heel against
3 1restore me.
13 aBe pleased, O LORD, to deliver 4 aPs. 6:2;
me; 103:3; 147:3 10 But You, O LORD, be merciful to
O LORD, make haste to help 6 1empty
me, and raise me up,
me! words That I may repay them.
14 aLet them be ashamed and 11 By this I know that You are well
7 1plot pleased with me,
brought to mutual confusion
Who seek to destroy my 1life; 8 1Lit. A thing Because my enemy does not
Let them be driven backward of Belial triumph over me.
and brought to dishonor 9 a2 Sam. 12 As for me,You uphold me in
Who wish me evil. 15:12; Job my integrity,
15 Let them be aconfounded 19:13, 19 bPs. And aset me before Your face
55:1214, 20; forever.
because of their shame, Jer. 20:10;
Who say to me, Aha, aha! Obad. 7; [Mic.
7:5]; Matt. 13 aBlessed be the LORD God of
16 aLet all those who seek You 26:1416, Israel
2125, 4750; From everlasting to everlasting!
rejoice and be glad in You; John 13:18,
Let such as love Your salvation 2130; Acts Amen and Amen.
bsay continually, 1:16, 17
1Acted as a
The LORD be magnified! traitor
17 aBut I am poor and needy; BOOK TWO
bYet the LORD thinks upon me. 12 a[Job 36:7;
Psalms 4272
You are my help and my Ps. 21:6;
deliverer; PSALM 42
Do not delay, O my God. 13 aPs. 72:18,
Yearning for God in the Midst of
19; 89:52;
PSALM 41 106:48; 150:6 Distresses
The Blessing and Suffering of the PSALM 42 To the Chief Musician. A
Godly Contemplation of the sons of

title 1Heb.
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of Maschil S the deer 1pants for the water
LESSED is he who considers
1 1Lit. longs
A brooks,
B the 1poor;
The LORD will deliver him in
2 aPs. 63:1;
84:2; 143:6;
So pants my soul for You,
O God.
2 aMy soul thirsts for God, for the
time of trouble. [Jer. 10:10]
bRom. 9:26;
bliving God.
2 The LORD will preserve him 1 Thess. 1:9
When shall I come and 1appear
and keep him alive, 1So with MT, before God?
And he will be blessed on the Vg.; some 3 aMy tears have been my food
earth; Heb. mss., day and night,
aYou will not deliver him to the LXX, Syr., Tg.
I see the face While they continually say to
will of his enemies. of God me,
3 The LORD will strengthen him bWhere is your God?
3 aPs. 80:5;
on his bed of illness; 102:9 bPs.
You will 1sustain him on his 79:10; 115:2; 4 When I remember these
sickbed. Joel 2:17; Mic. things,
7:10 aI pour out my soul within me.
4 I said, LORD, be merciful to 4 a1 Sam. 1:15; For I used to go with the
me; Job 30:16 multitude;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 495

495 PSALM 44:10

b I went with them to the house 4 bIs. 30:29 Let them bring me to bYour
of God, 5 aPs. 42:11; holy hill
With the voice of joy and praise, 43:5 bLam. And to Your 1tabernacle.
With a multitude that kept a 3:24 1Lit. 4 Then I will go to the altar of
pilgrim feast. bowed down God,
2So with MT,
Tg.; a few To God my exceeding joy;
5 aWhy are you 1cast down, O my Heb. mss., And on the harp I will praise
soul? LXX, Syr., Vg. You,
And why are you disquieted The help of
my counte- O God, my God.
within me? nance, my
bHope in God, for I shall yet God 5 a Why are you cast down, O my
praise Him soul?
2For the help of His 6 1So with And why are you disquieted
MT, Tg.; a few
countenance. Heb. mss., within me?
LXX, Syr., Vg. Hope in God;
6 O my God, my soul is cast
1 put my God at For I shall yet praise Him,
down within me; the end of v. 5 The 1help of my countenance
2Or Mount
Therefore I will remember You and my God.
from the land of the Jordan, 7 aPs. 69:1, 2;
And from the heights of 88:7 PSALM 44
Hermon, Redemption Remembered in
8 aDeut. 28:8
From 2the Hill Mizar. bJob 35:10
Present Dishonor
7 Deep calls unto deep at the
noise of Your waterfalls; 9 aPs. 38:6 To the Chief Musician. A
aAll Your waves and billows a
10 aJoel 2:17
Contemplation1 of the sons of
have gone over me. 1Lit. shatter- Korah.
8 The LORD will acommand His ing 2revile
E have heard with our ears,
lovingkindness in the
daytime, 11 aPs. 43:5
1Lit. salvation
W O God,
aOur fathers have told us,
And bin the night His song shall
be with me The deeds You did in their
A prayer to the God of my life. days,
1 a[Ps. 26:1; In days of old:
9 I will say to God my Rock, 35:24] bPs. 2 aYou drove out the 1nations with
a 35:1 Your hand,
Why have You forgotten me?
Why do I go mourning because 2 aPs. 42:9
But them You planted;
of the oppression of the You afflicted the peoples, and
enemy? 3 a[Ps. 40:11] cast them out.
bPs. 3:4
10 As with a 1breaking of my 1dwelling
3 For athey did not gain
bones, places
possession of the land by
My enemies 2reproach me, their own sword,
aWhile they say to me all day 5 aPs. 42:5, 11 Nor did their own arm save
1Lit. salvation
long, them;
Where is your God? PSALM 44
But it was Your right hand,Your
arm, and the light of Your
11 aWhy are you cast down, O my title aPs. countenance,
soul? 42:title 1Heb. bBecause You favored them.
And why are you disquieted Maschil
within me? 1 a[Ex. 12:26,
4 aYou are my King, 1O God;
Hope in God; 27]
2Command victories for Jacob.
For I shall yet praise Him, 5 Through You awe will push
The 1help of my countenance 2 aEx. 15:17
down our enemies;
and my God. heathen
Through Your name we will
trample those who rise up
PSALM 43 3 a[Deut. 8:17, against us.
18] b[Deut. 6 For aI will not trust in my bow,
Prayer to God in Time of Trouble 4:37; 7:7, 8] Nor shall my sword save me.
4 a[Ps. 74:12] 7 But You have saved us from our
INDICATE me, O God,a
VAnd plead my cause against an
ungodly nation;
1So with MT,
Tg.; LXX, Vg.
and my God
And have put to shame those
who hated us.
2So with MT,
Oh, deliver me from the Tg.; LXX, 8 aIn God we boast all day long,
deceitful and unjust man! Syr., Vg. who And praise Your name forever.
2 For You are the God of my commands Selah
strength; 5 a[Dan. 8:4]
Why do You cast me off? 9 But aYou have cast us off and
aWhy do I go mourning because
6 aPs. 33:16 put us to shame,
of the oppression of the And You do not go out with our
enemy? 8 aPs. 34:2 armies.
10 You make us aturn back from
3 a Oh, send out Your light and 9 aPs. 60:1
the enemy,
Your truth! 10 aLev. 26:17 And those who hate us have
Let them lead me; 1plunder taken 1spoil for themselves.
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PSALM 44:11 496

11 aYou have given us up like sheep 11 aPs. 44:22; I recite my composition
intended for food, Rom. 8:36 concerning the King;
bLev. 26:33;
And have bscattered us among Deut. 4:27; My tongue is the pen of a
the nations. 28:64; Ps. 1ready writer.
12 aYou sell Your people for next to 106:27; Ezek.
20:23 2 You are fairer than the sons of
And are not enriched by selling 12 aIs. 52:3, 4; men;
them. Jer. 15:13 aGrace is poured upon Your
13 aYou make us a reproach to our 13 aDeut. Therefore God has blessed You
neighbors, 28:37; Ps.
79:4; 80:6 forever.
A scorn and a derision to those 3 1Gird Your asword upon Your
all around us. 14 aJer. 24:9 thigh, bO Mighty One,
14 aYou make us a byword among bJob 16:4
With Your cglory and Your
the nations, majesty.
bA shaking of the head among 16 aPs. 8:2
4 aAnd in Your majesty ride
the peoples. 17 aDan. 9:13 prosperously because of
15 My dishonor is continually truth, humility, and
before me, 18 aJob 23:11 righteousness;
And the shame of my face has And Your right hand shall teach
19 aIs. 34:13
covered me, b[Ps. 23:4] You awesome things.
16 Because of the voice of him 5 Your arrows are sharp in the
who reproaches and reviles, 20 a[Deut. heart of the Kings enemies;
aBecause of the enemy and the 6:14] 1Wor-
shiped The peoples fall under You.
21 aJob 31:14; 6 Your throne, O God, is forever
17 aAll this has come upon us; [Ps. 139:1, 2; and ever;
But we have not forgotten You, Jer. 17:10] A bscepter of righteousness is
Nor have we dealt falsely with the scepter of Your kingdom.
Your covenant. 22 aRom. 8:36
7 You love righteousness and
18 Our heart has not turned back, 23 aPs. 7:6 hate wickedness;
aNor have our steps departed
Therefore God,Your God, has
from Your way; 24 aJob 13:24 aanointed You
19 But You have severely broken With the oil of bgladness more
us in athe place of jackals, 25 aPs. 119:25
1Ground, in than Your companions.
And covered us bwith the humiliation 8 All Your garments are ascented
shadow of death. with myrrh and aloes and
20 If we had forgotten the name of PSALM 45 cassia,
our God, Out of the ivory palaces, by
Or astretched1 out our hands to title aPs. 69:
which they have made You
a foreign god, title 1Heb. glad.
21 aWould not God search this out? Shoshannim 9 Kings daughters are among
2Heb. Maschil
For He knows the secrets of the Your honorable women;
bAt Your right hand stands the
heart. 1 1skillful
22 aYet for Your sake we are killed queen in gold from Ophir.
all day long; 2 aLuke 4:22
We are accounted as sheep for 10 Listen, O daughter,
the slaughter.
3 a[Is. 49:2; Consider and incline your
Heb. 4:12]; ear;
Rev. 1:16 b[Is. aForget your own people also,
23 aAwake! Why do You sleep, 9:6] cJude 25
O Lord? 1Belt on and your fathers house;
Arise! Do not cast us off 11 So the King will greatly desire
4 aRev. 6:2 your beauty;
forever. aBecause He is your Lord,
24 aWhy do You hide Your face, 6 a[Ps. 93:2];
And forget our affliction and Heb. 1:8, 9 worship Him.
our oppression?
b[Num. 24:17]
12 And the daughter of Tyre will
25 For aour soul is bowed down to 7 aPs. 2:2 bPs.
come with a gift;
aThe rich among the people will
the 1dust; 21:6; Heb. 1:8,
Our body clings to the ground. 9 seek your favor.
26 Arise for our help,
And redeem us for Your 8 aSong 1:12, 13 The royal daughter is all
13 glorious within the palace;
mercies sake.
9 aSong 6:8 Her clothing is woven with
PSALM 45 b1 Kin. 2:19 gold.
14 aShe shall be brought to the
The Glories of the Messiah and His 10 aDeut. King in robes of many colors;
Bride 21:13; Ruth
1:16, 17 The virgins, her companions
To the Chief Musician. aSet to 1The who follow her, shall be
Lilies. A 2Contemplation of the 11 aPs. 95:6; brought to You.
[Is. 54:5] 15 With gladness and rejoicing
sons of Korah. A Song of Love.
12 aIs. 49:23 they shall be brought;
Y heart is overflowing with a They shall enter the Kings
M good theme; 14 aSong 1:4 palace.
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497 PSALM 48:6

16 Instead of Your fathers shall be 16 a[1 Pet. 2:9; PSALM 47
Rev. 1:6; 20:6]
Your sons, Praise to God, the Ruler of the
aWhom You shall make princes 17 aMal. 1:11 Earth
in all the earth.
17 aI will make Your name to be PSALM 46 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
remembered in all the sons of Korah.
generations; title a1 Chr. H, clap your hands, all you
Therefore the people shall
praise You forever and ever.
1 aPs. 62:7, 8
O peoples!
Shout to God with the voice of
b[Deut. 4:7;
PSALM 46 triumph!
Ps. 145:18]
1An abun- 2 For the LORD Most High is
God the Refuge of His People and dantly avail- awesome;
Conqueror of the Nations able help He is a great aKing over all the
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of 2 1Lit. heart
3 aHe will subdue the peoples
the sons of Korah. A Song afor 3 a[Ps. 93:3, 4] under us,
Alamoth. And the nations under our feet.
4 a[Ezek.
OD is our arefuge and 4 He will choose our ainheritance
G strength,
bA1 very present help in
47:112] bPs.
48:1, 8; Is.
for us,
The excellence of Jacob whom
trouble. places He loves. Selah
2 Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be 5 a[Deut. 5 God has gone up with a shout,
23:14; Is. The LORD with the sound of a
removed, 12:6]; Ezek.
And though the mountains be 43:7; Hos.
6 Sing praises to God, sing
11:9; [Joel
carried into the 1midst of the 2:27; Zeph. praises!
sea; 3:15; Zech. Sing praises to our King, sing
3 Though its waters roar and be
a 2:5, 10, 11;
troubled, 8:3] 1shaken
2Lit. at the 7 aFor God is the King of all the
Though the mountains shake turning of the earth;
with its swelling. Selah morning bSing praises with

4 There is a ariver whose streams 6 aPs. 2:1, 2 understanding.

shall make glad the bcity of 7 aNum. 14:9; 8 aGod reigns over the nations;
God, 2 Chr. 13:12
God bsits on His choly throne.
The holy place of the 9 aIs. 2:4 bPs. 9 The princes of the people have
1tabernacle of the Most 76:3 cEzek. gathered together,
High. 39:9 aThe people of the God of
5 God is ain the midst of her, she 10 a[Is. 2:11, Abraham.
shall not be 1moved; 17] bFor the shields of the earth
God shall help her, just 2at the belong to God;
break of dawn. PSALM 47 He is greatly exalted.
6 aThe nations raged, the
kingdoms were moved; 2 aDeut.
7:21; PSALM 48
He uttered His voice, the earth Neh. 1:5; Ps.
melted. 76:12 The Glory of God in Zion
3 aPs. 18:47 A Song. A Psalm of the sons of
7 The aLORD of hosts is with us; Korah.
The God of Jacob is our refuge. 4 a[1 Pet. 1:4]
Selah REAT is the LORD,
8 Come, behold the works of the
5 aPs. 68:24, 25
7 aZech. 14:9
G and greatly to be praised
In the acity of our God,
LORD, b1 Cor. 14:15
In His holy mountain.
Who has made desolations in 8 a1 Chr. 16:31 2 aBeautiful in 1elevation,
the earth. bPs. 97:2 cPs. The joy of the whole earth,
9 aHe makes wars cease to the 48:1 Is Mount Zion on the sides of
end of the earth; 9 a[Rom. 4:11,
the north,
bHe breaks the bow and cuts the The city of the great King.
12] b[Ps.
spear in two; 89:18] 3 God is in her palaces;
cHe burns the chariot in the He is known as her refuge.
fire. PSALM 48
4 For behold, athe kings
10 Be still, and know that I am 1 aPs. 46:4;
God; 87:3; Matt. They passed by together.
aI will be exalted among the 5:35 5 They saw it, and so they
nations, 2 aPs. 50:2
I will be exalted in the earth! 1height They were troubled, they
hastened away.
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; 4 a2 Sam. 10:6, 6 Fear atook hold of them there,
The God of Jacob is our refuge. And pain, as of a woman in
Selah 6 aEx. 15:15 birth pangs,
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PSALM 48:7 498

7 As when You break the aships 7 a1 Kin. 10 For he sees wise men die;
of Tarshish 10:22; Ezek. Likewise the fool and the
With an east wind. senseless person perish,
8 a[Ps. 87:5; Is. And leave their wealth to
8 As we have heard, 2:2]; Mic. 4:1
So we have seen 9 aPs. 26:3 11 1Their inner thought is that
In the city of the LORD of hosts, their houses will last forever,
10 a[Deut.
In the city of our God: 28:58]; Josh. Their dwelling places to all
God will aestablish it forever. 7:9; Mal. 1:11 generations;
Selah 13 a[Ps. 78:57] They acall their lands after
their own names.
9 We have thought, O God, on 14 aIs. 58:11 12 Nevertheless man, though in
aYour lovingkindness, 1So with MT,
Syr.; LXX, Vg. honor, does not 1remain;
In the midst of Your temple. Forever He is like the beasts that
10 According to aYour name, perish.
O God, PSALM 49
So is Your praise to the ends of 13 This is the way of those who
the earth; 4 1riddle are afoolish,
Your right hand is full of And of their posterity who
righteousness. 6 aJob 31:24; approve their sayings. Selah
11 Let Mount Zion rejoice, Ps. 52:7;
[Prov. 11:28; 14 Like sheep they are laid in the
Let the daughters of Judah be Mark 10:24] grave;
glad, Death shall feed on them;
Because of Your judgments. 7 aJob 36:18, aThe upright shall have
dominion over them in the
12 Walk about Zion, 8 a[Matt. morning;
And go all around her. 16:26] bAnd their beauty shall be
Count her towers; 9 aPs. 89:48 consumed in 1the grave, far
13 Mark well her bulwarks; 1experience
from their dwelling.
Consider her palaces; corruption
15 But God awill redeem my soul
That you may atell it to the 11 aGen. 4:17; from the power of 1the
generation following. Deut. 3:14
1LXX, Syr., grave,
14 For this is God, Tg., Vg. Their For He shall breceive me. Selah
Our God forever and ever; graves shall
aHe will be our guide be their 16 Do not be afraid when one
1Even to death. houses for- becomes rich,
When the glory of his house is
PSALM 49 12 1So with increased;
MT, Tg.; LXX, 17 For when he dies he shall carry
The Confidence of the Foolish Syr., Vg. un-
derstand (cf. nothing away;
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of v. 20) His glory shall not descend
the sons of Korah. 13 a[Luke
after him.
12:20] 18 Though while he lives ahe
EAR this, all peoples;
H Give ear, all inhabitants of the
14 aPs. 47:3;
[Dan. 7:18;
blesses himself
(For men will praise you when
1 Cor. 6:2; you do well for yourself),
2 Both low and high, Rev. 2:26] 19 He shall go to the generation of
Rich and poor together. bJob 4:21 1Or
his fathers;
3 My mouth shall speak wisdom, Sheol
They shall never see alight.1
And the meditation of my heart 15 a[Hos. 13:4]; 20 A man who is in honor, yet
shall give understanding. Mark 16:6, 7; does not understand,
4 I will incline my ear to a Acts 2:31, 32
bPs. 73:24 1Or aIs like the beasts that perish.
proverb; Sheol
I will disclose my 1dark saying PSALM 50
on the harp. 18 aDeut.
29:19; Luke God the Righteous Judge
5 Why should I fear in the days
of evil, 19 aJob 33:30 A Psalm of Asaph.
1The light of
When the iniquity at my heels HE aMighty One, God the LORD,
surrounds me?
Those who atrust in their wealth
20 aEccl. 3:19
T Has spoken and called the earth
From the rising of the sun to its
And boast in the multitude of going down.
their riches, PSALM 50 2 Out of Zion, the perfection of
7 None of them can by any beauty,
means redeem his brother, 1 aIs. 9:6 aGod will shine forth.
Nor agive to God a ransom for 2 aDeut. 33:2; 3 Our God shall come, and shall
him Ps. 80:1 not keep silent;
8 For athe redemption of their 3 aLev. 10:2;
aA fire shall devour before Him,
souls is costly, Num. 16:35; And it shall be very
And it shall cease forever [Ps. 97:3] tempestuous all around Him.
9 That he should continue to live 4 aDeut. 4:26;
eternally, 31:28; 32:1; Is. 4 He shall call to the heavens
And anot 1see the Pit. 1:2 from above,
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499 PSALM 51:11

And to the earth, 5 aDeut. 33:3
bEx. 24:7 1Lit.
And bset them in order before
that He may judge His cut your eyes.
5 Gather aMy saints together to 6 a[Ps. 97:6] 22 Now consider this, you who
bPs. 75:7 aforget God,
bThose who have 1made a
7 aEx. 20:2
Lest I tear you in pieces,
covenant with Me by And there be none to deliver:
sacrifice. 8 aJer. 7:22 bIs. 23 Whoever offers praise glorifies
6 Let the aheavens declare His 1:11; [Hos. Me;
6:6] 1reprove
righteousness, And ato him who orders his
For bGod Himself is Judge. 9 aPs. 69:31 conduct aright
Selah I will show the salvation of
12 aEx. 19:5; God.
7 Hear, O My people, and I will [Deut. 10:14;
Job 41:11];
speak, 1 Cor. 10:26 PSALM 51
O Israel, and I will testify
against you; 13 a[Ps. A Prayer of Repentance
aI am God, your God! 51:1517]
8 aI will not 1rebuke you bfor your To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
14 aHos. 14:2; David awhen Nathan the prophet
sacrifices Heb. 13:15
Or your burnt offerings, bNum. 30:2; went to him, after he had gone in
Which are continually before Deut. 23:21 to Bathsheba.
Me. AVE mercy upon me, O God,
9 aI will not take a bull from your
15 aJob 22:27;
[Zech. 13:9] H According to Your
17 aNeh. 9:26;
Nor goats out of your folds. Rom. 2:21 According to the multitude of
10 For every beast of the forest is Your tender mercies,
Mine, 18 a[Rom. aBlot out my transgressions.
And the cattle on a thousand 1:32] b1 Tim.
5:22 1LXX, 2 aWash me thoroughly from my
hills. Syr., Tg., Vg. iniquity,
11 I know all the birds of the ran And cleanse me from my sin.
And the wild beasts of the field 19 aPs. 52:2
3 For I acknowledge my
are Mine. 21 a[Rom. 2:4] transgressions,
b[Ps. 90:8]
And my sin is always before
12 If I were hungry, I would not me.
tell you; 22 a[Job 8:13]
aFor the world is Mine, and all 4 aAgainst You,You only, have I
its fullness.
23 aGal. 6:16 sinned,
13 aWill I eat the flesh of bulls, And done this evil bin Your
Or drink the blood of goats? PSALM 51 sight
cThat You may be found just
14 aOffer to God thanksgiving, 1when You speak,
And bpay your vows to the title a2 Sam.
Most High. 12:1 And blameless when You judge.
15 Call upon Me in the day of
1 a[Is. 43:25; 5 Behold, I was brought forth in
trouble; 44:22; Acts
I will deliver you, and you shall 3:19; Col. iniquity,
glorify Me. 2:14] And in sin my mother
conceived me.
2 aJer. 33:8;
16 But to the wicked God says: Ezek. 36:33; 6 Behold,You desire truth in the
What right have you to declare [Heb. 9:14; inward parts,
My statutes, 1 John 1:7, 9] And in the hidden part You will
Or take My covenant in your 4 a2 Sam.
make me to know wisdom.
mouth, 12:13 b[Luke
17 aSeeing you hate instruction 5:21] cRom. 7 Purge me with hyssop, and I

And cast My words behind 3:4 1LXX, Tg., shall be clean;

Vg. in Your Wash me, and I shall be bwhiter
you? words
18 When you saw a thief, you than snow.
aconsented1 with him, 5 a[Job 14:4; 8 Make me hear joy and
Ps. 58:3; John gladness,
And have been a bpartaker with 3:6; Rom.
adulterers. 5:12] That the bones You have
19 You give your mouth to evil, broken amay rejoice.
And ayour tongue frames 7 aEx. 12:22; 9 Hide Your face from my sins,
Lev. 14:4;
deceit. Num. 19:18; And blot out all my iniquities.
20 You sit and speak against your Heb. 9:19 b[Is.
brother; 1:18] 10 aCreate in me a clean heart,
You slander your own mothers O God,
8 a[Matt. 5:4] And renew a steadfast spirit
21 These things you have done, 10 a[Ezek. within me.
and I kept silent; 18:31; Eph. 11 Do not cast me away from Your
aYou thought that I was 2:10] presence,
altogether like you; 11 a[Luke And do not take Your aHoly
But I will rebuke you, 11:13] Spirit from me.
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PSALM 51:12 500

12 Restore to me the joy of Your 12 a[2 Cor. But trusted in the abundance of
salvation, 3:17] his riches,
And uphold me by Your And strengthened himself in
agenerous Spirit. his 1wickedness.
13 Then I will teach transgressors 16 a[1 Sam.
15:22]; Ps. 8 But I am alike a green olive tree
Your ways, 50:814; [Mic.
And sinners shall be converted 6:68] in the house of God;
to You. I trust in the mercy of God
forever and ever.
14 Deliver me from the guilt of 17 aPs. 34:18; 9 I will praise You forever,
bloodshed, O God, [Is. 57:15]; Because You have done it;
The God of my salvation, 66:2 And in the presence of Your
And my tongue shall sing aloud saints
of Your righteousness. I will wait on Your name, for it
15 O Lord, open my lips, 19 aPs. 4:5 1is good.

And my mouth shall show forth

Your praise. PSALM 53
16 For aYou do not desire sacrifice, Folly of the Godless, and the
or else I would give it; PSALM 52
Restoration of Israel
You do not delight in burnt
offering. To the Chief Musician. Set to
17 The sacrifices of God are a
title a1 Sam. Mahalath. A 1Contemplation of
broken spirit, 22:9 bEzek. David.
A broken and a contrite heart 22:9 1Heb.
HE afool has said in his heart,
These, O God,You will not
T There is no God.
They are corrupt, and have
18 Do good in Your good pleasure 71Lit. desire, done abominable iniquity;
in evil sense bThere is none who does good.
to Zion;
Build the walls of Jerusalem. 2 God looks down from heaven
19 Then You shall be pleased with upon the children of men,
athe sacrifices of 8 aJer. 11:16
To see if there are any who
righteousness, understand, who aseek God.
With burnt offering and whole 3 Every one of them has turned
burnt offering; 9 1Or has a
good reputa- aside;
Then they shall offer bulls on tion They have together become
Your altar. corrupt;
There is none who does good,
PSALM 52 No, not one.
The End of the Wicked and the PSALM 53
Peace of the Godly 4 Have the workers of iniquity
ano knowledge,
To the Chief Musician. A title 1Heb.
Who eat up my people as they
1Contemplation of David awhen eat bread,
Doeg the Edomite went and btold And do not call upon God?
Saul, and said to him, David has 5 aThere they are in great fear
gone to the house of Ahimelech. 1 aPs. 10:4 Where no fear was,
HY do you boast in evil,
bRom. 3:1012 For God has scattered the
W O mighty man?
The goodness of God endures
bones of him who encamps
against you;
2 a[2 Chr. 15:2] You have put them to shame,
continually. Because God has despised them.
2 Your tongue devises destruction,
Like a sharp razor, working 6 aOh, that the salvation of Israel
deceitfully. 4 aJer. 4:22
would come out of Zion!
3 You love evil more than good, When God brings back 1the
Lying rather than speaking captivity of His people,
righteousness. Selah 5 aLev. 26:17,
36; Prov. 28:1 Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be
4 You love all devouring words, glad.
You deceitful tongue.
6 aPs. 14:7 1Or PSALM 54
5 God shall likewise destroy you His captive
forever; people
Answered Prayer for Deliverance
He shall take you away, and from Adversaries
pluck you out of your To the Chief Musician. With
dwelling place, 1stringed instruments. A
And uproot you from the land PSALM 54 Contemplation of David awhen the
of the living. Selah Ziphites went and said to Saul, Is
6 The righteous also shall see David not hiding with us?
and fear,
And shall laugh at him, saying, title a1 Sam. AVE me, O God, by Your name,
7 Here is the man who did not
make God his strength,
23:19 1Heb.
2Heb. Maschil
S And vindicate me by Your
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501 PSALM 55:23

2 Hear my prayer, O God; 4 1sustain my For I have seen aviolence and
Give ear to the words of my soul strife in the city.
mouth. 10 Day and night they go around
3 For strangers have risen up 5 1Destroy it on its walls;
against me, them 2Or aIniquity and trouble are also in
And oppressors have sought the midst of it.
after my life; 11 Destruction is in its midst;
7 aPs. 59:10 aOppression and deceit do not
They have not set God before
them. Selah depart from its streets.
PSALM 55 12 aFor it is not an enemy who
4 Behold, God is my helper; reproaches me;
The Lord is with those who Then I could bear it.
1uphold my life. title 1Heb.
neginoth Nor is it one who hates me who
5 He will repay my enemies for 2Heb. Maschil has bexalted himself against
their evil. me;
1Cut them off in Your 2truth.
2 aIs. 38:14; Then I could hide from him.
59:11; Ezek. 13 But it was you, a man my
6 I will freely sacrifice to You; 7:16 1wander equal,
I will praise Your name, aMy companion and my
O LORD, for it is good. 3 a2 Sam. 16:7, acquaintance.
7 For He has delivered me out of 8 14 We took sweet counsel
all trouble; together,
aAnd my eye has seen its desire 4 aPs. 116:3 And awalked to the house of
upon my enemies. God in the throng.
9 aJer. 6:7
1speech, their 15 Let death seize them;
PSALM 55 counsel Let them ago down alive into
Trust in God Concerning the For wickedness is in their
Treachery of Friends 10 aPs. 10:7
dwellings and among them.
To the Chief Musician. With 11 aPs. 10:7
16 As for me, I will call upon God,
1stringed instruments. A
2Contemplation of David.
And the LORD shall save me.
12 aPs. 41:9 17 aEvening and morning and at
bPs. 35:26;
38:16 noon
GIVE ear to my prayer, O God,
And do not hide Yourself from
my supplication. 13 a2 Sam.
I will pray, and cry aloud,
And He shall hear my voice.
15:12 18 He has redeemed my soul in
2 Attend to me, and hear me; peace from the battle that
I aam1 restless in my complaint, was against me,
and moan noisily, 14 aPs. 42:4
For athere were many against
3 Because of the voice of the me.
enemy, 15 aNum. 19 God will hear, and afflict them,
Because of the oppression of 16:30, 33 1Or aEven He who abides from of
the wicked; Sheol
aFor they bring down trouble
old. Selah
Because they do not change,
upon me, 17 aDan. 6:10;
Therefore they do not fear
And in wrath they hate me. Luke 18:1;
Acts 3:1; 10:3, God.
4 My heart is severely pained
a 20 He has aput forth his hands
within me, 18 a2 Chr. 32:7, against those who bwere at
And the terrors of death have 8 peace with him;
fallen upon me. He has broken his 1covenant.
5 Fearfulness and trembling have 19 a[Deut. 21 aThe words of his mouth were
come upon me, 33:27] smoother than butter,
And horror has overwhelmed But war was in his heart;
me. 20 aActs 12:1 His words were softer than oil,
6 So I said, Oh, that I had wings bPs. 7:4 Yet they were drawn swords.
like a dove!
I would fly away and be at 22 aCast your burden on the
rest. 21 aPs. 28:3; LORD,
7 Indeed, I would wander far 57:4; [Prov. And bHe shall sustain you;
5:3, 4; 12:18] He shall never permit the
And remain in the wilderness. righteous to be 1moved.
22 a[Ps. 37:5;
Selah Matt. 6:2534; 23 But You, O God, shall bring
8 I would hasten my escape Luke them down to the pit of
From the windy storm and 12:2231;
tempest. 1 Pet. 5:7] bPs.
37:24 1shaken aBloodthirsty and deceitful men
bshall not live out half their
9 Destroy, O Lord, and divide 23 aPs. 5:6 days;
their 1tongues, bProv. 10:27 But I will trust in You.
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PSALM 56:1 502

PSALM 56 PSALM 56 a And in the shadow of Your
Prayer for Relief from Tormentors wings I will make my refuge,
b Until these calamities have
title a1 Sam. passed by.
To the Chief Musician. Set to 1The 21:11 1Heb.
Silent Dove in Distant Lands. A Jonath Elem
Michtam of David when the Rechokim 2 I will cry out to God Most High,
aPhilistines captured him in Gath. To God awho performs all
1 aPs. 57:1
things for me.
E amerciful to me, O God,
B for man would swallow me
up; 2 aPs. 57:3
3 He shall send from heaven and
save me;
He reproaches the one who
Fighting all day he oppresses 1would swallow me up. Selah
me. 4 aPs. 118:6; God bshall send forth His
2 My enemies would ahound me Is. 31:3; [Heb. mercy and His truth.
all day, 13:6]
For there are many who fight 4 My soul is among lions;
against me, O Most High. 8 a[Mal. 3:16] I lie among the sons of men
Who are set on fire,
3 Whenever I am afraid, aWhose teeth are spears and
9 a[Ps. 118:6;
I will trust in You. Rom. 8:31] arrows,
4 In God (I will praise His word), And their tongue a sharp sword.
In God I have put my trust; 13 aPs. 116:8, 9 5 aBe exalted, O God, above the
aI will not fear. bJob 33:30 heavens;
What can flesh do to me? LetYour glory be above all the
5 All day they twist my words; PSALM 57
All their thoughts are against 6 aThey have prepared a net for
me for evil. my steps;
6 They gather together, title a1 Sam. My soul is bowed down;
They hide, they mark my 22:1 1Heb. Al They have dug a pit before me;
steps, Tashcheth Into the midst of it they
When they lie in wait for my themselves have fallen. Selah
life. 1 aRuth 2:12;
7 Shall they escape by iniquity? Ps. 17:8; 63:7
bIs. 26:20
7 aMy heart is steadfast, O God,
In anger cast down the peoples, my heart is steadfast;
O God! I will sing and give praise.
2 a[Ps. 138:8] 8 Awake, amy glory!
8 You number my wanderings; Awake, lute and harp!
Put my tears into Your bottle; 3 aPs. 144:5, 7 I will awaken the dawn.
aAre they not in Your book? bPs. 43:3

9 When I cry out to You, 1snaps at or 9 I will praise You, O Lord, among
hounds me, or the peoples;
Then my enemies will turn crushes me
back; I will sing to You among the
This I know, because aGod is
for me. 4 aProv. 30:14 10 aFor Your mercy reaches unto
10 In God (I will praise His word), the heavens,
In the LORD (I will praise His 5 aPs. 108:5 And Your truth unto the clouds.
11 In God I have put my trust; 6 aPs. 9:15
11 aBe exalted, O God, above the
I will not be afraid. heavens;
What can man do to me? Let Your glory be above all the
7 aPs. 108:15 earth.
12 Vows made to You are binding
upon me, O God; 8 aPs. 16:9 PSALM 58
I will render praises to You, The Just Judgment of the Wicked
13 aFor You have delivered my soul 9 aPs. 108:3
from death. 1Gentiles To the Chief Musician. Set to 1Do
Have You not kept my feet from Not Destroy. A Michtam of David.
falling, 10 aPs. 103:11 O you indeed speak
That I may walk before God
In the blight of the living? 11 aPs. 57:5
D righteousness, you silent ones?
Do you judge uprightly, you
sons of men?
PSALM 57 2 No, in heart you work
PSALM 58 wickedness;
Prayer for Safety from Enemies You weigh out the violence of
To the Chief Musician. Set to 1Do your hands in the earth.
title 1Heb. Al
Not Destroy. A Michtam of David Tashcheth
awhen he fled from Saul into the 3 The wicked are estranged from

cave. the womb;

3 a[Ps. 53:3; Is. They go astray as soon as they
E merciful to me, O God, be 48:8] are born, speaking lies.
B merciful to me!
For my soul trusts in You; 4 aEccl. 10:11
4 aTheir poison is like the poison
of a serpent;
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503 PSALM 60:1

They are like the deaf cobra 5 aJer. 8:17 6 At evening they return,
that stops its ear, 6 aJob 4:10 They growl like a dog,
1Break away
5 Which will not aheed the voice And go all around the city.
of charmers, 7 aJosh. 2:11; 7 Indeed, they belch with their
Charming ever so skillfully. 7:5; Ps. mouth;
112:10; Is. aSwords are in their lips;
13:7; Ezek.
6 Break1 their teeth in their
21:7 For they say, bWho hears?
mouth, O God! 8 aJob 3:16
Break out the fangs of the 8 But aYou, O LORD, shall laugh
9 aPs. 118:12; at them;
young lions, O LORD! Eccl. 7:6 bJob
7 aLet them flow away as waters 27:21; Prov. You shall have all the 1nations
which run continually; 10:25 in derision.
When he bends his bow, 10 a[Deut. 9 I will wait for You, O You 1his
Let his arrows be as if cut in 32:43]; Jer. Strength;
11:20 bPs. aFor God is my 2defense.
pieces. 68:23
8 Let them be like a snail which 10 1My God of mercy shall acome
melts away as it goes, 11 aPs. 92:15; to meet me;
aLike a stillborn child of a
Prov. 11:18;
[2 Cor. 5:10]
God shall let bme see my desire
woman, that they may not see bPs. 50:6; 75:7 on my enemies.
the sun. 11 Do not slay them, lest my
people forget;
9 Before your apots can feel the title a1 Sam. Scatter them by Your power,
burning thorns, 19:11 1Heb. Al And bring them down,
He shall take them away bas Tashcheth O Lord our shield.
with a whirlwind, 1 1Lit. Set me 12 aFor the sin of their mouth and
As in His living and burning on high the words of their lips,
wrath. 3 aPs. 56:6 Let them even be taken in their
10 The righteous shall rejoice 4 aPs. 35:23 pride,
when he sees the avengeance; And for the cursing and lying
bHe shall wash his feet in the 5 1Gentiles
which they speak.
blood of the wicked, 6 aPs. 59:14
13 aConsume them in wrath,
11 aSo that men will say, 7 aPs. 57:4; consume them,
Surely there is a reward for the Prov. 12:18
bJob 22:13; That they may not be;
righteous; Ps. 10:11 And blet them know that God
Surely He is God who bjudges 8 aProv. 1:26 rules in Jacob
in the earth. 1Gentiles To the ends of the earth. Selah
9 a[Ps. 62:2]
PSALM 59 1So with MT, 14 And aat evening they return,
Syr.; some They growl like a dog,
The Assured Judgment of the Heb. mss., And go all around the city.
Wicked LXX, Tg., Vg. 15 They awander up and down for
my Strength
To the Chief Musician. Set to 1Do 2Lit. fortress food,
Not Destroy. A Michtam of David 10 aPs. 21:3
And 1howl if they are not
awhen Saul sent men, and they bPs. 54:7 1So satisfied.
watched the house in order to kill with Qr.;
some Heb. 16 But I will sing of Your power;
him. mss., LXX, Yes, I will sing aloud of Your
Vg. My God,
His mercy; mercy in the morning;
ELIVER me from my enemies,
O my God;
1 me from those who rise
Kt., some
Heb. mss., Tg.
O God, my
For You have been my defense
And refuge in the day of my
mercy; Syr. O
up against me. 17 To You, aO my Strength, I will
2 Deliver me from the workers of God, Your
mercy sing praises;
iniquity, For God is my defense,
12 aProv. 12:13
And save me from bloodthirsty My God of mercy.
men. 13 aPs. 104:35
bPs. 83:18
3 For look, they lie in wait for my 14 aPs. 59:6
life; 15 aJob 15:23 Urgent Prayer for the Restored
aThe mighty gather against me, 1So with Favor of God
Not for my transgression nor LXX, Vg.; MT,
for my sin, O LORD.
Syr., Tg. To the Chief Musician. aSet to
spend the 1Lily of the Testimony. A
4 They run and prepare night
Michtam of David. For teaching.
themselves through no fault 17 aPs. 18:1 bWhen he fought against
of mine. Mesopotamia and Syria of Zobah,
PSALM 60 and Joab returned and killed
a Awake to help me, and behold!
5 You therefore, O LORD God of title aPs. 80
twelve thousand Edomites in the
hosts, the God of Israel, b2 Sam. 8:3, Valley of Salt.
13; 1 Chr. 18:3
Awake to punish all the GOD, cYou have cast us off;
Do not be merciful to any
O You have broken us down;
You have been displeased;
wicked transgressors. Selah 1 aPs. 44:9 Oh, restore us again!
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 504

PSALM 60:2 504

2 You have made the earth 2 a[2 Chr. 5 For You, O God, have heard my
7:14]; Is. 30:26
tremble; vows;
You have broken it; 3 aPs. 71:20 You have given me the heritage
aHeal its breaches, for it is bIs. 51:17, 22; of those who fear Your name.
shaking. Jer. 25:15
6 You will prolong the kings life,
3 aYou have shown Your people His years as many generations.
hard things; 4 aPs. 20:5; Is. 7 He shall abide before God
bYou have made us drink the 5:26; 11:12; forever.
wine of 1confusion. 13:2 Oh, prepare mercy aand truth,
5 aPs. 108:613
which may 1preserve him!
4 You have given a banner to
those who fear You, 6 aPs. 89:35 8 So I will sing praise to Your
That it may be displayed bJosh. 1:6 name forever,
because of the truth. Selah cGen. 12:6
dJosh. 13:27
That I may daily perform my
5 aThat Your beloved may be vows.
delivered, 7 aDeut. 33:17
Save with Your right hand, and b[Gen. 49:10] PSALM 62
hear me. 1Lit. protec-
A Calm Resolve to Wait for the
6 God has aspoken in His holiness: Salvation of God
8 a2 Sam. 8:2
I will rejoice; b2 Sam. 8:14; To the Chief Musician. To
I will bdivide cShechem Ps. 108:9 Jeduthun. A Psalm of David.
c2 Sam. 8:1
And measure out dthe Valley of
RULY amy soul silently waits for
7 Gilead is Mine, and Manasseh
is Mine;
10 aPs. 108:11
bJosh. 7:12 T God;
From Him comes my salvation.
aEphraim also is the 1helmet for 11 aPs. 118:8; 2 He only is my rock and my
My head; 146:3 salvation;
bJudah is My lawgiver.
12 aNum. 24:18
He is my 1defense;
8 aMoab is My washpot; I shall not be greatly amoved.2
bOver Edom I will cast My shoe;
cPhilistia, shout in triumph PSALM 61 3 How long will you attack a
because of Me. man?
title 1Heb. You shall be slain, all of you,
aLike a leaning wall and a
9 Who will bring me to the neginah
strong city? tottering fence.
Who will lead me to Edom? 3 aProv. 18:10 4 They only consult to cast him
10 Is it not You, O God, awho cast 4 aPs. 91:4
down from his high position;
us off? 1tent They adelight in lies;
And You, O God, who did bnot They bless with their mouth,
go out with our armies? 7 aPs. 40:11
1Lit. guard or
But they curse inwardly. Selah
11 Give us help from trouble, keep
aFor the help of man is useless. 5 My soul, wait silently for God
12 Through God awe will do alone,
valiantly, PSALM 62 For my 1expectation is from
For it is He who shall tread Him.
down our enemies. title a1 Chr. 6 He only is my rock and my
25:1 salvation;
PSALM 61 He is my defense;
1 aPs. 33:20 I shall not be 1moved.
Assurance of Gods Eternal 7 aIn God is my salvation and my
Protection 2 aPs. 55:22
1strong tower glory;
To the Chief Musician. On a 1 The rock of my strength,
stringed instrument. A Psalm of And my refuge, is in God.
3 aIs. 30:13
David. 8 Trust in Him at all times, you
4 aPs. 28:3
EAR my cry, O God; people;
H Attend to my prayer.
2 From the end of the earth I will
5 1hope a Pour out your heart before
cry to You, 6 1shaken God is a refuge for us. Selah
When my heart is 7 a[Jer. 3:23]
overwhelmed; 9 Surely men of low degree are 1a

Lead me to the rock that is 8 a1 Sam. 1:15; vapor,

higher than I. Ps. 42:4; Lam. Men of high degree are a lie;
2:19 If they are weighed on the
3 For You have been a shelter for scales,
9 aJob 7:16;
me, Ps. 39:5; Is. They are altogether lighter
A strong tower from the enemy.
a 40:17 1vanity than vapor.
4 I will abide in Your 1tabernacle 10 Do not trust in oppression,
forever; 10 aJob 31:25; Nor vainly hope in robbery;
aI will trust in the shelter of Your [Mark 10:24; aIf riches increase,
Luke 12:15;
wings. Selah 1 Tim. 6:10] Do not set your heart on them.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 505

505 PSALM 65:4

11 God has spoken once, 12 a[Matt. Preserve my life from fear of
16:27]; Rom.
Twice I have heard this: 2:6; 1 Cor. 3:8 the enemy.
That power belongs to God. 1reward 2 Hide me from the secret plots
12 Also to You, O Lord, belongs of the wicked,
mercy; From the rebellion of the
For aYou 1render to each one PSALM 63 workers of iniquity,
according to his work. 3 Who sharpen their tongue like
a sword,
PSALM 63 title a1 Sam. aAnd bend their bows to shoot
22:5 their arrowsbitter words,
Joy in the Fellowship of God
4 That they may shoot in secret
A Psalm of David awhen he was in 1 aPs. 42:2; at the blameless;
the wilderness of Judah. [Matt. 5:6] Suddenly they shoot at him and
do not fear.
GOD,You are my God;
O Early will I seek You;
aMy soul thirsts for You;
2 aPs. 27:4
5 They encourage themselves in
3 aPs. 138:2 an evil matter;
My flesh longs for You They talk of laying snares
In a dry and thirsty land secretly;
Where there is no water. 4 aPs. 28:2; aThey say, Who will see
2 So I have looked for You in the 143:6
sanctuary, 6 They devise iniquities:
To see aYour power and Your 5 1Lit. fat We have perfected a shrewd
glory. scheme.
3 Because Your lovingkindness is
a Both the inward thought and
6 aPs. 42:8 the heart of man are deep.
better than life,
My lips shall praise You. 10 1Lit. pour 7 But God shall shoot at them
4 Thus I will bless You while I him out by with an arrow;
live; the hand of
Suddenly they shall be
I will alift up my hands in Your the sword
2Prey wounded.
name. 8 So He will make them stumble
5 My soul shall be satisfied as over their own tongue;
with 1marrow and 2fatness, 11 aDeut. 6:13;
aAll who see them shall flee
And my mouth shall praise You [Is. 45:23;
with joyful lips.
65:16] away.
9 All men shall fear,
6 When aI remember You on my And shall adeclare the work of
bed, PSALM 64 God;
I meditate on You in the night For they shall wisely consider
watches. His doing.
1 1complaint
7 Because You have been my
help, 10 aThe righteous shall be glad in
Therefore in the shadow of 3 aPs. 58:7 the LORD, and trust in Him.
Your wings I will rejoice. And all the upright in heart
8 My soul follows close behind 5 aPs. 10:11; shall glory.
You; 59:7
Your right hand upholds me. PSALM 65
8 aPs. 31:11 Praise to God for His Salvation and
9 But those who seek my life, to Providence
destroy it, 9 aJer. 50:28;
Shall go into the lower parts of 51:10 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
the earth. David. A Song.
10 They shall 1fall by the sword; RAISE is awaiting You, O God,
They shall be 2a portion for
10 aJob 22:19;
Ps. 32:11 P in Zion;
And to You the 1vow shall be
11 But the king shall rejoice in performed.
PSALM 65 2 O You who hear prayer,
God; aTo You all flesh will come.
aEveryone who swears by Him
shall glory; 1 1A promised
3 Iniquities prevail against me;
But the mouth of those who deed As for our transgressions,
speak lies shall be stopped. You will aprovide atonement for
2 a[Is. 66:23]
4 aBlessed is the man You
Oppressed by the Wicked but 3 aPs. 51:2; bchoose,
Rejoicing in the LORD 79:9; Is. 6:7; And cause to approach You,
[Heb. 9:14;
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of 1 John 1:7, 9] That he may dwell in Your
David. courts.
cWe shall be satisfied with the
4 aPs. 33:12
EAR my voice, O God, in my goodness of Your house,
H 1meditation;
bPs. 4:3 cPs.
36:8 Of Your holy temple.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 506

PSALM 65:5 506

5 By awesome deeds in 6 aPs. 93:1 He is awesome in His doing
righteousness You will toward the sons of men.
answer us, 7 aMatt. 8:26 6 He turned the sea into dry land;
O God of our salvation, bIs. 17:12, 13 bThey went through the river on
You who are the confidence of foot.
all the ends of the earth, 8 1shout for There we will rejoice in Him.
And of the far-off seas; joy 7 He rules by His power forever;
6 Who established the mountains His eyes observe the nations;
by His strength, Do not let the rebellious exalt
aBeing clothed with power; 9 a[Deut.
11:12]; Jer. themselves. Selah
7 You who still the noise of the
5:24 bPs. 46:4;
seas, 104:13; 147:8 8 Oh, bless our God, you peoples!
1give atten-
The noise of their waves, And make the voice of His
tion to
bAnd the tumult of the peoples. praise to be heard,
8 They also who dwell in the 9 Who keeps our soul among the
farthest parts are afraid of 13 aIs. 44:23; living,
Your signs; 55:12 And does not allow our feet to
You make the outgoings of the 1be moved.

morning and evening 10 For aYou, O God, have tested us;

1rejoice. PSALM 66 bYou have refined us as silver is
9 You 1visit the earth and awater it, 11 aYou brought us into the net;
You greatly enrich it; 1 aPs. 100:1 You laid affliction on our
bThe river of God is full of backs.
water; 3 aPs. 65:5 bPs. 12 aYou have caused men to ride
You provide their grain, 18:44 over our heads;
For so You have prepared it. bWe went through fire and
10 You water its ridges 4 aPs. 117:1; through water;
abundantly, Zech. 14:16 But You brought us out to 1rich
You settle its furrows; fulfillment.
You make it soft with showers,
6 aEx. 14:21 13 aI will go into Your house with
You bless its growth. bJosh. 3:1416
burnt offerings;
11 You crown the year with Your bI will pay You my 1vows,
goodness, 9 1slip 14 Which my lips have uttered
And Your paths drip with And my mouth has spoken
abundance. 10 aJob 23:10; when I was in trouble.
12 They drop on the pastures of Ps. 17:3 b[Is. 15 I will offer You burnt sacrifices
the wilderness, 48:10; Zech. of fat animals,
And the little hills rejoice on 13:9; Mal. 3:3;
1 Pet. 1:7] With the sweet aroma of
every side. rams;
13 The pastures are clothed with I will offer bulls with goats.
flocks; 11 aLam. 1:13; Selah
aThe valleys also are covered Ezek. 12:13
with grain; 16 Come and hear, all you who
They shout for joy, they also 12 aIs. 51:23 fear God,
bIs. 43:2
sing. 1abundance
And I will declare what He has
done for my soul.
PSALM 66 17 I cried to Him with my mouth,
Praise to God for His Awesome 13 aPs. 100:4; And He was 1extolled with my
116:14, 1719 tongue.
Works b[Eccl. 5:4]
1Promised 18 aIf I regard iniquity in my heart,
To the Chief Musician. A Song. deeds The Lord will not hear.
A Psalm. 19 But certainly God ahas heard
17 1praised
AKE aa joyful shout to God,
M all the earth!
2 Sing out the honor of His 18 aJob 27:9;
He has attended to the voice of
my prayer.
name; [Prov. 15:29; 20 Blessed be God,
Make His praise glorious. 28:9]; Is. 1:15;
[John 9:31; Who has not turned away my
3 Say to God, James 4:3] prayer,
How aawesome are Your works! Nor His mercy from me!
bThrough the greatness of Your
power 19 aPs. 116:1, 2
Your enemies shall submit
themselves to You. An Invocation and a Doxology
4 aAll the earth shall worship You PSALM 67
To the Chief Musician. On 1stringed
And sing praises to You; instruments. A Psalm. A Song.
They shall sing praises to Your
title 1Heb. OD be merciful to us and bless
Come and see the works of
Selah neginoth G us,
And acause His face to
God; 1 aNum. 6:25 shine upon us, Selah
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507 PSALM 68:23

2 That aYour way may be known 2 aActs 18:25 presence of God, the God of
bIs. 52:10;
on earth, Titus 2:11
bYour salvation among all
4 a[Ps. 96:10,
9 aYou, O God, sent a plentiful
nations. 13; 98:9] rain,
6 aLev. 26:4; Whereby You confirmed Your
3 Let the peoples praise You, Ps. 85:12; inheritance,
O God; [Ezek. 34:27]; When it was weary.
Let all the peoples praise You. Zech. 8:12
1give her pro- 10 Your congregation dwelt in it;
4 Oh, let the nations be glad and duce aYou, O God, provided from Your
sing for joy! goodness for the poor.
For aYou shall judge the people PSALM 68
righteously, 11 The Lord gave the word;
1 aNum. 10:35
And govern the nations on Great was the 1company of
2 a[Is. 9:18];
earth. Selah Hos. 13:3 bPs. those who proclaimed it:
97:5; Mic. 1:4 12 Kingsa of armies flee, they
5 Let the peoples praise You, 3 aPs. 32:11 flee,
O God; 4 aDeut. 33:26 And she who remains at home
Let all the peoples praise You. b[Ex. 6:3] divides the 1spoil.
6 aThen the earth shall 1yield her 1Praise 2MT
13 aThough you lie down among
deserts; Tg.
increase; heavens (cf. v. the 1sheepfolds,
God, our own God, shall bless 34 and Is. bYou will be like the wings of a
us. 19:1) 3Lit. dove covered with silver,
7 God shall bless us, LORD, a And her feathers with yellow
And all the ends of the earth Heb. form gold.
shall fear Him. 5 a[Ps. 10:14, 14 aWhen the Almighty scattered
18; 146:9] kings in it,
PSALM 68 6 aPs. 107:47 It was white as snow in Zalmon.
bActs 12:6
The Glory of God in His Goodness cPs. 107:34
15 A mountain of God is the
to Israel 7 aEx. 13:21; mountain of Bashan;
[Hab. 3:13]
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of 9 aLev. 26:4;
A mountain of many peaks is
David. A Song. Deut. 11:11; the mountain of Bashan.
Job 5:10; 16 Why do you 1fume with envy,
ET aGod arise,
L Let His enemies be scattered;
Let those also who hate Him
Ezek. 34:26
10 aDeut. 26:5;
Ps. 74:19
you mountains of many
aThis is the mountain which God
flee before Him. 11 1host desires to dwell in;
2 aAs smoke is driven away, 12 aNum. 31:8; Yes, the LORD will dwell in it
So drive them away; Josh. 10:16;
Judg. 5:19 forever.
bAs wax melts before the fire, 1plunder
So let the wicked perish at the 13 aPs. 81:6 17 aThe chariots of God are twenty
presence of God. bPs. 105:37 thousand,
1Or saddle-
3 But alet the righteous be Even thousands of thousands;
glad; The Lord is among them as in
14 aJosh. 10:10
Let them rejoice before God; Sinai, in the Holy Place.
16 a[Deut.
Yes, let them rejoice 12:5]; 1 Kin. 18 aYou have ascended on high,
exceedingly. bYou have led captivity captive;
9:3 1Lit. stare
cYou have received gifts among
17 aDeut. 33:2;
4 Sing to God, sing praises to His Dan. 7:10 men,
name; 18 aMark Even from dthe rebellious,
aExtol1 Him who rides on the 16:19; Acts eThat the LORD God might dwell
1:9; Eph. 4:8;
Phil. 2:9; Col. there.
bBy His name 3YAH,
3:1; Heb. 1:3
And rejoice before Him. bJudg. 5:12 19 Blessed be the Lord,
cActs 2:4, 33;
Who daily loads us with
5 A father of the fatherless, a
[1 Cor. benefits,
defender of widows, 12:411; Eph. The God of our salvation! Selah
Is God in His holy habitation. 4:712] 20 Our God is the God of
d[1 Tim. 1:13]
6 aGod sets the solitary in ePs. 78:60 salvation;
20 a[Deut.
And ato GOD the Lord belong
bHe brings out those who are escapes from death.
bound into prosperity; 21 aHab. 3:13
But cthe rebellious dwell in a bPs. 55:23 21 But aGod will wound the head
dry land. 22 aNum. of His enemies,
21:33; Deut. bThe hairy scalp of the one who
7 O God, awhen You went out 30:19; Amos still goes on in his trespasses.
9:13 bEx.
before Your people, 14:22 22 The Lord said, I will bring
When You marched through the 23 aPs. 58:10
aback from Bashan,
wilderness, Selah b1 Kin. 21:19; I will bring them back bfrom
8 The earth shook; Jer. 15:3
1LXX, [Syr.],
the depths of the sea,
The heavens also dropped rain Tg., Vg. you
23 aThat 1your foot may crush them
at the presence of God; may dip your in blood,
Sinai itself was moved at the foot bAnd the tongues of your dogs
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PSALM 68:24 508

may have their portion from 24 1Lit. goings I have come into deep waters,
your enemies. Where the floods overflow me.
25 a1 Chr. 13:8 3 aI am weary with my crying;
24 They have seen Your My throat is dry;
1procession, O God, 26 aDeut. bMy eyes fail while I wait for my
The procession of my God, my 33:28; Is. 48:1
King, into the sanctuary.
25 aThe singers went before, the 27 aJudg. 5:14; 4 Those who ahate me without a
1 Sam. 9:21
players on instruments 1throng cause
followed after; Are more than the hairs of my
Among them were the maidens 28 aPs. 42:8; Is. head;
playing timbrels. 26:12 1LXX, They are mighty who would
26 Bless God in the congregations, [Syr.], Tg., Vg. destroy me,
Command, O Being my enemies wrongfully;
The Lord, from athe fountain of God
Israel. Though I have stolen nothing,
27 aThere is little Benjamin, their 29 a1 Kin.
I still must restore it.
leader, 10:10, 25;
The princes of Judah and their 2 Chr. 32:23; 5 O God,You know my
1company, Ps. 45:12; foolishness;
72:10; Is. 18:7 And my sins are not hidden
The princes of Zebulun and the
princes of Naphtali. from You.
30 aPs. 22:12 6 Let not those who 1wait for You,
b2 Sam. 8:2
28 1Your God has acommanded O Lord GOD of hosts, be
your strength; 31 aIs.
ashamed because of me;
Strengthen, O God, what You 19:1923 bIs. Let not those who seek You be
45:14; Zeph. 2confounded because of me,
have done for us.
3:10 cPs. 44:20 O God of Israel.
29 Because of Your temple at
Jerusalem, 7 Because for Your sake I have
aKings will bring presents to You. 32 a[Ps. 67:3, borne reproach;
30 Rebuke the beasts of the reeds, Shame has covered my face.
aThe herd of bulls with the 8 aI have become a stranger to my
33 aDeut.
calves of the peoples, 33:26; Ps. brothers,
Till everyone bsubmits himself 18:10 bPs. And an alien to my mothers
with pieces of silver. 46:6; Is. 30:30 children;
Scatter the peoples who delight 9 aBecause zeal for Your house has

in war. 34 aPs. 29:1 eaten me up,

bAnd the reproaches of those
31 aEnvoys will come out of Egypt;
bEthiopia will quickly cstretch 35 aPs. 76:12 who reproach You have fallen
out her hands to God. on me.
10 When I wept and chastened my
32 Sing to God, you akingdoms of soul with fasting,
the earth; That became my reproach.
Oh, sing praises to the Lord, title 1Heb. 11 I also 1made sackcloth my
Selah Shoshannim garment;
33 To Him awho rides on the I became a byword to them.
heaven of heavens, which 1 aJob 22:11; 12 Those who 1sit in the gate
Jon. 2:5 1Lit. speak against me,
were of old! soul
Indeed, He sends out His voice, And I am the song of the
a bmighty voice. 2 aPs. 40:2
34 aAscribe strength to God;
His excellence is over Israel, 13 But as for me, my prayer is to
3 aPs. 6:6
And His strength is in the bDeut. 28:32; You,
clouds. Ps. 119:82, O LORD, in the acceptable
35 O God, aYou are more awesome
123; Is. 38:14 time;
than Your holy places. O God, in the multitude of Your
The God of Israel is He who
4 aPs. 35:19; mercy,
John 15:25 Hear me in the truth of Your
gives strength and power to salvation.
His people. 6 1Wait in 14 Deliver me out of the mire,
faith 2dishon-
Blessed be God! ored And let me not sink;
Let me be delivered from those
8 aIs. 53:3; who hate me,
PSALM 69 Mark 3:21; And out of the deep waters.
Luke 8:19; 15 Let not the floodwater overflow
An Urgent Plea for Help in Trouble John 7:35
To the Chief Musician. Set to 1The Nor let the deep swallow me
9 aJohn 2:17
Lilies. A Psalm of David. bRom. 15:3 up;
And let not the pit shut its
AVE me, O God!
S For athe waters have come up
to my 1neck.
11 1Symbolic
of sorrow
mouth on me.
16 Hear me, O LORD, for Your
2 I sink in deep mire,
12 aJob 30:9 lovingkindness is good;
Where there is no standing; 1Sit as judges Turn to me according to the
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509 PSALM 71:6

multitude of Your tender 19 aPs. 22:6, 7; The seas band everything that
mercies. Heb. 12:2 moves in them.
17 And do not hide Your face from 20 aIs. 63:5 35 aFor God will save Zion
bJob 16:2 1Lit.
Your servant, sickness And build the cities of Judah,
For I am in trouble; 21 aMatt. That they may dwell there and
Hear me speedily. 27:34, 48; possess it.
18 Draw near to my soul, and Mark 15:23, 36 Also, athe 1descendants of His
36; Luke
redeem it; 23:36; John servants shall inherit it,
Deliver me because of my 19:2830 And those who love His name
enemies. 22 aRom. 11:9, shall dwell in it.
19 You know amy reproach, my 23 aIs. 6:9, 10
shame, and my dishonor; 24 a[1 Thess. PSALM 70
My adversaries are all before 2:16; Jer
Prayer for Relief from Adversaries
You. 10:25]
20 Reproach has broken my 25 aMatt.
23:38; Luke To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
heart, 13:35; Acts David. aTo bring to remembrance.
And I am full of 1heaviness; 1:20
aI looked for someone to take
pity, but there was none;
And for bcomforters, but I
26 a[Is. 53:4;
1 Pet. 2:24]
27 aNeh. 4:5;
M AKE haste, aO God, to deliver
Make haste to help me, O LORD!
found none. [Rom. 1:28]
b[Is. 26:10]
21 They also gave me gall for my 2 Let them be ashamed and

food, 28 a[Ex. 32:32]; confounded

Phil. 4:3; [Rev. Who seek my life;
aAnd for my thirst they gave me
3:5; 13:8]
vinegar to drink. bEzek. 13:9; Let them be 1turned back and
Luke 10:20; confused
22 aLet their table become a snare Heb. 12:23 Who desire my hurt.
before them, 30 a[Ps. 28:7] 3 aLet them be turned back
And their well-being a trap. 31 aPs. 50:13, because of their shame,
14, 23; 51:16
23 aLet their eyes be darkened, so Who say, 1Aha, aha!
32 aPs. 34:2
that they do not see; bPs. 22:26
And make their loins shake 4 Let all those who seek You
33 a[Ps. 68:6];
continually. Eph. 3:1 rejoice and be glad in You;
24 aPour out Your indignation upon 34 aPs. 96:11; And let those who love Your
them, Is. 44:23; salvation say continually,
And let Your wrathful anger 49:13 bIs. Let God be magnified!
take hold of them.
25 aLet their dwelling place be 35 aPs. 51:18; 5 But I am poor and needy;
Is. 44:26 Make haste to me, O God!
desolate; 36 aPs. 102:28
Let no one live in their tents. 1Lit. seed You are my help and my
26 For they persecute the ones deliverer;
aYou have struck, PSALM 70 O LORD, do not delay.
And talk of the grief of those title aPs. 38:ti-
You have wounded. PSALM 71
27 aAdd iniquity to their iniquity, 1 aPs. 40:1317 God the Rock of Salvation
bAnd let them not come into
2 aPs. 35:4, 26 N aYou, O LORD, I put my trust;
Your righteousness.
28 Let them abe blotted out of the
1So with MT,
LXX, Tg., Vg.;
some Heb.
I Let me never be put to shame.
2 aDeliver me in Your
book of the living, mss., Syr. ap-
bAnd not be written with the
palled (cf.
righteousness, and cause me
righteous. 40:15) to escape;
bIncline Your ear to me, and save
3 aPs. 40:15
29 But I am poor and sorrowful; 1An expres- me.
Let Your salvation, O God, set sion of scorn 3 aBe my 1strong refuge,
me up on high. 5 aPs. 72:12, 13
bPs. 141:1
To which I may resort
30 I will praise the name of God
a continually;
with a song, PSALM 71 You have given the
And will magnify Him with bcommandment to save me,
thanksgiving. 1 aPs. 25:2, 3 For You are my rock and my
31 This also shall please the LORD
a 2 aPs. 31:1 bPs. fortress.
better than an ox or bull, 17:6
Which has horns and hooves. 3 aPs. 31:2, 3 4 Deliver me, O my God, out of
bPs. 44:4 1Lit.
32 aThe humble shall see this and rock of refuge
the hand of the wicked,
be glad; or rock of Out of the hand of the
And you who seek God, byour habitation unrighteous and cruel man.
hearts shall live. 4 aPs. 140:1, 3 5 For You are amy hope, O Lord
33 For the LORD hears the poor, 5 aJer. 14:8; GOD;
And does not despise aHis 17:7, 13, 17; You are my trust from my youth.
50:7 6 aBy You I have been 1upheld
6 aPs. 22:9, 10; from birth;
Is. 46:3 1sus-
34 aLet heaven and earth praise tained from You are He who took me out of
Him, the womb my mothers womb.
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PSALM 71:7 510

My praise shall be continually 7 aIs. 8:18; 22 Also awith the lute I will praise
of You. Zech. 3:8;
1 Cor. 4:9 You
And Your faithfulness, O my
7 I have become as a wonder to
many, 8 aPs. 35:28
To You I will sing with the harp,
But You are my strong refuge. O bHoly One of Israel.
8 Let amy mouth be filled with 10 a2 Sam. 23 My lips shall greatly rejoice
Your praise 17:1
when I sing to You,
And with Your glory all the And amy soul, which You have
day. 12 aPs. 35:22
bPs. 70:1 redeemed.
24 My tongue also shall talk of
9 Do not cast me off in the time Your righteousness all the
of old age; 13 1ashamed
day long;
Do not forsake me when my For they are confounded,
strength fails. 17 aDeut. 4:5; For they are brought to shame
10 For my enemies speak against 6:7
Who seek my hurt.
And those who lie in wait for 18 a[Is. 46:4] PSALM 72
my life atake counsel
together, 19 aDeut. 3:24;
Glory and Universality of the
11 Saying, God has forsaken him; Ps. 57:10 bPs. Messiahs Reign
Pursue and take him, for there 35:10 1great,
is none to deliver him. lit. to the A Psalm aof Solomon.
height of
IVE the king Your judgments,
12 aO God, do not be far from me;
O my God, bmake haste to help
G O God,
And Your righteousness to the
20 aPs. 60:3
me! bHos. 6:1, 2 kings Son.
13 Let them be 1confounded and 2 aHe will judge Your people with
consumed righteousness,
22 aPs. 92:13
Who are adversaries of my b2 Kin. 19:22; And Your poor with justice.
life; Is. 1:4 3 aThe mountains will bring peace
Let them be covered with to the people,
reproach and dishonor 23 aPs. 103:4 And the little hills, by
Who seek my hurt. righteousness.
14 But I will hope continually, 4 aHe will bring justice to the poor
PSALM 72 of the people;
And will praise You yet more
and more. He will save the children of the
15 My mouth shall tell of Your title aPs. 127:ti-
righteousness tle And will 1break in pieces the
And Your salvation all the day, oppressor.
For I do not know their limits. 2 a[Is. 9:7;
16 I will go in the strength of the 11:25; 32:1] 5 They shall fear You
As long as the sun and moon
Lord GOD;
I will make mention of Your 3 aPs. 85:10
righteousness, of Yours only. Throughout all generations.
6 aHe shall come down like rain
4 aIs. 11:4 upon the grass before
17 O God,You have taught me 1crush
from my ayouth; mowing,
And to this day I declare Your Like showers that water the
5 aPs. 72:7, 17; earth.
wondrous works. 89:36 1So with
18 Now also awhen I am old and MT, Tg.; LXX, 7 In His days the righteous shall
grayheaded, Vg. They shall flourish,
continue aAnd abundance of peace,
O God, do not forsake me,
Until I declare Your strength to Until the moon is no more.
this generation, 6 aDeut. 32:2;
2 Sam. 23:4; 8 He shall have dominion also
Your power to everyone who is Hos. 6:3
to come. from sea to sea,
And from the River to the ends
7 aIs. 2:4 of the earth.
19 Also aYour righteousness,
O God, is 1very high, 9 aThose who dwell in the
You who have done great 8 aEx. 23:31; wilderness will bow before
[Is. 9:6; Zech. Him,
things; 9:10]
bO God, who is like You? bAnd His enemies will lick the
20 aYou, who have shown me great dust.
9 aPs. 74:14;
and severe troubles, Is. 23:13 bIs. 10 aThe kings of Tarshish and of the
bShall revive me again, 49:23; Mic. isles
And bring me up again from 7:17 Will bring presents;
the depths of the earth. The kings of Sheba and Seba
21 You shall increase my 10 a1 Kin. 10:2; Will offer gifts.
greatness, 2 Chr. 9:21 11 aYes, all kings shall fall down
And comfort me on every before Him;
side. 11 aIs. 49:23 All nations shall serve Him.
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511 PSALM 73:24

12 For He awill deliver the needy 12 aJob 29:12 But their strength is firm.
when he cries, 5 aThey are not in trouble as other
The poor also, and him who 14 a1 Sam. men,
26:21; [Ps.
has no helper. 116:15] Nor are they plagued like other
13 He will spare the poor and men.
needy, 15 aIs. 60:6 6 Therefore pride serves as their
And will save the souls of the necklace;
needy. 16 a1 Kin. 4:20 Violence covers them alike a
14 He will redeem their life from garment.
oppression and violence; 17 a[Ps. 89:36]
b[Gen. 12:3]
7 aTheir 1eyes bulge with
And aprecious shall be their cLuke 1:48 abundance;
blood in His sight. They have more than heart
18 a1 Chr. could wish.
15 And He shall live; 29:10 bEx. 8 aThey scoff and speak wickedly
And the gold of aSheba will be 15:11; Job 5:9 concerning oppression;
given to Him; They bspeak 1loftily.
Prayer also will be made for 19 a[Neh. 9:5]
bNum. 14:21;
9 They set their mouth aagainst
Him continually, Hab. 2:14 the heavens,
And daily He shall be praised. And their tongue walks
through the earth.
16 There will be an abundance of PSALM 73
grain in the earth, 10 Therefore his people return
On the top of the mountains; here,
Its fruit shall wave like title aPs. 50: aAnd waters of a full cup are
Lebanon; drained by them.
aAnd those of the city shall 11 And they say, aHow does God
2 aJob 12:5
flourish like grass of the know?
earth. 3 aPs. 37:1, 7; And is there knowledge in the
[Prov. 23:17]
bJob 21:516;
Most High?
17 aHis name shall endure 12 Behold, these are the ungodly,
forever; Jer. 12:1
Who are always at ease;
His name shall continue as 4 1pains They increase in riches.
long as the sun. 13 Surely I have 1cleansed my
And bmen shall be blessed in 5 aJob 21:9 heart in avain,
Him; And washed my hands in
cAll nations shall call Him
6 aPs. 109:18 innocence.
blessed. 14 For all day long I have been
7 aJob 15:27; plagued,
18 aBlessed be the LORD God, the Jer. 5:28 1Tg. And chastened every morning.
God of Israel, face bulges;
bWho only does wondrous LXX, Syr., Vg.
iniquity 15 If I had said, I will speak
things! bulges thus,
19 And ablessed be His glorious Behold, I would have been
name forever! 8 aPs. 53:1 untrue to the generation of
bAnd let the whole earth be b2 Pet. 2:18;
Jude 16 Your children.
filled with His glory. 1Proudly 16 When I thought how to
Amen and Amen. understand this,
9 aRev. 13:6 It was 1too painful for me
20 The prayers of David the son of 17 Until I went into the sanctuary
Jesse are ended. 10 a[Ps. 75:8] of God;
Then I understood their aend.
11 aJob 22:13
BOOK THREE 18 Surely aYou set them in
13 aJob 21:15; slippery places;
Psalms 7389 35:3; Mal. 3:14
1kept my You cast them down to
PSALM 73 heart pure in destruction.
vain 19 Oh, how they are brought to
The Tragedy of the Wicked, and the desolation, as in a moment!
Blessedness of Trust in God 16 1trouble- They are utterly consumed with
some in my
A Psalm of Asaph.
a eyes terrors.
20 As a dream when one awakes,
RULY God is good to Israel, So, Lord, when You awake,
T To such as are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet had
17 a[Ps. 37:38;
55:23] You shall despise their image.
almost stumbled; 18 aPs. 35:6 21 Thus my heart was grieved,
My steps had nearly aslipped. And I was 1vexed in my mind.
3 aFor I was envious of the 21 1Lit. pierced 22 aI was so foolish and ignorant;
in my kidneys I was like a beast before You.
When I saw the prosperity of 23 Nevertheless I am continually
22 aPs. 92:6
the bwicked. with You;
24 aPs. 32:8;
You hold me by my right hand.
4 For there are no 1pangs in their 48:14; Is. 24 You will guide me with Your
death, 58:11 counsel,
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PSALM 73:25 512

And afterward receive me to 25 a[Phil. 3:8] 11 aWhy do You withdraw Your
glory. hand, even Your right hand?
26 aPs. 84:2
bPs. 16:5 1Lit.
Take it out of Your bosom and
25 aWhom have I in heaven but rock destroy them.
You? 12 For aGod is my King from of
And there is none upon earth 27 a[Ps. old,
that I desire besides You. 119:155] 1Are Working salvation in the midst
26 aMy flesh and my heart fail; unfaithful to of the earth.
But God is the 1strength of my You 13 aYou divided the sea by Your
heart and my bportion strength;
forever. 28 a[Heb. You broke the heads of the 1sea
10:22; James
4:8] bPs. serpents in the waters.
27 For indeed, those who are far
116:10; 2 Cor. 14 You broke the heads of
from You shall perish; 4:13 1Leviathan in pieces,
You have destroyed all those And gave him as food to the
who 1desert You for harlotry. people inhabiting the
28 But it is good for me to adraw PSALM 74
near to God; 15 You broke open the fountain
I have put my trust in the Lord title 1Heb. and the flood;
GOD, Maschil bYou dried up mighty rivers.
That I may bdeclare all Your 16 The day is Yours, the night also
works. 4 aLam. 2:7 is aYours;
bNum. 2:2
bYou have prepared the light
PSALM 74 and the sun.
8 aPs. 83:4
A Plea for Relief from Oppressors 1oppress 17 You have aset all the borders of
the earth;
A 1Contemplation of Asaph. 9 a1 Sam. 3:1;
bYou have made summer and

GOD, why have You cast us off Lam. 2:9; winter.

