BC144 BD144 BD154 Service Specs

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BC144, BD144A and BD154 Engine Service Manual * GSS1358 om ak | FOREWORD ‘The instructions and special tools shown-in this Blue Ribbon Service Manual are for use by International Harvester Dealers and their factory trained servicemen, ‘The specifications as listed inthis manualare current as of the printing date. Due'to changes: and improvements in.our products, dealers are periodically issued service bulletins to keep’ this manual up-to-date. We suggest you refer to the most recent information when perform= ing service work on this equipment, International Harvester Factory Trained servicemen are best qualified to service IH equip= ment. | | i | | PS CONTENTS Specifications Service Procedure Cylinder Head Installation wwe se yw a4 ‘Multi-piece Oi Control Ring Installation... 14 Connecting Rod Bearing Installation «ce. 494 16 Camshaft Bearing Installation «cs eere rv 1B ‘Lubricating Oi1 Pump Removal (Engine Model BC-144 Only}. ve 8 Gear Train Timings eves es oes 5 » 48 Break-In Procedure of Rebuilt Diesel Engines co ue os a lf Broak-In Procedure of Rebuilt Gasoline Engines’ tpn dikde 2 Hem saa TR SPECIFICATIONS General Nurbber of cylinders... +0. Bore and stroke-inchi Displacement-cube inches’... « Engine RPM (Governed) Lew dle eee ey " High Hdle ees cesey ee ee Horsepower (Rated) @PTO-Shatt (Rated Engine Speed) B-275 Tractors’... B-414 and 3414 Tractors... x. 424. and 2424 Tractors... +. Compressign ration... Compression pressate at cranking speed psi... - Cranktase refill capacity = quarts... , 3 Firing order... Crankease Tappet bore, ED, -iinch “sy v4 os Cylinder head bolt heli-coil inserts (below surface) - inch .¢ Crankshaft and Main Bearings ‘Number of main journale se... ‘Main journal diameter’ inches. (Grankpin diameter - inches. +, ‘Main bearings) running clearance - inch . . ‘Thrust bearing location .v +. Thrust bearing end clearance ninth ese ais Bead BD-MsA Bo-154 4 4 4 3-3/6 x4 3-3/8 x4 S-1/t x4 144 ua 184 500 25 520 - 580° 520 580 2200 + 25 2075 2 25 2200's 25 2000: 1875, 2000 32.3 ihasiak 365 36:0 (36.5 2a 23.0 80-105, 330-355 445\- 470 3 5 5 1eBsA-2 sae ISB ede2 $5615 - 8630 +5615 ~ .5630 15615. 4.5630 32 = 1/8 3h2+18 32 = 3/8 5 5 5 aaed- 2998 | 2424-2n25 | 22d. 2.125 1.7495 = 1.750 41.7495 +1.750 ‘1.7495 ~ 1.750 2002 .00% 002 ~ .004 1002-004 ‘Rearimain Rear main ‘Rear main 004 ~ -008 004 ~ .008 2004 ~ , 008 ‘Camshaft Camshaft beatings (reamed to size) diameter ~ inches Front bearing 5 Genter bearing 6s en ei eres Rear bearing ses coo ‘Gam lobe Lift (total) + inch Intake eee eee Exhaust . Front bearing journal diameter winches. . « Center bedring journal diameter winches oe ee ve : Baar enrine’itususd dlamortes ~ inches «+ ; ‘Thrust taken by + « Namiber of bearings . ‘Bearing Tuning clearance’ winds ‘Gamsbatt end play os. 5 Connecting Reds Side clearance = inch os pene e+ Bearing running clearance = inch ‘Bearing O.D. and spread - inches Pistons Skirt clearance ~ measured 90° {vom pin hole at bottom = inch Graded) vs cae es Individual replacements. «+. Nuinber of rings per piston: vcv's BoH1ad 80-1444 Bp-154 For Camshaft Bearing Installation Refer to Page 15: 18135 = 1.8145 | 1.9135 «1.0145 | 1.8135 = 1.6145 1.5795 « 1.5808 | 1.5795.