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HLK-RM04 DataSheet

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HLK-RM04 Data Sheet

Http://www.hlktech.net HLK-RM04-DS V1.2 11/20/2012

HLK-RM04 is a new low-cost embedded UART-ETH-WIFI Features:
module (serial port - Ethernet -Wireless network) developed by
Shenzhen Hi-Link Electronic co., Ltd. 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n,compatible
This product is an embedded module based on the universal Support IEEE 802.3IEEE 802.3u
serial interface network standard,built-in TCP / IP protocol stack,
enabling the user serial port, Ethernet, wireless network (wifi) WiFi Client/AP/Router Mode
interface between the onversions.Through the HLK-RM04 module, Support wps/wds
the traditional serial devices do not need to change any
configuration,data can be transmitted through the Internet network. The range of baudrate: 1200~500000bps
Provide a quick solution for the users serial devices to transfer
data via Ethernet Support transparent transmission mode

Module Block Diagram Support multiple security authenti-cation




Support wireless roam

Support multiple network protocols:


Note:The software support of usb and GPIO will be release later
Support AT+ instruction set

Benefits Applications
Support two config methods:Serial/WEB
WiFi Router module solutions WiFi Led Control
Device Dimensions 29mm*40mm* 8.8mm
Ready to use in products WiFi Power Switch
Minimises product development Home and Commercial building
time automation
Lead-free and RoHS compliant
No RF test required for systems OBDII WiFi Diagnose
Compliant with CE and FCC RFID Data Transfer
part 15 rules. Toys and gaming peripherals
Serial to Wifi;Serial to Net;Both Industrial systems
by one module
Remote Control
HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
Http://www.hlktech.net HLK-RM04-DS V1.2 11/20/2012

1. Introduction
The HLK-RM04 module provides designers with a ready made component that provides a fully integrated solution for applications, using
the IEEE802.11 standard in the 2.4-2.5GHz ISM frequency band, including802.11b/g/n and also provides IEEE802.3, can be quickly and
easily included in product designs. The modules integrate all of the RF components required, removing the need to perform expensive
RF design and test. Products can be designed by simply connecting sensors and switches to the module IO pins or uart interface. The
modules use ralinks chip Wireless Microcontroller, allowing designers to make use of the serial interface to connect with their device
Hence, this module allows designers to bring wireless applications to market in the minimum time with significantly reduced
development effort and cost.

This product is an embedded module based on the universal serial interface network standard,built-in TCP / IP protocol stack, enabling
the user serial port, Ethernet, wireless network (wifi) interface between the conversions. Through the HLK-RM04 module, the traditional
serial devices do not need to change any configuration; data can be transmitted through the Internet network. Provide a quick solution
for the users serial devices to transfer data via Ethernet Also the HLK-RM04 module have FCC modular approvals and is compliant with
EU regulations.

2. Specifications
The parameters are defined here.

VDD=5.0V @ +25C

Typical DC Characteristics Notes

Only wifi current 140mA Wifi to serial,AP mode or Client mode

One rj45 current 120mA Serial to RJ45.
Two rj45 cuurent 135mA One is Wan anther is LAN
WiFi and two rj45 160mA Default Mode/Factory Mode
Centre frequency accuracy +/-25ppm Additional +/-15ppm allowance
Typical RF Characteristics Notes
Receive sensitivity -70dBm Use Iqview to adjust
Maximum Transmit power 18dBm/15dBm/13.5dBm 802.11b/g/n
RF Port impedance Ipex onnector 50 ohm 2.4 - 2.5GHz
VSWR (max) 2:1 2.4 - 2.5GHz
Centre frequency accuracy +/-25ppm Additional +/-15ppm allowance
Peripherals Notes
UART 2pins 1200-500kbps
RJ45(WAN) 4pins Support pppoe
RJ45(LAN) 4pins Support dhcp
3.3V Out 1pins Suuport atmost 300mA/3.3V
1.8V Out 1pins Suuport atmost 300mA/1.8V

3. Product Development
Hi-Link supplies all the development tools needed to enable end-product development to occur quickly and efficiently. These are all
freely available from www.hlktech.com. A evaluation kits is also available, allowing products to be quickly bread boarded. Efficient
development of software applications is enabled by the provision of a complete, unlimited, software developer kit.This package provides
HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
Http://www.hlktech.net HLK-RM04-DS V1.2 11/20/2012

everything required to develop application code and to trial it with hardware representative of the final module.

4. Pin Configurations















Figure 1: Pin Configuration (top view)

4.1. Pin Assignment

Pin No Signal Type Description

1 VCC5V Supply Voltage, 5V+/-10%

2 GND Analogue Ground


HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
Http://www.hlktech.net HLK-RM04-DS V1.2 11/20/2012

4 VO3.3 3.3V Output (Suuport Atmost 300mA)

5 LINK1 10/100 PHY Port #1 activity LED

6 N/A Reserved

7 N/A Reserved

8 GPIO0 General GPIO Reserved

9 GPIO1 General GPIO Reserved

10 ES/RST Exit transparent transmission mode/Restore factory value

11 TXOP1 10/100 PHY Port #1 TXP

12 TXON1 10/100 PHY Port #1 TXN

13 RXIP2 10/100 PHY Port #2 TXP

14 RXIN2 10/100 PHY Port #2 TXN

15 RXIN1 10/100 PHY Port #1 RXN

16 RXIP1 10/100 PHY Port #1 RXP

17 TXON2 10/100 PHY Port #2 OXN

18 TXOP2 10/100 PHY Port #2 OXP

19 GPIO2 General GPIO Reserved



22 GPIO3 General GPIO Reserved

23 LINK2 10/100 PHY Port #2 activity LED

24 GPIO4 General GPIO Reserved

25 WPS/RST WiFi Protected Setup /Restore factory value

26 GPIO5 General GPIO Reserved

27 VO1.8 1.8V Output (Suuport Atmost 300mA)

28 VCC5V Supply Voltage, 5V+/-10%

5. Electrical Characteristics
Exceeding these conditions will result in damage to the device

Parameter Min Max

Module supply voltage VCC 3.9V 5.5V

Module Voltage Output VO3.3 3.1V 3.5
Module Voltage Output VO1.8 1.65V 1.9
GPIO Voltage 3.1V 3.5V
Storage temperature -40C 95C

6. Outline Drawing
HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
Http://www.hlktech.net HLK-RM04-DS V1.2 11/20/2012

7. Typical Application Circuit

7.1 Serial To WiFi

HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
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7.2 Serial To RJ45

HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
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7.3 Wireless Router with Serial port(Default Mode)

HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
Http://www.hlktech.net HLK-RM04-DS V1.2 11/20/2012

Appendix Disclaimers
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Hi-Link reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the
products, including circuits and/or software, described or contained therein. Information contained in this document regarding device
applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that
your application meets with your specifications.

Hi-Link warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with Hi-Links
standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent Hi-Link deems necessary to support this warranty.
Except where mandatory by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.

Hi-Link assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright,
or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or
mask work infringement, unless otherwise specified.

Hi-Link products are not intended for use in life support systems, appliances or systems where malfunction of these products can
reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. Hi-Link customers using or
selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Hi-Link for any damages resulting
from such use.
HLK-RM04 Data Sheet
Http://www.hlktech.net HLK-RM04-DS V1.2 11/20/2012

All products are sold subject to Hi-Link 's terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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