Hydrotest Procedure For Pipeline
Hydrotest Procedure For Pipeline
Hydrotest Procedure For Pipeline
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table of Contents 3
1.1 General4
1.2 Scope 4
1.3 Definition and Abbreviations 4
1.3.1 Definition 4
1.4 Reference, Codes and Standard5
1.4.1 National Laws and Standards 5
1.4.2 Project Specification 5
1.4.3 Petronas Technical Standards 5
1.4.4 International Codes and Standards 6
1.5 Conflict Requirements 6
2. Hydro testing Procedure6
2.1 General Methodology 6
2.2 Pressurization 7
2.3 Hold Period (The Pipeline Shall be Isolated from This Point Forward) 8
2.3.1 Acceptance Criteria 8
2.4 Depressurization 8
1.1 General
PC Ketapang II Ltd (PCK2L) plans to develop the Bukit Tua Field, in the Ketapang Block, East Java. Bukit
Tua which is primarily an oil field but with significant associated gas, is located 35 km north of Madura
Island and 110 km northeast of Gresik at a water depth of approximately 57 m.
The Preferred Development Option is a not-normally-manned Well Head Platform (WHP) which is tied
back to a spread-moored Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO), anchored approximately
900 m from the WHP. The Full Well Stream (FWS) from the wells are separated into gas and liquid
streams in the production separator on WHP. The gas and liquid are evacuated to the FPSO via two
separate single phase 16 gas and 8 liquid infield flowlines. Associated gas is compressed and
conditioned on the FPSO and exported via a 12 gas pipeline to WHP and there onwards via a 12 gas
export pipelines to the Onshore Receiving Facilities (ORF) in Gresik. Oil is exported by tandem mooring
from the FPSO whilst produced water is treated for overboard disposal.
The FPSO vessel, moorings, topsides and the flexible pipeline risers at the FPSO will be leased. FPSO-
WHP interfaces shall include the flexible pipeline risers and radio telemetry link for data, telephone and
remote monitoring and control of the WHP from FPSO.
The export gas shall be received at the ORF where final separation of condensed liquids shall take place
before fiscal gas metering. The metered gas shall be routed to the sales gas delivery point outside plant
battery limits.
1.2 Scope
This procedure cover minimum requirement for site hydrostatic test incoming pipeline onshore, Bukit Tua
Development Project Onshore Receiving Facilities (ORF).
1.3.1 Definition
COMPANY : PC Ketapang II Limited (PCK2L), as the Project
Developer and Operator of the facility/platform.
CONTRACTOR : Consortium of PT Raga Perkasa Ekaguna PT
Note 1: For this project, the onshore receiving facility (ORF) shall be designed referring to this PTS,
rather than the normally used PTS Piping Classes Refining & Chemical.
In the event of any conflict between this Specification and any requirements of statutory and safety
regulations, codes, standards and other documents, the most stringent shall prevail. The order of priority
of documents shall be as follows:
Indonesian Codes and Regulations
Project Specification and Datasheet
Petronas Technical Standard (PTS)
Internationally recognized Codes and Standards
All apparent conflicts shall be reported to the Company in writing for resolution. The Company decision
shall be final. In the case of conflict the more stringent requirement is govern.
12 GAS EXPORT pipeline hydro test pressure is: 15MPa (2175.6psig); 1.5x design operating pressure.
The pipeline will be hydro tested after completion and visual acceptance of the gauge plates from the
pigging operation. Battery limit for the hydro testing will remain as per above; top of riser at BTJT-A
platform to end of the onshore tie-in spool (between OIC and ORF EPCC as per drawing: ORF-U-00006
Revision 0).
CONTRACTOR intends to set up the hydro test equipment and pressurize up the pipeline from the ORF
onshore tie-in spool location. Calibrated, pressure gauges and pressure/temperature recorder charts will
be utilized to monitor the pipeline pressure and temperature. The pressure test will be using the same
treated sea water solution as above. The pipeline will be pressurized to the require test pressure and the
volume of air monitored during pressurization. The test system is then isolated and allowed to stabilize.
