The Holy Bible, New King James Version PDF
The Holy Bible, New King James Version PDF
The Holy Bible, New King James Version PDF
Holy Bible
containing the Old and New Testaments
center-column references, translation notes,
significant textual variants, concordance, and maps
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How to Use
This Reference Bible
Greeting CHAPTER 1
1 aRom. 1:1
A SUPERIOR NUMERAL indicates AUL, acalled to be an apostle of
an equivalent translation, alter-
nate translation, language note,
P Jesus Christ bthrough the will of
God, and cSosthenes our brother,
b2 Cor. 1:1
cActs 18:17
2 a[Acts 15:9]
explanatory note, or textual note. bRom. 1:7
c[1 Cor. 8:6]
2 To the church of God which is at d[Rom. 3:22]
Corinth, to those who aare 1sancti- 1set apart
SQUARE BRACKETS around a tion of our Lord Jesus Christ, 14 aJohn 4:2
bActs 18:8
cross-reference mark it as a con- 8 awho will also confirm you to cRom. 16:23
ceptual cross-reference, which the end, bthat you may be blameless
identifies a passage similar in in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 16 a1 Cor.
9 aGod is faithful, by whom you 16:15, 17
concept to the referenced pas-
sage in the text. were called into bthe fellowship of 17 a[1 Cor. 2:1,
His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 4, 13]
18 a1 Cor. 2:14
Sectarianism Is Sin b2 Cor. 2:15
c[1 Cor. 15:2]
10 Now I plead with you, brethren, dRom. 1:16
1Lit. word
by the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, athat you all 1speak the same 19 aIs. 29:14
thing, and that there be no 2divi- 20 aIs. 19:12;
sions among you, but that you be 33:18 bJob
An EXPLANATORY NOTE explains perfectly joined together in the same 12:17
the word or phrase in the text. mind and in the same judgment. 1debater
Words set in roman type in trans- 11 For it has been declared to me 21 aDan. 2:20
lation notes are explanatory only concerning you, my brethren, by
and are not translated from the 22 aMatt. 12:38
original languages. those of Chloes household, that
there are 1contentions among you. 23 aLuke 2:34
b[1 Cor. 2:14]
12 Now I say this, that aeach of you 1Gr. skan-
says, I am of Paul, or I am of dalon, offense
bApollos, or I am of cCephas, or I 2NU Gentiles
CHAPTER 1 anot with wisdom of words, lest the
1 aRom. 1:1
b2 Cor. 1:1
cross of Christ should be made of no
cActs 18:17 effect.
2 a[Acts 15:9] Christ the Power and Wisdom of center column indicates the verse
bRom. 1:7
c[1 Cor. 8:6] God to which an entry applies.
d[Rom. 3:22]
1set apart 18 For the 1message of the cross is
afoolishness to bthose who are per-
3 aRom. 1:7
ishing, but to us cwho are being
4 aRom. 1:8
saved it is the dpower of God.
5 a[1 Cor. 12:8] 19 For it is written:
6 a2 Tim. 1:8 a
I will destroy the wisdom of the A LITERAL TRANSLATION gives
1Or among
wise, the literal meaning of the word or
7 aPhil. 3:20 And bring to nothing the phrase.
8 a1 Thess. understanding of the
3:13; 5:23 prudent.
bCol. 1:22; 2:7
OBLIQUE TYPE in the New Testa- 30 For in the resurrection they nei- 30 a[1 John
ment indicates a quotation from ther marry nor are given in 3:2] 1NU
omits of God
the Old Testament. The sources marriage, but aare like angels 1of
of the quotations are found in God in heaven. 32 aGen. 17:7;
cross-references. 26:24; 28:21;
31 But concerning the resurrection Ex. 3:6, 15;
of the dead, have you not read what Mark 12:26;
was spoken to you by God, saying, Luke 20:37;
32 aI am the God of Abraham, the Acts 7:32;
[Heb. 11:16]
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob ?
ITALIC TYPE in the text indicates God is not the God of the dead, but of 33 aMatt. 7:28
words that the original texts do the living. 34 aMark
not contain but which English re- 33 And when the multitudes heard 12:2831;
quires for clarity. this, athey were astonished at His Luke 10:2537
teaching. 35 aLuke 7:30;
10:25; 11:45,
The Scribes: Which Is the First 46, 52; 14:3;
Commandment of All? Titus 3:13
A BOLD-FACE VERSE NUMERAL 34 aBut when the Pharisees heard 37 aDeut. 6:5;
in the text indicates a paragraph 10:12; 30:6
that He had silenced the Sadducees,
break. When a new paragraph they gathered together. 39 aLev. 19:18;
begins within a verse, the new 35 Then one of them, aa lawyer, Matt. 19:19;
paragraph is indented (see, for Mark 12:31;
example, Nehemiah 13:22). asked Him a question, testing Him, Luke 10:27;
and saying, [Rom. 13:9;
36 Teacher, which is the great Gal. 5:14;
James 2:8]
commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said to him, aYou shall 40 a[Matt. 7:12;
Rom. 13:10;
QUOTATION MARKS in the text love the Lord your God with all your 1 Tim. 1:5]
follow modern English usage. For heart, with all your soul, and with all
your mind. 41 aLuke
easier reading, only the marks 20:4144
denoting the most recently 38 This is the first and great com-
opened quotation are repeated in mandment. 42 aMatt. 1:1;
a new paragraph. 39 And the second is like it: aYou 21:9
shall love your neighbor as yourself. 44 aPs. 110:1;
40 aOn these two commandments Acts 2:3235;
hang all the Law and the Prophets. Eph. 1:1923
46 aLuke 14:6
SUBJECT HEADINGS have been Jesus: How Can David Call His bMark 12:34
added to help you follow the flow Descendant Lord?
of thought in the biblical mate- CHAPTER 23
41 aWhile the Pharisees were gath-
rial. ered together, Jesus asked them, 2 aNeh. 8:4, 8
42 saying, What do you think 3 a[Rom. 2:19]
about the Christ? Whose Son is He? 1NU omits to
Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii
How to Use This Reference Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viii
Special Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xii
Concordance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1097
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .After Concordance
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Special Abbreviations
Arab. Arabic NU the most prominent modern
Critical Text of the Greek
Aram. Aramaic New Testament, published in
Bg. the 152425 edition of the He- the twenty-sixth edition of
brew Old Testament pub- the Nestle-Aland Greek New
lished by Daniel Bomberg Testament and in the third
(see Preface, The Old Testa- edition of the United Bible
ment Text) Societies Greek New Testa-
ment (see Preface, The New
cf. compare Testament Text)
ch., chs. chapter, chapters pl. plural
DSS Dead Sea Scrolls Qr. Qere (literally, in Aramaic,
fem. feminine read)certain words read
aloud, differing from the
f., ff. following verse, following written words, in the Ma-
verses soretic tradition of the He-
Gr. Greek brew Old Testament (see
Heb. Hebrew
Sam. Samaritan Pentateucha
i.e. that is variant Hebrew edition of the
Kt. Kethib (literally, in Aramaic, books of Moses, used by the
written)the written words Samaritan community
of the Hebrew Old Testament sing. singular
preserved by the Masoretes
(see Qr.) Syr. Syriac
Lat. Latin Tg. Targuman Aramaic para-
phrase of the Old Testament
lit. literally
TR Textus Receptus or Received
LXX Septuagintan ancient trans- Text (see Preface, The New
lation of the Old Testament Testament Text)
into Greek
v., vv. verse, verses
M Majority Text (see Preface,
The New Testament Text) vss. Versionsancient transla-
tions of the Bible
ms., mss. manuscript, manuscripts
Vg. Vulgatean ancient transla-
masc. masculine tion of the Bible into Latin,
MT Masoretic Textthe tradi- translated and edited by
tional Hebrew Old Testament Jerome
(see Preface, The Old Testa-
ment Text)
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Old Testament
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T HE first part of Genesis focuses on the beginning and spread of sin in the
world and culminates in the devastating flood in the days of Noah. The second
part of the book focuses on Gods dealings with one man, Abraham, through
whom God promises to bring salvation and blessing to the world. Abraham and
his descendants learn firsthand that it is always safe to trust the Lord in times of
famine and feasting, blessing and bondage. From Abraham . . . to Isaac . . . to Jacob
. . . to Joseph . . . Gods promises begin to come to fruition in a great nation pos-
sessing a great land.
Genesis is a Greek word meaning origin, source, generation, or begin-
ning. The original Hebrew title Bereshith means In the Beginning.
The literary structure of Genesis is clear and is built around eleven separate
units, each including the word genealogy in the phrase This is the genealogy or
The book of the genealogy: (1) Introduction to the Genealogies (1:12:3); (2)
Heaven and Earth (2:44:26); (3) Adam (5:16:8); (4) Noah (6:99:29); (5) Sons of
Noah (10:111:9); (6) Shem (11:1026); (7) Terah (11:2725:11); (8) Ishmael
(25:1218); (9) Isaac (25:1935:29); (10) Esau (36:137:1); (11) Jacob (37:250:26).
The History of Creation CHAPTER 1 according to its kind, and the tree
1 a[John 1:13] that yields fruit, whose seed is in
N the abeginning bGod created the
I heavens and the earth.
2 The earth was awithout form,
bActs 17:24
2 aJer. 4:23
itself according to its kind. And God
saw that it was good.
bIs. 40:13, 14 13 So the evening and the morning
and void; and darkness 1was on the 1Words in
were the third day.
face of the deep. bAnd the Spirit of italic type
14 Then God said, Let there be
God was hovering over the face of have been
alights in the firmament of the heav-
added for
the waters. clarity. They ens to divide the day from the night;
3 aThen God said, bLet there be are not found and let them be for signs and bsea-
clight; and there was light. in the original
4 And God saw the light, that it Hebrew or sons, and for days and years;
was good; and God divided the light Aramaic. 15 and let them be for lights in the
from the darkness. 3 aPs. 33:6, 9 firmament of the heavens to give
5 God called the light Day, and the
b2 Cor. 4:6 light on the earth; and it was so.
adarkness He called Night. 1So the
c[Heb. 11:3]
16 Then God made two great
1lights: the agreater light to rule the
evening and the morning were the 5 aPs. 19:2;
first day. 33:6; 74:16; day, and the blesser light to rule the
104:20; 136:5 night. He made cthe stars also.
6 Then God said, aLet there be a 1Lit. And
1firmament in the midst of the evening was, 17 God set them in the firmament of
waters, and let it divide the waters and morning the aheavens to give light on the earth,
was, a day, 18 and to arule over the day and
from the waters. one.
7 Thus God made the firmament, over the night, and to divide the
aand divided the waters which were 6 aJer. 10:12
light from the darkness. And God
under the firmament from the saw that it was good.
waters which were babove the fir- 7 aProv. 8:27 19 So the evening and the morning
29 bPs. 148:4 were the fourth day.
mament; and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament 9 aJob 26:10 20 Then God said, Let the waters
bPs. 24:1, 2;
Heaven. So the evening and the abound with an abundance of living
33:7; 95:5 1creatures, and let birds fly above
morning were the second day.
9 Then God said, aLet the waters 11 aHeb. 6:7
b2 Sam. 16:1
the earth across the face of the 2fir-
under the heavens be gathered mament of the heavens.
together into one place, and blet the 14 aPs. 74:16; 21 So aGod created great sea crea-
136:59 bPs. tures and every living thing that
dry land appear; and it was so. 104:19
10 And God called the dry land moves, with which the waters
Earth, and the gathering together of 16 aPs. 136:8 abounded, according to their kind,
bPs. 8:3 cJob
the waters He called Seas. And God 38:7 1lumi- and every winged bird according to
saw that it was good. naries its kind. And God saw that it was
11 Then God said, Let the earth 17 aGen. 15:5
abring forth grass, the herb that 22 And God blessed them, saying,
18 aJer. 31:35
yields seed, and the bfruit tree that aBe fruitful and multiply, and fill
yields fruit according to its kind, 20 1souls the waters in the seas, and let birds
whose seed is in itself, on the earth; multiply on the earth.
and it was so. 21 aPs. 104:25 23 So the evening and the morning
12 And the earth brought forth 28 were the fifth day.
grass, the herb that yields seed 22 aGen. 8:17 24 Then God said, Let the earth
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GENESIS 1:25 2
bring forth the living creature 26 a[Eph. 4:24]
bGen. 9:2 1Syr.
Life in Gods Garden
according to its kind: cattle and all the wild ani-
creeping thing and beast of the 8 The LORD God planted aa garden
mals of beastward in cEden, and there He put
earth, each according to its kind; 27 aGen. 5:2
and it was so. bMatt. 19:4
the man whom He had formed.
25 And God made the beast of the 9 And out of the ground the LORD
28 aGen. 9:1, 7 God made aevery tree grow that is
earth according to its kind, cattle b1 Cor. 9:27
according to its kind, and every- 1moves about pleasant to the sight and good for
thing that creeps on the earth on food. bThe tree of life was also in the
according to its kind. And God saw midst of the garden, and the tree of
29 aGen. 9:3 the knowledge of good and cevil.
that it was good.
26 Then God said, aLet Us make 30 aPs. 145:15 10 Now a river went out of Eden to
man in Our image, according to Our
bJob 38:41 water the garden, and from there it
1a living soul
likeness; blet them have dominion parted and became four riverheads.
over the fish of the sea, over the birds 31 a[Ps. 104:24]
11 The name of the first is Pishon;
of the air, and over the cattle, over it is the one which skirts athe whole
1all the earth and over every creep- CHAPTER 2 land of Havilah, where there is gold.
ing thing that creeps on the earth. 12 And the gold of that land is
27 So God created man ain His 1 aPs. 33:6 good. aBdellium and the onyx stone
own image; in the image of God He are there.
2 aEx. 20:911;
created him; bmale and female He 31:17 13 The name of the second river is
created them. Gihon; it is the one which goes
28 Then God blessed them, and 3 a[Is. 58:13] around the whole land of Cush.
God said to them, aBe fruitful and 14 The name of the third river is
4 aGen. 1:1 aHiddekel;1 it is the one which goes
multiply; fill the earth and bsubdue 1Heb. tole-
toward the east of 2Assyria. The
it; have dominion over the fish of doth; lit. gen-
the sea, over the birds of the air, and
erations fourth river is the Euphrates.
over every living thing that 1moves 5 aGen. 1:11,
15 Then the LORD God took 1the
on the earth. 12 bGen. 7:4 man and put him in the garden of
29 And God said, See, I have given
cGen. 3:23 Eden to 2tend and keep it.
you every herb that yields seed 16 And the LORD God commanded
7 aGen. 3:19, the man, saying, Of every tree of
which is on the face of all the earth, 23 bJob 33:4
cGen. 7:22 the garden you may freely eat;
and every tree whose fruit yields d1 Cor. 15:45 17 but of the tree of the knowl-
seed; ato you it shall be for food. edge of good and evil ayou shall not
30 Also, to aevery beast of the earth, 8 aIs. 51:3
eat, for in the day that you eat of it
bGen. 3:23, 24
to every bbird of the air, and to every- cGen. 4:16 byou1 shall surely cdie.
thing that creeps on the earth, in 18 And the LORD God said, It is
which there is 1life, I have given every 9 aEzek. 31:8 not good that man should be alone;
green herb for food; and it was so. b[Gen. 3:22]
aI will make him a helper compara-
c[Deut. 1:39]
31 Then aGod saw everything that ble to him.
He had made, and indeed it was 11 aGen. 25:18 19 aOut of the ground the LORD
very good. So the evening and the God formed every beast of the field
morning were the sixth day. 12 aNum. 11:7
and every bird of the air, and
Thus the heavens and the earth,
2 and aall the host of them, were
14 aDan. 10:4
1Or Tigris
2Heb. Ashshur
bbrought them to 1Adam to see what
he would call them. And whatever
Adam called each living creature,
2 aAnd on the seventh day God that was its name.
ended His work which He had done, 15 1Or Adam
2cultivate 20 So Adam gave names to all cat-
and He rested on the seventh day tle, to the birds of the air, and to
from all His work which He had done. 17 aGen. 3:1, 3, every beast of the field. But for
3 Then God ablessed the seventh 11, 17 bGen.
Adam there was not found a helper
day and sanctified it, because in it 3:3, 19 cRom.
5:12 1Lit. comparable to him.
He rested from all His work which dying you 21 And the LORD God caused a
God had created and made. shall die adeep sleep to fall on Adam, and he
4 aThis is the 1history of the heav- slept; and He took one of his ribs,
18 a1 Cor.
ens and the earth when they were 11:8, 9 and closed up the flesh in its place.
created, in the day that the LORD 22 Then the rib which the LORD
God made the earth and the heavens, 19 aGen. 1:20,
God had taken from man He 1made
5 before any aplant of the field 24 bPs. 8:6 1Or
the man into a woman, aand He bbrought her
was in the earth and before any to the man.
herb of the field had grown. For the 21 a1 Sam. 23 And Adam said:
LORD God had not bcaused it to rain 26:12
on the earth, and there was no man 22 a1 Tim. 2:13 This is now abone of my bones
cto till the ground; bHeb. 13:4
And flesh of my flesh;
6 but a mist went up from the 1Lit. built
She shall be called 1Woman,
earth and watered the whole face of Because she was btaken out of
23 aGen. 29:14
the ground. b1 Cor. 11:8, 9 2Man.
7 And the LORD God formed man 1Heb. Ishshah
of the adust of the ground, and 2Heb. Ish
24 aTherefore a man shall leave his
bbreathed into his cnostrils the father and mother and bbe1 joined to
24 aMatt. 19:5
breath of life; and dman became a bMark 10:68 his wife, and they shall become one
living being. 1Lit. cling flesh.
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25 aAnd they were both naked, the 25 aGen. 3:7, And between ayour seed and
man and his wife, and were not 10 bIs. 47:3 bher Seed;
bashamed. cHe shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.
The Temptation and Fall of Man 1 a1 Chr. 21:1
b2 Cor. 11:3
Now athe serpent was bmore 16 To the woman He said:
3 cunning than any beast of the
field which the LORD God had
2 aGen. 2:16,
17 I will greatly multiply your
made. And he said to the woman, sorrow and your conception;
3 aEx. 19:12, aIn pain you shall bring forth
Has God indeed said, You shall not 13
eat of every tree of the garden? children;
bYour desire shall be 1for your
2 And the woman said to the ser- 4 a[2 Cor. 11:3]
pent, We may eat the afruit of the husband,
6 a1 John 2:16 And he shall crule over you.
trees of the garden; b1 Tim. 2:14
3 but of the fruit of the tree which 1Lit. a desir-
is in the midst of the garden, God able thing 17 Then to Adam He said, aBe-
has said, You shall not eat it, nor cause you have heeded the voice of
shall you atouch it, lest you die. 7 2:25
1girding cov-
your wife, and have eaten from the
4 aThen the serpent said to the erings
tree bof which I commanded you,
woman, You will not surely die. saying, You shall not eat of it:
5 For God knows that in the day 8 aJob 38:1
you eat of it your eyes will be
bJob 31:33 1Or cCursed is the ground for your
voice 2Or sake;
opened, and you will be like God, wind, breeze
knowing good and evil. In toil you shall eat of it
6 So when the woman asaw that 10 aGen. 2:25 All the days of your life.
the tree was good for food, that it 18 Both thorns and thistles it shall
12 a[Prov. 1bring forth for you,
was 1pleasant to the eyes, and a tree 28:13]
desirable to make one wise, she took And ayou shall eat the herb of
of its fruit band ate. She also gave to 13 a2 Cor. 11:3 the field.
her husband with her, and he ate. 19 aIn the sweat of your face you
14 aDeut. shall eat bread
7 Then the eyes of both of them 28:1520
were opened, aand they knew that Till you return to the ground,
they were naked; and they sewed fig 15 aJohn 8:44 For out of it you were taken;
bIs. 7:14 bFor dust you are,
leaves together and made them- cRom. 16:20
selves 1coverings. And cto dust you shall return.
8 And they heard athe 1sound of 16 aJohn 16:21
the LORD God walking in the gar- bGen. 4:7 20 And Adam called his wifes
den in the 2cool of the day, and
c1 Cor. 11:3
1Lit. toward
name aEve,1 because she was the
Adam and his wife bhid themselves mother of all living.
from the presence of the LORD God 17 a1 Sam. 21 Also for Adam and his wife the
among the trees of the garden. 15:23 bGen. LORD God made tunics of skin, and
9 Then the LORD God called to 2:17 cRom. clothed them.
8:2022 dEccl. 22 Then the LORD God said, Be-
Adam and said to him, Where are 2:23
you? hold, the man has become like one
10 So he said, I heard Your voice in 18 aPs. 104:14 of Us, to know good and evil. And
the garden, aand I was afraid because
1cause to
now, lest he put out his hand and
grow take also of the tree of life, and eat,
I was naked; and I hid myself.
11 And He said, Who told you that 19 a2 Thess. and live forever
you were naked? Have you eaten 3:10 bGen. 23 therefore the LORD God sent him
from the tree of which I commanded 2:7; 5:5 cJob out of the garden of Eden ato till the
21:26 ground from which he was taken.
you that you should not eat?
12 Then the man said, aThe 20 a2 Cor. 11:3 24 So aHe drove out the man; and
woman whom You gave to be with 1Lit. Life or He placed bcherubim cat the east of
Living the garden of Eden, and a flaming
me, she gave me of the tree, and I
ate. 23 aGen. 4:2;
sword which turned every way, to
13 And the LORD God said to the 9:20 guard the way to the tree of dlife.
woman, What is this you have Cain Murders Abel
24 aEzek. 31:3,
done? The woman said, aThe ser- 11 bPs. 104:4
pent deceived me, and I ate. Now Adam knew Eve his wife,
14 So the LORD God said to the ser-
cGen. 2:8
dGen. 2:9 4 and she conceived and bore
1Cain, and said, I have acquired a
CHAPTER 4 man from the LORD.
Because you have done this, 1 1Lit. Acquire 2 Then she bore again, this time
You are cursed more than all his brother 1Abel. Now aAbel was a
cattle, 2 aLuke 11:50, keeper of sheep, but Cain was a
And more than every beast of 51 1Lit. Breath tiller of the ground.
or Nothing
the field; 3 And 1in the process of time it
On your belly you shall go, 3 aNum. 18:12 came to pass that Cain brought an
1Lit. at the
And ayou shall eat dust offering of the fruit aof the ground to
All the days of your life. end of days the LORD.
15 And I will put enmity 4 aNum. 18:17 4 Abel also brought of athe first-
Between you and the woman, bLev. 3:16 born of his flock and of btheir fat.
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And the LORD crespected Abel and 4 cHeb. 11:4 22 And as for Zillah, she also bore
his offering, Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every
5 but He did not respect Cain and 7 1Lit. toward craftsman in bronze and iron. And
his offering. And Cain was very 8 a[1 John
the sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.
angry, and his countenance fell. 3:1215] 1Lit. 23 Then Lamech said to his wives:
6 So the LORD said to Cain, Why said to 2Sam.,
are you angry? And why has your LXX, Syr., Vg. Adah and Zillah, hear my voice;
countenance fallen? add Let us Wives of Lamech, listen to my
go out to the
7 If you do well, will you not be field. speech!
accepted? And if you do not do well, For I have 1killed a man for
sin lies at the door. And its desire is 9 aJohn 8:44 wounding me,
1for you, but you should rule over it. b1 Cor. Even a young man 2for hurting
8 Now Cain 1talked with Abel his 8:1113 me.
2brother; and it came to pass, when 24 If Cain shall be avenged
10 aHeb. 12:24 sevenfold,
they were in the field, that Cain rose
up against Abel his brother and 11 aGen. 3:14
Then Lamech seventy-
akilled him. sevenfold.
9 Then the LORD said to Cain, 13 1iniquity
Where is Abel your brother? He A New Son
said, aI do not know. Am I bmy 14 aPs. 51:11 25 And Adam knew his wife again,
bIs. 1:15
brothers keeper? cNum. 35:19, and she bore a son and anamed him
10 And He said, What have you 21, 27 1Seth, For God has appointed
done? The voice of your brothers another seed for me instead of Abel,
blood acries out to Me from the 15 aGen. 4:24 whom Cain killed.
ground. bEzek. 9:4, 6
26 And as for Seth, ato him also a
11 So now ayou are cursed from 1So with MT,
son was born; and he named him
Tg.; LXX,
the earth, which has opened its Syr., Vg. Not
1Enosh. Then men began bto call on
mouth to receive your brothers so; the name of the LORD.
blood from your hand.
12 When you till the ground, it 16 a2 Kin. The Family of Adam
shall no longer yield its strength to 13:23; 24:20
This is the book of the ageneal-
you. A fugitive and a vagabond you
shall be on the earth.
bJon. 1:3 1Lit.
Wandering 5 ogy of Adam. In the day that
God created man, He made him in
13 And Cain said to the LORD, My 17 aPs. 49:11 bthe likeness of God.
1punishment is greater than I can
bear! 2 He created them amale and fe-
19 aGen. 2:24;
male, and bblessed them and called
14 Surely You have driven me out 16:3
them Mankind in the day they were
this day from the face of the ground; created.
aI shall be bhidden from Your face; I 21 1pipe
3 And Adam lived one hundred
shall be a fugitive and a vagabond 23 1slain a and thirty years, and begot a son ain
on the earth, and it will happen that man for my his own likeness, after his image,
canyone who finds me will kill me. wound 2for
my hurt
and bnamed him Seth.
15 And the LORD said to him, 4 After he begot Seth, athe days of
1Therefore, whoever kills Cain,
24 aGen. 4:15 Adam were eight hundred years;
vengeance shall be taken on him band he had sons and daughters.
asevenfold. And the LORD set a
bmark on Cain, lest anyone finding 25 aGen. 5:3 5 So all the days that Adam lived
1Lit. Ap-
were nine hundred and thirty years;
him should kill him. pointed aand he died.
5 GENESIS 6:20
15 Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, 18 aJude 14, 15 dren to them. Those were the mighty
and begot Jared. 22 aGen. 6:9; men who were of old, men of renown.
16 After he begot Jared, Mahalalel 17:1; 24:40; 5 Then 1the LORD saw that the
lived eight hundred and thirty 48:15 wickedness of man was great in the
years, and had sons and daughters. 24 a2 Kin. 2:11 earth, and that every aintent2 of the
17 So all the days of Mahalalel bHeb. 11:5 thoughts of his heart was only evil
were eight hundred and ninety-five 3continually.
29 aLuke 3:36 6 And athe LORD was sorry that
years; and he died. bGen.
18 Jared lived one hundred and 3:1719; 4:11 He had made man on the earth, and
sixty-two years, and begot aEnoch. 1Lit. Rest bHe was grieved in His cheart.
19 After he begot Enoch, Jared 32 aGen. 6:10;
7 So the LORD said, I will ade-
lived eight hundred years, and had 7:13 bGen. stroy man whom I have created
sons and daughters. 10:21 from the face of the earth, both man
20 So all the days of Jared were nine and beast, creeping thing and birds
hundred and sixty-two years; and he CHAPTER 6 of the air, for I am sorry that I have
died. made them.
21 Enoch lived sixty-five years, 1 aGen. 1:28 8 But Noah afound grace in the
and begot Methuselah. 2 aDeut. 7:3, 4
eyes of the LORD.
22 After he begot Methuselah,
Enoch awalked with God three hun- 3 a[Gal. 5:16, Noah Pleases God
17] b2 Thess.
dred years, and had sons and daugh- 2:7 cPs. 78:39 9 This is the genealogy of Noah.
ters. 1LXX, Syr., aNoah was a just man, 1perfect in his
23 So all the days of Enoch were Tg., Vg. abide generations. Noah bwalked with
three hundred and sixty-five years. 4 aNum. 13:32, God.
24 And aEnoch walked with God; 33 1Heb. 10 And Noah begot three sons:
and he was not, for God btook him. nephilim, aShem, Ham, and Japheth.
25 Methuselah lived one hundred fallen or 11 The earth also was corrupt
and eighty-seven years, and begot mighty ones abefore God, and the earth was
Lamech. 5 aGen. 8:21 bfilled with violence.
1So with MT,
26 After he begot Lamech, Methu- 12 So God alooked upon the earth,
selah lived seven hundred and Tg.; Vg. God;
LXX LORD and indeed it was corrupt; for ball
eighty-two years, and had sons and God 2thought flesh had corrupted their way on the
daughters. 3all the day
27 So all the days of Methuselah 6 a1 Sam.
were nine hundred and sixty-nine 15:11, 29 bIs.
The Ark Prepared
years; and he died. 63:10 cMark 13 And God said to Noah, aThe
28 Lamech lived one hundred and 3:5
end of all flesh has come before Me,
eighty-two years, and had a son. 7 aGen. 7:4, 23 for the earth is filled with violence
29 And he called his name aNoah,1 through them; band behold, cI will
saying, This one will comfort us 8 aGen. 19:19
destroy them with the earth.
concerning our work and the toil of 9 a2 Pet. 2:5 14 Make yourself an ark of go-
our hands, because of the ground bGen. 5:22, 24
pherwood; make 1rooms in the ark,
bwhich the LORD has cursed. 1blameless or
having and cover it inside and outside with
30 After he begot Noah, Lamech integrity pitch.
lived five hundred and ninety-five 15 And this is how you shall make
years, and had sons and daughters. 10 aGen. 5:32;
7:13 it: The length of the ark shall be
31 So all the days of Lamech were three hundred 1cubits, its width fifty
seven hundred and seventy-seven 11 aRom. 2:13 cubits, and its height thirty cubits.
years; and he died. bEzek. 8:17
16 You shall make a window for
32 And Noah was five hundred 12 aPs. 14:2; the ark, and you shall finish it to a
years old, and Noah begot aShem, 53:2, 3 bPs. cubit from above; and set the door of
Ham, band Japheth. 14:13
the ark in its side. You shall make it
The Wickedness and Judgment of 13 a1 Pet. 4:7 with lower, second, and third decks.
bGen. 6:17
Man c2 Pet. 2:410
17 aAnd behold, I Myself am bring-
ing bfloodwaters on the earth, to
Now it came to pass, awhen men
6 began to multiply on the face of
the earth, and daughters were born
14 1Lit. com-
partments or
destroy from under heaven all flesh
in which is the breath of life; every-
thing that is on the earth shall cdie.
to them, 15 1A cubit is 18 But I will establish My acove-
2 that the sons of God saw the about 18 nant with you; and byou shall go into
daughters of men, that they were inches. the arkyou, your sons, your wife,
beautiful; and they atook wives for 17 a2 Pet. 2:5 and your sons wives with you.
themselves of all whom they chose. b2 Pet. 3:6
19 And of every living thing of all
cLuke 16:22
3 And the LORD said, aMy Spirit flesh you shall bring atwo of every
shall not bstrive1 with man forever, 18 aGen. sort into the ark, to keep them alive
cfor he is indeed flesh; yet his days 8:209:17; with you; they shall be male and
shall be one hundred and twenty 17:7 bGen. female.
7:1, 7, 13
years. 20 Of the birds after their kind, of
4 There were 1giants on the earth 19 aGen. 7:2, 8, animals after their kind, and of
in those adays, and also afterward, 9, 1416 every creeping thing of the earth
when the sons of God came in to the 20 aGen. 7:9, after its kind, two of every kind awill
daughters of men and they bore chil- 15 come to you to keep them alive.
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GENESIS 6:21 6
21 And you shall take for yourself 22 aGen. 7:5; 17 aNow the flood was on the earth
of all food that is eaten, and you 12:4, 5; Heb. forty days. The waters increased
11:7 bGen.
shall gather it to yourself; and it 7:5, 9, 16 and lifted up the ark, and it rose
shall be food for you and for them. c[1 John 5:3] high above the earth.
22 aThus Noah did; baccording to all CHAPTER 7 18 The waters prevailed and greatly
that cGod commanded him, so he did. 1 aMatt. 11:28 increased on the earth, aand the ark
bMatt. 24:38; moved about on the surface of the
The Great Flood Luke 17:26; waters.
Heb. 11:7; 19 And the waters prevailed exceed-
Then the aLORD said to Noah,
7 bCome into the ark, you and all
your household, because I have seen
1 Pet. 3:20;
2 Pet. 2:5
cGen. 6:9; Ps.
ingly on the earth, and all the high
hills under the whole heaven were
that cyou are righteous before Me in 33:18; Prov. covered.
10:9; 2 Pet. 2:9 20 The waters prevailed fifteen
this generation. 2 aLev. 11;
2 You shall take with you seven cubits upward, and the mountains
Deut. 14:320
each of every aclean animal, a male bLev. 10:10; were covered.
and his female; btwo each of ani- Ezek. 44:23 21 aAnd all flesh died that moved
mals that are unclean, a male and 3 1Lit. seed on 1the earth: birds and cattle and
his female; 4 aGen. 7:10;
beasts and every creeping thing that
3 also seven each of birds of the Ex. 7:25 bGen. creeps on the earth, and every man.
air, male and female, to keep 1the 7:12, 17 1Lit. 22 All in awhose nostrils was the
blot out breath 1of the spirit of life, all that
species alive on the face of all the
earth. 5 aGen. 6:22 was on the dry land, died.
4 For after aseven more days I 6 aGen. 5:4, 32 23 So He destroyed all living things
will cause it to rain on the earth 7 aGen. 6:18; which were on the face of the
bforty days and forty nights, and I 7:1, 13; Matt. ground: both man and cattle, creep-
24:38; Luke ing thing and bird of the air. They
will 1destroy from the face of the 17:27
earth all living things that I have were destroyed from the earth. Only
11 aMatt. aNoah and those who were with him
made. 24:39; Luke
5 aAnd Noah did according to all 17:27; 2 Pet. in the ark remained alive.
that the LORD commanded him. 2:5; 3:6 bGen. 24 aAnd the waters prevailed on the
6 Noah was asix hundred years 8:2; Prov. 8:28; earth one hundred and fifty days.
Is. 51:10;
old when the floodwaters were on Ezek. 26:19 Noahs Deliverance
the earth. cGen. 8:2; Ps.
7 aSo Noah, with his sons, his 78:23 Then God aremembered Noah,
wife, and his sons wives, went into
the ark because of the waters of the
12 aGen. 7:4,
17; 1 Sam.
8 and every living thing, and all
the animals that were with him in
flood. 14 aGen. 6:19
the ark. bAnd God made a wind to
8 Of clean animals, of animals bGen. 1:21 pass over the earth, and the waters
that are unclean, of birds, and of 15 aGen. 6:19,
everything that creeps on the earth, 20; 7:9 2 aThe fountains of the deep and
9 two by two they went into the 16 aGen. 7:2, 3 the windows of heaven were also
ark to Noah, male and female, as 17 aGen. 7:4,
bstopped, and cthe rain from heaven
God had commanded Noah. 12; 8:6 was restrained.
10 And it came to pass after seven 18 aPs. 104:26
3 And the waters receded contin-
days that the waters of the flood ually from the earth. At the end aof
21 aGen. 6:7,
were on the earth. 13, 17; 7:4 the hundred and fifty days the
11 In the six hundredth year of 1the land waters decreased.
Noahs life, in the second month, the 22 aGen. 2:7 4 Then the ark rested in the seventh
seventeenth day of the month, on 1LXX, Vg. month, the seventeenth day of the
athat day all bthe fountains of the omit of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.
great deep were broken up, and the spirit 5 And the waters decreased con-
cwindows of heaven were opened. 23 aMatt. tinually until the tenth month. In the
24:38, 39;
12 aAnd the rain was on the earth Luke 17:26, tenth month, on the first day of the
forty days and forty nights. 27; Heb. 11:7; month, the tops of the mountains
13 On the very same day Noah and 1 Pet. 3:20; were seen.
Noahs sons, Shem, Ham, and 2 Pet. 2:5 6 So it came to pass, at the end of
Japheth, and Noahs wife and the 24 aGen. 8:3, 4 forty days, that Noah opened athe
three wives of his sons with them, CHAPTER 8 window of the ark which he had
entered the ark 1 aGen. 19:29; made.
14 athey and every beast after its Ex. 2:24; 7 Then he sent out a raven, which
kind, all cattle after their kind, every 1 Sam. 1:19; kept going to and fro until the
Ps. 105:42;
creeping thing that creeps on the 106:4 bEx. waters had dried up from the earth.
earth after its kind, and every bird 14:21; 15:10; 8 He also sent out from himself a
after its kind, every bird of every Job 12:15; Ps. dove, to see if the waters had re-
bsort. 29:10; Is. ceded from the face of the ground.
44:27; Nah.
15 And they awent into the ark to 1:4 9 But the dove found no resting
Noah, two by two, of all flesh in 2 aGen. 7:11
place for the sole of her foot, and
which is the breath of life. bDeut. 11:17 she returned into the ark to him, for
16 So those that entered, male and cGen. 7:4, 12; the waters were on the face of the
female of all flesh, went in aas God Job 38:37 whole earth. So he put out his hand
had commanded him; and the LORD 3 aGen. 7:24 and took her, and drew her into the
shut him in. 6 aGen. 6:16 ark to himself.
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7 GENESIS 9:19
10 And he waited yet another 16 aGen. 7:13 3 aEvery moving thing that lives
seven days, and again he sent the 17 aGen. 1:22, shall be food for you. I have given
dove out from the ark. 28; 9:1, 7 you ball things, even as the cgreen
11 Then the dove came to him in 20 aGen. 12:7; herbs.
the evening, and behold, a freshly Ex. 29:18, 25
bGen. 7:2; Lev. 4 aBut you shall not eat flesh
plucked olive leaf was in her mouth; 11 cGen. 22:2; with its life, that is, its blood.
and Noah knew that the waters had Ex. 10:25 5 Surely for your lifeblood I will
receded from the earth. 21 aEx. 29:18, demand a reckoning; afrom the
12 So he waited yet another seven 25; Lev. 1:9; hand of every beast I will require it,
days and sent out the dove, which Ezek. 20:41;
2 Cor. 2:15; and bfrom the hand of man. From
did not return again to him anymore. Eph. 5:2 bGen. the hand of every cmans brother I
13 And it came to pass in the six 3:17; 6:7, 13, will require the life of man.
hundred and first year, in the first 17; Is. 54:9
cGen. 6:5;
month, the first day of the month, 11:6; Job 14:4; 6 Whoever asheds mans blood,
that the waters were dried up from Ps. 51:5; Jer. By man his blood shall be shed;
the earth; and Noah removed the 17:9; Rom. bFor in the image of God
covering of the ark and looked, and 1:21; 3:23; He made man.
Eph. 2:13
indeed the surface of the ground dGen. 9:11, 15 7 And as for you,
was dry. 1intent or abe fruitful and multiply;
14 And in the second month, on the thought Bring forth abundantly in the
twenty-seventh day of the month, 22 aIs. 54:9
bPs. 74:16; Jer.
the earth was dried. 33:20, 25
And multiply in it.
15 Then God spoke to Noah, say-
ing, CHAPTER 9 8 Then God spoke to Noah and to
16 Go out of the ark, ayou and his sons with him, saying:
your wife, and your sons and your 1 aGen. 1:28, 9 And as for Me, abehold, I estab-
29; 8:17; 9:7,
sons wives with you. 19; 10:32 lish bMy covenant with you and
17 Bring out with you every living 2 aGen. 1:26, with your 1descendants after you,
thing of all flesh that is with you: 28; Ps. 8:6 10 aand with every living creature
birds and cattle and every creeping 3 aDeut. 12:15; that is with you: the birds, the cattle,
thing that creeps on the earth, so 14:3, 9, 11; and every beast of the earth with
that they may abound on the earth, Acts 10:12, 13
bRom. 14:14,
you, of all that go out of the ark,
and abe fruitful and multiply on the 20; 1 Cor. every beast of the earth.
earth. 10:23, 26; Col. 11 Thus aI establish My covenant
18 So Noah went out, and his sons 2:16; [1 Tim. with you: Never again shall all flesh
and his wife and his sons wives 4:3, 4] cGen. be cut off by the waters of the flood;
with him. never again shall there be a flood to
19 Every animal, every creeping 4 aLev. 7:26;
17:1016; destroy the earth.
thing, every bird, and whatever 19:26; Deut. 12 And God said: aThis is the
creeps on the earth, according to 12:16, 23; sign of the covenant which I make
their families, went out of the ark. 15:23; 1 Sam. between Me and you, and every
14:33, 34; Acts
15:20, 29 living creature that is with you, for
Gods Covenant with Creation perpetual generations:
5 aEx. 21:28
20 Then Noah built an aaltar to the bGen. 4:9, 10; 13 I set aMy rainbow in the cloud,
LORD, and took of bevery clean ani- Ps. 9:12 cActs and it shall be for the sign of the
17:26 covenant between Me and the earth.
mal and of every clean bird, and
6 aEx. 21:12 14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud
offered cburnt offerings on the altar. 14; Lev. 24:17;
21 And the LORD smelled aa sooth- Num. 35:33; over the earth, that the rainbow
ing aroma. Then the LORD said in Matt. 26:52 shall be seen in the cloud;
His heart, I will never again bcurse bGen. 1:26, 27
15 and aI will remember My
the ground for mans sake, although 7 aGen. 9:1, 19 covenant which is between Me and
the cimagination1 of mans heart is 9 aGen. 6:18 you and every living creature of all
bIs. 54:9 1Lit.
evil from his youth; dnor will I again flesh; the waters shall never again
destroy every living thing as I have become a flood to destroy all flesh.
10 aPs. 145:9 16 The rainbow shall be in the
11 aGen. 8:21; cloud, and I will look on it to
Is. 54:9
22 While the earth aremains, remember athe everlasting covenant
12 aGen. 9:13,
Seedtime and harvest, 17; 17:11 between God and every living crea-
Cold and heat, 13 aEzek. 1:28;
ture of all flesh that is on the earth.
Winter and summer, Rev. 4:3 17 And God said to Noah, This is
And bday and night 15 aLev. 26:42, the sign of the covenant which I
Shall not cease. 45; Deut. 7:9; have established between Me and
Ezek. 16:60 all flesh that is on the earth.
16 aGen. 17:13,
So God blessed Noah and his sons,
9 and said to them: Be fruitful and
multiply, and fill the earth.
19; 2 Sam.
23:5; Is. 55:3;
Jer. 32:40;
Noah and His Sons
18 Now the sons of Noah who went
2 aAnd the fear of you and the Heb. 13:20 out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and
dread of you shall be on every beast 18 aGen. Japheth. aAnd Ham was the father of
9:2527; 10:6 Canaan.
of the earth, on every bird of the air,
on all that move on the earth, and on 19 aGen. 5:32 19 aThese three were the sons of
bGen. 9:1, 7;
all the fish of the sea. They are given 10:32; 1 Chr. Noah, band from these the whole
into your hand. 1:4 earth was populated.
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GENESIS 9:20 8
20 And Noah began to be aa 20 aGen. 3:19, 11 From that land he went ato As-
farmer, and he planted a vineyard. 23; 4:2 syria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth
21 Then he drank of the wine aand 21 aProv. 20:1 Ir, Calah,
was drunk, and became uncovered in 23 aEx. 20:12 12 and Resen between Nineveh and
his tent. 1Lit. back- Calah (that is the principal city).
22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, wards 13 Mizraim begot Ludim, Anamim,
saw the nakedness of his father, and 25 aDeut. 27:16 Lehabim, Naphtuhim,
told his two brothers outside. bJosh. 9:23 14 Pathrusim, and Casluhim a(from
23 aBut Shem and Japheth took a 26 aGen. 14:20; whom came the Philistines and
garment, laid it on both their shoul- 24:27 Caphtorim).
ders, and went backward and covered 27 aGen. 15 Canaan begot Sidon his first-
the nakedness of their father. Their 10:25; 39:3 born, and aHeth;
faces were 1turned away, and they did bEph. 2:13, 16 athe Jebusite, the Amorite, and
not see their fathers nakedness. 14; 3:6 the Girgashite;
24 So Noah awoke from his wine, CHAPTER 10
17 the Hivite, the Arkite, and the
and knew what his younger son had Sinite;
done to him. 1 aGen. 9:1, 7, 18 the Arvadite, the Zemarite, and
25 Then he said: 19 the Hamathite. Afterward the fami-
2 a1 Chr. 1:57 lies of the Canaanites were dis-
aCursed be Canaan; persed.
A bservant of servants 3 1Diphath, 19 aAnd the border of the Canaan-
He shall be to his brethren. 1 Chr. 1:6
ites was from Sidon as you go toward
4 1Sam. Gerar, as far as Gaza; then as you go
26 And he said: Rodanim and
toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah,
1 Chr. 1:7
aBlessed be the LORD, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.
5 aPs. 72:10 20 These were the sons of Ham,
The God of Shem,
And may Canaan be his 6 a1 Chr. according to their families, accord-
1:816 1Or ing to their languages, in their lands
servant. Phut
27 May God aenlarge Japheth, and in their nations.
bAnd may he dwell in the tents 8 aMic. 5:6 21 And children were born also to
of Shem; 9 aJer. 16:16 Shem, the father of all the children
And may Canaan be his
bGen. 21:20 of Eber, 1the brother of Japheth the
servant. 10 aMic. 5:6 elder.
bGen. 11:9 22 The asons of Shem were Elam,
28 And Noah lived after the flood 11 aMic. 5:6 Asshur, bArphaxad, Lud, and Aram.
three hundred and fifty years. 23 The sons of Aram were Uz, Hul,
14 a1 Chr. 1:12 Gether, and 1Mash.
29 So all the days of Noah were
nine hundred and fifty years; and he 15 aGen. 23:3 24 1Arphaxad begot aSalah, and
died. 16 aGen. 14:7; Salah begot Eber.
15:1921 25 aTo Eber were born two sons:
Nations Descended from Noah
19 aNum. the name of one was 1Peleg, for in
Now this is the genealogy of 34:212 his days the earth was divided; and
10 the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham,
and Japheth. aAnd sons were born
21 1Or the
older brother
his brothers name was Joktan.
26 Joktan begot Almodad, She-
to them after the flood. of Japheth leph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,
2 aThe sons of Japheth were 22 a1 Chr. 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,
Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, 1:1728 bLuke 28 1Obal, Abimael, Sheba,
Meshech, and Tiras. 3:36 29 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All
3 The sons of Gomer were Ashke- 23 1LXX these were the sons of Joktan.
naz, 1Riphath, and Togarmah. Meshech and 30 And their dwelling place was
1 Chr. 1:17 from Mesha as you go toward
4 The sons of Javan were Elishah,
Tarshish, Kittim, and 1Dodanim. 24 aGen. 11:12 Sephar, the mountain of the east.
5 From these athe coastland peo-
1So with MT,
31 These were the sons of Shem,
Vg., Tg.; LXX according to their families, accord-
ples of the Gentiles were separated Arphaxad
into their lands, everyone according begot Cainan, ing to their languages, in their
to his language, according to their and Cainan lands, according to their nations.
families, into their nations.
begot Salah 32 aThese were the families of the
(cf. Luke 3:35,
6 aThe sons of Ham were Cush, 36) sons of Noah, according to their
Mizraim, 1Put, and Canaan. generations, in their nations; band
25 a1 Chr. 1:19 from these the nations were divided
7 The sons of Cush were Seba, 1Lit. Division
Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and on the earth after the flood.
28 1Ebal,
Sabtechah; and the sons of Raamah 1 Chr. 1:22 The Tower of Babel
were Sheba and Dedan.
32 aGen. 10:1
8 Cush begot aNimrod; he began Now the whole earth had one
to be a mighty one on the earth.
9 He was a mighty ahunter bbefore
bGen. 9:19;
11:8 11 language and one 1speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they
the LORD; therefore it is said, Like CHAPTER 11 journeyed from the east, that they
Nimrod the mighty hunter before found a plain in the land aof Shinar,
1 1Lit. lip and they dwelt there.
the LORD.
10 aAnd the beginning of his king- 2 aGen. 10:10; 3 Then they said to one another,
dom was bBabel, Erech, Accad, and 14:1 Come, let us make bricks and 1bake
Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 3 1Lit. burn them thoroughly. They had brick
3005_01Genesis 11/19/08 11:02 AM Page 9
9 GENESIS 12:7
for stone, and they had asphalt for 4 aDeut. 1:28; lived one hundred and nineteen
mortar. 9:1 bGen. 6:4 years, and begot sons and daughters.
cDeut. 4:27
4 And they said, Come, let us 26 Now Terah lived seventy years,
build ourselves a city, and a tower 5 aGen. 18:21 and abegot 1Abram, Nahor, and
awhose top is in the heavens; let us Haran.
make a bname for ourselves, lest we 6 aGen. 9:19
cbe scattered abroad over the face of bGen. 11:1 Terahs Descendants
cPs. 2:1
the whole earth. 27 This is the genealogy of Terah:
5 aBut the LORD came down to see Terah begot aAbram, Nahor, and
the city and the tower which the 7 aGen. 1:26
bEx. 4:11 Haran. Haran begot Lot.
sons of men had built. 28 And Haran died before his
6 And the LORD said, Indeed athe 8 a[Luke 1:51] father Terah in his native land, in Ur
people are one and they all have bone bGen. 10:25,
of the Chaldeans.
language, and this is what they begin 32 29 Then Abram and Nahor took
to do; now nothing that they cpropose wives: the name of Abrams wife
to do will be withheld from them. 9 a1 Cor.
14:23 1Lit. was aSarai,1 and the name of
7 Come, alet Us go down and Confusion, Nahors wife, bMilcah, the daughter
there bconfuse their language, that Babylon of Haran the father of Milcah and
they may not understand one anoth- the father of Iscah.
ers speech. 10 aGen. 30 But aSarai was barren; she had
8 So athe LORD scattered them 10:2225 no child.
abroad from there bover the face of 31 And Terah atook his son Abram
all the earth, and they ceased build- 12 aLuke 3:35
and his grandson Lot, the son of
ing the city. Haran, and his daughter-in-law
9 Therefore its name is called 16 a1 Chr. 1:19
bLuke 3:35 Sarai, his son Abrams wife, and
1Babel, abecause there the LORD
they went out with them from bUr of
confused the language of all the 20 aLuke 3:35 the Chaldeans to go to cthe land of
earth; and from there the LORD Canaan; and they came to Haran
scattered them abroad over the face 24 aJosh. 24:2 and dwelt there.
of all the earth. 32 So the days of Terah were two
26 a1 Chr. 1:26 hundred and five years, and Terah
Shems Descendants 1Abraham,
died in Haran.
Gen. 17:5
10 aThis is the genealogy of Shem:
Shem was one hundred years old, Promises to Abram
27 aGen. 11:31;
and begot Arphaxad two years after 17:5 Now the aLORD had said to
the flood.
11 After he begot Arphaxad, Shem 29 aGen. 17:15;
12 Abram:
lived five hundred years, and begot 20:12 bGen.
22:20, 23; Get bout of your country,
sons and daughters. 24:15 1Sarah, From your family
12 Arphaxad lived thirty-five Gen. 17:15 And from your fathers house,
years, aand begot Salah. To a land that I will show you.
13 After he begot Salah, Arphaxad 30 aGen. 2 aI will make you a great nation;
lived four hundred and three years, 16:1, 2 bI will bless you
and begot sons and daughters. And make your name great;
31 aGen. 12:1
14 Salah lived thirty years, and bActs 7:4 cAnd you shall be a blessing.
begot Eber. cGen. 10:19 3 aI will bless those who bless you,
15 After he begot Eber, Salah lived And I will curse him who
four hundred and three years, and CHAPTER 12 curses you;
begot sons and daughters. And in byou all the families
16 aEber lived thirty-four years, 1 aActs
7:2, 3 of the earth shall be
and begot bPeleg. 13:9 cblessed.
17 After he begot Peleg, Eber lived
2 aDeut. 26:5
four hundred and thirty years, and bGen. 22:17; 4 So Abram departed as the LORD
begot sons and daughters. 24:35 cGen. had spoken to him, and Lot went
18 Peleg lived thirty years, and 28:4 with him. And Abram was seventy-
begot Reu. five years old when he departed
19 After he begot Reu, Peleg lived 3 aNum. 24:9 from Haran.
bActs 3:25 cIs.
two hundred and nine years, and 41:27 5 Then Abram took Sarai his wife
begot sons and daughters. and Lot his brothers son, and all
20 Reu lived thirty-two years, and 5 aGen. 14:14 their possessions that they had
begot aSerug. bGen. 11:31 gathered, and athe 1people whom
21 After he begot Serug, Reu lived cGen. 13:18
1Lit. souls
they had acquired bin Haran, and
two hundred and seven years, and they cdeparted to go to the land of
begot sons and daughters. Canaan. So they came to the land of
6 aHeb. 11:9
22 Serug lived thirty years, and bDeut. 11:30 Canaan.
begot Nahor. cGen. 10:18, 6 Abram apassed through the land
23 After he begot Nahor, Serug 19 1Heb. Alon to the place of Shechem, bas far as
lived two hundred years, and begot Moreh 1the terebinth tree of Moreh. cAnd
sons and daughters. the Canaanites were then in the
24 Nahor lived twenty-nine years, 7 aGen. 17:1; land.
18:1 bGen.
and begot aTerah. 13:15; 15:18; 7 aThen the LORD appeared to
25 After he begot Terah, Nahor 17:8 1Lit. seed Abram and said, bTo your 1descen-
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GENESIS 12:8 10
dants I will give this land. And 7 cGen. 13:4, he had made there at first. And
there he built an caltar to the LORD, 18; 22:9 there Abram bcalled on the name of
who had appeared to him. 8 aGen. 4:26; the LORD.
8 And he moved from there to the 13:4; 21:33 5 Lot also, who went with Abram,
mountain east of Bethel, and he 9 aGen. 13:1, had flocks and herds and tents.
3; 20:1; 24:62
pitched his tent with Bethel on the 1Heb. Negev 6 Now athe land was not able to
west and Ai on the east; there he built 1support them, that they might dwell
10 aGen. 26:1
an altar to the LORD and acalled on bPs. 105:13 together, for their possessions were
the name of the LORD. cGen. 43:1 so great that they could not dwell
9 So Abram journeyed, agoing on 11 aGen. 12:14; together.
still toward the 1South. 26:7; 29:17 7 And there was astrife between
12 aGen. 20:11; the herdsmen of Abrams livestock
Abram in Egypt 26:7 and the herdsmen of Lots livestock.
bThe Canaanites and the Perizzites
10 Now there was aa famine in the 13 aGen.
land, and Abram bwent down to 20:118; then dwelt in the land.
26:611 bGen. 8 So Abram said to Lot, aPlease
Egypt to dwell there, for the famine 20:12 1Lit. my
was csevere in the land. soul let there be no strife between you
11 And it came to pass, when he 16 aGen. 20:14
and me, and between my herdsmen
was close to entering Egypt, that he bGen. 13:2 and your herdsmen; for we are
said to Sarai his wife, Indeed I 17 a1 Chr. brethren.
know that you are aa woman of 16:21 9 aIs not the whole land before
beautiful countenance. 18 aGen. 20:9, you? Please bseparate from me. cIf
12 Therefore it will happen, when 10; 26:10 you take the left, then I will go to
the Egyptians see you, that they 20 a[Prov. 21:1] the right; or, if you go to the right,
will say, This is his wife; and they then I will go to the left.
awill kill me, but they will let you CHAPTER 13 10 And Lot lifted his eyes and saw
live. all athe plain of Jordan, that it was
1 aGen. 12:4;
13 aPlease say you are my bsister, 14:12, 16 well watered everywhere (before
that it may be well with me for your bGen. 12:9 the LORD bdestroyed Sodom and
sake, and that 1I may live because of 1Heb. Negev Gomorrah) clike the garden of the
you. 2 aGen. 24:35; LORD, like the land of Egypt as you
14 So it was, when Abram came 26:14 go toward dZoar.
into Egypt, that the Egyptians saw 3 aGen. 12:8, 9 11 Then Lot chose for himself all
the woman, that she was very beau- 4 aGen. 12:7, the plain of Jordan, and Lot jour-
tiful. 8; 21:33 bPs. neyed east. And they separated
15 The princes of Pharaoh also saw 116:17 from each other.
her and commended her to Pha- 6 aGen. 36:7
1Lit. bear
12 Abram dwelt in the land of
raoh. And the woman was taken to Canaan, and Lot adwelt in the cities
Pharaohs house. 7 aGen. 26:20
bGen. 12:6;
of the plain and bpitched his tent
16 He atreated Abram well for her 15:20, 21
even as far as Sodom.
sake. He bhad sheep, oxen, male 13 But the men of Sodom awere
8 a1 Cor. 6:7
donkeys, male and female servants, exceedingly wicked and bsinful
female donkeys, and camels. 9 aGen. 20:15; against the LORD.
34:10 bGen.
17 But the LORD aplagued Pharaoh 13:11, 14 14 And the LORD said to Abram,
and his house with great plagues c[Rom. 12:18] after Lot ahad separated from him:
because of Sarai, Abrams wife. 10 aGen. Lift your eyes now and look from
18 And Pharaoh called Abram and 19:1729 the place where you arebnorth-
said, aWhat is this you have done to bGen. 19:24
cGen. 2:8, 10
ward, southward, eastward, and
me? Why did you not tell me that dDeut. 34:3 westward;
she was your wife? 12 aGen. 19:24,
15 for all the land which you see aI
19 Why did you say, She is my sis- 25, 29 bGen. give to you and byour 1descendants
ter? I might have taken her as my 14:12; 19:1 forever.
wife. Now therefore, here is your 13 aGen. 18:20, 16 And aI will make your descen-
wife; take her and go your way. 21 bGen. 6:11; dants as the dust of the earth; so
20 aSo Pharaoh commanded his 39:9 that if a man could number the dust
men concerning him; and they sent 14 aGen. 13:11 of the earth, then your descendants
bGen. 28:14
him away, with his wife and all that also could be numbered.
he had. 15 aActs 7:5 17 Arise, walk in the land through
b2 Chr. 20:7
1Lit. seed
its length and its width, for I give it
Abram Inherits Canaan to you.
16 aGen. 22:17 18 aThen Abram moved his tent,
Then Abram went up from
13 Egypt, he and his wife and all
that he had, and aLot with him, bto
18 aGen. 26:17
bGen. 14:13
cGen. 23:2;
and went and bdwelt by 1the tere-
binth trees of Mamre, cwhich are in
the 1South. 35:27 dGen. Hebron, and built an daltar there to
2 aAbram was very rich in live- 8:20; 22:8, 9 the LORD.
1Heb. Alon
stock, in silver, and in gold. Mamre Lots Captivity and Rescue
3 And he went on his journey
afrom the South as far as Bethel, to And it came to pass in the days
the place where his tent had been
at the beginning, between Bethel
1 aGen. 10:10;
14 of Amraphel king aof Shinar,
Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedor-
11:2 bIs. 11:11;
and Ai, 21:2 1Heb. laomer king of bElam, and Tidal
4 to the aplace of the altar which goyim king of 1nations,
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11 GENESIS 15:10
2 that they made war with Bera 2 aDeut. 29:23
bGen. 13:10;
Abram and Melchizedek
king of Sodom, Birsha king of
Gomorrah, Shinab king of aAdmah, 19:22 18 Then aMelchizedek king of Sa-
3 aNum. 34:12 lem brought out bbread and wine; he
Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the 4 aGen. 9:26
king of Bela (that is, bZoar). was cthe priest of dGod Most High.
5 aGen. 15:20 19 And he blessed him and said:
3 All these joined together in theVal- bDeut. 2:20
ley of Siddim a(that is, the Salt Sea). cDeut. 2:10
4 Twelve years athey served Ched- 6 aDeut. 2:12, Blessed be Abram of God Most
orlaomer, and in the thirteenth 22 High,
7 a2 Chr. 20:2 bPossessor of heaven and earth;
year they rebelled. 9 1Heb. goyim
5 In the fourteenth year Chedor- 20 And ablessed be God Most
10 aGen. 11:3 High,
laomer and the kings that were with bGen. 19:17,
him came and attacked athe 30 Who has delivered your
Rephaim in Ashteroth Karnaim, 11 aGen. 14:16, enemies into your hand.
bthe Zuzim in Ham, cthe Emim in 21
Shaveh Kiriathaim, 12 aGen. 11:27; And he bgave him 1a tithe of all.
12:5 bGen.
6 aand the Horites in their moun- 13:12 21 Now the king of Sodom said to
tain of Seir, as far as El Paran, 13 aGen. 39:14; Abram, Give me the 1persons, and
which is by the wilderness. 40:15 bGen. take the goods for yourself.
7 Then they turned back and came 13:18 cGen. 22 But Abram asaid to the king of
14:24; 21:27, Sodom, I bhave raised my hand to
to En Mishpat (that is, Kadesh), and 32 1Heb. Alon
attacked all the country of the Mamre the LORD, God Most High, cthe Pos-
Amalekites, and also the Amorites 14 aGen. 19:29 sessor of heaven and earth,
who dwelt ain Hazezon Tamar. bGen. 13:8;
23 that aI will take nothing, from a
8 And the king of Sodom, the king 14:12 cGen. thread to a sandal strap, and that I
12:5; 15:3;
of Gomorrah, the king of Admah, 17:27 dDeut. will not take anything that is yours,
the king of Zeboiim, and the king of 34:1 lest you should say, I have made
Bela (that is, Zoar) went out and 15 aIs. 41:2, 3
1Lit. on the
Abram rich
joined together in battle in the Val- left hand of
24 except only what the young
ley of Siddim 16 aGen. 31:18
men have eaten, and the portion of
9 against Chedorlaomer king of 17 a1 Sam. the men who went with me: Aner,
Elam, Tidal king of 1nations, 18:6 b2 Sam. Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take
Amraphel king of Shinar, and Ari- 18:18 cHeb. their portion.
och king of Ellasarfour kings 7:1 1Lit. strik-
ing Gods Covenant with Abram
against five. 18 aHeb.
10 Now the Valley of Siddim was 7:110 bGen. After these things the word of
full of aasphalt pits; and the kings
of Sodom and Gomorrah fled;
18:5 cPs.
110:4 dActs
15 the L ORD came to Abram in a
vision, saying, Do not be afraid,
some fell there, and the remainder Abram. I am your cshield, 1your
19 aRuth 3:10
fled bto the mountains. bGen. 14:22
exceedingly dgreat reward.
11 Then they took aall the goods of 20 aGen. 24:27 2 aBut Abram said, Lord GOD,
Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their bHeb. 7:4
what will You give me, bseeing I 1go
provisions, and went their way. childless, and the heir of my house
12 They also took Lot, Abrams 21 1Lit. souls
abrothers son bwho dwelt in Sodom, 22 aGen. 14:2, is Eliezer of Damascus?
and his goods, and departed. 8, 10 bDan. 3 Then Abram said, Look, You
12:7 cGen. have given me no offspring; indeed
13 Then one who had escaped 14:19 aone1 born in my house is my heir!
came and told Abram the aHebrew, 23 a2 Kin. 5:16
for bhe dwelt by 1the terebinth trees 4 And behold, the word of the
of Mamre the Amorite, brother of CHAPTER 15 LORD came to him, saying, This
Eshcol and brother of Aner; cand one shall not be your heir, but one
1 aDan. 10:1 who awill come from your own
they were allies with Abram. bGen. 21:17;
14 Now awhen Abram heard that 26:24 cDeut. body shall be your heir.
bhis brother was taken captive, he 33:29 dProv. 5 Then He brought him outside
11:18 1Or and said, Look now toward heaven,
armed his three hundred and eigh- your reward
teen trained servants who were shall be very and acount the bstars if you are able
cborn in his own house, and went in great to number them. And He said to him,
2 aGen. 17:18 cSo shall your ddescendants be.
pursuit das far as Dan. bActs 7:5 1am
15 He divided his forces against 6 And he abelieved in the LORD,
them by night, and he and his ser- 3 aGen. 14:14
and He baccounted it to him for
vants aattacked them and pursued 1a servant righteousness.
them as far as Hobah, which is 4 a2 Sam. 7:12 7 Then He said to him, I am the
1north of Damascus. 5 aPs. 147:4 LORD, who abrought you out of bUr
16 So he abrought back all the bJer. 33:22
cEx. 32:13
of the Chaldeans, cto give you this
goods, and also brought back his dGen. 17:19 land to inherit it.
brother Lot and his goods, as well as 6 aRom. 4:3, 9, 8 And he said, Lord GOD, ahow
the women and the people. 22 bPs. 32:2; shall I know that I will inherit it?
17 And the king of Sodom awent out 106:31 9 So He said to him, Bring Me a
to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh 7 aGen. 12:1
bGen. 11:28,
three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old
(that is, the bKings Valley), cafter his 31 cPs. 105:42,
female goat, a three-year-old ram, a
return from 1the defeat of Chedor- 44 turtledove, and a young pigeon.
laomer and the kings who were with 8 aLuke 1:18 10 Then he brought all these to
him. 10 aJer. 34:18 Him and acut them in two, down the
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GENESIS 15:11 12
middle, and placed each piece oppo- 10 bLev. 1:17 dealt harshly with her, bshe fled
site the other; but he did not cut bthe 12 aGen. 2:21; from her presence.
birds in two. 13 aEx. 1:11 7 Now the aAngel of the LORD
11 And when the vultures came bEx. 12:40 found her by a spring of water in the
down on the carcasses, Abram 14 aEx. 6:6 wilderness, bby the spring on the
bEx. 12:36
drove them away. 15 aJob 5:26
way to cShur.
12 Now when the sun was going bGen. 25:8; 8 And He said, Hagar, Sarais
down, aa deep sleep fell upon 47:30 cGen. maid, where have you come from,
Abram; and behold, horror and 25:8 1Die and and where are you going? She said,
great darkness fell upon him. join your I am fleeing from the presence of
13 Then He said to Abram: Know 16 aEx. 12:41 my mistress Sarai.
certainly athat your descendants will b1 Kin. 21:26 9 The Angel of the LORD said to
be strangers in a land that is not cMatt. 23:32
her, Return to your mistress, and
17 aJer. 34:18,
theirs, and will serve them, and bthey 19
asubmit yourself under her hand.
will afflict them four hundred years. 18 aGen. 24:7 10 Then the Angel of the LORD said
14 And also the nation whom they bGen. 12:7;
to her, aI will multiply your descen-
serve aI will judge; afterward bthey 17:8 dants exceedingly, so that they shall
shall come out with great posses- CHAPTER 16 not be counted for multitude.
sions. 1 aGen. 11:30; 11 And the Angel of the LORD said
15 Now as for you, ayou shall 1go 15:2, 3 bGen. to her:
bto your fathers in peace; cyou shall 12:16; 21:9
cGal. 4:24
be buried at a good old age. 2 aGen. 30:3 Behold, you are with child,
16 But ain the fourth generation bGen. 20:18 aAnd you shall bear a son.
cGen. 30:3, 9
they shall return here, for the iniquity dGen. 3:17
You shall call his name
bof the Amorites cis not yet complete. 1Ishmael,
1Lit. be built
17 And it came to pass, when the up from Because the LORD has heard
sun went down and it was dark, that 3 aGen. 12:4, 5 your affliction.
behold, there appeared a smoking 4 a[Prov. 12 aHe shall be a wild man;
30:21, 23]
oven and a burning torch that 1sight His hand shall be against every
apassed between those pieces. 5 aGen. 31:53 man,
1The wrong
18 On the same day the LORD amade And every mans hand against
done to me be
a covenant with Abram, saying: 6 a1 Pet. 3:7 him.
bTo your descendants I have bEx. 2:15 bAnd he shall dwell in the
given this land, from the river of 7 aGen. 21:17, presence of all his brethren.
Egypt to the great river, the River 18; 22:11, 15;
31:11 bGen.
Euphrates 20:1; 25:18 13 Then she called the name of the
19 the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the cEx. 15:22 LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-
Kadmonites, 9 a[Titus 2:9] 1the-God-Who-Sees; for she said,
20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the 10 aGen. 17:20 Have I also here 2seen Him awho
11 aLuke 1:13,
Rephaim, 31 1Lit. God sees me?
21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, Hears 14 Therefore the well was called
the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. 12 aGen. 21:20 aBeer Lahai Roi;1 observe, it is bbe-
bGen. 25:18
13 aGen. 31:42 tween Kadesh and Bered.
Hagar and Ishmael 1Heb. El Roi 15 So aHagar bore Abram a son;
Now Sarai, Abrams wife,
2Seen the
and Abram named his son, whom
16 ahad borne him no children.
And she had ban Egyptian maidser-
back of
14 aGen. 24:62
bNum. 13:26
Hagar bore, Ishmael.
16 Abram was eighty-six years old
vant whose name was cHagar. 1Lit. Well of when Hagar bore Ishmael to
the One Who Abram.
2 aSo Sarai said to Abram, See Lives and
now, the LORD bhas restrained me Sees Me The Sign of the Covenant
from bearing children. Please, cgo in 15 aGal. 4:22
to my maid; perhaps I shall 1obtain When Abram was ninety-nine
children by her. And Abram dheeded
the voice of Sarai.
1 aGen. 12:7;
18:1 bGen.
17 years old, the LORD aappeared
to Abram and said to him, bI am
3 Then Sarai, Abrams wife, took 28:3; 35:11
c2 Kin. 20:3
1Almighty God; cwalk before Me
Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and dDeut. 18:13 and be dblameless.
gave her to her husband Abram to 1Heb. El 2 And I will make My acovenant
be his wife, after Abram ahad dwelt Shaddai between Me and you, and bwill mul-
ten years in the land of Canaan. 2 aGen. 15:18 tiply you exceedingly.
bGen. 12:2;
4 So he went in to Hagar, and she 13:16; 15:5; 3 Then Abram fell on his face, and
conceived. And when she saw that 18:18 God talked with him, saying:
she had conceived, her mistress 4 a[Rom. 4:11, 4 As for Me, behold, My covenant
became adespised in her 1eyes. 12, 16] 1Lit. is with you, and you shall be aa
multitude of
5 Then Sarai said to Abram, 1My nations father of 1many nations.
wrong be upon you! I gave my maid 5 aNeh. 9:7 5 No longer shall ayour name be
bRom. 4:17
into your embrace; and when she 1Lit. Exalted
called 1Abram, but your name shall
saw that she had conceived, I Father 2Lit. be 2Abraham; bfor I have made you
became despised in her eyes. aThe Father of a a father of 3many nations.
LORD judge between you and me. Multitude 3a 6 I will make you exceedingly
6 aSo Abram said to Sarai, Indeed multitude of fruitful; and I will make anations of
6 aGen. 17:16;
your maid is in your hand; do to her 35:11 bMatt. you, and bkings shall come from
as you please. And when Sarai 1:6 you.
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13 GENESIS 18:12
7 And I will aestablish My cove- 7 a[Gal. 3:17]
bGen. 26:24;
22 Then He finished talking with
nant between Me and you and your 28:13 cRom.
him, and God went up from Abra-
descendants after you in their gener- 9:8 ham.
ations, for an everlasting cove- 23 So Abraham took Ishmael his
nant, bto be God to you and cyour 8 aActs 7:5
bGen. 23:4;
son, all who were born in his house
descendants after you. 28:4 cLev.
and all who were bought with his
8 Also aI give to you and your 26:12 1Lit. of money, every male among the men of
descendants after you the land bin1 your sojourn- Abrahams house, and circumcised
which you are a stranger, all the ings the flesh of their foreskins that very
land of Canaan, as an everlasting same day, as God had said to him.
9 aEx. 19:5
possession; and cI will be their God. 24 Abraham was ninety-nine years
9 And God said to Abraham: As 10 aActs 7:8 old when he was circumcised in the
for you, ayou shall keep My covenant, flesh of his foreskin.
you and your descendants after you 11 aEx. 12:13, 25 And Ishmael his son was thir-
throughout their generations. 48 teen years old when he was circum-
10 This is My covenant which you 12 aLev. 12:3
cised in the flesh of his foreskin.
shall keep, between Me and you and 26 That very same day Abraham
your descendants after you: aEvery 14 aEx. was circumcised, and his son Ish-
male child among you shall be cir- 4:2426 mael;
cumcised; 27 and aall the men of his house,
15 1Lit.
11 and you shall be circumcised in Princess born in the house or bought with
the flesh of your foreskins, and it money from a foreigner, were cir-
shall be aa sign of the covenant 16 aGen. 18:10 cumcised with him.
bGen. 35:11
between Me and you. cGen. 17:6;
12 He who is eight days old The Son of Promise
among you ashall be circumcised, Then the LORD appeared to
every male child in your genera-
tions, he who is born in your house
17 aGen. 17:3;
18:12; 21:6
18 him by 1the aterebinth trees of
Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent
or bought with money from any for- 18 aGen. 18:23 door in the heat of the day.
eigner who is not your descendant. 2 aSo he lifted his eyes and
13 He who is born in your house 19 aGen. 18:10; looked, and behold, three men were
and he who is bought with your 21:2; bGen. standing by him; band when he saw
money must be circumcised, and 22:16
them, he ran from the tent door to
My covenant shall be in your flesh 20 aGen. 16:10 meet them, and bowed himself to
for an everlasting covenant. bGen. the ground,
14 And the uncircumcised male 25:1216
cGen. 21:13,
3 and said, My Lord, if I have
child, who is not circumcised in the 18 now found favor in Your sight, do
flesh of his foreskin, that person not pass on by Your servant.
ashall be cut off from his people; he
21 aGen. 4 Please let aa little water be
has broken My covenant. 26:25 bGen. brought, and wash your feet, and
15 Then God said to Abraham, As 21:2 cGen.
18:14 rest yourselves under the tree.
for Sarai your wife, you shall not 5 And aI will bring a morsel of
call her name Sarai, but 1Sarah shall 27 aGen. 18:19 bread, that byou may refresh your
be her name. hearts. After that you may pass by,
16 And I will bless her aand also CHAPTER 18
cinasmuch as you have come to your
give you a son by her; then I will servant. They said, Do as you have
bless her, and she shall be a mother said.
bof nations; ckings of peoples shall 1 aGen. 13:18;
14:13 1Heb. 6 So Abraham hurried into the
be from her. Alon Mamre tent to Sarah and said, Quickly,
17 Then Abraham fell on his face make ready three measures of fine
aand laughed, and said in his heart, 2 aHeb. 13:2
bGen. 19:1
meal; knead it and make cakes.
Shall a child be born to a man who 7 And Abraham ran to the herd,
is one hundred years old? And shall 4 aGen. 19:2; took a tender and good calf, gave it
Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear 24:32; 43:24 to a young man, and he hastened to
a child? prepare it.
18 And Abraham asaid to God, Oh, 5 aJudg. 6:18, 8 So ahe took butter and milk and
19; 13:15, 16
that Ishmael might live before You! bJudg. 19:5 the calf which he had prepared, and
19 Then God said: No, aSarah your cGen. 19:8; set it before them; and he stood by
wife shall bear you a son, and you 33:10 them under the tree as they ate.
shall call his name Isaac; I will 9 Then they said to him, Where is
establish My bcovenant with him for 8 aGen. 19:3
Sarah your wife? So he said, Here,
an everlasting covenant, and with 9 aGen. 24:67
ain the tent.
his descendants after him. 10 And He said, I will certainly
20 And as for Ishmael, I have 10 a2 Kin. 4:16 return to you aaccording to the time
bRom. 9:9
heard you. Behold, I have blessed of life, and behold, bSarah your wife
him, and will make him fruitful, and 11 aGen. 17:17
shall have a son. (Sarah was listen-
awill multiply him exceedingly. He bGen. 31:35 ing in the tent door which was
shall beget btwelve princes, cand I 1Lit. the man- behind him.)
will make him a great nation. ner of women 11 Now aAbraham and Sarah were
had ceased to
21 But My acovenant I will establish be with Sarah old, well advanced in age; and 1Sarah
with Isaac, bwhom Sarah shall bear to bhad passed the age of childbearing.
you at this cset time next year. 12 aGen. 17:17 12 Therefore Sarah alaughed within
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GENESIS 18:13 14
herself, saying, bAfter I have grown 12 bLuke 1:18
c1 Pet. 3:6
and said, Suppose there should be
old, shall I have pleasure, my clord forty found there? So He said, I
being old also? will not do it for the sake of forty.
13 And the LORD said to Abraham, 14 aJer. 32:17 30 Then he said, Let not the Lord be
bGen. 17:21;
Why did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall 18:10 angry, and I will speak: Suppose thirty
I surely bear a child, since I am old? should be found there? So He said, I
14 aIs anything too hard for the will not do it if I find thirty there.
16 aRom. 15:24
LORD? bAt the appointed time I will 31 And he said, Indeed now, I have
return to you, according to the time taken it upon myself to speak to the
of life, and Sarah shall have a son. 17 aPs. 25:14 Lord: Suppose twenty should be
15 But Sarah denied it, saying, I did found there? So He said, I will not
not laugh, for she was afraid. And 18 a[Acts 3:25, destroy it for the sake of twenty.
He said, No, but you did laugh! 26 32 Then he said, aLet not the Lord
be angry, and I will speak but once
Abraham Intercedes for Sodom more: Suppose ten should be found
19 a[Deut. 4:9,
16 Then the men rose from there 10; 6:6, 7] there? bAnd He said, I will not
and looked toward Sodom, and destroy it for the sake of ten.
Abraham went with them ato send 20 aGen. 4:10;
33 So the LORD went His way as soon
them on the way. 19:13 bGen. as He had finished speaking with
17 And the LORD said, aShall I hide 13:13 Abraham; and Abraham returned to
from Abraham what I am doing, his place.
18 since Abraham shall surely 21 aGen. 11:5 Sodoms Depravity
become a great and mighty nation, bDeut. 8:2;
and all the nations of the earth shall 13:3 Now athe two angels came to
be ablessed in him?
19 For I have known him, in order 22 aGen. 18:16;
19 Sodom in the evening, and
bLot was sitting in the gate of
athat he may command his children 19:1 Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose
and his household after him, that to meet them, and he bowed himself
they keep the way of the LORD, to 23 a[Heb. with his face toward the ground.
do righteousness and justice, that 10:22] bNum. 2 And he said, Here now, my
the LORD may bring to Abraham 16:22 cJob lords, please aturn in to your ser-
9:22 dGen.
what He has spoken to him. 20:4 vants house and spend the night,
20 And the LORD said, Because and bwash your feet; then you may
athe outcry against Sodom and rise early and go on your way. And
25 aIs. 3:10, 11
Gomorrah is great, and because bDeut. 1:16, they said, cNo, but we will spend
their bsin is very grave, 17; 32:4 the night in the open square.
21 aI will go down now and see 3 But he insisted strongly; so they
whether they have done altogether 26 aJer. 5:1
turned in to him and entered his
according to the outcry against it house. aThen he made them a feast,
that has come to Me; and if not, bI and baked bunleavened bread, and
will know. 27 a[Gen. 3:19] they ate.
22 Then the men turned away from 4 Now before they lay down, the
there aand went toward Sodom, but 32 aJudg. 6:39 men of the city, the men of Sodom,
Abraham still stood before the bJames 5:16 both old and young, all the people
LORD. from every quarter, surrounded the
23 And Abraham acame near and CHAPTER 19 house.
said, bWould You also cdestroy the 5 aAnd they called to Lot and said
drighteous with the wicked? to him, Where are the men who
1 aGen. 18:2,
24 Suppose there were fifty righ- 16, 22 bGen. came to you tonight? bBring them
teous within the city; would You also 18:15 out to us that we cmay know them
destroy the place and not spare it for carnally.
the fifty righteous that were in it? 2 a[Heb. 13:2]
6 So aLot went out to them
25 Far be it from You to do such a bGen. 18:4; through the doorway, shut the door
thing as this, to slay the righteous 24:32 cLuke behind him,
with the wicked, so athat the righ- 24:28 7 and said, Please, my brethren,
teous should be as the wicked; far do not do so wickedly!
be it from You! bShall not the Judge 3 aGen. 18:68 8 aSee now, I have two daughters
of all the earth do right? bEx. 12:8 who have not known a man; please,
26 So the LORD said, aIf I find in let me bring them out to you, and
Sodom fifty righteous within the city, 5 aIs. 3:9 you may do to them as you wish;
then I will spare all the place for their bJudg. 19:22 only do nothing to these men, bsince
sakes. cGen. 4:1
this is the reason they have come
27 Then Abraham answered and under the shadow of my roof.
said, Indeed now, I who am abut 6 aJudg. 19:23 9 And they said, Stand back!
dust and ashes have taken it upon Then they said, This one acame in
myself to speak to the Lord: to 1stay here, band he keeps acting
8 aJudg. 19:24
28 Suppose there were five less bGen. 18:5 as a judge; now we will deal worse
than the fifty righteous; would You with you than with them. So they
destroy all of the city for lack of pressed hard against the man Lot,
five? So He said, If I find there 9 a2 Pet. 2:7, 8 and came near to break down the
bEx. 2:14 1As
forty-five, I will not destroy it. a resident door.
29 And he spoke to Him yet again alien 10 But the men reached out their
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15 GENESIS 20:3
hands and pulled Lot into the house 11 aGen. 20:17 26 But his wife looked back behind
with them, and shut the door. him, and she became aa pillar of salt.
11 And they astruck the men who 12 a2 Pet. 27 And Abraham went early in the
2:7, 9
were at the doorway of the house morning to the place where ahe had
with blindness, both small and 13 aGen. 18:20 stood before the LORD.
great, so that they became weary b1 Chr. 21:15 28 Then he looked toward Sodom
trying to find the door. and Gomorrah, and toward all the
14 aMatt. 1:18
bNum. 16:21,
land of the plain; and he saw, and
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed behold, athe smoke of the land
24, 26, 45
12 Then the men said to Lot, Have cEx. 9:21 which went up like the smoke of a
you anyone else here? Son-in-law, furnace.
your sons, your daughters, and 15 aRev. 18:4 29 And it came to pass, when God
whomever you have in the city destroyed the cities of the plain, that
atake them out of this place! 16 a2 Pet. 2:7
bLuke 18:13
God aremembered Abraham, and
13 For we will destroy this place, cPs. 34:22 sent Lot out of the midst of the over-
because the aoutcry against them throw, when He overthrew the cities
has grown great before the face of 17 aJer. 48:6 in which Lot had dwelt.
the LORD, and bthe LORD has sent 24:1618 The Descendants of Lot
us to destroy it. cGen. 14:10
14 So Lot went out and spoke to his 1LXX, Syr., 30 Then Lot went up out of Zoar and
sons-in-law, awho had married his Vg. they 2Lit. adwelt in the mountains, and his two
daughters, and said, bGet up, get swept away daughters were with him; for he was
out of this place; for the LORD will afraid to dwell in Zoar. And he and
18 aActs 10:14
destroy this city! cBut to his sons- his two daughters dwelt in a cave.
in-law he seemed to be joking. 21 aJob 42:8, 9 31 Now the firstborn said to the
15 When the morning dawned, the younger, Our father is old, and
angels urged Lot to hurry, saying, 22 aEx. 32:10 there is no man on the earth ato
aArise, take your wife and your two bGen. 13:10; come in to us as is the custom of all
daughters who are here, lest you be 14:2 1Lit. Lit- the earth.
tle or Insig-
consumed in the punishment of the nificant 32 Come, let us make our father
city. drink wine, and we will lie with him,
16 And while he lingered, the men 24 aDeut. that we amay preserve the 1lineage
atook hold of his hand, his wifes 29:23 bLev. of our father.
hand, and the hands of his two 10:2 33 So they made their father drink
daughters, the bLORD being merciful wine that night. And the firstborn
25 aPs. 107:34
to him, cand they brought him out 1devastated went in and lay with her father, and
and set him outside the city. he did not know when she lay down
17 So it came to pass, when they 26 aLuke 17:32 or when she arose.
had brought them outside, that 1he 34 It happened on the next day that
said, aEscape for your life! bDo not 27 aGen. 18:22 the firstborn said to the younger,
look behind you nor stay anywhere Indeed I lay with my father last
28 aRev. 9:2; night; let us make him drink wine
in the plain. Escape cto the moun- 18:9
tains, lest you be 2destroyed. tonight also, and you go in and lie
18 Then Lot said to them, Please, 29 aGen. 8:1; with him, that we may preserve the
ano, my lords! 1lineage of our father.
19 Indeed now, your servant has 35 Then they made their father
found favor in your sight, and you 30 aGen. 19:17, drink wine that night also. And the
19 younger arose and lay with him,
have increased your mercy which
you have shown me by saving my and he did not know when she lay
31 aGen. 16:2,
life; but I cannot escape to the 4; 38:8, 9 down or when she arose.
mountains, lest some evil overtake 36 Thus both the daughters of Lot
me and I die. 32 a[Mark were with child by their father.
20 See now, this city is near 12:19] 1Lit. 37 The firstborn bore a son and
seed called his name Moab; ahe is the
enough to flee to, and it is a little one;
please let me escape there (is it not a 34 1Lit. seed
father of the Moabites to this day.
little one?) and my soul shall live. 38 And the younger, she also bore
21 And he said to him, See, aI have 37 aDeut. 2:9 a son and called his name Ben-
favored you concerning this thing Ammi; ahe is the father of the people
also, in that I will not overthrow this 38 aDeut. 2:19 of Ammon to this day.
city for which you have spoken. Abraham and Abimelech
22 Hurry, escape there. For aI can- CHAPTER 20
not do anything until you arrive And Abraham journeyed
there. Therefore bthe name of the
city was called 1Zoar.
1 aGen. 18:1
bGen. 12:9;
20 from athere to the South, and
dwelt between bKadesh and Shur,
16:7, 14 cGen.
23 The sun had risen upon the 26:1, 6 and cstayed in Gerar.
earth when Lot entered Zoar. 2 Now Abraham said of Sarah his
24 Then the LORD rained abrimstone 2 aGen. 12:11 wife, aShe is my sister. And Abim-
and bfire on Sodom and Gomorrah, 13; 26:7 bGen. elech king of Gerar sent and btook
from the LORD out of the heavens. 12:15 Sarah.
25 So He 1overthrew those cities, all 3 aPs. 105:14
3 But aGod came to Abimelech bin
the plain, all the inhabitants of the bJob 33:15 a dream by night, and said to him,
cities, and awhat grew on the ground. cGen. 20:7 cIndeed you are a dead man
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GENESIS 20:4 16
because of the woman whom you 3 1Lit. married Isaac Is Born
have taken, for she is 1a mans wife. to a husband
And the LORD avisited Sarah
4 But Abimelech had not come
near her; and he said, Lord, awill
4 aGen.
