First Notes: April'S Musings

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A P R I L S M U S I N G S Rev. April Wegehaupt

Sunday All your words are true; all

your righteous laws are The Lord hears our cries.
17:1). We do not have to
wonder if these promises
Worship eternal. Psalm 34:17 will happen. Rather, we
Psalms 119:160 ought to wait in expecta-
Schedule The Lord will answer when tion. So when the dog
During the Holiday Season you call to Him. bites, when the bee
9:00 am my favorite musical of all Jeremiah 33:3 stings, when youre feel-
Worship times shows, The Sound of ing sad, I encourage you
in the Sanctuary Music. One of my favorite You need not be afraid. to remember all God has
songs in it is, My Favorite God is with you. promised you. It is in
10:10 am Things. The character Ma- Isaiah 41:13 these promises you will
Sunday School ria, who sings this song, find great strength.
Time thinks about her list of fa- The Lord will give rest to
vorite things when she your burdened soul. As you celebrate this
seeks comfort. Matthew 11:28-29 coming Thanksgiving I
BE SURE TO JOIN want to encourage you to
US SUNDAY, Have you considered your The Lord will comfort you. take time and give things
OCTOBER 29TH favorite things? Found in John 14:27 to all the 'favorite things'
FOR ENCHILADAS the Bible are promises from God does for you each
IN FELLOWSHIP our Lord keepsakes we The Lord has given us His day.
HALL AT 11:00AM can cling to at all times Spirit to guide us.
including periods of worry, Acts 1:8
trouble, or despair. These
promises urge Christ- The list can go on and on.
OUR MISSION followers not to be troubled The Lord promises us
STATEMENT: or to feel alone. mercy, protection,
Here are a few of the strength, eternity, love,
Making Disciples promises found in the and forgiveness. As it says
Bible. Maybe they could be in the Bible, God cannot
...Changing added to your list of lie (Hebrews 6:18) and
the World 'favorite things'. His word is truth (John

We uphold the United Methodist Church by our PRAYERS, PRESENCE, GIFTS, SERVICE & WITNESS

9:00 am Sunday 2017 Monthly Budget October Total Gifts Received to Date
Combined Service School Needs
Needs$26,128 $17,443

1st $5,653 September September September

October 2017
Attendance for

1st 105 75
October 2017

Income Expense Net LOSS

Gifts for

8th 125 71 8th $5,087 $18,797 $20,745 ($1,948)

15th 92 50 15th $5,223
to-Date Year-
to-Date Year-
22nd 107 66 22nd $1,480 Income Expense Net Loss
$203,879 $212,004 ($8,125)
29th BE HERE! BE HERE! 29th Give!

C ommunity T hanksgiving D inner

Prayer Concerns: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD
Isabella Baughn
Debbie Carpenter On the Menu:
(daughter-in-law of Chuck &Sharon Carpenter) Turkey Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Tonya Ely Dressing Sweet Potatoes
Jim Schoenberger Green Beans w/Bacon Pumpkin Dessert
Sherrolyn Webb Cranberry Sauce Rolls
Christian Wegegaupt
Jamie Ortiz Items needed that can be donated:
Wanda Gorton
20 bags of stuffing mix 8 dozen eggs
Becky Hornbach 20 boxes of corn bread mix 32 cans of evaporated milk
(daughter of Dorothy Blaine) 30 cans of chicken broth 20 cans of cranberry sauce
Ruth Farmer 20 *gallons of green beans 6 bunches of celery
Mike Sutcliffe 5 lbs. of bacon 6 large containers of cool whip
5 *gallon cans of instant mashed potatoes 14 pkgs of Rhodes frozen rolls
Serving in the Military: 810 gallons milk (36 per package)
Spc. Justin Lawrence 30 lbs. of stick oleo 5 lb. bag of flour
18 *gallon cans of sweet potatoes 15 lb. bags of sugar (or more)
(stationed at Fort Bragg, NC) Any old Bread for dressing
42 lb. packages brown sugar
Josh & Kenzli Underwood 45 pkgs. mini marshmallows Black & Green Olives (numerous cans)
Drey Barkman 32 large cans of pumpkin (not the mix) Sweet Pickles
Ssgt. Roger, Melissa 32 yellow cake mixes *GALLON CANS MAY BE FOUND AT G&W
10 lbs. pecans JUST NORTH OF THE DELI.
& Timothy Myers
Joshua Hatch Please be sure and put your name and quantity of what you will purchase on the list
Jack Martin found in the downstairs hallway. Please be sure to check the list or call the office so
we dont have too much of any one item. We need to have these items at the church in
Sympathies: the pantry or the freezer no later than the Monday before Thanksgiving. The Boomer
To the family & friends of Link has volunteered to come prepare and start roasting turkeys that evening. Need
Ruth Elaine Ruggles carvers Tuesday and possibly on Wednesday morning. Need dessert makers on
(mother of Kendall Ruggles) Tuesday. There will be celery, onions, etc. to chop, tables to decorate, paper goods to
be gotten out. Silverware to be wrapped. Help with getting all the last minute items
PLEASE NOTE: together. Will need volunteers on Tuesday and Wednesday. Need volunteers on
NAMES SUBMITTED FOR Thursday to deliver meals, help with last minute preparations, serve and clean up.
BE REMOVED AFTER TWO WEEKS. We were short delivery people last year and would appreciate having more volun-
PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE teers! We start filling the deliveries around 10:00am, so that they can be sent out for
@ 431-4240 OR E-MAIL delivery by 11:00am. Last year there were approximately 150 dinners delivered!
[email protected]