O forever?
Why does Your anger smoke
Ezek. 7:26;
Amos 8:11 18 Remember this, that the enemy
has reproached, O LORD,
against the sheep of Your 10 1revile And that a foolish people has
pasture? blasphemed Your name.
2 Remember Your congregation, 11 aLam. 2:3 19 Oh, do not deliver the life of
which You have purchased of Your turtledove to the wild
old, 12 aPs. 44:4 beast!
The tribe of Your inheritance, Do not forget the life of Your
which You have redeemed 13 aEx. 14:21 poor forever.
This Mount Zion where You 1sea monsters
20 aHave respect to the covenant;
have dwelt. For the 1dark places of the
3 Lift up Your feet to the 14 1A large
earth are full of the 2haunts
perpetual desolations. sea creature
of unknown of 3cruelty.
The enemy has damaged identity 21 Oh, do not let the oppressed
everything in the sanctuary. return ashamed!
4 aYour enemies roar in the midst
15 aEx. 17:5, 6; Let the poor and needy praise
of Your meeting place; Num. 20:11;
Your name.
bThey set up their banners for Ps. 105:41; Is.
signs. 48:21 bEx.
14:21, 22; 22 Arise, O God, plead Your own
5 They seem like men who lift up Josh. 2:10; cause;
Axes among the thick trees. 3:13 Remember how the foolish
6 And now they break down its man 1reproaches You daily.
carved work, all at once, 16 aJob 38:12
bGen. 1:1418 23 Do not forget the voice of Your
With axes and hammers. enemies;
7 They have set fire to Your The tumult of those who rise up
sanctuary; 17 aDeut. 32:8;
Acts 17:26 against You increases
They have defiled the dwelling bGen. 8:22 continually.
place of Your name to the
ground. 20 aGen. 17:7, PSALM 75
8 aThey said in their hearts, 8; Lev. 26:44,
Let us 1destroy them 45 1hiding Thanksgiving for Gods Righteous
places 2homes Judgment
altogether. 3violence
They have burned up all the To the Chief Musician. Set to aDo1
meeting places of God in the 22 1reviles or Not Destroy. A Psalm of Asaph.
land. taunts A Song.
9 We do not see our signs; E give thanks to You, O God,
There is no longer any prophet;
Nor is there any among us who
PSALM 75 W we give thanks!
For Your wondrous works
knows how long. title aPs. 57: declare thatYour name is near.
10 O God, how long will the title 1Heb. Al
adversary 1reproach? Tashcheth 2 When I choose the 1proper
Will the enemy blaspheme Your time,
name forever? 2 1appointed I will judge uprightly.
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513 PSALM 77:11

3 The earth and all its 4 a[1 Sam. 8 You caused judgment to be
2:3]; Ps. 94:4 heard from heaven;
inhabitants are dissolved; 1Raise the
I set up its pillars firmly. Selah bThe earth feared and was still,
head proudly
like a horned 9 When God aarose to judgment,
4 I said to the boastful, Do not animal To deliver all the oppressed of
deal boastfully, the earth. Selah
And to the wicked, aDo not 1lift 5 1Insolent
up the horn. 10 aSurely the wrath of man shall
5 Do not lift up your horn on 7 aPs. 50:6 praise You;
high; b1 Sam. 2:7; With the remainder of wrath
Do not speak with 1a stiff neck. Ps. 147:6;
Dan. 2:21
You shall gird Yourself.
6 For exaltation comes neither 8 aJob 21:20;
11 aMake vows to the LORD your
from the east Ps. 60:3; Jer. God, and pay them;
Nor from the west nor from the 25:15; Rev. bLet all who are around Him
south. 14:10; 16:19 bring presents to Him who
7 But aGod is the Judge: 10 aPs. 101:8;
ought to be feared.
bHe puts down one,
Jer. 48:25 bPs. 12 He shall cut off the spirit of
And exalts another. 89:17; 148:14 princes;
8 For ain the hand of the LORD c1 Sam. 2:1 aHe is awesome to the kings of
there is a cup, the earth.
And the wine is red;
It is fully mixed, and He pours PSALM 76 PSALM 77
it out; The Consoling Memory of Gods
Surely its dregs shall all the title 1Heb. Redemptive Works
wicked of the earth neginoth
Drain and drink down. To the Chief Musician. aTo
1 aPs. 48:1, 3 Jeduthun. A Psalm of Asaph.
9 But I will declare forever,
CRIED out to God with my voice
I will sing praises to the God of
2 1Jerusalem

4 aEzek. 38:12
I To God with my voice;
And He gave ear to me.
10 All the horns of the wicked I
a 1 2 In the day of my trouble I
5 aIs. 10:12; sought the Lord;
will also cut off, 46:12 bPs. 13:3
But bthe horns of the righteous 1Lit. have My hand was stretched out in
shall be cexalted. slumbered the night without ceasing;
their sleep My soul refused to be
PSALM 76 comforted.
6 aEx. 15:121;
The Majesty of God in Judgment Ezek. 39:20; 3 I remembered God, and was
Nah. 2:13; troubled;
To the Chief Musician. On 1stringed Zech. 12:4 I complained, and my spirit
instruments. A Psalm of Asaph. was overwhelmed. Selah
7 a[Ezra 9:15;
A Song. Nah. 1:6; Mal.
3:2; Rev. 6:17] 4 You hold my eyelids open;
N aJudah God is known;
I His name is great in Israel.
2 In 1Salem also is His
Chr. 16:30; 5
I am so troubled that I cannot
I have considered the days of
tabernacle, 2 Chr. 20:29 old,
And His dwelling place in Zion. The years of ancient times.
9 a[Ps. 9:79]
3 There He broke the arrows of 6 I call to remembrance my song
the bow, 10 aEx. 9:16; in the night;
The shield and sword of battle. Rom. 9:17 I meditate within my heart,
Selah And my spirit 1makes diligent
11 a[Eccl. search.
4 You are more glorious and 5:46] b2 Chr.
32:22, 23
excellent 7 Will the Lord cast off forever?
aThan the mountains of prey. And will He be favorable no
12 aPs. 68:35
5 aThe stouthearted were more?
plundered; 8 Has His mercy ceased forever?
bThey 1have sunk into their PSALM 77 Has His apromise failed
sleep; 1forevermore?
And none of the mighty men title aPs. 39: 9 Has God forgotten to be
have found the use of their title gracious?
hands. Has He in anger shut up His
6 At Your rebuke, O God of
a 6 1ponders tender mercies? Selah
Both the chariot and horse 8 a[2 Pet. 2:8, 10 And I said, This is my
were cast into a dead sleep. 9] 1Lit. unto
generation But I will remember the years
7 You,Yourself, are to be feared; and genera- of the right hand of the Most
And awho may stand in Your High.
presence 10 1Lit. infir- 11 I will remember the works of
When once You are angry? mity the LORD;
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PSALM 77:12 514

Surely I will remember Your 13 aPs. 73:17
1Or holiness
declare them to their
wonders of old. children,
12 I will also meditate on all Your 16 aEx. 14:21;
7 That they may set their hope in
work, Hab. 3:8, 10 God,
And talk of Your deeds. And not forget the works of
13 Your way, O God, is in 1the God,
asanctuary; PSALM 78 But keep His commandments;
Who is so great a God as our 8 And amay not be like their
God? title aPs. 74: fathers,
14 You are the God who does title 1Heb. bA stubborn and rebellious
wonders; Maschil generation,
You have declared Your A generation cthat did not 1set
strength among the peoples. 2 aMatt. 13:34, its heart aright,
15 You have with Your arm 35 1obscure
sayings or rid- And whose spirit was not
redeemed Your people, dles faithful to God.
The sons of Jacob and Joseph.
Selah 4 aEx. 12:26, 9 The children of Ephraim, being
27; Deut. 4:9; armed and 1carrying bows,
16 The waters saw You, O God; 6:7; Job 15:18;
Is. 38:19; Joel Turned back in the day of
The waters saw You, they were 1:3 bEx. 13:8, battle.
14 10 aThey did not keep the covenant
The depths also trembled. of God;
17 The clouds poured out water; 5 aPs. 147:19 They refused to walk in His
bDeut. 4:9;
The skies sent out a sound; law,
Your arrows also flashed about. 11 And aforgot His works
18 The voice of Your thunder was 6 aPs. 102:18 And His wonders that He had
in the whirlwind; shown them.
The lightnings lit up the world; 8 a2 Kin.
The earth trembled and shook. 17:14; 2 Chr. 12 aMarvelous things He did in the
19 Your way was in the sea, 30:7; Ezek. sight of their fathers,
Your path in the great waters, 20:18 bEx.
32:9; Deut. In the land of Egypt, bin the
And Your footsteps were not 9:7, 24; 31:27; field of Zoan.
known. Judg. 2:19; Is. 13 aHe divided the sea and caused
20 You led Your people like a flock 30:9 cJob
them to pass through;
By the hand of Moses and 11:13; Ps.
78:37 1Lit. And bHe made the waters stand
Aaron. prepare its up like a heap.
heart 14 aIn the daytime also He led them
PSALM 78 with the cloud,
9 1Lit. bow
Gods Kindness to Rebellious Israel shooters And all the night with a light of
A aContemplation1 of Asaph. 10 a2 Kin. 15 He split the rocks in the

IVE ear, O my people, to my law; 17:15 wilderness,

G Incline your ears to the
words of my mouth. 11 aPs. 106:13
And gave them drink in
abundance like the depths.
2 I will open my mouth in a 16 He also brought astreams out of
12 aEx. 712 the rock,
bNum. 13:22;
I will utter 1dark sayings of Is. 19:11; 30:4; And caused waters to run down
old, Ezek. 30:14 like rivers.
3 Which we have heard and
known, 13 aEx. 14:21 17 But they sinned even more
bEx. 15:8
And our fathers have told us. against Him
4 We will not hide them from
a By arebelling against the Most
14 aEx. 13:21 High in the wilderness.
their children,
bTelling to the generation to
15 aEx. 17:6;
18 And athey tested God in their
come the praises of the Num. 20:11; heart
LORD, Is. 48:21; By asking for the food of their
And His strength and His [1 Cor. 10:4] fancy.
wonderful works that He has 19 Yes, they spoke against
16 aNum. 20:8, God:
done. 10, 11
They said, Can God prepare a
5 For aHe established a testimony 17 aDeut. 9:22; table in the wilderness?
in Jacob, Is. 63:10; Heb. 20 aBehold, He struck the
And appointed a law in Israel, 3:16 rock,
Which He commanded our So that the waters gushed
fathers, 18 aEx. 16:2 out,
That bthey should make them And the streams overflowed.
known to their children; 19 aEx. 16:3;
Num. 11:4; Can He give bread also?
6 aThat the generation to come 20:3; 21:5 Can He provide meat for His
might know them, people?
The children who would be 20 aNum. 20:11
born, 21 Therefore the LORD heard this
That they may arise and 21 aNum. 11:1 and awas furious;
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515 PSALM 78:55

So a fire was kindled against 22 a[Heb. 3:18] And did not destroy them.
Jacob, Yes, many a time cHe turned
And anger also came up 23 a[Mal. 3:10]
His anger away,
against Israel, 24 aEx. 16:4 And ddid not stir up all His
22 Because they adid not believe in bJohn 6:31 wrath;
God, 1Lit. grain 39 For aHe remembered bthat they
And did not trust in His were but flesh,
salvation. 25 1satiation cA breath that passes away and
23 Yet He had commanded the does not come again.
26 aNum.
clouds above, 11:31
aAnd opened the doors of 40 How often they aprovoked1 Him
heaven, 29 aNum. in the wilderness,
24 aHad rained down manna on 11:19, 20 And grieved Him in the desert!
them to eat, 41 Yes, aagain and again they
And given them of the 1bread 30 aNum. tempted God,
11:33 1Lit.
of bheaven. separated And limited the Holy One of
25 Men ate angels food; Israel.
He sent them food to 1the 32 aNum. 42 They did not remember His
full. 14:16, 17
bNum. 14:11
The day when He redeemed
26 aHe caused an east wind to blow them from the enemy,
33 aNum.
in the heavens; 14:29, 35 43 When He worked His signs in
And by His power He brought Egypt,
in the south wind. 34 a[Hos. 5:15] And His wonders in the field of
27 He also rained meat on them Zoan;
like the dust, 35 a[Deut. 44 aTurned their rivers into blood,
Feathered fowl like the sand of 32:4, 15]
bIs. 41:14; And their streams, that they
the seas; 44:6; 63:9 could not drink.
28 And He let them fall in the 45 aHe sent swarms of flies among
midst of their camp, 36 aEzek. them, which devoured them,
All around their dwellings. 33:31
And bfrogs, which destroyed
29 aSo they ate and were well them.
38 a[Num. 14:
filled, 1820] bEx. 46 He also gave their crops to the
For He gave them their own 34:6 c[Is. 48:9] caterpillar,
desire. d1 Kin. 21:29
And their labor to the alocust.
30 They were not 1deprived of 47 He destroyed their vines with
their craving; 39 aJob 10:9
bJohn 3:6 hail,
But awhile their food was still c[Job 7:7, 16] And their sycamore trees with
in their mouths, frost.
31 The wrath of God came against 40 aHeb. 3:16 48 He also gave up their acattle to
them, 1rebelled
the hail,
And slew the stoutest of against Him
And their flocks to fiery
them, 41 aNum. 1lightning.
And struck down the choice 14:22 49 He cast on them the fierceness
men of Israel. of His anger,
42 1Lit. hand
32 In spite of this athey still Wrath, indignation, and
sinned, 44 aEx. 7:20 trouble,
And bdid not believe in His By sending angels of
wondrous works. 45 aEx. 8:24 destruction among them.
33 aTherefore their days He
bEx. 8:6 50 He made a path for His anger;
consumed in futility, He did not spare their soul
46 aEx. 10:14 from death,
And their years in fear.
47 aEx.
But gave 1their life over to the
34 aWhen He slew them, then they 9:2325 plague,
sought Him; 51 And destroyed all the afirstborn
And they returned and sought 48 aEx. 9:19 in Egypt,
earnestly for God. The first of their strength in the
35 Then they remembered that tents of Ham.
aGod was their rock,
50 1Or their 52 But He amade His own people
And the Most High God btheir beasts go forth like sheep,
Redeemer. And guided them in the
36 Nevertheless they aflattered 51 aEx. 12:29, wilderness like a flock;
30 53 And He aled them on safely, so
Him with their mouth,
And they lied to Him with their 52 aPs. 77:20
that they did not fear;
tongue; But the sea boverwhelmed their
37 For their heart was not 53 aEx. 14:19, enemies.
steadfast with Him, 20 bEx. 14:27, 54 And He brought them to His
Nor were they faithful in His 28 aholy border,
covenant. 54 aEx. 15:17
This mountain bwhich His right
38 aBut He, being full of bPs. 44:3 hand had acquired.
bcompassion, forgave their 55 He also drove out the nations
iniquity, 55 aPs. 44:2 before them,
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PSALM 78:56 516

bAllotted them an inheritance by 55 bJosh. 13:7; PSALM 79
1survey, 19:51; 23:4
1surveyed A Dirge and a Prayer for Israel,
And made the tribes of Israel measurement, Destroyed by Enemies
dwell in their tents. lit. measuring
A Psalm of Asaph.
56 aYet they tested and provoked
56 aJudg. GOD, the 1nations have come
the Most High God,
And did not keep His
O into aYour inheritance;
Your holy temple they have
testimonies, 57 aEzek.
57 But aturned back and acted 20:27, 28 defiled;
bHos. 7:16 bThey have laid Jerusalem 2in
unfaithfully like their fathers;
They were turned aside blike a 58 aJudg. 2:12
deceitful bow. bDeut. 12:2 2 aThe dead bodies of Your
58 aFor they provoked Him to servants
anger with their bhigh places, 60 a1 Sam. They have given as food for the
4:11 birds of the heavens,
And moved Him to jealousy
with their carved images. 61 aJudg. 18:30
The flesh of Your saints to the
59 When God heard this, He was beasts of the earth.
furious, 62 a1 Sam. 3 Their blood they have shed like
And greatly abhorred Israel, 4:10 water all around Jerusalem,
60 aSo that He forsook the And there was no one to bury
63 aJer. 7:34;
tabernacle of Shiloh, 16:9; 25:10 them.
The tent He had placed among 4 We have become a reproach to
men, 64 a1 Sam. our aneighbors,
61 aAnd delivered His strength into 4:17; 22:18
bJob 27:15;
A scorn and derision to those
captivity, Ezek. 24:23
who are around us.
And His glory into the enemys 5 How long, LORD?
hand. 65 aIs. 42:13
Will You be angry forever?
62 aHe also gave His people over to 66 a1 Sam. 5:6 Will Your bjealousy burn like
the sword, fire?
And was furious with His 68 a[Ps. 87:2] 6 Pour out Your wrath on the
inheritance. 1nations that bdo not know
63 The fire consumed their young 69 a1 Kin.
6:138 You,
men, And on the kingdoms that cdo
And atheir maidens were not 70 a1 Sam. not call on Your name.
given in marriage. 16:11, 12 7 For they have devoured
64 aTheir priests fell by the sword, Jacob,
And btheir widows made no 71 a[Is. 40:11]
b2 Sam. 5:2 And laid waste his dwelling
lamentation. place.
72 a1 Kin. 9:4
65 Then the Lord awoke as from 8 Oh, do not remember 1former
sleep, PSALM 79 iniquities against us!
aLike a mighty man who shouts
1 aPs. 74:2 Let Your tender mercies come
because of wine. bMic. 3:12 speedily to meet us,
66 And aHe beat back His 1Gentiles 2in
For we have been brought very
enemies; ruins low.
He put them to a perpetual 9 Help us, O God of our
reproach. 2 aJer. 7:33;
19:7; 34:20 salvation,
For the glory of Your name;
67 Moreover He rejected the tent 4 aPs. 44:13 And deliver us, and provide
of Joseph, atonement for our sins,
And did not choose the tribe of 5 aPs. 74:1, 9
b[Zeph. 3:8]
aFor Your names sake!
Ephraim, 10 aWhy should the 1nations
68 But chose the tribe of Judah, 6 aJer. 10:25 say,
Mount Zion awhich He loved. bIs. 45:4, 5
Where is their God?
69 And He built His asanctuary cPs. 53:4
1Gentiles Let there be known among the
like the heights, nations in our sight
Like the earth which He has 8 aIs. 64:9 1Or The avenging of the blood of
established forever. against us the Your servants which has been
70 aHe also chose David His iniquities of shed.
servant, those who
were before
And took him from the us 11 Let athe groaning of the
sheepfolds; prisoner come before You;
71 From following athe ewes that 9 aJer. 14:7, 21 According to the greatness of
had young He brought him, Your 1power
bTo shepherd Jacob His people, 10 aPs. 42:10
1Gentiles Preserve those who are
And Israel His inheritance. appointed to die;
72 So he shepherded them 11 aPs. 102:20 12 And return to our neighbors
1Lit. arm
according to the aintegrity of asevenfold into their bosom
his heart, 12 aGen. 4:15
bTheir reproach with which they
And guided them by the bPs. 74:10, 18, have reproached You,
skillfulness of his hands. 22 O Lord.
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517 PSALM 81:10

13 So awe,Your people and sheep 13 aPs. 74:1; 15 And the vineyard which Your
95:7 bIs. 43:21 right hand has planted,
of Your pasture,
Will give You thanks forever; And the branch that You made
bWe will show forth Your praise PSALM 80 strong afor Yourself.
to all generations. 16 It is burned with fire, it is cut
title aPs. 45: down;
PSALM 80 title 1Heb. aThey perish at the rebuke of
Prayer for Israels Restoration 2Heb. Eduth Your countenance.
17 aLet Your hand be upon the man
To the Chief Musician. aSet to 1The 1 a[Ex. of Your right hand,
Lilies. A 2Testimony of Asaph. A 1 Sam. 4:4; Upon the son of man whom You
Psalm. 2 Sam. 6:2 made strong for Yourself.
bPs. 77:20 18 Then we will not turn back
IVE ear, O Shepherd of Israel,
cDeut. 33:2
aYou who lead Joseph blike
from You;
2 aPs. 78:9, 67 Revive us, and we will call
a flock; upon Your name.
You who dwell between the 3 aLam. 5:21
bNum. 6:25;
cherubim, cshine forth! 19 Restore us, O LORD God of
Ps. 4:6
2 Before aEphraim, Benjamin, hosts;
and Manasseh, 4 aPs. 79:5 Cause Your face to shine,
Stir up Your strength, And we shall be saved!
And come and save us! 5 aPs. 42:3; Is.
3 Restore us, O God;
a 8 a[Is. 5:1, 7];
Cause Your face to shine,
b Jer. 2:21; An Appeal for Israels Repentance
And we shall be saved! Ezek. 15:6;
17:6; 19:10 To the Chief Musician. aOn1 an
4 O LORD God of hosts,
bPs. 44:2; Acts
instrument of Gath. A Psalm of
7:45 1Gentiles Asaph.
aHow long will You be angry
Against the prayer of Your 10 aLev. 23:40
ING aloud to God our strength;
5 aYou have fed them with the
1Lit. cedars of
God S Make a joyful shout to the God
of Jacob.
bread of tears, 11 1The 2 Raise a song and strike the
And given them tears to drink ranean 2The timbrel,
in great measure. Euphrates The pleasant harp with the lute.
6 You have made us a strife to
12 aIs. 5:5; 3 Blow the trumpet at the time of
our neighbors, Nah. 2:2
And our enemies laugh among 1walls or the New Moon,
themselves. fences At the full moon, on our solemn
feast day.
14 aIs. 63:15
7 Restore us, O God of hosts; 4 For athis is a statute for Israel,
Cause Your face to shine, 15 a[Is. 49:5] A law of the God of Jacob.
And we shall be saved! 5 This He established in Joseph
16 a[Ps. 39:11] as a testimony,
8 You have brought aa vine out of 17 aPs. 89:21 When He went throughout the
Egypt; land of Egypt,
bYou have cast out the 1nations, aWhere I heard a language I did
and planted it. not understand.
9 You prepared room for it,
And caused it to take deep root, title aPs. 8:title 6 I removed his shoulder from
1Heb. Al Git-
And it filled the land. tith the burden;
10 The hills were covered with its His hands were freed from the
shadow, 4 aLev. 23:24; baskets.
Num. 10:10
And the 1mighty cedars with its 7 aYou called in trouble, and I
aboughs. 5 aDeut. 28:49; delivered you;
11 She sent out her boughs to 1the Ps. 114:1; Jer. bI answered you in the secret
5:15 place of thunder;
And her branches to 2the River. 7 aEx. 2:23; I ctested you at the waters of
14:10; Ps. 1Meribah. Selah
12 Why have You broken down
a 50:15 bEx.
19:19; 20:18 8 Hear,a O My people, and I will
her 1hedges, cEx. 17:6, 7;
So that all who pass by the way Num. 20:13 admonish you!
pluck her fruit? 1Lit. Strife or O Israel, if you will listen to
13 The boar out of the woods Contention Me!
uproots it, 8 a[Ps. 50:7] 9 There shall be no aforeign god
And the wild beast of the field among you;
devours it. 9 a[Ex. 20:3; Nor shall you worship any
Deut. 5:7; foreign god.
32:12]; Ps.
14 Return, we beseech You, O God 44:20; [Is. 10 aI am the LORD your God,
of hosts; 43:12] Who brought you out of the
aLook down from heaven and land of Egypt;
10 aEx. 20:2;
see, Deut. 5:6 bPs.
bOpen your mouth wide, and I
And visit this vine 103:5 will fill it.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 518

PSALM 81:11 518

11 But My people would not heed 11 aDeut. 3 They have taken crafty counsel
32:15 against Your people,
My voice,
And Israel would have anone of 12 a[Acts 7:42] And consulted together
Me. 1the dictates aagainst Your sheltered ones.
of their heart 4 They have said, Come, and alet
12 aSo I gave them over to 1their
own stubborn heart, 13 a[Is. 48:18] us cut them off from being a
To walk in their own counsels. nation,
15 aRom. 1:30
1Lit. time That the name of Israel may be
13 Oh,a that My people would remembered no more.
listen to Me, 16 aDeut.
32:14 bJob 5 For they have consulted
That Israel would walk in My 29:6 1Lit. fat
ways! of wheat together with one 1consent;
14 I would soon subdue their They 2form a confederacy
PSALM 82 against You:
And turn My hand against their 1 a[2 Chr. 6 aThe tents of Edom and the
adversaries. 19:6] bPs. 82:6 Ishmaelites;
1Heb. El, lit.
15 aThe haters of the LORD would Moab and the Hagrites;
God 2Judges; 7 Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek;
pretend submission to Him, Heb. elohim,
But their 1fate would endure lit. mighty Philistia with the inhabitants of
forever. ones or gods Tyre;
16 He would ahave fed them also 2 a[Deut. 1:17]
8 Assyria also has joined with
with 1the finest of wheat; them;
And with honey bfrom the rock 3 a[Deut. They have helped the children
24:17] 1Vindi- of Lot. Selah
I would have satisfied you. cate
5 aPs. 11:3 9 Deal with them as with aMidian,
PSALM 82 1moved As with bSisera,
A Plea for Justice 6 aJohn 10:34 As with Jabin at the Brook
1Judges; Heb. Kishon,
A Psalm of Asaph. elohim, lit. 10 Who perished at En Dor,
mighty ones aWho became as refuse on the
OD astands in the congregation
G of 1the mighty;
He judges among bthe 2gods.
or gods
8 a[Rev. 11:15]
11 Make their nobles like aOreb
2 How long will you judge PSALM 83
and like Zeeb,
Yes, all their princes like
unjustly, 1 aPs. 28:1 bZebah and Zalmunna,
And ashow partiality to the 12 Who said, Let us take for
wicked? Selah 2 aPs. 81:15
1uproar 2Ex- ourselves
3 1Defend the poor and fatherless; alted them- The pastures of God for a
Do justice to the afflicted and selves possession.
3 a[Ps. 27:5]
4 Deliver the poor and needy; 13 aO my God, make them like the
Free them from the hand of the 4 aJer. 11:19; whirling dust,
wicked. 31:36 bLike the chaff before the wind!
5 1Lit. heart 14 As the fire burns the woods,
5 They do not know, nor do they 2Lit. cut a
And as the flame asets the
understand; covenant mountains on fire,
They walk about in darkness; 6 a2 Chr. 20:1, 15 So pursue them with Your
All the afoundations of the 10, 11 tempest,
earth are 1unstable. 9 aJudg. 7:22 And frighten them with Your
bJudg. storm.
6 I said, aYou are 1gods, 4:1524; 5:20, 16 Fill their faces with shame,
And all of you are children of 21 That they may seek Your name,
the Most High. 10 aZeph. 1:17 O LORD.
7 But you shall die like men, 17 Let them be 1confounded and
And fall like one of the 11 aJudg. 7:25 dismayed forever;
bJudg. 8:1221
princes. Yes, let them be put to shame
13 aIs. 17:13 and perish,
8 Arise, O God, judge the earth; bPs. 35:5
18 aThat they may know that You,
aFor You shall inherit all nations. 14 aDeut. whose bname alone is the
32:22 LORD,
PSALM 83 Are cthe Most High over all the
17 1ashamed
Prayer to Frustrate Conspiracy earth.
18 aPs. 59:13
Against Israel bEx. 6:3 c[Ps.
A Song. A Psalm of Asaph. The Blessedness of Dwelling in the
Oa not keep silent, O God! House of God
D Do not hold Your peace,
And do not be still, O God!
title aPs.
8:title 1Heb. To the Chief Musician. aOn1 an
Al Gittith instrument of Gath. A Psalm of the
2 For behold, aYour enemies sons of Korah.
make a 1tumult; 1 aPs. 27:4;
46:4, 5 1are
And those who hate You have OW alovely 1is Your tabernacle,
2lifted up their head.
dwellings H O LORD of hosts!
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519 PSALM 86:5

2 My soul longs, yes, even
a 2 aPs. 42:1, 2 You have covered all their sin.
faints Selah
For the courts of the LORD; 4 a[Ps. 65:4] 3 You have taken away all Your
My heart and my flesh cry out wrath;
for the living God. 6 a2 Sam.
5:2225 1Lit. You have turned from the
Weeping 2Or fierceness of Your anger.
3 Even the sparrow has found a blessings
home, 4 Restore us, O God of our
And the swallow a nest for 7 aProv. 4:18; salvation,
herself, Is. 40:31; John And cause Your anger toward
1:16; 2 Cor.
Where she may lay her 3:18 bEx. us to cease.
young 34:23; Deut. 5 aWill You be angry with us
Even Your altars, O LORD of 16:16 1LXX, forever?
hosts, Syr., Vg. The
God of gods Will You prolong Your anger to
My King and my God. shall be seen all generations?
4 Blessed are those who dwell in 6 Will You not arevive us again,
Your ahouse; 9 aGen. 15:1 That Your people may rejoice in
They will still be praising You. 1Commis-
Selah sioned one,
Heb. messiah 7 Show us Your mercy, LORD,
And grant us Your salvation.
5 Blessed is the man whose 10 1stand at
strength is in You, the threshold 8 I will hear what God the LORD
Whose heart is set on will speak,
pilgrimage. 11 aIs. 60:19, For He will speak peace
6 As they pass through the Valley 20; Mal. 4:2; To His people and to His saints;
aof 1Baca, Rev. 21:23
bGen. 15:1 But let them not turn back to
They make it a spring; cPs. 34:9, 10 1folly.
The rain also covers it with 9 Surely aHis salvation is near to
12 a[Ps. 2:12; those who fear Him,
7 They go afrom strength to 40:4] bThat glory may dwell in our
strength; land.
1Each one bappears before God
in Zion. 10 Mercy and truth have met
8 O LORD God of hosts, hear my aPs.
title 42: aRighteousness and peace have
prayer; title
Give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah 11 Truth shall spring out of the
9 O God, behold our shield,
a 1 aEzra
1:112:1; Ps. earth,
And look upon the face of Your 14:7; Jer. And righteousness shall look
30:18; 31:23; down from heaven.
Ezek. 39:25;
10 For a day in Your courts is Hos. 6:11; 12 aYes, the LORD will give what is
better than a thousand. Joel 3:1 good;
I would rather 1be a doorkeeper And our land will yield its
in the house of my God 4 aPs. 80:3, 7 increase.
Than dwell in the tents of 13 Righteousness will go before
5 aPs. 79:5 Him,
11 For the LORD God is aa sun and And shall make His footsteps
6 aHab. 3:2 our pathway.
The LORD will give grace and 8 1foolishness
glory; PSALM 86
cNo good thing will He Prayer for Mercy, with Meditation
9 aIs. 46:13
withhold bHag. 2:7;
on the Excellencies of the LORD
From those who walk Zech. 2:5;
[John 1:14] A Prayer of David.
OW down Your ear, O LORD, hear
12 O LORD of hosts,
aBlessed is the man who trusts
10 aPs. 72:3;
[Is. 32:17];
Luke 2:14
B me;
For I am poor and needy.
in You!
12 a[Ps. 84:11;
2 Preserve my 1life, for I am holy;
PSALM 85 James 1:17] You are my God;
Save Your servant who trusts in
Prayer that the LORD Will Restore You!
Favor to the Land PSALM 86 3 Be merciful to me, O Lord,
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm aof For I cry to You all day long.
the sons of Korah. 2 1Lit. soul 4 1Rejoice the soul of Your
ORD,You have been favorable aFor to You, O Lord, I lift up my
L to Your land;
You have abrought back the

143:8 1Make
For aYou, Lord, are good, and
captivity of Jacob. 5 aPs. 130:7;
ready to forgive,
2 You have forgiven the iniquity 145:9; [Joel And abundant in mercy to all
of Your people; 2:13] those who call upon You.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 520

PSALM 86:6 520

6 Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; 8 a[Ex. 15:11]; 4 I will make mention of 1Rahab
2 Sam. 7:22;
And attend to the voice of my 1 Kin. 8:23; and Babylon to those who
supplications. Ps. 89:6; Jer. know Me;
7 In the day of my trouble I will 10:6 Behold, O Philistia and Tyre,
call upon You, with Ethiopia:
For You will answer me. 10 a[Ex. 15:11]
This one was born there.
bDeut. 6:4; Is.
8 Among the gods there is none
a 37:16; Mark 5 And of Zion it will be said,
like You, O Lord; 12:29; 1 Cor. This one and that one were
8:4 born in her;
Nor are there any works like
Your works. And the Most High Himself
9 All nations whom You have 11 aPs. 27:11; shall establish her.
made 143:8 1Give 6 The LORD will record,
me singleness When He aregisters the peoples:
Shall come and worship before of heart
You, O Lord, This one was born there.
And shall glorify Your name. Selah
10 For You are great, and ado 13 1The abode
wondrous things;
of the dead 7 Both the singers and the
bYou alone are God. players on instruments say,
15 aEx. 34:6; All my springs are in you.
11 aTeach me Your way, O LORD; [Ps. 86:5]
I will walk in Your truth; PSALM 88
1Unite my heart to fear Your
A Prayer for Help in Despondency
name. PSALM 87
12 I will praise You, O Lord my A Song. A Psalm of the sons of
God, with all my heart, Korah. To the Chief Musician. Set
And I will glorify Your name 2 aPs. 78:67, 68 to Mahalath Leannoth. A
1Contemplation of aHeman the
13 For great is Your mercy toward Ezrahite.
3 aIs. 60:1
me, LORD, aGod of my salvation,
And You have delivered my soul
from the depths of 1Sheol. 4 1Egypt
O I have cried out day and night
before You.
2 Let my prayer come before You;
14 O God, the proud have risen 6 aIs. 4:3 1Incline Your ear to my cry.
against me,
And a mob of violent men have 3 For my soul is full of troubles,
sought my life, PSALM 88 And my life adraws near to the
And have not set You before grave.
them. 4 I am counted with those who
15 But aYou, O Lord, are a God full title a1 Kin.
ago1 down to the pit;
of compassion, and gracious, 4:31; 1 Chr. bI am like a man who has no
Longsuffering and abundant in 2:6 1Heb. strength,
mercy and truth. Maschil 5 Adrift among the dead,
Like the slain who lie in the
16 Oh, turn to me, and have mercy 1 aPs. 27:9; grave,
on me! [Luke 18:7] Whom You remember no more,
Give Your strength to Your And who are cut off from Your
servant, hand.
2 1Listen to
And save the son of Your
maidservant. 6 You have laid me in the lowest
17 Show me a sign for good, 3 aPs. 107:18 pit,
That those who hate me may In darkness, in the depths.
see it and be ashamed, 4 a[Ps. 28:1] 7 Your wrath lies heavy upon me,
Because You, LORD, have bPs. 31:12 And You have afflicted me with
helped me and comforted 1Die all aYour waves. Selah
me. 8 aYou have 1put away my
5 1Lit. Free acquaintances far from me;
PSALM 87 You have made me an
The Glories of the City of God abomination to them;
7 aPs. 42:7 bI am shut up, and I cannot get

A Psalm of the sons of Korah. out;

A Song. 8 aJob 19:13, 9 My eye wastes away because of
19; Ps. 31:11; affliction.
IS foundation is in the holy
H mountains.
2 aThe LORD loves the gates of
142:4 bLam.
3:7 1taken
away my
LORD, I have called daily upon
Zion I have stretched out my hands to
More than all the dwellings of You.
Jacob. 9 aPs. 86:3 10 Will You work wonders for the
3 aGlorious things are spoken of dead?
you, 10 1shades, Shall 1the dead arise and praise
O city of God! Selah ghosts You? Selah
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521 PSALM 89:24

11 Shall Your lovingkindness be 16 1destroyed 8 O LORD God of hosts,
declared in the grave? me Who is mighty like You,
Or Your faithfulness in the O LORD?
place of destruction? 18 aJob 19:13; Your faithfulness also
12 Shall Your wonders be known Ps. 31:11; surrounds You.
in the dark? 9 aYou rule the raging of the sea;
And Your righteousness in the When its waves rise,You still
land of forgetfulness? PSALM 89
10 aYou have broken 1Rahab in
13 But to You I have cried out, pieces, as one who is slain;
O LORD, title a1 Kin. You have scattered Your
And in the morning my prayer 4:31 1Heb. enemies with Your mighty
comes before You. Maschil arm.
14 LORD, why do You cast off my
soul? 2 a[Ps. 119:89, 11 aThe heavens are Yours, the
Why do You hide Your face from 90] earth also is Yours;
me? The world and all its fullness,
15 I have been afflicted and ready 3 a1 Kin. 8:16 You have founded them.
to die from my youth; b2 Sam. 7:11; 12 The north and the south,You
I suffer Your terrors; 1 Chr. have created them;
17:1012 aTabor and bHermon rejoice in
I am distraught.
16 Your fierce wrath has gone Your name.
over me; 4 a[2 Sam. 13 You have a mighty arm;
7:13; Is. 9:7; Strong is Your hand, and high is
Your terrors have 1cut me off. Luke 1:33]
17 They came around me all day Your right hand.
long like water; 14 Righteousness and justice are
They engulfed me altogether. 5 a[Ps. 19:1] the foundation of Your
18 aLoved one and friend You have throne;
put far from me, 6 aPs. 86:8; Mercy and truth go before Your
And my acquaintances into 113:5 face.
darkness. 15 Blessed are the people who
7 aPs. 76:7, 11 know the ajoyful sound!
PSALM 89 They walk, O LORD, in the light
9 aPs. 65:7; of Your countenance.
Remembering the Covenant with 16 In Your name they rejoice all
93:3, 4; 107:29
David, and Sorrow for Lost day long,
Blessings And in Your righteousness they
10 aEx.
A 1Contemplation of aEthan the 14:2628; Ps. are exalted.
Ezrahite. 87:4; Is. 30:7; 17 For You are the glory of their
51:9 1Egypt strength,
WILL sing of the mercies of the
I LORD forever;
With my mouth will I make
11 a[Gen. 1:1;
1 Chr. 29:11]
And in Your favor our 1horn is
18 For our shield belongs to the
known Your faithfulness to all LORD,
generations. 12 aJosh. And our king to the Holy One
2 For I have said, Mercy shall be 19:22; Judg. of Israel.
built up forever; 4:6; Jer. 46:18
bDeut. 3:8;
aYour faithfulness You shall
Josh. 11:17; 19 Then You spoke in a vision to
establish in the very 12:1; Song 4:8 Your 1holy one,
heavens. And said: I have given help to
15 aLev. 23:24; one who is mighty;
3 Ia have made a covenant with Num. 10:10; I have exalted one achosen
My chosen, Ps. 98:6 from the people.
I have bsworn to My servant 20 aI have found My servant David;
David: 17 aPs. 75:10; With My holy oil I have
4 Your seed I will establish 92:10; 132:17 anointed him,
forever, 21 aWith whom My hand shall be
And build up your throne ato established;
all generations. Selah 19 a1 Kin. Also My arm shall strengthen
11:34 1So with him.
5 And athe heavens will praise many Heb.
22 The enemy shall not 1outwit
mss.; MT,
Your wonders, O LORD; LXX, Tg., Vg. him,
Your faithfulness also in the holy ones Nor the son of wickedness
assembly of the saints. afflict him.
6 aFor who in the heavens can be 20 a1 Sam. 23 I will beat down his foes before
compared to the LORD? 13:14; 16:112; his face,
Who among the sons of the Acts 13:22 And plague those who hate
mighty can be likened to the him.
LORD? 21 aPs. 80:17
7 aGod is greatly to be feared in 24 But My faithfulness and My
the assembly of the saints, 22 1Or exact
mercy shall be with him,
And to be held in reverence by usury from And in My name his horn shall
all those around Him. him be exalted.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 522

PSALM 89:25 522

25 Also I will aset his hand over 25 aPs. 72:8 44 You have made his 1glory
the sea, 26 a[1 Chr.
And his right hand over the 22:10] b2 Sam. And cast his throne down to
rivers. 22:47 the ground.
26 He shall cry to Me, You are 45 The days of his youth You have
amy Father, 27 a[Col. 1:15,
18] bRev. shortened;
My God, and bthe rock of my 19:16 You have covered him with
salvation. shame. Selah
27 Also I will make him aMy 28 aIs. 55:3
firstborn, 29 aJer. 33:17
46 How long, LORD?
bThe highest of the kings of the bDeut. 11:21 Will You hide Yourself forever?
earth. Will Your wrath burn like
28 aMy mercy I will keep for him 30 a[2 Sam. fire?
7:14] bPs. 47 Remember how short my time
forever, 119:53 ais;
And My covenant shall stand
firm with him. 31 1profane For what bfutility have You
29 His seed also I will make to created all the children of
33 a2 Sam. men?
endure forever, 7:14, 15 1Lit.
aAnd his throne bas the days of break off 2Lit. 48 What man can live and not 1see
deal falsely adeath?
with My Can he deliver his life from the
30 Ifa his sons bforsake My law power of 2the grave? Selah
And do not walk in My 34 aJer.
judgments, 33:2022 49 Lord, where are Your former
31 If they 1break My statutes lovingkindnesses,
35 aAmos 4:2 Which You aswore to David bin
And do not keep My
commandments, 36 a[Luke Your truth?
32 Then I will punish their 1:33] bPs. 50 Remember, Lord, the reproach
transgression with the rod, 72:17 of Your servants
aHow I bear in my bosom the
And their iniquity with stripes. 38 a[1 Chr.
33 aNevertheless My 28:9] bDeut. reproach of all the many
lovingkindness I will not 32:19 peoples,
1utterly take from him,
51 aWith which Your enemies have
Nor 2allow My faithfulness to sioned one, reproached, O LORD,
fail. Heb. messiah With which they have
34 My covenant I will not break, reproached the footsteps of
39 aLam. 5:16 Your 1anointed.
Nor aalter the word that has 1defiled
gone out of My lips.
35 Once I have sworn aby My 40 1fortresses 52 aBlessed be the LORD
holiness; forevermore!
I will not lie to David:
41 80:12 Amen and Amen.
36 aHis seed shall endure forever, 44 1splendor
And his throne bas the sun or brightness
before Me; BOOK FOUR
47 aPs. 90:9
37 It shall be established forever bPs. 62:9 Psalms 90106
like the moon,
Even like the faithful witness in 48 a[Eccl. 3:19]
1experience PSALM 90
the sky. Selah death 2Or
The Eternity of God, and Mans
38 But You have acast off and Frailty
babhorred,1 49 a[2 Sam.
You have been furious with 7:15] bPs. 54:5 A Prayer aof Moses the man of
Your 2anointed. God.
50 aPs. 69:9, 19
39 You have renounced the ORD, aYou have been our
covenant of Your servant;
aYou have 1profaned his crown
51 aPs. 74:10,
18, 22 1Com-
L 1dwelling place in all
by casting it to the ground. one, Heb. 2 Before the mountains were
40 You have broken down all his messiah brought forth,
hedges; Or ever You 1had formed the
52 aPs. 41:13
You have brought his earth and the world,
1strongholds to ruin.
PSALM 90 Even from everlasting to
41 All who pass by the way everlasting,You are God.
aplunder him; title aDeut.
He is a reproach to his 3 You turn man to destruction,
neighbors. 1 a[Ezek. And say, aReturn, O children
42 You have exalted the right 11:16] 1LXX, of men.
hand of his adversaries; Tg., Vg. refuge 4 aFor a thousand years in Your
You have made all his enemies 2 a[Prov. 8:25, sight
rejoice. 26] 1Lit. gave Are like yesterday when it is
43 You have also turned back the birth to past,
edge of his sword, 3 aGen. 3:19
And like a watch in the night.
And have not sustained him in 5 You carry them away like a
the battle. 4 a2 Pet. 3:8 flood;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 523

523 PSALM 92:1

They are like a sleep.
a 5 aPs. 73:20
bIs. 40:6
3 Surely aHe shall deliver you
In the morning bthey are like from the snare of the
grass which grows up: 1fowler
6 In the morning it flourishes and 8 aPs. 50:21; And from the perilous
[Jer. 16:17]
grows up; bPs. 19:12; pestilence.
In the evening it is cut down [Eccl. 12:14] 4 aHe shall cover you with His
and withers. feathers,
12 aDeut. And under His wings you shall
7 For we have been consumed by 32:29; Ps. 39:4 take refuge;
Your anger, His truth shall be your shield
And by Your wrath we are 13 aEx. 32:12; and 1buckler.
terrified. Deut. 32:36 5 aYou shall not be afraid of the
8 aYou have set our iniquities terror by night,
before You, 14 aPs. 85:6 Nor of the arrow that flies by
Our bsecret sins in the light of day,
Your countenance. 16 a[Deut. 6 Nor of the pestilence that
32:4]; Hab. 3:2 walks in darkness,
9 For all our days have passed
away in Your wrath; Nor of the destruction that lays
17 aPs. 27:4 waste at noonday.
We finish our years like a sigh. bIs. 26:12
10 The days of our lives are
seventy years; 7 A thousand may fall at your
And if by reason of strength PSALM 91 side,
they are eighty years, And ten thousand at your right
Yet their boast is only labor hand;
and sorrow; 1 aPs. 27:5; But it shall not come near
For it is soon cut off, and we fly
31:20; 32:7
bPs. 17:8; Is.
away. 25:4; 32:2 8 Only awith your eyes shall you
11 Who knows the power of Your look,
anger? 2 aPs. 142:5
And see the reward of the
For as the fear of You, so is Your wicked.
wrath. 3 aPs. 124:7; 9 Because you have made the
12 aSo teach us to number our Prov. 6:5 1One
who catches LORD, who is amy refuge,
days, birds in a trap Even the Most High, byour
That we may gain a heart of or snare dwelling place,
wisdom. 10 aNo evil shall befall you,
4 aPs. 17:8 1A Nor shall any plague come
13 Return, O LORD! small shield near your dwelling;
How long? 11 aFor He shall give His angels
And ahave compassion on Your 5 a[Job 5:19; charge over you,
servants. Ps. 112:7; Is.
To keep you in all your ways.
14 Oh, satisfy us early with Your 43:2]
12 In their hands they shall 1bear
mercy, you up,
aThat we may rejoice and be 8 aPs. 37:34;
aLest you 2dash your foot
Mal. 1:5
glad all our days! against a stone.
15 Make us glad according to the 9 aPs. 91:2 bPs. 13 You shall tread upon the lion
days in which You have 90:1 and the cobra,
afflicted us, The young lion and the serpent
The years in which we have 10 a[Prov. you shall trample underfoot.
seen evil. 12:21]
16 Let aYour work appear to Your 14 Because he has set his love
servants, 11 aPs. 34:7; upon Me, therefore I will
And Your glory to their Matt. 4:6; deliver him;
Luke 4:10;
children. [Heb. 1:14] I will 1set him on high, because
17 aAnd let the beauty of the LORD he has aknown My name.
our God be upon us, 12 aMatt. 4:6;
15 He shall acall upon Me, and I
And bestablish the work of our Luke 4:11 1lift will answer him;
hands for us; 2strike I will be bwith him in trouble;
Yes, establish the work of our I will deliver him and honor
hands. 14 a[Ps. 9:10] him.
1exalt him
16 With 1long life I will satisfy
PSALM 91 15 aJob 12:4; And show him My salvation.
Safety of Abiding in the Presence Ps. 50:15 bIs.
of God PSALM 92
E awho dwells in the secret place Praise to the LORD for His Love
H of the Most High
Shall abide bunder the shadow
16 1Lit. length
of days and Faithfulness

of the Almighty. A Psalm. A Song for the Sabbath

PSALM 92 day.
2 aI will say of the LORD, He is
my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust. 1 aPs. 147:1 I T is agood to give thanks to the
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 524

PSALM 92:2 524

And to sing praises to Your 2 aPs. 89:1 He has girded Himself with
name, O Most High; 3 a1 Chr. 23:5 strength.
2 To adeclare Your lovingkindness Surely the world is established,
in the morning, 5 aPs. 40:5; so that it cannot be 1moved.
[Rev. 15:3]
And Your faithfulness every bPs. 139:17, 2 aYour throne is established from
night, 18; [Is. 28:29; of old;
3 aOn an instrument of ten Rom. 11:33, You are from everlasting.
On the lute, 6 aPs. 73:22 3 The floods have 1lifted up,
And on the harp, aJob
7 12:6; The floods have lifted up their
With harmonious sound. Ps. 37:1, 2;
4 For You, LORD, have made me Jer. 12:1, 2; voice;
glad through Your work; [Mal. 3:15] The floods lift up their waves.
I will triumph in the works of
4 The LORD on high is mightier

Your hands. 8 a[Ps. 83:18] Than the noise of many waters,

Than the mighty waves of the
9 aPs. 68:1 sea.
5 O LORD, how great are Your
works! 10 aPs. 89:17
bYour thoughts are very deep. bPs. 23:5 5 Your testimonies are very sure;
6 A senseless man does not
1Strength Holiness adorns Your house,
know, 11 aPs. 54:7 O LORD, 1forever.
Nor does a fool understand 12 aNum. 24:6;
this. PSALM 94
Ps. 52:8; Jer.
7 When athe wicked 1spring up 17:8; Hos. God the Refuge of the Righteous
like grass, 14:5, 6
LORD God, ato whom
And when all the workers of
iniquity flourish,
14 1Full of oil
or sap, lit. fat
O vengeance belongs
O God, to whom vengeance
It is that they may be destroyed belongs, shine forth!
forever. 15 a[Deut. 2 Rise up, O aJudge of the earth;
32:4] b[Rom. 1Render punishment to the
8 aBut You, LORD, are on high 9:14]
forevermore. proud.
9 For behold,Your enemies, PSALM 93 3 LORD, ahow long will the
O LORD, wicked,
For behold,Your enemies shall 1 aPs. 96:10
How long will the wicked
perish; bPs. 65:6 triumph?
All the workers of iniquity shall 4 They autter speech, and speak
abe scattered. 2 aPs. 45:6;
[Lam. 5:19] insolent things;
10 But amy 1horn You have exalted All the workers of iniquity
3 1raised up boast in themselves.
like a wild ox; 5 They break in pieces Your
I have been banointed with 4 aPs. 65:7
fresh oil. people, O LORD,
5 1Lit. for And afflict Your heritage.
11 aMy eye also has seen my desire length of days
6 They slay the widow and the
on my enemies; stranger,
My ears hear my desire on the PSALM 94 And murder the fatherless.
wicked 7 aYet they say, The LORD does
Who rise up against me. 1 aDeut. 32:35; not see,
[Is. 35:4; Nah.
12 aThe righteous shall flourish like 1:2; Rom. Nor does the God of Jacob
12:19] 1understand.
a palm tree,
He shall grow like a cedar in 2 a[Gen. 18:25] 8 Understand, you senseless
1Repay with
Lebanon. among the people;
13 Those who are planted in the 3 a[Job 20:5] And you fools, when will you
house of the LORD be wise?
Shall flourish in the courts of 4 aPs. 31:18;
Jude 15 9 aHe who planted the ear, shall
our God. He not hear?
14 They shall still bear fruit in old 7 aJob 22:13;
He who formed the eye, shall
age; Ps. 10:11 1pay
attention He not see?
They shall be 1fresh and 10 He who 1instructs the 2nations,
2flourishing, 9 a[Ex. 4:11;
Prov. 20:12] shall He not correct,
15 To declare that the LORD is He who teaches man
upright; 10 1disciplines knowledge?
aHe is my rock, and bthere is no 2Gentiles
11 The LORD aknows the thoughts
unrighteousness in Him. 11 aJob 11:11; of man,
1 Cor. 3:20 That they are futile.
PSALM 93 12 a[Deut. 8:5;
The Eternal Reign of the LORD Job 5:17; Ps. 12 Blessed is the man whom You
119:71; Prov. ainstruct, O LORD,
HE aLORD reigns, 3:11, 12; Heb. And teach out of Your law,
T He is clothed with majesty;
The LORD is clothed,
12:5, 6]
13 1relief
13 That You may give him 1rest
from the days of adversity,
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525 PSALM 96:13

Until the pit is dug for the 14 1abandon bToday, if you will hear His
wicked. 20 aAmos 6:3 voice:
14 For the LORD will not 1cast off 21 a[Ex. 23:7]; 8 Do not harden your hearts, as
His people, Ps. 106:38; in the 1rebellion,
Nor will He forsake His [Prov. 17:15]; aAs in the day of 2trial in the
inheritance. Matt. 27:4 wilderness,
15 But judgment will return to 23 1destroy 9 When ayour fathers tested Me;
righteousness, them They tried Me, though they
And all the upright in heart will bsaw My work.
follow it. PSALM 95 10 For aforty years I was 1grieved
with that generation,
16 Who will rise up for me against 2 aEph. 5:19;
James 5:13 And said, It is a people who go
the evildoers? astray in their hearts,
Who will stand up for me 3 a[Ps. 96:4;
1 Cor. 8:5, 6] And they do not know My
against the workers of ways.
iniquity? 4 1In His pos- 11 So aI swore in My wrath,
17 Unless the LORD had been my They shall not enter My rest.
help, 5 aGen. 1:9, 10;
My soul would soon have Jon. 1:9
settled in silence. 6 a2 Chr. 6:13;
18 If I say, My foot slips, Dan. 6:10; A Song of Praise to God Coming in
[Phil. 2:10] Judgment
Your mercy, O LORD, will hold
me up. 7 aPs. 79:13
H, asing to the LORD a new song!
19 In the multitude of my
anxieties within me,
bHeb. 3:711,
15; 4:7 1Under
His care
O Sing to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Sing to the LORD, bless His
Your comforts delight my soul. 8 aEx. 17:27; name;
Num. 20:13 Proclaim the good news of His
20 Shall athe throne of iniquity, 1Or Meribah,
salvation from day to day.
which devises evil by law, lit. Strife,
Contention 3 Declare His glory among the
Have fellowship with You? 2Or Massah, 1nations,
21 They gather together against lit. Trial, Test- His wonders among all peoples.
the life of the righteous, ing
And condemn ainnocent blood. 9 aPs. 78:18; 4 For athe LORD is great and
22 But the LORD has been my [1 Cor. 10:9] bgreatly to be praised;
bNum. 14:22
defense, He is to be feared above all gods.
And my God the rock of my 10 aActs 7:36; 5 For aall the gods of the peoples
refuge. 13:18; Heb. are idols,
23 He has brought on them their 3:10, 17 1dis- bBut the LORD made the heavens.
own iniquity, 6 Honor and majesty are before
And shall 1cut them off in their 11 aNum.
14:23, 2830; Him;
own wickedness; Deut. 1:35; Strength and abeauty are in His
The LORD our God shall cut Heb. 4:3, 5 sanctuary.
them off.
PSALM 96 7 Give1 to the LORD, O families of
PSALM 95 the peoples,
1 a1 Chr. Give to the LORD glory and
A Call to Worship and Obedience 16:2333
H come, let us sing to the LORD! 3 1Gentiles 8 1Give to the LORD the glory due
O Let us shout joyfully to the
Rock of our salvation.
4 aPs. 145:3
bPs. 18:3 cPs.
His name;
Bring an offering, and come
2 Let us come before His 95:3 into His courts.
presence with thanksgiving; 5 a1 Chr. 9 Oh, worship the LORD ain the
Let us shout joyfully to Him 16:26; [Jer. beauty of holiness!
10:11] bPs.
with apsalms. 115:15; Is. Tremble before Him, all the
3 For athe LORD is the great God, 42:5 earth.
And the great King above all 6 aPs. 29:2
gods. 10 Say among the 1nations, aThe
4 1In His hand are the deep places 7 a1 Chr. LORD reigns;
16:28, 29; Ps.
of the earth; 29:1, 2 1As- The world also is firmly
The heights of the hills are His cribe established,
also. 8 1Ascribe It shall not be 2moved;
5 aThe sea is His, for He made it; 9 a1 Chr.
bHe shall judge the peoples
And His hands formed the dry 16:29; 2 Chr. righteously.
land. 20:21; Ps. 29:2
10 aPs. 93:1;
11 aLet the heavens rejoice, and let
6 Oh come, let us worship and 97:1; [Rev. the earth be glad;
bow down; 11:15; 19:6] bLet the sea roar, and 1all its
Let aus kneel before the LORD bPs. 67:4
our Maker. 2shaken 12 Let the field be joyful, and all
7 For He is our God, that is in it.
And awe are the people of His 11 aPs. 69:34; Then all the trees of the woods
Is. 49:13 bPs.
pasture, 98:7 1all that will rejoice
And the sheep 1of His hand. is in it 13 before the LORD.
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PSALM 97:1 526

