RTK Training Manual April 2016
RTK Training Manual April 2016
RTK Training Manual April 2016
Training Course
DES 740
Chapter 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................1
Theory and Surveying Applications of GPS ..............................................................................................................1
Background ............................................................................................................................................................1
Types of GPS positioning ......................................................................................................................................1
TxDOT Levels of Survey Accuracy for GPS ........................................................................................................3
Requirements and Specifications ...........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................6
RTK BASICS ............................................................................................................................................................6
When to Use RTK .................................................................................................................................................6
Planning for RTK ..................................................................................................................................................6
The Base Station ....................................................................................................................................................7
The Rover ..............................................................................................................................................................8
The Data Collector.................................................................................................................................................8
Rover Initialization ................................................................................................................................................8
Quality Control ......................................................................................................................................................9
RTK for Control ....................................................................................................................................................9
RTK for Wing Panels .......................................................................................................................................... 11
RTK for Topographical Surveys.......................................................................................................................... 11
Post Processed Kinematic .................................................................................................................................... 11
The TxDOT RTN (Real Time Network) ............................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 3 .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Setting Up the Job.................................................................................................................................................... 14
File Transfer to and from the Data Collector ....................................................................................................... 14
The Feature Code Library .................................................................................................................................... 15
The Control File................................................................................................................................................... 15
The Geoid File ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
The Job File ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
The Survey Style .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Base Station RTK ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Coordinate Calibration of a Project ..................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Data Collection ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Feature Codes (FE) .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Linking Codes...................................................................................................................................................... 19
On the Data Collector .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Collecting Data in Surface Coordinates with RTK .............................................................................................. 22
Calibrations .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
For Level 4 Surveys ............................................................................................................................................. 23
For Level 3 Surveys ............................................................................................................................................. 24
TxDOT RTN Considerations ............................................................................................................................... 24
Positions on UnGPSable Features ....................................................................................................................... 25
Collecting Stockpile Volumes ............................................................................................................................. 25
QUICK REFERENCE for Configuring a Survey STYLE ............................................................................... 27
QUICK REFERENCE for Point settings ............................................................................................................. 29
Quick Reference for doing RTK from a base station using Trimble Access ....................................................... 30
Quick Reference Sheet for using a rover unit on the TxDOT RTN..................................................................... 31
Best Methods Summary RTK .................................................................................................................................. 32
Best Methods Summary single base RTK ........................................................................................................... 32
Benefits to the user of an RTN over classical RTK positioning include: ............................................................ 34
Drawbacks to the user of an RTN compared to classical RTK positioning include: ........................................... 35
Quick Field Summary: ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Software and Data Review ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Downloading ....................................................................................................................................................... 36
Understanding the .dc File ................................................................................................................................... 37
Trimble Business Center...................................................................................................................................... 37
Miscellaneous Trimble Utilities........................................................................................................................... 37
GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads ............................................................................................................................. 37
CORPSCON (CORPSWIN) ................................................................................................................................ 38
Processing of Static Data in TBC ........................................................................................................................ 38
Chapter 6 .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Equipment for RTK ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
GPS Receivers ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
Data Collectors .................................................................................................................................................... 40
Radio Equipment for Base Station Use ............................................................................................................... 40
The Cell Modem for Networked RTK ................................................................................................................. 41
List of Trimble GPS equipment for RTK and Static use ..................................................................................... 43
Chapter 7 .................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Project Control and Coordinate Issues..................................................................................................................... 47
Planning of the Survey......................................................................................................................................... 47
Units .................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Horizontal Datum for Project Control ................................................................................................................. 48
Vertical Datum for Project Control ..................................................................................................................... 49
Conversions and Transformations of Datum ....................................................................................................... 49
Locating Existing Control Marks ........................................................................................................................ 49
Surface Coordinates vs. State Plane Grid Coordinates ........................................................................................ 50
Making a State Plane/Surface Conversion ........................................................................................................... 51
Identifying Delivered Coordinates....................................................................................................................... 51
Returning to the Field with Changed Coordinates ............................................................................................... 51
Integrated Surveying (mixing GPS and total station work) ................................................................................. 52
Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Getting help from: ................................................................................................................................................... 53
TxDOT Survey Manual ....................................................................................................................................... 54
National Geodetic Survey .................................................................................................................................... 54
TxDOT Traffic Operations Division radio shop .................................................................................................. 54
Trimble upgrades and information ...................................................................................................................... 54
Chapter 1
Theory and Surveying Applications of GPS
The Global Positioning System (GPS) was the first of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS) to be made operational. It was put in place and is maintained by the U.S. Air Force.
Russia also has a GNSS called GLONASS and a couple of other systems are being planned by
other countries.
Positioning is done by trilateration from 24 satellites in orbits about 12,000 miles above the
surface of the earth. Ranging is accomplished by both a repeating code transmitted from the
satellites and from the carrier wave of the signal itself. With accurate atomic clocks, the
distances can be determined on the basis of the speed of the signal through space. Users will
generally have 5 to 8 usable satellites in view at any time.
The GPS receiver acts basically as any other radio receiver and for RTK use, a data collector is
attached to calculate, record and display the information. Differential methods add accuracy to
the point of being able to use the position for design surveying the error laden position is
corrected by the use of a position taken on a known reference station.
GPS uses Cartesian coordinates for its internal calculations but reads in WGS84 Lat/Lon.
Cartesian coordinates are x, y and z values measured on the plane of the equator with the center
of the earth as the origin and a z value measure up from the plane (in the Northern
hemisphere). Users can specify other datums and choose from a number of map projections such
as State Plane or UTM. TxDOT uses only the NAD83 datum and the Texas State Plane
coordinate system.
4. Post Processed Kinematic - Used for faster production occupation times of well under a
minute yet closed loop accuracy when two or more base stations are used. Single frequency data
is collected making only distances of less than about 10 kilometers feasible.
5. Real Time Kinematic (RTK) - Used for topo and stake out and other applications where
radial baselines are acceptable. Accuracies of about 2 cm horizontal and 3 cm vertical are
attainable at distances of up to about 10 kilometers (6 miles). See the TxDOT Survey Manual
for specifications and allowable practices. About three miles is maximum to achieve the
accuracies of TxDOTs Level 3 and Level 4 surveys (see table 1.1). Accuracy decreases at
long distances because of atmospheric errors. Many times the communication link between
the base station and rover unit via radio prevents working at these distances. Cell phones
can be used as a communication link in some areas. Observation times usually run from 3 to 5
seconds for topo work (Level 4) and three minutes for a secondary control observation
(Level 3).
6. Networked RTK This newest development in RTK surveying makes use of several base
stations surrounding the work area to compute the rover position. Base stations are permanent
installations about 30 to 40 miles apart. This system yields the same accuracies as the normally
accepted three miles of a standard radio linked base station and rover. However, a sophisticated
method of linking the base stations to a central computer and a two-way communication between
the computer and rover is needed. It makes it entirely unnecessary for the users to set up a base
TxDOT uses the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) method for the TxDOT RTN (Real Time
Network). A virtual base station point is determined by the central computers software we
are not working just from the distant base stations. The virtual base station is never more than
3 miles from the rover and is automatically redefined by the system when the rover goes beyond
that preset distance.
TxDOT has an operational RTK Network in a number of districts. In these districts, wherever
cell phone coverage permits, one surveyor with one GPS unit can survey to a couple of
centimeter accuracy, gathering topo coordinates at the rate of about 75 to 100 per hour. Such
networks are being planned in several other districts for the near future.
7. Continuous Kinematic - Used for rapid collection of topo data over large areas not requiring
a high degree of accuracy. The rover antenna is usually attached to a vehicle that navigates the
roadway or terrain to create trails of points collected at regular intervals without operator
intervention. Most often the driver will follow breaklines or survey chains (top of banks, fences,
edge of pavement, etc.).
8. Airborne GPS - Used for control for photogrammetry this reduces the amount of
paneling necessary. The system includes receivers at reference stations and rover equipment
in the aircraft. The receiver in the aircraft is synchronized with the camera shutter for the
geopositioning of the photos.
9. Code Based Differential Uses a known position to correct an autonomous position
similar to RTK however the base station data is usually provided by a communication satellite
via a subscription service. The physical method of ranging will not produce the accurate
results of the carrier based RTK. It is used for mapping grade positioning.
Level of Accuracy Typical Applications
Level 0 CORS, FBN, CBN (this level overseen by NGS)
Level 2 Primary Project Control, Control for Airborne GPS for Photogrammetry or
LiDAR Data Gathering
Level 3 Photogrammetric Control Panels, Boundary Corners, ROW, and Local Control
Level 5 Sub-meter Mapping for GIS (includes inventory and locative surveys)
Level 6 1 5 Meter Mapping for GIS (includes inventory and locative surveys)
Level 7 > 5 Meter Mapping for GIS (includes inventory and locative surveys)
The most accurate stations in the state are the Continuously Operating Reference Stations
(CORS) of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). These stations are overseen by
the National Geodetic Survey. Most of these in Texas are maintained by TxDOT and are
referred to as Regional Reference Points (see Datum and Project Control below). Since
NGS sets the requirements for these stations, they are not included in the TxDOT scheme of
levels but can be considered Level 0 to denote the ultimate in the tiers of survey control work.
Level 1 Surveys
The basic purpose of this highest level of GPS surveys is for setting auxiliary points to densify a
network of A and B order points that augment the above mentioned CORS stations. This will
allow shorter observation times for performing static surveys in placing all lower quality control
points. A typical data sheet for one of these points will show the amount of detail and
documentation involved. In the usual seven (7) digit station name, the first three (3) digits
represent the county number and the last four (4) digits denote the discreet point number
assigned by the district. This level of surveys requires the direct supervision of a Registered
Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) and these points are usually set only on an as needed basis
for very large projects.
