JSR CompendiumOCR
JSR CompendiumOCR
JSR CompendiumOCR
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A Scions Calling describes what he is most inclined to do and be in his life, and may be
any single word or short-phrase description that the player wishes. Callings should help
give the Storyteller an idea of who your character is and what they do, and might be as
simple as Fisherman or as complex as Heir to the Throne. Callings do not have any
direct mechanical effect on a Scion.
All of a Scions Attributes start at two dots, representing that she is at least moderately
capable at most basic skills. The Scion then receives nine dots to put into any Attributes
she wishes. She may combine them in any way she chooses, but she may only spend a
maximum of five dots in any one category (Physical, Social or Mental).
All Scions begin with 150 points to spend on Abilities. Higher-level Abilities cost more
than lower-level ones, according to the following table:
Dots 1 2 3 4 5
Favored Ability Cost 1 3 6 10 15
Unfavored Ability Cost 2 6 12 20 30
If a Scion purchases a specialized Ability (Art, Craft, Control or Science) at five dots, all
other specializations of that Ability cost half the normal price on the table above (rounded
All Scions begin with a basic set of four Virtues determined by their pantheon. A Scion
may choose to swap out any one of his Virtues for any other at character creation, but the
XP cost for him to purchase his Pantheon-Specific Purview is permanently increased from
four times the boons level to five when he does so. Once a Scion has chosen his Virtues at
character creation, he may not change them again after the game has begun. Each Virtue
begins at one dot; the Scion then receives four more dots to place as he wishes (although
he cannot put all four into the same Virtue).
A Scions starting Willpower pool is equal to the total of his two highest Virtues. If he
purchases more Virtues in the future and raises that total, his Willpower will increase as
Epic Attributes
The Scion gains five dots of Epic Attributes, which she may spend however she wishes.
For a starting Legend 2 Scion, no Epic Attribute may go above one dot; if she wishes, the
Scion may exchange a dot of Epic Attributes to gain 15 more points toward buying
Abilities instead. For each dot of an Epic Attribute the Scion gains, she may choose two
first-level knacks in that Attribute (this applies only at character creation; Epic Attributes
purchased with XP after the game begins grant only one knack).
The Scion gains five dots of level-one Boons, which he may choose from any in the game.
If a Scion chooses, he may use these dots to gain second-level boons if he has an
appropriate first-level boon in the same purview; these higher-level boons are unusable
until he becomes Legend 3, at which point they are instantly available for the Scions use.
If he chooses, he may exchange one Boon to gain 10 more points toward buying Abilities
instead. Since Hero-level Scions cannot channel purviews without Relics, note that he will
need to spend one Relic dot for each different purview he chooses to buy Boons from.
The Scion gains five dots worth of Birthrights, magical tools, allies or features that are
permanently tied to his Legend. The Scion may put no more than three dots into a single
relic at character creation, but may use them for whatever custom powers, purview
accesses or types of Followers the Storyteller deems appropriate for the cost.
All of the above rules are designed for the creation of Legend 2 beginning Scions, fresh
from their Visitations. Higher-level Heroes should be created according to the rules above,
and then receive XP according to the chart below to illustrate their greater level of power:
This XP should be spent exactly as it would be during the course of a normal Scion game.
Heroic Roles
While no players should ever be forced into playing a character that they are not
interested in, some groups may have trouble creating a good balance and band makeup to
ensure that their Scions have the best chance of surviving and succeeding in their heroic
missions. The following optional sub-system may help struggling groups by providing a
framework to ensure that critical abilities and balance are built into a Scion band from the
beginning of the game.
There are several basic mythic roles that Scions and gods embody in their tales. For a
Scion band to be most successful, it should contain a mix of the archetypes in the table
below. Before character creation, the Storyteller and players should discuss the roles and
mutually agree on who will take which role on, making sure that every role is
represented; if there are fewer players in the group than there are different roles, they
should also agree on which ones they feel are most critical or exciting for the game.
Each role has a specific set of requirements and guidelines to ensure that that Scion fulfills
it in a heroic and impressive manner.
Role Description Requirements
The Healer must first and foremost begin with Health and Medicine at five
dots, and must as a secondary priority make sure he has at least three dots
The Healer's job is to tend to the of Stamina, Intelligence and Wits. While not required, Charisma or Moon
wounds, illnesses and even mental may also be very helpful to a Healer as he tries to keep his erstwhile band
Healer problems that inevitably threaten in one piece.
the lives of Scions on the front lines
of the war against the Titans. Healers at the Hero level have access to few direct healing powers, so Wits
(for stabilization of dying comrades) and Medicine (for all their basic
medical needs) are their most important starting skills.
Role Description Requirements
A Pilot must first and foremost begin with her Wits and at least one
Control at five dots and have access to transportation in some form and be
willing and able to share it with her comrades, whether this is a relic
vehicle, the money to hire trains and planes, the ability to carjack at a
moments notice or anything else that ensures that when they need to go,
The Pilots job is to get the band they can. As a secondary concern, she must also have a few dots in any
Pilot where theyre going as quickly and other Controls she feels may be helpful, and must have at least three dots in
reliably as possible. whatever Art is required to keep her vehicle operational.
A Hero-level Pilot is not required to purchase any boons to do well at her
job, but she should be aware that at higher Legend levels she will need to
begin investing heavily in Industry or Psychopomp to ensure that she can
continue to provide reliable divine transportation.
A Warrior must first and foremost have a weapon (of any kind, which can
include his own body) and begin with the damage Attributes and Abilities
for it at five dots. This may range depending on what kind of fighting he
plans to do; a brawler would need maximum Strength and Brawl, while a
gunslinger would need maximum Perception and Marksmanship. While not
Scions who are Warriors have a required, War is also often helpful to have in a Warriors toolbelt.
very simple job: they have to be Because there are many, many ways to inflict damage on enemies, a
Warrior able to go into combat and fight for Warrior need not necessarily always keep those particular modes of attack;
their bands, consistently doing whats important is not how he deals damage, but that he is always able to
significant amounts of damage. be doing so in some significant way.
Starting Hero-level Warriors must focus on their physical ability to harm
their foes, but later in the game the Warrior role may also apply to Scions
who focus on using Health to smite enemies with disease and injury, using
Earth, Fire, Water or Sky to attack with the elements, commanding large
numbers of magical troops to fight for them and so on.
It is possible for a single character to fill two roles; a character with heavy investment in
Wits, Control, Medicine and Health might be able to function as either Healer or Pilot for
a band, for example. A single character should not be required to fill two roles in order to
allow another character to have no role or to duplicate another role already in the band,
however, as the XP requirements would be unfair from player to player. Characters who
fit none of the roles may have a difficult time pulling their weight in comparison to their
bandmates, while characters who try to fit too many of them may feel restricted or
become unable to keep up in one or more dimensions. It is also possible for a Scions role
to change over time if she begins to invest heavily in a different skillset than the one she
started with, but doing so will naturally often require the rest of the band to adjust and
make sure that all areas are still covered. Finally, it is possible for there to be more than
one Scion with the same role in a single band; most often this occurs when there are more
than five Scions or several of them have more than one role.
If the players want the freedom to play any of the roles in a given story, the Storyteller
may have them create multiple different characters with multiple roles. Once they have
done so, they may at Storyteller discretion switch between them at the beginning of each
new story, allowing different players to explore different roles and character types. If they
do so, award the new character that has been switched to an equivalent amount of XP to
what the previous character earned, in order to ensure that she can enter the game on an
equal playing field with the rest of the band.
Example Band
Five players Amy, Anne, Mat, Seph and Thomas decide to use this system for their
new game and create three different characters each with a variety of roles. They discuss
the available roles and decide that for the first story, Amy will play the Healer, Anne will
play the Intelligentsia, Mat will play the Warrior, Seph will play the Pilot and Thomas will
play the Leader.
Amy plays Layla, a Scion of Isis with maximum Health, Medicine, Wits and Stamina. She
also invests some points in Charisma and Intelligence, which she knows she will need as a
Healer at higher Legend.
Anne plays Faruza, a Scion of Vayu with maximum Intelligence, Academics, Politics and
Occult. She also invests in Psychopomp, which will allow her at higher Legend to play the
character as either Intelligentsia or Pilot.
Mat plays Akhileswar, a Scion of Shiva with maximum Strength, Dexterity, Melee and a
relic trishula. He also has maximum Health and Medicine, so his character is able to fill
the role of Healer as well if he decides to change things up.
Seph plays Samuel, a Scion of Ptah with maximum Wits, Control in three different
specializations, and a relic wagon that goes faster than the average vehicle. He also
invests heavily in Industry, which he knows he will need as a Pilot at higher Legend.
Thomas plays Lionel, a Scion of Nergal with maximum Charisma, Manipulation and
Command. He also invests in War to bolster his abilities as a leader in times of crisis.
If the Storyteller later decides to allow the players to change characters for the second
story, several of them can play the same character with the same role, the same character
in a new role, or new characters entirely as long as they continue covering all the bases.
Every Scion has a Nature, an idea that describes the true inner core of her personality and
outlook on life. Whether she is a firey, hotheaded warrior, a carefully-strategizing
politician or a harbinger of peace and plenty, her Nature compels her to continually strive
for its goals and live out its ideals. Scions show their Natures in their actions, beliefs and
everyday lives, embodying their roles in the great myth that they are weaving around
Whenever a Scion fulfills his Nature to the utmost in the face of adversity, danger or
difficulty (as determined by the Storyteller and based on the table below), he gains one
point of Determination. At any time, he may choose to spend as many points of
Determination as he wishes to subtract one die (or two dice, if he is Legend 9 or higher)
each from a Virtue roll made to see if he enters Extremity, calling on the strength of his
true nature to give him the wherewithal to follow its tenets instead of those of his Virtues.
If the Scion collects as many points of Determination as he has dots in his highest Virtue,
he exchanges them for a Moment of Truth instead and starts over at zero dots of
Determination. A Scion can never have more points of Determination stored than he has
dots in his highest Virtue.
When a Scion rolls against a Virtue and enters Virtue Extremity, he may spend a Moment
of Truth in order to completely ignore its effects; instead of mindlessly following the drive
of his Virtue, the strength of will and dedication he has shown in being true to himself
allows him to shrug it off in order to instead behave according to his own motives. Scions
may store a number of unspent Moments of Truth up to their dots in their lowest Virtue.
Scions may only spend Determination points and Moments of Truth to manage the effects
of normal Virtue rolls and Extremities; they cannot use them to mitigate the effects of
knacks or boons that cause Virtue Extremities.
Scions are creatures of infinite variety and personality, and as a result there are many
Natures for any child of the gods to choose from. The Natures available to a Scion are as
The Architect lives to plan, build and see creations come to life. Architects dont always
have to be literal builders with brick and mortar, but are rather Scions who dedicate
themselves to large-scale plans and projects and who want to be the driving force behind
new creations. Some are inventors or theorists, creating awe-inspiringly complex designs
and theories to be used by those who will follow after them; others are master tacticians,
playing with platoons and battles as if playing chess, while still others attempt to shape
the foundation and laws of society itself.
The Artist needs to bring beauty into the world. Artists know that they are the keepers of
the divine spark of beauty and creativity that the world so desperately needs to be
complete. They are always ready to share their talents with others; some do it out of
vanity, others out of altruism, but all of them know that they cant refuse to brighten a
dreary world with their special brand of magic. Artists may come from any walk of life
and represent any kind of artistic expression, from performance to painting to public
speaking to simply attempting to embody art themselves.
The Aspirant believes that there is nothing more noble than bettering oneself. Aspirants
know that no matter how good they are now, they could always be better, and they never
stop striving toward that goal. They are students in the great school of life, whether they
pursue ever more esoteric branches of education, set out into the world for new hands-on
experiences or turn inward to find ways to eliminate their own flaws and increase their
own strengths. Aspirants are never satisfied with themselves as they are; after every
triumph, they are ready to reach even higher.
The Caregiver wants to nurture those who need it. Caregivers are selfless souls who live
to provide care and aid in whatever form those they encounter most need. They delight in
rehabilitating the wounded, saving the defenseless and getting the down-and-out back on
their feet, acting as angels of mercy or purveyors of tough love as the situation demands
it. They often consider helping others more important than helping themselves, leading
them to literally give their all in order to better someone elses lot. No matter what the
problem or how harsh the consequences, Caregivers want to help.
The Competitor always has to be Number One. Competitors live in a constant state of
one-upmanship, spending every waking moment proving their superiority to themselves
and everyone else around them. It doesnt matter what the contest, situation or skill in
question is; theyll go to any lengths to show that theyre especially suited, more skilled or
just plain better at it than anyone else who dares compete with them. They refuse to
accept defeat, view everyone as a potential rival and, depending on personality, are not
above cheating to make sure they get that all-important win. Competitors believe that
everyone who isnt in first place is automatically a loser and they cant stand to lose.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Defeating a renowned champion whose Defeating an enemy who is not very
skills surpass his own challenging
Seeking out and challenging especially Defeating several challengers but failing
worthy or dangerous opponents to win an overall competition
Choosing to defeat someone in spite of Defeating someone or something as part
knowing it will result in making serious of a normal mission instead of a directly-
enemies or ruining important plans sought challenge
The Comrade knows that nothing is more important than friendship. Comrades are the
ultimate in loyal friends; they prize their companions, bosom pals and brothers in arms
above everything else in the world and believe that the ties of brotherhood are
unbreakable and sacred. They will go to great lengths to help their friends and keep them
happy, believing that theyll receive the same consideration in return, and they refuse to
betray or sell their friends out, even if they probably deserve it. Comrades treat friendship
as the most important thing in their lives, and will do anything to preserve and strengthen
The Daredevil is in it for the thrill. Daredevils are the quintessential reckless fools. They
love to skate at the edge of disaster, try something for the hell of it or throw themselves
into danger just for the adrenaline rush of trying to survive. Theyre always the first ones
into the fray and the last ones to retreat, totally ignoring such paltry ideas as strategy,
patience or thinking ahead; Daredevils love excitement and danger and cant help but put
themselves into whatever situation they think will have the most potential to thrill and
chill them. No matter what form their exploits take, the Daredevil will always be at the
heart of the action and on the cusp of the crisis as soon as he notices it happening.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Attempting exceptionally dangerous or Charging into danger knowing that others
death-defying feats will probably save him
Performing or acting as guinea pig for Performing feats that are not truly
dangerous experiments severely dangerous to him
Charging into a battle he has little hope of Doing something extremely dangerous
surviving against his will
The Decoder can't resist a good puzzle. Decoders live for the challenge of a brain-twisting
riddle, a complex code or an irresistibly complicated puzzle. They find solving problems
and finding the hidden catch to be the most satisfying parts of life, and are prone to
seeking out new challenges to test their skills, even when by rights they should have
better things to do. They also often tend to treat other people as puzzles rather than
thinking beings, often leading to ever-increasing attempts to solve or cure the riddle of a
particularly incomprehensible foreign mind. Decoders are never more alive than when
their minds are fully occupied by a gloriously difficult problem.
The Dictator is always in charge. Dictators know that the only person with the right stuff
to be a leader is themselves. They are master coordinators, directors and despots, giving
ironclad orders and brooking no disobedience or disagreement when it comes to their
ideas and policies. Some exercise their skills of command as superstars on the battlefield,
leading troops to victory, while others become ruthless businessmen, unstoppable
politicians or despotic governors. No matter what the subject under discussion is, a
Dictator always insists that its his way or the highway.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Forcing someone to follow his orders Commanding others who are not
instead of those of another powerful or challenging or difficult to control
dangerous commander Convincing others to follow orders that
Successfully seizing power from another pose no serious risk or difficulty to them
authority figure of similar or greater Giving commands that were delegated
power from a higher authority than himself
Ensuring that others know he is the leader
when doing so makes him a target of
dangerous or deadly enemies
The Explorer is always looking for new experiences. Explorers want to see everything the
universe has to offer. Theyre never happy staying in one place for too long and are
always ready to get up and go, yearning to see exotic locations, learn the customs of
faraway lands and experience everything that is unfamiliar to them. They travel
frequently, throw themselves into local culture immediately, and are never happy with the
familiar; they want whats new and unexplored, what no one they know has ever done
before or will ever do again. Explorers need to blaze trails, travel the world and try
everything in it at least once before they die.
The Expositor never lets corruption go unchallenged.
Expositors consider it their duty to ride herd on authority; they know that power corrupts,
and as a result they are constantly on alert for any misuse of power or hypocrisy of
government that hurts the little people. They always call authority figures out on their
corruption and do their best to see that it is corrected or exposed to the masses. They
never allow a shady double-dealing or morally questionable act by an authority figure to
pass by them unremarked, and refuse to accept that anyone in power is ever justified in
using it to disenfranchise or hurt others. Expositors are on a mission to cleanse the world
of tyranny and injustice, one corrupt reign at a time.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Campaigning until she succeeds in getting Uncovering corruption without making it
an unfair law changed by a powerful public to everyone it affects
authority Allowing one instance of corruption to
Risking serious danger or death to expose occur in order to prevent another
a tyrant's secrets Stopping in a campaign to reveal or bring
Successfully forcing a major authority to authority to justice before succeeding
admit to wrongdoing in public
The Gallant always defends the defenseless.
Gallants are the archetypal knights in shining armor, heroes who protect the weak, defend
those in need and refuse to stand for bullying or tyranny when they can oppose it instead.
They are usually selfless, viewing saving others as their duty and seldom asking for
anything in return, and may range from warriors who bodily protect others from harm to
lawyers who defend the innocent or terrorists who rob the rich to feed the poor. Gallants
want to save the world and believe that every person saved makes all the effort
The Gambler believes that luck is always on her side.
Gamblers are pathological risk-takers who delight in letting the chips fall where they may
rather than planning ahead or choosing the safe option. They believe that their luck can
never run out, and as a result are willing to take insane chances, bet it all on ridiculous
long-shots or presume that no matter how dire things look, theyre going to turn in their
favor at any moment. When a Gamblers behavior doesnt pan out, she usually believes
that it was a fluke, or else assumes that the alternative must have been worse; after all,
shes the luckiest girl on the planet. Gamblers risk it all and dont care about the
potentially dangerous consequences disasters something that happens to other people.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Miraculously surviving a fight with a high Succeeding at anything through planning
chance of killing her or stacking the odds in her favor
Intentionally going into a dangerous Surviving dangerous long odds after
situation blind and coming out the other taking precautions to help herself do so
side Surviving most but not all of a dangerous
Saving someone or something important situation unscathed
to her through a random or chance event
The Individualist trusts no one but himself.
Individualists believe in their own skills and smarts and never rely on anyone else to take
care of them. They may respect the talents of others, but they never trust them more than
they trust themselves; they view the ideas and strategies of others with suspicion and
dont like having to count on others instead of taking care of an issue themselves. They
tend to believe that they will have to do everything themselves, and that the efforts of
others, even when well-intentioned, always have the potential to distract or weigh them
down. Individualists arent always alone, but they usually act as if they were.
The Jester lives to make others smile. Jesters love being the center of attention, but, more
importantly, they want to use their skill at tomfoolery to lift the spirits of everyone else
around them. They love to brighten someone elses day, and they dont mind ridicule or
disdain from others as long as they keep on making them smile, laugh or go about their
lives a little more happily. They tend to be accomplished jokesters, excellent
conversationalists and well-versed masters of the art of inoffensive hijinks. Some might
consider them the low men on the totem pole, but they know that they provide an
important service to help keep everyone happy and thriving. Jesters dont care who you
are or where you came from; they just want to see you smile.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Ending an explosively dangerous political Entertaining someone who is already in a
quarrel by highlighting its ridiculousness good mood or easy to please
Pleasing a powerful authority into Succeeding in pleasing most but not all of
granting her a favor to be used for the her audience or targets
good of all Lightening others' spirits when it has no
Amusing a vicious enemy so much that real effect or is not in a tense situation
she is able to survive his wrath
The Judge believes in following and enforcing rules.
Judges believe strongly in the importance and power of laws and rules, and accordingly
attempt to learn, share, enforce and support them wherever they can. They have no
patience for lawbreakers, little sympathy for those who accidentally break the rules, and
are likely to stick to the absolute letter of the law rather than attempting to interpret or
change it. Without the structure of convention, they believe that society would collapse
into chaos, something that theyre always ready to help prevent by refusing to set a foot
out of line themselves. Judges uphold order, law and custom and believe that everyone
else should, too.
The Libertine wants to enjoy life to the fullest. Libertines view life as an enormous,
amazing opportunity to have a good time. They never miss a chance to do something they
love or try something that excites them; they seldom bother to moderate themselves and
are professional party-crashers, binge-drinkers or seducers. The love fun, hate boredom,
and dont understand why others sometimes try to rein them in; what is life for if not to
have a great time, after all? They see no reason to waste precious moments of their lives
on anything that doesnt make them happy, and are glad to include anyone who wants to
come with them or ignore anyone who tries to bring them down. Libertines just want to
feel good; they dont need anything else.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Ignoring critically important missions for Indulging in things he enjoys when they
his pantheon in favor of having an have no serious repercussions or
awesome party consequences
Squandering crucial resources or favors on Enjoying pleasures within limits rather
his own pleasure instead of saving them than whole-heartedly
for important issues later Having a good time in a safe environment
Indulging in something he enjoys in spite when invited by allies
of the knowledge that it will cause him
serious difficulty or injury in the long run
The Martyr always suffers for the greater good. Martyrs know that when push comes to
shove, someone has to take one for the team, and that person is always them. They want
to spare discomfort and danger from others by taking the fall when its necessary for
someone to do so, offering themselves up as sacrificial lambs, prisoners of war or innocent
patsies rather than see someone else have to make that sacrifice. They cant stand the idea
that someone else might have to offer themselves up in their place, and as a result are
always ready to throw themselves on the sword, sometimes even when it isnt entirely
necessary. Martyrs never let anyone else suffer if they can take that bullet instead.
The Mercenary never does anything for free. Mercenaries love creature comforts,
appreciate wealth and never part with either unless they have something even better to
gain from it. They are dedicated to getting the best of any given situation and making
sure their balance sheet be it in money, goods, favors owed or anything else is always
in the black at the end of the day. They are often shockingly capitalist, ready to aid others
or provide necessities only for whatever price they can get out of them, and while they
may occasionally extend a loan to someone in dire need, they never forget a debt.
Mercenaries see the world as their oyster and those who dont share their determination
to squeeze it dry as foolish and easily taken advantage of.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Rigging something so that his own Performing normal or unremarkable
possessions, skills or knowledge become business transactions
vastly more valuable Denying charity or help when there are
Choosing to make powerful enemies no serious repercussions for doing so
rather than extend charity Accidentally gaining wealth or influence
Refusing to give something up for free through no fault of his own
even under torture or duress
The Naturalist believes in the supremacy of nature. Naturalists arent necessarily
uncivilized, but they know that civilization is always trumped by the power of nature.
They believe that the natural forces of the universe are the most powerful and important
ones, and that therefore things built by the hands of men or gods should always be
secondary to them. They dislike pollution, avoid over-artificialization and attempt to
preserve and serve the powers of nature, regardless of what form it takes or whether it
might be dangerous to civilization. Naturalists believe that nature always comes first.
The Pacifist abhors violence in all forms. Pacifists hate conflict and avoid violence in all
things, going out of their way to defuse powderkegs, escape from violent situations or
broker lasting peace. They believe that violence is never justified no matter what the
situation, and as a result are always seeking alternative solutions to problems and
attempting to prevent their more combative companions from solving their issues with
bullets or fists. Conflict makes them intensely uncomfortable, even when it isnt physical,
and they spend most of their time playing peacemaker or mediator; it goes without saying
that they never initiate or involve themselves in any kind of fight. Pacifists never resort to
violence and want everyone to follow their example.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Sacrificing important goals of his own to Being injured negligibly or during the
convince others to end a major conflict course of normal conflicts
Embarking on diplomatic missions to Creating a peaceful situation that will not
dangerous places or powers last once she departs
Being grievously injured while refusing to Bringing about peace by in any way
fight back involving violence, even for the greater
The Pedagogue is all about sharing knowledge.
Pedagogues love to teach and see the entire world as made up of potential students, just
waiting to share in their expertise. Whatever they happen to be experts in, theyre always
ready to educate others on the subject, whether they have interested parties coming to ask
them for help or have to chase down and bend the ears of those who clearly need an
expert to shepherd them. They are never shy about learning something new, the better to
have more to share with others, and seldom let someone suffering from ignorance escape
without a quick clarification. Pedagogues teach anyone and everyone who needs it.
The Penitent must atone for the sins of the past.
Penitents live solely to right the wrongs of their pasts, apologizing and bearing the weight
of their sins until they finally manage to redeem themselves. They can never forget their
past evils, whether evils they personally performed or ills perpetrated by their race,
religion or another group they belong to. They live in a constant state of guilt over their
past sins and will go to great lengths to find ways to right their own wrongs and do
penance for the pain they have caused others. Penitents need to make it right, whether by
finding a way to wipe the slate clean or by suffering in self-inflicted punishment.
Does Gain Determination From Doesnt Gain Determination From
Giving important, expensive or magical Making amends that do not significantly
items to someone she once wronged as impact, inconvenience or hurt her
reparations Being seriously hurt or suffering attacks
Going on a dangerous and potentially of any kind from someone she wronged
lethal quest to find ways to right a wrong but is attempting to escape damage from
she committed Being forced to provide reparations or
Intentionally suffering terrible injury, loss apologies for her actions rather than
or death at the hands of someone who was choosing to do so herself
hurt by her actions in the past
The Praise-Seeker needs everyone's love.
Praise-Seekers need to be the center of attention and spend every waking moment seeking
the approval and admiration of everyone around them. They are driven to perform
incredibly well or, failing that, to pretend that they performed incredibly well in order
to ensure that others will see them as someone to worship and constantly shower them in
praise. They are dejected and unhappy when no one is noticing how great they are and
need the continual adoration of their fans, mentors and friends to feel truly complete.
Praise-Seekers dont care why you love them, only that you always do.
The Reluctant misses being normal.
Reluctants are not excited about being thrust into the dangerous, crazy world of divinity,
and they just want to go home and forget this ever happened. They often attempt to dress,
behave and talk as if they were still normal mortals, avoid supernatural problems when
they can and deeply resent being forced into magical and out of the ordinary situations.
Even those among them who have accepted their new status as demigods arent happy
about it; its something they live with, not something they enjoy. Reluctants wish
everything would just go back to normal.
The Rogue is always willing to break the rules.
Rogues have no respect for the law, no use for rules and a habit of bending or breaking
both whenever it suits them. They believe themselves to be unbound by the law and do
whatever they want without regard for petty things like legality or social convention. The
go where they want, take what they want, and believe that anyone trying to stop them is
too stupid to understand that rules and morals arent the same thing. They dont care why
the rules are there; if theyre inconvenient, they see no problem with ignoring them.
Rogues follow no laws but their own.
The Tempter wants everyone to give in to their desires.
Tempters understand that everyone has secret urges and desires, and cant understand
why they dont give in to them now and then. They encourage others to explore their
most repressed and secret interests, regardless of how dark, strange or dangerous they
might be. Sometimes they believe that it simply isnt healthy for others to repress their
desires, while at other times they just want everyone to be more honest about their primal
urges. Tempters have never met anyone who didnt need just a little push from a helpful
devil on the shoulder.
The Traditionalist knows that the old ways are the best ways. Traditionalists have no
interest whatsoever in newfangled ideas; they always stick with what they know and find
ways to make it work for them. They believe that new ideas and customs are mere fads
that havent proven themselves by standing the test of time; conversely, the traditions
they believe in are traditions because they work. Traditionalists know that long-held rules
and customs represent the accumulated wisdom of generations of those who have gone
before, and that only a fool would be so prideful as to think he could do better.
The Trickster sees the whole world as a game.
Tricksters see everything and everyone as toys with which to amuse themselves and act
accordingly. They love to set up ridiculous situations, flummox and confuse, manipulate
and move others around like chess pieces and do anything else with them that entertains
them. They sometimes have trouble taking situations seriously, thanks to spending so
much time engineering them, and when they do usually revert back to their usual
prankster ways once the threat is over. Tricksters cant help themselves they simply
love to play, and nothings more fun to play with than the people around them.
The Visionary wants to change the world. Visionaries are concerned with the limitless
possibilities of the future and believe that things can and should change, the sooner the
better. Theyre full of new ideas and hope for whats still to come, ready to try to help
others see beyond the immediate to what might still be, and never stop dreaming up new
ideas and possibilities. They arent always good at finding ways to make those dreams a
reality, but they have more creative options at their disposal than anyone else and are
always on the lookout for help making them become a reality. Visionaries cant stand
stagnation and are always trying to make sweeping changes to the world around them.
Scions may change Natures over the course of play, as their stories and personalities
change and they grow into new roles and ideals. Scions may change their Natures at any
time, but they should only do so when they have a compelling reason to commit to a
fundamentally different outlook on life, and must spend a Moment of Truth in order to do
so. Any points of Determination that have been saved for the old Nature are immediately
lost when the new Nature takes effect (but the Scion may keep any stored Moments of
Truth she might have earned).
Scions are capable of the greatest feats of myth and legend, and that includes the creation
of structures, machines and works of art that will live on in the tales of humanity for
centuries. Just like the ancient heroes that preceded them, they are capable of inventing,
creating and performing like the divine creatures they are. Young Scions can envision
machines that defy the human mind and build castles that overwhelm mortal ability, and
those who achieve truly awesome levels of power may rival the greatest artisans among
the gods themselves.
All Scions who wish to create an item, machine or work of art do so in two phases:
planning and execution.
In this phase, the Scion must fully map out, envision and theorize everything about the
creation she wishes to see built; she needs to know its ins and outs, requirements and how
it will look and function perfectly before she can proceed. In order to do this, she makes
an extended Intelligence + Art roll in order to represent her ability to create blueprints for
her project. Each roll requires the Scion to spend a full twelve hours working only on her
goal; should she be disturbed while working, her successes are reduced by the amount of
time she lost (that is, if she intended to work for twelve hours but was attacked by Fenris
pups after six, she gains only half the successes on her roll toward completing her
project). The difficulty of the entire cumulative roll is dependent on the complexity and
difficulty of the Scions desired creation, and is determined solely by the Storyteller. All
projects also have a minimum roll, determined by the Storyteller based on the project's
particulars; if the Scion does not get at least as many successes on the roll as are
demanded by this difficulty, her roll does not go toward the cumulative total and that
twelve hours is wasted as she has failed to grasp the intricacies of the work she is
attempting to plan.
If a Scion wishes to copy the design of something that already exists, she may do so by
studying it during her extended roll. The difficulty to copy an existing work is also based
on the complexity and properties of the finished product, but should be slightly lower than
if the Scion were required to invent it from scratch. If the Scion does not have access to
the item she wishes to copy during all the time that she spends working on it, she cannot
take advantage of this lesser difficulty.
Items that are especially simple, mundane or otherwise negligible do not require the Scion
to spend a point of Legend to plan and have no minimum difficulty, and if their difficulty
is sufficiently low (i.e., she wants to build a normal chair out of normal wood), the
Storyteller may choose to allow the Scion to proceed without bothering with a planning
phase. Once the Scion has completed her plans, she may use them to recreate the same
thing as many times as she wishes to build it (though if she does not possess the Perfect
Memory knack, she may want to write the details down lest she forget them and be forced
to do her planning all over again). Anyone the Scion shares the plans with may also learn
how to build the item they describe, but if they do not possess the Artistry purview, they
must make the same extended Intelligence + Art roll themselves in order to fully
comprehend her design.
Once the Scion has a clear plan, the Storyteller should tell her exactly what its pertinent
details are: what materials she will require and in what quantities, whether she will need
to create it at a specific location, what powers and tools are necessary and anything else
that she would have learned in her careful preparations.
Sample Difficulties
Once the Scion has a firm idea of exactly what hes doing and how he wants to do it, its
time to physically make it a reality. After gathering all necessary tools and materials and
finding or making an appropriate workshop, the Scion may create his masterwork by
making an extended Dexterity + Art (appropriate to the object or artwork being built) roll,
the difficulty of which is determined by the Storyteller once the Scion has finished
planning for his creation. Scions may attempt to create something from blueprints put
together by someone else, but they must be able to make an Intelligence + Art roll at least
equal to the minimum difficulty of the roll the original planner made or find that his
schematics are simply beyond them.
As in the planning phase, the Scion can walk away and return at any time without losing
progress he has already made, and each roll (which costs three points of Legend if he is
creating something magical) represents twelve hours of dedicated work on the project,
during which he can concentrate on nothing else. Some projects, such as those that
incorporate various kinds of materials and practices, may require a Scion to have more
than one Art in order to correctly execute them. Once the Scion has reached the difficulty
set by the Storyteller, he has succeeded in creating his vision, which is ready for
immediate use and appreciation.
Scions may occasionally attempt to complete projects with incorrect materials or without
spending the required time needed to fully finish them. At Storyteller discretion, such
half-finished projects may resemble or share some functionality with the Scions original
design, but they will always be flawed thanks to their slapdash construction paintings
might show smudges or rough lines, furniture might be shaky or prone to breaking, and
machines might malfunction or simply refuse to turn on. Projects that were near
completion before work stopped are likely to be closer to the Scions original vision, while
those that were abandoned early in development are probably useless.
Sample Difficulties
Project Difficulty Materials Required
Wood, iron,
30 (15 woodworking,
Normal Sledgehammer 3 hammer, smelting
15 metalsmithing)
tools, forge
Superlative ten-times Perfectly pure steel,
folded katana with +1 100 7 silk, smelting tools
accuracy and +1 damage and forge
Flawless marble,
Masterpiece sculpture 400 7
chisel and hammer
Heartwood from a
tree of Mirkwood,
Quiver of 20 Ammunition metal from the
150 (50 woodworking,
(of any kind) with +10 heart of a
50 metalsmithing, 50 10
damage that explode into engineering) mountain,
fireballs on impact combined in the
belly of a slain
The flayed skin of a
Magical dress that
criminal being
prevents the wearer from 300 35
punished in Sedeq,
needle and thread
Wood from Ourea,
Magic piccolo that grants reed from Heqet's
+Legend to Presence and banks, the last note
500 25
doubles the range of the sung before a boy
Pied Piper Knack soprano's voice
Artists who create art that is specifically intended to be performed, such as playwrights,
composers or choreographers, need only perform the planning phase roll since they are
not actually personally executing the work once it has been completed. All artforms
created this way that are read instead of performed - for example, novels or plays that are
consumed by a reader instead of actually presented to an audience - depend upon the
reader's Intelligence + Empathy roll, up to a maximum of the successes of the writer, to
determine how impactful the work is on them.
Scions who specialize in the performing arts music, acting, dance or any other art form
that is meant to be performed instead of created do not need a planning phase before
demonstrating their expertise (although if they choose to perform a magical piece of art,
they must be able to make an Intelligence + Art roll of at least the minimum difficulty
required by whomever composed or planned it). If a performer does not possess the
Artistry purview, she does not roll and is instead judged on her skill based solely on her
Art dot rating; if she does, she simply makes a Charisma + Art roll at the time that she
performs, her successes determining how well she executes her artform (she must also be
able to gain at least one success on a Dexterity + Art roll to ensure that she doesn't stutter
or fall on her face).
Performers who are forced to improvise for any reason, whether because they have
forgotten their lines or are simply playing an improvisational jazz solo, roll Wits + Art to
do so but may take advantage of their Epic Wits dots only up to the level that they also
have Epic Intelligence. The Storyteller should determine a difficulty based on the artform,
the audience and the Scions goal to decide how many successes are required to impress
or move onlookers appropriately; it is much more difficult to impress Zeus than it is to
wow a mortal concert hall.
Characters who wish to throw an object at a target that is not directly in their line of sight
must possess the Ricochet Symphony knack, and any other obstacles that the object
strikes may slow the missile or reduce its distance at Storyteller discretion.
When throwing objects that are large or clearly not intended for throwing, subtract the
Lifting Capacity required for the object's weight from your Lifting Capacity and compare
the result to the table. For example, if Anita's Lifting Capacity is 20 and she wants to
throw a tank weighing 20 tons, she subtracts 15 (the Lifting Capacity required to lift the
tank) from her 20 to gain 5, which, according to the table, tells her that she can throw the
tank 100 yards.
Lifting Capacity Max Liftable Weight Throwing Distance
5 300 pounds 100 yards
6 500 pounds 150 yards
7 1,000 pounds 300 yards
8 2,000 pounds 500 yards
9 5,000 pounds 750 yards
10 5 tons 1 mile
15 20 tons 2 miles
20 100 tons 5 miles
25 300 tons 10 miles
30 1,000 tons 20 miles
35 5,000 tons 50 miles
40 20,000 tons 100 miles
45 80,000 tons 250 miles
50 300,000 tons 500 miles
55 1 million tons 1,000 miles
60 5 million tons 2,500 miles
The senses of touch and taste, while clearly more heightened for some Scions than for
others, do not really have a distance component and are not represented here.
Distance of Sight Distance of Hearing Distance of Smell
1 1 yard 1 yard 1 yard
2 2 yards 2 yards 1 yard
3 6 yards 6 yards 3 yards
4 8 yards 8 yards 4 yards
Distance of Sight Distance of Hearing Distance of Smell
5 12 yards 12 yards 6 yards
6 15 yards 15 yards 8 yards
7 30 yards 30 yards 15 yards
8 60 yards 60 yards 30 yards
9 150 yards 150 yards 75 yards
10 300 yards 300 yards 150 yards
15 1,000 yards 1,000 yards 600 yards
20 3 miles 3 miles 2 miles
25 10 miles 10 miles 7 miles
30 30 miles 30 miles 20 miles
35 100 miles 100 miles 100 miles
40 500 miles 500 miles 500 miles
45 2,000 miles 2,000 miles 2,000 miles
50 5,000 miles 5,000 miles 5,000 miles
55 25,000 miles 25,000 miles 25,000 miles
60 100,000 miles 100,000 miles 100,000 miles
The machinations of Fate are the most weighty, inescapable, and profound in the world of
Scion, overshadowing even the gods and titans themselves. Scions who find themselves
Fatebound to mortals often experience gradual changes, for better and for worse, as the
beliefs of those mortals shape their very supernatural essence.
Whenever a Scion spends a point of Legend where any mortal can see or hear him or her,
the Storyteller rolls a number of dice equal to the Scion's Legend (if the Scion spends
multiple points of Legend at once, the Storyteller rolls for each one). His successes
determine whether or not the Scion is now Fatebound to a mortal, and how strong that
Fatebond is; a roll of 5 successes or more indicates that the Scion is now Fatebound to a
mortal, and any additional successes past that 5 or rolled for other Legend expenditures in
the scene are added to a pool. At the end of the scene, the total number of successes in the
pool determines the strength of the Fatebond. If a mortal who is already Fatebound to the
Scion is present when the Scion spends Legend and the roll nets enough successes to raise
his rating (i.e., a mortal with rating 5 is present when a 3 or higher is rolled), he increases
in rating instead and the Scion does not accrue a new Fatebond.
Fatebonds of rating 3 or lower are not strong enough to force mortals into pre-defined
roles in the Scion's story, but all fatebonds of rating 4 or higher are. Possible roles for
Fatebound mortals are as follows:
Apprentice: The mortal wishes to learn from the Scion and emulate him or her in
all things. He begs for knowledge and treats the Scion as a respected teacher.
Backup: The mortal wishes to follow the Scion into whatever situation necessary,
defending him or her in battle and lending a helping hand whenever needed. She
refuses to be left behind and never acts without the Scion's safety in mind.
Balm: The mortal is an oasis of calm and support for the Scion and never fails to
make him or her feel better about things. He tries to help the Scion however he is
able and always offers a soothing word.
Beggar: The mortal needs help from the Scion constantly and turns up all the time
wherever he or she is. She asks for help and requires the Scion's aid to achieve
important goals.
Boon Companion: The mortal seeks to be the Scion's companion, confidante and
friend in all things. He is always available and sympathetic and supports the Scion
and his or her actions unquestioningly.
Canary: The mortal is prone to being struck by any incoming calamity and is
always the victim of an enemy's opening sally. He always suffers first from any
imminent disaster or danger and tries to warn the Scion.
Catastrophe: The mortal brings disaster with her and rains it down on the Scion,
either intentionally or quite innocently. Her appearance is always accompanied by
some horrible fiasco happening that involves the Scion.
Contrary: The mortal appears to be acting out one Fatebound Role, but is in fact
secretly another. He might be a Fan masquerading as a Preacher, an Apprentice
masquerading as a Mentor, or a Traitor masquerading as a Balm.
Fan: The mortal is the Scion's biggest fan and thinks he or she is the best thing to
happen to the world in her lifetime. She is totally starstruck around the Scion and
prone to following him or her wherever he or she goes.
Foil: The mortal always makes the Scion look bad, no matter what he or she might
be doing at the time. He always says or does just the wrong thing so that the
Scion's plans, even if successful, come out with him or her looking exactly the
opposite of his or her intention.
Herald: The mortal believes that the Scion is an important or divine personage and
considers it her duty to inform the world. She constantly tells others about the
Scion's deeds and personality and refuses to let others go uneducated.
Jinx: The mortal is incredibly unlucky for the Scion and causes a host of petty
annoyances and minor disasters to strike him or her whenever he is around. He
does nothing of his own volition, but his mere presence heaps misfortune on the
Scion's head.
Lover: The mortal loves the Scion deeply and completely and will go to any lengths
to profess her love and gain the Scion's heart. She does everything in her power to
induce the Scion to love her and will hear no ill will against him or her.
Martyr: The mortal is destined to die in the Scion's defense and defends him or her
no matter what the cost. He throws himself headlong against any enemy or in the
face of any danger in order to save the Scion.
Mentor: The mortal wishes to teach the Scion and better him or her through her
special brand of knowledge. She never passes up the opportunity to lecture or
enlighten the Scion.
Nemesis: The mortal is the Scion's sworn enemy and would love nothing better
than to be the cause of his or her downfall. He works tirelessly against the Scion
and everything he or she holds dear, and will stop at nothing to see him or her
Patron: The mortal views the Scion as a pet project and bankrolls him or her as
though investing in a business. She provides money, services, and anything else in
her power for the Scion on request.
Preacher: The mortal believes that the Scion must be converted to a specific belief
and bends all his energies into doing so. He exhorts the Scion to listen to him and
pursues his goal with fanatic determination.
Rival: The mortal sees the Scion as her rival and competes tirelessly with her in all
dimensions. She never allows the Scion to take the spotlight completely and pushes
herself to her limits attempting to prove her superiority.
Shadow: The mortal is a constant reminder of the Scion's failings and reminds him
or her of everything that he or she dislikes most about him- or herself. He
constantly does or says things that cause the Scion to think about his or her own
Traitor: The mortal acts as a confidante or friend for the moment, but will betray
the Scion in an emphatic manner at a critical moment. She may be planning to
betray him or her or may do so accidentally or on the spur of the moment, but she
cannot avoid doing so.
Trickster: The mortal lives to prank the Scion, whether to bring him or her down to
a level with the mortals or for the sheer fun of it. He plays constant tricks on the
Scion and enjoys his or her discomfiture or embarrassment.
Unrequited Lover: The mortal has fallen deeply in love with the Scion but is unable
to act on that love, becoming withdrawn and melancholy. She follows the Scion
around and may come close to revealing her feelings, but is never able to do so.
Weak Link: The mortal attempts to help the Scion but is a failure in everything he
does. No matter how simple the task he attempts to complete, if it would benefit
the Scion in an important way it fails, often at a disastrous moment.
When a Scion gains a Fatebond of rating 4 or higher, the Storyteller rolls a single die
twice to determine the mortal's Fatebound Role as follows, once for the rarity and once
for the exact role:
The beliefs of a Scion's Fatebound mortals directly affect his or her powers and very
being, shaping him or her to fit their perceptions. When any mortal becomes Fatebound to
a Scion at a rating of 4 or higher, the Storyteller chooses a number of things that they
expect the Scion to excel at and things they do not believe the Scion is capable of, as
Fatebond Number of
Rating Expectations/Rejections
45 2
67 3
89 4
10 5
The Storyeller chooses the mortal's expectations and rejections based on what they were
able to perceive the Scion doing at the time that they became Fatebound to him or her;
such expectations and rejections are subjective and based on the mortal's interpretation of
events (for example, one mortal might believe a Scion to be good at Sun because he saw
him use Heavenly Flare, while another in the same scene might believe the same Scion to
be good at Darkness because she was blinded). The expectations and rejections always
take the following form:
The mortal provides or subtracts a number of bonus dice or successes to or from the
Scion's actions based on these expectations and rejections, as long as he or she is within a
certain distance of the Scion. A mortal whose Fatebond Rating is 5 or higher also begins
siphoning XP from the Scion in order to spend it on those things he or she believes that
the Scion should be good at, causing the Scion to essentially slowly change to fit that
belief. A Fatebond remains in effect for a variable amount of time, after which point it
vanishes and the mortal is a mere human once again. The range of the Fatebond, its
duration, the number of bonus dice or successes and the amount of XP siphoned are all
dependent on the mortal's Fatebond Rating:
6 2 years 5,000 miles +/- 3 dice None
7 10 years Worldwide +/- 4 dice 5%
World and
8 100 years +/- 2 successes 10%
9 1,000 years All Realms +/- 3 successes 10%
All Realms and
10 Eternity +/- 4 successes 15%
Scions are inextricably bound to these mortals by the strands of Fate and may not stand
idly by when they are acting out their roles; they must take an active part in their stories
or suffer the consequences of Fate's displeasure. Whenever a friendly Fatebound mortal
with a Fatebond Rating of 4 or higher dies and the Scion could have saved him or her but
did not put forth their utmost effort to do so, the Scion suffers from the backlash of Fate in
the following form:
If the Scion does not have enough Willpower to lose the prescribed amount, he
immediately takes a number of levels of unsoakable bashing damage equal to the excess.
Fatebound enemy to escape without making an effort to properly deal with the issue, the
Scion is subject to the same Willpower costs in the table above (though not the
restrictions on the spending of Legend).
Friendly Fatebound Roles are considered to be Apprentice, Backup, Balm, Beggar, Boon
Companion, Canary, Fan, Herald, Lover, Martyr, Mentor, Patron, Preacher, Shadow,
Unrequited Lover and Victim.
Unfriendly Fatebound Roles are considered to be Catastrophe, Foil, Jinx, Nemesis, Rival,
Traitor, Trickster and Weak Link.
Mortals with the Contrary role are considered friendly or unfriendly based on their
hidden role.
Fatebound mortals who are siphoning XP from the Scion do so in order to purchase
powers and abilities for him or her according to their beliefs. The siphoned XP is put into
a bank; whenever the mortal has enough banked XP to buy the least expensive available
level of the first thing on their list of expectations for the Scion, they do so. The XP is
spent and the Scion finds that he or she has spontaneously developed a new ability, Boon,
or point in an attribute or Epic Attribute (if the latter, the Scion may choose the
accompanying Knack). The Fatebound mortal's bank then rotates to the next thing on his
or her list of expectations and begins saving XP toward buying the Scion the next new
skill. No ability, attribute or purview may be raised above the Scion's normal maximums
in this way; the Fatebound mortal simply skips a maximized power in his or her buying
Each Fatebound mortal also believes strongly enough in the Scion's powers that he or she
may cause what he or she considers inappropriate ones to vanish from the Scion's skillset.
Each game session, the mortal also gains one phantom experience point toward an ability,
purview or attribute that he or she believes the Scion should not possess; when enough
phantom XP has been accrued to equal the amount the Scion spent on the most expensive
skill he or she has in that area, the mortal buys it off, causing the Scion to immediately
lose access to it completely (if the Scion loses an Epic Attribute, he or she must choose
which Knack to lose with it). All phantom XP used to remove the ability, Boon or Knack
is then transferred to the Fatebound mortal's XP bank and applied toward buying what he
or she considers more appropriate powers for the Scion to have. No mundane attributes
may be reduced past 1 this way, though abilities, purviews and Epic Attributes may all be
reduced to 0. The Scion may rebuy powers lost this way, though he or she faces the
possibility that those Fatebound to him or her may simply remove them again. If the Scion
purchases another dot in a skill that a Fatebound person is in the midst of buying off, that
Fatebound person immediately ceases to do so and moves all banked XP over to buying
off the next thing on his or her list.
No mortal may ever attempt to buy off a Purview Avatar or Ultimate Attribute.
Other Rules
Art Legend may not be bought with
Craft and Science no longer exist; Art is experience or bonus points; it is awarded
used for all rolls related to creating things. by the ST based on deeds done, missions
completed, and role-playing fervor.
Favored Attributes and Purviews
The Scion of any god with nine or more
favored purviews and epic attributes must Abilities
choose eight purviews or epic attributes to Abilities may go up to ten dots, rather
be favored at character creation; those not than five.
chosen are not considered favored for that
Relics Experience Costs
Relics may go up to fifteen dots, rather Experience costs are equal to the dot you
than five. Relics of eleven dots or more are are buying multiplied as necessary, not the
considered to be Artifacts. dot you already have.
Boons must be bought in order; i.e., a
Knacks with one prerequisite cost 10 XP
player must buy a level two boon before
rather than 5; knacks with two
being able to buy a level three boon in the
prerequisites cost 15 XP, and so on.
same purview.
Restricted Pantheons
A character with Arete in an ability
The Allied, Yankee and Atlantean
favored by their divine parent pays three
pantheons from Scion: Companion are not
times the dot when buying more Arete for
playable, and are reserved only for NPCs.
that ability.
Resistance Rolls
All boons and knacks that directly target a Botching
creature or person may be resisted with an
If more ones are rolled than successes on
Integrity + Willpower + Legend roll unless
any roll, it is a botch, regardless of
otherwise stated. Any being without
automatic successes.
Legend may spend a point of Willpower in
order to roll.
Health Boxes
Grappling Epic Stamina dots provide additional
The controller of a grapple is at 1/2 their health boxes equal to their successes,
normal DV. regardless of how many dots a Scion
At Hero, channeling a virtue enables you
Dying Boxes to add your dots in that virtue to your roll.
All characters add their dots in Epic At Demigod, it enables you to add dice
Stamina to their total number of dying equal to your virtue as if it were an epic
boxes. attribute (i.e., a virtue score of 4 would
yield 7 dice). At God, it enables you to add
that number as automatic successes.
Tracking Yazata Virtues
All characters move at 1/2 their normal The Yazata have the Conviction,
movement rate when tracking. Expression, Order and Valor virtues.
Weapon Speed
Extras do not exist. All creatures and
The minimum possible speed for all
characters in a scene act independently
weapons is 4 ticks.
and have their own fully-formed stats.
Characters that find themselves in
situations wherein they may reproduce
roll one die. If the result is 1-5, there is no Followers
pregnancy; if it is 6-9, the character in Followers and creatures gain in power
question becomes pregnant or along with their controller. One to two
impregnates his partner; if it is 10, the followers are 2 Legend behind their Scion;
character rolls again to determine whether 3 to 4 followers are 3 Legend behind, and 5
there might be multiple fertilizations or more followers are 4 Legend behind.
(twins, etc). Characters with the Health
purview may add or subtract their total
number of boons on this roll.
Social and Mental Powers
Virtue Rerolls
Willpower may not be spent to ignore
Legend may not be spent to reroll a
social or mental powers unless specifically
Subtracting from Rolls
Hardness, Trauma and Toxicity Die subtractors from any source may only
reduce a dice pool to a minimum of one
Hardness, Trauma and Toxicity do not
die; every two dice subtracted past that
exist; all objects have individual soaks,
point remove one automatic success. If the
and all powers deal damage as noted.
roll has no automatic successes to
subtract, it automatically botches.
Losing Willpower
Taking a Hit
If a power requires more Willpower points
Characters may choose to take a hit meant
to be lost than a target currently has, the
for another person at 0 DV once every 5
difference is dealt as unsoakable bashing
Aggravated Soak
Failing in an attempt to stabilize a
Every five dots of regular Stamina
character causes them to immediately take
(rounded down) grants a Scion an
three more dying boxes; botching instantly
additional point of aggravated soak.
kills them.
Resisting Virtues
At Hero and Demigod level, Scions roll Godly Stunts
their Virtue dots in an attempt to resist Stunt dice awarded to Scions of Legend 9
them; at God level, they roll twice that or higher count as automatic successes.
Gaining Virtues
Multiple Actions
When a Scion achieves a new Legend
Scions taking simultaneous actions suffer
rating which is an odd number, he or she
a -4 dice penalty to each of them and roll
also gains one point of Virtues, distributed
each dice pool separately.
as he or she chooses.
The Aesir
The Aesir (a slight misnomer, since their pantheon includes some of the ancient Vanir
gods as well as several giants and half-giants) are the gods of the ancient Norse tribes, the
Viking marauders and indomitable explorers that ruled the frozen north and are rumored
to have ventured as far south even as Rome. A warrior culture of fierce renown whose
deeds are known to all they encounter, they are led by the All-Father, Odin, whose
wisdom is acknowledged even by the other pantheons as a force to be reckoned with.
Despite the long-ago demise of most of their culture (though pockets live on in Iceland
and northern Scandinavia), the Aesir are one of the most vibrant and active pantheons in
the World, all of them working toward one specific goal: the prevention or delay of
Ragnarok, the forteold battle in which most, if not all, of them will die to make way for a
new order.
Products of a culture perhaps best-known for the image of the ravening berserker Viking
warrior, the Aesir are warriors above all else. Even the gentlest among them feel the call
to battle stir in their blood, and rare indeed is the man or woman among them who can
resist its siren song. The Aesir have no fear whatsoever when it comes to throwing
themselves headlong into the fray, and they expect the same from all others they
encounter; for them, to be labelled a coward is a far worse fate than death.
The Aesir hail from the frozen climes of the north, and whether they are battling their
native elements or their foes in the heat of battle, they are almost incapable of deciding
that they've had enough. No matter the hardships they might endure or the odds arrayed
against them, they soldier on, the epitome of the unstoppable juggernaut.
The retelling of great deeds and sagas is one of the greatest-valued talents among the
Aesir, who believe that the recounting of legendary deeds is nearly as important as the
deeds themselves. Their modes of self-expression may be simplistic by the reckoning of
some other cultures, but few can fail to be moved by their heroic speeches or faithfully
retold lays.
The Aesir never leave a man behind, no matter how suicidal an attempt to save a
comrade-in-arms might be. Unswerving loyalty is necessary for them to retain a unified
front against all obstacles and enemies, aiding even those among their own whom they
dislike in order that they may all contribute to the pantheon's defense. After all, when
Ragnarok rolls around, they'll need a sword in every hand they can get...
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Athletics, Awareness,
Baldur Sun, War Command, Control, Melee,
Death, Fertility, Animal Ken, Medicine, Melee,
Freya Appearance
Magic Occult, Presence, Survival
Appearance, Animal Ken, Control, Fortitude,
Freyr Fertility, Sun
Charisma Melee, Presence, Survival
Awareness, Empathy, Medicine,
Frigg Manipulation, Wits Magic, Prophecy
Occult, Politics, Presence
Academics, Awareness, Brawl,
Heimdall Perception, Stamina Fortitude, Investigation,
Command, Fortitude, Integrity,
Hel Appearance, Stamina Death, Health
Medicine, Occult, Presence
Chaos, Illusion, Empathy, Fortitude, Larceny,
Loki Manipulation, Wits
Magic Occult, Politics, Stealth
Fertility, Fire, Awareness, Control, Fortitude,
Njord Perception
Sky, Water Integrity, Politics, Survival
Death, Magic,
Mystery, Animal Ken, Art, Command,
Odin Manipulation,
Psychopomp, Investigation, Melee, Occult
Stamina, Wits
Charisma, Stamina, Guardian, Athletics, Control, Fortitude,
Strength Thunder Melee, Presence, Thrown
Athletics, Command, Fortitude,
Tyr Intelligence, Strength Justice, War
Integrity, Investigation, Melee
Frost, Athletics, Fortitude, Integrity,
Uller Dexterity, Perception
Psychopomp Marksmanship, Melee, Survival
The Anunna
The Anunna or Anunnaki are the most ancient pantheon known to mankind, the gods of
Sumer, Babylon and all the long-lost civilizations of the fertile Mesopotamian lands. Their
incredibly advanced age is a feat even among gods, but it has not dimmed their passionate
nature or lust for life any; the Anunna are among the most larger-than-life figures in
myth, playing out their violent passions and regal dramas on a grand cosmic scale.
Formidable gods of the elements and nature itself, they may be nearly forgotten by the
people of the modern world but are a vibrant and potent army in the battle against the
Pantheon-Specific Purview: Me
The Anunna believe (as they always have) in the unassailable truths of the universe, and
their absolute conviction prevents them from ever admitting wrongdoing or backing
down, no matter what course they have chosen or how many oppose them in completing
Long before most gods were born, the Anunna were already fighting evil, becoming the
first monster-slayers and guardians of the world. They never shrink from a foe, no matter
how powerful or terrible, and never admit to fear even in the face of certain destruction.
As the first vanguard against the forces of destabilizing chaos, the Anunna maintain that
law and order were their own inventions, created to safeguard the world and humanity in
their infancies. They brook no flouting of their own laws, no anyone who would dare
interfere in the natural order of things.
Above all, the Anunna are very aware of their own divinity, the incredible power of their
godly natures and their right to rule with them. They expect nothing less than the utmost
respect from anyone blessed enough to worship or meet them.
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Chaos, Health, Academics, Art, Empathy,
Enki Charisma, Wits
Water Politics, Stealth, Survival
Awareness, Command,
Manipulation, Fertility, Justice,
Enlil Integrity, Politics, Presence,
Perception Sky
Command, Empathy, Integrity,
Ereshkigal Appearance Death, Guardian
Occult, Politics, Presence
Chaos, Stars, Art, Athletics, Command,
Ishtar Charisma,
Thunder, War Empathy, Melee, Presence
Manipulation, Wits
Fire, Guardian, Command, Control,
Marduk Justice, Sky, Marksmanship, Melee, Politics,
Perception, Strength
Thunder Survival
Chaos, Death, Animal Ken, Command,
Nergal Stamina Health, Sun, Fortitude, Medicine, Melee,
War Stealth
Animal (Fox),
Animal Ken, Art, Empathy,
Ninhursag Charisma Earth, Fertility,
Medicine, Presence, Survival
Thunder, War, Athletics, Brawl, Control,
Ninurta Stamina, Strength
Water Fortitude, Melee, Survival
Guardian, Awareness, Command,
Shamash Perception Justice, Control, Empathy, Integrity,
Prophecy, Sun Investigation
Animal Ken, Fortitude,
Appearance, Animal (Cattle),
Sin Integrity, Investigation,
Charisma Justice, Moon
Presence, Survival
Appearance, Animal (Sheep), Animal Ken, Empathy, Politics,
Charisma Fertility Presence, Stealth, Survival
The Bogovi
The gods of the ancient Slavs, a people who stretched from the frozen reaches of Russia to
the more hospitable climes of southern Germany and Poland, the Bogovi are ancient and
nearly forgotten in the modern world, relics of a bygone era. Being forgotten by humanity
is no hardship for them, however; the Bogovi are supreme adapters and chameleons, able
to become part of any culture and survive its influence with their own unique character.
They are gods of the natural balance of the universe, the ebb and flow of tides, seasons
and mankind itself, and they can never be eradicated by such a small thing as the loss of
worship. The Bogovi are as flexible as reeds, as hardy as the earth and as entrenched as
the permafrost of their northern lands; they have never been conquered and do not
consider it boasting to assume that they never will be.
So indestructibly dedicated to their functions and roles in the universe that they simply
absorb other cultures that seek to conquer them, the Bogovi and their beloved cycles fulfill
their duties as eternally as the seasons.
Nothing is more important to the Bogovi than the balance of the universe, which they
shepherd through the cycles of life, death and time and protect by keeping the mortal and
the divine strictly separated.
To the Bogovi, few things are more important than adhering to divine law, which governs
their interactions with one another and humanity so that all things happen in their proper
place and time. They prize justice highly and look down upon lawbreakers with the
utmost scorn.
Many pantheons have entered their territory, but in the end those who remain know
allegiance only to the Bogovi. The Slavic gods know that their pantheon is the highest
authority and never give in to the demands or strange customs of others.
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Art, Integrity, Larceny, Occult,
Chors Appearance Moon, Sun
Presence, Stealth
Appearance, Animal Ken, Art, Control,
Dazhbog Sun
Charisma Empathy, Politics, Presence
Earth, Fertility, Animal Ken, Art, Empathy,
Mokosh Stamina
Health Fortitude, Medicine, Survival
Death, Fertility, Command, Integrity, Medicine,
Morena Appearance
Frost Occult, Presence, Survival
Fertility, Fire, Control, Marksmanship, Melee,
Perun Strength
Thunder, War Presence, Survival, Thrown
Darkness, Fire, Art, Command, Empathy,
Radegast Charisma
Stars Integrity, Presence, Stealth
Awareness, Command,
Stribog Frost, Sky Empathy, Larceny, Stealth,
Animal (Horse), Animal Ken, Awareness,
Svantovit Perception Fertility, Command, Control, Occult,
Prophecy, War Presence
Appearance, Artistry, Earth, Academics, Animal Ken, Art,
Perception, Strength Fire, Sky, Sun Command, Control, Melee
Animal (Cattle),
Art, Empathy, Larceny, Occult,
Veles Manipulation Death, Fertility,
Stealth, Survival
Illusion, Magic
The Deva
The Deva, the beloved benevolent deities of India and its surrounding countries, have the
distinction of being the pantheon with the largest active religion remaining in the World,
with worshipers numbering in the millions. Proponents of balance in all things and
maintainers of the cosmic cycles, they are split down the middle when it comes to the war
with the newly-released Titans; some want to take up arms against the menace, while
others believe that the destruction of the world at their hands is a necessary part of the
neverending cycle of samsara. Their philosophies make the other pantheons somewhat
wary of them, but there are few stronger in diplomacy, intelligence and the occult arts,
and their strong arms in battle are highly prized even by the skeptical.
The inventors of meditation and asceticism as they are practiced in the east today, the
Deva believe that trials only purify the spirit, and as a result are some of the hardiest
among the gods. If a task is necessary, no hardship or pain is enough to dissuade them
from their goal, and they prize those who can commit totally to a goal as the most
enlightened among them.
The Deva believe that not only they themselves but all of the universe are part of a single,
ever-revolving whole, birth, life and death unified in every being. Imbalances in the
natural order of thing, or those who seek to disrupt the inevitable turning of the wheel,
are looked upon with severe disapproval, and the Deva who can ignore such an injustice
is rare indeed.
Proponents of mind over matter, the Deva are master seers and meditators, scientists and
inventors, and philosophers of the highest order. Nothing impresses them so greatly as an
enlightened mind, and wisdom is aspired to by even the most martial among them.
According to the Deva, all things and beings have their place in the grand scheme of
things. Disruption and chaos are to be avoided except in cases in which they are
necessary, and laws, which are handed down through scripture, are there to be observed.
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Charisma, Fire, Fortitude, Medicine, Occult,
Intelligence Psychopomp Politics, Presence, Survival
Artistry, Illusion, Academics, Art, Awareness,
Brahma Intelligence, Stamina
Magic Fortitude, Occult, Survival
Intelligence, (Elephant), Academics, Art, Awareness,
Perception, Stamina Magic, Fortitude, Occult, Thrown
Charisma, Perception, Death, Thunder, Athletics, Command, Control,
Strength War, Water Marksmanship, Melee, Presence
Chaos, Darkness, Art, Athletics, Brawl, Melee,
Kali Appearance, Strength
Death, War Occult, Presence
Charisma, Empathy, Integrity, Occult,
Lakshmi Magic
Intelligence, Politics, Presence, Stealth
Manipulation, Awareness, Empathy, Fortitude,
Parvati Earth
Stamina, Wits Integrity, Medicine, Survival
Academics, Art, Awareness,
Sarasvati Charisma, Artistry, Water
Empathy, Presence, Survival
Chaos, Death, Art, Fortitude, Integrity, Melee,
Shiva Dexterity, Stamina
Health, Thunder Occult, Survival
Awareness, Control, Integrity,
Fire, Health,
Surya Perception Investigation, Medicine,
Stars, Sun
Appearance, Animal Ken, Awareness,
Vishnu Charisma, Command, Empathy, Melee,
Mystery, Sun
Intelligence, Stamina Presence
Death, Justice, Awareness, Empathy, Integrity,
Yama Appearance
Psychopomp Investigation, Occult, Presence
The Netjer
Possibly the most ancient pantheon of them all, the Netjer have existed since time
immemorial, watching the rise of the other gods from infancy to adulthood, governing
what was once one of the most fertile and powerful empires in the world. They are
seldom worshiped in the modern-day, with their kingdom long ago dismantled and their
ancient places of worship tenanted by archaeologists and overseen by the servants of the
pervasive new faith of Islam, but they are never forgotten; few other pantheons can boast
such an enduring and inescapable effect on the consciousness, dreams, and perceptions of
all the cultures to come after them.
Gods of fertility and of death, and most especially of rebirth, the Netjer may be secretly
viewed as relics by some of the younger gods, but those who ignore their formidable
wisdom and ancient powers in the war against the Titans are foolish indeed.
Among the gods of the Netjer, belief is all. It is from belief that their enduring recognition
among the people stems, and it was the tribute they demanded of their worshipers at the
height of their power. The Netjer believe firmly that they know what is right and what is
not, and that they should never be swayed from their causes; once they have chosen a
course of action, it is followed through upon with unyielding determination.
As the gods of the Nile delta, where the endless cycle of flood, recede, and fertility was
essential to all life, the Netjer understand the necessity for balance better than most.
Disruptions to the natural balance of the World - or any of the other worlds - are
abhorrent to them, and their stewardship and care of the cycles and weights of the
universe is reflected in their roles as guardians of the natural bodies and formations of
their homeland.
The rule of law is absolute for the Netjer; they respect authority (when it is legitimate)
and those who wield it responsibly, and have no tolerance for law-breakers or those who
seek to circumvent the rules created for the good of society. Their pantheon created order,
they claim, from the formlessness of the chaos that preceded them, and they do not
appreciate those who would flout it.
At the height of their power, the divinity and wisdom of the Netjer was a foregone
conclusion for their people, who believed absolutely in the gods' presence and powers.
The Netjer themselves know that their divine nature is uncontestable, and that whatever
they do is done for the good of the pantheon as a whole (and, by extension, usually all the
other pantheons as well). Dedication and worship of the gods is never looked down upon
among them, and even the mightiest of them spend time in veneration when appropriate.
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Awareness, Command,
Osiris Death, Fertility,
Charisma Integrity, Occult, Politics,
Charisma, Academics, Art,
Ptah Intelligence, Artistry, Earth Awareness, Empathy,
Perception, Stamina Investigation, Occult
Awareness, Command,
Ra Charisma, Animal (Falcon, Ram),
Integrity, Medicine,
Perception Justice, Sun
Politics, Presence
Animal Ken, Brawl,
Sekhmet Animal (Lion), Health,
Dexterity, Strength Integrity, Marksmanship,
Sun, War
Presence, Survival
Athletics, Command,
Set Chaos, Earth,
Stamina, Strength Fortitude, Integrity, Melee,
Guardian, Thunder
Animal (Crocodile), Animal Ken, Awareness,
Sobek Stamina, Strength Fertility, Guardian, Brawl, Fortitude, Integrity,
Water Survival
Animal (Baboon, Ibis), Academics, Art, Athletics,
Intelligence Justice, Magic, Moon, Integrity, Investigation,
Mystery Occult
The Orisha
The boisterous and chameleonic gods of ancient western Africa, the Orisha are gods of
change and evolution, growth and power, from keepers of the dead to revelers in life,
from the radiantly beautiful to the terrifyingly hideous. They represent every facet of life
for their worshipers; for every important moment in life there is an Orisha, and if they
ride their people hard, they also provide for them when asked.
Their roots lie in the African religions, particularly the beliefs of the Yoruba people, but
they traveled to the New World along with their enslaved people; determined efforts to
syncretize them with the saints and figures of Catholicism have never conquered them
and their religions now span the globe, from Santeria in Cuba to Candomble in Brazil to
Haitian vodun and more. The Orisha maintain the cosmic balance in the world with their
wild dichotomies and unconquerable passions, remaining one of the most vibrantly alive
pantheons of the modern day.
Though the Orisha are as different from one another as snowflakes and as contentious as
bulls about their beliefs, they are united by a singular clarity and strength of purpose. No
one shakes one of the Orisha from the path they believe is truly theirs, nor deviates them
from their divinely ordained destiny.