For He is coming, for He is 13 a[Rev. arm have gained Him the
coming to judge the earth. 19:11] victory.
aHe shall judge the world with 2 The LORD has made known His
righteousness, PSALM 97 salvation;
And the peoples with His truth. bHis righteousness He has
1 a[Ps. 96:10]
1Or coast-
revealed in the sight of the
PSALM 97 1nations.
A Song of Praise to the Sovereign 3 He has remembered His mercy
2 aEx. 19:9; and His faithfulness to the
Deut. 4:11; house of Israel;
1 Kin. 8:12; aAll the ends of the earth have
HE LORD areigns;
T Let the earth rejoice;
Let the multitude of 1isles be
Ps. 18:11 b[Ps.
89:14] seen the salvation of our
3 aPs. 18:8;
glad! Dan. 7:10;
Hab. 3:5 4 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all
2 aClouds and darkness surround the earth;
Him; 4 aEx. 19:18 Break forth in song, rejoice,
bRighteousness and justice are and sing praises.
5 aPs. 46:6;
the foundation of His Amos 9:5; 5 Sing to the LORD with the harp,
throne. Mic. 1:4; Nah. With the harp and the sound of
3 aA fire goes before Him, a psalm,
And burns up His enemies 6 aPs. 19:1 6 With trumpets and the sound of
round about. 7 a[Ex. 20:4]
a horn;
4 aHis lightnings light the world; b[Heb. 1:6] Shout joyfully before the LORD,
The earth sees and trembles. the King.
5 aThe mountains melt like wax at 9 aPs. 83:18
bEx. 18:11; Ps.
the presence of the LORD, 95:3; 96:4
7 Let the sea roar, and all its
At the presence of the Lord of fullness,
the whole earth. 10a[Ps. 34:14; The world and those who dwell
Prov. 8:13; in it;
6 aThe heavens declare His
Amos 5:15;
righteousness, Rom. 12:9] 8 Let the rivers clap their hands;
And all the peoples see His bPs. 31:23; Let the hills be joyful together
glory. 145:20; Prov. 9 before the LORD,
2:8 cPs. 37:40; aFor He is coming to judge the
Jer. 15:21;
7 Let all be put to shame who
Dan. 3:28 earth.
serve carved images, With righteousness He shall
Who boast of idols. 11 aJob 22:28; judge the world,
bWorship Him, all you gods.
Ps. 112:4;
Prov. 4:18 And the peoples with 1equity.
8 Zion hears and is glad,
And the daughters of Judah 12 aPs. 33:1 PSALM 99
bPs. 30:4 1Or
rejoice for the mem- Praise to the LORD for His Holiness
Because of Your judgments, ory 2Or His
holiness HE LORD reigns;
9 For You, LORD, are amost high
above all the earth; PSALM 98
T Let the peoples tremble!
aHe dwells between the
bYou are exalted far above all cherubim;
gods. 1 aPs. 33:3; Is. Let the earth be 1moved!
42:10 bEx. 2 The LORD is great in Zion,
10 You who love the LORD, hatea 15:11; Ps. And He is high above all the
evil! peoples.
bHe preserves the souls of His 2 aIs. 52:10; 3 Let them praise Your great and
saints; [Luke 1:77; awesome name
cHe delivers them out of the 2:30, 31] bIs. 1He is holy.
62:2; Rom.
hand of the wicked. 3:25 1Gentiles
11 aLight is sown for the righteous, 4 The Kings strength also loves
3 a[Is. 49:6]; justice;
And gladness for the upright in Luke 3:6;
heart. [Acts 13:47; You have established equity;
12 aRejoice in the LORD, you 28:28] You have executed justice and
righteous, 9 a[Ps. 96:10,
righteousness in Jacob.
bAnd give thanks 1at the
13] 1upright- 5 Exalt the LORD our God,
remembrance of 2His holy ness And worship at His footstool
name. He is holy.
PSALM 98 6 Moses and Aaron were among
1 aEx. 25:22;
His priests,
A Song of Praise to the LORD for And Samuel was among those
1 Sam. 4:4;
His Salvation and Judgment Ps. 80:1 who acalled upon His name;
A Psalm. They called upon the LORD,
3 1Or It and He answered them.
H, asing to the LORD a new song! 7 He spoke to them in the cloudy
O For He has bdone marvelous
6 a1 Sam. 7:9;
They kept His testimonies and
His right hand and His holy 7 1statute the 1ordinance He gave them.
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527 PSALM 102:15

8 You answered them, O LORD PSALM 100 7 He who works deceit shall not
our God; dwell within my house;
You were to them God-Who- He who tells lies shall not
Forgives, title aPs. 145: 1continue in my presence.
Though You took vengeance on title 8 aEarly I will destroy all the
their deeds. wicked of the land,
9 Exalt the LORD our God, 1 aPs. 95:1 That I may cut off all the
And worship at His holy hill; 1Lit. all the evildoers bfrom the city of the
For the LORD our God is holy. earth LORD.
PSALM 100 3 aJob 10:3, 8;
A Song of Praise for the LORDs Ps. 119:73; The LORDs Eternal Love
Faithfulness to His People 139:13, 14;
[Eph. 2:10] A Prayer of the afflicted, awhen he
bPs. 95:7; [Is.
A Psalm of Thanksgiving.
a is overwhelmed and pours out his
40:11]; Ezek.
AKE aa joyful shout to the LORD, 34:30, 31 1So complaint before the LORD.
M 1all you lands!
2 Serve the LORD with gladness;
with Kt.,
LXX, Vg.; Qr.,
many Heb. H EAR my prayer, O LORD,
And let my cry come to You.
Come before His presence with mss., Tg. we
are His 2 aDo not hide Your face from me
singing. in the day of my trouble;
3 Know that the LORD, He is Incline Your ear to me;
God; 4 aPs. 66:13; In the day that I call, answer
aIt is He who has made us, and 116:1719 me speedily.
1not we ourselves;
bWe are His people and the 3 For my days 1are aconsumed
5 aPs. 136:1
sheep of His pasture. like smoke,
And my bones are burned like
4 Enter into His gates with
a hearth.
thanksgiving, PSALM 101 4 My heart is stricken and
And into His courts with praise. withered like grass,
Be thankful to Him, and bless So that I forget to eat my
His name. 2 a1 Kin. 11:4 bread.
5 For the LORD is good; 1blameless
5 Because of the sound of my
aHis mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all 3 aPs. 97:10 My bones cling to my 1skin.
generations. bJosh. 23:6 6 I am like a pelican of the
PSALM 101 I am like an owl of the desert.
Promised Faithfulness to the LORD 4 a[Ps. 7 I lie awake,
119:115] And am like a sparrow alone
A Psalm of David. on the housetop.
WILL sing of mercy and justice;
I To You, O LORD, I will sing
5 aProv. 6:17 8 My enemies reproach me all
day long;
6 1blameless Those who deride me swear an
2 I will behave wisely in a oath against me.
1perfect way. 9 For I have eaten ashes like
Oh, when will You come to me? 7 1Lit. be es- bread,
tablished And mingled my drink with
I will awalk within my house
with a perfect heart. weeping,
8 a[Ps. 75:10]; 10 Because of Your indignation
3 I will set nothing 1wicked Jer. 21:12 bPs. and Your wrath;
before my eyes; 48:2, 8 For You have lifted me up and
aI hate the work of those bwho cast me away.
fall away; 11 My days are like a shadow that
It shall not cling to me. PSALM 102 lengthens,
4 A perverse heart shall depart And I wither away like
from me; grass.
I will not aknow wickedness. title aPs. 61:2
12 But You, O LORD, shall endure
5 Whoever secretly slanders his forever,
neighbor, 2 aPs. 27:9; And the remembrance of Your
69:17 name to all generations.
Him I will destroy;
aThe one who has a haughty 13 You will arise and have mercy
look and a proud heart, 3 aJames 4:14 on Zion;
Him I will not endure. 1Lit. end in For the time to favor her,
Yes, the set time, has come.
6 My eyes shall be on the faithful 14 For Your servants take pleasure
of the land, 5 1flesh in her stones,
That they may dwell with me; And show favor to her dust.
He who walks in a 1perfect way, 15 a1 Kin. 8:43 15 So the 1nations shall afear the
He shall serve me. 1Gentiles name of the LORD,
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PSALM 102:16 528

And all the kings of the earth 16 a[Is. 60:1, 2] lovingkindness and tender
Your glory. mercies,
16 For the LORD shall build up 17 aNeh. 1:6 5 Who satisfies your mouth with
Zion; good things,
aHe shall appear in His glory. 18 a[Rom. So that ayour youth is renewed
17 aHe shall regard the prayer of 15:4] bPs. like the eagles.
the destitute,
And shall not despise their 6 The LORD executes
19 aDeut. righteousness
prayer. 26:15
And justice for all who are
18 This will be awritten for the 20 aPs. 79:11
generation to come, 7 aHe made known His ways to
That ba people yet to be created 21 aPs. 22:22
may praise the LORD. His acts to the children of
19 For He alooked down from the Israel.
22 a[Is. 2:2, 3; aThe LORD is merciful and
height of His sanctuary; 49:22, 23; 8
From heaven the LORD viewed 60:3] gracious,
the earth, Slow to anger, and abounding
20 aTo hear the groaning of the 23 aJob 21:21 in mercy.
prisoner, 9 aHe will not always strive with
To release those appointed to 24 aIs. 38:10 us,
death, b[Ps. 90:2] Nor will He keep His anger
21 To adeclare the name of the forever.
LORD in Zion, 25 a[Heb. 10 aHe has not dealt with us
And His praise in Jerusalem, 1:1012] according to our sins,
22 When the peoples are gathered
a Nor punished us according to
together, 26 aIs. 34:4; our iniquities.
51:6 1continue
And the kingdoms, to serve the
LORD. 11 For as the heavens are high
27 a[Mal. 3:6] above the earth,
23 He weakened my strength in So great is His mercy toward
the way; 28 aPs. 69:36 those who fear Him;
He ashortened my days. 12 As far as the east is from the
24 I said, O my God,
a PSALM 103 west,
Do not take me away in the So far has He aremoved our
midst of my days; 1aPs. 104:1, transgressions from us.
bYour years are throughout all 35 13 aAs a father pities his children,
generations. So the LORD pities those who
25 aOf old You laid the foundation 3 aPs. 130:8 fear Him.
b[Ex. 15:26]
of the earth, 14 For He 1knows our frame;
And the heavens are the work 4 a[Ps. 5:12]
He remembers that we are
of Your hands. dust.
26 aThey will perish, but You will 5 a[Is. 40:31]
1endure; 15 As for man, ahis days are like
Yes, they will all grow old like grass;
7 aPs. 147:19 As a flower of the field, so he
a garment;
Like a cloak You will change flourishes.
8 a[Ex. 34:6, 7] 16 aFor the wind passes over it, and
And they will be changed. it is 1gone,
27 But aYou are the same, 9 a[Ps. 30:5] And bits place remembers it no
And Your years will have no end. more.
28 aThe children of Your servants 10 a[Ezra 9:13] 17 But the mercy of the LORD is
will continue, from everlasting to
And their descendants will be 12 a[Is. 38:17; everlasting
established before You. On those who fear Him,
And His righteousness to
13 aMal. 3:17 childrens children,
PSALM 103 18 aTo such as keep His covenant,
14 1Under- And to those who remember
Praise for the LORDs Mercies stands our
constitution His commandments to do
A Psalm of David. them.
15 a1 Pet. 1:24
LESS athe LORD, O my soul;
B And all that is within me,
bless His holy name! 16 a[Is. 40:7]
bJob 7:10 1not
19 The LORD has established His
throne in heaven,
And aHis kingdom rules over
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, all.
And forget not all His benefits: 18 a[Deut. 7:9]
3 aWho forgives all your 20 aBless the LORD, you His angels,
iniquities, 19 a[Dan. 4:17,
Who excel in strength, who bdo
Who bheals all your diseases, 25] His word,
4 Who redeems your life from Heeding the voice of His word.
destruction, 20 aPs. 148:2 21 Bless the LORD, all you His
aWho crowns you with b[Matt. 6:10] hosts,
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529 PSALM 104:31

You 1ministers of His, who do
a 21 a[Heb. 1:14]
That he may bring forth bfood
His pleasure. from the earth,
22 Bless the LORD, all His works, 15 And awine that makes glad the
In all places of His dominion. PSALM 104
heart of man,
Oil to make his face shine,
Bless the LORD, O my soul! And bread which strengthens
1 aPs. 103:1 mans heart.
PSALM 104 16 The trees of the LORD are full
Praise to the Sovereign LORD for 3 a[Amos 9:6]
of sap,
His Creation and Providence The cedars of Lebanon which
He planted,
LESS athe LORD, O my soul!
BOL ORD my God,You are very
4 1servants 17 Where the birds make their
51Lit.founded The stork has her home in the
great: the earth fir trees.
You are clothed with honor and upon her
bases 18 The high hills are for the wild
majesty, goats;
2 Who cover Yourself with light The cliffs are a refuge for the
as with a garment, 6 aGen. 1:6 arock1 badgers.
Who stretch out the heavens
like a curtain. 8 1Or The 19 aHe appointed the moon for
rose up; the seasons;
3 aHe lays the beams of His upper valleys sank The bsun knows its going
chambers in the waters, down down.
Who makes the clouds His 20 aYou make darkness, and it is
chariot, 9 aJob 26:10; night,
Who walks on the wings of the Ps. 33:7; [Jer. In which all the beasts of the
wind, 5:22] bGen. forest creep about.
4 Who makes His angels spirits, 9:1115
21 aThe young lions roar after their
His 1ministers a flame of fire. prey,
13 aPs. 147:8 And seek their food from God.
bJer. 10:13
5 You who 1laid the foundations 22 When the sun rises, they gather
of the earth, together
So that it should not be moved 14 aGen. 1:29
bJob 28:5 And lie down in their dens.
forever, 23 Man goes out to ahis work
6 You acovered it with the deep And to his labor until the
as with a garment; 15 aJudg. 9:13;
The waters stood above the Ps. 23:5; Prov.
31:6; Eccl.
mountains. 10:19 24 aO LORD, how manifold are Your
7 At Your rebuke they fled; works!
At the voice of Your thunder 18 aLev. 11:5 In wisdom You have made them
they hastened away. 1rock hyraxes all.
8 1They went up over the
The earth is full of Your
mountains; 19 aGen. 1:14
They went down into the bJob 38:12; 25 This great and wide sea,
valleys, Ps. 19:6 In which are innumerable
To the place which You founded teeming things,
for them. 20 a[Ps. 74:16; Living things both small and
9 You have aset a boundary that Is. 45:7] great.
they may not pass over, 26 There the ships sail about;
bThat they may not return to 21 aJob 38:39 There is that aLeviathan1
cover the earth. Which You have 2made to play
23 aGen. 3:19 there.
10 He sends the springs into the
valleys; 27 aThese all wait for You,
24 aPs. 40:5;
They flow among the hills. Prov. 3:19; That You may give them their
11 They give drink to every beast [Jer. 10:12]; food in due season.
of the field; 51:15 bPs. 65:9 28 What You give them they
The wild donkeys quench their gather in;
thirst. 26 aJob 41:1; You open Your hand, they are
12 By them the birds of the Is. 27:1 1A filled with good.
heavens have their home; large sea 29 You hide Your face, they are
creature of
They sing among the unknown troubled;
branches. identity 2Lit. aYou take away their breath,
13 aHe waters the hills from His formed they die and return to their
upper chambers; dust.
The earth is satisfied with bthe 27 aJob 36:31; 30 aYou send forth Your Spirit, they
fruit of Your works. Ps. 136:25 are created;
And You renew the face of the
14 aHe causes the grass to grow for 29 aJob 34:15; earth.
the cattle, [Eccl. 12:7]
And vegetation for the service 31 May the glory of the LORD
of man, 30 aIs. 32:15 endure forever;
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PSALM 104:32 530

May the LORD arejoice in His 31 aGen. 1:31; From one kingdom to another
works. Prov. 8:31 people,
32 He looks on the earth, and it 32 aHab. 3:10
bEx. 19:18; Ps.
14 aHe permitted no one to do them
bHe touches the hills, and they Yes, bHe rebuked kings for
smoke. 33 aPs. 63:4 their sakes,
34 aPs. 19:14 15 Saying, Do not touch My
33 aI will sing to the LORD as long 35 aPs. 37:38
anointed ones,
as I live; 1Heb. Hallelu- And do My prophets no harm.
I will sing praise to my God jah
while I have my being. 16 Moreover aHe called for a
34 May my ameditation be sweet PSALM 105 famine in the land;
to Him; He destroyed all the bprovision
I will be glad in the LORD. 1 a1 Chr. of bread.
35 May asinners be consumed 16:822, 34; 17 aHe sent a man before them
Ps. 106:1; Is.
from the earth, 12:4 bPs. Josephwho bwas sold as a
And the wicked be no more. 145:12 slave.
2 aPs. 119:27
18 aThey hurt his feet with fetters,
Bless the LORD, O my soul! 1He was laid in irons.
1Praise the LORD! 4 aPs. 27:8 19 Until the time that his word
5 aPs. 77:11 came to pass,
PSALM 105 aThe word of the LORD tested
7 a[Is. 26:9]
The Eternal Faithfulness of the him.
8 aLuke 1:72 20 aThe king sent and released him,
9 aGen. 17:2; The ruler of the people let him
H, agive thanks to the LORD!
O Call upon His name;
bMake known His deeds among
Luke 1:73;
[Gal. 3:17];
Heb. 6:17
go free.
21 aHe made him lord of his house,
And ruler of all his
the peoples! 11 aGen. 13:15; possessions,
2 Sing to Him, sing psalms to 22 To 1bind his princes at his
Him; 12 aGen. 34:30; pleasure,
aTalk of all His wondrous works! [Deut. 7:7]
bGen. 23:4; And teach his elders wisdom.
3 Glory in His holy name; Heb. 11:9
Let the hearts of those rejoice 23 aIsrael also came into Egypt,
14 aGen. 35:5
who seek the LORD! bGen. 12:17 And Jacob dwelt bin the land of
4 Seek the LORD and His Ham.
strength; 16 aGen. 41:54
bLev. 26:26; Is. 24 He increased His people greatly,
aSeek His face evermore! And made them stronger than
3:1; Ezek. 4:16
5 aRemember His marvelous
17 a[Gen. 45:5]
their enemies.
works which He has done, bGen. 37:28, 25 aHe turned their heart to hate
His wonders, and the 36; Acts 7:9 His people,
judgments of His mouth, 18 aGen. 40:15 To deal craftily with His
6 O seed of Abraham His 1His soul servants.
servant, came into
You children of Jacob, His iron 26 aHe sent Moses His servant,
chosen ones! 19 aGen. And Aaron whom He had
39:1121; chosen.
7 He is the LORD our God; 41:25, 42, 43 27 They aperformed His signs
aHis judgments are in all the 20 aGen. 41:14 among them,
earth. 21 aGen. And wonders in the land of
8 He aremembers His covenant 41:4044 Ham.
forever, 22 1Bind as
28 He sent darkness, and made it
The word which He prisoners dark;
commanded, for a thousand 23 aGen. 46:6;
And they did not rebel against
generations, Acts 7:15 bPs. His word.
9 aThe covenant which He made 78:51 29 aHe turned their waters into
with Abraham, 24 aEx. 1:7, 9 blood,
And His oath to Isaac, And killed their fish.
25 aEx. 1:810; 30 aTheir land abounded with
10 And confirmed it to Jacob for a 4:21
statute, frogs,
To Israel as an everlasting 26 aEx. 3:10; Even in the chambers of their
covenant, kings.
11 Saying, aTo you I will give the 27 aEx. 712; 31 aHe spoke, and there came
Ps. 78:43 swarms of flies,
land of Canaan
As the allotment of your 29 aEx. 7:20, And lice in all their territory.
21; Ps. 78:44 32 aHe gave them hail for rain,
12 aWhen they were few in 30 aEx. 8:6 And flaming fire in their land.
number, 31 aEx. 8:16, 33 aHe struck their vines also, and
Indeed very few, band strangers 17 their fig trees,
in it. 32 aEx. 9:2325
And splintered the trees of
their territory.
13 When they went from one 33 aPs. 78:47 34 aHe spoke, and locusts came,
nation to another, 34 aEx. 10:4 Young locusts without number,
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531 PSALM 106:23

35 And ate up all the vegetation in 36 aEx. 12:29; 6 We have sinned with our
their land, 13:15 bGen. fathers,
49:3 1Lit.
And devoured the fruit of their struck down We have committed iniquity,
ground. We have done wickedly.
36 aHe also 1destroyed all the 37 aEx. 12:35, 7 Our fathers in Egypt did not
firstborn in their land, understand Your wonders;
bThe first of all their strength. 38 aEx. 12:33 They did not remember the
multitude of Your mercies,
37 He also brought them out with
a 39 aEx. 13:21 aBut rebelled by the seathe
silver and gold, 40 aEx. 16:12 Red Sea.
And there was none feeble bPs. 78:24
among His tribes. 8 Nevertheless He saved them for
38 aEgypt was glad when they 41 aEx. 17:6 His names sake,
departed, aThat He might make His
42 aGen. 15:13,
For the fear of them had fallen 14 mighty power known.
upon them. 9 aHe rebuked the Red Sea also,
43 1a joyful
39 aHe spread a cloud for a shout and it dried up;
covering, So bHe led them through the
And fire to give light in the 44 aJosh. depths,
night. 11:1623; 13:7 As through the wilderness.
40 aThe people asked, and He 10 He asaved them from the hand
brought quail, 45 a[Deut. 4:1, of him who hated them,
And bsatisfied them with the 40] 1Heb. Hal- And redeemed them from the
bread of heaven. hand of the enemy.
41 aHe opened the rock, and water PSALM 106 11 aThe waters covered their
gushed out; enemies;
1 a1 Chr.
It ran in the dry places like a 16:34, 41
There was not one of them
river. 1Heb. Hallelu- left.
jah 12 aThen they believed His words;
42 For He remembered aHis holy They sang His praise.
promise, 2 1express
And Abraham His servant. 3 aPs. 15:2 13 aThey soon forgot His works;
43 He brought out His people with b[Gal. 6:9] They did not wait for His
1LXX, Syr.,
joy, counsel,
Tg., Vg. those 14 aBut lusted exceedingly in the
His chosen ones with 1gladness. who do
44 aHe gave them the lands of the wilderness,
1Gentiles, 4 aPs. 119:132 And tested God in the desert.
And they inherited the labor of 5 1The people
15 aAnd He gave them their
the nations, of Your inheri- request,
45 aThat they might observe His tance But bsent leanness into their
statutes soul.
6 a[Dan. 9:5]
And keep His laws.
7 aEx. 14:11, 16 When athey envied Moses in
1 Praise the LORD! 12 the camp,
And Aaron the saint of the
8 aEx. 9:16 LORD,
Joy in Forgiveness of Israels Sins 9 aEx. 14:21 17 aThe earth opened up and
bIs. 63:1113 swallowed Dathan,
RAISE1 the LORD! And covered the faction of
P Oh, give thanks to the L
a ORD,
10 aEx. 14:30
11 aEx. 14:27,
18 aA fire was kindled in their
for He is good! 28; 15:5 company;
For His mercy endures forever. 12 aEx.
The flame burned up the
15:121 wicked.
2 Who can 1utter the mighty acts
of the LORD? 13 aEx. 15:24; 19 aThey made a calf in Horeb,
16:2; 17:2 And worshiped the molded
Who can declare all His praise?
3 Blessed are those who keep 14 a1 Cor. 10:6 image.
justice, 20 Thus athey changed their glory
And 1he who adoes 15 aNum. Into the image of an ox that
11:31 bIs.
righteousness at ball times! 10:16 eats grass.
21 They forgot God their Savior,
4 Remember me, O LORD, with
a 16 aNum. Who had done great things in
the favor You have toward 16:13 Egypt,
Your people. 17 aDeut. 11:6 22 Wondrous works in the land of
Oh, visit me with Your Ham,
salvation, 18 aNum. Awesome things by the Red
16:35, 46
5 That I may see the benefit of Sea.
Your chosen ones, 19 aEx. 32:14 23 aTherefore He said that He
That I may rejoice in the would destroy them,
gladness of Your nation, 20 aRom. 1:23 Had not Moses His chosen one
That I may glory with 1Your 23 aEx. 32:10
bstood before Him in the
inheritance. bEzek. 22:30 breach,
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 532

PSALM 106:24 532

To turn away His wrath, lest He 24 aDeut. 8:7 41 And aHe gave them into the
b[Heb. 3:18,
destroy them. 19] hand of the Gentiles,
And those who hated them
24 Then they despised athe 25 aNum. 14:2, ruled over them.
pleasant land; 42 Their enemies also oppressed
They bdid not believe His word, 26 aEzek. them,
25 aBut complained in their tents, 20:15, 16;
bNum. And they were brought into
And did not heed the voice of 14:2830 subjection under their hand.
the LORD. 1make them
43 aMany times He delivered them;
26 Therefore He raised His hand
a fall
But they rebelled in their
in an oath against them, 27 aLev. 26:33 counsel,
bTo 1overthrow them in the 1make their
descendants And were brought low for their
wilderness, fall also 2Gen- iniquity.
27 To 1overthrow their
a tiles
descendants among the 28 aHos. 9:10 44 Nevertheless He regarded their
2nations, 1offered affliction,
And to scatter them in the 30 aNum. When aHe heard their cry;
lands. 25:7, 8 45 And for their sake He

31 aNum. remembered His covenant,

28 aThey joined themselves also to 25:1113 And brelented caccording to the
Baal of Peor, multitude of His mercies.
32 aNum.
And ate sacrifices 1made to the 20:313 46 aHe also made them to be pitied
dead. bDeut. 1:37;
By all those who carried them
29 Thus they provoked Him to 3:26 1Or away captive.
anger with their deeds, Meribah
And the plague broke out 33 aNum. 20:3, 47 aSave us, O LORD our God,
among them. 10
And gather us from among the
30 aThen Phinehas stood up and 34 aJudg. 1:21 Gentiles,
b[Deut. 7:2,
intervened, To give thanks to Your holy
And the plague was stopped. name,
31 And that was accounted to him 35 aJudg. 3:5, 6
To triumph in Your praise.
afor righteousness 36 aJudg. 2:12
To all generations forevermore. bDeut. 7:16
48 aBlessed be the LORD God of
37 a2 Kin. 16:3; Israel
32 aThey angered Him also at the 17:17 b[Lev. From everlasting to everlasting!
waters of 1strife, 17:7]
And let all the people say,
bSo that it went ill with Moses 38 a[Num. Amen!
on account of them; 35:33]
33 aBecause they rebelled against 39 aEzek. Praise the LORD!
His Spirit, 20:18 b[Lev.
So that he spoke rashly with his 17:7] 1became
lips. 2Were un- BOOK FIVE
34 aThey did not destroy the Psalms 107150
40 aJudg. 2:14
peoples, b[Deut. 9:29;
bConcerning whom the LORD 32:9] PSALM 107
had commanded them, 41 aJudg. 2:14 Thanksgiving to the LORD for His
35 aBut they mingled with the 43 aJudg. 2:16 Great Works of Deliverance
44 aJudg. 3:9; H, agive thanks to the LORD, for
And learned their works;
36 aThey served their idols,
bWhich became a snare to them.
6:7; 10:10
45 a[Lev. 26:41,
O He is good!
For His 1mercy endures forever.
42] bJudg. 2 Let the redeemed of the LORD
37 aThey even sacrificed their 2:18 cPs. 69:16
sons say so,
46 aEzra 9:9 Whom He has redeemed from
And their daughters to
bdemons, 47 a1 Chr. the hand of the enemy,
16:35, 36 3 And agathered out of the lands,
38 And shed innocent blood,
The blood of their sons and 48 aPs. 41:13 From the east and from the
1Heb. Hallelu-
daughters, jah
Whom they sacrificed to the From the north and from the
idols of Canaan; PSALM 107
And athe land was polluted
with blood. 1aPs. 106:1
4 They wandered in athe
39 Thus they 1were adefiled by 1Heb. same as wilderness in a desolate way;
their own works, goodness, vv. They found no city to dwell in.
8, 15, 21, 31, 5 Hungry and thirsty,
And bplayed2 the harlot by their and loving-
own deeds. kindness, v. 43 Their soul fainted in them.
3 aIs. 43:5, 6
6 aThen they cried out to the
40 Therefore athe wrath of the LORD in their trouble,
LORD was kindled against 4 a [Deut. 2:7; And He delivered them out of
His people, their distresses.
So that He abhorred bHis own 6 aPs. 50:15 7 And He led them forth by the
inheritance. 7 aEzra 8:21 aright way,
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 533

533 PSALM 107:42

That they might go to a city for 8 aPs. 107:15, And His wonders in the deep.
a dwelling place. 21 25 For He commands and araises
8 aOh, that men would give thanks 9 a[Ps. 34:10; the stormy wind,
to the LORD for His goodness, Luke 1:53] Which lifts up the waves of the
And for His wonderful works to sea.
the children of men! 10 a[Is. 42:7; 26 They mount up to the heavens,
9 For aHe satisfies the longing Mic. 7:8; Luke They go down again to the
1:79] bJob
soul, 36:8 1Prison- depths;
And fills the hungry soul with ers aTheir soul melts because of
goodness. trouble.
11 aLam. 3:42 27 They reel to and fro, and
b[Ps. 73:24]
10 Those who asat in darkness and 1scorned stagger like a drunken man,
in the shadow of death, And 1are at their wits end.
bBound1 in affliction and
12 aPs. 22:11 28 Then they cry out to the LORD
irons in their trouble,
11 Because they arebelled against 14 aPs. 68:6 And He brings them out of
the words of God, their distresses.
16 aIs. 45:1, 2
And 1despised bthe counsel of 29 aHe calms the storm,
the Most High, 17 a[Is. 65:6, 7; So that its waves are still.
12 Therefore He brought down Jer. 30:14, 15]; 30 Then they are glad because
their heart with labor; Lam. 3:39; they are quiet;
They fell down, and there was Ezek. 24:23
So He guides them to their
anone to help. desired haven.
18 aJob 33:20
13 Then they cried out to the bJob 33:22 31 aOh, that men would give thanks
LORD in their trouble, to the LORD for His
And He saved them out of their 20 aMatt. 8:8
b2 Kin. 20:5;
distresses. Ps. 30:2 cJob And for His wonderful works to
14 aHe brought them out of 33:28, 30 the children of men!
darkness and the shadow of 32 Let them exalt Him also ain the
death, 22 aLev. 7:12; assembly of the people,
And broke their chains in Ps. 50:14;
Heb. 13:15 And praise Him in the
pieces. bPs. 9:11 1joy- company of the elders.
15 Oh, that men would give thanks ful singing
to the LORD for His 33 He aturns rivers into a
goodness, 25 aJon. 1:4 wilderness,
And for His wonderful works to 26 aPs. 22:14
And the watersprings into dry
the children of men! ground;
16 For He has abroken the gates of 27 1Lit. all 34 A afruitful land into
bronze, their wisdom 1barrenness,
And cut the bars of iron in is swallowed For the wickedness of those
up who dwell in it.
29 aPs. 89:9; 35 aHe turns a wilderness into
17 Fools, abecause of their Matt. 8:26; pools of water,
transgression, Luke 8:24 And dry land into
And because of their iniquities, watersprings.
were afflicted. 31 aPs. 107:8, 36 There He makes the hungry
15, 21
18 aTheir soul abhorred all manner dwell,
of food, 32 aPs. 22:22, That they may establish a city
And they bdrew near to the 25 for a dwelling place,
gates of death. 37 And sow fields and plant
19 Then they cried out to the 33 a1 Kin. 17:1, vineyards,
7; Is. 50:2
LORD in their trouble, That they may yield a fruitful
And He saved them out of their 34 aGen. 13:10; harvest.
distresses. Deut. 29:23 38 aHe also blesses them, and they
1Lit. a salty
20 aHe sent His word and bhealed multiply greatly;
them, And He does not let their cattle
And cdelivered them from their 35 aPs. 114:8;
destructions. [Is. 41:17, 18]
21 Oh, that men would give thanks 39 When they are adiminished and
to the LORD for His goodness, 38 aGen. 12:2; brought low
17:16, 20 bEx. Through oppression, affliction,
And for His wonderful works to 1:7; [Deut.
the children of men! 7:14] and sorrow,
22 aLet them sacrifice the sacrifices 40 aHe pours contempt on
of thanksgiving, 39 a2 Kin. princes,
10:32 And causes them to wander in
And bdeclare His works with
40 aJob 12:21,
the wilderness where there is
24 no way;
23 Those who go down to the sea 41 Yet He sets the poor on high,
in ships, 41 a1 Sam. 2:8; far from affliction,
Who do business on great [Ps. 113:7, 8]
bPs. 78:52
And bmakes their families like
waters, a flock.
24 They see the works of the 42 aJob 5:15, 42 aThe righteous see it and
LORD, 16 rejoice,
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PSALM 107:43 534

And all biniquity stops its 42 bJob 5:16; 2 For the mouth of the wicked
mouth. Ps. 63:11; and the mouth of the
[Rom. 3:19]
43 aWhoever is wise will observe 43 aPs. 64:9; Have opened against me;
these things, Jer. 9:12; They have spoken against me
And they will understand the [Hos. 14:9] with a alying tongue.
lovingkindness of the LORD. 3 They have also surrounded me
PSALM 108 with words of hatred,
PSALM 108 And fought against me
awithout a cause.
Assurance of Gods Victory over 1 aPs. 57:711
Enemies 4 In return for my love they are
2 aPs. 57:811 my accusers,
A Song. A Psalm of David. But I give myself to prayer.
4 1skies
a 5 Thus athey have rewarded me
GOD, my heart is steadfast;
O I will sing and give praise,
even with my glory.
5 aPs. 57:5, 11 evil for good,
And hatred for my love.
6 aPs. 60:512
2 Awake, lute and harp!
a 1Lit. answer
6 Set a wicked man over him,
I will awaken the dawn. And let aan 1accuser stand at
3 I will praise You, O LORD, 8 a[Gen. 49:10]
1Lit. protec- his right hand.
among the peoples, tion 7 When he is judged, let him be
And I will sing praises to You found guilty,
among the nations. 10 aPs. 60:9 And alet his prayer become sin.
4 For Your mercy is great above 8 Let his days be afew,
the 1heavens, 13 aPs. 60:12
And blet another take his office.
And Your truth reaches to the 9 aLet his children be fatherless,
clouds. PSALM 109 And his wife a widow.
5 Be exalted, O God, above the
a 10 Let his children 1continually be
heavens, 1 aPs. 83:1 vagabonds, and beg;
And Your glory above all the Let them 2seek their bread also
2 aPs. 27:12 from their desolate places.
earth; 11 aLet the creditor seize all that he
6 aThat Your beloved may be 3 aPs. 35:7;
delivered, 69:4; John
Save with Your right hand, and
15:25 And let strangers plunder his
1hear me. labor.
5 aPs. 35:7, 12; 12 Let there be none to extend
38:20; Prov.
7 God has spoken in His holiness: 17:13 mercy to him,
I will rejoice; Nor let there be any to favor
6 aZech. 3:1 his fatherless children.
I will divide Shechem 1Heb. satan
And measure out the Valley of 13 aLet his 1posterity be cut off,

Succoth. 7 a[Prov. 28:9] And in the generation following

8 Gilead is Mine; Manasseh is let their bname be blotted out.
Mine; 8 a[Ps. 55:23];
Ephraim also is the 1helmet for
John 17:12
bPs. 69:25;
14 aLet the iniquity of his fathers
My head; Acts 1:20
be remembered before the
aJudah is My lawgiver. LORD,
9 Moab is My washpot; 9 aEx. 22:24 And let not the sin of his
Over Edom I will cast My shoe; mother bbe blotted out.
10 1wander 15 Let them be continually before
Over Philistia I will triumph. continuously
the LORD,
1So with MT,
10 aWho will bring me into the Tg.; LXX, Vg. That He may acut off the
strong city? be cast out memory of them from the
Who will lead me to Edom? earth;
11 aNeh. 5:7; 16 Because he did not remember
11 Is it not You, O God, who cast Job 5:5; 18:9
us off? to show mercy,
And You, O God, who did not 13 aJob 18:19; But persecuted the poor and
go out with our armies? Ps. 37:28
bProv. 10:7
needy man,
12 Give us help from trouble, 1descendants That he might even slay the
abroken in heart.
For the help of man is useless. be destroyed
13 aThrough God we will do 17 aAs he loved cursing, so let it
valiantly, 14 a[Ex. 20:5; come to him;
Num. 14:18]; As he did not delight in
For it is He who shall tread Is. 65:6; [Jer.
down our enemies. 32:18] bNeh. blessing, so let it be far from
4:5; Jer. 18:23 him.
PSALM 109 18 As he clothed himself with
15 aJob 18:17; cursing as with his garment,
Plea for Judgment of False [Ps. 34:16]
So let it aenter his body like
Accusers 16 a[Ps. 34:18] water,
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of And like oil into his bones.
17 aProv. 19 Let it be to him like the
David. 14:14; [Matt.
7:2] garment which covers him,
Oa not keep silent, And for a belt with which he
D O God of my praise! 18 aNum. 5:22 girds himself continually.
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535 PSALM 111:10

20 Let this be the LORDs reward 23 aPs. 102:11 And awill not relent,
to my accusers, 24 aHeb. 12:12 You are a bpriest forever
And to those who speak evil According to the order of
25 aPs. 22:7;
against my person. Jer. 18:16;

Lam. 2:15
21 But You, O GOD the Lord, bMatt. 27:39; 5 The Lord is aat Your right
Deal with me for Your names Mark 15:29 hand;
sake; 27 aJob 37:7 He shall 1execute kings bin the
Because Your mercy is good, day of His wrath.
deliver me. 28 a2 Sam.
6:11, 12 bIs. 6 He shall judge among the
22 For I am poor and needy, 65:14 nations,
And my heart is wounded He shall fill the places with
29 aJob 8:22;
within me. Ps. 35:26 dead bodies,
23 I am gone alike a shadow when aHe shall 1execute the heads of
it lengthens; 30 aPs. 35:18;
111:1 many countries.
I am shaken off like a locust. 7 He shall drink of the brook by
24 My aknees are weak through 31 a[Ps. 16:8]
1Lit. judging the wayside;
fasting, his soul
aTherefore He shall lift up the
And my flesh is feeble from head.
lack of fatness. PSALM 110
25 I also have become aa reproach PSALM 111
to them; 1aMatt. 22:44;
When they look at me, bthey Praise to God for His Faithfulness
Mark 12:36;
shake their heads. 16:19; Luke and Justice
20:42, 43; Acts
26 Help me, O LORD my God!
Oh, save me according to Your
2:34, 35; Col.
3:1; Heb. 1:13
b[1 Cor. 15:25;
P I will praise the L
a ORD with my
mercy, Eph. 1:22] whole heart,
27 That they may know that this is
2a[Rom. In the assembly of the upright
Your hand 11:26, 27] and in the congregation.
That You, LORD, have done it! b[Ps. 2:9; Dan.

28 aLet them curse, but You bless; 7:13, 14]

2 aThe works of the LORD are
When they arise, let them be 3 aJudg. 5:2; great,
ashamed, Neh. 11:2
b1 Chr. 16:29;
bStudied by all who have
But let bYour servant rejoice. Ps. 96:9 pleasure in them.
29 aLet my accusers be clothed 3 His work is ahonorable and
with shame, 4 a[Num.
And let them cover themselves 23:19] b[Zech.
6:13] c[Heb. And His righteousness endures
with their own disgrace as 5:6, 10; 6:20] forever.
with a mantle. 4 He has made His wonderful
5 a[Ps. 16:8]
30 I will greatly praise the LORD
bPs. 2:5, 12; works to be remembered;
[Rom. 2:5; aThe LORD is gracious and full
with my mouth; Rev. 6:17]
Yes, aI will praise Him among 1Lit. break of compassion.
the multitude. kings in 5 He has given food to those who
pieces fear Him;
31 For aHe shall stand at the right
hand of the poor, 6 aPs. 68:21 He will ever be mindful of His
To save him from those 1who
1Lit. break in covenant.
pieces 6 He has declared to His people
condemn him.
7 a[Is. 53:12] the power of His works,
PSALM 110 In giving them the 1heritage of
PSALM 111 the nations.
Announcement of the Messiahs
Reign 1 aPs. 35:18 7 The works of His hands are
1Heb. Hallelu- averity1 and justice;
A Psalm of David. jah All His precepts are sure.
HE aLORD said to my Lord, 8 aThey stand fast forever and
T Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your
2 aPs. 92:5 bPs.
3 aPs. 145:4, 5
And are bdone in truth and
bfootstool. uprightness.
4 a[Ps. 86:5] 9 aHe has sent redemption to His
2 The LORD shall send the rod of
Your strength aout of Zion. 6 1inheritance people;
bRule in the midst of Your
7 a[Rev. 15:3]
He has commanded His
enemies! 1truth covenant forever:
bHoly and awesome is His
8 aIs. 40:8;
3 Your people shall be volunteers
Matt. 5:18 name.
In the day of Your power; b[Rev. 15:3]
bIn the beauties of holiness, 10 aThe fear of the LORD is the
9 aLuke 1:68
from the womb of the bLuke 1:49 beginning of wisdom;
morning, A good understanding have all
You have the dew of Your 10 aJob 28:28; those who do His
[Prov. 1:7;
youth. 9:10]; Eccl. commandments.
4 The LORD has sworn 12:13 His praise endures forever.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 536

PSALM 112:1 536

PSALM 112 PSALM 112 6 a Who humbles Himself to
The Blessed State of the Righteous 1 aPs. 128:1
1Heb. Hallelu- The things that are in the
RAISE1 the LORD! heavens and in the earth?
P Blessed is the man who fears jah
2 a[Ps. 102:28]
7 He raises the poor out of the
3 aProv. 3:16;
the LORD, 8:18; [Matt. dust,
Who adelights greatly in His 6:33] 1stands And lifts the bneedy out of the
commandments. 4 aJob 11:17; ash heap,
Ps. 97:11 8 That He may aseat him with
2 aHis descendants will be mighty 5 aPs. 37:26; princes
on earth; [Luke 6:35]
b[Eph. 5:15;
With the princes of His people.
The generation of the upright Col. 4:5] 9 He grants the 1barren woman a
will be blessed. 6 aProv. 10:7
3 aWealth and riches will be in his Like a joyful mother of
7 a[Prov. 1:33]
house, children.
And his righteousness 1endures 8 aHeb. 13:9
b[Ps. 27:1;
forever. 56:11]; Prov.
Praise the LORD!
4 aUnto the upright there arises 1:33; 3:24; [Is.
light in the darkness; 12:2] cPs. PSALM 114
He is gracious, and full of 59:10
9 1Strength
The Power of God in His
compassion, and righteous. Deliverance of Israel
5 aA good man deals graciously
PSALM 113 HEN aIsrael went out of Egypt,
and lends;
He will guide his affairs bwith
1 aPs. 135:1
1Heb. Hallelu-
W The house of Jacob bfrom a
people 1of strange language,
6 Surely he will never be shaken; jah 2 aJudah became His sanctuary,
aThe righteous will be in 2 a[Dan. 2:20] And Israel His dominion.
everlasting remembrance. 3 aIs. 59:19;
7 aHe will not be afraid of evil Mal. 1:11 3 The sea saw it and fled;
Jordan turned back.
tidings; 4 aPs. 97:9;
His heart is steadfast, trusting 99:2 b[Ps. 8:1] 4 The mountains skipped like

in the LORD. 5 aPs. 89:6; [Is. rams,

8 His aheart is established; 57:15] The little hills like lambs.
bHe will not be afraid, 6 a[Ps. 11:4; Is. 5 aWhat ails you, O sea, that you
57:15] fled?
Until he csees his desire upon
his enemies. 7 a1 Sam. 2:8; O Jordan, that you turned
Ps. 107:41 bPs.
72:12 back?
9 He has dispersed abroad, 8 a[Job 36:7]
6 O mountains, that you skipped
He has given to the poor; like rams?
9 a1 Sam. 2:5;
His righteousness endures Is. 54:1 1child- O little hills, like lambs?
forever; less
His 1horn will be exalted with 7 Tremble, O earth, at the
honor. PSALM 114 presence of the Lord,
10 The wicked will see it and be At the presence of the God of
grieved; 1 aEx. 12:51; Jacob,
13:3 bPs. 81:5
He will gnash his teeth and 1who spoke 8 aWho turned the rock into a
melt away; unintelligibly pool of water,
The desire of the wicked shall 2 aEx. 6:7; The flint into a fountain of
perish. 19:6; 25:8; waters.
29:45, 46;
Deut. 27:9
3 aEx. 14:21;
The Majesty and Condescension of Ps. 77:16 The Futility of Idols and the
bJosh. 3:1316
God Trustworthiness of God
4 aEx. 19:18;
OT aunto us, O LORD, not unto
P Praise, O servants of the L
a ORD,
Judg. 5:5; Ps.
29:6; Hab. 3:6
5 aHab. 3:8
N us,
But to Your name give glory,
Praise the name of the LORD! 8 aEx. 17:6; Because of Your mercy,
2 Blessed be the name of the
a Num. 20:11; Because of Your truth.
Ps. 107:35 2 Why should the 1Gentiles say,
From this time forth and aSo where is their God?
3 aFrom the rising of the sun to its 1 a[Is. 48:11]; 3 But our God is in heaven;

going down Ezek. 36:32 He does whatever He pleases.

The LORDs name is to be 2 aPs. 42:3, 10 4 Their idols are silver and gold,

praised. 1nations The work of mens hands.

3 a[1 Chr. 5 They have mouths, but they do
4 The LORD is ahigh above all 16:26] not speak;
nations, 4 aDeut. 4:28; Eyes they have, but they do not
bHis glory above the heavens. 2 Kin. 19:18; see;
Is. 37:19;
5 Who is like the LORD our God,
44:10, 20; Jer. 6 They have ears, but they do not
Who dwells on high, 10:3 hear;
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537 PSALM 117:2

Noses they have, but they do 8 aPs. 135:18; I found trouble and sorrow.
not smell; Is. 44:911 4 Then I called upon the name of
7 They have hands, but they do the LORD:
9 aPs. 118:2, 3
not handle; bPs. 33:20 O LORD, I implore You, deliver
Feet they have, but they do not my soul!
walk; 12 1has re-
Nor do they mutter through membered us 5 Gracious is the LORD, and
their throat.
8 aThose who make them are like 13 aPs. 128:1, 4 Yes, our God is merciful.
them; 6 The LORD preserves the simple;
So is everyone who trusts in 15 a[Gen. I was brought low, and He
them. 14:19] bGen. saved me.
1:1; Acts 7 Return to your arest, O my soul,
14:15; Rev.
9 O Israel, trust in the LORD;
14:7 For bthe LORD has dealt
He is their help and their
b bountifully with you.
shield. 17 aPs. 6:5;
10 O house of Aaron, trust in the 88:1012; [Is. 8 For You have delivered my soul

LORD; 38:18] from death,

He is their help and their My eyes from tears,
shield. 18 aPs. 113:2; And my feet from falling.
Dan. 2:20 9 I will walk before the LORD
11 You who fear the LORD, trust in aIn the land of the living.
the LORD;
He is their help and their PSALM 116 10 aI believed, therefore I spoke,
shield. I am greatly afflicted.
11 aI said in my haste,
1 aPs. 18:1 bAll men are liars.
12 The LORD 1has been mindful of
He will bless us; 3 aPs. 18:46 12 What shall I render to the
1Lit. cords
He will bless the house of 2distresses
Israel; 3Lit. found me For all His benefits toward me?
He will bless the house of 13 I will take up the cup of
Aaron. 5 a[Ps. 103:8] salvation,
13 aHe will bless those who fear
b[Ezra 9:15]; And call upon the name of the
the LORD,
Neh. 9:8; [Ps. LORD.
119:137; 14 aI will pay my vows to the LORD
Both small and great. 145:17; Jer.
Now in the presence of all His
12:1; Dan.
14 May the LORD give you 9:14] people.
increase more and more, 15 aPrecious in the sight of the
7 a[Jer. 6:16;
You and your children. Matt. 11:29] LORD
15 May you be ablessed by the bPs. 13:6
Is the death of His saints.
bWho made heaven and earth. 8 aPs. 56:13 16 O LORD, truly aI am Your
16 The heaven, even the heavens, 9 aPs. 27:13 I am Your servant, bthe son of
are the LORDs; Your maidservant;
But the earth He has given to 10 a2 Cor. 4:13 You have loosed my bonds.
the children of men. 17 I will offer to You athe sacrifice
17 aThe dead do not praise the 11 aPs. 31:22 of thanksgiving,
bRom. 3:4
LORD, And will call upon the name of
Nor any who go down into the LORD.
silence. 14 aPs. 116:18
18 aBut we will bless the LORD 18 I will pay my vows to the LORD
From this time forth and 15 aPs. 72:14;
[Rev. 14:13] Now in the presence of all His
forevermore. people,
16 aPs. 19 In the acourts of the LORDs
Praise the LORD! 119:125; house,
143:12 bPs. In the midst of you,
PSALM 116 86:16 O Jerusalem.
Thanksgiving for Deliverance from
17 aLev. 7:12; 1 Praise the LORD!
Death Ps. 50:14;
aLOVE the LORD, because He has 107:22
I heard
My voice and my supplications. 19 aPs. 96:8
1Heb. Hallelu-
Let All Peoples Praise the LORD
2 Because He has inclined His jah RAISE athe LORD, all
ear to me,
Therefore I will call upon Him
P you Gentiles!
1Laud Him, all you peoples!
as long as I live. PSALM 117
2 For His merciful kindness is
great toward us,
3 The 1pains of death surrounded
1 aRom. 15:11 And athe truth of the LORD
me, 1Praise
endures forever.
And the 2pangs of Sheol 3laid
hold of me; 2 a[Ps. 100:5] Praise the LORD!
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 538

PSALM 118:1 538

PSALM 118 PSALM 118 I will go through them,
Praise to God for His Everlasting And I will praise the LORD.
1 a1 Chr. 16:8, 20 aThis is the gate of the LORD,
Mercy 34; Jer. 33:11 bThrough which the righteous
b2 Chr. 5:13;
H, agive thanks to the LORD, shall enter.
O for He is good!
bFor His mercy endures forever.
7:3; Ezra 3:11;
[Ps. 136:126]
21 I will praise You,
2 a[Ps. 115:9]
For You have aanswered me,
2 Let Israel now say,
a 5 aPs. 120:1 And have become my salvation.
bPs. 18:19
His mercy endures forever.
3 Let the house of Aaron now 6 aPs. 27:1; 22 aThe stone which the builders
say, 56:9; [Rom. rejected
8:31; Heb.
His mercy endures forever. 13:6] Has become the chief
4 Let those who fear the LORD cornerstone.
7 aPs. 54:4 bPs. 23 1This was the LORDs doing;
now say, 59:10
His mercy endures forever. It is marvelous in our eyes.
8 a2 Chr. 32:7, 24 This is the day the LORD has
5 aI called on the LORD in distress; 8; Ps. 40:4; Is. made;
31:1, 3; 57:13;
The LORD answered me and Jer. 17:5 We will rejoice and be glad in
bset me in a broad place. it.
aThe LORD is on my side; 9 aPs. 146:3
I will not fear. 11 aPs. 88:17 25 Save now, I pray, O LORD;
What can man do to me? 12 aDeut. 1:44
O LORD, I pray, send now
7 aThe LORD is for me among bEccl. 7:6; prosperity.
those who help me; Nah. 1:10 1cut 26 aBlessed is he who comes in the
Therefore bI shall see my desire them off name of the LORD!
on those who hate me. 14 aEx. 15:2; We have blessed you from the
8 aIt is better to trust in the LORD Is. 12:2 house of the LORD.
Than to put confidence in 16 aEx. 15:6 27 God is the LORD,
man. And He has given us alight;
aIt is better to trust in the LORD 17 a[Ps. 6:5]; Bind the sacrifice with cords to
9 Hab. 1:12 bPs.
Than to put confidence in 73:28 the horns of the altar.
princes. 18 aPs. 73:14;
28 You are my God, and I will
Jer. 31:18; praise You;
10 All nations surrounded me, [1 Cor. 11:32]; aYou are my God, I will exalt
But in the name of the LORD I 2 Cor. 6:9
will destroy them.
11 They asurrounded me, 19 aIs. 26:2 29 Oh, give thanks to the LORD,
Yes, they surrounded me; 20 aPs. 24:7
for He is good!
But in the name of the LORD I bIs. 35:8; [Rev. For His mercy endures forever.
will destroy them. 21:27; 22:14,
12 They surrounded me alike bees; 15]
They were quenched blike a fire 21 aPs. 116:1
of thorns; aMatt.
Meditations on the Excellencies of
For in the name of the LORD I 21:42; Mark the Word of God
will 1destroy them. 12:10, 11;
13 You pushed me violently, that I Luke 20:17;
might fall, Acts 4:11; a ALEPH
[Eph. 2:20;
But the LORD helped me. 1 Pet. 2:7, 8]
are the undefiled in the
14 aThe LORD is my strength and 23 1Lit. This is
song, way,
from the a
And He has become my LORD Who walk in the law of the
salvation. LORD!
26 aMatt. 21:9; 2 Blessed are those who keep His
23:39; Mark
15 The voice of rejoicing and 11:9; Luke testimonies,
salvation 13:35; 19:38 Who seek Him with the awhole
Is in the tents of the righteous; 27 aEsth. 8:16; heart!
The right hand of the LORD [1 Pet. 2:9] 3 aThey also do no iniquity;

does valiantly. 28 aEx. 15:2;

They walk in His ways.
16 aThe right hand of the LORD is Is. 25:1 4 You have commanded us
exalted; To keep Your precepts
The right hand of the LORD PSALM 119 diligently.
does valiantly. 5 Oh, that my ways were directed
17 aI shall not die, but live, 1 aPs. 128:1; To keep Your statutes!
And bdeclare the works of the [Ezek. 11:20; 6 aThen I would not be ashamed,

LORD. 18:17]; Mic. When I look into all Your

4:2 1blameless commandments.
18 The LORD has achastened1 me
severely, 2 aDeut. 6:5; 7 I will praise You with
But He has not given me over 10:12; 11:13; uprightness of heart,
to death. When I learn Your righteous
3 a[1 John 3:9; judgments.
19 aOpen to me the gates of 5:18] 8 I will keep Your statutes;
righteousness; 6 aJob 22:26 Oh, do not forsake me utterly!
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539 PSALM 119:47

10 a2 Chr. 28 aMy soul 1melts from 2heaviness;
b BETH 15:15 Strengthen me according to
9 How can a young man cleanse Your word.
11 aPs. 37:31; 29 Remove from me the way of
his way? Luke 2:19
By taking heed according to And grant me Your law
Your word. 13 aPs. 34:11 graciously.
10 With my whole heart I have 30 I have chosen the way of truth;
asought You;
15 1look into Your judgments I have laid
Oh, let me not wander from before me.
Your commandments! 16 aPs. 1:2 31 I cling to Your testimonies;
11 aYour word I have hidden in my
O LORD, do not put me to
heart, 17 aPs. 116:7 shame!
That I might not sin against 32 I will run the course of Your
You. commandments,
19 aGen. 47:9;
12 Blessed are You, O LORD! Lev. 25:23; For You shall aenlarge my heart.
Teach me Your statutes. 1 Chr. 29:15;
13 With my lips I have adeclared Ps. 39:12;
All the judgments of Your Heb. 11:13 h HE
14 I have rejoiced in the way of 20 aPs. 42:1, 2;
63:1; 84:2 1is 33 Teach me, O LORD, the way of
Your testimonies, crushed Your statutes,
As much as in all riches. And I shall keep it to the end.
15 I will meditate on Your 22 aPs. 39:8 34 aGive me understanding, and I
precepts, shall keep Your law;
And 1contemplate Your ways. 25 aPs. 44:25 Indeed, I shall observe it with
16 I will adelight myself in Your bPs. 143:11 my whole heart.
statutes; 35 Make me walk in the path of
I will not forget Your word. 26 aPs. 25:4; Your commandments,
27:11; 86:11 For I delight in it.
g GIMEL 36 1Incline my heart to Your
27 aPs. 145:5, 6 testimonies,
And not to acovetousness.
17 aDeal bountifully with Your 28 aPs. 107:26 37 aTurn1 away my eyes from
servant, 1Lit. drops blooking at worthless things,
That I may live and keep Your 2grief
And revive me in 2Your way.
word. 38 Establish Your word to Your
18 Open my eyes, that I may see 32 a1 Kin. 4:29; servant,
Wondrous things from Your law. Is. 60:5; 2 Cor. Who is devoted to fearing
19 aI am a stranger in the earth; 6:11, 13
Do not hide Your 39 Turn away my reproach which I
commandments from me. 33 a[Matt.
10:22; Rev. dread,
20 My soul 1breaks with longing
2:26] For Your judgments are good.
For Your judgments at all times. 40 Behold, I long for Your
21 You rebuke the proudthe 34 a[Prov. 2:6; precepts;
cursed, James 1:5] Revive me in Your
Who stray from Your righteousness.
commandments. 36 aEzek.
22 aRemove from me reproach and 33:31; [Mark
contempt, 7:2023]; Luke w WAW
For I have kept Your 12:15; [Heb.
13:5] 1Cause
testimonies. me to long for 41 Let Your mercies come also to
23 Princes also sit and speak me, O LORD
against me, 37 aIs. 33:15 Your salvation according to
But Your servant meditates on bProv. 23:5 Your word.
Your statutes. 1Lit. Cause 42 So shall I have an answer for
24 Your testimonies also are my my eyes to him who 1reproaches me,
pass away
delight from 2So with For I trust in Your word.
And my counselors. MT, LXX, Vg.; 43 And take not the word of truth
Tg. Your utterly out of my mouth,
words For I have hoped in Your
d DALETH ordinances.
38 a2 Sam. 44 So shall I keep Your law
25 My soul clings to the dust;
a 7:25
bRevive me according to Your Forever and ever.
word. 42 1taunts 45 And I will walk 1at aliberty,
26 I have declared my ways, and For I seek Your precepts.
You answered me; 45 aProv. 4:12 46 aI will speak of Your testimonies
1Lit. in a wide
aTeach me Your statutes. also before kings,
27 Make me understand the way And will not be ashamed.
of Your precepts; 46 aPs. 138:1;
47 And I will delight myself in
So ashall I meditate on Your Matt. 10:18; Your commandments,
wonderful works. Acts 26 Which I love.
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PSALM 119:48 540

48 My hands also I will lift up to 50 aJob 6:10; O LORD, according to Your
[Rom. 15:4]
Your commandments, word.
Which I love, 66 Teach me good judgment and
And I will meditate on Your aknowledge,
53 aEx. 32:19;
statutes. Ezra 9:3; Neh. For I believe Your
13:25 commandments.
67 Before I was aafflicted I went
z ZAYIN astray,
55 aPs. 63:6
But now I keep Your word.
49 Remember the word to Your 68 You are agood, and do good;
servant, 57 aNum. Teach me Your statutes.
Upon which You have caused 18:20; Ps. 69 The proud have aforged1 a lie
me to hope. 16:5; Jer. against me,
50 This is my acomfort in my 10:16; Lam.
3:24 But I will keep Your precepts
affliction, with my whole heart.
For Your word has given me life. 70 aTheir heart is 1as fat as grease,
51 The proud have me in great 59 aMark But I delight in Your law.
derision, 14:72; Luke 71 It is good for me that I have
Yet I do not turn aside from 15:17 been afflicted,
Your law. That I may learn Your statutes.
52 I remembered Your judgments 62 aActs 16:25 72 aThe law of Your mouth is better
of old, O LORD, to me
And have comforted myself. Than thousands of coins of
53 aIndignation has taken hold of 64 aPs. 33:5 gold and silver.
Because of the wicked, who
forsake Your law. 66 aPhil. 1:9 y YOD
54 Your statutes have been my
songs 73 Your hands have made me and
67 aProv. 3:11;
In the house of my pilgrimage. Jer. 31:18, 19; fashioned me;
55 I remember Your name in the
a [Heb. 12:511] Give me understanding, that I
night, O LORD, may learn Your
And I keep Your law. commandments.
56 This has become mine, 68 aPs. 106:1;
107:1; [Matt. 74 Those who fear You will be glad
Because I kept Your precepts. 19:17] when they see me,
Because I have hoped in Your
ji HETH word.
69 aJob 13:4; 75 I know, O LORD, athat Your
Ps. 109:2 1Lit.
smeared me judgments are 1right,
57 You are my portion, O LORD;
with a lie And that in faithfulness You
I have said that I would keep have afflicted me.
Your words. 76 Let, I pray,Your merciful
58 I entreated Your favor with my 70 aDeut. kindness be for my comfort,
whole heart; 32:15; Job According to Your word to Your
Be merciful to me according to 15:27; Ps.
17:10; Is. 6:10; servant.
Your word. Jer. 5:28; Acts 77 Let Your tender mercies come
59 I athought about my ways, 28:27 1Insen- to me, that I may live;
And turned my feet to Your sible
For Your law is my delight.
testimonies. 78 Let the proud abe ashamed,
60 I made haste, and did not delay For they treated me wrongfully
72 aPs. 19:10;
To keep Your commandments. Prov. 8:10, 11, with falsehood;
61 The cords of the wicked have 19 But I will meditate on Your
bound me, precepts.
But I have not forgotten Your 79 Let those who fear You turn to
law. 73 aJob 10:8;
31:15; [Ps. me,
62 aAt midnight I will rise to give 139:15, 16] Those who know Your
thanks to You, testimonies.
Because of Your righteous 80 Let my heart be blameless
judgments. 74 aPs. 34:2 regarding Your statutes,
63 I am a companion of all who That I may not be ashamed.
fear You,
And of those who keep Your 75 a[Heb.
12:10] 1Lit.
precepts. righteous k KAPH
64 aThe earth, O LORD, is full of
Your mercy; 81 aMy soul faints for Your salvation,
Teach me Your statutes. 78 aPs. 25:3 But I hope in Your word.
82 My eyes fail from searching
Your word,
f TETH 81 aPs. 73:26;
84:2 Saying, When will You comfort
65 You have dealt well with Your 83 For aI have become like a
servant, 83 aJob 30:30 wineskin in smoke,
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 541

541 PSALM 119:118

Yet I do not forget Your 84 aPs. 39:4
bRev. 6:10
Because I keep Your
statutes. precepts.
84 aHow many are the days of Your 101 I have restrained my feet
servant? 85 aPs. 35:7; from every evil way,
bWhen will You execute Prov. 16:27; That I may keep Your word.
Jer. 18:22
judgment on those who 102 I have not departed from Your
persecute me? judgments,
85 aThe proud have dug pits for 86 aPs. 35:19 For You Yourself have taught
me, me.
Which is not according to Your 89 aPs. 89:2; Is. 103 aHow sweet are Your words to
law. 40:8; Matt. my taste,
86 All Your commandments are 24:35; [1 Pet. Sweeter than honey to my
1:25] 1Lit.
faithful; stands firm mouth!
They persecute me awrongfully; 104 Through Your precepts I get
Help me! understanding;
90 1Lit. stands
87 They almost made an end of Therefore I hate every false
me on earth, way.
But I did not forsake Your 91 aJer. 33:25
88 Revive me according to Your 95 1give atten-
no NUN
lovingkindness, tion to
So that I may keep the 105 aYour word is a lamp to my
testimony of Your mouth. 96 aMatt. 5:18
And a light to my path.
106 aI have sworn and confirmed
l LAMED 97 aPs. 1:2 That I will keep Your
righteous judgments.
89 aForever, O LORD, 98 aDeut. 4:6 107 I am afflicted very much;
Your word 1is settled in Revive me, O LORD,
heaven. 99 a[2 Tim. according to Your word.
90 Your faithfulness endures to all 3:15] 108 Accept, I pray, athe freewill
generations; offerings of my mouth, O
You established the earth, and 100 a[Job
it 1abides. 32:79] 1aged And teach me Your
91 They continue this day judgments.
according to aYour 109 aMy life is continually 1in my
103 aPs. 19:10;
ordinances, Prov. 8:11 hand,
For all are Your servants. Yet I do not forget Your law.
92 Unless Your law had been my 110 aThe wicked have laid a snare
delight, 105 aProv. 6:23 for me,
I would then have perished in Yet I have not strayed from
my affliction. 106 aNeh. Your precepts.
93 I will never forget Your 10:29 111 aYour testimonies I have taken
precepts, as a 1heritage forever,
For by them You have given me 108aHos. 14:2; For they are the rejoicing of
life. Heb. 13:15 my heart.
94 I am Yours, save me; 112 I have inclined my heart to
For I have sought Your 109 aJudg. perform Your statutes
precepts. 12:3; Job Forever, to the very end.
95 The wicked wait for me to 13:14 1In dan-
destroy me,
But I will 1consider Your s SAMEK
testimonies. 110 aPs. 140:5
96 aI have seen the consummation 113 I hate the 1double-minded,
of all perfection, 111 aDeut. 33:4 But I love Your law.
But Your commandment is 1inheritance 114 aYou are my hiding place and
exceedingly broad. my shield;
1131Lit.di- I hope in Your word.
vided in heart 115 aDepart from me, you
m MEM or mind evildoers,
For I will keep the
97 Oh, how I love Your law! 114 a[Ps. 32:7] commandments of my God!
aIt is my meditation all the day. 116 Uphold me according to Your
98 You, through Your 115 aPs. 6:8;
word, that I may live;
commandments, make me Matt. 7:23 And do not let me abe
awiser than my enemies; ashamed of my hope.
For they are ever with me. 117 1Hold me up, and I shall be
116 aPs. 25:2;
99 I have more understanding [Rom. 5:5; safe,
than all my teachers, 9:33; 10:11; And I shall observe Your
aFor Your testimonies are my Phil. 1:20] statutes continually.
meditation. 118 You reject all those who stray
100 aI understand more than the 117 1Uphold from Your statutes,
1ancients, me For their deceit is falsehood.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 542

