Electrical Breakdown in SF6 Gas
Electrical Breakdown in SF6 Gas
Electrical Breakdown in SF6 Gas
The well known breakdown theories, Townsend's generation
mechanism and the streamer mechanism, are reviewed and
applied to the results of breakdown in the strongly elec-
tronegative gas, sulphur-hexafluoride. Experimental
results reported in the literature on the breakdown
behavior of sulphur-hexafluoride are examined in the
light of these theories. The breakdown theories are
used for the estimation of the breakdown voltages in
pure SF6. Other factors that may affect the breakdown
characteristics of SF6 have been discussed. Further
areas of work have been proposed in order to obtain a
better understanding of the breakdown mechanism.
applied field. Both coefficients, a and n, are engineering problems. Furthermore, the Townsend
strongly dependent on the applied electric field. As mechanism is unable to explain the breakdown under
a result of the combined ionization and attachment steep voltage surges.
processes the increase dN in the number of electrons
along the path dx in the direction of applied electric In the streamer mechanism it is assumed that the
field is given by: growth of a single electron avalance becomes unstable
before reaching the anode. This results in the forma-
tion of fast moving streamers from the avalanche head.
dN = N(a - n) dx (4) These streamers form a highly conducting channel across
the gap, which ultimately causes the collapse of the
where N is the initial number of electrons. For a > , applied voltage. The basic mechanism behind the for-
equation (4) leads to an exponential growth of the mation of these streamers is assumed to be photoioniza-
electron population, eventually resulting in the break- tion in the gas. However, a satisfactory quantitative
down of the insulation. theory for streamer formation has not been formulated.
In spite of the criticism of the streamer theory in
Two types of breakdown mechanisms are generally used the literature, it is necessary to assume a single
to describe the breakdown processes in gases. Accord- avalanche mechanism to explain the breakdown character-
ing to the "Townsend mechanism", a succession of elec- istics in non-uniform field gaps subjected to steep
tron avalanches initiated at the cathode causes break- fronted impulse voltages [5]. Meek [6] developed the
down of the gas. However, in the "streamer mechanism" following equation for the breakdown of a non-uniform
a single electron avalanche can lead to a breakdown. field gap
Details of these mechanisms are given in most text-
books on gas discharges. Pedersen [2,3] has given
short summaries of the Townsend and streamer theories.
(X-nLx exp[fr(a-nf) dx] = k EX Fx 10 (8)
In an electronegative gas under non-uniform field P.
conditions, the prebreakdown current I compared to the
initial photoelectric current Io can be written as [3]
d x
In this equation x denotes the avalanche length at the
1 +
exp[JO (a-n) dx] adx moment when streamers are formed. In a non-uniform
field, x is only a fraction of the gap length d.
I (5) (a-n)x is the apparent Townsend first ionization co-
efficient at the avalanche head, p is the gas density
1- y J
exp[f0 (a-n) dx] adx while k is a constant. A similar equation was pro--
posed independently by Raether [7] who suggested that
where the secondary ionization coefficient y is ti 'ie a critical number of charges, = 108, is necessary to
number of secondary electrons produced per primar) transform an avalanche into a streamer. This number
electron as a result of ionizing processes such ass is believed to be independent of the gas pressure.
electron emission from the cathode by positive ior
bombardment or photoelectric emission from the-catthode Meek's equation was modified by Pedersen [2,3] to
and photoionization in the gas caused by photons ire- obtain the semi-empirical streamer criterion:
leased from excited atoms or from recombination piro-
cesses. From equation (5) the Townsend criterion for
breakdown in non-uniform fields is derived as
;OX (a-n) dx = k (9)
exp[jr (n-n) dx] adx - 1 (6)
Values of k equal to 18 and 10.5 have been reported in
the literature [3,8,9].
