Patterning Popsicle Sticks

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Student Name: Julia Longo Date: November 24, 2017 Age Group: Kindergarten

Purpose: Purpose:

Reason for Over the course of the last few weeks, the kindergarten students have
developing learning been working on different math concepts. After seeing my supervisor
experience. This continuing with patterns this week with a fall worksheet, I decided to
could be in response create an additional patterning learning center for the students to
to an observation, engage in. The activity involves different coloured jumbo popsicle
discussion with the sticks and pattern name cards. The students will identify the pattern
site supervisor, present on the name card and use the popsicle to create the pattern.
Ontario Curriculum For example AB pattern, the students will use two different colour
Objective, etc. popsicle sticks and create the pattern.


- Document what
you saw and
- Document non-
(i.e., body
language, facial
expressions and
voice tone)
- Document in
detail: who, what,
where, and when
- Documentation
should be written
in past tense,
objective, and in
anecdotal format
Patterning- Popsicle Sticks
Learning Experience
What are you
planning in response 1. Children will enhance their helping skills (1.4) by assisting their
to your purpose? peers in creating the appropriate patterns as presented on the
name cards
- Label your 2. Children will present a positive attitude towards learning (2.6)
experience (e.g. by persevering through the new activity and accepting
Painting with
challenges with regards to creating more complicated patterns
- What are your 3 3. Children will identify patterns (4.18) by creating different
objectives for this patterns using the popsicle sticks provided
experience? (i.e.
What interests Who is involved?
are you
4 students
extending? What
strengths and Educator
opportunities for
Where will the experience take place?
growth are you
enhancing/suppor Classroom work table
Please Note: You Materials
should refer to
appropriate Coloured popsicle sticks
pedagogy to Pattern Name Cards
support your
discussion around
strengths and 1. I will introduce the activity to the students while they are all
opportunities for seated on the carpet
growth (e.g. ELECT, 2. I will model the activity for the children based on each pattern
How Does Learning name card
Happen, Ontario 3. I will then invite four children at a time to the table to try the
FDK Curriculum, activity
etc). 4. As the students complete the activity I will observe them
5. I will ask them questions regarding the different patterns
Describe the 6. I will encourage the students to try and challenge themselves
experience: with ABC and ABCD patterns
- Who will be Teaching Strategies
involved in the
experience? Modeling
- Where will the
experience take Children learn by witnessing others complete a task. Before
place? (e.g. presenting the students with the activity I will model it in front of the
Indoors or whole class. After modeling the activity I will invite the students to the
outdoors? In the table to begin the activity.
dramatic centre,
the creative table, Silence
- List the materials I will exercise silence as I witness children complete the patterning
and resources you activity. I will observe as they communicate with each other and
will use exchange ideas. If I recognize that they are struggling I will provide
- Describe the them with support.
of the experience,
with a step by
step description
- List and describe
2 teaching
strategies. How
will you use
them? Why have
you chosen these
Field Supervisor Feedback:


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