The Orisha are among the first gods into any battle, forces of uncontained nature that live
to test their might and destroy the opposition. The Orisha can seldom walk away from a
true challenge, no matter how foolhardy the endeavor, throwing themselves
wholeheartedly and heroically into every battle.
Personal expression is one of the most important freedoms to the Orisha, who are loud,
rowdy and refuse to be silenced under any circumstances. From the wild divine
performance art that they perform and patronize to the possession of mortals through
which to show their divine splendor, they have no desire to hide their light under a
Perhaps most famous for some of their more supernatural forms of wreaking vengeance
on those who have angered them, the Orisha are capable of carrying a grudge and a
burning desire to see it through far longer than most, and they never forget a slight or a
moment of disprespect tossed their way.
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Animal Ken, Athletics,
Erinle Animal (Elephant),
Wits Medicine, Occult, Politics,
Earth, Water
Chaos, Darkness, Health, Awareness, Empathy,
Eshu Manipulation,
Justice, Magic, Prophecy, Larceny, Occult, Politics,
Psychopomp Stealth
Academics, Art, Command,
Obatala Artistry, Earth, Fertility,
Charisma Integrity, Medicine,
Guardian, Health
Ogun Artistry, Earth, Justice, Animal Ken, Art, Control,
War Medicine, Melee, Survival
Animal Ken, Fortitude,
Oko Charisma Animal (Bee), Fertility Medicine, Melee, Politics,
Olokun Animal Ken, Art, Control,
Appearance Magic, Mystery, Water
Medicine, Melee, Survival
Academics, Awareness,
Orunmila Intelligence, Magic, Mystery,
Command, Medicine,
Perception Prophecy
Occult, Survival
Art, Awareness,
Oshosi Dexterity, Investigation,
Perception Marksmanship, Medicine,
Art, Empathy, Larceny,
Oshun Appearance,
Health, Magic, Water Medicine, Presence,
Oya Chaos, Death, Illusion, Athletics, Larceny, Occult,
Thunder, Water Presence, Stealth, Survival
Shango Manipulation, Fire, Justice, Thunder, Art, Athletics, Command,
Stamina, Strength War Fortitude, Melee, Thrown
The Teotl
The Teotl are the gods of the Aztec Empire, which once stretched unbroken across
Central America, where modern-day Mexico now lies. Warlike and fierce, they were also
the gods of an intensely urban civilization, which built enormous cities and temples,
thrived on a complicated system of trade and social classes, and created beautiful works of
art. They are most well-known for the practice of blood sacrifice offered to them by their
people; the ancient Aztecs believed firmly that the source of all power was in the blood of
living things, and that the gods must be fed a steady diet of this power in order to be able
to keep the world turning and safe for their people. For them, human sacrifice was not a
barbaric practice or a bloodthirsty sport; it was an utter necessity, carried out with
scrupulous ritual and reverence.
Since the destruction of their empire by European invaders in the sixteenth century, the
Teotl have had less influence on the world... but small pockets of worshipers remain in the
remote villages and ethnic slums of Mexico, and their power is essential in the battle
against the titans.
The Teotl are fierce, unrelenting warriors, both in defense of their people and in search of
the ever-necessary sacrifices to fuel their gods and their world. They prize courage,
whether on the battlefield or in the home, as a sign of strength and dedication.
For the Teotl, failure is not an option. Their belief in what must be done to keep the world
and their people alive is firm and unshakable, and in their service to their gods and people
they can steel themselves to do anything, no matter how difficult or painful it might be.
The Teotl believe that every person has a purpose and a duty in life, whether it be as
simple as a farmer providing sweet potatoes to his community or as enormous as
Huitzilopochtli keeping the sun in the sky. They not only don't avoid their duties, they
almost can't - to do so is tantamount to refusing to be a part of their people.
The Teotl are fiercely loyal to their families and people; they do not hesitate to hurl
themselves into the line of fire when either is threatened, and never abandon their
communities and cherished comrades no matter what odds might be arrayed against
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Empathy, Fortitude,
Animal (Snake), Health,
Chalchiuhtlicue Charisma Integrity, Medicine,
Presence, Survival
Animal (Hummingbird, Awareness, Command,
Huitzilopochtli Eagle), Death, Guardian, Integrity, Occult,
Sun, War Survival, Thrown
Animal Ken,
Animal (Bat, Owl,
Command, Integrity,
Mictlantecuhtli Appearance Spider), Darkness,
Investigation, Occult,
Animal (Quetzal, Academics, Empathy,
Quetzalcoatl Stamina, Wits Snake), Psychopomp, Integrity, Larceny,
Sky, Stars Politics, Stealth
Animal (Jaguar), Chaos, Art, Awareness,
Tezcatlipoca Darkness, Earth, Health, Empathy, Medicine,
Illusion, Magic Occult, Stealth
Animal Ken, Fortitude,
Death, Earth, Fertility,
Tlaloc Appearance Integrity, Medicine,
Presence, Survival
Awareness, Empathy,
Tlazolteotl Earth, Health, Justice Fortitude, Integrity,
Investigation, Medicine
Appearance, Art, Athletics,
Xipe Totec Charisma, Fertility Command, Medicine,
Stamina Presence, Survival
Animal Ken, Art,
Xochiquetzal Fertility, Health Empathy, Medicine,
Presence, Survival
The Theoi
The Theoi are undeniably the most recognizable pantheon in the western world, and their
influence spans the globe; worshiped by the great civilizations of both Greece and Rome
before becoming staples of artistic and philosophical study throughout human history,
they have a healthy self-image as the most important and revered of all gods. Of course,
other civilizations disagree, but the Theoi aren't likely to listen to anyone's vision but their
own. Products of a convoluted family tree that rebels against its Titan parents at every
turn, the Theoi are one of the loudest voices and most driving forces behind the war
against the Titans (though their extremely overdeveloped desire for revenge on those who
have wronged them often causes more problems than it solves).
The ancient Greeks were renowned as the greatest artists of the primitive world, and their
works were revived with a vengeance in the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods in
Europe, becoming the foundation that most budding artists draw from. The Theoi prize
such creations as divinely inspired, sometimes by the divine Muses themselves, and revere
the artist with enough vision to bring his creations to life, whether through music,
painting, sculpture, or any other form of artistic expression.
Despite their well-earned reputation for squabbling amongst themselves, the Theoi also
consider themselves the creators of philosophy and the sciences, and they prize wisdom
and cunning as much as they do prowess in battle. For one of the Theoi, overcoming a foe
by using one's superior intellect is as much a valid strategy as simply knocking him over
the head (and often more fun).
The Theoi are warriors as well as philosophers and artists; their wars among themselves
are legendary, and their wars on everyone else - most noticeable in situations such as the
Roman expansion or the travails of Alexander the Great - are the stuff of history. They
believe absolutely in fighting up-front and with honesty, meeting on a battlefield with
only your tactics and sword arm to support you, and look narrowly on those who use war
as a vehicle for needless cruelty or underhanded tricks.
More legendary than any of their other exploits are the stories of the Theoi getting even
with titans, mortals and one another, usually in a towering rage. The tiniest of personal
slights may be enough to start one of them on a destructive rampage, or convince one of
them to construct an enormous, life-altering punishment for their perceived offender. And
then there's what happens to the people who really do piss them off...
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Animal (Owl),
Academics, Art, Command,
Athena Intelligence Artistry, Guardian,
Integrity, Melee, Politics
Chaos, Fertility, Art, Empathy, Fortitude,
Dionysus Charisma, Stamina
Mystery Occult, Presence, Survival
Awareness, Command,
Darkness, Death,
Hades Stamina Occult, Politics, Presence,
Animal (Dog), Death, Animal Ken, Awareness,
Hecate Wits Magic, Moon, Medicine, Occult, Presence,
Psychopomp Survival
Academics, Art, Fortitude,
Hephaestus Intelligence Artistry, Earth, Fire
Integrity, Melee, Occult
Empathy, Integrity,
Hera Health, Justice Investigation, Medicine,
Occult, Presence
Athletics, Empathy,
Hermes Magic, Psychopomp Larceny, Occult, Stealth,
Empathy, Integrity, Occult,
Persephone Appearance Death, Fertility
Politics, Presence, Survival
Animal (Horse), Animal Ken, Art, Control,
Poseidon Stamina
Earth, Water Fortitude, Melee, Survival
Awareness, Command,
Justice, Prophecy,
Zeus Charisma Investigation, Politics,
Sky, Thunder
Presence, Thrown
The Tuatha de Danann
Long before their people fought religious wars over Christianity, the Tuatha de Danann
were revered as the gods of Ireland, larger-than-life figures who inspired as much by their
squabbles and intra-family troubles as by their awesome prowess in combat. Descended
from the mother goddess Danu, they freed Ireland from the depredations of the Fomorians
and ruled it in relative peace for centuries before the invasion of new peoples and
religions eventually forced them to follow their High King into the fairy mounds and
depart from the world for all but the most important of matters.
With an unmatched ferocity for battle and passions to match, the Tuatha, despite having
few worshipers remaining in the World and little in the way of power bases, are respected
for their equal combination of fighting ability and mental acumen.
When it comes to courage, the Tuatha de Danann are second to none. Fiery warriors,
brawlers, and rousing storytellers, they never shy away from danger or even consider
capitulation to their enemies, seeing every conflict through the the bitter end for their
own honor and the joy of the battle itself. They seldom retreat, never surrender, and laugh
in the face of overwhelming odds.
The arts are especially important to the Tuatha, who hold storytellers and bards in almost
as high esteem as they do warriors; after all, if there were no bards, there would be no one
to tell of the warriors' glorious deeds. They prize beautiful things and those who can make
them extremely highly, and can be found more often than not offering their patronage to
those promising performers and artists who strike them as being destined for true
Not only simple warriors with no capacity for greater thinking, the Tuatha are also the
keepers of great mysteries and ancient secrets, the patrons of druids and mystics alike.
Their occult vision is well-known, as are their contributions to their peoples' early
development, and the academic prowess of the wisest among them is never discounted in
times of need.
The Tuatha, despite the long-ago demise of their actual worship, believe utterly in their
pantheon and in themselves. They are secure in their place in the world - as part of its
heritage, legend, and the invisible machine of Fate - and seldom hesitate to commune
directly with one another when the need arises.
Athletics, Command,
Nuada Justice, War Integrity, Occult, Politics,
Academics, Art,
Manipulation, Mystery,
Ogma Command, Melee, Occult,
Strength Psychopomp, War
The Yazata
The Yazata, the ancient gods of Persia and deities of the long-revered and highly
influential religion of Zoroastrianism, have their work cut out for them, waging an
endless war against the evil deev and insidious druj, their enemies since time immemorial.
Gods of order and righteousness whose empire once spanned half of three continents,
they are anything but irrelevant despite their dwindling number of worshipers; their
prowess in battle and their quick wits in diplomacy make them sought after by the other
pantheons, who view them as a little bit strange and aloof but undeniably necessary in the
fight against the Titans; only the Deva, who have long been considered evil gods by the
Yazata, have their lingering misgivings.
Nothing is more central to one of the Yazata than his or her belief; they inhabit a world of
absolutes, wherein they are the sole protectors of light and order, facing off against foes
who live only for chaos and death. Their strength in their beliefs is unshakable, no matter
how they arrive at those beliefs, and anyone attempting to dissuade them from a course of
action is likely to find himself ignored (or worse, punished).
Despite their diamond-hard stance on their enemies, the Yazata are a genial and creative
people, counting master storytellers and musicians among their ranks. They prize
eloquence and forthrightness in diplomacy and counsel as well as in recreation, and strive
to always enlighten others, especially if they may in some way be able to help them
achieve a greater understanding of the world.
As Ahura Mazda's footsoldiers in the fight against evil, the Yazata have a sacred duty to
safeguard the order of the world, keeping it from falling into the madness and destruction
of chaos. They never act against the divine laws of their pantheon, never allow the world
and its inhabitants to challenge the rightness of the universe, and above all never, ever let
chaos overwhelm them or their charges.
The Yazata may have a reputation for being speakers and guards, but their ferocity in
battle is legendary as well. Enemies fear their skill at the same time that they praise their
honor, and a Yazata can always be counted on to act with integrity and honesty on the
battlefield and off (and he expects the same of others, with no exceptions).
God Epic Attributes Purviews Abilities
Academics, Control, Empathy,
Appearance, Fertility, Health, War,
Anahita Integrity, Investigation,
Intelligence Water
Awareness, Empathy,
Ard Fertility, Magic Fortitude, Occult, Presence,
Command, Fortitude,
Atar Intelligence Fire, Justice, Mystery Integrity, Occult, Presence,
Appearance, Academics, Art, Brawl,
Haoma Fertility, Health, Moon
Strength Command, Occult, Presence
Animal Ken, Empathy,
Appearance, Animal (Cattle), Moon,
Mah Integrity, Politics, Presence,
Charisma Stars
Athletics, Brawl, Command,
Mithra Perception, Guardian, Justice, Sun
Integrity, Melee, Presence
Athletics, Integrity,
Appearance, Guardian, Justice,
Sraosha Investigation, Melee, Occult,
Dexterity Psychopomp
Animal (Horse),
Animal Ken, Athletics, Brawl,
Tishtrya Strength Fertility, Stars,
Integrity, Occult, Survival
Thunder, Water
Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude,
Dexterity, Animal (Boar), Fire,
Vahram Marksmanship, Melee,
Strength Magic, War
Empathy, Fortitude, Medicine,
Vayu Charisma, Wits Death, Sky
Occult, Politics, Presence
Command, Fortitude,
Zam Stamina Death, Earth, Fertility Integrity, Occult, Presence,
Prerequisite: Divine Rampage
Cost: 5 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has honed his instinct for destruction to a fine point, able to
concentrate even on the moving armor of his foes in battle. For one scene, all physical
attacks that utilize the Scion's Strength to deal damage are armor-piercing; if his attack is
already armor-piercing, it ignores armor completely. Any non-relic armor he strikes
actually breaks; relic armor (and armor from other magical sources) remains intact but
cannot prevent its wearer from suffering from the effects of this Knack.
Prerequisite: Uplifting Might
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Like the monolithic Titan for whom this Knack is named, its effects allow a Scion to lift
unheard-of amounts of weight. For the duration of the scene in which she activates this
Knack, she may lift up to five times the amount she would normally be able to, potentially
making her able to hoist monsters, natural formations, and small buildings with aplomb. If
she chooses to activate Uplifting Might first, this Knack's effects take it into account.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scions natural strength is now so great that he no longer inflicts bashing damage
while grappling, crushing opponents with lethal force. This Knack represents the Scions
bodily strength, and as such is permanent; a Scion with this Knack who wishes to deal
bashing damage must hold his strength back, taking the usual penalties associated with
attacking with the flat of a blade.
Prerequisite: Divine Wrath
Cost: 5 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has become an unstoppable force of violence; each attack she
makes with this Knack inflicts aggravated damage and leaves a permanent, unsightly scar
that can only be removed through use of the Regeneration Knack or the Human Clay
Boon. The Scion may only deal such damage if she is attacking unarmed (though she may
do so in either a brawl or a clinch), and must declare her intention and pay the requisite
cost before rolling to attack an opponent.
Prerequisite: Holy Bound
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By channeling his prodigious strength into his legs, the Scion may jump one hundred
times the distance he would normally be able to manage, making truly epic feats possible.
When doing so, he moves at a speed of 100 yards every five ticks; if he wishes to jump
less than his maximum distance, he must declare his intention to do so when activating
this Knack, and may not change his mind in midair. If he is damaged while jumping,
however, he immediately beings to fall out of the air and must roll Dexterity + Athletics
versus a difficulty of his Epic Strength successes in order to avoid injuring himself upon
Prerequisite: Holy Rampage
Cost: 1 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
The Scion is now a destructive force in her own right, able to destroy the most impervious
of objects with a little determination. She may cut the soak of any inanimate object being
held by someone in half for purposes of attempting to destroy it, or completely negate the
soak of any unattended item.
Prerequisite: Crushing Grip
Cost: 5 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has strength far beyond the human bodys ability to withstand,
and he is able to damage opponents as seriously as if theyd been struck with a weapon.
He automatically deals lethal damage in any unarmed attack; a Scion with this Knack
who wishes to do bashing damage must declare his intention and suffer the usual dice
penalties of doing so. If he chooses to spend the Legend cost above, the Scion may deal
aggravated damage while grappling, though he must declare his intention and pay the
requisite cost before rolling to attack an opponent.
Prerequisite: Titanium Tools
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Normally, a Scion's ability to parry is based upon the dexterousness of his defense as he
dodges attacks, but a Scion with Empowered Deflection eschews such pussyfooting
around and simply meets blows head-on, parrying them with a weapon or item. He may
add his Legend rating and substitute his Strength for his Dexterity (without any successes
from any Epic Attributes) when determining his Parry DV.
Prerequisite: One-Inch Punch
Cost: 3 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion's strength is so great that it can physically affect the very air molecules around
her. By making an unarmed attack gesture - a punch, a sweep, or even a simple flick of
the fingers - she can focus her strength into the air around her and use it to strike an
opponent from a distance. Due to the specialized nature of focusing her muscles so
minutely, this Knack cannot be used for attacks involving weapons, and may never be
used to inflict aggravated damage.
Prerequisite: Stalwart Cling
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Many weightlifters and bodybuilders can manage quick bursts of strength, but a Scion
with this Knack goes much further, becoming able to sustain his prowess well beyond
human norms. While performing any Feat of Strength that requires him to use a Stregnth
Knack to succeed, he may spend the Legend cost to enhance his staying power, and may
extend the effects of that Knack continuously for up to a number of days equal to his
successes from Epic Strength. While he is dedicated to this specific feat, he ceases to
require any food, water, sleep, or even air; however, if he ceases to perform it, this
Knacks effects immediately vanish.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack combines strength and athletics to become a vaulter to put
Olympian champions to shame. She may double the normal distance she is able to jump,
and cover such distances with facile ease.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Instead of attacking his fellow man, the Scion with this Knack specializes in property
damage, able to break just about anything he comes across with a little concerted effort.
He may halve the soak of any inanimate object he attempts to demolish, provided that no
one is holding it at the time.
bonus from Mighty Heave, not in addition to it); alternatively, if he is throwing a weapon,
he may instead cause the attack to inflict aggravated damage upon his unfortunate target.
He may only use one of these effects on any given attack.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By choosing to channel her attack into force instead of trauma, the Scion with this Knack
may spend the cost to elect not to deal damage in an attack, instead hurling her opponent
a number of yards away from her equal to her successes on her damage roll. She must
declare her intention to do so and spend the requisite cost before rolling to attack.
Prerequisite: Knockback Attack
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Diffusing his great strength into the entire area around him rather than at a single target,
the Scion with this Knack may now knock several opponents away from him, clearing a
swath around his body. He may now use his Knockback Attack Knack against up to five
people within his reach at once.
Prerequisite: Empowered Deflection
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
No longer taking hits with only his mortal strength to back her up, the Scion with
Legendary Parry may now, in addition to the effects of Empowered Deflection, also
substitute her Epic Strength for her Epic Dexterity when determining her Parry DV.
Prerequisite: Hurl to the Horizon
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack now hurls objects with incredible force, outpacing the
strongest of mortals with total ease. She may triple the normal distance she is able to
throw any object (including the bonus she gains from Hurl to the Horizon); in addition,
any weapon she hurls at a target that would normally inflict bashing damage inflicts
lethal damage instead and becomes armor-piercing, and any normal-sized weapon thus
thrown that would normally inflict lethal damage ignores armor entirely.
Prerequisite: Crushing Grip
Cost: 3 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
Even when restricted by confined space or prohibitive bonds, the Scion with this Knack is
able to bring the full force of his lethal brawling abilities to bear. He may make any attack
from a scant inch or two away with just as much force as if hed had room to swing a
haymaker, and takes no penalties to his damage rolls when attacking from restraints on
any non-clinch brawl attack he makes. This Knack applies only to unarmed attacks and
may not be combined with melee or throwing assaults.
Prerequisite: Knockback Wave
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl OR Strength + Melee
By striking the ground beneath her feet and spending the requisite cost, the Scion may
cause a massive shockwave to ripple outward from her in a radius equal to her successes
from Epic Strength in yards, knocking down and injuring any unfortunates standing
within the affected area. All affected targets within the area must roll either Dexterity +
Athletics or Stamina + Fortitude against the Scions successes as they try to avoid or
withstand the shock; if they are unsuccessful, they immediately suffer an amount of
armor-ignoring bashing damage equal to the Scions threshold successes, and must take a
-4 penalty for the next five ticks as they recover their equilibrium. Objects that are not
currently being worn or held also take this damage, which they may soak normally; no
soak-reducing Knacks may be used on them with this attack.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per attack (if desired)
Dice Pool: None
The grip of a Scion with Stalwart Cling is literally almost unbreakable. By spending one
Legend and bracing himself, the Scion with this Knack may not be thrown from a clinch
by any opponent with equal or lesser Epic Strength, regardless of his attempts to press the
issue. Due to the steely nature of his grip, any opponent that attempts to use the knack
Escape Artist to wriggle out of his arms will suffer a reduction to their auto-successes
from Dexterity equal to the Scion's auto-successes from Strength.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The incredible strength of an augmented Scion is more than most objects can bear;
weapons and even buildings crack and break at inconvenient times, and he may find
himself without any suitable melee options. This Knack allows a Scion to lend some of his
own hardiness to any object he uses as a weapon; it will not break, no matter how hard he
strikes someone with it or how fragile it might normally be considered.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
By planting her feet and concentrating, the Scion with this Knack may lift amounts far
beyond her normal capacity (and, most likely, anyone elses). She may double the amount
of weight she is normally able to lift.
Prerequisite: Spider Climber
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is now truly outside the realm of normal locomotion, able to
cross or climb any surface with mind-blowing ease. He may climb any surface, no matter
how steep, and may do so as quickly as he would normally be able to dash; his gravity-
defying powers are so great that he may even walk comfortably at any bizarre angle, or
even totally upside down, as if he were merely strolling down the street. Climbing is not a
separate action for him, as he can perform it as easily as moving on normal ground; if he
is injured while climbing, however, he must gain as many successes as he took levels of
damage on a Dexterity + Athletics roll in order to remain clinging to his perch.
Prerequisite: Omnidexterity
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per attack
Dice Pool: None
Where most Scions can only attack twice in one action, reflecting their human-level
reflexes, a Scion with this Knack may attack three times, making himself a whirlwind of
offensive action. Each attack must be made with a different weapon or appendage,
requiring Scions to be fluid and creative; due to the Scion's ability to sacrifice power and
accuracy for speed, these attacks must be rolled at a -4 penalty and may not deal
aggravated damage, but should they all be directed at the same opponent, that unlucky
person will suffer a -3 to his DV from the overwhelming flurry.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Graceful and surefooted on even the most unstable of terrains, the Scion with this Knack
is almost impossible to knock off-balance; she always lands on her feet when thrown or
falling, never suffers knockdown, and takes no penalties for unstable, rugged, or moving
terrain as she finds her footing with supernatural ease.
Prerequisite: Cat's Grace
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack puts the greatest kung fu masters to shame with his
unassailable balance and control over his body. He may stand on or run across any
surface, no matter how tiny or flimsy, even if it should not normally be able to hold his
weight; his ability to redistribute his balance is so fine that he can dash across clotheslines
or stand unmoving on the edge of a coin.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion may automatically escape from any bonds as long as she is not being actively
watched at the time. If she is grappled, she may add her successes from Epic Dexterity as
additional automatic successes in her attempt to wriggle free.
Prerequisite: Lightning Sprinter
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
Breaking all natural laws for human speed, the Scion with this Knack may run at truly
impressive velocities. She may double her normal movement and dash speeds (including
the already doubled distance from the Lightning Sprinter Knack) and may even skip
across the surface of liquids or ignore gravity for short bursts, provided that she does not
slow down or stop moving. A Scion wishing to use Fast As Thought must first activate
Lightning Sprinter, Lightning Flyer, or Lightning Swimmer, though both may be activated
together as the same action if she so chooses.
Prerequisite: Lightning Sprinter
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
Many Scions display superhuman speed on the ground, but a Scion with this Knack is
equally speedy in the air. As in the Lightning Sprinter knack, a Scion with this power may
double the amount of distance that she could normally fly in the same amount of time.
Note that either of the advanced speed knacks (Fast as Thought or Peregrine Fleetness)
will affect any of the three Lightning powers.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is one of the fastest around, able to cover great distances
without effort. By spending the requisite cost, he may double the distance he could
normally move or dash, and eliminate all penalties for marshy or wet terrain, as he is
simply moving so quickly that he does not have time to get bogged down. Note that either
of the advanced speed knacks (Fast as Thought or Peregrine Fleetness) will affect any of
the three Lightning powers.
Prerequisite: Lightning Sprinter
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The fastest Scion on land finds things to be a very different story when slowed down by
the inescapable weight of water. As in the Lightning Sprinter knack, a Scion with this
power may double the amount of distance that he could normally swim in the same
amount of time. Note that either of the advanced speed knacks (Fast as Thought or
Peregrine Fleetness) will affect any of the three Lightning powers.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack needs no specialized tools when she wishes to perform delicate
work; her control over even the most minute of her muscles is so great that she can
complete any manipulation down to the nanometer, moving with incredible precision and
exactness. While she has the manual dexterity to tinker with even the tiniest of
microchips, it should be noted that if the Scion does not possess the appropriate amount of
Epic Perception, she will still be unable to see what she is doing.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack was born to climb, able to shimmy his way up normal surfaces
without the aid of climbing equipment or ropes. He may climb as quickly as he could
normally walk, and if necessary take other actions while climbing without fear of falling
to his death (though he is still subject to a -4 dice penalty for doing so).
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The ambidextrous of the world are often envied for the greater freedom they have when it
comes to movement and manipulation, but the Scion with this Knack takes that freedom
to its extreme, so flexible and in control of her movements that she is literally universally
dexterous. She may use any movable part of her body as well as if it were her dominant
hand, making it childs play to sew with her feet or shoot a gun with her tongue.
Prerequisite: Fast as Thought
Cost: 5 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion's speed is now not only superhuman but far above the level that most animals
or even gods can aspire to. This knack triples the speed granted by its prerequisite, Fast as
Thought, making the Scion literally so fast that he is almost impossible to see or affect as
long as he does not slow down or stop moving. There are dangers associated with moving
at such a heightened velocity, however; a Scion with less Epic Perception than he has Epic
Dexterity must make a Wits + Awareness roll to avoid running into an obstacle that he
approaches too quickly to properly avoid. A Scion wishing to use Peregrine Fleetness
must first activate Fast As Thought and either Lightning Sprinter, Lightning Flyer, or
Lightning Swimmer, though all three may be activated together as the same action if he so
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has become so permanently attuned to the movements of
others that she may match or mirror them perfectly and unconsciously, as if she had
foreknowledge of their actions; she is a cooperative laborer without peer, a comrade-in-
arms without measure, and a lover defying description. She may always join any
coordinated assault, even if there were not enough successes rolled to include her, and
may automatically create a miniature coordinated assault with one other person by
attacking in concert with them.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Some Scions are so in tune with their bodys movements that they can mentally map out
the exact motions required to create something they have only seen. The Scion with this
Knack may write or draw any text, image, or symbols that he has previously seen,
creating exact copies of anything that he has visually experienced. He may draw or write
up to one square yard of imagery for every point of Legend he wishes to spend.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Able to accommodate the tiny shifts in the air around her and eyeball the angles of any
area instantly, the Scion with this Knack may throw objects in impossible curves,
negating the effects of obstacles in her way. She may throw any item around an object or
even around a ninety-degree corner, enabling her to toss a weapon to a surrounded ally or
even strike an enemy behind a barricade with a perfectly thrown spear. She may apply the
same principles to firearms and ranged weapons as well, allowing her to shoot around
corners with uncanny accuracy. All cover bonuses that her targets might have are
completely negated.
Prerequisite: And the Crowd Goes Wild
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is a master of rolling with the punches, knowing just where to
let himself go boneless and just how to move to diffuse the shock of a blow. Any time he
is struck and dealt damage, he may spend the Legend cost to add his dots in Epic
Dexterity to any of his soaks as he allows the blow to move him rather than remaining in
staunch resistance to it.
Prerequisite: Monkey Climber
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
No longer constrained by mere mortal standards of climbability, the Scion with this Knack
may now scale any surface that could be climbed by a spider, enabling her to zoom up
sheer walls or navigate quickly between vines and strands. She may climb as quickly as
she could normally dash if there are suitable hand- or footholds where she is climbing and
take other actions without penalty; if she chooses to scale a totally smooth surface, she
may do so at the same speed she could normally walk and must still suffer a -4 dice
penalty when performing other actions at the same time.
Prerequisite: Ricochet Symphony
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is not just a gunman but a showman as well, able to pull off the
most impressive feats of marksmanship with flair. When using a ranged or thrown
weapon, he may double the dice he receives from aiming as he finds the exact points of
weakness in a target, and suffers no penalties when attempting to disarm an opponent at
range. If he is using a firearm, he may choose to pull his blow without announcing it first,
and may choose to inflict any amount of damage up to the maximum from his roll.
Prerequisite: Divine Balance
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
As active and quick as a mirage, the Scion with this Knack is extraordinarily difficult to
hit, being too limber and well-practiced in dodging to strike without a great deal of effort;
even those who do manage to strike her seldom do more than wing her as they go by.
Whenever the Scion goes forth into battle, she may add her dots in Epic Dexterity to her
DV, turning powerful cleaves and swings into mere nicks and glancing blows.
Prerequisite: Microscopic Precision
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
No stranger to being the target of unfriendly attention, the Scion with this Knack has
reflexes so finely honed that he may block even the fastest of ranged missiles directed at
him. As long as he describes a satisfactory stunt to the Storyteller and pays the requisite
cost when he is attacked at range, he may substitute his Parry DV for his Dodge DV,
deflecting bullets and knocking arrows out of the air.
Prerequisite: Devourer
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
So ironclad is the Scions control over her own body that she may halt its processes in
order to server her, using it as a hiding place or storage container whenever she sees the
need. She may at any point swallow any object or substance she could conceivably fit into
her stomach; once she has done so, she may keep it there indefinitely without digesting it,
carrying it around until she decides she needs it back, when she may regurgitate it
unharmed. She may only carry as many objects as can fit in her stomach, but while they
are there, mundane attempts to detect them fail automatically without the aid of x-rays;
only those with Epic Perception have a chance to realize that she carries a secret cache.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has learned to harness the toughness inherent in his divine
ichor, hardening his skin so thoroughly that he may parry any attack with his body
instead of requiring a weapon or shield to do so. If he chooses to spend the Legend cost,
he may cause his ichor to flow over his body from within, creating a flexible second skin
of armor in order to protect himself. This armor adds the Scion's dots of Epic Stamina to
his bashing and lethal soaks; as the armor is a manifestation of the Scions divine
heritage, it is typically different in appearance for each Scion.
Prerequisite: Invulnerable Nail
Cost: 1 or 3 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: Stamina + Fortitude
The Scion with this knack has surpassed normal levels of resilience and is literally so
tough that an opponent may find themselves hurt more by an attack than their intended
victim. Whenever the Scion is struck by a physical, non-ranged attack and pays the
Legend cost (1 for bashing or 3 for lethal), he may apply his successes as damage against
his attacker. While this knack affects all bashing and lethal attacks, it cannot be used
against attacks that deal aggravated damage.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Endurance lies not only in being able to take a hit but in being able to shake it off
afterward, and the Scion with this Knack is a master of the latter. Whenever she is dealt
lethal damage, she may spend the requisite Legend cost to convert it to bashing, reducing
the heinous open wounds of blades and teeth to nothing more than heavy bruising. This
Knack may only be used reflexively when the Scion takes damage.
Prerequisite: Inner Furnace
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Unbound by the restrictions of a normal digestive system, the Scion with this Knack is so
bent on survival that he can convert any solid compound into a source of nourishment.
Plastic, metal, and rock serve as legitimate edible substances for him, and he may
consume them in lieu of food if he so desires (or finds that he has no other choices at the
Prerequisite: Damage Conversion
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Even the most soul-rending of wounds can be defeated by a Scions determined
endurance, allowing anyone who possesses this Knack to avoid the devastating effects of
supernatural damage. A Scion with this Knack may spend the requisite cost when she is
dealt aggravated damage in order to convert that damage to lethal, turning a life-ending
attack into a painful and inconvenient but nevertheless survivable affair. She may only
use this Knack reflexively when she takes damage, and she may not use it at the same
time that she uses the Damage Conversion Knack (she must choose one or the other).
Prerequisite: Holy Fortitude
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is an unstoppable force when he chooses to be, ignoring the
paltry needs for rest and nourishment that plague most of his fellow men. He may work
ceaselessly at any strenuous activity for twice the amount of time he might normally (this
includes the bonus from the Holy Fortitude Knack), and no longer requires either water,
food or sleep to sustain him (he must choose one of the three to ignore, not all of them).
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
For the Scion with this Knack, age, the great equalizer, no longer applies. She ceases to
grow older entirely, remaining eternally at her current age.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The conditions of fatigue and hunger seldom apply to the Scion with this Knack; he is
able to soldier on without apparent hardship long past the point that many others would
have given up. He may double the amount of time he can work continuously at any
strenuous activity, and may go for twice as long without sleep, food and water as he
would normally be able to.
Prerequisite: Body Armor
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has developed even beyond the toughness of most of her peers,
now able to shrug off truly grievous damage with a thought. When she has the Body
Armor knack activated, the Scion also gains an amount of additional aggravated soak
equal to half her dots of Epic Stamina. The armor's protection extends to her clothes,
preserving them against most calamities, and she may spend an additional point of
Legend to render a piercing attack non-piercing.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has a cast-iron stomach, able to glean sustenance where he
should not and to ignore the effects of poisons and toxins in his food. He may eat and
derive nourishment from any organic compound, no matter how rancid or normally
inedible it might be, and the efficiency of his digestive system renders him completely
immune to any ingested poisons or drugs, including alcohol (though he may still be
affected by airborne poisons or drugs or those injected directly into his bloodstream).
Prerequisite: Devourer
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Beyond even the amazing digestive benefits she derives from the Inner Furnace and
Devourer Knacks, the Scion may now use her own body as a refinery, purifying and
rendering the elements that she puts into it at will. In addition to being immune to all
poisons, toxins, and drugs, she may also spend the Legend cost to ingest a harmful
substance and then secrete an antidote for it, which she may eject in any way she chooses
(spitting, etc.) to use to aid someone less hardy.
Prerequisite: Impenetrable
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By concentrating her divine fortitude into a specific point, the Scion with this Knack may
temporarily channel his defense into a tiny portion of his body, rendering it almost
completely unassailable. When the Scion is attacked and has the opportunity to see the
incoming blow, he may spend the requisite Legend cost to add his successes from Epic
Stamina to all soaks for a specific, small point on his body. This power may only be used
outside of combat, and cannot be used on surprise attacks or any attacks that the Scion
could not reasonably be said to have seen coming; it can only apply to a tiny area (one
square inch or smaller) at a time.
Prerequisite: Tireless Worker
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
So great is the Scions stamina when he has this Knack that he can keep moving long
after others would fall, even once he is mortally and finally wounded. Whenever he takes
damage that would incapacitate him, the Scion may spend this Knacks cost to stay
upright through sheer determination, remaining active for a number of additional actions
equal to the Legend spent (1 if he has 1-4 dots of Epic Stamina, 2 if he has 5-8 and 3 if he
has 9 or more). During this time, the Scion may be healed and prevented from lapsing into
unconsciousness. If he takes damage that would kill him, this Knack has no cost; if he
simply remains active for a number of hours equal to his Epic Stamina dots as his body
refuses to give up until the very end, giving him time to call out his last words, destroy his
enemies in a final blow, or make a last grand gesture before collapsing; he cannot be
healed during this time, however, as he is beyond saving.
Prerequisite: Holy Fortitude
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Whether it be amazing genetics or an innate ability to understand his own body, there is
no physical trial that the Scion with this knack cannot learn to master, and no discipline
that he shies away from. The experience cost for him to learn the Empathy, Fortitude,
Integrity, and Survival abilities is halved.
Prerequisite: Natural Juggernaut
Cost: 3 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack not only refuses to be cowed by physical hardship, but actually
becomes stronger for it. Instead of taking dice penalties when she is injured, the Scion
actually gains a number of dice equivalent to the penalty she would have based on her
injuries (this is applied even if she has so much Epic Stamina that she no longer takes
wound penalties). In addition, she may reflexively spend a point of Legend any time she is
injured in order to regain a point of Willpower in defiance of the opposition arrayed
against her.
this Knack; in addition, the use of this Knack renders him unable to use his Epic Stamina
or the Inner Furnace Knack to avoid feeling the effects of the alcohol, making him fully
capable of getting very drunk. This Knack may be used only once per day.
Prerequisite: Self-Healing
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has such control over her body that she can even convince it to
remember its undamaged state and change accordingly. By spending the requisite amount
of Legend, she may heal one level of aggravated damage or restore a destroyed,
decapitated, or permanently scarred body part to wholeness.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per health level
Dice Pool: None
When even the most rigid of defensive tactics fail, the Scion with this Knack can bounce
back as if nothing happened, wounds vanishing as if they had never been. By
concentrating for five seconds and allowing his body to re-knit itself, he may heal as
many levels of bashing or lethal damage as he wishes to spend the Legend for, up to a
maximum equal to his dots in Epic Stamina.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has no issue with shedding a part in order to preserve the
greater whole. When struck by an attack that would have knocked her back, she may
spend a point of Legend to let the blow literally knock her out of her skin, which remains
behind to absorb all the damage. While she takes absolutely no damage when she does
this, she is able to do so only once per scene, and will find herself without any clothing or
equipment that she was wearing at the time.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Ignorance is bliss, especially in the case of a Scion with this Knack. If at any point he is
the victim of a surprise attack, he may simply ignore it as if it never happened, taking no
damage as long as he was unaware that he was about to be struck; his self-assurance is so
strong that it causes his body to literally conform to his vision of reality, refusing to be
damaged when he believes it to be whole. While the attack will do no damage, it will
typically alert the Scion to his attackers presence and he will realize that an attempt has
been made on his life, which renders this Knack unusable for future attacks from the same
Prerequisite: Divine Fortitude
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion is able to work unceasingly for any length of time without requiring rest or
sustenance of any kind.
Prerequisite: Divine Damage Conversion
Cost: 1+ Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
Many Scions have picked up the ability to lessen their injuries to keep them active longer,
but the Scion with this knack refuses point-blank to take any injuries at all. Every time
damage would be dealt to the Scion after she has already lessened an attack's effects with
Damage Conversion or Divine Damage Conversion, she may spend one Legend per
additional point of damage she wishes to soak, up to a maximum amount of Legend equal
to her Epic Stamina successes.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack knows how to maintain his bodys equilibrium, no matter what
outside forces might be trying to do to it. He is unaffected by atmospheric pressure
(whether from being high above the mountains, deep beneath the sea, or even in space)
and suffers no difficulties from intense pressure or depressurization.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
With lungs of steel, the Scion with this Knack seldom lacks for air, having the stamina to
hold onto her own reserves for impressive amounts of time. She may hold her breath for
triple the normal amount of time she would be able to, and even speak intelligibly
underwater as she can focus her airstream perfectly to do so.
Prerequisite: Preach On
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
No matter how noisy, crowded or confusing things might be, everyone hears the Scion
with this Knack when she wishes to be heard. Whenever she chooses to spend the
requisite cost, everyone within her range of vision (though not necessarily her line of
sight those in a house she could see, for example, would hear her even if they were
inside and out of sight) automatically hears her when she speaks for the rest of the scene.
her the benefit of the doubt as to whether or not it is true, even if she would reject it from
any other, less charismatic source. If the Scion is required to roll to make her story be
believed, she may roll Charisma + Empathy instead of Manipulation + Empathy.
Prerequisite: Blessing of Importance
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
No stranger to socializing, the Scion with this Knack is simply so engaging and enjoyable
to be around that the very act of treating someone else like a friend bolsters them, making
them feel better by association. By speaking a kind word, acting chummy, or otherwise
treating someone else as a comrade, the Scion may refill their entire Willpower pool as
their self-worth experiences a temporary boost. If he chooses to use this power on a
mortal, the Scion may additionally grant them an extra point of Willpower past their
usual maximum, which remains until spent; once the mortal has spent all his or her
Willpower points, they are automatically refilled one more time by the lingering effects of
the Scion's goodwill. This Knack may only be used on a single target once per day.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By reminding a target of their importance in the overall scheme of things, the Scion with
this Knack may bolster flagging spirits and bring renewed determination to his allies. By
spending the requisite cost and giving his subject a compliment or miniature pep talk, he
may restore a number of their Willpower points equal to his number of Epic Charisma
dots; if he chooses to bestow this largesse upon a mortal, the lucky recipient regains his or
her entire Willpower pool, buoyed by divine encouragement. This Knack may only be
used on a single target once per day.
Prerequisite: Unimpeachable Reference
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Academics
Sometimes the best way to convince someone of something is to let someone else do it. If
the Scion with this Knack wishes to let someone else take center stage whether to give
them their moment in the sun, avoid undue notice herself, or even put them on the spot
for any potential backlash she may choose to temporarily lend them her own
charismatic flair, giving them her godly force of engaging personality for any social rolls
they attempt. She must instruct her target in exactly how she wishes for them to speak or
behave in a given situation; she might explain how to convince castle guards to let them
inside, or how to behave at tea with the queen. Once she has done so, for a number of
days equal to the Scion's successes, her target may add the Scion's automatic successes
from Epic Charisma instead of their own to all non-activation Charisma rolls he or she
makes that follow the Scions instructions. Should the target attempt to use this Knacks
power in a situation not specifically covered by the Scions instructions, or in an attempt
to intentionally work against the Scion in some way, it does not work and he or she finds
that only his or her natural Charisma is at work.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: Charisma + Presence
The Scion with this Knack can simply turn on the charm, enhancing his friendly and
enjoyable presence immensely. Those interacting with him are inclined to treat him
fondly and help him if they are able, though they will not act in a manner dangerous or
uncomfortable for themselves. Friends become his devoted allies, neutral parties become
bosom companions, and even enemies are inclined to look on him with an unprejudiced
eye. If at any point the Scion injures someone else while using this Knack, all those who
witness his action may immediately make another resistance roll as they may be shocked
into breaking free of his influence. At the end of the Scene, the Scion's increased
likeability fades and any repressed emotions in those nearby surge back at full intensity.
Prerequisite: Charmer
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: Charisma + Presence
By speaking a few soothing phrases or just letting herself be a calming presence in the
scene, the Scion with this Knack may calm the hysteria of others. After spending the
requisite cost, she may calm a large group of people from the heights of panic or violent
mob-mentality, returning them to normalcy and reason; she may affect up to three people
for every success she gains on a Charisma + Presence roll. Should another Scion attempt
to seize control of the crowds emotions with an opposing power, the two must make an
opposed Charisma + Presence roll. The Scion may only use this Knack on beings of
Legend less than or equal to half her own (rounded up).
Prerequisite: Pied Piper
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Presence
Exuding divine charisma from his very pores, the Scion with this Knack may cause an
instant party, riot, rave, or event to spring up around him. Everyone within his general
area is susceptible to suddenly deciding to initiate an event or celebration around him,
abandoning whatever else they might have been doing, unaware that this is anything but
their own idea. Mortals fall instantly and completely under the Scions spell, while even
divine beings must resist or find themselves equally swept up (and even those who do
resist still feel an inclination to find the Scion and participate, though they are no longer
forced to do so). The revelry continues for a number of days equal to the Scion's
Charisma; during this time, no one involved need rest, but when the sun rises and his
spell is broken all involved become immediately exhausted from the effort.
Prerequisite: Snap Out of It
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Presence
Now able to tug on her targets very heartstrings, the Scion with this Knack may literally
cause others to fall in love with her. If she successfully overcomes her targets resistance,
they fall instantly, hopelessly, and completely in love with her for a number of days equal
to her threshold successes. The target retains free will and may act on his or her own for
the duration, but will still do his or her best to make the Scion happy and earn his or her
love (possibly even via violent means); after the allotted time has run out, they will
instantly return to whatever emotion they felt toward the Scion before this Knack was
used, and will retain full knowledge and memory of the time while they were under her
Prerequisite: Preach On
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Presence
As any good politician knows, just saying what you want to say is half the battle, and the
Scion with this Knack always has that down pat. As long as she does not pause in her
speech for more than give seconds, she may speak without interruption for as long as she
wishes, making truly epic speeches, tirades, and declarations possible. Anyone wishing to
interrupt her in any manner, including leaving before the speech has concluded, must
spend one point of Willpower and make a contested roll against the Scion's successes.
Any being within earshot of the acting Scion may make this roll reflexively at the
beginning of the speech.
Prerequisite: Never Say Die
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Sometimes encouragement just isn't quite enough. The Scion with this Knack knows how
to turn defeat into victory, and exercises his charismatic abilities to aid his fellow warriors
just when the going gets tough. Any time that the Scion is about to lose consciousness and
uses Never Say Die, he may also spend the Legend cost for Final Countdown in order to
give any others in the scene a number of bonus dice for their next action equal to his Epic
Charisma auto-successes.
Prerequisite: BFF
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
Just as a Scion with Epic Charisma can cause those around him to be haplessly enraptured
by his charm, so too can he wield that social influence against others with a thought. By
spending the requisite Legend cost and making a dismissive gesture, mouthing an insult,
or even simply snubbing a person, the Scion with this Knack ensures that they will be
totally socially ostracized for a number of days equal to his threshold successes (his target
resists with an opposed Charisma + Command roll). If the unfortunate target is an
important figure or leader, he will suddenly find his people less cooperative and his ranks
full of gossip and disrespect; if he's just some schmuck on the street, he'll find himself
outright shunned and reviled wherever he goes.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
No matter what the Scion does or how many things he fails at, if he has this Knack he
maintains an aura of cool suavity. He may also activate this power reflexively if the he
wishes to mitigate the social effects of a mistake or accident when it happens.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By giving a short inspirational speech or encouraging monologue, the Scion with this
Knack may fill her listeners with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Any mortal she
wishes who is actively listening to her recitation regains one point of Willpower (though
this may not increase anyones Willpower pool past their usual maximum); listeners must
also be able to speak the same language or otherwise understand the Scions speech in
order to benefit from it.
Prerequisite: Inspirational Figure
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is so inspiring that he fills others with the urge to learn from
his example, making him an excellent teacher while he remains with his pupil. By giving
a short explanation, he may impart one of his abilities to as many mortal students in his
area as he wishes for the remainder of the scene, in place of their own prowess in that
skill; at Hero level, he may impart three dots of an ability, whereas at Demigod he may
share five and at God he may bestow a full seven. He can only provide additional
knowledge if he has it; students who are already more skilled than the Scion in a given
ability cannot gain any new knowledge from this Knack.
Prerequisite: Inspirational Figure
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Some people are simply born gifted leaders of men, and the Scion with this Knack knows
instinctively what to say, when to say it, and how to use it to the best effect. The
experience cost for her to learn the Animal Ken, Art, Command, and Presence abilities is
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack knows how to keep his comrades going even when things look
grim; by giving them an encouraging smile, gesture, or shout just when he has been
knocked off his feet, he keeps their morale up, restoring a number of points of Willpower
equal to the damage he has just taken to any comrades within range. He may use this
power only once per scene, when he has been struck in combat and knocked down, and he
may not give anyone Willpower beyond their normal maximum, but he may use it as
often as these conditions are met, and may even activate it reflexively as he is knocked
Prerequisite: Instant Seminar
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By giving a short spiel or rousing speech on one of her Virtues, the Scion with this Knack
may cause others to feel it as well, encouraging them to follow her in her course of action.
Any mortals listening when she activates this Knack immediately gain her full pool of the
Virtue in question for the rest of the scene, while beings with a Legend rating gain one
point in the Virtue, whether or not they would normally possess it.
Prerequisite: Theme Music
Cost: 1 Legend per use
The Scion with this Knack is so impressive that it is nearly impossible to compete with
him when it comes to showmanship. Whenever he chooses to spend the requisite point of
Legend, the Scion may perform an action that is so impressively executed that anyone
else who saw him do it suffers from extreme insecurity when attempting to do the same
thing afterward, losing a number of successes from their attempts to do so equal to the
difference between the Scions Epic Charisma successes and their own as they realize that
the Scions action was so magnificent that they couldnt possibly measure up. This only
applies to the specific action in question (i.e., the lifting of a particular rock, not the lifting
of all rocks everywhere), and this Knack may only be used in non-combat situations;
competitions, speeches, or the creation of art, for example, are all perfect arenas in which
the Scion may demonstrate his effortless superiority.
Prerequisite: Crowd Control
Cost: 1 Legend + 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Like the legendary figure from which this Knack takes its name, a Scion that possesses it
is catnip to mortals, amassing an adoring following over a short period of time once he
has activated it. Mortals that see him (in person; this Knack does not work remotely) will
instantly abandon what they are doing and follow him happily wherever he goes for a
number of days equal to his Charisma (though they will not put themselves in harms
way); they require no rest while doing so, but once the Scion's influence wears off they
become exhausted by their exertions. This Knack always ends exactly at sunrise.
Prerequisite: Inspirational Figure
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack surpasses even the most skilled of mortal orators, able to fill
her listeners with renewed purpose and brimming verve. By giving a speech of a suitably
heroic nature and spending the requisite Legend cost, she may restore the full Willpower
pool of any listening mortals, as well as granting them one additional point of Willpower
above their usual maximum, which remains until it is spent.
Prerequisite: Charmer
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
When things look darkest and his comrades have been overwhelmed by supernatural
forces, the Scion with this Knack can get them back on their feet, inspiring them to drag
themselves back into action for a little while just for him. By performing some action to
capture his targets attention (slapping, shaking or just screaming, Pull yourself together,
man!) and spending the requisite cost, the Scion may attempt to snap his target out of
any mental or social power that is currently rendering them inactive. If he overcomes the
successes scored by the user of the power with his own, his target immediately gains a
number of ticks of action equal to his threshold successes (they may act immediately on
the first tick that the Scion breaks them out of it), after which, if the power is still in
effect, they are unable to go on in spite of the Scions help and succumb to it again. The
Scion may only use this Knack to snap others out of effects that render them inactive; he
can temporarily restore sense to someone afflicted with Crawling Chaos, but he cannot
stop someone suffering from Engender Love from continuing in their devotion to the
object of their affections.
Prerequisite: Hapless Cool
Cost: 2 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
Some people are just so pervasive that when you hear a certain song, you instantly think
of them. The Scion with this Knack is one of those people, and there is a specific song that
is associated with her that just seems to pop up anywhere she goes. If there is a radio,
chamber orchestra, elevator loudspeaker, or any other music-playing agency nearby, the
Scion may spend the Legend cost to cause it to start playing her chosen song, which will
continue playing in a loop until she wishes it to stop. While the song is playing, the Scion
may add her auto-successes from Charisma as extra dice to all Charisma, Manipulation or
Appearance rolls, and, should she attempt a stunt that is thematically appropriate to the
song playing, that stunt will receive double its normal number of bonus dice. Due to the
constant reminder of the Scion's divine (or just really awesome) presence, however, all
Fatebinding rolls pertaining to her will be at a difficulty of -1 while the song is playing.
Changing one's theme music is extremely difficult, so Scions are advised to think carefully
on their choice; once chosen, the song can only be changed when more Fatebound people
or worshipers of the Scion associate the new song with her than the old one, at which
point she may spend 5 points of Legend to make the change permanent. However, this
knack may be purchased more than once, so it is possible for a Scion to have several
different theme songs to choose from.
Prerequisite: Benefit of the Doubt
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
Instead of taking point for every problem, the Scion with this Knack may step back and let
someone else do the talking for a change, surreptitiously lending them his support. By
spending the requisite cost, he may impart to a target the ability to use his own
formidable Charisma for a number of days equal to his successes, temporarily giving them
his own power to encourage credulity in others. In order to ensure that his target is
believed, the Scion must either personally vouch for him in the presence of the person he
wishes to convince or otherwise give him some recognizable token to show that he comes
in the Scion's name; thereafter, the target may at any time invoke the Scion to use his
successes from Epic Charisma instead of her own when making non-activation Charisma
rolls to specifically carry out the Scions orders or acting in his interests. The target must
spend one point of Willpower each time he or she calls upon the Scions Charisma in this
Prerequisite: Benefit of the Doubt
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is so effortlessly likeable, impressive or intimidating that she
evokes an instant mob mentality in those around her, allowing her to treat them as a
single being, united in their awe of her. She may spend the requisite cost to attempt to
convince any number of people in a single scene of something as if using the Benefit of
the Doubt Knack on each one.
Prerequisite: Trendsetter
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Politics
The Scion with this Knack leads a charmed existence when she wishes to. By spending
the requisite Legend and taking some action, however small and unrelated, she may
inform the Storyteller of a desired outcome of the situation (I want to meet that
waitress, or I want this gun to end up in Josephs hand) and watch as events align and
fall into place like dominos, leading directly to that effect. She may not have any idea how
events will unfold to get her what she wants, but she may rest secure in the knowledge
that they will do so. This Knack generally only bends mortals into unwittingly achieving
the Scion's goal; if she finds herself in a situation wherein Legendary beings are available
to do so, she must gain more successes than their combined Legend ratings.
Prerequisite: Not the Face
Cost: 2 Legend
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
By putting on her best innocent face, the Scion with this Knack may not only convince a
target that she is blameless in a specific situation but redirect their ire to a new person
entirely. By activating this Knack, she may do some fast talking to claim that another
nearby person is to blame for a particular infraction, and her clever machinations and
misdirections will ensure that she is believed by her target.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
The Scion with this Knack has no patience for liars or those who may wish to give him
the runaround. By spending the requisite amount of Legend and asking a direct question,
he may cause the target of his interest to suddenly blurt out the answer as truthfully as
possible, whether or not they might wish to do so.
Prerequisite: Trendsetter
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Not content with the usual rise and fall of interest among mortals and gods, the Scion
with this Knack may extend rumors and fads until they become facts of life, altering the
very fabric of the societies around her. Whenever she uses the Rumor Mill or Trendsetter
Knacks, she may spend this Knacks cost to extend their effects; one point of Legend
spent extends the Knacks duration from weeks to years, three points extends it to
decades and five points extends it to centuries, making the Scions phenomenon an
enduring part of life.
Prerequisite: Mass Hypnosis
Cost: 1+ Legend
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Sometimes reversing a power is much more important than laying down the law with a
new one, and the Scion with this Knack knows how to undo the most soundly entrenched
of meddlings. If the Scion knows that a subject has been affected by some form of mind-
altering or influencing Knack or Boon, she may reverse it, provided that she possesses the
same power herself, spends the same number of additional Legend points as the being
who originally laid it on her target, and overcomes their activation successes. A target
thus relieved of an affliction is instantly restored to their normal frame of mind.
Prerequisite: Secondhand Persuasion
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is so perfectly attuned to others that she can get her point
across no matter how she has to communicate it. She may spend this Knacks cost along
with any other Manipulation Knacks in order to use it in spite of the usual restriction that
requires her to speak directly to her target; whether she manipulates her target via sign
language, telepathic nudging or even via long-range radio or television broadcasts, if her
target can understand her, the Manipulation Knack may be used on them as normal.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
With a simple wave of his hand and an affirming phrase, the Scion with this Knack may
wipe away doubt in the mind of his target. As long as he appends a reassuring phrase
(such as I promise, or Scouts honor) to his statement, he may cause his target to do
their very best to believe what he says, even if it would normally seem completely far-
fetched. Targets must roll to resist this Knack as normal; if they fail to overcome the
Scions successes, they cannot roll Perception + Empathy to attempt to detect the
falsehood he is shamelessly perpetrating and are forced to simply believe what he says.
Prerequisite: Overt Order
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Command
The Scion with this Knack is able give commands in such a way that they are impossible
to ignore, even for a large group of people. By spending the requisite cost and giving a
simple command, he may force any people within his earshot who understand the
command to instantly obey (though its likely they may be very upset about this use of
force afterward). He may command only a number of people up to his successes, may
only give them a short sentence command, and must be audible and understandable in
order for them to obey (he cannot give commands via electronic means or in unfamiliar
Prerequisite: Overt Order
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Command
By making eye contact with his target and maintaining it for a few seconds, the Scion
with this power may lay the seeds for his own future control, unknown to even the target
himself. By spending the requisite cost, the Scion may implant a simple command in his
targets mind to be triggered later, allowing him to be far away or seemingly uninvolved
in events when they actually play out. Even if the target fails to resist the Scion's
subliminal command, if it is an abhorrent act or otherwise flies in the face of a staunch
belief, she may make one last attempt to deny it at the moment before it activates, rolling
her Wits + Integrity against a difficulty of the Scion's Legend rating.
Prerequisite: Stench of Guilt
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Angering the Scion with this Knack is a dangerous proposition; if he believes that he
someone might be keeping a secret, all he need do is make eye contact and spend the
requisite Legend cost to let his target know it. The target is immediately drained of
Willpower points as he or she is afflicted with the knowledge that someone knows his or
her terrible secret; the Scion need not know what that secret is or why the target is hiding
it, but the target him- or herself is nevertheless tortured by a conviction that someone has
discovered it. If by some chance the target is totally innocent of keeping any secrets
(guilty secrets, that is mundane secrets such as surprises planned for loved ones or
unspoken crushes are unaffected by this Knack), however, nothing happens and the Scion
has simply wasted his point of Legend. This Knack only functions against those who have
equal or less Epic Manipulation than does the Scion; others are simply too good at
misdirection for the Scion to beat them at their own game.
Prerequisite: Instant Hypnosis
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Command
Rather than convincing her subjects one at a time, the Scion with this Knack may bring
an entire group of people under her sway at one time. She may implant one subliminal
command in up to as many people as she gains successes, though multiple commands will
require multiple uses.
Prerequisite: Opening Act
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
By cringing, feinting, or otherwise letting his opponent know that he does not wish to be
hit, the Scion with this Knack may force them to hesitate, giving him enough time to run
for it or take some other action without fear of being struck. Whenever he is attacked in
combat and is about to be struck, he may cower and reflexively activate this power,
causing his attacker to lose one tick of action as they hesitate; the Scion must make his
cringe or cower a stunt in some manner, however, or it will not be sufficiently impressive
to stop an attacker bent on his demise. His attacker may instantly choose to take another
action on the next tick, which may be anything as long as it is not a violent act aimed at
the Scion; after that, he is free to act as he chooses once again. The Scion may use this
Knack on the same opponent more than once per scene, but each time he does so causes
its Legend cost to increase by one.
Prerequisite: Who, Me?
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Politics
The Scion is now so skilled at meddling with the memories of others that she can
completely erase herself from them, giving her immunity to the recriminations or
investigation of others. Whenever she chooses to pay the requisite cost for this Knack, the
Scion becomes completely unrememberable for the remainder of the scene; no matter
what she does, be it destroying an important artifact, insulting a powerful god or even
killing a comrade, those who witnessed the deed will find themselves completely unable to
remember her doing it after the fact. Those with whom the Scion did not directly interact
do not remember that anyone was there at all; those whom the Scion specifically
interacted with, even to the point of physically assaulting someone, will remember that
the interaction occurred but be completely at a loss as to who it was that performed it.
This memory loss is permanent and cannot be counteracted by any means except for
other Manipulation Knacks; nothing the Scion did during the scene can be remembered or
traced back to her by anyone else who was there. Witnesses may roll Intelligence +
Politics against the Scions successes; if they succeed, they may remember the scenes
details in full, but if they fail find themselves helpless to identify the shadowy figure of
their memories.
Prerequisite: Seductive Mien
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Misdirection is the bread and butter of many a manipulative Scion, and sometimes that
includes taking a fall in order to see that his goals are ultimately realized. Whenever he
chooses to pay this Knacks activation cost, the Scion may intentionally perform an action
so poorly that it makes the next person to perform it after him look that much better,
granting his Epic Manipulation successes as dice to their roll. This Knack may only be
used in non-combat situations such as contests, conversations or artistic endeavors,
allowing the Scion to stealthily aid his comrades through his sheer ability to look
completely inept.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Command
The Scion with this Knack simply forces others to do as she wishes, autocratically or more
subtly by embedding the command within a larger sentence. When she activates this
power, she may give one simple command which her target must obey if they fail to
Prerequisite: Kill the Messenger
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Manipulation is all about making the best use of the resources at the Scions command,
and those resources are usually in the form of people he can send on his errands and bend
to do his bidding. Whenever the Scion with this Knack uses Epic Manipulation or one of
its Knacks to send someone on an errand, he may also spend for this power in order to
force his subject to return to him once the job has been completed, giving them an exact
place to meet once they have completed their goal. Should the Scion fail to show up for
this rendezvous, his target is immediately freed from this Knacks effects and may once
again choose to go where he pleases. This Knack also cannot force a person to risk their
life in order to meet with the Scion, and can be ignored if doing so would mean certain
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Politics
Dropping a suggestive hint in someones ear is all it takes for the Scion with this Knack, a
master of subtlety, to set off the equivalent of a social or cultural bomb. By spending the
Legend cost and casually mentioning a suspicion or idea to any bystander, the Scion may
start a tidal wave of gossip and rumors among as many people as she gains successes.
While she may only start that many people talking, rumors are rumors; odds are, theyll
pass it on to others of their own accord, and she may find that shes created a sensation
that spreads in scope according to the following table:
Successes Rumor's Range
1 Everyone in the neighborhood
5 Everyone in the city
15 Everyone in the urban areas of the region
20 Everyone in the urban areas of the country
30 Everyone in the country
35 Everyone in the hemisphere
45 Everyone in the World
50 Everyone in non-closed Terrae Incognita
60 or more Everyone in the Overworlds and Underworlds
The rumor continues to spread outward for a number of days equal to the Scions
successes, and lasts for a number of weeks equal to his Epic Manipulation successes.
Prerequisite: Kill the Messenger
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Now so impressive in his manipulative skills that he is impossible to resist even indirectly,
the Scion with this Knack may use his Epic Manipulation rolls and Knacks through the
written word, affecting anyone who reads his missive as if he had spoken the command
aloud. The Scion may name a specific target upon whom the message will specifically
work, but he need not unless he wishes to; if he does not, the next person to read the
message will be affected by it, regardless of the Scions original intent. Once the message
has been read and the Scions manipulation has taken effect through it, it becomes only a
normal piece of writing again; if he wishes, however, the Scion may spent a permanent
dot of Willpower to cause the message to remain permanently convincing, affecting
others no matter how many times it is read.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
A Scion with this Knack knows that the fastest way to someone's heart is generally
through their reproductive organs. As long as the Scion spends at least five minutes in
conversation and interaction with her subject, her ability to vamp is so great that she may
then make a contested roll to attempt to seduce them, regardless of her appearance,
demeanor, or any other information that might normally make her less than desirable.
Once per person per day, the Scion may overcome all their natural objections or
disinclinations and successfully seduce them; if she does, they remain positively disposed
toward her even after the act, unable to realize that they have been duped for at least one
hour due to the overwhelming attraction she has fooled them into.
Prerequisite: Takes One to Know One
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
So attuned to the art of deception is the Scion with this Knack that he knows instantly if
someone is trying to hide something from him in conversation, even if they are not
outright lying. While he doesnt necessarily know whats being hidden from him, he will
always get the sense that something is, and be able to act accordingly. This Knack only
affects targets with less than or equal the Scion's Epic Manipulation.
Prerequisite: Mass Hypnosis
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The most effective manipulations are usually the subtlest, and the Scion with this Knack
has elevated that subtlety to an art form. Any time that he uses any other Manipulation
Knack, he may spend the Legend cost to subliminally instruct the subject to do something
other than what it appears he has ordered him to do. For example, a Scion with an ulterior
motive might instruct someone to "Eat this chocolate cake," and then be able to claim total
innocence when the man, acting on his unspoken command of "Kill Timmy for me," turns
and murders his neighbor instead of chowing down. Anyone who overhears the Scion's
initial command and is able to overcome his successes on a Perception + Empathy roll is
able to realize the truth of the matter.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
By specifically playing upon the instinctive memory triggers in his targets environment,
the Scion with this Knack may impress a memory so indelibly upon them that it becomes
completely unforgettable. By giving his target a specific phrase, moment or memory that
he wishes them to retain and spending a point of Legend, the Scion burns it into their
memory, giving them complete and total recall of it no matter what else may transpire or
how unimportant it might have seemed at the time. If the target fails to resist, only use of
other Manipulation Knacks can remove the eternal reminder from his or her mind.
Prerequisite: Rumor Mill
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Politics
The fads and trends of the mortal (and even divine) world are as easy to manipulate for
the Scion with this Knack as an individuals actions might be. By finding a public place
and intentionally performing some action, speaking some phrase, or simply existing in a
unique fashion, the Scion may cause everyone around her to take note, and some to begin
emulating her fashion or style automatically, believing it to be the best thing since sliced
bread. The widespread staying power of the fad is dependent on conditions as with any
trend, but the Scion may potentially affect astounding numbers of people with it if he so
chooses, as determined by his successes:
The trend reaches its heyday in a number of days equal to the Scion's successes, and lasts
for a number of weeks equal to his Epic Manipulation successes.
Prerequisite: Total Recall
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Politics
While taking center stage is all well and good at the appropriate moment, the Scion with
this Knack also knows how to fade into the background when it becomes prudent to do so,
making herself merely a bystander to whatever might be going on. By spending the
requisite cost, the Scion makes herself so innocuous that others immediately discount her
as harmless and unimportant for the remainder of the scene; in combat, no enemy will
bother with her unless she is the only one left standing, while in any non-violent scene
she becomes so unnoticeable that others may forget she was there entirely. The Scion
herself must take care to keep her harmless faade intact, however; she cannot take any
violent action while under the effects of this Knack, and cannot make herself a key player
or heavily involved party in whatever is transpiring around her. If she does so, this
Knacks effects end immediately and everyone is free to notice her again.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Horrible, hideous, unsettling or terrifying, the Scion with this Knack is so disturbing to
look at that others simply avoid getting close enough to do so. Once the Scion has spent
the requisite cost for this Knack, it becomes impossible for mortals to bar or block his
progress, allowing him to part crowds and stride through traffic while others scramble to
get out of his way. Those with a Legend score may approach and impede him if they wish,
but they must spend a point of Willpower in order to do so.
This Knack may only be used by someone with negative Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: Blinding Visage
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this knack is so visually impressive - whether divinely beautiful or
torturously ugly - that those attempting to affect her mentally are at a disadvantage from
plain distraction. She may add her Appearance to any dice roll made to resist being
affected by an outside power.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
The Scion with this Knack may concentrate his amazing appearance so as to literally
attack those who gaze upon him. If he is beautiful, those affected wander in a daze,
temporarily blinded and overwhelmed by the splendor of his visage; if he is hideous they
panic, struck blind by the horror of the sight of him. The Scion may only blind up to a
total number of people equal to his dots of Epic Appearance, and may only blind any
specific person once per use; mortals are blinded for the remainder of the scene, while
beings with Legend ratings are sightless for only 5 ticks. The Scion's targets must be
looking directly at him in order for this Knack to affect them.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
Irresistible to the eye, the Scion with this Knack forces those around her to pay attention
to her and only her, drawing their eyes no matter what else might be going on in their
vicinity. For every point of Legend she chooses to spend, her targets (she may affect up to
her successes in individual beings) are locked into staring at her (though they may
otherwise act normally) for one full minute per dot of Epic Appearance she possesses,
enabling her to command every person's attention for a heroic speech or to draw a foe's
ire in battle. Those who wish to take any action not directly involving the Scion suffer a -4
dice penalty in order to do so, as do those making Perception rolls to notice anything
other than the Scion.
Prerequisite: Mask the Divine
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
As changeable as the weather, the Scion with this Knack may now cause her ichor to give
off false signals, blending in even with other pantheons around her. Whenever she
chooses to pay the requisite cost, she may choose to read as any other pantheon to those
using Scent the Divine, and in addition may smell like whatever she wishes, whether or
not it would normally be possible (i.e., rose petals, ozone, or anything else she wants).