Level 2 Surveys
Intended mainly for project control, these points usually include an azimuth mark for use with
conventional surveying equipment. The high degree of accuracy is needed not just in relation to
each other (local) but also on the High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) network so that
the same points can be used in subsequent adjoining projects years later. A standard naming
convention and data sheets are also commonly used at this level. These surveys require direct
RPLS supervision.
Level 3 Surveys
Still sometimes held tightly but can be relaxed enough to use faststatic or kinematic methods
with two, or more, higher level reference stations. Appropriate for use mostly for surveying
photogrammetric center line panels, property corners and base stations for topographic surveys.
RTK will require the use of two or more base stations, or two (2) observations from a networked
RTK connection.
Level 4 Surveys
Least stringent design level allowing radial baselines for kinematic surveying. Mainly for topo
work, registering data and for continuous kinematic. This level requires use of a temporary base
station or a networked RTK connection.
Level 5 Surveys
Level 5a - Includes mapping-grade (GIS) work that is held to 30 cm accuracy. Generally, this
level requires a real time correction or post-processing from a base station. Surveys of this level
are limited to horizontal accuracy, with vertical positions used for informational purposes only
due to their poor accuracy.
Level 5b - Includes mapping-grade (GIS) sub-meter network accuracy. This is probably the most
used level of accuracy for GIS work and can be accomplished with the largest variety of
equipment. Surveys of this level are limited to horizontal accuracy, with vertical positions used
for informational purposes only due to their poor accuracy.
Level 6 Surveys
This level includes mapping-grade (GIS) work that is held to within a 5 meter accuracy. A
Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) is commonly used for this level of accuracy.
Surveys of this level are limited to horizontal accuracy. The vertical component is generally of
very poor accuracy.
Level 7 Surveys
This category includes locative work for rough positioning using autonomous positions. An
accuracy of 10 meters is required, which is achievable with most consumer grade handheld units.
This data is limited to horizontal accuracy with vertical positions seldom included.
Requirements and Specifications
Specific requirements and specifications for the various levels of surveys are detailed in The
TxDOT Survey Manual. See pages 3-6 and 3.32 for additional information about levels. This
training manual addresses only RTK surveying. As indicated above, design grade RTK
surveying falls into Levels 3 and 4. Procedures for processing and adjustment of static
surveys are included in Chapter 3 Section 7 of that manual RTK data requires no post
processing or adjustment.
TxDOT offers support to its surveyors for Trimble receivers and Trimble processing and
adjustment software. TxDOT IT maintains a list of recommended equipment and software
which includes GPS items. This Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) catalog is available to
the TxDOT districts.
Procedures for use of the equipment for purposes other than RTK are outlined in Chapter 3
Section 5 of the TxDOT Survey Manual.
Chapter 2
Real-time Kinematic positioning operates on the principle that the correction of a position will be
about the same for two locations at a reasonable distance apart. Knowing the position of one
receiver (the base), a corrected position can be obtained for the other receiver (the rover). This is
done instantly in the data collector. This allows for real-time surveying in the field and allows
the surveyor to check the quality of measurements against known positions in the field.
Real-time surveying technology will utilize single or dual-frequency (L1/L2) techniques for
initialization, but the subsequent RTK survey is accomplished using only the L1 carrier phase
frequency. Therefore, all RTK surveys are currently subject to the limitations of the L1
frequency, which is 10 kilometers from the base station. Without the L2 frequency, the only
atmospheric correction is that at the base station; the correction for the location of the base
station is no longer valid at the distant location where the difference in atmospheric conditions
would require a different correction.
Radio transmission is the most common way of providing the communication link between the
base and rover. A system of permanent networked base stations may utilize the internet by way
of internet ready cell phones or cell modems to tie the rover to its data provider. A popular
network configuration is called the Virtual Reference Station (VRS) system. As private
Networked RTK systems are put in place and as the TxDOT RTN (Real Time Network)
expands, much of the base station RTK will disappear. When using the TxDOT RTN for level 3
surveys, the only requirement is that the point be observed twice with at least two hours
separation. Level 4 (topo) RTK using the network requires only the single 3 epoch observation.
You can collect this yourself or download it from several vendor sites on the internet. The
Trimble site, www.trimble.com (Support & Training Global Support Trimble Knowledge
Network GPS Data Resources), uses a file extension of .alm on their daily almanac files.
Set up the base station on a control point with known x,y,z coordinate (all control points should
have GPS-Static quality horizontal values and differential leveled vertical values). The selection
of the base station sites during the project planning phase will greatly affect the success of the
RTK observations. Select a poor base station site and you will likely have problems throughout
the entire survey.
If possible, you should take part in the initial selection of these points. They should be set about
three miles apart and will generally be Level 3 stations (tied to the project control points). If it is
a small project, they may actually be the primary project control points.
Select a site with good sky visibility down to 10 degrees from the horizon
Be aware of high power transmitters such as microwave, TV stations, military
installations, high voltage transmission power lines, etc.
Multipath caused by radio wave reflective objects such as trees, buildings, large sign
boards, chain link fences, etc.
If there are no useable control points in the immediate area, or much is to be gained by setting a
new control point for the base station, a position can be obtained for the base station setup by
means of a calibration from other control points. After setting up the base station on the newly
placed mark, the survey may be started on just the autonomous position. With a successful
initialization at each of at least 3 control points, perform a forced coordinate position or
calibration by keying in the proper coordinates for each point. This will propagate the correct
coordinates to the base station. The calibration control points must be within about three miles
of the base and in at least two separate quadrants. The calibrated base station coordinates will
only be a good as the quality of the chosen calibration points and is a poor substitute for the
assurance of a pre-surveyed control point.
Log the following in your field notes regarding the base station setup:
TxDOT UHF transmitters should be restricted to two watts when possible. The private sector
does not have this 2 watt restriction on itinerate frequencies. The FCC radio license is for data
transmissions. Our radios have to stop transmitting when voice transmissions are being made.
For this reason, be sure the transmitter is equipped with a blocker. The Trimble TrimMark3 and
Trimble TDL 450 have this feature. Be sure you have the proper license and carry a paper copy
with your equipment!
The Rover
Configure equipment settings for the type of project you are to survey. It is a good idea to have
all the possible options available while collecting data. In many cases you will not use every
option but if you need them they will be available. Some options are:
Store raw observables at the base to allow for post-processing of the base position should the
need arise.
Store vector information to allow the RTK data to be adjusted with least squares should the
need arise.
Set up your survey to allow for Post-Processed Kinematic data should you lose radio link on a
few shots. This is called RTK infill. It is one of the survey styles that can be setup on the data
Use a rover rod of a fixed two-meter height. It is possible and very desirable to do the entire job
without ever having to change an HI or rod height. This is a considerable advantage over
conventional topo surveys where many of the mistakes come from bad prism heights.
Once the job has been set up and the receivers have been started, the Trimble data collection
program, called Trimble Access will operate from just two screens the measure screen and
the attribute screen.
Rover Initialization
Before getting too far away from the base station, check the radio (or cell phone) link to the
rover. The first thing that must be done upon starting the survey on the data collector is to
initialize the system (resolve the integer ambiguity). There have been several methods used in
the past to accomplish this the known point initialization, the antenna swap, and the initializer
bar. However, the on-the-fly initialization (OTF) is used now. The equipment has the capability
of resolving the integer on its own in a few minutes of running and will alert you to when this
has been accomplished. It will also signal with a screen message or beep when lock has been
lost. The possibility of an incorrect initialization may be remote but remains a possibility. To
avoid the possibility of an undetected incorrect initialization use one of the following methods to
check the system.
After the first initialization, observe a point. This can be a temporary mark or a point in the
survey. Discard the first initialization by intentionally shielding the antenna or unplugging the
cable (called dumping the initialization) and re-initialize after moving more than forty feet away
from the point. After the new initialization has been accomplished, return to the point and re-
shoot it. Compare the first and second shots. Are they within an acceptable tolerance (about .03
ft)? If the point checks, you can proceed with data collection confident that you are surveying
with a correct initialization. If the error between the two points is beyond the expected error,
one or both of the initializations used for a check are incorrect. You cannot re-initialize at any of
the positions you used previously. You must change your location by at least forty feet in a
different direction. This will usually provide enough information for you to identify the
initialization that is incorrect. Once the problem is solved you can begin the survey. This
procedure must be repeated with any loss of initialization.
The amount of time you observe on each point may be as short as a few seconds on topo points
or a few minutes on more critical points. A setting on the Measure screen determines whether
the point will be stored in a few seconds (called a topo setting) or after a few minutes (called
an observed control point).
Quality Control
As with any surveying techniques, you would want to make as many checks as possible. If
possible check a known point at the very beginning of the survey. Dont throw common sense
out just because you are using GPS!
A good rule of thumb is to measure a third radial baseline to about 20% of points being used
for Level 3 control (in addition, you will have to reoccupy every one of these from another
base station) and reoccupy at least 10% of the points in a topo survey as a check for proper
Levels 1 and 2 require such use of network connections in simultaneous GPS observations.
Therefore, RTK cannot be used for setting these high quality control points.
A Level 3 survey will require multiple baselines to the new station but does not require a
network adjustment - an averaged position from multiple base lines may be used in a RTK
survey. The level 3 and 4 surveys are the only design grade surveys that can be performed
with RTK. Note again that Level 3 includes such points as photogrammetry panels, topo stations
for conventional instrument occupation and, with careful use, ROW and boundary corners.
