Analysis Ukraine

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in Ukraine

August 2017



This analysis has been conducted to be included in the comparative study "EU standards velocity within
EaP countries. Evaluation of the progress and challenges in Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia".
This paper should be treated as a final draft that will be included in the comparative study EU
standards velocity within EaP countries. Evaluation of progress and challenges in Moldova,
Ukraine and Georgia prepared within the project Enhancing the role of Civil Society and SME
from Eastern Partnership Countries in the implementation of European standards.
The project benefits from the support through the EaP CSF Re-granting Scheme. Within its Re-
granting Scheme, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) supports projects of the
EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that contribute to achieving the mission and
objectives of the Forum.
The donors of the Re-granting Scheme are the European Union and National Endowment for
The overall amount for the 2017 call for proposals is 290.000 EUR. Grants are available for CSOs
from the Eastern Partnership and EU countries.
Key areas of support are democracy and human rights, economic integration, environment and
energy, contacts between people, social and labour policies.

Prepared by: Sergiy Gerasymchuk

Final draft

European Standardization in Ukraine

This paper aims at analyses of the advantages and disadvantages of the reforms in the field of
standardization, emerging challenges and opportunities in this sphere, outlines the basic trends and
dynamics. Also, it focuses on the transition from Soviet to European/International standards and
analyses the procedures related to it. The paper also tackles the signing of the Association Agreement
between the EU and Ukraine and its impact on the implementation of European standards in Ukraine.
Besides, the paper highlights the milestones in the transformation of the national standardization
framework in Ukraine and reviews the level of engagement and partnership among other stakeholders,
such as the civil society, public sector, academia, SMEs, etc. Finally, the paper outlines major findings and
offers specific recommendations for implementation.
The authors express their gratitude to SE UkrNDNC (Ukrainian Agency for Standardization) and its
Director General Hanna Lisina for openness, assistance and support in drafting the paper.

The paper was developed in close cooperation with the representatives of SE UkrNDNC (Ukrainian
Agency for Standardization) national standardization body and Ministry of Economic Development and
Trade. In order to carry out the research, experts have applied a qualitative method of analysis, in-depth
semi-structured interviews, and desk analyses. Existing literature alongside with the legislative
framework related to the standardization process were analyzed. Additional interviews with the
representatives of think tanks working in the respective field were conducted for gaining additional
information about the existing developments.
SGGG respected the methodological directions submitted by the lead partner Center for Innovation
and Policies in Moldova.


3.1 Institutional framework, legal and methodological framework Ukraine

The institutional framework of the national mechanism of standardization in Ukraine is shaped by the
following founding structural, legal and administrative (governmental) factors:
The Law of Ukraine On Standardization (date by 05.06.2014 #1315-V, which came into force
on 03.01.2015 .) 1;
government of Ukraine represented by Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of
national standardization body which is Ukrainian Agency of Standardization SE UkrNDNC 3.

3 (which according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine dated by 26.11.2014 #1163 performs the functions of
a national standardization body)

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All the activities in the field of standardization in Ukraine are being taken within the regulations
prescribed by the aforementioned Law. Although it is a framework document by its nature; it outlines
only the main aspects of both expertise and procedures. The law foresees legal and organizational
founding stones of standardization in Ukraine, points at the procedures of solving the key issues of state
policy in the field of standardization, envisages that activities of the responsible executors, defines the
objects of standardization and the aspects of property, regulates interaction of the interested parties and
their relations regarding the activities in the field of standardization and of the implementation of the
results of the mentioned activities. It is noteworthy that the Law does not take into consideration sanitary
activities related to safety of food, veterinary and sanitary and phytosanitary activities, construction
norms, medicines, standards of medical care, standards of accounting, assessment of property,
education and other social standards foreseen by the legislation of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the
legislation of Ukraine in the field of standardization includes the mentioned Law, relevant international
treaties where Ukraine is a party and other normative and legal acts that are regulating the relations in
the field of standardization.

The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine (further the Ministry), being a central
body of the executive power, among its other activities, ensures shaping of state policy in the field of
standardization 4 . In particular, there are the following activities that belong to the Ministry:

1) ensuring normative and legal regulations in the field of standardization;

2) defining priority directions of development in the field of standardization;
3) informing and providing explanations regarding the implementation of state policy in the field of
standardization 5;
4) generalization of practices of applying legislation in the field of standardization 6, elaboration of
proposals on its improvement and initiating in the respective order the projects of the legal acts,
acts of the President of Ukraine and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
5) coordination of Programs of activities on national standardization.

Also the Ministry is in charge of political actualization and strategic planning related to the challenges in
the field of states standardization policy, defining current and potential problems and elaboration of the
proposals related to theoretical and practical tasks on counteracting them.

Most of the key tasks in organizational and methodological tasks in terms of regulating the relations and
interactions in the field of standardization of Ukraine (according to the Law) belong to the competence
of National Standardization Body, which is (according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
dated by 26.11.2014, #1163-r) Ukrainian Agency of Standardization (further Agency), which is currently
being reorganized on the basis of State Enterprise UkrNDNC (which was created by the Decree of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated by 21.08.2003, #1337; currently it is being rebranded). According


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Final draft

to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Agency is subordinated to the above
mentioned Ministry.

The key activities of the Agency are 7:

ensuring functioning and development of the national system of standardization; technical inspection
of projects of standards, harmonization of national standards with the international and European
standards, coordination of national technical committees of standardization and consultations on
marking production, certification of products, services and systems of management;
assessment of the products compliance with the technical regulations;
training and advanced training of specialists in the fields of standardization, certification, metrology
and systems of management, training of scientific staff of highest qualification;
managing the National Fund of normative documents8; ensuring preservation, audit, actualization of
normative documents and providing access to them to the users;
preparing and issuing normative documents, manuals, informational catalogues of standards, etc.;
issuing the professional journal Standardization, certification, quality.