Prerequisite: Perfect Actor
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Command
When a Scion possesses this Knack, his presence is so striking that at any time he may
use it to influence those who have seen him to come to him, even if they are currently far
away. By spending the requisite cost and in some way calling the target (who need not be
able to actually receive the message, but who may not have more Epic Appearance than
he does), the Scion immediately engenders a strong, undeniable urge in them to come to
his location at once (though they are not forced to take any imminently life-threatening
measures in order to do so). Those seeking the Scion do so only for one full day; if, at the
end of each day, they have not yet reached him, they may make an extended Willpower +
Integrity roll against him, adding successes to it each day until they either reach him or
overcome his threshold successes and are freed from the compulsion (the target must
make this roll, as her natural resistance to meddling does not allow her to relent even if
she genuinely wishes to find the Scion). If the Scion moves more than a mile from the
place where he first called his target, the spell breaks and they are no longer compelled to
find him; likewise, if he is on a different plane or otherwise inaccessible to his target, the
compulsion breaks when the target reaches a touchstone or Axis Mundi and can go no
This Knack may only be used by someone with positive Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: Serpent's Gaze
Cost: 1 Legend per target
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
So undeniable is the intense attraction of the Scion's presence that she can use this Knack
to literally freeze others in their tracks. By spending a point of Legend for every person
she wishes to affect, the Scion causes them to stop whatever they are doing and simply
stare at her, drinking in the sight of her divine beauty. She may only affect targets that
she is currently able to see, and only a number of targets equal to her successes from Epic
Appearance; the targets remain thus frozen until she leaves their sight or until they are
physically hurt, at which point they instantly regain their senses. In fact, the Scion's
presence is so overwhelming that her targets have no memory of the time they lost in
contemplating her, and likewise forget an equal amount of time before this Knack was
used, burned out of their brains by the Scion's unearthly image. If the Scion attempts to
use this Knack on the same person more than once in the same scene, her target adds
their Willpower + Integrity again to their resistance roll as bonus dice for every time the
Scion has already used it on them.
This Knack may only be used by someone with positive Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: My Eyes Are Up Here
Cost: 1 Legend per feature
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack may change any minor details of his appearance at whim; hair,
skin and eye colors, hair lengths and so forth are totally mutable for him as long as the
desired effect falls within the range of normal human appearance (i.e., he may change his
skin to most shades of tan or brown, but not to blue). Changes wrought by this Knack are
permanent unless reversed by other Appearance Knacks or powers.
Prerequisite: Bedazzling Image
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Some Titans and Gods (and some of their spawn) have developed partial immunity even
to the amazing effects of a Scion's Epic Appearance, but that is not to say that they are
completely free of its influence. For the price of one point of Legend plus the cost of the
Knack or Boon used against him (as well as one more for every dot of Epic Appearance
the attacker has over the Scion), he may remove his Legend from his resistance roll and
instead add his Epic Appearance auto-successes to his total (though, since this is a
function of her appearance and not her mental faculties, this Knack cannot be combined
with Parapet of the Mind or Crazy Like a Fox).
Prerequisite: Disorienting Countenance
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
So unbelievably overwhelming is the Scions appearance, whether she possesses heavenly
beauty or hellish ugliness, that it is literally too much for others to bear when she
unleashes it fully. Whenever she pays the requisite cost, her target is overcome by the
sheer dazzling force of her appearance; mortals die instantly, their minds and eyes seared
and blasted by the overload, and beings of Legend are blinded for one full day by the
awesome force of her visage.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack never shows ill effects related to injuries or dirt on her actual
body. If she is injured, bruises and cuts do not appear on her, no matter how grievously
damaged she is in actuality; likewise, her skin always seems perfectly clean and
blemishness, even if she's been slogging through a sewer for the past few hours. This
Knack does not actually affect anything except for the Scions outward appearance, and
does not extend to the Scion's clothes or anything she might be carrying.
This Knack may only be used by someone with positive Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: Aura of Dread
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
A Knack reserved exclusively for Scions whose appearance tends toward the hideous end
of the cosmic spectrum rather than the lovely, this power allows its possessor to become
so visually terrifying that those around him literally cannot bring themselves to come into
contact with such a horrifying creature. When he activates this Knack, anyone wishing to
attack or even touch him must equal his roll or find themselves afflicted with a terrible,
instinctive fear against doing so, which manifests itself as a penalty equal to the Scion's
Epic Appearance dots in successes applied to all melee, brawl or other close-quarters
combat they attempt to level against him. This Knack does not affect those with more
hideous Epic Appearance than the Scion himself, and does not affect ranged attacks. The
horrible compulsion lasts for a number of ticks equal to the Scion's successes multiplied by
ten, after which he reverts to his usual self.
This Knack may only be used by someone with negative Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: Aura of Dread
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
By revealing the awful divine ugliness of her visage, the Scion with this Knack may so
terrify her target that she forces them to flee, wildly doing anything and everything short
of causing themselves injury to escape her presence. Those thus ejected must run until the
next sunrise, and cannot voluntarily do anything in the Scion's presence except attempt to
escape; if cornered by the Scion, the target may lash out in self-defense. This Knack does
not affect those with more hideous Epic Appearance than the Scion herself.
This Knack may only be used by someone with negative Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: Star Power
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
By revealing the terrible divine glory of her visage, the Scion with this Knack may so
intimidate her target that she prevents him from being able to lay a hand on her,
instinctively backing away from the temerity of such an idea. Whenever she overcomes
her opponents resistance roll, the Scion renders him incapable of taking any violent
action toward her for the rest of the scene; he may do anything else he wishes, but the
Scion herself is immune to any attack while she stands wreathed in her overwhelming
This Knack may only be used by someone with positive Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: Lasting Impression
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
The Scion with this Knack is so hauntingly beautiful or viscerally terrifying that it is
almost impossible for those who see him to get him out of their minds. When any person
or creature is looking at him, he may choose to spend the requisite cost; if he does, the
hapless target is plagued by insistent recurring visions of the Scion, like a retinal
afterimage burned into his or her brain. He or she sees all other people of the appropriate
sex as wearing the Scion's face, no matter who or where; he or she may spend a point of
Willpower to temporarily stave off this maddening effect, but after one hour the visions
return, allowing him or her no peace from seeing the Scion's face everywhere, and the
constant presence prevents him or her from regaining any points of Willpower while thus
affected. Hapless targets suffer a -4 dice penalty to all actions during this time from the
distraction of constantly being confronted by the Scion; in addition, anyone attempting to
correctly identify a person of the same sex as the Scion loses four successes from their
attempt to do so. Beings with a Legend rating may shake the effects off on their own after
24 hours; mortals, however, are doomed to see the Scion's face forever unless he chooses
to release them from it.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
Whatever a target of this Knack might think about the Scion, there's no denying that she
can't be forgotten. When the Scion spends the requisite point of Legend, she causes her
target to think about her godly appearance during idle moments, boosting their spirits or
flattening them utterly. If the Scion is beautiful she grants her target a point of Willpower
(which can be in excess of their normal maximum) and a dice bonus equal to your total
number of dots of Epic Appearance to all Art, Athletics and Integrity rolls for the next 24
hours; if she is hideous, her target loses a point of Willpower which cannot be regained
until the effects wear off, and suffers the same penalty to all Animal Ken, Command,
Politics and Presence rolls as the memory of her terrifying face prevents him or her from
concentrating on anything fully.
Prerequisite: Waking Nightmare
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
By embracing the true terror of his divine heritage, the Scion with this Knack makes it
nearly impossible for any but the most stalwart to approach him. Whenever he chooses to
pay this Knacks activation cost, his horrifying presence and supreme ugliness become
highlighted; for any being that comes within 20 yards of him must roll to resist or flee as
if affected by the Dreadful Mien Knack, unable to stand being in such close proximity to
such a monster. This Knacks effects last for the remainder of the scene, after which point
the Scion becomes loathsome but tolerable again (by those with strong stomachs,
Prerequisite: Mask the Divine
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is such a master of his appearance that he may bend it to his
will completely, becoming as noticeable or innocuous as he wishes. Whenever he chooses
to pay the requisite cost, he may set his Epic Appearance to any level from zero to his
maximum for the remainder of the scene; all onlookers see him as his new level of Epic
Appearance and treat him accordingly, and all Appearance Knacks he uses during this
time use his new Epic Appearance. He may revert his Epic Appearance to its normal level
before the end of the scene if he wishes, but he must pay this Knacks activation cost
again to do so.
to zero in both her normal and Epic dots of Appearance, and may interact more freely
with others who may not know her true nature. Since her Epic Appearance is not active,
however, she cannot use Knacks provided by it. The Scion is entirely forgettable and
mortals cannot later remember or recognize her or describe her in any detail; the
nondescript appearance lasts until the end of the scene, or until the Scion chooses to
return to her full glory.
Prerequisite: Center of Attention
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Art (some form of performance)
The Scion's control over his body and face is so minute and perfect, backed up by his
incredible gorgeousness, that he can communicate and incite emotion in others like the
most masterful of thespians. By spending the requisite cost and in some way portraying
an emotion - acting out a scene, making a speech, or simply dropping to his knees and
sobbing - the Scion causes all those who see him to immediately feel that emotion with an
overwhelming intensity for the remainder of the scene.
This Knack may only be used by someone with positive Epic Appearance.
Prerequisite: Inescapable Vision
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
The Scion with this Knack is literally irresistible to the eye. If she makes eye contact and
spends the requisite point of Legend, her target is instantly and inescapably fascinated by
her, unable to do anything but maintain their mutual gaze. If the Scion loses eye contact
with her victim or he sustains damage, he is immediately snapped out of it. This Knack
may be used on a specific target only once per scene.
Prerequisite: Doin' Fine
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
A Scion with this much Epic Appearance is just too cool to be inconvenienced by
everyday grooming hassles like dirt and bodily fluids. Incidental damage to her
appearance simply doesn't happen anymore - she doesn't bleed when injured, she doesn't
sweat when it's hot, she doesn't get dirty when she works hard, and the wind definitely
doesn't disturb her immaculately-coiffed hair one bit. Even her clothing remains pristine
and perfect unless she wishes for it to be otherwise.
Prerequisite: My Eyes Are Up Here
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Incredible beauty is all well and good, but the Scion with this Knack knows that the
clothes make the man, too. By concentrating for a moment and spending a point of
Legend, he may cause clothing to grow forth and cover his body, coalescing from his very
godly ichor. This garment can look like whatever he likes (though it cannot provide armor
bonuses) is permanent, and acts like normal clothing in every way once it is created. If at
any time the clothing leaves physical contact with the Scion, it disintegrates.
Prerequisite: Detail Variation
Cost: 5 Legend per feature
Dice Pool: None
The Scion's control over her appearance is now so great that she can stretch and shape it
into anything within the spectrum of normal human variation. She may change skin and
hair colors at whim, grow into a basketball player or shrink into a midget, completely
change her race, swap genders, or even become a hermaphrodite. All alterations to her
appearance are real, affecting even her DNA; they are permanent unless she chooses to
change them again with this or another Appearance Knack. If the Scion wishes to
impersonate a specific person with equal or lesser Epic Appearance, she may do so, but
those who possess higher Epic Perception than she does may realize that it is an impostor
(or, if they have never met the person before, merely realize that something is slightly off).
Prerequisite: Undeniable Resemblance
Cost: 2 Legend per feature Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack can now create whatever outlandish modifications to himself
he wishes, whether they are within the realm of human imagination or so fantastic that
they defy description. He may add limbs or heads, grow a tail or wings, turn his bones
into sculptures or utilize colors never found in nature; his imagination is the only limit,
though changes typically do not afford any concrete dice bonuses (unless otherwise ruled
by the Storyteller). All changes he makes to his appearance are permanent unless he
chooses to change them again with this or another Appearance Knack.
Prerequisite: Dreadful Mien
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
The Scion with this Knack is so terrifying that the horror of his hideous visage cannot be
confined to a single unfortunate target. Whenever he spends the activation cost and
shows his true horror with a snarl, shout or other threatening gesture, all those who are
able to see him in the area must immediately roll to resist as if affected by the Dreadful
Mien Knack or flee in abject terror. The commanding officer of an opposing army may
attempt to roll Charisma + Command against the Scions activation successes in order to
prevent his men from routing, but if he is not successful must watch helplessly as they run
wildly from the Scions unthinkable presence.
Prerequisite: Spatial Attunement
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack can extend her senses far beyond the normal pale of humanity.
By spending the requisite cost, she opens her awareness to those sensations normally
noticeable only by machines and sensitive animals; she gains the ability to see in the
infrared and ultraviolet spectrums, can see and feel magnetic fields and radioactive decay,
and can even detect the movement of radio and television waves around her, though she
cannot listen in on them. She may tune into only one of these extended senses at a time,
but may switch freely between them at any time throughout the scene.
Prerequisite: Telescopic Senses
Cost: 3+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Only the most sensitive of Scions have the power of this Knack, which allows them to
extend their senses to places completely outside their range. By spending the requisite
amount, a Scion may eavesdrop on any place that he has been before, seeing, hearing and
smelling the scene as if he were there while his body remains miles away. He may choose
to feel and taste anything within his line of sight as well if he wishes to pay the Legend
cost a second time. the Scion cannot directly interact with anything at his chosen scene,
as he is not actually there; he is merely an observer. If the Scion chooses to project
himself to a place on a different plane (such as viewing a pub in Ireland from the
Underworld), he must spend 5 Legend instead of 3 to force his consciousness past the
boundaries of the realms.
Prerequisite: Eagle-Eyed
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has honed her skills in aiming so finely that she can shoot
across distances completely impossible for even the most well-trained of mortals.
Whenever she chooses to pay the requisite cost, she may for the rest of the scene use any
non-thrown ranged weapon to shoot up to ten times as far as the weapons range would
normally allow it to without penalty (assuming, of course, that she can see that far).
Prerequisite: Crack Shot
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Foes are wise to fear the Scion with this Knack, who is able to shoot with such astonishing
range and accuracy that his missiles seem to come from nowhere, raining down from the
heavens or darting divinely across the planet. For the scene in which he activates this
Knack, the Scion may shoot a non-thrown weapon as far as he is able to see with no
penalty for range and regardless of his weapons usual limitations (though obstacles that
impede his perceptions may still cause him trouble).
Prerequisite: Sharpshooter
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Even mortal-made machines can be affected by the divine ichor in a Scion's veins, and a
Scion with this knack may now add her Epic Perception auto-successes to her damage roll
for the rest of the scene when attacking with a firearm. Scions who use more traditional
weapons may also benefit from the uncanny sharpness that this knack lends to their
vision; whenever she shoots a bow or other ranged weapon that would normally use her
Strength to deal damage, she may pay one point of Legend to instead use her Perception.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has an uncanny ability to recognize and understand the
complex emotions and responses of others around her, rendering her able to read their
distress, respond to their unspoken questions, or even manipulate them if the need arises.
She may count her dots in Empathy as automatic successes instead of dice in any roll; if
she wishes to pay a cost of one point of Legend, she may also count her dots in Arete:
Empathy or any bonuses she might have to Empathy from Geasa.
Prerequisite: Subliminal Warning
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is totally attuned to his surroundings, able to detect the
slightest change or irregularity with unconscious ease. He has an innate sense of the
passage of time, and immediately registers any changes in pressure, temperature, the
ground beneath his feet or the environment surrounding him, as long as he is awake. He
is extremely difficult to surprise and may always roll to notice an ambush a full ten ticks
before it occurs, potentially giving him time to take preparatory actions or alert his
comrades; even if he does not notice it ahead of time, he joins battles immediately with
the first person to act when an attack is made.
Prerequisite: Empath
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is an old hand at recognizing flim-flammery. She immediately
sees through all illusions created by beings with fewer levels of Illusion than she has dots
of Epic Perception, able to instantly see through their false seemings and identify them as
what they truly are. In addition, she may even recognize the illusion's creator simply by
looking at his or her handiwork, provided that she has seen an illusion crafted by that
person before.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
As the Scion with this Knack reaches true divinity, he may act as a god in truth, hearing
the pleas of his worshipers. No matter where he might be, he automatically hears spoken
prayers addressed to him and gains a general sense of the supplicant's location; if more
than one person prays to him at the same time, he experiences the prayers as if all were
being spoken at the same time, potentially making them difficult to sort out.
This Knack may only be possessed by Scions with a Legend rating of 9 or higher.
Prerequisite: Environmental Awareness
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Even in the realm of sleep, the Scion with this Knack is not caught unawares. Where most
sleepers are dead to the world until they awake, the Scion's senses operate as fully as they
do when wakeful, and she is aware of and able to recall anything that occurs in her
vicinity while she is asleep. If she wishes to awaken and deal with any action occurring
around her, she may do so at any time unless she is exhausted, in which case she must roll
as normal for attempting to stave off exhaustion.
Prerequisite: Eyes in the Back of Your Head
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Being overwhelmed by excess stimuli is a real problem for many people, even those who
don't have enhanced senses, but the Scion with this Knack breezes past these concerns
with ease. No matter how many things are going on our how many sources of input are
clamoring for her attention, she may easily deal with all of them, perfectly distinguishing
one from another and suffering no distraction penalties from doing so for the remainder
of the scene.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has a complete ability to distinguish between the slightest
differences and shades in tone. He knows the difference between various kinds of sounds
instantly, even if the variation is so minute that even a computer might not pick it up, and
can distinguish between different tones and notes with infinitesimally small differences.
Prerequisite: Subliminal Warning
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is the world's most efficient bloodhound, able to follow a trail
with astonishing speed and accuracy. She may track her quarry at her full movement
speed instead of the normal half speed, as she can identify the signs of its passage so
quickly that there is no need to slow down and search more thoroughly.
Prerequisite: Broad-Spectrum Reception
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has a permanently altered awareness that allows him full
access to ranges of communication usually reserved only for machines. He now gains all
the effects of the Broad-Spectrum Reception knack at all times without having to pay for
them, and when he activates this Knack he also gains the ability to actually tune into
radio, television and radar waves, reading their content as if he were listening or
watching at their destination.
Prerequisite: Fool Me Once...
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
While illusions are false by nature, it can be trickier to spot those who actually change
their shape. Upon spending the requisite cost, the Scion with this Knack may for the rest
of the scene instinctively recognize any being that is shapechanged or physically altered
from its original form, whether this was accomplished via plastic surgery, Epic
Appearance Knacks, the Animal, Health or Magic purviews, or any other means of
altering a being's form. The Scion is not necessarily able to suss out what the person's
original form might have been, but she knows that this isn't it.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has a sense of smell and taste second to none. He can separate
the ingredients in a dish of food or the components of a chemical compound with just one
sniff, and taste even the subtlest of flavorings. He instantly tastes and poison or harmful
substance added to his food, and likewise knows the moment harmful gases are
introduced into the air; he can even pinpoint the origin of some of a dish's ingredients
with decent accuracy, able to detect the trace tastes of the environment from which they
Pantheon Scent Sound
The Aesir Burning amber The snap of electricity
The Kami Cherry blossoms The roaring of the waves
The Anunna Cedar wood The sudden crack of thunder
The Bogovi Rain The sound of a turning wheel
The Deva Burning incense The low hum of a mantra
The Nemetondevos Wet earth The distant sound of hoofbeats
The Netjer Dry dust and sand The howl of the wind
The Orisha Palm wine The beat of a drum
The Shen Old paper and ink The rustling of silk
The Teotl Fresh blood The beating of a heart
The Theoi Olives The murmuring of a crowd
The Tuatha de Danann Fresh grass and clover The creak of wood
The Yazata Strong exotic spices The crackle of fire
Titanrealm Sensation
Akhetaten The brief blaze of blinding light
Comprenion The sensation of a restricting spiderweb
Crom Cruach The taste of rot and decay
The Drowned Road The feeling of enveloping, moving water
Ehekatoyaatl The boom of thunder and scent of lightning
Hundun The riot of all senses
Logos The impression of unyielding barriers
Muspelheim The feeling of overwhelming heat
Niflheim The freezing of the breath and body
Soku-no-Kumi The sound of deafening silence
Tamoanchan The dazzlement of many tiny points of light
Titanrealm Sensation
Terra The strong scent of pollen and pheromones
Vritra The shriveling of all the body's tissues
Prerequisite: Refined Palate
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Some Scions can pull off truly heroic feats of eating, while others just want to get through
the next state dinner, but there's one thing they all have in common: when something
tastes bad, it tastes bad. A Scion with this knack, on the other hand, may rewire or switch
his tastebuds off any time, rendering raw sewage the same flavor as fresh strawberries or
even as nothing at all. He is never required to roll Stamina + Fortitude in order to avoid
vomiting from ingesting rotten or unappetizing items. This ability to tackle any kind of
meal anywhere has more than a little ability to impress and astound, and has saved more
than one Scion faced with a diplomatic peace-offering of a twitching, foul-smelling
carcass from losing face (and his lunch).
Prerequisite: Scent the Divine
Cost: 1 Legend per use (if desired)
Dice Pool: Perception + Occult
The lines of Fate are invisible and intangible, but they are the glue that binds the world
together and the Scion with this Knack may see some of their machinations and
associations, gaining valuable information about the world around her. She knows
immediately and instinctively whenever any two people who are Fatebound to one
another are in her presence at the same time, and likewise is instantly aware whenever
she gains a Fatebond of her own or a Fatebound Role becomes active in her vicinity. If she
chooses to pay one point of Legend, she may roll to determine if she can glean any more
information from the association; the more successes she gains, the more information she
learns, including who is Fatebound to whom, what Fatebound roles are being played out,
and even what the Fated believes most staunchly about the person to whom he or she is
Prerequisite: Hear Prayers
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
A god in truth, the Scion with this Knack knows when his name is invoked, whether by
devout worshipers, shouted by determined evangelists or whispered secretly by his
enemies. Whenever anyone speaks his name, the Scion hears it and immediately knows
exactly where the speaker is, though he does not necessarily know who spoke unless he
chooses to travel there or use other means of looking in on the situation. What constitutes
a true name of the Scion is up to Storyteller discretion, but any name under which he is
worshiped or commonly known may be a possibility.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The old, traditional pantheon gods may feel that guns and other newfangled firearms are
a trifling matter, but many up-and-coming Scions are very attached to their toys and have
found ways around their normal limitations. The Scion with this knack has made a study
of knowing exactly where to aim to cause the most damage, and consequently may add
her Perception to her damage rolls when using guns.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Like a bat or whale, the Scion with this Knack may activate it in order to gain invisible
sonar-like abilities, enabling him to "see" and make his way around even in pitch
darkness. He takes no penalties for blindfighting or navigating in dark areas for the
remainder of the scene, and may "map out" any room within seconds of entering it.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is preternaturally attuned to danger, and feels a tingle of
warning a split second before an attack or disaster strikes her unawares. She does not
know a particular dangers exact nature, nor is she alerted to it in time to warn anyone
else, but she may have just enough time to take an action of her own.
Prerequisite: Perfect Pitch
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Having mastered the near-infinite shades of tonal variety and pitch, the Scion can now
pick and choose among them when communicating. If she so wishes, she may choose a
level of Epic Perception and speak so quietly that only another person who can equal or
exceed that level of Epic Perception can hear her. Note that while she can choose any
level of Epic Perception that she possesses to be the target sound level, she cannot speak
more softly than she herself could hear.
Prerequisite: Predatory Focus
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is unshakable from his trail, the epitome of the inescapable and
relentless hunter; he can follow machines, creatures of the air and fishes of the sea as
easily as if they left footprints for him to trace. As long he continues to track the same
quarry, he may do so even if it takes normally insurmountable evasive action, such as
flight or teleportation.
Prerequisite: Spatial Attunement
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has no need for telescopes or radar; he is literally able to see,
hear, and otherwise perceive for huge distances if he chooses, multiplying his perceptions
beyond all human bounds. He may distinguish any sensations happening within his
earshot as if they were occurring right in front of his nose, and see and hear in a much
larger range than any human (and many gods), able to keep track of events happening up
to ten times further away from him than he would otherwise be able to. If he chooses, he
may deactivate this Knack at no cost to avoid sensory overload, and reactivate it later at
no cost.
Prerequisite: Real McCoy
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Perception + Investigation
Disguises simply and utterly fail to fool the Scion with this Knack, who never forgets a
face (or what's underneath it). She immediately recognizes any person that she has met
and to whom she is Fatebound, no matter what lengths have been gone to to disguise
them - they could be melted into a puddle of living goo and she would still know them on
sight. Whenever she is confronted by a being that she suspects may be other than it is
purporting to be, the Scion may spend a point of Legend to roll against the Manipulation +
Empathy of whomever has done the concealing; if successful, she instantly sees her
targets true form and knows exactly what was done to change them into the seeming
they currently wear. This Knack applies to all uses of the Illusion purview and all forms of
shapeshifting, and may also see through any other kind of supernatural concealment
(Sacred Image, possession with the Ori purview, etc.).
Prerequisite: Perfect Memory
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Well-versed in the lore of every book to come his way, the Scion with this Knack can go
beyond mere study and apply his book-learning to real-life situations. He may add his
dots of Academics as dice to any Empathy, Occult or Politics rolls. Scions with Arete:
Academics may pay an additional point of Legend to add these as well if they have 1-5
dots of it, an additional two points of Legend if they have 6-8, and an additional three
points of Legend if they want to add Arete: Academics of 9 or more to their roll.
Prerequisite: Fight With Your Head
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Command
The Scion with this Knack can calculate every angle and possibility in a coming battle so
finely that she gives her troops an extra edge over those laboring under less skilled
commanders. Whenever she knows that a battle is coming and chooses to use this Knack,
she may add every success she gains to a pool of dice; in the conflict to come, she may
then parcel out these dice to her companions actions whenever she chooses, commanding
them with perfect precision to bring out the best in them. She may never give any one ally
more dice to a single action than she possesses dots of Epic Intelligence, however, and
moreover may not grant more dice to a single action than her target possesses dots of
normal Intelligence (as she can only do so much with the truly dull-minded). Once she
runs out of dice, the Scion may choose to use this Knack again, but doing so is a 10-tick
Prerequisite: Applied Academics
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Related ability
The Scion with this Knack is so intelligent that even when she doesn't quite know the
answer, she knows the answer. Whenever the Scion observes a phenomenon or scenario
happen exactly the same three times in a row, she may pay the requisite cost and make a
pronouncement about the way that scenario works (i.e., "Whenever it rains over the old
barn, golden lilypads appear in the pond."). When she does so, she rolls a dice pool
appropriate to the situation at hand; the difficulty is variable, based upon the Legend
ratings of those involved and the specificity of her claim. If she garners 10 successes, she
may accurately explain the doings of mortal phenomena; if she gains 30 successes she
may explain the behavior of lesser immortals, Legendary beings and magical phenomena,
and with 50 or more successes she may even explain the behavior of the gods and
Overworlds. The Storyteller then informs her, if she is successful, either that her
statement is true (meaning that it will always be true, and there will always be golden
lilypads when it rains) or that it is false, meaning she has overlooked some detail that
ruins the pattern. From that point forward, her successfully-made statement is the truth,
whether or not it originally was.
Prerequisite: Telepathy
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The strength of her indomitable intellect allows the Scion with this Knack to resist the
mind-altering effects of others, giving her a better chance of escaping their manipulations
than a more feeble-minded victim might have. She may add her dots in Intelligence as
dice to all resist rolls.
Prerequisite: Math Genius
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Capable of lateral thinking on an epic scale, the Scion with this Knack can solve any
puzzle and break any code, deciphering the complex secrets of any conundrum with ease.
She automatically solves any mortal-made code, puzzle or encryption she encounters, and
may apply her intelligence in reverse to create uncrackable codes of her own, completely
unsolvable by anyone who does not also possess this Knack.
Prerequisite: Applied Academics
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
So great is the Scions control over his mind that he can split tiny fragments of it off with
this Knack, hiding his memories away so deeply that even he cannot find them.
Whenever he chooses, he may pay the requisite cost and name one fact he currently
knows; once he has done so, he immediately and irretrievably forgets it, behaving as if he
had never learned it in the first place. He does not remember ever having been told the
information, and even if he is taught it again he will forget it within 24 hours of learning
it. When the Scion hides information from himself, he must choose one triggering event
(as mundane as when I go to bed tonight or as specific as when Odin says the following
word); whenever that triggering event occurs, no matter how long it might be after this
Knack was used, the Scion instantly remembers the forgotten piece of information.
Should something occur that wipes the Scions memory (Chaos Boons, Appearance
Knacks or the influence of the Drowned Road, for example), any memories hidden with
this Knack remain safe and return as normal when triggered, even if they were originally
gained during the time that the Scion has lost.
Prerequisite: Fast Learner
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack possesses the brainpower necessary not only to understand
and theorize when it comes to gadgetry, but to improvise and create on a level seen only
in science fiction. By spending an appropriate amount of time planning and creating, the
Scion gains the ability to create relics and magical items, even if she does not have the
Artistry purview.
Prerequisite: Well-Read Virgin
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
There is no intellectual trial that the Scion with this Knack cannot learn to master and no
academic discipline that he shies away from. The experience cost for him to learn the
Academics, Medicine, Occult and Politics abilities is halved.
If the Scion has 1-5 dots of Epic Intelligence, she need pay only one point of Legend for
this Knack; if she has 6-8, it costs two points of Legend, and if she has 9 or more it costs
the full three points.
Prerequisite: Telepathy
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
No longer restricted to mere short bursts of words, the Scion with this Knack may send
images and landscapes directly into her targets minds if she so chooses, sharing a wealth
of information in a single instant. She may telepathically send any one image (whether a
simple one, such as an apple, or a complicated one, such as the interior of the feasting hall
of Valhalla) to her target upon paying this Knacks cost.
Prerequisite: Language Mastery
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The secrets of all alphabets are available to the Scion with this Knack, who may now read
and write as flawlessly in any language as he can speak. As with Language Mastery, he
must spend a few moments reading a suitable example of an unfamiliar language before
gaining the ability to understand it.
Prerequisite: Speed Reader
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is a wellspring of the bizarre, the obscure, and the arcane. She
knows random bits of trivia on every subject under the sun. Whenever she chooses to pay
the requisite cost, she gains phantom dots equal to her Epic Intelligence dots in
Academics, Command, Investigation, Medicine, Occult, Politics or Survival for the
remainder of the scene as she calls upon her vast stores of book-learned knowledge; these
dots function exactly like real ones, including allowing her the use of her Epic Attributes,
but vanish at the end of the scene. If she already possesses dots in that ability, this Knack
does nothing.
Prerequisite: Speed Reader
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Once he has heard a few sentences of an unfamiliar language, the Scion with this Knack
is able to gain full, fluent knowledge of it, suddenly able to speak it as if he were a native.
He intuitively grasps the language's grammatical rules and vocabulary, but since he has
learned it entirely verbally he is unable to spell in it or to write it if it uses a different
alphabet or set of characters than his native language.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
No matter the circumstances or the difficulty of the problem, the Scion with this Knack is
able to perform extraordinary feats of calculation on the fly. He needs no pencil or paper
and need not spend an extended period of time considering any but the most mind-
bending of mathematics; estimations, calculations, and other numerical permutations are
solved for him almost instantaneously.
Prerequisite: Grant Visions
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By concentrating and binding their minds together as one, the Scion may briefly
commune more easily and fully with her target, sharing thoughts as she chooses with no
restrictions on time or detail. When she pays this Knacks cost, the Scion gains the ability
to directly communicate with her target as if using the Telepathy Knack for the rest of the
scene and need not pay for each individual thought. If she wishes to spend an additional
three points of Legend, she may also freely share images and visions as if using the Grant
Visions Knack.
Prerequisite: Parapet of the Mind
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Even the most astute of thinkers can be overwhelmed when trying to do too many things
at once, but for the Scion with this Knack, juggling jobs is a breeze. She may easily
perform any number of mental actions (up to a maximum of her total number of Epic
Intelligence dots) simultaneously, giving her the potential to solve a knotty math problem,
work on a symphonic composition, give a lecture on nuclear physics and sketch out a
blueprint for an ambitious new building, all while driving to work with the other hand.
This Knack may be used for any mental or social action, including such esoteric ones as
the activation of Boons or Knacks.
function of her incredible mental faculties and not her reaction time or appearance, this
Knack cannot be combined with Disorienting Countenance or Crazy Like a Fox).
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has a memory that goes beyond the photographic to the
completely eidetic. Any detail, no matter how small or inconsequential, may be
remembered with perfect clarity if she noticed it, no matter how long ago a scene
occurred or what else she might have been doing since. She remembers everything with
crystal clarity and need never fear forgetting a vital piece of information.
Prerequisite: Tactical Planning
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Through his grasp of the principles of motion and violence and his extensive studying on
the subject, the Scion with this Knack can brawl with the best of them on the strength of
theoretical learning alone. He may add his Academics dots as dice to any Brawl,
Marksmanship, Melee or Thrown rolls. Scions with Arete: Academics may pay an
additional point of Legend to add these as well if they have 1-5 dots of it, an additional
two points of Legend if they have 6-8, and an additional three points of Legend if they
want to add Arete: Academics of 9 or more to their roll.
Prerequisite: Cipher
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Sometimes the greatest strength of a Scion's mind lies in refusing to accept the
unacceptable. By taking a step back to logically examine a situation (in combat, this is a
10-tick action), the Scion may once per day arrive at an acceptable conclusion, and the
resulting renewal of understanding and determination replenishes one point of her
Willpower for every dot of Epic Intelligence that she possesses.
Prerequisite: Wireless Interface
Cost: 1 Legend per machine
Dice Pool: None
The Scion is so easily able to visualize the inner workings of machinery and circuitry that
he can manipulate them with the power of her mind alone. In addition to the benefits of
Wireless Interface, he may remotely operate any one other piece of machinery he can see
as though doing so in person, potentially becoming able to operate a microwave, a sewing
machine and a wrecking ball all from the comfort of his windowseat. He may control only
one machine at a time, but may choose to abandon one and pay for another at any time;
all machines, however, must be powered in some way (whether via electricity, steam or
magical juice) in order to respond to his commands.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack processes at a superhuman speed, rendering him able to digest
the written word hundreds of times more quickly than his compatriots. He may
completely and thoroughly read up to five pages of text per second for every dot of Epic
Intelligence he possesses.
Prerequisite: Well-Read Virgin
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Having moved beyond the mere theoretical, the Scion with this Knack is able to apply her
knowledge in concrete and physical ways. The experience cost for her to learn the
Athletics, Brawl, Control, Larceny, Marksmanship, Melee and Thrown abilities is halved.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack proceeds into combat on the strength of his intelligence and
ability to plan alone, rather than relying on the crutch of reflexes. He may substitute his
Intelligence for his Wits when rolling to Join Battle (unless he is successfully surprised).
Prerequisite: Star Pupil
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Not only a whiz on her own but also an accomplished teacher, the Scion with this Knack
may pass her expertise on through tutoring and lecturing, helping her students to make
the necessary leaps of logic, intuition, and understanding to fully grasp the material. If she
actively teaches an ability to another person (for an entire day if they are Legendary, or
for a consecutive week of entire days if they are mortal) who possesses fewer dots in it
than she does, they may purchase it at half of its usual experience point cost.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
As adept mentally as some are physically, the Scion with this Knack may eschew audible
conversation entirely and may send thoughts straight into the head of any target she can
see, speaking to them entirely mentally. He may send only one sentence or complete
thought per point of Legend spent.
Prerequisite: Cipher
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Marksmanship
The Scion with this Knack has an incredibly keen eye for angles and an acuity and
precision only dreamed of by most. Whenever she uses a power or levels an attack that
might hit multiple targets - a spray of machine-gun fire, a lobbed fireball, etc. - she may
exempt a number of targets equal to her successes from being struck; she guides her
missiles so expertly that they skim by the ears and ankles of her friends harmlessly.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
While most people find themselves unable to truly apply their intelligence to a problem
that falls outside their area of expertise, the Scion with this Knack has studied so
extensively that there is no area in which he is not an expert. He may always add his
successes from Epic Intelligence to any roll made with the aim of gathering information,
even if he possesses no dots in the ability being rolled.
Prerequisite: Telepathy
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics
The Scion with this Knack is able to tap into the minds of any and all computers around
her, manipulating them even if she does not physically touching them. She may mentally
operate any computer or other sophisticated electronic device that she can see without
touching it, tapping straight into its operating systems to bypass the need for things like
keyboards and physical input. She suffers from a 2-dice distraction penalty while doing so
if anything else is going on around her.
Prerequisite: Master-at-Arms
Cost: 1-3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack can miss, but she rarely misses twice. Capable of adjusting her
moves on the fly in combat and reacting to the fighting styles and actions of others, she
exponentially increases her chances of success by tailoring her moves to her opponent's;
when she misses an attack, she may pay the Legend cost to add bonus dice equal to her
successes from Epic Wits to her next attack on the same target. Scions with 1 to 5 dots of
Epic Wits pay only one point of Legend to use this Knack; those with 6 to 8 pay two
points and those with 9 to 10 pay the full three points to add their total number of dots of
Epic Wits.
in); he may also double the dice he rolls from Control in any applicable situation, up to a
maximum of his highest Control skill.
Prerequisite: Born Behind the Wheel
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By finding just the right drafts of air, decreasing resistance and sliding through the
elements with utmost professionalism, the Scion with this Knack may push even mundane
vehicles to heights of speed they were never meant to reach. Whenever she pays the
requisite cost, the vehicle she is currently controlling increases its speed by 20% for every
dot of Epic Wits she possesses, allowing her to scream across the sky, zoom down a
highway or plow through the ocean spray at unheard-of speeds.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Quicker on the draw than the fastest snake, the Scion with this Knack can be surprised by
her opponents, but woe betide the attacker who ambushes her ill-prepared. Whenever she
is successfully surprised with an attack, the Scion may immediately and automatically
strike her attacker back at 0 DV on the same tick, regardless of when she would normally
Prerequisite: Psychic Profiler
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Politics
The smoothest and most carefully controlled of negotiations can be destroyed by one
careless word or thoughtless insult, but only if the Scion with this Knack is not on hand to
prevent it. Whenever anyone around her makes a serious faux pas, she may pay the
requisite cost to roll against the offended partys Perception + Politics; if she is successful,
she may fully distract them from the disastrous incident via witty asides, adroit
misdirection and quick thinking, causing them to completely ignore anyone but herself for
a number of seconds equal to her threshold successes. Of course, this does not prevent
anyone else from making further mistakes (or, indeed, from continuing to make the same
mistake in the background), but it may give the Scion time to smooth things over or
silence the offender with a well-placed stomp to his instep.
Prerequisite: Instant Investigator
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is a tense-strung bow, constantly at the ready for anything no
matter what else is going on. Whenever he would be surprised or ambushed by an
attacker, he may roll Wits + Survival (if out in the field) or Wits + Politics (if in a more
convivial setting) instead of Perception + Awareness to notice the incoming threat. While
the Scion himself is nigh-impossible to surprise, he has only enough time to respond to
the threat and cannot warn anyone else if a fight is about to break out.
Prerequisite: Rabbit Reflexes
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
A master of elusion with an uncanny ability to know whats coming next, the Scion with
this Knack seldom finds herself pinned down by widespread attacks. Whenever she would
be affected by an attack that covers a wide area and would normally roll Dexterity +
Athletics to evade it, she may instead roll Wits + Awareness, predicting its spread with
instant, honed instincts.
Prerequisite: Cobra Reflexes
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
For the Scion with this Knack, anything to hand becomes a potential source of destructive
force when the chips are down. Once per scene, he may double his dice from Melee or
Thrown when using an improvised weapon for the first time, enabling him to utterly
destroy foes with a folding chair or battered teapot as easily as he might with a sword.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By looking her opponent up and down, the Scion with this Knack instantly pegs them as a
superior or inferior enemy. She may instantly learn an opponents Epic Strength or Epic
Perception (whichever they use to deal damage) totals and what their soaks and DV are.
This power may be activated reflexively and does not require an action.
Prerequisite: Instant Assessment
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation
The Scion with this Knack can smell foul play with uncanny accuracy. When he inspects
the scene of a crime and overcomes a difficulty equal to the number of days since the
crime occurred, he learns one of the following for every threshold success: the nature of
the crime, the number of perpetrators involved and a rough play-by-play of what probably
happened, including identifying any attempts made to cover it up and how long ago it
happened. If more than one crime happened during the time period that his roll allows
him to investigate, he learns the details of the most recent crime and then works his way
backward. He cannot find out specific names or motives, but he can glean more than
enough information for further investigation.
Prerequisite: Scathing Retort
Cost: 2 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Politics
There is no overcoming the blistering scorn of the Scion with this Knack; when he shuts
someone down in conversation, they stay shut down. Whenever the Opening Salvo or
Scathing Retort Knack has been used (by anyone, not necessarily by the Scion himself), he
may level this Knack in response; if his target fails to overcome him on a normal resist
roll, they find themselves unable to regain any Willpower lost to Wits Knacks for one full
week, leaving them able to do little but brood on their stunning verbal defeat.
Prerequisite: Meditative Focus
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this knack is so quick-witted and difficult to predict that those attempting
to affect her mentally are at a serious disadvantage. She may add her Wits to any dice roll
made to resist being affected by an outside power.
Prerequisite: Talent Mirror
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
While speed of the body never hurts when it comes to avoiding attacks, speed of the mind
can be even more powerful for a Scion with this Knack. Whenever he chooses to spend
the requisite cost, he heightens his reflexes and ability to recognize incoming attacks to
truly divine levels; for the rest of the scene, his DV is calculated according to his Wits +
Awareness instead of his Dexterity + Athletics.
Prerequisite: Ingenious Improviser
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
As deadly with a knitting needle as with a gun, the Scion with this Knack is never out of
his depth when it comes to unexpected combat and unorthodox tools, able to turn
anything to his advantage on the spur of the moment. Once per scene, he may roll his
Wits instead of his Dexterity when attacking with an improvised weapon for the first
time, bringing a refrigerator or truck tire to bear with devastating quickness.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack is able to filter his surroundings with a great degree of
accuracy, choosing which things to respond to and which can be safely ignored. He
subtracts his Epic Wits from any penalty that would normally be imposed on him because
of environmental distractions.
never drop below her successes from Epic Wits (if her successes are higher than her
normal DV, her normal DV applies).
Prerequisite: Rabbit Reflexes
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack can see violence about to erupt and head it off at the pass
before anyone else has yet registered the impending conflict. By spending the requisite
cost, he may forgo rolling to Join Battle and instead simply act before anyone else who
did, allowing him to prevent an explosive situation from escalating or strike a first
crippling blow against a hostile enemy. He must succeed on an opposed Wits +
Awareness roll against any others attempting to use the same Knack in order to go first.
Prerequisite: Social Chameleon
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Wits + Politics
Quick-thinking as well as quick on her feet, the Scion with this Knack may wither those
who annoy her with a well-placed phrase or insult. Once per day, she may level some
form of insulting phrase or gesture at her target (it doesn't have to be inspired, but she still
has to make one) and attempt cut them to the quick, forcing them to roll Wits + Politics
against her; if she succeeds, they lose half their total number of permanent Willpower
(rounded down) from the mortifying slam to their ego, but if she loses will find herself
subject to the same penalty, demoralized by her failure.
Prerequisite: Damage Control
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
No matter how alien a situation he might find himself in, the Scion with this Knack can
always find a way to seamlessly blend in, picking up the customs and expectations of
whatever culture he encounters with lightning speed. By spending the requisite cost, the
Scion manages to garner the expectations and customs of a given culture from the words
and actions of its members, and may behave as though totally versed in its customs from
birth, avoiding the potential for embarrassing faux pas or violent misunderstandings as
well as gaining insight into a new culture's politics. Only those with more Epic Perception
than he possesses Epic Wits notice that he is out of place.
Prerequisite: Social Chameleon
Cost: 1 Legend (if desired)
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy
The Scion with this Knack makes instant and completely accurate snap judgments. With
only a glance (assuming she can overcome her targets automatic Manipulation +
Empathy roll against her meddling), she can accurately assess any person's age,
addictions, compulsions they may be under, whether or not they have relationships of
some kind with others nearby, whether or not they possess any divine heritage, Nature,
Calling, highest Virtue, whether they are hiding any secrets, and whether or not they are
currently playing a Fatebound role. All of this general information can be gleaned
immediately simply by observing or conversing with her target for a number of minutes
equal to ten minus her total number of Epic Wits dots; however, if the Scion wishes to
learn more specific details on any of the above vague impressions, she must spend a point
of Legend in order to do so.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Even when surprised, the Scion with this Knack has a decent chance of survival thanks to
his ability to drop everything and haul ass away from a conflict. Whenever he is
successfully ambushed or surprised, he may instantly attempt to flee the attack, running
like a startled animal; his DV against that attack is doubled as his panicked reflexes take
over. Once the initial shock has passed, he may turn around and return to the battle if he
Prerequisite: Opening Salvo
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Politics
A witty insult can be a barb, but a snappy comeback from the Scion with this Knack can
render even the most notorious of bards speechless. Whenever the Scion is insulted -
either normally or via the Opening Salvo Knack - she may spend the requisite cost and
snap back a rejoinder (it doesn't have to be good, but she must still come up with one).
When she does so, and her target fails to overcome her on an opposed Wits + Politics roll,
the target of her wrath is instantly drained of Willpower equal to their normal Willpower
maximum (if, however, her roll cannot overcome her targets, the Scion finds herself
unhappily experiencing the same consequences).
Prerequisite: Instant Assessment
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack turns his incredibly quick reaction time to the selfless aid of
others, becoming a whirlwind of defensive action when those important to him are
threatened. He may intentionally take a hit meant for another being every tick if he so
Prerequisite: None
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Wits + Politics
While the Scion with this Knack can't really fake his way through everything he
encounters, he can at least manage to do a good enough job to avoid notice if he puts
some effort into it. As long as he makes a reasonable attempt (dressing the part, copying
the lingo, etc.), he may blend in and go unnoticed in most social situations, just another
face in the crowd. This Knack won't save him from a really heinous misstep or prevent
him from actively offending others; it just provides him with the ability to play along
enough to avoid being instantly recognized as an outsider unless an onlooker overcomes
his successes on a Perception + Politics roll.
Prerequisite: Don't Read the Manual
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Master of the jump and drift, brake and spin, the Scion with this Knack has a far greater
chance than most to keep her toys in one piece. Whenever she is about to crash, collide
with something, or be struck by outside forces while controlling a vehicle, she may pay
the requisite cost to add her successes from Epic Wits to the vehicles soak, diving, driving
or sailing so as to protect the most fragile parts of her ride. If, while thus augmented, the
vehicle soaks all damage levied against it, passengers riding inside it (including the Scion
herself) take no damage from the source she has defended against.
Prerequisite: Jack of All Trades
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Knack has elevated copycatting to an art form, rendering her able to
perform feats she would never have been able to attempt on her own, provided she has
seen someone else perform them first. By spending the requisite cost and attempting to
copy another person's movements exactly, she may duplicate any feat she has just seen
someone else accomplish, borrowing the appropriate Attribute + Ability dice pool from
that person and using it as if it were her own. Her own normal Fatebonds still apply, and
she may only borrow dice up to the maximum allowed by her Legend rating; however, she
may also gain her targets successes from Epic Attributes up to a maximum of her Epic
Wits, and need not perform the exact same action as her target, merely one that utilizes
the same dice pool. She must use the dice pool in the same scene that she saw her target
do so, though she is not required to pay for this Knack until she does so. The Scion may
only copy a number of dice pools in each scene equal to her total number of Epic Wits
Prerequisite: Selfless Speed
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Presence
Too quick to pin down but too taunting to be ignored, the Scion changes the flow of battle
with this Knack faster than anyone else could even comprehend it. Whenever an
opponent is about to strike another being or object, the Scion may spend the requisite cost
to issue a challenge that cannot be ignored, whether it takes the form of a taunting jibe, a
defiant scream or a noble demand to pick on someone your own size. When he does so
and overcomes his foes resist roll, the attacker immediately redirects the attack to strike
him instead; he cannot avoid being hit, but he retains his normal DV and may act as usual
Upon purchasing their first Boon in the Animal purview, Scions must choose a specific
animal as their favored one for purposes of the purview. All powers refer to and affect
only that animal unless otherwise specified, though the Scion may buy the same Boon
more than once in order to use it on more than one kind of creature.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Upon purchasing this Boon, the Scion becomes able to communicate effortlessly with
specimens of his chosen animal through their native speech (by chirping, growling,
bubbling, etc).
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Animal Ken
Difficulty: Animals Intelligence X Animals (Legend 1)
The Scion with this Boon may force a specimen of his chosen animal to do his bidding,
whether it wants to or not. He may not force the animal to act in what it would consider
an actively suicidal manner, and animals frequently do not understand complex, multi-
part instructions, but he may instruct it to do anything within these limits. If the Scion
does not have Animal Communication, he must be able to communicate his order
nonverbally. If the Scion attempts to command a Legendary beast, the difficulty of the roll
is multiplied by the creatures Legend - 1.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Animal Ken
By ingesting the flesh of a specimen of her chosen animal, the Scion may borrow its
natural abilities. She gains a number of dots in abilities equal to her successes on the
activation roll, and draws them from the abilities of her choice, as long as her chosen
animal possesses those abilities and up to a maximum of the animal's dots. The effects last
until sundown (if activated during the day) or sunrise (if activated at night), and a Scion
may have only one use of Faunaphagia active at one time.
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Animal Ken
Difficulty: Animals Intelligence X Animals (Legend 1)
The Scion with this Boon may possess and control the body of any specimen of her
chosen animal, directing it at will as if it were her own. While doing so, her own body
remains in a trance and is both unable to perceive its surroundings and unable to take
actions; if at any time her body takes damage while she is riding a beast, she may spend a
point of Willpower to briefly peer back through her own perceptions to see what caused
this distraction. The Scion may return to her body whenever she wishes, though doing so
breaks her link with her chosen creature.
Cost: 1 Legend per transformation
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon may transform completely into a normal specimen of her
chosen animal. This transformation takes place at will whenever the Scion desires; the
animal in question appears perfectly normal to unaugmented eyes, and the Scion retains
her mental attributes, Epic Attributes and Knacks while thus transformed but cannot
access any of her normal physical or social powers.
Units per Successes Rolled
Speck (ant, tick, seahorse) 100
Tiny (grasshopper, hummingbird) 50
Small (raven, housecat, badger) 10
Modest (wolf, kangaroo, lynx) 2
Normal (lion, dolphin, tiger) 1/2
Large (horse, bear) 1/4
Huge (elephant, great white shark) 1/6
Enormous (whale, giant squid) 1/10
Units per Successes Rolled
Speck (ant, tick, seahorse) 100
Tiny (grasshopper, hummingbird) 50
Small (raven, housecat, badger) 10
Modest (wolf, kangaroo, lynx) 2
Normal (lion, dolphin, tiger) 1/2
Large (horse, bear) 1/4
Huge (elephant, great white shark) 1/6
Enormous (whale, giant squid) 1/10
Cost: 6 Legend, 2 Willpower and 6 lethal damage per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Animal Ken
Difficulty: (Creature's highest physical Attribute) x (Desired Legend rating - 1)
After cutting herself, the Scion may create a Nemean specimen of her chosen animal from
her very blood, allowing it to spring fully-formed into being, ready to follow her
commands. Once created, the beast is permanent unless killed.
1 Success +1 to Ability, or Mental or Social Attribute
2 Successes +1 to Accuracy, DV or Soaks
3 Successes +1 to Dexterity, or Epic Mental or Social Attribute
4 Successes +1 to Strength or Stamina, or increase size by 100%
5 Successes +1 to Epic Physical Attribute
10 Successes +1 to Legend rating (maximum of Scion's Legend - 1)
The Scion may not increase any given animals physical Attributes, accuracy, DV, soaks
or damage (through any combination of enhancements) past five times the creatures total
Legend plus the number size increases he has applied to it, and may not increase any of its
mental or social attributes past five times the creatures Legend. While the Scion may
normally only enhance normal, non-Legendary animals with this Boon, he may also use it
once on a Birthright animal, even if it is already Legendary.
again. The animal is a Nemean specimen of the Scions chosen creature, and is permanent
unless killed.
The Scion wishing to use this boon may use it to splice her chosen animal with any other;
she does not require any Animal boons for the species she chooses to cross it with.
Cost: 12 Legend, 3 Willpower and 12 lethal damage per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Animal Ken
Difficulty: Varies (see below)
After cutting herself and bleeding divine ichor on a specimen of her chosen animal, the
Scion may create truly awesome Typhonian beast from her very blood. During the ritual,
the creature in question grows to one thousand times its size; all Physical Attributes are
multiplied by the creatures new Legend rating, as are its health boxes. It gains Epic
Stamina and Strength equal to its (Legend 1), has an Accuracy rating of its (Dexterity +
40), and gains an additional soak of 8 aggravated and 16 bashing and lethal. Once created,
the creature is permanent unless killed.
Beast's Legend
20 Successes Legend 9
40 Successes Legend 10
60 Successes Legend 11
80 Successes Legend 12
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes the ultimate Beast, immune to traps and hunters, unshakable from
trails, and destructive with a thought.
While anyone can create crafted items or perform in the arts, few have access to the
secrets of imbuing true power into their abilities. Only Scions with the Artistry purview
may craft relics and magic items; all others are restricted to the mundane.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is an instinctive generator, able to channel her own energy into
her attempts to create. She may add her total number of Artistry Boons as dice to any Art
Cost: 2 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Art (appropriate)
The Scion with this Boon is a master of engineering, so skilled that he instinctively knows
all the shortcuts and efficiencies that make a project go more smoothly. Due to his
incredible ingenuity, he may create any non-Legendary item in the space of a single scene
provided he already has the plans to do so, no matter how long it might take a less
talented builder. He may spend this Boons cost to complete any creative project, provided
that it is no smaller than visible to the naked eye and no larger than a small cottage; items
of greater or smaller size require more careful craftsmanship than this Boon can provide.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
While all Scions are capable of superhuman artistry, the Scion with this Boon has an
instinctive mastery of creation that surpasses anything her rivals might be capable of.
Instead of the usual narrow specializations of the Art ability, the Scion now need purchase
Art only in the following categories:
Art Disciplines
Architecture Buildings, blueprints
Culinary Food, drink, perfumes
Engineering Machinery, engines, mechanics
Metalsmithing Smelting, jewelry, casting
Modern Electronics, plastics, theoretical science
Performance Art Dance, music, oratory, writing
Stonework Masonry, sculpting, brickwork
Textiles Weaving, sewing, clothing
Visual Art Painting, drawing, photography
Woodwork Carpentry, carving
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Perception + Art (appropriate)
By studying the handiwork of another artist or craftsman, the Scion with this Boon may
learn the ins and outs of her rivals style and capabilities, reading their secrets through the
revelations of their work. If she overcomes her targets automatic Dexterity + Academics
resistance roll, she may deduce the items creators most skilled Art (if more than one are
tied, she learns all of them), level of Epic Intelligence (for an object) or Epic Charisma (for
a piece of artwork), and the time and materials that were required to create the item she is
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon knows that no matter how talented the craftsman or brilliant the
performer, man-hours will have to be dedicated to any project. As long as she is working
on a project or performing an artistic piece, either in planning or building phase, she
suffers from no fatigue penalties and requires no sustenance or sleep, enabling her to
continue laboring over her inventions for as long as it takes or to act in a forty-eight-hour
marathon kabuki play without breaking a sweat. At the end of her labors, all the fatigue
penalties she would have suffered during the time she was engaged in her creative
pursuits strike at once, often resulting in Scions suddenly dropping unconscious of
exhaustion as soon as they finish their most ambitious projects. If the Scion spends
Legend on anything else while working or chooses to do anything other than work on her
art, she immediately loses the benefits of this Boon and the fatigue penalties are
immediately applied.
Cost: 2 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is never without the tools he needs for the task at hand;
whatever he finds nearby can be repurposed to fit his needs. By spending the requisite
cost and smashing the surface beneath his feet, he can quickly cannibalize the resulting
pieces and debris into workable tools for his current project; anything from hammers to
screwdrivers to tweezers can be reconstructed from the rubble quickly and easily. He may
create all normal, uncomplicated tools he needs for a single project with one use of this
Boon, but he may not create anything that requires a power source or has minute or
complicated moving parts (he can cobble together a screwdriver, but he cant make a
power drill). The makeshift tools are nigh-indestructible and hold together for the
remainder of the scene, after which point the Scions strength of will is no longer enough
to prevent them from falling apart. A Scion must be currently involved in a creative
project that requires these tools in order to create them; he cannot use this Boon to create
tools for other people or purposes.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Politics
Few things annoy a craftsman like a rival competitor, but the Scion with this Boon can
hamstring her opposite number, rendering him an inept blunderer and clearing the
playing field for her own inventions and creations. By publicly insulting her targets
creative abilities and overcoming his resistance roll, she may levy a dice penalty equal to
her total number of Artistry Boons on all rolls he makes to design, build or modify
anything. Her targets newfound clumsiness and confusion last for a number of days
equal to her threshold successes, after which point he may once again compete with her
without a handicap.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is so ingenious that she may find ways to swap out materials if
she finds herself short, making do on a shoestring budget or with only the objects she can
find to hand. While working on a project, she may spend the requisite cost to substitute
up to a third of a necessary component with a similar other component (i.e., if she had
only ten feet of copper wire, she could use a jump-rope to fill out the other three feet)
without any loss of functionality. The object replacing a material must be similar in shape
and size and must be incorporated into the Scions design exactly as if it were the original
material required, and the Scion must always have at least two-thirds of the correct
material before attempting to jury-rig the remainder with this power. If several
components of the Scions design are lacking, she may use this power on as many of them
as she wishes to pay for. The substituted material remains functional and a permanent
part of the Scions creation once completed, and the Scion may even make substitutions
for magical items with this Boon if she so chooses (i.e., replacing a phoenix feather with a
pigeons). The Scion may only use this Boon to substitute materials while building a
creative project, and cannot use it to increase the amounts of substances or materials he is
not using for such a project.
Cost: 4 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Art (Performance)
The Scion with this power may extend his incredible artistry over the subconscious minds
of those around him, putting them to sleep as if drugged. By singing or playing an
instrument, giving a speech, telling a story or some other kind of performance art for a
10-tick action, he may cause everyone listening to or watching him to drift quietly off to
sleep; the Scion may not choose his targets specifically, but rather affects all those near
him. They may resist him with a Stamina + Fortitude roll, but if they fail find themselves
becoming drowsy within five ticks and succumb completely to unconsciousness within
ten. They remain asleep for a number of hours equal to his total number of Artistry Boons
unless they are physically hurt, at which point they immediately wake, disoriented, and
are immune to this Boon being used on them again for the remainder of the day.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is simply speedier with her hands than most, able to deftly
complete tasks that might take others twice as long. Whenever she makes an extended
Art roll in an attempt to create something, she may pay double the normal Legend cost to
double her successes on individual rolls within it. This does not double the cost of any
resources she might spend to apply Virtue channels or Legendary Deeds to her rolls.
However, there is a hefty tradeoff for such ease of creation; the new object is destined to
play an important role in someones Fate in the future, determined by the roll of a single
die, and automatically gains an extra relic dot beyond the Scions design (whose effects
are determined by the Storyteller, appropriate to its new owner) and maximum-level
Fatebond to the person to whose destiny it is now irrevocably linked. The Scion has no
control over what the items eventual Fate must be, nor any knowledge of it.
If the roll is a 5 or higher, the Scion may choose to personally gift the item to its new
owner, although if he delays doing so for more than a month, Fate will simply ensure that
it arrives at its destination without his help. If he rolls a 4 or lower, the item instantly
vanishes upon completion, reappearing with the one who now wields it.
While the ability to create artwork or machines with incredible ease makes this Boons
use a great temptation, the creative among the gods still use it sparingly and with great
caution. All too often, Fates design is cruel at the worst moment, and a sword created
thus might turn out to be Mistletoe, or a statue might be destined to become unfortunate
Cost: Varies (see below)
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Larceny
For some Scions, it isnt necessary to truly understand the inner workings or design of an
item to recreate it. By spending two points of Legend per relic dot of an item (to a
minimum of two for mundane objects) while touching or holding an object, a Scion may
instantly duplicate it into a second one, creating perfect copies and flawless forgeries
simply by copying whatever he sees. He must be able to gain a number of successes equal
to ten times the number of relic dots the original item possesses; if he does so, the newly-
created duplicate is a perfect copy, but if he falls short the copy will be flawed, as detailed
below (all relic results are rounded down):
Difference in
Mundane Results Relic Results
Item appears perfect but functions Relic has 1/2 bonuses or capabilites
poorly and its powers cost double
Item appears damaged and functions Relic has 1/3 bonuses or capabilities
poorly and its powers cost triple
Item bears only vague resemblance Relic has 1/4 bonuses or capabilities
20-30 to original and does not function at and its powers cost four times their
all usual price
Relic has 1/10 bonuses or capabilities
31+ Item is unrecognizable and useless and its powers cost ten times their
usual price
For example, a Scion might decide to duplicate a famous painting, intent on selling it as
the original and making millions of dollars off the forged copy before disappearing with
his ill-gotten gain. He spends two points of Legend and gets ten successes on his roll,
creating a perfect copy of the Mona Lisa. He hands it off to a dealer and gets out of town
before it can expire at the end of the month. On the other hand, a Scion might decide to
create a forgery of his bandmates seven-dot relic sword, which allows her to channel the
Fire purview, shoot blasts of flame at her enemies for sixteen yards in every direction for
3 Legend per attack and add her Legend as dice to all Survival rolls. He must spend
fourteen dots of Legend for such an undertaking, and needs 70 successes to succeed, but
only manages to roll 55. The resulting forged sword is rusty, pitted, pockmarked and
obviously not in great condition, costs 9 Legend per attack to shoot fire for only five yards
in any direction, and only grants a third of his Legend rating to Survival rolls.
The new-forged copy is not tied to anyone as a Birthright if it is a relic, and anyone with
Epic Perception dots at least equal to the Scions level of Artistry is able to identify it as a
forgery on sight. The Scion may only duplicate crafted items in this way; he cannot
recreate living things or naturally-occurring objects, and he also cannot create forgeries of
star-level relics, which are too awesome and complex for mere copycatting. The forged
item is still not a true creation, despite its convincing appearance, and degrades and
becomes unusable after a number of days equal to the Scions total number of Artistry
Boons, crumbling to useless dust.
choose any one of the BFF, Calm the Savage, Center of Attention, Instant Seminar,
Lasting Impression or Total Recall Knacks that she possesses, paying its cost as well.
When she does, she imbues the artwork with that Knacks powers, causing it to
automatically affect all who behold it as if she had used the Knack on them herself. Those
who see her majestic artwork may still roll to resist its effects, against a difficulty equal to
her relevant Art rating as if it were an Epic Attribute, but if they fail find themselves
entranced by the Scions artistic mastery. This power works on a given target only the
first time they see the Scions creation, and adding it to a piece of art adds an additional
difficulty of 100 to the roll to create it.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Perception + Investigation
No matter how perfectly crafted or expertly defended, even masterpieces are sometimes
destroyed by disaster or enemies. The Scion with this Boon cant necessarily prevent her
works from being annihilated by truly determined foes or dangerous phenomena, but she
does have the ability to salvage what remains afterward, even if her creations have been
utterly decimated. Whenever something she created is destroyed, she may salvage two
percent of its substance or materials per success from whatever rubble remains, gathering
chunks and scraps or even microscopic motes. As long as some substance remains, even
melted in lava or dispersed as dust in the air, it responds to its original creators call,
drawing back together and solidifying in her hands. The recollected substance may be
used to rebuild it at a later date; if the Scion uses at least half the same materials when she
rebuilds the object, she gains ten additional successes to every roll she makes to create it.
If she succeeds in reclaiming the full one hundred percent of the items materials, it
automatically reforms and is restored as if it were never destroyed.The Scion may only
recover materials up to a number of days after destruction equal to her total number of
Artistry Boons; after that point, the item has been too long destroyed and its component
parts too scattered to regain.
least six dots of an Art, representing superhuman mastery, in order to inspire someone
with it this way, and must declare how long he wishes to give his Art away when he uses
this Boon. At the end of that time period, his dots of Art and the permanent dot of
Willpower he spent to use this Boon return; he may end the Boons effects early at any
time if he wishes, but if he does so, the dot of Willpower is lost.
glimpse into its long-term effects as well. She must choose whether to accept her action or
rewind it on the same tick, and cannot wait to see what others might do in the meantime.
Whenever he chooses to create something and successfully completes his planning phase,
he may pay this Boons cost to create it from nothing, needing no materials and spending
no time on actually crafting it. He must get a number of successes on his activation roll
equivalent to those he would need if he were actually physically building the item and
cannot create any relic of more than five dots, but once he has done so, he molds it from
literal nothingness, calling it into being through sheer force of will. Objects created thusly
are as solid, enduring and real as if they had been made normally, despite their awe-
inspiring origins.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes the Creator, an unstoppable, unflagging being of pure creative energy;
nothing cannot be made by the Creator, nor can anything refuse to be turned toward her
creative purpose.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon may choose to simply unleash chaos around him, and damn the
consequences. Everything that can go wrong in the scene suddenly begins going wrong
machines break, things are dropped and lost, assistants forget crucial reports, the
plumbing ruptures, tires go flat, and any number of other things suddenly go haywire.
While nothing life-threatening or seriously injurious happens as a result of these sudden
malfunctions, the situation is incredibly frustrating, taxing, and distracting for all those
involved, which may afford the Scion time for an escape, a covert operation, or just to sit
back and enjoy the fun. Even the Scion himself is not immune to the chaos around him
(unless he also uses the Eye of the Storm Boon), and will be subjected to just as many
difficulties as everyone else, though he has the advantage of knowing this ahead of time.
Things continue to go wrong until the end of the scene (when, although they may stop
actively going wrong, things are certainly not guaranteed to suddenly right themselves,
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Awareness
Due to her ability to analyze and augment the chaos around her, the Scion with this
power may add or subtract bonus dice equal to her successes to any damage coming from
a random or chaotic source, at her discretion.
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
With a word, a touch, or even just a knowing smirk, the Scion may enhance the emotions
of another person, pushing them far past their current level. If the Scion overcomes her
targets resistance roll, his strongest emotion at that particular moment will shoot through
the roof, becoming much more intense and uncontrollable than would be usual for the
situation. The Scion need spend only a point of Legend to affect less powerful beings, but
must expend considerably more energy to affect those of higher Legend ratings, as
If the Scion rolls a 1 and has used this power to escape an enemy or dangerous situation,
the new enemy or situation is automatically a more dangerous one; if he has no other
mortal enemy, Fate will invent a new one for him. While this power does afford the Scion
the ability to move between different planes without use of the Psychopomp purview, its
element of random chance and probable danger make it impractical for such uses for all
but the most foolhardy or die-hard of gamblers.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Art (related)
This Boon causes a machine that the Scion is looking at to spontaneously break, rendering
it dead or with very limited functionality. The Scion must be able to see the machine he
wishes to sabotage, and, in the case of very large, complex machines, may need to break
more than one submachine in order to render the entire thing unusable. If the machine
was created by a Legendary person or being, the Scion must garner more successes on his
activation roll than the creator did on their original Dexterity + Art roll; if he wishes, he
may spend one point of Willpower to roll again in an extended roll as many times he
wishes until he has managed to break the machine in question. Conversely, anyone
wishing to fix the machine after the Scion has broken it must receive more successes on a
Dexterity + Art roll than the Scion received when he broke it.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy
The Scion with this power may reduce targets to shivering, twitching balls of confusion,
unable even to speak or act on their own for the remainder of the scene. This malady is
instantly communicated to anyone who sees or touches the affected target, at which point
the new target is fully gripped by the same misfortune. If a target thus affected is
physically harmed, they immediately become active and aware again, shaking off the
Scions influence (though seeing someone else affected could easily plunge them back into
it). Upon emerging from his or her catatonic state, the target has no memory of the
episode, nor of an equal amount of time before he or she was affected.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Art (must be a form of performance)
The Scion with this Boon causes a sudden, hedonistic revel to break out all around her,
throwing inhibitions to the wind and encouraging everyone affected to indulge in
whatever pleasures present themselves. Everyone within a radius equal to 100 times the
Scions total number of Chaos Boons in yards is affected, and will be prone to drinking,
dancing, wild sex, and any other form of abandon that may suggest itself. The Scions
hedonistic influence lasts for a number of hours equal to the Scions total number of
Chaos Boons, after which it vanishes completely, usually leaving a lot of very confused
and mortified people in its wake. Once the Scions powers dissipate, those affected lose
their entire Willpower pool; for the next week, they may only regain up to half their
normal pool of Willpower as the shame of their actions assails them.