Level 4 is mostly for topo collection, and staking out photogrammetry panels. Some surveyors
will insist that the centerline panels be level 3.
Min. Number of
direct CORS Ties 2 2 1 0
Min. Number of
total FBN/CBN 4 4 2 0
/CORS station ties
Minimum # of 4 3 2
horizontal station 4 (Level 0 ties) (Level 1 or 0) (Level 0,1,or 2)
Minimum # of
Vertical ties (2nd 6 5 4 2
order or better)
Minimum # of
Occupations Per 2 2 2 2
Minimum # of
Repeat BLs (% of 50% 40% 30% 20%
all BLs)
Time Offset
Between 4 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs
(Occupations *)
Minimum Satellite
Elevation Mask 15 Degrees 15 Degrees 13 Degrees 13 Degrees
Min. # quadrants
for H station ties 4 4 3 2
Min. # quadrants
for V station ties 4 4 4 2
type of ephemeris precise precise rapid or precise broadcast
required or better
Table 2.1 is shown so that a comparison of the Level 3 survey can be made to the other levels of
network type control. It can be seen which requirements can be met with the use of RTK. Note
the number of repeat baselines to qualify RTK for control and boundary work 100%. It also
bears mentioning that the maximum length of the baselines is 3 miles for using RTK in this
RTK for Wing Panels
Before starting to survey the panels, use the rover to check into at least one other control point
with known x, y, z coordinates (all control points must have GPS-Static quality horizontal values
and preferably, differential leveled vertical values). These checks shall be logged in your field
book and in the data collector device. Also make and log checks during the course of the day. If
any check shots differ more than about .08 feet horizontally or .10 feet vertically from reliable
control points, you should resolve the problem.
By combining Linking Codes with the TxDOT feature codes while collecting data in the field,
line work instructions can being added to enhance each surveys efficiency. This allows the
user to start lines (or figures), incorporate curve geometry if needed, and stop line work. Lines
(or chains) can also be closed back to the beginning of the line (or figure).
The txdot2k list of codes has been in use since 2000, however, additional codes have been
added and the file has been renamed TxDOT06. The TxDOT list is available in Trimble
format as TxDOT06.fcl. The GEOPAK equivalent is TxDOT_V8i.smd.
The final product of the topographical data collection will be an dc file for importing into
GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads. The use of the TxDOT feature code in the Trimble data
collector will produce all these desired graphics in GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads and
subsequently MicroStation.
Chapter 6, later, deals specifically with RTK for topographical data collection it is the largest
single use of RTK surveying.
The TxDOT RTN uses the VRS method. A virtual base point near the project is computed by
the central computer. The user operating a rover unit connects to the TxDOT IP address. The
internet-ready cell modem (cell phone, Mifi or cell modem in data collector or GNSS receiver)
must be carried by the operator maintaining a constant data stream. For information about this
and other features that vary from place to place and time to time contact your District Survey
Coordinator who in turn may contact the administrators of the system. Specific cell phone
services and connection information should be obtained from the local cell phone service
provider. Contact information for the TxDOT RTN can be found in the appendix of this training
The same procedures and precautions as outlined for Base Station RTK should be followed using
the TxDOT RTN. The difference is simply that you are not working from a base station that you
have set up for a particular project you will not need to occupy the known station with a GPS
receiver transmitting correction data to the rover(s). You will be working from a network of
about three to six stations in the area of your survey. In the case of a Level 3 point where you
would normally occupy a point more than once and from two or more base stations; up to six
RRPs are already being used in the coordinate calculation using VRS! The point should still be
occupied twice and at different times of day. There is, in fact, an option in Trimble Access to do
an Observed Control Point which will automatically collect for a specified amount of time
usually three minutes. This gives the mark a special status in the priority of stations in the TBC
The TxDOT RTN is based on the National Spatial Reference System meaning that all
coordinates are in the NAD83 datum and furthermore, the reference stations make use of the
major adjustment, the HARN adjustment. For all practical purposes, the CORS coordinates can
be considered nearly the same as HARNs. This however, can work against you when all
previous work was done on local coordinates or the area of previous control may carry local
biases or original NAD83(86) coordinates. The original NAD83 coordinates can be as much as 2
feet different in some places in the state.
To overcome the clash of coordinate values, the process of calibrating to the existing control is
used. This was not used as extensively using the base station method; the control point
coordinates (at whatever was used in the past) were seeding the subsequent GPS work.
However, many RTK Network surveys should be done only after a calibration to existing
control. Even if the horizontal component doesnt require a calibration, take a look at the
vertical GPS solutions require the aid of a geoid model for elevations and in most parts of the
state the geoid model does not agree with earlier leveled elevations within about a tenth of a foot.
If there are any trusted benchmarks in the area at all, calibrate to them. Chapter 6 of this manual
describes the actual calibration procedure using Trimble Access.
The same GPS rover equipment and firmware is used for the TxDOT RTN surveying as is used
for base station RTK the radio receiver is simply swapped for a cell phone. Chapter 4 of this
training manual outlines equipment for real time surveying.
Chapter 3
Setting Up the Job
In the Windows Mobile Device Center program there is a toggle for using either USB or the
Serial (Com) Port. Windows Mobile Device Center can be loaded onto the PC from the setup
file available on the internet.
The on-screen instructions lead you through the installation. After the installation, Windows
Mobile Device Center will show up in the Start menu under Programs but it is not necessary
to ever open it it remains dormant until a device is plugged into the PC. When the USB
cable is plugged into the collector (make sure collector is on before plugging in the device to
the PC), a connection confirmation box may appear on the collector. Tap on Yes to
connect. A screen then will appear on the PC asking if you want to set up your device. Do
not set up your device we want to be in full control of what transfers.
The data collector also has within it a My Computer that opens to a list of folders. All the files
you will load to the data collector need to go to the Disk folder there and into the Trimble
Data folder. The entire path on the collector then is: TSC3 / Trimble Data. Anytime you
transfer files or anything using TBC or Trimble Data Transfer, it automatically takes this path.
It is much faster using the computer to view files on the collector than trying to navigate on the
collector itself. Text files can be transferred by dragging and dropping or cut and paste.
However, files such as feature code libraries and geoid models will have to undergo a conversion
to the Mobile format which can be done only by using Data Transfer or by exporting from TBC.
In summary, once the physical connection is made and Windows Mobile Device Center is
running, files can be transferred in one of about three ways: 1.) using Data Transfer which is a
stand-alone Trimble software that transfers through the serial or USB port of the PC 2.) using
TBC which includes a transfer utility that is similar to Data Transfer or 3.) you can use cut and
paste or drag and drop in windows explorer for certain files.
All files being loaded to or transferred from the data collector should be in the Trimble Data
folder which is under Disc in My Computer. The Trimble Data folder will eventually get
crowded with control files (.txt), feature code files (.fal), survey styles (.sty), and jobs (.job) but
you will never have to navigate to anything while running the program! The files most often
loaded into the data collector before going to the field are: the feature code library, a geoid
model, and a control file.
The Feature Code Library
It is important to have the Feature Code Library (also called a feature table) loaded into the data
collector before going to the field. A feature code library has been developed and is available.
See the Appendix for reaching this and other files on the intranet. This feature code is taken
from the txdot06 feature table, which guarantees that all the codes will go into GEOPAK with
the correct symbology, line types, colors, etc. The feature code list in use at this time is the
txdot06 and the Trimble formatted version is the file txdot06.fcl.
The format for loading the codes includes the tags (prompts) for attributes. The attributes will
allow you to added information.
The advanced user can customize the code list by removing those codes he knows he will not
need. If the Trimble Feature Code Editor is present on the PC, simply double-click the
txdot06.fcl file and the program opens allowing you to delete unwanted codes and rename the
file before transferring to the data collector. After the field work, when the job data is
downloaded to the Trimble Business Center program, the same feature code file must be attached
to the project when prompted.
Just for your general information, the newest feature code libraries for TxDOT are as follows
each of these is formatted for a particular software:
Trimble txdot06.fcl
Trimble TBC txdot06.fcl
Trimble Access txdot06.fxl
TerraSync txdot06.ddf
The feature code library cant be used in Trimble Access if it is added to the collector by the drag
and drop method using Windows Mobile Device Center you must export it from TBC to allow
a conversion from the normal format to one that is recognized by the Windows Mobile or
Windows CE format. A file extension change is made during the conversion - you will notice on
the data collector that the new extension is .fal.
When project points are viewed out in the field under Point Manager, the stations in the linked
control file will appear along them. They will be first in the list and collected points will be
shown in the order collected.
Control files can be moved to the collector from the PC using drag & drop or cut & paste in
File Explorer it is not necessary to use Data Transfer Utility or Export from TBC.
You will be prompted for such base station information as HI, the measurement method and
antenna type. If your base station GPS receiver is a 5700, you should use the large Zephyr
Geodetic antenna for best reception.
After disconnecting the controller, press the blue store data key on the base receiver Trimble
5700 to allow the data to be saved on the memory card of the receiver even if you think you
wont need it, it is best to have it available as a check or for whatever reason at a later date. The
Trimble R8 and R10 receivers also can store the GPS data in their onboard memory. They need
to be configured to do so. The RTK data containing the project points will, of course, be obtained
from the rovers data collector.
Additional set up of the rover unit is not necessary for Base Station or Networked RTK because
all information for the rover was entered either in the Style or while creating the new job under
the File icon. Remember that the survey style contains rover information such as the one
second collection rate and 13 degrees elevation mask.
