Unix and Shell Programming (15CS35) Module 2 Notes: Syllabus
Unix and Shell Programming (15CS35) Module 2 Notes: Syllabus
Unix and Shell Programming (15CS35) Module 2 Notes: Syllabus
Unix files. Naming files. Basic file types/categories. Organization of files. Hidden files. Standard
directories. Parent child relationship. The home directory and the HOME variable. Reaching required
files- the PATH variable, manipulating the PATH, Relative and absolute pathnames. Directory
commands pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir commands. The dot (.) and double dots (..) notations to represent
present and parent directories and their usage in relative path names. File related commands cat,
mv, rm, cp, wc and od commands. File attributes and permissions and knowing them. The ls
command with options. Changing file permissions: the relative and absolute permissions changing
methods. Recursively changing file permissions. Directory permissions.
Topics from chapters 4, 5 and 6 of text book 1
Text Books:
1. Sumitabha Das., Unix Concepts and Applications., 4th Edition., Tata McGraw Hill
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg : UNIX and Shell Programming- Cengage Learning India
Edition. 2009.
Prepared by:-
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE, GAT
UNIX Files
The file is a container for storing information
A file is treated simply as a sequence of characters
On a UNIX system, everything is a file; if something is not a file, it is a process
A UNIX system makes no difference between a file and a directory, since a directory is
just a file containing names of other files.
Programs, services, texts, images, and so forth, are all files
Input and output devices, and generally all devices, are considered to be files
Most files are just files, called regular files; they contain normal data, for example text
files, executable files or programs, input for or output from a program and so on.
While it is reasonably safe to consider that everything we encounter on a UNIX system is a file,
there are some exceptions:-
Directories: files that are lists of other files.
Special files or Device Files: All devices and peripherals are represented by files. To read or
write a device, we have to perform these operations on its associated file. Most special files are
Links: a system to make a file or directory visible in multiple parts of the system's file tree.
Sockets(Domain): a special file type, similar to TCP/IP sockets, providing inter-
processnetworking protected by the file system's access control.
Named pipes: act more or less like sockets and form a way for processes to communicate with
each other, without using network socket semantics.
Naming of files
On a UNIX system, a filename can consist of up to 255 characters. Files may or may not
have extensions and can consist of practically any ASCII character except the / and the NULL
UNIX imposes no restrictions for the file extensions. In all cases, it is the application that
imposes that restriction. Eg.C Compiler expects C program filenames to end with .c, Oracle
requires SQL scripts to have .sql extension, likewise.
A file can have as many dots embedded in its name. Eg: a.b.x.c.d
A filename can also begin with or end with a dot.
UNIX is case sensitive; cap01, Chap01 and CHAP01 are three different filenames that can
coexist in the same directory.
Note: Never use at the beginning of a filename, because instead of filename it will be
treated as the command option by the shell.
1. Ordinary (Regular) File:- It is the most common file type. An ordinary file can be either a
text file or a binary file.
Text file
A text file contains only printable characters and we can view and edit them.
All C and Java program sources, shell scripts are text files. Every line of a text file is
terminated with the newline character.
Binary File
A binary file, on the other hand, contains both printable and nonprintable characters that
cover the entire ASCII range.
The object code and executables that are produced by compiling C programs are binary
Sound and video files are also binary files.
2. Directory File
A directory contains no data, but keeps details of the files and subdirectories that it
contains. A directory file contains one entry for every file and subdirectory that it houses. Each
entry has two components namely, the filename and a unique identification number of the file or
directory(called the inode number).
When we create or remove a file, the kernel automatically updates its corresponding directory by
adding or removing the entry (filename and inode number) associated with the file.
3. Device File
All the operations on the devices are performed by reading or writing the file representing
the device. It is advantageous to treat devices as files as some of the commands used to access an
ordinary file can be used with device files as well.