5 a2 Kin. 20:3
21 as He had said, and the LORD
did for Sarah bas He had spoken.
You slay a righteous nation also? 1innocence
5 Did he not say to me, She is 2 For Sarah aconceived and bore
my sister? And she, even she her-
6 a1 Sam. Abraham a son in his old age, bat the
25:26, 34 set time of which God had spoken to
self said, He is my brother. aIn the bGen. 39:9
1integrity of my heart and inno- 7 a1 Sam. 7:5
cence of my hands I have done this. bGen. 2:17 3 And Abraham called the name
6 And God said to him in a dream,
cNum. 16:32, of his son who was born to him
33 whom Sarah bore to himaIsaac.1
Yes, I know that you did this in the 9 aGen. 26:10; 4 Then Abraham acircumcised his
integrity of your heart. For aI also 39:9 bGen. son Isaac when he was eight days
withheld you from sinning bagainst 34:7 1sinned old, bas God had commanded him.
Me; therefore I did not let you touch against
5 Now aAbraham was one hun-
her. 11 aProv. 16:6
bGen. 12:12; dred years old when his son Isaac
7 Now therefore, restore the 26:7 was born to him.
mans wife; afor he is a prophet, and 6 And Sarah said, aGod has
12 aGen. 11:29
he will pray for you and you shall 1made me laugh, and all who hear
13 aGen.
live. But if you do not restore her, 12:19, 11 bwill laugh with me.
bknow that you shall surely die, you bGen. 12:13;
cand all who are yours.
7 She also said, Who would have
20:5 said to Abraham that Sarah would
8 So Abimelech rose early in the 14 aGen. 12:16 nurse children? aFor I have borne
morning, called all his servants, and 15 aGen. 13:9; him a son in his old age.
told all these things in their hearing; 34:10; 47:6
and the men were very much afraid. 16 aGen. 26:11
bGen. 24:65
Hagar and Ishmael Depart
9 And Abimelech called Abraham
and said to him, What have you
1Lit. is a cov- 8 So the child grew and was
ering of the weaned. And Abraham made a
done to us? How have I 1offended eyes for you
you, athat you have brought on me to all 2Or jus- great feast on the same day that
and on my kingdom a great sin? You tified Isaac was weaned.
have done deeds to me bthat ought 17 aJob 42:9 9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar
bGen. 21:2 athe Egyptian, whom she had borne
not to be done. to Abraham, bscoffing.1
18 aGen. 12:17
10 Then Abimelech said to Abra- 10 Therefore she said to Abraham,
ham, What did you have in view, CHAPTER 21 aCast out this bondwoman and her
that you have done this thing? 1 a1 Sam. 2:21 son; for the son of this bondwoman
11 And Abraham said, Because I b[Gal. 4:23,
shall not be heir with my son,
thought, surely athe fear of God is 28]
namely with Isaac.
not in this place; and bthey will kill 2 aHeb. 11:11,
11 And the matter was very 1dis-
me on account of my wife. 12 bGen.
17:21; 18:10, pleasing in Abrahams sight abe-
12 But indeed ashe is truly my sis- 14 cause of his son.
ter. She is the daughter of my father, 3 aGen. 17:19, 12 But God said to Abraham, Do
but not the daughter of my mother; 21 1Lit. not let it be displeasing in your sight
and she became my wife. Laughter
because of the lad or because of your
13 And it came to pass, when aGod 4 aActs 7:8
bGen. 17:10, bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has
caused me to wander from my 12 said to you, listen to her voice; for ain
fathers house, that I said to her, Isaac your seed shall be called.
5 aGen. 17:1,
This is your kindness that you 17 13 Yet I will also make aa nation of
should do for me: in every place, 6 aIs. 54:1 the son of the bondwoman, because
wherever we go, bsay of me, He is bLuke 1:58 he is your 1seed.
my brother. 1Lit. made
14 So Abraham rose early in the
14 Then Abimelech atook sheep, laughter for
me morning, and took bread and 1a skin
oxen, and male and female servants, of water; and putting it on her
7 aGen. 18:11,
and gave them to Abraham; and he 12 shoulder, he gave it and the boy to
restored Sarah his wife to him. 9 aGen. 16:1, Hagar, and asent her away. Then she
15 And Abimelech said, See, amy 4, 15 b[Gal. departed and wandered in the
land is before you; dwell where it 4:29] 1Lit. Wilderness of Beersheba.
pleases you. laughing 15 And the water in the skin was
16 Then to Sarah he said, Behold, 10 aGal. 3:18; used up, and she placed the boy
I have given your brother a thou- 4:30
under one of the shrubs.
sand pieces of silver; aindeed this 11 aGen. 17:18
1distressing 16 Then she went and sat down
1vindicates you bbefore all who are
12 a[Rom. 9:7,
across from him at a distance of
with you and before everybody. 8] about a bowshot; for she said to her-
Thus she was 2rebuked. 13 aGen. 16:10; self, Let me not see the death of the
17 So Abraham aprayed to God; 17:20; 21:18; boy. So she sat opposite him, and
and God bhealed Abimelech, his 25:1218 lifted her voice and wept.
wife, and his female servants. Then 17 And aGod heard the voice of the
they bore children; 14 aJohn 8:35
1A water bot-
lad. Then the bangel of God called to
18 for the LORD ahad closed up all tle made of Hagar out of heaven, and said to
the wombs of the house of Abim- skins her, What ails you, Hagar? Fear
elech because of Sarah, Abrahams 17 aEx. 3:7 not, for God has heard the voice of
wife. bGen. 22:11 the lad where he is.
3005_01Genesis 11/19/08 11:02 AM Page 17
17 GENESIS 22:17
18 Arise, lift up the lad and hold 18 aGen. 16:10; blove, and go cto the land of Moriah,
him with your hand, for aI will make 21:13; and offer him there as a dburnt
him a great nation. offering on one of the mountains of
19 Then aGod opened her eyes, and 19 aNum. which I shall tell you.
she saw a well of water. And she 22:31 3 So Abraham rose early in the
went and filled the skin with water, morning and saddled his donkey,
and gave the lad a drink. 20 aGen. 28:15; and took two of his young men
20 So God awas with the lad; and 39:2, 3, 21
bGen. 16:12 with him, and Isaac his son; and
he grew and dwelt in the wilder- he split the wood for the burnt
ness, band became an archer. 21 aGen. 24:4 offering, and arose and went to the
21 He dwelt in the Wilderness of place of which God had told him.
Paran; and his mother atook a wife 22 aGen. 20:2, 4 Then on the third day Abraham
for him from the land of Egypt. 14; 26:26 lifted his eyes and saw the place
bGen. 26:28
A Covenant with Abimelech afar off.
23 aJosh. 2:12 5 And Abraham said to his young
22 And it came to pass at that time 1take an oath men, Stay here with the donkey; the
that aAbimelech and Phichol, the 1lad and I will go yonder and wor-
commander of his army, spoke to 25 aGen. 26:15, ship, and we will acome back to you.
Abraham, saying, bGod is with you 18, 2022
6 So Abraham took the wood of
in all that you do. 27 aGen. 26:31; the burnt offering and alaid it on
23 Now therefore, aswear1 to me 31:44 1treaty Isaac his son; and he took the fire in
by God that you will not deal falsely his hand, and a knife, and the two of
with me, with my offspring, or with 29 aGen. 33:8 them went together.
my posterity; but that according to 7 But Isaac spoke to Abraham his
the kindness that I have done to 30 aGen. 31:48, father and said, My father! And he
you, you will do to me and to the 52
said, Here I am, my son. Then he
land in which you have dwelt. 31 aGen. 21:14; said, Look, the fire and the wood,
24 And Abraham said, I will 26:33 1Lit. but where is the 1lamb for a burnt
swear. Well of the offering?
25 Then Abraham rebuked Abim- Oath or Well
8 And Abraham said, My son,
elech because of a well of water of the Seven
God will provide for Himself the
which Abimelechs servants ahad 33 aGen. 4:26; alamb for a bburnt offering. So the
seized. 12:8; 13:4; two of them went together.
26 And Abimelech said, I do not 26:25 bDeut. 9 Then they came to the place of
know who has done this thing; you 32:40; 33:27
which God had told him. And Abra-
did not tell me, nor had I heard of it ham built an altar there and placed
until today. CHAPTER 22
the wood in order; and he bound
27 So Abraham took sheep and Isaac his son and alaid him on the
oxen and gave them to Abimelech, 1 aHeb. 11:17
altar, upon the wood.
and the two of them amade a
1covenant. 2 aGen. 22:12, 10 And Abraham stretched out his
28 And Abraham set seven ewe 16 bJohn 5:20 hand and took the knife to slay his
c2 Chr. 3:1
lambs of the flock by themselves. dGen. 8:20;
29 Then Abimelech asked Abra- 31:54 11 But the aAngel of the LORD
ham, aWhat is the meaning of these called to him from heaven and said,
seven ewe lambs which you have set 5 a[Heb. 11:19] Abraham, Abraham! So he said,
by themselves?
1Or young Here I am.
man 12 And He said, aDo not lay your
30 And he said, You will take
these seven ewe lambs from my 6 aJohn 19:17
hand on the lad, or do anything to
hand, that athey may be my witness him; for bnow I know that you fear
that I have dug this well. 7 1Or goat God, since you have not cwithheld
31 Therefore he acalled that place your son, your only son, from Me.
1Beersheba, because the two of 8 aJohn 1:29, 13 Then Abraham lifted his eyes
them swore an oath there. 36 bEx. 12:36 and looked, and there behind him
32 Thus they made a covenant at was a ram caught in a thicket by its
9 a[Heb.
Beersheba. So Abimelech rose with 11:1719] horns. So Abraham went and took
Phichol, the commander of his the ram, and offered it up for a
army, and they returned to the land 11 aGen. 16:7 burnt offering instead of his son.
of the Philistines. 11; 21:17, 18; 14 And Abraham called the name of
33 Then Abraham planted a 31:11 the place, 1The-LORD-Will-Provide;
tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and 12 a1 Sam.
as it is said to this day, In the Mount
athere called on the name of the of the LORD it shall be provided.
15:22 bJames
LORD, bthe Everlasting God. 2:21, 22 cGen. 15 Then the Angel of the LORD
34 And Abraham stayed in the land 22:2, 16 called to Abraham a second time
of the Philistines many days. out of heaven,
14 1Heb.
YHWH Yireh 16 and said: aBy Myself I have
Abrahams Faith Confirmed sworn, says the LORD, because you
Now it came to pass after have done this thing, and have not
22 these things that aGod tested
Abraham, and said to him, Abra-
16 aPs. 105:9
17 aGen. 17:16;
withheld your son, your only son
17 blessing I will abless you, and
ham! And he said, Here I am. 26:3, 24 bGen. multiplying I will multiply your
15:5; 26:4
2 Then He said, Take now your cGen. 13:16; descendants bas the stars of the
son, ayour only son Isaac, whom you 32:12 heaven cand as the sand which is on
3005_01Genesis 11/19/08 11:02 AM Page 18
GENESIS 22:18 18
the seashore; and dyour descendants 17 dGen. 24:60 down before the people of the land;
shall possess the gate of their ene- 13 and he spoke to Ephron in the
mies. 18 aGen. 12:3; hearing of the people of the land,
18:18; 26:4;
18 aIn your seed all the nations of bGen. 18:19; saying, If you will give it, please
the earth shall be blessed, bbecause 22:3, 10; 26:5 hear me. I will give you money for
you have obeyed My voice. the field; take it from me and I will
19 So Abraham returned to his 19 aGen. 21:31 bury my dead there.
young men, and they rose and went 14 And Ephron answered Abra-
together to aBeersheba; and Abra- 20 aGen. 11:29; ham, saying to him,
ham dwelt at Beersheba. 24:15
15 My lord, listen to me; the land
21 aJob 1:1 is worth four hundred ashekels of
The Family of Nahor bJob 32:2 silver. What is that between you and
20 Now it came to pass after these me? So bury your dead.
things that it was told Abraham, say- 23 aGen. 24:15 16 And Abraham listened to
ing, Indeed aMilcah also has borne Ephron; and Abraham aweighed out
Rom. 9:10
children to your brother Nahor: the silver for Ephron which he had
21 aHuz his firstborn, Buz his CHAPTER 23 named in the hearing of the sons of
brother, Kemuel the father bof Aram, Heth, four hundred shekels of silver,
22 Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, 2 aJosh. 14:15; currency of the merchants.
and Bethuel. 15:13; 21:11 17 So athe field of Ephron which
23 And aBethuel begot 1Rebekah. bGen. 13:18;
was in Machpelah, which was before
These eight Milcah bore to Nahor, 23:19
Mamre, the field and the cave which
Abrahams brother. 3 aGen. 10:15; was in it, and all the trees that were
24 His concubine, whose name was 15:20 in the field, which were within all the
Reumah, also bore Tebah, Gaham, surrounding borders, were deeded
Thahash, and Maachah. 4 a[Gen. 17:8] 18 to Abraham as a possession in
bActs 7:5, 16
the presence of the sons of Heth,
Sarahs Death and Burial before all who went in at the gate of
6 aGen. 13:2;
Sarah lived one hundred and his city.
23 twenty-seven years; these
were the years of the life of Sarah.
14:14; 24:35
1Lit. prince of
19 And after this, Abraham buried
Sarah his wife in the cave of the field
2 So Sarah died in aKirjath Arba of Machpelah, before Mamre (that
(that is, bHebron) in the land of 8 1entreat is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan.
Canaan, and Abraham came to 20 So the field and the cave that is
9 aGen. 25:9 in it awere deeded to Abraham by
mourn for Sarah and to weep for her.
3 Then Abraham stood up from 10 aGen. 23:18;
the sons of Heth as property for a
before his dead, and spoke to the 34:20, 24 burial place.
sons of aHeth, saying,
4 aI am a foreigner and a visitor 11 a2 Sam. A Bride for Isaac
among you. bGive me property for a 24:2124
Now Abraham awas old, well
burial place among you, that I may
bury my dead out of my sight. 15 aEx. 30:13 24 advanced in age; and the LORD
bhad blessed Abraham in all things.
5 And the sons of Heth answered aJer. 2 So Abraham said ato the oldest
Abraham, saying to him, 16 32:9,
6 Hear us, my lord: You are aa
10 servant of his house, who bruled
1mighty prince among us; bury your over all that he had, Please, cput
17 aGen. 25:9; your hand under my thigh,
dead in the choicest of our burial 49:2932;
3 and I will make you aswear1 by
places. None of us will withhold 50:13
from you his burial place, that you the LORD, the God of heaven and
may bury your dead. 20 aJer. 32:10, the God of the earth, that byou will
7 Then Abraham stood up and 11 not take a wife for my son from the
bowed himself to the people of the daughters of the Canaanites, among
CHAPTER 24 whom I dwell;
land, the sons of Heth.
8 And he spoke with them, saying, 4 abut you shall go bto my coun-
1 aGen. 18:11; try and to my family, and take a wife
If it is your wish that I bury my dead 21:5 bGen.
out of my sight, hear me, and 1meet 12:2; 13:2; for my son Isaac.
with Ephron the son of Zohar for me, 24:35 5 And the servant said to him,
9 that he may give me the cave of Perhaps the woman will not be
aMachpelah which he has, which is 2 aGen. 15:2 willing to follow me to this land.
bGen. 24:10;
at the end of his field. Let him give it 39:46 cGen.
Must I take your son back to the
to me at the full price, as property 47:29 land from which you came?
for a burial place among you. 6 But Abraham said to him,
10 Now Ephron dwelt among the 3 aGen. 14:19, Beware that you do not take my
sons of Heth; and Ephron the Hittite 22 bDeut. 7:3 son back there.
1take an oath
answered Abraham in the presence 7 The LORD God of heaven, who
atook me from my fathers house
of the sons of Heth, all who aentered 4 aGen. 28:2
at the gate of his city, saying, bGen. 12:1 and from the land of my family, and
11 aNo, my lord, hear me: I give who spoke to me and swore to me,
you the field and the cave that is in 7 aGen. 12:1; saying, bTo your 1descendants I give
it; I give it to you in the presence of 24:3 bGen. this land, cHe will send His angel
the sons of my people. I give it to 12:7; 13:15; before you, and you shall take a
15:18; 17:8
you. Bury your dead! cEx. 23:20, 23; wife for my son from there.
12 Then Abraham bowed himself 33:2 1Lit. seed 8 And if the woman is not willing
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19 GENESIS 24:41
to follow you, then ayou will be 8 aJosh. daughter of Bethuel, Milcahs son,
released from this oath; only do not 2:1720 whom she bore to Nahor.
take my son back there. 10 aGen. 24:2,
25 Moreover she said to him, We
9 So the servant put his hand 22 bGen. have both straw and feed enough,
under the thigh of Abraham his 11:31, 32; and room to lodge.
master, and swore to him concern- 22:20; 27:43; 26 Then the man abowed down his
ing this matter. 29:5 head and worshiped the LORD.
10 Then the servant took ten of his 11 aEx. 2:16
27 And he said, aBlessed be the
masters camels and departed, afor LORD God of my master Abraham,
all his masters goods were in his 12 aEx. 3:6, 15 who has not forsaken bHis mercy
hand. And he arose and went to bNeh. 1:11 and His truth toward my master. As
Mesopotamia, to bthe city of Nahor. for me, being on the way, the LORD
11 And he made his camels kneel 13 aGen. 24:43 cled me to the house of my masters
bEx. 2:16
down outside the city by a well of brethren.
water at evening time, the time 28 So the young woman ran and
awhen women go out to draw water. 14 aJudg. 6:17,
37 told her mothers household these
12 Then he asaid, O LORD God of things.
my master Abraham, please bgive 15 aIs. 65:24 29 Now Rebekah had a brother
me success this day, and show kind- bGen. 24:45; whose name was aLaban, and Laban
ness to my master Abraham. 25:20 cGen. ran out to the man by the well.
22:20, 23
13 Behold, here aI stand by the 1Rebecca, 30 So it came to pass, when he saw
well of water, and bthe daughters of Rom. 9:10 the nose ring, and the bracelets on
the men of the city are coming out his sisters wrists, and when he
to draw water. 16 aGen. 12:11; heard the words of his sister
14 Now let it be that the young 26:7; 29:17 Rebekah, saying, Thus the man
woman to whom I say, Please let spoke to me, that he went to the
down your pitcher that I may drink, 18 a[1 Pet. 3:8, man. And there he stood by the
and she says, Drink, and I will also camels at the well.
give your camels a drinklet her 21 aGen. 31 And he said, Come in, aO
be the one You have appointed for 24:1214, 27, blessed of the LORD! Why do you
Your servant Isaac. And aby this I 52 stand outside? For I have prepared
will know that You have shown the house, and a place for the
kindness to my master. 22 aEx. 32:2, 3 camels.
15 And it happened, abefore he had 23 1to spend
32 Then the man came to the
finished speaking, that behold, bRe- the night house. And he unloaded the camels,
bekah,1 who was born to Bethuel, and aprovided straw and feed for the
son of cMilcah, the wife of Nahor, 24 aGen. 22:23; camels, and water to bwash his feet
Abrahams brother, came out with 24:15 and the feet of the men who were
her pitcher on her shoulder. with him.
16 Now the young woman awas 26 aEx. 4:31 33 Food was set before him to eat,
very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no but he said, aI will not eat until I
27 aEx. 18:10
man had known her. And she went bGen. 32:10 have told about my errand. And
down to the well, filled her pitcher, cGen. 24:21, he said, Speak on.
and came up. 48 34 So he said, I am Abrahams
17 And the servant ran to meet her servant.
and said, Please let me drink a lit- 29 aGen. 29:5, 35 The LORD ahas blessed my
tle water from your pitcher. master greatly, and he has become
18 aSo she said, Drink, my lord. 31 aJudg. 17:2
great; and He has given him flocks
Then she quickly let her pitcher and herds, silver and gold, male and
down to her hand, and gave him a 32 aGen. 43:24 female servants, and camels and
drink. bGen. 19:2 donkeys.
19 And when she had finished giv- 36 And Sarah my masters wife
ing him a drink, she said, I will 33 aJohn 4:34 abore a son to my master when she
draw water for your camels also, was old; and bto him he has given all
until they have finished drinking. 35 aGen. 13:2; that he has.
20 Then she quickly emptied her 37 Now my master amade me
pitcher into the trough, ran back to 36 aGen. swear, saying, You shall not take a
the well to draw water, and drew for 21:17 bGen. wife for my son from the daughters
all his camels. 21:10; 25:5 of the Canaanites, in whose land I
21 And the man, wondering at her, dwell;
remained silent so as to know 37 aGen. 38 abut you shall go to my fathers
whether athe LORD had made his house and to my family, and take a
journey prosperous or not. 38 aGen. 24:4 wife for my son.
22 So it was, when the camels had 39 aAnd I said to my master, Per-
finished drinking, that the man took 39 aGen. 24:5 haps the woman will not follow me.
a golden anose ring weighing half a 40 aBut he said to me, The LORD,
shekel, and two bracelets for her 40 aGen. 24:7 bbefore whom I walk, will send His
wrists weighing ten shekels of gold, bGen. 5:22,
angel with you and 1prosper your
23 and said, Whose daughter are 24; 17:1 1make way; and you shall take a wife for
your way
you? Tell me, please, is there room in successful my son from my family and from
your fathers house for us 1to lodge? my fathers house.
24 So she said to him, aI am the 41 aGen. 24:8 41 aYou will be clear from this oath
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GENESIS 24:42 20
when you arrive among my family; 42 aGen. 24:12 1hinder me, since the LORD has
for if they will not give her to you, prospered my way; send me away so
then you will be released from my that I may go to my master.
43 aGen. 24:13
oath. 57 So they said, We will call the
42 And this day I came to the well young woman and ask her person-
and said, aO LORD God of my mas- 45 aGen. 24:15 ally.
ter Abraham, if You will now pros- b1 Sam. 1:13 58 Then they called Rebekah and
per the way in which I go, said to her, Will you go with this
43 abehold, I stand by the well of man? And she said, I will go.
water; and it shall come to pass that 48 aGen. 24:26, 59 So they sent away Rebekah
52 bGen.
when the virgin comes out to draw 22:23; 24:27 their sister aand her nurse, and
water, and I say to her, Please give Abrahams servant and his men.
me a little water from your pitcher 60 And they blessed Rebekah and
to drink, 49 aJosh. 2:14 said to her:
44 and she says to me, Drink, and I
will draw for your camels also,let
50 aPs. 118:23
Our sister, may you become
her be the woman whom the LORD bGen. 31:24, aThe mother of thousands of ten
has appointed for my masters son. 29 thousands;
45 aBut before I had finished bAnd may your descendants
bspeaking in my heart, there was
Rebekah, coming out with her 51 aGen. 20:15 The gates of those who hate
pitcher on her shoulder; and she them.
went down to the well and drew 52 aGen. 24:26,
water. And I said to her, Please let 48 61 Then Rebekah and her maids
me drink. arose, and they rode on the camels
46 And she made haste and let her and followed the man. So the ser-
pitcher down from her shoulder, 53 aEx. 3:22; vant took Rebekah and departed.
and said, Drink, and I will give your 11:2; 12:35
b2 Chr. 21:3 62 Now Isaac came from the way
camels a drink also. So I drank, and of aBeer Lahai Roi, for he dwelt in
she gave the camels a drink also. the South.
47 Then I asked her, and said, 54 aGen. 24:56, 63 And Isaac went out ato meditate
Whose daughter are you? And she 59; 30:25 in the field in the evening; and he
said, The daughter of Bethuel, lifted his eyes and looked, and
Nahors son, whom Milcah bore to there, the camels were coming.
him. So I put the nose ring on her 56 1delay
64 Then Rebekah lifted her eyes,
nose and the bracelets on her wrists. and when she saw Isaac ashe dis-
48 aAnd I bowed my head and 59 aGen. 35:8 mounted from her camel;
worshiped the LORD, and blessed 65 for she had said to the servant,
the LORD God of my master Abra- Who is this man walking in the
ham, who had led me in the way of 60 aGen. 17:16 field to meet us? The servant said,
bGen. 22:17;
truth to btake the daughter of my It is my master. So she took a veil
masters brother for his son. and covered herself.
49 Now if you will adeal kindly 66 And the servant told Isaac all
and truly with my master, tell me. 62 aGen. 16:14; the things that he had done.
And if not, tell me, that I may turn to 25:11 67 Then Isaac brought her into his
the right hand or to the left. mother Sarahs tent; and he atook
50 Then Laban and Bethuel Rebekah and she became his wife,
answered and said, aThe thing 63 aJosh. 1:8
and he loved her. So Isaac bwas
comes from the LORD; we cannot comforted after his mothers death.
bspeak to you either bad or good.
64 aJosh. 15:18
51 aHere is Rebekah before you; Abraham and Keturah
take her and go, and let her be your
Abraham again took a wife,
masters sons wife, as the LORD has
67 aGen. 25:20;
29:20 bGen.
23:1, 2; 38:12
25 and her name was aKeturah.
2 And ashe bore him Zimran, Jok-
52 And it came to pass, when Abra-
hams servant heard their words, shan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and
that ahe worshiped the LORD, bow- Shuah.
ing himself to the earth. CHAPTER 25 3 Jokshan begot Sheba and
53 Then the servant brought out Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were
ajewelry of silver, jewelry of gold, and Asshurim, Letushim, and Leum-
clothing, and gave them to Rebekah. mim.
He also gave bprecious things to her 1 a1 Chr. 1:32, 4 And the sons of Midian were
brother and to her mother. 33 Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abidah, and
54 And he and the men who were Eldaah. All these were the children
with him ate and drank and stayed 2 a1 Chr. 1:32,
of Keturah.
all night. Then they arose in the 33 5 And aAbraham gave all that he
morning, and he said, aSend me had to Isaac.
away to my master. 6 But Abraham gave gifts to the
55 But her brother and her mother 5 aGen. 24:35, sons of the concubines which Abra-
said, Let the young woman stay ham had; and while he was still liv-
with us a few days, at least ten; after ing he asent them eastward, away
that she may go. 6 aGen. 21:14 from Isaac his son, to bthe country
56 And he said to them, Do not bJudg. 6:3 of the east.
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21 GENESIS 26:7
Abrahams Death and Burial 8 aGen. 15:15; cAnd the older shall serve the
47:8, 9 bGen. younger.
7 This is the sum of the years of 25:17; 35:29;
Abrahams life which he lived: one 49:29, 33
9 aGen. 35:29; 24 So when her days were fulfilled
hundred and seventy-five years. 50:13 bGen. for her to give birth, indeed there
8 Then Abraham breathed his last 23:9, 17; 49:30 were twins in her womb.
and adied in a good old age, an old 10 aGen. 25 And the first came out red. He
man and full of years, and bwas 23:316
bGen. 49:31 was alike a hairy garment all over;
gathered to his people. so they called his name 1Esau.
9 And ahis sons Isaac and Ishmael 11 aGen. 16:14
12 aGen. 11:10, 26 Afterward his brother came
buried him in the cave of bMach- 27; 16:15 out, and ahis hand took hold of
pelah, which is before Mamre, in the 13 a1 Chr. Esaus heel; so bhis name was
field of Ephron the son of Zohar the 1:2931 called 1Jacob. Isaac was sixty
Hittite, 15 1MT Hadad years old when she bore them.
10 athe field which Abraham pur- 16 aGen. 17:20 27 So the boys grew. And Esau was
chased from the sons of Heth. aa skillful hunter, a man of the field;
bThere Abraham was buried, and 17 aGen. 25:8;
49:33 but Jacob was ba 1mild man, cdwell-
Sarah his wife. 18 a1 Sam. ing in tents.
11 And it came to pass, after the 15:7 bGen. 28 And Isaac loved Esau because
death of Abraham, that God blessed 16:12 1fell he aate of his game, bbut Rebekah
his son Isaac. And Isaac dwelt at 19 aGen. 36:1, loved Jacob.
aBeer Lahai Roi. 9 bMatt. 1:2
20 aGen. 22:23; Esau Sells His Birthright
The Families of Ishmael and Isaac 24:15, 29, 67
bGen. 24:29
29 Now Jacob cooked a stew; and
12 Now this is the agenealogy of 21 a1 Chr. 5:20
Esau came in from the field, and he
Ishmael, Abrahams son, whom 9:1013 was weary.
Hagar the Egyptian, Sarahs maid- 22 a1 Sam. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Please
servant, bore to Abraham. 1:15; 9:9; feed me with that same red stew, for
13 And athese were the names of 10:22 I am weary. Therefore his name
the sons of Ishmael, by their names, 23 aGen. was called 1Edom.
according to their generations: The 17:46, 16; 31 But Jacob said, Sell me your
24:60 b2 Sam.
firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; then 8:14 cRom. birthright as of this day.
Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 9:12 32 And Esau said, Look, I am
14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 25 aGen. 27:11, about to die; so awhat is this
15 1Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, 16, 23 1Lit. birthright to me?
and Kedemah. Hairy
26 aHos. 12:3
33 Then Jacob said, 1Swear to me
16 These were the sons of Ishmael bGen. 27:36 as of this day. So he swore to him,
and these were their names, by their 1Supplanter and asold his birthright to Jacob.
towns and their 1settlements, atwelve or Deceitful, 34 And Jacob gave Esau bread and
princes according to their nations. lit. One Who stew of lentils; then ahe ate and
Takes the
17 These were the years of the life Heel drank, arose, and went his way.
of Ishmael: one hundred and thirty- 27 aGen. 27:3, Thus Esau bdespised his birthright.
seven years; and ahe breathed his 5 bJob 1:1, 8
last and died, and was gathered to cHeb. 11:9 Isaac and Abimelech
1Lit. complete
his people. There was a famine in the
18 a(They dwelt from Havilah as
far as Shur, which is east of Egypt
28 aGen. 27:4,
19, 25, 31
bGen. 27:610
26 land, besides athe first famine
that was in the days of Abraham.
as you go toward Assyria.) He 1died 30 1Lit. Red And Isaac went to bAbimelech king
bin the presence of all his brethren. 32 aMark 8:36, of the Philistines, in Gerar.
19 This is the agenealogy of Isaac, 37
2 Then the LORD appeared to him
Abrahams son. bAbraham begot 33 aHeb. 12:16
1Take an oath and said: aDo not go down to
Isaac. 34 aEccl. 8:15 Egypt; live in bthe land of which I
20 Isaac was forty years old when bHeb. 12:16, shall tell you.
he took Rebekah as wife, athe 17 3 aDwell in this land, and bI will
daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of be with you and cbless you; for to
Padan Aram, bthe sister of Laban CHAPTER 26
you and your descendants dI give all
the Syrian. 1 aGen. 12:10 these lands, and I will perform ethe
21 Now Isaac pleaded with the bGen. 20:1, 2
oath which I swore to Abraham
LORD for his wife, because she was 2 aGen. 12:7; your father.
barren; aand the LORD granted his 17:1; 18:1; 4 And aI will make your descen-
35:9 bGen.
plea, band Rebekah his wife con- 12:1 dants multiply as the stars of heaven;
ceived. 3 aHeb. 11:9 I will give to your descendants all
22 But the children struggled bGen. 28:13, these lands; band in your seed all the
together within her; and she said, If 15 cGen. 12:2
dGen. 12:7;
nations of the earth shall be blessed;
all is well, why am I like this? aSo 13:15; 15:18 5 abecause Abraham obeyed My
she went to inquire of the LORD. eGen. 22:16 voice and kept My charge, My com-
23 And the LORD said to her: 4 aGen. 15:5; mandments, My statutes, and My
22:17 bGen. laws.
aTwo nations are in your womb, 12:3; 22:18 6 So Isaac dwelt in Gerar.
Two peoples shall be separated 5 aGen. 22:16, 7 And the men of the place asked
from your body; 7 aGen. 12:13;
about his wife. And ahe said, She
One people shall be stronger 20:2, 12, 13 is my sister; for bhe was afraid to
than bthe other, bProv. 29:25 say, She is my wife, because he
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GENESIS 26:8 22
thought, lest the men of the place 7 cGen. 12:11; God of your father Abraham; cdo not
kill me for Rebekah, because she is 24:16; 29:17 fear, for dI am with you. I will bless
cbeautiful to behold. 8 1caressing you and multiply your descendants
8 Now it came to pass, when he 10 aGen. 20:9 for My servant Abrahams sake.
had been there a long time, that 11 aPs. 105:15
25 So he abuilt an altar there and
Abimelech king of the Philistines bcalled on the name of the LORD,
looked through a window, and saw, 12 aMatt. 13:8, and he pitched his tent there; and
and there was Isaac, 1showing 23; Mark 4:8
bGen. 24:1; there Isaacs servants dug a well.
endearment to Rebekah his wife. 25:3, 11; 26:3; 26 Then Abimelech came to him
9 Then Abimelech called Isaac Job 42:12; from Gerar with Ahuzzath, one of
and said, Quite obviously she is Prov. 10:22 his friends, aand Phichol the com-
your wife; so how could you say, 13 aGen. 24:35; mander of his army.
She is my sister? Isaac said to [Prov. 10:22] 27 And Isaac said to them, Why
him, Because I said, Lest I die on 14 aGen. 37:11; have you come to me, asince you
account of her. Eccl. 4:4 hate me and have bsent me away
10 And Abimelech said, What is 15 aGen. 21:25, from you?
this you have done to us? One of the 30 28 But they said, We have certainly
people might soon have lain with 16 aEx. 1:9 seen that the LORD ais with you. So
your wife, and ayou would have we said, Let there now be an oath
brought guilt on us. 17 1camped
between us, between you and us; and
11 So Abimelech charged all his 18 aGen. 21:31 let us make a 1covenant with you,
people, saying, He who atouches 20 aGen. 21:25 29 that you will do us no harm,
this man or his wife shall surely be 1Lit. Quarrel since we have not touched you, and
put to death. 21 1Lit. En- since we have done nothing to you
12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, mity but good and have sent you away in
and reaped in the same year aa hun- 22 aGen. 17:6; peace. aYou are now the blessed of
dredfold; and the LORD bblessed him. 28:3; 41:52; the LORD.
13 The man abegan to prosper, and Ex. 1:7 1Lit. 30 aSo he made them a feast, and
continued prospering until he be- Spaciousness they ate and drank.
came very prosperous; 24 aGen. 26:2 31 Then they arose early in the
14 for he had possessions of flocks bGen. 17:7, 8;
morning and aswore an oath with
and possessions of herds and a 24:12; Ex. 3:6;
one another; and Isaac sent them
great number of servants. So the Acts 7:32
cGen. 15:1 away, and they departed from him
Philistines aenvied him. dGen. 26:3, 4 in peace.
15 Now the Philistines had stopped 32 It came to pass the same day
25 aGen. 12:7,
up all the wells awhich his fathers 8; 13:4, 18; that Isaacs servants came and told
servants had dug in the days of 22:9; 33:20 him about the well which they had
Abraham his father, and they had bGen. 21:33;
dug, and said to him, We have
filled them with earth. Ps. 116:17
found water.
16 And Abimelech said to Isaac, 26 aGen. 21:22 33 So he called it 1Shebah. aThere-
Go away from us, for ayou are 27 aJudg. 11:7 fore the name of the city is 2Beer-
much mightier than we. bGen. 26:16
sheba to this day.
17 Then Isaac departed from there 28 aGen. 21:22, 34 aWhen Esau was forty years old,
and 1pitched his tent in the Valley of 23 1treaty he took as wives Judith the daughter
Gerar, and dwelt there. of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath
29 aGen. 24:31;
18 And Isaac dug again the wells of Ps. 115:15 the daughter of Elon the Hittite.
water which they had dug in the 35 And athey were a grief of mind
days of Abraham his father, for the 30 aGen. 19:3
Philistines had stopped them up 31 aGen. 21:31
to Isaac and Rebekah.
after the death of Abraham. aHe 33 aGen. 21:31; Isaac Blesses Jacob
called them by the names which his 28:10 1Lit.
Now it came to pass, when
father had called them.
19 Also Isaacs servants dug in the
valley, and found a well of running
Oath or
Seven 2Lit.
Well of the
27 Isaac was aold and bhis eyes
were so dim that he could not see,
Oath or Well
water there. of the Seven that he called Esau his older son
20 But the herdsmen of Gerar and said to him, My son. And he
34 aGen. 28:8;
aquarreled with Isaacs herdsmen,
36:2 answered him, Here I am.
saying, The water is ours. So he 2 Then he said, Behold now, I am
35 aGen. 27:46; old. I ado not know the day of my
called the name of the well 1Esek, 28:1, 8
because they quarreled with him. death.
21 Then they dug another well, and CHAPTER 27 3 aNow therefore, please take
they quarreled over that one also. 1 aGen. 35:28
bGen. 48:10;
your weapons, your quiver and your
So he called its name 1Sitnah. bow, and go out to the field and hunt
1 Sam. 3:2
22 And he moved from there and game for me.
dug another well, and they did not 2 a[Prov. 27:1; 4 And make me 1savory food,
quarrel over it. So he called its name James 4:14] such as I love, and bring it to me
1Rehoboth, because he said, For 3 aGen. 25:27, that I may eat, that my soul amay
now the LORD has made room for us, 28 bless you before I die.
and we shall abe fruitful in the land. 4 aGen. 27:19, 5 Now Rebekah was listening
23 Then he went up from there to 25, 27, 31; when Isaac spoke to Esau his son.
Beersheba. 48:9, 15, 16; And Esau went to the field to hunt
49:28; Deut.
24 And the LORD aappeared to him 33:1; Heb. game and to bring it.
the same night and said, bI am the 11:20 1tasty 6 So Rebekah spoke to Jacob her
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23 GENESIS 27:38
son, saying, Indeed I heard your 7 1tasty and I will eat of my sons game, so
father speak to Esau your brother, athat my soul may bless you. So he
8 aGen. 27:13, brought it near to him, and he ate;
saying, 43
7 Bring me game and make and he brought him wine, and he
1savory food for me, that I may eat it
9 aGen. 27:4 drank.
and bless you in the presence of the 26 Then his father Isaac said to
LORD before my death. 10 aGen. 27:4; him, Come near now and kiss me,
8 Now therefore, my son, aobey 48:16 my son.
my voice according to what I com- 27 And he came near and akissed
11 aGen. 25:25 him; and he smelled the smell of his
mand you.
9 Go now to the flock and bring 12 aGen. 27:21,
clothing, and blessed him and said:
me from there two choice kids of the 22 bGen. 9:25;
goats, and I will make asavory food Deut. 27:18 Surely, bthe smell of my son
from them for your father, such as Is like the smell of a field
he loves. 13 aGen. 43:9; Which the LORD has blessed.
1 Sam. 25:24; 28 Therefore may aGod give you
10 Then you shall take it to your 2 Sam. 14:9;
father, that he may eat it, and that Matt. 27:25 Of bthe dew of heaven,
he amay bless you before his death. Of cthe fatness of the earth,
11 And Jacob said to Rebekah his 14 aProv. 23:3; And dplenty of grain and wine.
mother, Look, aEsau my brother is Luke 21:34
29 aLet peoples serve you,
a hairy man, and I am a smooth- And nations bow down to you.
skinned man. 15 aGen. 27:27
Be master over your brethren,
12 Perhaps my father will afeel me, And blet your mothers sons
and I shall seem to be a deceiver to 19 aGen. 27:4 bow down to you.
cCursed be everyone who curses
him; and I shall bring ba curse on
myself and not a blessing. 21 aGen. 27:12 you,
13 But his mother said to him, And blessed be those who bless
aLet your curse be on me, my son;
23 aGen. 27:16 you!
only obey my voice, and go, get 25 aGen. 27:4, Esaus Lost Hope
them for me. 10, 19, 31
14 And he went and got them and 30 Now it happened, as soon as
brought them to his mother, and his 27 aGen. 29:13 Isaac had finished blessing Jacob,
bSong 4:11;
mother amade 1savory food, such as and Jacob had scarcely gone out
Hos. 14:6 from the presence of Isaac his
his father loved.
15 Then Rebekah took athe choice 28 aHeb. 11:20
father, that Esau his brother came in
clothes of her elder son Esau, which bGen. 27:39; from his hunting.
were with her in the house, and put Deut. 33:13, 31 He also had made 1savory food,
them on Jacob her younger son. 28; 2 Sam. and brought it to his father, and said
1:21; Ps. to his father, Let my father arise
16 And she put the skins of the 133:3; Prov.
kids of the goats on his hands and 3:20; Mic. 5:7; and aeat of his sons game, that your
on the smooth part of his neck. Zech. 8:12 soul may bless me.
17 Then she gave the savory food
cGen. 45:18; 32 And his father Isaac said to him,
and the bread, which she had pre-
Num. 18:12
dDeut. 7:13;
Who are you? So he said, I am
pared, into the hand of her son 33:28 your son, your firstborn, Esau.
Jacob. 33 Then Isaac trembled exceed-
18 So he went to his father and 29 aGen. 9:25; ingly, and said, Who? Where is the
said, My father. And he said, Here
25:23; Is. one who hunted game and brought
I am. Who are you, my son?
45:14; 49:7; it to me? I ate all of it before you
60:12, 14
came, and I have blessed himaand
19 Jacob said to his father, I am bGen. 37:7, 10;
indeed he shall be blessed.
Esau your firstborn; I have done just 49:8 cGen.
12:2, 3; Zeph. 34 When Esau heard the words of
as you told me; please arise, sit and 2:8, 9 his father, ahe cried with an exceed-
eat of my game, athat your soul may ingly great and bitter cry, and said
bless me. 31 aGen. 27:4 to his father, Bless meme also, O
20 But Isaac said to his son, How is 1tasty
my father!
it that you have found it so quickly, 35 But he said, Your brother came
33 aGen. 25:23;
my son? And he said, Because the 28:3, 4; Num. with deceit and has taken away
LORD your God brought it to me. 23:20; Rom. your blessing.
21 Then Isaac said to Jacob, 11:29 36 And Esau said, aIs he not rightly
Please come near, that I amay feel named 1Jacob? For he has supplant-
you, my son, whether you are really 34 a[Heb.
12:17] ed me these two times. He took
my son Esau or not. away my birthright, and now look,
22 So Jacob went near to Isaac his 36 aGen. 25:26, he has taken away my blessing!
father, and he felt him and said, 3234 1Sup- And he said, Have you not reserved
The voice is Jacobs voice, but the planter or a blessing for me?
hands are the hands of Esau. Deceitful, lit.
One Who 37 Then Isaac answered and said
23 And he did not recognize him, Takes the to Esau, aIndeed I have made him
because ahis hands were hairy like Heel your master, and all his brethren I
his brother Esaus hands; so he have given to him as servants; with
blessed him. 37 a2 Sam. bgrain and wine I have 1sustained
24 Then he said, Are you really 8:14 bGen.
27:28, 29
him. What shall I do now for you,
my son Esau? He said, I am. 1provided my son?
25 He said, Bring it near to me, support for 38 And Esau said to his father,
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GENESIS 27:39 24
Have you only one blessing, my 38 aHeb. 12:17 5 So Isaac sent Jacob away, and
father? Bless meme also, O my 39 aHeb. 11:20 he went to Padan Aram, to Laban
father! And Esau lifted up his voice 1fertility the son of Bethuel the Syrian, the
aand wept.
40 aGen. 25:23; brother of Rebekah, the mother of
39 Then Isaac his father answered 27:29 b2 Kin. Jacob and Esau.
and said to him: 8:2022
41 aGen. 26:27; Esau Marries Mahalath
Behold, ayour dwelling shall be 32:311; 37:4,
5, 8 bGen. 6 Esau saw that Isaac had blessed
of the 1fatness of the earth, 50:24, 10 Jacob and sent him away to Padan
And of the dew of heaven from cObad. 10 1are
Aram to take himself a wife from
above. soon here there, and that as he blessed him he
40 By your sword you shall live, 42 aPs. 64:5 gave him a charge, saying, You
And ayou shall serve your 43 aGen. 11:31; shall not take a wife from the
brother; 25:20; 28:2, 5 daughters of Canaan,
And bit shall come to pass, 44 aGen. 31:41 7 and that Jacob had obeyed his
when you become restless, father and his mother and had gone
That you shall break his yoke 46 aGen. 26:34,
35; 28:8 bGen. to Padan Aram.
from your neck. 24:3 8 Also Esau saw athat the daugh-
Jacob Escapes from Esau ters of Canaan did not please his
father Isaac.
41 So Esau ahated Jacob because CHAPTER 28 9 So Esau went to Ishmael and
of the blessing with which his father atook bMahalath the daughter of
blessed him, and Esau said in his 1 aGen. 27:33
Ishmael, Abrahams son, cthe sister
heart, bThe days of mourning for bGen. 24:3 of Nebajoth, to be his wife in addi-
my father 1are at hand; cthen I will 1commanded tion to the wives he had.
kill my brother Jacob. 2 aHos. 12:12
42 And the words of Esau her older bGen. 25:20 Jacobs Vow at Bethel
cGen. 22:23
son were told to Rebekah. So she dGen. 24:29; 10 Now Jacob awent out from Beer-
sent and called Jacob her younger 27:43; 29:5 sheba and went toward bHaran.
son, and said to him, Surely your 11 So he came to a certain place
3 aGen. 17:16;
brother Esau acomforts himself con- 35:11; 48:3 and stayed there all night, because
cerning you by intending to kill you. bGen. 26:4, 24 the sun had set. And he took one of
43 Now therefore, my son, obey 4 aGen. 12:2, the stones of that place and put it at
my voice: arise, flee to my brother 3; 22:17 bGen. his head, and he lay down in that
Laban ain Haran. 17:8; 23:4; place to sleep.
44 And stay with him a afew days, 36:7 1Lit. Of
your sojourn- 12 Then he adreamed, and behold,
until your brothers fury turns away, ings a ladder was set up on the earth,
45 until your brothers anger and its top reached to heaven; and
8 aGen. 24:3;
turns away from you, and he forgets 26:34, 35; there bthe angels of God were
what you have done to him; then I 27:46 ascending and descending on it.
will send and bring you from there. 9 aGen. 26:34, 13 aAnd behold, the LORD stood
Why should I be bereaved also of 35 bGen. 36:2, above it and said: bI am the LORD
you both in one day? 3 cGen. 25:13 God of Abraham your father and
46 And Rebekah said to Isaac, aI 10 aHos. 12:12 the God of Isaac; cthe land on which
am weary of my life because of the bGen. 12:4, 5;
you lie I will give to you and your
daughters of Heth; bif Jacob takes a 27:43; 29:4 descendants.
wife of the daughters of Heth, like 12 aGen. 31:10; 14 Also your adescendants shall
these who are the daughters of the 41:1 bJohn be as the dust of the earth; you shall
land, what good will my life be to spread abroad bto the west and the
me? 13 aGen. 35:1; east, to the north and the south; and
Then Isaac called Jacob and 48:3 bGen.
28 ablessed him, and 1charged
him, and said to him: bYou shall not
26:24 cGen.
13:15, 17;
26:3; 35:12
in you and cin your seed all the fam-
ilies of the earth shall be blessed.
15 Behold, aI am with you and will
take a wife from the daughters of 14 aGen. 13:16; bkeep1 you wherever you go, and
Canaan. 22:17 bGen. will cbring you back to this land; for
2 aArise, go to bPadan Aram, to 13:14, 15
cGen. 12:3;
dI will not leave you euntil I have
the house of cBethuel your mothers 18:18; 22:18; done what I have spoken to you.
father; and take yourself a wife 26:4 16 Then Jacob awoke from his
from there of the daughters of dLa- 15 aGen. 26:3, sleep and said, Surely the LORD is
ban your mothers brother. 24; 31:3 bGen. in athis place, and I did not know it.
48:16 cGen. 17 And he was afraid and said,
3 May aGod Almighty bless you, 35:6; 48:21
dDeut. 7:9;
How awesome is this place! This is
And make you bfruitful and 31:6, 8 eNum. none other than the house of God,
multiply you, 23:19 1protect and this is the gate of heaven!
That you may be an assembly 16 aEx. 3:5 18 Then Jacob rose early in the
of peoples; morning, and took the stone that he
4 And give you athe blessing of 18 aGen. 31:13,
45 bLev. had put at his head, aset it up as a
Abraham, 8:1012 pillar, band poured oil on top of it.
To you and your descendants 19 aJudg. 1:23,
19 And he called the name of athat
with you, 26 1Lit. House place 1Bethel; but the name of that
That you may inherit the land of God city had been Luz previously.
bIn1 which you are a stranger, 20 aThen Jacob made a vow, saying,
20 aJudg. 11:30
Which God gave to Abraham. bGen. 28:15 If bGod will be with me, and keep
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25 GENESIS 29:33
me in this way that I am going, and 20 c1 Tim. 6:8 Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel
give me cbread to eat and clothing to 21 aJudg.
put on, 11:31; 2 Sam. 15 Then Laban said to Jacob, Be-
21 so that aI come back to my
19:24, 30
bDeut. 26:17;
cause you are my relative, should
fathers house in peace, bthen the 2 Sam. 15:8 you therefore serve me for nothing?
LORD shall be my God. 22 aGen. 35:7, Tell me, awhat should your wages
22 And this stone which I have set 14 bGen. be?
as a pillar ashall be Gods house, 14:20; [Lev. 16 Now Laban had two daughters:
band of all that You give me I will
27:30]; Deut.
14:22 1tithe
the name of the elder was Leah, and
surely give a 1tenth to You. the name of the younger was Rachel.
CHAPTER 29 17 Leahs eyes were 1delicate, but
Jacob Meets Rachel Rachel was abeautiful of form and
1 aGen. 25:6; appearance.
So Jacob went on his journey
29 aand came to the land of the
people of the East.
Num. 23:7;
Judg. 6:3, 33;
Hos. 12:12
18 Now Jacob loved Rachel; so he
said, aI will serve you seven years
2 aGen. 24:10, for Rachel your younger daughter.
2 And he looked, and saw a awell 11; Ex. 2:15, 19 And Laban said, It is better
in the field; and behold, there were 16 that I give her to you than that I
three flocks of sheep lying by it; for 4 aGen. 11:31; should give her to another man.
out of that well they watered the 28:10
Stay with me.
flocks. A large stone was on the 5 aGen. 24:24,
20 So Jacob aserved seven years
wells mouth. 29; 28:2
6 aGen. 43:27 for Rachel, and they seemed only a
3 Now all the flocks would be bGen. 24:11; few days to him because of the love
gathered there; and they would roll Ex. 2:16, 17 he had for her.
the stone from the wells mouth, 7 1early in the 21 Then Jacob said to Laban, Give
water the sheep, and put the stone day
me my wife, for my days are ful-
back in its place on the wells mouth. 9 aEx. 2:16
filled, that I may ago in to her.
4 And Jacob said to them, My 10 aEx. 2:17
22 And Laban gathered together
brethren, where are you from? And 11 aGen. 33:4;
all the men of the place and amade a
45:14, 15
they said, We are from aHaran. 12 aGen. 13:8; feast.
5 Then he said to them, Do you 14:14, 16; 28:5 23 Now it came to pass in the eve-
know aLaban the son of Nahor? bGen. 24:28
ning, that he took Leah his daughter
And they said, We know him. 13 aGen.
and brought her to Jacob; and he
6 So he said to them, aIs he well? 24:2931;
went in to her.
And they said, He is well. And look, Luke 15:20
his daughter Rachel bis coming with 14 aGen. 2:23; 24 And Laban gave his maid aZil-
the sheep.
37:27; Judg. pah to his daughter Leah as a maid.
9:2; 2 Sam. 25 So it came to pass in the morn-
7 Then he said, Look, it is still 5:1; 19:12, 13
ing, that behold, it was Leah. And he
1high day; it is not time for the cattle 15 aGen. 30:28;
to be gathered together. Water the 31:41 said to Laban, What is this you
sheep, and go and feed them. 17 aGen. 12:11, have done to me? Was it not for
8 But they said, We cannot until 14; 26:7 1Or Rachel that I served you? Why then
weak have you adeceived me?
all the flocks are gathered together, 18 aGen. 31:41;
and they have rolled the stone from 2 Sam. 3:14;
26 And Laban said, It must not be
the wells mouth; then we water the Hos. 12:12 done so in our 1country, to give the
sheep. 20 aGen. 30:26; younger before the firstborn.
9 Now while he was still speaking Hos. 12:12 27 aFulfill her week, and we will
with them, aRachel came with her 21 aJudg. 15:1 give you this one also for the service
fathers sheep, for she was a shep- 22 aJudg. which you will serve with me still
14:10; John another seven years.
herdess. 2:1, 2
10 And it came to pass, when Jacob 24 aGen. 30:9,
28 Then Jacob did so and fulfilled
saw Rachel the daughter of Laban 10 her week. So he gave him his
his mothers brother, and the sheep 25 aGen. 27:35; daughter Rachel as wife also.
of Laban his mothers brother, that 31:7; 1 Sam. 29 And Laban gave his maid aBilhah
28:12 to his daughter Rachel as a maid.
Jacob went near and arolled the 26 1Lit. place
stone from the wells mouth, and 30 Then Jacob also went in to
27 aGen. 31:41; Rachel, and he also aloved Rachel
watered the flock of Laban his Judg. 14:2
mothers brother. 29 aGen.
more than Leah. And he served with
11 Then Jacob akissed Rachel, and 30:35 Laban bstill another seven years.
lifted up his voice and wept. 30 aGen.
29:1720; The Children of Jacob
12 And Jacob told Rachel that he Deut.
was aher fathers relative and that 21:1517 31 When the LORD asaw that Leah
he was Rebekahs son. bSo she ran bGen. 30:26; was 1unloved, He bopened her
and told her father. 31:41; Hos. womb; but Rachel was barren.
12:12 32 So Leah conceived and bore a
13 Then it came to pass, when 31 aPs. 127:3
Laban heard the report about Jacob bGen. 30:1 son, and she called his name 1Reu-
his sisters son, that ahe ran to meet 1Lit. hated ben; for she said, The LORD has
him, and embraced him and kissed 32 aGen. 16:11; surely alooked on my affliction. Now
him, and brought him to his house. 31:42; Ex. 3:7; therefore, my husband will love me.
So he told Laban all these things. 4:31; Deut. 33 Then she conceived again and
26:7; Ps. 25:18
14 And Laban said to him, aSurely 1Lit. See, a bore a son, and said, Because the
you are my bone and my flesh. And Son LORD has heard that I am 1unloved,
he stayed with him for a month. 33 1Lit. hated He has therefore given me this son
3005_01Genesis 11/19/08 11:02 AM Page 26
GENESIS 29:34 26
also. And she called his name 33 2Lit. Heard 17 And God listened to Leah, and
2Simeon. 34 1Lit. she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth
34 She conceived again and bore a Attached son.
son, and said, Now this time my hus- 35 aGen. 49:8; 18 Leah said, God has given me
band will become attached to me, Matt. 1:2 1Lit. my wages, because I have given my
because I have borne him three sons. maid to my husband. So she called
Therefore his name was called 1Levi. CHAPTER 30
his name 1Issachar.
35 And she conceived again and 19 Then Leah conceived again and
bore a son, and said, Now I will aGen. bore Jacob a sixth son.
1 16:1,
praise the LORD. Therefore she 2; 29:31 bGen. 20 And Leah said, God has
called his name aJudah.1 Then she 37:11 c1 Sam. endowed me with a good endow-
stopped bearing. 1:5, 6; [Job ment; now my husband will dwell
Now when Rachel saw that 5:2]
30 ashe bore Jacob no children,
Rachel benvied her sister, and said to
2 aGen. 16:2;
1 Sam. 1:5
with me, because I have borne him
six sons. So she called his name
Jacob, Give me children, cor else I 3 aGen. 16:2 21 Afterward she bore a adaughter,
bGen. 50:23;
die! Job 3:12 cGen. and called her name 1Dinah.
2 And Jacobs anger was aroused 16:2, 3 1Lit. be 22 Then God aremembered Rachel,
against Rachel, and he said, aAm I built up by and God listened to her and bopened
in the place of God, who has with- her her womb.
held from you the fruit of the 4 aGen. 16:3, 4 23 And she conceived and bore a
womb? 6 aGen. 18:25; son, and said, God has taken away
3 So she said, Here is amy maid Ps. 35:24; amy reproach.
Bilhah; go in to her, band she will 43:1; Lam.
3:59 1Lit. 24 So she called his name 1Joseph,
bear a child on my knees, cthat I also Judge and said, aThe LORD shall add to
may 1have children by her. 8 1Lit. me another son.
4 Then she gave him Bilhah her wrestlings of
maid aas wife, and Jacob went in to God 1Lit. My Jacobs Agreement with Laban
her. Wrestling
5 And Bilhah conceived and bore 9 aGen. 30:4
25 And it came to pass, when
Jacob a son. Rachel had borne Joseph, that
11 1So with
6 Then Rachel said, God has Qr., Syr., Tg.; Jacob said to Laban, aSend me
ajudged my case; and He has also Kt., LXX, Vg. away, that I may go to bmy own
heard my voice and given me a son. in fortune
2Lit. Troop or
place and to my country.
Therefore she called his name 1Dan. Fortune
26 Give me my wives and my chil-
7 And Rachels maid Bilhah con- dren afor whom I have served you,
13 aProv. and let me go; for you know my
ceived again and bore Jacob a sec- 31:28; Luke
ond son. 1:48 1Lit. service which I have done for you.
8 Then Rachel said, With 1great Happy 27 And Laban said to him, Please
wrestlings I have wrestled with my 14 aGen. 25:30 stay, if I have found favor in your
sister, and indeed I have prevailed. 15 a[Num. eyes, for aI have learned by experi-
So she called his name 2Naphtali. 16:9, 13] ence that the LORD has blessed me
9 When Leah saw that she had 18 1Lit. Wages for your sake.
stopped bearing, she took Zilpah her 20 1Lit. 28 Then he said, aName me your
maid and agave her to Jacob as wife. Dwelling wages, and I will give it.
10 And Leahs maid Zilpah bore 21 aGen. 34:1 29 So Jacob said to him, aYou know
Jacob a son. 1Lit. Judg- how I have served you and how your
11 Then Leah said, 1A troop ment livestock has been with me.
comes! So she called his name 22 aGen. 19:29; 30 For what you had before I
2Gad. 1 Sam. 1:19, came was little, and it has increased
20 bGen. 29:31
12 And Leahs maid Zilpah bore to a great amount; the LORD has
23 a1 Sam. 1:6; blessed you 1since my coming. And
Jacob a second son. Is. 4:1; Luke
13 Then Leah said, I am happy, for 1:25 now, when shall I also aprovide for
the daughters awill call me blessed. 24 aGen.
my own house?
So she called his name 1Asher. 35:1618 1Lit. 31 So he said, What shall I give
14 Now Reuben went in the days of He Will Add you? And Jacob said, You shall not
wheat harvest and found mandrakes 25 aGen. 24:54, give me anything. If you will do this
in the field, and brought them to his 56 bGen. 18:33 thing for me, I will again feed and
mother Leah. Then Rachel said to 26 aGen. keep your flocks:
Leah, aPlease give me some of your 29:1820, 27, 32 Let me pass through all your
30; Hos. 12:12 flock today, removing from there all
sons mandrakes.
15 But she said to her, aIs it a small 27 aGen. 26:24; the speckled and spotted sheep, and
39:3; Is. 61:9
matter that you have taken away my all the brown ones among the
husband? Would you take away my 28 aGen. 29:15; lambs, and the spotted and speckled
31:7, 41
sons mandrakes also? And Rachel among the goats; and athese shall
29 aGen. 31:6, be my wages.
said, Therefore he will lie with you 3840; Matt.
tonight for your sons mandrakes. 24:45; Titus 33 So my arighteousness will
16 When Jacob came out of the field 2:10 answer for me in time to come, when
in the evening, Leah went out to 30 a[1 Tim. the subject of my wages comes before
meet him and said, You must come 5:8] 1Lit. at you: every one that is not speckled
in to me, for I have surely hired you my foot and spotted among the goats, and
with my sons mandrakes. And he 32 aGen. 31:8 brown among the lambs, will be con-
lay with her that night. 33 aPs. 37:6 sidered stolen, if it is with me.
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27 GENESIS 31:24
34 And Laban said, Oh, that it 35 aGen. times, but God cdid not allow him to
were according to your word! 31:912 hurt me.
35 So he removed that day the male 37 aGen. 8 If he said thus: aThe speckled
goats that were aspeckled and spot- 31:912 shall be your wages, then all the
ted, all the female goats that were 43 aGen. 12:16;
flocks bore speckled. And if he said
speckled and spotted, every one that 30:30 bGen. thus: The streaked shall be your
had some white in it, and all the 13:2; 24:35; wages, then all the flocks bore
brown ones among the lambs, and 26:13, 14 streaked.
gave them into the hand of his sons. 9 So God has ataken away the
36 Then he put three days journey livestock of your father and given
between himself and Jacob, and 1 aPs. 49:16 them to me.
Jacob fed the rest of Labans flocks. 10 And it happened, at the time
37 Now aJacob took for himself 2 aGen. 4:5 when the flocks conceived, that I
bDeut. 28:54
rods of green poplar and of the lifted my eyes and saw in a dream,
almond and chestnut trees, peeled 3 aGen. 28:15, and behold, the rams which leaped
white strips in them, and exposed 20, 21; 32:9
bGen. 46:4
upon the flocks were streaked,
the white which was in the rods. speckled, and gray-spotted.
38 And the rods which he had 5 aGen. 31:2, 3 11 Then athe Angel of God spoke
peeled, he set before the flocks in bGen. 21:22; to me in a dream, saying, Jacob.
the gutters, in the watering troughs 28:13, 15; And I said, Here I am.
31:29, 42, 53;
where the flocks came to drink, so Is. 41:10; Heb. 12 And He said, Lift your eyes
that they should conceive when they 13:5 1Lit. face now and see, all the rams which leap
came to drink. on the flocks are streaked, speckled,
39 So the flocks conceived before 6 aGen. 30:29; and gray-spotted; for aI have seen all
the rods, and the flocks brought forth that Laban is doing to you.
streaked, speckled, and spotted. 7 aGen. 29:25; 13 I am the God of Bethel, awhere
40 Then Jacob separated the lambs, 31:41 bNum. you anointed the pillar and where
and made the flocks face toward the 14:22; Neh. you made a vow to Me. Now barise,
4:12; Job 19:3;
streaked and all the brown in the Zech. 8:23 get out of this land, and return to the
flock of Laban; but he put his own cGen. 15:1; land of your family.
flocks by themselves and did not put 20:6; 31:29; 14 Then Rachel and Leah an-
them with Labans flock. Job 1:10; Ps. swered and said to him, aIs there
37:28; 105:14
41 And it came to pass, whenever still any portion or inheritance for
the stronger livestock conceived, 8 aGen. 30:32 us in our fathers house?
that Jacob placed the rods before 9 aGen. 31:1,
15 Are we not considered strangers
the eyes of the livestock in the gut- 16 by him? For ahe has sold us, and also
ters, that they might conceive completely consumed our money.
among the rods. 11 aGen. 16 For all these riches which God
16:711; 22:11,
42 But when the flocks were feeble, 15; 31:13;
has taken from our father are really
he did not put them in; so the fee- 48:16 ours and our childrens; now then,
bler were Labans and the stronger whatever God has said to you, do it.
Jacobs. 12 aGen. 31:42; 17 Then Jacob rose and set his
Ex. 3:7; Ps.
43 Thus the man abecame exceed- 139:3; Eccl. sons and his wives on camels.
ingly prosperous, and bhad large 5:8 18 And he carried away all his live-
flocks, female and male servants, stock and all his possessions which
and camels and donkeys. 13 aGen. he had gained, his acquired live-
28:1622; 35:1,
6, 15 bGen. stock which he had gained in Padan
Jacob Flees from Laban 31:3; 32:9 Aram, to go to his father Isaac in the
Now Jacob heard the words of land of aCanaan.
31 Labans sons, saying, Jacob
has taken away all that was our
14 aGen. 2:24
15 aGen. 29:15,
19 Now Laban had gone to shear
his sheep, and Rachel had stolen the
20, 23, 27; ahousehold 1 idols that were her
fathers, and from what was our Neh. 5:8
fathers he has acquired all this fathers.
awealth. 18 aGen. 17:8; 20 And Jacob stole away, unknown
2 And Jacob saw the acounte- 33:18; 35:27 to Laban the Syrian, in that he did
nance of Laban, and indeed it was not tell him that he intended to flee.
19 aGen. 31:30,
not bfavorable toward him as before. 34; 35:2; Judg. 21 So he fled with all that he had.
3 Then the LORD said to Jacob, 17:5; 1 Sam. He arose and crossed the river, and
aReturn to the land of your fathers 19:13; Hos. 3:4 aheaded1 toward the mountains of
and to your family, and I will bbe Gilead.
with you. Laban Pursues Jacob
4 So Jacob sent and called Rachel 21 aGen. 46:28;
2 Kin. 12:17;
and Leah to the field, to his flock, Luke 9:51, 53 22 And Laban was told on the third
5 and said to them, aI see your 1Lit. set his day that Jacob had fled.
fathers 1countenance, that it is not face toward 23 Then he took ahis brethren with
favorable toward me as before; but 23 aGen. 13:8
him and pursued him for seven
the God of my father bhas been with days journey, and he overtook him
me. 24 aGen. 20:3; in the mountains of Gilead.
6 And ayou know that with all my 31:29; 46:24; 24 But God ahad come to Laban the
might I have served your father. Job 33:15; Syrian in a dream by night, and said
Matt. 1:20
7 Yet your father has deceived bGen. 24:50; to him, Be careful that you bspeak
me and achanged my wages bten 31:7, 29 to Jacob neither good nor bad.
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GENESIS 31:25 28
25 So Laban overtook Jacob. Now 26 a1 Sam. whether stolen by day or stolen by
Jacob had pitched his tent in the 30:2 night.
mountains, and Laban with his 40 There I was! In the day the
28 aGen. 31:55; drought consumed me, and the frost
brethren pitched in the mountains Ruth 1:9, 14;
of Gilead. 1 Kin. 19:20; by night, and my sleep departed
26 And Laban said to Jacob: What Acts 20:37 from my eyes.
have you done, that you have stolen b1 Sam. 13:13
41 Thus I have been in your house
away unknown to me, and acarried twenty years; I aserved you four-
away my daughters like captives 29 aGen. 28:13; teen years for your two daughters,
31:5, 24, 42, 53 and six years for your flock, and
taken with the sword? bGen. 31:24
byou have changed my wages ten
27 Why did you flee away secretly,
and steal away from me, and not tell 30 aGen. 31:19;
me; for I might have sent you away Josh. 24:2; 42 aUnless the God of my father,
with joy and songs, with timbrel and Judg. 17:5; the God of Abraham and bthe Fear
harp? 18:24 of Isaac, had been with me, surely
28 And you did not allow me ato now you would have sent me away
kiss my sons and my daughters. Now 31 aGen. 26:7; empty-handed. cGod has seen my
byou have done foolishly in so doing. 32:7, 11 affliction and the labor of my hands,
29 It is in my power to do you and drebuked you last night.
32 aGen. 44:9
harm, but the aGod of your father Labans Covenant with Jacob
spoke to me blast night, saying, Be 34 1Heb.
careful that you speak to Jacob nei- teraphim 1Lit. 43 And Laban answered and said
ther good nor bad. felt to Jacob, These daughters are my
30 And now you have surely gone daughters, and these children are
because you greatly long for your 35 aEx. 20:12; my children, and this flock is my
fathers house, but why did you Lev. 19:32
flock; all that you see is mine. But
asteal my gods?
what can I do this day to these my
31 Then Jacob answered and said daughters or to their children whom
to Laban, Because I was aafraid, for 36 1transgres-
they have borne?
I said, Perhaps you would take your sion 44 Now therefore, come, alet us
daughters from me by force. make a 1covenant, byou and I, and let
32 With whomever you find your 39 aEx. 22:10 it be a witness between you and me.
gods, ado not let him live. In the bEx. 22:1013 45 So Jacob atook a stone and set it
presence of our brethren, identify up as a pillar.
what I have of yours and take it 41 aGen. 29:20, 46 Then Jacob said to his brethren,
with you. For Jacob did not know 2730 bGen. Gather stones. And they took
31:7 stones and made a heap, and they
that Rachel had stolen them.
33 And Laban went into Jacobs ate there on the heap.
42 aGen. 31:5, 47 Laban called it 1Jegar Sahadu-
tent, into Leahs tent, and into the 29, 53; Ps.
two maids tents, but he did not find 124:1, 2 bGen. tha, but Jacob called it 2Galeed.
them. Then he went out of Leahs 31:53; Is. 8:13 48 And Laban said, aThis heap is a
tent and entered Rachels tent.
cGen. 29:32; witness between you and me this
Ex. 3:7 dGen. day. Therefore its name was called
34 Now Rachel had taken the 31:24, 29;
1household idols, put them in the 1 Chr. 12:17
camels saddle, and sat on them. 49 also aMizpah,1 because he said,
And Laban 2searched all about the 44 aGen. 21:27,
May the LORD watch between you
tent but did not find them. 32; 26:28 and me when we are absent one
bJosh. 24:27 from another.
35 And she said to her father, Let 1treaty
50 If you afflict my daughters, or
it not displease my lord that I can- if you take other wives besides my
not arise before you, for the manner 45 aGen. 28:18; daughters, although no man is with
of women is with me. And he 35:14; Josh. ussee, God is witness between you
searched but did not find the 24:26, 27
and me!
1household idols.
47 1Lit., in
51 Then Laban said to Jacob, Here
36 Then Jacob was angry and is this heap and here is this pillar,
rebuked Laban, and Jacob answered Aram., Heap
of Witness which I have placed between you
and said to Laban: What is my 2Lit., in Heb., and me.
1trespass? What is my sin, that you Heap of Wit-
52 This heap is a witness, and this
have so hotly pursued me? pillar is a witness, that I will not
37 Although you have searched all pass beyond this heap to you, and
my things, what part of your house- 48 aJosh. 24:27
you will not pass beyond this heap
hold things have you found? Set it and this pillar to me, for harm.
here before my brethren and your 49 aJudg.
10:17; 11:29; 53 The God of Abraham, the God
brethren, that they may judge be- 1 Sam. 7:5, 6 of Nahor, and the God of their father
tween us both! 1Lit. Watch ajudge between us. And Jacob
38 These twenty years I have been bswore by cthe 1Fear of his father
with you; your ewes and your 53 aGen. 16:5 Isaac.
female goats have not miscarried bGen. 21:23
cGen. 31:42 1A
54 Then Jacob offered a sacrifice on
their young, and I have not eaten the reference to
the mountain, and called his brethren
rams of your flock. God to eat bread. And they ate bread and
39 aThat which was torn by beasts stayed all night on the mountain.
I did not bring to you; I bore the loss 55 aGen. 29:11, 55 And early in the morning Laban
of it. bYou required it from my hand, 13; 31:28, 43 arose, and akissed his sons and
3005_01Genesis 11/19/08 11:02 AM Page 29
29 GENESIS 33:1
daughters and bblessed them. Then 55 bGen. 28:1 tance between successive droves.
cGen. 18:33;
Laban departed and creturned to his 30:25; Num.
17 And he commanded the first
place. 24:25 one, saying, When Esau my brother
meets you and asks you, saying, To
Esau Comes to Meet Jacob CHAPTER 32 whom do you belong, and where are
So Jacob went on his way, and you going? Whose are these in front
32 athe angels of God met him.
2 When Jacob saw them, he said,
1 aNum. 22:31;
2 Kin. 6:16,
17; [Ps. 34:7;
of you?
18 then you shall say, They are
This is Gods acamp. And he called
91:1; Heb. your servant Jacobs. It is a present
the name of that place 1Mahanaim. 2 aJosh. 5:14; sent to my lord Esau; and behold, he
3 Then Jacob sent messengers Ps. 103:21; also is behind us.
before him to Esau his brother ain the 148:2; Luke 19 So he commanded the second,
2:13 1Lit. Dou- the third, and all who followed the
land of Seir, bthe 1country of Edom. ble Camp
4 And he commanded them, say- 3 aGen. 14:6;
droves, saying, In this manner you
ing, aSpeak thus to my lord Esau, 33:14, 16 shall speak to Esau when you find
Thus your servant Jacob says: I bGen. 25:30; him;
have dwelt with Laban and stayed 36:69; Deut. 20 and also say, Behold, your ser-
there until now.
2:5; Josh. 24:4
1Lit. field
vant Jacob is behind us. For he
5 aI have oxen, donkeys, flocks, 4 aProv. 15:1
said, I will aappease him with the
and male and female servants; and I 5 aGen. 30:43 present that goes before me, and
have sent to tell my lord, that bI may bGen. 33:8, 15 afterward I will see his face; per-
find favor in your sight. 6 aGen. 33:1 haps he will accept me.
7 aGen. 32:11; 21 So the present went on over
6 Then the messengers returned to 35:3
Jacob, saying, We came to your 8 1Lit. strikes
before him, but he himself lodged
brother Esau, and ahe also is coming 9 a[Ps. 50:15] that night in the camp.
bGen. 28:13;
to meet you, and four hundred men 31:42 cGen. Wrestling with God
are with him. 31:3, 13
7 So Jacob was greatly afraid and 10 aGen. 24:27 22 And he arose that night and
adistressed; and he divided the peo- bJob 8:7 took his two wives, his two female
ple that were with him, and the 11 aPs. 59:1, 2
bHos. 10:14
servants, and his eleven sons, aand
flocks and herds and camels, into 1Lit. strike
crossed over the ford of Jabbok.
two companies. 12 aGen. 23 He took them, sent them 1over
8 And he said, If Esau comes to 28:1315 the brook, and sent over what he had.
the one company and 1attacks it, bGen. 22:17 24 Then Jacob was left alone; and
then the other company which is 13 aGen. 43:11 aa Man wrestled with him until the
1he had 1breaking of day.
left will escape. received
9 aThen Jacob said, bO God of my 20 a[Prov. 25 Now when He saw that He did
father Abraham and God of my 21:14] not prevail against him, He 1touched
father Isaac, the LORD cwho said to 22 aNum. the socket of his hip; and athe socket
me, Return to your country and to 21:24; Deut. of Jacobs hip was out of joint as He
3:16; Josh. wrestled with him.
your family, and I will deal well with 12:2
you: 23 1across 26 And aHe said, Let Me go, for
10 I am not worthy of the least of 24 aJosh. the day breaks. But he said, bI will
all the amercies and of all the truth 5:1315; Hos. not let You go unless You bless me!
12:24 1dawn 27 So He said to him, What is your
which You have shown Your servant; 25 aMatt.
for I crossed over this Jordan with 26:41; 2 Cor.
name? He said, Jacob.
bmy staff, and now I have become 12:7 1struck 28 And He said, aYour name shall
two companies. 26 aLuke 24:28 no longer be called Jacob, but
bHos. 12:4 1Israel; for you have bstruggled with
11 aDeliver me, I pray, from the 28 aGen. 35:10;
hand of my brother, from the hand God and cwith men, and have pre-
1 Kin. 18:31;
of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come 2 Kin. 17:34 vailed.
and 1attack me and bthe mother bHos. 12:3, 4 29 Then Jacob asked, saying, Tell
with the children. cGen. 25:31; me Your name, I pray. And He said,
27:33 1Lit. aWhy is it that you ask about My
12 For aYou said, I will surely Prince with
treat you well, and make your God
name? And He bblessed him there.
descendants as the bsand of the sea, 29 aJudg. 30 So Jacob called the name of the
which cannot be numbered for mul- 13:17, 18 place 1Peniel: For aI have seen God
titude. bGen. 35:9 face to face, and my life is preserved.
30 aGen. 16:13; 31 Just as he crossed over 1Penuel
13 So he lodged there that same Ex. 24:10, 11;
night, and took what 1came to his 33:20; Num.
the sun rose on him, and he limped
hand as aa present for Esau his 12:8; Deut. on his hip.
brother: 5:24; Judg. 32 Therefore to this day the chil-
14 two hundred female goats and 6:22; Is. 6:5; dren of Israel do not eat the muscle
twenty male goats, two hundred [Matt. 5:8; that shrank, which is on the hip
1 Cor. 13:12]
ewes and twenty rams, 1Lit. Face of socket, because He 1touched the
15 thirty milk camels with their God socket of Jacobs hip in the muscle
colts, forty cows and ten bulls, 31 1Lit. Face of that shrank.
twenty female donkeys and ten foals. God; same as
Peniel, v. 30 Jacob and Esau Meet
16 Then he delivered them to the 32 1struck
hand of his servants, every drove by Now Jacob lifted his eyes and
itself, and said to his servants, Pass
over before me, and put some dis-
1 aGen. 32:6
33 looked, and there, aEsau was
coming, and with him were four
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GENESIS 33:2 30
hundred men. So he divided the 3 aGen. 18:2; Jacob Comes to Canaan
children among Leah, Rachel, and 42:6
the two maidservants. 18 Then Jacob came 1safely to athe
4 aGen. 32:28 city of bShechem, which is in the
2 And he put the maidservants bGen. 45:14,
and their children in front, Leah and 15 land of Canaan, when he came from
her children behind, and Rachel and Padan Aram; and he pitched his tent
Joseph last.
5 aGen. 48:9; before the city.
[Ps. 127:3]; Is. 19 And ahe bought the parcel of
3 Then he crossed over before 8:18 1land, where he had pitched his tent,
them and abowed himself to the from the children of Hamor,
ground seven times, until he came 8 aGen.
near to his brother.
bGen. 32:5
Shechems father, for one hundred
pieces of money.
4 aBut Esau ran to meet him, and 20 Then he erected an altar there
embraced him, band fell on his neck 10 aGen. 43:3;
2 Sam. 3:13; and called it aEl1 Elohe Israel.
and kissed him, and they wept. 14:24, 28, 32
5 And he lifted his eyes and saw The Dinah Incident
the women and children, and said, 11 aJudg. 1:15;
Now aDinah the daughter of
Who are these with you? So he
said, The children awhom God has
1 Sam. 25:27;
30:26 bGen.
30:43; Ex.
34 Leah, whom she had borne to
Jacob, went out to see the daughters
graciously given your servant. 33:19 c2 Kin.
6 Then the maidservants came 5:23 1Lit. all of the land.
near, they and their children, and 2 And when Shechem the son of
14 aGen. 32:3; Hamor the Hivite, prince of the
bowed down. 36:8 1can
7 And Leah also came near with stand it
country, saw her, he atook her and
her children, and they bowed down. lay with her, and violated her.
Afterward Joseph and Rachel came 15 aGen. 34:11; 3 His soul 1was strongly attracted
near, and they bowed down.
47:25; Ruth to Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and
2:13 he loved the young woman and
8 Then Esau said, What do you
mean by aall this company which I 17 aJosh. spoke 2kindly to the young woman.
met? And he said, These are bto 13:27; Judg. 4 So Shechem aspoke to his father
find favor in the sight of my lord.
8:5; Ps. 60:6
1shelters 2Lit.
Hamor, saying, Get me this young
9 But Esau said, I have enough, Booths
woman as a wife.
my brother; keep what you have for 5 And Jacob heard that he had
yourself. 18 aJohn 3:23 defiled Dinah his daughter. Now his
10 And Jacob said, No, please, if I
bGen. 12:6;
sons were with his livestock in the
35:4; Josh. field; so Jacob aheld1 his peace until
have now found favor in your sight, 24:1; Judg.
they came.
then receive my present from my 9:1; Ps. 60:6
1Or to 6 Then Hamor the father of She-
hand, inasmuch as I ahave seen your Shalem, a city chem went out to Jacob to speak with
face as though I had seen the face of him.
of God, and you were pleased with 7 And the sons of Jacob came in
me. 19 aJosh.
24:32; John from the field when they heard it;
11 Please, take amy blessing that 4:5 1Lit. the and the men were grieved and very
is brought to you, because God has field angry, because he ahad done a dis-
dealt bgraciously with me, and graceful thing in Israel by lying with
because I have 1enough. cSo he 20 aGen. 35:7
1Lit. God, the Jacobs daughter, ba thing which
urged him, and he took it. God of Israel ought not to be done.
12 Then Esau said, Let us take our 8 But Hamor spoke with them,
journey; let us go, and I will go CHAPTER 34 saying, The soul of my son
before you. Shechem longs for your daughter.
13 But Jacob said to him, My lord 1 aGen. 30:21
Please give her to him as a wife.
knows that the children are weak, 2 aGen. 20:2 9 And make marriages with us;
and the flocks and herds which are give your daughters to us, and take
nursing are with me. And if the men 3 1Lit. clung our daughters to yourselves.
should drive them hard one day, all to 2tenderly 10 So you shall dwell with us, and
the flock will die. the land shall be before you. Dwell
4 aJudg. 14:2
14 Please let my lord go on ahead and trade in it, and acquire posses-
before his servant. I will lead on 5 a2 Sam. sions for yourselves in it.
slowly at a pace which the livestock 13:22 1kept 11 Then Shechem said to her
that go before me, and the children, silent
father and her brothers, Let me
1are able to endure, until I come to
7 aDeut. find favor in your eyes, and what-
my lord ain Seir. 22:2030; ever you say to me I will give.
15 And Esau said, Now let me Josh. 7:15; 12 Ask me ever so much adowry1
leave with you some of the people Judg. 20:6
bDeut. 23:17; and gift, and I will give according to
who are with me. But he said, 2 Sam. 13:12 what you say to me; but give me the
What need is there? aLet me find young woman as a wife.
favor in the sight of my lord. 12 aEx. 22:16, 13 But the sons of Jacob answered
16 So Esau returned that day on 17; Deut.
22:29 1bride- Shechem and Hamor his father, and
his way to Seir. price spoke adeceitfully, because he had
17 And Jacob journeyed to aSuc- defiled Dinah their sister.
coth, built himself a house, and 13 aGen. 31:7; 14 And they said to them, We can-
made 1booths for his livestock. Ex. 8:29
not do this thing, to give our sister
Therefore the name of the place is 14 aEx. 12:48 to one who is auncircumcised, for
called 2Succoth. bJosh. 5:29 bthat would be a reproach to us.
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31 GENESIS 35:16
15 But on this condition we will 19 a1 Chr. 4:9 Jacobs Return to Bethel
consent to you: If you will become 20 aGen. 19:1;
Then God said to Jacob,
as we are, if every male of you is cir-
23:10; Ruth
4:1, 11; 2 Sam.
35 Arise, go up to aBethel and
dwell there; and make an altar there
16 then we will give our daughters
to you, and we will take your daugh- 24 aGen. 23:10, to God, bwho appeared to you cwhen
18 you fled from the face of Esau your
ters to us; and we will dwell with
you, and we will become one people. 25 aGen. 29:33, brother.
34; 42:24; 2 And Jacob said to his ahouse-
17 But if you will not heed us and 49:57
be circumcised, then we will take hold and to all who were with him,
26 aGen. Put away bthe foreign gods that
our daughter and be gone. 49:5, 6
18 And their words pleased Hamor are among you, cpurify yourselves,
30 aGen. 49:6 and change your garments.
and Shechem, Hamors son. bJosh. 7:25
19 So the young man did not delay cEx. 5:21; 3 Then let us arise and go up to
to do the thing, because he delighted 1 Sam. 13:4; Bethel; and I will make an altar there
in Jacobs daughter. He was amore 2 Sam. 10:6
dGen. 46:26,
to God, awho answered me in the day
honorable than all the household of 27; Deut. 4:27;
of my distress band has been with me
his father. 1 Chr. 16:19; in the way which I have gone.
20 And Hamor and Shechem his Ps. 105:12 4 So they gave Jacob all the for-
son came to the agate of their city, CHAPTER 35 eign 1gods which were in their
and spoke with the men of their city, hands, and the aearrings which
saying: 1 aGen. 28:19; were in their ears; and Jacob hid
31:13 bGen.
21 These men are at peace with us. 28:13 cGen. them under bthe terebinth tree
Therefore let them dwell in the land 27:43 which was by Shechem.
and trade in it. For indeed the land is 2 aGen. 18:19; 5 And they journeyed, and athe
large enough for them. Let us take Josh. 24:15 terror of God was upon the cities
their daughters to us as wives, and bGen. 31:19,
that were all around them, and they
let us give them our daughters. 30, 34; Josh. did not pursue the sons of Jacob.
24:2, 14, 23
22 Only on this condition will the cEx. 19:10, 14; 6 So Jacob came to aLuz (that is,
men consent to dwell with us, to be Lev. 13:6 Bethel), which is in the land of
one people: if every male among us is 3 aGen. 32:7, Canaan, he and all the people who
circumcised as they are circumcised. 24; Ps. 107:6 were with him.
23 Will not their livestock, their bGen. 28:15,
7 And he abuilt an altar there and
property, and every animal of theirs 20; 31:3, 42
called the place 1El Bethel, because
be ours? Only let us consent to 4 aHos. 2:13
bJosh. 24:26;
bthere God appeared to him when
them, and they will dwell with us. Judg. 9:6 he fled from the face of his brother.
24 And all who went out of the gate 1idols 8 Now aDeborah, Rebekahs nurse,
of his city heeded Hamor and 5 aEx. 15:16; died, and she was buried below
Shechem his son; every male was 23:27; [Deut. Bethel under the terebinth tree. So
circumcised, all who awent out of 2:25; 11:25]; the name of it was called 1Allon
the gate of his city. Josh. 2:9; Bachuth.
25 Now it came to pass on the third 1 Sam. 14:15
9 Then aGod appeared to Jacob
day, when they were in pain, that two 6 aGen. 28:19, again, when he came from Padan
of the sons of Jacob, aSimeon and 22; 48:3
Aram, and bblessed him.