PSALM 119:119 542

119 You 1put away all the wicked 119 aIs. 1:22, 136 aRivers of water run down
of the earth alike 2dross; 25; Ezek.
22:18, 19 1de- from my eyes,
Therefore I love Your stroy, lit. Because men do not keep
testimonies. cause to Your law.
120 aMy flesh trembles for fear of cease 2slag or
And I am afraid of Your 120 aJob 4:14;
judgments. Hab. 3:16
137 aRighteous are You, O LORD,
122 aJob 17:3; And upright are Your
[ AYIN Heb. 7:22 judgments.
1guaranty aYour testimonies, which You
121 I have done justice and have commanded,
righteousness; 125 aPs. 116:16 Are righteous and very
Do not leave me to my faithful.
oppressors. 126 1broken 139 aMy zeal has 1consumed me,
122 Be asurety1 for Your servant Your law
Because my enemies have
for good; forgotten Your words.
Do not let the proud oppress 127 aPs. 19:10
140 aYour word is very 1pure;
me. Therefore Your servant loves
123 My eyes fail from seeking 130 aProv. 6:23
b[Ps. 19:7]; it.
Your salvation Prov. 1:4 141 I am small and despised,
And Your righteous word. Yet I do not forget Your
124 Deal with Your servant 131 aPs. 42:1 precepts.
according to Your mercy, 142 Your righteousness is an
And teach me Your statutes. 132 aPs. 106:4 everlasting righteousness,
125 aI am Your servant; bPs. 51:1;
[2 Thess. 1:6] And Your law is atruth.
Give me understanding, 143 Trouble and anguish have
That I may know Your 1overtaken me,
testimonies. 133 aPs. 17:5
b[Ps. 19:13; Yet Your commandments are
126 It is time for You to act, Rom. 6:12] my delights.
O LORD, 144 The righteousness of Your
For they have 1regarded Your 134 aLuke 1:74 testimonies is everlasting;
law as void. Give me understanding, and I
127 aTherefore I love Your
135 aNum. shall live.
commandments 6:25; Ps. 4:6
More than gold, yes, than fine
gold! 136 aJer. 9:1, q QOPH
128 Therefore all Your precepts 18; 14:17;
Lam. 3:48;
concerning all things Ezek. 9:4 145 I cry out with my whole heart;
I consider to be right; Hear me, O LORD!
I hate every false way. 137 aEzra 9:15;
Neh. 9:33; Jer.
I will keep Your statutes.
12:1; Lam. 146 I cry out to You;
p PE 1:18; Dan. 9:7, Save me, and I will keep Your
14 testimonies.
129 Your testimonies are 147 aI rise before the dawning of
138 a[Ps. the morning,
wonderful; 19:79]
Therefore my soul keeps And cry for help;
them. 139 aPs. 69:9;
I hope in Your word.
130 The entrance of Your words John 2:17 148 aMy eyes are awake through

gives light; 1put an end the night watches,

aIt gives understanding to the to That I may meditate on Your
bsimple. word.
140 aPs. 12:6 149 Hear my voice according to
131 I opened my mouth and 1Lit. refined
or tried Your lovingkindness;
For I longed for Your O LORD, revive me according
commandments. 142 a[Ps. 19:9; to Your justice.
132 aLook upon me and be John 17:17] 150 They draw near who follow
merciful to me, after wickedness;
bAs Your custom is toward 143 1Lit. found They are far from Your law.
those who love Your name. 151 You are anear, O LORD,
133 aDirect my steps by Your 147 aPs. 5:3 And all Your commandments
word, are truth.
And blet no iniquity have 148 aPs. 63:1, 6 152 Concerning Your testimonies,
dominion over me. I have known of old that You
134 aRedeem me from the have founded them aforever.
145:18]; Is.
oppression of man, 50:8
That I may keep Your
precepts. r RESH
152 aLuke
135 aMake Your face shine upon 21:33
Your servant, 153 aConsider my affliction and
And teach me Your statutes. 153 aLam. 5:1 deliver me,
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 543

543 PSALM 121:4

For I do not forget Your law. 154 a1 Sam. Deliver me according to Your
154 aPlead my cause and redeem 24:15; Mic. 7:9 word.
me; 171 aMy lips shall utter praise,
Revive me according to Your 156 1Or Many For You teach me Your
word. statutes.
155 Salvation is far from the 157 aPs. 44:18 172 My tongue shall speak of Your
wicked, word,
For they do not seek Your 158 aEzek. 9:4 For all Your commandments
statutes. are righteousness.
156 1Great are Your tender 173 Let Your hand become my
161 a1 Sam.
mercies, O LORD; 24:11; 26:18 help,
Revive me according to Your For aI have chosen Your
judgments. 165 aProv. 3:2; precepts.
157 Many are my persecutors and [Is. 26:3; 174 aI long for Your salvation,
my enemies, 32:17] 1Lit.
they have no O LORD,
Yet I do not aturn from Your stumbling And bYour law is my delight.
testimonies. block 175 Let my soul live, and it shall
158 I see the treacherous, and aam praise You;
disgusted, 166aGen. And let Your judgments help
Because they do not keep 49:18 me.
Your word. 176 aI have gone astray like a lost
159 Consider how I love Your 168 aJob 24:23; sheep;
precepts; Prov. 5:21 Seek Your servant,
Revive me, O LORD, For I do not forget Your
according to Your 169 aPs. commandments.
lovingkindness. 119:27, 144
160 The entirety of Your word is PSALM 120
truth, 170 1Prayer of
And every one of Your supplication Plea for Relief from Bitter Foes
righteous judgments A Song of Ascents.
endures forever. 171 aPs. 119:7
N amy distress I cried to the LORD,
173 aJosh.
24:22; Luke
I And He heard me.
2 Deliver my soul, O LORD, from
lying lips
161 aPrinces persecute me without And from a deceitful tongue.
a cause, 174 aPs.
But my heart stands in awe of 119:166 bPs.
119:16, 24 3 What shall be given to you,
Your word. Or what shall be done to you,
162 I rejoice at Your word You false tongue?
As one who finds great 176 a[Is. 53:6];
Jer. 50:6; 4 Sharp arrows of the 1warrior,
treasure. Matt. 18:12; With coals of the broom
163 I hate and abhor lying, Luke 15:4; tree!
But I love Your law. [1 Pet. 2:25]
164 Seven times a day I praise 5 Woe is me, that I dwell in
You, aMeshech,
Because of Your righteous PSALM 120 bThat I dwell among the tents of
judgments. Kedar!
165 aGreat peace have those who
1 aJon. 2:2 6 My soul has dwelt too long
love Your law, With one who hates peace.
And 1nothing causes them to 4 1mighty one 7 I am for peace;
stumble. But when I speak, they are for
166 aLORD, I hope for Your
salvation, 5 aGen. 10:2;
1 Chr. 1:5;
And I do Your Ezek. 27:13; PSALM 121
commandments. 38:2, 3; 39:1
167 My soul keeps Your bGen. 25:13; God the Help of Those Who Seek
testimonies, Is. 21:16; 60:7; Him
Jer. 2:10;
And I love them exceedingly. 49:28; Ezek. A Song of Ascents.
168 I keep Your precepts and Your 27:21
WILL lift up my eyes to the hills
aFor all my ways are before
You. PSALM 121
I From whence comes my help?
2 aMy help comes from the
Who made heaven and earth.
t TAU 1 a[Jer. 3:23]
3 a He will not allow your foot to
169 Let my cry come before You, 2 a[Ps. 124:8] 1be moved;
O LORD; He who keeps you will not
aGive me understanding 3 a1 Sam. 2:9; slumber.
according to Your word. Prov. 3:23, 26 4 Behold, He who keeps Israel
b[Ps. 127:1;
170 Let my 1supplication come Prov. 24:12]; Shall neither slumber nor
before You; Is. 27:3 1slip sleep.
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PSALM 121:5 544

5 The LORD is your 1keeper; 5 aIs. 25:4 bPs. 3 Have mercy on us, O LORD,
16:8 1protec-
The LORD is ayour shade bat tor
have mercy on us!
your right hand. For we are exceedingly filled
6 aThe sun shall not strike you by 6 aPs. 91:5; Is. with contempt.
day, 49:10; Jon. 4 Our soul is exceedingly filled
Nor the moon by night. 4:8; Rev. 7:16 With the scorn of those who
are at ease,
7 The LORD shall 1preserve you 7 aPs. 41:2
With the contempt of the
from all evil; proud.
He shall apreserve your soul. 8 aDeut. 28:6;
8 The LORD shall apreserve1 your [Prov. 2:8; 3:6] PSALM 124
going out and your coming in 1keep
From this time forth, and even The LORD the Defense of His
forevermore. People
PSALM 122 A Song of Ascents. Of David.
F it had not been the LORD who
The Joy of Going to the House of
the LORD
1 a[Is. 2:3; Mic.
4:2]; Zech.
I was on our aside,
bLet Israel now say
A Song of Ascents. Of David. 3 a2 Sam. 5:9
2 If it had not been the LORD
who was on our side,
WAS glad when they said to me,
IaLet us go into the house of the
4 aEx. 23:17;
Deut. 16:16
bEx. 16:34 1Or
When men rose up against us,
Then they would have
aswallowed us alive,
2 Our feet have been standing As a testi- When their wrath was kindled
Within your gates, mony to
against us;
O Jerusalem! 4 Then the waters would have
5 aDeut. 17:8;
2 Chr. 19:8 overwhelmed us,
3 Jerusalem is built The stream would have 1gone
As a city that is acompact over our soul;
6 aPs. 51:18
together, 5 Then the swollen waters
4 aWhere the tribes go up, 9 aNeh. 2:10; Would have 1gone over our
The tribes of the LORD, Esth. 10:3 soul.
1To bthe Testimony of Israel,
To give thanks to the name of 6 Blessed be the LORD,
the LORD. PSALM 123 Who has not given us as prey
5 aFor thrones are set there for to their teeth.
judgment, 1 aPs. 121:1; 7 aOur soul has escaped bas a bird
The thrones of the house of 141:8 bPs. 2:4; from the snare of the
David. 11:4; 115:3 1fowlers;
The snare is broken, and we
6 Pray for the peace of
a 2 aPs. 25:15 have escaped.
Jerusalem: 8 aOur help is in the name of the
May they prosper who love PSALM 124 LORD,
you. bWho made heaven and earth.
7 Peace be within your walls,
Prosperity within your 1 aPs. 118:6; PSALM 125
palaces. [Rom. 8:31]
bPs. 129:1 The LORD the Strength of His
8 For the sake of my brethren People
and companions, 3 aNum. 16:30;
I will now say, Peace be within Ps. 56:1, 2; A Song of Ascents.
you. 57:3; Prov.
HOSE who trust in the LORD
9 Because of the house of the
LORD our God

4 1swept over
T Are like Mount Zion,
Which cannot be moved, but
I will aseek your good.
abides forever.
5 1swept over 2 As the mountains surround
PSALM 123 Jerusalem,
7 aPs. 91:3 So the LORD surrounds His
Prayer for Relief from Contempt bProv. 6:5;
Hos. 9:8 1Per- people
A Song of Ascents. sons who From this time forth and forever.
catch birds in
NTO You aI lift up my eyes,
U O You bwho dwell in the
a trap or
3 For athe scepter of wickedness
shall not rest
8 a[Ps. 121:2]
On the land allotted to the
2 Behold, as the eyes of servants bGen. 1:1; Ps. righteous,
look to the hand of their 134:3 Lest the righteous reach out
masters, their hands to iniquity.
As the eyes of a maid to the
hand of her mistress, PSALM 125 4 Do good, O LORD, to those who
aSo our eyes look to the LORD are good,
our God, 3 aProv. 22:8; And to those who are upright
Until He has mercy on us. Is. 14:5 in their hearts.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 545

545 PSALM 129:8

5 As for such as turn aside to 5 aProv. 2:15; PSALM 128
Is. 59:8 bPs.
their acrooked ways, 128:6; [Gal. Blessings of Those Who Fear the
The LORD shall lead them 6:16] LORD
With the workers of iniquity. PSALM 126 A Song of Ascents.
LESSED ais every one who fears
b Peace be upon Israel!
1 aPs. 85:1;
Jer. 29:14;
B the LORD,
Who walks in His ways.
Hos. 6:11; Joel
3:1 bActs 12:9
A Joyful Return to Zion 1Those of the 2 When you eat the 1labor of your
captivity hands,
A Song of Ascents.
2 aJob 8:21 You shall be happy, and it shall
HEN athe LORD brought back be bwell with you.
W 1the captivity of Zion,
bWe were like those who dream.

5 aIs. 35:10;
3 Your wife shall be alike a fruitful
51:11; 61:7;
2 Then aour mouth was filled Jer. 31:9; [Gal. In the very heart of your
with laughter, 6:9] house,
And our tongue with singing. 6 aIs. 61:3 1to
Your bchildren clike olive
Then they said among the and fro 2Lit. a plants
1nations, bag of seed All around your table.
The LORD has done great for sowing 4 Behold, thus shall the man be
3with shouts
things for them. of joy blessed
3 The LORD has done great Who fears the LORD.
things for us,
PSALM 127 5 The LORD bless you out of
And we are glad.
4 Bring back our captivity, O 1 a[Ps. And may you see the good of
LORD, Jerusalem
As the streams in the South. 2 a[Gen. 3:17, All the days of your life.
19] 6 Yes, may you asee your
5 Those who sow in tears
3 a[Gen. 33:5; childrens children.
Shall reap in joy. Josh. 24:3, 4;
6 He who continually goes 1forth Ps. 113:9] b Peace be upon Israel!
bDeut. 7:13;
28:4; Is. 13:18
Bearing 2seed for sowing, c[Ps. 113:9] PSALM 129
Shall doubtless come again Song of Victory over Zions
3with arejoicing, 5 aPs. 128:2, 3
bJob 5:4; Prov. Enemies
Bringing his sheaves with him. 27:11
A Song of Ascents.
ANY a time they have
Laboring and Prospering with the

1 aPs. 119:1
M aafflicted1 me from bmy
cLet Israel now say
A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. 2 aIs. 3:10
bDeut. 4:40 2 Many a time they have afflicted
NLESS the LORD builds the me from my youth;
U house,
They labor in vain who build it;
1Fruit of the
labor Yet they have not prevailed
against me.
3 aEzek. 19:10
Unless athe LORD guards the bPs. 127:35 3 The plowers plowed on my
city, cPs. 52:8; back;
The watchman stays awake in 144:12 They made their furrows long.
vain. 5 aPs. 134:3 4 The LORD is righteous;
2 It is vain for you to rise up He has cut in pieces the cords
early, 6 aGen. 48:11; of the wicked.
50:23; Job
To sit up late, 42:16; Ps.
To aeat the bread of sorrows; 103:17; [Prov. 5 Let all those who hate Zion
For so He gives His beloved 17:6] bPs. Be put to shame and turned
sleep. 125:5 back.
6 Let them be as the agrass on
3 Behold, achildren are a heritage PSALM 129 the housetops,
from the LORD, Which withers before it grows
The fruit of the womb is a
b 1 a[Jer. 1:19; up,
creward. 15:20]; Matt. 7 With which the reaper does not
4 Like arrows in the hand of a 16:18; 2 Cor. fill his hand,
4:8, 9 bEzek.
warrior, 23:3; Hos. 2:15 Nor he who binds sheaves, his
So are the children of ones cPs. 124:1
youth. 8 Neither let those who pass by
5 aHappy is the man who has his 6 aPs. 37:2 them say,
quiver full of them; aThe blessing of the LORD be
bThey shall not be ashamed, 7 1arms full, upon you;
lit. bosom
But shall speak with their We bless you in the name of the
enemies in the gate. 8 aRuth 2:4 LORD!
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PSALM 130:1 546

PSALM 130 PSALM 130 Or go up to the comfort of my
Waiting for the Redemption of the 1 aLam. 3:55
LORD 4 I will anot give sleep to my eyes
3 a[Ps. 143:2] Or slumber to my eyelids,
A Song of Ascents. b[Nah. 1:6]
1take note of
5 Until I afind a place for the
UT aof the depths I have cried to
You, O LORD;
Lord, hear my voice!
4 a[Ex. 34:7]
b[1 Kin. 8:39,
A dwelling place for the Mighty
One of Jacob.
Let Your ears be attentive 6 Behold, we heard of it ain
To the voice of my 5 a[Ps. 27:14]
bPs. 119:81 Ephrathah;
supplications. bWe found it cin the fields of 1the
6 aPs. 119:147 woods.
3 aIf You, LORD, should 1mark 7 Let us go into His tabernacle;
iniquities, 7 aPs. 131:3 aLet us worship at His footstool.
b[Is. 55:7]
O Lord, who could bstand? 8 aArise, O LORD, to Your resting
4 But there is aforgiveness with 8 a[Ps. 103:3, place,
You, 4] You and bthe ark of Your
That bYou may be feared. strength.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul
a 9 Let Your priests abe clothed
waits, 1 a[Rom. with righteousness,
12:16] 1Proud And let Your saints shout for
And bin His word I do hope. 2Arrogant
6 aMy soul waits for the Lord 3Lit. walk in
More than those who watch for 10 For Your servant Davids sake,
the morning 2 a[Matt. 18:3] Do not turn away the face of
Yes, more than those who Your 1Anointed.
watch for the morning. 3 a[Ps. 130:7]

PSALM 132 11 aThe LORD has sworn in truth to

7 aO Israel, hope in the LORD; David;
For bwith the LORD there is 2 aPs. 65:1 He will not turn from it:
mercy, bGen. 49:24
I will set upon your throne bthe
And with Him is abundant 1fruit of your body.
redemption. 4 aProv. 6:4
12 If your sons will keep My
8 And aHe shall redeem 5 aActs 7:46 covenant
Israel And My testimony which I
From all his iniquities. 6 a1 Sam. shall teach them,
17:12 b1 Sam.
7:1 c1 Chr. Their sons also shall sit upon
PSALM 131 13:5 1Heb. your throne forevermore.
Simple Trust in the LORD Jaar, lit.
Woods 13 aFor the LORD has chosen Zion;
A Song of Ascents. Of David. 7 aPs. 5:7; 99:5 He has desired it for His
1dwelling place:
ORD, my heart is not 1haughty,
L Nor my eyes 2lofty.
aNeither do I 3concern myself
8 aNum. 10:35
bPs. 78:61
14 Thisa is My resting place
with great matters, 9 aJob 29:14 Here I will dwell, for I have
Nor with things too 4profound desired it.
for me. 10 1Commis- 15 aI will abundantly bless her
sioned One, 1provision;
Heb. Messiah
2 Surely I have calmed and I will satisfy her poor with
quieted my soul, 11 a[Ps. 89:3, bread.
a Like a weaned child with his 4, 33; 110:4]
b2 Sam. 7:12
16 aI will also clothe her priests
mother; 1offspring
with salvation,
bAnd her saints shall shout
Like a weaned child is my soul
within me. 13 a[Ps. 48:1, aloud for joy.
2] 1home 17 aThere I will make the 1horn of
3 aO Israel, hope in the LORD 14 aPs. 68:16
David grow;
From this time forth and bI will prepare a lamp for My
forever. 2Anointed.
15 aPs. 147:14
1supply of 18 His enemies I will aclothe with
PSALM 132 food shame,
The Eternal Dwelling of God in 16 a2 Chr. 6:41 But upon Himself His crown
b1 Sam. 4:5 shall flourish.
17 aEzek. PSALM 133
A Song of Ascents. 29:21 b1 Kin.
11:36; 15:4 Blessed Unity of the People of God
ORD, remember David
L And all his afflictions;
2 How he swore to the LORD,
2Heb. Messiah
A Song of Ascents. Of David.
aAnd vowed to bthe Mighty One 18 aPs. 35:26 EHOLD, how good and how
of Jacob:
3 Surely I will not go into the
PSALM 133 B pleasant it is
For abrethren to dwell together
chamber of my house, 1 aGen. 13:8 in unity!
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 547

547 PSALM 136:6

2 It is like the precious oil upon 3 aDeut. 4:48
bLev. 25:21;
Upon Pharaoh and all his
the head, Deut. 28:8; Ps.
Running down on the beard, 42:8 10 aHe defeated many nations
The beard of Aaron, And slew mighty kings
Running down on the edge of PSALM 134 11 Sihon king of the Amorites,
his garments. Og king of Bashan,
3 It is like the dew of aHermon, 2 a[1 Tim. 2:8] And aall the kingdoms of
Descending upon the Canaan
mountains of Zion; PSALM 135
12 aAnd gave their land as a
For bthere the LORD 1heritage,
commanded the blessing 1 aPs. 113:1
A heritage to Israel His people.
Life forevermore.
2 aLuke 2:37 13 aYour name, O LORD, endures
bPs. 116:19
PSALM 134 forever,
3 a[Ps. 119:68] Your fame, O LORD, throughout
Praising the LORD in His House at bPs. 147:1 all generations.
Night 14 aFor the LORD will judge His
4 a[Ex. 19:5];
A Song of Ascents. Mal. 3:17; [Ti- people,
tus 2:14; 1 Pet. And He will have compassion
EHOLD, bless the LORD, 2:9] 1precious
B All you servants of the LORD,
Who by night stand in the
5 aPs. 95:3;
on His servants.
15 aThe idols of the nations are
house of the LORD! 97:9 silver and gold,
2 aLift up your hands in the 6 aPs. 115:3 The work of mens hands.
sanctuary, 16 They have mouths, but they do
And bless the LORD. 7 aJer. 10:13 not speak;
bJob 28:25, 26;
38:2428 cJer. Eyes they have, but they do not
3 The LORD who made heaven 51:16 1Water see;
and earth vapor 17 They have ears, but they do not
Bless you from Zion! 8 aEx. 12:12; hear;
Ps. 78:51 1Lit. Nor is there any breath in their
PSALM 135 struck down
2Lit. From
Praise to God in Creation and man to beast
18 Those who make them are like
Redemption them;
9 aEx. 7:10; So is everyone who trusts in
RAISE the LORD! Deut. 6:22; Ps.
P 78:43 bPs.
19 aBless the LORD, O house of
Praise the name of the LORD; 10 aNum. Israel!
Praise Him, O you servants of
a 21:24; Ps.
Bless the LORD, O house of
the LORD! Aaron!
2 aYou who stand in the house of 11 aJosh. 20 Bless the LORD, O house of
the LORD, 12:724
In bthe courts of the house of 12 aPs. 78:55; You who fear the LORD, bless
our God, 136:21, 22 1in- the LORD!
3 Praise the LORD, for athe LORD heritance
21 Blessed be the LORD aout of
is good; 13 a[Ex. 3:15; Zion,
Sing praises to His name, bfor Ps. 102:12] Who dwells in Jerusalem!
it is pleasant. 14 aDeut. 32:36
4 For athe LORD has chosen Praise the LORD!
Jacob for Himself, 15 a[Ps.
115:48] PSALM 136
Israel for His 1special treasure.
19 a[Ps. 115:9] Thanksgiving to God for His
5 For I know that athe LORD is Enduring Mercy
21 aPs. 134:3
And our Lord is above all gods. H, agive thanks to the LORD,
6 aWhatever the LORD pleases He
PSALM 136 O for He is good!
bFor His mercy endures forever.
In heaven and in earth, 1 aPs. 106:1 2 Oh, give thanks to athe God of
b1 Chr. 16:34;
In the seas and in all deep Jer. 33:11 gods!
places. For His mercy endures forever.
7 aHe causes the 1vapors to 2 a[Deut.
10:17] 3 Oh, give thanks to the Lord of
ascend from the ends of the lords!
earth; 4 aDeut. 6:22; For His mercy endures forever:
bHe makes lightning for the rain; Job 9:10; Ps.
He brings the wind out of His 4 To Him awho alone does great
ctreasuries. 5 aGen. 1:1, wonders,
68; Prov.
3:19; Jer.
For His mercy endures forever;
8 He 1destroyed the firstborn of
51:15 5 aTo Him who by wisdom made
Egypt, the heavens,
2Both of man and beast. 6 aGen. 1:9; For His mercy endures forever;
Ps. 24:2; [Is.
9 He sent signs and wonders into
42:5]; Jer. 6 To Him who laid out the earth
the midst of you, O Egypt, 10:12 above the waters,
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PSALM 136:7 548

For His mercy endures forever; 7 aGen. away captive asked of us a
7 aTo Him who made great lights, 1:1418
For His mercy endures 8 aGen. 1:16 And those who aplundered us
forever 10 aEx. 12:29; requested mirth,
8 aThe sun to rule by day, Ps. 135:8 Saying, Sing us one of the
For His mercy endures forever; 11 aEx. 12:51;
songs of Zion!
9 The moon and stars to rule by 13:3, 16
night, 4 How shall we sing the LORDs
For His mercy endures forever. 12 aEx. 6:6; song
Deut. 4:34;
5:15; 7:19; In a foreign land?
10 aTo Him who struck Egypt in 9:29; 11:2; 5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
their firstborn, 2 Kin. 17:36; Let my right hand forget its skill!
For His mercy endures 2 Chr. 6:32;
Jer. 32:17
6 If I do not remember you,
forever; 1Mighty Let my atongue cling to the roof
11 aAnd brought out Israel from power of my mouth
among them, 13 aEx. 14:21 If I do not exalt Jerusalem
For His mercy endures forever. Above my chief joy.
12 aWith a strong hand, and with 15 aEx. 14:27
1an outstretched arm, 7 Remember, O LORD, against
16 aEx. 13:18;
For His mercy endures forever. 15:22; Deut. athe sons of Edom
13 To Him who divided the Red
a 8:15 The day of Jerusalem,
Sea in two, 17 aPs. Who said, 1Raze it, raze it,
For His mercy endures forever. 135:1012 To its very foundation!
14 And made Israel pass through 18 aDeut. 29:7
the midst of it, 8 O daughter of Babylon, awho
For His mercy endures forever. 19 aNum. 21:21 are to be destroyed,
15 aBut overthrew Pharaoh and his 20 aNum. 21:33 Happy the one bwho repays you
army in the Red Sea, 21 aJosh. 12:1
as you have served us!
For His mercy endures forever. 1inheritance 9 Happy the one who takes and
16 To Him who led His people
a adashes
23 aGen. 8:1; Your little ones against the
through the wilderness, Deut. 32:36;
For His mercy endures forever. Ps. 113:7 rock!
17 To Him who struck down great
24 aPs. 44:7
kings, PSALM 138
For His mercy endures forever. 25 aPs. 104:27;
The LORDs Goodness to the
18 aAnd slew famous kings, 145:15
For His mercy endures
forever PSALM 137 A Psalm of David.
19 aSihon king of the Amorites,
WILL praise You with my whole
For His mercy endures forever; 3 79:1
20 aAnd Og king of Bashan, 6 aJob 29:10; heart;
aBefore the gods I will sing
For His mercy endures Ps. 22:15;
forever Ezek. 3:26 praises to You.
21 aAnd gave their land as a 7 aJer. 49:722; 2 aI will worship btoward Your
1heritage, Lam. 4:21; holy temple,
For His mercy endures forever; Ezek. And praise Your name
25:1214; 35:2;
22 A heritage to Israel His servant, Amos 1:11; For Your lovingkindness and
For His mercy endures forever. Obad. 1014 Your truth;
1Lit. Make For You have cmagnified Your
23 Who aremembered us in our bare word above all Your name.
lowly state, 8 aIs. 13:16; 3 In the day when I cried out,You
For His mercy endures forever; 47:1 bJer. answered me,
50:15; Rev. And made me bold with
24 And arescued us from our 18:6
enemies, strength in my soul.
For His mercy endures forever; 9 a2 Kin. 8:12;
Is. 13:16; Hos. 4 All the kings of the earth shall
25 aWho gives food to all flesh, 13:16; Nah.
For His mercy endures forever. 3:10 praise You, O LORD,
When they hear the words of
26 Oh, give thanks to the God of PSALM 138 Your mouth.
heaven! 5 Yes, they shall sing of the ways
For His mercy endures forever. 1 aPs. 119:46 of the LORD,
For great is the glory of the
PSALM 137 2 aPs. 28:2
b1 Kin. 8:29 LORD.
Longing for Zion in a Foreign Land cIs. 42:21 6 aThough the LORD is on high,
4 aPs. 102:15
Yet bHe regards the lowly;
Y the rivers of Babylon,
B There we sat down, yea, we
6 a[Ps.
But the proud He knows from
bProv. 3:34;
When we remembered Zion. [Is. 57:15]; 7 Though I walk in the midst of
2 We hung our harps Luke 1:48; trouble,You will revive me;
Upon the willows in the midst [James 4:6; You will stretch out Your hand
of it. 1 Pet. 5:5] Against the wrath of my
3 For there those who carried us 7 a[Ps. 23:3, 4] enemies,
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549 PSALM 140:5

And Your right hand will save 8 aPs. 57:2; 15 aMy 1frame was not hidden from
me. [Phil. 1:6] You,
bJob 10:3, 8
8 aThe LORD will 1perfect that 1complete When I was made in secret,
which concerns me; And skillfully wrought in the
Your mercy, O LORD, endures PSALM 139 lowest parts of the earth.
forever; 16 Your eyes saw my substance,
bDo not forsake the works of being yet unformed.
1 aPs. 17:3;
Your hands. Jer. 12:3 And in Your book they all were
PSALM 139 2 a2 Kin. 19:27 The days fashioned for me,
bIs. 66:18;
Gods Perfect Knowledge of Man Matt. 9:4 When as yet there were none
of them.
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of 3 aJob 14:16;
31:4 1Lit. win- 17 aHow precious also are Your
David. now
thoughts to me, O God!
LORD, aYou have searched me
O and known me.
2 aYou know my sitting down and
4 a[Heb. 4:13]
5 1enclosed
How great is the sum of
18 If I should count them, they
my rising up; 6 aJob 42:3; would be more in number
You bunderstand my thought Ps. 40:5 than the sand;
afar off. When I awake, I am still with
7 a[Jer. 23:24;
3 aYou 1comprehend my path and Amos 9:24] You.
my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my 8 a[Amos 19 Oh, that You would aslay the
ways. 9:24] b[Job
26:6; Prov. wicked, O God!
4 For there is not a word on my 15:11] 1Or bDepart from me, therefore, you
tongue, Sheol 1bloodthirsty men.
But behold, O LORD, aYou 11 1Vg., Sym- 20 For they aspeak against You
know it altogether. machus cover wickedly;
5 You have 1hedged me behind 1Your enemies take Your name
and before, 12 aJob 26:6; in vain.
34:22; [Dan.
And laid Your hand upon me. 2:22; Heb. 21 aDo I not hate them, O LORD,
6 aSuch knowledge is too 4:13] 1Lit. is who hate You?
wonderful for me; not dark And do I not loathe those who
It is high, I cannot attain it. 13 1wove rise up against You?
22 I hate them with 1perfect
7 aWhere can I go from Your 14 1So with hatred;
Spirit? MT, Tg.; LXX,
I count them my enemies.
Or where can I flee from Your Syr., Vg. You
are fearfully
presence? wonderful 23 aSearch me, O God, and know
8 aIf I ascend into heaven,You are
my heart;
there; 15 aJob 10:8, 9;
Eccl. 11:5 1Lit. Try me, and know my anxieties;
bIf I make my bed in 1hell,
bones were 24 And see if there is any wicked
behold,You are there. way in me,
9 If I take the wings of the 17 a[Ps. 40:5; And alead me in the way
Rom. 11:33]
morning, everlasting.
And dwell in the uttermost 19 a[Is. 11:4]
parts of the sea, bPs. 119:115
1Lit. men of PSALM 140
10 Even there Your hand shall lead bloodshed
me, Prayer for Deliverance from Evil
And Your right hand shall hold 20 aJude 15 Men
1LXX, Vg.
me. They take To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
11 If I say, Surely the darkness your cities in David.
shall 1fall on me, vain
ELIVER me, O LORD, from evil
Even the night shall be light
about me;
Indeed, athe darkness 1shall not
21 a2 Chr. 19:2
22 1complete
D men;
Preserve me from violent men,
hide from You, 2 Who plan evil things in their
But the night shines as the 23 aJob 31:6; hearts;
Ps. 26:2 aThey continually gather
The darkness and the light are 24 aPs. 5:8; together for war.
both alike to You. 143:10 3 They sharpen their tongues like
a serpent;
13 For You formed my inward PSALM 140 The apoison of asps is under
parts; their lips. Selah
You 1covered me in my 2 aPs. 56:6
mothers womb. 4 aKeep me, O LORD, from the
14 I will praise You, for 1I am 3 aPs. 58:4; hands of the wicked;
Rom. 3:13;
fearfully and wonderfully James 3:8 Preserve me from violent men,
made; Who have purposed to make
Marvelous are Your works, 4 aPs. 71:4 my steps stumble.
And that my soul knows very 5 aPs. 35:7; 5 The proud have hidden a asnare
well. Jer. 18:22 for me, and cords;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 550

PSALM 140:6 550

They have spread a net by the 7 1sheltered For still my prayer is against
wayside; the deeds of the wicked.
They have set traps for me. 6 Their judges are overthrown by
Selah 8 aDeut. 32:27 the sides of the 1cliff,
And they hear my words, for
6 I said to the LORD: You are my they are sweet.
God; 10 aPs. 11:6 7 Our bones are scattered at the
Hear the voice of my mouth of the grave,
supplications, O LORD. As when one plows and breaks
7 O GOD the Lord, the strength of 12 a1 Kin. 8:45; up the earth.
my salvation, Ps. 9:4
You have 1covered my head in 8 But amy eyes are upon You,
the day of battle. O GOD the Lord;
8 Do not grant, O LORD, the In You I take refuge;
desires of the wicked; PSALM 141 1Do not leave my soul destitute.
Do not further his wicked 9 Keep me from athe snares they
scheme, have laid for me,
aLest they be exalted. Selah And from the traps of the
2 a[Ex. 30:8];
Luke 1:10; workers of iniquity.
9 As for the head of those who [Rev. 5:8; 8:3, 10 aLet the wicked fall into their
surround me, 4] bPs. 134:2; own nets,
Let the evil of their lips cover [1 Tim. 2:8]
cEx. 29:39, 41; While I escape safely.
them; 1 Kin. 18:29,
10 aLet burning coals fall upon 36; Dan. 9:21 PSALM 142
Let them be cast into the fire, A Plea for Relief from Persecutors
Into deep pits, that they rise not 3 a[Prov. 13:3; A aContemplation1 of David. A
up again. 21:23]
Prayer bwhen he was in the cave.
11 Let not a slanderer be
CRY out to the LORD with my
established in the earth;
Let evil hunt the violent man to
overthrow him.
4 aProv. 23:6 I voice;
With my voice to the LORD I
make my supplication.
12 I know that the LORD will 5 a[Prov. 9:8; 2 I pour out my complaint before
amaintain Eccl. 7:5; Gal. Him;
The cause of the afflicted, 6:1] I declare before Him my trouble.
And justice for the poor.
13 Surely the righteous shall give 3 When my spirit 1was
6 1rock aoverwhelmed within me,
thanks to Your name;
The upright shall dwell in Your Then You knew my path.
presence. In the way in which I walk
8 a2 Chr. They have secretly bset a snare
PSALM 141 20:12; Ps. for me.
25:15 1Lit. Do
not make my 4 Look on my right hand and see,
Prayer for Safekeeping from For there is no one who
soul bare
Wickedness acknowledges me;
A Psalm of David. Refuge has failed me;
9 aPs. 119:110 No one cares for my soul.
ORD, I cry out to You;
L Make haste to me!
Give ear to my voice when I cry
5 I cried out to You, O LORD:
I said, You are my refuge,
10 aPs. 35:8
out to You. My portion in the land of the
2 Let my prayer be set before You living.
aas incense, 6 1Attend to my cry,
bThe lifting up of my hands as For I am brought very low;
cthe evening sacrifice. Deliver me from my persecutors,
For they are stronger than I.
3 Set a guard, O LORD, over my 7 Bring my soul out of prison,
amouth; title aPs. 32: That I may apraise Your name;
Keep watch over the door of my title b1 Sam.
22:1; Ps. 57: The righteous shall surround
lips. title 1Heb. me,
4 Do not incline my heart to any Maschil For You shall deal bountifully
evil thing, with me.
To practice wicked works
With men who work iniquity; 3 aPs. 77:3 bPs. PSALM 143
aAnd do not let me eat of their 141:9 1Lit.
delicacies. fainted An Earnest Appeal for Guidance
and Deliverance
5 Let the righteous strike me;
A Psalm of David.
It shall be a kindness. 6 1Give heed
And let him rebuke me; EAR my prayer, O LORD,
It shall be as excellent oil;
Let my head not refuse it. 7 aPs. 34:1, 2
H Give ear to my supplications!
In Your faithfulness answer me,
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 551

551 PSALM 145:1

And in Your righteousness. PSALM 143 Who subdues 1my people under
2 Do not enter into judgment me.
with Your servant, 2 a[Ex. 34:7];
aFor in Your sight no one living Job 4:17; 9:2; 3 LORD, what is man, that You
25:4; Ps. take knowledge of him?
is righteous. 130:3; Eccl.
7:20; [Rom. Or the son of man, that You are
3 For the enemy has persecuted 3:2023; Gal. mindful of him?
my soul; 2:16] 4 aMan is like a breath;
He has crushed my life to the bHis days are like a passing
3 1dark places
ground; shadow.
He has made me dwell in 4 aPs. 77:3
5 aPs. 77:5, 10,
5 Bow down Your heavens,

Like those who have long been 11 1ponder O LORD, and come down;
Touch the mountains, and they
6 aPs. 63:1 shall smoke.
4 aTherefore my spirit is
overwhelmed within me; 7 aPs. 28:1 1be- 6 aFlash forth lightning and
My heart within me is come 2Die scatter them;
distressed. Shoot out Your arrows and
8 aPs. 46:5 bPs.
5:8 cPs. 25:1 destroy them.
5 I remember the days of old;
a 7 Stretch out Your hand from
I meditate on all Your works; 9 1LXX, Vg. To above;
You I flee Rescue me and deliver me out
I 1muse on the work of Your
hands. 10 aPs. 25:4, 5 of great waters,
6 I spread out my hands to You; bNeh. 9:20 cIs. From the hand of foreigners,
aMy soul longs for You like a 26:10 8 Whose mouth aspeaks 1lying
thirsty land. Selah 11 aPs. 119:25 words,
And whose right hand is a right
7 Answer me speedily, O LORD; 12 aPs. 54:5 hand of falsehood.
1put an end
My spirit fails! to
Do not hide Your face from me, 9 I will asing a new song to You,
aLest I 1be like those who 2go O God;
down into the pit. PSALM 144 On a harp of ten strings I will
8 Cause me to hear Your sing praises to You,
lovingkindness ain the 1 a2 Sam. 10 The One who gives 1salvation
22:35; Ps.
morning, 18:34 to kings,
For in You do I trust; aWho delivers David His servant
bCause me to know the way in 2 1So with From the deadly sword.
MT, LXX, Vg.;
which I should walk, Syr., Tg. the
For cI lift up my soul to You. peoples (cf. 11 Rescue me and deliver me from
18:47) the hand of foreigners,
9 Deliver me, O LORD, from my Whose mouth speaks lying
3 aJob 7:17;
enemies; Ps. 8:4; Heb. words,
In You I take shelter.
1 2:6 And whose right hand is a right
10 aTeach me to do Your will, hand of falsehood
4 aPs. 39:11 12 That our sons may be aas plants
For You are my God; bJob 8:9; 14:2;
bYour Spirit is good. grown up in their youth;
Ps. 102:11
Lead me in cthe land of That our daughters may be as
uprightness. 5 aPs. 18:9; Is. 1pillars,
64:1 bPs.
104:32 Sculptured in palace style;
11 aRevive me, O LORD, for Your 13 That our barns may be full,
names sake! 6 aPs. 18:13, 14 Supplying all kinds of produce;
For Your righteousness sake 8 aPs. 12:2 That our sheep may bring forth
bring my soul out of trouble. 1empty or thousands
12 In Your mercy acut1 off my worthless And ten thousands in our fields;
enemies, 9 aPs. 33:2, 3;
14 That our oxen may be
And destroy all those who 40:3 well-laden;
afflict my soul; That there be no 1breaking in
For I am Your servant. 10 aPs. 18:50 or going out;
That there be no outcry in our
PSALM 144 12 aPs. 128:3 streets.
1corner pillars
A Song to the LORD Who Preserves 15 aHappy are the people who are
and Prospers His People 14 1Lit. breach in such a state;
Happy are the people whose
A Psalm of David. 15 aDeut. God is the LORD!
33:29; [Ps.
LESSED be the LORD my Rock, 33:12; Jer.
B aWho trains my hands for war,
And my fingers for battle
17:7] PSALM 145
A Song of Gods Majesty and Love
2 My lovingkindness and my PSALM 145
aA Praise of David.
My high tower and my deliverer, title aPs. 100:ti- WILL 1extol You, my God, O King;
My shield and the One in
whom I take refuge,
1 1praise
I And I will bless Your name
forever and ever.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 552

PSALM 145:2 552

2 Every day I will bless You, 3 a[Ps. 147:5] But all the wicked He will
b[Rom. 11:33]
And I will praise Your name 1Beyond our destroy.
forever and ever. understand- 21 My mouth shall speak the
3 aGreat is the LORD, and greatly ing praise of the LORD,
to be praised; And all flesh shall bless His
And bHis greatness is 4 aIs. 38:19 holy name
1unsearchable. Forever and ever.
5 1So with
MT, Tg.; DSS,
4 One generation shall praise
a LXX, Syr., Vg.
Your works to another, They 2Lit. on
the words of PSALM 146
And shall declare Your mighty Your won-
acts. drous works
The Happiness of Those Whose
5 1I will meditate on the glorious Help Is the LORD
splendor of Your majesty, 7 1eagerly RAISE1 the LORD!
And 2on Your wondrous works.
6 Men shall speak of the might of
utter, lit. bub-
ble forth P Praise the L
a ORD, O my soul!
Your awesome acts, 8 a[Num. 2 a While I live I will praise the
And I will declare Your 14:18] LORD;
greatness. 9 aNah. 1:7 I will sing praises to my God
7 They shall 1utter the memory of while I have my being.
Your great goodness, 10 aPs. 19:1
And shall sing of Your 3 Do not put your trust in
righteousness. 13 a[1 Tim. princes,
1:17] 1So with
MT, Tg.; DSS, Nor in 1a son of man, in whom
8 The LORD is gracious and full
LXX, Syr., Vg. there is no 2help.
of compassion, add The LORD 4 aHis spirit departs, he returns to
Slow to anger and great in is faithful in his earth;
mercy. all His words,
and holy in all In that very day bhis plans
9 aThe LORD is good to all, His works perish.
And His tender mercies are
over all His works. 14 aPs. 146:8 5 Happy is he who has the God of

15 aPs. 104:27
Jacob for his help,
10 All Your works shall praise You,
bPs. 136:25 Whose hope is in the LORD his
O LORD, God,
And Your saints shall bless 16 aPs. 104:21, 6 aWho made heaven and earth,
You. 28 The sea, and all that is in
11 They shall speak of the glory of them;
Your kingdom, 18 a[Deut. 4:7]
b[John 4:24] Who keeps truth forever,
And talk of Your power, 7 Who executes justice for the
12 To make known to the sons of 20 a[Ps. 31:23] oppressed,
men His mighty acts, bWho gives food to the
And the glorious majesty of His PSALM 146
kingdom. 1 aPs. 103:1 cThe LORD gives freedom to the
13 aYour kingdom is an everlasting 1Heb. Hallelu- prisoners.
kingdom, jah
And Your dominion endures 8 The LORD opens the eyes of the
throughout all 1generations. 2 aPs. 104:33
a[Is. 1A The LORD raises those who are
3 2:22]
14 The LORD upholds all who human being bowed down;
fall, 2salvation
The LORD loves the righteous.
And araises up all who are 9 aThe LORD watches over the
bowed down. 4 a[Eccl. 12:7]
b[1 Cor. 2:6] strangers;
15 aThe eyes of all look expectantly He relieves the fatherless and
to You, 5 aJer. 17:7 widow;
And bYou give them their food bBut the way of the wicked He
in due season. 6 aRev. 14:7 1turns upside down.
16 You open Your hand 7 aPs. 103:6
aAnd satisfy the desire of every bPs. 107:9 cPs. 10 aThe LORD shall reign forever
living thing. 107:10 Your God, O Zion, to all
17 The LORD is righteous in all 8 aMatt. 9:30
bLuke 13:13
His ways, Praise the LORD!
Gracious in all His works. 9 aDeut. 10:18
18 The LORD is near to all who
a bPs. 147:6
call upon Him, 1Lit. makes PSALM 147
To all who call upon Him bin crooked
Praise to God for His Word and
truth. 10 aEx. 15:18 Providence
19 He will fulfill the desire of
those who fear Him; RAISE1 the LORD!
He also will hear their cry and
save them.
1 aPs. 92:1
P For ait is good to sing praises to
our God;
bPs. 135:3 cPs.
20 aThe LORD preserves all who bFor it is pleasant, and cpraise is
33:1 1Heb.
love Him, Hallelujah beautiful.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 553

553 PSALM 149:2

2 The LORD abuilds up 2 aPs. 102:16 PSALM 148
bDeut. 30:3;
Jerusalem; Is. 11:12; 56:8; Praise to the LORD from Creation
bHe gathers together the
Ezek. 39:28
outcasts of Israel.
aHe heals the brokenhearted
And binds up their 1wounds.
3 a[Ps. 51:17];
Is. 61:1; Luke
P Praise the L ORD from the
4:18 1Lit. sor-
4 aHe counts the number of the rows heavens;
stars; 4 aIs. 40:26
Praise Him in the heights!
He calls them all by name. 2 Praise Him, all His angels;
5 aGreat is our Lord, and bmighty 5 aPs. 48:1
bNah. 1:3 cIs.
Praise Him, all His hosts!
in power; 40:28
3 Praise Him, sun and moon;
cHis understanding is infinite. Praise Him, all you stars of
6 aThe LORD lifts up the humble; 6 aPs. 146:8, 9 light!
He casts the wicked down to 8 aJob 38:26; 4 Praise Him, ayou heavens of
the ground. Ps. 104:13 heavens,
And byou waters above the
9 aJob 38:41
7 Sing to the LORD with b[Matt. 6:26] heavens!
Sing praises on the harp to our 10 aPs. 33:16, 5 Let them praise the name of the
17 LORD,
8 aWho covers the heavens with 14 aIs. 54:13; For aHe commanded and they
clouds, 60:17, 18 bPs. were created.
132:15 1Lit. 6 aHe also established them
Who prepares rain for the fat of wheat
earth, forever and ever;
Who makes grass to grow on 15 a[Ps. He made a decree which shall
107:20] not pass away.
the mountains.
9 aHe gives to the beast its food, 16 aJob 37:6
7 Praise the LORD from the earth,
And bto the young ravens that 17 1fragments aYou great sea creatures and all
cry. of food
the depths;
10 aHe does not delight in the 18 aJob 37:10 8 Fire and hail, snow and
strength of the horse; 19 aDeut. 33:4;
He takes no pleasure in the Ps. 103:7 Stormy wind, fulfilling His
bMal. 4:4 word;
legs of a man. 9 aMountains and all hills;
11 The LORD takes pleasure in 20 aDeut.
Fruitful trees and all cedars;
those who fear Him, 4:3234;
[Rom. 3:1, 2] 10 Beasts and all cattle;
In those who hope in His 1Heb. Hallelu-
Creeping things and flying
mercy. jah
12 Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem! 11 Kings of the earth and all
PSALM 148 peoples;
Praise your God, O Zion! Princes and all judges of the
13 For He has strengthened the 1 1Heb. Hal- earth;
bars of your gates; lelujah
12 Both young men and maidens;
He has blessed your children 4 aDeut. 10:14; Old men and children.
within you. 1 Kin. 8:27;
14 aHe makes peace in your [Neh. 9:6] 13 Let them praise the name of the
bGen. 1:7
borders, LORD,
And bfills you with 1the finest 5 aGen. 1:1, 6 For His aname alone is exalted;
wheat. His glory is above the earth
6 aPs. 89:37;
[Jer. 31:35, 36; and heaven.
15 aHe sends out His command to 33:20, 25] 14 And He ahas exalted the 1horn
the earth; of His people,
His word runs very swiftly. 7 aIs. 43:20
The praise of ball His saints
16 He gives snow like wool;
9 aIs. 44:23; Of the children of Israel,
He scatters the frost like ashes; 49:13 cA people near to Him.
17 He casts out His hail like 13 aPs. 8:1
1morsels; Praise the LORD!
Who can stand before His cold? 14 a1 Sam. 2:1;
Ps. 75:10 bPs.
18 He sends out His word and
149:9 cLev. PSALM 149
melts them; 10:3; Eph.
Praise to God for His Salvation and
He causes His wind to blow, 2:17 1Strength
or dominion Judgment
and the waters flow. 1Heb. Hallelu-
19 aHe declares His word to Jacob,
bHis statutes and His judgments
P Sing to the L
a ORD a new song,
to Israel. And His praise in the assembly
20 He has not dealt thus with any
1 aPs. 33:3 of saints.
nation; 1Heb. Hallelu-
And as for His judgments, they jah 2 Let Israel rejoice in their
have not known them. 2 aJudg. 8:23;
Zech. 9:9; Let the children of Zion be
Praise the LORD!
1 Matt. 21:5 joyful in their aKing.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 554

PSALM 149:3 554

3 Let them praise His name with
a 3 aPs. 81:2 PSALM 150
the dance; Let All Things Praise the LORD
Let them sing praises to Him 4 aPs. 35:27
bPs. 132:16
with the timbrel and harp.
4 For athe LORD takes pleasure in
His people;
P Praise God in His sanctuary;
bHe will beautify the 1humble 5 aJob 35:10 Praise Him in His mighty
with salvation.
6 aHeb. 4:12
5 Let the saints be joyful in glory; 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts;
Let them asing aloud on their Praise Him according to His
9 aDeut. 7:1, 2
beds. b1 Cor. 6:2 excellent agreatness!
6 Let the high praises of God be 1Heb. Hallelu-

in their mouth, jah 3 Praise Him with the sound of

And aa two-edged sword in the 1trumpet;
their hand, PSALM 150 Praise Him with the lute and
7 To execute vengeance on the 4 Praise Him with the timbrel
nations, 1aPs. 145:5, 6 and dance;
1Heb. Hallelu-
And punishments on the Praise Him with stringed
peoples; jah 2expanse
of heaven instruments and flutes!
8 To bind their kings with chains, 5 Praise Him with loud cymbals;
And their nobles with fetters of Praise Him with clashing
2 aDeut. 3:24
iron; cymbals!
9 aTo execute on them the written
judgment 3 1cornet 6 Let everything that has breath
bThis honor have all His saints. praise the LORD.
6 1Heb. Hal-
Praise the LORD!
1 lelujah 1Praise the LORD!

The Book of


T HE key word in Proverbs is wisdom, the ability to live life skillfully. A godly
life in an ungodly world, however, is no simple assignment. Proverbs pro-
vides Gods detailed instructions for His people to deal successfully with the
practical affairs of everyday life: how to relate to God, parents, children, neigh-
bors, and government. Solomon, the principal author, uses a combination of po-
etry, parables, pithy questions, short stories, and wise maxims to give in strik-
ingly memorable form the common sense and divine perspective necessary to
handle lifes issues.
Because Solomon, the pinnacle of Israels wise men, was the principal contrib-
utor, the Hebrew title of this book is Mishle Shelomoh, Proverbs of Solomon
(1:1). The Greek title is Paroimiai Salomontos, Proverbs of Solomon. The Latin
title Liber Proverbiorum, Book of Proverbs, combines the words pro for and
verba words to describe the way the proverbs concentrate many words into a
few. The rabbinical writings called Proverbs Sepher Hokhmah, Book of Wis-

The Beginning of Knowledge CHAPTER 1 3 To receive the instruction of

HE aproverbs of Solomon the
1 a1 Kin. 4:32; wisdom,
T son of David, king of Israel:
Prov. 10:1;
25:1; Eccl.
Justice, judgment, and equity;
4 To give prudence to the asimple,
2 To know wisdom and 2 1understand To the young man knowledge
instruction, or discern and discretion
To 1perceive the words of 4 aProv. 9:4 5 aA wise man will hear and
understanding, 5 aProv. 9:9 increase learning,
3005_20-22_Proverbs-Songs 11/19/08 11:11 AM Page 555

555 PROVERBS 2:7

And a man of understanding 5 1acquire Surely aI will pour out my spirit
will 1attain wise counsel, on you;
6 To understand a proverb and 6 aPs. 78:2 I will make my words known to
an enigma, 7 aJob 28:28 you.
The words of the wise and their 24 aBecause I have called and you
ariddles. refused,
8 aProv. 4:1
I have stretched out my hand
7 The fear of the LORD is the
a 9 aProv. 3:22 and no one regarded,
beginning of knowledge, 25 Because you adisdained all my
But fools despise wisdom and 10 aGen. counsel,
instruction. And would have none of my
11 aJer. 5:26 rebuke,
Shun Evil Counsel 26 aI also will laugh at your

8 aMy son, hear the instruction of 12 aPs. 28:1

1Or the grave
your father, I will mock when your terror
And do not forsake the law of 13 1Lit. wealth
your mother; 2plunder 27 When ayour terror comes like a
9 For they will be a agraceful storm,
ornament on your head, 15 aPs.
1:1 bPs. And your destruction comes
119:101 like a whirlwind,
And chains about your neck.
16 a[Is. 59:7]
When distress and anguish
10 My son, if sinners entice you, come upon you.
aDo not consent. 17 1futility
11 If they say, Come with us, 2Lit. lord of 28 Thena they will call on me, but
Let us alie in wait to shed the wing I will not answer;
blood; They will seek me diligently,
19 a[1 Tim.
Let us lurk secretly for the 6:10] but they will not find me.
innocent without cause; 29 Because they ahated knowledge
12 Let us swallow them alive like 20 a[John 7:37] And did not bchoose the fear of
1in the street
1Sheol, the LORD,
And whole, alike those who go 30 aThey would have none of my
21 1LXX, Syr.,
down to the Pit; [Tg.] top of counsel
13 We shall find all kinds of the walls; Vg. And despised my every rebuke.
precious 1possessions, the head of 31 Therefore athey shall eat the
multitudes fruit of their own way,
We shall fill our houses with
22 1naive
And be filled to the full with
14 Cast in your lot among us, 2naivete their own fancies.
Let us all have one purse 32 For the 1turning away of the
15 My son, ado not walk in the 23 aJoel 2:28 simple will slay them,
way with them, And the complacency of fools
bKeep your foot from their 24 aJer. 7:13 will destroy them;
path; 25 aLuke 7:30
33 But whoever listens to me will
16 aFor their feet run to evil, dwell asafely,
And they make haste to shed 26 aPs. 2:4 And bwill be 1secure, without
blood. fear of evil.
17 Surely, in 1vain the net is 27 a[Prov.
spread 10:24, 25] The Value of Wisdom
In the sight of any 2bird; My son, if you receive my words,
18 But they lie in wait for their
own blood,
28 aIs. 1:15

29 aJob 21:14
2 And atreasure my commands
within you,
They lurk secretly for their own bPs. 119:173
2 So that you incline your ear to
lives. wisdom,
19 aSo are the ways of everyone 30 aPs. 81:11
And apply your heart to
who is greedy for gain; 31 aJob 4:8 understanding;
It takes away the life of its 3 Yes, if you cry out for
owners. 32 1wayward- discernment,
ness And lift up your voice for
The Call of Wisdom
33 aProv.
20 aWisdom calls aloud 1outside; 3:2426 bPs. 4 aIf you seek her as silver,
She raises her voice in the open 112:7 1at ease And search for her as for
squares. hidden treasures;
21 She cries out in the 1chief CHAPTER 2 5 aThen you will understand the
concourses, 1 a[Prov. 4:21]
fear of the LORD,
At the openings of the gates in And find the knowledge of God.
the city 4 a[Prov. 3:14] 6 aFor the LORD gives wisdom;
She speaks her words: From His mouth come
22 How long, you 1simple ones, 5 a[James 1:5, knowledge and
will you love 2simplicity? 6] understanding;
For scorners delight in their 6 a1 Kin. 3:9,
7 He stores up sound wisdom for
scorning, 12 the upright;
And fools hate knowledge. aHe is a shield to those who
23 Turn at my rebuke; 7 a[Ps. 84:11] walk uprightly;
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PROVERBS 2:8 556

8 He guards the paths of justice, 8 a[1 Sam. 2:9] 5 Trust in the LORD with all your
And apreserves the way of His heart,
saints. 11 aProv. 4:6; And lean not on your own
9 Then you will understand understanding;
righteousness and justice, 13 a[John 3:19, 6 aIn all your ways acknowledge
Equity and every good path. 20] Him,
And He shall 1direct your paths.
10 When wisdom enters your 14 a[Rom.
1:32] 7 Do not be wise in your own
And knowledge is pleasant to 15 aPs. 125:5
your soul, Fear the LORD and depart from
11 Discretion will preserve you; 16 aProv. 5:20; evil.
aUnderstanding will keep you, 6:24; 7:5 8 It will be health to your 1flesh,
bProv. 5:3
12 To deliver you from the way of And astrength2 to your bones.
evil, 18 aProv. 7:27
From the man who speaks 1sinks 9 Honor the LORD with your

perverse things, possessions,

13 From those who leave the paths 19 1Lit. reach And with the firstfruits of all
of uprightness your increase;
To awalk in the ways of 21 aPs. 37:3 10 aSo your barns will be filled
darkness; with plenty,
22 1destroyed And your vats will overflow
14 aWho rejoice in doing evil, 2land
with new wine.
And delight in the perversity of
the wicked; CHAPTER 3
11 aMy son, do not despise the
15 aWhose ways are crooked, 1 aDeut. 8:1 chastening of the LORD,
And who are devious in their Nor detest His correction;
paths; 2 aPs. 119:165 12 For whom the LORD loves He
16 To deliver you from athe corrects,
immoral woman, 3 aProv. 6:21 aJust as a father the son in
bFrom the seductress who b[2 Cor. 3:3]
whom he delights.
flatters with her words, 4 aRom. 14:18
17 Who forsakes the companion 1Lit. good 13 aHappy is the man who finds
of her youth, understand- wisdom,
And forgets the covenant of her ing And the man who gains
God. understanding;
5 a[Ps. 37:3, 5]
18 For aher house 1leads down to b[Jer. 9:23, 24] 14 aFor her proceeds are better
death, than the profits of silver,
And her paths to the dead; 6 a[1 Chr. And her gain than fine gold.
19 None who go to her return, 28:9] 1Or 15 She is more precious than
make smooth rubies,
Nor do they 1regain the paths or straight
of life And aall the things you may
20 So you may walk in the way of 7 aRom. 12:16 desire cannot compare with
goodness, her.
And keep to the paths of 8 aJob 21:24 16 Length of days is in her right
1Body, lit.
righteousness. hand,
navel 2Lit.
21 For the upright will dwell in the drink In her left hand riches and
aland, honor.
And the blameless will remain 9 aEx. 22:29 17 aHer ways are ways of
in it; pleasantness,
22 But the wicked will be 1cut off 10 aDeut. 28:8 And all her paths are peace.
from the 2earth, 18 She is aa tree of life to those
11 aJob 5:17 who take hold of her,
And the unfaithful will be
uprooted from it. 12 aDeut. 8:5
And happy are all who 1retain
13 aProv. 8:32,
Guidance for the Young 34, 35 19 aThe LORD by wisdom founded
the earth;
3 My son, do not forget my law,
But let your heart keep my
14 aJob 28:13

15 aMatt. 13:44
By understanding He
established the heavens;
20 By His knowledge the depths
2 For length of days and long life were abroken up,
And apeace they will add to 16 a[1 Tim. 4:8]
And clouds drop down the dew.
you. 17 a[Matt.
11:29] 21 My son, let them not depart
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake from your eyes
you; 18 aGen. 2:9 Keep sound wisdom and
aBind them around your neck, 1hold her fast
bWrite them on the tablet of 22 So they will be life to your soul
19 aPs. 104:24
your heart, And grace to your neck.
4 aAnd so find favor and 1high 20 aGen. 7:11 23 aThen you will walk safely in
esteem your way,
In the sight of God and man. 23 aProv. 10:9 And your foot will not stumble.
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557 PROVERBS 4:26

24 When you lie down, you will 25 aPs. 91:5; 8 Exalt her, and she will promote
not be afraid; 1 Pet. 3:14 you;
Yes, you will lie down and your 27 aRom. 13:7; She will bring you honor, when
sleep will be sweet. [Gal. 6:10]
1Lit. its own-
you embrace her.
25 aDo not be afraid of sudden ers
9 She will place on your head aan
terror, ornament of grace;
Nor of trouble from the wicked 28 aLev. 19:13; A crown of glory she will
when it comes; Deut. 24:15 deliver to you.
26 For the LORD will be your 30 aProv.
confidence, 26:17; [Rom. 10 Hear, my son, and receive my
And will keep your foot from 12:18] sayings,
aAnd the years of your life will
being caught. 31aPs. 37:1;
Prov. 24:1 be many.
27 aDo not withhold good from 11 I have ataught you in the way of
1those to whom it is due, 32 aPs. 25:14 wisdom;
When it is in the power of your 33 aLev. 26:14, I have led you in right paths.
hand to do so. 16; Deut. 12 When you walk, ayour steps
28 aDo not say to your neighbor, 11:28; Zech. will not be hindered,
5:3, 4; Mal. 2:2 bAnd when you run, you will not
Go, and come back, bJob 8:6; Ps.
And tomorrow I will give it, 1:3 stumble.
When you have it with you. 13 Take firm hold of instruction,
34 aJames 4:6; do not let go;
29 Do not devise evil against your 1 Pet. 5:5
neighbor, Keep her, for she is your life.
For he dwells by you for safetys CHAPTER 4
sake. 14 aDo not enter the path of the
30 aDo not strive with a man wicked,
1 aPs. 34:11; And do not walk in the way of
without cause, Prov. 1:8
If he has done you no harm. evil.
3 a1 Chr. 29:1 15 Avoid it, do not travel on it;
31 aDo not envy the oppressor, Turn away from it and pass
4 a1 Chr. 28:9; on.
And choose none of his ways; Eph. 6:4
32 For the perverse person is an bProv. 7:2 16 aFor they do not sleep unless
abomination to the LORD, they have done evil;
aBut His secret counsel is with
5 aProv. 2:2, 3 And their sleep is 1taken away
the upright. 6 a2 Thess. unless they make someone
33 aThe curse of the LORD is on the 2:10 fall.
house of the wicked, 7 aProv. 3:13,
17 For they eat the bread of
But bHe blesses the home of the 14; Matt. wickedness,
just. 13:44 And drink the wine of violence.
34 Surely He scorns the scornful,
8 a1 Sam. 2:30
But gives grace to the humble. 18 aBut the path of the just bis like
35 The wise shall inherit glory, 9 aProv. 3:22 the shining 1sun,
But shame shall be the legacy That shines ever brighter unto
10 aProv. 3:2 the perfect day.
of fools. 19 aThe way of the wicked is like
11 a1 Sam.
12:23 darkness;
Security in Wisdom 12 aJob 18:7;
They do not know what makes
Ps. 18:36 b[Ps. them stumble.
Hear, amy children,
4 the instruction of a father,
And give attention to know
91:11]; Prov.
3:23 20 My son, give attention to my
14 aPs. 1:1;
understanding; Prov. 1:15 Incline your ear to my
2 For I give you good doctrine: sayings.
Do not forsake my law. 16 aPs. 36:4; 21 Do not let them depart from
3 When I was my fathers son, Mic. 2:1 1Lit.
robbed your eyes;
aTender and the only one in the
Keep them in the midst of your
sight of my mother, 18 aIs. 26:7; heart;
4 aHe also taught me, and said to Matt. 5:14, 45;
Phil. 2:15 22 For they are life to those who
me: b2 Sam. 23:4 find them,
Let your heart retain my words; 1Lit. light And health to all their flesh.
bKeep my commands, and live.
19 a1 Sam. 2:9;
23 Keep your heart with all
5 aGet wisdom! Get
[Job 18:5, 6]; diligence,
understanding! Prov. 2:13; [Is. For out of it spring the issues of
Do not forget, nor turn away 59:9, 10; Jer. alife.
from the words of my mouth. 23:12]; John
12:35 24 Put away from you a 1deceitful
6 Do not forsake her, and she mouth,
will preserve you; 23 a[Matt. And put perverse lips far from
aLove her, and she will keep 12:34; 15:18, you.
19; Mark 7:21;
you. Luke 6:45] 25 Let your eyes look straight
7 aWisdom is the principal thing; ahead,
Therefore get wisdom. 24 1devious And your eyelids look right
And in all your getting, 26 aProv. 5:21; before you.
get understanding. Heb. 12:13 26 Ponder the path of your afeet,
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PROVERBS 4:27 558

And let all your ways be CHAPTER 5 Let her breasts satisfy you at
established. all times;
27 Do not turn to the right or the 1 1Lit. Bow And always be 1enraptured
left; with her love.
Remove your foot from evil. 2 aMal. 2:7 20 For why should you, my son, be
enraptured by aan immoral
The Peril of Adultery good judg- woman,
And be embraced in the arms
5 My son, pay attention to my
Lend your ear to my
3 aProv. 2:16
bPs. 55:21
of a seductress?