The administrative competences and tasks (functions) of the Agency are:

1) organization and coordination of the activities related to the methodology of elaboration, adaptation,
inspecting, reviewing, cancelling and renewing the validity of national standards, codes of the
established practice and amendments to them according to the abovementioned Law;
2) elaboration (on Ministrys approval) of national standards and amendments to them in terms of:
the procedures of elaboration, adaptation, inspecting, reviewing, cancellation and renewing the
validity of the existing standards, codes of the established practices and amendments to them;
methodology of criteria, forms and procedures of consideration of requests related to conducting
activities on national standardization;
procedures of launching, conducting activities and shutting down the activities of Technical
committees (more information on them see below), coordination of their activities;
3) taking the measures on harmonization of national standards and codes of the established practice;
4) participation in elaboration of international and regional standards and code of the established
practice, which are elaborated by the respective international and regional organization of
standardization, where the Agency holds the membership or with which it cooperates;
5) ensuring adaptation of the national standards and the codes of the established practice in accordance
with the modern achievements of science and technology;
6) ensuring and supporting of cooperation in the field of standardization by the producers, suppliers,
consumers of production and the respective state bodies;
7) invigorating subjects of SME to participate in elaboration of national standards and codes of the
established practice;
8) preparation and approval of the Programs of activities in national standardization (which is
elaborated in coordination with a Steering Council of the Agency (National Standardization Body) and
approved by the Ministry), and also elaboration of the annual reports on its activities.


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Final draft

Except for the mentioned Law (which provides legal basis) and annual Programs of activities 9 (as a
content basis), the Agency in its activities is methodologically guided by the key standards:
DSTU 1.1:2015 National standardization. Standardization and related activities;
DSTU 1.2:2015 National standardization. Rules of conducting activities on national standardization;
DSTU 1.5:2015 National standardization. Rules of elaboration, outlining and designing of national
normative documents;
DSTU 1.7:2015 National standardization. Rules and methods of adopting of international and regional
normative documents;
DSTU 1.8:2015 National standardization. Rules of elaborating programs of activities on national
DSTU 1.13:2015 National standardization. Rules of providing notifications to trade partners of Ukraine.

In order to simplify and improve different aspects of the Agencys activities the amendments to the key
standards are currently being elaborated. An important body in the area of standardization in Ukraine is
Steering council10, which is acting under the Agencys umbrella. Steering council of the Agency is a
collegial advisory and supervisory body and is formed on a parity basis from representatives of:
Ministry, other central bodies of the executive power and state authorities;
scientific institutions, teaching institutions, scientific, technical and engineering communities
civic unions of business entities (including SME), organizations of employers and their assemblies;
civil organizations of consumers (unions of consumers);
other civil organizations and professional unions.

Therefore it is the Steering council which is responsible for overview of Agencys compliance wih
inviolability of procedures and in case of necessity provision of recommendations regarding correction
of its decisions. The Statute (founding document) on the Steering council and its composition 11 are
approved by the Ministry. It is worth to mention that the members of the Steering council and working
voluntarily. The Steering council does not have the status of a legal entity. Organizational provision of the
activities of the Steering council is assured by the Agency:
1) elaboration of the proposals related to:
priorities of state policy in the field of standardization;
ensuring control over the Agencys in terms of its ability to comply with the procedures in the field
of standardization;
procedures in the field of standardization;
joining international and regional organizations of standardization, conclusion of treaties on
cooperation and conducting the activities in the field of standardization with the national
standardization bodies of other states;
2) approval of projects of:
decisions on launching and shutting down the activities of technical committees on standardization,
defining spheres of their competences;
programs of activities on national standardization;
annual report on activities of national standardization body;
3) monitoring and assessment of activities of Technical committees on standardization;


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Final draft

4) overview over the Agency in terms of its activities within its competences.
An important body within the national mechanism of standardization is Appeal Commission12
(further the Commission), which is acting under the Ministrys umbrella and considers disputes
concerning violations of the respective procedures by National standardization body. Any interested
party has a right to address the Commission, if assumes that Agency by acting or non-acting has violated
the procedures in the field of standardization. The content of the national standard or Code of the
established practices cannot be a subject of appeal. At the same time, filing of the appeal does not limit
the applicant's right to apply to the court. In case the Commission acknowledges the violations by the
Agency it takes the decision on supporting the appeal and recommends the Agency to eliminate the
detected violations. The Commission cannot be composed of Agencys representatives. Also the member
of the Commission cannot participate in the process of considering the appeal in case he or she is
subordinated or in another way dependant on the persons who represent the sides in the process of
appeal consideration or in case of other circumstances that put into question the impartiality of such a
member. The Commission (alongside with the Agency) annually reports to the Steering Council. The
Statute (founding document) on Commission and its composition is approved by the Ministry. The
Commission does not have the status of the legal entity. Organizational provision of the activities of the
Steering council is assured dominantly by the Ministry.

