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The Overselling of Globalization

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Roosevelt Institute Working Paper

Joseph E. Stiglitz1

University Professor, Columbia University, Chief Economist at the Roosevelt Institute

August 2017

Joseph E. Stiglitz is an American economist and a professor at Columbia University. He is also the co-chair of the
High-Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress at the OECD, and the
Chief Economist of the Roosevelt Institute. A recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001)
and the John Bates Clark Medal (1979), he is a former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank
and a former member and chairman of the (US president's) Council of Economic Advisers. In 2000, Stiglitz founded
the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, a think tank on international development based at Columbia University. He has
been a member of the Columbia faculty since 2001 and received that university's highest academic rank (university
professor) in 2003. Based on academic citations, Stiglitz is the 4th most influential economist in the world today,
and in 2011 he was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Known for his
pioneering work on asymmetric information, Stiglitz's work focuses on income distribution, asset risk
management, corporate governance, and international trade. He is the author of numerous books, and several
bestsellers. His most recent titles are The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe, Rewriting
the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity and The Great Divide: Unequal
Societies and What We Can Do About Them.


Abstract: Globalization was oversold. Politicians and some economists wrongly argued for
trade agreements on the basis of job creation. The gains to GDP or growth were
overestimated, and the costs, including adverse distributional effects, were
underestimated. There have been important political consequences of this overselling,
including the undermining of confidence in the elites that advocated globalization. The
failures of globalization and the misguided backlash against it contain many lessons: about
the importance of science and learning in society, the importance of the shared acceptance
of facts, the dangerous consequences of deliberately misinforming the public, and the folly
of ignoring the distributional consequences of economic forces just because they may lead
to growth. The new protectionism advocated by the administration of Donald Trump will
only worsen the plight of those already hurt by globalization. What is needed is a
comprehensive system of social protection. After cataloguing the failures of globalization
and explaining how they led to our current political mire, this paper outlines a set of
policies that could put the economy and our politics back on a better path.

Keywords: Globalization, protectionism, trade agreements


Thank you very much for the award that you have bestowed upon me. It is particularly
meaningful given the enormous respect I have for Paul Volcker, after whom the award is
named. He has brought to public service an intellect and a commitment that is
unparalleled. I have been privileged to have interacted with him frequently over the past
quarter century. In the late nineties, in the midst of the East Asia crisis, he was one of the
few voices of the establishment that had a reasoned response. Recall that crisis: capital
market liberalization had led to a flood of money rushing into the region. When sentiment
changed, that money rushed out. Exchange rates plummeted, banking systems collapsed,
and with that so did the afflicted economies. Unemployment soared. Establishment
economiststhose at the IMF and the US Treasuryresponded to the crisis within the
orthodox frameworks, using the very models that had brought on the crisis. When Malaysia
responded by imposing temporary capital controls, it was condemned. It turned out, not
surprisingly, that the controls workedthe downturn in Malaysia was shorter and
shallower, and it left less of a legacy of debt to burden the economy going forward. Among
the criticisms put forward was that the controls were imperfect. If I remember correctly,
Volcker had an apt response: even a leaky umbrella provides some protection in the midst
of a rainstorm. Of course, the IMF later totally reversed its position, in the aftermath of the
Great Recession. Its new institutional view is that capital account management techniques
(the polite word for capital controls) do have a place in governments toolkits.
It is this experiencecombined with ongoing debates over globalizationthat provides the
foundations for my talk this afternoon. But before I turn to my views about globalization, I
want to raise a more fundamental epistemological issue, and a related moral and political
one: How do we know what we claim to know? How sure are we about these beliefs? And
how should we, as public servants, or even public intellectuals, convey what we know or
believe to the public? Should we try to sell policies using false arguments? Can dishonest
means be justified by the ends that they achieve? These are deep questions, to which I
cannot give satisfactory answers, especially in the limited time I have this afternoon. But I
want to suggest that we should give more thought to them. Some of the problems that we
face today may arise because we gave them insufficient attention in the past.
The first question, how do we know what we know, has moved to the center of public
discourse with the discussion of alternative facts. We used to say that we can agree about
the facts. Our disagreements were over interpretation of the facts. This seems no longer the
case. This perspective, I believe, is deeply, deeply disturbing. The consequences to our
civilization, if this viewpoint were to become widespread, would be devastating.
One of my recent books with Bruce Greenwald is titled Creating a Learning Society (Stiglitz
and Greenwald 2014). We argued that the transformation to a learning society that
occurred around 1800 for Western economies, and more recently for those in Asia, appears
to have had a far greater impact on human wellbeing than improvements in allocative
efficiency or resource accumulation, which is what economists have traditionally focused
We need to recall: for centuries, standards of living stagnated. It was not until the middle to
end of the eighteenth century, less than 250 years ago, that they began to rise. What