Equation (6) implies that an infinite amount of current
will flow as a result of breakdown of the dielectric
medium. A limit to the current flow is dictated by the 3. MEASUREMENTS OF DISCHARGE PARAMETERS
parameters of the electric circuit. Equation (6) can
be modified for applications to uniform fields as In the absence of detachment and secondary processes,
the current flowing in a uniform field gap can be
expressed as
XE (exp[t T] a - n) -1 (7)
I0 l (exp[(a-n) d] aJ
The Townsend breakdown criterion (equation 6 or 7) is
of little use to the high voltage design engineer be-
cause the secondary ionization coefficient y is a very Experimentally, the current in a uniform field gap at
sensitive function of the electrode surface conditions fixed values of E/p and variable gap length d is
and gas purity. y is well known only under carefully measured. HereE is the applied electric field intensity
controlled test conditions. Moreover, measurements of and p is the gas pressure. Values of a and n in equa-
y have so far been possible only at pressures below tion (10) are obtained from semilogarithmic plots of
3.4 kPa [4] and such values are not valid for pressures I/Io against d.
of technical importance. It is therefore difficult to
apply the Townsend criterion in a meaningful way to
Malik and Qureshi: Breakdown Mechanisms in Sulphur-Hexafluorine 137
Geballe and Harrison [10] and Bhalla and Craggs [4] Values of Townsend's second ionization coefficient y
measured values of a/p and r/p as function of E/p in a have been reported by Bhalla et al [4], Boyd et al [12]
the range of 0.6 E/p < 1.24 V/cmPa with
< pressures and Maller et al [13] in the range of 0.75 < E/p < 4.5
varying from 0.66 to 26.66 kPa. They concluded that up V/cmPa for pressures below 3.33 kPa. These values
to pressures of 54 kPa, the breakdown in SF6 is caused strongly depend on the gap separation. For example,
by the Townsend build-up mechanism. Dutton et al [11] with an increase in the gap length from 0.1 to 8 cm for
reported a strong pressure dependence of a/p and n/p a virtually constant field strength gap, y decreases
for pressure up to 53.32 kPa and E/p 0.88 V/cmPa. = by a factor of 109. This weakening of the secondary
They suggested that at such pressures one or more ionization processes is a consequence of the effect of
attachment processes operate which depend p2. How- on photon absorption in the gas medium. This effect is
ever, Boyd et al [12] who carried out similar measure- enhanced by an increase in the gap length [16].
ments over a range of 0.86 1.5 V/cmPa ruled out < F/p <
any pressure dependence of a/p and n/p in the pressure Measured values of a and n in equation (11), are
range of 0.66 < p 53.32 kPa. According to them, the used in calculating breakdown voltages based on
previous conclusions [11] concerning the occurrence of streamer or Townsend theories. All these values have
three-body attachment processes may be in error, and been obtained at relatively low pressures and it is
a/p and n/p are linear functions of E/p only. More generally assumed that these results can be applied to
recently Maller et al [13] also did not observe any higher pressures of technical importance. However,
pressure dependence of a/p and n/p in the of 0.82 range the validity of such an assumption has not been veri-
< E/p < 7.5 V/cmPa with gas pressure varying from fied. Similarly, values of y which have been obtained
133.3 to 1333 Pa at 20fC. Results of the various investi- under laboratory conditions may not be applicable to
gations in reasonable agreement with each other.
are practical cases.
Bortnik et al [14] measured a/po and n/po equal to
333.3, 653.2, 2133, and 4266 Pa in the range of 0.75
< E/po < 1.5 V/cmPa. Here po is the gas normal- pressure 4. MEASUREMENTS OF DISCHARGE VOLTAGES
ized to 0C. Their results show a fair agreement with IN UNIFORM FIELDS
those of Bhalla et at [4].
The maximum discharge voltage for any gaseous insula-
tion can be obtained when the electrodes are designed
The values of a/p and ni/p can be approximated by the for uniform field distribution in the gap. In high
following linear relations in the vicinity of the point voltage SF6 insulated equipment, one of the main condi-
of intersection of the two curves tions for obtaining minimal insulation spacing is,
wherever possible, to use uniform or slightly non-
uniform field gaps in which the ratio of the average
al/p = 23 (E/p) - 12. 34 cm I kPal (11) field strength to its maximum value is greater than 0.2.