1Lit. a strange 21 aFor the ways of man are before
2 That you may 1preserve the eyes of the LORD,
discretion, 1Or Sheol
And He 1ponders all his paths.
And your lips amay keep 22 His own iniquities entrap the

knowledge. 9 1vigor
wicked man,
3 aFor the lips of 1an immoral And he is caught in the cords
woman drip honey, 10 1Lit. of his sin.
And her mouth is bsmoother strength 23 aHe shall die for lack of
than oil; instruction,
4 But in the end she is bitter as 16 1Channels And in the greatness of his
wormwood, folly he shall go astray.
18 aDeut. 24:5;
Sharp as a two-edged sword. Eccl. 9:9; Mal. Dangerous Promises
5 Her feet go down to death, 2:14
aHer steps lay hold of 1hell. My son, aif you become 1surety
6 Lest you ponder her path of
19 aSong 2:9
1Lit. intoxi-
6 for your friend,
If you have 2shaken hands in
Her ways are unstable; pledge for a stranger,
You do not know them. 20 aProv. 2:16 2 You are snared by the words of
your mouth;
7 Therefore hear me now, my 21 a2 Chr. 16:9; You are taken by the words of
children, Job 31:4; your mouth.
And do not depart from the 34:21; Prov. 3 So do this, my son, and deliver
words of my mouth. 15:3; Jer.
16:17; 32:19; yourself;
8 Remove your way far from her, Hos. 7:2; Heb. For you have come into the
And do not go near the door of 4:13 1ob- hand of your friend:
her house, serves, lit.
weighs Go and humble yourself;
9 Lest you give your 1honor to Plead with your friend.
others, 22 aNum. 4 aGive no sleep to your eyes,
And your years to the cruel one; 32:23; Ps. 9:5; Nor slumber to your eyelids.
10 Lest aliens be filled with your Prov. 1:31; Is. 5 Deliver yourself like a gazelle
1wealth, 3:11
from the hand of the hunter,
And your labors go to the And like a bird from the hand
house of a foreigner; 23 aJob 4:21
of the 1fowler.
11 And you mourn at last,
When your flesh and your body CHAPTER 6 The Folly of Indolence
are consumed, 6 aGo to the ant, you sluggard!
12 And say: Consider her ways and be wise,
How I have hated instruction, 1 aProv. 11:15
And my heart despised
1guaranty or 7 Which, having no 1captain,
collateral 2Lit. Overseer or ruler,
correction! struck
13 I have not obeyed the voice of 8 Provides her 1supplies in the
my teachers, 4 aPs. 132:4 summer,
Nor inclined my ear to those And gathers her food in the
who instructed me! 5 1One who harvest.
14 I was on the verge of total ruin, catches birds 9 aHow long will you 1slumber,
in a trap or O sluggard?
In the midst of the assembly snare
and congregation. When will you rise from your
6 aJob 12:7 sleep?
15 Drink water from your own 10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
cistern, 7 1Lit. leader A little folding of the hands to
And running water from your sleep
own well. 8 1Lit. bread 11 aSo shall your poverty come on

16 Should your fountains be you like a prowler,

dispersed abroad, 9 aProv. 24:33, And your need like an armed
1Streams of water in the streets?
34 1Lit. lie man.
17 Let them be only your own, The Wicked Man
And not for strangers with you. 11 aProv. 10:4
18 Let your fountain be blessed, 12 A worthless person, a wicked
And rejoice with athe wife of 13 aJob 15:12; man,
your youth. Ps. 35:19; Walks with a perverse mouth;
Prov. 10:10
19 As a loving deer and a graceful
a 1gives signals, 13 He winks with his eyes,
doe, lit. scrapes He 1shuffles his feet,
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559 PROVERBS 7:16

He points with his fingers; 14 aProv. 3:29; He may have to give up all the
14 Perversity is in his heart, Mic. 2:1 substance of his house.
bProv. 6:19
aHe devises evil continually, 32 Whoever commits adultery
bHe sows discord. 15 aProv. with a woman alacks
24:22; Is.
15 Therefore his calamity shall 30:13; understanding;
come asuddenly; 1 Thess. 5:3 He who does so destroys his
bJer. 19:11
Suddenly he shall bbe broken c2 Chr. 36:16
own soul.
cwithout remedy. 33 Wounds and dishonor he will
16 1Lit. His get,
16 These six things the LORD hates, soul
And his reproach will not be
Yes, seven are an abomination 17 aPs. 101:5; wiped away.
Prov. 21:4 bPs.
to 1Him: 120:2; Prov. 34 For ajealousy is a husbands
17 aA1 proud look, 12:22 cDeut. fury;
bA lying tongue, 19:10; Prov. Therefore he will not spare in
cHands that shed innocent 28:17; Is. 1:15 the day of vengeance.
1Lit. Haughty
blood, eyes 35 He will 1accept no recompense,
18 aA heart that devises wicked Nor will he be appeased though
18 aGen. 6:5;
plans, Ps. 36:4; Prov. you give many gifts.
bFeet that are swift in running to
24:2; Jer.
19 aA false witness who speaks
18:18; Mark
14:1, 4346
b2 Kin. 7 My son, keep my words,
And treasure my commands
within you.
5:2027; Is.
And one who bsows discord 59:7; Rom. 2 Keep my commands and live,
among brethren. 3:15 And my law as the apple of
19 aPs. 27:12; your eye.
Beware of Adultery Prov. 19:5, 9; 3 aBind them on your fingers;
Matt. 26:5966
20 aMy son, keep your fathers bProv. 6:14; Write them on the tablet of
command, 1 Cor. your heart.
And do not forsake the law of 1:1113; [Jude 4 Say to wisdom, You are my
3, 4, 1619] sister,
your mother.
21 aBind them continually upon 20 aEph. 6:1 And call understanding your
your heart; 21 aProv. 3:3 nearest kin,
Tie them around your neck. 22 a[Prov. 3:23]
5 aThat they may keep you from
22 When you roam, 1they will lead
a bProv. 2:11 the immoral woman,
you; 1Lit. it From the seductress who
When you sleep, bthey will keep 23 aPs. 19:8; flatters with her words.
you; 2 Pet. 1:19
The Crafty Harlot
And when you awake, they will 24 aProv. 2:16
speak with you. 25 aMatt. 5:28 6 For at the window of my
23 aFor the commandment is a 26 aProv. 29:3
lamp, bGen. 39:14 I looked through my lattice,
And the law a light; cEzek. 13:18 7 And saw among the simple,
Reproofs of instruction are the 1Wife of an-
I perceived among the 1youths,
other, lit. a
way of life, mans wife A young man adevoid2 of
24 aTo keep you from the evil understanding,
woman, 31 aEx. 22:14
8 Passing along the street near
From the flattering tongue of a 32 aProv. 7:7 her corner;
seductress. 34 aProv. 27:4; And he took the path to her
25 aDo not lust after her beauty in Song 8:6 house
your heart, 35 1Lit. lift up 9 aIn the twilight, in the evening,
Nor let her allure you with her the face of In the black and dark night.
eyelids. any
26 For aby means of a harlot 10 And there a woman met him,
A man is reduced to a crust of CHAPTER 7 With the attire of a harlot, and
bread; 1 aProv. 2:1
a crafty heart.
bAnd 1an adulteress will cprey 11 aShe was loud and rebellious,
upon his precious life. 2 aLev. 18:5; bHer feet would not stay at
Prov. 4:4; [Is.
27 Can a man take fire to his 55:3] bDeut. home.
bosom, 32:10; Ps. 12 At times she was outside, at
And his clothes not be burned? 17:8; Zech. 2:8 times in the open square,
28 Can one walk on hot coals, 3 aDeut. 6:8; Lurking at every corner.
And his feet not be seared? Prov. 6:21 13 So she caught him and kissed
29 So is he who goes in to his 5 aProv. 2:16; him;
neighbors wife; 5:3 With an 1impudent face she
Whoever touches her shall not 7 a[Prov. 6:32; said to him:
be innocent. 9:4, 16] 1Lit. 14 I have peace offerings with me;
sons 2lacking Today I have paid my vows.
30 People do not despise a thief 9 aJob 24:15 15 So I came out to meet you,
If he steals to satisfy himself 11 aProv. 9:13; Diligently to seek your face,
when he is starving. 1 Tim. 5:13 And I have found you.
31 Yet when he is found, ahe must bTitus 2:5
16 I have spread my bed with
restore sevenfold; 13 1shameless tapestry,
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PROVERBS 7:17 560

Colored coverings of aEgyptian 16 aIs. 19:9 8 All the words of my mouth are
linen. with righteousness;
17 I have perfumed my bed 19 1Lit. the Nothing crooked or perverse is
With myrrh, aloes, and in them.
20 1Lit. in his
9 They are all plain to him who
18 Come, let us take our fill of hand 2at the understands,
love until morning; full moon And right to those who find
Let us delight ourselves with knowledge.
love. 21 aProv. 5:3 10 Receive my instruction, and not
19 For 1my husband is not at bPs. 12:2 1By
the greatness
home; of her words And knowledge rather than
He has gone on a long journey; 2compelled choice gold;
20 He has taken a bag of money 11 aFor wisdom is better than
1with him, 22 1LXX, Syr., rubies,
And will come home 2on the Tg. as a dog And all the things one may
appointed day. to bonds; Vg.
as a lamb . . . desire cannot be compared
to bonds with her.
21 1With aher enticing speech she 2shackles
caused him to yield, 12 I, wisdom, dwell with prudence,
bWith her flattering lips she 23 aEccl. 9:12
1Lit. is for
And find out knowledge and
2seduced him. discretion.
22 Immediately he went after her, 13 aThe fear of the LORD is to hate
as an ox goes to the 26 aNeh. 13:26
slaughter, bPride and arrogance and the
Or 1as a fool to the correction 27 aProv. 2:18;
5:5; 9:18 1Or evil way
of the 2stocks, Sheol And cthe perverse mouth I
23 Till an arrow struck his liver. hate.
aAs a bird hastens to the snare, CHAPTER 8 14 Counsel is mine, and sound
He did not know it 1would cost wisdom;
his life. 1 aProv. 1:20, I am understanding, aI have
21; 9:3 strength.
24 Now therefore, listen to me, 15 aBy me kings reign,
my children; 2 1Lit. heights And rulers decree justice.
Pay attention to the words of 16 By me princes rule, and nobles,
my mouth: 5 1naive
All the judges of 1the earth.
25 Do not let your heart turn aside 17 aI love those who love me,
to her ways, 6 aProv. 22:20
And bthose who seek me
Do not stray into her paths; diligently will find me.
26 For she has cast down many 11 aJob 28:15
18 aRiches and honor are with me,
wounded, Enduring riches and
13 aProv. 3:7;
And aall who were slain by her 16:6 b[Prov. righteousness.
were strong men. 16:17, 18] 19 My fruit is better than gold,
27 aHer house is the way to 1hell, cProv. 4:24
yes, than fine gold,
Descending to the chambers of And my revenue than choice
death. 14 aEccl. 7:19;
9:16 silver.
The Excellence of Wisdom 20 I 1traverse the way of
15 aRom. 13:1 righteousness,
Does not awisdom cry out, In the midst of the paths of
8 And understanding lift up her
16 1MT, Syr.,
Tg., Vg. righ-
21 That I may cause those who
2 She takes her stand on the top teousness; love me to inherit wealth,
LXX, Bg.,
of the 1high hill, some mss. That I may fill their treasuries.
Beside the way, where the and editions
paths meet. earth 22 Thea LORD possessed me at the
3 She cries out by the gates, at beginning of His way,
the entry of the city, 17 a[John Before His works of old.
14:21] bJames
At the entrance of the doors: 1:5 23 aI have been established from
4 To you, O men, I call, everlasting,
And my voice is to the sons of 18 aProv. 3:16 From the beginning, before
men. there was ever an earth.
5 O you 1simple ones, understand 20 1walk 24 When there were no depths I
prudence, about on was brought forth,
And you fools, be of an When there were no fountains
understanding heart. 22 aProv. 3:19 abounding with water.
6 Listen, for I will speak of 25 aBefore the mountains were
aexcellent things, 23 a[Ps. 2:6] settled,
And from the opening of my Before the hills, I was brought
lips will come right things; 25 aJob 15:7, 8 forth;
7 For my mouth will speak 26 While as yet He had not made
truth; 26 1outer the earth or the 1fields,
places 2Lit.
Wickedness is an abomination beginning of Or the 2primal dust of the
to my lips. the dust world.
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561 PROVERBS 10:6

27 When He prepared the 29 aGen. 1:9, 9 Give instruction to a wise man,
heavens, I was there, 10 bJob 28:4, 6 and he will be still wiser;
When He drew a circle on the Teach a just man, aand he will
30 a[John
face of the deep, 1:13, 18] increase in learning.
28 When He established the b[Matt. 3:17]
clouds above, 1A Jewish tra- 10 Thea fear of the LORD is the
When He strengthened the dition one beginning of wisdom,
brought up
fountains of the deep, And the knowledge of the Holy
29 aWhen He assigned to the sea its 31 aPs. 16:3 One is understanding.
limit, 11 aFor by me your days will be
So that the waters would not 32 aLuke 11:28 multiplied,
transgress His command, And years of life will be added
When bHe marked out the 34 aProv. 3:13, to you.
foundations of the earth, 18 12 aIf you are wise, you are wise
30 aThen I was beside Him as 1a for yourself,
master craftsman; 35 a[John 17:3] And if you scoff, you will bear
bAnd I was daily His delight,
it alone.
Rejoicing always before Him, 36 aProv. 20:2
31 Rejoicing in His inhabited The Way of Folly
world, CHAPTER 9
And amy delight was with the 13 aA foolish woman is 1clamorous;
sons of men. 1 a[Matt. She is simple, and knows
16:18] nothing.
32 Now therefore, listen to me, my 14 For she sits at the door of her
2 aMatt. 22:4 house,
children, bProv. 23:30
For ablessed are those who 1arranged On a seat aby the highest places
keep my ways. of the city,
33 Hear instruction and be wise, 4 aPs. 19:7 15 To call to those who pass by,
And do not disdain it. Who go straight on their way:
34 aBlessed is the man who listens 5 aIs. 55:1 16 Whoevera is 1simple, let him
to me, turn in here;
Watching daily at my gates, 8 aMatt. 7:6 And as for him who lacks
bPs. 141:5
Waiting at the posts of my understanding, she says to
doors. him,
9 a[Matt. 17 Stolena water is sweet,
35 For whoever finds me finds life, 13:12]
And aobtains favor from the And bread eaten in secret is
LORD; 10 aJob 28:28 pleasant.
36 But he who sins against me 18 But he does not know that athe
awrongs his own soul;
11 aProv. 3:2, dead are there,
All those who hate me love 16 That her guests are in the
death. depths of 1hell.
12 aJob 35:6, 7
The Way of Wisdom
Wise Sayings of Solomon
13 aProv. 7:11
Wisdom has abuilt her house,
9 She has hewn out her seven

10A The proverbs of Solomon:a

14 aProv. 9:3 b
2 aShe has slaughtered her meat, wise son makes a glad
bShe has mixed her wine,
16 aProv. 7:7, 8
She has also 1furnished her 1naive But a foolish son is the grief
table. of his mother.
3 She has sent out her maidens, 17 aProv. 20:17
She cries out from the highest 2 Treasures of wickedness profit

places of the city, 18 aProv. 2:18; nothing,

7:27 1Or Sheol But righteousness delivers from
4 Whoevera is simple, let him
turn in here! death.
CHAPTER 10 3 aThe LORD will not allow the
As for him who lacks
understanding, she says to righteous soul to famish,
1 aProv. 1:1; But He casts away the desire of
him, 25:1 bProv.
5 Come,a eat of my bread 15:20; 17:21, the wicked.
And drink of the wine I have 25; 19:13;
29:3, 15 4 He who has a slack hand
6 Forsake foolishness and live, becomes poor,
2 a[Luke But bthe hand of the diligent
And go in the way of 12:19, 20]
understanding. bDan. 4:27 makes rich.
5 He who gathers in asummer is a
7 He who corrects a scoffer gets 3 aPs. 34:9, 10; wise son;
shame for himself, 37:25 He who sleeps in harvest is ba
And he who rebukes a wicked son who causes shame.
man only harms himself. 4 aProv. 19:15
bProv. 12:24;
8 aDo not correct a scoffer, lest he 13:4; 21:5 6 Blessings are on the head of
hate you; the righteous,
bRebuke a wise man, and he will But violence covers the mouth
5 aProv. 6:8
love you. bProv. 19:26 of the wicked.
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PROVERBS 10:7 562

7 The memory of the righteous is
a 7 aEccl. 8:10 23 aTo do evil is like sport to a fool,
blessed, But a man of understanding
But the name of the wicked will 8 aProv. 10:10 has wisdom.
1Lit. the fool-
rot. ish of lips 2be 24 aThe fear of the wicked will
thrust down come upon him,
8 The wise in heart will receive or ruined And bthe desire of the righteous
commands, will be granted.
a But 1a prating fool will 2fall. 9 a[Ps. 23:4] 25 When the whirlwind passes by,
athe wicked is no more,
9 He who walks with integrity
a 12 a[1 Cor. But bthe righteous has an
walks securely, everlasting foundation.
But he who perverts his ways 13 aProv. 26:3
will become known. 1Lit. lacks 26 As vinegar to the teeth and
heart smoke to the eyes,
10 He who winks with the eye So is the lazy man to those who
causes trouble, 14 aProv. 18:7 send him.
But a prating fool will fall.
15 aJob 31:24 27 aThe fear of the LORD prolongs
11 The mouth of the righteous is a days,
well of life, 16 aProv. 6:23 But bthe years of the wicked
But violence covers the mouth will be shortened.
of the wicked. 17 1leads 28 The hope of the righteous will
be gladness,
12 Hatred stirs up strife, 18 aProv. 26:24 But the aexpectation of the
bPs. 15:3;
But alove covers all sins. 101:5 wicked will perish.
29 The way of the LORD is
13 Wisdom is found on the lips of 19 aEccl. 5:3 strength for the upright,
him who has understanding, b[James 1:19; But adestruction will come to
But aa rod is for the back of 3:2] the workers of iniquity.
him who 1is devoid of
21 1Lit. heart 30 aThe righteous will never be
22 24:35;
14 Wise people store up 26:12 But the wicked will not inhabit
knowledge, the 1earth.
But athe mouth of the foolish is 23 aProv. 2:14; 31 aThe mouth of the righteous
near destruction. 15:21 brings forth wisdom,
But the perverse tongue will be
15 The arich mans wealth is his 24 aJob 15:21
bPs. 145:19
cut out.
strong city; 32 The lips of the righteous know
The destruction of the poor is what is acceptable,
25 aPs. 37:9, 10 But the mouth of the wicked
their poverty. bPs. 15:5
what is perverse.
16 The labor of the righteous leads 27 aProv. 9:11
to alife,
11ButDishonest scales are an
bJob 15:32 a 1
The wages of the wicked to sin. abomination to the L ,
28 aJob 8:13 a just weight is His delight.
17 He who keeps instruction is in
the way of life, 29 aPs. 1:6 2 When pride comes, then comes
But he who refuses correction ashame;
1goes astray. 30 aPs. 37:22 But with the humble is wisdom.

18 Whoever ahides hatred has 3 The integrity of the upright will

31 aPs. 37:30
lying lips, guide athem,
And bwhoever spreads slander CHAPTER 11 But the perversity of the
is a fool. unfaithful will destroy
1 aLev. 19:35, them.
19 aIn the multitude of words sin is 36 1deceptive 4 aRiches do not profit in the day
not lacking, 2Lit. perfect
of wrath,
But bhe who restrains his lips is stone
But brighteousness delivers
wise. from death.
2 aProv. 16:18;
20 The tongue of the righteous is 18:12; 29:23 5 The righteousness of the
choice silver; blameless will 1direct his way
The heart of the wicked is 3 aProv. 13:6 aright,
worth little. But the wicked will fall by his
21 The lips of the righteous feed 4 aEzek. 7:19 own awickedness.
many, bGen. 7:1
6 The righteousness of the
But fools die for lack of upright will deliver them,
1wisdom. 5 aProv. 5:22 But the unfaithful will be
1Or make
smooth or caught by their lust.
22 aThe blessing of the LORD straight
makes one rich, 7 When a wicked man dies, his
And He adds no sorrow with it. 7 aProv. 10:28 expectation will aperish,
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563 PROVERBS 12:8

And the hope of the unjust 8 aProv. 21:18 24 There is one who ascatters, yet
perishes. 10 aProv. 28:12 increases more;
8 aThe righteous is delivered from
11 aProv. 14:34 And there is one who withholds
trouble, 12 1Lit. lacks
more than is right,
And it comes to the wicked heart But it leads to poverty.
instead. 13 aLev. 19:16;
25 aThe generous soul will be made
9 The hypocrite with his mouth Prov. 20:19; rich,
destroys his neighbor, 1 Tim. 5:13 bAnd he who waters will also be
bProv. 19:11
But through knowledge the watered himself.
righteous will be delivered. 14 a1 Kin. 12:1 26 The people will curse ahim who
10 aWhen it goes well with the
15 aProv. 6:1, withholds grain,
righteous, the city rejoices; 2 1guaranty But bblessing will be on the
And when the wicked perish, 2those pledg-
head of him who sells it.
ing guaranty,
there is jubilation. lit. those who
11 By the blessing of the upright strike hands 27 He who earnestly seeks good
1finds favor,
the city is aexalted, 17 a[Matt. 5:7; aBut trouble will come to him
But it is overthrown by the 25:3436]
mouth of the wicked. 18 aHos. 10:12;
who seeks evil.
[Gal. 6:8, 9];
12 He who 1is devoid of wisdom James 3:18 28 aHe who trusts in his riches will
despises his neighbor, 19 aProv. fall,
But a man of understanding 10:16; 12:28 But bthe righteous will flourish
holds his peace.
bProv. 21:16;
like foliage.
[Rom. 6:23;
James 1:15]
13 aA talebearer reveals secrets, 29 He who troubles his own house
21 aProv. 16:5 awill inherit the wind,
But he who is of a faithful spirit bPs. 112:2;
bconceals a matter. Prov. 14:26 And the fool will be bservant to
1Lit. hand to the wise of heart.
14 aWhere there is no counsel, the
people fall; 22 1taste 30 The fruit of the righteous is a
But in the multitude of 23 aProv. tree of life,
counselors there is safety. 10:28; Rom. And ahe who 1wins souls is wise.
2:8, 9
15 He who is asurety1 for a 24 aPs. 112:9; 31 aIf the righteous will be
Prov. 13:7; 1recompensed on the earth,
stranger will suffer, 19:17
But one who hates 2being How much more the ungodly
surety is secure. 25 aProv. 3:9, and the sinner.
10; [2 Cor. 9:6,
7] b[Matt. 5:7]
16 A gracious woman retains
26 aAmos 8:5,
6 bJob 29:13
12ButWhoever loves instruction
loves knowledge,
he who hates correction is
But ruthless men retain riches. 27 aEsth. 7:10;
17 aThe merciful man does good stupid.
Ps. 7:15, 16;
for his own soul, 57:6 1Lit.
2 A good man obtains favor from
But he who is cruel troubles his seeks
own flesh. 28 aJob 31:24
the LORD,
bPs. 1:3; Jer. But a man of wicked intentions
18 The wicked man does deceptive 17:8 He will condemn.
But ahe who sows 29 aEccl. 5:16
bProv. 14:19 3 A man is not established by
righteousness will have a wickedness,
30 aProv.
sure reward. 14:25; [Dan. But the aroot of the righteous
19 As righteousness leads to alife, 12:3; 1 Cor. cannot be moved.
So he who pursues evil pursues 9:1922;
it to his own bdeath. James 5:20]
1Lit. takes, in 4 An1 excellent wife is the crown
20 Those who are of a perverse the sense of of her husband,
heart are an abomination to brings, cf. But she who causes shame is
the LORD, 1 Sam. 16:11 blike rottenness in his bones.
But the blameless in their ways 31 aJer. 25:29
are His delight. 1rewarded
5 The thoughts of the righteous
21 aThough they join 1forces, the are right,
wicked will not go CHAPTER 12 But the counsels of the wicked
unpunished; 3 a[Prov. are deceitful.
But bthe posterity of the 10:25] 6 aThe words of the wicked are,
righteous will be delivered. 4 aProv. 31:23; Lie in wait for blood,
bBut the mouth of the upright
1 Cor. 11:7
22 As a ring of gold in a swines bProv. 14:30; will deliver them.
snout, Hab. 3:16 1Lit.
So is a lovely woman who lacks A wife of 7 The wicked are overthrown and
1discretion. are no more,
6 aProv. 1:11, But the house of the righteous
18 bProv. 14:3
23 The desire of the righteous is will stand.
only good, 7 aPs.
But the expectation of the Prov. 11:21; 8 A man will be commended
wicked ais wrath. Matt. 7:2427 according to his wisdom,
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PROVERBS 12:9 564

a But he who is of a perverse 8 a1 Sam. But the lazy man will be put to
heart will be despised. 25:17; Prov. forced labor.
9 Better is the one who is
9 aProv. 13:7 25 aAnxiety in the heart of man
1slighted but has a servant, 1lightly es- causes depression,
Than he who honors himself teemed But ba good word makes it glad.
but lacks bread. 10 aDeut. 25:4
26 The righteous should choose
10 aA righteous man regards the 11 aGen. 3:19 his friends carefully,
life of his animal, bProv. 28:19
cProv. 6:32
For the way of the wicked leads
But the tender mercies of the 1works or cul- them astray.
wicked are cruel. tivates 2Lit.
vain things 27 The lazy man does not roast
11 aHe who 1tills his land will be 3Lit. heart
what he took in hunting,
satisfied with bbread, But diligence is mans precious
13 aProv. 18:7
But he who follows 2frivolity cis b[2 Pet. 2:9] possession.
devoid of 3understanding.
14 aProv. 13:2; 28 In the way of righteousness is
12 The wicked covet the catch of 15:23; 18:20
bJob 34:11;
evil men, Prov. 1:31;
And in its pathway there is no
But the root of the righteous 24:12; [Is. death.
yields fruit. 3:10, 11]; Hos.
13 aThe wicked is ensnared by the 4:9 wise son heeds his fathers
transgression of his lips,
bBut the righteous will come 15 aProv. 3:7;
13ButA ainstruction,
a scoffer does not listen to
Luke 18:11
through trouble. rebuke.
14 aA man will be satisfied with 16 aProv.
good by the fruit of his 11:13; 29:11 2 A man shall eat well by the
mouth, 17 aProv. 14:5
fruit of his mouth,
bAnd the recompense of a mans But the soul of the unfaithful
hands will be rendered to 18 aPs. 57:4; feeds on violence.
him. Prov. 4:22; 3 aHe who guards his mouth
15:4 preserves his life,
15 aThe way of a fool is right in his 19 a[Ps. 52:4, But he who opens wide his lips
own eyes, 5]; Prov. 19:9 shall have destruction.
But he who heeds counsel is
wise. 21 aPs. 91:10; 4 The soul of a lazy man desires,
16 aA fools wrath is known at Prov. 1:33; and has nothing;
1 Pet. 3:13
once, 1harm But the soul of the diligent
But a prudent man covers shall be made rich.
shame. 22 aProv. 6:17;
11:20; Rev. 5 A righteous man hates lying,
17 aHe who speaks truth declares 22:15
But a wicked man is loathsome
righteousness, 23 aProv. 13:16 and comes to shame.
But a false witness, deceit. 6 aRighteousness guards him
18 aThere is one who speaks like 24 aProv. 10:4 whose way is blameless,
the piercings of a sword, But wickedness overthrows the
But the tongue of the wise 25 aProv. 15:13
bIs. 50:4 sinner.
promotes health.
19 The truthful lip shall be 7 There is one who makes
established forever, CHAPTER 13 himself rich, yet has nothing;
aBut a lying tongue is but for a And one who makes himself
moment. 1 aIs. 28:14, 15 poor, yet has great riches.
20 Deceit is in the heart of those
who devise evil, 2 aProv. 12:14 8 The ransom of a mans life is
But counselors of peace have 3 aPs. 39:1;
his riches,
joy. Prov. 21:23; But the poor does not hear
21 aNo grave 1trouble will overtake [James 3:2] rebuke.
the righteous,
But the wicked shall be filled 4 aProv. 10:4 9 The light of the righteous
with evil. 6 aProv. 11:3,
22 aLying lips are an abomination 5, 6
a But the lamp of the wicked will
to the LORD, be put out.
But those who deal truthfully 7 a[Prov. 11:24;
are His delight. 12:9; Luke
12:20, 21]
10 By pride comes nothing but
23 aA prudent man conceals 9aJob 18:5, 6; But with the well-advised is
knowledge, 21:17; Prov. wisdom.
But the heart of fools proclaims 24:20
foolishness. 11 aWealth gained by dishonesty
10 aProv. 10:12
will be diminished,
24 The hand of the diligent will
11 aProv. 10:2; But he who gathers by labor
rule, 20:21 will increase.
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565 PROVERBS 14:17

12 Hope deferred makes the heart 12 aProv. 13:19 2 He who walks in his
sick, uprightness fears the LORD,
But awhen the desire comes, it 13 aNum. aBut he who is perverse in his
15:31; 2 Chr.
is a tree of life. 36:16; Is. 5:24 ways despises Him.
13 He who adespises the word will 14 aProv. 6:22; 3 In the mouth of a fool is a rod
be destroyed, 10:11; 14:27 of pride,
b2 Sam. 22:6 a
But he who fears the But the lips of the wise will
commandment will be preserve them.
15 aPs. 111:10;
rewarded. Prov. 3:4
14 The law of the wise is a
a 1gives 4 Where no oxen are, the 1trough
fountain of life, is clean;
To turn one away from bthe 16 aProv. 12:23 But much increase comes by
snares of death. the strength of an ox.
17 aProv. 25:13
15 Good understanding 1gains 5 A afaithful witness does not lie,
afavor, 18 aProv. 15:5, But a false witness will utter
31, 32 1Lit. ig- blies.
But the way of the unfaithful is nores
16 aEvery prudent man acts with 21 aPs. 32:10;
6 A scoffer seeks wisdom and
knowledge, Is. 47:11 does not find it,
But a fool lays open his folly. But aknowledge is easy to him
22 aJob 27:16, who understands.
17 A wicked messenger falls into 17; Prov. 28:8; 7 Go from the presence of a
[Eccl. 2:26] foolish man,
But aa faithful ambassador When you do not perceive in
23 aProv. 12:11 him the lips of aknowledge.
brings health. 1uncultivated
1Lit. what is 8 The wisdom of the prudent is to
18 Poverty and shame will come to swept away understand his way,
him who 1disdains correction, But the folly of fools is
But ahe who regards a rebuke 24 aProv. 19:18
will be honored.
9 Fools mock at 1sin,
25 aPs. 34:10;
19 A desire accomplished is sweet Prov. 10:3 But among the upright there is
to the soul, favor.
But it is an abomination to
fools to depart from evil. CHAPTER 14 10 The heart knows its own
20 He who walks with wise men 2 a[Rom. 2:4]
And a stranger does not share
will be wise, its joy.
But the companion of fools will 3 aProv. 12:6
be destroyed. 11 aThe house of the wicked will be
4 1manger or overthrown,
21 aEvil pursues sinners, feed trough But the tent of the upright will
But to the righteous, good shall flourish.
5 aRev. 1:5;
be repaid. 3:14 bEx. 23:1; 12 aThere is a way that seems right
Deut. 19:16; to a man,
22 A good man leaves an Prov. 6:19;
inheritance to his childrens 12:17 But bits end is the way of
6 aProv. 8:9;
But athe wealth of the sinner is 17:24 13 Even in laughter the heart may
stored up for the righteous. sorrow,
23 aMuch food is in the 1fallow
7 aProv. 23:9 And athe end of mirth may be
ground of the poor, grief.
9 aProv. 10:23
And for lack of justice there is 1Lit. guilt
14 The backslider in heart will be
afilled with his own ways,
11 aJob 8:15
But a good man will be
24 aHe who spares his rod hates his satisfied 1from babove.
son, 12 aProv. 16:25
bRom. 6:21
But he who loves him cProv. 12:15 15 The simple believes every
disciplines him 1promptly. word,
13 aProv. 5:4; But the prudent considers well
25 aThe righteous eats to the Eccl. 2:1, 2
his steps.
satisfying of his soul, 16 aA wise man fears and departs
But the stomach of the wicked 14 aProv. 1:31;
12:15 bProv. from evil,
shall be in want. 13:2; 18:20 But a fool rages and is
1Lit. from
above himself
17 A quick-tempered man acts
wise woman builds her
foolish pulls it down 16 aJob 28:28;
And a man of wicked
Ps. 34:14;
with her hands. Prov. 22:3 intentions is hated.
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PROVERBS 14:18 566

18 The simple inherit folly, 20 aProv. 19:7 34 Righteousness exalts a
bProv. 19:4
But the prudent are crowned anation,
1Lit. many are
with knowledge. the lovers of But sin is a 1reproach to any
19 The evil will bow before the the rich people.
good, 21 aPs. 112:9;
And the wicked at the gates of [Prov. 19:17] 35 aThe kings favor is toward a
the righteous. 23 1Lit. talk of
wise servant,
the lips But his wrath is against him
20 aThe poor man is hated even by 25 a[Ezek.
who causes shame.
his own neighbor, 3:1821]
But 1the rich has many bfriends. 1saves lives

15ButA wrath,
soft answer turns away
21 He who despises his neighbor 27 aProv. 13:14
sins; a harsh word stirs up
aBut he who has mercy on the 29 aProv.
16:32; 19:11; anger.
poor, happy is he. Eccl. 7:9; 2 The tongue of the wise uses
James 1:19 knowledge rightly,
1Lit. short of
22 Do they not go astray who spirit
aBut the mouth of fools pours
devise evil? forth foolishness.
But mercy and truth belong to 30 aPs. 112:10
bProv. 12:4;
those who devise good. Hab. 3:16 3 The eyes of the LORD are in

31 aProv. 17:5;
every place,
23 In all labor there is profit, Matt. 25:40; Keeping watch on the evil and
But 1idle chatter leads only to 1 John 3:17 the good.
poverty. b[Job 31:15;
Prov. 22:2] 4 A 1wholesome tongue is a tree
24 The crown of the wise is their 32 aGen. 49:18; of life,
riches, Job 13:15; [Ps. But perverseness in it breaks
But the foolishness of fools is 16:11; 73:24];
2 Cor. 1:9; 5:8; the spirit.
folly. [2 Tim. 4:18]
33 aProv. 12:16
5 A fool despises his fathers
25 A true witness 1delivers asouls, instruction,
But a deceitful witness speaks 34aProv.11:11 But he who 1receives correction
1shame or dis-
lies. grace is prudent.
26 In the fear of the LORD there is 35 aMatt. 6 In the house of the righteous
strong confidence, 24:4547
there is much treasure,
And His children will have a But in the revenue of the
place of refuge. CHAPTER 15
wicked is trouble.
27 aThe fear of the LORD is a
1 aProv. 25:15
fountain of life, b1 Sam. 25:10 7 The lips of the wise 1disperse
To turn one away from the knowledge,
2 aProv. 12:23
snares of death. But the heart of the fool does
3 a2 Chr. 16:9; not do so.
28 In a multitude of people is a Job 34:21;
Prov. 5:21; Jer.
kings honor, 16:17; 32:19; 8 The sacrifice of the wicked is
But in the lack of people is the Zech. 4:10; an abomination to the
downfall of a prince. Heb. 4:13 LORD,
4 1Lit. healing But the prayer of the upright is
29 aHe who is slow to wrath has 5 aProv. 10:1
His delight.
great understanding, bProv. 13:18 9 The way of the wicked is an
But he who is 1impulsive exalts 1Lit. keeps abomination to the LORD,
folly. 7 1spread But He loves him who afollows
30 A sound heart is life to the 8 aProv. 21:27;
Eccl. 5:1; Is.
body, 1:11; Jer. 6:20; 10 aHarsh discipline is for him who
But aenvy is brottenness to the Mic. 6:7 forsakes the way,
bones. 9 aProv. 21:21 And bhe who hates correction
will die.
31 aHe who oppresses the poor 10 a1 Kin. 22:8
bProv. 5:12
reproaches bhis Maker, 11 aHell1 and 2Destruction are
But he who honors Him has 11 aJob 26:6; before the LORD;
Ps. 139:8
mercy on the needy. b1 Sam. 16:7; So how much more bthe hearts
2 Chr. 6:30; of the sons of men.
32 The wicked is banished in his Ps. 44:21; Acts
wickedness, 1:24 1Or Sheol 12 aA scoffer does not love one
2Heb. Abad-
But athe righteous has a refuge don who corrects him,
in his death. Nor will he go to the wise.
12 aProv. 13:1;
Amos 5:10;
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of 2 Tim. 4:3 13 aA merry heart makes a cheerful
him who has understanding, 13 aProv. 12:25
But awhat is in the heart of bProv. 17:22 But bby sorrow of the heart the
fools is made known. 1face spirit is broken.
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567 PROVERBS 16:11

14 The heart of him who has 15 aProv. 17:22 29 aThe LORD is far from the
understanding seeks 16 aPs. 37:16; wicked,
knowledge, Prov. 16:8; But bHe hears the prayer of the
But the mouth of fools feeds on Eccl. 4:6; righteous.
1 Tim. 6:6
17 aProv. 17:1 30 The light of the eyes rejoices
15 All the days of the afflicted are 1Or vegeta- the heart,
evil, bles And a good report makes the
aBut he who is of a merry heart
18 aProv. 26:21 bones 1healthy.
has a continual feast.
19 aProv. 22:5 31 The ear that hears the rebukes
16 aBetter is a little with the fear of 20 aProv. 10:1 of life
the LORD, Will abide among the wise.
Than great treasure with 21 aProv. 10:23
bEph. 5:15
32 He who disdains instruction
trouble. 1Lit. heart despises his own soul,
17 aBetter is a dinner of 1herbs But he who heeds rebuke gets
where love is, 22 aProv. 11:14 understanding.
Than a fatted calf with hatred. 23 aProv.
33 aThe fear of the LORD is the
25:11; Is. 50:4 instruction of wisdom,
18 A wrathful man stirs up strife,
a 1Lit. in its And bbefore honor is humility.
But he who is slow to anger
16ButThethe preparations of the
a 1
allays contention. 24 aPhil. 3:20;
[Col. 3:1, 2] heart belong to man,
19 aThe way of the lazy man is like
bProv. 14:16
1Or Sheol
b answer of the tongue is
a hedge of thorns, from the LORD.
But the way of the upright is a 25 aProv. 12:7;
highway. Is. 2:11 bPs. 2 All the ways of a man are pure
68:5, 6 in his own aeyes,
20 aA wise son makes a father glad, 26 aProv. 6:16, But the LORD weighs the
But a foolish man despises his 18 bPs. 37:30 spirits.
mother. 27 aIs. 5:8; [Jer.
17:11] 3 Commit1 your works to the

21 Folly is joy to him who is

destitute of 1discernment,
28 a1 Pet. 3:15 And your thoughts will be
bBut a man of understanding 29 aPs. 10:1; established.
walks uprightly. 34:16 bPs.
145:18; 4 The aLORD has made all for
[James 5:16] Himself,
22 aWithout counsel, plans go awry, bYes, even the wicked for the
But in the multitude of 30 1Lit. fat
counselors they are day of 1doom.
33 aProv. 1:7
established. bProv. 18:12
5 Everyone proud in heart is an
abomination to the LORD;
23 A man has joy by the answer of CHAPTER 16 Though they join 1forces, none
his mouth, will go unpunished.
And aa word spoken 1in due 1 aJer. 10:23
season, how good it is! bMatt. 10:19
6 In mercy and truth
Atonement is provided for
24 aThe way of life winds upward 2 aProv. 21:2 iniquity;
for the wise, And bby the fear of the LORD
That he may bturn away from 3 aPs. 37:5;
one departs from evil.
1hell below. Prov. 3:6;
[1 Pet. 5:7]
1Lit. Roll 7 When a mans ways please the
25 aThe LORD will destroy the LORD,
house of the proud, 4 aIs. 43:7;
Rom. 11:36 He makes even his enemies to
But bHe will establish the bJob 21:30; be at peace with him.
boundary of the widow. [Rom. 9:22]
1Lit. evil
8 Better is a little with
26 aThe thoughts of the wicked are 5 aProv. 6:17; righteousness,
an abomination to the 8:13 1Lit. Than vast revenues without
LORD, hand to hand justice.
bBut the words of the pure are
6 aDan. 4:27;
pleasant. Luke 11:41 9 A mans heart plans his way,
bProv. 8:13; b
But the LORD directs his steps.
27 aHe who is greedy for gain 14:16
troubles his own house, 8 aPs. 37:16; 10 Divination is on the lips of the
But he who hates bribes will Prov. 15:16 king;
live. 9 aProv. 19:21
His mouth must not transgress
bPs. 37:23; in judgment.
28 The heart of the righteous Prov. 20:24; 11 aHonest weights and scales are
astudies how to answer, Jer. 10:23 the LORDs;
But the mouth of the wicked 11 aLev. 19:36 All the weights in the bag are
pours forth evil. 1concern His 1work.
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PROVERBS 16:12 568

12 It is an abomination for kings 12 aProv. 25:5 29 A violent man entices his
to commit wickedness, neighbor,
For aa throne is established by 13 aProv. 14:35 And leads him in a way that is
righteousness. not good.
13 aRighteous lips are the delight of 14 aProv. 25:15 30 He winks his eye to devise
kings, perverse things;
And they love him who speaks 15 aZech. 10:1
He 1purses his lips and brings
what is right. about evil.
14 As messengers of death is the
kings wrath, 16 aProv. 8:10, 31 aThe silver-haired head is a
11, 19
But a wise man will aappease it. crown of glory,
15 In the light of the kings face is If it is found in the way of
life, 18 1stumbling righteousness.
And his favor is like a acloud of
the latter rain. 19 1plunder 32 aHe who is slow to anger is
better than the mighty,
16 aHow much better to get wisdom 20 aPs. 34:8; And he who rules his spirit
than gold! Jer. 17:7 than he who takes a city.
And to get understanding is to
be chosen rather than silver. 25 aProv. 14:12 33 The lot is cast into the lap,
But its every decision is from
17 The highway of the upright is 26 a[Eccl. 6:7;
the LORD.
to depart from evil; John 6:35]
He who keeps his way Better is a dry morsel with
preserves his soul. 27 a[James 3:6]
1Lit. A man of
a house full of feasting
18 Pride goes before destruction, Belial with strife.
And a haughty spirit before 1a
fall. 28 aProv. 17:9 2 A wise servant will rule over aa
19 Better to be of a humble spirit son who causes shame,
with the lowly, 30 1Lit. com- And will share an inheritance
Than to divide the 1spoil with presses among the brothers.
the proud.
31 aProv. 20:29 3 The refining pot is for silver
20 He who heeds the word wisely and the furnace for gold,
will find good, a But the LORD tests the hearts.
And whoever atrusts in the 32 aProv.
14:29; 19:11
LORD, happy is he. 4 An evildoer gives heed to false
21 The wise in heart will be called CHAPTER 17 A liar listens eagerly to a
prudent, 1spiteful tongue.
And sweetness of the lips
increases learning. 1 aProv. 15:17 5 aHe who mocks the poor
1Or sacrificial
reproaches his Maker;
22 Understanding is a wellspring meals bHe who is glad at calamity will
of life to him who has it. not go unpunished.
But the correction of fools is 2 aProv. 10:5
folly. 6 Childrens children are the

3 a1 Chr. crown of old men,

23 The heart of the wise teaches 29:17; Ps. And the glory of children is
his mouth, 26:2; Prov. their father.
And adds learning to his lips. 15:11; Jer.
17:10; [Mal.
3:3] 7 Excellent speech is not
24 Pleasant words are like a becoming to a fool,
honeycomb, 4 1Lit. de- Much less lying lips to a prince.
Sweetness to the soul and structive
health to the bones. 8 A present is a precious stone in
5 aProv. 14:31 the eyes of its possessor;
25 There is a way that seems right bJob 31:29; Wherever he turns, he
to a man, Prov. 24:17; prospers.
But its end is the way of adeath. Obad. 12;
1 Cor. 13:6
9 He who covers a transgression
26 The person who labors, labors seeks love,
for himself, 6a[Ps. 127:3; But bhe who repeats a matter
For his hungry mouth drives 128:3]
separates friends.
ahim on.
9 a[Prov. 10:12; 10 aRebuke is more effective for a
27 1An ungodly man digs up evil, 1 Cor. 13:57; wise man
James 5:20]
And it is on his lips like a bProv. 16:28 Than a hundred blows on a
burning afire. fool.
28 A perverse man sows strife, 10 aProv.
And aa whisperer separates the 10:17; [Mic. 11 An evil man seeks only
best of friends. 7:9] rebellion;
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569 PROVERBS 18:14

Therefore a cruel messenger 12 a2 Sam. Nor to strike princes for their
will be sent against him. 17:8; Hos. 13:8 uprightness.
13 aPs. 109:4,
12 Let a man meet aa bear robbed 5; Jer. 18:20; 27 aHe who has knowledge spares
of her cubs, Rom. 12:17; his words,
1 Thess. 5:15; And a man of understanding is
Rather than a fool in his folly. [1 Pet. 3:9]
of a calm spirit.
13 Whoever arewards evil for 14 a[Prov. 20:3; 28 aEven a fool is counted wise
good, 1 Thess. 4:11] when he holds his peace;
Evil will not depart from his 15 aEx. 23:7;
When he shuts his lips, he is
house. Prov. 24:24; Is. considered perceptive.
14 The beginning of strife is like
releasing water;
Therefore astop contention
17 aRuth 1:16;
Prov. 18:24 18HeArages
man who isolates himself
seeks his own desire;
against all wise 1
before a quarrel starts. 18 aProv. 6:1 judgment.
1Lit. heart
2Lit. strikes
15 aHe who justifies the wicked, and the hands 2 A fool has no delight in
he who condemns the just, 3guaranty or
Both of them alike are an collateral But in expressing his aown
abomination to the LORD. 19 aProv. 16:18 heart.
16 Why is there in the hand of a 20 aJames 3:8 3 When the wicked comes,
fool the purchase price of 1crooked
contempt comes also;
wisdom, aProv. And with dishonor comes
Since he has no heart for it? 12:25; 15:13, reproach.
15 1Or makes
17 aA friend loves at all times, medicine even 4 The words of a mans mouth
And a brother is born for better
are deep waters;
adversity. 23 1Under The wellspring of wisdom is a
cover, lit. from flowing brook.
18 aA man devoid of the bosom
1understanding 2shakes
24 aEccl. 2:14 5 It is not good to show partiality
hands in a pledge, to the wicked,
And becomes 3surety for his 25 aProv. 10:1; Or to overthrow the righteous
friend. 15:20; 19:13 in ajudgment.
27 aProv.
19 He who loves transgression 10:19; James 6 A fools lips enter into
loves strife, 1:19 contention,
And ahe who exalts his gate And his mouth calls for blows.
seeks destruction. 28 aJob 13:5
7 aA fools mouth is his
20 He who has a 1deceitful heart CHAPTER 18 And his lips are the snare of his
finds no good, bsoul.
And he who has aa perverse 1 1sound wis- 8 aThe words of a 1talebearer are
tongue falls into evil. dom like 2tasty trifles,
2 aEccl. 10:3
And they go down into the
21 He who begets a scoffer does 3inmost body.
so to his sorrow, 4 aProv. 10:11
And the father of a fool has no b[James 3:17]
9 He who is slothful in his
joy. work
5 aLev. 19:15;
Deut. 1:17; Is a brother to him who is a
22 A amerry heart 1does good, like 16:19; Ps. great destroyer.
medicine, 82:2; Prov.
But a broken spirit dries the 17:15 10 The name of the LORD is a
bones. 7 aPs. 64:8; strong atower;
140:9; Prov. The righteous run to it and are
23 A wicked man accepts a bribe 10:14 bEccl. 1safe.
1behind the back 10:12 11 The rich mans wealth is his
To pervert the ways of justice. 8 aProv. 12:18 strong city,
1gossip or And like a high wall in his own
24 aWisdom is in the sight of him slanderer 2A esteem.
who has understanding, Jewish tradi-
tion wounds
But the eyes of a fool are on the 3Lit. rooms of 12 aBefore destruction the heart of
ends of the earth. the belly a man is haughty,
And before honor is humility.
25 A afoolish son is a grief to his 10 a2 Sam.
22:2, 3, 33; Ps.
father, 18:2; 61:3; 13 He who answers a matter
And bitterness to her who bore 91:2; 144:2 before he hears it,
him. 1secure, lit.
It is folly and shame to him.
set on high
26 Also, to punish the righteous is 12 aProv. 14 The spirit of a man will sustain
not good, 15:33; 16:18 him in sickness,
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PROVERBS 18:15 570

But who can bear a broken 16 aGen. 32:20, And he who speaks lies will not
spirit? 21; 1 Sam. escape.
25:27; Prov.
17:8; 21:14
15 The heart of the prudent 6 Many entreat the favor of the
18 a[Prov.
acquires knowledge, 16:33] nobility,
And the ear of the wise seeks And every man is a friend to
knowledge. 20 aProv.
12:14; 14:14 one who gives gifts.
7 aAll the brothers of the poor
16 aA mans gift makes room for 21 aProv. hate him;
12:13; 13:3;
him, Matt. 12:37 How much more do his friends
And brings him before great go bfar from him!
men. 22 aGen. 2:18;
[Prov. 12:4; He may pursue them with
19:14] words, yet they 1abandon
17 The first one to plead his cause him.
23 aJames 2:3,
seems right, 6
Until his neighbor comes and 8 He who gets 1wisdom loves his
examines him. 24 aProv.
17:17; [John own soul;
15:14, 15] 1So He who keeps understanding
18 Casting alots causes with Gr. mss., awill find good.
contentions to cease, Syr., Tg., Vg.;
And keeps the mighty apart. MT may come
to ruin 9 A false witness will not go
19 A brother offended is harder to CHAPTER 19 And he who speaks lies shall
win than a strong city, perish.
And contentions are like the 1 aProv. 28:6
bars of a castle. 10 Luxury is not fitting for a fool,
4 aProv. 14:20
Much less afor a servant to rule
20 aA mans stomach shall be 5 aEx. 23:1; over princes.
satisfied from the fruit of his Deut.
mouth; Prov. 6:19; 11 aThe discretion of a man makes
From the produce of his lips he 21:28 him slow to anger,
shall be filled. 7 aProv. 14:20
bAnd his glory is to overlook a
bPs. 38:11 transgression.
21 aDeath and life are in the power 1Lit. are not
of the tongue, 8 aProv. 16:20 12 aThe kings wrath is like the
And those who love it will eat 1Lit. heart roaring of a lion,
its fruit. 10 aProv. But his favor is blike dew on the
30:21, 22 grass.
22 aHe who finds a wife finds a
good thing, 11 aJames 1:19
bProv. 16:32; 13 aA foolish son is the ruin of his
And obtains favor from the [Matt. 5:44]; father,
LORD. Eph. 4:32; bAnd the contentions of a wife
Col. 3:13
are a continual 1dripping.
23 The poor man uses 12 aProv. 16:14
entreaties, bGen. 27:28;
14 aHouses and riches are an
But the rich answers aroughly. Deut. 33:28;
Ps. 133:3; inheritance from fathers,
Hos. 14:5; But ba prudent wife is from the
24 A man who has friends 1must Mic. 5:7 LORD.
himself be friendly, 13 aProv. 10:1
aBut there is a friend who sticks bProv. 21:9, 19 15 aLaziness casts one into a deep
closer than a brother. 1Irritation
14 a2 Cor. And an idle person will bsuffer
Better ais the poor 12:14 bProv. hunger.
19 who walks in his integrity
Than one who is perverse in his
15 aProv. 6:9 16 aHe who keeps the
bProv. 10:4
lips, and is a fool. commandment keeps his soul,
16aProv. But he who 1is careless of his
2 Also it is not good for a soul to 13:13; 16:17;
Luke 10:28;
ways will die.
be without knowledge, 11:28 1Is reck-
And he sins who hastens with less, lit. 17 aHe who has pity on the poor
his feet. despises lends to the LORD,
17 aDeut. 15:7, And He will pay back what he
3 The foolishness of a man twists 8; Job 23:12, has given.
his way, 13; Prov.
28:27; Eccl. 18 aChasten your son while there is
And his heart frets against the 11:1; Matt.
LORD. 10:42; 25:40; hope,
[2 Cor. 9:68]; And do not set your heart 1on
4 Wealth makes many friends,
a Heb. 6:10 his destruction.
But the poor is separated from 18 aProv. 13:24
his friend. 1Lit. to put 19 A man of great wrath will
him to death; suffer punishment;
a Jewish tra-
5 A false witness will not go
dition on his For if you rescue him, you will
unpunished, crying have to do it again.
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571 PROVERBS 20:19

20 Listen to counsel and receive 20 aPs. 37:37 5 Counsel in the heart of man is
instruction, 21 aPs. 33:10,
like deep water,
That you may be wise ain your 11; Prov. 16:9; But a man of understanding
latter days. Is. 46:10; Heb. will draw it out.
21 There are many plans in a 6 Most men will proclaim each
22 1Lit. loving-
mans heart, kindness his own 1goodness,
aNevertheless the LORDs But who can find a faithful
counselthat will stand. 23 aProv. man?
14:27; [1 Tim.
4:8] 7 The righteous man walks in his
22 What is desired in a man is
24 aProv. 15:19 integrity;
And a poor man is better than 1LXX, Syr. His children are blessed after

a liar. bosom; Tg., him.

Vg. armpit
23 aThe fear of the LORD leads to 25 aDeut. 13:11
8 A king who sits on the throne
life, bProv. 9:8 of judgment
And he who has it will abide in Scatters all evil with his
satisfaction; 26 aProv. 17:2 eyes.
He will not be visited with evil. 28 aJob 15:16
1Lit. witness 9 Who can say, I have made my

24 aA lazy man buries his hand in of Belial, heart clean,

the 1bowl, worthless I am pure from my sin?
And will not so much as bring
it to his mouth again. 29 aProv. 26:3
10 aDiverse weights and diverse
25 Strike a scoffer, and the simple They are both alike, an
awill become wary; CHAPTER 20 abomination to the LORD.
bRebuke one who has
understanding, and he will 1aGen. 9:21; 11 Even a child is aknown by his
discern knowledge. Prov. deeds,
23:2935; Is.
28:7; Hos. 4:11
Whether what he does is pure
26 He who mistreats his father and right.
and chases away his mother 2 1Lit. fear or
Is aa son who causes shame terror, pro- 12 aThe hearing ear and the seeing
duced by the eye,
and brings reproach. kings wrath
The LORD has made them
27 Cease listening to instruction, 3 aProv. 17:14 both.
my son,
And you will stray from the 4 aProv. 10:4 13 aDo not love sleep, lest you
bProv. 19:15
words of knowledge. come to poverty;
6 1Lit. mercy
Open your eyes, and you will
28 A 1disreputable witness scorns be satisfied with bread.
justice, 7 a2 Cor. 1:12
And athe mouth of the wicked
bPs. 37:26 14 It is 1good for nothing, cries
devours iniquity. the buyer;
9 a[1 Kin. 8:46; But when he has gone his way,
2 Chr. 6:36];
29 Judgments are prepared for Job 9:30, 31; then he boasts.
14:4; [Ps. 51:5;
scoffers, Eccl. 7:20;
aAnd beatings for the backs of 15 There is gold and a multitude
Rom. 3:9;
fools. 1 John 1:8] of rubies,
But athe lips of knowledge are
10 aDeut. 25:13 a precious jewel.
Wine ais a mocker,
20 Strong drink is a brawler,
And whoever is led astray by it
11 aMatt. 7:16 16 aTake the garment of one who is
surety for a stranger,
12 aEx. 4:11;
is not wise. Ps. 94:9 And hold it as a pledge when it
is for a seductress.
2 The 1wrath of a king is like the 13 aRom. 12:11
roaring of a lion; 17 aBread gained by deceit is sweet
Whoever provokes him to 14 1Lit. evil, to a man,
anger sins against his own But afterward his mouth will be
life. 15 a[Job filled with gravel.
3 It is honorable for a man to
a Prov. 3:1315] 18 aPlans are established by
stop striving, 16 aProv. 22:26 counsel;
Since any fool can start a bBy wise counsel wage war.
quarrel. 17 aProv. 9:17
19 aHe who goes about as a
4 aThe lazy man will not plow 18 aProv. 24:6
bLuke 14:31
talebearer reveals secrets;
because of winter; Therefore do not associate with
bHe will beg during harvest and one bwho flatters with his
19 aProv. 11:13
have nothing. bRom. 16:18 lips.
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PROVERBS 20:20 572

20 aWhoever curses his father or 20 aEx. 21:17; But those of everyone who is
his mother, Lev. 20:9; hasty, surely to poverty.
bHis lamp will be put out in
Prov. 30:11;
Matt. 15:4
deep darkness. bJob 18:5, 6; 6 Getting treasures by a lying
Prov. 24:20 tongue
21 An inheritance gained hastily
a 21 aProv.
28:20 Is the fleeting fantasy of those
at the beginning bHab. 2:6
who seek death.
bWill not be blessed at the end.
22 a[Deut.
32:35]; Prov. 7 The violence of the wicked will
22 Do not say, I will recompense
a 1 17:13; 24:29; 1destroy them,
evil; 12:1719]; Because they refuse to do
bWait for the LORD, and He will justice.
1 Thess. 5:15;
save you. [1 Pet. 3:9]
b2 Sam. 16:12
8 The way of 1a guilty man is
23 Diverse weights are an perverse;
abomination to the LORD, 26 aPs. 101:8 But as for the pure, his work is
And dishonest scales are not 27 a1 Cor. 2:11 right.
good. 1Lit. rooms of
the belly 9 Better to dwell in a corner of a
24 A mans steps are of the LORD; 28 aPs. 101:1; housetop,
How then can a man Prov. 21:21
Than in a house shared with aa
understand his own way? contentious woman.
29 aProv. 16:31
25 It is a snare for a man to 30 1Lit. rooms 10 aThe soul of the wicked desires
devote rashly something as of the belly evil;
holy, His neighbor finds no favor in
And afterward to reconsider his CHAPTER 21 his eyes.
1 1channels 11 When the scoffer is punished,
26 aA wise king sifts out the wicked, 2 aProv. 16:2 the simple is made wise;
And brings the threshing wheel bProv. 24:12; But when the awise is
over them. Luke 16:15 instructed, he receives
3 a1 Sam. knowledge.
27 aThe spirit of a man is the lamp 15:22; Prov.
of the LORD, 15:8; Is. 1:11,
16, 17; Hos. 12 The righteous God wisely
Searching all the 1inner depths 6:6; [Mic. 6:7, considers the house of the
of his heart. 8] wicked,
4 aProv. 6:17 Overthrowing the wicked for
28 aMercy and truth preserve the 1Or lamp their wickedness.
king, 5 aProv. 10:4
And by 1lovingkindness he 13 aWhoever shuts his ears to the
upholds his throne. 6 a2 Pet. 2:3 cry of the poor
1LXX Pursue
vanity on the Will also cry himself and not be
29 The glory of young men is their snares of heard.
strength, death; Vg. Is
And athe splendor of old men is vain and fool-
14 A gift in secret pacifies anger,
ish, and shall
their gray head. stumble on And a bribe 1behind the back,
the snares of strong wrath.
30 Blows that hurt cleanse away death; Tg.
evil, They shall be
destroyed, 15 It is a joy for the just to do
As do stripes the 1inner depths and they shall justice,
of the heart. fall who seek But destruction will come to the
death workers of iniquity.
kings heart is in the 7 1Lit. drag
21LikeThehand of the L ORD,
the rivers of water;
them away
8 1Or The way
16 A man who wanders from the
way of understanding
He turns it wherever He of a man is Will rest in the assembly of the
perverse and adead.
wishes. strange;

2 aEvery way of a man is right in 9 aProv. 19:13 17 He who loves pleasure will be a
his own eyes, 10 aJames 4:5 poor man;
bBut the LORD weighs the hearts.
11 aProv. 19:25 He who loves wine and oil will
not be rich.
13 a[Matt. 7:2;
3 To do righteousness and justice
Is more acceptable to the LORD James 2:13; 18 The wicked shall be a ransom
than sacrifice. 1 John 3:17 for the righteous,
14 1Under And the unfaithful for the
4 A haughty look, a proud heart,
a cover, lit. in upright.
And the 1plowing of the wicked the bosom
are sin. 16 aPs. 49:14 19 Better to dwell 1in the
19 1Lit. in the
5 The plans of the diligent lead
land of the Than with a contentious and
surely to plenty, desert angry woman.
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573 PROVERBS 22:20

20 aThere is desirable treasure, 20 aPs. 112:3; He who guards his soul will be
And oil in the dwelling of the Prov. 8:21 far from them.
21 aProv. 15:9;
But a foolish man squanders it. Matt. 5:6; 6 Train up a child in the way he

[Rom. 2:7]; should go,

21 He who follows righteousness
a 1 Cor. 15:58 And when he is old he will not
and mercy depart from it.
Finds life, righteousness, and 22 a2 Sam.
honor. 5:69; Prov. 7 The arich rules over the
24:5; Eccl.
7:19; 9:15, 16 poor,
22 A awise man 1scales the city of 1Climbs over And the borrower is servant to
the mighty, the walls of the lender.
And brings down the trusted
stronghold. 23 aProv. 8 He who sows iniquity will reap
12:13; 13:3; asorrow,1
18:21; [James
23 aWhoever guards his mouth and 3:2] And the rod of his anger will
tongue fail.
Keeps his soul from troubles. 25 aProv. 13:4
9 a He who has a 1generous eye
24 A proud and haughty man 26 a[Prov. 22:9; will be bblessed,
Scoffer is his name; Eph. 4:28] For he gives of his bread to the
He acts with arrogant pride. poor.
27 aProv. 15:8;
Is. 66:3; Jer.
25 The adesire of the lazy man 6:20; Amos
10 aCast out the scoffer, and
kills him, 5:22 contention will leave;
For his hands refuse to labor. Yes, strife and reproach will
26 He covets greedily all day long, 29 1Qr., LXX cease.
But the righteous agives and understands
does not spare. 11 aHe who loves purity of heart
30 aIs. 8:9, 10; And has grace on his lips,
27 aThe sacrifice of the wicked is [Jer. 9:23, 24];
Acts 5:39;
The king will be his friend.
an abomination; 1 Cor. 3:19, 20
How much more when he 12 The eyes of the LORD preserve
brings it with wicked intent! 31 aPs. 3:8; Jer. knowledge,
3:23; [1 Cor. But He overthrows the words of
28 A false witness shall perish, 15:57] the faithless.
But the man who hears him
will speak endlessly. CHAPTER 22
13 aThe lazy man says, There is a
lion outside!
29 A wicked man hardens his I shall be slain in the streets!
face, 1 a[Prov. 10:7];
But as for the upright, he Eccl. 7:1 14 aThe mouth of an immoral
1establishes his way. woman is a deep pit;
2 aProv. 29:13 bHe who is abhorred by the
bJob 31:15;
30 aThere is no wisdom or [Prov. 14:31] LORD will fall there.
Or counsel against the LORD. 3 aProv. 27:12; 15 Foolishness is bound up in the
Is. 26:20 heart of a child;
31 The horse is prepared for the aThe rod of correction will drive
day of battle, 6 aEph. 6:4; it far from him.
But adeliverance is of the LORD. 2 Tim. 3:15
16 He who oppresses the poor to
A agood name is to be chosen increase his riches,
22 rather than great riches,
Loving favor rather than silver
7 aProv. 18:23;
James 2:6 And he who gives to the rich,
will surely come to
and gold. 8 aJob 4:8 poverty.
Sayings of the Wise
2 The arich and the poor have
9 a2 Cor. 9:6 17 Incline your ear and hear the
this in common, b[Prov. 19:17]
The bLORD is the maker of 1Lit. good words of the wise,
them all. And apply your heart to my
10 aPs. 101:5 knowledge;
3 A prudent man foresees evil 18 For it is a pleasant thing if you
and hides himself, 11 aPs. 101:6 keep them within you;
But the simple pass on and are Let them all be fixed upon your
apunished. 13 aProv. 26:13 lips,
19 So that your trust may be in the
4 By humility and the fear of the 14 aProv. 2:16; LORD;
LORD 5:3; 7:5 bEccl. I have instructed you today,
Are riches and honor and life. even you.
15 aProv.
20 Have I not written to you
5 Thorns and snares are in the 13:24; 23:13, excellent things
way of the perverse; 14 Of counsels and knowledge,
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PROVERBS 22:21 574

21 aThat I may make you know the 21 aLuke 1:3, 4 And waste your pleasant
bProv. 25:13;
certainty of the words of 1 Pet. 3:15 1Or words.
truth, send you
bThat you may answer words of 9 Do not speak in the hearing of
truth 22 aEx. 23:6; a fool,
Job 31:1621;
To those who 1send to you? Zech. 7:10 For he will despise the wisdom
of your words.
22 Do not rob the apoor because 23 a1 Sam.
he is poor, 24:12; Ps. 10 Do not remove the ancient
12:5; 140:12 1landmark,
Nor oppress the afflicted at the
gate; 24 aProv. 29:22 Nor enter the fields of the
23 aFor the LORD will plead their fatherless;
cause, 26 aProv. 11:15
1Lit. strikes
11 aFor their Redeemer is mighty;
And plunder the soul of those 2guaranty He will plead their cause
who plunder them. against you.
28 aDeut.
24 Make no friendship with an 19:14; 27:17; 12 Apply your heart to instruction,
Job 24:2;
angry man, Prov. 23:10 And your ears to words of
And with a afurious man do not 1boundary knowledge.
25 Lest you learn his ways 29 1is prompt 13 aDo not withhold correction
in his busi-
And set a snare for your soul. ness 2obscure from a child,
For if you beat him with a rod,
26 aDo not be one of those who he will not die.
1shakes hands in a pledge, CHAPTER 23 14 You shall beat him with a rod,
One of those who is 2surety for And deliver his soul from
debts; 4 a[Prov. 28:20; 1hell.
27 If you have nothing with which Matt. 6:19;
1 Tim. 6:9, 10;
to pay, Heb. 13:5] 15 My son, if your heart is wise,
Why should he take away your bRom. 12:16 My heart will rejoiceindeed, I
bed from under you? myself;
5 1Lit. Will
you cause 16 Yes, my 1inmost being will
28 aDo not remove the ancient your eyes to rejoice
1landmark fly upon it When your lips speak right
Which your fathers have set. and it is not?
6 aDeut. 15:9;
29 Do you see a man who 1excels Prov. 28:22 17 aDo not let your heart envy
in his work? 1Lit. one who
He will stand before kings; has an evil
eye But bbe zealous for the fear of
He will not stand before the LORD all the day;
2unknown men.
7 aProv. 12:2 18 aFor surely there is a 1hereafter,
And your hope will not be cut
9 aProv. 9:8;
When you sit down to eat with off.
a ruler,
carefully what is
Matt. 7:6