A 2-meter rover rod should be used. Not having to make this measurement from the tip of the
rod to the base of the antenna eliminates one more chance of error. The antenna type should be a
part of your survey style configuration.
You are now ready to begin the actual data collection with the rover. Before getting too far away
from the base station, check the radio link to the rover. The following chapter explains the
procedure for gathering the data for topographical surveys but will apply to any type of RTK
work - VRS or base station.
When a calibration is desired, the surveyor should go to the field with a list of the existing
control points or a control file containing these coordinates. After beginning the project, from
the Survey menu, go to Calibrate a Project. In Add point put the old grid point name on
the screen (you can pull it from the linked control file). Then name the same point with a new
name for the GPS position about to be observed. For instance control point number 23 could be
named GPS23 so that after the observation, the same physical point will have two sets of
coordinates distinguishable by name.
When the first point is calibrated, there will, of course, be no changes or movement of positions,
but when a second control point is observed and applied, scale will be set and with the third
point, residuals will show that a best fit algorithm is being applied. If you see high residuals
on any point (after at least three have been added), you may simply elect to not include that point
in the new calibration. A vertical fitting cannot be done however, until a fourth elevation is used.
Depending on the accuracy you want to achieve, you may consider anything from a couple of
hundreds to a tenth of a foot to be excessive.
Obviously, you must have at least four stations located outside the perimeter of the project for a
good horizontal calibration. Three points will put you into a new coordinate system if that is all
you are after, but will not strengthen the accuracy or indicate a faulty control point. All points
in the survey take on coordinates of the new calibration when you apply the calibration to the
The same scenario exists for the vertical calibration. Hopefully some of the stations you will be
calibrating to have elevations. Here also to prevent the cantilever effect, the benchmarks should
be near or outside the perimeter of the project. In an ideal situation, there would be equally
spaced control across the whole project giving the calibration extra strength. In some cases you
may know the horizontal to be good on a project and will need to do only a vertical calibration
this may happen when the Geoid model in your area is particularly bad and you need to rely on
existing elevations.
If the old control points are occupied during the field work, the project can be calibrated at a later
time possibly on the way back to the office. Positions taken prior to the actual calibration will
snap to the new calibrated coordinates when the Apply box is tapped. The entire calibration
can be done in TBC if realtime coordinates are not really important while still in the field not a
very likely situation.
For an accurate calibration, it is important that the rover rod is plumb and held steady over the
point. A bipod or tripod setup is desirable and the usual occupation time is three minutes the
data collector defaults to an observed three minute occupation as opposed to the shorter topo
time of a few seconds.
Chapter 4
Data Collection
If the feature code list has already been loaded, the control file has been loaded and a style has
been created in the office, the job can be created in the data collector at the site in the field.
All the necessary files will be present and in the Trimble Data folder on the Disk of the data
collector. It will not be necessary to navigate to any of these items because the Trimble Access
program finds these files and displays your choices as you build the job parameters from File
on the beginning screen.
Software for data collection vary in the manner that they achieve point connectivity and record
information through feature codes. In order to maintain continuity between software in TxDOT,
the following items are important to understand to be able to gather all the data needed for
topographical surveys, for mapping or for creating a clean DTM.
Linking Codes
By combining Linking Codes with the TxDOT feature codes while collecting data in the field,
line work instructions can being added to enhance each surveys efficiency. This allows the user
to start lines (or figures), incorporate curve geometry if needed, and stop line work. Lines (or
chains) can also be closed back to their respective beginnings using linking codes. Refer to the
TxDOT GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads Manual and support group for more detail.
The basics of all linking codes work the same:
More than one linking code can be assigned to each point if needed
The linking code can be before or after the feature code, but in order to do it after the user must
check the box under the Dataset Tab indicating Linking Code is After Feature box (see
following Dialog Box).
Comments can also be added along with the feature code after a space for further clarification.
Any text added following the Comment character will then become comment information
associated with the point
Each linking code can be changed if the user desires by simply typing new values into the
linking code dialog windows within the project preferences. By changing the linking codes, they
may become more user-friendly when entering them into the data collector. It is best to keep the
linking codes unique and not similar to feature codes or GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads might not
be able to distinguish the two, which will lead to office editing.
Linking codes can contain a maximum of three characters.
Remember to remove the linking code while collecting data if it is not needed.
End Line
Add this linking code to the feature code and GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads will recognize it as
an instruction to end the current line/figure/chain. The end line instruction is not required, but
makes the survey cleaner when reviewing it later after all specific detail has been forgotten or
another user is reviewing the data.
Example: BOC1...
Beg/End Curve
When this linking code is used, GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads will begin (or end) curve
geometry on the current line
Example: BOC1..
Close Figure
This linking code will advise GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads to connect the current point back
(close chain) to the first point shot of the chain.
A job or project should be created on the data collector that includes information pertinent to
just the particular job at hand. This would include items such as the job name, datum and
projection, units, etc. You will find this screen under the File icon on the main menu.
Choosing the coordinate system is an important part of setting up the job. The choices are:
Scale Factor Only: for total station work only -- use a scale factor of 1.000000 when you are
using an assumed coordinate system or your OS and BS are surface coordinates since you will
want the total station distances recorded as actually measured. If the OS and BS are State Plane
coordinates, you will want to use the projects designated scale factor to make the distances shot
to be shortened (or lengthened) to match the coordinate system.
Choose from Library: used for nearly all GPS work. From a library of dozens of standard
coordinate systems choose the State Plane coordinate system NAD83 and the appropriate Texas
zone. Also pick a Geoid model. We are presently using TXG12BUS.ggf. If you prefer to work
in surface coordinates, after beginning the survey, collect State Plane coordinates on control
points and then do a calibration to the surface coordinates chosen for those stations. All work
after applying the calibration will then read in surface coordinates.
Key in Parameters: not normally used if you are an advanced user and familiar with geodesy,
you could create your own coordinate system but the State Plane coordinate system is preferable.
No Datum No Projection: if you know that you will immediately be calibrating to an assumed
coordinate system or an unknown coordinate system, it is not necessary to choose a coordinate
system. However, you will not be able to read northings and eastings until after the calibration
has been applied only lat/lons will be displayed.
To save having to enter certain redundant information for every similar job, templates for the
common parameters called survey styles can be set up on the data collector. From the
Configuration icon on the main screen, choose Style and fill in parameters for the type of
survey you are setting up. Name the style yourself with something you will recognize. Typical
style names would be RTK R10 VRS, RTK base radio, R10 FastStatic, etc. you may only have
one type of survey/equipment that you use.
The Survey icon begins the actual data collection. Among the selections here is the survey
style once this is chosen, you can go directly to Measure, Stakeout, or whatever function you
chose since the pertinent information is already contained in either the job that you created or
the survey style.
It is helpful to know that there are really only two screens in use once the process is started the
measure screen and the attributes screen. As a rule of thumb, you will want to enter all the
information for attributes before you actually make the approximately 5 second observation.
Feature codes and point numbers are on the measure screen and are not considered attributes.
Line types, point description, comments, etc. are considered attributes.
There will be a wait of a minute or two while the instrument does its initialization to receive a
fixed solution. The Autostore option (if enabled in the Survey Style) will store the point
coordinates as soon as they are determined (about five seconds) otherwise the unit will continue
to collect GPS signal until you store it.
Also under Options there is a box Prompt for Attributes. The Attributes screen will pop up
after every shot. This may be good for jumping around from feature to feature but slows your
work down considerably. If the box is not checked, whatever attributes were set for the previous
shot will be carried forward to the next shot it can be considered a quick shot. If the box is
checked, you will be prompted to make an entry or accept the attributes screen immediately
after every shot.
One method is to set the project up as normal with the datum and State Plane zone selected as
normal but then after acquiring the State Plane coordinate with GPS on a control point,
substitute the known surface coordinate for the point. Repeat this on at least three other
points surrounding the project. See the details of calibrations in the following section. Upon
applying the calibration on the collector, all subsequent (and previous) shots will be in the
new surface coordinate system.
A second method will not serve to adjust the existing control or weed out bad control points
but will allow the project points to be collected in surface adjusted coordinates. Simply use
the known Latitude and Longitude of control points on the project as the basis of the survey
but substitute surface coordinates for them on the calibration screen of the collector. This can
be done even before going to the field. Remember that since the surface coordinates were
obtained mathematically from the Lat/Lon of the control points (possibly by the use of
CORPSCON or other conversion program) there is no GPS check on the control points. The
data collector will however read in the new surface coordinate system after the calibration
apply tap is made.
Remember that no matter how the calibration is done, the ability to match distances on the
State Plane grid to distances measured on the surface is always a compromise the CAF you
select may be perfect for the center of the project but a mile or so from the center may start to
show differences of several thousandths of a foot in a total station shot of a thousand feet.
It is less cumbersome to use state plane coordinates as measured - you can just walk onto the
project and start cold. But if you find that old coordinates on a project do not match State
Plane coordinates or have been adjusted to surface with an unknown surface adjustment
factor, you may find it more reasonable to use the existing coordinates by doing a coordinate
calibration. Also, some surveyors prefer to work in surface coordinates when there is a lot of
conventional measurement to be done simultaneously with the total station. In this procedure,
the surveyor will replace GPS measured points with the existing coordinates of several control
points on the project. In most cases, the known coordinates never seem to be located
strategically hopefully four marks around the perimeter and with both vertical and
horizontal positions. If this is just not possible, the calibration should be reconsidered or
possibly just do a horizontal or a vertical calibration.