The main formats/bodies for facilitating methodological and expert activities in the field of
standardization are Technical committees on standardization13 (further the Committees), which are
collegial bodies under the Agencys umbrella. The Committees are the subjects of standardization
alongside with the Agency. The Agency facilitates their activities. Each technical committee on
standardization is a differentiated form of interaction and cooperation of the interested legal entities and
physical persons aimed at organization and implementation of the activities in the area of international,
regional and national standardization in the defined fields. In terms of actualization and elaboration of
standards the Committees can be described as the engines of the activities. In their activities the
Committees engage the relevant and competent representatives of the executive authorities, other state
institutions, self-governance, enterprises and their civil assemblies, organizations of employers, scientific
and teaching institutions, scientific, technical and engineering communities (unions), consumers civil
organizations (unions of consumers), other civil assemblies, professional unions, leading scholars and
experts. An important organizational form of shaping the Committees is the principle of representation
of all interested parties; at the same time membership is voluntary. The Committees do not have a status
of legal entities. Statutes (founding documents) of the respective Committees are approved by the
Agency. The competence of the Technical committees includes:
1) participation in the activities of the respective technical committees on standardization of
international and regional standardization organizations;
2) elaboration and ensuring coordination on national standards, codes of the established practices and
amendments to them;
3) participation in drafting programs of activities on national standardization;
4) inspecting and reviewing of national standards and codes of the established practices, elaborated by
5) assuring coordination and providing the proposals on cancellation and renewing validity of national
standards, codes of the established practice and amendments to them.


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In some cases when launching of the Committees is senseless or they are not launched due to the
different reasons the absence of a separate (profile) Committee, which covers certain system of objects
of standardization, the Agency launches a Working group (or groups), which aims to substitute missing
Committee. The Working groups also include the representatives of the interested parties who elaborate
the respective standards and codes of the established practices for the respective objects of

The particular features of the Committees are the following: (1) they cannot be profit-oriented; (2) their
organizational activities are facilitated by separate Secretariats. The functions of Secretariat of
Committee is put by the Agency on organization which is a legal entity, resident of Ukraine and expressed
its intention and proved its capacity to perform the functions of Secretariat. At the same time if such
organization is missing the Agency itself can perform the function of Secretariat of certain Committee.
Generalizing the system of standardization in Ukraine looks as the following:
System of technical regulation. Standardization


Enterprises, institutions
Ministry of economic development of Ukraine
and organizations,
Central body of executive power,
Other central bodies of which are
which is in charge of shaping and implementation of
executive power in charge of
state policies
in the field of standardization

National Standardization Body:

National agency of standardization

Technical Committees
Regional centers
on standardization
of standardization, metrology and
certification (24 SCSMS)

ordering (financing) the activities

on elaboration of standards
participation in the activities
subordination (coordination)

3.2 Evolution of the national fund of standards

It was the adoption of a new edition of the Law of Ukraine On Standardization (dated by 05.06.2014,
#1315-VII) that became crucial for the current development of system of standardization in Ukraine in
general. By this law the obligation to apply standards and other normative documents in the field of

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standardization, registering of technical specifications, necessity to coordinate the drafts of the national
standards between the institutions were cancelled. The implementation of the Law provides
opportunities for improvement of legal and organizational basics of national standardization, creation of
national system of standardization, which corresponds with the modern demands and trends and
assures coordinated national policy in this field; correlates national system with the European model;
creates organizational forms of activities in the field of standardization that will correspond to
international and European practices; keeping the basic principles of standardization.

In Ukraine harmonization of national standards with the international and European standards is ongoing
process. Mostly it relates to those standards voluntary application of which is a proof that the products
are matching with the demands of technical regulations similar to the respective directives of New and
Global approaches of the European Union14. The validity of the intestate GOSTs adopted before 1992
was cancelled by the aforementioned Law. The positive outcome of the Laws adaptation was also
cancellation of the necessity to fill and maintain card indexing of the funds: ISO, EN, IEC and GOST R, and
also cancellation of the necessity to maintain numerated paper card indexes of national normative
documents. The latter to outcomes significantly optimized the procedures of working with the
standardization documentation and became possible due to applying -technologies.

Therefore, in the activities of the national standardization fund of Ukraine National fund of normative
documents 15 (further the NFND) in the last years there have been a significant organizational,
methodological and technical progress. By now the NFND includes more than 15 thousand national
standards, out of which more than 11 thousand are harmonized with the international and European
ones. NFND is maintained by Ukrainian agency of standardization (SE UkrNDNC; further Agency).

According to the above mentioned Law some types of activities in the field of standardization have been
assigned to the category of services. Consequently, the possibility for shaping of standardization segment
of market of administrative services in Ukraine has been created. Grounding on that there is a part of
standardization documentation that is disseminated by the NFND on the contract (paid) basis and it
provides an opportunity for additional filling of budget basket to insure functioning of the NFND and its

A significant achievement in modernization of NFND is shifting from hard copies to electronic copies of
the normative documents (further the ND). In case of necessity the NFND is disseminating the official
copies of the ND both in hard copies and in electronic copies. In order to get them you have to fill the
respective application form (for physical persons and legal entities). For buying the electronic copies of
the ND a client can use the services of the Internet-shop16, which is located at the Agencys portal. The
same is applicable for the international standards. In particular, starting from October 2015 the NFND is
disseminating the official copies of international standards ISO and the pricing is recommended in
accordance with the Policy on dissemination of ISO publications and copyright ISO ISO POCOSA 2012 17.


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Every issued standard is downloaded to full-text database of normative documents (further the DBND).
It also includes the standards that do not have to be issued (adopted by method of confirmation). The
DBND is constantly maintained and filled with the new documents, adopted changes or amendments to
the acting standards, the status of the standards is being updated (acting, cancelled). In particular, in
accordance with the aforementioned Law the domain of national standards in the field of construction
was subordinated to the Agency. In this regard the standards related to construction have been passed
to the NFND. All of them are published in the catalogue and being downloaded to the DBND. It is planned
that in 2017 the DBND will be optimized by updating hardware and software. Financing of these activities
will come from state budget.

