Shelter Island Reporter Classifieds and Homeowners' Network: Nov. 30, 2017

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COM NOVEMBER 30, 2017 25

1. The Riverhead News-Review

Shelter Island Reporter CLASSIFIEDS 2. The Suffolk Times

RATES PER WORD (10 WORD MINIMUM) KAREN: 631-354-8029 or JILL: 631-354-8013 1 4
100,000 READERS 3. Shelter Island Reporter
1 insertion 87 per word For your convenience VOICE MAIL is available after hours. 4. East End Classified Network
$2.70 per word first insertion
2 or more consecutive insertions $2.40 per word per week E-mail 24/7 to: [email protected]
74 per word per week.
Boxed indented or display
succeeding insertions
CANCELLATIONS: The price of an ad will be
DEADLINES Housing Discrimination is Against the Law!
To Report Discrimination
classified- Call for information. based on earned rate for the number of insertions. TIMES REVIEW Classified Ads........................TUESDAY 10 A.M. Call LIHS HOTLINE 800-660-6920
Refunds will be credited to a credit card or sent
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TIMES REVIEW Classified Display Ads ........... MONDAY 4 P.M. Times Review Media Group follows the Fair Housing
ADJUSTMENTS: Every effort is made to insure E-MAILED ADS ........................................................... MONDAY 4 P.M. Amendments Act of 1988 and Title VIII of the Civil
the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad at
EAST END CLASSIFIED NETWORK ................ MONDAY 10 A.M. Rights Act. Together they make up the Fair Housing Act.
the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the The law provides protection against discrimi-
same ad, credit will be made only for the first
insertion. Credit given for errors in connections nation based on race, color, national origin,
with production on ads is limited to the printed
HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. religion, sex, familial status and handicap.
space involved. P.O. Box 756, Shelter Island, NY 11964


SHELTER ISLAND: Office or cli-
mate controlled storage located in
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SHELTER ISLAND: 2,000 sq.-ft.
basement for shop or storage. Easy
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35-plus year Shelter Island resident
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Health-care provider open to liive-in
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CUSTODIAN: F/T. All phases of
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required security clearance. Excel- Multi-unit, Multi-family Commercial, Office, Industrial, Retail, Hotels, more
lent compensation package. Review
details and submit application at Contact us today for a free, no obligation analysis of your companys financing needs! Reference Express Capital Financing 2626 East 14th Street Suite 202 Brooklyn, NY 11235
requisition# 17002130. HELP WANTED HOUSESITTING/WATC- 718-285-0806 [email protected]
SALES POSITION: available for an then remain due on each thereof, respectively,
established territory on the North RETIRED POLICE OFFICER: Care- together with the applicable interest, costs and
Requirements: Sales experience.
Looking for a highly motivated, or-
ganized and digitally progressive
Fork of Long Island with Times Re-
view Media Group. This position re-
quires one to sell print and digital
taker for home or property. Start
1/1/18. Daily, weekly, monthly. Con-
tact Jack Birmingham,
LEGAL charges which have arisen or accrued thereon.
Such Tax Lien Sale is subject to the right of
Suffolk County, pursuant to the provisions of

products and handle a large volume 631-294-3502. Sections 45 and 46 of the Suffolk County Tax
team player. Position requires devel- of accounts. All applicants should
oping new business and strong pre- Act.
have sales experience. Benefits, Tax liens are subject to redemption pursuant
sentation skills. Outside sales posi- 401(k). Salary based on experience.
tion with base salary plus Send inquiries to Sonja Reinholt Derr INSURANCE to law, by paying to the County Comptroller
commission. Exciting products to at [email protected]
Deadline: for the use of the purchaser, his heirs, legal
representatives or assigns the sums men-
sell. Email resumes to: Sonja Rein-
Insurance Agency
Monday at 3 p.m. tioned, together with interest and any other
holt Derr at [email protected]
No phone calls, please. EOE. R.P. Brady amount to which the purchaser may be en-
INSTRUCTION Low rates/Auto and Homes Email: titled pursuant to law, and the respective
[email protected] charge of the expense of the publication of the
HVAC COMPANY POSITIONS: F/T, AIRLINE CAREERS: Start here. Get Call 631-749-1014 [email protected] notice to redeem the real estate for unpaid
year round. HVAC service technician trained as FAA-certified aviation taxes as apportioned by the County Comptrol-
and an installation helper needed for technician. Financial aid for qualified ler to the real estate so redeemed.
students. Job placement assistance. LEGAL NOTICE
a busy local ISO- qualified company.