10 1boundary 19 Hear, my son, and be wise;

before you; And guide your heart in the
11 aProv. 22:23
2 And put a knife to your throat way.
If you are a man given to 13 aProv. 13:24 20 aDo not mix with winebibbers,
appetite. Or with gluttonous eaters of
3 Do not desire his delicacies, 14 1Or Sheol meat;
For they are deceptive food. 16 1Lit. kid-
21 For the drunkard and the
neys glutton will come to poverty,
4 Do not overwork to be rich;
a And drowsiness will clothe a
bBecause of your own 17 aPs. 37:1; man with rags.
Prov. 24:1, 19
understanding, cease! bProv. 28:14
5 1Will you set your eyes on that 22 aListen to your father who begot
which is not? 18 a[Ps. 37:37] you,
1Future, lit.
For riches certainly make latter end
And do not despise your
themselves wings; mother when she is old.
They fly away like an eagle 20 aProv. 20:1;
toward heaven. 23:29, 30; Is. 23 aBuy the truth, and do not sell it,
5:22; Matt. Also wisdom and instruction
24:49; [Luke
6 Do not eat the bread of a a 1
21:34]; Rom. and understanding.
miser, 13:13; [Eph.
Nor desire his delicacies; 5:18] 24 aThe father of the righteous will
7 For as he thinks in his heart, so 22 aProv. 1:8;
greatly rejoice,
is he. Eph. 6:1 And he who begets a wise child
Eat and drink! ahe says to will delight in him.
you, 23 aProv. 4:7; 25 Let your father and your
But his heart is not with you. 18:15; [Matt. mother be glad,
8 The morsel you have eaten, you And let her who bore you
will vomit up, 24 aProv. 10:1 rejoice.
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575 PROVERBS 24:22

26 My son, give me your heart, 27 aProv. 22:14 8 He who aplots to do evil
And let your eyes observe my 28 aProv. 7:12;
Will be called a 1schemer.
ways. Eccl. 7:26 9 The devising of foolishness is
27 aFor a harlot is a deep pit, sin,
And a seductress is a narrow 29 aIs. 5:11, 22
bGen. 49:12 And the scoffer is an
well. abomination to men.
28 aShe also lies in wait as for a 30 a1 Sam.
victim, 25:36; Prov. 10 If you afaint in the day of
And increases the unfaithful 20:1; 21:17; Is. adversity,
5:11; 28:7;
among men. [Eph. 5:18] Your strength is small.
bPs. 75:8
29 aWho has woe? 11 aDeliver those who are drawn
Who has sorrow? 31 1goes
around toward death,
Who has contentions? And hold back those stumbling
Who has complaints? 34 1Lit. heart to the slaughter.
Who has wounds without 12 If you say, Surely we did not
cause? 35 aProv.
27:22; Jer. 5:3 know this,
Who bhas redness of eyes? bEph. 4:19 Does not aHe who weighs the
30 aThose who linger long at the hearts consider it?
wine, He who keeps your soul, does
Those who go in search of CHAPTER 24
bmixed wine. He not know it?
31 Do not look on the wine when 1 aPs. 1:1; And will He not render to each
it is red, 37:1; Prov. man baccording to his deeds?
When it sparkles in the cup,
When it 1swirls around 5 aProv. 21:22;
13 My son, aeat honey because it
smoothly; Eccl. 9:16 is good,
32 At the last it bites like a And the honeycomb which is
6 aLuke 14:31 sweet to your taste;
And stings like a viper. 7 aPs. 10:5; 14 aSo shall the knowledge of
33 Your eyes will see strange Prov. 14:6 wisdom be to your soul;
things, If you have found it, there is a
8 aProv. 6:14; 1prospect,
And your heart will utter 14:22; Rom.
perverse things. 1:30 1Lit. mas- And your hope will not be cut
34 Yes, you will be like one who ter of evil off.
lies down in the 1midst of the
sea, 10 aDeut. 20:8; 15 Do not lie in wait, O wicked
Or like one who lies at the top Job 4:5; Jer. man, against the dwelling of
of the mast, saying: 51:46; Heb. the righteous;
35 Theya have struck me, but I Do not plunder his resting
was not hurt; 11 aPs. 82:4; Is. place;
They have beaten me, but I did 58:6, 7; 1 John 16 aFor a righteous man may fall
not feel it. 3:16 seven times
When shall bI awake, that I may 12 a1 Sam. And rise again,
seek another drink? 16:7; Prov. bBut the wicked shall fall by
21:2 bJob calamity.
34:11; Ps.
not be envious of evil
62:12; Rev.
2:23; 22:12 17 aDo not rejoice when your
desire to be with them; enemy falls,
2 For their heart devises violence, 13 aPs. 19:10; And do not let your heart be
And their lips talk of 119:103; Prov.
25:16; Song glad when he stumbles;
troublemaking. 5:1 18 Lest the LORD see it, and 1it
displease Him,
3 Through wisdom a house is 14 aPs. 19:10;
And He turn away His wrath
built, 58:11; Prov.
And by understanding it is 23:18 1Lit. lat- from him.
ter end
established; 19 aDo not fret because of
4 By knowledge the rooms are 16 aJob 5:19;
filled [Ps. 34:19;
With all precious and pleasant
37:24; Mic. Nor be envious of the wicked;
7:8] bEsth. 20 For there will be no prospect
riches. 7:10; Amos
5:2 for the evil man;
5 A wise man is strong,
a The lamp of the wicked will be
17 aJob 31:29; put out.
Yes, a man of knowledge Ps. 35:15, 19;
increases strength; [Prov. 17:5];
6 aFor by wise counsel you will Obad. 12 21 My son, afear the LORD and the
wage your own war, king;
181Lit. it be Do not associate with those
And in a multitude of evil in His
counselors there is safety. eyes given to change;
22 For their calamity will rise
7 Wisdom is too lofty for a fool;
a 19 aPs. 37:1 suddenly,
He does not open his mouth in 21 a[Rom. 13:7; And who knows the ruin those
the gate. 1 Pet. 2:17] two can bring?
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PROVERBS 24:23 576

Further Sayings of the Wise 23 aLev. 19:15; And it will go to the silversmith
Deut. 1:17; for jewelry.
23 These things also belong to the 16:19; [John
5 Take away the wicked from
7:24] 1Lit. rec-
wise: ognize faces before the king,
And his throne will be
It is not good to 1show
24 aProv. established in arighteousness.
partiality in judgment. 17:15; Is. 5:23
24 He who says to the wicked,
6 Do not exalt yourself in the
You are righteous, 25 aProv. 28:23 presence of the king,
Him the people will curse; And do not stand in the place
Nations will abhor him. 27 a1 Kin. 5:17; of the great;
25 But those who rebuke the Prov. 27:2327
7 aFor it is better that he say to
wicked will have adelight, you,
And a good blessing will come 28 aLev. 6:2, 3;
19:11; Eph. Come up here,
upon them. 4:25 1LXX, Than that you should be put
Vg. Do not lower in the presence of the
26 He who gives a right answer deceive prince,
kisses the lips. Whom your eyes have seen.
29 a[Prov.
27 aPrepare your outside work, 20:22; Matt.
8 Do not go hastily to 1court;
Make it fit for yourself in the 5:3944; Rom.
12:1719] For what will you do in the end,
field; When your neighbor has put
And afterward build your 31 aGen. 3:18 you to shame?
house. 9 aDebate your case with your
33 aProv. 6:9, neighbor,
28 aDo not be a witness against 10 And do not disclose the secret
your neighbor without cause, to another;
1For would you deceive with
34 aProv. 10 Lest he who hears it expose
your lips? 6:911 1Lit.
your shame,
29 aDo not say, I will do to him one who
walks about And 1your reputation be ruined.
just as he has done to me; 1Lit. a man
I will render to the man with a shield 11 A word fitly aspoken is like
according to his work. apples of gold
In settings of silver.
30 I went by the field of the lazy 12 Like an earring of gold and an
man, ornament of fine gold
And by the vineyard of the man 1 a1 Kin. 4:32 Is a wise rebuker to an
devoid of understanding; obedient ear.
31 And there it was, aall 2 aDeut. 29:29;
overgrown with thorns; Rom. 11:33 13 aLike the cold of snow in time of
Its surface was covered with harvest
nettles; 4 a2 Tim. 2:21 Is a faithful messenger to those
Its stone wall was broken down. who send him,
32 When I saw it, I considered it 5 aProv. 16:12; For he refreshes the soul of his
well; 20:8 masters.
I looked on it and received
instruction: 7 aLuke 14 aWhoever falsely boasts of
33 aA little sleep, a little slumber, 14:711
A little folding of the hands to Is like bclouds and wind without
8 aProv. 17:14;
rest; Matt. 5:25 rain.
34 aSo shall your poverty come like 1Lit. contend
1a prowler, or bring a 15 aBy long forbearance a ruler is
And your need like 2an armed lawsuit persuaded,
man. And a gentle tongue breaks a
9 a[Matt. bone.
Further Wise Sayings of Solomon 18:15]

These also are proverbs of

a 16 Have you found honey?
25 Solomon which the men of
Hezekiah king of Judah copied:
10 1the evil
report con-
cerning you
Eat only as much as you need,
Lest you be filled with it and
not pass vomit.
2 a It is the glory of God to conceal 17 Seldom set foot in your
a matter, 11 aProv. neighbors house,
15:23; Is. 50:4
But the glory of kings is to Lest he become weary of you
search out a matter. 13 aProv. 13:17 and hate you.
3 As the heavens for height and 14 aProv. 20:6
18 aA man who bears false witness
the earth for depth, bJude 12 against his neighbor
So the heart of kings is Is like a club, a sword, and a
unsearchable. 15 aProv. 15:1 sharp arrow.
4 a Take away the dross from 18 aPs. 57:4; 19 Confidence in an unfaithful
silver, Prov. 12:18 man in time of trouble
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577 PROVERBS 26:25

Is like a bad tooth and a foot 20 aDan. 6:18 Is a proverb in the mouth of
out of joint. fools.
21 aEx. 23:4, 5; 8 Like one who binds a stone in a
2 Kin. 6:22;
20 Like one who takes away a 2 Chr. 28:15; sling
garment in cold weather, Matt. 5:44; Is he who gives honor to a
And like vinegar on soda, Rom. 12:20 fool.
Is one who asings songs to a 9 Like a thorn that goes into the
heavy heart. 22 a2 Sam.
16:12; [Matt. hand of a drunkard
6:4, 6] Is a proverb in the mouth of
21 aIf your enemy is hungry, give fools.
him bread to eat; 23 aPs. 101:5 10 1The great God who formed
And if he is thirsty, give him everything
water to drink; 24 aProv. 19:13 Gives the fool his hire and the
22 For so you will heap coals of transgressor his wages.
fire on his head, 25 aProv. 15:30
11 aAs a dog returns to his own
aAnd the LORD will reward you.
26 1ruined vomit,
bSo a fool repeats his folly.
23 The north wind brings forth 27 aProv. 27:2; 12 aDo you see a man wise in his
rain, [Luke 14:11] own eyes?
And aa backbiting tongue an There is more hope for a fool
angry countenance. 28 aProv. 16:32 than for him.
24 aIt is better to dwell in a corner 13 The lazy man says, There is a
of a housetop, lion in the road!
Than in a house shared with a A fierce lion is in the 1streets!
contentious woman. 1 a1 Sam. 14 As a door turns on its hinges,
So does the lazy man on his
25 As cold water to a weary bed.
2 aNum. 23:8;
soul, Deut. 23:5; 15 The alazy man buries his hand
So is agood news from a far 2 Sam. 16:12 in the 1bowl;
country. It wearies him to bring it back
3 aPs. 32:9; to his mouth.
26 A righteous man who falters Prov. 19:29
16 The lazy man is wiser in his
before the wicked own eyes
Is like a murky spring and a 5 aMatt.
1polluted well.
16:14; Rom. Than seven men who can
12:16 answer sensibly.
27 It is not good to eat much 10 1Heb. diffi- 17 He who passes by and meddles
honey; cult in v. 10;
in a quarrel not his own
So ato seek ones own glory is ancient and
modern trans- Is like one who takes a dog by
not glory. lators differ the ears.
28 aWhoever has no rule over his 18 Like a madman who throws
own spirit 11 a2 Pet. 2:22
bEx. 8:15 firebrands, arrows, and
Is like a city broken down, death,
without walls. 12 aProv. 19 Is the man who deceives his
29:20; Luke neighbor,
18:11, 12;
snow in summer
and rain in harvest,
is not fitting for a
[Rev. 3:17]
And says, aI was only joking!
20 Where there is no wood, the
13 1Or plazas,
fool. squares fire goes out;
And where there is no
2 Like a flitting sparrow, like a 15 aProv. 19:24
1LXX, Syr.
1talebearer, strife ceases.
flying swallow, bosom; Tg.,
21 aAs charcoal is to burning coals,
So aa curse without cause shall Vg. armpit and wood to fire,
not alight. So is a contentious man to
19 aEph. 5:4 kindle strife.
3 aA whip for the horse, 22 The words of a 1talebearer are
A bridle for the donkey, 20 1gossip or like 2tasty trifles,
And a rod for the fools back. slanderer, lit. And they go down into the
4 Do not answer a fool according 3inmost body.
to his folly, 21 aProv. 15:18
Lest you also be like him. 23 Fervent lips with a wicked
5 aAnswer a fool according to his
22 1gossip or heart
folly, slanderer 2A Are like earthenware covered
Lest he be wise in his own Jewish tradi- with silver dross.
tion wounds
eyes. 3Lit. rooms of
6 He who sends a message by the the belly 24 He who hates, disguises it with
hand of a fool his lips,
Cuts off his own feet and 25 aPs. 28:3; And lays up deceit within
drinks violence. Prov. 26:23; himself;
Jer. 9:8 1Lit.
7 Like the legs of the lame that his voice is 25 aWhen 1he speaks kindly, do not
hang limp gracious believe him,
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PROVERBS 26:26 578

For there are seven 27 aEsth. 7:10; 12 A prudent man foresees evil
Ps. 7:15; Prov. and hides himself;
abominations in his heart; 28:10; Eccl.
26 Though his hatred is covered 10:8 The simple pass on and are
by deceit, apunished.
His wickedness will be revealed
28 aProv. 29:5 13 Take the garment of him who is
before the assembly.
surety for a stranger,
27 aWhoever digs a pit will fall into And hold it in pledge when he
it, CHAPTER 27 is surety for a seductress.
And he who rolls a stone will
have it roll back on him. 14 He who blesses his friend with
1 aLuke a loud voice, rising early in
12:1921; the morning,
28 A lying tongue hates those who James 4:1316
are crushed by it, It will be counted a curse to
And a flattering mouth works him.
aruin. 2 aProv. 25:27;
2 Cor. 10:12, 15 A acontinual dripping on a very
18; 12:11
rainy day
Doa not boast about
27 tomorrow,
For you do not know what a 4 aProv. 6:34;
And a contentious woman are
1 John 3:12 16 Whoever 1restrains her
day may bring forth. restrains the wind,
5 a[Prov. And grasps oil with his right
2 Let another man praise you,
28:23]; Gal. hand.
and not your own mouth; 2:14
A stranger, and not your own 17 As iron sharpens iron,
lips. So a man sharpens the
6 aMatt. 26:49
countenance of his friend.
3 A stone is heavy and sand is
weighty, 7 1tramples on 18 aWhoever 1keeps the fig tree will
But a fools wrath is heavier eat its fruit;
than both of them. So he who waits on his master
9 1Lit. counsel
of the soul will be honored.
4 Wrath is cruel and anger a
torrent, 19 As in water face reflects face,
But awho is able to stand before 10 aProv. So a mans heart reveals the
jealousy? 17:17; 18:24
5 Open rebuke is better
11 aProv. 10:1; 20 aHell1 and 2Destruction are never
Than love carefully concealed. 23:1526 full;
So bthe eyes of man are never
6 Faithful are the wounds of a 12 aProv. 22:3 satisfied.
But the kisses of an enemy are 21 aThe refining pot is for silver
adeceitful. 15 aProv. 19:13 and the furnace for gold,
And a man is valued by what
7 A satisfied soul 1loathes the 16 1Lit. hides others say of him.
But to a hungry soul every 22 aThough you grind a fool in a
bitter thing is sweet. 18 a2 Kin. mortar with a pestle along
18:31; Song
8:12; Is. 36:16; with crushed grain,
8 Like a bird that wanders from [1 Cor. 3:8; Yet his foolishness will not
its nest 9:713]; 2 Tim. depart from him.
Is a man who wanders from his 2:6 1protects
or tends
place. 23 Be diligent to know the state of
your aflocks,
9 Ointment and perfume delight 20 aProv. And attend to your herds;
the heart, 30:15, 16;
Hab. 2:5
24 For riches are not forever,
And the sweetness of a mans bEccl. 1:8; 4:8 Nor does a crown endure to all
friend gives delight by 1Or Sheol generations.
1hearty counsel. 2Heb. Abad-
25 aWhen the hay is removed, and
don the tender grass shows
10 Do not forsake your own friend itself,
or your fathers friend, 21 aProv. 17:3 And the herbs of the mountains
Nor go to your brothers house are gathered in,
in the day of your calamity; 26 The lambs will provide your
aBetter is a neighbor nearby 22 aProv.
23:35; 26:11; clothing,
than a brother far away. Jer. 5:3 And the goats the price of a
11 My son, be wise, and make my 27 You shall have enough goats
23 aProv. 24:27
heart glad, milk for your food,
aThat I may answer him who For the food of your
reproaches me. 25 aPs. 104:14 household,
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579 PROVERBS 28:28

And the nourishment of your CHAPTER 28 14 Happy is the man who is
maidservants. always reverent,
1 aLev. 26:17, But he who hardens his heart
The awicked flee when no one 36; Ps. 53:5 will fall into calamity.
28 pursues,
But the righteous are bold as a
3 aMatt. 18:28
1Lit. and 15 aLike a roaring lion and a
lion. there is no charging bear
bread bIs a wicked ruler over poor

2 Because of the transgression of people.

4 aPs. 49:18;
a land, many are its princes; Rom. 1:32
But by a man of understanding b1 Kin. 18:18; 16 A ruler who lacks
and knowledge Neh. 13:11, understanding is a great
15; Matt. 3:7; aoppressor,
Right will be prolonged. 14:4; Eph.
But he who hates covetousness
3 A poor man who oppresses the
a will prolong his days.
poor 5 aPs. 92:6; Is.
Is like a driving rain 1which 6:9; 44:18 bPs. 17 aA man burdened with
119:100; Prov. bloodshed will flee into a pit;
leaves no food. 2:9; John
17:17; 1 Cor. Let no one help him.
4 aThose who forsake the law 2:15; [1 John
praise the wicked, 2:20, 27] 18 Whoever walks blamelessly
bBut such as keep the law will be 1saved,
9 aPs. 66:18;
contend with them. 109:7; Prov. But he who is perverse in his
15:8 ways will suddenly fall.
5 Evil men do not understand
justice, 10 aPs. 7:15; 19 aHe who tills his land will have
Prov. 26:27 plenty of bread,
But bthose who seek the LORD b[Matt. 6:33;
understand all. Heb. 6:12; But he who follows frivolity
1 Pet. 3:9] will have poverty enough!
6 Better is the poor who walks in
12 aProv. 20 A faithful man will abound
his integrity 11:10; 29:2
Than one perverse in his ways, 1Lit. will be with blessings,
aBut he who hastens to be rich
though he be rich. searched for
will not go unpunished.
7 Whoever keeps the law is a 13 aPs. 32:35;
1 John 1:810 21 aTo 1show partiality is not good,
discerning son,
bBecause for a piece of bread a
But a companion of gluttons 15 aProv.
shames his father. 19:12; 1 Pet. man will transgress.
5:8 bEx. 1:14;
Prov. 29:2; 22 A man with an evil eye hastens
8 One who increases his Matt. 2:16
possessions by usury and after riches,
extortion 16 aEccl.
10:16; And does not consider that
apoverty will come upon him.
Gathers it for him who will pity Is. 3:12
the poor.
17 aGen. 9:6 23 aHe who rebukes a man will
9 One who turns away his ear 18 1delivered
find more favor afterward
from hearing the law, Than he who flatters with the
aEven his prayer is an 19 aProv. tongue.
abomination. 12:11; 20:13
24 Whoever robs his father or his
20 aProv. mother,
10 aWhoever causes the upright to 13:11; 20:21;
go astray in an evil way, 23:4; 1 Tim. And says, It is no
He himself will fall into his 6:9 transgression,
own pit; The same ais companion to a
bBut the blameless will inherit 21 aProv. 18:5 destroyer.
bEzek. 13:19
good. 1Lit. recog-
nize faces 25 aHe who is of a proud heart stirs
11 The rich man is wise in his own up strife,
22 aProv. 21:5 bBut he who trusts in the LORD
But the poor who has 23 aProv.
will be prospered.
understanding searches him 27:5, 6
out. 26 He who atrusts in his own heart
24 aProv. 18:9 is a fool,
12 When the righteous rejoice, But whoever walks wisely will
there is great aglory; 25 aProv. 13:10 be delivered.
bProv. 29:25;
But when the wicked arise, 1 Tim. 6:6
men 1hide themselves. 27 aHe who gives to the poor will
26 aProv. 3:5 not lack,
13 He who covers his sins will not
a But he who hides his eyes will
prosper, 27 aDeut. 15:7; have many curses.
Prov. 19:17;
But whoever confesses and 22:9
forsakes them will have 28 When the wicked arise, amen
mercy. 28 aJob 24:4 hide themselves;
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PROVERBS 29:1 580

But when they perish, the CHAPTER 29 16 When the wicked are multiplied,
righteous increase. transgression increases;
1 a2
Chr. But the righteous will see their
36:16; Prov. afall.

who is often rebuked,
hardens his neck,
suddenly be destroyed, 17 Correct your son, and he will
2 aEsth. 8:15;
and that without remedy. Prov. 28:12 give you rest;
bEsth. 4:3 1be- Yes, he will give delight to your
2 When the righteous 1are in come great soul.
authority, the apeople rejoice; 5 aProv. 26:28
But when a wicked man rules, 18 aWhere there is no 1revelation,
bthe people groan.
7 aJob 29:16;
the people cast off restraint;
Ps. 41:1; Prov. But bhappy is he who keeps the
3 Whoever loves wisdom makes 31:8, 9 law.
his father rejoice,
But a companion of harlots 8 aProv. 11:11 19 A servant will not be corrected
wastes his wealth. by mere words;
9 aMatt. 11:17 For though he understands, he
4 The king establishes the land 10 aGen. 4:58;
will not respond.
by justice, 1 John 3:12
But he who receives bribes 1Lit. soul or 20 Do you see a man hasty in his
life words?
overthrows it.
aThere is more hope for a fool
11 aProv. 14:33
5 A man who aflatters his 1Lit. spirit than for him.
Spreads a net for his feet. 13 a[Matt. 21 He who pampers his servant
5:45] from childhood
6 By transgression an evil man is Will have him as a son in the
snared, 14 aPs. 72:4; Is. end.
But the righteous sings and
rejoices. 15 aProv. 22:15 22 aAn angry man stirs up strife,
And a furious man abounds in
7 The righteous aconsiders the 16 aPs. 37:34; transgression.
cause of the poor, Prov. 21:12
But the wicked does not 23 aA mans pride will bring him
understand such knowledge. 18 a1 Sam. 3:1; low,
Ps. 74:9;
Amos 8:11, 12 But the humble in spirit will
8 Scoffers aset a city aflame, bProv. 8:32; retain honor.
But wise men turn away wrath. John 13:17
24 Whoever is a partner with a
9 If a wise man contends with a thief hates his own life;
foolish man, 20 aProv. 26:12
aHe 1swears to tell the truth, but
aWhether the fool rages or reveals nothing.
laughs, there is no peace. 22 aProv. 26:21
25 aThe fear of man brings a snare,
10 The bloodthirsty hate the
a 23 aJob 22:29; But whoever trusts in the LORD
blameless, Prov. 15:33;
18:12; Is. 66:2; shall be 1safe.
But the upright seek his Dan. 4:30;
1well-being. Matt. 23:12; 26 aMany seek the rulers 1favor,
Luke 14:11;
18:14; Acts
But justice for man comes from
11 A fool vents all his afeelings,1 12:23; [James the LORD.
But a wise man holds them 4:610; 1 Pet.
back. 5:5, 6] 27 An unjust man is an
abomination to the righteous,
12 If a ruler pays attention to lies, 24 aLev. 5:1 And he who is upright in the
1Lit. hears the
All his servants become adjuration or way is an abomination to the
wicked. oath wicked.
13 The poor man and the 25 aGen. 12:12;
oppressor have this in 20:2; Luke The Wisdom of Agur
12:4; John
common: The words of Agur the son of
aThe LORD gives light to the
eyes of both.
12:42, 43
1secure, lit.
set on high
30 Jakeh, his utterance. This
man declared to Ithielto Ithiel and
26 aPs. 20:9
14 The king who judges the apoor 1Lit. face
with truth,
His throne will be established 2 Surely I am more stupid than

forever. CHAPTER 30 any man,

And do not have the
15 The rod and rebuke give 2 aPs. 73:22;
understanding of a man.
Prov. 12:1 3 I neither learned wisdom
But a child left to himself Nor have aknowledge of the
brings shame to his mother. 3 a[Prov. 9:10] Holy One.
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581 PROVERBS 30:33

4 aWho has ascended into heaven, 4 a[Ps. 68:18; The ravens of the valley will
or descended? John 3:13] pick it out,
bJob 38:4; Ps.
bWho has gathered the wind in And the young eagles will eat
104:3; Is.
His fists? 40:12 it.
Who has bound the waters in a
garment? 5 aPs. 12:6; 18 There are three things which
Who has established all the 19:8; 119:140 are too wonderful for me,
bPs. 18:30;
ends of the earth? 84:11; Yes, four which I do not
What is His name, and what is 115:911 understand:
His Sons name, 1tested, re-
19 The way of an eagle in the air,
If you know? fined, found The way of a serpent on a rock,
The way of a ship in the 1midst
5 Every word of God is 1pure;
6 aDeut. 4:2;
of the sea,
He is a shield to those who put
12:32; Rev. And the way of a man with a
their trust in Him. 22:18 virgin.
6 aDo not add to His words,
Lest He rebuke you, and you be 8 aJob 23:12; 20 This is the way of an adulterous
found a liar. Matt. 6:11; woman:
[Phil. 4:19]
She eats and wipes her mouth,
7 Two things I request of You 9 aDeut.
And says, I have done no
(Deprive me not before I die): 8:1214; Neh. wickedness.
8 Remove falsehood and lies far 9:25, 26; Hos.
from me; 13:6 21 For three things the earth is
Give me neither poverty nor perturbed,
riches 11 aEx. 21:17; Yes, for four it cannot bear up:
aFeed me with the food allotted Prov. 20:20 22 aFor a servant when he reigns,
to me; A fool when he is filled with
12 a[Prov.
9 aLest I be full and deny You, 16:2]; Is. 65:5; food,
And say, Who is the LORD? Luke 18:11; 23 A 1hateful woman when she is
Or lest I be poor and steal, [Titus 1:15, married,
And profane the name of my 16] And a maidservant who
God. succeeds her mistress.
13 aPs. 131:1;
Prov. 6:17; Is.
10 Do not malign a servant to his 2:11; 5:15 1In 24 There are four things which are
master, arrogance little on the earth,
Lest he curse you, and you be But they are exceedingly wise:
found guilty. 14 aJob 29:17; 25 The ants are a people not
Ps. 52:2 bPs. strong,
14:4; Amos
11 There is a generation that 8:4 Yet they prepare their food in
curses its afather, the summer;
And does not bless its mother. 16 aProv. 26 aThe 1rock badgers are a feeble
12 There is a generation athat is 27:20; Hab. folk,
pure in its own eyes, 2:5 1Or Sheol Yet they make their homes in
Yet is not washed from its the crags;
filthiness. 17 aGen. 9:22; 27 The locusts have no king,
Lev. 20:9;
13 There is a generationoh, how Prov. 20:20 Yet they all advance in ranks;
alofty are their eyes! 28 The 1spider skillfully grasps
And their eyelids are 1lifted up. 19 1Lit. heart with its hands,
14 There is a generation whose
a And it is in kings palaces.
teeth are like swords, 22 aProv.
And whose fangs are like 19:10; Eccl. 29 There are three things which
knives, 10:7 are majestic in pace,
bTo devour the poor from off the Yes, four which are stately in
earth, 23 1Or hated walk:
And the needy from among 30 A lion, which is mighty among
men. 25 aProv. 6:6 beasts
And does not turn away from
15 The leech has two daughters 26 aLev. 11:5; any;
Ps. 104:18
Give and Give! 1rock hyraxes 31 A 1greyhound,
A male goat also,
There are three things that are 28 1Or lizard And 2a king whose troops are
never satisfied, with him.
Four never say, Enough!: 31 1Or per-
16 The1 grave,
a haps 32 If you have been foolish in
The barren womb, strutting exalting yourself,
rooster, lit.
The earth that is not satisfied girded of Or if you have devised evil, aput
with water waist 2A Jew- your hand on your mouth.
And the fire never says, ish tradition a 33 For as the churning of milk
Enough! king against produces butter,
whom there is
no uprising And wringing the nose
17 aThe eye that mocks his father, produces blood,
And scorns obedience to his 32 aJob 21:5; So the forcing of wrath
mother, 40:4; Mic. 7:16 produces strife.
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PROVERBS 31:1 582

The Words of King Lemuels CHAPTER 31 And a portion for her
Mother maidservants.
16 She considers a field and buys
The words of King Lemuel,
31 the utterance which his mother
taught him:
2 aIs. 49:15 it;
From 1her profits she plants a
3 aProv. 5:9
bDeut. 17:17; 17 She girds herself with strength,
2 What, my son? 1 Kin. 11:1; And strengthens her arms.
And what, son of my womb? Neh. 13:26; 18 She perceives that her
Prov. 7:26;
And what, ason of my vows? Hos. 4:11 merchandise is good,
3 Do not give your strength to
a And her lamp does not go out
women, by night.
Nor your ways bto that which 4 aEccl. 10:17 19 She stretches out her hands to
destroys kings. the distaff,
5 aHos. 4:11
And her hand holds the spindle.
4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel,
a 1Lit. sons of 20 aShe extends her hand to the
It is not for kings to drink affliction poor,
wine, Yes, she reaches out her hands
Nor for princes intoxicating to the needy.
6 aPs. 104:15
drink; 21 She is not afraid of snow for
5 aLest they drink and forget the her household,
law, 8 aJob 29:15, For all her household is clothed
And pervert the justice of all 16; Ps. 82 1Lit. with scarlet.
1the afflicted. sons of pass- 22 She makes tapestry for herself;
ing away
6 aGive strong drink to him who is Her clothing is fine linen and
perishing, purple.
And wine to those who are 9 aLev. 19:15; 23 aHer husband is known in the
bitter of heart. Deut. 1:16
bJob 29:12; Is.
7 Let him drink and forget his 1:17; Jer. When he sits among the elders
poverty, 22:16 of the land.
And remember his misery no 24 She makes linen garments and
more. sells them,
10 aRuth 3:11; And supplies sashes for the
Prov. 12:4;
8 Open your mouth for the
19:14 1Vv. merchants.
speechless, 1031 are an 25 Strength and honor are her
In the cause of all who are alphabetic clothing;
1appointed to die. acrostic in
Hebrew; cf. She shall rejoice in time to
9 Open your mouth, ajudge Ps. 119 2Lit. a come.
righteously, wife of valor, 26 She opens her mouth with
And bplead the cause of the in the sense wisdom,
poor and needy. of all forms of
excellence And on her tongue is the law of
The Virtuous Wife kindness.
27 She watches over the ways of
10 aWho1 can find a 2virtuous wife? 15 aProv. her household,
20:13; Rom.
For her worth is far above 12:11 bLuke And does not eat the bread of
rubies. 12:42 idleness.
11 The heart of her husband 28 Her children rise up and call
safely trusts her; her blessed;
16 1Lit. the Her husband also, and he praises
So he will have no lack of gain. fruit of her
12 She does him good and not evil hands her:
All the days of her life. 29 Many daughters have done well,
13 She seeks wool and flax, But you excel them all.
And willingly works with her 20 aDeut. 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty
15:11; Job
hands. 31:1620; is passing,
14 She is like the merchant ships, Prov. 22:9; But a woman who fears the
She brings her food from afar. Rom. 12:13; LORD, she shall be praised.
15 aShe also rises while it is yet Eph. 4:28; 31 Give her of the fruit of her
Heb. 13:16
night, hands,
And bprovides food for her And let her own works praise
household, 23 aProv. 12:4 her in the gates.
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The Book of


T HE key word in Ecclesiastes is vanity, the futile emptiness of trying to be

happy apart from God. The Preacher (traditionally taken to be Solomon
1:1, 12the wisest, richest, most influential king in Israels history) looks at life
under the sun (1:9) and, from the human perspective, declares it all to be empty.
Power, popularity, prestige, pleasurenothing can fill the God-shaped void in
mans life but God Himself! But once seen from Gods perspective, life takes on
meaning and purpose, causing Solomon to exclaim, Eat . . . drink . . . rejoice . . .
do good . . . live joyfully . . . fear God . . . keep His commandments! Skepticism
and despair melt away when life is viewed as a daily gift from God.
The Hebrew title Qoheleth is a rare term, found only in Ecclesiastes (1:1, 2, 12;
7:27; 12:810). It comes from the word qahal, to convoke an assembly, to assem-
ble. Thus, it means One Who Addresses an Assembly, A Preacher. The Septu-
agint used the Greek word Ekklesiastes as its title for this book. Derived from the
word ekklesia, assembly, congregation, church, it simply means Preacher.
The Latin Ecclesiastes means Speaker Before an Assembly.

The Vanity of Life CHAPTER 1 It has already been in ancient

times before us.
HE words of the Preacher, the
T son of David, aking in Jerusalem.
1 aProv. 1:1

2 aPs. 39:5, 6;
11 There is ano remembrance of
former things,
62:9; 144:4 Nor will there be any
2 Vanitya1 of vanities, says the b[Rom. 8:20,
remembrance of things that
Preacher; 21] 1Or are to come
Vanity of vanities, ball is Absurdity,
By those who will come after.
vanity. Frustration,
Futility, Non-
sense; and so The Grief of Wisdom
3 aWhat profit has a man from all throughout
his labor the book 12 I, the Preacher, was king over
In which he 1toils under the Israel in Jerusalem.
3 aEccl. 2:22; 13 And I set my heart to seek and
sun? 3:9 1labors asearch out by wisdom concerning
4 One generation passes away,
and another generation 4 aPs. 104:5; all that is done under heaven; bthis
comes; 119:90 burdensome task God has given to
aBut the earth abides forever. the sons of man, by which they may
5 aPs. 19:46 be 1exercised.
5 aThe sun also rises, and the sun
1Is eager for,
goes down, lit. panting 14 I have seen all the works that
And 1hastens to the place are done under the sun; and indeed,
where it arose. 6 aJohn 3:8 all is vanity and grasping for the
6 aThe wind goes toward the wind.
7 a[Jer. 5:22]
And turns around to the north; 8 aProv. 27:20
15 aWhat is crooked cannot be
The wind whirls about 1wearisome made straight,
continually, And what is lacking cannot be
And comes again on its circuit. 9 aEccl. 3:15 numbered.
7 aAll the rivers run into the sea,
11 aEccl. 2:16
Yet the sea is not full; 16 I communed with my heart, say-
To the place from which the 13 a[Eccl. 7:25;
ing, Look, I have attained greatness,
rivers come, 8:16, 17] and have gained amore wisdom than
There they return again. bEccl. 3:10 all who were before me in Jeru-
1Or afflicted
8 All things are 1full of labor; salem. My heart has 1understood
Man cannot express it. 15 aEccl. 7:13
great wisdom and knowledge.
aThe eye is not satisfied with 17 aAnd I set my heart to know
seeing, 16 a1 Kin. wisdom and to know madness and
Nor the ear filled with hearing. 3:12, 13 1Lit. folly. I perceived that this also is
seen grasping for the wind.
9 That which has been is what
17 aEccl. 2:3,
will be, 12; 7:23, 25 18 For ain much wisdom is much
That which is done is what will grief,
be done, 18 aEccl. 12:12 And he who increases
And there is nothing new knowledge increases sorrow.
under the sun. The Vanity of Pleasure
10 Is there anything of which it 1 aLuke 12:19
may be said, I said ain my heart, Come now,
See, this is new?
b[Eccl. 7:4;
8:15] 2 I will test you with bmirth;
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1therefore enjoy pleasure; but 1 cEccl. 1:2 15 So I said in my heart,
surely, cthis also was vanity. As it happens to the fool,
2 I said of laughterMadness!; 3 aEccl. 1:17 It also happens to me,
and of mirth, What does it accom- b[Eccl. 3:12, And why was I then more
plish? 13; 5:18; 6:12]
1Lit. to draw
3 aI searched in my heart how 1to my flesh
Then I said in my heart,
gratify my flesh with wine, while This also is vanity.
guiding my heart with wisdom, and 4 a1 Kin. 16 For there is ano more
how to lay hold on folly, till I might 7:112 remembrance of the wise
see what was bgood for the sons of than of the fool forever,
6 1irrigate Since all that now is will be
men to do under heaven all the days
of their lives. 7 1Lit. sons of forgotten in the days to come.
4 I made my works great, I built my house And how does a wise man die?
myself ahouses, and planted myself As the fool!
8 a1 Kin. 9:28;
vineyards. 10:10, 14, 21
5 I made myself gardens and 1Exact mean- 17 Therefore I hated life because
orchards, and I planted all kinds of ing unknown the work that was done under the
fruit trees in them. sun was distressing to me, for all is
9 aEccl. 1:16 vanity and grasping for the wind.
6 I made myself water pools from b2 Chr. 9:22
which to 1water the growing trees of 1Lit. increased 18 Then I hated all my labor in
the grove. which I had toiled under the sun,
7 I acquired male and female ser- 10 aEccl. 3:22; because aI must leave it to the man
vants, and had 1servants born in my 5:18; 9:9 1Lit. who will come after me.
portion 19 And who knows whether he will
house. Yes, I had greater posses-
sions of herds and flocks than all 11 aEccl. 1:3, be wise or a fool? Yet he will rule
who were in Jerusalem before me. 14 over all my labor in which I toiled
8 aI also gathered for myself silver and in which I have shown myself
and gold and the special treasures
12 aEccl. 1:17; wise under the sun. This also is van-
7:25 bEccl. 1:9 ity.
of kings and of the provinces. I
acquired male and female singers, 13 aEccl. 7:11, 20 Therefore I turned my heart and
the delights of the sons of men, and 14, 19; 9:18; despaired of all the labor in which I
1musical instruments of all kinds.
10:10 had toiled under the sun.
9 aSo I became great and 1excelled 21 For there is a man whose labor
14 aProv.
bmore than all who were before me 17:24; Eccl. is with wisdom, knowledge, and
in Jerusalem. Also my wisdom re- 8:1 bPs. 49:10; skill; yet he must leave his 1heritage
mained with me.
Eccl. 9:2, 3, 11 to a man who has not labored for it.
This also is vanity and a great evil.
16 aEccl. 1:11; 22 aFor what has man for all his
10 Whatever my eyes desired I did 4:16
labor, and for the striving of his
not keep from them. heart with which he has toiled
18 aPs. 49:10
I did not withhold my heart under the sun?
from any pleasure, 21 1Lit. por- 23 For all his days are asorrowful,
For my heart rejoiced in all my tion
and his work burdensome; even in
labor; the night his heart takes no rest.
And athis was my 1reward from 22 aEccl. 1:3;
3:9 This also is vanity.
all my labor. 24 aNothing is better for a man
11 Then I looked on all the works 23 aJob 5:7; than that he should eat and drink,
that my hands had done 14:1
and that his soul should enjoy good
And on the labor in which I in his labor. This also, I saw, was
had toiled; 24 aEccl. 3:12,
13, 22; Is. from the hand of God.
And indeed all was avanity and 56:12; Luke 25 For who can eat, or who can
grasping for the wind. 12:19; 1 Cor.
have enjoyment, 1more than I?
There was no profit under the 15:32; [1 Tim.
6:17] 26 For God gives awisdom and
sun. knowledge and joy to a man who is
25 1So with good in His sight; but to the sinner
The End of the Wise and the Fool MT, Tg., Vg.;
some Heb.
He gives the work of gathering and
12 Then I turned myself to mss., LXX, collecting, that bhe may give to him
consider wisdom aand Syr. without who is good before God. This also is
madness and folly; Him vanity and grasping for the wind.
For what can the man do who 26 aJob 32:8;
succeeds the king? Prov. 2:6;
Everything Has Its Time
Only what he has already James 1:5 To everything there is a season,
13 Then I saw that wisdom aexcels
bJob 27:16, 17;
Prov. 28:8 3 A atime for every purpose
under heaven:
As light excels darkness. CHAPTER 3 2 A time 1to be born,
14 The wise mans eyes are in his
a And aa time to die;
head, 1 aEccl. 3:17; A time to plant,
But the fool walks in darkness. 8:6 And a time to pluck what is
Yet I myself perceived 2 aJob 14:5;
That bthe same event happens Heb. 9:27 1Lit. 3 A time to kill,
to them all. to bear And a time to heal;
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A time to break down, 4 aRom. 12:15 tests them, that they may see that
And a time to build up; 5 aJoel 2:16; they themselves are like animals.
4 A time to aweep, 1 Cor. 7:5 19 aFor what happens to the sons of
And a time to laugh; 7 aAmos 5:13 men also happens to animals; one
A time to mourn, bProv. 25:11 thing befalls them: as one dies, so
And a time to dance; dies the other. Surely, they all have
8 aProv. 13:5;
5 A time to cast away stones, Luke 14:26 one breath; man has no advantage
And a time to gather stones; over animals, for all is vanity.
aA time to embrace, 9 aEccl. 1:3 20 All go to one place: aall are from
And a time to refrain from 10 aEccl. 1:13 the dust, and all return to dust.
embracing; 11 aJob 5:9; 21 aWho1 knows the spirit of the
6 A time to gain, Eccl. 7:23; sons of men, which goes upward,
And a time to lose; 8:17; Rom. and the spirit of the animal, which
A time to keep, 11:33 goes down to the earth?
And a time to throw away; 12 aEccl. 2:3, 22 aSo I perceived that nothing is
7 A time to tear, 24 better than that a man should
And a time to sew; 13 aEccl. 2:24 rejoice in his own works, for bthat is
aA time to keep silence,
his 1heritage. cFor who can bring
And a time to bspeak; 14 aJames 1:17
him to see what will happen after
8 A time to love, 15 aEccl. 1:9 him?
And a time to ahate; 1Lit. seeks
Then I returned and considered
A time of war,
And a time of peace.
2what is pur-
sued 4 all the aoppression that is done
under the sun:
16 aEccl. 5:8
The God-Given Task 1justice
2Wickedness And look! The tears of the
9 aWhat profit has the worker oppressed,
from that in which he labors? 17 aGen. 18:25;
Ps. 96:13; But they have no comforter
10 aI have seen the God-given task Eccl. 11:9; 1On the side of their oppressors
with which the sons of men are to [Matt. 16:27; there is power,
be occupied. Rom. 2:610; But they have no comforter.
11 He has made everything beauti- 2 Cor. 5:10;
2 Thess. 2 Therefore I praised the dead
ful in its time. Also He has put eter- 1:69] 1desire who were already dead,
nity in their hearts, except that ano More than the living who are
19 aPs. 49:12,
one can find out the work that God 20; 73:22; still alive.
does from beginning to end. [Eccl. 2:16] 3 aYet, better than both is he who
12 I know that nothing is abetter has never existed,
20 aGen. 3:19;
for them than to rejoice, and to do Ps. 103:14 Who has not seen the evil work
good in their lives, that is done under the sun.
13 and also that aevery man should 21 aEccl. 12:7
1LXX, Syr.,
eat and drink and enjoy the good of Tg., Vg. Who The Vanity of Selfish Toil
all his laborit is the gift of God. knows
whether the 4 Again, I saw that for all toil and
14 I know that whatever God does, spirit . . . goes every skillful work a man is envied
It shall be forever. upward, and by his neighbor. This also is vanity
whether . . . and grasping for the wind.
aNothing can be added to it,
goes down-
And nothing taken from it. ward to the
God does it, that men should earth? 5 The fool folds his hands

fear before Him. 22 aEccl. 2:24;

And consumes his own flesh.
15 aThat which is has already been, 5:18 bEccl. 6 aBetter a handful with quietness
And what is to be has already 2:10 cEccl. Than both hands full, together
6:12; 8:7 1por- with toil and grasping for the
been; tion or lot
And God 1requires an account wind.
of 2what is past. CHAPTER 4 7 Then I returned, and I saw van-
Injustice Seems to Prevail ity under the sun:
1 aJob 35:9;
16 Moreover aI saw under the sun: Ps. 12:5; Eccl.
8 There is one alone, without
3:16; 5:8; Is.
5:7 1Lit. At 1companion:
In the place of 1judgment, the hand He has neither son nor brother.
Wickedness was there; Yet there is no end to all his
2 aJob 3:17, 18
And in the place of labors,
righteousness, 3 aJob 3:1122;
Nor is his aeye satisfied with
2Iniquity was there. Eccl. 6:3;
Luke 23:29 riches.
17 I said in my heart, 5 aProv. 6:10; But bhe never asks,
24:33 For whom do I toil and deprive
God shall judge the righteous
a 6 aProv. 15:16,
myself of cgood?
and the wicked, 17; 16:8 This also is vanity and a 2grave
For there is a time there for misfortune.
8 aProv. 27:20;
every 1purpose and for every Eccl. 5:10; The Value of a Friend
work. [1 John 2:16]
bPs. 39:6
cEccl. 2:1821 9 Two are better than one,
18 I said in my heart, Concerning 1Lit. a second Because they have a good
the condition of the sons of men, God 2Lit. evil task reward for their labor.
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10 For if they fall, one will lift up 14 1The youth 7 For in the multitude of dreams
his companion. and many words there is also van-
But woe to him who is alone ity. But afear God.
16 1Lit. to all
when he falls, before whom
For he has no one to help he was to be The Vanity of Gain and Honor
him up. 8 If you asee the oppression of the
11 Again, if two lie down together, poor, and the violent 1perversion of
they will keep warm; justice and righteousness in a
But how can one be warm province, do not marvel at the mat-
alone? ter; for bhigh official watches over
12 Though one may be high official, and higher officials are
overpowered by another, two 1 aEx. 3:5; Is.
1:12 b[1 Sam. over them.
can withstand him. 15:22]; Ps. 9 Moreover the profit of the land
And a threefold cord is not 50:8; Prov. is for all; even the king is served
quickly broken. 15:8; 21:27;
from the field.
[Hos. 6:6]
Popularity Passes Away
10 He who loves silver will not be
13 Better a poor and wise youth 2 aProv. 20:25 satisfied with silver;
Than an old and foolish king bProv. 10:19;
Nor he who loves abundance,
who will be admonished no Matt. 6:7 with increase.
more. This also is vanity.
14 For he comes out of prison to 3 aProv. 10:19
be king, 11 When goods increase,
Although 1he was born poor in They increase who eat them;
his kingdom. 4 aNum. 30:2; So what profit have the owners
15 I saw all the living who walk Deut. Except to see them with their
under the sun; 23:2123; Ps. eyes?
50:14; 76:11
They were with the second bPs. 66:13, 14
youth who stands in his 12 The sleep of a laboring man is
place. sweet,
16 There was no end of all the 5 aProv. 20:25; Whether he eats little or much;
people 1over whom he was Acts 5:4 But the abundance of the rich
made king; will not permit him to sleep.
Yet those who come afterward 6 aProv. 6:2
will not rejoice in him. b1 Cor. 11:10 13 aThere is a severe evil which I
Surely this also is vanity and 1Lit. voice have seen under the sun:
grasping for the wind. Riches kept for their owner to
his hurt.
Fear God, Keep Your Vows 7 a[Eccl. 12:13] 14 But those riches perish through
Walk aprudently when you go to
5 the house of God; and draw
near to hear rather bthan to give the
8 aEccl. 3:16
b[Ps. 12:5;
When he begets a son, there is
nothing in his hand.
sacrifice of fools, for they do not 58:11; 82:1] 15 aAs he came from his mothers
know that they do evil. womb, naked shall he return,
To go as he came;
2 Do not be arash with your 13 aEccl. 6:1, 2
And he shall take nothing from
mouth, his labor
And let not your heart utter Which he may carry away in
anything hastily before God. 14 1Lit. bad his hand.
For God is in heaven, and you business
on earth; 16 And this also is a severe evil
Therefore let your words bbe Just exactly as he came, so
15 aJob 1:21; shall he go.
few. Ps. 49:17;
3 For a dream comes through 1 Tim. 6:7 And awhat profit has he bwho
much activity, has labored for the wind?
And aa fools voice is known by 17 All his days ahe also eats in
his many words. 16 aEccl. 1:3
bProv. 11:29
And he has much sorrow and
4 When you make a vow to God,
a sickness and anger.
do not delay to bpay it; 17 aPs. 127:2
For He has no pleasure in 18 Here is what I have seen: aIt is
fools. good and fitting for one to eat and
Pay what you have vowed 18aEccl. 2:24; drink, and to enjoy the good of all
5 aBetter not to vow than to vow 3:12, 13; his labor in which he toils under the
and not pay. [1 Tim. 6:17] sun all the days of his life which God
bEccl. 2:10;
3:22 1Lit. por- gives him; bfor it is his 1heritage.
6 Do not let your amouth cause tion 19 As for aevery man to whom God
your flesh to sin, bnor say before the has given riches and wealth, and
messenger of God that it was an given him power to eat of it, to
error. Why should God be angry at 19 a[Eccl. 6:2] receive his 1heritage and rejoice in
bEccl. 2:24;
your 1excuse and destroy the work 3:13 1Lit. por- his laborthis is the bgift of God.
of your hands? tion 20 For he will not dwell unduly on
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the days of his life, because God CHAPTER 6 4 The heart of the wise is in the
keeps him busy with the joy of his house of mourning,
heart. 1 aEccl. 5:13 But the heart of fools is in the
Therea is an evil which I have house of mirth.
6 seen under the sun, and it is
common among men:
2 aJob 21:10;
Ps. 17:14; 73:7
bLuke 12:20
5 It is better to 1hear the rebuke
2 A man to whom God has given of the wise
riches and wealth and honor, aso 3 a2 Kin. 9:35; Than for a man to hear the
that he lacks nothing for himself of Is. 14:19, 20; song of fools.
all he desires; byet God does not Jer. 22:19 bJob 6 aFor like the 1crackling of thorns
3:16; Ps. 58:8;
give him power to eat of it, but a for- Eccl. 4:3 1Or under a pot,
eigner consumes it. This is vanity, miscarriage So is the laughter of the fool.
and it is an evil 1affliction. 6 aEccl. 2:14,
This also is vanity.
3 If a man begets a hundred chil- 15 7 Surely oppression destroys a
dren and lives many years, so that the wise mans reason,
days of his years are many, but his 7 aProv. 16:26 aAnd a bribe 1debases the heart.
soul is not satisfied with goodness, or 9 aEccl. 11:9
aindeed he has no burial, I say that ba 1What the
8 The end of a thing is better
1stillborn child is better than he eyes see 2Lit. than its beginning;
soul aThe patient in spirit is better
4 for it comes in vanity and
departs in darkness, and its name is 10 aEccl. 1:9; than the proud in spirit.
covered with darkness. 3:15 bJob 9:32; 9 aDo not hasten in your spirit to
Is. 45:9; Jer.
5 Though it has not seen the sun 49:19 be angry,
or known anything, this has more For anger rests in the bosom of
rest than that man, 12 aPs. 102:11; fools.
James 4:14
6 even if he lives a thousand years bPs. 39:6; 10 Do not say,
twicebut has not seen goodness. Eccl. 3:22 1Lit. Why were the former days
Do not all go to one aplace? the number of better than these?
the days
2futile For you do not inquire wisely
7 All the labor of man is for his
concerning this.
And yet the soul is not CHAPTER 7
11 Wisdom is good with an
satisfied. aProv.
8 For what more has the wise 1 22:1
bEccl. 4:2 And profitable ato those who
man than the fool? see the sun.
What does the poor man have, 2 a[Ps. 90:12] 12 For wisdom is 1a adefense as
Who knows how to walk before 3 a[2 Cor. 7:10] money is a defense,
the living? 1Vexation or
But the 2excellence of
9 Better is 1the asight of the eyes Grief 2well or knowledge is that wisdom
than the wandering of 2desire. pleasing
gives blife to those who
This also is vanity 5 aPs. 141:5; have it.
and grasping for the wind. [Prov. 13:18;
15:31, 32]
1listen to 13 Consider the work of God;
10 Whatever one is, he has been For awho can make straight
named aalready, 6 aEccl. 2:2
1Lit. sound what He has made crooked?
For it is known that he is man; 14 aIn the day of prosperity be
bAnd he cannot contend with 7 aEx. 23:8; joyful,
Him who is mightier than he. Deut. 16:19; But in the day of adversity
11 Since there are many things [Prov. 17:8,
23] 1destroys consider:
that increase vanity, Surely God has appointed the
How is man the better? 8 aProv. 14:29; one 1as well as the other,
Gal. 5:22;
Eph. 4:2 So that man can find out
12 For who knows what is good for nothing that will come after
man in life, 1all the days of his 2vain 9 aProv. 14:17; him.
life which he passes like aa shadow? James 1:19
bWho can tell a man what will hap-
11 aEccl. 11:7 15 I have seen everything in my
pen after him under the sun? 12 aEccl. 9:18 days of vanity:
bProv. 3:18 1A
The Value of Practical Wisdom protective There is a just man who
shade, lit.
A agood name is better than perishes in his righteousness,
7 precious ointment,
And the day of death than the
shadow 2ad-
vantage or
And there is a wicked man who
prolongs life in his
day of ones bbirth; 13 aJob 12:14
2 Better to go to the house of
mourning 14 aDeut. 28:47
16 aDo not be overly righteous,
Than to go to the house of bNor be overly wise:
feasting, 15 aEccl. Why should you destroy
For that is the end of all men; 8:1214 yourself?
And the living will take it to 16 aProv. 17 Do not be overly wicked,
aheart. 25:16; Phil. 3:6 Nor be foolish:
3 1Sorrow is better than laughter, bRom. 12:3 aWhy should you die before
aFor by a sad countenance the
17 aJob 15:32; your time?
heart is made 2better. Ps. 55:23 18 It is good that you grasp this,
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And also not remove your hand 18 aEccl. 3:14; presence. Do not take your stand for
from the other; 5:7; 8:12, 13 an evil thing, for he does whatever
1Lit. come
For he who afears God will forth from all pleases him.
1escape them all. of them
19 aProv.
4 Where the word of a king is,
19 aWisdom strengthens the wise 21:22; Eccl. there is power;
More than ten rulers of the city. 9:1318 And awho may say to him,
What are you doing?
20 a1 Kin. 8:46;
20 aFor there is not a just man on 2 Chr. 6:36; 5 He who keeps his command
earth who does good Prov. 20:9; will experience nothing
And does not sin. Rom. 3:23; harmful;
1 John 1:8 And a wise mans heart
21 Also do not take to heart 23 aRom. 1:22 1discerns both time and
everything people say, 1tested judgment,
Lest you hear your servant 24 aJob 28:12;
6 Because afor every matter there
cursing you. 1 Tim. 6:16 is a time and judgment,
22 For many times, also, your own bRom. 11:33 Though the misery of man
heart has known 1increases greatly.
25 aEccl. 1:17
That even you have cursed 7 aFor he does not know what will
others. 26 aProv. 5:3, 4 happen;
1Lit. He who
So who can tell him when it
23 All this I have 1proved by is good before
God will occur?
wisdom. 8 aNo one has power over the
aI said, I will be wise; 27 aEccl. 1:1, 2 spirit to retain the spirit,
But it was far from me. 28 aJob 33:23 And no one has power in the
24 aAs for that which is far off and day of death.
bexceedingly deep, 29 aGen. 1:27
bGen. 3:6, 7
There is bno release from that
Who can find it out? war,
25 aI applied my heart to know, And wickedness will not deliver
To search and seek out wisdom CHAPTER 8 those who are given to it.
and the reason of things,
To know the wickedness of folly, 1 aProv. 4:8, 9; 9 All this I have seen, and applied
Even of foolishness and Acts 6:15 my heart to every work that is done
bDeut. 28:50
madness. 1Lit. strength under the sun: There is a time in
26 aAnd I find more bitter than which one man rules over another
death 2 aEx. 22:11; to his own hurt.
2 Sam. 21:7;
The woman whose heart is 1 Chr. 29:24;
snares and nets, Ezek. 17:18; Death Comes to All
Whose hands are fetters. [Rom. 13:5]
10 Then I saw the wicked buried,
1He who pleases God shall
3 aEccl. 10:4 who had come and gone from the
escape from her, place of holiness, and they were
But the sinner shall be trapped 4 a1 Sam. aforgotten1 in the city where they
13:11, 13; Job
by her. 34:18 had so done. This also is vanity.
5 1Lit. knows
11 aBecause the sentence against
27 Here is what I have found, an evil work is not executed speed-
says athe Preacher, 6 aEccl. 3:1, 17 ily, therefore the heart of the sons of
Adding one thing to the other 1is great upon
men is fully set in them to do evil.
to find out the reason, him
12 aThough a sinner does evil a
28 Which my soul still seeks but I 7 aProv. 24:22; hundred times, and his days are
cannot find: Eccl. 6:12 prolonged, yet I surely know that bit
aOne man among a thousand I
8 aPs. 49:6, 7; will be well with those who fear
have found, Job 14:5 God, who fear before Him.
But a woman among all these I bDeut. 20:58
13 But it will not be well with the
have not found. wicked; nor will he prolong his days,
29 Truly, this only I have found: 10 aEccl. 2:16;
aThat God made man upright, 9:5 1Some which are as a shadow, because he
Heb. mss., does not fear before God.
But bthey have sought out many LXX, Vg. 14 There is a vanity which occurs
schemes. praised
on earth, that there are just men to
11 aPs. 10:6; whom it ahappens according to the
is like a wise man?
8 Who
And who knows the
interpretation of a thing?
50:21; Is.
work of the wicked; again, there are
wicked men to whom it happens
12 aIs. 65:20; according to the work of the brigh-
A mans wisdom makes his [Rom. 2:57] teous. I said that this also is vanity.
face shine, b[Deut. 4:40;
15 aSo I commended enjoyment,
And bthe 1sternness of his face Ps. 37:11, 18,
19; Prov. 1:32, because a man has nothing better
is changed. 33; Is. 3:10; under the sun than to eat, drink, and
Matt. 25:34, be merry; for this will remain with
Obey Authorities for Gods Sake 41]
him in his labor all the days of his life
2 I say, Keep the kings com- 14 aPs. 73:14 which God gives him under the sun.
bEccl. 2:14;
mandment afor the sake of your 16 When I applied my heart to
7:15; 9:13
oath to God. know wisdom and to see the busi-
3 aDo not be hasty to go from his 15 aEccl. 2:24 ness that is done on earth, even
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though one sees no sleep day or 17 aJob 5:9; Ps. 11 I returned aand saw under the
73:16; Eccl. sun that
night, 3:11; Rom.
17 then I saw all the work of God, 11:33
that aa man cannot find out the work The race is not to the swift,
that is done under the sun. For Nor the battle to the strong,
though a man labors to discover it, CHAPTER 9 Nor bread to the wise,
yet he will not find it; moreover, Nor riches to men of
though a wise man attempts to know understanding,
it, he will not be able to find it. 1 aDeut. 33:3; Nor favor to men of skill;
For I 1considered all this in my Job 12:10; But time and bchance happen
9 heart, so that I could declare it
all: athat the righteous and the wise
Eccl. 8:14 1Lit.
to them all.
12 For aman also does not know
and their works are in the hand of his time:
God. People know neither love nor 2 aGen. Like fish taken in a cruel net,
3:1719; Job
hatred by anything they see before 21:7; Ps. 73:3, Like birds caught in a snare,
them. 12, 13; Mal. So the sons of men are bsnared
2 aAll things come alike to all: 3:15 1LXX, in an evil time,
Syr., Vg. good When it falls suddenly upon
and bad,
One event happens to the them.
righteous and the wicked;
To the 1good, the clean, and the 5 aJob 14:21; Wisdom Superior to Folly
Is. 63:16 bJob
unclean; 7:810; Eccl. 13 This wisdom I have also seen
To him who sacrifices and him 1:11; 2:16; under the sun, and it seemed great
who does not sacrifice. 8:10; Is. 26:14
to me:
As is the good, so is the sinner; 14 aThere was a little city with few
He who takes an oath as he 7 aEccl. 8:15 men in it; and a great king came
who fears an oath. against it, besieged it, and built
9 aEccl. 2:10 great 1snares around it.
3 This is an evil in all that is done 1Lit. See life 15 Now there was found in it a
under the sun: that one thing hap- poor wise man, and he by his wis-
pens to all. Truly the hearts of the 10 a[Col. 3:17] dom delivered the city. Yet no one
sons of men are full of evil; madness bRom. 12:11; remembered that same poor man.
is in their hearts while they live, and Col. 3:23 16 Then I said:
after that they go to the dead.
4 But for him who is joined to all 11 aJer. 9:23; Wisdom is better than
the living there is hope, for a living Amos 2:14, 15 astrength.
b1 Sam. 6:9
dog is better than a dead lion. Nevertheless bthe poor mans
wisdom is despised,
5 For the living know that they 12 aEccl. 8:7 And his words are not
will die; bProv. 29:6;
But athe dead know nothing, Luke 12:20,
39; 17:26; 17 Words of the wise, spoken
And they have no more reward, 1 Thess. 5:3 quietly, should be heard
For bthe memory of them is Rather than the shout of a ruler
forgotten. 14 a2 Sam. of fools.
6 Also their love, their hatred, 20:1622 18 Wisdom is better than weapons
and their envy have now 1LXX, Syr., of war;
perished; Vg. bulwarks But aone sinner destroys much
Nevermore will they have a good.
share 16 aEccl. 7:12,
In anything done under the sun. 19 bMark
10AndDead flies putrefy the
1 2
6:2, 3
perfumers ointment,
7 Go, aeat your bread with joy, cause it to give off a foul
And drink your wine with a 18 aJosh. odor;
merry heart; 7:126; 2 Kin. So does a little folly to one
For God has already accepted respected for wisdom and
your works. honor.
8 Let your garments always be 2 A wise mans heart is at his
white, CHAPTER 10
right hand,
And let your head lack no oil. But a fools heart at his left.
1 1Lit. Flies of 3 Even when a fool walks along
9 1Live joyfully with the wife death 2Tg., the way,
whom you love all the days of your Vg. omit pu- He lacks wisdom,
vain life which He has given you un- trefy aAnd he shows everyone that he
der the sun, all your days of vanity; is a fool.
afor that is your portion in life, and 3 aProv. 13:16; 4 If the spirit of the ruler rises
in the labor which you perform un- 18:2 against you,
der the sun. aDo not leave your post;
10 aWhatever your hand finds to 4 aEccl. 8:3 For bconciliation1 pacifies great
do, do it with your bmight; for there b1 Sam.
is no work or device or knowledge 25:2433;
Prov. 25:15
or wisdom in the grave where you 1Lit. healing, 5 There is an evil I have seen
are going. health under the sun,
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As an error proceeding from 6 aEsth. 3:1 The Value of Diligence
1exalted posi-
the ruler: tions Cast your bread aupon the
6 aFolly is set in 1great dignity,
While the rich sit in a lowly 7 aProv. 19:10;
11 waters,
bFor you will find it after many
7 I have seen servants aon horses, 8 aPs. 7:15; days.
While princes walk on the Prov. 26:27 2 aGive a serving bto seven, and
ground like servants. also to eight,
10 1Lit. is a cFor you do not know what evil
successful ad-
8 He who digs a pit will fall into
a vantage will be on the earth.
it, 11 aPs. 58:4, 5;
3 If the clouds are full of rain,
And whoever breaks through a Jer. 8:17 1Lit.
master of the They empty themselves upon
wall will be bitten by a tongue the earth;
serpent. And if a tree falls to the south
9 He who quarries stones may be 12 aProv.
10:32; Luke or the north,
hurt by them, 4:22 bProv. In the place where the tree
And he who splits wood may be 10:14; Eccl. falls, there it shall lie.
endangered by it. 4:5
4 He who observes the wind will
10 If the ax is dull, 14 a[Prov. not sow,
And one does not sharpen the 15:2]; Eccl. 5:3 And he who regards the clouds
bEccl. 3:22;
edge, will not reap.
Then he must use more
strength; 16 aIs. 3:4, 5; 5 As ayou do not know what is
But wisdom 1brings success. 5:11
the way of the 1wind,
17aProv. 31:4; Or how the bones grow in the
11 A serpent may bite awhen it is Is. 5:11 womb of her who is with
not charmed; 18 aProv. child,
The 1babbler is no different. 24:3034 1Lit. So you do not know the works
12 aThe words of a wise mans rafters sink of God who makes
mouth are gracious, 19 aJudg. 9:13; everything.
But bthe lips of a fool shall Ps. 104:15; 6 In the morning sow your
swallow him up; Eccl. 2:3
13 The words of his mouth begin 20aEx. 22:28; And in the evening do not
with foolishness, Acts 23:5 withhold your hand;
And the end of his talk is For you do not know which will
raving madness. CHAPTER 11 prosper,
14 aA fool also multiplies words. Either this or that,
No man knows what is to be; 1 aIs. 32:20
b[Deut. 15:10;
Or whether both alike will be
Who can tell him bwhat will be Prov. 19:17;
after him? Matt. 10:42;
15 The labor of fools wearies 2 Cor. 9:8; 7 Truly the light is sweet,
them, Gal. 6:9, 10; And it is pleasant for the eyes
Heb. 6:10] ato behold the sun;
For they do not even know how
to go to the city! 2 aPs. 112:9; 8 But if a man lives many years
Matt. 5:42; And arejoices in them all,
Luke 6:30;
16 aWoe to you, O land, when your [1 Tim. 6:18, Yet let him bremember the days
king is a child, 19] bMic. 5:5 of darkness,
And your princes feast in the cEph. 5:16 For they will be many.
morning! 5 aJohn 3:8 All that is coming is vanity.
17 Blessed are you, O land, when bPs. 139:14
your king is the son of 1Or spirit Seek God in Early Life
nobles, 7 aEccl. 7:11 9 Rejoice, O young man, in your
And your aprinces feast at the youth,
8 aEccl. 9:7
proper time bEccl. 12:1 And let your heart cheer you in
For strength and not for the days of your youth;
drunkenness! 9 aNum. 15:39; aWalk in the 1ways of your
Job 31:7; Eccl.
18 Because of laziness the 2:10 bEccl. heart,
1building decays, 3:17; 12:14; And 2in the sight of your
And athrough idleness of hands [Rom. 14:10]
1Impulses 2As eyes;
the house leaks. you see to be But know that for all these
19 A feast is made for laughter, best bGod will bring you into
And awine makes merry; judgment.
10 a2 Cor. 7:1;
But money answers everything. 2 Tim. 2:22 10 Therefore remove 1sorrow from
bPs. 39:5 1vex- your heart,
20 aDo not curse the king, even in ation 2Prime And aput away evil from your
your thought; of life
Do not curse the rich, even in bFor childhood and 2youth are
your bedroom; CHAPTER 12 vanity.
For a bird of the air may carry
your voice, 1 a2 Chr. 34:3; Remember now your Creator
And a bird in flight may tell the
Prov. 22:6;
Lam. 3:27
1Lit. evil
in the days of your youth,
the difficult days come,
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And the years draw near bwhen 1 b2 Sam. Or the wheel broken at the
you say, 19:35
I have no pleasure in them: 4 a2 Sam. 7 aThen the dust will return to the
2 While the sun and the light, 19:35 earth as it was,
The moon and the stars, bAnd the spirit will return to
Are not darkened, 5 aJob 17:13 God cwho gave it.
bGen. 50:10;
And the clouds do not return Jer. 9:17
after the rain; 8 Vanitya of vanities, says the
3 In the day when the keepers of 6 1So with Qr., Preacher,
the house tremble, Tg.; Kt. re- All is vanity.
moved; LXX,
And the strong men bow down; Vg. broken
When the grinders cease The Whole Duty of Man
because they are few, 7 aGen. 3:19; 9 And moreover, because the
And those that look through Job 34:15; Ps.
Preacher was wise, he still taught
the windows grow dim; 90:3 bEccl.
4 When the doors are shut in the
3:21 cNum. the people knowledge; yes, he pon-
16:22; 27:16;
Job 34:14; Is.
dered and sought out and aset1 in
And the sound of grinding is 57:16; Zech. order many proverbs.
low; 12:1 10 The Preacher sought to find
1acceptable words; and what was
When one rises up at the sound 8 aPs. 62:9
of a bird, written was uprightwords of truth.
And all athe daughters of music 9 a1 Kin. 4:32 11 The words of the wise are like
are brought low. 1arranged goads, and the words of 1scholars
5 Also they are afraid of height, are like well-driven nails, given by
10 1Lit. de- one Shepherd.
And of terrors in the way; lightful
When the almond tree 12 And further, my son, be admon-
blossoms, 11 1Lit. mas- ished by these. Of making many
The grasshopper is a burden, ters of books there is no end, and amuch
assemblies study is wearisome to the flesh.
And desire fails.
For man goes to ahis eternal 12 aEccl. 1:18
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the
home, whole matter:
And bthe mourners go about 13 a[Deut. 6:2;
10:12]; Mic. Fear God and keep His
the streets. 6:8
6 Remember your Creator before 14aEccl. 11:9; For this is mans all.
the silver cord is 1loosed, Matt. 12:36; 14 For aGod will bring every work
Or the golden bowl is broken, [Acts 17:30, into judgment,
31; Rom. 2:16;
Or the pitcher shattered at the 1 Cor. 4:5; Including every secret thing,
fountain, 2 Cor. 5:10] Whether good or evil.