Once the pressure has stabilized the hold period of 24 hours will commence.
The hydro test is deemed accepted when the following are achieved:
Air entrapped is less than 0.2% of volume
No visible leaks is observed
Pressure is not lower than 98% of test pressure during the 24 hours holding period
No unaccountable pressure changes are observed
The 12 Gas Export pipeline will be deemed mechanically complete and acceptable by COMPANY upon:
Visual inspection of the pipeline gauging plates, and approved when no significant defects are
found on at least one of gauging plates
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of pipeline has been satisfactorily completed for required 24 hours
The baseline survey by intelligent pig will be performed as per contract and the survey data provided as
part of the pipeline as-built documentation.
The hydrostatic testing spread will be set up onshore at the ORF tie-in flange location.
Hydrostatic testing activities will be performed from onshore to top-of-riser at BTJT-A platform. A small
suction feeder pump will be set up at the quayside near the existing pipe rack structure for supply to the
high pressure positive displacement pump for performing the hydro test. The chemical injection skid will
be transferred from the pigging vessel to onshore and set up accordingly.
Prior to pressurization, the pipeline will be topped up with water while the air being venting out from
venting valve on the riser at BTJT-A. Once top up and venting of the pipeline is completed, the
instrumentation shall be install to the test blind at onshore ORF tie-in flange.
During the pressurization, the following information shall be recorded and logged every 0.1MPa are
increased intervals:
Dead weight tester for the pipeline pressure (bar)
Volume pressurize (bar/liter)
Volume of chemical and Dye injected (m3/liter)
The equipment for hydro test (location Onshore Receiving Facility, landfall point) as below:
1 ea x diesel driven positive displacement HP pump (47GPM/10000psig)
1 ea x air driven positive displacement HP pump
1 set x HP hoses complete with fittings for hydro testing
1 set x HP Xmas tree assembly complete with valves and fittings
2 ea x Deadweight tester units
4 ea x Pressure & Temperature Chart recorder units
2.2 Pressurization
Pressurization will be commence at rate of up to and exceeding 0.1MPa per minute from atmospheric to
3.1MPa (450psig) at which air entrapment calculation will be carried out. A pressure volume graph will be
produced using the figures attained during pressurize to indicate the volume of entrapped air in the
pipeline. Should the air content exceed the maximum allowable of 0.2% of the calculation pipeline
volume, the pipeline shall be depressurized and all air fully vented. Pressurization shall recommence as
before until acceptable air content is attained.
On acceptance of the air content, the pipeline will be further pressurize at rate of up to and not exceeding
0.5MPa per minute to 70% (10.5MPa) the pressurization shall be stopped to allow to stabilize and leak
checked for minimum 3 hours and during the 3 hours stabiles prior the pipeline pressure shall be recorded
interval 15 minutes.
Upon completion 3 hours stabilize at 70% (10.5MPa), pressurized shall be continued to 95% (14.25MPa)
of test pressure, pressurization shall then continue to 100% (15MPa) of the test pressure at a diminishing
rate down to approximately 0.001MPa per minute. Continue pressurizing the line to reach the test
pressure (hydrostatic test pressure+0.2%; 15.03MPa). On reaching the nominated test pressure, the
system will be allowed to stabilize.
Monitoring of the pipeline pressure during the stabilization period will be conducted using a calibrated
dead weight tester (DWT) located onshore. The following information will be monitoring and logged at 15
minutes interval unit stabilization has occurred (i.e. Specified test pressure):
Pipeline pressure
Volume of water added (if any)
Ambient temperature
Subsea temperature (temperature probe is located at onshore test point and offshore platform
During the stabilization period, re-pressurization may be carried out should the pressure drop below the
required test pressure. The volume of water added will be recorded. Leaks or other defects noted during
the stabilization period shall be rectified. The section requiring rectification shall be depressurizing to a
safe level prior to any repair activity.
2.3 Hold Period (The Pipeline Shall be Isolated from This Point Forward)
Once the pressure in the pipeline has stabilized, a hold period of twenty-four (24) hours shall commence.