Call AIM for free information,
All parcels must be redeemed within twelve
Call 631-749-5359. months after the date of such Tax Lien Sale
866-296-7094. (N) ANNOUNCEMENT except residential properties, which are de-
terior, exterior. Free estimates. 36 fined as properties improved by a one, two or
HVAC MECHANIC: F/T journeyman SUFFOLK COUNTY three family dwelling unit. The period of re-
level with minimum 5 years exper- years experience. Line up winter TAX LIEN SALE
ience with industrial HVAC units and
AUTOS WANTED jobs now. 631-749-1072. SUFFOLK COUNTY
demption for said residential properties shall
be thirty-six months after the date of such Tax
support equipment. EPA certified as COMPTROLLERS OFFICE
AUTO DONATIONS: Donate your WHEREAS ARREARS of taxes on the
Lien Sale.
a universal technician. Rotating car to Wheels for Wishes, benefiting The final date for tax payments without adver-
shifts, weekends and holidays. Posi- Make-A-Wish. We offer free towing TAG SALES following several tracts, lots, pieces or parcels tisement charges and publications was August
tion is located on Plum Island, NY of land arising from the tax levy of 2016/17 31, 2017. Parcels appearing in this list upon
and your donation is 100% tax- and thereby charged and imposed pursuant to
(1.5 nautical miles off North Fork of d e d u c t i b l e . C a l l t o d a y ! EASTPORT: Saturday, 12/2, Sun- law remain due and unpaid; (The names given
which the taxes and other charges were paid
Long Island). Transportation fur- 631-317-2014. (N) day, 12/3, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Huge an- after August 31, 2017, will not be taken for the
nished. U.S. citizenship and the abil- tique Xmas sale! 50-75% off. Ship being those of the reputed owners or occu- Tax Lien Sale.
ity to obtain government security models, fine china, cut glass, toys, pants as the same appear on the assessment NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the
clearance required. Competitive Oriental rugs, tools, prints, paintings, rolls for said tax year, followed by the Suffolk County Legislature has passed a resolution
wages and benefits. Submit applica- APPRAISALS more! Many items under $25. 496 County Tax Map Number ascribed to the par- pursuant to the authority contained in Sec-
tion at Montauk Highway (back building). cel as the same appears on the said assessment tions 45 and 46 of the Suffolk County Tax Act
Reference requisition# 17000535 REAL ESTATE: Howard Jackson, F o r m o r e i n f o c a l l : L l o y d , rolls and amounts including the taxes, pen-
consultant. Commercial, which grants the County the option to reject
EOE M/F/V/D 631-325-1819. alty, interest, expenses and other charges any or all bids, and has authorized and di-
Residential. P.O. Box 969, Shelter against the properties for such year.) Out-
Island, N.Y. 11964. 631-749-3002, rected the undersigned County Comptroller to
standing balances may be affected by accep- bid in and purchase all of the tax liens. Ac-
PLUMBER: Experienced in service 631-749-0988. MEL PRESENTS: Saturday, 9 a.m., tance of any partial payments made pursuant cordingly, all bids on parcels will be rejected
and renovations. Excellent salary, Sunday, 10 a.m. Ventriloquist dum- to Suffolk County Code Chapter 820 and/or at the lien sale and all tax liens will be sold to
benefits, 401(k), medical, dental, va- mies, antique clocks, grandfather the Suffolk County Tax Act 47-a. Suffolk County at that time.
cation, commission. Excellent work- CLEANING clock, juke box, Victrola, Edison, NOW, THEREFORE, under the authority John M. Kennedy, Jr.
