Aviation & Computers: My Opinion
Aviation & Computers: My Opinion
Aviation & Computers: My Opinion
odays Aviation industry has updates in training, airframes, power
forward since the Wright aircraft cockpits are moving from old
brothers first took flight in the Wright traditional steam gauges to more
one another. Both pilot and airplane has seen a great deal of upgrades in
avionics systems, has never been research related to aircraft incidents
Earhart-the first female pilot to solo relying on avionics too much for
falsify the common nature of a pilot proof) and safe as deemed by their
fly the aircraft with his head not his late 2015 was caused by a series of
the point that despite all the rapid way the pilots responded to them
website and sourced from the NTSC; the malfunction ultimately lead to
A cracked solder joint and the Avionics have somewhat improved
inability of the airmen to realize the safety in our skies. But on the other
from that displayed on the I still insist that pilots reconsider how
the main cause of this crash. Pilot acknowledge the fact that nothing
action resulted in the 5th and 6th in their cockpit is fail proof. This will
master caution activation and led to improve the way they act in