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Performance Improvement in A Circuit Breaker Mechanism: Dissertation

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submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of



Manuj Arora
Roll No: 801281012

Under the guidance of

Mr. Deosharan Roy Dr. S.P. Nigam

Sr. Manager Technology Visiting Professor, MED
Global R & D Centre Thapar University, Patiala
Crompton Greaves Limited Punjab 147004
Mumbai 400042



JULY - 2014

Main design criterion for a circuit breaker is quick and timely disconnection and
reconnection of different parts for protection and control. A sluggish response can
stress the network thus causing damage to the equipments in a substation. In this
study, performance of gas insulated circuit breaker has been improved by minimizing
the wipe time of operation. A rigid multi body dynamic simulation model was created
in SOLID WORK. All the possible parameters that could influence the wipe time
were identified and their effects on the same were further studied. A reduction of 15.8
% in the wipe time and an equivalent reduction of 22.9% in the opening time were
reported from the simulated results.
Further effect of flexibility of insulating pull rod (made of FRP tube) on travel curve
of the contacts was also studied and it was found that flexibility in the pull rod has to
be considered for correct prediction of travel characteristics of the circuit breaker
contacts. An effort was made to measure the elastic constant of the insulating pull rod
and study the effect of improved stiffness on the opening time.


The research work related to this thesis has been carried out at Crompton Greaves,
Global R&D Centre, Kanjurmarg, Mumbai. My experience with Crompton
Greaves has been incredible where I have been given unique opportunities.

Firstly, I would like to thank Dr. S.P.Nigam, visiting professor, Department of

Mechanical Engineering, for recommending me to Crompton Greaves. It has been a
great pleasure for me to work under his guidance.

I am deeply grateful to my research advisor, Mr. Deorsharan Roy, Technology

Manager, Crompton Greaves for providing excellent guidance, encouragement and
inspiration throughout the project work. Without his invaluable teaching, this work
would never have been a successful one.

Special thank to Mr. Srinivas D and Mr. Suresh Rajan, from CG management team
for offering me to work on this project at Crompton Greaves.

Dozens of people have helped and taught me immensely at Crompton Greaves. I am

extremely thankful to each one of them. Special thanks to my team member Kunal,
Dharamraj, Vijendra, Santosh, Ketan and Sangram.

Sincere thanks to Dr. S.K. Mohapatra, Senior Professor and DOAA.

I express my gratitude to Dr. Ajay Batish, Professor and Head, Department of

Mechanical Engineering, Dr. R.S. Kaler, Dean Resource Planning and Generation,
faculty member and staff of Department of Mechanical Engineering for extending all
possible help in carrying out the dissertation work directly or indirectly. I praise the
help provided by all my friends.

Last but not least, I acknowledge my sincere gratitude to my parents for their
constant encouragement and support.


CERTIFICATE ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

DECLARATION..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. ix
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................. xi


1.1. Overview ............................................................................................. 1
1.2. Circuit Breaker ..................................................................................... 1
1.3. Components of Circuit Breaker .............................................................. 3
1.3.1. Interrupter ..................................................................................... 4
1.3.2. Operating Mechanisms.................................................................... 6 Opposing Forces ............................................................................... 7 Parameters for Mechanism Design ................................................... 7 Types of Mechanism ........................................................................ 8
1.3.3. Support Insulator .......................................................................... 12
1.3.4. Support Structure ......................................................................... 13
1.4. The Displacement Curve...................................................................... 13
1.5. Time Definition in a Circuit Breaker ..................................................... 15


2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 19
2.2. Categorization of Literature Review ...................................................... 19
2.3. Operating Mechanisms for Circuit Breaker ............................................ 19
2.4. Modeling of Friction in Joints .............................................................. 22
2.5. Flexibility in Multi Body Dynamics ...................................................... 26
2.6. Conclusion of Literature Survey ........................................................... 28

Problem Defination ................................................................................................. 30


4.1. Modelling of Simplified Model for a Circuit Breaker .............................. 31
4.2. MBD of a Simplified Multi Body Model ............................................... 33
4.2.1. Inputs for MBD ............................................................................ 33 Spring Force ................................................................................... 34 Damping Force ............................................................................... 36 Pole Force ....................................................................................... 38
4.2.2. Results of Simplified Model .......................................................... 38
4.3. Comparison of Simplified and Standard Model Simulation Results .......... 42


5.1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 43
5.2. Identification of Parameters .......................................................................... 43
5.3. Effect of the Mass of the Moving Pole Link ................................................. 43
5.4. Effect of the Mass of the Pull Rod ................................................................ 43
5.5. Effect of the Mass of the Pull Rod and Mass of the Moving Pole Link ...........
5.6. Summary of the Variation in Masses on the Wipe Time .............................. 44
5.7. Effect of the Stiffness of the Spring .............................................................. 44
5.7.1. Calculation of Spring Energy Released for Simplified Model .............. 45
5.7.2. Calculation of Free Length of the Spring for New Value of Stiffness .. 46
5.7.3. Results for Wipe Time for Different Stiffness ....................................... 47
5.8. Effect of Linkage Dimenstion ....................................................................... 48
5.8.1. Identification of Linkage Dimensions ................................................... 48
5.8.2. Effect of Length of Second Arm of MSL .............................................. 50
5.8.3. Effect of Length of the First Arm of BCL ............................................. 51
5.8.4. Effect of Length of Connecting Link ..................................................... 51
5.8.5. Effect of Combination of all Parameters ............................................... 52

6.1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 53
6.2. Effect of Flexibility in the Pull Rod .............................................................. 53
6.3. Tensile Testing .............................................................................................. 56


7.1. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 59
7.2. Future Work .................................................................................................. 59

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 61
WEB REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 63


Table 1: Types of Mechanism........................................................................................ 9

Table 2: Given parameters ........................................................................................... 35
Table 3: Summary of effect of masses on wipe time ................................................... 44
Table 4: Given Spring parameters ............................................................................... 45
Table 5: Different possible combinations for spring ................................................... 47
Table 6: All the possible stiffness and Free Length values ......................................... 47
Table 7: Effect of second arm of MSL on wipe time .................................................. 50
Table 8: Effect off Length of the first arm of BCL on wipe time ................................ 51
Table 9: Effect of Length of connecting link on wipe time ......................................... 51
Table 10: Effect of all the dimensions on wipe time ................................................... 52
Table 11: Specification for UTM ................................................................................. 56


Figure 1: A two-pole miniature circuit breaker ............................................................. 1

Figure 2: Circuit breaker for 145kV (L) and 420 kV (R) .............................................. 2
Figure 3: General Layout of Circuit breaker in a transmission line .............................. 2
Figure 4: Components of high voltage circuit breaker .................................................. 3
Figure 5: Puffer type SF6 Circuit Breaker ..................................................................... 4
Figure 6: Steps for opening operation ............................................................................ 5
Figure 7: Spring operated Mechanism ......................................................................... 10
Figure 8: Comparison of spring and hydraulic mechanism ......................................... 11
Figure 9: Mechanism population data.......................................................................... 11
Figure 10: Failure data for mechanism ........................................................................ 12
Figure 11: Displacement Travel curve for Opening Operation ................................... 13
Figure 12: Time Definition on a displacement curve .................................................. 15
Figure 13: Latch arrangement in a spring operated mechanism .................................. 16
Figure 14: Opening of Contacts ................................................................................... 17
Figure 15: Operating mechanism of a circuit breaker ................................................. 20
Figure 16: Direction of Latch motion and contact forces ............................................ 20
Figure 17: Concept diagram of a gas circuit breaker ................................................... 21
Figure 18: Basic friction configuration ........................................................................ 22
Figure 19: The two friction regimes and the transition between them ........................ 23
Figure 20: Slider acceleration and Friction force Response curve .............................. 25
Figure 21: The Slider - crank mechanism with clearance joints .................................. 26
Figure 22: Acceleration diagram for rigid model (L) and rigid flexible model (R) .... 27
Figure 23: Journal center path of crank shaft for rigid model (L) and rigid flexible
model (R) ..................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 24: Comparison between stiff and elastic linkage ............................................ 28
Figure 25: Simplified Multi body model for a circuit breaker ..................................... 31
Figure 26: Portion of Standard Model ......................................................................... 32
Figure 27: Portion of simplified model ........................................................................ 32
Figure 28: Forces in a circuit breaker .......................................................................... 34
Figure 29: State of the spring for free length calculation ............................................ 35
Figure 30: Damping force plot ..................................................................................... 36