Levi, Dinahs brothers, each took his 7 aGen. 33:20; 10 And God said to him, Your
sword and came boldly upon the city 35:3; Eccl. 5:4
bGen. 28:13 name is Jacob; ayour name shall not
and killed all the males. 1Lit. God of be called Jacob anymore, bbut Israel
26 And they akilled Hamor and the House of shall be your name. So He called
Shechem his son with the edge of God
his name Israel.
the sword, and took Dinah from 8 aGen. 24:59 11 Also God said to him: aI am
Shechems house, and went out. 1Lit. Tere-
God Almighty. bBe fruitful and mul-
27 The sons of Jacob came upon binth of
Weeping tiply; ca nation and a company of
the slain, and plundered the city, nations shall proceed from you, and
because their sister had been 9 aJosh. 5:13;
Dan. 10:5 kings shall come from your body.
defiled. bGen. 32:29;
12 The aland which I gave Abra-
28 They took their sheep, their Hos. 12:4 ham and Isaac I give to you; and to
oxen, and their donkeys, what was 10 aGen. 17:5 your descendants after you I give
in the city and what was in the field, bGen. 32:28
this land.
29 and all their wealth. All their lit- 11 aGen. 17:1; 13 Then God awent1 up from him in
tle ones and their wives they took 28:3; 48:3, 4; the place where He talked with him.
captive; and they plundered even all Ex. 6:3 bGen.
14 So Jacob aset up a pillar in the
that was in the houses. 9:1, 7 cGen.
30 Then Jacob said to Simeon and 17:5, 6, 16; place where He talked with him, a
Levi, aYou have btroubled me cby
28:3; 48:4 pillar of stone; and he poured a drink
making me obnoxious among the 12 aGen. 12:7; offering on it, and he poured oil on it.
13:15; 26:3, 4; 15 And Jacob called the name of
inhabitants of the land, among the 28:13; 48:4;
Canaanites and the Perizzites; dand Ex. 32:13 the place where God spoke with
since I am few in number, they will him, aBethel.
13 aGen. 17:22;
gather themselves together against 18:33 Death of Rachel
me and kill me. I shall be destroyed,
my household and I. 14 aGen. 28:18, 16 Then they journeyed from
31 But they said, Should he treat 19; 31:45 Bethel. And when there was but a
our sister like a harlot? 15 aGen. 28:19 little distance to go to Ephrath,
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GENESIS 35:17 32
Rachel labored in childbirth, and 17 aGen. 30:24; which he had gained in the land of
she had hard labor. 1 Sam. 4:20 Canaan, and went to a country away
17 Now it came to pass, when she 181Lit. Son of from the presence of his brother
was in hard labor, that the midwife My Sorrow
2Lit. Son of
said to her, Do not fear; ayou will the Right
7 aFor their possessions were too
have this son also. Hand great for them to dwell together, and
18 And so it was, as her soul was bthe land where they were strangers
departing (for she died), that she 19 aGen. 48:7 could not support them because of
bRuth 1:2;
called his name 1Ben-Oni; but his 4:11; Mic. 5:2; their livestock.
father called him 2Benjamin. Matt. 2:6 8 So Esau dwelt in aMount Seir.
19 So aRachel died and was buried bEsau is Edom.
20 a1 Sam.
on the way to bEphrath (that is, 10:2 9 And this is the genealogy of
Bethlehem). Esau the father of the Edomites in
20 And Jacob set a pillar on her 21 aMic. 4:8 Mount Seir.
grave, which is the pillar of Rachels 22 aGen. 49:4; 10 These were the names of Esaus
grave ato this day. 1 Chr. 5:1 sons: aEliphaz the son of Adah the
21 Then Israel journeyed and 23 aGen.
wife of Esau, and Reuel the son of
pitched his tent beyond athe tower 29:3135; Basemath the wife of Esau.
of Eder. 30:1820; 46:8; 11 And the sons of Eliphaz were
22 And it happened, when Israel Ex. 1:14 Teman, Omar, 1Zepho, Gatam, and
dwelt in that land, that Reuben went 27 aGen. 13:18; Kenaz.
and alay with Bilhah his fathers con- 18:1; 23:19 12 Now Timna was the concubine
cubine; and Israel heard about it. bJosh. 14:15 of Eliphaz, Esaus son, and she bore
1Lit. Town or aAmalek to Eliphaz. These were the
City of Arba
Jacobs Twelve Sons sons of Adah, Esaus wife.
29 aGen. 15:15; 13 These were the sons of Reuel:
Now the sons of Jacob were 25:8; 49:33 Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Miz-
twelve: bGen. 25:9;
zah. These were the sons of Base-
23 the sons of Leah were aReuben, 49:31 1Joined
math, Esaus wife.
Jacobs firstborn, and Simeon, Levi, his ancestors
14 These were the sons of 1Ahol-
Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun; ibamah, Esaus wife, the daughter of
24 the sons of Rachel were Joseph CHAPTER 36
Anah, the daughter of Zibeon. And
and Benjamin; she bore to Esau: Jeush, Jaalam,
1 aGen. 25:30
25 the sons of Bilhah, Rachels and Korah.
maidservant, were Dan and Naphtali; 2 aGen. 26:34;
26 and the sons of Zilpah, Leahs 28:9 b2 Kin. The Chiefs of Edom
maidservant, were Gad and Asher. 7:6 cGen.
These were the sons of Jacob who
36:25 1Or 15 These were the chiefs of the
were born to him in Padan Aram. sons of Esau. The sons of Eliphaz,
3 aGen. 28:9 the firstborn son of Esau, were
Death of Isaac 4 a1 Chr. 1:35
Chief Teman, Chief Omar, Chief
Zepho, Chief Kenaz,
27 Then Jacob came to his father 5 1Or Oholi- 16 1Chief Korah, Chief Gatam, and
Isaac at aMamre, or bKirjath Arba1 bamah Chief Amalek. These were the
(that is, Hebron), where Abraham 7 aGen. 13:6, chiefs of Eliphaz in the land of
and Isaac had dwelt. 11 bGen. 17:8; Edom. They were the sons of Adah.
28 Now the days of Isaac were one 28:4; Heb. 17 These were the sons of Reuel,
hundred and eighty years. 11:9
Esaus son: Chief Nahath, Chief
29 So Isaac breathed his last and 8 aGen. 32:3; Zerah, Chief Shammah, and Chief
died, and awas 1gathered to his peo- Deut. 2:5; Mizzah. These were the chiefs of
ple, being old and full of days. And Josh. 24:4
bGen. 36:1, 19 Reuel in the land of Edom. These
bhis sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
were the sons of Basemath, Esaus
10 a1 Chr. 1:35 wife.
The Family of Esau 18 And these were the sons of
11 1Zephi,
1Aholibamah, Esaus wife: Chief
Now this is the genealogy of
Esau, who is Edom.
Esau took his wives from the
1 Chr. 1:36
12 aEx.
17:816; Num.
Jeush, Chief Jaalam, and Chief
Korah. These were the chiefs who
daughters of Canaan: Adah the 24:20; Deut. descended from Aholibamah, Esaus
daughter of Elon the bHittite; cAhol- 25:1719; wife, the daughter of Anah.
ibamah1 the daughter of Anah, the 1 Sam. 15:2, 3 19 These were the sons of Esau, who
daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; 14 1Or Oholi- is Edom, and these were their chiefs.
3 and aBasemath, Ishmaels bamah
daughter, sister of Nebajoth. The Sons of Seir
16 1Sam.
4 Now Adah bore Eliphaz to
a omits Chief 20 aThese were the sons of Seir
Esau, and Basemath bore Reuel. Korah bthe Horite who inhabited the land:
5 And 1Aholibamah bore Jeush, 18 1Or Oholi- Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah,
Jaalam, and Korah. These were the bamah 21 Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan. These
sons of Esau who were born to him 20 a1 Chr. were the chiefs of the Horites, the
in the land of Canaan. 1:3842 bGen. sons of Seir, in the land of Edom.
6 Then Esau took his wives, his 14:6; Deut. 22 And the sons of Lotan were
sons, his daughters, and all the per- 2:12, 22 Hori and 1Hemam. Lotans sister
sons of his household, his cattle and 22 1Homam, was Timna.
all his animals, and all his goods 1 Chr. 1:39 23 These were the sons of Shobal:
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33 GENESIS 37:15
1Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, 2Shepho, 23 1Alian, the land of their possession. Esau
and Onam. 1 Chr. 1:40 was the father of 1the Edomites.
24 These were the sons of Zibeon: 1 Chr. 1:40
both Ajah and Anah. This was the Joseph Dreams of Greatness
Anah who found the 1water in the 24 aLev. 19:19
Now Jacob dwelt in the land
wilderness as he pastured athe don-
keys of his father Zibeon.
1So with MT,
Vg. (hot
springs); LXX
37 awhere his father was a
1stranger, in the land of Canaan.
25 These were the children of Jamin; Tg. 2 This is the history of Jacob.
Anah: Dishon and 1Aholibamah the mighty men; Joseph, being seventeen years old,
daughter of Anah. Talmud mules
was feeding the flock with his broth-
26 These were the sons of 1Dishon: 25 1Or Oholi- ers. And the lad was with the sons of
2Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran, and bamah Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his
Cheran. fathers wives; and Joseph brought
27 These were the sons of Ezer: 26 1Heb. Dis-
aa bad report of them to his father.
han 2Hamran,
Bilhan, Zaavan, and 1Akan. 1 Chr. 1:41 3 Now Israel loved Joseph more
28 These were the sons of Dishan: than all his children, because he
aUz and Aran. 27 1Jaakan,
1 Chr. 1:42 was athe son of his old age. Also he
29 These were the chiefs of the bmade him a tunic of many colors.
Horites: Chief Lotan, Chief Shobal, 28 aJob 1:1 4 But when his brothers saw that
Chief Zibeon, Chief Anah, their father loved him more than all
30 Chief Dishon, Chief Ezer, and 31 aGen. 17:6,
16; 35:11; his brothers, they ahated him and
Chief Dishan. These were the chiefs 1 Chr. 1:43 could not speak peaceably to him.
of the Horites, according to their 5 Now Joseph had a dream, and
chiefs in the land of Seir. 37 aGen. 10:11
he told it to his brothers; and they
The Kings of Edom 39 1Sam., Syr. hated him even more.
Hadad and 6 So he said to them, Please hear
31 aNow these were the kings who 1 Chr. 1:50
2Pai, 1 Chr.
this dream which I have dreamed:
reigned in the land of Edom before 1:50
7 aThere we were, binding
any king reigned over the children sheaves in the field. Then behold,
of Israel: 40 1Aliah, my sheaf arose and also stood
32 Bela the son of Beor reigned in 1 Chr. 1:51 upright; and indeed your sheaves
Edom, and the name of his city was 41 1Or Oholi- stood all around and bowed down to
Dinhabah. bamah my sheaf.
33 And when Bela died, Jobab the 8 And his brothers said to him,
son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in 43 1Heb. Shall you indeed reign over us? Or
his place. shall you indeed have dominion over
34 When Jobab died, Husham of CHAPTER 37 us? So they hated him even more
the land of the Temanites reigned in for his dreams and for his words.
his place. 1 aGen. 17:8; 9 Then he dreamed still another
35 And when Husham died, Hadad 23:4; 28:4; dream and told it to his brothers,
36:7; Heb. 11:9
the son of Bedad, who attacked Mid- 1sojourner, and said, Look, I have dreamed
ian in the field of Moab, reigned in temporary another dream. And this time, athe
his place. And the name of his city resident sun, the moon, and the eleven stars
was Avith. 2 aGen. 35:25,
bowed down to me.
36 When Hadad died, Samlah of 26; 1 Sam. 10 So he told it to his father and his
Masrekah reigned in his place. 2:2224 brothers; and his father rebuked
37 And when Samlah died, Saul of him and said to him, What is this
aRehoboth-by-the-River reigned in 3 aGen. 44:20 dream that you have dreamed?
bGen. 37:23,
his place. 32; Judg. 5:30; Shall your mother and I and ayour
38 When Saul died, Baal-Hanan 1 Sam. 2:19 brothers indeed come to bow down
the son of Achbor reigned in his to the earth before you?
place. 4 aGen. 27:41; 11 And ahis brothers envied him,
49:23; 1 Sam.
39 And when Baal-Hanan the son 17:28; John but his father bkept the matter in
of Achbor died, 1Hadar reigned in 15:1820 mind.
his place; and the name of his city
was 2Pau. His wifes name was 7 aGen. 42:6, Joseph Sold by His Brothers
9; 43:26; 44:14
Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, 12 Then his brothers went to feed
the daughter of Mezahab. 9 aGen. 46:29; their fathers flock in aShechem.
The Chiefs of Esau 13 And Israel said to Joseph, Are
10 aGen. 27:29 not your brothers feeding the flock in
40 And these were the names of Shechem? Come, I will send you to
11 aMatt.
the chiefs of Esau, according to 27:17, 18; Acts
them. So he said to him, Here I am.
their families and their places, by 7:9 bDan. 14 Then he said to him, Please go
their names: Chief Timnah, Chief 7:28; Luke and see if it is well with your brothers
1Alvah, Chief Jetheth, 2:19, 51 and well with the flocks, and bring
41 Chief 1Aholibamah, Chief Elah, 12 aGen.
back word to me. So he sent him out
Chief Pinon, 33:1820 of the Valley of aHebron, and he went
42 Chief Kenaz, Chief Teman, Chief to Shechem.
Mibzar, 14 aGen. 13:18; 15 Now a certain man found him,
23:2, 19;
43 Chief Magdiel, and Chief Iram. 35:27; Josh.
and there he was, wandering in the
These were the chiefs of Edom, 14:14, 15; field. And the man asked him, say-
according to their dwelling places in Judg. 1:10 ing, What are you seeking?
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GENESIS 37:16 34
16 So he said, I am seeking my 16 aSong 1:7 has devoured him. Without doubt
brothers. aPlease tell me where they 17 a2 Kin. 6:13 Joseph is torn to pieces.
are feeding their flocks. 18 a1 Sam. 34 Then Jacob atore his clothes, put
17 And the man said, They have 19:1; Ps. sackcloth on his waist, and bmourned
31:13; 37:12,
departed from here, for I heard 32; Matt. for his son many days.
them say, Let us go to Dothan. So 21:38; 26:3, 4; 35 And all his sons and all his
Joseph went after his brothers and 27:1; Mark daughters aarose to comfort him;
found them in aDothan. 14:1; John but he refused to be comforted, and
11:53; Acts
18 Now when they saw him afar off, 23:12 he said, For bI shall go down into
even before he came near them, athey 19 1Lit. master the grave to my son in mourning.
conspired against him to kill him. of dreams Thus his father wept for him.
19 Then they said to one another, 20 aGen. 37:22; 36 Now athe 1Midianites had sold
Look, this 1dreamer is coming! Prov. 1:11 him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer
20 aCome therefore, let us now kill 21 aGen. 42:22 of Pharaoh and captain of the
him and cast him into some pit; and 23 aMatt. 27:28 guard.
we shall say, Some wild beast has 25 aProv. 30:20
devoured him. We shall see what bGen. 16:11, Judah and Tamar
12; 37:28, 36;
will become of his dreams! It came to pass at that time
21 But aReuben heard it, and he
delivered him out of their hands,
39:1 cJer. 8:22
26 aGen. 37:20 38 that Judah departed from his
brothers, and avisited a certain
27 a1 Sam.
and said, Let us not kill him. 18:17 bGen. Adullamite whose name was Hirah.
22 And Reuben said to them, Shed 42:21 cGen. 2 And Judah asaw there a daugh-
no blood, but cast him into this pit 29:14 ter of a certain Canaanite whose
which is in the wilderness, and do 28 aGen. 37:25; name was bShua, and he married
not lay a hand on himthat he Judg. 6:13;
8:22, 24 bGen. her and went in to her.
might deliver him out of their 45:4, 5; Ps. 3 So she conceived and bore a
hands, and bring him back to his 105:17; Acts son, and he called his name aEr.
father. 7:9 cMatt. 27:9
4 She conceived again and bore a
23 So it came to pass, when Joseph 29 aGen. 37:34; son, and she called his name aOnan.
had come to his brothers, that they 44:13; Job
1:20 5 And she conceived yet again
astripped Joseph of his tunic, the
30 aGen. 42:13, and bore a son, and called his name
tunic of many colors that was on him. 36 aShelah. He was at Chezib when she
24 Then they took him and cast 31 aGen. 37:3, bore him.
him into a pit. And the pit was 23 6 Then Judah atook a wife for Er
empty; there was no water in it. 33 aGen. 37:20 his firstborn, and her name was bTa-
25 aAnd they sat down to eat a 34 aGen. 37:29; mar.
meal. Then they lifted their eyes and 2 Sam. 3:31 7 But aEr, Judahs firstborn, was
bGen. 50:10
looked, and there was a company of wicked in the sight of the LORD,
bIshmaelites, coming from Gilead 35 a2 Sam. band the LORD killed him.
12:17 bGen.
with their camels, bearing spices, 25:8; 35:29; 8 And Judah said to Onan, Go in
cbalm, and myrrh, on their way to
42:38; 44:29, to ayour brothers wife and marry
carry them down to Egypt. 31 her, and raise up an heir to your
26 So Judah said to his brothers, 36 aGen. 39:1 brother.
1MT Medan-
What profit is there if we kill our 9 But Onan knew that the heir
brother and aconceal his blood? would not be ahis; and it came to
27 Come and let us sell him to the CHAPTER 38 pass, when he went in to his broth-
Ishmaelites, and alet not our hand 1 a2 Kin. 4:8 ers wife, that he emitted on the
be upon him, for he is bour brother 2 aGen. 34:2 ground, lest he should give an heir
and cour flesh. And his brothers lis- b1 Chr. 2:3 to his brother.
tened. 3 aGen. 46:12; 10 And the thing which he did 1dis-
28 Then aMidianite traders passed Num. 26:19 pleased the LORD; therefore He
by; so the brothers pulled Joseph up 4 aGen. 46:12; killed ahim also.
and lifted him out of the pit, band Num. 26:19 11 Then Judah said to Tamar his
sold him to the Ishmaelites for 5 aNum. 26:20 daughter-in-law, aRemain a widow
ctwenty shekels of silver. And they 6 aGen. 21:21 in your fathers house till my son
bRuth 4:12
took Joseph to Egypt. Shelah is grown. For he said, Lest
29 Then Reuben returned to the 7 aGen. 46:12; he also die like his brothers. And
pit, and indeed Joseph was not in Num. 26:19
b1 Chr. 2:3 Tamar went and dwelt bin her
the pit; and he atore his clothes. 8 aDeut. 25:5,
fathers house.
30 And he returned to his brothers 6; Matt. 22:24 12 Now in the process of time the
and said, The lad ais no more; and 9 aDeut. 25:6 daughter of Shua, Judahs wife,
I, where shall I go? 10 aGen. 46:12; died; and Judah awas comforted,
31 So they took aJosephs tunic, Num. 26:19 and went up to his sheepshearers at
killed a kid of the goats, and dipped 1Lit. was evil
Timnah, he and his friend Hirah the
the tunic in the blood. in the eyes of Adullamite.
32 Then they sent the tunic of 11 aRuth 1:12, 13 And it was told Tamar, saying,
13 bLev. 22:13
many colors, and they brought it to Look, your father-in-law is going
12 a2 Sam.
their father and said, We have 13:39 up ato Timnah to shear his sheep.
found this. Do you know whether it 13 aJosh.
14 So she took off her widows gar-
is your sons tunic or not? 15:10, 57; ments, covered herself with a veil
33 And he recognized it and said, Judg. 14:1 and wrapped herself, and asat in an
It is my sons tunic. A awild beast 14 aProv. 7:12 open place which was on the way
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35 GENESIS 39:14
to Timnah; for she saw bthat Shelah 14 bGen. 38:11, breach be upon you! Therefore his
was grown, and she was not given 26 name was called aPerez.1
to him as a wife. 17 aJudg. 15:1; 30 Afterward his brother came out
15 When Judah saw her, he thought Ezek. 16:33 who had the scarlet thread on his
she was a harlot, because she had bGen. 38:20
hand. And his name was called
covered her face. 18 aGen. 38:25;
16 Then he turned to her by the 41:42
way, and said, Please let me come Joseph a Slave in Egypt
in to you; for he did not know that 19 aGen. 38:14
Now Joseph had been taken
she was his daughter-in-law. So she
said, What will you give me, that
21 1in full view 39 adown to Egypt. And bPotiphar,
an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the
you may come in to me? 24 aJudg. 19:2
bLev. 20:14; guard, an Egyptian, cbought him
17 And he said, aI will send a 21:9; Deut. from the Ishmaelites who had taken
young goat from the flock. So she 22:21 1preg- him down there.
said, bWill you give me a pledge till nant
2 aThe LORD was with Joseph,
you send it? 25 aGen. 37:32; and he was a successful man; and
18 Then he said, What pledge 38:18 he was in the house of his master
shall I give you? So she said, aYour the Egyptian.
signet and cord, and your staff that 26 aGen. 37:33
b1 Sam. 24:17 3 And his master saw that the
is in your hand. Then he gave them cGen. 38:14 LORD was with him and that the
to her, and went in to her, and she dJob 34:31, 32
LORD amade all he did 1to prosper in
conceived by him. his hand.
19 So she arose and went away, 29 aGen. 46:12;
and alaid aside her veil and put on Num. 26:20; 4 So Joseph afound favor in his
the garments of her widowhood.
Ruth 4:12; sight, and served him. Then he made
1 Chr. 2:4; him boverseer of his house, and all that
20 And Judah sent the young goat Matt. 1:3 1Lit.
he had he put 1under his authority.
by the hand of his friend the Adul- Breach or
lamite, to receive his pledge from Breakthrough 5 So it was, from the time that he
the womans hand, but he did not had made him overseer of his house
30 aGen. 46:12;
find her. 1 Chr. 2:4; and all that he had, that athe LORD
21 Then he asked the men of that Matt. 1:3 blessed the Egyptians house for
place, saying, Where is the harlot Josephs sake; and the blessing of
who was 1openly by the roadside? the LORD was on all that he had in
And they said, There was no harlot the house and in the field.
in this place. 1 aGen. 12:10;
6 Thus he left all that he had in
22 So he returned to Judah and 43:15 bGen. Josephs 1hand, and he did not know
said, I cannot find her. Also, the 37:36; Ps. what he had except for the 2bread
men of the place said there was no 105:17 cGen. which he ate. Now Joseph awas
37:28; 45:4 handsome in form and appearance.
harlot in this place.
23 Then Judah said, Let her take 2 aGen. 26:24, 7 And it came to pass after these
them for herself, lest we be shamed; 28; 28:15; things that his masters wife 1cast
35:3; 39:3, 21, longing eyes on Joseph, and she
for I sent this young goat and you 23; 1 Sam.
have not found her. 16:18; 18:14,
said, aLie with me.
24 And it came to pass, about three 28; Acts 7:9 8 But he refused and said to his
months after, that Judah was told, masters wife, Look, my master
3 aPs. 1:3 1to does not know what is with me in the
saying, Tamar your daughter-in- be a success
law has aplayed the harlot; further- house, and he has committed all that
more she is 1with child by harlotry. 4 aGen. 18:3; he has to my hand.
So Judah said, Bring her out band 19:19; 39:21
bGen. 24:2, 10;
9 There is no one greater in this
let her be burned! 39:8, 22; 41:40
house than I, nor has he kept back
25 When she was brought out, she 1Lit. in his anything from me but you, because
sent to her father-in-law, saying, By hand you are his wife. aHow then can I do
the man to whom these belong, I am this great wickedness, and bsin
5 aGen. 18:26;
with child. And she said, aPlease 30:27; 2 Sam. against God?
determine whose these arethe 6:11 10 So it was, as she spoke to
signet and cord, and staff. Joseph day by day, that he adid not
6 aGen. 29:17; heed her, to lie with her or to be
26 So Judah aacknowledged them 1 Sam. 16:12
and said, bShe has been more righ- 1Care 2Food with her.
teous than I, because cI did not give 11 But it happened about this time,
her to Shelah my son. And he dnever 7 a2 Sam. when Joseph went into the house to
13:11 1Lit.
knew her again. lifted up her do his work, and none of the men of
27 Now it came to pass, at the time eyes toward the house was inside,
for giving birth, that behold, twins 12 that she acaught him by his gar-
9 aLev. 20:10;
were in her womb. Prov. 6:29, 32
ment, saying, Lie with me. But he
28 And so it was, when she was bGen. 20:6; left his garment in her hand, and
giving birth, that the one put out his 42:18; 2 Sam. fled and ran outside.
hand; and the midwife took a scar- 12:13; Ps. 51:4 13 And so it was, when she saw
let thread and bound it on his hand, 10 aProv. 1:10
that he had left his garment in her
saying, This one came out first. hand and fled outside,
29 Then it happened, as he drew 12 aProv. 7:13 14 that she called to the men of her
back his hand, that his brother came 14 aGen. 14:13;
house and spoke to them, saying,
out unexpectedly; and she said, 41:12 1laugh See, he has brought in to us a aHe-
How did you break through? This at brew to 1mock us. He came in to me
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GENESIS 39:15 36
to lie with me, and I cried out with a 17 aEx. 23:1 belong to God? Tell them to me,
loud voice. please.
15 And it happened, when he 19 aProv. 6:34, 9 Then the chief butler told his
heard that I lifted my voice and dream to Joseph, and said to him,
cried out, that he left his garment 20 aPs. 105:18 Behold, in my dream a vine was
with me, and fled and went outside. bGen. 40:3, 15; before me,
16 So she kept his garment with 41:14 10 and in the vine were three
her until his master came home. branches; it was as though it bud-
21 aActs 7:9,
17 Then she aspoke to him with 10 1Caused ded, its blossoms shot forth, and its
words like these, saying, The him to be clusters brought forth ripe grapes.
Hebrew servant whom you brought viewed with 11 Then Pharaohs cup was in my
to us came in to me to mock me; favor by hand; and I took the grapes and
18 so it happened, as I lifted my 22 aGen. 39:4;
pressed them into Pharaohs cup, and
voice and cried out, that he left his 40:3, 4 placed the cup in Pharaohs hand.
garment with me and fled outside. 12 And Joseph said to him, aThis
19 So it was, when his master 23 aGen. 39:2, is the interpretation of it: The three
heard the words which his wife 3 1Lit. his branches bare three days.
spoke to him, saying, Your servant hand 13 Now within three days Pha-
did to me after this manner, that his CHAPTER 40
raoh will alift up your head and
aanger was aroused. restore you to your 1place, and you
20 Then Josephs master took him 1 aNeh. 1:11 will put Pharaohs cup in his hand
and aput him into the bprison, a place according to the former manner,
where the kings prisoners were con- 2 aProv. 16:14 when you were his butler.
fined. And he was there in the prison. 14 But aremember me when it is
21 But the LORD was with Joseph 3 aGen. 39:1, well with you, and bplease show
20, 23; 41:10
and showed him mercy, and He kindness to me; make mention of
agave1 him favor in the sight of the me to Pharaoh, and get me out of
5 aGen. 37:5;
keeper of the prison. 41:1 this house.
22 And the keeper of the prison 15 For indeed I was astolen away
acommitted to Josephs hand all the 6 1dejected from the land of the Hebrews; band
prisoners who were in the prison; also I have done nothing here that
whatever they did there, it was his 7 aNeh. 2:2 they should put me into the dun-
doing. 8 aGen. 41:15
23 The keeper of the prison did not b[Dan. 2:11, 16 When the chief baker saw that
look into anything that was under 2022, 27, 28, the interpretation was good, he said
1Josephs authority, because athe 47] to Joseph, I also was in my dream,
LORD was with him; and whatever and there were three 1white baskets
he did, the LORD made it prosper. 12 aDan. 2:36;
4:18, 19 bGen.
on my head.
40:18; 42:17 17 In the uppermost basket were
The Prisoners Dreams all kinds of baked goods for
It came to pass after these 13 a2 Kin. Pharaoh, and the birds ate them out
40 things that the abutler and the
baker of the king of Egypt offended
25:27 1posi-
of the basket on my head.
18 So Joseph answered and said,
aThis is the interpretation of it: The
their lord, the king of Egypt. 14 aLuke 23:42
2 And Pharaoh was aangry with bJosh. 2:12 three baskets are three days.
his two officers, the chief butler and 19 aWithin three days Pharaoh
the chief baker. 15 aGen. will lift 1off your head from you and
37:2628 bhang you on a tree; and the birds
3 aSo he put them in custody in the bGen. 39:20
house of the captain of the guard, in will eat your flesh from you.
the prison, the place where Joseph 16 1Or baskets 20 Now it came to pass on the third
was confined. of white day, which was Pharaohs abirthday,
bread that he bmade a feast for all his ser-
4 And the captain of the guard
charged Joseph with them, and he vants; and he clifted up the head of
18 aGen. 40:12
served them; so they were in custody the chief butler and of the chief
for a while. 19 aGen. 40:13 baker among his servants.
5 Then the butler and the baker of bDeut. 21:22 21 Then he arestored the chief but-
the king of Egypt, who were con-
1Lit. up ler to his butlership again, and bhe
fined in the prison, ahad a dream, placed the cup in Pharaohs hand.
20 aMatt. 22 But he ahanged the chief baker,
both of them, each mans dream in 14:610
one night and each mans dream bMark 6:21 as Joseph had interpreted to them.
with its own interpretation. cGen. 40:13, 23 Yet the chief butler did not
6 And Joseph came in to them in 19 remember Joseph, but aforgot him.
the morning and looked at them, 21 aGen. 40:13 Pharaohs Dreams
and saw that they were 1sad. bNeh. 2:1
7 So he asked Pharaohs officers Then it came to pass, at the
who were with him in the custody of
his lords house, saying, aWhy do
22 aGen. 40:19 41 end of two full years, that
aPharaoh had a dream; and behold,
you look so sad today? 23 aEccl. 9:15, he stood by the river.
8 And they said to him, aWe each 2 Suddenly there came up out of
have had a dream, and there is no CHAPTER 41 the river seven cows, fine looking
interpreter of it. So Joseph said to and fat; and they fed in the meadow.
them, bDo not interpretations 1 aGen. 40:5 3 Then behold, seven other cows
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37 GENESIS 41:39
came up after them out of the river, 6 aEx. 10:13; had eaten them, for they were just
ugly and gaunt, and stood by the Ezek. 17:10 as ugly as at the beginning. So I
other cows on the bank of the river. 8 aDan. 2:1, 3; awoke.
4 And the ugly and gaunt cows 4:5, 19 bEx. 22 Also I saw in my dream, and
7:11, 22; Is.
ate up the seven fine looking and fat 29:14; Dan.
suddenly seven 1heads came up on
cows. So Pharaoh awoke. 1:20; 2:2; 4:7 one stalk, full and good.
5 He slept and dreamed a second cMatt. 2:1 23 Then behold, seven heads,
time; and suddenly seven heads of 9 aGen. 40:1, withered, thin, and blighted by the
grain came up on one stalk, plump 14, 23 east wind, sprang up after them.
and good. 10 aGen. 40:2,
24 And the thin heads devoured
6 Then behold, seven thin heads, 3 bGen. 39:20 the seven good heads. So aI told this
blighted by the aeast wind, sprang 11 aGen. 40:5;
to the magicians, but there was no
up after them. Judg. 7:15 one who could explain it to me.
7 And the seven thin heads de- 25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh,
12 aGen. 39:14;
voured the seven plump and full 43:32 bGen.
The dreams of Pharaoh are one;
heads. So Pharaoh awoke, and aGod has shown Pharaoh what He is
37:36 cGen.
indeed, it was a dream. 40:12 about to do:
8 Now it came to pass in the morn- 13 aGen. 40:21, 26 The seven good cows are seven
ing athat his spirit was troubled, and 22 years, and the seven good 1heads
he sent and called for all bthe magi- 14 aPs. 105:20
are seven years; the dreams are one.
cians of Egypt and all its cwise men. bDan. 2:25 27 And the seven thin and ugly
And Pharaoh told them his dreams, c[1 Sam. 2:8] cows which came up after them are
but there was no one who could d2 Kin. seven years, and the seven empty
interpret them for Pharaoh. 25:2729 heads blighted by the east wind are
aseven years of famine.
9 Then the achief butler spoke to 15 aGen. 41:8,
Pharaoh, saying: I remember my 12; Dan. 5:16 28 aThis is the thing which I have
faults this day. 16 aDan. 2:30; spoken to Pharaoh. God has shown
10 When Pharaoh was aangry with Acts 3:12; Pharaoh what He is about to do.
his servants, band put me in custody [2 Cor. 3:5] 29 Indeed aseven years of great
bGen. 40:8;
in the house of the captain of the 41:25, 28, 32;
plenty will come throughout all the
guard, both me and the chief baker, Deut. 29:29; land of Egypt;
11 awe each had a dream in one Dan. 2:22, 28, 30 but after them seven years of
night, he and I. Each of us dreamed 47 famine will aarise, and all the plenty
according to the interpretation of 17 aGen. 41:1 will be forgotten in the land of Egypt;
his own dream. 22 1Heads of
and the famine bwill deplete the land.
12 Now there was a young aHe- grain 31 So the plenty will not be known
brew man with us there, a bservant 24 aGen. 41:8;
in the land because of the famine
of the captain of the guard. And we Ex. 7:11; Is. following, for it will be very severe.
told him, and he cinterpreted our 8:19; Dan. 4:7 32 And the dream was repeated to
dreams for us; to each man he inter- 25 aGen. 41:28,
Pharaoh twice because the athing is
preted according to his own dream. 32; Dan. 2:28, established by God, and God will
13 And it came to pass, just aas he 29, 45; Rev. shortly bring it to pass.
interpreted for us, so it happened. 4:1 33 Now therefore, let Pharaoh
He restored me to my office, and he 26 1Heads of select a discerning and wise man,
hanged him. grain and set him over the land of Egypt.
14 aThen Pharaoh sent and called 27 a2 Kin. 8:1 34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let
Joseph, and they bbrought him 28 a[Gen.
him appoint 1officers over the land,
ato collect one-fifth of the produce
quickly cout of the dungeon; and he 41:25, 32;
shaved, dchanged his clothing, and Dan. 2:28] of the land of Egypt in the seven
came to Pharaoh. 29 aGen. 41:47
plentiful years.
15 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, I 35 And alet them gather all the
30 aGen. 41:54, food of those good years that are
have had a dream, and there is no 56 bGen.
one who can interpret it. aBut I have 47:13; Ps. coming, and store up grain under
heard it said of you that you can 105:16 the 1authority of Pharaoh, and let
understand a dream, to interpret it. 32 aGen. 41:25,
them keep food in the cities.
16 So Joseph answered Pharaoh, 28; Num. 36 Then that food shall be as a
1reserve for the land for the seven
saying, aIt is not in me; bGod will 23:19; Is.
give Pharaoh an answer of peace. 46:10, 11 years of famine which shall be in
17 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: 34 a[Prov. the land of Egypt, that the land amay
Behold, ain my dream I stood on 6:68] 1over- not 2perish during the famine.
the bank of the river. Josephs Rise to Power
18 Suddenly seven cows came up 35 aGen. 41:48
1Lit. hand
out of the river, fine looking and fat; 37 So athe advice was good in the
and they fed in the meadow. 36 aGen. 47:15, eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of
19 Then behold, seven other cows 19 1Lit. supply all his servants.
2be cut off
came up after them, poor and very 38 And Pharaoh said to his ser-
ugly and gaunt, such ugliness as I 37 aPs. 105:19; vants, Can we find such a one as
have never seen in all the land of Acts 7:10 this, a man ain whom is the Spirit of
Egypt. 38 aNum. God?
20 And the gaunt and ugly cows 27:18; [Job 39 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph,
32:8; Prov.
ate up the first seven, the fat cows. 2:6]; Dan. 4:8, Inasmuch as God has shown you
21 When they had eaten them up, 9, 18; 5:11, 14; all this, there is no one as discerning
no one would have known that they 6:3 and wise as you.
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GENESIS 41:40 38
40 aYou shall be 1over my house, 40 aPs. 105:21; the storehouses and asold to the
and all my people shall be ruled Acts 7:10 1In Egyptians. And the famine became
charge of
according to your word; only in severe in the land of Egypt.
regard to the throne will I be greater 41 aGen. 42:6; 57 aSo all countries came to Joseph
than you. Ps. 105:21; in Egypt to bbuy grain, because the
Dan. 6:3; Acts
41 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, 7:10 famine was severe in all lands.
See, I have aset you over all the
land of Egypt. 42 aEsth. 3:10 Josephs Brothers Go to Egypt
bEsth. 8:2, 15
42 Then Pharaoh atook his signet When aJacob saw that there
cDan. 5:7, 16,
ring off his hand and put it on 29 was grain in Egypt, Jacob
Josephs hand; and he bclothed him 43 aGen. 46:29 said to his sons, Why do you look
in garments of fine linen cand put a bEsth. 6:9 at one another?
gold chain around his neck. cGen. 42:6
2 And he said, Indeed I have
43 And he had him ride in the sec- 45 aGen. 46:20 heard that there is grain in Egypt;
ond achariot which he had; band 1Probably
go down to that place and buy for us
they cried out before him, Bow the Egyptian for there, that we may alive and not die.
knee! So he set him cover all the God Speaks
3 So Josephs ten brothers went
land of Egypt. and He Lives
down to buy grain in Egypt.
44 Pharaoh also said to Joseph, I 46 a1 Sam. 4 But Jacob did not send Josephs
am Pharaoh, and without your con- 16:21; 1 Kin.
brother Benjamin with his brothers,
sent no man may lift his hand or 12:6, 8; Dan.
foot in all the land of Egypt. 1:19 for he said, aLest some calamity
45 And Pharaoh called Josephs 47 1Lit. by
befall him.
name 1Zaphnath-Paaneah. And he handfuls 5 And the sons of Israel went to
gave him as a wife aAsenath, the buy grain among those who jour-
49 aGen. 22:17; neyed, for the famine was ain the
daughter of Poti-Pherah priest of Judg. 7:12;
land of Canaan.
On. So Joseph went out over all the 1 Sam. 13:5
land of Egypt. 6 Now Joseph was governor aover
50 aGen. 46:20; the land; and it was he who sold to
46 Joseph was thirty years old 48:5
when he astood before Pharaoh king all the people of the land. And
51 aPs. 45:10 Josephs brothers came and bbowed
of Egypt. And Joseph went out from 1Lit. Making
the presence of Pharaoh, and went Forgetful
down before him with their faces to
throughout all the land of Egypt. the earth.
52 aGen. 17:6; 7 Joseph saw his brothers and rec-
47 Now in the seven plentiful years 28:3; 49:22
the ground brought forth 1abun- 1Lit. Fruitful- ognized them, but he acted as aa
dantly. ness stranger to them and spoke 1roughly
48 So he gathered up all the food of to them. Then he said to them,
54 aPs. 105:16;
the seven years which were in the Acts 7:11 Where do you come from? And
land of Egypt, and laid up the food bGen. 41:30 they said, From the land of Canaan
in the cities; he laid up in every city to buy food.
55 aJohn 2:5
the food of the fields which sur- 8 So Joseph recognized his broth-
rounded them. 56 aGen. 42:6
1Lit. all that
ers, but they did not recognize him.
49 Joseph gathered very much was in them
9 Then Joseph aremembered the
grain, aas the sand of the sea, until dreams which he had dreamed
he stopped counting, for it was 57 aEzek. about them, and said to them, You
29:12 bGen. are spies! You have come to see the
immeasurable. 27:28, 37; 42:3 1nakedness of the land!
50 aAnd to Joseph were born two
sons before the years of famine CHAPTER 42
10 And they said to him, No, my
came, whom Asenath, the daughter lord, but your servants have come to
of Poti-Pherah priest of On, bore to 1 aActs 7:12 buy food.
him. 11 We are all one mans sons; we
2 aGen. 43:8;
51 Joseph called the name of the Ps. 33:18, 19;
are honest men; your servants are
firstborn 1Manasseh: For God has Is. 38:1 not spies.
made me forget all my toil and all 12 But he said to them, No, but you
4 aGen. 42:38
my afathers house. have come to see the nakedness of
52 And the name of the second he 5 aGen. 12:10; the land.
26:1; 41:57; 13 And they said, Your servants
called 1Ephraim: For God has Acts 7:11
caused me to be afruitful in the land are twelve brothers, the sons of one
of my affliction. 6 aGen. 41:41, man in the land of Canaan; and in
53 Then the seven years of plenty 55 bGen. fact, the youngest is with our father
37:710; 41:43;
which were in the land of Egypt Is. 60:14 today, and one ais no more.
ended, 14 But Joseph said to them, It is as
54 aand the seven years of famine 7 aGen. 45:1, 2 I spoke to you, saying, You are
began to come, bas Joseph had said. spies!
The famine was in all lands, but in all 9 aGen. 37:59
15 In this manner you shall be
the land of Egypt there was bread. parts
tested: aBy the life of Pharaoh, you
55 So when all the land of Egypt shall not leave this place unless
was famished, the people cried to 13 aGen. 37:30; your youngest brother comes
Pharaoh for bread. Then Pharaoh 42:32; 44:20; here.
Lam. 5:7
said to all the Egyptians, Go to 16 Send one of you, and let him
Joseph; awhatever he says to you, do. 15 a1 Sam. bring your brother; and you shall be
56 The famine was over all the face 1:26; 17:55 1kept in prison, that your words may
of the earth, and Joseph opened 1all 16 1Lit. bound be tested to see whether there is any
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39 GENESIS 43:9
truth in you; or else, by the life of 17 aGen. 40:4, take food for the famine of your
Pharaoh, surely you are spies! 7, 12 1Lit. households, and be gone.
17 So he 1put them all together in 34 And bring your ayoungest brother
prison athree days. 18 aGen. 22:12; to me; so I shall know that you are
18 Then Joseph said to them the 39:9; Ex. 1:17; not spies, but that you are honest
third day, Do this and live, afor I fear Lev. 25:43;
Neh. 5:15; men. I will grant your brother to you,
God: Prov. 1:7; 9:10 and you may btrade in the land.
19 If you are honest men, let one of 35 Then it happened as they emp-
your brothers be confined to your 20 aGen. 42:34; tied their sacks, that surprisingly
43:5; 44:23
prison house; but you, go and carry aeach mans bundle of money was in
grain for the famine of your houses. 21 aGen. his sack; and when they and their
20 And abring your youngest brother 37:2628; father saw the bundles of money,
to me; so your words will be verified, 44:16; 45:3;
Job 36:8, 9;
they were afraid.
and you shall not die. And they did Hos. 5:15 36 And Jacob their father said to
so. bProv. 21:13; them, You have abereaved me: Joseph
21 Then they said to one another, Matt. 7:2 is no more, Simeon is no more, and
aWe are truly guilty concerning our
22 aGen. 37:21, you want to take bBenjamin. All these
brother, for we saw the anguish of his 22, 29 bGen. things are against me.
soul when he pleaded with us, and we 9:5, 6; 1 Kin. 37 Then Reuben spoke to his
would not hear; btherefore this dis- 2:32; 2 Chr. father, saying, Kill my two sons if I
tress has come upon us. 24:22; Ps.
9:12; Luke do not bring him back to you; put
22 And Reuben answered them, 11:50, 51 him in my hands, and I will bring
saying, aDid I not speak to you, say- him back to you.
ing, Do not sin against the boy; and 24 aGen. 43:30; 38 But he said, My son shall not go
you would not listen? Therefore 45:14, 15
bGen. 34:25, down with you, for ahis brother is
behold, his blood is now brequired of 30; 43:14, 23 dead, and he is left alone. bIf any
us. calamity should befall him along the
23 But they did not know that 25 aGen. 44:1
bGen. 43:12 way in which you go, then you would
Joseph understood them, for he c[Matt. 5:44; cbring down my gray hair with sor-
spoke to them through an interpreter. Rom. 12:17, row to the grave.
24 And he turned himself away 20, 21; 1 Pet.
from them and awept. Then he 3:9] Josephs Brothers Return with
returned to them again, and talked 27 aGen. 43:21, Benjamin
with them. And he took bSimeon 22
Now the famine was asevere
from them and bound him before
their eyes. 28 1sank 43 in the land.
2 And it came to pass, when they
30 aGen. 42:7
The Brothers Return to Canaan 1harshly had eaten up the grain which they
25 Then Joseph agave a command to had brought from Egypt, that their
fill their sacks with grain, to brestore
33 aGen. 42:15, father said to them, Go aback, buy
19, 20 us a little food.
every mans money to his sack, and
to give them provisions for the jour- 34 aGen. 42:20; 3 But Judah spoke to him, saying,
ney. cThus he did for them. 43:3, 5 bGen. The man solemnly warned us, say-
26 So they loaded their donkeys
34:10 ing, You shall not see my face
with the grain and departed from 35 aGen. 43:12, unless your abrother is with you.
there. 15, 21 4 If you send our brother with us,
27 But as aone of them opened his we will go down and buy you food.
36 aGen. 43:14 5 But if you will not send him, we
sack to give his donkey feed at the bGen. 35:18;
encampment, he saw his money; and [Rom. 8:28, will not go down; for the man said
there it was, in the mouth of his sack. 31] to us, You shall not see my face
28 So he said to his brothers, My unless your brother is with you.
38 aGen. 37:22;
money has been restored, and there it 42:13; 44:20, 6 And Israel said, Why did you
is, in my sack! Then their hearts 28 bGen. 42:4; deal so 1wrongfully with me as to
1failed them and they were afraid, 44:29 cGen. tell the man whether you had still
saying to one another, What is this 37:35; 44:31 another brother?
that God has done to us? 7 But they said, The man asked
29 Then they went to Jacob their CHAPTER 43 us pointedly about ourselves and
father in the land of Canaan and told our family, saying, Is your father
him all that had happened to them, 1 aGen. 41:54, still alive? Have you another
saying: 57; 42:5; 45:6, brother? And we told him according
11 to these words. Could we possibly
30 The man who is lord of the land
aspoke 1roughly to us, and took us for 2 aGen. 42:2; have known that he would say,
spies of the country. 44:25 Bring your brother down?
31 But we said to him, We are hon- 3 aGen. 42:20;
8 Then Judah said to Israel his
est men; we are not spies. 43:5; 44:23 father, Send the lad with me, and
32 We are twelve brothers, sons of we will arise and go, that we may
our father; one is no more, and the 6 1Lit. alive and not die, both we and you
youngest is with our father this day in and also our little ones.
the land of Canaan. 8 aGen. 42:2; 9 I myself will be surety for him;
33 Then the man, the lord of the 47:19 from my hand you shall require
country, said to us, aBy this I will 9 aGen. 42:37;
him. aIf I do not bring him back to
know that you are honest men: Leave 44:32; Philem. you and set him before you, then let
one of your brothers here with me, 18, 19 me bear the blame forever.
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GENESIS 43:10 40
10 For if we had not lingered, surely 11 aGen. 32:20; for they heard that they would eat
by now we would have returned this 33:10; 43:25, bread there.
26; [Prov.
second time. 18:16] bGen. 26 And when Joseph came home,
11 And their father Israel said to 37:25; Jer. they brought him the present which
them, If it must be so, then do this: 8:22; Ezek. was in their hand into the house, and
Take some of the best fruits of the abowed down before him to the earth.
land in your vessels and acarry down
12 aGen. 42:25,
27 Then he asked them about their
a present for the mana little bbalm 35; 43:21, 22 well-being, and said, Is your father
and a little honey, spices and myrrh, well, the old man aof whom you
pistachio nuts and almonds. 14 aGen. 17:1; spoke? Is he still alive?
12 Take double money in your 28:3; 35:11; 28 And they answered, Your ser-
hand, and take back in your hand the 48:3 bGen. vant our father is in good health; he
money athat was returned in the 39:21; Ps.
106:46 cGen. is still alive. aAnd they bowed their
mouth of your sacks; perhaps it was 42:36; Esth. heads down and prostrated them-
an oversight. 4:16 selves.
13 Take your brother also, and 29 Then he lifted his eyes and saw
arise, go back to the man. 15 aGen. 39:1; his brother Benjamin, ahis mothers
14 And may God aAlmighty bgive 46:3, 6 son, and said, Is this your younger
you mercy before the man, that he brother bof whom you spoke to me?
may release your other brother and 16 aGen. 24:2;
39:4; 44:1 1Lit. And he said, God be gracious to
Benjamin. cIf I am bereaved, I am a slaughter you, my son.
bereaved! 30 Now ahis heart yearned for his
15 So the men took that present and 18 aGen. 42:28 brother; so Joseph made haste and
Benjamin, and they took double 1Lit. roll him-
sought somewhere to weep. And he
money in their hand, and arose and self upon us went into his chamber and bwept
went adown to Egypt; and they stood there.
before Joseph. 20 aGen. 42:3,
10 31 Then he washed his face and
16 When Joseph saw Benjamin came out; and he restrained himself,
with them, he said to the asteward of 21 aGen. 42:27, and said, Serve the abread.
his house, Take these men to my 35 32 So they set him a place by him-
home, and slaughter 1an animal and self, and them by themselves, and
make ready; for these men will dine 23 aGen. 42:24 the Egyptians who ate with him by
with me at noon. themselves; because the Egyptians
17 Then the man did as Joseph 24 aGen. 18:4; could not eat food with the aHe-
ordered, and the man brought the 19:2; 24:32 brews, for that is ban abomination to
men into Josephs house. the Egyptians.
18 Now the men were aafraid 26 aGen. 37:7,
33 And they sat before him, the
because they were brought into 10; 42:6; 44:14
firstborn according to his abirth-
Josephs house; and they said, It is right and the youngest according to
because of the money, which was 27 aGen. 29:6;
42:11, 13; his youth; and the men looked in
returned in our sacks the first time, 43:7; 45:3; astonishment at one another.
that we are brought in, so that he 2 Kin. 4:26 34 Then he took servings to them
may 1make a case against us and from before him, but Benjamins
seize us, to take us as slaves with our 28 aGen. 37:7,
serving was afive times as much as
donkeys. 10
any of theirs. So they drank and
19 When they drew near to the were merry with him.
steward of Josephs house, they 29 aGen. 35:17,
18 bGen. 42:13
talked with him at the door of the Josephs Cup
house, 30 a1 Kin. 3:26 And he commanded 1the
20 and said, O sir, awe indeed came
down the first time to buy food;
bGen. 42:24;
45:2, 14, 15; 44 asteward of his house, saying,
bFill the mens sacks with food, as
21 but ait happened, when we came 46:29
to the encampment, that we opened much as they can carry, and put
our sacks, and there, each mans 31 aGen. 43:25 each mans money in the mouth of
money was in the mouth of his sack, his sack.
our money in full weight; so we have 32 aGen. 41:12; 2 Also put my cup, the silver cup,
Ex. 1:15 bGen. in the mouth of the sack of the
brought it back in our hand. 46:34; Ex. 8:26
22 And we have brought down youngest, and his grain money. So
other money in our hands to buy 33 aGen. 27:36;
he did according to the word that
food. We do not know who put our 42:7; Deut. Joseph had spoken.
money in our sacks. 21:16, 17 3 As soon as the morning dawned,
23 But he said, Peace be with you, the men were sent away, they and
do not be afraid. Your God and the 34 aGen. 35:24; their donkeys.
45:22 4 When they had gone out of the
God of your father has given you
treasure in your sacks; I had your city, and were not yet far off, Joseph
money. Then he brought aSimeon CHAPTER 44 said to his steward, Get up, follow
out to them. the men; and when you overtake
24 So the man brought the men into 1 aGen. 43:16 them, say to them, Why have you
bGen. 42:25
Josephs house and agave them 1Lit. the one
arepaid evil for good?
water, and they washed their feet; over 5 Is not this the one from which
and he gave their donkeys feed. my lord drinks, and with which he
25 Then they made the present 4 a1 Sam. indeed practices divination? You
ready for Josephs coming at noon, 25:21 have done evil in so doing.
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41 GENESIS 45:6
6 So he overtook them, and he 8 aGen. 43:21 comes down with you, you shall see
spoke to them these same words. my face no more.
7 And they said to him, Why 9 aGen. 31:32 24 So it was, when we went up to
does my lord say these words? Far your servant my father, that we told
be it from us that your servants 12 1finished him the words of my lord.
should do such a thing. with 25 And aour father said, Go back
8 Look, we brought back to you and buy us a little food.
from the land of Canaan athe money 13 aGen. 37:29, 26 But we said, We cannot go
34; Num. 14:6;
which we found in the mouth of our 2 Sam. 1:11 down; if our youngest brother is with
sacks. How then could we steal sil- us, then we will go down; for we may
ver or gold from your lords house? 14 aGen. 37:7, not see the mans face unless our
9 With whomever of your ser- 10 youngest brother is with us.
vants it is found, alet him die, and we 27 Then your servant my father
also will be my lords slaves. 16 a[Num. said to us, You know that amy wife
10 And he said, Now also let it be 32:23] bGen. bore me two sons;
according to your words; he with 44:9 28 and the one went out from me,
whom it is found shall be my slave, and I said, aSurely he is torn to
and you shall be blameless. 17 aProv. 17:15 pieces; and I have not seen him
11 Then each man speedily let since.
down his sack to the ground, and 18 aGen. 18:30, 29 But if you atake this one also
each opened his sack. 32; Ex. 32:22 from me, and calamity befalls him,
12 So he searched. He began with you shall bring down my gray hair
the oldest and 1left off with the 20 aGen. 37:3; with sorrow to the grave.
43:8; 44:30
youngest; and the cup was found in bGen. 42:38 30 Now therefore, when I come to
Benjamins sack. cGen. 46:19 your servant my father, and the lad
13 Then they atore their clothes, dGen. 42:4 is not with us, since ahis life is
and each man loaded his donkey bound up in the lads life,
and returned to the city. 21 aGen. 31 it will happen, when he sees
14 So Judah and his brothers came 42:15, 20 that the lad is not with us, that he
to Josephs house, and he was still will die. So your servants will bring
there; and they afell before him on 23 aGen. down the gray hair of your servant
the ground. 43:3, 5 our father with sorrow to the grave.
15 And Joseph said to them, What 32 For your servant became surety
deed is this you have done? Did you 25 aGen. 43:2 for the lad to my father, saying, aIf I
not know that such a man as I can do not bring him back to you, then I
certainly practice divination? 27 aGen. shall bear the blame before my fa-
16 Then Judah said, What shall 30:2224; ther forever.
we say to my lord? What shall we 46:19 33 Now therefore, please alet your
speak? Or how shall we clear our- servant remain instead of the lad as
selves? God has afound out the iniq- 28 aGen. a slave to my lord, and let the lad go
uity of your servants; here bwe are, 37:3135 up with his brothers.
my lords slaves, both we and he 34 For how shall I go up to my
also with whom the cup was found. 29 aGen. 42:36, father if the lad is not with me, lest
17 But he said, aFar be it from me 38; 44:31 perhaps I see the evil that would
that I should do so; the man in 1come upon my father?
whose hand the cup was found, he 30 a[1 Sam.
shall be my slave. And as for you, go 18:1; 25:29] Joseph Revealed to His Brothers
up in peace to your father. Then Joseph could not restrain
Judah Intercedes for Benjamin
32 aGen. 43:9
45 himself before all those who
stood by him, and he cried out,
33 aEx. 32:32
18 Then Judah came near to him Make everyone go out from me!
and said: O my lord, please let your So no one stood with him awhile
34 1Lit. find
servant speak a word in my lords Joseph made himself known to his
hearing, and ado not let your anger brothers.
burn against your servant; for you CHAPTER 45 2 And he awept aloud, and the
are even like Pharaoh. Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh
19 My lord asked his servants, say- 1 aActs 7:13 heard it.
ing, Have you a father or a brother? 3 Then Joseph said to his broth-
20 And we said to my lord, We 2 aGen. 43:30; ers, aI am Joseph; does my father
have a father, an old man, and aa 46:29 still live? But his brothers could not
child of his old age, who is young; answer him, for they were dismayed
his brother is bdead, and he calone is 3 aGen. 43:27; in his presence.
left of his mothers children, and his Acts 7:13 4 And Joseph said to his brothers,
dfather loves him. Please come near to me. So they
21 Then you said to your servants, 4 aGen. 37:28; came near. Then he said: I am
aBring him down to me, that I may 39:1; Ps. Joseph your brother, awhom you
set my eyes on him. sold into Egypt.
22 And we said to my lord, The 5 aGen. 45:7,
5 But now, do not therefore be
lad cannot leave his father, for if he 8; 50:20; Ps. grieved or angry with yourselves
should leave his father, his father 105:16, 17 because you sold me here; afor God
would die. sent me before you to preserve life.
23 But you said to your servants, 6 aGen. 43:1; 6 For these two years the afamine
aUnless your youngest brother 47:4, 13 has been in the land, and there are
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GENESIS 45:7 42
still five years in which there will be 7 aGen. 45:5; donkeys loaded with grain, bread,
neither plowing nor harvesting. 50:20 and food for his father for the jour-
7 And God asent me before you to ney.
preserve a 1posterity for you in the 8 a[Rom. 8:28] 24 So he sent his brothers away,
earth, and to save your lives by a bIs. 22:21
cGen. 41:43;
and they departed; and he said to
great deliverance. 42:6
them, See that you do not become
8 So now it was not you who troubled along the way.
sent me here, but aGod; and He has 9 1delay 25 Then they went up out of Egypt,
made me ba father to Pharaoh, and and came to the land of Canaan to
lord of all his house, and a cruler 10 aGen. 46:28, Jacob their father.
34; 47:1, 6
throughout all the land of Egypt. 26 And they told him, saying,
9 Hurry and go up to my father, 11 aGen. 47:12 Joseph is still alive, and he is gov-
and say to him, Thus says your son ernor over all the land of Egypt.
Joseph: God has made me lord of 12 aGen. 42:23 aAnd Jacobs heart stood still, be-
all Egypt; come down to me, do not 13 aActs 7:14
cause he did not believe them.
1tarry. 27 But when they told him all the
10 aYou shall dwell in the land of 15 aGen. 48:10 words which Joseph had said to
Goshen, and you shall be near to them, and when he saw the carts
me, you and your children, your 18 aGen. 27:28; which Joseph had sent to carry him,
47:6 1The
childrens children, your flocks and choicest the spirit aof Jacob their father
your herds, and all that you have. produce revived.
11 There I will aprovide for you, 28 Then Israel said, It is enough.
21 aGen. 45:19; Joseph my son is still alive. I will go
lest you and your household, and all 46:5 1wagons
that you have, come to poverty; for and see him before I die.
there are still five years of famine. 22 a2 Kin. 5:5
12 And behold, your eyes and the bGen. 43:34 Jacobs Journey to Egypt
eyes of my brother Benjamin see that So Israel took his journey
it is amy mouth that speaks to you.
13 So you shall tell my father of
26 aJob 29:24
27 aJudg. 15:19
46 with all that he had, and
came to aBeersheba, and offered
all my glory in Egypt, and of all that sacrifices bto the God of his father
you have seen; and you shall hurry Isaac.
and abring my father down here. CHAPTER 46 2 Then God spoke to Israel ain the
14 Then he fell on his brother Ben- visions of the night, and said,
jamins neck and wept, and Ben- 1aGen. 21:31, Jacob, Jacob! And he said, Here I
jamin wept on his neck. 33; 26:32, 33; am.
15 Moreover he akissed all his 28:10 bGen. 3 So He said, I am God, athe God
brothers and wept over them, and 26:24, 25;
28:13; 31:42; of your father; do not fear to go
after that his brothers talked with 32:9 down to Egypt, for I will bmake of
him. you a great nation there.
16 Now the report of it was heard in 2 aGen. 15:1; 4 aI will go down with you to
22:11; 31:11
Pharaohs house, saying, Josephs Egypt, and I will also surely bbring
brothers have come. So it pleased 3 aGen. 17:1; you up again; and cJoseph 1will put
Pharaoh and his servants well. 28:13 bDeut. his hand on your eyes.
17 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, 26:5 5 Then aJacob arose from Beer-
Say to your brothers, Do this: 4 aGen. 28:15; sheba; and the sons of Israel carried
Load your animals and depart; go to 31:3; 48:21 their father Jacob, their little ones,
the land of Canaan. bGen. 15:16;
and their wives, in the 1carts bwhich
18 Bring your father and your 50:12, 24, 25 Pharaoh had sent to carry him.
cGen. 50:1
households and come to me; I will 1Will close 6 So they took their livestock and
give you the best of the land of your eyes their goods, which they had
Egypt, and you will eat athe 1fat of when you die acquired in the land of Canaan, and
the land. 5 aActs 7:15
went to Egypt, aJacob and all his
19 Now you are commandeddo bGen. descendants with him.
this: Take carts out of the land of 45:1921 7 His sons and his sons sons, his
Egypt for your little ones and your daughters and his sons daughters,
wives; bring your father and come. 6 aDeut. 26:5
and all his descendants he brought
20 Also do not be concerned about with him to Egypt.
your goods, for the best of all the 8 aEx. 1:14 8 Now athese were the names of
land of Egypt is yours. bNum. 26:4, 5
the children of Israel, Jacob and his
21 Then the sons of Israel did so; 9 aEx. 6:14
sons, who went to Egypt: bReuben
and Joseph gave them acarts,1 was Jacobs firstborn.
according to the command of 10 aEx. 6:15 9 The asons of Reuben were
Pharaoh, and he gave them provi- 1Nemuel,
Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
sions for the journey. 1 Chr. 4:24 10 aThe sons of Simeon were
2Jarib, 1 Chr.
22 He gave to all of them, to each 4:24 3Zerah,
1Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, 2Jachin,
man, achanges of garments; but to 1 Chr. 4:24 3Zohar, and Shaul, the son of a
Benjamin he gave three hundred Canaanite woman.
pieces of silver and bfive changes of 11 a1 Chr. 6:1, 11 The sons of aLevi were Gershon,
garments. Kohath, and Merari.
23 And he sent to his father these 12 a1 Chr. 2:3; 12 The sons of aJudah were bEr,
things: ten donkeys loaded with the 4:21 bGen. Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah (but
good things of Egypt, and ten female 38:3, 7, 10 Er and Onan died in the land of
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43 GENESIS 47:12
Canaan). cThe sons of Perez were 12 cGen. 38:29 32 And the men are ashepherds,
Hezron and Hamul. 13 1Puah, for their occupation has been to
13 The sons of Issachar were Tola, Num. 26:23; feed livestock; and they have
1Puvah, 2Job, and Shimron. 1 Chr. 7:1 brought their flocks, their herds,
2Jashub, Num.
14 The asons of Zebulun were 26:24; 1 Chr.
and all that they have.
Sered, Elon, and Jahleel. 7:1
33 So it shall be, when Pharaoh
15 These were the asons of Leah, 14 aNum. 26:26 calls you and says, aWhat is your
whom she bore to Jacob in Padan 15 aGen. 35:23; occupation?
Aram, with his daughter Dinah. All 49:31 34 that you shall say, Your ser-
the persons, his sons and his daugh- 16 1Sam., LXX vants aoccupation has been with
ters, were thirty-three. Zephon and livestock bfrom our youth even till
16 The sons of Gad were 1Ziphion, Num. 26:15 now, both we and also our fathers,
Haggi, Shuni, 2Ezbon, Eri, 3Arodi, 2Ozni, Num. that you may dwell in the land of
and Areli. 26:16 3Arod, Goshen; for every shepherd is can1
Num. 26:17 abomination to the Egyptians.
17 aThe sons of Asher were Jim- 17 a1 Chr. 7:30 Then Joseph awent and told
nah, Ishuah, Isui, Beriah, and Serah,
their sister. And the sons of Beriah
18 aGen. 30:10;
37:2 bGen.
47 Pharaoh, and said, My father
and my brothers, their flocks and
were Heber and Malchiel. 29:24
18 aThese were the sons of Zilpah, 19 aGen. 35:24
their herds and all that they possess,
bwhom Laban gave to Leah his bGen. 44:27 have come from the land of Canaan;
daughter; and these she bore to 20 aGen. 41:45, and indeed they are in bthe land of
Jacob: sixteen persons. 5052; 48:1 Goshen.
19 The asons of Rachel, bJacobs 21 a1 Chr. 7:6; 2 And he took five men from
wife, were Joseph and Benjamin. 8:1 bNum. among his brothers and apresented
20 aAnd to Joseph in the land of 26:38 cNum. them to Pharaoh.
Egypt were born Manasseh and
26:39 3 Then Pharaoh said to his broth-
Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daugh-
ers, aWhat is your occupation?
Num. 26:39 And they said to Pharaoh, bYour
ter of Poti-Pherah priest of On, bore 23 1Shuham, servants are shepherds, both we and
to him. Num. 26:42 also our fathers.
21 aThe sons of Benjamin were 24 aNum. 26:48
4 And they said to Pharaoh, aWe
Belah, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naa- 1Jahziel,
have come to dwell in the land,
man, bEhi, Rosh, cMuppim, 1Hup- 1 Chr. 7:13
2Shallum, because your servants have no pas-
pim, and Ard. ture for their flocks, bfor the famine
1 Chr. 7:13
22 These were the sons of Rachel, 25 aGen. 30:5, 7 is severe in the land of Canaan. Now
who were born to Jacob: fourteen bGen. 29:29 therefore, please let your servants
persons in all. 26 aEx. 1:5 cdwell in the land of Goshen.
23 The son of Dan was 1Hushim. bGen. 35:11 5 Then Pharaoh spoke to Joseph,
24 aThe sons of Naphtali were 27 aDeut. 10:22 saying, Your father and your broth-
1Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and 2Shillem. 28 aGen. 31:21 ers have come to you.
25 aThese were the sons of Bilhah, bGen. 47:1
6 aThe land of Egypt is before
bwhom Laban gave to Rachel his 29 aGen. 41:43
bGen. 45:14, 15
you. Have your father and brothers
daughter, and she bore these to dwell in the best of the land; let
Jacob: seven persons in all. 30 aLuke 2:29,
them dwell bin the land of Goshen.
26 aAll the persons who went with 31 aGen. 47:1 And if you know any competent
Jacob to Egypt, who came from his 32 aGen. 47:3 men among them, then make them
body, bbesides Jacobs sons wives, 33 aGen. 47:2, 3 chief herdsmen over my livestock.
were sixty-six persons in all. 34 aGen. 47:3 7 Then Joseph brought in his
27 And the sons of Joseph who bGen. 30:35; father Jacob and set him before
were born to him in Egypt were two 34:5; 37:17 Pharaoh; and Jacob ablessed Pha-
persons. aAll the persons of the cGen. 43:32 raoh.
house of Jacob who went to Egypt 8 Pharaoh said to Jacob, How old
were seventy. CHAPTER 47 are you?
1 aGen. 46:31
9 And Jacob said to Pharaoh,
Jacob Settles in Goshen bGen. 45:10;
aThe days of the years of my 1pil-
28 Then he sent Judah before him 46:28; 50:8 grimage are bone hundred and
to Joseph, ato point out before him 2 aActs 7:13 thirty years; cfew and evil have been
the way to Goshen. And they came 3 aGen. 46:33 the days of the years of my life, and
bGen. 46:32, 34 dthey have not attained to the days
bto the land of Goshen.
29 So Joseph made ready his achar- 4 aDeut. 26:5 of the years of the life of my fathers
iot and went up to Goshen to meet
bGen. 43:1 in the days of their pilgrimage.
cGen. 46:34
his father Israel; and he presented 10 So Jacob ablessed Pharaoh, and
6 aGen. 20:15; went out from before Pharaoh.
himself to him, and bfell on his neck 45:10, 18; 11 And Joseph situated his father
and wept on his neck a good while. 47:11 bGen. and his brothers, and gave them a
30 And Israel said to Joseph, aNow 47:4
possession in the land of Egypt, in
let me die, since I have seen your 7 aGen. 47:10;
the best of the land, in the land of
face, because you are still alive. 48:15, 20 aRameses, bas Pharaoh had com-
9 a[Heb. 11:9,
31 Then Joseph said to his brothers 13] bGen. manded.
and to his fathers household, aI 47:28 c[Job 12 Then Joseph provided ahis father,
will go up and tell Pharaoh, and say 14:1] dGen.
his brothers, and all his fathers
to him, My brothers and those of 5:5; 11:10, 11;
25:7, 8; 35:28 10 aGen. 47:7
my fathers house, who were in the 1Lit. sojourn- 11 aEx. 1:11; 12:37 bGen. 47:6, 27
land of Canaan, have come to me. ing 12 aGen. 45:11; 50:21
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GENESIS 47:13 44
household with bread, according to 13 aGen. 41:30; food, for those of your households
the number in their families. Acts 7:11 and as food for your little ones.
14 aGen. 41:56;
25 So they said, You have saved
Joseph Deals with the Famine aour lives; let us find favor in the
13 Now there was no bread in all sight of my lord, and we will be
the land; for the famine was very 15 aGen. 47:19 Pharaohs servants.
severe, aso that the land of Egypt 26 And Joseph made it a law over
and the land of Canaan languished 17 1supplied the land of Egypt to this day, that
because of the famine. Pharaoh should have one-fifth, aex-
19 aGen. 43:8 cept for the land of the priests only,
14 aAnd Joseph gathered up all the
money that was found in the land of 20 aJer. 32:43
which did not become Pharaohs.
Egypt and in the land of Canaan, for Josephs Vow to Jacob
the grain which they bought; and 21 1So with
Joseph brought the money into MT, Tg.; 27 So Israel adwelt in the land of
Sam., LXX, Egypt, in the country of Goshen;
Pharaohs house. Vg. made the
15 So when the money failed in the people virtual and they had possessions there and
land of Egypt and in the land of slaves bgrew and multiplied exceedingly.
Canaan, all the Egyptians came to 28 And Jacob lived in the land of
Joseph and said, Give us bread, for 22 aLev. 25:34; Egypt seventeen years. So the
awhy should we die in your pres- Ezra 7:24 length of Jacobs life was one hun-
bGen. 41:45
ence? For the money has failed. dred and forty-seven years.
16 Then Joseph said, Give your 25 aGen. 33:15 29 When the time adrew near that
livestock, and I will give you bread Israel must die, he called his son
for your livestock, if the money is 26 aGen. 47:22 Joseph and said to him, Now if I
gone. have found favor in your sight,
17 So they brought their livestock 27 aGen. 47:11 please bput your hand under my
bGen. 17:6;
to Joseph, and Joseph gave them thigh, and cdeal kindly and truly
26:4; 35:11;
bread in exchange for the horses, 46:3; Ex. 1:7;
with me. dPlease do not bury me in
the flocks, the cattle of the herds, Deut. 26:5; Egypt,
and for the donkeys. Thus he 1fed Acts 7:17 30 but alet me lie with my fathers;
them with bread in exchange for all you shall carry me out of Egypt and
their livestock that year. 29 aDeut. bbury me in their burial place. And
31:14; 1 Kin. he said, I will do as you have said.
18 When that year had ended, they 2:1 bGen.
came to him the next year and said 24:24 cGen. 31 Then he said, Swear to me.
to him, We will not hide from my 24:49; Josh. And he swore to him. So aIsrael
lord that our money is gone; my lord 2:14 dGen. bowed himself on the head of the
50:25 bed.
also has our herds of livestock.
There is nothing left in the sight of 30 a2 Sam.
my lord but our bodies and our Jacob Blesses Josephs Sons
19:37 bGen.
lands. 49:29; 50:513; Now it came to pass after
19 Why should we die before your
eyes, both we and our land? Buy us
Heb. 11:21 48 these things that Joseph was
told, Indeed your father is sick;
31 aGen. 48:2;
and our land for bread, and we and 1 Kin. 1:47; and he took with him his two sons,
our land will be servants of Heb. 11:21 aManasseh and Ephraim.
Pharaoh; give us seed, that we may 2 And Jacob was told, Look, your
alive and not die, that the land may
CHAPTER 48 son Joseph is coming to you; and
not be desolate. Israel 1strengthened himself and sat
20 Then Joseph abought all the 1 aGen. 41:51, up on the bed.
land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for every 56; 46:20; 3 Then Jacob said to Joseph: God
man of the Egyptians sold his field, 50:23; Josh. aAlmighty appeared to me at bLuz in
because the famine was severe upon 14:4
the land of Canaan and blessed me,
them. So the land became Pha- 2 1Collected
4 and said to me, Behold, I will
raohs. his strength
amake you fruitful and multiply you,
21 And as for the people, he and I will make of you a multitude
1moved them into the cities, from 3 aGen. 43:14; of people, and bgive this land to your
one end of the borders of Egypt to 49:25 bGen. descendants after you cas an ever-
the other end. 28:13, 19; lasting possession.
35:6, 9
22 aOnly the land of the bpriests he 5 And now your atwo sons,
did not buy; for the priests had ra- 4 aGen. 46:3 Ephraim and Manasseh, who were
tions allotted to them by Pharaoh, bGen. 35:12; born to you in the land of Egypt
and they ate their rations which Ex. 6:8 cGen. before I came to you in Egypt, are
Pharaoh gave them; therefore they 17:8 mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they
did not sell their lands. shall be mine.
5 aGen. 41:50;
23 Then Joseph said to the people, 46:20; 48:8; 6 Your 1offspring 2whom you
Indeed I have bought you and your Josh. 13:7; beget after them shall be yours; they
land this day for Pharaoh. Look, 14:4 will be called by the name of their
here is seed for you, and you shall brothers in their inheritance.
sow the land. 6 1children 7 But as for me, when I came
2Who are
24 And it shall come to pass in the born to you
from Padan, aRachel died beside me
harvest that you shall give one-fifth in the land of Canaan on the way,
to Pharaoh. Four-fifths shall be your 7 aGen. 35:9, when there was but a little distance
own, as seed for the field and for your 16, 19, 20 to go to Ephrath; and I buried her
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45 GENESIS 49:11
there on the way to Ephrath (that is, 9 aGen. 27:4; 21 Then Israel said to Joseph,
Bethlehem). 47:15 Behold, I am dying, but aGod will
8 Then Israel saw Josephs sons, be with you and bring you back to
and said, Who are these? 10 aGen. 27:1
bGen. 27:27;
the land of your fathers.
9 And Joseph said to his father, 45:15; 50:1
22 Moreover aI have given to you
They are my sons, whom God has one 1portion above your brothers,
given me in this place. And he said, which I took from the hand bof the
Please bring them to me, and aI will 11 aGen. 45:26 Amorite with my sword and my
bless them. bow.
10 Now athe eyes of Israel were 14 aMatt. 19:15
dim with age, so that he could not bGen. 48:19 Jacobs Last Words to His Sons
cJosh. 17:1
see. Then Joseph brought them near And Jacob called his sons and
him, and he bkissed them and
embraced them. 15 a[Heb.
49 said, Gather together, that I
may atell you what shall befall you
11:21] bGen.
11 And Israel said to Joseph, aI 17:1; 24:40 bin the last days:
had not thought to see your face;
but in fact, God has also shown me 2 Gather together and hear, you
16 aGen. 22:11,
your offspring! 1518; sons of Jacob,
12 So Joseph brought them from 28:1315; And listen to Israel your father.
beside his knees, and he bowed 31:11 bAmos
down with his face to the earth. 9:12 cNum.
26:34, 37 3 Reuben, you are amy firstborn,
13 And Joseph took them both, My might and the beginning of
Ephraim with his right hand toward my strength,
Israels left hand, and Manasseh with 17 aGen. 48:14
The excellency of dignity and
his left hand toward Israels right the excellency of power.
hand, and brought them near him. 19 aGen. 48:14 4 Unstable as water, you shall not
bNum. 1:33,
14 Then Israel stretched out his excel,
right hand and alaid it on Ephraims Because you awent up to your
head, who was the younger, and his fathers bed;
left hand on Manassehs head, 20 aRuth 4:11, Then you defiled it
bguiding his hands knowingly, for 12
He went up to my couch.
Manasseh was the cfirstborn.
15 And ahe blessed Joseph, and 21 aGen. 28:15; 5 Simeon and Levi are brothers;
said: 46:4; 50:24
Instruments of 1cruelty are in
their dwelling place.
God, bbefore whom my fathers 22 aJosh. 24:32 6 aLet not my soul enter their
bGen. 34:28
Abraham and Isaac walked, 1Lit. shoulder council;
The God who has fed me all my Let not my honor be united bto
life long to this day, their assembly;
16 The Angel awho has redeemed CHAPTER 49 cFor in their anger they slew a
me from all evil, man,
Bless the lads; 1 aDeut. 33:1, And in their self-will they
Let bmy name be named upon 625 bIs. 2:2; 1hamstrung an ox.
them, 39:6 7 Cursed be their anger, for it is
And the name of my fathers fierce;
Abraham and Isaac; 3 aGen. 29:32 And their wrath, for it is cruel!
And let them cgrow into a aI will divide them in Jacob
multitude in the midst of the 4 aGen. 35:22 And scatter them in Israel.
5 1violence
8 Judah,a you are he whom your
17 Now when Joseph saw that his brothers shall praise;
father alaid his right hand on the bYour hand shall be on the neck
head of Ephraim, it displeased him; 6 aProv. 1:15, of your enemies;
16 bPs. 26:9
so he took hold of his fathers hand cGen. 34:26
cYour fathers children shall bow
to remove it from Ephraims head to 1lamed down before you.
Manassehs head. 9 Judah is aa lions whelp;
18 And Joseph said to his father, 7 aJosh. 19:1, From the prey, my son, you
Not so, my father, for this one is the 9; 21:142 have gone up.
firstborn; put your right hand on his bHe 1bows down, he lies down
head. 8 aDeut. 33:7 as a lion;
19 But his father refused and said, bPs. 18:40 And as a lion, who shall rouse
aI know, my son, I know. He also c1 Chr. 5:2 him?
shall become a people, and he also 10 The 1scepter shall not depart
shall be great; but truly bhis younger 9 a[Rev. 5:5] from Judah,
brother shall be greater than he, bNum. 23:24; Nor ba lawgiver from between
and his descendants shall become a 24:9 1couches his feet,
multitude of nations. cUntil Shiloh comes;
20 So he blessed them that day, say- 10 aNum. 24:17; dAnd to Him shall be the
bPs. 60:7 cIs.
ing, aBy you Israel will bless, say- obedience of the people.
ing, May God make you as Ephraim 11:1 dPs. 11 Binding his donkey to the vine,
2:69; 72:811
and as Manasseh! And thus he set 1A symbol of And his donkeys colt
Ephraim before Manasseh. kingship to the choice vine,
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GENESIS 49:12 46
He washed his garments in 13 aDeut. aUp to the utmost bound of the
wine, 33:18, 19 everlasting hills.
bGen. 10:19
And his clothes in the blood of bThey shall be on the head of
grapes. 14 a1 Chr. Joseph,
12 His eyes are darker than wine, 12:32 And on the crown of the head
And his teeth whiter than milk. of him who was separate
15 a1 Sam. from his brothers.
13 Zebuluna shall dwell by the 10:9
haven of the sea; 27 Benjamin is a aravenous wolf;
He shall become a haven for
16 aDeut. In the morning he shall devour
33:22 the prey,
ships, bAnd at night he shall divide the
And his border shall badjoin 17 aJudg. 18:27
18 aIs. 25:9 28 All these are the twelve tribes of
14 Issachara is a strong donkey, Israel, and this is what their father
19 aDeut.
Lying down between two 33:20 1Lit. spoke to them. And he blessed
burdens; Troop 2Lit. them; he blessed each one accord-
15 He saw that rest was good, raid ing to his own blessing.
And that the land was pleasant;
He bowed ahis shoulder to bear 20 aDeut. Jacobs Death and Burial
a burden, 29 Then he charged them and said
And became a band of slaves. 21 aDeut. to them: I aam to be gathered to my
33:23 people; bbury me with my fathers cin
16 Dan shall judge his people
the cave that is in the field of
As one of the tribes of Israel. 23 aGen. 37:4, Ephron the Hittite,
17 aDan shall be a serpent by the 24
30 in the cave that is in the field of
way, 24 aJob 29:20 Machpelah, which is before Mamre
A viper by the path, bPs. 132:2, 5 in the land of Canaan, awhich Abra-
That bites the horses heels cGen. 45:11; ham bought with the field of
So that its rider shall fall 47:12 d[Ps. Ephron the Hittite as a possession
backward. 23:1; 80:1] eIs. for a burial place.
28:16 1Or
18 I have waited for your
supple 31 aThere they buried Abraham
salvation, O LORD! and Sarah his wife, bthere they
25 aGen. 28:13; buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife,
19 Gad,a1 a troop shall 2tramp 32:9; 35:3; and there I buried Leah.
upon him, 43:23; 50:17
bGen. 17:1;
32 The field and the cave that is
But he shall 2triumph at last. 35:11 cDeut. there were purchased from the sons
33:13 of Heth.
20 Bread from aAsher shall be 33 And when Jacob had finished
rich, 26 aDeut. commanding his sons, he drew his
And he shall yield royal dainties. 33:15 bDeut. feet up into the bed and breathed
33:16 his last, and was gathered to his
21 Naphtalia is a deer let loose; 27 aJudg.
Then Joseph afell on his fa-
He uses beautiful words. 20:21, 25
bZech. 14:1 50 thers face, and bwept over
him, and kissed him.
22 Joseph is a fruitful bough,
A fruitful bough by a well; 29aGen. 15:15; 2 And Joseph commanded his
25:8; 35:29 servants the physicians to aembalm
His branches run over the wall. bGen. 47:30
23 The archers have abitterly cGen. his father. So the physicians em-
grieved him, 23:1620; balmed Israel.
Shot at him and hated him. 50:13 3 Forty days were required for
24 But his abow remained in him, for such are the days required
30 aGen. for those who are embalmed; and
strength, 23:320 the Egyptians amourned1 for him
And the arms of his hands seventy days.
were 1made strong 31 aGen. 23:19,
4 Now when the days of his
By the hands of bthe Mighty 20; 25:9 bGen.
35:29; 50:13 mourning were past, Joseph spoke
God of Jacob to athe household of Pharaoh, say-
c(From there dis the Shepherd,
ethe Stone of Israel),
ing, If now I have found favor in
CHAPTER 50 your eyes, please speak in the hear-
25 aBy the God of your father who ing of Pharaoh, saying,
will help you, 1 aGen. 46:4, 5 aMy father made me swear, say-
bAnd by the Almighty cwho will 29 b2 Kin.
13:14 ing, Behold, I am dying; in my
bless you grave bwhich I dug for myself in the
With blessings of heaven 2 aGen. 50:26 land of Canaan, there you shall bury
above, me. Now therefore, please let me
Blessings of the deep that lies 3 aDeut. 34:8 go up and bury my father, and I will
beneath, 1Lit. wept
come back.
Blessings of the breasts and of 6 And Pharaoh said, Go up and
the womb. 4 aEsth. 4:2
bury your father, as he made you
26 The blessings of your father 5 aGen.
Have excelled the blessings of 47:2931 7 So Joseph went up to bury his
my ancestors, bIs. 22:16 father; and with him went up all the
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47 GENESIS 50:26
servants of Pharaoh, the elders of 10 aActs 8:2
b1 Sam. 31:13
17 Thus you shall say to Joseph: I
his house, and all the elders of the beg you, please forgive the trespass
land of Egypt, of your brothers and their sin; afor
8 as well as all the house of Jo- 11 1Lit. they did evil to you. Now, please,
seph, his brothers, and his fathers Mourning of forgive the trespass of the servants
house. Only their little ones, their Egypt of bthe God of your father. And
flocks, and their herds they left in Joseph wept when they spoke to
the land of Goshen. 13 aActs 7:16 him.
9 And there went up with him bGen.
18 Then his brothers also went and
both chariots and horsemen, and it 23:1620 afell down before his face, and they
was a very great gathering. said, Behold, we are your servants.
10 Then they came to the threshing 19 Joseph said to them, aDo not be
floor of Atad, which is beyond the 15 a[Job 15:21]
Jordan, and they amourned there
afraid, bfor am I in the place of God?
with a great and very solemn 20 aBut as for you, you meant evil
lamentation. bHe observed seven 17 a[Prov. against me; but bGod meant it for
days of mourning for his father. 28:13] bGen. good, in order to bring it about as it
11 And when the inhabitants of the 49:25 is this day, to save many people
land, the Canaanites, saw the alive.
mourning at the threshing floor of 18 aGen. 21 Now therefore, do not be
Atad, they said, This is a deep 37:710; afraid; aI will provide for you and
mourning of the Egyptians. There- 41:43; 44:14 your little ones. And he comforted
fore its name was called 1Abel them and spoke 1kindly to them.
Mizraim, which is beyond the Jor- 19 aGen. 45:5
dan. b2 Kin. 5:7 Death of Joseph
12 So his sons did for him just as 22 So Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he
he had commanded them. and his fathers household. And
13 For ahis sons carried him to the 20 aPs. 56:5
b[Acts Joseph lived one hundred and ten
land of Canaan, and buried him in 3:1315] years.
the cave of the field of Machpelah,
before Mamre, which Abraham 23 Joseph saw Ephraims children
ato the third generation. bThe chil-
bbought with the field from Ephron 21 a[Matt.
the Hittite as property for a burial 5:44] 1Lit. to dren of Machir, the son of Ma-
their hearts nasseh, cwere also brought up on
14 And after he had buried his Josephs knees.
father, Joseph returned to Egypt, he 23 aJob 42:16 24 And Joseph said to his brethren,
and his brothers and all who went bNum. 26:29; I am dying; but aGod will surely
up with him to bury his father. 32:39 cGen. visit you, and bring you out of this
land to the land bof which He swore
Joseph Reassures His Brothers to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
15 When Josephs brothers saw 24 aEx. 3:16, 25 Then aJoseph took an oath from
17 bGen. 26:3; the children of Israel, saying, God
that their father was dead, athey 35:12; 46:4
said, Perhaps Joseph will hate us, will surely 1visit you, and byou shall
and may 1actually repay us for all carry up my cbones from here.
the evil which we did to him. 25 aEx. 13:19 26 So Joseph died, being one hun-
bDeut. 1:8;
16 So they sent messengers to 30:18 cEx.
dred and ten years old; and they
Joseph, saying, Before your father 13:19 1give embalmed him, and he was put in a
died he commanded, saying, attention to coffin in Egypt.
E XODUS is the record of Israels birth as a nation. Within the protective womb
of Egypt, the Jewish family of seventy rapidly multiplies. At the right time,
accompanied with severe birth pains, an infant nation, numbering between two
and three million people, is brought into the world where it is divinely protected,
fed, and nurtured.