Even when there are no problems and control coordinates are readily available, you have the
extra capability of determining the accuracy of the existing control and can even throw out a
point or points (horizontal, vertical or both) that do not fit if there are enough marks to
calibrate on (four or more).
To do a calibration in the field we need at least 3 horizontal points for a horizontal calibration
and 4 vertical points for a vertical calibration with meaningful residuals. Recommendation: use
all points available.
An after the fact calibration can also be done in the office in TBC. Go to the Survey pull-
down menu and select GPS Site Calibration.
Even under ideal conditions, we should return to a previously observed point and make a check
shot, or better yet, check in on known points to ensure that the initialization is good and that
reflected signal or power line interference, etc. is not causing unexpected problems. There
should be no more than ten consecutive shots made without one of these two checks being made.
You can suspect a problem at about 2 cm (0.07 sft) in horizontal and 3 cm (0.1 sft) in the
vertical component. Although VRS is a networked solution, the above precautions should still
be taken because it is just as susceptible to loss of initialization as any other RTK methods.
Although when using the TxDOT RTN, there is already more than one base station involved, the
double occupation rule still applies because of the way in which the final baseline is derived
from a virtual point in the vicinity of the rover.
With the accuracy needed for Level 3 surveys, you may elect to use a control point setting
rather than the topo point setting. This will automatically record and average 180 seconds of
data rather than the normal 5 seconds. You can also run past the 5 seconds for as long as you
want if the autostore feature is not selected under the options button in the measure screen. All
of these are a matter of personal preference and also depend on the accuracy needed even within
the same level of survey.
To help your staff and contractors, the TxDOT RTN support group at NTT Data will create these
passwords. Beginning two weeks in advance, the passwords will be generated and distributed to
each District Survey Coordinator that manages a TxDOT RTN. The two week time frame will
allow the survey coordinator to notify each user of the password change and the date that the
new password becomes effective.
Each password change cycle will be coordinated with each survey coordinator to ensure critical
work processes will not be affected. The survey coordinators will be notified through each step
of the process and every opportunity will be taken to ensure that the password transition will not
have a negative impact on users.
During the first days of this transition period, extra effort will be made to monitor user lockout.
If trends are noted, the TxDOT RTN support group will contact the appropriate District Survey
Coordinator to minimize any down time.
During normal working hours, the TxDOT RTN is supported by the GPS/Survey group by email
[email protected] or phone (512) 302 HELP (4357) [press 2 then 5]. You may
contact this group for password resets or to verify lock out or account information.
Adding new accounts will be handled as before. You can review the user agreement and forward
the request to the GPS/Survey group.
To record a position on a tree, for instance, escape from the measure screen and open the COGO
screen. Go to Calculate a point and follow the prompts. The easiest of the methods mentioned
are bearing and distance and distance from a baseline. Distance from a baseline is the most
accurate and doesnt require obtaining a bearing but requires the use of two points set in line
with the tree and a measurement from the nearest point to the tree. Tapping calculate after the
several entries will display the coordinate which will be included in the .job file. The same
screen will allow offsetting to the left or right if using an existing baseline.
Figure 4-1
One of the more accurate methods of offsetting to a point.
Trimble Access allows you to select points in the map screen and create surfaces from them. You
can also use the points or surfaces in volume calculations. This eliminates the need for download
to a laptop in the field to do your calculations. The software can calculate volumes using void
volume, above an elevation, surface to elevation, surface to surface, and stockpile/depression.
An easy calculation can be made in the office using TBC. The CAD Tab menu allows you to
create a surface (Surface) using all the points collected and then measure the volume (COGO)
This will yield a volume of the stockpile assuming the base is flat and level. To correct for a
sloping base, select only the base perimeter points, GBs, and calculate the volume between the
high and the low point of the base. Now subtract this from the original total volume to get a
more accurate estimate.
QUICK REFERENCE for Configuring a Survey STYLE
This is located under the Configuration toolbox icon in Survey Controller/Trimble Access
5700 from a base R10/R8 (GNSS) from base R10/R8 (GNSS) with network
from a TRIMMARK3 using RTK network
TRM3 w/5700 TRM3 wR10/R8/GNSS for Network RTK
* these items are included in the dial profile not actually in the Style itself
Quick Reference for doing RTK from a base station using Trimble Access
At Base
1. Go to 'File' icon and create job if this was not done in the office -- attach .fcl and control file.
3. Pick 'start base' then fill in H.I., coordinates of base station and other pertinent data.
6. Ensure that radio is transmitting (or cell phone is connected) and then disconnect data collector.
On the Rover
1. Connect data collector to the rover and from 'Survey' icon tap Start survey.
2. After receiving initialization achieved message, go to Measure points. The measure screen will
3. Type in the beginning point number and feature code of first point.
4. Go to the 'attribute screen and enter the GM: and any other information.
6. Before starting the observations, go to the Options button (from the measure screen) and choose
Prompt for Attributes and Autostore. You can change these at any time depending on your preferences.
4. Take measurement of the first point. If autostore is chosen in option' screen, the point will be stored
after about 5 seconds (hold the antenna pole steady and plumb until measurement is stored). If autostore
is not enabled, you will have to stop collection manually after you feel enough data has been logged.
5. For the next measurement, the previous attributes will remain unless you intervene just tap measure
each time you reach the next point if no attributes need to be changed. If you move to a different chain
(figure number) or need to change any other attributes, go to the attribute screen and change whatever
you have to before making the shot. When you tap store, the attributes will be stored for the shot to be
6. If you are constantly having to change attributes, you may want to uncheck the prompt for attributes
feature in options. By not selecting prompt for attributes option, each time a shot is taken, the 'attribute
screen will appear on its own so you dont have to constantly bring up the attribute screen on your own.
7. To end the survey tap 'exit' then from the 'Survey' menu screen choose 'End Survey'. Disconnect the
data collector from the receiver.
8. Return to the base station, connect the data collector and end the survey in the same manner as above
(from the 'Survey' icon).
Quick Reference Sheet for using a rover unit on the TxDOT RTN.
1. Turn on receiver. Make sure collecting satellites.
The orange light above the satellite symbol will blink once per second when enough satellites are being tracked.
2. Turn on cell phone/cell modem. If properly set up there is nothing else to do.
Consult your phone service provider for settings to access the internet. It may be possible to use a PC to
request (through the internet) an automatic remote update of your cell phone - the service provider calls
your cell phone to make the setup for you.
3. Turn on the TSC3 and open Trimble Access program. All Bluetooth devices will connect.
Windows Mobile does not have the traditional icons on the desktop screen - they are on horizontal bars
across the screen. The Start menu is very similar, however. As soon as Trimble Access is opened, the data
collector and receiver connect you will see the receiver info on the right of screen. If this fails, it will
not continue to make the connection to the phone. The unit can be connected with cabling. The phone
screen will show a double triangle symbol to show Bluetooth is working. The initial setup on the TSC3
will require going to Settings / Connections / Bluetooth. Mode tab: check both boxes (turn on and
discoverable) and Devices tab: set up a partnership for both the cell phone and the Trimble receiver.
5. Select the Survey icon and choose the survey style from the list. The style name for VRS should be
chosen. The survey style is a template created under the "Configuration" icon in Survey Controller/Trimble
Access. Once a survey style is set up and named for the VRS method of RTK data collection, you can
simply choose this style and not have to reconstruct all the parameters necessary to operate a particular
kind of GPS data collection.
6. Select Start Survey from the Survey menu. You will be asked for your user name and password.
Immediately, the process automatically begins to connect the phone to the internet and then accessing the
TxDOT VRS network site.
Use lower case letters for your username and password. Most models of cell phones/cell modems will
show a symbol indicating the internet connection has been made. To make the initial settings on the data
collector go to: Settings / Connection tab / Connections and then Add a New Connection (to your Internet
Service Provider). The number to be dialed and all the settings are specific to your Internet Service
Provider. Get the information from your vendor and fill out the data collector screen to allow the phone
to automatically dial up the internet through the cell phone upon tapping "Begin Survey" on the data
collector. IP address and port 8888.
Code 1 (username): xxxxxx
Code 2 (password): xxxxxx
7. You will see that a source list of VRS networks is building. Choose the one nearest you.
You again will be prompted for user name and password, however, both should be filled out from
previously. Entering this puts you into the appropriate TxDOT VRS cell. It will take a short time to
initialize but at this point RTK data collection can commence just as if you were operating from a base
8. The screen returns to the six Trimble Access icons. Choose Survey again and now measure points.
Begin collecting data by selecting "Measure" under the Survey icon and continue exactly as with any
other RTK survey.
Be sure to use the proper procedure in ending the survey - the many settings that are needed to make a
successful start-up next time (without having to break out and redo data collector settings) depend on
holding the initial settings.
9. Upon completion of the survey, always go back to the Survey icon on the menu and choose end
survey to properly shut down the program.
During an interval encompassing the solar maximum, users can expect inability to initialize, loss
of satellite communications, loss of wireless connections and radio blackouts, perhaps in random
areas and time spans.
To collect important positional data, known and trusted points should be checked with the same
initialization as subsequent points to be collected.
It is important to know what accuracy is needed before performing the RTK field work.
The following are all terms that must be understood and/or monitored by RTK field technicians.