Figure 31: Damping force model ................................................................................. 37
Figure 32: Pole Force ................................................................................................... 38
Figure 33: Tripping spring force plot........................................................................... 39
Figure 34: Velocity of piston plot ................................................................................ 39
Figure 35: Displacement of piston plot ........................................................................ 40
Figure 36: Pole travel plot............................................................................................ 40
Figure 37: Angular displacement of MSL plot ............................................................ 41
Figure 38: Angular displacement of BCL plot ............................................................ 41
Figure 39: State of the spring during opening operation ............................................. 45
Figure 40: Graphical explanation for reduction in wipe time ...................................... 48
Figure 41: All the possible dimensions effecting wipe time........................................ 49
Figure 42: FEA Model to account for flexibility in pull rod ....................................... 53
Figure 43: Pull rod displacement curve for flexible model from simulated results..... 54
Figure 44: Pull rod displacement curve for rigid model from simulated results ......... 54
Figure 45: Pull rod displacement curve for flexible model from experimental results
...................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 46: Universal testing machine .......................................................................... 56
Figure 47: Sample 1 of the pull rod ............................................................................. 57
Figure 48: Sample 2 of the pull rod ............................................................................. 57
Figure 49: Sample 3 of the pull rod ............................................................................. 57
Figure 50: Stress Strain Curve for 3 samples............................................................... 58


SF6 : Sulfur hexafluoride

EHV : Extra high voltage
O : Opening
C : Closing
kV : kilovolt
PE : Power Electronic
DC : Direct current
GCB : Gas circuit breaker
AC : Alternating current
CIGRE : International Council on Large Electric Systems
MATLAB : Matrix laboratory
MBD : Multi body dynamics
MSL : Main shaft lever
BCL : Bell Crank Lever
FEA : Finite element analysis
FRP : Fiber reinforced plastics
UTM : Universal testing machine
IEC : International Electrotechnical Commission


With the expansion of civilization, consumption for electric power is steadily
increasing and will continue to grow in the coming decades. Newer concepts of power
generations have been developed which deals with very high level of voltages. Hence
there is a need for a reliable transmission and distribution system. The circuit breakers
which forms the part of transmission and distribution system are the ultimate safety
devices and play a vital role in the protection and control in an electric power system.
Demand for the performance of these high voltage circuit breakers has increased and
there is further scope of development in the circuit breaker technology.


A circuit breaker is a device which is used to protect an electrical circuit from damage
caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and
interrupt current flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then must be replaced,
a circuit breaker can be reset (either manually or automatically) to resume normal
Circuit breakers can be made in varying sizes, from small devices that protect an
individual household appliance up to large switchgear designed to protect high
voltage circuits feeding an entire city. Figure 1 and 2 below shows some images of
circuit breaker.

Figure 1: A two-pole miniature circuit breaker

Figure 2: Circuit breaker for 145kV (L) and 420 kV (R)

For maintenance or repair of electrical equipment and transmission lines, the circuit
breakers will disconnect the electrical equipment and transmission lines from voltage
source and hence will ensure personnel safety. Figure 3 shows an arrangement of
circuit breaker in a transmission lines.

Figure 3: General Layout of Circuit breaker in a transmission line


Major components of Circuit breaker are

1. Interrupter or breaking unit

2. Support insulator
3. Support Structure
4. Operating mechanism
5. Primary terminals

Figure 4 shows all these components.

Figure 4: Components of high voltage circuit breaker

It is a portion in a circuit breaker where current conduction and interruption in the
power circuit occurs. It is closed volume where opening and closing of contacts takes
Under normal operation, circuit breaker is in closed position as shown in figure 5a.
However when the opening command is actuated, moving contact starts moving with
respect to fixed contact. During separation of contacts, the medium between the
contacts gets highly ionized and it glows in the form of arc. Current continues to flow
through this path even though the contacts are physically separated.

Figure 5: Puffer type SF6 Circuit Breaker

As long as this arc is sustained in between the contacts, the current continues to flow
through the circuit breaker and does not get interrupted because arc is nothing but
ionization of a gas and hence conductive path of electricity. For total interruption of
current in the circuit breaker, it is essential to quench/cool and extinguish the arc as
quick as possible. The main designing criteria of a interrupter is to provide
appropriate technology of arc quenching in circuit breaker to fulfill quick and safe
current interruption. Generally SF6 gas in enclosed in a chamber which provides the
following function

a. It provides sufficient insulation between the contacts when circuit breaker opens.
b. It extinguishes the arc occurring between the contacts when circuit breaker opens.

Some of the properties of SF6 gas that make its use in power applications desirable
are high dielectric strength, unique arc quenching ability, excellent thermal stability,
and good thermal conductivity. Opening of contacts in an interrupter is executed in
the following steps stationary

Figure 6: Steps for opening operation

Step1: Under Normal operating condition, Circuit breaker is in closed position and
current always flow through the main contact systems as shown in the first picture of
figure 6.

Step2: Opening command is actuated; moving cylinder moves downwards thus

separating the main contacts. However arcing contacts does not get separated and
current keeps flowing from the upper terminal to lower terminal through the arcing
contacts as shown in the second picture of figure 6. During the down stroke, moving
cylinder exerts a pressure on the SF6 gas housed in the lower chamber; the pressure
increase generated in the lower chamber opens the connection valve of the upper
chamber. The compressed gas flows from the lower to the upper chamber thus
equalizing the pressures. Refer second picture of figure 6.

Step3: Arcing contacts gets separated and arc is generated between the fixed and
moving arcing contact. Current keeps flowing due to the asrc generated between the
fixed and moving arcing contacts. The gas cannot leak from the nozzle as the hole is
blocked by the fixed contact or from the inside of the moving contact because of the
arc clogging effect. Refer third picture of figure 6.

Step4: The arc is quenched; the lower chamber reaches its minimum volume and its
maximum pressure level. As the self-generated pressure of the dead volume
decreases, due to the outflow of the gas through the moving contacts, the valve re-
opens. From now on, a new jet of fresh gas flows in and makes the temperature of the
contacts fall. At the same time, the gas flows through the nozzle, free from the fixed
arcing contact. The cleaning of the arcing chamber by means of fresh gas makes the
device suitable for another reclosing and the interruption up to the maximum breaking
capacity. Refer fourth picture of figure 6.

Therefore in any SF6 high voltage circuit breaker, Interrupter has 2 contacts system

a. Main contact systems

b. Arcing contact system

The main contact conducts the normal operating currents and the arcing contacts are
used to take the load off the main contacts when the circuit breaker opens and closes.
This will protect the main contacts from getting burned. The arc created when the
arcing contact gets separated is extinguished at one of the next zero crossings of
current. The heat from the arc causes a sudden rise in pressure between the arcing
contact system and the piston. It is from here that hot SF6 gas is blasted to extinguish
the arc at the zero crossing.


Energy is required for the motion of the moving contacts with respect to fixed contact.
This energy needs to be provided by some mechanism that can drive the moving
contact so as to close and open the circuit breaker. The mechanism required for
driving the moving contact is of great importance as long as closing and opening of
connection is achieved through mechanical motion.
Any EHV circuit breaker has 2 Operating mechanisms, one mechanism for closing
the contacts (current conduction) and another mechanism for opening the contacts
(current interruption).The requirements of operating mechanisms are as follows

a. Close the circuit breaker and keep it in closed position.

b. Open the circuit breaker and keep it in open position.