The Hebrew title, Weelleh Shemoth, Now These Are the Names, comes from
the first phrase in 1:1. Exodus begins with Now to show it as a continuation of
Genesis. The Greek title is Exodus, a word meaning exit, departure, or going
out. The Septuagint uses this word to describe the book by its key event
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EXODUS 1:1 48
(see 19:1, gone out). In Luke 9:31 and in Second Peter 1:15, the word exodus
speaks of physical death (Jesus and Peter). This embodies Exoduss theme of
redemption, because redemption is accomplished only through death. The Latin
title is Liber Exodus, Book of Departure, taken from the Greek title.
Israels Suffering in Egypt CHAPTER 1 Why have you done this thing, and
1 aGen. saved the male children alive?
OW athese are the names of the
N children of Israel who came to
Egypt; each man and his household
5 aGen. 46:26,
19 And athe midwives said to
Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew
27 1Lit. who women are not like the Egyptian
came with Jacob: came from women; for they 1are lively and give
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Ju- the loins of birth before the midwives come to
dah; 2DSS, LXX
3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benja- seventy-five;
cf. Acts 7:14 20 aTherefore God dealt well with
min; the midwives, and the people multi-
4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. 6 aGen. 50:26
plied and 1grew very mighty.
5 All those 1who were descendants 7 aActs 7:17 21 And so it was, because the mid-
of Jacob were aseventy2 persons (for 1became very
wives feared God, athat He 1pro-
Joseph was in Egypt already). numerous
vided households for them.
6 And aJoseph died, all his broth- 8 aActs 7:18, 22 So Pharaoh commanded all his
ers, and all that generation. 19 people, saying, aEvery son who is
7 aBut the children of Israel were 9 aGen. 26:16 1born you shall cast into the river, and
fruitful and increased abundantly, every daughter you shall save alive.
multiplied and 1grew exceedingly 10 aPs. 83:3, 4
bActs 7:19
mighty; and the land was filled with Moses Is Born
them. 11 aEx. 3:7; 5:6
And aa man of the house of Levi
8 Now there arose a new king over
Egypt, awho did not know Joseph.
bEx. 1:14;
2:11; 5:49; 6:6
c1 Kin. 9:19
2 went and took as wife a daugh-
ter of Levi.
9 And he said to his people, Look, dGen. 47:11
2 So the woman conceived and
the people of the children of Israel 13 aGen. 15:13 bore a son. And awhen she saw that
are more and amightier than we; 1harshness
he was a beautiful child, she hid him
10 acome, let us bdeal shrewdly three months.
14 aNum.
with them, lest they multiply, and it 20:15 bPs. 81:6 3 But when she could no longer
happen, in the event of war, that hide him, she took an ark of abul-
they also join our enemies and fight 15 aEx. 2:6
rushes for him, daubed it with bas-
against us, and so go up out of the 16 aActs 7:19 phalt and cpitch, put the child in it,
land. 17 aProv. 16:6 and laid it in the reeds dby the
11 Therefore they set taskmasters bDan. 3:16, 18 rivers bank.
over them ato afflict them with their 4 aAnd his sister stood afar off, to
bburdens. And they built for Pharaoh 19 aJosh. 2:4
csupply cities, Pithom dand Raamses.
1have vigor of know what would be done to him.
life, bear 5 Then the adaughter of Pharaoh
12 But the more they afflicted them, quickly, easily came down to bathe at the river.
the more they multiplied and grew. 20 a[Prov. And her maidens walked along the
And they were in dread of the chil- 11:18] riverside; and when she saw the ark
dren of Israel. 1became very
among the reeds, she sent her maid
13 So the Egyptians made the chil- numerous
to get it.
dren of Israel aserve with 1rigor. 21 a1 Sam. 6 And when she opened it, she
14 And they amade their lives bitter 2:35 1gave saw the child, and behold, the baby
with hard bondagebin mortar, in them families
wept. So she had compassion on
brick, and in all manner of service 22 aActs 7:19 him, and said, This is one of the
1Sam., LXX,
in the field. All their service in Hebrews children.
which they made them serve was Tg. add to the
Hebrews 7 Then his sister said to Pharaohs
with rigor. daughter, Shall I go and call a
15 Then the king of Egypt spoke to nurse for you from the Hebrew
the aHebrew midwives, of whom the CHAPTER 2 women, that she may nurse the
name of one was Shiphrah and the child for you?
name of the other Puah; 1 aEx. 6:1620 8 And Pharaohs daughter said to
16 and he said, When you do the her, Go. So the maiden went and
duties of a midwife for the Hebrew 2 aActs 7:20 called the childs mother.
women, and see them on the birth- 3 aIs. 18:2 9 Then Pharaohs daughter said
stools, if it is a ason, then you shall bGen. 14:10
to her, Take this child away and
cGen. 6:14 dIs.
kill him; but if it is a daughter, then nurse him for me, and I will give you
she shall live. your wages. So the woman took the
17 But the midwives afeared God, 4 aNum. 26:59 child and nursed him.
and did not do bas the king of Egypt 5 aActs 7:21 10 And the child grew, and she
commanded them, but saved the brought him to Pharaohs daughter,
male children alive. 10 aActs 7:21 and he became aher son. So she called
18 So the king of Egypt called for Mosheh, lit. his name 1Moses, saying, Because I
the midwives and said to them, Drawn Out drew him out of the water.
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49 EXODUS 3:15
Moses Flees to Midian 11 aHeb. and came to cHoreb, dthe mountain
11:2426 of God.
11 Now it came to pass in those 12 aActs 7:24, 2 And athe Angel of the LORD
days, awhen Moses was grown, that 25
appeared to him in a flame of fire
he went out to his brethren and 13 aActs
from the midst of a bush. So he
looked at their burdens. And he saw 7:2628
bProv. 25:8 looked, and behold, the bush was
an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one 14 aActs 7:27, burning with fire, but the bush was
of his brethren. 28 bJudg. 6:27 not consumed.
12 So he looked this way and that 15 aActs 7:29 3 Then Moses said, I will now
way, and when he saw no one, he bEx. 3:1 cGen.
turn aside and see this agreat sight,
akilled the Egyptian and hid him in 24:11; 29:2
1the presence why the bush does not burn.
the sand. of Pharaoh 4 So when the LORD saw that he
13 And awhen he went out the sec- 16 aEx. 3:1; turned aside to look, God called ato
ond day, behold, two Hebrew men 4:18; 18:12 him from the midst of the bush and
bwere fighting, and he said to the bGen. 24:11,
13, 19; 29:610
said, Moses, Moses! And he said,
one who did the wrong, Why are cGen. 30:38 Here I am.
you striking your companion? 5 Then He said, Do not draw
17 aGen. 47:3
14 Then he said, aWho made you a bGen. near this place. aTake your sandals
prince and a judge over us? Do you 26:1921 off your feet, for the place where
intend to kill me as you killed the cGen. 29:3, 10
you stand is holy ground.
Egyptian? So Moses bfeared and 18 aNum. 10:29
6 Moreover He said, aI am the God
bEx. 3:1; 4:18
said, Surely this thing is known! 1Jethro, Ex. of your fatherthe God of Abraham,
15 When Pharaoh heard of this 3:1 the God of Isaac, and the God of
matter, he sought to kill Moses. But 20 aGen. 31:54; Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for
aMoses fled from 1the face of
43:25 bhe was afraid to look upon God.
Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of 21 aEx. 4:25; 7 And the LORD said: aI have
bMidian; and he sat down by ca well. 18:2
surely seen the oppression of My
16 aNow the priest of Midian had 22 aEx. 4:20; people who are in Egypt, and have
seven daughters. bAnd they came 18:3, 4 bActs
7:29 1Lit. heard their cry bbecause of their
and drew water, and they filled the Stranger taskmasters, cfor I know their 1sor-
ctroughs to water their fathers flock. There
17 Then the ashepherds came and 8 So aI have come down to bde-
bdrove them away; but Moses stood temporary
resident liver them out of the hand of the
up and helped them, and cwatered 23 aActs 7:34 Egyptians, and to bring them up
their flock. bDeut. 26:7
from that land cto a good and large
18 When they came to aReuel1 their cJames 5:4
land, to a land dflowing with milk
father, bhe said, How is it that you 24 aEx. 6:5 and honey, to the place of ethe
bGen. 15:13;
have come so soon today? Canaanites and the Hittites and the
19 And they said, An Egyptian 26:25; Amorites and the Perizzites and
delivered us from the hand of the 28:1315 the Hivites and the Jebusites.
shepherds, and he also drew enough cGen. 12:13;
9 Now therefore, behold, athe cry
water for us and watered the flock. 15:14; 17:114
25 aEx. 4:31
of the children of Israel has come to
20 So he said to his daughters, bEx. 3:7 Me, and I have also seen the bop-
And where is he? Why is it that you pression with which the Egyptians
have left the man? Call him, that he CHAPTER 3 oppress them.
may aeat bread. 10 aCome now, therefore, and I
1 aEx. 4:18
21 Then Moses was content to live bEx. 2:16 cEx. will send you to Pharaoh that you
with the man, and he gave aZippo- 18:5 dEx. 17:6 may bring My people, the children
rah his daughter to Moses. 2 aDeut. 33:16 of Israel, out of Egypt.
22 And she bore him a son. He 3 aActs 7:31 11 But Moses said to God, aWho
called his name aGershom,1 for he 4 aDeut. 33:16 am I that I should go to Pharaoh,
said, I have been ba 2stranger in a 5 aJosh. 5:15 and that I should bring the children
foreign land. 6 a[Matt. of Israel out of Egypt?
23 Now it happened ain the process 22:32] b1 Kin. 12 So He said, aI will certainly be
of time that the king of Egypt died. 19:13
with you. And this shall be a bsign to
Then the children of Israel bgroaned 7 aEx. 2:2325 you that I have sent you: When you
bEx. 1:11 cEx.
because of the bondage, and they have brought the people out of
2:25 1pain
cried out; and ctheir cry came up to Egypt, you shall serve God on this
8 aGen.
God because of the bondage. 15:1316; 46:4; mountain.
24 So God aheard their groaning, 50:24, 25 bEx. 13 Then Moses said to God, Indeed,
and God bremembered His ccovenant 6:68; 12:51
cDeut. 1:25; when I come to the children of Israel
with Abraham, with Isaac, and with 8:79 dJer. 11:5 and say to them, The God of your
Jacob. eGen. 15:1921 fathers has sent me to you, and they
25 And God alooked upon the chil- 9 aEx. 2:23 say to me, What is His name? what
dren of Israel, and God backnowl- bEx. 1:11, 13,
shall I say to them?
edged them. 14
14 And God said to Moses, I AM
10 a[Mic. 6:4]
Moses at the Burning Bush WHO I AM. And He said, Thus
11 aEx. 4:10; you shall say to the children of
Now Moses was tending the Israel, aI AM has sent me to you.
3 flock of aJethro his father-in-law,
bthe priest of Midian. And he led the
12 aGen. 31:3
bEx. 4:8; 19:3 15 Moreover God said to Moses,
Thus you shall say to the children
14 a[John 8:24,
flock to the back of the desert, 28, 58] of Israel: The LORD God of your
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EXODUS 3:16 50
fathers, the God of Abraham, the 15 aPs. 30:4; som, and when he took it out,
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, 97:12; 102:12; behold, his hand was leprous, alike
has sent me to you. This is aMy snow.
name forever, and this is My memo- 16 aEx. 4:29 7 And He said, Put your hand in
rial to all generations. bEx. 2:25; 4:31 your bosom again. So he put his
16 Go and agather the elders of hand in his bosom again, and drew
17 aGen. it out of his bosom, and behold, ait
Israel together, and say to them, 15:1321; 46:4;
The LORD God of your fathers, the 50:24, 25 was restored like his other flesh.
God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of 8 Then it will be, if they do not
Jacob, appeared to me, saying, bI 18 aEx. 4:31 believe you, nor heed the message of
bEx. 5:1, 3
have surely visited you and seen cNum. 23:3, 4,
the afirst sign, that they may believe
what is done to you in Egypt; 15, 16
the message of the latter sign.
17 and I have said aI will bring you 9 And it shall be, if they do not
up out of the affliction of Egypt to 19 aEx. 5:2 believe even these two signs, or lis-
the land of the Canaanites and the ten to your voice, that you shall take
Hittites and the Amorites and the 20 aEx. 6:6; water from 1the river and pour it on
9:15 bDeut. the dry land. aThe water which you
Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jeb- 6:22 cEx. 11:1;
usites, to a land flowing with milk 12:3137 take from the river will become
and honey. blood on the dry land.
18 Then athey will heed your 21 aEx. 11:3; 10 Then Moses said to the LORD,
voice; and byou shall come, you and 12:36 O my Lord, I am not eloquent, nei-
the elders of Israel, to the king of 22 aEx. 11:2
ther before nor since You have spo-
Egypt; and you shall say to him, bEx. 33:6 cJob ken to Your servant; but aI am slow
The LORD God of the Hebrews has 27:17 of speech and 1slow of tongue.
cmet with us; and now, please, let us 11 So the LORD said to him, aWho
go three days journey into the has made mans mouth? Or who
wilderness, that we may sacrifice to CHAPTER 4 makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing,
the LORD our God. or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?
19 But I am sure that the king of 5 aEx. 4:31;
12 Now therefore, go, and I will be
Egypt awill not let you go, no, not awith your mouth and teach you
19:9 bEx. 3:6,
even by a mighty hand. 15 what you shall say.
20 So I will astretch out My hand 13 But he said, O my Lord, aplease
and strike Egypt with ball My won- 6 aNum. 12:10 send by the hand of whomever else
ders which I will do in its midst; and 7 aDeut. 32:39
You may send.
cafter that he will let you go. 14 So athe anger of the LORD was
21 And aI will give this people 8 aEx. 7:613 kindled against Moses, and He said:
favor in the sight of the Egyptians; Is not Aaron the Levite your
and it shall be, when you go, that 9 aEx. 7:19, 20 bbrother? I know that he can speak
1The Nile
you shall not go empty-handed. well. And look, che is also coming
22 aBut every woman shall ask of 10 aEx. 3:11; out to meet you. When he sees you,
her neighbor, namely, of her who 4:1; 6:12 he will be glad in his heart.
dwells near her house, barticles of 1heavy or dull 15 Now ayou shall speak to him
silver, articles of gold, and clothing; of tongue; and bput the words in his mouth.
cannot talk And I will be with your mouth and
and you shall put them on your sons very well
and on your daughters. So cyou with his mouth, and cI will teach you
shall plunder the Egyptians. 11 aPs. 94:9; what you shall do.
146:8 16 So he shall be your spokesman
Miraculous Signs for Pharaoh to the people. And he himself shall
12 aIs. 50:4 be as a mouth for you, and ayou
Then Moses answered and said,
4 But suppose they will not
believe me or listen to my voice;
13 aJon. 1:3 shall be to him as God.
17 And you shall take this rod in
suppose they say, The LORD has not 14 aNum. 11:1, your hand, with which you shall do
33 bNum. the signs.
appeared to you. 26:59 cEx.
2 So the LORD said to him, What 4:27 Moses Goes to Egypt
is that in your hand? He said, A
rod. 15 aEx. 4:12, 18 So Moses went and returned to
30; 7:1, 2 aJethro his father-in-law, and said to
3 And He said, Cast it on the bNum. 23:5,
ground. So he cast it on the ground, 12 cDeut. 5:31 him, Please let me go and return
and it became a serpent; and Moses to my brethren who are in Egypt, and
fled from it. 16 aEx. 7:1, 2 see whether they are still alive. And
4 Then the LORD said to Moses, Jethro said to Moses, bGo in peace.
18 aEx. 2:21;
Reach out your hand and take it by 3:1; 4:18
19 Now the LORD said to Moses in
aMidian, Go, return to bEgypt; for
the tail (and he reached out his bJudg. 18:6
hand and caught it, and it became a call the men who sought your life
rod in his hand), 19 aEx. 3:1; are dead.
18:1 bGen. 20 Then Moses atook his wife and
5 that they may abelieve that the 46:3, 6 cEx.
bLORD God of their fathers, the God
2:15, 23 his sons and set them on a donkey,
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and and he returned to the land of
the God of Jacob, has appeared to 20 aEx. 18:25 Egypt. And Moses took bthe rod of
bNum. 20:8,
you. God in his hand.
9, 11
6 Furthermore the LORD said to 21 And the LORD said to Moses,
him, Now put your hand in your bo- 21 aEx. 3:20; When you go back to Egypt, see
som. And he put his hand in his bo- 11:9, 10 that you do all those awonders before
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51 EXODUS 5:23
Pharaoh which I have put in your 21 bEx. 7:3, 13; fore. Let them go and gather straw
hand. But bI will harden his heart, so 9:12, 35; 10:1, for themselves.
20, 27; 14:4, 8;
that he will not let the people go. Deut. 2:30; 8 And you shall lay on them the
22 Then you shall asay to Josh. 11:20; quota of bricks which they made
Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD: 1 Sam. 6:6; Is. before. You shall not reduce it. For
bIsrael is My son, cMy firstborn. 63:17; John
12:40; Rom. they are idle; therefore they cry out,
23 So I say to you, let My son go 9:18 saying, Let us go and sacrifice to
that he may serve Me. But if you 22 aEx. 5:1 bIs.
our God.
refuse to let him go, indeed aI will 63:16; 64:8; 9 Let more work be laid on the
kill your son, your firstborn. Hos. 11:1; men, that they may labor in it, and
24 And it came to pass on the way, [Rom. 9:4; let them not regard false words.
2 Cor. 6:16,
at the aencampment, that the LORD 18] cJer. 31:9; 10 And the taskmasters of the peo-
bmet him and sought to ckill him. [James 1:18] ple and their officers went out and
25 Then aZipporah took ba sharp 23 aEx. 11:5;
spoke to the people, saying, Thus
stone and cut off the foreskin of her 12:29; Ps. says Pharaoh: I will not give you
son and 1cast it at 2Moses feet, and 105:36; 135:8; straw.
said, Surely you are a husband of 136:10 11 Go, get yourselves straw where
blood to me! 24 aGen. 42:27 you can find it; yet none of your
26 So He let him go. Then she said, bEx. 3:18; 5:3;
work will be reduced.
You are a 1husband of blood! Num. 22:22 12 So the people were scattered
cGen. 17:14
because of the circumcision. abroad throughout all the land of
27 And the LORD said to Aaron, Go 25 aEx. 2:21; Egypt to gather stubble instead of
18:2 bGen.
into the wilderness ato meet Moses. 17:14; Josh. straw.
So he went and met him on bthe 5:2, 3 1Lit. 13 And the taskmasters forced
mountain of God, and kissed him. made it touch
2Lit. his
them to hurry, saying, Fulfill your
28 So Moses atold Aaron all the work, your daily quota, as when
words of the LORD who had sent 26 1bride- there was straw.
him, and all the bsigns which He had groom 14 Also the aofficers of the children
commanded him. 27 aEx. 4:14 of Israel, whom Pharaohs taskmas-
29 Then Moses and Aaron awent bEx. 3:1; 18:5;
ters had set over them, were bbeaten
and gathered together all the elders 24:13 and were asked, Why have you not
of the children of Israel. 28 aEx. 4:15, fulfilled your task in making brick
30 aAnd Aaron spoke all the words 16 bEx. 4:8, 9 both yesterday and today, as
which the LORD had spoken to 29 aEx. 3:16; before?
Moses. Then he did the signs in the 12:21 15 Then the officers of the children
sight of the people. 30 aEx. 4:15, of Israel came and cried out to
31 So the people abelieved; and 16 Pharaoh, saying, Why are you deal-
when they heard that the LORD had 31 aEx. 3:18; ing thus with your servants?
bvisited the children of Israel and 4:8, 9; 19:9 16 There is no straw given to your
bGen. 50:24;
that He chad looked on their afflic- servants, and they say to us, Make
tion, then dthey bowed their heads Ex. 3:16 cEx. brick! And indeed your servants
2:25; 3:7 dGen.
and worshiped. 24:26; Ex. are beaten, but the fault is in your
12:27; 1 Chr. own people.
First Encounter with Pharaoh 29:20 17 But he said, You are idle! Idle!
Afterward Moses and Aaron Therefore you say, Let us go and
5 went in and told Pharaoh, Thus
says the LORD God of Israel: Let
CHAPTER 5 sacrifice to the LORD.
18 Therefore go now and work;
1 aEx. 3:18; for no straw shall be given you, yet
My people go, that they may 1hold aa 7:16; 10:9
feast to Me in the wilderness. 1keep a pil- you shall deliver the quota of
2 And Pharaoh said, aWho is the grim-feast bricks.
LORD, that I should obey His voice 2 a2 Kin. 19 And the officers of the children
to let Israel go? I do not know the 18:35; 2 Chr. of Israel saw that they were in trou-
LORD, bnor will I let Israel go. 32:14; Job ble after it was said, You shall not
21:15 bEx. reduce any bricks from your daily
3 So they said, aThe God of the 3:19; 7:14
Hebrews has bmet with us. Please, let quota.
3 aEx. 3:18; 20 Then, as they came out from
us go three days journey into the 7:16 bEx. 4:24;
desert and sacrifice to the LORD our Num. 23:3 Pharaoh, they met Moses and Aaron
God, lest He fall upon us with cpesti- cEx. 9:15 who stood there to meet them.
lence or with the sword. 4 aEx. 1:11;
21 aAnd they said to them, Let the
4 Then the king of Egypt said to 2:11; 6:6 LORD look on you and judge,
them, Moses and Aaron, why do because you have made 1us abhor-
5 aEx. 1:7, 9
you take the people from their rent in the sight of Pharaoh and in
work? Get back to your alabor. 6 aEx. 1:11; the sight of his servants, to put a
3:7; 5:10, 13, sword in their hand to kill us.
5 And Pharaoh said, Look, the 14
people of the land are amany now, 7 aEx. 1:14 Israels Deliverance Assured
and you make them rest from their
labor! 14 aEx. 5:6 bIs. 22 So Moses returned to the LORD
6 So the same day Pharaoh com- and said, Lord, why have You
manded the ataskmasters of the 21 aEx. 6:9; brought trouble on this people? Why
people and their officers, saying, 14:11; 15:24; is it You have sent me?
16:2 1Lit. our
7 You shall no longer give the scent to stink 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to
people straw to make abrick as be- before speak in Your name, he has done evil
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 52
EXODUS 6:1 52
to this people; neither have You CHAPTER 6 16 These are the names of athe sons
delivered Your people at all. 1 aEx. 3:19
bEx. 12:31,
of Levi according to their genera-
Then the LORD said to Moses, tions: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
6 Now you shall see what I will
do to Pharaoh. For awith a strong
33, 39
2 1Heb.
And the years of the life of Levi were
one hundred and thirty-seven.
hand he will let them go, and with a 3 aGen. 17:1; 17 aThe sons of Gershon were
strong hand bhe will drive them out 35:9; 48:3
bGen. 28:3;
Libni and Shimi according to their
of his land. 35:11 cPs.
2 And God spoke to Moses and 68:4; 83:18 18 And athe sons of Kohath were
said to him: I am 1the LORD. 1Heb. YHWH, Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
3 aI appeared to Abraham, to traditionally And the years of the life of Kohath
Isaac, and to Jacob, as bGod 4 aGen. 12:7;
were one hundred and thirty-three.
Almighty, but by My name cLORD1 I 15:18; 17:4, 7, 19 aThe sons of Merari were Mahli
was not known to them. 8; 26:3; 28:4, and Mushi. These are the families
4 aI have also 1established My 13 bLev. 25:23
cGen. 28:4
of Levi according to their genera-
covenant with them, bto give them 1made or rati- tions.
the land of Canaan, the land of their fied 2sojourn- 20 Now aAmram took for himself
2pilgrimage, cin which they were ings 3sojourn- bJochebed, his fathers sister, as
3strangers. ers, wife; and she bore him cAaron and
5 And aI have also heard the residents Moses. And the years of the life of
groaning of the children of Israel 5 aEx. 2:24 Amram were one hundred and
whom the Egyptians keep in bond- 6 aDeut. 6:12 thirty-seven.
age, and I have remembered My co- bDeut. 26:8 21 aThe sons of Izhar were Korah,
cDeut. 7:8
venant. 1Mighty
Nepheg, and Zichri.
6 Therefore say to the children of power 22 And athe sons of Uzziel were
Israel: aI am the LORD; bI will bring 7 a2 Sam. 7:24 Mishael, Elzaphan, and Zithri.
you out from under the burdens of bEx. 29:45, 46 23 Aaron took to himself Elisheba,
cEx. 5:4, 5
the Egyptians, I will crescue you daughter of aAmminadab, sister of
from their bondage, and I will 8 aGen. 15:18; Nahshon, as wife; and she bore him
26:3 1prom-
redeem you with 1an outstretched ised, lit. lifted
bNadab, Abihu, cEleazar, and Itha-
arm and with great judgments. up My hand mar.
7 I will atake you as My people, 9 aEx. 5:21 24 And athe sons of Korah were As-
bEx. 2:23 1Lit.
and bI will be your God. Then you sir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph. These
shall know that I am the LORD your 12 aJer. 1:6
are the families of the Korahites.
God who brings you out cfrom 1One who 25 Eleazar, Aarons son, took for
under the burdens of the Egyptians. does not himself one of the daughters of
8 And I will bring you into the land speak well Putiel as wife; and ashe bore him
which I aswore1 to give to Abraham, 13 aDeut. Phinehas. These are the heads of
31:14 1charge
Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to 14 aGen. 46:9
the fathers houses of the Levites
you as a heritage: I am the LORD. 15 aGen. 46:10
according to their families.
9 So Moses spoke thus to the chil- 1Nemuel, 26 These are the same Aaron and
dren of Israel; abut they did not heed Num. 26:12 Moses to whom the LORD said,
Moses, because of banguish1 of spirit 16 aGen. 46:11 Bring out the children of Israel
and cruel bondage. 17 a1 Chr. 6:17 from the land of Egypt according to
10 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 18 a1 Chr. 6:2, their aarmies.1
saying, 19 a1 Chr.
27 These are the ones who spoke to
11 Go in, tell Pharaoh king of 6:19; 23:21 Pharaoh king of Egypt, ato bring out
Egypt to let the children of Israel go 20 aEx. 2:1, 2 the children of Israel from Egypt.
out of his land. bNum. 26:59
cNum. 26:59
These are the same Moses and
12 And Moses spoke before the Aaron.
LORD, saying, The children of Israel 21 a1 Chr.
6:37, 38 Aaron Is Moses Spokesman
have not heeded me. How then shall 22 aLev. 10:4
Pharaoh heed me, for aI am 1of uncir- 23 aRuth 4:19, 28 And it came to pass, on the day
cumcised lips? 20 bLev. 10:1 the LORD spoke to Moses in the land
cEx. 28:1
13 Then the LORD spoke to Moses of Egypt,
and Aaron, and gave them a acom- 24 aNum.
26:11 29 that the LORD spoke to Moses,
mand1 for the children of Israel and 25 aNum. 25:7, saying, I am the LORD. aSpeak to
for Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring 11 Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say
the children of Israel out of the land 26 aEx. 7:4; to you.
of Egypt. 12:17, 51 30 But Moses said before the
The Family of Moses and Aaron 27 aPs. 77:20 LORD, Behold, aI am 1of uncircum-
29 aEx. 6:11; cised lips, and how shall Pharaoh
14 These are the heads of their 7:2 heed me?
fathers houses: aThe sons of So the LORD said to Moses: See,
Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, were
Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
30 aEx. 4:10;
6:12 1One
who does not
7 I have made you aas God to
Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother
speak well
These are the families of Reuben. shall be byour prophet.
15 aAnd the sons of Simeon were 2 You ashall speak all that I com-
1Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zo- 1 aEx. 4:16 mand you. And Aaron your brother
bEx. 4:15, 16
har, and Shaul the son of a Canaan- 2 aEx. 4:15 shall tell Pharaoh to send the chil-
ite woman. These are the families of 3 aEx. 4:21; dren of Israel out of his land.
Simeon. 9:12 3 And aI will harden Pharaohs
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53 EXODUS 8:8
heart, and bmultiply My csigns and 3 bEx. 11:9; 19 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
My wonders in the land of Egypt. Acts 7:36 cEx. Say to Aaron, Take your rod and
4:7; Deut. 4:34
4 But aPharaoh will not heed you, astretch out your hand over the
4 aEx. 3:19, 20;
so bthat I may lay My hand on Egypt 10:1; 11:9 bEx. waters of Egypt, over their streams,
and bring My 1armies and My peo- 9:14 cEx. 6:6; over their rivers, over their ponds,
ple, the children of Israel, out of the 12:12 1hosts and over all their pools of water,
land of Egypt cby great judgments. 5 aEx. 7:17; that they may become blood. And
5 And the Egyptians ashall know 8:22; 14:4, 18; there shall be blood throughout all
that I am the LORD, when I bstretch Ps. 9:16 bEx.
9:15 cEx. 3:20; the land of Egypt, both in buckets of
out My hand on Egypt and cbring 6:6; 12:51 wood and pitchers of stone.
out the children of Israel from 6 aEx. 7:2 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, just
among them. as the LORD commanded. So he alifted
6 Then Moses and Aaron adid so; 7 aDeut. 29:5;
31:2; 34:7; up the rod and struck the waters that
just as the LORD commanded them, Acts 7:23, 30 were in the river, in the sight of
so they did. bNum. 33:39
Pharaoh and in the sight of his ser-
7 And Moses was aeighty years 9 aEx. 10:1; Is. vants. And all the bwaters that were
old and bAaron eighty-three years 7:11; John in the river were turned to blood.
old when they spoke to Pharaoh. 2:18; 6:30 bEx.
4:2, 3, 17 21 The fish that were in the river
Aarons Miraculous Rod 10 aEx. 7:9
died, the river stank, and the Egyp-
bEx. 4:3 tians acould not drink the water of
8 Then the LORD spoke to Moses 11 aGen. 41:8 the river. So there was blood
and Aaron, saying, bDan. 2:2; throughout all the land of Egypt.
9 When Pharaoh speaks to you, 2 Tim. 3:8 cEx. 22 aThen the magicians of Egypt
saying, aShow a miracle for your- 7:22; 8:7, 18; did bso with their 1enchantments;
2 Tim. 3:9;
selves, then you shall say to Aaron, Rev. 13:13, 14 and Pharaohs heart grew hard, and
bTake your rod and cast it before 1soothsayers he did not heed them, cas the LORD
Pharaoh, and let it become a ser- 2secret arts
had said.
pent. 14 aEx. 8:15; 23 And Pharaoh turned and went
10 So Moses and Aaron went in to 10:1, 20, 27 into his house. Neither was his heart
Pharaoh, and they did so, just aas 15 aEx. 2:5; moved by this.
the LORD commanded. And Aaron 8:20 bEx. 4:2, 24 So all the Egyptians dug all
cast down his rod before Pharaoh 3; 7:10
around the river for water to drink,
and before his servants, and it bbe- 16 aEx. 3:13, because they could not drink the
came a serpent. 18; 4:22 bEx.
3:12, 18; 4:23; water of the river.
11 But Pharaoh also acalled the 5:1, 3; 8:1 25 And seven days passed after the
wise men and bthe 1sorcerers; so the 1worship
LORD had struck the river.
magicians of Egypt, they also cdid in 17 aEx. 5:2;
like manner with their 2enchant- 7:5; 10:2; Ps. The Second Plague: Frogs
ments. 9:16; Ezek.
And the LORD spoke to Moses,
12 For every man threw down his
rod, and they became serpents. But
25:17 bEx. 4:9;
7:20 cRev.
11:6; 16:4, 6
8 Go to Pharaoh and say to him,
Thus says the LORD: Let My peo-
Aarons rod swallowed up their rods. 18 aEx. 7:24
13 And Pharaohs heart grew hard, 1be weary of ple go, athat they may serve Me.
and he did not heed them, as the drinking 2 But if you arefuse to let them
LORD had said. 19 aEx. 8:5, 6, go, behold, I will smite all your terri-
16; 9:22; tory with bfrogs.
The First Plague: Waters Become 10:12, 21; 3 So the river shall bring forth
Blood 14:21, 26 frogs abundantly, which shall go up
20 aEx. 17:5 and come into your house, into your
14 So the LORD said to Moses: bPs. 78:44;
abedroom, on your bed, into the
aPharaohs heart is hard; he refuses 105:29, 30
to let the people go. houses of your servants, on your
21 aEx. 7:18
15 Go to Pharaoh in the morning, people, into your ovens, and into
22 aEx. 7:11 your kneading bowls.
when he goes out to the awater, and bEx. 8:7 cEx.
you shall stand by the rivers bank 3:19; 7:3 4 And the frogs shall come up on
to meet him; and bthe rod which was 1secret arts you, on your people, and on all your
turned to a serpent you shall take in servants.
CHAPTER 8 5 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
your hand.
16 And you shall say to him, aThe 1 aEx. 3:12, 18; Say to Aaron, aStretch out your
LORD God of the Hebrews has sent 4:23; 5:1, 3 hand with your rod over the
me to you, saying, Let My people go, 2 aEx. 7:14; 9:2 streams, over the rivers, and over
bthat they may 1serve Me in the bRev. 16:13 the ponds, and cause frogs to come
wilderness; but indeed, until now 3 aPs. 105:30 up on the land of Egypt.
you would not hear! 5 aEx. 7:19 6 So Aaron stretched out his hand
17 Thus says the LORD: By this 6 aPs. 78:45;
over the waters of Egypt, and athe
ayou shall know that I am the LORD.
105:30 frogs came up and covered the land
Behold, I will strike the waters 7 aEx. 7:11, 22
of Egypt.
which are in the river with the rod 1secret arts 7 aAnd the magicians did so with
that is in my hand, and bthey shall 8 aEx. 8:28; their 1enchantments, and brought
be turned cto blood. 9:28; 10:17; up frogs on the land of Egypt.
18 And the fish that are in the Num. 21:7; 8 Then Pharaoh called for Moses
river shall die, the river shall stink, 1 Kin. 13:6 and Aaron, and said, aEntreat1 the
1Pray to,
and the Egyptians will aloathe1 to Make suppli- LORD that He may take away the
drink the water of the river. cation to frogs from me and from my people;
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 54
EXODUS 8:9 54
and I will let the people bgo, that they 8 bEx. 10:8, 24 cknow that I am the LORD in the
may sacrifice to the LORD. 10 aEx. 9:14; midst of the dland.
9 And Moses said to Pharaoh, 15:11; Deut. 23 I will 1make a difference
Accept the honor of saying when I 4:35, 39; between My people and your people.
shall intercede for you, for your ser- 33:26; 2 Sam. Tomorrow this asign shall be.
7:22; 1 Chr.
vants, and for your people, to 17:20; Ps. 24 And the LORD did so. aThick
destroy the frogs from you and your 86:8; Is. 46:9; swarms of flies came into the house
houses, that they may remain in the [Jer. 10:6, 7] of Pharaoh, into his servants
river only. 12 aEx. 8:30; houses, and into all the land of
10 So he said, Tomorrow. And he 9:33; 10:18; Egypt. The land was corrupted
said, Let it be according to your 32:11; [James because of the swarms of flies.
word, that you may know that athere 5:1618] 25 Then Pharaoh called for Moses
is no one like the LORD our God. 15 aEccl. 8:11 and Aaron, and said, Go, sacrifice
11 And the frogs shall depart from bEx. 7:14, 22;
to your God in the land.
you, from your houses, from your 9:34; 1 Sam. 26 And Moses said, It is not right
servants, and from your people. to do so, for we would be sacrificing
They shall remain in the river only. 16 1gnats athe abomination of the Egyptians
12 Then Moses and Aaron went out 17 aPs. 105:31 to the LORD our God. If we sacrifice
from Pharaoh. And Moses acried out the abomination of the Egyptians
to the LORD concerning the frogs 18 aEx. 7:11, before their eyes, then will they not
12; 8:7 bDan.
which He had brought against 5:8; 2 Tim. 3:8,
1stone us?
Pharaoh. 9 1secret arts 27 We will go athree days journey
13 So the LORD did according to into the wilderness and sacrifice to
the word of Moses. And the frogs 19 aEx. 7:5;
10:7; 1 Sam. the LORD our God as bHe will com-
died out of the houses, out of the 6:3, 9; Ps. 8:3; mand us.
courtyards, and out of the fields. Luke 11:20 28 So Pharaoh said, I will let you
bEx. 8:15 1An
14 They gathered them together in go, that you may sacrifice to the
act of God
heaps, and the land stank. LORD your God in the wilderness;
15 But when Pharaoh saw that 20 aEx. 7:15; only you shall not go very far away.
there was arelief, bhe hardened his 9:13 bEx. 3:18; aIntercede for me.
heart and did not heed them, as the 4:23; 5:1, 3;
8:1 29 Then Moses said, Indeed I am
LORD had said. going out from you, and I will entreat
22 aEx. 9:4, 6, the LORD, that the swarms of flies
The Third Plague: Lice 26; 10:23;
may depart tomorrow from Pharaoh,
11:6, 7; 12:13
16 So the LORD said to Moses, Say bGen. 50:8 from his servants, and from his peo-
to Aaron, Stretch out your rod, and cEx. 7:5, 17; ple. But let Pharaoh not adeal deceit-
10:2; 14:4 dEx. fully anymore in not letting the peo-
strike the dust of the land, so that it 9:29
may become 1lice throughout all the ple go to sacrifice to the LORD.
land of Egypt. 23 aEx. 4:8
1Lit. set a ran-
30 So Moses went out from
17 And they did so. For Aaron som, Ex. 9:4;
Pharaoh and aentreated the LORD.
stretched out his hand with his rod 11:7 31 And the LORD did according to
and struck the dust of the earth, and the word of Moses; He removed the
ait became lice on man and beast. 24 aPs. 78:45; swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from
All the dust of the land became lice his servants, and from his people.
throughout all the land of Egypt. 26 aGen. 43:32; Not one remained.
46:34; [Deut. 32 But Pharaoh ahardened his
18 Now athe magicians so worked 7:25, 26;
with their 1enchantments to bring 12:31] 1Put us heart at this time also; neither
forth lice, but they bcould not. So to death by would he let the people go.
there were lice on man and beast. stoning
19 Then the magicians said to The Fifth Plague: Livestock
27 aEx. 3:18; Diseased
Pharaoh, This is athe1 finger of 5:3 bEx. 3:12
God. But Pharaohs bheart grew Then the LORD said to Moses,
hard, and he did not heed them, just
as the LORD had said.
28 aEx. 8:8, 15,
29, 32; 9:28;
1 Kin. 13:6
9 aGo in to Pharaoh and tell him,
Thus says the LORD God of the
The Fourth Plague: Flies 29 aEx. 8:8, 15 Hebrews: Let My people go, that
they may bserve Me.
30 aEx. 8:12 2 For if you arefuse to let them
20 And the LORD said to Moses,
aRise early in the morning and 32 aEx. 4:21; go, and still hold them,
stand before Pharaoh as he comes 8:8, 15; Ps. 3 behold, the ahand of the LORD
out to the water. Then say to him, 52:2 will be on your cattle in the field, on
Thus says the LORD: bLet My peo- CHAPTER 9 the horses, on the donkeys, on the
ple go, that they may serve Me. camels, on the oxen, and on the
1 aEx. 4:23; 8:1
21 Or else, if you will not let My bEx. 7:16 sheepa very severe pestilence.
people go, behold, I will send swarms 4 And athe LORD will make a dif-
of flies on you and your servants, on 2 aEx. 8:2 ference between the livestock of
your people and into your houses. 3 aEx. 7:4; Israel and the livestock of Egypt. So
The houses of the Egyptians shall be 1 Sam. 5:6; nothing shall die of all that belongs
full of swarms of flies, and also the Ps. 39:10; Acts to the children of Israel.
ground on which they stand. 5 Then the LORD appointed a set
22 And in that day aI will set apart 4 aEx. 8:22 time, saying, Tomorrow the LORD
the land of bGoshen, in which My 6 aEx. 9:19,
will do this thing in the land.
people dwell, that no swarms of flies 20, 25; Ps. 6 So the LORD did this thing on
shall be there, in order that you may 78:48, 50 the next day, and aall the livestock of
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55 EXODUS 10:2
Egypt died; but of the livestock of 7 aEx. 7:14; word of the LORD left his servants
the children of Israel, not one died. 8:32 and his livestock in the field.
7 Then Pharaoh sent, and indeed, 22 Then the LORD said to Moses,
9 aRev. 16:2
not even one of the livestock of the Stretch out your hand toward
Israelites was dead. But the aheart heaven, that there may be ahail in all
10 aDeut.
of Pharaoh became hard, and he did 28:27 the land of Egypton man, on
not let the people go. beast, and on every herb of the field,
11 a[Ex. 8:18, throughout the land of Egypt.
The Sixth Plague: Boils 19] bJob 2:7 23 And Moses stretched out his rod
8 So the LORD said to Moses and toward heaven; and athe LORD sent
Aaron, Take for yourselves hand- 12 aEx. 7:13 thunder and hail, and fire darted to
bEx. 4:21
fuls of ashes from a furnace, and let the ground. And the LORD rained
Moses scatter it toward the heavens hail on the land of Egypt.
13 aEx. 8:20 24 So there was hail, and fire min-
in the sight of Pharaoh. bEx. 9:1
9 And it will become fine dust in gled with the hail, so very heavy that
all the land of Egypt, and it will 14 aEx. 8:10
there was none like it in all the land
cause aboils that break out in sores of Egypt since it became a nation.
on man and beast throughout all the 15 aEx. 3:20;
25 And the ahail struck throughout
land of Egypt. 7:5 bEx. 5:3 the whole land of Egypt, all that was
10 Then they took ashes from the in the field, both man and beast; and
furnace and stood before Pharaoh, 16 a[Rom. the hail struck every herb of the field
and Moses scattered them toward 9:17, 18] bEx. and broke every tree of the field.
7:4, 5; 10:1; 26 aOnly in the land of Goshen,
heaven. And they caused aboils that 11:9; 14:17
break out in sores on man and beast. c1 Kin. 8:43 where the children of Israel were,
11 And the amagicians could not there was no hail.
stand before Moses because of the 20 a[Prov. 27 And Pharaoh sent and acalled for
bboils, for the boils were on the 13:13] bEx. Moses and Aaron, and said to them,
8:19; 10:7 bI have sinned this time. cThe LORD
magicians and on all the Egyptians.
12 But the LORD hardened the is righteous, and my people and I are
heart of Pharaoh; and he adid not 22 aRev. 16:21 wicked.
heed them, just bas the LORD had 28 aEntreat1 the LORD, that there
spoken to Moses. 23 aJosh. 10:11 may be no more 2mighty thundering
and hail, for it is enough. I will let
The Seventh Plague: Hail 25 aPs. 78:47, you bgo, and you shall stay no
48; 105:32, 33
13 Then the LORD said to Moses, longer.
aRise early in the morning and 26 aEx. 8:22,
29 So Moses said to him, As soon
stand before Pharaoh, and say to 23; 9:4, 6; as I have gone out of the city, I will
10:23; 11:7; aspread out my hands to the LORD;
him, Thus says the LORD God of the 12:13 the thunder will cease, and there
Hebrews: Let My people go, that will be no more hail, that you may
they may bserve Me, 27 aEx. 8:8 know that the bearth is the LORDs.
14 for at this time I will send all bEx. 9:34;
30 But as for you and your ser-
My plagues to your very heart, and 10:16, 17
vants, aI know that you will not yet
c2 Chr. 12:6
on your servants and on your peo- fear the LORD God.
ple, athat you may know that there
is none like Me in all the earth. 28 aEx. 8:8, 28; 31 Now the flax and the barley
15 Now if I had astretched out My 10:17 bEx. were struck, afor the barley was in
hand and struck you and your peo-
8:25; 10:8, 24
1Pray to,
the head and the flax was in bud.
ple with bpestilence, then you would Make suppli- 32 But the wheat and the spelt were
have been cut off from the earth. cation to 2Lit. not struck, for they are 1late crops.
16 But indeed for athis purpose I voices of God 33 So Moses went out of the city
or sounds of from Pharaoh and aspread out his
have raised you up, that I may bshow God
My power in you, and that My hands to the LORD; then the thunder
cname may be declared in all the 29 aIs. 1:15
and the hail ceased, and the rain
earth. bPs. 24:1 was not poured on the earth.
17 As yet you exalt yourself 34 And when Pharaoh saw that the
against My people in that you will 30 a[Is. 26:10] rain, the hail, and the thunder had
not let them go. ceased, he sinned yet more; and he
18 Behold, tomorrow about this 31 aRuth 1:22; hardened his heart, he and his ser-
time I will cause very heavy hail to 2:23 vants.
rain down, such as has not been in 35 So athe heart of Pharaoh was
Egypt since its founding until now. 32 1Lit. dark- hard; neither would he let the chil-
ened dren of Israel go, as the LORD had
19 Therefore send now and gather
your livestock and all that you have spoken by Moses.
33 aEx. 8:12;
in the field, for the hail shall come 9:29 The Eighth Plague: Locusts
down on every man and every ani-
mal which is found in the field and Now the LORD said to Moses,
is not brought home; and they shall
35 aEx. 4:21
10 Go in to Pharaoh; afor I have
hardened his heart and the hearts of
20 He who afeared the word of the his servants, bthat I may show these
LORD among the bservants of 1 aJohn 12:40 signs of Mine before him,
Pharaoh made his servants and his bEx. 7:4; 9:16 2 and that ayou may tell in the
livestock flee to the houses. hearing of your son and your sons
21 But he who did not regard the 2 aJoel 1:3 son the mighty things I have done
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EXODUS 10:3 56
in Egypt, and My signs which I have 2 bEx. 7:5, 17; of the land and all the fruit of the
done among them, that you may 8:22 trees which the hail had left. So
bknow that I am the LORD. 3 a[1 Kin. there remained nothing green on
3 So Moses and Aaron came in to 21:29; 2 Chr. the trees or on the plants of the field
Pharaoh and said to him, Thus says 34:27]; Job throughout all the land of Egypt.
42:6; [James
the LORD God of the Hebrews: How 4:10; 1 Pet. 16 Then Pharaoh called afor Moses
long will you refuse to ahumble 5:6] bEx. 4:23; and Aaron in haste, and said, bI
yourself before Me? Let My people 8:1; 9:1 have sinned against the LORD your
go, that they may bserve Me. 4 aProv. 30:27; God and against you.
4 Or else, if you refuse to let My Rev. 9:3 17 Now therefore, please forgive
people go, behold, tomorrow I will 5 aEx. 9:32;
my sin only this once, and aentreat1
bring alocusts into your territory. Joel 1:4; 2:25 the LORD your God, that He may
5 And they shall cover the face of take away from me this death only.
the earth, so that no one will be able 6 aEx. 8:3, 21 18 So he awent out from Pharaoh
to see the earth; and athey shall eat 7 aEx. 7:5; and entreated the LORD.
the residue of what is left, which 8:19; 9:20; 19 And the LORD turned a very
remains to you from the hail, and 12:33 bEx. strong west wind, which took the
23:33; Josh.
they shall eat every tree which grows 23:13; 1 Sam. locusts away and blew them ainto the
up for you out of the field. 18:21; Eccl. Red Sea. There remained not one
6 They shall afill your houses, the 7:26; 1 Cor. locust in all the territory of Egypt.
7:35 20 But the LORD ahardened Pha-
houses of all your servants, and the
houses of all the Egyptianswhich 9 aEx. 5:1; 7:16 raohs heart, and he did not let the
neither your fathers nor your children of Israel go.
11 aEx. 10:28
fathers fathers have seen, since the The Ninth Plague: Darkness
day that they were on the earth to 12 aEx. 7:19
bEx. 10:5, 15
this day. And he turned and went 21 Then the LORD said to Moses,
out from Pharaoh. 14 aDeut. aStretch out your hand toward
7 Then Pharaohs aservants said 28:38; Ps. heaven, that there may be darkness
to him, How long shall this man be 78:46; 105:34
bJoel 1:4, 7; over the land of Egypt, 1darkness
ba snare to us? Let the men go, that
2:111; Rev. which may even be felt.
they may serve the LORD their God. 9:3 22 So Moses stretched out his hand
Do you not yet know that Egypt is 15 aEx. 10:5
toward heaven, and there was athick
destroyed? bPs. 105:35 darkness in all the land of Egypt
8 So Moses and Aaron were bthree days.
brought again to Pharaoh, and he 16 aEx. 8:8 23 They did not see one another;
bEx. 9:27
said to them, Go, serve the LORD nor did anyone rise from his place
your God. Who are the ones that are 17 aEx. 8:8, 28; for three days. aBut all the children
going? 9:28; 1 Kin. of Israel had light in their dwellings.
13:6 1make
9 And Moses said, We will go supplication 24 Then Pharaoh called to Moses
with our young and our old; with our to and asaid, Go, serve the LORD; only
sons and our daughters, with our 18 aEx. 8:30
let your flocks and your herds be
flocks and our herds we will go, for kept back. Let your blittle ones also
awe must hold a feast to the LORD. 19 aJoel 2:20 go with you.
10 Then he said to them, The 20 aEx. 4:21; 25 But Moses said, You must also
LORD had better be with you when I 10:1; 11:10 give 1us sacrifices and burnt offer-
let you and your little ones go! ings, that we may sacrifice to the
21 aEx. 9:22 LORD our God.
Beware, for evil is ahead of you. 1Lit. that one
11 Not so! Go now, you who are may feel the 26 Our alivestock also shall go
men, and serve the LORD, for that is darkness with us; not a hoof shall be left
what you desired. And they were 22 aPs. 105:28;
behind. For we must take some of
driven aout from Pharaohs pres- Rev. 16:10 them to serve the LORD our God,
ence. bEx. 3:18 and even we do not know with what
12 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23 aEx. 8:22,
we must serve the LORD until we
aStretch out your hand over the 23 arrive there.
land of Egypt for the locusts, that 27 But the LORD ahardened Pha-
24 aEx. 8:8, 25; raohs heart, and he would not let
they may come upon the land of 10:8 bEx.
Egypt, and beat every herb of the 10:10 them go.
landall that the hail has left. 28 Then Pharaoh said to him, aGet
25 1Lit. into away from me! Take heed to yourself
13 So Moses stretched out his rod our hands
over the land of Egypt, and the and see my face no more! For in the
LORD brought an east wind on the 26 aEx. 10:9 day you see my face you shall die!
land all that day and all that night. 27 aEx. 4:21;
29 So Moses said, You have spo-
When it was morning, the east wind 10:1, 20; 14:4, ken well. aI will never see your face
brought the locusts. 8 again.
14 And athe locusts went up over 28 aEx. 10:11 Death of the Firstborn Announced
all the land of Egypt and rested on 29 aEx. 11:8;
all the territory of Egypt. They were And the LORD said to Moses, I
very severe; bpreviously there had
been no such locusts as they, nor
Heb. 11:27
11 will bring one more plague on
Pharaoh and on Egypt. aAfterward
shall there be such after them. he will let you go from here. bWhen
15 For they acovered the face of the 1 aEx. 12:31,
he lets you go, he will surely drive
whole earth, so that the land was 33, 39 bEx. you out of here altogether.
darkened; and they bate every herb 6:1; 12:39 2 Speak now in the hearing of the
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57 EXODUS 12:21
people, and let every man ask from 2 aEx. 3:22; 7 And they shall take some of the
his neighbor and every woman from 12:35, 36 blood and put it on the two door-
her neighbor, aarticles of silver and 3 aEx. 3:21;
posts and on the lintel of the houses
articles of gold. 12:36 bDeut. where they eat it.
3 aAnd the LORD gave the people 34:1012 8 Then they shall eat the flesh on
favor in the sight of the Egyptians. that anight; broasted in fire, with
Moreover the man bMoses was very 4 aEx. 12:12, cunleavened bread and with bitter
23, 29
great in the land of Egypt, in the herbs they shall eat it.
sight of Pharaohs servants and in 5 aEx. 4:23; 9 Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at
the sight of the people. 12:12, 29 all with water, but aroasted in fire
4 Then Moses said, Thus says the its head with its legs and its entrails.
LORD: aAbout midnight I will go out 6 aEx. 12:30 10 aYou shall let none of it remain
bEx. 10:14
into the midst of Egypt; until morning, and what remains of
5 and aall the firstborn in the land it until morning you shall burn with
7 aEx. 8:22
of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn bJosh. 10:21 fire.
of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, 1sharpen 11 And thus you shall eat it: 1with a
even to the firstborn of the female belt on your waist, your sandals on
servant who is behind the handmill, 8 aEx. your feet, and your staff in your hand.
and all the firstborn of the animals. 12:3133 So you shall eat it in haste. aIt is the
bHeb. 11:27
6 aThen there shall be a great cry LORDs Passover.
throughout all the land of Egypt, 9 aEx. 3:19; 12 For I awill pass through the land
bsuch as was not like it before, nor of Egypt on that night, and will
7:4; 10:1 bEx.
shall be like it again. 7:3; 9:16 strike all the firstborn in the land of
7 aBut against none of the chil- Egypt, both man and beast; and
dren of Israel bshall a dog 1move its 10 aRom. 2:5 bagainst all the gods of Egypt I will
tongue, against man or beast, that CHAPTER 12 execute judgment: cI am the LORD.
you may know that the LORD does 13 Now the blood shall be a sign
make a difference between the 2 aDeut. 16:1 for you on the houses where you are.
Egyptians and Israel. And when I see the blood, I will pass
8 And aall these your servants 3 aJosh. 4:19 over you; and the plague shall not be
shall come down to me and bow on you to destroy you when I strike
down to me, saying, Get out, and all 5 a[1 Pet. 1:19] the land of Egypt.
1perfect or
the people who follow you! After sound 2a year 14 So this day shall be to you aa
that I will go out. bThen he went out old memorial; and you shall keep it as a
from Pharaoh in great anger. bfeast to the LORD throughout your
9 But the LORD said to Moses, 6 aLev. 23:5 generations. You shall keep it as a
aPharaoh will not heed you, so that
feast cby an everlasting ordinance.
bMy wonders may be multiplied in 8 aNum. 9:12
bDeut. 16:7 15 aSeven days you shall eat
the land of Egypt. c1 Cor. 5:8 unleavened bread. On the first day
10 So Moses and Aaron did all these you shall remove leaven from your
wonders before Pharaoh; aand the 9 aDeut. 16:7 houses. For whoever eats leavened
LORD hardened Pharaohs heart, and bread from the first day until the
he did not let the children of Israel go 10 aEx. 16:19; seventh day, bthat 1person shall be
out of his land. 23:18; 34:25 2cut off from Israel.
The Passover Instituted 11 aEx. 12:13, 16 On the first day there shall be
21, 27, 43 aa holy convocation, and on the sev-
Now the LORD spoke to 1Made ready
enth day there shall be a holy con-
12 Moses and Aaron in the land
of Egypt, saying,
to travel vocation for you. No manner of
work shall be done on them; but
12 aEx. 11:4, 5
2 a This month shall be your bNum. 33:4 that which everyone must eatthat
beginning of months; it shall be the cEx. 6:2 only may be prepared by you.
first month of the year to you. 17 So you shall observe the Feast
3 Speak to all the congregation 14 aEx. 13:9
bLev. 23:4, 5
of Unleavened Bread, for aon this
of Israel, saying: On the atenth of cEx. 12:17, 24; same day I will have brought your
this month every man shall take for 1armies bout of the land of Egypt.
himself a lamb, according to the Therefore you shall observe this day
house of his father, a lamb for a 15 aLev. 23:6
bGen. 17:14
throughout your generations as an
household. 1soul 2Put to
everlasting ordinance.
4 And if the household is too small death 18 aIn the first month, on the four-
for the lamb, let him and his neigh- teenth day of the month at evening,
bor next to his house take it accord- 16 aLev. 23:2, you shall eat unleavened bread, until
ing to the number of the persons; 7, 8 the twenty-first day of the month at
according to each mans need you evening.
shall make your count for the lamb. 17 aEx. 12:14; 19 For aseven days no leaven shall
13:3, 10
5 Your lamb shall be awithout1 bNum. 33:1 be found in your houses, since who-
blemish, a male 2of the first year. 1hosts ever eats what is leavened, that same
You may take it from the sheep or person shall be cut off from the con-
from the goats. 18 aLev. 23:58 gregation of Israel, whether he is a
6 Now you shall keep it until the stranger or a native of the land.
afourteenth day of the same month. 19 aEx. 12:15; 20 You shall eat nothing leavened;
23:15; 34:18
Then the whole assembly of the in all your dwellings you shall eat
congregation of Israel shall kill it at 21 a[Heb. unleavened bread.
twilight. 11:28] 21 Then aMoses called for all the
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EXODUS 12:22 58
belders of Israel and said to them, 21 bEx. 3:16 35 Now the children of Israel had
cNum. 9:4
cPick out and take lambs for your- done according to the word of
selves according to your families, 22aHeb. 11:28 Moses, and they had asked from the
and kill the Passover lamb. bEx. 12:7 Egyptians aarticles of silver, articles
22 aAnd you shall take a bunch of of gold, and clothing.
23 aEx. 11:4;
hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in 12:12, 13 bEx. 36 aAnd the LORD had given the
the basin, and bstrike the lintel and 24:8 cRev. 7:3; people favor in the sight of the
the two doorposts with the blood 9:4 dHeb. Egyptians, so that they granted
that is in the basin. And none of you 11:28 1Cross- them what they requested. Thus
piece at top of
shall go out of the door of his house door
bthey plundered the Egyptians.
until morning. 37 Then athe children of Israel
23 aFor the LORD will pass 24 aEx. 12:14, journeyed from bRameses to Suc-
through to strike the Egyptians; and 17; 13:5, 10 coth, about csix hundred thousand
when He sees the bblood on the 1lin- 25 aEx. 3:8, 17 men on foot, besides children.
tel and on the two doorposts, the 38 A amixed multitude went up
LORD will pass over the door and 26 aEx. 10:2; with them also, and flocks and
cnot allow dthe destroyer to come 13:8, 14, 15 herdsa great deal of blivestock.
into your houses to strike you. 27 aEx. 12:11 39 And they baked unleavened
24 And you shall aobserve this bEx. 4:31 cakes of the dough which they had
thing as an ordinance for you and brought out of Egypt; for it was not
your sons forever. 28 a[Heb.
11:28] leavened, because athey were driven
25 It will come to pass when you out of Egypt and could not wait, nor
come to the land which the LORD 29 aEx. 11:4, 5 had they prepared provisions for
bNum. 8:17;
will give you, ajust as He promised, themselves.
that you shall keep this service. 33:4 cEx. 9:6
1in prison 40 Now the 1sojourn of the children
26 aAnd it shall be, when your of Israel who lived in 2Egypt was
children say to you, What do you 31 aEx. 10:28, afour hundred and thirty years.
mean by this service? 29 bEx. 8:25; 41 And it came to pass at the end of
11:1 cEx. 10:9
27 that you shall say, aIt is the the four hundred and thirty years
Passover sacrifice of the LORD, who 32 aEx. 10:9, on that very same dayit came to
passed over the houses of the chil- 26 pass that aall the armies of the LORD
dren of Israel in Egypt when He 33 aEx. 10:7 went out from the land of Egypt.
struck the Egyptians and delivered bPs. 105:38 42 It is aa 1night of solemn obser-
our households. So the people vance to the LORD for bringing
bbowed their heads and worshiped. 35 aEx. 3:21,
22; 11:2, 3
them out of the land of Egypt. This
28 Then the children of Israel went is that night of the LORD, a solemn
away and adid so; just as the LORD 36 aEx. 3:21 observance for all the children of
had commanded Moses and Aaron, bGen. 15:14
Israel throughout their generations.
so they did.
37 aNum. 33:3, Passover Regulations
The Tenth Plague: Death of the 5 bGen. 47:11
cEx. 38:26
Firstborn 43 And the LORD said to Moses
38 aNum. 11:4 and Aaron, This is athe ordinance
29 aAnd it came to pass at midnight bDeut. 3:19 of the Passover: No foreigner shall
that bthe LORD struck all the first- eat it.
born in the land of Egypt, from the 39 aEx. 6:1; 44 But every mans servant who is
firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his 11:1; 12:3133
bought for money, when you have
throne to the firstborn of the captive 40 aActs 7:6 acircumcised him, then he may eat it.
who was 1in the dungeon, and all 1Length of the
45 aA sojourner and a hired ser-
the firstborn of clivestock. stay 2Sam., vant shall not eat it.
30 So Pharaoh rose in the night, LXX Egypt
and Canaan 46 In one house it shall be eaten;
he, all his servants, and all the you shall not carry any of the flesh
Egyptians; and there was a great cry 41 aEx. 3:8, 10; outside the house, anor shall you
in Egypt, for there was not a house 6:6; 7:4
break one of its bones.
where there was not one dead. 42 aDeut. 16:1, 47 aAll the congregation of Israel
The Exodus
6 1night of shall keep it.
vigil 48 And awhen a stranger 1dwells
31 Then he acalled for Moses and 43 aNum. 9:14 with you and wants to keep the
Aaron by night, and said, Rise, go Passover to the LORD, let all his
out from among my people, bboth 44 aGen. males be circumcised, and then let
17:12, 13 him come near and keep it; and he
you and the children of Israel. And
go, serve the LORD as you have 45 aLev. 22:10 shall be as a native of the land. For no
csaid. uncircumcised person shall eat it.
32 aAlso take your flocks and your 46 a[John 49 aOne law shall be for the
19:33, 36]
herds, as you have said, and be native-born and for the stranger
gone; and bless me also. 47 aEx. 12:6 who dwells among you.
33 aAnd the Egyptians burged the 50 Thus all the children of Israel
people, that they might send them 48 aNum. 9:14 did; as the LORD commanded Moses
1As a resident
out of the land in haste. For they alien and Aaron, so they did.
said, We shall all be dead. 51 aAnd it came to pass, on that
34 So the people took their dough 49 aNum. very same day, that the LORD
before it was leavened, having their 15:15, 16 brought the children of Israel out of
kneading bowls bound up in their 51 aEx. 12:41; the land of Egypt baccording to their
clothes on their shoulders. 20:2 bEx. 6:26 armies.
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59 EXODUS 14:7
The Firstborn Consecrated CHAPTER 13 go, that athe LORD killed all the first-
born in the land of Egypt, both the
Then the LORD spoke to
13 Moses, saying,
2 aConsecrate1 to Me all the first-
2 aLuke 2:23
1Set apart firstborn of man and the firstborn of
beast. Therefore I sacrifice to the
3 aDeut. 16:3 LORD all males that open the womb,
born, whatever opens the womb bEx. 3:20; 6:1 but all the firstborn of my sons I
among the children of Israel, both cEx. 12:8, 19
of man and beast; it is Mine. 1Lit. slaves
16 It shall be as aa sign on your
The Feast of Unleavened Bread 4 aEx. 12:2; hand and as frontlets between your
23:15; 34:18 eyes, for by strength of hand the
3 And Moses said to the people: LORD brought us out of Egypt.
aRemember this day in which you 5 aEx. 3:8, 17
bGen. 17:8 The Wilderness Way
went out of Egypt, out of the house cEx. 6:8 dEx.
of 1bondage; for bby strength of 12:25, 26 17 Then it came to pass, when
hand the LORD brought you out of Pharaoh had let the people go, that
this place. cNo leavened bread shall 6 aEx. God did not lead them by way of the
be eaten. 12:1520
land of the Philistines, although that
4 aOn this day you are going out, was near; for God said, Lest per-
in the month Abib. 7 aEx. 12:19
5 And it shall be, when the LORD haps the people achange their minds
abrings you into the bland of the 8 aEx. 10:2; when they see war, and breturn to
12:26; 13:14 Egypt.
Canaanites and the Hittites and the
Amorites and the Hivites and the Jeb- 9 aDeut. 6:8;
18 So God aled the people around
usites, which He cswore to your 11:18 by way of the wilderness of the Red
fathers to give you, a land flowing Sea. And the children of Israel went
with milk and honey, dthat you shall 10 aEx. 12:14, up in orderly ranks out of the land
24 1regulation of Egypt.
keep this service in this month.
6 aSeven days you shall eat 19 And Moses took the abones of
11 aEx. 13:5 bJoseph with him, for he had placed
unleavened bread, and on the sev- bNum. 21:3
enth day there shall be a feast to the the children of Israel under solemn
LORD. 12 aLev. 27:26 oath, saying, cGod will surely 1visit
7 Unleavened bread shall be
1Lit. cause to you, and you shall carry up my
pass over bones from here with you.
eaten seven days. And ano leavened
bread shall be seen among you, nor 13 aEx. 34:20
20 So athey took their journey from
bSuccoth and camped in Etham at
shall leaven be seen among you in bNum. 3:46,
EXODUS 14:8 60
of Egypt with captains over every 8 aEx. 14:4
bNum. 33:3
the sea into dry land, and the waters
one of them. were bdivided.
8 And the LORD ahardened the 22 So athe children of Israel went
heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and 9 aJosh. 24:6 into the midst of the sea on the dry
he pursued the children of Israel; ground, and the waters were ba wall
10 aNeh. 9:9
and bthe children of Israel went out to them on their right hand and on
with boldness. their left.
11 aPs. 106:7, 8
9 So the aEgyptians pursued 23 And the Egyptians pursued and
them, all the horses and chariots of 12 aEx. 5:21;
went after them into the midst of the
Pharaoh, his horsemen and his 6:9 sea, all Pharaohs horses, his chari-
army, and overtook them camping ots, and his horsemen.
by the sea beside Pi Hahiroth, 13 a2 Chr. 24 Now it came to pass, in the
before Baal Zephon. 20:15, 17 bPs. morning awatch, that bthe LORD
10 And when Pharaoh drew near, 46:10, 11 cEx. looked down upon the army of the
the children of Israel lifted their 14:30; 15:2 Egyptians through the pillar of fire
dDeut. 28:68
eyes, and behold, the Egyptians 1deliverance and cloud, and He 1troubled the
marched after them. So they were army of the Egyptians.
very afraid, and the children of 14 aDeut. 1:30; 25 And He 1took off their chariot
Israel acried out to the LORD. 3:22 b[Is. wheels, so that they drove them
11 aThen they said to Moses, 30:15] 1Lit. be with difficulty; and the Egyptians
Because there were no graves in quiet said, Let us flee from the face of
Egypt, have you taken us away to Israel, for the LORD afights for them
die in the wilderness? Why have you 16 aNum. 20:8, against the Egyptians.
9, 11 26 Then the LORD said to Moses,
so dealt with us, to bring us up out
of Egypt? Stretch out your hand over the sea,
17 aEx. 14:8 that the waters may come back
12 aIs this not the word that we told bEx. 14:4
you in Egypt, saying, Let us alone upon the Egyptians, on their chari-
that we may serve the Egyptians? 19 a[Is. 63:9]
ots, and on their horsemen.
For it would have been better for us 27 And Moses stretched out his
to serve the Egyptians than that we 21 aPs. 66:6; hand over the sea; and when the
should die in the wilderness. 106:9; 136:13, morning appeared, the sea are-
13 And Moses said to the people, 14 bIs. 63:12, turned to its full depth, while the
aDo not be afraid. bStand still, and 13 Egyptians were fleeing into it. So
see the csalvation1 of the LORD, the LORD boverthrew1 the Egyptians
which He will accomplish for you 22 aEx. 15:19 in the midst of the sea.
bEx. 14:29;
today. For the Egyptians whom you 15:8
28 Then athe waters returned and
see today, you shall dsee again no covered the chariots, the horsemen,
more forever. 24 aJudg. 7:19
and all the army of Pharaoh that
14 aThe LORD will fight for you, bEx. 13:21 came into the sea after them. Not so
and you shall bhold1 your peace. 1confused much as one of them remained.
15 And the LORD said to Moses, 29 But athe children of Israel had
Why do you cry to Me? Tell the 25 aEx. 7:5; walked on dry land in the midst of
children of Israel to go forward. 14:4, 14, 18
1Sam., LXX,
the sea, and the waters were a wall
16 But alift up your rod, and Syr. bound
to them on their right hand and on
stretch out your hand over the sea their left.
and divide it. And the children of 27 aJosh. 4:18
30 So the LORD asaved1 Israel that
Israel shall go on dry ground bEx. 15:1, 7 day out of the hand of the Egyp-
through the midst of the sea. 1Lit. shook off tians, and Israel bsaw the Egyptians
17 And I indeed will aharden the dead on the seashore.
hearts of the Egyptians, and they 28 aPs. 78:53; 31 Thus Israel saw the great 1work
shall follow them. So I will bgain 106:11 which the LORD had done in Egypt;
honor over Pharaoh and over all his so the people feared the LORD, and
29 aPs. 66:6; abelieved the LORD and His servant
army, his chariots, and his horsemen. 78:52, 53
18 Then the Egyptians shall know Moses.
that I am the LORD, when I have 30 aPs. 106:8, The Song of Moses
gained honor for Myself over 10 bPs. 58:10;
Pharaoh, his chariots, and his Then aMoses and the children
19 And the Angel of God, awho
15 of Israel sang this song to the
LORD, and spoke, saying:
went before the camp of Israel, 31 aJohn 2:11;
11:45 1Lit.
moved and went behind them; and hand with I will bsing to the LORD,
the pillar of cloud went from before which the For He has triumphed
them and stood behind them. LORD worked gloriously!
20 So it came between the camp of The horse and its rider
the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. CHAPTER 15 He has thrown into the sea!
Thus it was a cloud and darkness to 2 The LORD is my strength and
the one, and it gave light by night to asong,
the other, so that the one did not 1 aPs. 106:12
bIs. 12:16
And He has become my
come near the other all that night. salvation;
21 Then Moses stretched out his He is my God, and bI will praise
2 aIs. 12:2
hand over the sea; and the LORD bGen. 28:21, Him;
caused the sea to go back by a strong 22 cEx. 3:6, My cfathers God, and I dwill
east wind all that night, and amade 15, 16 dIs. 25:1 exalt Him.
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61 EXODUS 15:27
3 The LORD is a man of awar; 3 aRev. 19:11
bPs. 24:8;
They will be bas still as a stone,
The LORD is His bname. 83:18
Till Your people pass over, O
4 aPharaohs chariots and his LORD,
army He has cast into the 4 aEx. 14:28 Till the people pass over
bEx. 14:7
sea; cWhom You have purchased.
bHis chosen captains also are 17 You will bring them in and
5 aNeh. 9:11
drowned in the Red Sea. aplant them
5 The depths have covered them; 6 aPs. 17:7; In the bmountain of Your
aThey sank to the bottom like a 118:15 inheritance,
stone. 7 aDeut. 33:26 In the place, O LORD, which You
bPs. 78:49, 50 have made
6 Your aright hand, O LORD, has cPs. 59:13 dIs.
For Your own dwelling,
become glorious in power; 5:24 The csanctuary, O Lord, which
Your right hand, O LORD, has 8 aEx. 14:21, Your hands have established.
dashed the enemy in pieces. 22, 29 bPs.
7 And in the greatness of Your 78:13 18 Thea LORD shall reign forever
aexcellence 1became firm
and ever.
You have overthrown those 9 aJudg. 5:30
who rose against You; bIs. 53:12 19 For the ahorses of Pharaoh went
You sent forth bYour wrath; with his chariots and his horsemen
It cconsumed them dlike 11 a1 Kin. 8:23
bIs. 6:3 c1 Chr. into the sea, and bthe LORD brought
stubble. 16:25 dPs. back the waters of the sea upon
8 And awith the blast of Your 77:11, 14 them. But the children of Israel went
nostrils 1mighty ones
on dry land in the midst of the sea.
The waters were gathered
together; 13 a[Ps. 77:20]
bPs. 78:54 The Song of Miriam
bThe floods stood upright like a
heap; 14 aJosh. 2:9 20 Then Miriam athe prophetess,
bthe sister of Aaron, ctook the tim-
The depths 1congealed in the bPs. 48:6
EXODUS 16:1 62
Bread from Heaven CHAPTER 16 and in the morning bthe dew lay all
1 aNum. 33:10, around the camp.
And they ajourneyed from
16 Elim, and all the congregation
of the children of Israel came to the
11; Ezek.
30:15 bEx.
12:6, 51; 19:1
14 And when the layer of dew lifted,
there, on the surface of the wilder-
2 aEx. 14:11;
ness, was aa small round bsub-
Wilderness of Sin, which is between stance, as fine as frost on the
Elim and bSinai, on the fifteenth day 15:24; Ps.
106:25; 1 Cor. ground.
of the second month after they 10:10 15 So when the children of Israel
departed from the land of Egypt. 3 aEx. 17:3; saw it, they said to one another,
2 Then the whole congregation of Num. 14:2, 3; What is it? For they did not know
the children of Israel acomplained 20:3; Lam. 4:9
bNum. 11:4, 5 what it was. And Moses said to
against Moses and Aaron in the them, aThis is the bread which the
wilderness. 4 aNeh. 9:15;
3 And the children of Israel said Ps. 78:2325; LORD has given you to eat.
to them, aOh, that we had died by
105:40; [John 16 This is the thing which the
6:3135]; LORD has commanded: Let every
the hand of the LORD in the land of 1 Cor. 10:3
bEx. 15:25; man gather it aaccording to each
Egypt, bwhen we sat by the pots of
meat and when we ate bread to the Deut. 8:2, 16 ones need, one bomer for each per-
cJudg. 2:22
full! For you have brought us out 1Lit. the por-
son, according to the number of
into this wilderness to kill this tion of a day persons; let every man take for
whole assembly with hunger. in its day those who are in his tent.
4 Then the LORD said to Moses, 5 aEx. 16:22, 17 Then the children of Israel did so
Behold, I will rain abread from 29; Lev. 25:21 and gathered, some more, some less.
heaven for you. And the people shall 6 aEx. 6:7 18 So when they measured it by
go out and gather 1a certain quota 7 aEx. 16:10, omers, ahe who gathered much had
every day, that I may btest them, 12; Is. 35:2; nothing left over, and he who gath-
40:5; John ered little had no lack. Every man
whether they will cwalk in My law 11:4, 40
or not. bNum. 14:27; had gathered according to each
5 And it shall be on the sixth day 17:5 cNum. ones need.
that they shall prepare what they 16:11 19 And Moses said, Let no one
8 a1 Sam. 8:7; aleave any of it till morning.
bring in, and ait shall be twice as Luke 10:16;
much as they gather daily. 20 Notwithstanding they did not
[Rom. 13:2]; 1heed Moses. But some of them left
6 Then Moses and Aaron said to 1 Thess. 4:8
all the children of Israel, aAt 9 aNum. 16:16
part of it until morning, and it bred
evening you shall know that the worms and stank. And Moses was
10 aEx. 13:21;
LORD has brought you out of the 16:7; Num. angry with them.
land of Egypt. 16:19; 1 Kin. 21 So they gathered it every morn-
7 And in the morning you shall 8:10 ing, every man according to his
see athe glory of the LORD; for He 12 aEx. 16:8; need. And when the sun became
bhears your complaints against the Num. 14:27 hot, it melted.
bEx. 16:6 cEx.
LORD. But cwhat are we, that you 16:7; 1 Kin. 22 And so it was, on the sixth day,
complain against us? 20:28; Joel that they gathered twice as much
8 Also Moses said, This shall be 3:17 bread, two omers for each one. And
seen when the LORD gives you 13 aNum. all the rulers of the congregation
11:31; Ps. came and told Moses.
meat to eat in the evening, and in 78:2729;
the morning bread to the full; for 105:40 bNum. 23 Then he said to them, This is
the LORD hears your complaints 11:9 what the LORD has said: Tomorrow
which you make against Him. And 14 aEx. 16:31; is aa Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to
what are we? Your complaints are Num. 11:7, 8; the LORD. Bake what you will bake
not against us but aagainst the Deut. 8:3; today, and boil what you will boil;
Neh. 9:15; Ps.
LORD. 78:24; 105:40 and lay up for yourselves all that
9 Then Moses spoke to Aaron, bPs. 147:16 remains, to be kept until morning.
Say to all the congregation of the 15 aEx. 16:4; 24 So they laid it up till morning, as
children of Israel, aCome near Neh. 9:15; Ps. Moses commanded; and it did not
before the LORD, for He has heard 78:24; [John astink, nor were there any worms in
6:31, 49, 58];
your complaints. 1 Cor. 10:3 it.
10 Now it came to pass, as Aaron 16 aEx. 12:4
25 Then Moses said, Eat that
spoke to the whole congregation of bEx. 16:32, 36 today, for today is a Sabbath to the
the children of Israel, that they 18 a2 Cor. 8:15 LORD; today you will not find it in
looked toward the wilderness, and 19 aEx. 12:10;
the field.
behold, the glory of the LORD aap- 16:23; 23:18 26 aSix days you shall gather it,
peared in the cloud. 20 1listen to but on the seventh day, the Sabbath,
11 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 23 aGen. 2:3;
there will be none.
saying, Ex. 20:811; 27 Now it happened that some of
12 aI have heard the complaints of 23:12; 31:15; the people went out on the seventh
the children of Israel. Speak to 35:2; Lev. day to gather, but they found none.
23:3; Neh.
them, saying, bAt twilight you shall 9:13, 14 28 And the LORD said to Moses,
eat meat, and cin the morning you 24 aEx. 16:20
How long ado you refuse to keep
shall be filled with bread. And you My commandments and My laws?
26 aEx. 20:9,
shall know that I am the LORD your 10 29 See! For the LORD has given you
God. 28 a2 Kin.
the Sabbath; therefore He gives you
13 So it was that aquails came up 17:14; Ps. on the sixth day bread for two days.
at evening and covered the camp, 78:10; 106:13 Let every man remain in his place;
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 63
63 EXODUS 18:7
let no man go out of his place on the 31 aNum. 3tempted the LORD, saying, Is the
seventh day. 11:79 1Lit. LORD among us or not?
What, Ex.
30 So the people rested on the sev- 16:15
enth day. Victory over the Amalekites
33 aHeb. 9:4
31 And the house of Israel called 8 aNow Amalek came and fought
its name 1Manna. And ait was like 34aNum.
with Israel in Rephidim.
white coriander seed, and the taste 17:10
9 And Moses said to Joshua,
of it was like wafers made with 35 aDeut. 8:3, Choose us some men and go out,
honey. 16 bNum. fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will
32 Then Moses said, This is the 33:38 cJosh.
5:12 stand on the top of the hill with athe
thing which the LORD has com- rod of God in my hand.
manded: Fill an omer with it, to be CHAPTER 17 10 So Joshua did as Moses said to
kept for your generations, that they him, and fought with Amalek. And
1 aEx. 16:1
may see the bread with which I fed bNum. Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to
you in the wilderness, when I brought 33:1115 cEx. the top of the hill.
you out of the land of Egypt. 15:22 11 And so it was, when Moses
33 And Moses said to Aaron, 2 aNum. 20:2, aheld up his hand, that Israel pre-
aTake a pot and put an omer of 3, 13 b[Deut. vailed; and when he let down his
manna in it, and lay it up before the 6:16] hand, Amalek prevailed.
LORD, to be kept for your genera- 3 aEx. 16:2, 3 12 But Moses hands became
tions. bEx. 12:38 1heavy; so they took a stone and put
34 As the LORD commanded 4 aEx. 14:15 it under him, and he sat on it. And
Moses, so Aaron laid it up abefore bJohn 8:59; Aaron and Hur supported his
the Testimony, to be kept. 10:31 1Put me hands, one on one side, and the
35 And the children of Israel aate to death by
other on the other side; and his
manna bforty years, cuntil they came hands were steady until the going
to an inhabited land; they ate 5 aEzek. 2:6 down of the sun.
bNum. 20:8
manna until they came to the border 13 So Joshua defeated Amalek and
of the land of Canaan. 6 aNum. his people with the edge of the
36 Now an omer is one-tenth of an 20:10, 11 sword.
ephah. 7 aNum. 14 Then the LORD said to Moses,
20:13, 24; aWrite this for a memorial in the
Water from the Rock 27:14 1Lit. book and recount it in the hearing
Tempted 2Lit.
Then aall the congregation of of Joshua, that bI will utterly blot out
17 the children of Israel set out
on their journey from the Wilder-
3tested the remembrance of Amalek from
under heaven.
8 aGen. 36:12
ness of bSin, according to the com- 15 And Moses built an altar and
mandment of the LORD, and 9 aEx. 4:20 called its name, 1The-LORD-Is-My-
camped in Rephidim; but there was 11 a[James Banner;
no water for the people to cdrink. 5:16] 16 for he said, Because 1the LORD
2 aTherefore the people contended 12 1Weary of
has asworn: the LORD will have war
with Moses, and said, Give us being held up with Amalek from generation to
water, that we may drink. So Moses generation.
14 aEx. 24:4;
said to them, Why do you contend 34:27 b1 Sam. Jethros Advice
with me? Why do you btempt the 15:3
LORD? And aJethro, the priest of Mid-
3 And the people thirsted there
for water, and the people acom-
YHWH Nissi 18 ian, Moses father-in-law,
heard of all that bGod had done for
plained against Moses, and said, 16 aGen.
22:1416 1Lit. Moses and for Israel His people
Why is it you have brought us up a hand is that the LORD had brought Israel
out of Egypt, to kill us and our chil- upon the out of Egypt.
dren and our blivestock with thirst? throne of the 2 Then Jethro, Moses father-in-
4 So Moses acried out to the law, took aZipporah, Moses wife,
LORD, saying, What shall I do with CHAPTER 18 after he had sent her back,
this people? They are almost ready 3 with her atwo sons, of whom the
1 aEx. 2:16, 18;
to bstone1 me! 3:1 b[Ps. name of one was 1Gershom (for he
5 And the LORD said to Moses, 106:2, 8] said, bI have been a 2stranger in a
aGo on before the people, and take foreign land)
2 aEx. 2:21;
with you some of the elders of 4:2026 4 and the name of the other was
Israel. Also take in your hand your 1Eliezer (for he said, The God of my
rod with which byou struck the river, 3 aActs 7:29 father was my ahelp, and delivered
bEx. 2:22 1Lit.
and go. Stranger me from the sword of Pharaoh);
6 aBehold, I will stand before you There 5 and Jethro, Moses father-in-
there on the rock in Horeb; and you 2sojourner,
law, came with his sons and his wife
shall strike the rock, and water will temporary to Moses in the wilderness, where
come out of it, that the people may he was encamped at athe mountain
drink. And Moses did so in the 4 aGen. 49:25
1Lit. My God
of God.
sight of the elders of Israel. Is Help
6 Now he had said to Moses, I,
7 So he called the name of the your father-in-law Jethro, am com-
place aMassah1 and 2Meribah, 5 aEx. 3:1, 12; ing to you with your wife and her
because of the contention of the 4:27; 24:13 two sons with her.
children of Israel, and because they 7 aGen. 18:2 7 So Moses awent out to meet his
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EXODUS 18:8 64
father-in-law, bowed down, and 7 bEx. 4:27 22 And let them judge the people
bkissed him. And they asked each
8 aEx. 15:6, 16 at all times. aThen it will be that
other about their well-being, and every great matter they shall bring
they went into the tent. 9 a[Is. 63:714] to you, but every small matter they
8 And Moses told his father-in-law 10 aGen. 14:20 themselves shall judge. So it will be
all that the LORD had done to easier for you, for bthey will bear
Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for 11 a2 Chr. 2:5 the burden with you.
bEx. 1:10, 16,
Israels sake, all the hardship that 22; 5:2, 7 23 If you do this thing, and God so
had come upon them on the way, and cLuke 1:51 commands you, then you will be
how the LORD had adelivered them. 1acted pre- able to endure, and all this people
9 Then Jethro rejoiced for all the sumptuously will also go to their aplace in peace.
agood which the LORD had done for
12 aEx. 24:5 24 So Moses heeded the voice of
Israel, whom He had delivered out bDeut. 12:7 his father-in-law and did all that he
1So with MT,
of the hand of the Egyptians. had said.
LXX; Syr.,
10 And Jethro said, aBlessed be Tg., Vg. 25 And aMoses chose able men out
the LORD, who has delivered you offered of all Israel, and made them heads
out of the hand of the Egyptians and over the people: rulers of thousands,
13 aMatt. 23:2
out of the hand of Pharaoh, and who rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties,
has delivered the people from under 14 1Sit as and rulers of tens.
the hand of the Egyptians. judge 26 So they judged the people at all
11 Now I know that the LORD is 15 aLev. 24:12 times; the ahard1 cases they brought
agreater than all the gods; bfor in the to Moses, but they judged every
very thing in which they 1behaved 16 aEx. 24:14 small case themselves.
cproudly, He was above them. 27 Then Moses let his father-in-law
12 Then Jethro, Moses father-in- 18 aNum. depart, and ahe went his way to his
law, 1took a burnt aoffering and 11:14, 17 own land.
other sacrifices to offer to God. And 19 aEx. 4:16;
Aaron came with all the elders of 20:19 bNum.
Israel at Mount Sinai
Israel bto eat bread with Moses 9:8; 27:5 In the third month after the
father-in-law before God.
13 And so it was, on the next day,
20 aDeut. 5:1
19 children of Israel had gone
out of the land of Egypt, on the
that Moses asat to judge the people; bDeut. 1:18
same day, athey came to the Wilder-
and the people stood before Moses 21 aActs 6:3 ness of Sinai.
from morning until evening. b2 Sam. 23:3 2 For they had departed from
14 So when Moses father-in-law cEzek. 18:8 aRephidim, had come to the Wilder-
dDeut. 16:19
saw all that he did for the people, he ness of Sinai, and camped in the
said, What is this thing that you are 22 aDeut. 1:17 wilderness. So Israel camped there
doing for the people? Why do you bNum. 11:17
before bthe mountain.
alone 1sit, and all the people stand 23 aEx. 16:29 3 And aMoses went up to God,
before you from morning until and the LORD bcalled to him from
evening? 25 aDeut. 1:15 the mountain, saying, Thus you
15 And Moses said to his father-in- 26 aJob 29:16 shall say to the house of Jacob, and
law, Because athe people come to 1difficult mat- tell the children of Israel:
me to inquire of God. ters 4 aYou have seen what I did to the
16 When they have aa 1difficulty, 27 aNum. Egyptians, and how bI 1bore you on
they come to me, and I judge between 10:29, 30 eagles wings and brought you to
one and another; and I make known Myself.
the statutes of God and His laws. CHAPTER 19 5 Now atherefore, if you will
17 So Moses father-in-law said to 1 aNum. 33:15 indeed obey My voice and bkeep My
him, The thing that you do is not covenant, then cyou shall be a spe-
good. 2 aEx. 17:1
bEx. 3:1, 12; cial treasure to Me above all people;
18 Both you and these people who 18:5 for all the earth is dMine.
are with you will surely wear your- 6 And you shall be to Me a aking-
selves out. For this thing is too much 3 aActs 7:38 dom of priests and a bholy nation.
bEx. 3:4
for you; ayou are not able to perform These are the words which you shall
it by yourself. 4 aDeut. 29:2 speak to the children of Israel.
bIs. 63:9 1sus-
19 Listen now to my voice; I will 7 So Moses came and called for
give you 1counsel, and God will be the aelders of the people, and 1laid
with you: Stand abefore God for the 5 aEx. 15:26; before them all these words which
people, so that you may bbring the 23:22 bDeut. the LORD commanded him.
difficulties to God. 5:2 cPs. 135:4
dEx. 9:29 8 Then aall the people answered
20 And you shall ateach them the together and said, All that the
statutes and the laws, and show 6 a[1 Pet. 2:5, LORD has spoken we will do. So
them the way in which they must 9] bDeut. 7:6; Moses brought back the words of
14:21; 26:19
walk and bthe work they must do. the people to the LORD.