GRATITUDE The purpose of Charge Conference is to celebrate the ministries of our congrega-
tion, affirm our plans for the future, approve candidates for ministry, set the salary of
TURNS our pastor, and approve new leadership for the coming year. Charge Conference offers
us a great opportunity to celebrate everything that is going on in our church.
WHAT YOU This year, we will be sharing in a Cluster Charge Conference with a few other congre-
gations here at Chanute First United Methodist at 5:30 pm on November 12, 2017. 2017
HAVE INTO Our charge conference will also be a chance to hear a message from our new
District Superintendent, David Watson.
ENOUGH. Please make plans to attend. The entire congregation is invited to attend so please
encourage others to participate.

Sunday, November 12th / 11:00am

A dinner will be served in celebration of the eight youth who have made the commit-
ment to join our church on Sunday, November 12, at 11:00. Charlene Riley and the
faithful members of the Boomer Link will be hosting a ham dinner for those of you
that want to show your appreciation for the time and effort extended by these eight
youth and their parents upon completing the confirmation classes and activi-
ties. We're so proud of them!! Come join us for fellowship, dinner, and meeting
these youth and their parents on November 12th at 11:00am in the Fellowship Hall.

BECAUSE OF The Come All Ye

Faithful Sunday School
Class invites you to join
them for a new Bible Study titled,
By Max Lucado
New Womens Bible Study
Begins Tuesday, COMMUNITY
November 21st by James Bryan Smith
5-Week Study Sundays at 10:10am in Room 112

Nursery Shower
The nursery is in need! If you would like to leave a
donation for several new activity panels to be pur-
chased just mark your donation NURSERY 2017
Cost for:
1.Flipper Wall Panel $128.64
2.Paddle Well Wall Panel $128.64
3.Outer Space Pathfinder Wall Panel $135.19
4.Woodledoodleshop $100.00
5.Little Ben Board $134.24

Last AWANA for

this semester is
November 8 ! th
IN OTHER NEWS..... Page 4


Mission Pennies Pantry Sunday ACCL is an alliance of Thank you for the scholar-
...for the month of Sunday, November 19th churches to provide the ship money. It will come in
November will go toward is Pantry Sunday. needy with emergency very handy in furthering
the Safari Apartment Dont forget to bring your funds for lodging, rent, my college education.
Christmas Dinner & gift donation for the Food utilities, food, medicine, Thank you,
cards. Pantry with you! and transportation. Noah Kepley

Gifts / Prizes Needed Challenge for THE ACCL

The Church & Society November will be THANKSGIVING Thank you very much for
committee is in need of *SEE BISHOPS ROUND-UP the scholarships. I greatly
gifts and prizes to be SERVICE WILL BE appreciate your generosity
given to the residents at HELD HERE AT and support to help
the Murray Hill Apts. The FUMC ON achieve a life long goal of
committee hosts a party / CASH IS ALSO SUNDAY, mine.
bingo game there each Thank you,
month. GREATLY NOVEMBER 19 Dylan Funk
God of all blessings,
TODAYS CONCERNS source of all life,
ROAD TRIP & LUNCH giver of all grace:
Tuesday, November 21 We thank you for the
The church van will leave gift of life:
The Journey to Bethlehem at 9:00am. for the breath
Bring an extra $5.00 to that sustains life,
Friday, December 15 help cover the cost of gas. for the food of this earth
& Saturday, December 16 We will be going to that nurtures life,
Pittsburg for shopping and for the love of family
5:30pm8:00pm lunch. Please RSVP by and friends
Watch for more details! Monday, November 20th. without which there
would be no life.
The Missions Committee will be collect-
ing food for our local food pantry this We thank you for the
year. Items of the most need include: mystery of creation:
pancake mix, syrup, canned fruits & for the beauty
vegetables, canned soup, macaroni & that the eye can see,
cheese, canned tuna, ramen noodles, for the joy
peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti, spaghetti that the ear may hear,
sauce, cereal, saltine crackers, hamburg- for the unknown
er or tuna helper, toilet paper, dish soap, that we cannot behold
bar soap filling the universe
with wonder,
Note: NO outdated food items please.
for the expanse of space
If you are making a contribution, please be that draws us beyond the
sure to write Food Pantry in the memo line
definitions of our selves.
NEED FOR COMMERCIALLY Date for this years Round-Up is
PREPARED FOOD. November 18th from 8am1:30pm (Continued on page 5)
at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Lawrence.