Look for these terms and concepts in the guidelines; knowledge of these is necessary for
expertise at the rover:
DOP varieties
Baseline RMS
Number of satellites
Elevation mask (or cut-off angle)
Base accuracy-datum level, local level
Base security
Redundancy, redundancy, redundancy
PPMiono, tropo models, orbit errors
Space weather- G, S, R levels
Geoid quality
Constraining passive monuments
Bubble adjustment
Latency, update rate
Fixed and float solutions
Accuracy versus Precision
Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N or C/N0)
Elevation Mask
Geoid Model
Part Per Million (PPM) Error
UHF, spread spectrum Radio Communication
CDMA/SIM/Cellular TCP/IP Communication
RTK positioning yields coordinates from the field work performed, but little else in the way of
information on the equipment used and how the work was performed. The responsible geospatial
professional must put procedures in place to ensure adequate metadata (data about data) is
1. No user base station is necessary. Therefore, there are no security issues with the base, no
control recovery is necessary to establish its position, and the user needs only half the equipment
to produce RTK work. Additionally, there is no lost time setting up and breaking down the base
station equipment and radio.
2. The first order ppm error is eliminated (or drastically reduced), because ionospheric,
tropospheric and orbital errors are interpolated to the site of the rover.
3. The network can be positioned to be aligned with the NSRS with high accuracy. The users will
then be collecting positional data that will fit together seamlessly. This is important to all users
of geospatial data, such as GIS professionals who may deal with such regional issues as
emergency management and security issues.
4. Datum readjustments or changes can be done transparently to the user with no post- campaign
work. New datum adjustments to NAD 83, or even transformations to another geodetic reference
frame, such as the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), are done at the network
level and are broadcast to the users.
5. Different formats and accuracies are readily available. GIS data, environmental resource data,
mapping grade data, etc. can be collected with one- or two-foot accuracy, while surveyors and
engineers can access the network with centimeter-level accuracy. RTCM, CMR+ and other
binary formats can be user selected.
6. The RTN can be quality checked and monitored in relation to the NSRS using NGS
programs, such as OPUS and TEQC from UNAVCO.
Chapter 5
Software and Data Review
The TxDOT surveyors responsibility usually ends with the creation of a MicroStation .dgn file.
This means routing the field data through data review/edit software to ensure the product is
accurate and complete. GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads is currently being supported. Here chains
can be paralleled, corrections and enhancements can be made, alignments can be shown, cross
sectioning done, etc. The creation of a DTM in GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads is used for some
of these tasks. The field data must be easily viewed and voids and problems quickly brought to
the surface. The software guides the surveyor, he may have to return to the field several times to
get accurate topographical representation. A .dgn and gpk file is then exported for the designer.
When topo data is collected with RTK, the output format most often will need to be in
GEOPAK format. There must be point connectivity (break lines) and the standard TxDOT
feature codes will ensure this. TxDOT IT supports TBC software for GPS processing and
To download the .job file from the data collector, one of two methods can be used. To
permanently store the data in a folder of your choice use the receive tab in the Data
Transfer program (found under Programs in the Start menu). A .dc file will automatically
be created at the time of transfer. A .dc file is a readable ascii version of the proprietary
Trimble .job file. The .dc file is then easily imported into TBC when needed.
A second method is to first create a project in TBC (reproducing the parameters of the data
collector job) and use the Import dialog box to download directly from the data collector
into the project. The USB port is probably a better option than the serial port connection.
Data brought from the collector to the PC by either method will automatically create an
additional file called a .dc file.
The data can be viewed graphically on the TBC screen and individual point properties can be
easily viewed by clicking on the point. The properties box for each point is very complete it
shows all attributes and pertinent data. Do not be overly concerned with the graphics the
main reason for passing through TBC is to create a GEOPAK file. The symbols and line
types are intentionally kept simple in the building of the feature code library.
Note that all data passing hands should include notes on datum, projection, geoid model, etc.
Coordinates should be designated as either State Plane Coordinates or as surface adjusted
coordinates with an accompanying CAF. The use of LandXML format is being investigated as
an alternative standard of transfer. If an ASCII file of final coordinates is needed, the most often
requested format is:
Name,Northing,Easting,elevation,Feature Code.
To further explain:
GPS POS the .dc file reads in WGS84 latitude and longitude
GPS VEC the .dc file reads in delta X, deltaY and deltaZ between the base and the rover
OBS the .dc file reads in unreduced horizontal angle (HA), vertical angle (VT) and slope
distance (DS)
If during evaluating data in TBC, it is discovered that a base station coordinate or other entered
information is incorrect, the figures can be changed in the .dc file and imported into a new TBC
project (or cleaned up original TBC project) to recalculate to correct positions.
The post-processed method of performing a kinematic survey will require the use of the
processing module. This is an alternative method of performing a kinematic survey. The data is
collected without the communication link and processed at a later time. This does not require the
use of a communications link (i.e. Radio or cell phone) and can be combined with RTK to
perform infill when the link is only temporarily down. PPK uses significantly longer observation
times (i.e. 0.5 to 3 minutes, usually 10-30 seconds per point) compared to static or fast-
static/rapid-static observations. This method requires a least squares adjustment or other
multiple baseline statistical analysis capable of producing a weighted mean average of the
observations. Post processing will allow kinematic surveying to be used for some Level 3
GEOPAK Survey/OpenRoads
The field data from the Trimble data collector can be imported directly into GEOPAK
Survey/OpenRoads. If there is conventional data (angles and distances), it will be reduced in
GEOPAK. It is also possible to import the .dc files, .xml or .prj files. By the use of an .smd file,
line weights and colors and types are preserved. The greatest advantage is that the working file
is a .dgn file and it doesnt have to be created as an export product.
To obtain coordinates for the base station and to build a control file of known points, we often
find it necessary to do conversions to the figures we are given.
Corpscon is excellent for the mathematical conversion of: a.) Metric to US Survey Foot (or visa-
versa) b.) SPC zones to adjoining SPC zones c.) UTM to SPCs and d.) Latitude/Longitude to
SPCs. Besides these strictly mathematical conversions, it provides the Combined Adjustment
Factor at the specific location of a point if the elevation is included in the input.
Do not use this program for transforming from one datum to another (i.e. NAD27 to NAD83);
the change in datums included an adjustment of coordinates which is basically a rubber-sheeting
of positions. It is not accurate enough for design survey in TxDOT. The most recent version is
Raw data in the form of .dat files is collected in the field for static work and together with
simultaneously running CORS stations is processed into baselines. The CORS station
coordinates are held as reference points. The floating endpoints of the baselines (and entire
unconstrained baselines), when run through a least squares program, will be put into a best-fit
situation yielding high quality coordinates.
The basic TBC can be augmented with a processing module and a least squares module for
doing the static processing and adjustment.
Chapter 6
Equipment for RTK
TxDOT offers support to its surveyors for Trimble receivers and Trimble processing and
adjustment software. TxDOT IT maintains a list of recommended equipment and software
which includes GPS items. This Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) catalog is available to
the TxDOT districts. At the end of this chapter is a list of suggested GPS equipment for
districts to consider as a basic starting point.
GPS Receivers
The Trimble 5700, R8 , R8 GNSS and R10 receivers are supported by TxDOT IT. The 5700
(and R7) uses a Flash Card to store the data and will allow the use of an external antenna
making it a good choice for a base station setups and static surveys. The R8 GNSS is a
compact, self-contained unit (having an integral GPS antenna) that attaches to the end of the
rover rod or tribrach with the standard 5/8 11 thread. They make great rovers because
everything needed can be attached to a 2 meter rover rod.
The R8 GNSS contains Bluetooth technology that will allow a wireless connection to the
properly outfitted data collector. For use with the VRS system, a SIM chip module can be
substituted for the receiving radio in the unit to eliminate the cell phone for VRS. The newest
model of R8 is the one designated as the GNSS model. It also receives the Russian GLONASS
satellites to add a little extra robustness when working in areas where the sky is more obscured.
When using RTK, the base station must also be an R8 GNSS. At this point all units purchased
should probably be R8 GNSS receivers and even the 5700s (and R8s) should be considered
carefully since the R8 GNSS series is so much more versatile.
The R10 contains Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology that will allow a wireless connection to the
properly outfitted data collector. For use with the VRS system, a SIM chip module can be
inserted in the R10 in addition to the receiving or transmitting/receiving radio in the unit to
eliminate the cell phone for VRS. The R10 is a combined GPS/GLONASS receiver. The
addition of the Russian GLONASS satellites, add a little extra robustness when working in
areas where the sky is more obscured. At this point all units purchased should probably be
R10 receivers.
Models can be purchased with internal receive-only radio in the 450-470 MHz range. Most
can be powered with a rechargeable battery that fits in a compartment on the underside of the
unit. The base station setup, with a power hungry transmitter, is best outfitted with an
automotive battery.
Unfortunately, todays units do not have a screen to change settings, make entries and monitor
satellite information. A data collector must be attached for this purpose. However, once the
unit has been set up for a static observation or as a base station for RTK, the collector can be
unplugged to leave the unit operating on its own. Having the separate data collector is a great
advantage for the rover operator.
In the office, a Trimble software called GPS Configurator can be used on the PC to view
and change settings on the almost buttonless receivers. The connection is made with an
RS232 cable supplied or with a USB Windows Mobile Device Center connection. Once setup,
however, you seldom have reason to make changes.
Data Collectors
The Trimble TSC3 works well for RTK data collection. The TSC3 uses the data collection
software Trimble Access. The TSC3 runs on the Windows Mobile operating system. The
TSC3 is a touch screen/keyboard instrument.