Therefore, uniform field discharge data are of consider-
n/p = -4 (E/p) + 11.35 cm-1 kPa-1 able importance from a theoretical as well as a practical
point of view.
Thus a reasonable correspondence with the data over a Uniform field breakdown studies can best be represented
wide range of values is obtained by using the empirical by obtaining the Paschen curve and the ranges in which
expression Paschen's law is valid. Paschen's law states that the
breakdown voltage Vd of a gas in a uniform electric field
ap = k Elp -
(E/P)crit} cm1 kPa-1 (12) field gap is a simple function of the product pd at con-
stant temperature. Paschen curves for SF6 reported in
the literature were not always measured under the same
where k 27 and (E/p)or,t 877,5 V/cmt
test parameters and in many cases the test conditions
were not fully described. Therefore, only a limited
Here E [kV/cm] denotes the electric field strength and comparison of these results is possible, especially
p [kPa], the SF6 pressure referred to a temperature of in the pd range above 100 kPa cm. For SF6 direct vol-
200C. tage breakdown data is available for pd values up to
about 300 kPa cm [4,13,17-25]. The Paschen curve for
direct voltage is shown in Fig. 1. The minimum of the
It has been suggested that in order to obtain reason- curve occurs at about 3.S x 10-2 kPa cm and is near
ably accurate values of a and n from the prebreakdown 500 V as given by George et al [18]. A considerable
current measurements the variations in the field amount of information is needed to complete the curve
strength between the electrodes must be less than 0.1% at both ends, i.e., at high as well as at low values
while the accuracy in setting the gap distance d must of pd. Deviations from Paschen's law are observed by
be better than 0.1% [8,12,15]. According to Boyd et Maller et al [13] for small spacings with pd values
al [12] a pressure of about 100 kPa sets the upper near Paschen's minimum and by Dutton et al [17,27] and
limit in such investigations. Karlsson et al [8] gave Chalmers et al [20] at higher pressures.
an upper limit of less than 100 kPa cm for prebreak-
down ionization current measurements of a and n. Thus
while values of and n are very important at pressures
lW100 .129)
100 100 .+[32]
[31] /
v [34] X+
o 1 OO
0.1 s -
Fig. 1: i6aschen curve for SF6 for d$rect applied Fig. 2: Paschen curve for SF6 for alternating (50 or
voZtages. 60 Hz) applied voltages.
ac Breakdown Voltages for SF6 In Uniform Field Gaps [25]
Temperature - 25QC
Distance mm
kPa cm 1 2 3 5 8 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60
Figure 2 contains the Paschen curve for alternating on the left hand side of equation (9), the field dis-
applied voltages (50 or 60 Hz) [25,26,29-35]. In this tortion caused by space charge in the avalanche head is
Figure, results are included of investigations with generally neglected. Because of the relatively rapid
values falling within the range for which Paschen's variation of a-n with field strength, equation (9) is
law is valid. In this range two rough limits are ob- satisfied even for a very small increase in field
served for pd, i.e., p < 200 kPa and d 0.3 mm. Other strength above the value corresponding to a-n = 0.
test conditions and parameters being the same, the The essential result is that in non-uniform field gaps,
Paschen curves for alternating and direct applied vol- like rod-plane configuration, the critical avalanche
tages almost coincide. Under carefully controlled test length x is a very small fraction of the total gap
conditions there is an extremely small scatter in the length.
values of breakdown voltages and the influence of dif-
ferent electrode materials, e.g., aluminum, silver, The streamer criterion has been extensively studied
nickel, stainless steel, and copper is negligible [25]. [2,2,9,36-46] and has been used to estimate discharge
At higher pressures the breakdown voltage depends on voltages for fields having varying degrees of non-
the type of voltage as well as electrode material. uniformity. It has been used successfully by Pedersen
With aluminum electrodes, breakdown voltage can be [9,38,47] and other [40-42,45] to explain some of the
up to 20% lower than with stainless steel electrodes. effects such as anomalous edge breakdown observed in
For this reason, it is necessary to take the well de- SF6 in uniform field electrodes and the reduction in
fined test conditions into account when comparing re- breakdown voltage due to electrode surface roughness.