When requested in hard copies, the normative documents are printed out from full-text database, which
provides the opportunity to fulfill the request much faster and to improve the quality of the normative
documents (further the copies were printed by mean of copying them on copy-machine). A step forward
was maintaining a catalogue of the ND in electronic database format (which is an administrative model
of the Internet-shop). Only the Agencys employees have full access to the catalogue, update and edit it.
All the users can only look through the data which is acceptable from the perspective of data protection.
Besides, the same level of access is possessed by the employees of Department of technical regulations
of Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine that coordinates the activities of the Agency
including NFND. Alongside with that the catalogue in .xls format (can be downloaded from DBND) is
placed at the Agencys website for free and is regularly updated. The catalogue includes full information
on national standards including those cancelled. That fact significantly accelerates information services
for the users.

It is also worth mentioning that Internet-shop which is launched in its full capacities serves not only for
dissemination of the official electronic versions of the standards but also serves as an important search
engine, which provides an opportunity to search by 6 criteria; separately there is a Catalogue of
normative documents, where the ND are separated into the respective groups by SC 004:2008. At the
Internet shop, there is available data in each of the ND.

By now the Agency has signed the treaties on cooperation and dissemination of standards with the
German Institute of Standards (DIN), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Currently the
rules of commercial dissemination of these standards are being analyzed and the respective procedures
are being elaborated. The beginning of selling DIN and ASTM standards is planned for the autumn this
year. Also, it is planned to sign the treaties on dissemination of standards with the International
Electrotechnical Commission IEC and European Telecommunication Standards Institute, which assists in
implementing the achievements of technical progress and development of the technologies, provides an
opportunity to coordinate national technical policy in the field of standardization with the technical
policies of the Ukraines trade partners.

3.3 International contacts in the field of standardization

One of the key dimensions of international cooperation in the field of standardization is represented by
the activities of the Technical Committees on standardization (further TC). Since 1993 Ukraine is a full-
fledged member of two organizations of standardization: International Organization on Standardization
(ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Ukrainian Agency of Standardization (SE
UkrNDNC; further Agency), which performs the functions of National Standardization Body of
Ukraine (further NSB), in 2015 confirmed its membership in these international organizations on

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At the beginning of 2017 83 national TC cooperated in 319 technical units of ISO with a status of - and
- members. Out of them: 31 TC are working in 145 units of ISO/TC/SC with a status of active member,
and 70 TC are working in 174 units ISO/TC/SC with a status of passive member as observers. Ukrainian
TC participate in elaboration of draft standards, voting for projects of ISO standards at the different levels
of project elaboration, submit for consideration remarks of different type, complete the procedures of
electronic voting at ISO Balloting Portal. The number of votes can reach up to 2 thousand per year.
Ukraine since 2003 administers the secretariat of international committee ISO/TC 218 Timber.

Also at the beginning of this year 24 Ukrainian TC were working at 103 structural units (committees and
subcommittees) of International Electrotechnical Committee IEC. 13 TC are working as active members
at 31 structural units of IEC/TC/SC and as passive members in 29 IEC/TC/SC as observers. 11 TC passive,
observers are working at 49 structural units of IEC/TC/SC.

Ukraine is a member of European Committee for Standardization CEN since 1997 and in European
Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization CENELEC since 2001. Ukraine had different statuses
within these organizations, and in 2017 it gained status of organization-companion on standardization.
Such status is foreseen for the countries that are candidate states or potential candidate states for the
EU accession. Except for Ukraine such status has been gained by Moldova and Georgia. The respective
treaties have been signed on June 2, 2017. 43 Ukrainian TC get technical materials from 324 structural
units of CEN and 23 from 77 structural units of CENELEC. In order to fulfill its membership obligations
in the European organizations for standardization CEN, CENELEC and increasing the efficiency of activities
in the field of European standardization the information on adopted in Ukraine harmonized standards is
uploaded into databases of CEN and CENELEC. In 2016 the information on 1392 CEN and CENELEC
standards was uploaded, in 2017 on 660. The total number of uploaded document reaches 3 935
thats information on European standards adopted by Ukraine by now.

Ukraines membership in ISO, IEC, CEN CENELEC provides Ukrainian TC with an opportunity to get
projects of standards, just published standards and other technical documents promptly and for free, to
get updated information on international and regional standardization and gives a chance to participate
in the meetings of international and European technical committees on standardization. For example,
the representatives of TC 122 Analysis of gases, liquid and solid substances participated in the meetings
of the international technical committee ISO/TC 193 Natural gas (Pathos, Cyprus (27.06-01.07.2016);
Washington, US (27-30.06.2017). The representatives of TC 117 Rocket and rocket-space equipment
participated at the meeting of the international technical committee ISO/TC 37 Terminology
(Copenhagen, Denmark (18-20.09.2016). The representatives of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine
participated in the meeting of international technical committee ISO/TC 71 Concrete, reinforced
concrete and pre-stressed concrete (Cartagena, Colombia (19-22.11.2016).

The Agency (currently SE UkrNDNC) represents Ukraine in Interregional standardization association

(Irsa-MAC-BASB). was created in 1991 in order to develop regional cooperation in the field of
standardization, assessment of compliance and accreditation. Its goals are elimination of technical
barriers to trade, enhancing exchange of goods and services among member countries, strengthening
standardization and infrastructure of quality of member states. From the perspective of trade relations
and development of trade Ukraines participation in is alongside with the participation in purely
European standardization organization is priority: national standardization and accreditation bodies of
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia,

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Turkey and Uzbekistan are members of . Ukraine has applied for membership and the application
was approved at 26th Assembly General of (April 18, 2017, Chisinau, Moldova).