As per requirement, opening and closing commands are given spontaneously to the
circuit breaker without any warning which poses a serious requirement for the
operating mechanism. OPPOSING FORCES

List of opposing forces that act during operating mechanism are given as

a. Electromagnetic Forces between contacts

Electromagnetic forces exist only during closing operation. During closing operation
when contact touches, electromagnetic forces appear. Magnitude of these forces is
proportional to square of the current where as direction is opposite to the direction of
motion of moving contact during closing operation. These forces are large during
short circuit conditions. Operating mechanism should overcome these forces and
close the circuit breaker.
b. Inertia of the moving subassembly
Inertia forces occur because of masses of the component.
c. SF6 gas pressure
Compressed SF6 gas, used for quenching the arc exerts pressure on the face of
moving cylinder and needs to be taken into account.
d. Static and Dynamic Friction
Mechanism consists of series of linkages connected by revolute and sliding joints.
Friction exists between pair of linkages connected by revolute and sliding joints and
needs to be taken into consideration
e. Damping force
It provides opposing force to stop the linkage after completion of close / open

Parameters that need to be considered for mechanism design are listed as

a. Voltage rating:
This decides the minimum distance between contacts in open condition. From this
consideration stroke of mechanism can be finalized. Higher the voltage rating for
breaker; higher will be stroke of the mechanism & higher the mechanism energy

requirement. For e.g. In a 400 kV, GCB, mechanism stroke is 1.5 times the stroke for
145 kV GCB.
b. Current rating
This settles the size / cross section of contacts, which in term determines the mass of
contact. The temperature rise limits have direct influence on the contact size.
c. Short-circuit rating
During short circuit conditions, electromagnetic forces are generated at contacts.
When, breaker is required to close and latch against these forces, the mechanism has
to provide sufficient energy to close against the opposing forces independent of
closing speed or momentum of moving parts achieved by a high speed during closing
stroke. Higher the short circuit making current, higher will be opposing
electromagnetic force.
d. Mechanical Duty
Circuit Breaker should perform Open-Close-Open sequence (O - 0.3 s - CO) without
external supply to mechanism. After close operation, Circuit Breaker should be able
to perform open operation without any internal delay. According to IEC 62271-100,
for rapid auto-reclosing operating duty cycle is O - 0.3 s - CO - 3 min - CO. The time
of 3 min is the time needed for the operating mechanism to restore its power after O -
0.3 s - CO.
e. Rated Break time
Break time refers to the time when there is complete opening of contacts. For lesser
the break time requirement, contact system has to be accelerated faster which requires
higher mechanism energy. Hence for 2 cycle breaker, higher energy mechanism is
needed. This also calls for faster trip coil operations & lesser de-latching time in the

Different possible operating mechanisms for EHV circuit breakers are

a. Pneumatic
b. Hydraulic
c. spring according to its power source
d. Power electronics
e. Combination of above

Heinemann [ ] presented a comprehensive comparison of different operating
mechanisms technologies linked to high voltage interrupters. Table 1 presents some of
the features of different types operating mechanism

Power Hydro-
Pneumatic Hydraulic Spring
Electronics mechanical

Gas pressurized Springs DC capacitor Springs

Release of
Valve Mechanical latch PE switch Valve

Transmission Pneumatic Hydraulic Cables, Hydraulic

of Energy Piston piston copper plates piston

Internal Internal
Damping Internal gas External hydraulic PE switch
hydraulic hydraulic

Number of
Small Medium Minimum Small
moving parts

Frequent Some Minimum
High, whole
High, mainly high energy Very high, mainly Low (new
Population energy
level low energy level technology)
Technology Common New Common
Phase out technology
trend technology Technology Technology

Table 1: Types of Mechanism

The discussion is restricted to spring operated mechanisms.

Spring Mechanism:
A spring operated mechanism is one driven by mechanical energy stored in springs.
The most common arrangement consists of two springs as shown in figure 7. Spring
which is used for closing the connection is referred as closing spring while the spring
which is used for opening the connection is referred as opening spring. The closing
spring is mechanically charged by a motor and is held in the charged position
(Completely compressed) by a Latch. When the closing signal releases this Latch, the

spring drives the breaker to close, and in the same motion it charges the opening
spring. Another Latch holds the breaker in the closed position and the opening signal
releases this latch to open the circuit breaker by using the energy stored in the opening
spring. The closing spring is usually recharged immediately after the closing
operation. Closing spring is of higher energy level than the opening spring because it
has to charge the opening spring as well as close the connection. Starting from the
closed position with the charged closing spring, the breaker can complete O-C-O
operation (open - close - open) without being recharged by the motor. Dampers are
used to absorb excess energy at the end of stroke

Figure 7: Spring operated Mechanism

a. Reliability of the spring mechanism can be improved with low energy operations.
b. There is no risk of leakage of oil or gas.
c. Less sensitive to variations in temperature than pneumatic or hydraulic

a. Tendency of impact operations during closing
b. Force output from a spring decreases along its stroke such that at the point of
contact near the end of stroke, where the force requirements are maximum; spring
force has fallen considerably.
c. Manufacturing of springs is difficult & costly.
d. Only one close open operation is possible by stored energy

It is observed from figure 8, that Closing time variation increases drastically with
Hydraulic Mechanism for higher idle periods of the order 100hrs. Spring mechanism
has shown quite consistent performance

Figure 8: Comparison of spring and hydraulic mechanism

Figure 9: Mechanism population data

Mechanism population data is shown in figure 9. CIGRE results of survey for failure
of breakers is shown in figure 10. Hydraulic mechanism is worst having highest
failure rates. Below 200kV Spring mechanism failures are least. For GCBs above
200kV pneumatic mechanisms have shown better performance

Figure 10: Failure data for mechanism

Heinemann [ ] concluded that the results obtained reveal that operating mechanisms
with storage of energy in springs and energy transfer with a pure mechanical linkage
or with a fluid seems to be most favorable for the future.


The main function of the support insulator is to ensure sufficient insulation from the
HV-terminals and the interrupter to the ground. The support insulator is a hollow
housing made of porcelain or composite material and contains SF6 gas at the same
pressure as that of SF6 gas in the interrupter. As we know that, interrupter is
connected to high voltage line where high amount of current either flows or is
interrupted. To prevent the flow of current from interrupter to the mechanism side

(ground), an insulating rod called as pull rod is used which is connected between the
operating mechanism and interrupter. This insulating pull rod which is a part of the
linkage system between the operating mechanism and the interrupter is mounted
inside the support insulator


To support the entire assembly of circuit breaker, a rigid structure is required which
are made up of hot-dip galvanized steel.


Timing for closing and opening operation plays a critical in the design of circuit
breaker. This puts great demands on the mechanical performance of all components in
the interrupter chamber as well as the operating mechanism.
Two parameter; Instantaneous position (displacement) of the moving contact and
instantaneous time are recorded for the complete operation and then plotted in the
form of curve called as Displacement curve or Pole travel curve
Figure 11 shows displacement curve/pole travel curve for an opening operation.

Figure 11: Displacement Travel curve for Opening Operation

In the above displacement curve, three zones have been marked.

Zone A: The Beginning of the Movement

This is where the movement starts. The Moving contact just starts separating itself
from the fixed contact. It is extremely important to know whether the movement has
begun at the right moment or not. For example, a delay with respect to the reference
specification might be because of electrical problem where coil is not excited on time
or it might be because of mechanical problem where a mechanical fault may exist
between the command mechanism where the movement is triggered and the mobile
contact of the breaker itself.

