Ancient Chinese Healing

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Ancient Chinese Healing

Many of todays energy healing therapies have their basis in ancient Chinese healing techniques, which
in stark contrast to traditional western medical practices. The most prominent contrast is in the
foundation of each practice. Western medicine typically treats the illness or disease and are
implemented when a person gets sick. Chinese healing techniques treat the person and are used to
prevent people from getting sick.

Almost all of the Asian or eastern methods include balancing of the life force energy in order to perfect
the flow of natures rhythms within the human body. This is done as a way to prevent disease before it

Eastern healing theory professes that energy, if not flowing properly through the human body, will
store negative influences within, causing blockages. These blockages allow places in the body to store
unhealthy chi and therefore influence disease. So, in effect, energy balancing techniques are
preventative medicine. East-west healing arts are used in combination to affect a holistic approach to

Examine the following practices associated with eastern healing methods. All of these practices are
designed to keep the bodys life force energy flowing in harmony and balance.

An ancient Chinese healing art, acupuncture uses needles placed along meridian points which
correspond with specific muscles, organs and connective tissues. The placement of the needles
stimulates the flow of energy through the body.
Moxibustion Therapy
Another therapy with roots in ancient China, moxibustion therapy involves the use of heat
applied by burning an herb knows as Mugwort close to the skin at specific places along the
meridians. This is commonly practiced with acupuncture.
Based on the principles of Acupuncture, acupressure involves applying pressure with the
fingers, instead of needles, to specific touch points of the body to help reduce pain and suffering.
Tai Chi
A traditional form of martial arts, Tai Chi builds strength, coordination, and speed while
balancing the flow of the bodys chi in order to attain health and longevity.
With benefits similar to Tai Chi, QiGong focuses on balancing the Qi (also known as Chi) and
strengthens joints and muscles. The health benefits of a traditional QiGong practice are
Yoga practices involve stretching the muscles and connective tissues while using breath work
to balance and coordinate the energy of the body and mind. This in turn helps to balance ones
spiritual side. The result is a healthy body, active mind and spiritual wisdom.
Balancing the universal life force energy through light touch, Reiki is a practice that is easy to
employ on oneself to help the life force energy within ones own boy to stay healthy. It is easy
to use, easy to learn and can be practiced by anyone. It is a practice that works with both the
chakras and the meridians.
Shiatsu Massage
This practice incorporates the principals of acupressure applied within the meridians with Zen
techniques to heal the bodyand improve blood flow and circulation.
Chakra Therapy
Using the energy centers found within the core of the human body from the base of the spine to
the tip of the crown, Chakra clearing balances the specific zones of the body in the vicinity of
where the chakras are located.
Meridians and Chakras Energy Fields

Meridians are unseen channels within the human body that allow energy commonly known as chi, to
flow in harmony with nature. This system of lines with branches is reminiscent of a tree with roots, a
trunk, and branches.

The main lines (trunk) allow the energy to flow in a circular fashion within the body to balance the yin
and the yang of human energy. Another example might be of a complex river water system of rivers,
streams and tributaries. Good energy flow within the river system or within the tree makes for a
healthy ecological base. Human energy balance equals good health.

Chakras are the energy vortexes within the human body. There are seven chakras that run off of a line
from the base of the spine to the top of the crown. Each vortex represents an area of the body and it
associated with a color and a specific vibration.
Theories show that when chakras are misaligned they may cause the entire center, to where it
corresponds, to become out of balance and malfunction. Just as the energy flow within the fields of
the meridians, the chakras when spinning smoothly allow for good health within the body.

Yin Yang
Another aspect to consider when examining ancient Chinese healing techniques is the effect of the
yin and yang meaning on human health. Yin/yang theory describes how the opposites in you are
necessary forces and, when in balance, promote better health, more energy and increased
confidence. Examples of yin and yang in nature might be include:

Dark Light

Male Female

Low High

Water Fire

Earth Air

Complete balance between the male and female aspects of each individual make for not only a
healthier body, but also for a healthier perspective of life itself. It is important for the world to be in
balance and harmony, and this begins with the harmonizing the energy within ourselves.

The Five Elements

The five element theory involves keeping the five elements in harmony for better health. The five
elements are:

1. Fire
2. Earth
3. Metal
4. Water
5. Wood

These five elements are used in many Chinese and Japanese practices, but they are not always
associated only with health and healings arts. For example, traditional feng shui practices involve
using the five elements to insure health, wealth and happiness.
Ancient Chinese healing practices are used the world over. As complimentary techniques or stand
alone practices, each has a benefit for the giver, the receiver and the universe. Western society is
implementing the theories of eastern medicine, just as the eastern world has embraced the western
style of medicine. Together they combine to become an incredible force of human nature.

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