Ukraine is also a member of Interstate council on standardization, metrology and certification (ISC).
Ukraine is represented in ISC not by the Agency but by the Ministry of economic development and trade.
The Agency (currently SE UkrNDNC), as a national standardization body, has the right on its behalf to
send information to the Bureau of standards of ISC regarding: additional joining of interstate standards
by Ukraine; drafted lists of projects of interstate standards for their further adoption by ISC; suggesting
amendments to interstate standards and performance of works according to DSTU GOST 1.2:2016.

In the last years Ukraine has signed a number of international agreements on cooperation in the field of
standardization. The treaties on cooperation provide opportunities to work in such important directions
as studies, training, exchange of experience, dissemination of standards. Among the mentioned treaties
there are the following:
Treaty on cooperation in the field of standardization with the Lithuanian standardization bureau
(LST) October 9, 2015
Treaty on cooperation in the field of standardization with the Polish committee of standardization
(PKN) March 15, 2016
Treaty on cooperation in the field of standardization with the Institute of standardization of
Moldova (ISM) June 2, 2017
Memorandum on mutual understanding and Annex on dissemination of standards with the
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) April 27, 2017
Memorandum on mutual understanding and agreement on commercial dissemination of
standards with the German institute of standards (DIN) June 14, 2017.

Ukrainian agency for standardization pays significant attention to networking and training. There were
following events with the participation of international experts in which the Agencys experts
participated: seminar with the participation of experts of Polish institute of standardization PKN (January
2016); seminar with the participation of experts of Turkish institute of standards TSE (April 2016 .);
seminar with the participation of experts of Lithuanian standardization bureau LSD (September 2016).
Also the Agencys experts participated at the Regional studying course regarding the implementation of
Technical regulation 1025 on European standardization (Moldova, National Institute of Standardization
of Moldova, July 2016) and Seminar on issues of standardization and exchange of experience (Lithuania,
Lithuanian standardization bureau, October 2016).


4.1 European aspirations of Ukraine
On September 16, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the European Parliament simultaneously
ratified the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union18, which envisaged the
establishment of number of political institutions aimed at development of cooperation and partnership
as well as establishment of deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA). The parties confirmed their
rights and obligations foreseen by the World Trade Organization regulations (WTO) on technical trade
barriers (TTB), and also have undertaken the obligation to enhance technical cooperation in the field of


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normative and legal issues, enhance relations with the respective organizations, which are in charge of
the issues of metrology, standardization, testing, market oversight, certification and accreditation. The
Agreement foresees participation of Ukraine in the activities of the respective international organizations,
support in development of the efficient infrastructure of systems of standardization, metrology,
accreditation, assessment of compliance and market oversight.

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Cabinet) dated by September 17, 2014
#847- 19 Implementation Action Plan of this Agreement for 2014-201720 has been implemented.

Also Ukraine committed to implement European standards as national gradually alongside with
cancelling national standards that violate the EUs standards. There tasks for Ukraine are foreseen by:
Article 56 of Annex of Association Agreement (which explicitly says that it is necessary to
implement European standards as national standards, in particular harmonized European
standards, voluntary implementation of which will correspond with the legislative demands);
Articles 85 and 124;
Annex XVII-3 (which refers to harmonization of standards necessary for ensuring exchange of e-
documents with the electronic signature between Ukraine and the EU member states (with the
consideration of the respective Directive 21 of the European Parliament and Council dated by
December 13, 1999 on electronic signatures which is applied in the EU) and electronic flow of
Article 355, Annex XXIX (which refers to the improvement of energy statistics aimed at
harmonization with the European and international standards within the new component D
Support of cooperation in the field of statistics of INOGATE Project aimed a harmonization of
energy statistics of Ukraine with the European and international standards etc.).

Ukraine actively participates in the activities of the international and European organizations which are
in charge of shaping and implementation of system of technical regulations and also takes the measures
to fulfill the demands for gaining full-fledged membership in the European organizations of
standardization. In this regard Ukraine in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine dated by August 19, 2015 #844- adopted the Strategy of development of technical regulation
system until 202022.

Therefore, the political and normative impact of the Agreement on the process of European standards
implementation and the development national standardization system is significant if not vital. The
mentioned Strategy says that the necessity of further reformation of system of technical regulation to a
great extent is invigorated by the combination of the following factors:
elimination technical barriers to trade between the EU and Ukraine;
commitments undertaken by Ukraine upon WTO accession;
necessity to modernize the economics by increasing the number of investment and level of
compatibility of national products at the world market.

With the amendments approved by the Decree of a Cabinet #1401- dated by 30.12.2015 and 217- dated by 18.02.2016; Decree of the
Cabinet #160 dated by 24.02.2016 and #950 dated by 14.12.2016; Decree of the Cabinet #92- dated by 08.02.2017; Decree of the Cabinet
#57 dated by 08.02.2017

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Thus, the result of the implementation of European standards in Ukraine should be modernization of the
economics and ensuring compatibility of national products by means of gradual integration of Ukraine
into the EU market, elimination of technical barriers in trade between Ukraine and the EU and
strengthening Ukraines position at the world marker which will be caused by recognition of the
Ukrainian system of technical regulation at the European and international level. Among the key
dimensions of the implementation of the aforementioned Strategy are clearly defined and are directly
connected to the standardization activities:
adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of technical regulation to the EUs legislation;
adopting for the further implementation of the European standards as the national standards of
Ukraine with simultaneous cancellation of the validity of GOST;
ensuring of full compliance of the system of technical regulation of Ukraine to the EU demands;
enhancing cooperation of the central governmental bodies, enterprises, institutions and
organizations with the European and international organizations of standardization, metrology,
accreditation, compliance assessment and states market oversight.