Zone B: Contact Separation

This is where the arcing contacts get separated from each other. At this instant, the arc
begins to form and the high pressurized SF6 gas enters into the nozzle in order to
extinguish the arc. The separation speed becomes an important factor in order to
succeed in breaking the circuit. The method for calculating the average velocity in this
zone depends on the breaker designer. Only the designer may determine the
calculation method and establish the reference specification.

Zone C: Deceleration
This is where the movement decelerates until the circuit breakers moving contact
comes to a complete stop. The amount of energy required in the separation of contacts
depends upon voltage rating. Once the current has been interrupted and the arc has
been extinguished, the energy developed is quite excessive. Effective means of
damping are put into action to absorb this excess energy and thus reduce the risk of
damaging the internal components of the circuit breaker. The analysis of this zone
makes it possible to determine if the damping is optimal, which means the movement
is stopped gradually. Insufficient damping, or under damping, allows the moving parts
to undergo shocks at the end of the travel, which causes severe damage. A sudden
damping, where the kinetic energy developed by the moving parts of the breaker is
absorbed over very little time, causes damage similar to under damping. This
phenomenon is called over damping.

The plot between the displacement of the moving contact vs. time for the complete
tripping operation has been referred as pole travel curve or displacement curve for
opening operation.
Some of important time definitions that needs to taken into consideration while
designing a circuit breaker are shown in figure 12.

Figure 12: Time Definition on a displacement curve

a. De-Latching Time
Latch is a component in a circuit breaker that is used to hold the circuit breaker in its
closed or open position. There are two Latches in a circuit breaker as shown in figure
13 below. First one is used for holding the circuit breaker in closed position and is
called close holding latch while other Latch is used for holding the circuit breaker in
open position and is called Trip holding latch. In most common arrangement, the
closing spring is mechanically charged by motor and is held in the charged position
by a latch. When the closing signal releases this latch, the spring drives the breaker to
close and in the same motion it charges the trip spring. Another Latch holds the
breaker in the closed position and the opening signal releases this latch to open the

circuit breaker by using the energy stored in the tripping spring. Figure 13 shows
general arrangement of Latch.

Figure 13: Latch arrangement in a spring operated mechanism

De-Latching time for opening operation is the time interval between the instant the
opening signal is given to the tripping coil to the instant when the Trip holding Latch
just starts releasing or moving from its current position (closed position of circuit
breaker).Refer figure 12

b. Wipe Time
It is the time interval between the instant when trip holding latch is just released from
its current position (connection closed) to the instant when the moving arcing contact
just gets separated is called wipe time. The corresponding displacement of the
moving arcing contact during this time interval is called wipe. Figure 14 shows the

position of the moving arcing contact when the connection is completely closed and
open. During tripping or opening operation, moving arcing contact starts moving
relative to fixed arcing contact and when moving arcing contacts moves from point A
to point B, contacts just gets separated. Displacement AB is called wipe and the time
corresponding to this displacement is called wipe time.

Figure 14: Opening of Contacts

In the current Design, the displacement AB (Wipe) is 35 mm so therefore Wipe time

can also be defined as time corresponding to pole travel displacement of 35 mm.
Refer figure 12.

c. Tripping Time or Opening Time

The time interval from the instant when the opening signal is given to the tripping coil
to the instant when the arcing contact just gets separated is called tripping time or
opening time. Refer figure 12. It is expressed as

d. Arcing Time
Once the arcing contact just gets separated relative to fixed contact, the medium
between the two contacts gets ionized and glows in the form of arc. Arc produced in
between the contacts needs to be extinguished as quickly as possible. In an AC power
supply, Current zero or zero point is a very important aspect to arc extinguishing. Arc

is extinguished naturally at every current zero but after crossing every current zero,
the media between separated contacts gets ionized again during next cycle of current
and the arc in circuit breaker is reestablished. To make the interruption complete and
successful, this re-ionization in between separated contacts must be prevented after a
current zero. The current is said to be Current Zero when the sine curve is at 0,
180 and 360. Arcing time is defined as the Time span between the instant when the
arcing contact just gets separated and there is first initiation of arc to the instant
when the arc gets extinguished at current zero. For 50 hertz, half cycle is executed in
10 millisecond and the value of current reaches zero again hence Arcing time will
always be less than or equal to 10 millisecond. Refer figure 12.

e. C2 Speed
As we know that, In an AC cycle arc is extinguished naturally at current zero and is
reestablished again after crossing current zero. To make the interruption complete and
successful so that no re-ionization in between separated contacts takes place after
current zero, moving arcing contact is made to move at a higher speed in Zone B so
that stretching of arc occurs in between the contacts and sufficient SF6 is available to
quench the stretched arc.
C2 speed is thus defined as the average speed with which moving arcing contact
moves during arcing time.

f. Break time
Break time is defined as the time for complete separation of contacts. It is generally
expressed in millisecond or cycles.
20 ms = 1 cycle at 50 hertz


Circuit breaker is one of the most important safety mechanisms. A comprehensive
review of literature on the diverse aspects of circuit breaker is presented air. It helps to
identify the area to be explored for further studies. Need for further research is


The review of literature has been divided in the following categories

a. Modeling and analysis of a circuit breaker mechanism, optimization of linkage

b. Modeling of friction in joints
c. Effect of Anelasticity and flexibility in components


Chen [1] derived the dynamic response equation of a spring-type operating circuit
breaker in open operation by using the equation of motion. Equation of motion is a
second order non linear differential equation given as

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Where is the angular displacement of the input link, I () is the generalized inertia,
C () = (1/2)(d[I()] / d), and M () is the generalized moment.
Based on definition of equation of motion, the kinematic coefficient of each machine
member and its centre of gravity are derived to obtain the coefficients of the equation
of motion. The equation is then solved numerically using the fourth order Runge
Kutta method and compared with experimental results. The analytical results revealed
that the breaking time of the circuit breaker was 0.078 s, a mere 5% difference from
the experimental result. Once the dynamic response of the circuit breaker is known,
the input driving torque can also be computed from the equation of motion.

Cshoi [2] used multi body dynamics technique for optimizing the operating
performance of a gas insulated circuit breaker. The circuit breaker consisted of several
Latches and Cam as shown in figure 15.

Figure 15: Operating mechanism of a circuit breaker

Figure 16 shows direction of latch motion and contact forces.

Figure 16: Direction of Latch motion and contact forces

The commercial software package Adams was used for the modeling and simulation
of the circuit breaker. Each part of the breaker was considered as a rigid body in this
study. Plunger Force and friction force data were given as input and corresponding
angular displacement of first, second and third latch were obtained as results for
simulation. These simulated results were further verified by comparing it with
experimental results. A sensitivity analysis was then performed to determine the
major variables that affected the performance of the system. The major variables
identified using sensitivity analysis were

a. Spring length of second and third latch
b. Center position of the second latch roller.

These sensitivity analysis results were then verified using experiments and the
simulation results from sensitivity analysis were in good agreement with the
experimental data. From sensitivity analysis we could obtain upper and lower bound
values of the major design variable which will result in the minimum opening time.
The optimal design was then tested using Adams and Visual-DOC. The objective
function was chosen to minimize the opening time during the opening process of the
circuit breaker. The bound limits of the design variable were specified. The optimal
values of design variables were obtained and correspondingly based on the
simulation; the opening time of the circuit breaker was reduced by 1.5 milli second.