21 Moreover you shall select from 7 aEx. 4:29, 30
9 And the LORD said to Moses,
all the people aable men, such as Behold, I come to you ain the thick
bfear God, cmen of truth, dhating cloud, bthat the people may hear
8 aDeut. 5:27;
covetousness; and place such over 26:17 when I speak with you, and believe
them to be rulers of thousands, 9 aEx. 19:16;
you forever. So Moses told the
rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, 20:21; 24:15 words of the people to the LORD.
and rulers of tens. bDeut. 4:12, 36 10 Then the LORD said to Moses,
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 65
65 EXODUS 20:17
Go to the people and aconsecrate 10 aLev. 11:44, 25 So Moses went down to the peo-
them today and tomorrow, and let 45
ple and spoke to them.
them wash their clothes. 12 aHeb. 12:20
11 And let them be ready for the The Ten Commandments
third day. For on the third day the 15 a[1 Cor. 7:5]
And God spoke all thesea
LORD will come down upon Mount
Sinai in the sight of all the people. 16 aHeb.
12:18, 19
20 words, saying:
2 I am the L
a your God, who
12 You shall set bounds for the bHeb. 12:21
people all around, saying, Take brought you out of the
heed to yourselves that you do not 17 aDeut. 4:10 land of Egypt, bout of the
go up to the mountain or touch its house of 1bondage.
base. aWhoever touches the moun- 18 aDeut. 4:11 3 aYou shall have no other gods
bEx. 3:2; 24:17
tain shall surely be put to death. cGen. 15:17;
before Me.
13 Not a hand shall touch him, but 19:28 dPs. 68:8 4 aYou shall not make for your-
he shall surely be stoned or shot 1LXX all the self a carved imageany
with an arrow; whether man or people likeness of anything that is
beast, he shall not live. When the in heaven above, or that is
19 aHeb. 12:21 in the earth beneath, or
trumpet sounds long, they shall bPs. 81:7
come near the mountain. that is in the water under
14 So Moses went down from the 21 a1 Sam. the earth;
mountain to the people and sancti- 6:19 5 ayou shall not bow down
fied the people, and they washed to them nor 1serve them.
22 aEx. 19:24; bFor I, the LORD your God,
their clothes. 24:5 bLev.
15 And he said to the people, Be 10:3; 21:68 am a jealous God, cvisiting2
ready for the third day; ado not c2 Sam. 6:7, 8 the iniquity of the fathers
come near your wives. upon the children to the
23 aEx. 19:12 third and fourth genera-
16 Then it came to pass on the
third day, in the morning, that there tions of those who hate
were athunderings and lightnings, CHAPTER 20 Me,
and a thick cloud on the mountain; 6 but ashowing mercy to
and the sound of the trumpet was 1 aDeut. 5:22 thousands, to those who
very loud, so that all the people who love Me and keep My
were in the camp btrembled. 2 aHos. 13:4 commandments.
bEx. 13:3
17 And aMoses brought the people 1slaves
7 aYou shall not take the name of
out of the camp to meet with God, the LORD your God in
and they stood at the foot of the 3 aJer. 25:6; vain, for the LORD bwill
mountain. 35:15 not hold him guiltless who
18 Now aMount Sinai was com- takes His name in vain.
pletely in smoke, because the LORD 4 aDeut. 8 aRemember the Sabbath day, to
4:1519; 27:15
descended upon bit in fire. cIts keep it holy.
smoke ascended like the smoke of a 5 aIs. 44:15, 19 9 aSix days you shall labor
furnace, and 1the dwhole mountain bDeut. 4:24 and do all your work,
quaked greatly. cNum. 14:18,
10 but the aseventh day is the
33 1worship
19 And when the blast of the trum- 2punishing Sabbath of the LORD your
pet sounded long and became louder God. In it you shall do
and louder, aMoses spoke, and bGod 6 aDeut. 7:9 no work: you, nor your
answered him by voice. son, nor your daughter,
20 Then the LORD came down 7 aLev. 19:12 nor your male servant, nor
bMic. 6:11
upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the your female servant, nor
mountain. And the LORD called 8 aLev. 26:2 your cattle, bnor your
Moses to the top of the mountain, stranger who is within
and Moses went up. 9 aLuke 13:14 your gates.
21 And the LORD said to Moses, 11 For ain six days the LORD
Go down and warn the people, lest 10 aGen. 2:2, 3 made the heavens and the
they break through ato gaze at the 13:1619 earth, the sea, and all that
LORD, and many of them perish. is in them, and rested the
22 Also let the apriests who come 11 aEx. 31:17 seventh day. Therefore the
near the LORD bconsecrate them- LORD blessed the Sabbath
selves, lest the LORD cbreak out 12 aLev. 19:3 day and hallowed it.
bDeut. 5:16,
against them. 33; 6:2; 11:8, 9 12 aHonor your father and your
23 But Moses said to the LORD, mother, that your days
The people cannot come up to 13 aRom. 13:9 may be blong upon the
Mount Sinai; for You warned us, say- land which the LORD your
ing, aSet bounds around the moun- 14 aMatt. 5:27 God is giving you.
bDeut. 5:18
tain and consecrate it. 13 aYou shall not murder.
24 Then the LORD said to him, 15 aLev. 19:11, 14 aYou shall not commit badultery.
Away! Get down and then come 13 15 aYou shall not steal.
up, you and Aaron with you. But do 16 aYou shall not bear false wit-
not let the priests and the people 16 aDeut. 5:20 ness against your neigh-
break through to come up to the 17 a[Eph. 5:3,
LORD, lest He break out against 5] b[Matt. 17 aYou shall not covet your neigh-
them. 5:28] bors house; byou shall
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EXODUS 20:18 66
not covet your neighbors 18 aHeb. 12:18, him to the door, or to the doorpost,
wife, nor his male servant, 19 bRev. 1:10, and his master shall pierce his ear
12 cEx. 19:16,
nor his female servant, nor 18 with an awl; and he shall serve him
his ox, nor his donkey, nor forever.
anything that is your 19 aHeb. 12:19
bDeut. 5:5,
7 And if a man asells his daughter
neighbors. 2327
to be a female slave, she shall not go
out as the male slaves do.
The People Afraid of Gods 20 a[Is. 41:10, 8 If she 1does not please her mas-
Presence 13] b[Deut. ter, who has betrothed her to him-
13:3] cIs. 8:13 self, then he shall let her be
18 Now aall the people bwitnessed
the thunderings, the lightning 21 aEx. 19:16 redeemed. He shall have no right to
flashes, the sound of the trumpet, sell her to a foreign people, since he
and the mountain csmoking; and 22 aDeut. 4:36; has dealt deceitfully with her.
when the people saw it, they trem- 5:24, 26 9 And if he has betrothed her to
bled and stood afar off. 23 aEx. 32:1, his son, he shall deal with her accord-
19 Then they said to Moses, aYou 2, 4 ing to the custom of daughters.
speak with us, and we will hear; but 10 If he takes another wife, he
blet not God speak with us, lest we 24 aEx. 20:25; shall not diminish her food, her
27:18 bEx.
die. 24:5 c2 Chr. clothing, aand her marriage rights.
20 And Moses said to the people, 6:6 dGen. 12:2 11 And if he does not do these
aDo not fear; bfor God has come to 1cause My three for her, then she shall go out
test you, and cthat His fear may be name to be free, without paying money.
before you, so that you may not sin.
21 So the people stood afar off, but 25 aDeut. 27:5
The Law Concerning Violence
Moses drew near athe thick dark- bJosh. 8:30, 31
12 aHe who strikes a man so that
ness where God was. 26 aEx. 28:42, he dies shall surely be put to death.
The Law of the Altar 43 13 However, aif he did not lie in
wait, but God bdelivered him into his
22 Then the LORD said to Moses, CHAPTER 21 hand, then cI will appoint for you a
Thus you shall say to the children 1 aDeut. 4:14; place where he may flee.
of Israel: You have seen that I have 6:1 1ordi- 14 But if a man acts with apremed-
talked with you afrom heaven. nances itation against his neighbor, to kill
23 You shall not make anything to him by treachery, byou shall take
be awith Megods of silver or gods 2 aJer. 34:14
him from My altar, that he may die.
of gold you shall not make for your- 5 aDeut. 15 And he who strikes his father
selves. 15:16, 17 or his mother shall surely be put to
24 An altar of aearth you shall death.
make for Me, and you shall sacrifice 6 aEx. 12:12;
22:8, 9 16 aHe who kidnaps a man and
on it your burnt offerings and your bsells him, or if he is cfound in his
peace offerings, byour sheep and 7 aNeh. 5:5 hand, shall surely be put to death.
your oxen. In every cplace where I 17 And ahe who curses his father
1record My name I will come to you, 8 1Lit. is evil or his mother shall surely be put to
in the eyes of
and I will dbless you. death.
25 And aif you make Me an altar of 10 a[1 Cor. 7:3, 18 If men contend with each
stone, you shall not build it of hewn 5] other, and one strikes the other with
stone; for if you buse your tool on it, 12 a[Matt.
a stone or with his fist, and he does
you have profaned it. 26:52] not die but is confined to his bed,
26 Nor shall you go up by steps to 19 if he rises again and walks
My altar, that your anakedness may 13 aDeut. 19:4, about outside awith his staff, then he
not be exposed on it. 5 b1 Sam. who struck him shall be 1acquitted.
24:4, 10, 18
The Law Concerning Servants cNum. 35:11 He shall only pay for the loss of his
time, and shall provide for him to be
Now these are the 1judg-
21 ments which you shall aset
before them:
14 aDeut.
19:11, 12
b1 Kin.
thoroughly healed.
20 And if a man beats his male or
female servant with a rod, so that he
2 aIf you buy a Hebrew servant, dies under his hand, he shall surely
he shall serve six years; and in the 16 aDeut. 24:7 be punished.
bGen. 37:28
seventh he shall go out free and cEx. 22:4
21 Notwithstanding, if he remains
pay nothing. alive a day or two, he shall not be
3 If he comes in by himself, he 17 aMark 7:10 punished; for he is his aproperty.
shall go out by himself; if he comes 22 If men 1fight, and hurt a
in married, then his wife shall go 19 a2 Sam. woman with child, so that 2she gives
3:29 1exempt
out with him. from punish- birth prematurely, yet no harm fol-
4 If his master has given him a ment lows, he shall surely be punished
wife, and she has borne him sons or accordingly as the womans hus-
daughters, the wife and her children 21 aLev. band imposes on him; and he shall
shall be her masters, and he shall 25:4446 apay as the judges determine.
go out by himself. 22 aEx. 18:21, 23 But if any harm follows, then
5 aBut if the servant plainly says, 22; 21:30 you shall give life for life,
1struggle 2Lit.
I love my master, my wife, and my 24 aeye for eye, tooth for tooth,
children; I will not go out free, her children hand for hand, foot for foot,
come out
6 then his master shall bring him 25 burn for burn, wound for
to the ajudges. He shall also bring 24 aLev. 24:20 wound, stripe for stripe.
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67 EXODUS 22:23
26 If a man strikes the eye of his 28 aGen. 9:5 the best of his own field and the best
1exempt from
male or female servant, and destroys punishment
of his own vineyard.
it, he shall let him go free for the sake 6 If fire breaks out and catches in
of his eye. 29 1was thorns, so that stacked grain, stand-
27 And if he knocks out the tooth inclined ing grain, or the field is consumed,
of his male or female servant, he he who kindled the fire shall surely
shall let him go free for the sake of 30 aEx. 21:22; make restitution.
Num. 35:31
his tooth. 7 If a man adelivers to his neigh-
32 aZech. bor money or articles to keep, and it
Animal Control Laws 11:12, 13; is stolen out of the mans house, bif
28 If an ox gores a man or a Matt. 26:15; the thief is found, he shall pay dou-
27:3, 9 bEx.
woman to death, then athe ox shall 21:28 ble.
surely be stoned, and its flesh shall 8 If the thief is not found, then
not be eaten; but the owner of the ox the master of the house shall be
shall be 1acquitted. CHAPTER 22 brought to the ajudges to see
29 But if the ox 1tended to thrust whether he has put his hand into his
with its horn in times past, and it 1a2 Sam. 12:6; neighbors goods.
has been made known to his owner, Prov. 6:31; 9 For any kind of trespass,
Luke 19:8
and he has not kept it confined, so whether it concerns an ox, a donkey,
that it has killed a man or a woman, 2 aJob 24:16; a sheep, or clothing, or for any kind
the ox shall be stoned and its owner Matt. 6:19; of lost thing which another claims to
also shall be put to death. 24:43; 1 Pet. be his, the acause of both parties
4:15 bNum. shall come before the judges; and
30 If there is imposed on him a 35:27
sum of money, then he shall pay ato whomever the judges condemn shall
redeem his life, whatever is imposed 3 aEx. 21:2; pay double to his neighbor.
on him. Matt. 18:25 10 If a man delivers to his neigh-
1Sold as a
31 Whether it has gored a son or bor a donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any
slave animal to keep, and it dies, is hurt,
gored a daughter, according to this
judgment it shall be done to him. 4 aEx. 21:16 or driven away, no one seeing it,
32 If the ox gores a male or female bProv. 6:31 11 then an aoath of the LORD shall
servant, he shall give to their master be between them both, that he has
athirty shekels of silver, and the box 7 aLev. 6:17
bEx. 22:4
not put his hand into his neighbors
shall be stoned. goods; and the owner of it shall
33 And if a man opens a pit, or if a 8 aEx. 21:6, 22;
accept that, and he shall not make
man digs a pit and does not cover it, 22:28; Deut. it good.
and an ox or a donkey falls in it, 17:8, 9; 19:17 12 But aif, in fact, it is stolen from
34 the owner of the pit shall make him, he shall make restitution to the
it good; he shall give money to their 9 aDeut. 25:1; owner of it.
2 Chr. 19:10
owner, but the dead animal shall be 13 If it is atorn to pieces by a
his. 11 aHeb. 6:16 beast, then he shall bring it as evi-
35 If one mans ox hurts anoth- dence, and he shall not make good
ers, so that it dies, then they shall 12 aGen. 31:39 what was torn.
sell the live ox and divide the money 14 And if a man borrows anything
from it; and the dead ox they shall 13 aGen. 31:39 from his neighbor, and it becomes
also divide. 16 aDeut.
injured or dies, the owner of it not
36 Or if it was known that the ox 22:28, 29 being with it, he shall surely make it
tended to thrust in time past, and its good.
owner has not kept it confined, he 17 aGen. 34:12; 15 If its owner was with it, he
shall surely pay ox for ox, and the 1 Sam. 18:25 shall not make it good; if it was
dead animal shall be his own. hired, it came for its hire.
18 aLev. 19:31;
20:6, 27; Deut. Moral and Ceremonial Principles
Responsibility for Property 18:10, 11;
1 Sam. 16 aIf a man entices a virgin who
If a man steals an ox or a
22 sheep, and slaughters it or
sells it, he shall arestore five oxen for
28:310; Jer.
27:9, 10 is not betrothed, and lies with her,
he shall surely pay the bride-price
an ox and four sheep for a sheep. 19 aLev. 18:23; for her to be his wife.
2 If the thief is found abreaking 20:15, 16; 17 If her father utterly refuses to
Deut. 27:21
in, and he is struck so that he dies, give her to him, he shall pay money
there shall be bno guilt for his blood- 20 aEx. 32:8; according to the abride-price of vir-
shed. 34:15; Lev. gins.
3 If the sun has risen on him, 17:7; Num. 18 aYou shall not permit a sorcer-
25:2; Deut.
there shall be guilt for his blood- 17:2, 3, 5;
ess to live.
shed. He should make full restitu- 1 Kin. 18:40; 19 aWhoever lies with an animal
tion; if he has nothing, then he shall 2 Kin. 10:25 shall surely be put to death.
be asold1 for his theft. 20 aHe who sacrifices to any god,
4 If the theft is certainly afound 21 aEx. 23:9; except to the LORD only, he shall be
Deut. 10:19;
alive in his hand, whether it is an ox Zech. 7:10 utterly destroyed.
or donkey or sheep, he shall brestore 1sojourner 21 aYou shall neither mistreat a
double. 1stranger nor oppress him, for you
5 If a man causes a field or vine- 22 aDeut. were strangers in the land of Egypt.
yard to be grazed, and lets loose his 24:17, 18; 22 aYou shall not afflict any
Prov. 23:10,
animal, and it feeds in another mans 11; Jer. 7:6, 7; widow or fatherless child.
field, he shall make restitution from [James 1:27] 23 If you afflict them in any way,
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EXODUS 22:24 68
and they acry at all to Me, I will 23 a[Luke let it rest and lie fallow, that the
surely bhear their cry; 18:7] bPs. 18:6 poor of your people may eat; and
24 and My awrath will become 24 aPs. 69:24 what they leave, the beasts of the
bPs. 109:9
hot, and I will kill you with the field may eat. In like manner you
25 aLev.
sword; byour wives shall be widows, 25:3537 bPs. shall do with your vineyard and
and your children fatherless. 15:5 your 1olive grove.
25 aIf you lend money to any of 26 aDeut. 24:6, 12 aSix days you shall do your
My people who are poor among 1013 work, and on the seventh day you
you, you shall not be like a money- 27 aEx. 34:6, 7 shall rest, that your ox and your
lender to him; you shall not charge 28 aEccl. 10:20 donkey may rest, and the son of
him binterest. bActs 23:5 your female servant and the
26 aIf you ever take your neigh- 29 aEx. 23:16, stranger may be refreshed.
bors garment as a pledge, you shall 19 bEx. 13:2, 13 And in all that I have said to
return it to him before the sun goes 12, 15
you, abe circumspect and bmake no
down. 30 aDeut. mention of the name of other gods,
15:19 bLev.
27 For that is his only covering, it 22:27 nor let it be heard from your mouth.
is his garment for his skin. What 31 aLev. 11:44;
will he sleep in? And it will be that 19:2 bEzek. Three Annual Feasts
when he cries to Me, I will hear, for 4:14
14 aThree times you shall keep a
I am agracious. CHAPTER 23 feast to Me in the year:
28 aYou shall not revile God, nor 1 aPs. 101:5 15 aYou shall keep the Feast of
curse a bruler of your people. bDeut.
Unleavened Bread (you shall eat
29 You shall not delay to offer athe 19:1621
2 aGen. 7:1 unleavened bread seven days, as I
first of your ripe produce and your bLev. 19:15 commanded you, at the time
juices. bThe firstborn of your sons appointed in the month of Abib, for
3 aDeut. 1:17;
you shall give to Me. 16:19 in it you came out of Egypt; bnone
30 aLikewise you shall do with 4 a[Rom. shall appear before Me empty);
your oxen and your sheep. It shall be 12:20] 16 aand the Feast of Harvest, the
with its mother bseven days; on the 5 aDeut. 22:4 firstfruits of your labors which you
eighth day you shall give it to Me. 6 aEccl. 5:8 have sown in the field; and bthe
31 And you shall be aholy men to 7 aEph. 4:25 Feast of Ingathering at the end of the
Me: byou shall not eat meat torn by bMatt. 27:4
year, when you have gathered in the
beasts in the field; you shall throw cRom. 1:18
fruit of your labors from the field.
it to the dogs. 8 aProv. 15:27; 17 aThree times in the year all your
17:8, 23
Justice for All males shall appear before the Lord
9 aEx. 22:21 1GOD.
You ashall not circulate a 18 aYou shall not offer the blood
23 false report. Do not put your
hand with the wicked to be an bun-
10 aLev. 25:17
11 1olive yards
of My sacrifice with leavened
bbread; nor shall the fat of My 1sac-
12 aLuke 13:14 rifice remain until morning.
righteous witness.
2 aYou shall not follow a crowd 13 a1 Tim. 4:16 19 aThe first of the firstfruits of
bJosh. 23:7
to do evil; bnor shall you testify in a 14 aEx. 23:17;
your land you shall bring into the
dispute so as to turn aside after 34:2224 house of the LORD your God. bYou
many to pervert justice. 15 aEx.
shall not boil a young goat in its
3 You shall not show partiality to 12:1420 mothers milk.
a apoor man in his dispute. bEx. 22:29;
4 aIf you meet your enemys ox 34:20 The Angel and the Promises
or his donkey going astray, you 16 aEx. 34:22
bDeut. 16:13 20 aBehold, I send an Angel before
shall surely bring it back to him you to keep you in the way and to
again. 17 aDeut.
16:16 1Heb. bring you into the place which I
5 aIf you see the donkey of one YHWH, usu- have prepared.
who hates you lying under its bur- ally trans- 21 Beware of Him and obey His
den, and you would refrain from lated LORD
voice; ado not provoke Him, for He
helping it, you shall surely help him 18 aEx. 34:25 will bnot pardon your transgres-
bDeut. 16:4
with it. 1feast sions; for cMy name is in Him.
6 aYou shall not pervert the judg- 22 But if you indeed obey His voice
ment of your poor in his dispute. 19 aDeut. 26:2,
10 bDeut. and do all that I speak, then aI will be
7 aKeep yourself far from a false 14:21 an enemy to your enemies and an
matter; bdo not kill the innocent and 20 aEx. 3:2; adversary to your adversaries.
righteous. For cI will not justify the 13:15; 14:19 23 aFor My Angel will go before
wicked. 21 aPs. 78:40, you and bbring you in to the Amo-
8 And ayou shall take no bribe, 56 bDeut. rites and the Hittites and the Per-
for a bribe blinds the discerning and 18:19 cIs. 9:6
22 aDeut. 30:7
izzites and the Canaanites and the
perverts the words of the righteous. Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will
9 Also ayou shall not oppress a 23 aEx. 23:20
bJosh. 24:8, 11
1cut them off.
1stranger, for you know the heart of
1annihilate 24 You shall not abow down to
a stranger, because you were them their gods, nor serve them, bnor do
strangers in the land of Egypt. 24 aEx. 20:5; according to their works; cbut you
23:13, 33 shall utterly overthrow them and
The Law of Sabbaths bDeut. 12:30,
31 cNum. completely break down their sacred
10 aSix years you shall sow your 33:52 pillars.
land and gather in its produce, 25 aDeut. 6:13 25 So you shall aserve the LORD
11 but the seventh year you shall bDeut. 28:5 your God, and bHe will bless your
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 69
69 EXODUS 25:9
bread and your water. And cI will 25 cEx. 15:26 the LORD has made with you accord-
take sickness away from the midst 26 aDeut. 7:14; ing to all these words.
of you. 28:4 b1 Chr.
26 aNo one shall suffer miscar- 23:1 On the Mountain with God
riage or be barren in your land; I 27 aEx. 15:16 9 Then Moses went up, also
will bfulfill the number of your days. bDeut. 7:23
Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and sev-
27 I will send aMy fear before you, enty of the elders of Israel,
28 aJosh. 24:12
I will bcause confusion among all 10 and they asaw the God of Israel.
the people to whom you come, and 29 aDeut. 7:22 And there was under His feet as it
will make all your enemies turn 31 aGen. 15:18 were a paved work of bsapphire
their backs to you. bJosh. 21:44 stone, and it was like the cvery1
28 And aI will send hornets before 1boundaries
heavens in its clarity.
2Heb. Nahar,
you, which shall drive out the 11 But on the nobles of the chil-
Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hit- the Euphrates
dren of Israel He adid not 1lay His
tite from before you. 32 aEx. 34:12, hand. So bthey saw God, and they
29 aI will not drive them out from 15 1treaty cate and drank.
before you in one year, lest the land 33 aPs. 106:36 12 Then the LORD said to Moses,
become desolate and the beasts of aCome up to Me on the mountain
the field become too numerous for CHAPTER 24 and be there; and I will give you
you. btablets of stone, and the law and
30 Little by little I will drive them 1 aLev. 10:1, 2 commandments which I have writ-
out from before you, until you have bNum. 11:16
ten, that you may teach them.
increased, and you inherit the land. 13 So Moses arose with ahis assis-
3 aEx. 19:8;
31 And aI will set your 1bounds 24:7 tant Joshua, and Moses went up to
from the Red Sea to the sea, Philis- 1ordinances the mountain of God.
tia, and from the desert to the 14 And he said to the elders, Wait
2River. For I will bdeliver the inhabi- 4 aDeut. 31:9
bGen. 28:18 here for us until we come back to
tants of the land into your hand, and you. Indeed, Aaron and aHur are
you shall drive them out before you. 5 aEx. 18:12; with you. If any man has a difficulty,
32 aYou shall make no 1covenant 20:24
let him go to them.
with them, nor with their gods. 6 aHeb. 9:18 15 Then Moses went up into the
33 They shall not dwell in your 7 aHeb. 9:19 mountain, and aa cloud covered the
land, lest they make you sin against mountain.
Me. For if you serve their gods, ait 8 a[Luke 16 Now athe glory of the LORD
will surely be a snare to you. 22:20]
rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud
Israel Affirms the Covenant 10 a[John 1:18; covered it six days. And on the sev-
6:46] bEzek. enth day He called to Moses out of
1:26 cMatt. the midst of the cloud.
Now He said to Moses, Come
24 up to the LORD, you and
Aaron, aNadab and Abihu, band sev-
17:2 1Lit. sub-
stance of
17 The sight of the glory of the
LORD was like aa consuming fire on
enty of the elders of Israel, and wor- 11 aEx. 19:21
the top of the mountain in the eyes
ship from afar. bGen. 32:30 of the children of Israel.
2 And Moses alone shall come c1 Cor. 10:18 18 So Moses went into the midst of
1stretch out
near the LORD, but they shall not the cloud and went up into the
His mountain. And aMoses was on the
come near; nor shall the people go
up with him. 12 aEx. 24:2, mountain forty days and forty
3 So Moses came and told the 15 bEx. 31:18; nights.
people all the words of the LORD Offerings for the Sanctuary
and all the 1judgments. And all the 13 aEx. 32:17
people answered with one voice and Then the LORD spoke to
said, aAll the words which the
LORD has said we will do.
14 aEx. 17:10,
12 25 Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
15 aEx. 19:9
4 And Moses awrote all the words that they bring Me an 1offering.
of the LORD. And he rose early in 16 aEx. 16:10; aFrom everyone who gives it will-
the morning, and built an altar at 33:18 ingly with his heart you shall take
the foot of the mountain, and twelve 17 aDeut. 4:26, My offering.
bpillars according to the twelve 36; 9:3 3 And this is the offering which
tribes of Israel. 18 aEx. 34:28
you shall take from them: gold, sil-
5 Then he sent young men of the ver, and bronze;
children of Israel, who offered 4 blue, purple, and scarlet
aburnt offerings and sacrificed CHAPTER 25 thread, fine linen, and goats hair;
peace offerings of oxen to the LORD. 2 aEx. 35:49,
5 ram skins dyed red, 1badger
6 And Moses atook half the blood 21 1heave skins, and acacia wood;
and put it in basins, and half the offering 6 aoil for the light, and bspices for
blood he sprinkled on the altar. 5 1Or dolphin
the anointing oil and for the sweet
7 Then he atook the Book of the incense;
Covenant and read in the hearing of 6 aEx. 27:20 7 onyx stones, and stones to be set
bEx. 30:23
the people. And they said, All that in the aephod and in the breastplate.
the LORD has said we will do, and 7 aEx. 28:4, 8 And let them make Me a asanc-
be obedient. 614 tuary,1 that bI may dwell among
8 And Moses took the blood, sprin- 8 aHeb. 9:1, 2
kled it on the people, and said, This b[2 Cor. 6:16] 9 According to all that I show
is athe blood of the covenant which 1sacred place you, that is, the pattern of the
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 70
EXODUS 25:10 70
tabernacle and the pattern of all its 10 aEx. 37:19; rings of gold, and put the rings on
furnishings, just so you shall make Deut. 10:3; the four corners that are at its four
Heb. 9:4
it. legs.
27 The rings shall be close to the
The Ark of the Testimony 11 aEx. 37:2;
Heb. 9:4 frame, as holders for the poles to
10 aAnd they shall make an ark of bear the table.
acacia wood; two and a half cubits 15 aNum. 4:6;
28 And you shall make the poles
shall be its length, a cubit and a half 1 Kin. 8:8 of acacia wood, and overlay them
its width, and a cubit and a half its with gold, that the table may be car-
height. 16 aEx. 16:34;
ried with them.
11 And you shall overlay it with 31:18; Deut. 29 You shall make aits dishes, its
pure gold, inside and out you shall 10:2; 31:26; pans, its pitchers, and its bowls for
overlay it, and shall make on it a 1 Kin. 8:9; pouring. You shall make them of
Heb. 9:4 pure gold.
molding of agold all around.
12 You shall cast four rings of gold 30 And you shall set the ashow-
17 aEx. 37:6; bread on the table before Me always.
for it, and put them in its four cor- Heb. 9:5
ners; two rings shall be on one side, The Gold Lampstand
and two rings on the other side. 20 a1 Kin. 8:7;
13 And you shall make poles of 1 Chr. 28:18; 31 aYou shall also make a lamp-
acacia wood, and overlay them with Heb. 9:5 stand of pure gold; the lampstand
gold. shall be of hammered work. Its
14 You shall put the poles into the 21 aEx. 26:34; shaft, its branches, its bowls, its
rings on the sides of the ark, that the 40:20 bEx. ornamental knobs, and flowers
ark may be carried by them. 25:16 shall be of one piece.
15 aThe poles shall be in the rings 32 And six branches shall come
of the ark; they shall not be taken 22 aEx. 29:42, out of its sides: three branches of
from it. 43; 30:6, 36; the lampstand out of one side, and
Lev. 16:2;
16 And you shall put into the ark Num. 17:4 three branches of the lampstand out
athe Testimony which I will give you. bNum. 7:89; of the other side.
17 aYou shall make a mercy seat 1 Sam. 4:4; 33 aThree bowls shall be made like
of pure gold; two and a half cubits 2 Sam. 6:2; almond blossoms on one branch,
2 Kin. 19:15;
shall be its length and a cubit and a Ps. 80:1; Is. with an ornamental knob and a
half its width. 37:16 flower, and three bowls made like
18 And you shall make two cheru- almond blossoms on the other
bim of gold; of hammered work you 23 aEx. branch, with an ornamental knob
shall make them at the two ends of 37:1016; and a flowerand so for the six
the mercy seat. 1 Kin. 7:48; branches that come out of the lamp-
19 Make one cherub at one end, 2 Chr. 4:8; stand.
Heb. 9:2
and the other cherub at the other 34 aOn the lampstand itself four
end; you shall make the cherubim at bowls shall be made like almond
the two ends of it of one piece with 29 aEx. 37:16; blossoms, each with its ornamental
Num. 4:7
the mercy seat. knob and flower.
20 And athe cherubim shall stretch 35 And there shall be a knob
30 aEx. 39:36; under the first two branches of the
out their wings above, covering the 40:23; Lev.
mercy seat with their wings, and 24:59 same, a knob under the second two
they shall face one another; the branches of the same, and a knob
faces of the cherubim shall be 31 aEx. under the third two branches of the
toward the mercy seat. 37:1724; same, according to the six branches
21 aYou shall put the mercy seat 1 Kin. 7:49; that extend from the lampstand.
on top of the ark, and bin the ark Zech. 4:2; 36 Their knobs and their branches
Heb. 9:2; Rev.
you shall put the Testimony that I 1:12 shall be of one piece; all of it shall be
will give you. one hammered piece of pure gold.
22 And athere I will meet with you, 33 aEx. 37:19
37 You shall make seven lamps for
and I will speak with you from it, and athey shall arrange its lamps
above the mercy seat, from bbetween so that they bgive light in front of it.
the two cherubim which are on the 34 aEx. 38 And its wick-trimmers and
ark of the Testimony, about every- their trays shall be of pure gold.
thing which I will give you in com- 39 It shall be made of a talent of
37 aEx. 27:21; pure gold, with all these utensils.
mandment to the children of Israel. 30:8; Lev.
24:3, 4; 2 Chr. 40 And asee to it that you make
The Table for the Showbread 13:11 bNum. them according to the pattern
23 aYou shall also make a table of
8:2 which was shown you on the moun-
acacia wood; two cubits shall be its tain.
40 aEx. 25:9;
length, a cubit its width, and a cubit 26:30; Num. The Tabernacle
and a half its height. 8:4; 1 Chr.
Moreover ayou shall make
24 And you shall overlay it with
pure gold, and make a molding of
gold all around.
28:11, 19; Acts
7:44; [Heb.
26 the tabernacle with ten cur-
tains of fine woven linen and blue,
25 You shall make for it a frame of purple, and scarlet thread; with
a handbreadth all around, and you CHAPTER 26
artistic designs of cherubim you
shall make a gold molding for the shall weave them.
frame all around. 2 The length of each curtain shall
26 And you shall make for it four 1 aEx. 36:819 be twenty-eight cubits, and the
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 71
71 EXODUS 26:37
width of each curtain four cubits. 2 1Lit. one 19 You shall make forty sockets of
And every one of the curtains shall measure silver under the twenty boards: two
have 1the same measurements. sockets under each of the boards for
3 Five curtains shall be coupled its two tenons.
to one another, and the other five 20 And for the second side of the
curtains shall be coupled to one 7 aEx. 36:14 tabernacle, the north side, there
another. shall be twenty boards
4 And you shall make loops of 21 and their forty sockets of sil-
blue yarn on the edge of the curtain ver: two sockets under each of the
on the selvedge of one set, and like- 14 aEx. 35:7, boards.
wise you shall do on the outer edge 23; 36:19 22 For the far side of the taberna-
of the other curtain of the second cle, westward, you shall make six
set. boards.
5 Fifty loops you shall make in 23 And you shall also make two
the one curtain, and fifty loops you boards for the two back corners of
shall make on the edge of the cur- 15 aEx.
36:2034 the tabernacle.
tain that is on the end of the second 24 They shall be 1coupled together
set, that the loops may be clasped to at the bottom and they shall be cou-
one another. pled together at the top by one ring.
6 And you shall make fifty clasps Thus it shall be for both of them.
of gold, and couple the curtains 17 1Projections They shall be for the two corners.
together with the clasps, so that it for joining, lit.
hands 25 So there shall be eight boards
may be one tabernacle. with their sockets of silversixteen
7 aYou shall also make curtains socketstwo sockets under each of
of goats hair, to be a tent over the the boards.
tabernacle. You shall make eleven 26 And you shall make bars of
curtains. 24 1Lit. dou- acacia wood: five for the boards on
8 The length of each curtain shall bled
one side of the tabernacle,
be thirty cubits, and the width of 27 five bars for the boards on the
each curtain four cubits; and the other side of the tabernacle, and five
eleven curtains shall all have the bars for the boards of the side of the
same measurements. 28 aEx. 36:33 tabernacle, for the far side west-
9 And you shall couple five cur- ward.
tains by themselves and six curtains 28 The amiddle bar shall pass
by themselves, and you shall double through the midst of the boards
over the sixth curtain at the fore- from end to end.
front of the tent. 30 aEx. 25:9,
10 You shall make fifty loops on
40; 27:8; 29 You shall overlay the boards
39:32; Num. with gold, make their rings of gold
the edge of the curtain that is outer- 8:4; Acts 7:44;
most in one set, and fifty loops on [Heb. 8:2, 5] as holders for the bars, and overlay
the edge of the curtain of the second the bars with gold.
set. 30 And you shall raise up the tab-
11 And you shall make fifty ernacle aaccording to its pattern
bronze clasps, put the clasps into which you were shown on the
31 aEx. 27:21; mountain.
the loops, and couple the tent 36:3538; Lev.
together, that it may be one. 16:2; 2 Chr. 31 aYou shall make a veil woven of
12 The remnant that remains of 3:14; Matt. blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
27:51; Heb. fine woven linen. It shall be woven
the curtains of the tent, the half cur- 9:3; 10:20
tain that remains, shall hang over with an artistic design of cherubim.
the back of the tabernacle. 32 You shall hang it upon the four
13 And a cubit on one side and a pillars of acacia wood overlaid with
cubit on the other side, of what gold. Their hooks shall be gold,
remains of the length of the curtains 33 aEx. upon four sockets of silver.
25:1016; 33 And you shall hang the veil
of the tent, shall hang over the sides 40:21 bLev.
of the tabernacle, on this side and 16:2; Heb. from the clasps. Then you shall
on that side, to cover it. 9:2, 3 bring athe ark of the Testimony in
14 aYou shall also make a cover- there, behind the veil. The veil shall
ing of ram skins dyed red for the be a divider for you between bthe
tent, and a covering of badger skins holy place and the Most Holy.
above that. 34 aEx. 34 aYou shall put the mercy seat
15 And for the tabernacle you 25:1722; upon the ark of the Testimony in the
shall amake the boards of acacia 40:20; Heb. Most Holy.
9:5 35 aYou shall set the table outside
wood, standing upright.
16 Ten cubits shall be the length of the veil, and bthe lampstand across
a board, and a cubit and a half shall from the table on the side of the
be the width of each board. tabernacle toward the south; and
17 Two 1tenons shall be in each 35 aEx. 40:22; you shall put the table on the north
board for binding one to another. Heb. 9:2
bEx. 40:24
Thus you shall make for all the 36 aYou shall make a screen for
boards of the tabernacle. the door of the tabernacle, woven of
18 And you shall make the boards blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
for the tabernacle, twenty boards fine woven linen, made by a weaver.
for the south side. 36 aEx. 36:37 37 And you shall make for the
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EXODUS 27:1 72
screen afive pillars of acacia wood, 37 aEx. 36:38 17 All the pillars around the court
and overlay them with gold; their shall have bands of silver; their
hooks shall be gold, and you shall ahooks shall be of silver and their
cast five sockets of bronze for them. CHAPTER 27 sockets of bronze.
18 The length of the court shall be
The Altar of Burnt Offering one hundred cubits, the width fifty
You shall make aan altar of throughout, and the height five
27 acacia wood, five cubits long
and five cubits widethe altar shall
1 aEx. 38:1;
Ezek. 43:13
cubits, made of fine woven linen,
and its sockets of bronze.
be squareand its height shall be 19 All the utensils of the taberna-
three cubits. 8 aEx. 25:40; cle for all its service, all its pegs, and
2 You shall make its horns on its 26:30; Acts all the pegs of the court, shall be of
four corners; its horns shall be of 7:44; [Heb. bronze.
one piece with it. And you shall The Care of the Lampstand
overlay it with bronze.
3 Also you shall make its pans to 9 aEx. 38:920 20 And ayou shall command the
receive its ashes, and its shovels and children of Israel that they bring
its basins and its forks and its you pure oil of pressed olives for the
firepans; you shall make all its uten- 17 aEx. 38:19 light, to cause the lamp to 1burn
sils of bronze. continually.
4 You shall make a grate for it, a 21 In the tabernacle of meeting,
network of bronze; and on the net- 20 aEx. 35:8, aoutside the veil which is before the
work you shall make four bronze 28; Lev. 24:14
1Lit. ascend Testimony, bAaron and his sons shall
rings at its four corners. tend it from evening until morning
5 You shall put it under the rim before the LORD. cIt shall be a
of the altar beneath, that the net- 21 aEx. 26:31, statute forever to their generations
work may be midway up the altar. 33 bEx. 30:8; on behalf of the children of Israel.
6 And you shall make poles for 1 Sam. 3:3;
the altar, poles of acacia wood, and 2 Chr. 13:11 Garments for the Priesthood
cEx. 28:43;
overlay them with bronze. 29:9; Lev. Now take Aaron your brother,
7 The poles shall be put in the
rings, and the poles shall be on the
3:17; 16:34;
Num. 18:23;
19:21; 1 Sam.
28 and his sons with him, from
among the children of Israel, that he
two sides of the altar to bear it.
8 You shall make it hollow with 30:25 may minister to Me as bpriest,
boards; aas it was shown you on the Aaron and Aarons sons: cNadab,
mountain, so shall they make it. Abihu, dEleazar, and Ithamar.
CHAPTER 28 2 And ayou shall make 1holy gar-
The Court of the Tabernacle ments for Aaron your brother, for
glory and for beauty.
9 aYou shall also make the court 3 So ayou shall speak to all who
of the tabernacle. For the south side 1 aNum. 3:10; are gifted artisans, bwhom I have
there shall be hangings for the court 18:7 bPs. 99:6;
filled with the spirit of wisdom, that
made of fine woven linen, one hun- Heb. 5:4 cEx.
24:1, 9; Lev. they may make Aarons garments, to
dred cubits long for one side. 10:1 dEx. 6:23; consecrate him, that he may minister
10 And its twenty pillars and their Lev. 10:6, 16
to Me as priest.
twenty sockets shall be bronze. The 4 And these are the garments
hooks of the pillars and their bands which they shall make: aa breast-
shall be silver. 2 aEx. 29:5, 29;
plate, ban 1ephod, ca robe, da skillfully
11 Likewise along the length of 31:10; 39:131;
Lev. 8:79, 30 woven tunic, a turban, and ea sash.
the north side there shall be hang- 1sacred
So they shall make holy garments
ings one hundred cubits long, with for Aaron your brother and his sons,
its twenty pillars and their twenty that he may minister to Me as priest.
sockets of bronze, and the hooks of 3 aEx. 31:6;
the pillars and their bands of silver. 36:1 bEx. 31:3; The Ephod
12 And along the width of the 35:30, 31; Is.
11:2; Eph. 5 They shall take the gold, blue,
court on the west side shall be hang- 1:17
ings of fifty cubits, with their ten pil- purple, and scarlet thread, and the
lars and their ten sockets. fine linen,
13 The width of the court on the 4 aEx. 28:15 6 aand they shall make the ephod
east side shall be fifty cubits. bEx. 28:6 of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet
14 The hangings on one side of cEx. 28:31
dEx. 28:39
thread, and fine woven linen, artisti-
the gate shall be fifteen cubits, with eLev. 8:7 cally worked.
their three pillars and their three 1Ornamented 7 It shall have two shoulder
sockets. vest straps joined at its two edges, and so
15 And on the other side shall be it shall be joined together.
hangings of fifteen cubits, with 8 And the 1intricately woven
their three pillars and their three 6 aEx. 39:27; band of the ephod, which is on it,
Lev. 8:7
sockets. shall be of the same workmanship,
16 For the gate of the court there made of gold, blue, purple, and scar-
shall be a screen twenty cubits long, 8 1ingenious
let thread, and fine woven linen.
woven of blue, purple, and scarlet work of 9 Then you shall take two onyx
thread, and fine woven linen, made astones and engrave on them the
by a weaver. It shall have four pil- names of the sons of Israel:
lars and four sockets. 9 aEx. 35:27 10 six of their names on one stone
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73 EXODUS 28:41
and six names on the other stone, in 10 aGen. seam above the 1intricately woven
order of their abirth. 29:3130:24; band of the ephod.
11 With the work of an aengraver in 28 They shall bind the breastplate
stone, like the engravings of a signet, by means of its rings to the rings of
you shall engrave the two stones with 11 aEx. 35:35 the ephod, using a blue cord, so that
the names of the sons of Israel. You it is above the intricately woven
shall set them in settings of gold. band of the ephod, and so that the
12 And you shall put the two 12 aEx. 28:29, breastplate does not come loose
30; 39:6, 7
stones on the shoulders of the bLev. 24:7; from the ephod.
ephod as memorial stones for the Num. 31:54; 29 So Aaron shall abear the names
sons of Israel. So aAaron shall bear Josh. 4:7; of the sons of Israel on the breastplate
their names before the LORD on his Zech. 6:14; of judgment over his heart, when he
1 Cor. 11:24
two shoulders bas a memorial. goes into the holy place, as a memo-
13 You shall also make settings of rial before the LORD continually.
gold, 15 aEx. 39:821 30 And ayou shall put in the
14 and you shall make two chains breastplate of judgment the 1Urim
of pure gold like braided cords, and and the Thummim, and they shall
fasten the braided chains to the set- 17 aEx. 39:10 be over Aarons heart when he goes
1Or ruby
tings. in before the LORD. So Aaron shall
bear the judgment of the children of
The Breastplate 19 1Or amber Israel over his heart before the
15 aYou shall make the breastplate LORD continually.
of judgment. Artistically woven 20 1Or yellow Other Priestly Garments
according to the workmanship of jasper 2Or
the ephod you shall make it: of gold, carnelian 31 aYou shall make the robe of the
blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and ephod all of blue.
fine woven linen, you shall make it. 32 There shall be an opening for
27 1ingenious
16 It shall be doubled into a work of his head in the middle of it; it shall
square: a span shall be its length, have a woven binding all around its
and a span shall be its width. opening, like the opening in a coat
17 aAnd you shall put settings of 29 aEx. 28:12 of mail, so that it does not tear.
stones in it, four rows of stones: The 33 And upon its hem you shall
first row shall be a 1sardius, a topaz, make pomegranates of blue, purple,
30 aLev. 8:8;
and an emerald; this shall be the Num. 27:21; and scarlet, all around its hem, and
first row; Deut. 33:8; bells of gold between them all
18 the second row shall be a 1 Sam. 28:6; around:
turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond; Ezra 2:63; 34 a golden bell and a pomegran-
Neh. 7:65 1Lit.
19 the third row, a 1jacinth, an Lights and ate, a golden bell and a pomegran-
agate, and an amethyst; the Perfec- ate, upon the hem of the robe all
20 and the fourth row, a 1beryl, an tions around.
2onyx, and a jasper. They shall be 35 And it shall be upon Aaron
set in gold settings. when he ministers, and its sound will
31 aEx.
21 And the stones shall have the 39:2226 be heard when he goes into the holy
names of the sons of Israel, twelve place before the LORD and when he
according to their names, like the comes out, that he may not die.
engravings of a signet, each one 36 aEx. 39:30, 36 aYou shall also make a plate of
with its own name; they shall be 31; Lev. 8:9; pure gold and engrave on it, like the
Zech. 14:20
according to the twelve tribes. engraving of a signet:
22 You shall make chains for the
breastplate at the end, like braided 38 aEx. 28:43; HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
cords of pure gold. Lev. 10:17;
23 And you shall make two rings 22:9, 16; Num. 37 And you shall put it on a blue
18:1; [Is.
of gold for the breastplate, and put 53:11]; Ezek. cord, that it may be on the turban; it
the two rings on the two ends of the 4:46; [John shall be on the front of the turban.
breastplate. 1:29; Heb. 38 So it shall be on Aarons fore-
24 Then you shall put the two 9:28; 1 Pet. head, that Aaron may abear the
2:24] bLev.
braided chains of gold in the two 1:4; 22:27; iniquity of the holy things which
rings which are on the ends of the 23:11; Is. 56:7 the children of Israel hallow in all
breastplate; their 1holy gifts; and it shall always
25 and the other two ends of the be on his forehead, that they may
two braided chains you shall fasten 39 aEx. 35:35;
be baccepted before the LORD.
to the two settings, and put them on 39:2729 39 You shall askillfully weave the
the shoulder straps of the ephod in tunic of fine linen thread, you shall
the front. make the turban of fine linen, and
26 You shall make two rings of 40 aEx. 28:4; you shall make the sash of woven
gold, and put them on the two ends 39:2729, 41; work.
Ezek. 44:17,
of the breastplate, on the edge of it, 18 bEx. 28:2 40 aFor Aarons sons you shall
which is on the inner side of the 1headpieces make tunics, and you shall make
ephod. or turbans sashes for them. And you shall make
27 And two other rings of gold 1hats for them, for glory and bbeauty.
you shall make, and put them on the 41 aEx. 29:79;
41 So you shall put them on
two shoulder straps, underneath the 30:30; 40:15; Aaron your brother and on his sons
ephod toward its front, right at the Lev. 10:7 with him. You shall aanoint them,
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EXODUS 28:42 74
bconsecrate them, and 1sanctify 41 bEx. 29:9; its skin and its offal, you shall burn
them, that they may minister to Me Lev. 8; Heb. with fire outside the camp. It is a
7:28 1set them
as priests. apart sin offering.
42 And you shall make afor them 42 aEx. 39:28;
15 aYou shall also take one ram,
linen trousers to cover their 1naked- Lev. 6:10; and Aaron and his sons shall bput
ness; they shall 2reach from the 16:4; Ezek. their hands on the head of the ram;
waist to the thighs. 44:18 1bare 16 and you shall kill the ram, and
43 They shall be on Aaron and on flesh 2Lit. be
you shall take its blood and asprin-
his sons when they come into the 43 aEx. 20:26
bLev. 5:1, 17;
kle it all around on the altar.
tabernacle of meeting, or when they 20:19, 20; 17 Then you shall cut the ram in
come near athe altar to minister in 22:9; Num. pieces, wash its entrails and its legs,
the holy place, that they bdo not 9:13; 18:22 and put them with its pieces and
incur 1iniquity and die. cIt shall be a cEx. 27:21;
with its head.
Lev. 17:7
statute forever to him and his 1guilt 18 And you shall burn the whole
descendants after him. ram on the altar. It is a aburnt offer-
CHAPTER 29 ing to the LORD; it is a sweet aroma,
Aaron and His Sons Consecrated an offering made by fire to the LORD.
And this is what you shall do 1 aLev. 8; 19 aYou shall also take the other
29 to them to hallow them for
ministering to Me as priests: aTake
[Heb. 7:2628]
2 aLev. 2:4;
ram, and Aaron and his sons shall
put their hands on the head of the
6:1923 ram.
one young bull and two rams with-
out blemish, 4 aEx. 40:12; 20 Then you shall kill the ram,
Lev. 8:6; [Heb. and take some of its blood and put it
2 and aunleavened bread, unleav- 10:22]
ened cakes mixed with oil, and on the tip of the right ear of Aaron
5 aEx. 28:2; and on the tip of the right ear of his
unleavened wafers anointed with oil Lev. 8:7 bEx.
(you shall make them of wheat 28:8 sons, on the thumb of their right
flour). 6 aEx. 28:36,
hand and on the big toe of their
3 You shall put them in one bas- 37; Lev. 8:9 right foot, and sprinkle the blood all
ket and bring them in the basket, 7 aEx. 25:6;
around on the altar.
with the bull and the two rams. 30:2531; Lev. 21 And you shall take some of the
4 And Aaron and his sons you 8:12; 10:7; blood that is on the altar, and some of
21:10; Num. athe anointing oil, and sprinkle it on
shall bring to the door of the taber- 35:25; Ps.
nacle of meeting, aand you shall 133:2
Aaron and on his garments, on his
wash them with water. sons and on the garments of his sons
8 aEx. 28:39, with him; and bhe and his garments
5 aThen you shall take the gar- 40; Lev. 8:13
ments, put the tunic on Aaron, and shall be hallowed, and his sons and
9 aEx. 40:15; his sons garments with him.
the robe of the ephod, the ephod, Num. 3:10;
and the breastplate, and gird him 18:7; 25:13; 22 Also you shall take the fat of the
with bthe intricately woven band of Deut. 18:5 ram, the fat tail, the fat that covers
the ephod.
bEx. 28:41;
the entrails, the fatty lobe attached
Lev. 8
6 aYou shall put the turban on his to the liver, the two kidneys and the
head, and put the holy crown on the 10 aLev. 1:4; fat on them, the right thigh (for it is
turban. a ram of consecration),
7 And you shall take the anoint- 12 aLev. 8:15 23 aone loaf of bread, one cake
bEx. 27:2;
ing aoil, pour it on his head, and 30:2; Lev. 4:7 made with oil, and one wafer from
anoint him. the basket of the unleavened bread
13 aLev. 1:8;
8 Then ayou shall bring his sons 3:3, 4 that is before the LORD;
and put tunics on them. 24 and you shall put all these in the
14 aLev. 4:11, hands of Aaron and in the hands of
9 And you shall gird them with 12, 21; Heb.
sashes, Aaron and his sons, and put 13:11 his sons, and you shall awave them
the hats on them. aThe priesthood 15 aLev. 8:18
as a wave offering before the LORD.
shall be theirs for a perpetual bLev. 1:49 25 aYou shall receive them back
statute. So you shall bconsecrate 16 aEx. 24:6;
from their hands and burn them on
Aaron and his sons. Lev. 1:5, 11 the altar as a burnt offering, as a
10 You shall also have the bull 18 aEx. 20:24
sweet aroma before the LORD. It is
brought before the tabernacle of an offering made by fire to the
19 aLev. 8:22 LORD.
meeting, and aAaron and his sons
shall put their hands on the head of 21 aEx. 30:25, 26 Then you shall take athe breast
31; Lev. 8:30 of the ram of Aarons consecration
the bull. bEx. 28:41;
11 Then you shall kill the bull 29:1; [Heb. and wave it as a wave offering
before the LORD, by the door of the 9:22] before the LORD; and it shall be
tabernacle of meeting. 23 aLev. 8:26 your portion.
12 You shall take some of the 24 aLev. 7:30;
27 And from the ram of the conse-
blood of the bull and put it on athe 10:14 cration you shall consecrate athe
horns of the altar with your finger, 25 aLev. 8:28
breast of the wave offering which is
and bpour all the blood beside the waved, and the thigh of the heave
base of the altar. 26 aLev. 7:31, offering which is raised, of that
34; 8:29
13 And ayou shall take all the fat which is for Aaron and of that
that covers the entrails, the fatty 27 aLev. 7:31, which is for his sons.
34; Num.
lobe attached to the liver, and the 18:11, 18; 28 It shall be from the children of
two kidneys and the fat that is on Deut. 18:3 Israel for Aaron and his sons aby a
them, and burn them on the altar. 28 aLev. 10:15 statute forever. For it is a heave
14 But athe flesh of the bull, with bLev. 3:1; 7:34 offering; bit shall be a heave offering
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 75
75 EXODUS 30:13
from the children of Israel from the 29 aEx. 28:2 nacle of meeting and the altar. I will
bNum. 20:26,
sacrifices of their peace offerings, 28 cNum. 18:8
also aconsecrate both Aaron and his
that is, their heave offering to the sons to minister to Me as priests.
LORD. 30 aNum. 45 aI will dwell among the chil-
29 And the aholy garments of 20:28 bLev. dren of Israel and will bbe their God.
Aaron bshall be his sons after him, 1sanctuary 46 And they shall know that aI am
cto be anointed in them and to be the LORD their God, who bbrought
consecrated in them. 31 aLev. 8:31 them up out of the land of Egypt,
30 aThat son who becomes priest 32 aMatt. 12:4
that I may dwell among them. I am
in his place shall put them on for the LORD their God.
bseven days, when he enters the tab- 33 aLev. 10:14,
ernacle of meeting to minister in the 15, 17 bLev. The Altar of Incense
1holy place. 22:10
You shall make aan altar to
31 And you shall take the ram of
the consecration and aboil its flesh
34 aLev. 7:18;
30 burn incense on; you shall
make it of acacia wood.
in the holy place. 35aLev. 2 A cubit shall be its length and a
32 Then Aaron and his sons shall 8:3335 cubit its widthit shall be square
eat the flesh of the ram, and the and two cubits shall be its height. Its
abread that is in the basket, by the 36 aHeb. 10:11
bEx. 30:2629; horns shall be of one piece with it.
door of the tabernacle of meeting. 40:10, 11 3 And you shall overlay its top,
33 aThey shall eat those things its sides all around, and its horns
with which the atonement was 37 aNum. 4:15; with pure gold; and you shall make
made, to consecrate and to sanctify Hag. 2:1113;
Matt. 23:19 for it a 1molding of gold all around.
them; bbut an outsider shall not eat 4 Two gold rings you shall make
them, because they are holy. 38 aNum. for it, under the molding on both its
34 And if any of the flesh of the 28:331;
29:638 bDan. sides. You shall place them on its
consecration offerings, or of the 12:11 two sides, and they will be holders
bread, remains until the morning, for the poles with which to bear it.
then ayou shall burn the remainder 39 aEzek. 5 You shall make the poles of
with fire. It shall not be eaten, 46:1315 1Lit.
between the acacia wood, and overlay them with
because it is holy. two evenings gold.
35 Thus you shall do to Aaron and 6 And you shall put it before the
his sons, according to all that I have 41 a2 Kin. aveil that is before the ark of the Tes-
commanded you. aSeven days you 16:15 1Lit.
between the timony, before the bmercy seat that
shall consecrate them. two evenings is over the Testimony, where I will
36 And you ashall offer a bull every meet with you.
day as a sin offering for atonement. 42 aEx. 30:8
bEx. 25:22; 7 Aaron shall burn on it asweet
bYou shall cleanse the altar when
33:7, 9 incense every morning; when bhe
you make atonement for it, and you tends the lamps, he shall burn
shall anoint it to sanctify it. 43 a1 Kin. 8:11 incense on it.
37 Seven days you shall make 44 aLev. 21:15 8 And when Aaron lights the
atonement for the altar and sanctify lamps 1at twilight, he shall burn
it. And the altar shall be most holy. 45 a [Rev. 21:3] incense on it, a perpetual incense
aWhatever touches the altar must be bGen. 17:8
before the LORD throughout your
holy. 46 aEx. 16:12; generations.
20:2 bLev. 9 You shall not offer astrange
The Daily Offerings 11:45 incense on it, or a burnt offering, or
38 Now this is what you shall offer CHAPTER 30 a grain offering; nor shall you pour
on the altar: atwo lambs of the first a drink offering on it.
year, bday by day continually. 1 aEx. 10 And aAaron shall make atone-
37:2529 ment upon its horns once a year
39 One lamb you shall offer ain
the morning, and the other lamb 3 1border with the blood of the sin offering of
you shall offer 1at twilight. atonement; once a year he shall
6 aEx. make atonement upon it throughout
40 With the one lamb shall be one- 26:3135 bEx.
tenth of an ephah of flour mixed 25:21, 22 your generations. It is most holy to
with one-fourth of a hin of pressed the LORD.
oil, and one-fourth of a hin of wine 7 a1 Sam. 2:28
bEx. 27:20, 21 The Ransom Money
as a drink offering.
41 And the other lamb you shall 8 1Lit. 11 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
aoffer 1at twilight; and you shall between the saying:
two evenings
offer with it the grain offering and 12 aWhen you take the census of
the drink offering, as in the morn- 9 aLev. 10:1 the children of Israel for their num-
ing, for a sweet aroma, an offering ber, then every man shall give ba1
made by fire to the LORD. 10 aLev.
16:334 ransom for himself to the LORD,
42 This shall be aa continual burnt when you number them, that there
offering throughout your genera- 12 aNum. 1:2; may be no cplague among them
tions at the door of the tabernacle 26:2 b[1 Pet. when you number them.
1:18, 19]
of meeting before the LORD, bwhere c2 Sam. 24:15 13 aThis is what everyone among
I will meet you to speak with you. 1the price of a those who are numbered shall give:
43 And there I will meet with the life half a shekel according to the
children of Israel, and the taberna- 13 aMatt. 17:24
shekel of the sanctuary b(a shekel is
cle ashall be sanctified by My glory. bNum. 3:47 twenty gerahs). cThe half-shekel
44 So I will consecrate the taber- cEx. 38:26 shall be an offering to the LORD.
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EXODUS 30:14 76
14 Everyone included among 14 1contribu- that they may minister to Me as
those who are numbered, from tion priests.
twenty years old and above, shall 15 aJob 34:19; 31 And you shall speak to the chil-
Prov. 22:2;
give an 1offering to the LORD. [Eph. 6:9] dren of Israel, saying: This shall be
15 The arich shall not give more 16 aEx.
a holy anointing oil to Me through-
and the poor shall not give less than 38:2531 out your generations.
half a shekel, when you give an bNum. 16:40 32 It shall not be poured on mans
offering to the LORD, to make atone- 1give flesh; nor shall you make any other
ment for yourselves. 18 aEx. 38:8; like it, according to its composition.
16 And you shall take the atone- 1 Kin. 7:38 aIt is holy, and it shall be holy to you.
bEx. 40:30;
ment money of the children of 1basin 33 aWhoever 1compounds any like
Israel, and ashall 1appoint it for the it, or whoever puts any of it on an
19 aEx. 40:31,
service of the tabernacle of meeting, 32; Ps. 26:6; outsider, bshall be 2cut off from his
that it may be ba memorial for the Is. 52:11; John people.
children of Israel before the LORD, 13:8, 10; Heb.
to make atonement for yourselves. 10:22 The Incense
21 aEx. 28:43
The Bronze Laver 1requirement 34 And the LORD said to Moses:
aTake sweet spices, stacte and ony-
23 aSong 4:14;
17 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, Ezek. 27:22 cha and galbanum, and pure frank-
saying: bPs. 45:8; incense with these sweet spices;
18 aYou shall also make a 1laver of Prov. 7:17
cSong 4:14;
there shall be equal amounts of
bronze, with its base also of bronze, Jer. 6:20
for washing. You shall bput it 35 You shall make of these an
between the tabernacle of meeting 24 aPs. 45:8 incense, a compound aaccording to
bEx. 29:40
and the altar. And you shall put the art of the perfumer, salted, pure,
water in it, 25 aEx. 37:29; and holy.
40:9; Lev.
19 for Aaron and his sons ashall 8:10; Num. 36 And you shall beat some of it
wash their hands and their feet in 35:25; Ps. very fine, and put some of it before
water from it. 89:20; 133:2 the Testimony in the tabernacle of
20 When they go into the taberna- 26 aEx. 40:9; meeting awhere I will meet with
cle of meeting, or when they come Lev. 8:10; you. bIt shall be most holy to you.
Num. 7:1
near the altar to minister, to burn an 37 But as for the incense which
offering made by fire to the LORD, 29 aEx. 29:37; you shall make, ayou shall not make
Num. 4:15;
they shall wash with water, lest they Hag. 2:1113 any for yourselves, according to its
die. 1composition. It shall be to you holy
30 aEx. 29:7;
21 So they shall wash their hands Lev. 8:12 for the LORD.
and their feet, lest they die. And ait 32 aEx. 30:25, 38 aWhoever makes any like it, to
shall be a 1statute forever to them 37 smell it, he shall be cut off from his
to him and his descendants through- 33 aEx. 30:38 people.
out their generations. bGen. 17:14;
Ex. 12:15; Lev. Artisans for Building the
The Holy Anointing Oil 7:20, 21 Tabernacle
1mixes 1Put to
22 Moreover the LORD spoke to Then the LORD spoke to
Moses, saying:
23 Also take for yourself aquality
34 aEx. 25:6;
31 Moses, saying:
2 aSee, I have called by name
spicesfive hundred shekels of liq- 35 aEx. 30:25 Bezalel the bson of Uri, the son of
uid bmyrrh, half as much sweet- 36 aEx. 29:42; Hur, of the tribe of Judah.
smelling cinnamon (two hundred Lev. 16:2 b[Ex. 3 And I have afilled him with the
and fifty shekels), two hundred and 29:37; 30:32]; Spirit of God, in wisdom, in under-
Lev. 2:3
fifty shekels of sweet-smelling standing, in knowledge, and in all
ccane, 37 aEx. 30:32 manner of workmanship,
1Lit. propor-
24 five hundred shekels of acassia, tion 4 to design artistic works, to
according to the shekel of the sanc- 38 aEx. 30:33
work in gold, in silver, in bronze,
tuary, and a bhin of olive oil. 5 in cutting jewels for setting, in
25 And you shall make from these CHAPTER 31 carving wood, and to work in all
a holy anointing oil, an ointment manner of workmanship.
compounded according to the art of 2 aEx. 6 And I, indeed I, have appointed
the perfumer. It shall be aa holy 35:3036:1 with him aAholiab the son of
b1 Chr. 2:20
anointing oil. Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and
26 aWith it you shall anoint the 3 aEx. 28:3; I have put wisdom in the hearts of
35:31; 1 Kin.
tabernacle of meeting and the ark of 7:14; Eph. all the bgifted artisans, that they
the Testimony; 1:17 may make all that I have com-
27 the table and all its utensils, the 6 aEx. 35:34 manded you:
lampstand and its utensils, and the bEx. 28:3; 7 athe tabernacle of meeting, bthe
altar of incense; 35:10, 35; 36:1 ark of the Testimony and cthe mercy
28 the altar of burnt offering with 7 aEx. 36:8 seat that is on it, and all the furni-
bEx. 37:15
all its utensils, and the laver and its cEx. 37:69
ture of the tabernacle
base. 8 athe table and its utensils, bthe
29 You shall consecrate them, that 8 aEx. pure gold lampstand with all its
37:1016 bEx.
they may be most holy; awhatever 37:1724; Lev. utensils, the altar of incense,
touches them must be holy. 24:4 9 athe altar of burnt offering with
30 aAnd you shall anoint Aaron 9 aEx. 38:17 all its utensils, and bthe laver and its
and his sons, and consecrate them, bEx. 38:8 base
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77 EXODUS 32:19
10 athe 1garments of ministry, the 10 aEx. 39:1, 6 Then they rose early on the next
holy garments for Aaron the priest 41 1Or woven day, offered burnt offerings, and
and the garments of his sons, to brought peace offerings; and the
minister as priests, 11 aEx. people asat down to eat and drink,
11 aand the anointing oil and 30:2333 bEx. and rose up to play.
bsweet incense for the holy place. 30:3438 7 And the LORD said to Moses,
According to all that I have com- 13 aEzek.
aGo, get down! For your people
manded you they shall do. 20:12, 20 bLev. whom you brought out of the land of
20:8 1conse- Egypt bhave corrupted themselves.
The Sabbath Law crates 8 They have turned aside quickly
12 And the LORD spoke to Moses, 14 aEx. 20:8 out of the way which aI commanded
saying, bNum. them. They have made themselves a
13 Speak also to the children of 15:3236
molded calf, and worshiped it and
Israel, saying: aSurely My Sabbaths sacrificed to it, and said, bThis is
you shall keep, for it is a sign 15 aEx. your god, O Israel, that brought you
between Me and you throughout 20:911 bGen. out of the land of Egypt!
your generations, that you may 2:2 9 And the LORD said to Moses, aI
know that I am the LORD who have seen this people, and indeed it
bsanctifies1 you. 17 aEx. 31:13 is a 1stiff-necked people!
bGen. 1:31;
14 aYou shall keep the Sabbath, 2:2, 3 10 Now therefore, alet Me alone,
therefore, for it is holy to you. Every- that bMy wrath may burn hot
one who 1profanes it shall surely be 18 a[Ex. 24:12; against them and I may 1consume
32:15, 16]
put to death; for bwhoever does any them. And cI will make of you a
work on it, that person shall be cut CHAPTER 32 great nation.
off from among his people. 11 aThen Moses pleaded with 1the
15 Work shall be done for asix 1 aEx. 24:18; LORD his God, and said: LORD, why
days, but the bseventh is the Sab- Deut. 9:912
bEx. 17:13
does Your wrath burn hot against
bath of rest, holy to the LORD. Who- cActs 7:40 Your people whom You have brought
ever does any work on the Sabbath dEx. 13:21 out of the land of Egypt with great
day, he shall surely be put to death. eEx. 32:8 1Or power and with a mighty hand?
16 Therefore the children of Israel a god 12 aWhy should the Egyptians
shall keep the Sabbath, to observe 2 aEx. 11:2; speak, and say, He brought them
the Sabbath throughout their gener- 35:22 out to harm them, to kill them in the
ations as a perpetual covenant. mountains, and to consume them
17 It is aa sign between Me and the 4 aEx. 20:3, 4, from the face of the earth? Turn
children of Israel forever; for bin six 23 bEx. 29:45, from Your fierce wrath, and brelent
days the LORD made the heavens from this harm to Your people.
and the earth, and on the seventh 5 a2 Kin. 10:20 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac,
day He rested and was refreshed. and Israel, Your servants, to whom
18 And when He had made an end 6 aNum. 25:2 You aswore by Your own self, and
of speaking with him on Mount 7 aDeut.
said to them, bI will multiply your
Sinai, He gave Moses atwo tablets of 9:821 bGen. descendants as the stars of heaven;
the Testimony, tablets of stone, writ- 6:11, 12 and all this land that I have spoken
ten with the finger of God. of I give to your descendants, and
8 aEx. 20:3, 4, they shall inherit it forever.
The Gold Calf 23 b1 Kin.
12:28 14 So the LORD arelented from the
Now when the people saw harm which He said He would do to
32 that Moses adelayed coming
down from the mountain, the people
9 a[Acts 7:51]
His people.
15 And aMoses turned and went
bgathered together to Aaron, and
10 aDeut. 9:14, down from the mountain, and the
said to him, cCome, make us 1gods 19 bEx. 22:24 two tablets of the Testimony were in
that shall dgo before us; for as for cNum. 14:12
his hand. The tablets were written
this Moses, the man who ebrought on both sides; on the one side and
us up out of the land of Egypt, we do 11 aDeut. 9:18, on the other they were written.
not know what has become of him. 2629 1Lit. the 16 Now the atablets were the work
2 And Aaron said to them, Break face of the of God, and the writing was the
LORD writing of God engraved on the
off the agolden earrings which are
in the ears of your wives, your sons, 12 aNum.
and your daughters, and bring them 14:1319 bEx. 17 And when Joshua heard the
to me. 32:14 noise of the people as they shouted,
3 So all the people broke off the he said to Moses, There is a noise
13 a[Heb. 6:13] of war in the camp.
golden earrings which were in their bGen. 12:7;
ears, and brought them to Aaron. 13:15; 15:7, 18 But he said:
4 aAnd he received the gold from 18; 22:17;
their hand, and he fashioned it with 26:4; 35:11, 12 It is not the noise of the shout
an engraving tool, and made a 14 a2 Sam.
of victory,
molded calf. Then they said, This is 24:16 Nor the noise of the cry of
your god, O Israel, that bbrought you defeat,
out of the land of Egypt! 15 aDeut. 9:15 But the sound of singing I
5 So when Aaron saw it, he built hear.
16 aEx. 31:18
an altar before it. And Aaron made
a aproclamation and said, Tomor- 19 aDeut. 9:16, 19 So it was, as soon as he came
row is a feast to the LORD. 17 near the camp, that ahe saw the calf
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EXODUS 32:20 78
and the dancing. So Moses anger 20 aNum. 5:17, go before you. Nevertheless, cin the
became hot, and he cast the tablets 24; Deut. 9:21 day when I dvisit for punishment, I
out of his hands and broke them at 21 aGen. 26:10 will visit punishment upon them for
the foot of the mountain. 22 aEx. 14:11;
their sin.
20 aThen he took the calf which Deut. 9:24 35 So the LORD plagued the people
they had made, burned it in the fire, because of awhat they did with the
and ground it to powder; and he 25 aEx. 33:4, 5 calf which Aaron made.
b2 Chr. 28:19
scattered it on the water and made
the children of Israel drink it. 27 aNum. The Command to Leave Sinai
21 And Moses said to Aaron, 25:513
Then the L said to Moses,
aWhat did this people do to you
that you have brought so great a sin
29 aEx. 28:41;
1 Sam. 15:18,
33 ORD
Depart and go up from here,
you and the people whom you have
upon them? 22; Prov. 21:3;
Zech. 13:3 brought out of the land of Egypt, to
22 So Aaron said, Do not let the 1Lit. Fill your the land of which I swore to Abra-
anger of my lord become hot. aYou hand ham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, bTo
know the people, that they are set your descendants I will give it.
30 a1 Sam.
on evil. 12:20, 23 2 aAnd I will send My Angel
23 For they said to me, Make us b2 Sam. 16:12
before you, band I will drive out the
gods that shall go before us; as for cNum. 25:13
Canaanite and the Amorite and
this Moses, the man who brought us 31 aDeut. 9:18 the Hittite and the Perizzite and the
out of the land of Egypt, we do not bEx. 20:23
Hivite and the Jebusite.
know what has become of him. 3 Go up ato a land flowing with
24 And I said to them, Whoever 32 aPs. 69:28;
Is. 4:3; Mal. milk and honey; for I will not go up
has any gold, let them break it off. 3:16; Rom. 9:3 in your midst, lest bI 1consume you
So they gave it to me, and I cast it bDan. 12:1;
on the way, for you are a cstiff-
into the fire, and this calf came out. Phil. 4:3; Rev.
3:5; 21:27 necked2 people.
25 Now when Moses saw that the 4 And when the people heard this
people were aunrestrained (for 33 aLev. 23:30; bad news, athey mourned, band no
Aaron bhad not restrained them, to [Ezek. 18:4;
one put on his ornaments.
33:2, 14, 15]
their shame among their enemies), bEx. 17:14; 5 For the LORD had said to Moses,
26 then Moses stood in the Deut. 29:20; Say to the children of Israel, You are
entrance of the camp, and said, Ps. 9:5; Rev.
a stiff-necked people. I could come up
Whoever is on the LORDs side 3:5; 21:27
into your midst in one moment and
come to me! And all the sons of 34 aEx. 3:17 consume you. Now therefore, take off
Levi gathered themselves together bEx. 23:20;
your 1ornaments, that I may aknow
to him. Josh. 5:14
cDeut. 32:35; what to do to you.
27 And he said to them, Thus says Rom. 2:5, 6 6 So the children of Israel
the LORD God of Israel: Let every dPs. 89:32
stripped themselves of their orna-
man put his sword on his side, and ments by Mount Horeb.
35 aNeh. 9:18
go in and out from entrance to
entrance throughout the camp, and Moses Meets with the LORD
alet every man kill his brother, every CHAPTER 33
man his companion, and every man 7 Moses took his tent and pitched
his neighbor. 1 aEx. 32:1, 7, it outside the camp, far from the
13; Josh. 3:17 camp, and acalled it the tabernacle
28 So the sons of Levi did accord- bGen. 12:7
ing to the word of Moses. And of meeting. And it came to pass that
about three thousand men of the 2 aEx. 32:34; everyone who bsought the LORD
Josh. 5:14 went out to the tabernacle of meet-
people fell that day. bEx. 23:2731;
29 aThen Moses said, 1Consecrate Josh. 24:11 ing which was outside the camp.
yourselves today to the LORD, that 8 So it was, whenever Moses went
3 aEx. 3:8 out to the tabernacle, that all the
He may bestow on you a blessing bNum. 16:21,
this day, for every man has opposed 45 cEx. 32:9; people rose, and each man stood aat
his son and his brother. 33:5 1destroy his tent door and watched Moses
30 Now it came to pass on the next
until he had gone into the tabernacle.
day that Moses said to the people, 4 aNum. 14:1, 9 And it came to pass, when
aYou have committed a great sin. 39 bEzra 9:3; Moses entered the tabernacle, that
So now I will go up to the LORD; Esth. 4:1, 4; the pillar of cloud descended and
bperhaps I can cmake atonement for
Ezek. 24:17,
stood at the door of the tabernacle,
your sin. and the LORD atalked with Moses.
31 Then Moses areturned to the 5 a[Ps. 139:23]
10 All the people saw the pillar of
LORD and said, Oh, these people cloud standing at the tabernacle door,
have committed a great sin, and have 7 aEx. 29:42, and all the people rose and awor-
bmade for themselves a god of gold! 43 bDeut. 4:29 shiped, each man in his tent door.
32 Yet now, if You will forgive their 8 aNum. 16:27
11 So athe LORD spoke to Moses
sinbut if not, I pray, ablot me bout face to face, as a man speaks to his
of Your book which You have writ- 9 aEx. 25:22; friend. And he would return to the
31:18; Ps. 99:7 camp, but bhis servant Joshua the
33 And the LORD said to Moses, 10 aEx. 4:31 son of Nun, a young man, did not
aWhoever has sinned against Me, I depart from the tabernacle.
11 aNum. 12:8;
will bblot him out of My book. Deut. 34:10 The Promise of Gods Presence
bEx. 24:13
34 Now therefore, go, lead the peo-
ple to the place of which I have aspo- 12 aEx. 3:10; 12 Then Moses said to the LORD,
ken to you. bBehold, My Angel shall 32:34 See, aYou say to me, Bring up this
3005_02Exodus 11/19/08 11:03 AM Page 79
79 EXODUS 34:19
people. But You have not let me 12 bEx. 33:17 acloud and stood with him there, and
know whom You will send with me. 13 aEx. 34:9 bproclaimed the name of the LORD.
bPs. 25:4;
Yet You have said, bI know you by 27:11; 86:11;
6 And the LORD passed before
name, and you have also found 119:33 cDeut. him and proclaimed, The LORD, the
grace in My sight. 9:26, 29 LORD aGod, merciful and gracious,
13 Now therefore, I pray, aif I have 14 aIs. 63:9 longsuffering, and abounding in
found grace in Your sight, bshow me bJosh. 21:44; bgoodness and ctruth,
now Your way, that I may know You 22:4 7 akeeping mercy for thousands,
and that I may find grace in Your 15 aEx. 33:3 bforgiving iniquity and transgres-
sight. And consider that this nation 16 aNum. sion and sin, cby no means clearing
is cYour people. 14:14 bEx. the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the
14 And He said, aMy Presence will 34:10 fathers upon the children and the
go with you, and I will give you 17 a[James childrens children to the third and
brest. 5:16]
the fourth generation.
15 Then he said to Him, aIf Your 18 a[1 Tim. 8 So Moses made haste and
Presence does not go with us, do not abowed his head toward the earth,
19 aEx. 34:6, 7
bring us up from here. b[Rom. 9:15, and worshiped.
16 For how then will it be known 16, 18] c[Rom. 9 Then he said, If now I have
that Your people and I have found 4:4, 16] found grace in Your sight, O Lord,
grace in Your sight, aexcept You go 20 a[Gen. alet my Lord, I pray, go among us,
with us? So we bshall be separate, 32:30] even though we are a bstiff-necked1
Your people and I, from all the peo- 22 aIs. 2:21 people; and pardon our iniquity and
ple who are upon the face of the bPs. 91:1, 4
our sin, and take us as cYour inheri-
earth. 23 a[John 1:18] tance.
17 So the LORD said to Moses, aI
will also do this thing that you have CHAPTER 34 The Covenant Renewed
spoken; for you have found grace in 1 a[Ex. 24:12; 10 And He said: Behold, aI make a
My sight, and I know you by name. 31:18; 32:15, covenant. Before all your people I
18 And he said, Please, show me 16, 19] bDeut. will bdo 1marvels such as have not
aYour glory. 10:2, 4
been done in all the earth, nor in
19 Then He said, I will make all 2 aEx. 19:11,
any nation; and all the people
My agoodness pass before you, and 18, 20
among whom you are shall see the
I will proclaim the name of the 3 aEx. 19:12,
work of the LORD. For it is can awe-
LORD before you. bI will be gracious 13; 24:911
5 aEx. 19:9
some thing that I will do with you.
to whom I will be cgracious, and I bEx. 33:19 11 aObserve what I command you
will have compassion on whom I this day. Behold, bI am driving out
will have compassion. 6 aNeh. 9:17
bRom. 2:4 cPs. from before you the Amorite and
20 But He said, You cannot see My 108:4 the Canaanite and the Hittite and
face; for ano man shall see Me, and 7 aEx. 20:6 the Perizzite and the Hivite and the
live. bPs. 103:3, 4
21 And the LORD said, Here is a cJob 10:14
12 aTake heed to yourself, lest you
place by Me, and you shall stand on 8 aEx. 4:31 make a covenant with the inhabi-
the rock. 9 aEx. tants of the land where you are
22 So it shall be, while My glory 33:1216 bEx. going, lest it be a snare in your
passes by, that I will put you ain the 33:3 cPs.
33:12; 94:14 midst.
cleft of the rock, and will bcover you 1stubborn 13 But you shall adestroy their
with My hand while I pass by. 10 aDeut. 5:2 altars, break their sacred pillars,
23 Then I will take away My hand, bPs. 77:14 cPs. and bcut down their wooden images
and you shall see My back; but My 145:6 14 (for you shall worship ano
face shall anot be seen. 1wonderful
other god, for the LORD, whose
bname is Jealous, is a cjealous God),
Moses Makes New Tablets 11 aDeut. 6:25
bEx. 23:2033; 15 lest you make a covenant with
And the LORD said to Moses, the inhabitants of the land, and they
34 aCut two tablets of stone like
the first ones, and bI will write on
12 aEx. 23:32,
aplay the harlot with their gods and
make sacrifice to their gods, and
these tablets the words that were on 13 aDeut. 12:3 one of them binvites you and you
b2 Kin. 18:4 ceat of his sacrifice,
the first tablets which you broke.
2 So be ready in the morning, and 14 a[Ex. 16 and you take of ahis daughters
come up in the morning to Mount 20:35] b[Is. for your sons, and his daughters
9:6; 57:15] bplay the harlot with their gods and
Sinai, and present yourself to Me c[Deut. 4:24]
there aon the top of the mountain. 15 aJudg. 2:17
make your sons play the harlot with
3 And no man shall acome up bNum. 25:1, 2 their gods.
with you, and let no man be seen c1 Cor. 8:4, 7, 17 aYou shall make no molded
throughout all the mountain; let nei- 10 gods for yourselves.
ther flocks nor herds feed before 16 aGen. 28:1
bNum. 25:1, 2
18 The Feast of aUnleavened
that mountain. Bread you shall keep. Seven days
4 So he cut two tablets of stone 17 aEx. 20:4, you shall eat unleavened bread, as I
like the first ones. Then Moses rose 23; 32:8 commanded you, in the appointed
early in the morning and went up 18 aEx. 12:15, time of the month of Abib; for in the
16 bEx. 12:2; bmonth of Abib you came out from
Mount Sinai, as the LORD had com- 13:4
manded him; and he took in his 19 aEx. 13:2;
hand the two tablets of stone. 22:29 1the 19 aAll 1that open the womb are
5 Now the LORD descended in the firstborn Mine, and every male firstborn
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EXODUS 34:20 80
among your livestock, whether ox 20 aEx. 13:13
bEx. 22:29;
would take the veil off until he came
or sheep. 23:15; Deut.
out; and he would come out and
20 But athe firstborn of a donkey 16:16 speak to the children of Israel what-
you shall redeem with a lamb. And ever he had been commanded.
21 aEx. 20:9;
if you will not redeem him, then you 23:12; 31:15; 35 And whenever the children of
shall break his neck. All the first- 35:2; Lev. Israel saw the face of Moses, that
born of your sons you shall redeem. 23:3; Deut. the skin of Moses face shone, then
And none shall appear before Me 5:13 Moses would put the veil on his face
bempty-handed. 23 aEx. again, until he went in to speak with
21 aSix days you shall work, but 23:1417 Him.
on the seventh day you shall rest; in 24 a[Ex. 33:2];
plowing time and in harvest you Josh. 11:23; Sabbath Regulations
shall rest. 1 Kin. 4:21;
Then Moses gathered all the
22 And you shall observe the Feast
of Weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat
2 Chr.
36:1416; Ps.
35 congregation of the children
of Israel together, and said to them,
harvest, and the Feast of Ingather- 25 aEx. 12:10 aThese are the words which the
ing at the years end. LORD has commanded you to do:
23 aThree times in the year all 26 aEx. 23:19;
2 Work shall be done for asix
your men shall appear before the Deut. 26:2
Lord, the LORD God of Israel. days, but the seventh day shall be a
27 aEx. 17:14;
24 For I will acast out the nations 24:4; Deut. holy day for you, a Sabbath of rest
before you and enlarge your bor- 31:9 to the LORD. Whoever does any
ders; neither will any man covet 28 aEx. 24:18
work on it shall be put to bdeath.
your land when you go up to appear bEx. 34:1, 4; 3 aYou shall kindle no fire
before the LORD your God three Deut. 4:31; throughout your dwellings on the
times in the year.
10:2, 4 1Lit. Sabbath day.
Ten Words
25 You shall not offer the blood of 29 aEx. 32:15 Offerings for the Tabernacle
My sacrifice with leaven, anor shall bMatt. 17:2;
the sacrifice of the Feast of the 2 Cor. 3:7 4 And Moses spoke to all the con-
Passover be left until morning. gregation of the children of Israel,
32 aEx. 24:3
26 aThe first of the firstfruits of saying, aThis is the thing which the
your land you shall bring to the 33 a[2 Cor. LORD commanded, saying:
3:13, 14] 5 Take from among you an offer-
house of the LORD your God. You
shall not boil a young goat in its 34 a[2 Cor. ing to the LORD. aWhoever is of a
mothers milk. 3:1316] willing heart, let him bring it as an
27 Then the LORD said to Moses, offering to the LORD: bgold, silver,
Write athese words, for according CHAPTER 35 and bronze;
to the tenor of these words I have 6 ablue, purple, and scarlet
1 aEx. 34:32 thread, fine linen, and bgoats hair;
made a covenant with you and with
Israel. 2 aEx. 20:9, 10; 7 ram skins dyed red, badger
28 aSo he was there with the LORD Lev. 23:3; skins, and acacia wood;
Deut. 5:13 8 oil for the light, aand spices for
forty days and forty nights; he nei- bNum.
ther ate bread nor drank water. And 15:3236 the anointing oil and for the sweet
bHe wrote on the tablets the words incense;
3 aEx. 12:16;
of the covenant, the 1Ten Command- 16:23 9 onyx stones, and stones to be
ments. set in the ephod and in the breast-
4 aEx. 25:1, 2 plate.