sults of different investigations. The major limitation, at present, is the lack of
adequate knowledge of ionization and attachment co-
efficients for the range of pressures used in high
Table 1 gives alternating breakdown voltages for SF6 voltage SF6 insulated equipment [36]. The streamer
in uniform field gaps. The values within brackets are breakdown criterion may give reasonable agreement be-
extrapolated. The values below the heavy line lie out- tween the theoretical and experimental results at
side the range for which Paschen's law holds. No test relatively low pressures. However, at higher pressures
results are available for direct voltage breakdown the experimental and theoretical results differ sub-
values for electrode spacings larger than 2.5 cm. stantially [39,40]. In a recent paper [44] Rein et al
have proposed a theoretical model for the impulse
Departures from Paschen's law, which seem to be breakdown in SF6 using a statistical approach to the
unique for each gas, are observed notably for quite streamer breakdown criterion. Their calculations
high pressures and small spacings. The reasons for the agree with the experimental results for different
limitations of Paschen's law have not yet been fully electrode configurations covering a wide range of
clarified. However, it is interesting to note that pressures and electrode areas.
Paschen's law fails when the electric field strength
exceeds 200 kV/cm (crest). The threshold for these The streamer breakdown criterion, equation (9), can
deviations, which give breakdown voltages departing also be expressed as
from the Paschen curve, is variable, depending on the
electrode material and surface conditions and the x
presence of fine particles in the gas. These and other
factors are discussed in subsequent sections. f 0 (a-n) d - ln (NC) (13)
where Nc is the critical number of ions in the avalanche
when streamer formation starts. A constant value of k
in equation (9) gives a constant value of NC independent
of pressure. Recently Khalifa et al [48,49] have devel-
5. ESTIMATION OF MINIMUM DISCHARGE VOLTAGE oped a method for computing the discharge threshold
The estimation of minimum discharge voltage, i.e., voltage in SF6 at pressures up to 1200 kPa, In this
corona inception or breakdown voltage is of consider- method, the size of the primary avalanche at the onset
able importance from engineering point of view. A of discharge does not coincide with the streamer cri-
method capable of predicting discharge voltage with terion given in equation (9) having values of k = 18 or
reasonable accuracy can save considerable amount of 10.5. Its calculated size depends on the gap geometry
money required in testing new SF6 equipment and can [50]. In the uniform as well as non-uniform field
provide some insight in the breakdown mechanism itself. gaps of positive polarity, there is a critical pressure
As the discharge phenomenon in compressed SF6 is not above which the field emission from the cathode surface
fully understood, there is yet no general model which has been taken into account. This method predicts the
can be used successfully to determine discharge vol- discharge threshold voltages for uniform and non-
tages in SF6 insulated equipment, Existing methods uniform field gaps and explains the dependence of these
can broadly be classified into two categories: those voltages on pressure.
based on streamer theory and those based on concept
of critical field strength. In 1953 Geballe and Reeves [51] proposed a special
condition of self-sustaining discharge for electro-
The streamer criterion, as given in equation (9), negative gases on the basis of Townsend theory. In
offers a very promising approach for the solution of case of uniform fields with large values of pd this
engineering problems. This criterion states that criterion for self-sustaining discharge is
streamers are formed when a critical number of ions is
developed in SF6. These result in partial or total oc = n (14)
breakdown of the insulation depending on the degree of
non-uniformity of the electric field in the gap. In a which is satisfied at a threshold value of the field
uniform field gap, streamer formation will directly intensity. This value of the field intensity is
lead to a breakdown while in a non-uniform field it generally referred to as the critical field intensity
may not cause breakdown. WVh'ile calculating the terms Ecrit. Its value for SF6 at normal atmospheric pres-
sure is about 87 kV/cm. For a < -, electron avalanche
should not grow in electronegative gases and thus
140 IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul, Vol EI-13 No 3, June 1978
mental breakdown voltages in some cases, a general system: wire diameter is 0.4 [69]. am
-0 Fine Finish
law is- valid, the electrode material has practically 1-
-.- Rough Finish
no influence on the breakdown characteristics of SF6
[72]. However, the electrode material definitely
= 400 600 kPa NS
affects the breakdown gradients when the field strength
exceeds about 200 kV/cm. Figure 4 shows uniform field
breakdown gradients- in SF6 as a function of pressure
for different electrode materials [73]. In the case of U_
400 .