« 1.5805 | 1.5795 = 1.5805 15015 + 1.6025 | 2,015 = 15025 | 1.505 - 1.5025 2195 2195 2195, 975 1975 “1975 1,811 =4.812 L811 « 1,812. 1811 6 1.812 1577 = 1.578 1.77 21.878 1.499, = 1.800 ¥.499 ~1.500 1:499--2.500: ‘Thrust plate ‘Thrust plate ‘Thrust plate! 3 3 3 £0015 = .0035 0015 »..0035 :0015:= .0035 2008 =.017 008 = ,017 2008 = .007, 4-003: .010 2003 = 020 1003:~.010' 2001 ,.0028 |) .00i - .0029 1004 = 0029 1.876.025 || 1.876.025 1,876 + 025 0031. »',0039 0031 ~ .0039 £0031-:,0039 10031, =», 0047 19031 ~ 0087 0031 «0047 4 5 5 Pistons—Continued Width of ring groove: Top compression ~ inch , Second compression = inch .« Thisd compression ~ inch... Oil contro! inch. wees [Ring clearance in groove: ‘Top compression - inch ... Second: compression. - inch ‘Third compression ~ inch « Oit control Topicieeh vegies Lu bwin Lower «itch. seis Piston Pins Diametex-inch (standard) «-. TLength-inches veces. 5 Glearance between end of pin and retainer ving “ineh ‘Maximum allowable ‘clearance in rod bushing - inch... ‘Maximum allowable clearance. ta piston ~ inchs. pera ewes Piston Rings Compression: Number of rings per piston Type: tows Wve ea Beans Second . Third. 1022 =.1.2023 2.898 ~ 2.902 oz = 019 +0005 = .0010 +0003 Loose :0004 Tight ch¥éme Taper face ‘Taper face a.to2t = 1:1023 2.898 = 2.902 2012. 019 -0005 = ..0010 0003 Loowe 0004 Tigat Chrome (Inter= nally stepped) Plain Plain BO144 BD-144 4 BD-154 0953 ~ .0963 +0963 '~ 0969 +0972 ~ .0982 10953 = .0963 0967 = .0973 0965 = .0975 +0953 = .0963 0959 ~ :0965 20965 = 0975 +189 = 190 +1877 ~ .1863 +1887 = .1893. 0018 0028 ~ .0039 +0035 = 0085 +0018 10032 =. 0063. 0028 = .0048 +0018 0024 = .0035 +0028,» .0048 0025 = .0040' | meee ak s s0012 - ,0023 +0012 =".0028 1.1021 = 1.1024 3.1097 = 9.0236, .012)=).020 30005 - 0010 {0003:Loose 0004 Tight Chrome (inter= nally stepped) Internally stepped Internally stepped] Piston Rings—Continued ‘Width of ring: Top «inch ss Second -inch . 22. esse Third = inch. 62s eee Oil Type Top. Control Rings Lower wes Numbe# per'piston.. . Ring Gap: ‘Top.compression’ = inch - ‘Second compression’ = tach . Third compression = inch ov Oil control Top = iith «se cir ee es Lower = inch. « Cylinder Sleeves Type. Diameter, outside (at packing ing location) « inches 4 5 Wall'thickness - inch .. Flange thickness - inch ‘Top suxface'of cylinder sleeve extends above top surface of crankcase’ inch... + Valves Head Diameters Intake - inches... + Exhalist inches. < Face.angle --degrees's.« ‘Replaceable wet 3.6865 ~ 3.688 -2134 = 2238 2227 = .229 2001 = 005 1.407 41.417 1.245 ~ 1.255 45 +0 -308 Replaceablelwet 3.6865 3.688 2134 ~ ,2235 227 = 1229 4-001. = .005 1.465 = 1.475 17h + 1.81 4540-430" BC-144 BO-1444 BD-154 -— 0930 ~ .0935 +0930 - .0935 20927 = .0937 -0930 = .0935 0930 ~ .0935, 20927 = .0937 10930 + .0935 0930 ~ 0935, 10927 ~ .0937 Slotted Multinpicce Multiepiece seenene Slotted Drilled and Grooved Y 2 2 2012 - 018 2012. =:.018 2010 +5015 