happened? There is a broad consensus among historians and economists about the answer
to that question: it was the Enlightenment, which brought with it not only the idea of
progress and that change was possible, but also the scientific method, of how we go about
learning the truth. Science has developed enormously since then, and so too have the
benefits, with standards of living today that would have been unimaginable then. Then,
individuals had to work long hours just to meet the basic necessities of life. Today,
necessities like food and clothing can be met by working but a few hours a week. Life
expectancies have increased enormously as a result of advances in our knowledge of health.
We should recognize the extent to which the development of knowledge has been based on
a principle of trust with verification. It is based on the gradual accretion of knowledge, but
the data at each stage is put up for public examination, for testing by peers, for the
replication of the experiment. Knowledge thus tested becomes part of what we know, added
to the body of knowledge that we accept, and which we then build upon. We have neither
the time nor the capabilities of re-proving what has been proven.
In other domains, with less rigor, the same process occurs. One of the reasons we want a
free and competitive press is that the claims in any story can be tested and verified
providing the basis of the common beliefs that we can use going forward.
And yet, there are those who today question the Enlightenment principles and the
scientific method. They undermine the trust upon which our system of knowledge is based,
claiming that there are alternative facts that are somehow to be verified and tested in some
way other than using the long-established methods that have served us so well. Once we
accept that there can be alternative facts, we have no basis even for the rule of law or due
process: how are we to ascertain what has actually occurred if each is entitled to his own
An essential part of the scientific method is uncertainty and skepticism. Measurements are
never made with perfect precision. All theories are open to refutation, when a previously
untested prediction of the theory is shown not to hold. This scientific uncertainty and
skepticism fits poorly with those who seek certainty.
The social sciences, including economics, differs in at least two fundamental ways from the
physical sciences. First, the laws governing atoms, say, are universal and never changing.
They are there, for us to discover. On the other hand, while it may be true that incentives
matter, always and everywhere, the form that those incentives takewhat motivates
peoplemay change over time and across countries. Individuals are not just motivated by
material rewards. How societies function differs too with changes in technology and
institutions, and these too are ever-changing. This is good news for us economists: our work
is never done. Just as we explain why it is that the relative shares of capital and labor should
be constant, those relative shares start to change.
Secondly, our beliefs about how the system functions affect how the system functions.
(George Soros refers to this as the principle of Reflexivity.) By contrast, what we believe
about atoms has no effect on how atoms behave.