During the hold period, the following information shall be recorded and logged at thirty (30) minutes time
Pipeline pressure
Ambient temperature
Subsea temperature
The pipeline hydrostatic test shall be considered complete when the following condition has been met
after the hold period. The pipeline pressure shall not be fall below the required test pressure at any
time during twenty four (24) hours holding period. All variation in test pressure shall be accounted for.
The test period shall be extended if necessary to achieve these criteria.
1) Should the test hold period be extended, the hold period will be retrospectively selected where
the pressure has maintained within the above criteria for a twenty-four (24) hours period with CSR
2) No visible leaks shall be present on observable section of the pipeline.
Should the system require to re-pressurization during the nominated hold period, owner/contractors
consent will be obtained prior to re-pressurization. The hold period shall start from this point.
2.4 Depressurization
On completion and acceptance of hold period, the pipeline will be depressurized to atmospheric pressure
from the double block and bleed (DBB) on the test blind. The rate of depressurization shall not exceed
0.1MPa per minute.
The pipeline pressure will be monitored and recorded during depressurization until the pipeline is fully
On completion of pipeline depressurization, all logs and acceptance certificates shall be signed off by all
relevant parties.
7 Provide confirmation that all NDT is complete and acceptable on both PE/Sup
permanent and temporary facilities
the leak
30 Once the leak has been repaired. To re-pressurize the pipeline, shall be PE/Tech
follow on step 18 to 28
31 Once 30 minutes prior of stabilization complete and no leak has found, PE/Tech
continued pressurization up to 70% of test pressure
32 Open the double block isolate valve on test blind and start the PE/Tech
pressurizing pump
33 Continued commencing pressurizing to the pipeline and increase the PE/Tech
rate as 1barg per minute till 70% of test pressure, prior to commence
shall be following by the logs
Pressurizing log
Volume pumping log
34 Once pressure reach 70% of test pressure, decrease the pressurizing PE/Tech
pump and turn off the pressurizing pump
35 Once the pressurizing stop, close the double block isolate valve on the PE/Tech
injection manifold of the pipeline. Check for leak regularly.
36 Stabilization prior will take 4 hours approximately: during that prior PE/Tech
logging at ORF will be taken interval 15 minutes following by:
Pressure reading
Ambient temperature
Subsea temperature
37 Once stabilization has completed continue to commence the PE/Tech
pressurizing for the pipeline
38 Open the double block isolate valve PE/Tech
39 Started the pressurizing pump, and increase the volume as per require. PE/Tech
Note: During this state of pressurization from 70% to 100% of test
pressure, pressurization rate of 0.1MPa per minute till 100% test
40 Once the pressure reach at 100% test pressure (15MPa), pressurizing PE/Tech
pump will be stop and close the double block isolate valve
41 Final physical leak check for the launcher and receiver site of the PE/Tech
42 Once confirm no leak is detected for the both site of launcher and PE/Tech
receiver. Carry on stabilization of the pressure for 4 hours
43 Once stabilization is completed, continues to change the pressure chart PE/Tech
of the pressure recorder and temperature recorder and confirm that the
chart has been signed
44 Commence 24 hours hydro test period. PE/Tech
During the test hold period, pipeline shall be tested and monitored.
During this period, following logs shall be taken for pipeline:
Pipeline pressure by:
Dead weight tester
Pressure chart recorder
Pressure gauge
Temperature by:
Ambient temperature (recorder)
Subsea temperature
45 Once the test hold period for pipeline is completed, pressure shall not PE/Tech
drop down more than 0.4MPa per 1C after acceptance criteria
calculation temperature change
46 Engineer or test supervisor shall be calculated the temperature vs. PE/Tech
pressure for acceptance criteria
47 Inform all witness parties and if the test is accepted by MIGAS and PE/Tech)
COMPANY, the pipeline shall to depressurized as 0.1MPa per min down
to 0MPa (atmospheric)
48 Once the test of the pipeline has been completed, the chart shall be PE
signed follow by the acceptance Certificate and logs:
Pipeline hydro test certificate
Hydro test Report
Chart Paper of Temperature
Chart paper of Pipeline Pressure