We thank you for setting

us in communities:
Harvest Party A Million Dollar
for families Word
who nurture our Sunday, October 29th
for friends
4:00pm Rudyard Kipling was a great
British poet whose writings
who love us by choice,
for companions at work,
McMillens Farm have blessed many of us, in-
cluding a generation gone by.
who share our burdens 23424 1800 Rd Kipling was a very famous
writer even before he died,
and daily tasks, and he made a great deal of
for strangers money at his trade.
who welcome us into
their midst, A newspaper reporter came
for people from up to him once and said, ''Mr.
other lands
who call us to grow
HANGING OF THE Kipling, I just read that some-
body calculated that the
money you make from your
in understanding,
for children
who lighten our moments
GREENS writings amounts to over $100
a word.'' Mr. Kipling raised his
eyebrows and said, ''Really, I
with delight,
for the unborn,
Sunday, November 26th certainly wasn't aware of that.''
The reporter cynically reached
who offer us hope for Getting Our Church Decorated for the into his pocket and pulled out
a $100 bill and gave it to Kip-
the future. Advent Season Begins! ling and said, ''Here's a $100
(Watch for more details in next months newsletter!) bill Mr. Kipling. Now you give
We thank you for this day: me one of your $100 words.''
for life
Rudyard Kipling looked at
and one more day to love, that $100 bill for a moment,
for opportunity took it and folded it up and
and one more day to work put it in his pocket and said,
for justice and peace, ''Thanks.''
for neighbors
and one more person
to love
and by whom be loved,
for your grace
12 6 17 Well the word ''thanks'' is
certainly a $100 word. In fact,
I would say it is more like a
million dollar word. That is one
word that is too seldom heard,
and one more experience too rarely spoken, and too
of your presence, often forgotten.
for your promise:
to be with us, ...always giving
to be our God, thanks to God the
and to give salvation.
Father for
For these, everything, in the
and all blessings, name of our Lord
we give you thanks, Type:
through Jesus Christ
in the Search Bar OVER AGAIN? FIND IT ON
~Ephesians 5:20
we pray. Amen.
FIRST UNITED First United Methodist Church U.S. Postage Paid
202 S. Lincoln Non-Profit Org.
CHURCH Chanute, KS 66720 66720
620.431.4240 Permit #13
CHANUTE, KANSAS 66720 Return Service Requested
Pastor: Rev. April Wegehaupt
Director of Adult Ministry & Parish
Linda Arnett
[email protected]
In-Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday Mornings

Director of Young Ministries:

Demian Wegehaupt
[email protected]
In-Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday / 8amNoon

Secretary: Ronda Phillips

[email protected]

Linda Jones
[email protected]

Custodian: Jasen Baughn

[email protected]
PH: (620)212-1468
Music Director:
Paul Myers
Organist: Terri DeGeer
[email protected]


Sunday, October 29: An Enchilada Fundraiser Dinner will be held in the Fellow-
How to become a member.... ship Hall at 11:00am.
You are welcome to attend wor-
ship services, member or not. For Sunday, October 29: A Harvest Party will be held at the McMillen Farm beginning
that matter, you can attend any
activity of the church and are at 4:00pm.
invited to do so. Becoming a
member is, in faith, saying you Sunday, November 12: A Confirmation Dinner will be held at 11:00 am in the
want a deeper commitment to the Fellowship Hall.
church. Our vows ask us to faith-
fully participate in the life of the Charge Conference will be held here at 5:30pm.
church with our prayers, our
presence, our gifts, our service
and our witness. Sunday, November 19: ACCL Thanksgiving Service will be held here at 7:00pm.
We hope you will be a part of
the ministry of the First United Thursday, November 23: Community Thanksgiving Dinner held here at noon.
Methodist Church. If you would
like to become a member, please
give us: Name(s), address, phone Sunday, November 26: Hanging of the Greens.
number, e-mail address, anniver-
saries, birthdays and if you are
already a member of some other Wednesday, December 6: The Volunteer Christmas Party will be held at 6:00pm
church or not. If you are, we also
need the name of the church and,
give this to the pastor, or leave in MEETINGS OR EVENTS IN THE CHURCH BUILDING!
the church office.
(Be sure to check inside for more details on these events!)
November 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4
Sunday Worship 9:00 am Alzheimers
Support Group, 107
Schedule: 9:00 am Devotions
w/ Dorothy, Parlor
11:00 am Walkercize,
9:00 am 10:10 am 107
Combined Sunday School 5:30 pm Kid's
Worship Time Choir Practice
(Sanctuary) 6:00 pm KICS
6:00 pm Choir
* The 11am Worship Time has been suspended indefinitely.