These differences are important. The certainty with which we should hold beliefs about
how our economic and social system functions is limited, partly because one of the ways we
make such predictions is based on past data. But we have to ask, how relevant are those past
experiences to the current situation?
The Great Recession illustrates the point. There had not been an economic downturn
anywhere near as severe for more than three quarters of a century. The economy, including
our financial system, had changed enormously. How relevant were the experiences then to
the situation today? Then, we didnt have the financial products that played such a big role
in bringing on the recession. Clearly, the advocates of these financial products believe that
they make a difference. But do they? And if so, when? Do they make a difference for our
estimates, say, of the relevant multipliers (for instance, the extent to which GDP is
increased when we increase government expenditures)?
We can also look at other countries, where there have been episodes of large
unemployment and deep recessions. But how similar are they to modern day America?
There are enormous differences, e.g. in institutions and in human capital. Do these make a
difference, particularly to estimates of particular behavioral responses like multipliers?
Given these inherent uncertainties and our limited knowledge, it is perhaps not a surprise
that economists differ in their views of the consequences of alternative policies. But the
public often seems to want to know the answers with greater certainty and greater
precision than the data allowtestimony to the deficiencies in our general scientific
education. They dont understand the assumptions that go into commonly used numbers
describing the economy. The public may not understand that using different price indices
can lead to different growth estimates.
The fact that people want greater certainty has one very troublesome consequence: those
who seem to have greater confidence in their predictions are believed to have better
models. In fact, it may be just the opposite. Their excessive confidence reflects their greater
ignorance. A kind of Greshams law may be at work, with overconfident demagogues driving
out more measured policy analysis.
By the same token, the economic system is enormously complicated. The public often is not
interested in discussions of those complexities. They want direct answers: what will be the
impact of a particular policy on the variables that are of direct concern to them, say jobs. It
may be easier to sell a policy by making claims that it will produce what they wantjobs
than to sell it on the basis of what it may actually deliver, say higher standards of living.
Again, those policies that are more directly related to these variables of interest may be the
policies that attract attention, even if in the long run, they do not deliver more jobs and
they lead to lower standards of living. Those politicians more willing to sell these policies
and/or to misrepresent the virtues of the policies that they advocate may do well.
In short, in a society in which there is not a deep understanding of science, there is little
confidence that the political process will do a good job in selecting wisely among alternative
policiesand there is a grave concern that politicians that are best at claiming excessive
confidence in their ability to identify and execute policies that will deliver on variables of


interest to ordinary citizens will thrive. In this environment, the question arises, what
should be the role of the economist and the committed public servant?
I want to illustrate what can go wrong by our evolving public discourse on globalization.
Because of time limitations, I will focus my attention on trade globalization. My
introductory remarks hinted that much of what I say about trade globalization may apply,
with even greater force, to financial market globalization.

Overselling Globalization: The Jobs Story

Economists belief in the virtues of free trade are so great and so long-standing that an
economist who expressed skepticism was at risk of losing his union cardor at least his
credibility as a serious economist. Indeed, one of the earliest contributions of Paul
Samuelson, my thesis supervisor, was to show that the country as a whole was better off
with trade (Samuelson 1938). This expanded on the earlier argument of David Ricardo,
about the gains from trade that arise when each country increases production in what it
does relatively well and Adam Smith, about the gains from trade that arise when each
country specializes so that it can get better and better at what it does.

But any theory is only as good as the assumptions that go into itas the expression goes,
garbage in, garbage out. If the assumptions are unrealistic, the conclusions are likely to be
false or at least misleading. The standard models assume full employment. What workers
worry about is jobs. The 2008 crisis showed that even a well-functioning economy like the
US could have high unemployment for a long time. Indeed, even now, almost a decade after
the onset of the crisis and more than a decade after the bursting of the housing bubble,
long-term unemployment in the US remains elevated. In addition, the fraction of the
population that is working is lower than it has been since women started entering the labor
force. The standard theory recognized that the opening up of trade to cheap imports would
result in the loss of jobs in the import-competing sectors. But it also assumed that new jobs
would be created in the export sectorsand that those new jobs would pay far better than
those that were lost. Contrary to what our politicians assert(including the US Trade
Representative, or USTR, which is in charge of trade policy), trade agreements are not
about creating jobs. Maintaining the economy at full employment is the responsibility of
monetary policy (the Federal Reserve in the US, the Bank of England in the UK, and the
European Central Bank in the eurozone) and fiscal policy (the setting of taxes and
expenditure). It is not the purview of trade policy.