Device filenames are found in a single directory structure, /dev. A device file is not really a
stream of characters. It is the attributes of the file that entirely govern the operation of the device.
The kernel identifies a device from its attributes and uses them to operate the device.
Note on Directories and Files: A file is a set of data that has a name. The information can be an
ordinary text, a user-written computer program, results of a computation, a picture, and so on.
The file name may consist of ordinary characters, digits and special tokens like the underscore,
except the forward slash (/). It is permitted to use special tokens like the ampersand (&) or spaces
in a filename.
The UNIX file system/ Organization of files in UNIX
UNIX organizes files in a tree-like hierarchical structure, with the root directory,
indicated by a forward slash (/), at the top of the tree. See the Figure below, in which part of the
hierarchy of files and directories on the computer is shown.
Hidden Files
A hidden file is a file which by default is not displayed by the file system utilities when
showing a directory listing. They are commonly used for storing user preferences or preserving
the state of a utility, and are frequently created implicitly by using various utilities. They are not
a security mechanism because access is not restricted.
UNIX allows users to have files which are not listed, by default, by the ls command.
These are called hidden files and are distinguishable from other files by the fact that their
filenames begin with a dot (.). Such a file is .profile which is executed every time we log in to
the system. Hidden files are listed by adding the -a option to the ls command.
Execution 1
$ ls -a
$ ls -la
$ echo $HOME
What we see above is an absolute pathname, which is a sequence of directory names starting
from root (/). The subsequent slashes are used to separate the directories.
The PATH variable normally includes the current directory also. Whenever we enter any
UNIX command, we are actually specifying the name of an executable file located somewhere
on the system. The system goes through the following steps in order to determine which program
to execute:-
1. Built in commands (such as cd and history) are executed within the shell.
2. If an absolute path name (such as /bin/ls) or a relative path name (such as ./myprog), the
system executes the program from the specified directory. Otherwise the PATH variable is used.
The PATH is an environment variable. It is a colon delimited list of directories that the shell searches
through when we enter a command. All executables are kept in different directories on the Linux and
Unix like operating systems.
Finding out the current path
To find out what is the current path setting, type the following command at shell prompt. Open
the Terminal and then enter:-
$echo $PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/nctuns/bin
Here for the existing list of directories in PATH we add a new directory path as
/usr/local/nctuns/bin. Then we can verify the manipulation of PATH variable using echo
command as shown below :-
$echo $PATH
The output will be of this form:-
So we can manipulate the PATH variable and add a new directory path.
Relative and Absolute pathnames
A path, which is followed in the tree structure to reach a given file, can be described as
starting from the trunk of the tree (the / or root directory). In that case, the path starts with a slash
and is called an absolute path, since there can be no mistake: only one file on the system can
comply. Paths that don't start with a slash are always relative to the current directory. In relative
paths we also use the . and .. indications for the current and the parent directory.
Refer sections 4.9 and 4.10 in the text book UNIX: Concepts and Applications by
Sumitabha Das.
If we see all these paths started from / directory which is a root directory for every Linux/Unix
Note: If we observe there is no / before kernel which indicates its a relative directory to present
working directory.
Changing directory to /var/log/kernel using absolute path concept.
cd /var/log/kernel
rm read/hello.txt
rm /abc/xyz/read/hello.txt
Example 2: My present location is /etc/samba and now I want to change directory to /etc.
Using relative path:
cd ..
cd /etc
Example 3: My present location is /var/ftp/ and I want to change the location to /var/log
Using relative path:
cd ../log
Using absolute path:
cd /var/log
cd ../../opt/oradba
cd /opt/oradba
Example 5: My present location is /usr/local and I want to remove a abc.txt file located in this
directory how can I do that?