parallel plane electrodes at gas pressure up to 800 kPa
the dielectric strength of SF6 was found to be a L 200 <- e.
function of the mechanical strength of the electrode
material, its melting temperature and work function 200
[72]. At higher pressures, similar dependence of L 100 _*
breakdown voltage on electrode materials have reported
in other gases and their mixtures with SF6 [24,65,74].
While in parallel plane electrodes, the breakdown vol-
tage depends on the electrode material, no such effect I a
10 2 3 4
has been observed in non-uniform fields such as coaxial 10 10 10
LI~ x
102 104 I c05 S"-' 800
PRmax (Pa cm) a,
fO 600
and size of electrode surface protrusion and the field
configuration on the discharge characteristics of SF6.
Experimental observations generally support these
theoretical findings [9,40-42]. Kawagachi et al [31] 0 2 4 6 8 10
did not find any distinct effect of wavy unevenness of
up to 30 pm, caused by lathing, on the breakdown Gap Length (cm)
voltage of a coaxial system for pressures to about 500
With the increase in electrode surface roughness, Fig. 8: 60 Hz breakdown voltage of SF6 in Long gap
the number of conditioning sparks increase many times region as a function of gap Length when electric
that required for smooth electrodes of the same area. field is uniform [80].
Moreover, with an increase in surface roughness,
deviations from Paschen's law occur at lower values of
Malik and Qureshi: Breakdown Mechanisms in Sulphur-Hexafluorine 143
In non-uniform fields, the effect Qf pressure and [18] D. W. George et al, Brit. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 2,
spacing depends also on the polarity of the highly Ser. 2, 1969, pp 1470-1471.
stressed electrode. For example, in the case of posi-
tive rod-plane gap, the breakdown voltage expressed as [19] H. A. Boyd et al, Proc. IEE, vol. 119, no. 2,
a function of pressure exhibits a maximum. This maxi- pp 275-276.
mum depends on the gap spacing, radius of curvature of
the rod and the waveform of the applied voltage [18, [20] I. D. Chalmers et al, Proc. IEE, vol. 118, no. 12,
37,81-84]. For negative rod plane gaps, the breakdown 1971, pp 1893-1894.
voltage is a linear function of pressure for smaller
gap spacings. However, negative slopes of breakdown [21] P. R. Howard, Proc. IEE, vol. 104, Part A, no. 13,
voltage versus pressure curve have been observed when 1957, pp 123-238.
the gap is sufficiently long [50,59,60,64]. Therefore,
one has to be careful in using test data for design [22] E. Kuffel et al, Proc. IEE, vol. 113, no. llj 1966,
purposes, as results obtained under one set of condi- pp 1863-1872.
tions may not be applicable to a different set of
conditions. [23] D. F. Binns et al, Proc. IEE, vol. 116, no. 11,
1969, pp 1962-1968.
[24] E. H. Cohen, Proc. IEE, vol. 103, Part A, no. 7,
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J. D. Cross
The method and results of high speed streak photography
of surface flashover in vacuum are presented. It is
shown that the bright phase of the flashover arc bridges
a 12.5 mm gap in 0.15 ns. The streak records indicate
that the flashover arc is preceded by an intense electron
burst from the cathode-insulator junction.