The Shining Face of Moses 5 aEx. 25:2;
1 Chr. 29:14; Articles of the Tabernacle
29 Now it was so, when Moses came Mark
down from Mount Sinai (and the 12:4144; 10 aAll who are gifted artisans
atwo tablets of the Testimony were in 2 Cor. among you shall come and make all
8:1012; 9:7 that the LORD has commanded:
Moses hand when he came down bEx. 38:24
from the mountain), that Moses did 11 athe tabernacle, its tent, its cov-
not know that bthe skin of his face 6 aEx. 36:8 ering, its clasps, its boards, its bars,
bEx. 36:14
shone while he talked with Him. its pillars, and its sockets;
30 So when Aaron and all the chil- 8 aEx. 25:6; 12 athe ark and its poles, with the
dren of Israel saw Moses, behold, 30:2325 mercy seat, and the veil of the cover-
the skin of his face shone, and they 10 aEx. 31:26; ing;
were afraid to come near him. 36:1, 2 13 the atable and its poles, all its
31 Then Moses called to them, and 11 aEx. 26:1, 2; utensils, band the showbread;
Aaron and all the rulers of the con- 36:14 14 also athe lampstand for the
gregation returned to him; and 12 aEx. light, its utensils, its lamps, and the
Moses talked with them. 25:1022 oil for the light;
32 Afterward all the children of 13 aEx. 25:23
15 athe incense altar, its poles, bthe
Israel came near, aand he gave them bEx. 25:30; anointing oil, cthe sweet incense,
as commandments all that the LORD Lev. 24:5, 6 and the screen for the door at the
had spoken with him on Mount 14 aEx. 25:31
entrance of the tabernacle;
Sinai. 16 athe altar of burnt offering with
33 And when Moses had finished 15 aEx. 30:1 its bronze grating, its poles, all its
bEx. 30:25
speaking with them, he put aa veil cEx. 30:3438 utensils, and the laver and its base;
on his face. 17 athe hangings of the court, its
34 But awhenever Moses went in be- 16 aEx. 27:18 pillars, their sockets, and the screen
fore the LORD to speak with Him, he 17 aEx. 27:918 for the gate of the court;
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81 EXODUS 36:11
18 the pegs of the tabernacle, the 19 aEx. 31:10; ability to teach, in him and aAholiab
pegs of the court, and their cords; 39:1, 41 1Or the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of
woven gar-
19 athe 1garments of ministry, for ments Dan.
ministering in the holy placethe 35 He has afilled them with skill to
holy garments for Aaron the priest do all manner of work of the
and the garments of his sons, to 21 aEx. 25:2; engraver and the designer and the
minister as priests. 35:5, 22, 26, tapestry maker, in blue, purple, and
29; 36:2 bEx. scarlet thread, and fine linen, and of
The Tabernacle Offerings Presented 35:24 1Lit.
lifted him up the weaverthose who do every
20 And all the congregation of the work and those who design artistic
children of Israel departed from the works.
And Bezalel and Aholiab,
presence of Moses.
21 Then everyone came awhose
22 aEx. 32:2, 3
bEx. 11:2
36 and every agifted artisan in
whom the LORD has put wisdom
heart 1was stirred, and everyone
whose spirit was willing, and they and understanding, to know how to
23 a1 Chr. 29:8 do all manner of work for the ser-
bbrought the LORDs offering for the 1Or dolphin
work of the tabernacle of meeting, vice of the bsanctuary,1 shall do
for all its service, and for the holy according to all that the LORD has
garments. 25 aEx. 28:3; commanded.
22 They came, both men and 31:6; 36:1
The People Give More than Enough
women, as many as had a willing
heart, and brought aearrings and 2 Then Moses called Bezalel and
nose rings, rings and necklaces, all 26 1Lit. lifted
them up Aholiab, and every gifted artisan in
bjewelry of gold, that is, every man whose heart the LORD had put wis-
who made an offering of gold to the dom, everyone awhose heart 1was
LORD. 27 a1 Chr. 29:6; stirred, to come and do the work.
23 And aevery man, with whom Ezra 2:68 3 And they received from Moses
was found blue, purple, and scarlet all the aoffering which the children
thread, fine linen, and goats hair, of Israel bhad brought for the work
red skins of rams, and 1badger 28 aEx. 30:23 of the service of making the sanctu-
skins, brought them. ary. So they continued bringing to
24 Everyone who offered an offer- him freewill offerings every morn-
ing of silver or bronze brought the 29 aEx. 35:5, ing.
21; 36:3;
LORDs offering. And everyone with 1 Chr. 29:9 4 Then all the craftsmen who
whom was found acacia wood for were doing all the work of the sanc-
any work of the service, brought it. tuary came, each from the work he
25 All the women who were agifted 30 aEx. 31:16 was doing,
artisans spun yarn with their hands, 5 and they spoke to Moses, say-
and brought what they had spun, of ing, aThe people bring much more
blue, purple, and scarlet, and fine 34 aEx. 31:6 than enough for the service of the
linen. work which the LORD commanded
26 And all the women whose us to do.
hearts 1stirred with wisdom spun 35 aEx. 31:3, 6; 6 So Moses gave a command-
yarn of goats hair. 35:31; 1 Kin.
7:14; 2 Chr. ment, and they caused it to be pro-
27 aThe rulers brought onyx 2:14; Is. 28:26 claimed throughout the camp, say-
stones, and the stones to be set in ing, Let neither man nor woman do
the ephod and in the breastplate, any more work for the offering of
28 and aspices and oil for the light, the sanctuary. And the people were
for the anointing oil, and for the CHAPTER 36 restrained from bringing,
sweet incense. 7 for the material they had was
29 The children of Israel brought a sufficient for all the work to be
afreewill offering to the LORD, all 1 aEx. 28:3; doneindeed too amuch.
the men and women whose hearts 31:6; 35:10, 35
bEx. 25:8
were willing to bring material for 1holy place
Building the Tabernacle
all kinds of work which the LORD, 8 aThen all the gifted artisans
by the hand of Moses, had com- among them who worked on the
manded to be done. 2 aEx. 35:21, tabernacle made ten curtains woven
26; 1 Chr. of fine linen, and of blue, purple,
The Artisans Called by God 29:5, 9, 17
1lifted him up and scarlet thread; with artistic
30 And Moses said to the children designs of cherubim they made
of Israel, See, athe LORD has called them.
by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the 3 aEx. 35:5 9 The length of each curtain was
son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; bEx. 35:27 twenty-eight cubits, and the width
31 and He has filled him with the of each curtain four cubits; the cur-
Spirit of God, in wisdom and under- tains were all the same size.
standing, in knowledge and all man- 5 a2 Chr. 10 And he coupled five curtains to
24:14; 31:610;
ner of workmanship, [2 Cor. 8:2, 3] one another, and the other five cur-
32 to design artistic works, to tains he coupled to one another.
work in gold and silver and bronze, 11 He made loops of blue yarn on
33 in cutting jewels for setting, in 7 a1 Kin. 8:64 the edge of the curtain on the
carving wood, and to work in all selvedge of one set; likewise he did
manner of artistic workmanship. on the outer edge of the other cur-
34 And He has put in his heart the 8 aEx. 26:114 tain of the second set.
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EXODUS 36:12 82
12 aFifty loops he made on one cur- 12 aEx. 26:5 pass through the boards from one
tain, and fifty loops he made on the end to the other.
edge of the curtain on the end of the 34 He overlaid the boards with
second set; the loops held one cur- gold, made their rings of gold to be
tain to another. 14 aEx. 26:7
holders for the bars, and overlaid
13 And he made fifty clasps of the bars with gold.
gold, and coupled the curtains to 35 And he made aa veil of blue,
one another with the clasps, that it purple, and scarlet thread, and fine
might be one tabernacle. woven linen; it was worked with an
14 aHe made curtains of goats hair 19 aEx. 26:14 artistic design of cherubim.
for the tent over the tabernacle; he 1Or dolphin 36 He made for it four pillars of
made eleven curtains. acacia wood, and overlaid them
15 The length of each curtain was with gold, with their hooks of gold;
thirty cubits, and the width of each and he cast four sockets of silver for
curtain four cubits; the eleven cur- them.
tains were the same size. 20 aEx. 37 He also made a ascreen for the
26:1529 tabernacle door, of blue, purple, and
16 He coupled five curtains by
themselves and six curtains by scarlet thread, and fine woven
themselves. linen, made by a 1weaver,
17 And he made fifty loops on the 38 and its five pillars with their
edge of the curtain that is outermost 22 aEx. 26:17 hooks. And he overlaid their capi-
in one set, and fifty loops he made 1Projections tals and their rings with gold, but
on the edge of the curtain of the sec- for joining, lit. their five sockets were bronze.
ond set. hands
18 He also made fifty bronze Making the Ark of the Testimony
clasps to couple the tent together, Then aBezalel made bthe ark
that it might be one.
19 aThen he made a covering for the 29 1Lit. dou-
37 of acacia wood; two and a half
cubits was its length, a cubit and a
tent of ram skins dyed red, and a cov- bled half its width, and a cubit and a half
ering of 1badger skins above that. its height.
20 For the tabernacle ahe made 2 He overlaid it with pure gold
boards of acacia wood, standing inside and outside, and made a
upright. molding of gold all around it.
21 The length of each board was 31 aEx. 3 And he cast for it four rings of
ten cubits, and the width of each gold to be set in its four corners:
board a cubit and a half. two rings on one side, and two rings
22 Each board had two 1tenons afor on the other side of it.
binding one to another. Thus he 4 He made poles of acacia wood,
made for all the boards of the taber- 35 aEx. and overlaid them with gold.
nacle. 26:3137 5 And he put the poles into the
23 And he made boards for the tab- rings at the sides of the ark, to bear
ernacle, twenty boards for the south the ark.
side. 6 He also made the amercy seat of
24 Forty sockets of silver he made pure gold; two and a half cubits was
to go under the twenty boards: two 37 aEx. 26:36 its length and a cubit and a half its
1Lit. variega-
sockets under each of the boards for tor, a weaver
its two tenons. in colors 7 He made two cherubim of beaten
25 And for the other side of the gold; he made them of one piece at
tabernacle, the north side, he made the two ends of the mercy seat:
twenty boards 8 one cherub at one end on this
26 and their forty sockets of silver: side, and the other cherub at the
two sockets under each of the CHAPTER 37 other end on that side. He made the
boards. cherubim at the two ends of one
27 For the west side of the taberna- piece with the mercy seat.
cle he made six boards. 9 The cherubim spread out their
28 He also made two boards for the wings above, and covered the amercy
1 aEx. 35:30; seat with their wings. They faced one
two back corners of the tabernacle. 36:1 bEx.
29 And they were coupled at the 25:1020 another; the faces of the cherubim
bottom and 1coupled together at the were toward the mercy seat.
top by one ring. Thus he made both Making the Table for the
of them for the two corners. Showbread
30 So there were eight boards and
their socketssixteen sockets of sil- 6 aEx. 25:17 10 He made athe table of acacia
vertwo sockets under each of the wood; two cubits was its length, a
boards. cubit its width, and a cubit and a
31 And he made abars of acacia half its height.
wood: five for the boards on one 11 And he overlaid it with pure
9 aEx. 25:20
side of the tabernacle, gold, and made a molding of gold all
32 five bars for the boards on the around it.
other side of the tabernacle, and five 12 Also he made a frame of a hand-
bars for the boards of the tabernacle breadth all around it, and made a
on the far side westward. 10 aEx. molding of gold for the frame all
33 And he made the middle bar to 25:2329 around it.
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83 EXODUS 38:15
13 And he cast for it four rings of 16 aEx. 25:29 Making the Anointing Oil and the
gold, and put the rings on the four Incense
corners that were at its four legs.
14 The rings were close to the 29 He also made athe holy anoint-
frame, as holders for the poles to ing oil and the pure incense of sweet
bear the table. spices, according to the work of the
15 And he made the poles of acacia perfumer.
wood to bear the table, and overlaid Making the Altar of Burnt Offering
them with gold. 17 aEx.
25:3139 He made athe altar of burnt
16 He made of pure gold the uten-
sils which were on the table: its
adishes, its cups, its bowls, and its
38 offering of acacia wood; five
cubits was its length and five cubits
pitchers for pouring. its widthit was squareand its
height was three cubits.
Making the Gold Lampstand 2 He made its horns on its four
17 He also made the alampstand of corners; the horns were of one piece
pure gold; of hammered work he 23 aNum. 4:9
with it. And he overlaid it with
made the lampstand. Its shaft, its bronze.
branches, its bowls, its ornamental 3 He made all the utensils for the
knobs, and its flowers were of the altar: the pans, the shovels, the
same piece. basins, the forks, and the firepans;
18 And six branches came out of all its utensils he made of bronze.
its sides: three branches of the 4 And he made a grate of bronze
lampstand out of one side, and three network for the altar, under its rim,
branches of the lampstand out of 25 aEx. 30:15
midway from the bottom.
the other side. 5 He cast four rings for the four
19 There were three bowls made corners of the bronze grating, as
like almond blossoms on one holders for the poles.
branch, with an ornamental knob 6 And he made the poles of acacia
and a flower, and three bowls made wood, and overlaid them with
like almond blossoms on the other bronze.
branch, with an ornamental knob 7 Then he put the poles into the
and a flowerand so for the six 28 aEx. 30:5 rings on the sides of the altar, with
branches coming out of the lamp- which to bear it. He made the altar
stand. hollow with boards.
20 And on the lampstand itself were Making the Bronze Laver
four bowls made like almond blos-
soms, each with its ornamental knob 8 He made athe laver of bronze
and flower. and its base of bronze, from the
21 There was a knob under the bronze mirrors of the serving
first two branches of the same, 29 aEx. women who assembled at the door
a knob under the second two 30:2325 of the tabernacle of meeting.
branches of the same, and a knob
under the third two branches of Making the Court of the Tabernacle
the same, according to the six 9 Then he made athe court on the
branches extending from it. south side; the hangings of the court
22 Their knobs and their branches were of fine woven linen, one hun-
were of one piece; all of it was one dred cubits long.
hammered piece of pure gold. 10 There were twenty pillars for
23 And he made its seven lamps, its CHAPTER 38
awick-trimmers, and its trays of
them, with twenty bronze sockets.
The hooks of the pillars and their
pure gold. bands were silver.
24 Of a talent of pure gold he made 11 On the north side the hangings
it, with all its utensils. were one hundred cubits long, with
Making the Altar of Incense twenty pillars and their twenty
bronze sockets. The hooks of the
25 aHe made the incense altar of 1 aEx. 27:18 pillars and their bands were silver.
acacia wood. Its length was a cubit 12 And on the west side there were
and its width a cubitit was hangings of fifty cubits, with ten pil-
squareand two cubits was its lars and their ten sockets. The
height. Its horns were of one piece hooks of the pillars and their bands
with it. were silver.
26 And he overlaid it with pure 13 For the east side the hangings
gold: its top, its sides all around, and were fifty cubits.
its horns. He also made for it a 8 aEx. 30:18 14 The hangings of one side of the
molding of gold all around it. gate were fifteen cubits long, with
27 He made two rings of gold for it their three pillars and their three
under its molding, by its two cor- sockets,
ners on both sides, as holders for 15 and the same for the other side
the poles with which to bear it. of the court gate; on this side and
28 And he amade the poles of aca- that were hangings of fifteen cubits,
cia wood, and overlaid them with with their three pillars and their
gold. 9 aEx. 27:919 three sockets.
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EXODUS 38:16 84
16 All the hangings of the court all 20 aEx. 27:19 enty talents and two thousand four
around were of fine woven linen. hundred shekels.
17 The sockets for the pillars were 30 And with it he made the sockets
21 aNum. 1:50, for the door of the tabernacle of
bronze, the hooks of the pillars and 53; 9:15;
their bands were silver, and the 10:11; 17:7, 8; meeting, the bronze altar, the bronze
overlay of their capitals was silver; 2 Chr. 24:6; grating for it, and all the utensils for
and all the pillars of the court had Acts 7:44
bNum. 4:28,
the altar,
bands of silver. 33 cEx. 28:1;
31 the sockets for the court all
18 The screen for the gate of the Lev. 10:6, 16 around, the bases for the court gate,
court was woven of blue, purple, 1Lit. These all the pegs for the tabernacle, and
are the things all the pegs for the court all around.
and scarlet thread, and of fine appointed for
woven linen. The length was twenty Making the Garments of the
cubits, and the height along its Priesthood
width was five cubits, correspon- 22 aEx. 31:2, 6;
Of the ablue, purple, and scar-
ding to the hangings of the court.
19 And there were four pillars with
1 Chr. 2:1820
39 let thread they made bgar-
ments1 of ministry, for ministering in
their four sockets of bronze; their
hooks were silver, and the overlay 23 aEx. 31:6; the 2holy place, and made the holy
of their capitals and their bands was
36:1 1skillful garments for Aaron, cas the LORD
workman had commanded Moses.
20 All the apegs of the tabernacle, Making the Ephod
and of the court all around, were 24 aEx. 35:5,
2 aHe made the bephod of gold,
bronze. 22 bEx. 30:13,
24; Lev. 5:15; blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
Materials of the Tabernacle 27:3, 25; Num. of fine woven linen.
3:47; 18:16 3 And they beat the gold into thin
21 1This is the inventory of the tab- sheets and cut it into threads, to
ernacle, athe tabernacle of the Testi- 25 aEx.
work it in with the blue, purple, and
mony, which was counted according 30:1116; scarlet thread, and the fine linen,
to the commandment of Moses, for Num. 1:2 into artistic designs.
the service of the Levites, bby the 4 They made shoulder straps for it
hand of cIthamar, son of Aaron the to couple it together; it was coupled
priest. 26 aEx. 30:13, together at its two edges.
15 bEx. 12:37; 5 And the intricately woven band
22 aBezalel the son of Uri, the son Num. 1:46;
of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made 26:51 1Lit. a of his ephod that was on it was of the
all that the LORD had commanded head same workmanship, woven of gold,
Moses. blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and
23 And with him was aAholiab the of fine woven linen, as the LORD had
son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of 27 aEx. 26:19, commanded Moses.
21, 25, 32 6 aAnd they set onyx stones,
Dan, an engraver and 1designer, a
weaver of blue, purple, and scarlet enclosed in 1settings of gold; they
thread, and of fine linen. were engraved, as signets are
28 aEx. 27:17 engraved, with the names of the
24 All the gold that was used in all
the work of the holy place, that is, sons of Israel.
the gold of the aoffering, was twenty- 7 He put them on the shoulders of
nine talents and seven hundred and CHAPTER 39 the ephod as amemorial stones for
the sons of Israel, as the LORD had
thirty shekels, according to bthe commanded Moses.
shekel of the sanctuary.
25 And the silver from those who 1 aEx. 25:4; Making the Breastplate
35:23 bEx.
were anumbered of the congregation 31:10; 35:19
was one hundred talents and one cEx. 28:4 1Or 8 aAnd he made the breastplate,
thousand seven hundred and seventy- woven gar- artistically woven like the workman-
five shekels, according to the shekel ments 2sanc- ship of the ephod, of gold, blue, pur-
of the sanctuary: tuary ple, and scarlet thread, and of fine
26 aa bekah for 1each man (that is, woven linen.
half a shekel, according to the shekel 9 They made the breastplate square
2 aEx. 28:614 by doubling it; a span was its length
of the sanctuary), for everyone bLev. 8:7
and a span its width when doubled.
included in the numbering from 10 aAnd they set in it four rows of
twenty years old and above, for bsix stones: a row with a sardius, a topaz,
hundred and three thousand, five 6 aEx. 28:911
1plaited work and an emerald was the first row;
hundred and fifty men. 11 the second row, a turquoise, a
27 And from the hundred talents of sapphire, and a diamond;
silver were cast athe sockets of the 7 aEx. 28:12, 12 the third row, a jacinth, an agate,
sanctuary and the bases of the veil: 29; Josh. 4:7 and an amethyst;
one hundred sockets from the hun- 13 the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx,
dred talents, one talent for each and a jasper. They were enclosed in
socket. 8 aEx.
28:1530 settings of gold in their mountings.
28 Then from the one thousand 14 There were atwelve stones
seven hundred and seventy-five according to the names of the sons of
shekels he made hooks for the pil- 10 aEx. 28:17 Israel: according to their names,
lars, overlaid their capitals, and engraved like a signet, each one with
amade bands for them. its own name according to the twelve
29 The offering of bronze was sev- 14 aRev. 21:12 tribes.
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85 EXODUS 40:8
15 And they made chains for the 22 aEx. The Work Completed
breastplate at the ends, like braided 28:3135 bEx.
cords of pure gold.
29:5; Lev. 8:7 32 Thus all the work of the taberna-
16 They also made two settings of cle of the tent of meeting was afin-
gold and two gold rings, and put the 25 aEx. 28:33 ished. And the children of Israel did
baccording to all that the LORD had
two rings on the two ends of the
breastplate. commanded Moses; so they did.
26 1serve 33 And they brought the tabernacle
17 And they put the two braided
chains of gold in the two rings on the to Moses, the tent and all its furnish-
ends of the breastplate. 27 aEx. 28:39, ings: its clasps, its boards, its bars, its
18 The two ends of the two braided
40 pillars, and its sockets;
chains they fastened in the two set- 34 the covering of ram skins dyed
tings, and put them on the shoulder 28 aEx. 28:4,
red, the covering of badger skins,
straps of the ephod in the front. 39; Lev. 8:9; and the veil of the covering;
19 And they made two rings of gold
Ezek. 44:18 35 the ark of the Testimony with its
bEx. 28:42;
and put them on the two ends of the poles, and the mercy seat;
Lev. 6:10
36 the table, all its utensils, and the
breastplate, on the edge of it, which ashowbread;
was on the inward side of the ephod. 29 aEx. 28:39 37 the pure gold lampstand with its
20 They made two other gold rings lamps (the lamps set in order), all its
and put them on the two shoulder utensils, and the oil for light;
straps, underneath the ephod toward 30 aEx. 28:36,
38 the gold altar, the anointing oil,
its front, right at the seam above the 37 bZech.
14:20 and the sweet incense; the screen for
intricately woven band of the ephod. the tabernacle door;
21 And they bound the breastplate 39 the bronze altar, its grate of
by means of its rings to the rings of 32 aEx. 40:17
bEx. 25:40; bronze, its poles, and all its utensils;
the ephod with a blue cord, so that it 39:42, 43 the laver with its base;
would be above the intricately woven 40 the hangings of the court, its pil-
band of the ephod, and that the lars and its sockets, the screen for
breastplate would not come loose 36 aEx.
the court gate, its cords, and its pegs;
from the ephod, as the LORD had 25:2330
all the utensils for the service of the
commanded Moses. tabernacle, for the tent of meeting;
41 1Or woven 41 and the 1garments of ministry, to
Making the Other Priestly Garments garments 2minister in the holy place: the holy
22 aHe made the brobe of the ephod garments for Aaron the priest, and
of woven work, all of blue. his sons garments, to minister as
23 And there was an opening in the 42 aEx. 35:10 priests.
middle of the robe, like the opening 42 According to all that the LORD
in a coat of mail, with a woven bind- 43 aLev. 9:22, had commanded Moses, so the chil-
ing all around the opening, so that it 23; Num. dren of Israel adid all the work.
would not tear. 6:2326; Josh. 43 Then Moses looked over all the
22:6; 2 Sam.
24 They made on the hem of the 6:18; 1 Kin. work, and indeed they had done it; as
robe pomegranates of blue, purple, 8:14; 2 Chr. the LORD had commanded, just so
and scarlet, and of fine woven linen. 30:27 they had done it. And Moses ablessed
25 And they made abells of pure them.
gold, and put the bells between the
pomegranates on the hem of the CHAPTER 40 The Tabernacle Erected and
robe all around between the pome- Arranged
granates: Then the LORD aspoke to Mo-
26 a bell and a pomegranate, a bell
and a pomegranate, all around the
1 aEx.
40 ses, saying:
2 On the first day of the afirst
hem of the robe to 1minister in, as the month you shall set up bthe taberna-
LORD had commanded Moses. 2 aEx. 12:2; cle of the tent of meeting.
27 aThey made tunics, artistically 13:4 bEx. 26:1, 3 aYou shall put in it the ark of the
woven of fine linen, for Aaron and 30; 40:17
Testimony, and 1partition off the ark
his sons, with the veil.
28 aa turban of fine linen, exquisite 3 aEx. 26:33; 4 aYou shall bring in the table and
hats of fine linen, bshort trousers of 40:21; Lev. barrange the things that are to be set
fine woven linen, 16:2; Num. 4:5
1screen in order on it; cand you shall bring in
29 aand a sash of fine woven linen the lampstand and 1light its lamps.
with blue, purple, and scarlet thread, 5 aYou shall also set the altar of
made by a weaver, as the LORD had 4 aEx. 26:35; gold for the incense before the ark of
commanded Moses. 40:22 bEx.
25:30; 40:23 the Testimony, and put up the screen
30 aThen they made the plate of the cEx. 40:24, 25 for the door of the tabernacle.
holy crown of pure gold, and wrote 1set up
6 Then you shall set the aaltar of
on it an inscription like the engrav- the burnt offering before the door of
ing of a signet: 5 aEx. 40:26 the tabernacle of the tent of meeting.
7 And ayou shall set the laver
b between the tabernacle of meeting
6 aEx. 39:39 and the altar, and put water in it.
31 And they tied to it a blue cord, to 8 You shall set up the court all
fasten it above on the turban, as the 7 aEx. 30:18; around, and hang up the screen at
LORD had commanded Moses. 40:30 the court gate.
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EXODUS 40:9 86
9 And you shall take the anoint- 9 aEx. 30:26 ernacle of meeting, across from the
ing oil, and aanoint the tabernacle table, on the south side of the taber-
10 aEx.
and all that is in it; and you shall hal- 30:2630 nacle;
low it and all its utensils, and it shall bEx. 29:36, 37 25 and ahe lit the lamps before the
be holy. LORD, as the LORD had commanded
10 You shall aanoint the altar of the 12 aLev. 8:113 Moses.
burnt offering and all its utensils, 26 aHe put the gold altar in the tab-
and consecrate the altar. bThe altar 13 aEx. 29:5;
39:1, 41 b[Ex. ernacle of meeting in front of the
shall be most holy. 28:41] veil;
11 And you shall anoint the laver 27 aand he burned sweet incense on
and its base, and consecrate it. 15 aNum. it, as the LORD had commanded
12 aThen you shall bring Aaron 25:13 Moses.
and his sons to the door of the taber- 28 aHe hung up the screen at the
17 aEx. 40:2
nacle of meeting and wash them 1erected door of the tabernacle.
with water. 29 aAnd he put the altar of burnt
13 You shall put the holy agar- 20 aEx. 25:16 offering before the door of the tab-
ments on Aaron, band anoint him ernacle of the tent of meeting, and
and consecrate him, that he may 21 aEx. 26:33 boffered upon it the burnt offering
minister to Me as priest. and the grain offering, as the LORD
22 aEx. 26:35
14 And you shall bring his sons had commanded Moses.
and clothe them with tunics. 23 aEx. 40:4 30 aHe set the laver between the
15 You shall anoint them, as you tabernacle of meeting and the altar,
anointed their father, that they may 24 aEx. 26:35 and put water there for washing;
minister to Me as priests; for their 31 and Moses, Aaron, and his sons
anointing shall surely be aan ever- 25 aEx. 25:37;
30:7, 8; 40:4 would awash their hands and their
lasting priesthood throughout their feet with water from it.
generations. 26 aEx. 30:1, 6; 32 Whenever they went into the
16 Thus Moses did; according to all 40:5 tabernacle of meeting, and when
that the LORD had commanded him, they came near the altar, they
so he did. 27 aEx. 30:7
washed, aas the LORD had com-
17 And it came to pass in the first manded Moses.
month of the second year, on the first 28 aEx. 26:36;
40:5 33 aAnd he raised up the court all
day of the month, that the ataberna- around the tabernacle and the altar,
cle was 1raised up. 29 aEx. 40:6 and hung up the screen of the court
18 So Moses raised up the taberna- bEx. 29:3842
gate. So Moses bfinished the work.
cle, fastened its sockets, set up its
boards, put in its bars, and raised up 30 aEx. 30:18; The Cloud and the Glory
its pillars.
19 And he spread out the tent over 31 aEx. 30:19,
34 aThen the bcloud covered the tab-
the tabernacle and put the covering 20 ernacle of meeting, and the cglory of
of the tent on top of it, as the LORD the LORD filled the tabernacle.
had commanded Moses. 32 aEx. 30:19 35 And Moses awas not able to
20 He took athe Testimony and put enter the tabernacle of meeting,
33 aEx. because the cloud rested above it,
it into the ark, inserted the poles 27:918; 40:8
through the rings of the ark, and put b[Heb. 3:25] and the glory of the LORD filled the
the mercy seat on top of the ark. tabernacle.
21 And he brought the ark into the 34 aNum. 9:15 36 aWhenever the cloud was taken
tabernacle, ahung up the veil of the b1 Kin. 8:10,
up from above the tabernacle, the
11 cLev. 9:6, children of Israel would 1go onward
covering, and partitioned off the ark 23
of the Testimony, as the LORD had in all their journeys.
commanded Moses. 35 a1 Kin. 8:11 37 But aif the cloud was not taken
22 aHe put the table in the taberna- up, then they did not journey till the
cle of meeting, on the north side of 36 aNum. 9:17
day that it was taken up.
the tabernacle, outside the veil; 38 For athe cloud of the LORD was
23 aand he set the bread in order 37 aNum.
above the tabernacle by day, and fire
upon it before the LORD, as the LORD 9:1922 was over it by night, in the sight of all
had commanded Moses. the house of Israel, throughout all
24 aHe put the lampstand in the tab- 38 aEx. 13:21 their journeys.
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L EVITICUS is Gods guidebook for His newly redeemed people, showing them
how to worship, serve, and obey a holy God. Fellowship with God through sac-
rifice and obedience show the awesome holiness of the God of Israel. Indeed,
you shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy (19:2).
Leviticus focuses on the worship and walk of the nation of God. In Exodus,
Israel was redeemed and established as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
Leviticus shows how Gods people are to fulfill their priestly calling.
The Hebrew title is Wayyiqra, And He Called. The Talmud refers to Leviticus
as the Law of the Priests, and the Law of the Offerings. The Greek title appear-
ing in the Septuagint is Leuitikon, That Which Pertains to the Levites. From this
word, the Latin Vulgate derived its name Leviticus which was adopted as the En-
glish title. This title is slightly misleading because the book does not deal with the
Levites as a whole but more with the priests, a segment of the Levites.
The Burnt Offering CHAPTER 1 with its head and its fat; and the
1 aEx. 19:3; priest shall lay them in order on the
OW the LORD acalled to Moses,
N and spoke to him bfrom the tab-
ernacle of meeting, saying,
25:22 bEx.
wood that is on the fire upon the
2 aLev. 22:18, 13 but he shall wash the entrails
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and the legs with water. Then the
and say to them: aWhen any one of priest shall bring it all and burn it
you brings an offering to the LORD, 3 aEph. 5:27 on the altar; it is a burnt sacrifice,
you shall bring your offering of the an aoffering made by fire, a sweet
4 aLev. 3:2, 8,
livestockof the herd and of the 13; 4:15 aroma to the LORD.
flock. b[Rom. 12:1]
14 And if the burnt sacrifice of his
3 If his offering is a burnt sacri- c2 Chr. 29:23,
offering to the LORD is of birds, then
fice of the herd, let him offer a male 24
awithout blemish; he shall offer it of
he shall bring his offering of aturtle-
5 aMic. 6:6 doves or young pigeons.
his own free will at the door of the b2 Chr. 35:11
15 The priest shall bring it to the
c[Heb. 12:24]
tabernacle of meeting before the altar, 1wring off its head, and burn it
LORD. 6 aLev. 7:8 on the altar; its blood shall be
4 aThen he shall put his hand on drained out at the side of the altar.
the head of the burnt offering, and it 7 aMal. 1:10
will be baccepted on his behalf cto
bGen. 22:9 16 And he shall remove its crop
make atonement for him. with its feathers and cast it abeside
9 aGen. 8:21
5 He shall kill the abull before the 1soothing or the altar on the east side, into the
LORD; band the priests, Aarons pleasing place for ashes.
sons, shall bring the blood cand
aroma 17 Then he shall split it at its
sprinkle the blood all around on the 10 aLev. 1:3
wings, but ashall not divide it com-
altar that is by the door of the taber- pletely; and the priest shall burn it
nacle of meeting.
11 aLev. 1:5 on the altar, on the wood that is on
6 And he shall askin the burnt 13 aNum. the fire. bIt is a burnt sacrifice, an
offering and cut it into its pieces. 15:47; offering made by fire, a 1sweet
7 The sons of Aaron the priest 28:1214 aroma to the LORD.
shall put afire on the altar, and blay 14 aLev. 5:7, The Grain Offering
the wood in order on the fire. 11; 12:8
When anyone offers aa grain
8 Then the priests, Aarons sons,
shall lay the parts, the head, and the
fat in order on the wood that is on
15 1Lit. nip or
chop off 2 offering to the LORD, his offer-
ing shall be of fine flour. And he
16 aLev. 6:10 shall pour oil on it, and put bfrankin-
the fire upon the altar;
9 but he shall wash its entrails 17 aGen. 15:10 cense on it.
and its legs with water. And the bLev. 1:9, 13
1soothing or
2 He shall bring it to Aarons
priest shall burn all on the altar as a pleasing
sons, the priests, one of whom shall
burnt sacrifice, an offering made by aroma take from it his handful of fine flour
fire, a asweet1 aroma to the LORD. and oil with all the frankincense.
10 If his offering is of the flocks CHAPTER 2 And the priest shall burn ait as a
of the sheep or of the goatsas a 1 aNum. 15:4 memorial on the altar, an offering
burnt sacrifice, he shall bring a bLev. 5:11 made by fire, a sweet aroma to the
male awithout blemish. LORD.
11 aHe shall kill it on the north 2 aLev. 2:9; 3 aThe rest of the grain offering
5:12; 6:15;
side of the altar before the LORD; 24:7 shall be Aarons and his bsons. cIt is
and the priests, Aarons sons, shall most holy of the offerings to the
sprinkle its blood all around on the 3 aLev. 7:9 LORD made by fire.
bLev. 6:6;
altar. 10:12, 13 4 And if you bring as an offering
12 And he shall cut it into its pieces, cNum. 18:9 a grain offering baked in the oven,
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 88
it shall be unleavened cakes of fine 4 aEx. 29:2
4 the two kidneys and the fat that
flour mixed with oil, or unleavened is on them by the flanks, and the
wafers aanointed1 with oil. 5 1flat plate or
fatty lobe attached to the liver
5 But if your offering is a grain griddle above the kidneys, he shall remove;
offering baked in a 1pan, it shall be 5 and Aarons sons ashall burn it
of fine flour, unleavened, mixed 7 aLev. 7:9 on the altar upon the bburnt sacri-
with oil. fice, which is on the wood that is on
6 You shall break it in pieces and 9 aLev. 2:2, 16; the fire, as an coffering made by fire,
pour oil on it; it is a grain offering. 5:12; 6:15 bEx. a dsweet aroma to the LORD.
7 If your offering is a grain offer- 6 If his offering as a sacrifice of a
ing baked in a acovered pan, it shall 10 aLev. 2:3; peace offering to the LORD is of the
be made of fine flour with oil. 6:16 flock, whether male or female, ahe
8 You shall bring the grain offer- shall offer it without blemish.
ing that is made of these things to 11 aLev. 6:16, 7 If he offers a alamb as his offer-
the LORD. And when it is presented 17 ing, then he shall boffer it cbefore
to the priest, he shall bring it to the the LORD.
12 aLev. 23:10,
altar. 11, 17, 18 8 And he shall lay his hand on the
9 Then the priest shall take from head of his offering, and kill it
the grain offering aa memorial por- 13 a[Col. 4:6] before the tabernacle of meeting;
tion, and burn it on the altar. It is an bNum. 18:19 and Aarons sons shall sprinkle its
cEzek. 43:24
boffering made by fire, a sweet blood all around on the altar.
aroma to the LORD. 9 Then he shall offer from the
14 aLev. 23:10,
10 And awhat is left of the grain 14 b2 Kin.
sacrifice of the peace offering, as an
offering shall be Aarons and his 4:42 offering made by fire to the LORD,
sons. It is most holy of the offerings its fat and the whole fat tail which he
to the LORD made by fire. 15 aLev. 2:1 shall remove close to the backbone.
11 No grain offering which you And the fat that covers the entrails
bring to the LORD shall be made 16 aLev. 2:2 and all the fat that is on the entrails,
with aleaven, for you shall burn no 10 the two kidneys and the fat that
leaven nor any honey in any offer- CHAPTER 3 is on them by the flanks, and the
ing to the LORD made by fire. 1 aLev. 7:11,
fatty lobe attached to the liver
12 aAs for the offering of the first- 29 bLev. 1:3; above the kidneys, he shall remove;
fruits, you shall offer them to the 22:2024 11 and the priest shall burn them
LORD, but they shall not be burned 1imperfection
on the altar as afood, an offering
on the altar for a sweet aroma. or defect made by fire to the LORD.
13 And every offering of your grain 2 aLev. 1:4, 5;
12 And if his aoffering is a goat,
offering ayou shall season with salt; 16:21 bLev. 1:5 then bhe shall offer it before the
you shall not allow bthe salt of the LORD.
covenant of your God to be lacking 3 aLev. 1:8; 13 He shall lay his hand on its
from your grain offering. cWith all 3:16; 4:8, 9 head and kill it before the taberna-
your offerings you shall offer salt. cle of meeting; and the sons of
14 If you offer a grain offering of 5 aEx. 29:13 Aaron shall sprinkle its blood all
b2 Chr. 35:14
your firstfruits to the LORD, ayou cNum. 28:310 around on the altar.
shall offer for the grain offering of dNum. 15:810 14 Then he shall offer from it his
your firstfruits green heads of grain offering, as an offering made by fire
roasted on the fire, grain beaten 6 aLev. 3:1; to the LORD. The fat that covers the
from bfull heads. 22:2024 entrails and all the fat that is on the
15 And ayou shall put oil on it, and entrails,
7 aNum. 15:4,
lay frankincense on it. It is a grain 5 b1 Kin. 8:62
15 the two kidneys and the fat that
offering. cLev. 17:8, 9 is on them by the flanks, and the
16 Then the priest shall burn athe fatty lobe attached to the liver
memorial portion: part of its beaten 11 aNum. 28:2 above the kidneys, he shall remove;
grain and part of its oil, with all the 16 and the priest shall burn them
frankincense, as an offering made 12 aNum. on the altar as food, an offering
by fire to the LORD. 15:611 bLev. made by fire for a sweet aroma; aall
3:1, 7
the fat is the LORDs.
The Peace Offering 16 aLev. 17 This shall be a aperpetual1
When his offering is a asacrifice 7:2325 statute throughout your generations
3 of a peace offering, if he offers it
of the herd, whether male or female, 17 aLev. 6:18;
in all your dwellings: you shall eat
neither fat nor bblood.
7:36; 17:7;
he shall offer it bwithout 1blemish 23:14 bLev. The Sin Offering
before the LORD. 7:23, 26;
2 And ahe shall lay his hand on 17:10, 14 Now the LORD spoke to Moses,
the head of his offering, and kill it at
the door of the tabernacle of meet-
or never-
4 saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
ing; and Aarons sons, the priests, saying: aIf a person sins 1uninten-
shall bsprinkle the blood all around CHAPTER 4 tionally against any of the com-
on the altar. mandments of the LORD in anything
3 Then he shall offer from the 2 aLev. which ought not to be done, and
sacrifice of the peace offering an 5:1518 does any of them,
offering made by fire to the LORD. error 3 aif the anointed priest sins,
aThe fat that covers the entrails and bringing guilt on the people, then let
all the fat that is on the entrails, 3 aLev. 8:12 him offer to the LORD for his sin
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 89
which he has sinned ba young bull 3 bLev. 3:1; 9:2 shall pour the remaining blood at
cLev. 9:7
without blemish as a csin offering. the base of the altar of burnt offer-
4 He shall bring the bull ato the ing, which is at the door of the tab-
4 aLev. 1:3, 4;
door of the tabernacle of meeting 4:15; Num. ernacle of meeting.
before the LORD, lay his hand on the 8:12 19 He shall take all the fat from it
bulls head, and kill the bull before and burn it on the altar.
the LORD. 5 aLev. 16:14; 20 And he shall do awith the bull
5 Then the anointed priest ashall Num. 19:4 as he did with the bull as a sin offer-
take some of the bulls blood and ing; thus he shall do with it. bSo the
6 aEx. 40:21,
bring it to the tabernacle of meeting. 26 priest shall make 1atonement for
6 The priest shall dip his finger in them, and it shall be forgiven them.
the blood and sprinkle some of the 7 aLev. 4:18, 21 Then he shall carry the bull out-
blood seven times before the LORD, 25, 30, 34; side the camp, and burn it as he
in front of the aveil of the sanctuary. 8:15; 9:9;
16:18 bEx.
burned the first bull. It is a sin offer-
7 And the priest shall aput some 40:5, 6; Lev. ing for the assembly.
of the blood on the horns of the 5:9 22 When a 1ruler has sinned, and
altar of sweet incense before the adone something unintentionally
LORD, which is in the tabernacle of 10 aLev. 3:35 against any of the commandments of
meeting; and he shall pour bthe the LORD his God in anything which
remaining blood of the bull at the 11 aEx. 29:14; should not be done, and is guilty,
Lev. 9:11;
base of the altar of the burnt offer- Num. 19:5 23 or aif his sin which he has com-
ing, which is at the door of the tab- mitted 1comes to his knowledge, he
ernacle of meeting. 12 aLev. 4:21; shall bring as his offering a kid of
8 He shall take from it all the fat 6:10, 11; 16:27
b[Heb. 13:11,
the goats, a male without blemish.
of the bull as the sin offering. The 12]
24 And ahe shall lay his hand on
fat that covers the entrails and all the head of the goat, and kill it at the
the fat which is on the entrails, 13 aNum. place where they kill the burnt
9 the two kidneys and the fat that 15:2426; offering before the LORD. It is a sin
is on them by the flanks, and the Josh. 7:11
bLev. 5:24, 17
fatty lobe attached to the liver 25 aThe priest shall take some of
above the kidneys, he shall remove, 15 aLev. 1:3, 4
the blood of the sin offering with his
10 aas it was taken from the bull of finger, put it on the horns of the
the sacrifice of the peace offering; 16 aLev. 4:5; altar of burnt offering, and pour its
and the priest shall burn them on [Heb. 9:1214] blood at the base of the altar of
the altar of the burnt offering. burnt offering.
11 aBut the bulls hide and all its 20 aLev. 4:3 26 And he shall burn all its fat on
bLev. 1:4;
flesh, with its head and legs, its Num. 15:25
the altar, like athe fat of the sacrifice
entrails and offal 1Lit. covering of the peace offering. bSo the priest
12 the whole bull he shall carry shall make 1atonement for him con-
outside the camp to a clean place, 22 aLev. 4:2, cerning his sin, and it shall be for-
awhere the ashes are poured out, 13, 27 1leader given him.
and bburn it on wood with fire; 27 aIf 1anyone of the 2common
23 aLev. 4:14;
where the ashes are poured out it 5:4 1is made people sins unintentionally by
shall be burned. known to him doing something against any of the
13 Now aif the whole congregation commandments of the LORD in any-
of Israel sins unintentionally, band 24 aLev. 4:4; thing which ought not to be done,
the thing is hidden from the eyes of [Is. 53:6] and is guilty,
the assembly, and they have done 28 or aif his sin which he has com-
25 aLev. 4:7,
something against any of the com- 18, 30, 34 mitted comes to his knowledge,
mandments of the LORD in anything then he shall bring as his offering a
which should not be done, and are 26 aLev. 3:35 kid of the goats, a female without
guilty; bLev. 4:20; blemish, for his sin which he has
14 when the sin which they have Num. 15:28 committed.
1Lit. covering
committed becomes known, then 29 aAnd he shall lay his hand on
the assembly shall offer a young 27 aLev. 4:2; the head of the sin offering, and kill
bull for the sin, and bring it before Num. 15:27 the sin offering at the place of the
the tabernacle of meeting. 1Lit. any soul
2Lit. people of
burnt offering.
15 And the elders of the congrega- the land
30 Then the priest shall take some
tion ashall lay their hands on the of its blood with his finger, put it on
head of the bull before the LORD. 28 aLev. 4:23 the horns of the altar of burnt offer-
Then the bull shall be killed before ing, and pour all the remaining
the LORD. 29 aLev. 1:4; blood at the base of the altar.
16 aThe anointed priest shall bring 4:4, 24 31 aHe shall remove all its fat, bas
some of the bulls blood to the taber- fat is removed from the sacrifice of
nacle of meeting. 31 aLev. 3:14 the peace offering; and the priest
bLev. 3:3, 4
17 Then the priest shall dip his fin- cGen. 8:21; shall burn it on the altar for a csweet
ger in the blood and sprinkle it Ex. 29:18; Lev. aroma to the LORD. dSo the priest
seven times before the LORD, in 1:9, 13; 2:2, 9, shall make atonement for him, and
front of the veil. 12 dLev. 4:26 it shall be forgiven him.
18 And he shall put some of the 32 aLev. 4:28
32 If he brings a lamb as his sin
blood on the horns of the altar offering, ahe shall bring a female
which is before the LORD, which is 33 aLev. 1:4; without blemish.
in the tabernacle of meeting; and he Num. 8:12 33 Then he shall alay his hand on
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 90
the head of the sin offering, and kill 35 aLev. 3:5 aprescribed manner. So bthe priest
bLev. 4:26, 31
it as a sin offering at the place shall make atonement on his behalf
where they kill the burnt offering. for his sin which he has committed,
34 The priest shall take some of CHAPTER 5 and it shall be forgiven him.
the blood of the sin offering with his 11 But if he is anot able to bring two
finger, put it on the horns of the 1 aProv. 29:24 turtledoves or two young pigeons,
bNum. 9:13
altar of burnt offering, and pour all 1his iniquity then he who sinned shall bring for
the remaining blood at the base of his offering one-tenth of an ephah of
the altar. 2 aNum. fine flour as a sin offering. bHe shall
35 He shall remove all its fat, as 19:1116 bLev. put no oil on it, nor shall he put frank-
the fat of the lamb is removed from 5:17 incense on it, for it is a sin offering.
the sacrifice of the peace offering. 12 Then he shall bring it to the
Then the priest shall burn it on the 3 aLev. 5:12, priest, and the priest shall take his
altar, aaccording to the offerings 13, 15 handful of it aas a memorial portion,
made by fire to the LORD. bSo the and burn it on the altar baccording
priest shall make atonement for his 4 aActs 23:12 to the offerings made by fire to the
b[James 5:12]
sin that he has committed, and it 1vows LORD. It is a sin offering.
shall be forgiven him. 13 aThe priest shall make atone-
5 aProv. 28:13 ment for him, 1for his sin that he has
The Trespass Offering committed in any of these matters;
If a person sins in ahearing the and it shall be forgiven him. bThe
5 utterance of an oath, and is a
witness, whether he has seen or
7 aLev. 12:6, 8;
14:21 bLev.
rest shall be the priests as a grain
known of the matterif he does not Offerings with Restitution
8 aLev.
tell it, he bbears 1guilt. 1:1517 1Lit.
2 Or aif a person touches any apart 14 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
unclean thing, whether it is the car- saying:
cass of an unclean beast, or the car- 9 aLev. 4:7, 18, 15 aIf a person commits a tres-
cass of unclean livestock, or the car- 30, 34 pass, and sins unintentionally in
cass of unclean creeping things, and regard to the holy things of the
he is unaware of it, he also shall be 10 aLev. LORD, then bhe shall bring to the
unclean and bguilty. 1:1417 bLev. LORD as his trespass offering a ram
4:20, 26; 5:13, without blemish from the flocks,
3 Or if he touches ahuman 16
uncleannesswhatever uncleanness with your valuation in shekels of sil-
with which a man may be defiled, 11 aLev.
ver according to cthe shekel of the
and he is unaware of itwhen he 14:2132 sanctuary, as a trespass offering.
realizes it, then he shall be guilty. bNum. 5:15 16 And he shall make restitution
4 Or if a person 1swears, speak- for the harm that he has done in
ing thoughtlessly with his lips ato do 12 aLev. 2:2 regard to the holy thing, aand shall
evil or bto do good, whatever it is bLev. 4:35
add one-fifth to it and give it to the
that a man may pronounce by an priest. bSo the priest shall make
oath, and he is unaware of itwhen 13 aLev. 4:26 atonement for him with the ram of
bLev. 2:3; 6:17,
he realizes it, then he shall be guilty 26 1concern-
the trespass offering, and it shall be
in any of these matters. ing his sin forgiven him.
5 And it shall be, when he is 17 If a person sins, and commits
guilty in any of these matters, that 15 aLev. 4:2; any of these things which are for-
he shall aconfess that he has sinned 22:14 bEzra bidden to be done by the command-
in that thing; 10:19 cEx. ments of the LORD, athough he does
30:13 not know it, yet he is bguilty and
6 and he shall bring his trespass
offering to the LORD for his sin shall bear his 1iniquity.
16 aNum. 5:7 18 aAnd he shall bring to the priest
which he has committed, a female bLev. 4:26
from the flock, a lamb or a kid of the a ram without blemish from the
goats as a sin offering. So the priest 17 aLev. 4:2,
flock, with your valuation, as a tres-
shall make atonement for him con- 13, 22, 27 pass offering. So the priest shall
cerning his sin. bLev. 5:1, 2 make atonement for him regarding
7 aIf he is not able to bring a his ignorance in which he erred and
lamb, then he shall bring to the did not know it, and it shall be for-
LORD, for his trespass which he has 18 aLev. 5:15 given him.
committed, two bturtledoves or two 19 It is a trespass offering; ahe has
young pigeons: one as a sin offering 19 aEzra 10:2 certainly trespassed against the
and the other as a burnt offering. LORD.
8 And he shall bring them to the CHAPTER 6 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
priest, who shall offer that which is
for the sin offering first, and awring 2 aNum. 5:6
6 saying:
2 If a person sins and acommits a
bLev. 19:11
off its head from its neck, but shall cEx. 22:7, 10 trespass against the LORD by blying1
not divide it 1completely. dProv. 24:28 to his neighbor about cwhat was
9 Then he shall sprinkle some of 1deceiving his delivered to him for safekeeping, or
the blood of the sin offering on the associate 2an about 2a pledge, or about a robbery,
side of the altar, and the arest of the entrusted or if he has dextorted from his
blood shall be drained out at the neighbor,
base of the altar. It is a sin offering. 3 aDeut.
3 or if he ahas found what was
10 And he shall offer the second as 22:14 bEx. lost and lies concerning it, and
a burnt offering according to the 22:11 bswears falselyin any one of these
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 91
things that a man may do in which 4 aLev. 24:18, it is most holy, like the sin offering
he sins: 21 1return and the atrespass offering.
4 then it shall be, because he has 5 aLev. 5:16; 18 aAll the males among the chil-
sinned and is guilty, that he shall Num. 5:7, 8; dren of Aaron may eat it. bIt shall be
1restore awhat he has stolen, or the 2 Sam. 12:6 a statute forever in your generations
thing which he has extorted, or what concerning the offerings made by
was delivered to him for safekeep- 6 aLev. 1:3; fire to the LORD. cEveryone who
ing, or the lost thing which he found, 1appraisal touches them must be holy.
5 or all that about which he has 19 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
sworn falsely. He shall arestore its 7 aLev. 4:26 saying,
full value, add one-fifth more to it, 20 aThis is the offering of Aaron
and give it to whomever it belongs, 9 aEx. and his sons, which they shall offer
on the day of his trespass offering. 29:3842; to the LORD, beginning on the day
Num. 28:310
6 And he shall bring his trespass when he is anointed: one-tenth of an
offering to the LORD, aa ram without bephah of fine flour as a daily grain
10 aEx.
blemish from the flock, with your 28:3943; Lev. offering, half of it in the morning
1valuation, as a trespass offering, to 16:4; Ezek. and half of it at night.
44:17, 18 bLev.
the priest. 1:16 21 It shall be made in a apan with
7 aSo the priest shall make oil. When it is mixed, you shall
atonement for him before the LORD, 11 aEzek. bring it in. The baked pieces of the
and he shall be forgiven for any one 44:19 bLev. grain offering you shall offer for a
of these things that he may have 4:12 1sweet aroma to the LORD.
done in which he trespasses. 12 aLev. 3:3, 5,
22 The priest from among his sons,
awho is anointed in his place, shall
9, 14
The Law of the Burnt Offering offer it. It is a statute forever to the
8 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, 13 aLev. 1:7 LORD. bIt shall be 1wholly burned.
saying, 23 For every grain offering for the
17 aLev. 7:7 priest shall be wholly burned. It
9 Command Aaron and his sons, 1share
saying, This is the alaw of the burnt shall not be eaten.
offering: The burnt offering shall be 18 aLev. 6:29; The Law of the Sin Offering
on the hearth upon the altar all 7:6; Num.
18:10; 1 Cor.
night until morning, and the fire of 9:13 bLev. 3:17 24 Also the LORD spoke to Moses,
the altar shall be kept burning on it. cEx. 29:37; saying,
10 aAnd the priest shall put on his Lev. 22:37; 25 Speak to Aaron and to his
linen garment, and his linen Num. 4:15; sons, saying, This is the law of the
Hag. 2:1113
trousers he shall put on his body, sin offering: aIn the place where the
and take up the ashes of the burnt 20 aEx. 29:2 burnt offering is killed, the sin offer-
offering which the fire has con- bEx. 16:36 ing shall be killed before the LORD.
sumed on the altar, and he shall put It is most holy.
them bbeside the altar. 21 aLev. 2:5; 26 aThe priest who offers it for sin
11 Then ahe shall take off his gar- 7:9 1pleasing shall eat it. In a holy place it shall be
ments, put on other garments, and 22 aLev. 4:3
eaten, in the court of the tabernacle
carry the ashes outside the camp bto bEx. 29:25 of meeting.
a clean place. 1completely 27 aEveryone who touches its flesh
12 And the fire on the altar shall 1must be holy. And when its blood is
be kept burning on it; it shall not be 25 aLev. 1:1, 3, sprinkled on any garment, you shall
5, 11
put out. And the priest shall burn wash that on which it was sprin-
wood on it every morning, and lay 26 a[Lev. 10:17, kled, in a holy place.
the burnt offering in order on it; and 18]; Num. 28 But the earthen vessel in which
he shall burn on it athe fat of the 18:9, 10; it is boiled ashall be broken. And if it
peace offerings. [Ezek. 44:28, is boiled in a bronze pot, it shall be
13 A fire shall always be burning both scoured and rinsed in water.
on the aaltar; it shall never go out. 27 aEx. 29:37; 29 All the males among the priests
Num. 4:15; may eat it. It is most holy.
The Law of the Grain Offering Hag. 2:1113 30 aBut no sin offering from which
1Lit. shall
14 This is the law of the grain any of the blood is brought into the
offering: The sons of Aaron shall 28 aLev. 11:33;
tabernacle of meeting, to make
offer it on the altar before the LORD. 15:12 atonement in 1the holy bplace, shall
15 He shall take from it his hand- be ceaten. It shall be dburned in the
ful of the fine flour of the grain 30 aLev. 4:7, fire.
11, 12, 18, 21;
offering, with its oil, and all the 10:18; 16:27; The Law of the Trespass Offering
frankincense which is on the grain [Heb. 13:11,
offering, and shall burn it on the 12] bEx. 26:33 Likewise athis is the law of the
altar for a sweet aroma, as a memo-
rial to the LORD.
cLev. 6:16, 23,
26 dLev. 16:27
1The Most
7 trespass offering (it is most holy):
2 In the place where they kill the
16 And the remainder of it Aaron Holy Place burnt offering they shall kill the
and his sons shall eat; with unleav- when capital- trespass offering. And its blood he
ened bread it shall be eaten in a shall sprinkle all around on the
holy place; in the court of the taber- altar.
nacle of meeting they shall eat it. CHAPTER 7 3 And he shall offer from it all its
17 It shall not be baked with fat. The fat tail and the fat that cov-
leaven. I have given it as their 1por- 1 aLev. ers the entrails,
tion of My offerings made by fire; 5:146:7 4 the two kidneys and the fat that
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 92
is on them by the flanks, and the 6 aLev. 20 But the person who eats the
fatty lobe attached to the liver 6:1618, 29; flesh of the sacrifice of the peace
Num. 18:9
above the kidneys, he shall remove; bLev. 2:3 offering that belongs to the aLORD,
5 and the priest shall burn them bwhile he is unclean, that person
7 aLev.
on the altar as an offering made by 6:2430; 14:13
cshall be cut off from his people.
fire to the LORD. It is a trespass 21 Moreover the person who
offering. 9 aLev. 2:3, 10; touches any unclean thing, such as
Num. 18:9; ahuman uncleanness, an bunclean
6 aEvery male among the priests Ezek. 44:29
may eat it. It shall be eaten in a holy 1on a griddle animal, or any cabominable1
place. bIt is most holy. 11 aLev. 3:1;
unclean thing, and who eats the
7 aThe trespass offering is like 22:18, 21; flesh of the sacrifice of the peace
the sin offering; there is one law for Ezek. 45:15 offering that belongs to the LORD,
them both: the priest who makes 12 aLev. 2:4;
that person dshall be cut off from his
atonement with it shall have it. Num. 6:15 people.
8 And the priest who offers any-
13 aLev. 2:12; Fat and Blood May Not Be Eaten
ones burnt offering, that priest 23:17, 18;
shall have for himself the skin of the Amos 4:5 22 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
burnt offering which he has offered. 14 aNum. 18:8, saying,
9 Also aevery grain offering that is 11, 19 23 Speak to the children of Israel,
baked in the oven and all that is pre- saying: aYou shall not eat any fat, of
pared in the covered pan, or 1in a pan, 15 aLev. 22:29,
30 ox or sheep or goat.
shall be the priests who offers it. 24 And the fat of an animal that
10 Every grain offering, whether 16 aLev. 19:58
dies naturally, and the fat of what is
mixed with oil or dry, shall belong 18 aNum. 18:27 torn by wild beasts, may be used in
to all the sons of Aaron, to one as bLev. 11:10,
any other way; but you shall by no
much as the other. 11, 41; 19:7;
[Prov. 15:8] means eat it.
The Law of Peace Offerings
1his iniquity 25 For whoever eats the fat of the
19 1pure
animal of which men offer an offer-
11 aThis is the law of the sacrifice ing made by fire to the LORD, the
of peace offerings which he shall 20 a[Heb. 2:17]
bLev. 5:3; 15:3;
person who eats it shall be cut off
offer to the LORD: 22:37; Num.
from his people.
12 If he offers it for a thanksgiv- 19:13; [1 Cor. 26 aMoreover you shall not eat any
ing, then he shall offer, with the sac- 11:28] cGen. blood in any of your dwellings,
rifice of thanksgiving, unleavened 17:14; Ex. whether of bird or beast.
31:14 27 Whoever eats any blood, that
cakes mixed with oil, unleavened
wafers aanointed with oil, or cakes 21 aLev. 5:2, 3, person shall be cut off from his peo-
of blended flour mixed with oil. 5 bLev. 11:24, ple.
28 cEzek. 4:14
13 Besides the cakes, as his offer- dLev. 7:20 1So
ing he shall offer aleavened bread with MT,
The Portion of Aaron and His Sons
with the sacrifice of thanksgiving of LXX, Vg.; 28 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
Sam., Syr.,
his peace offering. Tg. swarming saying,
14 And from it he shall offer one thing (cf. 5:2) 29 Speak to the children of Israel,
cake from each offering as a heave 23 aLev. 3:17; saying: aHe who offers the sacrifice
offering to the LORD. aIt shall 17:1015; of his peace offering to the LORD
belong to the priest who sprinkles Deut. 14:21; shall bring his offering to the LORD
the blood of the peace offering. Ezek. 4:14; from the sacrifice of his peace offer-
15 aThe flesh of the sacrifice of his 44:31
peace offering for thanksgiving 26 aGen. 9:4; 30 aHis own hands shall bring the
shall be eaten the same day it is Lev. 3:17; offerings made by fire to the LORD.
offered. He shall not leave any of it 17:1016;
19:26; Deut. The fat with the breast he shall
until morning. 12:23; 1 Sam. bring, that the bbreast may be waved
16 But aif the sacrifice of his offer- 14:33; Ezek. as a wave offering before the LORD.
ing is a vow or a voluntary offering, 33:25; [John 31 aAnd the priest shall burn the
6:53]; Acts
it shall be eaten the same day that 15:20, 29 fat on the altar, but the bbreast shall
he offers his sacrifice; but on the be Aarons and his sons.
next day the remainder of it also 29 aLev. 3:1; 32 aAlso the right thigh you shall
22:21; Ezek.
may be eaten; 45:15 give to the priest as a heave offering
17 the remainder of the flesh of from the sacrifices of your peace
the sacrifice on the third day must 30 aLev. 3:3, 4,
9, 14 bEx. offerings.
be burned with fire. 29:24, 27; Lev. 33 He among the sons of Aaron,
18 And if any of the flesh of the 8:27; 9:21; who offers the blood of the peace
sacrifice of his peace offering is Num. 6:20 offering and the fat, shall have the
eaten at all on the third day, it shall 31 aLev. 3:5, right thigh for his part.
not be accepted, nor shall it be aim- 11, 16 bNum. 34 For athe breast of the wave
puted to him; it shall be an babomi- 18:11; Deut. offering and the thigh of the heave
nation to him who offers it, and the offering I have taken from the chil-
person who eats of it shall bear 32 aEx. 29:27; dren of Israel, from the sacrifices of
1guilt. Lev. 7:34; their peace offerings, and I have
9:21; Num.
19 The flesh that touches any 6:20 given them to Aaron the priest and
unclean thing shall not be eaten. It to his sons from the children of
shall be burned with fire. And as for 34 aEx. 29:28; Israel by a statute forever.
Lev. 10:14, 15;
the clean flesh, all who are 1clean Num. 18:18, 35 This is the consecrated portion
may eat of it. 19; Deut. 18:3 for Aaron and his sons, from the of-
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 93
ferings made by fire to the LORD, on 35 1serve sons blaid their hands on the head of
the day when Moses presented them 36 aEx. the bull for the sin offering,
to 1minister to the LORD as priests. 40:1315; Lev. 15 and Moses killed it. aThen he
36 The LORD commanded this to 8:12, 30 took the blood, and put some on the
be given to them by the children of 37 aLev. 6:9
bLev. 6:14
horns of the altar all around with
Israel, aon the day that He anointed cLev. 6:25 his finger, and purified the altar.
them, by a statute forever through- dLev. 7:1 eEx. And he poured the blood at the base
out their generations. 29:1; Lev. 6:20 of the altar, and consecrated it, to
37 This is the law aof the burnt fLev. 7:11
make 1atonement for it.
offering, bthe grain offering, cthe sin 38 aLev. 1:1, 2; 16 aThen he took all the fat that
offering, dthe trespass offering, ethe Deut. 4:5 was on the entrails, the fatty lobe
consecrations, and fthe sacrifice of attached to the liver, and the two
the peace offering, CHAPTER 8 kidneys with their fat, and Moses
38 which the LORD commanded 2 aEx. 29:13 burned them on the altar.
Moses on Mount Sinai, on the day bEx. 28:2, 4 17 But the bull, its hide, its flesh,
when He commanded the children cEx. 30:24, 25 and its offal, he burned with fire
dEx. 29:10
of Israel ato offer their offerings to eEx. 29:15, 19
outside the camp, as the LORD ahad
the LORD in the Wilderness of Sinai. commanded Moses.
6 aEx. 30:20; 18 aThen he brought the ram as the
Aaron and His Sons Consecrated Heb. 10:22
burnt offering. And Aaron and his
7 aEx. 39:131 sons laid their hands on the head of
And the LORD spoke to Moses,
8 saying:
2 aTake Aaron and his sons with
8 aEx. 28:30;
Num. 27:21;
the ram,
19 and Moses killed it. Then he
Deut. 33:8;
him, and bthe garments, cthe anoint- 1 Sam. 28:6; sprinkled the blood all around on
ing oil, a dbull as the sin offering, Ezra 2:63; the altar.
two erams, and a basket of unleav- Neh. 7:65 1Lit. 20 And he cut the ram into pieces;
Lights and and Moses aburned the head, the
ened bread; the Perfec-
3 and gather all the congregation tions, Ex. pieces, and the fat.
together at the door of the taberna- 28:30 21 Then he washed the entrails and
cle of meeting. 9 aEx. 28:36, the legs in water. And Moses burned
4 So Moses did as the LORD com- 37; 29:6 the whole ram on the altar. It was a
manded him. And the congregation 10 aEx. burnt sacrifice for a 1sweet aroma,
was gathered together at the door of 30:2629; an offering made by fire to the
the tabernacle of meeting. 40:10, 11; Lev. LORD, aas the LORD had com-
8:2 manded Moses.
5 And Moses said to the congre-
gation, This is what the LORD com- 11 1set them 22 And ahe brought the second
apart for the ram, the ram of consecration. Then
manded to be done. LORD
6 Then Moses brought Aaron and Aaron and his sons laid their hands
12 aEx. 29:7; on the head of the ram,
his sons and awashed them with 30:30; Lev.
water. 21:10, 12; Ps. 23 and Moses killed it. Also he
7 And he aput the tunic on him, 133:2 took some of aits blood and put it on
girded him with the sash, clothed 13 aEx. 29:8, 9 the tip of Aarons right ear, on the
him with the robe, and put the 1headpieces thumb of his right hand, and on the
ephod on him; and he girded him 14 aEx. 29:10; big toe of his right foot.
with the intricately woven band of Ps. 66:15; 24 Then he brought Aarons sons.
the ephod, and with it tied the Ezek. 43:19
bLev. 4:4
And Moses put some of the ablood
ephod on him. on the tips of their right ears, on the
8 Then he put the breastplate on 15 aEx. 29:12, thumbs of their right hands, and on
36; Lev. 4:7;
him, and he aput the 1Urim and the Ezek. 43:20, the big toes of their right feet. And
Thummim in the breastplate. 26; [Heb. 9:22] Moses sprinkled the blood all
9 aAnd he put the turban on his 1Lit. covering around on the altar.
head. Also on the turban, on its 16 aEx. 29:13; 25 aThen he took the fat and the fat
front, he put the golden plate, the Lev. 4:8 tail, all the fat that was on the
holy crown, as the LORD had com- 17 aEx. 29:14; entrails, the fatty lobe attached to
manded Moses. Lev. 4:11, 12 the liver, the two kidneys and their
10 aAlso Moses took the anointing 18 aEx. 29:15 fat, and the right thigh;
oil, and anointed the tabernacle and 20 aLev. 1:8 26 aand from the basket of unleav-
all that was in it, and consecrated 21 aEx. 29:18
ened bread that was before the
them. 1pleasing LORD he took one unleavened cake,
11 He sprinkled some of it on the a cake of bread anointed with oil,
22 aEx. 29:19,
altar seven times, anointed the altar 31; Lev. 8:2 and one wafer, and put them on the
and all its utensils, and the laver and fat and on the right thigh;
23 aEx. 29:20,
its base, to 1consecrate them. 21; Lev. 14:14 27 and he put all these ain Aarons
12 And he apoured some of the hands and in his sons hands, and
24 a[Heb. 9:13,
anointing oil on Aarons head and 14, 1823] waved them as a wave offering
anointed him, to consecrate him. before the LORD.
25 aEx. 29:22
13 aThen Moses brought Aarons 28 aThen Moses took them from
sons and put tunics on them, girded 26 aEx. 29:23 their hands and burned them on the
them with sashes, and put 1hats on 27 aEx. 29:24; altar, on the burnt offering. They
them, as the LORD had commanded Lev. 7:30, 34 were consecration offerings for a
Moses. 28 aEx. 29:25 sweet aroma. That was an offering
14 aAnd he brought the bull for the 29 aPs. 99:6 made by fire to the LORD.
sin offering. Then Aaron and his bEx. 29:27 29 And aMoses took the bbreast and
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 94
waved it as a wave offering before 29 cEx. 29:26 atonement for yourself and for the
the LORD. It was Moses cpart of the 30 aEx. 29:21;
people. bOffer the offering of the
ram of consecration, as the LORD 30:30; Num. people, and make atonement for
had commanded Moses. 3:3 them, as the LORD commanded.
30 Then aMoses took some of the 8 Aaron therefore went to the
31 aEx. 29:31,
anointing oil and some of the blood 32 altar and killed the calf of the sin
which was on the altar, and sprin- offering, which was for himself.
kled it on Aaron, on his garments, 32 aEx. 29:34 9 Then the sons of Aaron brought
on his sons, and on the garments of the blood to him. And he dipped his
33 aEx. 29:30,
his sons with him; and he conse- 35; Lev. 10:7; finger in the blood, put it on the
crated Aaron, his garments, his Ezek. 43:25, horns of the altar, and poured the
sons, and the garments of his sons 26 blood at the base of the altar.
with him. 34 a[Heb. 7:16]
10 aBut the fat, the kidneys, and the
31 And Moses said to Aaron and fatty lobe from the liver of the sin
his sons, aBoil the flesh at the door 35 aNum. 1:53; offering he burned on the altar, as
of the tabernacle of meeting, and 3:7; 9:19; the LORD had commanded Moses.
eat it there with the bread that is in Deut. 11:1;
1 Kin. 2:3;
11 aThe flesh and the hide he
the basket of consecration offer- Ezek. 48:11 burned with fire outside the camp.
ings, as I commanded, saying, 1office 12 And he killed the burnt offering;
Aaron and his sons shall eat it. and Aarons sons presented to him
32 aWhat remains of the flesh and CHAPTER 9 the blood, awhich he sprinkled all
of the bread you shall burn with around on the altar.
fire. 1 aEzek. 43:27 13 aThen they presented the burnt
33 And you shall not go outside offering to him, with its pieces and
the door of the tabernacle of meet- 2 aEx. 29:21; head, and he burned them on the
ing for seven days, until the days of Lev. 4:112 altar.
your consecration are ended. For 3 aLev. 4:23, 14 aAnd he washed the entrails and
aseven days he shall consecrate you.
28; Ezra 6:17; the legs, and burned them with the
34 aAs he has done this day, so the 10:19 burnt offering on the altar.
LORD has commanded to do, to 15 aThen he brought the peoples
4 aLev. 2:4
make atonement for you. bEx. 29:43; offering, and took the goat, which
35 Therefore you shall stay at the Lev. 9:6, 23 was the sin offering for the people,
door of the tabernacle of meeting and killed it and offered it for sin,
day and night for seven days, and 5 1in the pres-
ence of like the first one.
akeep the 1charge of the LORD, so
16 And he brought the burnt offer-
that you may not die; for so I have 7 aLev. 4:3; ing and offered it aaccording to the
been commanded. 1 Sam. 3:14; 1prescribed manner.
36 So Aaron and his sons did all [Heb. 5:35;
7:27] bLev. 17 Then he brought the grain offer-
the things that the LORD had com- 4:16, 20; Heb. ing, took a handful of it, and burned
manded by the hand of Moses. 5:1 it on the altar, abesides the burnt
The Priestly Ministry Begins 10 aEx. 23:18;
sacrifice of the morning.
Lev. 8:16 18 He also killed the bull and the
It came to pass on the aeighth ram as asacrifices of peace offer-
9 day that Moses called Aaron
and his sons and the elders of Israel.
11 aLev. 4:11,
12; 8:17
ings, which were for the people.
And Aarons sons presented to him
2 And he said to Aaron, Take for 12 aLev. 1:5; the blood, which he sprinkled all
yourself a young abull as a sin offer- 8:19 around on the altar,
ing and a ram as a burnt offering, 19 and the fat from the bull and the
13 aLev. 8:20
without blemish, and offer them ramthe fatty tail, what covers the
before the LORD. 14 aLev. 8:21 entrails and the kidneys, and the
3 And to the children of Israel fatty lobe attached to the liver;
you shall speak, saying, aTake a kid 15 a[Is. 53:10; 20 and they put the fat on the
Heb. 2:17; 5:3]
of the goats as a sin offering, and a breasts. aThen he burned the fat on
calf and a lamb, both of the first 16 aLev. 1:113 the altar;
year, without blemish, as a burnt 1ordinance
21 but the breasts and the right
offering, 17 aEx. 29:38,
thigh Aaron waved aas a wave offer-
4 also a bull and a ram as peace 39 ing before the LORD, as Moses had
offerings, to sacrifice before the commanded.
LORD, and aa grain offering mixed 18 aLev. 3:111 22 Then Aaron lifted his hand
with oil; for btoday the LORD will 20 aLev. 3:5, 16
toward the people, ablessed them,
appear to you. and came down from offering the
5 So they brought what Moses 21 aEx. 29:24, sin offering, the burnt offering, and
commanded before the tabernacle 26, 27; Lev. peace offerings.
of meeting. And all the congrega- 23 And Moses and Aaron went into
tion drew near and stood 1before the 22 aNum. the tabernacle of meeting, and came
LORD. 6:2226; Deut. out and blessed the people. Then the
6 Then Moses said, This is the 21:5; Luke
glory of the LORD appeared to all
thing which the LORD commanded the people,
you to do, and the glory of the LORD 24 aGen. 4:4; 24 and afire came out from before
will appear to you. Judg. 6:21; the LORD and consumed the burnt
7 And Moses said to Aaron, Go 2 Chr. 7:1; Ps. offering and the fat on the altar.
20:3 bEzra
to the altar, aoffer your sin offering 3:11 c1 Kin. When all the people saw it, they
and your burnt offering, and make 18:38, 39 bshouted and fell on their cfaces.
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 95
The Profane Fire of Nadab and CHAPTER 10 and the thigh of the heave offering
Abihu you shall eat in a clean place, you,
1 aNum. 3:24 your sons, and your bdaughters with
Nadab and Abihu, the sons
10 of Aaron, each took his cen-
ser and put fire in it, put incense on
bLev. 16:12
cEx. 30:9 you; for they are your due and your
sons cdue, which are given from the
2 aNum. 11:1;
sacrifices of peace offerings of the
it, and offered cprofane fire before children of Israel.
the LORD, which He had not com- 15 aThe thigh of the heave offer-
manded them. ing and the breast of the wave of-
3 aEx. 19:22
2 So afire went out from the LORD fering they shall bring with the
and devoured them, and they died offerings of fat made by fire, to offer
4 aActs 5:6, 10
before the LORD. 1in front of as a wave offering before the LORD.
3 And Moses said to Aaron, This And it shall be yours and your sons
is what the LORD spoke, saying: 6 a2 Sam. 24:1 with you, by a statute forever, as the
1An act of LORD has commanded.
By those who come near Me
a mourning 16 Then Moses made careful
2weep bitterly
I must be regarded as holy; inquiry about athe goat of the sin
And before all the people offering, and there it wasburned
I must be glorified. 7 aLev. 8:33;
21:12 bLev. up. And he was angry with Eleazar
8:30 and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron who
So Aaron held his peace. were left, saying,
4 Then Moses called Mishael and 9 aEzek. 44:21 17 aWhy have you not eaten the
Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the sin offering in a holy place, since it
uncle of Aaron, and said to them, 10 aEzek. is most holy, and God has given it to
Come near, acarry your brethren 22:26; 44:23 you to bear bthe guilt of the congre-
from 1before the sanctuary out of gation, to make atonement for them
the camp. 11 aDeut. 24:8 before the LORD?
5 So they went near and carried 18 See! aIts blood was not brought
them by their tunics out of the 12 aNum. 18:9 inside 1the holy place; indeed you
camp, as Moses had said. bLev. 21:22
should have eaten it in a holy place,
6 And Moses said to Aaron, and bas I commanded.
to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons, 13 aNum. 19 And Aaron said to Moses,
Do not 1uncover your heads nor 18:10 bLev. Look, athis day they have offered
tear your clothes, lest you die, and 2:3; 6:16
1portion their sin offering and their burnt
awrath come upon all the people.
offering before the LORD, and such
But let your brethren, the whole 14 aNum. things have befallen me! If I had
house of Israel, 2bewail the burning 18:11 bLev. eaten the sin offering today, bwould
which the LORD has kindled. 22:13 cNum. it have been accepted in the sight of
7 aYou shall not go out from the 18:10 the LORD?
door of the tabernacle of meeting, 20 So when Moses heard that, he
lest you die, bfor the anointing oil of 15 aLev. 7:29, was content.
the LORD is upon you. And they did 30, 34
according to the word of Moses. Foods Permitted and Forbidden
16 aLev. 9:3, 15
Now the LORD spoke to Mo-
Conduct Prescribed for Priests
8 Then the LORD spoke to Aaron,
17 aLev.
6:2430 bEx.
11 ses and Aaron, saying to them,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
saying: 28:38 saying, aThese are the animals
9 aDo not drink wine or intoxi- which you may eat among all the
cating drink, you, nor your sons 18 aLev. 6:30 animals that are on the earth:
bLev. 6:26, 30
with you, when you go into the tab- 1The Most 3 Among the animals, whatever
ernacle of meeting, lest you die. It Holy Place divides the hoof, having cloven
shall be a statute forever throughout when capital- hooves and chewing the cudthat
your generations, ized you may eat.
10 that you may adistinguish 4 Nevertheless these you shall
between holy and unholy, and 19 aLev. 9:8, 12 anot eat among those that chew the
b[Is. 1:1115]
between unclean and clean, cud or those that have cloven
11 aand that you may teach the hooves: the camel, because it chews
children of Israel all the statutes CHAPTER 11 the cud but does not have cloven
which the LORD has spoken to them hooves, is 1unclean to you;
by the hand of Moses. 2 aDeut. 14:4 5 the 1rock hyrax, because it
12 And Moses spoke to Aaron, and chews the cud but does not have
to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons 4 aActs 10:14 cloven hooves, is 2unclean to you;
who were left: aTake the grain 6 the hare, because it chews the
offering that remains of the offer- cud but does not have cloven
5 1rock
ings made by fire to the LORD, and badger hooves, is unclean to you;
eat it without leaven beside the 2impure 7 and the swine, though it divides
altar; bfor it is most holy. the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet
13 You shall eat it in a aholy place, 7 aIs. 65:4; does not chew the cud, ais unclean
because it is your 1due and your 66:3, 17 to you.
sons due, of the sacrifices made by 8 Their flesh you shall not eat,
fire to the LORD; for bso I have been 8 aIs. 52:11 and their carcasses you shall not
commanded. touch. aThey are unclean to you.
14 aThe breast of the wave offering 9 aDeut. 14:9 9 aThese you may eat of all that
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LEVITICUS 11:10 96
are in the water: whatever in the 10 aLev. 7:18, you among the creeping things that
water has fins and scales, whether 21; Deut. 14:3 creep on the earth: the mole, athe
in the seas or in the riversthat you mouse, and the large lizard after its
may eat. kind;
10 But all in the seas or in the rivers 13 aDeut. 30 the gecko, the monitor lizard,
that do not have fins and scales, all 14:1219; Is. the sand reptile, the sand lizard, and
that move in the water or any living 66:17 the chameleon.
thing which is in the water, they are 31 These are unclean to you
1an aabomination to you. among all that creep. Whoever
22 aMatt. 3:4;
11 They shall be an abomination Mark 1:6
atouches them when they are dead
to you; you shall not eat their flesh, shall be unclean until evening.
but you shall regard their carcasses 32 Anything on which any of them
as an abomination. 24 1impure falls, when they are dead shall be
12 Whatever in the water does not 1unclean, whether it is any item of
have fins or scalesthat shall be an wood or clothing or skin or sack,
abomination to you. 25 aLev. 14:8; whatever item it is, in which any
13 aAnd these you shall regard as 15:5; Num. work is done, ait must be put in
19:10, 21, 22;
an abomination among the birds; 31:24; Zech. water. And it shall be unclean until
they shall not be eaten, they are an 13:1; [Heb. evening; then it shall be clean.
abomination: the eagle, the vulture, 9:10; 10:22; 33 Any aearthen vessel into which
Rev. 7:14]
the buzzard, any of them falls byou shall break;
14 the kite, and the falcon after its and whatever is in it shall be unclean:
kind; 29 aIs. 66:17 34 in such a vessel, any edible food
15 every raven after its kind, upon which water falls becomes
16 the ostrich, the short-eared owl, unclean, and any drink that may be
the sea gull, and the hawk after its 31 aHag. 2:13 drunk from it becomes unclean.
kind; 35 And everything on which a part
17 the little owl, the fisher owl, of any such carcass falls shall be
and the screech owl; 32 aLev. 15:12 unclean; whether it is an oven or
18 the white owl, the jackdaw, and cooking stove, it shall be broken
the carrion vulture; down; for they are unclean, and
19 the stork, the heron after its shall be unclean to you.
33 aLev. 6:28
kind, the hoopoe, and the bat. bLev. 15:12; 36 Nevertheless a spring or a cis-
20 All flying insects that creep on Ps. 2:9; Jer. tern, in which there is plenty of
all fours shall be an abomination to 48:38; [2 Tim. water, shall be clean, but whatever
you. 2:21]; Rev.
2:27 touches any such carcass becomes
21 Yet these you may eat of every unclean.
flying insect that creeps on all fours: 37 And if a part of any such carcass
those which have jointed legs above 38 1impure falls on any planting seed which is
their feet with which to leap on the to be sown, it remains clean.
earth. 38 But if water is put on the seed,
22 These you may eat: athe locust 39 aHag. and if a part of any such carcass falls
after its kind, the destroying locust 2:1113 on it, it becomes 1unclean to you.
after its kind, the cricket after its kind, 39 And if any animal which you
and the grasshopper after its kind. may eat dies, he who touches its car-
23 But all other flying insects 40 aEx. 22:31;
Lev. 17:15; cass shall be aunclean until evening.
which have four feet shall be an 22:8; Deut. 40 aHe who eats of its carcass shall
abomination to you. 14:21; Ezek. wash his clothes and be unclean
4:14; 44:31
Unclean Animals until evening. He also who carries
its carcass shall wash his clothes
24 By these you shall become 41 1detestable and be unclean until evening.
1unclean; whoever touches the car- 41 And every creeping thing that
cass of any of them shall be unclean creeps on the earth shall be 1an
until evening; 43 aLev. 20:25 abomination. It shall not be eaten.
25 whoever carries part of the car- 1Lit. your
42 Whatever crawls on its belly,
cass of any of them ashall wash his souls 2impure whatever goes on all fours, or what-
clothes and be unclean until ever has many feet among all creep-
evening: 44 aEx. 6:7;
ing things that creep on the earth
26 The carcass of any animal Lev. 22:33; these you shall not eat, for they are
which divides the foot, but is not 25:38; 26:45 an abomination.
bEx. 19:6; Lev.
cloven-hoofed or does not chew the 43 aYou shall not make 1yourselves
19:2; 20:7, 26;
cud, is unclean to you. Everyone [Amos 3:3];
2abominable with any creeping
who touches it shall be unclean. Matt. 5:48; thing that creeps; nor shall you
27 And whatever goes on its paws, 1 Thess. 4:7; make yourselves unclean with
among all kinds of animals that go 1 Pet. 1:15, 16; them, lest you be defiled by them.
[Rev. 22:11,
on all fours, those are unclean to 14] 44 For I am the LORD your aGod.
you. Whoever touches any such car- You shall therefore consecrate your-
cass shall be unclean until evening. selves, and byou shall be holy; for I
28 Whoever carries any such car- 45 aEx. 6:7; am holy. Neither shall you defile
cass shall wash his clothes and be 20:2; Lev. yourselves with any creeping thing
unclean until evening. It is unclean 22:33; 25:38; that creeps on the earth.
26:45; Ps.
to you. 105:4345; 45 aFor I am the LORD who brings
29 These also shall be unclean to Hos. 11:1 you up out of the land of Egypt, to
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97 LEVITICUS 13:20
be your God. bYou shall therefore be 45 bLev. 11:44 4 But if the bright spot is white
holy, for I am holy. on the skin of his body, and does not
46 This is the law 1of the animals 46 1concerning appear to be deeper than the skin,
and the birds and every living crea- and its hair has not turned white,
ture that moves in the waters, and of 47 aLev. 10:10; then the priest shall isolate the one
every creature that creeps on the Ezek. 44:23; who has the sore aseven days.
Mal. 3:18
earth, 5 And the priest shall examine
47 ato distinguish between the him on the seventh day; and indeed
unclean and the clean, and between CHAPTER 12 if the sore appears to be as it was,
the animal that may be eaten and and the sore has not spread on the
the animal that may not be eaten. skin, then the priest shall isolate
2 aLev. 15:19; him another seven days.
The Ritual After Childbirth [Job 14:4; Ps.
51:5] bEx. 6 Then the priest shall examine
Then the LORD spoke to Mo- 22:30; Lev. him again on the seventh day; and
12 ses, saying,
2 Speak to the children of Israel,
8:33; 13:4;
Luke 2:22
cLev. 18:19
indeed if the sore has faded, and the
sore has not spread on the skin,
saying: If a awoman has conceived, 1impure then the priest shall pronounce him
and borne a male child, then bshe clean; it is only a scab, and he ashall
shall be 1unclean seven days; cas in 3 aGen. 17:12; wash his clothes and be clean.
the days of her customary impurity Luke 1:59; 7 But if the scab should at all
2:21; John spread over the skin, after he has
she shall be unclean. 7:22, 23; Gal.
3 And on the aeighth day the flesh 5:3 been seen by the priest for his
of his foreskin shall be circumcised. cleansing, he shall be seen by the
4 She shall then continue in the 4 1consecrated priest again.
blood of her purification thirty- 8 And if the priest sees that the
three days. She shall not touch any 6 aLuke 2:22 scab has indeed spread on the skin,
1hallowed thing, nor come into the b[John 1:29; then the priest shall pronounce him
sanctuary until the days of her 1 Pet. 1:18, 19] 1unclean. It is leprosy.
cLev. 5:7 1Lit.
purification are fulfilled. a son of his
9 When the leprous sore is on a
5 But if she bears a female child, year person, then he shall be brought to
then she shall be unclean two the priest.
weeks, as in her customary impurity, 7 1Lit. cover- 10 aAnd the priest shall examine
and she shall continue in the blood ing him; and indeed if the swelling on
of her purification sixty-six days. the skin is white, and it has turned
6 aWhen the days of her purifica- 8 aLev. 5:7; the hair white, and there is a spot of
tion are fulfilled, whether for a son Luke 2:2224
bLev. 4:26
raw flesh in the swelling,
or a daughter, she shall bring to the 1pure
11 it is an old leprosy on the skin
priest a blamb 1of the first year as of his body. The priest shall pro-
a burnt offering, and a young nounce him 1unclean, and shall not
pigeon or a turtledove as a csin CHAPTER 13 isolate him, for he is unclean.
offering, to the door of the taberna- 12 And if leprosy breaks out all
cle of meeting. over the skin, and the leprosy cov-
7 Then he shall offer it before the 2 aDeut. 28:27; ers all the skin of the one who has
Is. 3:17 bDeut.