Using relative path:
rm abc.txt
rm /usr/local/abc.txt
cd - change directory
We can change to a new directory with the cd, change directory, command. cd will accept both
absolute and relative path names.
cd [directory]
cd changes to user's home directory
cd / changes directory to the system's root
cd .. goes up one directory level
cd ../.. goes up two directory levels
cd /full/path/name/from/root changes directory to absolute path named
(note the leading slash)
cd path/from/current/location changes directory to path relative to current
location (no leading slash)
1. $mkdir patch Creates a directory patch under current directory
2. $mkdir patch dbs doc Creates three directories under current directory
3. $mkdir pgm pgm/progs pgm/data Creates a directory tree with pgm as a directory
under the current directory and progs and data as
sub directories under pgm
Note the order of specifying arguments in example 3. The parent directory should be specified
first, followed by the subdirectories to be created under it.
The system may refuse to create a directory due to the following reasons:
1. The directory already exists.
2. There may be an ordinary file by the same name in the current directory.
3. The permissions set for the current directory dont permit the creation of files and directories
by the user.
The dot (.) and double dots (..) notations to represent present and parent
directories and their usage in relative path names.
Refer section 4.10.1 in the text book UNIX: Concepts and Applications by Sumitabha Das.
$ cd .
means stay wherever we are (i.e., the current working directory).
What's actually happening is the dot represents the "assumed" directory; it's a placeholder, and
we can use the dot anywhere in a directory name. So, the command:
cd documents
$ cd ..
will take us one directory up the hierarchy (i.e., the parent of current working directory).
Note: typing cd with no argument always returns to the home directory. This is very useful
if we are lost in the file system.
Assume we are in the directory /home/username/documents, and if we executed the command:
cd ..
The double-dot ("..") directory notation can be used anywhere in a directory name to represent
going up one level. For instance, if we have two directories,
/home/username/documents and /home/username/downloads, and we are currently
in /home/username/documents, we could type the following command:
cd ../downloads
Refer the complete sections 5.1 to 5.4, Figure 5.1, 5.8 and 5.9 in the text book UNIX:
Concepts and Applications by Sumitabha Das to understand the file related commands.
File attributes and permissions and knowing them
Refer sections 6.1 and 6.2 in the text book UNIX: Concepts and Applications by Sumitabha
Refer the complete section 4.11 in the text book UNIX: Concepts and Applications by
Sumitabha Das.
Some Examples:-
1. To list the files in a directory:
$ ls
File Ownership
When we create a file, we become its owner. Every owner is attached to a group owner.
Several users may belong to a single group, but the privileges of the group are set by the owner
of the file and not by the group members. When the system administrator creates a user account,
he has to assign these parameters to the user:
The user-id (UID) both its name and numeric representation
The group-id (GID) both its name and numeric representation
To know about UID and GID without viewing /etc/passwd and /etc/group, we can use id
UNIX follows a three-tiered file protection system that determines a files access rights.
It is displayed in the following format:
Filetype owner (rwx) groupowner (rwx) others (rwx)
For Example:
-rwxr-xr-- 1 kumar metal 20500 may 10 19:21 chap02
rwx r-x r--
owner/user group owner others
The first group has all three permissions. The file is readable, writable and executable by the
owner/user of the file. The second group has a hyphen in the middle slot, which indicates the
absence of write permission by the group owner of the file. The third group has the write and
execute permissions not to be present. This set of permissions is applicable to others.
We can set different permissions for the three categories of users owner, group and others. Its
important to understand them because a little learning here can be a dangerous thing. Faulty file
permission is a sure recipe for disaster
A file or a directory is created with a default set of permissions, which can be determined by
umask. Let us assume that the file permission for the created file is -rw-r--r--. Using chmod
command, we can change the file permissions and allow the owner to execute his file. The
command can be used in two ways:
In a relative manner by specifying the changes to the current permissions
In an absolute manner by specifying the final permissions.