Cost: 1 Willpower and (1/3 difficulty) of Legend
Dice Pool: Wits + Art
Difficulty: Varies (see below)
The Scion with this Boon may create order out of random elements, just as he is able to
create chaos from structure. By collecting various items and throwing them into the air,
the Scion may cause them to fall to the ground in the perfect form of something else; for
example, he might throw some metal and rubber into the air and watch a bicycle drop to
the floor, or toss a bag of food staples upward and enjoy some fresh bread when it tumbles
down. As he is calling on the capricious whims of chaos to create something, the Scion
may easily create either a flawless item or a misshapen, damaged one; if the result of his
activation roll is an even number, the item is perfect, while an odd number yields a
serious flaw. Every threshold success past those required to create the item may be
applied toward some desirable trait (e.g. soak, speed, appearance, etc).
The item is fully formed and functional for the remainder of the scene, after which it falls
into its constituent parts again; if the Scion wishes to make it permanent, he may spend a
permanent dot of Willpower to do so.
Since she is spending Legend to foist her Fatebinding onto another, however, the Scion is
subject to one last Fatebinding roll; she may not use this Boon again to avoid it, and if it is
successful is immediately and firmly bound to the person onto whom she passed the first
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes a force of raw chaos, destroying and reshaping life and matter around
him and warping the natures and personalities of even gods and titans.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon may see perfectly through the inkiness of complete darkness; he
can distinguish outlines and objects with no trouble, though he cannot see colors. Faint
light sources do not impede this perfect vision, but if there is a strong light source he will
only be able to see as well as that light source would normally allow.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
The Scion may show the darkness of the abyss for a small moment, so terrifying her
target that she instantly loses a point of Willpower. The target loses an additional point of
Willpower for every three threshold successes past the first the Scion receives.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Larceny
By covering his face in a wreath of impenetrable shadows, the Scion may become
unrecognizable, even under the brightest of lights. Others may attempt to penetrate the
shadow disguise by receiving more successes on a Perception + Awareness roll than the
Scion scored upon activation. The disguise remains for 24 hours, even if the Scion is
rendered unconscious during that time, and affects surveillance equipment and other
machines as well as direct vision; it can only be seen through by someone possessing the
Night Eyes Boon.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Survival
The Scion with this Boon may draw sustenance from the shadows around her, gaining
strength and healing damage by ingesting them as she would food. The shadows thus
eaten can only be those of inanimate objects and remain gone for a number of days equal
to the Scions successes, lowering the Scions available options and causing considerable
interest or distress amongst those that might notice the phenomenon.
Successes Effect
1 Success Heal 1 bashing damage
2 Successes Convert 1 lethal damage to bashing
3 Successes Heal 1 lethal damage
5 Successes Convert 1 aggravated damage to lethal
8 Successes Heal 1 aggravated damage
Item Size Successes Required
Small (arrow, rope, knife, sling) 1 Success
Medium (sword, club, bag) 2 Successes
Large (staff, oar, footlocker) 3 Successes
Oversized (chair, bench, door) 4 Successes
Vehicle (boat, hang-glider) 6 Successes
that would normally be in line with it and rewarding behavior that runs counter to the
targets usual nature. Targets with a Legend rating of eight or lower are affected for a
number of weeks equal to the Scions threshold successes, after which they revert to
normal; targets with a Legend rating of nine or higher are affected for the same number of
days. Mortals, who typically have no Virtues, instead gain a dot in a random Dark Virtue
for every five additional successes the Scion scores, and they retain it permanently. Only a
successful use of the Tranquility Boon can snap a target thus overshadowed by the Scion
out of their new-found reversal.
Cost: 5+ Legend per use Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine
The Scion with this Boon may call blackness forth to blind her foes, rendering them
completely unable to see. Mortals and animals are permanently blinded, while any
creature with Legend a Legend rating of 1 to 8 loses their sight for a number of days equal
to the Scions threshold successes, and any being with Legend 9 to 12 loses it for the same
number of hours. The Scion may affect a number of people equal to her total number of
Darkness Boons, plus the same number again for every additional point of Legend she
chooses to spend past the first five; every target may resist with a Stamina + Fortitude roll
to attempt to retain their sight.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion becomes a living embodiement of darkness, blinding and engulfing all in her
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon has a supernatural awareness of the dead and may see, hear, and
smell ghosts and dead spirits as if they were alive; he may also determine the general
cause of death if confronted with a corpse, though this information will be vague. He may
turn this power on and off at will (and must announce to the Storyteller that he is doing
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine
By touching a corpse, the Scion may perfectly preserve it, protecting it from the ravages
of decay for a number of weeks equal to her successes; if the body is not otherwise
protected, it will resume rotting at a normal rate once that time has expired.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
The Scion with this boon may command even the dead to give up their secrets. For every
three successes she receives on the activation roll, she may ask any ghost, corpse, or
undead creature one question, which it will answer truthfully to the best of its ability.
Undead creatures may roll to resist, but will believe themselves to be giving up the
information willingly if they fail.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
With a touch, the Scion may administer a merciful death to any incapacitated person or
creature. Mortals and normal animals may be killed regardless of their wishes; creatures
and people with Legend ratings must genuinely want to die in order for this power to be
Successes Enhancement
1 Success +1 Stamina
2 Successes +1 Strength
3 Successes +1 Dexterity or +1 Epic Stamina
4 Successes +1 Legend or +1 Epic Strength
5 Successes +1 Epic Dexterity
The Scions new zombies may have a maximum number of points of Strength and
Stamina equal to their Legend multiplied by 5.
Cost: 1 Legend, 1 Willpower and 1 lethal damage per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult
The Scion with this Boon may cause an enemy to become perpetually haunted by
malevolent spirits, ruining their peace of mind and possibly even placing them in real
danger. By placing a drop of her own blood somewhere on her target, the Scion makes the
unlucky person into an irresistibly attractive beacon for poltergeists, angry ghosts and
mischievous spirits, who will plague him or her incessantly with pranks, noises, and
possibly even mildly harmful attacks, all of which may inflict a -4 distraction penalty on
the target without warning. The beacon remains in effect for a number of weeks equal to
the Scions threshold successes, after which point it fades and the ghosts are free to move
on as they wish.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Now so attuned to the spirit world that she can move in and out of it herself, the Scion
may touch and interact with ghosts as though they were corporeal and alive, even if they
have not chosen to manifest physically; while this Boon is active, she is surrounded by a
flickering black radiance, indicating her presence in both spheres. If she chooses to attack
or otherwise interact with someone who is possessed by a ghost, she must roll separately
for both the ghost and the mortal vessel it currently inhabits.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Occult
The Scion with this boon may counteract the meddling of the dead, forcing them back
whence they came. By touching a possessed person, he may force the possessing spirit
out; likewise, he may banish a ghost back to the Underworld by touching its incorporeal
flesh and overcoming its Strength + Athletics resistance roll (a ghost thus banished to the
Underworld may not leave it again in any way for a number of days equal to his threshold
successes). He may also force one dead or undead creature away from him for every three
successes he receives on his activation roll, forcing ghosts to become incorporeal and all
dead creatures to give him a berth equal to ten times his total number of Death Boons in
yards for a number of hours also equal to his total number of Death Boons.
unable to leave, and become corporeal for the duration of the scene, giving them both the
power to affect their environment and, in turn, the power to be affected.
Legend; when she does so, the ghost becomes fully solid and corporeal for the remainder
of the scene, and must interact with the material world.
Should the Scion no longer wish to retain the ghost as a servant, she may devour the item
that binds it to her, destroying the spirit in order to gain five Legend points; if she does
not, it remains a focal binding point for the ghost for a number of years equal to the
Scions total number of Death Boons multiplied by the number of years the ghost lived its
mortal life. If the Scion retains the ghosts services for one full year, she may gain ten
Legend points from devouring its item, provided that she did not at any point during that
time release the ghosts tie to it. Only the ghosts of mortals may be thus harnessed; those
with Legend continue to be subject to the whims of Fate even after death, and may not be
chained by any Scion.
Successes Enhancement
1 Success +1 physical Attribute
2 Successes +1 mental Attribute
3 Successes +1 social Attribute
4 Successes +1 Legend or +1 physical Epic Attribute
5 Successes +1 social or mental Epic Attribute
The Scion's newly-created minions may never have an Epic Attribute higher than is
proscribed by their Legend rating or mundane Attributes, and they may never possess a
higher Legend rating than one lower than the Scion's own.
minutes, and for those Legend 9 and above, ticks) equal to the Scions threshold successes,
losing access to all their godly powers and enhancements. The target may pay two points
of Legend and a point of Willpower to reduce the duration of his or her mortality by one
unit (and may do so as many times as he or she is willing to pay for). This power cannot
be used on gods who are Avatar form, and can never be used on Titan Avatars.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes the embodiement of death, instantly killing mortals and gods and even
affecting titans and avatars.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is attuned to the earth, which shifts itself to accommodate him
when possible; he is never harmed by falling rubble, and even if buried beneath the earth
itself takes no crushing penalties (though air may still be an issue). He takes no damage
from earth-based trauma, including uses of other Earth purviews, and no longer suffers
any penalty for unstable footing as long as he stands on earth of some kind.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Perception + Awareness
By tapping, stomping or knocking on the ground, the Scion with this Boon may judge its
depth and hardness, whether there are any buried items or holes beneath it, and how far
away such items might be. She may successfully sound an amount of earth equal to her
successes in miles, spread as she chooses between depth and radius. The Scion may only
use this Boon on the earth itself or on the ground floor of a building with no air space
between it and the ground.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
By touching the earth to which she is attuned, the Scion with this Boon may draw
strength from it to augment her own abilities. She may touch the earth at any time to
commune with it (this is a 10-tick action); once she has done so and paid the requisite
cost, she may add twice her total number of Earth Boons to her Strength rating for the
next feat of strength she attempts. This Boon does not stack with itself; it can be used to
augment a specific feat only once.
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Art (related)
The Scion with this Boon may shape any dirt, metal, glass, or other earth-based substance
as though it were malleable clay, creating objects, artwork or even merely escape routes
with ease. The Scion may only shape up to one cubic yard of earth per success on his
activation roll.
substance be available nearby, but it may be used in conjunction with other armoring
powers. The armor remains for a scene, after which it turns back into its constituent
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon has mastered the rot and reformation of metal; she may restore
any rusted item to its unmarred, brilliant original state, or alternatively cause a metal
object (even one normally impervious to oxidization) to instantly and spontaneously rust,
cutting its soak in half. If the Scion chooses to use this power on a weapon, she may give
it a +4 bonus to its accuracy for the remainder of the day as she removes the tiny
inconsistencies and imperfections that might cause it to waver, or a -4 negative as she
causes it to become pitted and unwieldy; if she chooses to spend a permanent point of
Willpower, she may make this bonus or penalty permanent.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival
The Scion with this Boon may create a vast quagmire of sucking quicksand with a
thought, covering an area of up to three square yards for every success she gains on her
activation roll (this requires that she have existing earth or stone to work with, but any
kind will do). Anyone caught within the quicksands radius becomes unable to take Dash
actions and incurs a mobility penalty equal to the Scions total number of Earth Boons; on
their action, they must receive at least five successes on a Strength + Athletics roll to
avoid being sucked further into the bog, and each consecutive roll adds one to the
difficulty. Any unfortunate target that fails three such rolls is sucked completely under,
there to suffocate to death unless rescued. Beings with the Divine Balance knack are
immune to these effects. The Scion herself may spend one additional point of Legend to
swim within the affected area as if she had the Lightning Swimmer knack, affording her
the opportunity for quick travel or getaways.
around him while disguised as an innocuous statue. If he chooses to pay the greater cost,
he may also have the ability to move while thus transformed (he may, if he chooses to pay
the lower cost, pay the difference at any time to begin moving). The Scion may use the
Shaping Boon, if he possesses it, to change his own appearance however he sees fit,
though any changes will vanish when he reverts to his usual form; others may not use the
Shaping Boon on him, as he is only temporarily made of stone. The Scions soaks increase
by half his total number of Earth Boons, and he is unaffected by armor-piercing or
ignoring effects; however, he also gains a mobility penalty of -4 and becomes 100 pounds
heavier for every Earth Boon he possesses, making him difficult to move and potentially
hazardous on any but the most sturdy of floors.
The elemental receives ten automatic successes to all physical feats or attacks and has the
following abilities if unaugmented:
The elementals possess the same level 5 Earth Boon(s) as the Scion and need never pay
for them, though they may only use them once per scene. In addition, the elementals may
at any time reform in front of another person or object at the Scions discretion and
absorb an attack directed at it, provided that they are holding action or Guarding at the
time (this is a 10-tick action). Targets who are also skilled in the Earth purview have an
additional soak versus the elementals attacks equal to the number of Earth Boons they
possess, and may add the same amount to all damage when attacking the creature. At the
end of the scene, the elemental returns to the earth whence it came.
them, and any threshold successes are applied to the crystals soak and health levels
(which begin at a base equal to the Scions total number of Earth Boons, multiplied by
two). A trapped creature is effectively in stasis, unable to move, speak, or interact with
others, but also immune to the effects of aging, disease, wounds, etc. The crystal lasts for
a number of days equal to the Scions total number of Earth Boons unless she chooses to
expend an additional two points of Willpower, in which case it remains for a number of
additional days equal to her threshold successes.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: Strength + Survival
No longer confined to small samples of earth, the Scion may now shape massive
quantities of raw materials with a thought. Upon activating this Boon, the Scion becomes
able to mentally control and change a quantity of earth and stone equal to five times his
successes in cubic yards; he may cause mountains and walls to thrust up from the ground,
open yawning sinkholes, or attempt to crush his enemies with an onslaught of earth.
Targets of the Scions wrath (or anyone within the affected area) may attempt to keep
their footing and avoid being injured with a successful Dexterity + Athletics roll; if they
overcome his successes on the activation roll, they are able to keep up with the quickly
shifting landscape and take no damage or movement penalties. If they fail, the Scion
controlling the earth may inflict a -4 penalty to all rolls on them at any time he chooses
during the scene (unless they possess the Divine Balance knack, in which case they are
immune). As a 6-tick action, the Scion may use the earth he controls to make a precision
strike against up to four targets by rolling against their DV; if he strikes, he does an
amount of damage equal to his threshold plus five times his total number of Earth Boons
to the unfortunate victims. Targets who are also skilled in the Earth purview have an
additional soak versus the Scions attacks equal to the number of Earth Boons they
possess. The Scion may also sculpt and shape the earth under his command as he chooses;
if he wishes, he may use this Boon to make one dramatic permanent alteration to the
landscape, such as creating an island or mountain or burying an entire village. If two
Scions attempt to use this Boon on the same land at the same time, the one with the
higher roll takes control for the next 10 ticks, at which point the other may initiate
another roll to contest it.
Though the growing of living things is the specific area of the Fertility purview, it is out
of the earth that plants come and it is the life-giving soil that sustains them throughout
their lives. The Scion with this Boon has complete control over the fertility of the earth
around him, able to cause it to bring forth untold bounty or to strangle potential life
wherever it falls. By spending the requisite cost and touching the soil, the Scion may
command it to support and nurture life, granting an area around him with radius equal to
his successes in miles a number of automatic successes equal to his total number of Earth
Boons to any positive Fertility Boons used on it and subtracting the same amount from
any negative Fertility Boons, causing growth to flourish. Conversely, if he wishes, he may
instruct the ground to remain barren and subtract successes equal to his Earth Boons from
all positive Fertility Boons (and add the same number to all negative ones) that are used
on it thereafter, preventing even the hardiest of scrub plants from taking root. Any being
that also possesses this Boon may attempt to override the Scions powers by spending the
same cost and overcoming his successes. The earth remains magically quickened or
deadened for a number of years equal to the Scions total number of Earth Boons, after
which point it reverts to its natural state; if he wishes to make the condition permanent,
the Scion may do so by expending one permanent dot of Willpower.
Health: 200 Speed: 15 DV: 10
The beast naturally possesses the Earth Travel Boon and need never pay for it; it also
possesses whichever level 7 Earth Boon the Scion does, and may use it for free as a 10-tick
action. In addition, the creature may use the following special powers:
Intercept the beast may at any time place itself in front of another person or object at
the Scions discretion and absorb an attack directed at it, provided that it is holding action
or Guarding at the time (this is a 5-tick action).
Rupture the beast may take a 10-tick action, during which time it is Inactive; at the end
of that time, it may burst out of the earth and attack its target with the element of
surprise, rendering their DV down to 0 (this element of surprise may be circumvented by
anyone with the Echo Sounding boon active, as he or she will hear the creatures
approach). Targets who are also skilled in the Earth purview have an additional soak
versus the beasts attacks equal to the number of Earth Boons they possess, and may add
the same amount to all damage when attacking the creature. At the end of the scene, the
dragon returns from whence it came, leaving the Scion on his own once again.
this roll, they immediately suffer from knockdown and take bashing damage equal to the
Scions threshold successes.
Richter Mortal
Difficulty to Avoid
Scale Population Eartquake's Effects After-Effects
Rating Killed
1-3 -- -- Minor tremors, consternation --
Only those at the epicenter
4 5 5% roll (those with Cats Grace --
are immune)
Range of 10 miles (those
5 8 5% with Divine Balance are --
Severe damage to small
6 11 5% buildings and bridges, range --
of 100 miles
15 (within 100 Severe damage to large A few local
7 miles) or 11 (within 10% buildings, range of 1,000 Richter 5
500 miles) miles aftershocks
20 (within 100 Total destruction of all A few Richter 6
miles) or 15 (within buildings, severe damage for aftershocks on the
8 10%
500 miles) or 10 500 miles, full range of 2,000 same continent; a
(within 1000 miles) miles few tsunamis
30 (within 1000 Total destruction of all Worldwide
miles) or 20 (within landscape and creations tsunamis and
9 10%
2000 miles) ot 10 within 100 miles, full range aftershocks of
(within 3000 miles) of 5,000 miles varying severity
Total destruction of all
landscape and creations
Islands sink,
within 500 miles, severe
40 (within 2000 volcanoes erupt,
damage to major buildings
miles) or 20 (within tsunamis and
10 20% with 1,000 miles, damage to
3000 miles) or 10 aftershocks of
small buildings within 3,000
(within 5000 miles) intense severity
miles, heavy tremors within
5,000 miles, full range of
10,000 miles
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes the avatar of the earth itself, able to cause immobile masses to move,
destroy buildings, or raise the ground up with him.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is at one with nature and leaves no trace of movement behind
her when she moves through forest, undergrowth, or other plant life; blades of grass,
leaves and other moveable plant parts simply move slightly aside for her and then return
to their original position once she has passed, allowing her to traverse a field without so
much as bruising a leaf. In addition, whenever she chooses to spend the requisite cost
while touching a particular plant, she may communicate with its sleeping spirit, learning
whatever special knowledge it might have to impart. While plants are not conscious and
she cannot speak to it directly, she may experience a dreamlike vision of the most unusual
or important events the plant has witnessed, giving her the ability to learn about the
source of a deadly fire or the identity of a traveler that passed by. The Scion may only
communicate freely with living plants; the souls of dead growing things are beyond her
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Survival
Upon using this Boon on a plant or small quantity of plants, the Scion may cause them to
temporarily operate outside the normal laws of nature, removing their need for food,
water and sunlight and granting them immunity to minor issues such as root-rot or
normal parasites. Plants thus enhanced grow to impressive size and exhibit excellent
quality, freed from any of the normal concerns that might hamper their growth. The
effects last for one year, after which point the plants resume growing as normal; the Scion
may use any extra successes past the first to add either additional plants or additional
years to the duration.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival
The Scion with this Boon may remove a blight, infestation or sickness from a number of
large plants or square yards of small plants equal to his successes; all plants are instantly
restored to health, though plants already killed by the malady will not regenerate.
Alternatively, he may curse a number of large plants or square yards of small plants equal
to his successes with horrible blight, causing them to suffer the adverse effects of diseases,
parasites or other hindrances to their growth. The blight lasts for a number of weeks equal
to the Scions total number of Fertility Boons, or until natural conditions or agricultural
aid wipe it out.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival
By touching an item or substance that was once a natural plant, the Scion may convince it
to give up its former bounty. For every success she gains on the activation roll, the former
plant will grow enough food to make a meal for one person; fruit, nuts, berries, and edible
roots grow from the surface as though it were a living, food-producing plant. Once the
food is harvested, the dead plant matter returns to its inert state unless this Boon is used
on it again.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon shares more than just an affinity with plants and flowers,
particularly those with alluring fragrances. By touching any plant and spending the
requisite cost, the Scion channels the instinctive pheromones of the plant and may add her
total number of Fertility Boons as bonus dice to the next roll in the scene that requires her
to use her Appearance, Charisma, or Manipulation.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival
Difficulty: Varies (see below)
The Scion may convince his very body to imitate a deadly plant, growing a large,
extremely poisonous thorn on some part of his anatomy. The thorn may be used to strike
at others or simply to protect a vulnerable area, and remains for a scene (or until the
Scion decides to detach it).
Damage Difficulty
Per level +1
Lethal +10
Aggravated +20
Per day +0
Per hour +3
Per minute +5
Per action +10
In addition, the Scion may decrease his targets tolerance to only his Stamina (a +3
difficulty to the roll) or to none at all (a +5 difficulty to the roll).
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion calls on his connection with nature to give himself some of the qualities of the
plants to which he is such close kin. By spending the requisite cost and concentrating for
a moment, his skin takes on a greenish hue and he gains the ability to receive sustenance
through photosynthesis, effectively removing his need for food. The Scions skin is
toughened to the consistency of bark, granting him one additional bashing and lethal
soak, and his blood clots as if it were sap, preventing him from bleeding if he is injured.
The effects of the plant-boost last for a number of days equal to the Scions total number
of Fertility Boons, after which point he reverts to his normal state.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
By calling forth in a commanding manner, the Scion may summon fairies to do her
bidding. Upon being summoned, the fairies must be paid with their preferred price, a dish
of milk (alternatively, they will accept a magical item a trinket, relic, or trophy or a
lump-sum payment of 3 Legend per fairy; however, these alternatives become very
expensive very quickly); if they are not paid, they will refuse to obey the Scions
commands and may even intentionally cause mischief for her before vanishing again. The
summoned fairies possess the Green Thumb and Cleanse Boons, and can work tirelessly
at simple tasks (digging, cleaning, farming, etc.), though more complicated orders may
pose difficulties. For every three successes she garners on her activation roll, the Scion
may choose to either summon an additional fairy or to add one day to the time that they
will remain to serve her. If no extra days are purchased with successes, the fairies depart
at sunset.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival
By touching an inanimate object that was once a living plant wood, food, plant-fiber
cloth, etc. the Scion may reawaken its spirit and encourage it to grow once more. Upon
paying the requisite cost, the substance immediately begins growing again as if it were a
living plant, at a highly sped-up rate; for every success the Scion receives on her
activation roll, the plant receives one hour to grow in complete defiance of natural laws,
requiring no food, soil, sunlight, or any other sustenance. If the plant reaches soil in which
it could naturally grow before this Boons effects have ended, it will take root and grow
there permanently; if it does not, it ceases to grow and dies when the effects of the Boon
wear off.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Survival
By choosing to literally become one with the plant life around him, the Scion may become
especially attuned to all plants within a number of acres equal to his successes. He
immediately gains +10 to his Stamina as the life-force of the nearby plants sustains him,
and +10 to his Appearance as he begins to grow plant-like features (if the Scion chooses to
activate the Greenskin Boon, these bonuses are doubled). All plants within the Scions
affected area draw from his strength in turn, and receive 8 additional health levels and
lethal and bashing soak as his divine ichor empowers them. While this power brings with
it significant benefits, it also ties the Scions well-being to his chosen plot of land; if the
plants of his area are damaged or destroyed (via fire, plague, or human destruction), he
takes one unsoakable level of bashing damage for every level of damage they suffer
(whenever this occurs, he immediately gains a vague awareness of the area that has been
damaged and what has happened to it, though he may need to travel there for specific
details). Likewise, if the Scion is injured, all plants in his area take one level of unsoakable
lethal damage for each level he suffers. The effects of the link remain until the Scion
leaves his chosen area, at which point he and all plants return to their normal state; if he
wishes to tie himself to a new area or the same area again, he must re-activate this Boon.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Occult
The Scion with this Boon may awaken even the most deeply sleeping living things, the
growing plants of the earth. By touching any one plant and paying the requisite cost, she
may grant it any number of new abilities and bonuses, allowing it to interact with the
world around it like any other creature. The plant immediately gains a Legend rating of 1,
and the Scion may divide her successes between any of the following effects, as she
1 Success +1 to Soaks
2 Successes +1 to Ability, Stamina, Appearance or Damage
3 Successes +1 to Accuracy, DV, Strength or Perception
+1 to Dexterity, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Epic Appearance or Epic
4 Successes
Perception, or any other normal mental or social Attribute
5 Successes +1 to Epic Dexterity or any mental Epic Attribute
+1 to Legend rating (maximum of Scion's Legend - 1) or ability to uproot
10 Successes
and move self
Plants gain rudimentary sentience as soon as they have one dot of Intelligence, allowing
the Scion to directly speak to them if she has the Gaias Touch Boon (they still may not be
bright enough to have much of a conversation with, though); similarly, they gain the
ability to move their limbs, vines, branches or any other appendages independently as
soon as they gain one point of Dexterity. The Scion may not increase any given plants
physical Attributes, accuracy, DV, soaks or damage (through any combination of
enhancements) past five times its total Legend rating, and also may not increase any of its
mental or social attributes past five times its Legend. The plants enhancement is
permanent, but all other Fertility Boons may still be used on it as normal.
Cost: 15 Legend and 2 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon embraces the natural cycle of the earth, becoming an
inextricable part of it, able to regenerate like the plants that are her subjects. By paying
the requisite cost and planting a seed in the earth, the Scion mystically roots herself to it,
becoming as renewable as the other plants; thereafter, if she dies, she regrows from the
planted seed, rising up out of the ground like a tree or being born forth from a plants
branches like ripe fruit, reborn whole once more. She must choose the time of her
regrowth when she plants the seed, and may choose to be reborn either the next day after
her death, the next spring, or in spring ten years from the date of her death; if she dies,
her soul goes to the appropriate Underworld as normal and remains there until the day of
her rebirth. The length of time the Scion spends to regrow herself anew from the earth
affects her reborn self as follows:
Time of
Reborn State
The Scion is reborn with only 1 temporary point of Willpower, 1 Legendary
Deed channel and 1 of each Virtue channel; she also loses her three highest-
level Boons or Epic Attributes and accompanying knacks (from any one
purview or attribute except Fertility)
The Scion is reborn with half her temporary Willpower pool, half her total
number of Legendary Deed channels and half her total number of each Virtue
Next Spring
channel; she also loses her highest Boon or Epic Attribute and accompanying
knack (from any purview except Fertility)
Spring ten The Scion is reborn at full health and with all her usual powers and abilities
years hence (though she has been forced to suffer a decade in the Underworld)
The Scion may only tie herself to a single seed; if she wishes to deactivate this Boon or to
plant another seed which regrows in a different time frame, she must dig up the original
seed and destroy it before being able to do so.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion may see and hear through the conduit of any plant on the planet, and all
growing things anywhere in the world obey her will with a thought.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion is unaffected by flames; she cannot be burnt by fire and her lungs are
impervious to smoke damage. This protection does not extend to her clothes or to
anything she might be carrying.
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon may encourage flame wherever he sees it, increasing its size (up
to a maximum of a large campfire) and removing its need for fuel, allowing it to continue
burning for the duration of the scene regardless of its environment (this does not give him
any control over the fires behavior; he merely enables it to grow larger). Alternatively, he
may also create a small flame at his fingertip, suitable as a light source or in order to
ignite an appropriate substance; however, this separate use of the Boon costs a Legend on
its own, so a Scion must spend 2 Legend to use both abilities in the same scene.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Internalizing its untamable energies, the Scion with this Boon is able to channel the
changing, reshaping power of flame through her own efforts. By concentrating fully on a
flame (a 10-tick action) or touching one, she may add her total number of Fire Boons as
automatic successes to any Art rolls she makes for the remainder of the scene.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival
The Scion with this Boon may control the unruly rampage of flame instead of
encouraging it, lessening its destructive potential or even snuffing it out entirely. By
spending the activation cost, the Scion may immediately extinguish all non-magical
flames within a radius equal to his successes in yards, ending wildfires and building
conflagrations with ease. Alternatively, he may remove any additional flames spawned by
uses of the Fire purview, but he may only quench flames spun away from the use of a Fire
Boon, not flames created by the Boon itself (i.e., he could contain someone elses use of
Inferno by preventing it from spreading to nearby areas, but he could not quench the
Inferno itself).
complicated orders may pose difficulties. For every three successes she garners on her
activation roll, the Scion may choose to either summon an additional salamander or to
add one day to the time that they will remain to serve her. If no extra days are purchased
with successes, the salamanders depart at sunset.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Survival
The Scion transforms his body into a raging internal furnace, the flames and heat of
which he may release via his mouth, frightening onlookers, destroying obstacles, or
burning his enemies. He may breathe out a cone of blistering flame with a range equal to
his number of Fire Boons in feet; should he hit a living thing (which may attempt to dodge
out of the way with a Dexterity + Athletics roll), the flame does an amount of lethal
damage equal to his Stamina roll plus 5, added to his threshold successes.
accuracy, speed, and DV. The elemental receives ten automatic successes to all physical
feats or attacks and has the following abilities if unaugmented:
The elementals possess the same level 5 Fire Boon(s) as the Scion and need never pay for
them, though they may only use them once per scene; if the Scion has activated the Devil
Body Boon prior to summoning them, they receive the benefits of that Boon as well. In
addition, the elementals may at any time take a 10-tick action to create a 10-foot-tall wall
of fire wherever they walk; anyone passing through this wall suffers damage as if struck
in combat by the elemental. Targets who are also skilled in the Fire purview have an
additional soak versus the elementals attacks equal to the number of Fire Boons they
possess, and may add the same amount to all damage when attacking the creature. At the
end of the scene, the elemental reverts to the flame from whence it came.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Occult
The Scion with this Boon may call up consuming flames from nothing, filling an area with
radius equal to his total number of Fire Boons in yards with an impromptu bonfire.
Unlucky people or animals caught within the area must roll Dexterity + Athletics and
overcome the Scions successes to attempt to escape; if they succeed, they dive out of the
Scions affected area, and if they fail, they burn. The Scion may apply his total successes
as dice of armor-ignoring lethal damage (the fire itself does a minimum of 5 dice of
damage) done to creatures within his area, to extra yards of the areas radius, or to a
combination of the two. This Boon lasts for a number of minutes equal to the Scions total
number of Fire Boons.
may only be used on willing targets, and can never be used in order to intentionally attack
any being.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Like the highly-stoked fires used to light ancient funeral pyres and send souls to the next
world, the flames generated by the Scion with this Boon are preternaturally hot and
hungry. Whenever the Scion activates a Fire Boon, he may pay the requisite cost to
activate this one as well; if he does so, any damage dealt as a result of that Boon is
considered aggravated instead of lethal.
Command roll. This Boon lasts for the duration of the scene, after which point the fire
will begin burning normally again, wherever it might be.
The beast naturally possesses the Flame Travel and Halo of Fire Boons and need never
pay for them; it also possesses the Dragons Breath Boon, which it may also use for free
once every 10 ticks (with a range of 9 yards). In addition, the beast may at any time take a
5-tick action to create a 10-foot-tall wall of fire wherever it passes; anyone passing
through this wall suffers damage as if struck in combat by the beast. Targets who are also
skilled in the Fire purview have an additional soak versus the beasts attacks equal to the
number of Fire Boons they possess, and may add the same amount to all damage when
attacking the creature. At the end of the scene, the best dissolves into its constituent
flame, leaving the Scion on his own once again.
Cost: 15 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Survival
The very skies themselves rain down fire at the Scions command, causing burning
bonfires (about the size of soccer balls) to fall unceasingly for the next ten minutes upon
an area with radius equal to the Scions successes in miles (he has complete control over
the rain and may choose to strike any area within this radius, and to spare any other that
he does not wish to affect). Upon impact with the ground, the fireballs explode and
instantly ignite five square yards in a radius around them. Those caught within the
affected area must roll Dexterity + Athletics against the Scions successes each turn as
they attempt to avoid the scathing rain, and suffer an amount of lethal damage equal to
the Scions threshold successes added to his total number of Fire Boons if they fail. If the
unfortunate target is not quenched, they continue to burn, taking 1 lethal damage every
five ticks for a number of ticks equal to five times half the Scions total number of Fire
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes a force of elemental fire, burning and obliterating all in his path.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion is immune to the effects of cold and frost, at home in the most glacial of
climates and conditions.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
By attuning aligning herself with the unyielding ice of winter, the Scion with this Boon
may become likewise immovable. She may do this at any time by touching ice, frost or
some frozen substance (this is a 10-tick action); once she has done so and paid the
requisite cost, she may add twice her total number of Frost Boons as dice to the next
Integrity roll she makes in this scene. This Boon does not stack with itself; it can be used
to augment a specific roll only once.
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
By creating a tiny layer of ice beneath his feet, the Scion may slide upon it at heightened
speed, adding 5 yards to his movement speeds as long as he remains on a surface flat
enough to support this mode of transportation. The Scion may not leave the ground with
this effect except up to his normal jumping distance, but may use the slick trail of ice to
give him additional momentum when jumping, adding 5 yards to his usual distance. The
ice thus created melts instantly once the Scion leaves it, meaning that others may not
follow behind him in the same manner, and ceases to be generated at the end of the scene.
again. The summoned barbegazi possess the Frost Immunity and Ullers Stride Boons, and
can work tirelessly at simple tasks (digging, cleaning, farming, etc.), though more
complicated orders may pose difficulties. For every three successes she garners on her
activation roll, the Scion may choose to either summon an additional barbegazi or to add
one day to the time that they will remain to serve her. If no extra days are purchased with
successes, the barbegazi depart in 24 hours.
nature, and will remain standing or melt depending upon the climate of the area in which
it has been built.
The elementals possess the Ullers Stride and Hrimthurssars Touch Boons and need never
pay for them. In addition, the elementals may at any time take a 10-tick action to create a
glacial flash freeze in a fifteen-yard radius around them, covering the ground in a sheath
of impenetrable ice; anyone without Frost Immunity caught within the area is iced over as
well and suffers a -3 penalty to all rolls and movement speed as they try to fight off its
effects. Targets who are also skilled in the Frost purview have an additional soak versus
the elementals attacks equal to the number of Frost Boons they possess, and may add the
same amount to all damage when attacking the creature. At the end of the scene, the
elemental melts into the ground and vanishes.
extraordinarily difficult to influence or manipulate. Once he has paid the requisite amount
of Legend and Willpower, the Scion insulates his heart and mind behind a sheet of
ephemeral ice; he may add his successes on the activation roll as dice to any resistance
roll against a mind- or emotion-altering power being used on him, a benefit that remains
for the next 24 hours. However, dampening his own emotions does deny him the use of
them for his own purposes; the Scion may not channel any Virtues during this time and
automatically fails all Virtue rolls he undertakes. Once this Boons effects have worn off,
the Scion must immediately roll a random one of his Virtues, adding his total number of
Frost Boons as extra dice; if he scores more successes than he possesses total points of
Willpower, he immediately enters Virtue Extremity, which lasts for twice as long as it
would normally.
The beast naturally possesses the Blizzard Call, Ullers Stride and Hrimthurssars Touch
Boons and need never pay for them; it also possesses the Chill the Blood Boon, which it
may also use for free once every 10 ticks. In addition, the beast may at any time take a 10-
tick action to create a glacial flash freeze in a fifteen-yard radius around it, covering the
ground in a sheath of impenetrable ice; anyone without Frost Immunity caught within the
area is iced over as well and suffers a -3 penalty to all rolls and movement speed as they
try to fight off its effects. Targets who are also skilled in the Frost purview have an
additional soak versus the beasts attacks equal to the number of Frost Boons they possess,
and may add the same amount to all damage when attacking the creature (this bonus may
be circumvented if the Scion who summons the Firedrake does so with the Subzero Boon).
At the end of the scene, the beast returns from whence it came, leaving the Scion on his
own once again.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes the embodiment of cold, freezing and cracking all in his path.
The Guardian purview can never be used offensively; it can only be used for purposes of
protection and guarding, and simply refuses to work if a Scion attempts to use it to cause
another harm.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon may extend her divine protection to anyone she deems worthy.
By touching the intended target, she places a magical brand on their skin, invisible to
normal eyes (though it appears as a faintly-glowing tattoo to those using The Unlidded
Eye spell); thereafter, she will immediately know when the target is in danger, and be able
to get a general sense of what is happening to him or her if she is not in the immediate
area. This brand is permanent unless the Scion voluntarily chooses to relinquish it, at
which point it fades from the targets skin; if she wishes to re-brand that target, she must
again touch them and spend the requisite Legend. Alternatively, the Scion may extend her
protection to a place or object of great importance, laying a brand on a doorway or object
that she has likewise sworn to protect from harm. A Scion may only have a number of
active Vigil Brands equal to her total number of Guardian Boons squared, with a
minimum of three.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Perception + Awareness
By tracing a line on the ground or around any opening, the Scion may gain a
preternatural awareness of it, even when he is no longer nearby. Upon creating his line
(which may be of any length as long as he creates it in one uninterrupted pass), he names
a creature or being (titanspawn, human, Scion, Kane Taoka, anyone under five feet tall,
etc.); thereafter, he is instantly aware if any specimen of the named creature crosses her
line. He may have any number of Warning Lines active at one time and may effortlessly
distinguish between them; they remain for a number of days equal to his successes, after
which point they vanish and he must re-trace them if he wishes to regain awareness of
the area. The warning line appears normal to unaugmented eyes, but those using The
Unlidded Eye spell see it as a glowing threshold.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Fortitude
The Scion with this Boon may provide concrete protection to the most fragile of her
charges; by touching the intended target and spending the requisite cost, she may give
them soaks equal to her successes, making them extremely difficult to hurt by most mortal
means. This Boon lasts for 24 hours and may only be used on mortals or objects with no
Legend rating of their own; the Scion may not use it twice in one day on the same person
or object, though a second Scion with this Boon may add his protection to hers.
Cost: 1 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Difficulty: Varies
The Scion with this Boon is a law unto himself, instantly recognized and waved past as a
defender in any situation. He may enter any establishment or area without fear of being
stopped by the local law enforcement or security forces, which automatically recognize
him as one of their own. The difficulty of convincing the security force of this depends
entirely on the place in question (walking blithely onto Mount Olympus, for example, is
much more difficult than getting into an exclusive club). The Scion may linger as long as
he wishes, provided that he does not incite violence or commit any theft or vandalism; if
he does so, all security forces in the area are instantly alerted to his presence and know
his exact location at all times until he leaves, making for a very sticky situation indeed.
This Boon may only be used for innocent or noble purposes; if the Scion has any
malicious intent, it simply will not work, and hell most likely be stopped at the door.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
By extending a small portion of her divine presence over someone or something she
wishes to protect, the Scion with this Boon may cause even the most stalwart of men to
reconsider thwarting her will. By touching a person or object and spending the requisite
cost, the Scion causes a powerful feeling of dismay and misgiving to assail anyone who
considers doing harm to the target she has thus protected. Weaker-willed mortals and
animals may simply change their minds in the face of such a powerful bad feeling, while
those who are determined to attack the target anyway must roll their Willpower + an
appropriate Virtue and score more successes than the Scions total number of Guardian
Boons in order to do so; failure indicates that the feeling of impending disaster is too
overwhelming to ignore, though the attacker may spend a point of Willpower to go
through with his plan anyway. The aura of the Scions power remains for a number of
days equal to her successes.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Fortitude
The Scion with this Boon may place an invisible ward on any location that he wishes to
protect; when he does so, he may name a specific type of person or creature (titanspawn,
human, Scion, Kane Taoka, anyone under five feet tall, etc.) that will be barred entry to
the location. Named creatures of Legend rating less than the Scions fail automatically at
any attempts to come too close to the place (the ward has a radius of 5 yards times the
Scions total number of Guardian Boons, though he may choose to make it smaller if he
wishes). The ward has a soak equal to twice the Scions total number of Guardian Boons
and has a number of health levels equal to ten times his total number of Guardian Boons.
The protective sphere remains in effect for a number of days equal to the Scions
successes, after which point it dissipates completely; the Scion may choose to ward an
area against more than one type of threat, but to do so he must pay the cost and roll the
dice pool multiple times.
to that location, appearing within sight of the source of danger. He may only use this
Boon when his charge is in imminent danger.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
By sharing a bit of his ichor (through his blood or other bodily fluids) with a mortal
(human or animal), the Scion may gift them with any supernatural immunity that he
himself possesses. The Boon thus conferred functions exactly as it does for the Scion, and
lasts for a number of years equal to the Scions total number of Guardian Boons. The
Scion may not give a single mortal more than one immunity at a time, though others who
also possess this Boon may add other immunities to the same mortal if they so desire. The
Scion may choose to use this Boon to bestow any of the following immunity Boons on the
mortal of his choice: Eye of the Storm, Night Eyes, Safely Interred, Electrical Immunity,
Fire Immunity, Frost Immunity, Penetrating Glare, Skys Grace, or Water Breathing.
Cost: 10 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Even the most eagle-eyed of guardians cant plan for every eventuality; the Scion that
buys this Boon may drastically raise the chances of any particular person or object he
chooses to protect, even in his absence. By choosing a small sample of a substance,
element, or item to bind to his target, the Scion may entreat that item and all others like it
to avoid harming his target by any means, rendering the target effectively immune to any
hurt from that source. The substance or item in question may be literally anything that
the Scion is able to carry a piece of with him a substance such as iron or wood, an item
such as a sword or a gun, or even an element such as water; however, it should be noted
that this Boon is very specific, and that only the exact item in question will bestow its
immunity on the target. Many a chagrined Scion has discovered that protection from guns
does not include protection from bullets, or that protection from fire does not include
protection from smoke. The immunity granted to the target is permanent so long as the
Scion continues to carry the object or substances token on his person; if he ever loses or
intentionally divests himself of it, however, the target in question will become abruptly
vulnerable again, with no warning of his or her change in state. The Scion may place as
many immunities as he likes on a single target, but the cost of doing so is prohibitive at
best; he must pay a permanent dot of Willpower to use this Boon on any target of Legend
rating 8 or above, and likewise spend a permanent dot if a target upon which he has used
this Boon in the past attains a Legend rating of 8.
Once he has taken the city under his wing, the Scion instantly gains instinctive
knowledge of any dangers besetting any legitimate citizens of it as if they were marked
with a Vigil Brand (these do not count toward his maximum total number of Vigil
Brands), and all citizens automatically gain the effects of his Foreboding Boon as they are
marked with the gods favor. These effects remain in place only while the citizens are in
the city; if they leave, they remove themselves from the Scions aegis. The Scion also
gains an automatic Vigil Brand on all permanent buildings and structures within the city,
and need pay only one point of Legend to use his Come Running or Watcher at the
Threshold Boons to come to the defense of anyone or anything within city limits. While
he is within city limits, the None Shall Pass Boon is in effect for free at all times; the cost
for him to use the Confer Knack, Confer Immunity or Divine Resolve Boons on any
citizen of his city is reduced by two points of Legend, and he need not be within city limits
to enjoy these benefits. If at any point the Scion chooses to rescind favor and cease to act
as the citys protector, he may do so at no cost to himself, and he immediately regains the
two dots of Willpower he spent to activate this Boon.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes the ultimate protector, capable of defending an entire city or territory
and blocking even titans and gods from passing without his permission.
Any single Boon of the Health purview may be used on a single target only once per day,
and no Health Boon may ever be used by a Scion on himself unless it explicitly states
otherwise. Whenever a Scion rolls to determine whether sexual intercourse results in a
child, he may add or subtract his total number of Health Boons to the total.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon may instantly and accurately assess the health and medical
status of any living being that he can see, able to instantly tell how badly injured they
might be, whether they have any illnesses, and whether they are currently afflicted by any
poisons or drugs.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine
The Scion with this Boon may combat poisons and toxins with ease, restoring her patient
to health as if they had never been. Mundane poisons and toxic diseases are instantly
cured by her touch, while magical poisons and venoms may be purged if she scores more
successes than the original poisoner did; if a magical poison was not created by a power
that required an activation roll, she must overcome the a difficulty determined by the
Storyteller in order to clear it from her patients system. While the Scion may completely
clear any poison from her patients system with a successful use of this power, she may
not remove the damage or leftover symptoms it caused, which may require other types of
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Medicine
Now able to access the intricacies of the reproductive system, the Scion with this Boon
may manipulate her own or even those of others. By spending the necessary cost and
briefly touching her target, she may restore an infertile persons reproductive capabilities
(provided that they have all the necessary equipment) for one week per success she gains
on her activation roll; alternatively, she may cause them to become barren for the same
amount of time (though this requires that she overcome their automatic Stamina +
Fortitude resistance roll). If the Scion wishes to manipulate the gestation of a pregnant
person, she may bolster the unborn childs health, curing it of diseases, deformities,
defects, addictions, or bolstering its health well into childhood (each additional benefit or
cure she wishes to effect beyond the first adds 1 to the rolls difficulty; if she wishes to
bolster the childs future immune system, each success she garners extends this protection
for one year, to a maximum of sixteen). Alternatively, she may cause any of these
maladies to strike the unborn child, though she must overcome the mothers resistance
roll to do so, or irreparably weaken the childs immune system; she may use these effects
on any fetus in the womb or on any baby for up to 24 hours after its birth.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine
By applying his medical expertise to a patient, the Scion can coax their immune system
and body to fight infections and wounds with new fervor, allowing his subjects to heal at
a much faster rate than they might normally. Whenever he spends at least one hour on
treatment and medical aid, his patient gains the ability to heal at twice his or her normal
rate for a number of days equal to the Scions successes if they are Legendary, or a
number of years equal to his successes if they are mortal.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Medicine
By encouraging stamina and haleness in his target, the Scion with this Boon may grant
him or her the ability to continue going long past the threshold of most injuries or
illnesses. When he gains a success on his activation roll, he adds one additional health
level to his targets total; for every three successes he gains past the first, he may add
another. These health levels have no penalties, function as normal, and fill up with
damage before the targets natural health levels do; they remain for the rest of the scene,
at which point they (and any damage that might have filled them) disappear.
Cost: 1 Legend or 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Medicine
The Scions powers over the body are now great enough to effortlessly repair damage
done to it, or to inflict crippling diseases on the unwary. If he chooses to spend the Legend
cost, he may heal as many levels of bashing damage as he scores successes, leaving his
target as hearty as if they had never been injured; conversely, he may inflict that many
levels of (soakable) bashing damage on a target, afflicting them with wracking illness and
weakness. If he chooses to spend the Willpower cost instead, he may turn a number of
levels of lethal damage equal to his successes to bashing damage, healing open wounds
and restoring broken limbs, or alternatively upgrade a targets bashing damage to lethal,
exacerbating existing wounds with spasms and infections (simply upgrading damage in
this manner bypasses soak).
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Medicine
The Scion with this Boon knows just how to tweak the chemicals of his patients brains
and is able to use that knowledge to inflict total intoxication or complete sobriety upon
them with a little work. Whenever he can see a target and chooses to spend the requisite
cost, the Scion may simulate the mental and physical effects of any alcohol, drug or other
intoxicating substance he is aware of; since the target is not actually ingesting or being
affected by an outside agent, knacks such as Inner Furnace do not negate the Scions
simulated intoxication, which merely causes his targets body and brain to behave as if
they had indulged. If the target fails to resist with a Stamina + Fortitude roll, he or she
immediately behaves as if completely overtaken by the subject in question, remaining
thus affected for a number of hours equal to the Scions threshold successes.
Alternatively, the Scion may choose instead to use this Boon to purge the effects of any
drug from her targets system; if she achieves a number of successes equal to the
remaining hours her target would have remained intoxicated, she purges the offending
element from his or her system, returning them to normal. This may only be used to
remove the effects of intoxication; poisons and other harmful agents are unaffected by
this Boon.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine
Difficulty: Target's total levels of damage (including dying boxes)
Using her intricate knowledge of the bodys nervous system, the Scion with this power
may shut off pain receptors and failsafes, rendering her target immune to pain and
unaware of the true extent of any wounds they might have sustained. A target who has
been thus salved is able to keep fighting long past the threshold where most beings would
have succumbed to blissful unconsciousness, and is able to use his or her dying boxes as
normal health levels for the duration of the scene as his or her body is simply unaware of
the peril it is in. While this power can create juggernauts who fight on without regard for
wounds or allow terminally ill patients to experience one last zest for life, it is extremely
dangerous for the person thus affected; if they take damage that fills their last dying box,
they die instantly with no recourse. While this Boon is active, damage filling dying boxes
may be healed as usual by other Health Boons, however; if the target has remaining dying
boxes at the end of the scene, they resume dying at a normal rate and may be stabilized
and revived as usual.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Medicine
Now in command of potency and fertility, the Scion with this power may ensure that her
target becomes pregnant or impregnates his partner the very next time they engage in
intercourse, regardless of infertility or attempts at birth control. Hapless mortals are
affected by this power immediately, while targets with Legend automatically resist with a
Stamina + Fortitude roll, even if they would prefer that it were successful; creatures that
are not technically living, such as ghosts or vampires, are unaffected. Unlike most of the
Boons in the Health purview, this one may be used by the Scion on herself at her whim,
and she does not need to roll to resist.
The Scion may only use this Boon on a single target once per story, and he must decide
how much Legend he is willing to spend up front before activating it. The accelerated or
decelerated rate of aging continues to affect the target for a number of days equal to the
Scions successes, and this Boon may never be used on a creature or person with a Legend
rating. Targets whose aging process has been vastly accelerated begin to suffer from the
effects as follows:
Rate of Acceleration Physical Effects
1 week/day -2 fatigue penalty to all rolls
1 month/day -2 penalty to all rolls; -1 Physical or Mental Attribute per week
1 year/day -4 penalty to all rolls; -1 Physical or Mental Attribute per week
1 decade/day -1 Physical or Mental Attribute per day; bedridden and unable to act
If another Scion or being with this Boon wishes to remove its effects from a mortal, they
must spend an equivalent number of points of Legend and overcome the Scions
activation roll in order to do so.
Boon in conjunction with other Health Boons as a single action, or on its own) and
touching her target, the Scion causes whatever wounds or sickness currently afflicts them
to become nigh-incurable; mundane medicine, no matter how state-of-the-art, fails to
have any effect, and those attempting to use supernatural means to cure her target must
overcome her successes on their activation rolls in order to do so, applying only their
threshold successes once they have done so to actually healing the target. The Scion may
choose to rescind this Boon at any time; if she does not, it is permanent for mortals and
lasts for a number of days equal to her successes for supernatural beings.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine
The Scion with this Boon may heal even the most grievous of wounds, allowing her
patients or comrades to rise once more. By touching the body of a wounded person or
creature, she may heal one level of bashing damage for every success she scores, one level
of lethal damage for every 3 successes she scores, or one level of aggravated damage for
every 10 successes she scores. She may apportion her successes between these three types
of healing as she sees fit. She may also restore a lost or seemingly irreparable body part (a
gouged-out eye, a chopped-off leg, a perforated liver) seamlessly, in lieu of healing actual
health levels of damage. Alternatively, the Scion may cause the body of a target she
touches to wither and destroy itself beneath her hand, causing an amount of lethal or
aggravated damage equal to the amount she might have healed had she been more
benevolently inclined; such an attack is resisted by her target with a Stamina + Fortitude
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Stamina + Fortitude
Though every healer prefers to encourage the torn tissues and bones of injuries to re-knit
on their own, the Scion with this Boon knows that sometimes he has to give of himself in
order to help others. By touching his target and spending the requisite cost, the Scion may
heal them of up to a number of health levels of damage equal to his successes; however,
he immediately suffers the same amount and type of damage himself as he draws the
illness or injury into his own body in order to save his target. This damage is unsoakable
and cannot be healed by supernatural means; the Scion must deal with the wounds as if
they were his own.
Alternatively, the Scion may use this Boon to rewrite the genetic makeup of her subject,
singling out one bloodline and wiping the others away as if they had never been. She may
spend the requisite cost to cleanse the target of any or almost all bloodlines, rendering
those of checkered ancestry pure-blooded or possessed of blood from only a few lines. The
Scion may pick and choose amongst the targets bloodlines as she pleases, removing as
many or few of them as she wishes; since this transformation occurs at a molecular level,
adults who are already full-grown are only subtly visibly affected, though children born to
them after the Scion has made her changes may grow up looking significantly different
from their parents. This Boon may only affect mortal bloodlines; those with latent
titanspawn or divine blood cannot be severed from it.
with an animal, plant, or even a mechanical object to create bizarre, logic-defying
creatures. The Scion simply mixes at least one sample (hair, a bit of skin, etc.) from each
parent creature and adds some of his ichor, and creates a number of hybrids equal to his
successes on his activation roll; the hybrids are fully fertile with one another and with
members of their parent species (female plant hybrids breed true with humans, while male
plant hybrids may only breed new plants; female animal hybrids breed true, and male
animal hybrids have a 50-50 chance of doing so), and they gain a Legend rating of 1. If the
Scion chooses to graft an inanimate object onto a human by combining this Boon with
Unintended Purpose, the effects of the combination last for a number of days equal to his
successes, after which the mortal reverts to normal (and most probably dies if an
inanimate object is still lodged somewhere in his anatomy); if he wishes to make the
machine hybrid permanent, he must spend a permanent dot of Willpower in order to do
Boons; she may simultaneously cure all targets within a radius equal to her total number
of Health Boons in miles.
Illusions are not truly powers that affect others, merely shadows of things that do not
actually exist; as a result, anyone attempting to resist or see through an Illusion Boon rolls
Perception + Awareness to do so instead of the standard resistance roll unless otherwise
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
One of the most powerful and prevalent of mythological powers is that of disguising
oneself as someone else, and the Scion with this Boon is able to do just that. By donning
some form of disguise an elaborate costume, or even just a hat or a pair of Groucho
Marx glasses will do the Scion takes on the face of another, becoming indistinguishable
from her model (or, if she chooses, she may turn into a person of her own invention
without borrowing someone elses likeness, though she still requires some prop related to
the invented person to do so). If the Scion has an object owned by the person she is
impersonating, she may add a +2 bonus to her dice roll, or a +5 bonus if she has a sample
of the persons body (fingernail clippings, hairs, etc.). Conversely, someone attempting to
see through the illusion gains a +2 bonus if they spend a protracted amount of time with
the Scion and have more opportunities to see her slip up, while they suffer a -2 penalty if
they see her only fleetingly. Someone who fails to see through the disguise is unable to
attempt to do so again in the same scene; someone who does manage to successfully see
through the Scions illusion may expose her by removing her makeshift disguise, thus
revealing her to everyone. The disguise is always subtly flawed by some minor detail that
belongs to the Scion rather than to the person she is impersonating; it is this detail that is
noticed by the astute observer who succeeds in penetrating the illusion.
This power lasts until the end of the scene unless voluntarily ended by the Scion; if she
wishes to extend her disguise through another scene, she may spend another point of
Willpower to do so.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
By concentrating her powers of deception and persuasion and giving them external form,
the Scion may create exact illusory doubles of herself or of another person to do her
bidding. Upon being created, the doppelgngers must be given an item or piece of clothing
belonging to whomever they are impersonating; if they are not provided with one, they
default as doubles of the Scion herself (and require a 3 Legend per doppelgnger
expenditure). The doppelgngers possess the Subtle Knife and Stolen Face Boons, and can
work tirelessly at simple tasks (digging, cleaning, farming, etc.), though more complicated
orders may pose difficulties. For every three successes she garners on her activation roll,
the Scion may choose to either create and additional double or to add one day to the time
that they will remain to serve her. If no extra days are purchased with successes, the
doppelgngers vanish at sunset.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Larceny
Hand in hand with disguising ones face goes disguising ones tool, an easy prospect for
the Scion with this Boon; he simply pays the requisite cost and hides or covers the
inanimate object in question for a second, revealing a brand-new inanimate object of
approximately the same size. The disguised object (which must be something the Scion
could hold in one hand, such as a book, or a collection of small objects of the same size,
such as a bag of marbles) looks, feels, sounds, and smells like whatever the Scion is
pretending it is, and may be detected as a forgery only if a viewer is successful in seeing
through the illusion. The disguise remains until the end of the scene or the object is
broken, or until the Scion himself chooses to remove it.
Cost: 2+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy
No longer required to channel her powers of duplicity through physical objects, the Scion
with this Boon may now create unsupported illusions, making anything within the realm
of her imagination possible. By spending the requisite cost plus 2 points of Legend for
each person she wishes to see her illusion, the Scion causes one element, object or entity
to appear (provided that it is something she can imagine or has seen before) to them, or,
alternatively, alters or vanishes some part of already-existing reality. The illusion may
affect as many senses as she wishes, and may be of almost anything she can conceive of.
The Scion must concentrate completely on her illusion, taking no actions while she
maintains it; if she does anything that breaks her concentration or is physically hurt, the
illusion vanishes and reality returns to its usual state. She may only maintain a number of
distinct illusions equal to her total number of successes from Epic Intelligence at one time
(with a minimum of one), and each illusory being or person in a given scene counts
toward this total; as with most illusion powers.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
Though mastery of illusion provides the Scion with near-limitless creative options,
allowing the details to be left to the imagination of her viewers can sometimes produce
more incredible results yet. By spending the requisite cost, the Scion with this Boon
causes an illusion to spring up out of nothing to terrify her target, but instead of setting
the terms of the illusion herself, the Scion allows it to take shape as the thing most feared
by her target. This does not grant the Scion any knowledge of her targets fear herself,
though observing their response might give her clues. The illusion itself is visible and real-
seeming to anyone who cannot see through it except the Scion herself; it can only mimic
the fears of a single target, and it behaves in every way exactly as the terrified target
would expect it to, causing them to immediately lose a point of Willpower and to gain a -4
distraction penalty when trying to take any actions except escaping from its fearsome
nearness. The Scion must concentrate completely on her illusion, taking no actions while
she maintains it; if she does anything that breaks her concentration or is physically hurt,
the illusion vanishes and reality returns to its usual state. Otherwise, the illusion remains
until the end of the scene before vanishing.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
The Scion with this Boon is a master of the art of deflection and blame, able to make even
the most righteous of subjects appear totally guilty if she wishes. Whenever she chooses
to spend the requisite cost, the Scion may make any specific target appear to be obviously
lying about whatever they are talking about; illusions make them seem to stutter, twitch,
look furtive, and even dismally fail polygraph tests, no matter how true what theyre
saying actually is. Everyone who observes the unfortunate target is immediately
convinced of their guilt unless they can overcome the Scions successes with a Perception
+ Empathy roll, much to the targets probable confusion and distress; those with the Takes
One to Know One Knack may roll their Manipulation + Empathy against the Scions
activation successes in an attempt to realize that they are seeing false tells. If the target
possesses the Benefit of the Doubt or Gods Honest Knacks, he or she may roll against the
Scions successes in an attempt to present themselves as believably telling the truth. The
targets apparent guilt remains for the rest of the scene, after which point they revert to
their normal state and may attempt to convince others of their innocence once again.
ground. She may recreate her vision of reality in an area up to her total number of Illusion
Boons times 50 square yards, and may maintain the illusion with little effort for a number
of days equal to her total number of Illusion Boons. Only creatures or characters with Epic
Perception may attempt to see through her trickery by rolling; those who do not see
through the illusion always see it behave as they expect it to (for example, if someone
bulldozed an illusory wall, the Scions targets would see it break and leave behind rubble).
Alternatively, the Scion with this Boon may redirect attempts to find him to an
unsuspecting third party, effectively shunting blame onto someone else. As long as he
possesses an item with a personal connection to the person he would like to blame
(fingernail clippings, the remains of a loved one, a prized possession), he may spend the
requisite cost at any time to cause a single attempt to search him out to automatically
redirect to that person (who may resist with a successful Wits + Integrity roll). If he is
successful, the other person is temporarily elected as his proxy when he is searched for,
and others may only stand a chance of finding him if that person dies, they find them and
establish that they is not actually the culprit after all, or the Scion chooses not to use this
Boon again the next time he is searched for.
knack (in which case they may act at a +2 speed penalty and a -8 distraction penalty to all
rolls, which may also be modified by the Parallel Attention and Multi-Tasking Knacks).
does, her target is overcome by it just as if receiving a vision from the Prophecy purview,
believing it to be utterly real and authentic. Each target feels the prophecys effects as he
would expect to experience them and is completely certain it is real unless he overcomes
the Scions successes on a Perception + Occult roll; if he does, he still sees the vision but
realizes that it is a forgery, though he will not necessarily know its source. Anyone
attempting to convince a target that their prophecy is not real must defeat the Scions
activation roll on their own Manipulation + Occult roll; if they fail, they do not succeed in
instilling even the tiniest shred of doubt. Likewise, anyone attempting to discover more
information about the prophecy (whether via mundane investigation, the Mystery or
Prophecy purviews, etc.) must also overcome the Scions successes on their activation roll
or find that all clues point toward the veracity and content of the false vision.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion may manipulate illusions so powerful that they can fool and influence anyone,
creating entire new worlds or convincing the most wary of gods or titans.
Justice Boons may only treat someone as guilty if this is in fact the case; those who are
innocent of the crime in question under the laws of the local area are immune to any
attempt to use this purview to punish them. Those who are guilty, however, are helpless
against the force of justice unleashed, and they may not roll in an attempt to resist any
Justice Boons unless specifically stated.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Perception + Empathy
A Scion wishing to uphold justice and righteousness must first be able to identify those
who break those sacred tenets, and this Boon allows her to do so. By rolling her
Perception + Empathy (with no benefit from her Epic attributes, Fatebonds or any other
source of automatic successes, and without being able to channel a Virtue or in any way
add dice to the roll) against her target (who rolls only his or her Legend rating in dice) and
making a declamatory statement accusing them of a specific crime, she gains immediate
awareness of whether or not her target is guilty of the crime she has just charged them
with. If she fails to overcome her targets roll, the Scion is unable to determine the targets
guilt; if she botches, she receives a false positive or negative. In either case, she cannot use
Judgment again on the same target for a full week.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Integrity
By cursing a target he knows to be guilty of a crime, the Scion with this Boon may cause
him or her to be haunted by terrifying hallucinations. By spending the requisite cost and
informing the target of their impending punishment (a simple Youll be sorry for what
youve done! will suffice, or he may send a letter or otherwise contact them remotely),
the Scion causes his target to be afflicted by random visions and hallucinations for a
number of days equal to his threshold successes. The visions suffered by the target during
this time are all related to the crime the Scion is punishing him or her for, and he or she is
unable to regain Willpower points for the duration of this Boons effects, wracked by guilt
and remorse for his or her behavior. Only confessing and atoning for the crime in
question can end this Boons effects prematurely.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The sacred promise is a universal convention carrying connotations of honor and
trustworthiness, and the Scion with this Boon makes sure that it is not taken lightly.
Whenever she witnesses a promise being made (it must be made aloud and in a language
she can understand, or in some other way intelligible to her), she may spend the requisite
cost to bind the person making the promise to it emotionally, giving them renewed desire
to keep it faithfully. If the target in question is Legendary and ever breaks said promise
they immediately suffer Virtue Extremity for the Virtue in which they have the highest
rating (if more than one Virtue is tied for the highest rating, they must choose one of the
tied Virtues at random); if the oath-breaker is mortal, he or she immediately loses all
Willpower points and cannot regain them for a full month. This Boon remains in effect
for the duration of the promise, which varies from oath to oath; its effects might end if I
promise to deliver this message to your mother, is fulfilled, but someone thus bound to a
promise such as I swear to be faithful to my husband for the rest of my life will be
forced to endure its effects indefinitely.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use Dice Pool: None
While punishing evil-doers is an important element of dispensing justice, equally
important it making sure that the innocent dont suffer for the crimes of others.
Whenever the Scion sees someone she believes to be innocent about to be punished for a
crime that they did not commit, she may reflexively pay this Boons cost to throw a
shimmering shield of energy around the innocent, insulating them from the hurt they
might take as a result of a case of mistaken identity or misplaced blame. The next attack
directed against a target thus shielded is completely nullified, inflicting no harm
whatsoever; the Scion must spend again if she wishes to protect the target from further
attempts on him or her. This Boon depends on the true innocence of the target in order to
work; if the Scion attempts to use this power to protect someone who is in fact guilty, it
will have no effect.
The Yazata Lying, pollution, theft
When the Scion punishes any one of these unforgivable crimes, he gains double his total
number of Justice Boons as automatic successes when using any Justice Boon. While he
may use his Justice Boons in this manner with impunity, this is not a carte blanche to
stomp all over every culture he comes into contact with; the Scion overusing or abusing
this Boon may find himself in very uncomfortable or even fatal situations indeed, as the
very actions he sees as punishing misbehavior may cause him to be pursued and punished
as a criminal himself.
Cost: 3+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Politics
The Scion with this power may pass judgment from himself on to an even higher power:
Fate. By paying the requisite Legend cost plus an amount of Legend equal to his targets
Legend rating, the Scion may bring Fate down upon a criminal to punish him; thereafter,
circumstances will inexorably conspire to punish the criminal in some manner perfectly
befitting his or her crime, no matter how diligently and adroitly he or she tries to avoid it
(see Scion: Companion for sample description). Those who use supernatural means to
learn about the criminal in question (Magic, Prophecy, etc.) will be able to see this destiny
hanging over him or her, but it cannot be removed, even by the Scion himself, until Fate
has had its say.
Cost: (1/2 Target's Legend rating) Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
For truly dangerous or difficult criminals, sometimes the only punishment that also
safeguards the innocent from them is to remove them completely from the area in which
they have sinned. By spending the requisite cost and defeating his targets resistance roll,
the Scion may make a declaration (i.e., I banish you from this city for your crime of
murder most foul!) and banish his target entirely from the area, rendering them literally
incapable of entering it while this power remains in effect; there is simply a massive,
impenetrable invisible wall preventing them from entering the area specified by the Scion,
however they might try to do so. The Scion may apportion his successes between either
increasing the range of the banished area or increasing its duration, as follows:
Successes Effects
1 Success 1 room
2 Successes 1 building OR 1 day
5 Successes 1 city
8 Successes 1 state/province OR 1 month
10 Successes 1 country OR 1 year
15 Successes 1 continent or Terra Incognita OR 1 century
25 Successes 1 specific Underworld or Overworld
35 Successes 1 entire plane (World, Underworld, etc.) OR forever
A target who has been banished immediately feels a strong, urgent need to depart, and is
seldom able to remain in the area for long before being locked permanently out of it.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
No longer bound by mortal laws and mortal methods of enforcement, the Scion with this
Boon brings down divine punishment within the very mind of the criminal. By staring
uninterrupted into the criminals eyes for one full minute, the Scion may hurl a target into
a prison within their own mind, an empty, featureless cell with no interaction or stimuli
of any kind (see Scion: Demigod for sample description). The criminal remains frozen and
imprisoned therein for a number of minutes equal to the Scions total number of Justice
Boons; however, to the criminal, it feels as if a number of years equal to three times the
Scions Justice Boons have passed, a sensory deprivation imprisonment that might shake
even the most mentally self-contained of warriors. For every 10 years the target remains
imprisoned, the Scion chooses a dot of either their Charisma, Manipulation, or Willpower
to be lost irrevocably (this cannot drop any one of these stats below one); the criminal
cannot regain these dots except by buying them with experience points, and may not use
Epic Attributes that are past the normal limit imposed by his or her normal Attributes
(though he or she does not lose them and they may become active again once he or she
has bought enough of the mundane Attribute to support them). The Scion may choose to
allow her prisoner out of the mental prison early once per minute, but is under no onus to
do so; if the target is injured in any way, they will also immediately snap out of their
mental hell. Anyone who attempts to attack either the Scions target or the Scion himself
while he uses this Boon is instantly placed in an identical prison for the same duration.
Cost: 3+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Even the most watchful of judges cant be everywhere all the time, and the Scion with this
Boon knows how to lend her authority and abilities in a divide-and-conquer strategy. By
spending the cost of the Boon she wishes to bestow plus a number of Legend points equal
to its level, she may give any Justice Boon to another person for later use; that person
may use the Boon once for free, whenever they deem it necessary. The Scion may give as
many Boons to her deputy as she wishes, but the expense of doing so adds up very
rating of 9 or higher, and, of course, if the target in question is not actually guilty of the
crime the Scion accuses him or her of, this Boon has no effect.