The Agencys plan of activities for 2017 corresponds with the Strategys provisions. Hanna Lisina, Director
General of the Agency says that [] this year it is planned to harmonize over a thousand of standards
and to fulfill the obligation on unpublished standards the number of which is reaching 1126. Also, it is
planned to work on membership of Ukraine in European telecommunications standards institute (ETSI),
harmonization of standards for military equipment in accordance with NATO standards, agreements on
dissemination of international and regional standards primarily standards of International
electrotechnical commission, European standards of CEN and CENELEC and German standards of

Summarizing, the implementation of the Strategys tasks will ensure high level of safety of Ukrainian
production, increase its compatibility and will assist in innovational development, which consequently
will provide access to the EU market for the Ukrainian producers on the same conditions with the
producers from the EU member states. Also as the result of creation of supportive regulative and
business environment with no extraordinary and duplicated demands, foreign investors will only have to
deal with the regulations and demands applied in the EU.

4.2 Towards European standards: benefits and challenges

In general, the study of these issues and consultations with experts in the field of standardization are
bringing us to the following generalizations. Ukraine introduces and uses predominantly international
(ISO) and European (EN) standards as national ones that are identical with international and European

They differ from the national standards (DSTU), but they have a number of significant advantages both
for the economy of the country and for the average consumer. New standards make it possible to
produce a wider range of products which also have more predictable quality indicators. Ukrainian
producers are able to participate in national and international tenders on the same terms as foreign


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manufacturers. Moreover, they are reducing energy costs and improving the environmental situation in
the country.
However, the overwhelming majority of international and European standards apply to control methods.
There are a few standards in regards to the product. And such standards are basically found on the level
below the directives. That is, they are a presumption of compliance with the requirements of the EU
Regulations and Directives. Therefore, in order to fully harmonize the international and European
standards as national ones, Ukraine needs first of all to accelerate the process of harmonization of
national legislation.

A significant challenge for Ukraine is the process of implementing the international and European
standards not only at the level of their availability and access of customers to them, but also at the level
of production of goods and the provision of services in accordance with these standards, as on the part
of big business, as well the middle and small one. The organization of such a transition requires not only
legislative, institutional, organizational or methodological support. There is a necessity for successful
serious (that means intensive, extensive and long-term) educational and training activities,
dissemination in the business environment of an understanding of the benefits and feasibility of such a
transition from one culture of production and trade to another, which is characterized with the higher
quality. This relation of different cultures conceals the mental essence of the challenge of the current
technological, industrial and business modernization of Ukraine.

Specialists of the National Agency of Standardization of Ukraine (hereinafter - the Agency) and the
representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine draw attention to the
two another significantly problematic issues relevant to the implementation of European standards,
which must be successfully resolved in one way or another. First and foremost, there are drawbacks in
legislation which cause problems with the financing of the works upon harmonization of national
standards. One of the main problems when drafting national normative documents (ND), harmonized
with international and European ones, is the application of the norms of the current legislation on the
use of budget funds, in particular of the legislation on public procurement. This problem is not resolved
at the moment and is turning into essential issue, despite the fact that standardization activities in
Ukraine seem to be regulated enough sufficiently.

Above we were talking about the following: the law of Ukraine On Standardization (Article 15) and
DSTU 1.14 stipulate that national NDs in Ukraine are developed by the technical committees of
standardization (TC). Each year, in accordance with the Article 9 and Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine On
Standardization, on the basis of TCs proposals, the Agency prepares and publishes for the consideration
of the interested parties the National Standardization Working Program for the current calendar year.
The Agency sets tasks for implementation, namely, defines standards to be harmonized, performers to
carry out works a TC or a WG (Working Group) in the absence of TC, as well as a timeline of their
implementation. For the effective use of the state budget funds directed at standardization works, a
special Methodology is used. This Methodology ensures the definition of the value for each harmonized
standard and enables the formation of a specific contract for each executor (TC) in accordance with its
field of activity. The abovementioned points out that all requirements for the implementation of drafting
standards works are clearly defined.

However, the provisions of the Law of Ukraine On State Procurement question the results of the
application of the above Methodology, as well as the normative and procedural compliance of the Law
On Standardization. It defines the scientific research as services, sets various kinds of constraints and
classifies all activities in the field of standardization as one of a variety of services. This creates a

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significant problem when concluding contracts with the developer for works on the development of
harmonized standards. The procedural and methodological unity of standardization is interpreted (falsely,
as we consider) as the sole subject of procurement for quite different NDs which relate to various objects
and areas of application of standardization that are covering various branches of industry and a
significant part of services industry. Each national ND is an independent document with its markings and
scope of implementation and, therefore, as a rule, is a separate subject of procurement that cannot be
identified with another national ND. The documents of international and European standardization
organizations in the leading countries of the world do not apply tenders in public procurement
procedures for the development of standards or their adoption.

The above shows that it is expedient to develop national NDs on a noncompetitive basis, and the service
for their development can be provided only by a certain performer (participant of the procurement
procedure). The implementation of procurement procedures in accordance with the Law "On State
Procurement" in any case delayes the work on harmonization of standards at least for the quarter and
requires additional efforts, resources, costs, and does not improve the final result.

The following difficulties in fulfilling tasks related to the harmonization of national standards with
international and European occur each year. This problem can be characterized as systemic and cyclic. It
is reoccurring every year, starting with the delay in signing the passport of the budget program, and
consequently, the untimely financing of the works stages. Further delay in public procurement
procedures causes the time pressure development of ND by the developer and the same time pressure
with an assessment of the quality of such a development. Another negative consequence of such a state
of affairs is often disputes with performers who under the time pressure violate the terms of the contract,
primarily in terms of compliance with the quality of the product of the ND. Such disputes require more
efforts and time in order to solve them in the administrative and legal terms.