ing environment. Mattituck, taxidermy, antique and contempo- given by law, notice is hereby given that I, as Comptroller of
631-298-8181. GRACE & CO.: Holiday cleaning rary furnishings. 10 Hampton Bays Suffolk County Comptroller, shall on the 8th Suffolk County
and decorating, construction, D r i v e . 6 3 1 - 7 6 5 - 1 9 7 3 o r day of December, 2017, commence the taking TOWN OF
housewatching, organizing special- 631-749-2072. of a tax lien on the following lots, tracts, SHELTER ISLAND
ist. 631-749-8883, 631-276-9220. pieces or parcels of land. The amount of such
Find your home in tax liens taken shall be for the amount of
1 Salerno David
Times Review Media Groups Thursday means the unpaid taxes, as shall be sufficient to pay all 2,540.54
County, Town, Highway, School, District or
Real Estate Classifieds other taxes assessed thereon, according to or
LEGALS continued on 27
arising from the tax levy of 2016/17 that may


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0700.01500.0300.091000.0000 107 Pontone Scott 5,573.46 estate of MARY DZUPA, lately domiciled at
LEGALS continued from 25 2,993.06 0700.02400.0100.030000.0000 500043 Romano Realty Holding Co LLC 9 EMERSON LANE, SHELTER ISLAND,
55 4 North Ferry LLC 26,822.93 0700.02300.0200.095007.0000 NEW YORK 11964, admitting to probate a
4 Trugerman Roberta 0700.01500.0400.057000.0000 109 OMalley Terence T 5,101.55 Will dated JUNE 7, 2014, a copy of which is
0700.00100.0200.011000.0000 2,671.90 Layton Jayme-Lyn 500046 Cugliani Tom attached, as the Will of MARY DZUPA, de-
274.14 59 Ryan Rosemarie J 0700.02500.0100.030000.0000 0700.02300.0300.022000.0000 ceased, relating to real and personal property,
5 Meridith Shelly 0700.01500.0400.104001.0000 169.11 1,529.47 and directing that
0700.00100.0200.012000.0000 681.77 110 Bowman Angela 500048 Bowman Angela [ X ] Letters Testamentary issue to:
5,806.60 61 Eanet-Butler Victoria 0700.02500.0100.058000.0000 0700.02500.0100.057000.0000 ELIZABETH SUROZENSKI
6 Stack Venture Partners, LLC 0700.01500.0400.120000.0000 3,902.60 1,710.55 [ ] Letters of Trusteeship issue to:
0700.00100.0200.064000.0000 172.64 111 Rhodes Jason T 500049 H.O.C. Investment, LLC [ ] Letters of Administration c.t.a. issue
19,062.50 63 Estate of Anne Shultheis 0700.02800.0100.020000.0000 0700.02600.0100.001007.0000 to:
7 Harms Brenda 0700.01700.0100.008000.0000 172.43 155.97 FILED
0700.00300.0200.049001.0000 36,489.34 135 Tausik Douglas 2142890 SURROGATES COURT
7,433.92 64 Sommi John B 0701.00100.0200.014001.0000 SUFFOLK COUNTY
9 Samson Mallory Judge Nancy E 16,744.70 LEGAL NOTICE OCT 27 2017
Labob, Inc. 0700.01700.0100.011000.0000 PUBLIC NOTICE MICHAEL CIPOLLINO
0700.00500.0200.018000.0000 55,819.75 TOWN OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CHIEF CLERK
7,389.92 67 Herzog Bruce C SHELTER ISLAND Shelter Island Town Planning Board will hold Dated, Attested and Sealed
10 Noyer Charles Herzog Shelagh 500001 Harabaglia Elaine & Gary a public hearing at 7:05 p.m. prevailing timeHON. JOHN M. CZYGIER, JR.
Coyle Christina 0700.01700.0100.034001.0000 0700.00300.0200.006000.0000 on December 12, 2017, in Shelter Island Surrogate
0700.00500.0200.030000.0000 665.66 2,299.11 Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, at October 27, 2017
152.70 69 Roe James A Iv 500002 Eklund James W & Linda C Michael Cipollino
which time all interested parties shall be heard
11 Shelter Island Clinton Ave LLC 0700.01800.0100.032001.0000 0700.00500.0500.026000.0000 regarding the application of AGAPE LLC, for MICHAEL CIPOLLINO, Chief Clerk
0700.00500.0300.011001.0000 14,069.83 4,964.41 a lot line modification of lands purportedly (Seal)
32,055.71 70 Dillon Matthew J 500003 Maggio Jonathan S owned by it, located in the A Residence Attorneys for Petitioner:
14 Retained Realty, Inc. 0700.01800.0200.040000.0000 Maggio Jordon S District, on the westerly side of South FerryLEWIS JOHS AVALLONE AVILES, LLP
0700.00500.0400.020000.0000 7,663.27 0700.00600.0300.005000.0000 Road (S.R. 114), which parcels are identifiedTelephone Number 631.755.0101
62.97 72 Griffin Trust U/A Sarah E 230.17 on the Suffolk County Tax Map as parcels By: Robert J. Cimino, Esq.