1 Legend in order to automatically gain this knowledge. If she chooses to spend the full
cost of the Boon, she may become instantly aware of all unpunished or current
lawbreakers within the society, up to a radius of a number of miles equal to her successes
on the activation roll (if she wishes to increase her range, she may spend 1 additional
point of Legend to add the same distance again). Once she has become aware of all the
guilty parties within her range, she may choose to spend a point of Willpower to cause all
of them to instantly lose their entire Willpower pool and to feel a strong compulsion to
turn themselves in to the nearest authority with a full explanation of their misdeed (even
if they did not know about it prior to the Scions use of this Boon, the criminals in
question instantly gain intimate knowledge of what they did wrong). If the Scion wishes,
she may exclude specific crimes from this Boon (jaywalking, speeding, kidnapping, or
whatever else she chooses), but she cannot make specific people exempt from its effects.
This Boon does not affect gods with a Legend rating of 9 or higher, as they are forces
greater than any one Scions attempt to impose the law.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion is uncontradictable and causes all who see him to feel the burning shame of
any past misdeeds; his word is incontrovertible and no one may behave unrighteously in
his presence.
Any use of the Magic purview constitutes a manipulation of Fate itself, and as such all
Magic boons also cause Fatebonds to attach themselves to the Scion, regardless of whether
or not he or she would normally have rolled to receive them.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Larceny
By tugging on the threads that bind an item to the world, the Scion with this boon may
wrap them loosely around living things, creating temporary but powerful links between
the object and his target. When he spends the requisite cost, the Scion creates a small,
temporary Fatebond from an object to his target; thereafter, that object constantly turns
up wherever his target may be no matter how unlikely such an occurrence might be,
seeming to follow her everywhere she goes to provide a ready source of help or a
terrifying reminder of the Scions power. The only way to prevent the spell from
functioning is to completely destroy the object, but even then any debris or constituent
parts from it may still be found without warning. The Scion may also bind items to
himself in order to make sure that he cannot lose them for long, but he may only use this
boon on items weighing less than 25 pounds. The spell lasts for a number of days equal to
the Scions successes, after which the item is no longer connected and ceases to
coincidentally turn up in places it should not.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The blessings of fortune are commonplace to the Scion with this boon, who is so favored
by Fate that chance seems to bend to his whim whenever he calls. Whenever he chooses
to spend the activation cost, he may choose any one random event in a game of chance to
come up as he wishes; he can dictate the outcome of a die-roll, the identity of the next
card dealt or the symbol on one of a slot machines displays. He may only affect truly
random events, however; this boonis of no use to him at the racetrack, and games that are
rigged to the point of being unwinnable are also outside his ability to cajole into
compliance. He is able to exploit any chance, however small, though; a machine rigged to
never win no matter what may not be changeable, but if it has even a 1% chance of
winning, he can call that tiny sliver of possibility in to aid him. If more than one Scion
attempts to use this power on a single outcome, they roll their Magic boons against one
another to determine the victor.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon is uncannily lucky, even when she takes on contests or tasks
that are clearly beyond her. Once per game session when she botches a roll, she may call
upon Fate to grant her a little luck and mitigate its effects; the roll still fails, but it no
longer counts as a botch and the catastrophic consequences of such a failure are not
visited upon her. Single-die rolls made to determine boon effects (such as those in the Out
of the Frying Pan or Deus ex Machina boons) are not affected by this boon, but any other
action the Scion takes is fair game.
This boon also allows a Scion to attempt to identify unfamiliar Birthrights; whenever he is
confronted with one while The Unlidded Eye is active, he may pay a point of Willpower
to roll Perception + Occult against a difficulty equal to the Birthright's rating as if it were
an Epic Attribute (so a six-dot relic would require him to overcome a difficulty of 16). If
he is successful, he knows the Birthright's capabilities, powers and exact rating.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Magic
Just as a Scion may call upon Fate to charm her existence, she may also direct it to cause
no end of difficulty for her enemies. By making some form of malicious gesture or
leveling a withering or unsettling glare and spending the requisite amount of Legend, the
Scions ill-omened countenance so rattles a target that he is afflicted with ill luck for some
time after seeing it. The target must attempt to resist the Scion by rolling a number of dice
equal to his total number of Magic, Mystery and Prophecy boons; if he fails, he
immediately counts the next lowest number on his dice for purposes of botching (i.e., 2s).
This boon may be used on the same target multiple times, but the Scion herself may only
use it on him once per scene, and it can never cause her target to count any number
higher than 3 for purposes of botching.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Magic
Legend is the fuel of the gods and their children, and the Scion with this power can
manipulate and reorder it, distributing it to others as she wishes. By concentrating the
power within her and using the thread of Fate as a conduit to direct it to another host, she
can transfer points of Legend from her own pool to that of any other person or being in
her presence. She must transfer exactly as many Legend points as she gains successes on
the activation roll; Legend points given to another thusly are lost to the Scion herself.
Legend points may not be given to mortals or non-Legendary beings, and any attempt to
do so merely results in the Legend points being lost.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Fortune favors the Scion with this boon, and shows it by making his actions effortlessly
successful, allowing him to manage feats with sublime ease that might normally be
entirely outside his ken. Once per game, he may add his total number of Magic boons as
dice to a single action, calling upon Fate to grant him a little luck when he needs it the
Die Roll Savior Summoned
1 Enemy
2 Hostile member of foreign pantheon
3 Hostile member of Scion's pantheon
4 Hostile member of Scion's family
5 Neutral member of foreign pantheon
6 Completely neutral party
7 Member of Scion's pantheon
8 Member of Scion's extended family
9 Personal acquaintance or friend of Scion
10 Scion's divine parent
The Scion may spend five points of Legend to reroll this die, but may only do so once.
This spell does not work at all in the Titanrealms, as no god will venture there simply to
rescue an errant child, and if used in an Overworld summons only gods of that planes
pantheon (in this case, the Scions roll merely determines their friendliness). Any god thus
summoned who saves the Scion may automatically demand a labor of him for saving his
bacon when it matters most.
Of course, he can use this boon again to get out of some of these difficulties
to avoid the Extremity, declaring herself independent, for however swift a moment, from
her pantheon's destiny. Doing so requires her to pour some of her ichor out, however,
partially severing her connection to her forefathers; she must deal herself lethal damage
as detailed below in order to wrench herself away.
This damage is unsoakable, ignores temporary health boxes from any source, and cannot
be healed for the remainder of the story; if the Scion used this boon within the last two
game sessions of a story, it carries over through the next story as well. Once the story
ends, the Scion's self-inflicted wounds may be healed again; the only way to heal them
before the story's end is through use of The Savior, but doing so causes the Scion to
immediately enter Virtue Extremity for each time she avoided one earlier in the story
using this boon.
upon them Birthrights not unlike his own. He must roll against a difficulty based on the
relic's potency in order to be successful:
consciousness into any image of himself that he is aware of, becoming able to see and
hear anything that image might. The image may be in any form so long as it is a
reasonably good likeness and recognizably intended to be the Scion; paintings, statues,
photographs, and other works of visual art are all possible conduits for the Scions divine
sight. He may use any non-physical knacks or boons he possesses through the artwork,
but must spend an extra point of Legend in addition to the power's cost each time he does.
He may continue to experience through the images senses for a number of days equal to
his total number of Magic boons, or until he disengages voluntarily; while he remains
projected, he may choose to either have no awareness of his body's actual surroundings or
to have a vague understanding of both (but with a -4 penalty to all actions from the
distraction of being literally in two places at once). The Scion may only experience senses
that the image itself could reasonably be said to possess; a Scion peering through a statue
of himself that had been blindfolded (or carved with a blindfold) would be unable to see,
and through a headless statue be unable to hear, either, but an image with a well-defined
tongue could even allow speech. His normal range of perception is also limited while he is
inhabiting the image; he can perceive only a tenth of his normal range, and is unable to
gain any benefits from the Telescopic Senses boon.
times in the same scene as he wishes, but doing so can be hazardous when all the effects
he has been putting off start hitting home in close succession. He may also beg Fate for a
reprieve for his comrades, using this boon on them to temporarily prevent dangers or
effects from visiting pain or confusion on them, and if he has the Selfless Speed knack
may do so once every tick instead of once every five.
Cost: Varies (see below)
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Larceny
Divine relics are invested with an often indispensible amount of power, but they may not
always grow along with their owner; the Scion with this boon may transfer the power
inherent in a divine Relic into a new vessel, creating a new Relic with the same abilities.
The cost of doing so is dependent on the Relics rating, as follows:
Difficulty Cost
1-5 Relic rating x 6 5 Legend and 1 Willpower
6-7 Relic rating x 6 10 Legend and 2 Willpower
8-10 Relic rating x 6 15 Legend and 3 Willpower
Must use Ultimate 15 + 5 per rating over 10 Legend, and 3
Manipulation Willpower
15 Impossible 20 Legend and 3 Willpower
By spending one hour per dot of the Relics rating in meditation and concentration,
reimagining the Relic as a new object, the Scion may bind its powers to a new host vessel,
giving the new item access to all benefits (and, if applicable, negatives) that it provides
just as the original Relic did. The old Relic becomes a harmless and powerless object once
the divine power has been removed from it. If the Scion is combining two Relics, he must
base the difficulty on the new combined Relics rating.
While the Scion may attempt to manipulate the same Fatebond more than once, doing so
multiple times becomes progressively harder; the difficulty is cumulative. If the Scion
wishes to change a divine cult instead of a single Fatebond, she must spend 50 Legend
instead of 5 in order to affect so much mortal belief at one time.
If she wishes to share her good fortune, she may spend this boon's cost and one day in
further meditation in order to give her target the same ability for one week (all targets,
whether or not they would welcome her meddling, automatically resist with a Wits +
Integrity roll); once she has done so, she herself loses those successes for the duration of
the boon (so her target gains three successes from 10s while she gains two). Once the
boon has worn off, she regains her ability to count 10s as three successes, and her target
reverts to normal. Alternatively, she may give a target this boon's effects immediately by
spending 10 points of Legend instead of 5; they gain the benefit for only one day, as she
was ill-prepared to pass it on, but she still finds herself without the boon's extra boost to
her fortunes for a full week.
of questions required to get an answer. For those whose powers attempted to target the
Scion and were overcome, they simply find that they have failed, with no explanation.
Relic Rating Successes Needed
1 4
2 9
3 16
4 25
5 36
6 49
7 64
8 81
9 100
10 121
Star-Level Requires The Wyrd
Once she has done so, the relic is ownerless and may be bound to any new owner. Its
original owner is completely unable to access or use it, and his or her probable reaction to
the Scions thievery is in many cases no laughing matter.
in those purviews, and may instantly activate the same power as if they possessed it by
paying its normal activation cost. Anyone who uses a power in this way must make the
activation rolls for themselves, and any Fatebonds accrued from doing so apply to both
the person using it and the Scion who created the locus. If a Mystery channel is used,
every three other people who also use Mystery as a result use up one channel from the
original Mystery user. If something is used that normally has no Legend cost (such as the
Bona Fortuna boon), others who wish to also use it must pay one point each of Legend
and Willpower.
Fates hold here is exceptionally strong, and all Fatebonds (and their maximums) are
doubled within the effective area. If the Scion chooses, she may pay to activate the Warp
the Weft boon simultaneously with this one, and if she does so its range is extended to
match Fateful Locus'. The arcane focus remains upon the area for a single scene, after
which it loses Fate's favor and becomes merely a normal patch of land.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes an agent of Fate, and loses free will in order to help Fate's aims come
to pass; in return, Fate resolves one of the Scion's subplots in his favor.
completely ignores the effects of the Boon. The tides cannot buffet her; her mind cannot
be invaded by lunacy; she is simply immune. This Boon only confers immunity from
Moon powers on a case-by-case basis, however; if an opponent attempts to use a Moon
Boon on her again, she must spend the requisite cost and activate this Boon again to avoid
The Scion may use this Boon to negate the effects of the Tidal Interference, Silver
Blessing, Cycle of Madness, Phase Cloak, Lunacy, Shroud of Silence, and Phase Body
Boons in regards to herself.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon may use the moon itself as his guide, becoming privy to all that
that celestial orb might see. By paying the requisite cost, the Scion gains a birds-eye view
of the entire area reflected in the moon, making him able to see across vast distances in a
mile radius equal to his total number of Moon Boons (if he possesses the Telescopic
Senses Knack, this distance is tripled) and through the densest of cloud cover. Since he is
using the moon itself as a mirror, however, he is unable to do so during the new moon,
when it is unavailable to him.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Occult
By transcribing her most secret messages, lores and pieces of information by moonlight,
the Scion with this Boon may make them nigh-impossible to uncover, visible only to those
who know exactly how to look for them. By spending the requisite cost while writing a
message or document, the Scion may cause its ink (or lead, or wax, or whatever else she is
writing with) to transform into silver lettering that fades immediately into the page as
soon as she finishes writing it, leaving it apparently blank and empty. From this point
forward, the words may be read only by the light of the moon; if the Scion chooses to
spend a point of Willpower as well, they may only be read by the light of the same phase
of the moon as the one under which they were written. At all other times, there appears to
be no writing even to the most discerning normal eye. Only those with truly powerful
perceptions can see or feel the faint marks of the letters; those examining the Scions
missive must equal her successes on a Perception + Occult roll in order to realize that it is
not just a blank sheet of paper and learn what the requirements are for reading it, and
must double her successes in order to attempt to read the words without benefit of
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The supernatural qualities of silver are a matter of record in the folklore and beliefs of
many cultures, and the Scion with this Boon can confer those gifts upon any item he
chooses. By touching an item and concentrating, he may cause it to be covered by a
shimmering silver sheath of moonlight, conferring upon it all the qualities of silver; it is as
deadly to werewolves and witches as true silver would be, and as acceptable as payment
for a fairy enamored with the metal, as well as having all other qualities ascribed to it. In
addition, the item receives a bonus number of dice (to accuracy or damage if it is a
weapon, or to its intrinsic function if it is some other item) equal to half the Scions total
number of Moon Boons, as its newly supernatural sheen enhances its natural qualities.
The blessing remains for the rest of the scene, after which point it vanishes and the item
is once again as ordinary as it began.
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Presence
The moons pull over the tides and rhythms of the world is unshakable and eternal, and
the Scion with this Boon knows how to use it to her advantage, pulling at the very
movements and internal rhythms of her opponents. Whenever she finds herself in close
combat with an opponent, she may activate this Boon; for every point of Legend she
chooses to spend (up to a maximum of her total number of Moon Boons) when she does
so, her opponent suffers a -1 to his DV as the moons irresistible pull puts him off-balance
and maneuvers him without his consent. This penalty lasts for a number of ticks equal to
the Scions successes multiplied by 5, after which point the target is once again free of her
lunar influence.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is adept at following the example of the moon above, turning
himself away from the eyes of friends and foes alike as the moon turns her face away
from the world as it wanes. By spending the requisite cost, the Scion may vanish either
entirely or merely a part of his body and add twice his total number of Moon Boons as
successes to his usual stealth roll. When he uses this Boon, he may also ignore all
penalties for attempting to stealthily vanish in broad daylight or while in the middle of
combat if successful in overcoming their Perception rolls, he simply disappears right
from under his enemies noses, no matter how close they were. He may remain unseen for
the remainder of the scene, though if he takes any direct action against a being or causes
a massive enough disturbance, he will become abruptly visible again; if he does become
visible before the end of the scene, he may not use this Boon again. If the Scion botches
his stealth roll, he begins to shine with a faint, silver luminescence and automatically fails
all further attempts to stealth for the rest of the scene, as he has mistakenly aligned
himself with the full moon rather than one of the less obtrusive phases.
Cost: 2+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
The moon has long been associated with madness and the fluctuations of the mind, and
the Scion with this Boon may strengthen and manipulate that bond, inducing heightened
emotions and uncontrollable frenzy in his targets. By concentrating his power on them
and spending a point of Legend for every target he wishes to afflict (up to a maximum
number of targets equal to his total number of Moon Boons), the Scion may cause instant,
violent Virtue Extremities (at the additional cost of 1 point of Legend per Virtue
Extremity for each target), from among his own Virtues, in his enemies, inciting them to
heights of frenzy and mental anguish. If the Scion causes only one Virtue Extremity, it
goes into effect and remains until the end of the scene; if he chooses to inflict a single
target with more than one Virtue Extremity, that target suffers each separate extremity in
turn, each one requiring an entire scene (rather than its usual duration) to run its course.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
Just as the dark, forbidding silence of the moonlit night was considered sacred and
unbreakable, so a Scion with this Boon may visit the same uncanny quiet on the earth. By
paying the requisite cost, the Scion causes a zone of absolute, utter silence around her,
with a radius equal to her successes in yards; within this zone, no sound, no matter how
loud or intrusive it would normally be, can be heard. No other laws of physics are
affected, but communication via speech is impossible, music is completely deadened, and
loud reports, footsteps, or other aural indicators of movement or life are completely
absent. Beings who possess the Expression virtue and cannot find a way to express
themselves may be affected by Virtue Extremity. If any being attempts to use the Divine
Threnody Boon to circumvent the Scions silence (either by carrying sound into or out of
the silent area), he or she must roll more successes on his or her activation roll in order to
do so. The zone of silence remains in effect for one hour per success the Scion scored on
her activation roll, after which sound returns immediately to the area.
Successes Effect
1 Success Heal 1 bashing damage
2 Successes Convert 1 lethal damage to bashing
3 Successes Heal 1 lethal damage
5 Successes Convert 1 aggravated damage to lethal
8 Successes Heal 1 aggravated damage
Preying thus upon the minds of the insane, however, is not without its price; the Scion
immediately gains one automatic success on all Virtue rolls she makes for the next
number of days equal to her total number of Moon Boons, and if she uses this Boon too
many times in close succession may indeed succumb to madness herself.
Moon Boons she possesses to reflect her difficult-to-grasp state; her relics change with
her, but any mundane objects she might be carrying remain as tangible as before. If she
does take damage from any source, she gains a bonus to all her soaks equal to half her
total number of Moon Boons. She may remain thus untouchable for the remainder of the
scene, after which point she reverts to her normal state.
If the Scion chooses to spend a point of Willpower at dawn, he may keep the chariot even
during daylight hours, riding it through the sky as the moons pale shadow sometimes
follows the sun. Doing so requires that he already have summoned the chariot and that he
spend this cost as soon as the sun comes up, and the chariot moves at half its normal
speed during its daylight sojourn.
Cost: 10 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival
Though the ebb and flow of the waves is the often influenced by its ocean gods, the moon
exerts a stronger and more compelling control over the tides than any earthly force. The
Scion with this Boon has complete control over the behavior of the tides around him, able
to cause them to quiet and meekly wash the shores or crash disastrously down upon them.
By spending the requisite cost within sight of a body of water he wishes to affect, the
Scion may command it to quiet and become malleable, granting a number of automatic
successes equal to his total number of Moon Boons to any Water Boons used on it within
a radius equal to his successes in miles, making it easily controlled and subjugated.
Conversely, if he wishes, he may instruct the waves to crest and swell fractiously and
subtract successes equal to his Moon Boons from all Water Boons that are used on it
thereafter, preventing even the craftiest of beings from damming or controlling it. Any
being that also possesses this Boon may attempt to override the Scions powers by
spending the same cost and overcoming his successes. The water remains magically
quieted or riled for a number of months equal to the Scions total number of Moon Boons,
after which point it reverts to its natural state; if the Scion wishes to make its new state
permanent, he may do so by spending one permanent dot of Willpower.
The moons pervasive influence on the minds of those who see it applies both to rolls
made to attempt to suppress a Virtue and to rolls that are channeling one. If the Scion has
brought the moon prematurely to his side of the world, it recovers to its normal orbit
within 24 hours; its phase, however, takes longer to return to normal, and the moon
returns to its normal phases over the next week, during which its effects on Virtues
remain steady.
It should be noted that forcing the moon to change its face affects the entire earth,
wreaking havoc with the tides, bodies and moods of its inhabitants, and that other moon-
gods may be seriously displeased by cavalier uses of this power, to say nothing of the
widespread confusion and panic that is likely to occur among mortals.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is now so in tune with the moon and its phases that she may
turn her mind away into its darkness as she pleases, becoming as invisible as the new
moon to those who might try to influence her. Whenever she wishes, she may reflexively
pay the activation cost to add her total number of Moon Boons as automatic successes to
her resistance roll.
pay an additional point of Legend for any visitors she wishes to bring along with her. The
only way to access the Scions estate without her permission is via high-level uses of the
Psychopomp purview, and anyone foolhardy enough to do so will almost certainly find
themselves facing the Scions wrath; in addition, it is extremely difficult to fight the Scion
on her own home turf, and anyone attempting to attack her or anything within her
domain (whether via mundane means or through the use of Boons or Knacks) must
overcome an additional difficulty equal to her total number of Moon Boons in order to do
so without her blessing. Those the Scion has specifically allowed to visit, as well as
anyone actively opposing interlopers in her domain, gain her total number of Moon Boons
as automatic successes to all actions.
Despite the fantastic boosts to the target's physical abilities, the use of this Boon is a
punishment more often than a gift; while transformed, the target takes aggravated
damage from any silver weapon and is unable to use any social or mental Knacks or
Boons for the duration of the powers effects, and he or she becomes a completely
mindless, ravenous beast, unable to control his or her actions or distinguish friend from
foe. The target is also capable of spreading the curse to others; the lycanthropy is
infectious, and anyone bitten or clawed by the target must succeed in an opposed Stamina
+ Fortitude roll or permanently become a lycanthrope in turn (albeit at a Legend rating of
only 1).
Cost: 15 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon may pay the requisite cost to reach up and seem to pluck the
very moon from the sky for his own use, creating a silver disc of power that he may call
upon at any time to orbit him as his own lunar satellite. While the satellite is active, it
automatically prevents all mundane ranged projectiles of any kind from assailing him;
bullets, arrows, shrapnel, and any other thrown or shot objects simply cannot touch him,
as the constantly orbiting moon blocks and redirects them away from him. Projectiles
thrown or shot via supernatural means may penetrate the satellite moons defense, but
only if the attacker overcomes the Scions DV, which gains a bonus equal to his total
number of Moon Boons. The revolving moon remains for the rest of the scene, after which
point it returns to its parent in the sky. The Scion may not borrow the moon twice in
order to double its effects, and may only borrow it while he is in the World.
If the Scion also possesses the Solar Crown Boon, he may activate it simultaneously with
this one to gain the DV bonus of both Boons.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion becomes the perfect mirror of the moon, capable of causing madness or
tranquility, of blocking out or reflecting and intensifying light, and of appearing as a
perfect reflection of anything she can see.
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Occult
The Mystery purview allows the Scion who possesses it to tap directly into the mind of
Fate itself, seeking out answers to the questions that plague her or clues as to the
machinations of the great web. She may use Mystery once per story for every dot of it she
possesses; when she does so, she pays an amount of Legend equal to her levels of
Mystery, performs a divinatory act and asks a number of simple questions (yes/no or
short answer) equal to her successes on her activation roll (which gets automatic
successes equal to her Mystery as if it were an Epic Attribute). Extremely complex, fateful
or intentionally obscured questions may require more than one question be used in order
for Fate to provide the answer. Fate (in the person of the Storyteller) will answer her
questions truthfully and accurately, though it is under no onus to do so without being
cryptic or difficult.
Prophecy is a demanding and exhausting power, sapping much of the will and reserves of
its oracles. Those who read the lines of Fate to divine the future suffer from debilitating
mental and physical exhaustion from their efforts, and often find that they pay the price
for learning the forbidden knowledge of the future by becoming weaker in body and mind
as they go along. Various Prophecy boons may impose fatigue penalties on Scions who
use them, which require them to roll a single die that cannot be rerolled or changed.
When they do, they suffer from the following penalties based on their result.
All measures of half the Scion's boons are rounded down. Fatigue penalties may be gained
and lost in various ways, according to the boons themselves.
Weakness: Scion suffers a penalty of half her Prophecy boons as autos from all
damage rolls that use the Strength Attribute.
2 Clumsiness: Scion suffers a penalty of half her Prophecy boons to her DVs.
3 Frailty: Scion suffers a penalty of half her Prophecy boons to all her soaks.
Quick Temper: Scion suffers a penalty of her total number of Prophecy boons as
dice from all rolls made to use Charisma knacks.
Bluntness: Scion suffers a penalty of her total number of Prophecy boons as dice
from all rolls made to use Manipulation knacks.
Haggardness: Scion suffers a penalty of her total number of Prophecy boons as
dice from all rolls made to use Appearance knacks.
Solipsism: Scion suffers a penalty of half her Prophecy boons as dice from all
Perception rolls.
Dullness: Scion suffers a penalty of half her Prophecy boons as dice from all
Intelligence rolls.
Slowness: Scion suffers a penalty of half her Prophecy boons as dice from all Wits
10 Fate is merciful; the Scion suffers no penalty.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon speaks with the voice of Fate, prophesying great deeds and
spectacles to come. At the beginning of each story, the Scion receives a prophetic vision of
the fantastic ways in which her bandmates who will be important in the trials to come.
She declares it aloud, and each person in her band may choose in the future to declare
that any one action they take is that prophesied event; when they do so, that single roll
receives a bonus of the Scion's total number of Prophecy boons (minimum of two) in
automatic successes. Anyone choosing to use the Scion's oracular bonus must also use a
Legendary Deed on that roll, but when they do, the benefit from that Deed is doubled. No
target of this boon may use their last Legendary Deed in a story without also using the
Scion's bonuses; they must either wait until later for that Deed or decide that this is the
moment of glory that was foretold. This boon targets only other Scions who are currently
in the prophetic Scion's band, and cannot be used to grant bonuses to any others outside
their heroic band.
Due to the mentally and physically exhausting effects of divining from the threads of
Fate, the Scion suffers one fatigue penalty for each person who receives this bonus. That
penalty remains until the person who received the bonus uses it, at which point it
immediately disappears, as the Scion no longer carries the heavy burden of her comrade's
Cost: 2+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon may foresee the natures and personalities of his companions at
work, looking into their futures to see how their most cherished principles shape what
they do in time to come. Whenever someone in his presence gains a dot of Determination
from fulfilling her Nature, he may spend this boon's cost (2 Legend when he is a Hero, 5
Legend when he is a Demigod, and 10 Legend when he is a God); when he does so, she
gains a second dot of Determination at the same time, as he emphasizes her Nature in the
service of its future importance to the story. He also gains a dot of Determination himself
when he does so, symbolizing his commitment to the dictates of Fate.
Alternatively, the Scion may choose to take a fatigue penalty instead of paying this boon's
Legend cost. When he does so, that penalty remains in place until he gains a dot of
Determination, unaided, for himself. If he is unable to do so, it lasts for the rest of the
story, after which it vanishes to allow him to embark on new adventures.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is no longer as blind to the flow of time and events to come as
his fellows, and may apply his knowledge to the events of the present, having found the
knack of forecasting what he might see only a few seconds into the future. He may add
his total number of Prophecy Boons as automatic successes when he rolls to Join Battle,
and may also add the same number as automatic successes to any Perception +
Awareness roll he makes to detect an ambush. If anyone else in the same combat uses the
Opening Gambit knack, the Scion with this boon may go at the same time she does,
provided that he was already going to tie or beat her before she did so.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Omens of the future, portending great deeds to come or hideous disasters lurking just
around the corner, are an open book to Scions with this boon; they are capable of reading
all the dangers and triumphs inherent in each prophetic occurrence around them, reading
the future where others would be blind. Once per story, at the Storyteller's discretion, the
Scion receives one omen, which is chosen at random from the following table:
Result Omen
Omen of Disaster: Whenever anyone would gain any amount of Willpower, they gain half
(rounded up). Each scene, a single die is rolled; on a 1, a natural disaster afflicts the area. All Scions
gain one extra Legendary Deed that can only be used for elemental boons (from the Earth, Fire,
Frost, Sky or Water purviews). Once the disaster has occurred, this omen ends.
Omen of Punishment: Whenever anyone successfully rolls to avoid a Virtue, that Virtue rolls an
extra die the next time they attempt to do so; these extra dice are cumulative until the Scion enters
Extremity for that Virtue. Whenever a Scion channels a Virtue, she adds dice or successes to her
roll as if she had two more dots of the Virtue than she does. All Scions gain one extra Legendary
Deed that can only be used for boons from the Justice purview. This omen lasts until the end of the
Omen of Hardship: All Legend costs are doubled. All Scions gain double their normal Willpower
maximum and double their normal dots of Willpower. This omen lasts until the end of the story.
Omen of Failure: Any rolls made by Scions that succeed force them to spend one point of Legend;
if they have no Legend, they take a level of unsoakable lethal damage instead. Whenever a Scion
fails a roll in a difficult or important situation, he gainst three Legend. This omen lasts until the end
of the story.
Omen of Illness: All Scions have double their normal number of health boxes. Each day, they
suffer an amount of unsoakable damage (bashing for Heroes, Lethal for Demigods, aggravated for
5 Gods) equal to the damage they took the previous day +1. All Scions gain one extra Legendary
Deed that can only be used for boons from the Health purview. This omen lasts until the end of the
Omen of Death: Everyone gains the Scion's total number of Prophecy boons as bonus dice to all
damage rolls. All Scions have half their normal number of dying boxes. All Scions gain one extra
Legendary Deed that can only be used for boons from the Death purview. This omen lasts until the
end of the story.
Omen of Change: Everyone loses one associated purview or Attribute at random, but gains two
7 others they did not previously have. All Scions gain one extra Legendary Deed that can only be
used for boons from the Chaos purview. This omen lasts until the end of the story.
Omen of Divinity: Everyone in the band instantly regains all spent Legendary Deeds. All rolls to
8 determine Fatebonds have a difficulty 1 lower than normal. This omen lasts until the end of the
Omen of Prosperity: All stunts return double the Legend points they normally would. All
9 Willpower costs are tripled. All Scions gain one extra Legendary Deed that can only be used for
boons from the Magic purview. This omen lasts until the end of the story.
Omen of Victory: Whenever anyone would fail a roll, they spend Legend equal to the successes
they would need to succeed, and then succeed instead. If they do not have enough Legend, they
must take unsoakable lethal damage equal to the difference instead. This omen lasts until the end of
the story.
These effects apply only to the Scion with this boon and the others in her band; by
reading the omens of the future, the Scion supports them and encourages them to come to
pass, for which Fate rewards her by granting her Legend points equal to her total number
of Prophecy boons. Whenever the Scion receives an omen, if she wishes for one member
of her band to be exempt from its effects, she may take a fatigue penalty to spare them
from it; she may do this as many times as she wishes, but only when the omen is first
revealed, and fatigue penalties gained this way remain for the rest of the story.
target; once he does, they immediately gain his Prophecy boons as bonus dice to all rolls
associated with it, and it immediately becomes associated for XP costs.
In addition to gaining bonuses to the abilities and purviews above, the Scion's target must
spend at least one point of XP toward purchasing some of them every game session,
which may be kept track of in a separate XP bank. Each archetype is also associated with
a Virtue; if the Scion's target already possessed that Virtue at four dots or higher, she
gains gains four additional channels for it for the remainder of the story, and if she didn't,
she gains however many additional phantom dots of it are required to bring her up to a
total of four. If more than one person in the band possesses an archetype from this, boon,
all of them suffer equivalent penalties on all abilities and purviews that their fellows have
bonuses to, although their Virtues and XP are unaffected. Once this boon has been used
on a given target, its effects last for the rest of the story, and it cannot be used on that
target again. The Scion may use this boon only once per game session, but once he has
used it, he must use it again at least every other game session thereafter, or until he runs
out of people (including himself) in his band. This boon can only assign a given archetype
to one person in the band at a time, and cannot make a given target the same archetype
two stories in a row; Fate demands that she take on new challenges in each new story.
This boon can only be used on targets in the Scion's band. If more than one prophetic
Scion wishes to use this boon, each can pay its cost at the same time that one attempts to
do so; they may all roll Wits + Academics against one another, and the winner may
choose the current target's archetype. The other prophets that did not win may still use
this boon on a different target on that same action, but may also choose not to if they
were only interested in fighting for the right to reveal a particular Scion's future.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Perception + Occult
At the beginning of each story, the Scion with this boon must spend its cost immediately.
When she does, she is favored with a glimpse of the final crisis of the tale in which she
and her friends are currently starring, the climactic battle or last interaction that their
future story is building up to. Whenever that scene arrives in the story (at the Storyteller's
discretion; they should inform the Scion that the moment they foresaw has come), the
Scion immediately gains Legend points equal to her Legend rating + 5, as the power of
destiny rushes into her at this portentious moment.
However, such visions of important events are draining for the Scion, whose body was
never meant to contain the awesome energies of Fate. Upon using this boon, she must roll
her Stamina + Fortitude against her own successes on the activation roll; if she is not
successful, she gains a fatigue penalty, and another for every 5 successes past her goal she
failed to roll. These fatigue penalties remain until the foreseen crisis occurs, at which
point they instantly vanish.
The exhaustion of bringing such proclamations of Fate to light afflicts the Scion whenever
he uses this boon; as soon as he has declared a scene one of the foretold conflicts, he gains
a fatigue penalty that remains until the end of the story. If he has failed to use one or both
of his possible conflict visions before the final crisis scene of the story, both of them
happen simultaneously at that time.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion, now capable of seeing Fate's marks everywhere in the world around her, may
now seek out omens at will. She may at any time choose to divine an omen as in the
Omen boon, and may do so a number of times per story equal to half her Prophecy boons,
rounded down. If she does not choose to do so, she still experiences the one randomly
allotted by the Storyteller whenever they choose, but if she divines an omen of her own
free will before the Storyteller does, the random omen no longer occurs. As before, she
may exempt her bandmates from the effects of omens, but doing so now incurs two
fatigue penalties.
Since the Scion is now actively seeking out Fate's decrees, she is afflicted by its backlash
much less severely. Whenever she experiences an omen, she may choose two fatigue
penalties which no longer afflict her.
This boon may be used reflexively, but it can only be used on a willing target. No prophet
can force any other being to help them carry the burden of foreknowledge without their
channels for that Virtue above his normal maximum, giving him the ability to call upon
his principles in moments of crisis but making him much more likely to fall prey to their
demands at some critical moment. These enhancements last for the rest of the story, or, if
this boon was used within the last two game sessions of a story, until the end of the next
story, and using this boon imposes one fatigue penalty on the Scion that lasts for the same
period of time.
Scion may take one fatigue penalty instead of paying the Legend cost in order to spare a
companion from a grisly fate.
Once the Scion chooses which Attribute this boon applies to, it is permanent; she cannot
change her mind or attempt to move this protection to any other Attribute later.
Use of this boon does not allow the Scion to receive a new omen; if he prevents the one he
would have received, no sign occurs and nothing happens. However, he may use other
boons in an attempt to receive more omens again, and use this boon as many times as he
wishes to pay for it. No Scion may ever remove all omens from play with this boon; at
least one must remain to affect him as Fate deems fit.
that were not native to her target are removed, and their dots reassigned to native Virtues
instead at her discretion (although she may not move any dots that are already in native
Virtues). Her target's newfound connection to his original people and precepts lasts for a
number of days equal to her threshold successes if he is Legend 9 or higher; if he is
Legend 8 or lower, the change is permanent.
Alternatively, the Scion may also use this boon to purge a Dark Virtue that afflicts a deity
of Legend 9 or higher. In order to do so, she must spend one dot of Willpower; the Dark
Virtue is permanently removed and replaced with a Virtue native to her target's pantheon
at the same dot rating.
Destined Drive: The Scion may use this boon on behalf of a band other than his own,
granting them all its normal effects. He may lose one fatigue penalty of his choice upon
doing so.
Fates Foretold: The Scion may grant this boon to one other member of his band, who
enjoys its effects just as he normally does. His target may only activate this boon in one
scene over the course of the story, and may not use it in the same scene that the Scion
himself does. Both the Scion and his target suffer from any fatigue penalties.
Flash of Foresight: The Scion may grant this boon's power to a band other than his own,
giving every member of it a single use of this boon. Each member of that band must pay
to activate the boon themselves. The Scion may lose one fatigue penalty of his choice
upon granting this power to another band.
Hero of Fate: The Scion may assign one target who is not in his own band a heroic
archetype and all associated effects from this boon, which apply to that target for the
remainder of the story. He may lose one fatigue penalty of his choice upon applying this
archetype to another being.
Hero's Herald: The Scion may grant the effects of this boon to all members of a band other
than his own. He still suffers from the normal fatigue penalties of doing so, but may also
lose one fatigue penalty of his choice.
Legendary Vision: The Scion may grant this boon to one other member of his band, who
enjoys its effects just as he normally does. Both he and his target suffer from any fatigue
Omen: The Scion may seek out and apply an omen to a band other than his own. When
he does so, he may lost one fatigue penalty of his choice.
The Scion may only grant each of these benefits once per story; once he has already used
Hero of Fate on behalf of a stranger, for example, he may not do so again until the next
story begins. All costs and fatigue penalties apply to the Scion and the users he grants
boons to as they would normally.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion becomes an agent of Fate, and loses free will in order to help Fate's aims come
to pass; in return, Fate resolves one of the Scion's subplots in his favor.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon, though only a budding traveler, is still leaps and bounds ahead
of his compatriots when it comes to going wherever he wishes. Whenever he rolls
Larceny in an attempt to pick a lock, override a security code or otherwise make his way
through a door or portal that does not wish to admit him, he may add his Psychopomp
Boons as automatic successes.
Cost: 1 Legend per use (if desired)
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon seldom fears becoming lost. When in any familiar area or
location, he knows instinctively how to get from any point to any other point, directly and
with no danger of confusion; if he finds himself in an unknown location, he still knows
the four cardinal directions by heart and can always find them no matter what else may
be unfamiliar. Few locations remain unknown to him for long, since by spending five
minutes studying a map he can commit it perfectly to heart and for the next week know
his way around anywhere it depicts with perfect familiarity. Should he ever wish to know
in what direction his home lies, he has only to spend a point of Legend to know with
complete certainty; likewise, if he finds himself in a strange situation, he may spend a
point of Legend to know how far and in which direction is the last place that he was not
point. By stepping onto any road, path, or other transportational thoroughfare, she may
spend the requisite cost to instantly know all major cities that it runs to or through,
however long or twisting the journey might be. If she wishes to go to a specific place that
the road can lead her to, she knows exactly which turns and forks of the path to take to
arrive there.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
As well as being able to find his way, the Scion with this Boon knows how to prevent
others from finding it after him. Upon activating this Boon, he may leave no footprints at
all for the next 24 hours, passing without a trace across even the most malleable of
surfaces; alternatively, he may choose to leave a false set of footprints behind, causing
others to think that a harmless deer or rabbit passed this way (or, if hes feeling
mischievous, a sasquatch). This power aids the Scion in avoiding tracking attempts, but it
is not foolproof: it can only mask his footprints, not his scent, and he must still roll
Dexterity + Stealth OR Survival (depending on the terrain) with his total number of
Psychopomp boons as automatic successes against anyone attempting to track him via
supernatural means.
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
No longer constrained by the mortal rules of travel, the Scion with this Boon may create
his own way, passing through solid walls as if they did not exist. He may step through up
to one foot of any solid barrier per point of Legend he chooses to spend, emerging on the
other side as if no impediment had existed. He may only use this Boon to travel fully
through a barrier; he may not pass only a part of his body or something he is carrying
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Perception + Awareness
The Scion with this Boon is attuned to the supernatural gates and doorways that surround
unknowing mortals, and may find and investigate them with ease. She may use this Boon
at any time, and is aware whenever the entrance to a Terra Incognita is within a number
of miles less than or equal to her successes and may find it without directions; once there,
she may get a general idea of what the entrance requires in order to admit her, though
specifics are still dicey. In fact, so great is her acumen when it comes to sniffing out
supernatural portals that she may even find entrances to underworlds and overworlds if
they are sufficiently nearby, though its much less likely that she will be able to find a way
inside. She also has an instinctive ability to find the center of any Touchstone, and always
knows the any previous entrances to other realms that she herself has used in the past.
completely obfuscated, and no matter how much time or effort is spent on following her,
they are simply unable to do so, thwarted by constant, coincidental pitfalls. The Scions
mystically warded trail continues to misdirect would-be hunters for a number of days
equal to her total number of Psychopomp Boons, after which point, if it is still fresh
enough, she can once again be tracked.
Cost: 10 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Instead of channeling all their energies into travel, some Scions prefer to use the speed-
increasing powers of their heritage to help enhance their lightning reflexes. The Scion
with this Boon is a master of such usage, able to increase his abilities tenfold for a short
period of time. When he pays the requisite cost, all of the Scions actions speed up for the
remainder of the scene, subtracting 1 from their speed; additionally, his Move speed
(though not his Dash) is doubled, as he is concentrating on refining the speed of small
movements rather than reckless flight. The Scions precision, however, is not to be
mimicked, and he cannot use this Boon in conjunction with the Come Along Boon.
This power may only be used on targets who are both asleep and actively dreaming.
While the majority of dreams have no power over a Scion, the dreams of a creature with a
high Legend rating (9 or greater) may be very dangerous indeed; since the Scion is taking
her physical body into the dream, invading the nighttime thoughts of a god or titan could
be extraordinarily unwise. Conversely, the Scion may not be actively harmed by the
dreams of anyone with a Legend rating less than 9, as her powers supercede the
inventions of their sleeping minds. This power ends immediately if the dreamer awakens
while the Scion is occupying their dreams, and the Scion will find herself suddenly ejected
into the same location as the dreamer.
Opening such doors works for the Scion herself only; if she wishes to take others with
her, she must use the Come Along Boon as usual.
Once the Scion has closed the door, it functionally ceases to exist for as long as his
successes dictate; no other travelers can find or use it from either direction, and it ceases
to exist for purposes of detection via Occult rolls or Psychopomp Boons. When the door
reopens, it does so as if it had never been closed and functions as normal henceforth
unless this Boon is used on it again. Closing a single door does not affect all other doors
into a given realm; if the Scion wishes to make an entire realm impassable, he must find
and close all doors leading into it.
If the Scion chooses to additionally expend a permanent dot of Willpower, he may choose
to permanently seal off an entrance, erasing its existence (if this is the only door to a
given place, it does not cause the realm to cease to exist; it merely renders it impossible
for anyone to get in or out until a new portal is created); doing so requires that he
overcome a doubled difficulty, however, and if he fails the Willpower dot is simply lost to
neither are truly duplicates as both are the Scion himself, and both have all of his abilities,
powers and birthrights at full potency. They share the Scions Legend, Willpower, Virtue
and Legendary Deed pools, but may act completely independently of one another and go
wherever in any of the worlds the Scion wishes them to. While the duplicate is living and
active, the Scion may not regain the dot of Willpower he spent to create it; once he
dismisses it or it is destroyed, he instantly gains it back for free. The Scion may have as
many copies of himself as he wishes to pay for, and is able at any time to decide to simply
unmake any of them, returning his spent dot of Willpower. Being in so many places at
once is difficult, if not impossible, to process, however; he may only act as and pay
attention to one clone at a time, unless he possesses the Parallel Attention Knack (in
which case he can experience through the senses of as many clones as he has dots of Epic
Perception simultaneously) or the Multi-Tasking Knack (in which case he can
simultaneously act with as many of them as he has dots of Epic Intelligence). Only one
duplicate may, at any given time, use a specific purviews Avatar (that is, only one
duplicate may be the Reaver at a time, though one could be the Reaver and one the Green
if the Scion wished to pay for such). If two duplicates are in the same place and engage in
the same battle, they automatically act as a coordinated assault together.
Such duplicates are permanent until such time as the Scion either forgets where he has
left them or he decides consciously to unmake them; when he does so, if he possesses the
Hand Off Boon, all their items appear at his side. The Scion cannot use the Come Along
Boon in conjunction with this one to make copies of others, but he can use the Ride Along
Boon in order to give each of his clones the same vehicle.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion cannot lose his way or be prevented from reaching his destination, regardless
of obstacles or starting points.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Scions with this boon are blessed by the winds, carried by them so that they are capable of
great feats. Their speed and jumping distance are both increased by an amount equal to
their total number of Sky boons.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon calls up the air to swirl and eddy around him, misdirecting
attacks and spoiling the aim of anyone attempting to cut through it to harm him. He may
add his Sky boons to his DV for the remainder of the scene, after which the winds abate
and he returns to normal.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
With this boon, a Scion may manipulate the winds to act on her behalf, lifting or moving
small objects or even people without her ever lifting a finger. The winds determine how
much they can lift based on the Scion's total number of Sky boons as if it were their
Lifting Capacity; they cannot be used to attack any thing or object in any way including
throwing things at them, but can lift, carry, move or support anything else they wish,
causing flying objects or moving items from place to place like a poltergeist at speeds of
up to her total number of Sky boons in yards per second. The Scion may only target a
single item at a time; once she has paid for this boon, she can use it to manipulate that
item for the rest of the scene, but she may only support one item at a time and doing so
counts as a continuous action, so that she must take a multiple action penalty if she
wishes to do anything else while she causes it to float. She may target living beings
(provided she can lift them with the wind, of course), but only if they are either
unconscious or allow her to do so; she cannot grapple them against their will. She can
never use this boon to transport or levitate herself or anything that she might be using as
a vehicle.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Survival
The Scion with this boon is a master of breath, the vivifying air that allows mortal man
(and even gods) to live and speak. When he uses this boon against a target, he must
overcome her automatic Stamina + Fortitude resist roll; if he does, he steals the breath
from her lungs, preventing her from speaking or using her voice in any way (although not
breathing to live) for a number of hours equal to his threshold successes.
Alternatively, he may choose this boon to help others who may be struggling to breathe. If
he overcomes his target's resistance, he may instead grant her breath for a number of
hours equal to his threshold successes, allowing her to breathe in poisonous or watery
environments. A target that the Scion has granted breath in this way is also granted the
power to speak, even if she is normally mute; the magical breath granted to her can give
her a voice where she normally has none.
scene or until the Scion herself runs out of Legend; if she does, she immediately regains
her entire Willpower pool from the knowledge that she has supported her fellows' hearts
so ably. If she wishes, she may also end this boon's effects at any time for no cost, but she
does not regain any Willpower for doing so.
Cost: 1 Willpower dot or 1 Moment of Truth per use
Dice Pool: None
The skies are the natural habitat of the Scion with this boon, who takes to them as easily
as a fish to water or an earthworm to soil. When he spends this boon's cost, he
immediately and permanently gains the power of flight, able to soar through the skies
completely regardless of gravity at a top speed of double his Sky rating as if it were an
Epic Attribute in yards per second. Should he be grappled while flying, he remains able to
stay in the skies only if he is in control of the grapple; if an attacker who cannot fly
herself successfully grapples him, he no longer has the ability to fly and both of them are
likely to drop out of the sky.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
With this boon, a Scion may call forth a tiny personified bit of the wind itself, a semi-
aware zephyr with a vague consciousness that can communicate only with those with
Sky, and only in the same vague way other Scions might communicate with plants or
insects. This zephyr becomes a helper and companion to the Scion, and aids her by
commanding the winds on her behalf; once per day, it can pay for her to a Hero-level Sky
boon, freeing her resources for other uses.
Alternatively, the Scion may choose to ask her zephyr to expend itself to make one Sky
boon she uses far more potent than it would normally be. The zephyr can bolster any of
the following powers:
Voice on the Wind: The zephyr lends its strength to the messenger breeze, multiplying the
Scion's range by ten.
Wind Warp: The zephyr lends its support to the Scion's movement of objects, allowing
her to manipulate two of them at once with no penalty.
Prismatic Presence: The zephyr bends the air into a more intense rainbow, creating a pool
of ten Legend that can be converted into Willpower for others (but not used for any other
While the zephyr can lend its power to the Scion's boons to make them far more effective
than they might normally be, doing so uses up all its strength; it is destroyed by the effort,
and the Scion must use this boon again if she wishes to call up a new companion once it is
gone. She may call up a zephyr only once every span of days equal to 20 minus her total
number of Sky boons, and may have only a single zephyr active at a time. A Scion cannot
call up a zephyr in an airless environment (such as outer space or underwater), but may
take one she has already summoned with her into such places.
them the sky; every threshold he gains against their automatic Strength + Athletics roll
lowers their speed in the air by one yard per second, and if the unfortunate target's speed
is reduced to zero, she simply falls out of the sky or becomes completely unable to lift off.
The Scion's target is grounded for the remainder of the scene, confined to the realm of the
lowly earth until his powers cease to affect her. This boon cannot affect targets who are
using vehicles or outside means of gaining the air, but anyone who is freely in the air
without such constructs is fair game.
Alternatively, the Scion with this boon may also use it to prevent missiles and thrown or
launched objects from violating his airspace without permission. By using this boon on
anything up to 25 pounds in weight hurtling through the air, he may cause it to simply fall
to the ground where it is, preventing arrows from striking allies or important artifacts
from being thrown out of his reach. This boon is not reflexive and he must be able to take
an action in order to use it, and it cannot prevent purely magical attacks such as lightning
bolts or fireballs, but it is within his power to ground anything else that might be flung his
This boon cannot add other relic powers not listed above, nor can it add the same bonus
twice (so a Scion could not double an accuracy bonus and then double it again). The Scion
may freely apply this boon to a single relic after she purchases it, but if she wishes to
change the bonus applied to that relic, or instead bless a different relic in her possession,
each change costs ten points of Legend to enact.
cloud, the Scion moves at four times his normal speed, and may continue doing so for a
number of hours equal to his Sky boons, after which the cloud dissipates. The cloud
cannot travel underwater, and it can only carry the Scion and his normal relics and
clothing along with any small items he carries within reason that the Storyteller allows; it
cannot be used to transport others, large objects or any amount of cargo.
Alternatively, a Scion may also use this boon to blast an empty area with a violent gust of
pure wind, purging it of any outside gases, toxins or other foreign elements. She may clear
an area of air with radius equal to her successes in yards and a height equal to her total
number of Sky boons, rendering it clean, breathable and free of odors until it is befouled
Cost: 15 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon calls up a massive swirling funnel cloud, tearing across the
landscape with devastating speed and tornado force. When she uses this boon, the Scion
chooses a point where the whirlwind blows up; from that point, it begins moving at 100
yards per second, able to change direction at the Scion's command as often as once every
five ticks. The whirlwind may be avoided by anyone in its path who can sprint faster than
it moves (although those who do so at full speed suffer the DV penalty for doing so as
usual), but those who are unable to escape it suffer three times the Scion's total number of
Sky boons in armor-ignoring bashing damage as they are buffeted about by the fierce
winds, and the same again every five ticks that they fail to extricate themselves. The
whirlwind, which may be summoned even where there is no other air, has a radius equal
to the Scion's total number of Sky boons in yards, and is ten times that distance in height.
The tornado remains active and under the Scion's control for the remainder of the scene,
but only if she continues actively maintaining and directing it; if she takes any other
actions, she must either suffer the normal penalties for multiple actions or release the
tornado, leaving it to blow itself out.
Once the bridge has been established, the Scion may use it himself for no cost; any other
Legendary beings may spend five points of Legend to use the bridge as well, although if it
goes to the Overworld they may not do so if they have a Legend rating lower than 9. The
bridge remains for one scene, after which is vanishes like any other impermanent rainbow
Cost: 10 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Medicine
Breathing is a privilege granted to the living by the lords and ladies of air, and the Scion
with this boon may choose to revoke it at any time. Whenever she pays the cost of this
boon, she instantly and irrevocably removes the breath from the bodies of everyone
within a number of yards equal to her total number of Sky boons, leaving them
floundering helplessly if they cannot successfully resist against her successes with a Wits
+ Fortitude roll. Those who fail suffer one unsoakable bashing damage per threshold
success the Scion gained above their roll as they become literally unable to breathe; if they
would be incapacitated by this damage, they remain conscious and aware of what is going
on around them for the rest of the scene but helpless to take any actions while the Scion
holds their life-giving breath in the palm of her hand. This boon may be used on any
target only once per scene, although the Scion may use it again if new enemies come
within her range, and the damage it causes cannot be healed during the same scene that it
was inflicted. This boon only affects those who breathe air and has no effect on creatures
that breathe water (such as fish) or some other non-air substance, or that do not breathe at
all (such as golems or mechanical creatures).
This boon also allows the Scion who masters it to enhance or detract from the magical
efforts of others by affecting their uses of the powers of flame and storm, easily blown out
or whipped into a frenzy by the Scion's powers over wind. Whenever anyone uses any of
the following boons in his vicinity, he may affect them as follows:
Boon Effect
If he wishes to disperse the storm, he may lower the total number of events that
occur by his total number of Sky boons; if he wants to increase its destructive
events, he may add the same number of events, which occur at one-day
If he wishes to decrease the rain's effects, he may subtract his total Sky boons
from the number of days remaining; if he wishes to increase it, he doubles the
Willpower costs in the affected area again.
Using this boon against another Legendary being's powers does not prevent it from taking
initial effect unless the Scion has held an action and used this boon at the same time as his
Please note that the above are Thunder boons that have not yet been released, and that
there will be Fire boons added when we finish working on that purview. Again, pardon
our dust!
In addition, the Scion's absolute power over flight now extends to other powers; if she
pays an additional two points of Legend, she can now ground objects with any weight
within a Lifting Capacity equal to your Sky rating as if it were an Epic Attribute with the
Heavenly Domain boon, and may now target vehicles as well, allowing her to ground an
aircraft as easily as a paper airplane.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion can see everything under the sky with perfect clarity, and becomes a power of
the heavens themselves, using winds and air as awesome forces at her command.
The Scion's power over the stars hinges on her being able to perceive and interact with
them, which means that these Boons are best used at night; if at any time the Scion
wishes to use a Stars Boon that requires her to be able to sense the stars and she is unable
to do so because of daylight, cloud cover or other obscuring effects, she may roll
Perception + Awareness to attempt to perceive them past the disturbance. If she gains
three times the Boon's level in successes, she may do so.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is in tune with the celestial dance of the stars, and may draw
upon the vast wealth of knowledge they represent. Any time the Scion is able to perceive
the stars in the sky, he gains a number of phantom dots of Academics, Integrity,
Investigation, Occult, Politics and Survival equal to his total number of Stars Boons; these
dots may exceed his normal maximum (though they cannot grant access to Epic
Attributes if the Scion has no other dots in the Ability) and remain until the stars are no
longer perceptible to him, at which point they vanish.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult
The Scion with this boon manipulates the far-flung web of the stars like the spider spirits
that ancient cultures believed wove it. By spending the requisite cost and reaching up to
the sky, the Scion plucks out a shimmering, incandescent web of stars made of silvery
filaments and twinkling light. Despite its apparent fragility, this net is extremely tough
and resilient because of its cosmic origin, and is ideal for the Scion in his attempts to
safeguard or lock away someone or something. The web is versatile and may be used to
carry objects or stretch across a doorway to bar entry; the Scion himself may handle it
without any trouble, but it is extremely sticky and clings to anyone else who attempts to
use it, and those caught in it must roll their Strength against a difficulty equal to the
Scion's total number of Star Boons in order to break free as the celestial cords
automatically bind to them. Breaking free does not automatically allow a would-be
invader to pass through the net, however; if they wish to break through a web which is
forming a barrier, they must roll more successes on a Strength + Athletics roll than the
Scion gained on his activation roll. The web lasts for a number of days equal to the Scion's
total number of Star Boons or until it is destroyed, after which time it dissolves into its
component stars and returns to the sky again.
Any being who also possesses the Web of Stars Boon may pay its activation cost and roll
more successes on a Wits + Occult roll than the Scion in order to take control of it.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon calls down the stars to augment her normal beauty or throw her
usual ugliness into stark relief, rendering the most hideous of Scions yet more terrible or
the most beautiful even more indescribably gorgeous. Upon paying the activation cost, the
very stars in the sky come softly down to roost on the Scion, nestling in her hair, outlining
her body, or simply hovering in her vicinity, giving off an enticing glow; the Scion gains
her total number of Stars Boons as extra dice to all Appearance, Charisma and
Manipulation rolls she makes for the remainder of the day, after which point the stars
return to the sky. If for some reason she no longer wishes to enjoy the effects of Aurora,
the Scion may end them at any time.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Ancient astrologers read the stars for knowledge of the future, and the court magicians of
the Egyptians and the horoscopists of the Greeks were invaluable to their communities as
the predictors of major events. Anywhere that she can read the night sky, the Scion with
this boon may consult the stars, receiving vague omens and premonitions of the future.
While the Scion does not truly see the future or receive any kind of detailed prophecy
from the stars themselves, their eternal dance may bolster already extant fortune-telling
capabilities within her, granting her either automatic successes on the next Prophecy roll
she makes in the same scene equal to her total number of Star Boons, or the ability to add
her total number of Star Boons as dice to the next Mystery roll she makes in the same
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Occult
For many ancient peoples, the appearance of a red star was a source of dread; it was
believed to portend ill things and to be a harbinger of war and chaos. The Scion with this
boon may turn a normal, unassuming star in the sky above him into a blazing red eye of
malice, disorienting and frightening his enemies and sowing discord and fear all around
him. By paying the requisite cost and stretching his arm up toward his chosen star, the
Scion causes its sickly red glow to fall upon those around him, subtracting the Scion's
total number of Stars Boons as successes from all Willpower + Integrity + Legend rolls for
the remainder of the scene as those affected are unnerved and oppressed by its evil glare.
The star always appears to be shining specifically down around the Scion, no matter
where he moves, and its baleful light extends for a radius around him equal to five times
his total number of Star Boons in yards; he is immune to its effects, but no one else within
sight of the star is, and he cannot pick and choose who should receive the penalty. The
star continues to shine red for the remainder of the scene, after which point it returns to
its normal color and brightness.
Any being that also possesses Red Star may attempt to end its affects early by spending
the Boon's cost (5 Legend and 1 Willpower) and gaining more successes on a Charisma +
Occult roll than did the Scion; alternatively, they may simply spend the Boon's cost to
render themselves immune.
Any being that also possesses Celestial Beacon may attempt to end its affects early by
paying its cost (5 Legend and 3 Willpower) and gaining more successes on a Charisma +
Presence roll than did the Scion; alternatively, they may simply spend the Boon's cost to
render themselves immune.
Cost: 10 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Academics
The Scion with this Boon may call upon the constellations to aid her, convincing them to
send a piece of themselves down to obey her commands. When she spends the requisite
cost and asks the favor of a particular constellation, a tiny part of it (the change in the
constellation is indistinguishable to anyone who does not have the Astronomers Eye
boon) detaches and falls instantly to earth before her in the form of a creature ready to do
her bidding; the type of creature depends entirely on the constellation she calls upon. The
most common constellations used with this Boon include:
Constellation Creature
Aquila Nemean Eagle
Canis Major Nemean Dog
Cetus Nemean Whale/Sea Monster
Draco Nemean Lizard/Dragon
Hydra Hydra
Leo Nemean Lion
Pegasus Pegasus
Sagittarius Centaur
Scorpio Nemean Scorpion
Taurus Nemean Bull
Ursa Major Nemean Bear
Scions may also choose any other appropriate constellations to call upon if they so wish;
the abilities and strengths of beasts not on this list should be determined as if they were a
Legend 6 Nemean beast of its type unless otherwise determined by the Storyteller. The
beast is completely obedient to the Scion and follows her directives for one night for every
ten successes she scores or until it is killed, whereupon it returns to its parent
entrance when she does so. While such transportation is certainly handy, it is limited; if
the Scion wishes to take anyone else with her, she must spend an additional point of
Willpower per person, and she may only travel between her own Overworld (to the point
where the Overworlds Axis Mundi would usually drop her off) and back, not to any
Underworld, Terra Incognita or Titanrealm. If she wishes to travel the Milky Road to
another pantheon's overworld, she may do so, but must pay an additional 10 points of
Legend. Additionally, if she is completely unable to rise up to the Milky Way because she
is enclosed beneath a roof or ceiling, she cannot fixate on it firmly enough to use this
to burst out of him, washing the area around him with the coldly searing heat of the
distant stars (this is a 10-tick action); the starflare deals his successes in aggravated
damage that is not soakable by armor to all beings caught within a hundred-yard radius
(all victims roll Stamina + Fortitude and subtract their successes from the Scions any
targets with Stars also gain an additional amount of natural soak equal to their total
number of Stars Boons). In addition, all victims within one mile of the Scion must achieve
more successes than the Scion's total number of Stars Boons or be blinded by the white
flame for the remainder of the scene. The Scion's blindingly white presence remains for
the rest of the scene, during which time anyone who wishes to speak to, attack, or in any
other way interact with the Scion must spend one point of Willpower and achieve more
successes on an Appearance + Presence roll than he did (this may be an extended roll
with cumulative successes). For the cost of an additional point of Legend, the Scion may
also invest a weapon he carries with the deadly white flare, causing it to deal aggravated
damage on its next attack; he may do this as many times as he wishes to pay for until the
end of the scene.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion may freely walk among the stars and travel to unknowable regions, create
vistas of untold beauty, travel the galaxy on a whim, and even maroon a Titan in the vast
emptiness of the universe for a little while, at least.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is a true child of the sun, and as such can see perfectly in even
the dimmest light. No matter how dark, murky, or shadowy a place he finds himself in,
the Scion sees as clearly as if he were standing in full sunlight; however, if there is
absolutely no light source at all, such as in a cave deep underground or a place magically
filled with darkness, he is as blind as the next person. If the Scion is subjected to extremes
of light that would normally blind or damage his eyes, he may spend one point of Legend
to be unaffected, able to see through the most intense of flashes.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The sun is the force that provides light and life to the world, and the Scion with this Boon
taps into its life-giving powers, renewing and repairing herself through its healing rays.
By paying the requisite cost and remaining in direct sunlight, the Scion may heal one
level of lethal or bashing damage per hour, letting the suns energy soak into her and
repair any moderate damage she might have. She may heal a maximum number of health
levels equal to her total number of Sun Boons; if she wishes to heal more, she must pay to
activate this Boon again. She may move around and participate in activities in the
sunshine as much as she wishes, but if she leaves direct sunlight, this Boons effects fade.
For obvious reasons, it may only be used during the day, and only in contact with the sun
itself; sunlamps and other artificial replicas are unable to provide the energy she needs.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon is so attuned to the sun in the heavens that he may borrow a bit
of its radiance for himself; when he pays the requisite cost, he begins to glow with soft but
noticeable sunlight (about the equivalent of 100 watts or so). He may continue to do so for
the rest of the scene, acting as a human light source or providing the benefits of sunlight
to his companions. He may also focus his divine radiance into a small, tight shaft of light,
intense enough to ignite flammable substances with its heat. These separate uses of the
Boon each cost a Legend, so a Scion must spend 2 Legend to use both abilities in the same
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Fortitude
By focusing the prodigious heat of the sun on her unlucky target, the Scion may cause
them to feel its effects as if they had been toiling for hours in the unforgiving sunlight. If
the target fails to resist with a Stamina + Survival roll, he or she immediately suffers a -2
fatigue penalty to all dice rolls, becoming dehydrated, exhausted and overheated in a
manner of minutes. The Scion may use this Boon on the same target up to twice, but no
more; after that point, the suns actual rays are the only thing that can exhaust him or her
further. This Boons effects last for a number of hours equal to the Scions total number of
Sun Boons, after which the relieved target returns to normal.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Appearance + Presence
By emitting a flash of pure, unfettered sunlight, the Scion with this Boon may blind and
confuse all that see her, leaving them near-helpless against her. When she does so,
everyone close enough to the Scion to see her must roll Stamina + Fortitude; all targets
who do not overcome her roll immediately gain a -4 dice penalty and a -2 DV penalty that
lasts for a number of ticks equal to five times the Scions total number of Sun Boons as
they stumble around, dazed from the visual onslaught. Should a target botch their
resistance, they become instantly blinded and inactive for the same amount of time,
rendered helpless by the Scions searing display. Even closing ones eyes cannot help the
victims of the Scions overwhelming flash; the light penetrates eyelids and shocks the
senses all the same.
may use it to increase his untouchability, putting opponents who must look past its
shining, eye-searing surface in order to attempt to attack him at a distinct disadvantage.
When he pays the requisite cost for this Boon, the Scion causes his shield to shine
brilliantly, giving himself a bonus to his DV equal to half his total number of Sun Boons;
only those with the Penetrating Glare Boon may ignore this Boons effects. The visually
stunning effects of the shield last for the remainder of the scene, or until the Scion himself
chooses to deactivate them.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon channels the awesome energies of the sun into her own body,
becoming a living, seething container for them; when she pays the requisite cost, her skin
takes on an angry, blistering red hue and she begins to literally give off heat. Anyone who
touches her (voluntarily or otherwise) while she is thus infused immediately suffers lethal
damage equal to her total number of Sun Boons (this is added to her normal damage if she
is grappling or striking an opponent with her body); if the unfortunate target remains in
contact with her, the damage increases by 1 for every 10 ticks he or she continues to
touch the Scion, as the heat becomes more and more unbearable. This damage ignores all
armor (though damage from another source, such as the impact of the Scions punch
behind it, does not) and cannot be ignored with Fire Immunity, as the Scion is not
channeling fire but rather the white-hot heat of the sun. The Scions skin remains charged
and dangerous for the remainder of the scene, or until she chooses voluntarily to revert to
regardless of his location or the time of day. Sunlight as bright as a clear summer day
floods an area around him with a radius of five times his successes in yards; if anyone
within that radius is attempting to use any Darkness Boon, he may roll his Sun against
their Darkness, and if successful may immediately cancel the effects of the Darkness
Boon. Because of the brightly radiating light obscuring the area, anyone attempting to use
Stars Boons while within the Scions range must subtract the Scions total number of Sun
Boons from the successes of their Perception + Awareness roll to see the stars. The light
remains for the remainder of the scene, spilling forth from the Scion at its epicenter,
unless he chooses to shut it off before then.
If the Scion is using a Sun Chariot when night falls, he may choose to accompany the sun
to the Underworld of his pantheon; if he does so, he may descend there and exert a
modicum of control over the horses to visit places or people within the Underworld that
he knows of. Doing so is perilous, however; death gods and their minions often do not
look kindly upon unsanctioned intruders and may attempt to harm or hinder the Scion,
and while the Scion is guaranteed to escape the Underworld with the sun if he remains in
the chariot until morning, if he leaves it for any reason he may find himself trapped and
subject to the rules of the realm. When dawn breaks, the Scions chariot ascends back out
of the Underworld despite his best efforts to stop it, no matter what he was doing at the
time, and he will find himself deposited back where he started.
around him to hide. When the Scion pays the requisite cost (this dot of Willpower cannot
be rebought with XP unless the Scion deactivates this boon), his eyes begin to glow with a
bright, harsh light; henceforth, few can hide the truth from him if he desires to uncover it.
Whenever he rolls in an attempt to see through any kind of concealment, whether
mundane or supernatural, he gains twice his total number of Sun Boons as automatic
successes to his roll. This applies to anyone trying to avoid his burning gaze via stealth,
any attempts to lie to him, and any use of illusions or supernatural concealments that
might try to delude him. If at any time the Scion wishes to end this effect, he has only to
decide to do so; instantly, his eyes return to normal and he must re-spend the cost in
order to use this Boon again.
It should be noted that forcing the sun to rise off-schedule in turn causes it not to rise
elsewhere on schedule, and that other sun-gods may be seriously displeased by such a
turn of events, not to mention the widespread confusion and panic that is likely to occur
among mortals.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice: Appearance + Presence
The Scion with this Boon may make herself into a pure destructive force, blasting the
white-hot heat of the sun outward from her body to burn through everything around her.
When she activates this Boon, everyone and everything within a radius equal to her
successes in yards takes immediate aggravated damage equal to her total number of Sun
Boons, none of which may be soaked by armor as the radiant power burns through her
surroundings (Fire Immunity is also no help, as the Scion is radiating forth the pure
energy of the sun). Any flammable objects within the area burn away instantly, while
standing water boils into steam and all other inanimate objects are bleached white by the
awesome energies she has unleashed. If she wishes, the Scion may activate this power
along with the Burn Boon as a single action by paying both activation costs (a total of 8
points of Legend and 2 points of Willpower); if she does, Burn deals twice its normal
amount of damage.
If the Scion chooses to attempt to internalize a relic, he must roll his Stamina + Survival
every five ticks, and achieve a number of cumulative successes depending on the relics
rating in order to do so. If he is successful, he gains a quantity of Legend from the relics
destruction instead of creating a new material, but if this Boons effects end before he has
finished trying to break the relic down, it erupts back out of him, doing a quantity of
unsoakable lethal damage in the process.
Such is the power of this Boon that the Scion may even use it upon living things.