Jusng [3] defined a systematic procedure that optimized the performance of a gas
circuit breaker using design of experiment. A multibody dynamic simulation model of
the GCB was created. The first goal of optimization was to reduce the operating
energy of the breaker from 4kJ to 2 kJ by improving the energy efficiency and the
second goal was to reduce the volume of the system and increase the applying
velocity. To achieve the two objectives above, two parts are optimized. First, the
profile of a cam connected with a swinging crank and second is the position of the
chains pivot points, which transfers a spring force to the cam. Figure 17 shows
concept diagram for GCB

Figure 17: Concept diagram of a gas circuit breaker

A cam profile synthesis program was developed using MATLAB. An optimization
module was inserted into this program and then the cam profile design and
optimization were conducted simultaneously. The average pressure angle was chosen
as the characteristic value to be optimized and decreased about 17.9% after the
optimization. Using the multibody simulation model with the optimized cam system,
the coordinates of the pivot points of the chains were optimized. After optimization,
the average contact force was increased by approximately 13.95%. The optimized
simulation model was capable of being operated with just 2 kJ, merely half of the
energy originally required, and the applying velocity was increased. In addition, the
volume of the whole system was reduced by 4.6%. Therefore, the required
optimization objectives were all satisfied. Finally, the test result of the prototype of
the breaker was nearly identical to that of the simulation result.


Bender [4] provided an insight into fundamentals of friction modeling. Figure 18
shows the basic friction configuration.

Figure 18: Basic friction configuration

Bender [4] explained that a close examination of sliding process reveals two friction
regimes, Refer figure 19.

a. pre sliding regime

b. Gross sliding regime

Figure 19 shows two friction regimes and the transition from one regime to another.

Figure 19: The two friction regimes and the transition between them

Pre sliding regime: In a pre sliding regime the adhesive forces, owing to asperity
contacts, are dominant, and thus the friction force is primarily a function of
displacement rather than velocity. Experiment reveals a hysteretic displacement
dependent friction force.
Gross sliding regime: When the asperity junctions are continually being created and
broken, the frictional interface is in the gross sliding regime. Frictional force is
predominantly a function of velocity. Two main characteristics are of interest here

a. The Stribeck curve

b. Friction lag

Bender [4] proposed a generalized empirical friction model structure which takes into
account all the above aspects of friction force. Most of the existing empirical friction
models correspond to a generalized friction model structure, which consists in a
friction force equation and a state equation. The friction force Ff is a generalized
function of an internal state vector z (often representing asperity deflection), the
velocity v, and the position x of the moving object, that is

( )

The state equation that describes the dynamics of the internal state vector z is a first-
order differential equation of the form

( )

The functions f and g are generally nonlinear functions. In particular, it is shown that

( ) ( ) ( )

In the above equation, f1 is responsible for the transient response in the velocity,
while f2 represents the instantaneous response to velocity changes.
Empirical friction modeling consists then in finding suitable expressions for the
generalized functions f and g, such that the resulting model faithfully simulates all
observed types of friction behavior. Some of empirical friction model as stated are
Dahl model, LuGre model, Leuven model, Generalized Maxwell slip model.

Fraczek [5] carried out a study on the unique solvability of a direct dynamics
problem for mechanisms with redundant constraints and Coulomb friction in joints. It
was observed that for a given rigid body mechanism the problem of finding joint
reactions forces does not have a unique solution because of the presence of redundant
constraint. If redundant constraints are present in the multibody system, the constraint
equations are dependent and joint reaction forces could not be uniquely determined. If
Coulomb friction in kinematic pairs is considered and reactions are non-unique, the
simulated mechanism motion may not be unique as well. Wojtyra [6] stated that in
the case of a redundantly constrained mechanism, despite the fact that all constraint
reactions cannot be uniquely determined, selected single constraint reactions or
selected groups of reactions can be specified uniquely. Fraczek [5] showed that in
generalthe direct dynamic problem for an over constrained rigid body mechanism
with Coulomb friction in joints is not solvable. This is a direct consequence of the fact
that due to constraint dependency the normal joint reaction forces are not unique, and
thus the friction (tangent) forces are not unique as well. However if friction forces
appear only in these joints for which reaction solution is unique, then the simulated
motion of mechanism is also unique, and thus in this special case the direct
dynamic problem is solvable.

Muvengei [7] presented an effective approach of modeling and simulating the stick-
slip friction in revolute clearance joints of a planar rigid multi body system. The

LuGre friction law is proposed to model the stick-slip friction by calculating the
effective coefficient of friction ( ) as a function of relative tangential velocity of the
contacting bodies and an internal state (z). The internal state (z) is considered to be the
average bristle deflection of the contacting bodies that is the journal and the bearing
of the revolute clearance joint. The normal force due to impact is modeled using
Lankarani and Nikravesh model [8] which captures the energy dissipated during
impact. Muvengei [7] obtained results from the simulation of a slider crank
mechanism with revolute clearance joint in which stick slip friction was modeled
using LuGre friction law. Figure 20 shows the slider acceleration and friction forces
responses when the crank connecting rod joint is modeled with 0.5 mm radial
clearance. The input speed being and .

Figure 20: Slider acceleration and Friction force Response curve

When the journal moves freely inside the bearing walls; the slider moves with a
constant velocity. This is replicated in the slider acceleration curve (figure 20) as
regions of zero friction force since in free flight motion, no impact contact forces are
created. The smooth regions in the slider acceleration curve indicate that the journal
and bearing are in continuous contact motion. This situation is confirmed by the
purely sliding friction in the friction force curve. The sudden change in the velocity of
slider is due to impacts and rebounds between the journals and the bearing. These
impacts are visible in the acceleration and the friction force curve as high peak values.
Stick slip motion can be depicted from friction force curve. Hence the proposed
representative version of LuGre friction law has been able to capture both the sliding
and stiction friction together with stick slip motion inside a revolute clearance joint.

Zheng [9] analyzed the dynamic response of slider crank mechanism with clearance
of the joints for a closed high speed press system. In this work, a traditional rigid
model and a multibody rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model of the slider-crank
mechanism with clearance of the joints in both the models was proposed using
ADAMS software. In the rigid-flexible coupling model, the crank shaft and linkage
were considered to be flexible elements. The clearance of the joints between the crank
shaft and the main linkage, and between the main linkage and the main slider were
taken into account for both the models. Figure 21 shows Slider crank mechanism with
clearance joints.

Figure 21: The Slider - crank mechanism with clearance joints

The dynamic response of a mechanism with clearance was explored under the case of
a mechanism with rigid crank shaft and linkage, and a case of a mechanism with
flexible crank shaft and linkage. The simulation results showed that the dynamic
response of the mechanism was influenced greatly by the clearance and the motion of

the crank shaft center was characterized by three phases: a free flight motion, a
contact motion and an impact motion with penetration
In the free flight motion, journal could move inside the bearing boundaries freely.
In the contact motion, journal and bearing were in permanent contact in a whole
sliding motion.
In the impact mode that occurred at the end of the free flight mode, impact force were
applied and removed in the system.
These 3 phases can be seen in the acceleration diagram for rigid model with clearance
as shown in figure 22 and figure 20.

Figure 22: Acceleration diagram for rigid model (L) and rigid flexible model (R)

In the case of the flexible crank shaft and linkage, the maximum values of impacts
and acceleration were highly reduced, and the elastic crank shaft and linkage acted as
a suspension for the slider-crank mechanism. Figure 23 shows a journal center path of
crank shaft for the traditional rigid model as well as rigid flexible coupling model of
slider crank mechanism

Figure 23: Journal center path of crank shaft for rigid model (L) and rigid
flexible model (R)

From the above figure 23, we can conclude that with the introduction of flexibility,
journal and bearing were in permanent contact for a very long time for the whole
sliding motion and maximum values of impacts were reduced.

Classens [10] made a comparison between two breaker simulations, one with a stiff
representation of linkages and other with an elastic representation, can be seen in
Figure 24. As Visible in the figure 24, pole travel curves as well as axial force in the
pull rod are plotted.

Figure 24: Comparison between stiff and elastic linkage

The maximal tensile force in the insulating rod differs by a factor of two between the
both representations. It is evident that such a big difference may have a big impact on
component design, hence a correct representation of the mechanical chain is essential
to reduce the number of development tests and there by the development time.