2012 = 018 -012 -..018 1010:4.015 3012 +2038 2010! ~.,015 2012 ~ 018 :015 ~:.045 . -D12+..018 +010:4:.018 ‘Replaceable wet 3.6865 - 3:668 +25065= 16125 227 2229" O01 005: LAGS 2 1.475 watt 1.81 45 40°~30! Valves—Continued Stem Diameter: Intake -inch 665s. Exhaust -ineh. ps eee seve Clearance in guide: Intake = inch. ++ Esthaust- inch. + Valve Seats Seat angle - degrees. . ‘Valve Guides Length ~ inches. Hatake pee ec Exhaust ‘Inside Diameter + inch Installed height above cylinder head surface = inch, « Installed height measured up from spring recess ~ inch yo. Valve Springs ‘Free length + inches Yhtake and exhaust 664.42 ‘Test length - inches Intake and exhaust os 6. 40s ‘Test load = pounds Intake and exhaust BC-144 BD-144A 8D~154 B41 - 342. +341 - 342 34) = 342 34-342 341 ~ 342 Bal = 342 002 = ,004 002 ~ .004 .002.- .004 002 + .004 002 = .004 2002 + 004 “5 5 a5 2.a69 jefe 3-1/4 2.625% 3 3 6344 345 344 3S 344 345 senses 940 4.030 940% .030 828 weeeaeen diinudiee 2bes zssraoa7 | dunes 2125 ‘Outez 2.550 1,700 1.922 tuner: 1.653 Outer 1.870 36.42 5% 30.2256 | Inner 13.02 5% Outer: 31:0 # 5% # For Specifications of valve guided and spring#' used on engines when equipped viith dual’ valve springs (ea:ly models) refer to following page. Valve Guides * Length ~ inch + - Inside diameter «inch «24. Sot height of guide measured ‘up from spring Tecess-inches Intake ond Exhaust Valve Springs ** Outside diameter - inch Intake and exhaust Taner... Outer w Free length + inch Intake and exhaust Inne ss Outer. ‘Teatitength - inch Intake and exhaust Inner cs Otter, os ‘Test load pound 2.5% Intake sis Bxhaustes, Valve Tappets Diaiwete® - inched ‘Bore'in erankease - ineh. ‘Tappet.clearance in bore ~inch . Push rod diameter inch «--.. Push rod (bottom of cup to ball tip) length = inekes soe... sey BC-144 BD~144 A Bp-154 2.625 34d 21345 1.047 879 2.316 2.128 2.550 1.653 1.870 13.0 31,0 560 ~ 561 -5615 =',5630 -0005'- .003 5/6 10.690 ~ 10.720 (860. .BbY 5615+ .5630 +0005 =-.003 5Ag 10.510 +20.540 560 = 1561 15615 = 35630 £0005 ~ .003 SAG 10.510 - 10.540 #% Specifications of valve guides and springs used when equipped with dual valve:cprings (early models), Valve Lever and Shaft Valve lever shaft diameter inch st 55 Walve lever eshiig inside diameter - inch ... Valve lever clearance on shaft inch «ses. 4 Tappet clearance (engine hot, not tuning) = inch, Clearance (engine cold) - inch .. Valve Timing Intake opens - degrees... Intake Closes = degrees... - Exhaust opens ~ degrees... Exhaust closes = degrees. - Cylinder Head Bolt diameter ~ inch wees se Timing Gears BackiAgh baleen eniinate of gears. - inch. Idler géax end dlearance ~ inch. Idler gear to shaft:clearance AER oss a Tiley. gear LD. inches... <2. Lubrication System Oil pressure at rated rpm - psi . ‘Oil pump: End clearance between gear ‘and end plate ~ inch. . BC-144 BD-144.A 8D-154 748 = 749 a8 2148 = 739 <751 = .752 751 = 752 .151~ -752 -002 - .004 -002- .004 2002 = 004 020 1020 2020 020 020 020 20 BIDS 20. BTDG. 20.BTDe 40.aTDC 40. ATDS 40 ATDE 40 BEDE 40 BBDG 40. BBDC. 410.4TDe 1oarDe 10. ARDC: 7/6 14 UNC 28 -0025'- .0045 +007 = .012 0015 = .0028 3.0005 ~ 3.0013 30-35 20035 .006 TAS x 14UNG 28 -0025-= .0045 2007 = 012, 0015 = .0028 3.0005 = 3,013 30; 4.35: +0035 +'.006 TAS YEUNG 2a | 10025 = .0045 007+ .012 :0015-~ .0028 310005 - 3.0013 30-35. {0035:- 006. io. Lubrication System—Continued Clearance; gear to housing = inch Backlash between idler and body gears = inch ....