T HE Song of Solomon is a love song written by Solomon and abounding in

metaphors and oriental imagery. Historically, it depicts the wooing and wed-
ding of a shepherdess by King Solomon, and the joys and heartaches of wedded
Allegorically, it pictures Israel as Gods betrothed bride (Hos. 2:19, 20), and the
church as the bride of Christ. As human life finds its highest fulfillment in the love
of man and woman, so spiritual life finds its highest fulfillment in the love of God
for His people and Christ for His church.
The book is arranged like scenes in a drama with three main speakers: the
bride (Shulamite), the king (Solomon), and a chorus (daughters of Jerusalem).
The Hebrew title Shir Hashirim comes from 1:1, The song of songs. This is in
the superlative and speaks of Solomons most exquisite song. The Greek title
Asma Asmaton and the Latin Canticum Canticorum also mean Song of Songs
or The Best Song. The name Canticles (Songs) is derived from the Latin title.
Because Solomon is mentioned in 1:1, the book is also known as the Song of
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HE asong of songs, which is Sol- CHAPTER 1 10 aYour cheeks are lovely with
T omons. ornaments,
Your neck with chains of gold.
The Banquet 1 a1 Kin. 4:32
THE 1SHULAMITE 2 aSong 4:10
1A Palestinian 11 We will make 1you ornaments
2 Let him kiss me with the kisses young of gold
of his mouth woman, Song With studs of silver.
aFor 2your love is better than 6:13. The
speaker and
wine. audience are THE SHULAMITE
3 Because of the fragrance of identified ac-
12 While the king is at his table,
your good ointments, cording to the
Your name is ointment poured number, gen- My 1spikenard sends forth its
der, and fragrance.
forth; person of the
13 A bundle of myrrh is my
Therefore the virgins love you. Hebrew
beloved to me,
words. Occa-
4 Draw me away!
sionally the That lies all night between my
identity is not breasts.
14 My beloved is to me a cluster of
1Masc. sing.:
bWe will run after 1you.
the Beloved henna blooms
In the vineyards of En Gedi.
THE SHULAMITE 4 aHos. 11:4;
The king chas brought me into John 6:44; THE BELOVED
12:32 bPhil.
his chambers. 3:1214 cPs. 15 aBehold, you are fair, 1my love!
45:14, 15; Behold, you are fair!
THE DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM John 14:2; You have doves eyes.
Eph. 2:6
We will be glad and rejoice in 1Masc. sing.:
2you. the Beloved THE SHULAMITE
2Fem. sing.:
the Shulamite 16 Behold, you are ahandsome, my
We will remember 1your love beloved!
more than wine. 6 aSong 8:11,
Yes, pleasant!
12 1Lit. looked Also our 1bed is green.
THE SHULAMITE upon me 17 The beams of our houses are
Rightly do they love you. cedar,
7 1LXX, Syr., And our rafters of fir.
Vg. wanders
5 I am dark, but lovely, am the rose of Sharon,
O daughters of Jerusalem,
Like the tents of Kedar, 8 aSong 5:9
1Lit. Go out
2 IAnd the lily of the valleys.
Like the curtains of Solomon. THE BELOVED
6 Do not look upon me, because I 9 aSong 2:2,
am dark, 2 Like a lily among thorns,
10, 13; 4:1, 7;
Because the sun has 1tanned John 15:14 So is my love among the
me. b2 Chr. 1:16 daughters.
My mothers sons were angry THE SHULAMITE
with me; 10 aEzek.
They made me the keeper of 16:11 3 Like an apple tree among the
the vineyards, trees of the woods,
But my own avineyard I have 11 1Fem. sing.: So is my beloved among the
the Shulamite sons.
not kept.
I sat down in his shade with
(TO HER BELOVED) 12 1perfume great delight,
7 Tell me, O you whom I love, And ahis fruit was sweet to my
15 aSong 4:1; taste.
Where you feed your flock, 5:12 1my com-
Where you make it rest at panion, friend
For why should I be as one 16 aSong
who 1veils herself 5:1016 4 He brought me to the
1couch 1banqueting house,
By the flocks of your
companions? And his banner over me was
THE BELOVED 5 Sustain me with cakes of raisins,
Refresh me with apples,
8 If you do not know, aO fairest For I am lovesick.
3 aSong 4:16;
among women, Rev. 22:1, 2
1Follow in the footsteps of the 6 His left hand is under my head,
flock, 4 1Lit. house And his right hand embraces me.
And feed your little goats of wine 7 I 1charge you, O daughters of
Beside the shepherds tents. Jerusalem,
9 I have compared you, amy 6 aSong 8:3 By the gazelles or by the does
love, of the field,
bTo my filly among Pharaohs Do not stir up nor awaken love
7 aSong 3:5;
chariots. 8:4 1adjure Until it pleases.
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The Beloveds Request 9 aProv. 6:5; In the streets and in the
Song 2:17 squares
THE SHULAMITE I will seek the one I love.
8 The voice of my beloved! I sought him, but I did not find
Behold, he comes him.
Leaping upon the mountains, 14 aSong 5:2 3 aThe watchmen who go about
bSong 8:13
Skipping upon the hills. 1Lit. appear-
the city found me;
9 My beloved is like a gazelle or
a ance I said,
a young stag. Have you seen the one I love?
Behold, he stands behind our
wall; 4 Scarcely had I passed by them,
He is looking through the When I found the one I love.
15 aPs. 80:13; I held him and would not let
windows, Ezek. 13:4;
Gazing through the lattice. Luke 13:32 him go,
Until I had brought him to the
ahouse of my mother,
10 My beloved spoke, and said to
me: And into the 1chamber of her
Rise up, my love, my fair one, who conceived me.
16 aSong 6:3
And come away.
11 For lo, the winter is past, 5 I 1charge you, O daughters of

The rain is over and gone. Jerusalem,

12 The flowers appear on the earth; By the gazelles or by the does
The time of singing has come, 17 aSong 4:6 of the field,
bSong 8:14
And the voice of the turtledove 1Lit. Separa-
Do not stir up nor awaken love
Is heard in our land. tion Until it pleases.
13 The fig tree puts forth her The Coming of Solomon
green figs,
And the vines with the tender THE SHULAMITE
Give a good smell. CHAPTER 3 6 aWho is this coming out of the
Rise up, my love, my fair one, wilderness
And come away! Like pillars of smoke,
Perfumed with myrrh and
14 O my adove, in the clefts of the frankincense,
rock, 1 aIs. 26:9 With all the merchants
In the secret places of the cliff, fragrant powders?
Let me see your 1face, 7 Behold, it is Solomons couch,
bLet me hear your voice; With sixty valiant men around
For your voice is sweet, it,
3 aSong 5:7;
And your face is lovely. Is. 21:68, 11, Of the valiant of Israel.
12 8 They all hold swords,
HER BROTHERS Being expert in war.
Every man has his sword on his
15 Catch us athe foxes, thigh
The little foxes that spoil the Because of fear in the night.
vines, 4 aSong 8:2
For our vines have tender 9 Of the wood of Lebanon
grapes. Solomon the King
Made himself a 1palanquin:
THE SHULAMITE 10 He made its pillars of silver,
16 aMy beloved is mine, and I am 5 aSong 2:7; Its support of gold,
8:4 1adjure
his. Its seat of purple,
He feeds his flock among the Its interior paved with love
lilies. By the daughters of Jerusalem.
11 Go forth, O daughters of Zion,
(TO HER BELOVED) 6 aSong 8:5 And see King Solomon with the
17 aUntil the day breaks crown
And the shadows flee away, With which his mother
Turn, my beloved, crowned him
And be blike a gazelle 9 1A portable On the day of his wedding,
Or a young stag enclosed The day of the gladness of his
chair heart.
Upon the mountains of 1Bether.
A Troubled Night THE BELOVED
Behold, ayou are fair, my love!
By anight on my bed I sought
CHAPTER 4 4 Behold, you are fair!
You have doves eyes behind
3 the one I love;
I sought him, but I did not find
your veil.
Your hair is like a bflock of
him. goats,
2 I will rise now, I said, 1 aSong 1:15; Going down from Mount
And go about the city; 5:12 bSong 6:5 Gilead.
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2 Your teeth are like a flock of
a 2 aSong 6:6
Calamus and cinnamon,
shorn sheep With all trees of frankincense,
Which have come up from the Myrrh and aloes,
washing, 3 aSong 6:7
With all the chief spices
Every one of which bears 15 A fountain of gardens,
twins, A well of aliving waters,
And none is 1barren among 4 aSong 7:4 And streams from Lebanon.
them. bNeh. 3:19
3 Your lips are like a strand of 1Small shields THE SHULAMITE
scarlet, 16 Awake, O north wind,
And your mouth is lovely. And come, O south!
aYour temples behind your veil 5 aProv. 5:19;
Song 7:3 Blow upon my garden,
Are like a piece of That its spices may flow out.
pomegranate. aLet my beloved come to his
4 aYour neck is like the tower of 6 aSong 2:17 garden
David, And eat its pleasant bfruits.
Built bfor an armory,
On which hang a thousand 7 aSong 1:15; THE BELOVED
Eph. 5:27
I ahave come to my garden, my
All shields of mighty men.
5 aYour two breasts are like two 5 bsister, my spouse;
I have gathered my myrrh with
fawns, 8 aDeut. 3:9;
Twins of a gazelle, 1 Chr. 5:23; my spice;
Ezek. 27:5 cI have eaten my honeycomb
Which feed among the lilies.
with my honey;
6 Until the day breaks
a I have drunk my wine with my
And the shadows flee away, 10 aSong 1:2, 4
I will go my way to the
mountain of myrrh (TO HIS FRIENDS)
And to the hill of frankincense. 11 aProv. Eat, O dfriends!
24:13, 14; Drink, yes, drink deeply,
7 You are all fair, my love,
a Song 5:1
bGen. 27:27;
O beloved ones!
And there is no spot in you. Hos. 14:6, 7
8 Come with me from Lebanon, The Shulamites Troubled Evening
my spouse,
With me from Lebanon. THE SHULAMITE
12 1locked or
Look from the top of Amana, barred 2 I sleep, but my heart is awake;
From the top of Senir aand It is the voice of my beloved!
Hermon, aHe knocks, saying,
From the lions dens, 15 aZech. 14:8; Open for me, my sister, 1my
From the mountains of the John 4:10; love,
leopards. My dove, my perfect one;
For my head is covered with
9 You have ravished my heart, 16 aSong 5:1 dew,
My sister, my spouse; bSong 7:13 My 2locks with the drops of the
You have ravished my heart night.
With one look of your eyes,
With one link of your necklace. 3 I have taken off my robe;
10 How fair is your love, CHAPTER 5 How can I put it on again?
My sister, my spouse! I have washed my feet;
aHow much better than wine is How can I 1defile them?
your love, 1 aSong 4:16 4 My beloved put his hand
And the 1scent of your bSong 4:9 By the 1latch of the door,
perfumes cSong 4:11
dLuke 15:7,
And my heart yearned for him.
Than all spices! 10; John 3:29
5 I arose to open for my beloved,
11 Your lips, O my spouse, And my hands dripped with
Drip as the honeycomb; myrrh,
aHoney and milk are under your My fingers with liquid myrrh,
2 aRev. 3:20
tongue; 1my compan- On the handles of the lock.
And the fragrance of your ion, friend
2curls or hair
garments 6 I opened for my beloved,
Is blike the fragrance of But my beloved had turned
Lebanon. away and was gone.
3 1dirty
My 1heart leaped up when he
12 A garden 1enclosed spoke.
Is my sister, my spouse, 4 1opening
aI sought him, but I could not
A spring shut up, find him;
A fountain sealed. I called him, but he gave me no
13 Your plants are an orchard of 6 aSong 3:1 answer.
pomegranates 1Lit. soul 7 aThe watchmen who went about
With pleasant fruits, the city found me.
Fragrant henna with spikenard, They struck me, they wounded
14 Spikenard and saffron, 7 aSong 3:3 me;
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The keepers of the walls 9 aSong 1:8; Lovely as Jerusalem,
Took my veil away from me. 6:1 1adjure Awesome as an army with
8 I charge you, O daughters of banners!
Jerusalem, 5 Turn your eyes away from me,
If you find my beloved, 10 1Distin-
For they have 1overcome me.
That you tell him I am lovesick! guished Your hair is alike a flock of
THE DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM Going down from Gilead.
6 Your teeth are like a flock of
9 What is your beloved 12 aSong 1:15; sheep
More than another beloved, 4:1 1sitting in Which have come up from the
aO fairest among women? a setting
What is your beloved Every one bears twins,
More than another beloved, And none is 1barren among
That you so 1charge us? CHAPTER 6 them.
7 aLike a piece of pomegranate
THE SHULAMITE Are your temples behind your
10 My beloved is white and ruddy, 1 aSong 1:8;
1Chief among ten thousand.
5:9 8 There are sixty queens
11 His head is like the finest gold; And eighty concubines,
His locks are wavy, And avirgins without number.
And black as a raven. 9 My dove, my aperfect one,
12 aHis eyes are like doves 2 aSong 4:16;
Is the only one,
By the rivers of waters, 5:1
The only one of her mother,
Washed with milk, The favorite of the one who
And 1fitly set. bore her.
13 His cheeks are like a bed of 3 aSong 2:16; The daughters saw her
spices, 7:10 And called her blessed,
Banks of scented herbs. The queens and the
His lips are lilies, concubines,
Dripping liquid myrrh. And they praised her.
5 aSong 4:1
14 His hands are rods of gold 10 Who is she who looks forth as
Set with beryl. the morning,
His body is carved ivory Fair as the moon,
Inlaid with sapphires. 6 aSong 4:2 Clear as the sun,
15 His legs are pillars of marble 1bereaved aAwesome as an army with
Set on bases of fine gold. banners?
His countenance is like
Excellent as the cedars. 7 aSong 4:3
16 His mouth is most sweet, 11 I went down to the garden of
Yes, he is altogether lovely. nuts
This is my beloved, To see the verdure of the valley,
8 aSong 1:3 aTo see whether the vine had
And this is my friend, budded
O daughters of Jerusalem! And the pomegranates had
9 aSong 2:14;
5:2 12 Before I was even aware,
Where has your beloved
6 gone,
aO fairest among women?
My soul had made me
As the chariots of 1my noble
Where has your beloved turned 10 aSong 6:4
That we may seek him with you?
13 Return, return, O Shulamite;
11 aSong 7:12 Return, return, that we may
THE SHULAMITE look upon you!
2 My beloved has gone to his
To the beds of spices, 12 1Heb.
To feed his flock in the gardens, Ammi Nadib What would you see in the
And to gather lilies. Shulamite
As it were, the dance of 1the
3 aI am my beloveds, two camps?
And my beloved is mine. 13 1Heb.
He feeds his flock among the Mahanaim Expressions of Praise
Praise of the Shulamites Beauty
How beautiful are your feet
7 in sandals,
aO princes daughter!
4 O my love, you are as beautiful The curves of your thighs are
as Tirzah, 1 aPs. 45:13 like jewels,
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The work of the hands of a 2 1Lit. mixed Who nursed at my mothers
skillful workman. or spiced breasts!
2 Your navel is a rounded If I should find you outside,
goblet; I would kiss you;
It lacks no 1blended beverage. I would not be despised.
Your waist is a heap of wheat 3 aSong 4:5 2 I would lead you and bring you
Set about with lilies. Into the ahouse of my mother,
3 aYour two breasts are like two She who used to instruct me.
fawns, I would cause you to drink of
4 aSong 4:4 bspiced wine,
Twins of a gazelle.
4 aYour neck is like an ivory Of the juice of my
tower, pomegranate.
Your eyes like the pools in 8 1Lit. nose
By the gate of Bath Rabbim. 3 aHis left hand is under my head,
Your nose is like the tower of And his right hand embraces
Lebanon 9 1Gliding me.
over 2LXX,
Which looks toward Damascus. Syr., Vg. lips 4 aI charge you, O daughters of
5 Your head crowns you like and teeth. Jerusalem,
Mount Carmel, Do not stir up nor awaken love
And the hair of your head is Until it pleases.
like purple;
A king is held captive by your 10 aSong 2:16; Love Renewed in Lebanon
6:3 bPs. 45:11
6 How fair and how pleasant you 5 aWho is this coming up from the
are, 12 aSong 6:11 wilderness,
O love, with your delights! Leaning upon her beloved?
7 This stature of yours is like a
palm tree, I awakened you under the
13 aGen. 30:14
And your breasts like its bSong 2:3; apple tree.
clusters. 4:13, 16; Matt. There your mother brought you
8 I said, I will go up to the palm 13:52 forth;
tree, There she who bore you
I will take hold of its branches. brought you forth.
Let now your breasts be like
clusters of the vine, CHAPTER 8
The fragrance of your 1breath 6 aSet me as a seal upon your
like apples, heart,
9 And the roof of your mouth like As a seal upon your arm;
the best wine. 2 aSong 3:4 For love is as strong as death,
bProv. 9:2 bJealousy as 1cruel as 2the grave;
THE SHULAMITE Its flames are flames of fire,
3A most vehement flame.
The wine goes down smoothly
for my beloved, 3 aSong 2:6
1Moving gently the 2lips of 7 Many waters cannot quench
sleepers. love,
10 aI am my beloveds, Nor can the floods drown it.
aIf a man would give for love
And bhis desire is toward me. 4 aSong 2:7;
3:5 All the wealth of his house,
11 Come, my beloved, It would be utterly despised.
Let us go forth to the field;
Let us lodge in the villages. THE SHULAMITES BROTHERS
5 aSong 3:6
12 Let us get up early to the 8 aWe have a little sister,
vineyards; And she has no breasts.
Let us asee if the vine has What shall we do for our sister
budded, 6 aIs. 49:16; In the day when she is spoken
Whether the grape blossoms Jer. 22:24; for?
Hag. 2:23 9 If she is a wall,
are open, bProv. 6:34, 35
And the pomegranates are in 1severe, lit. We will build upon her
bloom. hard 2Or A battlement of silver;
There I will give you my love. Sheol 3Lit. A And if she is a door,
flame of YAH, We will enclose her
13 The amandrakes give off a poetic form of
fragrance, YHWH, the With boards of cedar.
And at our gates bare pleasant LORD
All manner, new and old, 10 I am a wall,
Which I have laid up for you, 7 aProv. 6:35
And my breasts like towers;
my beloved. Then I became in his eyes
As one who found peace.
Oh, that you were like my 11 Solomon had a vineyard at
8 brother, 8 aEzek. 23:33 Baal Hamon;
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597 ISAIAH 1:9

He leased the vineyard to
a 11 aMatt. 21:33 THE BELOVED
keepers; 13 You who dwell in the gardens,
Everyone was to bring for its
fruit The companions listen for your
A thousand silver coins. voice
13 aSong 2:14 aLet me hear it!

12 My own vineyard is before me.
You, O Solomon, may have a 14 aMake1 haste, my beloved,
thousand, 14 aRev. 22:17, And bbe like a gazelle
20 bSong 2:7,
And those who tend its fruit 9, 17 1Hurry, Or a young stag
two hundred. lit. Flee On the mountains of spices.

The Book of


I SAIAH is like a miniature Bible. The first thirty-nine chapters (like the thirty-
nine books of the Old Testament) are filled with judgment upon immoral and
idolatrous men. Judah has sinned; the surrounding nations have sinned; the whole
earth has sinned. Judgment must come, for God cannot allow such blatant sin to
go unpunished forever. But the final twenty-seven chapters (like the twenty-seven
books of the New Testament) declare a message of hope. The Messiah is coming
as a Savior and Sovereign to bear a cross and to wear a crown.
Isaiahs prophetic ministry, spanning the reigns of four kings of Judah, covers
at least forty years.
Yeshayahu and its shortened form Yeshaiah mean Yahweh Is Salvation. This
name is an excellent summary of the contents of the book. The Greek form in the
Septuagint is Hesaias, and the Latin form is Esaias or Isaias.

HE vision of Isaiah the son of

a CHAPTER 1 5 Why should you be stricken
T Amoz, which he saw concerning
Judah and Jerusalem in the days of
b 1 aNum. 12:6
You will revolt more and
Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Heze- b2 Chr. 2632
kiah, kings of Judah. The whole head is sick,
2 aJer. 2:12 And the whole heart faints.
The Wickedness of Judah 6 From the sole of the foot even
3 aJer. 8:7 bJer. to the head,
2 aHear, O heavens, and give ear, 9:3, 6 1manger There is no soundness in it,
O earth! or feed trough
2understand But wounds and bruises and
For the LORD has spoken: putrefying sores;
I have nourished and brought They have not been closed or
up children, 4 aIs. 57:3, 4;
And they have rebelled against Matt. 3:7 1Lit. bound up,
heavy, Or soothed with ointment.
Me; weighed
3 aThe ox knows its owner down 2off-
And the donkey its masters spring, seed 7 Your country is desolate,

1crib; Your cities are burned with fire;

But Israel bdoes not know, 5 aJer. 5:3 Strangers devour your land in
My people do not 2consider. your presence;
7 aDeut. 28:51, And it is desolate, as
4 Alas, sinful nation, 52; 2 Chr. overthrown by strangers.
A people 1laden with iniquity, 36:19 8 So the daughter of Zion is left
aA 2brood of evildoers, aas a 1booth in a vineyard,

Children who are corrupters! 8 aJob 27:18

bJer. 4:17
As a hut in a garden of
They have forsaken the LORD, 1shelter cucumbers,
They have provoked to anger bAs a besieged city.
The Holy One of Israel, 9 aUnless the LORD of hosts
9 a2 Kin.
They have turned away 25:11, 22; Had left to us a very small
backward. Lam. 3:22 remnant,
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ISAIAH 1:10 598

We would have become like 9 bGen. 19:24; For the mouth of the LORD has
bSodom, Rom. 9:29 spoken.
We would have been made like 10 aDeut. 32:32
Gomorrah. The Degenerate City
11 a[1 Sam.
15:22] 21 aHow the faithful city has
10 Hear the word of the LORD, become a 1harlot!
You rulers aof Sodom; 12 aEx. 23:17
It was full of justice;
Give ear to the law of our God, 13 aMatt. 15:9 Righteousness lodged in it,
bJoel 1:14
You people of Gomorrah: 1worthless But now bmurderers.
11 To what purpose is the 22 aYour silver has become dross,
multitude of your asacrifices 14 aNum. 28:11
Your wine mixed with water.
bLam. 2:6
to Me? 23 aYour princes are rebellious,
Says the LORD. 15 aProv. 1:28 And bcompanions of thieves;
I have had enough of burnt bPs. 66:18; Is.
cEveryone loves bribes,
offerings of rams 59:13; Mic.
3:4 1Pray And follows after rewards.
And the fat of fed cattle. 2bloodshed
They ddo not defend the
I do not delight in the blood of fatherless,
bulls, 16 aJer. 4:14
Or of lambs or goats.
bRom. 12:9 Nor does the cause of the
17 1Some an-
widow come before them.
12 When you come ato appear cient vss. the
before Me, oppressed 24 Therefore the Lord says,
Who has required this from The LORD of hosts, the Mighty
your hand, 18 aIs. 43:26; One of Israel,
To trample My courts? Mic. 6:2 bPs. Ah, aI will 1rid Myself of My
51:7; [Is. adversaries,
13 Bring no more afutile1 43:25]; Rev.
And 2take vengeance on My
sacrifices; 7:14
Incense is an abomination to 20 aIs. 40:5; 25 I will turn My hand against
Me. 58:14; Mic.
The New Moons, the Sabbaths, 4:4; [Titus 1:2]
and bthe calling of And athoroughly1 purge away
21 aIs. 57:39; your dross,
assemblies Jer. 2:20 bMic.
I cannot endure iniquity and 3:13 1Un- And take away all your alloy.
the sacred meeting. faithful 26 I will restore your judges aas at
14 Your aNew Moons and your 22 aJer. 6:28 the first,
bappointed feasts And your counselors as at the
23 aHos. 9:15 beginning.
My soul hates; bProv. 29:24
They are a trouble to Me, cJer. 22:17 dIs. Afterward byou shall be called
I am weary of bearing them. 10:2; Jer. 5:28; the city of righteousness, the
15 aWhen you 1spread out your Ezek. 22:7; faithful city.
Zech. 7:10
I will hide My eyes from you; 24 aDeut. 28:63 27 Zion shall be redeemed with
bEven though you make many
1be relieved of
2avenge My-
prayers, self
And her 1penitents with
I will not hear. righteousness.
25 aIs. 48:10; 28 The adestruction of
Your hands are full of 2blood. Ezek.
22:1922; Mal.
transgressors and of sinners
16 Washa yourselves, make 3:3 1refine shall be together,
yourselves clean; with lye And those who forsake the
Put away the evil of your 26 aJer. LORD shall be consumed.
doings from before My eyes. 33:711 bIs. 29 For 1they shall be ashamed of
bCease to do evil, 33:5; Zech. 8:3 the 2terebinth trees
17 Learn to do good; 27 1Lit. return- Which you have desired;
Seek justice, ers And you shall be embarrassed
Rebuke 1the oppressor; 28 aJob 31:3;
because of the gardens
2Defend the fatherless, Ps. 9:5; [Is. Which you have chosen.
Plead for the widow. 66:24; 30 For you shall be as a terebinth
2 Thess. 1:8, whose leaf fades,
18 Come now, and let us areason And as a garden that has no
together, 29 1So with water.
MT, LXX, Vg.; 31 aThe strong shall be as tinder,
Says the LORD, some Heb.
Though your sins are like mss., Tg. you And the work of it as a spark;
scarlet, 2Sites of pa- Both will burn together,
bThey shall be as white as snow; gan worship And no one shall bquench them.
Though they are red like 31 aEzek.
crimson, 32:21 bIs.
66:24; Matt. The Future House of God
They shall be as wool. 3:12; Mark
19 If you are willing and obedient, The word that Isaiah the son of
You shall eat the good of the
2 Amoz saw concerning Judah
and Jerusalem.
20 But if you refuse and rebel,
You shall be devoured by the 2 aMic. 4:1 2 Now ait shall come to pass bin
sword; bGen. 49:1 the latter days
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599 ISAIAH 3:3

That the mountain of the
c 2 cPs. 68:15 12 For the day of the LORD of
LORDs house hosts
Shall be established on the top 3 aJer. 50:5; Shall come upon everything
of the mountains, 8:2123; proud and lofty,
And shall be exalted above the 14:1621] Upon everything lifted up
bLuke 24:47
hills; And it shall be brought low
And all nations shall flow to it. 13 Upon all athe cedars of
3 Many people shall come and 4 1knives Lebanon that are high and
say, 5 aEph. 5:8
lifted up,
aCome, and let us go up to the And upon all the oaks of
mountain of the LORD, 6 aNum. 23:7 Bashan;
To the house of the God of bDeut. 18:14 14 aUpon all the high mountains,
Jacob; cPs. 106:35
1Or clap,
And upon all the hills that are
He will teach us His ways, shake hands
lifted up;
And we shall walk in His to make bar- 15 Upon every high tower,
paths. gains with And upon every fortified wall;
bFor out of Zion shall go forth the children 16 aUpon all the ships of Tarshish,
the law, And upon all the beautiful
And the word of the LORD from 7 aDeut. 17:16; sloops.
Is. 30:16; 31:1;
Jerusalem. Mic. 5:10 17 The 1loftiness of man shall be
4 He shall judge between the bowed down,
nations, 8 aIs. 40:19, 20; And the haughtiness of men
And rebuke many people; Jer. 2:28 shall be brought low;
They shall beat their swords The LORD alone will be exalted
into plowshares, 10 aIs. 2:19, 21; in that day,
Rev. 6:15, 16
And their spears into pruning 18 But the idols 1He shall utterly
1hooks; abolish.
11 aProv. 16:5;
Nation shall not lift up sword Is. 5:15 bHos.
against nation, 2:16 1proud 19 They shall go into the aholes of
Neither shall they learn war the rocks,
anymore. 13 aIs. 14:8; And into the caves of the 1earth,
Zech. 11:1, 2 bFrom the terror of the LORD
The Day of the LORD And the glory of His majesty,
14 aIs. 30:25
5 O house of Jacob, come and let When He arises cto shake the
us awalk 16 a1 Kin. earth mightily.
In the light of the LORD. 10:22; Is. 23:1,
14; 60:9 20 In that day a man will cast
6 For You have forsaken Your away his idols of silver
17 1pride And his idols of gold,
people, the house of Jacob,
Because they are filled awith 18 1Or shall
Which they made, each for
eastern ways; utterly vanish himself to worship,
They are bsoothsayers like the To the moles and bats,
Philistines, 19 aHos. 10:8; 21 To go into the clefts of the rocks,
cAnd they 1are pleased with the [Rev. 9:6]
b[2 Thess. 1:9]
And into the crags of the
children of foreigners. cPs. 18:7; Is. rugged rocks,
7 aTheir land is also full of silver 2:21; 13:13; From the terror of the LORD
and gold, 24:1, 19, 20; And the glory of His majesty,
Hag. 2:6, 7; When He arises to shake the
And there is no end to their Heb. 12:26
treasures; 1Lit. dust earth mightily.
Their land is also full of horses,
And there is no end to their 22 aPs. 146:3; 22 aSever1 yourselves from such a
chariots. Jer. 17:5 bJob man,
8 aTheir land is also full of idols;
27:3 1Lit. Whose bbreath is in his nostrils;
Cease your-
They worship the work of their selves from For 2of what account is he?
own hands, the man 2Lit.
in what is he Judgment on Judah and Jerusalem
That which their own fingers to be es-
For behold, the Lord,
have made.
9 People bow down,
And each man humbles
3 Takes
the L ORDof hosts,
away from Jerusalem
himself; CHAPTER 3 and from Judah
Therefore do not forgive them. bThe1 stock and the store,

1 a2 Kin. 25:3; The whole supply of bread and

10 aEnter into the rock, and hide in Is. 5:13; Jer. the whole supply of water;
the dust, 37:21 bLev. 2 aThe mighty man and the man
26:26 1Every
From the terror of the LORD support of war,
And the glory of His majesty. The judge and the prophet,
11 The 1lofty looks of man shall be 2 a2 Kin. And the diviner and the elder;
ahumbled, 24:14; Is. 9:14, 3 The captain of fifty and the
The haughtiness of men shall 15; Ezek. 1honorable man,
17:12, 13
be bowed down, The counselor and the skillful
And the LORD alone shall be 3 1Eminent artisan,
exalted bin that day. looking men And the expert enchanter.
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ISAIAH 3:4 600

4 I will give achildren1 to be their 4 aEccl. 10:16
1boys 2Or
The plunder of the poor is in
princes, capricious your houses.
And 2babes shall rule over ones 15 What do you mean by
them. acrushing My people
5 The people will be oppressed, And grinding the faces of the
5 1aged 2de-
Every one by another and spised, lightly poor?
every one by his neighbor; esteemed Says the Lord GOD of hosts.
The child will be insolent
toward the 1elder, 6 1Lit. hand
16 Moreover the LORD says:
And the 2base toward the
honorable. Because the daughters of Zion
8 a2 Chr. are haughty,
6 When a man takes hold of his 36:16, 17; Mic. And walk with 1outstretched
brother necks
In the house of his father, And 2wanton eyes,
saying, 9 aGen. 13:13; Walking and 3mincing as they
You have clothing; Is. 1:1015
You be our ruler, Making a jingling with their
And let these ruins be under 10 a[Deut. feet,
your 1power, 28:114; Eccl. 17 Therefore the Lord will strike
8:12; Is. 54:17]
7 In that day he will protest, bPs. 128:2 with aa scab
saying, The crown of the head of the
I cannot cure your ills, daughters of Zion,
For in my house is neither food 11 a[Ps. 11:6; And the LORD will buncover
Eccl. 8:12, 13]
nor clothing; 1done to him their secret parts.
Do not make me a ruler of the
people. 18 In that day the Lord will take
12 aIs. 9:16 away the finery:
1lead you
8 For aJerusalem stumbled, astray The jingling anklets, the
And Judah is fallen, 1scarves, and the acrescents;
Because their tongue and their 19 The pendants, the bracelets,
doings 13 aIs. 66:16;
Hos. 4:1; Mic. and the veils;
Are against the LORD, 6:2 1contend, 20 The headdresses, the leg
To provoke the eyes of His plead His ornaments, and the
glory. case headbands;
9 The look on their countenance The perfume boxes, the
witnesses against them, 14 aMatt. 21:33 charms,
And they declare their sin as 1burned
21 and the rings;
aSodom; The nose jewels,
They do not hide it. 15 aMic. 3:2, 3 22 the festal apparel, and the
Woe to their soul! mantles;
For they have brought evil upon The outer garments, the purses,
themselves. 16 1Head held
high 2seduc- 23 and the mirrors;
tive, ogling The fine linen, the turbans, and
10 Say to the righteous athat it 3tripping or the robes.
shall be well with them, skipping
bFor they shall eat the fruit of
24 And so it shall be:
their doings. 17 aDeut. 28:27
11 Woe to the wicked! aIt shall be bJer. 13:22
Instead of a sweet smell there
ill with him, will be a stench;
For the reward of his hands 18 aJudg. 8:21, Instead of a sash, a rope;
shall be 1given him. 26 1head- Instead of well-set hair,
12 As for My people, children are bands abaldness;
their oppressors, Instead of a rich robe, a girding
And women rule over them. 24 aIs. 22:12; of sackcloth;
O My people! aThose who lead Ezek. 27:31; And 1branding instead of beauty.
you 1cause you to err, Amos 8:10
1burning scar
25 Your men shall fall by the sword,
And destroy the way of your And your 1mighty in the war.
25 1Lit. 26 aHer gates shall lament and
Oppression and Luxury strength mourn,
Condemned And she being desolate bshall
13 The LORD stands up ato 26 aJer. 14:2; sit on the ground.
1plead, Lam. 1:4
bLam. 2:10
And stands to judge the And ain that day seven women
14 The LORD will enter into
4 shall take hold of one man,
judgment We will beat our own food and
With the elders of His people wear our own apparel;
And His princes: 1 aIs. 2:11, 17
Only let us be called by your
For you have 1eaten up athe b2 Thess. 3:12 name,
vineyard; cLuke 1:25 To take away cour reproach.
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601 ISAIAH 5:17

The Renewal of Zion 2 aIs. 12:16; But there shall come up briers
[Jer. 23:5]; and bthorns.
2 In that day athe Branch of the Zech. 3:8
I will also command the clouds
LORD shall be beautiful and That they rain no rain on it.
3 aIs. 60:21
glorious; bPhil. 4:3
And the fruit of the earth shall 7 For the vineyard of the LORD of
be excellent and appealing 4 aMal. 3:2, 3 hosts is the house of Israel,
For those of Israel who have And the men of Judah are His
escaped. pleasant plant.
5 aEx. 13:21,
22; Num. He looked for justice, but
3 And it shall come to pass that he 9:1523 behold, oppression;
who is left in Zion and remains in bZech. 2:5
1canopy For righteousness, but behold,
Jerusalem awill be called holy 1a cry for help.
everyone who is brecorded among 6 aPs. 27:5; Is.
the living in Jerusalem. 25:4 Impending Judgment on Excesses
4 When athe Lord has washed
away the filth of the daughters of 8 Woe to those who 1join ahouse
Zion, and purged the 1blood of CHAPTER 5 to house;
Jerusalem from her midst, by the They add field to field,
spirit of judgment and by the spirit 1 aPs. 80:8; Till there is no place
of burning, Jer. 2:21; Where they may dwell alone in
5 then the LORD will create above Matt. 21:33; the midst of the land!
Mark 12:1; 9 aIn my hearing the LORD of
every dwelling place of Mount Zion, Luke 20:9
and above her assemblies, aa cloud 1Lit. In a hosts said,
and smoke by day and bthe shining horn, the son Truly, many houses shall be
of fatness desolate,
of a flaming fire by night. For over all
the glory there will be a 1covering. Great and beautiful ones,
2 aDeut. 32:6
6 And there will be a tabernacle 1Lit. hewed without inhabitant.
for shade in the daytime from the out 10 For ten acres of vineyard shall
heat, afor a place of refuge, and for a yield one abath,1
shelter from storm and rain.
3 a[Rom. 3:4] And a 2homer of seed shall
yield one ephah.
4 a2 Chr.
Gods Disappointing Vineyard 36:15, 16; Jer.
2:5; 7:25, 26; 11 aWoe to those who rise early in
Now let me sing to my
5 Well-beloved
A song of my Beloved
Mic. 6:3; Matt.
the morning,
That they may 1follow
intoxicating drink;
aregarding His vineyard: 5 a2 Chr.
36:19; Ps. Who continue until night, till
80:12; 89:40, wine inflames them!
My Well-beloved has a 41 12 aThe harp and the strings,
vineyard The tambourine and flute,
On a very fruitful hill.
1 6 a2 Chr. And wine are in their feasts;
36:1921 bIs.
2 He dug it up and cleared out its 7:1925; Jer. But bthey do not regard the
stones, 25:11 1hoed work of the LORD,
And planted it with the Nor consider the operation of
choicest vine. 7 1wailing His hands.
He built a tower in its midst,
8 aJer.
And also 1made a winepress in 22:1317; Mic. 13 aTherefore my people have gone
it; 2:2; Hab. into captivity,
aSo He expected it to bring forth 2:912 1Accu- Because they have no
good grapes, mulate houses bknowledge;
But it brought forth wild 9 aIs. 22:14
Their honorable men are
grapes. famished,
10 aEzek. And their multitude dried up
3 And now, O inhabitants of 45:11 11 bath with thirst.
Jerusalem and men of Judah, = 110 homer
21 homer = 110
14 Therefore Sheol has enlarged
aJudge, please, between Me and itself
My vineyard. And opened its mouth beyond
4 What more could have been 11 aProv. measure;
done to My vineyard 23:29, 30; Their glory and their multitude
That I have not done in ait? Eccl. 10:16,
17; Is. 5:22 and their pomp,
Why then, when I expected it 1pursue And he who is jubilant, shall
to bring forth good grapes, descend into it.
Did it bring forth wild grapes? 12 aAmos 6:5
bJob 34:27;
15 People shall be brought down,
5 And now, please let Me tell you Ps. 28:5
aEach man shall be humbled,
what I will do to My And the eyes of the lofty shall
vineyard: 13 a2 Kin. be humbled.
aI will take away its hedge, and 24:1416 bIs. 16 But the LORD of hosts shall be
it shall be burned; 1:3; 27:11; aexalted in judgment,
Hos. 4:6
And break down its wall, and it And God who is holy shall be
shall be trampled down. 15 aIs. 2:9, 11 hallowed in righteousness.
6 I will lay it awaste; 17 Then the lambs shall feed in
It shall not be pruned or 1dug, 16 aIs. 2:11 their pasture,
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ISAIAH 5:18 602

And in the waste places of athe 17 aIs. 10:16 And all their bows bent;
1Lit. fatlings,
1fat ones strangers shall eat. Their horses hooves will 1seem
rich ones
like flint,
18 Woe to those who 1draw 18 1drag And their wheels like a
iniquity with cords of 2vanity, 2emptiness or whirlwind.
And sin as if with a cart rope; falsehood 29 Their roaring will be like a lion,
19 aThat say, Let Him make speed They will roar like young lions;
and hasten His work, 19 aJer. 17:15;
Amos 5:18 Yes, they will roar
That we may see it; And lay hold of the prey;
And let the counsel of the Holy 21 aProv. 3:7; They will carry it away safely,
One of Israel draw near and Rom. 1:22; And no one will deliver.
come, 12:16; [1 Cor.
30 In that day they will roar
That we may know it. 3:1820]
against them
23 aEx. 23:8; Like the roaring of the sea.
20 Woe to those who call evil Prov. 17:15; Is. And if one alooks to the land,
good, and good evil; 1:23; Mic. Behold, darkness and 1sorrow;
Who put darkness for light, and 3:11; 7:3
And the light is darkened by
light for darkness; the clouds.
Who put bitter for sweet, and 24 aEx. 15:7
bJob 18:16
sweet for bitter! 1Lit. tongue of Isaiah Called to Be a Prophet
21 Woe to those who are awise in In the year that King Uzziah

their own eyes,

And prudent in their own sight!
25 a2 Kin.
22:13, 17; Is.
6 died, I saw the Lord sitting on a
throne, high and lifted up, and the
66:15 bPs.
18:7; Is. 64:3; train of His robe filled the temple.
22 Woe to men mighty at drinking Jer. 4:24; Nah. 2 Above it stood seraphim; each
wine, 1:5 cIs. 9:12, one had six wings: with two he cov-
Woe to men valiant for mixing 17; Jer. 4:8; ered his face, awith two he covered
Dan. 9:16
intoxicating drink, his feet, and with two he flew.
23 Who ajustify the wicked for a 26 aIs. 11:10, 3 And one cried to another and
bribe, 12 bIs. 7:18; said:
And take away justice from the Zech. 10:8
cMal. 1:11
righteous man! dJoel 2:7
aHoly, holy, holy is the LORD of
24 Therefore, aas the 1fire devours 27 aDan. 5:6 bThe whole earth is full of His
the stubble, glory!
And the flame consumes the 28 aJer. 5:16
chaff, 1Lit. be re-
4 And the posts of the door were
So btheir root will be as garded as
shaken by the voice of him who
rottenness, aIs. cried out, and the house was filled
30 8:22;
And their blossom will ascend Jer. 4:2328; with smoke.
like dust; Joel 2:10; 5 So I said:
Because they have rejected the Luke 21:25, 26
law of the LORD of hosts, Woe is me, for I am 1undone!
And despised the word of the Because I am a man of
Holy One of Israel. CHAPTER 6 aunclean lips,
25 aTherefore the anger of the LORD And I dwell in the midst of a
is aroused against His people; a2 people of unclean lips;
He has stretched out His hand 1 Kin. 15:7;
against them 2 Chr. 26:23; For my eyes have seen the
Is. 1:1 bJohn King,
And stricken them, 12:41; Rev.
And bthe hills trembled. 4:2, 3; 20:11 The LORD of hosts.
Their carcasses were as refuse
in the midst of the streets. 2 aEzek. 1:11 6 Then one of the seraphim flew
to me, having in his hand a live coal
For all this His anger is not
c 3 aRev.
4:8 which he had taken with the tongs
turned away, Ps. 72:19 from athe altar.
But His hand is stretched out 7 And he atouched my mouth with
still. 5 aEx. 6:12, 30 it, and said:
cut off Behold, this has touched your
26 aHe will lift up a banner to the
nations from afar, 6 aRev. 8:3
And will bwhistle to them from Your iniquity is taken away,
cthe end of the earth; 7 aJer. 1:9; And your sin 1purged.
Surely dthey shall come with Dan. 10:16
1atoned for
speed, swiftly. 8 Also I heard the voice of the
27 No one will be weary or Lord, saying:
8 aGen. 1:26
stumble among them,
No one will slumber or sleep; 9 aIs. 43:8; Whom shall I send,
Nor awill the belt on their loins Matt. 13:14; And who will go for aUs?
be loosed, Mark 4:12;
Nor the strap of their sandals Luke 8:10; Then I said, Here am I! Send me.
John 12:40;
be broken; Acts 28:26; 9 And He said, Go, and atell this
28 aWhose arrows are sharp, Rom. 11:8 people:
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603 ISAIAH 7:21

Keep on hearing, but do not 10 aPs. 119:70; 8 For the head of Syria is
understand; Mark 6:16; Damascus,
Acts 7:51;
Keep on seeing, but do not Rom. 10:14 And the head of Damascus is
perceive. bJer. 5:21 Rezin.
Within sixty-five years Ephraim
10 Make athe heart of this people 11 aMic. 3:12 will be 1broken,
dull, So that it will not be a people.
And their ears heavy, 12 a2 Kin. 9 The head of Ephraim is
And shut their eyes; 25:21; Is. 5:9 Samaria,
bLest they see with their eyes, And the head of Samaria is
And hear with their ears, 13 aDeut. 7:6; Remaliahs son.
Ezra 9:2
And understand with their aIf you will not believe,
heart, Surely you shall not be
And return and be healed. CHAPTER 7 established.
11 Then I said, Lord, how long? The Immanuel Prophecy
And He answered: 1 a2 Chr. 28
b2 Kin. 16:5, 9 10 Moreover the LORD spoke again
1conquer it to Ahaz, saying,
Until the cities are laid waste 11 aAsk a sign for yourself from
and without inhabitant, 2 1Lit. settled the LORD your God; 1ask it either in
The houses are without a man, upon the depth or in the height above.
The land is utterly desolate, 12 But Ahaz said, I will not ask,
12 aThe LORD has removed men far 3 1Lit. A Rem- nor will I test the LORD!
away, nant Shall 13 Then he said, Hear now, O
And the forsaken places are Return
house of David! Is it a small thing
many in the midst of the land. for you to weary men, but will you
13 But yet a tenth will be in it, 4 aEx. 14:13;
weary my God also?
And will return and be for Is. 30:15; Lam.
3:26 1Be care- 14 Therefore the Lord Himself
consuming, ful 2be calm will give you a sign: aBehold, the vir-
As a terebinth tree or as an oak, gin shall conceive and bear ba Son,
Whose stump remains when it 6 1cause a and shall call His name cImmanuel.1
is cut down. sickening
15 Curds and honey He shall eat,
So athe holy seed shall be its dread
that He may know to refuse the evil
stump. and choose the good.
7 a2 Kin. 16:5;
Isaiah Sent to King Ahaz Is. 8:10; Acts 16 aFor before the Child shall
4:25, 26 know to refuse the evil and choose
Now it came to pass in the days
7 of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the
son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that
8 a2 Sam. 8:6;
2 Kin. 17:6
the good, the land that you dread
will be forsaken by bboth her kings.
17 aThe LORD will bring the king
1Lit. shat-
Rezin king of Syria and Pekah the tered of Assyria upon you and your peo-
son of Remaliah, king of Israel, ple and your fathers housedays
went up to Jerusalem to make war 9 a2 Chr. that have not come since the day
against bit, but could not 1prevail 20:20; Is. 5:24 that bEphraim departed from
against it. Judah.
2 And it was told to the house of 11 aMatt. 12:38
David, saying, Syrias forces are 1Lit. make the
18 And it shall come to pass in
1deployed in Ephraim. So his heart request deep that day
or make it
and the heart of his people were high above That the LORD awill whistle for
moved as the trees of the woods are the fly
moved with the wind. 14 aMatt. 1:23; That is in the farthest part of
3 Then the LORD said to Isaiah, Luke 1:31; the rivers of Egypt,
Go out now to meet Ahaz, you and John 1:45; And for the bee that is in the
1Shear-Jashub your son, at the end Rev. 12:5 b[Is.
9:6] cIs. 8:8, 10 land of Assyria.
of the aqueduct from the upper pool, 1Lit. God- 19 They will come, and all of them
on the highway to the Fullers Field, With-Us will rest
4 and say to him: 1Take heed, In the desolate valleys and in
and 2be aquiet; do not fear or be 16 aIs. 8:4 athe clefts of the rocks,
b2 Kin. 15:30
fainthearted for these two stubs of And on all thorns and in all
smoking firebrands, for the fierce pastures.
anger of Rezin and Syria, and the 17 a2 Chr.
28:19, 20; Is.
son of Remaliah. 8:7, 8; 10:5, 6 20 In the same day the Lord will
5 Because Syria, Ephraim, and b1 Kin. 12:16 shave with a ahired brazor,
the son of Remaliah have plotted With those from beyond 1the
evil against you, saying, 18 aIs. 5:26 River, with the king of
6 Let us go up against Judah and Assyria,
1trouble it, and let us make a gap in The head and the hair of the
19 aIs. 2:19;
its wall for ourselves, and set a king Jer. 16:16 legs,
over them, the son of Tabel And will also remove the beard.
7 thus says the Lord GOD: 20 aIs. 10:5, 15
b2 Kin. 16:7;
2 Chr. 28:20
21 It shall be in that day
aIt shall not stand, 1The Eu- That a man will keep alive a
Nor shall it come to pass. phrates young cow and two sheep;
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ISAIAH 7:22 604

22 So it shall be, from the 23 aIs. 5:6 Give ear, all you from far
abundance of milk they give, countries.
That he will eat curds; CHAPTER 8
Gird yourselves, but be broken
For curds and honey everyone in pieces;
will eat who is left in the Gird yourselves, but be broken
land. 1 aIs. 30:8; in pieces.
Hab. 2:2 1Lit. 10 aTake counsel together, but it
23 It shall happen in that day, Speed the
Spoil, Hasten will come to nothing;
That wherever there could be a the Booty Speak the word, bbut it will not
thousand vines stand,
Worth a thousand shekels of 2 a2 Kin. 16:10 cFor 1God is with us.
aIt will be for briers and thorns. 4 a2 Kin. 17:6; Fear God, Heed His Word
24 With arrows and bows men will Is. 7:16
b2 Kin. 15:29 11 For the LORD spoke thus to me
come there, 1knows how with 1a strong hand, and instructed
Because all the land will 2plunder
me that I should not walk in the way
become briers and thorns. of this people, saying:
6 aJohn 9:7
25 And to any hill which could be bIs. 7:1, 2
12 Do not say, A conspiracy,
dug with the hoe, Concerning all that this people
You will not go there for fear of 7 1The Eu-
call a conspiracy,
briers and thorns; phrates
2Overflow Nor be afraid of their 1threats,
But it will become a range for nor be 2troubled.
oxen 8 aIs. 30:28 bIs. 13 The LORD of hosts, Him you
And a place for sheep to roam. 7:14; Matt. shall hallow;
1:23 1Lit. be Let Him be your fear,
Assyria Will Invade the Land the fullness of
2Lit. God- And let Him be your dread.
Moreover the LORD said to me, 14 aHe will be as a 1sanctuary,
8 Take a large scroll, and awrite
on it with a mans pen concerning

9 aJoel 3:9
But ba stone of stumbling and a
rock of 2offense
1Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. To both the houses of Israel,
2 And I will take for Myself faith- 10 aIs. 7:7; As a trap and a snare to the
ful witnesses to record, aUriah the Acts 5:38 bIs. inhabitants of Jerusalem.
7:14 cRom.
priest and Zechariah the son of Je- 8:31 1Heb. Im- 15 And many among them shall
berechiah. manuel astumble;
3 Then I went to the prophetess, They shall fall and be broken,
and she conceived and bore a son. 11 1Mighty Be snared and 1taken.
Then the LORD said to me, Call his power
name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz; 16 Bind up the testimony,
4 afor before the child 1shall have 12 1Lit. fear or Seal the law among my
terror 2Lit. in
knowledge to cry My father and My dread disciples.
mother, bthe riches of Damascus and 17 And I will wait on the LORD,
the 2spoil of Samaria will be taken 14 aIs. 4:6; Who ahides His face from the
away before the king of Assyria. 25:4; Ezek. house of Jacob;
5 The LORD also spoke to me 11:16 bLuke And I bwill hope in Him.
2:34; 20:17;
again, saying: Rom. 9:33; 18 Here am I and the children
1 Pet. 2:8 whom the LORD has given me!
6 Inasmuch as these people 1holy abode
We bare for signs and wonders
refused over
in Israel
The waters of aShiloah that From the LORD of hosts,
flow softly, 15 aMatt. 21:44 Who dwells in Mount Zion.
And rejoice bin Rezin and in 1captured
Remaliahs son; 19 And when they say to you,
7 Now therefore, behold, the aSeek those who are mediums and
17 aDeut.
Lord brings up over them 31:17; Is. 54:8
bHab. 2:3
wizards, bwho whisper and mutter,
The waters of 1the River, strong should not a people seek their God?
and mighty Should they cseek the dead on
18 aHeb. 2:13 behalf of the living?
The king of Assyria and all his bPs. 71:7
glory; 20 aTo the law and to the testimony!
He will 2go up over all his 19 a1 Sam. If they do not speak according to this
channels 28:8 bIs. 29:4 word, it is because bthere1 is no light
And go over all his banks. cPs. 106:28 in them.
8 He will pass through Judah, 21 They will pass through it hard-
He will overflow and pass over, 20 aIs. 1:10; pressed and hungry; and it shall
aHe will reach up to the neck; 8:16; Luke happen, when they are hungry, that
16:29 bIs. 8:22;
And the stretching out of his Mic. 3:6 1Or they will be enraged and acurse
wings they have no 1their king and their God, and look
Will 1fill the breadth of Your dawn upward.
land, O bImmanuel.2 22 Then they will look to the earth,
21 aRev. 16:11 and see trouble and darkness,
1Or by their
9 Bea shattered, O you peoples, king and by gloom of anguish; and they will be
and be broken in pieces! their God driven into darkness.
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605 ISAIAH 9:21

The Government of the Promised CHAPTER 9 But we will replace them with
Son cedars.
11 Therefore the LORD shall set up
Nevertheless the gloom will not
9 Asbe upon her who is distressed,
when at first He lightly
1 aIs. 8:22
b2 Kin. 15:29;
2 Chr. 16:4
The adversaries of Rezin
against him,
cMatt. 4:1316 And spur his enemies on,
esteemed 12 The Syrians before and the
The land of Zebulun and the Philistines behind;
land of Naphtali, 2 aMatt. 4:16;
Luke 1:79; And they shall devour Israel
And cafterward more heavily 2 Cor. 4:6; with an open mouth.
oppressed her, Eph. 5:8
By the way of the sea, beyond For all this His anger is not
the Jordan, 3 aJudg. 5:30 turned away,
In Galilee of the Gentiles. 1So with Qr.,
But His hand is 1stretched out
2 aThe people who walked in Tg.; Kt., Vg.
not increased
darkness joy; LXX
Have seen a great light; Most of the 13 For the people do not turn to
Those who dwelt in the land of people You
Him who strikes them,
the shadow of death, brought down
in Your joy Nor do they seek the LORD of
Upon them a light has shined. hosts.
4 aJudg. 7:22
14 Therefore the LORD will cut off
3 You have multiplied the nation head and tail from Israel,
And 1increased its joy; Palm branch and bulrush ain
They rejoice before You 5 aIs. 66:15 one day.
1boot 2for the
According to the joy of harvest, 15 The elder and honorable, he is
As men rejoice awhen they fire
the head;
divide the spoil. The prophet who teaches lies,
4 For You have broken the yoke 6 a[Is. 7:14;
he is the tail.
of his burden Luke 2:11];
John 1:45 16 For athe leaders of this people
And the staff of his shoulder, bLuke 2:7;
cause them to err,
The rod of his oppressor, [John 3:16; And those who are led by them
As in the day of aMidian. 1 John 4:9]
c[Matt. 28:18; are destroyed.
5 For every warriors 1sandal 1 Cor. 15:25]; 17 Therefore the Lord awill have
from the noisy battle, Rev. 12:5 no joy in their young men,
And garments rolled in blood, dJudg. 13:18
eTitus 2:13 Nor have mercy on their
aWill be used for burning and
fEph. 2:14 fatherless and widows;
fuel 2of fire. For everyone is a hypocrite and
7 aDan. 2:44; an evildoer,
6 For unto us a Child is born,
Matt. 1:1, 6; And every mouth speaks 1folly.
Unto us a bSon is given; Luke 1:32, 33;
And cthe government will be John 7:42 bIs. bFor all this His anger is not
upon His shoulder. 37:32
turned away,
And His name will be called But His hand is stretched out
dWonderful, Counselor, eMighty 8 aGen. 32:28 still.
Everlasting Father, fPrince of 12 1In judg- 18 For wickedness aburns as the
Peace. ment fire;
7 Of the increase of His It shall devour the briers and
government and peace 14 aRev. 18:8 thorns,
aThere will be no end,
And kindle in the thickets of
Upon the throne of David and the forest;
over His kingdom, 16 aIs. 3:12;
Mic. 3:1, 5, 9; They shall mount up like rising
To order it and establish it with Matt. 15:14 smoke.
judgment and justice 19 Through the wrath of the LORD
From that time forward, even 17 aPs. 147:10 of hosts
forever. bIs. 5:25 1fool- aThe land is burned up,
The bzeal of the LORD of hosts ishness And the people shall be as fuel
will perform this. for the fire;
18 aPs. 83:14; bNo man shall spare his brother.
The Punishment of Samaria [Is. 1:7; 10:17]; 20 And he shall 1snatch on the
Nah. 1:10;
8 The Lord sent a word against Mal. 4:1 right hand
aJacob, And be hungry;
And it has fallen on Israel. He shall devour on the left
9 All the people will know 19 aIs. 8:22 hand
bMic. 7:2, 6
Ephraim and the inhabitant of aAnd not be satisfied;
Samaria bEvery man shall eat the flesh of
Who say in pride and 20 aLev. 26:26 his own arm.
bJer. 19:9
arrogance of heart: 1slice off or 21 Manasseh shall devour
10 The bricks have fallen down, tear Ephraim, and Ephraim
But we will rebuild with hewn Manasseh;
stones; 21 a2 Chr. 28:6, Together they shall be aagainst
The sycamores are cut down, 8; Is. 11:13 Judah.
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ISAIAH 10:1 606

For all this His anger is not
b 21 bIs. 9:12, 17 of the king of Assyria, and the glory
turned away, of his haughty looks.
But His hand is stretched out 13 aFor he says:
still. CHAPTER 10
By the strength of my hand I
Woe to those who adecree have done it,
10 unrighteous decrees,
Who write misfortune,
1 aPs. 58:2
And by my wisdom, for I am
Which they have prescribed Also I have removed the
2 To rob the needy of justice, 3 aJob 31:14 boundaries of the people,
bIs. 13:6; Jer.
And to take what is right from And have robbed their
the poor of My people, 9:9; Hos. 9:7;
Luke 19:44 treasuries;
That widows may be their prey, cIs. 5:26 So I have put down the
And that they may rob the inhabitants like a 1valiant
fatherless. man.
3 aWhat will you do in bthe day of 4 aIs. 24:22 bIs. 14 aMy hand has found like a nest
5:25 1Lit.
punishment, under the riches of the people,
And in the desolation which And as one gathers eggs that
will come from cafar? are left,
To whom will you flee for help? 5 aJer. 51:20 I have gathered all the earth;
And where will you leave your And there was no one who
glory? moved his wing,
4 Without Me they shall bow 6 aIs. 9:17 Nor opened his mouth with
b2 Kin. 17:6;
down among the aprisoners, Jer. 34:22 even a peep.
And they shall fall 1among the
slain. 15 Shall athe ax boast itself
7 aGen. 50:20; against him who chops with
For all this His anger is not
b Mic. 4:11, 12; it?
Acts 2:23, 24
turned away, Or shall the saw exalt itself
But His hand is stretched out against him who saws with it?
still. 8 a2 Kin. 19:10 As if a rod could wield itself
against those who lift it up,
Arrogant Assyria Also Judged Or as if a staff could lift up, as
9 aGen. 10:10; if it were not wood!
5 Woe to Assyria, athe rod of My Amos 6:2
anger b2 Chr. 35:20 16 Therefore the Lord, the 1Lord
And the staff in whose hand is c2 Kin. 16:9 of hosts,
My indignation. Will send leanness among his
6 I will send him against aan fat ones;
12 a2 Kin. And under his glory
ungodly nation, 19:31; Is.
And against the people of My 28:21 b2 Kin. He will kindle a burning
wrath 19:35; 2 Chr. Like the burning of a fire.
I will bgive him charge, 32:21; Jer. 17 So the Light of Israel will be
50:18 1com- for a fire,
To seize the spoil, to take the pleted
prey, And his Holy One for a flame;
aIt will burn and devour
And to tread them down like
the mire of the streets. 13 a[2 Kin. His thorns and his briers in one
7 aYet he does not mean so, 19:2224]; Is. day.
Nor does his heart think so; Ezek. 28:4; 18 And it will consume the glory
But it is in his heart to Dan. 4:30 of his forest and of ahis
1mighty fruitful field,
And cut off not a few nations. Both soul and body;
8 aFor he says, And they will be as when a sick
14 aJob 31:25
Are not my princes altogether man wastes away.
kings? 19 Then the rest of the trees of his
9 Is not aCalno blike Carchemish? 15 aJer. 51:20 forest
Is not Hamath like Arpad? Will be so few in number
Is not Samaria clike Damascus? That a child may write them.
16 1So with
10 As my hand has found the Bg.; MT, DSS The Returning Remnant of Israel
kingdoms of the idols, YHWH (the
Whose carved images excelled LORD) 20 And it shall come to pass in
those of Jerusalem and that day
Samaria, That the remnant of Israel,
17 aIs. 9:18
11 As I have done to Samaria and And such as have escaped of
her idols, the house of Jacob,
Shall I not do also to Jerusalem aWill never again depend on
18 a2 Kin.
and her idols? 19:23 him who 1defeated them,
But will depend on the LORD,
12 Therefore it shall come to pass, the Holy One of Israel, in
when the Lord has 1performed all 20 a2 Kin. 16:7 truth.
1Lit. struck
His work aon Mount Zion and on 21 The remnant will return, the
Jerusalem, that He will say, bI will remnant of Jacob,
punish the fruit of the arrogant heart 21 a[Is. 9:6] To the aMighty God.
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607 ISAIAH 11:11