Whenever this Boon is active and he has successfully grappled an opponent, he may
choose instead of dealing damage to draw his struggling victim to vanish into his body,
subject to the same reforging energies. Each round, instead of rolling an opposed grapple,
the Scion rolls his Stamina + Survival against his victims Stamina + Fortitude; every
threshold success he scores causes one unsoakable level of aggravated damage to be dealt
to his victim, who is being overwhelmed by the awesome heat and change within him.
Whenever the Scions victims last health level is filled up with damage, he is instantly
converted into pure energy, which the Scion internalizes in the form of a Legend bonus
equal to three times the victims Legend rating. As with relics, if the Scion fails to fully
consume his target before this Boons effects end or the victim overcomes him on the
opposed roll, the target explodes back out of his body, dealing three times their Legend
rating in unsoakable lethal damage (the Scion may, however, simply use this Boon again
in order to continue working on a specific person or object he has consumed).
If the Scion also possesses the Finger Moon Boon, he may activate it simultaneously with
this one to gain the DV bonus of both Boons.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion is visible from all points in the world and can impart either healing, comforting
light or searing, scorching destruction.
Cost: Varies (see below)
Dice Pool: None
The divine fire of the heavens runs in the very veins of the Scion with this boon, and he
may call upon it whenever he has the need. By spending one action concentrating, he may
charge his blood with the seething electricity of lightning, which manifests as small,
leaping tongues of blue electricity that crawl his body. Once he has charged himself, he
may choose to reflexively release that charge in one of three distinct ways. If he wishes to
shock someone else with the charge, he may do so by making physical contact with them;
when he does so, he immediately deals an amount of bashing damage equal to his
successes on an Intelligence + Academics roll, shocking them as if wielding a taser against
If he wishes to instead use his pent-up energies to power an external machine or other
electrically-fueled construction, he may do so by touching it and allowing the charge to
leap from himself to the machine. Scions with a Thunder rating of 1-3 may power
anything about the size of a normal passenger car or smaller for a number of days equal to
their total number of Thunder boons, while Scions who have a Thunder rating of 4-7 can
power things of that size for weeks equal to their Thunder boons, or provide electricity to
anything up to the approximate size of a three-bedroom house for the same number of
days. Scions who have a Thunder rating of 8 or higher and are true gods of thunder may
fuel anything up to the size of an entire skyscraper, effortlessly running its generators,
lights and appliances for days equal to their Thunder boons, or power anything three-
bedroom house-sized or smaller for Thunder boons in weeks, or anything car-sized or
smaller for an equal number of months.
Finally, a Scion whose blood is charged and who finds himself caught in a grapple may
discharge the energy to shock his opponent, loosening her muscles so that he can slip free.
He may expend his charge to gain his total number of Thunder boons as automatic
successes to any attempt to escape a grapple (though not any attempt to take control of it
or damage his enemy).
Each of these three uses costs 1 Legend for Scions with Thunder rating 1-3, 3 Legend for
those with Thunder rating 4-7, and 5 Legend for those with a rating of 8 or higher. Should
a Scion charge his blood and fail to use the charge by the end of the scene, it dissipates
and he must recharge again to enjoy its effects in the future.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The dangers of lightning or its smaller man-made electrical cousins are negligible to the
Scion with this boon, who is comfortable where others might be paralyzed or injured by
currents jolting through their bodies. She gains an amount of soak equal to double her
total number of Thunder boons against any source of electrical damage.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Survival
Scions with this boon may call down storms from the sky, ending droughts and bringing
water to rain down on a parched countryside or inconvenience an otherwise pleasant
season. When a Scion chooses to use this boon, he performs a short ritual to call rain from
the skies; a portent of the imminent storm then appears to all in his immediate area, often
in the form of ominous clouds, spectacular sunsets or St. Elmo's Fire flickering in the sky.
For a number of days equal to his successes (starting the day he uses this boon), there is
an increased percentage chance of rain equal to his Thunder boons multiplied by five; for
each day that it does in fact rain during that time period, the Scion gains a point of
Willpower as he sees his prediction come true. Should he wish to end the rain at any time
before this boon's normal duration, he may do so by paying its cost again.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Lightning answers the call of the Scion with this boon, investing her weapons or her very
body with deadly force. When she uses this boon, she may choose one weapon (melee,
ranged, or even her own bare hands) that becomes charged with crackling lightning. Once
she has done so, she adds her total number of Thunder boons as dice to any damage roll
that weapon makes. If she successfully strikes and deals damage to a target with that
weapon, she may also choose to pay an additional two points of Legend; if she does, the
target is stunned by the shocking overload of the attack, and must add three ticks to the
amount of time before he can act again. This boon's effects last for the remainder of the
scene, after which the Scion's weapons return to normal.
Additionally, the Scion's sheer booming volume is capable of physically affecting those
around her. Whenever she chooses, she may spend two points of Legend to shout or
otherwise make a loud booming noise; when she does, everyone around her takes an
amount of bashing damage equal to her successes, and those who fail to soak it
completely (including any nearby objects) are summarily hurled a number of yards equal
to the damage they took from the force of her pique.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy
This boon allows Scions to inflict discomfort and depression on their enemies; whenever
they wish to enact their displeasure on a target, they may cover their hapless victim in
low-grade misery, causing them to feel as though they are constantly afflicted by a low-
grade drizzle and depressing gray skies if they fail to resist (although they are not actually
physically covered with water). For a number of days equal to double the Scion's threshold
successes, all Willpower costs for that target are tripled, as the effort to do anything seems
almost impossible in the face of such depression. Anyone who attempts to give that target
points of Willpower by any supernatural means such as boons or knacks is also afflicted
by this boon, which acts on them for one full day for daring to try to circumvent the
Scion's punishment of her enemy.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon may shoot across a battlefield as quickly as lightning itself,
riding on the white-hot flashes of a storm too quickly for the eye to follow. Whenever
lightning strikes any target, living or inanimate, the Scion may pay this boon's cost to ride
it, instantly appearing at the point of the strike at the exact moment that it occurs. If he
does so and the lightning is striking a living being, he may choose to attack them at the
moment he arrives, although he may only do so with a normal brawl or melee attack and
may not attempt to grapple them or use a supernatural power in that split second; he is
also free to choose not to attack the lightning's target. He may only ride lightning that he
can see (unless he hurled it himself with a Thunder boon), and he always appears where
the strike ends, meaning that targeting a bolt of lightning in the distant sky that never
touches ground may see him appearing in midair and suddenly falling.
Cost: 5 Legend and 3 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Where other Scions may choose to call upon the smaller, tamer parts of their elements
with their powers, the Scion with this boon commands nature itself to hurl down its most
awesome dangers with no regard for control or safety. When she uses this boon, which
requires ten ticks of concentration as she calls up a massive storm from the raw elements
of nature, the Scion immediately causes a gigantic and violent storm to whip up, afflicting
an area large enough to include everyone interacting with her in the scene (minimum of
one mile) that is centered on her wherever she goes. For the duration of the storm, various
events occur that affect the Scion and her allies and enemies totally at random.
Roll Storm Effect
A booming thunderclap rolls over the area; everyone within the storm must roll
Perception + Awareness and suffer their successes in armor-ignoring bashing damage
Freezing rain sleets down on the area, sharply dropping the temperature; everyone
7 suffers three times the Scion's total number of Thunder boons in armor-ignoring
bashing damage from the cold.
An impenetrable downpour begins, causing overwhelming pressure and inflicting a
two-success penalty on all rolls for the rest of the scene.
A thick fog rolls in, severely impairing visibility, inflicting a two-success penalty on
all Perception rolls for the rest of the storm.
A rainbow briefly appears; everyone within the storm's radius gains one point of
A total number of these events occurs equal to the Scion's total number of Thunder boons,
and three of these effects take place immediately upon the Scion's use of the boon. Three
more occur ten ticks later, then three more thirty ticks after that, then three more one
minute after that, then three more half an hour after that, then three more one hour after
that, and the final three one day after that. Once events equal to the Scion's total number
of Thunder boons have occurred, the storm ends and the local weather and landscape (or
what's left of it) returns to normal.
Alternatively, a Scion who is feeling beneficent may use this boon to simply grant rain to
those who need it, creating a rainstorm wherever he chooses. Doing so costs only five
dots of Legend, and the resulting rain, which covers the same area, may last for his total
number of Thunder boons in days if it is a light drizzle, half that time if it is a normal,
steady rain, or for a single day if he chooses to make it a downpour.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Though thunder is a natural by-product of lightning and storm, the Scion with this boon
can generate it out of nothing, creating truly incredible sonic booms and crashes that
strike fear into the hearts of all those who hear them. By clapping her hands, banging a
drum, roaring or in some other way generating a loud noise, the Scion causes that sound
to be amplified beyond all recognition, becoming a crash of thunder that causes an instant
adrenaline spike in anyone who hears her. Everyone who hears the thunder takes
unsoakable bashing damage equal to the Scion's total number of Thunder boons, but may
also reflexively take one physical action (an attack or physical action or a power that rolls
a physical Attribute) as the sudden jolt terrifies them into action, regardless of whether or
not they have already taken an action recently. Those who wish to withstand the effects
of the Thunder may do so by spending two points of Willpower; when they do, they
neither take damage nor gain the opportunity to take an action. While a Scion can
normally lower her volume with the Subvocalization knack, she may not do so in
conjunction with this boon.
Cost: 10 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
The Scion with this boon calls down divine wrath on his enemies, striking them with
lightning en masse. Whenever he pays this boon's cost, he may strike targets up to his
total number of Thunder boons simultaneously with giant bolts of lightning, which streak
down from the skies at his command. The strikes deal lethal damage equal to his
threshold plus this total number of Thunder boons, multiplied by three, and ignore armor.
He may only strike enemies within his normal vision range with this boon.
locations are affected by the hurricane as if they were mundane; should the Scion choose
to unleash this storm in the boughs of Yggdrasil, for example, even that ancient tree
would suffer damage and lose some branches to the howling winds. Once per hour, the
Scion may direct the storm to specifically assault one Legendary being or object within its
area, inflicting his choice of either bashing or lethal damage equal to his successes.
While the storm created by this boon is active (either the lesser or greater version), the
Scion may see everywhere within it even if his normal perception range would not allow
him to do so, although he still suffers from the normal penalties for dividing his attention
if he is watching events that are not in his normal range. Once the storm ends, the local
weather returns to normal, and those who suffered the thunder god's wrath are left to pick
up the pieces as best they can.
Purview Rain
Live specimens of the Scion's totem animal rain from the sky. For every ten miles
covered by the storm, a number of animals rain based on the table used in the
Create Animal boon every minute. Approximately half the animals survive impact
with the ground.
Giant boulders rain from the sky. Every minute, all Legendary beings within the
storm's area must roll Dexterity + Athletics to attempt to avoid them, and if they
Earth fail take bashing damage equal to the one, two or three times the Scion's total
number of Thunder boons (whichever she decides). About 1% of mortals caught
in the rain survive, and about 10% of mundane structures
Fruit, vegetables or wine rain from the sky. The Scion chooses which; foods rain
at a rate of her successes in individual pieces each minute for every ten miles
covered by the storm, and wine rains her successes in gallons. This rain cannot be
used to harm anyone.
Fireballs rain from the sky. Every minute, all Legendary beings within the storm's
area must roll Dexterity + Athletics to attempt to avoid them, and if they fail take
three times the Scion's total number of Thunder boons in lethal damage. The
ground and most structures ignite, and few if any mortals survive.
Giant chunks of frozen hail rain from the sky. Every minute, all Legendary beings
within the storm's area must roll Dexterity + Athletics to attempt to avoid them,
Purview Rain
and if they fail take one or two times the Scion's total number of Thunder boons in
lethal damage (whichever she decides). The temperature in the area lowers and
causes all non-ocean water to freeze. About 5% of mortals caught in the hail
survive, and about 20% of mortal structures.
Blood rains from the sky. Every minute, everyone touched by the blood must roll
Health Stamina + Fortitude in an attempt to escape its toxic effects or suffer the Scion's
threshold successes as bashing damage.
Massive water globes rain from the sky instead of normal raindrops. Those caught
in the storm take no damage, but the area flash floods almost immediately.
The unnatural rain lasts for minutes equal to the Scion's total number of Thunder boons,
and she splits her successes between miles of the storm's range and the difficulty for those
caught in it to roll against when attempting to avoid its effects.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion becomes a force of the heavens themselves, raining down destruction on a
whim, causing massive damage and unthinkable noise, traveling as the storm itself
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Charisma + Command
The Scion with this Boon is a leader and inspirer of his army, no matter how many or few
companions he may have to take into battle with him. By giving a rousing speech that
inspires his compatriots for the battle to come, he may give a number of them equal to his
successes one extra point of Willpower (which may exceed the normal maximum, though
if it does so and is unspent at the end of the scene, it vanishes) and two points of
whichever appropriate Virtue he possesses, as follows:
The phantom Virtue points (which apply to anyone affected by the blessing, regardless of
whether or not they normally possess that Virtue) may not cause any one persons
Virtues to exceed seven points, and remain until the end of the scene, when they vanish.
The speech the Scion makes must relate to the Virtue he is imparting (i.e., he may not
make a speech about unbridled slaughter of innocents if he is trying to give his
compatriots Valor, but might be able to get away with it for Vengeance or Courage); the
Scion also must make the speech in the face of imminent combat or enemies, and cannot
use it in non-combat situations. Extra Virtue channels granted by the use of this power
may only be used once per story, as usual; if used, they are still used and inaccessible if
this Boon is used again.
If the Scion has swapped out one or more of his Virtues in favor of those not normally
used by his pantheon, he uses the first appropriate Virtue he possesses: either Courage,
Valor, Vengeance, Endurance, Conviction, Loyalty or Duty.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon possesses such a tactically sharp and combat-ready mind that
she is virtually impossible to head off once she enters battle. She adds her total number of
War Boons to her Join Battle roll as automatic successes, making her an immediate force
to be reckoned with in any conflict.
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Presence
Howling in fearsome battle-lust, the Scion with this Boon strikes fear into the hearts of his
enemies, causing their hands and hearts to waver in the face of his fury. By spending the
requisite cost and shouting aloud where his foes can hear him, the Scion causes a number
of them equal to his successes to be afflicted with crippling fear of his wrath, inflicting a
dice penalty equal to his total number of War Boons on each of them; if this reduces any
enemy to zero or fewer dice, they completely lose the ability to function in the combat
and begin sobbing uncontrollably in fear. The unsettling effects of his battle cry affect his
targets for a number of ticks equal to five times the difference between the Scions total
number of War Boons and the totals of his targets (a minimum of 2); if he wishes to shout
again in the same combat, the Scion must spend an additional, cumulative point of Legend
for each time he does so as his foes become more battle-hardened and difficult to frighten.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Wits + Command
Like the precision horsemen of ages gone by, the Scion with this Boon knows how to take
tactical advantage of even a small number of men, turning them and herself into a
dynamo of slaughter. By taking a ten-tick action and gathering together two followers or
comrades, explaining to them exactly what strategy she plans to employ, she can cause
both of them and herself to act as an incredibly precise strike team, giving any target that
all three attack at the same time a -6 penalty to their DV as their coordination
overwhelms their defense. The Scion and her two comrades may continue to attack as
such a team for a number of ticks equal to five times her successes, after which point she
must use this Boon again if she wishes to continue acting in concert with them. If anyone
else attacks the same target as the Scion and her two comrades, this Boons effects
instantly end, as the addition of a fourth person destroys the delicately-balanced rapport
between the members of the trio.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Perception + Command
So great is the tactical acumen of the Scion with this Boon that she can view and affect
her battlefield as if it were a chessboard, commanding from behind more effectively than
those who might charge from the front. As long as she scouts a battlefield within 24 hours
of the battle, the Scion may spend the requisite cost to create a shimmering virtual map of
it, fully three-dimensional and accurate to the smallest detail, stretching to a size of up to
4 cubic yards. All troops and warriors currently fighting on the field are visible to her and
may be commanded from a distance with a thought, and any that she commands
automatically gain her total number of War Boons as dice to resist any hostile spell or
power levied against them. Additionally, they are immune to surprise, since she sees the
enemys movements clearly, and likewise immune to rout, as she controls their
movements with an iron will; the Scion may use any relevant War Boons (Blessing of
Bravery, Morale Failure, etc.) remotely through the map as if she were physically present
on the battlefield. The Scion may confer these effects on her troops and followers for as
long as she remains within sight of the map, which lasts for a number of hours equal to
her successes before disappearing.
As both Boons deal with berserker fury in separate ways, no Scion may ever possess both
the Fury of War and Riastrad Boons; he must decide whether or not he wishes to be in
control of his battle lust.
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
Unlike the Scion with Fury of War, who still retains most of his faculties and ability to
reason, the Scion who enters Riastrad becomes a juggernaut of destruction, unable to
distinguish between friend and foe in her blind fury. Upon purchasing this Boon, the
Scion chooses a number of other Boons or Knacks equal to her total number of War
Boons; whenever she activates Riastrad, she also pays the costs to activate all of those
Boons and Knacks simultaneously, effectively causing her to become a sudden, implacable
engine of death. Upon entering the Riastrad fury, the Scion completely loses all reasoning
capability and is unable to take any action except to try to destroy those around her,
friend and foe alike (though she usually starts with foe); if she has any positive
appearance, it instantly drops to zero (rendering her unable to use any positive
appearance Knacks), and she gains one temporary dot of negative Epic Appearance as the
destructive fury within her makes her a horrible sight to behold (if she already has
negative Epic Appearance, she gains one dot of it on top of her normal amount, though
this may not exceed her normal maximums). Her body temperature also spikes to
inhuman levels as her blood literally boils beneath her skin, and her Intellect Virtue
instantly drops to 0 as she loses all reasoning capabilities. All mortals not specifically
trained for combat flee her terrible visage automatically, while those who are battle-
hardened must spend a point of Willpower in order to remain; if they do manage to
remain in the Scions presence, they suffer a penalty equal to her Expression rating to any
actions they attempt to take, distracted and horrified by her fearsomeness. A well-
respected commander may be able to marshal his men to remain in the face of the Scions
fury if he succeeds on a Charisma + Command roll against a difficulty of the Scions Epic
Appearance + total number of War Boons. The Scion herself gains three additional points
of Courage, and spends the rest of the scene in the Berserker Fury Virtue Extremity,
unable to control her actions in the face of her overpowering, homicidal rage. Any attacks
she makes are murderously effective, and she gains a number of automatic successes
equal to her total War + Expression to all damage rolls made for Brawl, Melee, or Thrown
attacks; she also gains a DV bonus equal to her Courage rating, and a bonus to her
bashing and lethal soaks equal to her total number of War + Piety as her divine nature is
backed up by the gods and Fate itself.
If the Scion uses a Knack or Boon that does not last the entire scene (Mortal Stroke,
Warrior Ideal, etc.), she automatically spends the appropriate amounts to reflexively
reactivate it whenever its powers cease, unable to control her Legend expenditure or to do
anything but continue to be the most effective killing machine possible. If she runs out of
either Legend or Willpower and can no longer afford to pay to reactivate a power, one
week is subtracted from the normal time that she would be able to remain active before
succumbing to exhaustion, and thereafter she no longer attempt to reactivate that power.
If she is using a power that works based upon how much Legend she spends (Animal
Aspect, for example), she must spend at least 8 points of Legend initially to reflect her
commitment to its effects.
The Scion cannot free herself from the grip of the fury, and remains in a hideous
berserking fog until she collapses from exhaustion (if she is in good shape has a high
Stamina, this may take days or even weeks); she attempts to destroy every living thing
she can find, including friends, loved ones, and allies, none of whom are even remotely
safe in the face of her divine rage. She can only be snapped out of the fury by a successful
extended Charisma + Presence roll (which gains automatic successes equal to the Scions
normal Intellect rating), which must net more successes than five times her War +
Courage; if someone is successful in thus calming her, she emerges from the fury.
Attempting to interfere with the Scion in such a state is highly dangerous, however, and
the person attempting to calm her out of her fugue state automatically becomes her target
until they are successful, they cease trying, or either they or the Scion die.
As both Boons deal with berserker fury in separate ways, no Scion may ever possess both
the Fury of War and Riastrad Boons; he must decide whether or not he wishes to be in
control of his battle lust.
wishes to pay for, and need not be the hand that wields them; she can just as easily give
her allies weapons that extra supernatural boost if she so desires.
If a copy is killed, the Scion (and all his other copies) is stunned (he may still dodge or
parry with his DV but may take no actions) for five ticks due to the shock of losing and
reabsorbing a piece of himself; for the remainder of the story, he must always subtract one
from his total number of summoned copies whenever he uses this Boon to reflect the fact
that he will be unable to easily replace that portion of himself without time to recuperate.
Boons to all soaks and the same amount as additional Strength to the Scions normal total,
may do either lethal or bashing damage at her discretion, and provides an elevation bonus
against smaller foes. If the Scion chooses to spend an additional two points of Legend, she
may equip her armor with a weapon sized for it, allowing her to make melee attacks as
well as brawling ones; if she has a relic weapon, she may cause the armors weapon to
have the same abilities and modifiers. The armor remains until the end of the scene, after
which point it shrinks and falls apart and the Scion is on her own again.
is cut by three quarters; if she is using Divine Rampage, she may add her total number of
War Boons as automatic successes when she rolls damage against it) and extending her
reach so that her attacks may extend up to five times her total number of War Boons in
yards, booming outward from her in a visible display of frightening power. When
attacking objects or fortifications, the Scion receives 10 extra damage dice; if she turns her
attention to opponents on the battlefield, she gains 5 extra damage dice and inflicts
automatic knockback on her unfortunate targets if she hits them. The Scions extended
capabilities last the remainder of the scene, after which she reverts to her usual range.
The Scion with this Boon may call upon her very surroundings to rise up and fight for
her, creating supernatural troops of absolute loyalty and bizarre appearance. Upon paying
the requisite cost for this Boon, the Scion calls out to some element in her surroundings
that she possesses Boons related to; she might call upon a nearby lake if she had Water
Boons, or on the very ground itself if she had Earth. When she does so, the element in
question births bizarre soldiers from its very essence to aid her; shambling elementals,
moving plants or preternatural animals, and natural phenomena with minds of their own
are all possible and all equally likely to come to the Scions call. The Scion may call up a
number of soldiers equal to her (successes x War x purview associated with soldiers), all
of which are armed (or not) however she deems appropriate; they possess abilities
identical to those of Seasoned Cops or Grunt Soldiers, and fight unquestioningly for her
for the remainder of the battle. The Scion must possess the purview he chooses to
associate his soldiers with at least at level 6; for every dot above 6 that he possesses, he
may add +1 to the soldiers attack rolls, soaks and DVs. Once the battle has ended, the
strange soldiers melt back into their constituent elements, returning whence they came.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
The Scion becomes the ultimate war general, commanding vast armies of completely loyal
soldiers and demanding duels that cannot be refused, even by gods or titans; even if he is
eventually defeated, his enemies are never less than grievously wounded.
Cost: Varies (see below)
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon can call forth water from her very being, allowing it to run pure,
fresh and clean from her hands, mouth or anywhere else into whatever vessel or area she
chooses. If she possesses a Water rating of 1-3, she may spend a single point of Legend to
create her total Water boons in pints of the liquid; if she has a Water rating of 4-7, she
spends three Legend to create her Water boons in cubic yards, and if she has a Water
rating of 8 or higher, she spends five Legend to create her Water boons in Olympic
swimming pools (roughly 660,000 gallons each). The water thus created is generated at
any speed the Scion wishes (although it cannot be used to attack anyone), is completely
clean and drinkable, and is both mundane and permanent unless drunk or otherwise
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
By submerging an injury in water and calling upon its powers over life and its renewal,
the Scion with this boon may heal his wounds, washing away blood and pain to leave
himself restored and whole. As long as he spends this boon's cost and keeps his injuries
completely suspended in water for at least one full minute, he may once per day heal up
to his total number of Water boons in bashing or lethal damage.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Presence
Sailors have long felt the irresistible call of the sea, reaching out to them to bring them
back to its endless waves, and the Scion with this boon may engender a similar longing in
those around her. When she uses this boon, a number of people equal to her successes
who do not successfully resist feel an irresistible pull to come toward her, from a distance
of up to her total number of Water boons in miles away; they are not compelled to risk
serious injury or death to get to her, but must otherwise do their best to find their way
toward her as soon as possible. The Scion herself, as the focal point of the seductive call,
may not stray more than ten yards from the spot where she used this boon; if she does, its
effects immediately end and her victims are no longer required to come toward her. The
Scion's siren spell is broken once those affected by it succeed in getting within ten yards
of her, and does not affect anyone who is already that close or closer.
automatically gains twice his total number of Water boons as dice to any Control roll
made to pilot any kind of watercraft, and he may pay this boon's cost at any time to also
double the vehicle's speed for a number of hours equal to double his Water boons,
allowing him to speed down rivers or shoot across the sea with truly supernatural
Alternatively, a Scion may also use this boon to impede the sailing skills of others,
denying them the gifts of the waves that he himself enjoys. He may pay this boon's cost to
curse another watercraft with slowness and poor handling, slowing its operation to half
its normal speed unless whomever is sailing it can roll higher on a Wits + Control roll
than the Scion's Water rating as if it were Epic successes.
Scions with a Water rating of 1-3 may sink any object up to one cubic foot in size for a
cost of one point of Legend; those with Water rating 4-7 may sink anything up to one
cubic yard and must pay three points of Legend, and those with Water rating 8 or higher
may sink anything up to one cubic mile in size and must pay five points of Legend to do
Cost: 1 Willpower dot or Moment of Truth per use
Dice Pool: Nonel
Water is the natural home and habitat of the Scion with this boon, who sheds all vestiges
of the awkwardness of land-dwellers and becomes one with the currents and waves of the
waters of the universe. Upon paying this boon's cost, he permanently gains the ability to
breathe water as easily as air, and loses all negatives to movement or physical rolls that
would normally apply to him while in the water. He gains the ability to move in the water
in any way he wishes, including swimming, walking, flying along through the water, or
even walking on its surface, and is also completely immune to all effects of water
pressure. His DVs while in the water are now based on his Water rating as if it were an
Epic Attribute instead of any Attributes, allowing him to avoid the attacks of clumsier
creatures with ease.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
With this boon, a Scion may call forth a tiny personified bit of the water itself, a semi-
aware whirlpool with a vague consciousness that can communicate only with those with
Water, and only in the same vague way other Scions might communicate with plants or
insects. This whirlpool becomes a helper and companion to the Scion, and aids her by
commanding the tides on her behalf; once per day, it can use a Hero-level Water boon for
her for no cost, freeing her to take other actions.
Alternatively, the Scion may choose to ask her whirlpool to expend itself to make one
Watery boon she uses far more potent than it would normally be. The whirlpool can
bolster any of the following powers:
Create Water: The whirlpool enhances the Scion's water-creating abilities, multiplying the
amount she creates by ten.
Siren Song: The whirlpool spins to support and continue the Scion's song, allowing her to
leave the area while it continues to keep the song going.
Sea Sense: The whirlpool whips the waves into a speeding frenzy, allowing the boon to
grant quadruple speed if used to benefit a vehicle, or cut speed to a quarter if used against
While the whirlpool can lend its power to the Scion's boons to make them far more
effective than they might normally be, doing so uses up all its strength; it is destroyed by
the effort, and the Scion must use this boon again if she wishes to call up a new
companion once it is gone. She may call up a whirlpool only once every span of days
equal to 20 minus her total number of Water boons, and may have only a single whirlpool
active at a time. A Scion cannot call up a whirlpool unless she has some water already
available to do so from, but may take one she has already summoned with her into
waterless areas if she so chooses.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
With this boon, a Scion may manipulate the strong, sudden currents beneath the waves to
act on her behalf, lifting or moving small objects or even people without her ever lifting a
finger. The currents determine how much they can lift based on double the Scion's total
number of Water boons as if it were their Lifting Capacity; they cannot be used to attack
any thing or object in any way including throwing things at them, but can lift, carry,
move or support anything else they wish, using the grip of the water to drag and
manipulate objects at speeds of up to double her total number of Water boons in yards per
second. The Scion may only target a single item at a time, which must be mostly or
completely submerged in water; once she has paid for this boon, she can use it to
manipulate that item for the rest of the scene, but she may only support one item at a time
and doing so counts as a continuous action, so that she must take a multiple action
penalty if she wishes to do anything else while she controls the item's movement. She
may target living beings (provided she can successfully lift their weight with the water, of
course), but only if they are either unconscious or allow her to do so; she cannot grapple
them against their will. She can never use this boon to transport or move herself or
anything that she might be using as a vehicle.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The deep places of the world's oceans, rivers and lakes contain untold secrets, and the
Scion with this boon may reach down into them to discover what treasures they may be
hiding, dredging them up into the light of day at his command. Whenever he uses this
boon, he rolls a single die, which cannot be rerolled or affected in any way, and calls upon
a body of water to bring its treasures to the surface, revealing whatever sunken treasures
his roll dictates:
A body of water the Scion wishes to search for such lost treasures must be at least one
hundred feet deep and have a natural bottom or spread (so a reservoir is usable, but a
swimming pool or water tower is not). This boon may be used only once in a given game
session, and overall may be used only a number of times per story equal to one quarter of
the Scion's total number of Water boons.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine
The Scion with this Boon may overcome her enemies with the waters she commands,
causing them to drown unpleasantly in their own fluids. By concentrating, the Scion may
cause her target's lungs to fill up with water from no apparent source, causing them to
begin to drown even on dry land. The unlucky victim is doomed to suffer her successes in
armor-ignoring bashing damage sixty ticks (one minute) in the future when the fluid
finally chokes all air from his lungs; once per tick, anyone (including the victim himself)
who can take an action may attempt to pump the water out of his lungs, lessening the
damage that will be dealt by his dots of Survival (if the victim himself is purging the
water) or their dots of Medicine (if others are trying to help him). Any remaining damage
that has not been purged is suffered instantly at the end of the sixty ticks, overwhelming
or even suffocating to death the target of the Scion's displeasure. This boon may be used
to drown even those who can normally breathe underwater; the Scion's command over
the waters is greater than any passive resistance.
Alternatively, the Scion may at her discretion use this boon to spare unwary air-breathers
from being overwhelmed by water. If she pays its cost, she may grant one target the
ability to breathe underwater for the next 24 hours. She may also use this boon to
counteract someone else's use of Drown by paying its cost and overcoming the other
user's roll with her own.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival
With this boon, a Scion may cause the waves to reach out and draw friends and enemies
alike into its watery bosom, consigning them to the depths or pulling them from an
inferno into the cool waters of safety. She may use this boon to cause water from any
source large enough to contain the body of her target to reach out and drag a target into
it, enabling it to reach anyone within a number of yards of the water's edge up to her total
number of Water boons. If the target of the Scion's wave is already in the water, the
undertow may instead grasp them and drag them down into its depths. Targets who want
to escape the grasping wave must do so with a Strength + Athletics roll; if they do not
succeed, they may choose to either remain where they are and suffer the Scion's total
number of Water boons in unsoakable bashing damage from the pressure of the water's
grip, or be dragged a number of miles into or beneath the water equal to the Scion's
threshold successes.
Alternatively, a Scion may also use this boon to cleanse liquid of any pollutants, toxins or
foreign elements that might invest it, returning it to pure water again; this applies not
only to muddy water or befouled sewers, but also to other liquids that are mostly water,
allowing the Scion to cleanse the foreign elements of a glass of orange juice or a can of
water-based paint to leave behind clean, drinkable liquid. She may clear an amount of
water with radius equal to her successes in yards and a depth equal to her total number of
Water boons, rendering it clean until it is befouled again. If the pollutant in the water was
created by a boon or other magical source, the Scion must successfully overcome the
fouler's roll on that power with her own to succeed.
If the target already possesses the Nature that is rolled, the boon's effects still occur, as the
baptism has merely confirmed her inner self; if she already possesses the Virtue that is
rolled, it increases to five dots and all its channels refill. For the remainder of the story,
whenever the Scion's target fulfills the Nature granted to them by the baptism, she gains
an extra dot of Determination for doing so. The new Nature, Virtue and Willpower
remain until the end of the story, at which point the Scion's target reverts to her original
The monster thus called continually fights to return to its deep, faraway abode; the Scion
must spend a further three Legend and 1 Willpower every five ticks to prevent it from
leaving, but as long as he does so, it continues to obey his commands. It may take one of
three actions every five ticks; it may either attack a single target, destroy one city's block
worth of structures and objects, or travel at a speed of 100 yards per second in the water
or 50 yards per second out of it, allowing the Scion to climb onto it as onto a monstrous
mount if he so chooses. It has 100 health boxes, soaks 50 of all damage types, and when
attacking rolls 100 dice with 50 automatic successes added to its damage.
The monster departs at the end of the scene or when the Scion no longer pays to maintain
control over it, whichever happens first. If it is out of the water at the time that it leaves, it
immediately heads for the water at its normal on-land speed, obliterating anything in its
path, in order to do so.
However, if he chooses to spend 20 points of Legend, he may instead bring forth a flood of
terrifying power and devastating effect, the likes of which the World has seldom seen
since the great floods of ancient times. This flood lasts for a number of days equal to his
total number of Water boons, and causes an area with radius equal to the Scion's
successes in miles around the originating body of water to instantly flood to five feet deep.
Each hour of the flood thereafter, the Scion may choose whether it spreads another ten
miles or whether the water level raises to become another five feet deeper. The Scion has
complete narrative control over anything that happens that affects purely mortal places or
people in the path of the flood; he decides whether monuments topple, cliffs slide into the
ocean or entire towns are wiped off the map as long as there are no Legendary beings or
objects involved. Magical locations are affected by the flood as if they were mundane;
should the Scion choose to unleash the flood among the temples of Olympus, for example,
even those mighty monuments would suffer damage and become uninhabitable for their
owners. Once per hour, the Scion may direct the flood to specifically target and assault
one Legendary being or object within its area, inflicting his choice of either bashing or
lethal damage equal to his successes.
While the storm created by this boon is active (either the lesser or greater version), the
Scion may spend a point of Legend to instantly travel from anywhere within it to
anywhere else, moving through its waters as though part of them (although he cannot
take anyone else with him unless he has the Come Along boon). Once the flood ends, the
local landscape attempts to readjust to its normal state as it would after any disaster as
normal as it can be, anyway, considering the massive property damage and loss of life
that has probably occurred.
The new body of water the Scion has created in this fashion is sacred to her and only her,
and lends its power to her whenever she is within it, recognizing the only true authority
over it. She may enter any body of water on the same plane (Overworld, Underworld,
World or Terra Incognita) as her sacred body of water and reemerge from its waters by
spending three points of Legend, making her never far away from her home territory. As
long as she is on the shore or above the surface of her watery domain, or within its
waters, she gains the following bonuses to her Water boons at all times:
Aqua Vita: The Scion may pay double the boon's normal cost in order to heal aggravated
Baptism: The Scion gains a free reroll if she wishes to change the boon's outcome.
Bounty of the Sea: The Scion gains a free reroll if she wishes to change the boon's
Deep Horror: The Scion need pay one fewer points of Legend every five ticks to maintain
her control over the monster.
Renewal: The Scion may pay double the boon's normal cost in order to heal aggravated
Undertow: The Scion's command may grasp targets at 100 times the normal distance
away from the water's edge.
These benefits are constant and require no further action on the part of the Scion to use at
will while she is present in her domain. While nothing prevents the Scion from creating
new landscape features wherever she chooses, as long as they don't overlap someone
else's pre-existing ones, severely upsetting or changing the natural order within other
gods' territory is likely to attract unwelcome and potentially angry attention.
Cost: 30 Legend and 1 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
The Scion becomes a living, rampaging force of elemental water, crushing and washing
away all in its path and utterly quenching and driving away all warmth, air and fire.
The gods of the Theoi do not rely on flashy powers or complicated rituals; they are the
best of the best, and their powers lie in their supreme mastery over their chosen subjects.
Instead of purchasing Boons, Scions of the Theoi purchase dots of Arete in any Ability
they choose, granting them bonus dice as follows:
These bonus dice are used for all rolls involving that Ability that the Scion chooses to
make. If the Scion chooses to buy Arete in an Ability favored by his or her divine parent,
it costs a reduced price of three XP times the level of the dot.
The powers of Asha depend on truth and righteousness; to the Yazatas, whatever is true is
also right, and whatever is a lie is also evil, regardless of the intentions behind either. If
any Scion with Asha tells a lie or allows a lie or falsehood to be perpetrated without
attempting to stop it, she immediately loses the ability to use any of the powers of Asha
for a number of days equal to her total number of Asha Boons.
Cost: 1+ Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Humata is the Persian concept of good thoughts, which are where all goodness must
begin. Upon purchasing this Boon, the Scion must choose one of the three categories of
attributes (mental, physical or social) for it to affect; once he has done so, he may channel
his good thoughts into temporary bursts of achievement or flashes of enlightenment.
When he activates this Boon, he gains one phantom dot of any Epic Attribute in his
chosen category; this dot may not exceed the maximum allowed by his Legend rating or
by his normal dots in the attribute. He may only use this Boon once per scene; its effects
and the dot remain and are in full power for the rest of the scene, after which point he
returns to normal.
If the Scion also possesses the Ahunwar Boon, he may pay three points of Legend to gain
two dots in Epic Attributes; if he also possesses the Tanapuhr Boon, he may pay eight
Legend points to get three dots of Epic Attributes.
Cost: 1 Legend per person
Dice Pool: Charisma + Integrity
Hukhta, or good words, is the next step on the road to true righteousness; the Scion with
this Boon may encourage and bolster good behavior in others by sharing a few good
words with them. In order to use this Boon, the Scion must spend at least five minutes
talking to her potential targets (who must be receptive and willing to listen), explaining
the right course of action or teaching them how to distinguish between right and wrong;
once she has done so, she may pay the requisite cost to instantly give any or all of them a
number of dots in the Order or Valor virtues equal to her own. If she wishes to spend
three points of Legend and a point of Willpower per person she affects, she may give
them both. The virtues remain for six hours per success the Scion achieves on her roll,
during which time the affected targets must respond to them as if they were their own;
afterward, the targets return to normal.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per person
Dice Pool: None
Havarastra, or good deeds, are the final step essential to living a truly righteous life, and
the Scion with this Boon not only takes it upon herself to do so but sets an example that
encourages such behavior in others as well. Whenever the Scion channels either
Conviction or Order in the pursuit of performing some good deed - whether it be saving
someone from a burning building, smiting a Titanspawn that is rampaging through a city,
or planning a truly impressive civic works project - and succeeds in completing the deed,
he may afterward spend the requisite cost to give anyone who earnestly or significantly
helped him a number of Legend points equal to his total Legend rating.
Cost: 3 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Ahunwar, meaning a holy prayer or mantra, is one of the Yazatas' most formidable
weapons, allowing them to focus spiritual strength not only in themselves but also in
others. By speaking words of encouragement and strength and touching her target, the
Scion may give one other person up to two phantom dots in an Epic Attribute, just as she
may give them to herself with Humata. The phantom dots must be in the same category
(mental, physical, social) as the Scion's, and cannot exceed the target's number of dots in
the Attribute or the limit imposed by their Legend rating. This Boon may be used only
once per scene on any one target; at the end of the scene, the phantom dots vanish and
the target returns to normal.
In addition, the Scion is now able to pay to give herself two dots in an Epic Attribute
when she uses Humata, if she so chooses.
Ameretat: The Amesha Spenta of Eternal Life. When the Scion aligned with this principle
activates its power, he is surrounded by a faint aura of green power, curling and growing
at its edges like plant life. Ameretat is associated with the Fertility purview.
Vohu Manah: The Amesha Spenta of Good Wisdom. When the Scion aligned with this
principle activates its power, his features - skin, hair, eyes, etc. - begin to take on an ever-
shifting, changing appearance, growing and reshaping new animal-like features
constantly. Vohu Manah is associated with the Animal purview.
The Scion may choose only one of these two principles to align himself with; once he has
done so, he may pay the requisite cost at any time to summon its power for the remainder
of the scene. While active, the aura grants him a number of automatic successes equal to
his total number of Asha Boons to all Boons of the associated purview; it also lowers the
cost of those Boons by half the Scion's total number of Asha Boons (rounded down to a
minimum of 1). In addition, the Scion may always access those purviews as if he had a
relic for them, even if he does not, and may purchase the purview as if it were associated
with his parent, even if it is not. The aura remains in effect for six hours for every success
the Scion gains on his activation roll.
Asha Vahishta: The Amesha Spenta of Best Truth. When the Scion aligned with this
principle activates its power, she is surrounded by a flickering, flame-like orange aura that
moves with her. Asha Vahishta is associated with the Fire purview.
Haurvetat: The Amesha Spenta of Perfect Wholeness. When the Scion aligned with this
principle activates its power, she is surrounded by a faint, smooth-flowing blue aura,
surrounding her as if she were underwater. Haurvetat is associated with the Water
As before, the Scion may choose and receive the benefits of only one of these two
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Charisma + Integrity
Like the previous Boon, the Scion who purchases this power immediately chooses one of
the following principles with which to align himself:
Armaiti: The Amesha Spenta of Holy Devotion. When the Scion aligned with this
principle activates its power, he is surrounded by a crumbling, sand-like aura that leaves
vanishing trails of sand behind him. Asha Vahishta is associated with the Earth purview.
Kshathra: The Amesha Spenta of Righteous Dominion. When the Scion aligned with this
principle activates its power, he is surrounded by a constantly-moving silvery aura,
blowing his hair and clothes to and fro in an unseen wind. Haurvetat is associated with
the Sky purview.
As before, the Scion may choose and receive the benefits of only one of these two
In addition, the Scion is now able to pay to give herself three dots in an Epic Attribute
when she uses Humata, if she so chooses.
Amesha Spentas have no DV and no soak; if they are injured by the appropriate element,
they have no recourse. If they are destroyed, they vanish back into the aether, and the
Scion must resummon them if he wishes to beg for their help once more; if they are not
destroyed, they depart at the end of the scene. Anyone attempting to ascertain an Amesha
Spenta's nature and the elements opposed to it must gain at least 20 successes on an
Intelligence + Occult roll in order to do so.
The Scion must have the appropriate aura active at the time in order to call its attendant
Amesha Spenta.
If she chooses the latter, the Scion may create her own Amesha Spenta, a new being of
cosmic light embodying whatever principle the Scion deems most important to her (thus
becoming a new Amesha Spenta associated with whatever other all-purpose purview the
Scion chooses). The new Amesha Spenta is available only to the Scion's call, and may be
summoned with the others by paying the activation cost when she wishes for it to come
aid her. All the same rules apply to it as they do to the six extant Amesha Spentas, and it
still has certain weaknesses depending upon the purview it is associated with, as follows:
New Amesha Spenta Purview Opposed Purviews
Sun Darkness, Stars
War Guardian, Psychopomp
When a Scion purchases her first Boon in the Dvoeverie purview, she must choose one of
her native Bogovi Virtues and one foreign Virtue to associate with it; all boons from the
purview refer to those Virtues alone unless otherwise stated. She may choose to purchase
Dvoeverie again for another of her native Virtues if she wishes, but she must start over at
level one each time she does so. The powers of Dvoeverie apply only to foreign divinities
who can possess Virtues, and as such affect only gods, Scions and lesser immortals, not
Titanspawn or mortals.
Thanks to the inborn strength of the Virtues of the Bogovi, Slavic Scions may not swap
out any Virtues at character creation.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Finely attuned to the customs of those cultures she meets along the way, the Scion with
this boon chooses to embrace prijom, acceptance of the the values of others, in an attempt
to broaden her own worldview. When she purchases this boon, she may choose one of her
own Virtues and and link it to a Virtue she does not normally possess. She permanently
gains the new Virtue as one of her own at a level of one dot; it is as much hers as if she
were born with it, and she may channel and purchase more dots of it as she pleases. She
also gains one dot in the native Bogovi Virtue that she has linked it to, as the strength of
the traces of ichor in her veins asserts itself to ensure that she remains uniquely Slavic.
The two Virtues thereafter affect one another subtly, influencing one anothers' values; for
example, a Scion who had linked Vengeance to her Order might find that she was
particularly invested in hunting down criminals to make sure they get what's coming to
them, while a Scion who had linked Loyalty to her Piety might feel closer bonds of
friendship to those within her pantheon than others. If any situation would call for the
Scion to roll against both of these Virtues, she does so as a single pool instead of
This Boon can only grant new Virtues the Scion does not already possess, and can never
be used to gain Dark Virtues; Scions cannot willingly invite such alien and evil values
onto themselves, even temporarily. In the rare case that an outside force completely
changes one or more of the Scion's Virtues, Virtues other than the linked one are always
changed first; if the linked Virtue is changed, the link remains but the Scion must
immediately adjust to the radical change in how she is associated with other cultures, and
the effects of other Dvoeverie boons may change as appropriate.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Bogovi are khameleyon, masters of adapting to new situations and new peoples in
their midst, and the first step toward doing so is to recognize newcomers for the source of
new culture that they are. The Scion with this Boon automatically receives bonus dice
equal to his Legend to all Empathy, Politics and Presence rolls he makes against divine
beings that share his foreign Virtue, leveraging his uncanny insight into their souls (the
Scion may stack this boon up to twice if he has two foreign Virtues from Dvoeverie in
common with his target). In addition, the Scion's effortless ability to blend in with other
cultures makes him difficult to pinpoint as an outsider; anyone who wishes to do so faces
a difficulty of the Scion's total number of dots in foreign Virtues that they share with
them. If the Scion has more than one relevant foreign Virtue from Dvoeverie, they
multiply one another (so a Dodekatheon Scion attempting to ascertain that a Bogovi Scion
wasn't really one of her countrymen would have to overcome a difficulty of his dots of
Valor multiplied by his dots of Intellect). This difficulty is also applied to anyone
attempting to use the Scent the Divine knack to isolate the Scion's origin.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this boon is flexible enough to follow the traditsya or sacred traditions of
other cultures with whom he shares values, representing those Virtues he takes on as
easily as those of his own pantheon. Upon purchasing this boon, he immediately gains the
ability to purchase one Attribute, one purview and three Abilities as if they were favored
based on on the table below, fusing the practices of his foreign values into new and solid
Slavic traditions.
If the Scion already has some of these powers associated or favored, Traditsya has no
effect on them. Upon embracing this boon, the Scion also gains one free dot of either the
foreign Virtue or his native Virtue to which it is tied.
Pantheon Foreign Virtues PSP Boon Cost for Bogovi Scion to Use
Courage, Endurance, 3 Legend and 2 Willpower per
The Aesir Form of the Giant
Expression, Loyalty scene
2 Legend and 1 Willpower per
The Anunna Conviction, Courage Subsumation of Me
2 days of privation per success
The Deva Endurance, Intellect Tapasya
Endurance, Intellect,
The Kami The Wakeful Spirit 1 Willpower per scene
The Courage, Endurance, Perceive the Fabric 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per
Nemetondevos Loyalty, Valor of Fate use
Normal cost and 1 Willpower
The Netjer Conviction Drive Sekhu
per use
Conviction, Courage, Restores Mystery/Prophecy
The Orisha Ebo
Expression, Vengeance level -1 in Legend
Conviction, Courage, 2 lethal damage per Legend
The Teotl Obsidian Mutilation
Loyalty point
Four dots
Expression, Intellect,
The Theoi of Arete for one 1 Legend per roll
Valor, Vengeance
Geas is determined by
The Tuatha de Courage, Expression, Storyteller and should be
Hero's Geas
Danann Intellect appropriate to the Virtue in
Conviction, 1 Legend and 2 Willpower per
The Yazata Havarastra
Expression, Valor person
Scions who borrow the powers of other cultures are subject to all the dangers and
penalties of doing so; a Scion who has taken on the demands of Enech is just as prone to
the pitfalls of breaking a geas as his Irish friends, and a Scion who has committed to the
purity of Asha is bound to be as honest as any Yazata if he wishes to use its powers.
In addition, the Scion's chameleonic powers to be active in two cultures at the same time
now work both ways, and those who spend time with him find themselves also becoming
more open and understanding of Slavic culture as well. For every day that a non-Slavic
Legendary being with whom the Scion shares a foreign Virtue spends with him, she rolls a
single die; if the result is a one, she immediately gains one phantom dot of a Slavic Virtue
(normally the Virtue that the Scion has linked to the foreign Virtue they share, but if she
already possesses that, she gains another random Slavic Virtue that she doesn't already
have). She may gain dots randomly in as many Slavic Virtues as she does not already
possess, and may gain up to a maximum of five phantom dots of each of these Virtue,
which affect her as strongly as any of her native ones and may be channeled and rolled
against as normal. For every day she spends out of the company of a Scion with Dva
Dukhom, she may roll a single die again; if the result is a ten, she loses one dot of a
random phantom Slavic Virtue and inches closer toward her original pantheon's values
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The strength of the Scions ichor is now such that it can outweigh any dictates other than
his own, reflecting the volevoi or iron will of his people. Both his foreign Virtue and the
Bogovi Virtue it is linked to now go up to a maximum of six dots instead of five (this also
causes his maximum Willpower pool to increase to twelve), reflecting the indomitable
force of the Slavic divinities in his veins, and he gains one free dot in one of them. In
addition, he automatically channels his linked Virtue against any boon, knack or spell that
directly targets his Virtues for free; he may not also pay to channel the same Virtue a
second time on this roll, but he may pay to channel another Virtue if he so desires.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion who has mastered sintez, divine synthesis, has elevated the fusion of her native
culture with others to a power truly to be reckoned with. Whenever she channels her
foreign Virtue or the native Virtue tied to it, she may choose to spend an extra point of
Willpower to automatically channel both at the same time; doing so only expends a
channel from one of them.
Pantheon Foreign Virtues PSP Boon Cost for Bogovi Scion to Use
Courage, Endurance, 5 Legend, 2 Willpoer and 2
The Aesir Hounds of War
Expression, Loyalty lethal damage per use
5 Legend and 2 Willpower per
The Anunna Conviction, Courage Gift of Me
Normal cost and 1 Willpower
The Deva Endurance, Intellect Tantra
per use
Endurance, Intellect, 3 Legend and 2 Willpower per
The Kami The Blinded Spirit
Valor scene
The Courage, Endurance, 5 Legend and 2 Willpower per
Scent of Ichor
Nemetondevos Loyalty, Valor use
Normal cost and 1 Willpower
The Netjer Conviction Call Sekem
per use
Conviction, Courage,
10 Legend and 1 Willpower
The Orisha Expression Babalawo/Iyalawo
per use
Conviction, Courage, Legend rating of victim is
The Teotl The Burning Heart
Loyalty treated as if 4 lower
Four dots of Arete for
one Ability and seven
Expression, Intellect,
The Theoi dots for a second, or 10 1 Legend per roll
Valor, Vengeance
dots of Arete in a single
The Tuatha de Courage, Expression, 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per
Body and Spirit
Danann Intellect use
Conviction, 3 Legend and 1 Willpower per
The Yazata Ahunwar
Expression, Valor use, only works on self
The Scion may use the borrowed boon freely as much as he wishes, and may choose to
trade it in for any other available to him at the beginning of each story. This boon is
gained in addition to that from Dva Dukhom.
Finally, the Scion's connection to the Slavic divinities has become an unbreakable bond
that permeates everything he does, no matter how far afield or with what strange
comrades he ventures. Whenever someone else gains a Slavic Virtue from his Dva
Dukhom boon, he regains two channels for either of his linked Virtues instead of one.
The Tuatha de Danann are a people of uncompromising honor and heroism; they know
what is right, what is good, and what they should uphold, and they measure themselves
against a sometimes impossible-seeming standard in pursuit of these goals. The great
oaths, or geasa, are the divine manifestation of this dedication to greatness, and all
members of the pantheon who progress past the first level of Enech possess at least one,
requiring them to perform certain acts or avoid certain taboos in order to keep themselves
on the straight and narrow. Each intact geas a Scion possesses provides them with a
number of benefits and strengths as long as they follow its tenets.
Geas Geas
Type Level
Grants a geas bonus of dice (if Token) or successes (if Mortal) to all Token or
rolls of a specific ability Mortal
Allows the Scion to heal twice as quickly (if Potent) or five times as Potent or
quickly (if Mortal) as usual Mortal
Boon Grants a geas bonus to all rolls involving a specific Boon Potent
Grants three additional Legendary Deed channels per story (if Potent) Potent or
or one per game session (if Mortal) Mortal
Legendary Allows the Scion to double all Legend gains Mortal
Grants a geas bonus of dice (if Potent) or successes (if Mortal) to all Potent or
rolls involving a specific purview Mortal
Grants a geas bonus of dice (if Potent) or successes (if Mortal) to all Potent or
rolls involving a specific relic Mortal
Allows the Scion to spend 2 Legend to downgrade lethal damage to
bashing and 5 to downgrade agg to lethal (if Potent) or 1 and 3, Potent or
respectively (if Mortal); also reduces cost of all damage reduction Mortal
Stamina knacks by 1
Grants a bonus of dice (if Token) or successes (if Mortal) equal to the Token or
Scion's Enech to all rolls made by Followers or Birthright Creatures Mortal
Grants a Scion one extra channel to all virtues if Potent, or grants an Potent or
additional Virtue entirely if Mortal Mortal
Allows the Scion to gain 1 (if Token) or 3 (if Potent) points of Token or
Willpower whenever he upholds his geas in the face of adversity Potent
Failing to follow the directives of a geas, however, has disastrous consequences for the
Scion; terrible penalties and misfortune descend upon his head if he does so, and he must
find a way to restore his Enech to balance in order to find relief and once again enjoy his
geas' benefits.
Penalties of failure
Subtracts successes (if Token) or two times successes (if Mortal) equal to the
Ability Scion's geas bonus from all rolls using that ability, and causes any roll reduced
past 0 to become a botch
Heals only one health level instead of two for Potent, or one instead of five for
Boon Renders the Scion unable to access or use that Boon
Forces the Scion to spend 5 points of Legend in order to undertake a Legendary
Deed (if Potent) or denies access to all Legendary Deeds (if Mortal)
Legendary Renders Scion unable to spend Legend points
Subtracts three successes from all uses of purview Boons (if Potent) or renders
the Scion unable to access or use that purview (if Mortal)
Causes the relic in question to deal lethal (if Potent) or aggravated (if Mortal)
damage to the Scion as if he were not its rightful owner
Causes all damage dealt to the Scion to be upgraded one level (if Potent) and
prevents use of any damage-converting Knacks (if Mortal)
Causes the Followers or Creatures in question to cease to follow or obey the
Scion (if Token) or to attack the Scion and resist banishment (if Mortal)
Renders the Scion unable to channel Virtue on any rolls (if Potent) or forces the
Scion to automatically enter that Virtue Extremity whenever he rolls (if Mortal)
Willpower Causes the Scion to lose 1 (if Token) or 3 (if Potent) dots of Willpower
Those who fail to uphold their geasa may restore their Enech by either begging for the
intercession of a god associated with that geas, allowing a wronged party to place another
geas on them in penance, completing an appropriate quest as handed down to them by an
oracle, or by following the terms laid out in the geas itself. The terms of each Geas are
dictated by its source; sources differ from god to god as follows
Associated Gods Geas-Breaking Acts Terms of Restoring Enech
Aengus, Brigid, the Dagda, Danu, Failure to care for any and all specimens of a
As normal, but may receive quest from an
Beast Lugh, Manannan mac Lir, the specific type of animal that require it; failure
intelligent animal as well as an oracle
Morrigan to prevent anyone from harming said animals
Failure or refusal to bind wounds or provide
As normal, or dedicate life solely to
Blood Brigid, Dian Cecht medical care to those in need (unless they are
helping those who require healing
actively attempting to hurt the Scion)
Brigid, the Dagda, Danu, Failure to prevent a chlid from being harmed As normal, or restore the child to health
Manannan mac Lir in the Scion's presence and punish the responsible party
Brigid, the Dagda, Danu, Dian
Failure to spend at least four days per month As normal, or spend a lengthy amount of
Dinsenchas Cecht, Lugh, Manannan mac Lir,
caring for and residing in a specific place time renewing and caring for the place
the Morrigan, Nuada, Ogma
Aengus, the Dagda, Lugh, the Failure to fulfill or pay sufficient attention to
Duty As normal
Morrigan, Nuada the Scion's specific duty
The Dagda, Lugh, the Morrigan, Allow any of the Scion's specific enemy to As normal, or dedicate the next year to
Nuada, Ogma escape or pass unhindered seeking out and destroying said enemies
Aengus, Brigid, the Dagda, Danu, As normal, but may receive quest from
Eat any amount of the specific food that is
Food Lugh, Manannan mac Lir, the intelligent animal or plant as well as from
forbidden to the Scion
Morrigan an oracle
Touching the specific person or object or
Brigid, the Dagda, Danu, Lugh, As normal, or dedicate self as protector of
Forbiddance entering the place forbidden to the Scion,
the Morrigan, Ogma the specific forbidden thing touched
even by proxy (i.e., throwing something)
Spend a prolonged amount of time without
Refuse food, drink or shelter offered or
Guest The Dagda, Lugh, Ogma food, drink, or sleeping anywhere unless it
violate a host's home
is offered freely
Associated Gods Geas-Breaking Acts Terms of Restoring Enech
As normal, or complete a task for the
Have sex with anyone besides the Scion's wronged spouse, or find a new spouse and
Handfast Aengus
wedded partner remain completely faithful for a year and a
Aengus, the Dagda, Lugh, the Refusing to defend the weak and those in As normal, or dedicate life to the defense
Morrigan, Nuada, Ogma need of the weak
As normal, or house a guest in the best
The Dagda, Lugh, Manannan mac Refusing to offer hospitality to those in need,
Hospitality possible circumstances for a protracted
Lir, Nuada failing to be an exemplary host
period of time
Failure to aid an artist in creation or to keep As normal, or inspire an artist into creating
Imbas Brigid, Lugh, Ogma
an artist from failure to create for a protracted period of time
Failure to accept any daring voyage or
Immram Brigid, Lugh, Ogma As normal
journey to unknown parts
The Dagda, Lugh, Manannan mac As normal, or by taking control from the
Kings Accept any unfit leader's authority
Lir, the Morrigan, Nuada inappropriate leader
Aengus, the Dagda, Manannan Failure to pursue or seduce potential partners As normal, or find a more challenging
mac Lir the Scion finds attractive person to seduce and do so impressively
Ignoring lovers in need or failing to provide As normal, or successfully bring the
Match Aengus, Brigid, the Dagda, Danu aid for them to overcome obstacles to their couple together in a spectacular and
love enduring manner that ends in matrimony
Having sexual relations with the forbidden As normal, or become completely
Mate Aengus, Danu, the Morrigan
kind of person abstinent for a protracted period of time
Brigid, the Dagda, Danu, Dian Allowing any mother or pregnant woman to As normal, or restore the mother to health
Cecht be harmed or failing to supply her needs and punish the responsible parties
Associated Gods Geas-Breaking Acts Terms of Restoring Enech
Allow any ignorance to persist or falsehoods
Danu, Dian Cecht, Manannan mac As normal, or educate a large number of
Priest to be spread about the Tuatha de Danann or
Lir, Nuada, Ogma people in the pantheon's lore
any god belonging to them
Failure to buy available levels of a specific
Aengus, Brigid, the Dagda, Danu,
ability immediately; failure to teach that As normal, or teach an apprentice until
Skill Dian Cecht, Lugh, Manannan mac
ability, once mastered, to others at least once they master the ability
Lir, the Morrigan, Nuada, Ogma
per week
Brigid, Lugh, the Morrigan, Failure to challenge or complete a duel with As normal, or successfully find and defeat
Nuada a worthy opponent one worthy opponent per level of Enech
Allowing any person to be arrogant without As normal, or successfully and utterly
Trickster The Dagda, Manannan mac Lir
playing a trick to put them in their place humiliate a deserving person
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Perception + Empathy
The Scion with this Boon may use it to perceive past the normal mortal realm, judging the
very soul and honor of her target. For every four successes she gains on the activation
roll, she may learn the highest and lowest Virtues of a target, their Nature, and whether or
not their Enech is in balance. She may not choose specific targets throughout the room,
but rather instantly learns this information about those closest to her, starting from the
person to whom she is nearest and working outward. The Scion learns only the current
status of any target's Virtues, Nature and Enech; if she suspects that one may have
changed, she must use this power again to confirm her suspicion.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion immediately and irrevocably receives a Mortal Legendary geas; he is now held
to a standard of heroism reached by few, and terrible consequences await him if he fails to
measure up. The geas may be of any source appropriate for his divine parent, but it must
be one that is challenging for the Scion to uphold; Fate has no interest in placing
restrictions on a hero that don't matter or mold him to better achieve his destiny. If the
Scion has already purchased this Boon before he becomes a Demigod, he may request a
second geas upon reaching such a plateau of power.
choose one of his Virtues and give a short speech describing his dedication to it (in
combat, this is an 8-tick action); once he has done so, he gains a bonus depending upon
the Virtue in question:
Virtue Benefit
Courage Adds Courage as dice to all Strength, Dexterity or Stamina rolls
Conviction Grands Willpower points equal to dots of Conviction
Duty Grants Legend points equal to dots of Duty
Endurance Grants Willpower points equal to dots of Endurance
Expression Adds Expression as dice to all Charisma, Appearance or Manipulation rolls
Harmony Grants Legend points equal to dots of Harmony
Intellect Adds Intellect as dice to all Perception, Intelligence or Wits rolls
Loyalty Grants Legend points equal to dots of Loyalty
Order Grants Legend points equal to dots of Order
Piety Grants Legend points equal to dots of Piety
Valor Grants Willpower points equal to dots of Valor
Vengeance Grants Willpower points equal to dots of Vengeance
A single target may benefit from Body & Spirit only once per scene, and its effects,
including Legend or Willpower points gained, vanish at the end of the scene. Legend
gained in this manner comes from the Scion's unshakeable dedication to his Virtues, and
thus may not be funneled to others via Magic or any other means; only the Scion may
spend it. If the Scion chooses to make his speech about another person in the vicinity on
whom he has already used Brehon's Eye this scene, he may do so for the price of one
point of Willpower and bestow these benefits on them as well. As opposed to Scions,
Titanspawn and others with dark virtues find them oppressed and difficult when the Scion
speaks out against them; he may choose to spend an additional point of Willpower to do
so and levy the following penalties upon them:
Ambition Loses Legend points equal to Ambition
Loses dice equal to Malice from all Charisma, Manipulation or Appearance
Rapacity Loses dice equal to Rapacity from all Perception, Intelligence or Wits rolls
Zealotry Loses Willpower points equal to Zealotry
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Presence
The power of the Irish bards of old to laud heroes or lay kings low was well-known and
powerfully respected; the Scion with this Boon may act as their spiritual inheritor,
bringing out the salient qualities in those she sees in order to enhance or destroy them.
Once she has used Brehon's Eye on a target in the same scene, she may fix upon
something in their personality and describe it poignantly; if her declaration refers to or
implies any of their Virtues, she gains a number of automatic successes to her roll equal to
that Virtue's rating. She may then use her successes to buttress or lay low her target in
any combination of ways as follows:
2 Regain or lose 1 point of Legend
Grant or subtract one die to any specific ability's rolls (to a maximum of
the Scion's Presence)
3 Regain or lose 1 point of Willpower
Bonuses or penalties thus granted remain for the rest of the scene, and a Scion may
bolster a specific target thus only once per week. A Scion may not give more points of
Legend or Willpower than she has dots of Presence.
land's and then spending the requisite cost, he gains intimate knowledge of the land
around him as well as specific powers related to aiding it. He immediately learns any
blights, pollutions or other poisons affecting the land, and gains awareness of anything
that might threaten it as if he had placed a Vigil Brand over its entirety. He also
immediately gains a Potent Dinsenchas geas for the area as well, of a type determined by
the Storyteller based on the specific situation. The Scion may use his successes as
currency to purchase further benefits from the land with which he is now linked, as
Successes Benefit
1 +1 DV (to a maximum of the Scion's Legend)
Gain one Boon from the purview associated with the site (determined by the
Once the Scion has attuned himself to a particular site, he is permanently linked to it and
need only spend the requisite amount whenever he enters it to instantly gain all his
benefits again (though he may not redistribute his successes differently after the first
time). The Scion may use this Boon only in the World, or in Terrae Incognita or
Underworld or Overworld sites expressly controlled by the Tuatha de Danann.
oblivious to the new terms of his or her geas, which are permanent unless this Boon is
used on the target's geas again. The Scion must spend 5 Legend points to attempt to
change a Token geas' terms, 8 Legend to change a Potent geas and the full 12 Legend to
change a Mortal one.
Withdrawn From
Animal Scion cannot be seen or interacted with by any kind of animal
Scion is completely unaffected by chaos and can pass through it
Darkness Scion cannot hide in any way and is never blinded or unable to see
Scion cannot die and is unseen and unaffected by dead or undead
Scion may walk through any earthen material and cannot be hurt by
rock or metals
Enech Scion cannot break any geasa or cause others to do so
Scion cannot interact with plants or plant-creatures and may pass
through them as if they did not exist
Scion is immune to flame, smoke and heat, and cannot be harmed by
fire-based beings
Scion is immune to cold and the effects of snowy terrain and cannot
be seen or hurt by any frost-based creatures
Scion cannot be seen by any kind of security system and ignores all
uses of Guardian Boons
Health Scion is invisible and untouchable to all humans and cannot fall ill
Scion immediately sees through all illusion and trickery and cannot be
affected by anything that is not real
Scion treats all man-made objects and creations as if they did not
exist, and cannot be touched or hurt by them
Withdrawn From
Scion cannot be seen by any law enforcement or anyone seeking
justice on her, and all actions against her using Vengeance fail
Scion becomes able to see all hidden items perfectly and is immune to
Scion may teleport instantly anywhere in the world that she knows or
has seen on a map
Sky Scion is totally immune to weather, electricity and pressure
Scion cannot be touched or harmed by anything related to the stars
and is immune to social powers from the purview
Scion becomes totally unseeable and cannot be illuminated or hurt by
any kind of light
Scion may not inflict or be the victim of any kind of violence, and
cannot be in any way embroiled in battle
Scion cannot drown and may travel over or through water however
she wishes
The Scion may not choose to withdraw from Magic, Mystery or Prophecy, as even the
Tuatha are still subject to the whims of Fate, and she may not avoid any pantheon-specific
purview (other than Enech), as they are too specific and foreign for her to fully internalize
(the exception to this is Enech, which she may withdrawn past if she wishes). The effects
of this Boon last for 24 hours, after which point the Scion returns to normal; she may, if
she chooses, spend the cost to activate this Boon more than once for more than one
purview simultaneously.
Cost: 1 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon has learned the first principle of the powers of the gods, that of
hu, the divine word of creation and power; with it, he can order the world around him and
exert his commands over anything within his sight. Whenever the Scion chooses to pay
this Boons cost, he may use any social Knack at its normal cost against any inanimate
object, from the lowliest sewing needle to the most impressive monument. All non-living
beings have a resistance roll that varies with their size; the Scion may use Overt Order to
cause a rock to fall on an enemys head or use Charmer to convince a plant to shelter him
in its leaves, but he may not necessarily change a mountainsides mind, and he may not
order any object to do something of which it is not capable (i.e., rocks can fall but not
Cost: Varies (see below)
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon has complete mastery over her physical form, the sekhu, able to
push her body well beyond the limits of normal mortals or even Scions. By concentrating
for a moment and spending a number of Legend points equal to her Epic Stamina dots
minus two (a minimum of 1), the Scion causes her total number of health levels to double
for the scene, becoming nigh-unstoppable when it comes to wounds and physical
hardship. (Doubling her health levels does not duplicate any damage she may already
have, but it also does not heal any.) The new health levels are all -0, and function exactly
as real ones until the end of the scene, when they vanish. Wounds the Scion has
sustained, however, do not vanish with them; when the extra health levels vanish, any
damage from them instantly wraps around to the Scions normal health levels, making her
fall prey to unconsciousness or even death if she fails to find healing or acts too unwisely
while thus augmented.
spoken and live on indefinitely. Whenever the Scion encounters a mortal to whom he is
Fatebound, he may touch them, spend the requisite cost, and exhort them to speak his
name and carry tales of his deeds; when he does so, the mortals Fatebound role instantly
changes to Herald. In addition, the Scion may choose one new expectation and one new
rejection for the Fatebound mortal and declare them aloud, causing the mortal to instantly
begin to believe in them instead of one of his previous beliefs (the Scion may choose
which Fatebound beliefs to replace; if he has no way of knowing what the mortal believes,
the beliefs are replaced at random). The Scion may only use this Boon on a specific mortal
once, but its effects are permanent. Once the new mortal has become a Herald, he or she
immediately sets forth into the world to spread the Scions name, and such is the strength
of this Boon that the mortal is able to create two new Fatebonds from mortals to the Scion
when he or she does so; these mortals have a Fatebond rating one lower than the Heralds
and share all of his or her beliefs about the Scion.