The literature related to circuit breaker has been discussed elaborately in the previous
section. As apparent from the literature review, there has been immense research on
the performance improvement of circuit breaker. Friction and flexibility has been
taken into account by many researchers so as to model a multi body dynamics

problem closer to reality. There is a vast scope of improvement in the performance of
a circuit breaker where timing for operation can be further minimized.


The primary function of an electrical circuit breaker is to provide opening and closing
the current carrying contacts. Circuit breaker must be able to perform its function
reliably, without any delay or sluggishness. A slow or sluggish response of a circuit
breaker will result in unnecessary disruptions to electricity supplies and maintaining
high fault currents for extended durations can stress the network thus causing damage
to plant and equipment.

Main design criteria for a circuit breaker are quick and timely disconnecting and
reconnecting different parts of power system network for protection and control.

The first objective of this thesis is to improve the performance of a 420 kV gas
insulated circuit breaker by minimizing the wipe time. There are many parameters
that can have an influence on the wipe time. These parameters need to be identified
and further studying their effect on the wipe time is a challenge.

Also as stated, pull rod link is connected between the operating mechanism and
interrupter. The material for the pull rod is an insulating material and in the current
study fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) is used. The only limitation with insulating
material is that they exhibit large elastic deformation and hence behave as a flexible
material. Flexibility in the pull rod may influence the wipe time and hence studying
its effect is another challenge for us.

The second objective of this thesis is to study the effect of flexibility on the wipe



A standard multi body SOLID WORK model of a 420 kV circuit breaker and its
Multi body dynamics (MBD) inputs && simulation results was given to us. A
simplified multi body rigid model of the circuit breaker was then established in
SOLID WORK with standard model as reference. All the links were considered as
rigid links. Figure 25 shows the diagram of the simplified multi body model of a
circuit breaker.

Figure 25: Simplified Multi body model for a circuit breaker

As seen from the figure 25, spring type operating mechanism was used for opening
operation. Simplified multibody model differed from the standard multi body model
in terms of complexity and consisted of few numbers of linkages. Masses of each link
of the standard multi body model were recorded and then assigned to the simplified
model. Effective mass calculations were done in order to reduce the number of
linkages in the Standard model. An example for effective mass calculation is shown
figure 26 and figure 27.

Figure 26: Portion of Standard Model

Figure 27: Portion of simplified model

Whenever a mass element is separated from another element by a lever ratio or a gear
ratio, its effective value is modified by that ratio
As seen in figure 26,
m1 and m2 be the masses of the respective link
v1 and v2 are the velocities of the respective link at point A and B
In effective mass calculations, we need to calculate the effective mass that must be
placed at point A in order to eliminate lever.

Since m1 and m2 masses are separated by a lever ratio, so we need to calculate
equivalent mass that must be placed at point A in order to eliminate lever. Equating
the kinetic energies in the masses at point A and point B

Velocities at each end of the lever is related as

Substituting the value of from Equation 2 into Equation 1, we get

Total mass at Point A is given as

The advantage of simplified model over standard model was that the computation
time required for performing MBD through SOLID WORK MOTION ANALYSIS
was reduced significantly.


Once a simplified model was established in SOLID WORK, its dynamic behavior was
required so as to further study it response to the set of forces. MBD was performed on
simplified model using SOLID WORK MOTION ANALYSIS.


The direction of motion and set of forces acting on the simplified model of the circuit
breaker are shown in fig below. The set of forces acting on the circuit breaker were
given as

a. Spring Force
b. Damping Force
c. Pole Force

d. Inertia Forces

Refer figure 28 for reference

Figure 28: Forces in a circuit breaker SPRING FORCE

There are two parameters that are required while defining a spring element in SOLID
WORK MOTION ANALYSIS. They are stiffness of the spring and free length of the
spring. The value of stiffness was considered same as defined in the case of standard

multi body dynamic model. Calculation for the free length of the spring was made as
follows. All the given parameters for free length of the spring calculation are given in
table 2.

Given Parameters for free length of the spring calculation

S. no Parameter Name Units Description

1 Stiffness, k N/mm Same as defined in Standard model

Maximum Load by the

2 compressed spring, N -

Initial Compressed Given, Referred from simplified solid

3 mm
Length of the Spring work model

Table 2: Given parameters

Figure 29 shows the state of the spring.

Figure 29: State of the spring for free length calculation

Free length of the spring was given as

( )


Damping force for simplified model was considered same as defined in standard multi
body dynamic model. Damping force was defined as function of velocity of piston
and the displacement of piston. Figure 30 shows the plot of Damping Force versus

Damper_Force vs time plot 4 simplified Model

Damper Force, Newton


-100000 Damper_Force,

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Time, sec

Figure 30: Damping force plot

The explanation for damping force being a function of velocity of the piston and
displacement of piston is explained through damping for model. Figure 31 refers to
the damping force model.

P : pressure acting on the piston by the oil/fluid
A : Net X-Sectional area of the piston
a : X-sectional area of the opening/orifice
: Density of oil/fluid
V : Velocity of Piston
v : velocity of fluid/oil flowing out of the opening/orifice
F : Damper force

Figure 31: Damping force model

Damping force is given as

Where Pressure P is calculated from Bernoullis theorem as


Since a, X-sectional area of the opening changes with the displacement of

the piston hence the above expression clearly reflects damping force being
a function of velocity of piston and displacement of the piston.

As stated SF6 gas is used for quenching of arc. During opening operation, SF6 gas
gets compressed and exerts pressure on the cross-section of the moving cylinder. Pole
force is thus defined as the force exerted by SF6 gas on the cross section of the
moving cylinder. Refer Figure 32.

Figure 32: Pole Force

Pole force was considered same as defined in standard multi body dynamic model. Its
value was assumed as constant.


Once the inputs and constraints were defined for simplified model in SOLID WORK,
GSTIFF integration method was used for Solid works motion solver.

Following were the results obtained after performing MBD.

a. Tripping spring force versus time plot

Tripping spring force vs time

Tripping Spring Force (Newton)
Tripping Spring Force for
simple model (newton)



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Time (sec)

Figure 33: Tripping spring force plot

b. Velocity of piston versus time plot

Velocity of piston vs time


V_Piston ( mm/sec )

Velocity of Piston for simple

model (mm/sec)



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Time (Sec)

Figure 34: Velocity of piston plot

c. Displacement of piston versus time plot

Displacement of piston vs time


Disp_Pist (mm)

Displacement of Piston for
simple model (mm)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Time (sec)

Figure 35: Displacement of piston plot

d. Pole travel versus time plot

Displacement of the pole moving link at any instant is called pole travel at that
instant. The plot of pole travel vs time is called pole travel curve.

Pole travel vs time


Pole Travel (mm)

Pole travel for simple
model (mm)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Time (sec)

Figure 36: Pole travel plot

e. Angular displacement of main shaft lever versus time plot

Angular Displacement of Main Shaft lever (deg)

Angular displacement (deg)

Angular displacementof Main
Shaft for simple model (deg)



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Time (sec)

Figure 37: Angular displacement of MSL plot

f. Angular displacement of Bell crank lever versus time plot

Angular displcement of Bell crank Lever (deg)


Angular displacement (deg)


Angular displcement of BCL
for simple model (deg)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Time (sec)

Figure 38: Angular displacement of BCL plot

Above MBD simulation results obtained for simplified model were then compared
with the results available for standard model. Simulation results for simplified model
were in good agreement with the results for standard model. Hence a simplified solid
work model exactly replica of the standard model was now available to us. Wipe time
obtained from pole travel curve (Refer Fig 36) was 15.2 milliseconds. Our next goal
was to minimize this wipe time which is dealt in the next chapter.


Simplified model of the circuit breaker analogous to the standard model was now
available with us. Its MBD Simulation results were in good agreement with the results
for the Standard model. Our next task was to identify the parameters that could
influence the wipe time and further study their effects on wipe time.