Even the narrow argument put forward by the USTR that trade agreements create jobs is
unpersuasiveindeed, almost certainly fallacious. If, as the USTR claims, exports create
jobs, then imports destroy jobs; and if trade is roughly balanced, what advanced countries
export uses less labor than what they import. Hence, net, for advanced countries like the
US, any balanced trade agreement by itself destroys jobs. If monetary and fiscal policy work
as they should, then new jobs will be created to offset the jobs lost. But too often monetary
and fiscal policy arent working as they should, and there is a scarcity of jobs. This may be
because in a deep downturn, monetary policy is ineffective; or it may be that (as now)

politics constrains the effective use of fiscal policy. But whatever the reason,
unemployment may be high, and those who lose their jobs worry about getting another.
Jobs were at the center of the 1992 election, where Bill Clinton ran on the simple platform,
jobs, jobs, jobs. And worries about jobs clearly played a role in the 2016 election.

This problem of job loss from mismanaged globalization becomes, as I have noted,
particularly salient when there already is an unemployment problem. The massive job
losses in the decade since the financial crisis provide a clear and troubling case in point.

The effects of globalization are real and palpable. Those parts of the country producing
products that compete with Chinese imports, which surged after the countrys WTO
accession, have lower wages and more unemployment. The surge of imports not only
directly destroyed jobs, but as it did so, others in the community were affected, as housing
prices fell and demand for non-traded goods decreased.

What globalization is good for (when it works well) is thus not jobs, but standards of living.
It increases overall productivity. The jobs created in the export sector are higher paying
than the jobs lost in the import competing sector. Trade liberalization is thus supposed to
be about increasing GDP. With higher national income, in principle, everyone could be
better off.

There were, however, two problems with even this story of the benefits of globalization,
which I will discuss at greater length below. First, the fact that everyone could be made
better off doesnt mean that they would be better off. But secondly, special interests saw
trade agreements as an opportunity to distort the economy in their favor, to increase their
rents and profits. The result was that the US never signed on to a free-trade agreement.
Doing so would have entailed politically untenable compromises, for instance, giving up its
massive agriculture subsidies. Agreements, like NAFTA, were called free-trade agreements,
but they were really managed trade agreements serving the interests of large

The problem is that most politicians did not understand the story Ive just toldthat trade
is not about jobs but about standards of living, that it was not automatic that the standards
of living of most citizens would increase with a trade agreement. Those that did understand
it thought it was too complicated. So, they told what they thought was a white lie to the
publictrade creates jobs. And when the evidence showed the contrary, especially when
standards of living of large numbers of citizens declined, they lost their credibility.

Overselling Globalization: Why Globalization May Not Increase

Aggregate Well-being


Advocates of globalization overestimated its benefits and underestimated its costs
especially the costs to the standards of living of those in advanced countries with limited

There were three effects to which the advocates of trade liberalization gave short shrift, in
part ecause the effects did not appear in their models. But just because the effects did not
appear in their models did not mean that they werent there, and that they wouldnt have
important effects, undermining the conclusion that globalization increased GDP.

Increased risk

For instance, globalization can increase the risks faced by firms and individuals. Indeed,
most of the macroeconomic risks facing developing countries come from outside those
countries. Making matters worse, individuals and firms cannot insure themselves against
these risks, nor can the risks be shared across all of society through other market
mechanisms. This shortcoming has profound consequences. Consumers are worse off
when they have to bear the consequent risks. Workers too may face greater insecurity. And
firms, without insurance protection, may shift production towards safer activities with
lower average returns. The result is that with imperfect risk markets, all individuals may be
worse off.2

One particular risk that I warned about in Making Globalization Work (Stiglitz 2006)
relates to a countrys energy security. Gung-ho globalizers pretend that in the post-World
War II era, borders dont matterbut they do. Germany, for example, has become heavily
dependent on Russian natural gasa dependence with economic and political
consequences. If Russia should suddenly shut off the gas, it could have disastrous effects for
Germanys economy. This scenario is not just a remote possibility or an economists
nightmare; Russia has cut off or reduced the supply of gas to Ukraine several times in the
last few years. Germany might reason that it wouldnt be in Russias economic interests to
cut off the gas. But Russia (and its leader, Vladimir Putin) might have other concernssuch
as inducing the West to remove sanctions imposed over its blatant violation of
international law with the invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. And of course
economists presumption that humans are always and everywhere fully rational is
obviously wrong.