Cost: Varies (see below)
Dice Pool: None
The ba is the Scions personality and soul, that which makes him unique and his own
man; once he has learned this Boon, the force of that personality is so strong that nothing
can take it from him, not even his own exhaustion. Whenever he wishes to channel a
Virtue and has already done so the maximum number of times allowed in the story, he
may spend a number of points of Willpower equal to half his Legend rating to do so
anyway. He may do this as many times throughout the story as he wishes to pay for.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Legendary Deed per use
Dice Pool: None
The ka, or life-force, is the very energy that supports the Scions soul, enabling her to live
and flourish; by mastering this Boon, she is able to focus and redirect its powers to aid
her. When the Scion spends the requisite cost to awaken her ka, she calls upon its
bolstering power to not only keep her alive but also to fuel her abilities; for the remainder
of the scene, she need only pay half (rounded down, to a minimum of 1) the Legend cost
of any Boon, Knack, spell or other supernatural power she uses, while her ka, now under
her conscious control, provides the necessary energy for the other half. While the Scion
uses the underlying power of her soul, however, she is a beacon for Fate, and all
Fatebinding rolls are made at a -1 difficulty. Activating this Boon always costs a
Legendary Deed, and it may never be used to lower the Legend cost of an Avatar. The
Scion may only funnel her ka once per week, as she requires the rest of its energies to
keep her alive.
Now a goddess in her own right, the Scion with this Boon feels her soul unite in a blaze of
spiritual glory, becoming the akh, or complete soul, while she still lives. Now in
possession of the full power of her soul, the Scion may choose to grant it to those who
worship her faithfully, creating wizards and magicians the likes of which have seldom
been seen on earth. Whenever any adherent who is not Fatebound to her prays to the
Scion and requests her aid, she may use this Boon to grant it; upon visiting the mortal, she
may lay hands upon him or her and spend the requisite cost, endowing them permanently
with powers beyond the ken of humans (if the mortal is Fatebound to someone other than
the Scion, she must pay an additional amount of Legend equal to the Fatebond rating in
order to use this Boon). The human immediately becomes a Legendary Mortal and gains a
Legend rating of 1, which can never be increased; he or she also gains one dot each in one
mental and one social Epic Attribute (their highest), as well as three dots in one of the
Scions Virtues (the Scion herself chooses which). In addition to these benefits, which are
permanent, the Scion may also bestow upon the mortal a number of Boons up to her
successes; these must be Boons the Scion herself knows, and she may never grant a
mortal a Boon of level six or higher, nor may she give any Heku Boons or any level of
Mystery. Once granted, the mortal may use these Boons once, after which point he or she
immediately loses access to them; if he or she does not use them within a week, they
likewise vanish.
Henceforth, whenever the new magician prays to the Scion, she may choose to give him
or her new Boons (though she may never increase his Epic Attributes, Legend rating or
Virtues in this way again) no matter where she is, simply by paying said Boons cost;
when she does so, she may send a brief sign (a flicker of the lights, a roll of thunder, a
brief voice on the wind) to inform the mortal that she has heard his or her plea. The Scion
does not have to acquiesce to the mortals request unless she feels like it, however, and if
she lacks the Hear Prayers knack may find it difficult to know when her subject is in need
of aid.
The Scion with this Boon, having acquired true mastery over all the facets of her soul, has
achieved saa, omniscience; she is able to see into the hearts and minds of all those around
her and isolate the wandering elements of their souls in turn, reaching out to coax them to
life. She may use the Drive Sekhu, Channel Ba, Call Sekem, Funnel Ka and Plumb Sheut
Boons to affect a target as if using them on herself by paying the activation cost in
addition to the Boons normal cost (if the Boons cost is conditional, it depends upon the
targets totals, not the Scions). The target may enjoy the effects of the Scions Heku Boon
for the remainder of the scene, after which point she ceases to enhance their soul and they
return to normal. The Scion may reuse this Boon to give as many of her other Heku
Boons to a target as she wishes in a given scene, but she may grant the effects of each
Boon to a specific target only once.
The Itztli purview hinges on the Scion making true sacrifices, and she may not avoid their
painful consequences. No sacrifice made to fuel an Itztli Boon may be healed or obviated
via supernatural means (such as the Death or Health purviews); if the Scion allows such a
thing to happen, she immediately loses all Legend points gained via that Boon. If she does
not have enough Legend points to lose the total amount, she suffers immediate,
unsoakable lethal damage equal to the difference.
Cost: 1 lethal damage per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon has learned the importance of blood sacrifice, and may offer a
small portion of herself up to her divine parent. Once per day, the Scion may deal herself
one lethal damage and dedicate the sacrifice to her gods; when she does so, she receives
one point of Legend.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
By intentionally standing his ground in the face of his most fearsome enemies, the Scion
with this Boon may increase his own power, drawing on his own strength of will and
fearlessness in combat. Whenever he is in combat, he may choose to spend the requisite
cost (this is a 5-tick action) to lower his own DV by any amount, up to a maximum of his
Legend rating. Once he has done so, the next time he is struck and dealt damage he
immediately regains a number of points of Legend equal to the DV penalty he imposed
upon himself. This Boon may be used as many times as the Scion wishes, but the Legend
points it grants cannot exceed his normal maximum.
No longer constrained by the physical limits of a mere mortal, the Scion with this Boon
may choose to give as much of herself as she chooses to her gods, shedding her own blood
with reckless abandon in their service. Provided that she succeeds in her roll in order to
steel her nerves against the carnage to come, the Scion may once per week deal as much
lethal damage to herself as she wishes; when she does so, she gains one point of Legend
for each level of damage she inflicts on her own body. These Legend points may exceed
her normal maximum, but any excess Legend that she does not use within a week is lost.
Cost: 1+ aggravated damage per use
Dice Pool: None
Though blood shed is always pleasing to the gods, the Scion with this Boon knows that
true sacrifice is only achieved by the loss of something that can never be regained. Instead
of merely dealing lethal damage in sacrifice, the Scion may now deal aggravated damage
to his victims by removing their body parts, irreparably damaging them before burning
the sacrificed body part while his victim still lives. Each of a victims eyes, hands, feet,
arms, legs, tongue and genitalia may be removed to deal one level of aggravated damage
in this way, and the Scion gains five points of Legend for each such damage he inflicts. He
may deal as much damage to any single victim as he likes, though mortals and other
delicate beings are likely to die before he finishes unless he has the medical skill to keep
them alive throughout. The Scion may also sacrifice his own body parts, and doing so nets
him six points of Legend instead of five.
The Scions newly-enlarged Legend pool immediately refills to its maximum, and she
becomes a true avatar of her gods, becoming unable to fail (or attempt to spend Willpower
points to ignore) any Conviction or Courage rolls for the remainder of the scene. In
addition, the terror of her supernatural presence and exposed power is so great that she
gains her (Courage + Legend + Itztli) as bonus dice to any Presence roll made in an
attempt to intimidate others. These effects remain until the end of the scene, when the
burning heart finally consumes itself, the Scions chest closes back up and she returns to
her normal state; any Legend points she still retains over her normal maximum are lost
when she reverts.
Legend pool instantly enlarges to a shocking degree and fills up to its maximum, giving
him the effective power of a greater god or even a Titan for one full year.
The Scion may only sacrifice a family member once per year, though if he fails he may
attempt to use this Boon on a different family member than the one he first attempted.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scions of the Aesir are descended from the jotun giants of old, and that wild and
prodigious blood still runs in their veins. The Scion with this Boon gains one permanent
additional health box (-4) from her innate hardiness, and may buy one dot of both
Strength and Stamina higher than would normally be allowed by her Legend.
height, becoming half-again as tall as she was mere moments ago, and her clothing and
equipment grow with her (though they gain no bonuses from doing so and, with the
exception of relics, revert to their normal size if she loses contact with them for more than
a few seconds). The Scion remains in her giant form for the remainder of the scene, after
which she shrinks back to her usual size and all phantom dots disappear.
In addition, the Scion permanently grows another 10% taller upon buying this Boon.
doing so grants it the bonus to both Stamina and Strength, rather than to only one of the
In addition, the Scion permanently grows another 10% taller upon buying this Boon.
If the Scion possesses eight levels of Boons in a given purview, he may choose to spend
two extra points of Legend when he uses The Gift of Battle Eternal; if he does so, the
resulting beast or giant is associated with that purview (i.e., a frost or fire giant) and may
gain additional powers.
Now of a stature unheard-of among any but the Norse gods, the Scion has become a giant
in truth. She gains a further four permanent phantom dots in Strength and Stamina, four
more health levels, and permanently grows 10% taller yet.
When a Scion purchases his first Boon in the Me purview, he must choose an all-purpose
purview to associate with it; once he has done so, all Me Boons refer to that purview
alone. If he wishes, he may purchase Me more than once for more than one all-purpose
purview, but each Boon must be purchased in order from the beginning. Me Boons only
affect the all-purpose purview to which they are attached up to the same level as a Scion
possesses Me; if he has three levels of Me and four levels of the purview it refers to, his
Me only applies to the first three levels.
Me can never be purchased for the Magic, Mystery or Prophecy purviews; the me of Fate
is beyond the reach even of the aged Anunna.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
As the possessor of a fragment of the me of a thing or concept, the Scion with this Boon is
capable of much greater mastery of it than those who merely call upon its powers. If the
purview is favored, she may now purchase it at a discounted price of three times the dot
rather than four; if it is not favored, she may now purchase it as if it were.
Just as the Scion recognizes her chosen purviews me, so it now recognizes its rightful
master. She need not possess a relic for her chosen purview in order to use its full powers,
and may spend one point of Willpower whenever she chooses to allow someone else to do
the same for her chosen purview for the duration of one scene (that person must remain
in physical contact with her whenever he or she wishes to benefit from this Boon; for all
intents and purposes, the Scion herself is acting as their relic).
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon now has such dominion over her chosen purviews me that its
powers automatically buttress everything she does. Whenever she rolls an Ability
associated with her chosen purview and possesses at least one dot of it, she may add her
total number of Me Boons for the associated purview as dice. Abilities associated with
purviews are as follows:
Purview Ability
Animal Animal Ken or Survival
Artistry Academics or Art
Chaos Empathy or Presence
Darkness Larceny or Stealth
Death Command or Occult
Earth Fortitude or Survival
Fertility Medicine or Survival
Fire Art or Empathy
Frost Command or Fortitude
Guardian Awareness or Integrity
Health Fortitude or Medicine
Illusion Larceny or Politics
Justice Integrity or Investigation
Moon Awareness or Occult
Psychopomp Athletics or Control
Sky Athletics or Marksmanship
Stars Academics or Survival
Sun Command or Presence
Thunder Presence and Thrown
War Marksmanship or Melee
Water Animal Ken or Athletics
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Varies (see below)
It is extremely difficult to use the Scions own me against him; once he possesses this
Boon, he may make himself one with his chosen purview for brief spurts of time,
rendering himself immune to any harmful effects it might attempt to visit upon him.
Whenever any being attempts to use a Boon from his chosen purview to affect him, the
Scion may pay this Boons activation cost; he and his attacker both roll their total number
of Boons in the purview, and if he rolls more successes the Boon completely fails to affect
him, harmlessly dissipating or passing around him as the purview recognizes its rightful
master. The Scion may only use this Boon to prevent effects that directly target himself;
he may not use it to save others around him from Boons used upon them.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon now has such dominion over her chosen purviews me that she
accesses its powers more readily than anyone else could hope to. Whenever he uses any
Boon from his chosen purview, he may add his Legend as automatic successes to any roll
it makes.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
So comfortable is the Scion with his chosen purviews me that he has now incorporated it
into his very self, becoming able to call upon its powers effortlessly and stoke it to new
heights that others less gifted can only dream of. He may pay the activation cost
whenever he uses a Boon from his chosen purview in order to double its normal range,
duration or the number of targets it affects; if he wishes to double more than one of these
things, he must pay the cost for each.
Cost: 5 Legend and 1 Willpower (if desired)
Dice Pool: None
Closely attuned to the undercurrents of his me's connection to humanity, the Scion with
this Boon can grant some of its power to those around him, drawing out those powers
most closely aligned with his own. When he pays this Boons activation cost, he may
impart a tiny portion of his chosen purviews me to those around him, up to a total
number of targets equal to his total number of Boons in the purview; those who receive
his gift immediately gain a number of phantom ability dots equal to the same number (if
they normally have no dots in the ability in question, the Scion must pay the optional
Willpower cost in order to grant them some). These dots function in every way as normal
abilities (including allowing the use of Epic Attributes), may exceed normal maximums,
and remain for the duration of the scene, at which point they vanish. Each purview grants
distinct abilities as detailed in the Direction of Me Boon above.
Cost: 5 Legend and 2 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: None
The Scion with this Boon adorns herself with her me, making it a part of her splendor as
it becomes temporarily one with her. When she activates this Boon, she immediately
gains her total number of Boons in her chosen purview as automatic successes to any
Willpower + Integrity + Legend roll she makes for the remainder of the scene, drawing
the power of her me around her in resplendent protection so that no foreign power can
penetrate. In addition, she also gains her Legend as dice to anything that causes her to roll
her total number of Boons in her chosen purview, easily asserting her dominance over its
prodigious powers until the end of the scene.
remainder of the scene, after which point he allows the strength of his me to once again
lie dormant for a while.
While thus sharing his powers can allow the Scion to create powerful allies and
strengthen the bonds of loyalty he shares with his fellows, it is also both taxing and
dangerous; he must spend a permanent dot of Willpower in order to do so, and while his
me resides in his target he is unable to use any Me Boons or Boons of his chosen purview
himself, having temporarily given them away. His target must make physical contact and
formally declare that she is returning his me to him in order to do so, whereupon he
regains all of his Me Boons and the dot of Willpower he spent to give them away; if she
does not, however, he very well may remain without his me indefinitely (or at least until
she can be persuaded to return it). Should the Scions target die while in possession of his
me, it immediately returns to him, but he does not regain the dot of Willpower he spent to
give it to her.
Since the Scions target receives all of his Me Boons, it is possible for her to in turn use
this Boon to pass his me on to yet another person as long as she is willing to pay the cost
(and provided she has a high enough Legend rating to use this Boon, of course).
All Scions of the Orisha, by virtue of the divine blood in their veins, are born more aware
and in tune with their ori, the spirit of their destinies, than any mortal could ever be. They
possess a number of Ori points equal to their Legend; once spent, they return at the
beginning of each story, or when the Scion increases in Legend.
Cost: 1 Legend or 1 Ori per use
Dice Pool: None
Although a Scions ori dictates what her grand and heroic destiny will be, she has no
innate knowledge of its mysteries and must appeal to the powers of Fate and gods of the
time-honored practice of sacred divination for help. Whenever she wishes, she may spend
a point of Legend to grant anyone (including herself) her Legend as dice to any Prophecy
or Mystery roll or a point of Ori to grant her Legend as successes, helping them reach into
the secret recesses of Fate to discover what path she should take. Doing so doesnt
necessarily completely hijack her targets divination, but it does make the answers tend to
angle toward her if they didnt already concern her.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The word ori means both destiny and head, referring to the fact that it is the head that
makes a persons decisions and that was first created long ago by the creator-god Obatala.
The Orisha know that the connection between the two kinds of ori is a powerful symbolic
channel, and the Scion with this boon has taken his first step toward making his own
destiny, manipulating his own head in an attempt to shape his ori more favorably.
Upon purchasing this boon, the Scion chooses any three features that involves his head;
they may be anything he wishes (a hairstyle, a hat, a tattoo, a piercing, a new feature
grown with Appearance knacks or any other kind of body modification), and once chosen
they become permanent and irremovable, an irrevocable part of his image and fate. The
new additions to his head should be considered five-dot relics, and he may choose any one
from each of the following categories:
Active Ori Magical Ori Virtuous Ori
Signature Style: Choose
Competitive Spirit:: Whenever
two Abilities; whenever Passionate Strength:
anyone uses a knack or boon you
you use a Legendary Choose one Virtue; gain +5
also possess that has a cost and a
Deed with either, spend a dice to both channels of that
roll, if you use it and gain more
point of Ori to gain your Virtue and rolls to enter
successes than they did, it has no
dots in that Ability as Virtue Extremity
Legend points
Kindred Souls: Choose one
purview; whenever you use a
Remorseful Conscience:
boon from that purview that has a
Spiritual Mastery: Whenever you enter Virtue
cost, everyone around you gets
Choose one Attribute; all Extremity, regain your entire
your Legend as dice to all rolls
knacks from that Willpower pool; the next
for that purview for the rest of
Attribute gain -1 speed time you spend it all, it
the scene. Whenever someone
refills to full again
else uses a boon from that
purview, you get the same
Thirst for Sensation:
Choose some form of
intoxication and six Unbridled Emotion:
Abilities; whenever you Choose a Virtue; whenever
Magical Mastery: Choose one
are intoxicated with that you Extremity for that
purview; all boons from that
substance, gain +10 dice Virtue, gain double the
purview gain -1 speed
to the chosen Abilities Virtue's dots as Legend
and -5 dice to all others points
(in addition to normal
intoxication penalties)
Once the Scion has chosen his relic effects, they are permanently set and may not be
changed later. Scions should always spend them in order to enhance or buttress their own
destiny, choosing powers or benefits that support them in their sacred journey toward it.
The Scions new head features are thereafter relics with all the usual features of such;
they are exceptionally difficult to damage, and anyone who wishes to modify or steal
them (such as with the Reforging or Steal Birthright spells) from him faces a difficulty as
if they were five relic dots higher (and will need to physically part them from the Scions
body, to boot).
Because the Scions physical head is now a part of his destiny, it gains an automatic link
to the powers of fate. Anyone who touches it may channel either Prophecy or Mystery
(one of which the Scion must choose when he purchases this boon).
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
While everyone who wishes to learn more about how to fulfill their ori must do so by
calling upon the powers of Fate, those powers do not bestow their aid for free. Upon
purchasing this boon, the Scion gains instinctive knowledge of Fates price. Whenever she
uses the Ifa boon to bolster a divination, she also immediately learns what sacrifice Fate
requires of her in return for the arcane knowledge she has just received. The sacrifice is
determined by the Storyteller and should be commensurate with the level of Prophecy or
Mystery that was used; it might range anywhere from traditional offerings of palm nuts
and trinkets for smaller divinations to offerings of extremely precious things or difficult
tasks if the call upon Fate was particularly spectacular. If the Scion makes the appropriate
sacrifice, both she and the party that performed the divination for her gain a number of
Legend points equal to the level of Prophecy or Mystery that was used; if she fails to make
the sacrifice, however, both of them lose the same amount of Legend (and if they do not
have enough Legend in their pool to lose it take the difference as unsoakable aggravated
The Scion must perform the sacrifice immediately after the divination occurs to avoid
being considered to have failed. She can take any action that is focused directly on getting
whatever materials or goal she requires for the sacrifice, but if she deviates for anything
else will find herself suffering Fates displeasure. If she wishes to avoid performing the
sacrifice altogether, she may spend a point of Ori to do so; when she does, she and her
diviner neither gain nor lose Legend as a result of the divination.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Upon becoming a demigod, a Scion is no longer mortal or subject to the whims of petty
mortal destinies. The Scion with this boon is meant for bigger things, and his ori responds
by bolstering his innate divine powers, urging him on to ever more glorious and cosmic
destinies. When he purchases this boon, the Scion chooses one Attribute, two Purviews
and two Abilities; he gains an instant and permanent maximum-level Fatebond to each of
them as they become part of his ori, representing the things he is destined to do and be in
the future. Likewise, he must choose one Attribute, two Purviews and two Abilities to
which he will gain negative Fatebonds, representing the fact that his ori is opposed to him
going down such paths. These Fatebonds are not tied to any mortals and may never be
removed, though enough opposing Fatebonds may still outweigh their benefits. Those
with the Twist the Web spell may still attempt to use it to alter their terms, but they must
be able to overcome the difficulty needed to change all of the Fatebonds features, or find
that they are incapable of rewriting even the smallest portion of the Scions Fate.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
The Scion who purchases this boon has become so powerful that she can reach out and
take her destiny into her own hands. Reborn as a divine power in her own right, she may
choose her ori, just as she did before she was born, acquiring a second, potent destiny that
works in tandem with the first. When she purchases this boon, she should choose a
second form of herself in which to invest the new ori; popular choices include a version of
herself as the opposite sex, as a spirit of an opposing force, as an animal or even as an
inanimate object such as a tree (different forms may have different handicaps, depending
on Storyteller ruling, so a Scion should choose hers wisely). Once she has done so, she
automatically swaps between the two forms every month; if she pays a point of Ori, she
may choose to change forms early, following whichever of her destinies she chooses.
Because she has taken on the mantle of a completely different and opposing destiny, the
Scions permanent Fatebonds from the Akunleyan boon reverse themselves, and she finds
that she has gained bonuses to those she previously had negative ties to and vice versa.
Her second destiny also gains its own connection to her physical head, and when she is in
her alternate form she must choose a different set of powers for different features on her
head, just as she did for her original form with the Akunlegba boon (these are permanent
once she has chosen them and she cannot change them in the future; if an effect
specifically refers to a given purview, Attribute, Ability or Virtue, the Scion may choose
the same enhancement for her new destiny but must apply it to a different target).
Her highest and lowest Virtues swap their number of dots (if more than one Virtue is tied
for highest or lowest, choose which is most appropriate; this cannot be changed at a later
date). The new form also has its own separate Ori pool, which the Scion may spend only
while she is embodying it. Whenever the Scion swaps forms to her alternate, she
immediately heals all of her bashing and lethal damage and half of any aggravated
damage she might have. Finally, whichever purview that the Scions head allowed those
touching her to channel Prophecy or Mystery now swaps to the other as she manifests
her new destiny.
Committing to either of her destinies is reflexive, but it is also a serious action, and she
may only change forms once per week. However, she must shift at least once per month.
If she forces herself to neglect one of her ori for longer than that, she takes one point of
unsoakable lethal damage per day that she holds off the change, and this damage cannot
be healed as long as she avoids fulfilling her other destiny. If she has chosen to spend a
point of Ori to change forms early, she begins her countdown to the next month from that
Cost: 1 Ori per use
Dice Pool: None
Scions of the Orisha have weighty power over their own destinies, but they still need the
art of divination in order to provide them with insight and help making those fates come
true. Not every Scion is a diviner himself, however, or always has the energy to seek out
his ori; this boon allows him to invest others as temporary babalawo or iyalawo, his need
for divination so urgent that even those who are normally blind to the mysteries of the
universe suddenly see. Whenever he wishes, the Scion may spend a point of Ori in order
to grant someone else level 5 Mystery or the Become the Herald Prophecy boon, which
they may use immediately on his behalf at no cost. These phantom powers must be used
immediately and may not be saved for later, but otherwise function in every way exactly
as they would if their possessor actually had the purviews in question. The Scion may
only use this boon on someone who already has Prophecy or Mystery if they have
exhausted their Mystery channels or do not possess enough resources to use Prophecy as
they normally would.
Cost: 1 Legendary Deed per use
Dice Pool: None
The Orisha are not only constantly in pursuit of their own ori but also charged with the
divine responsibility to aid mankind as they reach for their own. The Yoruba gods provide
help to struggling humanity in its journey toward destiny in many ways, but the most
concrete and direct is through this boon, which has long been used to allow the gods to
enhance and excite the destinies of mortals along with their own. Once per month, the
Scion may choose to fully possess a mortal (usually one participating in a religious festival
in her honor), anywhere in the World without regard to her current location; when she
does so, she gains complete and total control of the mortals body, speaking, moving and
bending it as she wishes, while her own body enters the mortal's and is no longer to be
found wherever she was. Any actions she causes the body to take use the mortals dice
pools rather than her own, and she is immune to Fatebonds while she is in possession of a
mortal shell. While she is thus riding a mortal, she grants them some of her divine
powers, making them capable of extraordinary feats thanks to the strength of her godly
ori temporarily overpowering their own. Mortals who are being ridden by one of the
Orisha gain a bonus to all their soaks equal to their riders Legend, as well as a bonus of
the same in dice to any action they attempt to take. Humans under the influence of the
gods have been known to walk across flaming coals without harm, perform incredibly
complex and moving performance art pieces or tear the throats from living animals with
their bare teeth.
Once the Scion has possessed a mortal and participated in at least an hour of religious
ceremony, dispensing knowledge, performing amazing feats or impressing the other
worshipers with her divine presence, she regains one point of Ori for each of her two
destinies. Her direct connection to those who support her journey toward her ori
impresses Fate itself, and for the remainder of the month, no negative Fatebonds can
apply to anything that the cult she visited is positively Fatebound to. Her control over her
mortal vessel lasts for twenty-four hours or until she voluntarily withdraws, at which
point she may reappear either at her original location or at the mortal's, and the human
thus blessed has no memory of anything he or she did while under the Scions influence.
Balanced Ori: The Scion is so in tune with his ori that he no longer has any difficulty
embracing it. He may use the Iwa Pele boon to switch between his different ori as often as
he wishes.
Forceful Ori: The Scion's iron control over his ori is such that he can bend it partially to
his will. Both of his ori are active at all times; his Fatebonds from the Akunleyan boon
cancel one another out and he has only a single Ori pool, but he has the benefits of all his
Akunlegba relics at once.
Unshakeable Ori: The Scion commits to one of his ori with such complete determination
that he can never be parted from it. One of his alternate personas from the Iwa Pele boon
and its accompanying relics is permanently destroyed, but his Fatebonds, relic bonuses
and Ori pool from the other permanently double.
In addition, now that the Scion has fully become one with his ori and all those who
believe in his divine destiny, he may use it to visit his loyal cultists whenever he wishes.
He may spend a point of Ori to instantly teleport from anywhere except a Titanrealm to
one of his cult centers as a five-tick action.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Karma, or the action that turns the wheel of Fate, dictates how a Scions actions alter and
change both the world around him and his own destiny. The Scion with this Boon is more
fully in tune with his own soul than most and may, by spending the requisite cost, cause it
to briefly transcend his normal limitations to take truly spiritual actions. When he does
so, he may immediately gain dots of Awareness, Empathy, Fortitude, Integrity or Presence
equal to his Legend rating for the remainder of the scene; these dots are in addition to any
he already possesses, and allow the use of Epic Attributes if he does not have any to begin
with. This boon may be used more than once per scene to gain bonuses to more than one
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Kriya, or the wholly completed action, represents the Scions ability to succeed firmly in
something she has put her mind to. She is innately able to learn any skill that enables her
to succeed quickly and easily; she may purchase dots of Art, Athletics, Brawl, Command,
Control, Investigation, Larceny, Marksmanship, Medicine, Melee, Stealth, Survival or
Thrown for 2 XP per dot, no matter the level (if the ability is associated for her, she pays
only 1 XP). Knacks that provide XP discounts on abilities, however, no longer provide her
any benefit.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Tapasya is the practice of bodily asceticism that leads to mental freedom, practiced not
only by the great sages of history but by the gods themselves as well. When the Scion
chooses to practice an austerity, he chooses to give up either food, water or sleep for an
indefinite period of time; once he has done so, he must subtract one success per day (up to
a maximum of his Legend) that he abstains from one of his physical attributes as the heat
of his spiritual suffering consumes him, no matter what his normal endurance might be.
At the same time, he gains one success per day (again, up to a maximum of his Legend) to
one of his mental attributes, his mind achieving clarity as it leaves the shackles of the
body behind. Attributes rise and fall as shown below:
Not only are these penalties and bonuses applied to rolls, but they also affect formulas
derived from those attributes a Scion abstaining from water, for example, would find his
DV affected, while a Scion suffering from lack of food would find it much harder to lift
things. This boons effects end immediately as soon as the Scion partakes of the necessity
he has been ignoring, and he must start over from zero if he wishes to begin practicing
tapasya again.
Cost: 1 Legend and 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Varies (see below)
Pratyave is the observed sin, and the Scion with this Boon may not only recognize it but
turn it back upon its creator, immediately revealing the error of their ways. Whenever
any being takes a supernatural action that is targeted upon the Scion (it must be directed
specifically at her), she may spend the requisite cost to immediately perform it upon them
in return, regardless of whether or not it is a power she possesses or has even heard of.
The may only use this Boon supernatural powers that require a roll and uses her own
attributes and abilities when she does so; if the Scions target is unaffected by the power
the Scion uses this on (i.e., an undead creature who had used a Health Boon on her), this
Boon has no effect. While the Scion can visit the same power on her aggressor with this
Boon, it does not give her any special knowledge or allow her to ignore it; the Scion
herself is still affected by whatever power she reflects back and does not know the nature
of the power unless it is something she recognizes on her own.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Mahaprasthana is the great journey that all living things embark upon as they ride the
wheel of Fate through space, time, and even life and death. The Scion with this Boon
gives her life in order to experience the entire journey in the blink of an eye, gaining
firsthand knowledge of a complete journey around the wheel. Once and only once after
purchasing this Boon, when the Scion dies (she may commit suicide, ask for a friends
help, or merely wait until she falls in battle; the method of her death is not important) she
immediately rides the great wheel of reincarnation before being reborn as if she had never
been killed. Upon returning from her ride around the wheel, which takes less than a
second of time but seems like a full and complete journey to the Scion herself, she is
effectively a new incarnation of herself who still retains all the knowledge and
understanding of her current life; to reflect this fundamental change in her soul, she may
redistribute her Virtue points however she sees fit. She may also choose to swap out up to
two of her favored Purviews and Epic Attributes, and up to three of her Abilities; if she
does not, she may add one new favored Purview or Epic Attribute and one new favored
Ability (or no new Purviews or Epic Attributes and three new Abilities), up to a maximum
of eight total. The Scions sudden, astonishing glimpse of the complete journey of the
wheel is a one-time experience, and she may not use this Boon again in the future; she
must make all decisions at the time she purchases it.
Cost: Varies (see below)
Dice Pool: None
Tantra, or far-reaching understanding, represents the Scions ability to accept and
understand everything around him, beginning to pierce through the veils of illusion in the
world to see it at its most fundamental layer. He may now roll his Intelligence instead of
his Perception when attempting to see through illusions; in addition, he may spend one
point of Legend to substitute his Intelligence for his Perception in any other roll that
would normally call for it. Finally, he may roll his Intelligence instead of Perception when
he activates boons or knacks, but doing so doubles that powers normal cost.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Siddhi is complete perfection, the ability of one truly advanced on her spiritual path to
being to understand and interact with the illusionary world that surrounds her with
aplomb. Now capable of performing normally difficult feats with simple ease due to her
phenomenal understanding of the maya that surrounds her, the Scion immediately gains
four of the following Boons: Eye of the Storm, Delay Rot, Destroy Dead, Quench, Heal,
The Unlidded Eye, Unbarred Entry or Skys Grace. Once she has chosen them (the choice
is permanent and she cannot change it later), she is able to behave as if she possesses
those Boons as long as she pays twice their normal activation cost to use them. She does
not actually possess these Boons but is merely tapping into similar powers as handy tools
to interact with the false world around her; they are unaffected by Fatebonds and she may
still buy the real Boons at any time if she so chooses.
Cost: 30 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Moksha, the final release from the chains of samsara and the achievement of true
enlightenment and liberation, is the ultimate goal of all worshipers of the Deva, and the
Scion with this Boon has finally learned to transcend to place herself above the
machinations of the eternal wheel. By spending the requisite cost, the Scion breaks free of
the worlds illusions and leaves the cycle of samsara completely, becoming nigh
untouchable; she automatically sees through any and all uses of the Illusion purview
except for The Trickster. If at any point any object, substance or matter attempts to
interact with her, she may choose to spend a point of Legend to ignore it as if it does not
exist, allowing it to pass harmlessly through her as she recognizes its fundamentally
illusory nature. The only exceptions to this rule are beings of Legend rating 9 or higher,
whose bodies are made of the very real essence of the divine, and Relics with a rating of
10 or higher, which have become part of the same godly reality. The Scion retains these
abilities until the end of the scene, at which point she can no longer hold her
concentration and becomes part of the cycle once more.
In addition to these temporary effects, upon purchasing this Boon the Scion finds that all
powers granted by the Siddhi Boon are permanently and freely activated thereafter;
walking through walls and seeing the magical structure of the world becomes second
nature to her. If a power granted by Siddhi targets another being (such as Heal), it is free
once per scene and costs as normal for any further uses.
Keku is the ancient and immemorial realm of darkness, the source of all shadows and the
anathema to all light. From its unfathomable inky depths came some of the first beings in
existence, and no god has ever been able to truly say that they could map its vast extent or
uncover all of the countless secrets it still holds. Keku is the source of all things that crawl
in the dark, all creatures and shadows that slide through the night and every fear, mortal
or divine, that troubles the living and gives no peace to the dead. To enter Keku is to
abandon all hope and plunge into neverending blackness.
Keku's blinding and uncompromising darkness blots out not only sight but every other
sense as well, depriving those who enter it of any way of perceiving or understanding the
environment around them. Mundane forms of doing so such as lights or radar simply fail
completely to operate, and all Perception rolls suffer from a penalty of 15 successes
regardless of what they are trying to do or which sense they affect. Because it is almost
impossible to perceive in Keku, so is it impossible to use any powers that require
perception; any roll or knack that involves Appearance automatically fails unless some
form of preternatural light source (a rare phenomenon indeed) is active nearby. So heavy
is the crushing weight of the impenetrable blackness that it actively destroys and
permanently snuffs out not just light but those associated with it; anyone who enters
Keku immediately suffers a number of levels of unsoakable lethal damage equal to their
Moon, Stars and Sun boons as the realm reacts to snuff out their very existence.
The utter darkness, silence and lack of landmarks cause travelers to Keku to become
easily lost in its endless shadows. Anyone attempting to find their way must make a
Perception + Awareness roll that nets at least 50 successes; if they fail, they roll a single
die. If the result is a 9 or 10, they find their way to their destination, but if it is anything
else, they wander off in a random incorrect direction, incapable of even telling that they
are going the wrong way.
All Darkness boon rolls gain +20 dice while in Keku, but most denizens of the realm are
immune to their effects. Anyone attempting to use the Moon, Stars or Sun purviews must
roll their total boons in that purview against the Titanrealm (which rolls 25 dice and
counts 6s as successes) or find that these extremely foreign powers simply cannot
function here; even if they succeed, the results are likely to be weaker or to decay more
quickly than usual. Powers that provide light as a secondary effect, such as some Fire or
Sky boons, may still be used but provide no illumination whatsoever unless their
controller can defeat the Titanrealm in the same roll. Those who possess the Night Eyes
boon may attempt to use it, but if they cannot defeat the realm's roll as above, they
remain as blind as any other despite their normal mastery over the domain of shadow.
Also Known as: Apapi, Apepi, Apophis
No Avatar of Keku is more feared than Apep, the great serpent and mortal enemy of the
Netjer and all who aid them. A massive, terrible creature whose girth is immeasurable and
whose might is nearly undefeatable, Apep struggles each day to devour the sun and
plunge the world into eternal darkness and chaos, thwarted only by the strong arms of the
Egyptian gods and his own short-sightedness. Single-minded in his furious desire to
destroy the world of light and swallow everything into the blackness of his maw, Apep is
a beast that even other Titans fear, and his might grows with every day he broods in the
dark and spawns his loathsome minions.
All Willpower expenditures are doubled while within Apep's domain, where terror is a
close companion and only other Avatars may travel with a chance of feeling no fear of the
realm's most terrible inhabitant. Upon entering Apep's area of dominion, a traveler must
immediately roll Appearance + Presence against a difficulty of 75 in an attempt to assert
his own existence against the nameless horror of the darkness that threatens to swallow
him; if he fails, he immediately loses the difference in Willpower points (if he does not
have enough Willpower points, he takes unsoakable bashing damage once they have all
been drained) and is overcome by crushing, insurmountable terror, rendering him
incapable of doing anything for the next 24 hours but collapsing in stark fear or fleeing in
blind panic. Those who succeed in resisting the overwhelming fear suffer no ill effects, but
Apep knows instinctively whenever such an event occurs, and is likely to come hunting
through his domain for the brazen intruder who does not fear his might.
Those who manage to withstand the crawling terror of merely being vaguely near Apep
may attempt to travel through his domain, but doing so is exceptionally dangerous. The
unseen ground is scored with myriad cracks and chasms caused by the endless
earthquakes Apep's movements trigger, all of them leading down to fathomless, soundless
depths. A Perception + Awareness roll of at least 50 is required to see them in time to
avoid them; those who fail may also roll a Wits + Athletics roll against a difficulty of 50 to
75 (depending on the chasm's size) to avoid falling in when they accidentally run into one.
Those who do tumble into the endless depths are never heard from again; they have
passed out of the reach of even most of Keku's inhabitants, consigned to the same black
emptiness that those hurled into the abyss by the Oubliette boon find themselves in.
Apep himself, when not rampaging into Duat to attack Ra's solar barque or hunting
miscreants he has sensed in his domain, remains coiled around the nameless peaks and
mountains that he has not yet knocked over, brooding and waiting for his next time to
strike. Anyone who avoids all the dangers of his realm may attempt to speak to him, but
no one has ever confronted the snake in his lair and lived to tell the tale of it.
While it is possible to use most boons as normal in Apep's domain, boons from the Sun
purview require double their normal Legend cost to activate.
The Amarok are the night hunters of Inuit mythology, massive, jet-black wolves with
teeth the size of hands and insatiable appetites. They hunt alone rather than in packs and
roam Apep's lands at will on the lookout for the infrequent intruders that are their only
source of sustenance. Generally somewhere between Legend 6 and 8, they will devour
anything and anyone they can catch.
Spindly horrors very unlike the popular conception of attractively sexual vampires, these
night horrors stalk Apep's territory in search of living souls to drain to slake their thirst.
They range from Legend 5 to 8, and blood is not the only precious resource that the
unwary may lose to them; their bites also drain Legend points from their victims, stealing
their very divine powers.
Apep's territory is rife with his children, enormous, hideous serpents of monstrous size
and terrifying appearance. Anywhere from Legend 7 to 11, they are Typhonian beasts
powerful enough to destroy gods all on their own, and only their general lack of
organization and tendency to fight among themselves prevents them from forming an
army that even the combined pantheons might fear to encounter.
Also Known as: Erebos
Erebus is the primordial personification of shadow itself, the ancient father of the first
powers of the Greek universe and the source of the beings that govern human life for the
span of their existence. He is the primal embodiment of darkness, the dark mirror of all of
civilization's greatest accomplishments and prides; without him, none of it would have
been possible, and he lives secure in the knowledge that his power could topple the gods
as easily as it allowed them to take their petty thrones.
Erebus dwells alone in the mountain that bears his name, only his family members,
myriad small gods and titans of the primordial shadow, welcome to bother him in his
innermost sanctum. All things in Keku are made of darkness and shadow, but Erebus'
domain is the source of shadow itself, and all things, even those fashioned purely of
blackness, have second shadows of their own here, indistinguishable to any but those with
Night Eyes but found everywhere in a constantly shifting dance of deepening shades of
blackness. Despite the fact that Erebus himself seldom bothers to stir or oppose those who
cross through his lands, they are far from safe; anyone who enters must immediately
make a Wits + Politics roll to avoid the area's dangerous inhabitants, and if she fails find
that a throng of shades have appeared to attempt to devour and destroy her.
Clustered around the mountain's roots is a thriving metropolis of buildings, creatures and
people, all fashioned completely of shadow and impossible to detect by all but the most
perceptive of visitors. Affairs in the city, referred to by its denizens as Aphota, are much
the same as in any metropolis; intrigues and dramas, love affairs and everyday labor all
play out just as they do in the world of light, as obliviously secure in their world as
humanity itself. The inhabitants of the city are shadows without accompanying bodies,
humanoid but impossible to distinguish feature and form without Night Eyes. They may
be anywhere from Legend 4 to Legend 8, and while they are not hostile to visitors (though
they may be surprised, as very few have ever been seen there in all the long millennia of
its existence), they may ask them for help or try to embroil them in their own schemes,
politics and problems.
In addition to the normal difficulties of attempting to navigate the sightless reaches of the
Titanrealm, anyone who comes near Aphota finds herself beset by a new problem: her
shadow, enlivened by its proximity to its ancient father, takes on a life of its own and
attempts to escape her, longing to depart to become one of the citizens of Aphota itself.
She may have conversations with her shadow, which has a personality of its own and may
take any reasonable action or pursue any reasonable conversation at the Storyteller's
discretion. Every hour that the visitor remains within Erebus' domain, she must roll
Strength + Occult (adding her Darkness boons as automatic successes) against a difficulty
of 75 in order to hold on to the unruly shadow and prevent it from separating itself from
her. If she fails, the shadow escapes, leaving her diminished and affected as if by the
Shadow Plunder boon; she will regenerate a new shadow of her own in 32 days, but she
also loses a permanent dot of Willpower from the stress of losing part of herself
irrevocably to the darkness. The escaped shadow invariably goes to Aphota to become one
of its shadowy citizens, and no one has ever succeeded in regaining their departed dark
half once lost.
Erebus also lays claim to part of the territories of the Underworld Hades, which he has
inhabited for so long that even the Theoi are at a loss as to when he first decided it should
belong to him. The portal between his realm and the Underworld allows travel in both
directions at will, and as a result his lands are also populated by the unfortunate shades of
the Grecian dead who have accidentally wandered into an even greater darkness and can
no longer find their way back.
All Death boons used in Erebus' realm receive a bonus of 20 dice and cost one point each
of Legend and Willpower less than usual to activate, bolstered by the proximity of the
Underworld. The powers of life are crippled here, however, and those attempting to use
boons from the Health purview must roll their total number of Health boons against the
Titanrealm's 25 dice in order to have any hope of succeeding.
Malevolent and hungry, ancient and angry, shades of eye-aching blackness wander the
borders of Erebus' domain, vaguely humanoid in shape but almost totally one with the
Titanrealm's overall blackness after millennia of living in its darkest heart. These lost
creatures are the original shadows of the world, the first shadows of the first things in
existence; now they are hungry, wandering memories of those long-gone objects, and
range in power and form depending on what being they originally shadowed.
Black Dogs
These large, shaggy black dogs are the harbingers of doom of Celtic lore, appearing to
those who are about to die to presage thier imminent demise. They are massive Nemean
or Typhonian beasts ranging from Legend 7 to 10; they are dangerous enough if hungry,
but in addition afflict all who see them with a curse not unlike the Evil Eye spell, which
manifests randomly in some future scene, bringing down the full force of their foretold
doom on the unlucky target.
Nyx is Erebus' queen, the mistress of night and ancient mother of most of its cherished
children. She is a mighty force to be reckoned with quite apart from her husband,
wielding impressive powers of prophecy and insight, and she is often found keeping an
eye on Erebus' domain or holding court with him in his high mountain home. She is
seldom unattended, as her primordial children frequently visit, the creatures of night, time
and death lending their support to whatever she might decide to do.
Also Known as: Kek
Indistinct and mysterious, Kuk is one of the most ancient creatures in existence, a
member of the Ogdoad that first crawled from the primordial nothingness to form the
foundations of the universe. A Titan who represents obscurity, mystery and the hidden
secrets that darkness always conceals, Kuk is said to be frog-headed and wise, but in truth
this is mostly hearsay; few have ever found or spoken to him, and fewer still realized what
being they were conversing with, cognizant only of a feeling of loss and ignorance
afterward, as if something important had been taken and buried away from them forever.
Though all of Keku is difficult to navigate at best, Kuk's home, referred to by the other
Titans simply as the Obscurity, exists to hide, obscure and prevent the discovery of
everything, including direction and destination. Those who enter it must immediately roll
Perception + Investigation against a difficulty of 75; if they fail, they spend the next seven
days wandering, confused, in various random directions, losing their way entirely and
wandering away from any companions or friends they might have come with before even
realizing that they are now alone, just one more of the secrets kept hidden by Kuk's
As the darkest layer of secrets and obfuscation, The Obscurity surrounds, supports and
permeates the territories of all the other Titan Avatars; it is in a sense below them, the
deepest level of Keku into which a traveler may fall. It is here that those who have been
imprisoned with the Oubliette boon are hidden away from the world and all who have
ever known them; it is possible to rescue them by journeying here to seek them out
instead of attempting to use the same boon to find them, but it is perilous and almost
impossible to do so. Few who enter Kuk's domain find what they are looking for, and
fewer still find their way back out if they do.
All Stealth rolls in the Obscurity gain a bonus of 30 dice as it is in the realm's nature to
aid in the the hiding of one's self, and furthermore no power in existence can find anyone
remotely while they remain here (whether Mystery, Prophecy, Psychopomp or any other).
Perception knacks that allow you to be contacted from a distance suffer from an
additional difficulty of 30 to do so. However, the same applies to the traveler within Kuk's
domain as well; he is equally unable to get any contact or direction out of the shadows of
obscurity to his targets.
Kuk's wife and female counterpart, Keket, is equally engimatic and difficult to find or
comprehend, moving through the realm as he does, keeping its secrets buried and its
shades drawn. She is said to be snake-like, and the fact that no one has ever encountered
them together causes many to theorize that she is merely another of his forms rather than
an entity in her own right. Whatever she is, she is the only other being in existence who
might have any knowledge of Kuk's secrets besides him.
Also Known as: Niol, Olios, Svefngamn
Swarthy, regal Nott is the Norse Titan of darkness and night, drawing the veil across the
world every night to plunge it into darkness until she allows the return of her bright
husband and son in the morning. Galloping through the skies leaving darkness,
unconsciousness and the strange madness of dreams behind her, Nott is a primal force
who has no care for the desire of humanity for light or the safety of day; she reigns
supreme over the heart of the most lightless, dream-filled part of humanity's lives.
Though Nott's tyrannical insistence on night and her recent attempts to extend its time
have won her few allies among the Norse peoples, she is still held in high esteem by the
Svartalfar, the dark elves whose realm may be reached from within her lands. Much of
Nott's dark, gloomy territory is populated by these elves, more loyal to her than to the
Aesir, living in villages that form the sprawling kingdom of Svartsheim, a bastion of
lightless but bustling life that never need fear the harsh brightness of day. The borders of
her domain are patrolled by giants almost as dark and forbidding as herself, augmented by
her Jotunblut and loyal only to her, ready to turn away or destroy any intruder who might
prove to seek to steal her secrets or act against her.
Night's presence is especially heavy in Nott's domain and its duration never-ending; those
who enter it must make an Intelligence + Occult roll of at least 75 or find themselves
crippled by the sudden, overwhelming knowledge that the day will never come and that
the gloomy, depressing length of the night stretches on ahead of them into infinity. They
are immediately drained of all Willpower points and cannot regain any for a full week,
which most spend moping sadly around their immediate environs or lying in uncaring
ennui until they can once again feel hope returning.
All Darkness boons gain an additional 10 dice bonus in Nott's lands and cost one point of
Legend less; however, anyone who uses them must roll their total Darkness boons against
her 25, and if they fail find that the effects of the boon are under Nott's control rather than
their own.
The swift dark steed that carries Nott on her errands, Hrimfaxi is a coal-black steed with a
mane and tail of bone-piercing, frozen ice, the embodiment of the cold of the most dead
and dark recesses of the night. He is Legend 9 and extremely difficult to control for
anyone but his mistress, but anyone who manages the monumental task will find that he
allows sure-footed and incredibly fast travel around Keku, instinctively avoiding pitfalls
and dangers that are second nature to him despite being hidden from his rider. The theft
of her horse, however, would surely rouse Nott and all her forces to utterly destroy the
impudent thief.
Those dark elves who reside in Nott's realm are even more at home in the stygian
lightlessness than their cousins in Svartalfheim, and their loyalty to their mistress, who in
turn takes very good care of them and bestows upon them pleasant dreams of eventual
victory, is legendary. They range from Legend 3 for workers and average citizens to
Legend 8 for the generals and soldiers that train to join her army and prepare for
whatever cause she should choose to direct them to.
Night Jotun
Nott's Jotunblut is potent indeed; it is unknown who the mortal men that were
transformed thus into her minions might once have been, but the giants, utterly black-
skinned and impassive, that they have become have been Nott's enforcers and guardians
for many centuries at least. They are formidable enemies and capable of great destruction
and mayhem when alerted to a threat; they may be anywhere from Legend 7 to 10, and
their slow-wittedness is more often than not amply made up for by their ability to
obliterate any obstacle or enemy that comes their way.
Also Known as: Neuth, Newet, Nuit
Nut is the night sky itself, a universal mother who swallows all light into darkness and
gives birth to it again later, symbolizing darkness' eternal role as the begetter of life and
light. Long ago separated from her beloved husband Geb by the Netjer, Nut is a lonely and
bitter creature, robbed of what she believes to be her rights and happiness by her own
traitorous family members. She has no real desire to see the world destroyed, but neither
is she invested in the saving of it, and the forces of her gentle night support Apep in the
hopes that one day the Egyptian gods may be punished for their misbehavior and Geb
reclaimed, crushing the world in the vice of their love once more.
Nut's endless sadness permeates her entire realm, which has very few structures and
comforts, being merely a prison of darkness in which she broods, withholding light until
forced to give it up by outside forces. Those who enter must immediately roll Charisma +
Empathy against a difficulty of 75; if they fail, they are overcome by the crushing sorrow
of Nut's ancient discontent and spend the next 24 hours sunk in grief, unable to do
anything but weep and bemoan their fates while they lose Willpower equal to the
difference (if they do not have enough Willpower, they take unsoakable bashing damage
once it is gone). Nut, when she can be located wandering sadly through the endless
darkness, is inconsolable and will not welcome any upstart who dares try to tell her that
her lot is somehow fair or tolerable.
Nut's domain is the only part of Keku in which boons that shed light may be freely used
without having to overcome the Titanrealm's resistance to them, but all inhabitants of her
territories are immune to their injurious or inconvenient effects, and while they may
operate, they do so at a -20 dice penalty and with an increased cost of 2 Legend for each
Celestial Piglets
Those who venture into Nut's starry fields will find them rife with piglets (though never
adult pigs), ranging from Legend 3 to 7 and apparently interested in nothing more than
eating and rooting in the dirt in traditional piglet fashion. They represent the myriad stars
that are Nut's charges, and while they are not hostile and are probably very succulent,
injuring or killing any of them would bring down the normally languid and distracted
Titan's swift and violent retribution.
Also Known as: Rahula
Rahu is counted by many as the most horrific of all Keku's terrible Avatars, and indeed he
may deserve that title. He is perhaps the most disturbing to behold: a gigantic,
disembodied and grinning head, moving through the darkness under its own power like a
malevolent fish in water, devouring everything in his path with his hideous teeth and
constantly drawn to seek out and swallow any and all sources of light that might have
invaded his territory. An asura who was beheaded by the Deva for stealing their soma but
who turned out to be entirely impervious to death, Rahu nurses an unending rage and
vengeful hatred of the Hindu gods and never ceases his attempts to destroy them,
particularly Vishnu, who beheaded him, and Surya and Chandra, who alerted Vishnu to
his presence in the first place. Rahu is the personification of the malevolent eclipse, the
hungry darkness swallowing the light whole, leaving the world to tremble in the darkness,
hoping against hope that it might return.
Very little lives anywhere near Rahu if it can possibly help it, as he swallows friend and
foe indiscriminately and is always on the hunt for new targets to slake his lust for food
and vengeance; the Hungry Dark is empty of all but the bravest and the most foolhardy
and self-destructive. Only Ketu, his headless body, is immune to his depredations, and no
traveler stays in his realm for long lest they find themselves abruptly crushed by
monstrous teeth without ever seeing their owner materialize.
All who enter the Hungry Dark are immediately afflicted with his overwhelming fury; if a
visitor fails to roll at least 75 on a Strength + Integrity roll, she finds herself filled with
impotent fury and drained of all her Willpower, the second condition remaining for a full
week and the first in full force until she departs Rahu's territory. All boons from the
Moon, Stars and Sun purviews have an additional dice penalty of -20 here, and the
difficulty to overcome the realm's resistance to use them is increased to 35; should anyone
try to do so and fail, Rahu's malice strikes them full force, dealing unsoakable aggravated
damage equal to all boons she possesses in those three purviews.
Rahu's headless body is referred to as Ketu, and it is his only companion in the dark
wastest of the Titanrealm. Constantly seeking him but unable to reattach even if it located
him, it wanders his territory in a chariot fashioned of solid shadow, pulled by eight horses,
their hides a red that shines so darkly that it appears black to all but the most artistically
refined eye. It seldom makes directly threatening moves toward intruders, being
handicapped by its lack of cranium, but it does immediately relay the location and
movements of visitors it encounters to Rahu, the better to aid him in locating his next
anger-seasoned meal.
Muspelheim is the primordial realm of flame and heat, the source of all fire and warmth
and one of the most effortlessly destructive Titanrealms in existence. Its heat is all-
consuming, destroying all but the hardiest of gods as soon as they set foot into its hellish
inferno. Volcanoes form and lava flows freely; deserts so hot that the sand catches fire are
commonplace. The only beings capable of surviving here are those for whom fire is their
natural element - creatures of magma and flame, destruction and consumption, all
overseen by the Titan Avatars that embody the forces of the ever-present devouring heat.
Muspelheim is hideously inhospitable toward all life that cannot handle raw, burning
flame and smoke; every hour spent in Muspelheim deals 75 armor-ignoring lethal damage
to anyone foolish enough to venture in, just from the overwhelming heat of the place.
Anyone with a godly level of Fire (8 or above) may roll their total number of Fire boons
against the realm (which rolls 25 dice and counts 6s as successes); if they succeed, their
Fire Immunity operates for that hour, but they must roll again once it has expired. A
smoky haze also hangs perpetually over the realm, and once per hour visitors must roll
Perception + Awareness and gain at least 50 successes to avoid wandering off in the
wrong direction, disoriented by the heavy smoke and heat. Those who do fail must roll a
single die; if the result is odd they go left of their intended destination, if even they go
right, and if it is a 1 they get completely turned around and begin to head back the way
they came.
Those who wish to cross the Magma Sea or any of the many rivers of boiling lava that
snake through Muspelheim must roll Dexterity + Athletics and gain a 50 in order to do so;
those with Lightning Sprinter or higher-level speed knacks may do so if they gain a 40,
running quickly enough to avoid getting a hotfoot from the lava's surface (those with
Cat's Grace or Divine Balance may lower the difficulty by 5 for each knack). Anyone who
has the misfortune of falling into the magma immediately suffers 25 armor-ignoring
aggravated damage and must roll a single die; if the result is a 1 or a 2, one of their relics
(determined randomly by the Storyteller) was bathed in the deadly heat. Its owner rolls
one die if it has a rating of 1-5, two if it is 6-10 and 5 if it is 11 or more; if the combined
roll is lower than 10, the relic loses the difference in dots, its powers worn away by the
damaging effects of the magma.
All Fire boon rolls gain +20 dice while in Muspelheim, but most denizens of the realm are
immune to their effects. Anyone attempting to use the Fertility, Frost or Water purviews
must roll against the Titan as above or find that these extremely foreign powers simply
cannot function here; even if they succeed, the results are likely to be weaker or to decay
more quickly than usual. Gods heavily invested in those purviews find that Muspelheim's
very nature revolts against them, and upon entering the Titanrealm all visitors take
immediate unsoakable lethal damage equal to their total number of Fertility, Frost and
Water boons as the realm attempts to expunge their opposing powers from itself.
Powers: Fire, Earth, Strength
Taciturn, bad-tempered and hostile to anyone and everyone, Aganju has no interest in
helping or even tolerating the presence of others, preferring his volcanic domain and the
hot lava flows that so closely parallel his temper. Though he can be innovative, he is
notoriously jealous of his discoveries and prone to destroying anyone or anything
imprudent enough to request access to them. A bringer of great change, whether in the
form of building new things or cataclysmically destroying old ones, he may be the father
of many of the Orisha but he has no interest whatsoever in cooperating with them.
Salamanders, amphibian-like creatures that range from a few inches to a few yards in
size, populate the Magma Sea of Aganju's domain in astonishing numbers. They revel in
the combination of heat and liquid that the magma provides, and while they are not the
most dangerous predators of Muspelheim, they are nevertheless formidable to the unwary
if particularly large, prone to dragging their intended prey down into the superheated
liquid to die a swift and miserable death. They have been known to walk on either all four
feet or only two, and breathe small bursts of flame when agitated as well as leaving a
slimy, steaming trail of lava behind them wherever they go. The Magma Sea is dotted
throughout with spawning pools, filled to brimming with the large cocoons in which
young salamanders gestate; the enterprising can harvest the strands of such cocoons to
potentially make relic cloth with impressive fire-related properties. Should anyone have
the gumption to tear open one of these cocoons and drink the blood of the embryonic
salamander inside, he or she gains 10 soak against all fire-related damage for the next 24
hours... as well as the eternal enmity of some very angry flaming amphibians.
The enormous, giant-like humanoids are one of the worst nightmares of Chilean
mythology, cannibalistic creatures of magma and rock who live deep in the vents of
volcanoes in order to shake them, feeding on the stone and causing eruptions. Found in
the roots of every volcano dotting the Magma Sea and occasionally traveling around
them, undeterred by the boiling muck, cherufe look as though they were cobbled together
from the mountain itself, blocky and rough as stone with veins of hot liquid running
brightly through their vaguely lizard-like shapes. Their activities keep the volcanoes
erupting near-constantly, forming a significant hazard to anyone attempting to travel
between them, and particularly spectacular eruptions in Muspelheim may trigger a
sympathetic eruption in the related volcano in the World. The cherufe can only be
convinced to cease in their destructive digging by being offered a living sacrifice
(preferably a virgin girl) thrown into the cone of the volcano, whereupon they allow
volcanic activity to die briefly down but have still been known to hurl the hapless
sacrifice's flaming, decapitated skull back out to remind their propitiators of their deed.
The heart of a cherufe, if successfully removed, may be fashioned by talented crafting
gods into a powerful Earth or Fire relic.
Powers: Animal (Dog, Snake), Fire, Guardian
Fiery, jealous Chantico is a temperamental and dangerous being, able to transition from
tending the quiet fires of the hearth or kitchen to the raging, destructive blasts of a
volcano. Having long ago sworn enmity to the Teotl after she was punished for eating a
forbidden spice, Chantico broods ceaselessly and satiates her appetites on anything and
everything that crosses her path, refusing to be denied consumption any more than the
leaping flames that surround her. Notoriously possessive and spiteful, she amasses all
treasures and precious things that strike her fancy, but heaven help the unwary traveler
who dares touch her hoard; no dragon's wrath could compare to her instant, punitive
response to anyone so foolish.
Chantico's temple is a great pyramidal stone edifice, reeking of spices and dog, but
reaching it is extraordinarily difficult thanks to its placement in the middle of the Blasted
Desert. The wastelands are extremely inhospitable, filled with sand-traps and so hot to the
touch that those without armored shoes are likely to be badly burned simply from walking
through it. Large, sickly-looking cacti stud the desert at random intervals; should any
traveler pass too close, they must roll their lowest of Dexterity or Wits + Athletics or find
that they have been stabbed by the malevolent spines, which seem to move of their own
accord. Anyone thus injured must roll stamina + Fortitude and net at least 80 successes or
be poisoned by the plants' foul ichor, taking the difference in unsoakable lethal damage.
Chantico herself despises visitors and assumes that anyone who approaches the temple is
on a mission to steal her treasures, which she keeps hidden in and around it as well as in
random caches throughout the blasted wastes. Anyone who approaches close enough for
her to notice will most likely find themselves set upon by her in her war-form, a
monstrous red serpent with fiery breath and god-sized teeth. The odds of surviving such
an attack are slim to none. Anyone who did, however, or who managed to sneak in
unnoticed, might see something that few living souls, divine or otherwise, can boast
having laid eyes on: the unfathomable lost wealth of the Teotl, accumulated beneath the
pyramids for centuries, replete with incredible riches, irresistible works of art and Relics
that have not been seen in long ages.
No one has ever taken from Chantico's hoard and lived for long, but the promise of what
incredible things might be found in it occasionally leads the braver and more foolhardy of
deities to their doom.
Flaming Dogs
Known familiarly as hellhounds, these are gigantic canines, ranging in girth from about
the size of a normal horse to over twenty feet tall and covered in seething, eternally-
burning flames, charring everything they come into contact with. They are anywhere
from Legend 7 to 10 and run in packs, roving the desert to protect its hidden caches and
feast on unlucky prey, and are capable of exhaling jets of flame when threatened or
closing in on a target.
Also known as ifrits or djinn, these creatures were born of flame instead of human clay
and resemble the mankind said to be their brothers only in the most superficial way. They
are masters of shapeshifting and can take on various forms, as well as being able to
change their size at will, from as small as a human hand to as large as 50 feet tall. They
wield the powers of flame easily and are skilled at deception as well; once per day, if they
are killed they instead merely teleport away (anywhere within a thousand mile radius)
and regain their full health pool as if never injured.
Also known as: Vesta
The eldest daughter of Cronus and Rhea, Hestia is the keeper of the hearth and home, the
greatest authority over women and the keeper of all warmth and fire that benefits
humanity and brings them comfort. Known to the ancient Greeks and Romans as the all-
important protector of the home and city, she received the first sacrifices and libations
and her followers were considered above all other women in authority, purity and
chastity. Though she once tended the fires of Olympus and supported her brother's rule,
she stepped down from among the Olympian gods long ago, retiring to the comfortable
warmth of Muspelheim to oversee all the world's hearths from the very source of their
Hestia's domain sits at the very heart of Muspelheim, the center of the realm just as the
hearths of the ancient world were always the center of every house and city. Though the
heat is no less intense, the lands surrounding the realm's core are lush with grasses and
crops, carefully settled and civilized the closer a traveler comes. Giant buildings in
classical Greek and Roman style spiral out from Hestia's domain, painted in inviting
warm, burnt colors and linked by paved and well-maintained streets and as pleasant to
walk in as any in the world. The city - for a city it is - are populated by tens of thousands
of Legend 4 people, all as quintessentially Greek as Hestia herself, still living their lives
happily as if plucked from the streets of Athens in its heyday. Delicious food and wine
abound everywhere, and the healing of any traveler who rests there occurs twice as
quickly as usual. Every household's hearth is tenanted by a tiny fire elemental, a living
sprite made of flame, and its leaping antics and warmth allow anyone who remains in
front of the hearth for a full night to refill her entire Willpower pool. Within the city, no
violence can be perpetrated unless the would-be offender can succeed at a Willpower +
Integrity + Legend roll that nets at least 50 successes; it costs 5 points of Legend to use
any resist knack against this, but dots of Expression always count as automatic successes
to this roll. It is extremely difficult to leave the comfort and peacefulness of Hestia's
domain, and any attempt to leave - or, indeed, to move further away from the hearth at all
- requires a Willpower + Integrity + Legend roll of at least 50 (though Endurance dots
count as automatic successes). Every day that passes lowers the difficulty of this roll by 1.
At the center of the city is Hestia's hearth, surrounded by a palatial temple of soaring
columns and walkways filled with endless bounty of food and drink. Relaxing in Hestia's
temple or near the gargantuan, ever-burning hearth, which spreads forever inviting and
rejuvenating warmth and energy around it, allows normal healing to occur at quadruple
its normal speed, and in every morning spent near it allows the regeneration of all
Willpower and of 5 points of Legend. All those near the hearth gain 75 dice to resist any
uses of Chaos, Darkness, Frost or Moon boons, and in addition gain those dice to all
Perception rolls made to notice an ambush. No fire or smoke penalties apply here as they
do elsewhere in Muspelheim, but it is so pleasant that it is nearly impossible to leave; the
difficulty of a roll to attempt to depart is now 100, and only lowers by 5 per week spent
there. In the crackling flames at the center of the hearth itself lie twin fiery passages, one
leading to Delphi and the other to the hearth at the center of Olympus; they may be used
to travel freely there, but Hestia guards them scrupulously and will allow no enemy of her
former pantheon free access to them.
Hestia herself is kind and grandmotherly, always willing to pass the time in conversation
with visitors or provide them whatever aid they might require. Having once been one of
the preeminent members of the Theoi herself, she may know and even share information
on them or the other Titans that no other beings are privy to. All uses of the Guardian
purview near the hearth gain 10 automatic successes from her proximity.
Sacred Wolves
The sacred wolves of Hestia are the staunchest defenders and protectors of her realm,
roaming in packs all around the edges of the city and even through the outskirts of its
streets. Immune to the blistering heat of Muspelheim and lithely muscled, ranging from
Legend 5 to 7, the wolves serve as the wardens of the domain, preventing more dangerous
creatures from harassing the residents and enforcing the peace on those rare occasions
that someone manages to break it momentarily.
Legend 8 cupbearers, regally clad youths and maidens of astonishing beauty and grace
with overflowing goblets of wine and succulent fruits, roam the city and offer hospitality
to any visitors, quenching their thirst as well as immediately bringing them to the central
hearth to visit the lady of the land. They will not attack anyone - in fact, they probably
can't - but they are extremely persistent in their attempts to extend Hestia's hospitality
and bring newcomes into the protective circle of her hearth, never to leave.
Also known as: Hinokagutsuchi, Homusubi, Kagu-tsuchi
Kagutsuchi is a ravening monster, the direct embodiment of the insatiable hunger of fire
from the moment of his birth, when his scorching heat and rending claws killed his
mother before she had even finished bringing him into the world. Though his grieving
father Izanagi attempted to destroy him, pure, furious flame could not be removed from
the world by anything as mundane as a sword, and Kagutsuchi's scattered body parts
became volcanoes, bringing his destructive powers to the realm of humanity. Without
reason and little more than a beast, Kagutsuchi lives only to swallow and burn, to scourge
and glory in the ashes.
Kagutsuchi has no permanent residence in Muspelheim; he would not understand the
need for one, and it's unlikely any one place could survive his presence for long anyway.
Instead, he travels randomly between the different volcanoes of the realm, imbuing each
with his hideous presence and causing occasional eruptions to blow spectacularly over the
Magma Sea. Whenever he causes a volcano to erupt, everyone in the Magma Sea must
make a Dexterity + Athletics roll of at least 75 to avoid being struck by the fallout; if they
fail, they are affected as if dunked in the lava itself, most likely causing grievous injury
and damage to them and anything they might be carrying (including relics).
As the first bringer of death into the world of the Kami, Kagutsuchi brings with him at all
times an aura of death and destruction that has over the long millennia permeated the
very volcanoes and mountains of the Magma Sea themselves. Anyone who lands on or
leaves one of the volcanoes must make a Willpower + Integrity + Legend roll against a
difficulty of 15; any difference is dealt to them immediately as unsoakable, unavoidable
aggravated damage. Kagutsuchi himself is also likely to immediately and mindlessly
destroy anyone he comes across, but he very seldom actually finds travelers, as most are
not hardy enough to survive the degenerative effects of being anywhere near him.
Kagutsuchi's bloodlust and hunger remain unchecked and unslaked no matter how much
he consumes, and his mindless, slow-burning rage is inexhaustible.
Strange, ubiquitously Japanese creaturse, the Aosaginohi are blue herons, incredibly
beautiful and limned with dancing, pale blue flames that serve to enhance the
otherworldly shine of their feathers and beaks. The Aosaginohi are not actively hostile
and will not attack travelers, but the mere sight of them is paralyzing; their beauty acts as
the Compelling Presence knack on anyone who sees them, potentially rendering them
helpless as they stare, spellbound, at these denizens of the flaming realm.
Famous in ancient Japan as tricksters and mischief-makers, these fire-breathing fox-
spirits haunt the edges of the Magma Sea, paying lip-service to Kagutsuchi but generally
more interested in their own amusement. They are cunning illusionists and sexually
rapacious, draining the Legend from anyone foolish enough to succumb to their charms.
Most of their time is spent luring fire giants and other locals into the Magma Sea to die,
but there is little challenge in the slow-witted creatures of Muspelheim and they are
always more interested in fresh blood.
Large, hideous and ogre-like beings, the oni are always impressive and have distinctly bad
attitudes, appearing as misshapen giant humanoids wearing samurai armor with swords
that drip liquid magma. They patrol the bases of the volcanoes, undeterred by the hostile
conditions there, and have exceptionally good senses, able to detect intruders from some
distance away. Their first priority is to immediately report any intruders to Kagutsuchi,
though if pressed they will also fight savagely.