- Backlash between drive pinion and camshaft~inch. . . Drive shaft diameter - inch + . Drive shaft running clearence MOR eens rr ha canes Idler gear shaft diameter inch oss Idler gear running clearance, sinch es @rive pinion = inch « « Oi filter (engine) Number used Oil pressure valve location’. Oil pressure valve reguleting spring Free lengths =incheb, <4 soe « Test length - inches Test load:= pounds . Pressure regulating valve Valve diametes - inch... Valve clearance in bore = inch ‘Water Pump Type of seal. . Rotation, drive end... +s Clearance from face of body: to face of impeller hab. yo... Electrical Bco144 BD-M4A BD-154 20053 = .0083 | —.0083 - .0083 003 - .006 003 ~ .006 008 = .012 008, .012 008 = .012 wa930.~ 4940 | 4930-4940 | .4930'=.4940 002 = 0035 002 = .0035 002. = .0035 14945 = 4955 | 4945-4955 | 04s ~ 4958) i005 .0035 | .0015~ 0035 | 0025 = .0035 2002-004 002 ~.,004 002 = .008 t a A O81 pamp body | .Onpamp body | Oil'pump beady 2,856 2556 2.556 178 as a3 15.5102 3%. 15,5102 3% 15.510.2 5% 2738 ~.740 138 ~ 5740 738: = 740 008 008 = .012 0018 ~ .012 Diaphratn, Disphram Diaphram Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Flush Flush Flush Refer to Blectrical Specifications Manual G8S~1308-C an ‘Thermostat Number used... 5 « Open at, degrees PL... Wide open at, degrees Fivs ss. Carburetor Type. ‘Make and size . Exteraal adjustments Fuel level (from uxface of float chamber) = inch. os. Venturi size mam. 5. Compensating jet number... . Governor. Governor’ shaft dimensions Sleeve-contact area ~ Carrier: contact atea ~ inch... Sleeve LD, ~ inchs. Governor shaft bushing ID. SAneh egies make bse Governor Spring Test length.- inch . ‘Test load'- pounds oo. ps4 44 ‘Minimum leagth in yse - inches . Maximum length fuse: = inches’. ch wi Bowl44 BD-144. A. aD=154. 1 1 1 170-279) 170-179, 170-179 199 399 199 Down draft Zenith 30VNN Tile ond speed’ we 22 6 50: Ww 2.6 1s Centrifuge 501 ~ 602 613 ~ .623 1045 = 15080 5035 ~ 55045 3.810 20.7 2.50 ~ 06. 4.087 i Special Nut and Bolt Torque Data (Foot-Pounds Torque) Cylinder head bolts Connecting rod bolt... « Main bearing cap bolts . Rear oil seal retainer bolts... « Front pulley nut te crankshaft Idler gear shaft bolt . . Nozzle body stud or bolt to cylinder heads tess , Nozzle body nutito sta Flywheel bolt + ‘Water pump locating screw... - ‘Pappet adjusting screw mut - Governor gear nut . Flywheel Housing For tajection Pamp and Injection Nozele Service... For Venting Procedure of the Diesel Fuel System .. ++. BC~14s BD-144 BD-154 75-80 75-80 15-80 40-45 40. 45 40 + 45 20-75T W-i5t 80-85 2731 27-31 27-31 225 - 250 225 = 250 225 ~ 250 75xnin. 75 min, 75 min, 20-30: 20 ~30 = 30 «35. 30-38 65-70 65-70 6570 1022 We dL 10

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