16 Langbein Estate of Edwin Griffin Trust U/A Warner G 500004 Maggio Jonathan S numbered 0700-024.00-01.00-054.000 (Lot Address of Attorney:
0700.00500.0600.016000.0000 0700.01800.0300.033000.0000 Maggio Jordon S 54) and 0700-023.00-02.00-060.000 (Lot ONE CA PLAZA, SUITE 225,
1,253.69 4,519.52 0700.00600.0300.006002.0000 ISLANDIA, NEW YORK 11749
60). The application proposes to transfer ap-
18 McDowell Paul H & Susan L 75 Ellioff Amanda 417.62 proximately 7.4 acres from Lot 54 to Lot 60. [NOTE: This citation is served upon you
0700.00600.0100.006004.0000 0700.01800.0300.057000.0000 500008 Flanagan Brigid as required by law. You are not required to
As a result, the lot area of Lot 54 will decrease
12,959.94 9,470.00 0700.00700.0700.025000.0000 from approximately 7.42 acres to 1 acre appear. If you fail to appear it will be as-
19 Bannon Robert 81 Hayes Christopher 1,099.92 sumed you do not object to the relief re-
(43,560 sq. ft.) and the lot area for Lot 60 will
0700.00600.0200.020000.0000 0700.02100.0100.033000.0000 500010 Moore Peter increase from approximately 7.76 acres to quested. You have a right to have an at-
2,590.24 2,709.27 0700.00800.0300.064000.0000 approximately 14.17 acres. torney appear for you.]
21 Maggio Jonathan S 82 Schneider Alice L & Henry E 4,173.57 DATED: December _, 2017 2141270
Maggio Jordon S 0700.02100.0100.070000.0000 500011 Hathaway Realty Corp. PAUL E. MOBIUS,
0700.00600.0300.006001.0000 1,919.28 0700.01000.0100.007009.0000 CHAIRMAN LEGAL NOTICE
3,207.94 86 Lapiana Joseph 25,140.48 SHELTER ISLAND TOWN TOWN OF
26 Flanagan Brigid 0700.02200.0100.026001.0000 500012 Eklund James W & Linda PLANNING BOARD SHELTER ISLAND
0700.00700.0700.026000.0000 2,221.03 0700.01000.0100.036001.0000 SHELTER ISLAND, NEW YORK 1 Salerno David
12,090.18 87 Kolmogorova-Weisenberg Julia 4,425.20 2147980 0700.0100.0100.046000.0000
31 Burden, Jonathan M 0700.02200.0100.032001.0000 500013 McLean Joann 2,540.54
Joseph Jennifer 1,892.33 0700.01200.0100.008000.0000 LEGAL NOTICE 4 Trugerman Roberta
0700.00800.0300.046001.0000 88 Galle Michael & Elizabeth 419.02 PROBATE CITATION 0700.00100.0200.011000.0000
2,932.05 0700.02200.0100.034000.0000 500014 Shanty Bay Property, LLC File No. 2016-525/A 274.14
32 Kingsley David 838.50 0700.01200.0200.005000.0000 SURROGATES COURT - 5 Meridith Shelly
0700.00900.0200.003000.0000 90 Martinez Jose R 5,930.83 SUFFOLK COUNTY 0700.00100.0200.012000.0000
12,132.79 Gonzalez Alejandro 500015 Shanty Bay Property, LLC CITATION 5,806.60
33 Rolfe David & Tiffany 0700.02200.0100.070000.0000 0700.01200.0200.006000.0000 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW 6 Stack Venture Partners, LLC
0700.01200.0100.003000.0000 4,656.37 1,030.34 YORK, 0700.00100.0200.064000.0000
145.26 92 DArcambal Michelle 500016 Virtu Property Group, LLC By the Grace of God Free and Independent 19,062.50
34 Highpoint Rock, LLC 0700.02200.0100.141000.0000 0700.01300.0200.002001.0000 TO: JOSEPH BODNAR 7 Harms Brenda
0700.01300.0100.006000.0000 5,309.58 414.07 PETER SOPKO 0700.00300.0200.049001.0000
29,208.56 93 Lehenaff Jacqueline P 500017 Virtu Property Group, LLC PAOLO SOPKO a/k/a PAVOL SOPKO 7,433.92
35 Borthwick John 0700.02200.0200.001000.0000 0700.01300.0200.002002.0000 ESTATE OF ANDREW BODNAR 9 Samson Mallory
Borthwick Blair 5,404.50 510.98 a/k/a ONDREJ BODNAR, being the post- Labob, Inc.