In general, the aforementioned problem involves the risks of timely and complete implementation of the
tasks of harmonizing national ND with international and European ones.

Another problem pointed out by the Agency and the Ministry is the slow implementation of the new
standards for the replacement of the abolished ones. In 2015, more than 15,000 GOSTs that were
adopted before 1992 were canceled. The abolition of these Soviet GOSTs was one of the commitments
that Ukraine has undertaken signing the Association Agreement with the EU. Despite the fact that these
standards were abolished in 2015, a transitional period of 2017-2019 was given for the development of
the necessary NDs for their replacement. As the reality shows, work on the development of national
normative documents, harmonized with international and European standards, is inadequate, and the
deadlines are expiring. Responsible Ministries do not plan enough expenses and do not allocate
necessary funds for this work; as a rule, ministries finance only the so-called priority development. And
the responsibility for replacing the old standards with the new ones is assigned to the Agency.

In addition, it is not always possible to find standards within international and European ones that would
replace GOSTs (in particular, in terms of the standards of the Uniform System of
Constructor Documentation and the Uniform System of Technological Documentation.

The problems associated with standardization activities in Ukraine can also be attributed to the
institutional strengthening of the Agency: at present, the main processes of standardization are not
automated; inadequate automation of standardization dissemination processes is still visible; a large

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number of standards remains unpublished; TRADOS translation software does not work properly; the
lack of staff qualification and proficiency in foreign (especially English) languages is tangible, etc.

The work of the Agency is burdened with excessive amount of TCs, many of which are working poorly.
The imperfection of the fundamental standards for standardization activities is hindering the Agencys
functioning as well. One of the sensitive issues in the Agency's work is the low level of entrepreneurs
awareness of standardization prospects and, consequently, the low interest of business entities in
financing standardization work.

It is obvious that at the current stage of development the Agency needs political, business and public
support, as well as a moderate assistance from experienced European partners. Therefore, the two-year
Twinning Project (2018-2019) is very relevant for the Agency.Within its framework it is planned to
resolve a number of the listed institutional problems. The Agency's cooperation within the framework
of the Project Strengthening the Role of Civil Society and Small and Medium Enterprises in the
Implementation of European Standards in the Eastern Partnership States will promote the business
entities awareness of standardization issues and will play a positive role in enhancing the societys
awareness of the importance and significance of these issues.

4.3 Implementation of European standards in industrial and agro-food sectors: Where do

we stand?

Construction sector

Statistical assessment of the developments (implementation of European standards) in the field of

constructions is the following: there are 187 normative documents adopted in the construction sector,
145 normative documents in the field of construction materials and 42 normative documents in the field
of civil construction.

Significant milestone in implementation of European standards was reached in 2017. On 17 January the
Parliament of Ukraine amended a law which improves the classification of buildings and structures from
a construction perspective and which consequently influences the procedure for obtaining construction
permits24. Previously, the buildings and structures were classified in five categories determined by their
complexity, where simple buildings and structures were assigned to category I and the most compound
objects to category V. Commencement and commission of the buildings and structures in categories I
III was carried out on a declarative principle by means of submission of a respective declaration. At the
same time, developers who constructed buildings and structures falling under categories IV V had to
first obtain a construction permit and certificate for their commission upon completion of construction.

Such classification was not in line with settled EU practice. The Law replaces the five categories of an
objects complexity with the three classes of consequences. Project design organisations, with the
approval of developers, will determine the objects classification based on criteria specified in the Law,
as well as relevant construction standards and regulations.


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Besides, on August 19 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a bill on the main requirements
to structures and the conditions for the marketing of construction products. The bill is intended to
implement the EU Regulation No. 305/2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of
construction products.

The bill sets the key requirements to structures and the construction materials technical approbation rules
for marketing them, as well as to the entities that take part in the technical approbation and declaration
in the construction sphere. The bill introduces a rule for determining the essential characteristics. The bill
also describes obligations of manufacturers marketing their products on the construction materials
market. Manufacturers shall draw up a declaration of performance.

Agro-food sector

The achievements in implementation of the European standards in the field of agriculture are the
following: there are 193 normative documents adopted in the field of agriculture and 156 normative
documents related to the production of food products. According to Association Agreements it aims to
reach a common understanding on animal welfare standards. In February 2016 agreement was reached
between Ukraine and the European Commission on the contents of the Comprehensive Strategy, which
is a list of roughly 255 EU regulations and directives. This sets out the implementation schedule for each
regulation or directive. Audits are conducted by the EU to verify that sanitary and phytosanitary
conditions (SPS) are being met and correspond with the Regulation 854/2004/EC on rules for the
organization of controls of products of animal origin. This Regulation goes on to establish comparable
rules for approving establishments in third countries for the purpose of exporting to the EU market. These
arrangements are currently being used by Ukraine and will remain in force while the provisions of the
Agreement are implemented.

A significant number of Ukrainian agro-food enterprises producing commodities of animal origin are
already recognized for exporting to the EU in compliance with its SPS requirements. This mechanism can
effectively continue to be used and expanded alongside entry into force of the Agreement, since its
requirements are the same as those in Art. 69.2-5. Total SPS compliance for the whole of the territory of
Ukraine is a long-term objective. Currently there are separate procedures for those enterprises willing
and able to comply with export certification for the EU. This is an important element of effective flexibility
in the Agreement and can help avoid excessive costs of compliance. Besides, there are provisions within
the EU to exempt small scale production from various SPS requirements (Regulation 853/2004/EC on
hygiene rules). For example, hygiene rules do not apply to production for private domestic consumption,
or small quantities supplied to local retail establishments and markets. Ukraine remains free to apply
similar exemptions for local markets. Costs for the producers can also be lowered through easier trade
procedures, including fewer import permits and inspections.

