Case Study: CD Store

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Software Engineering


CD Store

Roll No. Name

26 Anand
27 Pranjal Gharat
28 Dipesh Gobji
29 Vishal Gorule
30 Ashish Gupta

Problem description:

CD store has many CDs and DVDs.

CD store manager offers CDs on rent as well as he sells the CDs.
CD which is not used more than five times can be available to
If requested CD is not available in store then manager registers
that CD details and order it to his supplier.
We have to first understand the problem and produce requirement
document based on our understanding of problem.

Problem Analysis:
The CD store offers many CDs.
The manager offers customer to take CD/DVD on rent as well as
customer can buy the CD/DVD.
CDs are arranged in particular pattern.
Manager takes the details of customer who wants the CD on rent
and entries are done in the register.
Now CD store wants to automate this system.
So that there are two things involved –
1. Understanding the problem
2. Producing requirement document[SRS]

Parties involved are

1. Client – Owner of CD store
2. End users – Manager of the store, customer

Study of Current system

Main points to be considered:-

After speaking with manager we find that how the current
system is operates.

Customer comes to the CD store and asks for the required CD.
Manager checks his register and provide information that whether
that CD is available or not.
Manager registers his name and address and take deposit from
He gives the receipt with submission date, which is normally of
maximum two days.
If customer wants to buy the CD he can buy the CD by paying
desired amount.
Manager enters the CD details in his register, where he can found
which CD is taken away and which CD is in store.
Every CD can be used only for five times after that CD is send to
scratch, so manager is checks the CD details to find out which CD
is used for how many times.

This information is given to the manager and was asked whether

this is how it works

The context level DFD is shown in following Fig.


DFD of current system


Supplies file=[date+[ CD_name + quantity+cost]*]*
Order files: [cost+[CD_name*CD_type* CD_number]*]*
Status=Avalibale |Not availbale
Receipt= [due_date+issue_date+cost]*
CD register= [ issue_date+[CD_name*CD_type*CD*number]+


The purpose of document is to describe the external
requirements for a CD store management system.

It describes the requirements of the system. It is meant for
use by the developer and will be the basis for validating the final
delivered system, any change made to the requirements in the
future will have to go through a formal change approval proven.
The developer is responsible for asking for classifications. Where
necessary and will not make any attentions without permission of
the clients.

Developer’s responsibilities overview:

1. Developing system
2. Installing
3. Conducting training
4. Maintenance for 1 year period

General Description

Product functions overview:

In CD store customer is come to take the desired CD/DVD on rent
or to buy. He will ask to the manager for particular CD. Manager
checks his CD records whether the requested CD is available or
not. IF CD is available manager registers the customers details
like name, address etc. Manager gives receipt to the customer
with due date which is normally max. 2 days. Manager update is
CD records.
If requested CD is not available in the store manager will order it
from his supplier. Supplier takes order and makes payment
Manager updates his CD records. Manager checks CD records
periodically to get that whether any CD is used for 5 times. If he
finds such CD, the CD is send to scratch and manager order for
new CD.

Specific requirements

Input and output:

Manager enters the CD’s Characteristics like Move name,
type of CD, CD number if available etc.
Manager enters customer’s details like name, address,
contact no etc.
Manager enters CD details and current date when CD is
taken by customer.

CD name, rack no, number indicating how much time CD is
Error message
CD is not available order now
Receipt with purchase date, returning date, amount.

CD name, date of issuing, counter of uses

If counter is equal to 5 then error message
Send CD to scratch.

Functional Requirements:

• Determine the CD’s details such that following

constraints is satisfied:
1. CD is available in store or not.

• Determine the CD counter such that following

constraints is satisfied:
1. No CD is used for more than 5 times.

• Determine the CD’s issuing date such that following

constraints is satisfied:
1. CD is returned in given period of time.

The data in I/P 1 and I/P 3 check for validity against

data provided in I/P1 and I/P3
And proper message should be given
I/P: I/P1 and I/P3
O/P: CD is not available in store
Send CD to scratch and order new.

External Interface requirements:

User Interface

Design Constraints:
Software constraints– Only for Windows OS
Hardware constraints- 36 MB RAM

Acceptance criteria:
Before accepting, developer must demonstrate that the
system works on the data for last month.
The developer will have to show through test cases that all
conditions are satisfied.

Now DFD for new automated system is as follows


Automatic searching of CDs affects the preference collection

method, so boundaries of change include the entire system.
After the discussion following decision were taken regarding the
new system.
So by using new system we establish following goals

• Automate much of searching and billing.

• Automate updating.

• We can find out which CD is used for 5 times.

• Which CDs are not available in the store.

• It will automate the supply order system.

So in new system when customer request for particular CD/DVD

manager just enters the name of CD, Type or number if he know
and software shows the output with whether CD is available in
store or not, with its counter that signifies that how much time CD
can use and cost of the CD.
If CD is not available in the store it just shows the output that CD
is not available in the store please order that CD.
If customer wants that CD on rent manager just enters the details
of customer in the software like his name, address, contact no,
etc. It will produce the output as the receipt with the submission
date, with CD name type and its number.

Manager can search the CD which is used for 5 times by just

checking CD details. These CDs are sent to scratch.
When manager creates the receipt at that time only the
records of CD details are updated.
DFD for new system

Supplier file
CDs register File


Process counter
supplies Supplies


Supply Check for

manager availability


supplies Manager

Order file

gives Produce Order Deposit

CDs receipt CDs



to CD register

DD for new system

Supplier file=[date+[CD_no*CD_name+cost]*]*
CD register file=[issue date+[CD_no*CD_name*CD_type]
Order file=[CD_name*CD_type*CD_no+cost]

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