5 Communion 6 7 8 9 10 11
9:30 am Genesis to 7:00 am7:00 pm 9:00 am Devotions
6:00 pm KICS Revelation, 107 Elections, FH w/ Dorothy, Parlor
11:00 am Walkercize, 9:30 am Ladies 11:00 am Walkercize,
Bible Study, 107 107
FH 5:30 pm Kid's
5:30 pm Ladies
11:00 am Ministry of Bible Study, Parlor Choir Practice
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Caring, 103 5:30 pm Mens Bible 6:00 pm AWANA
ENDS 6:30 pm Quilt Guild, Study, 103 6:00 pm KICS
FH 7:00 pm Trustees, 6:00 pm Choir
* See Sunday Worship Parsonage

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9:30 am Genesis to 5:30 pm Ladies 9:00 am Devotions
6:00 pm KICS Revelation, 107 Bible Study, Parlor w/ Dorothy, Parlor
11:00 am Walkercize,
5:30 pm Charge 11:00 am Walkercize, 5:30 pm Mens Bible 107
Conference, FH FH Study, 103 5:30 pm Kid's
Choir Practice
6:00 pm KICS
6:00 pm Choir

* See Sunday Worship


19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Pantry Sunday 9:30 am Genesis to 9:00 am Todays 11:00 am Walkercize,
Revelation, 107 Concerns: Shopping FH
& Lunch in Pittsburg 5:30 pm Kid's
6:00 pm KICS 11:00 am Walkercize, Choir Practice
7:00 pm ACCL FH 5:30 pm Ladies
Bible Study, Parlor 6:00 pm KICS
Thanksgiving Service, 6:00 pm Choir
Here 5:30 pm Mens Bible
Study, 103
6:30 pm Church &
Society, Murray Hill
* See Sunday Worship

26 27 28 29 30
Hanging of the 11:00 am Walkercize, 1:00 pm Newsletter 9:00 am Devotions
FH Crew, 107 w/ Dorothy, Parlor
Greens 11:00 am Walkercize,
6:00 pm KICS 5:30 pm Ladies FH
Bible Study, Parlor 5:30 pm Kid's
5:30 pm Mens Bible Choir Practice
Study, 103 6:00 pm KICS
6:00 pm Choir

* See Sunday Worship

November 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4
Please contact the office if
Jeremiah 2426 Jeremiah 2729 Jeremiah 3031 Jeremiah 3233
your Birthday has been Titus 2 Titus 3 Philemon Hebrews 1
omitted or misreported. Jill Ard Jeff Caldwell Faye Rubow
We dont want to forget you! Sharon Carpenter

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Jeremiah 3436 Jeremiah 3739 Jeremiah 4042 Jeremiah 4345 Jeremiah 4647 Jeremiah 4849 Jeremiah 50
Hebrews 2 Hebrews 3 Hebrews 4 Hebrews 5 Hebrews 6 Hebrews 7 Hebrews 8

Judy Manbeck Evan Bolt Donna Healy

Jaymi Lawrence Sherrolyn Webb Joyce Kirkpatrick
Justin Lawrence Erik Zimmerman
Ed Noland
Doris McReynolds
Chuck Rubow

12 Pantry Sunday 13 14 15 16 17 18
Jeremiah 5152 Lamentations 12 Lamentations 35 Ezekiel 12 Ezekiel 34 Ezekiel 57 Ezekiel 810
Hebrews 9 Hebrews 10:118 Hebrews 10:1939 Hebrews 11:119 Hebrews 11:2040 Hebrews 12 Hebrews 13
Nina Pinta
Santa Maria Squanto Plymouth Charlotte Clum
Reagan Dillow

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ezekiel 1113 Ezekiel 1415 Ezekiel 1617 Ezekiel 1819 Ezekiel 2021 Ezekiel 2223 Ezekiel 2426
James 1 James 2 James 3 James 4 James 5 1 Peter 1 1 Peter 2
Gravy Train Stuffin Muffin Turkey Jerky May Flower Alex Krumm Judy Warren
Gobblin Along
Don McReynolds

26 27 28 29 30
Ezekiel 2729 Ezekiel 3032 Ezekiel 3334 Ezekiel 3536 Ezekiel 3739
1 Peter 3 1 Peter 4 1 Peter 5 1 Peter 1 2 Peter 2
Amy Almond
Sherilyn Clarke Anne Ranz
Steve Slane
Abron Weaver Betty McCready Pum Kin

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