Markets dont price the cost to society of an interruption in the gas supply, and thus
German firms, looking for the cheapest source of energy, turned to Russia. The failure to
price this risk is an example of a market failureone with consequences in the short run as

This is a result I showed with Professor David Newbery of Cambridge University more than a third of a century
ago. Professor Partha Dasgupta (also of Cambridge University) and I were able to show that quotasrestrictions
on the absolute amount that could be importedmight be better than tariffs, upending a key pillar of trade policy
of the last half century, which has been to convert quotas into tariffs. See Dasgupta and Stiglitz (1977).


serious as those that may result in the long run from the failure to price global warming .
Now, leaders in Mexico, which has become heavily dependent on US gas, worry that Donald
Trump, with his virulent and irrational anti-Mexican stance, could take actions which
would interrupt the supply of gas; at the very least, it could be an important bargaining chip
as he tries to force Mexico to pay for his ill-conceived border wall.

Imperfect competition

So too, the standard models assumed perfect competitionall firms were smallin spite of
the fact that much trade is conducted by corporate behemoths who are larger than many
countries and which often have very significant market power. Walmart may use its market
power in China to drive down producer prices, and then, when it enters other countries,
like India or South Africa, use this market power to effectively drive small producers out of
business. Standard results on the welfare benefits of trade liberalization do not hold when
there is imperfect competition. And yet, policy analysts have tended to ignore these effects,
worried that it would open up a Pandoras box of special interest claimants for protection.

Dynamics of comparative advantage

Perhaps the biggest mistake that globalizers made was that they paid too little attention to
the long-run (as is also the case for most firms in our economy). They asked, what is the
comparative advantage, the relative strength, of the economy today? Cheap labor in China
meant that it had a comparative advantage in labor-intensive manufacturing. So, firms
shifted their production from the US to China.

In the past, this shift would have happened slowly. China simply wouldnt have had the
initial technological capacities: labor might have been cheap, but not cheap enough to
compensate for the technology gap. But China invited American firms in, and was able to
marry Americas advanced technology with Chinas cheap labor. (And of course, access to
the potentially huge Chinese market made this marriage even more attractive.)

What happened next changed the course of globalization: China and other countries in East
Asia learned, and they learned quickly. They developed their own technological capacities,
which meant they still had a comparative advantage in manufacturing even as their wages
started to rise.

In manufacturing and perhaps most other sectors of the economy, firms only learn how to
increase productivity by doing, by actually producing. But there is an unappreciated
converse of this proposition: if firms dont produce, they quickly fall behind. As America
shifted production of, say, thermos bottles to China, China learned how to produce even
better thermos bottles at a lower cost. And thus, America, as it stopped producing, fell


And in this case, history matters: twenty or thirty years later, after production has shifted
to China, we cant just say, lets bring manufacturing back to the US or Europe. We have
neither the technology nor the skilled workers required. Of course, America and Europe too
could learn. They could train a new coterie of workers. But that would require a concerted
effortbeyond that of any single firm. More likely, if production were to return, it would be
on the basis of new and different technologyin particular, the use of robots. These are
areas where the advanced countries do have a comparative advantage. Butand this is
keybringing production back with these new technologies will not resuscitate the old
manufacturing jobs; indeed, it is unlikely to create many jobs at all, and the jobs created will
be mostly highly skilled jobs.