LORD, and make 1atonement for her. 17:8, 9; 24:8; the sore, from his head to his foot,
And she shall be clean from the flow Mal. 2:7; Luke wherever the priest looks,
of her blood. This is the law for her 17:14 1Heb. 13 then the priest shall consider;
who has borne a male or a female. saraath, dis- and indeed if the leprosy has cov-
figuring skin
8 aAnd if she is not able to bring a diseases, ered all his body, he shall pro-
lamb, then she may bring two turtle- including lep- nounce him clean who has the sore.
doves or two young pigeonsone as rosy, and so It has all turned awhite. He is clean.
a burnt offering and the other as a in vv. 246
and 14:132 14 But when raw flesh appears on
sin offering. bSo the priest shall him, he shall be unclean.
make atonement for her, and she 3 1defiled 15 And the priest shall examine
will be 1clean. the raw flesh and pronounce him to
4 aLev. 14:8
be unclean; for the raw flesh is
The Law Concerning Leprosy unclean. It is leprosy.
And the LORD spoke to Moses 16 Or if the raw flesh changes and
13 and Aaron, saying:
2 When a man has on the skin of
6 aLev. 11:25;
14:8; [John
13:8, 10]
turns white again, he shall come to
the priest.
his body a swelling, aa scab, or a 17 And the priest shall examine
bright spot, and it becomes on the 8 1defiled him; and indeed if the sore has
skin of his body like a 1leprous sore, turned white, then the priest shall
bthen he shall be brought to Aaron 10 aNum. pronounce him clean who has the
the priest or to one of his sons the 12:10, 12; sore. He is clean.
2 Kin. 5:27; 18 If the body develops a aboil in
priests. 2 Chr. 26:19,
3 The priest shall examine the 20 the skin, and it is healed,
sore on the skin of the body; and if 19 and in the place of the boil
the hair on the sore has turned 11 1defiled there comes a white swelling or a
white, and the sore appears to be bright spot, reddish-white, then it
deeper than the skin of his body, it is 13 aEx. 4:6 shall be shown to the priest;
a leprous sore. Then the priest shall 20 and if, when the priest sees it, it
examine him, and pronounce him 18 aEx. 9:9; indeed appears deeper than the
1unclean. 15:26 skin, and its hair has turned white,
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LEVITICUS 13:21 98
the priest shall pronounce him 22 1infection pronounce him clean. He shall wash
unclean. It is a leprous sore which his clothes and be clean.
has broken out of the boil. 35 But if the scale should at all
21 But if the priest examines it, spread over the skin after his
and indeed there are no white hairs cleansing,
in it, and it is not deeper than the 36 then the priest shall examine
skin, but has faded, then the priest him; and indeed if the scale has
shall isolate him seven days; spread over the skin, the priest need
22 and if it should at all spread 24 aIs. 3:24 not seek for yellow hair. He is
over the skin, then the priest shall unclean.
pronounce him unclean. It is a 1lep- 37 But if the scale appears to be at
rous sore. a standstill, and there is black hair
23 But if the bright spot stays in grown up in it, the scale has healed.
one place, and has not spread, it is He is clean, and the priest shall pro-
the scar of the boil; and the priest nounce him clean.
shall pronounce him clean. 38 If a man or a woman has bright
24 Or if the body receives a aburn 42 a2 Chr. spots on the skin of the body, specif-
on its skin by fire, and the raw flesh 26:19 ically white bright spots,
of the burn becomes a bright spot, 39 then the priest shall look; and
reddish-white or white, indeed if the bright spots on the skin
25 then the priest shall examine it; of the body are dull white, it is a
and indeed if the hair of the bright white spot that grows on the skin.
spot has turned white, and it He is clean.
appears deeper than the skin, it is 40 As for the man whose hair has
leprosy broken out in the burn. fallen from his head, he is bald, but
Therefore the priest shall pronounce 44 aIs. 1:5 he is clean.
him unclean. It is a leprous sore. 1altogether 41 He whose hair has fallen from
26 But if the priest examines it, defiled his forehead, he is bald on the fore-
and indeed there are no white hairs head, but he is clean.
in the bright spot, and it is not 42 And if there is on the bald head
deeper than the skin, but has faded, or bald aforehead a reddish-white
then the priest shall isolate him sore, it is leprosy breaking out on
seven days. his bald head or his bald forehead.
27 And the priest shall examine 43 Then the priest shall examine
him on the seventh day. If it has at it; and indeed if the swelling of the
all spread over the skin, then the 45 aLev. 10:6; sore is reddish-white on his bald
priest shall pronounce him unclean. 21:10 bEzek. head or on his bald forehead, as the
24:17, 22; Mic. appearance of leprosy on the skin of
It is a leprous sore. 3:7 cIs. 6:5;
28 But if the bright spot stays in 64:6; Lam. the body,
one place, and has not spread on the 4:15; Luke 5:8 44 he is a leprous man. He is
skin, but has faded, it is a swelling unclean. The priest shall surely pro-
from the burn. The priest shall pro- nounce him 1unclean; his sore is on
nounce him clean, for it is the scar his ahead.
from the burn. 45 Now the leper on whom the
29 If a man or woman has a sore sore is, his clothes shall be torn and
on the head or the beard, his head abare; and he shall bcover
30 then the priest shall examine his mustache, and cry, cUnclean!
the sore; and indeed if it appears 46 aNum. Unclean!
deeper than the skin, and there is in 5:14; 12:14; 46 He shall be unclean. All the
it thin yellow hair, then the priest 2 Kin. 7:3; days he has the sore he shall be
15:5; 2 Chr.
shall pronounce him unclean. It is a 26:21; Ps. unclean. He is unclean, and he shall
1dwell alone; his dwelling shall be
scaly leprosy of the head or beard. 38:11; Luke
17:12 1live aoutside the camp.
31 But if the priest examines the alone
scaly sore, and indeed it does not The Law Concerning Leprous
appear deeper than the skin, and Garments
there is no black hair in it, then the
priest shall isolate the one who has 47 Also, if a garment has a 1lep-
the scale seven days. rous plague in it, whether it is a
32 And on the seventh day the woolen garment or a linen garment,
priest shall examine the sore; and 48 whether it is in the warp or
indeed if the scale has not spread, woof of linen or wool, whether in
and there is no yellow hair in it, and 47 1A mold, leather or in anything made of
fungus, or
the scale does not appear deeper similar infes- leather,
than the skin, tation, and so 49 and if the plague is greenish or
33 he shall shave himself, but the in vv. 4759 reddish in the garment or in the
scale he shall not shave. And the leather, whether in the warp or in
priest shall isolate the one who has the woof, or in anything made of
the scale another seven days. leather, it is a leprous 1plague and
34 On the seventh day the priest shall be shown to the priest.
shall examine the scale; and indeed 50 The priest shall examine the
if the scale has not spread over the plague and isolate that which has
skin, and does not appear deeper the plague seven days.
than the skin, then the priest shall 49 1mark 51 And he shall examine the
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99 LEVITICUS 14:19
plague on the seventh day. If the 51 aLev. 14:44 take it, the cedar wood and the scar-
plague has spread in the garment, let and the hyssop, and dip them
either in the warp or in the woof, in and the living bird in the blood of
the leather or in anything made of CHAPTER 14 the bird that was killed over the
leather, the plague is aan active lep- running water.
rosy. It is unclean. 7 And he shall asprinkle it bseven
52 He shall therefore burn that 2 aMatt. 8:2, 4; times on him who is to be cleansed
garment in which is the plague, Mark 1:40, 44; from the leprosy, and shall pro-
Luke 5:12, 14;
whether warp or woof, in wool or in 17:14 1See nounce him clean, and shall let the
linen, or anything of leather, for it is note at 13:2 living bird loose in the open field.
an active leprosy; the garment shall 8 He who is to be cleansed ashall
be burned in the fire. 3 1Heb.
wash his clothes, shave off all his
53 But if the priest examines it, saraath, dis- hair, and bwash himself in water,
and indeed the plague has not figuring skin that he may be clean. After that he
spread in the garment, either in the diseases, shall come into the camp, and cshall
warp or in the woof, or in anything including lep-
rosy, and so stay outside his tent seven days.
made of leather, in vv. 132 9 But on the aseventh day he
54 then the priest shall command shall shave all the hair off his head
that they wash the thing in which is and his beard and his eyebrowsall
the plague; and he shall isolate it 4 aLev. 14:6,
49, 51, 52; his hair he shall shave off. He shall
another seven days. Num. 19:6; wash his clothes and wash his body
55 Then the priest shall examine Heb. 9:19 bEx. in water, and he shall be clean.
the plague after it has been washed; 25:4 cEx. 10 And on the eighth day ahe shall
and indeed if the plague has not 12:22; Ps. 51:7
take two male lambs without blem-
changed its color, though the plague ish, one ewe lamb of the first year
has not spread, it is unclean, and 7 aNum. 19:18, without blemish, three-tenths of an
you shall burn it in the fire; it con- 19; [Heb. 9:13, ephah of fine flour mixed with oil as
tinues eating away, whether the 21; 12:24] ba grain offering, and one log of oil.
b2 Kin. 5:10,
damage is outside or inside. 14; Ps. 51:2 11 Then the priest who makes him
56 If the priest examines it, and clean shall present the man who is
indeed the plague has faded after to be made clean, and those things,
washing it, then he shall tear it out 8 aLev. 11:25;
13:6; Num. 8:7 before the LORD, at the door of the
of the garment, whether out of the bLev. 11:25; tabernacle of meeting.
warp or out of the woof, or out of the [Eph. 5:26; 12 And the priest shall take one
leather. Heb. 10:22; male lamb and aoffer it as a trespass
57 But if it appears again in the Rev. 1:5, 6]
cLev. 13:5; offering, and the log of oil, and
garment, either in the warp or in the Num. 5:2, 3; bwave them as a wave offering
woof, or in anything made of 12:14, 15; before the LORD.
leather, it is a spreading plague; you 2 Chr. 26:21 13 Then he shall kill the lamb ain
shall burn with fire that in which is the place where he kills the sin
the plague. 9 aNum. 19:19 offering and the burnt offering, in a
58 And if you wash the garment, holy place; for bas the sin offering is
either warp or woof, or whatever is the priests, so is the trespass offer-
made of leather, if the plague has 10 aMatt. 8:4;
Mark 1:44; ing. cIt is most holy.
disappeared from it, then it shall be Luke 5:14 14 The priest shall take some of
washed a second time, and shall be bLev. 2:1;
the blood of the trespass offering,
clean. Num. 15:4 and the priest shall put it aon the tip
59 This is the law of the leprous of the right ear of him who is to be
plague in a garment of wool or 12 aLev. 5:6, cleansed, on the thumb of his right
linen, either in the warp or woof, or 18; 6:6; 14:19 hand, and on the big toe of his right
in anything made of leather, to pro- bEx. 29:2224,
nounce it clean or to pronounce it 26
15 And the priest shall take some
unclean. of the log of oil, and pour it into the
The Ritual for Cleansing Healed
13 aEx. 29:11; palm of his own left hand.
Lev. 1:5, 11; 16 Then the priest shall dip his
Lepers 4:4, 24 bLev.
6:2430; 7:7 right finger in the oil that is in his
Then the LORD spoke to Mo- left hand, and shall asprinkle some
cLev. 2:3; 7:6;
ses, saying, 21:22 of the oil with his finger seven times
2 This shall be the law of the before the LORD.
1leper for the day of his cleansing:
14 aEx. 29:20; 17 And of the rest of the oil in his
He ashall be brought to the priest. Lev. 8:23, 24 hand, the priest shall put some on
3 And the priest shall go out of the tip of the right ear of him who is
the camp, and the priest shall exam- 16 aLev. 4:6
to be cleansed, on the thumb of his
ine him; and indeed, if the 1leprosy right hand, and on the big toe of his
is healed in the leper, right foot, on the blood of the tres-
4 then the priest shall command 18 aLev. 4:26; pass offering.
to take for him who is to be 5:6; Num. 18 The rest of the oil that is in the
15:28; [Heb.
cleansed two living and clean birds, 2:17] 1Lit. cov- priests hand he shall put on the
acedar wood, bscarlet, and chyssop. ering head of him who is to be cleansed.
5 And the priest shall command aSo the priest shall make 1atone-
that one of the birds be killed in an 19 aLev. 5:1, 6;
ment for him before the LORD.
earthen vessel over running water. 12:7; [2 Cor. 19 Then the priest shall offer athe
6 As for the living bird, he shall 5:21] sin offering, and make atonement for
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N UMBERS is the book of wanderings. It takes its name from the two number-
ings of the Israelitesthe first at Mount Sinai and the second on the plains of
Moab. Most of the book, however, describes Israels experiences as they wander
in the wilderness. The lesson of Numbers is clear. While it may be necessary to
pass through wilderness experiences, one does not have to live there. For Israel,
an eleven-day journey became a forty-year agony.
The title of Numbers comes from the first word in the Hebrew text, Wayyedab-
ber, And He Said. Jewish writings, however, usually refer to it by the fifth
Hebrew word in 1:1, Bemidbar, In the Wilderness, which more nearly indicates
the content of the book. The Greek title in the Septuagint is Arithmoi, Numbers.
The Latin Vulgate followed this title and translated it Liber Numeri, Book of Num-
bers. These titles are based on the two numberings: the generation of Exodus
(Num. 1) and the generation that grew up in the wilderness and conquered
Canaan (Num. 26). Numbers has also been called the Book of the Journeyings,
the Book of the Murmurings, and the Fourth Book of Moses.
the children of
above, even to fifty years old,
everyone who entered the service Israel that they put out of the camp
for work in the tabernacle of meet- 45 aNum. 4:29 every aleper, everyone who has a
bdischarge, and whoever becomes
cdefiled 1by a corpse.
36 and those who were numbered
by their families were two thousand 46 aNum. 3:39; 3 You shall put out both male
seven hundred and fifty. 1 Chr. 23:323 and female; you shall put them out-
37 These were the ones who were side the camp, that they may not
numbered of the families of the defile their camps ain the midst of
Kohathites, all who might serve in 47 aNum. 4:3, which I dwell.
23, 30
the tabernacle of meeting, whom 4 And the children of Israel did
Moses and Aaron numbered accord- so, and put them outside the camp;
ing to the commandment of the 49 aNum. 4:15, as the LORD spoke to Moses, so the
LORD by the hand of Moses. 24, 31 bNum. children of Israel did.
4:1, 21
38 And those who were numbered
of the sons of Gershon, by their fam- Confession and Restitution
ilies and by their fathers house, 5 Then the LORD spoke to Moses,
39 from thirty years old and above, CHAPTER 5
even to fifty years old, everyone 6 Speak to the children of Israel:
who entered the service for work in aWhen a man or woman commits
the tabernacle of meeting 2 aLev. 13:3, 8,
46; Num. any sin that men commit in unfaith-
40 those who were numbered by 12:10, 14, 15 fulness against the LORD, and that
their families, by their fathers bLev. 15:2
person is guilty,
house, were two thousand six hun- cLev. 21:1;
7 athen he shall confess the sin
dred and thirty. Num. 9:6, 10;
19:11, 13; which he has committed. He shall
41 aThese are the ones who were 31:19 1by con- make restitution for his trespass bin
numbered of the families of the sons tact with full, plus one-fifth of it, and give it to
of Gershon, of all who might serve the one he has wronged.
in the tabernacle of meeting, whom 3 aLev. 26:11, 8 But if the man has no 1relative
Moses and Aaron numbered accord- 12; Num. to whom restitution may be made
ing to the commandment of the 35:34; [2 Cor. for the wrong, the restitution for
LORD. 6:16]
the wrong must go to the LORD for
42 Those of the families of the sons the priest, in addition to athe ram
of Merari who were numbered, by 6 aLev. of the atonement with which
their families, by their fathers 5:146:7 atonement is made for him.
9 Every aoffering1 of all the holy
43 from thirty years old and above, things of the children of Israel, which
even to fifty years old, everyone 7 aLev. 5:5;
26:40, 41; they bring to the priest, shall be bhis.
who entered the service for work in Josh. 7:19; Ps. 10 And every mans 1holy things
the tabernacle of meeting 32:5; 1 John
shall be his; whatever any man
44 those who were numbered by 1:9 bLev. 6:4, 5
their families were three thousand gives the priest shall be ahis.
two hundred. 8 aLev. 5:15; Concerning Unfaithful Wives
45 These are the ones who were 6:6, 7; 7:7
numbered of the families of the sons 1redeemer, 11 And the LORD spoke to Moses,
of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron Heb. goel saying,
numbered aaccording to the word of 12 Speak to the children of Israel,
the LORD by the hand of Moses. 9 aEx. 29:28; and say to them: If any mans wife
46 All who were anumbered of the Lev. 6:17, 18, goes astray and behaves unfaithfully
Levites, whom Moses, Aaron, and 26; 7:614
bLev. 7:3234;
toward him,
the leaders of Israel numbered, by 10:14, 15
13 and a man alies with her car-
their families and by their fathers 1heave offer- nally, and it is hidden from the eyes
houses, ing of her husband, and it is concealed
47 afrom thirty years old and that she has defiled herself, and
above, even to fifty years old, every- 10 aLev. 10:13
there was no witness against her,
one who came to do the work of 1consecrated nor was she bcaught
service and the work of bearing bur- 14 if the spirit of jealousy comes
dens in the tabernacle of meeting upon him and he becomes ajealous
48 those who were numbered were 13 aLev. 18:20; of his wife, who has defiled herself;
20:10 bJohn
eight thousand five hundred and 8:4 or if the spirit of jealousy comes
eighty. upon him and he becomes jealous of
49 According to the commandment his wife, although she has not
of the LORD they were numbered by 14 aProv. 6:34; defiled herself
Song 8:6
the hand of Moses, aeach according 15 then the man shall bring his
to his service and according to his wife to the priest. He shall abring the
task; thus were they numbered by 15 aLev. 5:11 offering required for her, one-tenth of
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22 aIf you sin unintentionally, and death; all the congregation shall
bstone him with stones outside the
do not observe all these command- 32 aEx. 31:14,
ments which the LORD has spoken 15; 35:2, 3 camp.
to Moses 36 So, as the LORD commanded
23 all that the LORD has com- Moses, all the congregation brought
34 aLev. 24:12 him outside the camp and stoned
manded you by the hand of Moses,
from the day the LORD gave com- him with stones, and he died.
mandment and onward throughout 35 aEx. 31:14,
Tassels on Garments
your generations 15 bLev. 24:14;
Deut. 21:21;
24 then it will be, aif it is uninten- 1 Kin. 21:13; 37 Again the LORD spoke to Moses,
tionally committed, 1without the Acts 7:58 saying,
3005_03-04_Leviticus-Numbers 11/19/08 11:04 AM Page 134
4 aEx. 17:3
16 aWhen we cried out to the
LORD, He heard our voice and bsent
first month, and the people stayed in 6 aNum. 14:5; the Angel and brought us up out of
bKadesh; and cMiriam died there 16:4, 22, 45 Egypt; now here we are in Kadesh, a
and was buried there. bNum. 14:10
city on the edge of your border.
2 aNow there was no water for the themselves
17 Please alet us pass through your
congregation; bso they gathered country. We will not pass through
together against Moses and Aaron. 8 aEx. 4:17, 20; fields or vineyards, nor will we
3 And the people acontended with 17:5, 6 bNeh. drink water from wells; we will go
9:15 along the Kings Highway; we will
Moses and spoke, saying: If only
we had died bwhen our brethren 9 aNum. 17:10 not turn aside to the right hand or to
died before the LORD! the left until we have passed
4 aWhy have you brought up the 10 aPs. 106:33 through your territory.
assembly of the LORD into this 18 Then aEdom said to him, You
11 a[1 Cor. shall not pass through my land, lest
wilderness, that we and our animals 10:4]
should die here? I come out against you with the
5 And why have you made us 12 aDeut. 1:37; sword.
come up out of Egypt, to bring us to 3:26, 27; 34:5
bLev. 10:3
19 So the children of Israel said to
this evil place? It is not a place of him, We will go by the Highway,
grain or figs or vines or pomegran- 13 aDeut. 33:8 and if I or my livestock drink any of
ates; nor is there any water to 1Lit. Con- your water, athen I will pay for it; let
drink. tention me only pass through on foot, noth-
6 So Moses and Aaron went from ing more.
14 aJudg.
the presence of the assembly to the 11:16, 17 20 Then he said, aYou shall not
door of the tabernacle of meeting, bGen. pass through. So Edom came out
and athey 1fell on their faces. And 36:3139 against them with many men and
cDeut. 2:4
bthe glory of the LORD appeared to with a strong hand.
them. 15 aGen. 46:6
21 Thus Edom arefused to give
7 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, bEx. 12:40 Israel passage through his territory;
saying, cDeut. 26:6 so Israel bturned away from him.
1did evil to
8 aTake the rod; you and your Death of Aaron
brother Aaron gather the congrega- 16 aEx. 2:23;
tion together. Speak to the rock 3:7 bEx. 3:2; 22 Now the children of Israel, the
before their eyes, and it will yield its 14:19 whole congregation, journeyed from
water; thus byou shall bring water 17 aNum.
aKadesh band came to Mount Hor.
for them out of the rock, and give 21:22 23 And the LORD spoke to Moses
drink to the congregation and their and Aaron in Mount Hor by the bor-
animals. 18 aNum. der of the land of Edom, saying:
9 So Moses took the rod afrom 24:18
24 Aaron shall 1be agathered to his
before the LORD as He commanded 19 aDeut. 2:6, people, for he shall not enter the
him. 28 land which I have given to the chil-
10 And Moses and Aaron gathered dren of Israel, because you rebelled
the assembly together before the 20 aJudg. 11:17 against My word at the water of
rock; and he said to them, aHear 21 aDeut. 2:27, Meribah.
now, you rebels! Must we bring 30 bJudg. 25 aTake Aaron and Eleazar his
water for you out of this rock? 11:18 son, and bring them up to Mount
11 Then Moses lifted his hand and Hor;
22 aNum.
struck the rock twice with his rod; 33:37 bNum. 26 and strip Aaron of his gar-
aand water came out abundantly, ments and put them on Eleazar his
and the congregation and their ani- son; for Aaron shall be gathered to
mals drank. 24 aGen. 25:8
1Die and join
his people and die there.
12 Then the LORD spoke to Moses his ancestors 27 So Moses did just as the LORD
and Aaron, Because ayou did not commanded, and they went up to
believe Me, to bhallow Me in the 25 aNum. Mount Hor in the sight of all the
eyes of the children of Israel, there- 33:38 congregation.
fore you shall not bring this assem- 28 aEx. 29:29,
28 aMoses stripped Aaron of his
bly into the land which I have given 30 bNum. garments and put them on Eleazar
them. 33:38 his son; and bAaron died there on
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23 aPs. 31:19;
24 pleased the LORD to bless
Israel, he did not go as at aother
him. And Balak said to him, What 44:1 1enchant- times, to seek to use 1sorcery, but he
has the LORD spoken? ment
18 Then he took up his oracle and 2fortune- set his face toward the wilderness.
said: telling 2 And Balaam raised his eyes, and
saw Israel aencamped according to
aRise up, Balak, and hear! 24 aGen. 49:9 their tribes; and bthe Spirit of God
bGen. 49:27;
Listen to me, son of Zippor! came upon him.
Josh. 11:23
3 aThen he took up his oracle and
19 Goda is not a man, that He 26 aNum. 22:38
should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He 28 aNum. 21:20 The utterance of Balaam the
should repent. 1Heb. Jeshi- son of Beor,
Has He bsaid, and will He not mon The utterance of the man
do? whose eyes are opened,
Or has He spoken, and will He CHAPTER 24
4 The utterance of him who hears
not make it good? the words of God,
20 Behold, I have received a Who sees the vision of the
1 aNum. 23:3, Almighty,
command to bless; 15 1enchant-
aHe has blessed, and I cannot ments Who afalls down, with eyes
reverse it. wide open:
2 aNum. 2:2,
21 Hea has not observed iniquity 34 bNum. 5 How lovely are your tents,
11:25; 1 Sam. O Jacob!
in Jacob, 10:10; 19:20,
Nor has He seen 1wickedness 23; 2 Chr. 15:1 Your dwellings, O Israel!
in Israel. 6 Like valleys that stretch out,
The LORD his God is with him, 3 aNum. 23:7, Like gardens by the riverside,
bAnd the shout of a King is 18 aLike aloes bplanted by the
children of Israel, who went mss., Sam., pher and camped at Haradah.
Syr., Tg., Vg. 25 They moved from Haradah and
out of the land of Egypt by their from Pi Hahi-
armies under the ahand of Moses roth; cf. Num. camped at Makheloth.
and Aaron. 33:7 26 They moved from Makheloth
2 Now Moses wrote down the 9 aEx. 15:27 and camped at Tahath.
starting points of their journeys at 27 They departed from Tahath and
11 aEx. 16:1 camped at Terah.
the command of the LORD. And
these are their journeys according 14 aEx. 17:1; 28 They moved from Terah and
to their starting points: 19:2 camped at Mithkah.
3 They adeparted from Rameses 15 aEx. 16:1; 29 They went from Mithkah and
in bthe first month, on the fifteenth 19:1, 2 camped at Hashmonah.
day of the first month; on the day 16 aNum. 11:34 30 They departed from Hashmo-
after the Passover the children of 1Lit. Graves of nah and acamped at Moseroth.
Israel went out cwith boldness in the Craving 31 They departed from Moseroth
sight of all the Egyptians. 17 aNum. 11:35 and camped at Bene Jaakan.
4 For the Egyptians were burying 18 aNum. 12:16
32 They moved from aBene Jaakan
all their firstborn, awhom the LORD and bcamped at Hor Hagidgad.
had killed among them. Also bon 30 aDeut. 10:6 33 They went from Hor Hagidgad
their gods the LORD had executed 32 aDeut. 10:6 and camped at Jotbathah.
judgments. bDeut. 10:7
34 They moved from Jotbathah
5 aThen the children of Israel 35 aDeut. 2:8; and camped at Abronah.
moved from Rameses and camped 1 Kin. 9:26; 35 They departed from Abronah
at Succoth. 22:48 aand camped at Ezion Geber.
6 They departed from aSuccoth 36 aNum. 20:1; 36 They moved from Ezion Geber
and camped at Etham, which is on 27:14 and camped in the aWilderness of
the edge of the wilderness. 37 aNum. Zin, which is Kadesh.
7 aThey moved from Etham and 20:22, 23; 21:4 37 They moved from aKadesh and
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45 aNum.
34 ses, saying,
2 Command the children of
40 Now athe king of Arad, the 32:34 1Same Israel, and say to them: When you
Canaanite, who dwelt in the South as Ije Abarim,
v. 44 come into athe land of Canaan, this
in the land of Canaan, heard of the is the land that shall fall to you as an
coming of the children of Israel. inheritancethe land of Canaan to
46 aJer. 48:22
41 So they departed from Mount its boundaries.
Hor and camped at Zalmonah. 3 aYour southern border shall be
47 aDeut.
42 They departed from Zalmonah 32:49 from the Wilderness of Zin along
and camped at Punon. the border of Edom; then your
43 They departed from Punon and 48 aNum. 22:1; southern border shall extend east-
acamped at Oboth.
31:12; 35:1 ward to the end of bthe Salt Sea;
44 aThey departed from Oboth and 4 your border shall turn from the
camped at Ije Abarim, at the border 49 aNum. 25:1 southern side of athe Ascent of
of Moab. 1Heb. Abel
Akrabbim, continue to Zin, and be
45 They departed from 1Ijim and Shittim
on the south of bKadesh Barnea;
camped aat Dibon Gad. then it shall go on to cHazar Addar,
46 They moved from Dibon Gad 51 aJosh. 3:17
and continue to Azmon;
and camped at aAlmon Diblathaim. 5 the border shall turn from
47 They moved from Almon 52 aDeut. 7:2,
5; 12:3 1Places Azmon ato the Brook of Egypt, and
Diblathaim aand camped in the for pagan it shall end at the Sea.
mountains of Abarim, before Nebo. worship 6 As for the awestern border, you
48 They departed from the moun- shall have the Great Sea for a border;
tains of Abarim and acamped in the 53 aDeut. this shall be your western border.
plains of Moab by the Jordan, 11:31
7 And this shall be your northern
across from Jericho. border: From the Great Sea you
49 They camped by the Jordan, 54 aNum.
shall mark out your border line to
from Beth Jesimoth as far as the 26:5356
aMount Hor;
aAbel Acacia Grove1 in the plains of
55 aJosh. 23:13 8 from Mount Hor you shall mark
Moab. out your border ato the entrance of
Instructions for the Conquest of CHAPTER 34 Hamath; then the direction of the
Canaan border shall be toward bZedad;
2 aGen. 17:8 9 the border shall proceed to
50 Now the LORD spoke to Moses Ziphron, and it shall end at aHazar
in the plains of Moab by the Jordan, 3 aJosh. 15:13 Enan. This shall be your northern
across from Jericho, saying, bGen. 14:3 border.
51 Speak to the children of Israel, 10 You shall mark out your east-
and say to them: aWhen you have 4 aJosh. 15:3 ern border from Hazar Enan to
crossed the Jordan into the land of bNum. 13:26; Shepham;
Canaan, 32:8 cJosh. 11 the border shall go down from
15:3, 4
52 athen you shall drive out all the Shepham ato Riblah on the east side
inhabitants of the land from before 5 aJosh. 15:4,
of Ain; the border shall go down and
you, destroy all their engraved 47 reach to the eastern 1side of the Sea
stones, destroy all their molded bof Chinnereth;
images, and demolish all their 1high 6 aEzek. 47:20 12 the border shall go down along
places; the Jordan, and it shall end at athe
53 you shall dispossess the inhabi- 7 aNum. 33:37 Salt Sea. This shall be your land
tants of the land and dwell in it, for with its surrounding boundaries.
I have given you the land to apos- 8 aNum. 13:21 13 Then Moses commanded the
sess. bEzek. 47:15 children of Israel, saying: aThis is
54 And ayou shall divide the land the land which you shall inherit by
by lot as an inheritance among your 9 aEzek. 47:17 lot, which the LORD has command-
families; to the larger you shall give ed to give to the nine tribes and to
a larger inheritance, and to the 11 a2 Kin. the half-tribe.
smaller you shall give a smaller 23:33 bDeut. 14 aFor the tribe of the children of
inheritance; there everyones inheri- 3:17 1Lit. Reuben according to the house of
tance shall be whatever falls to him their fathers, and the tribe of the
by lot.You shall inherit according to 12 aNum. 34:3
children of Gad according to the
the tribes of your fathers. house of their fathers, have received
55 But if you do not drive out the 13 aJosh.
their inheritance; and the half-tribe
inhabitants of the land from before 14:15 of Manasseh has received its inheri-
you, then it shall be that those whom tance.
you let remain shall be airritants in 14 aNum. 15 The two tribes and the half-
your eyes and thorns in your sides, 32:33 tribe have received their inheritance
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19 aEx. 13:2,
16 and keep the Passover to the
LORD your God, for bin the month of
when you give to him, because bfor 12 1set apart
Abib the LORD your God brought
this thing the LORD your God will or consecrate
you out of Egypt by night.
bless you in all your works and in all 20 aLev. 2 Therefore you shall sacrifice
to which you put your hand. 7:1518; Deut. the Passover to the LORD your God,
11 For athe poor will never cease 12:5; 14:23 from the flock and athe herd, in the
from the land; therefore I command bplace where the LORD chooses to
you, saying, You shall 1open your 21 aLev. put His name.
hand wide to your brother, to your 22:1925;
Deut. 17:1 3 You shall eat no leavened bread
poor and your needy, in your land. with it; aseven days you shall eat
The Law Concerning Bondservants 22 aDeut. unleavened bread with it, that is, the
12:15, 16, 22 bread of affliction (for you came out
12 aIf your brother, a Hebrew of the land of Egypt in haste), that
man, or a Hebrew woman, is bsold CHAPTER 16 you may bremember the day in
to you and serves you six years, which you came out of the land of
then in the seventh year you shall aEx.
Egypt all the days of your life.
let him go free from you. 1 12:2 4 aAnd no leaven shall be seen
bEx. 13:4
13 And when you 1send him away among you in all your territory for
free from you, you shall not let him 2 aNum. 28:19 seven days, nor shall any of the
go away empty-handed; bDeut. 12:5, meat which you sacrifice the first
14 you shall supply him liberally 26; 15:20 day at twilight remain overnight
from your flock, from your threshing until bmorning.
floor, and from your winepress. From 3 aNum. 29:12
bEx. 13:3;
5 You may not sacrifice the
what the LORD your God has ablessed Deut. 4:9 Passover within any of your gates
you with, you shall give to him. which the LORD your God gives you;
15 aYou shall remember that you 4 aEx. 13:7 6 but at the place where the LORD
were a slave in the land of Egypt, bNum. 9:12 your God chooses to make His name
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cNum. 23:9 by the LORD,
Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going dGen. 27:28 cThe shield of your help
out, And the sword of your majesty!
And Issachar in your tents! 29 aPs. 144:15 Your enemies dshall submit to
19 They shall acall the peoples to bDeut.
the mountain; 4:3234;
And eyou shall tread down their
There bthey shall offer 2 Sam. 7:23
cGen. 15:1; Ps. 1high places.
sacrifices of righteousness; 115:9 dPs.
For they shall partake of the 18:44; 66:3 Moses Dies on Mount Nebo
abundance of the seas eNum. 33:52
The Book of
J OSHUA, the first of the twelve historical books (JoshuaEsther), forges a link
between the Pentateuch and the remainder of Israels history. Through three
major military campaigns involving more than thirty enemy armies, the people of
Israel learn a crucial lesson under Joshuas capable leadership: victory comes
through faith in God and obedience to His word, rather than through military
might or numerical superiority.
The title of this book is appropriately named after its central figure, Joshua. His
original name is Hoshea, Salvation (Num. 13:8); but Moses evidently changes it
to Yehoshua, Yahweh is Salvation (Num. 13:16). He is also called Yeshua, a short-
ened form of Yehoshua. This is the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek name Iesous
(Jesus). Thus, the Greek title given to the book in the Septuagint is Iesous Naus,
Joshua the Son of Nun. The Latin title is Liber Josue, the Book of Joshua.
His name is symbolic of the fact that although he is the leader of the Israelite
nation during the conquest, the Lord is the Conqueror.
dan, he and all the children of cActs 13:19 ing the whole time of harvest),
Israel, and lodged there before they 16 that the waters which came
crossed over. 11 aZech. 4:14; down from upstream stood still, and
2 So it was, aafter three days, that 6:5 rose in a heap very far away 1at
the officers went through the camp; Adam, the city that is beside aZare-
12 aJosh. 4:2, 4 tan. So the waters that went down
3 and they commanded the peo- binto the Sea of the Arabah, cthe Salt
ple, saying, aWhen you see the ark 13 aJosh. 3:15,
of the covenant of the LORD your 16 bJosh. 3:11 Sea, failed, and were cut off; and the
God, band the priests, the Levites,
cPs. 78:13; people crossed over opposite Jeri-
1bearing it, then you shall set out
114:3 cho.
from your place and go after it. 17 Then the priests who bore the
14 aActs 7:44,
4 aYet there shall be a space 45 ark of the covenant of the LORD
between you and it, about two thou- stood firm on dry ground in the
sand cubits by measure. Do not come 15 aJosh. 3:13 midst of the Jordan; aand all Israel
near it, that you may know the way
b1 Chr. 12:15
cJosh. 4:18;
crossed over on dry ground, until all
by which you must go, for you have 5:10, 12
the people had crossed completely
not passed this way before. over the Jordan.
5 And Joshua said to the people, 16 a1 Kin.
The Memorial Stones
aSanctify1 yourselves, for tomorrow 4:12; 7:46
bDeut. 3:17
the LORD will do wonders among And it came to pass, when all
6 Then Joshua spoke to the
cGen. 14:3
1Many mss.,
vss., and Qr.
4 the people had completely
crossed aover the Jordan, that the
priests, saying, aTake up the ark of from Adam LORD spoke to Joshua, saying:
the covenant and cross over before 17 aEx. 3:8;
2 aTake for yourselves twelve
the people. So they took up the ark 6:18; 14:21, men from the people, one man from
of the covenant and went before the 22, 29; 33:1 every tribe,
people. 3 and command them, saying,
7 And the LORD said to Joshua, CHAPTER 4
Take for yourselves twelve stones
This day I will begin to aexalt1 you from here, out of the midst of the
in the sight of all Israel, that they Jordan, from the place where athe
may know that, bas I was with 1 aDeut. 27:2 priests feet stood firm. You shall
Moses, so I will be with you. 2 aJosh. 3:12
carry them over with you and leave
8 You shall command athe priests them in bthe lodging place where
who bear the ark of the covenant, 3 aJosh. 3:13 you lodge tonight.
saying, When you have come to the bJosh. 4:19, 20 4 Then Joshua called the twelve
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21 aall the cities of the plain and all 33 aJosh. the priest, Joshua the son of Nun,
the kingdom of Sihon king of the 13:14; 18:7 and the heads of the fathers of the
bNum. 18:20
Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, tribes of the children of Israel dis-
bwhom Moses had struck cwith the CHAPTER 14 tributed as an inheritance to them.
princes of Midian: Evi, Rekem, Zur, 2 Their inheritance was aby lot, as
1 aNum.
Hur, and Reba, who were princes of 34:1629 the LORD had commanded by the
Sihon dwelling in the country. hand of Moses, for the nine tribes
22 The children of Israel also killed 2 aNum. 26:55; and the half-tribe.
with the sword aBalaam the son of 33:54; 34:13 3 aFor Moses had given the inher-
Beor, the 1soothsayer, among those 3 aJosh. 13:8, itance of the two tribes and the half-
who were killed by them. 32, 33 tribe on the other side of the Jordan;
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9 aNum. 35:15
were of the Levites, bhad thirteen
cities by lot from the tribe of Judah,
saying: aAppoint1 for yourselves bJosh. 20:6 from the tribe of Simeon, and from
1As a resident
cities of refuge, of which I spoke to the tribe of Benjamin.
alien 5 aThe rest of the children of
you through Moses,
3 that the slayer who kills a per- Kohath had ten cities by lot from the
son accidentally or unintentionally CHAPTER 21
families of the tribe of Ephraim, from
may flee there; and they shall be your the tribe of Dan, and from the half-
refuge from the avenger of blood. tribe of Manasseh.
4 And when he flees to one of 1 aNum. 6 And athe children of Gershon
those cities, and stands at the 35:18 bNum. had thirteen cities by lot from the
entrance of the gate of the city, and Josh. 14:1; families of the tribe of Issachar,
1declares his case in the hearing of 17:4 from the tribe of Asher, from the
the elders of that city, they shall tribe of Naphtali, and from the half-
take him into the city as one of 2 aJosh. 18:1 tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.
them, and give him a place, that he bNum. 35:2 7 aThe children of Merari accord-
may dwell among them. ing to their families had twelve
5 aThen if the avenger of blood 4 aJosh. 21:8, cities from the tribe of Reuben, from
pursues him, they shall not deliver 19 bJosh. the tribe of Gad, and from the tribe
the slayer into his hand, because he 19:51 of Zebulun.
struck his neighbor unintentionally, 8 aAnd the children of Israel gave
but did not hate him beforehand. 5 aJosh. 21:20 these cities with their common-
6 And he shall dwell in that city lands by lot to the Levites, bas the
auntil he stands before the congre- 6 aJosh. 21:27 LORD had commanded by the hand
gation for judgment, and until the of Moses.
death of the one who is high priest 7 aJosh. 21:34 9 So they gave from the tribe of
in those days. Then the slayer may the children of Judah and from the
return and come to his own city and 8 aJosh. 21:3 tribe of the children of Simeon these
his own house, to the city from bNum. 35:2 cities which are 1designated by
which he fled. name,
7 So they appointed aKedesh in 9 1Lit. called 10 which were for the children of
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The Book of
The Book of
R UTH is a cameo story of love, devotion, and redemption set in the black con-
text of the days of the judges. It is the story of a Moabite woman who forsakes
her pagan heritage in order to cling to the people of Israel and to the God of Israel.
Because of the faithfulness in a time of national faithlessness, God rewards her by
giving her a new husband (Boaz), a son (Obed), and a privileged position in the
lineage of David and Christ (she is the great-grandmother of David).
Ruth is the Hebrew title of this book. This name may be a Moabite modification
of the Hebrew word reuit, meaning friendship or association. The Septuagint
entitles the book Routh, the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name. The Latin title
of Ruth, a transliteration of Routh.
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31 a1 Kin.
3 tered to the LORD before Eli.
And bthe word of the LORD was rare
will intercede for him? Neverthe- 2:27, 35
in those days; there was no wide-
less they did not heed the voice of spread revelation.
their father, cbecause the LORD 2 And it came to pass at that time,
desired to kill them. 32 aZech. 8:4 while Eli was lying down in his
26 And the child Samuel agrew in place, and when his eyes had begun
stature, and bin favor both with the 34 a1 Kin. 13:3 to grow aso dim that he could not
b1 Sam. 4:11,
LORD and men. 17 see,
27 Then a aman of God came to Eli 3 and before athe lamp of God
and said to him, Thus says the 35 a1 Kin. 2:35 went out in the 1tabernacle of the
LORD: bDid I not clearly reveal b1 Kin. 11:38 LORD where the ark of God was,
Myself to the house of your father cPs. 18:50 and while Samuel was lying down,
when they were in Egypt in 4 that the LORD called Samuel.
Pharaohs house? 36 a1 Kin. 2:27 And he answered, Here I am!
28 Did I not achoose him out of all 5 So he ran to Eli and said, Here
the tribes of Israel to be My priest, to I am, for you called me. And he
offer upon My altar, to burn incense, CHAPTER 3 said, I did not call; lie down again.
and to wear an ephod before Me? And he went and lay down.
And bdid I not give to the house of 1 Sam. 6 Then the LORD called yet again,
2:11, 18 bPs.
your father all the offerings of the 74:9 Samuel! So Samuel arose and
children of Israel made by fire? went to Eli, and said, Here I am, for
29 Why do you akick at My sacri- 2 a1 Sam. 4:15
you called me. He answered, I did
fice and My offering which I have not call, my son; lie down again.
commanded in My bdwelling place, 3 aEx. 27:20,
7 (Now Samuel adid not yet know
and honor your sons more than cMe, 21 1palace or the LORD, nor was the word of the
to make yourselves fat with the best temple LORD yet revealed to him.)
of all the offerings of Israel My peo- 8 And the LORD called Samuel
ple? 7 a1 Sam. 2:12 again the third time. So he arose and
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Samuel also said to Saul, 25:1719 the sheep and the oxen, to sacrifice
15 aThe LORD sent me to anoint
you king over His people, over 3 aDeut. 25:19
to the LORD your God; and the rest
we have utterly destroyed.
Israel. Now therefore, heed the
bNum. 24:20 16 Then Samuel said to Saul, Be
1Lit. strike
voice of the words of the LORD. quiet! And I will tell you what the
2 Thus says the LORD of hosts: I LORD said to me last night. And he
will punish Amalek for what he did to 6 aNum. 24:21 said to him, Speak on.
bGen. 18:25;
Israel, ahow he ambushed him on the 17 So Samuel said, aWhen you
19:12, 14 cEx.
way when he came up from Egypt. 18:10, 19
were little in your own eyes, were
3 Now go and aattack1 Amalek, you not head of the tribes of Israel?
and butterly destroy all that they And did not the LORD anoint you
7 a1 Sam.
have, and do not spare them. But 14:48 bGen.
king over Israel?
kill both man and woman, infant 2:11; 25:17, 18 18 Now the LORD sent you on a
and nursing child, ox and sheep, cGen. 16:7 mission, and said, Go, and utterly
camel and donkey. destroy the sinners, the Amalekites,
4 So Saul gathered the people 8 a1 Sam. and fight against them until they are
together and numbered them in 15:32, 33
Telaim, two hundred thousand foot b1 Sam. 19 Why then did you not obey the
27:8, 9 voice of the LORD? Why did you
soldiers and ten thousand men of
Judah. swoop down on the 1spoil, and do
5 And Saul came to a city of 9 a1 Sam. evil in the sight of the LORD?
15:3, 15, 19 20 And Saul said to Samuel, aBut
Amalek, and lay in wait in the valley.
6 Then Saul said to athe Kenites, I have obeyed the voice of the
bGo, depart, get down from among 11 aGen. 6:6, 7 LORD, and gone on the mission on
b1 Kin. 9:6
the Amalekites, lest I destroy you c1 Sam. 13:13;
which the LORD sent me, and
with them. For cyou showed kind- 15:3, 9
brought back Agag king of Amalek;
ness to all the children of Israel d1 Sam. 15:35; I have utterly destroyed the Ama-
when they came up out of Egypt. 16:1 lekites.
So the Kenites departed from 21 aBut the people took of the
among the Amalekites. 12 aJosh. 15:55 plunder, sheep and oxen, the best of
7 aAnd Saul attacked the Amalek- the things which should have been
ites, from bHavilah all the way to 13 aJudg. 17:2 utterly destroyed, to sacrifice to the
cShur, which is east of Egypt. LORD your God in Gilgal.
8 aHe also took Agag king of the 15 a[Gen. 3:12,
22 So Samuel said:
Amalekites alive, and butterly 13]; 1 Sam.
destroyed all the people with the 15:9, 21
aHas the LORD as great delight
edge of the sword. in burnt offerings and
9 But Saul and the people aspared 17a1 Sam. sacrifices,
Agag and the best of the sheep, the 9:21; 10:22 As in obeying the voice of the
oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all LORD?
that was good, and were unwilling 18 1extermi- Behold, bto obey is better than
to utterly destroy them. But every- nated sacrifice,
thing despised and worthless, that And to heed than the fat of
they utterly destroyed. 19 1plunder rams.
23 For rebellion is as the sin of
Saul Rejected as King 20 a1 Sam.
15:13 And stubbornness is as iniquity
10 Now the word of the LORD and idolatry.
came to Samuel, saying, 21 a1 Sam.
Because you have rejected the
11 aI greatly regret that I have set 15:15 word of the LORD,
up Saul as king, for he has bturned aHe also has rejected you from
back from following Me, cand has 22 a[Is. being king.
not performed My commandments. 1:1117]
And it dgrieved Samuel, and he b[Hos. 6:6] 24 aThen Saul said to Samuel, I
cried out to the LORD all night. have sinned, for I have transgressed
12 So when Samuel rose early in 23 a1 Sam. the commandment of the LORD and
the morning to meet Saul, it was 13:14; 16:1 your words, because I bfeared the
told Samuel, saying, Saul went to 1divination
people and obeyed their voice.
aCarmel, and indeed, he set up a 25 Now therefore, please pardon
monument for himself; and he has 24 aJosh. 7:20 my sin, and return with me, that I
gone on around, passed by, and b[Is. 51:12, 13]
may worship the LORD.
gone down to Gilgal. 26 But Samuel said to Saul, I will
13 Then Samuel went to Saul, and 26 a1 Sam. not return with you, afor you have
Saul said to him, aBlessed are you 2:30 rejected the word of the LORD, and
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T HE Book of Second Samuel records the highlights of Davids reign, first over
the territory of Judah, and finally over the entire nation of Israel. It traces the
ascension of David to the throne, his climactic sins of adultery and murder, and
the shattering consequences of those sins upon his family and the nation.
See First Samuel for details on the titles of the books of Samuel. The Hebrew
title for both books (originally one) is Samuel. The Greek title for Second
Samuel is Basileion Beta, Second Kingdoms. The Latin title is Liber II Samuelis,
the Second Book of Samuel, or simply Second Samuel.
The Report of Sauls Death CHAPTER 1 have you come from? So he said to
him, I have escaped from the camp
OW it came to pass after the
N adeath of Saul, when David had
returned from bthe slaughter of the
1 a1 Sam. 31:6
b1 Sam. 30:1,
17, 26
of Israel.
4 Then David said to him, aHow
Amalekites, and David had stayed did the matter go? Please tell me.
two days in Ziklag, 2 a2 Sam. 4:10 And he answered, The people have
2 on the third day, behold, it hap- b1 Sam. 4:12 fled from the battle, many of the peo-
c1 Sam. 25:23
pened that aa man came from Sauls 1To show
ple are fallen and dead, and Saul and
bJonathan his son are dead also.
camp bwith his clothes 1torn and grief
dust on his head. So it was, when he 5 So David said to the young man
came to David, that he cfell to the 4 a1 Sam. who told him, How do you know that
ground and prostrated himself. 4:16; 31:3 Saul and Jonathan his son are dead?
b1 Sam. 31:2
3 And David said to him, Where 6 Then the young man who told
3005_09-10_1&2Samuel 11/19/08 11:06 AM Page 270
there until this day.) 19:12, 13 with them at Hebron cbefore the
4 aJonathan, Sauls son, had a son 2 a1 Sam. LORD. And they anointed David
who was lame in his feet. He was 18:5, 13, 16
b1 Sam. 16:1
king over Israel.
five years old when the news about 4 David was athirty years old
Saul and Jonathan came bfrom 3 a2 Sam. when he began to reign, and bhe
3:17; 1 Chr. reigned forty years.
Jezreel; and his nurse took him up 11:3 b2 Sam.
and fled. And it happened, as she 2:4; 3:21; 5 In Hebron he reigned over
made haste to flee, that he fell and 2 Kin. 11:17 Judah aseven years and six months,
became lame. His name was
cJudg. 11:11;
and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-
1 Sam. 23:18 three years over all Israel and
5 Then the sons of Rimmon the 4 aGen. 41:46; Judah.
Num. 4:3;
Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah, set Luke 3:23 The Conquest of Jerusalem
out and came at about the heat of b1 Kin. 2:11;
the day to the ahouse of Ishbosheth, 1 Chr. 26:31; 6 aAnd the king and his men went
who was lying on his bed at noon. 29:27
to Jerusalem against bthe Jebusites,
6 And they came there, all the 5 a2 Sam. the inhabitants of the land, who
way into the house, as though to get 2:11; 1 Chr. spoke to David, saying, You shall
3:4; 29:27
wheat, and they 1stabbed him ain the not come in here; but the blind and
stomach. Then Rechab and Baanah 6 aJudg. 1:21 the lame will repel you, thinking,
bJosh. 15:63;
his brother escaped. Judg. 1:8; David cannot come in here.
7 For when they came into the 19:11, 12 7 Nevertheless David took the
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people who were with him, to with you. And he took three spears
and aset captains of thousands and in his hand and thrust them through
captains of hundreds over them. Absaloms heart, while he was still
2 Then David sent out one third of 2 aJudg. 7:16;
alive in the midst of the terebinth
the people under the hand of Joab, 1 Sam. 11:11 tree.
aone third under the hand of Abishai b2 Sam. 15 And ten young men who bore
the son of Zeruiah, Joabs brother, 15:1922 Joabs armor surrounded Absalom,
and one third under the hand of bIt- and struck and killed him.
tai the Gittite. And the king said to 16 So Joab blew the trumpet, and
the people, I also will surely go out 3 a2 Sam. the people returned from pursuing
with you myself. 21:17 Israel. For Joab held back the peo-
3 aBut the people answered, You ple.
shall not go out! For if we flee away, 17 And they took Absalom and
they will not care about us; nor if 5 a2 Sam.
cast him into a large pit in the
half of us die, will they care about 18:12 woods, and alaid a very large heap
us. But you are worth ten thousand of stones over him. Then all Israel
bfled, everyone to his tent.
of us now. For you are now more
help to us in the city. 18 Now Absalom in his lifetime
6 aJosh. 17:15, had taken and set up a 1pillar for
4 Then the king said to them, 18; 2 Sam.
Whatever seems best to you I will 17:26 himself, which is in athe Kings Val-
do. So the king stood beside the ley. For he said, bI have no son to
gate, and all the people went out by keep my name in remembrance. He
hundreds and by thousands. called the pillar after his own name.
9 a2 Sam.
5 Now the king had commanded 14:26 And to this day it is called Absa-
Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, saying, loms Monument.
Deal gently for my sake with the David Hears of Absaloms Death
young man Absalom. aAnd all the 12 a2 Sam.
people heard when the king gave all 18:5 1Vss. 19 Then aAhimaaz the son of Zadok
the captains orders concerning Ab- Protect the said, Let me run now and take the
salom. young man news to the king, how the LORD has
Absalom for 1avenged him of his enemies.
6 So the people went out into the me!
field of battle against Israel. And the 20 And Joab said to him, You shall
battle was in the awoods of Ephraim. not take the news this day, for you
7 The people of Israel were over- shall take the news another day. But
thrown there before the servants of 17 aDeut. today you shall take no news,
21:20, 21;
David, and a great slaughter of Josh. 7:26; because the kings son is dead.
twenty thousand took place there 8:29 b2 Sam. 21 Then Joab said to the Cushite,
that day. 19:8; 20:1, 22 Go, tell the king what you have
8 For the battle there was scat- seen. So the Cushite bowed himself
tered over the face of the whole to Joab and ran.
countryside, and the woods de- 18 aGen. 14:17 22 And Ahimaaz the son of Zadok
voured more people that day than b2 Sam. 14:27 said again to Joab, But 1whatever
the sword devoured. 1monument happens, please let me also run
9 Then Absalom met the servants after the Cushite. So Joab said,
of David. Absalom rode on a mule. Why will you run, my son, since
The mule went under the thick 19 a2 Sam. you have no news ready?
boughs of a great terebinth tree, and 15:36; 17:17 23 But whatever happens, he
ahis head caught in the terebinth; so 1vindicated
said, let me run. So he said to him,
he was left hanging between heaven Run. Then Ahimaaz ran by way of
and earth. And the mule which was the plain, and outran the Cushite.
under him went on. 22 1Lit. be 24 Now David was sitting between
10 Now a certain man saw it and what may the atwo gates. And the watchman
told Joab, and said, I just saw Absa- went up to the roof over the gate, to
lom hanging in a terebinth tree! the wall, lifted his eyes and looked,
11 So Joab said to the man who told 24 aJudg. 5:11;
and there was a man, running alone.
him, You just saw him! And why did 2 Sam. 13:34; 25 Then the watchman cried out
you not strike him there to the 2 Kin. 9:17 and told the king. And the king said,
3005_09-10_1&2Samuel 11/19/08 11:06 AM Page 287
David and Jonathan the son of Saul. c2 Sam. 22:29; 19 Again there was war at Gob
8 So the king took Armoni and 1 Kin. 11:36 with the Philistines, where aElhanan
Mephibosheth, the two sons of aRiz- 18 a1 Chr. the son of 1Jaare-Oregim the Bethle-
pah the daughter of Aiah, whom she 20:48 b1 Chr. hemite killed bthe brother of Goliath
11:29; 27:11 the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear
bore to Saul, and the five sons of 1Sippai, 1 Chr.
1Michal the daughter of Saul, whom 20:4 2Or was like a weavers beam.
she 2brought up for Adriel the son of Rapha 20 Yet again athere was war at
Barzillai the Meholathite; 19 a2 Sam.
Gath, where there was a man of
9 and he delivered them into the 23:24 b1 Sam. great stature, who had six fingers
hands of the Gibeonites, and they 17:4; 1 Chr. on each hand and six toes on each
20:5 1Jair, foot, twenty-four in number; and he
hanged them on the hill abefore the 1 Chr. 20:5
LORD. So they fell, all seven to- also was born to 1the giant.
gether, and were put to death in the 20 a1 Chr. 20:6
1Or Rapha
21 So when he adefied Israel,
days of harvest, in the first days, in Jonathan the son of 1Shimea,
the beginning of barley harvest. 21 a1 Sam. Davids brother, killed him.
17:10 22 aThese four were born to 1the
10 Now aRizpah the daughter of 1Shammah,
Aiah took sackcloth and spread it 1 Sam. 16:9 giant in Gath, and fell by the hand
for herself on the rock, bfrom the and else- of David and by the hand of his ser-
beginning of harvest until the late where vants.
rains poured on them from heaven. 22 a1 Chr. 20:8
1Or Rapha Praise for Gods Deliverance
And she did not allow the birds of
the air to rest on them by day nor Then David aspoke to the
the beasts of the field by night.
11 And David was told what Riz-
1 aEx. 15:1;
22 LORD the words of this song,
on the day when the LORD had bde-
Deut. 31:30;
pah the daughter of Aiah, the concu- Judg. 5:1 bPs. livered him from the hand of all his
bine of Saul, had done. 18:title; 34:19 enemies, and from the hand of Saul.
12 Then David went and took the 2 aPs. 18 2 And he asaid:
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T HE first half of First Kings traces the life of Solomon. Under his leadership
Israel rises to the peak of her size and glory. Solomons great accomplish-
ments, including the unsurpassed splendor of the temple which he constructs in
Jerusalem, bring him worldwide fame and respect. However, Solomons zeal for
God diminishes in his later years, as pagan wives turn his heart away from wor-
ship in the temple of God. As a result, the king with the divided heart leaves
behind a divided kingdom. For the next century, the book of First Kings traces the
twin histories of two sets of kings and two nations of disobedient people who are
growing indifferent to Gods prophets and precepts.
Like the two books of Samuel, the two books of Kings were originally one in
the Hebrew Bible. The original title was Melechim, Kings, taken from the first
word in 1:1, Vehamelech, Now King. The Septuagint artificially divided the book
of Kings in the middle of the story of Ahaziah into two books. It called the books
of Samuel First and Second Kingdoms and the books of Kings Third and Fourth
Kingdoms. The Septuagint may have divided Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles into
two books each because the Greek required a greater amount of scroll space than
did the Hebrew. The Latin title for these books is Liber Regum Tertius et Quartus,
Third and Fourth Books of Kings.
Adonijah Presumes to Be King CHAPTER 1 Rogel;2 he also invited all his broth-
1 a1 Chr. 23:1 ers, the kings sons, and all the men
OW King David was aold,
N 1advanced in years; and they put
covers on him, but he could not get
of Judah, the kings servants.
10 But he did not invite Nathan the
prophet, Benaiah, the mighty men,
warm. 2 1Or serve
or aSolomon his brother.
2 Therefore his servants said to 3 a1 Kin. 2:17 11 So Nathan spoke to Bathsheba
him, Let a young woman, a virgin, bJosh. 19:18;
the mother of Solomon, saying,
be sought for our lord the king, and 1 Sam. 28:4
Have you not heard that Adonijah
let her 1stand before the king, and the son of aHaggith has become
let her care for him; and let her lie in 5 a2 Sam. 3:4
your bosom, that our lord the king
b2 Sam. 15:1 king, and David our lord does not
1The fourth
may be warm. know it?
son 2Lit. reign
3 So they sought for a lovely 12 Come, please, let me now give
young woman throughout all the 6 a2 Sam. 3:3, you advice, that you may save your
territory of Israel, and found
4; 1 Chr. 3:2
1Lit. pained
own life and the life of your son
aAbishag the bShunammite, and Solomon.
brought her to the king. 7 a1 Chr. 11:6 13 Go immediately to King David
4 The young woman was very
b2 Sam. 20:25 and say to him, Did you not, my
c1 Kin. 2:22,
lovely; and she cared for the king, lord, O king, swear to your maidser-
and served him; but the king did not vant, saying, aAssuredly your son
know her. 8 a1 Kin. 2:35 Solomon shall reign after me, and he
5 Then aAdonijah the 1son of Hag-
b1 Kin. 2:25; shall sit on my throne? Why then
2 Sam. 8:18 has Adonijah become king?
gith exalted himself, saying, I will 2be c2 Sam. 12:1
king; and bhe prepared for himself d1 Kin. 4:18 14 Then, while you are still talking
chariots and horsemen, and fifty men e2 Sam. 23:8 there with the king, I also will come
to run before him. in after you and confirm your words.
9 aJosh. 15:7; 15 So Bathsheba went into the
6 (And his father had not 1rebuked 18:16; 2 Sam.
him at any time by saying, Why 17:17 1Lit. chamber to the king. (Now the king
have you done so? He was also very Serpent 2A was very old, and Abishag the Shu-
good-looking. aHis mother had borne spring south nammite was serving the king.)
of Jerusalem 16 And Bathsheba bowed and did
him after Absalom.) in the Kidron
7 Then he conferred with aJoab Valley homage to the king. Then the king
the son of Zeruiah and with bAbi- said, What is your wish?
athar the priest, and cthey followed 10 a2 Sam. 17 Then she said to him, My lord,
12:24 ayou swore by the LORD your God to
and helped Adonijah.
8 But aZadok the priest, bBenaiah 11 a2 Sam. 3:4 your maidservant, saying, As-
the son of Jehoiada, cNathan the suredly Solomon your son shall
13 a1 Kin. 1:30; reign after me, and he shall sit on
prophet, dShimei, Rei, and ethe 1 Chr. 22:913
mighty men who belonged to David my throne.
were not with Adonijah. 17 a1 Kin. 1:13, 18 So now, look! Adonijah has
9 And Adonijah sacrificed sheep 30 become king; and now, my lord the
and oxen and fattened cattle by the 19 a1 Kin. king, you do not know about it.
stone of 1Zoheleth, which is by aEn 1:79, 25 19 aHe has sacrificed oxen and
3005_11-12_1&2Kings 11/19/08 11:07 AM Page 296
6 a1 Kin. 2:9;
Prov. 20:26
of Solomon. So she said, aDo you
come peaceably? And he said,
2 aI go the way of all the earth; 7 a2 Sam. Peaceably.
bbe strong, therefore, and prove 19:3139 14 Moreover he said, I have some-
yourself a man.
b2 Sam. 9:7, thing to say to you. And she said,
10; 19:28 Say it.
3 And keep the charge of the c2 Sam.
LORD your God: to walk in His 17:1729 15 Then he said, You know that
ways, to keep His statutes, His com- 8 a2 Sam. the kingdom was amine, and all
mandments, His judgments, and His 16:513 Israel had set their expectations on
testimonies, as it is written in the
b2 Sam. 19:18 me, that I should reign. However,
c2 Sam. 19:23
Law of Moses, that you may apros- the kingdom has been turned over,
9 aEx. 20:7; and has become my brothers; for bit
per in all that you do and wherever Job 9:28
you turn; bGen. 42:38; was his from the LORD.
4 that the LORD may afulfill His 44:31 16 Now I ask one petition of you;
word which He spoke concerning 10 a1 Kin. 1:21; do not 1deny me. And she said to
me, saying, bIf your sons take heed Acts 2:29; him, Say it.
13:36 b2 Sam. 17 Then he said, Please speak to
to their way, to cwalk before Me in 5:7; 1 Kin. 3:1
truth with all their heart and with 1Died and King Solomon, for he will not refuse
all their soul, He said, dyou shall joined his you, that he may give me aAbishag
not lack a man on the throne of ancestors the Shunammite as wife.
Israel. 11 a2 Sam. 5:4, 18 So Bathsheba said, Very well, I
5 Moreover you know also what 5; 1 Chr. 3:4; will speak for you to the king.
29:26, 27 19 Bathsheba therefore went to
Joab the son of Zeruiah adid to me, 12 a1 Kin.
and what he did to the two com- 1:46; 1 Chr.
King Solomon, to speak to him for
manders of the armies of Israel, to 29:23 b2 Chr. Adonijah. And the king rose up to
bAbner the son of Ner and cAmasa 1:1 meet her and abowed down to her,
the son of Jether, whom he killed. 13 a1 Sam. and sat down on his throne and had
And he shed the blood of war in 16:4, 5 a throne set for the kings mother;
bso she sat at his right hand.
peacetime, and put the blood of war 15 a1 Kin. 1:11,
on his belt that was around his 18 b1 Chr. 20 Then she said, I desire one
22:9, 10;
waist, and on his sandals that were 28:57; [Dan. small petition of you; do not 1refuse
on his feet. 2:21] me. And the king said to her, Ask
6 Therefore do aaccording to 16 1Lit. turn it, my mother, for I will not refuse
your wisdom, and do not let his gray away the face you.
hair go down to the grave in peace. 17 a1 Kin. 21 So she said, Let Abishag the
7 But show kindness to the sons 1:3, 4 Shunammite be given to Adonijah
of aBarzillai the Gileadite, and let 19 a[Ex. 20:12] your brother as wife.
bPs. 45:9
them be among those who beat at 22 And King Solomon answered
your table, for so cthey came to me 20 1Lit. turn and said to his mother, Now why
away the face
when I fled from Absalom your do you ask Abishag the Shunam-
brother. 22 a1 Kin. 1:6; mite for Adonijah? Ask for him the
2:15; 1 Chr.
8 And see, you have with you 3:2, 5 b1 Kin. kingdom alsofor he is my aolder
aShimei the son of Gera, a Benjamite 1:7 brotherfor him, and for bAbiathar
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21 So aSolomon reigned over all CHAPTER 5 David could not build a house
kingdoms from bthe1 River to the for the name of the LORD his
land of the Philistines, as far as the God bbecause of the wars
1 a2 Chr. 2:3
border of Egypt. cThey brought trib- b2 Sam. 5:11 which were fought against him
ute and served Solomon all the days 2 a2 Chr. 2:3 on every side, until the LORD
of his life. 3 a1 Chr. 28:2, put 1his foes under the soles of
22 aNow Solomons 1provision for 3 b1 Chr. 22:8; his feet.
one day was thirty 2kors of fine flour, 28:3 1Lit. 4 But now the LORD my God has
sixty kors of meal, 4 a1 Kin. 4:24
given me arest1 on every side;
23 ten fatted oxen, twenty oxen 1peace 2mis- there is neither adversary nor
from the pastures, and one hundred fortune 2evil occurrence.
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4 a2 Kin. 3:7
the LORD will deliver it into the
hand of the king!
2 Then it came to pass, in the third 16 So the king said to him, How
5 a2 Kin. 3:11
year, that aJehoshaphat the king of many times shall I make you swear
Judah went down to visit the king of 6 a1 Kin. 18:19 that you tell me nothing but the
Israel. 1The false truth in the name of the LORD?
3 And the king of Israel said to his prophets 17 Then he said, I saw all Israel
ascattered on the mountains, as sheep
servants, Do you know that 7 a2 Kin. 3:11
aRamoth in Gilead is ours, but we 1Or him that have no shepherd. And the LORD
hesitate to take it out of the hand of said, These have no master. Let each
the king of Syria? 11 aZech. return to his house in peace.
1:1821 bDeut. 18 And the king of Israel said to
4 So he said to Jehoshaphat, Will 33:17
you go with me to fight at Ramoth Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell you he
Gilead? Jehoshaphat said to the 14 aNum. would not prophesy good concern-
king of Israel, aI am as you are, my 22:38; 24:13 ing me, but evil?
people as your people, my horses as 17 aNum.
19 Then Micaiah said, Therefore
your horses. 27:17; 1 Kin. hear the word of the LORD: aI saw
5 Also Jehoshaphat said to the 22:3436; the LORD sitting on His throne, band
king of Israel, aPlease inquire for 2 Chr. 18:16; all the host of heaven standing by,
the word of the LORD today. Matt. 9:36; on His right hand and on His left.
Mark 6:34
6 Then the king of Israel agathered 20 And the LORD said, Who will
1the prophets together, about four 19 aIs. 6:1; persuade Ahab to go up, that he may
hundred men, and said to them, Ezek. 1:2628; fall at Ramoth Gilead? So one
Shall I go against Ramoth Gilead to Dan. 7:9 bJob spoke in this manner, and another
1:6; 2:1; Ps.
fight, or shall I refrain? So they said, 103:20; Dan. spoke in that manner.
Go up, for the Lord will deliver it 7:10; Zech. 21 Then a spirit came forward and
into the hand of the king. 1:10; [Matt. stood before the LORD, and said, I
7 And aJehoshaphat said, Is 18:10; Heb. will persuade him.
1:7, 14]
there not still a prophet of the LORD 22 The LORD said to him, In what
here, that we may inquire of 1Him? 22 aJudg. 9:23; way? So he said, I will go out and
8 So the king of Israel said to 1 Sam. 16:14; be a lying spirit in the mouth of all
Jehoshaphat, There is still one man, 18:10; 19:9; his prophets. And the LORD said,
Job 12:16; aYou shall persuade him, and also
Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom [Ezek. 14:9;
we may inquire of the LORD; but I 2 Thess. 2:11] prevail. Go out and do so.
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for the remnant that is left. may bknow that You are the LORD
5 So the servants of King Hezekiah 14 aIs. 37:14 God,You alone.
came to Isaiah.
6 aAnd Isaiah said to them, Thus 15 aEx. 25:22;
The Word of the LORD Concerning
you shall say to your master, Thus Ps. 80:1; Is. Sennacherib
37:16 b[Is.
says the LORD: Do not be bafraid of 44:6] 20 Then Isaiah the son of Amoz
the words which you have heard, sent to Hezekiah, saying, Thus says
with which the cservants of the king the LORD God of Israel: aBecause
16 aPs. 31:2; Is.
of Assyria have blasphemed Me. 37:17 b1 Kin. you have prayed to Me against Sen-
7 Surely I will send aa spirit upon 8:29; 2 Chr. nacherib king of Assyria, bI have
him, and he shall hear a rumor and 6:40 c2 Kin. heard.
return to his own land; and I will 19:4
21 This is the word which the
cause him to fall by the sword in his LORD has spoken concerning him:
own land. 18 a[Is.
44:920; Jer.
Sennacheribs Threat and 10:35] bPs. The virgin, athe daughter of
Hezekiahs Prayer 115:4; Jer. Zion,
10:3; [Acts Has despised you, laughed you
8 Then the Rabshakeh returned to scorn;
and found the king of Assyria war- The daughter of Jerusalem
ring against Libnah, for he heard 19 aPs. 83:18 bHas shaken her head behind
b1 Kin. 8:42,
that he had departed afrom Lachish. 43 your back!
9 And athe king heard concerning
Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, Look, 22 Whom have you reproached
20 aIs. 37:21
he has come out to make war with b2 Kin. 20:5; and blasphemed?
you. So he again sent messengers Ps. 65:2 Against whom have you raised
to Hezekiah, saying, your voice,
10 Thus you shall speak to Heze- 21 aJer. 14:17; And lifted up your eyes on
kiah king of Judah, saying: Do not Lam. 2:13 bPs. high?
let your God ain whom you trust 22:7, 8 Against athe Holy One of
deceive you, saying, Jerusalem Israel.
shall not be given into the hand of 22 aJer. 51:5 23 aBy your messengers you have
the king of Assyria. reproached the Lord,
11 Look! You have heard what the 23 a2 Kin. And said: bBy the multitude of
kings of Assyria have done to all 18:17 bPs. 20:7 my chariots
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T HE books of First and Second Chronicles cover the same period of Jewish his-
tory described in Second Samuel through Second Kings, but the perspective is
different. These books are no mere repetition of the same material, but rather form
a divine editorial on the history of Gods people. While Second Samuel and First
and Second Kings give a political history of Israel and Judah, First and Second
Chronicles present a religious history of the Davidic dynasty of Judah. The former
are written from a prophetic and moral viewpoint and the latter from a priestly and
spiritual perspective. The Book of First Chronicles begins with the royal line of
David and then traces the spiritual significance of Davids righteous reign.
The books of First and Second Chronicles were originally one continuous work
in the Hebrew. The title was Dibere Hayyamim, meaning The Words [accounts,
events] of the Days. The equivalent meaning today would be The Events of the
Times. Chronicles was divided into two parts in the third-century B.C. Greek
translation of the Hebrew Bible (the Septuagint). At that time it was given the
name Paraleipomenon. Of Things Omitted, referring to the things omitted from
Samuel and Kings. Some copies add the phrase, Basileon Iouda, Concerning the
Kings of Judah. The first book of Chronicles was called Paraleipomenon Primus,
The First Book of Things Omitted. The name Chronicles comes from Jerome
in his Latin Vulgate Bible (A.D. 385405): Chronicorum Liber. He meant his title in
the sense of the Chronicles of the Whole of Sacred History.
The Family of AdamSeth to CHAPTER 1 19 To Eber were born two sons: the
Abraham 1 aGen. 1:27;
name of one was 1Peleg, for in his
2:7; 5:1, 2, 5 days the 2earth was divided; and his
DAM,a bSeth, Enosh,
A 2 Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared,
3 Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech,
bGen. 4:25, 26;
brothers name was Joktan.
20 aJoktan begot Almodad, She-
4 aGen. leph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,
4 aNoah,1 Shem, Ham, and Ja- 5:2810:1 21 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,
pheth. 1So with MT,
22 1Ebal, Abimael, Sheba,
5 aThe sons of Japheth were Vg.; LXX
adds the sons 23 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All
Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, of Noah these were the sons of Joktan.
Meshech, and Tiras. 5 aGen. 10:24 24 aShem, Arphaxad, Shelah,
6 The sons of Gomer were Ashke- 25 aEber, Peleg, Reu,
6 1Riphath,
naz, 1Diphath, and Togarmah. Gen. 10:3 26 Serug, Nahor, Terah,
7 The sons of Javan were Elishah, 27 and aAbram, who is Abraham.
1Tarshishah, Kittim, and 2Rodanim. 7 1Tarshish,
Gen. 10:4 28 aThe sons of Abraham were
8 aThe sons of Ham were Cush, 2Dodanim,
bIsaac and cIshmael.
Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. Gen. 10:4
9 The sons of Cush were Seba, 8 aGen. 10:6 The Family of Ishmael
Havilah, 1Sabta, 2Raama, and Sabte- 9 1Sabtah,
cha. The sons of Raama were Sheba Gen. 10:7 29 These are their genealogies: The
2Raamah, afirstborn of Ishmael was Nebajoth;
and Dedan.
10 Cush abegot Nimrod; he began Gen. 10:7 then Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
to be a mighty one on the earth. 10 aGen. 30 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 1Ha-
10:810, 13 dad, Tema,
11 Mizraim begot Ludim, Anamim,
Lehabim, Naphtuhim, 12 aDeut. 2:23 31 Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
12 Pathrusim, Casluhim (from 13 aGen. 9:18, These were the sons of Ishmael.
whom came the Philistines and the 2527; 10:15
aCaphtorim). 17 aGen. The Family of Keturah
13 aCanaan begot Sidon, his first- 11:10 bLuke 32 Now athe sons born to Keturah,
born, and Heth; 3:36 1Mash, Abrahams concubine, were Zim-
14 the Jebusite, the Amorite, and Gen. 10:23 ran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ish-
the Girgashite; 19 1Lit. Divi- bak, and Shuah. The sons of Jok-
15 the Hivite, the Arkite, and the sion, Gen. shan were Sheba and Dedan.
Sinite; 10:25 2Or land
33 The sons of Midian were Ephah,
16 the Arvadite, the Zemarite, and 20 aGen. 10:26 Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah.
the Hamathite. 22 1Obal, Gen. All these were the children of Ketu-
17 The sons of aShem were Elam, 10:28 rah.
Asshur, bArphaxad, Lud, Aram, Uz, 24 aLuke
Hul, Gether, and 1Meshech. 3:3436
28 aGen. 21:2, 3 bGen. 21:2 cGen. 16:11, 15
18 Arphaxad begot Shelah, and 25 aGen. 11:15 29 aGen. 25:1316 30 1Hadar, Gen. 25:15
Shelah begot Eber. 27 aGen. 17:5 32 aGen. 25:14
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23 aEx. 6:18;
27 according to their number, the
heads of fathers houses, the captains
two at the Parbar. Num. 3:19 of thousands and hundreds and their
19 These were the divisions of the officers, served the king in every mat-
24 a1 Chr.
gatekeepers among the sons of 23:16 ter of the military divisions. These
Korah and among the sons of Merari. divisions came in and went out
25 a1 Chr. month by month throughout all the
The Treasuries and Other Duties 23:18
months of the year, each division
20 Of the Levites, Ahijah was aover 26 a2 Sam. having twenty-four thousand.
the treasuries of the house of God 8:11 2 Over the first division for the
and over the treasuries of the bdedi- 27 1plunder
first month was aJashobeam the son
cated1 things. of Zabdiel, and in his division were
21 The sons of 1Laadan, the 28 a1 Sam. 9:9 twenty-four thousand;
descendants of the Gershonites of 3 he was of the children of Perez,
Laadan, heads of their fathers 29 aNeh. 11:16 and the chief of all the captains of
b1 Chr. 23:4
houses, of Laadan the Gershonite: the army for the first month.
2Jehieli. 4 Over the division of the second
30 a1 Chr.
22 The sons of Jehieli, Zetham and 27:17 month was 1Dodai an Ahohite, and
Joel his brother, were over the trea- of his division Mikloth also was the
suries of the house of the LORD. 31 a1 Chr. leader; in his division were twenty-
23:19 bJosh.
23 Of the aAmramites, the Izharites, 21:39 four thousand.
the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites: 5 The third captain of the army
24 aShebuel the son of Gershom, 32 a2 Chr. for the third month was aBenaiah,
the son of Moses, was overseer of 19:11 the son of Jehoiada the priest, who
the treasuries. CHAPTER 27 was chief; in his division were
25 And his brethren by Eliezer twenty-four thousand.
were Rehabiah his son, Jeshaiah his 2 a1 Chr. 11:11 6 This was the Benaiah who was
son, Joram his son, Zichri his son, amighty among the thirty, and was
4 1Heb. Dodai,
and aShelomith his son. usually over the thirty; in his division
26 This Shelomith and his brethren spelled Dodo, was Ammizabad his son.
were over all the treasuries of the 2 Sam. 23:9 7 The fourth captain for the
dedicated things awhich King David fourth month was aAsahel the
5 a1 Chr. 18:17
and the heads of fathers houses, the brother of Joab, and Zebadiah his
captains over thousands and hun- 6 a2 Sam. son after him; in his division were
dreds, and the captains of the army, 23:2023 twenty-four thousand.
had dedicated. 8 The fifth captain for the fifth
7 a2 Sam.
27 Some of the 1spoils won in bat- 23:24; 1 Chr. month was 1Shamhuth the Izrahite;
tles they dedicated to maintain the 11:26 in his division were twenty-four
house of the LORD. thousand.
28 And all that Samuel athe seer, 8 1Shammah, 9 The sixth captain for the sixth
Saul the son of Kish, Abner the son 2 Sam. 23:11, month was aIra the son of Ikkesh the
or Sham-
of Ner, and Joab the son of Zeruiah moth, 1 Chr. Tekoite; in his division were twenty-
had dedicated, every dedicated 11:27 four thousand.
thing, was under the hand of 10 The seventh captain for the sev-
Shelomith and his brethren. 9 a1 Chr. 11:28 enth month was aHelez the Pelonite,
29 Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and 10 a1 Chr. of the children of Ephraim; in his
his sons aperformed duties as boffi- 11:27 division were twenty-four thousand.
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33 a2 Sam.
28 rusalem all athe leaders of
Israel: the officers of the tribes and
Omri the son of Michael; 15:12 b2 Sam. bthe captains of the divisions who
19 over Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son 15:3237
of Obadiah; over Naphtali, Jerimoth served the king, the captains over
the son of Azriel; 34 a1 Kin. 1:7
thousands and captains over hun-
20 over the children of Ephraim, b1 Chr. 11:6 dreds, and cthe stewards over all the
Hoshea the son of Azaziah; over the substance and 1possessions of the
half-tribe of Manasseh, Joel the son CHAPTER 28 king and of his sons, with the offi-
of Pedaiah; cials, the valiant men, and all dthe
1 a1 Chr. 27:16 mighty men of valor.
21 over the half-tribe of Manasseh b1 Chr. 27:1, 2
in Gilead, Iddo the son of Zechariah; c1 Chr. 27:25 2 Then King David rose to his feet
over Benjamin, Jaasiel the son of d2 Sam. and said, Hear me, my brethren
Abner; 23:839; and my people: aI had it in my heart
1 Chr. to build a house of rest for the ark of
22 over Dan, Azarel the son of 11:1047 1Or
Jeroham. These were the leaders of livestock the covenant of the LORD, and for
bthe footstool of our God, and had
the tribes of Israel.
23 But David did not take the num- 2 a2 Sam. 7:2 made preparations to build it.
ber of those twenty years old and
bPs. 99:5;
3 But God said to me, aYou shall
132:7; [Is. not build a house for My name,
under, because athe LORD had said 66:1]
He would multiply Israel like the because you have been a man of
bstars of the heavens. 3 a2 Sam. 7:5, war and have shed bblood.
24 Joab the son of Zeruiah began 13; 1 Kin. 5:3 4 However the LORD God of
b[1 Chr. 17:4;
a census, but he did not finish, for Israel achose me above all the house
22:8] of my father to be king over Israel
awrath came upon Israel because of
this census; nor was the number 4 a1 Sam.
forever, for He has chosen bJudah to
recorded in the account of the 16:613 bGen. be the ruler. And of the house of
chronicles of King David. 49:810; Judah, cthe house of my father, and
1 Chr. 5:2; Ps. damong the sons of my father, He
60:7 c1 Sam.
Other State Officials 16:1 d1 Sam. was pleased with me to make me
13:14; 16:12, king over all Israel.
25 And Azmaveth the son of Adiel 13; Acts 13:22 5 aAnd of all my sons (for the
was over the kings treasuries; and LORD has given me many sons) bHe
Jehonathan the son of Uzziah was 5 a1 Chr. has chosen my son Solomon to sit
3:19; 14:37;
over the storehouses in the field, in 23:1 b1 Chr. on the throne of the kingdom of the
the cities, in the villages, and in the 22:9; 29:1 LORD over Israel.
fortresses. 6 Now He said to me, It is ayour
26 Ezri the son of Chelub was over 6 a2 Sam. 7:13, son Solomon who shall build My
those who did the work of the field 14; 1 Kin. house and My courts; for I have cho-
6:38; 1 Chr.
for tilling the ground. 22:9, 10; sen him to be My son, and I will be
27 And Shimei the Ramathite was 2 Chr. 1:9; 6:2 his Father.
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T HE Book of Second Chronicles parallels First and Second Kings but virtually
ignores the northern kingdom of Israel because of its false worship and refusal
to acknowledge the temple in Jerusalem. Chronicles focuses on those kings who
pattern their lives and reigns after the life and reign of godly King David. It gives
extended treatment to such zealous reformers as Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joash, Hez-
ekiah, and Josiah.
The temple and temple worship, central throughout the book, befit a nation
whose worship of God is central to its very survival. The book begins with Sol-
omons glorious temple and concludes with Cyruss edict to rebuild the temple
more than four hundred years later.
Solomon Requests Wisdom CHAPTER 1 honor or the life of your enemies, nor
have you asked long lifebut have
OW aSolomon the son of David
N was strengthened in his king-
dom, and bthe LORD his God was
1 a1 Kin. 2:46
bGen. 39:2
c1 Chr. 29:25
asked wisdom and knowledge for
yourself, that you may judge My peo-
ple over whom I have made you king
with him and cexalted him exceed- 12 wisdom and knowledge are
ingly. 2 a1 Chr.
granted to you; and I will give you
2 And Solomon spoke to all Is- 27:134
riches and wealth and honor, such
rael, to athe captains of thousands 3 a1 Kin. 3:4 as anone of the kings have had who
and of hundreds, to the judges, and bEx. 2527;
were before you, nor shall any after
to every leader in all Israel, the 35:436:38
you have the like.
heads of the fathers houses. 1Place for
3 Then Solomon, and all the
assembly with him, went to 1the 4 a2 Sam. Solomons Military and Economic
high place that was at aGibeon; for 6:217 Power
the tabernacle of meeting with God 13 So Solomon came to Jerusalem
was there, which Moses the servant 5 aEx. 27:1, 2;
of the LORD had bmade in the 38:1, 2 bEx. from 1the high place that was at
31:2 1Some Gibeon, from before the tabernacle
wilderness. authorities it of meeting, and reigned over Israel.
4 aBut David had brought up the was there
14 aAnd Solomon gathered chari-
ark of God from Kirjath Jearim to ots and horsemen; he had one thou-
6 a1 Kin. 3:4
the place David had prepared for it, sand four hundred chariots and
for he had pitched a tent for it at 7 a1 Kin. twelve thousand horsemen, whom
Jerusalem. 3:514; 9:2
he stationed in the chariot cities and
5 Now athe bronze altar that with the king in Jerusalem.
bBezalel the son of Uri, the son of 8 aPs. 18:50
Hur, had made, 1he put before the
b1 Chr. 28:5 15 aAlso the king made silver and
tabernacle of the LORD; Solomon gold as common in Jerusalem as
9 a2 Sam. stones, and he made cedars as
and the assembly sought Him there. 7:816 bGen.
abundant as the sycamores which
6 And Solomon went up there to 13:16
the bronze altar before the LORD, are in the lowland.
which was at the tabernacle of meet-
10 a1 Kin. 3:9
bDeut. 31:2
16 aAnd Solomon had horses im-
ing, and aoffered a thousand burnt ported from Egypt and Keveh; the
offerings on it. 11 a1 Kin. kings merchants bought them in
7 aOn that night God appeared to 3:1113 Keveh at the current price.
Solomon, and said to him, Ask! 17 They also acquired and imported
12 a2 Chr. 9:22 from Egypt a chariot for six hundred
What shall I give you?
8 And Solomon said to God: You 13 1Place for
shekels of silver, and a horse for one
have shown great amercy to David worship hundred and fifty; thus, 1through
my father, and have made me bking their agents, they exported them to
in his place. 14 a1 Kin. all the kings of the Hittites and the
10:26 kings of Syria.
9 Now, O LORD God, let Your
promise to David my father be 15 a2 Chr. 9:27 Solomon Prepares to Build the
established, afor You have made me Temple
king over a people like the bdust of 16 a1 Kin.