The TSC3 includes internal Bluetooth. The TSC3, when properly set up for VRS, will
automatically connect via Bluetooth to the receiver, will dial in to the internet and will finally
connect to the TxDOT RTN IP address. The TSC3 is recommended for TxDOT RTN data
collection. The current TSC3 data collector contains Bluetooth, a camera and an internal GPS
receiver. Operation of the data collector is covered thoroughly in the classroom. Like any
computing device, you may occasionally have to close a locked up program or reboot the
All the above mentioned data collectors will work with most total stations for conventional
data collection with Survey Controller/Trimble Access. The same feature code library
(TxDOT06.fcl) is used for conventional work and the attributes are accessed in exactly the
same manner as in GPS data collection.
A Survey Style should be set up for your particular model of total station to be able to switch
back and forth between the GPS receiver and the total station within the same job. This is
referred to as an integrated survey in the Style settings.
Frequencies are licensed for geographic areas. A typical coverage might be a 50-mile radius
from a given point. TxDOT (Traffic Operations Division) does its own frequency search.
AASHTO reviews its legitimacy and sends it on to the FCC for issuance of the license. It is
sometimes difficult for the radio shop to find unused frequencies for TxDOT GPS use especially
in urban areas where EMS, law enforcement and fire departments occupy any frequency they
hope to apply for. The district users should apply for the licensing immediately when they
decide to buy the equipment some areas dense with radio use have taken up to four months to
receive their license.
There are no frequencies within one band or the other that a UHF radio wont work with
there are frequencies that are not allowed to be licensed to the public and certain government
agencies. This also holds true for GPS data transmission. Trimble lists these taboo
frequencies very explicitly. The radio shop at the Traffic Operations Division will be aware of
this when you apply for your license with them.
The TrimMark 3 radio in the past has been the most commonly used UHF RTK transmitter at
TxDOT. It is available in three ranges of UHF frequencies. The sticker on the bottom of the
unit shows which of the three you have. The range TxDOT uses is 450-470 MHz. This radio
transmitter has been replaced with a newer, smaller and cheaper unit called the TDL450H.
The TrimMark 3 is probably a better radio but will not be available much longer.
Once you have obtained a specific frequency from the Radio Shop at Traffic Operations
Division (it may take several months), your vendor can create a set file for you to load into
the radio. This is done by means of the Trimble WinFlash program which acts as a
communication link between your PC and the radio transmitter for the purpose of
programming and making settings on it. Some legalities: remember to hold the power setting
at 2 watts, load your call sign (printed on the license) and set the radio for the narrow band
width (12.5 KHz, not 25 KHz). Generally the vendor will set all this during his installation
The data port settings are 38,400 8 none 1 (CTS flow off). Do not confuse this with the
transmit mode which is TRIMMARK 3 at 9600.
The radio, even at 2 watts, draws more power than any other GPS equipment. A small
automotive battery works best for powering it and a deep cycle marine battery is even better
it has a longer life.
The connection between the receiver and data collector can be easily made with the cable
Trimble supplies with their units but a wireless (Bluetooth) connection is more convenient
since there is no cable to snag or break. The TSC3 has a built in bluetooth module. Even the
receiver can be connected to the collector by Bluetooth.
The settings for Bluetooth on the data collector are made at the Configuration icon of
Survey Controller under Style. See the Survey Style Quick Reference as a guide.
The TSC3 data collector and Trimble R10 have a built in modem for the SIM chip and dont
need an external cell phone. The billing for digital data is the same as if it were a cell phone
but voice communication is not possible.
List of Trimble GPS equipment for RTK and Static use
*Model R7 GPS unit to be used as a base station or for collection of static
data for setting control points (approx. $18,000 each or $24,000 as a complete base station
Although not originally designed as such, the R8 GNSS and R10 GNSS listed below can also be
used as
a base station or static unit. These R7/5700 receivers require an external antenna.
They use the same batteries as the R8 units.
*Model R8 GNSS GPS unit to be used as an RTK rover unit (approx. $19,000 each
or $23,000 as a complete rover kit).
For topo work, these are very convenient as rover units since they are a compact unit
combining the antenna and receiver; not quite as practical as a static unit for setting
accurate control points. The Model R8 works for all types of RTK including VRS
networks as mentioned above. If your district anticipates installing a VRS network, you
may want to consider purchasing two of the R8 GNSS units and using one as the base
for conventional RTK rather than a 5700 (R7) for the base. For use with the VRS
system, a SIM chip module can be substituted in place of the radio receiver in the unit.
Placing the SIM chip in the module will eliminate having to carry the actual cell phone
during VRS data collection.
*Model R10 GNSS GPS unit to be used as an RTK rover unit (approx. $25500 each
For topo work, these are very convenient as rover units since they are a compact unit
combining the antenna and receiver; not quite as practical as a static unit for setting
accurate control points. The Model R10 works for all types of RTK including VRS
networks as mentioned above. If your district anticipates installing a VRS network, you
may want to consider purchasing two of the R10 GNSS units and using one as the base
for conventional RTK rather than a 5700 (R7) for the base. For use with the VRS
system, a SIM chip module can be inserted in the receiver and it also has a built in radio.
Placing the SIM chip in the module will eliminate having to carry the actual cell phone
during VRS data collection.
2-Meter Rover Rod for Rover Antenna (approx $90 metal or $400 carbon fiber with
Unlike conventional measurement, line of sight from the control point to the rover is not
needed and the use of telescoping prism poles is discouraged. The rod length should
be purchased at an even 2 meters to prevent accidental miss-measurement of the HI.
It is highly recommended that all GPS rovers as well as static setups use the 2 meter
*TBC Software (Trimble Business Center Survey Standard $436; Trimble Business Center
Survey Advanced $2673)
TxDOT IT operates a TBC Advanced License Server. It is not necessary to purchase TBC.
Trimble Business Center (TBC) is needed for viewing, sorting, gathering recorded
information and editing the collected data. TBC processing and TBC adjustment
options are needed for doing static GPS for setting control points always ensure you
get this.
You will need cables to connect some of the above components. Trimble packages the
above equipment in a number of different kits and bundles some include cables, carry
bags, chargers and accessories in a way that may save you money but then could also
cost you more with items you wont need or items you already have (tripod, tribrach,
battery, etc.). Here is where your relationship with the vendors is important they should
help you tailor the list to your specific needs. Cables purchased separately are
extremely expensive. The VRS rover setup can be done completely wireless with the
use of Bluetooth connection.
As a rough estimate, the equipment necessary to do most basic GPS survey work will
cost about $40,000 (a two-unit purchase). With the addition of so many CORS stations
around the state, setting project control points using static observations can now be
done economically with as few as these two units.
The above equipment is current state-of-the-art and with the addition of an internet ready
cell phone, will also lend itself well to use with VRS network surveying. Items
marked with an asterisk are computer related and/or TxDOT system related items that
will be considered IR purchases. You will find them listed in ERP.
Keep in mind that a frequency must be obtained through the FCC for the radio
transmitter used for base station setups. Application for this licensed frequency should
be made through the radio shop in the Traffic Operations Division. This is a lengthy
process and they should be contacted during the decision making process for
information about the availability of frequencies in your area.
To summarize the above suggestions, the main components of a first purchase might
R10 receivers (two one for the base and one for the rover)
TSC3 data collector (one)
Rover Rod with data collector clamp
UHF radio with accessories (needed if base station is desired)
SIM card (needed if TxDOT RTN is to be used)
The vendor generally conducts an installation training session at your location when you
purchase major components. At this time he will make all the equipment settings to
ensure that your new equipment is operating and demonstrate the use of the equipment.
There are so many variations in types of surveys, cell phone coverage, budgets, etc. that
it is difficult to specify all the options.
Chapter 7
Project Control and Coordinate Issues
Project control points will be referenced to the National Spatial Reference system through CORS
stations. The static GPS survey is usually the best choice for establishing these points. These
points should not be more than about three miles apart on a project. Geometry plays an
important role in the accuracy of the adjustment in a static survey scenario. TxDOT Levels of
accuracy 1 and 2 apply to these primary project control points. Boundary work should be done
from these stations whenever possible and they should include elevation.
From these stations the next generation of points (secondary control) can be set with slightly less
stringent procedures. These subsequent stations are closer together and can be done by traverse
or by using Fast Static or RTK procedures if GPS is chosen. TxDOT Level of Accuracy 3 applies
here. Construction work usually dictates that these points be about 1500 feet apart.
Finally, topo work (TxDOT level of Accuracy 4) is performed from these secondary stations.
The secondary stations will be available for occupation with total stations or RTK base receivers.
If in the planning of a survey, older coordinate positions must be adhered to, a calibration as
discussed in Chapter 3 can be done to the existing control. Survey Controller/Trimble Access
will allow for this to be done in the field. It is imperative that when this is done, control points
surround the project and work not be done outside the perimeter - the cantilever effect of the
calibration becomes an objectionable factor. If during the calibration, a station exhibits high
residuals (does not fit in relation to the others) it should be excluded from the calibration.
Using state plane coordinates throughout the above stages is the best way to maintain integrity
between all points. Coordinates of marks surveyed conventionally can be put on the state plane
grid by use of a Combined Adjustment Factor (CAF). Furthermore, by working in plane
coordinates, long corridors can be divided into segments of different CAFs to prevent such a
growing difference between surface measurements and geodetic positions of NGS stations.
If total station work is to be mixed with GPS work in the same area, it should be considered
whether total station traverses will be reduced to the state plane grid or the GPS work be
calibrated to the surface values for use with the total station.
Unless otherwise instructed, latitude and longitude will be presented as degrees, minutes, and
seconds. Direction indicators N or W will prefix the value and seconds will be carried out five
places right of the decimal where accuracy is to approximately .001 feet.