0700.01300.0100.007000.0000 94 Hardy Joseph 500018 Virtu Property Group, LLC deceased brother of decedent, and ES- 0700.00500.0200.018000.0000
5,609.23 0700.02200.0200.022002.0000 0700.01300.0200.055000.0000 TATE OF SOPHIA BOCOVA a/k/a 7,389.92
36 Seal Rock, LLC 15,711.25 22.73 ZOFIA BOCOVA, being the post-deceased 10 Noyer Charles
0700.01300.0100.013001.0000 95 Hardwick April & Guy D 500019 Breiner Emory M sister of decedent, and if dead having pre- Coyle Christina
6,211.30 0700.02200.0200.027002.0000 0700.01400.0200.031001.0000 deceased the decedent, her issue, if any; or 0700.00500.0200.030000.0000
39 Herrick Robert & Carly W 363.11 2,569.65 if dead having survived decedent, her dis- 152.70
0700.01400.0100.010000.0000 96 Craco Louis A & Elizabeth V 500020 Breiner Emory M tributees, heirs at law, next of kin, execu- 11 Shelter Island Clinton Ave LLC
1,180.87 0700.02200.0200.040000.0000 0700.01400.0200.031002.0000 tors, administrators, successors and as- 0700.00500.0300.011001.0000
40 Butler Margaret & John 13,900.71 2,569.65 signs and any other persons who might 32,055.71
0700.01400.0100.024000.0000 98 Goncharenko Kirill 500022 Keyspan Corp have an interest in the estate of MARY 14 Retained Realty, Inc.
1,411.62 0700.02300.0100.050000.0000 0700.01400.0300.002000.0000 DZUPA, deceased, as distributees or other- 0700.00500.0400.020000.0000
41 Angels Healing Intl Trust 971.80 24.30 wise, all of whose names, whereabouts and 62.97
0700.01400.0100.058005.0000 99 Where I Wanna Be, LLC 500031 S. I. Center Property, LLC addresses are unknown and cannot be as- 16 Langbein Estate of Edwin
3,577.15 0700.02300.0200.026000.0000 0700.01500.0300.042000.0000 certained with due diligence. 0700.00500.0600.016000.0000
44 Magill Charles 73.21 4,207.35 A petition having been duly filed by 1,253.69
0700.01400.0400.019000.0000 102 Pfriender George 500035 Floyd Erik H ELIZABETH SUROZENSKI, who is 18 McDowell Paul H & Susan L
58.40 0700.02300.0200.078000.0000 Floyd Houston C domiciled at 10 SENECA DRIVE, HAMP- 0700.00600.0100.006004.0000
48 Bucalo Stephanie 8,916.43 0700.01700.0100.044007.0000 TON BAYS, NEW YORK 11946, 12,959.94
0700.01500.0300.067000.0000 103 King Revocable Living Trust Hi 1,893.13 YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW 19 Bannon Robert
2,993.06 0700.02300.0200.094000.0000 500036 Houston Christine CAUSE before the Surrogates Court, Suffolk 0700.00600.0200.020000.0000
49 Smith Peter 1,816.33 0700.01700.0100.044008.0000 County, at 320 CENTER DRIVE, RIVER- 2,590.24
0700.01500.0300.090000.0000 105 Cugliani A. J 1,893.13 HEAD, NY 11901, on DECEMBER 12 , 21 Maggio Jonathan S
1,064.30 0700.02300.0300.020000.0000 500038 35 South Ferry Road, LLC 2017, at 9:30 oclock in the forenoon of that Maggio Jordon S
50 Carr Joanne 2,383.68 0700.01900.0200.097017.0000 day, why a decree should not be made in the 0700.00600.0300.006001.0000
3,207.94 55 4 North Ferry LLC 88 Galle Michael & Elizabeth 0700.02500.0100.058000.0000 1,030.34