In essence, the advocates of globalization forgot about spillovers: the ways that learning
in one firm spills over to another. These spillovers also help to explain clusters, such as
those dense groupings of high-tech firms in Silicon Valley today, or the manufacturing
firms in Ohio and Michigan at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Overselling Globalization: Distribution

My previous remarks suggest that the increase in the overall size of the economic pie due to
trade liberalization may have been less than its advocates suggested. Indeed, even using
standard models, this was confirmed by analyses of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
agreement, sold as the most important trade agreement ever, embracing more than 40% of
global trade. And yet, when the government came down to calculating its effects on GDP,
the effects turned out to be miniscule, and other studies suggested that the governments
estimates were themselves a gross exaggeration. With broader measures of wellbeing, the
benefits are likely to be smaller, and, perhaps, negative.
When globalization worked well, the winners gained enough that they could compensate
the losers so that everyone could be better off. But the theory said that they could
compensate the losers, not that they would. And typically they didnt.

While the aggregative benefits of globalization may have been small, the distributional
consequences were large. Large swaths of those in the developed countries have not done
well: even if the size of the pie increases, if they get a smaller share, they can be worse off.
These distributive effects are not just those predicted by the standard theory of
comparative advantage (the famous Samuelson-Stolper theorem), with trade in goods
substituting movement of factors, so that the demand for unskilled labor in advanced
countries declines with the opening of trade and with that, its wage. There are also
distributive effects arising from workers weakened bargaining power, as firms threaten to
relocate if workers do not accept lower wages or worse conditions. These effects are
especially significant in those places where there has been an increase in unemployment;
and can be especially great in the aggregate if monetary and fiscal policy are constrained in
their responseas now.


Ironically, those who have been among the most ardent advocates of globalization have
been among the strongest opponents of those measures, like trade assistance, that are
necessary to ensure that no one loses out from globalization. They often claim that such
assistance is either ineffective or too costly. But we should be clear what this implies: it is
an admission that globalization may not be a Pareto improvement. If there are large
numbers of individuals who are made worse offor perceive that they were made worse
offby globalization, why should we be surprised that there is great opposition to it?
For the workers in America and Europe whove seen their incomes stagnate for a quarter of
a century, it may be little comfort to know that on the other side of the world, many people
have never seen it so good. Indeed, the contrast is likely to fuel the view that the gains of
those elsewhere have been at their expense. It will reinforce a zero-sum view of the world,
where one countrys gain is anothers loss.

It also gives little comfort to those in the middle class who have seen their incomes stagnate
to say that only part of their suffering is due to globalization, that most of the decline of the
middle class is due to technological change. That answer itself is paradoxical: technical
change and progress were sold as something good for everybody; but now the middle class
is told that it may be good for those at the top, but not for the rest.

Things have not been going well for large parts of this countryfor the bottom 90%even if
GDP has been increasing overall. Indeed, growth that benefits only the top simply increases
the anger. Americans were told (to quote the expression made famous by John F. Kennedy)
that a rising tide lifts all boats. They were told about trickle-down economics, which would
ensure that all would benefit if GDP increased. Globalization was, of course, just one among
a panoply of policies, including financial market liberalization, which were supposed to
increase the efficiency of the economy, from which all were supposed to benefit. These
policies, individuals and in the aggregate, seem not to have served a large fraction of the
country well, which has had enormous political and social consequences.

The failure of protectionism

One of the consequences of the backlash against globalization has been the growth of
support for protectionismcentral to Trumps campaign for the presidency. But this
protectionism wont solve the problems to which globalization has contributed. The plight
of those hurt by globalization may even get worse. Even if globalization did not lead to a
spur to growth, deglobalization may lead to a weaker economy. New supply chains have
been created. Jobs may have been lost in the process of globalization, but more jobs will be
lost if we deglobalize. History matters.