Powers: Fire, Intelligence, Manipulation, Stamina
Prometheus is a complex being, at various times in his history both friend to the gods and
prone to humiliating and circumventing them. A master of foresight and knowledge and
the representative of the fires of inspiration, he lent his aid to the gods in the first
Titanomachy and helped them triumph, but mocked Zeus by tricking him into receiving
substandard sacrifices and defied him by stealing the secrets of flame and civilization
from the gods to bestow them upon an infant mankind. Though he was finally released
from Zeus' harsh punishment for his actions, he remains a wild card in divine politics, as
likely to oppose the gods as to help them and as prone to using his powers to inspire
knowledge in enemies as in friends.
Prometheus' main concern is the dissemination and use of knowledge, and his realm,
scattered around the skirts of his once-prison Mount Caucasus, is dotted with workshops
and smithies, forges and foundries, anything and everything used in the creation of ever-
greater and more hostile technologies. The realm is surrounded by a massive laser-guided
security system that instantly alerts Prometheus whenever intruders are present (unless
they roll at least a 50 on the lowest of either Dexterity or Wits + Stealth), and the
machines created therein (mostly super weaponry, nuclear-level cannons and agents of
destruction) are incredibly complex, requiring a successful roll of the lowers of Wits +
Academics or an appropriate Science that gains at least 100 successes to be successfully
operated. Those who wish to spend time (at least 24 hours) studying a machine may roll
Intelligence instead of Wits, but the roll gains a cumulative difficulty of 500 as its would-
be liberator must learn its functions and complicated workings as they go along. The
realm is mostly staffed by cyclopes, faithfully laboring to create ever more impressive
marvels, and automatons, many of which resemble Hephaestus' most prized creations
with certain "upgrades" for the Titan's purposes.
Prometheus has never forgotten his long (and, in his opinion, totally unjust) imprisonment
and torture; anyone who enters his domain with any dots of Animal related to any kind of
bird immediately begins taking 50 points of armor-ignoring lethal fire damage every
minute, slowly being destroyed lest they come anywhere near him. If they somehow
manage to make their way into his personal workshop on the mountain, the damage
becomes aggravated.
For those whom Prometheus does not consider a threat, however, it is possible to reap
some benefits from visiting him. Anyone who can sincerely prove to him that they can
survive the environment and wish to learn may be taught in his workshops, gaining the
benefits of Teaching Prodigy for Academics and Art as long as they stay.
The great phoenixes of Muspelheim, gigantic birds made of living flame, have their roosts
and nests on Mount Caucasus and from it ride the searing thermals of the Titanrealm.
They are voraciously hungry but not necessarily hostile unless their nests are intruded on.
If killed, they crumble to a pile of darlk ashes; if these are not immediately spread to the
four corners of the realm, the phoenix resurrects the next day as a new phoenix chick,
ready to grow again. The Caucasus is filled with a disproportionate number of nests and
chicks; while Prometheus despises the phoenixes as much as every other bird that reminds
him of his torture, he is unable to truly eradicate them and must instead settle for
constantly killing and resetting them back to infancy.
Powers: Fire, Stamina, Strength, War
Surtr is the great destroyer of the Norse people, a terrifying giant of unendurable heat,
unquenchable hunger and implacable hatred. Master of all forms of flame and the volcanic
eruptions of the restless ground, Surtr stands at the border of Muspelheim with his terrible
bright sword, ready to destroy any who venture into his domain and feed them to the
hungry flames of his followers. He awaits the day of Ragnarok none too patiently, when,
with Loki's help, he will storm Asgard, destroy Bifrost, defeat Freyr in battle and along
with his fire-giant minions consume all the nine worlds in glorious flame.
Surtr's fortress is the appropriately named Surtrheim, a massive, almost unbelievably large
fortress deep within Muspelheim's hostile terrain. Its walls are miles thick and
impregnable, its battlements bristling with soldiers and buttressed by warmachines
borrowed from Prometheus, and constant smoke and heat rise from the oppressive place,
which runs on coal, smoke and nuclear energy as well as the eternally-burning flames of
Muspelheim itself. Merely entering the fortress is enough to increase the misery and
oppressive heat of Muspelheim many times over, and the normal fire damage dealt by the
realm is increased to 100 while within Surtrheim's confines. Fire is easier to reach for and
harness here, however, and all uses of Fire boons while within Surtrheim gain +30 dice,
while Surtr himself may always count 6s as successes when using Fire. In the center of the
fortress-metropolis is a massive, 500-foot-tall tower, the climbing of which would require
truly divine endurance; Surtr and his wife Sinmore dwell at the top, where Sinmore also
keeps the magical relic sword Laevetinn safely stowed for the future. A window looks out
from the tower in each direction, and it is possible to see to even the furthest corners of
Muspelheim from this vantage point.
The city within Surtrheim's walls is populated almost entirely by fire giants, ranging from
Legend 5 to 11, some of them up to a mile tall themselves, all preparing for Ragnarok as
ceaselessly as do the Aesir. The horde of them is literally unending, as Surtr is able to
create more of them at will; indeed, the only thing that stops him from constantly creating
infinite numbers of them is the fact that they tend to fight among themselves when not
firmly ranked and disciplined. Most of Surtr's impressive army is here in Muspelheim,
gearing for the war that looms closer each day, but more and more of them have been
seen in the World lately, prompting many to wonder if this presages the imminent
coming of the Twilight of the Gods.
Surtr's wife Sinmore is as impressive as he is, a towering monstrosity of a fire giantess
with flaming eyes and no scruples or morals to distract her from the task at hand. She
fulfills two major functions: supporting Surtr, whether that means marching into battle to
lay waste alongside him or patrolling the frontier when he has other errands, and the
protection of the sword Laeveteinn, a mysterious relic created long ago by Loki and held
in Muspelheim under the Titans' control. No one is entirely sure of the sword's purpose or
powers, but its mere existence is enough to worry many.
Fire Giants
The fire giants of Muspelheim are exactly what they sound like: huge, on fire, and
destructive juggernauts capable of leveling anyone and everything in their way. They
serve as Surtr's footsoldiers and lieutenants, carrying out his orders unflinchingly, and are
seeded throughout Muspelheim on his orders, guarding (or spying on) the territories of
the other Avatars as well. They are not particularly bright but have a well-developed
talent for mayhem, and are likely to destroy any intruder on sight before worrying about
what their errand might be or who might have sent them.
Lush Ourea is a paradox, simultaneously the source of all fertile life in the World and a
terrible threat to its continued existence. The sovereign kingdom of all growing things and
their Titanic masters, it contains inhospitable wilderness as easily as life-giving crops,
terrible decay and poison as well as nourishing food. Wild riotous growth battles with
cultivation, the primordial powers of life and creation sit side by side, and the choking
scents of pollen, rot and overwhelming life are all around. In Ourea all growing things
exist and are nurtured and all forms of wilderness reign supreme; to enter it is to enter a
realm where the only authority is nature and the only hope dependent upon its mercy.
Ourea is easily accessible via several entrances, not to mention by simply climbing down
Mount Olympus into the waiting arms of the Titanrealm below. Virulent spores and
pollens saturate the air here, and anyone who enters the realm must roll a single die upon
entering and every hour thereafter; those who roll a 1 or 2 (Legend may not be spent to
reroll this result) must immediately roll Stamina + Fortitude against a difficulty of 75 as
the spores invade and attempt to overcome their flesh, dealing unsoakable lethal damage
equal to the difference if they fail as plants burst out of their skin, limbs are overgrown by
plant life or their feet attempt to root into the soil. This damage cannot be avoided with
the Skin-Shedding knack, as it is happening inside the Scion's body, and it cannot be
purged with the Antidote or Detoxify boons since it is the incursion of the realm's living
plants rather than a disease.
The realm of fertility and growth is also redolent with pheromones which cloud the mind
and excite the most urgent instincts of those who enter it. Upon entering Ourea and
whenever crossing from one Titan Avatar's territory into another's, travelers must roll
Willpower + Integrity + Legend against a difficulty of 50; if they fail, they are
immediately and painfully aroused and afflicted with overwhelming sexual desire. The
first time this effect strikes a visitor, they are able to control themselves and abstain if
they wish; the second time it happens, a traveler may still control himself but suffers a
penalty of -10 successes to all rolls while he does, and if it happens a third time finds
himself insane with lust and unable to do anything but assault the closest person (or thing,
if no people are nearby) in an attempt to procreate. Because Ourea is the source of life and
fertility, those who must roll to see if they have become pregnante or impregnated a
partner have a +10 bonus to the pregnancy roll, while those who are forced to make do
with unliving objects find that the realm itself may create hideous, misshapen progeny
from this unnatural union.
Anyone attempting to use the Death, Fire or Frost purviews must roll their total boons in
that purview against the Titanrealm (which rolls 25 dice and counts 6s as successes) or
find that these extremely foreign powers simply cannot function here; even if they
succeed, the results are likely to be weaker or to decay more quickly than usual. Gods
heavily invested in those purviews find that Ourea's very nature revolts against them, and
upon entering the Titanrealm all visitors take immediate unsoakable lethal damage equal
to their total number of Death, Fire and Frost boons as the realm attempts to expunge
their opposing powers from itself. All Fertility boon rolls gain +20 dice while in Ourea, but
those who use them must roll their boons against the Titan as well, and find if they fail
that the power has worked but its effects are wholly controlled by the Titanrealm rather
than themselves.
Powers: Darkness, Fertility, Guardian
Known to her ancient worshipers in India as the Forest Queen, Aranyani is the
personification of the untamed wildness of the deepest jungles and most dark-hearted
forests. Protector of unspoiled and impenetrable wilderness, lady patron of beasts and
trees alike, she is graceful and beautiful, seldom seen or called upon - until some unwary
traveler invades the forests she protects and discovers the true meaning of fear and the
retribution of the wild. Aranyani has no care for humanity except to expunge them from
her domain; her gentle, nurturing nature is reserved for the wilderness only, while her
terrible vengeance and menace dog any other who dares set foot in the unspoiled forest
that she protects.
Mughdavana, the enchanted forest, is inexpressably large and unfathomably deep. The
jungle towers far out of sight even for the most long-sighted of gods, and its canopy
cannot be flown over by bird or deity, simply continuing on at infinite heights until a
traveler gives up trying to overcome it. No paths or trails have been blazed here except for
those few worn by animals, and while there are edible plants everywhere, they are tangled
and hidden in the thick undergrowth and overgrown, impassable woods. Those who
attempt to travel into the forest must make a Wits + Survival roll in order to find their
way through its untracked wildness; in the outermost third of the forest this difficulty is
only 25, but it grows to 50 in the middle third of the thick jungles and to 75 when a visitor
nears its dark heart. The farther a traveler penetrates into Mughdavana, the darker and
more oppressive it becomes, the canopy blocking all light and the trees leaning in close
and claustrophobic; once per day, anyone within the forest's confines must roll a
Willpower + Integrity + Legend roll against the same 25/50/75 difficulty or find
themselves fleeing in terrorized panic, overwhelmed by the forest's unspoken menace. The
darkness of the jungle is nearly impenetrable, but it is not silent; the calls of animals and
strange, sourceless screams that fill its branches dishearten the most stalwart, and from
wherever Aranyani may be roaming can be heard the faint, distant and constant sound of
Traveling Mughdavana is particularly taxing, and those who attempt it find themselves
quickly tiring and flagging; every day spent here is equivalent to a month for purposes of
a visitor's need for food, drink and sleep, causing even those accustomed to heroic
journeys to fall exhausted before too long. There is food available in the form of plump
fruits, fat tubers and edible weeds all throughout the forest, but anyone who give into the
temptation to eat it must roll Dexterity + Larceny and gain at least 75 successes to avoid
being immediately located and pinpointed by Aranyani, guardian of all plant life within
the forest. The Titan Avatar herself wanders the forest at random, cloaked and invisible in
the shadows that follow her; anyone she catches slumbering in her domain or stealing its
delicious fruits is subjected to a quick and brutal death in the dim shadows, causing
travelers to disappear without a whimper, becoming just another scream in the darkness.
Those few able to make the arduous journey to the blackest, most impenetrable heart of
the jungle will find Aranyani's abode, a massive golden temple-palace set beneath a
banyan tree of such incredible girth and height that it stretches out of sight in every
direction, arrayed with icons of herself and the many beasts that pay her homage. She
resides here when not wandering the forest, and will accept any visitors who have not
violated the sanctity of her forest politely, though it has been eons since any have
managed to arrive without doing so.
Just as the shadows increase the further a visitor penetrates into the forest, so do the
powers of those who command them; all Darkness boons gain +0/10/20 dice depending on
how far into the forest their user has progressed, but they must also roll their total number
of boons against the same number as a difficulty whenever they access the purview. If the
unfortunate visitor fails to overcome this difficulty, the Darkness boon she has just used
affects her as well as whatever target she had intended it for, and her Night Eyes are
entirely useless against it. The fauna of Mughdavana are loyal to their solitary mistress
alone; should anyone use Animal boons at any time within the forest, all nearby wildlife
are immediately drawn to the intruder, most likely to attack or drive them away.
A terrible blue-skinned, vegetation-covered giant called the King of the Forest by the
ancient Slavs, the leshy stalks Mughdavana ceaselessly, seeking anyone who might be
intruding on the sacred woods or damaging the plants and animals that reside there.
Standing tall as a monument at Legend 8 and usually accompanied by large packs of
wolves and bears, he is prone to destroying anything and everything that is not native to
the forest, single-minded in his desire to protect it.
Sacred Tigers
The sacred tigers of Mughdavana are the nightmares of their smaller cousins in the
World, Legend 8 to 12 Typhonian monsters with relentless jaws and ever-hungry, hunting
eyes. They stalk the thick jungle endlessly for prey, and while they are content with the
deer and lesser predators they find, they are all too ready to rend and swallow any visitor
foolish enough to come near them.
Venomous Vipers
The great vipers of the enchanted forest are found everywhere within it, ranging from
Legend 8 to 12, from small creatures the mere thickness of a tire to massive monsters who
can flatten trees in their wake. Their bites are hideously poisonous and lie quietly in wait
in the darkness and undergrowth, waiting for any unwary meal to put a foot wrong near
them; more than one determined adventurer has been swiftly and all but silently
murdered by their venomous strikes long before they could bother the lady of the forest
Also Known as: Kronos, Saturn, Saturnus
Cronus is the bitter and terrible father of all the Theoi, an ancient Titan of fertility and the
seasons whose rule lasted for centuries and whose bloody overthrow of his own father
was only equaled by the revolt of his son Zeus. A figure of incredible potency and regal
fury who embodies the power of fertility harnessed and controlled, his banishment to
Tartarus has given him millennia to brood on his vengeful hatred of his traitorous
progeny; now released, he gathers his power and keeps the home of the gods under
constant seige, ready to utterly destroy the Greek gods and bring the world back under
the lawless, golden age of his despotic rule.
Cronus' realm is the epitome of orderly perfection, fields of precisely placed and
impeccably cultivated grain, vegetables and food-bearing crops sprawling out in every
direction from his four towering Grecian columned temples, one dedicated to each season
of the year and overseeing the crops that can be grown during it. All food here is large,
ripe and perfect for consumption, and each temple and its surrounding fields remain in a
perpetual state of the season they represent. Cronus resides in whichever temple aligns
with the current season in the World, rotating with the cycles of the natural world while
he oversees his domain. The Elysian Fields (so-called because it amuses Cronus to refer so
in bitter mockery of the myth that he oversaw the blessed realm of the dead instead of
being locked in gloomy Tartarus) surround Mount Olympus itself; the mountain's foothills
lie in Ourea, and Cronus' forces are constantly engaged in attempting to climb it to
destroy the Theoi at its summit. Visitors may also escape the Titanrealm by climbing the
mountain, but they must avoid Cronus' forces as well as convincing the Theoi that they
are friendly in order to have any hope of surviving the attempt.
In the courtyard of Cronus' summer temple grows a massive fern, lush and thick-leaved,
with a single golden flower growing wide-petaled and surprisingly bright to the eye from
its center. The flower is heavily guarded by the local dryads and Cronus himself, but
anyone who succeeds in plucking it immediately gains the effects of the Serendipity boon
for one week as its golden pollen showers good fortune over them, and for the next week,
as long as he keeps this symbol of the natural world with him, he is also able to speak
with and understand any animal he encounters. The flower grows only at the summer
solstice and requires a full year to regenerate after being cut or picked; anyone who steals
it immediately incurs Cronus' considerable and terrible wrath and permanent enmity for
daring to flout his authority and steal his most valued treasure.
Cronus is very active in the seige of Olympus, often haunting the foothills of the
mountain, raising more troops, leading the charge or further undermining the foundations
of the Overworld of the Theoi. Should any visitor to his realm encounter him, it is
theoretically possible to talk to him, but anyone of Greek ancestry (or who appears to be a
Theoi sympathizer) is likely to suffer a swift and merciless death followed by quick
devourment by the Titan.
Anyone attempting to use Fertility boons in the Elysian Fields or their temples must roll
their total number of boons against Cronus' 30, as his power over the order and symmetry
of cultivated plant life leaves almost no room for anyone else to intrude; even those who
successfully manage to use their boons do so at a -20 dice penalty and must pay an extra
point of Willpower each time they do. It is also extremely difficult to impose any modern
law on Cronus' firmly lawless and serene domain, and no traveler may use Justice boons
without first rolling their total number of Justice boons against a difficulty of 25.
Cronus' mere presence and almost unfathomable potence preclude any competition or
virility from any other sources; any males who enter his territory must roll their Charisma
+ Presence against a difficulty of 75 or find that they are completely incapable of
performing the sexual act. If they are currently suffering from the sexual impulses caused
by Ourea's pheromonal overload, they are forced into impotent and miserable frustration
and lose one point of Willpower every ten minutes.
Cronus' fields are dotted by dryads, most of them prisoners of war forced into labor for
him as punishment for their support of the upstart Zeus. They are chained to specific
fields and areas by Cronus' powers over fertility and range from Legend 5 to 7, spending
their time tending the crops and avoiding their dangerous master's notice. They tend to be
hostile to any outsiders who might cause Cronus' wrath to descend on them and will
defend his territory to the death if need be, but they are not inherently evil and may be
convinced to help extremely charming or persuasive visitors (though it is unlikely, as
doing so would mean their almost certain doom.
Also Known as: Anu, Dana, Danand, Danona, Don
Few Titans are so inextricably linked to both the gods and world as Danu, the great
ancestral mother of the Celtic pantheons and personification of the land that gives fruitful
fertility to support all life upon it. She is the source of all things that give life and the wild
foundation that takes it away again; her very body and blood have given birth to humans,
gods, animals and features of landscapes both mundane and divine. Though she is one of
the most peaceful Avatars of Ourea, seldom involving herself in the affairs of the distant
World or Cronus' war, the primordial power she wields over the elements is undeniable.
The hills of Iath Nannan are many and varied, some rolling and gentle, others towering
and rocky; they are covered in greenery and wildflowers, lush and lifegiving as their
mistress. Trees dot the landscape, particularly ash, oak and thorn, which connect to the
four fairy realms and allow free passage between them for those of the fair folk who wish
to visit their ancient ancestress. The various brightly colored flowers of the hills are
pleasant to look at, but they are strong and dangerous to the unwary; anyone who gets to
close to one must roll Wits + Athletics against a difficulty of 50 to avoid being struck by
their overpoweringly strong pollen, which closes throat and chest and deals 50 points of
armor-ignoring lethal damage to those who must attempt to breathe through its
suffocating cloy.
A large, serenely rushing river wends its way through Iath Nannan; it appears in every
way normal except that its waters are a dark and murky red, staining the plants and earth
at the shore and bubbling thickly away into the distance. The river is the literal blood of
Danu, running through her domain like a gigantic vein until it thins and dilutes into water
upon leaving her realm. Those who can bring themselves to drink of the warm, thick
blood will find that it heals twenty points of any kind of damage except for maimings
once per day, but availing oneself of its benefits is not without a price; those who drink
from it must roll Willpower + Integrity + Legend against a difficulty of 75, and if they fail
find that their lowest Virtue has been converted into a single dot of Piety which refers to
both their home pantheon and the Tuatha de Danann. If the drinker already has Piety,
their Piety score increases by one dot and becomes tied to the Tuatha de Danann as well;
if they already have the maximum level of Piety, their lowest Virtue loses a dot, causing
those who imbibe too often to lose all strong urges except for devotion to the Irish gods
and Danu herself.
Near the bloody shores of the river are various small bogs, swampy with the mixed mud
and blood and treacherously deep and difficult to navigate. Merely entering one of these
marshes requires a traveler to roll his total Fertility and Health boons; if he gains fewer
than 10 successes, he takes unsoakable aggravated damage equal to the difference as the
bog attempts to suck, poison and otherwise drag him into it to become one of the myriad
sacrifices sunk beneath its surface. The swamp gases rising from the bog are foully strong
and extremely flammable; any Fire boons used here gain +20 dice, but they automatically
explode over an area equal to one yard in every direction for every Fire boon their user
possesses, effectively dealing any damage they cause a second time.
Meandering among the hills is a path of smooth earth and rock, massively wide and
stretching the length of Danu's domain; the Tuatha de Danann semi-jokingly refer to it as
the Giant's Causeway after the legend of their native lands, but it is far more giant-sized
than the small landscape formation of mortal Ireland. The causeway, in addition to being
used fairly frequently by actual giants, is carpeted with a thick, springy and old-looking
moss of a peculiarly vivid shade. This moss is semi-sentient and intensely dislikes visitors;
anyone walking unprotected across it attracts its attention, and while it never appears to
move when looked at, a traveler who turns around may find that it has inexplicably
moved closer and piled more thickly behind him than he had remembered. If left to its
own devices, the moss will eventually collect in a large enough mass to attempt to attack
and digest the intruder with its myriad tiny roots, a thoroughly unpleasant end.
Surrounding the causeway and spread through the rolling hills are occasional meadows
filled with Hungry Grass, an innocuous-seeming plant that causes those who do not
succeed in a Willpower + Integrity + Legend roll of at least 50 to become ravenously
hungry and spend the next 24 hours frantically trying to consume anything and
everything near them.
Danu herself may only be found deep in the heart of the hills, reachable only once a
traveler has conquered many trials and obstacles to find his way to her, but once he has
done so he will find that she is an island of calm and benevolence in the dangerous
hostility of the Titanrealm. She tends to be very distracted, absorbed in the affairs of root
and earth too much to pay great attention to others, but those who can catch her notice
may be able to ask her for help, healing, favors or temporary immunity to some of Ourea's
uncomfortable effects. She is not hostile and may even be vaguely friendly, especially to
those of Irish descent, but anyone who threatens her or the lands she administers will find
themselves subjected suddenly to the full overwhelming power of the natural elements in
a very final manner.
In addition to the passages to the fairy realms, Danu's realm is the most closely linked to
the World of any part of the Titanrealm; many of its features lead to similar ones in the
World such as the river Shannon or the lesser Giant's Causeway and may be used as exits
by those well-versed in the skills of travel. It is possible that the other Titan Avatars,
should they realize this fact, might attempt to use Iath Nannan as a staging ground for a
full-scale invasion of the World, but Danu's own protectiveness of mortal Ireland would
make her a formidable opponent in preventing them (though she has no particular interest
in what they might do anywhere else in the World). All Fertility boons cost 2 fewer points
of Legend within Ian Nannan; the Earth and Water purviews gain +20 dice to all boons,
but those who use them must roll their total boons against a difficulty of 25 after doing so,
and if they fail find that their powers have gone out of control and seem to have a mind of
their own.
Bog Bodies
Hideous, shambling and leathery creatures that only vaguely resemble the living beings
they once were, bog bodies are undead creatures that slowly haunt the swampy recess of
Iath Nannan, shuffling slowly through the murk, seeking living victims to drag into the
swamp to join them as sacrifices to Danu. They are not very fast nor very intelligent, but
their determination is matchless and their appearance so disturbing that they have chased
more than one visitor completely out of Danu's lands.
Chalk Giants
Few of the chalk giants of the ancient Celtic lands are still remembered in the World, but
the likes of the Cerne Abbas Giant and Long Man of Wilmington still roam here in Iath
Nannan, towering, many-hundred-foot monstrosities that slide along the hills as if
striding through and around them, restlessly wandering. They are fiercely loyal to Danu
and will attack any strangers they see in the name of defending her, bearing down with
clubs and fists on their hapless victims. They range from Legend 8 to 11, and those few
who still have counterparts in the World may actually be traveled through to emerge
there, though those whose earthly counterparts were long ago destroyed are now denizens
only of Danu's lands.
The fairy folk are some of Danu's most ardent supporters and cherished children, coming
and going into her domain as they please, populating it with whatever misbehavior they
care to. They are almost invariably prone to trickery and mischief, and may range from
Legend 3 pixies and mere annoyances to the Legend 8 royalty of the different fairy
realms. Fairies may have a variety of powers and personalities depending on which of the
four courts they hail from.
Also Known as: Haqatat, Heget, Heket, Hekit
Heqet is one of the most ancient of Egyptian creatures, the primordial frog mother
squatting in the very ooze of creation, overseeing the fertility of the waters and the muck
from which all life originally comes and to which all life will eventually return. Dull and
slow-moving but nevertheless wielding great power over life, death and creation, Heqet
cares more for the unspoiled raw materials of the world than for the poor, soon-to-die
creations fashioned of it.
The Primordial Delta is an expanse of thick, sucking mud, swampy, spongy land and
impenetrably murky water, spreading out from the shores of the rest of Ourea in a giant,
treacherous blot. Its waters (which are indistinguishable from walkable land by most
travelers, leading many to fall headlong into the swamp) are home to every conceivable
kind of water-living plant, and its squelching shores are lined with papyrus and bullrushes
while floating lotus plants and lily pads dot the swamp's surface. The Delta is populated
by a seemingly endless stream of millions of frogs of every conceivable size, species and
description, and at twilight the swamp is deafeningly loud from their peeps, cries and
Tadpole spawning pools are everywhere throughout the Primordial Delta, giving rise to
millions of new frogs in a continual glut of the creatures, but more disturbing to most
visitors are the spawning pools along the muddy shores, where seemingly human babies
rise, slime-covered and screaming, from the ancient muck. There are no truly human-
seeming adults in Heqet's domain, and no one is sure what happens to these infants, who
are never seen any older and appear to spawn as quickly as the frogs; some believe that
they must be devoured by the frogs of the Delta as soon as they're born, while others
whisper that it is Heqet herself who occasionally feels peckish and thins their numbers,
swallowing them with her great, loathsome frog's tongue.
Heqet herself resides in her temple with her countless batrachian children, a slime- and
moss-slicked old structure that she has never bothered to name but that the other Avatars
refer to offhandedly as the Frog House. She is not generally hostile and tends to ignore
visitors to her domain, but those who travel through the mess of her domain to find her
may attempt to beg her to use her powers of resurrection on their behalf. She is likely not
to pay any attention unless her supplicant is very convincing or brings particularly choice
offerings, and if she does consent, those she returns from the life beyond are never quite
the same as they left it, always missing something key - power, a body part, memories, a
Virtue, or something more subtle - that makes them a newly-born and eternally changed.
Heqet has few defenses of her own, behaving largely like an extremely large, extremely
hungry frog, but she has been marked on her slimy head with a Vigil Brand by Horus,
who is honor-bound to defend her in return for her part in the resurrection of his father
Heqet's realm provides +30 dice to all Health rolls for anyone who enters it, the source of
life bolstering those powers that affect it; however, those who wish to use any boons from
the Death purview must successfully roll their total number of boons against Heqet's 30,
and even if they succeed, each boon costs an additional 2 points of Legend to activate.
Every possible size and variation of from exists in Heqet's domain in startling numbers,
from brightly-colored poisonous amphibians to giant, hulking bullfrogs and every other
possibility in between. They range in size and power as well, from Legend 1 tadpoles
scarcely different from the mortal creatures of the World to Legend 12 Typhonian
monstrosities easily the size of an entire military complex.
Mud Monsters
This most life-giving and ancient mud has life of its own to spare, and is ever reforming
and regrouping into shambling, vaguely humanoid creatures of muck and slime that
wander the Delta at whim. They range from Legend 7 to 10 and are invariably hostile to
outside forces, which they seek to drag down into the muck to digest and turn into new
growth of their own.
These water nymphs mostly spend their time below the Delta's surface, tending the
myriad water plants and caring for the smaller of the frogs that might benefit from their
help. They are between Legend 5 and 7 and usually do not take directly aggressive action
against visitors, though they have been known to mischievously lure the unwary to fall
into quicksand or drowningly deep water.
Powers: Charisma, Fertility, Health
Mayahuel, the embodiment of the maguey plant and symbol of all plants of harsh
environments and desperate necessity for humanity, is a once-tragic figure, torn to pieces
by the tzitzimime for her association with Quetzalcoatl and abandoned by him to die in
order for him to save his own skin. Now a patchwork creature of mended flesh and
burning vengeance, Mayahuel is the source and keeper of alcohol and intoxicants that
come from the natural world, from the pulque of her original people to peyote, tequila and
every other naturally confusing and intoxicating substance. Her effects on the World are
some of the most pervasive and unstoppable, and if she has her way, every one of the
precious mortals that the Teotl so treasure will be sunk into useless drunkenness or dead
of overdose to deprive the gods of their power and prestige.
Most of Mayahuel's domain alternates between desert and scrub plain, dotted with those
plants found only in such harsh conditions and difficult for any visitor to traverse with
aplomb. The local vegetation is hostile and hungry; anyone who passes too near the
sagebrush or cacti must roll their lowest of either Wits + Awareness or Dexterity +
Athletics against a difficult of 50. Failure causes the plant to stab, shoot needles or
otherwise draw blood from its target, dealing 50 points of lethal damage, and for every
damage level that the hapless victim fails to soak, she loses a point of Legend which
Mayahuel gains.
Lake Poliuhqui is a massive, sprawling vat of incredibly strong alcohol, carried by rivers
to various parts of Mayahuel's domain from her station at its center. It is surrounded by
the communities of the Centzon Totochtin, who live in a perpetual state of drunken
caruousement and whose maguey-built houses and tools generally go unused and
forgotten. The first time any stranger to the realm sees the lake or its tributaries, she must
roll Willpower + Integrity + Legend against a difficulty of 75, and this roll receives a
penalty equal to the total number of Legend points she has thus far lost to the plants of
the plains; if she fails, she is immediately compelled to dive into the sparkling alcohol and
drink herself to complete intoxication (due to the preternatural strength of Mayahuel's
intoxicants, the Inner Furnace knack is useless to prevent this). Once drunk, most visitors
find that Mayahuel and her husband Patecatl often appear to speak to them, suggesting in
extremely convincing tones that the Teotl are their true enemies and that they should
immediately head to Acopa to oppose them; targets of this persuasion may roll to resist or
see through their lies as usual, but suffer from a -50 dice penalty from the overwhelming
drunkenness that makes it exceptionally difficult to disbelieve them or disentangle fact
from fiction.
Though Mayahuel's domain is generally a place of drunken revelry rather than hostility,
anyone who uses boons from the Stars purview (which operate under a -20 dice penalty)
immediately alerts her to his location and incurs her enmity, usually resulting in the
imminent attack of an inebriated but nevertheless potent leporine army. Due to
Mayahuel's unshakable control over the malfunctioning of body and mind, all Stamina
knacks cost an additional two points of Legend while within her realm.
The patron god of drunkenness and intoxication is Mayahuel's husband, father of the
Centzon Totochtin and inciter of ever more wild and depraved behavior out of them. He
supports Mayahuel entirely in her crusade against the Teotl, who he feels have
disenfranchised him as well, and may often be found accompanying her at the center of
the lake or wandering and celebrating among his many sons. He is Legend 10.
Also Known as: Osain, Ozain
The half-blind, crippled and stunted Osanyin, who struggles through his domain with a
single arm, leg and eye, is the caretaker of all plant life great and small, the voice of the
trees, champion of the weeds and keeper of the secret healing herbs that humanity so
desperately needs. Believing that every plant, even those injurious or dangerous, is
equally important and necessary to the world, he is violently opposed to a humanity that
destroys some of them for their own selfish uses, and to the gods that encourage this kind
of behavior. If given his way, all mortal life would be wiped away without a trace, leaving
the World free to be the exclusive domain of vegetation and nature.
Every plant imaginable grows in Aginju Igbe, the vast vegetative plan; giant fields of
potent healing herbs stretch toward the horizon, while beside and among them virulent
poison ivy and oak lie in wait to irritate anyone who moves past them. No cultivation is
done here nor are any plants prevented from growing as is natural for them, leading to a
sprawling riot of every conceivable combination of growing things. Not only the plants of
the World live here, many of them augmented and enhanced in ways they could never
have achieved in the stunted World, but the magical plants of the Overworlds and Terrae
Incognita also have homes here, and many of them pose serious dangers to those
unprepared to pass by them unmolested.
Water hemlock grows along the edges of the field and the banks of the river, and those
who touch or come too close to it are afflicted with violent seizures as if affected by the
Paralyzing Confusion boon unless they resist with a Stamina + Fortitude roll of at least 75.
Malevolent patches of mala mujer wait for the unwary, stinging anyone who passes them
with incredibly painful puncture wounds and causing them to develop a painful rash that
deals 1 level of unsoakable lethal damage every hour for the next day. Those who
accidentally touch magical wolfsbane are paralyzed by its dangerous toxins for a full
twenty-four hours if they cannot resist with a Stamina + Fortitude roll of at least 50; those
who ingest any of the many varieties of belladonna find themselves taking 100 levels of
unsoakable lethal damage that cannot be avoided with the Inner Furnace or Skin-
Shedding knacks as its acidic poison does massive damage to their internal organs.
Mandrake roots may be harvested to make love potions or powerful Charisma relics, but
their lethal shrieks upon being unearthed have killed many an unprepared traveler,
dealing armor-ignoring lethal damage to all within earshot equal to their successes on a
Perception + Awareness roll. Angel trumpets, their bright, cheerful flowers intoxicating
and inviting, use thick, lung-filling pheromones and pollen to infiltrate and control living
creatures that pass them, able to move them around like puppets unless they resist with a
Willpower + Integrity + Legend roll of at least 75. At Storyteller discretion, and plant from
folklore or myth may be encountered within the wide sweep of Aginju Igbe; it is the
source and homeland of all plants, and as such contains each and everyone one
conceivable by man or god.
Osanyin himself wanders the realm slowly and purposelessly, tending the plants and
enjoying their endless variety with no apparent destination or design, a withered,
hideously deformed being who is the only living thing that is immune to all attempts by
the local flora to injure him. He is automatically hostile to any intruder into his domain,
seeing everyone but his fellow Avatars as an enemy who must be eradicated to make way
for nature's dominion, though he will occasionally attempt to mate with sufficiently
attractive female intruders rather than immediately murdering them. His control over the
plants nearby is absolute, and his ability to rouse them in a living army against anyone he
chooses is overwhelming and decidedly brutal.
Aginju Igbe is perhaps the hardest place in all of Ourea to attempt to use Fertility boons
for one's own purposes; anyone who wishes to do so must roll their total Fertility boons
against Osanyin's 30 (which counts 6s as successes for the Titan Avatar). If they do not
succeed, the Fertility boon still activates as intended, but its effects and control are
entirely up to Osanyin (even if he is not present), leading to many foolish gods of field
and forest being destroyed by their own element for daring to try to control it within his
sanctuary. Aginju Igbe is not hospitable to the needs of living things, and no lost body
parts may be regenerated here by Stamina knacks, Health boons or other powers short of
purview Avatars.
The penghou are the Chinese guardian spirits of trees and wildlife, appearing as large,
hideous black dogs with disturbingly human faces. They are found throughout Aginju
Igbe, attached to various trees and large plants as guards, and have Legend ratings
ranging from 6 to 8. They are viciously opposed to all non-plant life and will attack
visitors on sight.
The subtly terrifying cannibal tree of Africa appears unremarkable, simply another large
plant in the endless succession of them, its only notable features plump red fruits that
occasionally dangle from low branches. In fact, it has a malevolent intelligence of its own,
and lures travelers close to it with pleasing scents and the promise of fruits. Once they
have come close enough, it murders its prey with poisonous gases and spores released
from its roots, thus turning them into ferilizer for their continued growth. There are few
umdhlebi in Aginju Igbe as they cannot tolerate growing too near one another, but those
that exist range in Legend from 7 to 9.
anywhere from Legend 9 to 12 and require much larger and more delicious prey to
survive. Many of the fly traps are sentient and some are even capable of speech and slow
movement, making them among the most terrifying predators of the Titanrealm.
Uke Mochi
Also Known as: Ogetsuhime, Uke Mochi no Kami
Uke Mochi is the Avatar of Ourea who most represents food, providing it literally from
her own body in the form of edible plants and animals, a constant source of bounty to be
consumed. Though she has in the past been helpful to humanity, her betrayal by the Kami
has led her to become a bitter and disconnected figure, characterized by a burning and
spiteful hatred for all things that take from her plenty and give nothing back in return.
She produces endless food, but that food goes to waste and rot around her as she
withholds it from those who need it most; only when the entire World and the gods
themselves are starving for want of her largesse will she be satisfied that she is truly
revenged upon them.
Anyone entering Uke Mochi's domain is confronted at its borders by a terrific stench of
rot and decay, coming from a massive piling up of decomposing food matter, dead
animals and spoiled fruits. The accumulated mass of discarded food items of her creation
grows slowly over time, and though so far it has not penetrated far enough into
Mayahuel's realm to cause strife between the two Avatars, given time it might reach even
the border of Cronus' carefully tended fields. Those who wish to enter her domain must
climb, slog or force their way through the horrific stench and rot in order to do so,
requiring a Stamina + Fortitude roll of at least 50 every hour in order to avoid vomiting
with such violence that they take unsoakable lethal damage equal to the difference. Still-
living animals, dying of disease and lack of food but nevertheless large and dangerous,
stagger through the ring's lands seeking sustenance or someone to vent their mad fury on;
the garbage itself often seems to be able to rise up and drag visitors down into its muck if
they are not paying attention. Massive fungi releasing hideous spores are everywhere,
feeding on the decaying filth, and many of them have minds and drives and even
movement of their own, given hideous life by the wealth of sustenance available to them.
Once a traveler has managed to pass through the worst of the thick ring surrounding Uke
Mochi's domain, they will find that its interior is more bearable; spoiled and spoiling food
and the ever-present fungi are still everywhere, but edible food and living animals are also
present here, not yet crushed by the debris entirely. Everything is jumbled together and
most living things are unhealthy, but some animals and even occasional trees still eke out
existences here, and travelers are able to proceed with discomfort but not active injury.
At the center of Uke Mochi's territory stands Fuhai no Oka, the Hill of Rot, the summit of
which she dwells upon alone. Its foothills and foundations swell every day with the
constant addition of new food, creatures and plant life that fall down from above,
collecting in the fungus-strewn fields below or being shoved further out to grow the ring
of rot that surrounds the Titan's lands. Those who manage to climb the shifting
topography of the mountain may eventually find Uke Mochi at its top, alone, constantly
producing food from every orifice of her body to fall carelessly down into the muck below,
her refined appearance violently at odds with her disturbing method of creation. Anyone
who sees her and possesses the Harmony Virtue must immediately roll in an attempt to
avoid Virtue Extremity, and everyone who beholds her performing her most disgusting
acts of creation must succeed in a Willpower + Integrity + Legend roll against a difficulty
of 75 not to immediately attack her in a frenzy of disgust and horror. Any threat to Uke
Mochi immediately mobilize her rotting domain in her defense, and the rotting creatures
and fungoid monsters below will all begin to gravitate toward her, while she herself is
fully capable of vomiting up Typhonian beasts in her own defense or of overwhelming
upstart invaders with pestilent misery.
All Health boons receive a bonus of 20 dice while within Uke Mochi's domain, but only to
their negative applications. All Death boons, as well, cost one fewer point of Legend to
use, reflecting the strong hold of rot and decay on the area.
Spirits of the trees and protectors of Uke Mochi and her domain, kodama seldom appear
to travelers, preferring to impede their progress from afar in retribution for their
intrusion. Anyone who passes within twenty yards of a tree within Uke Mochi's domain
runs the rist of being cursed by a kodama, which are generally Legend 6 or 7 and levy
penalties, distractions and difficulties similar to a use of the Mighty Curse spell.
Tamoanchan is one of the most beautiful of Titanrealms, encompassing within it all the
gorgeous grandeur of the universe, from the glimmering stars to the awesome spirals of
galaxies, from the shimmering light of the moon to the unfathomable distances between
the earth and the heavens. Its beauty is deceptive, however; the awesome forces at work
here have no interest in the wellbeing of gods or humans, and the devastating blinding
dazzle of the stars and their inhabitants has killed many a deity, while many others have
gone mad from the insidious and pervasive presence of the primordial source of all
moonlight. Tamoanchan is a truly alien place, and while its strange, otherworldly
inhabitants and Titan Avatars may navigate it with ease, it is almost impossible for even
the gods to avoid being swallowed up by its indifference.
The heavenly spheres of Tamoanchan are in constant cosmic motion, unceasing and
unvarying in their order; whenever an outside visitor enters the realm, they must
immediately roll the lowest of Intelligence or Strength + Academics or Athletics against a
difficulty of 50. If the traveler succeeds, they are able to travel unhindered in any direction
they choose (provided, of course, that they have some means of moving through a realm
with no solid ground or structures) for the next week. If they fail, however, they are
caught in the turning of the Axis of the Heavens, powerlessly shunted off in whatever
direction Coeus chooses for the next seven days. Those with a higher Strength score
believe themselves to be traveling toward their destination without realizing that they are
being redirected, while those with a higher Intelligence score may recognize that they are
being shifted by outside powers but remain powerless to prevent such a thing from
happening. Coeus sends unsanctioned travelers who cannot resist the Axis' pull rotating
to a location determined by a single die roll as follows:
The only place in Tamoanchan in which a traveler is not subject to rolling against the pull
of the Axis is the Palace of Pride, where the unmoving presence of the pole star
counteracts its effects.
With the exception of the silvery domains of the moon Titans, Tamoanchan is composed
of massive fields of stars and the empty night between them. There is very little solid
material for gods or other intruders to use when traveling, and therefore most require
some outside way of supporting themselves and traveling, whether they employ relic
transportation, Psychopomp boons, celestial chariots or other more esoteric methods.
Those unfortunates who enter Tamoanchan with no way to travel through it find
themselves drifting helplessly, unable to control their path and subject solely to the whims
of Coeus and the eternally rotating Axis.
All Moon and Stars boon rolls gain +20 dice while in Tamoanchan, but most denizens of
the realm are immune to their effects. Anyone attempting to use the Darkness, Earth or
Sun purviews must roll their total boons in that purview against the Titan (which rolls 25
dice and counts 6s as successes) or find that these extremely foreign powers simply
cannot function here; even if they succeed, the results are likely to be weaker or to decay
more quickly than usual. Gods heavily invested in those purviews find that Tamoanchan's
very nature revolts against them, and upon entering the Titanrealm all visitors take
immediate unsoakable lethal damage equal to their total number of Darkness, Earth and
Sun boons as the realm attempts to expunge their opposing powers from itself.
Also known as: Ame-no-Kagaseo, Ame-no-Minakanushi, Mikaboshi, Takeminakata
Few have ever seen the elegant, self-possessed kami of the stars, who does not frequent
Amaterasu's court and was long ago declared a dire enemy of his pantheon for his
impeccably polite defiance. The August Star is as pale and coldly handsome as the pole
star that he lends his powers to, and as skillful and calculating a political opponent as it is
possible to imagine, even compared to the kami as a whole. As one of the most ancient of
Japan's deities, he saw the land as his birthright as creator and brilliant celestial kami, and
bitterly opposed the Kami action to annex it as their own domain. He may have failed to
prevent them from taking what he considers rightfully his, but the resplendent lord of the
pole star has never been truly cowed or lost his arrogant assurance of his own primal
Inside the fence, the Palace of Pride boasts immaculately beautiful gardens and works of
crystalline, starlit art. Upon meeting Amatsu-Mikaboshi, who holds court in his opulent
throne room, all visitors must immediately roll Willpower + Integrity + Legend against a
difficulty of 75 or be struck powerfully by the Titan's incredible beauty, affected as if by
the Compelling Presence knack. Those who are able to keep their composure will find the
Titan a pleasant if aloof conversationalist, willing to discuss polite topics and share tea
with any guests who are resourceful enough to have come so far, and Amatsu-Mikaboshi's
soothing perfection imparts a bonus of two points of Legend and +20 dice to all Art,
Athletics and Integrity rolls for the next week after beholding his regal visage.
Amatsu-Mikaboshi does not mind well-behaved visitors staying in his palace for short
periods of time, and is one of the few Titan Avatars that does not bother to act against
them in hostility. Upon leaving the Palace, however, all visitors are immediately afflicted
with the knowledge of exactly how condescendingly they were treated during their stay
there and of how defiantly inappropriate the Avatar's refusal to submit to the laws of the
universe really is; those with the Courage, Conviction, Harmony, Piety or Vengeance
Virtues must immediately roll them, and if they score any successes immediately attempt
to charge back behind the fence to confront him if they do not spend Willpower to resist.
Those who roll high enough that they would normally enter Virtue Extremity cannot
spend Willpower to avoid attempting to regain entry to the Palace.
All powers from Epic Appearance cost an extra two points of Legend while in the Palace
of Pride, and no resistance knacks from Epic Appearance may be used at all.
The Palace of Pride is populated by impeccably dressed and polite Japanese courtiers, all
of them fiercely loyal to Amatsu-Mikaboshi and prone to agreeing with anything he
suggests. They are excellent conversationalists, and while they will never betray their
glorious master, they may know interesting tidbits of information about the rest of
Tamoanchan for a suitably skilled politician or socializer to uncover. They are Legend 5.
Also known as: Indu, Kshupakara, Rajanipati, Shashi, Tingala
Chandra's moon is subtly beautiful and ever-changing, its grounds covered by a mother-
of-pearl shimmering that teases the eye. Anyone who enters his domain, where white
horses and antelopes wander indiscriminately and with serene beauty, experiences a
sudden surge in their emotions, rendering them more powerful and passionate, and any
roll made to resist a Virtue has double its normal dice. Once a traveler has remained in
Chandra's domain for an hour, she must roll a single d10; if the result is a 2, she is
afflicted with a random madness that remains for one week, while on a 1 she enters a
random Virtue Extremity (which may or may not be for a Virtue she even possesses, the
moon reflecting the alien feelings and passions of others who have been there before her).
Even those who unaffected by this roll must continue to make it once every day that they
remain on Shashi.
Far from the glittering palace where Chandra sits in lonely, beautiful state is a massive
tusk of yellowed ivory, embedded deeply into the moon's surface, jutting up into the sky
like the ancient tooth it is as it shines with divine power. This is the tusk of Ganesha,
which he hurled at Chandra and subsequently lost; anyone who touches it may instantly
teleport anywhere in any world for the price of one point of Legend as if they possessed
the Rainbow Bridge boon, and small chunks of its ivory could be made into potent relics
should anyone be brave enough to chip them off such a potent piece of godly history.
Chandra despises the tusk, whose very presence weakens and cripples him; he is afflicted
by a severe permanent wound that echoes that the tusk has made in his domain, unhealed
until such time that it is removed. He refuses to allow anyone to attempt to remove or
relocate it, however, unwilling to take the chance that it might be returned to its original
owner, and is likely to respond angrily to anyone who attempts to do so. Ganesha, who
regrets giving up some of his power so hastily, would probably welcome the tusk's return,
but those who seek to get it for him run the risk of entering Chandra's dangerous domain
and possibly rendering him even more powerful if they succeed.
Anyone who attempts to use resistance knacks from Epic Appearance while within
Chandra's domain suffers from a -20 dice penalty, and those who attempt to use the
Psychopomp purview must roll their total boons against his roll of 30 or find that their
powers simply fail to work within this place of boundaries and stillness.
Large Nemean antelopes, a shining pure white with flawlessly graceful legs and necks,
roam Shashi at will, grazing on its pearlesque plants and remaining ready should their
master require them as transportation. They range from Legend 5 to 8 and their hooves
and horns make perfect bases for relics; they are not generally hostile to outsiders, but
anyone who attacks one (or attacks Chandra in their presence) will find himself assailed
by some formidably sharp and angry cervines.
The rabbits of Shashi are ubiquitous and ever-present, soft, white creatures with the same
timid bearing and innocuous appearance as the rabbits of the World. They are, however,
the most overlooked of the place's many threats, as most of them have been enhanced as
with the Epic Enhancement boon to far beyond the capabilities of normal creatures, and
many among them are Nemean or even Typhonian beasts despite not appearing any
different from their fellows.
Budha is the god of the planet Mercury, a fearsome figure who patrols Shashi and its
environs on his winged lion in order to safeguard them for his splendid father. Though
always willing to indulge in polite conversation, he has no tolerance whatsoever for
trespassers or vandals who cannot satisfyingly explain their presence, and his club and
scimitar, expertly wielded, have sent more than a few unprepared deities to misery and
eventual doom. Children of the Deva, especially Brahma, who long ago separated Budha
and his mother from Chandra, will find him especially dangerous and hostile.
Also known as: Koios, Polos, Polus
Coeus is truly one of the ancient powers of the universe; since time immemorial he has
been the Axis of the Heavens, the point around which the cosmos revolves and the anchor
between the World and Tamoanchan, a figure of awe and importance even during his
imprisonment in Tartarus. Renowned as the keeper of wisdom and the hidden knowledge
of the stars, he keeps all the knowledge of what is, competing against the oracle of Delphi
and its knowledge of what will be. His power is as inexorable as gravity and his effect on
even gods as strong as it was at the dawn of the universe.
Coeus makes his home in the Axis of the Heavens, the central focal point around which
all of Tamoanchan (save the defiant Palace of Pride) constantly rotates. The Axis is a
massive cylinder of eye-searing pure starlight, towering thousands of miles in size,
connected to poles of the same stuff that stretch off infinitely in every direction. The
tower and poles are basically indestructible, requiring 1,000 health levels worth of damage
just to break the surface, and they are entirely immune to non-physical damage. Anyone
who touches such concentrated, pure starlight takes an immediate 100 armor-ignoring
lethal damage as the starfire burns them (though those with mastery over the Stars
purview may roll their total number of boons against Coeus' 30 dice in an attempt to
ignore this damage). The only way to enter the cylinder is via a small, equally bright and
dangerous door at its base, but this entrance is guarded by the unflinchingly vigilant
Within the cylinder, for those few who manage to gain access, is Coeus' palace, a
sprawlingly enormous edifice filled with libraries, laboratories and other areas of learning.
Anyone within the palace gains a bonus of 20 dice to all Mystery rolls, and Coeus himself
will allow visitors who are actively learning to remain unmolested for a while, allowing
them to learn abilities at half their usual cost (on top of any knack discounts they might
already have). Anyone who ceases learning, however, or who begins to attempt to act
against him will be summarily ejected from the palace.
Draco, who long ago fought against Athena and nearly destroyed her before she hurled
him into the heavens, now guards Coeus' door as its implacable protector. He is incredibly
massive, a Typhonian beast of Legend 11 that even most gods would far rather avoid than
risk fighting, and he bears a deep and abiding hatred for all members of the Theoi.
Anyone descended from the Greek gods instantly causes him to enter the Vengeance
Virtue Extremity and attempt to destroy them, making it especially difficult for Greek
deities to gain access to the Axis.
One of Coeus' brothers charged with the keeping of the southern stars, Crius does his
brother's bidding, slowly regaining his power after his terrible defeat in the last
Titanomachy. He, too, bears a grudge against Athena and all her descendents for the
killing of his son Pallas, and though he is more often to be found wandering the stars
around the Axis than remaining near it, he is no less hazardous to visitors he may dislike.
However, he has a soft spot for Hecate, his beloved granddaughter, and may occasionally
be convinced to stay his hand or participate in conversation with those who come in her
name or with her blessing.
Delphinus, a shining constellation of friendly stars in the shape of a curious dolphin, was
once the sea-creature who aided Poseidon in gaining Amphitrite for his wife. Now a part
of the realm of stars, he wanders among moons and constellations seemingly at random,
though he or his trail may be successfully discovered by a roll of Perception +
Investigation that gains at least 50 successes. Those who do find him may roll Charisma +
Animal Ken in an attempt to communicate with him and ask for his help; if they succeed
with a 75 (if they have at least five levels of Animal [Dolphin], they need only get a 50),
he decides to risk bucking the power of Tamoanchan in order to aid them, allowing
himself to be ridden for one week. During that time he acts as a very swift mount who is
not affected by the direction-warping powers of the Axis, and he will ferry his new friend
anywhere that they can reasonably communicate to him that they want to go. He will
only act as transportation, however, and once he has reached a destination or violence
breaks out, he will abandon his rider for safer locales.
Various other constellation creatures also wander to the south of the Axis, including
Cetus; they are as powerful and dangerous as Draco and are generally avoided whenever
Powers: Moon, Stars, War
Banished to the sky as a warning to all who might threaten Huitzilopochtli's rule, his
sister Coyoloxauhqui is a fearsome and implacable warrior, still living despite her violent
dismemberment and nursing an implacable hatred against all living things in the World.
As the mistress of the moon, she sees and hears all that transpires in her domain from its
vantage point, and as the war leader of the armies of the stars threatens to overrun and
destroy anything and everything that opposes her with pure, unrelenting rage. No fury on
earth can match hers, nor any less celestial being hope to survive the brilliant heat of her
Coyolxauhqui herself wanders the moon, disconsolate and angry. The ground's surface is
soft, brown and fleshy, for it is indeed Coyolxauhqui herself; any damage done to the
ground of the moon is instantly felt by her, and while she creates what is essentially an
avatar of herself, a beautiful haughty warrior woman as she was at the height of her
power, she is not truly able to leave the moon as the moon is literally herself, all that is
left after her brutal defeat at Huitzilopochtli's hands. Roaming bands of flesh-creatures,
extensions of her angry and malevolent will, also roam the moon and will attack any
intruders they encounter, and Coyolxauhqui is capable of calling up a massive army of
them from the very ground whenever she so chooses.
Anyone attempting to use War boons on Metztli must roll their total number of boons
against Coyolxauhqui's 30. All actions performed here automatically gain a visitor's
Conviction dots as automatic successes, but Courage is completely unusable and cannot
be channeled or influence actions in any way.
The Centzonhuitznahua
The Centzonhuitznahua are the four hundred gods of the southern stars, Coyolxauhqui's
brothers who were also defeated by Huitzilopochtli in the long-ago, ill-fated attempt to
kill their mother. They surround Metztli, revolving through the heavens with it ready to
defend her at any moment, thirsty for war and looking forward to any chance to unleash
their violent wrath on someone. They are not minions but Titanic gods in their own right,
and to fight all four hundred of them at once is a choice that even the most potent of war
gods will not choose of their own free will.
Once as welcomed a member of the Teotl as any other, Tecciztecatl is a depressed shell of
a creature now, spending most of his time hiding on Metztli and avoiding the censure and
rejection of a pantheon that he has failed. The rabbit-god is notoriously cowardly, but
despite the fact that his exile was brought on by his own unwillingness to sacrifice, he
blames the pantheon that has rejected him and dreams of various plans of vengeance that
he will never have the courage to enact. He never fights intentionally, but if cornered can
be vicious; he might be convinced to rejoin the gods, but it is unlikely that he would be
willing to make the kind of grand sacrificial gesture that doing so would require.
Also known as: Cihuacoatl
Known and feared throughout the Aztec world, Itzpapalotl is the Obsidian Butterfly, a
terrible monster, mother of the gods, and leader of the hordes of hideous star-demons that
threaten each and every living soul. She is a creator of mankind and mother to the gods,
and paradoxically also a force of pure destruction, causing widespread carnage and
destabilization wherever she goes, sometimes disguising herself as an ally and more often
simply rampaging through, a terrifyingly monstrous incarnation of all the evil influence
the night sky is capable of.
Itzpapalotl's realm is the vast black emptiness of the southern stars, where she is mistress
of the cold empty reaches of space as well as the flaming, pure white heat of the stars
themselves. There is no solid ground here for a traveler to hold onto, nor any kind of help
in the empty void. Itzpapalotl herself wanders the area restlessly, almost invisible to all
others unless she chooses to make an appearance, hunting for anything that does not
belong there; all travelers through the Tzitzimime Haunts gain +20 dice to Stealth rolls,
but must roll a single d10 each day to see if the Titan Avatar has discovered them. On a 2,
Itzpapalotl is absent but one of the dangerous constellations that live in this area attempts
to attack them; on a 1, Itzpapalotl herself descends on them in all her furious deadliness,
and she does so as a surprise ambush unless the unfortunate victim is able to roll at least a
75 on a Perception + Survival roll in order to see her coming. Should any tzitzimime be in
the area, the result of the single die roll is lowered by 1 as they report back to their
maleficent mistress.
The tzitzimime are the ultimate nightmare of the ancient Aztec, hideous, terrible star-
monsters that somewhat resemble haggish women, their faces distorted in horrible
mosquito-like forms and their hands clawed and grasping. They range from Legend 5 to 8
and bring terror with them wherever they go, descending into the World whenever they
can manage to do so in order to hunt humanity, especially pregnant women and children,
who are their favorite prey. They move very quickly and stealthily, and drain Legend as
well as blood from those targets that have it.
Itzpapalotl is mistress of the dangerous constellations of her corner of the great heavenly
realm, and they are extraordinarily hazardous, always willing to destroy on her word.
They are usually high-Legend Typhonian creatures, and the dangerous beasts of this area
include Aquila, Cancer, Corvis, Lupus, and the Vermilion Bird.
Also known as: Artala, Hverfanda, Mylinn, Skin, Skyndi
Mani is an awe-inspiring and remote figure, the moon who shines so bright that he was
set in the sky before the ordering of the world in order to illuminate it. He has little care
for, or indeed understanding of, any of the gods or humans below him, and ignores them
as a human might flies, concentrating instead on the patterns of the heavens' movement
and the awesome order of space and time. Known in the modern day as the prosaic Man
in the Moon, the ancient Titan has lost none of his power or significance over the ages,
continuting inexorably about his business no matter who or what might be in his way.
Mani's palace is an oddity, a sprawling edifice made entirely of raw wood, taking up ever-
increasing amounts of space on the surface of Himinn. Mani is continually at work
adding, expanding and improving it, necessitating his continual theft of wood from
anywhere and everywhere he can get it; having access to the World again now is
particularly helpful for him, as his minions can make it a habit of stealing wood from
hapless humans and bringing it to him for his carpentry projects. It is difficult to safely
make one's way to see this wooden marvel, however, as the entire area of Himinn's
surface is mined with hidden traps; a Perception + Larceny roll of 50 is required to notice
one without setting it off, and when they do go off they impale up to five people in the
area on large wooden spears, dealing 60 lethal damage. The traps become more frequent
the closer to Mani's palace a traveler comes; those with high Intelligence + Animal Ken
rolls may realize that the traps seem specifically designed for use against canine intruders.
A more insidious effect is at work in Himinn; all living things that come here are
subjected to Mani's ironclad control of the seasons and months, causing even gods and
those with the Eternal Youth knack to age as if made of fragile mortal flesh. Every day
spent in Mani's domain cases a visitor to age one year, up to a maximum of their true
natural age, putting even the divine in danger of becoming weathered oldtimers if they
dally too long. Mani can reverse these effects if he so chooses, but it is unlikely that any
but the most important reasons or potent bribes would convince him to do so. It is
rumored that the aging effect comes from the Time-Keeper, a colossal calendar stone that
revolves endlessly and patiently near Mani's palace, but while tampering with it might be
able to help those afflicted, even the bravest of gods generally do not dare touch it for fear
of what side effects it might have on them and the World if damaged or distracted.
While within Himinn's borders, all Appearance rolls gain a bonus of 20 dice, as do any
Fertility boon rolls used to affect or create wood.
All Appearance rolls suffer from a -20 dice penalty around Hjuki and Bil, who are the
manifestations of the dark spots on the moon's surface and cause the area around them to
considerably dim and blot until they leave.
Also known as: Camaxtli, Tlahuizcalpanteuctli
Fearsome Mixcoatl is the undisputed master of the northern stars, his own slain brothers,
who he murdered to assert his own dominance over the skies. A merciless hunter capable
of running any prey to ground, he stalks the Milky Way and the very constellations
tremble with fear of him when he passes, bow and arrows at the ready to destroy
anything that takes his fancy. He is the most implacable and ambitious foe of the Teotl,
ready to thoroughly and utterly break them to seize power over the entire World for
himself, and behind him mass all the hordes of the night skies, ready to follow the Cloud
Serpent wherever his shimmering and deadly steps may lead them.
Mixcoatl's realm is the northern stars, the vast reaches of frozen space and the
shimmering, quicksilver ribbon of the serpentine Milky Way. He keeps no permanent
residence among them, preferring to travel the stars in search of worthy creatures to track
and hunt, often prevailing upon Coeus to drift more powerful beings into his area or
occasionally making forays to the south to test his might against the southern
constellations or even his formidable mother, Itzpapalotl. It is extremely difficult to avoid
Mixcoatl, as his hunting skills are unparalleled and he is always in search of new prey;
anyone attempting to elude his notice must roll Dexterity + Stealth and gain at least 100
successes or become a possible target for his continual hunts, rolling a single d10. If the
result is a 2, one of the many exceptionally powerful constellations of his realm catches
the intruder's scent and comes after them; if the result is a 1, Mixcoatl himself decides to
hunt them, and they must make a roll of Perception + Investigation, adding any Stars
boons as successes, of at least 75 to realize their peril before he arrives.
The Milky Way itself is a massive, shining river of stars and liquid light, stretching
through Mixcoatl's domain and changing its destination at his whim to best serve him.
Anyone who enters the Milky Way is able to travel more easily, gaining extra light, speed
and becoming temporarily immune to the effects of the Axis while within it; however, no
one but Mixcoatl is able to control the direction it flows, so it most often merely carries a
traveler from one side of the Hunting Fields to the other.
While within Mixcoatl's domain, all Perception rolls gain an additional 20 dice, but all
Animal boons cost an additional 3 points of Legend to use, and their activater must
successfully roll his total boons against Mixcoatl's 30 or find that they have no effect.
The Centzonmimixcoa
The four hundred northern stars, the Centzonmimixcoa are Mixcoatl's siblings, formidable
cloud serpents who were long ago defeated and brought here to serve as his own personal
amusements. They are exceptionally dangerous but are occupied with hiding from their
brother, who is constantly hunting them through the reaches of the stars that are their
home. As minions of Tamoanchan they are obliged to attack any outside forces that
intrude on their domain, but if there is a group of beings anywhere in the realm who
might be willing to listen to a sufficiently silver-tongued offer of rescue, Mixcoatl's
belabored brothers might be it.
Siblings of Mixcoatl
In contrast, four of Mixcoatl's siblings - his brothers Apanteuctli, Quauhtliicohuauh and
Tlotepetl and his sister Cuetlachcihuatl - are his most fiercely loyal supporters and
enforcers, roaming his realm in either their anthropomorphic, human-like forms or as the
monstrous coatl they often prefer. Having long ago thrown in their lot with him in order
to escape their siblings' fate, they make a point of patrolling the borders of his territory
and keeping the Centzonmimixcoa in line, all the while keeping a sharp eye out for new
prey to present to their brother to assuage his continual hunger for the chase.
The most dangerous and wily of all star creatures and constellations reside in Mixcoatl's
realm, the better for him to hunt them in his spare time. Creatures that menace life in this
area include Leo, Taurus, Orion, Canis, Aries, Cygnus, Hydra, Pegasus, Ursa, Lepis and
Genbu, all of them extremely dangerous and on edge from the constant need to be alert
for Mixcoatl's depredations.
Also known as: Luna, Mene, Phoebe
Selene is one of the most beautiful and luminous creatures even among the resplendent
Avatars of Tamoanchan, a woman of unsurpassed loveliness and pure, unfettered light,
crowned with silver and surrounded by wings of pure moonlight. Sweet, soft-spoken and
non-threatening, Selene's true danger goes unnoticed for many until it is too late, for her
realm is one of eternal drowsiness and sleep, slow madness of the most gentle kind that
may softly strip even the most hardy of gods of their memories and will. Selene, for all her
glorious beauty, loves no one but herself and her long-imprisoned lover Endymion, locked
in eternal sleep so that he may never age or escape; her heart is as cold and barren as the
moon itself to all others who enter her presence.
Selene's palace Noctiluna and the surrounding environs are pleasant and peaceful, the
palace itself set on a large mountain while pastures full of goats and sheep sprawl out
around them and even loud, surprising noises seem muffled and far away. The palace is
constructed seemingly entirely of silver, filled with soft couches and pleasant food and
drink, and is open to any travelers who behave themselves; the surrounding countryside is
dotted with smaller mansions of similar style belonging to the Menae. Selene's territories
cause a powerful feeling of sleepiness and peace to steal over all who enter them; a
Stamina + Fortitude roll that nets at least 75 successes is required to avoid simply lying
down and going to sleep in the nearest comfortable nook (though who do succumb may
reroll at a -1 difficulty each day in an attempt to wake up). No one ages while in Selene's
territory and all healing effects double in speed while a visitor is asleep, and furthermore
anyone within sight of Noctiluna is peacefully affected as if by the Tranquility boon; but
despite these enjoyable side effects, her domain is one that most gods avoid on principle,
knowing all too well how many have succumbed to permanent sleep within it. All visitors
to Selene's lands immediately gain 5 dots of Rapacity that they retain until they leave,
making it very difficult for them to avoid indulging in anything they want (the most usual
candidate being restful sleep).
The outer third of Selene's moon is Hecate's Verge, a large expanse of shimmering ground
belonging to that goddess in accordance with an ancient pact. None of the effects of
Selene's realm are in force here, and the only inhabitants appear to be a wide range of
friendly dogs, who patrol and wander its length but never stray over into Selene's
The Menae
The Menae are Selene's fifty daughters, each a smaller version of her mother; they are
beautiful, graceful, seductive and enjoyable to be around, and they spend much of their
time lounging or relaxing around Noctiluna and their own environs. They are unable to
leave Selene's territory and are always on the lookout for suitable men; any male that
enters the presence of one of the Menae must roll Appearance + Presence, and if he gains
50 or more successes the Mena in question immediately attempts to claim him as her new
husband, doing everything in her power to bring him before Selene to bless the union.
Avoiding being trapped in Noctiluna with one of the Menae forever is a difficult enough
situation, but if the man in question is brought before Selene, he must roll Appearance +
Presence again; if he gains 75 or more successes, the Titan Avatar decides to keep him for
herself instead, a significantly more difficult predicament to escape.
Selene's single great love is Endymion, an ancient Scion whose beauty was so great that
she caused him to sleep forever, the better to ensure that he never aged and remained
always with her. Selene's bedroom, set into the rock of the mountain beneath the palace,
contains a door that leads to a Terra Incognita in which Endymion slumbers eternally,
receiving no visitors except for Selene herself. While it is very unlikely that anyone could
wake him while he remained under her power, it is possible that he could be awoken if he
were removed from the Terra and Selene's lands, either by smuggling him out through her
bedroom or by finding access to the Terra from Mount Latmus in the World (though this
earthly entrance is heavily guarded by Selene's minions and very difficult to break into).
Endymion has been asleep for so long that no one knows what his powers or stance on
the war might be, but anyone who wakes him up to find out will unleash an
unprecedented storm of jealous fury from Selene, who will surely never rest until she
avenges herself on the upstart who dares steal her lover from her.
Source Material
The Aesir Ramayana
The Poetic Edda
The Prose Edda
Gesta Danorum The Netjer
The Pyramid Texts
The Book of Going Forth by Day
The Book of the Opening of Mouth
The Book of Gates
The Book of Breathings
The Anunna The Book of the Heavenly Cow
Enuma Elish
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Descent of Ishtar
Atrahasis The Orisha
Drums and Shadows
Voodoos and Obeahs
The Bogovi Yoruba Legends
The Primacy Chronicle
Myths of Ife
The Tale of Igors Campaign
Yoruba-Speaking Peoples
Gesta Danorum
The Theoi
The Library of Apollodorus
The Theogony of Hesiod
The Argonautica
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Aeneid
The Tuatha de
The Tain Bo Cuailgne
Cath Maige Tuired
The Dindshenchas
The Wooing of Etain
The Voyage of Bran
The Children of Lir
The Yazata
The Shahnameh
The Vendidad
The Yashts
The Yasna