10:28; 22:36
the earth in multitude. Then Solomon adetermined to
10 aNow give me wisdom and
knowledge, that I may bgo out and
17 1Lit. by
their hands
2 build a temple for the name of
the LORD, and a royal house for
come in before this people; for who himself.
can judge this great people of CHAPTER 2 2 aSolomon selected seventy thou-
Yours? sand men to bear burdens, eighty
11 aThen God said to Solomon: Be- 1 a1 Kin. 5:5 thousand to quarry stone in the
cause this was in your heart, and you mountains, and three thousand six
have not asked riches or wealth or 2 a2 Chr. 2:18 hundred to oversee them.
3005_13-16_1Chron-Nehemiah 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 380
3 the house of the LORD at bJerusa-
lem on Mount Moriah, where 1the
abundance, for the 1temple LORD had appeared to his father
which I am about to build shall David, at the place that David had
1 a1 Kin. 6:1
be great and wonderful. bGen. 22:214 prepared on the threshing floor of
10 aAnd indeed I will give to your c1 Chr. 21:18; cOrnan2 the Jebusite.
servants, the woodsmen who 22:1 1Lit. He,
2 And he began to build on the
cut timber, twenty thousand following MT,
Vg.; LXX the second day of the second month in
kors of ground wheat, twenty LORD; Tg. the the fourth year of his reign.
thousand kors of barley, twenty Angel of the 3 This is the foundation awhich
thousand baths of wine, and LORD 2Arau-
nah, 2 Sam. Solomon laid for building the house
twenty thousand baths of oil. 24:16 of God: The length was sixty cubits
3 a1 Kin. 6:2;
(by cubits according to the former
11 Then Hiram king of Tyre an- measure) and the width twenty
1 Chr.
swered in writing, which he sent to 28:1119 cubits.
Solomon: 4 And the avestibule that was in
4 a1 Kin. 6:3;
1 Chr. 28:11 front of 1the sanctuary was twenty
aBecause the LORD loves His 1The holy cubits long across the width of the
people, He has made you king place, the house, and the height was 2one hun-
over them. main room of dred and twenty. He overlaid the
the temple,
1 Kin. 6:3 2So inside with pure gold.
12 Hiram also said:
with MT, 5 aThe larger 1room he bpaneled
LXX, Vg.; with cypress which he overlaid with
aBlessed be the LORD God of Arab., some fine gold, and he carved palm trees
LXX mss.,
Israel, bwho made heaven and Syr. twenty and chainwork on it.
earth, for He has given King 6 And he decorated the house
David a wise son, endowed 5 a1 Kin. 6:17 with precious stones for beauty, and
b1 Kin. 6:15;
with prudence and Jer. 22:14 1Lit. the gold was gold from Parvaim.
understanding, who will build a house 7 He also overlaid the housethe
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3 a2 Chr. 17:4,
6 b2 Chr.
they are ain Hazazon Tamar (which
is bEn Gedi).
2 And Jehu the son of Hanani athe 30:19 1Or 3 And Jehoshaphat feared, and
seer went out to meet him, and said to Asherim, Heb. set 1himself to aseek the LORD, and
King Jehoshaphat, Should you help bproclaimed a fast throughout all
the wicked and blove those who hate 4 a2 Chr. Judah.
the LORD? Therefore the cwrath of 15:813
4 So Judah gathered together to
the LORD is upon you. 5 a[Deut. ask ahelp from the LORD; and from
3 Nevertheless agood things are 16:1820]
all the cities of Judah they came to
found in you, in that you have 6 a[Deut. 1:17] seek the LORD.
bPs. 82:1 1Lit.
removed the 1wooden images from 5 Then Jehoshaphat stood in the
in the matter
the land, and have bprepared your of the judg- assembly of Judah and Jerusalem,
heart to seek God. ment in the house of the LORD, before the
7 a[Deut. 32:4] new court,
The Reforms of Jehoshaphat b[Deut. 10:17, 6 and said: O LORD God of our
4 So Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusa- 18] fathers, are You not aGod in heaven,
lem; and he went out again among 8 a2 Chr. 17:8 and bdo You not rule over all the king-
the people from Beersheba to the 1LXX, Vg. for
doms of the nations, and cin Your
the inhabi- hand is there not power and might, so
mountains of Ephraim, and brought tants of
them back to the LORD God of their Jerusalem that no one is able to withstand You?
9 a[2 Sam.
7 Are You not aour God, who
5 Then he set ajudges in the land bdrove out the inhabitants of this
throughout all the fortified cities of 10 aDeut. 17:8
land before Your people Israel, and
Judah, city by city, bNum. 16:46 gave it to the descendants of Abra-
6 and said to the judges, Take c[Ezek. 3:18] ham cYour friend forever?
heed to what you are doing, for ayou 11 aEzra 7:3 8 And they dwell in it, and have
do not judge for man but for the b1 Chr. 26:30 built You a sanctuary in it for Your
LORD, bwho is with you 1in the judg- c[2 Chr. 15:2; name, saying,
ment. 20:17] 9 aIf disaster comes upon us
7 Now therefore, let the fear of sword, judgment, pestilence, or
the LORD be upon you; take care CHAPTER 20 faminewe will stand before this
and do it, for athere is no iniquity 1 a1 Chr. 18:2 temple and in Your presence (for
with the LORD our God, no bpartial- b1 Chr. 19:15 Your bname is in this temple), and
ity, nor taking of bribes. c2 Chr. 26:7 cry out to You in our affliction, and
1So with MT,
8 Moreover in Jerusalem, for the You will hear and save.
Vg.; LXX
judgment of the LORD and for con- Meunites (cf. 10 And now, here are the people of
troversies, Jehoshaphat aappointed 2 Chr. 26:7) Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir
some of the Levites and priests, and 2 aGen. 14:7 whom You awould not let Israel
some of the chief fathers of Israel, bJosh. 15:62 invade when they came out of the
1when they returned to Jerusalem. 1So with MT, land of Egypt, but bthey turned from
9 And he commanded them, say- LXX, Vg.; them and did not destroy them
ing, Thus you shall act ain the fear Heb. mss.,
Old Lat. 11 here they are, rewarding us aby
of the LORD, faithfully and with a Edom coming to throw us out of Your pos-
loyal heart: 3 a2 Chr. 19:3 session which You have given us to
10 aWhatever case comes to you bEzra 8:21 inherit.
from your brethren who dwell in 1Lit. his face 12 O our God, will You not ajudge
their cities, whether of bloodshed or 4 a2 Chr. 14:11 them? For we have no power against
offenses against law or command- this great multitude that is coming
6 aDeut. 4:39
ment, against statutes or ordinances, bDan. 4:17, 25, against us; nor do we know what to
you shall warn them, lest they tres- 32 c1 Chr. do, but bour eyes are upon You.
pass against the LORD and bwrath 29:12 13 Now all Judah, with their little
come upon cyou and your brethren. 7 aEx. 6:7 bPs. ones, their wives, and their children,
Do this, and you will not be guilty. 44:2 cIs. 41:8 stood before the LORD.
11 And take notice: aAmariah the 9 a2 Chr. 14 Then athe Spirit of the LORD
chief priest is over you bin all matters 6:2830 came upon Jahaziel the son of
of the LORD; and Zebadiah the son of b2 Chr. 6:20
Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the
Ishmael, the ruler of the house of 10 aDeut. 2:4, son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a
Judah, for all the kings matters; also 9, 19 bNum. Levite of the sons of Asaph, in the
the Levites will be officials before 20:21
midst of the assembly.
you. Behave courageously, and the 11 aPs. 83:118 15 And he said, Listen, all you of
LORD will be cwith the good. 12 aJudg. 11:27 Judah and you inhabitants of
bPs. 25:15;
Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir Jerusalem, and you, King Jehosha-
121:1, 2;
Defeated 123:1, 2; 141:8 phat! Thus says the LORD to you:
aDo not be afraid nor dismayed
14 a2 Chr.
It happened after this that the because of this great multitude, bfor
20 people of aMoab with the peo-
ple of bAmmon, and others with
15:1; 24:20
15 a[Deut.
the battle is not yours, but Gods.
16 Tomorrow go down against
1:29, 30; 31:6,
them besides the cAmmonites,1 8] b1 Sam. them. They will surely come up by
came to battle against Jehoshaphat. 17:47 the Ascent of Ziz, and you will find
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The Book of
End of the Babylonian Captivity CHAPTER 1 captives who were brought from
Babylon to Jerusalem.
OW in the first year of Cyrus
N king of Persia, that the word of
the LORD aby the mouth of Jeremiah
1 a2 Chr.
36:22, 23; Jer.
The Captives Who Returned to
might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred 25:12; 29:10
bEzra 5:13, 14;
these are the people of the
2 Now
up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, Is. 44:2845:13
bso that he made a proclamation province who came back from
throughout all his kingdom, and the captivity, of those who had been
2 aIs. 44:28; carried away, bwhom Nebuchadnez-
also put it in writing, saying, 45:1, 13 1Tem-
ple zar the king of Babylon had carried
2 Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: away to Babylon, and who returned
All the kingdoms of the earth to Jerusalem and Judah, everyone to
3 a1 Kin. 8:23;
the LORD God of heaven has 18:39; Is. his own city.
given me. And He has 37:16; Dan. 2 Those who came with Zerubba-
acommanded me to build Him a 6:26 bel were Jeshua, Nehemiah, 1Se-
1house at Jerusalem which is in raiah, 2Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan,
Judah. 5 a[Phil. 2:13]
3Mispar, Bigvai, 4Rehum, and
3 Who is among you of all His 1stirred up Baanah. The number of the men of
people? May his God be with the people of Israel:
him, and let him go up to 6 aEzra 2:68
Jerusalem which is in Judah, 1Lit. strength- 3 the people of Parosh,
and build the house of the ened their two thousand one hundred and
LORD God of Israel a(He is hands seventy-two;
God), which is in Jerusalem. 4 the people of Shephatiah, three
4 And whoever is left in any 7 aEzra 5:14; hundred and seventy-two;
place where he dwells, let the 6:5; Dan. 1:2; 5 the people of Arah, aseven
men of his place help him with 5:2, 3 b2 Kin.
24:13; 2 Chr. hundred and seventy-five;
silver and gold, with goods and 36:7, 18 1Lit. 6 the people of aPahath-Moab, of
livestock, besides the freewill house the people of Jeshua and Joab,
offerings for the house of God two thousand eight hundred
which is in Jerusalem. 8 aEzra 5:14, and twelve;
16 7 the people of Elam, one
5 Then the heads of the fathers thousand two hundred and
houses of Judah and Benjamin, and fifty-four;
the priests and the Levites, with all CHAPTER 2 8 the people of Zattu, nine
whose spirits aGod 1had moved, arose hundred and forty-five;
to go up and build the house of the 9 the people of Zaccai, seven
LORD which is in Jerusalem. 1 aNeh. 7:673; hundred and sixty;
6 And all those who were around Jer. 32:15;
10 the people of 1Bani, six hundred
them 1encouraged them with arti- 50:5; Ezek.
14:22 b2 Kin. and forty-two;
cles of silver and gold, with goods 24:1416; 11 the people of Bebai, six
and livestock, and with precious 25:11; 2 Chr. hundred and twenty-three;
things, besides all that was awill- 36:20
12 the people of Azgad, one
ingly offered. thousand two hundred and
7 aKing Cyrus also brought out 2 1Azariah, twenty-two;
the articles of the house of the Neh. 7:7
LORD, bwhich Nebuchadnezzar had 2Raamiah, 13 the people of Adonikam, six
taken from Jerusalem and put in the Neh. 7:7 3Mis- hundred and sixty-six;
pereth, Neh. 14 the people of Bigvai, two
1temple of his gods;
7:7 4Nehum,
8 and Cyrus king of Persia brought Neh. 7:7 thousand and fifty-six;
them out by the hand of Mithredath 15 the people of Adin, four
the treasurer, and counted them hundred and fifty-four;
5 aNeh. 7:10 16 the people of Ater of Hezekiah,
out to aSheshbazzar the prince of Ju-
dah. ninety-eight;
9 This is the number of them: 6 aNeh. 7:11 17 the people of Bezai, three
thirty gold platters, one thousand hundred and twenty-three;
silver platters, twenty-nine knives, 10 1Binnui, 18 the people of 1Jorah, one
10 thirty gold basins, four hundred Neh. 7:15 hundred and twelve;
and ten silver basins of a similar 19 the people of Hashum, two
kind, and one thousand other arti- 18 1Hariph, hundred and twenty-three;
cles. Neh. 7:24 20 the people of 1Gibbar, ninety-
11 All the articles of gold and silver five;
were five thousand four hundred. 20 1Gibeon, 21 the people of Bethlehem, one
All these Sheshbazzar took with the Neh. 7:25 hundred and twenty-three;
3005_13-16_1Chron-Nehemiah 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 412
16 a1 Kin. 8:63;
7 reign of aArtaxerxes king of
Persia, Ezra the bson of Seraiah, cthe
put their hand to alter it, or to 2 Chr. 7:5 son of Azariah, the son of dHilkiah,
destroy this 1house of God 2 the son of Shallum, the son of
which is in Jerusalem. I Darius 17 aEzra 8:35 Zadok, the son of Ahitub,
issue a decree; let it be done 3 the son of Amariah, the son of
diligently. 18 a1 Chr. 24:1; Azariah, the son of Meraioth,
2 Chr. 35:5
b1 Chr. 23:6 4 the son of Zerahiah, the son of
The Temple Completed and cNum. 3:6; 8:9 Uzzi, the son of Bukki,
Dedicated 5 the son of Abishua, the son of
19 aEx. 12:6 Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the
13 Then Tattenai, governor of the 1The Hebrew
region beyond the River, Shethar- language son of Aaron the chief priest
Boznai, and their companions dili- resumes in 6 this Ezra came up from Babylon;
gently did according to what King Ezra 6:19 and and he was aa skilled scribe in the
continues Law of Moses, which the LORD God
Darius had sent. through 7:11.
14 aSo the elders of the Jews built, of Israel had given. The king granted
and they prospered through the 20 a2 Chr. him all his request, baccording to the
prophesying of Haggai the prophet 29:34; 30:15
b2 Chr. 35:11
hand of the LORD his God upon him.
and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And 7 aSome of the children of Israel,
they built and finished it, according 21 aEzra 9:11 the priests, bthe Levites, the singers,
to the commandment of the God of 1uncleanness the gatekeepers, and cthe Nethinim
Israel, and according to the 1com- came up to Jerusalem in the seventh
22 aEx. 12:15; year of King Artaxerxes.
mand of bCyrus, cDarius, and dAr- 13:6, 7; 2 Chr.
taxerxes king of Persia. 30:21; 35:17 8 And Ezra came to Jerusalem in
15 Now the temple was finished on bEzra 7:27; the fifth month, which was in the
the third day of the month of Adar, [Prov. 21:1]
c2 Kin. 23:29;
seventh year of the king.
which was in the sixth year of the 2 Chr. 33:11;
9 On the first day of the first month
reign of King Darius. Ezra 1:1; 6:1 he began his journey from Babylon,
16 Then the children of Israel, the and on the first day of the fifth month
priests and the Levites and the rest CHAPTER 7
he came to Jerusalem, aaccording to
of the descendants of the captivity, the good hand of his God upon him.
celebrated athe dedication of this 10 For Ezra had prepared his heart
1 aNeh. 2:1 to aseek1 the Law of the LORD, and
1house of God with joy. b1 Chr. 6:14
17 And they aoffered sacrifices at cJer. 52:24 to do it, and to bteach statutes and
the dedication of this house of God, d2 Chr. 35:8 ordinances in Israel.
one hundred bulls, two hundred 6 aEzra 7:11, The Letter of Artaxerxes to Ezra
rams, four hundred lambs, and as a 12, 21 bEzra
sin offering for all Israel twelve 7:9, 28; 8:22 11 This is a copy of the letter that
male goats, according to the num- King Artaxerxes gave Ezra the
7 aEzra 8:114 priest, the scribe, expert in the words
ber of the tribes of Israel. bEzra 8:15
18 They assigned the priests to cEzra 2:43; of the commandments of the LORD,
their adivisions and the Levites to 8:20 and of His statutes to Israel:
their bdivisions, over the service of 9 aEzra 7:6; 12 Artaxerxes, aking of kings,
God in Jerusalem, cas it is written in Neh. 2:8, 18
the Book of Moses. To Ezra the priest, a scribe of
10 aPs. 119:45
The Passover Celebrated bDeut. 33:10; the Law of the God of heaven:
Ezra 7:6, 25;
19 1And the descendants of the Neh. 8:18; Perfect peace, band2 so forth.
captivity kept the Passover aon the [Mal. 2:7]
fourteenth day of the first month. 13 I issue a decree that all those of
20 For the priests and the Levites 12 aEzek. 26:7; the people of Israel and the
had apurified themselves; all of Dan. 2:37
bEzra 4:10
priests and Levites in my
them were ritually clean. And they 1The original realm, who volunteer to go up
bslaughtered the Passover lambs for to Jerusalem, may go with you.
language of
all the descendants of the captivity, Ezra 7:1226 14 And whereas you are being
for their brethren the priests, and is Aramaic.
2Lit. and now
sent 1by the king and his aseven
for themselves. counselors to inquire
21 Then the children of Israel who 14 aEsth. 1:14 concerning Judah and
had returned from the captivity ate 1from before Jerusalem, with regard to the
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The Book of
Nehemiah Prays for His People CHAPTER 1 redeemed by Your great power, and
1 aNeh. 10:1
by Your strong hand.
bNeh. 2:1 11 O Lord, I pray, please alet Your
TItHE words of Nehemiah the son
cEsth. 1:1, 2, 5 ear be attentive to the prayer of Your
of Hachaliah. 1Or Susa 2Or
servant, and to the prayer of
came to pass in the month of fortified Your servants who bdesire to fear
Chislev, in the btwentieth year, as I palace, and so
Your name; and let Your servant
was in cShushan1 the 2citadel, elsewhere in
the book prosper this day, I pray, and grant
2 that aHanani one of my brethren him mercy in the sight of this man.
came with men from Judah; and I 2 aNeh. 7:2 For I was the kings ccupbearer.
asked them concerning the Jews
who had escaped, who had survived 3 aNeh. 7:6
bNeh. 2:17 Nehemiah Sent to Judah
the captivity, and concerning Jeru cNeh. 2:17
And it came to pass in the
3 And they said to me, The sur-
d2 Kin. 25:10
5 aDan. 9:4
2 month of Nisan, in the twentieth
year of aKing 1Artaxerxes, when
vivors who are left from the captivity bNeh. 4:14
in the aprovince are there in great c[Ex. 20:6; wine was before him, that bI took
distress and breproach. cThe wall of 34:6, 7] 1Lit. the wine and gave it to the king.
Jerusalem dis also broken down, and Him 2Lit. His Now I had never been sad in his
its gates are burned with fire. presence before.
6 a2 Chr. 6:40 2 Therefore the king said to me,
4 So it was, when I heard these bDan. 9:20
words, that I sat down and wept, Why is your face sad, since you are
and mourned for many days; I was 7 aDan. 9:5 not sick? This is nothing but asor-
fasting and praying before the God bDeut. 28:15
row of heart. So I became 1dread-
of heaven. 8 aLev. 26:33
fully afraid,
5 And I said: I pray, aLORD God 1act treacher- 3 and said to the king, aMay the
of heaven, O great and bawesome ously king live forever! Why should my
God, cYou who keep Your covenant face not be sad, when bthe city, the
9 a[Deut. place of my fathers tombs, lies
and mercy with those who love 1You 4:2931;
and observe 2Your commandments, 30:25] bDeut. waste, and its gates are burned with
6 please let Your ear be attentive 30:4
and aYour eyes open, that You may 4 Then the king said to me, What
10 aDeut. 9:29 do you request? So I aprayed to the
hear the prayer of Your servant
which I pray before You now, day 11 aNeh. 1:6 God of heaven.
and night, for the children of Israel bIs. 26:8 cNeh. 5 And I said to the king, If it
Your servants, and bconfess the sins 2:1 pleases the king, and if your servant
of the children of Israel which we CHAPTER 2
has found favor in your sight, I ask
have sinned against You. Both my that you send me to Judah, to the
fathers house and I have sinned. 1 aEzra 7:1 city of my fathers tombs, that I may
7 aWe have acted very corruptly bNeh. 1:11
rebuild it.
against You, and have bnot kept the Longimanus
6 Then the king said to me (the
commandments, the statutes, nor queen also sitting beside him), How
the ordinances which You com- 2 aProv. 15:13 long will your journey be? And
manded Your servant Moses. 1Lit. very
when will you return? So it pleased
much the king to send me; and I set him aa
8 Remember, I pray, the word
that You commanded Your servant 3 aDan. 2:4; time.
Moses, saying, aIf you 1are unfaith- 5:10; 6:6, 21 7 Furthermore I said to the king,
ful, I will scatter you among the b2 Chr. 36:19
cNeh. 1:3
If it pleases the king, let letters be
nations; given to me for the agovernors of
9 abut if you return to Me, and 4 aNeh. 1:4 the region beyond 1the River, that
keep My commandments and do they must permit me to pass
them, bthough some of you were 6 aNeh. 5:14; through till I come to Judah,
cast out to the farthest part of the 13:6 8 and a letter to Asaph the keeper
heavens, yet I will gather them from 7 aEzra 7:21; of the kings forest, that he must give
there, and bring them to the place 8:36 1The me timber to make beams for the
which I have chosen as a dwelling Euphrates gates of the 1citadel which pertains
for My name. ato the 2temple, for the city wall, and
8 aNeh. 3:7
10 aNow these are Your servants 1palace 2Lit. for the house that I will occupy. And
and Your people, whom You have house the king granted them to me
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The Book of
The King Dethrones Queen Vashti CHAPTER 1 who served in the presence of King
OW it came to pass in the days
N of aAhasuerus1 (this was the
Ahasuerus who reigned bover one 1 aEzra 4:6;
11 to bring Queen Vashti before the
king, wearing her royal crown, in
Dan. 9:1 order to show her beauty to the peo-
hundred and twenty-seven prov- bEsth. 8:9
ple and the officials, for she was
inces, cfrom India to Ethiopia), cDan. 6:1
1Generally beautiful to behold.
2 in those days when King Ahas- identified 12 But Queen Vashti refused to
uerus asat on the throne of his king- with Xerxes I come at the kings command
dom, which was in bShushan1 the (485464 B.C.)
brought by his eunuchs; therefore
3 that in the third year of his the king was furious, and his anger
reign he amade a feast for all his 2 a1 Kin. 1:46 burned within him.
officials and servantsthe powers
bNeh. 1:1; 13 Then the king said to the awise
of Persia and Media, the nobles, and
Dan. 8:2 1Or men bwho understood the times (for
Susa 2Or for- this was the kings manner toward
the princes of the provinces being tified palace,
before him and so else- all who knew law and justice,
4 when he showed the riches of where in the 14 those closest to him being Car-
book shena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish,
his glorious kingdom and the splen-
dor of his excellent majesty for Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the
aseven princes of Persia and Media,
many days, one hundred and eighty 3 aGen. 40:20; bwho had access to the kings pres-
days in all. Esth. 2:18
5 And when these days were com- ence, and who 1ranked highest in
pleted, the king made a feast lasting the kingdom):
seven days for all the people who 5 1Or Susa 15 What shall we do to Queen
were present in 1Shushan the Vashti, according to law, because
2citadel, from great to small, in the she did not obey the command of
court of the garden of the kings 6 aEsth. 7:8;
King Ahasuerus brought to her by
palace. Ezek. 23:41; the eunuchs?
6 There were white and blue linen Amos 2:8; 6:4 16 And Memucan answered before
curtains fastened with cords of fine the king and the princes: Queen
linen and purple on silver rods and Vashti has not only wronged the
7 aEsth. 2:18 king, but also all the princes, and all
marble pillars; and the acouches 1Lit. hand
were of gold and silver on a mosaic the people who are in all the
pavement of alabaster, turquoise, provinces of King Ahasuerus.
and white and black marble. 10 aEsth. 7:9 17 For the queens behavior will
7 And they served drinks in become known to all women, so that
golden vessels, each vessel being they will adespise their husbands in
different from the other, with royal 13 aJer. 10:7; their eyes, when they report, King
wine in abundance, aaccording to Dan. 2:12; Ahasuerus commanded Queen
Matt. 2:1 Vashti to be brought in before him,
the 1generosity of the king. b1 Chr. 12:32
8 In accordance with the law, the but she did not come.
drinking was not compulsory; for so 18 This very day the noble ladies
the king had ordered all the officers 14 aEzra 7:14 of Persia and Media will say to all
of his household, that they should b2 Kin. 25:19; the kings officials that they have
[Matt. 18:10] heard of the behavior of the queen.
do according to each mans plea- 1Lit. sat in
sure. first place Thus there will be excessive con-
9 Queen Vashti also made a feast tempt and wrath.
for the women in the royal palace 19 If it pleases the king, let a royal
which belonged to King Ahasuerus. 17 a[Eph. 5:33] 1decree go out from him, and let it
10 On the seventh day, when the be recorded in the laws of the Per-
heart of the king was merry with sians and the Medes, so that it will
wine, he commanded Mehuman, 19 aEsth. 8:8; anot 2be altered, that Vashti shall
Dan. 6:8 1Lit.
Biztha, aHarbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, word 2pass come no more before King Ahas-
Zethar, and Carcas, seven eunuchs away uerus; and let the king give her
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The Book of
J OB is perhaps the earliest book of the Bible. Set in the period of the patriarchs
(Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph), it tells the story of a man who loses every-
thinghis wealth, his family, his healthand wrestles with the question, Why?
The book begins with a heavenly debate between God and Satan, moves
through three cycles of earthly debates between Job and his friends, and con-
cludes with a dramatic divine diagnosis of Jobs problem. In the end, Job
acknowledges the sovereignty of God in his life and receives back more than he
had before his trials.
Iyyob is the Hebrew title for this book, and the name has two possible mean-
ings. If derived from the Hebrew word for Persecution, it means Persecuted
One. It is more likely that it comes from the Arabic word meaning To Come
Back or Repent. If so, it may be defined Repentant One. Both meanings apply
to the book. The Greek title is Iob, and the Latin title is Iob.
Job and His Family in Uz CHAPTER 1 and said, Does Job fear God for
HERE was a man ain the land of
T Uz, whose name was bJob; and
that man was cblameless and up-
1 a1 Chr. 1:17
bEzek. 14:14,
20; James
10 aHave You not 1made a hedge
around him, around his household,
5:11 cGen. 6:9; and around all that he has on every
right, and one who dfeared God and side? bYou have blessed the work of
1shunned evil. 17:1; [Deut.
2 And seven sons and three
18:13] d[Prov. his hands, and his possessions have
16:6] 1Lit. increased in the land.
daughters were born to him. turned away
11 aBut now, stretch out Your
3 Also, his possessions were seven from
thousand sheep, three thousand hand and touch all that he has, and
3 1Lit. sons he will surely bcurse1 You to Your
camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, face!
five hundred female donkeys, and a 5 aGen. 8:20;
very large household, so that this [Job 42:8] 12 And the LORD said to Satan,
man was the greatest of all the 1peo-
b1 Kin. 21:10, Behold, all that he has is in your
13 1conse- 1power; only do not lay a hand on
ple of the East. crate 2Lit.
4 And his sons would go and feast blessed, but in his person. So Satan went out from
in their houses, each on his ap- an evil sense; the presence of the LORD.
cf. Job 1:11;
pointed day, and would send and 2:5, 9 Job Loses His Property and
invite their three sisters to eat and Children
drink with them. 6 aJob 2:1 1Lit.
5 So it was, when the days of the Adversary 13 Now there was a day awhen his
feasting had run their course, that 7 a[1 Pet. 5:8] sons and daughters were eating and
Job would send and 1sanctify them, 1Lit. the Ad- drinking wine in their oldest broth-
and he would rise early in the morn- versary ers house;
ing aand offer burnt offerings ac- 8 1Lit. set your
14 and a messenger came to Job
cording to the number of them all. heart on 2Lit. and said, The oxen were plowing
For Job said, It may be that my turns away and the donkeys feeding beside
sons have sinned and bcursed2 God from them,
in their hearts. Thus Job did regu- 10 aJob 29:26;
15 when the 1Sabeans 2raided
larly. Ps. 34:7; Is. them and took them awayindeed
5:2 b[Ps. they have killed the servants with
Satan Attacks Jobs Character 128:1, 2; Prov. the edge of the sword; and I alone
10:22] 1Pro-
6 Now athere was a day when the tected him have escaped to tell you!
sons of God came to present them- 16 While he was still speaking,
selves before the LORD, and 1Satan 11 aJob 2:5; another also came and said, The
19:21 bIs. 8:21; fire of God fell from heaven and
also came among them. Mal. 3:13, 14
7 And the LORD said to 1Satan, 1Lit. bless, but burned up the sheep and the ser-
From where do you come? So in an evil vants, and 1consumed them; and I
Satan answered the LORD and said, sense; cf. Job alone have escaped to tell you!
1:5 17 While he was still speaking,
From agoing to and fro on the
earth, and from walking back and 12 1Lit. hand another also came and said, The
forth on it. Chaldeans formed three bands,
8 Then the LORD said to Satan, 13 a[Eccl. 9:12] raided the camels and took them
Have you 1considered My servant 15 1Lit. Sheba; away, yes, and killed the servants
Job, that there is none like him on cf. Job 6:19 with the edge of the sword; and I
the earth, a blameless and upright 2Lit. fell upon alone have escaped to tell you!
man, one who fears God and 2shuns 16 1destroyed
18 While he was still speaking,
evil? another also came and said, aYour
9 So Satan answered the LORD 18 aJob 1:4, 13 sons and daughters were eating and
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 443
10 aJob 5:15;
Who are crushed before a
2 If one attempts a word with Ps. 58:6 moth?
you, will you become weary? 20 aThey are broken in pieces from
But who can withhold himself 11 aJob 29:17; morning till evening;
from speaking? Ps. 34:10 They perish forever, with no
3 Surely you have instructed one regarding.
many, 13 aJob 33:15 21 Does not their own excellence
And you ahave strengthened go away?
weak hands. 14 aHab. 3:16
They die, even without
4 Your words have upheld him wisdom.
who was stumbling,
And you ahave strengthened 18 aJob 15:15 Eliphaz: Job Is Chastened by God
the 1feeble knees; Call out now;
5 But now it comes upon you,
and you are weary;
20 aPs. 90:5, 6 5 Is there anyone who will answer
It touches you, and you are And to which of the holy ones
troubled. CHAPTER 5 will you turn?
6 Is not ayour reverence byour 2 For wrath kills a foolish man,
confidence? 3 a[Ps. 37:35,
And envy slays a simple one.
And the integrity of your ways 36]; Jer. 3 aI have seen the foolish taking
your hope? 12:13 root,
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 445
16 aIs. 65:16
and atake your rest in
2 Should not the multitude of 19 You would also lie down, and
17 aPs. 37:6; no one would make you
words be answered? Prov. 4:18; Is.
And should 1a man full of talk 58:8, 10 afraid;
be vindicated? Yes, many would court your
3 Should your empty talk make 18 aLev. 26:5, favor.
6; Ps. 3:5; 20 But athe eyes of the wicked will
men 1hold their peace? Prov. 3:24
And when you mock, should no fail,
one rebuke you? 20 aLev. 26:16; And they shall not escape,
4 For you have said, Deut. 28:65; And btheir hope1loss of life!
aMy doctrine is pure, Job 17:5 bJob
18:14; [Prov. Job Answers His Critics
And I am clean in your eyes. 11:7] 1Lit. the
5 But oh, that God would breathing out Then Job answered and said:
And open His lips against you,
of life
2 No doubt you are the people,
6 That He would show you the CHAPTER 12 And wisdom will die with you!
secrets of wisdom! 3 But I have 1understanding as
For they would double your 3 aJob 13:2 well as you;
prudence. 1Lit. a heart I am not ainferior to you.
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 450
14 aJob 11:10;
my eye has seen all
ear has heard and
Is. 25:2
And the birds of the air, and understood it.
they will tell you; 15 aDeut. 2 aWhat you know, I also know;
11:17; [1 Kin.
8 Or speak to the earth, and it 8:35, 36] I am not inferior to you.
will teach you; bGen. 7:1124 3 aBut I would speak to the
And the fish of the sea will Almighty,
explain to you. 19 1Lit. And I desire to reason with
priests, but
9 Who among all these does not not in a tech- God.
know nical sense 4 But you forgers of lies,
That the hand of the LORD has aYou are all worthless
done this, 20 aJob 32:9 physicians.
10 aIn whose hand is the 1life of 21 a[Job 5 Oh, that you would be silent,
every living thing, 34:19]; Ps. And ait would be your
And the bbreath of 2all 107:40; [Dan. wisdom!
2:21] 1loosens
mankind? the belt of 6 Now hear my reasoning,
11 Does not the ear test words And heed the pleadings of my
And the 1mouth taste its food? 22 aDan. 2:22; lips.
12 Wisdom is with aged men, [1 Cor. 4:5] 7 aWill you speak 1wickedly for
And with 1length of days, 23 aIs. 9:3; God,
understanding. 26:15 1Lit. And talk deceitfully for Him?
spreads out 8 Will you show partiality for
13 With Him are awisdom and 24 aPs. 107:4
strength, 1Lit. heart Will you contend for God?
He has counsel and 9 Will it be well when He
understanding. 25 aJob 5:14; searches you out?
15:30; 18:18
14 If aHe breaks a thing down, it bPs. 107:27 Or can you mock Him as one
cannot be rebuilt; mocks a man?
If He imprisons a man, there 10 He will surely rebuke you
can be no release. CHAPTER 13 If you secretly show partiality.
15 If He awithholds the waters, 11 Will not His 1excellence make
they dry up; 2 aJob 12:3 you afraid,
If He bsends them out, they 3aJob 23:3; And the dread of Him fall upon
overwhelm the earth. 31:35 you?
16 With Him are strength and 12 Your platitudes are proverbs of
prudence. 4 aJob 6:21; ashes,
[Jer. 23:32]
The deceived and the deceiver Your defenses are defenses of
are His. 5 aJob 13:13; clay.
17 He leads counselors away 21:5; Prov.
plundered, 17:28 13 Hold1 your peace with me, and
And makes fools of the judges. 7 aJob 27:4; let me speak,
18 He loosens the bonds of kings, 36:4 1unrigh- Then let come on me what
And binds their waist with a teously may!
belt. 11 1Lit. exalta- 14 Why ado I take my flesh in my
19 He leads 1princes away tion teeth,
plundered, And put my life in my hands?
And overthrows the mighty. 13 1Be silent 15 aThough He slay me, yet will I
20 aHe deprives the trusted ones of 14 aJob 18:4 trust Him.
speech, bEven so, I will defend my own
And takes away the 15 aPs. 23:4; ways before Him.
discernment of the elders. [Prov. 14:32] 16 He also shall be my salvation,
bJob 27:5
21 aHe pours contempt on princes, For a ahypocrite could not come
And 1disarms the mighty. 16 aJob 8:13 before Him.
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 451
2 aJob 13:4;
2 I have heard many such things;
And ano alien passed among 21:34 1Trou- Miserable1 comforters are you
them: blesome all!
20 The wicked man writhes with 3 1Empty 3 Shall 1words of wind have an
pain all his days, words end?
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 453
20 Becausea he knows no
2 Therefore my anxious thoughts 17 aPs. 36:8; quietness in his 1heart,
Jer. 17:8
make me answer, He will not save anything he
Because of the turmoil within desires.
me. 19 1crushed 21 Nothing is left for him to eat;
3 I have heard the rebuke 1that Therefore his well-being will
reproaches me, 20 aEccl.
not last.
And the spirit of my 5:1315 1Lit. 22 In his self-sufficiency he will be
understanding causes me to belly in distress;
answer. Every hand of 1misery will
22 1Or the
come against him.
4 Do you not know this of aold, wretched or 23 When he is about to fill his
Since man was placed on earth, sufferer stomach,
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 456
30 aPs. 119:83;
31Why my eyes;
then should I look upon a
They promote my calamity; Lam. 4:8; 5:10 ayoung woman?
They have no helper. bPs. 102:3
2 For what is the aallotment of
14 They come as broad breakers; God from above,
Under the ruinous storm they CHAPTER 31 And the inheritance of the
roll along. Almighty from on high?
15 Terrors are turned upon me; 1a[Matt. 5:28] 3 Is it not destruction for the
They pursue my honor as the 1look intently
wind, or gaze And disaster for the workers of
And my prosperity has passed iniquity?
like a cloud. 2 aJob 20:29
4 aDoes He not see my ways,
4 a[2 Chr. And count all my steps?
16 Anda now my soul is bpoured 16:9]; Job
out because of my plight; 24:23; 28:24; 5 If I have walked with
The days of affliction take hold 34:21; 36:7;
[Prov. 5:21; falsehood,
of me. 15:3; Jer. Or if my foot has hastened to
17 My bones are pierced in me at 32:19] deceit,
night, 6 1Let me be weighed on honest
And my gnawing pains take no 6 aJob 23:10;
27:5, 6 1Lit. scales,
rest. Let Him That God may know my
18 By great force my garment is weigh me aintegrity.
disfigured; 7 If my step has turned from the
It binds me about as the collar 7 aNum. 15:39; way,
[Eccl. 11:9];
of my coat. Ezek. 6:9; Or amy heart walked after my
19 He has cast me into the mire, [Matt. 5:29] eyes,
3005_17-18_Esther-Job 11/19/08 11:08 AM Page 463
31aJob 9:9;
you know the time when
wild mountain goats
bear young?
The Book of
T HE Book of Psalms is the largest and perhaps most widely used book in the
Bible. It explores the full range of human experience in a very personal and
practical way. Its 150 songs run from the Creation through the patriarchal, theo-
cratic, monarchical, exilic, and postexilic periods. The tremendous breadth of sub-
ject matter in the Psalms includes diverse topics, such as jubilation, war, peace,
worship, judgment, messianic prophecy, praise, and lament. The Psalms were set
to the accompaniment of stringed instruments and served as the temple hymn-
book and devotional guide for the Jewish people.
The Book of Psalms was gradually collected and originally unnamed, perhaps
due to the great variety of material. It came to be known as Sepher Tehillim
Book of Praisesbecause almost every psalm contains some note of praise to
God. The Septuagint uses the Greek work Psalmoi as its title for this book, mean-
ing Poems Sung to the Accompaniment of Musical Instruments. It also calls it
the Psalterium (A Collection of Songs), and this word is the basis for the term
Psalter. The Latin title is Liber Psalmorum, Book of Psalms.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 473
16 aEx. 7:5
Why do You hide in times of
7 aBut the LORD shall endure bPs. 92:3
1Heb. Hig-
forever; 2 The wicked in his pride
He has prepared His throne for gaion 1persecutes the poor;
judgment. 17 aJob 8:13; aLet them be caught in the plots
8 aHe shall judge the world in Ps. 50:22 which they have devised.
And He shall administer 18 aPs. 9:12;
3 For the wicked aboasts of his
judgment for the peoples in 12:5 b[Ps. hearts desire;
1He bblesses the greedy and
uprightness. 62:5; 71:5];
Prov. 23:18 renounces the LORD.
9 The LORD also will be a 19 1Gentiles
4 The wicked in his proud
arefuge1 for the oppressed, countenance does not seek
A refuge in times of trouble. 20 1Gentiles God;
1God is in none of his athoughts.
10 And those who aknow Your
name will put their trust in PSALM 10
You; 5 His ways 1are always
For You, LORD, have not prospering;
forsaken those who seek You.
2 aPs. 7:16; Your judgments are far above,
9:16 1hotly out of his sight;
11 Sing praises to the LORD, who As for all his enemies, he
dwells in Zion! 3 aPs. 49:6; sneers at them.
aDeclare His deeds among the 94:3, 4 bProv. 6 aHe has said in his heart, I shall
28:4 1Or The not be moved;
people. greedy man bI shall never be in adversity.
12 aWhen He avenges blood, He curses and
spurns the 7 aHis mouth is full of cursing and
remembers them; LORD bdeceit and oppression;
He does not forget the cry of Under his tongue is trouble and
the 1humble. 4 aPs. 14:1;
36:1 1Or All
13 Have mercy on me, O LORD! his thoughts
are, There is 8 He sits in the lurking places of
Consider my trouble from those no God the villages;
who hate me, In the secret places he murders
You who lift me up from the 5 1Lit. are
strong the innocent;
gates of death, His eyes are secretly fixed on
14 That I may tell of all Your 6 aPs. 49:11; the helpless.
praise [Eccl. 8:11]
bRev. 18:7
9 He lies in wait secretly, as a
In the gates of 1the daughter of lion in his den;
Zion. 7 a[Rom. 3:14] He lies in wait to catch the
I will arejoice in Your salvation. bPs. 55:10, 11 poor;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 477
2Nothing evil
not from deceitful lips. PSALM 18
2 Let my vindication come from God the Sovereign Savior
Your presence; 5 aJob 23:11;
Let Your eyes look on the Ps. 44:18; To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of
things that are upright. 119:133 David athe servant of the LORD,
who spoke to the LORD the words
3 You have tested my heart; of bthis song on the day that the
You have visited me in the 6 aPs. 86:7; LORD delivered him from the hand
night; 116:2 of all his enemies and from the
aYou have 1tried me and have hand of Saul. And he said:
found 2nothing; aWILL love You, O LORD, my
I have purposed that my mouth
shall not btransgress.
7 1deliver
I strength.
2 The LORD is my rock and my
4 Concerning the works of men, 8 1pupil
By the word of Your lips, fortress and my deliverer;
I have kept away from the My God, my 1strength, ain
paths of the destroyer. whom I will trust;
10 aEzek.
5 aUphold my steps in Your paths, 16:49 b[1 Sam. My shield and the 2horn of my
That my footsteps may not slip. 2:3] salvation, my stronghold.
3 I will call upon the LORD, awho
6 aI have called upon You, for You is worthy to be praised;
will hear me, O God; 15 a[1 John So shall I be saved from my
3:2] bPs. 4:6, enemies.
Incline Your ear to me, and hear 7; 16:11 c[Is.
my speech. 26:19]
4 The pangs of death surrounded
7 Show Your marvelous me,
lovingkindness by Your right And the floods of 1ungodliness
hand, PSALM 18 made me afraid.
O You who 1save those who 5 The sorrows of Sheol
trust in You surrounded me;
From those who rise up against The snares of death confronted
them. title aPs. 36:
title b2 Sam. me.
8 Keep me as the 1apple of Your 22 6 In my distress I called upon the
eye; LORD,
Hide me under the shadow of And cried out to my God;
Your wings, 1 aPs. 144:1 He heard my voice from His
9 From the wicked who oppress temple,
me, And my cry came before Him,
From my deadly enemies who 2 aHeb. 2:13
1Lit. rock even to His ears.
surround me. 2Strength
7 Then the earth shook and
10 They have closed up their afat trembled;
hearts; 3 aPs. 76:4; The foundations of the hills also
With their mouths they bspeak Rev. 5:12 quaked and were shaken,
proudly. Because He was angry.
11 They have now surrounded us 8 Smoke went up from His
in our steps; 4 aPs. 116:3 nostrils,
1Lit. Belial
They have set their eyes, And devouring fire from His
crouching down to the earth, mouth;
12 As a lion is eager to tear his 7 aActs 4:31 Coals were kindled by it.
prey, 9 aHe bowed the heavens also, and
And like a young lion lurking came down
in secret places. 9 aPs. 144:5 With darkness under His feet.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 480
12 aDeut.
13 I would have lost heart, unless
19:18; Ps. I had believed
The bLORD is the strength of my 35:11; Matt.
life; 26:60; Mark That I would see the goodness
Of whom shall I be afraid? 14:56; John of the LORD
19:33 aIn the land of the living.
2 When the wicked came against
me 13 aJob 28:13;
14 aWait1 on the LORD;
To aeat1 up my flesh, Ps. 52:5;
Be of good courage,
116:9; 142:5;
My enemies and foes, Is. 38:11; Jer. And He shall strengthen your
They stumbled and fell. 11:19; Ezek. heart;
3 aThough an army may encamp 26:20
Wait, I say, on the LORD!
against me, 14 aPs. 25:3;
My heart shall not fear; 37:34; 40:1; PSALM 28
Though war may rise against 62:5; 130:5;
me, Prov. 20:22; Is. Rejoicing in Answered Prayer
25:9; [Hab.
In this I will be confident. 2:3] 1Wait in A Psalm of David.
4 One thing I have desired of the
OYou I will cry, O LORD my Rock:
That will I seek: PSALM 28 T aDo not be silent to me,
bLest, if You are silent to me,
That I may bdwell in the house I become like those who go
of the LORD 1 aPs. 35:22;
39:12; 83:1 down to the pit.
All the days of my life, bPs. 88:4; 2 Hear the voice of my
To behold the 1beauty of the 143:7; Prov. supplications
LORD, 1:12 When I cry to You,
And to inquire in His temple. 2 aPs. 5:7 bPs.
aWhen I lift up my hands
5 For ain the time of trouble 138:2 btoward Your holy sanctuary.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 486
title 1Heb.
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of Maschil S the deer 1pants for the water
LESSED is he who considers
1 1Lit. longs
A brooks,
B the 1poor;
The LORD will deliver him in
2 aPs. 63:1;
84:2; 143:6;
So pants my soul for You,
O God.
2 aMy soul thirsts for God, for the
time of trouble. [Jer. 10:10]
bRom. 9:26;
bliving God.
2 The LORD will preserve him 1 Thess. 1:9
When shall I come and 1appear
and keep him alive, 1So with MT, before God?
And he will be blessed on the Vg.; some 3 aMy tears have been my food
earth; Heb. mss., day and night,
aYou will not deliver him to the LXX, Syr., Tg.
I see the face While they continually say to
will of his enemies. of God me,
3 The LORD will strengthen him bWhere is your God?
3 aPs. 80:5;
on his bed of illness; 102:9 bPs.
You will 1sustain him on his 79:10; 115:2; 4 When I remember these
sickbed. Joel 2:17; Mic. things,
7:10 aI pour out my soul within me.
4 I said, LORD, be merciful to 4 a1 Sam. 1:15; For I used to go with the
me; Job 30:16 multitude;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 495
9 When I cry out to You, 1snaps at or 9 I will praise You, O Lord, among
hounds me, or the peoples;
Then my enemies will turn crushes me
back; I will sing to You among the
This I know, because aGod is
for me. 4 aProv. 30:14 10 aFor Your mercy reaches unto
10 In God (I will praise His word), the heavens,
In the LORD (I will praise His 5 aPs. 108:5 And Your truth unto the clouds.
11 In God I have put my trust; 6 aPs. 9:15
11 aBe exalted, O God, above the
I will not be afraid. heavens;
What can man do to me? Let Your glory be above all the
7 aPs. 108:15 earth.
12 Vows made to You are binding
upon me, O God; 8 aPs. 16:9 PSALM 58
I will render praises to You, The Just Judgment of the Wicked
13 aFor You have delivered my soul 9 aPs. 108:3
from death. 1Gentiles To the Chief Musician. Set to 1Do
Have You not kept my feet from Not Destroy. A Michtam of David.
falling, 10 aPs. 103:11 O you indeed speak
That I may walk before God
In the blight of the living? 11 aPs. 57:5
D righteousness, you silent ones?
Do you judge uprightly, you
sons of men?
PSALM 57 2 No, in heart you work
PSALM 58 wickedness;
Prayer for Safety from Enemies You weigh out the violence of
To the Chief Musician. Set to 1Do your hands in the earth.
title 1Heb. Al
Not Destroy. A Michtam of David Tashcheth
awhen he fled from Saul into the 3 The wicked are estranged from
4 aEzek. 38:12
I To God with my voice;
And He gave ear to me.
10 All the horns of the wicked I
a 1 2 In the day of my trouble I
5 aIs. 10:12; sought the Lord;
will also cut off, 46:12 bPs. 13:3
But bthe horns of the righteous 1Lit. have My hand was stretched out in
shall be cexalted. slumbered the night without ceasing;
their sleep My soul refused to be
PSALM 76 comforted.
6 aEx. 15:121;
The Majesty of God in Judgment Ezek. 39:20; 3 I remembered God, and was
Nah. 2:13; troubled;
To the Chief Musician. On 1stringed Zech. 12:4 I complained, and my spirit
instruments. A Psalm of Asaph. was overwhelmed. Selah
7 a[Ezra 9:15;
A Song. Nah. 1:6; Mal.
3:2; Rev. 6:17] 4 You hold my eyelids open;
N aJudah God is known;
I His name is great in Israel.
2 In 1Salem also is His
Chr. 16:30; 5
I am so troubled that I cannot
I have considered the days of
tabernacle, 2 Chr. 20:29 old,
And His dwelling place in Zion. The years of ancient times.
9 a[Ps. 9:79]
3 There He broke the arrows of 6 I call to remembrance my song
the bow, 10 aEx. 9:16; in the night;
The shield and sword of battle. Rom. 9:17 I meditate within my heart,
Selah And my spirit 1makes diligent
11 a[Eccl. search.
4 You are more glorious and 5:46] b2 Chr.
32:22, 23
excellent 7 Will the Lord cast off forever?
aThan the mountains of prey. And will He be favorable no
12 aPs. 68:35
5 aThe stouthearted were more?
plundered; 8 Has His mercy ceased forever?
bThey 1have sunk into their PSALM 77 Has His apromise failed
sleep; 1forevermore?
And none of the mighty men title aPs. 39: 9 Has God forgotten to be
have found the use of their title gracious?
hands. Has He in anger shut up His
6 At Your rebuke, O God of
a 6 1ponders tender mercies? Selah
Both the chariot and horse 8 a[2 Pet. 2:8, 10 And I said, This is my
were cast into a dead sleep. 9] 1Lit. unto
generation But I will remember the years
7 You,Yourself, are to be feared; and genera- of the right hand of the Most
And awho may stand in Your High.
presence 10 1Lit. infir- 11 I will remember the works of
When once You are angry? mity the LORD;
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 514
143:8 1Make
For aYou, Lord, are good, and
captivity of Jacob. 5 aPs. 130:7;
ready to forgive,
2 You have forgiven the iniquity 145:9; [Joel And abundant in mercy to all
of Your people; 2:13] those who call upon You.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 520
Lam. 2:15
21 But You, O GOD the Lord, bMatt. 27:39; 5 The Lord is aat Your right
Deal with me for Your names Mark 15:29 hand;
sake; 27 aJob 37:7 He shall 1execute kings bin the
Because Your mercy is good, day of His wrath.
deliver me. 28 a2 Sam.
6:11, 12 bIs. 6 He shall judge among the
22 For I am poor and needy, 65:14 nations,
And my heart is wounded He shall fill the places with
29 aJob 8:22;
within me. Ps. 35:26 dead bodies,
23 I am gone alike a shadow when aHe shall 1execute the heads of
it lengthens; 30 aPs. 35:18;
111:1 many countries.
I am shaken off like a locust. 7 He shall drink of the brook by
24 My aknees are weak through 31 a[Ps. 16:8]
1Lit. judging the wayside;
fasting, his soul
aTherefore He shall lift up the
And my flesh is feeble from head.
lack of fatness. PSALM 110
25 I also have become aa reproach PSALM 111
to them; 1aMatt. 22:44;
When they look at me, bthey Praise to God for His Faithfulness
Mark 12:36;
shake their heads. 16:19; Luke and Justice
20:42, 43; Acts
26 Help me, O LORD my God!
Oh, save me according to Your
2:34, 35; Col.
3:1; Heb. 1:13
b[1 Cor. 15:25;
P I will praise the L
a ORD with my
mercy, Eph. 1:22] whole heart,
27 That they may know that this is
2a[Rom. In the assembly of the upright
Your hand 11:26, 27] and in the congregation.
That You, LORD, have done it! b[Ps. 2:9; Dan.
4 1swept over
T Are like Mount Zion,
Which cannot be moved, but
I will aseek your good.
abides forever.
5 1swept over 2 As the mountains surround
PSALM 123 Jerusalem,
7 aPs. 91:3 So the LORD surrounds His
Prayer for Relief from Contempt bProv. 6:5;
Hos. 9:8 1Per- people
A Song of Ascents. sons who From this time forth and forever.
catch birds in
NTO You aI lift up my eyes,
U O You bwho dwell in the
a trap or
3 For athe scepter of wickedness
shall not rest
8 a[Ps. 121:2]
On the land allotted to the
2 Behold, as the eyes of servants bGen. 1:1; Ps. righteous,
look to the hand of their 134:3 Lest the righteous reach out
masters, their hands to iniquity.
As the eyes of a maid to the
hand of her mistress, PSALM 125 4 Do good, O LORD, to those who
aSo our eyes look to the LORD are good,
our God, 3 aProv. 22:8; And to those who are upright
Until He has mercy on us. Is. 14:5 in their hearts.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 545
5 aIs. 35:10;
3 Your wife shall be alike a fruitful
51:11; 61:7;
2 Then aour mouth was filled Jer. 31:9; [Gal. In the very heart of your
with laughter, 6:9] house,
And our tongue with singing. 6 aIs. 61:3 1to
Your bchildren clike olive
Then they said among the and fro 2Lit. a plants
1nations, bag of seed All around your table.
The LORD has done great for sowing 4 Behold, thus shall the man be
3with shouts
things for them. of joy blessed
3 The LORD has done great Who fears the LORD.
things for us,
PSALM 127 5 The LORD bless you out of
And we are glad.
4 Bring back our captivity, O 1 a[Ps. And may you see the good of
LORD, Jerusalem
As the streams in the South. 2 a[Gen. 3:17, All the days of your life.
19] 6 Yes, may you asee your
5 Those who sow in tears
3 a[Gen. 33:5; childrens children.
Shall reap in joy. Josh. 24:3, 4;
6 He who continually goes 1forth Ps. 113:9] b Peace be upon Israel!
bDeut. 7:13;
28:4; Is. 13:18
Bearing 2seed for sowing, c[Ps. 113:9] PSALM 129
Shall doubtless come again Song of Victory over Zions
3with arejoicing, 5 aPs. 128:2, 3
bJob 5:4; Prov. Enemies
Bringing his sheaves with him. 27:11
A Song of Ascents.
ANY a time they have
Laboring and Prospering with the
1 aPs. 119:1
M aafflicted1 me from bmy
cLet Israel now say
A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. 2 aIs. 3:10
bDeut. 4:40 2 Many a time they have afflicted
NLESS the LORD builds the me from my youth;
U house,
They labor in vain who build it;
1Fruit of the
labor Yet they have not prevailed
against me.
3 aEzek. 19:10
Unless athe LORD guards the bPs. 127:35 3 The plowers plowed on my
city, cPs. 52:8; back;
The watchman stays awake in 144:12 They made their furrows long.
vain. 5 aPs. 134:3 4 The LORD is righteous;
2 It is vain for you to rise up He has cut in pieces the cords
early, 6 aGen. 48:11; of the wicked.
50:23; Job
To sit up late, 42:16; Ps.
To aeat the bread of sorrows; 103:17; [Prov. 5 Let all those who hate Zion
For so He gives His beloved 17:6] bPs. Be put to shame and turned
sleep. 125:5 back.
6 Let them be as the agrass on
3 Behold, achildren are a heritage PSALM 129 the housetops,
from the LORD, Which withers before it grows
The fruit of the womb is a
b 1 a[Jer. 1:19; up,
creward. 15:20]; Matt. 7 With which the reaper does not
4 Like arrows in the hand of a 16:18; 2 Cor. fill his hand,
4:8, 9 bEzek.
warrior, 23:3; Hos. 2:15 Nor he who binds sheaves, his
So are the children of ones cPs. 124:1
youth. 8 Neither let those who pass by
5 aHappy is the man who has his 6 aPs. 37:2 them say,
quiver full of them; aThe blessing of the LORD be
bThey shall not be ashamed, 7 1arms full, upon you;
lit. bosom
But shall speak with their We bless you in the name of the
enemies in the gate. 8 aRuth 2:4 LORD!
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 546
Like those who have long been 11 1ponder O LORD, and come down;
Touch the mountains, and they
6 aPs. 63:1 shall smoke.
4 aTherefore my spirit is
overwhelmed within me; 7 aPs. 28:1 1be- 6 aFlash forth lightning and
My heart within me is come 2Die scatter them;
distressed. Shoot out Your arrows and
8 aPs. 46:5 bPs.
5:8 cPs. 25:1 destroy them.
5 I remember the days of old;
a 7 Stretch out Your hand from
I meditate on all Your works; 9 1LXX, Vg. To above;
You I flee Rescue me and deliver me out
I 1muse on the work of Your
hands. 10 aPs. 25:4, 5 of great waters,
6 I spread out my hands to You; bNeh. 9:20 cIs. From the hand of foreigners,
aMy soul longs for You like a 26:10 8 Whose mouth aspeaks 1lying
thirsty land. Selah 11 aPs. 119:25 words,
And whose right hand is a right
7 Answer me speedily, O LORD; 12 aPs. 54:5 hand of falsehood.
1put an end
My spirit fails! to
Do not hide Your face from me, 9 I will asing a new song to You,
aLest I 1be like those who 2go O God;
down into the pit. PSALM 144 On a harp of ten strings I will
8 Cause me to hear Your sing praises to You,
lovingkindness ain the 1 a2 Sam. 10 The One who gives 1salvation
22:35; Ps.
morning, 18:34 to kings,
For in You do I trust; aWho delivers David His servant
bCause me to know the way in 2 1So with From the deadly sword.
MT, LXX, Vg.;
which I should walk, Syr., Tg. the
For cI lift up my soul to You. peoples (cf. 11 Rescue me and deliver me from
18:47) the hand of foreigners,
9 Deliver me, O LORD, from my Whose mouth speaks lying
3 aJob 7:17;
enemies; Ps. 8:4; Heb. words,
In You I take shelter.
1 2:6 And whose right hand is a right
10 aTeach me to do Your will, hand of falsehood
4 aPs. 39:11 12 That our sons may be aas plants
For You are my God; bJob 8:9; 14:2;
bYour Spirit is good. grown up in their youth;
Ps. 102:11
Lead me in cthe land of That our daughters may be as
uprightness. 5 aPs. 18:9; Is. 1pillars,
64:1 bPs.
104:32 Sculptured in palace style;
11 aRevive me, O LORD, for Your 13 That our barns may be full,
names sake! 6 aPs. 18:13, 14 Supplying all kinds of produce;
For Your righteousness sake 8 aPs. 12:2 That our sheep may bring forth
bring my soul out of trouble. 1empty or thousands
12 In Your mercy acut1 off my worthless And ten thousands in our fields;
enemies, 9 aPs. 33:2, 3;
14 That our oxen may be
And destroy all those who 40:3 well-laden;
afflict my soul; That there be no 1breaking in
For I am Your servant. 10 aPs. 18:50 or going out;
That there be no outcry in our
PSALM 144 12 aPs. 128:3 streets.
1corner pillars
A Song to the LORD Who Preserves 15 aHappy are the people who are
and Prospers His People 14 1Lit. breach in such a state;
Happy are the people whose
A Psalm of David. 15 aDeut. God is the LORD!
33:29; [Ps.
LESSED be the LORD my Rock, 33:12; Jer.
B aWho trains my hands for war,
And my fingers for battle
17:7] PSALM 145
A Song of Gods Majesty and Love
2 My lovingkindness and my PSALM 145
aA Praise of David.
My high tower and my deliverer, title aPs. 100:ti- WILL 1extol You, my God, O King;
My shield and the One in
whom I take refuge,
1 1praise
I And I will bless Your name
forever and ever.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 552
15 aPs. 104:27
Jacob for his help,
10 All Your works shall praise You,
bPs. 136:25 Whose hope is in the LORD his
O LORD, God,
And Your saints shall bless 16 aPs. 104:21, 6 aWho made heaven and earth,
You. 28 The sea, and all that is in
11 They shall speak of the glory of them;
Your kingdom, 18 a[Deut. 4:7]
b[John 4:24] Who keeps truth forever,
And talk of Your power, 7 Who executes justice for the
12 To make known to the sons of 20 a[Ps. 31:23] oppressed,
men His mighty acts, bWho gives food to the
And the glorious majesty of His PSALM 146
kingdom. 1 aPs. 103:1 cThe LORD gives freedom to the
13 aYour kingdom is an everlasting 1Heb. Hallelu- prisoners.
kingdom, jah
And Your dominion endures 8 The LORD opens the eyes of the
throughout all 1generations. 2 aPs. 104:33
a[Is. 1A The LORD raises those who are
3 2:22]
14 The LORD upholds all who human being bowed down;
fall, 2salvation
The LORD loves the righteous.
And araises up all who are 9 aThe LORD watches over the
bowed down. 4 a[Eccl. 12:7]
b[1 Cor. 2:6] strangers;
15 aThe eyes of all look expectantly He relieves the fatherless and
to You, 5 aJer. 17:7 widow;
And bYou give them their food bBut the way of the wicked He
in due season. 6 aRev. 14:7 1turns upside down.
16 You open Your hand 7 aPs. 103:6
aAnd satisfy the desire of every bPs. 107:9 cPs. 10 aThe LORD shall reign forever
living thing. 107:10 Your God, O Zion, to all
17 The LORD is righteous in all 8 aMatt. 9:30
bLuke 13:13
His ways, Praise the LORD!
Gracious in all His works. 9 aDeut. 10:18
18 The LORD is near to all who
a bPs. 147:6
call upon Him, 1Lit. makes PSALM 147
To all who call upon Him bin crooked
Praise to God for His Word and
truth. 10 aEx. 15:18 Providence
19 He will fulfill the desire of
those who fear Him; RAISE1 the LORD!
He also will hear their cry and
save them.
1 aPs. 92:1
P For ait is good to sing praises to
our God;
bPs. 135:3 cPs.
20 aThe LORD preserves all who bFor it is pleasant, and cpraise is
33:1 1Heb.
love Him, Hallelujah beautiful.
3005_19_Psalms 11/19/08 11:10 AM Page 553
The Book of
T HE key word in Proverbs is wisdom, the ability to live life skillfully. A godly
life in an ungodly world, however, is no simple assignment. Proverbs pro-
vides Gods detailed instructions for His people to deal successfully with the
practical affairs of everyday life: how to relate to God, parents, children, neigh-
bors, and government. Solomon, the principal author, uses a combination of po-
etry, parables, pithy questions, short stories, and wise maxims to give in strik-
ingly memorable form the common sense and divine perspective necessary to
handle lifes issues.
Because Solomon, the pinnacle of Israels wise men, was the principal contrib-
utor, the Hebrew title of this book is Mishle Shelomoh, Proverbs of Solomon
(1:1). The Greek title is Paroimiai Salomontos, Proverbs of Solomon. The Latin
title Liber Proverbiorum, Book of Proverbs, combines the words pro for and
verba words to describe the way the proverbs concentrate many words into a
few. The rabbinical writings called Proverbs Sepher Hokhmah, Book of Wis-
29 aJob 21:14
2 And atreasure my commands
within you,
They lurk secretly for their own bPs. 119:173
2 So that you incline your ear to
lives. wisdom,
19 aSo are the ways of everyone 30 aPs. 81:11
And apply your heart to
who is greedy for gain; 31 aJob 4:8 understanding;
It takes away the life of its 3 Yes, if you cry out for
owners. 32 1wayward- discernment,
ness And lift up your voice for
The Call of Wisdom
33 aProv.
20 aWisdom calls aloud 1outside; 3:2426 bPs. 4 aIf you seek her as silver,
She raises her voice in the open 112:7 1at ease And search for her as for
squares. hidden treasures;
21 She cries out in the 1chief CHAPTER 2 5 aThen you will understand the
concourses, 1 a[Prov. 4:21]
fear of the LORD,
At the openings of the gates in And find the knowledge of God.
the city 4 a[Prov. 3:14] 6 aFor the LORD gives wisdom;
She speaks her words: From His mouth come
22 How long, you 1simple ones, 5 a[James 1:5, knowledge and
will you love 2simplicity? 6] understanding;
For scorners delight in their 6 a1 Kin. 3:9,
7 He stores up sound wisdom for
scorning, 12 the upright;
And fools hate knowledge. aHe is a shield to those who
23 Turn at my rebuke; 7 a[Ps. 84:11] walk uprightly;
3005_20-22_Proverbs-Songs 11/19/08 11:11 AM Page 556
15 aMatt. 13:44
By understanding He
established the heavens;
20 By His knowledge the depths
2 For length of days and long life were abroken up,
And apeace they will add to 16 a[1 Tim. 4:8]
And clouds drop down the dew.
you. 17 a[Matt.
11:29] 21 My son, let them not depart
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake from your eyes
you; 18 aGen. 2:9 Keep sound wisdom and
aBind them around your neck, 1hold her fast
bWrite them on the tablet of 22 So they will be life to your soul
19 aPs. 104:24
your heart, And grace to your neck.
4 aAnd so find favor and 1high 20 aGen. 7:11 23 aThen you will walk safely in
esteem your way,
In the sight of God and man. 23 aProv. 10:9 And your foot will not stumble.
3005_20-22_Proverbs-Songs 11/19/08 11:11 AM Page 557
1Lit. a strange 21 aFor the ways of man are before
2 That you may 1preserve the eyes of the LORD,
discretion, 1Or Sheol
And He 1ponders all his paths.
And your lips amay keep 22 His own iniquities entrap the
knowledge. 9 1vigor
wicked man,
3 aFor the lips of 1an immoral And he is caught in the cords
woman drip honey, 10 1Lit. of his sin.
And her mouth is bsmoother strength 23 aHe shall die for lack of
than oil; instruction,
4 But in the end she is bitter as 16 1Channels And in the greatness of his
wormwood, folly he shall go astray.
18 aDeut. 24:5;
Sharp as a two-edged sword. Eccl. 9:9; Mal. Dangerous Promises
5 Her feet go down to death, 2:14
aHer steps lay hold of 1hell. My son, aif you become 1surety
6 Lest you ponder her path of
19 aSong 2:9
1Lit. intoxi-
6 for your friend,
If you have 2shaken hands in
Her ways are unstable; pledge for a stranger,
You do not know them. 20 aProv. 2:16 2 You are snared by the words of
your mouth;
7 Therefore hear me now, my 21 a2 Chr. 16:9; You are taken by the words of
children, Job 31:4; your mouth.
And do not depart from the 34:21; Prov. 3 So do this, my son, and deliver
words of my mouth. 15:3; Jer.
16:17; 32:19; yourself;
8 Remove your way far from her, Hos. 7:2; Heb. For you have come into the
And do not go near the door of 4:13 1ob- hand of your friend:
her house, serves, lit.
weighs Go and humble yourself;
9 Lest you give your 1honor to Plead with your friend.
others, 22 aNum. 4 aGive no sleep to your eyes,
And your years to the cruel one; 32:23; Ps. 9:5; Nor slumber to your eyelids.
10 Lest aliens be filled with your Prov. 1:31; Is. 5 Deliver yourself like a gazelle
1wealth, 3:11
from the hand of the hunter,
And your labors go to the And like a bird from the hand
house of a foreigner; 23 aJob 4:21
of the 1fowler.
11 And you mourn at last,
When your flesh and your body CHAPTER 6 The Folly of Indolence
are consumed, 6 aGo to the ant, you sluggard!
12 And say: Consider her ways and be wise,
How I have hated instruction, 1 aProv. 11:15
And my heart despised
1guaranty or 7 Which, having no 1captain,
collateral 2Lit. Overseer or ruler,
correction! struck
13 I have not obeyed the voice of 8 Provides her 1supplies in the
my teachers, 4 aPs. 132:4 summer,
Nor inclined my ear to those And gathers her food in the
who instructed me! 5 1One who harvest.
14 I was on the verge of total ruin, catches birds 9 aHow long will you 1slumber,
in a trap or O sluggard?
In the midst of the assembly snare
and congregation. When will you rise from your
6 aJob 12:7 sleep?
15 Drink water from your own 10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
cistern, 7 1Lit. leader A little folding of the hands to
And running water from your sleep
own well. 8 1Lit. bread 11 aSo shall your poverty come on
14 aProv. 9:3 b
2 aShe has slaughtered her meat, wise son makes a glad
bShe has mixed her wine,
16 aProv. 7:7, 8
She has also 1furnished her 1naive But a foolish son is the grief
table. of his mother.
3 She has sent out her maidens, 17 aProv. 20:17
She cries out from the highest 2 Treasures of wickedness profit
15ButA wrath,
soft answer turns away
21 He who despises his neighbor 27 aProv. 13:14
sins; a harsh word stirs up
aBut he who has mercy on the 29 aProv.
16:32; 19:11; anger.
poor, happy is he. Eccl. 7:9; 2 The tongue of the wise uses
James 1:19 knowledge rightly,
1Lit. short of
22 Do they not go astray who spirit
aBut the mouth of fools pours
devise evil? forth foolishness.
But mercy and truth belong to 30 aPs. 112:10
bProv. 12:4;
those who devise good. Hab. 3:16 3 The eyes of the LORD are in
31 aProv. 17:5;
every place,
23 In all labor there is profit, Matt. 25:40; Keeping watch on the evil and
But 1idle chatter leads only to 1 John 3:17 the good.
poverty. b[Job 31:15;
Prov. 22:2] 4 A 1wholesome tongue is a tree
24 The crown of the wise is their 32 aGen. 49:18; of life,
riches, Job 13:15; [Ps. But perverseness in it breaks
But the foolishness of fools is 16:11; 73:24];
2 Cor. 1:9; 5:8; the spirit.
folly. [2 Tim. 4:18]
33 aProv. 12:16
5 A fool despises his fathers
25 A true witness 1delivers asouls, instruction,
But a deceitful witness speaks 34aProv.11:11 But he who 1receives correction
1shame or dis-
lies. grace is prudent.
26 In the fear of the LORD there is 35 aMatt. 6 In the house of the righteous
strong confidence, 24:4547
there is much treasure,
And His children will have a But in the revenue of the
place of refuge. CHAPTER 15
wicked is trouble.
27 aThe fear of the LORD is a
1 aProv. 25:15
fountain of life, b1 Sam. 25:10 7 The lips of the wise 1disperse
To turn one away from the knowledge,
2 aProv. 12:23
snares of death. But the heart of the fool does
3 a2 Chr. 16:9; not do so.
28 In a multitude of people is a Job 34:21;
Prov. 5:21; Jer.
kings honor, 16:17; 32:19; 8 The sacrifice of the wicked is
But in the lack of people is the Zech. 4:10; an abomination to the
downfall of a prince. Heb. 4:13 LORD,
4 1Lit. healing But the prayer of the upright is
29 aHe who is slow to wrath has 5 aProv. 10:1
His delight.
great understanding, bProv. 13:18 9 The way of the wicked is an
But he who is 1impulsive exalts 1Lit. keeps abomination to the LORD,
folly. 7 1spread But He loves him who afollows
30 A sound heart is life to the 8 aProv. 21:27;
Eccl. 5:1; Is.
body, 1:11; Jer. 6:20; 10 aHarsh discipline is for him who
But aenvy is brottenness to the Mic. 6:7 forsakes the way,
bones. 9 aProv. 21:21 And bhe who hates correction
will die.
31 aHe who oppresses the poor 10 a1 Kin. 22:8
bProv. 5:12
reproaches bhis Maker, 11 aHell1 and 2Destruction are
But he who honors Him has 11 aJob 26:6; before the LORD;
Ps. 139:8
mercy on the needy. b1 Sam. 16:7; So how much more bthe hearts
2 Chr. 6:30; of the sons of men.
32 The wicked is banished in his Ps. 44:21; Acts
wickedness, 1:24 1Or Sheol 12 aA scoffer does not love one
2Heb. Abad-
But athe righteous has a refuge don who corrects him,
in his death. Nor will he go to the wise.
12 aProv. 13:1;
Amos 5:10;
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of 2 Tim. 4:3 13 aA merry heart makes a cheerful
him who has understanding, 13 aProv. 12:25
But awhat is in the heart of bProv. 17:22 But bby sorrow of the heart the
fools is made known. 1face spirit is broken.
3005_20-22_Proverbs-Songs 11/19/08 11:11 AM Page 567
2 aEvery way of a man is right in 9 aProv. 19:13 17 He who loves pleasure will be a
his own eyes, 10 aJames 4:5 poor man;
bBut the LORD weighs the hearts.
11 aProv. 19:25 He who loves wine and oil will
not be rich.
13 a[Matt. 7:2;
3 To do righteousness and justice
Is more acceptable to the LORD James 2:13; 18 The wicked shall be a ransom
than sacrifice. 1 John 3:17 for the righteous,
14 1Under And the unfaithful for the
4 A haughty look, a proud heart,
a cover, lit. in upright.
And the 1plowing of the wicked the bosom
are sin. 16 aPs. 49:14 19 Better to dwell 1in the
19 1Lit. in the
5 The plans of the diligent lead
land of the Than with a contentious and
surely to plenty, desert angry woman.
3005_20-22_Proverbs-Songs 11/19/08 11:11 AM Page 573
who is often rebuked,
hardens his neck,
suddenly be destroyed, 17 Correct your son, and he will
2 aEsth. 8:15;
and that without remedy. Prov. 28:12 give you rest;
bEsth. 4:3 1be- Yes, he will give delight to your
2 When the righteous 1are in come great soul.
authority, the apeople rejoice; 5 aProv. 26:28
But when a wicked man rules, 18 aWhere there is no 1revelation,
bthe people groan.
7 aJob 29:16;
the people cast off restraint;
Ps. 41:1; Prov. But bhappy is he who keeps the
3 Whoever loves wisdom makes 31:8, 9 law.
his father rejoice,
But a companion of harlots 8 aProv. 11:11 19 A servant will not be corrected
wastes his wealth. by mere words;
9 aMatt. 11:17 For though he understands, he
4 The king establishes the land 10 aGen. 4:58;
will not respond.
by justice, 1 John 3:12
But he who receives bribes 1Lit. soul or 20 Do you see a man hasty in his
life words?
overthrows it.
aThere is more hope for a fool
11 aProv. 14:33
5 A man who aflatters his 1Lit. spirit than for him.
Spreads a net for his feet. 13 a[Matt. 21 He who pampers his servant
5:45] from childhood
6 By transgression an evil man is Will have him as a son in the
snared, 14 aPs. 72:4; Is. end.
But the righteous sings and
rejoices. 15 aProv. 22:15 22 aAn angry man stirs up strife,
And a furious man abounds in
7 The righteous aconsiders the 16 aPs. 37:34; transgression.
cause of the poor, Prov. 21:12
But the wicked does not 23 aA mans pride will bring him
understand such knowledge. 18 a1 Sam. 3:1; low,
Ps. 74:9;
Amos 8:11, 12 But the humble in spirit will
8 Scoffers aset a city aflame, bProv. 8:32; retain honor.
But wise men turn away wrath. John 13:17
24 Whoever is a partner with a
9 If a wise man contends with a thief hates his own life;
foolish man, 20 aProv. 26:12
aHe 1swears to tell the truth, but
aWhether the fool rages or reveals nothing.
laughs, there is no peace. 22 aProv. 26:21
25 aThe fear of man brings a snare,
10 The bloodthirsty hate the
a 23 aJob 22:29; But whoever trusts in the LORD
blameless, Prov. 15:33;
18:12; Is. 66:2; shall be 1safe.
But the upright seek his Dan. 4:30;
1well-being. Matt. 23:12; 26 aMany seek the rulers 1favor,
Luke 14:11;
18:14; Acts
But justice for man comes from
11 A fool vents all his afeelings,1 12:23; [James the LORD.
But a wise man holds them 4:610; 1 Pet.
back. 5:5, 6] 27 An unjust man is an
abomination to the righteous,
12 If a ruler pays attention to lies, 24 aLev. 5:1 And he who is upright in the
1Lit. hears the
All his servants become adjuration or way is an abomination to the
wicked. oath wicked.
13 The poor man and the 25 aGen. 12:12;
oppressor have this in 20:2; Luke The Wisdom of Agur
12:4; John
common: The words of Agur the son of
aThe LORD gives light to the
eyes of both.
12:42, 43
1secure, lit.
set on high
30 Jakeh, his utterance. This
man declared to Ithielto Ithiel and
26 aPs. 20:9
14 The king who judges the apoor 1Lit. face
with truth,
His throne will be established 2 Surely I am more stupid than
The Book of
2 aPs. 39:5, 6;
11 There is ano remembrance of
former things,
62:9; 144:4 Nor will there be any
2 Vanitya1 of vanities, says the b[Rom. 8:20,
remembrance of things that
Preacher; 21] 1Or are to come
Vanity of vanities, ball is Absurdity,
By those who will come after.
vanity. Frustration,
Futility, Non-
sense; and so The Grief of Wisdom
3 aWhat profit has a man from all throughout
his labor the book 12 I, the Preacher, was king over
In which he 1toils under the Israel in Jerusalem.
3 aEccl. 2:22; 13 And I set my heart to seek and
sun? 3:9 1labors asearch out by wisdom concerning
4 One generation passes away,
and another generation 4 aPs. 104:5; all that is done under heaven; bthis
comes; 119:90 burdensome task God has given to
aBut the earth abides forever. the sons of man, by which they may
5 aPs. 19:46 be 1exercised.
5 aThe sun also rises, and the sun
1Is eager for,
goes down, lit. panting 14 I have seen all the works that
And 1hastens to the place are done under the sun; and indeed,
where it arose. 6 aJohn 3:8 all is vanity and grasping for the
6 aThe wind goes toward the wind.
7 a[Jer. 5:22]
And turns around to the north; 8 aProv. 27:20
15 aWhat is crooked cannot be
The wind whirls about 1wearisome made straight,
continually, And what is lacking cannot be
And comes again on its circuit. 9 aEccl. 3:15 numbered.
7 aAll the rivers run into the sea,
11 aEccl. 2:16
Yet the sea is not full; 16 I communed with my heart, say-
To the place from which the 13 a[Eccl. 7:25;
ing, Look, I have attained greatness,
rivers come, 8:16, 17] and have gained amore wisdom than
There they return again. bEccl. 3:10 all who were before me in Jeru-
1Or afflicted
8 All things are 1full of labor; salem. My heart has 1understood
Man cannot express it. 15 aEccl. 7:13
great wisdom and knowledge.
aThe eye is not satisfied with 17 aAnd I set my heart to know
seeing, 16 a1 Kin. wisdom and to know madness and
Nor the ear filled with hearing. 3:12, 13 1Lit. folly. I perceived that this also is
seen grasping for the wind.
9 That which has been is what
17 aEccl. 2:3,
will be, 12; 7:23, 25 18 For ain much wisdom is much
That which is done is what will grief,
be done, 18 aEccl. 12:12 And he who increases
And there is nothing new knowledge increases sorrow.
under the sun. The Vanity of Pleasure
10 Is there anything of which it 1 aLuke 12:19
may be said, I said ain my heart, Come now,
See, this is new?
b[Eccl. 7:4;
8:15] 2 I will test you with bmirth;
3005_20-22_Proverbs-Songs 11/19/08 11:11 AM Page 584
12 My own vineyard is before me.
You, O Solomon, may have a 14 aMake1 haste, my beloved,
thousand, 14 aRev. 22:17, And bbe like a gazelle
20 bSong 2:7,
And those who tend its fruit 9, 17 1Hurry, Or a young stag
two hundred. lit. Flee On the mountains of spices.
The Book of
I SAIAH is like a miniature Bible. The first thirty-nine chapters (like the thirty-
nine books of the Old Testament) are filled with judgment upon immoral and
idolatrous men. Judah has sinned; the surrounding nations have sinned; the whole
earth has sinned. Judgment must come, for God cannot allow such blatant sin to
go unpunished forever. But the final twenty-seven chapters (like the twenty-seven
books of the New Testament) declare a message of hope. The Messiah is coming
as a Savior and Sovereign to bear a cross and to wear a crown.
Isaiahs prophetic ministry, spanning the reigns of four kings of Judah, covers
at least forty years.
Yeshayahu and its shortened form Yeshaiah mean Yahweh Is Salvation. This
name is an excellent summary of the contents of the book. The Greek form in the
Septuagint is Hesaias, and the Latin form is Esaias or Isaias.
9 aJoel 3:9
But ba stone of stumbling and a
rock of 2offense
1Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. To both the houses of Israel,
2 And I will take for Myself faith- 10 aIs. 7:7; As a trap and a snare to the
ful witnesses to record, aUriah the Acts 5:38 bIs. inhabitants of Jerusalem.
7:14 cRom.
priest and Zechariah the son of Je- 8:31 1Heb. Im- 15 And many among them shall
berechiah. manuel astumble;
3 Then I went to the prophetess, They shall fall and be broken,
and she conceived and bore a son. 11 1Mighty Be snared and 1taken.
Then the LORD said to me, Call his power
name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz; 16 Bind up the testimony,
4 afor before the child 1shall have 12 1Lit. fear or Seal the law among my
terror 2Lit. in
knowledge to cry My father and My dread disciples.
mother, bthe riches of Damascus and 17 And I will wait on the LORD,
the 2spoil of Samaria will be taken 14 aIs. 4:6; Who ahides His face from the
away before the king of Assyria. 25:4; Ezek. house of Jacob;
5 The LORD also spoke to me 11:16 bLuke And I bwill hope in Him.
2:34; 20:17;
again, saying: Rom. 9:33; 18 Here am I and the children
1 Pet. 2:8 whom the LORD has given me!
6 Inasmuch as these people 1holy abode
We bare for signs and wonders
refused over
in Israel
The waters of aShiloah that From the LORD of hosts,
flow softly, 15 aMatt. 21:44 Who dwells in Mount Zion.
And rejoice bin Rezin and in 1captured
Remaliahs son; 19 And when they say to you,
7 Now therefore, behold, the aSeek those who are mediums and
17 aDeut.
Lord brings up over them 31:17; Is. 54:8
bHab. 2:3
wizards, bwho whisper and mutter,
The waters of 1the River, strong should not a people seek their God?
and mighty Should they cseek the dead on
18 aHeb. 2:13 behalf of the living?
The king of Assyria and all his bPs. 71:7
glory; 20 aTo the law and to the testimony!
He will 2go up over all his 19 a1 Sam. If they do not speak according to this
channels 28:8 bIs. 29:4 word, it is because bthere1 is no light
And go over all his banks. cPs. 106:28 in them.
8 He will pass through Judah, 21 They will pass through it hard-
He will overflow and pass over, 20 aIs. 1:10; pressed and hungry; and it shall
aHe will reach up to the neck; 8:16; Luke happen, when they are hungry, that
16:29 bIs. 8:22;
And the stretching out of his Mic. 3:6 1Or they will be enraged and acurse
wings they have no 1their king and their God, and look
Will 1fill the breadth of Your dawn upward.
land, O bImmanuel.2 22 Then they will look to the earth,
21 aRev. 16:11 and see trouble and darkness,
1Or by their
9 Bea shattered, O you peoples, king and by gloom of anguish; and they will be
and be broken in pieces! their God driven into darkness.
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17 a[John
27 In severe
that day the L
with His
sword, great and
besides You 16:21] 1sharp Will punish Leviathan the
Have had dominion over us; pains fleeing serpent,
But by You only we make aLeviathan that twisted serpent;
mention of Your name. 18 aPs. 17:14 And He will slay bthe reptile
1given birth
14 They are dead, they will not to that is in the sea.
They are deceased, they will 19 a[Ezek.
The Restoration of Israel
not rise. 37:114] 2 In that day asing to her,
b[Dan. 12:2]
Therefore You have punished 1So with MT, bA vineyard of 1red wine!
and destroyed them, Vg.; Syr., Tg. 3 I, the LORD, keep it,
And made all their memory to their dead I water it every moment;
aperish. bodies; LXX
those in the Lest any hurt it,
15 You have increased the nation, tombs I keep it night and day.
O LORD, 4 Fury is not in Me.
You have aincreased the 20 aEx. 12:22, Who would set abriers and
nation; 23 b[Ps. 30:5] thorns
You are glorified; Against Me in battle?
You have expanded all the 21 aMic. 1:3 I would go through them,
1borders of the land. 1Or bloodshed
I would burn them together.
5 Or let him take hold aof My
16 LORD, ain trouble they have CHAPTER 27 strength,
visited You, That he may bmake peace with
They poured out a prayer when 1 aPs. 74:13, Me;
Your chastening was upon 14 bIs. 51:9
And he shall make peace with
them. Me.
17 As aa woman with child 2 aIs. 5:1 bIs.
5:7 1So with
Is in pain and cries out in her MT (Kittels 6 Those who come He shall
Biblia cause ato take root in Jacob;
When she draws near the time Hebraica),
Israel shall blossom and bud,
of her delivery, Bg., Vg.; MT
(Biblia And fill the face of the world
So have we been in Your sight, Hebraica with fruit.
O LORD. Stuttgarten-
18 We have been with child, we sia), some
Heb. mss., 7 Has He struck 1Israel as He
have been in pain; LXX delight; struck those who struck him?
We have, as it were, 1brought Tg. choice Or has He been slain according
forth wind; vineyard to the slaughter of those who
We have not accomplished any were slain by Him?
deliverance in the earth, 3 aIs. 31:5 8 aIn measure, by sending it away,
Nor have athe inhabitants of You contended with it.
the world fallen. 4 a2 Sam. 23:6 bHe removes it by His rough
19 aYour dead shall live; 5 aIs. 25:4
In the day of the east wind.
bJob 22:21
Together with 1my dead body 9 Therefore by this the iniquity of
they shall arise. Jacob will be covered;
bAwake and sing, you who dwell 6 aIs. 37:31
And this is all the fruit of
in dust; taking away his sin:
For your dew is like the dew of 7 aIs. 10:12,
17; 30:3033 When he makes all the stones
herbs, 1Lit. him of the altar
And the earth shall cast out the Like chalkstones that are
dead. 8 aJob 23:6 beaten to dust,
b[Ps. 78:38]
1Wooden images and incense
Take Refuge from the Coming
Judgment altars shall not stand.
9 1Heb. Ashe-
rim, Canaan-
20 Come, my people, aenter your ite deities 10 Yet the fortified city will be
chambers, adesolate,
And shut your doors behind 10 aIs. 5:6, 17; The habitation forsaken and
you; 32:14 left like a wilderness;
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