All the possible parameters that could influence the wipe time were identified and are
presented below

a. Mass of the moving pole link

b. Mass of the pull rod
c. Stiffness of the spring
d. Linkage dimensions


In the simplified model, mass of the moving pole link was varied in steps and for each
change in mass; MBD was recalculated using SOLID WORK MOTION ANALYSIS.
Rest of the parameters like stiffness, damping, pole force and masses of other
component were kept same. Simulation results revealed that as the mass of the
moving pole link decreased, there was a corresponding decrease in the wipe time. As
the mass of the moving pole link reduced by 3 kg, 2.6 % reduction in wipe time was
reported. Reason for this is explained as, with the same amount of spring Force,
reduction in mass causes higher acceleration and lower inertia forces. Thus wipe time


Similar procedure as done for the above case was followed here. In this case, mass of
the pull rod was varied in steps and for each change in mass, MBD was recalculated.
Rest of the parameters was kept same. Simulation results revealed that, as the mass of

the pull rod was reduced by 2 kg, there was a reduction of 1.3 % in the wipe time.
Further reduction in mass of the pull rod by 2 kg had no affect on the wipe time.

Combining the above two cases, simulation results reported that when the mass of the
pull rod and the moving pole link was reduced by 2 kg and 3kg, wipe time reduced by
3.9 %.


Below Table 3 provides the summary of the effect of masses of the pull rod and
moving pole link and their combination on the wipe time.

Mass of the moving Mass of Pull Wipe time,

Case no pole link, Kg rod, Kg millisecond
Meff MIPR t
1 16.9 16.6 15.2
2 13.9 16.6 14.8
3 16.9 14.6 15
4 16.9 12.6 15
5 13.9 14.6 14.6

Table 3: Summary of effect of masses on wipe time


As stated, there are two parameters that are required while defining a spring element

a. Stiffness of the spring

b. Free Length of the spring

Values for the stiffness of the spring were increased in steps and corresponding free
length of the spring was calculated keeping spring energy released and stroke same in
all the cases. Hence our next step was to calculate spring energy released during
opening operation for simplified model.

Our next task was to calculate the spring energy released during opening operation for
the simplified model. For a given simplified model, all the calculated and given spring
parameters as stated in the previous chapter are defined in the following table 4

Given Parameters
S.no Parameter name Value Units
1 Stiffness, k 171.3 N/mm
2 Stroke 120 mm
3 Max Load by the spring, Fmax 41 kN
4 Initial compressed length 377 mm
5 Free Length 616.3 mm

Table 4: Given Spring parameters

Figure 39 shows the pictorial description of the state of the spring before and after
opening operation.

Figure 39: State of the spring during opening operation

Calculation for spring energy released during opening operation for the simplified
model is shown in the following steps

Initial compression, Xmax

Final compression, Xmin

Min spring Force, Fmin

Spring Energy released, E

( )


The value of spring energy released, E in case of simplified model was now known to
us. The value of stiffness, k was increased in steps and corresponding free length was
calculated keeping spring energy released and stroke same in all the cases.
Calculation for free length of the spring for new value of stiffness is given as follows

As stated above

( )


Taking same value for E and stroke as defined in section 5.7.1., and then Solving
above 2 equations can result in the new value of Xmax and Xmin for a new value of
k, stiffness. Once the values of Xmax and Xmin are calculated, new values of
maximum spring force, minimum spring force and free length are calculated as

Keeping the value of initial compressed length same in all the cases, Value for free
length for a new value of stiffness is given as

Max spring force cannot exceed 44 kN as spring may fail beyond that load so
therefore all the possible options for stiffness and free length are presented in the table

Free Initial Final Max Min
Case. Stiffness, energy Stroke,
Length, Compression, Compression, Spring Spring
no K, N/mm released , mm
mm Xmax, mm Xmin, mm Force, kN Force, kN
1 201.3 589.6 212.6 92.6 42.8 18.6 3.6 120
2 221.3 575.8 198.8 78.8 44 17.4 3.6 120

Table 5: Different possible combinations for spring


Results for wipe time for different value stiffness and their corresponding free length
are presented in the table 6 below.

K, Stiffness, Free Length, Wipe Time,

Case. no
N/mm mm milli second
1 171.3 616.3 15.2
2 201.3 589.6 14.8
3 221.3 575.8 14.6

Table 6: All the possible stiffness and Free Length values

As seen from the table, an increase in value of stiffness by 30 N/mm resulted in the
reduction of 2.6 % in the wipe time. Likewise, increase in value of stiffness by 50
N/mm brought about a reduction of 3.9 % in the wipe time.

The reason for reduction in wipe time with increase in stiffness is explained below.
Refer Fig 40.

Figure 40: Graphical explanation for reduction in wipe time

Since energy released by the spring is same in all the cases, so therefore Energy

However with increase in stiffness, the average spring force required for opening of
contacts has increased resulting in higher acceleration. Hence time required for
opening of contacts gets reduced.


Varying linkage dimension can affect the wipe time. Therefore we need to identify
those dimensions of the linkages in the mechanism that can help in the minimization
of the wipe time.


List of all the possible dimensions whose variation can cause minimization of wipe
time are presented as follows.

Figure 41: All the possible dimensions effecting wipe time

a. Length of the second arm of MSL

b. Length of the connecting link
c. Length of the first arm of BCL

These dimensions are marked in figure 41.

Variations in these dimensions are confined with the set of constraints. List of
constraints are

a. Mechanism is designed in such a manner such that


L1_MSL is the length of the first arm of MSL (Figure 41)
L2_MSL is the length of the second arm of MSL (Figure 41)

L1_BCL is the length of the first arm of BCL

L2_BCL is the length of the second arm of BCL
140 and 120 are respective stroke of the moving pole link and the spring.
b. Length of the first arm of MSL is held constant.
c. Stroke of the moving pole link and spring cannot change.


From the simulation results, it was reported that wipe time is directly proportional to
the length of the second arm of MSL. Wipe time decreases with decrease in the length
of second arm of MSL.
Below Table 7 gives the values of wipe time for different length of the second arm of

Case Stiffness, L1_MSL, L2_MSL, L1_BCL, L2_BCL, Wipe time,

number N/mm mm mm mm mm milli second

1 156.8 183.2 15.2

2 166.8 172.2 15.6
171.30 156.8 157.1
3 146.8 195.7 14.8
4 136.8 210.0 14.4

Table 7: Effect of second arm of MSL on wipe time

As seen from the table, as the length of the second arm of MSL, L2_MSL was
increased by 10 mm, there was an increment of 2.6 % in the wipe time. Likewise a
decrease of 10 mm in the length of the second arm of MSL resulted in the decrease of
2.6 % in the wipe time. Similarly reduction of 20 mm in the length of the second arm
of MSL had led to a decrement of 5.26 % in wipe time.

Table 8 clearly reflects the trend between wipe time and length of the first arm of

Case Stiffness, L1_MSL, L2_MSL, L1_BCL, L2_BCL, Wipe time,

number N/mm mm mm mm mm milli second
1 157.1 183.2 15.2
2 166.1 193.8 15.2
3 175.1 204.2 15.4
171.3 156.83 156.83
4 151.1 176.2 15.2
5 145.1 169.2 15.2
6 139.1 162.2 15

Table 8: Effect off Length of the first arm of BCL on wipe time

When the length of the first arm of BCL, L1_BCL is increased by 18 units, 1.3 % rise
in wipe time is reported from simulated results. On the other hand when the length of
the first arm of BCL is decreased by 18 units, 1.3 % reduction in wipe time is
reported. However the variation in wipe time with the change in dimension of first
arm of BCL is minimal.


Table 9 clearly depicts the effect of length of connecting link on the wipe time.