The coordinate system used by TxDOT is the State Plane Coordinate System, however, units of
length will be in U.S. Survey feet rather than meters. The State Plane System is set up in the
metric system (zone parameters, false northings & eastings, etc.). Calculations using zone
definitions will necessarily be very large and cumbersome values rather than even round
Processing and adjusting GPS data may be done in the metric system but all project data must be
delivered in U.S. Survey feet.
Conversion from Meters to US Survey Feet must be made using following formula:
The factor is 3.280833333333 and working with SPCs in the millions, one must carry the factor
out to 12 places to the right of the decimal just as shown here. Horizontal coordinates should be
carried out to .001 ft. unless otherwise instructed.
An adjustment (using GPS) was applied to the original adjustment done at the time of the
NAD83 datum change in Texas which resulted in the 1993 HARN network. This network was
extended to nearly all old, conventionally surveyed federal monumentation. Projects should be
referenced to the published HARN coordinates of NGS monumentation.
Primary project control points should be surveyed in from the CORS stations with help of
additional A and B order points as needed to provide shorter distances and proper geometric
network configuration (see the section on Level 2 Surveys in the TxDOT Survey Manual,
Chapter 2). Primary project control points should be positioned and spaced so that they can be
used for both conventional and GPS work. If there is a likelihood that conventional equipment
will be used on the project, each should have an azimuth mark visible from the station. A data
sheet form that may have been used for years to record new control point information may have
to be modified to accommodate the additional information that should be documented with the
use of GPS in surveying new control points. Generally there are more reference stations used
and an ellipsoid height should be added.
Since the basis of GPS spatial relationships is the datum rather than the projection, when faced
with how to enter a point or line calculated by the collection software, always choose geographic
WGS84 (NAD83) coordinates if the choice arises.
Surface adjusted coordinates are not required on a data sheet since the station may be used on
several projects each having its own adjustment factor. If surface coordinates are shown, they
must be associated with the exact (to 8 decimal places) adjustment factor used to obtain them.
Vertical Datum for Project Control
Elevations will be referenced to the NAVD88 vertical datum.
Leveling for obtaining elevations has traditionally been done using the conventional spirit level.
There are serious undulations in the level line due to variations in gravity along the surface of
the earth. GPS cannot detect these differences so it must measure elevations from a smooth
mathematical model of the surface of the earth the particular ellipsoid used is the GRS 80. GPS
elevations measured by RTK from this ellipsoid are usually accurate to within a couple of
centimeters. However, to relate these GPS heights to the traditional sea level heights of
conventional spirit leveled benchmarks is a problem.
Attempts have been made to model the differences between sea level (more accurately
called the geoid) and the ellipsoid. In all of Texas the imaginary surface of the ellipsoid
separation values, our RTK data collectors can read out directly in elevation (also called
orthometric height). Of course there can be many centimeters error in this geoid model which
when added to the initial GPS height error can even make the result unusable.
By seeding the survey with an elevation on the control point at the base station, we make all
the measurements relative to this point and the only error is the minor GPS error. However,
by using the Geoid model in the data collectors calculations, we can still take advantage of
its knowledge of the rise and falls of the geoid in the area being surveyed by the rover. Of
course this may be insignificant in the area within a couple of miles of the base station.
Geoid 12B is a huge file too large to be loaded into a data collector. Trimbles Grid Factory
is a program that allows the cutting out of a section of the continental US model.
A subgrid just for the state of Texas that is only about 3 Megabytes in size has been created.
It is available to TxDOT GPS user This Geoid subgrid should be loaded into the data
collector for all GPS work and can be done using Windows Mobile Device Center in a drag
and drop or copy and paste operation or by means of Trimbles Data Transfer program.
If a change to the NAD83 project datum is needed for comparison of old surveys, two control
points can be resurveyed (GPS or conventional) from references in the new datum. Then a
translation-rotation-scale can be done holding to the two points common to both datum. Or if
original raw GPS data is available, it can be reprocessed holding the new datum coordinates
rather than the original datum coordinates.
A feature on the Crossroads site also allows you to find these monuments easily. The
application located at http://iapps/apps/txdot_gis_portal/Map.aspx. This can be accessed from
Crossroads by hovering over the Applications tab and selecting TxDOT Roadway Information
Portal (TRIP). Select TRIP on the following page. Survey Control and GPS RTK Network
information can be found under Roadway Layers on the right side. Click on displayed icons
for information on that item.
It should be noted that at one time there were values calculated and assigned to each county
that approximated the CAF. These are actually the reciprocal of the CAF value and TxDOT
called the crude multiplier a Surface Adjustment Factor. Calculating a project specific CAF
provides a much better value for matching surface distances to distances on the State Plane
Real time GPS work is most easily done in the field using State Plane Coordinates. There is
very little chance of confusion the datum and zone is simply picked from a library on the
data collector. The TxDOT surveyor or engineer for the project may later calculate a
Combined Adjustment Factor (CAF) to be used on the project. He might dictate that a
standard, county-wide TxDOT Surface Adjustment Factor (SAF) be used or he may ask a
consultant to calculate his own. Its not important what method is used to arrive at the factor
but it is absolutely necessary that the factor used is included in the metadata notes so that any
locally surface adjusted coordinates can be brought back to basic State Plane coordinates.
Since they are derived directly from Latitude/Longitude in a mathematical conversion, State
Plane coordinates (of the same zone) from any source will match together seamlessly. The
factor should be carried out eight places; not for accuracy but so that anyone working with
large State Plane coordinates will arrive at the same values to the nearest thousandth of a foot.
Highway projects with several CAFs pose no problem when all coordinates can be backed
down to SPCs so everything will mesh. The juncture of two systems, however, needs to be
well identified so that all measurements stop or begin at a common point there. Stationing
must not cross this line without a station equation. Cut & fill volumes cant be calculated
across the line only state plane coordinates can be used seamlessly.
If coordinates have been truncated for easier calculations or for identification, they must be
returned to their full configuration before delivery. This is not only for standardization but also
so that they will work in the seed files for MicroStation.
Making a State Plane/Surface Conversion
To change an entire project from the State Plane coordinate system to a surface adjusted
coordinate system or visa-versa, software programs such as GEOPAK and TBC all have a
feature whereby two coordinates with trusted values in each system can be entered to flip flop
from one to the other system.
In addition there will be a Translation, Rotation and Scale option. Only the scale selection is
needed. Remember when applying the scale a CAF is multiplied times the surface distance
or coordinates to return to the State Plane values a CAF is divided into a State Plane
distance or coordinates to obtain surface equivalents.
The CAF may appear a very small, insignificant amount but when applied to large northing
and easting values (in the millions), it creates quite a jump in coordinates. The project will
appear to have been picked up and moved several hundred feet in most parts of the state it
will be in the northeast/southwest direction.
When this happens, all points measured from the control point will, of course, be shifted.
Other changes or points added by COGO calculations will also need to be taken into account
when returning to the field.
The newly changed project points can be returned to the collector by exporting from TBC to
the collector. Using the Data Transfer program is not an option, nor is the drag & drop
method when connected by Windows Mobile Device Center. Follow these steps:
1. Using the export dialog box in TBC, export a new (corrected) .dc file by using Trimble
Access files (*.dc). Send the file to the default location on the PC or anywhere that you will
easily find later.
2 . Now open the Data Transfer program and send (be sure to select the Send tab) the new .dc
file to the data collector. It will automatically go to the Trimble Data folder where all files
used in Trimble Access reside.
3. When back out on the project, you will see that in addition to the original project name,
there will now be the same name with a suffix of (1) indicating that this is your corrected
version. A (2) will indicate a second corrected version if you make even more changes in the
office at a later date. These of course will be in the selection of existing projects under the
File icon.
Just as a precaution, it would be wise to look at several of the affected coordinates in the new
(1) project to be certain that you have not made an error in the transfer.
The method provided by TBC for doing this is simple. The shots taken conventionally will
stand out in TBC and will be easily recognized as green vectors (in the Survey view). First
they should be selected for correction and the CAF applied to them to bring them to the
lengths appropriate for the State Plane grid. They can be selected by using the Select pull-
down menu then By query and Conventionally observed points. Go to the Survey pull-
down menu and select Coordinate Transformation. There of course will be no translation or
rotation leave them at zero. To scale the shots use the reciprocal (1/x) of the CAF in the
scale box (remember, you are dividing the state plane distance by the CAF to arrive at the
surface distance thus the reciprocal). Enter the occupied station name in the Point of
Rotation box. Upon executing OK, the points will jump to the state plane position
(generally from a few thousandths to a couple of tenths of a foot).
If you made shots with the total station from more than one location, you will have to do a
conversion for side shots for each setup. All points will then be in a common system.
If you had been collecting with RTK and using surface coordinates in the data collector (after
doing a calibration to allow this) the ground distances shot with the total station will of course
be compatible and fit with the GPS collected data.
Also, to be practical, inverses of less than a few hundred feet will show such small differences
between State Plane (grid) and surface (ground) that they will be insignificant for
topographical work.
Appendix 1
Getting help from:
NTT Data TxDOT Engineering Support
TxDOT Survey Manual
Internet: http://onlinemanuals.txdot.gov/txdotmanuals/ess/index.htm
Intranet: http://gsd-ultraseek/txdotmanuals/ess/index.htm
The process for obtaining the RTK radio license is long and involved apply a couple of
months before you expect to receive your equipment. You will then need to depend on your
vendor to supply you with the installation file he creates with your newly acquired frequency
and call sign.