Much less suspicious products will be subject to physical inspections. Some small producers will be hit by
higher costs, but under EU regulations the authorities retain considerable flexibility in defining how local
markets and traditional regional specialties may be exempted from full compliance with SPS standards.
Moreover, in the next few years before the new SPS regime is fully established in Ukraine, there remains
the possibility for individual export-oriented enterprises to be recognized by the EU as SPS-compliant.
Ukraines 2020 agriculture strategy prioritizes the expansion of the number of enterprises individually
recognized in this way. Although the most promising markets for export expansion may well be in Asia
rather than Europe, approximation of EU standards becomes a brand asset for accessing many world

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Energy efficiency sector

In accordance with the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European
Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, Ukraine pledged to bring
domestic legislation to the acquits of the EU, inter alia in the sphere of energy and energy efficiency. The
parties to the Agreement have agreed to continue and strengthen existing cooperation in the energy
sector in order to increase energy efficiency. In the sphere of energy efficiency there are 107 normative
documents adopted in the field of power engineering and heating engineering.

The country has undertaken the obligations to implement 2006/32/EU directive on energy end-use
efficiency and energy services. The interim goal of the national plan in 2017 is the reduction of domestic
energy consumption at the level of 5% of the average indicator for energy consumption in 2005-2009. As
for specific actions that must be taken, according to the provisions of Directive 2006/32/EC, one of the
priority objectives of the state is to achieve energy savings of 9% of the total public index for the ninth
year of application of the Directive. In particular, energy distributors or retail energy sales companies
should reach 1.5% of energy savings per annum by implementing energy efficiency measures.

New government regulations and standards have been adopted in the area of design and construction. In
particular, changes were applied to the State construction norms (DBN) V.2.6.-31:2006 Thermal
insulation of buildings, which bring the standards essentially closer to EU requirements. The classification
of buildings is being implemented according to their energy efficiency grading from A to F, where A is the
highest class and F is the lowest. In the project assignment the energy efficiency class of the building must
not be less than class C. New stan- dards for maximum heating costs for residential and public buildings
are being set. On 1 January 2016, the new State Standard BA-2.2.12:2015 Energy efficiency of buildings.
The method of the energy consumption calculating for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot
water came into effect.

On 22 June 2017, a milestone law On the Energy Efficiency of Buildings25 was adopted. Its goal is to set
a new regulatory framework for energy efficiency that will apply to the majority of the buildings in the
country. The framework correlates with the standards set out by the EU Directive 2010/31/EU on the
energy performance of buildings. The Law will come into force on July 23, 2018 whilst certain provisions
(for example, the ones related to mandatory energy efficiency certification) will come into effect even
later on 01 July 2019.

In order to gradually improve energy efficiency standards, the Law provides for the development of a
national plan to increase the number of so-called nearly zero-energy buildings. Such plan shall be
submitted to the Energy Community and should correspond with the respective acts of the EU legislation
and the Energy Community.


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Although the partnership between civil society organizations, academic institutions, business
representatives, state bodies and national standardization body in the field of implementation of
European standards has significant potential, it is not used to a full scale. The Agency is open to
cooperation of that type if it is initiated by civil society institutions. However, the obstacle to cooperation
is limited willingness of the representatives of SME to cooperate. Psychological barriers, exaggerated
perception of risks related to costly shift to European standards, lack of understanding of advantages of
European standards provide a lot of space for establishing further cooperation.

An efficient platform for setting cooperation with the interested stakeholders among NGOs, business
representatives and state structures are the Technical committees (TC) which include all the interested
stakeholders. If there are such options the representatives of the Agency also participate in trainings
organized by different institutions and enterprises within different EU-funded projects, although the
main goal of such cooperation is training of specialists. This year, for example, the representatives of the
Agency attended the seminars within the project Association 4U, which were related to approximation
of Ukrainian legislation to European (the organizer was the Ministry of Agriculture), and also cooperated
with the Swedish trade council participated in the seminar Good regulatory practices and the
assessment of the regulatory influence and participated at forum related to the issues of technical

Another format of cooperation is participation in the exhibitions. Although state institutions and the
Agency are limited in their resources and can only participate in the events where there are no
participation fees, in May they participated in the activities of National forum of export support
organized by Chamber of Commerce and Kyiv city state administration there was an exhibition-
presentation of the production of Kyiv enterprises named Made in Kyiv. The event was one of the
elements of dialogue between the government, the EU and Ukrainian enterprises on export, investment
and innovations. There were more than 160 enterprises from all the districts of the capital, working in
the fields of machinery, construction, chemistry, health care, pharmaceuticals, polygraphs etc. More than
40 scientific institutions of Kyiv demonstrated their achievements, technologies and materials. National
standardization body presented the selected relevant standards, which are currently important
instruments of development of modern business and communicated with the participants of the

It is noteworthy that most of the examples of cooperation are related either to activities within the TCs
or different events. However, there is a lack of common initiatives on promoting European standards,
conducting studies on the advantages and shortcomings of such standards, comparative analyses on
the situation in the countries shifting to European standards first and foremost Georgia, Moldova and

European Standardization in Ukraine 18

Strategic and Security Studies Group
Contact person: Sergiy Gerasymchuk,
email: [email protected]
phone: +380445280659

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