Length of Wipe time,

Stiffness, L1_MSL, L2_MSL, L1_BCL, L2_BCL,
Case .no connecting Link, milli
N/mm mm mm mm mm
mm second
1 130 15.2
2 112 15.2
3 100 15.4
171.3 156.8 156.8 157.1 183.2
4 154 15
5 166 14.8
6 194 14.4

Table 9: Effect of Length of connecting link on wipe time

From the simulated results, decrease in the length of connecting link by 30 mm has
resulted in 1.3 % increase in the wipe time. On the other hand when the length of the
connecting link is increased by 64 mm, 5.2 % reduction in the wipe time is reported.

In this case, effect of all the parameters on the wipe time is taken into consideration.
Table 10 reflects those best values which led to minimization in wipe time.

Wipe time,
Parameter Name Value
milli second
Mass of the moving pole
Mass of the pull rod 14.6
Stiffness of the spring 221.3 12.8
L2_MSL 136.8
L1_BCL 157.1
Length of connecting link 194

Table 10: Effect of all the dimensions on wipe time

It is seen from the table 10 that with the suitable changes in the above parameters,
wipe time reduced from 15.2 mille seconds to 12.8 mille seconds thus a reduction of
15.8 % in the wipe time.


In the previous chapters, while performing multi body dynamic simulation for a
simplified model, all linkages were assumed as rigid bodies. Practically no link is
considered as a perfectly rigid body as some amount of deformation occurs in every
link. However In some links deformation is so small that it can be neglected but in
case of pull rod link which is connected between operating mechanism and
interrupter, experiment results have revealed large elastic deformations that cannot be
ignored. Material used for pull rod is an insulating material such as plastics or its
composites. The only limitation with insulating material is that phenomenon of
anelasticity is observed in these material. In anelasticity, elastic deformation is not
only a function of load applied but also time. Therefore in actual practice pull rod
behaves as a flexible material. Flexibility in the pull rod may influence the wipe time
and hence its effect needs to be studied.


Flexible body dynamics was performed in ABAQUS for original simplified model in
order to account for flexibility in the pull rod. Figure 42 below shows an FEA model.

Figure 42: FEA Model to account for flexibility in pull rod

Once the flexibility was introduced in the pull rod, displacement curve for the top and
bottom ends of pull rod, for the complete circuit breaker operation were obtained as
output from the ABAQUS simulated results. Figure 43 below shows the graph of the
displacement curves for pull rod top and bottom end when flexibility was introduced
in the pull rod.

Pull rod displacement curve from simulated

results with pull rod as flexible link

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Displacement, mm




-40 Displacement of pull rod

bottom end, mm
-50 Displacement of pull rod top
end, mm
time, sec

Figure 43: Pull rod displacement curve for flexible model from simulated results

As seen from the above figure 43, there is dissimilarity in the displacement curve for
the top and bottom end of the pull rod because of flexibility in the pull rod. If pull rod
had been assumed as a rigid link, then these two displacement curve would have been
similar thus overlying on one another as shown in figure 44.

Pull rod displacement curve from simulated results

with pull rod as rigid link

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Displacement, mm



-40 Displacement of pull rod

bottom end, mm
-50 Displacement of pull rod top
end, mm
time, sec

Figure 44: Pull rod displacement curve for rigid model from simulated results

These simulated results for flexible pull rod, figure 43 were then verified with the
experimental results. Figure 45 shows the displacement curves for the top and bottom
end of the flexible pull rod obtained from experimental results.

Pull rod displacement curve from experimental

results with pull rod as flexible link

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Displacement, mm



-40 Displacement of pull rod bottom

end, mm
-50 Displacement of pull rod top end,

time, sec

Figure 45: Pull rod displacement curve for flexible model from experimental

As stated, wipe time is time for 35 mm travel by the pole moving link. An assumption
was made that all the links above pull rod top end such as pull rod upper link,
connecting link, BCL, pole_BCL_Link and moving pole link will be considered as
perfectly rigid link, Refer figure 25. With this assumption, time taken for 35 mm
travel by the pole moving link (Wipe time) was same as 35 mm travel by the pull rod
top end.

For rigid pull rod

For flexible pull rod

Therefore it was concluded that flexibility in the pull rod led to dissimilar
displacement curve for top and bottom end of the pull rod thus effecting the wipe
time. In order to obtain an accurate value for wipe time, flexibility in the pull rod need
to be taken into consideration. Our next task was to measure the elastic constant of the
flexibility pull rod and further study the effect of improved stiffness on the wipe time.


Tensile testing for pull rod was carried out on a universal testing machine (UTM).
Material used for pull rod was fiber reinforced plastics (FRP). Three samples of pull
rod were tested. Load was applied gradually in steps and corresponding deflection
was recorded. The specification for Universal testing machine is presented in the table
11 below.

Parameter name Value Units

Maximum Capacity 600 kN
Principle of operation Hydraulic
Power 2.5 HP
2265 x 750
LxWxH mm
x 2534

Table 11: Specification for UTM

Figure 46 shows the Universal testing machine on which test was carried out.

Figure 46: Universal testing machine

The samples were made as per ASTM D- 2015, Standard test method for longitudinal
tensile properties of fiberglass pipe and tube. Figure 47, 48, 49 shows the images of

the failed samples after tensile testing. Failure in the specimen occurred when
slippage in the threaded connection was observed.

Figure 47: Sample 1 of the pull rod

Figure 48: Sample 2 of the pull rod

Figure 49: Sample 3 of the pull rod

Once the load, deflection data was obtained for three samples, stress strain curve was
further plotted as shown in the figure 50 below.

Stress vs Strain Diagram for 3 Sample
Stress, MPa

80.00 Sample 1
60.00 Sample 2
40.00 Sample 3
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Strain, (mm/mm)

Figure 50: Stress Strain Curve for 3 samples

The value of young modulus, E obtained from the graph was approximately 5234.3
N/mm2. Load per unit deflection was given as

Where A is original cross sectional area of the pull rod

E is young modulus
L is original length of the specimen
Area and length of the specimen were known to us and the value of load per unit
deflection (Stiffness) was given as 10.8 kN / mm.

Once the value of elastic constant was known to us, our next task was to consider the
effect of improved stiffness on the wipe time which is considered as a future scope of


In this thesis, performance of a circuit breaker mechanism was improved by
minimizing the wipe time. Parameters that could influence the wipe time were
identified as

a. Stiffness of the spring

b. Linkage dimension
c. Mass of the pull rod and moving pole link

Individual effect of these parameters on the wipe time was studied. From the
simulated results it was reported that wipe time could be reduced by

a. Increasing the stiffness of the spring

b. Reducing the mass of the pull rod and moving pole link
c. Varying linkage dimension suitably to minimize wipe time

When the combined effect of all the parameters was taken into consideration,
simulated results reported a 15.8 % of reduction in the wipe time and an equivalent
reduction of 22.9% in the opening time.

Effect of flexibility on the wipe time was also studied in this thesis. Pull rod was
considered as a flexible material. By introducing flexibility, both the simulated and
experimental results reported that there was dissimilarity in the displacement curves
for the two ends of the pull rod thus effecting the wipe time. Therefore it was
concluded that an accurate value of wipe time would be obtained only if flexibility is
introduced in the pull rod. An attempt to measure the elastic constant for the flexible
pull rod was then made. The value for young modulus was given as 5234.3 N/mm2
and load per unit deflection (Stiffness) was 10.8 kN / mm.


As stated in the conclusion part, a correct prediction for wipe time will be obtained
only if flexibility is introduced in the pull rod. Future work of this thesis is then to
obtain that correct value for wipe time. This can be done only if we study the effect of
improved stiffness (10.8 kN / mm) on the wipe time. Accounting for friction in

revolute and sliding joints during the modeling phase would also give an added
advantage for correct prediction of wipe time. Therefore, for modeling this physical
problem closer to reality, it becomes necessary that the effect of flexibility and
friction must be taken into account.


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