First Notes: April'S Musings
First Notes: April'S Musings
First Notes: April'S Musings
We uphold the United Methodist Church by our PRAYERS, PRESENCE, GIFTS, SERVICE & WITNESS
9:00 am Sunday 2017 Monthly Budget October Total Gifts Received to Date
Combined Service School Needs
Needs$26,128 $17,443
1st 105 75
October 2017
GRATITUDE The purpose of Charge Conference is to celebrate the ministries of our congrega-
tion, affirm our plans for the future, approve candidates for ministry, set the salary of
TURNS our pastor, and approve new leadership for the coming year. Charge Conference offers
us a great opportunity to celebrate everything that is going on in our church.
WHAT YOU This year, we will be sharing in a Cluster Charge Conference with a few other congre-
gations here at Chanute First United Methodist at 5:30 pm on November 12, 2017. 2017
HAVE INTO Our charge conference will also be a chance to hear a message from our new
District Superintendent, David Watson.
ENOUGH. Please make plans to attend. The entire congregation is invited to attend so please
encourage others to participate.
Nursery Shower
The nursery is in need! If you would like to leave a
donation for several new activity panels to be pur-
chased just mark your donation NURSERY 2017
Cost for:
1.Flipper Wall Panel $128.64
2.Paddle Well Wall Panel $128.64
3.Outer Space Pathfinder Wall Panel $135.19
4.Woodledoodleshop $100.00
5.Little Ben Board $134.24
Mission Pennies Pantry Sunday ACCL is an alliance of Thank you for the scholar-
...for the month of Sunday, November 19th churches to provide the ship money. It will come in
November will go toward is Pantry Sunday. needy with emergency very handy in furthering
the Safari Apartment Dont forget to bring your funds for lodging, rent, my college education.
Christmas Dinner & gift donation for the Food utilities, food, medicine, Thank you,
cards. Pantry with you! and transportation. Noah Kepley
Linda Jones
[email protected]
Sunday, October 29: An Enchilada Fundraiser Dinner will be held in the Fellow-
How to become a member.... ship Hall at 11:00am.
You are welcome to attend wor-
ship services, member or not. For Sunday, October 29: A Harvest Party will be held at the McMillen Farm beginning
that matter, you can attend any
activity of the church and are at 4:00pm.
invited to do so. Becoming a
member is, in faith, saying you Sunday, November 12: A Confirmation Dinner will be held at 11:00 am in the
want a deeper commitment to the Fellowship Hall.
church. Our vows ask us to faith-
fully participate in the life of the Charge Conference will be held here at 5:30pm.
church with our prayers, our
presence, our gifts, our service
and our witness. Sunday, November 19: ACCL Thanksgiving Service will be held here at 7:00pm.
We hope you will be a part of
the ministry of the First United Thursday, November 23: Community Thanksgiving Dinner held here at noon.
Methodist Church. If you would
like to become a member, please
give us: Name(s), address, phone Sunday, November 26: Hanging of the Greens.
number, e-mail address, anniver-
saries, birthdays and if you are
already a member of some other Wednesday, December 6: The Volunteer Christmas Party will be held at 6:00pm
church or not. If you are, we also
need the name of the church and,
give this to the pastor, or leave in MEETINGS OR EVENTS IN THE CHURCH BUILDING!
the church office.
(Be sure to check inside for more details on these events!)
November 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4
Sunday Worship 9:00 am Alzheimers
Support Group, 107
Schedule: 9:00 am Devotions
w/ Dorothy, Parlor
11:00 am Walkercize,
9:00 am 10:10 am 107
Combined Sunday School 5:30 pm Kid's
Worship Time Choir Practice
(Sanctuary) 6:00 pm KICS
6:00 pm Choir
* The 11am Worship Time has been suspended indefinitely.
5 Communion 6 7 8 9 10 11
9:30 am Genesis to 7:00 am7:00 pm 9:00 am Devotions
6:00 pm KICS Revelation, 107 Elections, FH w/ Dorothy, Parlor
11:00 am Walkercize, 9:30 am Ladies 11:00 am Walkercize,
Bible Study, 107 107
FH 5:30 pm Kid's
5:30 pm Ladies
11:00 am Ministry of Bible Study, Parlor Choir Practice
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Caring, 103 5:30 pm Mens Bible 6:00 pm AWANA
ENDS 6:30 pm Quilt Guild, Study, 103 6:00 pm KICS
FH 7:00 pm Trustees, 6:00 pm Choir
* See Sunday Worship Parsonage
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9:30 am Genesis to 5:30 pm Ladies 9:00 am Devotions
6:00 pm KICS Revelation, 107 Bible Study, Parlor w/ Dorothy, Parlor
11:00 am Walkercize,
5:30 pm Charge 11:00 am Walkercize, 5:30 pm Mens Bible 107
Conference, FH FH Study, 103 5:30 pm Kid's
Choir Practice
6:00 pm KICS
6:00 pm Choir
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Pantry Sunday 9:30 am Genesis to 9:00 am Todays 11:00 am Walkercize,
Revelation, 107 Concerns: Shopping FH
& Lunch in Pittsburg 5:30 pm Kid's
6:00 pm KICS 11:00 am Walkercize, Choir Practice
7:00 pm ACCL FH 5:30 pm Ladies
Bible Study, Parlor 6:00 pm KICS
Thanksgiving Service, 6:00 pm Choir
Here 5:30 pm Mens Bible
Study, 103
6:30 pm Church &
Society, Murray Hill
* See Sunday Worship
26 27 28 29 30
Hanging of the 11:00 am Walkercize, 1:00 pm Newsletter 9:00 am Devotions
FH Crew, 107 w/ Dorothy, Parlor
Greens 11:00 am Walkercize,
6:00 pm KICS 5:30 pm Ladies FH
Bible Study, Parlor 5:30 pm Kid's
5:30 pm Mens Bible Choir Practice
Study, 103 6:00 pm KICS
6:00 pm Choir
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Jeremiah 3436 Jeremiah 3739 Jeremiah 4042 Jeremiah 4345 Jeremiah 4647 Jeremiah 4849 Jeremiah 50
Hebrews 2 Hebrews 3 Hebrews 4 Hebrews 5 Hebrews 6 Hebrews 7 Hebrews 8
12 Pantry Sunday 13 14 15 16 17 18
Jeremiah 5152 Lamentations 12 Lamentations 35 Ezekiel 12 Ezekiel 34 Ezekiel 57 Ezekiel 810
Hebrews 9 Hebrews 10:118 Hebrews 10:1939 Hebrews 11:119 Hebrews 11:2040 Hebrews 12 Hebrews 13
Nina Pinta
Santa Maria Squanto Plymouth Charlotte Clum
Reagan Dillow
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ezekiel 1113 Ezekiel 1415 Ezekiel 1617 Ezekiel 1819 Ezekiel 2021 Ezekiel 2223 Ezekiel 2426
James 1 James 2 James 3 James 4 James 5 1 Peter 1 1 Peter 2
Gravy Train Stuffin Muffin Turkey Jerky May Flower Alex Krumm Judy Warren
Gobblin Along
Don McReynolds
26 27 28 29 30
Ezekiel 2729 Ezekiel 3032 Ezekiel 3334 Ezekiel 3536 Ezekiel 3739
1 Peter 3 1 Peter 4 1 Peter 5 1 Peter 1 2 Peter 2
Amy Almond
Sherilyn Clarke Anne Ranz
Steve Slane
Abron Weaver Betty McCready Pum Kin