The central message of Globalization and Its Discontents (Stiglitz 2002) is that if
globalization is well-managed, it can be positive sumcitizens in all countries can gain.
The retreat from globalization that Trump proposes is likely to be negative suma lose-
lose situation.


Another World Is Possible
We can make globalization into a positive sum situation where everyone, or at least most,
benefit. But it wont be easy.

Some have suggested that the lesson of the past third of a century is that now we must be
sure that those who lose from globalization are compensated. That is truebut that may
not be a credible policy. The elites and the politicians have been discredited. Why should
they now be trusted with a vague promise that somehow, those hurt will be helped? To
make globalization acceptable, more must be done: social protection against the ravages of
globalization has to be built more deeply into the fiber of our economic system.
Of course, any such program must begin by analyzing fundamental causes of increase in
inequality and why globalization may have not worked for most citizens. We need to
address broader issues of inequality; but we also need to pay attention to the particular
issues associated with globalization.
Most importantly, we need to recognize that the conflict is not so much between workers in
developing and developed countries, but between abuses of corporate power and interests
of ordinary citizens everywhere. Elsewhere, I and others have noted that the major change
in inequality is associated with a rising gap between growth in productivity and growth in
wages that began in the mid- to late-seventies. There was no change in technology that can
account for what happened. It is a change in the rules of the market economyof which the
rules governing globalization were one important part.3
The following paragraphs describe briefly what a program ensuring shared prosperity
might entaila program that might convince globalizations skeptics that most Americans
would benefit from globalization.

(a) Improving equality of market incomes

Most important here is rewriting the rules of the market economy, again. They were
rewritten in the era that began in the late 1970s in ways that led to lower growth and more
inequality. Now they have to be rewritten to ensure that there is shared prosperity. There
are many elements of such an agenda, including : (i) Curbing market power and abuses of
corporate governance; (ii) making the financial sector perform the functions it is supposed
to perform; (iii) reforming corporate governance and the financial sector to encourage long
term decision making; (iv) increasing the minimum wage and extending other labor market
protections; and (v) strengthening the bargaining rights of workers and unions.
It is also important to run the economy more tightly. The gains from lower unemployment
far outweigh risks of moderate inflation. This is the only way we can make sure that the

See Stiglitz (2015).


people marginalized by the forces above can be brought back into meaningful economic
The policies of the Federal Reserve need to be oriented toward increasing the flow of credit,
especially to small and medium-sized enterprises, preventing abuses of the financial sector,
and preventing instability (the costs of which are borne disproportionately by ordinary
citizens). Most of the new regulations are aimed at preventing the financial sector from
doing what it shouldnt, and imposing harm on the rest of society. This is important. Still,
more attention needs to be place on getting the financial sector to do what it should.

(b) Reducing the intergenerational transmission of advantage and disadvantage

Even though Americans like to think of the US as a land of opportunity, statistically it is

largely a myth. That is, the life prospects of a young American are more dependent on the
income and education of his parents than in almost any other advanced country. And there
are reasons to believe that matters are getting worse, and could get still worse. There is a
need to strengthen public educationincluding pre-schooland to do a better job of
ensuring universal access to high-quality tertiary education. Repeated Republican
proposals to reduce or eliminate the estate tax would make America into even more of an
inherited plutocracy.

(c) Improving equality of after tax distribution of income

One of the most important aspect of this agenda is substituting progressive taxation for the
current system of regressive taxation. Tax enforcement and the closing of loopholes is
crucial. Elsewhere, I have argued for a global minimum corporate income tax and for
replacing the widespread abuses of the transfer price system, which is currently the basis
for taxing multinationals, with the formulaic approach, analogous to what is done amongst
the US states. Another critical measure is a stronger earned income tax credit. Tax reform
is vital to the agenda because other parts of successful government program will require
more revenue.

(d) Helping the economy adjust to the new reality.