26 Flanagan Brigid 0700.01500.0400.057000.0000 0700.02200.0100.034000.0000 3,902.60 500016 Virtu Property Group, LLC
0700.00700.0700.026000.0000 2,671.90 838.50 111 Rhodes Jason T 0700.01300.0200.002001.0000
12,090.18 59 Ryan Rosemarie J 90 Martinez Jose R 0700.02800.0100.020000.0000 414.07
31 Burden, Jonathan M 0700.01500.0400.104001.0000 Gonzalez Alejandro 172.43 500017 Virtu Property Group, LLC
Joseph Jennifer 681.77 0700.02200.0100.070000.0000 135 Tausik Douglas 0700.01300.0200.002002.0000
0700.00800.0300.046001.0000 61 Eanet-Butler Victoria 4,656.37 0701.00100.0200.014001.0000 510.98
2,932.05 0700.01500.0400.120000.0000 92 DArcambal Michelle 16,744.70 500018 Virtu Property Group, LLC
32 Kingsley David 172.64 0700.02200.0100.141000.0000 0700.01300.0200.055000.0000
0700.00900.0200.003000.0000 63 Estate of Anne Shultheis 5,309.58 TOWN OF 22.73
12,132.79 0700.01700.0100.008000.0000 93 Lehenaff Jacqueline P SHELTER ISLAND 500019 Breiner Emory M
33 Rolfe David & Tiffany 36,489.34 0700.02200.0200.001000.0000 500001 Harabaglia Elaine & Gary 0700.01400.0200.031001.0000
0700.01200.0100.003000.0000 64 Sommi John B 5,404.50 0700.00300.0200.006000.0000 2,569.65
145.26 Judge Nancy E 94 Hardy Joseph 2,299.11 500020 Breiner Emory M
34 Highpoint Rock, LLC 0700.01700.0100.011000.0000 0700.02200.0200.022002.0000 500002 Eklund James W & Linda C 0700.01400.0200.031002.0000
0700.01300.0100.006000.0000 55,819.75 15,711.25 0700.00500.0500.026000.0000 2,569.65
29,208.56 67 Herzog Bruce C 95 Hardwick April & Guy D 4,964.41 500022 Keyspan Corp
35 Borthwick John Herzog Shelagh 0700.02200.0200.027002.0000 500003 Maggio Jonathan S 0700.01400.0300.002000.0000
Borthwick Blair 0700.01700.0100.034001.0000 363.11 Maggio Jordon S 24.30
0700.01300.0100.007000.0000 665.66 96 Craco Louis A & Elizabeth V 0700.00600.0300.005000.0000 500031 S. I. Center Property, LLC
5,609.23 69 Roe James A Iv 0700.02200.0200.040000.0000 230.17 0700.01500.0300.042000.0000
36 Seal Rock, LLC 0700.01800.0100.032001.0000 13,900.71 500004 Maggio Jonathan S 4,207.35
0700.01300.0100.013001.0000 14,069.83 98 Goncharenko Kirill Maggio Jordon S 500035 Floyd Erik H
6,211.30 70 Dillon Matthew J 0700.02300.0100.050000.0000 0700.00600.0300.006002.0000 Floyd Houston C
39 Herrick Robert & Carly W 0700.01800.0200.040000.0000 971.80 417.62 0700.01700.0100.044007.0000
0700.01400.0100.010000.0000 7,663.27 99 Where I Wanna Be, LLC 500008 Flanagan Brigid 1,893.13
1,180.87 72 Griffin Trust U/A Sarah E 0700.02300.0200.026000.0000 0700.00700.0700.025000.0000 500036 Houston Christine
40 Butler Margaret & John Griffin Trust U/A Warner G 73.21 1,099.92 0700.01700.0100.044008.0000
0700.01400.0100.024000.0000 0700.01800.0300.033000.0000 102 Pfriender George 500010 Moore Peter 1,893.13
1,411.62 4,519.52 0700.02300.0200.078000.0000 0700.00800.0300.064000.0000 500038 35 South Ferry Road, LLC
41 Angels Healing Intl Trust 75 Ellioff Amanda 8,916.43 4,173.57 0700.01900.0200.097017.0000