22 aFor though your people, O Israel, 22 aRom. 9:27, And ca Branch shall 3grow out
be as the sand of the sea, 28 bIs. 6:13 of his roots.
bA remnant of them will return; 23 aIs. 28:22; 2 aThe Spirit of the LORD shall
The destruction decreed shall Dan. 9:27; rest upon Him,
Rom. 9:28
overflow with righteousness. The Spirit of wisdom and
23 aFor the Lord GOD of hosts 24 aIs. 7:4; 12:2 understanding,
bEx. 14
Will make a determined end The Spirit of counsel and
In the midst of all the land. 25 aIs. 10:5; might,
26:20; Dan. The Spirit of knowledge and of
24 Therefore thus says the Lord 11:36 the fear of the LORD.
GOD of hosts: O My people, who 26 a2 Kin.
dwell in Zion, ado not be afraid of the 19:35 bJudg. 3 His delight is in the fear of the
7:25; Is. 9:4 LORD,
Assyrian. He shall strike you with a cEx. 14:26, 27
And He shall not judge by the
rod and lift up his staff against you, 1arouse
in the manner of bEgypt. sight of His eyes,
27 aPs. 105:15; Nor decide by the hearing of
25 For yet a very little while aand [1 John 2:20]
the indignation will cease, as will His ears;
My anger in their destruction. 29 a1 Sam. 4 But awith righteousness He
13:23 b1 Sam. shall judge the poor,
26 And the LORD of hosts will 1stir 11:4 1Or over
up aa scourge for him like the slaugh- the pass And decide with equity for the
ter of bMidian at the rock of Oreb; cas meek of the earth;
30 a1 Sam. He shall bstrike the earth with
His rod was on the sea, so will He lift 25:44 bJudg.
it up in the manner of Egypt. 18:7 1Or Cry the rod of His mouth,
shrilly 2So And with the breath of His lips
27 It shall come to pass in that day with MT, Tg., He shall slay the wicked.
Vg.; LXX,
That his burden will be taken Syr. Listen to 5 Righteousness shall be the belt
away from your shoulder, her, O of His loins,
And his yoke from your neck, Anathoth And faithfulness the belt of His
And the yoke will be destroyed 31 aJosh. 15:31 waist.
because of athe anointing oil. 32 a1 Sam. 6 Thea wolf also shall dwell with
21:1; Neh.
28 He has come to Aiath, 11:32 bIs. 13:2 the lamb,
He has passed Migron; cIs. 37:22 The leopard shall lie down with
At Michmash he has attended the young goat,
33 aIs. 37:24,
to his equipment. 3638; Ezek. The calf and the young lion and
29 They have gone 1along athe 31:3; Amos the fatling together;
ridge, 2:9 And a little child shall lead
They have taken up lodging at them.
Geba. CHAPTER 11 7 The cow and the bear shall
Ramah is afraid, graze;
bGibeah of Saul has fled. 1a[Zech. Their young ones shall lie
6:12]; Rev. 5:5 down together;
30 1Lift up your voice, b[Is. 9:7;
O daughter aof Gallim! 11:10]; Matt. And the lion shall eat straw
Cause it to be heard as far as 1:5; [Acts like the ox.
bLaish 13:23] cIs. 4:2
1Shoot 2stock
8 The nursing child shall play by
2O poor Anathoth! or trunk 3be
the cobras hole,
31 aMadmenah has fled, fruitful And the weaned child shall put
The inhabitants of Gebim seek his hand in the vipers den.
2 a[Is. 42:1; 9 aThey shall not hurt nor destroy
refuge. 48:16; 61:1;
32 As yet he will remain aat Nob Matt. 3:16]; in all My holy mountain,
that day; Mark 1:10; For bthe earth shall be full of
He will bshake his fist at the
Luke 3:22; the knowledge of the LORD
[John 1:32]
mount of cthe daughter of As the waters cover the sea.
4 aRev. 19:11
Zion, bJob 4:9; Is.
10 Anda in that day bthere shall be
The hill of Jerusalem. 30:28, 33; Mal. a Root of Jesse,
4:6; 2 Thess.
33 Behold, the Lord, 2:8 Who shall stand as a cbanner to
The LORD of hosts, the people;
6 aHos. 2:18
Will lop off the bough with For the dGentiles shall seek
9 aJob 5:23; Is. Him,
65:25; Ezek. And His resting place shall be
aThose of high stature will be 34:25; Hos.
2:18 bPs. 98:2, glorious.
hewn down,
3; Is. 45:6;
And the haughty will be Hab. 2:14 11 It shall come to pass in that day
humbled. That the Lord shall set His
34 He will cut down the thickets of 10 aIs. 2:11 bIs.
11:1; Rom. hand again the second time
the forest with iron, 15:12 cIs. To recover the remnant of His
And Lebanon will fall by the 27:12, 13 people who are left,
dRom. 15:10
Mighty One. aFrom Assyria and Egypt,

The Reign of Jesses Offspring 11 aIs. From Pathros and Cush,

19:2325; Hos. From Elam and Shinar,
11:11; Zech.
11 There shall come forth a Rod
a 1 From Hamath and the 1islands
10:10 1Or
from the stem of Jesse,
2 b coastlands of the sea.
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ISAIAH 11:12 608

12 He will set up a banner for the 12 aJohn 7:35
1gather 2Lit.
For great is bthe Holy One of
nations, wings
Israel in your midst!
And will 1assemble the outcasts 13 aIs. 9:21;
of Israel, Jer. 3:18;
Proclamation Against Babylon
And gather together athe Ezek. 37:16, The aburden1 against Babylon
dispersed of Judah
From the four 2corners of the
17, 22; Hos.
1:11 13
which Isaiah the son of Amoz
14 aIs. 63:1;
earth. Dan. 11:41;
13 Also athe envy of Ephraim shall Joel 3:19; 2 Lifta up a banner bon the high
depart, Amos 9:12 mountain,
1Lit. sons
And the adversaries of Judah Raise your voice to them;
shall be cut off; 15 aIs. 50:2; cWave your hand, that they may
51:10, 11;
Ephraim shall not envy Judah, Zech. 10:10, enter the gates of the nobles.
And Judah shall not harass 11 1So with 3 I have commanded My
Ephraim. MT, Vg.; LXX, 1sanctified ones;
14 But they shall fly down upon Syr., Tg. dry
up 2The Eu- I have also called aMy mighty
the shoulder of the Philistines phrates 3Lit. ones for My anger
toward the west; in sandals Those who brejoice in My
Together they shall plunder the 16 aIs. 19:23 exaltation.
1people of the East; bEx. 14:29
aThey shall lay their hand on
4 The anoise of a multitude in the
Edom and Moab; mountains,
And the people of Ammon shall 1aIs. 2:11 Like that of many people!
obey them. 2 aPs. 83:18 A tumultuous noise of the
15 The LORD awill utterly 1destroy bEx. 15:2; Ps.
kingdoms of nations gathered
the tongue of the Sea of 118:14 together!
Egypt; 3 a[John 4:10, The LORD of hosts musters
With His mighty wind He will 14; 7:37, 38]
4 a1 Chr. 16:8;
The army for battle.
shake His fist over 2the River, Ps. 105:1 bPs. 5 They come from a far country,
And strike it in the seven 145:46 cPs. From the end of heaven
streams, 34:3 The aLORD and His 1weapons
And make men cross over 5 aEx. 15:1; Ps. of indignation,
3dry-shod. 98:1; Is. 24:14;
42:10, 11; To destroy the whole bland.
16 aThere will be a highway for the 44:23
remnant of His people 6 aIs. 52:9; 6 Wail, afor the day of the LORD
Who will be left from Assyria, 54:1; Zeph. is at hand!
bAs it was for Israel 3:14, 15 bPs. bIt will come as destruction from
In the day that he came up 89:18
the Almighty.
from the land of Egypt. 7 Therefore all hands will be
A Hymn of Praise limp,
1 aJer. 50; 51; Every mans heart will melt,
And ain that day you will say: Matt. 1:11; 8 And they will be afraid.
12O L ORD, I will praise You;
Rev. 14:8 1ora-
cle, prophecy
aPangs1 and sorrows will take
hold of them;
2 aIs. 18:3 bJer.
Though You were angry with 51:25 cIs. They will be in pain as a
me, 10:32 woman in childbirth;
Your anger is turned away, and 3 aJoel 3:11 They will be amazed at one
bPs. 149:2
You comfort me. 1consecrated
2 Behold, God is my salvation, or set apart Their faces will be like flames.
I will trust and not be afraid; 4 aIs. 17:12;
aFor bYAH, the LORD, is my 9 Behold, athe day of the LORD
Joel 3:14
strength and song; 5 aIs. 42:13 bIs. comes,
He also has become my 24:1; 34:2 1Or Cruel, with both wrath and
salvation. instruments fierce anger,
6 aIs. 2:12; To lay the land desolate;
Ezek. 30:3;
3 Therefore with joy you will Amos 5:18; And He will destroy bits sinners
draw awater Zeph. 1:7; from it.
From the wells of salvation. Rev. 6:17 bIs. 10 For the stars of heaven and
10:25; Job their constellations
31:23; Joel
4 And in that day you will say: 1:15 Will not give their light;
8 aPs. 48:6 The sun will be adarkened in its
Praise the LORD, call upon His
a 1Sharp pains going forth,
name; 9 aMal. 4:1 And the moon will not cause its
bDeclare His deeds among the bPs. 104:35;
light to shine.
peoples, Prov. 2:22
Make mention that His cname 10 aIs. 11 I will apunish the world for its
is exalted. Ezek. 32:7; evil,
5 aSing to the LORD, Joel 2:31; And the wicked for their
For He has done excellent Matt. 24:29; iniquity;
things; Mark 13:24; bI will halt the arrogance of the
Luke 21:25
This is known in all the earth. 11 aIs. 26:21
6 Cry out and shout, O inhabitant
a b[Is. 2:17] 1Or And will lay low the
of Zion, tyrants haughtiness of the 1terrible.
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609 ISAIAH 14:12

12 I will make a mortal more rare 13 aIs. 34:4; choose Israel, and settle them in
than fine gold, 51:6; Hag. 2:6 their own land. cThe strangers will
bPs. 110:5;
A man more than the golden Lam. 1:12 be joined with them, and they will
wedge of Ophir. cling to the house of Jacob.
13 aTherefore I will shake the 2 Then people will take them aand
14 aJer. 50:16;
heavens, 51:9 1gathers bring them to their place, and the
And the earth will move out of house of Israel will possess them for
her place, servants and maids in the land of
In the wrath of the LORD of 16 aPs. 137:8, the LORD; they will take them cap-
9; Is. 13:18;
hosts 14:21; Hos. tive whose captives they were, band
And in bthe day of His fierce 10:14; Nah. rule over their oppressors.
anger. 3:10 bZech.
14:2 Fall of the King of Babylon
14 It shall be as the hunted
gazelle, 3 It shall come to pass in the day
And as a sheep that no man 17 aIs. 21:2; the LORD gives you rest from your
1takes up; Jer. 51:11, 28;
Dan. 5:28, 31 sorrow, and from your fear and the
aEvery man will turn to his own 1esteem hard bondage in which you were
people, made to serve,
And everyone will flee to his 4 that you awill take up this prov-
19 aIs. 14:4;
own land. Dan. 4:30; erb against the king of Babylon, and
15 Everyone who is found will be Rev. 18:1116, say:
thrust through, 19, 21 bGen.
And everyone who is captured 19:24; Deut.
29:23; Jer. How the oppressor has ceased,
will fall by the sword. 50:40; Amos The bgolden1 city ceased!
16 Their children also will be 4:11 5 The LORD has broken athe staff
adashed to pieces before their
of the wicked,
eyes; 20 aJer. 50:3 The scepter of the rulers;
Their houses will be plundered 6 He who struck the people in
And their wives bravished. wrath with a continual
21 aIs.
34:1115; stroke,
17 Behold,a I will stir up the Zeph. 2:14; He who ruled the nations in
Medes against them, Rev. 18:2 1Or anger,
Who will not 1regard silver; howling crea- Is persecuted and no one
And as for gold, they will not tures
delight in it. 7 The whole earth is at rest and
18 Also their bows will dash the 22 aJer. 51:33 quiet;
young men to pieces, They break forth into singing.
And they will have no pity on 8 aIndeed the cypress trees rejoice
the fruit of the womb; CHAPTER 14 over you,
Their eye will not spare And the cedars of Lebanon,
children. Saying, Since you 1were cut
19 aAnd Babylon, the glory of 1 aPs. 102:13; down,
kingdoms, Is. 49:13, 15;
54:7, 8 bIs. No woodsman has come up
The beauty of the Chaldeans 41:8, 9; Zech. against us.
pride, 1:17; 2:12 cIs.
Will be as when God overthrew 60:4, 5, 10 9 Hella1 from beneath is excited
bSodom and Gomorrah. about you,
20 aIt will never be inhabited, 2 aIs. 49:22; To meet you at your coming;
Nor will it be settled from 60:9; 66:20 bIs. It stirs up the dead for you,
generation to generation; 60:14 All the chief ones of the earth;
Nor will the Arabian pitch tents It has raised up from their
there, 4 aIs. 13:19; thrones
Nor will the shepherds make Hab. 2:6 bRev. All the kings of the nations.
their sheepfolds there. 18:16 1Or in-
solent 10 They all shall aspeak and say to
21 aBut wild beasts of the desert you:
will lie there, Have you also become as weak
And their houses will be full of 5 aPs. 125:3 as we?
1owls; Have you become like us?
Ostriches will dwell there, 8 aIs. 55:12; 11 Your pomp is brought down to
And wild goats will caper Ezek. 31:16
1have lain
there. down
And the sound of your stringed
22 The hyenas will howl in their instruments;
citadels, The maggot is spread under you,
And jackals in their pleasant 9 aEzek. 32:21 And worms cover you.
1Or Sheol
aHer time is near to come, The Fall of Lucifer
And her days will not be 10 aEzek.
12 Howa you are fallen from
prolonged. 32:21
Mercy on Jacob O 1Lucifer, son of the morning!
12 aIs. 34:4; How you are cut down to the
Luke 10:18;
For the LORD awill have ground,
14 mercy on Jacob, and bwill still
[Rev. 12:79]
1Lit. Day Star You who weakened the nations!
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ISAIAH 14:13 610

13 For you have said in your 13 aEzek. 28:2; Assyria Destroyed
heart: Matt. 11:23
bDan. 8:10;
aI will ascend into heaven, 24 The LORD of hosts has sworn,
2 Thess. 2:4
bI will exalt my throne above the cEzek. 28:14 saying,
stars of God; dPs. 48:2 Surely, as I have thought, so it
I will also sit on the cmount of shall come to pass,
the congregation 14 aIs. 47:8; And as I have purposed, so it
dOn the farthest sides of the
2 Thess. 2:4 shall astand:
north; 25 That I will break the aAssyrian
15 aEzek. 28:8; in My land,
14 I will ascend above the heights Matt. 11:23;
of the clouds, Luke 10:15 And on My mountains tread
aI will be like the Most High.
1Lit. recesses him underfoot.
15 Yet you ashall be brought down Then bhis yoke shall be removed
to Sheol, 17 1Would not from them,
release And his burden removed from
To the 1lowest depths of the
Pit. their shoulders.
19 1despised 26 This is the apurpose that is
16 Those who see you will gaze at purposed against the whole
you, 20 aJob 18:19; earth,
And consider you, saying: Ps. 21:10; And this is the hand that is
Is this the man who made the 109:13; Is. 1:4; stretched out over all the
31:2 nations.
earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms, 27 For the LORD of hosts has
21 aEx. 20:5; apurposed,
17 Who made the world as a Lev. 26:39; Is.
wilderness 13:16; Matt. And who will annul it?
And destroyed its cities, 23:35 His hand is stretched out,
Who 1did not open the house of And who will turn it back?
22 aProv. 10:7;
his prisoners? Is. 26:14; Jer. Philistia Destroyed
51:62 b1 Kin.
18 All the kings of the nations, 14:10 cJob 28 This is the 1burden which came
18:19; Is. 47:9
All of them, sleep in glory, in the year that aKing Ahaz died.
Everyone in his own house; 23 aIs. 34:11;
19 But you are cast out of your Zeph. 2:14 29 Do not rejoice, all you of
grave Philistia,
Like an 1abominable branch, aBecause the rod that struck you
24 aIs. 43:13
Like the garment of those who is broken;
are slain, 25 aMic. 5:5, 6; For out of the serpents roots
2Thrust through with a sword, Zeph. 2:13 bIs. will come forth a viper,
Who go down to the stones of 10:27; Nah. bAnd its offspring will be a fiery
the pit, flying serpent.
Like a corpse trodden 26 aIs. 23:9; 30 The firstborn of the poor will
underfoot. Zeph. 3:6, 8 feed,
20 You will not be joined with them And the needy will lie down in
in burial, 27 a2 Chr. 20:6; safety;
Because you have destroyed Job 9:12; I will kill your roots with
23:13; Ps.
your land 33:11; Prov. famine,
And slain your people. 19:21; 21:30; And it will slay your
aThe brood of evildoers shall Is. 43:13; Dan. remnant.
never be named. 4:31, 35 31 Wail, O gate! Cry, O city!
21 Prepare slaughter for his All you of Philistia are
28 a2 Kin.
children 16:20; 2 Chr. dissolved;
aBecause of the iniquity of their 28:27 1oracle, For smoke will come from the
fathers, prophecy north,
Lest they rise up and possess And no one will be alone in his
the land, 29 a2 Chr. 26:6 1appointed times.
b2 Kin. 18:8
And fill the face of the world
with cities. 32 What will they answer the
31 1Or ranks
messengers of the nation?
Babylon Destroyed That athe LORD has founded
32 aPs. 87:1, 5
22 For I will rise up against them, bZech. 11:11 Zion,
says the LORD of hosts, And bthe poor of His people
And cut off from Babylon athe shall take refuge in it.
name and bremnant, Proclamation Against Moab
cAnd offspring and posterity,
says the LORD. The burden against Moab.
1 a2 Kin. 3:4 1
bDeut. 2:9;
23 I will also make it a possession
Num. 21:28
for the aporcupine, cIs. 15:1 in the night Ar of
And marshes of muddy 16:14; Jer. Moab is laid waste
water; 25:21; 48:147; And destroyed,
I will sweep it with the broom of Amos 2:13; Because in the night Kir of
Zeph. 2:811
destruction, says the LORD of 1oracle, Moab is laid waste
hosts. prophecy And destroyed,
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611 ISAIAH 16:12

2 He has gone up to the 1temple 2 aLev. 21:5; night in the middle of the
and Dibon, Jer. 48:37 day;
1Heb. bayith,
To the high places to weep. (house) Hide the outcasts,
Moab will wail over Nebo and Do not betray him who escapes.
over Medeba; 3 aJer. 48:38 4 Let My outcasts dwell with you,
aOn all their heads will be O Moab;
baldness, 4 aNum. 21:28; Be a shelter to them from the
And every beard cut off. 32:3; Jer. face of the 1spoiler.
3 In their streets they will clothe 48:34 1So with For the extortioner is at an end,
MT, Tg., Vg.;
themselves with sackcloth; LXX, Syr. Devastation ceases,
On the tops of their houses loins The oppressors are consumed
And in their streets out of the land.
Everyone will wail, aweeping 5 aIs. 16:11; 5 In mercy athe throne will be
bitterly. Jer. 48:31 bJer. established;
48:5 1Or The And One will sit on it in truth,
4 Heshbon and Elealeh will cry Third Eglath,
out, an unknown in the tabernacle of David,
bJudging and seeking justice
Their voice shall be heard as city, Jer. 48:34
far as aJahaz; and hastening
6 aNum. 32:36 crighteousness.
Therefore the 1armed soldiers
of Moab will cry out;
His life will be burdensome to 9 a2 Kin. 6 We have heard of the apride of
him. 17:25; Jer. Moab
50:17 1So with He is very proud
MT, Tg.; DSS,
5 Mya heart will cry out for Vg. Dibon; Of his haughtiness and his
Moab; LXX Rimon pride and his wrath;
2See preced- bBut his 1lies shall not be so.
His fugitives shall flee to ing note
Zoar, 7 Therefore Moab shall awail for
Like 1a three-year-old heifer. Moab;
For bby the Ascent of Luhith CHAPTER 16 Everyone shall wail.
They will go up with weeping; For the foundations bof Kir
For in the way of Horonaim Hareseth you shall mourn;
They will raise up a cry of 1 a2 Kin. 3:4; Surely they are stricken.
Ezra 7:17
destruction, b2 Kin. 14:7;
6 For the waters aof Nimrim will Is. 42:11 1Lit. 8 For athe fields of Heshbon
be desolate, Rock languish,
For the green grass has And bthe vine of Sibmah;
withered away; 2 aProv. 27:8 The lords of the nations have
bNum. 21:13
The grass fails, there is nothing broken down its choice
green. plants,
4 1devastator Which have reached to Jazer
7 Therefore the abundance they
have gained, And wandered through the
5 a[Is. 9:6, 7; wilderness.
And what they have laid up, 32:1; 55:4;
They will carry away to the Dan. 7:14; Her branches are stretched out,
Brook of the Willows. Mic. 4:7; Luke They are gone over the csea.
8 For the cry has gone all around
1:33; Rev. 9 Therefore I will bewail the vine
11:15] bPs. of Sibmah,
the borders of Moab, 72:2 cIs. 9:7
Its wailing to Eglaim With the weeping of Jazer;
And its wailing to Beer Elim. 6 aJer. 48:29;
I will drench you with my tears,
aO Heshbon and Elealeh;
9 For the waters of 1Dimon will Amos 2:1;
be full of blood; Obad. 3, 4; For 1battle cries have fallen
Zeph. 2:8, 10 Over your summer fruits and
Because I will bring more upon bIs. 28:15 1Lit.
your harvest.
2Dimon, vain talk
aLions upon him who escapes
10 aGladness is taken away,
from Moab, 7 aJer. 48:20
b2 Kin. 3:25; And joy from the plentiful field;
And on the remnant of the Jer. 48:31 In the vineyards there will be
land. no singing,
Moab Destroyed 8 aIs. 24:7 bIs. Nor will there be shouting;
16:9 cJer. No treaders will tread out wine
Send the lamb to the ruler of
a 48:32
the land,
Sela to the wilderness,
1 9 aIs. 15:4 1Or
in the presses;
I have made their shouting
shouting has
To the mount of the daughter of 11 Therefore amy 1heart shall
Zion. 10 aIs. 24:8; resound like a harp for Moab,
2 For it shall be as a awandering Jer. 48:33 And my inner being for 2Kir
bird thrown out of the nest; Heres.
So shall be the daughters of 11 aIs. 15:5;
Moab at the fords of the 63:15; Jer. 12 And it shall come to pass,
bArnon. 48:36; Hos. When it is seen that Moab is
11:8; Phil. 2:1
1Lit. belly 2Kir weary on athe high place,
3 Take counsel, execute Hareseth, v. 7 That he will come to his
judgment; sanctuary to pray;
Make your shadow like the 12 aIs. 15:2 But he will not prevail.
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ISAIAH 16:13 612

13 This is the word which the LORD 14 aJob 7:1; 10 Because you have forgotten
14:6; Is. 21:16 athe God of your salvation,
has spoken concerning Moab since
that time. And have not been mindful of
14 But now the LORD has spoken, CHAPTER 17 the Rock of your 1stronghold,
saying, Within three years, aas the Therefore you will plant
years of a hired man, the glory of pleasant plants
1 aGen. 14:15; And set out foreign seedlings;
Moab will be despised with all that 15:2; 2 Kin.
great multitude, and the remnant 16:9; Jer. 11 In the day you will make your
will be very small and feeble. 49:23; Amos plant to grow,
1:35; Zech. And in the morning you will
Proclamation Against Syria and 9:1; Acts 9:2
1oracle, make your seed to flourish;
Israel prophecy But the harvest will be a heap
of ruins
17 The
aburden1 against Damas-
cus. 2 aNum. 32:34 In the day of grief and
bJer. 7:33 1So
desperate sorrow.
with MT, Vg.;
Behold, Damascus will cease LXX It shall
be forsaken 12 Woe to the multitude of many
from being a city, forever; Tg. people
And it will be a ruinous heap. Its cities shall Who make a noise alike the
2 The cities of aAroer are
1 be forsaken
roar of the seas,
forsaken; and desolate
And to the rushing of nations
They will be for flocks That make a rushing like the
3 aIs. 7:16; 8:4
Which lie down, and bno one rushing of mighty waters!
will make them afraid. 4 aIs. 10:16 13 The nations will rush like the
3 The fortress also will cease
a 1fade
rushing of many waters;
from Ephraim, But God will arebuke them and
The kingdom from Damascus, 5 aIs. 17:11; they will flee far away,
And the remnant of Syria; Jer. 51:33;
And bbe chased like the chaff
Joel 3:13;
They will be as the glory of the Matt. 13:30 of the mountains before the
children of Israel, wind,
Says the LORD of hosts. 6 aDeut. 4:27; Like a rolling thing before the
Is. 24:13; whirlwind.
4 In that day it shall come to pass Obad. 5
14 Then behold, at eventide,
That the glory of Jacob will trouble!
1wane, 7 aIs. 10:20;
Hos. 3:5; Mic. And before the morning, he is
And athe fatness of his flesh 7:7 no more.
grow lean. This is the portion of those who
5 aIt shall be as when the 8 aIs. 2:8; 31:7 plunder us,
1Or Asherim,
harvester gathers the And the lot of those who rob
grain, Canaanite
deities us.
And reaps the heads with his
arm; 9 1LXX
Proclamation Against Ethiopia
It shall be as he who gathers Hivites; Tg. Woe to the land shadowed
heads of grain
In the Valley of Rephaim.
laid waste;
Vg. as the
ploughs 2LXX
with buzzing wings,
is beyond the rivers of
6 aYet gleaning grapes will be left Amorites; Tg. 1Ethiopia,
in it, in ruins; Vg.
corn 2 Which sends ambassadors by
Like the shaking of an olive sea,
tree, 10 aPs. 68:19; Even in vessels of reed on the
Two or three olives at the top of Is. 51:13 waters, saying,
the uppermost bough, 1refuge
Go, swift messengers, to a
Four or five in its most fruitful nation tall and smooth of
branches, 12 aIs. 5:30; skin,
Says the LORD God of Israel. Jer. 6:23;
Ezek. 43:2; To a people terrible from their
Luke 21:25 beginning onward,
7 In that day a man will alook to A nation powerful and treading
his Maker, 13 aPs. 9:5; Is. down,
And his eyes will have respect 41:11 bPs. Whose land the rivers divide.
for the Holy One of Israel. 83:13; Hos.
8 He will not look to the altars, 3 All inhabitants of the world
The work of his hands; and dwellers on the earth:
He will not respect what his CHAPTER 18 When he lifts up a banner on
afingers have made, the mountains, you see it;
Nor the 1wooden images nor 1 a2 Kin. 19:9; And when he blows a trumpet,
the incense altars. Is. 20:4, 5; you hear it.
Ezek. 30:4, 5, 4 For so the LORD said to me,
9 In that day his strong cities will 9; Zeph. 2:12; I will take My rest,
3:10 1Heb.
be as a forsaken 1bough Cush And I will 1look from My
And 2an uppermost branch, dwelling place
Which they left because of the 3 aIs. 5:26 Like clear heat in sunshine,
children of Israel; Like a cloud of dew in the heat
And there will be desolation. 4 1watch of harvest.
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613 ISAIAH 19:19

5 For before the harvest, when 7 aPs. 68:31; And everything sown by the
the bud is perfect 72:10; Is. 16:1; River,
Zeph. 3:10;
And the sour grape is ripening Mal. 1:11; Will wither, be driven away,
in the flower, Acts 8:2738 and be no more.
1So with DSS,
He will both cut off the sprigs LXX, Vg.; MT
8 The fishermen also will
with pruning hooks omits From; mourn;
And take away and cut down Tg. To All those will lament who cast
the branches. hooks into the River,
6 They will be left together for CHAPTER 19 And they will languish who
the mountain birds of prey spread nets on the waters.
And for the beasts of the earth; 1 aJer. 9:25, 26; 9 Moreover those who work in
The birds of prey will summer Ezek. afine flax
on them, Joel 3:19 bPs. And those who weave fine
And all the beasts of the earth 18:10; 104:3; fabric will be ashamed;
will winter on them. Matt. 26:64; 10 And its foundations will be
Rev. 1:7 cEx.
12:12; Jer. broken.
7 In that time aa present will be 43:12 1oracle, All who make wages will be
brought to the LORD of hosts prophecy 2Lit. troubled of soul.
From a people tall and smooth
1 shake
of skin, 2 aJudg. 7:22; 11 Surely the princes of aZoan are
And from a people terrible 1 Sam. 14:16, fools;
20; 2 Chr.
from their beginning onward, 20:23; Matt. Pharaohs wise counselors give
A nation powerful and treading 10:21, 36 foolish counsel.
down, bHow do you say to Pharaoh,
3 a1 Chr.
Whose land the rivers divide 10:13; Is. 8:19; I am the son of the wise,
To the place of the name of the 47:12; Dan. The son of ancient kings?
LORD of hosts, 2:2 12 Where are they?
To Mount Zion. 4 aIs. 20:4; Jer. Where are your wise men?
46:26; Ezek. Let them tell you now,
Proclamation Against Egypt 29:19
And let them know what the
5 aIs. 50:2; Jer. LORD of hosts has bpurposed
The burden against Egypt.
51:36; Ezek.
30:12 against Egypt.
the L rides on a
ORD b 13 The princes of Zoan have
6 a2 Kin. 19:24
swift cloud, become fools;
7 1The Nile aThe princes of 1Noph are
And will come into Egypt;
cThe idols of Egypt will 2totter at 9 a1 Kin. deceived;
His presence, 10:28; Prov. They have also 2deluded
7:16; Ezek. Egypt,
And the heart of Egypt will 27:7
melt in its midst. Those who are the 3mainstay of
11 aNum. its tribes.
13:22; Ps.
2 I will aset Egyptians against 78:12, 43; Is. 14 The LORD has mingled aa
Egyptians; 30:4 bGen. perverse spirit in her midst;
41:38, 39; And they have caused Egypt to
Everyone will fight against his 1 Kin. 4:29,
brother, 30; Acts 7:22 err in all her work,
And everyone against his As a drunken man staggers in
12 a1 Cor. 1:20 his vomit.
neighbor, bPs. 33:11
City against city, kingdom 15 Neither will there be any work
13 aJer. 2:16; for Egypt,
against kingdom. Ezek. 30:13
3 The spirit of Egypt will fail in 1Ancient Which athe head or tail,
its midst; Memphis 2Lit. Palm branch or bulrush, may
caused to do.
I will destroy their counsel, stagger 3cor-
And they will aconsult the idols nerstone
and the charmers, 16 In that day Egypt will abe like
14 a1 Kin.
The mediums and the sorcerers. 22:22; Is. women, and will be afraid and fear
4 And the Egyptians I will give 29:10 because of the waving of the hand
aInto the hand of a cruel master, 15 aIs. 9:1416
of the LORD of hosts, bwhich He
And a fierce king will rule over waves over it.
16 aJer. 51:30; 17 And the land of Judah will be a
them, Nah. 3:13 bIs.
Says the Lord, the LORD of 11:15 terror to Egypt; everyone who
hosts. 17 aIs. 14:24;
makes mention of it will be afraid in
Dan. 4:35 himself, because of the counsel of
5 The waters will fail from the sea,
18 aZeph. 3:9
the LORD of hosts which He has ade-
And the river will be wasted bIs. 45:23 termined against it.
1Some Heb.
and dried up. Egypt, Assyria, and Israel Blessed
mss., Arab.,
6 The rivers will turn foul; DSS, Tg., Vg.
The brooks aof defense will be Sun; LXX 18 In that day five cities in the land
emptied and dried up; Asedek, lit. of Egypt will aspeak the language of
The reeds and rushes will Righteous- Canaan and bswear by the LORD
wither. of hosts; one will be called the City
7 The papyrus reeds by 1the 19 aGen. 28:18; of 1Destruction.
Ex. 24:4; Josh.
River, by the mouth of the 22:10, 26, 27; 19 In that day athere will be an altar
River, Is. 56:7; 60:7 to the LORD in the midst of the land
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ISAIAH 19:20 614

of Egypt, and a pillar to the bLORD at 19 bPs. 68:31 So it comes from the desert,
its border. 20 aJosh. 4:20; from a terrible land.
20 And ait will be for a sign and for 22:27 bIs. 2 A distressing vision is declared
a witness to the LORD of hosts in the to me;
land of Egypt; for they will cry to 21 a[Is. 2:3, 4; aThe treacherous dealer deals
11:9] bIs. 56:7;
the LORD because of the oppressors, 60:7; Zech. treacherously,
and He will send them a bSavior and 14:1618; Mal. And the plunderer plunders.
a Mighty One, and He will deliver 1:11 bGo up, O Elam!
them. 22 aDeut. Besiege, O Media!
21 Then the LORD will be known to 32:39; Is. All its sighing I have made to
Egypt, and the Egyptians will aknow 30:26; 57:18;
[Heb. 12:11] cease.
the LORD in that day, and bwill make
sacrifice and offering; yes, they will 23 aIs. 11:16; 3 Therefore amy loins are filled
35:8; 49:11;
make a vow to the LORD and per- 62:10 bIs. with pain;
form it. 27:13 Pangs have taken hold of me,
22 And the LORD will strike Egypt, 25 aDeut. 14:2; like the pangs of a woman in
He will strike and aheal it; they will Ps. 100:3; Is. labor.
return to the LORD, and He will be 29:23; Hos. I was 1distressed when I heard
2:23; [Eph.
entreated by them and heal them. 2:10] it;
23 In that day athere will be a high- I was dismayed when I saw it.
way from Egypt to Assyria, and the CHAPTER 20 4 My heart wavered, fearfulness
Assyrian will come into Egypt and frightened me;
the Egyptian into Assyria, and the 1 a2 Kin. 18:17 aThe night for which I longed
1Or the Com-
Egyptians will bserve with the As- He turned into fear for me.
mander in
syrians. Chief 5 aPrepare the table,
24 In that day Israel will be one of 2 aZech. 13:4;
Set a watchman in the tower,
three with Egypt and Assyriaa Matt. 3:4 Eat and drink.
blessing in the midst of the land, b1 Sam. 19:24; Arise, you princes,
25 whom the LORD of hosts shall Mic. 1:8 1Lit. Anoint the shield!
bless, saying, Blessed is Egypt My loins
people, and Assyria athe work of My 3 aIs. 8:18 6 For thus has the Lord said to
hands, and Israel My inheritance. 4 aIs. 19:4 me:
b2 Sam. 10:4;
Is. 3:17; Jer.
Go, set a watchman,
The Sign Against Egypt and Let him declare what he sees.
Ethiopia 13:22; Mic.
1:11 7 And he saw a chariot with a
In the year that aTartan1 came pair of horsemen,
20 to Ashdod, when Sargon the
king of Assyria sent him, and he
5 a2 Kin.
18:21; Is.
30:35; 31:1;
A chariot of donkeys, and a
chariot of camels,
Ezek. 29:6, 7
fought against Ashdod and took it, And he listened earnestly with
6 aIs. 30:5, 7 great care.
2 at the same time the LORD spoke
by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, 8 1Then he cried, A lion, my Lord!
CHAPTER 21 I stand continually on the
Go, and remove athe sackcloth from
awatchtower in the daytime;
your 1body, and take your sandals 1aZech. 9:14
off your feet. And he did so, bwalk- 1oracle, I have sat at my post every
ing naked and barefoot. prophecy night.
3 Then the LORD said, Just as My 2 aIs. 33:1 bIs. 9 And look, here comes a chariot
servant Isaiah has walked naked 13:17; 22:6; of men with a pair of
Jer. 49:34
and barefoot three years afor a sign horsemen!
and a wonder against Egypt and 3 aIs. 15:5; Then he answered and said,
16:11 bIs. 13:8 aBabylon is fallen, is fallen!
Ethiopia, 1Lit. bowed
4 so shall the aking of Assyria And ball the carved images of
4 aDeut. 28:67
lead away the Egyptians as prison- her gods
ers and the Ethiopians as captives, 5 aJer. 51:39; He has broken to the ground.
Dan. 5:5
young and old, naked and barefoot,
bwith their buttocks uncovered, to 8 aHab. 2:1 10 aOh, my threshing and the grain
1DSS Then
the shame of Egypt. the observer of my floor!
5 aThen they shall be afraid and cried, My That which I have heard from
ashamed of Ethiopia their expecta- Lord! the LORD of hosts,
tion and Egypt their glory. 9 aIs. 13:19; The God of Israel,
6 And the inhabitant of this terri- 47:5, 9; 48:14; I have declared to you.
Jer. 51:8; Dan.
tory will say in that day, Surely 5:28, 31; Rev.
such is our expectation, wherever 14:8; 18:2 bIs.
Proclamation Against Edom
we flee for ahelp to be delivered 46:1; Jer. 50:2; 11 aThe 1burden against Dumah.
from the king of Assyria; and how 51:44
shall we escape? 10 aJer. 51:33; He calls to me out of bSeir,
Mic. 4:13
The Fall of Babylon Proclaimed Watchman, what of the night?
11 aGen. 25:14;
1 Chr. 1:30; Watchman, what of the night?
The 1burden against the Wil- 12 The watchman said,
21 derness of the Sea.
Josh. 15:52
bGen. 32:3;
Jer. 49:7;
The morning comes, and also
the night.
Ezek. 35:2;
As awhirlwinds in the South Obad. 1 1ora- If you will inquire, inquire;
pass through, cle, prophecy Return! Come back!
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615 ISAIAH 22:19

Proclamation Against Arabia 13 aJer. 25:24; 8 He removed the 1protection of
49:28 bGen. Judah.
13 aThe 1burden against Arabia. 10:7; 1 Chr.
1:9, 32; Jer. You looked in that day to the
25:23; Ezek. armor bof the House of the
In the forest in Arabia you will 27:15 1oracle, Forest;
lodge, prophecy
9 You also saw the 1damage to
O you traveling companies bof the city of David,
Dedanites. 16 aIs. 16:14 That it was great;
14 O inhabitants of the land of bPs. 120:5;
And you gathered together the
Tema, Song 1:5; Is.
waters of the lower pool.
42:11; 60:7;
Bring water to him who is Ezek. 27:21 10 You numbered the houses of
thirsty; Jerusalem,
With their bread they met him And the houses you broke
who fled. CHAPTER 22 down
15 For they fled from the swords, To fortify the wall.
from the drawn sword, 11 aYou also made a reservoir
From the bent bow, and from 1 1oracle, between the two walls
the distress of war. prophecy For the water of the old bpool.
But you did not look to its
16 For thus the LORD has said to Maker,
2 aIs. 32:13
me: Within a year, aaccording to 1boisterous Nor did you have respect for
the year of a hired man, all the glory Him who fashioned it long
of bKedar will fail; ago.
17 and the remainder of the num- 4 aJer. 4:19
ber of archers, the mighty men of 12 And in that day the Lord GOD
the people of Kedar, will be dimin- 5 aIs. 37:3 of hosts
bLam. 1:5; 2:2
ished; for the LORD God of Israel aCalled for weeping and for
has spoken it. mourning,
6 aJer. 49:35 bFor baldness and for girding
Proclamation Against Jerusalem bIs. 15:1
with sackcloth.
13 But instead, joy and gladness,
22 ofTheVision.
burden against the Valley
8 a2 Kin. Slaying oxen and killing sheep,
18:15, 16
b1 Kin. 7:2;
Eating meat and adrinking wine:
What ails you now, that you bLet us eat and drink, for
10:17 1Lit.
have all gone up to the covering tomorrow we die!
2 You who are full of noise, 14 aThen it was revealed in my
9 a2 Kin. hearing by the LORD of hosts,
A 1tumultuous city, aa joyous 20:20; 2 Chr.
city? 32:4; Neh. Surely for this iniquity there
bwill be no atonement for
Your slain men are not slain 3:16 1Lit.
with the sword, breaches in you,
the city walls
Nor dead in battle. Even to your death, says the
3 All your rulers have fled Lord GOD of hosts.
together; 11 aNeh. 3:16
They are captured by the
b2 Kin. 20:20; The Judgment on Shebna
2 Chr. 32:3, 4
archers. 15 Thus says the Lord GOD of
All who are found in you are hosts:
bound together; 12 aIs. 32:11;
Joel 1:13; 2:17
They have fled from afar. bEzra 9:3; Is. Go, proceed to this steward,
4 Therefore I said, Look away 15:2; Mic. 1:16 To aShebna, who is over the
from me, house, and say:
aI will weep bitterly; 16 What have you here, and whom
13 aIs. 5:11, 22;
Do not labor to comfort me 28:7, 8; Luke have you here,
Because of the plundering of 17:2629 bIs. That you have hewn a
the daughter of my people. 56:12; 1 Cor. sepulcher here,
As he awho hews himself a
5 For it is a day of trouble and
a sepulcher on high,
treading down and perplexity 14 aIs. 5:9
b1 Sam. 3:14;
Who carves a tomb for himself
By the Lord GOD of hosts
b in a rock?
Ezek. 24:13
In the Valley of Vision 17 Indeed, the LORD will throw
Breaking down the walls you away violently,
And of crying to the mountain. 15 a2 Kin. O mighty man,
18:37; Is. 36:3
6 Elam bore the quiver
a aAnd will surely seize you.
With chariots of men and 18 He will surely turn violently
horsemen, 16 a2 Sam. and toss you like a ball
And bKir uncovered the shield. 18:18; 2 Chr. Into a large country;
16:14; Matt.
7 It shall come to pass that your 27:60 There you shall die, and there
choicest valleys ayour glorious chariots
Shall be full of chariots, Shall be the shame of your
And the horsemen shall set 17 aEsth. 7:8 masters house.
themselves in array at the 19 So I will drive you out of your
gate. 18 aIs. 2:7 office,
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ISAIAH 22:20 616

And from your position 1he will 19 1LXX omits 7 Is this your ajoyous city,
pull you down. he will pull Whose antiquity is from
you down;
Syr., Tg., Vg. ancient days,
20 Then it shall be in that day, I will pull you Whose feet carried her far off
That I will call My servant down to dwell?
aEliakim the son of Hilkiah; 8 Who has taken this counsel
21 I will clothe him with your robe 20 a2 Kin. against Tyre, athe crowning
And strengthen him with your 18:18; Is. 36:3, city,
22; 37:2
belt; Whose merchants are princes,
I will commit your Whose traders are the
responsibility into his hand. 22 aIs. 9:6 bJob honorable of the earth?
12:14; Rev. 3:7
He shall be a father to the 9 The LORD of hosts has
inhabitants of Jerusalem apurposed it,
And to the house of Judah. 23 aEzra 9:8; To 1bring to dishonor the bpride
Zech. 10:4
22 The key of the house of David of all glory,
I will lay on his ashoulder; To bring into contempt all the
So he shall bopen, and no one CHAPTER 23 honorable of the earth.
shall shut;
And he shall shut, and no one 10 Overflow through your land
shall open. 1 aJer. 25:22; like 1the River,
23 I will fasten him as aa peg in a 47:4; Ezek. O daughter of Tarshish;
secure place, 2628; Amos There is no more 2strength.
1:9; Zech. 9:2,
And he will become a glorious 4 1oracle, 11 He stretched out His hand over
throne to his fathers house. prophecy the sea,
1Heb. Kittim, He shook the kingdoms;
24 They will hang on him all the western The LORD has given a
lands, espe-
glory of his fathers house, the off- cially Cyprus commandment aagainst
spring and the posterity, all vessels Canaan
of small quantity, from the cups to To destroy its strongholds.
2 1So with
all the pitchers. MT, Vg.; LXX, 12 And He said, You will rejoice
25 In that day, says the LORD of Tg. passing no more,
hosts, the peg that is fastened in over the wa- O you oppressed virgin
the secure place will be removed ter; DSS your daughter of Sidon.
and be cut down and fall, and the passing over Arise, across over to Cyprus;
burden that was on it will be cut off; the sea There also you will have no
for the LORD has spoken. rest.
3 aEzek.
Proclamation Against Tyre 27:323 1The 13 Behold, the land of the
Nile aChaldeans,
The aburden1 against Tyre. This people which was not;
23Wail, you ships of Tarshish! 5 aIs. 19:16 Assyria founded it for bwild
beasts of the desert.
For it is laid waste, 7 aIs. 22:2; They set up its towers,
So that there is no house, no 32:13 They raised up its palaces,
harbor; And brought it to ruin.
From the land of 2Cyprus it is 8 aEzek. 28:2,
revealed to them. 12 14 aWail, you ships of Tarshish!
For your strength is laid waste.
2 Be still, you inhabitants of the 9 aIs. 14:26
coastland, bJob 40:11, 12; 15 Now it shall come to pass in that
You merchants of Sidon, Is. 13:11; 24:4; day that Tyre will be forgotten sev-
1Whom those who cross the sea Dan. 4:37 enty years, according to the days of
have filled. one king. At the end of seventy
3 And on great waters the grain years it will happen to Tyre as in the
of Shihor, 10 1The Nile song of the harlot:
2restraint, lit.
The harvest of 1the River, is her belt
revenue; 16 Take a harp, go about the city,
And ashe is a marketplace for 11 aZech. 9:24
You forgotten harlot;
the nations. Make sweet melody, sing many
12 aEzek.
4 Be ashamed, O Sidon; 26:13, 14; Rev. That you may be remembered.
For the sea has spoken, 18:22
The strength of the sea, saying, 17 And it shall be, at the end of sev-
I do not labor, nor bring forth 13 aIs. 47:1 enty years, that the LORD will deal
children; bPs. 72:9 with Tyre. She will return to her
Neither do I rear young men, hire, and acommit fornication with
Nor bring up virgins. 14 aEzek. all the kingdoms of the world on the
5 aWhen the report reaches Egypt, 27:2530 face of the earth.
They also will be in agony at 18 Her gain and her pay awill be set
the report of Tyre. 17 aRev. 17:2 apart for the LORD; it will not be
treasured nor laid up, for her gain
6 Cross over to Tarshish; 18 aEx. 28:36;
will be for those who dwell before
Wail, you inhabitants of the Zech. 14:20, the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for
coastland! 21 1choice 1fine clothing.
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617 ISAIAH 24:23

Impending Judgment on the Earth CHAPTER 24 It shall be like the shaking of
an olive tree,
Behold, the LORD makes the
24 earth empty and makes
it waste, 2 aHos. 4:9
bEzek. 7:12,
Like the gleaning of grapes
when the vintage is done.
Distorts its surface 13 14 They shall lift up their voice,
And scatters abroad its they shall sing;
inhabitants. For the majesty of the LORD
2 And it shall be: 1proud They shall cry aloud from the
As with the people, so with the sea.
15 Therefore aglorify the LORD in
As with the servant, so with his 5 aGen. 3:17; the dawning light,
master; Num. 35:33; bThe name of the LORD God of
As with the maid, so with her Is. 9:17; 10:6
bIs. 59:12 Israel in the coastlands of the
mistress; c1 Chr. sea.
bAs with the buyer, so with the
16:1419; Ps. 16 From the ends of the earth we
seller; 105:712 have heard songs:
As with the lender, so with the Glory to the righteous!
borrower; But I said, 1I am ruined,
6 aMal. 4:6 bIs.
As with the creditor, so with 9:19 1Or held ruined!
the debtor. guilty Woe to me!
3 The land shall be entirely aThe treacherous dealers have
emptied and utterly dealt treacherously,
plundered, 7 aIs. 16:810;
Joel 1:10, 12 Indeed, the treacherous dealers
For the LORD has spoken this have dealt very
word. treacherously.
8 aIs. 5:12, 14;
4 The earth mourns and fades Jer. 7:34; 16:9; 17 aFear and the pit and the snare
away, 25:10; Ezek. Are upon you, O inhabitant of
The world languishes and fades 26:13; Hos.
2:11; Rev. the earth.
away; 18:22 18 And it shall be
The ahaughty1 people of the That he who flees from the
earth languish. noise of the fear
5 aThe earth is also defiled under 13 a[Is. 17:5, 6; Shall fall into the pit,
its inhabitants, 27:12]
And he who comes up from the
Because they have midst of the pit
btransgressed the laws,
15 aIs. 25:3 Shall be 1caught in the snare;
Changed the ordinance, bMal. 1:11 For athe windows from on high
Broken the ceverlasting are open,
covenant. And bthe foundations of the
6 Therefore athe curse has 16 aIs. 21:2; earth are shaken.
devoured the earth, 33:1; Jer. 3:20;
5:11 1Lit.
And those who dwell in it are Leanness to 19 aThe earth is violently broken,
1desolate. me, leanness The earth is split open,
Therefore the inhabitants of the to me The earth is shaken
earth are bburned, exceedingly.
And few men are left. 17 aJer. 48:43; 20 The earth shall areel1 to and fro
Amos 5:19 like a drunkard,
7 The new wine fails, the vine
And shall totter like a hut;
languishes, Its transgression shall be heavy
All the merry-hearted sigh. 18 aGen. 7:11 upon it,
bPs. 18:7; 46:2;
8 The mirth aof the tambourine And it will fall, and not rise
Is. 2:19, 21;
ceases, 13:13 1Lit. again.
The noise of the jubilant ends, taken
The joy of the harp ceases. 21 It shall come to pass in that day
9 They shall not drink wine with That the LORD will punish on
a song; 19 aJer. 4:23 high the host of exalted ones,
Strong drink is bitter to those And on the earth athe kings of
who drink it. 20 aIs. 19:14;
the earth.
10 The city of confusion is broken 24:1; 28:7 22 They will be gathered together,
down; 1stagger As prisoners are gathered in
Every house is shut up, so that the 1pit,
none may go in. And will be shut up in the
11 There is a cry for wine in the 21 aPs. 76:12 prison;
streets, After many days they will be
All joy is darkened, 22 1dungeon
The mirth of the land is gone. 23 Then the amoon will be
12 In the city desolation is left, disgraced
And the gate is stricken with 23 aIs. 13:10; And the sun ashamed;
destruction. 60:19; Ezek. For the LORD of hosts will
13 When it shall be thus in the 32:7; Joel breign
2:31; 3:15
midst of the land among the bRev. 19:4, 6 On cMount Zion and in
people, c[Heb. 12:22] Jerusalem
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ISAIAH 25:1 618

And before His elders, CHAPTER 25 As straw is trampled down for
gloriously. the refuse heap.
1 aEx. 15:2 11 And He will spread out His
Praise to God bPs. 98:1
hands in their midst
cNum. 23:19
O LORD,You are my God. As a swimmer reaches out to
25 aI will exalt You,
I will praise Your name,
2 aIs. 21:9;
23:13; Jer.
And He will bring down their
bFor You have done wonderful 51:37 apride

things; 3 aIs. 24:15; Together with the trickery of

cYour counsels of old are Rev. 11:13 their hands.
faithfulness and truth. 1terrifying
12 The afortress of the high fort of
2 For You have made aa city a ruin, 4 aIs. 4:6
your walls
A fortified city a ruin, He will bring down, lay low,
A palace of foreigners to be a 5 1humbled And bring to the ground, down
city no more; to the dust.
6 a[Is. 2:24;
It will never be rebuilt. 56:7] bProv.
3 Therefore the strong people 9:2; Matt. 22:4
A Song of Salvation
will aglorify You; c[Dan. 7:14;
In athat day this song will be
The city of the 1terrible nations
will fear You.
Matt. 8:11]
1Lit. fat
things 2wines
26 sung in the land of Judah:
4 For You have been a strength to matured on We have a strong city;
the poor, the sediment bGod will appoint salvation for
A strength to the needy in his 7a2Cor. 3:15; walls and bulwarks.
distress, [Eph. 4:18] 2 aOpen the gates,
aA refuge from the storm,
That the righteous nation
A shade from the heat; 8 a[Hos. 13:14;
which 1keeps the truth may
For the blast of the terrible 1 Cor. 15:54;
Rev. 20:14] enter in.
ones is as a storm against the bIs. 30:19; 3 You will keep him in perfect
wall. Rev. 7:17; 21:4 apeace,
5 You will reduce the noise of Whose mind is stayed on You,
aliens, 9 aGen. 49:18;
Is. 8:17; 26:8; Because he trusts in You.
As heat in a dry place; [Titus 2:13] 4 Trust in the LORD forever,
As heat in the shadow of a bPs. 20:5
aFor in YAH, the LORD, is
cloud, 1everlasting strength.
The song of the terrible ones 10 aIs. 16:14;
Jer. 48:147; 5 For He brings 1down those who
will be 1diminished. Ezek. 25:811; dwell on high,
Amos 2:13; aThe lofty city;
6 And in athis mountain Zeph. 2:9
The LORD of hosts will make
b He lays it low,
for call people 11 aIs. 24:4; He lays it low to the ground,
26:5 He brings it down to the dust.
A feast of 1choice pieces,
A feast of 2wines on the lees, 12 aIs. 26:5 6 The foot shall 1tread it down
Of fat things full of marrow, The feet of the poor
Of well-refined wines on the And the steps of the needy.
7 And He will destroy on this 7 The way of the just is
mountain 1aIs. 2:11; uprightness;
12:1 bIs. 60:18 O Most Upright,
The surface of the covering cast
over all people, 2 aPs. 118:19, You 1weigh the path of the
And athe veil that is spread 20 1Or re- just.
mains faithful 8 Yes, ain the way of Your
over all nations.
8 He will aswallow up death 3 aIs. 57:19;
forever, [Phil. 4:6, 7] O LORD, we have bwaited for
And the Lord GOD will bwipe You;
away tears from all faces; 4 aIs. 12:2; The desire of our soul is for
45:17 1Or
The rebuke of His people Rock of Ages Your name
He will take away from all the And for the remembrance of
earth; 5 aIs. 25:11, 12 You.
For the LORD has spoken. 9 aWith my soul I have desired You
6 1trample in the night,
9 And it will be said in that day: Yes, by my spirit within me I
Behold, this is our God; 7 aPs. 37:23
1Or make
will seek You early;
aWe have waited for Him, and
For when Your judgments are in
He will save us. the earth,
This is the LORD; 8 aIs. 64:5 bIs. The inhabitants of the world
We have waited for Him; 25:9; 33:2 will learn righteousness.
bWe will be glad and rejoice in
9 aPs. 63:6;
His salvation. Song 3:1; Is. 10 aLet grace be shown to the
50:10; Luke wicked,
10 For on this mountain the hand 6:12 Yet he will not learn
of the LORD will rest, 10 aEccl. 8:12;
And aMoab shall be trampled [Rom. 2:4] In bthe land of uprightness he
down under Him, bPs. 143:10 will deal unjustly,
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619 ISAIAH 27:10

And will not behold the 11 aIs. 5:12 1Or Hide yourself, as it were, bfor a
majesty of the LORD. Your zeal for little moment,
the people
11 LORD, when Your hand is lifted Until the indignation is past.
up, athey will not see. 12 1Or for us
21 For behold, the LORD acomes
But they will see and be out of His place
ashamed 13 a2 Chr. 12:8
To punish the inhabitants of the
For 1their envy of people; earth for their iniquity;
Yes, the fire of Your enemies 14 aEccl. 9:5
The earth will also disclose her
shall devour them. 1blood,

15 aIs. 9:3 1Or And will no more cover her

12 LORD,You will establish peace ends slain.
for us,
For You have also done all our
works 1in us.
13 O LORD our God, amasters
16 aHos. 5:15

17 a[John
27 In severe
that day the L
with His
sword, great and
besides You 16:21] 1sharp Will punish Leviathan the
Have had dominion over us; pains fleeing serpent,
But by You only we make aLeviathan that twisted serpent;
mention of Your name. 18 aPs. 17:14 And He will slay bthe reptile
1given birth
14 They are dead, they will not to that is in the sea.
They are deceased, they will 19 a[Ezek.
The Restoration of Israel
not rise. 37:114] 2 In that day asing to her,
b[Dan. 12:2]
Therefore You have punished 1So with MT, bA vineyard of 1red wine!
and destroyed them, Vg.; Syr., Tg. 3 I, the LORD, keep it,
And made all their memory to their dead I water it every moment;
aperish. bodies; LXX
those in the Lest any hurt it,
15 You have increased the nation, tombs I keep it night and day.
O LORD, 4 Fury is not in Me.
You have aincreased the 20 aEx. 12:22, Who would set abriers and
nation; 23 b[Ps. 30:5] thorns
You are glorified; Against Me in battle?
You have expanded all the 21 aMic. 1:3 I would go through them,
1borders of the land. 1Or bloodshed
I would burn them together.
5 Or let him take hold aof My
16 LORD, ain trouble they have CHAPTER 27 strength,
visited You, That he may bmake peace with
They poured out a prayer when 1 aPs. 74:13, Me;
Your chastening was upon 14 bIs. 51:9
And he shall make peace with
them. Me.
17 As aa woman with child 2 aIs. 5:1 bIs.
5:7 1So with
Is in pain and cries out in her MT (Kittels 6 Those who come He shall
Biblia cause ato take root in Jacob;
When she draws near the time Hebraica),
Israel shall blossom and bud,
of her delivery, Bg., Vg.; MT
(Biblia And fill the face of the world
So have we been in Your sight, Hebraica with fruit.
O LORD. Stuttgarten-
18 We have been with child, we sia), some
Heb. mss., 7 Has He struck 1Israel as He
have been in pain; LXX delight; struck those who struck him?
We have, as it were, 1brought Tg. choice Or has He been slain according
forth wind; vineyard to the slaughter of those who
We have not accomplished any were slain by Him?
deliverance in the earth, 3 aIs. 31:5 8 aIn measure, by sending it away,
Nor have athe inhabitants of You contended with it.
the world fallen. 4 a2 Sam. 23:6 bHe removes it by His rough
19 aYour dead shall live; 5 aIs. 25:4
In the day of the east wind.
bJob 22:21
Together with 1my dead body 9 Therefore by this the iniquity of
they shall arise. Jacob will be covered;
bAwake and sing, you who dwell 6 aIs. 37:31
And this is all the fruit of
in dust; taking away his sin:
For your dew is like the dew of 7 aIs. 10:12,
17; 30:3033 When he makes all the stones
herbs, 1Lit. him of the altar
And the earth shall cast out the Like chalkstones that are
dead. 8 aJob 23:6 beaten to dust,
b[Ps. 78:38]
1Wooden images and incense
Take Refuge from the Coming
Judgment altars shall not stand.
9 1Heb. Ashe-
rim, Canaan-
20 Come, my people, aenter your ite deities 10 Yet the fortified city will be
chambers, adesolate,
And shut your doors behind 10 aIs. 5:6, 17; The habitation forsaken and
you; 32:14 left like a wilderness;
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ISAIAH 27:11 620

There the calf will feed, and 11 aDeut. And for strength to those who
there it will lie down 32:28; Is. 1:3
bIs. 9:17 turn back the battle at the
And consume its branches. cDeut. 32:18; gate.
11 When its boughs are withered, Is. 43:1, 7;
they will be broken off; 44:2, 21, 24 7 But they also ahave erred
The women come and set them through wine,
on fire. And through intoxicating drink
For ait is a people of no are out of the way;
understanding; 12 a[Is. 11:11; bThe priest and the prophet have
56:8] 1The Eu-
Therefore He who made them phrates erred through intoxicating
will bnot have mercy on them, drink,
And cHe who formed them will They are swallowed up by
show them no favor. wine,
13 aIs. 2:11 They are out of the way
12 And it shall come to pass in bLev. 25:9;
through intoxicating drink;
that day 1 Chr. 15:24; They err in vision, they stumble
Matt. 24:31;
That the LORD will thresh, Rev. 11:15 cIs. in judgment.
From the channel of 1the River 19:21, 22 d[Is. 8 For all tables are full of vomit
to the Brook of Egypt; 2:3]; Zech. and filth;
And you will be agathered one 14:16; [Heb.
12:22] No place is clean.
by one,
O you children of Israel. 9 Whoma will he teach
13 aSo it shall be in that day: And whom will he make to
bThe great trumpet will be
CHAPTER 28 understand the message?
blown; Those just weaned from milk?
They will come, who are about Those just drawn from the
to perish in the land of breasts?
Assyria, 10 aFor precept must be upon
And they who are outcasts in 1 1Lit. valleys
of fatness precept, precept upon precept,
the land of cEgypt, Line upon line, line upon line,
And shall dworship the LORD in Here a little, there a little.
the holy mount at Jerusalem.
2 aIs. 30:30; 11 For with astammering lips and
Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem Ezek. 13:11 another tongue
He will speak to this people,
Woe to the crown of pride,
28 to the drunkards of
12 To whom He said, This is the
arest with which
4 1Lit. valley You may cause the weary to
Whose glorious beauty is a of fatness rest,
fading flower And, This is the refreshing;
Which is at the head of the Yet they would not hear.
1verdant valleys,
13 But the word of the LORD was
To those who are overcome 7 aProv. 20:1;
to them,
with wine! Is. 5:11, 22;
Hos. 4:11 bIs. Precept upon precept, precept
2 Behold, the Lord has a mighty 56:10, 12 upon precept,
and strong one, Line upon line, line upon line,
aLike a tempest of hail and a
Here a little, there a little,
destroying storm, That they might go and fall
Like a flood of mighty waters 9 aJer. 6:10 backward, and be broken
overflowing, And snared and caught.
Who will bring them down to
the earth with His hand. 14 Therefore hear the word of the
3 The crown of pride, the 10 a[2 Chr. LORD, you scornful men,
drunkards of Ephraim, 36:15; Neh.
Who rule this people who are
Will be trampled underfoot; 9:30; Jer. 25:3,
4 And the glorious beauty is a 4; 35:15; 44:4] in Jerusalem,
fading flower 15 Because you have said, We
Which is at the head of the have made a covenant with
1verdant valley, death,
Like the first fruit before the
11 aIs. 33:19; And with Sheol we are in
1 Cor. 14:21 agreement.
Which an observer sees; When the overflowing scourge
He eats it up while it is still in passes through,
his hand. It will not come to us,
12 aIs. 30:15; aFor we have made lies our
Jer. 6:16;
5 In that day the LORD of hosts [Matt. 11:28, refuge,
will be 29] And under falsehood we have
For a crown of glory and a hidden ourselves.
diadem of beauty A Cornerstone in Zion
To the remnant of His people, 15 aIs. 9:15;
6 For a spirit of justice to him Ezek. 13:22; 16 Therefore thus says the Lord
who sits in judgment, Amos 2:4 GOD:
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621 ISAIAH 29:8

Behold, I lay in Zion aa stone 16 aGen. 49:24; 27 For the black cummin is not
for a foundation, Ps. 118:22; Is. threshed with a threshing
8:14, 15; Matt.
A tried stone, a precious 21:42; Mark sledge,
cornerstone, a sure 12:10; Luke Nor is a cartwheel rolled over
foundation; 20:17; Acts the cummin;
4:11; Rom.
Whoever believes will not act 9:33; 10:11; But the black cummin is beaten
hastily. Eph. 2:20; out with a stick,
17 Also I will make justice the 1 Pet. 2:68 And the cummin with a rod.
measuring line, 28 Bread flour must be ground;
And righteousness the Therefore he does not thresh it
plummet; 21 a2 Sam. forever,
The hail will sweep away the 5:20; 1 Chr. Break it with his cartwheel,
refuge of lies, 14:11 bJosh. Or crush it with his horsemen.
10:10, 12;
And the waters will overflow 2 Sam. 5:25; 29 This also comes from the LORD
the hiding place. 1 Chr. 14:16 of hosts,
18 Your covenant with death will c[Lam. 3:33; aWho is wonderful in counsel
be annulled, Luke
19:4144] 1Lit.
and excellent in 1guidance.
And your agreement with foreign
Sheol will not stand; Woe to Jerusalem
When the overflowing scourge Woe ato 1Ariel, to Ariel,
passes through,
Then you will be trampled 22 aIs. 10:22;
Dan. 9:27 1Lit.
29 the city bwhere
David dwelt!
down by it. complete end Add year to year;
19 As often as it goes out it will Let feasts come around.
take you; 2 Yet I will distress Ariel;
For morning by morning it will There shall be heaviness and
pass over, 25 1rye
And by day and by night; And it shall be to Me as Ariel.
It will be a terror just to 3 I will encamp against you all
understand the report. 29 aPs. 92:5; Is. around,
9:6; Jer. 32:19
1sound wis- I will lay siege against you with
20 For the bed is too short to dom a mound,
stretch out on, And I will raise siegeworks
And the covering so narrow against you.
that one cannot wrap himself 4 You shall be brought down,
in it. You shall speak out of the
21 For the LORD will rise up as at ground;
Mount aPerazim, Your speech shall be low, out of
He will be angry as in the the dust;
Valley of bGibeon 1 aEzek. 24:6, Your voice shall be like a
That He may do His work, cHis 9 b2 Sam. 5:9 mediums, aout of the ground;
awesome work, 1Jerusalem,
And your speech shall whisper
And bring to pass His act, His lit. Lion of
1unusual act. God out of the dust.
22 Now therefore, do not be 5 Moreover the multitude of your
mockers, afoes
Lest your bonds be made 4 aIs. 8:19 Shall be like fine dust,
strong; And the multitude of the
For I have heard from the Lord terrible ones
GOD of hosts, 5 aIs. 25:5 bJob Like bchaff that passes away;
aA 1destruction determined even
21:18; Is. Yes, it shall be cin an instant,
upon the whole earth. 17:13 cIs. suddenly.
30:13; 47:11;
Listen to the Teaching of God 1 Thess. 5:3 6 aYou will be punished by the
LORD of hosts
23 Give ear and hear my voice, With thunder and bearthquake
Listen and hear my speech. and great noise,
24 Does the plowman keep 6 aIs. 28:2; With storm and tempest
30:30 b1 Sam.
plowing all day to sow? 2:10; Zech. And the flame of devouring fire.
Does he keep turning his soil 14:4; Matt. 7 aThe multitude of all the nations
and breaking the clods? 24:7; Mark who fight against 1Ariel,
13:8; Luke
25 When he has leveled its 21:11; Rev. Even all who fight against her
surface, 16:18, 19 and her fortress,
Does he not sow the black And distress her,
cummin Shall be bas a dream of a night
And scatter the cummin, 7 aIs. 37:36;
Plant the wheat in rows, Mic. 4:11, 12; 8 aIt shall even be as when a
The barley in the appointed Zech. 12:9 hungry man dreams,
place, bJob 20:8
And lookhe eats;
And the 1spelt in its place? But he awakes, and his soul is
26 For He instructs him in right still empty;
judgment, Or as when a thirsty man
His God teaches him. 8 aPs. 73:20 dreams,
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ISAIAH 29:9 622

And lookhe drinks; 9 aIs. 28:7, 8 Future Recovery of Wisdom
bIs. 51:21
But he awakes, and indeed he
is faint, 10 aPs. 69:23; 17 Is it not yet a very little while
And his soul still craves: Is. 6:9, 10; Till aLebanon shall be turned
So the multitude of all the
Mic. 3:6; Rom. into a fruitful field,
11:8 bPs. And the fruitful field be
nations shall be, 69:23; Is. 6:10
Who fight against Mount Zion. c1 Sam. 9:9; esteemed as a forest?
Is. 44:18; Mic. 18 aIn that day the deaf shall hear
3:6; [2 Thess. the words of the book,
The Blindness of Disobedience

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