Today, we are moving from a manufacturing to a service sector economy. Markets dont do
such transformations well on their own. The Great Depression is a striking example. Trying
to recapture manufacturing is largely a will-of-the-wisp. In short, the government will have
to take an important role in this transformationa larger role than it has been. There are,
for instance, enormous benefits from creating a learning economy and society, and
government through education and research programs is pivotal (Stiglitz and Greenwald


Education and retraining program (active labor market policies) can work if there are jobs
(another reason for government ensuring that the economy is run tightly.)

(e) Social insurance

It has long been recognized that the market provides inadequate insurance for many risks
thats why we have social insurance. Here, we are concerned with the risks associated with
losing ones jobor seeing wages cut drasticallyas a result of globalization. One cant buy
insurance against these risks.
In Stiglitz and Kaldor (2013) we explain why protectionism is not an effective way of
providing social protection. We need social protection without protectionism. This
entails providing greater protection both for workers and communities that are adversely
Here, I have had time only to sketch what is necessary if there is to be any credibility to a
promise that globalization would be of general benefit to most citizens. In the absence of
such a comprehensive program, there is every reason that ordinary citizens would be
suspicious of globalization.
In short, if the government makes use of the full range of instruments at its disposal, it can
help ensure that globalization works for most citizens, smoothing the transition from the
manufacturing economy to the service sector economy, maintaining full employment along
the way, and doing so in ways that maintain economic stability while avoiding excessive
trade or fiscal deficits.

To repeat: the market on its own wont provide the social protection, wont ensure that
globalization works for even most citizens, and wont ensure a smooth transition from a
manufacturing to a service sector economy. The government will need to take an active
role. This makes it especially important not to succumb to ideologies, such as deficit
fetishism (the belief that the government should never have a fiscal deficit) or that
markets, on their own, are efficient and stable, and shouldnt be interfered with.

Concluding Remarks
The disparity between what has been promised by our politicians and what has been
delivered may account for the anger of so many and the growing distrust of the elitesin
politics, in the media, and in academia. Ive even seen this distrust from some of the 1%, as
they charge that the country has been misled by its intellectual elites. Its deeply disturbing
that the president has decided not to have any economists in his cabinet. Businessmen
know how to do businesshow to make deals, and in some cases, take advantage of other


people; in others, as Akerlof and Shiller point out, by phishing for phools (Akerlof and
Shiller 2015). Knowing how to make money or how to take advantage of others doesnt
necessarily mean that one has even a clue about how a how complex system like the
economy works.

The fact that accepted truths about globalizations benefits turned out to be so untrue
undermined the credibility both of those who enunciated these truthsthe academics, the
politicians, the banker elitesand of those who delivered the message, the media. Of
course, the media shouldnt be blamed: they were just the messenger, they were just
conveying the messages, perhaps a bit too uncritically.

Its hard to explain this, or to explain that all scientific findings are tentative, held only with
a certain degree of confidence, open for refutationthat this is all part of the open quest for
truth. But thats a far cry from a world where everyone gets to pick their own alternative
facts. We may not know everything for certain, but we know something. We may not
precisely know the number of people who turned up for Trumps inauguration, but we can
be almost certain that the number that he said was wrong.

There is a simple lesson in all of this: economists as public servants have, of course, a
responsibility to tell those that they advise of the consequences of alternative policies. But
their responsibility goes further: they have to understand and explain the limits of their
models and the limits of our knowledge; to articulate what we know and what we dont.
Economists might, in the end, decide that globalizations distributive effects are
outweighed by or outweigh the aggregative effects. But it was wrong not to explain its
potentially large distributive effects, the large adverse effects on employment in certain
locales, the consequences of imperfect risk markets and imperfections in competition, and
the implications for dynamic comparative advantage. It was wrong not to accompany any
globalization proposalsany new trade agreementswith a set of measures that would
have ensured that large segments of the population were not worse-off as a result. When we
oversell, as many of us did with globalization, we put at risk both our reputation and the
well-being of those who we, as public servants, are supposed to serve.



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