Relative Permissions
chmod only changes the permissions specified in the command line and leaves the other
permissions unchanged. Its syntax is:-
chmod category operation permission filename(s)
The following commands assigns execute permission to user, group owner and others. They are
one and the same.
chmod ugo+x xstart or
chmod a+x xstart or
chmod +x xstart
Absolute Permissions
Here, we need not have to know the current file permissions. We can set all nine permissions
explicitly. A string of three octal digits is used as an expression. The permission can be
represented by one octal digit for each category. For each category, we add octal digits. If we
represent the permissions of each category by one octal digit, this is how the permission can be
Read permission 4 (octal 100)
Write permission 2 (octal 010)
Execute permission 1 (octal 001)
Octal Permissions Significance
0 --- no permissions
1 --x execute only
2 -w- write only
3 -wx write and execute
4 r-- read only
5 rx read and execute
6 rw- read and write
7 rwx read, write and execute
We have three categories and three permissions for each category, so three octal digits can
describe a files permission completely. The most significant digit represents user and the least
one represents others. chmod can use this three-digit string as the expression.
Using relative permission, we have,
chmod a+rwx start
Other examples:-
chmod 666 xstart
--will assign read and write permissions to the owner, group and others.
chmod 644 xstart
--will assign read and write permissions to the owner, only read permission to the group and
chmod 761 xstart
--will assign all permissions to the owner, read and write permissions for the group and only
execute permission to the others.
777 signify all permissions for all categories, but still we can prevent a file from being deleted.
000 signifies absence of all permissions for all categories, but still we can delete a file. It is the
directory permissions that determine whether a file can be deleted or not. Only owner can change
the file permissions. User cannot change other users files permissions. But the system
administrator can do anything.
Directory Permissions
It is possible that a file cannot be accessed even though it has read permission, and can be
removed even when it is write protected. The default permissions of a directory are,
rwxr-xr-x (755)
If a directory has write permission for group and others also, be assured that every user can
remove every file in the directory. As a rule, we must not make directories universally writable
unless we have definite reasons to do so.
Read, Write and Executable permissions for directory:-
read determines that the user can view the directory's contents, i.e. execute ls command in it.
write determines that the user can create new files or delete file in the directory. (Note: this
essentially means that a user with write access to a directory can delete files in the
directory even if he/she doesn't have write permissions for the file! So be careful with this.)
execute determines if the user can cd into the directory. It refers to search permission for that
chmod 0777 is used to set all the permissions in one chmod execution, rather than combining
changes with u+ etc. Each of the four digits is an octal value representing a set of permissions:
suid, sgid and "sticky" (see below)
user permissions
group permissions
"other" permissions
The octal value is calculated as the sum of the permissions:
"read" is 4
"write" is 2
"execute" is 1
The following topics are not listed in the VTU syllabus it is given only for understanding
Changing File Ownership
Usually, on BSD and AT&T systems, there are two commands meant to change the
ownership of a file or directory. Let kumar be the owner and metal be the group owner. If sharma
copies a file of kumar, then sharma will become its owner and he can manipulate the attributes
chown changing file owner and chgrp changing group owner
On BSD, only system administrator can use chown
On other systems, only the owner can change both
Changing ownership requires super user permission, so use su command
ls -l note
-rwxr----x 1 kumar metal 347 may 10 20:30 note
chown sharma note; ls -l note
-rwxr----x 1 sharma metal 347 may 10 20:30 note
Once ownership of the file has been given away to sharma, the user file permissions that
previously applied to Kumar now apply to sharma. Thus, Kumar can no longer edit note since
there is no write privilege for group and others. He cannot get back the ownership either. But he
can copy the file to his own directory, in which case he becomes the owner of the copy.
This command changes the files group owner. No superuser permission is required.
ls l dept.lst
-rw-r--r-- 1 kumar metal 139 jun 8 16:43 dept.lst
chgrp dba dept.lst; ls l dept.lst
-rw-r--r-- 1 kumardba 139 jun 8 16:43 dept.lst
In this chapter we considered two important file attributes permissions and ownership.
After we complete the first round of discussions related to files, we will take up the other file