0700.01400.0100.058005.0000 0700.01800.0300.057000.0000 103 King Revocable Living Trust Hi 500011 Hathaway Realty Corp. 5,573.46
3,577.15 9,470.00 0700.02300.0200.094000.0000 0700.01000.0100.007009.0000 500043 Romano Realty Holding Co LLC
44 Magill Charles 81 Hayes Christopher 1,816.33 25,140.48 0700.02300.0200.095007.0000
0700.01400.0400.019000.0000 0700.02100.0100.033000.0000 105 Cugliani A. J 500012 Eklund James W & Linda 5,101.55
58.40 2,709.27 0700.02300.0300.020000.0000 0700.01000.0100.036001.0000 500046 Cugliani Tom
48 Bucalo Stephanie 82 Schneider Alice L & Henry E 2,383.68 4,425.20 0700.02300.0300.022000.0000
0700.01500.0300.067000.0000 0700.02100.0100.070000.0000 107 Pontone Scott 500013 McLean Joann 1,529.47
2,993.06 1,919.28 0700.02400.0100.030000.0000 0700.01200.0100.008000.0000 500048 Bowman Angela
49 Smith Peter 86 Lapiana Joseph 26,822.93 419.02 0700.02500.0100.057000.0000
0700.01500.0300.090000.0000 0700.02200.0100.026001.0000 109 OMalley Terence T 500014 Shanty Bay Property, LLC 1,710.55
1,064.30 2,221.03 Layton Jayme-Lyn 0700.01200.0200.005000.0000 500049 H.O.C. Investment, LLC
50 Carr Joanne 87 Kolmogorova-Weisenberg Julia 0700.02500.0100.030000.0000 5,930.83 0700.02600.0100.001007.0000
0700.01500.0300.091000.0000 0700.02200.0100.032001.0000 169.11 500015 Shanty Bay Property, LLC 155.97
2,993.06 1,892.33 110 Bowman Angela 0700.01200.0200.006000.0000
3,207.94 55 4 North Ferry LLC 88 Galle Michael & Elizabeth 0700.02500.0100.058000.0000 1,030.34
26 Flanagan Brigid 0700.01500.0400.057000.0000 0700.02200.0100.034000.0000 3,902.60 500016 Virtu Property Group, LLC
0700.00700.0700.026000.0000 2,671.90 838.50 111 Rhodes Jason T 0700.01300.0200.002001.0000
12,090.18 59 Ryan Rosemarie J 90 Martinez Jose R 0700.02800.0100.020000.0000 414.07
31 Burden, Jonathan M 0700.01500.0400.104001.0000 Gonzalez Alejandro 172.43 500017 Virtu Property Group, LLC
Joseph Jennifer 681.77 0700.02200.0100.070000.0000 135 Tausik Douglas 0700.01300.0200.002002.0000
0700.00800.0300.046001.0000 61 Eanet-Butler Victoria 4,656.37 0701.00100.0200.014001.0000 510.98
2,932.05 0700.01500.0400.120000.0000 92 DArcambal Michelle 16,744.70 500018 Virtu Property Group, LLC
32 Kingsley David 172.64 0700.02200.0100.141000.0000 0700.01300.0200.055000.0000
0700.00900.0200.003000.0000 63 Estate of Anne Shultheis 5,309.58 TOWN OF 22.73
12,132.79 0700.01700.0100.008000.0000 93 Lehenaff Jacqueline P SHELTER ISLAND 500019 Breiner Emory M
33 Rolfe David & Tiffany 36,489.34 0700.02200.0200.001000.0000 500001 Harabaglia Elaine & Gary 0700.01400.0200.031001.0000
0700.01200.0100.003000.0000 64 Sommi John B 5,404.50 0700.00300.0200.006000.0000 2,569.65
145.26 Judge Nancy E 94 Hardy Joseph 2,299.11 500020 Breiner Emory M
34 Highpoint Rock, LLC 0700.01700.0100.011000.0000 0700.02200.0200.022002.0000 500002 Eklund James W & Linda C 0700.01400.0200.031002.0000
0700.01300.0100.006000.0000 55,819.75 15,711.25 0700.00500.0500.026000.0000 2,569.65
29,208.56 67 Herzog Bruce C 95 Hardwick April & Guy D 4,964.41 500022 Keyspan Corp
35 Borthwick John Herzog Shelagh 0700.02200.0200.027002.0000 500003 Maggio Jonathan S 0700.01400.0300.002000.0000
Borthwick Blair 0700.01700.0100.034001.0000 363.11 Maggio Jordon S 24.30
0700.01300.0100.007000.0000 665.66 96 Craco Louis A & Elizabeth V 0700.00600.0300.005000.0000 500031 S. I. Center Property, LLC
5,609.23 69 Roe James A Iv 0700.02200.0200.040000.0000 230.17 0700.01500.0300.042000.0000
36 Seal Rock, LLC 0700.01800.0100.032001.0000 13,900.71 500004 Maggio Jonathan S 4,207.35
0700.01300.0100.013001.0000 14,069.83 98 Goncharenko Kirill Maggio Jordon S 500035 Floyd Erik H
6,211.30 70 Dillon Matthew J 0700.02300.0100.050000.0000 0700.00600.0300.006002.0000 Floyd Houston C
39 Herrick Robert & Carly W 0700.01800.0200.040000.0000 971.80 417.62 0700.01700.0100.044007.0000
0700.01400.0100.010000.0000 7,663.27 99 Where I Wanna Be, LLC 500008 Flanagan Brigid 1,893.13
1,180.87 72 Griffin Trust U/A Sarah E 0700.02300.0200.026000.0000 0700.00700.0700.025000.0000 500036 Houston Christine
40 Butler Margaret & John Griffin Trust U/A Warner G 73.21 1,099.92 0700.01700.0100.044008.0000
0700.01400.0100.024000.0000 0700.01800.0300.033000.0000 102 Pfriender George 500010 Moore Peter 1,893.13
1,411.62 4,519.52 0700.02300.0200.078000.0000 0700.00800.0300.064000.0000 500038 35 South Ferry Road, LLC
41 Angels Healing Intl Trust 75 Ellioff Amanda 8,916.43 4,173.57 0700.01900.0200.097017.0000
0700.01400.0100.058005.0000 0700.01800.0300.057000.0000 103 King Revocable Living Trust Hi 500011 Hathaway Realty Corp. 5,573.46
3,577.15 9,470.00 0700.02300.0200.094000.0000 0700.01000.0100.007009.0000 500043 Romano Realty Holding Co LLC
44 Magill Charles 81 Hayes Christopher 1,816.33 25,140.48 0700.02300.0200.095007.0000
0700.01400.0400.019000.0000 0700.02100.0100.033000.0000 105 Cugliani A. J 500012 Eklund James W & Linda 5,101.55
58.40 2,709.27 0700.02300.0300.020000.0000 0700.01000.0100.036001.0000 500046 Cugliani Tom
48 Bucalo Stephanie 82 Schneider Alice L & Henry E 2,383.68 4,425.20 0700.02300.0300.022000.0000
0700.01500.0300.067000.0000 0700.02100.0100.070000.0000 107 Pontone Scott 500013 McLean Joann 1,529.47
2,993.06 1,919.28 0700.02400.0100.030000.0000 0700.01200.0100.008000.0000 500048 Bowman Angela
49 Smith Peter 86 Lapiana Joseph 26,822.93 419.02 0700.02500.0100.057000.0000
0700.01500.0300.090000.0000 0700.02200.0100.026001.0000 109 OMalley Terence T 500014 Shanty Bay Property, LLC 1,710.55
1,064.30 2,221.03 Layton Jayme-Lyn 0700.01200.0200.005000.0000 500049 H.O.C. Investment, LLC
50 Carr Joanne 87 Kolmogorova-Weisenberg Julia 0700.02500.0100.030000.0000 5,930.83 0700.02600.0100.001007.0000
0700.01500.0300.091000.0000 0700.02200.0100.032001.0000 169.11 500015 Shanty Bay Property, LLC 155.97
2,993.06 1,892.33 110 Bowman Angela 0700.01200.0200.006000.0000

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